Programs & Examples On #Zend locale

Switch statement with returns -- code correctness

Remove them. It's idiomatic to return from case statements, and it's "unreachable code" noise otherwise.

How to remove the default arrow icon from a dropdown list (select element)?

Try this it works for me,

        border: 0 !important;  /*Removes border*/_x000D_
        -webkit-appearance: none;_x000D_
        -moz-appearance: none;_x000D_
        appearance: none;_x000D_
        text-indent: 0.01px; /* Removes default arrow from firefox*/_x000D_
        text-overflow: "";  /*Removes default arrow from firefox*/_x000D_
    select::-ms-expand {_x000D_
        display: none;_x000D_
<div class="select-wrapper">_x000D_
     <select> ... </select>_x000D_

You can not hide but using overflow hidden you can actually make it disappear.

How do I configure Apache 2 to run Perl CGI scripts?

For those like me who have been groping your way through much-more-than-you-need-to-know-right-now tutorials and Docs, and just want to see the thing working for starters, I found the only thing I had to do was add:

AddHandler cgi-script .pl .cgi

To my configuration file.

For my situation this works best as I can put my perl script anywhere I want, and just add the .pl or .cgi extension.

Dave Sherohman's answer mentions the AddHandler solution also.

Of course you still must make sure the permissions/ownership on your script are set correctly, especially that the script will be executable. Take note of who the "user" is when run from an http request - eg, www or www-data.

Get ASCII value at input word

char a='a';
char A='A';
System.out.println((int)a +" "+(int)A);

97 65

Auto increment in phpmyadmin

Just run a simple MySQL query and set the auto increment number to whatever you want.


In terms of a maximum, as far as I am aware there is not one, nor is there any way to limit such number.

It is perfectly safe, and common practice to set an id number as a primiary key, auto incrementing int. There are alternatives such as using PHP to generate membership numbers for you in a specific format and then checking the number does not exist prior to inserting, however for me personally I'd go with the primary id auto_inc value.

Change color of bootstrap navbar on hover link?

Sorry for late reply. You can only use:

   nav a:hover{

                   background-color:color name !important;


How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?

In SQL Server, you can use this query:

USE Database_name


And do not forget to replace Database_name and Table_name with the exact names of your database and table names.

Find objects between two dates MongoDB

Convert your dates to GMT timezone as you're stuffing them into Mongo. That way there's never a timezone issue. Then just do the math on the twitter/timezone field when you pull the data back out for presentation.

How to insert a timestamp in Oracle?


How to get user agent in PHP

Use the native PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable instead.

$apply already in progress error

In angular 1.3, I think, they added a new function - $scope.$applyAsync(). This function calls apply later on - they say about 10 ms later at least. It is not perfect, but it does at least eliminate the annoying error.$rootScope.Scope#$applyAsync

How to create file execute mode permissions in Git on Windows?

Indeed, it would be nice if git-add had a --mode flag

git 2.9.x/2.10 (Q3 2016) actually will allow that (thanks to Edward Thomson):

git add --chmod=+x -- afile
git commit -m"Executable!"

That makes the all process quicker, and works even if core.filemode is set to false.

See commit 4e55ed3 (31 May 2016) by Edward Thomson (ethomson).
Helped-by: Johannes Schindelin (dscho).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit c8b080a, 06 Jul 2016)

add: add --chmod=+x / --chmod=-x options

The executable bit will not be detected (and therefore will not be set) for paths in a repository with core.filemode set to false, though the users may still wish to add files as executable for compatibility with other users who do have core.filemode functionality.
For example, Windows users adding shell scripts may wish to add them as executable for compatibility with users on non-Windows.

Although this can be done with a plumbing command (git update-index --add --chmod=+x foo), teaching the git-add command allows users to set a file executable with a command that they're already familiar with.

How to format a number 0..9 to display with 2 digits (it's NOT a date)

If you need to print the number you can use printf

System.out.printf("%02d", num);

You can use

String.format("%02d", num);


(num < 10 ? "0" : "") + num;



C# Syntax - Split String into Array by Comma, Convert To Generic List, and Reverse Order

Try this:

List<string> names = new List<string>("Tom,Scott,Bob".Split(','));

Display only date and no time

This works if you want to display in a TextBox:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Employee.DOB, "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}")

Change icon-bar (?) color in bootstrap

Just one line of coding is enough.. just try this out. and you can adjust even thicknes of icon-bar with this by adding pixels.


<div class="navbar-header">
  <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#defaultNavbar1" aria-expanded="false"><span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>

  <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <span class="icon-bar"></span>

  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#" <span class="icon-bar"></span><img class="img-responsive brand" src="img/brand.png">


    .navbar-toggle, .icon-bar {
    border:1px solid orange;


What is &amp used for

& is HTML for "Start of a character reference".

&amp; is the character reference for "An ampersand".

&current; is not a standard character reference and so is an error (browsers may try to perform error recovery but you should not depend on this).

If you used a character reference for a real character (e.g. &trade;) then it (™) would appear in the URL instead of the string you wanted.

(Note that depending on the version of HTML you use, you may have to end a character reference with a ;, which is why &trade= will be treated as ™. HTML 4 allows it to be ommited if the next character is a non-word character (such as =) but some browsers (Hello Internet Explorer) have issues with this).

Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer


transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputPropertiesFactory.S_KEY_INDENT_AMOUNT, "2");

How do I check if a string is a number (float)?

You can use Unicode strings, they have a method to do just what you want:

>>> s = u"345"
>>> s.isnumeric()


>>> s = "345"
>>> u = unicode(s)
>>> u.isnumeric()

Height of status bar in Android

According to Material Guidance; height of status bar is 24 dp.

If you want get status bar height in pixels you can use below method:

private static int statusBarHeight(android.content.res.Resources res) {
    return (int) (24 * res.getDisplayMetrics().density);

which can be called from activity with:


T-SQL: How to Select Values in Value List that are NOT IN the Table?

Use this : -- SQL Server 2008 or later

Inner Join (
    EMail, [Status]
        ('email1', 'Exist'),
        ('email2', 'Exist'),
        ('email3', 'Not Exist'),
        ('email4', 'Exist')
    )AS TempTableName (EMail, [Status])
  Where TempTableName.EMail IN ('email1','email2','email3')
) As TMP ON U.EMail = TMP.EMail

Remove all files in a directory

star is expanded by Unix shell. Your call is not accessing shell, it's merely trying to remove a file with the name ending with the star

C++ code file extension? .cc vs .cpp

Just follow the convention being used for by project/team.

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

It's possible, you can simply use jQuery to substitute the 'meta tag' that references the cache status with an event handler / button, and then refresh, easy,

$('.button').click(function() {
        url: "",
        context: document.body,
        success: function(s,x){

            $('html[manifest=saveappoffline.appcache]').attr('content', '');

NOTE: This solution relies on the Application Cache that is implemented as part of the HTML 5 spec. It also requires server configuration to set up the App Cache manifest. It does not describe a method by which one can clear the 'traditional' browser cache via client- or server-side code, which is nigh impossible to do.

Javascript checkbox onChange


<input type="checkbox" onchange="handleChange(event)">


function handleChange(e) {
     const {checked} =;

Pass in an enum as a method parameter

public string CreateFile(string id, string name, string description, SupportedPermissions supportedPermissions)
    file = new File
       Name = name,
        Id = id,
        Description = description,
        SupportedPermissions = supportedPermissions

    return file.Id;

SQL recursive query on self referencing table (Oracle)

Do you want to do this?

SELECT id, parent_id, name, 
 (select Name from tbl where id = t.parent_id) parent_name
FROM tbl t start with id = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id

Edit Another option based on OMG's one (but I think that will perform equally):

  AS parent_name,
  AS parent_id
    (select id, parent_id, name
    from tbl
    start with id = 1 
    connect by prior id = parent_id) t1
    left join
    tbl t2 on = t1.parent_id

Determine number of pages in a PDF file

I have good success using CeTe Dynamic PDF products. They're not free, but are well documented. They did the job for me.

Non greedy (reluctant) regex matching in sed?

Because you specifically stated you're trying to use sed (instead of perl, cut, etc.), try grouping. This circumvents the non-greedy identifier potentially not being recognized. The first group is the protocol (i.e. 'http://', 'https://', 'tcp://', etc). The second group is the domain:

echo "" | sed "s|^\(.*//\)\([^/]*\).*$|\1\2|"

If you're not familiar with grouping, start here.

Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

It is necessary to tell that a Stored Proc is being called:

comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

Difference between a Structure and a Union

As you already state in your question, the main difference between union and struct is that union members overlay the memory of each other so that the sizeof of a union is the one , while struct members are laid out one after each other (with optional padding in between). Also an union is large enough to contain all its members, and have an alignment that fits all its members. So let's say int can only be stored at 2 byte addresses and is 2 bytes wide, and long can only be stored at 4 byte addresses and is 4 bytes long. The following union

union test {
    int a;
    long b;

could have a sizeof of 4, and an alignment requirement of 4. Both an union and a struct can have padding at the end, but not at their beginning. Writing to a struct changes only the value of the member written to. Writing to a member of an union will render the value of all other members invalid. You cannot access them if you haven't written to them before, otherwise the behavior is undefined. GCC provides as an extension that you can actually read from members of an union, even though you haven't written to them most recently. For an Operation System, it doesn't have to matter whether a user program writes to an union or to a structure. This actually is only an issue of the compiler.

Another important property of union and struct is, they allow that a pointer to them can point to types of any of its members. So the following is valid:

struct test {
    int a;
    double b;
} * some_test_pointer;

some_test_pointer can point to int* or double*. If you cast an address of type test to int*, it will point to its first member, a, actually. The same is true for an union too. Thus, because an union will always have the right alignment, you can use an union to make pointing to some type valid:

union a {
    int a;
    double b;

That union will actually be able to point to an int, and a double:

union a * v = (union a*)some_int_pointer;
*some_int_pointer = 5;
v->a = 10;
return *some_int_pointer;    

is actually valid, as stated by the C99 standard:

An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:

  • a type compatible with the effective type of the object
  • ...
  • an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members

The compiler won't optimize out the v->a = 10; as it could affect the value of *some_int_pointer (and the function will return 10 instead of 5).

maxFileSize and acceptFileTypes in blueimp file upload plugin do not work. Why?

You should include jquery.fileupload-process.js and jquery.fileupload-validate.js to make it work.


    // ...
    processfail: function (e, data) {
            if (file.error) {
                return false;

processfail callback is launched after a validation fail.

Make flex items take content width, not width of parent container

Use align-items: flex-start on the container, or align-self: flex-start on the flex items.

No need for display: inline-flex.

An initial setting of a flex container is align-items: stretch. This means that flex items will expand to cover the full length of the container along the cross axis.

The align-self property does the same thing as align-items, except that align-self applies to flex items while align-items applies to the flex container.

By default, align-self inherits the value of align-items.

Since your container is flex-direction: column, the cross axis is horizontal, and align-items: stretch is expanding the child element's width as much as it can.

You can override the default with align-items: flex-start on the container (which is inherited by all flex items) or align-self: flex-start on the item (which is confined to the single item).

Learn more about flex alignment along the cross axis here:

Learn more about flex alignment along the main axis here:

R Error in x$ed : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

From the help file about $ (See ?"$") you can read:

$ is only valid for recursive objects, and is only discussed in the section below on recursive objects.

