Programs & Examples On #Web crawler

A Web crawler (also known as Web spider) is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Other terms for Web crawlers are ants, automatic indexers, bots, Web spiders, Web robots, or – especially in the FOAF community – Web scutters.

how to detect search engine bots with php?

Because any client can set the user-agent to what they want, looking for 'Googlebot', 'bingbot' etc is only half the job.

The 2nd part is verifying the client's IP. In the old days this required maintaining IP lists. All the lists you find online are outdated. The top search engines officially support verification through DNS, as explained by Google and Bing

At first perform a reverse DNS lookup of the client IP. For Google this brings a host name under, for Bing it's under Then, because someone could set such a reverse DNS on his IP, you need to verify with a forward DNS lookup on that hostname. If the resulting IP is the same as the one of the site's visitor, you're sure it's a crawler from that search engine.

I've written a library in Java that performs these checks for you. Feel free to port it to PHP. It's on GitHub:

How to find all links / pages on a website

function getalllinks($url) {
    $links = array();
    if ($fp = fopen($url, 'r')) {
        $content = '';
        while ($line = fread($fp, 1024)) {
            $content. = $line;
    $textLen = strlen($content);
    if ($textLen > 10) {
        $startPos = 0;
        $valid = true;
        while ($valid) {
            $spos = strpos($content, '<a ', $startPos);
            if ($spos < $startPos) $valid = false;
            $spos = strpos($content, 'href', $spos);
            $spos = strpos($content, '"', $spos) + 1;
            $epos = strpos($content, '"', $spos);
            $startPos = $epos;
            $link = substr($content, $spos, $epos - $spos);
            if (strpos($link, 'http://') !== false) $links[] = $link;
    return $links;

try this code....

How to request Google to re-crawl my website?

There are two options. The first (and better) one is using the Fetch as Google option in Webmaster Tools that Mike Flynn commented about. Here are detailed instructions:

  1. Go to: and log in
  2. If you haven't already, add and verify the site with the "Add a Site" button
  3. Click on the site name for the one you want to manage
  4. Click Crawl -> Fetch as Google
  5. Optional: if you want to do a specific page only, type in the URL
  6. Click Fetch
  7. Click Submit to Index
  8. Select either "URL" or "URL and its direct links"
  9. Click OK and you're done.

With the option above, as long as every page can be reached from some link on the initial page or a page that it links to, Google should recrawl the whole thing. If you want to explicitly tell it a list of pages to crawl on the domain, you can follow the directions to submit a sitemap.

Your second (and generally slower) option is, as seanbreeden pointed out, submitting here:

Update 2019:

  1. Login to - Google Search Console
  2. Add a site and verify it with the available methods.
  3. After verification from the console, click on URL Inspection.
  4. In the Search bar on top, enter your website URL or custom URLs for inspection and enter.
  5. After Inspection, it'll show an option to Request Indexing
  6. Click on it and GoogleBot will add your website in a Queue for crawling.

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

You want to convert html (a byte-like object) into a string using .decode, e.g. html ='utf-8').

See Convert bytes to a Python String

python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

This can be caused by the two sides of the connection disagreeing over whether the connection timed out or not during a keepalive. (Your code tries to reused the connection just as the server is closing it because it has been idle for too long.) You should basically just retry the operation over a new connection. (I'm surprised your library doesn't do this automatically.)

Python Web Crawlers and "getting" html source code

The first thing you need to do is read the HTTP spec which will explain what you can expect to receive over the wire. The data returned inside the content will be the "rendered" web page, not the source. The source could be a JSP, a servlet, a CGI script, in short, just about anything, and you have no access to that. You only get the HTML that the server sent you. In the case of a static HTML page, then yes, you will be seeing the "source". But for anything else you see the generated HTML, not the source.

When you say modify the page and return the modified page what do you mean?

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

It's more convenient to use a session, this way you don't have to remember to set headers each time:

session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Custom user agent'})


By default, session also manages cookies for you. In case you want to disable that, see this question.

Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

This will inspect the docker image and print the layers:

$ docker image inspect nginx -f '{{.RootFS.Layers}}'
[sha256:d626a8ad97a1f9c1f2c4db3814751ada64f60aed927764a3f994fcd88363b659 sha256:82b81d779f8352b20e52295afc6d0eab7e61c0ec7af96d85b8cda7800285d97d sha256:7ab428981537aa7d0c79bc1acbf208c71e57d9678f7deca4267cc03fba26b9c8]

How to find sitemap.xml path on websites?

The location of the sitemap affects which URLs that it can include, but otherwise there is no standard. Here is a good link with more explaination:

Python: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Python don't have a great support for recursion because of it's lack of TRE (Tail Recursion Elimination).

This means that each call to your recursive function will create a function call stack and because there is a limit of stack depth (by default is 1000) that you can check out by sys.getrecursionlimit (of course you can change it using sys.setrecursionlimit but it's not recommended) your program will end up by crashing when it hits this limit.

As other answer has already give you a much nicer way for how to solve this in your case (which is to replace recursion by simple loop) there is another solution if you still want to use recursion which is to use one of the many recipes of implementing TRE in python like this one.

N.B: My answer is meant to give you more insight on why you get the error, and I'm not advising you to use the TRE as i already explained because in your case a loop will be much better and easy to read.

How do I make a simple crawler in PHP?

I used @hobodave's code, with this little tweak to prevent re-crawling all fragment variants of the same URL:

function crawl_page($url, $depth = 5)
  $parts = parse_url($url);
  if(array_key_exists('fragment', $parts)){
    $url = http_build_url($parts);

  static $seen = array();

Then you can also omit the $parts = parse_url($url); line within the for loop.

Get a list of URLs from a site

do wget -r -l0

Then just find would reveal all urls, I believe.

Alternatively, just serve that custom not-found page on every 404 request! I.e. if someone used the wrong link, he would get the page telling that page wasn't found, and making some hints about site's content.

How to get a web page's source code from Java

Try the following code with an added request property:


public class SocketConnection
    public static String getURLSource(String url) throws IOException
        URL urlObject = new URL(url);
        URLConnection urlConnection = urlObject.openConnection();
        urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.95 Safari/537.11");

        return toString(urlConnection.getInputStream());

    private static String toString(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
        try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")))
            String inputLine;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            while ((inputLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)

            return stringBuilder.toString();

C# - using List<T>.Find() with custom objects

Find() will find the element that matches the predicate that you pass as a parameter, so it is not related to Equals() or the == operator.

var element = myList.Find(e => [some condition on e]);

In this case, I have used a lambda expression as a predicate. You might want to read on this. In the case of Find(), your expression should take an element and return a bool.

In your case, that would be:

var reponse = list.Find(r => r.Statement == "statement1")

And to answer the question in the comments, this is the equivalent in .NET 2.0, before lambda expressions were introduced:

var response = list.Find(delegate (Response r) {
    return r.Statement == "statement1";

How can I use NSError in my iPhone App?

I would like to add some more suggestions based on my most recent implementation. I've looked at some code from Apple and I think my code behaves in much the same way.

The posts above already explain how to create NSError objects and return them, so I won't bother with that part. I'll just try to suggest a good way to integrate errors (codes, messages) in your own app.

I recommend creating 1 header that will be an overview of all the errors of your domain (i.e. app, library, etc..). My current header looks like this:


FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const FSMyAppErrorDomain;

enum {
    FSUserNotLoggedInError = 1000,


#import "FSError.h" 

NSString *const FSMyAppErrorDomain = @"com.felis.myapp";

Now when using the above values for errors, Apple will create some basic standard error message for your app. An error could be created like the following:

+ (FSProfileInfo *)profileInfoWithData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)error
    FSProfileInfo *profileInfo = [[FSProfileInfo alloc] init];
    if (profileInfo)
        /* ... lots of parsing code here ... */

        if (profileInfo.username == nil)
            *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FSMyAppErrorDomain code:FSProfileParsingFailedError userInfo:nil];            
            return nil;
    return profileInfo;

The standard Apple-generated error message (error.localizedDescription) for the above code will look like the following:

Error Domain=com.felis.myapp Code=1002 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.felis.myapp error 1002.)"

The above is already quite helpful for a developer, since the message displays the domain where the error occured and the corresponding error code. End users will have no clue what error code 1002 means though, so now we need to implement some nice messages for each code.

For the error messages we have to keep localisation in mind (even if we don't implement localized messages right away). I've used the following approach in my current project:

1) create a strings file that will contain the errors. Strings files are easily localizable. The file could look like the following:


"1000" = "User not logged in.";
"1001" = "Logout failed.";
"1002" = "Parser failed.";
"1003" = "Incorrect username or password.";
"1004" = "Failed to parse FNID."

2) Add macros to convert integer codes to localized error messages. I've used 2 macros in my Constants+Macros.h file. I always include this file in the prefix header (MyApp-Prefix.pch) for convenience.


// error handling ...

#define FS_ERROR_KEY(code)                    [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", code]
#define FS_ERROR_LOCALIZED_DESCRIPTION(code)  NSLocalizedStringFromTable(FS_ERROR_KEY(code), @"FSError", nil)

3) Now it's easy to show a user friendly error message based on an error code. An example:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error" 
[alert show];

Can curl make a connection to any TCP ports, not just HTTP/HTTPS?

Yes, it's possible, the syntax is curl [protocol://]<host>[:port], for example:


If you're using Bash, you can also use pseudo-device /dev files to open a TCP connection, e.g.:

exec 5<>/dev/tcp/
echo "send some stuff" >&5
cat <&5 # Receive some stuff.

See also: More on Using Bash's Built-in /dev/tcp File (TCP/IP).

Android Service Stops When App Is Closed

<service android:name=".Service2"

Declare this in your manifest. Give a custom name to your process and make that process isolated and exported .

Programmatically scroll a UIScrollView

With Animation in Swift

scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(x, y), animated: true)

Android: crashes with getApplicationContext

I don't think this is a timing issue around a null application context

Try extending Application within your app (or just use it if you already have)

public class MyApp extends Application

Make the instance available as a private singleton. This is never null

private static MyApp appInstance;

Make a static helper in MyApp (which will use the singleton)

    public static void showProgressDialog( CharSequence title, CharSequence message )
    prog =, title, message, true); // Never Do This!


Also, check out android engineer's answer here: WindowManager$BadTokenException

One cause of this error may be trying to display an application window/dialog through a Context that is not an Activity.

Now, i agree, it does not make sense that the method takes a Context param, instead of Activity..

Using ListView : How to add a header view?

You can add as many headers as you like by calling addHeaderView() multiple times. You have to do it before setting the adapter to the list view.

And yes you can add header something like this way:

LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
ViewGroup header = (ViewGroup)inflater.inflate(R.layout.header, myListView, false);
myListView.addHeaderView(header, null, false);

Best practices for circular shift (rotate) operations in C++

If x is an 8 bit value, you can use this:

x=(x>>1 | x<<7);

How to implement a FSM - Finite State Machine in Java

Hmm, I would suggest that you use Flyweight to implement the states. Purpose: Avoid the memory overhead of a large number of small objects. State machines can get very, very big.

I'm not sure that I see the need to use design pattern State to implement the nodes. The nodes in a state machine are stateless. They just match the current input symbol to the available transitions from the current state. That is, unless I have entirely forgotten how they work (which is a definite possiblilty).

If I were coding it, I would do something like this:

interface FsmNode {
  public boolean canConsume(Symbol sym);
  public FsmNode consume(Symbol sym);
  // Other methods here to identify the state we are in

  List<Symbol> input = getSymbols();
  FsmNode current = getStartState();
  for (final Symbol sym : input) {
    if (!current.canConsume(sym)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("FSM node " + current + " can't consume symbol " + sym);
    current = current.consume(sym);
  System.out.println("FSM consumed all input, end state is " + current);

What would Flyweight do in this case? Well, underneath the FsmNode there would probably be something like this:

Map<Integer, Map<Symbol, Integer>> fsm; // A state is an Integer, the transitions are from symbol to state number
FsmState makeState(int stateNum) {
  return new FsmState() {
    public FsmState consume(final Symbol sym) {
      final Map<Symbol, Integer> transitions = fsm.get(stateNum);
      if (transisions == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Illegal state number " + stateNum);
      final Integer nextState = transitions.get(sym);  // May be null if no transition
      return nextState;
    public boolean canConsume(final Symbol sym) {
      return consume(sym) != null;

This creates the State objects on a need-to-use basis, It allows you to use a much more efficient underlying mechanism to store the actual state machine. The one I use here (Map(Integer, Map(Symbol, Integer))) is not particulary efficient.

Note that the Wikipedia page focuses on the cases where many somewhat similar objects share the similar data, as is the case in the String implementation in Java. In my opinion, Flyweight is a tad more general, and covers any on-demand creation of objects with a short life span (use more CPU to save on a more efficient underlying data structure).

What's the Linq to SQL equivalent to TOP or LIMIT/OFFSET?

