Programs & Examples On #Yaf

YAF is an acronym for any software application which has a name that starts with the words "Yet another." Each application defines the "F" uniquely. For example: Yet Another Forum, Yet Another Framework, Yet Another Flowmeter, etc.

Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly?

As a generic answer, not specifically directed at this task: In many cases, you can significantly speed up any program by making improvements at a high level. Like calculating data once instead of multiple times, avoiding unnecessary work completely, using caches in the best way, and so on. These things are much easier to do in a high level language.

Writing assembler code, it is possible to improve on what an optimising compiler does, but it is hard work. And once it's done, your code is much harder to modify, so it is much more difficult to add algorithmic improvements. Sometimes the processor has functionality that you cannot use from a high level language, inline assembly is often useful in these cases and still lets you use a high level language.

In the Euler problems, most of the time you succeed by building something, finding why it is slow, building something better, finding why it is slow, and so on and so on. That is very, very hard using assembler. A better algorithm at half the possible speed will usually beat a worse algorithm at full speed, and getting the full speed in assembler isn't trivial.

configuring project ':app' failed to find Build Tools revision

It happens because Build Tools revision 24.4.1 doesn't exist.

The latest version is 23.0.2.
These tools is included in the SDK package and installed in the <sdk>/build-tools/ directory.

Don't confuse the Android SDK Tools with SDK Build Tools.

Change in your build.gradle

android {
   buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
   // ...


"PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

Here normally this kind of exception occurs when there is mismatch in the PATH of trusted certificate. Check the configuration or path where this server certificate is required for secured communication.

Finding moving average from data points in Python

A moving average is a convolution, and numpy will be faster than most pure python operations. This will give you the 10 point moving average.

import numpy as np
smoothed = np.convolve(data, np.ones(10)/10)

I would also strongly suggest using the great pandas package if you are working with timeseries data. There are some nice moving average operations built in.

How to mount the android img file under linux?

See the answer at:

First you need to "uncompress" userdata.img with simg2img, then you can mount it via the loop device.

How to get the cookie value in website

You may use Request.Cookies collection to read the cookies.

   var value=Request.Cookies["key"].Value;

Java, "Variable name" cannot be resolved to a variable

public void setHoursWorked(){
    hoursWorked = hours;

You haven't defined hours inside that method. hours is not passed in as a parameter, it's not declared as a variable, and it's not being used as a class member, so you get that error.

A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write

Instead of

mount -o rw,remount /system/


mount -o rw,remount /system

mind the '/' at the end of the command. you ask why this matters? /system/ is the directory under /system while /system is the volume name.

Deserializing JSON data to C# using JSON.NET

Assuming your sample data is correct, your givenname, and other entries wrapped in brackets are arrays in JS... you'll want to use List for those data types. and List for say accountstatusexpmaxdate... I think you example has the dates incorrectly formatted though, so uncertain as to what else is incorrect in your example.

This is an old post, but wanted to make note of the issues.

How to open up a form from another form in VB.NET?

You could use:

Dim MyForm As New Form1

or rather:


to open the form as a dialog box to ensure that user interacts with the new form or closes it.

Android : difference between invisible and gone?

View.GONE = The view will not show and the rest of the views will not take its existence into consideration

View.INVISIBLE = The view will not show, but it will take its assigned space in the layout

How to create a SQL Server function to "join" multiple rows from a subquery into a single delimited field?

In a single SQL query, without using the FOR XML clause.
A Common Table Expression is used to recursively concatenate the results.

-- rank locations by incrementing lexicographical order
WITH RankedLocations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY City
    ) Rank
-- concatenate locations using a recursive query
-- (Common Table Expression)
Concatenations AS (
  -- for each vehicle, select the first location
    CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), City) Cities,
    Rank = 1

  -- then incrementally concatenate with the next location
  -- this will return intermediate concatenations that will be 
  -- filtered out later on

    (c.Cities + ', ' + l.City) Cities,
    Concatenations c -- this is a recursion!
    INNER JOIN RankedLocations l ON
        l.VehicleID = c.VehicleID 
        AND l.Rank = c.Rank + 1
-- rank concatenation results by decrementing length 
-- (rank 1 will always be for the longest concatenation)
RankedConcatenations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY Rank DESC
    ) Rank
-- main query
  Vehicles v
  INNER JOIN RankedConcatenations c ON 
    c.VehicleID = v.VehicleID 
    AND c.Rank = 1

src absolute path problem

Use forward slashes. See explanation here

Swift Bridging Header import issue

for others who have troubles to add swift class into objective-c project. this is what work for me :

  1. create NEW swift file. this will make xcode to prompt if you want xcode to create all settings for mix swift-objective-c project including brigde-header.h for you. press yes.
  2. now, add your existing swift files you want to use in your project.
  3. in the implementation file you are going to use the swift class add : #import "YOURPROJECTNAME-swift.h" . this file xcode create for you. if your xcode project is myProject then "myProject-swift.h"

and that's it. now create the swift class in your code like it was objective-c.

Proper way to get page content

get page content by page name:

$page = get_page_by_title( 'page-name' );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content); 
echo $content;

Typescript Date Type?

The answer is super simple, the type is Date:

const d: Date = new Date(); // but the type can also be inferred from "new Date()" already

It is the same as with every other object instance :)

When should I use UNSIGNED and SIGNED INT in MySQL?

I think, UNSIGNED would be the best option to store something like time_duration(Eg: resolved_call_time = resolved_time(DateTime)-creation_time(DateTime)) value in minutes or hours or seconds format which will definitely be a non-negative number

How to compare timestamp dates with date-only parameter in MySQL?

You can use the DATE() function to extract the date portion of the timestamp:

WHERE DATE(timestamp) = '2012-05-25'

Though, if you have an index on the timestamp column, this would be faster because it could utilize an index on the timestamp column if you have one:

WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2012-05-25 00:00:00' AND '2012-05-25 23:59:59'

Tell Ruby Program to Wait some amount of time

I find until very useful with sleep. example:

> time =
> sleep 2.seconds until > time + 10.seconds # breaks when true
# or something like
> sleep 1.seconds until !req.loading # suggested by ohsully

GDB: break if variable equal value

First, you need to compile your code with appropriate flags, enabling debug into code.

$ gcc -Wall -g -ggdb -o ex1 ex1.c

then just run you code with your favourite debugger

$ gdb ./ex1

show me the code.

(gdb) list
1   #include <stdio.h>
2   int main(void)
3   { 
4     int i = 0;
5     for(i=0;i<7;++i)
6       printf("%d\n", i);
8     return 0;
9   }

break on lines 5 and looks if i == 5.

(gdb) b 5
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4004fb: file ex1.c, line 5.
(gdb) rwatch i if i==5
Hardware read watchpoint 5: i

checking breakpoints

(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004004fb in main at ex1.c:5
    breakpoint already hit 1 time
5       read watchpoint keep y                      i
    stop only if i==5

running the program

(gdb) c
Hardware read watchpoint 5: i

Value = 5
0x0000000000400523 in main () at ex1.c:5
5     for(i=0;i<7;++i)

Regular expression - starting and ending with a character string

Example: ajshdjashdjashdlasdlhdlSTARTasdasdsdaasdENDaknsdklansdlknaldknaaklsdn

1) START\w*END return: STARTasdasdsdaasdEND - will give you words between START and END

2) START\d*END return: START12121212END - will give you numbers between START and END

3) START\d*_\d*END return: START1212_1212END - will give you numbers between START and END having _

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

in the "Ouput Window". you can usually do CTRL-ALT-O to make it visible. Or through menus using View->Output.

Iframe transparent background

Why not just load the frame off screen or hidden and then display it once it has finished loading. You could show a loading icon in its place to begin with to give the user immediate feedback that it's loading.

How to get the number of threads in a Java process

Generic solution that doesn't require a GUI like jconsole (doesn't work on remote terminals), ps works for non-java processes, doesn't require a JVM installed.

ps -o nlwp <pid>

How to load a controller from another controller in codeigniter?

Create a helper using the code I created belows and name it controller_helper.php.

Autoload your helper in the autoload.php file under config.

From your method call controller('name') to load the controller.

Note that name is the filename of the controller.

This method will append '_controller' to your controller 'name'. To call a method in the controller just run $this->name_controller->method(); after you load the controller as described above.


    function controller($name)
        $filename = realpath(__dir__ . '/../controllers/'.$name.'.php');

            require_once $filename;

            $class = ucfirst($name);

                $ci =& get_instance();

                    $ci->{$name.'_controller'} = new $class();

How can I express that two values are not equal to eachother?

"Not equals" can be expressed with the "not" operator ! and the standard .equals.

if (a.equals(b)) // a equals b
if (!a.equals(b)) // a not equal to b

Cordova - Error code 1 for command | Command failed for

I have had this problem several times and it can be usually resolved with a clean and rebuild as answered by many before me. But this time this would not fix it.

I use my cordova app to build 2 seperate apps that share majority of the same codebase and it drives off the config.xml. I could not build in end up because i had a space in my id. AppName

instead of:

If anyone is in there config as regular as me. This could be your problem, I also have 3 versions of each app. Live / Demo / Test - These all have different ids.

Easy mistake to make, but even easier to overlook. Spent loads of time rebuilding, checking plugins, versioning etc. Where I should have checked my config. First Stop Next Time!

Ignoring upper case and lower case in Java

You have to use the String method .toLowerCase() or .toUpperCase() on both the input and the string you are trying to match it with.


public static void findPatient() {
    System.out.print("Enter part of the patient name: ");
    String name = sc.nextLine();


//the other class
ArrayList<String> patientList;

public void showPatients(String name) {
    boolean match = false;

    for(String matchingname : patientList) {
        if (matchingname.toLowerCase().contains(name.toLowerCase())) {
            match = true;

Simplest way to throw an error/exception with a custom message in Swift 2?

Throwing code should make clear whether the error message is appropriate for display to end users or is only intended for developer debugging. To indicate a description is displayable to the user, I use a struct DisplayableError that implements the LocalizedError protocol.

struct DisplayableError: Error, LocalizedError {
    let errorDescription: String?

    init(_ description: String) {
        errorDescription = description

Usage for throwing:

throw DisplayableError("Out of pixie dust.")

Usage for display:

let messageToDisplay = error.localizedDescription

Subdomain on different host

sub domain is part of the domain, it's like subletting a room of an apartment. A records has to be setup on the dns for the domain e.g has IP 123.456.789.999 and hosted with Godaddy. Now to get the sub domain

of which the site is actually on another server then

login to Godaddy and add an A record dnsimple and point the IP to the other server

And that's it.

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text

I completely respect using Beautiful Soup to get rendered content, but it may not be the ideal package for acquiring the rendered content on a page.

I had a similar problem to get rendered content, or the visible content in a typical browser. In particular I had many perhaps atypical cases to work with such a simple example below. In this case the non displayable tag is nested in a style tag, and is not visible in many browsers that I have checked. Other variations exist such as defining a class tag setting display to none. Then using this class for the div.

  <title>  Title here</title>


    lots of text here <p> <br>
    <h1> even headings </h1>

    <style type="text/css"> 
        <div > this will not be visible </div> 



One solution posted above is:

html = Utilities.ReadFile('simple.html')
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(html)
texts = soup.findAll(text=True)
visible_texts = filter(visible, texts)

[u'\n', u'\n', u'\n\n        lots of text here ', u' ', u'\n', u' even headings ', u'\n', u' this will not be visible ', u'\n', u'\n']

This solution certainly has applications in many cases and does the job quite well generally but in the html posted above it retains the text that is not rendered. After searching SO a couple solutions came up here BeautifulSoup get_text does not strip all tags and JavaScript and here Rendered HTML to plain text using Python

I tried both these solutions: html2text and nltk.clean_html and was surprised by the timing results so thought they warranted an answer for posterity. Of course, the speeds highly depend on the contents of the data...

One answer here from @Helge was about using nltk of all things.

import nltk

%timeit nltk.clean_html(html)
was returning 153 us per loop

It worked really well to return a string with rendered html. This nltk module was faster than even html2text, though perhaps html2text is more robust.

betterHTML = html.decode(errors='ignore')
%timeit html2text.html2text(betterHTML)
%3.09 ms per loop

How do I close an Android alertdialog

you can simply restart the activity where your alertdialog appear or another activity depend on your judgement. if you want to restart activity use this finish(); startActivity(getIntent());

How to convert NUM to INT in R?