Now, let's check whether x is recursive

> is.recursive(x)

A recursive object has a list-like structure. A vector is not recursive, it is an atomic object instead, let's check

> is.atomic(x)
[1] TRUE

Therefore you get an error when applying $ to a vector (non-recursive object), use [ instead:

> x["ed"]

You can also use getElement

> getElement(x, "ed")
[1] 2

How to determine the first and last iteration in a foreach loop?

You can use an anonymous function, too:

$indexOfLastElement = count($array) - 1;
array_walk($array, function($element, $index) use ($indexOfLastElement) {
    // do something
    if (0 === $index) {
        // first element‘s treatment
    if ($indexOfLastElement === $index) {
        // last not least

Three more things should be mentioned:

  • If your array isn‘t indexed strictly (numerically) you must pipe your array through array_values first.
  • If you need to modify the $element you have to pass it by reference (&$element).
  • Any variables from outside the anonymous function you need inside, you‘ll have to list them next to $indexOfLastElement inside the use construct, again by reference if needed.

Update TensorFlow

For anaconda installation, first pick a channel which has the latest version of tensorflow binary. Usually, the latest versions are available at the channel conda-forge. Then simply do:

conda update -f -c conda-forge tensorflow

This will upgrade your existing tensorflow installation to the very latest version available. As of this writing, the latest version is 1.4.0-py36_0

How can I escape double quotes in XML attributes values?

A double quote character (") can be escaped as &quot;, but here's the rest of the story...

Double quote character must be escaped in this context:

  • In XML attributes delimited by double quotes:

    <EscapeNeeded name="Pete &quot;Maverick&quot; Mitchell"/>

Double quote character need not be escaped in most contexts:

  • In XML textual content:

    <NoEscapeNeeded>He said, "Don't quote me."</NoEscapeNeeded>
  • In XML attributes delimited by single quotes ('):

    <NoEscapeNeeded name='Pete "Maverick" Mitchell'/>

    Similarly, (') require no escaping if (") are used for the attribute value delimiters:

    <NoEscapeNeeded name="Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell"/>

See also

Store JSON object in data attribute in HTML jQuery

Using the documented jquery .data(obj) syntax allows you to store an object on the DOM element. Inspecting the element will not show the data- attribute because there is no key specified for the value of the object. However, data within the object can be referenced by key with .data("foo") or the entire object can be returned with .data().

So assuming you set up a loop and result[i] = { name: "image_name" } :

$('.delete')[i].data(results[i]); // => <button class="delete">Delete</delete>
$('.delete')[i].data('name'); // => "image_name"
$('.delete')[i].data(); // => { name: "image_name" }

How to refresh materialized view in oracle

a bit late to the game, but I found a way to make the original syntax in this question work (I'm on Oracle 11g)

** first switch to schema of your MV **


alternatively you can add some options:


this actually works for me, and adding parallelism option sped my execution about 2.5 times.

More info here: How to Refresh a Materialized View in Parallel

ActionBarCompat: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat

in my case i made a custom view i added to custom view constructor

new RoomView(getAplicationContext());

the correct context is activity so changed it to:

new RoomView(getActivity());


new RoomView(this);


    itemid INT(10)UNSIGNED,
    itemname VARCHAR(50)





I was confused with CHANGE and MODIFY keywords before too:



While we are there, also note that AUTO_INCREMENT can also start with a predefined number:


Should we @Override an interface's method implementation?

For the interface, using @Override caused compile error. So, I had to remove it.

Error message went "The method getAllProducts() of type InMemoryProductRepository must override a superclass method".

It also read "One quick fix available: Remove @Override annotation."

It was on Eclipse 4.6.3, JDK 1.8.0_144.

What is the yield keyword used for in C#?

If I understand this correctly, here's how I would phrase this from the perspective of the function implementing IEnumerable with yield.

  • Here's one.
  • Call again if you need another.
  • I'll remember what I already gave you.
  • I'll only know if I can give you another when you call again.

What is sharding and why is it important?

Sharding is horizontal(row wise) database partitioning as opposed to vertical(column wise) partitioning which is Normalization. It separates very large databases into smaller, faster and more easily managed parts called data shards. It is a mechanism to achieve distributed systems.

Why do we need distributed systems?

  • Increased availablity.
  • Easier expansion.
  • Economics: It costs less to create a network of smaller computers with the power of single large computer.

You can read more here: Advantages of Distributed database

How sharding help achieve distributed system?

You can partition a search index into N partitions and load each index on a separate server. If you query one server, you will get 1/Nth of the results. So to get complete result set, a typical distributed search system use an aggregator that will accumulate results from each server and combine them. An aggregator also distribute query onto each server. This aggregator program is called MapReduce in big data terminology. In other words, Distributed Systems = Sharding + MapReduce (Although there are other things too).

A visual representation below. Distributed System

Batch script to delete files

in batch code your path should not contain any Space so pls change your folder name from "TEST 100%" to "TEST_100%" and your new code will be del "D:\TEST\TEST_100%\Archive*.TXT"

hope this will resolve your problem

Remove .php extension with .htaccess

I found 100% working Concept for me:

# Options is required by Many Hosting
Options +MultiViews

RewriteEngine on

# For .php & .html URL's:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]

Use this code in Root of your website .htaccess file like :

offline - wamp\www\YourWebDir

online - public_html/

If it doesn't work correct, then change the settings of your Wamp Server: 1) Left click WAMP icon 2) Apache 3) Apache Modules 4) Left click rewrite_module

In Powershell what is the idiomatic way of converting a string to an int?

You can use the -as operator. If casting succeed you get back a number:

$numberAsString -as [int]

How to get folder directory from HTML input type "file" or any other way?

Eventhough it is an old question, this may help someone.

We can choose multiple files while browsing for a file using "multiple"

<input type="file" name="datafile" size="40"  multiple> 

How do I launch a program from command line without opening a new cmd window?

I got it working from qkzhu but instead of using MAX change it to MIN and window will close super fast.

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin"
:: Title not needed:
start /MIN  mysqld.exe

Getting the parameters of a running JVM

_JAVA_OPTIONS is an env variable that can be expanded.


Unable to copy a file from obj\Debug to bin\Debug

A very simple solution is to open the Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + DELETE), go to Processes tab and search by name the processes with your project name that are still running. Kill all the processes and go on ! :)

What is the proof of of (N–1) + (N–2) + (N–3) + ... + 1= N*(N–1)/2

Assume n=2. Then we have 2-1 = 1 on the left side and 2*1/2 = 1 on the right side.

Denote f(n) = (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+...+1

Now assume we have tested up to n=k. Then we have to test for n=k+1.

on the left side we have k+(k-1)+(k-2)+...+1, so it's f(k)+k

On the right side we then have (k+1)*k/2 = (k^2+k)/2 = (k^2 +2k - k)/2 = k+(k-1)k/2 = kf(k)

So this have to hold for every k, and this concludes the proof.

How do I disable fail_on_empty_beans in Jackson?

In my case I didnt need to disable it , rather I had to put this code on top of my class : (and this solved my issue)

    @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.SnakeCaseStrategy.class)//this is what was added
    @Value //this was there already
    @Builder//this was there already

public class NameOfClass {
     //some code in here.

npm install error - unable to get local issuer certificate

Use the command

npm config set strict-ssl false

How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)

For anyone wishing to do this in a single line (e.g in the Display/Immediate window, a watch expression or similar in a debug session), the following will do so and "pretty print" the SQL:

new org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl().format((new org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaJoinWalker((org.hibernate.persister.entity.OuterJoinLoadable)((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getSession().getFactory().getEntityPersister(((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getSession().getFactory().getImplementors(((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getEntityOrClassName())[0]),new org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaQueryTranslator(((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getSession().getFactory(),((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit),((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getEntityOrClassName(),org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaQueryTranslator.ROOT_SQL_ALIAS),((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getSession().getFactory(),(org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit,((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getEntityOrClassName(),((org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl)crit).getSession().getEnabledFilters())).getSQLString());

...or here's an easier to read version:

new org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl().format(
  (new org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaJoinWalker(
     new org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaQueryTranslator(


  1. The answer is based on the solution posted by ramdane.i.
  2. It assumes the Criteria object is named crit. If named differently, do a search and replace.
  3. It assumes the Hibernate version is later than 3.3.2.GA but earlier than 4.0 in order to use BasicFormatterImpl to "pretty print" the HQL. If using a different version, see this answer for how to modify. Or perhaps just remove the pretty printing entirely as it's just a "nice to have".
  4. It's using getEnabledFilters rather than getLoadQueryInfluencers() for backwards compatibility since the latter was introduced in a later version of Hibernate (3.5???)
  5. It doesn't output the actual parameter values used if the query is parameterized.

Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file

you have to do like this in your project level gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

Find UNC path of a network drive?

In Windows, if you have mapped network drives and you don't know the UNC path for them, you can start a command prompt (Start ? Run ? cmd.exe) and use the net use command to list your mapped drives and their UNC paths:

C:\>net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

OK           Q:        \\server1\foo             Microsoft Windows Network
OK           X:        \\server2\bar             Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

Note that this shows the list of mapped and connected network file shares for the user context the command is run under. If you run cmd.exe under your own user account, the results shown are the network file shares for yourself. If you run cmd.exe under another user account, such as the local Administrator, you will instead see the network file shares for that user.

git checkout tag, git pull fails in branch

Edit: For newer versions of Git, --set-upstream master has been deprecated, you should use --set-upstream-to instead:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master

As it prompted, you can just run:

git branch --set-upstream master origin/master

After that, you can simply run git pull to update your code.

Arduino Nano - "avrdude: ser_open():system can't open device "\\.\COM1": the system cannot find the file specified"

This is how I solved the problem. In Device Manager you will find the Arduino COM port.

Enter image description here

Go to the Advanced properties of the port

Enter image description here

Set the COM port number to COM1.

Enter image description here

Then replug the USB.

Count with IF condition in MySQL query

This should work:

count(if( = 'approved',, NULL))

count() only check if the value exists or not. 0 is equivalent to an existent value, so it counts one more, while NULL is like a non-existent value, so is not counted.

Default values and initialization in Java

There are a few things to keep in mind while declaring primitive type values.

They are:

  1. Values declared inside a method will not be assigned a default value.
  2. Values declared as instance variables or a static variable will have default values assigned which is 0.

So in your code:

public class Main {
    int instanceVariable;
    static int staticVariable;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Main mainInstance = new Main()
        int localVariable;
        int localVariableTwo = 2;
       // System.out.println(localVariable); // Will throw a compilation error

Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int)

According to this example Random.nextInt(n) has less predictable output then Math.random() * n. According to [sorted array faster than an unsorted array][1] I think we can say Random.nextInt(n) is hard to predict.

usingRandomClass : time:328 milesecond.

usingMathsRandom : time:187 milesecond.

package javaFuction;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomFuction 
    static int array[] = new int[9999];
    static long sum = 0;
    public static void usingMathsRandom() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
         array[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];

    public static void usingRandomClass() {
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            array[i] = random.nextInt(256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingRandomClass " + (end - start));
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingMathsRandom " + (end - start));



How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?

