Programs & Examples On #Xss

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications that enables malicious attackers to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.

Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting

My preference is to encode all non-alphaumeric characters as HTML numeric character entities. Since almost, if not all attacks require non-alphuneric characters (like <, ", etc) this should eliminate a large chunk of dangerous output.

Format is &#N;, where N is the numeric value of the character (you can just cast the character to an int and concatenate with a string to get a decimal value). For example:

// java-ish pseudocode
StringBuffer safestrbuf = new StringBuffer(string.length()*4);
foreach(char c : string.split() ){  
  if( Character.isAlphaNumeric(c) ) safestrbuf.append(c);
  else safestrbuf.append(""+(int)symbol);

You will also need to be sure that you are encoding immediately before outputting to the browser, to avoid double-encoding, or encoding for HTML but sending to a different location.

How exactly do you configure httpOnlyCookies in ASP.NET?

With props to Rick (second comment down in the blog post mentioned), here's the MSDN article on httpOnlyCookies.

Bottom line is that you just add the following section in your system.web section in your web.config:

<httpCookies domain="" httpOnlyCookies="true|false" requireSSL="true|false" />

XSS prevention in JSP/Servlet web application

There is no easy, out of the box solution against XSS. The OWASP ESAPI API has some support for the escaping that is very usefull, and they have tag libraries.

My approach was to basically to extend the stuts 2 tags in following ways.

  1. Modify s:property tag so it can take extra attributes stating what sort of escaping is required (escapeHtmlAttribute="true" etc.). This involves creating a new Property and PropertyTag classes. The Property class uses OWASP ESAPI api for the escaping.
  2. Change freemarker templates to use the new version of s:property and set the escaping.

If you didn't want to modify the classes in step 1, another approach would be to import the ESAPI tags into the freemarker templates and escape as needed. Then if you need to use a s:property tag in your JSP, wrap it with and ESAPI tag.

I have written a more detailed explanation here.

I agree escaping inputs is not ideal.

How can I sanitize user input with PHP?

You never sanitize input.

You always sanitize output.

The transforms you apply to data to make it safe for inclusion in an SQL statement are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in HTML are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in Javascript are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in LDIF are completely different from those you apply to inclusion in CSS are completely different from those you apply to inclusion in an Email....

By all means validate input - decide whether you should accept it for further processing or tell the user it is unacceptable. But don't apply any change to representation of the data until it is about to leave PHP land.

A long time ago someone tried to invent a one-size fits all mechanism for escaping data and we ended up with "magic_quotes" which didn't properly escape data for all output targets and resulted in different installation requiring different code to work.

Sanitizing user input before adding it to the DOM in Javascript

You need to take extra precautions when using user supplied data in HTML attributes. Because attributes has many more attack vectors than output inside HTML tags.

The only way to avoid XSS attacks is to encode everything except alphanumeric characters. Escape all characters with ASCII values less than 256 with the &#xHH; format. Which unfortunately may cause problems in your scenario, if you are using CSS classes and javascript to fetch those elements.

OWASP has a good description of how to mitigate HTML attribute XSS:

XSS filtering function in PHP

I'm was collect most of issues by the web and combine stepping filter for all of them.

After some testing seems it works perfect:

* Total XSS preventer class by Full-R

final class xCleaner {

    public static function clean( string $html ): string {

        return self::cleanXSS(










    protected static function hexToSymbols( string $s ): string {

        return html_entity_decode($s, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8');


    protected static function escape( string $s, string $m = 'attr' ): string {

        preg_match_all('/data:\w+\/([a-zA-Z]*);base64,(?!_#_#_)([^)\'"]*)/mi', $s, $b64, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

        if( count( array_filter( $b64 ) ) > 0 ) {

            switch( $m ) {

                case 'attr':

                    $xclean = self::cleanXSS(



                                                $b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]





                case 'tag':

                    $xclean = self::cleanTagInnerXSS(



                                                $b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]






            return substr_replace(


                '_#_#_'. base64_encode( $xclean ),

                $b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 1 ],

                strlen( $b64[ 2 ][ 0 ][ 0 ] )


        else {

            return $s;



    protected static function cleanXSS( string $s ): string {

        // base64 injection prevention
        $st = self::escape( $s, 'attr' );

        return preg_replace([

                // JSON unicode
                '/\\\\u?{?([a-f0-9]{4,}?)}?/mi',                                                                    // [1] unicode JSON clean

                // Data b64 safe
                '/\*\w*\*/mi',                                                                                            // [2] unicode simple clean

                // Malware payloads
                '/:?e[\s]*x[\s]*p[\s]*r[\s]*e[\s]*s[\s]*s[\s]*i[\s]*o[\s]*n[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',    // [3]  (:expression) evalution
                '/l[\s]*i[\s]*v[\s]*e[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',         // [4]  (livescript:) evalution
                '/j[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',                                 // [5]  (jscript:) evalution
                '/j[\s]*a[\s]*v[\s]*a[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',       // [6]  (javascript:) evalution
                '/b[\s]*e[\s]*h[\s]*a[\s]*v[\s]*i[\s]*o[\s]*r[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',                     // [7]  (behavior:) evalution
                '/v[\s]*b[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',                      // [8]  (vsbscript:) evalution
                '/v[\s]*b[\s]*s[\s]*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',                                                              // [9]  (vbs:) evalution
                '/e[\s]*c[\s]*m[\s]*a[\s]*s[\s]*c[\s]*r[\s]*i[\s]*p[\s]*t*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',        // [10] (ecmascript:) possible ES evalution
                '/b[\s]*i[\s]*n[\s]*d[\s]*i[\s]*n[\s]*g*(:|;|,)?\w*/mi',                                 // [11] (-binding) payload
                '/\+\/v(8|9|\+|\/)?/mi',                                                                          // [12] (UTF-7 mutation)

                // Some entities
                '/&{\w*}\w*/mi',                                                                                   // [13] html entites clenup
                '/&#\d+;?/m',                                                                                      // [14] html entites clenup

                // Script tag encoding mutation issue
                '/\¼\/?\w*\¾\w*/mi',                                                                         // [21] mutation KOI-8
                '/\+ADw-\/?\w*\+AD4-\w*/mi',                                                         // [22] mutation old encodings


                // base64 escaped
                '/_#_#_/mi',                                                                                       // [23] base64 escaped marker cleanup

            // Replacements steps :: 23
            ['&#x$1;', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],


                ['\u0', '&colon;', '&tab;', '&newline;'],
                ['\0', ':', '', ''],

            // U-HEX prepare step
            self::hexToSymbols( $st ))




Also you can add Tidy markup correction to make HTML valid.

How do you use window.postMessage across domains?

Probably you try to send your data from to or reverse, NOTE you missed "www". and are different domains to javascript.

How to prevent XSS with HTML/PHP?

Basically you need to use the function htmlspecialchars() whenever you want to output something to the browser that came from the user input.

The correct way to use this function is something like this:

echo htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Google Code University also has these very educational videos on Web Security:

How do you set up use HttpOnly cookies in PHP

//None HttpOnly cookie:
setcookie("abc", "test", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE); 

//HttpOnly cookie:
setcookie("abc", "test", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE); 



How do you configure HttpOnly cookies in tomcat / java webapps?

If your web server supports Serlvet 3.0 spec, like tomcat 7.0+, you can use below in web.xml as:


As mentioned in docs:

HttpOnly: Specifies whether any session tracking cookies created by this web application will be marked as HttpOnly

Secure: Specifies whether any session tracking cookies created by this web application will be marked as secure even if the request that initiated the corresponding session is using plain HTTP instead of HTTPS

Please refer to how to set httponly and session cookie for java web application

What is the http-header "X-XSS-Protection"?

TL;DR: All well written web sites (/apps) must emit the header X-XSS-Protection: 0 and just forget about this feature. If you want to have extra security that better user agents can provide, use a strict Content-Security-Policy header.

Long answer:

HTTP header X-XSS-Protection is one of those things that Microsoft introduced in Internet Explorer 8.0 (MSIE 8) that was supposed to improve security of incorrectly written web sites.

The idea is to apply some kind of heuristics to try to detect reflection XSS attack and automatically neuter the attack.

The problematic part of this is "heuristics" and "neutering". The heuristics causes false positives and neutering cannot be safely done because it causes side-effects that can be used to implement XSS attacks and DoS attacks on perfectly safe web sites.

The bad part is that if a web site does not emit the header X-XSS-Protection then the browser will behave as if the header X-XSS-Protection: 1 had been emitted. The worst part is that this value is the least-safe value of all possible values for this header!

For a given secure web site (that is, the site does not have reflected XSS vulnerabilities) this "XSS protection" feature allows following attacks:

X-XSS-Protection: 1 allows attacker to selectively block parts of JavaScript and keep rest of the scripts running. This is possible because the heuristics of this feature are simply "if value of any GET parameter is found in the scripting part of the page source, the script will be automatically modified in user agent dependant way". In practice, the attacker can e.g. add parameter disablexss=<script src="framebuster.js" and the browser will automatically remove the string <script src="framebuster.js" from the actual page source. Note that the rest of the page continues run and the attacker just removed this part of page security. In practice, any JS in the page source can be modified. For some cases, a page without XSS vulnerability having reflected content can be used to run selected JavaScript on page due the neutering incorrectly turning plain text data into executable JavaScript code. (That is, turn textual data within a normal DOM text node into content of <script> tag and execute it!)

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block allows attacker to leak data from the page source by using the behavior of the page as side-channel. For example, if the page contains JavaScript code along the lines of var csrf_secret="521231347843", the attacker simply adds an extra parameter e.g. leak=var%20csrf_secret="3 and if the page is NOT blocked, the 3 was incorrect first digit. The attacker tries again, this time leak=var%20csrf_secret="5 and the page loading will be aborted. This allows the attacker to know that the first digit of the secret is 5. The attacker then continues to guess the next digit. This allows easily brute-forcing of CSRF secrets or any other secret value in the <script> source.

In the end, if your site is full of XSS reflection attacks, using the default value of 1 will reduce the attack surface a little bit. However, if your site is secure and you don't emit X-XSS-Protection: 0, your site will be vulnerable with any browser that supports this feature. If you want defense in depth support from browsers against yet-unknown XSS vulnerabilities on your site, use a strict Content-Security-Policy header and keep sending 0 for this mis-feature. That doesn't open your site to any known vulnerabilities.

Currently this feature is enabled by default in MSIE, Safari and Google Chrome. This used to be enabled in Edge but Microsoft already removed this mis-feature from Edge. Mozilla Firefox never implemented this.

See also:

WARNING: sanitizing unsafe style value url

Use this <div [ngStyle]="{'background-image':'url('+imageUrl+')'}"></div> this solved the problem for me.

How to pass parameters to a Script tag?

It's better to Use feature in html5 5 data Attributes

<script src="" data-width="200" data-height="200">

Inside the script file you can get the paremeters in that way:

function getSyncScriptParams() {
         var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
         var lastScript = scripts[scripts.length-1];
         var scriptName = lastScript;
         return {
             width : scriptName.getAttribute('data-width'),
             height : scriptName.getAttribute('data-height')

Stacked bar chart

You will need to melt your dataframe to get it into the so-called long format:

require(reshape2) <- melt(

Now your field values are represented by their own rows and identified through the variable column. This can now be leveraged within the ggplot aesthetics:

c <- ggplot(, aes(x = Rank, y = value, fill = variable))
c + geom_bar(stat = "identity")

Instead of stacking you may also be interested in showing multiple plots using facets:

c <- ggplot(, aes(x = Rank, y = value))
c + facet_wrap(~ variable) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")

How do you change Background for a Button MouseOver in WPF?

A slight more difficult answer that uses ControlTemplate and has an animation effect (adapted from

In your resource dictionary define a control template for your button like this one:

<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button" x:Key="testButtonTemplate2">
    <Border Name="RootElement">
            <SolidColorBrush x:Name="BorderBrush" Color="Black"/>

        <Grid Margin="4" >
                <SolidColorBrush x:Name="ButtonBackground" Color="Aquamarine"/>
            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" Margin="4,5,4,4"/>
            <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
                <VisualState x:Name="Normal"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="MouseOver">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="Pressed">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>

in your XAML you can use the template above for your button as below:

Define your button

<Button Template="{StaticResource testButtonTemplate2}" 
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
Foreground="White">My button</Button>

Hope it helps

Aligning label and textbox on same line (left and right)

You can do it with a table, like this:

<table width="100%">
    <td style="width: 50%">Left Text</td>
    <td style="width: 50%; text-align: right;">Right Text</td>

Or, you can do it with CSS like this:

<div style="float: left;">
    Left text
<div style="float: right;">
    Right text

Looping through a Scripting.Dictionary using index/item number

Using d.Keys()(i) method is a very bad idea, because on each call it will re-create a new array (you will have significant speed reduction).

Here is an analogue of Scripting.Dictionary called "Hash Table" class from @TheTrick, that support such enumerator:

Dim oDict As clsTrickHashTable

Sub aaa()
    Set oDict = New clsTrickHashTable

    oDict.Add "a", "aaa"
    oDict.Add "b", "bbb"

    For i = 0 To oDict.Count - 1
        Debug.Print oDict.Keys(i) & " - " & oDict.Items(i)
End Sub

Resize external website content to fit iFrame width

Tip for 1 website resizing the height. But you can change to 2 websites.

Here is my code to resize an iframe with an external website. You need insert a code into the parent (with iframe code) page and in the external website as well, so, this won't work with you don't have access to edit the external website.

  • local (iframe) page: just insert a code snippet
  • remote (external) page: you need a "body onload" and a "div" that holds all contents. And body needs to be styled to "margin:0"


<IFRAME STYLE="width:100%;height:1px" SRC="" FRAMEBORDER="no" BORDER="0" SCROLLING="no" ID="estframe"></IFRAME>

var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
eventer(messageEvent,function(e) {
  if (,3)=='frm') document.getElementById('estframe').style.height = + 'px';

You need this "frm" prefix to avoid problems with other embeded codes like Twitter or Facebook plugins. If you have a plain page, you can remove the "if" and the "frm" prefix on both pages (script and onload).


You need jQuery to accomplish about "real" page height. I cannot realize how to do with pure JavaScript since you'll have problem when resize the height down (higher to lower height) using body.scrollHeight or related. For some reason, it will return always the biggest height (pre-redimensioned).

<BODY onload="parent.postMessage('frm'+$('#master').height(),'*')" STYLE="margin:0">
<SCRIPT SRC="path-to-jquery/jquery.min.js"></SCRIPT>
<DIV ID="master">
your content

So, parent page (iframe) has a 1px default height. The script inserts a "wait for message/event" from the iframe. When a message (post message) is received and the first 3 chars are "frm" (to avoid the mentioned problem), will get the number from 4th position and set the iframe height (style), including 'px' unit.

