Programs & Examples On #Zend amf

Zend AMF is a PHP open source library used to serialize/deserialize AMF packages, part of Zend Framework.

Compiling/Executing a C# Source File in Command Prompt

Another way to compile C# programs (without using Visual Studio or without having it installed) is to create a user variable in environment variables, namely "PATH".

Copy the following path in this variable:


or depending upon which .NET your PC have.

So you don't have to mention the whole path every time you compile a code. Simply use

"C:\Users\UserName\Desktop>csc [options] filename.cs"

or wherever the path of your code is.

Now you are good to go.

jQuery .val() vs .attr("value")

In order to get the value of any input field, you should always use $element.val() because jQuery handles to retrieve the correct value based on the browser of the element type.

how to get the last part of a string before a certain character?

Difference between split and partition is split returns the list without delimiter and will split where ever it gets delimiter in string i.e.

x = ''

a,b,c = x.split(-)

and partition will divide the string with only first delimiter and will only return 3 values in list

x = ''
a,b,c = x.partition('-')

so as you want last value you can use rpartition it works in same way but it will find delimiter from end of string

x = ''
a,b,c = x.partition('-')

Vertically align text within a div

The accepted answer doesn't work for multi-line text.

I updated the JSfiddle to show CSS multiline text vertical align as explained here:

<div id="column-content">
    <div>yet another text content that should be centered vertically</div>

#column-content {
    border: 1px solid red;
    height: 200px;
    width: 100px;
div {
    display: table-cell;
    text-align: center;

It also works with <br /> in "yet another..."

How can I rename column in laravel using migration?

Throwing my $0.02 in here since none of the answers worked, but did send me on the right path. What happened was that a previous foreign constraint was throwing the error. Obvious when you think about it.

So in your new migration's up method, first drop that original constraint, rename the column, then add the constraint again with the new column name. In the down method, you do the exact opposite so that it's back to the sold setting.

 * Run the migrations.
 * @return void
public function up()
    Schema::table('proxy4s', function (Blueprint $table) {
        // Drop it

        // Rename
        $table->renameColumn('server_id', 'linux_server_id');

        // Add it

 * Reverse the migrations.
 * @return void
public function down()
    Schema::table('proxy4s', function (Blueprint $table) {
        // Drop it

        // Rename
        $table->renameColumn('linux_server_id', 'server_id');

        // Add it

Hope this saves someone some time in the future!

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?

this code disable the button with 'YOUR_BUTTON_LABEL'. you can replace name in contains(). to disable

$(".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains('YOUR_BUTTON_LABEL')").button("disable");

replace 'YOUR_BUTTON_LABEL' with your button's label. to enable

$(".ui-dialog-buttonpane button:contains('YOUR_BUTTON_LABEL')").button("enable");

Using a string variable as a variable name

You can use setattr

name  = 'varname'
value = 'something'

setattr(self, name, value) #equivalent to: self.varname= 'something'

print (self.varname)
#will print 'something'

But, since you should inform an object to receive the new variable, this only works inside classes or modules.

is there any PHP function for open page in new tab

This is a trick,

function OpenInNewTab(url) {

  var win =, '_blank');

In most cases, this should happen directly in the onclick handler for the link to prevent pop-up blockers, and the default "new window" behavior. You could do it this way, or by adding an event listener to your DOM object.

<div onclick="OpenInNewTab();">Something To Click On</div>

Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

see NSURLError.h Define

NSURLErrorUnknown =             -1,
NSURLErrorCancelled =           -999,
NSURLErrorBadURL =              -1000,
NSURLErrorTimedOut =            -1001,
NSURLErrorUnsupportedURL =          -1002,
NSURLErrorCannotFindHost =          -1003,
NSURLErrorCannotConnectToHost =         -1004,
NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost =       -1005,
NSURLErrorDNSLookupFailed =         -1006,
NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects =        -1007,
NSURLErrorResourceUnavailable =         -1008,
NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet =      -1009,
NSURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation =   -1010,
NSURLErrorBadServerResponse =       -1011,
NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication =     -1012,
NSURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired =  -1013,
NSURLErrorZeroByteResource =        -1014,
NSURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData =             -1015,
NSURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData =         -1016,
NSURLErrorCannotParseResponse =             -1017,
NSURLErrorAppTransportSecurityRequiresSecureConnection NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0) = -1022,
NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist =        -1100,
NSURLErrorFileIsDirectory =         -1101,
NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile =     -1102,
NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0) =   -1103,

// SSL errors
NSURLErrorSecureConnectionFailed =      -1200,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasBadDate =     -1201,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateUntrusted =  -1202,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasUnknownRoot = -1203,
NSURLErrorServerCertificateNotYetValid =    -1204,
NSURLErrorClientCertificateRejected =   -1205,
NSURLErrorClientCertificateRequired =   -1206,
NSURLErrorCannotLoadFromNetwork =       -2000,

// Download and file I/O errors
NSURLErrorCannotCreateFile =        -3000,
NSURLErrorCannotOpenFile =          -3001,
NSURLErrorCannotCloseFile =         -3002,
NSURLErrorCannotWriteToFile =       -3003,
NSURLErrorCannotRemoveFile =        -3004,
NSURLErrorCannotMoveFile =          -3005,
NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedMidStream = -3006,
NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedToComplete =-3007,

NSURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) =         -1018,
NSURLErrorCallIsActive NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) =                    -1019,
NSURLErrorDataNotAllowed NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) =                  -1020,
NSURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_7, 3_0) =      -1021,

NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0) = -995,
NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0) = -996,
NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionWasDisconnected NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0)= -997,

Is it possible to insert multiple rows at a time in an SQLite database?

If you are using bash shell you can use this:

time bash -c $'
sqlite3 $FILE "create table if not exists tab(id int);"
sqlite3 $FILE "insert into tab values (1),(2)"
for i in 1 2 3 4; do sqlite3 $FILE "INSERT INTO tab (id) select (*abs(random()%1e7) from tab a, tab b, tab c limit 5e5"; done; 
sqlite3 $FILE "select count(*) from tab;"'

Or if you are in sqlite CLI, then you need to do this:

create table if not exists tab(id int);"
insert into tab values (1),(2);
INSERT INTO tab (id) select (*abs(random()%1e7) from tab a, tab b, tab c limit 5e5;
INSERT INTO tab (id) select (*abs(random()%1e7) from tab a, tab b, tab c limit 5e5;
INSERT INTO tab (id) select (*abs(random()%1e7) from tab a, tab b, tab c limit 5e5;
INSERT INTO tab (id) select (*abs(random()%1e7) from tab a, tab b, tab c limit 5e5;
select count(*) from tab;

How does it work? It makes use of that if table tab:

id int

then select, from tab a, tab b returns int | int
    1    | 1
    2    | 1
    1    | 2
    2    | 2

and so on. After first execution we insert 2 rows, then 2^3=8. (three because we have tab a, tab b, tab c)

After second execution we insert additional (2+8)^3=1000 rows

Aftern thrid we insert about max(1000^3, 5e5)=500000 rows and so on...

This is the fastest known for me method of populating SQLite database.

Email address validation in C# MVC 4 application: with or without using Regex


[RegularExpression(@"^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$", ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid e-mail adress")]

Or you can use just:

    public string Email { get; set; }

CSS text-decoration underline color

You can't change the color of the line (you can't specify different foreground colors for the same element, and the text and its decoration form a single element). However there are some tricks:

a:link, a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px solid #006699; }
a:hover, a:active {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px solid #1177FF; }

Also you can make some cool effects this way:

a:link {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px dashed #006699; }

Hope it helps.

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

Just to contribute to this conversation:

  • what happens if the measurement targets two points A and B in different php files?

  • what if we need different measurements like time based, code execution duration, external resource access duration?

  • what if we need to organize our measurements in categories where every one has a different starting point?

As you suspect we need some global variables to be accessed by a class object or a static method: I choose the 2nd approach and here it is:

namespace g3;

class Utils {
   public function __construct() {}

   public static $UtilsDtStart = [];
   public static $UtilsDtStats = [];

   public static function dt() {
      global $UtilsDtStart, $UtilsDtStats;
      $obj = new \stdClass();
      $obj->start = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart) {
         $UtilsDtStart[$ndx] = \microtime(true) * 1000;
      $obj->codeStart = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart) {
         $use = \getrusage();
         $UtilsDtStart[$ndx] = ($use["ru_utime.tv_sec"] * 1000) + ($use["ru_utime.tv_usec"] / 1000);
      $obj->resourceStart = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart) {
         $use = \getrusage();
         $UtilsDtStart[$ndx] = $use["ru_stime.tv_usec"] / 1000;
      $obj->end = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart, &$UtilsDtStats) {
         $t = @$UtilsDtStart[$ndx];
         if($t === null)
            return false;
         $end = \microtime(true) * 1000;
         $dt = $end - $t;
         $UtilsDtStats[$ndx][] = $dt;
         return $dt;
      $obj->codeEnd = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart, &$UtilsDtStats) {
         $t = @$UtilsDtStart[$ndx];
         if($t === null)
            return false;
         $use = \getrusage();
         $dt = ($use["ru_utime.tv_sec"] * 1000) + ($use["ru_utime.tv_usec"] / 1000) - $t;
         $UtilsDtStats[$ndx][] = $dt;
         return $dt;
      $obj->resourceEnd = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStart, &$UtilsDtStats) {
         $t = @$UtilsDtStart[$ndx];
         if($t === null)
            return false;
         $use = \getrusage();
         $dt = ($use["ru_stime.tv_usec"] / 1000) - $t;
         $UtilsDtStats[$ndx][] = $dt;
         return $dt;
      $obj->stats = function(int $ndx = 0) use (&$UtilsDtStats) {
         $s = @$UtilsDtStats[$ndx];
         if($s !== null)
            $s = \array_slice($s, 0);
            $s = false;
         return $s;
      $obj->statsLength = function() use (&$UtilsDtStats) {
         return \count($UtilsDtStats);
      return $obj;

Now all you have is to call the method that belongs to the specific category with the index that denotes it's unique group:

File A
\call_user_func_array(\g3\Utils::dt()->start, [0]);   // point A
File B
$dt = \call_user_func_array(\g3\Utils::dt()->end, [0]);  // point B

Value $dt contains the milliseconds of wall clock duration between points A and B.

To estimate the time took for php code to run:

File A
\call_user_func_array(\g3\Utils::dt()->codeStart, [1]);   // point A
File B
$dt = \call_user_func_array(\g3\Utils::dt()->codeEnd, [1]);  // point B

Notice how we changed the index that we pass at the methods.

The code is based on the closure effect that happens when we return an object/function from a function (see that \g3\Utils::dt() repeated at the examples).

I tested with php unit and between different test methods at the same test file it behaves fine so far!

Hope that helps someone!

Android, getting resource ID from string?

You can use Resources.getIdentifier(), although you need to use the format for your string as you use it in your XML files, i.e. package:drawable/icon.

Interface vs Base class

Also keep in mind not to get swept away in OO (see blog) and always model objects based on behavior required, if you were designing an app where the only behavior you required was a generic name and species for an animal then you would only need one class Animal with a property for the name, instead of millions of classes for every possible animal in the world.

Python Binomial Coefficient

So, this question comes up first if you search for "Implement binomial coefficients in Python". Only this answer in its second part contains an efficient implementation which relies on the multiplicative formula. This formula performs the bare minimum number of multiplications. The function below does not depend on any built-ins or imports:

def fcomb0(n, k):
    Compute the number of ways to choose $k$ elements out of a pile of $n.$

    Use an iterative approach with the multiplicative formula:
    $$\frac{n!}{k!(n - k)!} =
    \frac{n(n - 1)\dots(n - k + 1)}{k(k-1)\dots(1)} =
    \prod_{i = 1}^{k}\frac{n + 1 - i}{i}$$

    Also rely on the symmetry: $C_n^k = C_n^{n - k},$ so the product can
    be calculated up to $\min(k, n - k).$

    :param n: the size of the pile of elements
    :param k: the number of elements to take from the pile
    :return: the number of ways to choose k elements out of a pile of n

    # When k out of sensible range, should probably throw an exception.
    # For compatibility with scipy.special.{comb, binom} returns 0 instead.
    if k < 0 or k > n:
        return 0

    if k == 0 or k == n:
        return 1

    total_ways = 1
    for i in range(min(k, n - k)):
        total_ways = total_ways * (n - i) // (i + 1)

    return total_ways

Finally, if you need even larger values and do not mind trading some accuracy, Stirling's approximation is probably the way to go.

How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

I ran into this problem while doing the Angular 2 forms tutorial (TypeScript version) at

The select/option block wasn't allowing the value of the selection to be changed by selecting one of the options.

Doing what Mark Rajcok suggested worked, although I'm wondering if there's something I missed in the original tutorial or if there was an update. In any case, adding

onChange(newVal) {
    this.model.power = newVal;

to hero-form.component.ts in the HeroFormComponent class



to hero-form.component.html in the <select> element made it work

Set line height in Html <p> to make the html looks like a office word when <p> has different font sizes

Actually, you can achieve this pretty easy. Simply specify the line height as a number:

<p style="line-height:1.5">
    <span style="font-size:12pt">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</span><br />
    <span style="font-size:24pt">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</span>

The difference between number and percentage in the context of the line-height CSS property is that the number value is inherited by the descendant elements, but the percentage value is first computed for the current element using its font size and then this computed value is inherited by the descendant elements.

For more information about the line-height property, which indeed is far more complex than it looks like at first glance, I recommend you take a look at this online presentation.

How to make a DIV always float on the screen in top right corner?

Use position: fixed, and anchor it to the top and right sides of the page:

#fixed-div {
    position: fixed;
    top: 1em;
    right: 1em;

IE6 does not support position: fixed, however. If you need this functionality in IE6, this purely-CSS solution seems to do the trick. You'll need a wrapper <div> to contain some of the styles for it to work, as seen in the stylesheet.