You can use parseFloat() and toFixed() if you want to bypass this issue for a small operation:

a = 0.1;
b = 0.2;

a + b = 0.30000000000000004;

c = parseFloat((a+b).toFixed(2));

c = 0.3;

a = 0.3;
b = 0.2;

a - b = 0.09999999999999998;

c = parseFloat((a-b).toFixed(2));

c = 0.1;

How to update/refresh specific item in RecyclerView

Add the changed text to your model data list


How do you add swap to an EC2 instance?

A fix for this problem is to add swap (i.e. paging) space to the instance.

Paging works by creating an area on your hard drive and using it for extra memory, this memory is much slower than normal memory however much more of it is available.

To add this extra space to your instance you type:

sudo /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap.1
sudo /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

If you need more than 1024 then change that to something higher.

To enable it by default after reboot, add this line to /etc/fstab:

/var/swap.1   swap    swap    defaults        0   0

Switch between python 2.7 and python 3.5 on Mac OS X

IMHO, the best way to use two different Python versions on macOS is via homebrew. After installing homebrew on macOS, run the commands below on your terminal.

brew install python@2
brew install python

Now you can run Python 2.7 by invoking python2 or Python 3 by invoking python3. In addition to this, you can use virtualenv or pyenv to manage different versions of python environments.

I have never personally used miniconda but from the documentation, it looks like it is similar to using pip and virtualenv in combination.

Creating object with dynamic keys

You can't define an object literal with a dynamic key. Do this :

var o = {};
o[key] = value;
return o;

There's no shortcut (edit: there's one now, with ES6, see the other answer).

How do I check in JavaScript if a value exists at a certain array index?

if(arrayName.length > index && arrayName[index] !== null) {
    //arrayName[index] has a value

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server error using gmail

If you still get this error when sending email: "Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "[email protected]" using 3 possible authenticators"

You may try one of these methods:

Go to, click continue and unlock your account for access through other media/sites.

Use double quote for your password: like - "Abc@%$67eSDu"

Comparing floating point number to zero

You can use std::nextafter with a fixed factor of the epsilon of a value like the following:

bool isNearlyEqual(double a, double b)
  int factor = /* a fixed factor of epsilon */;

  double min_a = a - (a - std::nextafter(a, std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest())) * factor;
  double max_a = a + (std::nextafter(a, std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) - a) * factor;

  return min_a <= b && max_a >= b;

Use of Greater Than Symbol in XML

You can try to use CDATA to put all your symbols that don't work.

An example of something that will work in XML:

function matchwo(a,b) {
    if (a < b && a < 0) {
        return 1;
   } else {
       return 0;

And of course you can use &lt; and &gt;.

Oracle SQL Developer spool output?

Another way simpler than me has worked with SQL Developer 4 in Windows 7

spool "path_to_file\\filename.txt"
query to execute
spool of

You have to execute it as a script, because if not only the query will be saved in the output file In the path name I use the double character "\" as a separator when working with Windows and SQL, The output file will display the query and the result. mvc @Html.CheckBoxFor

Use this code:

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.EmploymentType.Count; i++)
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.EmploymentType[i].Text)
    @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.EmploymentType[i].Checked, new { id = "YourId" })

Where is my .vimrc file?

actually you have one vimrc in


when you edit something in there the changes will effect all users
if you don't want that you can create a local vimrc in


the changes here will only effect the one user

Moving uncommitted changes to a new branch

Just move to the new branch. The uncommited changes get carried over.

git checkout -b ABC_1

git commit -m <message>

Why can't I use Docker CMD multiple times to run multiple services?

The official docker answer to Run multiple services in a container.

It explains how you can do it with an init system (systemd, sysvinit, upstart) , a script (CMD ./ or a supervisor like supervisord.

The && workaround can work only for services that starts in background (daemons) or that will execute quickly without interaction and release the prompt. Doing this with an interactive service (that keeps the prompt) and only the first service will start.

How can we store into an NSDictionary? What is the difference between NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary?

The NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary docs are probably your best bet. They even have some great examples on how to do various things, like...

...create an NSDictionary

NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"key1", @"key2", nil];
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"value1", @"value2", nil];
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects 

...iterate over it

for (id key in dictionary) {
    NSLog(@"key: %@, value: %@", key, [dictionary objectForKey:key]);

...make it mutable

NSMutableDictionary *mutableDict = [dictionary mutableCopy];

Note: historic version before 2010: [[dictionary mutableCopy] autorelease]

...and alter it

[mutableDict setObject:@"value3" forKey:@"key3"];

...then store it to a file

[mutableDict writeToFile:@"path/to/file" atomically:YES];

...and read it back again

NSMutableDictionary *anotherDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:@"path/to/file"]; a value

NSString *x = [anotherDict objectForKey:@"key1"];

...check if a key exists

if ( [anotherDict objectForKey:@"key999"] == nil ) NSLog(@"that key is not there");

...use scary futuristic syntax

From 2014 you can actually just type dict[@"key"] rather than [dict objectForKey:@"key"]

how to redirect to external url from c# controller

Try this:

return Redirect("");

javac: invalid target release: 1.8

None of the previous solutions worked for me.

I solved it by editing .idea/compiler.xml There were "extra" (1) and (2) copies of the bad module with different targets. I deleted the extraneous entried and changed the targets in the section to 1.8 and it worked.

How to retrieve a recursive directory and file list from PowerShell excluding some files and folders?

Recently, I explored the possibilities to parameterize the folder to scan through and the place where the result of recursive scan will be stored. At the end, I also did summarize the number of folders scanned and number of files inside as well. Sharing it with community in case it may help other developers.

    ##Script Starts
    #read folder to scan and file location to be placed

    $whichFolder = Read-Host -Prompt 'Which folder to Scan?'  
    $whereToPlaceReport = Read-Host -Prompt 'Where to place Report'
    $totalFolders = 1
    $totalFiles = 0

    Write-Host "Process started..."

    #IMP separator ? : used as a file in window cannot contain this special character in the file name

    #Get Foldernames into Variable for ForEach Loop
    $DFSFolders = get-childitem -path $whichFolder | where-object {$_.Psiscontainer -eq "True"} |select-object name ,fullName

    #Below Logic for Main Folder
    $mainFiles = get-childitem -path "C:\Users\User\Desktop" -file
    ("Folder Path" + "?" + "Folder Name" + "?" + "File Name " + "?"+ "File Length" )| out-file "$whereToPlaceReport\Report.csv" -Append

    #Loop through folders in main Directory
    foreach($file in $mainFiles)

    $totalFiles = $totalFiles + 1
    ("C:\Users\User\Desktop" + "?" + "Main Folder" + "?"+ $ + "?" + $file.length ) | out-file "$whereToPlaceReport\Report.csv" -Append

    foreach ($DFSfolder in $DFSfolders)
    #write the folder name in begining
    $totalFolders = $totalFolders + 1

    write-host " Reading folder C:\Users\User\Desktop\$($"
    #$DFSfolder.fullName | out-file "C:\Users\User\Desktop\PoC powershell\ok2.csv" -Append
    #For Each Folder obtain objects in a specified directory, recurse then filter for .sft file type, obtain the filename, then group, sort and eventually show the file name and total incidences of it.

    $files = get-childitem -path "$whichFolder\$($" -recurse

    foreach($file in $files)
    $totalFiles = $totalFiles + 1
    ($DFSfolder.fullName + "?" + $ + "?"+ $ + "?" + $file.length ) | out-file "$whereToPlaceReport\Report.csv" -Append


    # If running in the console, wait for input before closing.
    if ($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost")

    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host ""

    Write-Host  "                            **Summary**"  -ForegroundColor Red
    Write-Host  "                            ------------" -ForegroundColor Red

    Write-Host  "                           Total Folders Scanned = $totalFolders "  -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host  "                           Total Files   Scanned = $totalFiles "     -ForegroundColor Green

    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host "" 
        Write-Host "I have done my Job,Press any key to exit" -ForegroundColor white
        $Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer()   # Make sure buffered input doesn't "press a key" and skip the ReadKey().
        $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp") > $null


enter image description here

##Bat Code to run above powershell command

SET ThisScriptsDirectory=%~dp0
SET PowerShellScriptPath=%ThisScriptsDirectory%MyPowerShellScript.ps1
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ""%PowerShellScriptPath%""' -Verb RunAs}";

Does .NET provide an easy way convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.?

I would solve it using Extension methods, Math.Pow function and Enums:

public static class MyExtension
    public enum SizeUnits
        Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB

    public static string ToSize(this Int64 value, SizeUnits unit)
        return (value / (double)Math.Pow(1024, (Int64)unit)).ToString("0.00");

and use it like:

string h = x.ToSize(MyExtension.SizeUnits.KB);

Changing website favicon dynamically

Why not?

var link = document.querySelector("link[rel~='icon']");
if (!link) {
    link = document.createElement('link');
    link.rel = 'icon';
link.href = '';

How to add a line break within echo in PHP?

\n is a line break. /n is not.

use of \n with

1. echo directly to page

Now if you are trying to echo string to the page:

echo  "kings \n garden";

output will be:

kings garden

you won't get garden in new line because PHP is a server-side language, and you are sending output as HTML, you need to create line breaks in HTML. HTML doesn't understand \n. You need to use the nl2br() function for that.

What it does is:

Returns string with <br /> or <br> inserted before all newlines (\r\n, \n\r, \n and \r).

echo  nl2br ("kings \n garden");



Note Make sure you're echoing/printing \n in double quotes, else it will be rendered literally as \n. because php interpreter parse string in single quote with concept of as is

so "\n" not '\n'

2. write to text file

Now if you echo to text file you can use just \n and it will echo to a new line, like:

$myfile = fopen("test.txt", "w+")  ;

$txt = "kings \n garden";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);

output will be:


How to set image width to be 100% and height to be auto in react native?

use aspectRatio property in style

Aspect ratio control the size of the undefined dimension of a node. Aspect ratio is a non-standard property only available in react native and not CSS.

  • On a node with a set width/height aspect ratio control the size of the unset dimension
  • On a node with a set flex basis aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis if unset
  • On a node with a measure function aspect ratio works as though the measure function measures the flex basis
  • On a node with flex grow/shrink aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis if unset
  • Aspect ratio takes min/max dimensions into account


try like this:

import {Image, Dimensions} from 'react-native';

var width = Dimensions.get('window').width; 

        uri: '<IMAGE_URI>'
        width: width * .2,  //its same to '20%' of device width
        aspectRatio: 1, // <-- this
        resizeMode: 'contain', //optional

get all the elements of a particular form

var inputs = document.getElementById("formId").getElementsByTagName("input");
var inputs = document.forms[1].getElementsByTagName("input");

Update for 2020:

var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("#formId input");

Is it possible to have different Git configuration for different projects?

You can customize a project's Git config by changing the repository specific configuration file (i.e. /path/to/repo/.git/config). BTW, git config writes to this file by default:

cd /path/to/repo
git config 'John Doe'  # sets locally for the repo

I prefer to create separate profiles for different projects (e.g. in ~/.gitconfig.d/) and then include them in the repository's config file:

cd /path/to/repo
git config include.path '~/.gitconfig.d/myproject.conf'

This works well if you need to use the same set of options in multiple repos that belong to a single project. You can also set up shell aliases or a custom Git command to manipulate the profiles.

