Programs & Examples On #Wbem

Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is a set of systems management technologies developed to unify the management of distributed computing environments. WBEM is based on Internet standards and DMTF open standards: CIM infrastructure and schema, CIM-XML, CIM operations over HTTP, and WS-Management. Although the name refers to WBEM as being "Web-Based", it is not necessarily tied in any way to a particular user interface.

Cordova - Error code 1 for command | Command failed for

I had the same error code but different issue

Error: /Users/danieloram/desktop/CordovaProject/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

To resolve this issue I opened the Android SDK Manager, uninstalled the latest Android SDK build-tools that I had (24.0.3) and installed version 23.0.3 of the build-tools.

My cordova app then proceeded to build successfully for android.

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command

None of these actually worked for me, but running

python -m pip install -U pip

and then adding the specified directory to the PATH as suggested got it working

TOMCAT - HTTP Status 404

To get your program to run, please put jsp files under web-content and not under WEB-INF because in Eclipse the files are not accessed there by the server, so try starting the server and browsing to URL:


then your problem will be solved.

No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

Watch out if you are using Maven. Your folder's structure must be right.

When using Maven, the WEB-INF directory must be inside webapp:


Javac is not found

Easiest way: search for javac.exe in windows search bar. Then copy and paste the entire folder name and add it into the environmental variables path in advanced system settings.

Cannot install node modules that require compilation on Windows 7 x64/VS2012

I had the same issue when trying to install a package for Node.js. After some extensive googeling I found this walktrough:

When I had followed these steps I could use "npm install" without any issues.

Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/JDBC_DBO]]

For me, I did mvn clean and then restart the tomcat. It worked for me

Tomcat is not deploying my web project from Eclipse

Drop server.......... Window -> Show View -> Servers. Click right - > Delete

Click right in the Project Run Configuration

and add Server again......

Eclipse C++ : "Program "g++" not found in PATH"

Maybe it has nothing to do here, but it could be useful for someone.
I installed jdk on: D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin
So I added it to %PATH% variable and checked it on cmd and everything was ok, but Eclipse kept showing me that error.
I used quotation marks on %PATH% so it reads something like:

%SYSTEMROOT%\System32;"D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin"

and problem solved.

Program "make" not found in PATH

If you are using MinGW toolchain for CDT, make.exe is found at C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin

(or search the make.exe in MinGW folder.)

Add this path in eclipse window->preferences->environment

Adding a directory to the PATH environment variable in Windows

Use pathed from gtools.

It does things in an intuitive way. For example:

pathed /REMOVE "c:\my\folder"
pathed /APPEND "c:\my\folder"

It shows results without the need to spawn a new cmd!

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

I downloaded ant (, unzipped to my C drive, and used the windows 'doskey' command:

doskey ant=C:\apache-ant-1.9.6\bin\ant.bat $*

this will work as long as you use the same command console, to make it permanent is more difficult:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name

you need to add jar file in your build path..


or any version of that..!!!!

ADDED : also make sure you have commons-pool-1.1.jar too in your build path.

ADDED: sorry saw complete list of jar late... may be version clashes might be there.. better check out..!!! just an assumption.

Python base64 data decode

Interesting if maddening puzzle...but here's the best I could get:

The data seems to repeat every 8 bytes or so.

import struct
import base64

target = \

data = base64.b64decode(target)

cleaned_data = []
struct_format = ">ff"
for i in range(len(data) // 8):
   cleaned_data.append(struct.unpack_from(struct_format, data, 8*i))

That gives output like the following (a sampling of lines from the first 100 or so):

(300.00030517578125, 0.0)
(300.05975341796875, 241.93943786621094)
(301.05612182617187, 0.0)
(301.05667114257812, 8.7439727783203125)
(326.9617919921875, 0.0)
(326.96826171875, 0.0)
(328.34432983398438, 280.55218505859375)

That first number does seem to monotonically increase through the entire set. If you plot it:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, ax = plt.subplots()

enter image description here

format = 'hhhh' (possibly with various paddings/directions (e.g. '<hhhh', '<xhhhh') also might be worth a look (again, random lines):

(-27069, 2560, 0, 0)
(-27069, 8968, 0, 0)
(-27069, 13576, 3139, -18487)
(-27069, 18184, 31043, -5184)
(-27069, -25721, -25533, -8601)
(-27069, -7289, 0, 0)
(-25533, 31066, 0, 0)
(-25533, -29350, 0, 0)
(-25533, 25179, 0, 0)
(-24509, -1888, 0, 0)
(-24509, -4447, 0, 0)
(-23741, -14725, 32067, 27475)
(-23741, -3973, 0, 0)
(-23485, 4908, -29629, -20922)

Tomcat started in Eclipse but unable to connect to http://localhost:8085/

You need to start the Apache Tomcat services.

Win+R --> sevices.msc

Then, search for Apache Tomcat and right click on it and click on Start. This will start the service and then you'll be able to see Apache Tomcat homepage on the localhost .

How do I install SciPy on 64 bit Windows?

I have a 32-bit Python 3.5 on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 machine. I just tried almost every way I can find on Stack Overflow and no one works!

Then on here I found it. It says:

SciPy is software for mathematics, science, and engineering.

Requires numpy+mkl.

Install numpy+mkl before installing scipy.

mkl matters!! But nobody said anything about that before!

Then I installed mkl:

C:\Users\****\Desktop\a> pip install mkl_service-1.1.2-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
Processing c:\users\****\desktop\a\mkl_service-1.1.2-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
Installing collected packages: mkl-service
Successfully installed mkl-service-1.1.2

Then I installed SciPy:

C:\Users\****\Desktop\a>pip install scipy-0.18.1-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
Processing c:\users\****\desktop\a\scipy-0.18.1-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
Installing collected packages: scipy
Successfully installed scipy-0.18.1

It worked~ yeah :)

A tip: You can just google "whl_file_name.whl" to know where to download it~ :)


After all these steps you will find that you still can not use SciPy in Python 3. If you print "import scipy" you will find there are error messages, but don't worry, there is only one more thing to do. Here ——just comment out that line, simple and useful.

from numpy._distributor_init import NUMPY_MKL

I promise that it is the last thing to do :)

Enter image description here

PS: Before all these steps, you better install NumPy first. That's very simple using this command:

pip install numpy

How to disable spring security for particular url

This may be not the full answer to your question, however if you are looking for way to disable csrf protection you can do:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .antMatchers("/web/admin/**").hasAnyRole(ADMIN.toString(), GUEST.toString())

    public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {


I have included full configuration but the key line is:


Multiple files upload in Codeigniter

private function upload_files($path, $title, $files)
    $config = array(
        'upload_path'   => $path,
        'allowed_types' => 'jpg|gif|png',
        'overwrite'     => 1,

    $this->load->library('upload', $config);

    $images = array();

    foreach ($files['name'] as $key => $image) {
        $_FILES['images[]']['name']= $files['name'][$key];
        $_FILES['images[]']['type']= $files['type'][$key];
        $_FILES['images[]']['tmp_name']= $files['tmp_name'][$key];
        $_FILES['images[]']['error']= $files['error'][$key];
        $_FILES['images[]']['size']= $files['size'][$key];

        $fileName = $title .'_'. $image;

        $images[] = $fileName;

        $config['file_name'] = $fileName;


        if ($this->upload->do_upload('images[]')) {
        } else {
            return false;
    return true;

How to populate a sub-document in mongoose after creating it?

@user1417684 and @chris-foster are right!

excerpt from working code (without error handling):

var SubItemModel = mongoose.model('subitems', SubItemSchema);
var ItemModel    = mongoose.model('items', ItemSchema);

var new_sub_item_model = new SubItemModel(new_sub_item_plain); (error, new_sub_item) {

  var new_item = new ItemModel(new_item);
  new_item.subitem = new_sub_item._id; (error, new_item) {
    // so this is a valid way to populate via the Model
    // as documented in comments above (here @stack overflow):
    ItemModel.populate(new_item, { path: 'subitem', model: 'subitems' }, function(error, new_item) {
    // or populate directly on the result object
    new_item.populate('subitem', function(error, new_item) {


How to picture "for" loop in block representation of algorithm

The Algorithm for given flow chart :

enter image description here


Step :01

  • Start

Step :02 [Variable initialization]

  • Set counter: i<----K [Where K:Positive Number]

Step :03[Condition Check]

  • If condition True then Do your task, set i=i+N and go to Step :03 [Where N:Positive Number]
  • If condition False then go to Step :04


  • Stop

Declaring and using MySQL varchar variables

Declare @variable type(size);

Set @variable = 'String' or Int ;


 Declare @id int;
 set @id = 10;

 Declare @str char(50);
 set @str='Hello' ; 

how to update spyder on anaconda

In iOS,

  • Open Anaconda Navigator
  • Launch Spyder
  • Click on the tab "Consoles" (menu bar)
  • Then, "New Console"
  • Finally, in the console window, type conda update spyder

Your computer is going to start downloading and installing the new version. After finishing, just restart Spyder and that's it.

VarBinary vs Image SQL Server Data Type to Store Binary Data?

varbinary(max) is the way to go (introduced in SQL Server 2005)

How to plot a subset of a data frame in R?

This is how I would do it, in order to get in the var4 restriction:

dfr<-data.frame(var1=rnorm(100), var2=rnorm(100), var3=rnorm(100, 160, 10), var4=rnorm(100, 27, 6))
plot( subset( dfr, var3 < 155 & var4 > 27, select = c( var1, var2 ) ) )

Rgds, Rainer

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

Elliot inspired me to this solution - thanks:

aspectratio.png is a completely transparent PNG-file with the size of your preferred aspect-ratio, in my case 30x10 pixels.


<div class="eyecatcher">
  <img src="/img/aspectratio.png"/>


.eyecatcher img {
  width: 100%;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: 100% 100%;
  background-image: url(../img/autoresized-picture.jpg);

Please note: background-size is a css3-feature which might not work with your target-browsers. You may check interoperability (f.e. on

Why is exception.printStackTrace() considered bad practice?

In server applications the stacktrace blows up your stdout/stderr file. It may become larger and larger and is filled with useless data because usually you have no context and no timestamp and so on.

e.g. catalina.out when using tomcat as container

How to access session variables from any class in ASP.NET?

The answers presented before mine provide apt solutions to the problem, however, I feel that it is important to understand why this error results:

The Session property of the Page returns an instance of type HttpSessionState relative to that particular request. Page.Session is actually equivalent to calling Page.Context.Session.

MSDN explains how this is possible:

Because ASP.NET pages contain a default reference to the System.Web namespace (which contains the HttpContext class), you can reference the members of HttpContext on an .aspx page without the fully qualified class reference to HttpContext.

However, When you try to access this property within a class in App_Code, the property will not be available to you unless your class derives from the Page Class.

My solution to this oft-encountered scenario is that I never pass page objects to classes. I would rather extract the required objects from the page Session and pass them to the Class in the form of a name-value collection / Array / List, depending on the case.

PHP header(Location: ...): Force URL change in address bar

In your form element add data-ajax="false". I had the same problem using jquery mobile.

Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character

Here is a simple way to get substring in Swift

import UIKit

var str = "Hello, playground" 
var res = NSString(string: str)
print(res.substring(from: 4))
print(res.substring(to: 10))

How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file?

Modify your file accordingly:


Change the log levels for each logger depending to your needs.

scrollTop jquery, scrolling to div with id?

try this:

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#xxx').position().top}, 'slow');

What is syntax for selector in CSS for next element?

The > is a child selector. So if your HTML looks like this:

<h1 class="hc-reform">
    <p>stuff here</p>

... then that's your ticket.

But if your HTML looks like this:

<h1 class="hc-reform">
<p>stuff here</p>

Then you want the adjacent selector:

h1.hc-reform + p{

How to use terminal commands with Github?

To add all file at a time, use git add -A

To check git whole status, use git log

What range of values can integer types store in C++

For unsigned data type there is no sign bit and all bits are for data ; whereas for signed data type MSB is indicated sign bit and remaining bits are for data.

To find the range do following things :

Step:1 -> Find out no of bytes for the give data type.

Step:2 -> Apply following calculations.

