Programs & Examples On #Xml import

Get file version in PowerShell

Here an alternative method. It uses Get-WmiObject CIM_DATAFILE to select the version.

(Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_DataFile -Filter "Name='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'" | Select-Object Version).Version

How to auto adjust the div size for all mobile / tablet display formats?


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1.0" />


How do I access command line arguments in Python?

import sys


will give you a list of arguments (not including the name of the python file)

Best way to create an empty map in Java

If you need an instance of HashMap, the best way is:

fileParameters = new HashMap<String,String>();

Since Map is an interface, you need to pick some class that instantiates it if you want to create an empty instance. HashMap seems as good as any other - so just use that.

How do I display image in Alert/confirm box in Javascript?

As other have mentioned you can't display an image in an alert. The solution is to show it on the webpage.

If I have my webpage paused in the debugger and I already have an image loaded, I can display it. There is no need to use jQuery; with this native 14 lines of Javascript it will work from code or the debugger command line:

function show(img){
 var _=document.getElementById('_'); 


show( myimage );

How can I set the maximum length of 6 and minimum length of 6 in a textbox?

You can't set a minimum length on a text field. Otherwise, users wouldn't be able to type in the first five characters.

Your best bet is to validate the input when the form is submitted to ensure that the length is six.

maxlength is not a validation attribute. It is designed to prevent the user from physically typing in more than six characters. The corresponding minlengh is not in scope of the HTML specification, because its implementation would render the textbox unusable.

How can I compile LaTeX in UTF8?

Convert your document to utf8. LaTeX just reads your text as it is. If you want to use the utf8 input encoding, your document has to be encoded in utf8. This can usually be set by the editor. There is also the program iconv that is useful for converting files from iso encodings to utf.

In the end, you'll have to use an editor that is capable of supporting utf. (I have no idea about the status of utf support on windows, but any reasonable editor on linux should be fine).

How to upload a file from Windows machine to Linux machine using command lines via PuTTy?

Try using SCP on Windows to transfer files, you can download SCP from Putty's website. Then try running:

pscp.exe filename.extension [email protected]:directory/subdirectory

There is a full length guide here.

Git push: "fatal 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository - fatal Could not read from remote repository."

First, check that your origin is set by running

git remote -v

This should show you all of the push / fetch remotes for the project.

If this returns with no output, skip to last code block.

Verify remote name / address

If this returns showing that you have remotes set, check that the name of the remote matches the remote you are using in your commands.

$git remote -v
myOrigin ssh://[email protected]:1234/myRepo.git (fetch)
myOrigin ssh://[email protected]:1234/myRepo.git (push)

# this will fail because `origin` is not set
$git push origin master

# you need to use
$git push myOrigin master

If you want to rename the remote or change the remote's URL, you'll want to first remove the old remote, and then add the correct one.

Remove the old remote

$git remote remove myOrigin

Add missing remote

You can then add in the proper remote using

$git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]:1234/myRepo.git

# this will now work as expected
$git push origin master

No module named 'pymysql'

After trying a few things, and coming across PyMySQL Github, this worked:

sudo pip install PyMySQL

And to import use:

import pymysql

Configure WAMP server to send email

Sendmail wasn't working for me so I used msmtp 1.6.2 w32 and most just followed the instructions at DeveloperSide. Here is a quick rundown of the setup for posterity:

Enabled IMAP access under your Gmail account (the one msmtp is sending emails from)

Enable access for less secure apps. Log into your google account and go here

Edit php.ini, find and change each setting below to reflect the following:

; These are commented out by prefixing a semicolon
;SMTP = localhost
;smtp_port = 25

; Set these paths to where you put your msmtp files.
; I used backslashes in php.ini and it works fine.
; The example in the devside guide uses forwardslashes. 
sendmail_path = "C:\wamp64\msmtp\msmtp.exe -d -C C:\wamp64\msmtp\msmtprc.ini -t --read-envelope-from"

mail.log = "C:\wamp64\msmtp\maillog.txt"

Create and edit the file msmtprc.ini in the same directory as your msmtp.exe file as follows, replacing it with your own email and password:

# Default values for all accounts
tls_certcheck off
# I used forward slashes here and it works.
logfile C:/wamp64/msmtp/msmtplog.txt

account Gmail
port 587
auth on
tls on
from [email protected]
user [email protected]
password ReplaceWithYourPassword
account default : gmail

Get value when selected ng-option changes

Best practise is to create an object (always use a . in ng-model)

In your controller:

var myObj: {
     ngModelValue: null

and in your template:

    ng-options=" as for o in options">

Now you can just watch


or you can use the ng-change directive like so:

    ng-options=" as for o in options"

The video "The Dot" has a really good overview, as does this very popular stack overflow question: What are the nuances of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS?

How can I convert an Int to a CString?

If you want something more similar to your example try _itot_s. On Microsoft compilers _itot_s points to _itoa_s or _itow_s depending on your Unicode setting:

CString str;
_itot_s( 15, str.GetBufferSetLength( 40 ), 40, 10 );

it should be slightly faster since it doesn't need to parse an input format.

How to check radio button is checked using JQuery?

Taking some answers one step further - if you do the following you can check if any element within the radio group has been checked:

if ($('input[name="yourRadioNames"]:checked').val()){ (checked) or if (!$('input[name="yourRadioNames"]:checked').val()){ (not checked)

Why can't Visual Studio find my DLL?

try "configuration properties -> debugging -> environment" and set the PATH variable in run-time

define() vs. const

I believe that as of PHP 5.3, you can use const outside of classes, as shown here in the second example:

// Works as of PHP 5.3.0
const CONSTANT = 'Hello World';


Servlet Mapping using web.xml

It allows servlets to have multiple servlet mappings:


It allows filters to be mapped on the particular servlet:


Your proposal would support neither of them. Note that the web.xml is read and parsed only once during application's startup, not on every HTTP request as you seem to think.

Since Servlet 3.0, there's the @WebServlet annotation which minimizes this boilerplate:

public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {

See also:

Best Way to View Generated Source of Webpage?

I think IE dev tools (F12) has; View > Source > DOM (Page)

You would need to copy and paste the DOM and save it to send to the validator.

How to count number of files in each directory?

This should return the directory name followed by the number of files in the directory.

findfiles() {
    echo "$1" $(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l)

export -f findfiles

find ./ -type d -exec bash -c 'findfiles "$0"' {} \;

Example output:

./ 6
./foo 1
./foo/bar 2
./foo/bar/bazzz 0
./foo/bar/baz 4
./src 4

The export -f is required because the -exec argument of find does not allow executing a bash function unless you invoke bash explicitly, and you need to export the function defined in the current scope to the new shell explicitly.

Apply CSS rules to a nested class inside a div

If you need to target multiple classes use:

#main_text .title, #main_text .title2 {
  /* Properties */

How to display errors on laravel 4?

I had a problem with the white screen after installing a new laravel instance. I couldn't find anything in the logs because (eventually I found out) that the reason for the white screen was that app/storage wasn't writable.

In order to get an error message on the screen I added the following to the public/index.php

try {
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo $e;
    echo "</pre>";

After that it was easy to solve the problem.

Remove style attribute from HTML tags

Something like this should work (untested code warning):


$html = '<p style="asd">qwe</p><br /><p class="qwe">qweqweqwe</p>';

$domd = new DOMDocument();

$domx = new DOMXPath($domd);
$items = $domx->query("//p[@style]");

foreach($items as $item) {

echo $domd->saveHTML();

How to resolve the "EVP_DecryptFInal_ex: bad decrypt" during file decryption

I think the Key and IV used for encryption using command line and decryption using your program are not same.

Please note that when you use the "-k" (different from "-K"), the input given is considered as a password from which the key is derived. Generally in this case, there is no need for the "-iv" option as both key and password will be derived from the input given with "-k" option.

It is not clear from your question, how you are ensuring that the Key and IV are same between encryption and decryption.

In my suggestion, better use "-K" and "-iv" option to explicitly specify the Key and IV during encryption and use the same for decryption. If you need to use "-k", then use the "-p" option to print the key and iv used for encryption and use the same in your decryption program.

More details can be obtained at

Python: SyntaxError: non-keyword after keyword arg

It's just what it says:

inputFile = open((x), encoding = "utf8", "r")

You have specified encoding as a keyword argument, but "r" as a positional argument. You can't have positional arguments after keyword arguments. Perhaps you wanted to do:

inputFile = open((x), "r", encoding = "utf8")

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

The NUMBER type can be specified in different styles:

                Resulting  Resulting  Precision
Specification   Precision  Scale      Check      Comment
NUMBER          NULL       NULL       NO         'maximum range and precision',
                                                 values are stored 'as given'
NUMBER(P, S)    P          S          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(P)       P          0          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(*, S)    38         S          NO

Where the precision is the total number of digits and scale is the number of digits right or left (negative scale) of the decimal point.

Oracle specifies ORA-01438 as

value larger than specified precision allowed for this column

As noted in the table, this integrity check is only active if the precision is explicitly specified. Otherwise Oracle silently rounds the inserted or updated value using some unspecified method.

Java constant examples (Create a java file having only constants)

- Create a Class with public static final fields.

- And then you can access these fields from any class using the Class_Name.Field_Name.

- You can declare the class as final, so that the class can't be extended(Inherited) and modify....

How to change navbar/container width? Bootstrap 3

just simple:

    width:65% !important;
    margin:0px auto;


    width:65% !important;
    margin:0px auto;

Hope it works (at least, for future searchers)

How do I change the owner of a SQL Server database?

to change the object owner try the following

EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'

that however is not your problem, to see diagrams the Da Vinci Tools objects have to be created (you will see tables and procs that start with dt_) after that

UnmodifiableMap (Java Collections) vs ImmutableMap (Google)

Have a look at ImmutableMap JavaDoc: doc

There is information about that there:

Unlike Collections.unmodifiableMap(java.util.Map), which is a view of a separate map which can still change, an instance of ImmutableMap contains its own data and will never change. ImmutableMap is convenient for public static final maps ("constant maps") and also lets you easily make a "defensive copy" of a map provided to your class by a caller.

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

You need to make it a generic method, like this:

public static T ConfigSetting<T>(string settingName)
    return /* code to convert the setting to T... */

But the caller will have to specify the type they expect. You could then potentially use Convert.ChangeType, assuming that all the relevant types are supported:

public static T ConfigSetting<T>(string settingName)
    object value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[settingName];
    return (T) Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

I'm not entirely convinced that all this is a good idea, mind you...

Store mysql query output into a shell variable

myvariable=$(mysql -u user -p'password' -s -N <<QUERY_INPUT
    use databaseName;
    SELECT fieldName FROM tablename WHERE filedName='fieldValue';
echo "myvariable=$myvariable"

Simulate limited bandwidth from within Chrome?

If you are running Linux, the following command is really useful for this:

trickle -s -d 50 -w 100 firefox

The -s tells the command to run standalone, the -d 50 tells it to limit bandwidth to 50 KB/s, the -w 100 set the peak detection window size to 100 KB. firefox tells the command to start firefox with all of this rate limiting applied to any sites it attempts to load.


Chrome 38 is out now and includes throttling. To find it, bring up the Developer Tools: Ctrl+Shift+I does it on my machine, otherwise Menu->More Tools->Developer Tools will bring you there.

Then Toggle Device Mode by clicking the phone in the upper left of the Developer Tools Panel (see the tooltip below).

Toggle device mode

Then activate throttling like so.

Activate Chrome throttling

If you find this a bit clunky, my suggestion above works for both Chrome and Firefox.

How can I get the key value in a JSON object?

JSON content is basically represented as an associative array in JavaScript. You just need to loop over them to either read the key or the value:

    var JSON_Obj = { "one":1, "two":2, "three":3, "four":4, "five":5 };

    // Read key
    for (var key in JSON_Obj) {

string encoding and decoding?

Aside from getting decode and encode backwards, I think part of the answer here is actually don't use the ascii encoding. It's probably not what you want.

To begin with, think of str like you would a plain text file. It's just a bunch of bytes with no encoding actually attached to it. How it's interpreted is up to whatever piece of code is reading it. If you don't know what this paragraph is talking about, go read Joel's The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets right now before you go any further.

Naturally, we're all aware of the mess that created. The answer is to, at least within memory, have a standard encoding for all strings. That's where unicode comes in. I'm having trouble tracking down exactly what encoding Python uses internally for sure, but it doesn't really matter just for this. The point is that you know it's a sequence of bytes that are interpreted a certain way. So you only need to think about the characters themselves, and not the bytes.

The problem is that in practice, you run into both. Some libraries give you a str, and some expect a str. Certainly that makes sense whenever you're streaming a series of bytes (such as to or from disk or over a web request). So you need to be able to translate back and forth.

Enter codecs: it's the translation library between these two data types. You use encode to generate a sequence of bytes (str) from a text string (unicode), and you use decode to get a text string (unicode) from a sequence of bytes (str).

For example:

>>> s = "I look like a string, but I'm actually a sequence of bytes. \xe2\x9d\xa4"
>>> codecs.decode(s, 'utf-8')
u"I look like a string, but I'm actually a sequence of bytes. \u2764"

What happened here? I gave Python a sequence of bytes, and then I told it, "Give me the unicode version of this, given that this sequence of bytes is in 'utf-8'." It did as I asked, and those bytes (a heart character) are now treated as a whole, represented by their Unicode codepoint.

Let's go the other way around:

>>> u = u"I'm a string! Really! \u2764"
>>> codecs.encode(u, 'utf-8')
"I'm a string! Really! \xe2\x9d\xa4"

I gave Python a Unicode string, and I asked it to translate the string into a sequence of bytes using the 'utf-8' encoding. So it did, and now the heart is just a bunch of bytes it can't print as ASCII; so it shows me the hexadecimal instead.

We can work with other encodings, too, of course:

>>> s = "I have a section \xa7"
>>> codecs.decode(s, 'latin1')
u'I have a section \xa7'
>>> codecs.decode(s, 'latin1')[-1] == u'\u00A7'

>>> u = u"I have a section \u00a7"
>>> u
u'I have a section \xa7'
>>> codecs.encode(u, 'latin1')
'I have a section \xa7'

('\xa7' is the section character, in both Unicode and Latin-1.)

So for your question, you first need to figure out what encoding your str is in.

  • Did it come from a file? From a web request? From your database? Then the source determines the encoding. Find out the encoding of the source and use that to translate it into a unicode.

    s = [get from external source]
    u = codecs.decode(s, 'utf-8') # Replace utf-8 with the actual input encoding
  • Or maybe you're trying to write it out somewhere. What encoding does the destination expect? Use that to translate it into a str. UTF-8 is a good choice for plain text documents; most things can read it.

    u = u'My string'
    s = codecs.encode(u, 'utf-8') # Replace utf-8 with the actual output encoding
    [Write s out somewhere]
  • Are you just translating back and forth in memory for interoperability or something? Then just pick an encoding and stick with it; 'utf-8' is probably the best choice for that:

    u = u'My string'
    s = codecs.encode(u, 'utf-8')
    newu = codecs.decode(s, 'utf-8')

In modern programming, you probably never want to use the 'ascii' encoding for any of this. It's an extremely small subset of all possible characters, and no system I know of uses it by default or anything.