Whether the take happens on the client or in the db depends on where you apply the take operator. If you apply it before you enumerate the query (i.e. before you use it in a foreach or convert it to a collection) the take will result in the "top n" SQL operator being sent to the db. You can see this if you run SQL profiler. If you apply the take after enumerating the query it will happen on the client, as LINQ will have had to retrieve the data from the database for you to enumerate through it

Confirm deletion using Bootstrap 3 modal box

I've the same problem just today. This is my solution (which I think is better and simpler):

<!-- Modal dialog -->
<div class="modal fade" id="frmPrenotazione" tabindex="-1">
    <!-- CUTTED -->
    <div id="step1" class="modal-footer">
      <button type="button" class="glyphicon glyphicon-erase btn btn-default" id="btnDelete"> Delete</button>

<!-- Modal confirm -->
<div class="modal" id="confirmModal" style="display: none; z-index: 1050;">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-body" id="confirmMessage">
            <div class="modal-footer">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="confirmOk">Ok</button>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="confirmCancel">Cancel</button>

And in my .js:

$('#btnDelete').on('click', function(e){
    confirmDialog(YOUR_MESSAGE_STRING_CONST, function(){
        //My code to delete

function confirmDialog(message, onConfirm){
    var fClose = function(){
    var modal = $("#confirmModal");
    $("#confirmOk").unbind().one('click', onConfirm).one('click', fClose);
    $("#confirmCancel").unbind().one("click", fClose);

Using unbind before the one prevents that the removal function is invoked at the next opening of the dialog.

I hope this could be helpful.

Follow a complete example:

var YOUR_MESSAGE_STRING_CONST = "Your confirm message?";_x000D_
      $('#btnDelete').on('click', function(e){_x000D_
      confirmDialog(YOUR_MESSAGE_STRING_CONST, function(){_x000D_
       //My code to delete_x000D_
        function confirmDialog(message, onConfirm){_x000D_
         var fClose = function(){_x000D_
         var modal = $("#confirmModal");_x000D_
         $("#confirmOk").unbind().one('click', onConfirm).one('click', fClose);_x000D_
         $("#confirmCancel").unbind().one("click", fClose);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<!-- Modal dialog -->_x000D_
<div id="frmTest" tabindex="-1">_x000D_
    <!-- CUTTED -->_x000D_
      <div id="step1" class="modal-footer">_x000D_
    <button type="button" class="glyphicon glyphicon-erase btn btn-default" id="btnDelete"> Delete</button>_x000D_
  <!-- Modal confirm -->_x000D_
<div class="modal" id="confirmModal" style="display: none; z-index: 1050;">_x000D_
  <div class="modal-dialog">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
      <div class="modal-body" id="confirmMessage">_x000D_
      <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="confirmOk">Ok</button>_x000D_
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="confirmCancel">Cancel</button>_x000D_

is there a post render callback for Angular JS directive?

I got this working with the following directive:

app.directive('datatableSetup', function () {
    return { link: function (scope, elm, attrs) { elm.dataTable(); } }

And in the HTML:

<table class="table table-hover dataTable dataTable-columnfilter " datatable-setup="">

trouble shooting if the above doesnt work for you.

1) note that 'datatableSetup' is the equivalent of 'datatable-setup'. Angular changes the format into camel case.

2) make sure that app is defined before the directive. e.g. simple app definition and directive.

var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('datatableSetup', function () {
    return { link: function (scope, elm, attrs) { elm.dataTable(); } }

Native query with named parameter fails with "Not all named parameters have been set"

After many tries I found that you should use createNativeQuery And you can send parameters using # replacement

In my example


Query query = em.createNativeQuery(logQuery);

            query.setParameter("userId", logDataDto.getUserId());
            query.setParameter("loginId", logDataDto.getLoginId());


'AND' vs '&&' as operator

I guess it's a matter of taste, although (mistakenly) mixing them up might cause some undesired behaviors:

true && false || false; // returns false

true and false || false; // returns true

Hence, using && and || is safer for they have the highest precedence. In what regards to readability, I'd say these operators are universal enough.

UPDATE: About the comments saying that both operations return false ... well, in fact the code above does not return anything, I'm sorry for the ambiguity. To clarify: the behavior in the second case depends on how the result of the operation is used. Observe how the precedence of operators comes into play here:

var_dump(true and false || false); // bool(false)

$a = true and false || false; var_dump($a); // bool(true)

The reason why $a === true is because the assignment operator has precedence over any logical operator, as already very well explained in other answers.

How to create an on/off switch with Javascript/CSS?

check out this generator: On/Off FlipSwitch

you can get various different style outcomes and its css only - no javascript!

How do I disable right click on my web page?

 $(document).ready(function () {
            document.oncontextmenu = document.body.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }

How do you discover model attributes in Rails?

To describe model I use following snippet

Model.columns.collect { |c| "#{} (#{c.type})" }

Again this is if you are looking pretty print to describe you ActiveRecord without you going trough migrations or hopping that developer before you was nice enough to comment in attributes.

How do you make websites with Java?

You are asking a few different questions...

  • How can I create websites with Java?

The simplest way to start making websites with Java is to use JSP. JSP stands for Java Server Pages, and it allows you to embed HTML in Java code files for dynamic page creation. In order to compile and serve JSPs, you will need a Servlet Container, which is basically a web server that runs Java classes. The most popular basic Servlet Container is called Tomcat, and it's provided free by The Apache Software Foundation. Follow the tutorial that cletus provided here.

Once you have Tomcat up and running, and have a basic understanding of how to deploy JSPs, you'll probably want to start creating your own JSPs. I always like IBM developerWorks tutorials. They have a JSP tutorial here that looks alright (though a bit dated).

You'll find out that there is a lot more to Java web development than JSPs, but these tutorials will get you headed in the right direction.

  • PHP vs. Java

This is a pretty subjective question. PHP and Java are just tools, and in the hands of a bad programmer, any tool is useless. PHP and Java both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the discussion of them is probably outside of the scope of this post. I'd say that if you already know Java, stick with Java.

  • File I/O vs. MySQL

MySQL is better suited for web applications, as it is designed to handle many concurrent users. You should know though that Java can use MySQL just as easily as PHP can, through JDBC, Java's database connectivity framework.

What is the difference between "INNER JOIN" and "OUTER JOIN"?

Consider below 2 tables:


empid   name    dept_id salary
1       Rob     1       100
2       Mark    1       300
3       John    2       100
4       Mary    2       300
5       Bill    3       700
6       Jose    6       400


deptid  name
1       IT
2       Accounts
3       Security
4       HR
5       R&D

Inner Join:

Mostly written as just JOIN in sql queries. It returns only the matching records between the tables.

Find out all employees and their department names:

Select a.empid,, as dept_name
FROM emp a
JOIN department b
ON a.dept_id = b.deptid

empid   name    dept_name
1       Rob     IT
2       Mark    IT
3       John    Accounts
4       Mary    Accounts
5       Bill    Security

As you see above, Jose is not printed from EMP in the output as it's dept_id 6 does not find a match in the Department table. Similarly, HR and R&D rows are not printed from Department table as they didn't find a match in the Emp table.

So, INNER JOIN or just JOIN, returns only matching rows.


This returns all records from the LEFT table and only matching records from the RIGHT table.

Select a.empid,, as dept_name
FROM emp a
LEFT JOIN department b
ON a.dept_id = b.deptid

empid   name    dept_name
1       Rob     IT
2       Mark    IT
3       John    Accounts
4       Mary    Accounts
5       Bill    Security
6       Jose    

So, if you observe the above output, all records from the LEFT table(Emp) are printed with just matching records from RIGHT table.

HR and R&D rows are not printed from Department table as they didn't find a match in the Emp table on dept_id.

So, LEFT JOIN returns ALL rows from Left table and only matching rows from RIGHT table.

Can also check DEMO here.

How to show an alert box in PHP?

When I just run this as a page

echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'alert("message successfully sent")';
echo '</script>';

it works fine.

What version of PHP are you running?

Could you try echoing something else after: $testObject->split_for_sms($Chat);

Maybe it doesn't get to that part of the code? You could also try these with the other function calls to check where your program stops/is getting to.

Hope you get a bit further with this.

How can I exclude one word with grep?

The -v option will show you all the lines that don't match the pattern.

grep -v ^unwanted_word

How do I create a user with the same privileges as root in MySQL/MariaDB?

% mysql --user=root mysql
CREATE USER 'monty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
CREATE USER 'monty'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost';
GRANT RELOAD,PROCESS ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost';
CREATE USER 'dummy'@'localhost';

How to implement a SQL like 'LIKE' operator in java?

To implement LIKE functions of sql in java you don't need regular expression in They can be obtained as:

String text = "apple";
text.startsWith("app"); // like "app%"
text.endsWith("le"); // like "%le"
text.contains("ppl"); // like "%ppl%"

Arrays in type script

This is a very c# type of code:

var bks: Book[] = new Book[2];

In Javascript / Typescript you don't allocate memory up front like that, and that means something completely different. This is how you would do what you want to do:

var bks: Book[] = [];
bks.push(new Book());
bks[0].Author = "vamsee";
bks[0].BookId = 1;
return bks.length;

Now to explain what new Book[2]; would mean. This would actually mean that call the new operator on the value of Book[2]. e.g.:

Book[2] = function (){alert("hey");}
var foo = new Book[2]

and you should see hey. Try it

Calculate logarithm in python


Use the log10 function in the math module.

Credit card expiration dates - Inclusive or exclusive?

In your example a credit card is expired on 6/2008.

Without knowing what you are doing I cannot say definitively you should not be validating ahead of time but be aware that sometimes business rules defy all logic.

For example, where I used to work they often did not process a card at all or would continue on transaction failure simply so they could contact the customer and get a different card.

Run Java Code Online

Zamples is another site where you write a java code and run it online. Here you have possibility to choose jdk version also.

How to get info on sent PHP curl request

If you set CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT to true, outgoing headers are available in the array returned by curl_getinfo(), under request_header key:

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "someusername:secretpassword");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);


$info = curl_getinfo($ch);

This will print:

GET /bar HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c29tZXVzZXJuYW1lOnNlY3JldHBhc3N3b3Jk
Accept: */*

Note the auth details are base64-encoded:

echo base64_decode('c29tZXVzZXJuYW1lOnNlY3JldHBhc3N3b3Jk');
// prints: someusername:secretpassword

Also note that username and password need to be percent-encoded to escape any URL reserved characters (/, ?, &, : and so on) they might contain:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, urlencode($username).':'.urlencode($password));

Display the current date and time using HTML and Javascript with scrollable effects in hta application

Method 1:

With marquee tag.


<marquee behavior="scroll" bgcolor="yellow" loop="-1" width="30%">
      <font color="blue">
        Today's date is : 
         <span id="time"></span>


var today = new Date();

Fiddle demo here

Method 2:

Without marquee tag and with CSS.


<p class="marquee">
    <span id="dtText"></span>


.marquee {
   width: 350px;
   margin: 0 auto;
   white-space: nowrap;
   overflow: hidden;
   box-sizing: border-box;

.marquee span {
   display: inline-block;
   padding-left: 100%;
   text-indent: 0;
   animation: marquee 15s linear infinite;

.marquee span:hover {
    animation-play-state: paused

@keyframes marquee {
    0%   { transform: translate(0, 0); }
    100% { transform: translate(-100%, 0); }


var today = new Date();

Fiddle demo here

What is difference between Lightsail and EC2?

I think the lightsail as the name suggest is light weight and meant for initial development. For production sites and apps with high volume it simply becomes unavailable and hangs....It is just a sandbox to play with things. Further lack of support reduces its reliability. There should be an option to migrate to EC2, when u fully develop your apps or sites..So that with same minimum configuration you can migrate to scalable EC2..

Scala: what is the best way to append an element to an Array?

The easiest might be:

Array(1, 2, 3) :+ 4

Actually, Array can be implcitly transformed in a WrappedArray

Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle

Oracle 11g provides a PIVOT operation that does what you want.

Oracle 11g solution

select * from
(select id, k, v from _kv) 
pivot(max(v) for k in ('name', 'age', 'gender', 'status')

(Note: I do not have a copy of 11g to test this on so I have not verified its functionality)

I obtained this solution from:

EDIT -- pivot xml option (also Oracle 11g)
Apparently there is also a pivot xml option for when you do not know all the possible column headings that you may need. (see the XML TYPE section near the bottom of the page located at

select * from
(select id, k, v from _kv) 
pivot xml (max(v)
for k in (any) )

(Note: As before I do not have a copy of 11g to test this on so I have not verified its functionality)

Edit2: Changed v in the pivot and pivot xml statements to max(v) since it is supposed to be aggregated as mentioned in one of the comments. I also added the in clause which is not optional for pivot. Of course, having to specify the values in the in clause defeats the goal of having a completely dynamic pivot/crosstab query as was the desire of this question's poster.

JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize - how to change field names

By creating a custom JavaScriptConverter you can map any name to any property. But it does require hand coding the map, which is less than ideal.

public class DataObjectJavaScriptConverter : JavaScriptConverter
    private static readonly Type[] _supportedTypes = new[]
        typeof( DataObject )

    public override IEnumerable<Type> SupportedTypes 
        get { return _supportedTypes; } 

    public override object Deserialize( IDictionary<string, object> dictionary, 
                                        Type type, 
                                        JavaScriptSerializer serializer )
        if( type == typeof( DataObject ) )
            var obj = new DataObject();
            if( dictionary.ContainsKey( "user_id" ) )
                obj.UserId = serializer.ConvertToType<int>( 
                                           dictionary["user_id"] );
            if( dictionary.ContainsKey( "detail_level" ) )
                obj.DetailLevel = serializer.ConvertToType<DetailLevel>(
                                           dictionary["detail_level"] );

            return obj;

        return null;

    public override IDictionary<string, object> Serialize( 
            object obj, 
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer )
        var dataObj = obj as DataObject;
        if( dataObj != null )
            return new Dictionary<string,object>
                {"user_id", dataObj.UserId },
                {"detail_level", dataObj.DetailLevel }
        return new Dictionary<string, object>();

Then you can deserialize like so:

var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
serialzer.RegisterConverters( new[]{ new DataObjectJavaScriptConverter() } );
var dataObj = serializer.Deserialize<DataObject>( json );

resource error in android studio after update: No Resource Found

in your projects build.gradle file... write as below.. i have solved that error by change the appcompat version from v7.23.0.0 to v7.22.2.1..



compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''


Below screen shot is for better understanding.

