Programs & Examples On #X12

ASC X12 (also known as ANSI ASC X12) is the official designation of the U.S. national standards body for the development and maintenance of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards.

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

The reason for this would be mostly due to the evil command pip install google. I was facing a similar issue for google-cloud, but the same steps are true for protobuf as well. Both of our issues deal with a namespace conflict over the 'google' namespace.

If you executed the pip install google command like I did then you are in the correct place. The google package is actually not owned by Google which can be confirmed by the command pip show google which outputs:

 Name: google
 Version: 1.9.3
 Summary: Python bindings to the Google search engine.
 Author: Mario Vilas
 Author-email: [email protected]
 License: UNKNOWN
 Location: <Path where this package is installed>
 Requires: beautifulsoup4

Because of this package, the google namespace is reserved and coincidentally google-cloud also expects namespace google > cloud and it results in a namespace collision for these two packages.

See in below screenshot namespace of google-protobuf as google > protobuf

google-cloud namespace screenshot google > cloud > datastore

Solution :- Unofficial google package need to be uninstalled which can be done by using pip uninstall google after this you can reinstall google-cloud using pip install google-cloud or protobuf using pip install protobuf

FootNotes :- Assuming you have installed the unofficial google package by mistake and you don't actually need it along with google-cloud package. If you need both unofficial google and google-cloud above solution won't work.

Furthermore, the unofficial 'google' package installs with it 'soupsieve' and 'beautifulsoup4'. You may want to also uninstall those packages.

Let me know if this solves your particular issue.

Basic Authentication Using JavaScript

Today we use Bearer token more often that Basic Authentication but if you want to have Basic Authentication first to get Bearer token then there is a couple ways:

const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false, username,password)
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
        // D some business logics here if you receive return
   if(request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {

Full syntax is here

Second Approach using Ajax:

  type: "GET",
  url: "",
  dataType: 'json',
  async: false,
  username: "username",
  password: "password",
  data: '{ "key":"sample" }',
  success: function (){
    alert('Thanks for your up vote!');

Hopefully, this provides you a hint where to start API calls with JS. In Frameworks like Angular, React, etc there are more powerful ways to make API call with Basic Authentication or Oauth Authentication. Just explore it.

How to printf a 64-bit integer as hex?

Edit: Use printf("val = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", val); instead.

Try printf("val = 0x%llx\n", val);. See the printf manpage:

ll (ell-ell). A following integer conversion corresponds to a long long int or unsigned long long int argument, or a following n conversion corresponds to a pointer to a long long int argument.

Edit: Even better is what @M_Oehm wrote: There is a specific macro for that, because unit64_t is not always a unsigned long long: PRIx64 see also this stackoverflow answer

Image resolution for mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi

DP size of any device is (actual resolution / density conversion factor).

Density conversion factor for density buckets are as follows:

ldpi: 0.75
mdpi: 1.0 (base density)
hdpi: 1.5
xhdpi: 2.0
xxhdpi: 3.0
xxxhdpi: 4.0

Examples of resolution/density conversion to DP:

  • ldpi device of 240 X 320 px will be of 320 X 426.66 DP. 240 / 0.75 = 320 dp 320 / 0.75 = 426.66 dp

  • xxhdpi device of 1080 x 1920 pixels (Samsung S4, S5) will be of 360 X 640 dp. 1080 / 3 = 360 dp 1920 / 3 = 640 dp

This image show more:


For more details about DIP read here.

HTML 5 Favicon - Support?

No, not all browsers support the sizes attribute:

Note that some platforms define specific sizes:

Ansible playbook shell output

Perhaps not relevant if you're looking to do this ONLY using ansible. But it's much easier for me to have a function in my .bash_profile and then run _check_machine host1 host2

function _check_machine() {
    echo 'hostname,num_physical_procs,cores_per_procs,memory,Gen,RH Release,bios_hp_power_profile,bios_intel_qpi_link_power_management,bios_hp_power_regulator,bios_idle_power_state,bios_memory_speed,'
    for h in `echo $hostlist | sed 's/ /\n/g'`;
        echo $h | grep -qE '[a-zA-Z]'
        [ $? -ne 0 ] && h=plabb$h
        echo -n $h,
        ssh root@$h 'grep "^physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l; grep "^cpu cores" /proc/cpuinfo |sort -u | awk "{print \$4}"; awk "{print \$2/1024/1024; exit 0}" /proc/meminfo; /usr/sbin/dmidecode | grep "Product Name"; cat /etc/redhat-release; /etc/facter/;' | sed 's/Red at Enterprise Linux Server release //g; s/.*=//g; s/\tProduct Name: ProLiant BL460c //g; s/-//g' | sed 's/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release //g; s/.*=//g; s/\tProduct Name: ProLiant BL460c //g; s/-//g' | tr "\n" ","
         echo ''


$ _machine_info '10 20 1036'
hostname,num_physical_procs,cores_per_procs,memory,Gen,RH Release,bios_hp_power_profile,bios_intel_qpi_link_power_management,bios_hp_power_regulator,bios_idle_power_state,bios_memory_speed,
plabb10,2,4,47.1629,G6,5.11 (Tikanga),Maximum_Performance,Disabled,HP_Static_High_Performance_Mode,No_CStates,1333MHz_Maximum,
plabb20,2,4,47.1229,G6,6.6 (Santiago),Maximum_Performance,Disabled,HP_Static_High_Performance_Mode,No_CStates,1333MHz_Maximum,
plabb1036,2,12,189.12,Gen8,6.6 (Santiago),Custom,Disabled,HP_Static_High_Performance_Mode,No_CStates,1333MHz_Maximum,

Needless to say function won't work for you as it is. You need to update it appropriately.

Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine

This might also occur if you are running on 64-bit Machine with 32-bit JVM (JDK), switch it to 64-bit JVM. Check your (Right Click on My Computer --> Properties) Control Panel\System and Security\System --> Advanced System Settings -->Advanced Tab--> Environment Variables --> JAVA_HOME...

Convert Little Endian to Big Endian

Sorry, my answer is a bit too late, but it seems nobody mentioned built-in functions to reverse byte order, which in very important in terms of performance.

Most of the modern processors are little-endian, while all network protocols are big-endian. That is history and more on that you can find on Wikipedia. But that means our processors convert between little- and big-endian millions of times while we browse the Internet.

That is why most architectures have a dedicated processor instructions to facilitate this task. For x86 architectures there is BSWAP instruction, and for ARMs there is REV. This is the most efficient way to reverse byte order.

To avoid assembly in our C code, we can use built-ins instead. For GCC there is __builtin_bswap32() function and for Visual C++ there is _byteswap_ulong(). Those function will generate just one processor instruction on most architectures.

Here is an example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int main()
    uint32_t le = 0x12345678;
    uint32_t be = __builtin_bswap32(le);

    printf("Little-endian: 0x%" PRIx32 "\n", le);
    printf("Big-endian:    0x%" PRIx32 "\n", be);

    return 0;

Here is the output it produces:

Little-endian: 0x12345678
Big-endian:    0x78563412

And here is the disassembly (without optimization, i.e. -O0):

        uint32_t be = __builtin_bswap32(le);
   0x0000000000400535 <+15>:    mov    -0x8(%rbp),%eax
   0x0000000000400538 <+18>:    bswap  %eax
   0x000000000040053a <+20>:    mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)

There is just one BSWAP instruction indeed.

So, if we do care about the performance, we should use those built-in functions instead of any other method of byte reversing. Just my 2 cents.

'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'

This should be called a warning, not an error. At least the email says that the icon file is "recommended" and not "required". You can safely ignore this warning if you target iOS 6. Of course, for iOS 7 you would need the new dimensions and also look out for the new rounding of the icon's corners

How to add lines to end of file on Linux

The easiest way is to redirect the output of the echo by >>:

echo 'VNCSERVERS="1:root"' >> /etc/sysconfig/configfile
echo 'VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1600x1200"' >> /etc/sysconfig/configfile

Linq: GroupBy, Sum and Count

sometimes you need to select some fields by FirstOrDefault() or singleOrDefault() you can use the below query:

List<ResultLine> result = Lines
    .GroupBy(l => l.ProductCode)
    .Select(cl => new Models.ResultLine
                ProductName =>x.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
                Quantity = cl.Count().ToString(),
                Price = cl.Sum(c => c.Price).ToString(),

Error Message : Cannot find or open the PDB file

I'm also a newbie to CUDA/Visual studio and encountered the same problem with a couple of the samples. If you run DEBUG-> Start Debugging, then repeatedly step over (F10) you'll see the output window appear and get populated. Normal execution returns nomal completion status 0x0 (as you observed) and the output window is closed.

Android: Background Image Size (in Pixel) which Support All Devices

I looked around the internet for correct dimensions for these densities for square images, but couldn't find anything reliable.

If it's any consolation, referring to Veerababu Medisetti's answer I used these dimensions for SQUARES :)

xxxhdpi: 1280x1280 px
xxhdpi: 960x960 px
xhdpi: 640x640 px
hdpi: 480x480 px
mdpi: 320x320 px
ldpi: 240x240 px

Maven Out of Memory Build Failure

Using .mvn/jvm.config worked for me plus has the added benefit of being linked with the project.

excel delete row if column contains value from to-remove-list

Given sheet 2:


You can flag the rows in sheet 1 where a value exists in sheet 2:

ColumnA  ColumnB
-------  --------------
pear     =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
apple    =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
cherry   =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A3,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
orange   =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A4,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
plum     =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A5,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")

The resulting data looks like this:

ColumnA  ColumnB
-------  --------------
pear     Keep
apple    Delete
cherry   Keep
orange   Delete
plum     Keep

You can then easily filter or sort sheet 1 and delete the rows flagged with 'Delete'.

Get width height of remote image from url

ES6: Using async/await you can do below getMeta function in sequence-like way and you can use it as follows (which is almost identical to code in your question (I add await keyword and change variable end to img, and change var to let keyword). You need to run getMeta by await only from async function (run).

function getMeta(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let img = new Image();
        img.onload = () => resolve(img);
        img.onerror = () => reject();
        img.src = url;

async function run() {

  let img = await getMeta("");

  let w = img.width;
  let h = img.height; 

  size.innerText = `width=${w}px, height=${h}px`;

<div id="size" />

adding x and y axis labels in ggplot2

since the data ex1221new was not given, so I have created a dummy data and added it to a data frame. Also, the question which was asked has few changes in codes like then ggplot package has deprecated the use of

"scale_area()" and nows uses scale_size_area()
"opts()" has changed to theme()

In my answer,I have stored the plot in mygraph variable and then I have used

mygraph$labels$x="Discharge of materials" #changes x axis title
       mygraph$labels$y="Area Affected" # changes y axis title

And the work is done. Below is the complete answer.


ex1221new<-data.frame(Discharge<-c(100:109),Area<-c(120:129),NO3<-seq(2,5,length.out = 10))
p <- ggplot(ex1221new, aes(discharge, area), main="Point")
mygraph<-p + geom_point(aes(size= nitrogen)) + 
  scale_size_area() + ggtitle("Weighted Scatterplot of Watershed Area vs. Discharge and Nitrogen Levels (PPM)")+
 plot.title =  element_text(color="Blue", size=30, hjust = 0.5), 

 # change the styling of both the axis simultaneously from this-
 axis.title = element_text(color = "Green", size = 20, family="Courier",)

   # you can change the  axis title from the code below
   mygraph$labels$x="Discharge of materials" #changes x axis title
   mygraph$labels$y="Area Affected" # changes y axis title


Also, you can change the labels title from the same formula used above -

mygraph$labels$size= "N2" #size contains the nitrogen level 

writing to serial port from linux command line

If you want to use hex codes, you should add -e option to enable interpretation of backslash escapes by echo (but the result is the same as with echoCtrlRCtrlB). And as wallyk said, you probably want to add -n to prevent the output of a newline:

echo -en '\x12\x02' > /dev/ttyS0

Also make sure that /dev/ttyS0 is the port you want.

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

You have to use g++ (as mentioned in other answers). On top of that you can think of providing some good options available at command line (which helps you avoid making ill formed code):

g++   -O4    -Wall hi.cpp -o hi.out
     ^^^^^   ^^^^^^
  optimize  related to coding mistakes

For more detail you can refer to man g++ | less.

How to URL encode a string in Ruby

str = "\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc\xde\xf1\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a"
require 'cgi'
# => "%124Vx%9A%BC%DE%F1%23Eg%89%AB%CD%EF%124Vx%9A"

Taken from @J-Rou's comment

Link error "undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'" and g++

It sounds like you're trying to link with your resulting object file with gcc instead of g++:

Note that programs using C++ object files must always be linked with g++, in order to supply the appropriate C++ libraries. Attempting to link a C++ object file with the C compiler gcc will cause "undefined reference" errors for C++ standard library functions:

$ g++ -Wall -c
$ gcc hello.o       (should use g++)
hello.o: In function `main':
hello.o(.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `std::cout'
  undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

Source: An Introduction to GCC - for the GNU compilers gcc and g++

GDB: Listing all mapped memory regions for a crashed process

You can also use info files to list all the sections of all the binaries loaded in process binary.

Convert php array to Javascript

Spudley's answer is fine.

Security Notice: The following should not be necessary any longer for you

If you don't have PHP 5.2 you can use something like this:

function js_str($s)
    return '"' . addcslashes($s, "\0..\37\"\\") . '"';

function js_array($array)
    $temp = array_map('js_str', $array);
    return '[' . implode(',', $temp) . ']';

echo 'var cities = ', js_array($php_cities_array), ';';

How to Resize a Bitmap in Android?

 * Kotlin method for Bitmap scaling
 * @param bitmap the bitmap to be scaled
 * @param pixel  the target pixel size
 * @param width  the width
 * @param height the height
 * @param max    the max(height, width)
 * @return the scaled bitmap
fun scaleBitmap(bitmap:Bitmap, pixel:Float, width:Int, height:Int, max:Int):Bitmap {
    val scale = px / max
    val h = Math.round(scale * height)
    val w = Math.round(scale * width)
    return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, w, h, true)

Domain Account keeping locking out with correct password every few minutes

You need to make sure that the clocks on all your servers are correct. Kerberos errors are normally caused by your server clock being out of sync with your domain.


Failure code 0x12 very specifically means "Clients credentials have been revoked", which means that this error has happened once the account has been disabled, expired, or locked out.