Support for ES6 in Internet Explorer 11

The statement from Microsoft regarding the end of Internet Explorer 11 support mentions that it will continue to receive security updates, compatibility fixes, and technical support until its end of life. The wording of this statement leads me to believe that Microsoft has no plans to continue adding features to Internet Explorer 11, and instead will be focusing on Edge.

If you require ES6 features in Internet Explorer 11, check out a transpiler such as Babel.

String contains - ignore case

An optimized Imran Tariq's version

Pattern.compile(strptrn, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE + Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(str1).find();

Pattern.quote(strptrn) always returns "\Q" + s + "\E" even if there is nothing to quote, concatination spoils performance.

CSS3 Rotate Animation

if you want to flip image you can use it.

    width: 100%;
    -webkit-animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
    -moz-animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
    animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
@-moz-keyframes spin { 50% { -moz-transform: rotateY(90deg); } }
@-webkit-keyframes spin { 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg); } }
@keyframes spin { 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg); transform:rotateY(90deg); } }

JavaScript: How to pass object by value?

If you are using lodash or npm, use lodash's merge function to deep copy all of the object's properties to a new empty object like so:

var objectCopy = lodash.merge({}, originalObject);

HashMaps and Null values?

You can keep note of below possibilities:

1. Values entered in a map can be null.

However with multiple null keys and values it will only take a null key value pair once.

Map<String, String> codes = new HashMap<String, String>();

codes.put(null, null);
codes.put("C1", "Acathan");

for(String key:codes.keySet()){

output will be :

null //key  of the 1st entry
null //value of 1st entry

2. your code will execute null only once

options.put(null, null);  
Person person = sample.searchPerson(null);   

It depends on the implementation of your searchPerson method if you want multiple values to be null, you can implement accordingly

Map<String, String> codes = new HashMap<String, String>();

    codes.put(null, null);
    codes.put("C1", "Acathan");

    for(String key:codes.keySet()){




Convert string with comma to integer

The following is another method that will work, although as with some of the other methods it will strip decimal places.

a = 1,112
b = a.scan(/\d+/).join().to_i => 1112

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey

You can also simply do

session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

It's not secure and it's a workaround not suitable for live environment as it will disable globally known host keys checking.

Submit button not working in Bootstrap form

  • If you put type=submit it is a Submit Button
  • if you put type=button it is just a button, It does not submit your form inputs.

and also you don't want to use both of these

Check whether a string is not null and not empty

With Java 8 Optional you can do:

public Boolean isStringCorrect(String str) {
    return Optional.ofNullable(str)
            .map(string -> !str.isEmpty())

In this expression, you will handle Strings that consist of spaces as well.

How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python

Use a generator together with any, which short-circuits on the first True:

if any(ext in url_string for ext in extensionsToCheck):

EDIT: I see this answer has been accepted by OP. Though my solution may be "good enough" solution to his particular problem, and is a good general way to check if any strings in a list are found in another string, keep in mind that this is all that this solution does. It does not care WHERE the string is found e.g. in the ending of the string. If this is important, as is often the case with urls, you should look to the answer of @Wladimir Palant, or you risk getting false positives.

How to convert C++ Code to C

Maybe good ol' cfront will do?

Requests -- how to tell if you're getting a 404

Look at the r.status_code attribute:

if r.status_code == 404:
    # A 404 was issued.


>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.status_code

If you want requests to raise an exception for error codes (4xx or 5xx), call r.raise_for_status():

>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "requests/", line 664, in raise_for_status
    raise http_error
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
>>> # no exception raised.

You can also test the response object in a boolean context; if the status code is not an error code (4xx or 5xx), it is considered ‘true’:

if r:
    # successful response

If you want to be more explicit, use if r.ok:.

Css pseudo classes input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus

Your syntax is pretty screwy.

Change this:




Seems that many people don't realize :enabled and :disabled are valid CSS selectors...

Node.js getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Try using the server IP address rather than the hostname. This worked for me. Hope it will work for you too.

Android read text raw resource file

Rather do it this way:

// reads resources regardless of their size
public byte[] getResource(int id, Context context) throws IOException {
    Resources resources = context.getResources();
    InputStream is = resources.openRawResource(id);

    ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4 * 1024];

    try {
        int read;
        do {
            read =, 0, readBuffer.length);
            if(read == -1) {
            bout.write(readBuffer, 0, read);
        } while(true);

        return bout.toByteArray();
    } finally {

    // reads a string resource
public String getStringResource(int id, Charset encoding) throws IOException {
    return new String(getResource(id, getContext()), encoding);

    // reads an UTF-8 string resource
public String getStringResource(int id) throws IOException {
    return new String(getResource(id, getContext()), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

From an Activity, add

public byte[] getResource(int id) throws IOException {
        return getResource(id, this);

or from a test case, add

public byte[] getResource(int id) throws IOException {
        return getResource(id, getContext());

And watch your error handling - don't catch and ignore exceptions when your resources must exist or something is (very?) wrong.

JSON to PHP Array using file_get_contents

You JSON is not a valid string as P. Galbraith has told you above.

and here is the solution for it.

$json_url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);


$data = json_decode($json);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Use this code it will work for you.

Save each sheet in a workbook to separate CSV files

Here is one that will give you a visual file chooser to pick the folder you want to save the files to and also lets you choose the CSV delimiter (I use pipes '|' because my fields contain commas and I don't want to deal with quotes):

' ---------------------- Directory Choosing Helper Functions -----------------------
' Excel and VBA do not provide any convenient directory chooser or file chooser
' dialogs, but these functions will provide a reference to a system DLL
' with the necessary capabilities
Private Type BROWSEINFO    ' used by the function GetFolderName
    hOwner As Long
    pidlRoot As Long
    pszDisplayName As String
    lpszTitle As String
    ulFlags As Long
    lpfn As Long
    lParam As Long
    iImage As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _
                                             Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _
                                           Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long

Function GetFolderName(Msg As String) As String
    ' returns the name of the folder selected by the user
    Dim bInfo As BROWSEINFO, path As String, r As Long
    Dim X As Long, pos As Integer
    bInfo.pidlRoot = 0&    ' Root folder = Desktop
    If IsMissing(Msg) Then
        bInfo.lpszTitle = "Select a folder."
        ' the dialog title
        bInfo.lpszTitle = Msg    ' the dialog title
    End If
    bInfo.ulFlags = &H1    ' Type of directory to return
    X = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo)    ' display the dialog
    ' Parse the result
    path = Space$(512)
    r = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal X, ByVal path)
    If r Then
        pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0))
        GetFolderName = Left(path, pos - 1)
        GetFolderName = ""
    End If
End Function
'---------------------- END Directory Chooser Helper Functions ----------------------

Public Sub DoTheExport()
    Dim FName As Variant
    Dim Sep As String
    Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
    Dim nFileNum As Integer
    Dim csvPath As String

    Sep = InputBox("Enter a single delimiter character (e.g., comma or semi-colon)", _
                   "Export To Text File")
    'csvPath = InputBox("Enter the full path to export CSV files to: ")

    csvPath = GetFolderName("Choose the folder to export CSV files to:")
    If csvPath = "" Then
        MsgBox ("You didn't choose an export directory. Nothing will be exported.")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
        nFileNum = FreeFile
        Open csvPath & "\" & _
             wsSheet.Name & ".csv" For Output As #nFileNum
        ExportToTextFile CStr(nFileNum), Sep, False
        Close nFileNum
    Next wsSheet

End Sub

Public Sub ExportToTextFile(nFileNum As Integer, _
                            Sep As String, SelectionOnly As Boolean)

    Dim WholeLine As String
    Dim RowNdx As Long
    Dim ColNdx As Integer
    Dim StartRow As Long
    Dim EndRow As Long
    Dim StartCol As Integer
    Dim EndCol As Integer
    Dim CellValue As String

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    On Error GoTo EndMacro:

    If SelectionOnly = True Then
        With Selection
            StartRow = .Cells(1).Row
            StartCol = .Cells(1).Column
            EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
            EndCol = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Column
        End With
        With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
            StartRow = .Cells(1).Row
            StartCol = .Cells(1).Column
            EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
            EndCol = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Column
        End With
    End If

    For RowNdx = StartRow To EndRow
        WholeLine = ""
        For ColNdx = StartCol To EndCol
            If Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value = "" Then
                CellValue = ""
                CellValue = Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value
            End If
            WholeLine = WholeLine & CellValue & Sep
        Next ColNdx
        WholeLine = Left(WholeLine, Len(WholeLine) - Len(Sep))
        Print #nFileNum, WholeLine
    Next RowNdx

    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

How to get your Netbeans project into Eclipse

One other easy way of doing it would be as follows (if you have a simple NetBeans project and not using maven for example).

  1. In Eclipse, Go to File -> New -> Java Project
  2. Give a name for your project and click finish to create your project
  3. When the project is created find the source folder in NetBeans project, drag and drop all the source files from the NetBeans project to 'src' folder of your new created project in eclipse.
  4. Move the java source files to respective package (if required)
  5. Now you should be able to run your NetBeans project in Eclipse.

Remove new lines from string and replace with one empty space

I was surprised to see how little everyone knows about regex.

Strip newlines in php is

$str = preg_replace('/\r?\n$/', ' ', $str);

In perl

$str =~ s/\r?\n$/ /g;

Meaning replace any newline character at the end of the line (for efficiency) - optionally preceded by a carriage return - with a space.

\n or \015 is newline. \r or \012 is carriage return. ? in regex means match 1 or zero of the previous character. $ in regex means match end of line.

The original and best regex reference is perldoc perlre, every coder should know this doc pretty well: Note not all features are supported by all languages.

add class with JavaScript

getElementsByClassName() returns HTMLCollection so you could try this

var button = document.getElementsByClassName("navButton")[0];


var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("navButton");
   buttons[i].onmouseover = function(){
     this.className += ' active' //add class
     this.setAttribute("src", "images/arrows/top_o.png");

How to Toggle a div's visibility by using a button click

In case you are interested in a jQuery soluton:

This is the HTML

<a id="button" href="#">Show/Hide</a>
<div id="item">Item</div>

This is the jQuery script

$( "#button" ).click(function() {
    $( "#item" ).toggle();

You can see it working here:

If you don't know how to use jQuery, you have to use this line to load the library:

<script src=""></script>

And then use this line to start:

$(function() {
    // code to fire once the library finishes downloading.

So for this case the final code would be this:

$(function() {
    $( "#button" ).click(function() {
        $( "#item" ).toggle();

Let me know if you need anything else

You can read more about jQuery here:

Switch role after connecting to database

If someone still needs it (like I do).

The specified role_name must be a role that the current session user is a member of.

We need to make the current session user a member of the role:

create role myrole;
set role myrole;
grant myrole to myuser;
set role myrole;


Role ROLE created.

Error starting at line : 4 in command -
set role myrole
Error report -
ERROR: permission denied to set role "myrole"

Grant succeeded.

Role SET succeeded.

How to append elements into a dictionary in Swift?