The external site (loaded in the iframe) will "send a message" to the parent (opener) with the "frm" and the height of the main div (in this case id "master"). The "*" in postmessage means "any source".

Hope this helps. Sorry for my english.

How to debug a stored procedure in Toad?

Open a PL/SQL object in the Editor.

Click on the main toolbar or select Session | Toggle Compiling with Debug. This enables debugging.

Compile the object on the database.

Select one of the following options on the Execute toolbar to begin debugging: Execute PL/SQL with debugger () Step over Step into Run to cursor

Find out who is locking a file on a network share

On Windows 2008 R2 servers you have two means of viewing what files are open and closing those connections.

Via Share and Storage Management

Server Manager > Roles > File Services > Share and Storage Management > right-click on SaSM > Manage Open File

Via OpenFiles

CMD > Openfiles.exe /query /s SERVERNAME


Java constructor/method with optional parameters?

Java doesn't have the concept of optional parameters with default values either in constructors or in methods. You're basically stuck with overloading. However, you chain constructors easily so you don't need to repeat the code:

public Foo(int param1, int param2)
    this.param1 = param1;
    this.param2 = param2;

public Foo(int param1)
    this(param1, 2);

How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?

In order to keep a POD running it should to be performing certain task, otherwise Kubernetes will find it unnecessary, therefore it stops. There are many ways to keep a POD running.

I have faced similar problems when I needed a POD just to run continuously without doing any useful operation. The following are the two ways those worked for me:

  1. Firing up a sleep command while running the container.
  2. Running an infinite loop inside the container.

Although the first option is easier than the second one and may suffice the requirement, it is not the best option. As, there is a limit as far as the number of seconds you are going to assign in the sleep command. But a container with infinite loop running inside it never exits.

However, I will describe both the ways(Considering you are running busybox container):

1. Sleep Command

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: busybox
    app: busybox
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
    - containerPort: 80
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-ec", "sleep 1000"]
  nodeSelector: linux

2. Infinite Loop

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: busybox
    app: busybox
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
    - containerPort: 80
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-ec", "while :; do echo '.'; sleep 5 ; done"]
  nodeSelector: linux

Run the following command to run the pod:

kubectl apply -f <pod-yaml-file-name>.yaml

Hope it helps!

Rotating x axis labels in R for barplot

use optional parameter las=2 .

barplot(mytable,main="Car makes",ylab="Freqency",xlab="make",las=2)

enter image description here

HTML.ActionLink method

what about this

<%=Html.ActionLink("Get Involved", 
                           id = "GetInvolved" 
                   new { 
                           @class = "menuitem", 
                           id = "menu_getinvolved" 

Emulator in Android Studio doesn't start

In my case the android hangs at start up. I solved by wiping user data and forcing a cold boot, using Android Virtual Device Manager (Tools->AVD Manager)

enter image description here

What is the difference between a .cpp file and a .h file?

I know the difference between a declaration and a definition.


  • A CPP file includes the definitions from any header which it includes (because CPP and header file together become a single 'translation unit')
  • A header file might be included by more than one CPP file
  • The linker typically won't like anything defined in more than one CPP file

Therefore any definitions in a header file should be inline or static. Header files also contain declarations which are used by more than one CPP file.

Definitions that are neither static nor inline are placed in CPP files. Also, any declarations that are only needed within one CPP file are often placed within that CPP file itself, nstead of in any (sharable) header file.

SQL Server 2008 Connection Error "No process is on the other end of the pipe"

I just executed connection.close() by adding it as first statement and it was solved. Then i removed the line.

Copy map values to vector in STL

If you are using the boost libraries, you can use boost::bind to access the second value of the pair as follows:

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

int main()
   typedef std::map<std::string, int> MapT;
   typedef std::vector<int> VecT;
   MapT map;
   VecT vec;

   map["one"] = 1;
   map["two"] = 2;
   map["three"] = 3;
   map["four"] = 4;
   map["five"] = 5;

   std::transform( map.begin(), map.end(),
                   boost::bind(&MapT::value_type::second,_1) );

This solution is based on a post from Michael Goldshteyn on the boost mailing list.

Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

I read an article a while ago that talked about locking down every class as much as possible. Make everything final and private unless you have an immediate need to expose some data or functionality to the outside world. It's always easy to expand the scope to be more permissible later on, but not the other way around. First consider making as many things as possible final which will make choosing between private and protected much easier.

  1. Make all classes final unless you need to subclass them right away.
  2. Make all methods final unless you need to subclass and override them right away.
  3. Make all method parameters final unless you need to change them within the body of the method, which is kinda awkward most of the times anyways.

Now if you're left with a final class, then make everything private unless something is absolutely needed by the world - make that public.

If you're left with a class that does have subclass(es), then carefully examine every property and method. First consider if you even want to expose that property/method to subclasses. If you do, then consider whether a subclass can wreak havoc on your object if it messed up the property value or method implementation in the process of overriding. If it's possible, and you want to protect your class' property/method even from subclasses (sounds ironic, I know), then make it private. Otherwise make it protected.

Disclaimer: I don't program much in Java :)

Change One Cell's Data in mysql

try this.

UPDATE `database_name`.`table_name` SET `column_name`='value' WHERE `id`='1';

Error: TypeError: $(...).dialog is not a function

I just experienced this with the line:

$('<div id="editor" />').dialogelfinder({

I got the error "dialogelfinder is not a function" because another component was inserting a call to load an older version of JQuery (1.7.2) after the newer version was loaded.

As soon as I commented out the second load, the error went away.

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

For those of you who got here looking for the server-side OnClick handler it is OnCheckedChanged

How to convert an OrderedDict into a regular dict in python3

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> OrderedDict([('method', 'constant'), ('data', '1.225')])
OrderedDict([('method', 'constant'), ('data', '1.225')])
>>> dict(OrderedDict([('method', 'constant'), ('data', '1.225')]))
{'data': '1.225', 'method': 'constant'}

However, to store it in a database it'd be much better to convert it to a format such as JSON or Pickle. With Pickle you even preserve the order!

Downloading a large file using curl

You can use this function, which creates a tempfile in the filesystem and returns the path to the downloaded file if everything worked fine:

function getFileContents($url)
    // Workaround: Save temp file
    $img = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'pdf-');
    $img .= '.' . pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    $fp = fopen($img, 'w+');

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

    $result = curl_exec($ch);


    return $result ? $img : false;

Best way to restrict a text field to numbers only?

shorter way and easy to understand:

$('#someID').keypress(function(e) { 
    var k = e.which;
    if (k <= 48 || k >= 58) {e.preventDefault()};

How to get URL parameters with Javascript?

function getURLParameter(name) {
  return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;

So you can use:

myvar = getURLParameter('myvar');

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

Other answers work, but

To get the full/default price:


Print a file, skipping the first X lines, in Bash

Use the sed delete command with a range address. For example:

sed 1,100d file.txt # Print file.txt omitting lines 1-100.

Alternatively, if you want to only print a known range, use the print command with the -n flag:

sed -n 201,300p file.txt # Print lines 201-300 from file.txt

This solution should work reliably on all Unix systems, regardless of the presence of GNU utilities.

flow 2 columns of text automatically with CSS

Not an expert here, but this is what I did and it worked

/*Style your div container, must specify height*/
.content {width:1000px; height:210px; margin:20px auto; font-size:16px;}
/*Style the p tag inside your div container with half the with of your container, and float left*/
.content p {width:490px; margin-right:10px; float:left;}

<!--Put your text inside a div with a class-->
<div class="content">
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida laoreet lectus. Pellentesque ultrices consequat placerat. Etiam luctus euismod tempus. In sed eros dignissim tortor faucibus dapibus ut non neque. Ut ante odio, luctus eu pharetra vitae, consequat sit amet nunc. Aenean dolor felis, fringilla sagittis hendrerit vel, egestas eget eros. Mauris suscipit bibendum massa, nec mattis lorem dignissim sit amet. </p>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget dolor neque. Phasellus tellus odio, egestas ut blandit sed, egestas sit amet velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;</p>

Once the text inside the <p> tags has reached the height of the container div, the other text will flow to the right of the container.

What is the difference between Digest and Basic Authentication?

Basic Authentication use base 64 Encoding for generating cryptographic string which contains the information of username and password.

Digest Access Authentication uses the hashing methodologies to generate the cryptographic result

What are the options for (keyup) in Angular2?

These are the options currently documented in the tests: ctrl, shift, enter and escape. These are some valid examples of key bindings:


You can track this here while no official docs exist, but they should be out soon.

Form Google Maps URL that searches for a specific places near specific coordinates

You can use the new URL for Google Maps:,-74.86084,18z equivalent to,-74.86084.

39.774769 is the latitude and -74.86084 is longitude and 18z is 18 zoom level.

Is Fortran easier to optimize than C for heavy calculations?

There are several reasons why Fortran could be faster. However the amount they matter is so inconsequential or can be worked around anyways, that it shouldn't matter. The main reason to use Fortran nowadays is maintaining or extending legacy applications.

  • PURE and ELEMENTAL keywords on functions. These are functions that have no side effects. This allows optimizations in certain cases where the compiler knows the same function will be called with the same values. Note: GCC implements "pure" as an extension to the language. Other compilers may as well. Inter-module analysis can also perform this optimization but it is difficult.

  • standard set of functions that deal with arrays, not individual elements. Stuff like sin(), log(), sqrt() take arrays instead of scalars. This makes it easier to optimize the routine. Auto-vectorization gives the same benefits in most cases if these functions are inline or builtins

  • Builtin complex type. In theory this could allow the compiler to reorder or eliminate certain instructions in certain cases, but likely you'd see the same benefit with the struct { double re; double im; }; idiom used in C. It makes for faster development though as operators work on complex types in Fortran.

How to pass arguments from command line to gradle

If you need to check and set one argument, your build.gradle file would be like this:


def coverageThreshold = 0.15

if (project.hasProperty('threshold')) {
    coverageThreshold ='threshold').toString().toBigDecimal()

//print the value of variable
println("Coverage Threshold: $coverageThreshold")

And the Sample command in windows:

gradlew clean test -Pthreshold=0.25

How does it work - requestLocationUpdates() + LocationRequest/Listener

I use this one:

LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener)

For example, using a 1s interval:


the time is in milliseconds, the distance is in meters.

This automatically calls:

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    //Code here, location.getAccuracy(), location.getLongitude() etc...

I also had these included in the script but didnt actually use them:

public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {}
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}

In short:

public class GPSClass implements LocationListener {

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        // Called when a new location is found by the network location provider.
        Log.i("Message: ","Location changed, " + location.getAccuracy() + " , " + location.getLatitude()+ "," + location.getLongitude());

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {}
    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}
    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        locationManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

javascript object max size limit

There is no such limit on the string length. To be certain, I just tested to create a string containing 60 megabyte.

The problem is likely that you are sending the data in a GET request, so it's sent in the URL. Different browsers have different limits for the URL, where IE has the lowest limist of about 2 kB. To be safe, you should never send more data than about a kilobyte in a GET request.

To send that much data, you have to send it in a POST request instead. The browser has no hard limit on the size of a post, but the server has a limit on how large a request can be. IIS for example has a default limit of 4 MB, but it's possible to adjust the limit if you would ever need to send more data than that.

Also, you shouldn't use += to concatenate long strings. For each iteration there is more and more data to move, so it gets slower and slower the more items you have. Put the strings in an array and concatenate all the items at once:

var items = $.map(keys, function(item, i) {
  var value = $("#value" + (i+1)).val().replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
    '{"Key":' + '"' + Encoder.htmlEncode($(this).html()) + '"' + ",'+
    '" + '"Value"' + ':' + '"' + Encoder.htmlEncode(value) + '"}';
var jsonObj =
  '{"code":"' + code + '",'+
  '"defaultfile":"' + defaultfile + '",'+
  '"filename":"' + currentFile + '",'+
  '"lstResDef":[' + items.join(',') + ']}';

deny directory listing with htaccess

For showing Forbidden error then include these lines in your .htaccess file:

Options -Indexes 

If we want to index our files and showing them with some information, then use:

IndexOptions -FancyIndexing

If we want for some particular extension not to show, then:

IndexIgnore *.zip *.css

SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage

I was facing the same problem and the challenge in my case was to configure Jacoco correctly and to configure the right parameters for Sonar. I will briefly explain, how I finally got SonarQube to display the test results and test coverage correctly.

In your project you need the Jacoco plugin in your pom or parent pom (you already got this). Moreover, you need the maven-surefire-plugin, which is used to display test results. All test reports are automatically generated when you run the maven build. The tricky part is to find the right parameters for Sonar. Not all parameters seem to work with regular expressions and you have to use a comma separated list for those (documentation is not really good in my opinion). Here is the list of parameters I have used (I used them from Bamboo, you might omit the "-D" if you use a file): (in newer version of SQ I had to remove this, so that master branch is analyzed correctly; I used auto branch checkbox in bamboo instead)**/target/classes
-Dsonar.test.inclusions=**/* [-> all your tests have to end with "Test"]

If you are using Lombok in your project, than you also need a lombok.config file to get the correct code coverage. The lombok.config file is located in the root directory of your project with the following content:

config.stopBubbling = true
lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true

What is the best way to implement constants in Java?

There is a certain amount of opinion to answer this. To start with, constants in java are generally declared to be public, static and final. Below are the reasons:

public, so that they are accessible from everywhere
static, so that they can be accessed without any instance. Since they are constants it
  makes little sense to duplicate them for every object.
final, since they should not be allowed to change

I would never use an interface for a CONSTANTS accessor/object simply because interfaces are generally expected to be implemented. Wouldn't this look funny:

String myConstant = IMyInterface.CONSTANTX;

Instead I would choose between a few different ways, based on some small trade-offs, and so it depends on what you need:

1.  Use a regular enum with a default/private constructor. Most people would define 
     constants this way, IMHO.
  - drawback: cannot effectively Javadoc each constant member
  - advantage: var members are implicitly public, static, and final
  - advantage: type-safe
  - provides "a limited constructor" in a special way that only takes args which match
     predefined 'public static final' keys, thus limiting what you can pass to the

2.  Use a altered enum WITHOUT a constructor, having all variables defined with 
     prefixed 'public static final' .
  - looks funny just having a floating semi-colon in the code
  - advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
  - drawback: you still have to put explicit 'public static final' before each variable
  - drawback: not type-safe
  - no 'limited constructor'

3.  Use a Class with a private constructor:
  - advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
  - drawback: you have to put explicit 'public static final' before each variable
  - you have the option of having a constructor to create an instance
     of the class if you want to provide additional functions related
     to your constants 
     (or just keep the constructor private)
  - drawback: not type-safe

4. Using interface:
  - advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
  - advantage: var members are implicitly 'public static final'
  - you are able to define default interface methods if you want to provide additional
     functions related to your constants (only if you implement the interface)
  - drawback: not type-safe

How do I check if a directory exists? "is_dir", "file_exists" or both?