It would be useful to try and find the previous error messages if you think that the account was active - i.e. this error message may not be the root cause, you will have different errors preceding this error, which cause the account to get locked.

Ideally, to get a full answer, you will need to reactivate the account and keep an eye on the logs for an error occurring before the 0x12 error messages.

How to SHUTDOWN Tomcat in Ubuntu?

Caveat: I'm running Ubuntu

sudo service --status-all

you can get a list of all running services by typing this command,

If you're running Tomcat as a service it will showes up as ("tomcat"), so run :

sudo service tomcat7 stop

(tomcat7 or 8 or depending to the name that you have in the list of running services )

else and if you are using apache tomcat you will see ("apache2") showing up with the list of services then run :

sudo service apache2 stop

how to get the selected index of a drop down

This will get the index of the selected option on change:

    console.log($('option:selected',this).index()); _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select name="CCards">_x000D_
<option value="0">Select Saved Payment Method:</option>_x000D_
<option value="1846">test  xxxx1234</option>_x000D_
<option value="1962">test2  xxxx3456</option>_x000D_

exception in initializer error in java when using Netbeans

Wherever there is errors or exceptions in static blocks, this exception will be thrown. To get the cause of this exception simply use Throwable.getCause() to know what is wrong.

Which icon sizes should my Windows application's icon include?

After some testing with an icon with 8, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 96, 128 and 256 pixels (256 in PNG) in Windows 7:

  • At 100% resolution: Explorer uses 16, 40, 48, and 256. Windows Photo Viewer uses 96. Paint uses 256.
  • At 125% resolution: Explorer uses 20, 40, and 256. Windows Photo Viewer uses 96. Paint uses 256.
  • At 150% resolution: Explorer uses 24, 48, and 256. Windows Photo Viewer uses 96. Paint uses 256.
  • At 200% resolution: Explorer uses 40, 64, 96, and 256. Windows Photo Viewer uses 128. Paint uses 256.

So 8, 32 were never used (it's strange to me for 32) and 128 only by Windows Photo Viewer with a very high dpi screen, i.e. almot never used.

It means your icon should at least provide 16, 48 and 256 for Windows 7. For supporting newer screens with high resolutions, you should provide 16, 20, 24, 40, 48, 64, 96, and 256. For Windows 7, all pictures can be compressed using PNG but for backward compatibility with Windows XP, 16 to 48 should not be compressed.

How to match "any character" in regular expression?

No, * will match zero-or-more characters. You should use +, which matches one-or-more instead.

This expression might work better for you: [A-Z]+123

Getting an odd error, SQL Server query using `WITH` clause

always use with statement like ;WITH then you'll never get this error. The WITH command required a ; between it and any previous command, by always using ;WITH you'll never have to remember to do this.

see WITH common_table_expression (Transact-SQL), from the section Guidelines for Creating and Using Common Table Expressions:

When a CTE is used in a statement that is part of a batch, the statement before it must be followed by a semicolon.

problem with php mail 'From' header

Edit: I just noted that you are trying to use a gmail address as the from value. This is not going to work, and the ISP is right in overwriting it. If you want to redirect the replies to your outgoing messages, use reply-to.

A workaround for valid addresses that works with many ISPs:

try adding a fifth parameter to your mail() command:

mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers,"-f [email protected]");

How to compile C++ under Ubuntu Linux?

Use g++. And make sure you have the relevant libraries installed.

Writing an input integer into a cell

I've done this kind of thing with a form that contains a TextBox.

So if you wanted to put this in say cell H1, then use:

ActiveSheet.Range("H1").Value = txtBoxName.Text

How to validate phone numbers using regex

Here's my best try so far. It handles the formats above but I'm sure I'm missing some other possible formats.

^\d?(?:(?:[\+]?(?:[\d]{1,3}(?:[ ]+|[\-.])))?[(]?(?:[\d]{3})[\-/)]?(?:[ ]+)?)?(?:[a-zA-Z2-9][a-zA-Z0-9 \-.]{6,})(?:(?:[ ]+|[xX]|(i:ext[\.]?)){1,2}(?:[\d]{1,5}))?$

Changing the resolution of a VNC session in linux

Perhaps the most ignorant answer I've posted but here goes: Use TigerVNC client/viewer and check 'Resize remote session to local window' under Screen tab of options.

I don't know what the $%#@ TigerVNC client tells remote vncserver or xrandr or Xvnc or gnome or ... but it resizes when I change the TigerVNC Client window.

My setup:

  • Tiger VNC Server running on CentOS 6. Hosting GNOME desktop. (Works with RHEL 6.6 too)
  • Windows some version with Tiger VNC Client.

With this the resolution changes to fit the size of the client window no matter what it is, and it's not zooming, it's actual resolution change (I can see the new resolution in xrandr output).

I tried all I could to add a new resolution to the xrandr, but to no avail, always end up with 'xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default' error.

Versions with which it works for me right now (although I've not had issues with ANY versions in the past, I just install the latest using yum install gnome-* tigervnc-server and works fine):

OS: RHEL 6.6 (Santiago)
VNC Server:
Name        : tigervnc-server
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.1.0
Release     : 16.el6

# May be this is relevant..
$ xrandr --version
xrandr program version       1.4.0
Server reports RandR version 1.4

# I start the server using vncserver -geometry 800x600
# Xvnc is started by vncserver with following args:
/usr/bin/Xvnc :1 -desktop (sg219898) -auth /login/sg219898/.Xauthority 
-geometry 800x600 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /login/sg219898/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -fp catalogue:/e
tc/X11/fontpath.d -pn

# I'm running GNOME (installed using sudo yum install gnome-*)
Name        : gnome-desktop
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.28.2
Release     : 11.el6

Name        : gnome-session
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.28.0
Release     : 22.el6

Connect using Tiger 32-bit VNC Client v1.3.1 on Windows 7.

How do you express binary literals in Python?

How do you express binary literals in Python?

They're not "binary" literals, but rather, "integer literals". You can express integer literals with a binary format with a 0 followed by a B or b followed by a series of zeros and ones, for example:

>>> 0b0010101010
>>> 0B010101

From the Python 3 docs, these are the ways of providing integer literals in Python:

Integer literals are described by the following lexical definitions:

integer      ::=  decinteger | bininteger | octinteger | hexinteger
decinteger   ::=  nonzerodigit (["_"] digit)* | "0"+ (["_"] "0")*
bininteger   ::=  "0" ("b" | "B") (["_"] bindigit)+
octinteger   ::=  "0" ("o" | "O") (["_"] octdigit)+
hexinteger   ::=  "0" ("x" | "X") (["_"] hexdigit)+
nonzerodigit ::=  "1"..."9"
digit        ::=  "0"..."9"
bindigit     ::=  "0" | "1"
octdigit     ::=  "0"..."7"
hexdigit     ::=  digit | "a"..."f" | "A"..."F"

There is no limit for the length of integer literals apart from what can be stored in available memory.

Note that leading zeros in a non-zero decimal number are not allowed. This is for disambiguation with C-style octal literals, which Python used before version 3.0.

Some examples of integer literals:

7     2147483647                        0o177    0b100110111
3     79228162514264337593543950336     0o377    0xdeadbeef
      100_000_000_000                   0b_1110_0101

Changed in version 3.6: Underscores are now allowed for grouping purposes in literals.

Other ways of expressing binary:

You can have the zeros and ones in a string object which can be manipulated (although you should probably just do bitwise operations on the integer in most cases) - just pass int the string of zeros and ones and the base you are converting from (2):

>>> int('010101', 2)

You can optionally have the 0b or 0B prefix:

>>> int('0b0010101010', 2)

If you pass it 0 as the base, it will assume base 10 if the string doesn't specify with a prefix:

>>> int('10101', 0)
>>> int('0b10101', 0)

Converting from int back to human readable binary:

You can pass an integer to bin to see the string representation of a binary literal:

>>> bin(21)

And you can combine bin and int to go back and forth:

>>> bin(int('010101', 2))

You can use a format specification as well, if you want to have minimum width with preceding zeros:

>>> format(int('010101', 2), '{fill}{width}b'.format(width=10, fill=0))
>>> format(int('010101', 2), '010b')

Putting HTML inside Html.ActionLink(), plus No Link Text?

Please try below Code that may help you.

 @Html.ActionLink(" SignIn", "Login", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new {  id = "loginLink" ,**@class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"** }) 

Best way to check if a drop down list contains a value?

If the function return Nothing, you can try this below

if (ddlCustomerNumber.Items.FindByText(
    GetCustomerNumberCookie().ToString()) != Nothing)

How to export data from Excel spreadsheet to Sql Server 2008 table

From your SQL Server Management Studio, you open Object Explorer, go to your database where you want to load the data into, right click, then pick Tasks > Import Data.

This opens the Import Data Wizard, which typically works pretty well for importing from Excel. You can pick an Excel file, pick what worksheet to import data from, you can choose what table to store it into, and what the columns are going to be. Pretty flexible indeed.

You can run this as a one-off, or you can store it as a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package into your file system, or into SQL Server itself, and execute it over and over again (even scheduled to run at a given time, using SQL Agent).

Update: yes, yes, yes, you can do all those things you keep asking - have you even tried at least once to run that wizard??

OK, here it comes - step by step:

Step 1: pick your Excel source

enter image description here

Step 2: pick your SQL Server target database

enter image description here

Step 3: pick your source worksheet (from Excel) and your target table in your SQL Server database; see the "Edit Mappings" button!

enter image description here

Step 4: check (and change, if needed) your mappings of Excel columns to SQL Server columns in the table:

enter image description here

Step 5: if you want to use it later on, save your SSIS package to SQL Server:

enter image description here

Step 6: - success! This is on a 64-bit machine, works like a charm - just do it!!

Find all stored procedures that reference a specific column in some table

try this..

FROM sys.procedures

or you can generate a scripts of all procedures and search from there.

Excel - Button to go to a certain sheet

Any reason they can't just click on the tab for your sheet when they want it?

How to square all the values in a vector in R?

How about sapply (not really necessary for this simple case):

newData<- sapply(data, function(x) x^2)

How to remove the first character of string in PHP?

you can use the sbstr() function

$amount = 1;   //where $amount the amount of string you want to delete starting  from index 0
$str = substr($str, $amount);

How can I send an email by Java application using GMail, Yahoo, or Hotmail?

//set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;activation.jar;mail.jar
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Mail
    String  d_email = "[email protected]",
            d_password = "****",
            d_host = "",
            d_port  = "465",
            m_to = "[email protected]",
            m_subject = "Testing",
            m_text = "Hey, this is the testing email using";
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String[] to={"[email protected]"};
        String[] cc={"[email protected]"};
        String[] bcc={"[email protected]"};
        //This is for google
        Mail.sendMail("[email protected]", "password", "", 
                      "465", "true", "true", 
                      true, "", "false", 
                      to, cc, bcc, 
                      "hi baba don't send virus mails..", 
                      "This is my style...of reply..If u send virus mails..");

    public synchronized static boolean sendMail(
        String userName, String passWord, String host, 
        String port, String starttls, String auth, 
        boolean debug, String socketFactoryClass, String fallback, 
        String[] to, String[] cc, String[] bcc, 
        String subject, String text) 
        Properties props = new Properties();
        //Properties props=System.getProperties();
        props.put("mail.smtp.user", userName);
        props.put("", host);
            props.put("mail.smtp.port", port);
        props.put("mail.smtp.auth", auth);
        if(debug) {
            props.put("mail.smtp.debug", "true");
        } else {
            props.put("mail.smtp.debug", "false");         
            props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", port);
            props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", fallback);

            Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
            MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
            msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
            for(int i=0;i<to.length;i++) {
                                 new InternetAddress(to[i]));
            for(int i=0;i<cc.length;i++) {
                                 new InternetAddress(cc[i]));
            for(int i=0;i<bcc.length;i++) {
                                 new InternetAddress(bcc[i]));
            Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
            transport.connect(host, userName, passWord);
            transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
            return true;
        catch (Exception mex)
            return false;


What is the best way to add options to a select from a JavaScript object with jQuery?

Pure JS

In pure JS adding next option to select is easier and more direct

mySelect.innerHTML+= `<option value="${key}">${value}</option>`;

let selectValues = { "1": "test 1", "2": "test 2" };

for(let key in selectValues) { 
  mySelect.innerHTML+= `<option value="${key}">${selectValues[key]}</option>`;
<select id="mySelect">
  <option value="0" selected="selected">test 0</option>

How to stop a PowerShell script on the first error?

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" will get you part of the way there (i.e. this works great for cmdlets).

However for EXEs you're going to need to check $LastExitCode yourself after every exe invocation and determine whether that failed or not. Unfortunately I don't think PowerShell can help here because on Windows, EXEs aren't terribly consistent on what constitutes a "success" or "failure" exit code. Most follow the UNIX standard of 0 indicating success but not all do. Check out the CheckLastExitCode function in this blog post. You might find it useful.

Only local connections are allowed Chrome and Selenium webdriver

Sorry for late post but still for info,I also facing same problem so I Used updated version of chromedriver ie.2.28 for updated chrome browser ie. 55 to 57 which resolved my problem.

How to unlock a file from someone else in Team Foundation Server

You need to be project admin or to have tfs account (user name/password) of the user who had locked the file.

in Visual Studio 2019:

  • Menu > View > Terminal (ctrl+`)
  • Wait until developer powershell or command prompt loads to the cursor like this:
    Drive:\your solution path>
  • you must undo changes to unlock the file:
    tf vc undo /workspace:"workspacename;worksapceowner" "$/path/[file.extension][*]" [/recursive] [/login:"user name,password"]
    tf vc undo /workspace:"DESKTOP-F6BN2GHTKQ8;Johne123" "$/mywebsite/mywebsite/appsettings.json"

Vertical (rotated) text in HTML table

.box_rotate {_x000D_
     -moz-transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* FF3.5+ */_x000D_
       -o-transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* Opera 10.5 */_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* Saf3.1+, Chrome */_x000D_
             filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0.083);  /* IE6,IE7 */_x000D_
         -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0.083)"; /* IE8 */_x000D_
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>_x000D_
<div class="box_rotate">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>_x000D_
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>

Taken from

As of 2017, the aforementioned site has simplified the rule set to drop legacy Internet Explorer filter and rely more in the now standard transform property:

.box_rotate {_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* Chrome, Opera 15+, Safari 3.1+ */_x000D_
      -ms-transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* IE 9 */_x000D_
          transform: rotate(7.5deg);  /* Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Opera */_x000D_
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>_x000D_
<div class="box_rotate">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>_x000D_
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae porta lectus. Suspendisse dolor mauris, scelerisque ut diam vitae, dictum ultricies est. Cras sit amet erat porttitor arcu lacinia ultricies. Morbi sodales, nisl vitae imperdiet consequat, purus nunc maximus nulla, et pharetra dolor ex non dolor.</div>

Why am I getting an error "Object literal may only specify known properties"?

