Programs & Examples On #Weakly typed

Conda update failed: SSL error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed

After 2 hrs of net surfing Finally For me the problem was fixed by creating a folder pip, with a file: pip.ini in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\ e.g:


Inside it I wrote:

trusted-host =

I restarted python, and then pip permanently trusted these sites, and used them to download packages from.

If you can't find the AppData Folder on windows, write %appdata% in file explorer and it should appear.

Source : pip install fails with "connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)"

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

If the command should work with both tabs and spaces as the delimiter I would use awk:

awk '{print $100,$101,$102,$103,$104,$105}' myfile > outfile

As long as you just need to specify 5 fields it is imo ok to just type them, for longer ranges you can use a for loop:

awk '{for(i=100;i<=105;i++)print $i}' myfile > outfile

If you want to use cut, you need to use the -f option:

cut -f100-105 myfile > outfile

If the field delimiter is different from TAB you need to specify it using -d:

cut -d' ' -f100-105 myfile > outfile

Check the man page for more info on the cut command.

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) after Installation

In Windows 7

  1. press Windows+R it opens Run
  2. Enter services.msc
  3. Find out mysql right click and start
  4. if mysql was not found
    1. Run cmd as administrator
    2. goto C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin directory(to go back use cd..) and type mysqld.exe --install
  5. follow step 3

That's all

How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?

ok guys, i think i improved the source code to be able to let the image load before trying to find out its properties, otherwise it will display '0 * 0', because the next statement would have been called before the file was loaded into the browser. Requires jquery...

function getImgSize(imgSrc){
    var newImg = new Image();
    newImg.src = imgSrc;
    var height = newImg.height;
    var width = newImg.width;
    p = $(newImg).ready(function(){
        return {width: newImg.width, height: newImg.height};
    alert (p[0]['width']+" "+p[0]['height']);

How do I find out which keystore was used to sign an app?

There are many freewares to examine the certificates and key stores such as KeyStore Explorer.

Unzip the apk and open the META-INF/?.RSA file. ? shall be CERT or ANDROID or may be something else. It will display all the information associated with your apk.

How to preview a part of a large pandas DataFrame, in iPython notebook?

In order to view only first few entries you can use, pandas head function which is used as

dataframe.head(any number)        // default is 5

or you can also you slicing for this purpose, which can also give the same result,


In order to view the last few entries you can use pandas tail() in a similar way,

dataframe.tail(any number)        // default is 5

Oracle: Call stored procedure inside the package

You're nearly there, just take out the EXECUTE:

  procId NUMBER;

  PKG1.INIT(1143824, 0, procId);

pandas: filter rows of DataFrame with operator chaining

My answer is similar to the others. If you do not want to create a new function you can use what pandas has defined for you already. Use the pipe method.

df.pipe(lambda d: d[d['column'] == value])

How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

    A better trick, so you don't lose the value of the button is

    function showwait() {

wrap code to show in a div

id=WAIT style="display:none"> text to display (end div)

wrap code to hide in a div

id=BUTTONS style="display:inline"> ... buttons or whatever to hide with
onclick="showwait();" (end div)

How does one get started with procedural generation?

the most important thing is to analyze how roads, cities, blocks and buildings are structured. find out what all eg buildings have in common. look at photos, maps, plans and reality. if you do that you will be one step ahead of people who consider city building as a merely computer-technological matter.

next you should develop solutions on how to create that geometry in tiny, distinct steps. you have to define rules that make up a believable city. if you are into 3d modelling you have to rethink a lot of what you have learned so the computer can follow your instructions in any situation.

in order to not loose track you should set up a lot of operators that are only responsible for little parts of the whole process. that makes debugging, expanding and improving your system much easier. in the next step you should link those operators and check the results by changing parameters.

i have seen too many "city generators" that mainly consist of random-shaped boxes with some window textures on them : (

How to get date representing the first day of a month?

Modified from this link. This will return as string, but you can modify as needed to return your datetime data type.

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(GetDate())-1),GetDate()),101) 

What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

You can use

import heapq
listForTree = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]    
heapq.heapify(listForTree)             # for a min heap
heapq._heapify_max(listForTree)        # for a maxheap!!

If you then want to pop elements, use:

heapq.heappop(minheap)      # pop from minheap
heapq._heappop_max(maxheap) # pop from maxheap

Ruby on Rails: Where to define global constants?

For application-wide settings and for global constants I recommend to use Settingslogic. This settings are stored in YML file and can be accessed from models, views and controllers. Furthermore, you can create different settings for all your environments:

  # app/config/application.yml
  defaults: &defaults
      sweet: nested settings
    neat_setting: 24
    awesome_setting: <%= "Did you know 5 + 5 = #{5 + 5}?" %>

    colors: "white blue black red green"

    <<: *defaults
    neat_setting: 800

    <<: *defaults

    <<: *defaults

Somewhere in the view (I prefer helper methods for such kind of stuff) or in a model you can get, for ex., array of colors Settings.colors.split(/\s/). It's very flexible. And you don't need to invent a bike.

How to allow access outside localhost

No package.json is necessery to change.

For me it works using:

ng serve --host= --port=5999 --disable-host-check

Host: http://localhost:5999/

How to add a line break within echo in PHP?

\n is a line break. /n is not.

use of \n with

1. echo directly to page

Now if you are trying to echo string to the page:

echo  "kings \n garden";

output will be:

kings garden

you won't get garden in new line because PHP is a server-side language, and you are sending output as HTML, you need to create line breaks in HTML. HTML doesn't understand \n. You need to use the nl2br() function for that.

What it does is:

Returns string with <br /> or <br> inserted before all newlines (\r\n, \n\r, \n and \r).

echo  nl2br ("kings \n garden");



Note Make sure you're echoing/printing \n in double quotes, else it will be rendered literally as \n. because php interpreter parse string in single quote with concept of as is

so "\n" not '\n'

2. write to text file

Now if you echo to text file you can use just \n and it will echo to a new line, like:

$myfile = fopen("test.txt", "w+")  ;

$txt = "kings \n garden";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);

output will be:


Add quotation at the start and end of each line in Notepad++

  • Place your cursor at the end of the text.
  • Press SHIFT and ->. The cursor will move to the next line.
  • Press CTRL-F and type , in "Replace with:" and press ENTER.

You will need to put a quote at the beginning of your first text and the end of your last.

How do you get a directory listing in C?

GLib is a portability/utility library for C which forms the basis of the GTK+ graphical toolkit. It can be used as a standalone library.

It contains portable wrappers for managing directories. See Glib File Utilities documentation for details.

Personally, I wouldn't even consider writing large amounts of C-code without something like GLib behind me. Portability is one thing, but it's also nice to get data structures, thread helpers, events, mainloops etc. for free

Jikes, I'm almost starting to sound like a sales guy :) (don't worry, glib is open source (LGPL) and I'm not affiliated with it in any way)

How to implement a FSM - Finite State Machine in Java

I design & implemented a simple finite state machine example with java.

IFiniteStateMachine: The public interface to manage the finite state machine
such as add new states to the finite state machine or transit to next states by
specific actions.

interface IFiniteStateMachine {
    void setStartState(IState startState);

    void setEndState(IState endState);

    void addState(IState startState, IState newState, Action action);

    void removeState(String targetStateDesc);

    IState getCurrentState();

    IState getStartState();

    IState getEndState();

    void transit(Action action);

IState: The public interface to get state related info
such as state name and mappings to connected states.

interface IState {
    // Returns the mapping for which one action will lead to another state
    Map<String, IState> getAdjacentStates();

    String getStateDesc();

    void addTransit(Action action, IState nextState);

    void removeTransit(String targetStateDesc);

Action: the class which will cause the transition of states.

public class Action {
    private String mActionName;

    public Action(String actionName) {
        mActionName = actionName;

    String getActionName() {
        return mActionName;

    public String toString() {
        return mActionName;


StateImpl: the implementation of IState. I applied data structure such as HashMap to keep Action-State mappings.

public class StateImpl implements IState {
    private HashMap<String, IState> mMapping = new HashMap<>();
    private String mStateName;

    public StateImpl(String stateName) {
        mStateName = stateName;

    public Map<String, IState> getAdjacentStates() {
        return mMapping;

    public String getStateDesc() {
        return mStateName;

    public void addTransit(Action action, IState state) {
        mMapping.put(action.toString(), state);

    public void removeTransit(String targetStateDesc) {
        // get action which directs to target state
        String targetAction = null;
        for (Map.Entry<String, IState> entry : mMapping.entrySet()) {
            IState state = entry.getValue();
            if (state.getStateDesc().equals(targetStateDesc)) {
                targetAction = entry.getKey();


FiniteStateMachineImpl: Implementation of IFiniteStateMachine. I use ArrayList to keep all the states.

public class FiniteStateMachineImpl implements IFiniteStateMachine {
    private IState mStartState;
    private IState mEndState;
    private IState mCurrentState;
    private ArrayList<IState> mAllStates = new ArrayList<>();
    private HashMap<String, ArrayList<IState>> mMapForAllStates = new HashMap<>();

    public FiniteStateMachineImpl(){}
    public void setStartState(IState startState) {
        mStartState = startState;
        mCurrentState = startState;
        // todo: might have some value
        mMapForAllStates.put(startState.getStateDesc(), new ArrayList<IState>());

    public void setEndState(IState endState) {
        mEndState = endState;
        mMapForAllStates.put(endState.getStateDesc(), new ArrayList<IState>());

    public void addState(IState startState, IState newState, Action action) {
        // validate startState, newState and action

        // update mapping in finite state machine
        final String startStateDesc = startState.getStateDesc();
        final String newStateDesc = newState.getStateDesc();
        mMapForAllStates.put(newStateDesc, new ArrayList<IState>());
        ArrayList<IState> adjacentStateList = null;
        if (mMapForAllStates.containsKey(startStateDesc)) {
            adjacentStateList = mMapForAllStates.get(startStateDesc);
        } else {
            adjacentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
        mMapForAllStates.put(startStateDesc, adjacentStateList);

        // update mapping in startState
        for (IState state : mAllStates) {
            boolean isStartState = state.getStateDesc().equals(startState.getStateDesc());
            if (isStartState) {
                startState.addTransit(action, newState);

    public void removeState(String targetStateDesc) {
        // validate state
        if (!mMapForAllStates.containsKey(targetStateDesc)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Don't have state: " + targetStateDesc);
        } else {
            // remove from mapping

        // update all state
        IState targetState = null;
        for (IState state : mAllStates) {
            if (state.getStateDesc().equals(targetStateDesc)) {
                targetState = state;
            } else {



    public IState getCurrentState() {
        return mCurrentState;

    public void transit(Action action) {
        if (mCurrentState == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Please setup start state");
        Map<String, IState> localMapping = mCurrentState.getAdjacentStates();
        if (localMapping.containsKey(action.toString())) {
            mCurrentState = localMapping.get(action.toString());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("No action start from current state");

    public IState getStartState() {
        return mStartState;

    public IState getEndState() {
        return mEndState;


public class example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Finite state machine!!!");
        IState startState = new StateImpl("start");
        IState endState = new StateImpl("end");
        IFiniteStateMachine fsm = new FiniteStateMachineImpl();
        IState middle1 = new StateImpl("middle1");
        middle1.addTransit(new Action("path1"), endState);
        fsm.addState(startState, middle1, new Action("path1"));
        fsm.transit(new Action(("path1")));
        fsm.addState(middle1, endState, new Action("path1-end"));
        fsm.transit(new Action(("path1-end")));
        fsm.addState(endState, middle1, new Action("path1-end"));


Full example on Github

List Directories and get the name of the Directory

You seem to be using Python as if it were the shell. Whenever I've needed to do something like what you're doing, I've used os.walk()

For example, as explained here: [x[0] for x in os.walk(directory)] should give you all of the subdirectories, recursively.

How to output git log with the first line only?

Better and easier git log by making an alias. Paste the code below to terminal just once for one session. Paste the code to zshrc or bash profile to make it persistant.

git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"


git lg

Output changed lines

git lg -p

Alternatively (recommended)
Paste this code to global .gitconfig file

  lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

Further Reading.
Advanced Reading.

Why does modulus division (%) only work with integers?

"The mathematical notion of modulo arithmetic works for floating point values as well, and this is one of the first issues that Donald Knuth discusses in his classic The Art of Computer Programming (volume I). I.e. it was once basic knowledge."

The floating point modulus operator is defined as follows:

m = num - iquot*den ; where iquot = int( num/den )

As indicated, the no-op of the % operator on floating point numbers appears to be standards related. The CRTL provides 'fmod', and usually 'remainder' as well, to perform % on fp numbers. The difference between these two lies in how they handle the intermediate 'iquot' rounding.

'remainder' uses round-to-nearest, and 'fmod' uses simple truncate.

If you write your own C++ numerical classes, nothing prevents you from amending the no-op legacy, by including an overloaded operator %.

Best Regards

How to create a SQL Server function to "join" multiple rows from a subquery into a single delimited field?

In a single SQL query, without using the FOR XML clause.
A Common Table Expression is used to recursively concatenate the results.

-- rank locations by incrementing lexicographical order
WITH RankedLocations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY City
    ) Rank
-- concatenate locations using a recursive query
-- (Common Table Expression)
Concatenations AS (
  -- for each vehicle, select the first location
    CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), City) Cities,
    Rank = 1

  -- then incrementally concatenate with the next location
  -- this will return intermediate concatenations that will be 
  -- filtered out later on

    (c.Cities + ', ' + l.City) Cities,
    Concatenations c -- this is a recursion!
    INNER JOIN RankedLocations l ON
        l.VehicleID = c.VehicleID 
        AND l.Rank = c.Rank + 1
-- rank concatenation results by decrementing length 
-- (rank 1 will always be for the longest concatenation)
RankedConcatenations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY Rank DESC
    ) Rank
-- main query
  Vehicles v
  INNER JOIN RankedConcatenations c ON 
    c.VehicleID = v.VehicleID 
    AND c.Rank = 1

What exactly is Spring Framework for?

Spring is three things.

  1. Spring handles Dependency Injection and I recommend you read Martin Fowler's excellent introduction on dependency injection.
  2. The second thing Spring does is wrap excellent Java libraries in a very elegant way to use in your applications. For a good example see how Spring wraps Task Executors and Quartz Scheduler.
  3. Thirdly Spring provides a bunch of implementations of web stuff like REST, an MVC web framework and more. They figure since you are using Spring for the first two, maybe you can just use it for everything your web app needs.

The problem is that Spring DI is really well thought out, the wrappers around other things are really well thought out in that the other things thought everything out and Spring just nicely wraps it. The Spring implementations of MVC and REST and all the other stuff is not as well done (YMMV, IMHO) but there are exceptions (Spring Security is da bomb). So I tend to use Spring for DI, and its cool wrappers but prefer other stuff for Web (I like Tapestry a lot), REST (Jersey is really robust), etc.