Python 3 does its best to make this immensely clearer simply by changing the names. In Python 3, str was replaced with bytes, and unicode was replaced with str.

How would I stop a while loop after n amount of time?

Try the following:

import time
timeout = time.time() + 60*5   # 5 minutes from now
while True:
    test = 0
    if test == 5 or time.time() > timeout:
    test = test - 1

You may also want to add a short sleep here so this loop is not hogging CPU (for example time.sleep(1) at the beginning or end of the loop body).

Force flushing of output to a file while bash script is still running

alternative to stdbuf is awk '{print} END {fflush()}' I wish there were a bash builtin to do this. Normally it shouldn't be necessary, but with older versions there might be bash synchronization bugs on file descriptors.

javascript toISOString() ignores timezone offset

This date function below achieves the desired effect without an additional script library. Basically it's just a simple date component concatenation in the right format, and augmenting of the Date object's prototype.

 Date.prototype.dateToISO8601String  = function() {
    var padDigits = function padDigits(number, digits) {
        return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number;
    var offsetMinutes = this.getTimezoneOffset();
    var offsetHours = offsetMinutes / 60;
    var offset= "Z";    
    if (offsetHours < 0)
      offset = "-" + padDigits(offsetHours.replace("-","") + "00",4);
    else if (offsetHours > 0) 
      offset = "+" + padDigits(offsetHours  + "00", 4);

    return this.getFullYear() 
            + "-" + padDigits((this.getUTCMonth()+1),2) 
            + "-" + padDigits(this.getUTCDate(),2) 
            + "T" 
            + padDigits(this.getUTCHours(),2)
            + ":" + padDigits(this.getUTCMinutes(),2)
            + ":" + padDigits(this.getUTCSeconds(),2)
            + "." + padDigits(this.getUTCMilliseconds(),2)
            + offset;


Date.dateFromISO8601 = function(isoDateString) {
      var parts = isoDateString.match(/\d+/g);
      var isoTime = Date.UTC(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2], parts[3], parts[4], parts[5]);
      var isoDate = new Date(isoTime);
      return isoDate;       

function test() {
    var dIn = new Date();
    var isoDateString = dIn.dateToISO8601String();
    var dOut = Date.dateFromISO8601(isoDateString);
    var dInStr = dIn.toUTCString();
    var dOutStr = dOut.toUTCString();
    console.log("Dates are equal: " + (dInStr == dOutStr));


var d = new Date();

Hopefully this helps someone else.


Corrected UTC issue mentioned in comments, and credit to Alex for the dateFromISO8601 function.

Is there a Visual Basic 6 decompiler?

For the final, compiled code of your application, the short answer is “no”. Different tools are able to extract different information from the code (e.g. the forms setups) and there are P code decompilers (see Edgar's excellent link for such tools). However, up to this day, there is no decompiler for native code. I'm not aware of anything similar for other high-level languages either.

plot is not defined

If you want to use a function form a package or module in python you have to import and reference them. For example normally you do the following to draw 5 points( [1,5],[2,4],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]) in the space:

import matplotlib.pyplot

In your solution

from matplotlib import*

This imports the package matplotlib and "plot is not defined" means there is no plot function in matplotlib you can access directly, but instead if you import as

from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Now you can use any function in matplotlib.pyplot without referencing them with matplotlib.pyplot.

I would recommend you to name imports you have, in this case you can prevent disambiguation and future problems with the same function names. The last and clean version of above example looks like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

How to preserve insertion order in HashMap?

HashMap is unordered per the second line of the documentation:

This class makes no guarantees as to the order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time.

Perhaps you can do as aix suggests and use a LinkedHashMap, or another ordered collection. This link can help you find the most appropriate collection to use.

How to select rows with one or more nulls from a pandas DataFrame without listing columns explicitly?

def nans(df): return df[df.isnull().any(axis=1)]

then when ever you need it you can type:


Programmatically stop execution of python script?

You want sys.exit(). From Python's docs:

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.exit.__doc__

Exit the interpreter by raising SystemExit(status).
If the status is omitted or None, it defaults to zero (i.e., success).
If the status is numeric, it will be used as the system exit status.
If it is another kind of object, it will be printed and the system
exit status will be one (i.e., failure).

So, basically, you'll do something like this:

from sys import exit

# Code!

exit(0) # Successful exit

Don't reload application when orientation changes

Xion's answer was close, but #3 (android:configChanes="orientation") won't work unless the application has an API level of 12 or lower.

In API level 13 or above, the screen size changes when the orientation changes, so this still causes the activity to be destroyed and started when orientation changes.

Simply add the "screenSize" attribute like I did below:


Now, when you change orientation (and screen size changes), the activity keeps its state and onConfigurationChanged() is called. This will keep whatever is on the screen (ie: webpage in a Webview) when the orientation changes.

Learned this from this site:

Also, this is apparently a bad practice so read the link below about Handling Runtime Changes:

How to set time to a date object in java

I should like to contribute the modern answer. This involves using java.time, the modern Java date and time API, and not the old Date nor Calendar except where there’s no way to avoid it.

Your issue is very likely really a timezone issue. When it is Tue Aug 09 00:00:00 IST 2011, in time zones west of IST midnight has not yet been reached. It is still Aug 8. If for example your API for putting the date into Excel expects UTC, the date will be the day before the one you intended. I believe the real and good solution is to produce a date-time of 00:00 UTC (or whatever time zone or offset is expected and used at the other end).

    LocalDate yourDate = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 27);
    ZonedDateTime utcDateDime = yourDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC);

This prints


Z means UTC (think of it as offset zero from UTC or Zulu time zone). Better still, of course, if you could pass the LocalDate from the first code line to Excel. It doesn’t include time-of-day, so there is no confusion possible. On the other hand, if you need an old-fashioned Date object for that, convert just before handing the Date on:

    Date oldfashionedDate = Date.from(utcDateDime.toInstant());

On my computer this prints

Tue Feb 27 01:00:00 CET 2018

Don’t be fooled, it is correct. My time zone (Central European Time) is at offset +01:00 from UTC in February (standard time), so 01:00:00 here is equal to 00:00:00 UTC. It’s just Date.toString() grabbing the JVMs time zone and using it for producing the string.

How can I set it to something like 5:30 pm?

To answer your direct question directly, if you have a ZonedDateTime, OffsetDateTime or LocalDateTime, in all of these cases the following will accomplish what you asked for:

    yourDateTime = yourDateTime.with(LocalTime.of(17, 30));

If yourDateTime was a LocalDateTime of 2018-02-27T00:00, it will now be 2018-02-27T17:30. Similarly for the other types, only they include offset and time zone too as appropriate.

If you only had a date, as in the first snippet above, you can also add time-of-day information to it:

    LocalDate yourDate = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 27);
    LocalDateTime dateTime = yourDate.atTime(LocalTime.of(17, 30));

For most purposes you should prefer to add the time-of-day in a specific time zone, though, for example

    ZonedDateTime dateTime = yourDate.atTime(LocalTime.of(17, 30))

This yields 2018-02-27T17:30+05:30[Asia/Kolkata].

Date and Calendar vs java.time

The Date class that you use as well as Calendar and SimpleDateFormat used in the other answers are long outdated, and SimpleDateFormat in particular has proven troublesome. In all cases the modern Java date and time API is so much nicer to work with. Which is why I wanted to provide this answer to an old question that is still being visited.

Link: Oracle Tutorial Date Time, explaining how to use java.time.

XSLT equivalent for JSON

There is now! I recently created a library, json-transforms, exactly for this purpose:

It uses a combination of JSPath, a DSL modelled on XPath, and a recursive pattern matching approach, inspired directly by XSLT.

Here's a quick example. Given the following JSON object:

const json = {
  "automobiles": [
    { "maker": "Nissan", "model": "Teana", "year": 2011 },
    { "maker": "Honda", "model": "Jazz", "year": 2010 },
    { "maker": "Honda", "model": "Civic", "year": 2007 },
    { "maker": "Toyota", "model": "Yaris", "year": 2008 },
    { "maker": "Honda", "model": "Accord", "year": 2011 }

Here's a transformation:

const jsont = require('json-transforms');
const rules = [
    '.automobiles{.maker === "Honda"}', d => ({
      Honda: d.runner()
    '.{.maker}', d => ({
      model: d.match.model,
      year: d.match.year

const transformed  = jsont.transform(json, rules);

Which output the following:

  "Honda": [
    { "model": "Jazz", "year": 2010 },
    { "model": "Civic", "year": 2007 },
    { "model": "Accord", "year": 2011 }

This transform is composed of three rules. The first matches any automobile which is made by Honda, emitting an object with a Honda property, then recursively matching. The second rule matches any object with a maker property, outputting the model and year properties. The final is the identity transform that recursively matches.

Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given. What?

the mysqli_queryexcepts 2 parameters , first variable is mysqli_connectequivalent variable , second one is the query you have provided

$name1 = mysqli_connect(localhost,tdoylex1_dork,dorkk,tdoylex1_dork);

$name2 = mysqli_query($name1,"SELECT name FROM users ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");

Python: import module from another directory at the same level in project hierarchy

If I move to the main user_management directory, I can easily use: import Modules.LDAPManager to import --- this works.

Please, don't. In this way the LDAPManager module used by CreateUser will not be the same as the one imported via other imports. This can create problems when you have some global state in the module or during pickling/unpickling. Avoid imports that work only because the module happens to be in the same directory.

When you have a package structure you should either:

  • Use relative imports, i.e if the is in Scripts/:

     from ..Modules import LDAPManager

    Note that this was (note the past tense) discouraged by PEP 8 only because old versions of python didn't support them very well, but this problem was solved years ago. The current version of PEP 8 does suggest them as an acceptable alternative to absolute imports. I actually like them inside packages.

  • Use absolute imports using the whole package name( in Scripts/):

     from user_management.Modules import LDAPManager

In order for the second one to work the package user_management should be installed inside the PYTHONPATH. During development you can configure the IDE so that this happens, without having to manually add calls to sys.path.append anywhere.

Also I find it odd that Scripts/ is a subpackage. Because in a real installation the user_management module would be installed under the site-packages found in the lib/ directory (whichever directory is used to install libraries in your OS), while the scripts should be installed under a bin/ directory (whichever contains executables for your OS).

In fact I believe Script/ shouldn't even be under user_management. It should be at the same level of user_management. In this way you do not have to use -m, but you simply have to make sure the package can be found (this again is a matter of configuring the IDE, installing the package correctly or using PYTHONPATH=. python Scripts/ to launch the scripts with the correct path).

In summary, the hierarchy I would use is:

user_management  (package)
        |------- Modules/
        |           |
        |           |-----
        |           |-----
        |           |-----

 Scripts/  (*not* a package)

Then the code of and should use absolute imports to import the modules:

from user_management.Modules import LDAPManager

During installation you make sure that user_management ends up somewhere in the PYTHONPATH, and the scripts inside the directory for executables so that they are able to find the modules. During development you either rely on IDE configuration, or you launch adding the Scripts/ parent directory to the PYTHONPATH (I mean the directory that contains both user_management and Scripts):

PYTHONPATH=/the/parent/directory python Scripts/

Or you can modify the PYTHONPATH globally so that you don't have to specify this each time. On unix OSes (linux, Mac OS X etc.) you can modify one of the shell scripts to define the PYTHONPATH external variable, on Windows you have to change the environmental variables settings.

Addendum I believe, if you are using python2, it's better to make sure to avoid implicit relative imports by putting:

from __future__ import absolute_import

at the top of your modules. In this way import X always means to import the toplevel module X and will never try to import the file that's in the same directory (if that directory isn't in the PYTHONPATH). In this way the only way to do a relative import is to use the explicit syntax (the from . import X), which is better (explicit is better than implicit).

This will make sure you never happen to use the "bogus" implicit relative imports, since these would raise an ImportError clearly signalling that something is wrong. Otherwise you could use a module that's not what you think it is.

C# Get a control's position on a form

This is what i've done works like a charm

            private static int _x=0, _y=0;
        private static Point _point;
        public static Point LocationInForm(Control c)
            if (c.Parent == null) 
                _x += c.Location.X;
                _y += c.Location.Y;
                _point = new Point(_x, _y);
                _x = 0; _y = 0;
                return _point;
            else if ((c.Parent is System.Windows.Forms.Form))
                _point = new Point(_x, _y);
                _x = 0; _y = 0;
                return _point;
                _x += c.Location.X;
                _y += c.Location.Y;
            return new Point(1,1);

Create a BufferedImage from file and make it TYPE_INT_ARGB

Create a BufferedImage from file and make it TYPE_INT_RGB

import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
public class Main{
    public static void main(String args[]){
            BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage( 
                500, 500, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
            File f = new File("MyFile.png");
            int r = 5;
            int g = 25; 
            int b = 255;
            int col = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
            for(int x = 0; x < 500; x++){
                for(int y = 20; y < 300; y++){
                    img.setRGB(x, y, col);
            ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", f); 
        catch(Exception e){ 

This paints a big blue streak across the top.

If you want it ARGB, do it like this:

        BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage( 
            500, 500, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
        File f = new File("MyFile.png");
        int r = 255;
        int g = 10;
        int b = 57;
        int alpha = 255;
        int col = (alpha << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
        for(int x = 0; x < 500; x++){
            for(int y = 20; y < 30; y++){
                img.setRGB(x, y, col);
        ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", f);
    catch(Exception e){

Open up MyFile.png, it has a red streak across the top.

How to fix docker: Got permission denied issue

You can always try Manage Docker as a non-root user paragraph in the docs.

After doing this also if the problem persists then you can run the following command to solve it:

sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

There are different ways of counting a specific elements

numbers =c(4,23,4,23,5,43,54,56,657,67,67,435,453,435,7,65,34,435)


#Sum counts number of TRUE's in a vector 
print(sum(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)))

#count is present in plyr library 
#o/p of count is a DataFrame, freq is 1 of the columns of data frame

How to shutdown my Jenkins safely?

Yes, kill should be fine if you're running Jenkins with the built-in Winstone container. This Jenkins Wiki page has some tips on how to set up control scripts for Jenkins.

Store output of subprocess.Popen call in a string

This worked for me for redirecting stdout (stderr can be handled similarly):

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
pipe = Popen(path, stdout=PIPE)
text = pipe.communicate()[0]

If it doesn't work for you, please specify exactly the problem you're having.

How to find nth occurrence of character in a string?