You can use convert from hablar to change a column of the data frame quickly.


x <- tibble(var = c(1.34, 4.45, 6.98))

x %>% 

gives you:

# A tibble: 3 x 1
1     1
2     4
3     6

How to concatenate strings in a Windows batch file?

What about:

@echo off
set myvar="the list: "
for /r %%i in (*.doc) DO call :concat %%i
echo %myvar%
goto :eof

set myvar=%myvar% %1;
goto :eof

What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?

Here is a great article explaining ByteBuffer benefits. Following are the key points in the article:

  • First advantage of a ByteBuffer irrespective of whether it is direct or indirect is efficient random access of structured binary data (e.g., low-level IO as stated in one of the answers). Prior to Java 1.4, to read such data one could use a DataInputStream, but without random access.

Following are benefits specifically for direct ByteBuffer/MappedByteBuffer. Note that direct buffers are created outside of heap:

  1. Unaffected by gc cycles: Direct buffers won't be moved during garbage collection cycles as they reside outside of heap. TerraCota's BigMemory caching technology seems to rely heavily on this advantage. If they were on heap, it would slow down gc pause times.

  2. Performance boost: In stream IO, read calls would entail system calls, which require a context-switch between user to kernel mode and vice versa, which would be costly especially if file is being accessed constantly. However, with memory-mapping this context-switching is reduced as data is more likely to be found in memory (MappedByteBuffer). If data is available in memory, it is accessed directly without invoking OS, i.e., no context-switching.

Note that MappedByteBuffers are very useful especially if the files are big and few groups of blocks are accessed more frequently.

  1. Page sharing: Memory mapped files can be shared between processes as they are allocated in process's virtual memory space and can be shared across processes.

Add custom buttons on Slick Carousel

That's because they use an icon font for the buttons. They use "Slick" font as you can see in this image:

enter image description here

Basically, the make the letter "A" the form of an icon, the letter "B" the form of another one and so on.

For example:

enter image description here

If you want to know more about icon fonts click here

If you want to change the icons, you need to replace the whole button code or you can go to and create your own icon font. After that, replace the font file for the current one and you'll have your own icon.

'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope?

Follow as in picture for removing that lint error and adding automatic fix by addin g--fix in package.json

enter image description here

Declare a constant array

As others have mentioned, there is no official Go construct for this. The closest I can imagine would be a function that returns a slice. In this way, you can guarantee that no one will manipulate the elements of the original slice (as it is "hard-coded" into the array).

I have shortened your slice to make it...shorter...:

func GetLetterGoodness() []float32 {
    return []float32 { .0817,.0149,.0278,.0425,.1270,.0223 }

Save classifier to disk in scikit-learn

In many cases, particularly with text classification it is not enough just to store the classifier but you'll need to store the vectorizer as well so that you can vectorize your input in future.

import pickle
with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as fout:
  pickle.dump((vectorizer, clf), fout)

future use case:

with open('model.pkl', 'rb') as fin:
  vectorizer, clf = pickle.load(fin)

X_new = vectorizer.transform(new_samples)
X_new_preds = clf.predict(X_new)

Before dumping the vectorizer, one can delete the stop_words_ property of vectorizer by:

vectorizer.stop_words_ = None

to make dumping more efficient. Also if your classifier parameters is sparse (as in most text classification examples) you can convert the parameters from dense to sparse which will make a huge difference in terms of memory consumption, loading and dumping. Sparsify the model by:


Which will automatically work for SGDClassifier but in case you know your model is sparse (lots of zeros in clf.coef_) then you can manually convert clf.coef_ into a csr scipy sparse matrix by:

clf.coef_ = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(clf.coef_)

and then you can store it more efficiently.

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server

To get last month's first date:

select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) LastMonthFirstDate                                                                

To get last month's last date:

select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())-1, -1) LastMonthEndDate

val() doesn't trigger change() in jQuery

From redsquare's excellent suggestion, this works nicely:

$.fn.changeVal = function (v) {
    return this.val(v).trigger("change");

$("#my-input").changeVal("Tyrannosaurus Rex");

How to do perspective fixing?

The simple solution is to just remap coordinates from the original to the final image, copying pixels from one coordinate space to the other, rounding off as necessary -- which may result in some pixels being copied several times adjacent to each other, and other pixels being skipped, depending on whether you're stretching or shrinking (or both) in either dimension. Make sure your copying iterates through the destination space, so all pixels are covered there even if they're painted more than once, rather than thru the source which may skip pixels in the output.

The better solution involves calculating the corresponding source coordinate without rounding, and then using its fractional position between pixels to compute an appropriate average of the (typically) four pixels surrounding that location. This is essentially a filtering operation, so you lose some resolution -- but the result looks a LOT better to the human eye; it does a much better job of retaining small details and avoids creating straight-line artifacts which humans find objectionable.

Note that the same basic approach can be used to remap flat images onto any other shape, including 3D surface mapping.

How to programmatically move, copy and delete files and directories on SD?

  1. Permissions:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  2. Get SD card root folder:

  3. Delete file: this is an example on how to delete all empty folders in a root folder:

    public static void deleteEmptyFolder(File rootFolder){
        if (!rootFolder.isDirectory()) return;
        File[] childFiles = rootFolder.listFiles();
        if (childFiles==null) return;
        if (childFiles.length == 0){
        } else {
            for (File childFile : childFiles){
  4. Copy file:

    public static void copyFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException {
        FileInputStream var2 = new FileInputStream(src);
        FileOutputStream var3 = new FileOutputStream(dst);
        byte[] var4 = new byte[1024];
        int var5;
        while((var5 = > 0) {
            var3.write(var4, 0, var5);
  5. Move file = copy + delete source file

QED symbol in latex

enter image description here

$\backslash$blacksquare: $\blacksquare$

$\backslash$square: $\square$

You can easily find such symbols with

When you want to align it to the right, add \hfill.

I use:

\newcommand{\qedwhite}{\hfill \ensuremath{\Box}}

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

Another alternative:

myPlanetsList.Select(i => i.Moons).Sum();

What are Keycloak's OAuth2 / OpenID Connect endpoints?

With version 1.9.3.Final, Keycloak has a number of OpenID endpoints available. These can be found at /auth/realms/{realm}/.well-known/openid-configuration. Assuming your realm is named demo, that endpoint will produce a JSON response similar to this.

  "issuer": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
  "authorization_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
  "token_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token",
  "token_introspection_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect",
  "userinfo_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo",
  "end_session_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/logout",
  "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/certs",
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
    "id_token token",
    "code id_token",
    "code token",
    "code id_token token"
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "response_modes_supported": [
  "registration_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/clients-registrations/openid-connect"

As far as I have found, these endpoints implement the Oauth 2.0 spec.

JS map return object

Use .map without return in simple way. Also start using let and const instead of var because let and const is more recommended

const rockets = [_x000D_
    { country:'Russia', launches:32 },_x000D_
    { country:'US', launches:23 },_x000D_
    { country:'China', launches:16 },_x000D_
    { country:'Europe(ESA)', launches:7 },_x000D_
    { country:'India', launches:4 },_x000D_
    { country:'Japan', launches:3 }_x000D_
const launchOptimistic = => (_x000D_
    launches: elem.launches+10_x000D_
  } _x000D_

How to generate List<String> from SQL query?

Where the data returned is a string; you could cast to a different data type:

(from DataRow row in dataTable.Rows select row["columnName"].ToString()).ToList();

NodeJS w/Express Error: Cannot GET /

You need to define a root route.

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  // do something here.

Oh and you cannot specify a file within the express.static. It needs to be a directory. The app.get('/'.... will be responsible to render that file accordingly. You can use express' render method, but your going to have to add some configuration options that will tell express where your views are, traditionally within the app/views/ folder.

SQL LEFT-JOIN on 2 fields for MySQL

Let's try this way:

from a
left join b 
    on a.ip = b.ip 
        and a.port = b.port /*if you has to filter by columns from right table , then add this condition in ON clause*/
where a.somecolumn = somevalue /*if you have to filter by some column from left table, then add it to where condition*/

So, in where clause you can filter result set by column from right table only on this way:

where b.somecolumn <> (=) null

How to capitalize first letter of each word, like a 2-word city?

You can use CSS:

p.capitalize {text-transform:capitalize;}

Update (JS Solution):

Based on Kamal Reddy's comment:

document.getElementById("myP").style.textTransform = "capitalize";

How to fix the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library for windows 7?

In my case I have moved plugins folder mistakenly to another folder while taking backup of my unnecessary projects. Then while I was trying to run the eclipse.exe I was getting the error-

The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.

I have simply copied the plugins folder to eclipse root directory, and it was working fine for me.

If you have the folders backup in your computer then just copy and paste the folders on eclipse directory, you don't need to reinstall or change the ini file so far I realized.

How do I create a chart with multiple series using different X values for each series?

You need to use the Scatter chart type instead of Line. That will allow you to define separate X values for each series.

How to update record using Entity Framework 6?

This code is the result of a test to update only a set of columns without making a query to return the record first. It uses Entity Framework 7 code first.

// This function receives an object type that can be a view model or an anonymous 
// object with the properties you want to change. 
// This is part of a repository for a Contacts object.

public int Update(object entity)
    var entityProperties =  entity.GetType().GetProperties();   
    Contacts con = ToType(entity, typeof(Contacts)) as Contacts;

    if (con != null)
        _context.Entry(con).State = EntityState.Modified;

        foreach (var ep in entityProperties)
            // If the property is named Id, don't add it in the update. 
            // It can be refactored to look in the annotations for a key 
            // or any part named Id.

            if(ep.Name != "Id")
                _context.Entry(con).Property(ep.Name).IsModified = true;

    return _context.SaveChanges();

public static object ToType<T>(object obj, T type)
    // Create an instance of T type object
    object tmp = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(type.ToString()));

    // Loop through the properties of the object you want to convert
    foreach (PropertyInfo pi in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
            // Get the value of the property and try to assign it to the property of T type object
            tmp.GetType().GetProperty(pi.Name).SetValue(tmp, pi.GetValue(obj, null), null);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Logging.Log.Error(ex);
    // Return the T type object:         
    return tmp;

Here is the complete code:

public interface IContactRepository
    IEnumerable<Contacts> GetAllContats();
    IEnumerable<Contacts> GetAllContactsWithAddress();
    int Update(object c);

public class ContactRepository : IContactRepository
    private ContactContext _context;

    public ContactRepository(ContactContext context)
        _context = context;

    public IEnumerable<Contacts> GetAllContats()
        return _context.Contacts.OrderBy(c => c.FirstName).ToList();

    public IEnumerable<Contacts> GetAllContactsWithAddress()
        return _context.Contacts
            .Include(c => c.Address)
            .OrderBy(c => c.FirstName).ToList();

    //TODO Change properties to lambda expression
    public int Update(object entity)
        var entityProperties = entity.GetType().GetProperties();

        Contacts con = ToType(entity, typeof(Contacts)) as Contacts;

        if (con != null)
            _context.Entry(con).State = EntityState.Modified;

            foreach (var ep in entityProperties)
                if(ep.Name != "Id")
                    _context.Entry(con).Property(ep.Name).IsModified = true;

        return _context.SaveChanges();

    public static object ToType<T>(object obj, T type)
        // Create an instance of T type object
        object tmp = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(type.ToString()));

        // Loop through the properties of the object you want to convert
        foreach (PropertyInfo pi in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                // Get the value of the property and try to assign it to the property of T type object
                tmp.GetType().GetProperty(pi.Name).SetValue(tmp, pi.GetValue(obj, null), null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Logging.Log.Error(ex);
        // Return the T type object
        return tmp;

public class Contacts
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Company { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public Addresses Address { get; set; }    

public class Addresses
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string AddressType { get; set; }
    public string StreetAddress { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public State State { get; set; }
    public string PostalCode { get; set; }  

public class ContactContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Addresses> Address { get; set; } 
    public DbSet<Contacts> Contacts { get; set; } 
    public DbSet<State> States { get; set; }

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        var connString = "Server=YourServer;Database=ContactsDb;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window

add z-index above 1051 in class datepicker

add something like this in page or css

.datepicker{z-index:1151 !important;}

Loop in Jade (currently known as "Pug") template engine

Here is a very simple jade file that have a loop in it. Jade is very sensitive about white space. After loop definition line (for) you should give an indent(tab) to stuff that want to go inside the loop. You can do this without {}:

- var arr=['one', 'two', 'three'];
- var s = 'string';
doctype html
        section= s
        - for (var i=0; i<3; i++)
            div= arr[i]

How to set the height and the width of a textfield in Java?