Reordering Chart Data Series

Excel 2010 - if you're looking to reorder the series on a pivot chart:

  • go to your underlying pivot table
  • right-click on one of the Column Labels for the series you're looking to adjust (Note: you need to click on one of the series headings (i.e. 'Saturday' or 'Sunday' in the example shown below) not the 'Column Labels' text itself)
  • in the pop-up menu, hover over 'Move' and then select an option from the resulting sub-menu to reposition the series variable.
  • your pivot chart will update itself accordingly

enter image description here

using awk with column value conditions

please try this

echo $VAR | grep ClNonZ | awk '{print $3}';


echo cat filename | grep ClNonZ | awk '{print $3}';

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

In my case, I was using both @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) and MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this). When I removed MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) it worked correctly.

How to filter Pandas dataframe using 'in' and 'not in' like in SQL

A trick if you want to keep the order of the list:

df = pd.DataFrame({'country': ['US', 'UK', 'Germany', 'China']})
countries_to_keep = ['Germany', 'US']

ind=[df.index[df['country']==i].tolist() for i in countries_to_keep]
flat_ind=[item for sublist in ind for item in sublist]


2  Germany
0       US

Is it possible to compile a program written in Python?

Avoiding redundancy I don't repeat my answer here again.

Please refer to my answer here. (note that answer only covers compiling to python bytecode.)

No line-break after a hyphen

Late to the party, but I think this is actually the most elegant. Use the WORD JOINER Unicode character &#8288; on either side of your hyphen, or em dash, or any character.

So, like so:


This will join the symbol on both ends to its neighbors (without adding a space) and prevent line breaking.

What does "The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found" mean?

I had the same problem when tom?at could not find the class. Try to view other log files. Sometimes No class def found error appears in different log files:

  • tomcat8-stdout
  • tomcat8-stderr
  • localhost

Adding/removing items from a JavaScript object with jQuery

If you are using jQuery you can use the extend function to add new items.

var olddata = {"fruit":{"apples":10,"pears":21}};

var newdata = {};
newdata['vegetables'] = {"carrots": 2, "potatoes" : 5};

$.extend(true, olddata, newdata);

This will generate:

{"fruit":{"apples":10,"pears":21}, "vegetables":{"carrots":2,"potatoes":5}};

Jackson - best way writes a java list to a json array

I can't find toByteArray() as @atrioom said, so I use StringWriter, please try:

public void writeListToJsonArray() throws IOException {  

    //your list
    final List<Event> list = new ArrayList<Event>(2);
    list.add(new Event("a1","a2"));
    list.add(new Event("b1","b2"));

    final StringWriter sw =new StringWriter();
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.writeValue(sw, list);
    System.out.println(sw.toString());//use toString() to convert to JSON


Or just use ObjectMapper#writeValueAsString:

    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

Changing capitalization of filenames in Git

Set ignorecase to false in git config

As the original post is about "Changing capitalization of filenames in Git":

If you are trying to change capitalisation of a filename in your project, you do not need to force rename it from Git. IMO, I would rather change the capitalisation from my IDE/editor and make sure that I configure Git properly to pick up the renaming.

By default, a Git template is set to ignore case (Git case insensitive). To verify you have the default template, use --get to retrieve the value for a specified key. Use --local and --global to indicate to Git whether to pick up a configuration key-value from your local Git repository configuration or global one. As an example, if you want to lookup your global key core.ignorecase:

git config --global --get core.ignorecase

If this returns true, make sure to set it as:

git config --global core.ignorecase false

(Make sure you have proper permissions to change global.) And there you have it; now your Git installation would not ignore capitalisations and treat them as changes.

As a suggestion, if you are working on multi-language projects and you feel not all projects should be treated as case-sensitive by Git, just update the local core.ignorecase file.

How to copy marked text in notepad++

As of Notepad++ 5.9 they added a feature to 'Remove Unmarked Lines' which can be used to strip away everything that you don't want along with some search and replaces for the other text on each value line.

  1. Use the Search-->Find-->Mark functionality to mark each line you want to keep/copy and remember to tick 'Bookmark Line' before marking the text
  2. Select Search-->Bookmark-->Remove Unmarked Lines
  3. Use Search-->Find-->Replace to replace other text you do not want to keep/copy with nothing
  4. Save the remaining text or copy it.

You can also do a similar thing using Search-->Bookmark-->Copy Bookmarked Lines

So technically you still cannot copy marked text, but you can bookmark lines with marked text and then perform various operations on bookmarked or unmarked lines.

How to Export Private / Secret ASC Key to Decrypt GPG Files

1.Export a Secret Key (this is what your boss should have done for you)

gpg --export-secret-keys yourKeyName > privateKey.asc

2.Import Secret Key (import your privateKey)

gpg --import privateKey.asc

3.Not done yet, you still need to ultimately trust a key. You will need to make sure that you also ultimately trust a key.

gpg --edit-key yourKeyName

Enter trust, 5, y, and then quit


How can I create a table with borders in Android?

The stroke doubles up on the middel sections, I used this layer list drawable:

<layer-list xmlns:android="" >

 <item android:top="0dp" android:left="0dp" android:bottom="0dp" android:right="0dp">

     <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle">
       <solid android:color="@color/grey" />

<item android:top="1dp" android:left="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:right="1dp">

    <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle">
      <solid android:color="@color/lightgrey" />

Set Focus on EditText

If using requestFocus() in onCreate() introduces the issue of keyboard not showing on tap, use BindingAdapter using a SingleLiveEvent and request the focus inside that.

Here's how to do it:


fun bindRequestFocus(editText: EditText, event: Event<Boolean>?) {
    event?.getContentIfNotHandled()?.let {
        if (it) editText.requestFocus()

How to see indexes for a database or table in MySQL?

You can check your indexes in MySQL workbench.under the performance reports tabs you can see all used indexes and unused indexes on the system. or you can fire the query.

select * from sys.schema_index_statistics;

The difference between the Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java

What are the differences in the applications of Runnable and Callable. Is the difference only with the return parameter present in Callable?

Basically, yes. See the answers to this question. And the javadoc for Callable.

What is the need of having both if Callable can do all that Runnable does?

Because the Runnable interface cannot do everything that Callable does!

Runnable has been around since Java 1.0, but Callable was only introduced in Java 1.5 ... to handle use-cases that Runnable does not support. In theory, the Java team could have changed the signature of the method, but this would have broken binary compatiblity with pre-1.5 code, requiring recoding when migrating old Java code to newer JVMs. That is a BIG NO-NO. Java strives to be backwards compatible ... and that's been one of Java's biggest selling points for business computing.

And, obviously, there are use-cases where a task doesn't need to return a result or throw a checked exception. For those use-cases, using Runnable is more concise than using Callable<Void> and returning a dummy (null) value from the call() method.

Powershell v3 Invoke-WebRequest HTTPS error

An alternative implementation in pure (without Add-Type of source):

#requires -Version 5
#requires -PSEdition Desktop

class TrustAllCertsPolicy : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy {
    [bool] CheckValidationResult([System.Net.ServicePoint] $a,
                                 [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate] $b,
                                 [System.Net.WebRequest] $c,
                                 [int] $d) {
        return $true
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = [TrustAllCertsPolicy]::new()

Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

if "allow zero datetime=true" is not working then use the following sollutions:-

Add this to your connection string: "allow zero datetime=no" - that made the type cast work perfectly.

Select distinct values from a large DataTable column

Sorry to post answer for very old thread. my answer may help other in future.

string[] TobeDistinct = {"Name","City","State"};
DataTable dtDistinct = GetDistinctRecords(DTwithDuplicate, TobeDistinct);

    //Following function will return Distinct records for Name, City and State column.
    public static DataTable GetDistinctRecords(DataTable dt, string[] Columns)
           DataTable dtUniqRecords = new DataTable();
           dtUniqRecords = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, Columns);
           return dtUniqRecords;

Retrieve WordPress root directory path?

Try this function for get root directory path:


What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

An RPC style web service uses the names of the method and its parameters to generate XML structures representing a method’s call stack. Document style indicates the SOAP body contains an XML document which can be validated against pre-defined XML schema document.

A good starting point : SOAP Binding: Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services

Complex CSS selector for parent of active child

Another thought occurred to me just now that could be a pure CSS solution. Display your active class as an absolutely positioned block and set its style to cover up the parent li. {
   background-color: whatever;
   border: whatever;
/* will also need to make sure the parent li is a positioned element so... */ li {

For those of you who want to use javascript without jquery...

Selecting the parent is trivial. You need a getElementsByClass function of some sort, unless you can get your drupal plugin to assign the active item an ID instead of Class. The function I provided I grabbed from some other genius on SO. It works well, just keep in mind when you're debugging that the function will always return an array of nodes, not just a single node.

active_li = getElementsByClass("active","a");

function getElementsByClass(node,searchClass,tag) {
    var classElements = new Array();
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); // use "*" for all elements
    var elsLen = els.length;
    var pattern = new RegExp("\\b"+searchClass+"\\b");
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
       if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
       classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;

Reading column names alone in a csv file

here is the code to print only the headers or columns of the csv file.

import csv
HEADERS = next(csv.reader(open('filepath.csv')))
print (HEADERS)

Another method with pandas

import pandas as pd
HEADERS = list(pd.read_csv('filepath.csv').head(0))
print (HEADERS)

How can I set the initial value of Select2 when using AJAX?

One scenario that I haven't seen people really answer, is how to have a preselection when the options are AJAX sourced, and you can select multiple. Since this is the go-to page for AJAX preselection, I'll add my solution here.

    ajax: {
        url: endpoint,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: [
            { // Each of these gets processed by fnRenderResults.
                id: usersId,
                text: usersFullName,
                full_name: usersFullName,
                email: usersEmail,
                image_url: usersImageUrl,
                selected: true // Causes the selection to actually get selected.
        processResults: function(data) {

            return {
                results: data.users,
                pagination: {
                    more: !== null

    templateResult: fnRenderResults,
    templateSelection: fnRenderSelection, // Renders the result with my own style
    selectOnClose: true

Using Mysql WHERE IN clause in codeigniter

$data = $this->db->get_where('columnname',array('code' => 'B'));
$this->db->where('code !=','B');
$query =  $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();

Twitter Bootstrap - how to center elements horizontally or vertically

for horizontaly centering you can have something like this:

margin:0 auto

 <div class="span8 centering"></div>

how to use concatenate a fixed string and a variable in Python

I know this is a little old but I wanted to add an updated answer with f-strings which were introduced in Python version 3.6:

msg['Subject'] = f'Auto Hella Restart Report {sys.argv[1]}'

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

I am using ui-router and my code looks like this:

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams){
  /* Google analytics */
  var path = toState.url;
  for(var i in toParams){
    path = path.replace(':' + i, toParams[i]);
  /* global ga */
  ga('send', 'pageview', path);

This way I can track different states. Maybe someone will find it usefull.

Google Text-To-Speech API

You can download the Voice using Wget:D

wget -q -U Mozilla ""

Save the output into a mp3 file:

wget -q -U Mozilla "" -O hello.mp3

Enjoy !!

Setting up MySQL and importing dump within Dockerfile

Here is a working version using v3 of docker-compose.yml. The key is the volumes directive:

  image: mysql:5.6
    - "3306:3306"
    MYSQL_USER: theusername
    - ./data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

In the directory that I have my docker-compose.yml I have a data dir that contains .sql dump files. This is nice because you can have a .sql dump file per table.

I simply run docker-compose up and I'm good to go. Data automatically persists between stops. If you want remove the data and "suck in" new .sql files run docker-compose down then docker-compose up.

If anyone knows how to get the mysql docker to re-process files in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d without removing the volume, please leave a comment and I will update this answer.

Can't access Eclipse marketplace

Here's the solution,

If you are a constant proxy changer like me for various reasons (university, home , workplace and so on..) you are mostly likely to get this error due to improper configuration of connection settings in the eclipse IDE. all you have to do it play around with the current settings and get it to working state. Here's how,,

1. GO TO

Window-> Preferences -> General -> Network Connection.

2. Change the Settings

Active Provider-> Manual-> and check---> HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS

If your active provider is already set to Manual, try restoring the default (native)

That's all, restart Eclipse and you are good to go!

Laravel assets url

Besides put all your assets in the public folder, you can use the HTML::image() Method, and only needs an argument which is the path to the image, relative on the public folder, as well:

{{ HTML::image('imgs/picture.jpg') }}

Which generates the follow HTML code:

<img src="http://localhost:8000/imgs/picture.jpg">

The link to other elements of HTML::image() Method:

Convert string to number and add one

The parseInt solution is the best way to go as it is clear what is happening.

For completeness it is worth mentioning that this can also be done with the + operator

$('.load_more').live("click",function() { //When user clicks
  var newcurrentpageTemp = +$(this).attr("id") + 1; //Get the id from the hyperlink

Count immediate child div elements using jQuery

$("#foo > div").length

Direct children of the element with the id 'foo' which are divs. Then retrieving the size of the wrapped set produced.

How to write oracle insert script with one field as CLOB?

Keep in mind that SQL strings can not be larger than 4000 bytes, while Pl/SQL can have strings as large as 32767 bytes. see below for an example of inserting a large string via an anonymous block which I believe will do everything you need it to do.

note I changed the varchar2(32000) to CLOB

set serveroutput ON 
CREATE TABLE testclob 
     id NUMBER, 
     c  CLOB, 
     d  VARCHAR2(4000) 

    reallybigtextstring CLOB := '123'; 
    i                   INT; 
    WHILE Length(reallybigtextstring) <= 60000 LOOP 
        reallybigtextstring := reallybigtextstring 
                               || '000000000000000000000000000000000'; 
    END LOOP; 

    INSERT INTO testclob 
    VALUES     (0, 

    dbms_output.Put_line('I have finished inputting your clob: ' 
                         || Length(reallybigtextstring)); 

FROM   testclob; 

 "I have finished inputting your clob: 60030"

html5 input for money/currency

Try using step="0.01", then it will step by a penny each time.


<input type="number" min="0.00" max="10000.00" step="0.01" />

How to join entries in a set into one string?

I wrote a method that handles the following edge-cases:

  • Set size one. A ", ".join({'abc'}) will return "a, b, c". My desired output was "abc".
  • Set including integers.
  • Empty set should returns ""
def set_to_str(set_to_convert, separator=", "):
        set_size = len(set_to_convert)
        if not set_size:
            return ""
        elif set_size == 1:
            (element,) = set_to_convert
            return str(element)
            return separator.join(map(str, set_to_convert))

Webview load html from assets directory

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        WebView wb = new WebView(this);

keep your .html in `asset` folder

Print raw string from variable? (not getting the answers)

Get rid of the escape characters before storing or manipulating the raw string:

You could change any backslashes of the path '\' to forward slashes '/' before storing them in a variable. The forward slashes don't need to be escaped:

>>> mypath = os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')  
>>> os.path.exists(mypath)  

How to get name of the computer in VBA?

