Programs & Examples On #Zend auth

A class provided by the Zend Framework, an open source, object oriented PHP5 framework provided by Zend. Zend Auth provides helper functions to authenticate site visitors against various sources.

How can I find the link URL by link text with XPath?

if you are using html agility pack use getattributeValue:


Python JSON serialize a Decimal object

My $.02!

I extend a bunch of the JSON encoder since I am serializing tons of data for my web server. Here's some nice code. Note that it's easily extendable to pretty much any data format you feel like and will reproduce 3.9 as "thing": 3.9

JSONEncoder_olddefault = json.JSONEncoder.default
def JSONEncoder_newdefault(self, o):
    if isinstance(o, UUID): return str(o)
    if isinstance(o, datetime): return str(o)
    if isinstance(o, time.struct_time): return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(o))
    if isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal): return str(o)
    return JSONEncoder_olddefault(self, o)
json.JSONEncoder.default = JSONEncoder_newdefault

Makes my life so much easier...

Root user/sudo equivalent in Cygwin?

A new proposal to enhance SUDO for CygWin from GitHub in this thread, named TOUACExt:

  • Automatically opens
  • Automatically closes after timeout (15 minutes default).
  • Request UAC elevation prompt Yes/No style for admin users.
  • Request Admin user/password for non-admin users.
  • Works remotely (SSH) with admin accounts.
  • Creates log.

Still in Pre-Beta, but seems to be working.

How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done?

// in setonclicklistener put this code:

EditText et_number=(EditText)findViewById(; 
String my_number = et_number.getText().toString().trim();
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse(my_number)); 

// give permission for call in manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"></uses-permission>

github: server certificate verification failed

You can also disable SSL verification, (if the project does not require a high level of security other than login/password) by typing :

git config --global http.sslverify false

enjoy git :)

Open file dialog and select a file using WPF controls and C#

var ofd = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() {Filter = "JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif"}; 
var result = ofd.ShowDialog();
if (result == false) return;
textBox1.Text = ofd.FileName;

Is It Possible to NSLog C Structs (Like CGRect or CGPoint)?

You can try this:

NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromCGPoint(cgPoint));

There are a number of functions provided by UIKit that convert the various CG structs into NSStrings. The reason it doesn't work is because %@ signifies an object. A CGPoint is a C struct (and so are CGRects and CGSizes).

Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb?

I had a lot of trouble with this also. I still don't fully understand the permission and root run, but this worked for me (one of the previous answers partly) to copy database file from /data/data/[package name]/databases/my_db.db . Running shell root, or su in shell for some reason didn't work, nor did copying the db file (I could navigate to the directory though), nor did sqlite3.

So, this worked! In DOS command prompt:

C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
1|shell@android:/ $ run-as
1|shell@android:/data/data/ $ cd /data
cd /data
shell@android:/data $ cd data
cd data
shell@android:/data/data $ cd
shell@android:/data/data/ $ cd databases
cd databases
shell@android:/data/data/ $ ls
shell@android:/data/data/ $ cat bus
_timetable_lines.db > /sdcard/db_copy.db
 bus_timetable_lines.db > /sdcard/db_copy.db                                   <
shell@android:/data/data/ $exit   ^
shell@android:/ $ exit

C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>

Now go to SDCARD directory and get your file db_copy.db . Even that was hidden, but I managed to email it. Back in Windows, I was able to open db file with SQLite Database Browser. :)

Typescript: React event types

The problem is not with the Event type, but that the EventTarget interface in typescript only has 3 methods:

interface EventTarget {
    addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
    dispatchEvent(evt: Event): boolean;
    removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;

interface SyntheticEvent {
    bubbles: boolean;
    cancelable: boolean;
    currentTarget: EventTarget;
    defaultPrevented: boolean;
    eventPhase: number;
    isTrusted: boolean;
    nativeEvent: Event;
    preventDefault(): void;
    stopPropagation(): void;
    target: EventTarget;
    timeStamp: Date;
    type: string;

So it is correct that name and value don't exist on EventTarget. What you need to do is to cast the target to the specific element type with the properties you need. In this case it will be HTMLInputElement.

update = (e: React.SyntheticEvent): void => {
    let target = as HTMLInputElement;
    this.props.login[] = target.value;

Also for events instead of React.SyntheticEvent, you can also type them as following: Event, MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent...etc, depends on the use case of the handler.

The best way to see all these type definitions is to checkout the .d.ts files from both typescript & react.

Also check out the following link for more explanations: Why is not Element in Typescript?

Convert factor to integer

Quoting directly from the help page for factor:

To transform a factor f to its original numeric values, as.numeric(levels(f))[f] is recommended and slightly more efficient than as.numeric(as.character(f)).

html - table row like a link

When i want simulate a <tr> with a link but respecting the html standards, I do this.


    <tr class="trLink">
            <a href="#">Something</a>


tr.trLink {
    cursor: pointer;
tr.trLink:hover {

tr.trLink a{
    display: block;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
tr.trLink:hover a{

In this way, when someone go with his mouse on a TR, all the row (and this links) gets the hover style and he can't see that there are multiple links.

Hope can help someone.

Fiddle HERE

C - error: storage size of ‘a’ isn’t known

Your struct is called struct xyx but a is of type struct xyz. Once you fix that, the output is 100.

#include <stdio.h>

struct xyx {
    int x;
    int y;
    char c;
    char str[20];
    int arr[2];

int main(void)
    struct xyx a;
    a.x = 100;
    printf("%d\n", a.x);
    return 0;

Function is not defined - uncaught referenceerror

Thought I would mention this because it took a while for me to fix this issue and I couldn't find the answer anywhere on SO. The code I was working on worked for a co-worker but not for me (I was getting this same error). It worked for me in Chrome, but not in Edge.

I was able to get it working by clearing the cache in Edge.

This may not be the answer to this specific question, but I thought I would mention it in case it saves someone else a little time.

Can an angular directive pass arguments to functions in expressions specified in the directive's attributes?

If you declare your callback as mentioned by @lex82 like

callback = "callback(, arg2)"

You can call the callback method in the directive scope with object map and it would do the binding correctly. Like

scope.callback({arg2:"some value"});

without requiring for $parse. See my fiddle(console log)

Update: There is a small example of this in the documentation:

& or &attr - provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope. If no attr name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name. Given and widget definition of scope: { localFn:'&myAttr' }, then isolate scope property localFn will point to a function wrapper for the count = count + value expression. Often it's desirable to pass data from the isolated scope via an expression and to the parent scope, this can be done by passing a map of local variable names and values into the expression wrapper fn. For example, if the expression is increment(amount) then we can specify the amount value by calling the localFn as localFn({amount: 22}).

Setting the zoom level for a MKMapView

I found myself a solution, which is very simple and does the trick. Use MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance in order to set the distance in meters vertically and horizontally to get the desired zoom. And then of course when you update your location you'll get the right coordinates, or you can specify it directly in the CLLocationCoordinate2D at startup, if that's what you need to do:

CLLocationCoordinate2D noLocation;
MKCoordinateRegion viewRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(noLocation, 500, 500);
MKCoordinateRegion adjustedRegion = [self.mapView regionThatFits:viewRegion];          
[self.mapView setRegion:adjustedRegion animated:YES];
self.mapView.showsUserLocation = YES;


let location = ...
let region = MKCoordinateRegion( center: location.coordinate, latitudinalMeters: CLLocationDistance(exactly: 5000)!, longitudinalMeters: CLLocationDistance(exactly: 5000)!)
mapView.setRegion(mapView.regionThatFits(region), animated: true)

How to apply a function to two columns of Pandas dataframe

I suppose you don't want to change get_sublist function, and just want to use DataFrame's apply method to do the job. To get the result you want, I've wrote two help functions: get_sublist_list and unlist. As the function name suggest, first get the list of sublist, second extract that sublist from that list. Finally, We need to call apply function to apply those two functions to the df[['col_1','col_2']] DataFrame subsequently.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'ID':['1','2','3'], 'col_1': [0,2,3], 'col_2':[1,4,5]})
mylist = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']

def get_sublist(sta,end):
    return mylist[sta:end+1]

def get_sublist_list(cols):
    return [get_sublist(cols[0],cols[1])]

def unlist(list_of_lists):
    return list_of_lists[0]

df['col_3'] = df[['col_1','col_2']].apply(get_sublist_list,axis=1).apply(unlist)


If you don't use [] to enclose the get_sublist function, then the get_sublist_list function will return a plain list, it'll raise ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (2), as @Ted Petrou had mentioned.

How do you convert a C++ string to an int?

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the question, by why exactly would you not want to use atoi? I see no point in reinventing the wheel.

Am I just missing the point here?

Multiple controllers with AngularJS in single page app

I'm currently in the process of building a single page application. Here is what I have thus far that I believe would be answering your question. I have a base template (base.html) that has a div with the ng-view directive in it. This directive tells angular where to put the new content in. Note that I'm new to angularjs myself so I by no means am saying this is the best way to do it.

app = angular.module('myApp', []);                                                                             

app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {                        
       .when('/home/', {                                            
         templateUrl: "templates/home.html",                                               
        .when('/about/', {                                       
            templateUrl: "templates/about.html",     
            controller: 'aboutController',  
            template: 'does not exists'   

app.controller('homeController', [              
    function homeController($scope,) {        
        $scope.message = 'HOME PAGE';                  

app.controller('aboutController', [                  
    function aboutController($scope) {        
        $scope.about = 'WE LOVE CODE';                       



    <div id="sideMenu">
        <!-- MENU CONTENT -->

    <div id="content" ng-view="">
        <!-- Angular view would show here -->


checked = "checked" vs checked = true

checked attribute is a boolean value so "checked" value of other "string" except boolean false converts to true.

Any string value will be true. Also presence of attribute make it true:

<input type="checkbox" checked>

You can make it uncheked only making boolean change in DOM using JS.

So the answer is: they are equal.


ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when selecting view

If the view is accessed via a stored procedure, the execute grant is insufficient to access the view. You must grant select explicitly.

Failed to install Python Cryptography package with PIP and

I was having issues with installing cryptography==1.7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 and none of the answers above helped. So, I upgraded the requirement to a compatible 1.8.2 and the setup was successful. Note that you would still need build essentials & other dependencies mentioned in the top (most upvoted) answer.

How do you fix a MySQL "Incorrect key file" error when you can't repair the table?

Change to MyISAM engine and run this command


Close virtual keyboard on button press

Kotlin example:

val inputMethodManager = context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager

from Fragment:

inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(activity?.currentFocus?.windowToken, InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS)

from Activity:

inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(currentFocus?.windowToken, InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS)

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

Try jcabi-xml, with a one liner:

Node node = new XMLDocument("<node>value</node>").node();

Converting an object to a string

One option:

console.log('Item: ' + JSON.stringify(o));

o is printed as a string

Another option (as soktinpk pointed out in the comments), and better for console debugging IMO:

console.log('Item: ', o);

o is printed as an object, which you could drill down if you had more fields

How to remove word wrap from textarea?

If you can use JavaScript, the following might be the most portable option today (tested Firefox 31, Chrome 36):

  div#editor {
    white-space: pre;
    word-wrap: normal;
    overflow-x: scroll;
<div contenteditable="true"></div>

There seems to be no standard, portable CSS solution:

Also, if you can use Javascript, you might as well use the ACE editor:

<script src=""></script>
<div id="editor">content</div>
  var editor = ace.edit('editor')

Probably works with ACE because it does not use a textarea either which is underspecified / incoherently implemented, but not sure if it is uses contenteditable.

