[java] Java: How To Call Non Static Method From Main Method?

I'm learning java and now i've the following problem: I have the main method declared as

public static void main(String[] args) {

..... }

Inside my main method, because it is static I can call ONLY other static method!!! Why ?

For example: I have another class

 public class ReportHandler {       
     private Connection conn;   
     private PreparedStatement prep;
     public void executeBatchInsert() { ....
 } }

So in my main class I declare a private ReportHandler rh = new ReportHandler();

But I can't call any method if they aren't static.

Where does this go wrong?

EDIT: sorry, my question is: how to 'design' the app to allow me to call other class from my 'starting point' (the static void main).

This question is related to java

The answer is

You can think of a static member function as one that exists without the need for an object to exist. For example, the Integer.parseInt() method from the Integer class is static. When you need to use it, you don't need to create a new Integer object, you simply call it. The same thing for main(). If you need to call a non-static member from it, simply put your main code in a class and then from main create a new object of your newly created class.

You can't call a non-static method from a static method, because the definition of "non-static" means something that is associated with an instance of the class. You don't have an instance of the class in a static context.

Java is a kind of object-oriented programming, not a procedure programming. So every thing in your code should be manipulating an object.

public static void main is only the entry of your program. It does not involve any object behind.

So what is coding with an object? It is simple, you need to create a particular object/instance, call their methods to change their states, or do other specific function within that object.

e.g. just like

private ReportHandler rh = new ReportHandler();
rh.<function declare in your Report Handler class>

So when you declare a static method, it doesn't associate with your object/instance of your object. And it is also violate with your O-O programming.

static method is usually be called when that function is not related to any object behind.

Since you want to call a non-static method from main, you just need to create an object of that class consisting non-static method and then you will be able to call the method using objectname.methodname(); But if you write the method as static then you won't need to create object and you will be able to call the method using methodname(); from main. And this will be more efficient as it will take less memory than the object created without static method.

Useful link to understand static keyword https://www.codeguru.com/java/tij/tij0037.shtml#Heading79

A static method means that you don't need to invoke the method on an instance. A non-static (instance) method requires that you invoke it on an instance. So think about it: if I have a method changeThisItemToTheColorBlue() and I try to run it from the main method, what instance would it change? It doesn't know. You can run an instance method on an instance, like someItem.changeThisItemToTheColorBlue().

More information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_(computer_programming)#Static_methods.

You cannot call a non-static method from the main without instance creation, whereas you can simply call a static method. The main logic behind this is that, whenever you execute a .class file all the static data gets stored in the RAM and however, JVM(java virtual machine) would be creating context of the mentioned class which contains all the static data of the class. Therefore, it is easy to access the static data from the class without instance creation.The object contains the non-static data Context is created only once, whereas object can be created any number of times. context contains methods, variables etc. Whereas, object contains only data. thus, the an object can access both static and non-static data from the context of the class

Please find answer:

public class Customer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Customer customer=new Customer();

    public void business(){
        System.out.println("Hi Harry");