A shell method to read the environmental variable for this courtesy of devhut

Debug.Print CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

Same source gives an API method:

Option Explicit

#If VBA7 And Win64 Then
    'x64 Declarations
    Declare PtrSafe Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
    'x32 Declaration
    Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
#End If

Public Sub test()

    Debug.Print ComputerName
End Sub

Public Function ComputerName() As String
    Dim sBuff                 As String * 255
    Dim lBuffLen              As Long
    Dim lResult               As Long
    lBuffLen = 255
    lResult = GetComputerName(sBuff, lBuffLen)
    If lBuffLen > 0 Then
        ComputerName = Left(sBuff, lBuffLen)
    End If
End Function

How to write data with FileOutputStream without losing old data?

Use the constructor for appending material to the file:

FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append)
Creates a file output stream to write to the file represented by the specified File object.

So to append to a file say "abc.txt" use

FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(new File("abc.txt"),true);

Add Variables to Tuple

" once the info is added to the DB, should I delete the tuple? i mean i dont need the tuple anymore."


Generally, there's no reason to delete anything. There are some special cases for deleting, but they're very, very rare.

Simply define a narrow scope (i.e., a function definition or a method function in a class) and the objects will be garbage collected at the end of the scope.

Don't worry about deleting anything.

[Note. I worked with a guy who -- in addition to trying to delete objects -- was always writing "reset" methods to clear them out. Like he was going to save them and reuse them. Also a silly conceit. Just ignore the objects you're no longer using. If you define your functions in small-enough blocks of code, you have nothing more to think about.] Is there a way to auto indent / format <html>

I've been playing around with the preferences and added the following to my brackets.json file (access in Menu Bar: Debug: "Open Preferences File").

"closeTags": { "dontCloseTags": ["br", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "area", "base", "col", "command", "embed", "keygen", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"], "indentTags": ["ul", "ol", "div", "section", "table", "tr"], }

  • dontCloseTags are tags such as <br> which shouldn't be closed.
  • indentTags are tags that you want to automatically create a new indented line - add more as needed!
  • (any tags that aren't in above arrays will self-close on the same line)

Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

When This Error is Coming it is lack of the following

1)Setting the path to mongo db go to "C" Drive and the installation of Mongo db directory and then go to bin folder in the mongo and copy the path of it

c:/mongodb/server/3.2/bin/ and create a new environmental variable in system properties then name is path and value="c:/mongodb/server/3.2/bin/" here my version is 3.2

2)create a data directory for the data in C Drive c:/Data/twitter

3)start the server with **

c:/> mongod

check your port config if there is any error as the local port may be assigned to any other 4)start your Mongo database with

Mongo then your mongo db will start

then in your mongo database create a database


for example:

use twitterdata

switched to db twitterdata

to check your current database



to get total databases

show dbs

how to set the background color of the whole page in css

The problem is that the body of the page isn't actually visible. The DIVs under have width of 100% and have background colors themselves that override the body CSS.

To Fix the no-man's land, this might work. It's not elegant, but works.

#doc3 {
    margin: auto 10px;
    width: auto;
    height: 2000px;
    background-color: yellow;

Python: How to check a string for substrings from a list?

Try this test:

any(substring in string for substring in substring_list)

It will return True if any of the substrings in substring_list is contained in string.

Note that there is a Python analogue of Marc Gravell's answer in the linked question:

from itertools import imap
any(imap(string.__contains__, substring_list)) 

In Python 3, you can use map directly instead:

any(map(string.__contains__, substring_list))

Probably the above version using a generator expression is more clear though.

Checking if my Windows application is running

public partial class App : System.Windows.Application
    public bool IsProcessOpen(string name)
        foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses()) 
            if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Contains(name))
                return true;

        return false;

    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        // Get Reference to the current Process
        Process thisProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

        if (IsProcessOpen("name of application.exe") == false)
            //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Application not open!");
            // Check how many total processes have the same name as the current one
            if (Process.GetProcessesByName(thisProc.ProcessName).Length > 1)
                // If ther is more than one, than it is already running.
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Application is already running.");


How to check which locks are held on a table

This is not exactly showing you which rows are locked, but this may helpful to you.

You can check which statements are blocked by running this:

select cmd,* from sys.sysprocesses
where blocked > 0

It will also tell you what each block is waiting on. So you can trace that all the way up to see which statement caused the first block that caused the other blocks.

Edit to add comment from @MikeBlandford:

The blocked column indicates the spid of the blocking process. You can run kill {spid} to fix it.

How do I delete an item or object from an array using ng-click?

In case you're inside an ng-repeat

you could use a one liner option

    <div ng-repeat="key in keywords"> 
        <button ng-click="keywords.splice($index, 1)">


$index is used by angular to show current index of the array inside ng-repeat

Php $_POST method to get textarea value

Always (always, always, I'm not kidding) use htmlspecialchars():

echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['contact_list']);

Python: download a file from an FTP server

requests library doesn't support ftp links.

To download a file from FTP server you could:

import urllib 

urllib.urlretrieve('ftp://server/path/to/file', 'file')
# if you need to pass credentials:
#   urllib.urlretrieve('ftp://username:password@server/path/to/file', 'file')


import shutil
import urllib2
from contextlib import closing

with closing(urllib2.urlopen('ftp://server/path/to/file')) as r:
    with open('file', 'wb') as f:
        shutil.copyfileobj(r, f)


import shutil
import urllib.request as request
from contextlib import closing

with closing(request.urlopen('ftp://server/path/to/file')) as r:
    with open('file', 'wb') as f:
        shutil.copyfileobj(r, f)

Get the short Git version hash

A really simple way is to:

git describe --always

Using the Web.Config to set up my SQL database connection string?

If you are using SQL Express (which you are), then your login credentials are .\SQLEXPRESS

Here is the connectionString in the web config file which you can add:

<add connectionString="Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=yourDBName;Initial Catalog= yourDBName;Integrated Security=true" name="nametoCallBy" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Place is just above the system.web tag.

Then you can call it by:

connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nametoCallBy"].ConnectionString;

Change visibility of ASP.NET label with JavaScript

If you need to manipulate it on the client side, you can't use the Visible property on the server side. Instead, set its CSS display style to "none". For example:

<asp:Label runat="server" id="Label1" style="display: none;" />

Then, you could make it visible on the client side with:

document.getElementById('Label1').style.display = 'inherit';

You could make it hidden again with:

document.getElementById('Label1').style.display = 'none';

Keep in mind that there may be issues with the ClientID being more complex than "Label1" in practice. You'll need to use the ClientID with getElementById, not the server side ID, if they differ.

How to SELECT a dropdown list item by value programmatically

For those who come here by search (because this thread is over 3 years old):

string entry // replace with search value

if (comboBox.Items.Contains(entry))
   comboBox.SelectedIndex = comboBox.Items.IndexOf(entry);
   comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

To simply combine them you can place them all together like this:


(note that this may pass the older Excel limit of 7 nested statements. I'm testing in Excel 2010

Another way to do it is by utilizing Left and Right functions.

This assumes that the changing data on the end is always present and is 8 characters long


This will achieve the same resulting string

If the string doesn't always end with 8 characters that you want to strip off you can search for the "_S" and get the current location. Try this:


How to negate a method reference predicate

Predicate has methods and, or and negate.

However, String::isEmpty is not a Predicate, it's just a String -> Boolean lambda and it could still become anything, e.g. Function<String, Boolean>. Type inference is what needs to happen first. The filter method infers type implicitly. But if you negate it before passing it as an argument, it no longer happens. As @axtavt mentioned, explicit inference can be used as an ugly way:

s.filter(((Predicate<String>) String::isEmpty).negate()).count()

There are other ways advised in other answers, with static not method and lambda most likely being the best ideas. This concludes the tl;dr section.

However, if you want some deeper understanding of lambda type inference, I'd like to explain it a bit more to depth, using examples. Look at these and try to figure out what happens:

Object obj1                  = String::isEmpty;
Predicate<String> p1         = s -> s.isEmpty();
Function<String, Boolean> f1 = String::isEmpty;
Object obj2                  = p1;
Function<String, Boolean> f2 = (Function<String, Boolean>) obj2;
Function<String, Boolean> f3 = p1::test;
Predicate<Integer> p2        = s -> s.isEmpty();
Predicate<Integer> p3        = String::isEmpty;
  • obj1 doesn't compile - lambdas need to infer a functional interface (= with one abstract method)
  • p1 and f1 work just fine, each inferring a different type
  • obj2 casts a Predicate to Object - silly but valid
  • f2 fails at runtime - you cannot cast Predicate to Function, it's no longer about inference
  • f3 works - you call the predicate's method test that is defined by its lambda
  • p2 doesn't compile - Integer doesn't have isEmpty method
  • p3 doesn't compile either - there is no String::isEmpty static method with Integer argument

I hope this helps get some more insight into how type inferrence works.

Run react-native application on iOS device directly from command line?

The following worked for me (tested on react native 0.38 and 0.40):

npm install -g ios-deploy
# Run on a connected device, e.g. Max's iPhone:
react-native run-ios --device "Max's iPhone"

If you try to run run-ios, you will see that the script recommends to do npm install -g ios-deploy when it reach install step after building.

While the documentation on the various commands that react-native offers is a little sketchy, it is worth going to react-native/local-cli. There, you can see all the commands available and the code that they run - you can thus work out what switches are available for undocumented commands.

Disable scrolling when touch moving certain element

The ultimate solution would be setting overflow: hidden; on document.documentElement like so:

/* element is an HTML element You want catch the touch */
element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { = 'hidden';

document.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { = 'auto';

By setting overflow: hidden on start of touch it makes everything exceeding window hidden thus removing availability to scroll anything (no content to scroll).

After touchend the lock can be freed by setting overflow to auto (the default value).

It is better to append this to <html> because <body> may be used to do some styling, plus it can make children behave unexpectedly.

EDIT: About touch-action: none; - Safari doesn't support it according to MDN.

How to Remove Line Break in String

None of the other answers (with one exception, see my edit) handle the case where there are multiple trailing carriage returns. If the goal is to make a function similar to "Trim" that removes carriage returns as well as spaces, you'll probably want it to be robust enough to remove as many as there are and not just one. Also, I'd recommend avoiding the use of the "Left" or "Right" functions in VBA since they do not exist in VB.Net. It may be necessary at some point to convert an Office VBA Macro to a VSTO COM Add-In so it's a good habit to avoid the use of functions that only exist in VBA.

Function RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace(s As String) As String
    RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace = s
    Dim StrLen As Long
    StrLen = Len(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace)
    While (StrLen > 0 And (Mid(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace, StrLen) = vbCr Or Mid(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace, StrLen) = vbLf) Or Mid(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace, StrLen) = " ")
        RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace = Mid(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace, 1, StrLen - 1)
        StrLen = Len(RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace)
End Function

Edit: I should clarify that there is another answer listed here that trims carriage returns and white space from both ends of the string, but it looked far more convoluted. This can be done fairly concisely.

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

You can do an http DELETE via a URL like /users/1/roles/2. That would be the most RESTful way to do it.

Otherwise I guess you can just pass the user id as part of the query params? Something like

$http.delete('/roles/' + roleid, {params: {userId: userID}}).then...

How do I get the resource id of an image if I know its name?

You can use this function to get a Resource ID:

public static int getResourseId(Context context, String pVariableName, String pResourcename, String pPackageName) throws RuntimeException {
    try {
        return context.getResources().getIdentifier(pVariableName, pResourcename, pPackageName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error getting Resource ID.", e)

So if you want to get a Drawable Resource ID, you can call the method like this:

getResourseId(MyActivity.this, "myIcon", "drawable", getPackageName());

(or from a fragment):

getResourseId(getActivity(), "myIcon", "drawable", getActivity().getPackageName());

For a String Resource ID you can call it like this:

getResourseId(getActivity(), "myAppName", "string", getActivity().getPackageName());


Careful: It throws a RuntimeException if it fails to find the Resource ID. Be sure to recover properly in production.

Read this

OpenCV NoneType object has no attribute shape

You probably get the error because your video path may be wrong in a way. Be sure your path is completely correct.

What are the safe characters for making URLs?

You are best keeping only some characters (whitelist) instead of removing certain characters (blacklist).

You can technically allow any character, just as long as you properly encode it. But, to answer in the spirit of the question, you should only allow these characters:

  1. Lower case letters (convert upper case to lower)
  2. Numbers, 0 through 9
  3. A dash - or underscore _
  4. Tilde ~

Everything else has a potentially special meaning. For example, you may think you can use +, but it can be replaced with a space. & is dangerous, too, especially if using some rewrite rules.

As with the other comments, check out the standards and specifications for complete details.

Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

If your error event handler takes the three arguments (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, and message) when a timeout happens, the status arg will be 'timeout'.

Per the jQuery documentation:

Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror".

You can handle your error accordingly then.

I created this fiddle that demonstrates this.

    url: "/ajax_json_echo/",
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    timeout: 1000,
    success: function(response) { alert(response); },
    error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, message) {
        if(textstatus==="timeout") {
            alert("got timeout");
        } else {

With jsFiddle, you can test ajax calls -- it will wait 2 seconds before responding. I put the timeout setting at 1 second, so it should error out and pass back a textstatus of 'timeout' to the error handler.

Hope this helps!

Handling a Menu Item Click Event - Android

simple code for creating menu..

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    inflater.inflate(, menu);
    return true;

simple code for menu selected

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle item selection
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
        return true;
        return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

for more detail go below link..



How to determine tables size in Oracle

If you don't have DBA rights then you can use user_segments table:

select bytes/1024/1024 MB from user_segments where segment_name='Table_name'

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character

var spl = item.Split('/')[1];
var format =spl.Split(';')[0];           

How to set value to form control in Reactive Forms in Angular

The "usual" solution is make a function that return an empty formGroup or a fullfilled formGroup

   user: [data?data.user:null],
   questioning: [data?data.questioning:null, Validators.required],
   questionType: [data?data.questionType, Validators.required],
   options: new FormArray([this.createArray(data?data.options:null])

//return an array of formGroup

then, in SUBSCRIBE, you call the function

this.qService.editQue([params["id"]]).subscribe(res => {
  this.editqueForm = this.createFormGroup(res);

be carefull!, your form must include an *ngIf to avoid initial error

<form *ngIf="editqueForm" [formGroup]="editqueForm">

Bootstrap control with multiple "data-toggle"

I managed to solve this issue without the need to change any markup with the following piece of jQuery. I had a similar problem where I wanted a tooltip on a button that was already using data-toggle for a modal. All you will need to do here is add the title to the button.