As of TypeScript 1.6, properties in object literals that do not have a corresponding property in the type they're being assigned to are flagged as errors.

Usually this error means you have a bug (typically a typo) in your code, or in the definition file. The right fix in this case would be to fix the typo. In the question, the property callbackOnLoactionHash is incorrect and should have been callbackOnLocationHash (note the mis-spelling of "Location").

This change also required some updates in definition files, so you should get the latest version of the .d.ts for any libraries you're using.


interface TextOptions {
    alignment?: string;
    color?: string;
    padding?: number;
function drawText(opts: TextOptions) { ... }
drawText({ align: 'center' }); // Error, no property 'align' in 'TextOptions'

But I meant to do that

There are a few cases where you may have intended to have extra properties in your object. Depending on what you're doing, there are several appropriate fixes

Type-checking only some properties

Sometimes you want to make sure a few things are present and of the correct type, but intend to have extra properties for whatever reason. Type assertions (<T>v or v as T) do not check for extra properties, so you can use them in place of a type annotation:

interface Options {
    x?: string;
    y?: number;

// Error, no property 'z' in 'Options'
let q1: Options = { x: 'foo', y: 32, z: 100 };
// OK
let q2 = { x: 'foo', y: 32, z: 100 } as Options;
// Still an error (good):
let q3 = { x: 100, y: 32, z: 100 } as Options;

These properties and maybe more

Some APIs take an object and dynamically iterate over its keys, but have 'special' keys that need to be of a certain type. Adding a string indexer to the type will disable extra property checking


interface Model {
  name: string;
function createModel(x: Model) { ... }

// Error
createModel({name: 'hello', length: 100});


interface Model {
  name: string;
  [others: string]: any;
function createModel(x: Model) { ... }

// OK
createModel({name: 'hello', length: 100});

This is a dog or a cat or a horse, not sure yet

interface Animal { move; }
interface Dog extends Animal { woof; }
interface Cat extends Animal { meow; }
interface Horse extends Animal { neigh; }

let x: Animal;
if(...) {
  x = { move: 'doggy paddle', woof: 'bark' };
} else if(...) {
  x = { move: 'catwalk', meow: 'mrar' };
} else {
  x = { move: 'gallop', neigh: 'wilbur' };

Two good solutions come to mind here

Specify a closed set for x

// Removes all errors
let x: Dog|Cat|Horse;

or Type assert each thing

// For each initialization
  x = { move: 'doggy paddle', woof: 'bark' } as Dog;

This type is sometimes open and sometimes not

A clean solution to the "data model" problem using intersection types:

interface DataModelOptions {
  name?: string;
  id?: number;
interface UserProperties {
  [key: string]: any;
function createDataModel(model: DataModelOptions & UserProperties) {
 /* ... */
// findDataModel can only look up by name or id
function findDataModel(model: DataModelOptions) {
 /* ... */
// OK
createDataModel({name: 'my model', favoriteAnimal: 'cat' });
// Error, 'ID' is not correct (should be 'id')
findDataModel({ ID: 32 });

See also

Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

To redirect everything that doesnt exist to index.php , you can also use the FallBackResource directive

FallbackResource /index.php

It works same as the ErrorDocument , when you request a non-existent path or file on the server, the directive silently forwords the request to index.php .

If you want to redirect everything (including existant files or folders ) to index.php , you can use something like the following :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^((?!index\.php).+)$ /index.php [L]

Note the pattern ^((?!index\.php).+)$ matches any uri except index.php we have excluded the destination path to prevent infinite looping error.

Get the generated SQL statement from a SqlCommand object?

the sql command queries will be executed with exec sp_executesql, so here's another way to get the statement as a string (SqlCommand extension method):

public static string ToSqlStatement(this SqlCommand cmd)
    return $@"EXECUTE sp_executesql N'{cmd.CommandText.Replace("'", "''")}'{cmd.Parameters.ToSqlParameters()}";

private static string ToSqlParameters(this SqlParameterCollection col)
    if (col.Count == 0)
        return string.Empty;
    var parameters = new List<string>();
    var parameterValues = new List<string>();
    foreach (SqlParameter param in col)
        parameterValues.Add($"{param.ParameterName} = {param.ToSqlParameterValue()}");
    return $",N\'{string.Join(",", parameters)}\',{string.Join(",", parameterValues)}";

private static object ToSqlParameterType(this SqlParameter param)
    var paramDbType = param.SqlDbType.ToString().ToLower();
    if (param.Precision != 0 && param.Scale != 0)
        return $"{paramDbType}({param.Precision},{param.Scale})";
    if (param.Precision != 0)
        return $"{paramDbType}({param.Precision})";
    switch (param.SqlDbType)
        case SqlDbType.VarChar:
        case SqlDbType.NVarChar:
            string s = param.SqlValue?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
            return paramDbType + (s.Length > 0 ? $"({s.Length})" : string.Empty);
            return paramDbType;

private static string ToSqlParameterValue(this SqlParameter param)
    switch (param.SqlDbType)
        case SqlDbType.Char:
        case SqlDbType.Date:
        case SqlDbType.DateTime:
        case SqlDbType.DateTime2:
        case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset:
        case SqlDbType.NChar:
        case SqlDbType.NText:
        case SqlDbType.NVarChar:
        case SqlDbType.Text:
        case SqlDbType.Time:
        case SqlDbType.VarChar:
        case SqlDbType.Xml:
            return $"\'{param.SqlValue.ToString().Replace("'", "''")}\'";
        case SqlDbType.Bit:
            return param.SqlValue.ToBooleanOrDefault() ? "1" : "0";
            return param.SqlValue.ToString().Replace("'", "''");

public static bool ToBooleanOrDefault(this object o, bool defaultValue = false)
    if (o == null)
        return defaultValue;
    string value = o.ToString().ToLower();
    switch (value)
        case "yes":
        case "true":
        case "ok":
        case "y":
            return true;
        case "no":
        case "false":
        case "n":
            return false;
            bool b;
            if (bool.TryParse(o.ToString(), out b))
                return b;
    return defaultValue;

How to insert a line break before an element using CSS

You can also use the pre-encoded HTML entity for a line break &#10; in your content and it'll have the same effect.

How to iterate through SparseArray?

If you don't care about the keys, then valueAt(int) can be used to while iterating through the sparse array to access the values directly.

for(int i = 0, nsize = sparseArray.size(); i < nsize; i++) {
    Object obj = sparseArray.valueAt(i);

Get final URL after curl is redirected

The parameters -L (--location) and -I (--head) still doing unnecessary HEAD-request to the location-url.

If you are sure that you will have no more than one redirect, it is better to disable follow location and use a curl-variable %{redirect_url}.

This code do only one HEAD-request to the specified URL and takes redirect_url from location-header:

curl --head --silent --write-out "%{redirect_url}\n" --output /dev/null "https://"""

Speed test

all_videos_link.txt - 50 links of which redirect to youtube

1. With follow location

time while read -r line; do
    curl -kIsL -w "%{url_effective}\n" -o /dev/null  $line
done < all_videos_link.txt


real    1m40.832s
user    0m9.266s
sys     0m15.375s

2. Without follow location

time while read -r line; do
    curl -kIs -w "%{redirect_url}\n" -o /dev/null  $line
done < all_videos_link.txt


real    0m51.037s
user    0m5.297s
sys     0m8.094s

jQuery get the location of an element relative to window


headroom_by_jQuery = $('#id').offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();

headroom_by_DOM = $('#id')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;   // if no iframe

.getBoundingClientRect() appears to be universal. .offset() and .scrollTop() have been supported since jQuery 1.2. Thanks @user372551 and @prograhammer. To use DOM in an iframe see @ImranAnsari's solution.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare();

I got this error in a JobService from the following code:

    BluetoothLeScanner bluetoothLeScanner = getBluetoothLeScanner();
    if (BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON == getBluetoothAdapter().getState() && null != bluetoothLeScanner) {
        // ...
    } else {
        Logger.debug(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter isn't on so will attempting to turn on and will retry starting scanning in a few seconds");
        (new Handler()).postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, 5000);

The service crashed:

2019-11-21 11:49:45.550 729-763/? D/BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null

    --------- beginning of crash
2019-11-21 11:49:45.556 8629-8856/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Timer-1
    Process:, PID: 8629
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
        at android.os.Handler.<init>(
        at android.os.Handler.<init>(
        at com.locuslabs.sdk.ibeacon.BeaconScannerJobService.startScanningBluetoothAndBroadcastAnyBeaconsFoundAndUpdatePersistentNotification(
        at com.locuslabs.sdk.ibeacon.BeaconScannerJobService.access$500(
        at com.locuslabs.sdk.ibeacon.BeaconScannerJobService$2$
        at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(

So I changed from Handler to Timer as follows:

   (new Timer()).schedule(new TimerTask() {
                public void run() {
            }, 5000);

Now the code doesn't throw the RuntimeException anymore.


create function [Sistema].[fParseDecimal]
    @Valor nvarchar(4000)
returns decimal(18, 4) as begin
    declare @Valores table (Valor varchar(50));

    insert into @Valores values (@Valor);

    declare @Resultado decimal(18, 4) = (select top 1 
        cast('' as xml).value('sql:column("Valor") cast as xs:decimal ?', 'decimal(18, 4)')
    from @Valores);
    return @Resultado;

List of swagger UI alternatives

Yes, there are a few of them.

Hosted solutions that support swagger:

Check the following articles for more details:

How to generate auto increment field in select query

If it is MySql you can try

SELECT @n := @n + 1 n,
  FROM table1, (SELECT @n := 0) m
 ORDER BY first_name, last_name


And for SQLServer

SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY first_name, last_name) n,
  FROM table1 


jQuery find element by data attribute value

you can also use andSelf() method to get wrapper DOM contain then find() can be work around as your idea

$(function() {_x000D_
.active {_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="0">1</a>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="1">2</a>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="2">3</a>

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

I've had similar problems when the main method is on a different class than that passed to

So the solution would be to use the line you've commented out:

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

How to set width to 100% in WPF

It is the container of the Grid that is imposing on its width. In this case, that's a ListBoxItem, which is left-aligned by default. You can set it to stretch as follows:

    <!-- other XAML omitted, you just need to add the following bit -->
        <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
            <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch"/>

Add support library to Android Studio project

This is way more simpler with Maven dependency feature:

  1. Open File -> Project Structure... menu.
  2. Select Modules in the left pane, choose your project's main module in the middle pane and open Dependencies tab in the right pane.
  3. Click the plus sign in the right panel and select "Maven dependency" from the list. A Maven dependency dialog will pop up.
  4. Enter "support-v4" into the search field and click the icon with magnifying glass.
  5. Select "" from the drop-down list.
  6. Click "OK".
  7. Clean and rebuild your project.

Hope this will help!

Why am I getting this redefinition of class error?

Include a few #ifndef name #define name #endif preprocessor that should solve your problem. The issue is it going from the header to the function then back to the header so it is redefining the class with all the preprocessor(#include) multiple times.

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

The problem is your query returned false meaning there was an error in your query. After your query you could do the following:

if (!$result) {

Or you could combine it with your query:

$results = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($link));

That will print out your error.

Also... you need to sanitize your input. You can't just take user input and put that into a query. Try this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM shopsy_db WHERE name LIKE '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $searchTerm) . "%'";

In reply to: Table 'sookehhh_shopsy_db.sookehhh_shopsy_db' doesn't exist

Are you sure the table name is sookehhh_shopsy_db? maybe it's really like users or something.

Generate preview image from Video file?

I recommend php-ffmpeg library.

Extracting image

You can extract a frame at any timecode using the FFMpeg\Media\Video::frame method.

This code returns a FFMpeg\Media\Frame instance corresponding to the second 42. You can pass any FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode as argument, see dedicated documentation below for more information.

$frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(42));

If you want to extract multiple images from the video, you can use the following filter:

    ->extractMultipleFrames(FFMpeg\Filters\Video\ExtractMultipleFramesFilter::FRAMERATE_EVERY_10SEC, '/path/to/destination/folder/')

    ->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264(), '/path/to/new/file');

By default, this will save the frames as jpg images.

You are able to override this using setFrameFileType to save the frames in another format:

$frameFileType = 'jpg'; // either 'jpg', 'jpeg' or 'png'
$filter = new ExtractMultipleFramesFilter($frameRate, $destinationFolder);


Linking to a specific part of a web page

Just append a # followed by the ID of the <a> tag (or other HTML tag, like a <section>) that you're trying to get to. For example, if you are trying to link to the header in this HTML:

<p>This is some content.</p>
<h2><a id="target">Some Header</a></h2>
<p>This is some more content.</p>

You could use the link <a href="">Link</a>.

How to add image that is on my computer to a site in css or html?

If you just want to see the image on your local browser, this can be done if you have a server running locally. You just need to reference the local server via http (not file://), like:


if picture.jpg is in your local server's webroot folder. You can do this for any site if you open your browser's developer tools and change the img element's src attribute to the local server's URL for the image. If you have access to the HTML of your site, then change it there. But obviously if someone not on your local computer/server accesses the site, they will get a broken image unless they happen to be running a local server as well and have an image with the same filename, which would be weird.

How to create new folder?

Have you tried os.mkdir?

You might also try this little code snippet:

mypath = ...
if not os.path.isdir(mypath):

makedirs creates multiple levels of directories, if needed.

Scatter plot with error bars

#some example data
df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10,each=5), y = rnorm(50))

#calculate mean, min and max for each x-value
df2 <- ddply(df,.(x),function(df) c(mean=mean(df$y),min=min(df$y),max=max(df$y)))

#plot error bars

How to use lodash to find and return an object from Array?

for this find the given Object in an Array, a basic usage example of _.find

const array = 
    description: 'object1', id: 1
    description: 'object2', id: 2
    description: 'object3', id: 3
    description: 'object4', id: 4

this would work well

q = _.find(array, {id:'4'}); // delete id

console.log(q); // {description: 'object4', id: 4}

_.find will help with returning an element in an array, rather than it’s index. So if you have an array of objects and you want to find a single object in the array by a certain key value pare _.find is the right tools for the job.