You should not play with the height. Let the text field determine the height based on the font used.

If you want to control the width of the text field then you can use


to let the text field determine the preferred width.

Or if you want the width to be the entire width of the parent panel then you need to use an appropriate layout. Maybe the NORTH of a BorderLayout.

See the Swing tutorial on Layout Managers for more information.

How can I play sound in Java?

It works for me. Simple variant

public void makeSound(){
    File lol = new File("somesound.wav");

        Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();;
    } catch (Exception e){

Use .corr to get the correlation between two columns

If you want the correlations between all pairs of columns, you could do something like this:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def get_corrs(df):
    col_correlations = df.corr()
    col_correlations.loc[:, :] = np.tril(col_correlations, k=-1)
    cor_pairs = col_correlations.stack()
    return cor_pairs.to_dict()

my_corrs = get_corrs(df)
# and the following line to retrieve the single correlation
print(my_corrs[('Citable docs per Capita','Energy Supply per Capita')])

Changing the position of Bootstrap popovers based on the popover's X position in relation to window edge?

bchhun's answer got me on the right track, but I wanted to check for actual space available between the source and the viewport edge. I also wanted to respect the data-placement attribute as a preference with appropriate fallbacks if there wasn't enough space. That way "right" would always go right unless there wasn't enough space for the popover to show on the right side, for example. This was the way I handled it. It works for me, but it feels a bit cumbersome. If anyone has any ideas for a cleaner, more concise solution, I'd be interested to see it.

var options = {
  placement: function (context, source) {
    var $win, $source, winWidth, popoverWidth, popoverHeight, offset, toRight, toLeft, placement, scrollTop;

    $win = $(window);
    $source = $(source);
    placement = $source.attr('data-placement');
    popoverWidth = 400;
    popoverHeight = 110;
    offset = $source.offset();

    // Check for horizontal positioning and try to use it.
    if (placement.match(/^right|left$/)) {
      winWidth = $win.width();
      toRight = winWidth - offset.left - source.offsetWidth;
      toLeft = offset.left;

      if (placement === 'left') {
        if (toLeft > popoverWidth) {
          return 'left';
        else if (toRight > popoverWidth) {
          return 'right';
      else {
        if (toRight > popoverWidth) {
          return 'right';
        else if (toLeft > popoverWidth) {
          return 'left';

    // Handle vertical positioning.
    scrollTop = $win.scrollTop();
    if (placement === 'bottom') {
      if (($win.height() + scrollTop) - ( + source.offsetHeight) > popoverHeight) {
        return 'bottom';
      return 'top';
    else {
      if ( - scrollTop > popoverHeight) {
        return 'top';
      return 'bottom';
  trigger: 'click'

Errno 13 Permission denied Python

For future searchers, if none of the above worked, for me, python was trying to open a folder as a file.

Join between tables in two different databases?

Yes, assuming the account has appropriate permissions you can use:

SELECT <...>
FROM A.table1 t1 JOIN B.table2 t2 ON t2.column2 = t1.column1;

You just need to prefix the table reference with the name of the database it resides in.

How to scroll page in flutter

you can scroll any part of content in two ways ...

  1. you can use the list view directly
  2. or SingleChildScrollView

most of the time i use List view directly when ever there is a keybord intraction in that specific screen so that the content dont get overlap by the keyboard and more over scrolls to top ....

this trick will be helpful many a times....

How do I perform a GROUP BY on an aliased column in MS-SQL Server?

In the old FoxPro (I haven't used it since version 2.5), you could write something like this:

SELECT       LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS 'FullName', Birthday, Title
FROM         customers
GROUP BY     1,3,2

I really liked that syntax. Why isn't it implemented anywhere else? It's a nice shortcut, but I assume it causes other problems?

HashSet vs. List performance

Just thought I'd chime in with some benchmarks for different scenarios to illustrate the previous answers:

  1. A few (12 - 20) small strings (length between 5 and 10 characters)
  2. Many (~10K) small strings
  3. A few long strings (length between 200 and 1000 characters)
  4. Many (~5K) long strings
  5. A few integers
  6. Many (~10K) integers

And for each scenario, looking up values which appear:

  1. In the beginning of the list ("start", index 0)
  2. Near the beginning of the list ("early", index 1)
  3. In the middle of the list ("middle", index count/2)
  4. Near the end of the list ("late", index count-2)
  5. At the end of the list ("end", index count-1)

Before each scenario I generated randomly sized lists of random strings, and then fed each list to a hashset. Each scenario ran 10,000 times, essentially:

(test pseudocode)

for X times
    exists = list.Contains(lookup);

for X times
    exists = hashset.Contains(lookup);

Sample Output

Tested on Windows 7, 12GB Ram, 64 bit, Xeon 2.8GHz

---------- Testing few small strings ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
vgnwaloqf diwfpxbv tdcdc grfch icsjwk

1: hashset: late -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018398 sec]
2: hashset: middle -- 104.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019169 sec]
3: hashset: end -- 108.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019908 sec]
4: list: early -- 144.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026607 sec]
5: hashset: start -- 174.32 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0032071 sec]
6: list: middle -- 187.72 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034536 sec]
7: list: late -- 192.66 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035446 sec]
8: list: end -- 215.42 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039633 sec]
9: hashset: early -- 217.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0040098 sec]
10: list: start -- 576.55 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0106073 sec]

---------- Testing many small strings ------------
Sample items: (10346 total)
dmnowa yshtrxorj vthjk okrxegip vwpoltck

1: hashset: end -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017443 sec]
2: hashset: late -- 102.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017951 sec]
3: hashset: middle -- 106.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018529 sec]
4: list: early -- 107.49 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018749 sec]
5: list: start -- 126.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022018 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 134.11 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0023393 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 372.09 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0064903 sec]
8: list: middle -- 48,593.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.8476214 sec]
9: list: end -- 99,020.73 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7272186 sec]
10: list: late -- 99,089.36 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7284155 sec]

---------- Testing few long strings ------------
Sample items: (19 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018266 sec]
2: list: start -- 115.76 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021144 sec]
3: list: middle -- 143.44 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026201 sec]
4: list: late -- 190.05 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034715 sec]
5: list: end -- 193.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035395 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 215.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039271 sec]
7: hashset: end -- 248.47 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0045386 sec]
8: hashset: start -- 298.04 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005444 sec]
9: hashset: middle -- 325.63 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005948 sec]
10: hashset: late -- 431.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0078839 sec]

---------- Testing many long strings ------------
Sample items: (5000 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: list: start -- 132.73 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021517 sec]
3: hashset: start -- 231.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.003749 sec]
4: hashset: end -- 368.74 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0059776 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 385.50 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0062493 sec]
6: hashset: late -- 406.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0065854 sec]
7: hashset: early -- 421.34 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0068304 sec]
8: list: middle -- 18,619.12 % -- [Elapsed: 0.3018345 sec]
9: list: end -- 40,942.82 % -- [Elapsed: 0.663724 sec]
10: list: late -- 41,188.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.6677017 sec]

---------- Testing few ints ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
7266092 60668895 159021363 216428460 28007724

1: hashset: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 100.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016284 sec]
3: list: early -- 101.83 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016507 sec]
4: hashset: late -- 108.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017662 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 112.29 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018204 sec]
6: hashset: start -- 120.33 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019506 sec]
7: list: late -- 134.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021795 sec]
8: list: start -- 136.43 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022117 sec]
9: list: end -- 169.77 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0027522 sec]
10: list: middle -- 237.94 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0038573 sec]

---------- Testing many ints ------------
Sample items: (10357 total)
370826556 569127161 101235820 792075135 270823009

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015132 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 101.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015403 sec]
3: hashset: early -- 102.08 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015446 sec]
4: hashset: middle -- 103.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015618 sec]
5: hashset: late -- 104.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015776 sec]
6: list: start -- 126.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019184 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 130.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019809 sec]
8: list: middle -- 16,497.89 % -- [Elapsed: 0.2496461 sec]
9: list: end -- 32,715.52 % -- [Elapsed: 0.4950512 sec]
10: list: late -- 33,698.87 % -- [Elapsed: 0.5099313 sec]

Sleep function in Windows, using C

SleepEx function (see is the best choise if your program directly or indirectly creates windows (for example use some COM objects). In the simples cases you can also use Sleep.

How to display an activity indicator with text on iOS 8 with Swift?

import UIKit

class ViewControllerUtils {

    let containerView: UIView = {

        let view = UIView()
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        view.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.3)
        return view

    let loadingView: UIView = {

        let view = UIView()
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        view.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.7)
        view.clipsToBounds = true
        view.layer.cornerRadius = 10
        return view

    let activityIndicatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView = {

        let aiv = UIActivityIndicatorView()
        aiv.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false = UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.whiteLarge
        return aiv

    let loadingLabel: UILabel = {

        let label = UILabel()
        label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        label.text = "Loading..."
        label.textAlignment = .center
        label.textColor = .white
        label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: UIFont.Weight.medium)
        return label

    func showLoader() {

        guard let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow else { return }


        containerView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.leftAnchor).isActive = true
        containerView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.rightAnchor).isActive = true
        containerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.topAnchor).isActive = true
        containerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.bottomAnchor).isActive = true

        loadingView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
        loadingView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
        loadingView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 120).isActive = true
        loadingView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 120).isActive = true

        activityIndicatorView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
        activityIndicatorView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: window.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
        activityIndicatorView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 60).isActive = true
        activityIndicatorView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 60).isActive = true

        loadingLabel.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: loadingView.leftAnchor).isActive = true
        loadingLabel.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: loadingView.rightAnchor).isActive = true
        loadingLabel.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: loadingView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        loadingLabel.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40).isActive = true

        DispatchQueue.main.async {


    func hideLoader() {

        DispatchQueue.main.async {


//// In order to show the activity indicator, call the function from your view controller
// let viewControllerUtils = ViewControllerUtils()
// viewControllerUtils.showLoader()

//// In order to hide the activity indicator, call the function from your view controller
// viewControllerUtils.hideLoader()

class ViewControllerUtils2 {

    var container: UIView = UIView()
    var loadingView: UIView = UIView()
    var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView()
    let loadingLabel = UILabel()

    func showLoader(_ uiView: UIView) {

        container.frame = uiView.frame =
        container.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.3)

        loadingView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 120, height: 120) =
        loadingView.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.7)
        loadingView.clipsToBounds = true
        loadingView.layer.cornerRadius = 10

        activityIndicator.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 60) = UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.whiteLarge = CGPoint(x: loadingView.frame.size.width / 2, y: loadingView.frame.size.height / 2)

        loadingLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 80, width: 120, height: 40)
        loadingLabel.text = "Loading..."
        loadingLabel.textAlignment = .center
        loadingLabel.textColor = .white
        loadingLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: UIFont.Weight.medium)


        DispatchQueue.main.async {


    func hideLoader() {

        DispatchQueue.main.async {


Understanding Popen.communicate

Your second bit of code starts the first bit of code as a subprocess with piped input and output. It then closes its input and tries to read its output.

The first bit of code tries to read from standard input, but the process that started it closed its standard input, so it immediately reaches an end-of-file, which Python turns into an exception.

UITableView set to static cells. Is it possible to hide some of the cells programmatically?

Turns out, you can hide and show cells in a static UITableView - and with animation. And it is not that hard to accomplish.

Demo project

Demo project video

The gist:

  1. Use tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to specify cell heights dynamically based on some state.
  2. When the state changes animate cells showing/hiding by calling tableView.beginUpdates();tableView.endUpdates()
  3. Do not call tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath: inside tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. Use cached indexPaths to differentiate the cells.
  4. Do not hide cells. Set "Clip Subviews" property in Xcode instead.
  5. Use Custom cells (not Plain etc) to get a nice hiding animation. Also, handle Auto Layout correctly for the case when cell height == 0.

More info in my blog (Russian language)

Why is division in Ruby returning an integer instead of decimal value?

You can check it with irb:

$ irb
>> 2 / 3
=> 0
>> 2.to_f / 3
=> 0.666666666666667
>> 2 / 3.to_f
=> 0.666666666666667

ImageView in circular through xml

This is the simplest way that I designed. Try this.


  • implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0-beta01'

  • implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'


    If you are working on android versions above lollipop


Adding Border to round ImageView - LATEST VERSION

Wrap it with another CardView slightly bigger than the inner one and set its background color to add a border to your round image. You can increase the size of the outer CardView to increase the thickness of the border.






R - " missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed "

check the command : NA!=NA : you'll get the result NA, hence the error message.

You have to use the function for your ifstatement to work (in general, it is always better to use this function to check for NA values) :

comments = c("no","yes",NA)
for (l in 1:length(comments)) {
    if (![l])) print(comments[l])
[1] "no"
[1] "yes"

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

It is good programming practice to return an empty array [] if the expected return type is an array. This makes sure that the receiver of the json can treat the value as an array immediately without having to first check for null. It's the same way with empty objects using open-closed braces {}.

Strings, Booleans and integers do not have an 'empty' form, so there it is okay to use null values.

This is also addressed in Joshua Blochs excellent book "Effective Java". There he describes some very good generic programming practices (often applicable to other programming langages as well). Returning empty collections instead of nulls is one of them.

Here's a link to that part of his book:

What's the difference between JavaScript and Java?

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language that allows you to create dynamic HTML pages, allowing you to process input data and maintain data, usually within the browser.

Java is a programming language, core set of libraries, and virtual machine platform that allows you to create compiled programs that run on nearly every platform, without distribution of source code in its raw form or recompilation.

While the two have similar names, they are really two completely different programming languages/models/platforms, and are used to solve completely different sets of problems.

Also, this is directly from the Wikipedia Javascript article:

A common misconception is that JavaScript is similar or closely related to Java; this is not so. Both have a C-like syntax, are object-oriented, are typically sandboxed and are widely used in client-side Web applications, but the similarities end there. Java has static typing; JavaScript's typing is dynamic (meaning a variable can hold an object of any type and cannot be restricted). Java is loaded from compiled bytecode; JavaScript is loaded as human-readable code. C is their last common ancestor language.

How can I get a character in a string by index?

string s = "hello";
char c = s[1];
// now c == 'e'

See also Substring, to return more than one character.

Understanding PIVOT function in T-SQL

    SELECT <non-pivoted column>,
    [first pivoted column] AS <column name>,
    [second pivoted column] AS <column name>,
    [last pivoted column] AS <column name>
    (<SELECT query that produces the data>)
    AS <alias for the source query>
    <aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>)
[<column that contains the values that will become column headers>]
    IN ( [first pivoted column], [second pivoted column],
    ... [last pivoted column])
) AS <alias for the pivot table>
<optional ORDER BY clause>;

USE AdventureWorks2008R2 ;
SELECT DaysToManufacture, AVG(StandardCost) AS AverageCost 
FROM Production.Product
GROUP BY DaysToManufacture;

    DaysToManufacture          AverageCost
0                          5.0885
1                          223.88
2                          359.1082
4                          949.4105

    -- Pivot table with one row and five columns
SELECT 'AverageCost' AS Cost_Sorted_By_Production_Days, 
[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]
(SELECT DaysToManufacture, StandardCost 
    FROM Production.Product) AS SourceTable
FOR DaysToManufacture IN ([0], [1], [2], [3], [4])
) AS PivotTable;

Here is the result set.
Cost_Sorted_By_Production_Days    0         1         2           3       4       
AverageCost                       5.0885    223.88    359.1082    NULL    949.4105

What is the iPad user agent?

From iOS 13, can not find 'iPad', i use this js current-device, it work.

this core:

const iPadOS13Up = navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1

you can see you die type :

Angular 4 setting selected option in Dropdown

To preselect an option when the form is initialized, the value of the select element must be set to an element attribute of the array you are iterating over and setting the value of option to. Which is the key attribute in this case.

From your example.

<select [id]="question.key" [formControlName]="question.key">
  <option *ngFor="let opt of question.options" [value]="opt.key"</option>

You are iterating over 'options' to create the select options. So the value of select must be set to the key attribute of an item in options(the one you want to display on initialization). This will display the default of select as the option whose value matches the value you set for select.

You can achieve this by setting the value of the select element in the onInit method like so.

ngOnInit(): void{
    myForm : new FormGroup({
       question.key : new FormControl(null)
    // Get desired initial value to display on <select>
    desiredValue = question.options.find(opt => opt === initialValue)

Best way to increase heap size in catalina.bat file

increase heap size of tomcat for window add this file in apache-tomcat-7.0.42\bin

enter image description here

heap size can be changed based on Requirements.

  set JAVA_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

Count how many files in directory PHP

I use this:


Replace part of a string in Python?

Use the replace() method on string:

>>> stuff = "Big and small"
>>> stuff.replace( " and ", "/" )

How can I make a button redirect my page to another page?

Just add an onclick event to the button:

<button onclick="location.href = '';" id="myButton" class="float-left submit-button" >Home</button>

But you shouldn't really have it inline like that, instead, put it in a JS block and give the button an ID:

<button id="myButton" class="float-left submit-button" >Home</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById("myButton").onclick = function () {
        location.href = "";

VBA Excel - Insert row below with same format including borders and frames

Private Sub cmdInsertRow_Click()

    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim lRsp As Long
    On Error Resume Next

    lRow = Selection.Row()
    lRsp = MsgBox("Insert New row above " & lRow & "?", _
            vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
    If lRsp <> vbYes Then Exit Sub

    Rows(lRow + 1).Select
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

   'Paste formulas and conditional formatting in new row created
    Rows(lRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone

End Sub

This is what I use. Tested and working,


Bootstrap 4 - Inline List?


Remove a list’s bullets and apply some light margin with a combination of two classes, .list-inline and .list-inline-item.

<ul class="list-inline">
   <li class="list-inline-item"><a class="social-icon text-xs-center" target="_blank" href="#">FB</a></li>
   <li class="list-inline-item"><a class="social-icon text-xs-center" target="_blank" href="#">G+</a></li>
   <li class="list-inline-item"><a class="social-icon text-xs-center" target="_blank" href="#">T</a></li>

BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup

I just deleted the existing DB that i wanted to override with the backup and restored it from backup and it worked without the error.

Android Studio: Module won't show up in "Edit Configuration"

Add your module in your applications .iml file like:

orderEntry type="module" module-name="yourmoudlename" exported="" 

It works for me.

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset

Most of the answers are good , but i thought of adding some more links of MSDN for more information

Send POST data on redirect with JavaScript/jQuery?


 //your variable
    var data = "brightcherry";

    //passing the variable into the window.location URL


//your variable
var data = "brightcherry";

//passing the variable into the window.location URL
window.location.replace("/newpage/page.php?id=" + product_id);


jQuery - Dynamically Create Button and Attach Event Handler

You can either use onclick inside the button to ensure the event is preserved, or else attach the button click handler by finding the button after it is inserted. The test.html() call will not serialize the event.

How to install ia32-libs in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

I got it finally! Here is my way, and I hope it can help you :)

sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
sudo -i
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
echo "deb raring main restricted universe multiverse" >ia32-libs-raring.list
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ia32-libs-raring.list
apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib

I don't know the reason why I need to install these, but it works on my computer. When you finish installing these packages, it's time to try. Oh yes, I need to tell you. This time when you want to compile your code, you should add -m32 after gcc, for example: gcc -m32 -o hello helloworld.c. Just make clean and make again. Good luck friends.

PS: my environment is: Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit (Trusty Tahr) and GCC version 4.8.4. I have written the solution in my blog, but it is in Chinese :-) - How to compass 32bit programm under ubuntu14.04.

How to get data from database in javascript based on the value passed to the function

'SELECT * FROM Employ where number = ' + parseInt(val, 10) + ';'

For example, if val is "10" then this will end up building the string:

"SELECT * FROM Employ where number = 10;"

SQL ON DELETE CASCADE, Which Way Does the Deletion Occur?

Here is a simple example for others visiting this old post, but is confused by the example in the question and the other answer:

Delivery -> Package (One -> Many)

    NoteNumber NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    Delivery_Id INT NOT NULL,

The entry with the foreign key Delivery_Id (Package) is deleted with the referenced entity in the FK relationship (Delivery).

So when a Delivery is deleted the Packages referencing it will also be deleted. If a Package is deleted nothing happens to any deliveries.

JQuery window scrolling event?

Check if the user has scrolled past the header ad, then display the footer ad.

if($(your header ad).position().top < 0) { $(your footer ad).show() }

Am I correct at what you are looking for?

composer laravel create project

My few cents. The forward-slash in the package name (laravel*/*laravel) is matter. If you put back-slash you will get package not found stability error.

What's the whole point of "localhost", hosts and ports at all?

I heard a good description (parable) which illustrates ports as different delivery points for a large building, e.g. Post office for letters and small parcels, Goods In for large deliveries / pallets, Doors for people.

Lists in ConfigParser

I faced the same problem in the past. If you need more complex lists, consider creating your own parser by inheriting from ConfigParser. Then you would overwrite the get method with that:

    def get(self, section, option):
    """ Get a parameter
    if the returning value is a list, convert string value to a python list"""
    value = SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
    if (value[0] == "[") and (value[-1] == "]"):
        return eval(value)
        return value

With this solution you will also be able to define dictionaries in your config file.

But be careful! This is not as safe: this means anyone could run code through your config file. If security is not an issue in your project, I would consider using directly python classes as config files. The following is much more powerful and expendable than a ConfigParser file:

class Section
    bar = foo
class Section2
    bar2 = baz
class Section3
    barList=[ item1, item2 ]

Is there a way to create multiline comments in Python?

If you put a comment in

long comment here

in the middle of a script, Python/linters won't recognize that. Folding will be messed up, as the above comment is not part of the standard recommendations. It's better to use

# Long comment
# here.

If you use Vim, you can plugins like commentary.vim, to automatically comment out long lines of comments by pressing Vjgcc. Where Vj selects two lines of code, and gcc comments them out.

If you don’t want to use plugins like the above you can use search and replace like

:.,.+1s/^/# /g

This will replace the first character on the current and next line with #.

Pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed

You get this error when declaring a forward reference inside the wrong namespace thus declaring a new type without defining it. For example:

namespace X
  namespace Y
    class A;

    void func(A* a) { ... } // incomplete type here!

...but, in class A was defined like this:

namespace X
  class A { ... };

Thus, A was defined as X::A, but I was using it as X::Y::A.

The fix obviously is to move the forward reference to its proper place like so:

namespace X
  class A;
  namespace Y
    void func(X::A* a) { ... } // Now accurately referencing the class`enter code here`

How to check heap usage of a running JVM from the command line?

If you start execution with gc logging turned on you get the info on file. Otherwise 'jmap -heap ' will give you what you want. See the jmap doc page for more.

Please note that jmap should not be used in a production environment unless absolutely needed as the tool halts the application to be able to determine actual heap usage. Usually this is not desired in a production environment.

How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe?

You can easily use xml (from the Python standard library) to convert to a pandas.DataFrame. Here's what I would do (when reading from a file replace xml_data with the name of your file or file object):

import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import io

def iter_docs(author):
    author_attr = author.attrib
    for doc in author.iter('document'):
        doc_dict = author_attr.copy()
        doc_dict['data'] = doc.text
        yield doc_dict

xml_data = io.StringIO(u'''\
<author type="XXX" language="EN" gender="xx" feature="xx" web="">
    <documents count="N">
        <document KEY="e95a9a6c790ecb95e46cf15bee517651" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="bc360cfbafc39970587547215162f0db" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="19e71144c50a8b9160b3f0955e906fce" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="21d4af9021a174f61b884606c74d9e42" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="28a45eb2460899763d709ca00ddbb665" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="a0c0712a6a351f85d9f5757e9fff8946" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="626726ba8d34d15d02b6d043c55fe691" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="2cb473e0f102e2e4a40aa3006e412ae4" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] [...]

etree = ET.parse(xml_data) #create an ElementTree object 
doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot())))

If there are multiple authors in your original document or the root of your XML is not an author, then I would add the following generator:

def iter_author(etree):
    for author in etree.iter('author'):
        for row in iter_docs(author):
            yield row

and change doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot()))) to doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_author(etree)))

Have a look at the ElementTree tutorial provided in the xml library documentation.

How do you add Boost libraries in CMakeLists.txt?

Adapting @LainIwakura's answer for modern CMake syntax with imported targets, this would be:

find_package(Boost 1.45.0 COMPONENTS filesystem regex) 

    add_executable(progname file1.cxx file2.cxx) 
    target_link_libraries(progname Boost::filesystem Boost::regex)

Note that it is not necessary anymore to specify the include directories manually, since it is already taken care of through the imported targets Boost::filesystem and Boost::regex.
regex and filesystem can be replaced by any boost libraries you need.

