[java] Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention

How do you name different classes / interfaces you create? Sometimes I don't have implementation information to add to the implementation name - like interface FileHandler and class SqlFileHandler.

When this happens I usually name the interface in the "normal" name, like Truck and name the actual class TruckClass.

How do you name interfaces and classes in this regard?

This question is related to java naming-conventions

The answer is

The standard C# convention, which works well enough in Java too, is to prefix all interfaces with an I - so your file handler interface will be IFileHandler and your truck interface will be ITruck. It's consistent, and makes it easy to tell interfaces from classes.

I like interface names that indicate what contract an interface describes, such as "Comparable" or "Serializable". Nouns like "Truck" don't really describe truck-ness -- what are the Abilities of a truck?

Regarding conventions: I have worked on projects where every interface starts with an "I"; while this is somewhat alien to Java conventions, it makes finding interfaces very easy. Apart from that, the "Impl" suffix is a reasonable default name.

Some people don't like this, and it's more of a .NET convention than Java, but you can name your interfaces with a capital I prefix, for example:

IProductRepository - interface
ProductRepository, SqlProductRepository, etc. - implementations

The people opposed to this naming convention might argue that you shouldn't care whether you're working with an interface or an object in your code, but I find it easier to read and understand on-the-fly.

I wouldn't name the implementation class with a "Class" suffix. That may lead to confusion, because you can actually work with "class" (i.e. Type) objects in your code, but in your case, you're not working with the class object, you're just working with a plain-old object.

I tend to follow the pseudo-conventions established by Java Core/Sun, e.g. in the Collections classes:

  • List - interface for the "conceptual" object
  • ArrayList - concrete implementation of interface
  • LinkedList - concrete implementation of interface
  • AbstractList - abstract "partial" implementation to assist custom implementations

I used to do the same thing modeling my event classes after the AWT Event/Listener/Adapter paradigm.

The name of the interface should describe the abstract concept the interface represents. Any implementation class should have some sort of specific traits that can be used to give it a more specific name.

If there is only one implementation class and you can't think of anything that makes it specific (implied by wanting to name it -Impl), then it looks like there is no justification to have an interface at all.

TruckClass sounds like it were a class of Truck, I think that recommended solution is to add Impl suffix. In my opinion the best solution is to contain within implementation name some information, what's going on in that particular implementation (like we have with List interface and implementations: ArrayList or LinkedList), but sometimes you have just one implementation and have to have interface due to remote usage (for example), then (as mentioned at the beginning) Impl is the solution.

I've seen answers here that suggest that if you only have one implementation then you don't need an interface. This flies in the face of the Depencency Injection/Inversion of Control principle (don't call us, we'll call you!).

So yes, there are situations in which you wish to simplify your code and make it easily testable by relying on injected interface implementations (which may also be proxied - your code doesn't know!). Even if you only have two implementations - one a Mock for testing, and one that gets injected into the actual production code - this doesn't make having an interface superfluous. A well documented interface establishes a contract, which can also be maintained by a strict mock implementation for testing.

in fact, you can establish tests that have mocks implement the most strict interface contract (throwing exceptions for arguments that shouldn't be null, etc) and catch errors in testing, using a more efficient implementation in production code (not checking arguments that should not be null for being null since the mock threw exceptions in your tests and you know that the arguments aren't null due to fixing the code after these tests, for example).

Dependency Injection/IOC can be hard to grasp for a newcomer, but once you understand its potential you'll want to use it all over the place and you'll find yourself making interfaces all the time - even if there will only be one (actual production) implementation.

For this one implementation (you can infer, and you'd be correct, that I believe the mocks for testing should be called Mock(InterfaceName)), I prefer the name Default(InterfaceName). If a more specific implementation comes along, it can be named appropriately. This also avoids the Impl suffix that I particularly dislike (if it's not an abstract class, OF COURSE it is an "impl"!).

I also prefer "Base(InterfaceName)" as opposed to "Abstract(InterfaceName)" because there are some situations in which you want your base class to become instantiable later, but now you're stuck with the name "Abstract(InterfaceName)", and this forces you to rename the class, possibly causing a little minor confusion - but if it was always Base(InterfaceName), removing the abstract modifier doesn't change what the class was.

I use both conventions:

If the interface is a specific instance of a a well known pattern (e.g. Service, DAO), then it may not need an "I" (e.g UserService, AuditService, UserDao) all work fine without the "I", because the post-fix determines the meta pattern.

But, if you have something one-off or two-off (usually for a callback pattern), then it helps to distinguish it from a class (e.g. IAsynchCallbackHandler, IUpdateListener, IComputeDrone). These are special purpose interfaces designed for internal use, occasionally the IInterface calls out attention to the fact that an operand is actually an interface, so at first glance it is immediately clear.

In other cases you can use the I to avoid colliding with other commonly known concrete classes (ISubject, IPrincipal vs Subject or Principal).