[twitter-bootstrap] Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 how do I "badge badge-important" now

In version two I could use

badge badge-important

I see that the .badge element no longer has contextual (-success,-primary,etc..) classes.

How do i achieve the same thing in version 3?

Eg. I want warning badges and important badges in my UI

This question is related to twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3

The answer is

Another possible way, in order to make the colors a bit more intense, is this one:

<span class="badge progress-bar-info">10</span>
<span class="badge progress-bar-success">20</span>
<span class="badge progress-bar-warning">30</span>
<span class="badge progress-bar-danger">40</span>

See Bootply

Well, this is a terribly late answer but I think I'll still put my two cents in... I could have posted this as a comment because this answer doesn't essentially add any new solution but it does add value to the post as yet another alternative. But in a comment I wouldn't be able to give all the details because of character limit.

NOTE: This needs an edit to bootstrap CSS file - move style definitions for .badge above .label-default. Couldn't find any practical side effects due to the change in my limited testing.

While broc.seib's solution is probably the best way to achieve the requirement of OP with minimal addition to CSS, it is possible to achieve the same effect without any extra CSS at all just like Jens A. Koch's solution or by using .label-xxx contextual classes because they are easy to remember compared to progress-bar-xxx classes. I don't think that .alert-xxx classes give the same effect.

All you have to do is just use .badge and .label-xxx classes together (but in this order). Don't forget to make the changes mentioned in NOTE above.

<a href="#">Inbox <span class="badge label-warning">42</span></a> looks like this:

Badge with warning bg

IMPORTANT: This solution may break your styles if you decide to upgrade and forget to make the changes in your new local CSS file. My solution for this challenge was to copy all .label-xxx styles in my custom CSS file and load it after all other CSS files. This approach also helps when I use a CDN for loading BS3.

**P.S: ** Both the top rated answers have their pros and cons. It's just the way you prefer to do your CSS because there is no "only correct way" to do it.

When using the LESS version you can import mixins.less and create your own classes for colored badges:

.badge-warning {

Same for the other colors; just replace warning with danger, success, etc.

The context classes for badge are indeed removed from Bootstrap 3, so you'd have to add some custom CSS to create the same effect like...



Bootstrap 3 removed those color options for badges. However, we can add those styles manually. Here's my solution, and here is the JS Bin:

.badge {
  padding: 1px 9px 2px;
  font-size: 12.025px;
  font-weight: bold;
  white-space: nowrap;
  color: #ffffff;
  background-color: #999999;
  -webkit-border-radius: 9px;
  -moz-border-radius: 9px;
  border-radius: 9px;
.badge:hover {
  color: #ffffff;
  text-decoration: none;
  cursor: pointer;
.badge-error {
  background-color: #b94a48;
.badge-error:hover {
  background-color: #953b39;
.badge-warning {
  background-color: #f89406;
.badge-warning:hover {
  background-color: #c67605;
.badge-success {
  background-color: #468847;
.badge-success:hover {
  background-color: #356635;
.badge-info {
  background-color: #3a87ad;
.badge-info:hover {
  background-color: #2d6987;
.badge-inverse {
  background-color: #333333;
.badge-inverse:hover {
  background-color: #1a1a1a;

In short: Replace badge-important with either alert-danger or progress-bar-danger.

It looks like this: Bootply Demo.

You might combine the CSS class badge with alert-* or progess-bar-* to color them:

With class="badges alert-*"

  <span class="badge alert-info">badge</span> Info
  <span class="badge alert-success">badge</span> Success 
  <span class="badge alert-danger">badge</span> Danger   
  <span class="badge alert-warning">badge</span> Warning

Alerts Docu: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#alerts

With class="badges progress-bar-*" (as suggested by @clami219)

  <span class="badge progress-bar-info">badge</span> Info
  <span class="badge progress-bar-success">badge</span> Success
  <span class="badge progress-bar-danger">badge</span> Danger
  <span class="badge progress-bar-warning">badge</span> Warning

Progress-Bar Docu: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#progress-alternatives

If using a SASS version (eg: thomas-mcdonald's one), then you may want to be slightly more dynamic (honor existing variables) and create all badge contexts using the same technique as used for labels:

// Colors
// Contextual variations of badges
// Bootstrap 3.0 removed contexts for badges, we re-introduce them, based on what is done for labels
.badge-default {
  @include label-variant($label-default-bg);

.badge-primary {
  @include label-variant($label-primary-bg);

.badge-success {
  @include label-variant($label-success-bg);

.badge-info {
  @include label-variant($label-info-bg);

.badge-warning {
  @include label-variant($label-warning-bg);

.badge-danger {
  @include label-variant($label-danger-bg);

The LESS equivalent should be straightforward.

Like the answer above but here is using bootstrap 3 names and colours:

/*css to add back colours for badges and make use of the colours*/_x000D_
.badge-default {_x000D_
  background-color: #999999;_x000D_
.badge-primary {_x000D_
  background-color: #428bca;_x000D_
.badge-success {_x000D_
  background-color: #5cb85c;_x000D_
.badge-info {_x000D_
  background-color: #5bc0de;_x000D_
.badge-warning {_x000D_
  background-color: #f0ad4e;_x000D_
.badge-danger {_x000D_
  background-color: #d9534f;_x000D_