The code returns the nth occurrence positions substring aka field width. Example. if string "Stack overflow in low melow" is the string to search 2nd occurance of token "low", you will agree with me that it 2nd occurance is at subtring "18 and 21". indexOfOccurance("Stack overflow in low melow", low, 2) returns 18 and 21 in a string.

class Example{
    public Example(){
            public String indexOfOccurance(String string, String token, int nthOccurance) {
                    int lengthOfToken = token.length();
                    int nthCount = 0;
                    for (int shift = 0,count = 0; count < string.length() - token.length() + 2; count++, shift++, lengthOfToken++)
                        if (string.substring(shift, lengthOfToken).equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { 
                    // keeps count of nthOccurance
                        if (nthCount == nthOccurance){
                    //checks if nthCount  == nthOccurance. If true, then breaks 
                             return String.valueOf(shift)+ " " +String.valueOf(lengthOfToken);   
                    return "-1";
    public static void main(String args[]){
    Example example = new Example();
    String string = "the man, the woman and the child";
    int nthPositionOfThe = 3;
   System.out.println("3rd Occurance of the is at " + example.indexOfOccurance(string, "the", nthPositionOfThe));

Non-static method requires a target

I think this confusing exception occurs when you use a variable in a lambda which is a null-reference at run-time. In your case, I would check if your variable calculationViewModel is a null-reference.

Something like:

public ActionResult MNPurchase()
    CalculationViewModel calculationViewModel = (CalculationViewModel)TempData["calculationViewModel"];

    if (calculationViewModel != null)
        decimal OP = landTitleUnitOfWork.Sales.Find()
            .Where(x => x.Min >= calculationViewModel.SalesPrice)

        decimal MP = landTitleUnitOfWork.Sales.Find()
            .Where(x => x.Min >= calculationViewModel.MortgageAmount)

        calculationViewModel.LoanAmount = (OP + 100) - MP;
        calculationViewModel.LendersTitleInsurance = (calculationViewModel.LoanAmount + 850);

        return View(calculationViewModel);
        // Do something else...

Java, How to add library files in netbeans?

In Netbeans 8.2

1. Dowload the binaries from the web source. The Apache Commos are in: [][1] In this case, you must select the "Logging" in the Components menu and follow the link to downloads in the Releases part. Direct URL: [][2] For me, the correct download was the file: from the Binaries.

2. Unzip downloaded content. Now, you can see several jar files inside the directory created from the zip file.

3. Add the library to the project. Right click in the project, select Properties and click in Libraries (in the left side). Click the button "Add Jar/Folder". Go to the previously unzipped contents and select the properly jar file. Clic in "Open" and click in"Ok". The library has been loaded!

Installing a dependency with Bower from URL and specify version

Use the following:

bower install --save git://

More here:

How do I find the parent directory in C#?

I've found variants of System.IO.Path.Combine(myPath, "..") to be the easiest and most reliable. Even more so if what northben says is true, that GetParent requires an extra call if there is a trailing slash. That, to me, is unreliable.

Path.Combine makes sure you never go wrong with slashes.

.. behaves exactly like it does everywhere else in Windows. You can add any number of \.. to a path in cmd or explorer and it will behave exactly as I describe below.

Some basic .. behavior:

  1. If there is a file name, .. will chop that off:

Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\Child.txt", "..") => D:\Grandparent\Parent\

  1. If the path is a directory, .. will move up a level:

Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\", "..") => D:\Grandparent\

  1. ..\.. follows the same rules, twice in a row:

Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\Child.txt", @"..\..") => D:\Grandparent\ Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\", @"..\..") => D:\

  1. And this has the exact same effect:

Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\Child.txt", "..", "..") => D:\Grandparent\ Path.Combine(@"D:\Grandparent\Parent\", "..", "..") => D:\

How to load local html file into UIWebView

Here's Swift 3:

    if let htmlFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "aa", ofType: "html"){
            let htmlString = try NSString(contentsOfFile: htmlFile, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue )
            messageWebView.loadHTMLString(htmlString as String, baseURL: nil)
        catch _ {

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration

I faced the same issue. I had entered in the App settings. When anybody accessed my website using the full URL, Facebook Login worked fine. But if somebody typed in the URL without www in the browser, Facebook Login failed with this error message. When I changed the App Setting to everything started working fine.

Check if a value is in an array (C#)

Add necessary namespace

using System.Linq;

Then you can use linq Contains() method

string[] printer = {"jupiter", "neptune", "pangea", "mercury", "sonic"};

How to color System.out.println output?

The simplest method is to run your program (unmodified) in Cygwin console.

The second simplest method is to run you program (also unmodified) in the ordinary Windows console, pipelining its output through tee.exe (from Cygwin or Git distribution). Tee.exe will recognize the escape codes and call appropriate WinAPI functions.

Something like:

java MyClass | tee.exe log.txt
java MyClass | tee.exe /dev/null

Sort a list of numerical strings in ascending order

The recommended approach in this case is to sort the data in the database, adding an ORDER BY at the end of the query that fetches the results, something like this:

SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature ASC;  -- ascending order
SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature DESC; -- descending order

If for some reason that is not an option, you can change the sorting order like this in Python:

templist = [25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 33]
sorted(templist, key=int)               # ascending order
> [25, 33, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
sorted(templist, key=int, reverse=True) # descending order
> [300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50, 33, 25]

As has been pointed in the comments, the int key (or float if values with decimals are being stored) is required for correctly sorting the data if the data received is of type string, but it'd be very strange to store temperature values as strings, if that is the case, go back and fix the problem at the root, and make sure that the temperatures being stored are numbers.

For loop in Oracle SQL

You are pretty confused my friend. There are no LOOPS in SQL, only in PL/SQL. Here's a few examples based on existing Oracle table - copy/paste to see results:

-- Numeric FOR loop --
set serveroutput on -->> do not use in TOAD --
  k NUMBER:= 0;
  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    k:= k+1;
    dbms_output.put_line(i||' '||k);

-- Cursor FOR loop --
set serveroutput on
   CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM scott.emp;
   i NUMBER:= 0;
  FOR e_rec IN c1 LOOP
  i:= i+1;

-- SQL example to generate 10 rows --
SELECT 1 + LEVEL-1 idx
  FROM dual

Change image onmouseover

jQuery has .mouseover() and .html(). You can tie the mouseover event to a function:

  1. Hides the current image.
  2. Replaces the current html image with the one you want to toggle.
  3. Shows the div that you hid.

The same thing can be done when you get the mouseover event indicating that the cursor is no longer hanging over the div.

Assign JavaScript variable to Java Variable in JSP

Java script plays on browser where java code is server side thing so you can't simply do this.

What you can do is submit the calculated variable from javascript to server by form-submission, or using URL parameter or using AJAX calls and then you can make it available on server


<input type="hidden" id="hiddenField"/>

make sure this fields lays under <form>



on server you would get this as a part of request

Checkboxes in web pages – how to make them bigger?

I tried changing the padding and margin and well as the width and height, and then finally found that if you just increase the scale it'll work:

input[type=checkbox] {
    transform: scale(1.5);

JAX-WS and BASIC authentication, when user names and passwords are in a database

In your client SOAP handler you need to set and property as follow:

public class ClientHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext>{

    public boolean handleMessage(final SOAPMessageContext soapMessageContext)
        final Boolean outInd = (Boolean)soapMessageContext.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY);
        if (outInd.booleanValue())
               soapMessageContext.put("", <ClientUserName>);
               soapMessageContext.put("", <ClientPassword>);
          catch (Exception e)
               return false;
      return true;

How can I start pagenumbers, where the first section occurs in LaTex?

You can also reset page number counter:


However, with this technique you get wrong page numbers in Acrobat in the top left page numbers field:

\maketitle: 1
\tableofcontents: 2
\section{Introduction}: 1

How to generate random float number in C


float x = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX/a);

To understand how this works consider the following.

N = a random value in [0..RAND_MAX] inclusively.

The above equation (removing the casts for clarity) becomes:


But division by a fraction is the equivalent to multiplying by said fraction's reciprocal, so this is equivalent to:

N * (a/RAND_MAX)

which can be rewritten as:

a * (N/RAND_MAX)

Considering N/RAND_MAX is always a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0, this will generate a value between 0.0 and a.

Alternatively, you can use the following, which effectively does the breakdown I showed above. I actually prefer this simply because it is clearer what is actually going on (to me, anyway):

float x = ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX)) * a;

Note: the floating point representation of a must be exact or this will never hit your absolute edge case of a (it will get close). See this article for the gritty details about why.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

    float a = 5.0;
    for (int i=0;i<20;i++)
        printf("%f\n", ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX)) * a);
    return 0;



Inserting data into a MySQL table using VB.NET

  • First, You missed this one: sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
  • Second, Your MySQL Parameter Declaration is wrong. It should be @ and not ?

try this:

Public Function InsertCar() As Boolean

    Dim iReturn as boolean
    Using SQLConnection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
        Using sqlCommand As New MySqlCommand()
            With sqlCommand
                .CommandText = "INSERT INTO members_car (`car_id`, `member_id`, `model`, `color`, `chassis_id`, `plate_number`, `code`) values (@xid,@m_id,@imodel,@icolor,@ch_id,@pt_num,@icode)"
                .Connection = SQLConnection
                .CommandType = CommandType.Text // You missed this line
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@xid", TextBox20.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@m_id", TextBox20.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@imodel", TextBox23.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@icolor", TextBox24.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@ch_id", TextBox22.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@pt_num", TextBox21.Text)
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@icode", ComboBox1.SelectedItem)
            End With
                iReturn = TRUE
            Catch ex As MySqlException
                MsgBox ex.Message.ToString
                iReturn = False
            End Try
        End Using
    End Using

   Return iReturn

End Function

How can I add a line to a file in a shell script?

As far as I understand, you want to prepend column1, column2, column3 to your existing one, two, three.

I would use ed in place of sed, since sed write on the standard output and not in the file.

The command:

printf '0a\ncolumn1, column2, column3\n.\nw\n' | ed testfile.csv

should do the work.

perl -i is worth taking a look as well.

Javascript reduce on array of objects

Others have answered this question, but I thought I'd toss in another approach. Rather than go directly to summing a.x, you can combine a map (from a.x to x) and reduce (to add the x's):

arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] {return a.x;})
   .reduce(function(a,b) {return a + b;});

Admittedly, it's probably going to be slightly slower, but I thought it worth mentioning it as an option.

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

It is interesting to note that the map with default 0 value, intentionally designed for this case demonstrates the worst performance (and not as concise as groupBy)

    type Word = String
    type Sentence = Seq[Word]
    type Occurrences = scala.collection.Map[Char, Int]

  def woGrouped(w: Word): Occurrences = {
        w.groupBy(c => c).map({case (c, list) => (c -> list.length)})
  }                                               //> woGrouped: (w: forcomp.threadBug.Word)forcomp.threadBug.Occurrences

  def woGetElse0Map(w: Word): Occurrences = {
        val map = Map[Char, Int]()
        w.foldLeft(map)((m, c) => m + (c -> (m.getOrElse(c, 0) + 1)) )
  }                                               //> woGetElse0Map: (w: forcomp.threadBug.Word)forcomp.threadBug.Occurrences

  def woDeflt0Map(w: Word): Occurrences = {
        val map = Map[Char, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
        w.foldLeft(map)((m, c) => m + (c -> (m(c) + 1)) )
  }                                               //> woDeflt0Map: (w: forcomp.threadBug.Word)forcomp.threadBug.Occurrences

  def dfltHashMap(w: Word): Occurrences = {
        val map = scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Char, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
        w.foldLeft(map)((m, c) => m + (c -> (m(c) + 1)) )
    }                                             //> dfltHashMap: (w: forcomp.threadBug.Word)forcomp.threadBug.Occurrences

    def mmDef(w: Word): Occurrences = {
        val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Char, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
        w.foldLeft(map)((m, c) => m += (c -> (m(c) + 1)) )
  }                                               //> mmDef: (w: forcomp.threadBug.Word)forcomp.threadBug.Occurrences

    val functions = List("grp" -> woGrouped _, "mtbl" -> mmDef _, "else" -> woGetElse0Map _
    , "dfl0" -> woDeflt0Map _, "hash" -> dfltHashMap _
    )                                  //> functions  : List[(String, String => scala.collection.Map[Char,Int])] = Lis
                                                  //| t((grp,<function1>), (mtbl,<function1>), (else,<function1>), (dfl0,<functio
                                                  //| n1>), (hash,<function1>))

    val len = 100 * 1000                      //> len  : Int = 100000
    def test(len: Int) {
        val data: String = scala.util.Random.alphanumeric.take(len).toList.mkString
        val firstResult = functions.head._2(data)

        def run(f: Word => Occurrences): Int = {
            val time1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
            val result= f(data)
            val time2 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time1)
            assert(result.toSet == firstResult.toSet)

        def log(results: Seq[Int]) = {
                 ((functions zip results) map {case ((title, _), r) => title + " " + r} mkString " , ")

        var groupResults = List.fill(functions.length)(1)

        val integrals = for (i <- (1 to 10)) yield {
            val results = functions map (f => (1 to 33).foldLeft(0) ((acc,_) => run(f._2)))
            println (log (results))
                groupResults = (results zip groupResults) map {case (r, gr) => r + gr}

        integrals foreach println

    }                                         //> test: (len: Int)Unit

    test(len * 2)
// GRP 14 , mtbl 11 , else 31 , dfl0 36 , hash 34
// GRP 91 , MTBL 111

    def main(args: Array[String]) {


grp 5 , mtbl 5 , else 13 , dfl0 17 , hash 17
grp 3 , mtbl 6 , else 14 , dfl0 16 , hash 16
grp 3 , mtbl 6 , else 13 , dfl0 17 , hash 15
grp 4 , mtbl 5 , else 13 , dfl0 15 , hash 16
grp 23 , mtbl 6 , else 14 , dfl0 15 , hash 16
grp 5 , mtbl 5 , else 13 , dfl0 16 , hash 17
grp 4 , mtbl 6 , else 13 , dfl0 16 , hash 16
grp 4 , mtbl 6 , else 13 , dfl0 17 , hash 15
grp 3 , mtbl 5 , else 14 , dfl0 16 , hash 16
grp 3 , mtbl 6 , else 14 , dfl0 16 , hash 16
GRP 5 , MTBL 5 , ELSE 13 , DFL0 17 , HASH 17
GRP 8 , MTBL 11 , ELSE 27 , DFL0 33 , HASH 33
GRP 11 , MTBL 17 , ELSE 40 , DFL0 50 , HASH 48
GRP 15 , MTBL 22 , ELSE 53 , DFL0 65 , HASH 64
GRP 38 , MTBL 28 , ELSE 67 , DFL0 80 , HASH 80
GRP 43 , MTBL 33 , ELSE 80 , DFL0 96 , HASH 97
GRP 47 , MTBL 39 , ELSE 93 , DFL0 112 , HASH 113
GRP 51 , MTBL 45 , ELSE 106 , DFL0 129 , HASH 128
GRP 54 , MTBL 50 , ELSE 120 , DFL0 145 , HASH 144
GRP 57 , MTBL 56 , ELSE 134 , DFL0 161 , HASH 160
grp 7 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 31 , hash 31
grp 7 , mtbl 10 , else 28 , dfl0 32 , hash 31
grp 7 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 31 , hash 32
grp 7 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 31 , hash 33
grp 7 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 32 , hash 31
grp 8 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 31 , hash 33
grp 8 , mtbl 11 , else 29 , dfl0 38 , hash 35
grp 7 , mtbl 11 , else 28 , dfl0 32 , hash 33
grp 8 , mtbl 11 , else 32 , dfl0 35 , hash 41
grp 7 , mtbl 13 , else 28 , dfl0 33 , hash 35
GRP 7 , MTBL 11 , ELSE 28 , DFL0 31 , HASH 31
GRP 14 , MTBL 21 , ELSE 56 , DFL0 63 , HASH 62
GRP 21 , MTBL 32 , ELSE 84 , DFL0 94 , HASH 94
GRP 28 , MTBL 43 , ELSE 112 , DFL0 125 , HASH 127
GRP 35 , MTBL 54 , ELSE 140 , DFL0 157 , HASH 158
GRP 43 , MTBL 65 , ELSE 168 , DFL0 188 , HASH 191
GRP 51 , MTBL 76 , ELSE 197 , DFL0 226 , HASH 226
GRP 58 , MTBL 87 , ELSE 225 , DFL0 258 , HASH 259
GRP 66 , MTBL 98 , ELSE 257 , DFL0 293 , HASH 300
GRP 73 , MTBL 111 , ELSE 285 , DFL0 326 , HASH 335

It is curious that most concise groupBy is faster than even mutable map!