Dict.updateValue updates value for existing key from dictionary or adds new new key-value pair if key does not exists.


var caseStatusParams: [String: AnyObject] = ["userId" : UserDefault.userID ]
caseStatusParams.updateValue("Hello" as AnyObject, forKey: "otherNotes")


?  : 2 elements
    - key : "userId"
    - value : 866
?  : 2 elements
    - key : "otherNotes"
    - value : "Hello"

How to use onResume()?

onResume() is one of the methods called throughout the activity lifecycle. onResume() is the counterpart to onPause() which is called anytime an activity is hidden from view, e.g. if you start a new activity that hides it. onResume() is called when the activity that was hidden comes back to view on the screen.

You're question asks abou what method is used to restart an activity. onCreate() is called when the activity is first created. In practice, most activities persist in the background through a series of onPause() and onResume() calls. An activity is only really "restarted" by onRestart() if it is first fully stopped by calling onStop() and then brought back to life. Thus if you are not actually stopping activities with onStop() it is most likley you will be using onResume().

Read the android doc in the above link to get a better understanding of the relationship between the different lifestyle methods. Regardless of which lifecycle method you end up using the general format is the same. You must override the standard method and include your code, i.e. what you want the activity to do at that point, in the commented section.

public void onResume(){
 //will be executed onResume

How can I format bytes a cell in Excel as KB, MB, GB etc?

Though Excel format conditions will only display 1 of 3 conditions related to number size (they code it as "positive; negative; zero; text" but I prefer to see it as : if isnumber and true; elseif isnumber and false; elseif number; elseif is text )

so to me the best answer is David's as well as Grastveit's comment for other regional format.

Here are the ones I use depending on reports I make.

[<1000000]#,##0.00," KB";[<1000000000]#,##0.00,," MB";#,##0.00,,," GB"

[>999999999999]#,##0.00,,,," TB";[>999999999]#,##0.00,,," GB";#.##0.00,," MB"

[<1000000]# ##0,00 " KB";[<1000000000]# ##0,00  " MB";# ##0,00   " GB"

[>999999999999]# ##0,00    " TB";[>999999999]# ##0,00   " GB";# ##0,00  " MB"

Take your pick!

The module ".dll" was loaded but the entry-point was not found

I found the answer: I need to add a new application to the service components in my computer and then add the right DLL's.

Thanks! If anyone has the same problem, I'll be happy to help.

Jupyter Notebook not saving: '_xsrf' argument missing from post

The solution I came across seems too simple but it worked. Go to the /tree aka Jupyter home page and refresh the browser. Worked.

Find an element in DOM based on an attribute value

FindByAttributeValue("Attribute-Name", "Attribute-Value");   

p.s. if you know exact element-type, you add 3rd parameter (i.e.div, a, p ...etc...):

FindByAttributeValue("Attribute-Name", "Attribute-Value", "div");   

but at first, define this function:

function FindByAttributeValue(attribute, value, element_type)    {
  element_type = element_type || "*";
  var All = document.getElementsByTagName(element_type);
  for (var i = 0; i < All.length; i++)       {
    if (All[i].getAttribute(attribute) == value) { return All[i]; }

p.s. updated per comments recommendations.

how do I insert a column at a specific column index in pandas?

see docs:

using loc = 0 will insert at the beginning

df.insert(loc, column, value)

df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 2, 3], 'C': [4, 5, 6]})

   B  C
0  1  4
1  2  5
2  3  6

idx = 0
new_col = [7, 8, 9]  # can be a list, a Series, an array or a scalar   
df.insert(loc=idx, column='A', value=new_col)

   A  B  C
0  7  1  4
1  8  2  5
2  9  3  6

Git: Could not resolve host error while cloning remote repository in git

One reason for this issue could be wrong/empty /etc/resolv.conf file.

The way I resolved this issue in my centos 7 minimal is as follows: my /etc/resolv.conf was empty and I added the following lines:


where is my gateway, in your case it can be different.

Display current path in terminal only

If you just want to get the information of current directory, you can type:


and you don't need to use the Nautilus, or you can use a teamviewer software to remote connect to the computer, you can get everything you want.

How to get current location in Android

You need to write code in the OnLocationChanged method, because this method is called when the location has changed. I.e. you need to save the new location to return it if getLocation is called.

If you don't use the onLocationChanged it always will be the old location.

Change the background color of CardView programmatically

try it works easy


Normalize numpy array columns in python

If I understand correctly, what you want to do is divide by the maximum value in each column. You can do this easily using broadcasting.

Starting with your example array:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1000,  10,   0.5],
              [ 765,   5,  0.35],
              [ 800,   7,  0.09]])

x_normed = x / x.max(axis=0)

# [[ 1.     1.     1.   ]
#  [ 0.765  0.5    0.7  ]
#  [ 0.8    0.7    0.18 ]]

x.max(0) takes the maximum over the 0th dimension (i.e. rows). This gives you a vector of size (ncols,) containing the maximum value in each column. You can then divide x by this vector in order to normalize your values such that the maximum value in each column will be scaled to 1.

If x contains negative values you would need to subtract the minimum first:

x_normed = (x - x.min(0)) / x.ptp(0)

Here, x.ptp(0) returns the "peak-to-peak" (i.e. the range, max - min) along axis 0. This normalization also guarantees that the minimum value in each column will be 0.

Load local HTML file in a C# WebBrowser

  1. Somewhere, nearby the assembly you're going to run.
  2. Use reflection to get path to your executing assembly, then do some magic to locate your HTML file.

Like this:

var myAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
var myAssemblyLocation = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(a.Location);
var myHtmlPath = Path.Combine(myAssemblyLocation, "my.html");

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

Updated 2018

IMO, the best way to approach this in Bootstrap 3 would be using media queries that align with Bootstrap's breakpoints so that you only use the fixed width columns are larger screens and then let the layout stack responsively on smaller screens. This way you keep the responsiveness...

@media (min-width:768px) {
  #sidebar {
      width: inherit;
      min-width: 240px;
      max-width: 240px;
      min-height: 100%;
  #sidebar2 {
      min-width: 160px;
      max-width: 160px;
      min-height: 100%;
  #main {
      width:calc(100% - 400px);

Working Bootstrap Fixed-Fluid Demo

Bootstrap 4 will has flexbox so layouts like this will be much easier:

How can I check if my Element ID has focus?

Use document.activeElement

Should work.

P.S getElementById("myID") not getElementById("#myID")

Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java?

I like the Character.digit solution, but here is how I solved it

public byte[] hex2ByteArray( String hexString ) {
    String hexVal = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    byte[] out = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];

    int n = hexString.length();

    for( int i = 0; i < n; i += 2 ) {
        //make a bit representation in an int of the hex value 
        int hn = hexVal.indexOf( hexString.charAt( i ) );
        int ln = hexVal.indexOf( hexString.charAt( i + 1 ) );

        //now just shift the high order nibble and add them together
        out[i/2] = (byte)( ( hn << 4 ) | ln );

    return out;

REST API error return good practices

Agreed. The basic philosophy of REST is to use the web infrastructure. The HTTP Status codes are the messaging framework that allows parties to communicate with each other without increasing the HTTP payload. They are already established universal codes conveying the status of response, and therefore, to be truly RESTful, the applications must use this framework to communicate the response status.

Sending an error response in a HTTP 200 envelope is misleading, and forces the client (api consumer) to parse the message, most likely in a non-standard, or proprietary way. This is also not efficient - you will force your clients to parse the HTTP payload every single time to understand the "real" response status. This increases processing, adds latency, and creates an environment for the client to make mistakes.

Rotate image with javascript

No need for jQuery and lot's of CSS anymore (Note that some browsers need extra CSS)

Kind of what @Abinthaha posted, but pure JS, without the need of jQuery.

let rotateAngle = 90;_x000D_
function rotate(image) {_x000D_
  image.setAttribute("style", "transform: rotate(" + rotateAngle + "deg)");_x000D_
  rotateAngle = rotateAngle + 90;_x000D_
#rotater {_x000D_
  transition: all 0.3s ease;_x000D_
  border: 0.0625em solid black;_x000D_
  border-radius: 3.75em;_x000D_
<img id="rotater" onclick="rotate(this)" src=""/>

Remove all items from a FormArray in Angular

Or you can simply clear the controls

this.myForm= {
     name: new FormControl(""),
     desc: new FormControl(""),
     arr: new FormArray([])

Add something array

const arr = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls.arr;
arr.push(new FormControl("X"));

Clear the array

const arr = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls.arr;
arr.controls = [];

When you have multiple choices selected and clear, sometimes it doesn't update the view. A workaround is to add



A more elegant solution to use form arrays is using a getter at the top of your class and then you can access it.

get inFormArray(): FormArray {
    this.myForm.get('inFormArray') as FormArray;

And to use it in a template

<div *ngFor="let c of inFormArray; let i = index;" [formGroup]="i">
other tags...




inFormArray.push(new FormGroup({}));

Remove value at index: 1



Get partial object, get all errors as JSON and many other features, use the NaoFormsModule

How do I correct this Illegal String Offset?

I get the same error in WP when I use php ver 7.1.6 - just take your php version back to 7.0.20 and the error will disappear.

Run two async tasks in parallel and collect results in .NET 4.5

async Task<int> LongTask1() { 
  return 0; 

async Task<int> LongTask2() { 
  return 1; 

   Task<int> t1 = LongTask1();
   Task<int> t2 = LongTask2();
   await Task.WhenAll(t1,t2);
   //now we have t1.Result and t2.Result

Bootstrap 3 unable to display glyphicon properly

Did you choose the customized version of Bootstrap? There is an issue that the font files included in the customized package are broken (see If you do not want to use the CDN, you have to download them manually and replace your own fonts with the downloaded ones:

After that try a strong reload (CTRL + F5), hope it helps.

How can you get the build/version number of your Android application?

Useful for build systems: there is a file generated with your APK file called output.json which contains an array of information for each generated APK file, including the versionName and versionCode.

For example,

        "apkInfo": {
            "baseName": "x86-release",
            "enabled": true,
            "filterName": "x86",
            "fullName": "86Release",
            "outputFile": "x86-release-1.0.apk",
            "splits": [
                    "filterType": "ABI",
                    "value": "x86"
            "type": "FULL_SPLIT",
            "versionCode": 42,
            "versionName": "1.0"
        "outputType": {
            "type": "APK"
        "path": "app-x86-release-1.0.apk",
        "properties": {}

Show / hide div on click with CSS

Fiddle to your heart's content


<a tabindex="1" class="testA">Test A</a> | <a tabindex="2" class="testB">Test B</a>
<div class="hiddendiv" id="testA">1</div>
<div class="hiddendiv" id="testB">2</div>


.hiddendiv {display: none; }
.testA:focus ~ #testA {display: block; }
.testB:focus ~ #testB {display: block; }


You can put your menu links horizontally = one after the other in HTML code, and then you can put all the content one after another in the HTML code, after the menu.

In other words - other solutions offer an accordion approach where you click a link and the content appears immediately after the link. The next link then appears after that content.

With this approach you don't get the accordion effect. Rather, all links remain in a fixed position and clicking any link simply updates the displayed content. There is also no limitation on content height.

How it works

In your HTML, you first have a DIV. Everything else sits inside this DIV. This is important - it means every element in your solution (in this case, A for links, and DIV for content), is a sibling to every other element.

Secondly, the anchor tags (A) have a tabindex property. This makes them clickable and therefore they can get focus. We need that for the CSS to work. These could equally be DIVs but I like using A for links - and they'll be styled like my other anchors.