How can I flush GPU memory using CUDA (physical reset is unavailable)

on macOS (/ OS X), if someone else is having trouble with the OS apparently leaking memory:

  • is useful for quickly checking free memory
  • Quitting applications seems to free the memory they use. Quit everything you don't need, or quit applications one-by-one to see how much memory they used.
  • If that doesn't cut it (quitting about 10 applications freed about 500MB / 15% for me), the biggest consumer by far is WindowServer. You can Force quit it, which will also kill all applications you have running and log you out. But it's a bit faster than a restart and got me back to 90% free memory on the cuda device.

Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'

I was using CMake to compile my project and I've found the same problem.

The solution described here works like a charm, simply add ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} to the target_link_libraries() call

Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

You can use the NuGet Package Manager extension.

After you've installed it, to add a package, press Ctrl+Shift+P, and type >nuget and press Enter:

enter image description here

Type a part of your package's name as search string:

enter image description here

Choose the package:

enter image description here

And finally the package version (you probably want the newest one):

enter image description here

How do I iterate over an NSArray?

Add each method in your NSArray category, you gonna need it a lot

Code taken from ObjectiveSugar

- (void)each:(void (^)(id object))block {
    [self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {

C++11 thread-safe queue

BlockingCollection is a C++11 thread safe collection class that provides support for queue, stack and priority containers. It handles the "empty" queue scenario you described. As well as a "full" queue.

What throws an IOException in Java?

Java documentation is helpful to know the root cause of a particular IOException.

Just have a look at the direct known sub-interfaces of IOException from the documentation page:

ChangedCharSetException, CharacterCodingException, CharConversionException, ClosedChannelException, EOFException, FileLockInterruptionException, FileNotFoundException, FilerException, FileSystemException, HttpRetryException, IIOException, InterruptedByTimeoutException, InterruptedIOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException, JMXProviderException, JMXServerErrorException, MalformedURLException, ObjectStreamException, ProtocolException, RemoteException, SaslException, SocketException, SSLException, SyncFailedException, UnknownHostException, UnknownServiceException, UnsupportedDataTypeException, UnsupportedEncodingException, UserPrincipalNotFoundException, UTFDataFormatException, ZipException

Most of these exceptions are self-explanatory.

A few IOExceptions with root causes:

EOFException: Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input. This exception is mainly used by data input streams to signal the end of the stream.

SocketException: Thrown to indicate that there is an error creating or accessing a Socket.

RemoteException: A RemoteException is the common superclass for a number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call. Each method of a remote interface, an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote, must list RemoteException in its throws clause.

UnknownHostException: Thrown to indicate that the IP address of a host could not be determined (you may not be connected to Internet).

MalformedURLException: Thrown to indicate that a malformed URL has occurred. Either no legal protocol could be found in a specification string or the string could not be parsed.

Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is not a function

To make semicolon rules simple

Every line that begins with a (, [, `, or any operator (/, +, - are the only valid ones), must begin with a semicolon.


This prevents a



Additional Note

To mention what will happen: brackets will index, parentheses will be treated as function parameters. The backtick would transform into a tagged template, and regex or explicitly signed integers will turn into operators. Of course, you can just add a semicolon to the end of every line. It's good to keep mind though when you're quickly prototyping and are dropping your semicolons.

Also, adding semicolons to the end of every line won't help you with the following, so keep in mind statements like

return // Will automatically insert semicolon, and return undefined.
i // Adds a semicolon
   ++ // But, if you really intended i++ here, your codebase needs help.

The above case will happen to return/continue/break/++/--. Any linter will catch this with dead-code or ++/-- syntax error (++/-- will never realistically happen).

Finally, if you want file concatenation to work, make sure each file ends with a semicolon. If you're using a bundler program (recommended), it should do this automatically.

Differences between Microsoft .NET 4.0 full Framework and Client Profile

You should deploy "Client Profile" instead of "Full Framework" inside a corporation mostly in one case only: you want explicitly deny some .NET features are running on the client computers. The only real case is denying of ASP.NET on the client machines of the corporation, for example, because of security reasons or the existing corporate policy.

Saving of less than 8 MB on client computer can not be a serious reason of "Client Profile" deployment in a corporation. The risk of the necessity of the deployment of the "Full Framework" later in the corporation is higher than costs of 8 MB per client.

What does the ">" (greater-than sign) CSS selector mean?

    <p class="some_class">lohrem text (it will be of red color )</p>    
        <p class="some_class">lohrem text (it will  NOT be of red color)</p> 
    <p class="some_class">lohrem text (it will be  of red color )</p>
div > p.some_class{

All the direct children that are <p> with .some_class would get the style applied to them.

Retrieve list of tasks in a queue in Celery

A copy-paste solution for Redis with json serialization:

def get_celery_queue_items(queue_name):
    import base64
    import json  

    # Get a configured instance of a celery app:
    from yourproject.celery import app as celery_app

    with celery_app.pool.acquire(block=True) as conn:
        tasks = conn.default_channel.client.lrange(queue_name, 0, -1)
        decoded_tasks = []

    for task in tasks:
        j = json.loads(task)
        body = json.loads(base64.b64decode(j['body']))

    return decoded_tasks

It works with Django. Just don't forget to change yourproject.celery.

Change the bullet color of list

You have to use image

.listStyle {
    list-style: none;
    background: url(bullet.jpg) no-repeat left center;
    padding-left: 40px;

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute

I have crossed with this issue many times, but I didnt try to dig deeper about it. Now I understand the main issue.

This time my problem was importing Serializers ( django and restframework ) from different modules such as the following :

from rest_framework import serializers

from common import serializers as srlz
from prices import models as mdlpri

# the line below was the problem 'srlzprod'
from products import serializers as srlzprod

I was getting a problem like this :

from product import serializers as srlzprod
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'product'

What I wanted to accomplished was the following :

class CampaignsProductsSerializers(srlz.DynamicFieldsModelSerializer):
    bank_name = serializers.CharField(trim_whitespace=True,)
    coupon_type = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
    promotion_description = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    # the nested relation of the line below
    product = srlzprod.ProductsSerializers(fields=['id','name',],read_only=True,)

So, as mentioned by the lines above how to solve it ( top-level import ), I proceed to do the following changes :

# change
product = srlzprod.ProductsSerializers(fields=['id','name',],read_only=True,)
# by 
product = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

# and create the following method and call from there the required serializer class
def get_product(self, obj):
        from products import serializers as srlzprod
        p_fields = ['id', 'name', ]
        return srlzprod.ProductsSerializers(
            obj.product, fields=p_fields, many=False,

Therefore, django runserver was executed without problems :

./project/settings/ runserver 0:8002 --settings=settings_development_mlazo
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
April 25, 2020 - 13:31:56
Django version 2.0.7, using settings 'settings_development_mlazo'
Starting development server at http://0:8002/
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Final state of the code lines was the following :

from rest_framework import serializers

from common import serializers as srlz
from prices import models as mdlpri

class CampaignsProductsSerializers(srlz.DynamicFieldsModelSerializer):
    bank_name = serializers.CharField(trim_whitespace=True,)
    coupon_type = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
    promotion_description = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
    product = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    class Meta:
        model = mdlpri.CampaignsProducts
        fields = '__all__'

    def get_product(self, obj):
        from products import serializers as srlzprod
        p_fields = ['id', 'name', ]
        return srlzprod.ProductsSerializers(
            obj.product, fields=p_fields, many=False,

Hope this could be helpful for everybody else.


How to record phone calls in android?

There is a simple solution to this problem using this library. I store an instance of the CallRecord class in MyService.class. When the service is first initialized, the following code is executed:

public class MyService extends Service {

    public static CallRecord callRecord;

    public void onCreate() {

        callRecord = new CallRecord.Builder(this)
                .setRecordDirPath(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()) // optional & default value
                .setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB) // optional & default value
                .setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.AMR_NB) // optional & default value
                .setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION) // optional & default value
                .setShowSeed(false) // optional, default=true ->Ex: RecordFileName_incoming.amr || RecordFileName_outgoing.amr

    public void onDestroy() {

Next, do not forget to specify permissions in the manifest. (I may have some extras here, but keep in mind that some of them are necessary only for newer versions of Android)

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_INCOMING_CALLS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Also it is crucial to request some permissions at the first start of the application. A guide is provided here.

If my code doesn't work, alternative code can be found here. I hope I helped you.

test if event handler is bound to an element in jQuery

I wrote a plugin called hasEventListener which exactly does that :

Hope this helps.

'Connect-MsolService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

All links to the Azure Active Directory Connection page now seem to be invalid.

I had an older version of Azure AD installed too, this is what worked for me. Install this.

Run these in an elevated PS session:

uninstall-module AzureAD  # this may or may not be needed
install-module AzureAD
install-module AzureADPreview
install-module MSOnline

I was then able to log in and run what I needed.

How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?


  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "build": "ng build --prod",
    "build_c": "ng build --prod && del \"../../server/front-end/*.*\" /s /q & xcopy /s dist \"../../server/front-end\"",
    "test": "ng test",
    "lint": "ng lint",
    "e2e": "ng e2e"

As you can see, the script "build_c" is building the angular application, then deletes all old files from a directory, then finally copies the result build files.

Hide div element when screen size is smaller than a specific size

You simply need to use a media query in CSS to accomplish this.

@media (max-width: 1026px) {
    #fadeshow1 { display: none; }

Unfortunately some browsers do not support @media (looking at you IE8 and below). In those cases, you have a few options, but the most common is Respond.js which is a lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries.

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="respond.min.js"></script>

This will allow your responsive design to function in those old versions of IE.

How do I create a link using javascript?

      var a = document.createElement('a');
      var linkText = document.createTextNode("my title text");
      a.title = "my title text";
      a.href = "";

How to avoid scientific notation for large numbers in JavaScript?

Use .toPrecision, .toFixed, etc. You can count the number of digits in your number by converting it to a string with .toString then looking at its .length.

Eclipse Java error: This selection cannot be launched and there are no recent launches

Check, you might have written this statement wrong.

public static void main(String Args[])

I have also just started java and was facing the same error and it was occuring as i didn't put [] after args. so check ur statment.

How to preserve aspect ratio when scaling image using one (CSS) dimension in IE6?

Well, I can think of a CSS hack that will resolve this issue.

You could add the following line in your CSS file:

* html .blog_list div.postbody img { width:75px; height: SpecifyHeightHere; } 

The above code will only be seen by IE6. The aspect ratio won't be perfect, but you could make it look somewhat normal. If you really wanted to make it perfect, you would need to write some javascript that would read the original picture width, and set the ratio accordingly to specify a height.

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

You can setup _JAVA_OPTIONS instead of JAVA_OPTS. This should work without $_JAVA_OPTIONS.

Get the current fragment object

Try this,

Fragment currentFragment = getActivity().getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

this will give u the current fragment, then you may compare it to the fragment class and do your stuffs.

    if (currentFragment instanceof NameOfYourFragmentClass) {
     Log.v(TAG, "find the current fragment");

Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch


  • http or https?
  • & or &amp;?
  • trailing slash(/) or open ?
  • (CMD/CTRL)+F, search for the exact match in the credential page. If not found then search for the missing one.
  • Wait until google refreshes it. May happen in each half an hour if you are changing frequently or it may stay in the pool. For my case it was almost half an hour to take effect.

Elasticsearch error: cluster_block_exception [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)], flood stage disk watermark exceeded

This error is usually observed when your machine is low on disk space. Steps to be followed to avoid this error message

  1. Resetting the read-only index block on the index:

    $ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": null}'
  2. Updating the low watermark to at least 50 gigabytes free, a high watermark of at least 20 gigabytes free, and a flood stage watermark of 10 gigabytes free, and updating the information about the cluster every minute

     $curl -X PUT "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low": "50gb", "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high": "20gb", "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage": "10gb", "": "1m"}}'
       "acknowledged" : true,
       "persistent" : { },
       "transient" : {
       "cluster" : {
       "routing" : {
       "allocation" : {
       "disk" : {
         "watermark" : {
           "low" : "50gb",
           "flood_stage" : "10gb",
           "high" : "20gb"
    "info" : {"update" : {"interval" : "1m"}}}}}

After running these two commands, you must run the first command again so that the index does not go again into read-only mode

Decimal precision and scale in EF Code First

If you want to set the precision for all decimals in EF6 you could replace the default DecimalPropertyConvention convention used in the DbModelBuilder:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new DecimalPropertyConvention(38, 18));

The default DecimalPropertyConvention in EF6 maps decimal properties to decimal(18,2) columns.