Access Control Origin Header error using Axios in React Web throwing error in Chrome

$ npm install cors

After installing cors from npm add the code below to your node app file. It solved my problem.

var express = require('express')
var cors = require('cors')
var app = express()


What is the meaning of "POSIX"?

Let me give the churlish "unofficial" explanation.

POSIX is a set of standards which attempts to distinguish "UNIX" and UNIX-like systems from those which are incompatible with them. It was created by the U.S. government for procurement purposes. The idea was that the U.S. federal procurements needed a way to legally specify the requirements for various sorts of bids and contracts in a way that could be used to exclude systems to which a given existing code base or programming staff would NOT be portable.

Since POSIX was written post facto ... to describe a loosely similar set of competing systems ... it was NOT written in a way that could be implemented.

So, for example, Microsoft's NT was written with enough POSIX conformance to qualify for some bids ... even though the POSIX subsystem was essentially useless in terms of practical portability and compatibility with UNIX systems.

Various other standards for UNIX have been written over the decades. Things like the SPEC1170 (specified eleven hundred and seventy function calls which had to be implemented compatibly) and various incarnations of the SUS (Single UNIX Specification).

For the most part these "standards" have been inadequate to any practical technical application. They most exist for argumentation, legal wrangling and other dysfunctional reasons.

How to make a countdown timer in Android?

Just Call below function by passing seconds and textview object

public void reverseTimer(int Seconds,final TextView tv){

    new CountDownTimer(Seconds* 1000+1000, 1000) {

        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
            int seconds = (int) (millisUntilFinished / 1000);
            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            seconds = seconds % 60;
            tv.setText("TIME : " + String.format("%02d", minutes)
                    + ":" + String.format("%02d", seconds));

        public void onFinish() {

How do I modify fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

This worked for me, when trying to update a string type field.

UPDATE table_name 
SET body = jsonb_set(body, '{some_key}', to_json('value'::text)::jsonb);

Hope it helps someone else out!

Assuming the table table_name has a jsonb column named body and you want to change body.some_key = 'value'

Mocking Extension Methods with Moq

You can't "directly" mock static method (hence extension method) with mocking framework. You can try Moles (, a free tool from Microsoft that implements a different approach. Here is the description of the tool:

Moles is a lightweight framework for test stubs and detours in .NET that is based on delegates.

Moles may be used to detour any .NET method, including non-virtual/static methods in sealed types.

You can use Moles with any testing framework (it's independent about that).

Kotlin - How to correctly concatenate a String

Try this, I think this is a natively way to concatenate strings in Kotlin:

val result = buildString{


// you will see "ab" in console.

bind/unbind service example (android)

You can try using this code:

protected ServiceConnection mServerConn = new ServiceConnection() {
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceConnected");

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceDisconnected");

public void start() {
    // mContext is defined upper in code, I think it is not necessary to explain what is it 
    mContext.bindService(intent, mServerConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

public void stop() {
    mContext.stopService(new Intent(mContext, ServiceRemote.class));

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

I'd go for:

conds = iter([a, b, c])
if any(conds) and not any(conds):
    # okay...

I think this should short-circuit fairly efficiently


By making conds an iterator, the first use of any will short circuit and leave the iterator pointing to the next element if any item is true; otherwise, it will consume the entire list and be False. The next any takes the remaining items in the iterable, and makes sure than there aren't any other true values... If there are, the whole statement can't be true, thus there isn't one unique element (so short circuits again). The last any will either return False or will exhaust the iterable and be True.

note: the above checks if only a single condition is set

If you want to check if one or more items, but not every item is set, then you can use:

not all(conds) and any(conds)

Multiple lines of input in <input type="text" />

If you are using React, the library can help you with:

    <InputLabel htmlFor="textContract">{`textContract`}</InputLabel>
      onChange={() => {}}


Welcome to the wonderful world of portability... or rather the lack of it. Before we start analyzing these two options in detail and take a deeper look how different operating systems handle them, it should be noted that the BSD socket implementation is the mother of all socket implementations. Basically all other systems copied the BSD socket implementation at some point in time (or at least its interfaces) and then started evolving it on their own. Of course the BSD socket implementation was evolved as well at the same time and thus systems that copied it later got features that were lacking in systems that copied it earlier. Understanding the BSD socket implementation is the key to understanding all other socket implementations, so you should read about it even if you don't care to ever write code for a BSD system.

There are a couple of basics you should know before we look at these two options. A TCP/UDP connection is identified by a tuple of five values:

{<protocol>, <src addr>, <src port>, <dest addr>, <dest port>}

Any unique combination of these values identifies a connection. As a result, no two connections can have the same five values, otherwise the system would not be able to distinguish these connections any longer.

The protocol of a socket is set when a socket is created with the socket() function. The source address and port are set with the bind() function. The destination address and port are set with the connect() function. Since UDP is a connectionless protocol, UDP sockets can be used without connecting them. Yet it is allowed to connect them and in some cases very advantageous for your code and general application design. In connectionless mode, UDP sockets that were not explicitly bound when data is sent over them for the first time are usually automatically bound by the system, as an unbound UDP socket cannot receive any (reply) data. Same is true for an unbound TCP socket, it is automatically bound before it will be connected.

If you explicitly bind a socket, it is possible to bind it to port 0, which means "any port". Since a socket cannot really be bound to all existing ports, the system will have to choose a specific port itself in that case (usually from a predefined, OS specific range of source ports). A similar wildcard exists for the source address, which can be "any address" ( in case of IPv4 and :: in case of IPv6). Unlike in case of ports, a socket can really be bound to "any address" which means "all source IP addresses of all local interfaces". If the socket is connected later on, the system has to choose a specific source IP address, since a socket cannot be connected and at the same time be bound to any local IP address. Depending on the destination address and the content of the routing table, the system will pick an appropriate source address and replace the "any" binding with a binding to the chosen source IP address.

By default, no two sockets can be bound to the same combination of source address and source port. As long as the source port is different, the source address is actually irrelevant. Binding socketA to ipA:portA and socketB to ipB:portB is always possible if ipA != ipB holds true, even when portA == portB. E.g. socketA belongs to a FTP server program and is bound to and socketB belongs to another FTP server program and is bound to, both bindings will succeed. Keep in mind, though, that a socket may be locally bound to "any address". If a socket is bound to, it is bound to all existing local addresses at the same time and in that case no other socket can be bound to port 21, regardless which specific IP address it tries to bind to, as conflicts with all existing local IP addresses.

Anything said so far is pretty much equal for all major operating system. Things start to get OS specific when address reuse comes into play. We start with BSD, since as I said above, it is the mother of all socket implementations.



If SO_REUSEADDR is enabled on a socket prior to binding it, the socket can be successfully bound unless there is a conflict with another socket bound to exactly the same combination of source address and port. Now you may wonder how is that any different than before? The keyword is "exactly". SO_REUSEADDR mainly changes the way how wildcard addresses ("any IP address") are treated when searching for conflicts.

Without SO_REUSEADDR, binding socketA to and then binding socketB to will fail (with error EADDRINUSE), since means "any local IP address", thus all local IP addresses are considered in use by this socket and this includes, too. With SO_REUSEADDR it will succeed, since and are not exactly the same address, one is a wildcard for all local addresses and the other one is a very specific local address. Note that the statement above is true regardless in which order socketA and socketB are bound; without SO_REUSEADDR it will always fail, with SO_REUSEADDR it will always succeed.

To give you a better overview, let's make a table here and list all possible combinations:

SO_REUSEADDR       socketA        socketB       Result
  ON/OFF    OK
  ON/OFF    OK
   OFF       Error (EADDRINUSE)
   OFF    Error (EADDRINUSE)
   ON        OK
   ON    OK

The table above assumes that socketA has already been successfully bound to the address given for socketA, then socketB is created, either gets SO_REUSEADDR set or not, and finally is bound to the address given for socketB. Result is the result of the bind operation for socketB. If the first column says ON/OFF, the value of SO_REUSEADDR is irrelevant to the result.

Okay, SO_REUSEADDR has an effect on wildcard addresses, good to know. Yet that isn't it's only effect it has. There is another well known effect which is also the reason why most people use SO_REUSEADDR in server programs in the first place. For the other important use of this option we have to take a deeper look on how the TCP protocol works.

A socket has a send buffer and if a call to the send() function succeeds, it does not mean that the requested data has actually really been sent out, it only means the data has been added to the send buffer. For UDP sockets, the data is usually sent pretty soon, if not immediately, but for TCP sockets, there can be a relatively long delay between adding data to the send buffer and having the TCP implementation really send that data. As a result, when you close a TCP socket, there may still be pending data in the send buffer, which has not been sent yet but your code considers it as sent, since the send() call succeeded. If the TCP implementation was closing the socket immediately on your request, all of this data would be lost and your code wouldn't even know about that. TCP is said to be a reliable protocol and losing data just like that is not very reliable. That's why a socket that still has data to send will go into a state called TIME_WAIT when you close it. In that state it will wait until all pending data has been successfully sent or until a timeout is hit, in which case the socket is closed forcefully.

At most, the amount of time the kernel will wait before it closes the socket, regardless if it still has data in flight or not, is called the Linger Time. The Linger Time is globally configurable on most systems and by default rather long (two minutes is a common value you will find on many systems). It is also configurable per socket using the socket option SO_LINGER which can be used to make the timeout shorter or longer, and even to disable it completely. Disabling it completely is a very bad idea, though, since closing a TCP socket gracefully is a slightly complex process and involves sending forth and back a couple of packets (as well as resending those packets in case they got lost) and this whole close process is also limited by the Linger Time. If you disable lingering, your socket may not only lose data in flight, it is also always closed forcefully instead of gracefully, which is usually not recommended. The details about how a TCP connection is closed gracefully are beyond the scope of this answer, if you want to learn more about, I recommend you have a look at this page. And even if you disabled lingering with SO_LINGER, if your process dies without explicitly closing the socket, BSD (and possibly other systems) will linger nonetheless, ignoring what you have configured. This will happen for example if your code just calls exit() (pretty common for tiny, simple server programs) or the process is killed by a signal (which includes the possibility that it simply crashes because of an illegal memory access). So there is nothing you can do to make sure a socket will never linger under all circumstances.

The question is, how does the system treat a socket in state TIME_WAIT? If SO_REUSEADDR is not set, a socket in state TIME_WAIT is considered to still be bound to the source address and port and any attempt to bind a new socket to the same address and port will fail until the socket has really been closed, which may take as long as the configured Linger Time. So don't expect that you can rebind the source address of a socket immediately after closing it. In most cases this will fail. However, if SO_REUSEADDR is set for the socket you are trying to bind, another socket bound to the same address and port in state TIME_WAIT is simply ignored, after all its already "half dead", and your socket can bind to exactly the same address without any problem. In that case it plays no role that the other socket may have exactly the same address and port. Note that binding a socket to exactly the same address and port as a dying socket in TIME_WAIT state can have unexpected, and usually undesired, side effects in case the other socket is still "at work", but that is beyond the scope of this answer and fortunately those side effects are rather rare in practice.

There is one final thing you should know about SO_REUSEADDR. Everything written above will work as long as the socket you want to bind to has address reuse enabled. It is not necessary that the other socket, the one which is already bound or is in a TIME_WAIT state, also had this flag set when it was bound. The code that decides if the bind will succeed or fail only inspects the SO_REUSEADDR flag of the socket fed into the bind() call, for all other sockets inspected, this flag is not even looked at.


SO_REUSEPORT is what most people would expect SO_REUSEADDR to be. Basically, SO_REUSEPORT allows you to bind an arbitrary number of sockets to exactly the same source address and port as long as all prior bound sockets also had SO_REUSEPORT set before they were bound. If the first socket that is bound to an address and port does not have SO_REUSEPORT set, no other socket can be bound to exactly the same address and port, regardless if this other socket has SO_REUSEPORT set or not, until the first socket releases its binding again. Unlike in case of SO_REUESADDR the code handling SO_REUSEPORT will not only verify that the currently bound socket has SO_REUSEPORT set but it will also verify that the socket with a conflicting address and port had SO_REUSEPORT set when it was bound.

SO_REUSEPORT does not imply SO_REUSEADDR. This means if a socket did not have SO_REUSEPORT set when it was bound and another socket has SO_REUSEPORT set when it is bound to exactly the same address and port, the bind fails, which is expected, but it also fails if the other socket is already dying and is in TIME_WAIT state. To be able to bind a socket to the same addresses and port as another socket in TIME_WAIT state requires either SO_REUSEADDR to be set on that socket or SO_REUSEPORT must have been set on both sockets prior to binding them. Of course it is allowed to set both, SO_REUSEPORT and SO_REUSEADDR, on a socket.

There is not much more to say about SO_REUSEPORT other than that it was added later than SO_REUSEADDR, that's why you will not find it in many socket implementations of other systems, which "forked" the BSD code before this option was added, and that there was no way to bind two sockets to exactly the same socket address in BSD prior to this option.

Connect() Returning EADDRINUSE?

Most people know that bind() may fail with the error EADDRINUSE, however, when you start playing around with address reuse, you may run into the strange situation that connect() fails with that error as well. How can this be? How can a remote address, after all that's what connect adds to a socket, be already in use? Connecting multiple sockets to exactly the same remote address has never been a problem before, so what's going wrong here?

As I said on the very top of my reply, a connection is defined by a tuple of five values, remember? And I also said, that these five values must be unique otherwise the system cannot distinguish two connections any longer, right? Well, with address reuse, you can bind two sockets of the same protocol to the same source address and port. That means three of those five values are already the same for these two sockets. If you now try to connect both of these sockets also to the same destination address and port, you would create two connected sockets, whose tuples are absolutely identical. This cannot work, at least not for TCP connections (UDP connections are no real connections anyway). If data arrived for either one of the two connections, the system could not tell which connection the data belongs to. At least the destination address or destination port must be different for either connection, so that the system has no problem to identify to which connection incoming data belongs to.

So if you bind two sockets of the same protocol to the same source address and port and try to connect them both to the same destination address and port, connect() will actually fail with the error EADDRINUSE for the second socket you try to connect, which means that a socket with an identical tuple of five values is already connected.