      Let n = no of bits in data type  

      For signed data type ::
            Lower Range = -(2^(n-1)) 
            Upper Range = (2^(n-1)) - 1)  

      For unsigned data type ::
            Lower Range = 0 
            Upper Range = (2^(n)) - 1 

For e.g.

For unsigned int size = 4 bytes (32 bits) --> Range [0 , (2^(32)) - 1]

For signed int size = 4 bytes (32 bits) --> Range [-(2^(32-1)) , (2^(32-1)) - 1]

Local file access with JavaScript

If you have input field like

<input type="file" id="file" name="file" onchange="add(event)"/>

You can get to file content in BLOB format:

function add(event){
  var userFile = document.getElementById('file');
  userFile.src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
  var data = userFile.src;

Adding System.Web.Script reference in class library

The ScriptIgnoreAttribute class is in the System.Web.Extensions.dll assembly (Located under Assemblies > Framework in the VS Reference Manager). You have to add a reference to that assembly in your class library project.

You can find this information at top of the MSDN page for the ScriptIgnoreAttribute class.

Adjust UILabel height to text

just call this method where you need dynamic Height for label

func getHeightforController(view: AnyObject) -> CGFloat {
    let tempView: UILabel = view as! UILabel
    var context: NSStringDrawingContext = NSStringDrawingContext()
    context.minimumScaleFactor = 0.8

    var width: CGFloat = tempView.frame.size.width

    width = ((UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width)/320)*width

    let size: CGSize = tempView.text!.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(width, 2000), options:NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: tempView.font], context: context).size as CGSize

    return size.height

Match at every second occurrence

If you're using C#, you can either get all the matches at once (i.e. use Regex.Matches(), which returns a MatchCollection, and check the index of the item: index % 2 != 0).

If you want to find the occurrence to replace it, use one of the overloads of Regex.Replace() that uses a MatchEvaluator (e.g. Regex.Replace(String, String, MatchEvaluator). Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = "abcdabcd";

            // Replace *second* a with m

            string replacedString = Regex.Replace(
                new SecondOccuranceFinder("m").MatchEvaluator);



        class SecondOccuranceFinder
            public SecondOccuranceFinder(string replaceWith)
                _replaceWith = replaceWith;
                _matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(IsSecondOccurance);

            private string _replaceWith;

            private MatchEvaluator _matchEvaluator;
            public MatchEvaluator MatchEvaluator
                    return _matchEvaluator;

            private int _matchIndex;
            public string IsSecondOccurance(Match m)
                if (_matchIndex % 2 == 0)
                    return _replaceWith;
                    return m.Value;

Should I return EXIT_SUCCESS or 0 from main()?

0 is, by definition, a magic number. EXIT_SUCCESS is almost universally equal to 0, happily enough. So why not just return/exit 0?

exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); is abundantly clear in meaning.

exit(0); on the other hand, is counterintuitive in some ways. Someone not familiar with shell behavior might assume that 0 == false == bad, just like every other usage of 0 in C. But no - in this one special case, 0 == success == good. For most experienced devs, not going to be a problem. But why trip up the new guy for absolutely no reason?

tl;dr - if there's a defined constant for your magic number, there's almost never a reason not to used the constant in the first place. It's more searchable, often clearer, etc. and it doesn't cost you anything.

PHP class not found but it's included

It may also be, that you by mistake commented out such a line like require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; --- your namespaces are not loaded.

Or you forget to add a classmap to the composer, thus classes are not autoloaded and are not available. For example,

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "": "src/"
    "classmap": [
"require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.9",
    "symfony/symfony": "2.8.*",

How to secure an ASP.NET Web API


I have added this link to my other answer how to use JWT authentication for ASP.NET Web API here for anyone interested in JWT.

We have managed to apply HMAC authentication to secure Web API, and it worked okay. HMAC authentication uses a secret key for each consumer which both consumer and server both know to hmac hash a message, HMAC256 should be used. Most of the cases, hashed password of the consumer is used as a secret key.

The message normally is built from data in the HTTP request, or even customized data which is added to HTTP header, the message might include:

  1. Timestamp: time that request is sent (UTC or GMT)
  3. post data and query string,
  4. URL

Under the hood, HMAC authentication would be:

Consumer sends a HTTP request to web server, after building the signature (output of hmac hash), the template of HTTP request:

User-Agent: {agent}   
Host: {host}   
Timestamp: {timestamp}
Authentication: {username}:{signature}

Example for GET request:

GET /webapi.hmac/api/values

User-Agent: Fiddler    
Host: localhost    
Timestamp: Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:30:32 PM 
Authentication: cuongle:LohrhqqoDy6PhLrHAXi7dUVACyJZilQtlDzNbLqzXlw=

The message to hash to get signature:

Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:30:32 PM\n

Example for POST request with query string (signature below is not correct, just an example)

POST /webapi.hmac/api/values?key2=value2

User-Agent: Fiddler    
Host: localhost    
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Timestamp: Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:30:32 PM 
Authentication: cuongle:LohrhqqoDy6PhLrHAXi7dUVACyJZilQtlDzNbLqzXlw=


The message to hash to get signature

Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:30:32 PM\n

Please note that form data and query string should be in order, so the code on the server get query string and form data to build the correct message.

When HTTP request comes to the server, an authentication action filter is implemented to parse the request to get information: HTTP verb, timestamp, uri, form data and query string, then based on these to build signature (use hmac hash) with the secret key (hashed password) on the server.

The secret key is got from the database with the username on the request.

Then server code compares the signature on the request with the signature built; if equal, authentication is passed, otherwise, it failed.

The code to build signature:

private static string ComputeHash(string hashedPassword, string message)
    var key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(hashedPassword.ToUpper());
    string hashString;

    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(key))
        var hash = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
        hashString = Convert.ToBase64String(hash);

    return hashString;

So, how to prevent replay attack?

Add constraint for the timestamp, something like:

servertime - X minutes|seconds  <= timestamp <= servertime + X minutes|seconds 

(servertime: time of request coming to server)

And, cache the signature of the request in memory (use MemoryCache, should keep in the limit of time). If the next request comes with the same signature with the previous request, it will be rejected.

The demo code is put as here:

How do I generate a random int number?

You could use Jon Skeet's StaticRandom method inside the MiscUtil class library that he built for a pseudo-random number.

using MiscUtil;

for (int i = 0; i < 100; 

Add legend to ggplot2 line plot

Since @Etienne asked how to do this without melting the data (which in general is the preferred method, but I recognize there may be some cases where that is not possible), I present the following alternative.

Start with a subset of the original data:

datos <-
structure(list(fecha = structure(c(1317452400, 1317538800, 1317625200, 
1317711600, 1317798000, 1317884400, 1317970800, 1318057200, 1318143600, 
1318230000, 1318316400, 1318402800, 1318489200, 1318575600, 1318662000, 
1318748400, 1318834800, 1318921200, 1319007600, 1319094000), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TempMax = c(26.58, 27.78, 27.9, 27.44, 
30.9, 30.44, 27.57, 25.71, 25.98, 26.84, 33.58, 30.7, 31.3, 27.18, 
26.58, 26.18, 25.19, 24.19, 27.65, 23.92), TempMedia = c(22.88, 
22.87, 22.41, 21.63, 22.43, 22.29, 21.89, 20.52, 19.71, 20.73, 
23.51, 23.13, 22.95, 21.95, 21.91, 20.72, 20.45, 19.42, 19.97, 
19.61), TempMin = c(19.34, 19.14, 18.34, 17.49, 16.75, 16.75, 
16.88, 16.82, 14.82, 16.01, 16.88, 17.55, 16.75, 17.22, 19.01, 
16.95, 17.55, 15.21, 14.22, 16.42)), .Names = c("fecha", "TempMax", 
"TempMedia", "TempMin"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")

You can get the desired effect by (and this also cleans up the original plotting code):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMax", "TempMedia", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("red", "green", "blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

The idea is that each line is given a color by mapping the colour aesthetic to a constant string. Choosing the string which is what you want to appear in the legend is the easiest. The fact that in this case it is the same as the name of the y variable being plotted is not significant; it could be any set of strings. It is very important that this is inside the aes call; you are creating a mapping to this "variable".

scale_colour_manual can now map these strings to the appropriate colors. The result is enter image description here

In some cases, the mapping between the levels and colors needs to be made explicit by naming the values in the manual scale (thanks to @DaveRGP for pointing this out):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

(giving the same figure as before). With named values, the breaks can be used to set the order in the legend and any order can be used in the values.

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMedia", "TempMax", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

C++ static virtual members?

No, this is not possible, because static member functions lack a this pointer. And static members (both functions and variables) are not really class members per-se. They just happen to be invoked by ClassName::member, and adhere to the class access specifiers. Their storage is defined somewhere outside the class; storage is not created each time you instantiated an object of the class. Pointers to class members are special in semantics and syntax. A pointer to a static member is a normal pointer in all regards.

virtual functions in a class needs the this pointer, and is very coupled to the class, hence they can't be static.

jQuery - Create hidden form element on the fly


If your form is like

<form action="" method="get" id="hidden-element-test">
      First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
      Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    <button id="add-input">Add hidden input</button>
    <button id="add-textarea">Add hidden textarea</button>

You can add hidden input and textarea to form like this


    $("#add-input").on('click', function(){
        $('#hidden-element-test').prepend('<input type="hidden" name="ipaddress" value="" />');
        alert('Hideen Input Added.');

    $("#add-textarea").on('click', function(){
        $('#hidden-element-test').prepend('<textarea name="instructions" style="display:none;">this is a test textarea</textarea>');
        alert('Hideen Textarea Added.');


Check working jsfiddle here

Wait for page load in Selenium

NodeJS Solution:

In Nodejs you can get it via promises...

If you write this code, you can be sure that the page is fully loaded when you get to the then...

driver.get('').then(()=> {
    // here the page is fully loaded!!!
    // do your stuff...

If you write this code, you will navigate, and selenium will wait 3 seconds...

// you can't be sure that the page is fully loaded!!!
// do your stuff... hope it will be OK...

From Selenium documentation:

this.get( url ) ? Thenable

Schedules a command to navigate to the given URL.

Returns a promise that will be resolved when the document has finished loading.

Selenium Documentation (Nodejs)

Symbol for any number of any characters in regex?

Yes, there is one, it's the asterisk: *

a* // looks for 0 or more instances of "a"

This should be covered in any Java regex tutorial or documentation that you look up.

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files

Free read-only viewers:

  • Large Text File Viewer (Windows) – Fully customizable theming (colors, fonts, word wrap, tab size). Supports horizontal and vertical split view. Also support file following and regex search. Very fast, simple, and has small executable size.
  • klogg (Windows, macOS, Linux) – A maintained fork of glogg, its main feature is regular expression search. It can also watch files, allows the user to mark lines, and has serious optimizations built in. But from a UI standpoint, it's ugly and clunky.
  • LogExpert (Windows) – "A GUI replacement for tail." It's really a log file analyzer, not a large file viewer, and in one test it required 10 seconds and 700 MB of RAM to load a 250 MB file. But its killer features are the columnizer (parse logs that are in CSV, JSONL, etc. and display in a spreadsheet format) and the highlighter (show lines with certain words in certain colors). Also supports file following, tabs, multifiles, bookmarks, search, plugins, and external tools.
  • Lister (Windows) – Very small and minimalist. It's one executable, barely 500 KB, but it still supports searching (with regexes), printing, a hex editor mode, and settings.
  • loxx (Windows) – Supports file following, highlighting, line numbers, huge files, regex, multiple files and views, and much more. The free version can not: process regex, filter files, synchronize timestamps, and save changed files.

Free editors:

  • Your regular editor or IDE. Modern editors can handle surprisingly large files. In particular, Vim (Windows, macOS, Linux), Emacs (Windows, macOS, Linux), Notepad++ (Windows), Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux), and VS Code (Windows, macOS, Linux) support large (~4 GB) files, assuming you have the RAM.
  • Large File Editor (Windows) – Opens and edits TB+ files, supports Unicode, uses little memory, has XML-specific features, and includes a binary mode.
  • GigaEdit (Windows) – Supports searching, character statistics, and font customization. But it's buggy – with large files, it only allows overwriting characters, not inserting them; it doesn't respect LF as a line terminator, only CRLF; and it's slow.