Second variant in question post is not ok, because, if you already have file with the same name, but it is not a directory, !file_exists($dir) will return false, folder will not be created, so error "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" will be occured. In Windows there is a difference between 'file' and 'folder' types, so need to use file_exists() and is_dir() at the same time, for ex.:

if (file_exists('file')) {
    if (!is_dir('file')) { //if file is already present, but it's not a dir
        //do something with file - delete, rename, etc.
        unlink('file'); //for example
        mkdir('file', NEEDED_ACCESS_LEVEL);
} else { //no file exists with this name
    mkdir('file', NEEDED_ACCESS_LEVEL);

What is %0|%0 and how does it work?

This is known as a fork bomb. It keeps splitting itself until there is no option but to restart the system.

How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

You can use regular expression like this:

import re


How do I kill all the processes in Mysql "show processlist"?

The following worked great for me:

echo "show processlist" | mysql | grep -v ^Id | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -i echo "KILL {}; | mysql"

How to easily consume a web service from PHP

In PHP 5 you can use SoapClient on the WSDL to call the web service functions. For example:

$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl");

and $client is now an object which has class methods as defined in some.wsdl. So if there was a method called getTime in the WSDL then you would just call:

$result = $client->getTime();

And the result of that would (obviously) be in the $result variable. You can use the __getFunctions method to return a list of all the available methods.

"for" vs "each" in Ruby

As far as I know, using blocks instead of in-language control structures is more idiomatic.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

I also had an issue with multiline strings in this scenario. @Iman's backtick(`) solution worked great in the modern browsers but caused an invalid character error in Internet Explorer. I had to use the following:

'@item.MultiLineString.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")'

Then I had to put the carriage returns back again in the js function. Had to use RegEx to handle multiple carriage returns.

// This will work for the following:
// "hello\nworld"
// "hello<br>world"
// "hello<br />world"
$("#MyTextArea").val(multiLineString.replace(/\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi, "\r"));

How to overcome root domain CNAME restrictions?

Sipwiz is correct the only way to do this properly is the HTTP and DNS hybrid approach. My registrar is a re-seller for Tucows and they offer root domain forwarding as a free value added service.

If your domain is they will ask you where you would like the domain forwarded to, and you type in They assign the A record to their apache server and automaticly add as a DNS vhost. The vhost responds with an HTTP 302 error redirecting them to the proper URL. It's simple to script/setup and can be handled by low end would otherwise be scrapped hardware.

Run the following command for an example: curl -v

Delete specific line from a text file?

One way to do it if the file is not very big is to load all the lines into an array:

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("filename.txt");
string[] newLines = RemoveUnnecessaryLine(lines);
File.WriteAllLines("filename.txt", newLines);

How to switch to the new browser window, which opens after click on the button?

 main you can do :

 String mainTab = page.goToNewTab ();
 //do what you want

 What you need to have in order to use the main   

        private static Set<String> windows;

            //get all open windows 
            //return current window
            public String initWindows() {
                windows = new HashSet<String>();
                driver.getWindowHandles().stream().forEach(n ->   windows.add(n));
                return driver.getWindowHandle();

            public String getNewWindow() {
                List<String> newWindow = driver.getWindowHandles().stream().filter(n -> windows.contains(n) == false)
                return newWindow.get(0);

            public String goToNewTab() {
                String startWindow = driver.initWindows();
                String newWindow = driver.getNewWindow();
                return startWindow;

            public void backToMainPage(String startWindow) {

Transpose/Unzip Function (inverse of zip)?

Consider using more_itertools.unzip:

>>> from more_itertools import unzip
>>> original = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]
>>> [list(x) for x in unzip(original)]
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, 3, 4]]     

How to fix a collation conflict in a SQL Server query?

You can resolve the issue by forcing the collation used in a query to be a particular collation, e.g. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS or DATABASE_DEFAULT. For example:

FROM FirstTable a
INNER JOIN SecondTable b
ON a.MyID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = 
b.YourID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

In the above query, a.MyID and b.YourID would be columns with a text-based data type. Using COLLATE will force the query to ignore the default collation on the database and instead use the provided collation, in this case SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Basically what's going on here is that each database has its own collation which "provides sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data" (from and applies to columns with textual data types, e.g. VARCHAR, CHAR, NVARCHAR, etc. When two databases have differing collations, you cannot compare text columns with an operator like equals (=) without addressing the conflict between the two disparate collations.

How to change an input button image using CSS?

You can use blank.gif (1px transparent image) as target in your tag

<input type="image" src="img/blank.gif" class="button"> 

and then style background in css:

.button {border:0;background:transparent url("../img/button.png") no-repeat 0 0;}
.button:hover {background:transparent url("../img/button-hover.png") no-repeat 0 0;}

Submit form without page reloading

This should solve your problem.
In this code after submit button click we call jquery ajax and we pass url to post
data: data information you can select input fields or any other.
sucess: callback if everything is ok from server
function parameter text, html or json, response from server
in sucess you can write write warnings if data you got is in some kind of state and so on. or execute your code what to do next.

<form id='tip'>
Tip somebody: <input name="tip_email" id="tip_email" type="text" size="30" onfocus="tip_div(1);" onblur="tip_div(2);"/>
 <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Skicka Tips"/>
 <input type="hidden" id="ad_id" name="ad_id" />
$( "#tip" ).submit(function( e ) {
        url: tip.php,
            tip_email: $('#tip_email').val(),
            ad_id: $('#ad_id').val()
        success: function(msg)

            alert('Email Sent');

What is JavaScript garbage collection?

Eric Lippert wrote a detailed blog post about this subject a while back (additionally comparing it to VBScript). More accurately, he wrote about JScript, which is Microsoft's own implementation of ECMAScript, although very similar to JavaScript. I would imagine that you can assume the vast majority of behaviour would be the same for the JavaScript engine of Internet Explorer. Of course, the implementation will vary from browser to browser, though I suspect you could take a number of the common principles and apply them to other browsers.

Quoted from that page:

JScript uses a nongenerational mark-and-sweep garbage collector. It works like this:

  • Every variable which is "in scope" is called a "scavenger". A scavenger may refer to a number, an object, a string, whatever. We maintain a list of scavengers -- variables are moved on to the scav list when they come into scope and off the scav list when they go out of scope.

  • Every now and then the garbage collector runs. First it puts a "mark" on every object, variable, string, etc – all the memory tracked by the GC. (JScript uses the VARIANT data structure internally and there are plenty of extra unused bits in that structure, so we just set one of them.)

  • Second, it clears the mark on the scavengers and the transitive closure of scavenger references. So if a scavenger object references a nonscavenger object then we clear the bits on the nonscavenger, and on everything that it refers to. (I am using the word "closure" in a different sense than in my earlier post.)

  • At this point we know that all the memory still marked is allocated memory which cannot be reached by any path from any in-scope variable. All of those objects are instructed to tear themselves down, which destroys any circular references.

The main purpose of garbage collection is to allow the programmer not to worry about memory management of the objects they create and use, though of course there's no avoiding it sometimes - it is always beneficial to have at least a rough idea of how garbage collection works.

Historical note: an earlier revision of the answer had an incorrect reference to the delete operator. In JavaScript the delete operator removes a property from an object, and is wholly different to delete in C/C++.

What's the difference between ASCII and Unicode?

Understanding why ASCII and Unicode were created in the first place helped me understand the differences between the two.

ASCII, Origins

As stated in the other answers, ASCII uses 7 bits to represent a character. By using 7 bits, we can have a maximum of 2^7 (= 128) distinct combinations*. Which means that we can represent 128 characters maximum.

Wait, 7 bits? But why not 1 byte (8 bits)?

The last bit (8th) is used for avoiding errors as parity bit. This was relevant years ago.

Most ASCII characters are printable characters of the alphabet such as abc, ABC, 123, ?&!, etc. The others are control characters such as carriage return, line feed, tab, etc.

See below the binary representation of a few characters in ASCII:

0100101 -> % (Percent Sign - 37)
1000001 -> A (Capital letter A - 65)
1000010 -> B (Capital letter B - 66)
1000011 -> C (Capital letter C - 67)
0001101 -> Carriage Return (13)

See the full ASCII table over here.

ASCII was meant for English only.

What? Why English only? So many languages out there!

Because the center of the computer industry was in the USA at that time. As a consequence, they didn't need to support accents or other marks such as á, ü, ç, ñ, etc. (aka diacritics).

ASCII Extended

Some clever people started using the 8th bit (the bit used for parity) to encode more characters to support their language (to support "é", in French, for example). Just using one extra bit doubled the size of the original ASCII table to map up to 256 characters (2^8 = 256 characters). And not 2^7 as before (128).

10000010 -> é (e with acute accent - 130)
10100000 -> á (a with acute accent - 160)

The name for this "ASCII extended to 8 bits and not 7 bits as before" could be just referred as "extended ASCII" or "8-bit ASCII".

As @Tom pointed out in his comment below there is no such thing as "extended ASCII" yet this is an easy way to refer to this 8th-bit trick. There are many variations of the 8-bit ASCII table, for example, the ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1.

Unicode, The Rise

ASCII Extended solves the problem for languages that are based on the Latin alphabet... what about the others needing a completely different alphabet? Greek? Russian? Chinese and the likes?

We would have needed an entirely new character set... that's the rational behind Unicode. Unicode doesn't contain every character from every language, but it sure contains a gigantic amount of characters (see this table).

You cannot save text to your hard drive as "Unicode". Unicode is an abstract representation of the text. You need to "encode" this abstract representation. That's where an encoding comes into play.

Encodings: UTF-8 vs UTF-16 vs UTF-32

This answer does a pretty good job at explaining the basics:

  • UTF-8 and UTF-16 are variable length encodings.
  • In UTF-8, a character may occupy a minimum of 8 bits.
  • In UTF-16, a character length starts with 16 bits.
  • UTF-32 is a fixed length encoding of 32 bits.

UTF-8 uses the ASCII set for the first 128 characters. That's handy because it means ASCII text is also valid in UTF-8.


  • UTF-8: minimum 8 bits.
  • UTF-16: minimum 16 bits.
  • UTF-32: minimum and maximum 32 bits.


Why 2^7?

This is obvious for some, but just in case. We have seven slots available filled with either 0 or 1 (Binary Code). Each can have two combinations. If we have seven spots, we have 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 2^7 = 128 combinations. Think about this as a combination lock with seven wheels, each wheel having two numbers only.

Source: Wikipedia, this great blog post and where I initially posted this summary.

PHP 5 disable strict standards error

For no errors.


or for just not strict

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT);

and if you ever want to display all errors again, use


Toggle Checkboxes on/off

    jQuery("#mydiv :checkbox").each(function(){
        this.checked = true;
    jQuery("#mydiv :checkbox").each(function(){
        this.checked = false;
    jQuery("#mydiv :checkbox").each(function(){
        this.checked = !this.checked;


How to check if anonymous object has a method?

What do you mean by an "anonymous object?" myObj is not anonymous since you've assigned an object literal to a variable. You can just test this:

if (typeof myObj.prop2 === 'function')
    // do whatever

Go Back to Previous Page

... By looking at Facebook code ... I found this

Go Back to Previous Page

javascript return true or return false when and how to use it?

I think a lot of times when you see this code, it's from people who are in the habit of event handlers for forms, buttons, inputs, and things of that sort.

Basically, when you have something like:

<form onsubmit="return callSomeFunction();"></form>


<a href="#" onclick="return callSomeFunction();"></a>`

and callSomeFunction() returns true, then the form or a will submit, otherwise it won't.

Other more obvious general purposes for returning true or false as a result of a function are because they are expected to return a boolean.

Text File Parsing in Java

I'm not sure how efficient it is memory-wise, but my first approach would be using a Scanner as it is incredibly easy to use:

File file = new File("/path/to/my/file.txt");
Scanner input = new Scanner(file);

while(input.hasNext()) {
    String nextToken =;
    //or to process line by line
    String nextLine = input.nextLine();


Check the API for how to alter the delimiter it uses to split tokens.

Http post and get request in angular 6

For reading full response in Angular you should add the observe option:

{ observe: 'response' }
    return this.http.get(`${environment.serverUrl}/api/posts/${postId}/comments/?page=${page}&size=${size}`, { observe: 'response' });

Int division: Why is the result of 1/3 == 0?

Because you are doing integer division.

As @Noldorin says, if both operators are integers, then integer division is used.

The result 0.33333333 can't be represented as an integer, therefore only the integer part (0) is assigned to the result.

If any of the operators is a double / float, then floating point arithmetic will take place. But you'll have the same problem if you do that:

int n = 1.0 / 3.0;

REST URI convention - Singular or plural name of resource while creating it

To me plurals manipulate the collection, whereas singulars manipulate the item inside that collection.

Collection allows the methods GET / POST / DELETE

Item allows the methods GET / PUT / DELETE

For example

POST on /students will add a new student in the school.

DELETE on /students will remove all the students in the school.

DELETE on /student/123 will remove student 123 from the school.

It might feel like unimportant but some engineers sometimes forget the id. If the route was always plural and performed a DELETE, you might accidentally wipe your data. Whereas missing the id on the singular will return a 404 route not found.

To further expand the example if the API was supposed to expose multiple schools, then something like

DELETE on /school/abc/students will remove all the students in the school abc.

Choosing the right word sometimes is a challenge on its own, but I like to maintain plurality for the collection. E.g. cart_items or cart/items feels right. In contrast deleting cart, deletes the cart object it self and not the items within the cart ;).

How to change onClick handler dynamically?


document.getElementById("foo").onclick = function (){alert('foo');};

Defining custom attrs

The answer above covers everything in great detail, apart from a couple of things.

First, if there are no styles, then the (Context context, AttributeSet attrs) method signature will be used to instantiate the preference. In this case just use context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.MyCustomView) to get the TypedArray.

Secondly it does not cover how to deal with plaurals resources (quantity strings). These cannot be dealt with using TypedArray. Here is a code snippet from my SeekBarPreference that sets the summary of the preference formatting its value according to the value of the preference. If the xml for the preference sets android:summary to a text string or a string resouce the value of the preference is formatted into the string (it should have %d in it, to pick up the value). If android:summary is set to a plaurals resource, then that is used to format the result.