How to find the maximum value in an array?

Have a max int and set it to the first value in the array. Then in a for loop iterate through the whole array and see if the max int is larger than the int at the current index.

int max = array.get(0);

for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (array.get(i) > max) {
      max = array.get(i);

How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?

To capture both stdout & stderr from your docker container to a single log file run the following:

docker logs container > container.log 2>&1

Error handling in AngularJS http get then construct

You need to add an additional parameter:

    function(response) {
    function(data) {
        // Handle error here

to remove first and last element in array

push() adds a new element to the end of an array.
pop() removes an element from the end of an array.

unshift() adds a new element to the beginning of an array.
shift() removes an element from the beginning of an array.

To remove first element from an array arr , use arr.shift()
To remove last element from an array arr , use arr.pop()

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

delete this line:

jsonp: 'jsonp_callback',

Or replace this line:

url: '',

because currently you are asking jQuery to create a random callback function name with callback=? and then telling jQuery that you want to use jsonp_callback instead.

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

Open settings.gradle and add the module as below,

include ':app',':bottomnav'

here i have added my newly imported module ':bottomnav' separated with a comma. then Sync your project. your module will be visible to dependency. Android Studio only displays those module, which are defined in the settings.gradle file of your application. after defining the module in settings.gradle, you will be able to add the module as dependency of your application.

How to print variables in Perl

You should always include all relevant code when asking a question. In this case, the print statement that is the center of your question. The print statement is probably the most crucial piece of information. The second most crucial piece of information is the error, which you also did not include. Next time, include both of those.

print $ids should be a fairly hard statement to mess up, but it is possible. Possible reasons:

  1. $ids is undefined. Gives the warning undefined value in print
  2. $ids is out of scope. With use strict, gives fatal warning Global variable $ids needs explicit package name, and otherwise the undefined warning from above.
  3. You forgot a semi-colon at the end of the line.
  4. You tried to do print $ids $nIds, in which case perl thinks that $ids is supposed to be a filehandle, and you get an error such as print to unopened filehandle.


1: Should not happen. It might happen if you do something like this (assuming you are not using strict):

my $var;
while (<>) {
    $Var .= $_;
print $var;

Gives the warning for undefined value, because $Var and $var are two different variables.

2: Might happen, if you do something like this:

if ($something) {
    my $var = "something happened!";
print $var;

my declares the variable inside the current block. Outside the block, it is out of scope.

3: Simple enough, common mistake, easily fixed. Easier to spot with use warnings.

4: Also a common mistake. There are a number of ways to correctly print two variables in the same print statement:

print "$var1 $var2";  # concatenation inside a double quoted string
print $var1 . $var2;  # concatenation
print $var1, $var2;   # supplying print with a list of args

Lastly, some perl magic tips for you:

use strict;
use warnings;

# open with explicit direction '<', check the return value
# to make sure open succeeded. Using a lexical filehandle.
open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;

# read the whole file into an array and
# chomp all the lines at once
chomp(my @file = <$fh>);
close $fh;

my $ids  = join(' ', @file);
my $nIds = scalar @file;
print "Number of lines: $nIds\n";
print "Text:\n$ids\n";

Reading the whole file into an array is suitable for small files only, otherwise it uses a lot of memory. Usually, line-by-line is preferred.


  • print "@file" is equivalent to $ids = join(' ',@file); print $ids;
  • $#file will return the last index in @file. Since arrays usually start at 0, $#file + 1 is equivalent to scalar @file.

You can also do:

my $ids;
do {
    local $/;
    $ids = <$fh>;

By temporarily "turning off" $/, the input record separator, i.e. newline, you will make <$fh> return the entire file. What <$fh> really does is read until it finds $/, then return that string. Note that this will preserve the newlines in $ids.

Line-by-line solution:

open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!; # btw, $! contains the most recent error
my $ids;
while (<$fh>) {
    $ids .= "$_ "; # concatenate with string
my $nIds = $.; # $. is Current line number for the last filehandle accessed.

What is __pycache__?

Updated answer from 3.7+ docs:

To speed up loading modules, Python caches the compiled version of each module in the __pycache__ directory under the name module.version.pyc, where the version encodes the format of the compiled file; it generally contains the Python version number. For example, in CPython release 3.3 the compiled version of would be cached as __pycache__/spam.cpython-33.pyc. This naming convention allows compiled modules from different releases and different versions of Python to coexist.


That is, this directory is generated by Python and exists to make your programs run faster. It shouldn't be committed to source control, and should coexist in peace with your local source code.

__pycache__ is a directory that contains bytecode cache files that are automatically generated by python, namely compiled python, or .pyc, files. You might be wondering why Python, an "interpreted" language, has any compiled files at all. This SO question addresses that (and it's definitely worth reading this answer).

The python docs go into more depth about exactly how it works and why it exists:

  • It was added in python 3.2 because the existing system of maintaining .pyc files in the same directory caused various problems, such as when a program was run with Python interpreters of different versions. For the full feature spec, see PEP 3174.

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

So stupid and simple:

This problem occurred for me when having two time Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin * inside my Apache config file. Once withing the VirtualHost tags and once inside a Limit tag:

<VirtualHost localhost:80>
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  <Limit OPTIONS>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Removing one entry resolved the issue.

I guess in the original post it would have been two times:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ""

How do I keep two side-by-side divs the same height?


<div style="border:1px solid #cccccc; float:left; min-height:200px;">

Some content!<br/>
Some content!<br/>
Some content!<br/>
Some content!<br/>
Some content!<br/>


<div style="border:1px solid #cccccc; float:left; min-height:200px;">

Some content!



What I did here is to change the height to min-height and gave it a fixed value. if one of them is getting resized the other one will stay the same height. not sure if this is what you want

Setting width of spreadsheet cell using PHPExcel

autoSize for column width set as bellow. It works for me.


Why does calling sumr on a stream with 50 tuples not complete

sumr is implemented in terms of foldRight:

 final def sumr(implicit A: Monoid[A]): A = F.foldRight(self, 

foldRight is not always tail recursive, so you can overflow the stack if the collection is too long. See Why foldRight and reduceRight are NOT tail recursive? for some more discussion of when this is or isn't true.

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

I configured the app.config with the tool for EntLib configuration and set up my LoggingConfiguration block. Then I copied this into the DotNetConfig.xsd. Of course, it does not cover all attributes, only the ones I added but it does not display those annoying info messages anymore.

<xs:element name="loggingConfiguration">
      <xs:element name="listeners">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="fileName" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="footer" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="formatter" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="header" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollFileExistsBehavior" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollInterval" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="rollSizeKB" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="timeStampPattern" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="listenerDataType" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="traceOutputOptions" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="filter" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="formatters">
            <xs:element name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="template" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="logFilters">
            <xs:element name="add">
                <xs:attribute name="enabled" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="categorySources">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="add">
                  <xs:element name="listeners">
                        <xs:element name="add">
                            <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
      <xs:element name="specialSources">
            <xs:element name="allEvents">
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
            <xs:element name="notProcessed">
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
            <xs:element name="errors">
                  <xs:element name="listeners">
                        <xs:element name="add">
                            <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="switchValue" type="xs:string" use="required" />
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="tracingEnabled" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="defaultCategory" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="logWarningsWhenNoCategoriesMatch" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />

FileProvider - IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root

My Problem Was Wrong File Name: I Create file_paths.xml under res/xml while resource was set to provider_paths.xml in Manifest:


I changed provider_paths to file_paths and problem Solved.

How can I set a website image that will show as preview on Facebook?

1. Include the Open Graph XML namespace extension to your HTML declaration

<html xmlns=""

2. Inside your <head></head> use the following meta tag to define the image you want to use

<meta property="og:image" content="fully_qualified_image_url_here" />

Read more about open graph protocol here.

After doing the above, use the Facebook "Object Debugger" if the image does not show up correctly. Also note the first time shared it still won't show up unless height and width are also specified, see Share on Facebook - Thumbnail not showing for the first time

How to kill MySQL connections

I would recommend checking the connections to show the maximum thread connection is

show variables like "max_connections";


| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 13  |
1 row in set

Then increase it by example

set global max_connections = 500;

rsync: how can I configure it to create target directory on server?

I don't think you can do it with one rsync command, but you can 'pre-create' the extra directory first like this:

rsync --recursive emptydir/ destination/newdir

where 'emptydir' is a local empty directory (which you might have to create as a temporary directory first).

It's a bit of a hack, but it works for me.



jquery/javascript convert date string to date

I would grab date.js or else you will need to roll your own formatting function.

A server with the specified hostname could not be found

I faced same problem. Actually i face it often. Following three steps work for me always

  1. Change DNS to and
  2. Open and change "# https.proxyPort=443" to "https.proxyPort=80". You can find here /Applications/
  3. Open Application Loader->Preferences->Advanced and uncheck Signiant and Aspera. Make sure DAV is checked.

Thants all. Now you can submit app using both application loader and Xcode.

How can I create a small color box using html and css?

If you want to create a small dots, just use icon from font awesome.

fa fa-circle

How to make the script wait/sleep in a simple way in unity

here is more simple way without StartCoroutine:

float t = 0f;
float waittime = 1f;

and inside Update/FixedUpdate:

if (t < 0){
    t += Time.deltaTIme / waittime;
    yield return t;

Simple DatePicker-like Calendar

this datepicker is an excellent solution. datepickers are a must if you want to avoid code injection.

Unix shell script find out which directory the script file resides?

In Bash, you should get what you need like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")
echo "$BASEDIR"

How to assert two list contain the same elements in Python?

Converting your lists to sets will tell you that they contain the same elements. But this method cannot confirm that they contain the same number of all elements. For example, your method will fail in this case:

L1 = [1,2,2,3]
L2 = [1,2,3,3]

You are likely better off sorting the two lists and comparing them:

def checkEqual(L1, L2):
    if sorted(L1) == sorted(L2):
        print "the two lists are the same"
        return True
        print "the two lists are not the same"
        return False

Note that this does not alter the structure/contents of the two lists. Rather, the sorting creates two new lists

Using Java to pull data from a webpage?

The simplest solution (without depending on any third-party library or platform) is to create a URL instance pointing to the web page / link you want to download, and read the content using streams.

For example:


public class DownloadPage {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        // Make a URL to the web page
        URL url = new URL("");

        // Get the input stream through URL Connection
        URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
        InputStream is =con.getInputStream();

        // Once you have the Input Stream, it's just plain old Java IO stuff.

        // For this case, since you are interested in getting plain-text web page
        // I'll use a reader and output the text content to System.out.

        // For binary content, it's better to directly read the bytes from stream and write
        // to the target file.

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

        String line = null;

        // read each line and write to System.out
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

Hope this helps.

How to change column width in DataGridView?

Set the "AutoSizeColumnsMode" property to "Fill".. By default it is set to 'NONE'. Now columns will be filled across the DatagridView. Then you can set the width of other columns accordingly.

DataGridView1.Columns[0].Width=100;// The id column 
DataGridView1.Columns[1].Width=200;// The abbrevation columln
//Third Colulmns 'description' will automatically be resized to fill the remaining 

Post values from a multiple select

You need to add a name attribute.