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

AMG - Sorry all, was having a blond moment. The field "Additional" was added to the database after I had initially designed the database.

I updated all my code to use this new field, however I forgot to update the actual datareader code that was making the call to select the database fields, therefore it wasn't calling "Additional"

JavaScript: get code to run every minute

Using setInterval:

setInterval(function() {
    // your code goes here...
}, 60 * 1000); // 60 * 1000 milsec

The function returns an id you can clear your interval with clearInterval:

var timerID = setInterval(function() {
    // your code goes here...
}, 60 * 1000); 

clearInterval(timerID); // The setInterval it cleared and doesn't run anymore.

A "sister" function is setTimeout/clearTimeout look them up.

If you want to run a function on page init and then 60 seconds after, 120 sec after, ...:

function fn60sec() {
    // runs every 60 sec and runs on init.
setInterval(fn60sec, 60*1000);

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

Personally, I think the icons generated by the Google Charts API look great and are easy to customise dynamically.

See my answer on Google Maps API 3 - Custom marker color for default (dot) marker

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

cmsjr had the right solution. I just wanted to point out a couple of things for your future trigger development. If you are using the values statement in an insert in a trigger, there is a stong possibility that you are doing the wrong thing. Triggers fire once for each batch of records inserted, deleted, or updated. So if ten records were inserted in one batch, then the trigger fires once. If you are refering to the data in the inserted or deleted and using variables and the values clause then you are only going to get the data for one of those records. This causes data integrity problems. You can fix this by using a set-based insert as cmsjr shows above or by using a cursor. Don't ever choose the cursor path. A cursor in a trigger is a problem waiting to happen as they are slow and may well lock up your table for hours. I removed a cursor from a trigger once and improved an import process from 40 minutes to 45 seconds.

You may think nobody is ever going to add multiple records, but it happens more frequently than most non-database people realize. Don't write a trigger that will not work under all the possible insert, update, delete conditions. Nobody is going to use the one record at a time method when they have to import 1,000,000 sales target records from a new customer or update all the prices by 10% or delete all the records from a vendor whose products you don't sell anymore.

How to leave/exit/deactivate a Python virtualenv

Use deactivate.

(my_env) user@user:~/my_env$ deactivate

Note, (my_env) is gone.

Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

Apparently, I needed to run OpenSSL as root in order for it to have permission to the seeding file.

C# Switch-case string starting with

If you knew that the length of conditions you would care about would all be the same length then you could:

switch(mystring.substring(0, Math.Min(3, mystring.Length))
  case "abc":
    //do something
  case "xyz":
    //do something else
    //do a different thing

The Math.Min(3, mystring.Length) is there so that a string of less than 3 characters won't throw an exception on the sub-string operation.

There are extensions of this technique to match e.g. a bunch of 2-char strings and a bunch of 3-char strings, where some 2-char comparisons matching are then followed by 3-char comparisons. Unless you've a very large number of such strings though, it quickly becomes less efficient than simple if-else chaining for both the running code and the person who has to maintain it.

Edit: Added since you've now stated they will be of different lengths. You could do the pattern I mentioned of checking the first X chars and then the next Y chars and so on, but unless there's a pattern where most of the strings are the same length this will be both inefficient and horrible to maintain (a classic case of premature pessimisation).

The command pattern is mentioned in another answer, so I won't give details of that, as is that where you map string patterns to IDs, but they are option.

I would not change from if-else chains to command or mapping patterns to gain the efficiency switch sometimes has over if-else, as you lose more in the comparisons for the command or obtaining the ID pattern. I would though do so if it made code clearer.

A chain of if-else's can work pretty well, either with string comparisons or with regular expressions (the latter if you have comparisons more complicated than the prefix-matches so far, which would probably be simpler and faster, I'm mentioning reg-ex's just because they do sometimes work well with more general cases of this sort of pattern).

If you go for if-elses, try to consider which cases are going to happen most often, and make those tests happen before those for less-common cases (though of course if "starts with abcd" is a case to look for it would have to be checked before "starts with abc").

How to change row color in datagridview?

I was just investigating this issue (so I know this question was published almost 3 years ago, but maybe it will help someone... ) but it seems that a better option is to place the code inside the RowPrePaint event so that you don't have to traverse every row, only those that get painted (so it will perform much better on large amount of data:

Attach to the event

    += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventHandler(

The event code

private void dataGridView1_RowPrePaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e)
    if (Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[7].Text) < Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[10].Text)) 
        dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Beige;

Apache VirtualHost and localhost

For someone doing everything described here and still can't access:

XAMPP with Apache HTTP Server 2.4:

In file httpd-vhost.conf:

<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot "D:/xampp/htdocs/dir"
   <Directory "D:/xampp/htdocs/dir">
    Require all granted #apache v 2.4.4 uses just this

There isn't any need for a port, or an IP address here. Apache configures it on its own files. There isn't any need for NameVirtualHost *:80; it's deprecated. You can use it, but it doesn't make any difference.

Then to edit hosts, you must run Notepad as administrator (described bellow). If you were editing the file without doing this, you are editing a pseudo file, not the original (yes, it saves, etc., but it's not the real file)

In Windows:

Find the Notepad icon, right click, run as administrator, open file, go to C:/WINDOWS/system32/driver/etc/hosts, check "See all files", and open hosts.

If you where editing it before, probably you will see it's not the file you were previously editing when not running as administrator.

Then to check if Apache is reading your httpd-vhost.conf, go to folder xampFolder/apache/bin, Shift + right click, open a terminal command here, open XAMPP (as you usually do), start Apache, and then on the command line, type httpd -S. You will see a list of the virtual hosts. Just check if your is there.

IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState with ViewPager

I know there is an accepted answer by @Ovidiu Latcu but after some while, error still persist.

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
     //No call for super(). Bug on API Level > 11.

Crashlytics still sending me this weird error message.

However error now occurring only on version 7+ (Nougat) My fix was to use commitAllowingStateLoss() instead of commit() at the fragmentTransaction.

This post is helpful for commitAllowingStateLoss() and never had a fragment issue ever again.

To sum it up, the accepted answer here might work on pre Nougat android versions.

This might save someone a few hours of searching. happy codings. <3 cheers

How to run a shell script at startup

Many answers on starting something at boot, but often you want to start it just a little later, because your script depends on e.g. networking. Use at to just add this delay, e.g.:

at now + 1 min -f /path/yourscript

You may add this in /etc/rc.local, but also in cron like:

# crontab -e
@reboot at now + 1 min -f /path/yourscript

Isn't it fun to combine cron and at? Info is in the man page man at.

As for the comments that @reboot may not be widely supported, just try it. I found out that /etc/rc.local has become obsolete on distros that support systemd, such as ubuntu and raspbian.

How can I see the size of a GitHub repository before cloning it?

There's a way to access this information through the GitHub API.

When retrieving information about a repository, a property named size is valued with the size of the whole repository (including all of its history), in kilobytes.

For instance, the Git repository weights around 124 MB. The size property of the returned JSON payload is valued to 124283.


The size is indeed expressed in kilobytes based on the disk usage of the server-side bare repository. However, in order to avoid wasting too much space with repositories with a large network, GitHub relies on Git Alternates. In this configuration, calculating the disk usage against the bare repository doesn't account for the shared object store and thus returns an "incomplete" value through the API call.

This information has been given by GitHub support.

HTTP Request in Swift with POST method

In Swift 3 and later you can:

let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.setValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.httpMethod = "POST"
let parameters: [String: Any] = [
    "id": 13,
    "name": "Jack & Jill"
request.httpBody = parameters.percentEncoded()

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
    guard let data = data, 
        let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, 
        error == nil else {                                              // check for fundamental networking error
        print("error", error ?? "Unknown error")

    guard (200 ... 299) ~= response.statusCode else {                    // check for http errors
        print("statusCode should be 2xx, but is \(response.statusCode)")
        print("response = \(response)")

    let responseString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
    print("responseString = \(responseString)")



extension Dictionary {
    func percentEncoded() -> Data? {
        return map { key, value in
            let escapedKey = "\(key)".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryValueAllowed) ?? ""
            let escapedValue = "\(value)".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryValueAllowed) ?? ""
            return escapedKey + "=" + escapedValue
        .joined(separator: "&")
        .data(using: .utf8)

extension CharacterSet { 
    static let urlQueryValueAllowed: CharacterSet = {
        let generalDelimitersToEncode = ":#[]@" // does not include "?" or "/" due to RFC 3986 - Section 3.4
        let subDelimitersToEncode = "!$&'()*+,;="

        var allowed = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed
        allowed.remove(charactersIn: "\(generalDelimitersToEncode)\(subDelimitersToEncode)")
        return allowed

This checks for both fundamental networking errors as well as high-level HTTP errors. This also properly percent escapes the parameters of the query.

Note, I used a name of Jack & Jill, to illustrate the proper x-www-form-urlencoded result of name=Jack%20%26%20Jill, which is “percent encoded” (i.e. the space is replaced with %20 and the & in the value is replaced with %26).

See previous revision of this answer for Swift 2 rendition.

What is String pool in Java?

When the JVM loads classes, or otherwise sees a literal string, or some code interns a string, it adds the string to a mostly-hidden lookup table that has one copy of each such string. If another copy is added, the runtime arranges it so that all the literals refer to the same string object. This is called "interning". If you say something like

String s = "test";
return (s == "test");

it'll return true, because the first and second "test" are actually the same object. Comparing interned strings this way can be much, much faster than String.equals, as there's a single reference comparison rather than a bunch of char comparisons.

You can add a string to the pool by calling String.intern(), which will give you back the pooled version of the string (which could be the same string you're interning, but you'd be crazy to rely on that -- you often can't be sure exactly what code has been loaded and run up til now and interned the same string). The pooled version (the string returned from intern) will be equal to any identical literal. For example:

String s1 = "test";
String s2 = new String("test");  // "new String" guarantees a different object

System.out.println(s1 == s2);  // should print "false"

s2 = s2.intern();
System.out.println(s1 == s2);  // should print "true"

Javascript checkbox onChange


totalCost.value = checkbox.checked ? 10 : calculate();

function change(checkbox) {_x000D_
  totalCost.value = checkbox.checked ? 10 : calculate();_x000D_
function calculate() {_x000D_
  return other.value*2;_x000D_
input { display: block}
Checkbox: <input type="checkbox" onclick="change(this)"/>_x000D_
Total cost: <input id="totalCost" type="number" value=5 />_x000D_
Other: <input id="other" type="number" value=7 />

How do I read a response from Python Requests?

Requests doesn't have an equivalent to Urlib2's read().

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get("")
>>> print response.content
'<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype=""><head>....'
>>> print response.content == response.text

It looks like the POST request you are making is returning no content. Which is often the case with a POST request. Perhaps it set a cookie? The status code is telling you that the POST succeeded after all.

Edit for Python 3:

Python now handles data types differently. response.content returns a sequence of bytes (integers that represent ASCII) while response.text is a string (sequence of chars).


>>> print response.content == response.text

>>> print str(response.content) == response.text

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Command Prompt Error 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Go to Start and search for cmd. Right click on it, properties then set the Target path in quotes. This worked fine for me.

Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row:

You also get this error if you do not create and populate your tables in the right order. For example, according to your schema, Comments table needs user_id, project_id, task_id and data_type_id. This means that Users table, Projects table, Task table and Data_Type table must already have exited and have values in them before you can reference their ids or any other column.

In Laravel this would mean calling your database seeders in the right order:

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()

This was how I solved a similar issue.

jQuery convert line breaks to br (nl2br equivalent)

Put this in your code (preferably in a general js functions library):

String.prototype.nl2br = function()
    return this.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");


var myString = "test\ntest2";


creating a string prototype function allows you to use this on any string.

Change font-weight of FontAwesome icons?

The author appears to have taken a freemium approach to the font library and provides Black Tie to give different weights to the Font-Awesome library.

Escaping ampersand character in SQL string

You can use

set define off

Using this it won't prompt for the input

How can I start an Activity from a non-Activity class?

I don't know if this is good practice or not, but casting a Context object to an Activity object compiles fine.

Try this: ((Activity) mContext).startActivity(...)

Setting up a JavaScript variable from Spring model by using Thymeleaf

I've seen this kind of thing work in the wild:

<input type="button"  th:onclick="'javascript:getContactId(\'' + ${} + '\');'" />

How to get the last char of a string in PHP?

I'd advise to go for Gordon's solution as it is more performant than substr():


$string = 'abcdef';
$repetitions = 10000000;

echo "\n\n";
echo "----------------------------------\n";
echo $repetitions . " repetitions...\n";
echo "----------------------------------\n";
echo "\n\n";

$start = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$repetitions; $i++)
    $x = substr($string, -1);

echo "substr() took " . (microtime(true) - $start) . "seconds\n";

$start = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$repetitions; $i++)
    $x = $string[strlen($string)-1];

echo "array access took " . (microtime(true) - $start) . "seconds\n";


outputs something like

 10000000 repetitions...

 substr() took 2.0285921096802seconds 
 array access took 1.7474739551544seconds

Fastest way to update 120 Million records

set rowcount 1000000
Update table set int_field = -1 where int_field<>-1

see how fast that takes, adjust and repeat as necessary

Returning a stream from File.OpenRead()

You need

    data.Position = 0; // reset to beginning
    byte[] buf = new byte[data.Length];
    data.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);  

And since your Test() method is imitating the client it ought to Close() or Dispose() the str Stream. And the memoryStream too, just out of principal.