Builtin programs (no installation required):

  • less (macOS, Linux) – The traditional Unix command-line pager tool. Lets you view text files of practically any size. Can be installed on Windows, too.
  • Notepad (Windows) – Decent with large files, especially with word wrap turned off.
  • MORE (Windows) – This refers to the Windows MORE, not the Unix more. A console program that allows you to view a file, one screen at a time.

Web viewers:

Paid editors:

  • 010 Editor (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens giant (as large as 50 GB) files.
  • SlickEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens large files.
  • UltraEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens files of more than 6 GB, but the configuration must be changed for this to be practical: Menu » Advanced » Configuration » File Handling » Temporary Files » Open file without temp file...
  • EmEditor (Windows) – Handles very large text files nicely (officially up to 248 GB, but as much as 900 GB according to one report).
  • BssEditor (Windows) – Handles large files and very long lines. Don’t require an installation. Free for non commercial use.

How to remove empty lines with or without whitespace in Python

If you are not willing to try regex (which you should), you can use this:


Repeat this several times to make sure there is no blank line left. Or chaining the commands:


Just to encourage you to use regex, here are two introductory videos that I find intuitive:
Regular Expressions (Regex) Tutorial
Python Tutorial: re Module

Eclipse will not start and I haven't changed anything

Read my answer if recently you have been using a VPN connection.

Today I had the same exact issue and learned how to fix it without removing any plugins. So I thought maybe I would share my own experience.

My issue definitely had something to do with Spring Framework

I was using a VPN connection over my internet connection. Once I disconnected my VPN, everything instantly turned right.

How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

IntelliJ IDEA 15

Only for the current file

You have the following options:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + A > write "tabs" > double click on "To Tabs"

    To Tabs

    If you want to convert tabs to spaces, you can write "spaces", then choose "To Spaces".

  2. Edit > Convert Indents > To Tabs

    To convert tabs to spaces, you can chose "To Spaces" from the same place.

For all files

The paths in the other answers were changed a little:

  • File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Java > Tabs and Indents > Use tab character Use tab character
  • File > Other Settings > Default Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Java > Tabs and Indents > Use tab character
  • File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Detect and use existing file indents for editing
  • File > Other Settings > Default Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Detect and use existing file indents for editing

It seems that it doesn't matter if you check/uncheck the box from Settings... or from Other Settings > Default Settings..., because the change from one window will be available in the other window.

The changes above will be applied for the new files, but if you want to change spaces to tabs in an existing file, then you should format the file by pressing Ctrl + Alt + L.

importing pyspark in python shell

You can also create a Docker container with Alpine as the OS and the install Python and Pyspark as packages. That will have it all containerised.

Create a Path from String in Java7

Even when the question is regarding Java 7, I think it adds value to know that from Java 11 onward, there is a static method in Path class that allows to do this straight away:

With all the path in one String:


With the path broken down in several Strings:


LDAP Authentication using Java

You will have to provide the entire user dn in SECURITY_PRINCIPAL

like this

env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=username,ou=testOu,o=test"); 

How to extract table as text from the PDF using Python?

This answer is for anyone encountering pdfs with images and needing to use OCR. I could not find a workable off-the-shelf solution; nothing that gave me the accuracy I needed.

Here are the steps I found to work.

  1. Use pdfimages from to turn the pages of the pdf into images.

  2. Use Tesseract to detect rotation and ImageMagick mogrify to fix it.

  3. Use OpenCV to find and extract tables.

  4. Use OpenCV to find and extract each cell from the table.

  5. Use OpenCV to crop and clean up each cell so that there is no noise that will confuse OCR software.

  6. Use Tesseract to OCR each cell.

  7. Combine the extracted text of each cell into the format you need.

I wrote a python package with modules that can help with those steps.


Docs & Source:

Some of the steps don't require code, they take advantage of external tools like pdfimages and tesseract. I'll provide some brief examples for a couple of the steps that do require code.

  1. Finding tables:

This link was a good reference while figuring out how to find tables.

import cv2

def find_tables(image):
    BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE = (17, 17)
    blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE, STD_DEV_X_DIRECTION, STD_DEV_Y_DIRECTION)
    MAX_COLOR_VAL = 255
    BLOCK_SIZE = 15

    img_bin = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(
    vertical = horizontal = img_bin.copy()
    SCALE = 5
    image_width, image_height = horizontal.shape
    horizontal_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (int(image_width / SCALE), 1))
    horizontally_opened = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, horizontal_kernel)
    vertical_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, int(image_height / SCALE)))
    vertically_opened = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, vertical_kernel)

    horizontally_dilated = cv2.dilate(horizontally_opened, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (40, 1)))
    vertically_dilated = cv2.dilate(vertically_opened, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 60)))

    mask = horizontally_dilated + vertically_dilated
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(

    MIN_TABLE_AREA = 1e5
    contours = [c for c in contours if cv2.contourArea(c) > MIN_TABLE_AREA]
    perimeter_lengths = [cv2.arcLength(c, True) for c in contours]
    epsilons = [0.1 * p for p in perimeter_lengths]
    approx_polys = [cv2.approxPolyDP(c, e, True) for c, e in zip(contours, epsilons)]
    bounding_rects = [cv2.boundingRect(a) for a in approx_polys]

    # The link where a lot of this code was borrowed from recommends an
    # additional step to check the number of "joints" inside this bounding rectangle.
    # A table should have a lot of intersections. We might have a rectangular image
    # here though which would only have 4 intersections, 1 at each corner.
    # Leaving that step as a future TODO if it is ever necessary.
    images = [image[y:y+h, x:x+w] for x, y, w, h in bounding_rects]
    return images
  1. Extract cells from table.

This is very similar to 2, so I won't include all the code. The part I will reference will be in sorting the cells.

We want to identify the cells from left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

We’ll find the rectangle with the most top-left corner. Then we’ll find all of the rectangles that have a center that is within the top-y and bottom-y values of that top-left rectangle. Then we’ll sort those rectangles by the x value of their center. We’ll remove those rectangles from the list and repeat.

def cell_in_same_row(c1, c2):
    c1_center = c1[1] + c1[3] - c1[3] / 2
    c2_bottom = c2[1] + c2[3]
    c2_top = c2[1]
    return c2_top < c1_center < c2_bottom

orig_cells = [c for c in cells]
rows = []
while cells:
    first = cells[0]
    rest = cells[1:]
    cells_in_same_row = sorted(
            c for c in rest
            if cell_in_same_row(c, first)
        key=lambda c: c[0]

    row_cells = sorted([first] + cells_in_same_row, key=lambda c: c[0])
    cells = [
        c for c in rest
        if not cell_in_same_row(c, first)

# Sort rows by average height of their center.
def avg_height_of_center(row):
    centers = [y + h - h / 2 for x, y, w, h in row]
    return sum(centers) / len(centers)


Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)

If your application's (or any other application's) current directory is the one you're trying to delete, it will not be an access violation error but a directory is not empty. Make sure it's not your own application by changing the current directory; also, make sure the directory is not open in some other program (e.g. Word, excel, Total Commander, etc.). Most programs will cd to the directory of the last file opened, which would cause that.

Understanding the main method of python

If you import the module (.py) file you are creating now from another python script it will not execute the code within

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you run the script directly from the console, it will be executed.

Python does not use or require a main() function. Any code that is not protected by that guard will be executed upon execution or importing of the module.

This is expanded upon a little more at

How can I bind a background color in WPF/XAML?

You assigned a string "Red". Your Background property should be of type Color:

using System.Windows;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace TestBackground88238
    public partial class Window1 : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged

        #region ViewModelProperty: Background
        private Color _background;
        public Color Background
                return _background;

                _background = value;


Then you can use the binding to the SolidColorBrush like this:

public Window1()
    DataContext = this;

    Background = Colors.Red;
    Message = "This is the title, the background should be " + Background.toString() + ".";


not 100% sure about the .toString() method on Color-Object. It might tell you it is a Color-Class, but you will figur this out ;)

Is header('Content-Type:text/plain'); necessary at all?

PHP uses Content-Type "text/html" as default - which is pretty similar to "text/plain" - and this explains why you don't see any differences. text/plain is necessary if you want to output text as is (including <>-symbols). Examples:

header("Content-Type: text/plain");
echo "<b>hello world</b>";
// Output: <b>hello world</b>

header("Content-Type: text/html");
echo "<b>hello world</b>";
// Output: hello world

How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled

Yes you can check below is the code:

public boolean isGPSEnabled (Context mContext){
    LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager)
    return locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);

How to enable file sharing for my app?

If you editing info.plist directly, below should help you, don't key in "YES" as string below:


You should use this:


AngularJS disable partial caching on dev machine

There is no solution to prevent browser/proxy caching since you cannot have the control on it.

The other way to force fresh content to your users it to rename the HTML file! Exactly like does for assets.

How to call Android contacts list?

Be careful while working with android contact list.

Reading contact list in above methods work on most android devices except HTC One and Sony Xperia. It wasted my six weeks trying to figure out what is wrong!

Most tutorials available online are almost similar - first read "ALL" contacts, then show in Listview with ArrayAdapter. This is not memory efficient solution. Instead of looking for solutions on other websites first, have a look at If any solution is not available on you should look somewhere else.

The solution is to use CursorAdapter instead of ArrayAdapter for retrieving contact list. Using ArrayAdapter would work on most devices, but it's not efficient. The CursorAdapter retrieves only a portion of contact list at run time while the ListView is being scrolled.

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Gets the ListView from the View list of the parent activity
    mContactsList =
        (ListView) getActivity().findViewById(R.layout.contact_list_view);
    // Gets a CursorAdapter
    mCursorAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(
            FROM_COLUMNS, TO_IDS,
    // Sets the adapter for the ListView

Retrieving a List of Contacts: Retrieving a List of Contacts

How to delete mysql database through shell command

[root@host]# mysqladmin -u root -p drop [DB]

Enter password:******

time.sleep -- sleeps thread or process?

Only the thread unless your process has a single thread.

Format the date using Ruby on Rails

Since the timestamps are seconds since the UNIX epoch, you can use DateTime.strptime ("string parse time") with the correct specifier:

Date.strptime('1100897479', '%s')
#=> #<Date: 2004-11-19 ((2453329j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
Date.strptime('1100897479', '%s').to_s
#=> "2004-11-19"
DateTime.strptime('1100897479', '%s')
#=> #<DateTime: 2004-11-19T20:51:19+00:00 ((2453329j,75079s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
DateTime.strptime('1100897479', '%s').to_s
#=> "2004-11-19T20:51:19+00:00"

Note that you have to require 'date' for that to work, then you can call it either as Date.strptime (if you only care about the date) or DateTime.strptime (if you want date and time). If you need different formatting, you can call DateTime#strftime (look at if you have a hard time with the format strings) on it or use one of the built-in methods like rfc822.

Python Threading String Arguments

You're trying to create a tuple, but you're just parenthesizing a string :)

Add an extra ',':

dRecieved = connFile.readline()
processThread = threading.Thread(target=processLine, args=(dRecieved,))  # <- note extra ','

Or use brackets to make a list:

dRecieved = connFile.readline()
processThread = threading.Thread(target=processLine, args=[dRecieved])  # <- 1 element list

If you notice, from the stack trace: self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)

The *self.__args turns your string into a list of characters, passing them to the processLine function. If you pass it a one element list, it will pass that element as the first argument - in your case, the string.

Format y axis as percent

This is a few months late, but I have created PR#6251 with matplotlib to add a new PercentFormatter class. With this class you just need one line to reformat your axis (two if you count the import of matplotlib.ticker):

import ...
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick

ax = df['myvar'].plot(kind='bar')

PercentFormatter() accepts three arguments, xmax, decimals, symbol. xmax allows you to set the value that corresponds to 100% on the axis. This is nice if you have data from 0.0 to 1.0 and you want to display it from 0% to 100%. Just do PercentFormatter(1.0).

The other two parameters allow you to set the number of digits after the decimal point and the symbol. They default to None and '%', respectively. decimals=None will automatically set the number of decimal points based on how much of the axes you are showing.


PercentFormatter was introduced into Matplotlib proper in version 2.1.0.

How can I get a favicon to show up in my django app?

Came across this while looking for help. I was trying to implement the favicon in my Django project and it was not showing -- wanted to add to the conversation.