How to Determine the Screen Height and Width in Flutter

MediaQuery.of(context).size.width and MediaQuery.of(context).size.height works great, but every time need to write expressions like width/20 to set specific height width.

I've created a new application on flutter, and I've had problems with the screen sizes when switching between different devices.

Yes, flutter_screenutil plugin available for adapting screen and font size. Let your UI display a reasonable layout on different screen sizes!


Add dependency:

Please check the latest version before installation.

    sdk: flutter
  # add flutter_ScreenUtil
  flutter_screenutil: ^0.4.2

Add the following imports to your Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';

Initialize and set the fit size and font size to scale according to the system's "font size" accessibility option

//fill in the screen size of the device in the design

//default value : width : 1080px , height:1920px , allowFontScaling:false
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil()..init(context);

//If the design is based on the size of the iPhone6 ??(iPhone6 ??750*1334)
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334)..init(context);

//If you wang to set the font size is scaled according to the system's "font size" assist option
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334, allowFontScaling: true)..init(context);


//for example:
           width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(375),
           height: ScreenUtil().setHeight(200),

////If you want to display a square:
           width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(300),
           height: ScreenUtil().setWidth(300),

Please refer updated documentation for more details

Note: I tested and using this plugin, which really works great with all devices including iPad

Hope this will helps someone

How to only find files in a given directory, and ignore subdirectories using bash

find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name 'abc-*'

Does not work for me. It return nothing. If I just do '.' it gives me all the files in directory below the one I'm working in on.

find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name "*.root" -type 'f' -size +100k -ls

Return nothing with '.' instead I get list of all 'big' files in my directory as well as the rootfiles/ directory where I store old ones.

Continuing. This works.

find ./ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.root" -type 'f' -size +100k -ls
564751   71 -rw-r--r--   1 snyder   bfactory   115739 May 21 12:39 ./R24eTightPiPi771052-55.root
565197  105 -rw-r--r--   1 snyder   bfactory   150719 May 21 14:27 ./R24eTightPiPi771106-2.root
565023   94 -rw-r--r--   1 snyder   bfactory   134180 May 21 12:59 ./R24eTightPiPi77999-109.root
719678   82 -rw-r--r--   1 snyder   bfactory   121149 May 21 12:42 ./R24eTightPiPi771098-10.root
564029  140 -rw-r--r--   1 snyder   bfactory   170181 May 21 14:14 ./combo77v.root

Apparently /dev means directory of interest. But ./ is needed, not just .. The need for the / was not obvious even after I figured out what /dev meant more or less.

I couldn't respond as a comment because I have no 'reputation'.


leDbConnection connection = 
new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=Inventar.accdb");
DataSet1 DS = new DataSet1();

OleDbDataAdapter DBAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(
@"SELECT tbl_Computer.*,  tbl_Besitzer.*
  FROM tbl_Computer 
  INNER JOIN tbl_Besitzer ON tbl_Computer.FK_Benutzer = tbl_Besitzer.ID 
  WHERE (((tbl_Besitzer.Vorname)='ma'));", 

Extract year from date

For some time now, you can also only rely on the data.table package and its IDate class plus associated functions (Check ?as.IDate()). So, no need to additionally install lubridate.


a <- c("01/01/2009", "01/01/2010" , "01/01/2011")
year(as.IDate(a, '%d/%m/%Y')) # all data.table functions

How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file

Another similar option that I think Nick briefly alluded to in the comments is to create multiple wrapper jars. I haven't tried it, but I think they could be completely empty other than the manifest file, which should specify the main class to load as well as the inclusion of the MyJar.jar to the classpath.


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.mycomp.myproj.dir1.MainClass1
Class-Path: MyJar.jar


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.mycomp.myproj.dir2.MainClass2
Class-Path: MyJar.jar

etc. Then just run it with java -jar MyJar2.jar

Validating input using java.util.Scanner

One idea:

try {
    int i = Integer.parseInt(myString);
    if (i < 0) {
        // Error, negative input
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    // Error, not a number.

There is also, in commons-lang library the CharUtils class that provides the methods isAsciiNumeric() to check that a character is a number, and isAsciiAlpha() to check that the character is a letter...

CSS Transition doesn't work with top, bottom, left, right

Are there properties that aren't 'transitional'?

Answer: Yes.

If the property is not listed here it is not 'transitional'.

Reference: Animatable CSS Properties

Maven build Compilation error : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project Maven

Jdk 9 and 10 solution


and make sure your maven is pointing to JDK 10 or 9. mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.5.3 (3383c37e1f9e9b3bc3df5050c29c8aff9f295297; 2018-02-24T14:49:05-05:00)
Maven home: C:\devplay\apache-maven-3.5.3\bin\..
Java version: 10.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

How to make script execution wait until jquery is loaded

A tangential note on the approaches here that load use setTimeout or setInterval. In those cases it's possible that when your check runs again, the DOM will already have loaded, and the browser's DOMContentLoaded event will have been fired, so you can't detect that event reliably using these approaches. What I found is that jQuery's ready still works, though, so you can embed your usual

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { ... }

inside your setTimeout or setInterval and everything should work as normal.

Android AudioRecord example

Here is an end to end solution I implemented for streaming Android microphone audio to a server for playback: Android AudioRecord to Server over UDP Playback Issues

How to create a numpy array of all True or all False?

numpy already allows the creation of arrays of all ones or all zeros very easily:

e.g. numpy.ones((2, 2)) or numpy.zeros((2, 2))

Since True and False are represented in Python as 1 and 0, respectively, we have only to specify this array should be boolean using the optional dtype parameter and we are done.

numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=bool)


array([[ True,  True],
       [ True,  True]], dtype=bool)

UPDATE: 30 October 2013

Since numpy version 1.8, we can use full to achieve the same result with syntax that more clearly shows our intent (as fmonegaglia points out):

numpy.full((2, 2), True, dtype=bool)

UPDATE: 16 January 2017

Since at least numpy version 1.12, full automatically casts results to the dtype of the second parameter, so we can just write:

numpy.full((2, 2), True)

How to define a preprocessor symbol in Xcode

You can use the *_Prefix.pch file to declare project wide macros. That file is usually in you Other Sources group.

How do you view ALL text from an ntext or nvarchar(max) in SSMS?

Options (Query Results/SQL Server/Results to Grid Page)

To change the options for the current queries, click Query Options on the Query menu, or right-click in the SQL Server Query window and select Query Options.


Maximum Characters Retrieved
Enter a number from 1 through 65535 to specify the maximum number of characters that will be displayed in each cell.

Maximum is, as you see, 64k. The default is much smaller.

BTW Results to Text has even more drastic limitation:

Maximum number of characters displayed in each column
This value defaults to 256. Increase this value to display larger result sets without truncation. The maximum value is 8,192.

Specify the from user when sending email using the mail command seems to have a solution.


echo "This is the main body of the mail" | mail -s "Subject of the Email" [email protected] -- -f [email protected]

How to avoid variable substitution in Oracle SQL Developer with 'trinidad & tobago'

this will work as you asked without CHAR(38):

update t set country = 'Trinidad and Tobago' where country = 'trinidad & '|| 'tobago';

create table table99(col1 varchar(40));
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
SELECT * FROM table99;

update table99 set col1 = 'Trinidad and Tobago' where col1 = 'Trinidad &'||'  Tobago';

How can I determine if a .NET assembly was built for x86 or x64?

Below is a batch file that will run corflags.exe against all dlls and exes in the current working directory and all sub-directories, parse the results and display the target architecture of each.

Depending on the version of corflags.exe that is used, the line items in the output will either include 32BIT, or 32BITREQ (and 32BITPREF). Whichever of these two is included in the output is the critical line item that must be checked to differentiate between Any CPU and x86. If you are using an older version of corflags.exe (pre Windows SDK v8.0A), then only the 32BIT line item will be present in the output, as others have indicated in past answers. Otherwise 32BITREQ and 32BITPREF replace it.

This assumes corflags.exe is in the %PATH%. The simplest way to ensure this is to use a Developer Command Prompt. Alternatively you could copy it from it's default location.

If the batch file below is run against an unmanaged dll or exe, it will incorrectly display it as x86, since the actual output from Corflags.exe will be an error message similar to:

corflags : error CF008 : The specified file does not have a valid managed header

@echo off

echo Target architecture for all exes and dlls:

REM For each exe and dll in this directory and all subdirectories...
for %%a in (.exe, .dll) do forfiles /s /m *%%a /c "cmd /c echo @relpath" > testfiles.txt

for /f %%b in (testfiles.txt) do (
    REM Dump corflags results to a text file
    corflags /nologo %%b > corflagsdeets.txt

   REM Parse the corflags results to look for key markers   
   findstr /C:"PE32+">nul .\corflagsdeets.txt && (      
      REM `PE32+` indicates x64
        echo %%~b = x64
    ) || (
      REM pre-v8 Windows SDK listed only "32BIT" line item, 
      REM newer versions list "32BITREQ" and "32BITPREF" line items
        findstr /C:"32BITREQ  : 0">nul /C:"32BIT     : 0" .\corflagsdeets.txt && (
            REM `PE32` and NOT 32bit required indicates Any CPU
            echo %%~b = Any CPU
        ) || (
            REM `PE32` and 32bit required indicates x86
            echo %%~b = x86

    del corflagsdeets.txt

del testfiles.txt

Erasing elements from a vector

To erase 1st element you can use:

vector<int> mV{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 
vector<int>::iterator it; 

it = mV.begin(); 

Return multiple fields as a record in PostgreSQL with PL/pgSQL

Don't use CREATE TYPE to return a polymorphic result. Use and abuse the RECORD type instead. Check it out:

  ret RECORD;
  -- Arbitrary expression to change the first parameter
      SELECT TRUE, a || b, 'a shorter than b' INTO ret;
      SELECT FALSE, b || a INTO ret;
END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Pay attention to the fact that it can optionally return two or three columns depending on the input.

test=> SELECT test_ret('foo','barbaz');
 (t,foobarbaz,"a shorter than b")
(1 row)

test=> SELECT test_ret('barbaz','foo');
(1 row)

This does wreak havoc on code, so do use a consistent number of columns, but it's ridiculously handy for returning optional error messages with the first parameter returning the success of the operation. Rewritten using a consistent number of columns:

  ret RECORD;
  -- Note the CASTING being done for the 2nd and 3rd elements of the RECORD
      ret := (TRUE, (a || b)::TEXT, 'a shorter than b'::TEXT);
      ret := (FALSE, (b || a)::TEXT, NULL::TEXT);
   END IF;
END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Almost to epic hotness:

test=> SELECT test_ret('foobar','bar');
(1 row)

test=> SELECT test_ret('foo','barbaz');
 (t,foobarbaz,"a shorter than b")
(1 row)

But how do you split that out in to multiple rows so that your ORM layer of choice can convert the values in to your language of choice's native data types? The hotness:

test=> SELECT a, b, c FROM test_ret('foo','barbaz') AS (a BOOL, b TEXT, c TEXT);
 a |     b     |        c         
 t | foobarbaz | a shorter than b
(1 row)

test=> SELECT a, b, c FROM test_ret('foobar','bar') AS (a BOOL, b TEXT, c TEXT);
 a |     b     | c 
 f | barfoobar | 
(1 row)

This is one of the coolest and most underused features in PostgreSQL. Please spread the word.

How to fix corrupt HDFS FIles

You can use

  hdfs fsck /

to determine which files are having problems. Look through the output for missing or corrupt blocks (ignore under-replicated blocks for now). This command is really verbose especially on a large HDFS filesystem so I normally get down to the meaningful output with

  hdfs fsck / | egrep -v '^\.+$' | grep -v eplica

which ignores lines with nothing but dots and lines talking about replication.

Once you find a file that is corrupt

  hdfs fsck /path/to/corrupt/file -locations -blocks -files

Use that output to determine where blocks might live. If the file is larger than your block size it might have multiple blocks.

You can use the reported block numbers to go around to the datanodes and the namenode logs searching for the machine or machines on which the blocks lived. Try looking for filesystem errors on those machines. Missing mount points, datanode not running, file system reformatted/reprovisioned. If you can find a problem in that way and bring the block back online that file will be healthy again.

Lather rinse and repeat until all files are healthy or you exhaust all alternatives looking for the blocks.

Once you determine what happened and you cannot recover any more blocks, just use the

  hdfs fs -rm /path/to/file/with/permanently/missing/blocks

command to get your HDFS filesystem back to healthy so you can start tracking new errors as they occur.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received

In my experience, this is generally caused by an illegal memory access. Check all pointers, especially object pointers, to make sure they're initialized. Make sure your MainWindow.xib file, if you're using one, is set up properly, with all the necessary connections.

If none of that on-paper checking turns anything up, and it doesn't happen when single-stepping, try to locate the error with NSLog() statements: sprinkle your code with them, moving them around until you isolate the line that's causing the error. Then set a breakpoint on that line and run your program. When you hit the breakpoint, examine all the variables, and the objects in them, to see if anything doesn't look like you expect.I'd especially keep an eye out for variables whose object class is something you didn't expect. If a variable is supposed to contain a UIWindow but it has an NSNotification in it instead, the same underlying code error could be manifesting itself in a different way when the debugger isn't in operation.