Multicast Addresses

Most people ignore the fact that multicast addresses exist, but they do exist. While unicast addresses are used for one-to-one communication, multicast addresses are used for one-to-many communication. Most people got aware of multicast addresses when they learned about IPv6 but multicast addresses also existed in IPv4, even though this feature was never widely used on the public Internet.

The meaning of SO_REUSEADDR changes for multicast addresses as it allows multiple sockets to be bound to exactly the same combination of source multicast address and port. In other words, for multicast addresses SO_REUSEADDR behaves exactly as SO_REUSEPORT for unicast addresses. Actually, the code treats SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT identically for multicast addresses, that means you could say that SO_REUSEADDR implies SO_REUSEPORT for all multicast addresses and the other way round.


All these are rather late forks of the original BSD code, that's why they all three offer the same options as BSD and they also behave the same way as in BSD.

macOS (MacOS X)

At its core, macOS is simply a BSD-style UNIX named "Darwin", based on a rather late fork of the BSD code (BSD 4.3), which was then later on even re-synchronized with the (at that time current) FreeBSD 5 code base for the Mac OS 10.3 release, so that Apple could gain full POSIX compliance (macOS is POSIX certified). Despite having a microkernel at its core ("Mach"), the rest of the kernel ("XNU") is basically just a BSD kernel, and that's why macOS offers the same options as BSD and they also behave the same way as in BSD.

iOS / watchOS / tvOS

iOS is just a macOS fork with a slightly modified and trimmed kernel, somewhat stripped down user space toolset and a slightly different default framework set. watchOS and tvOS are iOS forks, that are stripped down even further (especially watchOS). To my best knowledge they all behave exactly as macOS does.


Linux < 3.9

Prior to Linux 3.9, only the option SO_REUSEADDR existed. This option behaves generally the same as in BSD with two important exceptions:

  1. As long as a listening (server) TCP socket is bound to a specific port, the SO_REUSEADDR option is entirely ignored for all sockets targeting that port. Binding a second socket to the same port is only possible if it was also possible in BSD without having SO_REUSEADDR set. E.g. you cannot bind to a wildcard address and then to a more specific one or the other way round, both is possible in BSD if you set SO_REUSEADDR. What you can do is you can bind to the same port and two different non-wildcard addresses, as that's always allowed. In this aspect Linux is more restrictive than BSD.

  2. The second exception is that for client sockets, this option behaves exactly like SO_REUSEPORT in BSD, as long as both had this flag set before they were bound. The reason for allowing that was simply that it is important to be able to bind multiple sockets to exactly to the same UDP socket address for various protocols and as there used to be no SO_REUSEPORT prior to 3.9, the behavior of SO_REUSEADDR was altered accordingly to fill that gap. In that aspect Linux is less restrictive than BSD.

Linux >= 3.9

Linux 3.9 added the option SO_REUSEPORT to Linux as well. This option behaves exactly like the option in BSD and allows binding to exactly the same address and port number as long as all sockets have this option set prior to binding them.

Yet, there are still two differences to SO_REUSEPORT on other systems:

  1. To prevent "port hijacking", there is one special limitation: All sockets that want to share the same address and port combination must belong to processes that share the same effective user ID! So one user cannot "steal" ports of another user. This is some special magic to somewhat compensate for the missing SO_EXCLBIND/SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE flags.

  2. Additionally the kernel performs some "special magic" for SO_REUSEPORT sockets that isn't found in other operating systems: For UDP sockets, it tries to distribute datagrams evenly, for TCP listening sockets, it tries to distribute incoming connect requests (those accepted by calling accept()) evenly across all the sockets that share the same address and port combination. Thus an application can easily open the same port in multiple child processes and then use SO_REUSEPORT to get a very inexpensive load balancing.


Even though the whole Android system is somewhat different from most Linux distributions, at its core works a slightly modified Linux kernel, thus everything that applies to Linux should apply to Android as well.


Windows only knows the SO_REUSEADDR option, there is no SO_REUSEPORT. Setting SO_REUSEADDR on a socket in Windows behaves like setting SO_REUSEPORT and SO_REUSEADDR on a socket in BSD, with one exception:

Prior to Windows 2003, a socket with SO_REUSEADDR could always been bound to exactly the same source address and port as an already bound socket, even if the other socket did not have this option set when it was bound. This behavior allowed an application "to steal" the connected port of another application. Needless to say that this has major security implications!

Microsoft realized that and added another important socket option: SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE. Setting SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on a socket makes sure that if the binding succeeds, the combination of source address and port is owned exclusively by this socket and no other socket can bind to them, not even if it has SO_REUSEADDR set.

This default behavior was changed first in Windows 2003, Microsoft calls that "Enhanced Socket Security" (funny name for a behavior that is default on all other major operating systems). For more details just visit this page. There are three tables: The first one shows the classic behavior (still in use when using compatibility modes!), the second one shows the behavior of Windows 2003 and up when the bind() calls are made by the same user, and the third one when the bind() calls are made by different users.


Solaris is the successor of SunOS. SunOS was originally based on a fork of BSD, SunOS 5 and later was based on a fork of SVR4, however SVR4 is a merge of BSD, System V, and Xenix, so up to some degree Solaris is also a BSD fork, and a rather early one. As a result Solaris only knows SO_REUSEADDR, there is no SO_REUSEPORT. The SO_REUSEADDR behaves pretty much the same as it does in BSD. As far as I know there is no way to get the same behavior as SO_REUSEPORT in Solaris, that means it is not possible to bind two sockets to exactly the same address and port.

Similar to Windows, Solaris has an option to give a socket an exclusive binding. This option is named SO_EXCLBIND. If this option is set on a socket prior to binding it, setting SO_REUSEADDR on another socket has no effect if the two sockets are tested for an address conflict. E.g. if socketA is bound to a wildcard address and socketB has SO_REUSEADDR enabled and is bound to a non-wildcard address and the same port as socketA, this bind will normally succeed, unless socketA had SO_EXCLBIND enabled, in which case it will fail regardless the SO_REUSEADDR flag of socketB.

Other Systems

In case your system is not listed above, I wrote a little test program that you can use to find out how your system handles these two options. Also if you think my results are wrong, please first run that program before posting any comments and possibly making false claims.

All that the code requires to build is a bit POSIX API (for the network parts) and a C99 compiler (actually most non-C99 compiler will work as well as long as they offer inttypes.h and stdbool.h; e.g. gcc supported both long before offering full C99 support).

All that the program needs to run is that at least one interface in your system (other than the local interface) has an IP address assigned and that a default route is set which uses that interface. The program will gather that IP address and use it as the second "specific address".

It tests all possible combinations you can think of:

  • TCP and UDP protocol
  • Normal sockets, listen (server) sockets, multicast sockets
  • SO_REUSEADDR set on socket1, socket2, or both sockets
  • SO_REUSEPORT set on socket1, socket2, or both sockets
  • All address combinations you can make out of (wildcard), (specific address), and the second specific address found at your primary interface (for multicast it's just in all tests)

and prints the results in a nice table. It will also work on systems that don't know SO_REUSEPORT, in which case this option is simply not tested.

What the program cannot easily test is how SO_REUSEADDR acts on sockets in TIME_WAIT state as it's very tricky to force and keep a socket in that state. Fortunately most operating systems seems to simply behave like BSD here and most of the time programmers can simply ignore the existence of that state.

Here's the code (I cannot include it here, answers have a size limit and the code would push this reply over the limit).

How to exclude rows that don't join with another table?

FROM primary_table P
LEFT JOIN secondary_table S on = S.p_id

MySQL WHERE: how to write "!=" or "not equals"?

The != operator most certainly does exist! It is an alias for the standard <> operator.

Perhaps your fields are not actually empty strings, but instead NULL?

To compare to NULL you can use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL or the null safe equals operator <=>.

linux script to kill java process

You can simply use pkill -f like this:

pkill -f 'java -jar'

EDIT: To kill a particular java process running your specific jar use this regex based pkill command:

pkill -f 'java.*lnwskInterface'

generate days from date range

set language  'SPANISH'
DECLARE @table table(fechaDesde datetime , fechaHasta datetime ) 
INSERT @table VALUES('20151231' , '20161231');
        SELECT   DATEADD( m , 1 ,fechaDesde ) as fecha  FROM @table
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  DATEADD( m , 1 ,fecha )
        FROM @table t INNER JOIN x ON  DATEADD( m , 1 ,x.fecha ) <= t.fechaHasta
SELECT LEFT( CONVERT( VARCHAR, fecha , 112 ) , 6 ) as Periodo_Id 
,DATEPART ( dd, DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(fecha)-1),fecha)) Num_Dia_Inicio
,DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(fecha)-1),fecha) Fecha_Inicio
,DATEPART ( mm , fecha ) Mes_Id
,DATEPART ( yy , fecha ) Anio
,DATEPART ( dd, DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,1,fecha))),DATEADD(mm,1,fecha))) Num_Dia_Fin
,DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,1,fecha))),DATEADD(mm,1,fecha)) ultimoDia
,datename(MONTH, fecha) mes
,'Q' + convert(varchar(10),  DATEPART(QUARTER, fecha)) Trimestre_Name

What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

I also get this when using the HTTPS everywhere plugin. This plugin has a list of sites that also have https instead of http. So I assume before the actual request is made it is already being cancelled somehow.

So for example when I go to, in Developer I first see a request with status (terminated). This request has some headers, but only the GET, User-Agent, and Accept. No response as well.

Then there is request to with full headers etc.

So I assume it is used for requests that aren't sent.

Create table using Javascript

var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.setAttribute("id", "tbl");
                document.getElementById("tbl").innerHTML = "<table border = '1'>" +
              '<tr>' +
                '<th>Header 1</th>' +
                '<th>Header 2</th> ' +
                '<th>Header 3</th>' +
              '</tr>' +
              '<tr>' +
                '<td>Data 1</td>' +
                '<td>Data 2</td>' +
                '<td>Data 3</td>' +
              '</tr>' +
              '<tr>' +
                '<td>Data 1</td>' +
                '<td>Data 2</td>' +
                '<td>Data 3</td>' +
              '</tr>' +
              '<tr>' +
                '<td>Data 1</td>' +
                '<td>Data 2</td>' +
                '<td>Data 3</td>' +

How to count digits, letters, spaces for a string in Python?




sadw96aeafae4awdw2 wd100awd

import re

for i in range(a):






The four digits are 96, 4, 2, 100 The number of spaces = 1 number of letters = 19

Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo


From jacoco:prepare-agent that says:

One of the ways to do this in case of maven-surefire-plugin - is to use syntax for late property evaluation:

    <argLine>@{argLine} -your -extra -arguments</argLine>

Note the @{argLine} that's added to -your -extra -arguments.

Thanks Slava Semushin for noticing the change and reporting in the comment.


Following jacoco:prepare-agent that says:

[org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.2-SNAPSHOT:prepare-agent] Prepares a property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent that can be passed as a VM argument to the application under test. Depending on the project packaging type by default a property with the following name is set:

  • tycho.testArgLine for packaging type eclipse-test-plugin and
  • argLine otherwise.

Note that these properties must not be overwritten by the test configuration, otherwise the JaCoCo agent cannot be attached. If you need custom parameters please append them. For example:

<argLine>${argLine} -your -extra -arguments</argLine>

Resulting coverage information is collected during execution and by default written to a file when the process terminates.

you should change the following line in maven-surefire-plugin plugin configuration from (note the ${argLine} inside <argLine>):



<argLine>${argLine} -Xmx2048m</argLine>

Make also the necessary changes to the other plugin maven-failsafe-plugin and replace the following (again, notice the ${argLine}):

<argLine>-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512M ${itCoverageAgent}</argLine>


<argLine>${argLine} -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512M ${itCoverageAgent}</argLine>

Find size of Git repository

UPDATE git 1.8.3 introduced a more efficient way to get a rough size: git count-objects -vH (see answer by @VonC)

For different ideas of "complete size" you could use:

git bundle create tmp.bundle --all
du -sh tmp.bundle

Close (but not exact:)

git gc
du -sh .git/

With the latter, you would also be counting:

  • hooks
  • config (remotes, push branches, settings (whitespace, merge, aliases, user details etc.)
  • stashes (see Can I fetch a stash from a remote repo into a local branch? also)
  • rerere cache (which can get considerable)
  • reflogs
  • backups (from filter-branch, e.g.) and various other things (intermediate state from rebase, bisect etc.)

How to change TextField's height and width?

I think you want to change the inner padding/margin of the TextField.

You can do that by adding isDense: true and contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8) properties as follow:

  padding: EdgeInsets.all(12),
  child: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          border: OutlineInputBorder(),
          labelText: 'Default TextField',
      SizedBox(height: 16,),
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          border: OutlineInputBorder(),
          labelText: 'Densed TextField',
          isDense: true,                      // Added this
      SizedBox(height: 16,),
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          border: OutlineInputBorder(),
          labelText: 'Even Densed TextFiled',
          isDense: true,                      // Added this
          contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8),  // Added this

It will be displayed as:

How to update flutter TextField's height and width / Inner Padding?

Understanding React-Redux and mapStateToProps()

Q: Is this ok?
A: yes

Q: Is this expected?
Yes, this is expected (if you are using react-redux).

Q: Is this an anti-pattern?
A: No, this is not an anti-pattern.

It's called "connecting" your component or "making it smart". It's by design.

It allows you to decouple your component from your state an additional time which increases the modularity of your code. It also allows you to simplify your component state as a subset of your application state which, in fact, helps you comply with the Redux pattern.

Think about it this way: a store is supposed to contain the entire state of your application.
For large applications, this could contain dozens of properties nested many layers deep.
You don't want to haul all that around on each call (expensive).

Without mapStateToProps or some analog thereof, you would be tempted to carve up your state another way to improve performance/simplify.

open a url on click of ok button in android

You can use the below method, which will take your target URL as the only input (Don't forget http://)

void GoToURL(String url){
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
    Intent intent= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,uri);

How to stretch in width a WPF user control to its window?