While trying to implement the favicon in my Django project I renamed the 'favicon.ico' file to 'my_filename.ico' –– the image would not show. After renaming to 'favicon.ico' resolved the issue and graphic displayed. below is the code that resolved my issue:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="{% static 'img/favicon.ico' %}" />

How can change width of dropdown list?

If you want to control the width of the list that drops down, you can do it as follows.


#wgtmsr option {
    width: 50px;

getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on insecure origins

Give some time to install an SSL cert getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() no longer work on insecure origins. To use this feature, you should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS.

click command in selenium webdriver does not work

There's nothing wrong with either version of your code. Whatever is causing this, that's not it.

Have you triple checked your locator? Your element definitely has name=submit not id=submit?

html <input type="text" /> onchange event not working

Use .on('input'... to monitor every change to an input (paste, keyup, etc) from jQuery 1.7 and above.

For static and dynamic inputs:

$(document).on('input', '.my-class', function(){
    alert('Input changed');

For static inputs only:

$('.my-class').on('input', function(){
    alert('Input changed');

JSFiddle with static/dynamic example:

Get a list of dates between two dates

For Access (or any SQL language)

  1. Create one table that has 2 fields, we'll call this table tempRunDates:
    --Fields fromDate and toDate
    --Then insert only 1 record, that has the start date and the end date.

  2. Create another table: Time_Day_Ref
    --Import a list of dates (make list in excel is easy) into this table.
    --The field name in my case is Greg_Dt, for Gregorian Date
    --I made my list from jan 1 2009 through jan 1 2020.

  3. Run the query:

    SELECT Time_Day_Ref.GREG_DT
    FROM tempRunDates, Time_Day_Ref
    WHERE Time_Day_Ref.greg_dt>=tempRunDates.fromDate And greg_dt<=tempRunDates.toDate;


How to get default gateway in Mac OSX

The grep utility is not needed. Awk can do it all:

    netstat -rn | awk '/default/ {print $2}'

Note that if you have something like Parallels (or a VPN, or both) running, you may see two or more default routing entries - it will be true if you use the 'grep' suggestion above, too.

    netstat -rn | awk '/default/ {print $2}'


    netstat -rn | awk '/default/ {print $2}'                             

To set a variable (_default) for further use (assuming only one entry for 'default') .....

    _default=$( netstat -rn inet | awk '/default/ {print $2}' ) # I prefer $( ... ) over back-ticks

In the case of multiple default routes use:

    netstat -rn | awk '/default/ {if ( index($6, "en") > 0 ){print $2} }'

These examples tested in Mavericks and are specific to OSX only. For example, other *nix versions frequently use 'eth' for ethernet/wireless connections, not 'en'. This is also only tested with ksh. Other shells may need a slightly different syntax.

JQuery / JavaScript - trigger button click from another button click event

   return false;

URL Encoding using C#

I think people here got sidetracked by the UrlEncode message. URLEncoding is not what you want -- you want to encode stuff that won't work as a filename on the target system.

Assuming that you want some generality -- feel free to find the illegal characters on several systems (MacOS, Windows, Linux and Unix), union them to form a set of characters to escape.

As for the escape, a HexEscape should be fine (Replacing the characters with %XX). Convert each character to UTF-8 bytes and encode everything >128 if you want to support systems that don't do unicode. But there are other ways, such as using back slashes "\" or HTML encoding """. You can create your own. All any system has to do is 'encode' the uncompatible character away. The above systems allow you to recreate the original name -- but something like replacing the bad chars with spaces works also.

On the same tangent as above, the only one to use is


-- It encodes everything that is needed for OAuth, it doesn't encode the things that OAuth forbids encoding, and encodes the space as %20 and not + (Also in the OATH Spec) See: RFC 3986. AFAIK, this is the latest URI spec.

cast_sender.js error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED in Chrome

Apparently YouTube constantly polls for Google Cast scripts even if the extension isn't installed.

From one commenter:

... it appears that Chrome attempts to get cast_sender.js on pages that have YouTube content. I'm guessing when Chrome sees media that it can stream it attempts to access the Chromecast extension. When the extension isn't present, the error is thrown.

Read more

The only solution I've come across is to install the Google Cast extension, whether you need it or not. You may then hide the toolbar button.

For more information and updates, see this SO question. Here's the official issue.

Converting integer to string in Python

In Python => 3.6 you can use f formatting:

>>> int_value = 10
>>> f'{int_value}'

How do I list all tables in all databases in SQL Server in a single result set?

Link to a stored-procedure-less approach that Bart Gawrych posted on Dataedo site

I was asking myself, 'Do we really have to use a stored procedure here?' and I found this helpful post. (The state=0 was added to fix issues with offline databases per feedback from users of the linked page.)

declare @sql nvarchar(max);

select @sql = 
    (select ' UNION ALL
        SELECT ' +  + quotename(name,'''') + ' as database_name,
                    AS schema_name,
      COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as table_name 
               FROM '+ quotename(name) + '.sys.tables t
               JOIN '+ quotename(name) + '.sys.schemas s
                    on s.schema_id = t.schema_id'
    from sys.databases 
    where state=0
    order by [name] for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)');

set @sql = stuff(@sql, 1, 12, '') + ' order by database_name, 

execute (@sql);

Where does PostgreSQL store the database?

To see where the data directory is, use this query.

show data_directory;

To see all the run-time parameters, use

show all;

You can create tablespaces to store database objects in other parts of the filesystem. To see tablespaces, which might not be in that data directory, use this query.

SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace;

Default Activity not found in Android Studio

For those like me who were struggling to find the "Sources tab":

enter image description here

Here you have to mark your "src" folder in blue (first click in Mark as: Source, then in your src folder), and you're good to go.

Regular expression to validate US phone numbers?

The easiest way to match both




is to use alternation ((...|...)): specify them as two mostly-separate options:


By the way, when Americans put the area code in parentheses, we actually put a space after that; for example, I'd write (123) 123-1234, not (123)123-1234. So you might want to write:

^(\([0-9]{3}\) |[0-9]{3}-)[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$

(Though it's probably best to explicitly demonstrate the format that you expect phone numbers to be in.)

Proper way to use **kwargs in Python

You'd do

self.attribute = kwargs.pop('name', default_value)


self.attribute = kwargs.get('name', default_value)

If you use pop, then you can check if there are any spurious values sent, and take the appropriate action (if any).

How to create a secure random AES key in Java?

Using KeyGenerator would be the preferred method. As Duncan indicated, I would certainly give the key size during initialization. KeyFactory is a method that should be used for pre-existing keys.

OK, so lets get to the nitty-gritty of this. In principle AES keys can have any value. There are no "weak keys" as in (3)DES. Nor are there any bits that have a specific meaning as in (3)DES parity bits. So generating a key can be as simple as generating a byte array with random values, and creating a SecretKeySpec around it.

But there are still advantages to the method you are using: the KeyGenerator is specifically created to generate keys. This means that the code may be optimized for this generation. This could have efficiency and security benefits. It might be programmed to avoid a timing side channel attacks that would expose the key, for instance. Note that it may already be a good idea to clear any byte[] that hold key information as they may be leaked into a swap file (this may be the case anyway though).

Furthermore, as said, not all algorithms are using fully random keys. So using KeyGenerator would make it easier to switch to other algorithms. More modern ciphers will only accept fully random keys though; this is seen as a major benefit over e.g. DES.

Finally, and in my case the most important reason, it that the KeyGenerator method is the only valid way of handling AES keys within a secure token (smart card, TPM, USB token or HSM). If you create the byte[] with the SecretKeySpec then the key must come from memory. That means that the key may be put in the secure token, but that the key is exposed in memory regardless. Normally, secure tokens only work with keys that are either generated in the secure token or are injected by e.g. a smart card or a key ceremony. A KeyGenerator can be supplied with a provider so that the key is directly generated within the secure token.

As indicated in Duncan's answer: always specify the key size (and any other parameters) explicitly. Do not rely on provider defaults as this will make it unclear what your application is doing, and each provider may have its own defaults.

Usage of @see in JavaDoc?

Yeah, it is quite vague.

You should use it whenever for readers of the documentation of your method it may be useful to also look at some other method. If the documentation of your methodA says "Works like methodB but ...", then you surely should put a link. An alternative to @see would be the inline {@link ...} tag:

 * ...
 * Works like {@link #methodB}, but ...

When the fact that methodA calls methodB is an implementation detail and there is no real relation from the outside, you don't need a link here.

Find all CSV files in a directory using Python

Many (linked) answers change working directory with os.chdir(). But you don't have to.

Recursively print all CSV files in /home/project/ directory:

pathname = "/home/project/**/*.csv"

for file in glob.iglob(pathname, recursive=True):

Requires python 3.5+. From docs [1]:

  • pathname can be either absolute (like /usr/src/Python-1.5/Makefile) or relative (like ../../Tools/*/*.gif)
  • pathname can contain shell-style wildcards.
  • Whether or not the results are sorted depends on the file system.
  • If recursive is true, the pattern ** will match any files and zero or more directories, subdirectories and symbolic links to directories


HTML table with fixed headers?

I like Maximillian Hils' answer but I had a some issues:

  1. the transform doesn't work in Edge or IE unless you apply it to the th
  2. the header flickers during scrolling in Edge and IE
  3. my table is loaded using ajax, so I wanted to attach to the window scroll event rather than the wrapper's scroll event

To get rid of the flicker, I use a timeout to wait until the user has finished scrolling, then I apply the transform - so the header is not visible during scrolling.

I have also written this using jQuery, one advantage of that being that jQuery should handle vendor-prefixes for you

    var isScrolling, lastTop, lastLeft, isLeftHidden, isTopHidden;

    //Scroll events don't bubble
    //so can't use $(document).on("scroll", ".table-container-fixed", function (e) {
    document.addEventListener('scroll', function (event) {
        var $container = $(;
        if (!$container.hasClass("table-container-fixed"))

        //transform needs to be applied to th for Edge and IE
        //in this example I am also fixing the leftmost column
        var $topLeftCell = $container.find('table:first > thead > tr > th:first');
        var $headerCells = $topLeftCell.siblings();
        var $columnCells = $container
           .find('table:first > tbody > tr > td:first-child, ' +
                 'table:first > tfoot > tr > td:first-child');

        //hide the cells while returning otherwise they show on top of the data
        if (!isLeftHidden) {
            var currentLeft = $container.scrollLeft();
            if (currentLeft < lastLeft) {
                //scrolling left
                isLeftHidden = true;
                $topLeftCell.css('visibility', 'hidden');
                $columnCells.css('visibility', 'hidden');
            lastLeft = currentLeft;

        if (!isTopHidden) {
            var currentTop = $container.scrollTop();
            if (currentTop < lastTop) {
                //scrolling up
                isTopHidden = true;
                $topLeftCell.css('visibility', 'hidden');
                $headerCells.css('visibility', 'hidden');
            lastTop = currentTop;

        // Using timeout to delay transform until user stops scrolling
        // Clear timeout while scrolling

        // Set a timeout to run after scrolling ends
        isScrolling = setTimeout(function () {
            //move the table cells. 
            var x = $container.scrollLeft();
            var y = $container.scrollTop();

            $topLeftCell.css('transform', 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)');
            $headerCells.css('transform', 'translateY(' + y + 'px)');
            $columnCells.css('transform', 'translateX(' + x + 'px)');

            isTopHidden = isLeftHidden = false;
            $topLeftCell.css('visibility', 'inherit');
            $headerCells.css('visibility', 'inherit');
            $columnCells.css('visibility', 'inherit');
        }, 100);

    }, true);

The table is wrapped in a div with the class table-container-fixed.

    overflow: auto;
    height: 400px;

I set border-collapse to separate because otherwise we lose borders during translation, and I remove the border on the table to stop content appearing just above the cell where the border was during scrolling.

.table-container-fixed > table {
   border-collapse: separate;

I make the th background white to cover the cells underneath, and I add a border that matches the table border - which is styled using Bootstrap and scrolled out of view.