Since this is a multiple select, at the HTTP level, the client just sends multiple name/value pairs with the same name, you can observe this yourself if you use a form with method="GET": someurl?something=1&something=2&something=3.

In the case of PHP, Ruby, and some other library/frameworks out there, you would need to add square braces ([]) at the end of the name. The frameworks will parse that string and wil present it in some easy to use format, like an array.

Apart from manually parsing the request there's no language/framework/library-agnostic way of accessing multiple values, because they all have different APIs

For PHP you can use:

<select name="something[]" id="inscompSelected" multiple="multiple" class="lstSelected">

Export specific rows from a PostgreSQL table as INSERT SQL script

SQL Workbench has such a feature.

After running a query, right click on the query results and choose "Copy Data As SQL > SQL Insert"

width:auto for <input> fields

The only option I can think of is using width:100%. If you want to have a padding on the input field too, than just place a container label around it, move the formatting to that label instead, while also specify the padding to the label. Input fields are rigid.

Create request with POST, which response codes 200 or 201 and content

I think atompub REST API is a great example of a restful service. See the snippet below from the atompub spec:

POST /edit/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Thingio/1.0
Authorization: Basic ZGFmZnk6c2VjZXJldA==
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry
Content-Length: nnn
Slug: First Post

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns="">
  <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
  <author><name>John Doe</name></author>
  <content>Some text.</content>

The server signals a successful creation with a status code of 201. The response includes a Location header indicating the Member Entry URI of the Atom Entry, and a representation of that Entry in the body of the response.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 17:17:11 GMT
Content-Length: nnn
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset="utf-8"
ETag: "c180de84f991g8"  

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns="">
  <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
  <author><name>John Doe</name></author>
  <content>Some text.</content>
  <link rel="edit"

The Entry created and returned by the Collection might not match the Entry POSTed by the client. A server MAY change the values of various elements in the Entry, such as the atom:id, atom:updated, and atom:author values, and MAY choose to remove or add other elements and attributes, or change element content and attribute values.

Add resources, config files to your jar using gradle

By default any files you add to src/main/resources will be included in the jar.

If you need to change that behavior for whatever reason, you can do so by configuring sourceSets.

This part of the documentation has all the details

Find and replace in file and overwrite file doesn't work, it empties the file

use sed's -i option, e.g.

sed -i bak -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/REPLACE_WITH/g index.html

Is there a way to programmatically scroll a scroll view to a specific edit text?

My solution is:

            int[] spinnerLocation = {0,0};

            int[] scrollLocation = {0, 0};

            int y = scrollView.getScrollY();

            scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, y + spinnerLocation[1] - scrollLocation[1]);

SVN how to resolve new tree conflicts when file is added on two branches

I found a post suggesting a solution for that. It's about to run:

svn resolve --accept working <YourPath>

which will claim the local version files as OK.
You can run it for single file or entire project catalogues.

How to condense if/else into one line in Python?

There is the conditional expression:

a if cond else b

but this is an expression, not a statement.

In if statements, the if (or elif or else) can be written on the same line as the body of the block if the block is just one like:

if something: somefunc()
else: otherfunc()

but this is discouraged as a matter of formatting-style.

How to start Activity in adapter?

When implementing the onClickListener, you can use v.getContext.startActivity.

btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {                  
    public void onClick(View v) {

Getting min and max Dates from a pandas dataframe


The built-in functions work well with Pandas Dataframes.

Replace part of a string in Python?

You can easily use .replace() as also previously described. But it is also important to keep in mind that strings are immutable. Hence if you do not assign the change you are making to a variable, then you will not see any change. Let me explain by;

    >>stuff = "bin and small"
    >>stuff.replace('and', ',')
    "big and small" #no change

To observe the change you want to apply, you can assign same or another variable;

    >>stuff = "big and small"
    >>stuff = stuff.replace("and", ",")   
    'big, small'

jQuery click event not working after adding class

I Know this is an old topic...but none of the above helped me. And after searching a lot and trying everything...I came up with this.

First remove the click code out of the $(document).ready part and put it in a separate section. then put your click code in an $(function(){......}); code.

Like this:

    //your click code
    $("a.tabclick").on('click',function() {
      //do something

com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method

There could be two reasons an element doesn't exist:

  1. Bad xpath (//*[@id'forgotQuote])
  2. Correct xpath but no element (//*[contains(text(),'This text is not in the page')])

Would you get com.sun.jdi.InvocationException in either case when you are running Debug and you hover your mouse over a reference to the WeBElement (this with Selenium and Java)???

We use the following, but can't distinguish if it returns false due to bad xpath or non-existent element (valid xpath syntax):

public static boolean isElementDisplayed(WebElement element) {
    boolean isDisplayed = false;

    try {
        isDisplayed = element.isDisplayed();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        ;// No Worries
    return isDisplayed;

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

 *     Save and get ArrayList in SharedPreference


public void saveArrayList(ArrayList<String> list, String key){
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(list);
    editor.putString(key, json);


public ArrayList<String> getArrayList(String key){
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity);
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = prefs.getString(key, null);
    Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() {}.getType();
    return gson.fromJson(json, type);


fun saveArrayList(list: java.util.ArrayList<String?>?, key: String?) {
    val prefs: SharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity)
    val editor: Editor = prefs.edit()
    val gson = Gson()
    val json: String = gson.toJson(list)
    editor.putString(key, json)

fun getArrayList(key: String?): java.util.ArrayList<String?>? {
    val prefs: SharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity)
    val gson = Gson()
    val json: String = prefs.getString(key, null)
    val type: Type = object : TypeToken<java.util.ArrayList<String?>?>() {}.getType()
    return gson.fromJson(json, type)

How can I check if some text exist or not in the page using Selenium?

In python, you can simply check as follow:

# on your `setUp` definition.
from selenium import webdriver
self.selenium = webdriver.Firefox()

self.assertTrue('your text' in self.selenium.page_source)

numpy division with RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars

You can use np.logaddexp (which implements the idea in @gg349's answer):

In [33]: d = np.array([[1089, 1093]])

In [34]: e = np.array([[1000, 4443]])

In [35]: log_res = np.logaddexp(-3*d[0,0], -3*d[0,1]) - np.logaddexp(-3*e[0,0], -3*e[0,1])

In [36]: log_res
Out[36]: -266.99999385580668

In [37]: res = exp(log_res)

In [38]: res
Out[38]: 1.1050349147204485e-116

Or you can use scipy.special.logsumexp:

In [52]: from scipy.special import logsumexp

In [53]: res = np.exp(logsumexp(-3*d) - logsumexp(-3*e))

In [54]: res
Out[54]: 1.1050349147204485e-116

How to create a cron job using Bash automatically without the interactive editor?

If you're using the Vixie Cron, e.g. on most Linux distributions, you can just put a file in /etc/cron.d with the individual cronjob.

This only works for root of course. If your system supports this you should see several examples in there. (Note the username included in the line, in the same syntax as the old /etc/crontab)

It's a sad misfeature in cron that there is no way to handle this as a regular user, and that so many cron implementations have no way at all to handle this.

What is pluginManagement in Maven's pom.xml?

The difference between <pluginManagement/> and <plugins/> is that a <plugin/> under:

  • <pluginManagement/> defines the settings for plugins that will be inherited by modules in your build. This is great for cases where you have a parent pom file.

  • <plugins/> is a section for the actual invocation of the plugins. It may or may not be inherited from a <pluginManagement/>.

You don't need to have a <pluginManagement/> in your project, if it's not a parent POM. However, if it's a parent pom, then in the child's pom, you need to have a declaration like:


Notice how you aren't defining any configuration. You can inherit it from the parent, unless you need to further adjust your invocation as per the child project's needs.

For more specific information, you can check:

shorthand c++ if else statement

try this:

bigInt.sign = number < 0 ? 0 : 1

jQuery remove options from select

Try this:

$(".ct option[value='X']").each(function() {

Or to be more terse, this will work just as well:

$(".ct option[value='X']").remove();

Where does Internet Explorer store saved passwords?

Short answer: in the Vault. Since Windows 7, a Vault was created for storing any sensitive data among it the credentials of Internet Explorer. The Vault is in fact a LocalSystem service - vaultsvc.dll.

Long answer: Internet Explorer allows two methods of credentials storage: web sites credentials (for example: your Facebook user and password) and autocomplete data. Since version 10, instead of using the Registry a new term was introduced: Windows Vault. Windows Vault is the default storage vault for the credential manager information.

You need to check which OS is running. If its Windows 8 or greater, you call VaultGetItemW8. If its isn't, you call VaultGetItemW7.

To use the "Vault", you load a DLL named "vaultcli.dll" and access its functions as needed.

A typical C++ code will be:

hVaultLib = LoadLibrary(L"vaultcli.dll");

if (hVaultLib != NULL) 
    pVaultEnumerateItems = (VaultEnumerateItems)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultEnumerateItems");
    pVaultEnumerateVaults = (VaultEnumerateVaults)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultEnumerateVaults");
    pVaultFree = (VaultFree)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultFree");
    pVaultGetItemW7 = (VaultGetItemW7)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultGetItem");
    pVaultGetItemW8 = (VaultGetItemW8)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultGetItem");
    pVaultOpenVault = (VaultOpenVault)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultOpenVault");
    pVaultCloseVault = (VaultCloseVault)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultCloseVault");

    bStatus = (pVaultEnumerateVaults != NULL)
        && (pVaultFree != NULL)
        && (pVaultGetItemW7 != NULL)
        && (pVaultGetItemW8 != NULL)
        && (pVaultOpenVault != NULL)
        && (pVaultCloseVault != NULL)
        && (pVaultEnumerateItems != NULL);

Then you enumerate all stored credentials by calling


Then you go over the results.

MySQL query finding values in a comma separated string

This will work for sure, and I actually tried it out:

lwdba@localhost (DB test) :: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shirts;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

lwdba@localhost (DB test) :: CREATE TABLE shirts
    -> (<BR>
    -> ticketnumber INT,
    -> colors VARCHAR(30)
    -> );<BR>
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)

lwdba@localhost (DB test) :: INSERT INTO shirts (ticketnumber,colors) VALUES
    -> (32423,'1,2,5,12,15'),
    -> (32424,'1,5,12,15,30'),
    -> (32425,'2,5,11,15,28'),
    -> (32426,'1,2,7,12,15'),
    -> (32427,'2,4,8,12,15');
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.06 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

lwdba@localhost (DB test) :: SELECT * FROM shirts WHERE LOCATE(CONCAT(',', 1 ,','),CONCAT(',',colors,',')) > 0;
| id | ticketnumber | colors       |
|  1 |        32423 | 1,2,5,12,15  |
|  2 |        32424 | 1,5,12,15,30 |
|  4 |        32426 | 1,2,7,12,15  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Give it a Try !!!

Alter and Assign Object Without Side Effects

You will have the same object two times in your array, because object values are passed by reference. You have to create a new object like this = 244;
myElement.value = 3556;
myArray[0] = $.extend({}, myElement); //for shallow copy or
myArray[0] = $.extend(true, {}, myElement); // for deep copy


myArray.push({ id: 24, value: 246 });

htaccess "order" Deny, Allow, Deny

Just use order allow,deny instead and remove the deny from all line.