Auto logout with Angularjs based on idle user

View Demo which is using angularjs and see your's browser log

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="Application_TimeOut">
<script src=""></script>



var app = angular.module('Application_TimeOut', []);$rootScope, $timeout, $document) {    
    console.log('starting run');

    // Timeout timer value
    var TimeOutTimerValue = 5000;

    // Start a timeout
    var TimeOut_Thread = $timeout(function(){ LogoutByTimer() } , TimeOutTimerValue);
    var bodyElement = angular.element($document);

    /// Keyboard Events
    bodyElement.bind('keydown', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });  
    bodyElement.bind('keyup', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });    

    /// Mouse Events    
    bodyElement.bind('click', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });
    bodyElement.bind('mousemove', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });    
    bodyElement.bind('DOMMouseScroll', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });
    bodyElement.bind('mousewheel', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });   
    bodyElement.bind('mousedown', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });        

    /// Touch Events
    bodyElement.bind('touchstart', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });       
    bodyElement.bind('touchmove', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });        

    /// Common Events
    bodyElement.bind('scroll', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });       
    bodyElement.bind('focus', function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });    

    function LogoutByTimer()

        /// redirect to another page(eg. Login.html) here

    function TimeOut_Resetter(e)
        console.log('' + e);

        /// Stop the pending timeout

        /// Reset the timeout
        TimeOut_Thread = $timeout(function(){ LogoutByTimer() } , TimeOutTimerValue);



Below code is pure javascript version

        <script type="text/javascript">         
            function logout(){

            function onInactive(millisecond, callback){
                var wait = setTimeout(callback, millisecond);               
                document.onmousemove = 
                document.mousedown = 
                document.mouseup = 
                document.onkeydown = 
                document.onkeyup = 
                document.focus = function(){
                    wait = setTimeout(callback, millisecond);                       
    <body onload="onInactive(5000, logout);"></body>


I updated my solution as @Tom suggestion.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="Application_TimeOut">
<script src=""></script>


var app = angular.module('Application_TimeOut', []);$rootScope, $timeout, $document) {    
    console.log('starting run');

    // Timeout timer value
    var TimeOutTimerValue = 5000;

    // Start a timeout
    var TimeOut_Thread = $timeout(function(){ LogoutByTimer() } , TimeOutTimerValue);
    var bodyElement = angular.element($document);

    angular.forEach(['keydown', 'keyup', 'click', 'mousemove', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel', 'mousedown', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'scroll', 'focus'], 
    function(EventName) {
         bodyElement.bind(EventName, function (e) { TimeOut_Resetter(e) });  

    function LogoutByTimer(){
        /// redirect to another page(eg. Login.html) here

    function TimeOut_Resetter(e){
        console.log(' ' + e);

        /// Stop the pending timeout

        /// Reset the timeout
        TimeOut_Thread = $timeout(function(){ LogoutByTimer() } , TimeOutTimerValue);


Click here to see at Plunker for updated version

Thread-safe List<T> property

Use the lock statement to do this. (Read here for more information.)

private List<T> _list;

private List<T> MyT
    get { return _list; }
        //Lock so only one thread can change the value at any given time.
        lock (_list)
            _list = value;

FYI this probably isn't exactly what your asking - you likely want to lock farther out in your code but I can't assume that. Have a look at the lock keyword and tailor its use to your specific situation.

If you need to, you could lock in both the get and set block using the _list variable which would make it so a read/write can not occur at the same time.

How to group an array of objects by key

Timo's answer is how I would do it. Simple _.groupBy, and allow some duplications in the objects in the grouped structure.

However the OP also asked for the duplicate make keys to be removed. If you wanted to go all the way:

var grouped = _.mapValues(_.groupBy(cars, 'make'),
                          clist => => _.omit(car, 'make')));



{ audi:
   [ { model: 'r8', year: '2012' },
     { model: 'rs5', year: '2013' } ],
   [ { model: 'mustang', year: '2012' },
     { model: 'fusion', year: '2015' } ],
  kia: [ { model: 'optima', year: '2012' } ] }

If you wanted to do this using Underscore.js, note that its version of _.mapValues is called _.mapObject.

How to print all session variables currently set?

Not a simple way, no.

Let's say that by "active" you mean "hasn't passed the maximum lifetime" and hasn't been explicitly destroyed and that you're using the default session handler.

  • First, the maximum lifetime is defined as a php.ini config and is defined in terms of the last activity on the session. So the "expiry" mechanism would have to read the content of the sessions to determine the application-defined expiry.
  • Second, you'd have to manually read the sessions directory and read the files, whose format I don't even know they're in.

If you really need this, you must implement some sort of custom session handler. See session_set_save_handler.

Take also in consideration that you'll have no feedback if the user just closes the browser or moves away from your site without explciitly logging out. Depending on much inactivity you consider the threshold to deem a session "inactive", the number of false positives you'll get may be very high.

How can I remove or replace SVG content?

You could also just use jQuery to remove the contents of the div that contains your svg.


Android Drawing Separator/Divider Line in Layout?

I usually use this code:

    android:background="#aa000000" />

if you have an object in your layout and you want set line below that use this attribute in ImageView:


MongoDB: exception in initAndListen: 20 Attempted to create a lock file on a read-only directory: /data/db, terminating

I experienced the same problem and following solution solved this problem. You should try the following solution.

sudo mkdir -p /data/db
sudo chown -R 'username' /data/db

Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points)

Here are two functions to calculate distance and bearing, which are based on the code in previous messages and (added tuple type for geographical points in lat, lon format for both functions for clarity). I tested both functions and they seem to work right.

from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, atan2, degrees

def haversine(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = pointA[0]
    lon1 = pointA[1]

    lat2 = pointB[0]
    lon2 = pointB[1]

    # convert decimal degrees to radians 
    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) 

    # haversine formula 
    dlon = lon2 - lon1 
    dlat = lat2 - lat1 
    a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2
    c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) 
    r = 6371 # Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles
    return c * r

def initial_bearing(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = radians(pointA[0])
    lat2 = radians(pointB[0])

    diffLong = radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])

    x = sin(diffLong) * cos(lat2)
    y = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - (sin(lat1)
            * cos(lat2) * cos(diffLong))

    initial_bearing = atan2(x, y)

    # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
    # from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing
    # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
    initial_bearing = degrees(initial_bearing)
    compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360

    return compass_bearing

pA = (46.2038,6.1530)
pB = (46.449, 30.690)

print haversine(pA, pB)

print initial_bearing(pA, pB)

Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

I solved similar error by adding following piece of code to my build.gradle file inside the android block.

android {
    dexOptions {
        preDexLibraries = false

Resource u'tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle' not found

I got the solution:

import nltk

once the NLTK Downloader starts

d) Download l) List u) Update c) Config h) Help q) Quit

Downloader> d

Download which package (l=list; x=cancel)? Identifier> punkt

How to kill all processes matching a name?

You can also evaluate your output as a sub-process, by surrounding everything with back ticks or with putting it inside $():

`ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}'`

 $(ps aux | grep -ie amarok | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}')     

Convert seconds to HH-MM-SS with JavaScript?

After looking at all the answers and not being happy with most of them, this is what I came up with. I know I am very late to the conversation, but here it is anyway.

function secsToTime(secs){
  var time = new Date(); 
  // create Date object and set to today's date and time
  time.setHours(parseInt(secs/3600) % 24);
  time.setMinutes(parseInt(secs/60) % 60);
  time = time.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];
  // time.toString() = "HH:mm:ss GMT-0800 (PST)"
  // time.toString().split(" ") = ["HH:mm:ss", "GMT-0800", "(PST)"]
  // time.toTimeString().split(" ")[0]; = "HH:mm:ss"
  return time;

I create a new Date object, change the time to my parameters, convert the Date Object to a time string, and removed the additional stuff by splitting the string and returning only the part that need.

I thought I would share this approach, since it removes the need for regex, logic and math acrobatics to get the results in "HH:mm:ss" format, and instead it relies on built in methods.

You may want to take a look at the documentation here:

SQL alias for SELECT statement

You could store this into a temporary table.

So instead of doing the CTE/sub query you would use a temp table.

Good article on these here

Cannot retrieve string(s) from preferences (settings)

All your exercise conditionals are separate and the else is only tied to the last if statement. Use else if to bind them all together in the way I believe you intend.

Getting Git to work with a proxy server - fails with "Request timed out"

Set a system variable named http_proxy with the value of ProxyServer:Port. That is the simplest solution. Respectively, use https_proxy as daefu pointed out in the comments.

Setting gitproxy (as sleske mentions) is another option, but that requires a "command", which is not as straightforward as the above solution.


Python: download a file from an FTP server

    import os
    import ftplib
    from contextlib import closing

    with closing(ftplib.FTP()) as ftp:
            ftp.connect(host, port, 30*5) #5 mins timeout
            ftp.login(login, passwd)
            with open(local_filename, 'w+b') as f:
                res = ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % orig_filename, f.write)

                if not res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'):
                    print('Downloaded of file {0} is not compile.'.format(orig_filename))
                    return None

            return local_filename

                print('Error during download from FTP')

How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent (and set a different text for each app)

I had same problem and this accepted solution didn't helped me, if someone has same problem you can use my code snippet:

// example of filtering and sharing multiple images with texts
// remove facebook from sharing intents
private void shareFilter(){

    String share = getShareTexts();
    ArrayList<Uri> uris = getImageUris();

    List<Intent> targets = new ArrayList<>();
    Intent template = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);
    List<ResolveInfo> candidates = getActivity().getPackageManager().
            queryIntentActivities(template, 0);

    // remove facebook which has a broken share intent
    for (ResolveInfo candidate : candidates) {
        String packageName = candidate.activityInfo.packageName;
        if (!packageName.equals("com.facebook.katana")) {
            Intent target = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);
            target.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, share);
    Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(targets.remove(0), "Share Via");
    chooser.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, targets.toArray(new Parcelable[targets.size()]));


How to delete Project from Google Developers Console

  1. Click "Utilities and more" near the upper right corner of the screen after choosing your project three-dotted icon
  2. Choose "Project settings" from the drop down of the "Utilities and more" icon.

Now you may see trash icon and DELETE PROJECT button.

Android Studio doesn't see device

Check device driver if your device is Galaxy install Kise will search your driver

use a javascript array to fill up a drop down select box

This is a part from a REST-Service I´ve written recently.

var select = $("#productSelect")
for (var prop in data) {
    var option = document.createElement('option');
    option.innerHTML = data[prop].ProduktName
    option.value = data[prop].ProduktName;

The reason why im posting this is because appendChild() wasn´t working in my case so I decided to put up another possibility that works aswell.

Multiple "order by" in LINQ

I have created some extension methods (below) so you don't have to worry if an IQueryable is already ordered or not. If you want to order by multiple properties just do it as follows:

// We do not have to care if the queryable is already sorted or not. 
// The order of the Smart* calls defines the order priority
queryable.SmartOrderBy(i => i.Property1).SmartOrderByDescending(i => i.Property2);

This is especially helpful if you create the ordering dynamically, f.e. from a list of properties to sort.

public static class IQueryableExtension
    public static bool IsOrdered<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable) {
        if(queryable == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("queryable");

        return queryable.Expression.Type == typeof(IOrderedQueryable<T>);

    public static IQueryable<T> SmartOrderBy<T, TKey>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector) {
        if(queryable.IsOrdered()) {
            var orderedQuery = queryable as IOrderedQueryable<T>;
            return orderedQuery.ThenBy(keySelector);
        } else {
            return queryable.OrderBy(keySelector);

    public static IQueryable<T> SmartOrderByDescending<T, TKey>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector) {
        if(queryable.IsOrdered()) {
            var orderedQuery = queryable as IOrderedQueryable<T>;
            return orderedQuery.ThenByDescending(keySelector);
        } else {
            return queryable.OrderByDescending(keySelector);

How to set OnClickListener on a RadioButton in Android?

Since this question isn't specific to Java, I would like to add how you can do it in Kotlin:

radio_group_id.setOnCheckedChangeListener({ radioGroup, optionId -> {
        when (optionId) {
   -> {
                // do something when radio button 1 is selected
            // add more cases here to handle other buttons in the RadioGroup

Here radio_group_id is the assigned android:id of the concerned RadioGroup. To use it this way you would need to import* in your activity's Kotlin file. Also note that in case the radioGroup lambda parameter is unused, it can be replaced with _ (an underscore) since Kotlin 1.1.

Toolbar navigation icon never set

Try this:

  < xmlns:android=""


CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

Since you are looking for adding space between elements you may need something as simple as a margin-left or padding-left. Here are examples of both

This will add 10 pixels to the left of the paragraph element

p {
    margin-left: 10px;

or if you just want some padding within your paragraph element

p {
    padding-left: 10px;

How to check whether an object is a date?

Inspired by this answer, this solution works in my case(I needed to check whether the value recieved from API is a date or not):

!isNaN(Date.parse(new Date(YourVariable)))

This way, if it is some random string coming from a client, or any other object, you can find out if it is a Date-like object.

Difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object>


String[] can be cast to Object[]


List<String> cannot be cast to List<Object>.


For lists it is more subtle than that, because at compile time the type of a List parameter passed to a method is not checked. The method definition might as well say List<?> - from the compiler's point of view it is equivalent. This is why the OP's example #2 gives runtime errors not compile errors.

If you handle a List<Object> parameter passed to a method carefully so you don't force a type check on any element of the list, then you can have your method defined using List<Object> but in fact accept a List<String> parameter from the calling code.

A. So this code will not give compile or runtime errors and will actually (and maybe surprisingly?) work:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List argsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    test(argsList);  // The object passed here is a List<String>

public static void test(List<Object> set) {
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();  // This is a List<Object>
    params.addAll(set);       // Each String in set can be added to List<Object>
    params.add(new Long(2));  // A Long can be added to List<Object>

B. This code will give a runtime error:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List argsList = new ArrayList<String>();

public static void test1(List<Object> set) {
    List<Object> params = set;  // Surprise!  Runtime error

public static void test2(List<Object> set) {
    set.add(new Long(2));       // Also a runtime error

C. This code will give a runtime error (java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList Object[]):

public static void main(String[] args) {

public static void test(Object[] set) {
    Object[] params = set;    // This is OK even at runtime
    params[0] = new Long(2);  // Surprise!  Runtime error

In B, the parameter set is not a typed List at compile time: the compiler sees it as List<?>. There is a runtime error because at runtime, set becomes the actual object passed from main(), and that is a List<String>. A List<String> cannot be cast to List<Object>.

In C, the parameter set requires an Object[]. There is no compile error and no runtime error when it is called with a String[] object as the parameter. That's because String[] casts to Object[]. But the actual object received by test() remains a String[], it didn't change. So the params object also becomes a String[]. And element 0 of a String[] cannot be assigned to a Long!

(Hopefully I have everything right here, if my reasoning is wrong I'm sure the community will tell me. UPDATED: I have updated the code in example A so that it actually compiles, while still showing the point made.)

C# get and set properties for a List Collection


public class Section
  public String Head { get; set; }
  private readonly List<string> _subHead = new List<string>();
  private readonly List<string> _content = new List<string>();

  public IEnumerable<string> SubHead { get { return _subHead; } }
  public IEnumerable<string> Content { get { return _content; } }

  public void AddContent(String argValue)

  public void AddSubHeader(String argValue)

All depends on how much of the implementaton of content and subhead you want to hide.

