[nano] jump to line X in nano editor

Does the Nano minimal text editor have a keyboard shortcut feature to jump to a specified line?

Vim provides several analogs.

This question is related to nano

The answer is

In the nano editor


On openning a file

nano +10 file.txt

According to section 2.2 of the manual, you can use the Escape key pressed twice in place of the CTRL key. This allowed me to use Nano's key combination for GO TO LINE when running Nano on a Jupyter/ JupyterHub and accessing through my browser. The normal key combination was getting 'swallowed' as the manual warns about can more often happen with the ALT key on some systems, and which can be replaced by one press of the ESCAPE key.
So for jump to line it was ESCAPE pressed twice, followed by shift key + dash key.

The shortcut is: CTRL+_

Have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1005737

I am using Linux raspi 4.19.118+ #1311 via ssh Powershell on Win 10 Pro 1909 with German keyboard. nano shortcut Goto Line with "Crtl + Shift + -" was not working Solution: Step 1 - Do Current Position with "Crtl + C" Step 2 - Goto Line with "Crtl + Shift + -" IS working!

I dont know what effects it. But now its working without step 1!

The shortcut is: CTRL+shift+- ("shift+-" results in "_") After typing the shortcut, nano will let you to enter the line you wanna jump to, type in the line number, then press ENTR.

I am using nano editor in a Raspberry Pi with Italian OS language and Italian keyboard. Don't know the exact reason, but in this environment the shortcut is:
