Programs & Examples On #Zeroclipboard

Zero Clipboard is library that provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.

How does Trello access the user's clipboard?

Daniel LeCheminant's code didn't work for me after converting it from CoffeeScript to JavaScript (js2coffee). It kept bombing out on the _.defer() line.

I assumed this was something to do with jQuery deferreds, so I changed it to $.Deferred() and it's working now. I tested it in Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 35, and Chrome 39 with jQuery 2.1.1. The usage is the same as described in Daniel's post.

var TrelloClipboard;

TrelloClipboard = new ((function () {
    function _Class() {
        this.value = "";
        $(document).keydown((function (_this) {
            return function (e) {
                var _ref, _ref1;
                if (!_this.value || !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
                if ($("input:visible,textarea:visible")) {
                if (typeof window.getSelection === "function" ? (_ref = window.getSelection()) != null ? _ref.toString() : void 0 : void 0) {
                if ((_ref1 = document.selection) != null ? _ref1.createRange().text : void 0) {
                return $.Deferred(function () {
                    var $clipboardContainer;
                    $clipboardContainer = $("#clipboard-container");
                    return $("<textarea id='clipboard'></textarea>").val(_this.value).appendTo($clipboardContainer).focus().select();

        $(document).keyup(function (e) {
            if ($("#clipboard")) {
                return $("#clipboard-container").empty().hide();

    _Class.prototype.set = function (value) {
        this.value = value;

    return _Class;


Copy to Clipboard for all Browsers using javascript

For security reasons most browsers do not allow to modify the clipboard (except IE, of course...).

The only way to make a copy-to-clipboard function cross-browser compatible is to use Flash.

Why does Java have transient fields?

Before I respond to this question, I must explain to you the SERIALIZATION, because if you understand what it means serialization in science computer you can easily understand this keyword.

Serialization When an object is transferred through the network / saved on physical media(file,...), the object must be "serialized". Serialization converts byte status object series. These bytes are sent on the network/saved and the object is re-created from these bytes.

public class Foo implements Serializable 
 private String attr1;
 private String attr2;

Now IF YOU WANT TO do NOT TRANSFERT/SAVED field of this object SO, you can use keyword transient

private transient attr2;


Replace words in the body text

I am new to Javascript and just started learning these skills. Please check if the below method is useful to replace the text.


    var txt=document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML;
    var pos = txt.replace(/Hello/g, "hi")
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = pos;


http to https through .htaccess

I try all of above code but any code is not working for my website.then i try this code and This code is running perfect for my website. You can use the following Rule in htaccess :

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

//Redirect http to https
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

//Redirect non-www to www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]


Change with your domain name and sorry for my poor english.

Writing file to web server - ASP.NET

protected void TestSubmit_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  using (StreamWriter _testData = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/data.txt"), true))
  _testData.WriteLine(TextBox1.Text); // Write the file.

Server.MapPath takes a virtual path and returns an absolute one. "~" is used to resolve to the application root.

C# DataRow Empty-check

I prefer approach of Tommy Carlier, but with a little change.

foreach (DataColumn column in row.Table.Columns)
    if (!row.IsNull(column))
      return false;

  return true;

I suppose this approach looks more simple and bright.

What is Java String interning?

Java interning() method basically makes sure that if String object is present in SCP, If yes then it returns that object and if not then creates that objects in SCP and return its references

for eg: String s1=new String("abc");
        String s2="abc";
        String s3="abc";

s1==s2// false, because 1 object of s1 is stored in heap and other in scp(but this objects doesn't have explicit reference) and s2 in scp
s2==s3// true

now if we do intern on s1

//JVM checks if there is any string in the pool with value “abc” is present? Since there is a string object in the pool with value “abc”, its reference is returned.
Notice that we are calling s1 = s1.intern(), so the s1 is now referring to the string pool object having value “abc”.
At this point, all the three string objects are referring to the same object in the string pool. Hence s1==s2 is returning true now.

PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

If you are invoking foobarfunc with resolution scope operator (::), then you are calling it statically, e.g. on the class level instead of the instance level, thus you are using $this when not in object context. $this does not exist in class context.

If you enable E_STRICT, PHP will raise a Notice about this:

Strict Standards: 
Non-static method foobar::foobarfunc() should not be called statically

Do this instead

$fb = new foobar;
echo $fb->foobarfunc();

On a sidenote, I suggest not to use global inside your classes. If you need something from outside inside your class, pass it through the constructor. This is called Dependency Injection and it will make your code much more maintainable and less dependant on outside things.

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

Here's how I'd do it:

def distance(a,b):
    return sqrt((a.x - b.x)**2 + (a.y - b.y)**2)

def is_between(a,c,b):
    return distance(a,c) + distance(c,b) == distance(a,b)

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?


Now we need to use Custom Targets


            .into(new CustomTarget<Bitmap>() {
                public void onResourceReady(@NonNull Bitmap resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Bitmap> transition) {


                public void onLoadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?

The above all answer are correct but outdated

because in new version of Glide implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.8.0'

You will find below error in code

  • The .asBitmap() is not available in glide:4.8.0

enter image description here

  • SimpleTarget<Bitmap> is deprecated

enter image description here

Here is solution

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.ImageView;

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DiskCacheStrategy;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.Request;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    ImageView imageView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        imageView = findViewById(;

                .apply(new RequestOptions().diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.NONE))
                .into(new Target<Drawable>() {
                    public void onLoadStarted(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {


                    public void onLoadFailed(@Nullable Drawable errorDrawable) {


                    public void onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> transition) {

                        Bitmap bitmap = drawableToBitmap(resource);
                        // now you can use bitmap as per your requirement

                    public void onLoadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {


                    public void getSize(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) {


                    public void removeCallback(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) {


                    public void setRequest(@Nullable Request request) {


                    public Request getRequest() {
                        return null;

                    public void onStart() {


                    public void onStop() {


                    public void onDestroy() {



    public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap(Drawable drawable) {

        if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
            return ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();

        int width = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
        width = width > 0 ? width : 1;
        int height = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
        height = height > 0 ? height : 1;

        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
        drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());

        return bitmap;

AngularJs - ng-model in a SELECT

Select's default value should be one of its value in the list. In order to load the select with default value you can use ng-options. A scope variable need to be set in the controller and that variable is assigned as ng-model in HTML's select tag.

View this plunker for any references:

How to send email to multiple recipients with addresses stored in Excel?

Both answers are correct. If you user .TO -method then the semicolumn is OK - but not for the addrecipients-method. There you need to split, e.g. :

                Dim Splitter() As String
                Splitter = Split(AddrMail, ";")
                For Each Dest In Splitter
                    .Recipients.Add (Trim(Dest))

Split string with PowerShell and do something with each token

Another way to accomplish this is a combination of Justus Thane's and mklement0's answers. It doesn't make sense to do it this way when you look at a one liner example, but when you're trying to mass-edit a file or a bunch of filenames it comes in pretty handy:

$test = '   One      for the money   '
$option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
$($test.split(' ',$option)).foreach{$_}

This will come out as:


How can I call a method in Objective-C?

[self score]; instead of @selector(score)

Inserting a blank table row with a smaller height

You don't need an extra table row to create space inside a table. See this jsFiddle.
(I made the gap light grey in colour, so you can see it, but you can change that to transparent.)

Using a table row just for display purposes is table abuse!

Setup a Git server with msysgit on Windows

There is a nice open source Git stack called Git Blit. It is available for different platform and in different packages. You can also easily deploy it to your existing Tomcat or any other servlet container. Take a look at Setup git server on windows in few clicks tutorial for more details, it will take you around 10 minutes to get basic setup.

Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

The font may exist with different names, and not at all on some systems, so you need to use different variations and fallback to get the closest possible look on all systems:

font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;

Be careful what you use this font for, though. Many consider it as ugly and overused, so it should not be use for something that should look professional.

How to do date/time comparison

For case when your interval's end it's date without hours like "from 2017-01-01 to whole day of 2017-01-16" it's better to adjust interval's to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds like:

end = end.Add(time.Duration(23*time.Hour) + time.Duration(59*time.Minute) + time.Duration(59*time.Second)) 

if now.After(start) && now.Before(end) {

Php, wait 5 seconds before executing an action

i use this

    $i = 1;
    $last_time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
    while($i > 0){
        $total = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $last_time;
        if($total >= 2){
            // Code Here
            $i = -1;

you can use

function WaitForSec($sec){
    $i = 1;
    $last_time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
    while($i > 0){
        $total = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $last_time;
        if($total >= 2){
            return 1;
            $i = -1;

and run code =>


Example :


OR you can use sleep

Example :


How to search and replace text in a file?

def word_replace(filename,old,new):
    with open(filename,'r+',encoding ='utf-8') as f:
        for i in range(0,len(b)):
            if b[i]==old:
    print('All words have been replaced!!!')

Custom Listview Adapter with filter Android

You can use the Filterable interface on your Adapter, have a look at the example below:

public class SearchableAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable {
    private List<String>originalData = null;
    private List<String>filteredData = null;
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private ItemFilter mFilter = new ItemFilter();
    public SearchableAdapter(Context context, List<String> data) {
        this.filteredData = data ;
        this.originalData = data ;
        mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
    public int getCount() {
        return filteredData.size();
    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return filteredData.get(position);
    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;
    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        // A ViewHolder keeps references to children views to avoid unnecessary calls
        // to findViewById() on each row.
        ViewHolder holder;
        // When convertView is not null, we can reuse it directly, there is no need
        // to reinflate it. We only inflate a new View when the convertView supplied
        // by ListView is null.
        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);
            // Creates a ViewHolder and store references to the two children views
            // we want to bind data to.
            holder = new ViewHolder();
            holder.text = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
            // Bind the data efficiently with the holder.
        } else {
            // Get the ViewHolder back to get fast access to the TextView
            // and the ImageView.
            holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
        // If weren't re-ordering this you could rely on what you set last time
        return convertView;
    static class ViewHolder {
        TextView text;
    public Filter getFilter() {
        return mFilter;
    private class ItemFilter extends Filter {
        protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
            String filterString = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();
            FilterResults results = new FilterResults();
            final List<String> list = originalData;
            int count = list.size();
            final ArrayList<String> nlist = new ArrayList<String>(count);
            String filterableString ;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                filterableString = list.get(i);
                if (filterableString.toLowerCase().contains(filterString)) {
            results.values = nlist;
            results.count = nlist.size();
            return results;
        protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
            filteredData = (ArrayList<String>) results.values;

In your Activity or Fragment where of Adapter is instantiated :

editTxt.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
        System.out.println("Text ["+s+"]");
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
            int after) {
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

Here are the links for the original source and another example

How to remove entry from $PATH on mac

If you're removing the path for Python 3 specifically, I found it in ~/.zprofile and ~/.zshrc.

How to wait until an element exists?

I think that still there isnt any answer here with easy and readable working example. Use MutationObserver interface to detect DOM changes, like this:

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {_x000D_
    if ($("p").length) {_x000D_
        console.log("Exist, lets do something");_x000D_
        observer.disconnect(); _x000D_
        //We can disconnect observer once the element exist if we dont want observe more changes in the DOM_x000D_
// Start observing_x000D_
observer.observe(document.body, { //document.body is node target to observe_x000D_
    childList: true, //This is a must have for the observer with subtree_x000D_
    subtree: true //Set to true if changes must also be observed in descendants._x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
    $("button").on("click", function() {_x000D_
        setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
            $("#newContent").append("<p>New element</p>");_x000D_
        }, 2000);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button>New content</button>_x000D_
<div id="newContent"></div>

Note: Spanish Mozilla docs about MutationObserver are more detailed if you want more information.

How do I get the color from a hexadecimal color code using .NET?

If you want to do it with a Windows Store App, following by @Hans Kesting and @Jink answer:

    string colorcode = "#FFEEDDCC";
    int argb = Int32.Parse(colorcode.Replace("#", ""), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
    tData.DefaultData = Color.FromArgb((byte)((argb & -16777216) >> 0x18),
                          (byte)((argb & 0xff0000) >> 0x10),
                          (byte)((argb & 0xff00) >> 8),
                          (byte)(argb & 0xff));

How to create <input type=“text”/> dynamically

You could do something like this in a loop based on the number of text fields they enter.


But for better performance I'd create all the html first and inject it into the DOM only once.

var count = 20;
var html = [];
while(count--) {
  html.push("<input type='text' name='name", count, "'>");

Edit this example uses jQuery to append the html, but you could easily modify it to use innerHTML as well.

Create empty file using python

Of course there IS a way to create files without opening. It's as easy as calling os.mknod("newfile.txt"). The only drawback is that this call requires root privileges on OSX.

How to get the size of a string in Python?

The most Pythonic way is to use the len(). Keep in mind that the '\' character in escape sequences is not counted and can be dangerous if not used correctly.

>>> len('foo')
>>> len('\foo')
>>> len('\xoo')
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: truncated \xXX escape

get basic SQL Server table structure information

You could use these functions:

sp_help TableName
sp_helptext ProcedureName

Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file?

Your javascript links can got either in the head or at the end of the body tag, it is true that performance improves by putting the link at the end of your body tag, but unless performance is an issue, placing them in the head is nicer for people to read and you know where the links are located and can reference them easier.

The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)

Exponentiation by squaring.

int ipow(int base, int exp)
    int result = 1;
    for (;;)
        if (exp & 1)
            result *= base;
        exp >>= 1;
        if (!exp)
        base *= base;

    return result;

This is the standard method for doing modular exponentiation for huge numbers in asymmetric cryptography.

how to set the background color of the whole page in css

Looks to me like you need to set the yellow on #doc3 and then get rid of the white that is called out on the #yui-main (which is covering up the color of the #doc3). This gets you yellow between header and footer.

Using :before CSS pseudo element to add image to modal

Content and before are both highly unreliable across browsers. I would suggest sticking with jQuery to accomplish this. I'm not sure what you're doing to figure out if this carrot needs to be added or not, but you should get the overall idea:

$(".Modal").before("<img src='blackCarrot.png' class='ModalCarrot' />");

Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state

Google gives a breakdown of these fields in the Evaluating network performance section of their DevTools documentation.

Excerpt from Resource network timing:


Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. This time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation. Additionally, this time will include when the browser is waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use, obeying Chrome's maximum six TCP connection per origin rule.

(If you forget, Chrome has an "Explanation" link in the hover tooltip and under the "Timing" panel.)

Basically, the primary reason you will see this is because Chrome will only download 6 files per-server at a time and other requests will be stalled until a connection slot becomes available.

This isn't necessarily something that needs fixing, but one way to avoid the stalled state would be to distribute the files across multiple domain names and/or servers, keeping CORS in mind if applicable to your needs, however HTTP2 is probably a better option going forward. Resource bundling (like JS and CSS concatenation) can also help to reduce amount of stalled connections.

how to pass data in an hidden field from one jsp page to another?

The code from Alex works great. Just note that when you use request.getParameter you must use a request dispatcher

//Pass results back to the client
RequestDispatcher dispatcher =   getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("TestPages/ServiceServlet.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

Relationship between hashCode and equals method in Java

See JavaDoc of java.lang.Object

In hashCode() it says:

If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.

(Emphasis by me).

If you only override equals() and not hashCode() your class violates this contract.

This is also said in the JavaDoc of the equals() method:

Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?

I finally went for a similar solution to the one that Sascha provided, however with some little adjusting, since I'm setting the cookies explicitly in PHP:

// excecute this code if user has not authorized the application yet
// $facebook object must have been created before

$accessToken = $_COOKIE['access_token']

if ( empty($accessToken) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari') ) {

    $accessToken = $facebook->getAccessToken();
    $redirectUri = 'https://URL_WHERE_APP_IS_LOCATED?access_token=' . $accessToken;

} else {

    $redirectUri = '';


// generate link to auth dialog
$linkToOauthDialog = $facebook->getLoginUrl(
        'scope'         =>  SCOPE_PARAMS,
        'redirect_uri'  =>  $redirectUri

echo '<script>"' . $linkToOauthDialog . '";</script>';

What this does is check if the cookie is available when the browser is safari. In the next step, we are on the application domain, namely the URI provided as URL_WHERE_APP_IS_LOCATED above.

if (isset($_GET['accessToken'])) {

    // cookie has a lifetime of only 10 seconds, so that after
    // authorization it will disappear
    setcookie("access_token", $_GET['accessToken'], 10); 

} else {

  // depending on your application specific requirements
  // redirect, call or execute authorization code again
  // with the cookie now set, this should return FB Graph results


So after being redirecting to the application domain, a cookie is set explicitly, and I redirect the user to the authorization process.

In my case (since I'm using CakePHP but it should work fine with any other MVC framework) I'm calling the login action again where the FB authorization is executed another time, and this time it succeeds due to the existing cookie.

After having authorized the app once, I didn't have any more problems using the app with Safari (5.1.6)

Hope that might help anyone.

How to make sure that string is valid JSON using JSON.NET

Through Code:

Your best bet is to use parse inside a try-catch and catch exception in case of failed parsing. (I am not aware of any TryParse method).

(Using JSON.Net)

Simplest way would be to Parse the string using JToken.Parse, and also to check if the string starts with { or [ and ends with } or ] respectively (added from this answer):

private static bool IsValidJson(string strInput)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strInput)) { return false;}
    strInput = strInput.Trim();
    if ((strInput.StartsWith("{") && strInput.EndsWith("}")) || //For object
        (strInput.StartsWith("[") && strInput.EndsWith("]"))) //For array
            var obj = JToken.Parse(strInput);
            return true;
        catch (JsonReaderException jex)
            //Exception in parsing json
            return false;
        catch (Exception ex) //some other exception
            return false;
        return false;

The reason to add checks for { or [ etc was based on the fact that JToken.Parse would parse the values such as "1234" or "'a string'" as a valid token. The other option could be to use both JObject.Parse and JArray.Parse in parsing and see if anyone of them succeeds, but I believe checking for {} and [] should be easier. (Thanks @RhinoDevel for pointing it out)

Without JSON.Net

You can utilize .Net framework 4.5 System.Json namespace ,like:

string jsonString = "someString";
    var tmpObj = JsonValue.Parse(jsonString);
catch (FormatException fex)
    //Invalid json format
catch (Exception ex) //some other exception

(But, you have to install System.Json through Nuget package manager using command: PM> Install-Package System.Json -Version 4.0.20126.16343 on Package Manager Console) (taken from here)

Non-Code way:

Usually, when there is a small json string and you are trying to find a mistake in the json string, then I personally prefer to use available on-line tools. What I usually do is:

How to sort an array of objects with jquery or javascript

   return a.val - b.val;

Clone Object without reference javascript

While this isn't cloning, one simple way to get your result is to use the original object as the prototype of a new one.

You can do this using Object.create:

var obj = {a: 25, b: 50, c: 75};
var A = Object.create(obj);
var B = Object.create(obj);

A.a = 30;
B.a = 40;

alert(obj.a + " " + A.a + " " + B.a); // 25 30 40

This creates a new object in A and B that inherits from obj. This means that you can add properties without affecting the original.

To support legacy implementations, you can create a (partial) shim that will work for this simple task.

if (!Object.create)
    Object.create = function(proto) {
        function F(){}
        F.prototype = proto;
        return new F;

It doesn't emulate all the functionality of Object.create, but it'll fit your needs here.

How to parse/format dates with LocalDateTime? (Java 8)

Parsing a string with date and time into a particular point in time (Java calls it an "Instant") is quite complicated. Java has been tackling this in several iterations. The latest one, java.time and java.time.chrono, covers almost all needs (except Time Dilation :) ).

However, that complexity brings a lot of confusion.

The key to understand date parsing is:

Why does Java have so many ways to parse a date

  1. There are several systems to measure a time. For instance, the historical Japanese calendars were derived from the time ranges of the reign of the respective emperor or dynasty. Then there is e.g. UNIX timestamp. Fortunately, the whole (business) world managed to use the same.
  2. Historically, the systems were being switched from/to, for various reasons. E.g. from Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar in 1582. So 'western' dates before that need to be treated differently.
  3. And of course the change did not happen at once. Because the calendar came from the headquarteds of some religion and other parts of Europe believed in other dieties, for instance Germany did not switch until the year 1700.

...and why is the LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime et al. so complicated

  1. There are time zones. A time zone is basically a "stripe"*[1] of the Earth's surface whose authorities follow the same rules of when does it have which time offset. This includes summer time rules.
    The time zones change over time for various areas, mostly based on who conquers whom. And one time zone's rules change over time as well.

  2. There are time offsets. That is not the same as time zones, because a time zone may be e.g. "Prague", but that has summer time offset and winter time offset.
    If you get a timestamp with a time zone, the offset may vary, depending on what part of the year it is in. During the leap hour, the timestamp may mean 2 different times, so without additional information, it can't be reliably converted.
    Note: By timestamp I mean "a string that contains a date and/or time, optionally with a time zone and/or time offset."

  3. Several time zones may share the same time offset for certain periods. For instance, GMT/UTC time zone is the same as "London" time zone when the summer time offset is not in effect.

To make it a bit more complicated (but that's not too important for your use case) :

  1. The scientists observe Earth's dynamic, which changes over time; based on that, they add seconds at the end of individual years. (So 2040-12-31 24:00:00 may be a valid date-time.) This needs regular updates of the metadata that systems use to have the date conversions right. E.g. on Linux, you get regular updates to the Java packages including these new data.
  2. The updates do not always keep the previous behavior for both historical and future timestamps. So it may happen that parsing of the two timestamps around some time zone's change comparing them may give different results when running on different versions of the software. That also applies to comparing between the affected time zone and other time zone.

    Should this cause a bug in your software, consider using some timestamp that does not have such complicated rules, like UNIX timestamp.

  3. Because of 7, for the future dates, we can't convert dates exactly with certainty. So, for instance, current parsing of 8524-02-17 12:00:00 may be off a couple of seconds from the future parsing.

JDK's APIs for this evolved with the contemporary needs

  • The early Java releases had just java.util.Date which had a bit naive approach, assuming that there's just the year, month, day, and time. This quickly did not suffice.
  • Also, the needs of the databases were different, so quite early, java.sql.Date was introduced, with it's own limitations.
  • Because neither covered different calendars and time zones well, the Calendar API was introduced.
  • This still did not cover the complexity of the time zones. And yet, the mix of the above APIs was really a pain to work with. So as Java developers started working on global web applications, libraries that targeted most use cases, like JodaTime, got quickly popular. JodaTime was the de-facto standard for about a decade.
  • But the JDK did not integrate with JodaTime, so working with it was a bit cumbersome. So, after a very long discussion on how to approach the matter, JSR-310 was created mainly based on JodaTime.

How to deal with it in Java's java.time

Determine what type to parse a timestamp to

When you are consuming a timestamp string, you need to know what information it contains. This is the crucial point. If you don't get this right, you end up with a cryptic exceptions like "Can't create Instant" or "Zone offset missing" or "unknown zone id" etc.

Does it contain the date and the time?

  1. Does it have a time offset?
    A time offset is the +hh:mm part. Sometimes, +00:00 may be substituted with Z as 'Zulu time', UTC as Universal Time Coordinated, or GMT as Greenwich Mean Time. These also set the time zone.
    For these timestamps, you use OffsetDateTime.

  2. Does it have a time zone?
    For these timestamps, you use ZonedDateTime.
    Zone is specified either by

    • name ("Prague", "Pacific Standard Time", "PST"), or
    • "zone ID" ("America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/London"), represented by java.time.ZoneId.

    The list of time zones is compiled by a "TZ database", backed by ICAAN.

    According to ZoneId's javadoc, The zone id's can also somehow be specified as Z and offset. I'm not sure how this maps to real zones. If the timestamp, which only has a TZ, falls into a leap hour of time offset change, then it is ambiguous, and the interpretation is subject of ResolverStyle, see below.

  3. If it has neither, then the missing context is assumed or neglected. And the consumer has to decide. So it needs to be parsed as LocalDateTime and converted to OffsetDateTime by adding the missing info:

    • You can assume that it is a UTC time. Add the UTC offset of 0 hours.
    • You can assume that it is a time of the place where the conversion is happening. Convert it by adding the system's time zone.
    • You can neglect and just use it as is. That is useful e.g. to compare or substract two times (see Duration), or when you don't know and it doesn't really matter (e.g. local bus schedule).

Partial time information

  • Based on what the timestamp contains, you can take LocalDate, LocalTime, OffsetTime, MonthDay, Year, or YearMonth out of it.

If you have the full information, you can get a java.time.Instant. This is also internally used to convert between OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime.

Figure out how to parse it

There is an extensive documentation on DateTimeFormatter which can both parse a timestamp string and format to string.

The pre-created DateTimeFormatters should cover moreless all standard timestamp formats. For instance, ISO_INSTANT can parse 2011-12-03T10:15:30.123457Z.

If you have some special format, then you can create your own DateTimeFormatter (which is also a parser).

private static final DateTimeFormatter TIMESTAMP_PARSER = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()

I recommend to look at the source code of DateTimeFormatter and get inspired on how to build one using DateTimeFormatterBuilder. While you're there, also have a look at ResolverStyle which controls whether the parser is LENIENT, SMART or STRICT for the formats and ambiguous information.


Now, the frequent mistake is to go into the complexity of TemporalAccessor. This comes from how the developers were used to work with SimpleDateFormatter.parse(String). Right, DateTimeFormatter.parse("...") gives you TemporalAccessor.

// No need for this!
TemporalAccessor ta = TIMESTAMP_PARSER.parse("2011-... etc");

But, equiped with the knowledge from the previous section, you can conveniently parse into the type you need:

OffsetDateTime myTimestamp = OffsetDateTime.parse("2011-12-03T10:15:30.123457Z", TIMESTAMP_PARSER);

You do not actually need to the DateTimeFormatter either. The types you want to parse have the parse(String) methods.

OffsetDateTime myTimestamp = OffsetDateTime.parse("2011-12-03T10:15:30.123457Z");

Regarding TemporalAccessor, you can use it if you have a vague idea of what information there is in the string, and want to decide at runtime.

I hope I shed some light of understanding onto your soul :)

Note: There's a backport of java.time to Java 6 and 7: ThreeTen-Backport. For Android it has ThreeTenABP.

[1] Not just that they are not stripes, but there also some weird extremes. For instance, some neighboring pacific islands have +14:00 and -11:00 time zones. That means, that while on one island, there is 1st May 3 PM, on another island not so far, it is still 30 April 12 PM (if I counted correctly :) )

Loading and parsing a JSON file with multiple JSON objects

for those stumbling upon this question: the python jsonlines library (much younger than this question) elegantly handles files with one json document per line. see

What is the difference between `throw new Error` and `throw someObject`?

throw something works with both object and strings.But it is less supported than the other method.throw new Error("") Will only work with strings and turns objects into useless [Object obj] in the catch block.

How to show android checkbox at right side?

Just copy this:

            android:text="Your text:"/>

Happy codding! :)

Explain __dict__ attribute

Basically it contains all the attributes which describe the object in question. It can be used to alter or read the attributes. Quoting from the documentation for __dict__

A dictionary or other mapping object used to store an object's (writable) attributes.

Remember, everything is an object in Python. When I say everything, I mean everything like functions, classes, objects etc (Ya you read it right, classes. Classes are also objects). For example:

def func():

func.temp = 1


class TempClass:
    a = 1
    def temp_function(self):


will output

{'temp': 1}
{'__module__': '__main__', 
 'a': 1, 
 'temp_function': <function TempClass.temp_function at 0x10a3a2950>, 
 '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'TempClass' objects>, 
 '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'TempClass' objects>, 
 '__doc__': None}

Where is SQL Server Management Studio 2012?

Full or"Complete Management Studio" as opposed to "Express".

I was very confused at a perceived lack of Management Studio on a newly provisioned SQL Server 2012 SP1 standard and enterprise edition on Azure running on Windows Server 2012.

Normally it would be found from the Start Button Shortcuts or at least in C:\Program Files somewhere.

Eventually, I located C:\SQLServer_11.0_Full, the image install path - executed and confirmed Management Studio was in fact installed by default even although it could not been seen via Add Remove Programs.

In short, if you provision an SQL Server 2012 VM on Windows Server 2012 on Azure simply run PowerShell and then enter ssms.exe to access Management Studio.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.exe

rails bundle clean

If you're using RVM you may use rvm gemset empty for the current gemset - this command will remove all gems installed to the current gemset (gemset itself will stay in place). Then run bundle install in order to install actual versions of gems. Also be sure that you do not delete such general gems as rake, bundler and so on during rvm gemset empty (if it is the case then install them manually via gem install prior to bundle install).

jQuery function after .append

I encountered this issue while coding HTML5 for mobile devices. Some browser/device combinations caused errors because .append() method did not reflect the changes in the DOM immediatly (causing the JS to fail).

By quick-and-dirty solution for this situation was:

var appint = setInterval(function(){
    if ( $('#foobar').length > 0 ) {
        //now you can be sure append is ready
        //$('#foobar').remove(); if elem is just for checking
}, 100);
$(body).append('<div>...</div><div id="foobar"></div>');

standard size for html newsletter template

Short answer: 400-800 pixels.

What I have read is that HTML newsletter width should be as narrow as possible without being too narrow. For instance, 400-500 pixels for a one column layout is a lower limit. Any less may look too weird.

Today's widescreen monitors allow for more horizontal pixels and most web email clients will either be of the two-column variety (Gmail) or 3-pane layout where the content window bellow the inbox list (Hotmail and Yahoo). In either case, you can be okay with 800 pixels if you're targeting the 1280 wide audience. An older or less technical audience may have older, square monitors.

There is the problem of Outlook having a three-column layout. That limits the width of your email even more. With them, you may want to go even narrower.

I just recently created a template that required an ad banner that is 730 pixels wide. It was near in the wide range, but not so much that most people could not double-click the email an open a new window in Outlook (the web email users should be okay for the most part).

Hope this advice helps.

Convert time fields to strings in Excel

If you want to show those number values as a time then change the format of the cell to Time.

And if you want to transform it to a text in another cell:


Reading a text file and splitting it into single words in python

As supplementary, if you are reading a vvvvery large file, and you don't want read all of the content into memory at once, you might consider using a buffer, then return each word by yield:

def read_words(inputfile):
    with open(inputfile, 'r') as f:
        while True:
            buf =
            if not buf:

            # make sure we end on a space (word boundary)
            while not str.isspace(buf[-1]):
                ch =
                if not ch:
                buf += ch

            words = buf.split()
            for word in words:
                yield word
        yield '' #handle the scene that the file is empty

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for word in read_words('./very_large_file.txt'):

How to use regex in String.contains() method in Java

You can simply use matches method of String class.

boolean result = someString.matches("stores.*store.*product.*");

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

From Reddit:

I can't see the original source in this thread, although I would like to.

I am using these instructions with a laptop that upgraded from windows 8 to windows 10. I have to repeat the last instructions after rebooting.

I have test an get solution for my self and want to share my solution. - Host Only worked - Bridge Adapter worked

My Configuration is - Surface Pro 1 - Clean install Windows 10 x64 build 10130 - VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe

(this is my opinion but not tested on how to remove previous version by install VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe with select all function to install its will fault and rollback all, then its same as uninstall)

Install Step - Right Click on VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe and select "Run as Administrator" - "Unselect" option bridge network

  • next until finish

  • Open "Device Manager", you can use search bar to get this, under "Network adapters" then Right Click "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" select "Update Driver Software" select "Search automactic" wait until its finish

  • Open "Network Connections", you can use search bar to get this, at here you should find VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
  • Open "CMD", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click and Select Run as Administrator
  • cd to your install path and run command "VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe -extract" its will return pop-up tell where is extracted folder
  • in extracted folder extract "VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-r100731-MultiArch_amd64.msi" by 7-Zip or any similar
  • in msi extracted folder rename all files by remove file_ in front of them
  • copy "VBoxNetFltNobj.sys" and "VBoxNetFlt.sys" to C:\Windows\System32\
  • Open "CMD", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click and Select Run as Administrator run command "regsvr32.exe /s VBoxNetFltNobj.sys" run command "regsvr32.exe /s VBoxNetFlt.sys"
  • Open "Network Connections", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click on any real network adapter select Properties select Install select Service select "Have Disk" and browse to "VBoxDrv.inf" select "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver" after finish install you should see its avaliable in this connection
  • On Start Menu Right Click on "Orcle VM VirtualBox" select open file location

  • Right Click on Shortcut then select properties on tab "Compatibility" checked "Run this Program as Administrator"

!!! this very important to run application with adminstrator if not you will lose host-only network adapter

  • Open "Virtual Box" select file > preference select network then select Host On Network select edit change ip to and netmask to
  • Now you can use both host-only and bridge network on your guest

I think reason why normal installation was error is about Administrator access level when regis service and run application

Sorry for my bad english and this is so long procedure

Hope this will work for you too. ^_^!

ip address validation in python using regex

\d{1,3} will match numbers like 00 or 333 as well which wouldn't be a valid ID.

This is an excellent answer from smink, citing:

ValidIpAddressRegex = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$";

Is there a WebSocket client implemented for Python?

  1. Take a look at the echo client under It's a Google project.
  2. A good search in github is: it returns clients and servers.
  3. Bret Taylor also implemented web sockets over Tornado (Python). His blog post at: Web Sockets in Tornado and a client implementation API is shown at tornado.websocket in the client side support section.

php - How do I fix this illegal offset type error

Illegal offset type errors occur when you attempt to access an array index using an object or an array as the index key.


$x = new stdClass();
$arr = array();
echo $arr[$x];
//illegal offset type

Your $xml array contains an object or array at $xml->entry[$i]->source for some value of $i, and when you try to use that as an index key for $s, you get that warning. You'll have to make sure $xml contains what you want it to and that you're accessing it correctly.

converting CSV/XLS to JSON?

None of the existing solutions worked, so I quickly hacked together a script that would do the job. Also converts empty strings into nulls and and separates the header row for JSON. May need to be tuned depending on the CSV dialect and charset you have.

import csv, json
csvreader = csv.reader(open('data.csv', 'rb'), delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
data = []
for row in csvreader:
    r = []
    for field in row:
        if field == '': field = None
        else: field = unicode(field, 'ISO-8859-1')
jsonStruct = {
    'header': data[0],
    'data': data[1:]
open('data.json', 'wb').write(json.dumps(jsonStruct))

Shuffle DataFrame rows

The idiomatic way to do this with Pandas is to use the .sample method of your dataframe to sample all rows without replacement:


The frac keyword argument specifies the fraction of rows to return in the random sample, so frac=1 means return all rows (in random order).

Note: If you wish to shuffle your dataframe in-place and reset the index, you could do e.g.

df = df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)

Here, specifying drop=True prevents .reset_index from creating a column containing the old index entries.

Follow-up note: Although it may not look like the above operation is in-place, python/pandas is smart enough not to do another malloc for the shuffled object. That is, even though the reference object has changed (by which I mean id(df_old) is not the same as id(df_new)), the underlying C object is still the same. To show that this is indeed the case, you could run a simple memory profiler:

$ python3 -m memory_profiler .\
Filename: .\

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     5     68.5 MiB     68.5 MiB   @profile
     6                             def shuffle():
     7    847.8 MiB    779.3 MiB       df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 1000000))
     8    847.9 MiB      0.1 MiB       df = df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)

Swift do-try-catch syntax

I suspect this just hasn’t been implemented properly yet. The Swift Programming Guide definitely seems to imply that the compiler can infer exhaustive matches 'like a switch statement'. It doesn’t make any mention of needing a general catch in order to be exhaustive.

You'll also notice that the error is on the try line, not the end of the block, i.e. at some point the compiler will be able to pinpoint which try statement in the block has unhandled exception types.

The documentation is a bit ambiguous though. I’ve skimmed through the ‘What’s new in Swift’ video and couldn’t find any clues; I’ll keep trying.


We’re now up to Beta 3 with no hint of ErrorType inference. I now believe if this was ever planned (and I still think it was at some point), the dynamic dispatch on protocol extensions probably killed it off.

Beta 4 Update:

Xcode 7b4 added doc comment support for Throws:, which “should be used to document what errors can be thrown and why”. I guess this at least provides some mechanism to communicate errors to API consumers. Who needs a type system when you have documentation!

Another update:

After spending some time hoping for automatic ErrorType inference, and working out what the limitations would be of that model, I’ve changed my mind - this is what I hope Apple implements instead. Essentially:

// allow us to do this:
func myFunction() throws -> Int

// or this:
func myFunction() throws CustomError -> Int

// but not this:
func myFunction() throws CustomErrorOne, CustomErrorTwo -> Int

Yet Another Update

Apple’s error handling rationale is now available here. There have also been some interesting discussions on the swift-evolution mailing list. Essentially, John McCall is opposed to typed errors because he believes most libraries will end up including a generic error case anyway, and that typed errors are unlikely to add much to the code apart from boilerplate (he used the term 'aspirational bluff'). Chris Lattner said he’s open to typed errors in Swift 3 if it can work with the resilience model.

How do I change column default value in PostgreSQL?

If you want to remove the default value constraint, you can do:


CSS Progress Circle

Another pure css based solution that is based on two clipped rounded elements that i rotate to get to the right angle:

That's the basic css that enables it:

.clip1 {
.slice1 {



and the js rotates it as required.

quite easy to understand..

Hope it helps, Maayan

Using helpers in model: how do I include helper dependencies?

This works better for me:




class HelperProxy < ActionView::Base
  include ApplicationController.master_helper_module

  def current_user
    #let helpers act like we're a guest

  def self.instance
    @instance ||= new


Remove padding or margins from Google Charts

There is this possibility like Aman Virk mentioned:

var options = {

But keep in mind that the padding and margin aren't there to bother you. If you have the possibility to switch between different types of charts like a ColumnChart and the one with vertical columns then you need some margin for displaying the labels of those lines.

If you take away that margin then you will end up showing only a part of the labels or no labels at all.

So if you just have one chart type then you can change the margin and padding like Arman said. But if it's possible to switch don't change them.

Recover from git reset --hard?

 git reset HEAD@{4}

4 is changes before 4 steps ago. if you select a correct step, it should show the list of files that you removed from hard. then do:

$ git reflog show

it's going to show you local commit history we've already created. now do:

$ git reset --hard 8c4d112

8c4d112 is a code you want to reset your hard there. let's look at to get more information.

how to convert string into time format and add two hours

Try this one, I test it, working fine

Date date = null;
String str = "2012/07/25 12:00:00";
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
date = formatter.parse(str);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 2);
System.out.println(calendar.getTime());  // Output : Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 IST 2012

If you want to convert in your input type than add this code also

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
System.out.println(str);  // Output : 2012-07-25 14:00:00

Validation failed for one or more entities while saving changes to SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

Here's an extension to Tony's extension... :-)

For Entity Framework 4.x, if you want to get the name and value of the key field so that you know which entity instance (DB record) has the problem, you can add the following. This provides access to the more powerful ObjectContext class members from your DbContext object.

// Get the key field name & value.
// This assumes your DbContext object is "_context", and that it is a single part key.
var e = ((IObjectContextAdapter)_context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(validationErrors.Entry.Entity);
string key = e.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Key;
string val = e.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value;

Angular2, what is the correct way to disable an anchor element?

My answer might be late for this post. It can be achieved through inline css within anchor tag only.

<a [routerLink]="['/user']" [style.pointer-events]="isDisabled ?'none':'auto'">click-label</a>

Considering isDisabled is a property in component which can be true or false.

Plunker for it:

how to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees

public static Bitmap RotateBitmap(Bitmap source, float angle)
      Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
      return Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), matrix, true);

To get Bitmap from resources:

Bitmap source = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(this.getResources(), R.drawable.your_img);

Json.NET serialize object with root name

You can easily create your own serializer

var car = new Car() { Name = "Ford", Owner = "John Smith" };
string json = Serialize(car);

string Serialize<T>(T o)
    var attr = o.GetType().GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonObjectAttribute)) as JsonObjectAttribute;

    var jv = JValue.FromObject(o);

    return new JObject(new JProperty(attr.Title, jv)).ToString();

jQuery - Illegal invocation

Also this is a cause too: If you built a jQuery collection (via .map() or something similar) then you shouldn't use this collection in .ajax()'s data. Because it's still a jQuery object, not plain JavaScript Array. You should use .get() at the and to get plain js array and should use it on the data setting on .ajax().

How to set a background image in Xcode using swift?

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let backgroundImage = UIImageView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    backgroundImage.image = UIImage(named: "bg_image")
    backgroundImage.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectfill
    self.view.insertSubview(backgroundImage, at: 0)


Updated at 20-May-2020:

The code snippet above doesn't work well after rotating the device. Here is the solution which can make the image stretch according to the screen size(after rotating):

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    var imageView: UIImageView = {
        let imageView = UIImageView(frame: .zero)
        imageView.image = UIImage(named: "bg_image")
        imageView.contentMode = .scaleToFill
        imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        return imageView

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        view.insertSubview(imageView, at: 0)
            imageView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
            imageView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
            imageView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
            imageView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor)

What's the difference between git reset --mixed, --soft, and --hard?

Basic difference between various options of git reset command are as below.