// Use your own name space if not using an android resource.
final static private String ANDROID_NS = 
private int pluralResource;
private Resources resources;
private String summary;

public SeekBarPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    // ...
    TypedArray attributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
        attrs, R.styleable.SeekBarPreference);
    pluralResource =  attrs.getAttributeResourceValue(ANDROID_NS, "summary", 0);
    if (pluralResource !=  0) {
        if (! resources.getResourceTypeName(pluralResource).equals("plurals")) {
            pluralResource = 0;
    if (pluralResource ==  0) {
        summary = attributes.getString(

public CharSequence getSummary() {
    int value = getPersistedInt(defaultValue);
    if (pluralResource != 0) {
        return resources.getQuantityString(pluralResource, value, value);
    return (summary == null) ? null : String.format(summary, value);

  • This is just given as an example, however, if you want are tempted to set the summary on the preference screen, then you need to call notifyChanged() in the preference's onDialogClosed method.

What is default session timeout in ASP.NET?

It is 20 Minutes according to MSDN

From MSDN:

Optional TimeSpan attribute.

Specifies the number of minutes a session can be idle before it is abandoned. The timeout attribute cannot be set to a value that is greater than 525,601 minutes (1 year) for the in-process and state-server modes. The session timeout configuration setting applies only to ASP.NET pages. Changing the session timeout value does not affect the session time-out for ASP pages. Similarly, changing the session time-out for ASP pages does not affect the session time-out for ASP.NET pages. The default is 20 minutes.

Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project

Error parsing XML: unbound prefix

Resource '/playteddy/res' does not exist.

I got the above two errors and finally I solved it.

Right click your project -> properties -> java build path -> googleadmobadsdk (select and put it top), then you run and problem solved. It is solved my runtime error.

How can you test if an object has a specific property?

Try this for a one liner that is strict safe.


For example:

Set-StrictMode -Version latest;
$propertyName = 'Property1';
$myobject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Property0 = 'Value0' };

if ([bool]$myobject.PSObject.Properties[$propertyName]) {
    $value = $myobject.$propertyName;

How to save local data in a Swift app?

Okey so thanks to @bploat and the link to

I've found that the answer is quite simple for some basic string storage.

let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

// Store
defaults.setObject("theGreatestName", forKey: "username")

// Receive
if let name = defaults.stringForKey("username")
    // Will output "theGreatestName"

I've summarized it here

JPA entity without id

I guess you can use @CollectionOfElements (for hibernate/jpa 1) / @ElementCollection (jpa 2) to map a collection of "entity properties" to a List in entity.

You can create the EntityProperty type and annotate it with @Embeddable

What's the difference between subprocess Popen and call (how can I use them)?

The other answer is very complete, but here is a rule of thumb:

  • call is blocking:

    print('hello')  # only executed when notepad is closed
  • Popen is non-blocking:

    print('hello')  # immediately executed

What is the best way to implement a "timer"?

By using System.Windows.Forms.Timer class you can achieve what you need.

System.Windows.Forms.Timer t = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();

t.Interval = 15000; // specify interval time as you want
t.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);

void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
      //Call method

By using stop() method you can stop timer.


PHP - Session destroy after closing browser

There are different ways to do this, but the server can't detect when de browser gets closed so destroying it then is hard.

  • timeout session.

Either create a new session with the current time or add a time variable to the current session. and then check it when you start up or perform an action to see if the session has to be removed.

$_SESSION["timeout"] = time();
//if 100 seconds have passed since creating session delete it.
if(time() - $_SESSION["timeout"] > 100){ 
  • ajax

Make javascript perform an ajax call that will delete the session, with onbeforeunload() a javascript function that calls a final action when the user leaves the page. For some reason this doesnt always work though.

  • delete it on startup.

If you always want the user to see the login page on startup after the page has been closed you can just delete the session on startup.

<? php

and there probably are some more.

Simple 'if' or logic statement in Python

Here's a Boolean thing:

if (not suffix == "flac" )  or (not suffix == "cue" ):   # WRONG! FAILS
    print  filename + ' is not a flac or cue file'


if not (suffix == "flac"  or suffix == "cue" ):     # CORRECT!
       print  filename + ' is not a flac or cue file'

(not a) or (not b) == not ( a and b ) , is false only if a and b are both true

not (a or b) is true only if a and be are both false.

Difference between null and empty ("") Java String

null means nothing; it means you have never set a value for your variable but empty means you have set "" value to your String for instance see the following example:

String str1;
String str2 = "";

Here str1 is null meaning that you have defined it but not set any value for it yet, but you have defined str2 and set empty value for it so it has a value even that value is "";


How to get the part of a file after the first line that matches a regular expression?

sed is a much better tool for the job: sed -n '/re/,$p' file

where re is regexp.

Another option is grep's --after-context flag. You need to pass in a number to end at, using wc on the file should give the right value to stop at. Combine this with -n and your match expression.

How to run Spyder in virtual environment?

To do without reinstalling spyder in all environments follow official reference here.

In summary (tested with conda):

  • Spyder should be installed in the base environment

From the system prompt:

  • Create an new environment. Note that depending on how you create it (conda, virtualenv) the environment folder will be located at different place on your system)

  • Activate the environment (e.g., conda activate [yourEnvName])

  • Install spyder-kernels inside the environment (e.g., conda install spyder-kernels)

  • Find and copy the path for the python executable inside the environment. Finding this path can be done using from the prompt this command python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"

  • Deactivate the environment (i.e., return to base conda deactivate)

  • run spyder (spyder3)

  • Finally in spyder Tool menu go to Preferences > Python Interpreter > Use the following interpreter and paste the environment python executable path

  • Restart the ipython console

PS: in spyder you should see at the bottom something like thisenter image description here


How to remove last n characters from a string in Bash?

To remove four characters from the end of the string use ${var%????}.

To remove everything after the final . use ${var%.*}.

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

If you wanna update a table with that DateTime, you can use your SQL string like this example:

int fieldId;
DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Now
string sql = string.Format(@"UPDATE TableName SET DateFieldName='{0}' WHERE FieldID={1}", myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), fieldId.ToString());

Java String remove all non numeric characters

Currency decimal separator can be different from Locale to another. It could be dangerous to consider . as separator always. i.e.

¦    Locale      ¦      Sample       ¦
¦ USA            ¦ $1,222,333.44 USD ¦
¦ United Kingdom ¦ £1.222.333,44 GBP ¦
¦ European       ¦ €1.333.333,44 EUR ¦

I think the proper way is:

  • Get decimal character via DecimalFormatSymbols by default Locale or specified one.
  • Cook regex pattern with decimal character in order to obtain digits only

And here how I am solving it:


import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.Locale;

    public static String getDigit(String quote, Locale locale) {
    char decimalSeparator;
    if (locale == null) {
        decimalSeparator = new DecimalFormatSymbols().getDecimalSeparator();
    } else {
        decimalSeparator = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale).getDecimalSeparator();

    String regex = "[^0-9" + decimalSeparator + "]";
    String valueOnlyDigit = quote.replaceAll(regex, "");
    try {
        return valueOnlyDigit;
    } catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error in getMoneyAsDecimal", e);
        return null;
    return null;

I hope that may help,'.

Reverse the ordering of words in a string

In Python...

ip = "My name is X Y Z"
words = ip.split()
print ' '.join(words)

Anyway cookamunga provided good inline solution using python!

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path

$ ./configure --enable-libopencv
ERROR: opencv not found using pkg-config

$ cat /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/opencv.pc
# Package Information for pkg-config


Name: OpenCV
Description: Open Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 3.1.0
Libs: -L${exec_prefix}/lib64 -lopencv_shape -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_superres -lopencv_videostab -lopencv_aruco -lopencv_bgsegm -lopencv_bioinspired -lopencv_ccalib -lopencv_cvv -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_dpm -lopencv_fuzzy -lopencv_hdf -lopencv_line_descriptor -lopencv_optflow -lopencv_plot -lopencv_reg -lopencv_saliency -lopencv_stereo -lopencv_structured_light -lopencv_rgbd -lopencv_surface_matching -lopencv_tracking -lopencv_datasets -lopencv_text -lopencv_face -lopencv_video -lopencv_ximgproc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_xobjdetect -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_ml -lopencv_xphoto -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_photo -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core
Libs.private: -L/usr/lib64 -lQt5Test -lQt5Concurrent -lQt5OpenGL -L/lib64 -lwebp -lpng -ltiff -ljasper -ljpeg -lImath -lIlmImf -lIex -lHalf -lIlmThread -lgdal -lgstvideo-1.0 -lgstapp-1.0 -lgstbase-1.0 -lgstriff-1.0 -lgstpbutils-1.0 -lgstreamer-1.0 -lucil -lunicap -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lglib-2.0 -ldc1394 -lv4l1 -lv4l2 -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port -lexif -lQt5Core -lQt5Gui -lQt5Widgets -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -ldl -lm -ltesseract -llept -lpthread -lrt -lGLU -lGL
Cflags: -I${includedir_old} -I${includedir_new}

$ pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv
-I/usr/include/opencv -lopencv_shape -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_superres -lopencv_videostab -lopencv_aruco -lopencv_bgsegm -lopencv_bioinspired -lopencv_ccalib -lopencv_cvv -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_dpm -lopencv_fuzzy -lopencv_hdf -lopencv_line_descriptor -lopencv_optflow -lopencv_plot -lopencv_reg -lopencv_saliency -lopencv_stereo -lopencv_structured_light -lopencv_rgbd -lopencv_surface_matching -lopencv_tracking -lopencv_datasets -lopencv_text -lopencv_face -lopencv_video -lopencv_ximgproc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_xobjdetect -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_ml -lopencv_xphoto -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_photo -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core

$ uname -a
Linux fedora-23-x64 4.8.13-100.fc23.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 9 14:51:40 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Best way to do multiple constructors in PHP

You could always add an extra parameter to the constructor called something like mode and then perform a switch statement on it...

class myClass 
    var $error ;
    function __construct ( $data, $mode )
        $this->error = false
        switch ( $mode )
            'id' : processId ( $data ) ; break ;
            'row' : processRow ( $data ); break ;
            default : $this->error = true ; break ;

     function processId ( $data ) { /* code */ }
     function processRow ( $data ) { /* code */ }

$a = new myClass ( $data, 'id' ) ;
$b = new myClass ( $data, 'row' ) ;
$c = new myClass ( $data, 'something' ) ;

if ( $a->error )
   exit ( 'invalid mode' ) ;
if ( $b->error )
   exit ('invalid mode' ) ;
if ( $c->error )
   exit ('invalid mode' ) ;

Also with that method at any time if you wanted to add more functionality you can just add another case to the switch statement, and you can also check to make sure someone has sent the right thing through - in the above example all the data is ok except for C as that is set to "something" and so the error flag in the class is set and control is returned back to the main program for it to decide what to do next (in the example I just told it to exit with an error message "invalid mode" - but alternatively you could loop it back round until valid data is found).

How to get the second column from command output?

Use -F [field separator] to split the lines on "s:

awk -F '"' '{print $2}' your_input_file

or for input from pipe

<some_command> | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'



Why use HttpClient for Synchronous Connection

public static class AsyncHelper  
    private static readonly TaskFactory _taskFactory = new

    public static TResult RunSync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> func)
        => _taskFactory

    public static void RunSync(Func<Task> func)
        => _taskFactory


AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => DoAsyncStuff());

if you use that class pass your async method as parameter you can call the async methods from sync methods in a safe way.

it's explained here :

PHP - Merging two arrays into one array (also Remove Duplicates)

You can use this code to get the desired result. It will remove duplicates.




Convert laravel object to array

$res = ActivityServer::query()->select('channel_id')->where(['id' => $id])->first()->attributesToArray();

I use get(), it returns an object, I use the attributesToArray() to change the object attribute to an array.

Are static methods inherited in Java?

B.display() works because static declaration makes the method/member to belong to the class, and not any particular class instance (aka Object). You can read more about it here.

Another thing to note is that you cannot override a static method, you can have your sub class declare a static method with the same signature, but its behavior may be different than what you'd expect. This is probably the reason why it is not considered inherited. You can check out the problematic scenario and the explanation here.

Converting ArrayList to HashMap


using your comment about productCode (and assuming product code is a String) as reference...

 for(Product p : productList){
        s.put(p.getProductCode() , p);

Copy/Paste from Excel to a web page

For any future googlers ending up here like me, I used @tatu Ulmanen's concept and just turned it into an array of objects. This simple function takes a string of pasted excel (or Google sheet) data (preferably from a textarea) and turns it into an array of objects. It uses the first row for column/property names.

function excelToObjects(stringData){
    var objects = [];
    //split into rows
    var rows = stringData.split('\n');

    //Make columns
    columns = rows[0].split('\t');

    //Note how we start at rowNr = 1, because 0 is the column row
    for (var rowNr = 1; rowNr < rows.length; rowNr++) {
        var o = {};
        var data = rows[rowNr].split('\t');

        //Loop through all the data
        for (var cellNr = 0; cellNr < data.length; cellNr++) {
            o[columns[cellNr]] = data[cellNr];


    return objects;

Hopefully it helps someone in the future.

How do I display local image in markdown?

You may find following the syntax similar to reference links in markdown handy, especially when you have a text with many displays of the same image:

![optional text description of the image][number]

[number]: URL

For example:


![This is an optional description][2]

[1]: /home/jerzy/ComputerScience/Parole/Screenshot_2020-10-13_11-53-29.png
[2]: /home/jerzy/ComputerScience/Parole/Screenshot_2020-10-13_11-53-30.png

When is each sorting algorithm used?

The Wikipedia page on sorting algorithms has a great comparison chart.

In a javascript array, how do I get the last 5 elements, excluding the first element?

Here is one I haven't seen that's even shorter


Run the code snippet below for proof of it doing what you want

var arr1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],_x000D_
  arr2 = [0, 1, 2, 3];_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = 'ARRAY 1: ' + arr1.slice(1).slice(-5) + '<br/>ARRAY 2: ' + arr2.slice(1).slice(-5);

Another way to do it would be using lodash - that is of course if you don't mind having to load a huge javascript minified file if your trying to do it from your browser.

_.slice(, -5)

400 vs 422 response to POST of data

400 Bad Request would now seem to be the best HTTP/1.1 status code for your use case.

At the time of your question (and my original answer), RFC 7231 was not a thing; at which point I objected to 400 Bad Request because RFC 2616 said (with emphasis mine):

The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.

and the request you describe is syntactically valid JSON encased in syntactically valid HTTP, and thus the server has no issues with the syntax of the request.

However as pointed out by Lee Saferite in the comments, RFC 7231, which obsoletes RFC 2616, does not include that restriction:

The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).