Memcached vs. Redis?

Memcached is good at being a simple key/value store and is good at doing key => STRING. This makes it really good for session storage.

Redis is good at doing key => SOME_OBJECT.

It really depends on what you are going to be putting in there. My understanding is that in terms of performance they are pretty even.

Also good luck finding any objective benchmarks, if you do find some kindly send them my way.

Split string into array of characters?

You can just assign the string to a byte array (the reverse is also possible). The result is 2 numbers for each character, so Xmas converts to a byte array containing {88,0,109,0,97,0,115,0}
or you can use StrConv

Dim bytes() as Byte
bytes = StrConv("Xmas", vbFromUnicode)

which will give you {88,109,97,115} but in that case you cannot assign the byte array back to a string.
You can convert the numbers in the byte array back to characters using the Chr() function

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'GET'

Resolved this issue by using http(s) when accessing the endpoint. The route I was accessing was not available over http. So I would say verify the protocols for which the route is available.

PDO's query vs execute

query runs a standard SQL statement and requires you to properly escape all data to avoid SQL Injections and other issues.

execute runs a prepared statement which allows you to bind parameters to avoid the need to escape or quote the parameters. execute will also perform better if you are repeating a query multiple times. Example of prepared statements:

$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories FROM fruit
    WHERE calories < :calories AND colour = :colour');
$sth->bindParam(':calories', $calories);
$sth->bindParam(':colour', $colour);
// $calories or $color do not need to be escaped or quoted since the
//    data is separated from the query

Best practice is to stick with prepared statements and execute for increased security.

See also: Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

How to add an event after close the modal window?

I find answer. Thanks all but right answer next:

$("#myModal").on("hidden", function () {

Events here


For Bootstrap 3.x need use

$("#myModal").on("", function () {

jquery - How to determine if a div changes its height or any css attribute?

Please don't use techniques described in other answers here. They are either not working with css3 animations size changes, floating layout changes or changes that don't come from jQuery land. You can use a resize-detector, a event-based approach, that doesn't waste your CPU time.

It contains a ResizeSensor class you can use for that purpose.

new ResizeSensor(jQuery('#mainContent'), function(){ 
    console.log('main content dimension changed');

Disclaimer: I wrote this library

How can I sharpen an image in OpenCV?

Try with this:

cv::bilateralFilter(img, 9, 75, 75);

You might find more information here.

Angular - Set headers for every request

To answer, you question you could provide a service that wraps the original Http object from Angular. Something like described below.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http, Headers} from '@angular/http';

export class HttpClient {

  constructor(private http: Http) {}

  createAuthorizationHeader(headers: Headers) {
    headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' +

  get(url) {
    let headers = new Headers();
    return this.http.get(url, {
      headers: headers

  post(url, data) {
    let headers = new Headers();
    return, data, {
      headers: headers

And instead of injecting the Http object you could inject this one (HttpClient).

import { HttpClient } from './http-client';

export class MyComponent {
  // Notice we inject "our" HttpClient here, naming it Http so it's easier
  constructor(http: HttpClient) {
    this.http = httpClient;

  handleSomething() {, data).subscribe(result => {
        // console.log( result );

I also think that something could be done using multi providers for the Http class by providing your own class extending the Http one... See this link:

How to get the nvidia driver version from the command line?

Using nvidia-smi should tell you that:

bwood@mybox:~$ nvidia-smi 
Mon Oct 29 12:30:02 2012       
| NVIDIA-SMI 3.295.41   Driver Version: 295.41         |                       
| Nb.  Name                     | Bus Id        Disp.  | Volatile ECC SB / DB |
| Fan   Temp   Power Usage /Cap | Memory Usage         | GPU Util. Compute M. |
| 0.  GeForce GTX 580           | 0000:25:00.0  N/A    |       N/A        N/A |
|  54%   70 C  N/A   N/A /  N/A |  25%  383MB / 1535MB |  N/A      Default    |
| Compute processes:                                               GPU Memory |
|  GPU  PID     Process name                                       Usage      |
|  0.           Not Supported                                                 |

C# listView, how do I add items to columns 2, 3 and 4 etc?

 private void MainTimesheetForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListViewItem newList = new ListViewItem("1");


C# nullable string error

string cannot be the parameter to Nullable because string is not a value type. String is a reference type.

string s = null; 

is a very valid statement and there is not need to make it nullable.

private string typeOfContract
      get { return ViewState["typeOfContract"] as string; }
      set { ViewState["typeOfContract"] = value; }

should work because of the as keyword.

.NET Core vs Mono

This is one of my favorite topics and the content here was just amazing. I was thinking if it would be worth while or effective to compare the methods available in Runtime vs. Mono. I hope I got my terms right, but I think you know what I mean. In order to have a somewhat better understanding of what each Runtime supports currently, would it make sense to compare the methods they provide? I realize implementations may vary, and I have not considered the Framework Class libraries or the slew of other libraries available in one environment vs. the other. I also realize someone might have already done this work even more efficiently. I would be most grateful if you would let me know so I can review it. I feel doing a diff between the outcome of such activity would be of value, and wanted to see how more experienced developers feel about it, and would they provide useful guidance. While back I was playing with reflection, and wrote some lines that traverse the .net directory, and list the assemblies.

How to change value of process.env.PORT in node.js?

For just one run (from the unix shell prompt):

$ PORT=1234 node app.js

More permanently:

$ export PORT=1234
$ node app.js

In Windows:

set PORT=1234

In Windows PowerShell:

$env:PORT = 1234

How to grant all privileges to root user in MySQL 8.0

This worked for me:


How to create and download a csv file from php script?

If you're array structure will always be multi-dimensional in that exact fashion, then we can iterate through the elements like such:

$fh = fopen('somefile.csv', 'w') or die('Cannot open the file');

for( $i=0; $i<count($arr); $i++ ){
    $str = implode( ',', $arr[$i] );
    fwrite( $fh, $str );
    fwrite( $fh, "\n" );

That's one way to do it ... you could do it manually but this way is quicker and easier to understand and read.

Then you would manage your headers something what complex857 is doing to spit out the file. You could then delete the file using unlink() if you no longer needed it, or you could leave it on the server if you wished.

Align image to left of text on same line - Twitter Bootstrap3

Use Nesting column

To nest your content with the default grid, add a new .row and set of .col-sm-* columns within an existing .col-sm-* column. Nested rows should include a set of columns that add up to 12 or fewer (it is not required that you use all 12 available columns).

enter image description here

<div class="row">_x000D_
  <div class="col-sm-9">_x000D_
    Level 1: .col-sm-9_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
      <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-6">_x000D_
        Level 2: .col-xs-8 .col-sm-6_x000D_
      <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-6">_x000D_
        Level 2: .col-xs-4 .col-sm-6_x000D_

How do I create a new user in a SQL Azure database?

create a user and then add user to a specific role:

CREATE USER [test] WITH PASSWORD=N'<strong password>'
ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [test]

How to convert a Datetime string to a current culture datetime string

DateTime dateValue;
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
DateTimeStyles styles = DateTimeStyles.None;
DateTime.TryParse(datetimestring,culture, styles, out dateValue);

Download file inside WebView

Try using download manager, which can help you download everything you want and save you time.

Check those to options:

Option 1 ->

 mWebView.setDownloadListener(new DownloadListener() {
        public void onDownloadStart(String url, String userAgent,
                String contentDisposition, String mimetype,
                long contentLength) {
 Request request = new Request(
                    request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "download"); 
                    DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);


Option 2 ->

if(mWebview.getUrl().contains(".mp3") {
 Request request = new Request(
                request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "download"); 
// You can change the name of the downloads, by changing "download" to everything you want, such as the mWebview title...
                DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);


How do I get the file name from a String containing the Absolute file path?

Alternative using Path (Java 7+):

Path p = Paths.get("C:\\Hello\\AnotherFolder\\The File Name.PDF");
String file = p.getFileName().toString();

Note that splitting the string on \\ is platform dependent as the file separator might vary. Path#getName takes care of that issue for you.

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type

For people just stumbling upon this now, I resolved an error of this type that was thrown with all the references and using statements placed properly. There's evidently some confusion with substituting in a function that returns DataTable instead of calling it on a declared DataTable. For example:

This worked for me:

DataTable dt = SomeObject.ReturnsDataTable();

List<string> ls = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(dr => dr["name"].ToString()).ToList<string>();

But this didn't:

List<string> ls = SomeObject.ReturnsDataTable().AsEnumerable().Select(dr => dr["name"].ToString()).ToList<string>();

I'm still not 100% sure why, but if anyone is frustrated by an error of this type, give this a try.

How to capture the browser window close event?

My Issue: The 'onbeforeunload' event would only be triggered if there were odd number of submits(clicks). I had a combination of solutions from similar threads in SO to have my solution work. well my code will speak.

<!--The definition of event and initializing the trigger flag--->

$(document).ready(function() {
  window.onbeforeunload = WarnUser; 

function WarnUser() {
  var allowPrompt = getfgallowPrompt();
  if(allowPrompt) {
    return null;
  } else {

<!--The method responsible for deciding weather the unload event is triggered from submit or not--->
function saveIndexedDataAlert() {
  var allowPrompt = getfgallowPrompt();
  var lenIndexedDocs = parseInt($('#sortable3 > li').size()) + parseInt($('#sortable3 > ul').size());

  if(allowPrompt && $.trim(lenIndexedDocs) > 0) {
    event.returnValue = "Your message";
  } else {
    event.returnValue = "   ";

<!---Function responsible to reset the trigger flag---->
$(document).click(function(event) {  
  $('a').live('click', function() { updatefgallowPrompt(false); });

<!--getter and setter for the flag---->
function updatefgallowPrompt (allowPrompt){ //exit msg dfds
  $('body').data('allowPrompt', allowPrompt);   

function getfgallowPrompt(){        
  return $('body').data('allowPrompt'); 

'Syntax Error: invalid syntax' for no apparent reason

I noticed that invalid syntax error for no apparent reason can be caused by using space in:

print(f'{something something}')

Python IDLE seems to jump and highlight a part of the first line for some reason (even if the first line happens to be a comment), which is misleading.

Convert Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray to a list of specific object type

Use IList to get the JArray Count and Use Loop to Convert into List

       var array = result["items"].Value<JArray>();

        IList collection = (IList)array;

        var list = new List<string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; j++)

Difference between wait and sleep

From oracle documentation page on wait() method of Object:

public final void wait()
  1. Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object. In other words, this method behaves exactly as if it simply performs the call wait(0).
  2. The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread releases ownership of this monitor and waits until another thread notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up
  3. interrupts and spurious wakeups are possible
  4. This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor

This method throws

  1. IllegalMonitorStateException - if the current thread is not the owner of the object's monitor.

  2. InterruptedException - if any thread interrupted the current thread before or while the current thread was waiting for a notification. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.

From oracle documentation page on sleep() method of Thread class:

public static void sleep(long millis)
  1. Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
  2. The thread does not lose ownership of any monitors.

This method throws:

  1. IllegalArgumentException - if the value of millis is negative

  2. InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.

Other key difference:

wait() is a non-static method (instance method) unlike static method sleep() (class method).

Something better than .NET Reflector?

I am not sure what you really want here. If you want to see the .NET framework source code, you may try Netmassdownloader. It's free.

If you want to see any assembly's code (not just .NET), you can use ReSharper. Although it's not free.

Add 10 seconds to a Date

Try this way.

Date.prototype.addSeconds = function(seconds) {
  var copiedDate = new Date(this.getTime());
  return new Date(copiedDate.getTime() + seconds * 1000);

Just call and assign new Date().addSeconds(10)

Javascript geocoding from address to latitude and longitude numbers not working

The script tag to the api has changed recently. Use something like this to query the Geocoding API and get the JSON object back

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The address could be something like

1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA (URI Encoded; you should Google it. Very useful)

or simply

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA

By entering this address,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY inside the browser, along with my API Key, I get back a JSON object which contains the Latitude & Longitude for the city of Moutain view, CA.

{"results" : [
     "address_components" : [
           "long_name" : "1600",
           "short_name" : "1600",
           "types" : [ "street_number" ]
           "long_name" : "Amphitheatre Parkway",
           "short_name" : "Amphitheatre Pkwy",
           "types" : [ "route" ]
           "long_name" : "Mountain View",
           "short_name" : "Mountain View",
           "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
           "long_name" : "Santa Clara County",
           "short_name" : "Santa Clara County",
           "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
           "long_name" : "California",
           "short_name" : "CA",
           "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
           "long_name" : "United States",
           "short_name" : "US",
           "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
           "long_name" : "94043",
           "short_name" : "94043",
           "types" : [ "postal_code" ]
     "formatted_address" : "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA",
     "geometry" : {
        "location" : {
           "lat" : 37.4222556,
           "lng" : -122.0838589
        "location_type" : "ROOFTOP",
        "viewport" : {
           "northeast" : {
              "lat" : 37.4236045802915,
              "lng" : -122.0825099197085
           "southwest" : {
              "lat" : 37.4209066197085,
              "lng" : -122.0852078802915
     "place_id" : "ChIJ2eUgeAK6j4ARbn5u_wAGqWA",
     "types" : [ "street_address" ]
  }],"status" : "OK"}

Web Frameworks such like AngularJS allow us to perform these queries with ease.

Check if event exists on element

$('body').click(function(){ alert('test' )})

var foo = $.data( $('body').get(0), 'events' ).click
// you can query $.data( object, 'events' ) and get an object back, then see what events are attached to it.