 .table-container-fixed > table > thead > tr > th {
        border-top: 1px solid #ddd !important;
        background-color: white;        
        z-index: 10;
        position: relative;/*to make z-index work*/

            .table-container-fixed > table > thead > tr > th:first-child {
                z-index: 20;

.table-container-fixed > table > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
.table-container-fixed > table > tfoot > tr > td:first-child {
    background-color: white;        
    z-index: 10;
    position: relative;

How to get your Netbeans project into Eclipse

  1. Make sure you have sbt and run sbt eclipse from the project root directory.
  2. In eclipse, use File --> Import --> General --> Existing Projects into Workspace, selecting that same location, so that eclipse builds its project structure for the file structure having just been prepared by sbt.

How to check if array element exists or not in javascript?

When trying to find out if an array index exists in JS, the easiest and shortest way to do it is through double negation.

let a = [];
a[1] = 'foo';
console.log(!!a[0])   // false
console.log(!!a[1])   // true

Listing available com ports with Python

Probably late, but might help someone in need.


class COMPorts:

    def __init__(self, data: list): = data

    def get_com_ports(cls):
        data = []
        ports = list(

        for port_ in ports:
            obj = Object(data=dict({"device": port_.device, "description": port_.description.split("(")[0].strip()}))

        return cls(data=data)

    def get_description_by_device(device: str):
        for port_ in COMPorts.get_com_ports().data:
            if port_.device == device:
                return port_.description

    def get_device_by_description(description: str):
        for port_ in COMPorts.get_com_ports().data:
            if port_.description == description:
                return port_.device

class Object:
    def __init__(self, data: dict): = data
        self.device = data.get("device")
        self.description = data.get("description")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for port in COMPorts.get_com_ports().data:

    print(COMPorts.get_device_by_description(description="Arduino Leonardo"))

Request Monitoring in Chrome

The most up-to-date answer to this is: they are listed under the 'Network' button in the developer tools, no longer under 'Resources' like it used to be.

How to replace NaNs by preceding values in pandas DataFrame?

ffill now has it's own method pd.DataFrame.ffill


     0    1    2
0  1.0  2.0  3.0
1  4.0  2.0  3.0
2  4.0  2.0  9.0

How to find the logs on android studio?

On toolbar -> Help Menu -> Show log in explorer.

It opens log folder, where you can find all logs

Dynamic function name in javascript?

This is BEST solution, better then new Function('return function name(){}')().

Eval is fastest solution:

enter image description here

var name = 'FuncName'
var func = eval("(function " + name + "(){})")

Zoom in on a point (using scale and translate)

you can use scrollto(x,y) function to handle the position of scrollbar right to the point that you need to be showed after zooming.for finding the position of mouse use event.clientX and event.clientY. this will help you

Waiting for background processes to finish before exiting script

GNU parallel and xargs

These two tools that can make scripts simpler, and also control the maximum number of threads (thread pool). E.g.:

seq 10 | xargs -P4 -I'{}' echo '{}'


seq 10 | parallel -j4  echo '{}'

See also: how to write a process-pool bash shell

jQuery event for images loaded

As per this answer, you can use the jQuery load event on the window object instead of the document:

jQuery(window).load(function() {
    console.log("page finished loading now.");

This will be triggered after all content on the page has been loaded. This differs from jQuery(document).load(...) which is triggered after the DOM has finished loading.

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*)

You should encode the route value and then (if required) decode the value before searching.

Can grep show only words that match search pattern?

$ grep -w

Excerpt from grep man page:

-w: Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words. The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a non-word constituent character.

Convert JS Object to form data

I might be a little late to the party but this is what I've created to convert a singular object to FormData.

function formData(formData, filesIgnore = []) {
  let data = new FormData();

  let files = filesIgnore;

  Object.entries(formData).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (typeof value === 'object' && !files.includes(key)) {
      data.append(key, JSON.stringify(value) || null);
    } else if (files.includes(key)) {
      data.append(key, value[0] || null);
    } else {
      data.append(key, value || null);

  return data;

How does it work? It will convert and return all properties expect File objects that you've set in the ignore list (2nd argument. If anyone could tell me a better way to determine this that would help!) into a json string using JSON.stringify. Then on your server you'll just need to convert it back into a JSON object.


let form = {
  first_name: 'John',
  last_name: 'Doe',
  details: {
    phone_number: 1234 5678 910,
    address: '123 Some Street',
  profile_picture: [object FileList] // set by your form file input. Currently only support 1 file per property.

function submit() {
  let data = formData(form, ['profile_picture']);'/url', data).then(res => {
    console.log('object uploaded');

I am still kinda new to Http requests and JavaScript so any feedback would be highly appreciated!

"Undefined reference to" template class constructor

This link explains where you're going wrong:

[35.12] Why can't I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?

Place the definition of your constructors, destructors methods and whatnot in your header file, and that will correct the problem.

This offers another solution:

How can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?

However this requires you to anticipate how your template will be used and, as a general solution, is counter-intuitive. It does solve the corner case though where you develop a template to be used by some internal mechanism, and you want to police the manner in which it is used.

How can I write text on a HTML5 canvas element?

Drawing text on a Canvas


<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150"></canvas>

Script (with few different options):

    var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    ctx.font = 'italic 18px Arial';
    ctx.textAlign = 'center';
    ctx. textBaseline = 'middle';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'red';  // a color name or by using rgb/rgba/hex values
    ctx.fillText('Hello World!', 150, 50); // text and position

Check out the MDN documentation and this JSFiddle example.

How can I simulate an anchor click via jquery?

Using Jure's script I made this, to easily "click" as many elements as you want.
I just used it Google Reader on 1600+ items and it worked perfectly (in Firefox)!

var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
e.initEvent( 'click', true, true );

TextView bold via xml file?

Just you need to use 

//for bold

//for italic

//for normal


Converting string to Date and DateTime

To parse the date, you should use: DateTime::createFromFormat();


$dateDE = "16/10/2013";
$dateUS = \DateTime::createFromFormat("d.m.Y", $dateDE)->format("m/d/Y");

However, careful, because this will crash with:

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object 

You actually need to check that the formatting went fine, first:

$dateDE = "16/10/2013";
$dateObj = \DateTime::createFromFormat("d.m.Y", $dateDE);
if (!$dateObj)
    throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Could not parse the date: $date");
$dateUS = $dateObj->format("m/d/Y");

Now instead of crashing, you will get an exception, which you can catch, propagate, etc.

$dateDE has the wrong format, it should be "16.10.2013";

How to count down in for loop?

If you google. "Count down for loop python" you get these, which are pretty accurate.

how to loop down in python list (countdown)
Loop backwards using indices in Python?

I recommend doing minor searches before posting. Also "Learn Python The Hard Way" is a good place to start.

Obtain smallest value from array in Javascript?

Jon Resig illustrated in this article how this could be achieved by extending the Array prototype and invoking the underlying Math.min method which unfortunately doesn't take an array but a variable number of arguments:

Array.min = function( array ){
    return Math.min.apply( Math, array );

and then:

var minimum = Array.min(array);

PostgreSQL database service

Your server running on port 5432 but in the properties, the port is set to 5433.

You must go to pgAdmin, click on database version, ex: PostgresSQL 10 and edit properties.

A new window appears and you need to change the port to 5432 [this is default port].

Using Html.ActionLink to call action on different controller

If you grab the MVC Futures assembly (which I would highly recommend) you can then use a generic when creating the ActionLink and a lambda to construct the route:

<%=Html.ActionLink<Product>(c => c.Action( o.Value ), "Details" ) %>

You can get the futures assembly here:

Generating Unique Random Numbers in Java

You can generate n unique random number between 0 to n-1 in java

public static void RandomGenerate(int n)
     Set<Integer> st=new HashSet<Integer>();
     Random r=new Random();


How to Run the Procedure?

In SQL Plus:

EXEC gokul_proc(1,'GOKUL', :rc);
print rc

Where does the iPhone Simulator store its data?

Simply do this:

NSString *docDirPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES)objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"%@", docDirPath);

And you will get somethink like this:


Go there and you will see the document folder of your app regardless of the version of XCode. (Use "Go to Folder..." command in Finder and specify a path "~/library").

Swift version for string path:

let docDirPath =
                                    .userDomainMask, true).first

and folder URL:

let docDirUrl =
    FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory,
                             in: .userDomainMask).first

ERROR:'keytool' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Check that the directory the keytool executable is in is on your %PATH% environment variable.

For example, on my Windows 7 machine, it is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin, and my %PATH% variable looks like C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ (and many other entries)

How to fill in proxy information in cntlm config file?

Update your user, domain, and proxy information in cntlm.ini, then test your proxy with this command (run in your Cntlm installation folder):

cntlm -c cntlm.ini -I -M

It will ask for your password, and hopefully print your required authentication information, which must be saved in your cntlm.ini

Sample cntlm.ini:

Username            user
Domain              domain

# provide actual value if autodetection fails
# Workstation         pc-name

NoProxy             127.0.0.*, 192.168.*

Gateway             no

SOCKS5Proxy         5000
# provide socks auth info if you want it
# SOCKS5User          socks-user:socks-password

# printed authentication info from the previous step
Auth            NTLMv2
PassNTLMv2      98D6986BCFA9886E41698C1686B58A09

Note: on linux the config file is cntlm.conf

php - push array into array - key issue

first convert your array too JSON

   $col[] = json_encode($row,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

then vonvert back it to array

foreach($col as &$array){
   $array = json_decode($array,true);

good luck

C# getting its own class name

I wanted to throw this up for good measure. I think the way @micahtan posted is preferred.


Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

If you are using terminal you will want to add the following to ./bash_profile

export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"

If you are using zsh, you will want to add the above line to your ~/.zshrc

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

For reading/writing excel files, you can use :

  • readxl package for reading and writexl package for writing
  • openxlsx package for reading and writing

With xlsx and XLConnect (which use rjava) you will face memory errors if you have large files

jQuery removing '-' character from string

If you want to remove all - you can use:

.replace(new RegExp('-', 'g'),"")

Select top 10 records for each category

If you are using SQL 2005 you can do something like this...

SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2 
    FROM (
        SELECT Field1,Field2, Rank() 
          over (Partition BY Section
                ORDER BY RankCriteria DESC ) AS Rank
        FROM table
        ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10

If your RankCriteria has ties then you may return more than 10 rows and Matt's solution may be better for you.

jQuery UI themes and HTML tables

I've got a one liner to make HTML Tables look BootStrapped:

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">

The theme suits other controls and it supports alternate row highlighting.

How to style a JSON block in Github Wiki?

I encountered the same problem. So, I tried representing the JSON in different Language syntax formats.But all time favorites are Perl, js, python, & elixir.

This is how it looks.

The following screenshots are from the Gitlab in a markdown file. This may vary based on the colors using for syntax in MARKDOWN files.





How to remove white space characters from a string in SQL Server

Using ASCII(RIGHT(ProductAlternateKey, 1)) you can see that the right most character in row 2 is a Line Feed or Ascii Character 10.

This can not be removed using the standard LTrim RTrim functions.

You could however use (REPLACE(ProductAlternateKey, CHAR(10), '')

You may also want to account for carriage returns and tabs. These three (Line feeds, carriage returns and tabs) are the usual culprits and can be removed with the following :

LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ProductAlternateKey, CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(9), '')))

If you encounter any more "white space" characters that can't be removed with the above then try one or all of the below:

--Horizontal Tab
--Line Feed
--Vertical Tab
--Form Feed
--Carriage Return
--Column Break
--Non-breaking space

This list of potential white space characters could be used to create a function such as :

Create Function [dbo].[CleanAndTrimString] 
(@MyString as varchar(Max))
Returns varchar(Max)
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(0),'');
    --Horizontal Tab
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(9),'');
    --Line Feed
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(10),'');
    --Vertical Tab
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(11),'');
    --Form Feed
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(12),'');
    --Carriage Return
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(13),'');
    --Column Break
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(14),'');
    --Non-breaking space
    Set @MyString = Replace(@MyString,CHAR(160),'');

    Set @MyString = LTRIM(RTRIM(@MyString));
    Return @MyString

Which you could then use as follows:

    dbo.CleanAndTrimString(ProductAlternateKey) As ProductAlternateKey
from DimProducts

Regex to match words of a certain length

Length of characters to be matched.

{n,m}  n <= length <= m
{n}    length == n
{n,}   length >= n

And by default, the engine is greedy to match this pattern. For example, if the input is 123456789, \d{2,5} will match 12345 which is with length 5.

