Programs & Examples On #Zoneinfo

Adb install failure: INSTALL_CANCELED_BY_USER

  1. Disable "Verify apps over USB" option under developer mode and try to install again .It should work as pointed out in link

Using GregorianCalendar with SimpleDateFormat

A SimpleDateFormat, as its name indicates, formats Dates. Not a Calendar. So, if you want to format a GregorianCalendar using a SimpleDateFormat, you must convert the Calendar to a Date first:


And what you see printed is the toString() representation of the calendar. It's intended usage is debugging. It's not intended to be used to display a date in a GUI. For that, use a (Simple)DateFormat.

Finally, to convert from a String to a Date, you should also use a (Simple)DateFormat (its parse() method), rather than splitting the String as you're doing. This will give you a Date object, and you can create a Calendar from the Date by instanciating it (Calendar.getInstance()) and setting its time (calendar.setTime()).

My advice would be: Googling is not the solution here. Reading the API documentation is what you need to do.

List of Timezone IDs for use with FindTimeZoneById() in C#?

List of time zone identifiers, included by default in Windows XP and Vista: Finding the Time Zones Defined on a Local System

Why Is Subtracting These Two Times (in 1927) Giving A Strange Result?

It's a time zone change on December 31st in Shanghai.

See this page for details of 1927 in Shanghai. Basically at midnight at the end of 1927, the clocks went back 5 minutes and 52 seconds. So "1927-12-31 23:54:08" actually happened twice, and it looks like Java is parsing it as the later possible instant for that local date/time - hence the difference.

Just another episode in the often weird and wonderful world of time zones.

EDIT: Stop press! History changes...

The original question would no longer demonstrate quite the same behaviour, if rebuilt with version 2013a of TZDB. In 2013a, the result would be 358 seconds, with a transition time of 23:54:03 instead of 23:54:08.

I only noticed this because I'm collecting questions like this in Noda Time, in the form of unit tests... The test has now been changed, but it just goes to show - not even historical data is safe.

EDIT: History has changed again...

In TZDB 2014f, the time of the change has moved to 1900-12-31, and it's now a mere 343 second change (so the time between t and t+1 is 344 seconds, if you see what I mean).

EDIT: To answer a question around a transition at 1900... it looks like the Java timezone implementation treats all time zones as simply being in their standard time for any instant before the start of 1900 UTC:

import java.util.TimeZone;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        long startOf1900Utc = -2208988800000L;
        for (String id : TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) {
            TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);
            if (zone.getRawOffset() != zone.getOffset(startOf1900Utc - 1)) {

The code above produces no output on my Windows machine. So any time zone which has any offset other than its standard one at the start of 1900 will count that as a transition. TZDB itself has some data going back earlier than that, and doesn't rely on any idea of a "fixed" standard time (which is what getRawOffset assumes to be a valid concept) so other libraries needn't introduce this artificial transition.

How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly

The accepted answer above:


Didn't work for me exactly. I only was able to successfully change my timezone when I didn't have quotes around the parameters:


Github permission denied: ssh add agent has no identities

try this:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

worked for me

Getting user input

To supplement the above answers into something a little more re-usable, I've come up with this, which continues to prompt the user if the input is considered invalid.

    input = raw_input
except NameError:

def prompt(message, errormessage, isvalid):
    """Prompt for input given a message and return that value after verifying the input.

    Keyword arguments:
    message -- the message to display when asking the user for the value
    errormessage -- the message to display when the value fails validation
    isvalid -- a function that returns True if the value given by the user is valid
    res = None
    while res is None:
        res = input(str(message)+': ')
        if not isvalid(res):
            print str(errormessage)
            res = None
    return res

It can be used like this, with validation functions:

import re
import os.path

api_key = prompt(
        message = "Enter the API key to use for uploading", 
        errormessage= "A valid API key must be provided. This key can be found in your user profile",
        isvalid = lambda v :"(([^-])+-){4}[^-]+", v))

filename = prompt(
        message = "Enter the path of the file to upload", 
        errormessage= "The file path you provided does not exist",
        isvalid = lambda v : os.path.isfile(v))

dataset_name = prompt(
        message = "Enter the name of the dataset you want to create", 
        errormessage= "The dataset must be named",
        isvalid = lambda v : len(v) > 0)

How do I add my new User Control to the Toolbox or a new Winform?

Assuming I understand what you mean:

  1. If your UserControl is in a library you can add this to you Toolbox using

    Toolbox -> right click -> Choose Items -> Browse

    Select your assembly with the UserControl.

  2. If the UserControl is part of your project you only need to build the entire solution. After that, your UserControl should appear in the toolbox.

In general, it is not possible to add a Control from Solution Explorer, only from the Toolbox.

Enter image description here

How to find the Vagrant IP?

In the terminal type:

ip addr show

Xcode 6 iPhone Simulator Application Support location

I wrestled with this for some time. It became a huge pain to simply get to my local sqlite db. I wrote this script and made it a code snippet inside XCode. I place it inside my appDidFinishLaunching inside my appDelegate.

//xcode 6 moves the documents dir every time. haven't found out why yet. 

    #if DEBUG 

         NSLog(@"caching documents dir for xcode 6. %@", [NSBundle mainBundle]); 

         NSString *toFile = @"XCodePaths/lastBuild.txt"; NSError *err = nil; 

         [DOCS_DIR writeToFile:toFile atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&err]; 

            NSLog(@"%@", [err localizedDescription]);

         NSString *appName = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleName"];   

         NSString *aliasPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"XCodePaths/%@", appName]; 

         remove([aliasPath UTF8String]); 

         [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createSymbolicLinkAtPath:aliasPath withDestinationPath:DOCS_DIR error:nil]; 


This creates a simlink at the root of your drive. (You might have to create this folder yourself the first time, and chmod it, or you can change the location to some other place) Then I installed the xcodeway plugin

I modified it a bit so that it will allow me to simply press cmd+d and it will open a finder winder to my current application's persistent Documents directory. This way, not matter how many times XCode changes your path, it only changes on run, and it updates your simlink immediately on each run.

I hope this is useful for others!

Mocha / Chai not catching thrown errors

This question has many, many duplicates, including questions not mentioning the Chai assertion library. Here are the basics collected together:

The assertion must call the function, instead of it evaluating immediately.

   // FAIL.  x.y.z throws an exception, which immediately exits the
   // enclosing block, so assert.throw() not called.
   // assert.throw() is called with a function, which only throws
   // when assert.throw executes the function.
assert.throws(function () { x.y.z });   
   // if you cannot use ES6 at work
function badReference() { x.y.z }; assert.throws(badReference);  
   // for the verbose
   // the specific example given.
homegrownAssertThrows(model.get, z);
   //  a style common in Python, but not in JavaScript

You can check for specific errors using any assertion library:


  assert.throws(() => x.y.z);
  assert.throws(() => x.y.z, ReferenceError);
  assert.throws(() => x.y.z, ReferenceError, /is not defined/);
  assert.throws(() => x.y.z, /is not defined/);
  assert.doesNotThrow(() => 42);
  assert.throws(() => x.y.z, Error);
  assert.throws(() => model.get.z, /Property does not exist in model schema./)


  should.throws(() => x.y.z);
  should.throws(() => x.y.z, ReferenceError);
  should.throws(() => x.y.z, ReferenceError, /is not defined/);
  should.throws(() => x.y.z, /is not defined/);
  should.doesNotThrow(() => 42);
  should.throws(() => x.y.z, Error);
  should.throws(() => model.get.z, /Property does not exist in model schema./)

Chai Expect

  expect(() => x.y.z).to.throw();
  expect(() => x.y.z).to.throw(ReferenceError);
  expect(() => x.y.z).to.throw(ReferenceError, /is not defined/);
  expect(() => x.y.z).to.throw(/is not defined/);
  expect(() => 42);
  expect(() => x.y.z).to.throw(Error);
  expect(() => model.get.z).to.throw(/Property does not exist in model schema./);

You must handle exceptions that 'escape' the test

it('should handle escaped errors', function () {
  try {
    expect(() => x.y.z);
  } catch (err) {

This can look confusing at first. Like riding a bike, it just 'clicks' forever once it clicks.

What are WSDL, SOAP and REST?

Example: In a simple terms if you have a web service of calculator.

WSDL: WSDL tells about the functions that you can implement or exposed to the client. For example: add, delete, subtract and so on.

SOAP: Where as using SOAP you actually perform actions like doDelete(), doSubtract(), doAdd(). So SOAP and WSDL are apples and oranges. We should not compare them. They both have their own different functionality.

Why we use SOAP and WSDL: For platform independent data exchange.

EDIT: In a normal day to day life example:

WSDL: When we go to a restaurant we see the Menu Items, those are the WSDL's.

Proxy Classes: Now after seeing the Menu Items we make up our Mind (Process our mind on what to order): So, basically we make Proxy classes based on WSDL Document.

SOAP: Then when we actually order the food based on the Menu's: Meaning we use proxy classes to call upon the service methods which is done using SOAP. :)

Adding one day to a date

$stop_date = '2009-09-30 20:24:00';
echo 'date before day adding: ' . $stop_date; 
$stop_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($stop_date . ' +1 day'));
echo 'date after adding 1 day: ' . $stop_date;

For PHP 5.2.0+, you may also do as follows:

$stop_date = new DateTime('2009-09-30 20:24:00');
echo 'date before day adding: ' . $stop_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 
$stop_date->modify('+1 day');
echo 'date after adding 1 day: ' . $stop_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

How to replace captured groups only?

Now that Javascript has lookbehind (as of ES2018), on newer environments, you can avoid groups entirely in situations like these. Rather, lookbehind for what comes before the group you were capturing, and lookahead for what comes after, and replace with just !NEW_ID!:

const str = 'name="some_text_0_some_text"';
  str.replace(/(?<=name="\w+)\d+(?=\w+")/, '!NEW_ID!')

With this method, the full match is only the part that needs to be replaced.

  • (?<=name="\w+) - Lookbehind for name=", followed by word characters (luckily, lookbehinds do not have to be fixed width in Javascript!)
  • \d+ - Match one or more digits - the only part of the pattern not in a lookaround, the only part of the string that will be in the resulting match
  • (?=\w+") - Lookahead for word characters followed by " `

Keep in mind that lookbehind is pretty new. It works in modern versions of V8 (including Chrome, Opera, and Node), but not in most other environments, at least not yet. So while you can reliably use lookbehind in Node and in your own browser (if it runs on a modern version of V8), it's not yet sufficiently supported by random clients (like on a public website).

Compare two files report difference in python

You can add an conditional statement. If your array goes beyond index, then break and print the rest of the file.

How do I find files that do not contain a given string pattern?

find *20161109* -mtime -2|grep -vwE "(TRIGGER)"

You can specify the filter under "find" and the exclusion string under "grep -vwE". Use mtime under find if you need to filter on modified time too.

How to subtract hours from a date in Oracle so it affects the day also

date - n will subtract n days form given date. In order to subtract hrs you need to convert it into day buy dividing it with 24. In your case it should be to_char(sysdate - (2 + 2/24), 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24'). This will subract 2 days and 2 hrs from sysdate.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known; fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Recently, I have seen this problem too. Below, you have my solution:

  1. ping, if ping failed. it is DNS error.
  2. sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf, the add: nameserver nameserver

Or it can be a genuine network issue. Restart your network-manager using sudo service network-manager restart or fix it up

I have just received this error after switching from HTTPS to SSH (for my origin remote). To fix, I simply ran the following command (for each repo):

ssh -T [email protected]

Upon receiving a successful response, I could fetch/push to the repo with ssh.

I took that command from Git's Testing your SSH connection guide, which is part of the greater Connecting to GitHub with with SSH guide.

How to select bottom most rows?

I've come up with a solution to this that doesn't require you to know the number of row returned.

For example, if you want to get all the locations logged in a table, except the latest 1 (or 2, or 5, or 34)

    (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CreatedDate) AS Row, * 
    FROM Locations
    WHERE UserId = 12345) AS SubQuery
WHERE Row > 1 -- or 2, or 5, or 34

How to hide Table Row Overflow?

Only downside (it seems), is that the table cell widths are identical. Any way to get around this? – Josh Stodola Oct 12 at 15:53

Just define width of the table and width for each table cell

something like

table {border-collapse:collapse; table-layout:fixed; width:900px;}
th {background: yellow; }
td {overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap; }

It works like a charm :o)

Python 3.2 Unable to import urllib2 (ImportError: No module named urllib2)

In python 3 urllib2 was merged into urllib. See also another Stack Overflow question and the urllib PEP 3108.

To make Python 2 code work in Python 3:

    import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib2

Python IndentationError: unexpected indent

Simply copy your script and put under """ your entire code """ ...

specify this line in a variable.. like,

a = """ your entire code """
print a.replace('    ','    ') # first 4 spaces tab second four space from space bar

print a.replace('here please press tab button it will insert some space"," here simply press space bar four times")
# here we replacing tab space by four char space as per pep 8 style guide..

now execute this code, in sublime using ctrl+b, now it will print indented code in console. that's it

How to open a WPF Popup when another control is clicked, using XAML markup only?

The following approach is the same as Helge Klein's, except that the popup closes automatically when you click anywhere outside the Popup (including the ToggleButton itself):

<ToggleButton x:Name="Btn" IsHitTestVisible="{Binding ElementName=Popup, Path=IsOpen, Mode=OneWay, Converter={local:BoolInverter}}">
    <TextBlock Text="Click here for popup!"/>

<Popup IsOpen="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=Btn}" x:Name="Popup" StaysOpen="False">
    <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" Background="LightYellow">
        <CheckBox Content="This is a popup"/>

"BoolInverter" is used in the IsHitTestVisible binding so that when you click the ToggleButton again, the popup closes:

public class BoolInverter : MarkupExtension, IValueConverter
    public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        return this;

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value is bool)
            return !(bool)value;
        return value;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture);

...which shows the handy technique of combining IValueConverter and MarkupExtension in one.