Git for Windows: .bashrc or equivalent configuration files for Git Bash shell

If you want to have projects choice list when you open Git Bash:

  • Edit ppath in the code header to your Git projects path, put this code into .bashrc file, and copy it into your $HOME directory (in Windows Vista / Windows 7 it is often C:\Users\$YOU)


cd $ppath

echo -e "projects:\n-------------"

for f in *
    if [ -d "$f" ]
        echo -e $((++i)) "- \e[1m$f\e[0m"

if [ ${#PROJECTS[@]} -gt 1 ]
    echo -ne "\nchoose project: "
    read proj
    case "$proj" in
        [0-`expr ${#PROJECTS[@]} - 1`]) cd "${PROJECTS[proj]}" ;;
        *) echo " wrong choice" ;;
    echo "there is no projects"
  • You may want set this file as executable inside Git Bash, chmod +x .bashrc (but it's probably redundant, since this file is stored on an NTFS filesystem)

Check if an array contains any element of another array in JavaScript

If you're not opposed to using a libray, has an intersection method, which can simplify this:

var _ = require('underscore');

var target = [ 'apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
var fruit2 = [ 'apple', 'orange', 'mango'];
var fruit3 = [ 'mango', 'lemon', 'pineapple'];
var fruit4 = [ 'orange', 'lemon', 'grapes'];

console.log(_.intersection(target, fruit2)); //returns [apple, orange]
console.log(_.intersection(target, fruit3)); //returns []
console.log(_.intersection(target, fruit4)); //returns [orange]

The intersection function will return a new array with the items that it matched and if not matches it returns empty array.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token function - Async Await Nodejs

node v6.6.0

If you just use in development. You can do this:

npm i babel-cli babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator babel-polyfill --save-dev

the package.json would be like this:

"devDependencies": {
   "babel-cli": "^6.18.0",
   "babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator": "^6.16.0",
   "babel-polyfill": "^6.20.0"

create .babelrc file and write this:

  "plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator"]

and then, run your async/await script like this:

./node_modules/.bin/babel-node script.js

How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service

Suppose you have service reference of the name localhost in your web.config so you can go as follows

localhost.Service objWebService = newlocalhost.Service();
localhost.AuthSoapHd objAuthSoapHeader = newlocalhost.AuthSoapHd();
string strUsrName =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"];
string strPassword =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];

objAuthSoapHeader.strUserName = strUsrName;
objAuthSoapHeader.strPassword = strPassword;

objWebService.AuthSoapHdValue =objAuthSoapHeader;
string str = objWebService.HelloWorld();


Synchronous Requests in Node.js

You should take a look at library called async

and try to use async.series call for your problem.

How can I get input radio elements to horizontally align?

This also works like a charm

    <label class="radio-inline">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="optradio" checked>Option 1_x000D_
    <label class="radio-inline">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="optradio">Option 2_x000D_
    <label class="radio-inline">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="optradio">Option 3_x000D_

CSS-Only Scrollable Table with fixed headers

As I was recently in need of this, I will share a solution that uses 3 tables, but does not require JavaScript.

Table 1 (parent) contains two rows. The first row contains table 2 (child 1) for the column headers. The second row contains table 3 (child 2) for the scrolling content.

It must be noted the childTbl must be 25px shorter than the parentTbl for the scroller to appear properly.

This is the source, where I got the idea from. I made it HTML5-friendly without the deprecated tags and the inline CSS.

.parentTbl table {_x000D_
  border-spacing: 0;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
  width: 690px;_x000D_
.childTbl table {_x000D_
  border-spacing: 0;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #d7d7d7;_x000D_
  width: 665px;_x000D_
.childTbl th,_x000D_
.childTbl td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #d7d7d7;_x000D_
.scrollData {_x000D_
  width: 690;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
  overflow-x: hidden;_x000D_
<div class="parentTbl">_x000D_
        <div class="childTbl">_x000D_
          <table class="childTbl">_x000D_
              <th>Header 1</th>_x000D_
              <th>Header 2</th>_x000D_
              <th>Header 3</th>_x000D_
              <th>Header 4</th>_x000D_
              <th>Header 5</th>_x000D_
              <th>Header 6</th>_x000D_
        <div class="scrollData childTbl">_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 1</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 2</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 3</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 4</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 5</td>_x000D_
              <td>Table Data 6</td>_x000D_

This is reliable on different browsers, the downside would be having to hard code the table widths.

How to refer to Excel objects in Access VBA?

First you need to set a reference (Menu: Tools->References) to the Microsoft Excel Object Library then you can access all Excel Objects.

After you added the Reference you have full access to all Excel Objects. You need to add Excel in front of everything for example:

Dim xlApp as Excel.Application

Let's say you added an Excel Workbook Object in your Form and named it xLObject.

Here is how you Access a Sheet of this Object and change a Range

Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set sheet = xlObject.Object.Sheets(1)
sheet.Range("A1") = "Hello World"

(I copied the above from my answer to this question)

Another way to use Excel in Access is to start Excel through a Access Module (the way shahkalpesh described it in his answer)

How to convert local time string to UTC?

if you prefer datetime.datetime:

dt = datetime.strptime("2008-09-17 14:04:00","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
utc_struct_time = time.gmtime(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
utc_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(utc_struct_time))
print dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Get IFrame's document, from JavaScript in main document

You should be able to access the document in the IFRAME using the following code:


However, you will not be able to do this if the page in the frame is loaded from a different domain (such as THis is because of the browser's Same Origin Policy.

makefile:4: *** missing separator. Stop

make has a very stupid relationship with tabs. All actions of every rule are identified by tabs. And, no, four spaces don't make a tab. Only a tab makes a tab.

To check, I use the command cat -e -t -v makefile_name.

It shows the presence of tabs with ^I and line endings with $. Both are vital to ensure that dependencies end properly and tabs mark the action for the rules so that they are easily identifiable to the make utility.


Kaizen ~/so_test $ cat -e -t -v  mk.t
all:ll$      ## here the $ is end of line ...                   
ll:ll.c   $
^Igcc  -c  -Wall -Werror -02 c.c ll.c  -o  ll  $@  $<$ 
## the ^I above means a tab was there before the action part, so this line is ok .
clean :$
   \rm -fr ll$
## see here there is no ^I which means , tab is not present .... 
## in this case you need to open the file again and edit/ensure a tab 
## starts the action part

How do I add records to a DataGridView in VB.Net?

If your DataGridView is bound to a DataSet, you can not just add a new row in your DataGridView display. It will now work properly.

Instead you should add the new row in the DataSet with this code:


This code will also automatically add a new row in your DataGridView display.

Get data type of field in select statement in ORACLE

You can query the all_tab_columns view in the database.

SELECT  table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length FROM all_tab_columns where table_name = 'CUSTOMER'

How to remove \n from a list element?

str.strip() removes the whitespace characters. you can also pass custom characters as argument to strip. The strip function removes the whitespace/custom characters on both ends of the string. lstrip() and rstrip() are left strip and right strip functions resp.


test_str = "Vishaka\n" 
test_str = test_str.strip()

test_str's now Vishaka

CSS to keep element at "fixed" position on screen

position: sticky;

The sticky element sticks on top of the page (top: 0) when you reach its scroll position.

See example:

How to get an array of specific "key" in multidimensional array without looping

Since PHP 5.5, you can use array_column:

$ids = array_column($users, 'id');

This is the preferred option on any modern project. However, if you must support PHP<5.5, the following alternatives exist:

Since PHP 5.3, you can use array_map with an anonymous function, like this:

$ids = array_map(function ($ar) {return $ar['id'];}, $users);

Before (Technically PHP 4.0.6+), you must create an anonymous function with create_function instead:

$ids = array_map(create_function('$ar', 'return $ar["id"];'), $users);

How to get a particular date format ('dd-MMM-yyyy') in SELECT query SQL Server 2008 R2

select convert(varchar(11), transfer_date, 106)

got me my desired result of date formatted as 07 Mar 2018

My column transfer_date is a datetime type column and I am using SQL Server 2017 on azure

What are Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in SQL Server?

a covering index is the one which gives every required column and in which SQL server don't have hop back to the clustered index to find any column. This is achieved using non-clustered index and using INCLUDE option to cover columns. Non-key columns can be included only in non-clustered indexes. Columns can’t be defined in both the key column and the INCLUDE list. Column names can’t be repeated in the INCLUDE list. Non-key columns can be dropped from a table only after the non-key index is dropped first. Please see details here

Selenium Webdriver: Entering text into text field

Agree with Subir Kumar Sao and Faiz.


Different class for the last element in ng-repeat

To elaborate on Paul's answer, this is the controller logic that coincides with the template code.

<div class="row" ng-repeat="thing in things">
  <div class="well" ng-class="isLast($last)">
      <p>Data-driven {{}}</p>

// CSS
.last { /* Desired Styles */}

// Controller
$scope.isLast = function(check) {
    var cssClass = check ? 'last' : null;
    return cssClass;

Its also worth noting that you really should avoid this solution if possible. By nature CSS can handle this, making a JS-based solution is unnecessary and non-performant. Unfortunately if you need to support IE8> this solution won't work for you (see MDN support docs).

CSS-Only Solution

// Using the above example syntax
.row:last-of-type { /* Desired Style */ }

How can I do string interpolation in JavaScript?

Douglas Crockford's Remedial JavaScript includes a String.prototype.supplant function. It is short, familiar, and easy to use:

String.prototype.supplant = function (o) {
    return this.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
        function (a, b) {
            var r = o[b];
            return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a;

// Usage:
alert("I'm {age} years old!".supplant({ age: 29 }));
alert("The {a} says {n}, {n}, {n}!".supplant({ a: 'cow', n: 'moo' }));

If you don't want to change String's prototype, you can always adapt it to be standalone, or place it into some other namespace, or whatever.

Why does a base64 encoded string have an = sign at the end

1: No.

2: As a short answer: The 65th character ("=" sign) is used only as a complement in the final process of encoding a message.

You will not have a '=' sign if your string has a multiple of 3 characters number, because Base64 encoding takes each three bytes (8 bits) and represents them as four printable characters in the ASCII standard.


(a) If you want to encode


Base64 will deal with the first block (producing 4 characters) and the second (as they are complete). But for the third it will add a double == in the output in order to complete the 4 needed characters. Thus, the result will be QUJD REVG Rw== (without spaces).

(b) If you want to encode


similarly, it will add just a single = in the end of the output to get 4 characters.

The result will be QUJD REVG R0g= (without spaces).

What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

Quite old topic. But I want to give my 2 cents...

I've slightly modified tomasz86 solution, to look in the old style "Shell Folders" instead of "User Shell Folders", so i don't need to expand the envvar %userprofile%

Also there is no dependency from powershell/vbscript/etc....

for /f "usebackq tokens=2,3*" %%A in (`REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Desktop"`) do if %%A==REG_SZ  set desktopdir=%%B
echo %desktopdir%

Hope it helps.

JUnit 4 compare Sets

You can assert that the two Sets are equal to one another, which invokes the Set equals() method.

public class SimpleTest {

    private Set<String> setA;
    private Set<String> setB;

    public void setUp() {
        setA = new HashSet<String>();
        setB = new HashSet<String>();

    public void testEqualSets() {
        assertEquals( setA, setB );

This @Test will pass if the two Sets are the same size and contain the same elements.