  • --soft: Only resets the HEAD to the commit you select. Works basically the same as git checkout but does not create a detached head state.
  • --mixed (default option): Resets the HEAD to the commit you select in both the history and undoes the changes in the index.
  • --hard: Resets the HEAD to the commit you select in both the history, undoes the changes in the index, and undoes the changes in your working directory.

Something better than .NET Reflector?

In my opinion, there are three serious alternatives to keep an eye on, all of which are free:

  • ILSpy: This is from the same people who make the (also free) SharpDevelop IDE. As well as being free, it is also open source. An additional extension they are working on is the ability to debug decompiled code (something which the pro version of Reflector can do), which works surprisingly well.
  • JustDecompile: A standalone decompiler from Telerik (announced today, currently in Beta).
  • dotPeek: A standalone decompiler from JetBrains (available standalone as part of an EAP at the moment).

All of these approach the problem in slightly different ways with differing UIs. I would suggest giving them all a try and seeing which one you prefer.

login to remote using "mstsc /admin" with password

Re-posted as an answer: Found an alternative (Tested in Win8):

cmdkey /generic:"<server>" /user:"<user>" /pass:"<pass>"

Run that and if you run:

mstsc /v:<server>

You should not get an authentication prompt.

Is there a way to get element by XPath using JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

public class JSElementLocator {

    public void locateElement() throws InterruptedException{
        WebDriver driver = WebDriverProducerFactory.getWebDriver("firefox");


        WebElement searchbox = null;

        searchbox = (WebElement) (((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.getElementById('lst-ib');", searchbox));

Make sure you are using the right locator for it.

A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled error in ReactJS

Warning: A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component.

Solution : Check if value is not undefined

React / Formik / Bootstrap / TypeScript

example :

{ values?.purchaseObligation.remainingYear ?
  /> : null

How to change Android usb connect mode to charge only?

In your phone go to Settings->Connect to PC.

There you will see the option Default Connection Type. Select it and set it to your preference.

Python and SQLite: insert into table

Not a direct answer, but here is a function to insert a row with column-value pairs into sqlite table:

def sqlite_insert(conn, table, row):
    cols = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(col) for col in row.keys())
    vals = ', '.join(':{}'.format(col) for col in row.keys())
    sql = 'INSERT INTO "{0}" ({1}) VALUES ({2})'.format(table, cols, vals)
    conn.cursor().execute(sql, row)

Example of use:

sqlite_insert(conn, 'stocks', {
        'created_at': '2016-04-17',
        'type': 'BUY',
        'amount': 500,
        'price': 45.00})

Note, that table name and column names should be validated beforehand.

Send POST parameters with MultipartFormData using Alamofire, in iOS Swift

Alamofire 5 and above

AF.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
    multipartFormData.append(Data("one".utf8), withName: "one")
    multipartFormData.append(Data("two".utf8), withName: "two")
to: "").responseDecodable(of: MultipartResponse.self) { response in

documentation link: multipart upload

check the null terminating character in char*

The null character is '\0', not '/0'.

while (*(forward++) != '\0')

What's the best way of scraping data from a website?

You will definitely want to start with a good web scraping framework. Later on you may decide that they are too limiting and you can put together your own stack of libraries but without a lot of scraping experience your design will be much worse than pjscrape or scrapy.

Note: I use the terms crawling and scraping basically interchangeable here. This is a copy of my answer to your Quora question, it's pretty long.


Get very familiar with either Firebug or Chrome dev tools depending on your preferred browser. This will be absolutely necessary as you browse the site you are pulling data from and map out which urls contain the data you are looking for and what data formats make up the responses.

You will need a good working knowledge of HTTP as well as HTML and will probably want to find a decent piece of man in the middle proxy software. You will need to be able to inspect HTTP requests and responses and understand how the cookies and session information and query parameters are being passed around. Fiddler ( and Charles Proxy ( are popular tools. I use mitmproxy ( a lot as I'm more of a keyboard guy than a mouse guy.

Some kind of console/shell/REPL type environment where you can try out various pieces of code with instant feedback will be invaluable. Reverse engineering tasks like this are a lot of trial and error so you will want a workflow that makes this easy.


PHP is basically out, it's not well suited for this task and the library/framework support is poor in this area. Python (Scrapy is a great starting point) and Clojure/Clojurescript (incredibly powerful and productive but a big learning curve) are great languages for this problem. Since you would rather not learn a new language and you already know Javascript I would definitely suggest sticking with JS. I have not used pjscrape but it looks quite good from a quick read of their docs. It's well suited and implements an excellent solution to the problem I describe below.

A note on Regular expressions: DO NOT USE REGULAR EXPRESSIONS TO PARSE HTML. A lot of beginners do this because they are already familiar with regexes. It's a huge mistake, use xpath or css selectors to navigate html and only use regular expressions to extract data from actual text inside an html node. This might already be obvious to you, it becomes obvious quickly if you try it but a lot of people waste a lot of time going down this road for some reason. Don't be scared of xpath or css selectors, they are WAY easier to learn than regexes and they were designed to solve this exact problem.

Javascript-heavy sites

In the old days you just had to make an http request and parse the HTML reponse. Now you will almost certainly have to deal with sites that are a mix of standard HTML HTTP request/responses and asynchronous HTTP calls made by the javascript portion of the target site. This is where your proxy software and the network tab of firebug/devtools comes in very handy. The responses to these might be html or they might be json, in rare cases they will be xml or something else.

There are two approaches to this problem:

The low level approach:

You can figure out what ajax urls the site javascript is calling and what those responses look like and make those same requests yourself. So you might pull the html from and extract one piece of data and then have to pull the json response from to get the other piece of data. You'll need to be aware of passing the correct cookies or session parameters. It's very rare, but occasionally some required parameters for an ajax call will be the result of some crazy calculation done in the site's javascript, reverse engineering this can be annoying.

The embedded browser approach:

Why do you need to work out what data is in html and what data comes in from an ajax call? Managing all that session and cookie data? You don't have to when you browse a site, the browser and the site javascript do that. That's the whole point.

If you just load the page into a headless browser engine like phantomjs it will load the page, run the javascript and tell you when all the ajax calls have completed. You can inject your own javascript if necessary to trigger the appropriate clicks or whatever is necessary to trigger the site javascript to load the appropriate data.

You now have two options, get it to spit out the finished html and parse it or inject some javascript into the page that does your parsing and data formatting and spits the data out (probably in json format). You can freely mix these two options as well.

Which approach is best?

That depends, you will need to be familiar and comfortable with the low level approach for sure. The embedded browser approach works for anything, it will be much easier to implement and will make some of the trickiest problems in scraping disappear. It's also quite a complex piece of machinery that you will need to understand. It's not just HTTP requests and responses, it's requests, embedded browser rendering, site javascript, injected javascript, your own code and 2-way interaction with the embedded browser process.

The embedded browser is also much slower at scale because of the rendering overhead but that will almost certainly not matter unless you are scraping a lot of different domains. Your need to rate limit your requests will make the rendering time completely negligible in the case of a single domain.

Rate Limiting/Bot behaviour

You need to be very aware of this. You need to make requests to your target domains at a reasonable rate. You need to write a well behaved bot when crawling websites, and that means respecting robots.txt and not hammering the server with requests. Mistakes or negligence here is very unethical since this can be considered a denial of service attack. The acceptable rate varies depending on who you ask, 1req/s is the max that the Google crawler runs at but you are not Google and you probably aren't as welcome as Google. Keep it as slow as reasonable. I would suggest 2-5 seconds between each page request.

Identify your requests with a user agent string that identifies your bot and have a webpage for your bot explaining it's purpose. This url goes in the agent string.

You will be easy to block if the site wants to block you. A smart engineer on their end can easily identify bots and a few minutes of work on their end can cause weeks of work changing your scraping code on your end or just make it impossible. If the relationship is antagonistic then a smart engineer at the target site can completely stymie a genius engineer writing a crawler. Scraping code is inherently fragile and this is easily exploited. Something that would provoke this response is almost certainly unethical anyway, so write a well behaved bot and don't worry about this.


Not a unit/integration test person? Too bad. You will now have to become one. Sites change frequently and you will be changing your code frequently. This is a large part of the challenge.

There are a lot of moving parts involved in scraping a modern website, good test practices will help a lot. Many of the bugs you will encounter while writing this type of code will be the type that just return corrupted data silently. Without good tests to check for regressions you will find out that you've been saving useless corrupted data to your database for a while without noticing. This project will make you very familiar with data validation (find some good libraries to use) and testing. There are not many other problems that combine requiring comprehensive tests and being very difficult to test.

The second part of your tests involve caching and change detection. While writing your code you don't want to be hammering the server for the same page over and over again for no reason. While running your unit tests you want to know if your tests are failing because you broke your code or because the website has been redesigned. Run your unit tests against a cached copy of the urls involved. A caching proxy is very useful here but tricky to configure and use properly.

You also do want to know if the site has changed. If they redesigned the site and your crawler is broken your unit tests will still pass because they are running against a cached copy! You will need either another, smaller set of integration tests that are run infrequently against the live site or good logging and error detection in your crawling code that logs the exact issues, alerts you to the problem and stops crawling. Now you can update your cache, run your unit tests and see what you need to change.

Legal Issues

The law here can be slightly dangerous if you do stupid things. If the law gets involved you are dealing with people who regularly refer to wget and curl as "hacking tools". You don't want this.

The ethical reality of the situation is that there is no difference between using browser software to request a url and look at some data and using your own software to request a url and look at some data. Google is the largest scraping company in the world and they are loved for it. Identifying your bots name in the user agent and being open about the goals and intentions of your web crawler will help here as the law understands what Google is. If you are doing anything shady, like creating fake user accounts or accessing areas of the site that you shouldn't (either "blocked" by robots.txt or because of some kind of authorization exploit) then be aware that you are doing something unethical and the law's ignorance of technology will be extraordinarily dangerous here. It's a ridiculous situation but it's a real one.

It's literally possible to try and build a new search engine on the up and up as an upstanding citizen, make a mistake or have a bug in your software and be seen as a hacker. Not something you want considering the current political reality.

Who am I to write this giant wall of text anyway?

I've written a lot of web crawling related code in my life. I've been doing web related software development for more than a decade as a consultant, employee and startup founder. The early days were writing perl crawlers/scrapers and php websites. When we were embedding hidden iframes loading csv data into webpages to do ajax before Jesse James Garrett named it ajax, before XMLHTTPRequest was an idea. Before jQuery, before json. I'm in my mid-30's, that's apparently considered ancient for this business.

I've written large scale crawling/scraping systems twice, once for a large team at a media company (in Perl) and recently for a small team as the CTO of a search engine startup (in Python/Javascript). I currently work as a consultant, mostly coding in Clojure/Clojurescript (a wonderful expert language in general and has libraries that make crawler/scraper problems a delight)

I've written successful anti-crawling software systems as well. It's remarkably easy to write nigh-unscrapable sites if you want to or to identify and sabotage bots you don't like.

I like writing crawlers, scrapers and parsers more than any other type of software. It's challenging, fun and can be used to create amazing things.

Regex - Does not contain certain Characters


The caret in the character class ([^) means match anything but, so this means, beginning of string, then one or more of anything except < and >, then the end of the string.

Getting current date and time in JavaScript

var currentdate = new Date();

    var datetime = "Last Sync: " + currentdate.getDate() + "/"+(currentdate.getMonth()+1) 
    + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " 
    + currentdate.getHours() + ":" 
    + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();

Change .getDay() method to .GetDate() and add one to month, because it counts months from 0.

How to prevent rm from reporting that a file was not found?

\rm -f file will never report not found.

add to array if it isn't there already

Try adding as key instead of value:

Adding an entry

function addEntry($entry) {
    $this->entries[$entry] = true;

Getting all entries

function getEntries() {
    return array_keys($this->enties);

Build query string for System.Net.HttpClient get

TL;DR: do not use accepted version as It's completely broken in relation to handling unicode characters, and never use internal API

I've actually found weird double encoding issue with the accepted solution:

So, If you're dealing with characters which need to be encoded, accepted solution leads to double encoding:

  • query parameters are auto encoded by using NameValueCollection indexer (and this uses UrlEncodeUnicode, not regular expected UrlEncode(!))
  • Then, when you call uriBuilder.Uri it creates new Uri using constructor which does encoding one more time (normal url encoding)
  • That cannot be avoided by doing uriBuilder.ToString() (even though this returns correct Uri which IMO is at least inconsistency, maybe a bug, but that's another question) and then using HttpClient method accepting string - client still creates Uri out of your passed string like this: new Uri(uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)

Small, but full repro:

var builder = new UriBuilder
    Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttps,
    Port = -1,
    Host = "",
    Path = "app"

NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query);

query["cyrillic"] = "????????";

builder.Query = query.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(builder.Query); //query with cyrillic stuff UrlEncodedUnicode, and that's not what you want

var uri = builder.Uri; // creates new Uri using constructor which does encode and messes cyrillic parameter even more

// this is still wrong:
var stringUri = builder.ToString(); // returns more 'correct' (still `UrlEncodedUnicode`, but at least once, not twice)
new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(stringUri); // this creates Uri object out of 'stringUri' so we still end up sending double encoded cyrillic text to server. Ouch!



As you may see, no matter if you do uribuilder.ToString() + httpClient.GetStringAsync(string) or uriBuilder.Uri + httpClient.GetStringAsync(Uri) you end up sending double encoded parameter

Fixed example could be:

var uri = new Uri(builder.ToString(), dontEscape: true);
new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(uri);

But this uses obsolete Uri constructor

P.S on my latest .NET on Windows Server, Uri constructor with bool doc comment says "obsolete, dontEscape is always false", but actually works as expected (skips escaping)

So It looks like another bug...

And even this is plain wrong - it send UrlEncodedUnicode to server, not just UrlEncoded what server expects

Update: one more thing is, NameValueCollection actually does UrlEncodeUnicode, which is not supposed to be used anymore and is incompatible with regular url.encode/decode (see NameValueCollection to URL Query?).