How to get the anchor from the URL using jQuery?

jQuery style:


Passing Objects By Reference or Value in C#

How did you pass object to method?

Are you doing new inside that method for object? If so, you have to use ref in method.

Following link give you better idea.

How to use the "required" attribute with a "radio" input field

You can use this code snippet ...

          <input type="radio" name="color" value="black" required />
          <input type="radio" name="color" value="white" />
          <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Specify "required" keyword in one of the select statements. If you want to change the default way of its appearance. You can follow these steps. This is just for extra info if you have any intention to modify the default behavior.

Add the following into you .css file.

/* style all elements with a required attribute */
:required {
  background: red;

For more information you can refer following URL.

Why use argparse rather than optparse?

There are also new kids on the block!

  • Besides the already mentioned deprecated optparse. [DO NOT USE]
  • argparse was also mentioned, which is a solution for people not willing to include external libs.
  • docopt is an external lib worth looking at, which uses a documentation string as the parser for your input.
  • click is also external lib and uses decorators for defining arguments. (My source recommends: Why Click)
  • python-inquirer For selection focused tools and based on Inquirer.js (repo)

If you need a more in-depth comparison please read this and you may end up using docopt or click. Thanks to Kyle Purdon!

Selecting fields from JSON output

Assume you stored that dictionary in a variable called values. To get id in to a variable, do:

idValue = values['criteria'][0]['id']

If that json is in a file, do the following to load it:

import json
jsonFile = open('your_filename.json', 'r')
values = json.load(jsonFile)

If that json is from a URL, do the following to load it:

import urllib, json
f = urllib.urlopen("http://domain/path/jsonPage")
values = json.load(f)

To print ALL of the criteria, you could:

for criteria in values['criteria']:
    for key, value in criteria.iteritems():
        print key, 'is:', value
    print ''

golang why don't we have a set datastructure

Partly, because Go doesn't have generics (so you would need one set-type for every type, or fall back on reflection, which is rather inefficient).

Partly, because if all you need is "add/remove individual elements to a set" and "relatively space-efficient", you can get a fair bit of that simply by using a map[yourtype]bool (and set the value to true for any element in the set) or, for more space efficiency, you can use an empty struct as the value and use _, present = the_setoid[key] to check for presence.

React this.setState is not a function

You just need to bind your event

for ex-

// place this code to your constructor

this._handleDelete = this._handleDelete.bind(this);

// and your setState function will work perfectly


    this.state.list.splice(id, 1);

    this.setState({ list: this.state.list });

    // this.setState({list: list});


Why can't I enter a string in Scanner(, when calling nextLine()-method?

use a temporary scan.nextLine(); this will consume the \n character

How create a new deep copy (clone) of a List<T>?

List<Book> books_2 = new List<Book>(books_2.ToArray());

That should do exactly what you want. Demonstrated here.

Can't concatenate 2 arrays in PHP

$array = array('Item 1');

array_push($array,'Item 2');


$array[] = 'Item 2';

Regex pattern inside SQL Replace function?

I've created this function to clean up a string that contained non numeric characters in a time field. The time contained question marks when they did not added the minutes, something like this 20:??. Function loops through each character and replaces the ? with a 0 :

 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CleanTime]
    -- Add the parameters for the function here
    @intime nvarchar(10) 
RETURNS nvarchar(5)
    -- Declare the return variable here
    DECLARE @ResultVar nvarchar(5)
    DECLARE @char char(1)
    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
    DECLARE @i int = 1
    WHILE @i <= LEN(@intime)
    SELECT @char =  CASE WHEN substring(@intime,@i,1) like '%[0-9:]%' THEN substring(@intime,@i,1) ELSE '0' END
    SELECT @ResultVar = concat(@ResultVar,@char)   
    set @i  = @i + 1       
    -- Return the result of the function
    RETURN @ResultVar


How to determine previous page URL in Angular?

You can use Location as mentioned here.

Here's my code if the link opened on new tab

navBack() {
    let cur_path = this.location.path();
    if (cur_path === this.location.path())

Required imports

import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';

Jmeter - get current date and time

Use ${__time(yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss)} to convert time into a particular timeformat. Here are other formats that you can use:

yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss

You can use Z character to get milliseconds too. For example:

yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ssZ => 2017-01-25T10:29:00-0700
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' => 2017-01-25T10:28:49.549Z

Most of the time yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' is required in some APIs. It is better to know how to convert time into this format.

Fast ceiling of an integer division in C / C++

simplified generic form,

int div_up(int n, int d) {
    return n / d + (((n < 0) ^ (d > 0)) && (n % d));
} //i.e. +1 iff (not exact int && positive result)

For a more generic answer, C++ functions for integer division with well defined rounding strategy

Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes

This was previously asked on R-Help, so that's worth reviewing.

One suggestion there was to use readChar() and then do string manipulation on the result with strsplit() and substr(). You can see the logic involved in readChar is much less than read.table.

I don't know if memory is an issue here, but you might also want to take a look at the HadoopStreaming package. This uses Hadoop, which is a MapReduce framework designed for dealing with large data sets. For this, you would use the hsTableReader function. This is an example (but it has a learning curve to learn Hadoop):

str <- "key1\t3.9\nkey1\t8.9\nkey1\t1.2\nkey1\t3.9\nkey1\t8.9\nkey1\t1.2\nkey2\t9.9\nkey2\"
cols = list(key='',val=0)
con <- textConnection(str, open = "r")

The basic idea here is to break the data import into chunks. You could even go so far as to use one of the parallel frameworks (e.g. snow) and run the data import in parallel by segmenting the file, but most likely for large data sets that won't help since you will run into memory constraints, which is why map-reduce is a better approach.

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

This behaves as expected. The URLEncoder implements the HTML Specifications for how to encode URLs in HTML forms.

From the javadocs:

This class contains static methods for converting a String to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.

and from the HTML Specification:


Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows:

  1. Control names and values are escaped. Space characters are replaced by `+'

You will have to replace it, e.g.:

System.out.println("Hello World", "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20"));

SQL Query - Using Order By in UNION

SELECT field1
FROM ( SELECT field1 FROM table1
       SELECT field1 FROM table2
     ) AS TBL

(use ALIAS)

apt-get for Cygwin?

This got it working for me:

curl > \
apt-cyg && install apt-cyg /bin

Log exception with traceback

Uncaught exception messages go to STDERR, so instead of implementing your logging in Python itself you could send STDERR to a file using whatever shell you're using to run your Python script. In a Bash script, you can do this with output redirection, as described in the BASH guide.


Append errors to file, other output to the terminal:

./ 2>> mylog.log

Overwrite file with interleaved STDOUT and STDERR output:

./ &> mylog.log

No value accessor for form control with name: 'recipient'

You should add the ngDefaultControl attribute to your input like this:


Taken from comments in this post:

angular2 rc.5 custom input, No value accessor for form control with unspecified name

Note: For later versions of @angular/material:

Nowadays you should instead write:



How can I select an element in a component template?

import the ViewChild decorator from @angular/core, like so:

HTML Code:

<form #f="ngForm"> 

TS Code:

import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

class TemplateFormComponent {

  @ViewChild('f') myForm: any;

now you can use 'myForm' object to access any element within it in the class.


How do I update Homebrew?

  • cd /usr/local
  • git status
  • Discard all the changes (unless you actually want to try to commit to Homebrew - you probably don't)
  • git status til it's clean
  • brew update

SQL Server: How to use UNION with two queries that BOTH have a WHERE clause?

Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order. you are selecting

t1.ID, t2.ReceivedDate from Table t1


t2.ID from Table t2

which is incorrect.

so you have to write

t1.ID, t1.ReceivedDate from Table t1 union t2.ID, t2.ReceivedDate from Table t1

you can use sub query here

 SELECT tbl1.ID, tbl1.ReceivedDate FROM
      (select top 2 t1.ID, t1.ReceivedDate
      from tbl1 t1
      where t1.ItemType = 'TYPE_1'
      order by ReceivedDate desc
      ) tbl1 
    SELECT tbl2.ID, tbl2.ReceivedDate FROM
     (select top 2 t2.ID, t2.ReceivedDate
      from tbl2 t2
      where t2.ItemType = 'TYPE_2'
      order by t2.ReceivedDate desc
     ) tbl2 

so it will return only distinct values by default from both table.

How to remove leading and trailing whitespace in a MySQL field?

A general answer that I composed from your answers and from other links and it worked for me and I wrote it in a comment is:

 UPDATE FOO set FIELD2 = TRIM(Replace(Replace(Replace(FIELD2,'\t',''),'\n',''),'\r',''));


Because trim() doesn't remove all the white spaces so it's better to replace all the white spaces u want and than trim it.

Hope I could help you with sharing my answer :)

How to convert a table to a data frame

I figured it out already: 

does what I need -- apparently, the table needs to somehow be converted to a matrix in order to be appropriately translated into a data frame. I found more details on this function for contingency tables at the Computational Ecology blog.

AngularJs .$setPristine to reset form

I solved the same problem of having to reset a form at its pristine state in Angular version 1.0.7 (no $setPristine method)

In my use case, the form, after being filled and submitted must disappear until it is again necessary for filling another record. So I made the show/hide effect by using ng-switch instead of ng-show. As I suspected, with ng-switch, the form DOM sub-tree is completely removed and later recreated. So the pristine state is automatically restored.

I like it because it is simple and clean but it may not be a fit for anybody's use case.

it may also imply some performance issues for big forms (?) In my situation I did not face this problem yet.

TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'list'

What the error is telling, is that you can't convert an entire list into an integer. You could get an index from the list and convert that into an integer:

x = ["0", "1", "2"] 
y = int(x[0]) #accessing the zeroth element

If you're trying to convert a whole list into an integer, you are going to have to convert the list into a string first:

x = ["0", "1", "2"]
y = ''.join(x) # converting list into string
z = int(y)

If your list elements are not strings, you'll have to convert them to strings before using str.join:

x = [0, 1, 2]
y = ''.join(map(str, x))
z = int(y)

Also, as stated above, make sure that you're not returning a nested list.

Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151 contains a valid JDK installation

In my case, i had installed only the JRE so you could check to make sure you actually have a valid jdk. if not i advise you to uninstall whatever java is installed and download a correct jdk from here (the jdk comes with a jre so no need to download anything else) after set the environment variable and your done

How to select an item in a ListView programmatically?

I know this is an old question, but I think this is the definitive answer.

listViewRamos.Items[i].Focused = true;
listViewRamos.Items[i].Selected = true;

If there is a chance the control does not have the focus but you want to force the focus to the control, then you can add the following line.


Why Microsoft didn't just add a SelectItem() method that does all this for you is beyond me.

Why is visible="false" not working for a plain html table?

For the best practice - use style="display:"

it will work every where..

Tkinter module not found on Ubuntu

requirement for tkinter:

python 3.6+

and go to shell write the test code like :

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()


enter image description here

Display html text in uitextview

For Swift3

    let theString = "<h1>H1 title</h1><b>Logo</b><img src=''><br>~end~"

    let theAttributedString = try! NSAttributedString(data: theString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!,
        options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType],
        documentAttributes: nil)

    UITextView_Message.attributedText = theAttributedString

SQL how to increase or decrease one for a int column in one command

If my understanding is correct, updates should be pretty simple. I would just do the following.


You may need additional filters to just update a single row instead of all the rows.

For inserts, you can cache some unique id related to your record locally and check against this cache and decide whether to insert or not. The alternative approach is to always insert and check for PK violation error and ignore since this is a redundant insert.

How to run function in AngularJS controller on document ready?

We can use the angular.element(document).ready() method to attach callbacks for when the document is ready. We can simply attach the callback in the controller like so:

angular.module('MyApp', [])

.controller('MyCtrl', [function() {
    angular.element(document).ready(function () {
        document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = 'Hello';

How to get the size of a varchar[n] field in one SQL statement?

select column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length    
  from information_schema.columns  
 where table_name = 'myTable'

Android: Share plain text using intent (to all messaging apps)

Intent sendIntent = new Intent();
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "This is my text to send.");

Intent shareIntent = Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, null);

IOException: The process cannot access the file 'file path' because it is being used by another process

I had this problem and it was solved by following the code below

var _path=MyFile.FileName;
using (var stream = new FileStream
    (_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
    // Your Code! ;

How to trigger event in JavaScript?

function fireMouseEvent(obj, evtName) {
    if (obj.dispatchEvent) {
        //var event = new Event(evtName);
        var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        event.initMouseEvent(evtName, true, true, window,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
    } else if (obj.fireEvent) {
        event = document.createEventObject();
        event.button = 1;
        obj.fireEvent("on" + evtName, event);
    } else {

var obj = document.getElementById("......");
fireMouseEvent(obj, "click");

Counting the number of elements in array

This expands on the answer by Denis Bubnov.

I used this to find child values of array elements—namely if there was a anchor field in paragraphs on a Drupal 8 site to build a table of contents.

{% set count = 0 %}
{% for anchor in items %}
    {% if anchor.content['#paragraph'].field_anchor_link.0.value %}
        {% set count = count + 1 %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if count > 0 %}
 ---  build the toc here --
{% endif %}

how to bind img src in angular 2 in ngFor?

Angular 2 and Angular 4 

In a ngFor loop it must be look like this:

<div class="column" *ngFor="let u of events ">
                <div class="thumb">
                    <img src="assets/uploads/{{u.image}}">
                <div class="info">
                    <img src="assets/uploads/{{u.image}}">

Error Importing SSL certificate : Not an X.509 Certificate

Does your cacerts.pem file hold a single certificate? Since it is a PEM, have a look at it (with a text editor), it should start with


and end with


Finally, to check it is not corrupted, get hold of openssl and print its details using

openssl x509 -in cacerts.pem -text

How to define a connection string to a SQL Server 2008 database?

Instead of writing it in your code directly I suggest you make use of the dedicated <connectionStrings> element in the .config file and retrieve it from there.

Also make use of the using statement so that after usage your connection automatically gets closed and disposed of.

A great reference for finding connection strings:

How to split a single column values to multiple column values?

   SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(rent, ' ', 1), ' ', -1) AS currency,
   SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(rent, ' ', 3), ' ', -1) AS rent
FROM tolets

ORA-01017 Invalid Username/Password when connecting to 11g database from 9i client

I had a similar issue some time ago. You must be careful with quotes and double quotes. It's recommended to reset the user password, using a admin credentials.

ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password;

But don't use double quotes in both parameters.

jQuery val is undefined?

try: $('#editorTitle').attr('value') ?

Using Razor within JavaScript

There is also one more option than @: and <text></text>.

Using <script> block itself.

When you need to do large chunks of JavaScript depending on Razor code, you can do it like this:

@if(Utils.FeatureEnabled("Feature")) {
        // If this feature is enabled

    // Other JavaScript code

Pros of this manner is that it doesn't mix JavaScript and Razor too much, because mixing them a lot will cause readability issues eventually. Also large text blocks are not very readable either.

How to run a jar file in a linux commandline

sudo -sH
java -jar filename.jar

Keep in mind to never run executable file in as root.

Double quotes within php script echo

if you need to access your variables for an echo statement within your quotes put your variable inside curly brackets

echo "i need to open my lock with its: {$array['key']}";

Remove elements from collection while iterating

Only second approach will work. You can modify collection during iteration using iterator.remove() only. All other attempts will cause ConcurrentModificationException.

How do I output the difference between two specific revisions in Subversion?

To compare entire revisions, it's simply:

svn diff -r 8979:11390

If you want to compare the last committed state against your currently saved working files, you can use convenience keywords:

svn diff -r PREV:HEAD

(Note, without anything specified afterwards, all files in the specified revisions are compared.)

You can compare a specific file if you add the file path afterwards:

svn diff -r 8979:HEAD /path/to/my/file.php

Visual Studio Code how to resolve merge conflicts with git?

  1. Click "Source Control" button on left.
  2. See MERGE CHANGES in sidebar.
  3. Those files have merge conflicts.

VS Code > Source Control > Merge Changes (Example)

How to read if a checkbox is checked in PHP?

Learn about isset which is a built in "function" that can be used in if statements to tell if a variable has been used or set


       echo "testvariabel has been set!";

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phone

Well considering there's no overhead difference between a varchar(30) and a varchar(100) if you're only storing 20 characters in each, err on the side of caution and just make it 50.

Get string after character

For the text after the first = and before the next =

cut -d "=" -f2 <<< "$your_str"


sed -e 's#.*=\(\)#\1#' <<< "$your_str"

For all text after the first = regardless of if there are multiple =

cut -d "=" -f2- <<< "$your_str"

What is the difference between server side cookie and client side cookie?

You probably mean the difference between Http Only cookies and their counter part?

Http Only cookies cannot be accessed (read from or written to) in client side JavaScript, only server side. If the Http Only flag is not set, or the cookie is created in (client side) JavaScript, the cookie can be read from and written to in (client side) JavaScript as well as server side.

How can I deserialize JSON to a simple Dictionary<string,string> in ASP.NET?

For anyone who is trying to convert JSON to dictionary just for retrieving some value out of it. There is a simple way using Newtonsoft.JSON

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{
  'CPU': 'Intel',
  'Drives': [
    'DVD read/writer',
    '500 gigabyte hard drive'

string cpu = (string)o["CPU"];
// Intel

string firstDrive = (string)o["Drives"][0];
// DVD read/writer

IList<string> allDrives = o["Drives"].Select(t => (string)t).ToList();
// DVD read/writer
// 500 gigabyte hard drive

Getting the thread ID from a thread

GetThreadId returns the ID of a given native thread. There are ways to make it work with managed threads, I'm sure, all you need to find is the thread handle and pass it to that function.

GetCurrentThreadId returns the ID of the current thread.

GetCurrentThreadId has been deprecated as of .NET 2.0: the recommended way is the Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId property.

Android Device not recognized by adb

For those people to whom none of the answers worked.... try closing the chrome://inspect/#devices tab in chrome if opened... This worked for me.

How to solve : SQL Error: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

I noticed following line from error.

exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

That means Oracle was expecting one row but It was getting multiple rows. And, only dual table has that characteristic, which returns only one row.

Later I recall, I have done few changes in dual table and when I executed dual table. Then found multiple rows.

So, I truncated dual table and inserted only row which X value. And, everything working fine.

ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View

All these answers are not working for me.

The only one worked for me is that I have to set the adapter to viewpager again, then it will refresh the content.

removeView(int pos) in my PagerAdaper

public void removeView(int index) {

wherever I am removing the file I have to do like this



This below method is effective, you can apply the below one.

public void updateView(int pos){
      imagePagerAdapter =new ImagePagerAdapter(YOUR_CONTEXT,YOUR_CONTENT);

replace YOUR_CONTEXT with your context and your content with your content name i.e. updated list or something.

How to get the value of an input field using ReactJS?

using uncontrolled fields:

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {

    onSubmit(e) {

        return (
            <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit} className="form-horizontal">
                <input type="text" name="neededField" className="form-control" ref={(c) => this.title = c} name="title" />
            <button type="button" className="btn">Save</button>


How to convert the following json string to java object?

Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject object = (JsonObject) parser.parse(response);// response will be the json String
YourPojo emp = gson.fromJson(object, YourPojo.class); 

Source file 'Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found

delete the assemeblyinfo.cs file from project under properties menu and rebulid it.

How do I create a custom Error in JavaScript?

Update your code to assign your prototype to the Error.prototype and the instanceof and your asserts work.

function NotImplementedError(message = "") { = "NotImplementedError";
    this.message = message;
NotImplementedError.prototype = Error.prototype;

However, I would just throw your own object and just check the name property.

throw {name : "NotImplementedError", message : "too lazy to implement"}; 

Edit based on comments

After looking at the comments and trying to remember why I would assign prototype to Error.prototype instead of new Error() like Nicholas Zakas did in his article, I created a jsFiddle with the code below:

function NotImplementedError(message = "") { = "NotImplementedError";
  this.message = message;
NotImplementedError.prototype = Error.prototype;

function NotImplementedError2(message = "") {
  this.message = message;
NotImplementedError2.prototype = new Error();

try {
  var e = new NotImplementedError("NotImplementedError message");
  throw e;
} catch (ex1) {
  console.log("ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError = " + (ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError));
  console.log("ex1 instanceof Error = " + (ex1 instanceof Error));
  console.log(" = " +;
  console.log("ex1.message = " + ex1.message);

try {
  var e = new NotImplementedError2("NotImplementedError2 message");
  throw e;
} catch (ex1) {
  console.log("ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError2 = " + (ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError2));
  console.log("ex1 instanceof Error = " + (ex1 instanceof Error));
  console.log(" = " +;
  console.log("ex1.message = " + ex1.message);

The console output was this.

ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError = true
ex1 instanceof Error = true = NotImplementedError
ex1.message = NotImplementedError message
    at window.onload (
ex1 instanceof NotImplementedError2 = true
ex1 instanceof Error = true = Error
ex1.message = NotImplementedError2 message

This confirmes the "problem" I ran into was the stack property of the error was the line number where new Error() was created, and not where the throw e occurred. However, that may be better that having the side effect of a = "NotImplementedError" line affecting the Error object.

Also, notice with NotImplementedError2, when I don't set the .name explicitly, it is equal to "Error". However, as mentioned in the comments, because that version sets prototype to new Error(), I could set = "NotImplementedError2" and be OK.

How to show text on image when hovering?

It's simple. Wrap the image and the "appear on hover" description in a div with the same dimensions of the image. Then, with some CSS, order the description to appear while hovering that div.

/* quick reset */_x000D_
* {_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
/* relevant styles */_x000D_
.img__wrap {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  width: 257px;_x000D_
.img__description {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  background: rgba(29, 106, 154, 0.72);_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  /* transition effect. not necessary */_x000D_
  transition: opacity .2s, visibility .2s;_x000D_
.img__wrap:hover .img__description {_x000D_
  visibility: visible;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
<div class="img__wrap">_x000D_
  <img class="img__img" src="" />_x000D_
  <p class="img__description">This image looks super neat.</p>_x000D_

A nice fiddle:

System.web.mvc missing

I have the same situation: Visual Studio 2010, no NuGet installed, and an ASP.NET application using System.Web.Mvc version 3.

What worked for me, was to set each C# project that uses System.Web.Mvc, to go to References in the Solution Explorer, and set properties on System.Web.Mvc, with Copy Local to true, and Specific Version to false - the last one caused the Version field to show the current version on that machine.

Jenkins "Console Output" log location in filesystem

Jenkins stores the console log on master. If you want programmatic access to the log, and you are running on master, you can access the log that Jenkins already has, without copying it to the artifacts or having to GET the http job URL.

From, this returns the File object for the console output (in the jenkins file system, this is the "log" file in the build output directory).

In my case, we use a chained (child) job to do parsing and analysis on a parent job's build.

When using a groovy script run in Jenkins, you get an object named "build" for the run. We use this to get the for the upstream job, then call this job's .getLogFile().

Added bonus; since it's just a File object, we call .getParent() to get the folder where Jenkins stores build collateral (like test xmls, environment variables, and other things that may not be explicitly exposed through the artifacts) which we can also parse.

Double added bonus; we also use matrix jobs. This sometimes makes inferring the file path on the system a pain. .getLogFile().getParent() takes away all the pain.

Manually type in a value in a "Select" / Drop-down HTML list?

ExtJS has a ComboBox control that can do this (and a whole host of other cool stuff!!)

EDIT: Browse all controls etc, here:

Java, Calculate the number of days between two dates

public static int julianDay(int year, int month, int day) {
  int a = (14 - month) / 12;
  int y = year + 4800 - a;
  int m = month + 12 * a - 3;
  int jdn = day + (153 * m + 2)/5 + 365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 - 32045;
  return jdn;

public static int diff(int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2) {
  return julianDay(y1, m1, d1) - julianDay(y2, m2, d2);

How to upload file using Selenium WebDriver in Java


ASP.NET Temporary files cleanup

Just an update on more current OS's (Vista, Win7, etc.) - the temp file path has changed may be different based on several variables. The items below are not definitive, however, they are a few I have encountered:

"temp" environment variable setting - then it would be:

%temp%\Temporary ASP.NET Files

Permissions and what application/process (VS, IIS, IIS Express) is running the .Net compiler. Accessing the C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework folders requires elevated permissions and if you are not developing under an account with sufficient permissions then this folder might be used:

c:\Users\[youruserid]\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files

There are also cases where the temp folder can be set via config for a machine or site specific using this:

<compilation tempDirectory="d:\MyTempPlace" />

I even have a funky setup at work where we don't run Admin by default, plus the IT guys have login scripts that set %temp% and I get temp files in 3 different locations depending on what is compiling things! And I'm still not certain about how these paths get picked....sigh.

Still, dthrasher is correct, you can just delete these and VS and IIS will just recompile them as needed.

How to use Visual Studio Code as Default Editor for Git

I opened up my .gitconfig and amended it with:

    editor = 'C:/Users/miqid/AppData/Local/Code/app-0.1.0/Code.exe'

That did it for me (I'm on Windows 8).

However, I noticed that after I tried an arbitrary git commit that in my Git Bash console I see the following message:

[9168:0504/] Renderer process started

Unsure of what the ramifications of this might be.

How do I detect a click outside an element?

This is my solution to this problem:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#user-toggle').click(function(e) {

  $('body').click(function() {


How to read a line from a text file in c/c++?

In c, you could use fopen, and getch. Usually, if you can't be exactly sure of the length of the longest line, you could allocate a large buffer (e.g. 8kb) and almost be guaranteed of getting all lines.

If there's a chance you may have really really long lines and you have to process line by line, you could malloc a resonable buffer, and use realloc to double it's size each time you get close to filling it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void handle_line(char *line) {
  printf("%s", line);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int size = 1024, pos;
    int c;
    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(size);

    FILE *f = fopen("myfile.txt", "r");
    if(f) {
      do { // read all lines in file
        pos = 0;
        do{ // read one line
          c = fgetc(f);
          if(c != EOF) buffer[pos++] = (char)c;
          if(pos >= size - 1) { // increase buffer length - leave room for 0
            size *=2;
            buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, size);
        }while(c != EOF && c != '\n');
        buffer[pos] = 0;
        // line is now in buffer
      } while(c != EOF); 
    return 0;

Android Preventing Double Click On A Button

There is a native debounce click listener in Java

view.setOnClickListener(new DebouncedOnClickListener(1000) { //in milisecs
            public void onDebouncedClick(View v) {

Dynamically fill in form values with jQuery

Assuming this example HTML:

<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" />
<input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" />

You could have this javascript:

$("#email").bind("change", function(e){
  $.getJSON("" + $("#email").val(),
          $.each(data, function(i,item){
            if (item.field == "first_name") {
            } else if (item.field == "last_name") {

Then just you have a PHP script (in this case lookup.php) that takes an email in the query string and returns a JSON formatted array back with the values you want to access. This is the part that actually hits the database to look up the values:

//look up the record based on email and get the firstname and lastname

//build the JSON array for return
$json = array(array('field' => 'first_name', 
                    'value' => $firstName), 
              array('field' => 'last_name', 
                    'value' => $last_name));
echo json_encode($json );

You'll want to do other things like sanitize the email input, etc, but should get you going in the right direction.

ASP.NET document.getElementById('<%=Control.ClientID%>'); returns null

Is Button1 visible? I mean, from the server side. Make sure Button1.Visible is true.

Controls that aren't Visible won't be rendered in HTML, so although they are assigned a ClientID, they don't actually exist on the client side.

Change a Django form field to a hidden field

If you have a custom template and view you may exclude the field and use {{ modelform.instance.field }} to get the value.

also you may prefer to use in the view:

form.fields['field_name'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()

but I'm not sure it will protect save method on post.

Hope it helps.

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

You should use the ISO-8601 format for string representations of dates - anything else is dependent on the SQL Server language and dateformat settings.

The ISO-8601 format for a DATETIME when using only the date is: YYYYMMDD (no dashes or antyhing!)

For a DATETIME with the time portion, it's YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (with dashes, and a T in the middle to separate date and time portions).

If you want to convert a string to a DATE for SQL Server 2008 or newer, you can use YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes) to achieve the same result. And don't ask me why this is so inconsistent and confusing - it just is, and you'll have to work with that for now.