I did discover one problem with this technique: WPF is buggy when two popups are on the screen at the same time. Specifically, if your toggle button is on the "overflow popup" in a toolbar, then there will be two popups open after you click it. You may then find that the second popup (your popup) will stay open when you click anywhere else on your window. At that point, closing the popup is difficult. The user cannot click the ToggleButton again to close the popup because IsHitTestVisible is false because the popup is open! In my app I had to use a few hacks to mitigate this problem, such as the following test on the main window, which says (in the voice of Louis Black) "if the popup is open and the user clicks somewhere outside the popup, close the friggin' popup.":

PreviewMouseDown += (s, e) =>
    if (Popup.IsOpen)
        Point p = e.GetPosition(Popup.Child);
        if (!IsInRange(p.X, 0, ((FrameworkElement)Popup.Child).ActualWidth) ||
            !IsInRange(p.Y, 0, ((FrameworkElement)Popup.Child).ActualHeight))
            Popup.IsOpen = false;
// Elsewhere...
public static bool IsInRange(int num, int lo, int hi) => 
    num >= lo && num <= hi;

javascript jquery radio button click

it is always good to restrict the DOM search. so better to use a parent also, so that the entire DOM won't be traversed.


<div id="radioBtnDiv">
  <input name="myButton" type="radio" class="radioClass" value="manual" checked="checked"/>
 <input name="myButton" type="radio" class="radioClass" value="auto" checked="checked"/>

        // your stuffs go here

How do I set the background color of my main screen in Flutter?

I think you can also use a scaffold to do the white background. Here's some piece of code that may help.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {

      return new MaterialApp(
        title: 'Testing',
        home: new Scaffold(
        //Here you can set what ever background color you need.
          backgroundColor: Colors.white,

Hope this helps .

Process.start: how to get the output?

You can log process output using below code:

ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(item);
pinfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
pinfo.UseShellExecute = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
pinfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
var p = Process.Start(pinfo);
Process process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo((item + '>' + item + ".txt"))
    UseShellExecute = false,
    RedirectStandardOutput = true
string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
if (process.ExitCode != 0) { 

Why does JS code "var a = document.querySelector('a[data-a=1]');" cause error?

Yes strings must be quoted and in some cases like in applescript, quotes must be escaped

do JavaScript "document.querySelector('span[" & attrName & "=\"" & attrValue & "\"]').click();"

How can I count the number of elements with same class?

You can get to the parent node and then query all the nodes with the class that is being searched. then we get the size

var parent = document.getElementById("parentId");_x000D_
var nodesSameClass = parent.getElementsByClassName("test");_x000D_
<div id="parentId">_x000D_
  <p class="prueba">hello word1</p>_x000D_
  <p class="test">hello word2</p>_x000D_
  <p class="test">hello word3</p>_x000D_
  <p class="test">hello word4</p>_x000D_

What are the differences between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

Out of the box, Visual Studio can compile, run and debug programs.

Out of the box, Visual Studio Code can do practically nothing but open and edit text files. It can be extended to compile, run, and debug, but you will need to install other software. It's a PITA.

If you're looking for a Notepad replacement, Visual Studio Code is your man.

If you want to develop and debug code without fiddling for days with settings and installing stuff, then Visual Studio is your man.

D3 transform scale and translate

The transforms are SVG transforms (for details, have a look at the standard; here are some examples). Basically, scale and translate apply the respective transformations to the coordinate system, which should work as expected in most cases. You can apply more than one transform however (e.g. first scale and then translate) and then the result might not be what you expect.

When working with the transforms, keep in mind that they transform the coordinate system. In principle, what you say is true -- if you apply a scale > 1 to an object, it will look bigger and a translate will move it to a different position relative to the other objects.

How to check if a process is running via a batch script

I use PV.exe from installed in Program Files\PV with a batch file like this:

@echo off
PV.EXE YourProgram.exe >nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Process_NotFound
echo YourProgram is running
goto END
echo YourProgram is not running
goto END

jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n

var str = document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('mytextarea').innerHTML = str.replace(/<br\s*[\/]?>/gi, "\n");

or using jQuery:

var str = $("#mydiv").html();
var regex = /<br\s*[\/]?>/gi;
$("#mydiv").html(str.replace(regex, "\n"));


edit: added i flag

edit2: you can use /<br[^>]*>/gi which will match anything between the br and slash if you have for example <br class="clear" />

Git: How to reset a remote Git repository to remove all commits?

Were I you I would do something like this:

Before doing anything please keep a copy (better safe than sorry)

git checkout master
git checkout -b temp 
git reset --hard <sha-1 of your first commit> 
git add .
git commit -m 'Squash all commits in single one'
git push origin temp

After doing that you can delete other branches.

Result: You are going to have a branch with only 2 commits.

Use git log --oneline to see your commits in a minimalistic way and to find SHA-1 for commits!

Serializing a list to JSON

.NET already supports basic Json serialization through the System.Runtime.Serialization.Json namespace and the DataContractJsonSerializer class since version 3.5. As the name implies, DataContractJsonSerializer takes into account any data annotations you add to your objects to create the final Json output.

That can be handy if you already have annotated data classes that you want to serialize Json to a stream, as described in How To: Serialize and Deserialize JSON Data. There are limitations but it's good enough and fast enough if you have basic needs and don't want to add Yet Another Library to your project.

The following code serializea a list to the console output stream. As you see it is a bit more verbose than Json.NET and not type-safe (ie no generics)

        var list = new List<string> {"a", "b", "c", "d"};

        using(var output = Console.OpenStandardOutput())                
            var writer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof (List<string>));

On the other hand, Json.NET provides much better control over how you generate Json. This will come in VERY handy when you have to map javascript-friendly names names to .NET classes, format dates to json etc.

Another option is ServiceStack.Text, part of the ServicStack ... stack, which provides a set of very fast serializers for Json, JSV and CSV.

How to store Emoji Character in MySQL Database

Hi my friends This is how I solved this problem and I was happy to teach it to you as well I am in the Android application I encrypt a string containing text and emoj and send it to the server and save it in the mysql table and after receiving it from the server I decrypt it and display it in the textview. encoded and decoded my message before request and after response: I send Android app messages to mysql via pdo through this method and receive them with pdo. And I have no problem. I think it was a good way. Please like Thankful

 public void main()
    String message="hi mester ali moradi ?? how are you ?";
    String encoded_message=encodeStringUrl(message);
    String decode_message=decodeStringUrl(encoded_message);
 public static String encodeStringUrl(String message) {
        String encodedUrl =null;
        try {
            encodedUrl = URLEncoder.encode(message, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            return encodedUrl;
        return encodedUrl;

    public static String decodeStringUrl(String message) {
        String decodedUrl =null;
        try {
            decodedUrl = URLDecoder.decode(message, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            return decodedUrl;
        return decodedUrl;
_x000D_ message : hi mester ali moradi ?? how are you ? encoded : ghgh%F0%9F%98%AE%F0%9F%A4%90%F0%9F%98%A5 decoded :hi mester ali moradi ?? how are you ?

Using Notepad++ to validate XML against an XSD

  1. In Notepad++ go to Plugins > Plugin manager > Show Plugin Manager then find Xml Tools plugin. Tick the box and click Install

    enter image description here

  2. Open XML document you want to validate and click Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M (Or use Menu if this is your preference Plugins > XML Tools > Validate Now).
    Following dialog will open: enter image description here

  3. Click on .... Point to XSD file and I am pretty sure you'll be able to handle things from here.

Hope this saves you some time.

EDIT: Plugin manager was not included in some versions of Notepad++ because many users didn't like commercials that it used to show. If you want to keep an older version, however still want plugin manager, you can get it on github, and install it by extracting the archive and copying contents to plugins and updates folder.
In version 7.7.1 plugin manager is back under a different guise... Plugin Admin so now you can simply update notepad++ and have it back.

enter image description here

Changing element style attribute dynamically using JavaScript

Assuming you have HTML like this:

<div id='thediv'></div>

If you want to modify the style attribute of this div, you'd use

document.getElementById('thediv').style.[ATTRIBUTE] = '[VALUE]'

Replace [ATTRIBUTE] with the style attribute you want. Remember to remove '-' and make the following letter uppercase.


document.getElementById('thediv').style.display = 'none'; //changes the display
document.getElementById('thediv').style.paddingLeft = 'none'; //removes padding

"Expected an indented block" error?

I also experienced that for example:

This code doesnt work and get the intended block error.

class Foo(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
body = models.TextField()
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
likes = models.IntegerField()

def __unicode__(self):
return self.title

However, when i press tab before typing return self.title statement, the code works.

class Foo(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
body = models.TextField()
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
likes = models.IntegerField()

def __unicode__(self):
    return self.title

Hope, this will help others.

How do I print bytes as hexadecimal?

This is a modified version of the Nibble to Hex method

void hexArrayToStr(unsigned char* info, unsigned int infoLength, char **buffer) {
    const char* pszNibbleToHex = {"0123456789ABCDEF"};
    int nNibble, i;
    if (infoLength > 0) {
        if (info != NULL) {
            *buffer = (char *) malloc((infoLength * 2) + 1);
            buffer[0][(infoLength * 2)] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < infoLength; i++) {
                nNibble = info[i] >> 4;
                buffer[0][2 * i] = pszNibbleToHex[nNibble];
                nNibble = info[i] & 0x0F;
                buffer[0][2 * i + 1] = pszNibbleToHex[nNibble];
        } else {
            *buffer = NULL;
    } else {
        *buffer = NULL;

How can I add NSAppTransportSecurity to my info.plist file?

Open your info.plist file of your project with any editor of your preference, then add this code at the end of the file before the last


How do I import a sql data file into SQL Server?

  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Connect to your database
  3. File > Open > File and pick your file
  4. Execute it

How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?

Important: Version 1.0 of the reCAPTCHA API is no longer supported, please upgrade to Version 2.0.

You can use grecaptcha.reset(); to reset the captcha.

Source :

How to use a variable from a cursor in the select statement of another cursor in pl/sql

You need to use dynamic SQL to achieve this; something like:

    TYPE cur_type IS REF CURSOR;

    CURSOR client_cur IS
        SELECT DISTING username
        FROM all_users
        WHERE length(username) = 3;

    emails_cur cur_type;
    l_cur_string VARCHAR2(128);
    l_email_id <type>;
    l_name <type>;
    FOR client IN client_cur LOOP
        dbms_output.put_line('Client is '|| client.username);
        l_cur_string := 'SELECT id, name FROM '
            || client.username || '.org';
        OPEN emails_cur FOR l_cur_string;
            FETCH emails_cur INTO l_email_id, l_name;
            EXIT WHEN emails_cur%NOTFOUND;
            dbms_output.put_line('Org id is ' || l_email_id
                || ' org name ' || l_name);
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE emails_cur;

Edited to correct two errors, and to add links to 10g documentation for OPEN-FOR and an example. Edited to make the inner cursor query a string variable.

How to catch curl errors in PHP

you can generate curl error after its execution

$url = '';

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
    echo 'Request Error:' . curl_error($ch);

and here are curl error code

if someone need more information about curl errors


    [2] => 'CURLE_FAILED_INIT',
    [15] => 'CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST',
    [18] => 'CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE',
    [21] => 'CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR',
    [23] => 'CURLE_WRITE_ERROR',
    [25] => 'CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED',
    [26] => 'CURLE_READ_ERROR',
    [27] => 'CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY',
    [30] => 'CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED',
    [33] => 'CURLE_RANGE_ERROR',
    [34] => 'CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR',
    [52] => 'CURLE_GOT_NOTHING',
    [55] => 'CURLE_SEND_ERROR',
    [56] => 'CURLE_RECV_ERROR',
    [59] => 'CURLE_SSL_CIPHER',
    [60] => 'CURLE_SSL_CACERT',
    [64] => 'CURLE_USE_SSL_FAILED',
    [67] => 'CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED',
    [68] => 'CURLE_TFTP_NOTFOUND',
    [69] => 'CURLE_TFTP_PERM',
    [71] => 'CURLE_TFTP_ILLEGAL',
    [75] => 'CURLE_CONV_FAILED',
    [76] => 'CURLE_CONV_REQD',
    [79] => 'CURLE_SSH',
    [81] => 'CURLE_AGAIN',
    [82] => 'CURLE_SSL_CRL_BADFILE',
    [84] => 'CURLE_FTP_PRET_FAILED',
    [84] => 'CURLE_FTP_PRET_FAILED',
    [85] => 'CURLE_RTSP_CSEQ_ERROR',
    [87] => 'CURLE_FTP_BAD_FILE_LIST',
    [88] => 'CURLE_CHUNK_FAILED');


Preventing iframe caching in browser

I found this problem in the latest Chrome as well as the latest Safari on the Mac OS X as of Mar 17, 2016. None of the fixes above worked for me, including assigning src to empty and then back to some site, or adding in some randomly-named "name" parameter, or adding in a random number on the end of the URL after the hash, or assigning the content window href to the src after assigning the src.

In my case, it was because I was using Javascript to update the IFRAME, and only switching the hash in the URL.

The workaround in my case was that I created an interim URL that had a 0 second meta redirect to that other page. It happens so fast that I hardly notice the screen flash. Plus, I made the background color of the interim page the same as the other page, and so you notice it even less.

Aggregate a dataframe on a given column and display another column

First, you split the data using split:


Than, for each chunk, select the row with max Score:

lapply(split(z,z$Group),function(chunk) chunk[which.max(chunk$Score),])

Finally reduce back to a data.frame do.calling rbind:,lapply(split(z,z$Group),function(chunk) chunk[which.max(chunk$Score),]))


  Group Score Info
1     1     3    c
2     2     4    d

One line, no magic spells, fast, result has good names =)

How do I return JSON without using a template in Django?

In the case of the JSON response there is no template to be rendered. Templates are for generating HTML responses. The JSON is the HTTP response.

However, you can have HTML that is rendered from a template withing your JSON response.

html = render_to_string("some.html", some_dictionary)
serialized_data = simplejson.dumps({"html": html})
return HttpResponse(serialized_data, mimetype="application/json")

How I could add dir to $PATH in Makefile?

What I usually do is supply the path to the executable explicitly:

test all:

I also use this technique to run non-native binaries under an emulator like QEMU if I'm cross compiling:

EXE = qemu-mips ./bin/

If make is using the sh shell, this should work:

test all:
    PATH=bin:$PATH x

How to fix Error: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key tableView.'