What does the percentage sign mean in Python

Modulus operator; gives the remainder of the left value divided by the right value. Like:

3 % 1 would equal zero (since 3 divides evenly by 1)

3 % 2 would equal 1 (since dividing 3 by 2 results in a remainder of 1).

How to use the new Material Design Icon themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp?

As of 12/05/2020, You need to

1. include CSS:

<link href="|Material+Icons+Outlined|Material+Icons+Two+Tone|Material+Icons+Round|Material+Icons+Sharp" rel="stylesheet">

2. Use it like this:

<i class="material-icons">account_balance</i>
<i class="material-icons material-icons-outlined">account_balance</i>
<i class="material-icons material-icons-two-tone">account_balance</i>
<i class="material-icons material-icons-sharp">account_balance</i>
<i class="material-icons material-icons-round">account_balance</i>

Note: For example, to use outlined style, You need to specify material-icons AND material-icons-outlined classes.

How can I multiply and divide using only bit shifting and adding?

I translated the Python code to C. The example given had a minor flaw. If the dividend value that took up all the 32 bits, the shift would fail. I just used 64-bit variables internally to work around the problem:

int No_divide(int nDivisor, int nDividend, int *nRemainder)
    int nQuotient = 0;
    int nPos = -1;
    unsigned long long ullDivisor = nDivisor;
    unsigned long long ullDividend = nDividend;

    while (ullDivisor <  ullDividend)
        ullDivisor <<= 1;
        nPos ++;

    ullDivisor >>= 1;

    while (nPos > -1)
        if (ullDividend >= ullDivisor)
            nQuotient += (1 << nPos);
            ullDividend -= ullDivisor;

        ullDivisor >>= 1;
        nPos -= 1;

    *nRemainder = (int) ullDividend;

    return nQuotient;

How do I execute code AFTER a form has loaded?

You can close your form after some execution..



Jenkins restrict view of jobs per user

Only one plugin help me: Role-Based Strategy :

But official documentation ( is deficient.

The following configurations worked for me:


Basically you just need to create roles and match them with job names using regex.

Trim characters in Java

I don't think there is any built in function to trim based on a passed in string. Here is a small example of how to do this. This is not likely the most efficient solution, but it is probably fast enough for most situations, evaluate and adapt to your needs. I recommend testing performance and optimizing as needed for any code snippet that will be used regularly. Below, I've included some timing information as an example.

public String trim( String stringToTrim, String stringToRemove )
    String answer = stringToTrim;

    while( answer.startsWith( stringToRemove ) )
        answer = answer.substring( stringToRemove.length() );

    while( answer.endsWith( stringToRemove ) )
        answer = answer.substring( 0, answer.length() - stringToRemove.length() );

    return answer;

This answer assumes that the characters to be trimmed are a string. For example, passing in "abc" will trim out "abc" but not "bbc" or "cba", etc.

Some performance times for running each of the following 10 million times.

" mile ".trim(); runs in 248 ms included as a reference implementation for performance comparisons.

trim( "smiles", "s" ); runs in 547 ms - approximately 2 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

"smiles".replaceAll("s$|^s",""); runs in 12,306 ms - approximately 48 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

And using a compiled regex pattern Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("s$|^s"); pattern.matcher("smiles").replaceAll(""); runs in 7,804 ms - approximately 31 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

Change directory command in Docker?

RUN git clone http://username:password@url/example.git
WORKDIR /folder
RUN make

Invalid http_host header


How to animate CSS Translate

There are jQuery-plugins that help you achieve this like:

Print Html template in Angular 2 (ng-print in Angular 2)

Windows applications usually come with build in print capability, but for a web application, I would choose to simply generate a PDF file.

The simplest way that I found is to generate a PDf file using PDFMake ( You can then offer the user the choice to open or download the generated PDF file.

Is it possible to change the content HTML5 alert messages?


<input required title="Enter something OR ELSE." /> 

The title attribute will be used to notify the user of a problem.

SQL Query NOT Between Two Dates

How about trying:

select * from 'test_table'
where end_date < CAST('2009-12-15' AS DATE)
or start_date > CAST('2010-01-02' AS DATE)

which will return all date ranges which do not overlap your date range at all.

How do I delete unpushed git commits?

I wonder why the best answer that I've found is only in the comments! (by Daenyth with 86 up votes)

git reset --hard origin

This command will sync the local repository with the remote repository getting rid of every change you have made on your local. You can also do the following to fetch the exact branch that you have in the origin.

git reset --hard origin/<branch>

How can I get the last day of the month in C#?

DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)

Render a string in HTML and preserve spaces and linebreaks

There is a simple way to do it. I tried it on my app and it worked pretty well.

Just type: $text = $row["text"]; echo nl2br($text);

How to write to error log file in PHP

If you don't want to change anything in your php.ini file, according to PHP documentation, you can do this.

error_log("Error message\n", 3, "/mypath/php.log");

The first parameter is the string to be sent to the log. The second parameter 3 means expect a file destination. The third parameter is the log file path.

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

I tried many referrer variations and waiting 5 minutes as well until I realized the example Google populates in the form field is flawed. They show:


However that only works if you have subdomain. or www. in front of your domain name. The following worked for me immediately (omitting the leading period from Google's example):


How to set 24-hours format for date on java?

Use HH instead of hh in formatter string

Converting Array to List

Old way but still working!

 int[] values = {1,2,3,4};
 List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(values.length);

 for(int valor : values) {

Java: Convert a String (representing an IP) to InetAddress

Simply call InetAddress.getByName(String host) passing in your textual IP address.

From the javadoc: The host name can either be a machine name, such as "", or a textual representation of its IP address.

InetAddress javadoc

Automatic login script for a website on windows machine?

The code below does just that. The below is a working example to log into a game. I made a similar file to log in into Yahoo and a forum.

Just copy the login form from any webpage's source code. Add value= "your user name" and value = "your password". Normally the -input- elements in the source code do not have the value attribute, and sometime, you will see something like that: value=""

Save the file as a html on a local machine double click it, or make a bat/cmd file to launch and close them as required.

    <!doctype html>
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

    <title>Ikariam Autologin</title>
    <form id="loginForm" name="loginForm" method="post"    action="">
    <select name="uni_url" id="logServer" class="validate[required]">
    <option  class=""  value="" fbUrl=""  cookieName=""  >
    <input id="loginName" name="name" type="text" value="PlayersName" class="" />
    <input id="loginPassword" name="password" type="password" value="examplepassword" class="" />
    <input type="hidden" id="loginKid" name="kid" value=""/>

Note that -script- is just -script-. I found there is no need to specify that is is JavaScript. It works anyway. I also found out that a bare-bones version that contains just two input filds: userName and password also work. But I left a hidded input field etc. just in case. Yahoo mail has a lot of hidden fields. Some are to do with password encryption, and it counts login attempts.

Security warnings and other staff, like Mark of the Web to make it work smoothly in IE are explained here:

Position one element relative to another in CSS

position: absolute will position the element by coordinates, relative to the closest positioned ancestor, i.e. the closest parent which isn't position: static.

Have your four divs nested inside the target div, give the target div position: relative, and use position: absolute on the others.

Structure your HTML similar to this:

<div id="container">
  <div class="top left"></div>
  <div class="top right"></div>
  <div class="bottom left"></div>
  <div class="bottom right"></div>

And this CSS should work:

#container {
  position: relative;

#container > * {
  position: absolute;

.left {
  left: 0;

.right {
  right: 0;

.top {
  top: 0;

.bottom {
  bottom: 0;


invalid use of non-static member function

You must make Foo::comparator static or wrap it in a std::mem_fun class object. This is because lower_bounds() expects the comparer to be a class of object that has a call operator, like a function pointer or a functor object. Also, if you are using C++11 or later, you can also do as dwcanillas suggests and use a lambda function. C++11 also has std::bind too.


// Binding:
std::lower_bounds(first, last, value, std::bind(&Foo::comparitor, this, _1, _2));
// Lambda:
std::lower_bounds(first, last, value, [](const Bar & first, const Bar & second) { return ...; });

Nested jQuery.each() - continue/break

You can break the $.each() loop at a particular iteration by making the callback function return false.

Returning non-false is the same as a continue statement in a for loop; it will skip immediately to the next iteration.

Inline list initialization in VB.NET

Collection initializers are only available in VB.NET 2010, released 2010-04-12:

Dim theVar = New List(Of String) From { "one", "two", "three" }

C++, copy set to vector

I think the most efficient way is to preallocate and then emplace elements:

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> VectorFromSet(const std::set<T>& from)
    std::vector<T> to;

    for (auto const& value : from)

    return to;

That way we will only invoke copy constructor for every element as opposed to calling default constructor first and then copy assignment operator for other solutions listed above. More clarifications below.

  1. back_inserter may be used but it will invoke push_back() on the vector ( emplace_back() is more efficient because it avoids creating a temporary when using push_back(). It is not a problem with trivially constructed types but will be a performance implication for non-trivially constructed types (e.g. std::string).

  2. We need to avoid constructing a vector with the size argument which causes all elements default constructed (for nothing). Like with solution using std::copy(), for instance.

  3. And, finally, vector::assign() method or the constructor taking the iterator range are not good options because they will invoke std::distance() (to know number of elements) on set iterators. This will cause unwanted additional iteration through the all set elements because the set is Binary Search Tree data structure and it does not implement random access iterators.

Hope that helps.

Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

You can change the number to whatever you wish in following line

length(which(numbers == 4))

Does swift have a trim method on String?