However, prior to that re-wording (or if you want to quibble about RFC 7231 only being a proposed standard right now), 422 Unprocessable Entity does not seem an incorrect HTTP status code for your use case, because as the introduction to RFC 4918 says:

While the status codes provided by HTTP/1.1 are sufficient to describe most error conditions encountered by WebDAV methods, there are some errors that do not fall neatly into the existing categories. This specification defines extra status codes developed for WebDAV methods (Section 11)

And the description of 422 says:

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions.

(Note the reference to syntax; I suspect 7231 partly obsoletes 4918 too)

This sounds exactly like your situation, but just in case there was any doubt, it goes on to say:

For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

(Replace "XML" with "JSON" and I think we can agree that's your situation)

Now, some will object that RFC 4918 is about "HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)" and that you (presumably) are doing nothing involving WebDAV so shouldn't use things from it.

Given the choice between using an error code in the original standard that explicitly doesn't cover the situation, and one from an extension that describes the situation exactly, I would choose the latter.

Furthermore, RFC 4918 Section 21.4 refers to the IANA Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code Registry, where 422 can be found.

I propose that it is totally reasonable for an HTTP client or server to use any status code from that registry, so long as they do so correctly.

But as of HTTP/1.1, RFC 7231 has traction, so just use 400 Bad Request!

Get column from a two dimensional array

This function works to arrays and objects. obs: it works like array_column php function. It means that an optional third parameter can be passed to define what column will correspond to the indices of return.

function array_column(list, column, indice){
    var result;

    if(typeof indice != "undefined"){
        result = {};

        for(key in list)
            result[list[key][indice]] = list[key][column];
        result = [];

        for(key in list)
            result.push( list[key][column] );

    return result;

This is a conditional version:

function array_column_conditional(list, column, indice){
    var result;

    if(typeof indice != "undefined"){
        result = {};

        for(key in list)
            if(typeof list[key][column] !== 'undefined' && typeof list[key][indice] !== 'undefined')
                result[list[key][indice]] = list[key][column];
        result = [];

        for(key in list)
            if(typeof list[key][column] !== 'undefined')
                result.push( list[key][column] );

    return result;


var lista = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
  [7, 8, 9]

var obj_list = [
  {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3},
  {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6},
  {a: 8, c: 9}

var objeto = {
  d: {a: 1, b: 3},
  e: {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6},
  f: {a: 7, b: 8, c: 9}

var list_obj = {
  d: [1, 2, 3],
  e: [4, 5],
  f: [7, 8, 9]

console.log( "column list: ", array_column(lista, 1) );
console.log( "column obj_list: ", array_column(obj_list, 'b', 'c') );
console.log( "column objeto: ", array_column(objeto, 'c') );
console.log( "column list_obj: ", array_column(list_obj, 0, 0) );

console.log( "column list conditional: ", array_column_conditional(lista, 1) );
console.log( "column obj_list conditional: ", array_column_conditional(obj_list, 'b', 'c') );
console.log( "column objeto conditional: ", array_column_conditional(objeto, 'c') );
console.log( "column list_obj conditional: ", array_column_conditional(list_obj, 0, 0) );


column list:  Array [ 2, 5, 8 ]
column obj_list:  Object { 3: 2, 6: 5, 9: undefined }
column objeto:  Array [ undefined, 6, 9 ]
column list_obj:  Object { 1: 1, 4: 4, 7: 7 }

column list conditional:  Array [ 2, 5, 8 ]
column obj_list conditional:  Object { 3: 2, 6: 5 }
column objeto conditional:  Array [ 6, 9 ]
column list_obj conditional:  Object { 1: 1, 4: 4, 7: 7 }

Passing data to components in vue.js

A global JS variable (object) can be used to pass data between components. Example: Passing data from Ammlogin.vue to Options.vue. In Ammlogin.vue rspData is set to the response from the server. In Options.vue the response from the server is made available via rspData.


    var rspData; // global - transfer data between components


export default {
data: function() {return vueData}, 
methods: {
    login: function(event){
        event.preventDefault(); // otherwise the page is submitted...
        vueData.errortxt = "";'http://vueamm...../actions.php', { action: this.$data.action, user: this.$data.user, password: this.$data.password})
            .then(function (response) {
                vueData.user = '';
                vueData.password = '';
                // activate v-link via JS click...
                // JSON.parse is not needed because it is already an object
                if ( === "ok") {
                    rspData =; // set global rspData
                } else {
                    vueData.errortxt = "Felaktig avändare eller lösenord!"
            .catch(function (error) {
                // Wu oh! Something went wrong
                vueData.errortxt = error.message;


  <p>Resultat: {{rspData.result}}</p>
  <p>Meddelande: {{}}</p>
  <v-link href='/'>Logga ut</v-link>
 import MainLayout from '../layouts/Main.vue'
 import VLink from '../components/VLink.vue'
 var optData = { rspData: rspData}; // rspData is global
 export default {
   data: function() {return optData},
   components: {

jquery - Check for file extension before uploading

        function yourfunctionName() {
            var yourFileName = $("#yourinputfieldis").val();

            var yourFileExtension = yourFileName .replace(/^.*\./, '');
            switch (yourFileExtension ) {
                case 'pdf':
                case 'jpg':
                case 'doc':
                    $("#formId").submit();// your condition what you want to do
                    alert('your File extension is wrong.');
                    this.value = '';

Validate IPv4 address in Java

There is also an undocumented utility class, which you should not actually use, although it might be useful in a quick one-off, throw-away utility:

boolean isIP = IPAddressUtil.isIPv4LiteralAddress(ipAddressString);

Internally, this is the utility class InetAddress uses to parse IP addresses.

Note that this will return true for strings like "123", which, technically are valid IPv4 addresses, just not in dot-decimal notation.

In SQL, is UPDATE always faster than DELETE+INSERT?

One command on the same row should always be faster than two on that same row. So the UPDATE only would be better.

EDIT set up the table:

create table YourTable
(YourName  varchar(50)  primary key
,Tag int

insert into YourTable values ('first value',1)

run this, which takes 1 second on my system (sql server 2005):

declare @x int
declare @y int
select @x=0,@y=0
UPDATE YourTable set YourName='new name'
while @x<10000
    Set @x=@x+1
    update YourTable set YourName='new name' where YourName='new name'
    SET @y=@y+@@ROWCOUNT
print @y

run this, which took 2 seconds on my system:

declare @x int
declare @y int
select @x=0,@y=0
while @x<10000
    Set @x=@x+1
    DELETE YourTable WHERE YourName='new name'
    insert into YourTable values ('new name',1)
    SET @y=@y+@@ROWCOUNT
print @y

returning a Void object

If you just don't need anything as your type, you can use void. This can be used for implementing functions, or actions. You could then do something like this:

interface Action<T> {
    public T execute();

abstract class VoidAction implements Action<Void> {
    public Void execute() {
        return null;

    abstract void executeInternal();

Or you could omit the abstract class, and do the return null in every action that doesn't require a return value yourself.

You could then use those actions like this:

Given a method

private static <T> T executeAction(Action<T> action) {
    return action.execute();

you can call it like

String result = executeAction(new Action<String>() {
    public String execute() {
        //code here
        return "Return me!";

or, for the void action (note that you're not assigning the result to anything)

executeAction(new VoidAction() {
    public void executeInternal() {
        //code here

How to get all table names from a database?

You need to iterate over your ResultSet calling next().

This is an example from

DatabaseMetaData md = conn.getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = md.getTables(null, null, "%", null);
while ( {

Column 3 is the TABLE_NAME (see documentation of DatabaseMetaData::getTables).

Twitter Bootstrap alert message close and open again

I just used a model variable to show/hide the dialog and removed the data-dismiss="alert"


<div data-ng-show="vm.result == 'error'" class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-ng-click="vm.result = null" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
    <strong>Error  !  </strong>{{vm.exception}}

works for me and stops the need to go out to jquery

Python AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Serial'

I'm adding this solution for people who make the same mistake as I did.

In most cases: rename your project file '' and delete serial.pyc if exists, then you can do simple 'import serial' without attribute error.

Problem occurs when you import 'something' when your python file name is ''.

Compare given date with today

Some given answers don't have in consideration the current day!

Here it is my proposal.

$var = "2010-01-21 00:00:00.0"
$given_date = new \DateTime($var);

if ($given_date == new \DateTime('today')) {

if ($given_date < new \DateTime('today')) {

if ($given_date > new \DateTime('today')) {

exec failed because the name not a valid identifier?

Try this instead in the end:

exec (@query)

If you do not have the brackets, SQL Server assumes the value of the variable to be a stored procedure name.


EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

And it should not be because of FULL JOIN.
But I hope you have already created the temp tables: #TrafficFinal, #TrafficFinal2, #TrafficFinal3 before this.

Please note that there are performance considerations between using EXEC and sp_executesql. Because sp_executesql uses forced statement caching like an sp.
More details here.

On another note, is there a reason why you are using dynamic sql for this case, when you can use the query as is, considering you are not doing any query manipulations and executing it the way it is?

Generate random numbers with a given (numerical) distribution

Maybe it is kind of late. But you can use numpy.random.choice(), passing the p parameter:

val = numpy.random.choice(numpy.arange(1, 7), p=[0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2])

How to solve COM Exception Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))?

It looks like whichever program or process you're trying to initialize either isn't installed on your machine, has a damaged installation or needs to be registered.

Either install it, repair it (via Add/Remove Programs) or register it (via Regsvr32.exe).

You haven't provided enough information for us to help you any more than this.

Twitter Bootstrap Button Text Word Wrap

Try this: add white-space: normal; to the style definition of the Bootstrap Button or you can replace the code you displayed with the one below

<div class="col-lg-3"> <!-- FIRST COL -->
  <div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-body"> 
    <h4>Posted on</h4>
    <p>22nd September 2013</p>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>
   <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>
   <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>

I have updated your fiddle here to show how it comes out.

Top 5 time-consuming SQL queries in Oracle

It depends which version of oracle you have, for 9i and below Statspack is what you are after, 10g and above, you want awr , both these tools will give you the top sql's and lots of other stuff.

How to check whether an object has certain method/property?

via Reflection

 var property = object.GetType().GetProperty("YourProperty")

Similar is for methods

Simplest way to throw an error/exception with a custom message in Swift 2?

In case you don't need to catch the error and you want to immediately stop the application you can use a fatalError: fatalError ("Custom message here")

Program to find prime numbers

You only need to check odd divisors up to the square root of the number. In other words your inner loop needs to start:

for (int j = 3; j <= Math.Sqrt(i); j+=2) { ... }

You can also break out of the function as soon as you find the number is not prime, you don't need to check any more divisors (I see you're already doing that!).

This will only work if num is bigger than two.

No Sqrt

You can avoid the Sqrt altogether by keeping a running sum. For example:

int square_sum=1;
for (int j=3; square_sum<i; square_sum+=4*(j++-1)) {...}

This is because the sum of numbers 1+(3+5)+(7+9) will give you a sequence of odd squares (1,9,25 etc). And hence j represents the square root of square_sum. As long as square_sum is less than i then j is less than the square root.

how to stop a running script in Matlab

Matlab help says this- For M-files that run a long time, or that call built-ins or MEX-files that run a long time, Ctrl+C does not always effectively stop execution. Typically, this happens on Microsoft Windows platforms rather than UNIX[1] platforms. If you experience this problem, you can help MATLAB break execution by including a drawnow, pause, or getframe function in your M-file, for example, within a large loop. Note that Ctrl+C might be less responsive if you started MATLAB with the -nodesktop option.

So I don't think any option exist. This happens with many matlab functions that are complex. Either we have to wait or don't use them!.

NodeJS: How to decode base64 encoded string back to binary?

As of Node.js v6.0.0 using the constructor method has been deprecated and the following method should instead be used to construct a new buffer from a base64 encoded string:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

For Node.js v5.11.1 and below

Construct a new Buffer and pass 'base64' as the second argument:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

If you want to be clean, you can check whether from exists :

if (typeof Buffer.from === "function") {
    // Node 5.10+
    buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da
} else {
    // older Node versions, now deprecated
    buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

Flask-SQLAlchemy how to delete all rows in a single table

DazWorrall's answer is spot on. Here's a variation that might be useful if your code is structured differently than the OP's:

num_rows_deleted = db.session.query(Model).delete()

Also, don't forget that the deletion won't take effect until you commit, as in this snippet:

    num_rows_deleted = db.session.query(Model).delete()

How do I find what Java version Tomcat6 is using?

To find it from Windows OS,

  1. Open command prompt and change the directory to tomcat/tomee /bin directory.
  2. Type catalina.bat version
  3. It should print jre version details along with other informative details.

    Using CATALINA_BASE: "C:\User\software\enterprise-server-tome...

    Using CATALINA_HOME: "C:\User\software\enterprise-server-tome...

    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\User\software\enterprise-server-tome...

    Using JRE_HOME: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25"

    Using CLASSPATH: "C:\User\software\enterprise-server-tome...

    Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.5.11

    Server built: Jan 10 2017 21:02:52 UTC

    Server number:

    OS Name: Windows 7

    OS Version: 6.1

    Architecture: amd64

    JVM Version: 1.8.0_25-b18

    JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation

How does a Linux/Unix Bash script know its own PID?

The PID is stored in $$.

Example: kill -9 $$ will kill the shell instance it is called from.

Is it possible to preview stash contents in git?

View list of stashed changes

git stash list

For viewing list of files changed in a particular stash

git stash show -p stash@{0} --name-only

For viewing a particular file in stash

git show stash@{0} path/to/file

Best way to overlay an ESRI shapefile on google maps?

Free "Export to KML" script for ArcGIS 9

Here is a list of available methods that someone found.

Also, it seems to me that the most efficient representation of a polygon layer is by using Google Maps API's polyline encoding, which significantly compresses lat-lng data. But getting into that format takes work: use ArcMap to export Shape as lat/lng coordinates, then convert into polylines using Google Maps API.

Add Favicon to Website

Simply put a file named favicon.ico in the webroot.

If you want to know more, please start reading:

What are the differences between type() and isinstance()?

The latter is preferred, because it will handle subclasses properly. In fact, your example can be written even more easily because isinstance()'s second parameter may be a tuple:

if isinstance(b, (str, unicode)):

or, using the basestring abstract class:

if isinstance(b, basestring):

How can I use the MS JDBC driver with MS SQL Server 2008 Express?

Named instances?

URL: jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName][\instanceName][:portNumber][;property=value]

Note: backward slash

Set folder browser dialog start location

To set the directory selected path and the retrieve the new directory:

dlgBrowseForLogDirectory.SelectedPath = m_LogDirectory;
if (dlgBrowseForLogDirectory.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
     txtLogDirectory.Text = dlgBrowseForLogDirectory.SelectedPath;

How to modify PATH for Homebrew?