If you want the engine returns when length of 2 matched, use \d{2,5}?

Android: Storing username and password?

Most Android and iPhone apps I have seen use an initial screen or dialog box to ask for credentials. I think it is cumbersome for the user to have to re-enter their name/password often, so storing that info makes sense from a usability perspective.

The advice from the (Android dev guide) is:

In general, we recommend minimizing the frequency of asking for user credentials -- to make phishing attacks more conspicuous, and less likely to be successful. Instead use an authorization token and refresh it.

Where possible, username and password should not be stored on the device. Instead, perform initial authentication using the username and password supplied by the user, and then use a short-lived, service-specific authorization token.

Using the AccountManger is the best option for storing credentials. The SampleSyncAdapter provides an example of how to use it.

If this is not an option to you for some reason, you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications won't be able to access your preferences, so the user's information is not easily exposed.

CSS Background image not loading

I found the problem was you can't use short URL for image "img/image.jpg"

you should use the full URL "", yet I don't know why !!

How do you convert a DataTable into a generic list?

Converting DataTable to Generic Dictionary

public static Dictionary<object,IList<dynamic>> DataTable2Dictionary(DataTable dt)
    Dictionary<object, IList<dynamic>> dict = new Dictionary<dynamic, IList<dynamic>>();

    foreach(DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
        IList<dynamic> ts = dt.AsEnumerable()
                              .Select(r => r.Field<dynamic>(column.ToString()))
        dict.Add(column, ts);
    return dict;

pandas groupby sort descending order

You can do a sort_values() on the dataframe before you do the groupby. Pandas preserves the ordering in the groupby.

In [44]: d.head(10)
              name transcript  exon
0  ENST00000456328          2     1
1  ENST00000450305          2     1
2  ENST00000450305          2     2
3  ENST00000450305          2     3
4  ENST00000456328          2     2
5  ENST00000450305          2     4
6  ENST00000450305          2     5
7  ENST00000456328          2     3
8  ENST00000450305          2     6
9  ENST00000488147          1    11

for _, a in d.head(10).sort_values(["transcript", "exon"]).groupby(["name", "transcript"]): print(a)
              name transcript  exon
1  ENST00000450305          2     1
2  ENST00000450305          2     2
3  ENST00000450305          2     3
5  ENST00000450305          2     4
6  ENST00000450305          2     5
8  ENST00000450305          2     6
              name transcript  exon
0  ENST00000456328          2     1
4  ENST00000456328          2     2
7  ENST00000456328          2     3
              name transcript  exon
9  ENST00000488147          1    11

Embedding VLC plugin on HTML page

test.html is will be helpful for how to use VLC WebAPI.

test.html is located in the directory where VLC was installed.

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\sdk\activex\test.html

The following code is a quote from the test.html.


<object classid="clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921" width="640" height="360" id="vlc" events="True">
  <param name="MRL" value="" />
  <param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />
  <param name="AutoLoop" value="False" />
  <param name="AutoPlay" value="False" />
  <param name="Volume" value="50" />
  <param name="toolbar" value="true" />
  <param name="StartTime" value="0" />
  <EMBED pluginspage=""
    text="Waiting for video"


You can get vlc object from getVLC().
It works on IE 10 and Chrome.

function getVLC(name)
    if (window.document[name])
        return window.document[name];
    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1)
        if (document.embeds && document.embeds[name])
            return document.embeds[name];
    else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1)
        return document.getElementById(name);

var vlc = getVLC("vlc");

// do something.
// e.g.;

Push JSON Objects to array in localStorage

There are a few steps you need to take to properly store this information in your localStorage. Before we get down to the code however, please note that localStorage (at the current time) cannot hold any data type except for strings. You will need to serialize the array for storage and then parse it back out to make modifications to it.

Step 1:

The First code snippet below should only be run if you are not already storing a serialized array in your localStorage session variable.
To ensure your localStorage is setup properly and storing an array, run the following code snippet first:

var a = [];
localStorage.setItem('session', JSON.stringify(a));

The above code should only be run once and only if you are not already storing an array in your localStorage session variable. If you are already doing this skip to step 2.

Step 2:

Modify your function like so:

function SaveDataToLocalStorage(data)
    var a = [];
    // Parse the serialized data back into an aray of objects
    a = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('session')) || [];
    // Push the new data (whether it be an object or anything else) onto the array
    // Alert the array value
    alert(a);  // Should be something like [Object array]
    // Re-serialize the array back into a string and store it in localStorage
    localStorage.setItem('session', JSON.stringify(a));

This should take care of the rest for you. When you parse it out, it will become an array of objects.

Hope this helps.

Convert dd-mm-yyyy string to date

Using moment.js example:

var from = '11-04-2017' // OR $("#datepicker").val();
var milliseconds = moment(from, "DD-MM-YYYY").format('x');
var f = new Date(milliseconds)

C: convert double to float, preserving decimal point precision

Floating point numbers are represented in scientific notation as a number of only seven significant digits multiplied by a larger number that represents the place of the decimal place. More information about it on Wikipedia:

Bootstrap 3 Align Text To Bottom of Div

Here's another solution:


<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <img src="//" alt="Logo" class="img-responsive"/>
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <h3>Some Text</h3>


.row {
    display: table;

.row > div {
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;

"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database

See the port and make a port change in postgresql.conf. My installation of postgres 9.4 uses port 5431 or 5434 instead of 5432. If it say the port is in use so change the port. And check if you give password in psql installation so give the password in file and save it.

Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL

I usually use


Which is almost same as Pekka's but this way you can control your INTERVAL to be negative or positive...

Timestamp conversion in Oracle for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

Use TO_TIMESTAMP function


len() of a numpy array in python

Easy. Use .shape.

>>> nparray.shape
(5, 6) #Returns a tuple of array dimensions.

What is Express.js?

  1. Express.js is a modular web framework for Node.js
  2. It is used for easier creation of web applications and services
  3. Express.js simplifies development and makes it easier to write secure, modular and fast applications. You can do all that in plain old Node.js, but some bugs can (and will) surface, including security concerns (eg. not escaping a string properly)
  4. Redis is an in-memory database system known for its fast performance. No, but you can use it with Express.js using a redis client

I couldn't be more concise than this. For all your other needs and information, Google is your friend.

In Bash, how to add "Are you sure [Y/n]" to any command or alias?

This version allows you to have more than one case y or Y, n or N

  1. Optionally: Repeat the question until an approve question is provided

  2. Optionally: Ignore any other answer

  3. Optionally: Exit the terminal if you want

    confirm() {
        echo -n "Continue? y or n? "
        read REPLY
        case $REPLY in
        [Yy]) echo 'yup y' ;; # you can change what you do here for instance
        [Nn]) break ;;        # exit case statement gracefully
        # Here are a few optional options to choose between
        # Any other answer:
        # 1. Repeat the question
        *) confirm ;;
        # 2. ignore
        # *) ;;
        # 3. Exit terminal
        # *) exit ;;
        # REPLY=''

Notice this too: On the last line of this function clear the REPLY variable. Otherwise if you echo $REPLY you will see it is still set until you open or close your terminal or set it again.

Disable submit button on form submit

Button Code

<button id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button>

Disable Button

if(When You Disable the button this Case){
 $(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true); 
 $(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', false); 

Note: You Case may Be Multiple this time more condition may need

How to get first and last element in an array in java?

Getting first and last elements in an array in Java

int[] a = new int[]{1, 8, 5, 9, 4};

First Element: a[0]

Last Element: a[a.length-1]

Array formula on Excel for Mac

  1. Select the desired range of cells
  2. Press Fn + F2 or CONTROL + U
  3. Paste in your array value
  4. Press COMMAND (?) + SHIFT + RETURN

GROUP BY to combine/concat a column

A good question. Should tell you it took some time to crack this one. Here is my result.


VALUES  (1, 'Me', 'act1', 'ab'),
        (2, 'Me', 'act1', 'cd'),
        (3, 'You', 'act2', 'xy'),
        (4, 'You', 'act2', 'st')

        SELECT ',' + T2.PAGEURL  
        FROM @TABLE T2  
        WHERE T1.USERS = T2.USERS  
        FOR XML PATH ('')  

jQuery ajax success error

You did not provide your validate.php code so I'm confused. You have to pass the data in JSON Format when when mail is success. You can use json_encode(); PHP function for that.

Add json_encdoe in validate.php in last

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); 
echo json_encode(array('success'=>'true'));

JS Code

success: function(data){ 
     if(data.success == true){ 

Hope it works

Extract a part of the filepath (a directory) in Python

All you need is parent part if you use pathlib.

from pathlib import Path
p = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe')

Will output:

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer    

Case you need all parts (already covered in other answers) use parts:

p = Path(r'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe')

Then you will get a list:

('C:\\', 'Program Files', 'Internet Explorer', 'iexplore.exe')

Saves tone of time.

How can I rename a project folder from within Visual Studio?

The simplest way is to go to the property of the window, change the name of the default namespaces, and then the rename is done.

SQL Not Like Statement not working


Should work, do you get more rows if you run the same SQL with the "NOT LIKE" line commented out? If not, check the data. I know you mentioned in your question, but check that the actual SQL statement is using that clause. The other answers with NULL are also a good idea.

window.close() doesn't work - Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it

The windows object has a windows field in which it is cloned and stores the date of the open window, close should be called on this field:"", '_self').window.close();

Find out which remote branch a local branch is tracking

Another method (thanks osse), if you just want to know whether or not it exists:

if git rev-parse @{u} > /dev/null 2>&1
  printf "has an upstream\n"
  printf "has no upstream\n"

"No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'"

remove android:showAsAction="never" from res/menu folder from every xml file.

How to create a fixed-size array of objects

One thing you could do would be to create a dictionary. Might be a little sloppy considering your looking for 64 elements but it gets the job done. Im not sure if its the "preferred way" to do it but it worked for me using an array of structs.

var tasks = [0:[forTasks](),1:[forTasks](),2:[forTasks](),3:[forTasks](),4:[forTasks](),5:[forTasks](),6:[forTasks]()]

How do I programmatically get the GUID of an application in .NET 2.0

There wasn't any luck here with the other answers, but I managed to work it out with this nice one-liner:

((GuidAttribute)(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainManager.EntryAssembly).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), true)[0]).Value


use this

mysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(223.69, 0);
        > 223

Here's a link

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

First Login to your server and check the PHP version which is installed on your server.

And then run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install php7.2-curl

sudo service apache2 restart

Replace the PHP version ( php7.2 ), with your PHP version.

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

To make something like associative array in JavaScript you have to use objects. ?

var obj = {}; // {} will create an object
var name = "name";
var val = 2;
obj[name] = val;


How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

Using spring-data-jpa save(), I was having same problem as @DtechNet. I mean every save() was creating new object instead of update. To solve this I had to add version field to entity and related table.

Multiple Updates in MySQL

The question is old, yet I'd like to extend the topic with another answer.

My point is, the easiest way to achieve it is just to wrap multiple queries with a transaction. The accepted answer INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is a nice hack, but one should be aware of its drawbacks and limitations:

  • As being said, if you happen to launch the query with rows whose primary keys don't exist in the table, the query inserts new "half-baked" records. Probably it's not what you want
  • If you have a table with a not null field without default value and don't want to touch this field in the query, you'll get "Field 'fieldname' doesn't have a default value" MySQL warning even if you don't insert a single row at all. It will get you into trouble, if you decide to be strict and turn mysql warnings into runtime exceptions in your app.

I made some performance tests for three of suggested variants, including the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE variant, a variant with "case / when / then" clause and a naive approach with transaction. You may get the python code and results here. The overall conclusion is that the variant with case statement turns out to be twice as fast as two other variants, but it's quite hard to write correct and injection-safe code for it, so I personally stick to the simplest approach: using transactions.

Edit: Findings of Dakusan prove that my performance estimations are not quite valid. Please see this answer for another, more elaborate research.

angular2: how to copy object into another object

As suggested before, the clean way of deep copying objects having nested objects inside is by using lodash's cloneDeep method.

For Angular, you can do it like this:

Install lodash with yarn add lodash or npm install lodash.