$.each( foo, function(i,o) {
    alert(i) // guid of the event
    alert(o) // the function definition of the event handler

You can inspect by feeding the object reference ( not the jQuery object though ) to $.data, and for the second argument feed 'events' and that will return an object populated with all the events such as 'click'. You can loop through that object and see what the event handler does.

python request with authentication (access_token)

I had the same problem when trying to use a token with Github.

The only syntax that has worked for me with Python 3 is:

import requests

myToken = '<token>'
myUrl = '<website>'
head = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(myToken)}
response = requests.get(myUrl, headers=head)

AngularJS ui router passing data between states without URL

The params object is included in $stateParams, but won't be part of the url.

1) In the route configuration:

$stateProvider.state('edit_user', {
    url: '/users/:user_id/edit',
    templateUrl: 'views/editUser.html',
    controller: 'editUserCtrl',
    params: {
        paramOne: { objectProperty: "defaultValueOne" },  //default value
        paramTwo: "defaultValueTwo"

2) In the controller:

.controller('editUserCtrl', function ($stateParams, $scope) {       
    $scope.paramOne = $stateParams.paramOne;
    $scope.paramTwo = $stateParams.paramTwo;

3A) Changing the State from a controller

$state.go("edit_user", {
    user_id: 1,                
    paramOne: { objectProperty: "test_not_default1" },
    paramTwo: "from controller"

3B) Changing the State in html

<div ui-sref="edit_user({ user_id: 3, paramOne: { objectProperty: 'from_html1' }, paramTwo: 'fromhtml2' })"></div>

Example Plunker

Can't clone a github repo on Linux via HTTPS

This is the dumbest answer to this question, but check the status of GitHub. This one got me :)

How to fix error "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4?

I couldn't get mvn eclipse:clean etc to work with Kepler.

However I changed creating and extending variables to just using external jars in my eclipse classpath. This was reflected in no var's in my .classpath.

This corrected the problem. I was able to do a Maven update.

What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

To sum up, the quick linkedlist method:

List<String> llist = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(oldArray));

scp from Linux to Windows

I had to use pscp like above Hesham's post once I downloaded and installed putty. I did it to Windows from Linux on Windows so I entered the following:

c:\ssl>pscp username@linuxserver:keenan/ssl/* .

This will copy everything in the keenan/ssl folder to the local folder (.) you performed this command from (c:\ssl). The keenan/ssl will specify the home folder of the username user, for example the full path would be /home/username/keenan/ssl. You can specify a different folder using a forward slash (/), such as

c:\ssl>pscp username@linuxserver:/home/username/keenan/ssl/* .

So you can specify any folder at the root of Linux using :/.

How to pass multiple checkboxes using jQuery ajax post

Could use the following and then explode the post result explode(",", $_POST['data']); to give an array of results.

var data = new Array();
$("input[name='checkBoxesName']:checked").each(function(i) {

Get current date/time in seconds

Based on your comment, I think you're looking for something like this:

var timeout = new Date().getTime() + 15*60*1000; //add 15 minutes;

Then in your check, you're checking:

if(new Date().getTime() > timeout) {
  alert("Session has expired");

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

This configuration worked for me in bitnami wordpress with SSL configured :

Added the below under "RewriteEngine On" in file /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-app.conf

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^ http%{ENV:protossl}://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

I can't access http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Make sure you still have phpMyAdmin maybe you deleted it in your htdocs folder?

Get the latest version:

Unzip then place the phpMyAdmin (rename the folder if it has version numbers) in your htdocs folder.

Make sure Skype is disabled as it will some times run on the same port as your XAMPP install... I'm not sure why but apache installed via xampp on some windows 7 machines ive seen apache not run if skype is on after 10years of IT work.

So make sure apache is running, mysql is running and hit:


You should get some kind of install prompt. Step through this you will learn lots along the way. But basically its one config file that needs some settings.

PHP/MySQL Insert null values

I think you need quotes around your {$row['null_field']}, so '{$row['null_field']}'

If you don't have the quotes, you'll occasionally end up with an insert statement that looks like this: insert into table2 (f1, f2) values ('val1',) which is a syntax error.

If that is a numeric field, you will have to do some testing above it, and if there is no value in null_field, explicitly set it to null..

What does 'URI has an authority component' mean?

I had the same problem (NetBeans 6.9.1) and the fix is so simple :)

I realized NetBeans didn't create a META-INF folder and thus no context.xml was found, so I create the META-INF folder under the main project folder and create file context.xml with the following content.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/home"/>

And it runs :)

Preloading images with jQuery

This works for me even in IE9:

$('<img src="' + imgURL + '"/>').on('load', function(){ doOnLoadStuff(); });

How to view DLL functions?

If a DLL is written in one of the .NET languages and if you only want to view what functions, there is a reference to this DLL in the project.

Then doubleclick the DLL in the references folder and then you will see what functions it has in the OBJECT EXPLORER window

If you would like to view the source code of that DLL file you can use a decompiler application such as .NET reflector. hope this helps you.

Can I use Objective-C blocks as properties?

For posterity / completeness's sake… Here are two FULL examples of how to implement this ridiculously versatile "way of doing things". @Robert's answer is blissfully concise and correct, but here I want to also show ways to actually "define" the blocks.

@interface       ReusableClass : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,copy) CALayer*(^layerFromArray)(NSArray*);

@implementation  ResusableClass
static  NSString const * privateScope = @"Touch my monkey.";

- (CALayer*(^)(NSArray*)) layerFromArray { 
     return ^CALayer*(NSArray* array){
        CALayer *returnLayer = CALayer.layer
        for (id thing in array) {
            [returnLayer doSomethingCrazy];
            [returnLayer setValue:privateScope
        return list;

Silly? Yes. Useful? Hells yeah. Here is a different, "more atomic" way of setting the property.. and a class that is ridiculously useful…

@interface      CALayoutDelegator : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) void(^layoutBlock)(CALayer*);

@implementation CALayoutDelegator
- (id) init { 
   return self = super.init ? 
         [self setLayoutBlock: ^(CALayer*layer){
          for (CALayer* sub in layer.sublayers)
            [sub someDefaultLayoutRoutine];
         }], self : nil;
- (void) layoutSublayersOfLayer:(CALayer*)layer {
   self.layoutBlock ? self.layoutBlock(layer) : nil;

This illustrates setting the block property via the accessor (albeit inside init, a debatably dicey practice..) vs the first example's "nonatomic" "getter" mechanism. In either case… the "hardcoded" implementations can always be overwritten, per instance.. a lá..

CALayoutDelegator *littleHelper =;
littleHelper.layoutBlock = ^(CALayer*layer){
  [layer.sublayers do:^(id sub){ [sub somethingElseEntirely]; }];
someLayer.layoutManager = littleHelper;

Also.. if you want to add a block property in a category... say you want to use a Block instead of some old-school target / action "action"... You can just use associated values to, well.. associate the blocks.

typedef    void(^NSControlActionBlock)(NSControl*); 
@interface       NSControl            (ActionBlocks)
@property (copy) NSControlActionBlock  actionBlock;    @end
@implementation  NSControl            (ActionBlocks)

- (NSControlActionBlock) actionBlock { 
    // use the "getter" method's selector to store/retrieve the block!
    return  objc_getAssociatedObject(self, _cmd); 
- (void) setActionBlock:(NSControlActionBlock)ab {

    objc_setAssociatedObject( // save (copy) the block associatively, as categories can't synthesize Ivars.
    self, @selector(actionBlock),ab ,OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY); = self;                  // set self as target (where you call the block)
    self.action = @selector(doItYourself); // this is where it's called.
- (void) doItYourself {

    if (self.actionBlock && == self) self.actionBlock(self);

Now, when you make a button, you don't have to set up some IBAction drama.. Just associate the work to be done at creation...

_button.actionBlock = ^(NSControl*thisButton){ 

     [doc open]; [thisButton setEnabled:NO]; 

This pattern can be applied OVER and OVER to Cocoa API's. Use properties to bring the relevant parts of your code closer together, eliminate convoluted delegation paradigms, and leverage the power of objects beyond that of just acting as dumb "containers".

Convert audio files to mp3 using ffmpeg

I had to purge my ffmpeg and then install another one from a ppa:

sudo apt-get purge ffmpeg
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Then convert:

 ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -f mp3 newfile.mp3

How can I reverse a NSArray in Objective-C?

Try this:

for (int i = 0; i < [arr count]; i++)
    NSString *str1 = [arr objectAtIndex:[arr count]-1];
    [arr insertObject:str1 atIndex:i];
    [arr removeObjectAtIndex:[arr count]-1];

How to include quotes in a string

I use:

var value = "'Field1','Field2','Field3'".Replace("'", "\""); 

as opposed to the equivalent

var value = "\"Field1\",\"Field2\",\"Field3\"";

Because the former has far less noise than the latter, making it easier to see typo's etc.

I use it a lot in unit tests.

How do I run a program from command prompt as a different user and as an admin

See here:

According to that the command looks like this for admin:

 runas /noprofile /user:Administrator cmd

Get Return Value from Stored procedure in

Do it this way (make necessary changes in code)..

            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CheckUser", con);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("username", username.Text);
            SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("password", password.Text);
            SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                //do the things
                lblinfo.Text = "abc";

how to hide <li> bullets in navigation menu and footer links BUT show them for listing items

You can also define a class for the bullets you want to show, so in the CSS:

ul {list-style:none; list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none;}

And in the HTML you just define which lists to show:

<ul style="list-style:disc;">

Or you alternatively define a CSS class:

.show-list {list-style:disc;}

Then apply it to the list you want to show:

<ul class="show-list">

All other lists won't show the bullets...

Scanning Java annotations at runtime

You can use Java Pluggable Annotation Processing API to write annotation processor which will be executed during the compilation process and will collect all annotated classes and build the index file for runtime use.

This is the fastest way possible to do annotated class discovery because you don't need to scan your classpath at runtime, which is usually very slow operation. Also this approach works with any classloader and not only with URLClassLoaders usually supported by runtime scanners.

The above mechanism is already implemented in ClassIndex library.

To use it annotate your custom annotation with @IndexAnnotated meta-annotation. This will create at compile time an index file: META-INF/annotations/com/test/YourCustomAnnotation listing all annotated classes. You can acccess the index at runtime by executing:


How to navigate a few folders up?

public static string AppRootDirectory()
            string _BaseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            return Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));

How to configure Fiddler to listen to localhost?

tools => fiddler options => connections there is a textarea with stuff to jump, delete LH from there

Retrieving the text of the selected <option> in <select> element

The options property contains all the <options> - from there you can look at .text

document.getElementById('test').options[0].text == 'Text One'

Android Fragment handle back button press

            rootView.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener() {
            public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event)   {
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {

                Fragment NameofFragment = new NameofFragment;

                FragmentTransaction  transaction=getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();


                return true;
            return false;

    return rootView;

Internal vs. Private Access Modifiers

Find an explanation below. You can check this link for more details -

Private: - Private members are only accessible within the own type (Own class).

Internal: - Internal member are accessible only within the assembly by inheritance (its derived type) or by instance of class.

enter image description here

Reference :

dotnetbull - what is access modifier in c#

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

You can add #define uAppDelegate (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] in your project's Prefix.pch file and then call any method of your AppDelegate in any UIViewController with the below code.

[uAppDelegate showLoginView];

AWS S3 CLI - Could not connect to the endpoint URL

first you use 'aws configure' then input the access key, and secret key, and the region. the region you input would be important for this problem. try to input something like '', not ''. it will solve the issue.

Javascript : natural sort of alphanumerical strings

So you need a natural sort ?

If so, than maybe this script by Brian Huisman based on David koelle's work would be what you need.

It seems like Brian Huisman's solution is now directly hosted on David Koelle's blog:

What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin?

This also worked for me

object Bell {
    fun ring() { }

from Kotlin


from Java


Undefined reference to `sin`

You have compiled your code with references to the correct math.h header file, but when you attempted to link it, you forgot the option to include the math library. As a result, you can compile your .o object files, but not build your executable.

As Paul has already mentioned add "-lm" to link with the math library in the step where you are attempting to generate your executable.

In the comment, linuxD asks:

Why for sin() in <math.h>, do we need -lm option explicitly; but, not for printf() in <stdio.h>?

Because both these functions are implemented as part of the "Single UNIX Specification". This history of this standard is interesting, and is known by many names (IEEE Std 1003.1, X/Open Portability Guide, POSIX, Spec 1170).

This standard, specifically separates out the "Standard C library" routines from the "Standard C Mathematical Library" routines (page 277). The pertinent passage is copied below:

Standard C Library

The Standard C library is automatically searched by cc to resolve external references. This library supports all of the interfaces of the Base System, as defined in Volume 1, except for the Math Routines.

Standard C Mathematical Library

This library supports the Base System math routines, as defined in Volume 1. The cc option -lm is used to search this library.

The reasoning behind this separation was influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The UNIX wars led to increasing divergence from the original AT&T UNIX offering.
  2. The number of UNIX platforms added difficulty in developing software for the operating system.
  3. An attempt to define the lowest common denominator for software developers was launched, called 1988 POSIX.
  4. Software developers programmed against the POSIX standard to provide their software on "POSIX compliant systems" in order to reach more platforms.
  5. UNIX customers demanded "POSIX compliant" UNIX systems to run the software.

The pressures that fed into the decision to put -lm in a different library probably included, but are not limited to:

  1. It seems like a good way to keep the size of libc down, as many applications don't use functions embedded in the math library.
  2. It provides flexibility in math library implementation, where some math libraries rely on larger embedded lookup tables while others may rely on smaller lookup tables (computing solutions).
  3. For truly size constrained applications, it permits reimplementations of the math library in a non-standard way (like pulling out just sin() and putting it in a custom built library.