"Line contains NULL byte" in CSV reader (Python)

You could just inline a generator to filter out the null values if you want to pretend they don't exist. Of course this is assuming the null bytes are not really part of the encoding and really are some kind of erroneous artifact or bug.

See the (line.replace('\0','') for line in f) below, also you'll want to probably open that file up using mode rb.

import csv

lines = []
with open('output.txt','r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

with open('corrected.csv','w') as correct:
    writer = csv.writer(correct, dialect = 'excel')
    with open('input.csv', 'rb') as mycsv:
        reader = csv.reader( (line.replace('\0','') for line in mycsv) )
        for row in reader:
            if row[0] not in lines:

How do I find the length/number of items present for an array?

If the array is statically allocated, use sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])

If it's dynamically allocated, though, unfortunately you're out of luck as this trick will always return sizeof(pointer_type)/sizeof(array[0]) (which will be 4 on a 32 bit system with char*s) You could either a) keep a #define (or const) constant, or b) keep a variable, however.

How to use ArrayAdapter<myClass>

Here's a quick and dirty example of how to use an ArrayAdapter if you don't want to bother yourself with extending the mother class:

class MyClass extends Activity {
    private ArrayAdapter<String> mAdapter = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(getApplicationContext(),

        final ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(;

        //Add Some Items in your list:
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            mAdapter.add("Item " + i);

        // And if you want selection feedback:
        list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                //Do whatever you want with the selected item
                Log.d(TAG, mAdapter.getItem(position) + " has been selected!");

Redirect using AngularJS

Don't forget to inject $location into controller.

My docker container has no internet

Updating this question with an answer for OSX (using Docker Machine)

If you are running Docker on OSX using Docker Machine, then the following worked for me:

docker-machine restart

<...wait for it to restart, which takes up to a minute...>

docker-machine env
eval $(docker-machine env)

Then (at least in my experience), if you ping from a container all will be well.

How to ignore user's time zone and force Date() use specific time zone

A Date object's underlying value is actually in UTC. To prove this, notice that if you type new Date(0) you'll see something like: Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST). 0 is treated as 0 in GMT, but .toString() method shows the local time.

Big note, UTC stands for Universal time code. The current time right now in 2 different places is the same UTC, but the output can be formatted differently.

What we need here is some formatting

var _date = new Date(1270544790922); 
// outputs > "Tue Apr 06 2010 02:06:30 GMT-0700 (PDT)", for me
_date.toLocaleString('fi-FI', { timeZone: 'Europe/Helsinki' });
// outputs > "6.4.2010 klo 12.06.30"
_date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'Europe/Helsinki' });
// outputs > "4/6/2010, 12:06:30 PM"

This works but.... you can't really use any of the other date methods for your purposes since they describe the user's timezone. What you want is a date object that's related to the Helsinki timezone. Your options at this point are to use some 3rd party library (I recommend this), or hack-up the date object so you can use most of it's methods.

Option 1 - a 3rd party like moment-timezone

moment(1270544790922).tz('Europe/Helsinki').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
// outputs > 2010-04-06 12:06:30
// outputs > 12

This looks a lot more elegant than what we're about to do next.

Option 2 - Hack up the date object

var currentHelsinkiHoursOffset = 2; // sometimes it is 3
var date = new Date(1270544790922);
var helsenkiOffset = currentHelsinkiHoursOffset*60*60000;
var userOffset = _date.getTimezoneOffset()*60000; // [min*60000 = ms]
var helsenkiTime = new Date(date.getTime()+ helsenkiOffset + userOffset);
// Outputs > Tue Apr 06 2010 12:06:30 GMT-0700 (PDT)

It still thinks it's GMT-0700 (PDT), but if you don't stare too hard you may be able to mistake that for a date object that's useful for your purposes.

I conveniently skipped a part. You need to be able to define currentHelsinkiOffset. If you can use date.getTimezoneOffset() on the server side, or just use some if statements to describe when the time zone changes will occur, that should solve your problem.

Conclusion - I think especially for this purpose you should use a date library like moment-timezone.

How to delete a stash created with git stash create?

Git stash clear will clear complete stash,

cmd: git stash clear

If you want to delete a particular stash with a stash index, you can use the drop.

cmd: git stash drop 4

(4 is stash id or stash index)

jQuery click event on radio button doesn't get fired

Personally, for me, the best solution for a similar issue was:


<input type="radio" name="selectAll" value="true" />
<input type="radio" name="selectAll" value="false" />


var $selectAll = $( "input:radio[name=selectAll]" );
    $selectAll.on( "change", function() {
         console.log( "selectAll: " + $(this).val() );
         // or
         alert( "selectAll: " + $(this).val() );

*The event "click" can work in place of "change" as well.

Hope this helps!

How can I see what I am about to push with git?

After git commit -m "{your commit message}", you will get a commit hash before the push. So you can see what you are about to push with git by running the following command:

git diff origin/{your_branch_name} commit hash

e.g: git diff origin/master c0e06d2

How to count the number of occurrences of an element in a List

If you are a user of my ForEach DSL, it can be done with a Count query.

Count<String> query = Count.from(list);
for (Count<Foo> each: query) each.yield = "bat".equals(each.element);
int number = query.result();

Remove directory which is not empty

//without use of any third party lib

const fs = require('fs');
var FOLDER_PATH = "./dirname";
var files = fs.readdirSync(FOLDER_PATH);
files.forEach(element => {
    fs.unlinkSync(FOLDER_PATH + "/" + element);

Git: How to squash all commits on branch

Based on reading several Stackoverflow questions and answers on squashing, I think this is a good one liner to squash all commits on a branch:

git reset --soft $(git merge-base master YOUR_BRANCH) && git commit -am "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE" && git rebase -i master

This is assuming master is the base branch.

cast_sender.js error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED in Chrome

Apparently YouTube constantly polls for Google Cast scripts even if the extension isn't installed.

From one commenter:

... it appears that Chrome attempts to get cast_sender.js on pages that have YouTube content. I'm guessing when Chrome sees media that it can stream it attempts to access the Chromecast extension. When the extension isn't present, the error is thrown.

Read more

The only solution I've come across is to install the Google Cast extension, whether you need it or not. You may then hide the toolbar button.

For more information and updates, see this SO question. Here's the official issue.

logout and redirecting session in php

header("Location: home.php");

Slide up/down effect with ng-show and ng-animate

You should use Javascript animations for this - it is not possible in pure CSS, because you can't know the height of any element. Follow the instructions it has for you about javascript animation implementation, and copy slideUp and slideDown from jQuery's source.

How to create/read/write JSON files in Qt5

Sadly, many JSON C++ libraries have APIs that are non trivial to use, while JSON was intended to be easy to use.

So I tried jsoncpp from the gSOAP tools on the JSON doc shown in one of the answers above and this is the code generated with jsoncpp to construct a JSON object in C++ which is then written in JSON format to std::cout:

value x(ctx);
x["appDesc"]["description"] = "SomeDescription";
x["appDesc"]["message"] = "SomeMessage";
x["appName"]["description"] = "Home";
x["appName"]["message"] = "Welcome";
x["appName"]["imp"][0] = "awesome";
x["appName"]["imp"][1] = "best";
x["appName"]["imp"][2] = "good";
std::cout << x << std::endl;

and this is the code generated by jsoncpp to parse JSON from std::cin and extract its values (replace USE_VAL as needed):

value x(ctx);
std::cin >> x;
if (x.soap->error)
  exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // error parsing JSON
#define USE_VAL(path, val) std::cout << path << " = " << val << std::endl
if (x.has("appDesc"))
  if (x["appDesc"].has("description"))
    USE_VAL("$.appDesc.description", x["appDesc"]["description"]);
  if (x["appDesc"].has("message"))
    USE_VAL("$.appDesc.message", x["appDesc"]["message"]);
if (x.has("appName"))
  if (x["appName"].has("description"))
    USE_VAL("$.appName.description", x["appName"]["description"]);
  if (x["appName"].has("message"))
    USE_VAL("$.appName.message", x["appName"]["message"]);
  if (x["appName"].has("imp"))
    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < x["appName"]["imp"].size(); i2++)
      USE_VAL("$.appName.imp[]", x["appName"]["imp"][i2]);

This code uses the JSON C++ API of gSOAP 2.8.28. I don't expect people to change libraries, but I think this comparison helps to put JSON C++ libraries in perspective.

scrollTop jquery, scrolling to div with id?

My solution was the following:


Regex match digits, comma and semicolon?

word.matches("^[0-9,;]+$"); you were almost there

printing a two dimensional array in python

for i in A:
    print('\t'.join(map(str, i)))

YouTube iframe embed - full screen

The best solution and the easiest one to achieve this by using this simple code:

<iframe id="player" src="URL" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tested and working for all browsers without issues.

Thank you

init-param and context-param

What is the difference between <init-param> and <context-param> !?

Single servlet versus multiple servlets.

Other Answers give details, but here is the summary:

A web app, that is, a “context”, is made up of one or more servlets.

  • <init-param> defines a value available to a single specific servlet within a context.
  • <context-param> defines a value available to all the servlets within a context.

Creating a batch file, for simple javac and java command execution

  1. Open Notepad

  2. Type in the following:

    javac *
    java Main
  3. SaveAs Main.bat or whatever name you wish to use for the batch file

Make sure that is in the same folder along with your batch file

Double Click on the batch file to run the file

Standardize data columns in R

With dplyr v0.7.4 all variables can be scaled by using mutate_all():

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

dat <- tibble(x = rnorm(10, 30, .2), 
              y = runif(10, 3, 5),
              z = runif(10, 10, 20))

dat %>% mutate_all(scale)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>         x      y       z
#>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 -0.827 -0.300 -0.0602
#>  2  0.663 -0.342 -0.725 
#>  3  1.47  -0.774 -0.588 
#>  4 -1.97  -1.13   0.118 
#>  5  0.816 -0.595 -1.02  
#>  6  0.893  1.19   0.998 
#>  7 -0.192  0.328 -0.948 
#>  8 -0.164  1.50  -0.748 
#>  9 -0.182  1.25   1.81  
#> 10 -0.509 -1.12   1.16

Specific variables can be excluded using mutate_at():

dat %>% mutate_at(scale, .vars = vars(-x))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>        x      y       z
#>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  29.8 -0.300 -0.0602
#>  2  30.1 -0.342 -0.725 
#>  3  30.2 -0.774 -0.588 
#>  4  29.5 -1.13   0.118 
#>  5  30.1 -0.595 -1.02  
#>  6  30.1  1.19   0.998 
#>  7  29.9  0.328 -0.948 
#>  8  29.9  1.50  -0.748 
#>  9  29.9  1.25   1.81  
#> 10  29.8 -1.12   1.16

Created on 2018-04-24 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).

Text overwrite in visual studio 2010

Ran into this issue with Parallels and VS 2013. Command + Insert also fixed it in my setup, in addition to the accepted answer. On my Windows USB keyboard Command == WindowsKey.

How to clean node_modules folder of packages that are not in package.json?

Remove/Edit the packages that are not needed in package-lock.json (package names will be written under dependencies & devDependencies) and then

npm install

How do I size a UITextView to its content?

If you are using scrollview and content view,and you want to increase the height depending the TextView content height,then this piece of code will help you.

Hope this will help,it worked perfectly in iOS9.2

and of course set textview.scrollEnabled = NO;

    //this pieces of code will helps to adjust the height of the uitextview View W.R.T content
    //This block of code work will calculate the height of the textview text content height and calculate the height for the whole content of the view to be displayed.Height --> 400 is fixed,it will change if you change anything in the storybord.

CGSize textViewSize = [self.textview sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];//calulcate the content width and height

float textviewContentheight =textViewSize.height;
self.scrollview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.textview.frame.size.width,textviewContentheight + 400);//height value is passed
self.scrollview.frame =CGRectMake(self.scrollview.frame.origin.x, self.scrollview.frame.origin.y, self.scrollview.frame.size.width, textviewContentheight+400);

CGRect Frame = self.contentview.frame;
Frame.size.height = textviewContentheight + 400;
[self.contentview setFrame:Frame];

self.textview.frame =CGRectMake(self.textview.frame.origin.x, self.textview.frame.origin.y, self.textview.frame.size.width, textviewContentheight);
[ self.textview setContentSize:CGSizeMake( self.textview.frame.size.width,textviewContentheight)];
self.contenview_heightConstraint.constant = 


Last non-empty cell in a column

An alternative solution without array formulas, possibly more robust than that of a previous answer with a (hint to a) solution without array formulas, is


See this answer as an example. Kudos to Brad and barry houdini, who helped solving this question.

Possible reasons for preferring a non-array formula are given in:

  1. An official Microsoft page (look for "Disadvantages of using array formulas").
    Array formulas can seem magical, but they also have some disadvantages:

    • You may occasionally forget to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. Remember to press this key combination whenever you enter or edit an array formula.
    • Other users may not understand your formulas. Array formulas are relatively undocumented, so if other people need to modify your workbooks, you should either avoid array formulas or make sure those users understand how to change them.
    • Depending on the processing speed and memory of your computer, large array formulas can slow down calculations.
  2. Array Formula Heresy.

Rails filtering array of objects by attribute value

have you tried eager loading?

@attachments = Job.includes(:attachments).find(1).attachments

Setting environment variable in react-native?

you can also have different env scripts:

And then source them in when starting to work [which is just tied to an alias] so all the sh file has is export for each env variable:

export SOME_VAR=1234
export SOME_OTHER=abc

And then adding babel-plugin-transform-inline-environment-variables will allow access them in the code:

export const SOME_VAR: ?string = process.env.SOME_VAR;
export const SOME_OTHER: ?string = process.env.SOME_OTHER;

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String

FIRST UPDATE: Before you try this ever in a production environment (not advised), read this first: Starting from Java 9, the solution as described won't work anymore, because now Java will store strings as byte[] by default.

SECOND UPDATE: As of 2016-10-25, on my AMDx64 8core and source 1.8, there is no difference between using 'charAt' and field access. It appears that the jvm is sufficiently optimized to inline and streamline any 'string.charAt(n)' calls.

THIRD UPDATE: As of 2020-09-07, on my Ryzen 1950-X 16 core and source 1.14, 'charAt1' is 9 times slower than field access and 'charAt2' is 4 times slower than field access. Field access is back as the clear winner. Note than the program will need to use byte[] access for Java 9+ version jvms.

It all depends on the length of the String being inspected. If, as the question says, it is for long strings, the fastest way to inspect the string is to use reflection to access the backing char[] of the string.

A fully randomized benchmark with JDK 8 (win32 and win64) on an 64 AMD Phenom II 4 core 955 @ 3.2 GHZ (in both client mode and server mode) with 9 different techniques (see below!) shows that using String.charAt(n) is the fastest for small strings and that using reflection to access the String backing array is almost twice as fast for large strings.


  • 9 different optimization techniques are tried.

  • All string contents are randomized

  • The test are done for string sizes in multiples of two starting with 0,1,2,4,8,16 etc.

