[latex] LaTeX: Prevent line break in a span of text

How can I prevent LaTeX from inserting linebreaks in my \texttt{...} or \url{...} text regions? There's no spaces inside I can replace with ~, it's just breaking on symbols.

Update: I don't want to cause line overflows, I'd just rather LaTeX insert linebreaks before these regions rather than inside them.

This question is related to latex

The answer is

Surround it with an \mbox{}

Define myurl command:

\def\myurl{\hfil\penalty 100 \hfilneg \hbox}

I don't want to cause line overflows, 
I'd just rather LaTeX insert linebreaks before 
\myurl{\tt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012799/} 
regions rather than inside them.

Also, if you have two subsequent words in regular text and you want to avoid a line break between them, you can use the ~ character.

For example:

As we can see in Fig.~\ref{BlaBla}, there is nothing interesting to see. A~better place..

This can ensure that you don't have a line starting with a figure number (without the Fig. part) or with an uppercase A.

Use \nolinebreak


The \nolinebreak command prevents LaTeX from breaking the current line at the point of the command. With the optional argument, number, you can convert the \nolinebreak command from a demand to a request. The number must be a number from 0 to 4. The higher the number, the more insistent the request is.

Source: http://www.personal.ceu.hu/tex/breaking.htm#nolinebreak