Just run the following line in your favorite terminal application:

echo export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

Restart your terminal and run

brew doctor

the issue should be resolved

Formula to determine brightness of RGB color

RGB Luminance value = 0.3 R + 0.59 G + 0.11 B

If you're looking for how close to white the color is you can use Euclidean Distance from (255, 255, 255)

I think RGB color space is perceptively non-uniform with respect to the L2 euclidian distance. Uniform spaces include CIE LAB and LUV.

Sass Nesting for :hover does not work

For concatenating selectors together when nesting, you need to use the parent selector (&):

.class {
    &:hover {

How to get the last character of a string in a shell?

I know this is a very old thread, but no one mentioned which to me is the cleanest answer:

echo -n $str | tail -c 1

Note the -n is just so the echo doesn't include a newline at the end.

How to change a DIV padding without affecting the width/height ?

Solution is to wrap your padded div, with fixed width outer div


<div class="outer">
    <div class="inner">

        <!-- your content -->

    </div><!-- end .inner -->
</div><!-- end .outer -->


.outer, .inner {
    display: block;

.outer {
    /* specify fixed width */
    width: 300px;
    padding: 0;

.inner {
    /* specify padding, can be changed while remaining fixed width of .outer */
    padding: 5px;

Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

I had same issue. I found the answer:

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

Note: It will take unlimited memory usage of server.

Update: Use this carefully as this might slow down your system if the PHP script starts using an excessive amount of memory, causing a lot of swap space usage. You can use this if you know program will not take much memory and also you don't know how much to set it right now. But you will eventually find it how much memory you require for that program.

You should always memory limit as some value as answered by @sarki dinle.

ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');

Giving unlimited memory is bad practice, rather we should give some max limit that we can bear and then optimise our code or add some RAMs.

phpMyAdmin access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'HTTP';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '1234';

This solves my problem too. It just logs in automatically.

Android Studio: Drawable Folder: How to put Images for Multiple dpi?

simply copy and paste the image into res>drawable and it ask you destination folder which you want to pate resolution image for more help please look for Android Studio drawable folders

Lost httpd.conf file located apache

See for discussion of where you might find Apache httpd configuration files on various platforms, since this can vary from release to release and platform to platform. The most common answer, however, is either /etc/apache/conf or /etc/httpd/conf

Generically, you can determine the answer by running the command:

httpd -V

(That's a capital V). Or, on systems where httpd is renamed, perhaps apache2ctl -V

This will return various details about how httpd is built and configured, including the default location of the main configuration file.

One of the lines of output should look like:

-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"

which, combined with the line:

-D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd"

will give you a full path to the default location of the configuration file

How to solve Object reference not set to an instance of an object.?

You need to initialize the list first:

protected List<string> list = new List<string>();

C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ programming?

First, you have to learn to think like a Language Lawyer.

The C++ specification does not make reference to any particular compiler, operating system, or CPU. It makes reference to an abstract machine that is a generalization of actual systems. In the Language Lawyer world, the job of the programmer is to write code for the abstract machine; the job of the compiler is to actualize that code on a concrete machine. By coding rigidly to the spec, you can be certain that your code will compile and run without modification on any system with a compliant C++ compiler, whether today or 50 years from now.

The abstract machine in the C++98/C++03 specification is fundamentally single-threaded. So it is not possible to write multi-threaded C++ code that is "fully portable" with respect to the spec. The spec does not even say anything about the atomicity of memory loads and stores or the order in which loads and stores might happen, never mind things like mutexes.

Of course, you can write multi-threaded code in practice for particular concrete systems – like pthreads or Windows. But there is no standard way to write multi-threaded code for C++98/C++03.

The abstract machine in C++11 is multi-threaded by design. It also has a well-defined memory model; that is, it says what the compiler may and may not do when it comes to accessing memory.

Consider the following example, where a pair of global variables are accessed concurrently by two threads:

           int x, y;

Thread 1            Thread 2
x = 17;             cout << y << " ";
y = 37;             cout << x << endl;

What might Thread 2 output?

Under C++98/C++03, this is not even Undefined Behavior; the question itself is meaningless because the standard does not contemplate anything called a "thread".

Under C++11, the result is Undefined Behavior, because loads and stores need not be atomic in general. Which may not seem like much of an improvement... And by itself, it's not.

But with C++11, you can write this:

           atomic<int> x, y;

Thread 1                 Thread 2;             cout << y.load() << " ";;             cout << x.load() << endl;

Now things get much more interesting. First of all, the behavior here is defined. Thread 2 could now print 0 0 (if it runs before Thread 1), 37 17 (if it runs after Thread 1), or 0 17 (if it runs after Thread 1 assigns to x but before it assigns to y).

What it cannot print is 37 0, because the default mode for atomic loads/stores in C++11 is to enforce sequential consistency. This just means all loads and stores must be "as if" they happened in the order you wrote them within each thread, while operations among threads can be interleaved however the system likes. So the default behavior of atomics provides both atomicity and ordering for loads and stores.

Now, on a modern CPU, ensuring sequential consistency can be expensive. In particular, the compiler is likely to emit full-blown memory barriers between every access here. But if your algorithm can tolerate out-of-order loads and stores; i.e., if it requires atomicity but not ordering; i.e., if it can tolerate 37 0 as output from this program, then you can write this:

           atomic<int> x, y;

Thread 1                            Thread 2,memory_order_relaxed);   cout << y.load(memory_order_relaxed) << " ";,memory_order_relaxed);   cout << x.load(memory_order_relaxed) << endl;

The more modern the CPU, the more likely this is to be faster than the previous example.

Finally, if you just need to keep particular loads and stores in order, you can write:

           atomic<int> x, y;

Thread 1                            Thread 2,memory_order_release);   cout << y.load(memory_order_acquire) << " ";,memory_order_release);   cout << x.load(memory_order_acquire) << endl;

This takes us back to the ordered loads and stores – so 37 0 is no longer a possible output – but it does so with minimal overhead. (In this trivial example, the result is the same as full-blown sequential consistency; in a larger program, it would not be.)

Of course, if the only outputs you want to see are 0 0 or 37 17, you can just wrap a mutex around the original code. But if you have read this far, I bet you already know how that works, and this answer is already longer than I intended :-).

So, bottom line. Mutexes are great, and C++11 standardizes them. But sometimes for performance reasons you want lower-level primitives (e.g., the classic double-checked locking pattern). The new standard provides high-level gadgets like mutexes and condition variables, and it also provides low-level gadgets like atomic types and the various flavors of memory barrier. So now you can write sophisticated, high-performance concurrent routines entirely within the language specified by the standard, and you can be certain your code will compile and run unchanged on both today's systems and tomorrow's.

Although to be frank, unless you are an expert and working on some serious low-level code, you should probably stick to mutexes and condition variables. That's what I intend to do.

For more on this stuff, see this blog post.

Set background image on grid in WPF using C#

I have my images in a separate class library ("MyClassLibrary") and they are placed in the folder "Images". In the example I used "myImage.jpg" as the background image.

  ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
  Image image = new Image();
  image.Source = new BitmapImage(
      new Uri(
  myBrush.ImageSource = image.Source;
  Grid grid = new Grid();
  grid.Background = myBrush;          

How to convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp

First, HTML and PDF are not related although they were created around the same time. HTML is intended to convey higher level information such as paragraphs and tables. Although there are methods to control it, it is ultimately up to the browser to draw these higher level concepts. PDF is intended to convey documents and the documents must "look" the same wherever they are rendered.

In an HTML document you might have a paragraph that's 100% wide and depending on the width of your monitor it might take 2 lines or 10 lines and when you print it it might be 7 lines and when you look at it on your phone it might take 20 lines. A PDF file, however, must be independent of the rendering device, so regardless of your screen size it must always render exactly the same.

Because of the musts above, PDF doesn't support abstract things like "tables" or "paragraphs". There are three basic things that PDF supports: text, lines/shapes and images. (There are other things like annotations and movies but I'm trying to keep it simple here.) In a PDF you don't say "here's a paragraph, browser do your thing!". Instead you say, "draw this text at this exact X,Y location using this exact font and don't worry, I've previously calculated the width of the text so I know it will all fit on this line". You also don't say "here's a table" but instead you say "draw this text at this exact location and then draw a rectangle at this other exact location that I've previously calculated so I know it will appear to be around the text".

Second, iText and iTextSharp parse HTML and CSS. That's it. ASP.Net, MVC, Razor, Struts, Spring, etc, are all HTML frameworks but iText/iTextSharp is 100% unaware of them. Same with DataGridViews, Repeaters, Templates, Views, etc. which are all framework-specific abstractions. It is your responsibility to get the HTML from your choice of framework, iText won't help you. If you get an exception saying The document has no pages or you think that "iText isn't parsing my HTML" it is almost definite that you don't actually have HTML, you only think you do.

Third, the built-in class that's been around for years is the HTMLWorker however this has been replaced with XMLWorker (Java / .Net). Zero work is being done on HTMLWorker which doesn't support CSS files and has only limited support for the most basic CSS properties and actually breaks on certain tags. If you do not see the HTML attribute or CSS property and value in this file then it probably isn't supported by HTMLWorker. XMLWorker can be more complicated sometimes but those complications also make it more extensible.

Below is C# code that shows how to parse HTML tags into iText abstractions that get automatically added to the document that you are working on. C# and Java are very similar so it should be relatively easy to convert this. Example #1 uses the built-in HTMLWorker to parse the HTML string. Since only inline styles are supported the class="headline" gets ignored but everything else should actually work. Example #2 is the same as the first except it uses XMLWorker instead. Example #3 also parses the simple CSS example.

//Create a byte array that will eventually hold our final PDF
Byte[] bytes;

//Boilerplate iTextSharp setup here
//Create a stream that we can write to, in this case a MemoryStream
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {

    //Create an iTextSharp Document which is an abstraction of a PDF but **NOT** a PDF
    using (var doc = new Document()) {

        //Create a writer that's bound to our PDF abstraction and our stream
        using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)) {

            //Open the document for writing

            //Our sample HTML and CSS
            var example_html = @"<p>This <em>is </em><span class=""headline"" style=""text-decoration: underline;"">some</span> <strong>sample <em> text</em></strong><span style=""color: red;"">!!!</span></p>";
            var example_css = @".headline{font-size:200%}";

             * Example #1                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the built-in HTMLWorker to parse the HTML. *
             * Only inline CSS is supported.                  *
             * ************************************************/

            //Create a new HTMLWorker bound to our document
            using (var htmlWorker = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker(doc)) {

                //HTMLWorker doesn't read a string directly but instead needs a TextReader (which StringReader subclasses)
                using (var sr = new StringReader(example_html)) {

                    //Parse the HTML

             * Example #2                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the XMLWorker to parse the HTML.           *
             * Only inline CSS and absolutely linked          *
             * CSS is supported                               *
             * ************************************************/

            //XMLWorker also reads from a TextReader and not directly from a string
            using (var srHtml = new StringReader(example_html)) {

                //Parse the HTML
                iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, srHtml);

             * Example #3                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the XMLWorker to parse HTML and CSS        *
             * ************************************************/

            //In order to read CSS as a string we need to switch to a different constructor
            //that takes Streams instead of TextReaders.
            //Below we convert the strings into UTF8 byte array and wrap those in MemoryStreams
            using (var msCss = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example_css))) {
                using (var msHtml = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example_html))) {

                    //Parse the HTML
                    iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, msHtml, msCss);


    //After all of the PDF "stuff" above is done and closed but **before** we
    //close the MemoryStream, grab all of the active bytes from the stream
    bytes = ms.ToArray();

//Now we just need to do something with those bytes.
//Here I'm writing them to disk but if you were in ASP.Net you might Response.BinaryWrite() them.
//You could also write the bytes to a database in a varbinary() column (but please don't) or you
//could pass them to another function for further PDF processing.
var testFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "test.pdf");
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(testFile, bytes);

2017's update

There are good news for HTML-to-PDF demands. As this answer showed, the W3C standard css-break-3 will solve the problem... It is a Candidate Recommendation with plan to turn into definitive Recommendation this year, after tests.

As not-so-standard there are solutions, with plugins for C#, as showed by

How to create an empty matrix in R?

If you don't know the number of columns ahead of time, add each column to a list and cbind at the end.

List <- list()
for(i in 1:n)
    normF <- #something
    List[[i]] <- normF
Matrix =, List)

Consider defining a bean of type 'service' in your configuration [Spring boot]

You have to update your

scanBasePackages = { "" }

to add the path to your service (after annotating it with @service )

Access Control Request Headers, is added to header in AJAX request with jQuery

From client side, I cant solve this problem. From nodejs express side, you can use cors module to handle it.

var express       = require('express');
var app           = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var cors = require('cors');

var port = 3000; 
var ip = '';

          cors(), // with this row OPTIONS has handled
          function( req, res, next ){
    console.log( '\n.----------------' + req.method + '------------------------' );
        console.log( '| prot:'+req.protocol );
        console.log( '| host:'+req.get('host') );
        console.log( '| url:'+req.originalUrl );
        console.log( '| body:',req.body );
        //console.log( '| req:',req );
    console.log( '.----------------' + req.method + '------------------------' );

app.listen(port, ip, function() {
    console.log('Listening to port:  ' + port );
console.log(('dir:'+__dirname ));
console.log('The server is up and running at http://'+ip+':'+port+'/');

Without cors() this OPTIONS has appears before POST.

| prot:http
| host:localhost:3000
| url:/myapi
| body: {}

| prot:http
| host:localhost:3000
| url:/myapi
| body: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope .. P-ENV:Envelope>

The ajax call:

    type: 'POST',
    contentType: "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
// these does not works
    //beforeSend: function(request) { 
    //  request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8');
    //  request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.realtime247.sct-giro-v1+cms');
    //  request.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
    //  request.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET');
    //  request.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type');
    //headers: {
    //  'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
    //  'Accept': 'application/vnd.realtime247.sct-giro-v1+cms',
    //  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
    //  'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST, GET',
    //  'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type'
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/myapi',             
    data:       '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope .. P-ENV:Envelope>',                
    success: function( data ) {
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, err) {
      console.log( jqXHR,'\n', textStatus,'\n', err )

Does Hibernate create tables in the database automatically

If property hibernate.ddl-auto = update, then it will not create the tables automatically. To create tables automatically, you need to set the property to hibernate.ddl-auto = create

The list of option which is used in the spring boot are

  • validate: validate the schema, makes no changes to the database.

  • update: update the schema.

  • create: creates the schema, destroying previous data.

  • create-drop: drop the schema at the end of the session

  • none: is all other cases

So for the first time you can set it to create and then next time on-wards you should set it to update.

Use JSTL forEach loop's varStatus as an ID

Its really helped me to dynamically generate ids of showDetailItem for the below code.