So the bottom line is: never use this hack with NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query); as it will mess your unicode query parameters. Just build query manually and assign it to UriBuilder.Query which will do necessary encoding and then get Uri using UriBuilder.Uri.

Prime example of hurting yourself by using code which is not supposed to be used like this

set div height using jquery (stretch div height)

well you can do this:


    var $header = $('#header');
    var $footer = $('#footer');
    var $content = $('#content');
    var $window = $(window).on('resize', function(){
       var height = $(this).height() - $header.height() + $footer.height();
    }).trigger('resize'); //on page load


see fiddle here:

How do I create a table based on another table

There is no such syntax in SQL Server, though CREATE TABLE AS ... SELECT does exist in PDW. In SQL Server you can use this query to create an empty table:

SELECT * INTO schema.newtable FROM schema.oldtable WHERE 1 = 0;

(If you want to make a copy of the table including all of the data, then leave out the WHERE clause.)

Note that this creates the same column structure (including an IDENTITY column if one exists) but it does not copy any indexes, constraints, triggers, etc.

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

json_decode($jsondata, true);

true turns all properties to array (sequential or not)

Global variables in Java

public class GlobalClass {
     public static int x = 37;
     public static String s = "aaa";

This way you can access them with GlobalClass.x and GlobalClass.s

Converting String to Cstring in C++

vector<char> toVector( const std::string& s ) {
  string s = "apple";  
  vector<char> v(s.size()+1);
  memcpy( &v.front(), s.c_str(), s.size() + 1 );
  return v;
vector<char> v = toVector(std::string("apple"));

// what you were looking for (mutable)
char* c =;

.c_str() works for immutable. The vector will manage the memory for you.

How to concatenate items in a list to a single string?

We can also use Python's reduce function:

from functools import reduce

sentence = ['this','is','a','sentence']
out_str = str(reduce(lambda x,y: x+"-"+y, sentence))

How to use continue in jQuery each() loop?

We can break the $.each() loop at a particular iteration by making the callback function return false. Returning non-false is the same as a continue statement in a for loop; it will skip immediately to the next iteration. -- jQuery.each() | jQuery API Documentation

How can I make a SQL temp table with primary key and auto-incrementing field?

you dont insert into identity fields. You need to specify the field names and use the Values clause

insert into #tmp (AssignedTo, field2, field3) values (value, value, value)

If you use do a insert into... select field field field it will insert the first field into that identity field and will bomb

Max size of an iOS application

50 Meg is the max for Cell data download.

But you might be able to keep it under that in the app store and then have the app download other content after the user install and runs the app, so the app can be bigger. But not sure what the apple rules are for this.

I know that all in-app purchases need to be approved, but not sure if this kind of content needs to be approved.

Simplest way to form a union of two lists

If it is two IEnumerable lists you can't use AddRange, but you can use Concat.

IEnumerable<int> first = new List<int>{1,1,2,3,5};
IEnumerable<int> second = new List<int>{8,13,21,34,55};

var allItems = first.Concat(second);
// 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

R cannot be resolved - Android error

R is auto generated resource in android project some times it happens don't exactly know why but have you try build automatically option from project

=>remove other import of R file of other project or android.r =>always remember if you always face problem with auto generate id or auto deleting R file you can generate static id like string file and use that with @id instead of @+id

SQL SELECT from multiple tables

SELECT `product`.*, `customer1`.`name1`, `customer2`.`name2`
FROM `product`
LEFT JOIN `customer1` ON `product`.`cid` = `customer1`.`cid`
LEFT JOIN `customer2` ON `product`.`cid` = `customer2`.`cid`

How to increment datetime by custom months in python without using library

Perhaps add the number of days in the current month using calendar.monthrange()?

import calendar, datetime

def increment_month(when):
    days = calendar.monthrange(when.year, when.month)[1]
    return when + datetime.timedelta(days=days)

now =
print 'It is now %s' % now
print 'In a month, it will be %s' % increment_month(now)

writing integer values to a file using out.write()

i = Your_int_value

Write bytes value like this for example:


Depend of you int value size and the bit order your prefer

Android Studio - Unable to find valid certification path to requested target

jcenter() equals to

You need import jcenter's cerficate into your java keystore.


  1. Visit jcenter using your browser and export the certificate as .crt file. (lock icon on the left of Firefox address bar, or Chrome developer tool secuity tab)
  2. Download this tool and run it.
  3. Select "Open an existing KeyStore" button to open JDKPATH/jre/lib/security/cacerts, the password is "changeit"
  4. Use the "Import Trusted Certificate" button to import the .crt file, then save and exist

If you are behind proxy, in, besides setting

systemProp.http.proxyHost and systemProp.http.proxyPort

also set

systemProp.https.proxyHost and systemProp.https.proxyPort

By now it should be fine.

How much RAM is SQL Server actually using?

Go to management studio and run sp_helpdb <db_name>, it will give detailed disk usage for the specified database. Running it without any parameter values will list high level information for all databases in the instance.

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

You control the access rights for members and functions using Private/Protected/Public right? so assuming the idea of each and every one of those 3 levels is clear, then it should be clear that we are missing something...

The declaration of a member/function as protected for example is pretty generic. You are saying that this function is out of reach for everyone (except for an inherited child of course). But what about exceptions? every security system lets you have some type of 'white list" right?

So friend lets you have the flexibility of having rock solid object isolation, but allows for a "loophole" to be created for things that you feel are justified.

I guess people say it is not needed because there is always a design that will do without it. I think it is similar to the discussion of global variables: You should never use them, There is always a way to do without them... but in reality, you see cases where that ends up being the (almost) most elegant way... I think this is the same case with friends.

It doesn't really do any good, other than let you access a member variable without using a setting function

well that is not exactly the way to look at it. The idea is to control WHO can access what, having or not a setting function has little to do with it.

Installing PIL with pip

There's another Python package tool called conda. Conda is preferred (I believe) over pip when there are libraries that need to install C++ and other bindings that aren't pure Python. Conda includes pip in its installation as well so you can still use pip, but you also get the benefits of conda.

Conda also installs IPython, pil, and many other libraries by default. I think you'll like it.

PostgreSQL - query from bash script as database user 'postgres'

Try this one:

psql -U postgres -d database_name -c "SELECT c_defaults  FROM user_info WHERE c_uid = 'testuser'"

Or using su:

su -c "psql -d database_name -c \"SELECT c_defaults  FROM user_info WHERE c_uid = 'testuser'\"" postgres

And also sudo:

sudo -u postgres -H -- psql -d database_name -c "SELECT c_defaults  FROM user_info WHERE c_uid = 'testuser'"

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 Web Scraping

Since the page works in browser and not when calling within python program, it seems that the web app that serves that url recognizes that you request the content not by the browser.


curl --dump-header r.txt

<TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
<H1>Access Denied</H1>
You don't have permission to access ...

and the content in r.txt has status line:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Try posting header 'User-Agent' which fakes web client.

NOTE: The page contains Ajax call that creates the table you probably want to parse. You'll need to check the javascript logic of the page or simply using browser debugger (like Firebug / Net tab) to see which url you need to call to get the table's content.

Greater than less than, python

Check to make sure that both score and array[x] are numerical types. You might be comparing an integer to a string...which is heartbreakingly possible in Python 2.x.

>>> 2 < "2"
>>> 2 > "2"
>>> 2 == "2"


Further explanation: How does Python compare string and int?

how to get the last character of a string?

Try this...

const str = ""

Python interpreter error, x takes no arguments (1 given)

Your updateVelocity() method is missing the explicit self parameter in its definition.

Should be something like this:

def updateVelocity(self):    
    for x in range(0,len(self.velocity)):
        self.velocity[x] = 2*random.random()*(self.pbestx[x]-self.current[x]) + 2 \
          * random.random()*(self.gbest[x]-self.current[x])

Your other methods (except for __init__) have the same problem.

Setting the target version of Java in ant javac

You may also set {{}} ant property to update default target version of task. See

How to compare 2 dataTables

If you have the tables in a database, you can make a full outer join to get the differences. Example:

select t1.Field1, t1.Field2, t2.Field1, t2.Field2
from Table1 t1
full outer join Table2 t2 on t1.Field1 = t2.Field1 and t1.Field2 = t2.Field2
where t1.Field1 is null or t2.Field2 is null

All records that are identical are filtered out. There is data either in the first two or the last two fields, depending on what table the record comes from.

How can I delete derived data in Xcode 8?

Steps For Delete DerivedData:

  1. Open Finder
  2. From menu click on Go > Go to Folder
  3. Enter ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData in textfield
  4. Click on Go button
  5. You will see the folders of your Xcode projects
  6. Delete the folders of projects, which you don't need.

How to add local jar files to a Maven project?

    <groupId>group id name</groupId>
    <artifactId>artifact name</artifactId>
    <version>version number</version>
    <systemPath>jar location</systemPath>

GoogleTest: How to skip a test?

If more than one test are needed be skipped


How can I combine two commits into one commit?

You want to git rebase -i to perform an interactive rebase.

If you're currently on your "commit 1", and the commit you want to merge, "commit 2", is the previous commit, you can run git rebase -i HEAD~2, which will spawn an editor listing all the commits the rebase will traverse. You should see two lines starting with "pick". To proceed with squashing, change the first word of the second line from "pick" to "squash". Then save your file, and quit. Git will squash your first commit into your second last commit.

Note that this process rewrites the history of your branch. If you are pushing your code somewhere, you'll have to git push -f and anybody sharing your code will have to jump through some hoops to pull your changes.

Note that if the two commits in question aren't the last two commits on the branch, the process will be slightly different.

Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file using a base64 file source instead of url

from the sourcecode at

 * This is the main entry point for loading a PDF and interacting with it.
 * NOTE: If a URL is used to fetch the PDF data a standard XMLHttpRequest(XHR)
 * is used, which means it must follow the same origin rules that any XHR does
 * e.g. No cross domain requests without CORS.
 * @param {string|TypedAray|object} source Can be an url to where a PDF is
 * located, a typed array (Uint8Array) already populated with data or
 * and parameter object with the following possible fields:
 *  - url   - The URL of the PDF.
 *  - data  - A typed array with PDF data.
 *  - httpHeaders - Basic authentication headers.
 *  - password - For decrypting password-protected PDFs.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with {PDFDocumentProxy} object.

So a standard XMLHttpRequest(XHR) is used for retrieving the document. The Problem with this is that XMLHttpRequests do not support data: uris (eg. data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUK...).

But there is the possibility of passing a typed Javascript Array to the function. The only thing you need to do is to convert the base64 string to a Uint8Array. You can use this function found at

var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,';

function convertDataURIToBinary(dataURI) {
  var base64Index = dataURI.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) + BASE64_MARKER.length;
  var base64 = dataURI.substring(base64Index);
  var raw = window.atob(base64);
  var rawLength = raw.length;
  var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));

  for(var i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {
    array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
  return array;


var pdfAsDataUri = "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUK..."; // shortened
var pdfAsArray = convertDataURIToBinary(pdfAsDataUri);

Fixed position but relative to container

You can give a try to my jQuery plugin, FixTo.



How can I check if given int exists in array?

You do need to loop through it. C++ does not implement any simpler way to do this when you are dealing with primitive type arrays.

also see this answer: C++ check if element exists in array

AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

Besides $rootScope and services, there is a clean and easy alternative solution to extend angular to add the shared data:

in the controllers:

angular.sharedProperties = angular.sharedProperties 
    || angular.extend(the-properties-objects);

This properties belong to 'angular' object, separated from the scopes, and can be shared in scopes and services.

1 benefit of it that you don't have to inject the object: they are accessible anywhere immediately after your defination!

Maximum concurrent Socket.IO connections

For +300k concurrent connection:

Set these variables in /etc/sysctl.conf:

fs.file-max = 10000000 
fs.nr_open = 10000000

Also, change these variables in /etc/security/limits.conf:

* soft nofile 10000000
* hard nofile 10000000
root soft nofile 10000000
root hard nofile 10000000

And finally, increase TCP buffers in /etc/sysctl.conf, too:

net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 1697152 1945728
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 4096 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 4096 16777216

for more information please refer to this.

XmlSerializer: remove unnecessary xsi and xsd namespaces

Since Dave asked for me to repeat my answer to Omitting all xsi and xsd namespaces when serializing an object in .NET, I have updated this post and repeated my answer here from the afore-mentioned link. The example used in this answer is the same example used for the other question. What follows is copied, verbatim.

After reading Microsoft's documentation and several solutions online, I have discovered the solution to this problem. It works with both the built-in XmlSerializer and custom XML serialization via IXmlSerialiazble.

To whit, I'll use the same MyTypeWithNamespaces XML sample that's been used in the answers to this question so far.

[XmlRoot("MyTypeWithNamespaces", Namespace="urn:Abracadabra", IsNullable=false)]
public class MyTypeWithNamespaces
    // As noted below, per Microsoft's documentation, if the class exposes a public
    // member of type XmlSerializerNamespaces decorated with the 
    // XmlNamespacesDeclarationAttribute, then the XmlSerializer will utilize those
    // namespaces during serialization.
    public MyTypeWithNamespaces( )
        this._namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] {
            // Don't do this!! Microsoft's documentation explicitly says it's not supported.
            // It doesn't throw any exceptions, but in my testing, it didn't always work.

            // new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, string.Empty),  // And don't do this:
            // new XmlQualifiedName("", "")

            // DO THIS:
            new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:Abracadabra") // Default Namespace
            // Add any other namespaces, with prefixes, here.