Third, each menu item has a unique class name. This is so that in the CSS we can identify each menu item individually.

Fourth, every content item is a DIV, and has the class="hiddendiv". However each each content item has a unique id.

In your CSS, we set all .hiddendiv elements to display:none; - that is, we hide them all.

Secondly, for each menu item we have a line of CSS. This means if you add more menu items (ie. and more hidden content), you will have to update your CSS, yes.

Third, the CSS is saying that when .testA gets focus (.testA:focus) then the corresponding DIV, identified by ID (#testA) should be displayed.

Last, when I just said "the corresponding DIV", the trick here is the tilde character (~) - this selector will select a sibling element, and it does not have to be the very next element, that matches the selector which, in this case, is the unique ID value (#testA).

It is this tilde that makes this solution different than others offered and this lets you simply update some "display panel" with different content, based on clicking one of those links, and you are not as constrained when it comes to where/how you organise your HTML. All you need, though, is to ensure your hidden DIVs are contained within the same parent element as your clickable links.

Season to taste.

C Program to find day of week given date

The answer I came up with:

const int16_t TM_MON_DAYS_ACCU[12] = {
    0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334

int tm_is_leap_year(unsigned year) {
    return ((year & 3) == 0) && ((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0));

// The "Doomsday" the the day of the week of March 0th,
// i.e the last day of February.
// In common years January 3rd has the same day of the week,
// and on leap years it's January 4th.
int tm_doomsday(int year) {
    int result;
    result  = TM_WDAY_TUE;
    result += year;       // I optimized the calculation a bit:
    result += year >>= 2; // result += year / 4
    result -= year /= 25; // result += year / 100
    result += year >>= 2; // result += year / 400
    return result;

void tm_get_wyday(int year, int mon, int mday, int *wday, int *yday) {
    int is_leap_year = tm_is_leap_year(year);
    // How many days passed since Jan 1st?
    *yday = TM_MON_DAYS_ACCU[mon] + mday + (mon <= TM_MON_FEB ? 0 : is_leap_year) - 1;
    // Which day of the week was Jan 1st of the given year?
    int jan1 = tm_doomsday(year) - 2 - is_leap_year;
    // Now just add these two values.
    *wday = (jan1 + *yday) % 7;

with these defines (matching struct tm of time.h):

#define TM_WDAY_SUN 0
#define TM_WDAY_MON 1
#define TM_WDAY_TUE 2
#define TM_WDAY_WED 3
#define TM_WDAY_THU 4
#define TM_WDAY_FRI 5
#define TM_WDAY_SAT 6

#define TM_MON_JAN  0
#define TM_MON_FEB  1
#define TM_MON_MAR  2
#define TM_MON_APR  3
#define TM_MON_MAY  4
#define TM_MON_JUN  5
#define TM_MON_JUL  6
#define TM_MON_AUG  7
#define TM_MON_SEP  8
#define TM_MON_OCT  9
#define TM_MON_NOV 10
#define TM_MON_DEC 11

How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?

This is a work in progress, but this is what I don't understand:

ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();

Log.i(TAG, " memoryInfo.availMem " + memoryInfo.availMem + "\n" );
Log.i(TAG, " memoryInfo.lowMemory " + memoryInfo.lowMemory + "\n" );
Log.i(TAG, " memoryInfo.threshold " + memoryInfo.threshold + "\n" );

List<RunningAppProcessInfo> runningAppProcesses = activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses();

Map<Integer, String> pidMap = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
for (RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo : runningAppProcesses)
    pidMap.put(, runningAppProcessInfo.processName);

Collection<Integer> keys = pidMap.keySet();

for(int key : keys)
    int pids[] = new int[1];
    pids[0] = key;
    android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo[] memoryInfoArray = activityManager.getProcessMemoryInfo(pids);
    for(android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo pidMemoryInfo: memoryInfoArray)
        Log.i(TAG, String.format("** MEMINFO in pid %d [%s] **\n",pids[0],pidMap.get(pids[0])));
        Log.i(TAG, " pidMemoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty(): " + pidMemoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty() + "\n");
        Log.i(TAG, " pidMemoryInfo.getTotalPss(): " + pidMemoryInfo.getTotalPss() + "\n");
        Log.i(TAG, " pidMemoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty(): " + pidMemoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty() + "\n");

Why isn't the PID mapped to the result in activityManager.getProcessMemoryInfo()? Clearly you want to make the resulting data meaningful, so why has Google made it so difficult to correlate the results? The current system doesn't even work well if I want to process the entire memory usage since the returned result is an array of android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo objects, but none of those objects actually tell you what pids they are associated with. If you simply pass in an array of all pids, you will have no way to understand the results. As I understand it's use, it makes it meaningless to pass in more than one pid at a time, and then if that's the case, why make it so that activityManager.getProcessMemoryInfo() only takes an int array?

Open Facebook page from Android app?

Declare constants

  private String FACEBOOK_URL="";
    private String FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID="approids";

Declare Method

public String getFacebookPageURL(Context context) {
        PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        try {
            int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).versionCode;

            boolean activated =  packageManager.getApplicationInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).enabled;
                if ((versionCode >= 3002850)) {
                    Log.d("main","fb first url");
                    return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + FACEBOOK_URL;
                } else {
                    return "fb://page/" + FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID;
                return FACEBOOK_URL;
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return FACEBOOK_URL;

Call Function

Intent facebookIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                String facebookUrl = getFacebookPageURL(MainActivity.this);

Oracle JDBC ojdbc6 Jar as a Maven Dependency

Oracle JDBC drivers and other companion Jars are available on Central Maven. We suggest to use the official supported Oracle JDBC versions from,,,,, and These are available on Central Maven Repository. Refer to Maven Central Guide for more details.

It is recommended to use the latest version. Check out FAQ for JDK compatibility.

Change color of Label in C#

You can try this with Color.FromArgb:

Random rnd = new Random();
lbl.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255));

MySQL table is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

If it gives you permission denial while moving to /var/lib/mysql then use the following solution

$ cd /var/lib/
$ sudo -u mysql myisamchk -r -v -f mysql/<DB_NAME>/<TABLE_NAME>

Search for string and get count in vi editor



when pattern string is too long and you don't like to type it all again.

How to emit an event from parent to child?

As far as I know, there are 2 standard ways you can do that.

1. @Input

Whenever the data in the parent changes, the child gets notified about this in the ngOnChanges method. The child can act on it. This is the standard way of interacting with a child.

public inputToChild: Object;

<child [data]="inputToChild"> </child>       

Child-Component: @Input() data;

ngOnChanges(changes: { [property: string]: SimpleChange }){
   // Extract changes to the input property by its name
   let change: SimpleChange = changes['data']; 
// Whenever the data in the parent changes, this method gets triggered. You 
// can act on the changes here. You will have both the previous value and the 
// current value here.
  1. Shared service concept

Creating a service and using an observable in the shared service. The child subscribes to it and whenever there is a change, the child will be notified. This is also a popular method. When you want to send something other than the data you pass as the input, this can be used.

subject: Subject<Object>;

constructor(sharedService: SharedService);

constructor(sharedService: SharedService)

// Whenever the parent emits using the next method, you can receive the data 
in here and act on it.})

Get only the date in timestamp in mysql

You can use date(t_stamp) to get only the date part from a timestamp.

You can check the date() function in the docs


Extracts the date part of the date or datetime expression expr.

mysql> SELECT DATE('2003-12-31 01:02:03'); -> '2003-12-31'

How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java?

Thank you all for responding. After a further investigation I got to the right answer. As mentioned by Skip Head, the TimeStamped I was getting from my application was being adjusted to the user's TimeZone. So if the User entered 6:12 PM (EST) I would get 2:12 PM (GMT). What I needed was a way to undo the conversion so that the time entered by the user is the time I sent to the WebServer request. Here's how I accomplished this:

// Get TimeZone of user
TimeZone currentTimeZone = sc_.getTimeZone();
Calendar currentDt = new GregorianCalendar(currentTimeZone, EN_US_LOCALE);
// Get the Offset from GMT taking DST into account
int gmtOffset = currentTimeZone.getOffset(
// convert to hours
gmtOffset = gmtOffset / (60*60*1000);
System.out.println("Current User's TimeZone: " + currentTimeZone.getID());
System.out.println("Current Offset from GMT (in hrs):" + gmtOffset);
// Get TS from User Input
Timestamp issuedDate = (Timestamp) getACPValue(inputs_, "issuedDate");
System.out.println("TS from ACP: " + issuedDate);
// Set TS into Calendar
Calendar issueDate = convertTimestampToJavaCalendar(issuedDate);
// Adjust for GMT (note the offset negation)
issueDate.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -gmtOffset);
System.out.println("Calendar Date converted from TS using GMT and US_EN Locale: "
    + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT)

The code's output is: (User entered 5/1/2008 6:12PM (EST)

Current User's TimeZone: EST
Current Offset from GMT (in hrs):-4 (Normally -5, except is DST adjusted)
TS from ACP: 2008-05-01 14:12:00.0
Calendar Date converted from TS using GMT and US_EN Locale: 5/1/08 6:12 PM (GMT)

How do I instantiate a Queue object in java?

A Queue is an interface, which means you cannot construct a Queue directly.

The best option is to construct off a class that already implements the Queue interface, like one of the following: AbstractQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue, ArrayDeque, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, DelayQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, LinkedList, PriorityBlockingQueue, PriorityQueue, or SynchronousQueue.

An alternative is to write your own class which implements the necessary Queue interface. It is not needed except in those rare cases where you wish to do something special while providing the rest of your program with a Queue.

public class MyQueue<T extends Tree> implements Queue<T> {
   public T element() {
     ... your code to return an element goes here ...

   public boolean offer(T element) {
     ... your code to accept a submission offer goes here ...

   ... etc ...

An even less used alternative is to construct an anonymous class that implements Queue. You probably don't want to do this, but it's listed as an option for the sake of covering all the bases.

new Queue<Tree>() {
   public Tree element() {

   public boolean offer(Tree element) {

HTML button opening link in new tab

With Bootstrap you can use an anchor like a button.

<a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank">Google</a>

And use target="_blank" to open the link in a new tab.

Get the short Git version hash

A simple way to see the Git commit short version and the Git commit message is:

git log --oneline

Note that this is shorthand for

git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

Print in new line, java


Password masking console application

This masks the password with a red square, then reverts back to the original colours once the password has been entered.

It doesn't stop the user from using copy/paste to get the password, but if it's more just about stopping someone looking over your shoulder, this is a good quick solution.

Console.Write("Password ");
ConsoleColor origBG = Console.BackgroundColor; // Store original values
ConsoleColor origFG = Console.ForegroundColor;

Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; // Set the block colour (could be anything)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

string Password = Console.ReadLine(); // read the password

Console.BackgroundColor= origBG; // revert back to original
Console.ForegroundColor= origFG;

How to set the timezone in Django?

Here is the list of valid timezones:

You can use

TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Istanbul'

for UTC+02:00

how can I check if a file exists?