The Canvas in WPF doesn't provide much automatic layout support. I try to steer clear of them for this reason (HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment don't work as expected), but I got your code to work with these minor modifications (binding the Width and Height of the control to the canvas's ActualWidth/ActualHeight).

<Window x:Class="TCI.Indexer.UI.Operacao"
Title=" " MinHeight="550" MinWidth="675" Loaded="Load" 
ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStyle="None" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" 
WindowState="Maximized" Focusable="True" x:Name="windowOperacao">

<Canvas x:Name="canv">
        <tci:Status x:Name="ucStatus" Width="{Binding ElementName=canv
                                                    , Path=ActualWidth}" 
                                      Height="{Binding ElementName=canv
                                                    , Path=ActualHeight}"/> 
        <!-- the control which I want to stretch in width -->

The Canvas is the problem here. If you're not actually utilizing the features the canvas offers in terms of layout or Z-Order "squashing" (think of the flatten command in PhotoShop), I would consider using a control like a Grid instead so you don't end up having to learn the quirks of a control that works differently than you have come to expect with WPF.

How to protect Excel workbook using VBA?

To lock whole workbook from opening, Thisworkbook.password option can be used in VBA.

If you want to Protect Worksheets, then you have to first Lock the cells with option Thisworkbook.sheets.cells.locked = True and then use the option Thisworkbook.sheets.protect password:="pwd".

Primarily search for these keywords: Thisworkbook.password or Thisworkbook.Sheets.Cells.Locked

How do I make a textbox that only accepts numbers?

You can use the TextChanged event

private void textBox_BiggerThan_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    long a;
    if (! long.TryParse(textBox_BiggerThan.Text, out a))
        // If not int clear textbox text or Undo() last operation

Styling HTML5 input type number

There is a way:

<input type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5"/>  

How to yum install Node.JS on Amazon Linux

I had Node.js 6.x installed and wanted to install Node.js 8.x.

Here's the commands I used (taken from Nodejs's site with a few extra steps to handle the yum cached data):

  1. sudo yum remove nodejs: Uninstall Node.js 6.x (I don't know if this was necessary or not)
  2. curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
  3. sudo yum clean all
  4. sudo yum makecache: Regenerate metadata cache (this wasn't in the docs, but yum kept trying to install Node.jx 6.x, unsuccessfully, until I issued these last two commands)
  5. sudo yum install nodejs: Install Node.js 8.x

react-router getting this.props.location in child components

If the above solution didn't work for you, you can use import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

Using this you can export your child class as -

class MyApp extends Component{
    // your code

export default withRouter(MyApp);

And your class with Router -

// your code
      <Route path="/myapp" component={MyApp} />
      // or if you are sending additional fields
      <Route path="/myapp" component={() =><MyApp process={...} />} />

How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

Following worked for me in eclipse:

Go to AndroidManifest, search and replace old package name with new one and update everything when saving. Go to your root project package then press F2, write new name, and check Update References and Rename subpackages check boxes. After this everything was red in project (complaining about R import for every java file) because it wasn't changing closing tag of my custom view-s in layout xmls. After I changed these manually, everything was back to normal. That is it.

Split Strings into words with multiple word boundary delimiters

Another way, without regex

import string
punc = string.punctuation
thestring = "Hey, you - what are you doing here!?"
s = list(thestring)
''.join([o for o in s if not o in punc]).split()

How can I catch all the exceptions that will be thrown through reading and writing a file?

You may catch multiple exceptions in single catch block.

  // somecode throwing multiple exceptions;
} catch (Exception1 | Exception2 | Exception3 exception){
  // handle exception.

Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y

Here is the example where main container waits for worker when it start responding for pings:

version: '3'
    image: bash
     - worker
    command: bash -c "sleep 2 && until ping -qc1 worker; do sleep 1; done &>/dev/null"
    image: bash
    hostname: test01
    command: bash -c "ip route && sleep 10"
    driver: bridge
      - subnet:

However, the proper way is to use healthcheck (>=2.1).

GCC dump preprocessor defines

Yes, use -E -dM options instead of -c. Example (outputs them to stdout):

 gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null

For C++

 g++ -dM -E -x c++ - < /dev/null

From the gcc manual:

Instead of the normal output, generate a list of `#define' directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros. This gives you a way of finding out what is predefined in your version of the preprocessor. Assuming you have no file foo.h, the command

touch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h

will show all the predefined macros.

If you use -dM without the -E option, -dM is interpreted as a synonym for -fdump-rtl-mach.

For homebrew mysql installs, where's my.cnf?

in my system it was

nano /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.default 

as template and

nano /usr/local/etc/my.cnf

as working.

Getting the last revision number in SVN?

This can be obtained using "SVN" library:

import svn.remote

file_path = "enter your filepath"

svn_inf = svn.remote.RemoteClient(file_path)

head_revision = ([x for x in svn_inf.log_default(revision_to = 'HEAD')] [-1]).revision

The head_revision should contain the latest revision number of the file

PyTorch: How to get the shape of a Tensor as a list of int

Previous answers got you list of torch.Size Here is how to get list of ints

listofints = [int(x) for x in tensor.shape]

refresh both the External data source and pivot tables together within a time schedule

I found this solution online, and it addressed this pretty well. My only concern is looping through all the pivots and queries might become time consuming if there's a lot of them:

Sub RefreshTables()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim objList As ListObject
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each objList In ws.ListObjects
        If objList.SourceType = 3 Then
            With objList.QueryTable
                .BackgroundQuery = False
            End With
        End If
    Next objList
Next ws

Call UpdateAllPivots

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Sub UpdateAllPivots()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
    Next pt
Next ws

End Sub

Python - Count elements in list

just do len(MyList)

This also works for strings, tuples, dict objects.

How do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name?

I had to do the following task to rename local and remote branch:

# Rename the local branch to the new name
git branch -m <old_name> <new_name>

#  Delete the old remote branch
git push origin --delete <old_name>

# push to new remote branch - creates new remote branch
git push origin <new_name>

# set new remote branch as default remote branch for local branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<new_name> <new_name>

Android setOnClickListener method - How does it work?

It works like this. View.OnClickListenere is defined -

public interface OnClickListener {
    void onClick(View v);

As far as we know you cannot instantiate an object OnClickListener, as it doesn't have a method implemented. So there are two ways you can go by - you can implement this interface which will override onClick method like this:

public class MyListener implements View.OnClickListener {
    public void onClick (View v) {
         // your code here;

But it's tedious to do it each time as you want to set a click listener. So in order to avoid this you can provide the implementation for the method on spot, just like in an example you gave.

setOnClickListener takes View.OnClickListener as its parameter.

Could not find or load main class with a Jar File

I had this error because I wrote a wrong Class-Path in my MANIFEST.MF

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

Rand does not get you a random number. It gives you the next number in a sequence generated by a pseudorandom number generator. To get a different sequence every time you start your program, you have to seed the algorithm by calling srand.

A (very bad) way to do it is by passing it the current time:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
    int i, j = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        j = rand();
        printf("j = %d\n", j);
    return 0;

Why this is a bad way? Because a pseudorandom number generator is as good as its seed, and the seed must be unpredictable. That is why you may need a better source of entropy, like reading from /dev/urandom.

git stash blunder: git stash pop and ended up with merge conflicts

Note that Git 2.5 (Q2 2015) a future Git might try to make that scenario impossible.

See commit ed178ef by Jeff King (peff), 22 Apr 2015.
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 05c3967, 19 May 2015)

Note: This has been reverted. See below.

stash: require a clean index to apply/pop


If you have staged contents in your index and run "stash apply/pop", we may hit a conflict and put new entries into the index.
Recovering to your original state is difficult at that point, because tools like "git reset --keep" will blow away anything staged.

In other words:

"git stash pop/apply" forgot to make sure that not just the working tree is clean but also the index is clean.
The latter is important as a stash application can conflict and the index will be used for conflict resolution.


We can make this safer by refusing to apply when there are staged changes.

That means if there were merges before because of applying a stash on modified files (added but not committed), now they would not be any merges because the stash apply/pop would stop immediately with:

Cannot apply stash: Your index contains uncommitted changes.

Forcing you to commit the changes means that, in case of merges, you can easily restore the initial state( before git stash apply/pop) with a git reset --hard.

See commit 1937610 (15 Jun 2015), and commit ed178ef (22 Apr 2015) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit bfb539b, 24 Jun 2015)

That commit was an attempt to improve the safety of applying a stash, because the application process may create conflicted index entries, after which it is hard to restore the original index state.

Unfortunately, this hurts some common workflows around "git stash -k", like:

git add -p       ;# (1) stage set of proposed changes
git stash -k     ;# (2) get rid of everything else
make test        ;# (3) make sure proposal is reasonable
git stash apply  ;# (4) restore original working tree

If you "git commit" between steps (3) and (4), then this just works. However, if these steps are part of a pre-commit hook, you don't have that opportunity (you have to restore the original state regardless of whether the tests passed or failed).

2D Euclidean vector rotations

you should remove the vars from the function:

x = x * cs - y * sn; // now x is something different than original vector x
y = x * sn + y * cs;

create new coordinates becomes, to avoid calculation of x before it reaches the second line:

px = x * cs - y * sn; 
py = x * sn + y * cs;

Converting bytes to megabytes

Divide by 2 to the power of 20, (1024*1024) bytes = 1 megabyte

1024*1024 = 1,048,576   
2^20 = 1,048,576
1,048,576/1,048,576 = 1  

It is the same thing.

Which type of folder structure should be used with Angular 2?

Maybe something like this structure:

|-- app
     |-- modules
       |-- home
           |-- [+] components
           |-- pages
              |-- home
              |-- home.component.ts|html|scss|spec
           |-- home-routing.module.ts
           |-- home.module.ts
     |-- core
       |-- authentication
           |-- authentication.service.ts|spec.ts
       |-- footer
           |-- footer.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
       |-- guards
           |-- auth.guard.ts
           |-- no-auth-guard.ts
           |-- admin-guard.ts 
       |-- http
           |-- user
               |-- user.service.ts|spec.ts
           |-- api.service.ts|spec.ts
       |-- interceptors
           |-- api-prefix.interceptor.ts
           |-- error-handler.interceptor.ts
           |-- http.token.interceptor.ts
       |-- mocks
           |-- user.mock.ts
       |-- services
           |-- srv1.service.ts|spec.ts
           |-- srv2.service.ts|spec.ts
       |-- header
           |-- header.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
       |-- core.module.ts
       |-- ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts
       |-- logger.service.ts
     |-- shared
          |-- components
              |-- loader
                  |-- loader.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
          |-- buttons
              |-- favorite-button
                  |-- favorite-button.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
              |-- collapse-button
                  |-- collapse-button.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
          |-- directives
              |-- auth.directive.ts|spec.ts
          |-- pipes
              |-- capitalize.pipe.ts
              |-- safe.pipe.ts
     |-- configs
         |-- app-settings.config.ts
         |-- dt-norwegian.config.ts
     |-- scss
          |-- [+] partials
          |-- _base.scss
          |-- styles.scss
     |-- assets

Where to find the win32api module for Python?

I've found that UC Irvine has a great collection of python modules, pywin32 (win32api) being one of many listed there. I'm not sure how they do with keeping up with the latest versions of these modules but it hasn't let me down yet.

UC Irvine Python Extension Repository -

pywin32 module -

Ruby sleep or delay less than a second?


As to your follow up question if that's the best way: No, you could get not-so-smooth framerates because the rendering of each frame might not take the same amount of time.

You could try one of these solutions:

  • Use a timer which fires 24 times a second with the drawing code.
  • Create as many frames as possible, create the motion based on the time passed, not per frame.

How to find value using key in javascript dictionary

Arrays in JavaScript don't use strings as keys. You will probably find that the value is there, but the key is an integer.

If you make Dict into an object, this will work:

var dict = {};
var addPair = function (myKey, myValue) {
    dict[myKey] = myValue;
var giveValue = function (myKey) {
    return dict[myKey];

The myKey variable is already a string, so you don't need more quotes.

Python Decimals format

Here's a function that will do the trick:

def myformat(x):
    return ('%.2f' % x).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

And here are your examples:

>>> myformat(1.00)
>>> myformat(1.20)
>>> myformat(1.23)
>>> myformat(1.234)
>>> myformat(1.2345)


From looking at other people's answers and experimenting, I found that g does all of the stripping stuff for you. So,

'%.3g' % x

works splendidly too and is slightly different from what other people are suggesting (using '{0:.3}'.format() stuff). I guess take your pick.

Upload file to SFTP using PowerShell

There isn't currently a built-in PowerShell method for doing the SFTP part. You'll have to use something like psftp.exe or a PowerShell module like Posh-SSH.

Here is an example using Posh-SSH:

# Set the credentials
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password1' -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('root', $Password)

# Set local file path, SFTP path, and the backup location path which I assume is an SMB path
$FilePath = "C:\FileDump\test.txt"
$SftpPath = '/Outbox'
$SmbPath = '\\filer01\Backup'

# Set the IP of the SFTP server
$SftpIp = ''

# Load the Posh-SSH module
Import-Module C:\Temp\Posh-SSH

# Establish the SFTP connection
$ThisSession = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $SftpIp -Credential $Credential

# Upload the file to the SFTP path
Set-SFTPFile -SessionId ($ThisSession).SessionId -LocalFile $FilePath -RemotePath $SftpPath

#Disconnect all SFTP Sessions
Get-SFTPSession | % { Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId ($_.SessionId) }

# Copy the file to the SMB location
Copy-Item -Path $FilePath -Destination $SmbPath

Some additional notes:

  • You'll have to download the Posh-SSH module which you can install to your user module directory (e.g. C:\Users\jon_dechiro\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules) and just load using the name or put it anywhere and load it like I have in the code above.
  • If having the credentials in the script is not acceptable you'll have to use a credential file. If you need help with that I can update with some details or point you to some links.
  • Change the paths, IPs, etc. as needed.