In any case, it is now part of the standard to not be automatically included as part of the C language, and that's why you must add -lm.

Truncate to three decimals in Python

You can use the following function to truncate a number to a set number of decimals:

import math
def truncate(number, digits) -> float:
    stepper = 10.0 ** digits
    return math.trunc(stepper * number) / stepper


>>> truncate(1324343032.324325235, 3)

remove all variables except functions

The posted setdiff answer is nice. I just thought I'd post this related function I wrote a while back. Its usefulness is up to the reader :-).

    if (type=='function') type <-'closure'

Is it safe to store a JWT in localStorage with ReactJS?

It is safe to store your token in localStorage as long as you encrypt it. Below is a compressed code snippet showing one of many ways you can do it.

    import SimpleCrypto from 'simple-crypto-js';

    const saveToken = (token = '') => {
          const encryptInit = new SimpleCrypto('PRIVATE_KEY_STORED_IN_ENV_FILE');
          const encryptedToken = encryptInit.encrypt(token);

          localStorage.setItem('token', encryptedToken);

Then, before using your token decrypt it using PRIVATE_KEY_STORED_IN_ENV_FILE

How to rebuild docker container in docker-compose.yml?


$ docker-compose restart [yml_service_name]

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

I was having the same issue and tried all of the solutions on this page but none of them did the trick.

What finally worked was adding the universe repo to my repo list. To do that run the following command

sudo add-apt-repository universe

After running the above command I was able to run

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

without an issue and the package was installed.

Hope this helps someone.

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

This query should get you the server name and instance name :


sorting dictionary python 3

Maybe not that good but I've figured this:

def order_dic(dic):
    for key in key_ls:
    return ordered_dic

Richtextbox wpf binding

There is a much easier way!

You can easily create an attached DocumentXaml (or DocumentRTF) property which will allow you to bind the RichTextBox's document. It is used like this, where Autobiography is a string property in your data model:

<TextBox Text="{Binding FirstName}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding LastName}" />
<RichTextBox local:RichTextBoxHelper.DocumentXaml="{Binding Autobiography}" />

Voila! Fully bindable RichTextBox data!

The implementation of this property is quite simple: When the property is set, load the XAML (or RTF) into a new FlowDocument. When the FlowDocument changes, update the property value.

This code should do the trick:

using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
public class RichTextBoxHelper : DependencyObject
    public static string GetDocumentXaml(DependencyObject obj)
        return (string)obj.GetValue(DocumentXamlProperty);

    public static void SetDocumentXaml(DependencyObject obj, string value)
        obj.SetValue(DocumentXamlProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty DocumentXamlProperty =
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata
                BindsTwoWayByDefault = true,
                PropertyChangedCallback = (obj, e) =>
                    var richTextBox = (RichTextBox)obj;

                    // Parse the XAML to a document (or use XamlReader.Parse())
                    var xaml = GetDocumentXaml(richTextBox);
                    var doc = new FlowDocument();
                    var range = new TextRange(doc.ContentStart, doc.ContentEnd);

                    range.Load(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xaml)),

                    // Set the document
                    richTextBox.Document = doc;

                    // When the document changes update the source
                    range.Changed += (obj2, e2) =>
                        if (richTextBox.Document == doc)
                            MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();
                            range.Save(buffer, DataFormats.Xaml);

The same code could be used for TextFormats.RTF or TextFormats.XamlPackage. For XamlPackage you would have a property of type byte[] instead of string.

The XamlPackage format has several advantages over plain XAML, especially the ability to include resources such as images, and it is more flexible and easier to work with than RTF.

It is hard to believe this question sat for 15 months without anyone pointing out the easy way to do this.

Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

If you have sklearn isntalled, a simple alternative is to use sklearn.metrics.auc

This computes the area under the curve using the trapezoidal rule given arbitrary x, and y array

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import auc

dx = 5
xx = np.arange(1,100,dx)
yy = np.arange(1,100,dx)

print('computed AUC using sklearn.metrics.auc: {}'.format(auc(xx,yy)))
print('computed AUC using np.trapz: {}'.format(np.trapz(yy, dx = dx)))

both output the same area: 4607.5

the advantage of sklearn.metrics.auc is that it can accept arbitrarily-spaced 'x' array, just make sure it is ascending otherwise the results will be incorrect

getting error HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL but not used `get` ever?

Override service method like this:

protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse   response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        doPost(request, response);

And Voila!

Update values from one column in same table to another in SQL Server

SET a.column1 = b.column2
FROM myTable a 
INNER JOIN myTable b
on a.myID = b.myID

in order for both "a" and "b" to work, both aliases must be defined

MongoDB: Server has startup warnings ''Access control is not enabled for the database''

Mongodb v3.4

You need to do the following to create a secure database:

Make sure the user starting the process has permissions and that the directories exist (/data/db in this case).

1) Start MongoDB without access control.

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db

2) Connect to the instance.

mongo --port 27017

3) Create the user administrator (in the admin authentication database).

use admin
    user: "myUserAdmin",
    pwd: "abc123",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

4) Re-start the MongoDB instance with access control.

mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db

5) Connect and authenticate as the user administrator.

mongo --port 27017 -u "myUserAdmin" -p "abc123" --authenticationDatabase "admin"

6) Create additional users as needed for your deployment (e.g. in the test authentication database).

use test
    user: "myTester",
    pwd: "xyz123",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "test" },
             { role: "read", db: "reporting" } ]

7) Connect and authenticate as myTester.

mongo --port 27017 -u "myTester" -p "xyz123" --authenticationDatabase "test"

I basically just explained the short version of the official docs here:

Creating a textarea with auto-resize

You can use this piece of code to compute the number of rows a textarea needs:

textarea.rows = 1;
    if (textarea.scrollHeight > textarea.clientHeight)
      textarea.rows = textarea.scrollHeight / textarea.clientHeight;

Compute it on input and window:resize events to get auto-resize effect. Example in Angular:

Template code:

<textarea rows="1" reAutoWrap></textarea>


import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'textarea[reAutoWrap]',
export class AutoWrapDirective {

  private readonly textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement;

  constructor(el: ElementRef) {
    this.textarea = el.nativeElement;

  @HostListener('input') onInput() {

  @HostListener('window:resize') onChange() {

  private resize() {
    this.textarea.rows = 1;
    if (this.textarea.scrollHeight > this.textarea.clientHeight)
      this.textarea.rows = this.textarea.scrollHeight / this.textarea.clientHeight;


setting content between div tags using javascript

If the number of your messages is limited then the following may help. I used jQuery for the following example, but it works with plain js too.

The innerHtml property did not work for me. So I experimented with ...

    <div id=successAndErrorMessages-1>100% OK</div>
    <div id=successAndErrorMessages-2>This is an error mssg!</div>

and toggled one of the two on/off ...

 $("#successAndErrorMessages-1").css('display', 'none')
 $("#successAndErrorMessages-2").css('display', '')

For some reason I had to fiddle around with the ordering before it worked in all types of browsers.

ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot

This worked for me, inspired by Sheetal Kaul

pip uninstall matplotlib
python3 -m pip install matplotlib

I knew it installed in the wrong place when this worked:

import matplotlib

What design patterns are used in Spring framework?

There are loads of different design patterns used, but there are a few obvious ones:

  • Proxy - used heavily in AOP, and remoting.

  • Singleton - beans defined in spring config files are singletons by default.

  • Template method - used extensively to deal with boilerplate repeated code (such as closing connections cleanly, etc..). For example JdbcTemplate, JmsTemplate, JpaTemplate.

Update following comments: For MVC, you might want to read the MVC Reference

Some obvious patterns in use in MVC:

  • Model View Controller :-) . The advantage with Spring MVC is that your controllers are POJOs as opposed to being servlets. This makes for easier testing of controllers. One thing to note is that the controller is only required to return a logical view name, and the view selection is left to a separate ViewResolver. This makes it easier to reuse controllers for different view technologies.

  • Front Controller. Spring provides DispatcherServlet to ensure an incoming request gets dispatched to your controllers.

  • View Helper - Spring has a number of custom JSP tags, and velocity macros, to assist in separating code from presentation in views.

Staging Deleted files

To stage all manually deleted files you can use:

git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)

To add an alias to this command as git rm-deleted, run:

git config --global alias.rm-deleted '!git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)'

Laravel 5 Carbon format datetime

$suborder['payment_date'] = Carbon::parse($item['created_at'])->format('M d Y');

OS X cp command in Terminal - No such file or directory

I know this question has already been answered, but another option is simply to open the destination and source folders in Finder and then drag and drop them into the terminal. The paths will automatically be copied and properly formatted (thus negating the need to actually figure out proper file names/extensions).

I have to do over-network copies between Mac and Windows machines, sometimes fairly deep down in filetrees, and have found this the most effective way to do so.

So, as an example:

cp -r [drag and drop source folder from finder] [drag and drop destination folder from finder]

How to find reason of failed Build without any error or warning

Delete .vs folder & restart VS, worked for me

enter image description here

Count all values in a matrix greater than a value

This is very straightforward with boolean arrays:

p31 = numpy.asarray(o31)
za = (p31 < 200).sum() # p31<200 is a boolean array, so `sum` counts the number of True elements

How do I replace multiple spaces with a single space in C#?

I know this is pretty old, but ran across this while trying to accomplish almost the same thing. Found this solution in RegEx Buddy. This pattern will replace all double spaces with single spaces and also trim leading and trailing spaces.

pattern: (?m:^ +| +$|( ){2,})
replacement: $1

Its a little difficult to read since we're dealing with empty space, so here it is again with the "spaces" replaced with a "_".

pattern: (?m:^_+|_+$|(_){2,})  <-- don't use this, just for illustration.

The "(?m:" construct enables the "multi-line" option. I generally like to include whatever options I can within the pattern itself so it is more self contained.

How to host material icons offline?

Kaloyan Stamatov method is the best. First go to and copy the css file. the content look like this

/* fallback */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'Material Icons';
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    src: url( format('woff2');
.material-icons {
    font-family: 'Material Icons';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 1;
    letter-spacing: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    display: inline-block;
    white-space: nowrap;
    word-wrap: normal;
    direction: ltr;
    -moz-font-feature-settings: 'liga';
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

Paste the source of the font to the browser to download the woff2 file Then replace the file in the original source. You can rename it if you want No need to download 60MB file from github. Dead simple My code looks like this

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Material Icons';
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    src: url(materialIcon.woff2) format('woff2');

.material-icons {
    font-family: 'Material Icons';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: 24px;
    line-height: 1;
    letter-spacing: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    display: inline-block;
    white-space: nowrap;
    word-wrap: normal;
    direction: ltr;
    -moz-font-feature-settings: 'liga';
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

while materialIcon.woff2 is the downloaded and replaced woff2 file.

Why is "except: pass" a bad programming practice?

Executing your pseudo code literally does not even give any error:


as if it is a perfectly valid piece of code, instead of throwing a NameError. I hope this is not what you want.

Array to String PHP?


$string = implode('|',$types);

However, Incognito is right, you probably don't want to store it that way -- it's a total waste of the relational power of your database.

If you're dead-set on serializing, you might also consider using json_encode()

Is it possible to get a list of files under a directory of a website? How?

Any crawler or spider will read your index.htm or equivalent, that is exposed to the web, they will read the source code for that page, and find everything that is associated to that webpage and contains subdirectories. If they find a "contact us" button, there may be is included the path to the webpage or php that deal with the contact-us action, so they now have one more subdirectory/folder name to crawl and dig more. But even so, if that folder has a index.htm or equivalent file, it will not list all the files in such folder.

If by mistake, the programmer never included an index.htm file in such folder, then all the files will be listed on your computer screen, and also for the crawler/spider to keep digging. But, if you created a folder and put several files in there, and never published any button or never exposed that folder address anywhere in the net, keeping only in your head, chances are that nobody ever will find that path, with crawler or spider, for more sophisticated it can be.

Except, of course, if they can enter your FTP or access your site control panel.

How to search file text for a pattern and replace it with a given value

In my case I am using tty-gem ruby gem for that.

I also needed appending, prepending (on a given text/regex inside the file), diffs, and others. The gem includes all that and a fairly clear documentation.

How to execute a function when page has fully loaded?

the window.onload event will fire when everything is loaded, including images etc.

You would want to check the DOM ready status if you wanted your js code to execute as early as possible, but you still need to access DOM elements.

From a Sybase Database, how I can get table description ( field names and types)?

If you want to use a command line program, but are not restricted to using SQL, you can use SchemaCrawler. SchemaCrawler is open source, and can produce files in plain text, CSV, or (X)HTML formats.

How to start a Process as administrator mode in C#

var pass = new SecureString();
Process.Start("notepad", "admin", pass, "");

Works also with ProcessStartInfo:

var psi = new ProcessStartInfo
    FileName = "notepad",
    UserName = "admin",
    Domain = "",
    Password = pass,
    UseShellExecute = false,
    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
    RedirectStandardError = true

JRE installation directory in Windows

Look the answer to my previous question here

c:\> for %i in (java.exe) do @echo.   %~$PATH:i

Access non-numeric Object properties by index?

Get the array of keys, reverse it, then run your loop

  var keys = Object.keys( obj ).reverse();
  for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
    var key = keys[i];
    var value = obj[key];
    //do stuff backwards

How to read values from the querystring with ASP.NET Core?