If you only want individual properties to have a specified precision then you can set the precision for the entity's property on the DbModelBuilder:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Entity<MyEntity>().Property(e => e.Value).HasPrecision(38, 18);

Or, add an EntityTypeConfiguration<> for the entity which specifies the precision:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new MyEntityConfiguration());

internal class MyEntityConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
    internal MyEntityConfiguration()
        this.Property(e => e.Value).HasPrecision(38, 18);

Change the maximum upload file size

the answers are a bit incomplete, 3 things you have to do

in php.ini of your php installation (note: depending if you want it for CLI, apache, or nginx, find the right php.ini to manipulate. For nginx it is usually located in /etc/php/7.1/fpm where 7.1 depends on your version. For apache usually /etc/php/7.1/apache2)




or set other values. Restart/reload apache if you have apache installed or php-fpm for nginx if you use nginx.

Excel Macro : How can I get the timestamp in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" format?

If some users of the code have different language settings format might not work. Thus I use the following code that gives the time stamp in format "yyymmdd hhMMss" regardless of language.

Function TimeStamp()
Dim iNow
Dim d(1 To 6)
Dim i As Integer

iNow = Now
d(1) = Year(iNow)
d(2) = Month(iNow)
d(3) = Day(iNow)
d(4) = Hour(iNow)
d(5) = Minute(iNow)
d(6) = Second(iNow)

For i = 1 To 6
    If d(i) < 10 Then TimeStamp = TimeStamp & "0"
    TimeStamp = TimeStamp & d(i)
    If i = 3 Then TimeStamp = TimeStamp & " "
Next i

End Function

Regular expression include and exclude special characters

For the allowed characters you can use

^[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$

to validate a complete string that should consist of only allowed characters. Note that - is at the end (because otherwise it'd be a range) and a few characters are escaped.

For the invalid characters you can use


to check for them.

To combine both into a single regex you can use

^(?=[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$)(?!.*[<>'"/;`%])

but you'd need a regex engine that allows lookahead.

How to extend available properties of User.Identity

Dhaust gives a good way to add the property to the ApplicationUser class. Looking at the OP code it appears they may have done this or were on track to do that. The question asks

How can I retrieve the OrganizationId property of the currently logged in user from within a controller? However, OrganizationId is not a property available in User.Identity. Do I need to extend User.Identity to include the OrganizationId property?

Pawel gives a way to add an extension method that requires using statements or adding the namespace to the web.config file.

However, the question asks if you "need to" extend User.Identity to include the new property. There is an alternative way to access the property without extending User.Identity. If you followed Dhaust method you can then use the following code in your controller to access the new property.

ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();
var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(db));
var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
var myNewProperty = currentUser.OrganizationId;

Is there an arraylist in Javascript?

You don't even need push, you can do something like this -

var A=[10,20,30,40];


JSON.parse vs. eval()

You are more vulnerable to attacks if using eval: JSON is a subset of Javascript and json.parse just parses JSON whereas eval would leave the door open to all JS expressions.

How to change column datatype from character to numeric in PostgreSQL 8.4

If your VARCHAR column contains empty strings (which are not the same as NULL for PostgreSQL as you might recall) you will have to use something in the line of the following to set a default:

            USING COALESCE(NULLIF(code, '')::NUMERIC, 0);

(found with the help of this answer)

python: sys is not defined

I'm guessing your code failed BEFORE import sys, so it can't find it when you handle the exception.

Also, you should indent the your code whithin the try block.


import sys
# .. other safe imports
    import numpy as np
    # other unsafe imports
except ImportError:
    print "Error: missing one of the libraries (numpy, pyfits, scipy, matplotlib)"

SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode?

Updating NodeJS solves this problem. But, after running sudo npm install -g n you might get following error:

npm: relocation error: npm: symbol SSL_set_cert_cb, version not defined in file with link time reference

In order to overcome this error, try upgrading openssl using the below command:

sudo yum update openssl

Convert string to JSON Object

only with js



MySQL ORDER BY rand(), name ASC

Use a subquery:

    SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 20
) T1
ORDER BY name 

The inner query selects 20 users at random and the outer query orders the selected users by name.

CSS text-align: center; is not centering things

This worked for me :

  e.Row.Cells["cell no "].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;

But 'css text-align = center ' didn't worked for me

hope it will help you

What properties does @Column columnDefinition make redundant?

columnDefinition will override the sql DDL generated by hibernate for this particular column, it is non portable and depends on what database you are using. You can use it to specify nullable, length, precision, scale... ect.

I can’t find the Android keytool

Ok I did this in Windows 7 32-bit system.

step 1: go to - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin - and run jarsigner.exe first ( double click)

step2: locate debug.keystore, in my case it was - C:\Users\MyPcName\.android

step3: open command prompt and go to dir - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin and give the following command: keytool -list -keystore "C:\Users\MyPcName\.android\debug.keystore"

step4: it will ask for Keystore password now. ( which I am figuring out... :-? )

update: OK in my case password was ´ android ´. - (I am using Eclipse for android, so I found it here) Follow the steps in eclipse: Windows>preferences>android>build>..
( Look in `default Debug Keystore´ field.)

Command to change the keystore password (look here): Keystore change passwords

How to resolve this JNI error when trying to run LWJGL "Hello World"?

A CLASSPATH entry is either a directory at the head of a package hierarchy of .class files, or a .jar file. If you're expecting ./lib to include all the .jar files in that directory, it won't. You have to name them explicitly.

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

Are you trying to get the position of mouse pointer relative to element ( or ) simply the mouse pointer location

Try this Demo :

Edit :

1) event.pageX, event.pageY gives you the mouse position relative document !

Ref :

2) offset() : It gives the offset position of an element

Ref :

3) position() : It gives you the relative Position of an element i.e.,

consider an element is embedded inside another element

example :

<div id="imParent">
   <div id="imchild" />

Ref :


   <div id="A" style="left:100px;"> Default    <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
   <div id="B" style="left:300px;"> offset()   <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
   <div id="C" style="left:500px;"> position() <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>


$(document).ready(function (e) {

    $('#A').click(function (e) { //Default mouse Position 
        alert(e.pageX + ' , ' + e.pageY);

    $('#B').click(function (e) { //Offset mouse Position
        var posX = $(this).offset().left,
            posY = $(this).offset().top;
        alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));

    $('#C').click(function (e) { //Relative ( to its parent) mouse position 
        var posX = $(this).position().left,
            posY = $(this).position().top;
        alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string using JavaScript?

You are not assigning your changes to the array again, so all your efforts are in vain. Try this:

function titleCase(str) {_x000D_
   var splitStr = str.toLowerCase().split(' ');_x000D_
   for (var i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) {_x000D_
       // You do not need to check if i is larger than splitStr length, as your for does that for you_x000D_
       // Assign it back to the array_x000D_
       splitStr[i] = splitStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitStr[i].substring(1);     _x000D_
   // Directly return the joined string_x000D_
   return splitStr.join(' '); _x000D_
document.write(titleCase("I'm a little tea pot"));

I can not find my.cnf on my windows computer

You can find the basedir (and within maybe your my.cnf) if you do the following query in your mysql-Client (e.g. phpmyadmin)


How to check that a string is parseable to a double?

You can always wrap Double.parseDouble() in a try catch block.

catch(NumberFormatException e)
  //not a double

How to get page content using cURL?

Try This:

$url = "".$strSearch."&hl=en&start=0&sa=N";
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)");
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, urlencode($url));
  $response = curl_exec($ch);

Putting GridView data in a DataTable

you can do something like this:

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Columns.Count; i++)
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
        for(int j = 0;j<GridView1.Columns.Count;j++)
                dr["column" + j.ToString()] = row.Cells[j].Text;


And that will show that it works.

GridView6.DataSource = dt;

Is there a max array length limit in C++?

As annoyingly non-specific as all the current answers are, they're mostly right but with many caveats, not always mentioned. The gist is, you have two upper-limits, and only one of them is something actually defined, so YMMV:

1. Compile-time limits

Basically, what your compiler will allow. For Visual C++ 2017 on an x64 Windows 10 box, this is my max limit at compile-time before incurring the 2GB limit,

unsigned __int64 max_ints[255999996]{0};

If I did this instead,

unsigned __int64 max_ints[255999997]{0};

I'd get:

Error C1126 automatic allocation exceeds 2G

I'm not sure how 2G correllates to 255999996/7. I googled both numbers, and the only thing I could find that was possibly related was this *nix Q&A about a precision issue with dc. Either way, it doesn't appear to matter which type of int array you're trying to fill, just how many elements can be allocated.

2. Run-time limits

Your stack and heap have their own limitations. These limits are both values that change based on available system resources, as well as how "heavy" your app itself is. For example, with my current system resources, I can get this to run:

int main()
    int max_ints[257400]{ 0 };
    return 0;

But if I tweak it just a little bit...

int main()
    int max_ints[257500]{ 0 };
    return 0;

Bam! Stack overflow!

Exception thrown at 0x00007FF7DC6B1B38 in memchk.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000AA8DE03000). Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF7DC6B1B38 in memchk.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000AA8DE03000).

And just to detail the whole heaviness of your app point, this was good to go:

int main()
    int maxish_ints[257000]{ 0 };
    int more_ints[400]{ 0 };
    return 0;

But this caused a stack overflow:

int main()
    int maxish_ints[257000]{ 0 };
    int more_ints[500]{ 0 };
    return 0;

AngularJS: factory $http.get JSON file

I have approximately these problem. I need debug AngularJs application from Visual Studio 2013.

By default IIS Express restricted access to local files (like json).

But, first: JSON have JavaScript syntax.

Second: javascript files is allowed.


  1. rename JSON to JS (data.json->data.js).

  2. correct load command ($http.get('App/data.js').success(function (data) {...

  3. load script data.js to page (<script src="App/data.js"></script>)

Next use loaded data an usual manner. It is just workaround, of course.

Error: unable to verify the first certificate in nodejs

Try adding the appropriate root certificate

This is always going to be a much safer option than just blindly accepting unauthorised end points, which should in turn only be used as a last resort.

This can be as simple as adding

require('https') = require('ssl-root-cas/latest').create();

to your application.

The SSL Root CAs npm package (as used here) is a very useful package regarding this problem.

Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer

Project Euler is mentioned in the tags and many of the problems in it require checking numbers >> 2^64. Most of the optimizations mentioned above don't work easily when you are working with an 80 byte buffer.

I used java BigInteger and a slightly modified version of Newton's method, one that works better with integers. The problem was that exact squares n^2 converged to (n-1) instead of n because n^2-1 = (n-1)(n+1) and the final error was just one step below the final divisor and the algorithm terminated. It was easy to fix by adding one to the original argument before computing the error. (Add two for cube roots, etc.)

One nice attribute of this algorithm is that you can immediately tell if the number is a perfect square - the final error (not correction) in Newton's method will be zero. A simple modification also lets you quickly calculate floor(sqrt(x)) instead of the closest integer. This is handy with several Euler problems.

Very simple C# CSV reader

My solution handles quotes, overriding field and string separators, etc. It is short and sweet.

    public static string[] CSVRowToStringArray(string r, char fieldSep = ',', char stringSep = '\"')
        bool bolQuote = false;
        StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
        List<string> retAry = new List<string>();

        foreach (char c in r.ToCharArray())
            if ((c == fieldSep && !bolQuote))
                if (c == stringSep)
                    bolQuote = !bolQuote;

        return retAry.ToArray();

Parse an HTML string with JS

It's quite simple:

var parser = new DOMParser();
var htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, 'text/html');
// do whatever you want with htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('a');

According to MDN, to do this in chrome you need to parse as XML like so:

var parser = new DOMParser();
var htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, 'text/xml');
// do whatever you want with htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('a');

It is currently unsupported by webkit and you'd have to follow Florian's answer, and it is unknown to work in most cases on mobile browsers.

Edit: Now widely supported

Automatically open Chrome developer tools when new tab/new window is opened


See this answer . - 2019-11-05

You can also now have it auto-open Developer Tools in Pop-ups if they were open where you opened them from. For example, if you do not have Dev Tools open and you get a popup, it won't open with Dev Tools. But if you Have Dev Tools Open and then you click something, the popup will have Dev-Tools Automatically opened.


Time has changed, you can now use --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs as in this answer – Wouter Huysentruit May 18 at 11:08


I played around with the startup string for Chrome on execute, but couldn't get it to persist to new tabs.
I also thought about a defined PATH method that you could invoke from prompt. This is possible with the SendKeys command, but again, only on a new instance. And DevTools doesn't persist to new tabs.