  • The tests are done 1,000 times per string size

  • The tests are shuffled into random order each time. In other words, the tests are done in random order every time they are done, over 1000 times over.

  • The entire test suite is done forwards, and backwards, to show the effect of JVM warmup on optimization and times.

  • The entire suite is done twice, once in -client mode and the other in -server mode.


-client mode (32 bit)

For strings 1 to 256 characters in length, calling string.charAt(i) wins with an average processing of 13.4 million to 588 million characters per second.

Also, it is overall 5.5% faster (client) and 13.9% (server) like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {

than like this with a local final length variable:

    final int len = data.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {

For long strings, 512 to 256K characters length, using reflection to access the String's backing array is fastest. This technique is almost twice as fast as String.charAt(i) (178% faster). The average speed over this range was 1.111 billion characters per second.

The Field must be obtained ahead of time and then it can be re-used in the library on different strings. Interestingly, unlike the code above, with Field access, it is 9% faster to have a local final length variable than to use 'chars.length' in the loop check. Here is how Field access can be setup as fastest:

   final Field field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

   try {
       final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
       final int len = chars.length;
       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
           if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
       return len;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new RuntimeException(ex);

Special comments on -server mode

Field access starting winning after 32 character length strings in server mode on a 64 bit Java machine on my AMD 64 machine. That was not seen until 512 characters length in client mode.

Also worth noting I think, when I was running JDK 8 (32 bit build) in server mode, the overall performance was 7% slower for both large and small strings. This was with build 121 Dec 2013 of JDK 8 early release. So, for now, it seems that 32 bit server mode is slower than 32 bit client mode.

That being said ... it seems the only server mode that is worth invoking is on a 64 bit machine. Otherwise it actually hampers performance.

For 32 bit build running in -server mode on an AMD64, I can say this:

  1. String.charAt(i) is the clear winner overall. Although between sizes 8 to 512 characters there were winners among 'new' 'reuse' and 'field'.
  2. String.charAt(i) is 45% faster in client mode
  3. Field access is twice as fast for large Strings in client mode.

Also worth saying, String.chars() (Stream and the parallel version) are a bust. Way slower than any other way. The Streams API is a rather slow way to perform general string operations.

Wish List

Java String could have predicate accepting optimized methods such as contains(predicate), forEach(consumer), forEachWithIndex(consumer). Thus, without the need for the user to know the length or repeat calls to String methods, these could help parsing libraries beep-beep beep speedup.

Keep dreaming :)

Happy Strings!


The test used the following 9 methods of testing the string for the presence of whitespace:


int charAtMethod1(final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
    return len;


int charAtMethod2(final String data) {
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
    return data.length();


int streamMethod(final String data, final IntPredicate predicate) {
    if (data.chars().anyMatch(predicate)) {
    return data.length();


// avoid this at all costs
int streamParallelMethod(final String data, IntPredicate predicate) {
    if (data.chars().parallel().anyMatch(predicate)) {
    return data.length();


int reuseBuffMethod(final char[] reusable, final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    data.getChars(0, len, reusable, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (reusable[i] <= ' ') {
    return len;


int newMethod1(final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    final char[] copy = data.toCharArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (copy[i] <= ' ') {
    return len;


int newMethod2(final String data) {
    for (final char c : data.toCharArray()) {
        if (c <= ' ') {
    return data.length();


int fieldMethod1(final Field field, final String data) {
    try {
        final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
        final int len = chars.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);


int fieldMethod2(final Field field, final String data) {
    final char[] chars;
    try {
        chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    for (final char c : chars) {
        if (c <= ' ') {
    return chars.length;

COMPOSITE RESULTS FOR CLIENT -client MODE (forwards and backwards tests combined)

Note: that the -client mode with Java 32 bit and -server mode with Java 64 bit are the same as below on my AMD64 machine.

Size     WINNER  charAt1 charAt2  stream streamPar   reuse    new1    new2  field1  field2
1        charAt    77.0     72.0   462.0     584.0   127.5    89.5    86.0   159.5   165.0
2        charAt    38.0     36.5   284.0   32712.5    57.5    48.3    50.3    89.0    91.5
4        charAt    19.5     18.5   458.6    3169.0    33.0    26.8    27.5    54.1    52.6
8        charAt     9.8      9.9   100.5    1370.9    17.3    14.4    15.0    26.9    26.4
16       charAt     6.1      6.5    73.4     857.0     8.4     8.2     8.3    13.6    13.5
32       charAt     3.9      3.7    54.8     428.9     5.0     4.9     4.7     7.0     7.2
64       charAt     2.7      2.6    48.2     232.9     3.0     3.2     3.3     3.9     4.0
128      charAt     2.1      1.9    43.7     138.8     2.1     2.6     2.6     2.4     2.6
256      charAt     1.9      1.6    42.4      90.6     1.7     2.1     2.1     1.7     1.8
512      field1     1.7      1.4    40.6      60.5     1.4     1.9     1.9     1.3     1.4
1,024    field1     1.6      1.4    40.0      45.6     1.2     1.9     2.1     1.0     1.2
2,048    field1     1.6      1.3    40.0      36.2     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.1
4,096    field1     1.6      1.3    39.7      32.6     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.0
8,192    field1     1.6      1.3    39.6      30.5     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.0
16,384   field1     1.6      1.3    39.8      28.4     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
32,768   field1     1.6      1.3    40.0      26.7     1.3     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
65,536   field1     1.6      1.3    39.8      26.3     1.3     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
131,072  field1     1.6      1.3    40.1      25.4     1.4     1.9     1.8     0.8     1.0
262,144  field1     1.6      1.3    39.6      25.2     1.5     1.9     1.9     0.8     1.0

COMPOSITE RESULTS FOR SERVER -server MODE (forwards and backwards tests combined)

Note: this is the test for Java 32 bit running in server mode on an AMD64. The server mode for Java 64 bit was the same as Java 32 bit in client mode except that Field access starting winning after 32 characters size.

Size     WINNER  charAt1 charAt2  stream streamPar   reuse    new1    new2  field1  field2
1        charAt     74.5    95.5   524.5     783.0    90.5   102.5    90.5   135.0   151.5
2        charAt     48.5    53.0   305.0   30851.3    59.3    57.5    52.0    88.5    91.8
4        charAt     28.8    32.1   132.8    2465.1    37.6    33.9    32.3    49.0    47.0
8          new2     18.0    18.6    63.4    1541.3    18.5    17.9    17.6    25.4    25.8
16         new2     14.0    14.7   129.4    1034.7    12.5    16.2    12.0    16.0    16.6
32         new2      7.8     9.1    19.3     431.5     8.1     7.0     6.7     7.9     8.7
64        reuse      6.1     7.5    11.7     204.7     3.5     3.9     4.3     4.2     4.1
128       reuse      6.8     6.8     9.0     101.0     2.6     3.0     3.0     2.6     2.7
256      field2      6.2     6.5     6.9      57.2     2.4     2.7     2.9     2.3     2.3
512       reuse      4.3     4.9     5.8      28.2     2.0     2.6     2.6     2.1     2.1
1,024    charAt      2.0     1.8     5.3      17.6     2.1     2.5     3.5     2.0     2.0
2,048    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.2      11.9     2.2     3.0     2.6     2.0     2.0
4,096    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       8.7     2.1     2.6     2.6     1.9     1.9
8,192    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       7.6     2.2     2.5     2.6     1.9     1.9
16,384   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       6.9     2.2     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
32,768   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       6.1     2.2     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
65,536   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.5     2.2     2.4     2.4     1.9     1.9
131,072  charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.4     2.3     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
262,144  charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.1     2.3     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9


(to test on Java 7 and earlier, remove the two streams tests)

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;

 * @author Saint Hill <>
public final class TestStrings {

    // we will not test strings longer than 512KM
    final int MAX_STRING_SIZE = 1024 * 256;

    // for each string size, we will do all the tests
    // this many times
    final int TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE = 1000;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new TestStrings().run();

    void run() throws Exception {

        // double the length of the data until it reaches MAX chars long
        // 0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 ... 
        final List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int n = 0; n <= MAX_STRING_SIZE; n = (n == 0 ? 1 : n * 2)) {

        final Random random = new Random();

        System.out.println("Rate in nanoseconds per character inspected.");
        System.out.printf("==== FORWARDS (tries per size: %s) ==== \n", TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE);

        printHeadings(TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random);

        for (int size : sizes) {
            reportResults(size, test(size, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random));

        // reverse order or string sizes

        System.out.println("Rate in nanoseconds per character inspected.");
        System.out.printf("==== BACKWARDS (tries per size: %s) ==== \n", TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE);

        printHeadings(TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random);

        for (int size : sizes) {
            reportResults(size, test(size, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random));


    ///  WHITESPACE (CHAR <=' ')
    int charAtMethod1(final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // SAME AS ABOVE BUT USE String.length()
    // instead of making a new final local int 
    int charAtMethod2(final String data) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
            if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
        return data.length();

    // USE new Java-8 String's IntStream
    // pass it a PREDICATE to do the checking
    int streamMethod(final String data, final IntPredicate predicate) {
        if (data.chars().anyMatch(predicate)) {
        return data.length();

    // OH LA LA - GO PARALLEL!!!
    int streamParallelMethod(final String data, IntPredicate predicate) {
        if (data.chars().parallel().anyMatch(predicate)) {
        return data.length();

    // Re-fill a resuable char[] with the contents
    // of the String's char[]
    int reuseBuffMethod(final char[] reusable, final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        data.getChars(0, len, reusable, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (reusable[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // Obtain a new copy of char[] from String
    int newMethod1(final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        final char[] copy = data.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (copy[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // Obtain a new copy of char[] from String
    // but use FOR-EACH
    int newMethod2(final String data) {
        for (final char c : data.toCharArray()) {
            if (c <= ' ') {
        return data.length();

    // FANCY!
    int fieldMethod1(final Field field, final String data) {
        try {
            final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
            final int len = chars.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
            return len;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    // same as above but use FOR-EACH
    int fieldMethod2(final Field field, final String data) {
        final char[] chars;
        try {
            chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        for (final char c : chars) {
            if (c <= ' ') {
        return chars.length;

     * Make a list of tests. We will shuffle a copy of this list repeatedly
     * while we repeat this test.
     * @param data
     * @return
    List<Jobber> makeTests(String data) throws Exception {
        // make a list of tests
        final List<Jobber> tests = new ArrayList<Jobber>();

        tests.add(new Jobber("charAt1") {
            int check() {
                return charAtMethod1(data);

        tests.add(new Jobber("charAt2") {
            int check() {
                return charAtMethod2(data);

        tests.add(new Jobber("stream") {
            final IntPredicate predicate = new IntPredicate() {
                public boolean test(int value) {
                    return value <= ' ';

            int check() {
                return streamMethod(data, predicate);

        tests.add(new Jobber("streamPar") {
            final IntPredicate predicate = new IntPredicate() {
                public boolean test(int value) {
                    return value <= ' ';

            int check() {
                return streamParallelMethod(data, predicate);

        // Reusable char[] method
        tests.add(new Jobber("reuse") {
            final char[] cbuff = new char[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

            int check() {
                return reuseBuffMethod(cbuff, data);

        // New char[] from String
        tests.add(new Jobber("new1") {
            int check() {
                return newMethod1(data);

        // New char[] from String
        tests.add(new Jobber("new2") {
            int check() {
                return newMethod2(data);

        // Use reflection for field access
        tests.add(new Jobber("field1") {
            final Field field;

                field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

            int check() {
                return fieldMethod1(field, data);

        // Use reflection for field access
        tests.add(new Jobber("field2") {
            final Field field;

                field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

            int check() {
                return fieldMethod2(field, data);

        return tests;

     * We use this class to keep track of test results
    abstract class Jobber {

        final String name;
        long nanos;
        long chars;
        long runs;

        Jobber(String name) {
   = name;

        abstract int check();

        final double nanosPerChar() {
            double charsPerRun = chars / runs;
            long nanosPerRun = nanos / runs;
            return charsPerRun == 0 ? nanosPerRun : nanosPerRun / charsPerRun;

        final void run() {
            long time = System.nanoTime();
            chars += check();
            nanos += System.nanoTime() - time;

    private String makeTestString(int testSize, char start, char end) {
        Random r = new Random();
        char[] data = new char[testSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            data[i] = (char) (start + r.nextInt(end));
        return new String(data);

    public void doThrow() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Bzzzt -- Illegal Character!!");

     * 1. get random string of correct length 2. get tests (List<Jobber>) 3.
     * perform tests repeatedly, shuffling each time
    List<Jobber> test(int size, int tries, Random random) throws Exception {
        String data = makeTestString(size, 'A', 'Z');
        List<Jobber> tests = makeTests(data);
        List<Jobber> copy = new ArrayList<>(tests);
        while (tries-- > 0) {
            Collections.shuffle(copy, random);
            for (Jobber ti : copy) {
        // check to make sure all char counts the same
        long runs = tests.get(0).runs;
        long count = tests.get(0).chars;
        for (Jobber ti : tests) {
            if (ti.runs != runs && ti.chars != count) {
                throw new Exception("Char counts should match if all correct algorithms");
        return tests;

    private void printHeadings(final int TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, final Random random) throws Exception {
        System.out.print("  Size");
        for (Jobber ti : test(0, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random)) {

    private void reportResults(int size, List<Jobber> tests) {
        System.out.printf("%6d", size);
        for (Jobber ti : tests) {
            System.out.printf("%,9.2f", ti.nanosPerChar());

How to echo or print an array in PHP?

I checked the answer however, (for each) in PHP is deprecated and no longer work with the latest php versions.

Usually we would convert an array into a string to log it somewhere, perhaps debugging or test etc.

I would convert the array into a string by doing:

$Output = implode(",", $SourceArray);


$output is the result (where the string would be generated

",": is the separator (between each array field

$SourceArray: is your source array.

I hope this helps

What causes a java.lang.StackOverflowError

I created a program with hibernate, in which I created two POJO classes, both with an object of each other as data members. When in the main method I tried to save them in the database I also got this error.

This happens because both of the classes are referring each other, hence creating a loop which causes this error.

So, check whether any such kind of relationships exist in your program.

C++ template constructor

try doing something like

template<class T, int i> class A{


    A( A<int, 1>* a){
          //do something
    A( A<float, 1>* a){
         //do something

How do I access ViewBag from JS

ViewBag is server side code.
Javascript is client side code.

You can't really connect them.

You can do something like this:

var x = $('#' + '@(ViewBag.CC)').val();

But it will get parsed on the server, so you didn't really connect them.

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

Why Oracle did such a poor way to point to java is beyond me. We solved this problem by creating a new link to the JDK

mklink /d C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40\bin\"

The same would work for a JRE if that is all that is required.