Here is a code sample I've used (with a .NET Core view):

    Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues queryVal;

    if (Context.Request.Query.TryGetValue("yourKey", out queryVal) &&
        queryVal.FirstOrDefault() == "yourValue")

Pandas Merging 101

This post will go through the following topics:

  • Merging with index under different conditions
    • options for index-based joins: merge, join, concat
    • merging on indexes
    • merging on index of one, column of other
  • effectively using named indexes to simplify merging syntax


Index-based joins


There are a few options, some simpler than others depending on the use case.

  1. DataFrame.merge with left_index and right_index (or left_on and right_on using names indexes)
    • supports inner/left/right/full
    • can only join two at a time
    • supports column-column, index-column, index-index joins
  2. DataFrame.join (join on index)
    • supports inner/left (default)/right/full
    • can join multiple DataFrames at a time
    • supports index-index joins
  3. pd.concat (joins on index)
    • supports inner/full (default)
    • can join multiple DataFrames at a time
    • supports index-index joins

Index to index joins

Setup & Basics

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

np.random.seed([3, 14])
left = pd.DataFrame(data={'value': np.random.randn(4)}, 
                    index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])    
right = pd.DataFrame(data={'value': np.random.randn(4)},  
                     index=['B', 'D', 'E', 'F']) = = 'idxkey'

A      -0.602923
B      -0.402655
C       0.302329
D      -0.524349

B       0.543843
D       0.013135
E      -0.326498
F       1.385076

Typically, an inner join on index would look like this:

left.merge(right, left_index=True, right_index=True)

         value_x   value_y
B      -0.402655  0.543843
D      -0.524349  0.013135

Other joins follow similar syntax.

Notable Alternatives

  1. DataFrame.join defaults to joins on the index. DataFrame.join does a LEFT OUTER JOIN by default, so how='inner' is necessary here.

     left.join(right, how='inner', lsuffix='_x', rsuffix='_y')
              value_x   value_y
     B      -0.402655  0.543843
     D      -0.524349  0.013135

    Note that I needed to specify the lsuffix and rsuffix arguments since join would otherwise error out:

     ValueError: columns overlap but no suffix specified: Index(['value'], dtype='object')

    Since the column names are the same. This would not be a problem if they were differently named.

     left.rename(columns={'value':'leftvalue'}).join(right, how='inner')
             leftvalue     value
     B       -0.402655  0.543843
     D       -0.524349  0.013135
  2. pd.concat joins on the index and can join two or more DataFrames at once. It does a full outer join by default, so how='inner' is required here..

     pd.concat([left, right], axis=1, sort=False, join='inner')
                value     value
     B      -0.402655  0.543843
     D      -0.524349  0.013135

    For more information on concat, see this post.

Index to Column joins

To perform an inner join using index of left, column of right, you will use DataFrame.merge a combination of left_index=True and right_on=....

right2 = right.reset_index().rename({'idxkey' : 'colkey'}, axis=1)
  colkey     value
0      B  0.543843
1      D  0.013135
2      E -0.326498
3      F  1.385076

left.merge(right2, left_index=True, right_on='colkey')

    value_x colkey   value_y
0 -0.402655      B  0.543843
1 -0.524349      D  0.013135

Other joins follow a similar structure. Note that only merge can perform index to column joins. You can join on multiple columns, provided the number of index levels on the left equals the number of columns on the right.

join and concat are not capable of mixed merges. You will need to set the index as a pre-step using DataFrame.set_index.

Effectively using Named Index [pandas >= 0.23]

If your index is named, then from pandas >= 0.23, DataFrame.merge allows you to specify the index name to on (or left_on and right_on as necessary).

left.merge(right, on='idxkey')

         value_x   value_y
B      -0.402655  0.543843
D      -0.524349  0.013135

For the previous example of merging with the index of left, column of right, you can use left_on with the index name of left:

left.merge(right2, left_on='idxkey', right_on='colkey')

    value_x colkey   value_y
0 -0.402655      B  0.543843
1 -0.524349      D  0.013135

Continue Reading

Jump to other topics in Pandas Merging 101 to continue learning:

* you are here

How to get enum value by string or int

You could use following method to do that:

public static Output GetEnumItem<Output, Input>(Input input)
        //Output type checking...
        if (typeof(Output).BaseType != typeof(Enum))
            throw new Exception("Exception message...");

        //Input type checking: string type
        if (typeof(Input) == typeof(string))
            return (Output)Enum.Parse(typeof(Output), (dynamic)input);

        //Input type checking: Integer type
        if (typeof(Input) == typeof(Int16) ||
            typeof(Input) == typeof(Int32) ||
            typeof(Input) == typeof(Int64))

            return (Output)(dynamic)input;

        throw new Exception("Exception message...");

Note:this method only is a sample and you can improve it.

UIView Infinite 360 degree rotation animation?

David Rysanek's awesome answer updated to Swift 4:

import UIKit

extension UIView {

        func startRotating(duration: CFTimeInterval = 3, repeatCount: Float = Float.infinity, clockwise: Bool = true) {

            if self.layer.animation(forKey: "transform.rotation.z") != nil {

            let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation.z")
            let direction = clockwise ? 1.0 : -1.0
            animation.toValue = NSNumber(value: .pi * 2 * direction)
            animation.duration = duration
            animation.isCumulative = true
            animation.repeatCount = repeatCount
            self.layer.add(animation, forKey:"transform.rotation.z")

        func stopRotating() {

            self.layer.removeAnimation(forKey: "transform.rotation.z")



How can I specify a local gem in my Gemfile?

You can also reference a local gem with git if you happen to be working on it.

gem 'foo',
  :git => '/Path/to/local/git/repo',
  :branch => 'my-feature-branch'

Then, if it changes I run

bundle exec gem uninstall foo
bundle update foo

But I am not sure everyone needs to run these two steps.

How to make Bootstrap 4 cards the same height in card-columns?

I came across this problem, most people use jQuery... Here was my solution. "Do not mind, I am just a beginner in this..."

.cards-collection {
    .card-item { 
        width: 100%;
        margin: 20px 20px;
        padding:0 ;
        .card {
            border-radius: 10px;
                button {
                    border: inherit;

If any card item height is e.g. 400px (based on it's contents), because the default for flex-align is stretch, then .card-item (child of row or card-collection class) will be stretched. making the height of the card to be 100% of the parent will occupy this full height.

I hope I was correct. Am I?

How to develop a soft keyboard for Android?

Some tips:

About your questions:

An inputMethod is basically an Android Service, so yes, you can do HTTP and all the stuff you can do in a Service.

You can open Activities and dialogs from the InputMethod. Once again, it's just a Service.

I've been developing an IME, so ask again if you run into an issue.

There has been an error processing your request, Error log record number

Rename pub/local.xml.sample into local.xml . then i will show you exactly error.

When to use 'raise NotImplementedError'?

You might want to you use the @property decorator,

>>> class Foo():
...     @property
...     def todo(self):
...             raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented")
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f.todo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in todo
NotImplementedError: To be implemented

How can I correctly format currency using jquery?

As a corollary to why the jQuery FormatCurrency plugin is a good answer, I'd like to rebut your comment:

1. - Does not filter out all letter's. You can type a single letter and it will not remove it.

Yes, formatCurrency() by itself does not filter out letters:

// only formats currency

But toNumber(), included in the formatCurrency plugin, does.

You thus want to do:

// removes invalid characters, then formats currency

Python equivalent of a given wget command

Let me Improve a example with threads in case you want download many files.

import math
import random
import threading

import requests
from clint.textui import progress

# You must define a proxy list
# I suggests
proxies = {
    0: {'http': ''},
    1: {'http': ''},
    2: {'http': ''},
    3: {'http': ''}

# you must define the list for files do you want download
videos = [

downloaderses = list()

def downloaders(video, selected_proxy):
    print("Downloading file named {} by proxy {}...".format(video, selected_proxy))
    r = requests.get(video, stream=True, proxies=selected_proxy)
    nombre_video = video.split("/")[3]
    with open(nombre_video, 'wb') as f:
        total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
        for chunk in, expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1):
            if chunk:

for video in videos:
    selected_proxy = proxies[math.floor(random.random() * len(proxies))]
    t = threading.Thread(target=downloaders, args=(video, selected_proxy))

for _downloaders in downloaderses:

Get keys of a Typescript interface as array of strings

You can't do it. Interfaces don't exist at runtime (like @basarat said).

Now, I am working with following:

const IMyTable_id = 'id';
const IMyTable_title = 'title';
const IMyTable_createdAt = 'createdAt';
const IMyTable_isDeleted = 'isDeleted';

export const IMyTable_keys = [

export interface IMyTable {
  [IMyTable_id]: number;
  [IMyTable_title]: string;
  [IMyTable_createdAt]: Date;
  [IMyTable_isDeleted]: boolean;

Pandas - Compute z-score for all columns

for Z score, we can stick to documentation instead of using 'apply' function

from scipy.stats import zscore
df_zscore = zscore(cols as array, axis=1)

Values of disabled inputs will not be submitted

You can use three things to mimic disabled:

  1. HTML: readonly attribute (so that the value present in input can be used on form submission. Also the user can't change the input value)

  2. CSS: 'pointer-events':'none' (blocking the user from clicking the input)

  3. HTML: tabindex="-1" (blocking the user to navigate to the input from the keyboard) vs PHP (What to choose)

This is impossible to answer and has been brought up many many times before. Do a search, read those threads, then pick the framework you and your team have experience with.

Centering a Twitter Bootstrap button

If you don't mind a bit more markup, this would work:

<div class="centered">
    <button class="btn btn-large btn-primary" type="button">Submit</button>

With the corresponding CSS rule:


I have to look at the CSS rules for the btn class, but I don't think it specifies a width, so auto left & right margins wouldn't work. If you added one of the span or input- rules to the button, auto margins would work, though.


Confirmed my initial thought; the btn classes do not have a width defined, so you can't use auto side margins. Also, as @AndrewM notes, you could simply use the text-center class instead of creating a new ruleset.

How do I list all loaded assemblies?

Here's what I ended up with. It's a listing of all properties and methods, and I listed all parameters for each method. I didn't succeed on getting all of the values.

foreach(System.Reflection.AssemblyName an in System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies()){                      
            System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(an.ToString());
            foreach(Type type in asm.GetTypes()){   
                foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties()){
                    if (property.CanRead){
                        Response.Write("<br>" + an.ToString() + "." + type.ToString() + "." + property.Name);       
                var methods = type.GetMethods();
                foreach (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method in methods){               
                    Response.Write("<br><b>" + an.ToString() + "."  + type.ToString() + "." + method.Name  + "</b>");   
                    foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo param in method.GetParameters())
                        Response.Write("<br><i>Param=" + param.Name.ToString());
                        Response.Write("<br>  Type=" + param.ParameterType.ToString());
                        Response.Write("<br>  Position=" + param.Position.ToString());
                        Response.Write("<br>  Optional=" + param.IsOptional.ToString() + "</i>");

Laravel Redirect Back with() Message

Laravel 5.6.*


if(true) {
   $msg = [
        'message' => 'Some Message!',

   return redirect()->route('home')->with($msg);
} else {
  $msg = [
       'error' => 'Some error!',
  return redirect()->route('welcome')->with($msg);

Blade Template

  @if (Session::has('message'))
       <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
  @elseif (Session::has('error'))
       <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">


Combine two or more columns in a dataframe into a new column with a new name

There are other great answers, but in the case where you don't know the column names or the number of columns you want to concatenate beforehand, the following is useful.

df = data.frame(x = letters[1:5], y = letters[6:10], z = letters[11:15])
colNames = colnames(df) # could be any number of column names here
df$newColumn = apply(df[, colNames, drop = F], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))

JQuery $.each() JSON array object iteration

Assign the second variable for the $.each function() as well, makes it lot easier as it'll provide you the data (so you won't have to work with the indicies).

$.each(json, function(arrayID,group) {
            console.log('<a href="'+group.GROUP_ID+'">');
    $.each(group.EVENTS, function(eventID,eventData) {

Should print out everything you were trying in your question.

edit renamed the variables to make it bit easier to understand what is what.

Can I add extension methods to an existing static class?

I tried to do this with System.Environment back when I was learning extension methods and was not successful. The reason is, as others mention, because extension methods require an instance of the class.

What does "request for member '*******' in something not a structure or union" mean?

can also appear if:

struct foo {   int x, int y, int z }foo; 


instead of

struct foo {   int x; int y; int z; }foo; 


Renaming the current file in Vim

Another way is to just use netrw, which is a native part of vim.

:e path/to/whatever/folder/

Then there are options to delete, rename, etc.

Here's a keymap to open netrw to the folder of the file you are editing:

map <leader>e :e <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . '/'<CR><CR>

What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

Only IE and WebKit support zoom, and yes, in theory it does exactly what you're saying.

Try it out on an image to see it's full effect :)

Crystal Reports 13 And Asp.Net 3.5

I believe you are not the only one who has problems when trying to deploy Crystal Report for VS 2010. Based on the error message you had, have you checked:

  1. Please make sure you just have one CR version installed on your system. If you do have other CR version installed, consider to uninstall it so that your application is not "confused" about the CR version.

  2. You need to make sure you download the correct CR version. Since you are using VS 2010, you need to refer to (for 64 bit machine) or (for 32 bit machine). These two are the redistributable packages. You can download full package from the below link as well: CRforVS_13_0_1.exe Note: It is sometimes necessary to install 32bit CR runtime even on 64bit OS

  3. Make sure you setup FULL TRUST permission on your root folder

  4. The LOCAL SERVICE permission must be setup on your application pool

  5. Make sure the aspnet_client folder exists on your root folder.

If you can make sure all the 5 points above, your Crystal Report should work without any fuss.