In your component, import cloneDeep and use it:

import * as cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
clonedObject = cloneDeep(originalObject);

It's only 18kb added to your build, well worth for the benefits.

I've also written an article here, if you need more insight on why using lodash's cloneDeep.

Insert Data Into Tables Linked by Foreign Key

You can do it in one sql statement for existing customers, 3 statements for new ones. All you have to do is be an optimist and act as though the customer already exists:

insert into "order" (customer_id, price) values \
((select customer_id from customer where name = 'John'), 12.34);

If the customer does not exist, you'll get an sql exception which text will be something like:

null value in column "customer_id" violates not-null constraint

(providing you made customer_id non-nullable, which I'm sure you did). When that exception occurs, insert the customer into the customer table and redo the insert into the order table:

insert into customer(name) values ('John');
insert into "order" (customer_id, price) values \
((select customer_id from customer where name = 'John'), 12.34);

Unless your business is growing at a rate that will make "where to put all the money" your only real problem, most of your inserts will be for existing customers. So, most of the time, the exception won't occur and you'll be done in one statement.

Convert Array to Object

If you're using ES6, you can use Object.assign and the spread operator

{ ...['a', 'b', 'c'] }

If you have nested array like

var arr=[[1,2,3,4]]
Object.assign( => ({[d[0]]: d[1]})))

Pandas merge two dataframes with different columns

I had this problem today using any of concat, append or merge, and I got around it by adding a helper column sequentially numbered and then doing an outer join

for i in df1.index:
for i in df2.index:

Parsing JSON Array within JSON Object

private static String readAll(Reader rd) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int cp;
    while ((cp = != -1) {
      sb.append((char) cp);
    return sb.toString();

 String jsonText = readAll(inputofyourjsonstream);
 JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonText);
 JSONArray arr = json.getJSONArray("sources");

Your arr would looks like: [ { "id":1001, "name":"jhon" }, { "id":1002, "name":"jhon" } ] You can use:


to get the objects inside of the array.

Uses of content-disposition in an HTTP response header

Well, it seems that the Content-Disposition header was originally created for e-mail, not the web. (Link to relevant RFC.)

I'm guessing that web browsers may respond to

Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=" + fileName);

when saving, but I'm not sure.

Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

You're saying that you need GPS location first if its available, but what you did is first you're getting location from network provider and then from GPS. This will get location from Network and GPS as well if both are available. What you can do is, write these cases in if..else if block. Similar to-

if( !isGPSEnabled && !isNetworkEnabled) {

// Can't get location by any way

} else {

    if(isGPSEnabled) {

    // get location from GPS

    } else if(isNetworkEnabled) {

    // get location from Network Provider


So this will fetch location from GPS first (if available), else it will try to fetch location from Network Provider.


To make it better, I'll post a snippet. Consider it is in try-catch:

boolean gps_enabled = false;
boolean network_enabled = false;

LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) mCtx

gps_enabled = lm.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
network_enabled = lm.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);

Location net_loc = null, gps_loc = null, finalLoc = null;

if (gps_enabled)
    gps_loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
if (network_enabled)
    net_loc = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);

if (gps_loc != null && net_loc != null) {

    //smaller the number more accurate result will
    if (gps_loc.getAccuracy() > net_loc.getAccuracy()) 
        finalLoc = net_loc;
        finalLoc = gps_loc;

        // I used this just to get an idea (if both avail, its upto you which you want to take as I've taken location with more accuracy)

} else {

    if (gps_loc != null) {
        finalLoc = gps_loc;
    } else if (net_loc != null) {
        finalLoc = net_loc;

Now you check finalLoc for null, if not then return it. You can write above code in a function which returns the desired (finalLoc) location. I think this might help.

Insert data into hive table

Although there is an accepted answer I would want to add that as of Hive 0.14, record level operations are allowed. The correct syntax and query would be:

INSERT INTO TABLE tweet_table VALUES ('data');

Multi-Line Comments in Ruby?

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

Between =begin and =end, any number
of lines may be written. All of these
lines are ignored by the Ruby interpreter.

puts "Hello world!"

ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

What did you put exactly in lib, jre/lib or jre/lib/ext? Was it the jar mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar or something else (like a directory)?

By the way, I wouldn't put it in lib, jre/lib or jre/lib/ext, there are other ways to add a jar to the classpath. You can do that by adding it explicitly the CLASSPATH environment variable. Or you can use the -cp option of java. But this is another story.

HTML embed autoplay="false", but still plays automatically

Chrome doesn't seem to understand true and false. Use autostart="1" and autostart="0" instead.

Source: (Google Groups:!topic/chrome/LkA8FoBoleU)

Foreach Control in form, how can I do something to all the TextBoxes in my Form?

If you are using C# 3.0 or higher you can do the following

foreach ( TextBox tb in this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>()) {

Without C# 3.0 you can do the following

foreach ( Control c in this.Controls ) {
  TextBox tb = c as TextBox;
  if ( null != tb ) {

Or even better, write OfType in C# 2.0.

public static IEnumerable<T> OfType<T>(IEnumerable e) where T : class { 
  foreach ( object cur in e ) {
    T val = cur as T;
    if ( val != null ) {
      yield return val;

foreach ( TextBox tb in OfType<TextBox>(this.Controls)) {

How to create composite primary key in SQL Server 2008

First create the database and table, manually adding the columns. In which column to be primary key. You should right click this column and set primary key and set the seed value of the primary key.

Number of days between past date and current date in Google spreadsheet

If you are using the two formulas at the same time, it will not work... Here is a simple spreadsheet with it working: If you are still getting problems I would need to know what type of erroneous result you are getting.

Today() returns a numeric integer value: Returns the current computer system date. The value is updated when your document recalculates. TODAY is a function without arguments.

Is there a better way to compare dictionary values

>>> a = {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>>> b = {'y': 2, 'x': 1}
>>> print a == b
>>> c = {'z': 1}
>>> print a == c

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

You can also "sample" the same number of items in your data frame with something like this:

random_M = M[,]

Rounding to two decimal places in Python 2.7?

You can use str.format(), too:

>>> print "financial return of outcome 1 = {:.2f}".format(1.23456)
financial return of outcome 1 = 1.23

Base 64 encode and decode example code

'java.util.Base64' class provides functionality to encode and decode the information in Base64 format.

How to get Base64 Encoder?

Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();

How to get Base64 Decoder?

Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder();

How to encode the data?

Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
String originalData = "java";
byte[] encodedBytes = encoder.encode(originalData.getBytes());

How to decode the data?

Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder();
byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decode(encodedBytes);
String decodedStr = new String(decodedBytes);

You can get more details at this link.

jQuery - Appending a div to body, the body is the object?

    $('body').append($('<div/>', {
        id: 'holdy' 

How does Python's super() work with multiple inheritance?

Consider calling super().Foo() called from a sub-class. The Method Resolution Order (MRO) method is the order in which method calls are resolved.

Case 1: Single Inheritance

In this, super().Foo() will be searched up in the hierarchy and will consider the closest implementation, if found, else raise an Exception. The "is a" relationship will always be True in between any visited sub-class and its super class up in the hierarchy. But this story isn't the same always in Multiple Inheritance.

Case 2: Multiple Inheritance

Here, while searching for super().Foo() implementation, every visited class in the hierarchy may or may not have is a relation. Consider following examples:

class A(object): pass
class B(object): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(A): pass
class E(C, D): pass
class F(B): pass
class G(B): pass
class H(F, G): pass
class I(E, H): pass

Here, I is the lowest class in the hierarchy. Hierarchy diagram and MRO for I will be

enter image description here

(Red numbers showing the MRO)

MRO is I E C D A H F G B object

Note that a class X will be visited only if all its sub-classes, which inherit from it, have been visited(i.e., you should never visit a class that has an arrow coming into it from a class below that you have not yet visited).

Here, note that after visiting class C , D is visited although C and D DO NOT have is a relationship between them(but both have with A). This is where super() differs from single inheritance.

Consider a slightly more complicated example:

enter image description here

(Red numbers showing the MRO)

MRO is I E C H D A F G B object

In this case we proceed from I to E to C. The next step up would be A, but we have yet to visit D, a subclass of A. We cannot visit D, however, because we have yet to visit H, a subclass of D. The leaves H as the next class to visit. Remember, we attempt to go up in hierarchy, if possible, so we visit its leftmost superclass, D. After D we visit A, but we cannot go up to object because we have yet to visit F, G, and B. These classes, in order, round out the MRO for I.

Note that no class can appear more than once in MRO.

This is how super() looks up in the hierarchy of inheritance.

Credits for resources: Richard L Halterman Fundamentals of Python Programming

How to pause javascript code execution for 2 seconds

You can use setTimeout to do this

function myFunction() {
    // your code to run after the timeout

// stop for sometime if needed
setTimeout(myFunction, 5000);

Git push error: Unable to unlink old (Permission denied)

I think the problem may be with the ownership to the folder so set it to the current user ownership

sudo chown -R your_login_name /path/to/folder
You can find the solution [here][1]

Why dict.get(key) instead of dict[key]?

What is the dict.get() method?

As already mentioned the get method contains an additional parameter which indicates the missing value. From the documentation

get(key[, default])

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.

An example can be

>>> d = {1:2,2:3}
>>> d[1]
>>> d.get(1)
>>> d.get(3)
>>> repr(d.get(3))
>>> d.get(3,1)

Are there speed improvements anywhere?

As mentioned here,

It seems that all three approaches now exhibit similar performance (within about 10% of each other), more or less independent of the properties of the list of words.

Earlier get was considerably slower, However now the speed is almost comparable along with the additional advantage of returning the default value. But to clear all our queries, we can test on a fairly large list (Note that the test includes looking up all the valid keys only)

def getway(d):
    for i in range(100):
        s = d.get(i)

def lookup(d):
    for i in range(100):
        s = d[i]

Now timing these two functions using timeit

>>> import timeit
>>> print(timeit.timeit("getway({i:i for i in range(100)})","from __main__ import getway"))
>>> print(timeit.timeit("lookup({i:i for i in range(100)})","from __main__ import lookup"))

As we can see the lookup is faster than the get as there is no function lookup. This can be seen through dis

>>> def lookup(d,val):
...     return d[val]
>>> def getway(d,val):
...     return d.get(val)
>>> dis.dis(getway)
  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (d)
              3 LOAD_ATTR                0 (get)
              6 LOAD_FAST                1 (val)
              9 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             12 RETURN_VALUE        
>>> dis.dis(lookup)
  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (d)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (val)
              6 BINARY_SUBSCR       
              7 RETURN_VALUE  

Where will it be useful?

It will be useful whenever you want to provide a default value whenever you are looking up a dictionary. This reduces

 if key in dic:
      val = dic[key]
      val = def_val

To a single line, val = dic.get(key,def_val)

Where will it be NOT useful?

Whenever you want to return a KeyError stating that the particular key is not available. Returning a default value also carries the risk that a particular default value may be a key too!

Is it possible to have get like feature in dict['key']?

Yes! We need to implement the __missing__ in a dict subclass.

A sample program can be

class MyDict(dict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        return None

A small demonstration can be

>>> my_d = MyDict({1:2,2:3})
>>> my_d[1]
>>> my_d[3]
>>> repr(my_d[3])

How do I determine the size of an object in Python?

The Pympler package's asizeof module can do this.

Use as follows:

from pympler import asizeof

Unlike sys.getsizeof, it works for your self-created objects. It even works with numpy.

>>> asizeof.asizeof(tuple('bcd'))
>>> asizeof.asizeof({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'bar'})
>>> asizeof.asizeof({})
>>> asizeof.asizeof({'foo':'bar'})
>>> asizeof.asizeof('foo')
>>> asizeof.asizeof(Bar())
>>> asizeof.asizeof(Bar().__dict__)
>>> A = rand(10)
>>> B = rand(10000)
>>> asizeof.asizeof(A)
>>> asizeof.asizeof(B)

As mentioned,

The (byte)code size of objects like classes, functions, methods, modules, etc. can be included by setting option code=True.

And if you need other view on live data, Pympler's

module muppy is used for on-line monitoring of a Python application and module Class Tracker provides off-line analysis of the lifetime of selected Python objects.

Command to list all files in a folder as well as sub-folders in windows

Following commands we can use for Linux or Mac. For Windows we can use below on git bash.