You have your storyboard set up to expect an outlet called tableView but the actual outlet name is myTableView.

If you delete the connection in the storyboard and reconnect to the right variable name, it should fix the problem.

MVC 4 Razor File Upload

The Upload method's HttpPostedFileBase parameter must have the same name as the the file input.

So just change the input to this:

<input type="file" name="file" />

Also, you could find the files in Request.Files:

public ActionResult Upload()
     if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
         var file = Request.Files[0];

         if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/"), fileName);

     return RedirectToAction("UploadDocument");

How to find unused/dead code in java projects

I would instrument the running system to keep logs of code usage, and then start inspecting code that is not used for months or years.

For example if you are interested in unused classes, all classes could be instrumented to log when instances are created. And then a small script could compare these logs against the complete list of classes to find unused classes.

Of course, if you go at the method level you should keep performance in mind. For example, the methods could only log their first use. I dont know how this is best done in Java. We have done this in Smalltalk, which is a dynamic language and thus allows for code modification at runtime. We instrument all methods with a logging call and uninstall the logging code after a method has been logged for the first time, thus after some time no more performance penalties occur. Maybe a similar thing can be done in Java with static boolean flags...

What is the difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing?

A Grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that clusters and integrates high-end computers, networks, databases, and scientific instruments from multiple sources to form a virtual supercomputer on which users can work collaboratively within virtual organisations

Grid is Mostly free used by academic research etc.

Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and accessible virtualized resources (such as hardware, development platforms and/or services). These resources can be dynamically reconfigured to adjust to a variable load (scale), allowing also for an optimum resource utilization. This pool of resources is typically exploited by a pay peruse model in which guarantees are offered by the Infrastructure Provider by customized service level agreements.

Cloud is not free. It is a service, provided by different service providers and they charge according to your work done.

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

If you only want to check version for only one, you can do

composer show -- twig/twig

Note that only installed packages are shown by default now, and installed option is now deprecated.

What is the default database path for MongoDB?

I depends on the version and the distro.

For example the default download pre-2.2 from the MongoDB site uses: /data/db but the Ubuntu install at one point used to use: var/lib/mongodb.

I think these have been standardised now so that 2.2+ will only use data/db whether it comes from direct download on the site or from the repos.

missing FROM-clause entry for table

   AcId, AcName, PldepPer, RepId, CustCatg, HardCode, BlockCust, CrPeriod, CrLimit, 
   BillLimit, Mode, PNotes, gtab82.memno 
   VCustomer AS v1
   gtab82 ON gtab82.memacid = v1.AcId 
WHERE (AcGrCode = '204' OR CreDebt = 'True') 
AND Masked = 'false'

You typically only use an alias for a table name when you need to prefix a column with the table name due to duplicate column names in the joined tables and the table name is long or when the table is joined to itself. In your case you use an alias for VCustomer but only use it in the ON clause for uncertain reasons. You may want to review that aspect of your code.

How can I check for NaN values?

All the methods to tell if the variable is NaN or None:

None type

In [1]: from numpy import math

In [2]: a = None
In [3]: not a
Out[3]: True

In [4]: len(a or ()) == 0
Out[4]: True

In [5]: a == None
Out[5]: True

In [6]: a is None
Out[6]: True

In [7]: a != a
Out[7]: False

In [9]: math.isnan(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-9-6d4d8c26d370>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: a float is required

In [10]: len(a) == 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-10-65b72372873e>", line 1, in <module>
    len(a) == 0
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

NaN type

In [11]: b = float('nan')
In [12]: b
Out[12]: nan

In [13]: not b
Out[13]: False

In [14]: b != b
Out[14]: True

In [15]: math.isnan(b)
Out[15]: True

Double decimal formatting in Java

You can do it as follows:

double d = 4.0;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

Store an array in HashMap

Yes, the Map interface will allow you to store Arrays as values. Here's a very simple example:

int[] val = {1, 2, 3};
Map<String, int[]> map = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
map.put("KEY1", val);

Also, depending on your use case you may want to look at the Multimap support offered by guava.

MySQL: Error Code: 1118 Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB

I have changed the length of value from varchar(255) to varchar(25) to all varchar columns and i get the solution.

How to check if C string is empty

If the first character happens to be '\0', then you have an empty string.

This is what you should do:

do {
    *   Resetting first character before getting input.
    url[0] = '\0';

    // code
} while (url[0] != '\0');

MySQL - How to parse a string value to DATETIME format inside an INSERT statement?

Use MySQL's STR_TO_DATE() function to parse the string that you're attempting to insert:

INSERT INTO tblInquiry (fldInquiryReceivedDateTime) VALUES
  (STR_TO_DATE('5/15/2012 8:06:26 AM', '%c/%e/%Y %r'))

MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

You can also do this easily in Pandas, if your data is represented in a Dataframe, as described here:

Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101. IE

wrap your entire code block in this:


//code here


also make sure to specify the type of script to be text/javascript

try that and let me know how it goes

Apache Cordova - uninstall globally

Super late here and I still couldn't uninstall using sudo as the other answers suggest. What did it for me was checking where cordova was installed by running

which cordova

it will output something like this


then removing by

rm -rf /usr/local/bin/cordova

Node.js global proxy setting

You can try my package node-global-proxy which work with all node versions and most of http-client (axios, got, superagent, request etc.)

after install by

npm install node-global-proxy --save

a global proxy can start by

const proxy = require("node-global-proxy").default;

  http: "http://localhost:1080",
  https: "https://localhost:1080",

/** Proxy working now! */

More information available here:

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

2 issues.

Looks like your jQuery was not loaded properly.

You generally see this error

Uncaught ReferenceError:$ is not defined

when jQuery was not properly included on your page.

Try using jQuery from CDN and it should solve your problem


<script src="JS/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>

with the one from cdn

<script src="//"></script>

NOTE: if you test from file system, you need to add the http: to the above URL or it will fail

Next your script file is before the HTML . So need to contain the code in DOM Ready handler.

$(function() {
        fx:     'scrollHorz', 
        speed:  'fast', 
        next:   '#next', 
        prev:   '#prev' 

As far as I know 'Slider' was referenced when I created the div Id.

No it is not. If your script was included just before the body , then you may not enclose it in the Ready handler. But in your case it is present in the head. So when the script starts running that particular element is still not present in the DOM

Check Fiddle

JPA With Hibernate Error: [PersistenceUnit: JPA] Unable to build EntityManagerFactory

Suppress the @JoinColumn(name="categoria") on the ID field of the Categoria class and I think it will work.

If a folder does not exist, create it

Directory.CreateDirectory explains how to try and to create the FilePath if it does not exist.

Directory.Exists explains how to check if a FilePath exists. However, you don't need this as CreateDirectory will check it for you.

Attempt to write a readonly database - Django w/ SELinux error

You can change acls without touching the ownership and permissions of file/directory.

Use the following commands:

setfacl -m u:www-data:rwx /home/user/website
setfacl -m u:www-data:rw /home/user/website/db.sqlite3

how to run a winform from console application?

You should be able to use the Application class in the same way as Winform apps do. Probably the easiest way to start a new project is to do what Marc suggested: create a new Winform project, and then change it in the options to a console application

How can I specify a local gem in my Gemfile?

If you want the branch too:

gem 'foo', path: "point/to/your/path", branch: "branch-name"

How to change the style of a DatePicker in android?

To change DatePicker colors (calendar mode) at application level define below properties.

<style name="MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <item name="colorAccent">#ff6d00</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">#33691e</item>
    <item name="android:selectableItemBackgroundBorderless">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorControlHighlight">#d50000</item>

See for other DatePicker custom styles

zoftino DatePicker examples

Yes/No message box using QMessageBox

If you want to make it in python you need check this code in your workbench. also write like this. we created a popup box with python.

msgBox = QMessageBox()
msgBox.setText("The document has been modified.")
msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?")
msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel)
ret = msgBox.exec_()

jQuery - get all divs inside a div with class ".container"

Known ID

$(".container > #first");



or since IDs should be unique within a single document:


The last one is of course the fastest.

Unknown ID

Since you're saying that you don't know their ID top couple of the upper selectors (where #first is written), can be changed to:

$(".container > div");

The last one (of the first three selectors) that only uses ID is of course not possible to be changed in this way.

If you also need to filter out only those child DIV elements that define ID attribute you'd write selectors down this way:

$(".container > div[id]");

Attach click handler

Add the following code to attach click handler to any of your preferred selector:

// use selector of your choice and call 'click' on it
$(".container > div").click(function(){
    // if you need element's ID
    var divID =;
    cache your element if you intend to use it multiple times
    var clickedDiv = $(this);
    // add CSS class to it
    // do other stuff that needs to be done

CSS3 Selectors specification

I would also like to point you to CSS3 selector specification that jQuery uses. It will help you lots in the future because there may be some selectors you're not aware of at all and could make your life much much easier.

After your edited question

I'm not completey sure that I know what you're after even though you've written some pseudo code... Anyway. Some parts can still be answered:

$(".container > div[id]").each(function(){
    var context = $(this);
    // get menu parent element: Sub: Show Grid
    // maybe I'm not appending to the correct element here but you should know
    context.text("Show #" +;
    context.attr("href", "");{

the last thee context usages could be combined into a single chained one:


Regarding DOM elements

You can always get the underlaying DOM element from the jQuery result set.

// or

will get you the first DOM element from the jQuery result set. jQuery result is always a set of elements even though there's none in them or only one.

But when I used .each() function and provided an anonymous function that will be called on each element in the set, this keyword actually refers to the DOM element.

    var DOMelement = this;
    var jQueryElement = $(this);

I hope this clears some things for your.

Is try-catch like error handling possible in ASP Classic?

Been a while since I was in ASP land, but iirc there's a couple of ways:

try catch finally can be reasonably simulated in VBS (good article here here) and there's an event called class_terminate you can watch and catch exceptions globally in. Then there's the possibility of changing your scripting language...

Best way to check if MySQL results returned in PHP?

If you would still like to perform the action if the $result is invalid:

    // Do stuff

This will account for a 0 and the false that is returned by mysql_num_rows() on failure.

How to embed HTML into IPython output?

First, the code:

from random import choices

def random_name(length=6):
    return "".join(choices("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", k=length))
# ---

from IPython.display import IFrame, display, HTML
import tempfile
from os import unlink

def display_html_to_frame(html, width=600, height=600):
    name = f"temp_{random_name()}.html"
    with open(name, "w") as f:
        print(html, file=f)
    display(IFrame(name, width, height), metadata=dict(isolated=True))
    # unlink(name)
def display_html_inline(html):
    display(HTML(html, metadata=dict(isolated=True)))


Some quick notes:

  • You can generally just use inline HTML for simple items. If you are rendering a framework, like a large JavaScript visualization framework, you may need to use an IFrame. Its hard enough for Jupyter to run in a browser without random HTML embedded.
  • The strange parameter, metadata=dict(isolated=True) does not isolate the result in an IFrame, as older documentation suggests. It appears to prevent clear-fix from resetting everything. The flag is no longer documented: I just found using it allowed certain display: grid styles to correctly render.
  • This IFrame solution writes to a temporary file. You could use a data uri as described here but it makes debugging your output difficult. The Jupyter IFrame function does not take a data or srcdoc attribute.
  • The tempfile module creations are not sharable to another process, hence the random_name().
  • If you use the HTML class with an IFrame in it, you get a warning. This may be only once per session.
  • You can use HTML('Hello, <b>world</b>') at top level of cell and its return value will render. Within a function, use display(HTML(...)) as is done above. This also allows you to mix display and print calls freely.
  • Oddly, IFrames are indented slightly more than inline HTML.

How to specify the private SSH-key to use when executing shell command on Git?

Many of these solutions looked enticing. However, I found the generic git-wrapping-script approach at the following link to be the most useful:

How to Specify an ssh Key File with the git command

The point being that there is no git command such as the following:

git -i ~/.ssh/thatuserkey.pem clone [email protected]:/git/repo.git

Alvin's solution is to use a well-defined bash-wrapper script that fills this gap: -i ~/.ssh/thatuserkey.pem clone [email protected]:/git/repo.git

Where is:


# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2013 Alvin Abad

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Git wrapper script that can specify an ssh-key file
Usage: -i ssh-key-file git-command
    exit 1

# remove temporary file on exit
trap 'rm -f /tmp/.git_ssh.$$' 0

if [ "$1" = "-i" ]; then
    SSH_KEY=$2; shift; shift
    echo "ssh -i $SSH_KEY \$@" > /tmp/.git_ssh.$$
    chmod +x /tmp/.git_ssh.$$
    export GIT_SSH=/tmp/.git_ssh.$$

# in case the git command is repeated
[ "$1" = "git" ] && shift

# Run the git command
git "$@"

I can verify that this solved a problem I was having with user/key recognition for a remote bitbucket repo with git remote update, git pull, and git clone; all of which now work fine in a cron job script that was otherwise having trouble navigating the limited-shell. I was also able to call this script from within R and still solve the exact same cron execute problem (e.g. system("bash -i ~/.ssh/thatuserkey.pem pull")).

Not that R is the same as Ruby, but if R can do it... O:-)

How to use group by with union in t-sql


I've never known GROUP BY to support using ordinals, only ORDER BY. Either way, only MySQL supports GROUP BY's not including all columns without aggregate functions performed on them. Ordinals aren't recommended practice either because if they're based on the order of the SELECT - if that changes, so does your ORDER BY (or GROUP BY if supported).

There's no need to run GROUP BY on the contents when you're using UNION - UNION ensures that duplicates are removed; UNION ALL is faster because it doesn't - and in that case you would need the GROUP BY...

Your query only needs to be:

  FROM dbo.TABLE_A a
  FROM dbo.TABLE_B b

ReactJS - Call One Component Method From Another Component

Well, actually, React is not suitable for calling child methods from the parent. Some frameworks, like Cycle.js, allow easily access data both from parent and child, and react to it.