For anyone who is looking a way to watch a specific file to exist in VBS:

Function bIsFileDownloaded(strPath, timeout)
  Dim FSO, fileIsDownloaded
  set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  fileIsDownloaded = false
  limit = DateAdd("s", timeout, Now)
  Do While Now < limit
    If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then : fileIsDownloaded = True : Exit Do : End If
    WScript.Sleep 1000      
  Set FSO = Nothing
  bIsFileDownloaded = fileIsDownloaded
End Function


FileName = "C:\test.txt"
fileIsDownloaded = bIsFileDownloaded(FileName, 5) ' keep watching for 5 seconds

If fileIsDownloaded Then
  WScript.Echo Now & " File is Downloaded: " & FileName
  WScript.Echo Now & " Timeout, file not found: " & FileName 
End If

Stop fixed position at footer

Here is the @Sang solution but without Jquery.

var socialFloat = document.querySelector('#social-float');_x000D_
var footer = document.querySelector('#footer');_x000D_
function checkOffset() {_x000D_
  function getRectTop(el){_x000D_
    var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();_x000D_
  if((getRectTop(socialFloat) + document.body.scrollTop) + socialFloat.offsetHeight >= (getRectTop(footer) + document.body.scrollTop) - 10)_x000D_ = 'absolute';_x000D_
  if(document.body.scrollTop + window.innerHeight < (getRectTop(footer) + document.body.scrollTop))_x000D_ = 'fixed'; // restore when you scroll up_x000D_
  socialFloat.innerHTML = document.body.scrollTop + window.innerHeight;_x000D_
document.addEventListener("scroll", function(){_x000D_
_x000D_ { width: 100%; height: 1000px; background: #f8f8f8; position: relative; }_x000D_
div#social-float { width: 200px; position: fixed; bottom: 10px; background: #777; }_x000D_
div#footer { width: 100%; height: 200px; background: #eee; }
<div class="social-float-parent">_x000D_
    <div id="social-float">_x000D_
<div id="footer">_x000D_

Rails: How can I set default values in ActiveRecord?

Sup guys, I ended up doing the following:

def after_initialize 
 self.other_stuff||="This stuff"

Works like a charm!

What are the differences between "=" and "<-" assignment operators in R?

The difference in assignment operators is clearer when you use them to set an argument value in a function call. For example:

median(x = 1:10)
## Error: object 'x' not found

In this case, x is declared within the scope of the function, so it does not exist in the user workspace.

median(x <- 1:10)
## [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

In this case, x is declared in the user workspace, so you can use it after the function call has been completed.

There is a general preference among the R community for using <- for assignment (other than in function signatures) for compatibility with (very) old versions of S-Plus. Note that the spaces help to clarify situations like

# Does this mean assignment?
x <- 3
# Or less than?
x < -3

Most R IDEs have keyboard shortcuts to make <- easier to type. Ctrl + = in Architect, Alt + - in RStudio (Option + - under macOS), Shift + - (underscore) in emacs+ESS.

If you prefer writing = to <- but want to use the more common assignment symbol for publicly released code (on CRAN, for example), then you can use one of the tidy_* functions in the formatR package to automatically replace = with <-.

tidy_source(text = "x=1:5", arrow = TRUE)
## x <- 1:5

The answer to the question "Why does x <- y = 5 throw an error but not x <- y <- 5?" is "It's down to the magic contained in the parser". R's syntax contains many ambiguous cases that have to be resolved one way or another. The parser chooses to resolve the bits of the expression in different orders depending on whether = or <- was used.

To understand what is happening, you need to know that assignment silently returns the value that was assigned. You can see that more clearly by explicitly printing, for example print(x <- 2 + 3).

Secondly, it's clearer if we use prefix notation for assignment. So

x <- 5
`<-`(x, 5)  #same thing

y = 5
`=`(y, 5)   #also the same thing

The parser interprets x <- y <- 5 as

`<-`(x, `<-`(y, 5))

We might expect that x <- y = 5 would then be

`<-`(x, `=`(y, 5))

but actually it gets interpreted as

`=`(`<-`(x, y), 5)

This is because = is lower precedence than <-, as shown on the ?Syntax help page.

CMake complains "The CXX compiler identification is unknown"

I just had this problem setting up my new laptop. The issue for me was that my toolchain (CodeSourcery) is 32bit and I had not installed the 32bit libs.

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

json call with C#

In your code you don't get the HttpResponse, so you won't see what the server side sends you back.

you need to get the Response similar to the way you get (make) the Request. So

public static bool SendAnSMSMessage(string message)
  var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
  httpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/json";
  httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";

  using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
    string json = "{ \"method\": \"send\", " +
                      "  \"params\": [ " +
                      "             \"IPutAGuidHere\", " +
                      "             \"[email protected]\", " +
                      "             \"MyTenDigitNumberWasHere\", " +
                      "             \"" + message + "\" " +
                      "             ] " +

  var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
  using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    var responseText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    //Now you have your response.
    //or false depending on information in the response
    return true;        

I also notice in the pennysms documentation that they expect a content type of "text/json" and not "application/json". That may not make a difference, but it's worth trying in case it doesn't work.

Live Video Streaming with PHP

Same problem/answer here, quoted below

I'm assuming you mean that you want to run your own private video calls, not simply link to Skype calls or similar. You really have 2 options here: host it yourself, or use a hosted solution and integrate it into your product.

Self-Hosted ----------------- This is messy. This can all be accomplished with PHP, but that is probably not the most advisable solution, as it is not the best tool for the job on all sides. Flash is much more efficient at a/v capture and transport on the user end. You can try to do this without flash, but you will have headaches. HTML5 may make your life easier, but if you're shooting for maximum compatibility, flash is the simplest way to go for creating the client. Then, as far as the actual server side that will relay the audio/video, you could write a chat server in php, but you're better off using an open source project, like janenz00's mention of red5, that's already built and interfacing with it through your client (if it doesn't already have one). Or you could homebrew a flash client as mentioned before and hook it up to a flash streaming server on both sides...either way it gets complicated fast, and is beyond my expertise to help you with at all.

Hosted Service ----------------- All in, my recommendation, unless you want to administer a ridiculous setup of many complex servers and failure points is to use a hosted service like UserPlane or similar and offload all the processing and technical work to people who are good at that, and then worry about interfacing with their api and getting their client well integrated into your site. You will be a happier developer if you do.

Custom thread pool in Java 8 parallel stream

If you don't mind using a third-party library, with cyclops-react you can mix sequential and parallel Streams within the same pipeline and provide custom ForkJoinPools. For example

 ReactiveSeq.range(1, 1_000_000)
            .foldParallel(new ForkJoinPool(10),
                              .peek(i->System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()))

Or if we wished to continue processing within a sequential Stream

 ReactiveSeq.range(1, 1_000_000)
            .parallel(new ForkJoinPool(10),
                          .peek(i->System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId())))

[Disclosure I am the lead developer of cyclops-react]

Correct way to use get_or_create?

Following @Tobu answer and @mipadi comment, in a more pythonic way, if not interested in the created flag, I would use:

customer.source, _ = Source.objects.get_or_create(name="Website")

Throw HttpResponseException or return Request.CreateErrorResponse?

Do not throw an HttpResponseException or return an HttpResponesMessage for errors - except if the intent is to end the request with that exact result.

HttpResponseException's are not handled the same as other exceptions. They are not caught in Exception Filters. They are not caught in the Exception Handler. They are a sly way to slip in an HttpResponseMessage while terminating the current code's execution flow.

Unless the code is infrastructure code relying on this special un-handling, avoid using the HttpResponseException type!

HttpResponseMessage's are not exceptions. They do not terminate the current code's execution flow. They can not be filtered as exceptions. They can not be logged as exceptions. They represent a valid result - even a 500 response is "a valid non-exception response"!

Make life simpler:

When there is an exceptional/error case, go ahead and throw a normal .NET exception - or a customized application exception type (not deriving from HttpResponseException) with desired 'http error/response' properties such as a status code - as per normal exception handling.

Use Exception Filters / Exception Handlers / Exception Loggers to do something appropriate with these exceptional cases: change/add status codes? add tracking identifiers? include stack traces? log?

By avoiding HttpResponseException the 'exceptional case' handling is made uniform and can be handled as part of the exposed pipeline! For example one can turn a 'NotFound' into a 404 and an 'ArgumentException' into a 400 and a 'NullReference' into a 500 easily and uniformly with application-level exceptions - while allowing extensibility to provide "basics" such as error logging.

How do I simulate a low bandwidth, high latency environment?

For Windows you can use this application:

WAN Connection Emulator for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Seven and 2008.

Perhaps the only one available for Windows.

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

Python equivalent for HashMap

You need a dict:

my_dict = {'cheese': 'cake'}

Example code (from the docs):

>>> a = dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
>>> b = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
>>> c = dict(zip(['one', 'two', 'three'], [1, 2, 3]))
>>> d = dict([('two', 2), ('one', 1), ('three', 3)])
>>> e = dict({'three': 3, 'one': 1, 'two': 2})
>>> a == b == c == d == e

You can read more about dictionaries here.

How to get multiple selected values from select box in JSP?

Something along the lines of (using JSTL):

<p>Selected Values:
  <c:forEach items="${paramValues['select2']}" var="selectedValue">
    <li><c:out value="${selectedValue}" /></li>

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

Simple Solution with Pics

Step1: Add following code in build.gradle file under defaultConfig

     ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "armeabi", "mips"
Example:[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Steo 2: Add following code in file


Example: [![enter image description here][2]][2]

Step 3: Sync Gradle and Run the Project.



Vue.js toggle class on click

If you need more than 1 class

You can do this:

<i id="icon" 
  v-bind:class="{ 'fa fa-star': showStar }"
  v-on:click="showStar = !showStar"

data: {
  showStar: true

Notice the single quotes ' around the classes!

Thanks to everyone else's solutions.

How to empty a redis database?

open your Redis cli and There two possible option that you could use:

FLUSHDB - Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB. FLUSHALL - Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.

Using command line arguments in VBscript

Set args = Wscript.Arguments

For Each arg In args
  Wscript.Echo arg

From a command prompt, run the script like this:

CSCRIPT MyScript.vbs 1 2 A B "Arg with spaces"

Will give results like this:

Arg with spaces

Is it possible to ping a server from Javascript?

just replace



$ip = $_SERVER[''];
exec("ping -n 4 $ip 2>&1", $output, $retval);
if ($retval != 0) { 
  echo "no!"; 
  echo "yes!"; 

What causes a Python segmentation fault?

I was experiencing this segmentation fault after upgrading dlib on RPI. I tracebacked the stack as suggested by Shiplu Mokaddim above and it settled on an OpenBLAS library.

Since OpenBLAS is also multi-threaded, using it in a muilt-threaded application will exponentially multiply threads until segmentation fault. For multi-threaded applications, set OpenBlas to single thread mode.

In python virtual environment, tell OpenBLAS to only use a single thread by editing:

    $ workon <myenv>
    $ nano .virtualenv/<myenv>/bin/postactivate

and add:


After reboot I was able to run all my image recognition apps on rpi3b which were previously crashing it.


Java "lambda expressions not supported at this language level"

this answers not working for new updated intelliJ... for new intelliJ..

Go to --> file --> Project Structure --> Global Libraries ==> set to JDK 1.8 or higher version.

also File -- > project Structure ---> projects ===> set "project language manual" to 8

also File -- > project Structure ---> project sdk ==> 1.8

This should enable lambda expression for your project.