Another important thing to note down here is that if you host your Crystal Report with a shared host, you need to check it with them of whether they really support Crystal Report. If you still have problems, you can switch to, who provides Crystal Report support.

Good luck!

How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

Promises have state, they start as pending and can settle to:

  • fulfilled meaning that the computation completed successfully.
  • rejected meaning that the computation failed.

Promise returning functions should never throw, they should return rejections instead. Throwing from a promise returning function will force you to use both a } catch { and a .catch. People using promisified APIs do not expect promises to throw. If you're not sure how async APIs work in JS - please see this answer first.

1. DOM load or other one time event:

So, creating promises generally means specifying when they settle - that means when they move to the fulfilled or rejected phase to indicate the data is available (and can be accessed with .then).

With modern promise implementations that support the Promise constructor like native ES6 promises:

function load() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        window.onload = resolve;

You would then use the resulting promise like so:

load().then(function() {
    // Do things after onload

With libraries that support deferred (Let's use $q for this example here, but we'll also use jQuery later):

function load() {
    var d = $q.defer();
    window.onload = function() { d.resolve(); };
    return d.promise;

Or with a jQuery like API, hooking on an event happening once:

function done() {
    var d = $.Deferred();
    $("#myObject").once("click",function() {
    return d.promise();

2. Plain callback:

These APIs are rather common since well… callbacks are common in JS. Let's look at the common case of having onSuccess and onFail:

function getUserData(userId, onLoad, onFail) { …

With modern promise implementations that support the Promise constructor like native ES6 promises:

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        getUserData(userId, resolve, reject);

With libraries that support deferred (Let's use jQuery for this example here, but we've also used $q above):

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {
    var d = $.Deferred();
    getUserData(userId, function(res){ d.resolve(res); }, function(err){ d.reject(err); });
    return d.promise();

jQuery also offers a $.Deferred(fn) form, which has the advantage of allowing us to write an expression that emulates very closely the new Promise(fn) form, as follows:

function getUserDataAsync(userId) {
    return $.Deferred(function(dfrd) {
        getUserData(userId, dfrd.resolve, dfrd.reject);

Note: Here we exploit the fact that a jQuery deferred's resolve and reject methods are "detachable"; ie. they are bound to the instance of a jQuery.Deferred(). Not all libs offer this feature.

3. Node style callback ("nodeback"):

Node style callbacks (nodebacks) have a particular format where the callbacks is always the last argument and its first parameter is an error. Let's first promisify one manually:

getStuff("dataParam", function(err, data) { …


function getStuffAsync(param) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        getStuff(param, function(err, data) {
            if (err !== null) reject(err);
            else resolve(data);

With deferreds you can do the following (let's use Q for this example, although Q now supports the new syntax which you should prefer):

function getStuffAsync(param) {
    var d = Q.defer();
    getStuff(param, function(err, data) {
        if (err !== null) d.reject(err);
        else d.resolve(data);
    return d.promise;   

In general, you should not promisify things manually too much, most promise libraries that were designed with Node in mind as well as native promises in Node 8+ have a built in method for promisifying nodebacks. For example

var getStuffAsync = Promise.promisify(getStuff); // Bluebird
var getStuffAsync = Q.denodeify(getStuff); // Q
var getStuffAsync = util.promisify(getStuff); // Native promises, node only

4. A whole library with node style callbacks:

There is no golden rule here, you promisify them one by one. However, some promise implementations allow you to do this in bulk, for example in Bluebird, converting a nodeback API to a promise API is as simple as:


Or with native promises in Node:

const { promisify } = require('util');
const promiseAPI = Object.entries(API).map(([key, v]) => ({key, fn: promisify(v)}))
                         .reduce((o, p) => Object.assign(o, {[p.key]: p.fn}), {});


  • Of course, when you are in a .then handler you do not need to promisify things. Returning a promise from a .then handler will resolve or reject with that promise's value. Throwing from a .then handler is also good practice and will reject the promise - this is the famous promise throw safety.
  • In an actual onload case, you should use addEventListener rather than onX.

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (224,224,3) into shape (224,224)

You can covert numpy.ndarray to object using astype(object)

This will work:

>>> a = [np.zeros((224,224,3)).astype(object), np.zeros((224,224,3)).astype(object), np.zeros((224,224,13)).astype(object)]

How to write lists inside a markdown table?

Not that I know of, because all markdown references I am aware of, like this one, mention:

Cell content must be on one line only

You can try it with that Markdown Tables Generator (whose example looks like the one you mention in your question, so you may be aware of it already).


If you are using Pandoc’s markdown (which extends John Gruber’s markdown syntax on which the GitHub Flavored Markdown is based) you can use either grid_tables:

| Fruit         | Price         | Advantages         |
| Bananas       | $1.34         | - built-in wrapper |
|               |               | - bright color     |
| Oranges       | $2.10         | - cures scurvy     |
|               |               | - tasty            |

or multiline_tables.

 Centered   Default           Right Left
  Header    Aligned         Aligned Aligned
----------- ------- --------------- -------------------------
   First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                    spans multiple lines.

  Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                    the blank line between

Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

Not sure this is the best way, but you can certainly replace the tick labels like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = range(10)
y = range(10)
plt.xticks(x," ")

In Python 3.4 this generates a simple line plot with no tick labels on the x-axis. A simple example is here:

This related question also has some better suggestions: Hiding axis text in matplotlib plots

I'm new to python. Your mileage may vary in earlier versions. Maybe others can help?

How to disable editing of elements in combobox for c#?

I tried ComboBox1_KeyPress but it allows to delete the character & you can also use copy paste command. My DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList but still no use. So I did below step to avoid combobox text editing.

  • Below code handles delete & backspace key. And also disables combination with control key (e.g. ctr+C or ctr+X)

     Private Sub CmbxInType_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles CmbxInType.KeyDown
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Delete Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then 
            e.SuppressKeyPress = True
        End If
        If Not (e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.C) Then
            e.SuppressKeyPress = True
        End If
    End Sub
  • In form load use below line to disable right click on combobox control to avoid cut/paste via mouse click.

    CmbxInType.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu()

Warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in Git 2.0

It's explained in great detail in the docs, but I'll try to summarize:

  • matching means git push will push all your local branches to the ones with the same name on the remote. This makes it easy to accidentally push a branch you didn't intend to.

  • simple means git push will push only the current branch to the one that git pull would pull from, and also checks that their names match. This is a more intuitive behavior, which is why the default is getting changed to this.

This setting only affects the behavior of your local client, and can be overridden by explicitly specifying which branches you want to push on the command line. Other clients can have different settings, it only affects what happens when you don't specify which branches you want to push.

What is the Windows equivalent of the diff command?

Run this in the CMD shell or batch file:

FC file1 file2

FC can also be used to compare binary files:

FC /B file1 file2

Why an abstract class implementing an interface can miss the declaration/implementation of one of the interface's methods?

Abstract classes are not required to implement the methods. So even though it implements an interface, the abstract methods of the interface can remain abstract. If you try to implement an interface in a concrete class (i.e. not abstract) and you do not implement the abstract methods the compiler will tell you: Either implement the abstract methods or declare the class as abstract.

How can I bind to the change event of a textarea in jQuery?

Use an input event.

var button = $("#buttonId");
  if( === ''){
    // Textarea has no value
  } else {
    // Textarea has a value;

Select query with date condition

select Qty, vajan, Rate,Amt,nhamali,ncommission,ntolai from SalesDtl,SalesMSt where SalesDtl.PurEntryNo=1 and SalesMST.SaleDate=  (22/03/2014) and SalesMST.SaleNo= SalesDtl.SaleNo;

That should work.

Ubuntu: Using curl to download an image

For those who don't have nor want to install wget, curl -O (capital "o", not a zero) will do the same thing as wget. E.g. my old netbook doesn't have wget, and is a 2.68 MB install that I don't need.

curl -O

Facebook Architecture

"Knowing about sites which handles such massive traffic gives lots of pointers for architects etc. to keep in mind certain stuff while designing new sites"

I think you can probably learn a lot from the design of Facebook, just as you can from the design of any successful large software system. However, it seems to me that you should not keep the current design of Facebook in mind when designing new systems.

Why do you want to be able to handle the traffic that Facebook has to handle? Odds are that you will never have to, no matter how talented a programmer you may be. Facebook itself was not designed from the start for such massive scalability, which is perhaps the most important lesson to learn from it.

If you want to learn about a non-trivial software system I can recommend the book "Dissecting a C# Application" about the development of the SharpDevelop IDE. It is out of print, but it is available for free online. The book gives you a glimpse into a real application and provides insights about IDEs which are useful for a programmer.

:first-child not working as expected

You could wrap your h1 tags in another div and then the first one would be the first-child. That div doesn't even need styles. It's just a way to segregate those children.

<div class="h1-holder">
    <h1>Title 1</h1>
    <h1>Title 2</h1>

How to Select Top 100 rows in Oracle?

Try this:

      ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY client_id ORDER BY create_time DESC) rn 
    FROM order
  WHERE rn=1
  ORDER BY create_time desc) alias_name
WHERE rownum <= 100
ORDER BY rownum;


SELECT TOP 2 * FROM Customers; //But not supported in Oracle

NOTE: I suppose that your internal query is fine. Please share your output of this.

Scale Image to fill ImageView width and keep aspect ratio

You can try to do what you're doing by manually loading the images, but I would very very strongly recommend taking a look at Universal Image Loader.

I recently integrated it into my project and I have to say its fantastic. Does all the worrying about making things asynchronous, resizing, caching images for you. It's really easy to integrate and set up. Within 5 minutes you can probably get it doing what you want.

Example code:

//ImageLoader config
DisplayImageOptions displayimageOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder().showStubImage(R.drawable.downloadplaceholder).cacheInMemory().cacheOnDisc().showImageOnFail(R.drawable.loading).build();

    ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext()).
            defaultDisplayImageOptions(displayimageOptions).memoryCache(new WeakMemoryCache()).discCache(new UnlimitedDiscCache(cacheDir)).build();

    if (ImageLoader.getInstance().isInited()) {

    imageLoadingListener = new ImageLoadingListener() {
        public void onLoadingStarted(String s, View view) {


        public void onLoadingFailed(String s, View view, FailReason failReason) {
            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view;
            Log.i("Failed to Load " + s, failReason.toString());

        public void onLoadingComplete(String s, View view, Bitmap bitmap) {


        public void onLoadingCancelled(String s, View view) {


//Imageloader usage
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
    if (orientation == 1) {
        imageView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width / 6, width / 6));
    } else {
        imageView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(height / 6, height / 6));
    imageLoader.displayImage(SERVER_HOSTNAME + "demos" + demo.getPathRoot() + demo.getRootName() + ".png", imageView, imageLoadingListener);

This can lazy load the images, fit them correctly to the size of the imageView showing a placeholder image while it loads, and showing a default icon if loading fails and caching the resources.

-- I should also add that this current config keeps the image aspect ratio, hence applicable to your original question

Resizing an Image without losing any quality

Here you can find also add watermark codes in this class :

public class ImageProcessor
        public Bitmap Resize(Bitmap image, int newWidth, int newHeight, string message)
                Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, Calculations(image.Width, image.Height, newWidth));

                using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
                    gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                    gr.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                    gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, newImage.Width, newImage.Height));

                    var myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(70, 205, 205, 205));

                    double diagonal = Math.Sqrt(newImage.Width * newImage.Width + newImage.Height * newImage.Height);

                    Rectangle containerBox = new Rectangle();

                    containerBox.X = (int)(diagonal / 10);
                    float messageLength = (float)(diagonal / message.Length * 1);
                    containerBox.Y = -(int)(messageLength / 1.6);

                    Font stringFont = new Font("verdana", messageLength);

                    StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();

                    float slope = (float)(Math.Atan2(newImage.Height, newImage.Width) * 180 / Math.PI);

                    gr.DrawString(message, stringFont, myBrush, containerBox, sf);
                    return newImage;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw exc;

        public int Calculations(decimal w1, decimal h1, int newWidth)
            decimal height = 0;
            decimal ratio = 0;

            if (newWidth < w1)
                ratio = w1 / newWidth;
                height = h1 / ratio;

                return height.To<int>();

            if (w1 < newWidth)
                ratio = newWidth / w1;
                height = h1 * ratio;
                return height.To<int>();

            return height.To<int>();


Abstract methods in Python

Something along these lines, using ABC

import abc

class Shape(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def method_to_implement(self, input):
        """Method documentation"""

Also read this good tutorial:

You can also check out zope.interface which was used prior to introduction of ABC in python.

Error: Expression must have integral or unscoped enum type

Your variable size is declared as: float size;

You can't use a floating point variable as the size of an array - it needs to be an integer value.

You could cast it to convert to an integer:

float *temp = new float[(int)size];

Your other problem is likely because you're writing outside of the bounds of the array:

   float *temp = new float[size];

    //Getting input from the user
    for (int x = 1; x <= size; x++){
        cout << "Enter temperature " << x << ": ";

        // cin >> temp[x];
        // This should be:
        cin >> temp[x - 1];

Arrays are zero based in C++, so this is going to write beyond the end and never write the first element in your original code.

Node.js on multi-core machines

As mentioned above, Cluster will scale and load-balance your app across all cores.

adding something like

cluster.on('exit', function () {

Will restart any failing workers.

These days, a lot of people also prefer PM2, which handles the clustering for you and also provides some cool monitoring features.

Then, add Nginx or HAProxy in front of several machines running with clustering and you have multiple levels of failover and a much higher load capacity.