[java] Data access object (DAO) in Java


It is a object/interface, which is used to access data from database of data storage.


it abstracts the retrieval of data from a data resource such as a database. The concept is to "separate a data resource's client interface from its data access mechanism."

The problem with accessing data directly is that the source of the data can change. Consider, for example, that your application is deployed in an environment that accesses an Oracle database. Then it is subsequently deployed to an environment that uses Microsoft SQL Server. If your application uses stored procedures and database-specific code (such as generating a number sequence), how do you handle that in your application? You have two options:

  • Rewrite your application to use SQL Server instead of Oracle (or add conditional code to handle the differences), or
  • Create a layer inbetween your application logic and the data access

Its in all referred as DAO Pattern, It consist of following:

  • Data Access Object Interface - This interface defines the standard operations to be performed on a model object(s).
  • Data Access Object concrete class -This class implements above interface. This class is responsible to get data from a datasource which can be database / xml or any other storage mechanism.
  • Model Object or Value Object - This object is simple POJO containing get/set methods to store data retrieved using DAO class.

Please check this example, This will clear things more clearly.

I assume this things must have cleared your understanding of DAO up to certain extend.