    // If you have other constructors, make sure to call the default constructor.
    public MyTypeWithNamespaces(string label, int epoch) : this( )
        this._label = label;
        this._epoch = epoch;

    // An element with a declared namespace different than the namespace
    // of the enclosing type.
    public string Label
        get { return this._label; }
        set { this._label = value; }
    private string _label;

    // An element whose tag will be the same name as the property name.
    // Also, this element will inherit the namespace of the enclosing type.
    public int Epoch
        get { return this._epoch; }
        set { this._epoch = value; }
    private int _epoch;

    // Per Microsoft's documentation, you can add some public member that
    // returns a XmlSerializerNamespaces object. They use a public field,
    // but that's sloppy. So I'll use a private backed-field with a public
    // getter property. Also, per the documentation, for this to work with
    // the XmlSerializer, decorate it with the XmlNamespaceDeclarations
    // attribute.
    public XmlSerializerNamespaces Namespaces
        get { return this._namespaces; }
    private XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces;

That's all to this class. Now, some objected to having an XmlSerializerNamespaces object somewhere within their classes; but as you can see, I neatly tucked it away in the default constructor and exposed a public property to return the namespaces.

Now, when it comes time to serialize the class, you would use the following code:

MyTypeWithNamespaces myType = new MyTypeWithNamespaces("myLabel", 42);

   OK, I just figured I could do this to make the code shorter, so I commented out the
   below and replaced it with what follows:

// You have to use this constructor in order for the root element to have the right namespaces.
// If you need to do custom serialization of inner objects, you can use a shortened constructor.
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces), new XmlAttributeOverrides(),
    new Type[]{}, new XmlRootAttribute("MyTypeWithNamespaces"), "urn:Abracadabra");

XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces),
    new XmlRootAttribute("MyTypeWithNamespaces") { Namespace="urn:Abracadabra" });

// I'll use a MemoryStream as my backing store.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

// This is extra! If you want to change the settings for the XmlSerializer, you have to create
// a separate XmlWriterSettings object and use the XmlTextWriter.Create(...) factory method.
// So, in this case, I want to omit the XML declaration.
XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
xws.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // This is probably the default
// You could use the XmlWriterSetting to set indenting and new line options, but the
// XmlTextWriter class has a much easier method to accomplish that.

// The factory method returns a XmlWriter, not a XmlTextWriter, so cast it.
XmlTextWriter xtw = (XmlTextWriter)XmlTextWriter.Create(ms, xws);
// Then we can set our indenting options (this is, of course, optional).
xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

// Now serialize our object.
xs.Serialize(xtw, myType, myType.Namespaces);

Once you have done this, you should get the following output:

    <Label xmlns="urn:Whoohoo">myLabel</Label>

I have successfully used this method in a recent project with a deep hierachy of classes that are serialized to XML for web service calls. Microsoft's documentation is not very clear about what to do with the publicly accesible XmlSerializerNamespaces member once you've created it, and so many think it's useless. But by following their documentation and using it in the manner shown above, you can customize how the XmlSerializer generates XML for your classes without resorting to unsupported behavior or "rolling your own" serialization by implementing IXmlSerializable.

It is my hope that this answer will put to rest, once and for all, how to get rid of the standard xsi and xsd namespaces generated by the XmlSerializer.

UPDATE: I just want to make sure I answered the OP's question about removing all namespaces. My code above will work for this; let me show you how. Now, in the example above, you really can't get rid of all namespaces (because there are two namespaces in use). Somewhere in your XML document, you're going to need to have something like xmlns="urn:Abracadabra" xmlns:w="urn:Whoohoo. If the class in the example is part of a larger document, then somewhere above a namespace must be declared for either one of (or both) Abracadbra and Whoohoo. If not, then the element in one or both of the namespaces must be decorated with a prefix of some sort (you can't have two default namespaces, right?). So, for this example, Abracadabra is the default namespace. I could inside my MyTypeWithNamespaces class add a namespace prefix for the Whoohoo namespace like so:

public MyTypeWithNamespaces
    this._namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] {
        new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:Abracadabra"), // Default Namespace
        new XmlQualifiedName("w", "urn:Whoohoo")

Now, in my class definition, I indicated that the <Label/> element is in the namespace "urn:Whoohoo", so I don't need to do anything further. When I now serialize the class using my above serialization code unchanged, this is the output:

<MyTypeWithNamespaces xmlns:w="urn:Whoohoo">

Because <Label> is in a different namespace from the rest of the document, it must, in someway, be "decorated" with a namespace. Notice that there are still no xsi and xsd namespaces.

This ends my answer to the other question. But I wanted to make sure I answered the OP's question about using no namespaces, as I feel I didn't really address it yet. Assume that <Label> is part of the same namespace as the rest of the document, in this case urn:Abracadabra:


Your constructor would look as it would in my very first code example, along with the public property to retrieve the default namespace:

// As noted below, per Microsoft's documentation, if the class exposes a public
// member of type XmlSerializerNamespaces decorated with the 
// XmlNamespacesDeclarationAttribute, then the XmlSerializer will utilize those
// namespaces during serialization.
public MyTypeWithNamespaces( )
    this._namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] {
        new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:Abracadabra") // Default Namespace

public XmlSerializerNamespaces Namespaces
    get { return this._namespaces; }
private XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces;

Then, later, in your code that uses the MyTypeWithNamespaces object to serialize it, you would call it as I did above:

MyTypeWithNamespaces myType = new MyTypeWithNamespaces("myLabel", 42);

XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces),
    new XmlRootAttribute("MyTypeWithNamespaces") { Namespace="urn:Abracadabra" });


// Above, you'd setup your XmlTextWriter.

// Now serialize our object.
xs.Serialize(xtw, myType, myType.Namespaces);

And the XmlSerializer would spit back out the same XML as shown immediately above with no additional namespaces in the output:


Splitting a string at every n-th character

As an addition to Bart Kiers answer I want to add that it is possible instead of using the three dots ... in the regex expression which are representing three characters you can write .{3} which has the same meaning.

Then the code would look like the following:

String bitstream = "00101010001001010100101010100101010101001010100001010101010010101";

With this it would be easier to modify the string length and the creation of a function is now reasonable with a variable input string length. This could be done look like the following:

public static String[] splitAfterNChars(String input, int splitLen){
    return input.split(String.format("(?<=\\G.{%1$d})", splitLen));

An example in IdeOne:

Ansible: copy a directory content to another directory

You could use the synchronize module. The example from the documentation:

# Synchronize two directories on one remote host.
- synchronize:
    src: /first/absolute/path
    dest: /second/absolute/path
  delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

This has the added benefit that it will be more efficient for large/many files.

Access files in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application without jailbreaking iPhone

If this is your app, if you connect the device to your computer, you can use the "Devices" option on Xcode's "Window" menu and then download the app's data container to your computer. Just select your app from the list of installed apps, and click on the "gear" icon and choose "Download Container".

enter image description here

Once you've downloaded it, right click on the file in the Finder and choose "Show Package Contents".

Woocommerce, get current product id

Save the current product id before entering your loop:

$current_product = $product->id;

Then in your loop for your sidebar, use $product->id again to compare:

 <li><a <? if ($product->id == $current_product) { echo "class='on'"; }?> href="<?=get_permalink();?>"><?=the_title();?></a></li>

How to scroll to an element in jQuery?

You can extend jQuery functionalities like this:

scrollToMe: function () {
    var x = jQuery(this).offset().top - 100;
    jQuery('html,body').animate({scrollTop: x}, 500);

and then:


easy ;-)

JQuery Number Formatting

html input runing for live chance.

<input type="text" name="v7"  class="priceformat"/>
<input type="text" name="v8"  class="priceformat"/>

$('.priceformat').each(function( index ) {
    $(this).priceFormat({ prefix: '',  thousandsSeparator: '' });




How to generate a git patch for a specific commit?

if you just want diff the specified file, you can :

git diff master 766eceb -- connections/ > 000-mysql-connector.patch

"installation of package 'FILE_PATH' had non-zero exit status" in R

I had the same problem, but the answer from @little_chemist helped me sorting it out. When installing packages from a file in a unix OS (Ubuntu 18.04 for me), the file can not be zipped. You are using:

install.packages("/home/p/Research/", repos = NULL, type="source")

I noticed the solution was as simple as unzipping the package. Additionally, unzip all (installation related?) packages inside, as @little_chemist points out. Then use install.packages:

install.packages("/home/p/Research/14_bivpois-Rcode", repos = NULL, type="source")

Hope it helps!

Android - How to decode and decompile any APK file?

To decompile APK Use APKTool.
You can learn how APKTool works on or by reading the documentation.

disable editing default value of text input

I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but if you want to prevent people from writing in the input field you can use the disabled attribute.

<input disabled="disabled" id="price_from" value="price from ">

How do I get the name of the current executable in C#?

When uncertain or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.

class Ourself
    public static string OurFileName() {
        System.Reflection.Assembly _objParentAssembly;

        if (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() == null)
            _objParentAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            _objParentAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();

        if (_objParentAssembly.CodeBase.StartsWith("http://"))
            throw new System.IO.IOException("Deployed from URL");

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(_objParentAssembly.Location))
            return _objParentAssembly.Location;
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName))
            return System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location))
            return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

        throw new System.IO.IOException("Assembly not found");

I can't claim to have tested each option, but it doesn't do anything stupid like returning the vhost during debugging sessions.

How to strip HTML tags with jQuery?

If you want to keep the innerHTML of the element and only strip the outermost tag, you can do this:


Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure,

Very easy solution:

In Visual Studio, go to Tools/Library Package Manager/Package Manager Console

<PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Web.InfraStructure

Have a nice time

How to remove/ignore :hover css style on touch devices

This is also a possible workaround, but you will have to go through your css and add a .no-touch class before your hover styles.


if (!("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)) {
document.documentElement.className += " no-touch";

CSS Example:

p span {
    display: none;

.no-touch p:hover span {
    display: inline;
<p><a href="/">Tap me</a><span>You tapped!</span></p>


P.s. But we should remember, there are coming more and more touch-devices to the market, which are also supporting mouse input at the same time.

jQuery hover and class selector

On a side note this is more efficient:

$(".menuItem").hover(function(){ = "#F00";
}, function() { = "#000";

How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?

In my case I committed and pushed to the wrong branch, so what I wanted was to have all my changes back so I can commit them to a new correct branch, so I did this:

On the same branch that you committed and pushed, if you type "git status" you won't see anything new because you committed and pushed, now type:

git reset --soft HEAD~1

This will get all your changes(files) back in the stage area, now to get them back in the working directory(unstage) you just type:

git reset FILE

Where "File" is the file that you want to commit again. Now, this FILE should be in the working directory(unstaged) with all the changes that you did. Now you can change to whatever branch that you want and commit the changes in that branch. Hope this helps other people that made the same mistake I did. Of course, the initial branch that you committed is still there with all changes, but in my case that was ok, if it is not for you-you can look for ways to revert that commit in that branch.

What is the default Jenkins password?

When you install jenkins on your local machine, the default username is admin and password it gets automatically filled.

How the single threaded non blocking IO model works in Node.js

Okay, most things should be clear so far... the tricky part is the SQL: if it is not in reality running in another thread or process in it’s entirety, the SQL-execution has to be broken down into individual steps (by an SQL processor made for asynchronous execution!), where the non-blocking ones are executed, and the blocking ones (e.g. the sleep) actually can be transferred to the kernel (as an alarm interrupt/event) and put on the event list for the main loop.

That means, e.g. the interpretation of the SQL, etc. is done immediately, but during the wait (stored as an event to come in the future by the kernel in some kqueue, epoll, ... structure; together with the other IO operations) the main loop can do other things and eventually check if something happened of those IOs and waits.

So, to rephrase it again: the program is never (allowed to get) stuck, sleeping calls are never executed. Their duty is done by the kernel (write something, wait for something to come over the network, waiting for time to elapse) or another thread or process. – The Node process checks if at least one of those duties is finished by the kernel in the only blocking call to the OS once in each event-loop-cycle. That point is reached, when everything non-blocking is done.

Clear? :-)

I don’t know Node. But where does the c.query come from?

NumPy ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

As it says, it is ambiguous. Your array comparison returns a boolean array. Methods any() and all() reduce values over the array (either logical_or or logical_and). Moreover, you probably don't want to check for equality. You should replace your condition with:

np.allclose([:,col]), eig_val[col] * eig_vec[:,col])

Freeing up a TCP/IP port?

As the others have said, you'll have to kill all processes that are listening on that port. The easiest way to do that would be to use the fuser(1) command. For example, to see all of the processes listening for http requests on port 80 (run as root or use sudo):

# fuser 80/tcp

If you want to kill them, then just add the -k option.

size of NumPy array

Yes numpy has a size function, and shape and size are not quite the same.


import numpy as np
data = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
arrData = np.array(data)



[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]

8 # size

(2, 4) # shape

subsampling every nth entry in a numpy array

You can use numpy's slicing, simply start:stop:step.

>>> xs
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> xs[1::4]
array([2, 2, 2])

This creates a view of the the original data, so it's constant time. It'll also reflect changes to the original array and keep the whole original array in memory:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2]         # O(1), constant time
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the view changes original array
>>> a                  # original array is modified
array([0, 2, 0, 4, 0])

so if either of the above things are a problem, you can make a copy explicitly:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2].copy()  # explicit copy, O(n)
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the copy
>>> a                  # original is intact
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

This isn't constant time, but the result isn't tied to the original array. The copy also contiguous in memory, which can make some operations on it faster.

SQL Server: use CASE with LIKE

One of the first things you need to learn about SQL (and relational databases) is that you shouldn't store multiple values in a single field.

You should create another table and store one value per row.

This will make your querying easier, and your database structure better.

    case when exists (select countryname from itemcountries where and countryname = @country) then 'national' else 'regional' end
from yourtable

SQL Server - An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'RETURN'

That is invalid syntax. You are mixing relational expressions with scalar operators (OR). Specifically you cannot combine expr IN (select ...) OR (select ...). You probably want expr IN (select ...) OR expr IN (select ...). Using union would also work: expr IN (select... UNION select...)

