I have found a really great solution on the other thread with a similar problem but totally different approach. Source: AngularJS : $watch within directive is not working when $rootScope value is changed
Basically the solution there tells NOT TO use $watch
as it is very heavy solution. Instead they propose to use $emit
and $on
My problem was to watch a variable in my service and react in directive. And with the above method it very easy!
My module/service example:
angular.module('xxx').factory('example', function ($rootScope) {
var user;
return {
setUser: function (aUser) {
user = aUser;
getUser: function () {
return (user) ? user : false;
So basically I watch my user
- whenever it is set to new value I $emit
a user:change
Now in my case, in the directive I used:
angular.module('xxx').directive('directive', function (Auth, $rootScope) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$rootScope.$on('user:change', update);
Now in the directive I listen on the $rootScope
and on the given change - I react respectively. Very easy and elegant!