Also, there is a good chance you don't really need it. Consider calling it into existing component, it is much more independent solution. But sometimes you still need it, and then you have few choices:

  • Pass method down, if it is a child (the easiest one, and it is one of the passed properties)
  • add events library; in React ecosystem Flux approach is the most known, with Redux library. You separate all events into separated state and actions, and dispatch them from components
  • if you need to use function from the child in a parent component, you can wrap in a third component, and clone parent with augmented props.

UPD: if you need to share some functionality which doesn't involve any state (like static functions in OOP), then there is no need to contain it inside components. Just declare it separately and invoke when need:

let counter = 0;
function handleInstantiate() {

constructor(props) {

Can a java lambda have more than 1 parameter?

For something with 2 parameters, you could use BiFunction. If you need more, you can define your own function interface, like so:

public interface FourParameterFunction<T, U, V, W, R> {
    public R apply(T t, U u, V v, W w);

If there is more than one parameter, you need to put parentheses around the argument list, like so:

FourParameterFunction<String, Integer, Double, Person, String> myLambda = (a, b, c, d) -> {
    // do something
    return "done something";

Binding Listbox to List<object> in WinForms

There are two main routes here:

1: listBox1.DataSource = yourList;

Do any manipulation (Add/Delete) to yourList and Rebind.
Set DisplayMember and ValueMember to control what is shown.

2: listBox1.Items.AddRange(yourList.ToArray());

(or use a for-loop to do Items.Add(...))

You can control Display by overloading ToString() of the list objects or by implementing the listBox1.Format event.

Examples of good gotos in C or C++

Very common.

do_stuff(thingy) {

    if (foo failed) {
        status = -EFOO;
        goto OUT;

    if (bar failed) {
        status = -EBAR;
        goto OUT;


    return status;

The only case I ever use goto is for jumping forwards, usually out of blocks, and never into blocks. This avoids abuse of do{}while(0) and other constructs which increase nesting, while still maintaining readable, structured code.

Which is fastest? SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS FROM `table`, or SELECT COUNT(*)

There are other options for you to benchmark:

1.) A window function will return the actual size directly (tested in MariaDB):

  COUNT(*) OVER() AS `total_count`
FROM `mytable`
ORDER BY `mycol`
LIMIT 10, 20

2.) Thinking out of the box, most of the time users don't need to know the EXACT size of the table, an approximate is often good enough.

SELECT `TABLE_ROWS` AS `rows_approx`

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element

I get the same error. the solution is to put your script code before the end of body, not in the head section.

Convert a String to Modified Camel Case in Java or Title Case as is otherwise called

From commons-lang3

org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils.capitalizeFully(String str)

TypeError: p.easing[this.easing] is not a function

I have found the problem: Don't use CDN (this is causing the problem!), instead save the jquery file locally on your server and then the problem is away.

css label width not taking effect

give the style


hope this will help'

How to present a modal atop the current view in Swift

The only way I able to get this to work was by doing this on the presenting view controller:

    func didTapButton() {
    self.definesPresentationContext = true
    self.modalTransitionStyle = .crossDissolve
    let yourVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "YourViewController") as! YourViewController
    let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: yourVC)
    navController.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
    navController.modalTransitionStyle = .crossDissolve
    self.present(navController, animated: true, completion: nil)

How to import an excel file in to a MySQL database

Below is another method to import spreadsheet data into a MySQL database that doesn't rely on any extra software. Let's assume you want to import your Excel table into the sales table of a MySQL database named mydatabase.

  1. Select the relevant cells:

    enter image description here

  2. Paste into Mr. Data Converter and select the output as MySQL:

    enter image description here

  3. Change the table name and column definitions to fit your requirements in the generated output:

  Country VARCHAR(255),
  Amount INT,
  1. If you're using MySQL Workbench or already logged into mysql from the command line, then you can execute the generated SQL statements from step 3 directly. Otherwise, paste the code into a text file (e.g., import.sql) and execute this command from a Unix shell:

    mysql mydatabase < import.sql

    Other ways to import from a SQL file can be found in this Stack Overflow answer.

Detecting real time window size changes in Angular 4

If you'd like you components to remain easily testable you should wrap the global window object in an Angular Service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class WindowService {

  get windowRef() {
    return window;


You can then inject it like any other service:

    private windowService: WindowService
) { }

And consume...

  ngOnInit() {
      const width= this.windowService.windowRef.innerWidth;

Convert String to java.util.Date

It sounds like you may want to use something like SimpleDateFormat.

You declare your date format and then call the parse method with your string.

private static final DateFormat DF = new SimpleDateFormat(...);
Date myDate = DF.parse("1234");

And as Guillaume says, set the timezone!

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

You must specify the file to be downloaded (attachment) by the client in the http header:

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=excelTest.xls"

Simple way to unzip a .zip file using zlib

Minizip does have an example programs to demonstrate its usage - the files are called minizip.c and miniunz.c.

Update: I had a few minutes so I whipped up this quick, bare bones example for you. It's very smelly C, and I wouldn't use it without major improvements. Hopefully it's enough to get you going for now.

// uzip.c - Simple example of using the minizip API.
// Do not use this code as is! It is educational only, and probably
// riddled with errors and leaks!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "unzip.h"

#define dir_delimter '/'
#define MAX_FILENAME 512
#define READ_SIZE 8192

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    if ( argc < 2 )
        printf( "usage:\n%s {file to unzip}\n", argv[ 0 ] );
        return -1;

    // Open the zip file
    unzFile *zipfile = unzOpen( argv[ 1 ] );
    if ( zipfile == NULL )
        printf( "%s: not found\n" );
        return -1;

    // Get info about the zip file
    unz_global_info global_info;
    if ( unzGetGlobalInfo( zipfile, &global_info ) != UNZ_OK )
        printf( "could not read file global info\n" );
        unzClose( zipfile );
        return -1;

    // Buffer to hold data read from the zip file.
    char read_buffer[ READ_SIZE ];

    // Loop to extract all files
    uLong i;
    for ( i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; ++i )
        // Get info about current file.
        unz_file_info file_info;
        char filename[ MAX_FILENAME ];
        if ( unzGetCurrentFileInfo(
            NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ) != UNZ_OK )
            printf( "could not read file info\n" );
            unzClose( zipfile );
            return -1;

        // Check if this entry is a directory or file.
        const size_t filename_length = strlen( filename );
        if ( filename[ filename_length-1 ] == dir_delimter )
            // Entry is a directory, so create it.
            printf( "dir:%s\n", filename );
            mkdir( filename );
            // Entry is a file, so extract it.
            printf( "file:%s\n", filename );
            if ( unzOpenCurrentFile( zipfile ) != UNZ_OK )
                printf( "could not open file\n" );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

            // Open a file to write out the data.
            FILE *out = fopen( filename, "wb" );
            if ( out == NULL )
                printf( "could not open destination file\n" );
                unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

            int error = UNZ_OK;
                error = unzReadCurrentFile( zipfile, read_buffer, READ_SIZE );
                if ( error < 0 )
                    printf( "error %d\n", error );
                    unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );
                    unzClose( zipfile );
                    return -1;

                // Write data to file.
                if ( error > 0 )
                    fwrite( read_buffer, error, 1, out ); // You should check return of fwrite...
            } while ( error > 0 );

            fclose( out );

        unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );

        // Go the the next entry listed in the zip file.
        if ( ( i+1 ) < global_info.number_entry )
            if ( unzGoToNextFile( zipfile ) != UNZ_OK )
                printf( "cound not read next file\n" );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

    unzClose( zipfile );

    return 0;

I built and tested it with MinGW/MSYS on Windows like this:

contrib/minizip/$ gcc -I../.. -o unzip uzip.c unzip.c ioapi.c ../../libz.a
contrib/minizip/$ ./unzip.exe /j/

RegEx for valid international mobile phone number

After stripping all characters except '+' and digits from your input, this should do it:


If you want to be more exact with the country codes see this question on List of phone number country codes

However, I would try to be not too strict with my validation. Users get very frustrated if they are told their valid numbers are not acceptable.

How can I divide two integers to get a double?

You want to cast the numbers:

double num3 = (double)num1/(double)num2;

Note: If any of the arguments in C# is a double, a double divide is used which results in a double. So, the following would work too:

double num3 = (double)num1/num2;

For more information see:

Dot Net Perls

Java URL encoding of query string parameters

URLEncoder is the way to go. You only need to keep in mind to encode only the individual query string parameter name and/or value, not the entire URL, for sure not the query string parameter separator character & nor the parameter name-value separator character =.

String q = "random word £500 bank $";
String url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(q, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

When you're still not on Java 10 or newer, then use StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString() as charset argument, or when you're still not on Java 7 or newer, then use "UTF-8".

Note that spaces in query parameters are represented by +, not %20, which is legitimately valid. The %20 is usually to be used to represent spaces in URI itself (the part before the URI-query string separator character ?), not in query string (the part after ?).

Also note that there are three encode() methods. One without Charset as second argument and another with String as second argument which throws a checked exception. The one without Charset argument is deprecated. Never use it and always specify the Charset argument. The javadoc even explicitly recommends to use the UTF-8 encoding, as mandated by RFC3986 and W3C.

All other characters are unsafe and are first converted into one or more bytes using some encoding scheme. Then each byte is represented by the 3-character string "%xy", where xy is the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte. The recommended encoding scheme to use is UTF-8. However, for compatibility reasons, if an encoding is not specified, then the default encoding of the platform is used.

See also:

How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP?

Use strtotime(..):

$timestamp = strtotime($mysqltime);
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);

Also check this out (to do it in MySQL way.)

Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?

In the sorted case, you can do better than relying on successful branch prediction or any branchless comparison trick: completely remove the branch.

Indeed, the array is partitioned in a contiguous zone with data < 128 and another with data >= 128. So you should find the partition point with a dichotomic search (using Lg(arraySize) = 15 comparisons), then do a straight accumulation from that point.

Something like (unchecked)

int i= 0, j, k= arraySize;
while (i < k)
  j= (i + k) >> 1;
  if (data[j] >= 128)
    k= j;
    i= j;
sum= 0;
for (; i < arraySize; i++)
  sum+= data[i];

or, slightly more obfuscated

int i, k, j= (i + k) >> 1;
for (i= 0, k= arraySize; i < k; (data[j] >= 128 ? k : i)= j)
  j= (i + k) >> 1;
for (sum= 0; i < arraySize; i++)
  sum+= data[i];

A yet faster approach, that gives an approximate solution for both sorted or unsorted is: sum= 3137536; (assuming a truly uniform distribution, 16384 samples with expected value 191.5) :-)

What is the '.well' equivalent class in Bootstrap 4

Update 2018...

card has replaced the well.

Bootstrap 4

<div class="card card-body bg-light">

or, as two DIVs...

<div class="card bg-light">
    <div class="card-body">

(Note: in Bootstrap 4 Alpha, these were known as card-block instead of card-body and bg-faded instead of bg-light)

Create HTML table using Javascript

The problem is that if you try to write a <table> or a <tr> or <td> tag using JS every time you insert a new tag the browser will try to close it as it will think that there is an error on the code.

Instead of writing your table line by line, concatenate your table into a variable and insert it once created:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var myArray    = new Array();
    myArray[0] = 1;
    myArray[1] = 2.218;
    myArray[2] = 33;
    myArray[3] = 114.94;
    myArray[4] = 5;
    myArray[5] = 33;
    myArray[6] = 114.980;
    myArray[7] = 5;

    var myTable= "<table><tr><td style='width: 100px; color: red;'>Col Head 1</td>";
    myTable+= "<td style='width: 100px; color: red; text-align: right;'>Col Head 2</td>";
    myTable+="<td style='width: 100px; color: red; text-align: right;'>Col Head 3</td></tr>";

    myTable+="<tr><td style='width: 100px;                   '>---------------</td>";
    myTable+="<td     style='width: 100px; text-align: right;'>---------------</td>";
    myTable+="<td     style='width: 100px; text-align: right;'>---------------</td></tr>";

  for (var i=0; i<8; i++) {
    myTable+="<tr><td style='width: 100px;'>Number " + i + " is:</td>";
    myArray[i] = myArray[i].toFixed(3);
    myTable+="<td style='width: 100px; text-align: right;'>" + myArray[i] + "</td>";
    myTable+="<td style='width: 100px; text-align: right;'>" + myArray[i] + "</td></tr>";

 document.write( myTable);


If your code is in an external JS file, in HTML create an element with an ID where you want your table to appear:

<div id="tablePrint"> </div>

And in JS instead of document.write(myTable) use the following code:

document.getElementById('tablePrint').innerHTML = myTable;

Remove blank values from array using C#

I prefer to use two options, white spaces and empty:

test = test.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
test = test.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();

Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)

As I wrote in my comment, the solution to your problem is to write the following:

Set hyperLinkText = hprlink.Range

Set is needed because TextRange is a class, so hyperLinkText is an object; as such, if you want to assign it, you need to make it point to the actual object that you need.

Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string in awk

Simplest solution is probably to use tr

$ cat -A input
^I    Name, ^IOrder  $
  Trim, working  $

$ tr -d '[:blank:]' < input | cat -A

How to increase Heap size of JVM


For example: -Xmx1024M

How to open a web page from my application?

I've been using this line to launch the default browser:


Authorize attribute in ASP.NET MVC

Using Authorize attribute seems more convenient and feels more 'MVC way'. As for technical advantages there are some.

One scenario that comes to my mind is when you're using output caching in your app. Authorize attribute handles that well.

Another would be extensibility. The Authorize attribute is just basic out of the box filter, but you can override its methods and do some pre-authorize actions like logging etc. I'm not sure how you would do that through configuration.

Checking for a null object in C++

A reference can not be NULL. The interface makes you pass a real object into the function.

So there is no need to test for NULL. This is one of the reasons that references were introduced into C++.

Note you can still write a function that takes a pointer. In this situation you still need to test for NULL. If the value is NULL then you return early just like in C. Note: You should not be using exceptions when a pointer is NULL. If a parameter should never be NULL then you create an interface that uses a reference.

Keystore type: which one to use?

Here is a post which introduces different types of keystore in Java and the differences among different types of keystore.