So in your case, you should try:

declare @a datetime
declare @b datetime 

set @a = '2012-04-06T12:23:45'   -- 6th of April, 2012
set @b = '2012-08-06T21:10:12'   -- 6th of August, 2012

exec LogProcedure 'AccountLog', N'test', @a, @b

Furthermore - your stored proc has problem, since you're concatenating together datetime and string into a string, but you're not converting the datetime to string first, and also, you're forgetting the close quotes in your statement after both dates.

So change this line here to this:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   SET @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL + '  OR CONVERT(Date, DateLog) >= ''' + 
                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), @DateFirst, 126) +   -- convert @DateFirst to string for concatenation!
                    ''' AND CONVERT(Date, DateLog) <=''' +  -- you need closing quotes after @DateFirst!
                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), @DateLast, 126) + ''''      -- convert @DateLast to string and also: closing tags after that missing!

With these settings, and once you've fixed your stored procedure which contains problems right now, it will work.

setting system property

You need the path of the plugins directory of your local GATE install. So if Gate is installed in "/home/user/GATE_Developer_8.1", the code looks like this:

System.setProperty("gate.home", "/home/user/GATE_Developer_8.1/plugins");

You don't have to set gate.home from the command line. You can set it in your application, as long as you set it BEFORE you call Gate.init().

How to undo a successful "git cherry-pick"?

One command and does not use the destructive git reset command:

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i 's/pick/d/'" git rebase -i HEAD~ --autostash

It simply drops the commit, putting you back exactly in the state before the cherry-pick even if you had local changes.

Solving SharePoint Server 2010 - 503. The service is unavailable, After installation

It can also happen if your password policy or something else have changed your password in case your appPools are using the the user with changed password.

So, you should update the user password from the advanced settings of your appPool throught "Identity" property.

The reference is here

Changing button text onclick

If I've understood your question correctly, you want to toggle between 'Open Curtain' and 'Close Curtain' -- changing to the 'open curtain' if it's closed or vice versa. If that's what you need this will work.

function change() // no ';' here
    if (this.value=="Close Curtain") this.value = "Open Curtain";
    else this.value = "Close Curtain";

Note that you don't need to use document.getElementById("myButton1") inside change as it is called in the context of myButton1 -- what I mean by context you'll come to know later, on reading books about JS.


I was wrong. Not as I said earlier, this won't refer to the element itself. You can use this:

function change() // no ';' here
    var elem = document.getElementById("myButton1");
    if (elem.value=="Close Curtain") elem.value = "Open Curtain";
    else elem.value = "Close Curtain";

How would you make two <div>s overlap?

Just use negative margins, in the second div say:

<div style="margin-top: -25px;">

And make sure to set the z-index property to get the layering you want.

Add legend to ggplot2 line plot

Since @Etienne asked how to do this without melting the data (which in general is the preferred method, but I recognize there may be some cases where that is not possible), I present the following alternative.

Start with a subset of the original data:

datos <-
structure(list(fecha = structure(c(1317452400, 1317538800, 1317625200, 
1317711600, 1317798000, 1317884400, 1317970800, 1318057200, 1318143600, 
1318230000, 1318316400, 1318402800, 1318489200, 1318575600, 1318662000, 
1318748400, 1318834800, 1318921200, 1319007600, 1319094000), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TempMax = c(26.58, 27.78, 27.9, 27.44, 
30.9, 30.44, 27.57, 25.71, 25.98, 26.84, 33.58, 30.7, 31.3, 27.18, 
26.58, 26.18, 25.19, 24.19, 27.65, 23.92), TempMedia = c(22.88, 
22.87, 22.41, 21.63, 22.43, 22.29, 21.89, 20.52, 19.71, 20.73, 
23.51, 23.13, 22.95, 21.95, 21.91, 20.72, 20.45, 19.42, 19.97, 
19.61), TempMin = c(19.34, 19.14, 18.34, 17.49, 16.75, 16.75, 
16.88, 16.82, 14.82, 16.01, 16.88, 17.55, 16.75, 17.22, 19.01, 
16.95, 17.55, 15.21, 14.22, 16.42)), .Names = c("fecha", "TempMax", 
"TempMedia", "TempMin"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")

You can get the desired effect by (and this also cleans up the original plotting code):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMax", "TempMedia", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("red", "green", "blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

The idea is that each line is given a color by mapping the colour aesthetic to a constant string. Choosing the string which is what you want to appear in the legend is the easiest. The fact that in this case it is the same as the name of the y variable being plotted is not significant; it could be any set of strings. It is very important that this is inside the aes call; you are creating a mapping to this "variable".

scale_colour_manual can now map these strings to the appropriate colors. The result is enter image description here

In some cases, the mapping between the levels and colors needs to be made explicit by naming the values in the manual scale (thanks to @DaveRGP for pointing this out):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

(giving the same figure as before). With named values, the breaks can be used to set the order in the legend and any order can be used in the values.

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMedia", "TempMax", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

Confirm button before running deleting routine from website

Try this one :

 <script type="text/javascript">
      var baseUrl='';
      function ConfirmDelete()
            if (confirm("Delete Account?"))

  echo '<a type="button" onclick="ConfirmDelete()">DELETE ACCOUNT</a>';

UIScrollView not scrolling

yet another fun case:

scrollview.superview.userInteractionEnabled must be true

I wasted 2+hrs chasing this just to figure out the parent is UIImageView which, naturally, has userInteractionEnabled == false

cv2.imshow command doesn't work properly in opencv-python

imshow() only works with waitKey():

import cv2
img = cv2.imread('C:/Python27/03323_HD.jpg')
cv2.imshow('ImageWindow', img)

(The whole message-loop necessary for updating the window is hidden in there.)

ASP.NET MVC - Extract parameter of an URL

You can get these parameter list in ControllerContext.RoutValues object as key-value pair.

You can store it in some variable and you make use of that variable in your logic.

From Now() to Current_timestamp in Postgresql

Here is an example ...

select * from tablename where to_char(added_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD')  = to_char( now(), 'YYYY-MM-DD' )

added_time is a column name which I converted to char for match

How to install SimpleJson Package for Python

Download the source code, unzip it to and directory, and execute python install.

Run ScrollTop with offset of element by ID

No magic involved, just subtract from the offset top of the element

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top -100 }, 'slow');

Markdown to create pages and table of contents?

There is a Ruby script called mdtoc.rb that can auto-generate a GFM Markdown Table of Contents, and it is similar but slightly different to some other scripts posted here.

Given an input Markdown file like:

# Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei alienum adipiscing te, has no possit delicata. Te nominavi suavitate sed, quis alia cum no, has an malis dictas explicari. At mel nonumes eloquentiam, eos ea dicat nullam. Sed eirmod gubergren scripserit ne, mei timeam nonumes te. Qui ut tale sonet consul, vix integre oportere an. Duis ullum at ius.

## Et cum

Et cum affert dolorem habemus. Sale malis at mel. Te pri copiosae hendrerit. Cu nec agam iracundia necessitatibus, tibique corpora adipisci qui cu. Et vix causae consetetur deterruisset, ius ea inermis quaerendum.

### His ut

His ut feugait consectetuer, id mollis nominati has, in usu insolens tractatos. Nemore viderer torquatos qui ei, corpora adipiscing ex nec. Debet vivendum ne nec, ipsum zril choro ex sed. Doming probatus euripidis vim cu, habeo apeirian et nec. Ludus pertinacia an pro, in accusam menandri reformidans nam, sed in tantas semper impedit.

### Doctus voluptua

Doctus voluptua his eu, cu ius mazim invidunt incorrupte. Ad maiorum sensibus mea. Eius posse sonet no vim, te paulo postulant salutatus ius, augue persequeris eum cu. Pro omnesque salutandi evertitur ea, an mea fugit gloriatur. Pro ne menandri intellegam, in vis clita recusabo sensibus. Usu atqui scaevola an.

## Id scripta

Id scripta alterum pri, nam audiam labitur reprehendunt at. No alia putent est. Eos diam bonorum oportere ad. Sit ad admodum constituto, vide democritum id eum. Ex singulis laboramus vis, ius no minim libris deleniti, euismod sadipscing vix id.

It generates this table of contents:

$ mdtoc.rb 
#### Table of contents

1. [Et cum](#et-cum)
    * [His ut](#his-ut)
    * [Doctus voluptua](#doctus-voluptua)
2. [Id scripta](#id-scripta)

See also my blog post on this topic.

Foreach in a Foreach in MVC View

Assuming your controller's action method is something like this:

public ActionResult AllCategories(int id = 0)
    return View(db.Categories.Include(p => p.Products).ToList());

Modify your models to be something like this:

public class Product
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CategoryID { get; set; }
    //new code
    public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Path { get; set; }

    //remove code below
    //public virtual ICollection<Category> Categories { get; set; }

public class Category
    public int CategoryID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    //new code
    public virtual ICollection<Product> Products{ get; set; }

Then your since now the controller takes in a Category as Model (instead of a Product):

foreach (var category in Model)
            @foreach (var product in Model.Products)
                // cut for brevity, need to add back more code from original

UPDATED: Add ToList() to the controller return statement.

How to pass a parameter to routerLink that is somewhere inside the URL?

There are multiple ways of achieving this.

  • Through [routerLink] directive
  • The navigate(Array) method of the Router class
  • The navigateByUrl(string) method which takes a string and returns a promise

The routerLink attribute requires you to import the routingModule into the feature module in case you lazy loaded the feature module or just import the app-routing-module if it is not automatically added to the AppModule imports array.

  • RouterLink
<a [routerLink]="['/user',]">John Doe</a>
<a routerLink="urlString">John Doe</a> // urlString is computed in your component
  • Navigate
// Inject Router into your component
// Inject ActivatedRoute into your component. This will allow the route to be done related to the current url
this._router.navigate(['user',], {relativeTo: this._activatedRoute})
  • NavigateByUrl
this._router.navigateByUrl(urlString).then((bool) => {}).catch()

Passing parameters to a JDBC PreparedStatement

You can use '?' to set custom parameters in string using PreparedStatments.

statement =con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from employee WHERE  userID = ?");
statement.setString(1, userID);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

If you directly pass userID in query as you are doing then it may get attacked by SQL INJECTION Attack.

How to use Python's "easy_install" on Windows ... it's not so easy

I also agree with the OP that all these things should come with Python already set. I guess we will have to deal with it until that day comes. Here is a solution that actually worked for me :

installing easy_install faster and easier

I hope it helps you or anyone with the same problem!

Escape dot in a regex range

The dot operator . does not need to be escaped inside of a character class [].

I have 2 dates in PHP, how can I run a foreach loop to go through all of those days?


    $start_date = '2015-01-01';
    $end_date = '2015-06-30';

    while (strtotime($start_date) <= strtotime($end_date)) {
        echo "$start_daten";
        $start_date = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 days", strtotime($start_date)));


GitHub - failed to connect to github 443 windows/ Failed to connect to gitHub - No Error

My problem was solved using this command

git config --global http.proxy http://login:password@proxyServer:proxyPort

CSS: Responsive way to center a fluid div (without px width) while limiting the maximum width?

EDIT : So for a popup, you have to use position:fixed , display:table property and max-width with em or rem values :)
with this CSS basis :

#popup {
#popup > div {
#popup p {

What is the difference between absolute and relative xpaths? Which is preferred in Selenium automation testing?

Absolute Xpath: It uses Complete path from the Root Element to the desire element.

Relative Xpath: You can simply start by referencing the element you want and go from there.

Relative Xpaths are always preferred as they are not the complete paths from the root element. (//html//body). Because in future, if any webelement is added/removed, then the absolute Xpath changes. So Always use Relative Xpaths in your Automation.

Below are Some Links which you can Refer for more Information on them.

How to add border radius on table row

I think collapsing your borders is the wrong thing to do in this case. Collapsing them basically means that the border between two neighboring cells becomes shared. This means it's unclear as to which direction it should curve given a radius.

Instead, you can give a border radius to the two lefthand corners of the first TD and the two righthand corners of the last one. You can use first-child and last-child selectors as suggested by theazureshadow, but these may be poorly supported by older versions of IE. It might be easier to just define classes, such as .first-column and .last-column to serve this purpose.

Android Studio suddenly cannot resolve symbols

I tried cleaning the project and then invalidating the cache, neither of which worked. What worked for me was to comment out all my dependencies in build.gradle (app), then sync, then uncomment the dependencies again, then sync again. Bob's your uncle.

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage


The @Autowired annotation spares you the need to do the wiring by yourself in the XML file (or any other way) and just finds for you what needs to be injected where and does that for you.

Full explanation

The @Autowired annotation allows you to skip configurations elsewhere of what to inject and just does it for you. Assuming your package is com.mycompany.movies you have to put this tag in your XML (application context file):

<context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany.movies" />

This tag will do an auto-scanning. Assuming each class that has to become a bean is annotated with a correct annotation like @Component (for simple bean) or @Controller (for a servlet control) or @Repository (for DAO classes) and these classes are somewhere under the package com.mycompany.movies, Spring will find all of these and create a bean for each one. This is done in 2 scans of the classes - the first time it just searches for classes that need to become a bean and maps the injections it needs to be doing, and on the second scan it injects the beans. Of course, you can define your beans in the more traditional XML file or with an @Configuration class (or any combination of the three).

The @Autowired annotation tells Spring where an injection needs to occur. If you put it on a method setMovieFinder it understands (by the prefix set + the @Autowired annotation) that a bean needs to be injected. In the second scan, Spring searches for a bean of type MovieFinder, and if it finds such bean, it injects it to this method. If it finds two such beans you will get an Exception. To avoid the Exception, you can use the @Qualifier annotation and tell it which of the two beans to inject in the following manner:

class Red implements Color {
   // Class code here

class Blue implements Color {
   // Class code here

Or if you prefer to declare the beans in your XML, it would look something like this:

<bean id="redBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Red"/>

<bean id="blueBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Blue"/>

In the @Autowired declaration, you need to also add the @Qualifier to tell which of the two color beans to inject:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

If you don't want to use two annotations (the @Autowired and @Qualifier) you can use @Resource to combine these two:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

The @Resource (you can read some extra data about it in the first comment on this answer) spares you the use of two annotations and instead, you only use one.