Don't forget to import Foundation or UIKit.

import Foundation
let trimmedString = "   aaa  "".trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)



Otherwise you'll get:

error: value of type 'String' has no member 'trimmingCharacters'
    return self.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)

Django Rest Framework File Upload

Finally I am able to upload image using Django. Here is my working code

class FileUploadView(APIView):
    parser_classes = (FileUploadParser, )

    def post(self, request, format='jpg'):
        up_file = request.FILES['file']
        destination = open('/Users/Username/' +, 'wb+')
        for chunk in up_file.chunks():
        destination.close()  # File should be closed only after all chuns are added

        # ...
        # do some stuff with uploaded file
        # ...
        return Response(, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)

urlpatterns = patterns('', 
url(r'^imageUpload', views.FileUploadView.as_view())

curl request to upload

curl -X POST -S -H -u "admin:password" -F "[email protected];type=image/jpg"

create table in postgreSQL

First the bigint(20) not null auto_increment will not work, simply use bigserial primary key. Then datetime is timestamp in PostgreSQL. All in all:

CREATE TABLE article (
    article_id bigserial primary key,
    article_name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    article_desc text NOT NULL,
    date_added timestamp default NULL

OTP (token) should be automatically read from the message

I will recommend you not to use any third party libraries for auto fetch OTP from SMS Inbox. This can be done easily if you have basic understanding of Broadcast Receiver and how it works. Just Try following approach :

Step 1) Create single interface i.e SmsListner

package com.wnrcorp.reba;
public interface SmsListener{
public void messageReceived(String messageText);}

Step 2) Create single Broadcast Receiver i.e SmsReceiver

package com.wnrcorp.reba;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.telephony.SmsMessage;
public class SmsReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static SmsListener mListener;
Boolean b;
String abcd,xyz;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle data  = intent.getExtras();
Object[] pdus = (Object[]) data.get("pdus");
    for(int i=0;i<pdus.length;i++){
        SmsMessage smsMessage = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdus[i]);
        String sender = smsMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress();
       // b=sender.endsWith("WNRCRP");  //Just to fetch otp sent from WNRCRP
        String messageBody = smsMessage.getMessageBody();
       abcd=messageBody.replaceAll("[^0-9]","");   // here abcd contains otp 
        which is in number format
        //Pass on the text to our listener.
        if(b==true) {
            mListener.messageReceived(abcd);  // attach value to interface 
public static void bindListener(SmsListener listener) {
    mListener = listener;

Step 3) Add Listener i.e broadcast receiver in android manifest file

<receiver android:name=".SmsReceiver">    
            <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"/>

and add permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/>

Final Step 4) The activity where you going to auto fetch otp when it is received in inbox. In my case I'm fetching otp and setting on edittext field.

public class OtpVerificationActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
EditText ed;
TextView tv;
String otp_generated,contactNo,id1;
GlobalData gd = new GlobalData();
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    tv=(TextView) findViewById(; 
    /*This is important because this will be called every time you receive 
     any sms */            
 SmsReceiver.bindListener(new SmsListener() {
        public void messageReceived(String messageText) {
    tv.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
                InputMethodManager imm=
            catch(Exception e)
            if (ed.getText().toString().equals(otp_generated))
                Toast.makeText(OtpVerificationActivity.this, "OTP Verified 
       Successfully !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();           

Layout File for OtpVerificationActivity

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:text="OTP Confirmation"
            android:hint="OTP Here"

Screenshots for OTP Verification Activity where you fetch OTP as soons as messages received enter image description here

How to check if a char is equal to an empty space?

To compare Strings you have to use the equals keyword.


When should you use 'friend' in C++?

Another use: friend (+ virtual inheritance) can be used to avoid deriving from a class (aka: "make a class underivable") => 1, 2

From 2:

 class Fred;

 class FredBase {
   friend class Fred;
   FredBase() { }

 class Fred : private virtual FredBase {

Tensorflow: Using Adam optimizer

FailedPreconditionError: Attempting to use uninitialized value is one of the most frequent errors related to tensorflow. From official documentation, FailedPreconditionError

This exception is most commonly raised when running an operation that reads a tf.Variable before it has been initialized.

In your case the error even explains what variable was not initialized: Attempting to use uninitialized value Variable_1. One of the TF tutorials explains a lot about variables, their creation/initialization/saving/loading

Basically to initialize the variable you have 3 options:

I almost always use the first approach. Remember you should put it inside a session run. So you will get something like this:

with tf.Session() as sess:

If your are curious about more information about variables, read this documentation to know how to report_uninitialized_variables and check is_variable_initialized.

CakePHP 3.0 installation: intl extension missing from system

MAKE this

In XAMPP, intl extension is included but you have to uncomment extension=php_intl.dll in php.ini and restart the server through the XAMPP Control Panel. In WAMP, the intl extension is “activated” by default but not working. To make it work you have to go to php folder (by default) C:\wamp\bin\php\php{version}, copy all the files that looks like icu*.dll and paste them into the apache bin directory C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache{version}\bin. Then restart all services and it should be OK.

if you use XAMPP do this 1. turn off XAMPP 2. Modifed the php.ini is located in c/:xampp/php/php.ini 3. intl extension is included but you have to uncomment extension=php_intl.dll in php.ini and restart the server through the XAMPP Control Panel.

How can I do GUI programming in C?

Use win APIs in your main function:

  1. RegisterClassEx() note: you have to provide a pointer to a function (usually called WndProc) which handles windows messages such as WM_CREATE, WM_COMMAND etc
  2. CreateWindowEx()
  3. ShowWindow()
  4. UpdateWindow()

Then write another function which handles win's messages (mentioned in #1). When you receive the message WM_CREATE you have to call CreateWindow(). The class is what control is that window, for example "edit" is a text box and "button" is a.. button :). You have to specify an ID for each control (of your choice but unique among all). CreateWindow() returns a handle to that control, which needs to be memorized. When the user clicks on a control you receive the WM_COMMAND message with the ID of that control. Here you can handle that event. You might find useful SetWindowText() and GetWindowText() which allows you to set/get the text of any control.
You will need only the win32 SDK. You can get it here.

How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

The Data Export function in MySQL Workbench allows 2 of the 3 ways. There's a checkbox Skip Table Data (no-data) on the export page which allows to either dump with or without data. Just dumping the data without meta data is not supported.

Cast object to interface in TypeScript

If it helps anyone, I was having an issue where I wanted to treat an object as another type with a similar interface. I attempted the following:

Didn't pass linting

const x = new Obj(a as b);

The linter was complaining that a was missing properties that existed on b. In other words, a had some properties and methods of b, but not all. To work around this, I followed VS Code's suggestion:

Passed linting and testing

const x = new Obj(a as unknown as b);

Note that if your code attempts to call one of the properties that exists on type b that is not implemented on type a, you should realize a runtime fault.

Wordpress 403/404 Errors: You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/themes.php on this server

I had the same problem, but nothing above worked...try a really simple solution...

Back up your .htaccess file. Delete it from your root directory. Then try accessing those directories. Its likely that whatever rewrite conditions you had in your file were causing those access issues. The index page should be picked up automatically on most hosts. :P

Apply function to all elements of collection through LINQ

You could also consider going parallel, especially if you don't care about the sequence and more about getting something done for each item:

SomeIEnumerable<T>.AsParallel().ForAll( Action<T> / Delegate / Lambda )

For example:

var numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
numbers.AsParallel().ForAll( Console.WriteLine );


How to change status bar color in Flutter?

I had issues with all mentioned answers, except with solution i did myself: Container(width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, height: MediaQuery.of(context), color: For views, where is no appBar added i just use container with background which exact height matches status bar height. In this scenario each view can have different status color and i don't need to worry and think about some logic, that somehow wrong views has somehow wrong colors.

How to subtract one month using moment.js?

For substracting in moment.js:

moment().subtract(1, 'months').format('MMM YYYY');


Before version 2.8.0, the moment#subtract(String, Number) syntax was also supported. It has been deprecated in favor of moment#subtract(Number, String).

  moment().subtract('seconds', 1); // Deprecated in 2.8.0
  moment().subtract(1, 'seconds');

As of 2.12.0 when decimal values are passed for days and months, they are rounded to the nearest integer. Weeks, quarters, and years are converted to days or months, and then rounded to the nearest integer.

  moment().subtract(1.5, 'months') == moment().subtract(2, 'months')
  moment().subtract(.7, 'years') == moment().subtract(8, 'months') //.7*12 = 8.4, rounded to 8

how to call javascript function in html.actionlink in mvc?

<a onclick="MyFunc()">blabla..</a>

There is nothing more in @Html.ActionLink that you could utilize in this case. And razor is evel by itself, drop it from where you can.

How to check if an object is an array?

Array.isArray = Array.isArray || function (vArg) {
    return === "[object Array]";

What is a void pointer in C++?

A void* does not mean anything. It is a pointer, but the type that it points to is not known.

It's not that it can return "anything". A function that returns a void* generally is doing one of the following:

  • It is dealing in unformatted memory. This is what operator new and malloc return: a pointer to a block of memory of a certain size. Since the memory does not have a type (because it does not have a properly constructed object in it yet), it is typeless. IE: void.
  • It is an opaque handle; it references a created object without naming a specific type. Code that does this is generally poorly formed, since this is better done by forward declaring a struct/class and simply not providing a public definition for it. Because then, at least it has a real type.
  • It returns a pointer to storage that contains an object of a known type. However, that API is used to deal with objects of a wide variety of types, so the exact type that a particular call returns cannot be known at compile time. Therefore, there will be some documentation explaining when it stores which kinds of objects, and therefore which type you can safely cast it to.

This construct is nothing like dynamic or object in C#. Those tools actually know what the original type is; void* does not. This makes it far more dangerous than any of those, because it is very easy to get it wrong, and there's no way to ask if a particular usage is the right one.

And on a personal note, if you see code that uses void*'s "often", you should rethink what code you're looking at. void* usage, especially in C++, should be rare, used primary for dealing in raw memory.

DataGridView changing cell background color

protected void grdDataListeDetay_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        if (e.Row.Cells[3].Text != "0")
            for (int i = 0; i <= e.Row.Cells.Count - 1; i++)
                e.Row.Cells[i].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige;

How can I save an image with PIL?

I know that this is old, but I've found that (while using Pillow) opening the file by using open(fp, 'w') and then saving the file will work. E.g:

with open(fp, 'w') as f:

fp being the file path, of course.

Replace given value in vector

A simple way to do this is using ifelse, which is vectorized. If the condition is satisfied, we use a replacement value, otherwise we use the original value.

v <- c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)
ifelse(v == 0, 1, v)

We can avoid a named variable by using a pipe.

c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0) %>% ifelse(. == 0, 1, .)

A common task is to do multiple replacements. Instead of nested ifelse statements, we can use case_when from dplyr:

case_when(v == 0 ~ 1,
          v == 1 ~ 2,
          TRUE ~ v)

Old answer:

For factor or character vectors, we can use revalue from plyr:

> revalue(c("a", "b", "c"), c("b" = "B"))
[1] "a" "B" "c"

This has the advantage of only specifying the input vector once, so we can use a pipe like

x %>% revalue(c("b" = "B"))

What is Dependency Injection?

Before going to the technical description first visualize it with a real-life example because you will find a lot of technical stuff to learn dependency injection but the majority of the people can't get the core concept of it.

In the first picture, assume that you have a car factory with a lot of units. A car is actually built in the assembly unit but it needs engine, seats as well as wheels. So an assembly unit is dependent on these all units and they are the dependencies of the factory.

You can feel that now it is too complicated to maintain all of the tasks in this factory because along with the main task (assembling a car in the Assembly unit) you have to also focus on other units. It is now very costly to maintain and the factory building is huge so it takes your extra bucks for rent.

Now, look at the second picture. If you find some provider companies that will provide you with the wheel, seat, and engine for cheaper than your self-production cost then now you don't need to make them in your factory. You can rent a smaller building now just for your assembly unit which will lessen your maintenance task and reduce your extra rental cost. Now you can also focus only on your main task (Car assembly).

Now we can say that all the dependencies for assembling a car are injected on the factory from the providers. It is an example of a real-life Dependency Injection (DI).

Now in the technical word, dependency injection is a technique whereby one object (or static method) supplies the dependencies of another object. So, transferring the task of creating the object to someone else and directly using the dependency is called dependency injection.

This will help you now to learn DI with a technical explanation. This will show when to use DI and when you should not.

All in one car factory.