That should give you a decent starting point.

How can I refresh c# dataGridView after update ?

You can use the DataGridView refresh method. But... in a lot of cases you have to refresh the DataGridView from methods running on a different thread than the one where the DataGridView is running. In order to do that you should implement the following method and call it rather than directly typing DataGridView.Refresh():

    private void RefreshGridView()
        if (dataGridView1.InvokeRequired)
            dataGridView1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()

Select a date from date picker using Selenium webdriver

You can handle in many ways in Selenium.

You can use direct click operation to Select values


you can write general xpath to match all values from calender and click on specific date as per requirement.

I have written detailed post on it.

Hope it will help

UITextView that expands to text using auto layout

Summary: Disable scrolling of your text view, and don't constraint its height.

To do this programmatically, put the following code in viewDidLoad:

let textView = UITextView(frame: .zero, textContainer: nil)
textView.backgroundColor = .yellow // visual debugging
textView.isScrollEnabled = false   // causes expanding height

// Auto Layout
textView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let safeArea = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
    textView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.topAnchor),
    textView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.leadingAnchor),
    textView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.trailingAnchor)

To do this in Interface Builder, select the text view, uncheck Scrolling Enabled in the Attributes Inspector, and add the constraints manually.

Note: If you have other view/s above/below your text view, consider using a UIStackView to arrange them all.

How to implement the ReLU function in Numpy

EDIT As jirassimok has mentioned below my function will change the data in place, after that it runs a lot faster in timeit. This causes the good results. It's some kind of cheating. Sorry for your inconvenience.

I found a faster method for ReLU with numpy. You can use the fancy index feature of numpy as well.

fancy index:

20.3 ms ± 272 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

>>> x = np.random.random((5,5)) - 0.5 
>>> x
array([[-0.21444316, -0.05676216,  0.43956365, -0.30788116, -0.19952038],
       [-0.43062223,  0.12144647, -0.05698369, -0.32187085,  0.24901568],
       [ 0.06785385, -0.43476031, -0.0735933 ,  0.3736868 ,  0.24832288],
       [ 0.47085262, -0.06379623,  0.46904916, -0.29421609, -0.15091168],
       [ 0.08381359, -0.25068492, -0.25733763, -0.1852205 , -0.42816953]])
>>> x[x<0]=0
>>> x
array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.43956365,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.        ,  0.12144647,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.24901568],
       [ 0.06785385,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.3736868 ,  0.24832288],
       [ 0.47085262,  0.        ,  0.46904916,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.08381359,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ]])

Here is my benchmark:

import numpy as np
x = np.random.random((5000, 5000)) - 0.5
print("max method:")
%timeit -n10 np.maximum(x, 0)
print("max inplace method:")
%timeit -n10 np.maximum(x, 0,x)
print("multiplication method:")
%timeit -n10 x * (x > 0)
print("abs method:")
%timeit -n10 (abs(x) + x) / 2
print("fancy index:")
%timeit -n10 x[x<0] =0

max method:
241 ms ± 3.53 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
max inplace method:
38.5 ms ± 4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
multiplication method:
162 ms ± 3.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
abs method:
181 ms ± 4.18 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
fancy index:
20.3 ms ± 272 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

See changes to a specific file using git

Another method (mentioned in this SO answer) will keep the history in the terminal and give you a very deep track record of the file itself:

git log --follow -p -- file

This will show the entire history of the file (including history beyond renames and with diffs for each change).

In other words, if the file named bar was once named foo, then git log -p bar (without the --follow option) will only show the file's history up to the point where it was renamed -- it won't show the file's history when it was known as foo. Using git log --follow -p bar will show the file's entire history, including any changes to the file when it was known as foo.

How to get the last char of a string in PHP?

I can't leave comments, but in regard to FastTrack's answer, also remember that the line ending may be only single character. I would suggest

substr(trim($string), -1)

EDIT: My code below was edited by someone, making it not do what I indicated. I have restored my original code and changed the wording to make it more clear.

trim (or rtrim) will remove all whitespace, so if you do need to check for a space, tab, or other whitespace, manually replace the various line endings first:

$order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
$string = str_replace($order, '', $string);
$lastchar = substr($string, -1);

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

Here's a one-liner using Maven:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38

Then, with default settings, it's available in:


Just replace the version number if you need a different one.

compareTo with primitives -> Integer / int

Use, int). And don'try to micro-optimize your code unless you can prove that you have a performance issue.

PHP - Failed to open stream : No such file or directory

To add to the (really good) existing answer

Shared Hosting Software

open_basedir is one that can stump you because it can be specified in a web server configuration. While this is easily remedied if you run your own dedicated server, there are some shared hosting software packages out there (like Plesk, cPanel, etc) that will configure a configuration directive on a per-domain basis. Because the software builds the configuration file (i.e. httpd.conf) you cannot change that file directly because the hosting software will just overwrite it when it restarts.

With Plesk, they provide a place to override the provided httpd.conf called vhost.conf. Only the server admin can write this file. The configuration for Apache looks something like this

<Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
        php_admin_flag engine on
        php_admin_flag safe_mode off
        php_admin_value open_basedir "/var/www/vhosts/"

Have your server admin consult the manual for the hosting and web server software they use.

File Permissions

It's important to note that executing a file through your web server is very different from a command line or cron job execution. The big difference is that your web server has its own user and permissions. For security reasons that user is pretty restricted. Apache, for instance, is often apache, www-data or httpd (depending on your server). A cron job or CLI execution has whatever permissions that the user running it has (i.e. running a PHP script as root will execute with permissions of root).

A lot of times people will solve a permissions problem by doing the following (Linux example)

chmod 777 /path/to/file

This is not a smart idea, because the file or directory is now world writable. If you own the server and are the only user then this isn't such a big deal, but if you're on a shared hosting environment you've just given everyone on your server access.

What you need to do is determine the user(s) that need access and give only those them access. Once you know which users need access you'll want to make sure that

  1. That user owns the file and possibly the parent directory (especially the parent directory if you want to write files). In most shared hosting environments this won't be an issue, because your user should own all the files underneath your root. A Linux example is shown below

     chown apache:apache /path/to/file
  2. The user, and only that user, has access. In Linux, a good practice would be chmod 600 (only owner can read and write) or chmod 644 (owner can write but everyone can read)

You can read a more extended discussion of Linux/Unix permissions and users here

CMake does not find Visual C++ compiler

Make sure you are using the correct version of Visual Studio in the generator. I had incorrectly selected Visual Studio 15 when Visual Studio 14 installed.

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment when swapping values

Evaluating "1,2,3" results in (1, 2, 3), a tuple. As you've discovered, tuples are immutable. Convert to a list before processing.

How can I make the computer beep in C#?

In .Net 2.0, you can use Console.Beep().

// Default beep

You can also specify the frequency and length of the beep in milliseconds.

// Beep at 5000 Hz for 1 second
Console.Beep(5000, 1000);

For more information refer

C++ Remove new line from multiline string

 std::string some_str = SOME_VAL;
 if ( some_str.size() > 0 && some_str[some_str.length()-1] == '\n' ) 
  some_str.resize( some_str.length()-1 );

or (removes several newlines at the end)

some_str.resize( some_str.find_last_not_of(L"\n")+1 );

Connecting PostgreSQL 9.2.1 with Hibernate

Yes by using spring-boot with hibernate configuration files we can persist the data to the database. keep hibernating .cfg.xml in your src/main/resources folder for reading the configurations related to database.

enter image description here

How to get the request parameters in Symfony 2?

The naming is not all that intuitive:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

public function updateAction(Request $request)
    // $_GET parameters

    // $_POST parameters

Send POST data via raw json with postman

I was facing the same problem, following code worked for me:

$params = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE);

Java program to get the current date without timestamp

You could use

// Format a string containing a date.
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import static java.util.Calendar.*;

Calendar c = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c);
// -> s == "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995"

Have a look at the Formatter API documentation.

JPG vs. JPEG image formats

They are identical. JPG is simply a holdover from the days of DOS when file extensions were required to be 3 characters long. You can find out more information about the JPEG standard here. A question very similar to this one was asked over at SuperUser, where the accepted answer should give you some more detailed information.

Remove NaN from pandas series

>>> s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,np.NaN,5,np.NaN])
>>> s[~s.isnull()]
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

update or even better approach as @DSM suggested in comments, using pandas.Series.dropna():

>>> s.dropna()
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

How to recompile with -fPIC

Have a look at this page.

you can try globally adding the flag using: export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fPIC"

ie8 var w= - "Message: Invalid argument."

The answers here are correct in that IE does not support spaces when setting the title in, none seem to offer a workaround.

I removed the title from my call (you can use null or ''), and hten added the following to the page being opened:

<script>document.title = 'My new title';</script>

Not ideal by any means, but this will allow you to set the title to whatever you want in all browsers.

How to select first child with jQuery?

As @Roko mentioned you can do this in multiple ways.

1.Using the jQuery first-child selector - SnoopCode

    $(".alldivs onediv:first-child").css("background-color","yellow");
  1. Using jQuery eq Selector - SnoopCode

     $( "body" ).find( "onediv" ).eq(1).addClass( "red" );
  2. Using jQuery Id Selector - SnoopCode

         $("#div1").css("background-color: red;");

Laravel - Model Class not found

I had the same error in Laravel 5.2, turns out the namespace is incorrect in the model class definition.

I created my model using the command:

php artisan make:model myModel

By default, Laravel 5 creates the model under App folder, but if you were to move the model to another folder like I did, you must change the the namespace inside the model definition too:

namespace App\ModelFolder;

To include the folder name when creating the model you could use (don't forget to use double back slashes):

php artisan make:model ModelFolder\\myModel

PDO get the last ID inserted

That's because that's an SQL function, not PHP. You can use PDO::lastInsertId().


$stmt = $db->prepare("...");
$id = $db->lastInsertId();

If you want to do it with SQL instead of the PDO API, you would do it like a normal select query:

$stmt = $db->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
$lastId = $stmt->fetchColumn();

Regex Explanation ^.*$

  • ^ matches position just before the first character of the string
  • $ matches position just after the last character of the string
  • . matches a single character. Does not matter what character it is, except newline
  • * matches preceding match zero or more times

So, ^.*$ means - match, from beginning to end, any character that appears zero or more times. Basically, that means - match everything from start to end of the string. This regex pattern is not very useful.

Let's take a regex pattern that may be a bit useful. Let's say I have two strings The bat of Matt Jones and Matthew's last name is Jones. The pattern ^Matt.*Jones$ will match Matthew's last name is Jones. Why? The pattern says - the string should start with Matt and end with Jones and there can be zero or more characters (any characters) in between them.

Feel free to use an online tool like to test out regex patterns and strings.

Reading rather large json files in Python

The issue here is that JSON, as a format, is generally parsed in full and then handled in-memory, which for such a large amount of data is clearly problematic.

The solution to this is to work with the data as a stream - reading part of the file, working with it, and then repeating.

The best option appears to be using something like ijson - a module that will work with JSON as a stream, rather than as a block file.

Edit: Also worth a look - kashif's comment about json-streamer and Henrik Heino's comment about bigjson. drops 113 error: Could not find specified service

On OS X, it's necessary to make sure Sandbox capabilities are set-up properly in order to use WKWebView.

This link made this clear to me:

Sharing hoping that it will help someone.

Select the Project File in the Navigator, select Capabilities, then make sure that:
* App Sandbox is OFF,
* App Sandbox is ON AND Outgoing Connections (Client) is checked.

How to detect when WIFI Connection has been established in Android?

This code does not require permission at all. It is restricted only to Wi-Fi network connectivity state changes (any other network is not taken into account). The receiver is statically published in the AndroidManifest.xml file and does not need to be exported as it will be invoked by the system protected broadcast, NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, at every network connectivity state change.



        <!--protected-broadcast: Special broadcast that only the system can send-->
        <!--Corresponds to:>
        <action android:name="" />


BroadcastReceiver class:

public class WifiReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
 Tested (I didn't test with the WPS "Wi-Fi Protected Setup" standard):
 In API15 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) this method is called when the new Wi-Fi network state is:

 In API19 (KITKAT) this method is called when the new Wi-Fi network state is:

 (Those states can be obtained as NetworkInfo.DetailedState objects by calling
 the NetworkInfo object method: "networkInfo.getDetailedState()")
     * NetworkInfo object associated with the Wi-Fi network.
     * It won't be null when "" action intent arrives.
    NetworkInfo networkInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO);

    if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected()) {
        // TODO: Place the work here, like retrieving the access point's SSID

         * WifiInfo object giving information about the access point we are connected to.
         * It shouldn't be null when the new Wi-Fi network state is CONNECTED, but it got
         * null sometimes when connecting to a "virtualized Wi-Fi router" in API15.
        WifiInfo wifiInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_INFO);
        String ssid = wifiInfo.getSSID();



How to Flatten a Multidimensional Array?

To flatten w/o recursion (as you have asked for), you can use a stack. Naturally you can put this into a function of it's own like array_flatten. The following is a version that works w/o keys:.

function array_flatten(array $array)
    $flat = array(); // initialize return array
    $stack = array_values($array); // initialize stack
    while($stack) // process stack until done
        $value = array_shift($stack);
        if (is_array($value)) // a value to further process
            array_unshift($stack, ...$value);
        else // a value to take
            $flat[] = $value;
    return $flat;

Elements are processed in their order. Because subelements will be moved on top of the stack, they will be processed next.

It's possible to take keys into account as well, however, you'll need a different strategy to handle the stack. That's needed because you need to deal with possible duplicate keys in the sub-arrays. A similar answer in a related question: PHP Walk through multidimensional array while preserving keys

I'm not specifically sure, but I I had tested this in the past: The RecurisiveIterator does use recursion, so it depends on what you really need. Should be possible to create a recursive iterator based on stacks as well:

foreach(new FlatRecursiveArrayIterator($array) as $key => $value)
    echo "** ($key) $value\n";


I didn't make it so far, to implement the stack based on RecursiveIterator which I think is a nice idea.