List all files, first level folders, and their contents

ls * -r

List all first-level subdirectories and files

file */*

Save file list to text

file */* *>> ../files.txt
file */* -r *>> ../files-recursive.txt

Get everything

find . -type f

Save everything to file

find . -type f > ../files-all.txt

Stop floating divs from wrapping

After reading John's answer, I discovered the following seemed to work for us (did not require specifying width):

.row {
    border: 1px solid yellow;
    overflow: visible;
    white-space: nowrap;

.cell {
    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px solid red;
    height: 100px;

<div class="row">
    <div class="cell">hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello </div>
    <div class="cell">hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello </div>
    <div class="cell">hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello </div>

What is the size of a pointer?

To answer your other question. The size of a pointer and the size of what it points to are not related. A good analogy is to consider them like postal addresses. The size of the address of a house has no relationship to the size of the house.

How to do while loops with multiple conditions

condition1 = False
condition2 = False
val = -1
#here is the function getstuff is not defined, i hope you define it before
#calling it into while loop code

while condition1 and condition2 is False and val == -1:
#as you can see above , we can write that in a simplified syntax.
    val,something1,something2 = getstuff()

    if something1 == 10:
        condition1 = True

    elif something2 == 20:
# here you don't have to use "if" over and over, if have to then write "elif" instead    
    condition2 = True
# ihope it can be helpfull

Cannot authenticate into mongo, "auth fails"

Check for the mongo version of the client from where we are connecting to mongo server.

My case, mongo server was of version Mongo4.0.0 but my client was of version 2.4.9. Update the mongo version to update mongo cli.

Counting number of occurrences in column?

A simpler approach to this

At the beginning of column B, type


Then in column C, use


and copy them in all row column C.

Edit: If that doesn't work for you, try using semicolon instead of comma:


Turn off warnings and errors on PHP and MySQL

PHP error_reporting reference:

// Turn off all error reporting

// Report simple running errors
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

// Reporting E_NOTICE can be good too (to report uninitialized
// variables or catch variable name misspellings ...)
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);

// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
// This is the default value set in php.ini
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

// Report all PHP errors (see changelog)

// Report all PHP errors

// Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql

if you use pg_dump with -Fp to backup in plain text format, use following command:

cat db.txt | psql dbname

to copy all data to your database with name dbname

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

My Example like this

         var n =9;
         var checkval=('00'+n).slice(-2);

and the output is 09

How to center horizontally div inside parent div

You can use the "auto" value for the left and right margins to let the browser distribute the available space equally at both sides of the inner div:

<div id='parent' style='width: 100%;'>
   <div id='child' style='width: 50px; height: 100px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto'>Text</div>

How to set UTF-8 encoding for a PHP file


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta name="x" content="xx" />

vs Php:

<?php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1'); ?>
<meta name="x" content="xx" />

Using npm behind corporate proxy .pac

At work we use ZScaler as our proxy. The only way I was able to get npm to work was to use Cntlm.

See this answer:

NPM behind NTLM proxy

Appending to list in Python dictionary

dates_dict[key] = dates_dict.get(key, []).append(date) sets dates_dict[key] to None as list.append returns None.

In [5]: l = [1,2,3]

In [6]: var = l.append(3)

In [7]: print var

You should use collections.defaultdict

import collections
dates_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?

Update: You can now <Elem onClick={ proxy => proxy.stopPropagation() } />

Convert to absolute value in Objective-C

You can use this function to get the absolute value:

+(NSNumber *)absoluteValue:(NSNumber *)input {
  return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:fabs([input doubleValue])];

How to generate a random integer number from within a range

Wouldn't you just do:

int r = ( rand() % 6 ) + 1;

% is the modulus operator. Essentially it will just divide by 6 and return the remainder... from 0 - 5

"The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (26.0.0) is ignored..."

Open app/build.gradle file

Change buildToolsVersion to buildToolsVersion "26.0.2"

change compile ' to compile ''

Java "lambda expressions not supported at this language level"

this answers not working for new updated intelliJ... for new intelliJ..

Go to --> file --> Project Structure --> Global Libraries ==> set to JDK 1.8 or higher version.

also File -- > project Structure ---> projects ===> set "project language manual" to 8

also File -- > project Structure ---> project sdk ==> 1.8

This should enable lambda expression for your project.

Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

Today I faced with the same problem. As the result of the first run I got next error:

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue: 'SDKProjectName*/*SDKProjectName.h' file not found.

But before running, I, obviously, added my SDK into the demo project, just drag&drop .xcodeproj file into my test project's source tree. After that, I moved into Build Phases tab in setting of the main xcodeproj file (of the demo) and added my SDK as target dependency and embed framework into corresponding tabs.

But at the result, I got an error above!

So, the problem was into empty line on the Header Search Paths option. I just wrote "../**" as value for this key and project compiled successfully. So, after that, you can add #include <SDKName/SDKName.h> into any project, which includes this SDK.

ps. My test app was created into root SDK folder.

Throw HttpResponseException or return Request.CreateErrorResponse?

I like Oppositional answer

Anyway, I needed a way to catch the inherited Exception and that solution doesn't satisfy all my needs.

So I ended up changing how he handles OnException and this is my version

public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext) {
   if (actionExecutedContext == null || actionExecutedContext.Exception == null) {

   var type = actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetType();

   Tuple<HttpStatusCode?, Func<Exception, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage>> registration = null;

   if (!this.Handlers.TryGetValue(type, out registration)) {
      //tento di vedere se ho registrato qualche eccezione che eredita dal tipo di eccezione sollevata (in ordine di registrazione)
      foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
         if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
            registration = this.Handlers[item];

   //se ho trovato un tipo compatibile, uso la sua gestione
   if (registration != null) {
      var statusCode = registration.Item1;
      var handler = registration.Item2;

      var response = handler(

      // Use registered status code if available
      if (statusCode.HasValue) {
         response.StatusCode = statusCode.Value;

      actionExecutedContext.Response = response;
   else {
      // If no exception handler registered for the exception type, fallback to default handler
      actionExecutedContext.Response = DefaultHandler(actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetBaseException(), actionExecutedContext.Request

The core is this loop where I check if the exception type is a subclass of a registered type.

foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
    if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
        registration = this.Handlers[item];


Changing all files' extensions in a folder with one command on Windows

thats simple

ren *.* *.jpg

try this in command prompt

Android: install .apk programmatically

Thank you for sharing this. I have it implemented and working. However:

1) I install ver 1 of my app (working no problem)
2) I place ver 2 on the server. the app retrieves ver2 and saves to SD card and prompts user to install the new package ver2
3) ver2 installs and works as expected
4) Problem is, every time the app starts it wants the user to re-install version 2 again.

So I was thinking the solution was simply delete the APK on the sdcard, but them the Async task wil simply retrieve ver2 again for the server.

So the only way to stop in from trying to install the v2 apk again is to remove from sdcard and from remote server.

As you can imagine that is not really going to work since I will never know when all users have received the lastest version.

Any help solving this is greatly appreciated.

I IMPLEMENTED THE "ldmuniz" method listed above.

NEW EDIT: Was just thinking all me APK's are named the same. Should I be naming the myapk_v1.0xx.apk and and in that version proactivily set the remote path to look for v.2.0 whenever it is released?

I tested the theory and it does SOLVE the issue. You need to name your APK file file some sort of versioning, remembering to always set your NEXT release version # in your currently released app. Not ideal but functional.

How can I loop through a List<T> and grab each item?


foreach (var money in myMoney) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", money.amount, money.type);


Alternatively, because it is a List<T>.. which implements an indexer method [], you can use a normal for loop as well.. although its less readble (IMO):

for (var i = 0; i < myMoney.Count; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", myMoney[i].amount, myMoney[i].type);

Convert string to Color in C#

It depends on what you're looking for, if you need System.Windows.Media.Color (like in WPF) it's very easy:

System.Windows.Media.Color color = (Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("Red");//or hexadecimal color, e.g. #131A84

On postback, how can I check which control cause postback in Page_Init event

An addition to previous answers, to use Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] you have to set the option:

buttonName.UseSubmitBehavior = false;

How to check if a file exists in Go?

You should use the os.Stat() and os.IsNotExist() functions as in the following example:

// Exists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
func Exists(name string) bool {
    if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            return false
    return true

The example is extracted from here.

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

I usually do like this:

from numpy import log as ln

Perhaps this can make you more comfortable.

How to disable the resize grabber of <textarea>?

Just use resize: none

textarea {
   resize: none;

You can also decide to resize your textareas only horizontal or vertical, this way:

textarea { resize: vertical; }

textarea { resize: horizontal; }

Finally, resize: both enables the resize grabber.

What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null

Code example from comment

echo "PHP Version: " . phpversion() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000000; $i++) {
    $a = 'a';
    $a = NULL;
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo "took $elapsed seconds" . PHP_EOL;

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000000; $i++) {
    $a = 'a';
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo "took $elapsed seconds" . PHP_EOL;

Running in docker container from image php:7.4-fpm and others..

PHP Version: 7.4.8
took 0.22569918632507 seconds null
took 0.11705803871155 seconds unset
took 0.20791196823121 seconds null
took 0.11697316169739 seconds unset

PHP Version: 7.3.20
took 0.22086310386658 seconds null
took 0.11882591247559 seconds unset
took 0.21383500099182 seconds null
took 0.11916995048523 seconds unset

PHP Version: 7.2.32
took 0.24728178977966 seconds null
took 0.12719893455505 seconds unset
took 0.23839902877808 seconds null
took 0.12744522094727 seconds unset

PHP Version: 7.1.33
took 0.51380109786987 seconds null
took 0.50135898590088 seconds unset
took 0.50358104705811 seconds null
took 0.50115609169006 seconds unset

PHP Version: 7.0.33
took 0.50918698310852 seconds null
took 0.50490307807922 seconds unset
took 0.50227618217468 seconds null
took 0.50514912605286 seconds unset

PHP Version: 5.6.40
took 1.0063569545746 seconds null
took 1.6303179264069 seconds unset
took 1.0689589977264 seconds null
took 1.6382601261139 seconds unset

PHP Version: 5.4.45
took 1.0791940689087 seconds null
took 1.6308979988098 seconds unset
took 1.0029168128967 seconds null
took 1.6320278644562 seconds unset

But, with other example:

ini_set("memory_limit", "512M");

echo "PHP Version: " . phpversion() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

$start = microtime(true);
$arr = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
    $arr[] = 'a';
$arr = null;
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo "took $elapsed seconds" . PHP_EOL;

$start = microtime(true);
$arr = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
    $arr[] = 'a';
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo "took $elapsed seconds" . PHP_EOL;


PHP Version: 7.4.8
took 0.053696155548096 seconds
took 0.053897857666016 seconds

PHP Version: 7.3.20
took 0.054572820663452 seconds
took 0.054342031478882 seconds

PHP Version: 7.2.32
took 0.05678391456604 seconds
took 0.057311058044434 seconds

PHP Version: 7.1.33
took 0.097366094589233 seconds
took 0.073100090026855 seconds

PHP Version: 7.0.33
took 0.076443910598755 seconds
took 0.077098846435547 seconds

PHP Version: 7.0.33
took 0.075634002685547 seconds
took 0.075317859649658 seconds

PHP Version: 5.6.40
took 0.29681086540222 seconds
took 0.28199100494385 seconds

PHP Version: 5.4.45
took 0.30513095855713 seconds
took 0.29265689849854 seconds

Error - is not marked as serializable

You need to add a Serializable attribute to the class which you want to serialize.

public class OrgPermission

What is difference between 'git reset --hard HEAD~1' and 'git reset --soft HEAD~1'?

Git reset has 5 main modes: soft, mixed, merged, hard, keep. The difference between them is to change or not change head, stage (index), working directory.

Git reset --hard will change head, index and working directory.
Git reset --soft will change head only. No change to index, working directory.

So in other words if you want to undo your commit, --soft should be good enough. But after that you still have the changes from bad commit in your index and working directory. You can modify the files, fix them, add them to index and commit again.

With the --hard, you completely get a clean slate in your project. As if there hasn't been any change from the last commit. If you are sure this is what you want then move forward. But once you do this, you'll lose your last commit completely. (Note: there are still ways to recover the lost commit).