Browsing the Google Product Forums, there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to do this in Chrome. You'll have to use a keystroke solution or F12 as mentioned above.

I recommended it as a feature. I know I'm not the first either.

Passing route control with optional parameter after root in express?

That would work depending on what client.get does when passed undefined as its first parameter.

Something like this would be safer:

app.get('/:key?', function(req, res, next) {
    var key = req.params.key;
    if (!key) {
    client.get(key, function(err, reply) {
        if(client.get(reply)) {
        else {
            res.render('index', {
                link: null

There's no problem in calling next() inside the callback.

According to this, handlers are invoked in the order that they are added, so as long as your next route is app.get('/', ...) it will be called if there is no key.

Callback functions in Java

Create an Interface, and Create the Same Interface Property in Callback Class.

interface dataFetchDelegate {
    void didFetchdata(String data);
//callback class
public class BackendManager{
   public dataFetchDelegate Delegate;

   public void getData() {
       //Do something, Http calls/ Any other work
       Delegate.didFetchdata("this is callbackdata");


Now in the class where you want to get called back implement the above Created Interface. and Also Pass "this" Object/Reference of your class to be called back.

public class Main implements dataFetchDelegate
    public static void main( String[] args )
        new Main().getDatafromBackend();

    public void getDatafromBackend() {
        BackendManager inc = new BackendManager();
        //Pass this object as this Scenario this is Main Object            
        inc.Delegate = this;
        //make call

    //This method is called after task/Code Completion
    public void didFetchdata(String callbackData) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

How to return multiple rows from the stored procedure? (Oracle PL/SQL)

create procedure <procedure_name>(p_cur out sys_refcursor) as begin open p_cur for select * from <table_name> end;

Linq to Entities join vs groupjoin

Let's suppose you have two different classes:

public class Person
    public string Name, Email;
    public Person(string name, string email)
        Name = name;
        Email = email;
class Data
    public string Mail, SlackId;
    public Data(string mail, string slackId)
        Mail = mail;
        SlackId = slackId;

Now, let's Prepare data to work with:

var people = new Person[]
        new Person("Sudi", "[email protected]"),
        new Person("Simba", "[email protected]"),
        new Person("Sarah", string.Empty)
    var records = new Data[]
        new Data("[email protected]", "Sudi_Try"),
        new Data("[email protected]", "Sudi@Test"),
        new Data("[email protected]", "SimbaLion")

You will note that [email protected] has got two slackIds. I have made that for demonstrating how Join works.

Let's now construct the query to join Person with Data:

var query = people.Join(records,
        x => x.Email,
        y => y.Mail,
        (person, record) => new { Name = person.Name, SlackId = record.SlackId});

After constructing the query, you could also iterate over it with a foreach like so:

foreach (var item in query)
        Console.WriteLine($"{item.Name} has Slack ID {item.SlackId}");

Let's also output the result for GroupJoin:

            x => x.Email,
            y => y.Mail,
            (person, recs) => new {
                Name = person.Name,
                SlackIds = recs.Select(r => r.SlackId).ToArray() // You could materialize //whatever way you want.

You will notice that the GroupJoin will put all SlackIds in a single group.

How to check if an app is installed from a web-page on an iPhone?

iOS Safari has a feature that allows you to add a "smart" banner to your webpage that will link either to your app, if it is installed, or to the App Store.

You do this by adding a meta tag to the page. You can even specify a detailed app URL if you want the app to do something special when it loads.

Details are at Apple's Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners page.

The mechanism has the advantages of being easy and presenting a standardized banner. The downside is that you don't have much control over the look or location. Also, all bets are off if the page is viewed in a browser other than Safari.

How do I horizontally center a span element inside a div

One option is to give the <a> a display of inline-block and then apply text-align: center; on the containing block (remove the float as well):

div { 
    background: red;
    overflow: hidden; 
    text-align: center;

span a {
    background: #222;
    color: #fff;
    display: inline-block;
    /* float:left;  remove */
    margin: 10px 10px 0 0;
    padding: 5px 10px

Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP

The issues with falsyness comes from the PHP history. The problem targets the not well defined scalar type.

'*' == true -> true (string match)
'*' === true -> false (numberic match)

(int)'*' == true -> false
(string)'*' == true -> true

PHP7 strictness is a step forward, but maybe not enough.

How to Join to first row

From SQL Server 2012 and onwards I think this will do the trick:

    o.OrderNumber ,
    FIRST_VALUE(li.Quantity) OVER ( PARTITION BY o.OrderNumber ORDER BY li.Description ) AS Quantity ,
    FIRST_VALUE(li.Description) OVER ( PARTITION BY o.OrderNumber ORDER BY li.Description ) AS Description
FROM    Orders AS o
    INNER JOIN LineItems AS li ON o.OrderID = li.OrderID

How to connect to a docker container from outside the host (same network) [Windows]

TLDR: If you have Windows Firewall enabled, make sure that there is an exception for "vpnkit" on private networks.

For my particular case, I discovered that Windows Firewall was blocking my connection when I tried visiting my container's published port from another machine on my local network, because disabling it made everything work.

However, I didn't want to disable the firewall entirely just so I could access my container's service. This begged the question of which "app" was listening on behalf of my container's service. After finding another SO thread that taught me to use netstat -a -b to discover the apps behind the listening sockets on my machine, I learned that it was vpnkit.exe, which already had an entry in my Windows Firewall settings: but "private networks" was disabled on it, and once I enabled it, I was able to visit my container's service from another machine without having to completely disable the firewall.

How to count frequency of characters in a string?

You can use a java Map and map a char to an int. You can then iterate over the characters in the string and check if they have been added to the map, if they have, you can then increment its value.

For example:

HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
String s = "aasjjikkk";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    char c = s.charAt(i);
    Integer val = map.get(c);
    if (val != null) {
        map.put(c, new Integer(val + 1));
    else {
       map.put(c, 1);

At the end you will have a count of all the characters you encountered and you can extract their frequencies from that.

Alternatively, you can use Bozho's solution of using a Multiset and counting the total occurences.

Memory address of an object in C#

Getting the address of an arbitrary object in .NET is not possible, but can be done if you change the source code and use mono. See instructions here: Get Memory Address of .NET Object (C#)

AJAX POST and Plus Sign ( + ) -- How to Encode?

If you have to do a curl in php, you should use urlencode() from PHP but individually!

strPOST = "Item1=" . $Value1 . "&Item2=" . urlencode("+")

If you do urlencode(strPOST), you will bring you another problem, you will have one Item1 and & will be change %xx value and be as one value, see down here the return!

Example 1

$strPOST = "Item1=" . $Value1 . "&Item2=" . urlencode("+") will give Item1=Value1&Item2=%2B

Example 2

$strPOST = urlencode("Item1=" . $Value1 . "&Item2=+") will give Item1%3DValue1%26Item2%3D%2B

Example 1 is the good way to prepare string for POST in curl

Example 2 show that the receptor will not see the equal and the ampersand to distinguish both value!

Design Android EditText to show error message as described by google

private EditText edt_firstName;
private String firstName;

edt_firstName = findViewById(;

private void validateData() {
 firstName = edt_firstName.getText().toString().trim();
 if (!firstName.isEmpty(){
//here api call for ....
if (firstName.isEmpty()) {
                edt_firstName.setError("Please Enter First Name");

Get list of filenames in folder with Javascript

I write a file dir.php

var files = <?php $out = array();
foreach (glob('file/*.html') as $filename) {
    $p = pathinfo($filename);
    $out[] = $p['filename'];
echo json_encode($out); ?>;

In your script add:

<script src='dir.php'></script>

and use the files[] array

C# get and set properties for a List Collection


public class Section
  public String Head { get; set; }
  private readonly List<string> _subHead = new List<string>();
  private readonly List<string> _content = new List<string>();

  public IEnumerable<string> SubHead { get { return _subHead; } }
  public IEnumerable<string> Content { get { return _content; } }

  public void AddContent(String argValue)

  public void AddSubHeader(String argValue)

All depends on how much of the implementaton of content and subhead you want to hide.

Scroll Element into View with Selenium

If nothing works, try this before clicking:

public void mouseHoverJScript(WebElement HoverElement) {

    String mouseOverScript = "if(document.createEvent){var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');evObj.initEvent('mouseover', true, false); arguments[0].dispatchEvent(evObj);} else if(document.createEventObject) { arguments[0].fireEvent('onmouseover');}";
    ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(mouseOverScript, HoverElement);

Sorting Python list based on the length of the string

I can do it using below two methods, using function

def lensort(x):
    list1 = []
    for i in x:
    return sorted(list1)

lista = ['a', 'bb', 'ccc', 'dddd']
print([l[1] for l in a])

In one Liner using Lambda, as below, a already answered above.

 lista = ['a', 'bb', 'ccc', 'dddd']
 lista.sort(key = lambda x:len(x))

Multiline strings in VB.NET

Since this is a readability issue, I have used the following code:

MySql = ""
MySql = MySql & "SELECT"
MySql = MySql & " FROM myTable"
MySql = MySql & " WHERE myTable.id_equipment = " & lblId.Text

How to check if a specified key exists in a given S3 bucket using Java

Use ListObjectsRequest setting Prefix as your key.

.NET code:

 public bool Exists(string key)

        using (Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client client = (Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client)Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(m_accessKey, m_accessSecret))
            ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest();
            request.BucketName = m_bucketName;
            request.Prefix = key;
            using (ListObjectsResponse response = client.ListObjects(request))

                foreach (S3Object o in response.S3Objects)
                    if( o.Key == key )
                        return true;
                return false;

Vue Js - Loop via v-for X times (in a range)

In 2.2.0+, when using v-for with a component, a key is now required.

<div v-for="item in items" :key="">


How to pattern match using regular expression in Scala?

You can do this because regular expressions define extractors but you need to define the regex pattern first. I don't have access to a Scala REPL to test this but something like this should work.

val Pattern = "([a-cA-C])".r
word.firstLetter match {
   case Pattern(c) => c bound to capture group here
   case _ =>

How to darken an image on mouseover?

Or, similar to erikkallen's idea, make the background of the A tag black, and make the image semitransparent on mouseover. That way you won't have to create additional divs.

Source for the CSS-based solution:

a.darken {
    display: inline-block;
    background: black;
    padding: 0;

a.darken img {
    display: block;

    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s linear;
       -moz-transition: all 0.5s linear;
        -ms-transition: all 0.5s linear;
         -o-transition: all 0.5s linear;
            transition: all 0.5s linear;

a.darken:hover img {
    opacity: 0.7;


And the image:

<a href="" class="darken">
    <img src="" width="200">

How to master AngularJS?

This is the most comprehensive AngularJS learning resource repository I've come across:


To pluck out the best parts (in recommended order of learning):

How are parameters sent in an HTTP POST request?

Short answer: in POST requests, values are sent in the "body" of the request. With web-forms they are most likely sent with a media type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. Programming languages or frameworks which have been designed to handle web-requests usually do "The Right Thing™" with such requests and provide you with easy access to the readily decoded values (like $_REQUEST or $_POST in PHP, or cgi.FieldStorage(), flask.request.form in Python).

Now let's digress a bit, which may help understand the difference ;)

The difference between GET and POST requests are largely semantic. They are also "used" differently, which explains the difference in how values are passed.

GET (relevant RFC section)

When executing a GET request, you ask the server for one, or a set of entities. To allow the client to filter the result, it can use the so called "query string" of the URL. The query string is the part after the ?. This is part of the URI syntax.

So, from the point of view of your application code (the part which receives the request), you will need to inspect the URI query part to gain access to these values.

Note that the keys and values are part of the URI. Browsers may impose a limit on URI length. The HTTP standard states that there is no limit. But at the time of this writing, most browsers do limit the URIs (I don't have specific values). GET requests should never be used to submit new information to the server. Especially not larger documents. That's where you should use POST or PUT.

POST (relevant RFC section)

When executing a POST request, the client is actually submitting a new document to the remote host. So, a query string does not (semantically) make sense. Which is why you don't have access to them in your application code.

POST is a little bit more complex (and way more flexible):

When receiving a POST request, you should always expect a "payload", or, in HTTP terms: a message body. The message body in itself is pretty useless, as there is no standard (as far as I can tell. Maybe application/octet-stream?) format. The body format is defined by the Content-Type header. When using a HTML FORM element with method="POST", this is usually application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Another very common type is multipart/form-data if you use file uploads. But it could be anything, ranging from text/plain, over application/json or even a custom application/octet-stream.