Batch script loop

DOS doesn't offer very elegant mechanisms for this, but I think you can still code a loop for 100 or 200 iterations with reasonable effort. While there's not a numeric for loop, you can use a character string as a "loop variable."

Code the loop using GOTO, and for each iteration use SET X=%X%@ to add yet another @ sign to an environment variable X; and to exit the loop, compare the value of X with a string of 100 (or 200) @ signs.

I never said this was elegant, but it should work!

Git:nothing added to commit but untracked files present

Please Follow this process

First of all install git bash and create a repository on git

1) Go to working directory where the file exist which you want to push on remote and create .git folder by

$ git init

2) Add the files in your new local repository.

$ git add .

Note: while you are in same folder make sure you have placed dot after command if you putting path or not putting dot that will create ambiguity

3) Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.

$ git commit -m "First commit"**

4) after this go to git repository and copy remote URL

$ git remote add origin *remote repository URL


$ git remote -v

Note: this will ask for and just put it as per config


$ git push origin master

this will push whole committed code to FILE.git on repository

And I think we done

What is the best way to dump entire objects to a log in C#?

You could use reflection and loop through all the object properties, then get their values and save them to the log. The formatting is really trivial (you could use \t to indent an objects properties and its values):

    Property1 = value
    Property2 = value2
       OtherProperty = value ...

What is ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING used for in Teradata?

ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is no Teradata-specific syntax, it's Standard SQL. Together with the ORDER BY it defines the window on which the result is calculated.

Logically a Windowed Aggregate Function is newly calculated for each row within the PARTITION based on all ROWS between a starting row and an ending row.

Starting and ending rows might be fixed or relative to the current row based on the following keywords:

  • CURRENT ROW, the current row
  • UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, all rows before the current row -> fixed
  • UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING, all rows after the current row -> fixed
  • x PRECEDING, x rows before the current row -> relative
  • y FOLLOWING, y rows after the current row -> relative

Possible kinds of calculation include:

  • Both starting and ending row are fixed, the window consists of all rows of a partition, e.g. a Group Sum, i.e. aggregate plus detail rows
  • One end is fixed, the other relative to current row, the number of rows increases or decreases, e.g. a Running Total, Remaining Sum
  • Starting and ending row are relative to current row, the number of rows within a window is fixed, e.g. a Moving Average over n rows

So SUM(x) OVER (ORDER BY col ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) results in a Cumulative Sum or Running Total

11 -> 11
 2 -> 11 +  2                = 13
 3 -> 13 +  3 (or 11+2+3)    = 16
44 -> 16 + 44 (or 11+2+3+44) = 60

Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved

As an alternative source to the same problem, this answer cites using Maven 3 versus Maven 2 as the potential cause of this issue. Near as I can tell, this is due to changes in local repository resolution that was changed in Maven 3. Putting this here in case anyone else googles for it and reaches this answer (as I did).

Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube)

Edit #3:

The Navigation Drawer pattern is officially described in the Android documentation!

enter image description here Check out the following links:

  • Design docs can be found here.
  • Developer docs can be found here.

Edit #2:

Roman Nurik (an Android design engineer at Google) has confirmed that the recommended behavior is to not move the Action Bar when opening the drawer (like the YouTube app). See this Google+ post.

Edit #1:

I answered this question a while ago, but I'm back to re-emphasize that Prixing has the best fly-out menu out there... by far. It's absolutely beautiful, perfectly smooth, and it puts Facebook, Google+, and YouTube to shame. EverNote is pretty good too... but still not as perfect as Prixing. Check out this series of posts on how the flyout menu was implemented (from none other than the head developer at Prixing himself!).

Original Answer:

Adam Powell and Richard Fulcher talk about this at 49:47 - 52:50 in the Google I/O talk titled "Navigation in Android".

To summarize their answer, as of the date of this posting the slide out navigation menu is not officially part of the Android application design standard. As you have probably discovered, there's currently no native support for this feature, but there was talk about making this an addition to an upcoming revision of the support package.

With regards to the YouTube and G+ apps, it does seem odd that they behave differently. My best guess is that the reason the YouTube app fixes the position of the action bar is,

  1. One of the most important navigational options for users using the YouTube app is search, which is performed in the SearchView in the action bar. It would make sense to make the action bar static in this regard, since it would allow the user to always have the option to search for new videos.

  2. The G+ app uses a ViewPager to display its content, so making the pull out menu specific to the layout content (i.e. everything under the action bar) wouldn't make much sense. Swiping is supposed to provide a means of navigating between pages, not a means of global navigation. This might be why they decided to do it differently in the G+ app than they did in the YouTube app.

    On another note, check out the Google Play app for another version of the "pull out menu" (when you are at the left most page, swipe left and a pull out, "half-page" menu will appear).

You're right in that this isn't very consistent behavior, but it doesn't seem like there is a 100% consensus within the Android team on how this behavior should be implemented yet. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future the apps are updated so that the navigation in both apps are identical (they seemed very keen on making navigation consistent across all Google-made apps in the talk).

Format number to 2 decimal places

Just use format(number, qtyDecimals) sample: format(1000, 2) result 1000.00

Cast object to interface in TypeScript

If it helps anyone, I was having an issue where I wanted to treat an object as another type with a similar interface. I attempted the following:

Didn't pass linting

const x = new Obj(a as b);

The linter was complaining that a was missing properties that existed on b. In other words, a had some properties and methods of b, but not all. To work around this, I followed VS Code's suggestion:

Passed linting and testing

const x = new Obj(a as unknown as b);

Note that if your code attempts to call one of the properties that exists on type b that is not implemented on type a, you should realize a runtime fault.

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

@amitchhajer 's post works for GNU tar. If someone finds this post and needs it to work on a NON GNU system, they can do this:

tar cvf - folderToCompress | gzip > compressFileName

To expand the archive:

zcat compressFileName | tar xvf -

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

In Python 3.7

Return a datetime corresponding to a date_string in one of the formats emitted by date.isoformat() and datetime.isoformat(). Specifically, this function supports strings in the format(s) YYYY-MM-DD[*HH[:MM[:SS[.fff[fff]]]][+HH:MM[:SS[.ffffff]]]], where * can match any single character.

Impersonate tag in Web.Config

You had the identity node as a child of authentication node. That was the issue. As in the example above, authentication and identity nodes must be children of the system.web node

Should a retrieval method return 'null' or throw an exception when it can't produce the return value?

Prefer returning null --

If the caller uses it without checking, the exception happens right there anyway.

If the caller doesn't really use it, don't tax him a try/catch block

Styling Google Maps InfoWindow

Use the InfoBox plugin from the Google Maps Utility Library. It makes styling/managing map pop-ups much easier.

Note that you'll need to make sure it loads after the google maps API:

<script src="" async defer></script>
<script src="/js/infobox_packed.js" async defer></script>

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

You should do it with getActivity().startActivity(myIntent)

Android: How to Programmatically set the size of a Layout

my sample code

wv = (WebView) findViewById(;
wv.getLayoutParams().height = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; // LayoutParams: android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams
// wv.getLayoutParams().height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
wv.requestLayout();//It is necesary to refresh the screen

How do I check OS with a preprocessor directive?

On MinGW, the _WIN32 define check isn't working. Here's a solution:

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    // Windows (x86 or x64)
    // ...
#elif defined(__linux__)
    // Linux
    // ...
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
    // Mac OS
    // ...
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix)
    // Unix like OS
    // ...
    #error Unknown environment!

For more information please look:

Check if DataRow exists by column name in c#?

if (drMyRow.Table.Columns["ColNameToCheck"] != null)
else { return; }

Although the DataRow does not have a Columns property, it does have a Table that the column can be checked for.

Hibernate problem - "Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class"

Your annotations look fine. Here are the things to check:

  • make sure the annotation is javax.persistence.Entity, and not org.hibernate.annotations.Entity. The former makes the entity detectable. The latter is just an addition.

  • if you are manually listing your entities (in persistence.xml, in hibernate.cfg.xml, or when configuring your session factory), then make sure you have also listed the ScopeTopic entity

  • make sure you don't have multiple ScopeTopic classes in different packages, and you've imported the wrong one.

How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery

Try this code:

    $(function() { 
        // ...

        var $body = $(document);
        $body.bind('scroll', function() {
            if ($body.scrollLeft() !== 0) {

        // ...

Minimum and maximum date

From the spec, §

A Date object contains a Number indicating a particular instant in time to within a millisecond. Such a Number is called a time value. A time value may also be NaN, indicating that the Date object does not represent a specific instant of time.

Time is measured in ECMAScript in milliseconds since 01 January, 1970 UTC. In time values leap seconds are ignored. It is assumed that there are exactly 86,400,000 milliseconds per day. ECMAScript Number values can represent all integers from –9,007,199,254,740,992 to 9,007,199,254,740,992; this range suffices to measure times to millisecond precision for any instant that is within approximately 285,616 years, either forward or backward, from 01 January, 1970 UTC.

The actual range of times supported by ECMAScript Date objects is slightly smaller: exactly –100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days measured relative to midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC. This gives a range of 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds to either side of 01 January, 1970 UTC.

The exact moment of midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC is represented by the value +0.

The third paragraph being the most relevant. Based on that paragraph, we can get the precise earliest date per spec from new Date(-8640000000000000), which is Tuesday, April 20th, 271,821 BCE (BCE = Before Common Era, e.g., the year -271,821).

Which mime type should I use for mp3

Your best bet would be using the RFC defined mime-type audio/mpeg.

MySQL Error 1264: out of range value for column


Make sure your AUTO_INCREMENT is not out of range. In that case, set a new value for it with:

ALTER TABLE table_name AUTO_INCREMENT=100 -- Change 100 to the desired number


AUTO_INCREMENT can contain a number that is bigger than the maximum value allowed by the datatype. This can happen if you filled up a table that you emptied afterward but the AUTO_INCREMENT stayed the same, but there might be different reasons as well. In this case a new entry's id would be out of range.


If this is the cause of your problem, you can fix it by setting AUTO_INCREMENT to one bigger than the latest row's id. So if your latest row's id is 100 then:


If you would like to check AUTO_INCREMENT's current value, use this command:

AND   TABLE_NAME   = 'TableName';

How to convert a Java object (bean) to key-value pairs (and vice versa)?

With Java 8 you may try this :

public Map<String, Object> toKeyValuePairs(Object instance) {
                    m -> {
                        try {
                            Object result = m.invoke(instance);
                            return result != null ? result : "";
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            return "";

How to find my Subversion server version number?

There really isn't an easy way to find out what version of Subversion your server is running -- except to get onto the server and see for yourself.

However, this may not be as big a problem as you may think. Subversion clients is were much of the grunt work is handled, and most versions of the Subversion clients can work with almost any version of the server.

The last release where the server version really made a difference to the client was the change from release 1.4 to release 1.5 when merge tracking was added. Merge tracking had been greatly improved in version 1.6, but that doesn't really affect the interactions between the client and server.

Let's take the latest changes in Subversion 1.8:

  • svn move is now a first class operation: Subversion finally understands the svn move is not a svn copy and svn delete. However, this is something that the client handles and doesn't really affect the server version.
  • svn merge --reintegrate deprecated: Again, as long as the server is at version 1.5 or greater this isn't an issue.
  • Property Inheritance: This is another 1.8 release update, but this will work with any Subversion server -- although Subversion servers running 1.8 will deliver better performance on inheritable properties.
  • Two new inheritable properties - svn:global-ignores and svn:auto-props: Alas! What we really wanted. A way to setup these two properties without depending upon the Subversion configuration file itself. However, this is a client-only issue, so it again doesn't matter what version of the server you're using.
  • gnu-agent memory caching: Another client-only feature.
  • fsfs performance enhancements and authz in-repository authentication. Nice features, but these work no matter what version of the client you're using.

Of all the features, only one depends upon the version of the server being 1.5 or greater (and 1.4 has been obsolete for quite a while. The newer features of 1.8 will improve performance of your working copy, but the server being at revision 1.8 isn't necessary. You're much more affected by your client version than your server version.

I know this isn't the answer you wanted (no official way to see the server version), but fortunately the server version doesn't really affect you that much.

Adding header to all request with Retrofit 2

OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder();

httpClient.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
    public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request().newBuilder().addHeader("parameter", "value").build();
        return chain.proceed(request);
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()).baseUrl(url).client(;

Opposite of append in jquery

Use the remove() method:


How to use Git and Dropbox together?

I like the top-voted answer by Dan McNevin. I ended up doing the sequence of git commands too many times and decided to make a script. So here it is:


# Usage
usage() {
    echo "Usage: ${0} -m [ master-branch-directory ] -r [ remote-branch-directory ] [ project-name ]"
    exit 1

# Defaults
defaults() {
    gitignorefile="# OS generated files #\n\n.DS_Store\n.DS_Store?\n.Spotlight-V100\n.Trashes\nehthumbs.db\nThumbs.db"

# Check if no arguments
if [ ${#} -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "Error: No arguments specified"

#Set defaults

# Parse arguments
while [ ${#} -ge 1 ]; do
    case "${1}" in
        '-h' | '--help' ) usage ;;
        '-m' )
        '-r' )
        * )

# check if specified directories and project name exists
if [ -z "${projectname}" ]; then
    echo "Error: Project name not specified"

if [ ! -d "${remotedir}" ]; then
    echo "Error: Remote directory ${remotedir} does not exist"

if [ ! -d "${masterdir}" ]; then
    echo "Error: Master directory ${masterdir} does not exist"

#absolute paths
remotedir="`( cd \"${remotedir}\" && pwd )`"
masterdir="`( cd \"${masterdir}\" && pwd )`"

#Make master git repository
cd "${masterdir}"
git init --bare "${projectname}"

#make local repository and push to master
cd "${remotedir}"
echo -e "${gitignorefile}" > .gitignore # default .gitignore file
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin "${masterdir}/${projectname}"
git push -u origin master

echo "----- Locations -----"
echo "Remote branch location: ${remotedir}"
echo "Master branch location: ${masterdir}"
echo "Project Name: ${projectname}"

The script only requires a project name. It will generate a git repository in ~/Dropbox/git/ under the specified name and will push the entire contents of the current directory to the newly created origin master branch. If more than one project name is given, the right-most project name argument will be used.