<af:forEach id="fe1" items="#{viewScope.bean.tranTypeList}" var="ttf" varStatus="ttfVs" > 
<af:showDetailItem  id ="divIDNo${ttfVs.count}" text="#{ttf.trandef}"......>

if you execute this line <af:outputText value="#{ttfVs}"/> prints the below:

{index=3, count=4, last=false, first=false, end=8, step=1, begin=0}

Not connecting to SQL Server over VPN

This is what fixed my connection problem of accessing the SQL Server 2012 Database via VPN

With the SQL Server 2012 Configuration Manager,

I went to the SQL Server Network configuration

Then clicked on the NEW server instance and double-clicked the TCP/IP protocol [I had also previously enabled this option and rebooted the server but that did still not fix it]

now that the TCP/IP was enabled, I noted that all of the IP port slots in the 'IP Addresses' tab of the TCP/IP Properties advanced dialog were set to Enabled=No.

I was curious to why my new installation set all of these IP slots to NO rather than Yes, so I just changed them to YES.

Now the connection to the sever via VPN works great, I did not change any port numbers.

Note: I also had SQL Server 2008 default from the Visual studio 2010 uninstalled, but I do not think that had a direct effect to the TCP/IP situation. A coworker told me that the 2008 and 2005 installations which come with visual studio may interfere with SQL 2012.

UITableView with fixed section headers

Change your TableView Style:

self.tableview = [[UITableView alloc] initwithFrame:frame style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];

As per apple documentation for UITableView:

UITableViewStylePlain- A plain table view. Any section headers or footers are displayed as inline separators and float when the table view is scrolled.

UITableViewStyleGrouped- A table view whose sections present distinct groups of rows. The section headers and footers do not float.

Hope this small change will help you ..

Hive Alter table change Column Name

Command works only if "use" -command has been first used to define the database where working in. Table column renaming syntax using DATABASE.TABLE throws error and does not work. Version: HIVE 0.12.


hive> ALTER TABLE databasename.tablename CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name;

        at org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.recoverFromMismatchedToken(
        at org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.match(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.alterStatementSuffixExchangePartition(

hive> use databasename;

hive> ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name;


How to remove indentation from an unordered list item?

display:table-row; will also get rid of the indentation but will remove the bullets.

C++ "was not declared in this scope" compile error

grid is not a global, it is local to the main function. Change this:

int nonrecursivecountcells(color[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE], int row, int column)

to this:

int nonrecursivecountcells(color grid[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE], int row, int column)

Basically you forgot to give that first param a name, grid will do since it matches your code.

Delete column from SQLite table

PRAGMA foreign_keys=off;


ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME TO _table1_old;

( column1 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ],
  column2 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ],

INSERT INTO table1 (column1, column2, ... column_n)
  SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n
  FROM _table1_old;


PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;

For more info:

Selecting a row of pandas series/dataframe by integer index

The primary purpose of the DataFrame indexing operator, [] is to select columns.

When the indexing operator is passed a string or integer, it attempts to find a column with that particular name and return it as a Series.

So, in the question above: df[2] searches for a column name matching the integer value 2. This column does not exist and a KeyError is raised.

The DataFrame indexing operator completely changes behavior to select rows when slice notation is used

Strangely, when given a slice, the DataFrame indexing operator selects rows and can do so by integer location or by index label.


This will slice beginning from the row with integer location 2 up to 3, exclusive of the last element. So, just a single row. The following selects rows beginning at integer location 6 up to but not including 20 by every third row.


You can also use slices consisting of string labels if your DataFrame index has strings in it. For more details, see this solution on .iloc vs .loc.

I almost never use this slice notation with the indexing operator as its not explicit and hardly ever used. When slicing by rows, stick with .loc/.iloc.

Documentation for using JavaScript code inside a PDF file

The comprehensive place for Acrobat JavaScript documentation is the Acrobat SDK, which can be downloaded from the Adobe website. In the Documentation section, you will find all the material needed to work with Acrobat JavaScript.

To complete the documentation you may in addition get the specification of the JavaScript Core. My book of choice for that is "JavaScript, the Definitive Guide" by David Flanagan, published by O'Reilly.

How do I execute cmd commands through a batch file?

I know DOS and cmd prompt DOES NOT LIKE spaces in folder names. Your code starts with

cd c:\Program files\IIS Express

and it's trying to go to c:\Program in stead of C:\"Program Files"

Change the folder name and *.exe name. Hope this helps

Asus Zenfone 5 not detected by computer

Try a different usb cable. My cable was bad. Charging was ok but did not attach the phone.

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

There is a nice generic way using the .data('events') collection:

function getEventsList($obj) {
    var ev = new Array(),
        events = $'events'),
    for(i in events) { ev.push(i); }
    return ev.join(' ');

$obj.on(getEventsList($obj), function(e) {

This logs every event that has been already bound to the element by jQuery the moment this specific event gets fired. This code was pretty damn helpful for me many times.

Btw: If you want to see every possible event being fired on an object use firebug: just right click on the DOM element in html tab and check "Log Events". Every event then gets logged to the console (this is sometimes a bit annoying because it logs every mouse movement...).


got the below error

PS C:\Users\chpr\Documents\GitHub\vue-nwjs-hours-tracking> npm install vue npm ERR! code UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY npm ERR! errno UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY npm ERR! request to failed, reason: unable to get local issuer certificate

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR!
C:\Users\chpr\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-07-29T03_22_40_225Z-debug.log PS C:\Users\chpr\Documents\GitHub\vue-nwjs-hours-tracking> PS C:\Users\chpr\Documents\GitHub\vue-nwjs-hours-tracking> npm ERR!

Below command solved the issue:

npm config set strict-ssl false

How to redirect single url in nginx?

If you need to duplicate more than a few redirects, you might consider using a map:

# map is outside of server block
map $uri $redirect_uri {
    # ... or put these in an included file

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @redirect-map;

location @redirect-map {
    if ($redirect_uri) {  # redirect if the variable is defined
        return 301 $redirect_uri;

get an element's id

This would work too:


(If element where the 1st paragraph in your document)

How do I check if an HTML element is empty using jQuery?

You can try:

if($('selector').html().toString().replace(/ /g,'') == "") {
//code here

*Replace white spaces, just incase ;)

what is <meta charset="utf-8">?

That meta tag basically specifies which character set a website is written with.

Here is a definition of UTF-8:

UTF-8 (U from Universal Character Set + Transformation Format—8-bit) is a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters (called code points) in Unicode. The encoding is variable-length and uses 8-bit code units.

Serializing list to JSON

If using Python 2.5, you may need to import simplejson:

    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

How do you make websites with Java?

I'll jump in with the notorious "Do you really want to do that" answer.

It seems like your focus is on playing with Java and seeing what it can do. However, if you want to actually develop a web app, you should be aware that, although Java is used in web applications (and in serious ones), there are other technology options which might be more adequate.

Personally, I like (and use) Java for powerful, portable backend services on a server. I've never tried building websites with it, because it never seemed the most obvious ting to do. After growing tired of PHP (which I have been using for years), I lately fell in love with Django, a Python-based web framework.

The Ruby on Rails people have a number of very funny videos on youtube comparing different web technologies to RoR. Of course, these are obviously exaggerated and maybe slightly biased, but I'd say there's more than one grain of truth in each of them. The one about Java is here. ;-)

powerpoint loop a series of animation

Unfortunately you're probably done with the animation and presentation already. In the hopes this answer can help future questioners, however, this blog post has a walkthrough of steps that can loop a single slide as a sort of sub-presentation.

First, click Slide Show > Set Up Show.

Put a checkmark to Loop continuously until 'Esc'.

Click Ok. Now, Click Slide Show > Custom Shows. Click New.

Select the slide you are looping, click Add. Click Ok and Close.

Click on the slide you are looping. Click Slide Show > Slide Transition. Under Advance slide, put a checkmark to Automatically After. This will allow the slide to loop automatically. Do NOT Apply to all slides.

Right click on the thumbnail of the current slide, select Hide Slide.

Now, you will need to insert a new slide just before the slide you are looping. On the new slide, insert an action button. Set the hyperlink to the custom show you have created. Put a checkmark on "Show and Return"

This has worked for me.

How to Find the Default Charset/Encoding in Java?

I have set the vm argument in WAS server as -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to change the servers' default character set.

Definition of "downstream" and "upstream"

Upstream (as related to) Tracking

The term upstream also has some unambiguous meaning as comes to the suite of GIT tools, especially relative to tracking

For example :

   $git rev-list --count --left-right "@{upstream}"...HEAD
   >4   12

will print (the last cached value of) the number of commits behind (left) and ahead (right) of your current working branch, relative to the (if any) currently tracking remote branch for this local branch. It will print an error message otherwise:

    >error: No upstream branch found for ''
  • As has already been said, you may have any number of remotes for one local repository, for example, if you fork a repository from github, then issue a 'pull request', you most certainly have at least two: origin (your forked repo on github) and upstream (the repo on github you forked from). Those are just interchangeable names, only the 'git@...' url identifies them.

Your .git/configreads :

   [remote "origin"]
       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
       url = [email protected]:myusername/reponame.git
   [remote "upstream"]
       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
       url = [email protected]:authorname/reponame.git
  • On the other hand, @{upstream}'s meaning for GIT is unique :

it is 'the branch' (if any) on 'said remote', which is tracking the 'current branch' on your 'local repository'.

It's the branch you fetch/pull from whenever you issue a plain git fetch/git pull, without arguments.

Let's say want to set the remote branch origin/master to be the tracking branch for the local master branch you've checked out. Just issue :

   $ git branch --set-upstream  master origin/master
   > Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

This adds 2 parameters in .git/config :

   [branch "master"]
       remote = origin
       merge = refs/heads/master

now try (provided 'upstream' remote has a 'dev' branch)

   $ git branch --set-upstream  master upstream/dev
   > Branch master set up to track remote branch dev from upstream.

.git/config now reads:

   [branch "master"]
       remote = upstream
       merge = refs/heads/dev

git-push(1) Manual Page :


For every branch that is up to date or successfully pushed, add upstream (tracking) reference, used by argument-less git-pull(1) and other commands. For more information, see branch.<name>.merge in git-config(1).

git-config(1) Manual Page :


Defines, together with branch.<name>.remote, the upstream branch for the given branch. It tells git fetch/git pull/git rebase which branch to merge and can also affect git push (see push.default). \ (...)


When in branch < name >, it tells git fetch and git push which remote to fetch from/push to. It defaults to origin if no remote is configured. origin is also used if you are not on any branch.

Upstream and Push (Gotcha)

take a look at git-config(1) Manual Page

   git config --global push.default upstream
   git config --global push.default tracking  (deprecated)

This is to prevent accidental pushes to branches which you’re not ready to push yet.

Show or hide element in React

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    show: true

  showhide = () => {
    this.setState({ show: ! });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        { && 
          <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
        <a onClick={this.showhide}>Show Hide</a>

Find out the history of SQL queries

You can use this sql statement to get the history for any date:

SELECT * FROM V$SQL V where  to_date(v.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') > sysdate - 60

Get first and last date of current month with JavaScript or jQuery

I fixed it with Datejs

This is alerting the first day:

var fd =;
var firstday = fd.toString("MM/dd/yyyy");

This is for the last day:

var ld =;
var lastday = ld.toString("MM/dd/yyyy");

CSS rotate property in IE

There exists an on-line tool called IETransformsTranslator. With this tool you can make matrix filter transforms what works on IE6,IE7 & IE8. Just paste you CSS3 transform functions (e.g. rotate(15deg) ) and it will do the rest.

How to distinguish mouse "click" and "drag"

I think the difference is that there is a mousemove between mousedown and mouseup in a drag, but not in a click.

You can do something like this:

const element = document.createElement('div')
element.innerHTML = 'test'
let moved
let downListener = () => {
    moved = false
element.addEventListener('mousedown', downListener)
let moveListener = () => {
    moved = true
element.addEventListener('mousemove', moveListener)
let upListener = () => {
    if (moved) {
    } else {
        console.log('not moved')
element.addEventListener('mouseup', upListener)

// release memory
element.removeEventListener('mousedown', downListener)
element.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveListener)
element.removeEventListener('mouseup', upListener)

PHP - Getting the index of a element from a array

You should use the key() function.


should return the current key.

If you need the position of the current key:

array_search($key, array_keys($array));

port 8080 is already in use and no process using 8080 has been listed

Open eclipse go to Servers panel, right click or press F3 to open Overview window and go to Ports (Modify the server ports). You will get the following:

tomcat adminport

You can change the port numbers (e.g. HTTP/1.1 port number 8080 to 8082).

What does the 'b' character do in front of a string literal?

It turns it into a bytes literal (or str in 2.x), and is valid for 2.6+.

The r prefix causes backslashes to be "uninterpreted" (not ignored, and the difference does matter).

ProcessStartInfo hanging on "WaitForExit"? Why?

None of the answers above is doing the job.

Rob solution hangs and 'Mark Byers' solution get the disposed exception.(I tried the "solutions" of the other answers).

So I decided to suggest another solution:

public void GetProcessOutputWithTimeout(Process process, int timeoutSec, CancellationToken token, out string output, out int exitCode)
    string outputLocal = "";  int localExitCode = -1;
    var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
        outputLocal = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
        localExitCode = process.ExitCode;
    }, token);

    if (task.Wait(timeoutSec, token))
        output = outputLocal;
        exitCode = localExitCode;
        exitCode = -1;
        output = "";

using (var process = new Process())
    process.StartInfo = ...;
    string outputUnicode; int exitCode;
    GetProcessOutputWithTimeout(process, PROCESS_TIMEOUT, out outputUnicode, out exitCode);

This code debugged and works perfectly.

ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10

your answer is throwing errors because of this line

readings = int(readings)
  1. Here you are trying to convert a string into int type which is not base-10. you can convert a string into int only if it is base-10 otherwise it will throw ValueError, stating invalid literal for int() with base 10.

How do I center an anchor element in CSS?

By default an anchor is rendered inline, so set text-align: center; on its nearest ancestor that renders as a block.

Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

It's better to use CSV::Table and use String.encode(universal_newline: true). It converting CRLF and CR to LF

Failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Firstly, I would try a non-secure websocket connection. So remove one of the s's from the connection address:

conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');

If that doesn't work, then the next thing I would check is your server's firewall settings. You need to open port 8080 both in TCP_IN and TCP_OUT.

How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically?

Yes, you can call setId(value) in any view with any (positive) integer value that you like and then find it in the parent container using findViewById(value). Note that it is valid to call setId() with the same value for different sibling views, but findViewById() will return only the first one.

What is the use of the init() usage in JavaScript?