Getting list of pixel values from PIL

data = numpy.asarray(im)

Notice:In PIL, img is RGBA. In cv2, img is BGRA.

My robust solution:

def cv_from_pil_img(pil_img):
    assert pil_img.mode=="RGBA"
    return cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

We got it working by copying the routes from Router.php instead of using Auth::routes(), these are the routes you need:

Route::get('login', 'Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm')->name('login');
Route::post('login', 'Auth\LoginController@login');
Route::post('logout', 'Auth\LoginController@logout')->name('logout');

// Registration Routes...
Route::get('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm')->name('register');
Route::post('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@register');

// Password Reset Routes...
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.request');
Route::post('password/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail')->name('');
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm')->name('password.reset');
Route::post('password/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset');

NLTK and Stopwords Fail #lookuperror

I tried from ubuntu terminal and I don't know why the GUI didn't show up according to tttthomasssss answer. So I followed the comment from KLDavenport and it worked. Here is the summary:

Open your terminal/command-line and type python then

>>> import nltk .>>>"stopwords")

This will store the stopwords corpus under the nltk_data. For my case it was /home/myusername/nltk_data/corpora/stopwords.

If you need another corpus then visit nltk data and find the corpus with their ID. Then use the ID to download like we did for stopwords.

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String

Looks like niether is faster or slower

    public static void main(String arguments[]) {

        //Build a long string
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
            sb.append("a really, really long string");
        String str = sb.toString();
        for (int testscount = 0; testscount < 10; testscount ++) {

            //Test 1
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for(int c = 0; c < 10000000; c++) {
                for (int i = 0, n = str.length(); i < n; i++) {
                    char chr = str.charAt(i);
                    doSomethingWithChar(chr);//To trick JIT optimistaion

            System.out.println("1: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

            //Test 2
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
            for(int c = 0; c < 10000000; c++) {
                for (int i = 0, n = chars.length; i < n; i++) {
                    char chr = chars[i];
                    doSomethingWithChar(chr);//To trick JIT optimistaion
            System.out.println("2: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));


    public static void doSomethingWithChar(char chr) {
        int newInt = chr << 2;

For long strings I'll chose the first one. Why copy around long strings? Documentations says:

public char[] toCharArray() Converts this string to a new character array.

Returns: a newly allocated character array whose length is the length of this string and whose contents are initialized to contain the character sequence represented by this string.

//Edit 1

I've changed the test to trick JIT optimisation.

//Edit 2

Repeat test 10 times to let JVM warm up.

//Edit 3


First of all str.toCharArray(); copies entire string in memory. It can be memory consuming for long strings. Method String.charAt( ) looks up char in char array inside String class checking index before. It looks like for short enough Strings first method (i.e. chatAt method) is a bit slower due to this index check. But if the String is long enough, copying whole char array gets slower, and the first method is faster. The longer the string is, the slower toCharArray performs. Try to change limit in for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) loop to see it. If we let JVM warm up code runs faster, but proportions are the same.

After all it's just micro-optimisation.

What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?

The formula is

minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion

minSdkVersion - is a marker that defines a minimum Android version on which application will be able to install. Also it is used by Lint to prevent calling API that doesn’t exist. Also it has impact on Build Time. So you can use build flavors to override minSdkVersion to maximum during the development. It will help to make build faster using all improvements that the Android team provides for us. For example some features Java 8 are available only from specific version of minSdkVersion.

targetSdkVersion - If AndroidOS version is >= targetSdkVersion it says Android system to turn on specific(new) behavior changes. *Please note that some of new behaviors will be turned on by default even if thought targetSdkVersion is <, you should read official doc.

For example:

  • Starting in Android 6.0 (API level 23) Runtime Permissions were introduced. If you set targetSdkVersion to 22 or lower your application does not ask a user for some permission in run time.

  • Starting in Android 8.0 (API level 26), all notifications must be assigned to a channel or it will not appear. On devices running Android 7.1 (API level 25) and lower, users can manage notifications on a per-app basis only (effectively each app only has one channel on Android 7.1 and lower).

  • Starting in Android 9 (API level 28), Web-based data directories separated by process. If targetSdkVersion is 28+ and you create several WebView in different processes you will get java.lang.RuntimeException

compileSdkVersion - actually it is SDK Platform version and tells Gradle which Android SDK use to compile. When you want to use new features or debug .java files from Android SDK you should take care of compileSdkVersion. One more example is using AndroidX that forces to use compileSdkVersion - level 28. compileSdkVersion is not included in your APK: it is purely used at compile time. Changing your compileSdkVersion does not change runtime behavior. It can generate for example new compiler warnings/errors. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you always compile with the latest SDK. You’ll get all the benefits of new compilation checks on existing code, avoid newly deprecated APIs, and be ready to use new APIs. One more fact is compileSdkVersion >= Support Library version

You can read more about it here. Also I would recommend you to take a look at the example of migration to Android 8.0.


momentJS date string add 5 days

The function add() returns the old date, but changes the original date :)

startdate = "20.03.2014";
var new_date = moment(startdate, "DD.MM.YYYY");
new_date.add(5, 'days');

How do I create a right click context menu in Java Swing?

This question is a bit old - as are the answers (and the tutorial as well)

The current api for setting a popupMenu in Swing is


This way it will be shown automagically, both for mouse and keyboard triggers (the latter depends on LAF). Plus, it supports re-using the same popup across a container's children. To enable that feature:


date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Look here at "u" and "s" patterns. First is without 'T' separator, and the second one is without timezone suffix.

Launch an event when checking a checkbox in Angular2

If you add double paranthesis to the ngModel reference you get a two-way binding to your model property. That property can then be read and used in the event handler. In my view that is the most clean approach.

<input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="" (ngModelChange)="processChange()" />

How to decode viewstate

You can ignore the URL field and simply paste the viewstate into the Viewstate string box.

It does look like you have an old version; the serialisation methods changed in ASP.NET 2.0, so grab the 2.0 version

Java2D: Increase the line width

You should use setStroke to set a stroke of the Graphics2D object.

The example at gives you some code examples.

The following code produces the image below:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import javax.swing.*;

public class FrameTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame jf = new JFrame("Demo");
        Container cp = jf.getContentPane();
        cp.add(new JComponent() {
            public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Float(30, 20, 80, 90));
        jf.setSize(300, 200);

enter image description here

(Note that the setStroke method is not available in the Graphics object. You have to cast it to a Graphics2D object.)

This post has been rewritten as an article here.

What IDE to use for Python?


Spreadsheet version

spreadsheet screenshot

Alternatively, in plain text: (also available as a a screenshot)

                         Bracket Matching -.  .- Line Numbering
                          Smart Indent -.  |  |  .- UML Editing / Viewing
         Source Control Integration -.  |  |  |  |  .- Code Folding
                    Error Markup -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Code Templates
  Integrated Python Debugging -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Unit Testing
    Multi-Language Support -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
   Auto Code Completion -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Integrated DB Support
     Commercial/Free -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Refactoring
   Cross Platform -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
Atom              |Y |F |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |*many plugins
Editra            |Y |F |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
Emacs             |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Eric Ide          |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |
Geany             |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*very limited
Gedit             |Y |F |Y¹|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y²|  |  |  |  |¹with plugin; ²sort of
Idle              |Y |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
IntelliJ          |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |
JEdit             |Y |F |  |Y |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
KDevelop          |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*no type inference
Komodo            |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |
NetBeans*         |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |*pre-v7.0
Notepad++         |W |F |Y |Y |  |Y*|Y*|Y*|Y |Y |  |Y |Y*|  |  |  |  |*with plugin
Pfaide            |W |C |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
PIDA              |LW|F |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |VIM based
PTVS              |W |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y*|  |Y |*WPF bsed
PyCharm           |Y |CF|Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |*JavaScript
PyDev (Eclipse)   |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PyScripter        |W |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PythonWin         |W |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
SciTE             |Y |F¹|  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |¹Mac version is
ScriptDev         |W |C |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    commercial
Spyder            |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Sublime Text      |Y |CF|Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y*|  |  |  |extensible w/Python,
TextMate          |M |F |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    *PythonTestRunner
UliPad            |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Vim               |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Visual Studio     |W |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |Y |? |Y |
Visual Studio Code|Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |? |? |Y |uses plugins
WingIde           |Y |C |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |*support for C
Zeus              |W |C |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
   Cross Platform -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
     Commercial/Free -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Refactoring
   Auto Code Completion -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Integrated DB Support
    Multi-Language Support -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
  Integrated Python Debugging -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Unit Testing
                    Error Markup -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Code Templates
         Source Control Integration -'  |  |  |  |  '- Code Folding
                          Smart Indent -'  |  |  '- UML Editing / Viewing
                         Bracket Matching -'  '- Line Numbering

Acronyms used:

 L  - Linux
 W  - Windows
 M  - Mac
 C  - Commercial
 F  - Free
 CF - Commercial with Free limited edition
 ?  - To be confirmed

I don't mention basics like syntax highlighting as I expect these by default.

This is a just dry list reflecting your feedback and comments, I am not advocating any of these tools. I will keep updating this list as you keep posting your answers.

PS. Can you help me to add features of the above editors to the list (like auto-complete, debugging, etc.)?

We have a comprehensive wiki page for this question

Submit edits to the spreadsheet

How to add "active" class to wp_nav_menu() current menu item (simple way)

In addition to previous answers, if your menu items are Categories and you want to highlight them when navigating through posts, check also for current-post-ancestor:

add_filter('nav_menu_css_class' , 'special_nav_class' , 10 , 2);

function special_nav_class ($classes, $item) {
    if (in_array('current-post-ancestor', $classes) || in_array('current-page-ancestor', $classes) || in_array('current-menu-item', $classes) ){
        $classes[] = 'active ';
    return $classes;

Excel plot time series frequency with continuous xaxis

I would like to compliment Ram Narasimhans answer with some tips I found on an Excel blog

Non-uniformly distributed data can be plotted in excel in

  • X Y (Scatter Plots)
  • Linear plots with Date axis
    • These don't take time into account, only days.
    • This method is quite cumbersome as it requires translating your time units to days, months, or years.. then change the axis labels... Not Recommended

Just like Ram Narasimhan suggested, to have the points centered you will want the mid point but you don't need to move to a numeric format, you can stay in the time format.

1- Add the center point to your data series

|    Time       | Time  | Freq |
| 08:00 - 09:00 | 08:30 |  12  |
| 09:00 - 10:00 | 09:30 |  13  |
| 10:00 - 11:00 | 10:30 |  10  |
| 13:00 - 14:00 | 13:30 |   5  |
| 14:00 - 15:00 | 14:30 |  14  |

2- Create a Scatter Plot

3- Excel allows you to specify time values for the axis options. Time values are a parts per 1 of a 24-hour day. Therefore if we want to 08:00 to 15:00, then we Set the Axis options to:

  • Minimum : Fix : 0.33333
  • Maximum : Fix : 0.625
  • Major unit : Fix : 0.041667

Line Scatter Plot

Alternative Display:

Make the points turn into columns:

To be able to represent these points as bars instead of just point we need to draw disjoint lines. Here is a way to go about getting this type of chart.

1- You're going to need to add several rows where we draw the line and disjoint the data

| Time  | Freq |
| 08:30 |   0  |
| 08:30 |  12  |
|       |      |
| 09:30 |   0  |
| 09:30 |  13  |
|       |      |
| 10:30 |   0  |
| 10:30 |  10  |
|       |      |
| 13:30 |   0  |
| 13:30 |   5  |
|       |      |
| 14:30 |   0  |
| 14:30 |  14  |

2- Plot an X Y (Scatter) Chart with Lines.

3- Now you can tweak the data series to have a fatter line, no markers, etc.. to get a bar/column type chart with non-uniformly distributed data.

Bar-Line Scatter Plot

C/C++ Struct vs Class

Other that the differences in the default access (public/private), there is no difference.

However, some shops that code in C and C++ will use "class/struct" to indicate that which can be used in C and C++ (struct) and which are C++ only (class). In other words, in this style all structs must work with C and C++. This is kind of why there was a difference in the first place long ago, back when C++ was still known as "C with Classes."

Note that C unions work with C++, but not the other way around. For example

union WorksWithCppOnly{
    friend class FloatAccessor;
    int a;
    float b;

And likewise

typedef union friend{
    int a;
    float b;
} class;

only works in C

How to calculate md5 hash of a file using javascript

I've made a library that implements incremental md5 in order to hash large files efficiently. Basically you read a file in chunks (to keep memory low) and hash it incrementally. You got basic usage and examples in the readme.

Be aware that you need HTML5 FileAPI, so be sure to check for it. There is a full example in the test folder.

Clearing content of text file using C#

Simply write to file string.Empty, when append is set to false in StreamWriter. I think this one is easiest to understand for beginner.

private void ClearFile()
    if (!File.Exists("TextFile.txt"))

    TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("TextFile.txt", false);

Best implementation for Key Value Pair Data Structure?

@Jay Mooney: A generic Dictionary class in .NET is actually a hash table, just with fixed types.

The code you've shown shouldn't convince anyone to use Hashtable instead of Dictionary, since both code pieces can be used for both types.

For hashtable:

foreach(object key in h.keys)
     string keyAsString = key.ToString(); // btw, this is unnecessary
     string valAsString = h[key].ToString();

     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(keyAsString + " " + valAsString);

For dictionary:

foreach(string key in d.keys)
     string valAsString = d[key].ToString();

     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(key + " " + valAsString);

And just the same for the other one with KeyValuePair, just use the non-generic version for Hashtable, and the generic version for Dictionary.

So it's just as easy both ways, but Hashtable uses Object for both key and value, which means you will box all value types, and you don't have type safety, and Dictionary uses generic types and is thus better.

Easy way to test an LDAP User's Credentials

ldapwhoami -vvv -h <hostname> -p <port> -D <binddn> -x -w <passwd>, where binddn is the DN of the person whose credentials you are authenticating.

On success (i.e., valid credentials), you get Result: Success (0). On failure, you get ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49).

good example of Javadoc

If you install a JDK and choose to install sources too, the contains the source of ALL the public Java classes. Most of these have pretty good javadoc.

Change background of LinearLayout in Android

If you want to set through xml using android's default color codes, then you need to do as below:


If you have colors specified in your project's colors.xml, then use:


If you want to do programmatically, then do:


Error in launching AVD with AMD processor

If you're running Mac, as @pedro mentions ensure you have the HAXM installer dowloaded via the Android SDK Manager.

Next install it! In finder navigate to /YOUR_SDK_PATH/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/

Run and install the .mpgk in the following .dmg

  • Yosemite: IntelHAXM_1.1.0_for_10.10.dmg
  • Pre-yosemite: IntelHAXM_1.1.0_below_10.10.dmg
  • El Capitan: IntelHAXM_6.0.1.dmg - please install the IntelHAXM_6.0.1.mpgk file within - it will ask you if you want to reinstall it. Just say yes.