Optionally, the -r command argument specifies the remote branch that will push to the origin master. The location of the project origin master can also be specified with the -m argument. A default .gitignore file is also placed in the remote branch directory. The directory and .gitignore file defaults are specified in the script.

Server http:/localhost:8080 requires a user name and a password. The server says: XDB

you can find the username and password details in your {tomcat installation directory}/conf/tomcat-users.xml

No Such Element Exception?

I had run into the same issue while I was dealing with large dataset. One thing I've noticed was the NoSuchElementException is thrown when the Scanner reaches the endOfFile, where it is not going to affect our data.

Here, I've placed my code in try block and catch block handles the exception. You can also leave it empty, if you don't want to perform any task.

For the above question, because you are using both in the condition and in the while loop you can handle the exception as

    try{; //stack trace error here
       }catch(NoSuchElementException e) {  }

This worked perfectly for me, if there are any corner cases for my approach, do let me know through comments.

R apply function with multiple parameters

Just pass var2 as an extra argument to one of the apply functions.

mylist <- list(a=1,b=2,c=3)
myfxn <- function(var1,var2){
var2 <- 2


This passes the same var2 to every call of myfxn. If instead you want each call of myfxn to get the 1st/2nd/3rd/etc. element of both mylist and var2, then you're in mapply's domain.

Adding blank spaces to layout

Below is the simple way to create blank line with line size. Here we can adjust size of the blank line. Try this one.


Why use Redux over Facebook Flux?

I worked quite a long time with Flux and now quite a long time using Redux. As Dan pointed out both architectures are not so different. The thing is that Redux makes the things simpler and cleaner. It teaches you a couple of things on top of Flux. Like for example Flux is a perfect example of one-direction data flow. Separation of concerns where we have data, its manipulations and view layer separated. In Redux we have the same things but we also learn about immutability and pure functions.

Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

This worked for me by calling eval on each script content from ajax .done :

$.ajax({}).done(function (data) {      
    $('div#content script').each(function (index, element) { eval(element.innerHTML); 

Note: I didn't write parameters to $.ajax which you have to adjust according to your ajax.

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory

I do this simply by passing the user credentials to ldap_bind().

If the account can bind to LDAP, it's valid; if it can't, it's not. If all you're doing is authentication (not account management), I don't see the need for a library.

How to jump to top of browser page

I know this is old, but for those having problems in Edge:

Plain JS: window.scrollTop=0;

Unfortunately, scroll() and scrollTo() throw errors in Edge.

Javascript change Div style

Using jQuery:


Live example

Dart SDK is not configured

Solved mine on macOS by clicking on

If not download flutter from this link

Ajax success function

The answer given above can't solve my problem.So I change async into false to get the alert message.

            async: false,
            url: myAjax.ajaxurl,
            data: {action: 'submit_data', info: info},
            success: function(data) {
                alert("Data was succesfully captured");

set pythonpath before import statements

This will add a path to your Python process / instance (i.e. the running executable). The path will not be modified for any other Python processes. Another running Python program will not have its path modified, and if you exit your program and run again the path will not include what you added before. What are you are doing is generally correct.

import sys

import sys
import time
while True:
  print sys.path

run: python &

This will run, connected to your STDOUT, and it will continue to run in the background. You can then run python Each has a different set of environment variables. Observe that the output from does not change because does not change's environment.

A note on importing

Python imports are dynamic, like the rest of the language. There is no static linking going on. The import is an executable line, just like sys.path.append....

What is the difference between server side cookie and client side cookie?

  1. Yes you can create cookies that can only be read on the server-side. These are called "HTTP Only" -cookies, as explained in other answers already

  2. No, there is no way (I know of) to create "cookies" that can be read only on the client-side. Cookies are meant to facilitate client-server communication.

  3. BUT, if you want something LIKE "client-only-cookies" there is a simple answer: Use "Local Storage".

Local Storage is actually syntactically simpler to use than cookies. A good simple summary of cookies vs. local storage can be found at:

A point: You might use cookies created in JavaScript to store GUI-related things you only need on the client-side. BUT the cookie is sent to the server for EVERY request made, it becomes part of the http-request headers thus making the request contain more data and thus slower to send.

If your page has 50 resources like images and css-files and scripts then the cookie is (typically) sent with each request. More on this in Does every web request send the browser cookies?

Local storage does not have those data-transfer related disadvantages, it sends no data. It is great.

Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath?

Try to using JSPath

JSPath is a domain-specific language (DSL) that enables you to navigate and find data within your JSON documents. Using JSPath, you can select items of JSON in order to retrieve the data they contain.

JSPath for JSON like an XPath for XML.

It is heavily optimized both for Node.js and modern browsers.

how to print a string to console in c++

All you have to do is add:

#include <string>
using namespace std;

at the top. (BTW I know this was posted in 2013 but I just wanted to answer)

How to programmatically set the Image source

Try this:

BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/MyProject;component/Images/down.png", UriKind.Relative));

How do you set up use HttpOnly cookies in PHP

The right syntax of the php_flag command is

php_flag  session.cookie_httponly On

And be aware, just first answer from server set the cookie and here (for example You can see the "HttpOnly" directive. So for testing delete cookies from browser after every testing request.

Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration

An update to munsellj's update..

I got this working in development just by adding localhost:3000 to the 'Website URL' option and leaving the App Domains box blank. As munsellj mentioned, make sure you've added a website platform.

json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument

Seems like the symbol was Å, but since data consists of surnames that shouldn't be public, only first letter was shown and it was done by just $lastname[0], which is wrong for multibyte strings and caused the whole hassle. Changed it to mb_substr($lastname, 0, 1) - works like a charm.

Jquery ajax call click event submit button

You did not add # before id of the button. You do not have right selector in your jquery code. So jquery is never execute in your button click. its submitted your form directly not passing any ajax request.

See documentation:
its your friend.

Try this:

It seems that id: $("#Shareitem").val() is wrong if you want to pass the value of

<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" id="id">

you need to change this line:

id: $("#Shareitem").val()


id: $("#id").val()

All together:

 <script src=""></script>
        $.ajax({type: "POST",
                url: "/imball-reagens/public/shareitem",
                data: { id: $("#Shareitem").val(), access_token: $("#access_token").val() },

Matching strings with wildcard

Using of WildcardPattern from System.Management.Automation may be an option.

pattern = new WildcardPattern(patternString);

Visual Studio UI may not allow you to add System.Management.Automation assembly to References of your project. Feel free to add it manually, as described here.

How do I count occurrence of duplicate items in array

this code will return duplicate value in same array

$array = array(12,43,66,21,56,43,43,78,78,100,43,43,43,21);
foreach($arr as $key=>$item){
  if(array_count_values($arr)[$item] > 1){
     echo "Found Matched value : ".$item." <br />";

Why doesn't CSS ellipsis work in table cell?

Demo page

For tables with dynamic width, I found the below way to produce satisfying results. Each <th> which is wished to have trimmed-text ability should have an inner wrapping element which wraps the contents of the <th> allow text-overflow to work.

The real trick is to set max-width (on the <th>) in vw units.

This will effectively cause the element's width to be "bound" to the viewport width (browser window) and will result in a responsive content clipping. Set the vw units to a satisfying value needed.

Minimal CSS:

th{ max-width:10vw; }
th > .wrap{ 

Demo (with editable texts):

table {
  font: 18px Arial;
  width: 40%;
  margin: 1em auto;
  color: #333;
  border: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4);

table td, table th {
  text-align: left;
  padding: 1.2em 20px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  border-left: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4);

table td:first-child, table th:first-child {
  border-left: 0;

table th {
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4);
  font-weight: 400;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  max-width: 10vw;

table th > .wrap {
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;
                <div class="wrap" title="Some long title">Some long title</div>
                <div class="wrap">Short</div>
                <div class="wrap">medium one</div>
                <div class="wrap" title="endlessly super long title which no developer likes to see">endlessly super long title which no developer likes to see</div>
            <td>very long text here</td>

Overflow Scroll css is not working in the div

I wanted to comment on @Ionica Bizau, but I don't have enough reputation.
To give a reply to your question about javascript code:
What you need to do is get the parent's element height (minus any elements that take up space) and apply that to the child elements.

function wrapperHeight(){
    var height = $(window).outerHeight() - $('#header').outerHeight(true);

window could be replaced by ".container" if that one has no floated children or has a fix to get the correct height calculated. This solution uses jQuery.

Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)

Had an issue with math.deg in LUA... if anyone knows a fix please clean up this code!

In the meantime here's an implementation of the Haversine in LUA (use this with Redis!)

function calcDist(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
    lat1= lat1*0.0174532925
    lat2= lat2*0.0174532925
    lon1= lon1*0.0174532925
    lon2= lon2*0.0174532925

    dlon = lon2-lon1
    dlat = lat2-lat1

    a = math.pow(math.sin(dlat/2),2) + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.pow(math.sin(dlon/2),2)
    c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a))
    dist = 6371 * c      -- multiply by 0.621371 to convert to miles
    return dist


JavaScript file upload size validation

If you set the Ie 'Document Mode' to 'Standards' you can use the simple javascript 'size' method to get the uploaded file's size.

Set the Ie 'Document Mode' to 'Standards':

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">

Than, use the 'size' javascript method to get the uploaded file's size:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var uploadedFile = document.getElementById('imageUpload');
    var fileSize = uploadedFile.files[0].size;

It works for me.

Can't find SDK folder inside Android studio path, and SDK manager not opening


Check whether the USERNAME is correct, for me a new USERNAME got created with my proxy extension.

Why do we have to override the equals() method in Java?

Let me give you an example that I find very helpful.

You can think of reference as the page number of a book. Suppose now you have two pages a and b like below.

BookPage a = getSecondPage();

BookPage b = getThirdPage();

In this case, a == b will give you false. But, why? The reason is that what == is doing is like comparing the page number. So, even if the content on these two pages is exactly the same, you will still get false.

But what do we do if you we want to compare the content?

The answer is to write your own equals method and specify what you really want to compare.

How can I increment a char?

def doubleChar(str):
    result = ''
    for char in str:
        result += char * 2
    return result




Disable scrolling in all mobile devices

use this in style


Use this in head tag

<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

Import multiple csv files into pandas and concatenate into one DataFrame

Easy and Fast

Import two or more csv's without having to make a list of names.

import glob

df = pd.concat(map(pd.read_csv, glob.glob('data/*.csv')))

Inner join with count() on three tables

It makes more sense to join the item with the orders than with the people !

    COUNT(distinct orders.ord_id) AS num_orders,
    COUNT(items.item_id) AS num_items
    INNER JOIN orders ON orders.pe_id = people.pe_id
         INNER JOIN items ON items.ord_id = orders.ord_id

Joining the items with the people provokes a lot of doublons. For example, the cake items in order 3 will be linked with the order 2 via the join between the people, and you don't want this to happen !!

So :

1- You need a good understanding of your schema. Items are link to orders, and not to people.

2- You need to count distinct orders for one person, else you will count as many items as orders.

Converting 24 hour time to 12 hour time w/ AM & PM using Javascript

This function will convert in both directions: 12 to 24 hour or 24 to 12 hour

function toggle24hr(time, onoff){
    if(onoff==undefined) onoff = isNaN(time.replace(':',''))//auto-detect format
    var pm = time.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('pm')>-1 //check if 'pm' exists in the time string
    time = time.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/[ap]m/,'').split(':') //convert time to an array of numbers
    time[0] = Number(time[0])
    if(onoff){//convert to 24 hour:
        if((pm && time[0]!=12)) time[0] += 12
        else if(!pm && time[0]==12) time[0] = '00'  //handle midnight
        if(String(time[0]).length==1) time[0] = '0'+time[0] //add leading zeros if needed
    }else{ //convert to 12 hour:
        pm = time[0]>=12
        if(!time[0]) time[0]=12 //handle midnight
        else if(pm && time[0]!=12) time[0] -= 12
    return onoff ? time.join(':') : time.join(':')+(pm ? 'pm' : 'am')

Here's some examples:

//convert to 24 hour:
toggle24hr('12:00am')   //returns 00:00
toggle24hr('2:00pm')    //returns 14:00
toggle24hr('8:00am')    //returns 08:00
toggle24hr('12:00pm')   //returns 12:00

//convert to 12 hour:
toggle24hr('14:00')    //returns 2:00pm
toggle24hr('08:00')    //returns 8:00am
toggle24hr('12:00')    //returns 12:00pm
toggle24hr('00:00')    //returns 12:00am

//you can also force a specific format like this:
toggle24hr('14:00',1)    //returns 14:00
toggle24hr('14:00',0)    //returns 2:00pm

Vagrant error : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

As mentioned in Vagrant issue #3341 this was a Virtualbox bug #12879.

It affects only VirtualBox 4.3.10 and was completely fixed in 4.3.12.

The difference in months between dates in MySQL

PERIOD_DIFF() function

One of the way is MySQL PERIOD_DIFF() returns the difference between two periods. Periods should be in the same format i.e. YYYYMM or YYMM. It is to be noted that periods are not date values.


SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(200905,200811);

enter image description here

How do I use Access-Control-Allow-Origin? Does it just go in between the html head tags?

There are 3 ways to allow cross domain origin (excluding jsonp):

1) Set the header in the page directly using a templating language like PHP. Keep in mind there can be no HTML before your header or it will fail.

 <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:"); ?>

2) Modify the server configuration file (apache.conf) and add this line. Note that "*" represents allow all. Some systems might also need the credential set. In general allow all access is a security risk and should be avoided:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

3) To allow multiple domains on Apache web servers add the following to your config file

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(www\.)?(|$" AccessControlAllowOrigin=$0$1
    Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

4) For development use only hack your browser and allow unlimited CORS using the Chrome Allow-Control-Allow-Origin extension

5) Disable CORS in Chrome: Quit Chrome completely. Open a terminal and execute the following. Just be cautious you are disabling web security:

open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

Date Comparison using Java

Use java.util.Calendar if you have extensive date related processing.