NB. Constructor function names should start with a capital letter to distinguish them from ordinary functions, e.g. MyClass instead of myClass.

Either you can call init from your constructor function:

var myObj = new MyClass(2, true);

function MyClass(v1, v2) 
    // ...

    // pub methods
    this.init = function() {
        // do some stuff        

    // ...

    this.init(); // <------------ added this

Or more simply you could just copy the body of the init function to the end of the constructor function. No need to actually have an init function at all if it's only called once.

What is web.xml file and what are all things can I do with it?

  1. No, there isn't anything that should be avoided
  2. The parameters related to performance are not in web.xml they are in the servlet container configuration files (server.xml on tomcat)
  3. No. But the default servlet (mapped in a web.xml at a common location in your servlet container) should preferably disable file listings (so that users don't see the contents of your web folders):

    listings true

Change form size at runtime in C#

As a complement to the answers given above; do not forget about Form MinimumSize Property, in case you require to create smaller Forms.

Example Bellow:

private void SetDefaultWindowSize()
   int sizeW, sizeH;
   sizeW = 180;
   sizeH = 100;

   var size = new Size(sizeW, sizeH);

   Size = size;
   MinimumSize = size;

private void SetNewSize()
   Size = new Size(Width, 10);

JPA Criteria API - How to add JOIN clause (as general sentence as possible)

Warning! There's a numbers of errors on the Sun JPA 2 example and the resulting pasted content in Pascal's answer. Please consult this post.

This post and the Sun Java EE 6 JPA 2 example really held back my comprehension of JPA 2. After plowing through the Hibernate and OpenJPA manuals and thinking that I had a good understanding of JPA 2, I still got confused afterwards when returning to this post.

Repeat each row of data.frame the number of times specified in a column

Use expandRows() from the splitstackshape package:

expandRows(df, "freq")

Simple syntax, very fast, works on data.frame or data.table.


    var1 var2
1      a    d
2      b    e
2.1    b    e
3      c    f
3.1    c    f
3.2    c    f

Best way to convert text files between character sets?

Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 FILE-UTF8.TXT | Out-File -Encoding UTF7 FILE-UTF7.TXT

The shortest version, if you can assume that the input BOM is correct:

gc FILE.TXT | Out-File -en utf7 file-utf7.txt

jQuery - passing value from one input to another

Assuming you can put ID's on the inputs:

$('#name').change(function() {

JSFiddle Example

Otherwise you'll have to select using the names:

$('input[name="name"]').change(function() {

Ways to save enums in database

We never store enumerations as numerical ordinal values anymore; it makes debugging and support way too difficult. We store the actual enumeration value converted to string:

public enum Suit { Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club }

Suit theSuit = Suit.Heart;

szQuery = "INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Suit) " +
          "VALUES ('Ian Boyd', %s)".format(;

and then read back with:

Suit theSuit = Suit.valueOf(reader["Suit"]);

The problem was in the past staring at Enterprise Manager and trying to decipher:

Name                Suit
==================  ==========
Shelby Jackson      2
Ian Boyd            1


Name                Suit
==================  ==========
Shelby Jackson      Diamond
Ian Boyd            Heart

the latter is much easier. The former required getting at the source code and finding the numerical values that were assigned to the enumeration members.

Yes it takes more space, but the enumeration member names are short, and hard drives are cheap, and it is much more worth it to help when you're having a problem.

Additionally, if you use numerical values, you are tied to them. You cannot nicely insert or rearrange the members without having to force the old numerical values. For example, changing the Suit enumeration to:

public enum Suit { Unknown, Heart, Club, Diamond, Spade }

would have to become :

public enum Suit { 
      Unknown = 4,
      Heart = 1,
      Club = 3,
      Diamond = 2,
      Spade = 0 }

in order to maintain the legacy numerical values stored in the database.

How to sort them in the database

The question comes up: lets say i wanted to order the values. Some people may want to sort them by the enum's ordinal value. Of course, ordering the cards by the numerical value of the enumeration is meaningless:

ORDER BY SuitID; --where SuitID is integer value(4,1,3,2,0)


That's not the order we want - we want them in enumeration order:

    WHEN 4 THEN 0 --Unknown first
    WHEN 1 THEN 1 --Heart
    WHEN 3 THEN 2 --Club
    WHEN 2 THEN 3 --Diamond
    WHEN 0 THEN 4 --Spade
    ELSE 999 END

The same work that is required if you save integer values is required if you save strings:

ORDER BY Suit; --where Suit is an enum name


But that's not the order we want - we want them in enumeration order:

    WHEN 'Unknown' THEN 0
    WHEN 'Heart'   THEN 1
    WHEN 'Club'    THEN 2
    WHEN 'Diamond' THEN 3
    WHEN 'Space'   THEN 4
    ELSE 999 END

My opinion is that this kind of ranking belongs in the user interface. If you are sorting items based on their enumeration value: you're doing something wrong.

But if you wanted to really do that, i would create a Suits dimension table:

| Suit       | SuitID       | Rank          | Color  |
| Unknown    | 4            | 0             | NULL   |
| Heart      | 1            | 1             | Red    |
| Club       | 3            | 2             | Black  |
| Diamond    | 2            | 3             | Red    |
| Spade      | 0            | 4             | Black  |

This way, when you want to change your cards to use Kissing Kings New Deck Order you can change it for display purposes without throwing away all your data:

| Suit       | SuitID       | Rank          | Color  | CardOrder |
| Unknown    | 4            | 0             | NULL   | NULL      |
| Spade      | 0            | 1             | Black  | 1         |
| Diamond    | 2            | 2             | Red    | 1         |
| Club       | 3            | 3             | Black  | -1        |
| Heart      | 1            | 4             | Red    | -1        |

Now we are separating an internal programming detail (enumeration name, enumeration value) with a display setting meant for users:

SELECT Cards.Suit 
FROM Cards
   INNER JOIN Suits ON Cards.Suit = Suits.Suit
ORDER BY Suits.Rank, 

Python Prime number checker

Begginer here, so please let me know if I am way of, but I'd do it like this:

def prime(n):
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, (n+1)): 
         if n % i == 0: 
             count += 1
    if count > 2:
        print "Not a prime"
        print "A prime"

What is a Subclass

It is a class that extends another class.

example taken from, Cat is a sub class of Animal :-)

public class Animal {

    public static void hide() {
        System.out.println("The hide method in Animal.");

    public void override() {
        System.out.println("The override method in Animal.");

public class Cat extends Animal {

    public static void hide() {
        System.out.println("The hide method in Cat.");

    public void override() {
        System.out.println("The override method in Cat.");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cat myCat = new Cat();
        Animal myAnimal = (Animal)myCat;

How can I get a side-by-side diff when I do "git diff"?

This question showed up when I was searching for a fast way to use git builtin way to locate differences. My solution criteria:

  • Fast startup, needed builtin options
  • Can handle many formats easily, xml, different programming languages
  • Quickly identify small code changes in big textfiles

I found this answer to get color in git.

To get side by side diff instead of line diff I tweaked mb14's excellent answer on this question with the following parameters:

$ git diff --word-diff-regex="[A-Za-z0-9. ]|[^[:space:]]"

If you do not like the extra [- or {+ the option --word-diff=color can be used.

$ git diff --word-diff-regex="[A-Za-z0-9. ]|[^[:space:]]" --word-diff=color

That helped to get proper comparison with both json and xml text and java code.

In summary the --word-diff-regex options has a helpful visibility together with color settings to get a colorized side by side source code experience compared to the standard line diff, when browsing through big files with small line changes.

how to write an array to a file Java

Like others said, you can just loop over the array and print out the elements one by one. To make the output show up as numbers instead of "letters and symbols" you were seeing, you need to convert each element to a string. So your code becomes something like this:

public static void write (String filename, int[]x) throws IOException{
  BufferedWriter outputWriter = null;
  outputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
  for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    // Maybe:
    // Or:

If you just want to print out the array like [1, 2, 3, ....], you can replace the loop with this one liner:


How can I change the language (to english) in Oracle SQL Developer?

On MAC High Sierra (10.13.6)

cd /Users/vkrishna/.sqldeveloper/18.2.0

nano product.conf

on the last line add

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

Save the file and restart.


If you are using standalone Oracle Data Modeller

find ~/ -name "datamodeler.conf"

and edit this file

cd /Users/vkrishna//Desktop/

Add somewhere in the last

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

save and restart, done!

jQuery find element by data attribute value

I searched for a the same solution with a variable instead of the String.
I hope i can help someone with my solution :)

var numb = "3";

How to delete large data of table in SQL without log?

@Francisco Goldenstein, just a minor correction. The COMMIT must be used after you set the variable, otherwise the WHILE will be executed just once:

DECLARE @Deleted_Rows INT;
SET @Deleted_Rows = 1;

WHILE (@Deleted_Rows > 0)

    -- Delete some small number of rows at a time
    DELETE TOP (10000)  LargeTable 
    WHERE readTime < dateadd(MONTH,-7,GETDATE())

    SET @Deleted_Rows = @@ROWCOUNT;

    CHECKPOINT -- for simple recovery model


How to compare two double values in Java?

Consider this line of code:

Math.abs(firstDouble - secondDouble) < Double.MIN_NORMAL

It returns whether firstDouble is equal to secondDouble. I'm unsure as to whether or not this would work in your exact case (as Kevin pointed out, performing any math on floating points can lead to imprecise results) however I was having difficulties with comparing two double which were, indeed, equal, and yet using the 'compareTo' method didn't return 0.

I'm just leaving this there in case anyone needs to compare to check if they are indeed equal, and not just similar.

Populate data table from data reader

I looked into this as well, and after comparing the SqlDataAdapter.Fill method with the SqlDataReader.Load funcitons, I've found that the SqlDataAdapter.Fill method is more than twice as fast with the result sets I've been using

Used code:

    public void SQLCommandVsAddaptor()
        long AdapterFillLargeTableTime, readerLoadLargeTableTime, AdapterFillMediumTableTime, readerLoadMediumTableTime, AdapterFillSmallTableTime, readerLoadSmallTableTime, AdapterFillTinyTableTime, readerLoadTinyTableTime;

        string LargeTableToFill = "select top 10000 * from FooBar";
        string MediumTableToFill = "select top 1000 * from FooBar";
        string SmallTableToFill = "select top 100 * from FooBar";
        string TinyTableToFill = "select top 10 * from FooBar";

        using (SqlConnection sconn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;initial catalog=Foo;persist security info=True; user id=bar;password=foobar;"))
            // large data set measurements
            AdapterFillLargeTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, LargeTableToFill, ExecuteDataAdapterFillStep);
            readerLoadLargeTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, LargeTableToFill, ExecuteSqlReaderLoadStep);
            // medium data set measurements
            AdapterFillMediumTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, MediumTableToFill, ExecuteDataAdapterFillStep);
            readerLoadMediumTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, MediumTableToFill, ExecuteSqlReaderLoadStep);
            // small data set measurements
            AdapterFillSmallTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, SmallTableToFill, ExecuteDataAdapterFillStep);
            readerLoadSmallTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, SmallTableToFill, ExecuteSqlReaderLoadStep);
            // tiny data set measurements
            AdapterFillTinyTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, TinyTableToFill, ExecuteDataAdapterFillStep);
            readerLoadTinyTableTime = MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(sconn, TinyTableToFill, ExecuteSqlReaderLoadStep);
        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("result_sql_compare.txt"))
            writer.WriteLine("10000 rows");
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 10000 rows: {0} milliseconds", AdapterFillLargeTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Reader 100 times table load speed 10000 rows: {0} milliseconds", readerLoadLargeTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("1000 rows");
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 1000 rows: {0} milliseconds", AdapterFillMediumTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Reader 100 times table load speed 1000 rows: {0} milliseconds", readerLoadMediumTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("100 rows");
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 100 rows: {0} milliseconds", AdapterFillSmallTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Reader 100 times table load speed 100 rows: {0} milliseconds", readerLoadSmallTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("10 rows");
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 10 rows: {0} milliseconds", AdapterFillTinyTableTime);
            writer.WriteLine("Sql Data Reader 100 times table load speed 10 rows: {0} milliseconds", readerLoadTinyTableTime);


    private long MeasureExecutionTimeMethod(SqlConnection conn, string query, Action<SqlConnection, string> Method)
        long time; // know C#
        // execute single read step outside measurement time, to warm up cache or whatever
        Method(conn, query);
        // start timing
        time = Environment.TickCount;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            Method(conn, query);
        // return time in milliseconds
        return Environment.TickCount - time;

    private void ExecuteDataAdapterFillStep(SqlConnection conn, string query)
        DataTable tab = new DataTable();
        using (SqlDataAdapter comm = new SqlDataAdapter(query, conn))
            // Adapter fill table function

    private void ExecuteSqlReaderLoadStep(SqlConnection conn, string query)
        DataTable tab = new DataTable();
        using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
            using (SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader())
                // IDataReader Load function


10000 rows:
Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 10000 rows: 11782 milliseconds
Sql Data Reader  100 times table load speed 10000 rows: 26047 milliseconds
1000 rows:
Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 1000 rows: 984  milliseconds
Sql Data Reader  100 times table load speed 1000 rows: 2031 milliseconds
100 rows:
Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 100 rows: 125 milliseconds
Sql Data Reader  100 times table load speed 100 rows: 235 milliseconds
10 rows:
Sql Data Adapter 100 times table fill speed 10 rows: 32 milliseconds
Sql Data Reader  100 times table load speed 10 rows: 93 milliseconds

For performance issues, using the SqlDataAdapter.Fill method is far more efficient. So unless you want to shoot yourself in the foot use that. It works faster for small and large data sets.

Pass Javascript variable to PHP via ajax

Since you're not using JSON as the data type no your AJAX call, I would assume that you can't access the value because the PHP you gave will only ever be true or false. isset is a function to check if something exists and has a value, not to get access to the value.

Change your PHP to be:

$uid = (isset($_POST['userID'])) ? $_POST['userID'] : 0;

The above line will check to see if the post variable exists. If it does exist it will set $uid to equal the posted value. If it does not exist then it will set $uid equal to 0.

Later in your code you can check the value of $uid and react accordingly

if($uid==0) {
    echo 'User ID not found';

This will make your code more readable and also follow what I consider to be best practices for handling data in PHP.

PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )

Decode and save image as PNG

header('content-type: image/png');


        $ret = fopen($fullurl, 'r', true, $context);
        $contents = stream_get_contents($ret);
        $base64 = 'data:image/PNG;base64,' . base64_encode($contents);
        echo "<img src=$base64 />" ;


How to increase the vertical split window size in Vim

I am using the below commands for this:

set lines=50     " For increasing the height to 50 lines (vertical)
set columns=200  " For increasing the width to 200 columns (horizontal)