$cd /YOUR_SDK_PATH/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/
$open IntelHAXM_1.1.0_below_10.10.dmg

How to keep two folders automatically synchronized?

You can take advantage of fschange. It’s a Linux filesystem change notification. The source code is downloadable from the above link, you can compile it yourself. fschange can be used to keep track of file changes by reading data from a proc file (/proc/fschange). When data is written to a file, fschange reports the exact interval that has been modified instead of just saying that the file has been changed. If you are looking for the more advanced solution, I would suggest checking Resilio Connect. It is cross-platform, provides extended options for use and monitoring. Since it’s BitTorrent-based, it is faster than any other existing sync tool. It was written on their behalf.

How to parse a text file with C#

Try regular expressions. You can find a certain pattern in your text and replace it with something that you want. I can't give you the exact code right now but you can test out your expressions using this.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token with JSON.parse

One other gotcha that can result in "SyntaxError: Unexpected token" exception when calling JSON.parse() is using any of the following in the string values:

  1. New-line characters.

  2. Tabs (yes, tabs that you can produce with the Tab key!)

  3. Any stand-alone slash \ (but for some reason not /, at least not on Chrome.)

(For a full list see the String section here.)

For instance the following will get you this exception:

    "msg" : {
        "message": "It cannot
contain a new-line",
        "description": "Some discription with a     tabbed space is also bad",
        "value": "It cannot have 3\4 un-escaped"

So it should be changed to:

    "msg" : {
        "message": "It cannot\ncontain a new-line",
        "description": "Some discription with a\t\ttabbed space",
        "value": "It cannot have 3\\4 un-escaped"

Which, I should say, makes it quite unreadable in JSON-only format with larger amount of text.

How to find which views are using a certain table in SQL Server (2008)?

If you need to find database objects (e.g. tables, columns, triggers) by name - have a look at the FREE Red-Gate tool called SQL Search which does this - it searches your entire database for any kind of string(s).

enter image description here

enter image description here

It's a great must-have tool for any DBA or database developer - did I already mention it's absolutely FREE to use for any kind of use??

Which websocket library to use with Node.js?

Getting the ball rolling with this community wiki answer. Feel free to edit me with your improvements.

  • ws WebSocket server and client for node.js. One of the fastest libraries if not the fastest one.

  • websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js

  • websocket-driver-node WebSocket server and client protocol parser node.js - used in faye-websocket-node

  • faye-websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js - used in faye and sockjs

  • WebSocket server and client for node.js + client for browsers + (v0 has newest to oldest fallbacks, v1 of uses + channels - used in Client library tries to reconnect upon disconnection.

  • sockjs WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + newest to oldest fallbacks

  • faye WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + fallbacks + support for other server-side languages

  • clusterable realtime server that handles WebSockets & TCP connections and provides data-sync, pub/sub and request/response

  • socketcluster WebSocket server cluster which makes use of all CPU cores on your machine. For example, if you were to use an xlarge Amazon EC2 instance with 32 cores, you would be able to handle almost 32 times the traffic on a single instance.

  • primus Provides a common API for most of the libraries above for easy switching + stability improvements for all of them.

When to use:

  • use the basic WebSocket servers when you want to use the native WebSocket implementations on the clientside, beware of the browser incompatabilities

  • use the fallback libraries when you care about browser fallbacks

  • use the full featured libraries when you care about channels

  • use primus when you have no idea about what to use, are not in the mood for rewriting your application when you need to switch frameworks because of changing project requirements or need additional connection stability.

Where to test:

Firecamp is a GUI testing environment for SocketIO, WS and all major real-time technology. Debug the real-time events while you're developing it.

Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

you can simply add a method (setAttributes, with "s" at the end) to "Element" prototype like:

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function(obj){
  for(var prop in obj) {
    this.setAttribute(prop, obj[prop])

you can define it in one line:

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function(obj){ for(var prop in obj) this.setAttribute(prop, obj[prop]) }

and you can call it normally as you call the other methods. The attributes are given as an object:

elem.setAttributes({"src": "", "height": "100%", "width": "100%"})

you can add an if statement to throw an error if the given argument is not an object.

What are passive event listeners?

Passive event listeners are an emerging web standard, new feature shipped in Chrome 51 that provide a major potential boost to scroll performance. Chrome Release Notes.

It enables developers to opt-in to better scroll performance by eliminating the need for scrolling to block on touch and wheel event listeners.

Problem: All modern browsers have a threaded scrolling feature to permit scrolling to run smoothly even when expensive JavaScript is running, but this optimization is partially defeated by the need to wait for the results of any touchstart and touchmove handlers, which may prevent the scroll entirely by calling preventDefault() on the event.

Solution: {passive: true}

By marking a touch or wheel listener as passive, the developer is promising the handler won't call preventDefault to disable scrolling. This frees the browser up to respond to scrolling immediately without waiting for JavaScript, thus ensuring a reliably smooth scrolling experience for the user.

document.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
    console.log(e.defaultPrevented);  // will be false
    e.preventDefault();   // does nothing since the listener is passive
    console.log(e.defaultPrevented);  // still false
}, Modernizr.passiveeventlisteners ? {passive: true} : false);

DOM Spec , Demo Video , Explainer Doc

How to expand a list to function arguments in Python

It exists, but it's hard to search for. I think most people call it the "splat" operator.

It's in the documentation as "Unpacking argument lists".

You'd use it like this: foo(*values). There's also one for dictionaries:

d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
def foo(a, b):

SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

The previous answers using the ISNULL function are correct only for MS Sql Server. The COALESCE function will also work in SQL Server. But will also work in standard SQL database systems. In the given example:

SELECT sum(COALESCE(TotalHoursM,0))
          + COALESCE(TotalHoursT,0)
          + COALESCE(TotalHoursW,0)
          + COALESCE(TotalHoursTH,0)
          + COALESCE(TotalHoursF,0) AS TOTAL FROM LeaveRequest

This is identical to the ISNULL solution with the only difference being the name of the function. Both work in SQL Server but, COALESCE is ANSI standard and ISNULL is not. Also, COALESCE is more flexible. ISNULL will only work with two parameters. If the first parameter is NULL then the value of the second parameter is returned, else the value of the first is returned. COALESCE will take 2 to 'n' (I don't know the limit of 'n') parameters and return the value of the first parameter that is not NULL. When there are only two parameters the effect is the same as ISNULL.

matplotlib: colorbars and its text labels

To add to tacaswell's answer, the colorbar() function has an optional cax input you can use to pass an axis on which the colorbar should be drawn. If you are using that input, you can directly set a label using that axis.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.imshow(data)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='10%', pad=0.6)
cb = fig.colorbar(heatmap, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')

cax.set_xlabel('data label')  # cax ==

Good Linux (Ubuntu) SVN client

I'm very happy with kdesvn - integrates very well with konqueror, much like trortousesvn with windows explorer, and supports most of the functionality of tortoisesvn.

Of course, you'll benefit from this integration, if you use kubunto, and not ubuntu.

Multiple markers Google Map API v3 from array of addresses and avoid OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while geocoding on pageLoad

Answer to add multiple markers.


Here's the working Example Geocoding with multiple addresses.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var delay = 100;
  var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
  var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(21.0000, 78.0000);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 5,
    center: latlng,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

  function geocodeAddress(address, next) {
    geocoder.geocode({address:address}, function (results,status)
         if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
          var p = results[0].geometry.location;
          var lng=p.lng();
        else {
           if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
          } else {
 function createMarker(add,lat,lng) {
   var contentString = add;
   var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng),
     map: map,

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {


  var locations = [
           'New Delhi, India',
           'Mumbai, India',
           'Bangaluru, Karnataka, India',
           'Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, India',
           'Gurgaon, Haryana, India',
           'Cannaught Place, New Delhi, India',
           'Bandra, Mumbai, India',
           'Nainital, Uttranchal, India',
           'Guwahati, India',
           'West Bengal, India',
           'Jammu, India',
           'Kanyakumari, India',
           'Kerala, India',
           'Himachal Pradesh, India',
           'Shillong, India',
           'Chandigarh, India',
           'Dwarka, New Delhi, India',
           'Pune, India',
           'Indore, India',
           'Orissa, India',
           'Shimla, India',
           'Gujarat, India'
  var nextAddress = 0;
  function theNext() {
    if (nextAddress < locations.length) {
      setTimeout('geocodeAddress("'+locations[nextAddress]+'",theNext)', delay);
    } else {


As we can resolve this issue with setTimeout() function.

Still we should not geocode known locations every time you load your page as said by @geocodezip

Another alternatives of these are explained very well in the following links:

How To Avoid GoogleMap Geocode Limit!

Geocode Multiple Addresses Tutorial By Mike Williams

Example by Google Developers

What does "xmlns" in XML mean?

You have name spaces so you can have globally unique elements. However, 99% of the time this doesn't really matter, but when you put it in the perspective of The Semantic Web, it starts to become important.

For example, you could make an XML mash-up of different schemes just by using the appropriate xmlns. For example, mash up friend of a friend with vCard, etc.

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

This could be a problem if you are using a custom 'Settings.xml', with a different <localRepository> configured in it.

Eclipse will be using the default installation of MAVEN, and will be using the default location for the User to look for the local Maven repository, which on Linux systems would be '/home/${USER}/.m2/'

Eclipse can be easily configured to use the customized 'Settings.xml', by doing the following: Goto -> Window -> Preferences -> Select 'Maven' -> Select 'User Settings'

  1. Under 'User Settings', select the custom 'Settings.xml' file, for 'User Settings' by clicking 'Browse' and selecting the customized 'Settings.xml'.
  2. Click on 'Update Settings', if the 'Local Repository' Textbox does not show the custom location from the file above, just key in the location and click 'Reindex'.
  3. Click 'OK'

After this, you could proceed to select your project from the 'Project Explorer', right click, Select 'Maven' > 'Update Project'. Make sure that your project is selected (ticked) in the Window, and click 'OK'.

This should help to resolve the issue, if using custom 'Settings.xml' for Maven.

Hope it helps.

How to detect lowercase letters in Python?

You should use raw_input to take a string input. then use islower method of str object.

s = raw_input('Type a word')
l = []
for c in s.strip():
    if c.islower():
        print c
print 'Total number of lowercase letters: %d'%(len(l) + 1)

Just do -


and you will find islower and other attributes of str

Fixed header table with horizontal scrollbar and vertical scrollbar on

This has been driving me crazy for literally weeks. I found a solution that will work for me that includes:

  1. Non-fixed column widths - they shrink and grow on window resizing.
  2. Table has a horizontal scroll-bar when needed, but not when it isn't.
  3. Number of columns is irrelevant - it will size to however many columns you need it to.
  4. Not all columns need to be the same width.
  5. Header goes all the way to the end of the right scrollbar.
  6. No javascript!

...but there are a couple of caveats:

  1. The vertical scrollbar is not visible until you scroll all the way to the right. Given that most people have scroll wheels, this was an acceptable sacrifice.

  2. The width of the scrollbar must be known. On my website I set the scrollbar widths (I'm not overly concerned with older, incompatible browsers), so I can then calculate div and table widths that adjust based on the scrollbar.

Instead of posting my code here, I'll post a link to the jsFiddle.

Fixed header table + scroll left/right.

Go: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

According to the docs for func (*Client) Do:

"An error is returned if caused by client policy (such as CheckRedirect), or if there was an HTTP protocol error. A non-2xx response doesn't cause an error.

When err is nil, resp always contains a non-nil resp.Body."

Then looking at this code:

res, err := client.Do(req)
defer res.Body.Close()

if err != nil {
    return nil, err

I'm guessing that err is not nil. You're accessing the .Close() method on res.Body before you check for the err.

The defer only defers the function call. The field and method are accessed immediately.

So instead, try checking the error immediately.

res, err := client.Do(req)

if err != nil {
    return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()

jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags?

In order of activity, demos/examples available, and simplicity:


Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

This answer is written to show just how trivial it is to bypass poorly written PHP user-validation code, how (and using what) these attacks work and how to replace the old MySQL functions with a secure prepared statement - and basically, why StackOverflow users (probably with a lot of rep) are barking at new users asking questions to improve their code.

First off, please feel free to create this test mysql database (I have called mine prep):

mysql> create table users(
    -> id int(2) primary key auto_increment,
    -> userid tinytext,
    -> pass tinytext);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> insert into users values(null, 'Fluffeh', 'mypass');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> create user 'prepared'@'localhost' identified by 'example';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on prep.* to 'prepared'@'localhost' with grant option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

With that done, we can move to our PHP code.

Lets assume the following script is the verification process for an admin on a website (simplified but working if you copy and use it for testing):



    $link=mysql_connect('localhost', 'prepared', 'example');
    mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'";
    //echo $sql."<br><br>";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
        // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
        // Lets give this person full access
        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

Seems legit enough at first glance.

The user has to enter a login and password, right?

Brilliant, not enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: somePass

and submit it.

The output is as follows:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

Super! Working as expected, now lets try the actual username and password:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Amazing! Hi-fives all round, the code correctly verified an admin. It's perfect!

Well, not really. Lets say the user is a clever little person. Lets say the person is me.

Enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

And the output is:

The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Congrats, you just allowed me to enter your super-protected admins only section with me entering a false username and a false password. Seriously, if you don't believe me, create the database with the code I provided, and run this PHP code - which at glance REALLY does seem to verify the username and password rather nicely.


So, lets have a look at what went wrong, and why I just got into your super-admin-only-bat-cave. I took a guess and assumed that you weren't being careful with your inputs and simply passed them to the database directly. I constructed the input in a way tht would CHANGE the query that you were actually running. So, what was it supposed to be, and what did it end up being?

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'

That's the query, but when we replace the variables with the actual inputs that we used, we get the following:

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='bob' and pass='n' or 1=1 or 'm=m'

See how I constructed my "password" so that it would first close the single quote around the password, then introduce a completely new comparison? Then just for safety, I added another "string" so that the single quote would get closed as expected in the code we originally had.

However, this isn't about folks yelling at you now, this is about showing you how to make your code more secure.

Okay, so what went wrong, and how can we fix it?

This is a classic SQL injection attack. One of the simplest for that matter. On the scale of attack vectors, this is a toddler attacking a tank - and winning.

So, how do we protect your sacred admin section and make it nice and secure? The first thing to do will be to stop using those really old and deprecated mysql_* functions. I know, you followed a tutorial you found online and it works, but it's old, it's outdated and in the space of a few minutes, I have just broken past it without so much as breaking a sweat.

Now, you have the better options of using mysqli_ or PDO. I am personally a big fan of PDO, so I will be using PDO in the rest of this answer. There are pro's and con's, but personally I find that the pro's far outweigh the con's. It's portable across multiple database engines - whether you are using MySQL or Oracle or just about bloody anything - just by changing the connection string, it has all the fancy features we want to use and it is nice and clean. I like clean.