Date has before(), after() methods. you could use them as well.

How to set thymeleaf th:field value from other variable

If you don't have to come back on the page with keeping form's value, you can do that :

<form method="post" th:action="@{''}" th:object="${form}">
    <input class="form-control"

It's some kind of magic :

  • it will set the value =
  • it will send back the value in the form, as 'name' field. So you would have to change your form field, 'clientName' to 'name'

If you matter keeping you form's input values, like a back on the page with an user input mistake, then you will have to do that :

<form method="post" th:action="@{''}" th:object="${form}">
    <input class="form-control"
           th:value="${ != null} ? ${} : ${}"/>

That means :

  • The form field name is 'name'
  • The value is taken from the form if it exists, else from the client bean. Which matches the first arrival on the page with initial value, then the forms input values if there is an error.

Without having to map your client bean to your form bean. And it works because once you submitted the form, the value arn't null but "" (empty)

MIT vs GPL license

IANAL but as I see it....

While you can combine GPL and MIT code, the GPL is tainting. Which means the package as a whole gets the limitations of the GPL. As that is more restrictive you can no longer use it in commercial (or rather closed source) software. Which also means if you have a MIT/BSD/ASL project you will not want to add dependencies to GPL code.

Adding a GPL dependency does not change the license of your code but it will limit what people can do with the artifact of your project. This is also why the ASF does not allow dependencies to GPL code for their projects.

What online brokers offer APIs?

Ameritrade also offers an API, as long as you have an Ameritrade account:

How do I line up 3 divs on the same row?

Just add float left property on all the divs you want to make appear in a row other than last one. here is example

  <div style="float: left;">A</div>
  <div style="float: left;">B</div>

Vertical Tabs with JQuery?

Try here:

A look at the Freedom tab might have what you need.

Let me know if you find something you like. I worked on the exact same problem a few months ago and decided to implement myself. I like what I did, but it might have been nice to use a standard library.

How to set aliases in the Git Bash for Windows?

  • Go to: C:\Users\ [youruserdirectory] \bash_profile

  • In your bash_profile file type - alias desk='cd " [DIRECTORY LOCATION] "'

  • Refresh your User directory where the bash_profile file exists then reopen your CMD or Git Bash window

Type in desk to see if you get to the Desktop location or the location you want in the "DIRECTORY LOCATION" area above

Note: [ desk ] can be what ever name that you choose and should get you to the location you want to get to when typed in the CMD window.

How do I pass environment variables to Docker containers?

Using docker-compose, you can inherit env variables in docker-compose.yml and subsequently any Dockerfile(s) called by docker-compose to build images. This is useful when the Dockerfile RUN command should execute commands specific to the environment.

(your shell has RAILS_ENV=development already existing in the environment)


version: '3.1'
      #$RAILS_ENV is referencing the shell environment RAILS_ENV variable
      #and passing it to the Dockerfile ARG RAILS_ENV
      #the syntax below ensures that the RAILS_ENV arg will default to 
      #production if empty.
      #note that is dockerfile: is not specified it assumes file name: Dockerfile
      context: .
        - RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production}
      - RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production}


FROM ruby:2.3.4

#give ARG RAILS_ENV a default value = production
ARG RAILS_ENV=production

#assign the $RAILS_ENV arg to the RAILS_ENV ENV so that it can be accessed
#by the subsequent RUN call within the container

#the subsequent RUN call accesses the RAILS_ENV ENV variable within the container
RUN if [ "$RAILS_ENV" = "production" ] ; then echo "production env"; else echo "non-production env: $RAILS_ENV"; fi

This way, I don't need to specify environment variables in files or docker-compose build/up commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Rounding a variable to two decimal places C#


How can I change the color of my prompt in zsh (different from normal text)?

I have found that, with zsh5 (the default one on Debian Jessie), all those solutions works:

  • $'\e[00m
  • $fg[white]
  • $fg{white}

Now, they have a problem: they will move the cursor, resulting in ugly decal when tabbing (for auto-completion). The solution is simply to surround the escape sequences with %{FOOBAR%}. Took me a while to figure this. For 2nd and 3rd solutions loading colors module is mandatory. To keep the 1st solution readable, just define variables for the colors you use.

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    die("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));

You got the order of the arguments to mysqli_select_db() backwards. And mysqli_error() requires you to provide a connection argument. mysqli_XXX is not like mysql_XXX, these arguments are no longer optional.

Note also that with mysqli you can specify the DB in mysqli_connect():

$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if (!$connection) {
  die("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();

You must use mysqli_connect_error(), not mysqli_error(), to get the error from mysqli_connect(), since the latter requires you to supply a valid connection.

Create a custom View by inflating a layout?

Here is a simple demo to create customview (compoundview) by inflating from xml



    <declare-styleable name="CustomView">
        <attr format="string" name="text"/>
        <attr format="reference" name="image"/>


class CustomView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) :
        ConstraintLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    init {

    private fun init(attrs: AttributeSet?) {
        View.inflate(context, R.layout.custom_layout, this)

        val ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.CustomView)
        try {
            val text = ta.getString(R.styleable.CustomView_text)
            val drawableId = ta.getResourceId(R.styleable.CustomView_image, 0)
            if (drawableId != 0) {
                val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, drawableId)
            text_title.text = text
        } finally {


We should use merge here instead of ConstraintLayout because

If we use ConstraintLayout here, layout hierarchy will be ConstraintLayout->ConstraintLayout -> ImageView + TextView => we have 1 redundant ConstraintLayout => not very good for performance

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<merge xmlns:android=""

        tools:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher" />

        tools:text="Text" />


Using activity_main.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        app:text="Android" />

        app:text="ADB" />



enter image description here

Github demo

Python: count repeated elements in the list

Use Counter

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> MyList = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "c", "a", "c"]
>>> c = Counter(MyList)
>>> c
Counter({'a': 3, 'c': 3, 'b': 1})

width:auto for <input> fields

Because input's width is controlled by it's size attribute, this is how I initialize an input width according to its content:

<input type="text" class="form-list-item-name" [size]="myInput.value.length" #myInput>

Overlay with spinner

use a css3 class "spinner". It's more beautiful and you don't need .gif

enter image description here

.spinner {
   position: absolute;
   left: 50%;
   top: 50%;
   margin:0px auto;
   -webkit-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -moz-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -o-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   border-left:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-right:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-bottom:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-top:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.8);

@-webkit-keyframes rotation {
   from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-moz-keyframes rotation {
   from {-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-moz-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-o-keyframes rotation {
   from {-o-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-o-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@keyframes rotation {
   from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {transform: rotate(359deg);}

Exemple of what is looks like :

You can find a lot of css spinners like this here :

Reshape an array in NumPy

numpy has a great tool for this task ("numpy.reshape") link to reshape documentation

a = [[ 0  1]
 [ 2  3]
 [ 4  5]
 [ 6  7]
 [ 8  9]
 [10 11]
 [12 13]
 [14 15]
 [16 17]]


you can also use the "-1" trick

`a = a.reshape(-1,3)`

the "-1" is a wild card that will let the numpy algorithm decide on the number to input when the second dimension is 3

so yes.. this would also work: a = a.reshape(3,-1)

and this: a = a.reshape(-1,2) would do nothing

and this: a = a.reshape(-1,9) would change the shape to (2,9)

Converting two lists into a matrix

Assuming lengths of portfolio and index are the same:

matrix = []
for i in range(len(portfolio)):
    matrix.append([portfolio[i], index[i]])

Or a one-liner using list comprehension:

matrix2 = [[portfolio[i], index[i]] for i in range(len(portfolio))]

How to compare strings in sql ignoring case?

I don't recall the exact syntax, but you may set the table column to be case insensitive. But be careful because then you won't be able to match based on case anymore and if you WANT 'cool' to not match 'CoOl' it will no longer be possible.

How to get Current Directory?

#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;

// The directory path returned by native GetCurrentDirectory() no end backslash
string getCurrentDirectoryOnWindows()
    const unsigned long maxDir = 260;
    char currentDir[maxDir];
    GetCurrentDirectory(maxDir, currentDir);
    return string(currentDir);

COPY with docker but with exclusion

In my case, my Dockerfile contained an installation step, which produced the vendor directory (the PHP equivalent of node_modules). I then COPY this directory over to the final application image. Therefore, I could not put vendor in my .dockerignore. My solution was simply to delete the directory before performing composer install (the PHP equivalent of npm install).

FROM composer AS composer
COPY . .
RUN rm -rf vendor \
    && composer install 

FROM richarvey/nginx-php-fpm
WORKDIR /var/www/html
COPY --from=composer /app .

This solution works and does not bloat the final image, but it is not ideal, because the vendor directory on the host is copied into the Docker context during the build process, which adds time.

"error: assignment to expression with array type error" when I assign a struct field (C)

Please check this example here: Accessing Structure Members

There is explained that the right way to do it is like this:

strcpy( , "Egzona");
printf( "Name : %s\n",;

Debug/run standard java in Visual Studio Code IDE and OS X?

Code Runner Extension will only let you "run" java files.

To truly debug 'Java' files follow the quick one-time setup:

  • Install Java Debugger Extension in VS Code and reload.
  • open an empty folder/project in VS code.
  • create your java file (s).
  • create a folder .vscode in the same folder.
  • create 2 files inside .vscode folder: tasks.json and launch.json
  • copy paste below config in tasks.json:
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "type": "shell",
    "presentation": {
        "echo": true,
        "reveal": "always",
        "focus": false,
        "panel": "shared"
    "isBackground": true,
    "tasks": [
            "taskName": "build",
            "args": ["-g", "${file}"],
            "command": "javac"
  • copy paste below config in launch.json:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug Java",
            "type": "java",
            "request": "launch",
            "externalConsole": true,                //user input dosen't work if set it to false :(
            "stopOnEntry": true,
            "preLaunchTask": "build",                 // Runs the task created above before running this configuration
            "jdkPath": "${env:JAVA_HOME}/bin",        // You need to set JAVA_HOME enviroment variable
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "startupClass": "${workspaceRoot}${file}",
            "sourcePath": ["${workspaceRoot}"],   // Indicates where your source (.java) files are
            "classpath": ["${workspaceRoot}"],    // Indicates the location of your .class files
            "options": [],                             // Additional options to pass to the java executable
            "args": []                                // Command line arguments to pass to the startup class

    "compounds": []

You are all set to debug java files, open any java file and press F5 (Debug->Start Debugging).

Tip: *To hide .class files in the side explorer of VS code, open settings of VS code and paste the below config:

"files.exclude": {
        "*.class": true

enter image description here

JavaScript backslash (\) in variables is causing an error

The jsfiddle link to where i tried out your query its working fine @Imrul as mentioned you are using C# on server side and you dont mind that either:

generate model using user:references vs user_id:integer

Both will generate the same columns when you run the migration. In rails console, you can see that this is the case:

:001 > Micropost
=> Micropost(id: integer, user_id: integer, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)

The second command adds a belongs_to :user relationship in your Micropost model whereas the first does not. When this relationship is specified, ActiveRecord will assume that the foreign key is kept in the user_id column and it will use a model named User to instantiate the specific user.

The second command also adds an index on the new user_id column.

How do I put a border around an Android textview?

Create a border view with the background color as the color of the border and size of your text view. set border view padding as the width of the border. Set text view background color as the color you want for the text view. Now add your text view inside the border view.

How do I hide anchor text without hiding the anchor?

Use this code:

<div class="hidden"><li><a href="somehwere">Link text</a></li></div>

How to identify server IP address in PHP

I just created a simple script that will bring back the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] in IIS so you don't have to change every variable. Just paste this text in your php file that is included in every page.

/** IIS IP Check **/

Django Forms: if not valid, show form with error message

def some_view(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = SomeForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks'/)
        form = SomeForm()
    return render(request, 'some_form.html', {'form': form})

Why use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] instead of ""

There is no difference. The $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] just makes the execution time slower by like 0.000001 second.

How to update a record using sequelize for node?

Using async and await in a modern javascript Es6

const title = "title goes here";
const id = 1;

    const result = await Project.update(
          { title },
          { where: { id } }
    }.catch(err => console.log(err));

you can return result ...

Generate 'n' unique random numbers within a range

Generate the range of data first and then shuffle it like this

import random
data = range(numLow, numHigh)
print data

By doing this way, you will get all the numbers in the particular range but in a random order.

But you can use random.sample to get the number of elements you need, from a range of numbers like this

print random.sample(range(numLow, numHigh), 3)

Chrome Dev Tools - Modify javascript and reload

The Resource Override extension allows you to do exactly that:

  • create a file rule for the url you want to replace
  • edit the js/css/etc in the extension
  • reload as often as you want :)

Combine two arrays

You should take to consideration that $array1 + $array2 != $array2 + $array1

$array1 = array(
'11' => 'x1',
'22' => 'x1' 

$array2 = array(
'22' => 'x2',
'33' => 'x2' 

with $array1 + $array2

$array1 + $array2 = array(
'11' => 'x1',
'22' => 'x1',
'33' => 'x2'

and with $array2 + $array1

$array2 + $array1 = array(  
'11' => 'x1',  
'22' => 'x2',  
'33' => 'x2'  

How to install Cmake C compiler and CXX compiler

Try to install gcc and gcc-c++, as Cmake works smooth with them.


yum install gcc gcc-c++


apt-get install cmake gcc g++


  1. remove 'CMakeCache.txt'
  2. run compilation again.

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

Use this.

$dsn1 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db1';
$this->db1 = $this->load->database($dsn1, true);     

$dsn2 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db2';
$this->db2= $this->load->database($dsn2, true);     

$dsn3 = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/db3';
$this->db3= $this->load->database($dsn3, true);   


$this->db1 ->insert('tablename', $insert_array);
$this->db2->insert('tablename', $insert_array);
$this->db3->insert('tablename', $insert_array);