[java] Why doesn't java.io.File have a close method?

While java.io.RandomAccessFile does have a close() method java.io.File doesn't. Why is that? Is the file closed automatically on finalization or something?

This question is related to java file-io

The answer is

Essentially random access file wraps input and output streams in order to manage the random access. You don't open and close a file, you open and close streams to a file.

Say suppose, you have

File f  = new File("SomeFile");

You need not close the Files, because its just the representation of a path.

You should always consider to close only reader/writers and in fact streams.

A BufferedReader can be opened and closed but a File is never opened, it just represents a path in the filesystem.

java.io.File doesn't represent an open file, it represents a path in the filesystem. Therefore having close method on it doesn't make sense.

Actually, this class was misnamed by the library authors, it should be called something like Path.