Now, lets have a look at that code again, this time written using a PDO object:



    $pdo=new PDO ('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prep', 'prepared', 'example');
    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid=:user and pass=:password";
    $myPDO = $pdo->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
    if($myPDO->execute(array(':user' => $user, ':password' => $pass)))
            echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
            // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
            // Lets give this person full access

        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

The major differences are that there are no more mysql_* functions. It's all done via a PDO object, secondly, it is using a prepared statement. Now, what's a prepred statement you ask? It's a way to tell the database ahead of running a query, what the query is that we are going to run. In this case, we tell the database: "Hi, I am going to run a select statement wanting id, userid and pass from the table users where the userid is a variable and the pass is also a variable.".

Then, in the execute statement, we pass the database an array with all the variables that it now expects.

The results are fantastic. Lets try those username and password combinations from before again:

user: bob
pass: somePass

User wasn't verified. Awesome.

How about:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Oh, I just got a little excited, it worked: The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Now, lets try the data that a clever chap would enter to try to get past our little verification system:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

This time, we get the following:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

This is why you are being yelled at when posting questions - it's because people can see that your code can be bypassed wihout even trying. Please, do use this question and answer to improve your code, to make it more secure and to use functions that are current.

Lastly, this isn't to say that this is PERFECT code. There are many more things that you could do to improve it, use hashed passwords for example, ensure that when you store sensetive information in the database, you don't store it in plain text, have multiple levels of verification - but really, if you just change your old injection prone code to this, you will be WELL along the way to writing good code - and the fact that you have gotten this far and are still reading gives me a sense of hope that you will not only implement this type of code when writing your websites and applications, but that you might go out and research those other things I just mentioned - and more. Write the best code you can, not the most basic code that barely functions.

How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

That's because the browser doesn't transmit that part to the server, sorry.

src absolute path problem

I think because C would be seen the C drive on the client pc, it wont let you. And if it could do this, it would be a big security hole.

Android Crop Center of Bitmap

Have you considered doing this from the layout.xml ? You could set for your ImageView the ScaleType to android:scaleType="centerCrop" and set the dimensions of the image in the ImageView inside the layout.xml.

convert 12-hour hh:mm AM/PM to 24-hour hh:mm

Converting AM/PM Time string to 24 Hours Format. Example 9:30 PM to 21:30

function get24HrsFrmAMPM(timeStr) {
    if (timeStr && timeStr.indexOf(' ') !== -1 && timeStr.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
        var hrs = 0;
        var tempAry = timeStr.split(' ');
        var hrsMinAry = tempAry[0].split(':');
        hrs = parseInt(hrsMinAry[0], 10);
        if ((tempAry[1] == 'AM' || tempAry[1] == 'am') && hrs == 12) {
            hrs = 0;
        } else if ((tempAry[1] == 'PM' || tempAry[1] == 'pm') && hrs != 12) {
            hrs += 12;
        return ('0' + hrs).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + parseInt(hrsMinAry[1], 10)).slice(-2);
    } else {
        return null;

Disable output buffering

This relates to Cristóvão D. Sousa's answer, but I couldn't comment yet.

A straight-forward way of using the flush keyword argument of Python 3 in order to always have unbuffered output is:

import functools
print = functools.partial(print, flush=True)

afterwards, print will always flush the output directly (except flush=False is given).

Note, (a) that this answers the question only partially as it doesn't redirect all the output. But I guess print is the most common way for creating output to stdout/stderr in python, so these 2 lines cover probably most of the use cases.

Note (b) that it only works in the module/script where you defined it. This can be good when writing a module as it doesn't mess with the sys.stdout.

Python 2 doesn't provide the flush argument, but you could emulate a Python 3-type print function as described here .

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog

While I was starting to learn android development, I had learnt that ProgressDialog is the way to go. There is the setProgress method of ProgressDialog which can be invoked to update the progress level as the file gets downloaded.

The best I have seen in many apps is that they customize this progress dialog's attributes to give a better look and feel to the progress dialog than the stock version. Good to keeping the user engaged with some animation of like frog, elephant or cute cats/puppies. Any animation with in the progress dialog attracts users and they don't feel like being kept waiting for long.

Printing an array in C++?

Use the STL

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

int main()
    std::vector<int>    userInput;

    // Read until end of input.
    // Hit control D  

    // Print in Normal order
    std::cout << "\n";

    // Print in reverse order:
    std::cout << "\n";

    // Update for C++11
    // Range based for is now a good alternative.
    for(auto const& value: userInput)
        std::cout << value << ",";
    std::cout << "\n";

How to run eclipse in clean mode? what happens if we do so?

For Windows users: You can do as RTA said or through command line do this: Navigate to the locaiton of the eclipse executable then run:

 eclipse.lnk -clean

First check the name of your executable using the command 'dir' on its path

Objective-C Static Class Level variables

In your .m file, declare a file global variable:

static int currentID = 1;

then in your init routine, refernce that:

- (id) init
    self = [super init];
    if (self != nil) {
        _myID = currentID++; // not thread safe
    return self;

or if it needs to change at some other time (eg in your openConnection method), then increment it there. Remember it is not thread safe as is, you'll need to do syncronization (or better yet, use an atomic add) if there may be any threading issues.

Formatting ISODate from Mongodb

MongoDB's ISODate() is just a helper function that wraps a JavaScript date object and makes it easier to work with ISO date strings.

You can still use all of the same methods as working with a normal JS Date, such as:


// Note that getHours() and getMinutes() do not include leading 0s for single digit #s

How to set up devices for VS Code for a Flutter emulator

set "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" in environment variable, solve my problem.

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Depending on how it's being used, it might be necessary and even handy.

// "||" has a greater precedence than "or"

// The result of the expression (false || true) is assigned to $e
// Acts like: ($e = (false || true))
$e = false || true;

// The constant false is assigned to $f and then true is ignored
// Acts like: (($f = false) or true)
$f = false or true;

But in most cases it seems like more of a developer taste thing, like every occurrence of this that I've seen in CodeIgniter framework like @Sarfraz has mentioned.

Stored procedure - return identity as output parameter or scalar

Another option would be as the return value for the stored procedure (I don't suggest this though, as that's usually best for error values).

I've included it as both when it's inserting a single row in cases where the stored procedure was being consumed by both other SQL procedures and a front-end which couldn't work with OUTPUT parameters (IBATIS in .NET I believe):

    @col1            VARCHAR(20),
    @new_identity    INT    OUTPUT

    INSERT INTO My_Table (col1)
    VALUES (@col1)

    SELECT @new_identity = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    SELECT @new_identity AS id


The output parameter is easier to work with in T-SQL when calling from other stored procedures IMO, but some programming languages have poor or no support for output parameters and work better with result sets.

Iterating through a range of dates in Python

Pandas is great for time series in general, and has direct support for date ranges.

import pandas as pd
daterange = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)

You can then loop over the daterange to print the date:

for single_date in daterange:
    print (single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))

It also has lots of options to make life easier. For example if you only wanted weekdays, you would just swap in bdate_range. See

The power of Pandas is really its dataframes, which support vectorized operations (much like numpy) that make operations across large quantities of data very fast and easy.

EDIT: You could also completely skip the for loop and just print it directly, which is easier and more efficient:


Path to MSBuild

To retrieve path of msbuild 15 (Visual Studio 2017) with batch from registry w/o additional tools:

set regKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7
set regValue=15.0
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3,*" %%A in ('reg.exe query %regKey% /v %regValue% 2^>nul') do (
    set vs17path=%%A %%B
set msbuild15path = %vs17path%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe

Better available tools:

Is there any native DLL export functions viewer?

dumpbin from the Visual Studio command prompt:

dumpbin /exports csp.dll

Example of output:

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 10.00.30319.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file csp.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for CSP.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    3B1D0B77 time date stamp Tue Jun 05 12:40:23 2001
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
          25 number of functions
          25 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 00001470 CPAcquireContext
          2    1 000014B0 CPCreateHash
          3    2 00001520 CPDecrypt
          4    3 000014B0 CPDeriveKey
          5    4 00001590 CPDestroyHash
          6    5 00001590 CPDestroyKey
          7    6 00001560 CPEncrypt
          8    7 00001520 CPExportKey
          9    8 00001490 CPGenKey
         10    9 000015B0 CPGenRandom
         11    A 000014D0 CPGetHashParam
         12    B 000014D0 CPGetKeyParam
         13    C 00001500 CPGetProvParam
         14    D 000015C0 CPGetUserKey
         15    E 00001580 CPHashData
         16    F 000014F0 CPHashSessionKey
         17   10 00001540 CPImportKey
         18   11 00001590 CPReleaseContext
         19   12 00001580 CPSetHashParam
         20   13 00001580 CPSetKeyParam
         21   14 000014F0 CPSetProvParam
         22   15 00001520 CPSignHash
         23   16 000015A0 CPVerifySignature
         24   17 00001060 DllRegisterServer
         25   18 00001000 DllUnregisterServer


        1000 .data
        1000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        1000 .text

Using routes in Express-js

The route-map express example matches url paths with objects which in turn matches http verbs with functions. This lays the routing out in a tree, which is concise and easy to read. The apps's entities are also written as objects with the functions as enclosed methods.

var express = require('../../lib/express')
  , verbose = process.env.NODE_ENV != 'test'
  , app = module.exports = express(); = function(a, route){
  route = route || '';
  for (var key in a) {
    switch (typeof a[key]) {
      // { '/path': { ... }}
      case 'object':[key], route + key);
      // get: function(){ ... }
      case 'function':
        if (verbose) console.log('%s %s', key, route);
        app[key](route, a[key]);

var users = {
  list: function(req, res){
    res.send('user list');

  get: function(req, res){
    res.send('user ' + req.params.uid);

  del: function(req, res){
    res.send('delete users');

var pets = {
  list: function(req, res){
    res.send('user ' + req.params.uid + '\'s pets');

  del: function(req, res){
    res.send('delete ' + req.params.uid + '\'s pet ' +;
  '/users': {
    get: users.list,
    del: users.del,
    '/:uid': {
      get: users.get,
      '/pets': {
        get: pets.list,
        '/:pid': {
          del: pets.del


Animate background image change with jQuery

      $('.selector').stop(true,true).fadeTo( 400 , 0.0, function() {
    $('.selector').fadeTo( 400 , 1);
      $('.selector').stop(false,true).fadeTo( 400 , 0.0, function() {
    $('.selector').fadeTo( 400 , 1);


Run javascript script (.js file) in mongodb including another file inside js

for running mutilple js files

cd /root/migrate/

ls -1 *.js | sed 's/.js$//' | while read name; do
     start=`date +%s`
     mongo localhost:27017/wbars $name.js;
     end=`date +%s`
     runtime=$(printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($runtime1/3600)) $(($secs%3600/60)) $(($secs%60)))
     echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@ $runtime $name.js completed @@@@@@@@@@@
     echo "$name.js completed"
     echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
     echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
     echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

What is android:ems attribute in Edit Text?

Taken from:

The em is simply the font size. In an element with a 2in font, 1em thus means 2in. Expressing sizes, such as margins and paddings, in em means they are related to the font size, and if the user has a big font (e.g., on a big screen) or a small font (e.g., on a handheld device), the sizes will be in proportion. Declarations such as 'text-indent: 1.5em' and 'margin: 1em' are extremely common in CSS.

em is basically CSS property for font sizes.

jQuery Popup Bubble/Tooltip

Autoresize simple Popup Bubble


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
  <link href="bubble.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="bubble.js"></script>
  <div class="bubbleInfo">
      <div class="bubble" title="Text 1">Set cursor</div>
  <div class="bubbleInfo">
      <div class="bubble" title="Text 2">Set cursor</div>


$(function () {     
  var i = 0;
  var z=1;
    title = $('.bubble:eq('+i+')').attr('title');
    } else {
       $('.bubble:eq('+i+')').after('<table style="opacity: 0; top: -50px; left: -33px; display: none;" id="dpop" class="popup"><tbody><tr><td id="topleft" class="corner"></td><td class="top"></td><td id="topright" class="corner"></td></tr><tr><td class="left"></td><td>'+title+'</td><td class="right"></td></tr><tr><td class="corner" id="bottomleft"></td><td class="bottom"><img src="bubble/bubble-tail.png" height="25px" width="30px" /></td><td id="bottomright" class="corner"></td></tr></tbody></table>');

  $('.bubbleInfo').each(function () {
    var distance = 10;
    var time = 250;
    var hideDelay = 500;        
    var hideDelayTimer = null;       
    var beingShown = false;
    var shown = false;
    var trigger = $('.bubble', this);
    var info = $('.popup', this).css('opacity', 0);        

    $([trigger.get(0), info.get(0)]).mouseover(function () {
      if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
      if (beingShown || shown) {
        // don't trigger the animation again
      } else {
        // reset position of info box
        beingShown = true;

        top: -40,
        left: 10,
        display: 'block'
        top: '-=' + distance + 'px',
        opacity: 1
        }, time, 'swing', function() {
          beingShown = false;
          shown = true;
      return false;
    }).mouseout(function () {
      if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
      hideDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () {
        hideDelayTimer = null;
          top: '-=' + distance + 'px',
          opacity: 0
        }, time, 'swing', function () {
          shown = false;
          info.css('display', 'none');
      }, hideDelay);
      return false;


/* Booble */
.bubbleInfo {
    position: relative;
    width: 500px;
.bubble {       
.popup {
    position: absolute;
    display: none;
    z-index: 50;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    font-size: .8em;
.popup td.corner {
    height: 13px;
    width: 15px;
.popup td#topleft { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-1.png); 
.popup { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-2.png); 
.popup td#topright { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-3.png); 
.popup td.left { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-4.png); 
.popup td.right { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-5.png); 
.popup td#bottomleft { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-6.png); 
.popup td.bottom { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-7.png); 
    text-align: center;
.popup td.bottom img { 
    display: block; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
.popup td#bottomright { 
    background-image: url(bubble/bubble-8.png); 

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()?

Use flush when you need to write, for example to get a primary key ID from an autoincrementing counter.

john=Person(name='John Smith', parent=None)

son=Person(name='Bill Smith',

Without flushing, john would never get an ID from the DB and so couldn't represent the parent/child relationship in code.

Like others have said, without commit() none of this will be permanently persisted to DB.

Kotlin Error : Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:1.0.7

build.gradle (Project)

buildScript {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''



Some libraries require the updated gradle. Such as:

androidTestImplementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$coroutines"


jquery .html() vs .append()

They are not the same. The first one replaces the HTML without creating another jQuery object first. The second creates an additional jQuery wrapper for the second div, then appends it to the first.

