If this helps anybody, I encountered this while using purr::map() with a function I wrote which was something like this:
find_nearby_shops <- function(base_account) {
states_table %>%
filter(state == base_account$state) %>%
left_join(target_locations, by = c('border_states' = 'state')) %>%
mutate(x_latitude = base_account$latitude,
x_longitude = base_account$longitude) %>%
mutate(dist_miles = geosphere::distHaversine(p1 = cbind(longitude, latitude),
p2 = cbind(x_longitude, x_latitude))/1609.344)
nearby_shop_numbers <- base_locations %>%
split(f = base_locations$id) %>%
I would get this error sometimes with samples, but most times I wouldn't. The root of the problem is that some of the states in the base_locations table (PR) did not exist in the states_table, so essentially I had filtered out everything, and passed an empty table on to mutate. The moral of the story is that you may have a data issue and not (just) a code problem (so you may need to clean your data.)
Thanks for agstudy and zx8754's answers above for helping with the debug.