I'll just add two more comments:

  1. Good practice would be to use @Inject instead of @Autowired because it is not Spring-specific and is part of the JSR-330 standard.
  2. Another good practice would be to put the @Inject / @Autowired on a constructor instead of a method. If you put it on a constructor, you can validate that the injected beans are not null and fail fast when you try to start the application and avoid a NullPointerException when you need to actually use the bean.

Update: To complete the picture, I created a new question about the @Configuration class.

How to backup MySQL database in PHP?

Here is a pure PHP class to perform backups on MySQL databases not using mysqldump or mysql commands: Backing up MySQL databases with pure PHP

IE8 issue with Twitter Bootstrap 3

From the explanation it says that IE8 is the standard version for you and making content="IE=edge" will render the page in the highest mode. To make it compatible change it to content="IE=8".

IE8 mode supports many established standards, including the W3C Cascading Style Sheets Level 2.1 Specification and the W3C Selectors API; it also provides limited support for the W3C Cascading Style Sheets Level 3 Specification (Working Draft) and other emerging standards.

Edge mode tells Internet Explorer to display content in the highest mode available. With Internet Explorer 9, this is equivalent to IE9 mode. If a future release of Internet Explorer supported a higher compatibility mode, pages set to edge mode would appear in the highest mode supported by that version. Those same pages would still appear in IE9 mode when viewed with Internet Explorer 9.

Reference What does <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> do?

Two divs side by side - Fluid display

Here's my answer for those that are Googling:


.column {
    float: left;
    width: 50%;

/* Clear floats after the columns */
.container:after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

Here's the HTML:

<div class="container">
    <div class="column"></div>
    <div class="column"></div>

What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

If "validation failure" means that there is some client error in the request, then use HTTP 400 (Bad Request). For instance if the URI is supposed to have an ISO-8601 date and you find that it's in the wrong format or refers to February 31st, then you would return an HTTP 400. Ditto if you expect well-formed XML in an entity body and it fails to parse.

(1/2016): Over the last five years WebDAV's more specific HTTP 422 (Unprocessable Entity) has become a very reasonable alternative to HTTP 400. See for instance its use in JSON API. But do note that HTTP 422 has not made it into HTTP 1.1, RFC-7231.

Richardson and Ruby's RESTful Web Services contains a very helpful appendix on when to use the various HTTP response codes. They say:

400 (“Bad Request”)
Importance: High.
This is the generic client-side error status, used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate. It’s commonly used when the client submits a representation along with a PUT or POST request, and the representation is in the right format, but it doesn’t make any sense. (p. 381)


401 (“Unauthorized”)
Importance: High.
The client tried to operate on a protected resource without providing the proper authentication credentials. It may have provided the wrong credentials, or none at all. The credentials may be a username and password, an API key, or an authentication token—whatever the service in question is expecting. It’s common for a client to make a request for a URI and accept a 401 just so it knows what kind of credentials to send and in what format. [...]

Permutations between two lists of unequal length

Or the KISS answer for short lists:

[(i, j) for i in list1 for j in list2]

Not as performant as itertools but you're using python so performance is already not your top concern...

I like all the other answers too!

How to store Node.js deployment settings/configuration files?

For those who are visiting this old thread here is a package I find to be good.

Can't access Eclipse marketplace

Considering this as a general programming problem, some possible causes are:

  • The service could be temporarily broken

  • You could have a problem with a firewall. These could be local or they could be implemented by your ISPs.

  • Your proxy HTTP settings (if you need one) could be incorrect. This Answer explains how to adjust the Eclipse-internal proxy settings ... if that is where the problem lies.

  • It is possible that your access may be blocked by over-active antivirus software.

  • The service could have blacklisted some net range and your hosts IP address is "collateral damage".

Try connecting to that URL with a web browser to try to see if it is just Eclipse that is affected ... or a broader problem.

Considering this in the context of the Eclipse Marketplace service, first address any local proxy / firewall / AV issues, if they apply. If that doesn't help, the best thing that you can do is to be patient.

  • It has been observed that the Eclipse Marketplace service does sometimes go down. It doesn't happen often, and when it does happen the problem does get fixed relatively quickly. (Hours, not days ...)

  • I can't find a "service status" page or feed or similar for the Eclipse services. (If you know of one, please add it as a comment below.)

  • There may be an "outage" notice on the Eclipse front page. Check for that.

  • Try to connect to the service URL (refer to the exception message!) using a web browser and/or from other locations. If you succeed, the real problem may be a networking issue at your end.

  • If you feel the need to complain about Eclipse's services, please don't do it here!! (It is off topic.)

What does Html.HiddenFor do?

The Use of Razor code @Html.Hidden or @Html.HiddenFor is similar to the following Html code

 <input type="hidden"/>

And also refer the following link

How to remove all debug logging calls before building the release version of an Android app?

I have improved on the solution above by providing support for different log levels and by changing the log levels automatically depending on if the code is being run on a live device or on the emulator.

public class Log {

final static int WARN = 1;
final static int INFO = 2;
final static int DEBUG = 3;
final static int VERB = 4;

static int LOG_LEVEL;

    if ("google_sdk".equals(Build.PRODUCT) || "sdk".equals(Build.PRODUCT)) {
        LOG_LEVEL = VERB;
    } else {
        LOG_LEVEL = INFO;


public static void e(String tag, String string)
        android.util.Log.e(tag, string);

 * Warn
public static void w(String tag, String string)
        android.util.Log.w(tag, string);

 * Info
public static void i(String tag, String string)
    if(LOG_LEVEL >= INFO)
        android.util.Log.i(tag, string);

 * Debug
public static void d(String tag, String string)
    if(LOG_LEVEL >= DEBUG)
        android.util.Log.d(tag, string);

 * Verbose
public static void v(String tag, String string)
    if(LOG_LEVEL >= VERB)
        android.util.Log.v(tag, string);


Reading local text file into a JavaScript array

Using Node.js

sync mode:

var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt");
var textByLine = text.split("\n")

async mode:

var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("./mytext.txt", function(text){
    var textByLine = text.split("\n")


As of at least Node 6, readFileSync returns a Buffer, so it must first be converted to a string in order for split to work:

var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt").toString('utf-8');


var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt", "utf-8");

Rails server says port already used, how to kill that process?

To kill process on a specific port, you can try this

npx kill-port [port-number]

Read a javascript cookie by name

using jquery-cookie

I find this library helpful. 3.128 kb of pure convenience.

add script

<script src="/path/to/jquery.cookie.js"></script>

set cookie

$.cookie('name', 'value');

read cookie


Check whether a string contains a substring

Another possibility is to use regular expressions which is what Perl is famous for:

if ($mystring =~ /s1\.domain\.com/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains ""\n);

The backslashes are needed because a . can match any character. You can get around this by using the \Q and \E operators.

my $substring = "";
    if ($mystring =~ /\Q$substring\E/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains "$substring"\n);

Or, you can do as eugene y stated and use the index function. Just a word of warning: Index returns a -1 when it can't find a match instead of an undef or 0.

Thus, this is an error:

my $substring = "";
if (not index($mystring, $substr)) {
    print qq("$mystring" doesn't contains "$substring"\n";

This will be wrong if is at the beginning of your string. I've personally been burned on this more than once.

Visual Studio Code: Auto-refresh file changes

VSCode will never refresh the file if you have changes in that file that are not saved to disk. However, if the file is open and does not have changes, it will replace with the changes on disk, that is true.

There is currently no way to disable this behaviour.

How to do a logical OR operation for integer comparison in shell scripting?

And in Bash

 line1=`tail -3 /opt/Scripts/wowzaDataSync.log | grep "AmazonHttpClient" | head -1`
 vpid=`ps -ef|  grep wowzaDataSync | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'`
 echo "-------->"${line1}
    if [ -z $line1 ] && [ ! -z $vpid ]
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Process Is Working Fine"
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Prcess Hanging Due To Exception With PID :"${pid}

OR in Bash

line1=`tail -3 /opt/Scripts/wowzaDataSync.log | grep "AmazonHttpClient" | head -1`
vpid=`ps -ef|  grep wowzaDataSync | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "-------->"${line1}
   if [ -z $line1 ] || [ ! -z $vpid ]
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Process Is Working Fine"
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Prcess Hanging Due To Exception With PID :"${pid}

Not able to change TextField Border Color

The code in which you change the color of the primaryColor andprimaryColorDark does not change the color inicial of the border, only after tap the color stay black

The attribute that must be changed is hintColor

BorderSide should not be used for this, you need to change Theme.

To make the red color default to put the theme in MaterialApp(theme: ...) and to change the theme of a specific widget, such as changing the default red color to the yellow color of the widget, surrounds the widget with:

new Theme(
  data: new ThemeData(
    hintColor: Colors.yellow
  child: ...

Below is the code and gif:

Note that if we define the primaryColor color as black, by tapping the widget it is selected with the color black

But to change the label and text inside the widget, we need to set the theme to InputDecorationTheme

The widget that starts with the yellow color has its own theme and the widget that starts with the red color has the default theme defined with the function buildTheme()

enter image description here

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(new MyApp());

ThemeData buildTheme() {
  final ThemeData base = ThemeData();
  return base.copyWith(
    inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme(
      hintStyle: TextStyle(
      labelStyle: TextStyle(

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      theme: buildTheme(),
      home: new HomePage(),

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomePageState createState() => new _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
  String xp = '0';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(),
      body: new Container(
        padding: new EdgeInsets.only(top: 16.0),
        child: new ListView(
          children: <Widget>[
            new InkWell(
              onTap: () {},
              child: new Theme(
                data: new ThemeData(
                  hintColor: Colors.yellow
                child: new TextField(
                  decoration: new InputDecoration(
                      border: new OutlineInputBorder(),
                      hintText: 'Tell us about yourself',
                      helperText: 'Keep it short, this is just a demo.',
                      labelText: 'Life story',
                      prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.person, color:,),
                      prefixText: ' ',
                      suffixText: 'USD',
                      suffixStyle: const TextStyle(color:,
            new InkWell(
              onTap: () {},                
              child: new TextField(
                decoration: new InputDecoration(
                    border: new OutlineInputBorder(
                      borderSide: new BorderSide(color: Colors.teal)
                    hintText: 'Tell us about yourself',
                    helperText: 'Keep it short, this is just a demo.',
                    labelText: 'Life story',
                    prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.person, color:,),
                    prefixText: ' ',
                    suffixText: 'USD',
                    suffixStyle: const TextStyle(color:,

Looping each row in datagridview

You could loop through DataGridView using Rows property, like:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in datagridviews.Rows)
   currQty += row.Cells["qty"].Value;
   //More code here

How do I remove the non-numeric character from a string in java?

Simple way without using Regex:

public static String getOnlyNumerics(String str) {
    if (str == null) {
        return null;
    StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();
    char c;
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length() ; i++) {
        c = str.charAt(i);
        if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
    return strBuff.toString();

Simple search MySQL database using php

I think its works for everyone

<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <form action="" method="post">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Search" name="search">
        <button type="submit" name="submit">Search</button>


if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $searchValue = $_POST['search'];
    $con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "testing");
    if ($con->connect_error) {
        echo "connection Failed: " . $con->connect_error;
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM customer_info WHERE name OR email LIKE '%$searchValue%'";

        $result = $con->query($sql);
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            echo $row['name'] . "<br>";
            echo $row['email'] . "<br>";



Commenting multiple lines in DOS batch file

Just want to mention that pdub's GOTO solution is not fully correct in case :comment label appear in multiple times. I modify the code from this question as the example.

IF [%FLAG%]==[1] (
    GOTO comment

IF [%FLAG%]==[1] (
    GOTO comment

The output will be



What does the explicit keyword mean?

Suppose, you have a class String:

class String {
    String(int n); // allocate n bytes to the String object
    String(const char *p); // initializes object with char *p

Now, if you try:

String mystring = 'x';

The character 'x' will be implicitly converted to int and then the String(int) constructor will be called. But, this is not what the user might have intended. So, to prevent such conditions, we shall define the constructor as explicit:

class String {
    explicit String (int n); //allocate n bytes
    String(const char *p); // initialize sobject with string p

How do I create the small icon next to the website tab for my site?

It is called favicon.ico and you can generate it from this site.

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#

Using simple client.UploadString(adress, content); normally works fine but I think it should be remembered that a WebException will be thrown if not a HTTP successful status code is returned. I usually handle it like this to print any exception message the remote server is returning:

    postResult = client.UploadString(address, content);
catch (WebException ex)
    String responseFromServer = ex.Message.ToString() + " ";
    if (ex.Response != null)
        using (WebResponse response = ex.Response)
            Stream dataRs = response.GetResponseStream();
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataRs))
                responseFromServer += reader.ReadToEnd();
                _log.Error("Server Response: " + responseFromServer);

Get exception description and stack trace which caused an exception, all as a string

>>> import sys
>>> import traceback
>>> try:
...   5 / 0
... except ZeroDivisionError as e:
...   type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info()
>>> traceback.format_tb(traceback_)
['  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>\n']
>>> value_
ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)
>>> type_
<type 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError'>
>>> 5 / 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

You use sys.exc_info() to collect the information and the functions in the traceback module to format it. Here are some examples for formatting it.

The whole exception string is at:

>>> ex = traceback.format_exception(type_, value_, traceback_)
>>> ex
['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>\n', 'ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero\n']

Is there an equivalent of 'which' on the Windows command line?

Here is a function which I made to find executable similar to the Unix command 'WHICH`



FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2* USEBACKQ" %%N IN (`reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\%~1" /t REG_SZ  /v "Path"`) DO (
 IF /I "%%N" == "Path" (
  SET wherepath=%%P%~1
  GoTo Found

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`where.exe %~1`) DO (
 SET wherepath=%%F
 GoTo Found

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`where.exe /R "%PROGRAMFILES%" %~1`) DO (
 SET wherepath=%%F
 GoTo Found

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`where.exe /R "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%" %~1`) DO (
 SET wherepath=%%F
 GoTo Found

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`where.exe /R "%WINDIR%" %~1`) DO (
 SET wherepath=%%F
 GoTo Found

SET %2=%wherepath%



CALL "app_path_func.cmd" WINWORD.EXE PROGPATH



C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\
Press any key to continue . . .

Get nth character of a string in Swift programming language

By now, subscript(_:) is unavailable. As well as we can't do this


with string.We have to provide "String.Index" But, how can we give our own index number in this way, instead we can use,

string[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 0)]

Is it possible to run an .exe or .bat file on 'onclick' in HTML

No, that would be a huge security breach. Imagine if someone could run

format c:

whenever you visted their website.