Simple car factory

How to declare strings in C

char *p = "String";   means pointer to a string type variable.

char p3[5] = "String"; means you are pre-defining the size of the array to consist of no more than 5 elements. Note that,for strings the null "\0" is also considered as an element.So,this statement would give an error since the number of elements is 7 so it should be:

char p3[7]= "String";

Unable to set variables in bash script

Assignment in bash scripts cannot have spaces around the = and you probably want your date commands enclosed in backticks $():

day=$(date "+%d")
month=$(date "+%B")
year=$(date "+%Y")
ECHO "Network is $network" $network
ECHO "day is $day"
ECHO "Month is $month"
ECHO "YEAR is $year"
ECHO "source is $folderToBeMoved"
ECHO "dest is $newfoldername"
mkdir $newfoldername
cp -R $folderToBeMoved $newfoldername
if [-f $newfoldername/Primetime.eyetv]; then rm $folderToBeMoved; fi

With the last three lines commented out, for me this outputs:

Network is 
day is 16
Month is March
YEAR is 2010
source is /users/test/Documents/Archive/Primetime.eyetv
dest is /Volumes/Media/Network/ABC/March162010

Authenticate with GitHub using a token

For those coming from GitLab what's worked for me:

Step 1.

add remote

git remote add origin https://<access-token-name>:<access-token>

Step 2.

pull once


now you are able to read/write to/from repository

How to add multiple values to a dictionary key in python?

Make the value a list, e.g.

a["abc"] = [1, 2, "bob"]


There are a couple of ways to add values to key, and to create a list if one isn't already there. I'll show one such method in little steps.

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1]}

Next, try:

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2]}

The magic of setdefault is that it initializes the value for that key if that key is not defined, otherwise it does nothing. Now, noting that setdefault returns the key you can combine these into a single line:



>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2, 'bob']}

You should look at the dict methods, in particular the get() method, and do some experiments to get comfortable with this.

The difference between the 'Local System' account and the 'Network Service' account?

Since there is so much confusion about functionality of standard service accounts, I'll try to give a quick run down.

First the actual accounts:

  • LocalService account (preferred)

    A limited service account that is very similar to Network Service and meant to run standard least-privileged services. However, unlike Network Service it accesses the network as an Anonymous user.

    • Name: NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • HKCU represents the LocalService user account
    • has minimal privileges on the local computer
    • presents anonymous credentials on the network
    • SID: S-1-5-19
    • has its own profile under the HKEY_USERS registry key (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19)


  • NetworkService account

    Limited service account that is meant to run standard privileged services. This account is far more limited than Local System (or even Administrator) but still has the right to access the network as the machine (see caveat above).

    • NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • HKCU represents the NetworkService user account
    • has minimal privileges on the local computer
    • presents the computer's credentials (e.g. MANGO$) to remote servers
    • SID: S-1-5-20
    • has its own profile under the HKEY_USERS registry key (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20)
    • If trying to schedule a task using it, enter NETWORK SERVICE into the Select User or Group dialog


  • LocalSystem account (dangerous, don't use!)

    Completely trusted account, more so than the administrator account. There is nothing on a single box that this account cannot do, and it has the right to access the network as the machine (this requires Active Directory and granting the machine account permissions to something)

    • Name: .\LocalSystem (can also use LocalSystem or ComputerName\LocalSystem)
    • the account has no password (any password information you provide is ignored)
    • SID: S-1-5-18
    • does not have any profile of its own (HKCU represents the default user)
    • has extensive privileges on the local computer
    • presents the computer's credentials (e.g. MANGO$) to remote servers


Above when talking about accessing the network, this refers solely to SPNEGO (Negotiate), NTLM and Kerberos and not to any other authentication mechanism. For example, processing running as LocalService can still access the internet.

The general issue with running as a standard out of the box account is that if you modify any of the default permissions you're expanding the set of things everything running as that account can do. So if you grant DBO to a database, not only can your service running as Local Service or Network Service access that database but everything else running as those accounts can too. If every developer does this the computer will have a service account that has permissions to do practically anything (more specifically the superset of all of the different additional privileges granted to that account).

It is always preferable from a security perspective to run as your own service account that has precisely the permissions you need to do what your service does and nothing else. However, the cost of this approach is setting up your service account, and managing the password. It's a balancing act that each application needs to manage.

In your specific case, the issue that you are probably seeing is that the the DCOM or COM+ activation is limited to a given set of accounts. In Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003, and above the Activation permission was restricted significantly. You should use the Component Services MMC snapin to examine your specific COM object and see the activation permissions. If you're not accessing anything on the network as the machine account you should seriously consider using Local Service (not Local System which is basically the operating system).

In Windows Server 2003 you cannot run a scheduled task as

  • NT_AUTHORITY\LocalService (aka the Local Service account), or
  • NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService (aka the Network Service account).

That capability only was added with Task Scheduler 2.0, which only exists in Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 and newer.

A service running as NetworkService presents the machine credentials on the network. This means that if your computer was called mango, it would present as the machine account MANGO$:

enter image description here

ASP.NET MVC3 Razor - Html.ActionLink style

VB sample:

 @Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", Nothing, New With {.style = "font-weight:bold;", .class = "someClass"})

Sample Css:

    color: Green !important;

In my case, I found that I need the !important attribute to over ride the site.css a:link css class

HTML Canvas Full Screen

If you want to show it in a presentation then consider using requestFullscreen() method

let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas_id");

that should make it fullscreen whatever the current circumstances are.

also check the support table

MongoDB - Update objects in a document's array (nested updating)

We can use $set operator to update the nested array inside object filed update the value

       "_id" : ObjectId("5bd3013ac714ea4959f80115"), 
       "" : "United States of America"
   { $set: 
           "geolocation.$.country" : "USA"

Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

This error occurs because your Eclipse version is 64-bit. You should download and install 64-bit JRE and add the path to it in eclipse.ini. For example:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin\javaw.exe

Note: The -vm parameter should be just before -vmargs and the path should be on a separate line. It should be the full path to the javaw.exe file. Do not enclose the path in double quotes (").

If your Eclipse is 32-bit, install a 32-bit JRE and use the path to its javaw.exe file.

Retrieving a Foreign Key value with django-rest-framework serializers

Just use a related field without setting many=True.

Note that also because you want the output named category_name, but the actual field is category, you need to use the source argument on the serializer field.

The following should give you the output you need...

class ItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    category_name = serializers.RelatedField(source='category', read_only=True)

    class Meta:
        model = Item
        fields = ('id', 'name', 'category_name')

wait() or sleep() function in jquery?

delay() will not do the job. The problem with delay() is it's part of the animation system, and only applies to animation queues.

What if you want to wait before executing something outside of animation??

Use this:

                 // do whatever you want to do     
                  }, 600);

What happens?: In this scenario it waits 600 miliseconds before executing the code specified within the curly braces.

This helped me a great deal once I figured it out and hope it will help you as well!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: 'window.setTimeout' happens asynchronously. Keep that in mind when writing your code!

Git: How configure KDiff3 as merge tool and diff tool

Just to extend the @Joseph's answer:

After applying these commands your global .gitconfig file will have the following lines (to speed up the process you can just copy them in the file):

    tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
    path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
    trustExitCode = false
    guitool = kdiff3
[difftool "kdiff3"]
    path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
    trustExitCode = false

Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one

See in android project. In ADT 14, was renamed to

Quote from the changelog: which is the main project’s properties file containing information such as the build platform target and the library dependencies has been renamed

*Note: Per the above link, if you don't have a file, likely you should upgrade your tools.

See build changes in revision 14, at the bottom under "Project Setup"

LINQ select one field from list of DTO objects to array

I think you're looking for;

  string[] skus = myLines.Select(x => x.Sku).ToArray();

However, if you're going to iterate over the sku's in subsequent code I recommend not using the ToArray() bit as it forces the queries execution prematurely and makes the applications performance worse. Instead you can just do;

  var skus = myLines.Select(x => x.Sku); // produce IEnumerable<string>

  foreach (string sku in skus) // forces execution of the query

What are the git concepts of HEAD, master, origin?

While this doesn't directly answer the question, there is great book available for free which will help you learn the basics called ProGit. If you would prefer the dead-wood version to a collection of bits you can purchase it from Amazon.

Cannot use string offset as an array in php

I just want to explain my solving for the same problem.

my code before(given same error):

$arr2= ""; // this is the problem and solve by replace this $arr2 = array();
    $rowx = explode(" ",$arrdata[$i]);
    $arr1= ""; // and this is too
            $arr1[] = $rowx[$x];
    $arr2[] = $arr1;
    $td .="<tr>";
        $td .= "<td style='border-right:0px solid #000'>".$arr2[$i][$j]."</td>"; //and it's($arr2[$i][$j]) give an error: Cannot use string offset as an array
    $td .="</tr>";

my code after and solved it:

$arr2= array(); //change this from $arr2="";
    $rowx = explode(" ",$arrdata[$i]);
    $arr1=array(); //and this
            $arr1[] = $rowx[$x];
    $arr2[] = $arr1;
    $td .="<tr>";
        $td .= "<td style='border-right:0px solid #000'>".$arr2[$i][$j]."</td>";
    $td .="</tr>";

Thank's. Hope it's helped, and sorry if my english mess like boy's room :D

Web link to specific whatsapp contact

You can now use a very simple API to perform this task where you can provide a valid whatsapp contact number like 15555555555 ( add country code, remove all '+', '-', brackets, spaces or leading zeros). You can also provide a urlencoded text as a predefined msg which user can send directly or change before sending.

Chat with me link : <a href="">Contact me by whatsapp</a>

Chat with me link with predefined text : <a href="">Contact me on whatsapp</a>

Beauty of this url is you don't need to check user agent as it works on both mobile and desktop (opens

Source :

More details in my answer on a similar question

How to return data from promise

I also don't like using a function to handle a property which has been resolved again and again in every controller and service. Seem I'm not alone :D

Don't tried to get result with a promise as a variable, of course no way. But I found and use a solution below to access to the result as a property.

Firstly, write result to a property of your service:

    var theParentIdResult = null;
    var factoryReturn = {  
        theParentId: theParentIdResult,
        addSiteParentId : addSiteParentId
    return factoryReturn;
    function addSiteParentId(nodeId) {   
         var theParentId = 'a';
         var parentId = relationsManagerResource.GetParentId(nodeId)
                 factoryReturn.theParentIdResult =;
                 console.log(theParentId);  // #1

Now, we just need to ensure that method addSiteParentId always be resolved before we accessed to property theParentId. We can achieve this by using some ways.

  • Use resolve in router method:

    resolve: {
        parentId: function (your_factory) {

then in controller and other services used in your router, just call your_factory.theParentId to get your property. Referce here for more information:

  • Use run method of app to resolve your service. (your_factory) { your_factory.addSiteParentId(); })
  • Inject it in the first controller or services of the controller. In the controller we can call all required init services. Then all remain controllers as children of main controller can be accessed to this property normally as you want.

Chose your ways depend on your context depend on scope of your variable and reading frequency of your variable.

How to calculate the CPU usage of a process by PID in Linux from C?

Install psacct or acct package. Then use the sa command to display CPU time used for various commands. sa man page

A nice howto from the nixCraft site.

Python - How to convert JSON File to Dataframe

There are 2 inputs you might have and you can also convert between them.

  1. input: listOfDictionaries --> use @VikashSingh solution

example: [{"":{"...

The pd.DataFrame() needs a listOfDictionaries as input.

  1. input: jsonStr --> use @JustinMalinchak solution

example: '{"":{"...

