[jquery-mobile] jQuery Mobile - back button

I am developing the application using jQuery Mobile 4.1.

In my app, I have two html pages like login.html and home.html. In the home.html have 3 pages. () like menupage, searchpage, resultpage.

The project flow is login.html ---> home.html. In home.html, menupage is displayed as a first page. If I choose the some option in the menupage it will move to searchpage and then resultpage. consider, currently I am in the resultpage. If I press the back button on the mobile browsers (iPhone-safari, Android-chrome) then it moves to the login.html.

But I want to display the searchPage. How to solve this one? is it possible to do this?

[Note : The pages should be in the single html page(home.html).

This question is related to jquery-mobile

The answer is

You can try this script in the header of HTML code:

   $.extend(  $.mobile , {
   ajaxEnabled: false,
   hashListeningEnabled: false

try to use li can be more even

 <li><a href="#one"  data-role="button" role="button">back</a></li>

This is for version 1.4.4

  <div data-role="header" >
        <a href="#" data-rel="back" class="ui-btn-left ui-btn ui-icon-back ui-btn-icon-notext ui-shadow ui-corner-all"  data-role="button" role="button">Back</a>


        return false;




You can use nonHistorySelectors option from jquery mobile where you do not want to track history. You can find the detailed documentation here http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0a4.1/#docs/api/globalconfig.html

Newer versions of JQuery mobile API (I guess its newer than 1.5) require adding 'back' button explicitly in header or bottom of each page.

So, try adding this in your page div tags:



<div data-role="page" id="page2" data-add-back-btn="true" data-back-btn-text="Back">