Below are the descriptions of different keystores from the post:

JKS, Java Key Store. You can find this file at This keystore is Java specific, it usually has an extension of jks. This type of keystore can contain private keys and certificates, but it cannot be used to store secret keys. Since it's a Java specific keystore, so it cannot be used in other programming languages.

JCEKS, JCE key store. You can find this file at com.sun.crypto.provider.JceKeyStore. This keystore has an extension of jceks. The entries which can be put in the JCEKS keystore are private keys, secret keys and certificates.

PKCS12, this is a standard keystore type which can be used in Java and other languages. You can find this keystore implementation at It usually has an extension of p12 or pfx. You can store private keys, secret keys and certificates on this type.

PKCS11, this is a hardware keystore type. It servers an interface for the Java library to connect with hardware keystore devices such as Luna, nCipher. You can find this implementation at When you load the keystore, you no need to create a specific provider with specific configuration. This keystore can store private keys, secret keys and cetrificates. When loading the keystore, the entries will be retrieved from the keystore and then converted into software entries.

Binding Button click to a method

I do this all the time. Here's a look at an example and how you would implement it.

Change your XAML to use the Command property of the button instead of the Click event. I am using the name SaveCommand since it is easier to follow then something named Command.

<Button Command="{Binding Path=SaveCommand}" />

Your CustomClass that the Button is bound to now needs to have a property called SaveCommand of type ICommand. It needs to point to the method on the CustomClass that you want to run when the command is executed.

public MyCustomClass
    private ICommand _saveCommand;

    public ICommand SaveCommand
            if (_saveCommand == null)
                _saveCommand = new RelayCommand(
                    param => this.SaveObject(), 
                    param => this.CanSave()
            return _saveCommand;

    private bool CanSave()
        // Verify command can be executed here

    private void SaveObject()
        // Save command execution logic

The above code uses a RelayCommand which accepts two parameters: the method to execute, and a true/false value of if the command can execute or not. The RelayCommand class is a separate .cs file with the code shown below. I got it from Josh Smith :)

/// <summary>
/// A command whose sole purpose is to 
/// relay its functionality to other
/// objects by invoking delegates. The
/// default return value for the CanExecute
/// method is 'true'.
/// </summary>
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
    #region Fields

    readonly Action<object> _execute;
    readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;        

    #endregion // Fields

    #region Constructors

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new command that can always execute.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="execute">The execution logic.</param>
    public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute)
        : this(execute, null)

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new command.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="execute">The execution logic.</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">The execution status logic.</param>
    public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
        if (execute == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");

        _execute = execute;
        _canExecute = canExecute;           

    #endregion // Constructors

    #region ICommand Members

    public bool CanExecute(object parameters)
        return _canExecute == null ? true : _canExecute(parameters);

    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    public void Execute(object parameters)

    #endregion // ICommand Members

How to get root view controller?

Swift way to do it, you can call this from anywhere, it returns optional so watch out about that:

/// EZSwiftExtensions - Gives you the VC on top so you can easily push your popups
var topMostVC: UIViewController? {
    var presentedVC = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController
    while let pVC = presentedVC?.presentedViewController {
        presentedVC = pVC

    if presentedVC == nil {
        print("EZSwiftExtensions Error: You don't have any views set. You may be calling them in viewDidLoad. Try viewDidAppear instead.")
    return presentedVC

Its included as a standard function in:

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection error: Unable to resolve service for type while attempting to activate

I replaced

services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IMyLogger), typeof(MyLogger)));


services.AddTransient<IMyLogger, MyLogger>();

And it worked for me.

JSON datetime between Python and JavaScript

For cross-language projects, I found out that strings containing RfC 3339 dates are the best way to go. An RfC 3339 date looks like this:


I think most of the format is obvious. The only somewhat unusual thing may be the "Z" at the end. It stands for GMT/UTC. You could also add a timezone offset like +02:00 for CEST (Germany in summer). I personally prefer to keep everything in UTC until it is displayed.

For displaying, comparisons and storage you can leave it in string format across all languages. If you need the date for calculations easy to convert it back to a native date object in most language.

So generate the JSON like this:


Unfortunately, Javascript's Date constructor doesn't accept RfC 3339 strings but there are many parsers available on the Internet.

huTools.hujson tries to handle the most common encoding issues you might come across in Python code including date/datetime objects while handling timezones correctly.

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

in Bootstrap 3 class="affix" works, but in Bootstrap 4 it does not. I solved this problem in Bootstrap 4 with class="sticky-top" (using position: fixed in CSS has its own problems)

code will be something like this:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3">
        <div class="sticky-top">
            Fixed content
    <div class="col-lg-9">
        Normal scrollable content

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

I just want to have a button on my website make a PHP file run

<form action="my.php" method="post">
    <input type="submit">

Generally speaking, however, unless you are sending new data to the server to be stored, you would just use a link.

<a href="my.php">run php</a>

(Although you should use link text that describes what happens from the user's point of view, not the servers)

I'm making a simple blog site for myself and I've got the code for the site and the javascript that can take the post I write in a textarea and display it immediately. I just want to link it to a PHP file that will create the permanent blog post on the server so that when I reload the page, the post is still there.

This is tricker.

First, you do need to use a form and POST (since you are sending data to be stored).

Then you need to store the data somewhere. This is normally done using a database. Read up on the PDO library for PHP. It is the standard way to interact with databases.

Then you need to pull the data back out again. The simplest approach here is to use the query string to pass the primary key for the database row with the entry you wish to display.

<a href="showBlogEntry.php?entry_id=123">...</a>

Make sure you also read up on SQL injection and XSS.

How to discard all changes made to a branch?

If you don't want any changes in design and definitely want it to just match a remote's branch, you can also just delete the branch and recreate it:

# Switch to some branch other than design
$ git br -D design
$ git co -b design origin/design            # Will set up design to track origin's design branch

UTF-8 encoding in JSP page

i add this shell script to convert jsp files from IS


## this script file must be placed in the parent  
## folder of the to folders "in" and "out"
## in contain the input jsp files
## out will containt the generated jsp files

find in/ -name *.jsp | 
    while read line; do 
        outpath=`echo $line | sed -e 's/in/out/'` ;
        parentdir=`echo $outpath | sed -e 's/[^\/]*\.jsp$//'` ;
        mkdir -p $parentdir
        echo $outpath ;
        iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 -o $outpath $line ;

Count the number of commits on a Git branch

It might require a relatively recent version of Git, but this works well for me:

git rev-list --count develop..HEAD

This gives me an exact count of commits in the current branch having its base on master.

The command in Peter's answer, git rev-list --count HEAD ^develop includes many more commits, 678 vs 97 on my current project.

My commit history is linear on this branch, so YMMV, but it gives me the exact answer I wanted, which is "How many commits have I added so far on this feature branch?".

Getting a 500 Internal Server Error on Laravel 5+ Ubuntu 14.04

After installing run below command

sudo chmod 755 -R laravel
chmod -R o+w laravel/storage

here "laravel" is the name of directory where laravel installed

MySQL Workbench Edit Table Data is read only

Yes, I found MySQL also cannot edit result tables. Usually results tables joining other tables don't have primary keys. I heard other suggested put the result table in another table, but the better solution is to use Dbeaver which can edit result tables.

Using LINQ to find item in a List but get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

The error you receive is from another method than the one you show here. It's a method that takes a parameter with the name "source". In your Visual Studio Options dialog, disable "Just my code", disable "Step over properties and operators" and enable "Enable .NET Framework source stepping". Make sure the .NET symbols can be found. Then the debugger will break inside the .NET method if it isn't your own. then check the stacktrace to find which value is passed that's null, but shouldn't.

What you should look for is a value that becomes null and prevent that. From looking at your code, it may be the itemsal.Add line that breaks.


Since you seem to have trouble with debugging in general and LINQ especially, let's try to help you out step by step (also note the expanded first section above if you still want to try it the classic way, I wasn't complete the first time around):

  • Narrow down the possible error scenarios by splitting your code;
  • Replace locations that can end up null with something deliberately not null;
  • If all fails, rewrite your LINQ statement as loop and go through it step by step.

Step 1

First make the code a bit more readable by splitting it in manageable pieces:

// in your using-section, add this:
using Roundsman.BAL;

// keep this in your normal location
var nCounts = from sale in sal
              select new
                  SaleID = sale.OrderID,
                  LineItem = GetLineItem(sale.LineItems)

foreach (var item in nCounts)
    foreach (var itmss in item.LineItem)

// add this as method somewhere
WeeklyStockList CreateWeeklyStockList(LineItem lineItem)
    string name = itmss.Item.Name.ToString();  // isn't Name already a string?
    string code = itmss.Item.Code.ToString();  // isn't Code already a string?
    string description = itmss.Item.Description.ToString();  // isn't Description already a string?
    int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(itmss.Item.Quantity); // wouldn't (int) or "as int" be enough?

    return new WeeklyStockList(
                 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

// also add this as a method
LineItem GetLineItem(IEnumerable<LineItem> lineItems)
    // add a null-check
    if(lineItems == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("lineItems", "Argument cannot be null!");

    // your original code
    from sli in lineItems
    group sli by sli.Item into ItemGroup
    select new
        Item = ItemGroup.Key,
        Weeks = ItemGroup.Select(s => s.Week)

The code above is from the top of my head, of course, because I cannot know what type of classes you have and thus cannot test the code before posting. Nevertheless, if you edit it until it is correct (if it isn't so out of the box), then you already stand a large chance the actual error becomes a lot clearer. If not, you should at the very least see a different stacktrace this time (which we still eagerly await!).

Step 2

The next step is to meticulously replace each part that can result in a null reference exception. By that I mean that you replace this:

select new
    SaleID = sale.OrderID,
    LineItem = GetLineItem(sale.LineItems)

with something like this:

select new
    SaleID = 123,
    LineItem = GetLineItem(new LineItem(/*ctor params for empty lineitem here*/))

This will create rubbish output, but will narrow the problem down even further to your potential offending line. Do the same as above for other places in the LINQ statements that can end up null (just about everything).

Step 3

This step you'll have to do yourself. But if LINQ fails and gives you such headaches and such unreadable or hard-to-debug code, consider what would happen with the next problem you encounter? And what if it fails on a live environment and you have to solve it under time pressure=

The moral: it's always good to learn new techniques, but sometimes it's even better to grab back to something that's clear and understandable. Nothing against LINQ, I love it, but in this particular case, let it rest, fix it with a simple loop and revisit it in half a year or so.


Actually, nothing to conclude. I went a bit further then I'd normally go with the long-extended answer. I just hope it helps you tackling the problem better and gives you some tools understand how you can narrow down hard-to-debug situations, even without advanced debugging techniques (which we haven't discussed).

Passing by reference in C

That is not pass-by-reference, that is pass-by-value as others stated.

The C language is pass-by-value without exception. Passing a pointer as a parameter does not mean pass-by-reference.

The rule is the following:

A function is not able to change the actual parameters value.

Let's try to see the differences between scalar and pointer parameters of a function.

Scalar variables

This short program shows pass-by-value using a scalar variable. param is called the formal parameter and variable at function invocation is called actual parameter. Note incrementing param in the function does not change variable.

#include <stdio.h>

void function(int param) {
    printf("I've received value %d\n", param);

int main(void) {
    int variable = 111;

    printf("variable %d\m", variable);
    return 0;

The result is

I've received value 111

Illusion of pass-by-reference

We change the piece of code slightly. param is a pointer now.

#include <stdio.h>

void function2(int *param) {
    printf("I've received value %d\n", *param);

int main(void) {
    int variable = 111;

    printf("variable %d\n", variable);
    return 0;

The result is

I've received value 111

That makes you believe that the parameter was passed by reference. It was not. It was passed by value, the param value being an address. The int type value was incremented, and that is the side effect that make us think that it was a pass-by-reference function call.

Pointers - passed-by-value

How can we show/prove that fact? Well, maybe we can try the first example of Scalar variables, but instead of scalar we use addresses (pointers). Let's see if that can help.

#include <stdio.h>

void function2(int *param) {
    printf("param's address %d\n", param);
    param = NULL;

int main(void) {
    int variable = 111;
    int *ptr = &variable;

    printf("ptr's address %d\n", ptr);
    return 0;

The result will be that the two addresses are equal (don't worry about the exact value).

Example result:

param's address -1846583468
ptr's address -1846583468

In my opinion this proves clearly that pointers are passed-by-value. Otherwise ptr would be NULL after function invocation.

Java, Calculate the number of days between two dates

try this code

     Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar();
     Calendar cal2 = new GregorianCalendar();

     SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy");

     Date date = sdf.parse("your first date");
     date = sdf.parse("your second date");

    //cal1.set(2008, 8, 1); 
     //cal2.set(2008, 9, 31);
     System.out.println("Days= "+daysBetween(cal1.getTime(),cal2.getTime()));

this function

     public int daysBetween(Date d1, Date d2){
             return (int)( (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date


Use neither.


java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date: when to use which and why?

Both of these classes are terrible, flawed in design and in implementation. Avoid like the Plague Coronavirus.

Instead use java.time classes, defined in in JSR 310. These classes are an industry-leading framework for working with date-time handling. These supplant entirely the bloody awful legacy classes such as Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat, and such.


The first, java.util.Date is meant to represent a moment in UTC, meaning an offset from UTC of zero hours-minutes-seconds.


Now replaced by java.time.Instant.

Instant instant = ;  // Capture the current moment as seen in UTC.


Instant is the basic building-block class of java.time. For more flexibility, use OffsetDateTime set to ZoneOffset.UTC for the same purpose: representing a moment in UTC.

OffsetDateTime odt = ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

You can send this object to a database by using PreparedStatement::setObject with JDBC 4.2 or later.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , odt ) ;


OffsetDateTime odt = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;


The java.sql.Date class is also terrible and obsolete.

This class is meant to represent a date only, without a time-of-day and without a time zone. Unfortunately, in a terrible hack of a design, this class inherits from java.util.Date which represents a moment (a date with time-of-day in UTC). So this class is merely pretending to be date-only, while actually carrying a time-of-day and implicit offset of UTC. This causes so much confusion. Never use this class.