One jQuery Wrapper (per example):

$("#myDiv").html('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

$("#myDiv").append('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

Two jQuery Wrappers (per example):

var mySecondDiv=$('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

var mySecondDiv=$('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

You have a few different use cases going on. If you want to replace the content, .html is a great call since its the equivalent of innerHTML = "...". However, if you just want to append content, the extra $() wrapper set is unneeded.

Only use two wrappers if you need to manipulate the added div later on. Even in that case, you still might only need to use one:

var mySecondDiv = $("<div id='mySecondDiv'></div>").appendTo("#myDiv");
// other code here

How to play video with AVPlayerViewController (AVKit) in Swift

Try This

var player:AVPlayer!
var avPlayerLayer:AVPlayerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player)
avPlayerLayer.frame = CGRectMake(your frame)
self.view.layer .addSublayer(avPlayerLayer)
var steamingURL:NSURL = NSURL(string:playerURL)
player = AVPlayer(URL: steamingURL)

How to extract the substring between two markers?

regular expression

import re"(?<=AAA).*?(?=ZZZ)", your_text).group(0)

The above as-is will fail with an AttributeError if there are no "AAA" and "ZZZ" in your_text

string methods


The above will return an empty string if either "AAA" or "ZZZ" don't exist in your_text.

PS Python Challenge?

How to call Android contacts list?

Looking around for an API Level 5 solution using ContactsContract API you could slightly modify the code above with the following:

  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
  startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_CONTACT);

And then in onActivityResult use the column name:


Where can I find my Facebook application id and secret key?

Make a Facebook app with these simple steps I have written below:

  1. Go to Developer tab and click on it.
  2. Then go to Website Option.
  3. Enter the app name which you have want.
  4. Click on Create Facebook App.
  5. After this you have to choose category, you can choose App for Pages.
  6. Your AppId and Appkey is created automatically. The AppSecretKey is obfuscated. You can click on the show button to see your AppId and AppSecurityKey.

How do I lowercase a string in C?

If you need Unicode support in the lower case function see this question: Light C Unicode Library

How to parse a String containing XML in Java and retrieve the value of the root node?

One of the above answer states to convert XML String to bytes which is not needed. Instead you can can use InputSource and supply it with StringReader.

String xmlStr = "<message>HELLO!</message>";
DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlStr)));

Cannot checkout, file is unmerged

If you want to discard modifications you made to the file, you can do:

git reset first_Name.txt
git checkout first_Name.txt

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

<font size=1>- font size 1</font><br>
<span style="font-size:0.63em">- font size: 0.63em</span><br>

<font size=2>- font size 2</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 0.82em">- font size: 0.82em</span><br>

<font size=3>- font size 3</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 1.0em">- font size: 1.0em</span><br>

<font size=4>- font size 4</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 1.13em">- font size: 1.13em</span><br>

<font size=5>- font size 5</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 1.5em">- font size: 1.5em</span><br>

<font size=6>- font size 6</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 2em">- font size: 2em</span><br>

<font size=7>- font size 7</font><br>
<span style="font-size: 3em">- font size: 3em</span><br>

javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Check your environment variables.

In my case I had JAVA_HOME set in the System variables as well as in my User Account variables and the latter was set to a wrong version of Java. I also had the same problem with the Path variable.

After deleting JAVA_HOME from my User Account variables and removing the wrong path from the Path variable it worked correctly.

iText - add content to existing PDF file

This is the most complicated scenario I can imagine: I have a PDF file created with Ilustrator and modified with Acrobat to have AcroFields (AcroForm) that I'm going to fill with data with this Java code, the result of that PDF file with the data in the fields is modified adding a Document.

Actually in this case I'm dynamically generating a background that is added to a PDF that is also dynamically generated with a Document with an unknown amount of data or pages.

I'm using JBoss and this code is inside a JSP file (should work in any JSP webserver).

Note: if you are using IExplorer you must submit a HTTP form with POST method to be able to download the file. If not you are going to see the PDF code in the screen. This does not happen in Chrome or Firefox.

<%@ page import="*, com.lowagie.text.*, com.lowagie.text.pdf.*" %><%

response.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment;filename=listaPrecios.pdf" );  

// -------- FIRST THE PDF WITH THE INFO ----------
String str = "";
// lots of words
for(int i = 0; i < 800; i++) str += "Hello" + i + " ";
// the document
Document doc = new Document( PageSize.A4, 25, 25, 200, 70 );
ByteArrayOutputStream streamDoc = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfWriter.getInstance( doc, streamDoc );
// lets start filling with info;
doc.add(new Paragraph(str));
// the beauty of this is the PDF will have all the pages it needs
PdfReader frente = new PdfReader(streamDoc.toByteArray());
PdfStamper stamperDoc = new PdfStamper( frente, response.getOutputStream());

// -------- THE BACKGROUND PDF FILE -------
// in JBoss the file has to be in webinf/classes to be readed this way
PdfReader fondo = new PdfReader("listaPrecios.pdf");
ByteArrayOutputStream streamFondo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfStamper stamperFondo = new PdfStamper( fondo, streamFondo);
// the acroform
AcroFields form = stamperFondo.getAcroFields();
// the fields 
form.setField("descripcion","Esto describe para que sirve la lista ");
// our background is ready
PdfReader fondoEstampado = new PdfReader( streamFondo.toByteArray() );

PdfImportedPage pagina = stamperDoc.getImportedPage(fondoEstampado,1);
int n = frente.getNumberOfPages();
PdfContentByte background;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    background = stamperDoc.getUnderContent(i);
    background.addTemplate(pagina, 0, 0);
// after this everithing will be written in response.getOutputStream()

There is another solution much simpler, and solves your problem. It depends the amount of text you want to add.

// read the file
PdfReader fondo = new PdfReader("listaPrecios.pdf");
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper( fondo, response.getOutputStream());
PdfContentByte content = stamper.getOverContent(1);
// add text
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText( content );
// this are the coordinates where you want to add text
// if the text does not fit inside it will be cropped
ct.setText(new Phrase(str, titulo1));

Superscript in markdown (Github flavored)?

Use the <sup></sup>tag (<sub></sub> is the equivalent for subscripts). See this gist for an example.

How to check if a row exists in MySQL? (i.e. check if an email exists in MySQL)

After validation and before INSERT check if username already exists, using mysqli(procedural). This works:

//check if username already exists
       include 'phpscript/connect.php'; //connect to your database

       $sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
       $result = $conn->query($sql);

       if($result->num_rows > 0) {
           $usernameErr =  "username already taken"; //takes'em back to form
       } else { // go on to INSERT new record

how to remove json object key and value.?

function omit(obj, key) {
    const {[key]:ignore,} = obj;
    return rest;

You can use ES6 spread operators like this. And to remove your key simply call

const newJson = omit(myjsonobj, "otherIndustry");

Its always better if you maintain pure function when you deal with type=object in javascript.

Redirect output of mongo query to a csv file

When executing a script in a remote server. Mongo will add its own logging output, which we might want to omit from our file. --quiet option will only disable connection related logs. Not all mongo logs. In such case we might need to filter out unneeded lines manually. A Windows based example:

mongo dbname --username userName --password password --host replicaset/ip:port --quiet printDataToCsv.js | findstr /v "NETWORK" > data.csv

This will pipe the script output and use findstr to filter out any lines, which have NETWORK string in them. More information on findstr:

A Linux version of this would use grep.

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?

This below code just show the very basic use of delegate concept .. you name the variable and class as per your requirement.

First you need to declare a protocol:

Let's call it MyFirstControllerDelegate.h

@protocol MyFirstControllerDelegate
- (void) FunctionOne: (MyDataOne*) dataOne;
- (void) FunctionTwo: (MyDatatwo*) dataTwo;

Import MyFirstControllerDelegate.h file and confirm your FirstController with protocol MyFirstControllerDelegate

#import "MyFirstControllerDelegate.h"

@interface FirstController : UIViewController<MyFirstControllerDelegate>



In the implementation file, you need to implement both functions of protocol:

@implementation FirstController 

    - (void) FunctionOne: (MyDataOne*) dataOne
          //Put your finction code here
    - (void) FunctionTwo: (MyDatatwo*) dataTwo
          //Put your finction code here

     //Call below function from your code
    -(void) CreateSecondController
             SecondController *mySecondController = [SecondController alloc] initWithSomeData:.];
           //..... push second controller into navigation stack 
            mySecondController.delegate = self ;
            [mySecondController release];


in your SecondController:

@interface SecondController:<UIViewController>
   id <MyFirstControllerDelegate> delegate;

@property (nonatomic,assign)  id <MyFirstControllerDelegate> delegate;


In the implementation file of SecondController.

@implementation SecondController

@synthesize delegate;
//Call below two function on self.
-(void) SendOneDataToFirstController
   [delegate FunctionOne:myDataOne];
-(void) SendSecondDataToFirstController
   [delegate FunctionTwo:myDataSecond];


Here is the wiki article on delegate.

Python matplotlib multiple bars

The trouble with using dates as x-values, is that if you want a bar chart like in your second picture, they are going to be wrong. You should either use a stacked bar chart (colours on top of each other) or group by date (a "fake" date on the x-axis, basically just grouping the data points).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 3
ind = np.arange(N)  # the x locations for the groups
width = 0.27       # the width of the bars

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

yvals = [4, 9, 2]
rects1 =, yvals, width, color='r')
zvals = [1,2,3]
rects2 =, zvals, width, color='g')
kvals = [11,12,13]
rects3 =*2, kvals, width, color='b')

ax.set_xticklabels( ('2011-Jan-4', '2011-Jan-5', '2011-Jan-6') )
ax.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0]), ('y', 'z', 'k') )

def autolabel(rects):
    for rect in rects:
        h = rect.get_height()
        ax.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., 1.05*h, '%d'%int(h),
                ha='center', va='bottom')


enter image description here

Select from one table where not in another

You can LEFT JOIN the two tables. If there is no corresponding row in the second table, the values will be NULL.

SELECT id FROM partmaster LEFT JOIN product_details ON (...) WHERE product_details.part_num IS NULL

How to enable production mode?

To enable production mode in angular 6.X.X Just go to environment file

Like this path

Your path: project>\src\environments\environment.ts

Change production: false from :

export const environment = {
  production: false


export const environment = {
  production: true

enter image description here

How to fix Cannot find module 'typescript' in Angular 4?

This should do the trick,

npm install -g typescript

Pip Install not installing into correct directory?

You could just change the shebang line. I do this all the time on new systems.

If you want pip to install to a current version of Python installed just update the shebang line to the correct version of pythons path.

For example, to change pip (not pip3) to install to Python 3:




Any module you install using pip should install to Python not Python.

Or you could just change the path.

How to reliably open a file in the same directory as a Python script

Ok here is what I do

sys.argv is always what you type into the terminal or use as the file path when executing it with python.exe or pythonw.exe

For example you can run the file several ways, they each give you a different answer they always give you the path that python was typed.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>python
    C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>python "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\"
    sys.argv[0]: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\

Ok so know you can get the file name, great big deal, now to get the application directory you can know use os.path, specifically abspath and dirname

    import sys, os
    print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))

That will output this:

   C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\

it will always output this no matter if you type python or python "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\"

The problem with using __file__ Consider these two files

import sys
import os

def paths():
        print "__file__: %s" % __file__
        print "sys.argv: %s" % sys.argv[0]

        a_f = os.path.abspath(__file__)
        a_s = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])

        print "abs __file__: %s" % a_f
        print "abs sys.argv: %s" % a_s

if __name__ == "__main__":

import test
import sys


print "--------"
print __file__
print sys.argv[0]

Output of "python"

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>python
abs __file__: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\
abs sys.argv: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\

Output of "python"

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>python
__file__: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\test.pyc
abs __file__: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\test.pyc
abs sys.argv: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\

So as you can see file gives you always the python file it is being run from, where as sys.argv[0] gives you the file that you ran from the interpreter always. Depending on your needs you will need to choose which one best fits your needs.

POST Content-Length exceeds the limit

There might be more than just one php.ini file. For example, when using WAMP there are 2 php.ini files in following directories:

  • C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin
  • C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12

You need to edit the first one.

How to keep an iPhone app running on background fully operational

For running on stock iOS devices, make your app an audio player/recorder or a VOIP app, a legitimate one for submitting to the App store, or a fake one if only for your own use.

Even this won't make an app "fully operational" whatever that is, but restricted to limited APIs.

Multiple parameters in a List. How to create without a class?

As said by Scott Chamberlain(and several others), Tuples work best if you don't mind having immutable(ie read-only) objects.

If, like suggested by David, you want to reference the int by the string value, for example, you should use a dictionary

Dictionary<string, int> d = new Dictionary<string, int>();
d.Add("string", 1);
Console.WriteLine(d["string"]);//prints 1

If, however, you want to store your elements mutably in a list, and don't want to use a dictionary-style referencing system, then your best bet(ie only real solution right now) would be to use KeyValuePair, which is essentially std::pair for C#:

var kvp=new KeyValuePair<int, string>(2, "a");
//kvp.Key=2 and a.Value="a";
kvp.Key = 3;//both key and
kvp.Value = "b";//value are mutable

Of course, this is stackable, so if you need a larger tuple(like if you needed 4 elements) you just stack it. Granted this gets ugly really fast:

     var quad=new KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<int,string>, KeyValuePair<int,string>>
                (new KeyValuePair<int,string>(3,"a"),
                new KeyValuePair<int,string>(4,"b"));

So obviously if you were to do this, you should probably also define an auxiliary function.

My advice is that if your tuple contains more than 2 elements, define your own class. You could use a typedef-esque using statement like :

using quad = KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<int,string>, KeyValuePair<int,string>>;

but that doesn't make your instantiations any easier. You'd probably spend a lot less time writing template parameters and more time on the non-boilerplate code if you go with a user-defined class when working with tuples of more than 2 elements

How to close off a Git Branch?

Yes, just delete the branch by running git push origin :branchname. To fix a new issue later, branch off from master again.

Which version of MVC am I using?

Select the System.Web.Mvc assembly in the "References" folder in the solution explorer. Bring up the properties window (F4) and check the Version

Reference Properties

ASP.NET MVC Ajax Error handling

For handling errors from ajax calls on the client side, you assign a function to the error option of the ajax call.

To set a default globally, you can use the function described here:

right click context menu for datagridview

  • Put a context menu on your form, name it, set captions etc. using the built-in editor
  • Link it to your grid using the grid property ContextMenuStrip
  • For your grid, create an event to handle CellContextMenuStripNeeded
  • The Event Args e has useful properties e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex.

I believe that e.RowIndex is what you are asking for.

Suggestion: when user causes your event CellContextMenuStripNeeded to fire, use e.RowIndex to get data from your grid, such as the ID. Store the ID as the menu event's tag item.

Now, when user actually clicks your menu item, use the Sender property to fetch the tag. Use the tag, containing your ID, to perform the action you need.

Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?

Yes, there are a couple of differences, though in practical terms they're not usually big ones.

There's a fourth way, and as of ES2015 (ES6) there's two more. I've added the fourth way at the end, but inserted the ES2015 ways after #1 (you'll see why), so we have:

var a = 0;     // 1
let a = 0;     // 1.1 (new with ES2015)
const a = 0;   // 1.2 (new with ES2015)
a = 0;         // 2
window.a = 0;  // 3
this.a = 0;    // 4

Those statements explained

#1 var a = 0;

This creates a global variable which is also a property of the global object, which we access as window on browsers (or via this a global scope, in non-strict code). Unlike some other properties, the property cannot be removed via delete.

In specification terms, it creates an identifier binding on the object Environment Record for the global environment. That makes it a property of the global object because the global object is where identifier bindings for the global environment's object Environment Record are held. This is why the property is non-deletable: It's not just a simple property, it's an identifier binding.

The binding (variable) is defined before the first line of code runs (see "When var happens" below).

Note that on IE8 and earlier, the property created on window is not enumerable (doesn't show up in statements). In IE9, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, it's enumerable.

#1.1 let a = 0;

This creates a global variable which is not a property of the global object. This is a new thing as of ES2015.

In specification terms, it creates an identifier binding on the declarative Environment Record for the global environment rather than the object Environment Record. The global environment is unique in having a split Environment Record, one for all the old stuff that goes on the global object (the object Environment Record) and another for all the new stuff (let, const, and the functions created by class) that don't go on the global object.

The binding is created before any step-by-step code in its enclosing block is executed (in this case, before any global code runs), but it's not accessible in any way until the step-by-step execution reaches the let statement. Once execution reaches the let statement, the variable is accessible. (See "When let and const happen" below.)

#1.2 const a = 0;

Creates a global constant, which is not a property of the global object.

const is exactly like let except that you must provide an initializer (the = value part), and you cannot change the value of the constant once it's created. Under the covers, it's exactly like let but with a flag on the identifier binding saying its value cannot be changed. Using const does three things for you:

  1. Makes it a parse-time error if you try to assign to the constant.
  2. Documents its unchanging nature for other programmers.
  3. Lets the JavaScript engine optimize on the basis that it won't change.

#2 a = 0;

This creates a property on the global object implicitly. As it's a normal property, you can delete it. I'd recommend not doing this, it can be unclear to anyone reading your code later. If you use ES5's strict mode, doing this (assigning to a non-existent variable) is an error. It's one of several reasons to use strict mode.

And interestingly, again on IE8 and earlier, the property created not enumerable (doesn't show up in statements). That's odd, particularly given #3 below.

#3 window.a = 0;

This creates a property on the global object explicitly, using the window global that refers to the global object (on browsers; some non-browser environments have an equivalent global variable, such as global on NodeJS). As it's a normal property, you can delete it.

This property is enumerable, on IE8 and earlier, and on every other browser I've tried.

#4 this.a = 0;

Exactly like #3, except we're referencing the global object through this instead of the global window. This won't work in strict mode, though, because in strict mode global code, this doesn't have a reference to the global object (it has the value undefined instead).

Deleting properties

What do I mean by "deleting" or "removing" a? Exactly that: Removing the property (entirely) via the delete keyword:

window.a = 0;
display("'a' in window? " + ('a' in window)); // displays "true"
delete window.a;
display("'a' in window? " + ('a' in window)); // displays "false"

delete completely removes a property from an object. You can't do that with properties added to window indirectly via var, the delete is either silently ignored or throws an exception (depending on the JavaScript implementation and whether you're in strict mode).

Warning: IE8 again (and presumably earlier, and IE9-IE11 in the broken "compatibility" mode): It won't let you delete properties of the window object, even when you should be allowed to. Worse, it throws an exception when you try (try this experiment in IE8 and in other browsers). So when deleting from the window object, you have to be defensive:

try {
    delete window.prop;
catch (e) {
    window.prop = undefined;

That tries to delete the property, and if an exception is thrown it does the next best thing and sets the property to undefined.

This only applies to the window object, and only (as far as I know) to IE8 and earlier (or IE9-IE11 in the broken "compatibility" mode). Other browsers are fine with deleting window properties, subject to the rules above.

When var happens

The variables defined via the var statement are created before any step-by-step code in the execution context is run, and so the property exists well before the var statement.

This can be confusing, so let's take a look:

display("foo in window? " + ('foo' in window)); // displays "true"
display(" = " +;          // displays "undefined"
display("bar in window? " + ('bar' in window)); // displays "false"
display(" = " +;          // displays "undefined"
var foo = "f";
bar = "b";
display("foo in window? " + ('foo' in window)); // displays "true"
display(" = " +;          // displays "f"
display("bar in window? " + ('bar' in window)); // displays "true"
display(" = " +;          // displays "b"

Live example:

display("foo in window? " + ('foo' in window)); // displays "true"_x000D_
display(" = " +;          // displays "undefined"_x000D_
display("bar in window? " + ('bar' in window)); // displays "false"_x000D_
display(" = " +;          // displays "undefined"_x000D_
var foo = "f";_x000D_
bar = "b";_x000D_
display("foo in window? " + ('foo' in window)); // displays "true"_x000D_
display(" = " +;          // displays "f"_x000D_
display("bar in window? " + ('bar' in window)); // displays "true"_x000D_
display(" = " +;          // displays "b"_x000D_
function display(msg) {_x000D_
  var p = document.createElement('p');_x000D_
  p.innerHTML = msg;_x000D_

As you can see, the symbol foo is defined before the first line, but the symbol bar isn't. Where the var foo = "f"; statement is, there are really two things: defining the symbol, which happens before the first line of code is run; and doing an assignment to that symbol, which happens where the line is in the step-by-step flow. This is known as "var hoisting" because the var foo part is moved ("hoisted") to the top of the scope, but the foo = "f" part is left in its original location. (See Poor misunderstood var on my anemic little blog.)

When let and const happen

let and const are different from var in a couple of ways. The way that's relevant to the question is that although the binding they define is created before any step-by-step code runs, it's not accessible until the let or const statement is reached.

So while this runs:

display(a);    // undefined
var a = 0;
display(a);    // 0

This throws an error:

display(a);    // ReferenceError: a is not defined
let a = 0;

The other two ways that let and const differ from var, which aren't really relevant to the question, are:

  1. var always applies to the entire execution context (throughout global code, or throughout function code in the function where it appears), but let and const apply only within the block where they appear. That is, var has function (or global) scope, but let and const have block scope.

  2. Repeating var a in the same context is harmless, but if you have let a (or const a), having another let a or a const a or a var a is a syntax error.

Here's an example demonstrating that let and const take effect immediately in their block before any code within that block runs, but aren't accessible until the let or const statement:

var a = 0;
if (true)
  console.log(a); // ReferenceError: a is not defined
  let a = 1;

Note that the second console.log fails, instead of accessing the a from outside the block.

Off-topic: Avoid cluttering the global object (window)

The window object gets very, very cluttered with properties. Whenever possible, strongly recommend not adding to the mess. Instead, wrap up your symbols in a little package and export at most one symbol to the window object. (I frequently don't export any symbols to the window object.) You can use a function to contain all of your code in order to contain your symbols, and that function can be anonymous if you like:

(function() {
    var a = 0; // `a` is NOT a property of `window` now

    function foo() {
        alert(a);   // Alerts "0", because `foo` can access `a`

In that example, we define a function and have it executed right away (the () at the end).

A function used in this way is frequently called a scoping function. Functions defined within the scoping function can access variables defined in the scoping function because they're closures over that data (see: Closures are not complicated on my anemic little blog).

Backup a single table with its data from a database in sql server 2008

To get a copy in a file on the local file-system, this rickety utility from the Windows start button menu worked: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\DTSWizard.exe"

How to import an existing X.509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in SSL?

Based on the answers above, here is how to create a brand new keystore for your java based web server, out of an independently created Comodo cert and private key using keytool (requires JDK 1.6+)

  1. Issue this command and at the password prompt enter somepass - 'server.crt' is your server's cert and 'server.key' is the private key you used for issuing the CSR: openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -out server.p12 -name -CAfile AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -caname "AddTrust External CA Root"

  2. Then use keytool to convert the p12 keystore into a jks keystore: keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass somepass -destkeypass somepass -destkeystore keystore.jks -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass somepass

Then import the other two root/intermediate certs you received from Comodo:

  1. Import COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias cert1 -file COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt -keystore keystore.jks

  2. Import COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias cert2 -file COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt -keystore keystore.jks

How can I run a function from a script in command line?

Using case


fun1 () {
    echo "run function1"
    [[ "$@" ]] && echo "options: $@"

fun2 () {
    echo "run function2"
    [[ "$@" ]] && echo "options: $@"

case $1 in
    fun1) "$@"; exit;;
    fun2) "$@"; exit;;


This script will run functions fun1 and fun2 but if you start it with option fun1 or fun2 it'll only run given function with args(if provided) and exit. Usage

$ ./test 
run function1
run function2

$ ./test fun2 a b c
run function2
options: a b c

How do I concatenate const/literal strings in C?

As people pointed out string handling improved much. So you may want to learn how to use the C++ string library instead of C-style strings. However here is a solution in pure C

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void appendToHello(const char *s) {
    const char *const hello = "hello ";

    const size_t sLength     = strlen(s);
    const size_t helloLength = strlen(hello);
    const size_t totalLength = sLength + helloLength;

    char *const strBuf = malloc(totalLength + 1);
    if (strBuf == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed\n");

    strcpy(strBuf, hello);
    strcpy(strBuf + helloLength, s);




int main (void) {
    appendToHello("blah blah");
    return 0;

I am not sure whether it is correct/safe but right now I could not find a better way to do this in ANSI C.

How to find the operating system version using JavaScript?

platform.js seems like a good one file library to do this.

Usage example:

// on IE10 x86 platform preview running in IE7 compatibility mode on Windows 7 64 bit edition; // 'IE'
platform.version; // '10.0'
platform.layout; // 'Trident'
platform.os; // 'Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 x64'
platform.description; // 'IE 10.0 x86 (platform preview; running in IE 7 mode) on Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 x64'

// or on an iPad; // 'Safari'
platform.version; // '5.1'
platform.product; // 'iPad'
platform.manufacturer; // 'Apple'
platform.layout; // 'WebKit'
platform.os; // 'iOS 5.0'
platform.description; // 'Safari 5.1 on Apple iPad (iOS 5.0)'

// or parsing a given UA string
var info = platform.parse('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7.2; en; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0 Opera 11.52');; // 'Opera'
info.version; // '11.52'
info.layout; // 'Presto'
info.os; // 'Mac OS X 10.7.2'
info.description; // 'Opera 11.52 (identifying as Firefox 4.0) on Mac OS X 10.7.2'

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

I think an elegant way of doing this is by defining your functions in a hash object. Then you can have a reference to those functions from the hash using the string. e.g.

var customObject = {
  customFunction: function(param){...}

Then you can call:


Where customFunction will be a string matching a function defined in your object.


It seems that this answer was helpful for many fellow coders out there so here goes an updated version.

With ES6 you can additionally use Computed Property Names which will allow you to avoid magic strings.

const FunctionNames = Object.freeze({ 
  FirstFunction: "firstFunction", 
  SecondFunction: "secondFunction" 


var customObject = {
  [FunctionNames.FirstFunction]: function(param){...},
  [FunctionNames.SecondFunction]: function(param){...}



Launch an app from within another (iPhone)

I also tried this a while ago (Launch iPhone Application with Identifier), but there definitely is no DOCUMENTED way to do this. :)

7-Zip command to create and extract a password-protected ZIP file on Windows?

I'm maybe a little bit late but I'm currently trying to develop a program which can brute force a password protected zip archive. First I tried all commands I found in the internet to extract it through cmd... But it never worked....Every time I tried it, the cmd output said, that the key was wrong but it was right. I think they just disenabled this function in a current version.

What I've done to Solve the problem was to download an older 7zip version(4.?) and to use this for extracting through cmd.

This is the command: "C:/Program Files (86)/old7-zip/7z.exe" x -pKey "C:/YOURE_ZIP_PATH"

The first value("C:/Program Files (86)/old7-zip/7z.exe") has to be the path where you have installed the old 7zip to. The x is for extract and the -p For you're password. Make sure you put your password without any spaces behind the -p! The last value is your zip archive to extract. The destination where the zip is extracted to will be the current path of cmd. You can change it with: cd YOURE_PATH

Now I let execute this command through java with my password trys. Then I check the error output stream of cmd and if it is null-> then the password is right!

Adding a Button to a WPF DataGrid

First create a DataGridTemplateColumn to contain the button:

      <Button Click="ShowHideDetails">Details</Button> 

When the button is clicked, update the containing DataGridRow's DetailsVisibility:

void ShowHideDetails(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    for (var vis = sender as Visual; vis != null; vis = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(vis) as Visual)
    if (vis is DataGridRow)
        var row = (DataGridRow)vis;
        row.DetailsVisibility = 
        row.DetailsVisibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;

__FILE__, __LINE__, and __FUNCTION__ usage in C++

I use them all the time. The only thing I worry about is giving away IP in log files. If your function names are really good you might be making a trade secret easier to uncover. It's sort of like shipping with debug symbols, only more difficult to find things. In 99.999% of the cases nothing bad will come of it.

How to close a window using jQuery


Note: you can not close any window that you didn't opened with Directly invoking window.close() will ask user with a dialogue box.

Why does JSHint throw a warning if I am using const?

For SublimeText 3 on Mac:

  1. Create a .jshintrc file in your root directory (or wherever you prefer) and specify the esversion:
    # .jshintrc
      "esversion": 6
  1. Reference the pwd of the file you just created in SublimeLinter user settings (Sublime Text > Preference > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings)
    // SublimeLinter Settings - User
      "linters": {
        "jshint": {
          "args": ["--config", "/Users/[your_username]/.jshintrc"]
  1. Quit and relaunch SublimeText

How can we generate getters and setters in Visual Studio?

I use Visual Studio 2013 Professional.

  • Place your cursor at the line of an instance variable.

    Enter image description here

  • Press combine keys Ctrl + R, Ctrl + E, or click the right mouse button. Choose context menu RefactorEncapsulate Field..., and then press OK.

    Enter image description here

  • In Preview Reference Changes - Encapsulate Field dialog, press button Apply.

    Enter image description here

  • This is result:

    Enter image description here

You also place the cursor for choosing a property. Use menu EditRefactorEncapsulate Field...

  • Other information:

    Since C# 3.0 (November 19th 2007), we can use auto-implemented properties (this is merely syntactic sugar).


    private int productID;
    public int ProductID
        get { return productID; }
        set { productID = value; }


    public int ProductID { get; set; }