In any case, if a POST request is made with a Content-Type which cannot be handled by the application, it should return a 415 status-code.

Most programming languages (and/or web-frameworks) offer a way to de/encode the message body from/to the most common types (like application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data or application/json). So that's easy. Custom types require potentially a bit more work.

Using a standard HTML form encoded document as example, the application should perform the following steps:

  1. Read the Content-Type field
  2. If the value is not one of the supported media-types, then return a response with a 415 status code
  3. otherwise, decode the values from the message body.

Again, languages like PHP, or web-frameworks for other popular languages will probably handle this for you. The exception to this is the 415 error. No framework can predict which content-types your application chooses to support and/or not support. This is up to you.

PUT (relevant RFC section)

A PUT request is pretty much handled in the exact same way as a POST request. The big difference is that a POST request is supposed to let the server decide how to (and if at all) create a new resource. Historically (from the now obsolete RFC2616 it was to create a new resource as a "subordinate" (child) of the URI where the request was sent to).

A PUT request in contrast is supposed to "deposit" a resource exactly at that URI, and with exactly that content. No more, no less. The idea is that the client is responsible to craft the complete resource before "PUTting" it. The server should accept it as-is on the given URL.

As a consequence, a POST request is usually not used to replace an existing resource. A PUT request can do both create and replace.


There are also "path parameters" which can be used to send additional data to the remote, but they are so uncommon, that I won't go into too much detail here. But, for reference, here is an excerpt from the RFC:

Aside from dot-segments in hierarchical paths, a path segment is considered opaque by the generic syntax. URI producing applications often use the reserved characters allowed in a segment to delimit scheme-specific or dereference-handler-specific subcomponents. For example, the semicolon (";") and equals ("=") reserved characters are often used to delimit parameters and parameter values applicable to that segment. The comma (",") reserved character is often used for similar purposes. For example, one URI producer might use a segment such as "name;v=1.1" to indicate a reference to version 1.1 of "name", whereas another might use a segment such as "name,1.1" to indicate the same. Parameter types may be defined by scheme-specific semantics, but in most cases the syntax of a parameter is specific to the implementation of the URIs dereferencing algorithm.

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

Don't get the request stream, quite simply. GET requests don't usually have bodies (even though it's not technically prohibited by HTTP) and WebRequest doesn't support it - but that's what calling GetRequestStream is for, providing body data for the request.

Given that you're trying to read from the stream, it looks to me like you actually want to get the response and read the response stream from that:

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(get.AbsoluteUri + args);
request.Method = "GET";
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
    using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);

Do I need a content-type header for HTTP GET requests?

The problem with not passing over the content-type on a GET message is that sure the content-type is irrelevant because the server side determines the content anyway. The problem that I have encountered is that there are now a lot of places that set up their webservices to be smart enough to pick up the content-type that you pass and return the response in the 'type' that you request. Eg. we are currently messaging with a place that defaults to JSON, however, they have set their webservice up so that if you pass a content-type of xml they will then return xml rather than their JSON default. Which I think going forward is a great idea

Getting TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete' when trying to add parent table after child table with entries

You can change the property categorie of the class Article like this:

categorie = models.ForeignKey(

and the error should disappear.

Eventually you might need another option for on_delete, check the documentation for more details:


As you stated in your comment, that you don't have any special requirements for on_delete, you could use the option DO_NOTHING:

# ...
# ...

.rar, .zip files MIME Type

I see many answer reporting for zip and rar the Media Types application/zip and application/x-rar-compressed, respectively.

While the former matching is correct, for the latter IANA reports here that for rar application/x-rar-compressed is a deprecated alias name and instead application/vnd.rar is the official one. So, right Media Types from IANA in 2020 are:

  1. zip: application/zip
  2. rar: application/vnd.rar

cannot download, $GOPATH not set

You can use the "export" solution just like what other guys have suggested. I'd like to provide you with another solution for permanent convenience: you can use any path as GOPATH when running Go commands.

Firstly, you need to download a small tool named gost : . If you use ubuntu, you can download the linux version(

Then you need to run the commands below to unpack it :

$ cd /path/to/your/download/directory 
$ tar -xvf gost_linux_amd64.tar.gz

You would get an executable gost. You can move it to /usr/local/bin for convenient use:

$ sudo mv gost /usr/local/bin

Run the command below to add the path you want to use as GOPATH into the pathspace gost maintains. It is required to give the path a name which you would use later.

$ gost add foo /home/foobar/bar     # 'foo' is the name and '/home/foobar/bar' is the path

Run any Go command you want in the format:

gost goCommand [-p {pathName}] -- [goFlags...] [goArgs...]

For example, you want to run go get with /home/foobar/bar as the GOPATH, just do it as below:

$ gost get -p foo --  # 'foo' is the name you give to the path above.

It would help you to set the GOPATH and run the command. But remember that you have added the path into gost's pathspace. If you are under any level of subdirectories of /home/foobar/bar, you can even just run the command below which would do the same thing for short :

$ gost get --

gost is a Simple Tool of Go which can help you to manage GOPATHs and run Go commands. For more details about how to use it to run other Go commands, you can just run gost help goCmdName. For example you want to know more about install, just type words below in:

$ gost help install

You can also find more details in the README of the project:

Is there a way to delete created variables, functions, etc from the memory of the interpreter?

You can delete individual names with del:

del x

or you can remove them from the globals() object:

for name in dir():
    if not name.startswith('_'):
        del globals()[name]

This is just an example loop; it defensively only deletes names that do not start with an underscore, making a (not unreasoned) assumption that you only used names without an underscore at the start in your interpreter. You could use a hard-coded list of names to keep instead (whitelisting) if you really wanted to be thorough. There is no built-in function to do the clearing for you, other than just exit and restart the interpreter.

Modules you've imported (import os) are going to remain imported because they are referenced by sys.modules; subsequent imports will reuse the already imported module object. You just won't have a reference to them in your current global namespace.

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

While looking at your code, the only thing I see wrong, is when you try to load the second database:


When you want to retrieve the database object, you have to pass TRUE in the second argument.

From the Codeigniter User Guide:

By setting the second parameter to TRUE (boolean) the function will return the database object.

So, your code should instead be:

$DB2=$this->load->database($config, TRUE);

That will make it work.

Create line after text with css

Here is how I do this:

I use a background instead of after and use my H1 or H2 to cover the background. Not quite your method above but does work well for me.


.title-box { background: #fff url('images/bar-orange.jpg') repeat-x left; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 20px;}
.title-box h1 { color: #000; background-color: #fff; display: inline; padding: 0 50px 0 50px; }


<div class="title-box"><h1>Title can go here</h1></div>
<div class="title-box"><h1>Title can go here this one is really really long</h1></div>

Hard reset of a single file

you can use the below command for reset of single file

git checkout HEAD -- path_to_file/file_name

List all changed files to get path_to_file/filename with below command

git status

How do I find out my root MySQL password?

There is a simple solution.

MySql 5.7 comes with anonymous user so you need to reconfigure MySQL server.

You can do that with this command

try to find temp pass:

grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log


sudo mysql_secure_installation

On this link is more info about mysql 5.7

What is a non-capturing group in regular expressions?

?: is used when you want to group an expression, but you do not want to save it as a matched/captured portion of the string.

An example would be something to match an IP address:


Note that I don't care about saving the first 3 octets, but the (?:...) grouping allows me to shorten the regex without incurring the overhead of capturing and storing a match.

Using a string variable as a variable name

You can use exec for that:

>>> foo = "bar"
>>> exec(foo + " = 'something else'")
>>> print bar
something else

Gem Command not found

On CentOS 7 you can do:

yum -y install rubygems-devel

That worked for me.

Difference between two dates in MySQL

unix_timestamp('2007-12-30 00:00:00') - 
unix_timestamp('2007-11-30 00:00:00');

Options for embedding Chromium instead of IE WebBrowser control with WPF/C#

I have used Awesomium.NET. Although I don't like the fact that it's not open-source, and also the fact that it uses a pretty old Webkit rendering engine, it is really easy to use. That's about the only endorsement I can give it.

Selecting data from two different servers in SQL Server

I had same issue to connect an SQL_server 2008 to an SQL_server 2016 hosted in a remote server. Other answers didn't worked for me straightforward. I write my tweaked solution here as I think it may be useful for someone else.

An extended answer for remote IP db connections:

Step 1: link servers

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='SRV_NAME',

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'SRV_NAME', 'false', NULL, 'your_remote_db_login_user', 'your_remote_db_login_password'

...where SRV_NAME is an invented name. We will use it to refer to the remote server from our queries. aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the ip address of the remote server hosting your SQLserver DB.

Step 2: Run your queries For instance:

SELECT * FROM [SRV_NAME].your_remote_db_name.dbo.your_table

...and that's it!

Syntax details: sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

How to include js file in another js file?

It is not possible directly. You may as well write some preprocessor which can handle that.

If I understand it correctly then below are the things that can be helpful to achieve that:

  • Use a pre-processor which will run through your JS files for example looking for patterns like "@import somefile.js" and replace them with the content of the actual file. Nicholas Zakas(Yahoo) wrote one such library in Java which you can use (

  • If you are using Ruby on Rails then you can give Jammit asset packaging a try, it uses assets.yml configuration file where you can define your packages which can contain multiple files and then refer them in your actual webpage by the package name.

  • Try using a module loader like RequireJS or a script loader like LabJs with the ability to control the loading sequence as well as taking advantage of parallel downloading.

JavaScript currently does not provide a "native" way of including a JavaScript file into another like CSS ( @import ), but all the above mentioned tools/ways can be helpful to achieve the DRY principle you mentioned. I can understand that it may not feel intuitive if you are from a Server-side background but this is the way things are. For front-end developers this problem is typically a "deployment and packaging issue".

Hope it helps.

SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server

Squirrel SQL is a Java based SQL client, that I've had good experience with on Windows and Linux. Since it's Java, it should do the trick.

It's open source. You can run multiple sessions with multiple databases concurrently.

pythonw.exe or python.exe?

See here:

pythonw.exe "This suppresses the terminal window on startup."

Difference between numeric, float and decimal in SQL Server

Float is Approximate-number data type, which means that not all values in the data type range can be represented exactly.

Decimal/Numeric is Fixed-Precision data type, which means that all the values in the data type range can be represented exactly with precision and scale. You can use decimal for money saving.

Converting from Decimal or Numeric to float can cause some loss of precision. For the Decimal or Numeric data types, SQL Server considers each specific combination of precision and scale as a different data type. DECIMAL(2,2) and DECIMAL(2,4) are different data types. This means that 11.22 and 11.2222 are different types though this is not the case for float. For FLOAT(6) 11.22 and 11.2222 are same data types.

You can also use money data type for saving money. This is native data type with 4 digit precision for money. Most experts prefers this data type for saving money.

Reference 1 2 3

C++ Calling a function from another class

in A you have used a definition of B which is not given until then , that's why the compiler is giving error .

Symfony2 and date_default_timezone_get() - It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

The current accepted answer by crack is deprecated in Symfony 2.3 and will be removed by 3.0. It should be moved to the constructor:

public function __construct($environment, $debug) {
    parent::__construct($environment, $debug);

onclick on a image to navigate to another page using Javascript

I'd set up your HTML like so:

<img src="../images/bottle.jpg" alt="bottle" class="thumbnails" id="bottle" />

Then use the following code:

var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
    var image = images[i];
    image.onclick = function(event) {
         window.location.href = + '.html';

That assigns an onclick event handler to every image on the page (this may not be what you want, you can limit it further if necessary) that changes the current page to the value of the images id attribute plus the .html extension. It's essentially the pure Javascript implementation of @JanPöschko's jQuery answer.

Visualizing decision tree in scikit-learn

The following also works fine:

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()

# Model (can also use single decision tree)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)

# Train,
# Extract single tree
estimator = model.estimators_[5]

from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
# Export as dot file
export_graphviz(estimator, out_file='', 
                feature_names = iris.feature_names,
                class_names = iris.target_names,
                rounded = True, proportion = False, 
                precision = 2, filled = True)

# Convert to png using system command (requires Graphviz)
from subprocess import call
call(['dot', '-Tpng', '', '-o', 'tree.png', '-Gdpi=600'])

# Display in jupyter notebook
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename = 'tree.png')

enter image description here

You can find the source here