Object Library Not Registered When Adding Windows Common Controls 6.0

I have been having the same problem. VB6 Win7 64 bit and have come across a very simple solution, so I figured it would be a good idea to share it here in case it helps anyone else.

First I have tried the following with no success:

  • unregistered and re-registering MSCOMCTL, MSCOMCTL2 and the barcode active X controls in every directory I could think of trying (VB98, system 32, sysWOW64, project folder.)

  • Deleting working folder and getting everything again. (through source safe)

  • Copying the OCX files from a machine with no problems and registering those.

  • Installing service pack 6

  • Installing MZ tools - it was worth a try

  • Installing the distributable version of the project.

  • Manually editing the vbp file (after making it writeable) to amend/remove the references and generally fiddling.

  • Un-Installing VB6 and re-Installing (this I thought was a last resort) The problem was occurring on a new project and not just existing ones.

NONE of the above worked but the following did

Open VB6
New project
        Tick the following:
            Microsoft flexigrid control 6.0 (sp6)
            Microsoft MAPI controls 6.0
            Microsoft Masked Edit Control 6.0 (sp3)
            Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0 (sp6)

After this I could still not tick the Barcode Active X or the windows common contols 6.0 and windows common controls 2 6.0, but when I clicked apply, the message changed from unregistered, to that it was already in the project.

>exit the components dialog and then load project. 

This time it worked. Tried the components dialog again and the missing three were now ticked. Everything seems fine now.

Are iframes considered 'bad practice'?

As with all technologies, it has its ups and downs. If you are using an iframe to get around a properly developed site, then of course it is bad practice. However sometimes an iframe is acceptable.

One of the main problems with an iframe has to do with bookmarks and navigation. If you are using it to simply embed a page inside your content, I think that is fine. That is what an iframe is for.

However I've seen iframes abused as well. It should never be used as an integral part of your site, but as a piece of content within a site.

Usually, if you can do it without an iframe, that is a better option. I'm sure others here may have more information or more specific examples, it all comes down to the problem you are trying to solve.

With that said, if you are limited to HTML and have no access to a backend like PHP or ASP.NET etc, sometimes an iframe is your only option.

Does Python have a package/module management system?

The Python Package Index (PyPI) seems to be standard:

  • To install a package: pip install MyProject
  • To update a package pip install --upgrade MyProject
  • To fix a version of a package pip install MyProject==1.0

You can install the package manager as follows:

curl -O
easy_install pip


R Plotting confidence bands with ggplot


mp <-data.frame(year=1990:2010)
N <- nrow(mp)

mp <- within(mp,
             wav <- rnorm(N)*cos(2*pi*year)+rnorm(N)*sin(2*pi*year)+5
             wow <- rnorm(N)*wav+rnorm(N)*wav^3

m01 <- gls(wow~poly(wav,3), data=mp, correlation = corARMA(p=1))

Get fitted values (the same as m01$fitted)

fit <- predict(m01)

Normally we could use something like predict(..., to get the confidence intervals on the prediction, but gls doesn't provide this capability. We use a recipe similar to the one shown at :

V <- vcov(m01)
X <- model.matrix(~poly(wav,3),data=mp) <- sqrt(diag(X %*% V %*% t(X)))

Put together a "prediction frame":

predframe <- with(mp,data.frame(year,wav,

Now plot with geom_ribbon

(p1 <- ggplot(mp, aes(year, wow))+

year vs wow

It's easier to see that we got the right answer if we plot against wav rather than year:

(p2 <- ggplot(mp, aes(wav, wow))+

wav vs wow

It would be nice to do the predictions with more resolution, but it's a little tricky to do this with the results of poly() fits -- see ?makepredictcall.

Html table with button on each row

Pretty sure this solves what you're looking for:


    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>

Javascript (using jQuery):

        $(this).html($(this).html() == 'edit' ? 'modify' : 'edit');


Apparently I should have looked at your sample code first ;)

You need to change (at least) the ID attribute of each element. The ID is the unique identifier for each element on the page, meaning that if you have multiple items with the same ID, you'll get conflicts.

By using classes, you can apply the same logic to multiple elements without any conflicts.

JSFiddle sample

R not finding package even after package installation

I had this problem and the issue was that I had the package loaded in another R instance. Simply closing all R instances and installing on a fresh instance allowed for the package to be installed.

Generally, you can also install if every remaining instance has never loaded the package as well (even if it installed an old version).

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

For putting a whole pdf in your file and not just 1 page, use:



How to convert a Map to List in Java?

Using the Java 8 Streams API.

List<Value> values = map.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

How to implement __iter__(self) for a container object (Python)

I normally would use a generator function. Each time you use a yield statement, it will add an item to the sequence.

The following will create an iterator that yields five, and then every item in some_list.

def __iter__(self):
   yield 5
   yield from some_list

Pre-3.3, yield from didn't exist, so you would have to do:

def __iter__(self):
   yield 5
   for x in some_list:
      yield x

Setting environment variables on OS X

Don't expect ~/.launchd.conf to work

The man page for launchctl says that it never worked:


launchctl no longer has an interactive mode, nor does it accept commands from stdin. The /etc/launchd.conf file is no longer consulted for subcommands to run during early boot time; this functionality was removed for security considerations. While it was documented that $HOME/.launchd.conf would be consulted prior to setting up a user's session, this functionality was never implemented.

How to set the environment for new processes started by Spotlight (without needing to reboot)

You can set the environment used by launchd (and, by extension, anything started from Spotlight) with launchctl setenv. For example to set the path:

launchctl setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Or if you want to set up your path in .bashrc or similar, then have it mirrored in launchd:

launchctl setenv PATH $PATH

There's no need to reboot though you will need to restart an app if you want it to pick up the changed environment.

This includes any shells already running under, although if you're there you can set the environment more directly, e.g. with export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH for bash or zsh.

How to keeping changes after a reboot

New method (since 10.10 Yosemite)

Use launchctl config user path /bin:/usr/bin:/mystuff. See man launchctl for more information.

Previous method

The launchctl man page quote at the top of this answer says the feature described here (reading /etc/launchd.conf at boot) was removed for security reasons, so ymmv.

To keep changes after a reboot you can set the environment variables from /etc/launchd.conf, like so:

setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

launchd.conf is executed automatically when you reboot.

If you want these changes to take effect now, you should use this command to reprocess launchd.conf (thanks @mklement for the tip!)

egrep -v '^\s*#' /etc/launchd.conf | launchctl

You can find out more about launchctl and how it loads launchd.conf with the command man launchctl.

How can I debug git/git-shell related problems?

For even more verbose output use following:

GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 GIT_TRACE=1 git pull origin master

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

Simply you can read XML file as dataType: "xml", it will retuen xml object already parsed. you can use it as jquery object and find anything or loop throw it…etc.

    type: "GET" ,
    url: "sampleXML.xml" ,
    dataType: "xml" ,
    success: function(xml) {

    //var xmlDoc = $.parseXML( xml );   <------------------this line
    //if single item
    var person = $(xml).find('person').text();  

    //but if it's multible items then loop
     $("#temp").append('<li>' + $(this).text() + '</li>');  

jQuery docs for parseXML

I can't install pyaudio on Windows? How to solve "error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required."?

You should install python 3.6 version because python 3.7 version doesn't support pyaudio 1 step : Then download the .whl file
according to your python version and the configuration of your machine in your python folder which is newly installed. For me it is python 3.6 and 64 bit machine. Download the file from here ( 2 step : run your cmd and type " pip install your downloaded file name here "

Difference between left join and right join in SQL Server

You seem to be asking, "If I can rewrite a RIGHT OUTER JOIN using LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax then why have a RIGHT OUTER JOIN syntax at all?" I think the answer to this question is, because the designers of the language didn't want to place such a restriction on users (and I think they would have been criticized if they did), which would force users to change the order of tables in the FROM clause in some circumstances when merely changing the join type.

How can I trigger the click event of another element in ng-click using angularjs?

best and simple way to use native java Script which is one liner code.


Just add 'id' to your html element like

<button id="myId1" ng-click="someFunction()"></button>

check condition in javascript code

if(condition) { document.querySelector('#myId1').click(); }

How to set bot's status

Simple way to initiate the message on startup:

bot.on('ready', () => {
        game: {
            name: 'with depression',
            type: "STREAMING",
            url: ""

You can also just declare it elsewhere after startup, to change the message as needed:

bot.user.setPresence({ game: { name: 'with depression', type: "streaming", url: ""}}); 

Regex to Match Symbols: !$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:";'<>?,./

The regular expression for this is really simple. Just use a character class. The hyphen is a special character in character classes, so it needs to be first:


You also need to escape the other regular expression metacharacters.

Edit: The hyphen is special because it can be used to represent a range of characters. This same character class can be simplified with ranges to this:


There are three ranges. '$' to '/', ':' to '?', and '{' to '~'. the last string of characters can't be represented more simply with a range: !"^_`[].

Use an ACSII table to find ranges for character classes.

SQL Server - In clause with a declared variable

This is an example where I use the table variable to list multiple values in an IN clause. The obvious reason is to be able to change the list of values only one place in a long procedure.

To make it even more dynamic and alowing user input, I suggest declaring a varchar variable for the input, and then using a WHILE to loop trough the data in the variable and insert it into the table variable.

Replace @your_list, Your_table and the values with real stuff.

DECLARE @your_list TABLE (list varchar(25)) 
INSERT into @your_list
VALUES ('value1'),('value2376')

FROM your_table 
WHERE your_column in ( select list from @your_list )

The select statement abowe will do the same as:

FROM your_table 
WHERE your_column in ('value','value2376' )

How to export html table to excel or pdf in php

Easiest way to export Excel to Html table

$file_name ="file_name.xls";
$excel_file="Your Html Table Code";
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name");
echo $excel_file;

How to turn on line numbers in IDLE?

Line numbers were added to the IDLE editor two days ago and will appear in the upcoming 3.8.0a3 and later 3.7.5. For new windows, they are off by default, but this can be reversed on the Setting dialog, General tab, Editor section. For existing windows, there is a new Show (Hide) Line Numbers entry on the Options menu. There is currently no hotkey. One can select a line or bloc of lines by clicking on a line or clicking and dragging.

Some people may have missed Edit / Go to Line. The right-click context menu Goto File/Line works on grep (Find in Files) output as well as on trackbacks.

Could not load file or assembly "System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"

In one of my projects there was a nuget packages with higher version of System.Net.Http. and in my startup project there reference to System.Net.Http v 4.0.0 , i just installed System.Net.Http nuget package in my startup project and the problem solved

Delete column from pandas DataFrame

Deleting a column using iloc function of dataframe and slicing, when we have a typical column name with unwanted values.

df = df.iloc[:,1:] # removing an unnamed index column

Here 0 is the default row and 1 is 1st column so ,1 where starts and stepping is taking default values, hence :,1: is our parameter for deleting the first column.

'git status' shows changed files, but 'git diff' doesn't

I suspect there is something wrong either with your Git installation or your repository.

Try running:

GIT_TRACE=2 git <command>

See if you get anything useful. If that doesn't help, just use strace and see what's going wrong:

strace git <command>

How to write multiple line string using Bash with variables?

If you do not want variables to be replaced, you need to surround EOL with single quotes.

cat >/tmp/myconfig.conf <<'EOL'
line 1, ${kernel}
line 2, 
line 3, ${distro}
line 4 line

Previous example:

$ cat /tmp/myconfig.conf 
line 1, ${kernel}
line 2, 
line 3, ${distro}
line 4 line

Render Content Dynamically from an array map function in React Native

Try moving the lapsList function out of your class and into your render function:

render() {
  const lapsList = => {
    return (

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <View style={styles.footer}>
        <View><Text>coucou test</Text></View>

Colorizing text in the console with C++

You don't need to use any library. Just only write system("color 4f");

How to check if a table contains an element in Lua?

I can't think of another way to compare values, but if you use the element of the set as the key, you can set the value to anything other than nil. Then you get fast lookups without having to search the entire table.

How to filter input type="file" dialog by specific file type?

You can use the accept attribute along with the . It doesn't work in IE and Safari.

Depending on your project scale and extensibility, you could use Struts. Struts offers two ways to limit the uploaded file type, declaratively and programmatically.

For more information:

Saving image to file

If you are drawing on the Graphics of the Control than you should do something draw on the Bitmap everything you are drawing on the canvas, but have in mind that Bitmap needs to be the exact size of the control you are drawing on:

  Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(myControl.ClientRectangle.Width,myControl.ClientRectangle.Height);
  Graphics gBmp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
  gBmp.DrawEverything(); //this is your code for drawing
  bmp.Save("image.png", ImageFormat.Png);

Or you can use a DrawToBitmap method of the Control. Something like this:

Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(myControl.ClientRectangle.Width, myControl.ClientRectangle.Height);
myControl.DrawToBitmap(bmp,new Rectangle(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
bmp.Save("image.png", ImageFormat.Png);

Batch file FOR /f tokens

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%f in (myfile) do

This reads a file line-by-line, removing leading spaces (thanks, jeb).

set line=%%f

sets then the line variable to the line just read and

call :procesToken

calls a subroutine that does something with the line


is the start of the subroutine mentioned above.

for /f "tokens=1* delims=/" %%a in ("%line%") do

will then split the line at /, but stopping tokenization after the first token.

echo Got one token: %%a

will output that first token and

set line=%%b

will set the line variable to the rest of the line.

if not "%line%" == "" goto :processToken

And if line isn't yet empty (i.e. all tokens processed), it returns to the start, continuing with the rest of the line.

React router nav bar example

Yes, Daniel is correct, but to expand upon his answer, your primary app component would need to have a navbar component within it. That way, when you render the primary app (any page under the '/' path), it would also display the navbar. I am guessing that you wouldn't want your login page to display the navbar, so that shouldn't be a nested component, and should instead be by itself. So your routes would end up looking something like this:

  <Route path="/" component={App}>
    <Route path="page1" component={Page1} />
    <Route path="page2" component={Page2} />
  <Route path="/login" component={Login} />

And the other components would look something like this:

var NavBar = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
          <a onClick={() => history.push('page1') }>Page 1</a>
          <a onClick={() => history.push('page2') }>Page 2</a>

var App = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
        <NavBar />
        <div>Other Content</div>