If you have jsonStr, you need an extra step to listOfDictionaries first. This is obvious as it is generated like:

jsonStr = json.dumps(listOfDictionaries)

Thus, switch back from jsonStr to listOfDictionaries first:

listOfDictionaries = json.loads(jsonStr)

Last executed queries for a specific database

This works for me to find queries on any database in the instance. I'm sysadmin on the instance (check your privileges):

SELECT deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time], dest.text AS [Query], dest.*
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE dest.dbid = DB_ID('msdb')
ORDER BY deqs.last_execution_time DESC

This is the same answer that Aaron Bertrand provided but it wasn't placed in an answer.

Remove trailing zeros from decimal in SQL Server

A decimal(9,6) stores 6 digits on the right side of the comma. Whether to display trailing zeroes or not is a formatting decision, usually implemented on the client side.

But since SSMS formats float without trailing zeros, you can remove trailing zeroes by casting the decimal to a float:

    cast(123.4567 as DECIMAL(9,6))
,   cast(cast(123.4567 as DECIMAL(9,6)) as float)


123.456700  123,4567

(My decimal separator is a comma, yet SSMS formats decimal with a dot. Apparently a known issue.)

Align <div> elements side by side

Beware float: left

…there are many ways to align elements side-by-side.

Below are the most common ways to achieve two elements side-by-side…

Demo: View/edit all the below examples on Codepen

Basic styles for all examples below…

Some basic css styles for parent and child elements in these examples:

.parent {
  background: mediumpurple;
  padding: 1rem;
.child {
  border: 1px solid indigo;
  padding: 1rem;


Using the float solution my have unintended affect on other elements. (Hint: You may need to use a clearfix.)


<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child float-left-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child float-left-child'>B</div>


.float-left-child {
  float: left;



<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>B</div>


.inline-block-child {
  display: inline-block;

Note: the space between these two child elements can be removed, by removing the space between the div tags:

display:inline-block (no space)


<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>A</div><div class='child inline-block-child'>B</div>


.inline-block-child {
  display: inline-block;



<div class='parent flex-parent'>
  <div class='child flex-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child flex-child'>B</div>


.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
.flex-child {
  flex: 1;



<div class='parent inline-flex-parent'>
  <div class='child'>A</div>
  <div class='child'>B</div>


.inline-flex-parent {
  display: inline-flex;



<div class='parent grid-parent'>
  <div class='child'>A</div>
  <div class='child'>B</div>


.grid-parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr

Converting to upper and lower case in Java

/* This code is just for convert a single uppercase character to lowercase 
character & vice versa.................*/

/* This code is made without java library function, and also uses run time input...*/

import java.util.Scanner;

class CaseConvert {
char c;
void input(){
//@SuppressWarnings("resource")  //only eclipse users..
Scanner in =new Scanner(;  //for Run time input
System.out.print("\n Enter Any Character :");;     // input a single character
void convert(){
if(c>=65 && c<=90){
    c=(char) (c+32);
    System.out.print("Converted to Lowercase :"+c);
else if(c>=97&&c<=122){
        c=(char) (c-32);
        System.out.print("Converted to Uppercase :"+c);
    System.out.println("invalid Character Entered  :" +c);


  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    CaseConvert obj=new CaseConvert();


/*OUTPUT..Enter Any Character :A Converted to Lowercase :a 
Enter Any Character :a Converted to Uppercase :A
Enter Any Character :+invalid Character Entered  :+*/

Comparing arrays for equality in C++

Right. In most, if not all implementations of C, the array identifier can be implicitly casted to a pointer to the first element (i.e. the first element's address). What you're doing here is comparing those addresses, which is obviously wrong.

Instead, you need to iterate over both arrays, checking each element against each other. If you get to the end of both without a failure, they're equal.

UnmodifiableMap (Java Collections) vs ImmutableMap (Google)

An unmodifiable map may still change. It is only a view on a modifiable map, and changes in the backing map will be visible through the unmodifiable map. The unmodifiable map only prevents modifications for those who only have the reference to the unmodifiable view:

Map<String, String> realMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
realMap.put("A", "B");

Map<String, String> unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(realMap);

// This is not possible: It would throw an 
// UnsupportedOperationException
//unmodifiableMap.put("C", "D");

// This is still possible:
realMap.put("E", "F");

// The change in the "realMap" is now also visible
// in the "unmodifiableMap". So the unmodifiableMap
// has changed after it has been created.
unmodifiableMap.get("E"); // Will return "F". 

In contrast to that, the ImmutableMap of Guava is really immutable: It is a true copy of a given map, and nobody may modify this ImmutableMap in any way.


As pointed out in a comment, an immutable map can also be created with the standard API using

Map<String, String> immutableMap = 
    Collections.unmodifiableMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(realMap)); 

This will create an unmodifiable view on a true copy of the given map, and thus nicely emulates the characteristics of the ImmutableMap without having to add the dependency to Guava.

How to iterate through property names of Javascript object?

Use loop:

for (var key in obj) {
   console.log(' name=' + key + ' value=' + obj[key]);

   // do some more stuff with obj[key]

How to convert all text to lowercase in Vim

Similar to mangledorf's solution, but shorter and layman friendly


Auto populate columns in one sheet from another sheet

In Google Sheets you can use =ArrayFormula(Sheet1!B2:B)on the first cell and it will populate all column contents not sure if that will work in excel

How can I get two form fields side-by-side, with each field’s label above the field, in CSS?

You need an HTML element for each column in your layout.

I’d suggest:


<div class="two-col">
    <div class="col1">
        <label for="field1">Field One:</label>
        <input id="field1" name="field1" type="text">

    <div class="col2">
        <label for="field2">Field Two:</label>
        <input id="field2" name="field2" type="text">


.two-col {
    overflow: hidden;/* Makes this div contain its floats */

.two-col .col1,
.two-col .col2 {
    width: 49%;

.two-col .col1 {
    float: left;

.two-col .col2 {
    float: right;

.two-col label {
    display: block;

In what situations would AJAX long/short polling be preferred over HTML5 WebSockets?

XHR polling vs SSE vs WebSockets

  • XHR polling A Request is answered when the event occurs (could be straight away, or after a delay). Subsequent requests will need to made to receive further events.

    The browser makes an asynchronous request of the server, which may wait for data to be available before responding. The response can contain encoded data (typically XML or JSON) or Javascript to be executed by the client. At the end of the processing of the response, the browser creates and sends another XHR, to await the next event. Thus the browser always keeps a request outstanding with the server, to be answered as each event occurs. Wikipedia

  • Server Sent Events Client sends request to server. Server sends new data to webpage at any time.

    Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to receive new data; that is, the page requests data from the server. With server-sent events, it's possible for a server to send new data to a web page at any time, by pushing messages to the web page. These incoming messages can be treated as Events + data inside the web page. Mozilla

  • WebSockets After the initial handshake (via HTTP protocol). Communication is done bidirectionally using the WebSocket protocol.

    The handshake starts with an HTTP request/response, allowing servers to handle HTTP connections as well as WebSocket connections on the same port. Once the connection is established, communication switches to a bidirectional binary protocol which does not conform to the HTTP protocol. Wikipedia

Why GDB jumps unpredictably between lines and prints variables as "<value optimized out>"?

The compiler will start doing very clever things with optimisations turned on. The debugger will show the code jumping forward and backwards alot due to the optimized way variables are stored in registers. This is probably the reason why you can't set your variable (or in some cases see its value) as it has been cleverly distributed between registers for speed, rather than having a direct memory location that the debugger can access.

Compile without optimisations?

Restart android machine

You can reboot the device by sending the following broadcast:

$ adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

Can I access a form in the controller?

add ng-model="$ctrl.formName" attribute to your form, and then in the controller you can access the form as an object inside your controller by this.formName

Select second last element with css

In CSS3 you have:



nth-last-child Browser Support:

  • Chrome 2
  • Firefox 3.5
  • Opera 9.5, 10
  • Safari 3.1, 4
  • Internet Explorer 9

How to get a resource id with a known resource name?

It will be something like:


Make sure you don't have the Android.R namespace imported as it can confuse Eclipse (if that's what you're using).

If that doesn't work, you can always use a context's getResources method ...

Drawable resImg = this.context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.resource);

Where this.context is intialised as an Activity, Service or any other Context subclass.


If it's the name you want, the Resources class (returned by getResources()) has a getResourceName(int) method, and a getResourceTypeName(int)?

Update 2:

The Resources class has this method:

public int getIdentifier (String name, String defType, String defPackage) 

Which returns the integer of the specified resource name, type & package.

How do I detect if I am in release or debug mode?

I am using this solution in case to find out that my app is running on debug version.

if (BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE.equals("debug")){
   //Do something

How to get an absolute file path in Python

In case someone is using python and linux and looking for full path to file:

>>> path=os.popen("readlink -f file").read()
>>> print path

Fragments within Fragments

If you find your nested fragment not being removed or being duplicated (eg. on Activity restart, on screen rotate) try changing:

transaction.add(, newFragment);


transaction.replace(, newFragment);

If above doesn't help, try:

Fragment f = getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

FragmentTransaction transaction = getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

if (f == null) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView: fragment doesn't exist");
    newFragment= new MyFragmentType();
    transaction.add(, newFragment);
} else {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView: fragment already exists");
    transaction.replace(, f);

Learnt here

Convert string to date in Swift

I was getting crazy with this format as well.

See the solution below.

Your String that came from your back or another source:

    let isoDate = "2020-05-06 20:00:00-03"

Identify the date format

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ssZ"
    let date =!

Now that you have the date as Date() you can change to whatever format you want using the formatDate.string

    let formatDate = DateFormatter()
    formatDate.dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
    let drawDate = formatDate.string(from: date)


    06/05/2020 20:00

Send POST request using NSURLSession

You can use

id config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:someID];
id session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:someObject delegateQueue:[NSOperationQueue new]];

OMGMultipartFormData *multipartFormData = [OMGMultipartFormData new];
[multipartFormData addFile:data1 parameterName:@"file1" filename:@"myimage1.png" contentType:@"image/png"];

NSURLRequest *rq = [OMGHTTPURLRQ POST:url:multipartFormData];

id path = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"upload.NSData"];
[rq.HTTPBody writeToFile:path atomically:YES];

[[session uploadTaskWithRequest:rq fromFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]] resume];

'method' object is not subscriptable. Don't know what's wrong

You need to use parentheses: myList.insert([1, 2, 3]). When you leave out the parentheses, python thinks you are trying to access myList.insert at position 1, 2, 3, because that's what brackets are used for when they are right next to a variable.

Easiest way to develop simple GUI in Python

Try with Kivy! It's quite easy, multi platform and a really good documentation

How to get size in bytes of a CLOB column in Oracle?

After some thinking i came up with this solution:


SUBSTR returns only the first 4000 characters (max string size)

TO_CHAR converts from CLOB to VARCHAR2

LENGTHB returns the length in Bytes used by the string.

How to reference a .css file on a razor view?

For CSS that are reused among the entire site I define them in the <head> section of the _Layout:

    <link href="@Url.Content("~/Styles/main.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    @RenderSection("Styles", false)

and if I need some view specific styles I define the Styles section in each view:

@section Styles {
    <link href="@Url.Content("~/Styles/view_specific_style.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Edit: It's useful to know that the second parameter in @RenderSection, false, means that the section is not required on a view that uses this master page, and the view engine will blissfully ignore the fact that there is no "Styles" section defined in your view. If true, the view won't render and an error will be thrown unless the "Styles" section has been defined.