[java] How to get the caller class in Java

Since I currently have the same problem here is what I do:

  1. I prefer com.sun.Reflection instead of stackTrace since a stack trace is only producing the name not the class (including the classloader) itself.

  2. The method is deprecated but still around in Java 8 SDK.

// Method descriptor #124 (I)Ljava/lang/Class; (deprecated) // Signature: (I)Ljava/lang/Class<*>; @java.lang.Deprecated public static native java.lang.Class getCallerClass(int arg0);

  1. The method without int argument is not deprecated

// Method descriptor #122 ()Ljava/lang/Class; // Signature: ()Ljava/lang/Class<*>; @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive public static native java.lang.Class getCallerClass();

Since I have to be platform independent bla bla including Security Restrictions, I just create a flexible method:

  1. Check if com.sun.Reflection is available (security exceptions disable this mechanism)

  2. If 1 is yes then get the method with int or no int argument.

  3. If 2 is yes call it.

If 3. was never reached, I use the stack trace to return the name. I use a special result object that contains either the class or the string and this object tells exactly what it is and why.

[Summary] I use stacktrace for backup and to bypass eclipse compiler warnings I use reflections. Works very good. Keeps the code clean, works like a charm and also states the problems involved correctly.

I use this for quite a long time and today I searched a related question so