[angularjs] Remove Blank option from Select Option with AngularJS

I am new to AngularJS. I searched a lot, but it does not solve my problem.

I am getting a blank option for the first time in select box.

Here is my HTML code

<div ng-app="MyApp1">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">
        <input type="text" ng-model="feed.name" placeholder="Name" />
        <select ng-model="feed.config">
            <option ng-repeat="template in configs">{{template.name}}</option>


var MyApp=angular.module('MyApp1',[])
MyApp.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
    $scope.feed = {};

      $scope.configs = [
                                 {'name': 'Config 1',
                                  'value': 'config1'},
                                 {'name': 'Config 2',
                                  'value': 'config2'},
                                 {'name': 'Config 3',
                                  'value': 'config3'}
      //Setting first option as selected in configuration select
      $scope.feed.config = $scope.configs[0].value;

But it doesn't seem to work. How can I get this solved? Here is JSFiddle Demo

This question is related to angularjs angularjs-select

The answer is

Here is an updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/UKySp/

You needed to set your initial model value to the actual object:

$scope.feed.config = $scope.configs[0];

And update your select to look like this:

<select ng-model="feed.config" ng-options="item.name for item in configs">

Use ng-value instead of value.

$scope.allRecs = [{"text":"hello"},{"text":"bye"}];
$scope.X = 0;

and then in html file should be like:

<select ng-model="X">  
     <option ng-repeat="oneRec in allRecs track by $index" ng-value="$index">{{oneRec.text}}</option>

While all the suggestions above are working, sometimes I need to have an empty selection (showing placeholder text) when initially enter my screen. So, to prevent select box from adding this empty selection at the beginning (or sometimes at the end) of my list I am using this trick:


<div ng-app="MyApp1">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">
        <input type="text" ng-model="feed.name" placeholder="Name" />
        <select ng-model="feed.config" ng-options="template.value as template.name for template in feed.configs" placeholder="Config">
            <option value="" selected hidden />

Now you have defined this empty option, so select box is happy, but you keep it hidden.

If you just want to remove the blank space use ng-show and you are done! No need to initialize value in JS.

<select ng-model="SelectedStatus" ng-options="x.caption for x in statusList">
    <option value="" ng-show="false"></option>

For me the answer to this question was using <option value="" selected hidden /> as it was proposed by @RedSparkle plus adding ng-if="false" to work in IE.

So my full option is (has differences with what I wrote before, but this does not matter because of ng-if):

<option value="" ng-if="false" disabled hidden></option>

It is kind of a workaround but works like a charm. Just add <option value="" style="display: none"></option> as a filler. Like in:

<select size="4" ng-model="feed.config" ng-options="template.value as template.name for template in feed.configs">
       <option value="" style="display: none"></option>

Finally it worked for me.

<select ng-init="mybasketModel = basket[0]" ng-model="mybasketModel">
        <option ng-repeat="item in basket" ng-selected="$first">{{item}}</option>

Another method to resolve is by making use of: $first in ng-repeat


<select ng-model="feed.config">
    <option ng-repeat="template in configs" ng-selected="$first">{{template.name}}</option>


ngSelected : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngSelected

$first : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngRepeat


There are multiple ways like -

<select ng-init="feed.config = options[0]" ng-model="feed.config"
        ng-options="template.value as template.name for template in feed.configs">


$scope.feed.config = $scope.configs[0].name;

Also check whether you have any falsy value or not. Angularjs will insert an empty option if you do have falsy value. I struggled for 2 days just due to falsy value. I hope it will be helpful for someone.

I had options as [0, 1] and initially I was set the model to 0 due to that it was inserted empty option. Workaround for this was ["0" , "1"].

Change your code like this. You forget about the value inside option. Before you assign the ng-model. It must have a value. Only then it doesn't get the undefined value.

<div ng-app="MyApp1">
<div ng-controller="MyController">
    <input type="text" ng-model="feed.name" placeholder="Name" />
     <select ng-model="feed">
        <option ng-repeat="template in configs" value="template.value">{{template.name}}    


 var MyApp=angular.module('MyApp1',[])
 MyApp.controller('MyController',function($scope) {  
      $scope.feed = 'config1';      
      $scope.configs = [
         {'name': 'Config 1', 'value': 'config1'},
         {'name': 'Config 2', 'value': 'config2'},
         {'name': 'Config 3', 'value': 'config3'}