Instead, use java.time.LocalDate to track just a date (year, month, day-of-month) without any time-of-day nor any time zone or offset.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Africa/Tunis" ) ;
LocalDate ld = z ) ;    // Capture the current date as seen in the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).

Send to the database.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , ld ) ;


LocalDate ld = myResultSet.getObject( … , LocalDate.class ) ;

Table of date-time types in Java (both legacy and modern) and in standard SQL

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Table of which java.time library to use with which version of Java or Android

What is 0x10 in decimal?

0xNNNN (not necessarily four digits) represents, in C at least, a hexadecimal (base-16 because 'hex' is 6 and 'dec' is 10 in Latin-derived languages) number, where N is one of the digits 0 through 9 or A through F (or their lower case equivalents, either representing 10 through 15), and there may be 1 or more of those digits in the number. The other way of representing it is NNNN16.

It's very useful in the computer world as a single hex digit represents four bits (binary digits). That's because four bits, each with two possible values, gives you a total of 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 or 16 (24) values. In other words:

 /                                                                             \
| bF | bE | bD | bC | bB | bA | b9 | b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
 \_________________/ \_________________/ \_________________/ \_________________/ 
      Hex digit           Hex digit           Hex digit           Hex digit

A base-X number is a number where each position represents a multiple of a power of X.

In base 10, which we humans are used to, the digits used are 0 through 9, and the number 730410 is:

  • (7 x 103) = 700010 ; plus
  • (3 x 102) = 30010 ; plus
  • (0 x 101) = 010 ; plus
  • (4 x 100) = 410 ; equals 7304.

In octal, where the digits are 0 through 7. the number 7548 is:

  • (7 x 82) = 44810 ; plus
  • (5 x 81) = 4010 ; plus
  • (4 x 80) = 410 ; equals 49210.

Octal numbers in C are preceded by the character 0 so 0123 is not 123 but is instead (1 * 64) + (2 * 8) + 3, or 83.

In binary, where the digits are 0 and 1. the number 10112 is:

  • (1 x 23) = 810 ; plus
  • (0 x 22) = 010 ; plus
  • (1 x 21) = 210 ; plus
  • (1 x 20) = 110 ; equals 1110.

In hexadecimal, where the digits are 0 through 9 and A through F (which represent the "digits" 10 through 15). the number 7F2416 is:

  • (7 x 163) = 2867210 ; plus
  • (F x 162) = 384010 ; plus
  • (2 x 161) = 3210 ; plus
  • (4 x 160) = 410 ; equals 3254810.

Your relatively simple number 0x10, which is the way C represents 1016, is simply:

  • (1 x 161) = 1610 ; plus
  • (0 x 160) = 010 ; equals 1610.

As an aside, the different bases of numbers are used for many things.

  • base 10 is used, as previously mentioned, by we humans with 10 digits on our hands.
  • base 2 is used by computers due to the relative ease of representing the two binary states with electrical circuits.
  • base 8 is used almost exclusively in UNIX file permissions so that each octal digit represents a 3-tuple of binary permissions (read/write/execute). It's also used in C-based languages and UNIX utilities to inject binary characters into an otherwise printable-character-only data stream.
  • base 16 is a convenient way to represent four bits to a digit, especially as most architectures nowadays have a word size which is a multiple of four bits.
  • base 64 is used in encoding mail so that binary files may be sent using only printable characters. Each digit represents six binary digits so you can pack three eight-bit characters into four six-bit digits (25% increased file size but guaranteed to get through the mail gateways untouched).
  • as a semi-useful snippet, base 60 comes from some very old civilisation (Babylon, Sumeria, Mesopotamia or something like that) and is the source of 60 seconds/minutes in the minute/hour, 360 degrees in a circle, 60 minutes (of arc) in a degree and so on [not really related to the computer industry, but interesting nonetheless].
  • as an even less-useful snippet, the ultimate question and answer in The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy was "What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?" and "42". Whilst same say this is because the Earth computer was faulty, others see it as proof that the creator has 13 fingers :-)

Can't draw Histogram, 'x' must be numeric

Note that you could as well plot directly from ce (after the comma removing) using the column name :


(As opposed to using hist(ce[1]), which would lead to the same "must be numeric" error.)

This also works for a database query result.

time data does not match format

To compare date time, you can try this. Datetime format can be changed

from datetime import datetime

>>> a = datetime.strptime("10/12/2013", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> b = datetime.strptime("10/15/2013", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> a>b

Removing fields from struct or hiding them in JSON Response

I just published sheriff, which transforms structs to a map based on tags annotated on the struct fields. You can then marshal (JSON or others) the generated map. It probably doesn't allow you to only serialize the set of fields the caller requested, but I imagine using a set of groups would allow you to cover most cases. Using groups instead of the fields directly would most likely also increase cache-ability.


package main

import (


type User struct {
    Username string   `json:"username" groups:"api"`
    Email    string   `json:"email" groups:"personal"`
    Name     string   `json:"name" groups:"api"`
    Roles    []string `json:"roles" groups:"api" since:"2"`

func main() {
    user := User{
        Username: "alice",
        Email:    "[email protected]",
        Name:     "Alice",
        Roles:    []string{"user", "admin"},

    v2, err := version.NewVersion("2.0.0")
    if err != nil {

    o := &sheriff.Options{
        Groups:     []string{"api"},
        ApiVersion: v2,

    data, err := sheriff.Marshal(o, user)
    if err != nil {

    output, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "  ")
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%s", output)

Pass by Reference / Value in C++

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. It is a bit unclear. However, what might be confusing you is the following:

  1. When passing by reference, a reference to the same object is passed to the function being called. Any changes to the object will be reflected in the original object and hence the caller will see it.

  2. When passing by value, the copy constructor will be called. The default copy constructor will only do a shallow copy, hence, if the called function modifies an integer in the object, this will not be seen by the calling function, but if the function changes a data structure pointed to by a pointer within the object, then this will be seen by the caller due to the shallow copy.

I might have mis-understood your question, but I thought I would give it a stab anyway.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression

If you really want to type ToString inside your query, you could write an expression tree visitor that rewrites the call to ToString with a call to the appropriate StringConvert function:

using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Entity.SqlServer;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression;
using System;

namespace ToStringRewriting {
    class ToStringRewriter : ExpressionVisitor {
        static MethodInfo stringConvertMethodInfo = typeof(SqlFunctions).GetMethods()
                 .Single(x => x.Name == "StringConvert" && x.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(decimal?));

        protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node) {
            var method = node.Method;
            if (method.Name=="ToString") {
                if (node.Object.GetType() == typeof(string)) { return node.Object; }
                node = Call(stringConvertMethodInfo, Convert(node.Object, typeof(decimal?));
            return base.VisitMethodCall(node);
    class Person {
        string Name { get; set; }
        long SocialSecurityNumber { get; set; }
    class Program {
        void Main() {
            Expression<Func<Person, Boolean>> expr = x => x.ToString().Length > 1;
            var rewriter = new ToStringRewriter();
            var finalExpression = rewriter.Visit(expr);
            var dcx = new MyDataContext();
            var query = dcx.Persons.Where(finalExpression);


SQL sum with condition

Try this instead:

SUM(CASE WHEN ValueDate > @startMonthDate THEN cash ELSE 0 END)


Your CASE expression has incorrect syntax. It seems you are confusing the simple CASE expression syntax with the searched CASE expression syntax. See the documentation for CASE:

The CASE expression has two formats:

  • The simple CASE expression compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to determine the result.
  • The searched CASE expression evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to determine the result.

You want the searched CASE expression syntax:

     WHEN Boolean_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ] 
     [ ELSE else_result_expression ] 

As a side note, if performance is an issue you may find that this expression runs more quickly if you rewrite using a JOIN and GROUP BY instead of using a dependent subquery.

How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException?

If you know the path of the class or the jar containing the class then add it to your classpath while running it. You can use the classpath as mentioned here:

on Windows

java -classpath .;yourjar.jar YourMainClass

on UNIX/Linux

java -classpath .:yourjar.jar YourMainClass

Windows Scheduled task succeeds but returns result 0x1

I was running a PowerShell script into the task scheduller but i forgot to enable the execution-policy to unrestricted, in an elevated PowerShell console:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

After that, the error disappeared (0x1).

Best way to remove items from a collection

If you have got a List<T>, then List<T>.RemoveAll is your best bet. There can't be anything more efficient. Internally it does the array moving in one shot, not to mention it is O(N).

If all you got is an IList<T> or an ICollection<T> you got roughly these three options:

    public static void RemoveAll<T>(this IList<T> ilist, Predicate<T> predicate) // O(N^2)
        for (var index = ilist.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
            var item = ilist[index];
            if (predicate(item))


    public static void RemoveAll<T>(this ICollection<T> icollection, Predicate<T> predicate) // O(N)
        var nonMatchingItems = new List<T>();

        // Move all the items that do not match to another collection.
        foreach (var item in icollection) 
            if (!predicate(item))

        // Clear the collection and then copy back the non-matched items.
        foreach (var item in nonMatchingItems)


    public static void RemoveAll<T>(this ICollection<T> icollection, Func<T, bool> predicate) // O(N^2)
        foreach (var item in icollection.Where(predicate).ToList())

Go for either 1 or 2.

1 is lighter on memory and faster if you have less deletes to perform (i.e. predicate is false most of the times).

2 is faster if you have more deletes to perform.

3 is the cleanest code but performs poorly IMO. Again all that depends on input data.

For some benchmarking details see

Simple way to count character occurrences in a string

public int countChar(String str, char c)
    int count = 0;

    for(int i=0; i < str.length(); i++)
    {    if(str.charAt(i) == c)

    return count;

This is definitely the fastest way. Regexes are much much slower here, and possible harder to understand.

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?


SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

for a JSON array of objects, and

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

for a JSON object of arrays.

List of objects

This section describes how to generate a JSON array of objects, with each row being converted to a single object. The result looks like this:


9.3 and up

The json_agg function produces this result out of the box. It automatically figures out how to convert its input into JSON and aggregates it into an array.

SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

There is no jsonb (introduced in 9.4) version of json_agg. You can either aggregate the rows into an array and then convert them:

SELECT to_jsonb(array_agg(t)) FROM t

or combine json_agg with a cast:

SELECT json_agg(t)::jsonb FROM t

My testing suggests that aggregating them into an array first is a little faster. I suspect that this is because the cast has to parse the entire JSON result.


9.2 does not have the json_agg or to_json functions, so you need to use the older array_to_json:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(t)) FROM t

You can optionally include a row_to_json call in the query:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(t))) FROM t

This converts each row to a JSON object, aggregates the JSON objects as an array, and then converts the array to a JSON array.

I wasn't able to discern any significant performance difference between the two.

Object of lists

This section describes how to generate a JSON object, with each key being a column in the table and each value being an array of the values of the column. It's the result that looks like this:

{"a":[1,2,3], "b":["value1","value2","value3"]}

9.5 and up

We can leverage the json_build_object function:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

You can also aggregate the columns, creating a single row, and then convert that into an object:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Note that aliasing the arrays is absolutely required to ensure that the object has the desired names.

Which one is clearer is a matter of opinion. If using the json_build_object function, I highly recommend putting one key/value pair on a line to improve readability.

You could also use array_agg in place of json_agg, but my testing indicates that json_agg is slightly faster.

There is no jsonb version of the json_build_object function. You can aggregate into a single row and convert:

SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Unlike the other queries for this kind of result, array_agg seems to be a little faster when using to_jsonb. I suspect this is due to overhead parsing and validating the JSON result of json_agg.

Or you can use an explicit cast:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

The to_jsonb version allows you to avoid the cast and is faster, according to my testing; again, I suspect this is due to overhead of parsing and validating the result.

9.4 and 9.3

The json_build_object function was new to 9.5, so you have to aggregate and convert to an object in previous versions:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

depending on whether you want json or jsonb.

(9.3 does not have jsonb.)


In 9.2, not even to_json exists. You must use row_to_json:

SELECT row_to_json(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


Find the documentation for the JSON functions in JSON functions.

json_agg is on the aggregate functions page.


If performance is important, ensure you benchmark your queries against your own schema and data, rather than trust my testing.

Whether it's a good design or not really depends on your specific application. In terms of maintainability, I don't see any particular problem. It simplifies your app code and means there's less to maintain in that portion of the app. If PG can give you exactly the result you need out of the box, the only reason I can think of to not use it would be performance considerations. Don't reinvent the wheel and all.


Aggregate functions typically give back NULL when they operate over zero rows. If this is a possibility, you might want to use COALESCE to avoid them. A couple of examples:

SELECT COALESCE(json_agg(t), '[]'::json) FROM t


SELECT to_jsonb(COALESCE(array_agg(t), ARRAY[]::t[])) FROM t

Credit to Hannes Landeholm for pointing this out

Center-align a HTML table

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

This will definitely work. Cheers

How do you run a SQL Server query from PowerShell?

To avoid SQL Injection with varchar parameters you could use

function sqlExecuteRead($connectionString, $sqlCommand, $pars) {

    $connection = new-object$connectionString)
    $command = new-object$sqlCommand, $connection)

    if ($pars -and $pars.Keys) {
        foreach($key in $pars.keys) {
            # avoid injection in varchar parameters
            $par = $command.Parameters.Add("@$key", []::VarChar, 512);
            $par.Value = $pars[$key];

    $adapter = New-Object System.Data.sqlclient.sqlDataAdapter $command
    $dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $adapter.Fill($dataset) | Out-Null
    return $dataset.tables[0].rows


$connectionString = "connectionstringHere"
$sql = "select top 10 Message, TimeStamp, Level from dbo.log " +
    "where Message = @MSG and Level like @LEVEL"
$pars = @{
    MSG = 'this is a test from powershell'
    LEVEL = 'aaa%'
sqlExecuteRead $connectionString $sql $pars

Declaring an unsigned int in Java

There are good answers here, but I don’t see any demonstrations of bitwise operations. Like Visser (the currently accepted answer) says, Java signs integers by default (Java 8 has unsigned integers, but I have never used them). Without further ado, let‘s do it...