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android


As of 2019 this can be easily achieved using ProgressIndicator, in Material Components library, used with the Widget.MaterialComponents.ProgressIndicator.Circular.Indeterminate style.

For more details please check Gabriele Mariotti's answer below.

Old implementation

Here is an awesome implementation of the material design circular intermediate progress bar The implementation only lacks the ability add various colors like in inbox by android app but this does a pretty great job.

Write HTML string in JSON

You should escape the characters like double quotes in the html string by adding "\"

eg: <h2 class=\"fg-white\">

In Chrome 55, prevent showing Download button for HTML 5 video

This is the solution (from this post)

video::-internal-media-controls-download-button {

video::-webkit-media-controls-enclosure {

video::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
    width: calc(100% + 30px); /* Adjust as needed */

Update 2 : New Solution by @Remo

<video width="512" height="380" controls controlsList="nodownload">
    <source data-src="mov_bbb.ogg" type="video/mp4">

How do you uninstall the package manager "pip", if installed from source?

If you installed pip like this:

 - sudo apt install python-pip
 - sudo apt install python3-pip

Uninstall them like this:

 - sudo apt remove python-pip
 - sudo apt remove python3-pip

Deleting all files in a directory with Python

Use os.chdir to change directory . Use glob.glob to generate a list of file names which end it '.bak'. The elements of the list are just strings.

Then you could use os.unlink to remove the files. (PS. os.unlink and os.remove are synonyms for the same function.)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import os
for filename in files:

Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

If the number of buckets (call it b) is held constant (the usual case), then lookup is actually O(n).
As n gets large, the number of elements in each bucket averages n/b. If collision resolution is done in one of the usual ways (linked list for example), then lookup is O(n/b) = O(n).

The O notation is about what happens when n gets larger and larger. It can be misleading when applied to certain algorithms, and hash tables are a case in point. We choose the number of buckets based on how many elements we're expecting to deal with. When n is about the same size as b, then lookup is roughly constant-time, but we can't call it O(1) because O is defined in terms of a limit as n ? 8.

How to get HttpRequestMessage data

  System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
  reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
  string requestFromPost = reader.ReadToEnd();

Create a new RGB OpenCV image using Python?

The new cv2 interface for Python integrates numpy arrays into the OpenCV framework, which makes operations much simpler as they are represented with simple multidimensional arrays. For example, your question would be answered with:

import cv2  # Not actually necessary if you just want to create an image.
import numpy as np
blank_image = np.zeros((height,width,3), np.uint8)

This initialises an RGB-image that is just black. Now, for example, if you wanted to set the left half of the image to blue and the right half to green , you could do so easily:

blank_image[:,0:width//2] = (255,0,0)      # (B, G, R)
blank_image[:,width//2:width] = (0,255,0)

If you want to save yourself a lot of trouble in future, as well as having to ask questions such as this one, I would strongly recommend using the cv2 interface rather than the older cv one. I made the change recently and have never looked back. You can read more about cv2 at the OpenCV Change Logs.

How to go to a URL using jQuery?

//As an HTTP redirect (back button will not work )

//like if you click on a link (it will be saved in the session history, 
//so the back button will work as expected)
window.location.href = "";

What and where are the stack and heap?

The stack is a portion of memory that can be manipulated via several key assembly language instructions, such as 'pop' (remove and return a value from the stack) and 'push' (push a value to the stack), but also call (call a subroutine - this pushes the address to return to the stack) and return (return from a subroutine - this pops the address off of the stack and jumps to it). It's the region of memory below the stack pointer register, which can be set as needed. The stack is also used for passing arguments to subroutines, and also for preserving the values in registers before calling subroutines.

The heap is a portion of memory that is given to an application by the operating system, typically through a syscall like malloc. On modern OSes this memory is a set of pages that only the calling process has access to.

The size of the stack is determined at runtime, and generally does not grow after the program launches. In a C program, the stack needs to be large enough to hold every variable declared within each function. The heap will grow dynamically as needed, but the OS is ultimately making the call (it will often grow the heap by more than the value requested by malloc, so that at least some future mallocs won't need to go back to the kernel to get more memory. This behavior is often customizable)

Because you've allocated the stack before launching the program, you never need to malloc before you can use the stack, so that's a slight advantage there. In practice, it's very hard to predict what will be fast and what will be slow in modern operating systems that have virtual memory subsystems, because how the pages are implemented and where they are stored is an implementation detail.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm' The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

If I recall correctly, there are some issues with adding SharePoint web services as a VS2K8 "Service Reference". You need to add it as an old-style "Web Reference" to work properly.

What is the difference between char array and char pointer in C?

char* and char[] are different types, but it's not immediately apparent in all cases. This is because arrays decay into pointers, meaning that if an expression of type char[] is provided where one of type char* is expected, the compiler automatically converts the array into a pointer to its first element.

Your example function printSomething expects a pointer, so if you try to pass an array to it like this:

char s[10] = "hello";

The compiler pretends that you wrote this:

char s[10] = "hello";

ElasticSearch - Return Unique Values

If you want to get all unique values without any approximation or setting a magic number (size: 500), then use COMPOSITE AGGREGATION (ES 6.5+).

From official documentation:

"If you want to retrieve all terms or all combinations of terms in a nested terms aggregation you should use the COMPOSITE AGGREGATION which allows to paginate over all possible terms rather than setting a size greater than the cardinality of the field in the terms aggregation. The terms aggregation is meant to return the top terms and does not allow pagination."

Implementation example in JavaScript:

const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 1000;_x000D_
const body =  {_x000D_
    "size": 0, // Returning only aggregation results:
    "aggs" : {_x000D_
        "langs": {_x000D_
            "composite" : {_x000D_
                "size": ITEMS_PER_PAGE,_x000D_
                "sources" : [_x000D_
                    { "language": { "terms" : { "field": "language" } } }_x000D_
const uniqueLanguages = [];_x000D_
while (true) {_x000D_
  const result = await;_x000D_
  const currentUniqueLangs = => bucket.key);_x000D_
  const after = result.aggregations.langs.after_key;_x000D_
  if (after) {_x000D_
      // continue paginating unique items_x000D_
      body.aggs.langs.composite.after = after;_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_

What is the difference between .text, .value, and .value2?

Except first answer form Bathsheba, except MSDN information for:


you could analyse these tables for better understanding of differences between analysed properties.

enter image description here

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

I too got the same error, when I did this behind a proxy. But after I exported the following from a terminal and re-tried the same command, the problem got resolved:

export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxy_ip_addr:port/"
export https_proxy="https://username:password@proxy_ip_addr:port/"

How to disable registration new users in Laravel

The following method works great:

Copy all the routes from /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php and paste it into web.php and comment out or delete Auth::routes().

Then setup a conditional to enable and disable registration from .env. Duplicate the 503.blade.php file in views/errors and create a 403 forbidden or whatever you like.

Add ALLOW_USER_REGISTRATION= to .env and control user registration by setting its value to true or false.

Now you have full control of routes and Vendor files remain untouched.



// Authentication Routes...
Route::get('login', 'Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm')->name('login');
Route::post('login', 'Auth\LoginController@login');
Route::post('logout', 'Auth\LoginController@logout')->name('logout');

// Registration Routes...
    Route::get('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm')->name('register');
    Route::post('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@register');
    Route::match(['get','post'], 'register', function () {
        return view('errors.403');

// Password Reset Routes...
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.request');
Route::post('password/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail')->name('');
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm')->name('password.reset');
Route::post('password/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset');

This is a combination of some previous answers notably Rafal G. and Daniel Centore.

Change placeholder text

I have been facing the same problem.

In JS, first you have to clear the textbox of the text input. Otherwise the placeholder text won't show.

Here's my solution.

document.getElementsByName("email")[0].placeholder="your message";

How to check if input file is empty in jQuery

I know I'm late to the party but I thought I'd add what I ended up using for this - which is to simply check if the file upload input does not contain a truthy value with the not operator & JQuery like so:

if (!$('#videoUploadFile').val()) {
  alert('Please Upload File');

Note that if this is in a form, you may also want to wrap it with the following handler to prevent the form from submitting:

$(document).on("click", ":submit", function (e) {

  if (!$('#videoUploadFile').val()) {
  alert('Please Upload File');


What's the "average" requests per second for a production web application?

When I go to the control panel of my webhost, open up phpMyAdmin, and click on "Show MySQL runtime information", I get:

This MySQL server has been running for 53 days, 15 hours, 28 minutes and 53 seconds. It started up on Oct 24, 2008 at 04:03 AM.

Query statistics: Since its startup, 3,444,378,344 queries have been sent to the server.

Total 3,444 M
per hour 2.68 M
per minute 44.59 k
per second 743.13

That's an average of 743 mySQL queries every single second for the past 53 days!

I don't know about you, but to me that's fast! Very fast!!

How to find the kafka version in linux

You can also type

cat /

This will give you an output like this


What does git rev-parse do?

Just to elaborate on the etymology of the command name rev-parse, Git consistently uses the term rev in plumbing commands as short for "revision" and generally meaning the 40-character SHA1 hash for a commit. The command rev-list for example prints a list of 40-char commit hashes for a branch or whatever.

In this case the name might be expanded to parse-a-commitish-to-a-full-SHA1-hash. While the command has the several ancillary functions mentioned in Tuxdude's answer, its namesake appears to be the use case of transforming a user-friendly reference like a branch name or abbreviated hash into the unambiguous 40-character SHA1 hash most useful for many programming/plumbing purposes.

I know I was thinking it was "reverse-parse" something for quite a while before I figured it out and had the same trouble making sense of the terms "massaging" and "manipulation" :)

Anyway, I find this "parse-to-a-revision" notion a satisfying way to think of it, and a reliable concept for bringing this command to mind when I need that sort of thing. Frequently in scripting Git you take a user-friendly commit reference as user input and generally want to get it resolved to a validated and unambiguous working reference as soon after receiving it as possible. Otherwise input translation and validation tends to proliferate through the script.

JavaScript Chart Library

If you're using jQuery I've found flot to be very good - try out the examples to see if they suit your needs, but I've found them to do most of what I need for my current project.

Additionally ExtJS 4.0 has introduced a great set of charts - very powerful, and is designed to work with live data.

Call to a member function on a non-object

function page_properties($objPortal) {    

looks like different names of variables $objPortal vs $objPage

Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

In case you were struggling to change linetypes, the following answer should be helpful. (This is an addition to the solution by Andy W.)

We will try to extend the learned pattern:

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
line_types <- c("LINE1"=1,"LINE2"=3)
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1", linetype="LINE1"),size=0.5) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=2) +           #red
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2", linetype="LINE2"),size=0.5) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=2) +           #blue
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                  guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

However, what we get is the following result: manual without name

The problem is that the linetype is not merged in the main legend. Note that we did not give any name to the method scale_linetype_manual. The trick which works here is to give it the same name as what you used for naming scale_colour_manual. More specifically, if we change the corresponding line to the following we get the desired result:

scale_linetype_manual(name="Error Bars",values=line_types)

manual with the same name

Now, it is easy to change the size of the line with the same idea.

Note that the geom_bar has not colour property anymore. (I did not try to fix this issue.) Also, adding geom_errorbar with colour attribute spoils the result. It would be great if somebody can come up with a better solution which resolves these two issues as well.