Set Culture in an ASP.Net MVC app

If using Subdomains, for example like "" to set portuguese for example, using Application_AcquireRequestState won't work, because it's not called on subsequent cache requests.

To solve this, I suggest an implementation like this:

  1. Add the VaryByCustom parameter to the OutPutCache like this:

    [OutputCache(Duration = 10000, VaryByCustom = "lang")]
    public ActionResult Contact()
        return View("Contact");
  2. In global.asax.cs, get the culture from the host using a function call:

    protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
        System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = GetCultureFromHost();
  3. Add the GetCultureFromHost function to global.asax.cs:

    private CultureInfo GetCultureFromHost()
        CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US"); // en-US
        string host = Request.Url.Host.ToLower();
        if (host.Equals(""))
            ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
        else if (host.StartsWith("pt."))
            ci = new CultureInfo("pt");
        else if (host.StartsWith("de."))
            ci = new CultureInfo("de");
        else if (host.StartsWith("da."))
            ci = new CultureInfo("da");
        return ci;
  4. And finally override the GetVaryByCustomString(...) to also use this function:

    public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string value)
        if (value.ToLower() == "lang")
            CultureInfo ci = GetCultureFromHost();
            return ci.Name;
        return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, value);

The function Application_AcquireRequestState is called on non-cached calls, which allows the content to get generated and cached. GetVaryByCustomString is called on cached calls to check if the content is available in cache, and in this case we examine the incoming host domain value, again, instead of relying on just the current culture info, which could have changed for the new request (because we are using subdomains).

How do I set the selected item in a drop down box

You can use this method if you use a MySQL database:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `id`!='".$user_id."'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if ($_GET['to'] == $row['id'])
        $selected = 'selected="selected"';
    $selected = '';
    echo('<option value="'.$row['id'].' '.$selected.'">'.$row['username'].' ('.$row['fname'].' '.substr($row['lname'],0,1).'.)</option>');

It will compare if the user in $_GET['to'] is the same as $row['id'] in table, if yes, the $selected will be created. This was for a private messaging system... Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. spark Eclipse on windows 7

Setting the Hadoop_Home environment variable in system properties didn't work for me. But this did:

  • Set the Hadoop_Home in the Eclipse Run Configurations environment tab.
  • Follow the 'Windows Environment Setup' from here

Repeat string to certain length

Yay recursion!

def trunc(s,l):
    if l > 0:
        return s[:l] + trunc(s, l - len(s))
    return ''

Won't scale forever, but it's fine for smaller strings. And it's pretty.

I admit I just read the Little Schemer and I like recursion right now.

How can I get client information such as OS and browser

This code is based on the most voted question but I might be easier to use

public enum OS {


    public static OS valueOf(HttpServletRequest request) {

        final String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
        final OS toReturn;

        if (userAgent == null || userAgent.isEmpty()) {
            toReturn = UNKNOWN;
        } else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().contains("windows")) {
            toReturn = WINDOWS;
        } else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().contains("mac")) {
            toReturn = MAC;
        } else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().contains("x11")) {
            toReturn = LINUX;
        } else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().contains("android")) {
            toReturn = ANDROID;
        } else if (userAgent.toLowerCase().contains("iphone")) {
            toReturn = IPHONE;
        } else {
            toReturn = UNKNOWN;

        return toReturn;


Case-insensitive string comparison in C++

The Boost.String library has a lot of algorithms for doing case-insenstive comparisons and so on.

You could implement your own, but why bother when it's already been done?

How to format a Java string with leading zero?

This is what he was really asking for I believe:

String.format("%0"+ (8 - "Apple".length() )+"d%s",0 ,"Apple"); 



Responsive iframe using Bootstrap

Working during August 2020

use this

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

use one aspect ratio

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="…"></iframe>

within iframe use options

 <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."
      overflow: hidden;
      overflow-x: hidden;
      overflow-y: hidden;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0px;
      left: 0px;
      right: 0px;
      bottom: 0px;

Add button to navigationbar programmatically

Try this.It work for me. Add button to navigation bar programmatically, Also we set image to navigation bar button,

Below is Code:-

  UIBarButtonItem *Savebtn=[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithImage:
  [[UIImage imageNamed:@"bt_save.png"]imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal] 
  style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(SaveButtonClicked)];

    // Add save button code.

Is calling destructor manually always a sign of bad design?

I have never come across a situation where one needs to call a destructor manually. I seem to remember even Stroustrup claims it is bad practice.

Time comparison

You can use the compareTo() method from Java Date class

public int result = date.compareTo(Date anotherDate); 

Return Value: The function gives three return values specified below:

It returns the value 0 if the argument Date is equal to this Date. It returns a value less than 0 if this Date is before the Date argument. It returns a value greater than 0 if this Date is after the Date argument.

React Hook "useState" is called in function "app" which is neither a React function component or a custom React Hook function

First of all, you need to uppercase the FirstLetter of your components, in your case app should be App and person should be Person.

I tried to copy your code in the hope of finding the issue. Since you did not share how you call the App component, I can only see 1 way to result this to an issue.

This is the link in CodeSandbox: Invalid hook call.

Why? Because of the code below which is wrong:

ReactDOM.render(App(), rootElement);

It should have been:

ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

For more info, you should read Rule of Hooks - React

Hope this helps!

Check if input is integer type in C

This is a more user-friendly one I guess :


/* This program checks if the entered input is an integer
 * or provides an option for the user to re-enter.

int getint()
  int x;
  char c;
  printf("\nEnter an integer (say -1 or 26 or so ): ");
  while( scanf("%d",&x) != 1 )

    printf("You have entered ");
    printf(" in the input which is not an integer");

    while ( getchar() != '\n' )
     ; //wasting the buffer till the next new line

    printf("\nEnter an integer (say -1 or 26 or so ): ");


return x;

int main(void)
  int x;

  printf("Main Function =>\n");
  printf("Integer : %d\n",x);

 return 0;

How to make my font bold using css?

You could use a couple approaches. First would be to use the strong tag

Here is an <strong>example of that tag</strong>.

Another approach would be to use the font-weight property. You can achieve inline, or via a class or id. Let's say you're using a class.

.className {
  font-weight: bold;

Alternatively, you can also use a hard value for font-weight and most fonts support a value between 300 and 700, incremented by 100. For example, the following would be bold:

.className {
  font-weight: 700;

When to use Interface and Model in TypeScript / Angular

Interfaces are only at compile time. This allows only you to check that the expected data received follows a particular structure. For this you can cast your content to this interface:

    .map(res => <Product[]>res.json());

See these questions:

You can do something similar with class but the main differences with class are that they are present at runtime (constructor function) and you can define methods in them with processing. But, in this case, you need to instantiate objects to be able to use them:

    .map(res => {
      var data = res.json();
      return => {
        return new Product(d.productNumber,
          d.productName, d.productDescription);

Best way to check for "empty or null value"

Something that I saw people using is stringexpression > ''. This may be not the fastest one, but happens to be one of the shortest.

Tried it on MS SQL as well as on PostgreSQL.

Get the value of a dropdown in jQuery

This has worked for me!

$('#selected-option option:selected').val()

Hope this helps someone!

Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

Call the child activity Intent using the startActivityForResult() method call

There is an example of this here:

and in the "Returning a Result from a Screen" of this:


There is a lot more to coalesce than just a replacement for ISNULL. I completely agree that the official "documentation" of coalesce is vague and unhelpful. This article helps a lot.

JQuery get data from JSON array

You're not looping over the items. Try this instead:

$.getJSON(url, function(data){
    $.each(, function (index, value) {

How to get enum value by string or int

I think you forgot the generic type definition:

public T GetEnumValue<T>(int intValue) where T : struct, IConvertible // <T> added

and you can improve it to be most convinient like e.g.:

public static T ToEnum<T>(this string enumValue) : where T : struct, IConvertible
    return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), enumValue);

then you can do:

TestEnum reqValue = "Value1".ToEnum<TestEnum>();

did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option

For recursive components that are not registered globally, it is essential to use not 'any name', but the EXACTLY same name as your component.

Let me give an example:

        <ul v-if="tag.sub_tags && tag.sub_tags.length">
            <app-tag v-for="subTag in tag.sub_tags" v-bind:tag="subTag" v-bind:key=""></app-tag>

    export default {
        name: "app-tag",  // using EXACTLY this name is essential

        components: {


        props: ['tag'],

cocoapods - 'pod install' takes forever

I had the same problem, I then realized that I was still running Network Conditioner on "Very Bad Network". Turning that off solved the issue.

Hope that helps someone.

PHP: How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string for use in a secret link?

This function will generate a random key using numbers and letters:

function random_string($length) {
    $key = '';
    $keys = array_merge(range(0, 9), range('a', 'z'));

    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $key .= $keys[array_rand($keys)];

    return $key;

echo random_string(50);

Example output:


How to use the PI constant in C++

C++14 lets you do static constexpr auto pi = acos(-1);

Convert International String to \u Codes in java

There are three parts to the answer

  1. Get the Unicode for each character
  2. Determine if it is in the Cyrillic Page
  3. Convert to Hexadecimal.

To get each character you can iterate through the String using the charAt() or toCharArray() methods.

for( char c : s.toCharArray() )

The value of the char is the Unicode value.

The Cyrillic Unicode characters are any character in the following ranges:

Cyrillic:            U+0400–U+04FF ( 1024 -  1279)
Cyrillic Supplement: U+0500–U+052F ( 1280 -  1327)
Cyrillic Extended-A: U+2DE0–U+2DFF (11744 - 11775)
Cyrillic Extended-B: U+A640–U+A69F (42560 - 42655)

If it is in this range it is Cyrillic. Just perform an if check. If it is in the range use Integer.toHexString() and prepend the "\\u". Put together it should look something like this:

final int[][] ranges = new int[][]{ 
        {  1024,  1279 }, 
        {  1280,  1327 }, 
        { 11744, 11775 }, 
        { 42560, 42655 },
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

for( char c : s.toCharArray() ){
    int[] insideRange = null;
    for( int[] range : ranges ){
        if( range[0] <= c && c <= range[1] ){
            insideRange = range;

    if( insideRange != null ){
        b.append( "\\u" ).append( Integer.toHexString(c) );
        b.append( c );

return b.toString();

Edit: probably should make the check c < 128 and reverse the if and the else bodies; you probably should escape everything that isn't ASCII. I was probably too literal in my reading of your question.

How to read a list of files from a folder using PHP?

There is this function scandir():

$dir = 'dir';
$files = scandir($dir, 0);
for($i = 2; $i < count($files); $i++)
    print $files[$i]."<br>";

More here in the manual

Dynamically load a function from a DLL

In addition to the already posted answer, I thought I should share a handy trick I use to load all the DLL functions into the program through function pointers, without writing a separate GetProcAddress call for each and every function. I also like to call the functions directly as attempted in the OP.

Start by defining a generic function pointer type:

typedef int (__stdcall* func_ptr_t)();

What types that are used aren't really important. Now create an array of that type, which corresponds to the amount of functions you have in the DLL:

func_ptr_t func_ptr [DLL_FUNCTIONS_N];

In this array we can store the actual function pointers that point into the DLL memory space.

Next problem is that GetProcAddress expects the function names as strings. So create a similar array consisting of the function names in the DLL:


Now we can easily call GetProcAddress() in a loop and store each function inside that array:

for(int i=0; i<DLL_FUNCTIONS_N; i++)
  func_ptr[i] = GetProcAddress(hinst_mydll, DLL_FUNCTION_NAMES[i]);

  if(func_ptr[i] == NULL)
    // error handling, most likely you have to terminate the program here

If the loop was successful, the only problem we have now is calling the functions. The function pointer typedef from earlier isn't helpful, because each function will have its own signature. This can be solved by creating a struct with all the function types:

typedef struct
  int  (__stdcall* dll_add_ptr)(int, int);
  int  (__stdcall* dll_subtract_ptr)(int, int);
  void (__stdcall* dll_do_stuff_ptr)(something);
} functions_struct;

And finally, to connect these to the array from before, create a union:

typedef union
  functions_struct  by_type;
  func_ptr_t        func_ptr [DLL_FUNCTIONS_N];
} functions_union;

Now you can load all the functions from the DLL with the convenient loop, but call them through the by_type union member.

But of course, it is a bit burdensome to type out something like

functions.by_type.dll_add_ptr(1, 1); whenever you want to call a function.

As it turns out, this is the reason why I added the "ptr" postfix to the names: I wanted to keep them different from the actual function names. We can now smooth out the icky struct syntax and get the desired names, by using some macros:

#define dll_add (functions.by_type.dll_add_ptr)
#define dll_subtract (functions.by_type.dll_subtract_ptr)
#define dll_do_stuff (functions.by_type.dll_do_stuff_ptr)

And voilà, you can now use the function names, with the correct type and parameters, as if they were statically linked to your project:

int result = dll_add(1, 1);

Disclaimer: Strictly speaking, conversions between different function pointers are not defined by the C standard and not safe. So formally, what I'm doing here is undefined behavior. However, in the Windows world, function pointers are always of the same size no matter their type and the conversions between them are predictable on any version of Windows I've used.

Also, there might in theory be padding inserted in the union/struct, which would cause everything to fail. However, pointers happen to be of the same size as the alignment requirement in Windows. A static_assert to ensure that the struct/union has no padding might be in order still.

How do I fix a "Expected Primary-expression before ')' token" error?

showInventory(player);     // I get the error here.

void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D

this means that player is an datatype and showInventory expect an referance to an variable of type player.

so the correct code will be

  void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D
    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        std::cout << "\nINVENTORY:\n" + obj.getItem(i);
        std::cout << "\t\t\t" + obj.getItem(i) + "\n";

players myPlayers[10];

    std::string toDo() //BY KEATON
    std::string commands[5] =   // This is the valid list of commands.
        {"help", "inv"};

    std::string ans;
    std::cout << "\nWhat do you wish to do?\n>> ";
    std::cin >> ans;

    if(ans == commands[0]) {
        return NULL;
    else if(ans == commands[1]) {
        showInventory(myPlayers[0]);     // or any other index,also is not necessary to have an array
        return NULL;


list all files in the folder and also sub folders

Using you current code, make this tweak:

public void listf(String directoryName, List<File> files) {
    File directory = new File(directoryName);

    // Get all files from a directory.
    File[] fList = directory.listFiles();
    if(fList != null)
        for (File file : fList) {      
            if (file.isFile()) {
            } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
                listf(file.getAbsolutePath(), files);

How to import large sql file in phpmyadmin

Try to import it from mysql console as per the taste of your OS.

mysql -u {DB-USER-NAME} -p {DB-NAME} < {db.file.sql path}

or if it's on a remote server use the -h flag to specify the host.

mysql -u {DB-USER-NAME} -h {MySQL-SERVER-HOST-NAME} -p {DB-NAME} < {db.file.sql path}

What is difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?

Check the below links:

  • Implicit Wait - It instructs the web driver to wait for some time by poll the DOM. Once you declared implicit wait it will be available for the entire life of web driver instance. By default the value will be 0. If you set a longer default, then the behavior will poll the DOM on a periodic basis depending on the browser/driver implementation.

  • Explicit Wait + ExpectedConditions - It is the custom one. It will be used if we want the execution to wait for some time until some condition achieved.

CSS table-cell equal width

Just using max-width: 0 in the display: table-cell element worked for me:

.table {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
.table-cell {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  max-width: 0px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid gray;_x000D_
<div class="table">_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">short</div>_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">loooooong</div>_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">Veeeeeeery loooooong</div>_x000D_

Calculating the distance between 2 points

measure the square distance from one point to the other:

((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) < d*d

where d is the distance, (x1,y1) are the coordinates of the 'base point' and (x2,y2) the coordinates of the point you want to check.

or if you prefer:

(Math.Pow(x1-x2,2)+Math.Pow(y1-y2,2)) < (d*d);

Noticed that the preferred one does not call Pow at all for speed reasons, and the second one, probably slower, as well does not call Math.Sqrt, always for performance reasons. Maybe such optimization are premature in your case, but they are useful if that code has to be executed a lot of times.

Of course you are talking in meters and I supposed point coordinates are expressed in meters too.

How can I be notified when an element is added to the page?

ETA 24 Apr 17 I wanted to simplify this a bit with some async/await magic, as it makes it a lot more succinct:

Using the same promisified-observable:

const startObservable = (domNode) => {
  var targetNode = domNode;

  var observerConfig = {
    attributes: true,
    childList: true,
    characterData: true

  return new Promise((resolve) => {
      var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
         // For the sake of...observation...let's output the mutation to console to see how this all works
         mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
     observer.observe(targetNode, observerConfig);

Your calling function can be as simple as:

const waitForMutation = async () => {
    const button = document.querySelector('.some-button')
    if (button !== null)
    try {
      const results = await startObservable(someDomNode)
      return results
    } catch (err) { 

If you wanted to add a timeout, you could use a simple Promise.race pattern as demonstrated here:

const waitForMutation = async (timeout = 5000 /*in ms*/) => {
    const button = document.querySelector('.some-button')
    if (button !== null)
    try {

      const results = await Promise.race([
          // this will throw after the timeout, skipping 
          // the return & going to the catch block
          new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(
             new Error('timed out waiting for mutation')
      return results
    } catch (err) { 


You can do this without libraries, but you'd have to use some ES6 stuff, so be cognizant of compatibility issues (i.e., if your audience is mostly Amish, luddite or, worse, IE8 users)

First, we'll use the MutationObserver API to construct an observer object. We'll wrap this object in a promise, and resolve() when the callback is fired (h/t davidwalshblog)david walsh blog article on mutations:

const startObservable = (domNode) => {
    var targetNode = domNode;

    var observerConfig = {
        attributes: true,
        childList: true,
        characterData: true

    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
            // For the sake of...observation...let's output the mutation to console to see how this all works
            mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
        observer.observe(targetNode, observerConfig);

Then, we'll create a generator function. If you haven't used these yet, then you're missing out--but a brief synopsis is: it runs like a sync function, and when it finds a yield <Promise> expression, it waits in a non-blocking fashion for the promise to be fulfilled (Generators do more than this, but this is what we're interested in here).

// we'll declare our DOM node here, too
let targ = document.querySelector('#domNodeToWatch')

function* getMutation() {
    var mutations = yield startObservable(targ)

A tricky part about generators is they don't 'return' like a normal function. So, we'll use a helper function to be able to use the generator like a regular function. (again, h/t to dwb)

function runGenerator(g) {
    var it = g(), ret;

    // asynchronously iterate over generator
    (function iterate(val){
        ret = val );

        if (!ret.done) {
            // poor man's "is it a promise?" test
            if ("then" in ret.value) {
                // wait on the promise
                ret.value.then( iterate );
            // immediate value: just send right back in
            else {
                // avoid synchronous recursion
                setTimeout( function(){
                    iterate( ret.value );
                }, 0 );

Then, at any point before the expected DOM mutation might happen, simply run runGenerator(getMutation).

Now you can integrate DOM mutations into a synchronous-style control flow. How bout that.

Any way to clear python's IDLE window?

I like to use:

import os
clear = lambda : os.system('cls') # or clear for Linux


Convert List to Pandas Dataframe Column

You can directly call the


method and pass your list as parameter.

l = ['Thanks You','Its fine no problem','Are you sure']


0            Thanks You
1   Its fine no problem
2          Are you sure

And if you have multiple lists and you want to make a dataframe out of it.You can do it as following:

import pandas as pd
names =["A","B","C","D"]
salary =[50000,90000,41000,62000]
age = [24,24,23,25]
data = pd.DataFrame([names,salary,age]) #Each list would be added as a row
data = data.transpose() #To Transpose and make each rows as columns
data.columns=['Names','Salary','Age'] #Rename the columns


    Names   Salary  Age
0       A    50000   24
1       B    90000   24
2       C    41000   23
3       D    62000   25

How to properly add 1 month from now to current date in moment.js

var currentDate = moment('2015-10-30');
var futureMonth = moment(currentDate).add(1, 'M');
var futureMonthEnd = moment(futureMonth).endOf('month');

if( != && futureMonth.isSame(futureMonthEnd.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) {
    futureMonth = futureMonth.add(1, 'd');




moment.addRealMonth = function addRealMonth(d) {
  var fm = moment(d).add(1, 'M');
  var fmEnd = moment(fm).endOf('month');
  return != && fm.isSame(fmEnd.format('YYYY-MM-DD')) ? fm.add(1, 'd') : fm;  

var nextMonth = moment.addRealMonth(moment());


jQuery: If this HREF contains

Try this:

$("a").each(function() {
    if ($('[href$="?"]', this).length()) {
        alert("Contains questionmark");

Vue JS mounted()

Abstract your initialization into a method, and call the method from mounted and wherever else you want.

new Vue({
      //call API
      //Setup game

Then possibly have a button in your template to start over.

<button v-if="playerWon" @click="init">Play Again</button>

In this button, playerWon represents a boolean value in your data that you would set when the player wins the game so the button appears. You would set it back to false in init.

How to find the mysql data directory from command line in windows

You can try this-

mysql> select @@datadir;

PS- It works on every platform.

Java NIO: What does IOException: Broken pipe mean?

What causes a "broken pipe", and more importantly, is it possible to recover from that state?

It is caused by something causing the connection to close. (It is not your application that closed the connection: that would have resulted in a different exception.)

It is not possible to recover the connection. You need to open a new one.

If it cannot be recovered, it seems this would be a good sign that an irreversible problem has occurred and that I should simply close this socket connection. Is that a reasonable assumption?

Yes it is. Once you've received that exception, the socket won't ever work again. Closing it is is the only sensible thing to do.

Is there ever a time when this IOException would occur while the socket connection is still being properly connected in the first place (rather than a working connection that failed at some point)?

No. (Or at least, not without subverting proper behavior of the OS'es network stack, the JVM and/or your application.)

Is it wise to always call SocketChannel.isConnected() before attempting a SocketChannel.write() ...

In general, it is a bad idea to call r.isXYZ() before some call that uses the (external) resource r. There is a small chance that the state of the resource will change between the two calls. It is a better idea to do the action, catch the IOException (or whatever) resulting from the failed action and take whatever remedial action is required.

In this particular case, calling isConnected() is pointless. The method is defined to return true if the socket was connected at some point in the past. It does not tell you if the connection is still live. The only way to determine if the connection is still alive is to attempt to use it; e.g. do a read or write.

Find MongoDB records where array field is not empty

Starting with the 2.6 release, another way to do this is to compare the field to an empty array:

ME.find({pictures: {$gt: []}})

Testing it out in the shell:

> db.ME.insert([
{pictures: [1,2,3]},
{pictures: []},
{pictures: ['']},
{pictures: [0]},
{pictures: 1},
{foobar: 1}

> db.ME.find({pictures: {$gt: []}})
{ "_id": ObjectId("54d4d9ff96340090b6c1c4a7"), "pictures": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
{ "_id": ObjectId("54d4d9ff96340090b6c1c4a9"), "pictures": [ "" ] }
{ "_id": ObjectId("54d4d9ff96340090b6c1c4aa"), "pictures": [ 0 ] }

So it properly includes the docs where pictures has at least one array element, and excludes the docs where pictures is either an empty array, not an array, or missing.

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)

As of Maven Eclipse (m2e) version 0.12 all Maven life-cycle goals must map to an installed m2e extension. In this case, the maven-ear-plugin had an-unmapped goal default-generate-application-xml.

You can exclude un-mapped life-cycle goals by simply following the instructions here:

Alternatively, simply right-click on the error message in Eclipse and choosing Quick Fix -> Ignore for every pom with such errors.

You should be careful when ignoring life-cycle goals: typically goals do something useful and if you configure them to be ignored in Eclipse you may miss important build steps. You might also want to consider adding support to the Maven Eclipse EAR extension for the unmapped life-cycle goal.

Sending emails in Node.js?

Mature, simple to use and has lots of features if simple isn't enought: Nodemailer: (note correct url!)

Best way to retrieve variable values from a text file?

hbn's answer won't work out of the box if the file to load is in a subdirectory or is named with dashes.

In such a case you may consider this alternative :

exec open(

Or the simpler but deprecated in python3 :


I guess Stephan202's warning applies to both options, though, and maybe the loop on lines is safer.

How to open spss data files in excel?

In order to download that driver you must have a license to SPSS. For those who do not, there is an open source tool that is very much like SPSS and will allow you to import SAV files and export them to CSV.

Here's the software

And here are the steps to export the data.

Passing argument to alias in bash

This is the solution which can avoid using function:

alias addone='{ num=$(cat -); echo "input: $num"; echo "result:$(($num+1))"; }<<<'

test result

addone 200
input: 200

Delete duplicate records from a SQL table without a primary key

You could create a temporary table #tempemployee containing a select distinct of your employee table. Then delete from employee. Then insert into employee select from #tempemployee.

Like Josh said - even if you know the duplicates, deleting them will be impossile since you cannot actually refer to a specific record if it is an exact duplicate of another record.

Change name of folder when cloning from GitHub?

In case you want to clone a specific branch only, then,

git clone -b <branch-name> <repo-url> <destination-folder-name>

for example,

git clone -b dev signin

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

python3x or higher

  1. load file in byte stream:
     body = ''
        for lines in open('website/index.html','rb'):
            decodedLine = lines.decode('utf-8')
            body = body+decodedLine.strip()
        return body
  1. use global setting:
    import io
    import sys
    sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf-8')

Find max and second max salary for a employee table MySQL

You can write 2 subqueries like this example

SELECT (select max(Salary) from Employee) as max_id, 
     (select Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit 1,1) as max_2nd 

Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android

I know this is a little old but for the sake of folks like myself from google who didn't find a complete answer here. Here are some extracts from my app which put the arrows inside a custom listview....

Location loc;   //Will hold lastknown location
Location wptLoc = new Location("");    // Waypoint location 
float dist = -1;
float bearing = 0;
float heading = 0;
float arrow_rotation = 0;

LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);

if(loc == null) {   //No recent GPS fix
    Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
    loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(lm.getBestProvider(criteria, true));

if(loc != null) {
    wptLoc.setLongitude(cursor.getFloat(2));    //Cursor is from SimpleCursorAdapter
    dist = loc.distanceTo(wptLoc);
    bearing = loc.bearingTo(wptLoc);    // -180 to 180
    heading = loc.getBearing();         // 0 to 360
    // *** Code to calculate where the arrow should point ***
    arrow_rotation = (360+((bearing + 360) % 360)-heading) % 360;

I willing to bet it could be simplified but it works! LastKnownLocation was used since this code was from new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder()

onLocationChanged contains a call to notifyDataSetChanged();

code also from new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() to set image rotation and listrow colours (only applied in a single columnIndex mind you)...

LinearLayout ll = ((LinearLayout)view.getParent());
int childcount = ll.getChildCount();
for (int i=0; i < childcount; i++){
    View v = ll.getChildAt(i);
    if(v instanceof TextView) ((TextView)v).setTextColor(fc);
    if(v instanceof ImageView) {
        ImageView img = (ImageView)v;
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.postRotate(arrow_rotation, img.getWidth()/2, img.getHeight()/2);

In case you're wondering I did away with the magnetic sensor dramas, wasn't worth the hassle in my case. I hope somebody finds this as useful as I usually do when google brings me to stackoverflow!

Highcharts - how to have a chart with dynamic height?

Alternatively, you can directly use javascript's window.onresize

As example, my code (using scriptaculos) is :

window.onresize = function (){
    var w = $("form").getWidth() + "px";
    $('gfx').setStyle( { width : w } );

Where form is an html form on my webpage and gfx the highchart graphics.