RFC 868 Example

What happens if you need to write an unsigned integer to IO? Practical example is when you want to output the time according to RFC 868. This requires a 32-bit, big-endian, unsigned integer that encodes the number of seconds since 12:00 A.M. January 1, 1900. How would you encode this?

Make your own unsigned 32-bit integer like this:

Declare a byte array of 4 bytes (32 bits)

Byte my32BitUnsignedInteger[] = new Byte[4] // represents the time (s)

This initializes the array, see Are byte arrays initialised to zero in Java?. Now you have to fill each byte in the array with information in the big-endian order (or little-endian if you want to wreck havoc). Assuming you have a long containing the time (long integers are 64 bits long in Java) called secondsSince1900 (Which only utilizes the first 32 bits worth, and you‘ve handled the fact that Date references 12:00 A.M. January 1, 1970), then you can use the logical AND to extract bits from it and shift those bits into positions (digits) that will not be ignored when coersed into a Byte, and in big-endian order.

my32BitUnsignedInteger[0] = (byte) ((secondsSince1900 & 0x00000000FF000000L) >> 24); // first byte of array contains highest significant bits, then shift these extracted FF bits to first two positions in preparation for coersion to Byte (which only adopts the first 8 bits)
my32BitUnsignedInteger[1] = (byte) ((secondsSince1900 & 0x0000000000FF0000L) >> 16);
my32BitUnsignedInteger[2] = (byte) ((secondsSince1900 & 0x000000000000FF00L) >> 8);
my32BitUnsignedInteger[3] = (byte) ((secondsSince1900 & 0x00000000000000FFL); // no shift needed

Our my32BitUnsignedInteger is now equivalent to an unsigned 32-bit, big-endian integer that adheres to the RCF 868 standard. Yes, the long datatype is signed, but we ignored that fact, because we assumed that the secondsSince1900 only used the lower 32 bits). Because of coersing the long into a byte, all bits higher than 2^7 (first two digits in hex) will be ignored.

Source referenced: Java Network Programming, 4th Edition.

Is there a way to 'uniq' by column?

or if u want to use uniq:

<mycvs.cvs tr -s ',' ' ' | awk '{print $3" "$2" "$1}' | uniq -c -f2


1 01:05:47.893000000 2009-11-27 [email protected]
2 00:58:29.793000000 2009-11-27 [email protected]

Android Layout Right Align

The layout is extremely inefficient and bloated. You don't need that many LinearLayouts. In fact you don't need any LinearLayout at all.

Use only one RelativeLayout. Like this.

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"
    <ImageButton android:background="@null"

How to allow only integers in a textbox?

You can use RegularExpressionValidator for this. below is the sample code:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1"
    ControlToValidate="TextBox1" runat="server"
    ErrorMessage="Only Numbers allowed"

above TextBox only allowed integer to be entered because in RegularExpressionValidator has field called ValidationExpression, which validate the TextBox. However, you can modify as per your requirement.

You can see more example in MVC and Jquery here.

Run reg command in cmd (bat file)?

In command line it's better to use REG tool rather than REGEDIT:

REG IMPORT yourfile.reg

REG is designed for console mode, while REGEDIT is for graphical mode. This is why running regedit.exe /S yourfile.reg is a bad idea, since you will not be notified if the there's an error, whereas REG Tool will prompt:

>  REG IMPORT missing_file.reg

ERROR: Error opening the file. There may be a disk or file system error.

>  %windir%\System32\reg.exe /?

REG Operation [Parameter List]

  Operation  [ QUERY   | ADD    | DELETE  | COPY    |
               SAVE    | LOAD   | UNLOAD  | RESTORE |
               COMPARE | EXPORT | IMPORT  | FLAGS ]

Return Code: (Except for REG COMPARE)

  0 - Successful
  1 - Failed

For help on a specific operation type:

  REG Operation /?


  REG ADD /?

format a Date column in a Data Frame

This should do it (where df is your dataframe)

df$JoiningDate <- as.Date(df$JoiningDate , format = "%m/%d/%y")

df[order(df$JoiningDate ),]

How do I get the value of text input field using JavaScript?

You should be able to type:

var input = document.getElementById("searchTxt");_x000D_
function searchURL() {_x000D_
     window.location = "" + input.value;_x000D_
<input name="searchTxt" type="text" maxlength="512" id="searchTxt" class="searchField"/>

I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but this one seems to work across all browsers, and it requires minimal understanding of JavaScript to make, improve, and edit.

How to connect to MongoDB in Windows?

Create default db folder.


and also log folder


or use following commands in command-prompt

mkdir c:\data\log    
mkdir c:\data\db

Execute SQL script from command line

Feedback Guys, first create database example live; before execute sql file below.

sqlcmd -U SA -P yourPassword -S YourHost -d live -i live.sql

nodejs send html file to client

Try your code like this:

var app = express();
app.get('/test', function(req, res) {
    res.sendFile('views/test.html', {root: __dirname })
  1. Use res.sendFile instead of reading the file manually so express can handle setting the content-type properly for you.

  2. You don't need the app.engine line, as that is handled internally by express.

Run batch file as a Windows service

AlwaysUp will easily run your batch file as a service. It is similar to FireDaemon (mentioned above) and isn't free, but you may find the rich feature set to be an asset in a professional environment.

Good luck!

Convert varchar into datetime in SQL Server

The root cause of this issue can be in the regional settings - DB waiting for YYYY-MM-DD while an app sents, for example, DD-MM-YYYY (Russian locale format) as it was in my case. All I did - change locale format from Russian to English (United States) and voilà.

jQuery window scroll event does not fire up

My issue was I had this code in my css

body {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: auto;

Once I removed it, the scroll event on window fired again

Entity Framework - Linq query with order by and group by

You can try to cast the result of GroupBy and Take into an Enumerable first then process the rest (building on the solution provided by NinjaNye

var groupByReference = (from m in context.Measurements
                              .GroupBy(m => m.Reference)
                               .Select(g => new {Creation = g.FirstOrDefault().CreationTime, 
                                             Avg = g.Average(m => m.CreationTime.Ticks),
                                                Items = g })
                              .OrderBy(x => x.Creation)
                              .ThenBy(x => x.Avg)
                              .ToList() select m);

Your sql query would look similar (depending on your input) this

SELECT TOP (3) [t1].[Reference] AS [Key]
    SELECT [t0].[Reference]
    FROM [Measurements] AS [t0]
    GROUP BY [t0].[Reference]
    ) AS [t1]

-- Region Parameters
DECLARE @x1 NVarChar(1000) = 'Ref1'
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[CreationTime], [t0].[Id], [t0].[Reference]
FROM [Measurements] AS [t0]
WHERE @x1 = [t0].[Reference]

-- Region Parameters
DECLARE @x1 NVarChar(1000) = 'Ref2'
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[CreationTime], [t0].[Id], [t0].[Reference]
FROM [Measurements] AS [t0]
WHERE @x1 = [t0].[Reference]

converting epoch time with milliseconds to datetime

those are miliseconds, just divide them by 1000, since gmtime expects seconds ...

time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(1236472051807/1000.0))

How to delete a remote tag?

git push --delete origin $TAGNAME is the correct approach (in addition of a local delete).

But: make sure to use Git 2.31.

"git push $there --delete"(man) should have been diagnosed as an error, but instead turned into a matching push, which has been corrected with Git 2.31 (Q1 2021).

See commit 20e4164 (23 Feb 2021) by Junio C Hamano (gitster).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 1400458, 25 Feb 2021)

push: do not turn --delete '' into a matching push

Noticed-by: Tilman Vogel

When we added a syntax sugar "git push remote --delete"(man) <ref> to "git push"(man) as a synonym to the canonical git push remote(man) : syntax at f517f1f ("builtin-push: add(man) --delete as syntactic sugar for :foo", 2009-12-30, Git v1.7.0-rc0 -- merge), we weren't careful enough to make sure that <ref> is not empty.

Blindly rewriting "--delete " to ":" means that an empty string <ref> results in refspec ":", which is the syntax to ask for "matching" push that does not delete anything.

Worse yet, if there were matching refs that can be fast-forwarded, they would have been published prematurely, even if the user feels that they are not ready yet to be pushed out, which would be a real disaster.

Specify path to node_modules in package.json

I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I ended up on this question because I was unable to install node_modules inside my project dir as it was mounted on a filesystem that did not support symlinks (a VM "shared" folder).

I found the following workaround:

  1. Copy the package.json file to a temp folder on a different filesystem
  2. Run npm install there
  3. Copy the resulting node_modules directory back into the project dir, using cp -r --dereference to expand symlinks into copies.

I hope this helps someone else who ends up on this question when looking for a way to move node_modules to a different filesystem.

Other options

There is another workaround, which I found on the github issue that @Charminbear linked to, but this doesn't work with grunt because it does not support NODE_PATH as per

lets say you have /media/sf_shared and you can't install symlinks in there, which means you can't actually npm install from /media/sf_shared/myproject because some modules use symlinks.

  • $ mkdir /home/dan/myproject && cd /home/dan/myproject
  • $ ln -s /media/sf_shared/myproject/package.json (you can symlink in this direction, just can't create one inside of /media/sf_shared)
  • $ npm install
  • $ cd /media/sf_shared/myproject
  • $ NODE_PATH=/home/dan/myproject/node_modules node index.js

How to fix a collation conflict in a SQL Server query?

You can resolve the issue by forcing the collation used in a query to be a particular collation, e.g. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS or DATABASE_DEFAULT. For example:

FROM FirstTable a
INNER JOIN SecondTable b
ON a.MyID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = 
b.YourID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

In the above query, a.MyID and b.YourID would be columns with a text-based data type. Using COLLATE will force the query to ignore the default collation on the database and instead use the provided collation, in this case SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Basically what's going on here is that each database has its own collation which "provides sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data" (from and applies to columns with textual data types, e.g. VARCHAR, CHAR, NVARCHAR, etc. When two databases have differing collations, you cannot compare text columns with an operator like equals (=) without addressing the conflict between the two disparate collations.

How to insert &nbsp; in XSLT

XSLT stylesheets must be well-formed XML. Since "&nbsp;" is not one of the five predefined XML entities, it cannot be directly included in the stylesheet. So coming back to your solution "&#160;" is a perfect replacement of "&nbsp;" you should use.


<xsl:value-of select="$txtFName"/>&#160;<xsl:value-of select="$txtLName"/>

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

Thanks Oleg Vaskevich. Using a WeakReference of the FragmentActivity solved the problem. My code looks as follows now:

public class MyFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity implements OnFriendAddedListener {

    private static WeakReference<MyFragmentActivity> wrActivity = null;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        wrActivity = new WeakReference<MyFragmentActivity>(this);

    private class onFriendAddedAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
            FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
            DummyFragment dummyFragment = DummyFragment.newInstance();
            ft.add(, dummyFragment);

        protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
            final Activity activity = wrActivity.get();
            if (activity != null && !activity.isFinishing()) {
                FragmentManager fm = activity.getSupportFragmentManager();
                FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
                DummyFragment dummyFragment = (DummyFragment) fm.findFragmentById(;

Count number of tables in Oracle

Use this query which will give you the actual no of counts in respect to the table owners

SELECT COUNT(*),tablespace_name  FROM USER_TABLES group by tablespace_name;

How to show all privileges from a user in oracle?

To show all privileges:

select name from system_privilege_map;

How to use JQuery with ReactJS

You should try and avoid jQuery in ReactJS. But if you really want to use it, you'd put it in componentDidMount() lifecycle function of the component.


class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    // Jquery here $(...)...

  // ...

Ideally, you'd want to create a reusable Accordion component. For this you could use Jquery, or just use plain javascript + CSS.

class Accordion extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {

  _handleClick() {
    const acc = this._acc.children;
    for (let i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {
      let a = acc[i];
      a.onclick = () => a.classList.toggle("active");

  render() {
    return (
        ref={a => this._acc = a} 

Then you can use it in any component like so:

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <div className="accor">
            <div className="head">Head 1</div>
            <div className="body"></div>

Codepen link here: (I changed this link to https ^)

How do I convert a pandas Series or index to a Numpy array?

Since pandas v0.13 you can also use get_values:


What are enums and why are they useful?

There are many answers here, just want to point two specific ones:

1) Using as constants in Switch-case statement. Switch case won't allow you to use String objects for case. Enums come in handy. More:

2) Implementing Singleton Design Pattern - Enum again, comes to rescue. Usage, here: What is the best approach for using an Enum as a singleton in Java?

How to retrieve all keys (or values) from a std::map and put them into a vector?

You can use the versatile boost::transform_iterator. The transform_iterator allows you to transform the iterated values, for example in our case when you want to deal only with the keys, not the values. See

Checking Maven Version

On terminal type mvn -v and the output will look like the image shown below

enter image description here

List of Stored Procedures/Functions Mysql Command Line

show procedure status

will show you the stored procedures.

show create procedure MY_PROC

will show you the definition of a procedure. And

help show

will show you all the available options for the show command.

Show just the current branch in Git

With Git 2.22 (Q2 2019), you will have a simpler approach: git branch --show-current.

See commit 0ecb1fc (25 Oct 2018) by Daniels Umanovskis (umanovskis).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 3710f60, 07 Mar 2019)

branch: introduce --show-current display option

When called with --show-current, git branch will print the current branch name and terminate.
Only the actual name gets printed, without refs/heads.
In detached HEAD state, nothing is output.

Intended both for scripting and interactive/informative use.
Unlike git branch --list, no filtering is needed to just get the branch name.

See the original discussion on the Git mailing list in Oct. 2018, and the actual pathc.

How can I roll back my last delete command in MySQL?

I also had deleted some values from my development database, but I had the same copy in QA database, so I did a generate script and selected option "type of data to script" to "data only" and selected my table.

Then I got the insert statements with same data, and then I run the script on my development database.

Java FileWriter how to write to next Line

.newLine() is the best if your system property line.separator is proper . and sometime you don't want to change the property runtime . So alternative solution is appending \n

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

More generally, I think you might want to get "top" of the rows that are sorted within a given group.

For the case of where a single value is max'd out, you have essentially sorted by only one column. However, it's often useful to hierarchically sort by multiple columns (for example: a date column and a time-of-day column).

# Answering the question of getting row with max "value".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the top 1 value
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

# Answering an extension of the question of 
# getting row with the max value of the lowest "C".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in ascending order by C, and then within that by 
  # descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( C, desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the one top row based on the sort
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

How do I use hexadecimal color strings in Flutter?

The most easiest way is to convert it into an integer. For example #bce6eb. You would add 0xff and you would then remove the hashtag making it


Then lets say you were to implement it by doing

backgroundColor: Color(0xffbce6eb)

If you can only use a hexadecimal then I suggest using the Hexcolor package

CSS media queries for screen sizes

For all smartphones and large screens use this format of media query

/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) {
/* Styles */

/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-width : 321px) {
/* Styles */

/* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */

@media only screen and (max-width : 320px) {
/* Styles */

/* iPads (portrait and landscape) ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) {
/* Styles */

/* iPads (landscape) ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : landscape) {
/* Styles */

/* iPads (portrait) ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : portrait) {
/* Styles */

iPad 3

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2) {
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2) {
/* Styles */

/* Desktops and laptops ----------- */

@media only screen  and (min-width : 1224px) {
/* Styles */

/* Large screens ----------- */
@media only screen  and (min-width : 1824px) {
/* Styles */

/* iPhone 4 ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2) {
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2) {
/* Styles */

/* iPhone 5 ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 568px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 568px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

/* iPhone 6 ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 375px) and (max-device-height: 667px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 375px) and (max-device-height: 667px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

/* iPhone 6+ ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 414px) and (max-device-height: 736px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 414px) and (max-device-height: 736px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

/* Samsung Galaxy S3 ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2){
/* Styles */

/* Samsung Galaxy S4 ----------- */
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3){
/* Styles */

/* Samsung Galaxy S5 ----------- */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 360px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3){
/* Styles */

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 360px) and (max-device-height: 640px) and (orientation : portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3){
/* Styles */

Directory-tree listing in Python

Here is another option.


It returns an iterator of os.DirEntry objects corresponding to the entries (along with file attribute information) in the directory given by path.


with os.scandir(path) as it:
    for entry in it:
        if not'.'):

Using scandir() instead of listdir() can significantly increase the performance of code that also needs file type or file attribute information, because os.DirEntry objects expose this information if the operating system provides it when scanning a directory. All os.DirEntry methods may perform a system call, but is_dir() and is_file() usually only require a system call for symbolic links; os.DirEntry.stat() always requires a system call on Unix but only requires one for symbolic links on Windows.

Python Docs

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

I had this error before when I was executing a python3 script, after this:

sudo pip3 install requests

the problem solved, If you are using python3, give a shot.

What is the proper #include for the function 'sleep()'?

this is what I use for a cross-platform code:

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
  pollingDelay = 100
  //do stuff

  #ifdef _WIN32
  usleep(pollingDelay*1000);  /* sleep for 100 milliSeconds */

  //do stuff again
  return 0;

How do you remove an array element in a foreach loop?

if you have scenario in which you have to remove more then one values from the foreach array in this case you have to pass value by reference in for each: I try to explain this scenario:

foreach ($manSkuQty as $man_sku => &$man_qty) {

               foreach ($manufacturerSkus as $key1 => $val1) {

  // some processing here and unset first loops entries                     
 //  here dont include again for next iterations
                           if(some condition)


in second loop you want to unset first loops entries dont come again in the iteration for performance purpose or else then unset from memory as well because in memory they present and will come in iterations.

What's the difference between all the Selection Segues?

For clarity, I'd like to illustrate @Joey's answer above with these gifs :


enter image description here

Show Detail

enter image description here

Present Modally

enter image description here

Present As Popover

enter image description here

Change output format for MySQL command line results to CSV

As a partial answer: mysql -N -B -e "select people, places from things"

-N tells it not to print column headers. -B is "batch mode", and uses tabs to separate fields.

If tab separated values won't suffice, see this Stackoverflow Q&A.

Multiple linear regression in Python

Use scipy.optimize.curve_fit. And not only for linear fit.

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import scipy

def fn(x, a, b, c):
    return a + b*x[0] + c*x[1]

# y(x0,x1) data:
#    x0=0 1 2
# ___________
# x1=0 |0 1 2
# x1=1 |1 2 3
# x1=2 |2 3 4

x = scipy.array([[0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,],[0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2]])
y = scipy.array([0,1,2,1,2,3,2,3,4])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(fn, x, y)
print popt

How to check if an array element exists?

array_key_exists() is SLOW compared to isset(). A combination of these two (see below code) would help.

It takes the performance advantage of isset() while maintaining the correct checking result (i.e. return TRUE even when the array element is NULL)

if (isset($a['element']) || array_key_exists('element', $a)) {
       //the element exists in the array. write your code here.

The benchmarking comparison: (extracted from below blog posts).

array_key_exists() only : 205 ms
isset() only : 35ms
isset() || array_key_exists() : 48ms

See and

for detailed discussion.

PG::ConnectionBad - could not connect to server: Connection refused

Locate your postgres file it could be in /usr/local/var/postgres/ or in /usr/var/postgres/ and then delete the file present in that folder.

IE prompts to open or save json result from server

Sounds like this SO question may be relevant to you:

How can I convince IE to simply display Application json rather than offer to download

If not:

Have you tried setting the dataType expected in the ajax options? i.e. dataType: 'json'

Have you tried other content types such as 'application/json' or 'text/javascript'

How to check if multiple array keys exists

Surprisingly array_keys_exist doesn't exist?! In the interim that leaves some space to figure out a single line expression for this common task. I'm thinking of a shell script or another small program.

Note: each of the following solutions use concise […] array declaration syntax available in php 5.4+

array_diff + array_keys

if (0 === count(array_diff(['story', 'message', '…'], array_keys($source)))) {
  // all keys found
} else {
  // not all

(hat tip to Kim Stacks)

This approach is the most brief I've found. array_diff() returns an array of items present in argument 1 not present in argument2. Therefore an empty array indicates all keys were found. In php 5.5 you could simplify 0 === count(…) to be simply empty(…).

array_reduce + unset

if (0 === count(array_reduce(array_keys($source), 
    function($in, $key){ unset($in[array_search($key, $in)]); return $in; }, 
    ['story', 'message', '…'])))
  // all keys found
} else {
  // not all

Harder to read, easy to change. array_reduce() uses a callback to iterate over an array to arrive at a value. By feeding the keys we're interested in the $initial value of $in and then removing keys found in source we can expect to end with 0 elements if all keys were found.

The construction is easy to modify since the keys we're interested in fit nicely on the bottom line.

array_filter & in_array

if (2 === count(array_filter(array_keys($source), function($key) { 
        return in_array($key, ['story', 'message']); }
  // all keys found
} else {
  // not all

Simpler to write than the array_reduce solution but slightly tricker to edit. array_filter is also an iterative callback that allows you to create a filtered array by returning true (copy item to new array) or false (don't copy) in the callback. The gotchya is that you must change 2 to the number of items you expect.

This can be made more durable but verge's on preposterous readability:

$find = ['story', 'message'];
if (count($find) === count(array_filter(array_keys($source), function($key) use ($find) { return in_array($key, $find); })))
  // all keys found
} else {
  // not all

Error while installing json gem 'mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby'

I had a similar problem using cygwin to run the following command:

$ gem install rerun

I solved it by installing the following cygwin packages:

  • ruby-devel
  • libffi-devel
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++
  • make
  • automake1.15

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

I used to get the same problem, but solved it by pointing to the right jre used for the project.

Right click on the project properties java builpath see the jre selected edit it select alternate jre installed jre select the right one ok After changing right click on project>maven>update project

Hope it helps. Attaching screen shot.enter image description here

ASP.NET MVC3 Razor - Html.ActionLink style

Reviving an old question because it seems to appear at the top of search results.

I wanted to retain transition effects while still being able to style the actionlink so I came up with this solution.

  1. I wrapped the action link with a div that would contain the parent style:
<div class="parent-style-one">
      @Html.ActionLink("Homepage", "Home", "Home")
  1. Next I create the CSS for the div, this will be the parent css and will be inherited by the child elements such as the action link.
  .parent-style-one {
     /* your styles here */
  1. Because all an action link is, is an element when broken down as html so you just need to target that element in your css selection:
  .parent-style-one a {
     text-decoration: none;
  1. For transition effects I did this:
  .parent-style-one a:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;
        -webkit-transition-duration: 1.1s; /* Safari */
        transition-duration: 1.1s;         

This way I only target the child elements of the div in this case the action link and still be able to apply transition effects.

Making WPF applications look Metro-styled, even in Windows 7? (Window Chrome / Theming / Theme)

If you are willing to pay I strongly recommend you Telerik Components for WPF. They offer great styles/themes and there have specific themes for both, Office 2013 and Windows 8 (EDIT: and also a Visual Studio 2013 themed style). However there offering much more than just styles in fact you will get a whole bunch of controls which are really useful.

Here is how it looks in action (Screenshots taken from telerik samples):

Telerik Dashboard Sample

Telerik CRM Dashboard Sample

Here are the links to the telerik executive dashboard sample (first screenshot) and here for the CRM Dashboard (second screenshot).

They offer a 30 day trial, just give it a shot!

Get user location by IP address

An Alternative to using an API is to use HTML 5 location Navigator to query the browser about the User location. I was looking for a similar approach as in the subject question but I found that HTML 5 Navigator works better and cheaper for my situation. Please consider that your scinario might be different. To get the User position using Html5 is very easy:

function getLocation()
    if (navigator.geolocation)
        console.log("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");

function showPosition(position)
      console.log("Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + 
  "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude); 

Try it yourself on W3Schools Geolocation Tutorial

Find files in a folder using Java

As @Clarke said, you can use to filter the file by specific condition.

As a complementary, I'd like to show how to use to search file in current directory and its subdirectory.

The common methods getTargetFiles and printFiles are used to search files and print them.

public class SearchFiles {

    //It's used in dfs
    private Map<String, Boolean> map = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

    private File root;

    public SearchFiles(File root){
        this.root = root;

     * List eligible files on current path
     * @param directory
     *      The directory to be searched
     * @return
     *      Eligible files
    private String[] getTargetFiles(File directory){
        if(directory == null){
            return null;

        String[] files = directory.list(new FilenameFilter(){

            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return name.startsWith("Temp") && name.endsWith(".txt");


        return files;

     * Print all eligible files
    private void printFiles(String[] targets){
        for(String target: targets){

I will demo how to use recursive, bfs and dfs to get the job done.


 * How many files in the parent directory and its subdirectory <br>
 * depends on how many files in each subdirectory and their subdirectory
private void recursive(File path){

    for(File file: path.listFiles()){

public static void main(String args[]){
    SearchFiles searcher = new SearchFiles(new File("C:\\example"));

Breadth First Search:

 * Search the node's neighbors firstly before moving to the next level neighbors
private void bfs(){
    if(root == null){

    Queue<File> queue = new LinkedList<File>();

        File node = queue.remove();
        File[] childs = node.listFiles(new FileFilter(){

            public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    return true;

                return false;


        if(childs != null){
            for(File child: childs){

public static void main(String args[]){
    SearchFiles searcher = new SearchFiles(new File("C:\\example"));

Depth First Search:

 * Search as far as possible along each branch before backtracking
private void dfs(){

    if(root == null){

    Stack<File> stack = new Stack<File>();
    map.put(root.getAbsolutePath(), true);
        File node = stack.peek();
        File child = getUnvisitedChild(node);

        if(child != null){
            map.put(child.getAbsolutePath(), true);


 * Get unvisited node of the node
private File getUnvisitedChild(File node){

    File[] childs = node.listFiles(new FileFilter(){

        public boolean accept(File pathname) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return true;

            return false;


    if(childs == null){
        return null;

    for(File child: childs){

        if(map.containsKey(child.getAbsolutePath()) == false){
            map.put(child.getAbsolutePath(), false);

        if(map.get(child.getAbsolutePath()) == false){
            return child; 

    return null;

public static void main(String args[]){
    SearchFiles searcher = new SearchFiles(new File("C:\\example"));

How can I use Timer (formerly NSTimer) in Swift?

I tried to do in a NSObject Class and this worked for me:

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(300)) {  
print("Bang!") }

How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim

The answer, u, (and many others) is in $ vimtutor.

How to make an Android device vibrate? with different frequency?

Update 2017 vibrate(interval) method is deprecated with Android-O(API 8.0)

To support all Android versions use this method.

// Vibrate for 150 milliseconds
private void shakeItBaby() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
        ((Vibrator) getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE)).vibrate(VibrationEffect.createOneShot(150, VibrationEffect.DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE));
    } else {
        ((Vibrator) getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE)).vibrate(150);


// Vibrate for 150 milliseconds
private fun shakeItBaby(context: Context) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
        (context.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as Vibrator).vibrate(VibrationEffect.createOneShot(150, VibrationEffect.DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE))
    } else {
        (context.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as Vibrator).vibrate(150)

Cropping an UIImage

Swift Extension

extension UIImage {
    func crop(var rect: CGRect) -> UIImage {

        let imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(self.CGImage, rect)
        let image = UIImage(CGImage: imageRef, scale: self.scale, orientation: self.imageOrientation)!
        return image

Styling of Select2 dropdown select boxes

This is how i changed placeholder arrow color, the 2 classes are for dropdown open and dropdown closed, you need to change the #fff to the color you want:

.select2-container--default.select2-container--open .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b {
    border-color: transparent transparent #fff transparent !important;
  .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b {
    border-color: #fff transparent transparent transparent !important;

What does IFormatProvider do?

The DateTimeFormatInfo class implements this interface, so it allows you to control the formatting of your DateTime strings.

Errno 10061 : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ( client - server )

The first: Please make sure your port '12345' is opening and then when you using a different network. You have to use the IP address in LAN. Don't use the 'localhost' or ''. The solution here is: In server

host = '' #Ip address in LAN network

In client

host = '' # external IP Address

Hope it works for you

AngularJS HTTP post to PHP and undefined

You need to deserialize your form data before passing it as the second parameter to .post (). You can achieve this using jQuery's $.param (data) method. Then you will be able to on server side to reference it like $.POST ['email'];