This replaces the old symlinks in C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath (if they existed previously)

Example on ToggleButton

Move this

 btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
     editString = ed.getText().toString();

inside onClick

Also you change the state of the toogle button whether its 0 or 1


<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        android:text="Button" />

        android:ems="10" >

        <requestFocus />

        android:text="Switch" />

        android:textOff="Vibrate off"
        android:textOn="Vibrate on" />


public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {

    EditText ed;
    Switch sb;
    ToggleButton tb;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ed = (EditText) findViewById(;
        Button b = (Button) findViewById(;
        sb = (Switch)findViewById(;
        tb = (ToggleButton)findViewById(;

    public void onClick(View v) {
        String s = ed.getText().toString();

             tb.setText("TOGGLE ON");

         else if(s.equals("0")){

             tb.setText("TOGGLE OFF");




enter image description here

enter image description here

Best way to encode Degree Celsius symbol into web page?

Using sup on the letter "o" and a capital "C"


Should work in all browsers and IE6+

C# Error "The type initializer for ... threw an exception

I got this error when trying to log to an NLog target that no longer existed.

How to encrypt and decrypt String with my passphrase in Java (Pc not mobile platform)?

I just want to add that if you want to somehow store the encrypted byte array as String and then retrieve it and decrypt it (often for obfuscation of database values) you can use this approach:

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
public class StrongAES 
    public void run() 
            String text = "Hello World";
            String key = "Bar12345Bar12345"; // 128 bit key
            // Create key and cipher
            Key aesKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // encrypt the text
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey);
            byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(text.getBytes());

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (byte b: encrypted) {

            // the encrypted String
            String enc = sb.toString();
            System.out.println("encrypted:" + enc);

            // now convert the string to byte array
            // for decryption
            byte[] bb = new byte[enc.length()];
            for (int i=0; i<enc.length(); i++) {
                bb[i] = (byte) enc.charAt(i);

            // decrypt the text
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey);
            String decrypted = new String(cipher.doFinal(bb));
            System.err.println("decrypted:" + decrypted);

        catch(Exception e) 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        StrongAES app = new StrongAES();;

How to efficiently build a tree from a flat structure?

Are you stuck using only those attributes? If not, it might be nice to create an array of child nodes, where you can cycle through all these objects once to build such attributes. From there, select the node with children but no parents and iteratively build your tree from the top down.

moving changed files to another branch for check-in

A soft git reset will put committed changes back into your index. Next, checkout the branch you had intended to commit on. Then git commit with a new commit message.

  1. git reset --soft <commit>

  2. git checkout <branch>

  3. git commit -m "Commit message goes here"

From git docs:

git reset [<mode>] [<commit>] This form resets the current branch head to and possibly updates the index (resetting it to the tree of ) and the working tree depending on . If is omitted, defaults to --mixed. The must be one of the following:

--soft Does not touch the index file or the working tree at all (but resets the head to , just like all modes do). This leaves all your changed files "Changes to be committed", as git status would put it.

Start and stop a timer PHP

Also you can use HRTime package. It has a class StopWatch.

How to set cursor to input box in Javascript?

This way sets the focus and cursor to the end of your input:


Using a different font with twitter bootstrap

you can customize twitter bootstrap css file, open the bootstrap.css file on a text editor, and change the font-family with your font name and SAVE it.

OR got to and make a customized twitter bootstrap

Handling very large numbers in Python

You could do this for the fun of it, but other than that it's not a good idea. It would not speed up anything I can think of.

  • Getting the cards in a hand will be an integer factoring operation which is much more expensive than just accessing an array.

  • Adding cards would be multiplication, and removing cards division, both of large multi-word numbers, which are more expensive operations than adding or removing elements from lists.

  • The actual numeric value of a hand will tell you nothing. You will need to factor the primes and follow the Poker rules to compare two hands. h1 < h2 for such hands means nothing.

How to display string that contains HTML in twig template?

if you don't need variable, you can define text in
translations/messages.en.yaml :
CiteExampleHtmlCode: "<b> my static text </b>"

then use it with twig:
… {{ 'CiteExampleHtmlCode' }}
or if you need multilangages like me:
… {{ 'CiteExampleHtmlCode' | trans }}

Let's have a look of for more information about translations use.

Create a table without a header in Markdown

@thamme-gowda's solution works for images too!

| | |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ![]( "Tonejito") |

You can check this out on a gist I made for that. Here is a render of the table hack on GitHub and GitLab:

Replace input type=file by an image

This is my method if i got your point


<label for="FileInput">
    <img src="tools/img/upload2.png" style="cursor:pointer" onmouseover="this.src='tools/img/upload.png'" onmouseout="this.src='tools/img/upload2.png'" alt="Injaz Msila" style="float:right;margin:7px" />
<form action="upload.php">
    <input type="file" id="FileInput" style="cursor: pointer;  display: none"/>
    <input type="submit" id="Up" style="display: none;" />


<script type="text/javascript">
    $( "#FileInput" ).change(function() {
      $( "#Up" ).click();

Default value to a parameter while passing by reference in C++

You can do it for a const reference, but not for a non-const one. This is because C++ does not allow a temporary (the default value in this case) to be bound to non-const reference.

One way round this would be to use an actual instance as the default:

static int AVAL = 1;

void f( int & x = AVAL ) {
   // stuff

int main() {
     f();       // equivalent to f(AVAL);

but this is of very limited practical use.

rmagick gem install "Can't find Magick-config"

After much digging, I fixed this on debian 8.3 using information here: Specifically:

sudo apt-get purge graphicsmagick graphicsmagick-dbg imagemagick-common imagemagick imagemagick-6.q16 libmagickcore-6-headers libmagickwand-dev
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev
gem install rmagick

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

Null termination is a bad design pattern best left in the history books. There's still plenty of inertia behind c-strings, so it can't be avoided there. But there's no reason to use it in the OP's example.

Don't use any terminator, and use sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]) to get the number of elements.

Vertical line using XML drawable

Instead of a shape, you could try a View:

    android:background="#FF0000FF" />

I have only used this for horizontal lines, but I would think it would work for vertical lines as well.


    android:background="#FF0000FF" />

for a horizontal line.

Troubleshooting misplaced .git directory (nothing to commit)

Check the location whether it's the right location of the git project.

HTML - how to make an entire DIV a hyperlink?

You can put an <a> element inside the <div> and set it to display: block and height: 100%.

Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null

Given that you are using a stateless component as a arrow function the content needs to get in parenthesis "()" instead of brackets "{}" and you have to remove the return function.

const Search_Bar= () => (
    <input />; 

Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:

Add bean declaration in bean.xml file or in any other configuration file . It will resolve the error

<bean  class="com.demo.dao.RailwayDao"></bean>
<bean  class="com.demo.service.RailwayService"></bean>
<bean  class="com.demo.model.RailwayReservation"></bean>

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

Addressing the first question, if you need to take several rows grouped by certain criteria with the other column with max value you can do something like this:

var query =
    from u1 in table
    join u2 in (
        from u in table
        group u by u.GroupId into g
        select new { GroupId = g.Key, MaxStatus = g.Max(x => x.Status) }
    ) on new { u1.GroupId, u1.Status } equals new { u2.GroupId, Status = u2.MaxStatus}
    select u1;

Is there any way to show a countdown on the lockscreen of iphone?

A today extension would be the most fitting solution.

Also you could do something on the lock screen with local notifications queued up to fire at regular intervals showing the latest countdown value.

Is it possible to use if...else... statement in React render function?

If you need more than one condition, so you can try this out

import { If, Then, ElseIf, Else } from 'react-if-elseif-else-render';

class Example extends Component {

  render() {
    var i = 3; // it will render '<p>Else</p>'
    return (
      <If condition={i == 1}>
          <p>Then: 1</p>
        <ElseIf condition={i == 2}>
          <p>ElseIf: 2</p>

How to declare an array of strings in C++?

You can use the begin and end functions from the Boost range library to easily find the ends of a primitive array, and unlike the macro solution, this will give a compile error instead of broken behaviour if you accidentally apply it to a pointer.

const char* array[] = { "cat", "dog", "horse" };
vector<string> vec(begin(array), end(array));

Rotating a view in Android

As mentioned before, the easiest way it to use rotation available since API 11:

android:rotation="90"    // in XML layout

view.rotation = 90f      // programatically

You can also change pivot of rotation, which is by default set to center of the view. This needs to be changed programatically:

// top left
view.pivotX = 0f
view.pivotY = 0f

// bottom right
view.pivotX = width.toFloat()
view.pivotY = height.toFloat()


In Activity's onCreate() or Fragment's onCreateView(...) width and height are equal to 0, because the view wasn't measured yet. You can access it simply by using doOnPreDraw extension from Android KTX, i.e.:

view.apply {
    doOnPreDraw {
        pivotX = width.toFloat()
        pivotY = height.toFloat()

What's the best way to limit text length of EditText in Android

EditText editText = new EditText(this);
int maxLength = 3;    
editText.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilter.LengthFilter(maxLength)});

What does the Ellipsis object do?

__getitem__ minimal ... example in a custom class

When the magic syntax ... gets passed to [] in a custom class, __getitem__() receives a Ellipsis class object.

The class can then do whatever it wants with this Singleton object.


class C(object):
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        return k

# Single argument is passed directly.
assert C()[0] == 0

# Multiple indices generate a tuple.
assert C()[0, 1] == (0, 1)

# Slice notation generates a slice object.
assert C()[1:2:3] == slice(1, 2, 3)

# Ellipsis notation generates the Ellipsis class object.
# Ellipsis is a singleton, so we can compare with `is`.
assert C()[...] is Ellipsis

# Everything mixed up.
assert C()[1, 2:3:4, ..., 6] == (1, slice(2,3,4), Ellipsis, 6)

The Python built-in list class chooses to give it the semantic of a range, and any sane usage of it should too of course.

Personally, I'd just stay away from it in my APIs, and create a separate, more explicit method instead.

Tested in Python 3.5.2 and 2.7.12.

Laravel where on relationship object

With multiple joins, use something like this code:

$someId = 44;
Event::with(["owner", "participants" => function($q) use($someId){
    $q->where('participants.IdUser', '=', 1);
    //$q->where('some other field', $someId);

Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

Clear the dictionary before adding any items to it. I don't know how a dictionary of one object affects another's during assignment but I got the error after creating another object with the same key,value pairs.

NB: If you are going to add items in a loop just make sure you clear the dictionary before entering the loop.

Typescript: difference between String and string

Here is an example that shows the differences, which will help with the explanation.

var s1 = new String("Avoid newing things where possible");
var s2 = "A string, in TypeScript of type 'string'";
var s3: string;

String is the JavaScript String type, which you could use to create new strings. Nobody does this as in JavaScript the literals are considered better, so s2 in the example above creates a new string without the use of the new keyword and without explicitly using the String object.

string is the TypeScript string type, which you can use to type variables, parameters and return values.

Additional notes...

Currently (Feb 2013) Both s1 and s2 are valid JavaScript. s3 is valid TypeScript.

Use of String. You probably never need to use it, string literals are universally accepted as being the correct way to initialise a string. In JavaScript, it is also considered better to use object literals and array literals too:

var arr = []; // not var arr = new Array();
var obj = {}; // not var obj = new Object();

If you really had a penchant for the string, you could use it in TypeScript in one of two ways...

var str: String = new String("Hello world"); // Uses the JavaScript String object
var str: string = String("Hello World"); // Uses the TypeScript string type

Can I set an unlimited length for maxJsonLength in web.config?

I suggest setting it to Int32.MaxValue.

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
serializer.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;

remove legend title in ggplot

Since you may have more than one legends in a plot, a way to selectively remove just one of the titles without leaving an empty space is to set the name argument of the scale_ function to NULL, i.e.

scale_fill_discrete(name = NULL)

(kudos to @pascal for a comment on another thread)

Print to the same line and not a new line?

import time
import sys

def update_pct(w_str):
    w_str = str(w_str)
    sys.stdout.write("\b" * len(w_str))
    sys.stdout.write(" " * len(w_str))
    sys.stdout.write("\b" * len(w_str))

for pct in range(0, 101):

\b will move the location of the cursor back one space
So we move it back all the way to the beginning of the line
We then write spaces to clear the current line - as we write spaces the cursor moves forward/right by one
So then we have to move the cursor back at the beginning of the line before we write our new data

Tested on Windows cmd using Python 2.7

How to automatically generate getters and setters in Android Studio

Use Ctrl+Enter on Mac to get list of options to generate setter, getter, constructor etc

enter image description here

How to check if a table exists in MS Access for vb macros

I know the question is already answered, but I find that the existing answers are not valid:
they will return True for linked tables with a non working back-end.
Using DCount can be much slower, but is more reliable.

Function IsTable(sTblName As String) As Boolean
    'does table exists and work ?
    'note: finding the name in the TableDefs collection is not enough,
    '      since the backend might be invalid or missing

    On Error GoTo hell
    Dim x
    x = DCount("*", sTblName)
    IsTable = True
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print Now, sTblName, Err.Number, Err.Description
    IsTable = False

End Function

Java, Calculate the number of days between two dates

This function is good for me:

public static int getDaysCount(Date begin, Date end) {
    Calendar start = org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.toCalendar(begin);
    start.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    start.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    start.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    start.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);

    Calendar finish = org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.toCalendar(end);
    finish.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
    finish.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
    finish.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
    finish.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);

    long delta = finish.getTimeInMillis() - start.getTimeInMillis();
    return (int) Math.ceil(delta / (1000.0 * 60 * 60 * 24));

Where is the Query Analyzer in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2?

You can use Database Engine Tuning Advisor.

This tool is for improving the query performances by examining the way queries are processed and recommended enhancements by specific indexes.

How to use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor?

1- Copy the select statement that you need to speed up into the new query.

2- Parse (Ctrl+F5).

3- Press The Icon of the (Database Engine Tuning Advisor).

Can not run Java Applets in Internet Explorer 11 using JRE 7u51

We had the same problems with IE11 and new Java. Try to add your site to compatibility view. You can find here how to do it.

How to enable compatibility view in Internet Explorer 11

You can try now if it works or not. After that you can remove site from compatibility view and it should also run.

T-SQL: How to Select Values in Value List that are NOT IN the Table?

You should have a table with the list of emails to check. Then do this query:

SELECT E.Email, CASE WHEN U.Email IS NULL THEN 'Not Exists' ELSE 'Exists' END Status
FROM EmailsToCheck E
ON E.Email = U.Email

How to read a Parquet file into Pandas DataFrame?

pandas 0.21 introduces new functions for Parquet:

pd.read_parquet('example_pa.parquet', engine='pyarrow')


pd.read_parquet('example_fp.parquet', engine='fastparquet')

The above link explains:

These engines are very similar and should read/write nearly identical parquet format files. These libraries differ by having different underlying dependencies (fastparquet by using numba, while pyarrow uses a c-library).

Execution sequence of Group By, Having and Where clause in SQL Server?

I think it is implemented in the engine as Matthias said: WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING

Was trying to find a reference online that lists the entire sequence (i.e. "SELECT" comes right down at the bottom), but I can't find it. It was detailed in a "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005" book I read not that long ago, by Solid Quality Learning

Edit: Found a link: