I know this question has been answered a while ago but this could help.
What do the following terms mean?
Software as a Service - Essentially, any application that runs with its contents from the cloud is referred to as Software as a Service, As long as you do not own it.
Some examples are Gmail, Netflix, OneDrive etc.
AUDIENCE: End users, everybody
Infrastructure as a Service means that the provider allows a portion of their computing power to its customers, It is purchased by the potency of the computing power and they are bundled in Virtual Machines. A company like Google Cloud platform, AWS, Alibaba Cloud can be referred to as IaaS providers because they sell processing powers (servers, storage, networking) to their users in terms of Virtual Machines.
AUDIENCE: IT professionals, System Admins
Platform as a Service is more like the middle-man between IaaS and SaaS, Instead of a customer having to deal with the nitty-gritty of servers, networks and storage, everything is readily available by the PaaS providers. Essentially a development environment is initialized to make building applications easier.
Examples would be Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine etc
AUDIENCE: Software developers.
There are various cloud services available today, such as Amazon's EC2 and AWS, Apache Hadoop, Microsoft Azure and many others. Which category does each belong to and why?
Amazon EC2 and AWS - is an Infrastructure as a Service because you'll need System Administrators to manage the working process of your operating system. There is no abstraction to build a fully featured app ordinarily. Microsoft Azure would also fall under this category following the aforementioned guidelines.
I really haven't used Apache Hadoop, so I really cannot say.