[angularjs] How to $watch multiple variable change in angular

How to $scope.$watch multiple variables in Angular, and trigger callback when one of them has changed.

$scope.name = ...
$scope.age = ...
    //called when name or age changed

This question is related to angularjs

The answer is

Angular 1.3 provides $watchGroup specifically for this purpose:


This seems to provide the same ultimate result as a standard $watch on an array of expressions. I like it because it makes the intention clearer in the code.

No one has mentioned the obvious:

var myCallback = function() { console.log("name or age changed"); };
$scope.$watch("name", myCallback);
$scope.$watch("age", myCallback);

This might mean a little less polling. If you watch both name + age (for this) and name (elsewhere) then I assume Angular will effectively look at name twice to see if it's dirty.

It's arguably more readable to use the callback by name instead of inlining it. Especially if you can give it a better name than in my example.

And you can watch the values in different ways if you need to:

$scope.$watch("buyers", myCallback, true);
$scope.$watchCollection("sellers", myCallback);

$watchGroup is nice if you can use it, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't let you watch the group members as a collection or with object equality.

If you need the old and new values of both expressions inside one and the same callback function call, then perhaps some of the other proposed solutions are more convenient.

$scope.$watch('age + name', function () {
  //called when name or age changed

There is many way to watch multiple values :

//angular 1.1.4
$scope.$watchCollection(['foo', 'bar'], function(newValues, oldValues){
    // do what you want here

or more recent version

//angular 1.3
$scope.$watchGroup(['foo', 'bar'], function(newValues, oldValues, scope) {
  //do what you want here

Read official doc for more informations : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope