Programs & Examples On #Visibility

Visibility is an attribute of an object. It may refer to the concept of having something visible (or not) on the graphical interface, or a symbol visibility in linkage. This tag should not be used in place of the more specific tags [tag:memory-visibility] or [tag:class-visibility].

How can I make visible an invisible control with jquery? (hide and show not work)

.show() and .hide() modify the css display rule. I think you want:

$(selector).css('visibility', 'hidden'); // Hide element
$(selector).css('visibility', 'visible'); // Show element

How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter?

Or the real lazy mans way, just make use of what is there already and flip it:

public class InverseBooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    private BooleanToVisibilityConverter _converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var result = _converter.Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture) as Visibility?;
        return result == Visibility.Collapsed ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var result = _converter.ConvertBack(value, targetType, parameter, culture) as bool?;
        return result == true ? false : true;

How can I hide a TD tag using inline JavaScript or CSS?


visibility: hidden


<td class="hide"/>

Edit- Just for you

The difference between display and visibility is this.

"display": has many properties or values, but the ones you're focused on are "none" and "block". "none" is like a hide value, and "block" is like show. If you use the "none" value you will totally hide what ever html tag you have applied this css style. If you use "block" you will see the html tag and it's content. very simple.

"visibility": has many values, but we want to know more about the "hidden" and "visible" values. "hidden" will work in the same way as the "block" value for display, but this will hide tag and it's content, but it will not hide the phisical space of that tag. For example, if you have a couple of text lines, then and image (picture) and then a table with three columns and two rows with icons and text. Now if you apply the visibility css with the hidden value to the image, the image will disappear but the space the image was using will remaing in it's place, in other words, you will end with a big space (hole) between the text and the table. Now if you use the "visible" value your target tag and it's elements will be visible again.

How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

.is(":not(':hidden')") /*if shown*/

Difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visibility.Hidden

The difference is that Visibility.Hidden hides the control, but reserves the space it occupies in the layout. So it renders whitespace instead of the control. Visibilty.Collapsed does not render the control and does not reserve the whitespace. The space the control would take is 'collapsed', hence the name.

The exact text from the MSDN:

Collapsed: Do not display the element, and do not reserve space for it in layout.

Hidden: Do not display the element, but reserve space for the element in layout.

Visible: Display the element.


Make one div visible and another invisible

I don't think that you really want an iframe, do you?

Unless you're doing something weird, you should be getting your results back as JSON or (in the worst case) XML, right?

For your white box / extra space issue, try

style="display: none;"

instead of

style="visibility: hidden;"

document.getElementById("remember").visibility = "hidden"; not working on a checkbox

you can use



<asp:TextBox ID="txbProv" runat="server" style="display:none"></asp:TextBox>

Calling the base class constructor from the derived class constructor

but I can't initialize my derived class, I mean I did this Inheritance so I can add animals to my PetStore but now since sizeF is private how can I do that ?? so I'm thinking maybe in the PetStore default constructor I can call Farm()... so any Idea ???

Don't panic.

Farm constructor will be called in the constructor of PetStore, automatically.

See the base class inheritance calling rules: What are the rules for calling the superclass constructor?

Why is visible="false" not working for a plain html table?

If you want use it, use runat="server" for that table. After that use tablename.visible=False in server side code.

How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android?

I found that a combination of @Reuben_Scratton's method along with @Yogesh's method seems to work best. Combining their methods would yield something like this:

final View activityRootView = findViewById(;
activityRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
  public void onGlobalLayout() {
    if (getResources().getConfiguration().keyboardHidden == Configuration.KEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO) { // Check if keyboard is not hidden
       // ... do something here

DataTrigger where value is NOT null?

You can use DataTrigger class in Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll that come with Expression Blend.

Code Sample:

    <i:DataTrigger Binding="{Binding YourProperty}" Value="{x:Null}" Comparison="NotEqual">
       <ie:ChangePropertyAction PropertyName="YourTargetPropertyName" Value="{Binding YourValue}"/>

Using this method you can trigger against GreaterThan and LessThan too. In order to use this code you should reference two dll's:



Making a button invisible by clicking another button in HTML

Use this code :

<input type="button" onclick="demoShow()" value="edit" />
<script type="text/javascript"> 
function demoShow()
<input id="p2" type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />

Animate visibility modes, GONE and VISIBLE

You probably want to use an ExpandableListView, a special ListView that allows you to open and close groups.

How to change visibility of layout programmatically

Have a look at View.setVisibility(View.GONE / View.VISIBLE / View.INVISIBLE).

From the API docs:

public void setVisibility(int visibility)

    Since: API Level 1

    Set the enabled state of this view.
    Related XML Attributes: android:visibility

visibility     One of VISIBLE, INVISIBLE, or GONE.

Note that LinearLayout is a ViewGroup which in turn is a View. That is, you may very well call, for instance, myLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE).

This makes sense. If you have any experience with AWT/Swing, you'll recognize it from the relation between Container and Component. (A Container is a Component.)

How do I check if an element is really visible with JavaScript?

Interesting question.

This would be my approach.

  1. At first check that !== 'hidden' && !== 'none'
  2. Then test with document.elementFromPoint(element.offsetLeft, element.offsetTop) if the returned element is the element I expect, this is tricky to detect if an element is overlapping another completely.
  3. Finally test if offsetTop and offsetLeft are located in the viewport taking scroll offsets into account.

Hope it helps.

Equivalent of jQuery .hide() to set visibility: hidden

You could make your own plugins.

jQuery.fn.visible = function() {
    return this.css('visibility', 'visible');

jQuery.fn.invisible = function() {
    return this.css('visibility', 'hidden');

jQuery.fn.visibilityToggle = function() {
    return this.css('visibility', function(i, visibility) {
        return (visibility == 'visible') ? 'hidden' : 'visible';

If you want to overload the original jQuery toggle(), which I don't recommend...

!(function($) {
    var toggle = $.fn.toggle;
    $.fn.toggle = function() {
        var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
            lastArg = args.pop();

        if (lastArg == 'visibility') {
            return this.visibilityToggle();

        return toggle.apply(this, arguments);


Center Align on a Absolutely Positioned Div

I was having the same issue, and my limitation was that i cannot have a predefined width. If your element does not have a fixed width, then try this

  position: absolute; 
  top: 0px; 
  z-index: 2; 


then modify your html to look like this

<div id="thing">
 <div id="thing-child">
  <p>text text text with no fixed size, variable font</p>

How to check whether the user uploaded a file in PHP?

You can use is_uploaded_file():

if(!file_exists($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'])) {
    echo 'No upload';

From the docs:

Returns TRUE if the file named by filename was uploaded via HTTP POST. This is useful to help ensure that a malicious user hasn't tried to trick the script into working on files upon which it should not be working--for instance, /etc/passwd.

This sort of check is especially important if there is any chance that anything done with uploaded files could reveal their contents to the user, or even to other users on the same system.

EDIT: I'm using this in my FileUpload class, in case it helps:

public function fileUploaded()
    if(empty($_FILES)) {
        return false;       
    $this->file = $_FILES[$this->formField];
    if(!file_exists($this->file['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'])){
        $this->errors['FileNotExists'] = true;
        return false;
    return true;

How to run an external program, e.g. notepad, using hyperlink?

Try this

        <script type="text/javascript">
        function runProgram()
            var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");                 
            var appWinMerge = "\"C:\\Program Files\\WinMerge\\WinMergeU.exe\" /e /s /u /wl /wr /maximize";
            var fileLeft = "\"D:\\Path\\to\\your\\file\"";
            var fileRight= "\"D:\\Path\\to\\your\\file2\"";
            shell.Run(appWinMerge + " " + fileLeft + " " + fileRight);

        <a href="javascript:runProgram()">Run program</a>

vagrant login as root by default

Note: Only use this method for local development, it's not secure. You can setup password and ssh config while provisioning the box. For example with debian/stretch64 box this is my provision script:

config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    echo -e "vagrant\nvagrant" | passwd root
    echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -in 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    service ssh restart

This will set root password to vagrant and permit root login with password. If you are using private_network say with ip address then you can ssh with ssh [email protected]

You may need to change that echo and sed commands depending on the default sshd_config file.

AccessDenied for ListObjects for S3 bucket when permissions are s3:*

I faced with the same issue. I just added credentials config:

aws_access_key_id = your_aws_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_aws_secret_access_key

into "~/.aws/credentials" + restart terminal for default profile.

In the case of multi profiles --profile arg needs to be added:

aws s3 sync ./localDir s3://bucketName --profile=${PROFILE_NAME}


.bash_profile ( or .bashrc) -> export PROFILE_NAME="yourProfileName"

More info about how to config credentials and multi profiles can be found here

How to convert comma-separated String to List?

Same result you can achieve using the Splitter class.

var list = Splitter.on(",").splitToList(YourStringVariable)

(written in kotlin)

FlutterError: Unable to load asset

While I was loading a new image in my asset folder, I just encountered the problem every time.

I run flutter clean & then restarted the Android Studio. Seems like flutter packages caches the asset folder and there is no mechanism to update the cache when a developer adds a new image in the project (Personal thoughts).

Explicitly set column value to null SQL Developer

You'll have to write the SQL DML yourself explicitly. i.e.

UPDATE <table>
   SET <column> = NULL;

Once it has completed you'll need to commit your updates


If you only want to set certain records to NULL use a WHERE clause in your UPDATE statement.

As your original question is pretty vague I hope this covers what you want.

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?

Google HTTP Java Client looks good to me because it can run on Android and App Engine as well.

How do I redirect to another webpage?

If you want to redirect to a route within the same app simply

window.location.pathname = '/examplepath'

would be the way to go.

If hasClass then addClass to parent

The reason that does not work is because this has no specific meaning inside of an if statement, you will have to go back to a level of scope where this is defined (a function).

For example:

$('#element1').click(function() {
    console.log($(this).attr('id')); // logs "element1"

    if ($('#element2').hasClass('class')) {
        console.log($(this).attr('id')); // still logs "element1"

Filtering a list based on a list of booleans

filtered_list = [list_a[i] for i in range(len(list_a)) if filter[i]]

Didn't find class ""?

add in project root path google-services.json

dependencies {
compile ''
**compile ''**
compile files('libs/StartAppInApp-3.5.0.jar')
compile ''
apply plugin: ''

How to sort an ArrayList?

With Eclipse Collections you could create a primitive double list, sort it and then reverse it to put it in descending order. This approach would avoid boxing the doubles.

MutableDoubleList doubleList =
        0.5, 0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.54, 0.71,
        0.71, 0.71, 0.92, 0.12, 0.65, 0.34, 0.62)

If you want a List<Double>, then the following would work.

List<Double> objectList =
        0.5, 0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.54, 0.71,
        0.71, 0.71, 0.92, 0.12, 0.65, 0.34, 0.62)

If you want to keep the type as ArrayList<Double>, you can initialize and sort the list using the ArrayListIterate utility class as follows:

ArrayList<Double> arrayList =
            new ArrayList<>(objectList), Collections.reverseOrder());

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

IntelliJ cannot find any declarations

In my case, I just updated my IntelliJ to Ultimate 2018.2 and all of my projects suddenly cannot find the implementations and the 'src' folders - it turned out IntelliJ removed the type of project (e.g. Maven).

What I did is:

Right click on the root project > Add Framework support... > Look for Maven (in my case) > Wait to re-index again > Then it worked again.


I have always been encountering this when I update IntelliJ (2019.1.1 Ultimate Edition). Just click the refresh button of Maven Tab and it should re-index your current project as Maven Project:
enter image description here

Flatten nested dictionaries, compressing keys

Simple function to flatten nested dictionaries. For Python 3, replace .iteritems() with .items()

def flatten_dict(init_dict):
    res_dict = {}
    if type(init_dict) is not dict:
        return res_dict

    for k, v in init_dict.iteritems():
        if type(v) == dict:
            res_dict[k] = v

    return res_dict

The idea/requirement was: Get flat dictionaries with no keeping parent keys.

Example of usage:

dd = {'a': 3, 
      'b': {'c': 4, 'd': 5}, 
      'e': {'f': 
                 {'g': 1, 'h': 2}
      'i': 9,


>> {'a': 3, 'c': 4, 'd': 5, 'g': 1, 'h': 2, 'i': 9}

Keeping parent keys is simple as well.

How to send authorization header with axios

You are nearly correct, just adjust your code this way

const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` };
return axios.get(URLConstants.USER_URL, { headers });

notice where I place the backticks, I added ' ' after Bearer, you can omit if you'll be sure to handle at the server-side

Google Maps API v3: InfoWindow not sizing correctly

I couldnt get it to work in any way shape or form, I was including 3 divs into the box. I wrapped them in an outer div, with widths and heights all set correctly, and nothing worked.

In the end I fixed it by setting the div as absolute top left, and then before the div, I set two images, one 300px wide and 1px high, one 120px high and 1px wide, of a transparent gif.

It scaled properly then!

Its ugly but it works.

You could also do one image and set a zindex I expect, or even just one image if your window has no interaction, but this was containing a form, so, that wasn't an option...

How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?

In code level also, you could add your lib to the project using the compiler directives #pragma.


#pragma comment( lib, "yourLibrary.lib" )

Sorting a vector in descending order

I don't think you should use either of the methods in the question as they're both confusing, and the second one is fragile as Mehrdad suggests.

I would advocate the following, as it looks like a standard library function and makes its intention clear:

#include <iterator>

template <class RandomIt>
void reverse_sort(RandomIt first, RandomIt last)
    std::sort(first, last, 
        std::greater<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIt>::value_type>());

Rotation of 3D vector?

Using pyquaternion is extremely simple; to install it (while still in python), run in your console:

import pip;

Once installed:

  from pyquaternion import Quaternion
  v = [3,5,0]
  axis = [4,4,1]
  theta = 1.2 #radian
  rotated_v = Quaternion(axis=axis,angle=theta).rotate(v)

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

The dataframe.sort() method is - so my understanding - deprecated in pandas > 0.18. In order to solve your problem you should use dataframe.sort_values() instead:

f.sort_values(by=["c1","c2"], ascending=[False, True])

The output looks like this:

    c1  c2
    3   10
    2   15
    2   30
    2   100
    1   20

How to get diff between all files inside 2 folders that are on the web?

Once you have the source trees, e.g.

diff -ENwbur repos1/ repos2/ 

Even better

diff -ENwbur repos1/ repos2/  | kompare -o -

and have a crack at it in a good gui tool :)

  • -Ewb ignore the bulk of whitespace changes
  • -N detect new files
  • -u unified
  • -r recurse

Parsing JSON objects for HTML table

This code will help a lot

function isObject(data){
    var tb = document.createElement("table");

    if(data !=null) {
        var keyOfobj = Object.keys(data);
        var ValOfObj = Object.values(data);

        for (var i = 0; i < keyOfobj.length; i++) {
            var tr = document.createElement('tr');
            var td = document.createElement('td');
            var key = document.createTextNode(keyOfobj[i]);


            if(typeof(ValOfObj[i]) == "object") {

                if(ValOfObj[i] !=null) {
                    tr.setAttribute("style","font-weight: bold");   
                } else {
                    var td = document.createElement('td');
                    var value = document.createTextNode(ValOfObj[i]);

            } else {
                var td = document.createElement('td');
                var value = document.createTextNode(ValOfObj[i]);


How to change the color of text in javafx TextField?

Setting the -fx-text-fill works for me.

See below:

if (passed) {
    resultInfo.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: green; -fx-font-size: 16px;");
} else {
    resultInfo.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: red; -fx-font-size: 16px;");

What is the difference between encode/decode?

There are a few encodings that can be used to de-/encode from str to str or from unicode to unicode. For example base64, hex or even rot13. They are listed in the codecs module.


The decode message on a unicode string can undo the corresponding encode operation:

In [1]: u'0a'.decode('hex')
Out[1]: '\n'

The returned type is str instead of unicode which is unfortunate in my opinion. But when you are not doing a proper en-/decode between str and unicode this looks like a mess anyway.

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

In ajax call mention-


use the below function to bind data to model

function MakeModel() {

    var MyModel = {};

    MyModel.value = $('#input element id').val() or your value;

    return JSON.stringify(MyModel);

Attach [HttpPost] attribute to your controller action

on POST this data will get available

OpenCV get pixel channel value from Mat image

The below code works for me, for both accessing and changing a pixel value.

For accessing pixel's channel value :

for (int i = 0; i < image.cols; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < image.rows; j++) {
        Vec3b intensity =<Vec3b>(j, i);
        for(int k = 0; k < image.channels(); k++) {
            uchar col = intensity.val[k]; 

For changing a pixel value of a channel :

uchar pixValue;
for (int i = 0; i < image.cols; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < image.rows; j++) {
        Vec3b &intensity =<Vec3b>(j, i);
        for(int k = 0; k < image.channels(); k++) {
            // calculate pixValue
            intensity.val[k] = pixValue;


Source : Accessing pixel value

What is ".NET Core"?

Microsoft just announced .NET Core v 3.0, which is a much-improved version of .NET Core.

For more details visit this great article: Difference Between .NET Framework and .NET Core from April 2019.

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

I'm not sure how necessary this is, and it adds a call to getElementById, but if you're really keen on getting inline JavaScript out of your code, you can pass it as an HTML attribute, namely:

<span class="metadata" id="metadata-size-of-widget" title="<?php echo json_encode($size_of_widget) ?>"></span>

And then in your JavaScript:

var size_of_widget = document.getElementById("metadata-size-of-widget").title;

How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

I konow it's history question now. But for other googlers: you could write something like this. But this requires change in base class what makes it useless with external libraries.

class A
  void protoX() { Console.WriteLine("x"); }
  virtual void X() { protoX(); }

class B : A
  override void X() { Console.WriteLine("y"); }

class Program
  static void Main()
    A b = new B();
    // Call A.X somehow, not B.X...


Importing modules from parent folder

import sys sys.path.append('../')

How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?

My situation is just a little different. I'm running a batch file on startup to distribute the latest version of internal business applications.

In this situation I'm using the Windows Registry Run Key with the following string

cmd /c copy \\serverName\SharedFolder\startup7.bat %USERPROFILE% & %USERPROFILE%\startup7.bat

This runs two commands on startup in the correct sequence. First copying the batch file locally to a directory the user has permission to. Then executing the same batch file. I can create a local directory c:\InternalApps and copy all of the files from the network.

This is probably too late to solve the original poster's question but it may help someone else.

Output in a table format in Java's System.out

I've created a project that can build much advanced table views. If you supposed to print the table, the width of the table going to have a limit. I have applied it in one of my own project to get a customer invoice print. Following is an example of the print view.

           PLATINUM COMPUTERS(PVT) LTD          
     NO 20/B, Main Street, Kandy, Sri Lanka.    
  Land: 812254630 Mob: 712205220 Fax: 812254639 

                CUSTOMER INVOICE                

|INFO                   |CUSTOMER              |
|DATE: 2015-9-8         |ModernTec Distributors|
|TIME: 10:53:AM         |MOB: +94719530398     |
|BILL NO: 12            |ADDRES: No 25, Main St|
|INVOICE NO: 458-80-108 |reet, Kandy.          |
|                SELLING DETAILS               |
|ITEM             | PRICE($)|  QTY|       VALUE|
|Optical mouse    |   120.00|   20|     2400.00|
|Gaming keyboard  |   550.00|   30|    16500.00|
|320GB SATA HDD   |   220.00|   32|     7040.00|
|500GB SATA HDD   |   274.00|   13|     3562.00|
|1TB SATA HDD     |   437.00|   11|     4807.00|
|RE-DVD ROM       |   144.00|   29|     4176.00|
|DDR3 4GB RAM     |   143.00|   13|     1859.00|
|Blu-ray DVD      |    94.00|   28|     2632.00|
|WR-DVD           |   122.00|   34|     4148.00|
|Adapter          |   543.00|   28|    15204.00|
|               RETURNING DETAILS              |
|ITEM             | PRICE($)|  QTY|       VALUE|
|320GB SATA HDD   |   220.00|    4|      880.00|
|WR-DVD           |   122.00|    7|      854.00|
|1TB SATA HDD     |   437.00|    7|     3059.00|
|RE-DVD ROM       |   144.00|    4|      576.00|
|Gaming keyboard  |   550.00|    6|     3300.00|
|DDR3 4GB RAM     |   143.00|    7|     1001.00|
                              GROSS   59,928.00 
                       DISCOUNT(5%)    2,996.40 
                             RETURN    9,670.00 
                            PAYABLE   47,261.60 
                               CASH   20,000.00 
                             CHEQUE   15,000.00 
                    CREDIT(BALANCE)   12,261.60 

  ---------------------   --------------------- 

             soulution by            

This is the code for above print view and you can find the library (Wagu) in here.

List of encodings that Node.js supports

The list of encodings that node supports natively is rather short:

  • ascii
  • base64
  • hex
  • ucs2/ucs-2/utf16le/utf-16le
  • utf8/utf-8
  • binary/latin1 (ISO8859-1, latin1 only in node 6.4.0+)

If you are using an older version than 6.4.0, or don't want to deal with non-Unicode encodings, you can recode the string:

Use iconv-lite to recode files:

var iconvlite = require('iconv-lite');
var fs = require('fs');

function readFileSync_encoding(filename, encoding) {
    var content = fs.readFileSync(filename);
    return iconvlite.decode(content, encoding);

Alternatively, use iconv:

var Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
var fs = require('fs');

function readFileSync_encoding(filename, encoding) {
    var content = fs.readFileSync(filename);
    var iconv = new Iconv(encoding, 'UTF-8');
    var buffer = iconv.convert(content);
    return buffer.toString('utf8');

How do I get user IP address in django?

def get_client_ip(request):
    x_forwarded_for = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
    if x_forwarded_for:
        ip = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[0]
        ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
    return ip

Make sure you have reverse proxy (if any) configured correctly (e.g. mod_rpaf installed for Apache).

Note: the above uses the first item in X-Forwarded-For, but you might want to use the last item (e.g., in the case of Heroku: Get client's real IP address on Heroku)

And then just pass the request as argument to it;


How to check if variable is array?... or something array-like

$var = new ArrayIterator();

var_dump(is_array($var), ($var instanceof ArrayIterator));

returns bool(false) or bool(true)

Is there an alternative to string.Replace that is case-insensitive?

a version similar to C. Dragon's, but for if you only need a single replacement:

int n = myText.IndexOf(oldValue, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
if (n >= 0)
    myText = myText.Substring(0, n)
        + newValue
        + myText.Substring(n + oldValue.Length);

“Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store” - even when add new key

It's simple!!

I resolved this problem by following this steps:

  1. Open project properties img
  2. Click on Signing Tab
  3. And uncheck "Sign the assembly"

That's it!!

How do I print output in new line in PL/SQL?

You can concatenate the CR and LF:


(on windows)

or just:



dbms_output.put_line('Hi,'||chr(13)||chr(10) ||'good' || chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'morning' ||chr(13)||chr(10) || 'friends');

Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll

Just a test which is working fine.

    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    overflow-y: scroll;
    padding-right: 17px; /* Increase/decrease this value for cross-browser compatibility */
    box-sizing: content-box; /* So the width will be 100% + 17px */

Working Fiddle


Since the scrollbar width differs in different browsers, it is better to handle it with JavaScript. If you do Element.offsetWidth - Element.clientWidth, the exact scrollbar width will show up.

JavaScript Working Fiddle


Using Position: absolute,

    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;

    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: -17px; /* Increase/Decrease this value for cross-browser compatibility */
    overflow-y: scroll;

Working Fiddle

JavaScript Working Fiddle


Based on this answer, I created a simple scroll plugin.

Creating a blurring overlay view

Apple has provided an extension for the UIImage class called UIImage+ImageEffects.h. In this class you have the desired methods for blurring your view

SQL Switch/Case in 'where' clause

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Temp_Proc_Select_City]
    @StateId INT
            SELECT * FROM tbl_City 
                @StateID = CASE WHEN ISNULL(@StateId,0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE StateId END ORDER BY CityName

WHERE clause on SQL Server "Text" data type

Another option would be:

SELECT * FROM [Village] WHERE PATINDEX('foo', [CastleType]) <> 0

Adding a Button to a WPF DataGrid

First create a DataGridTemplateColumn to contain the button:

      <Button Click="ShowHideDetails">Details</Button> 

When the button is clicked, update the containing DataGridRow's DetailsVisibility:

void ShowHideDetails(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    for (var vis = sender as Visual; vis != null; vis = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(vis) as Visual)
    if (vis is DataGridRow)
        var row = (DataGridRow)vis;
        row.DetailsVisibility = 
        row.DetailsVisibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;

What's the difference between the Window.Loaded and Window.ContentRendered events

This is not about the difference between Window.ContentRendered and Window.Loaded but about what how the Window.Loaded event can be used:

I use it to avoid splash screens in all applications which need a long time to come up.

    // initializing my main window
    public MyAppMainWindow()

        // Set the event
        this.ContentRendered += MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered;

    private void MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // ... comes up quick when the controls are loaded and rendered

        // unset the event
        this.ContentRendered -= MyAppMainWindow_ContentRendered;

        // ... make the time comsuming init stuff here

date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

It works fine with Salesforce REST API query datetime formats

DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
string startDate = now.AddDays(-5).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH\\:mm\\:ssZ");   
string endDate = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH\\:mm\\:ssZ");  
//REST service Query 
string salesforceUrl=" + startDate + "&end=" + endDate;


It returns the results from Salesforce without any issues.

Import Script from a Parent Directory

You don't import scripts in Python you import modules. Some python modules are also scripts that you can run directly (they do some useful work at a module-level).

In general it is preferable to use absolute imports rather than relative imports.

+-- subpackage

In moduleB:

from toplevel_package import moduleA

If you'd like to run as a script then make sure that parent directory for toplevel_package is in your sys.path.

Remove old Fragment from fragment manager

I had the same issue. I came up with a simple solution. Use fragment .replace instead of fragment .add. Replacing fragment doing the same thing as adding fragment and then removing it manually.


instead of


Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery

Try the code below. e.preventDefault() was added. This removes the default event action for the form.

 $(document).ready(function () {
    $("form").submit(function (e) {
            url: '@Url.Action("HasJobInProgress", "ClientChoices")/',
            data: { id: '@Model.ClientId' },
            success: function (data) {
                showMsg(data, e);
            cache: false

Also, you mentioned you wanted the form to not submit under the premise of validation, but I see no code validation here?

Here is an example of some added validation

 $(document).ready(function () {
    $("form").submit(function (e) {
      /* put your form field(s) you want to validate here, this checks if your input field of choice is blank */
       e.preventDefault(); // This will prevent the form submission
     } else{
        // In the event all validations pass. THEN process AJAX request.
            url: '@Url.Action("HasJobInProgress", "ClientChoices")/',
            data: { id: '@Model.ClientId' },
            success: function (data) {
                showMsg(data, e);
            cache: false


How to Display blob (.pdf) in an AngularJS app

michael's suggestions works like a charm for me :) If you replace $ with $http.get, remember that the .get method accepts 2 parameters instead of 3... this is where is wasted my time... ;)


$http.get('/getdoc/' + $,     
  .success(function (response) {
     var file = new Blob([(response)], {type: 'application/pdf'});
     var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
     $scope.content = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(fileURL);


<object ng-show="content" data="{{content}}" type="application/pdf" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"></object>

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

Might be worth checking online for the errata section for your book.

There's an example of handling this exception here

Rubymine: How to make Git ignore .idea files created by Rubymine

What about .idea/* ? Didn't test, but it should do it

Replace all occurrences of a string in a data frame

I had the problem, I had to replace "Not Available" with NA and my solution goes like this

data <- sapply(data,function(x) {x <- gsub("Not Available",NA,x)})

How to center an unordered list?

From your post, I understand that you cannot set the width to your li.

How about this?

ul {
  border:2px solid red;

li {
  padding:0 30%; /* try adjusting the side % to give a feel of center aligned.*/

Here's a demo.

Using % for host when creating a MySQL user

As @nos pointed out in the comments of the currently accepted answer to this question, the accepted answer is incorrect.

Yes, there IS a difference between using % and localhost for the user account host when connecting via a socket connect instead of a standard TCP/IP connect.

A host value of % does not include localhost for sockets and thus must be specified if you want to connect using that method.

CSS - How to Style a Selected Radio Buttons Label?

.radio-toolbar input[type="radio"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
.radio-toolbar label {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  background-color: #ddd;_x000D_
  padding: 4px 11px;_x000D_
  font-family: Arial;_x000D_
  font-size: 16px;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.radio-toolbar input[type="radio"]:checked+label {_x000D_
  background-color: #bbb;_x000D_
<div class="radio-toolbar">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radios" value="all" checked>_x000D_
  <label for="radio1">All</label>_x000D_
  <input type="radio" id="radio2" name="radios" value="false">_x000D_
  <label for="radio2">Open</label>_x000D_
  <input type="radio" id="radio3" name="radios" value="true">_x000D_
  <label for="radio3">Archived</label>_x000D_

First of all, you probably want to add the name attribute on the radio buttons. Otherwise, they are not part of the same group, and multiple radio buttons can be checked.

Also, since I placed the labels as siblings (of the radio buttons), I had to use the id and for attributes to associate them together.

How to set a time zone (or a Kind) of a DateTime value?

While the DateTime.Kind property does not have a setter, the static method DateTime.SpecifyKind creates a DateTime instance with a specified value for Kind.

Altenatively there are several DateTime constructor overloads that take a DateTimeKind parameter

I get exception when using Thread.sleep(x) or wait()

Put your Thread.sleep in a try catch block

try {
    //thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
} catch ( java.lang.InterruptedException ie) {

How to check for an undefined or null variable in JavaScript?

Both values can be easily distinguished by using the strict comparison operator:

Working example at:

Sample Code:

function compare(){
    var a = null; //variable assigned null value
    var b;  // undefined
    if (a === b){
        document.write("a and b have same datatype.");
        document.write("a and b have different datatype.");

Compare two files report difference in python

hosts0 = open("C:path\\a.txt","r")
hosts1 = open("C:path\\b.txt","r")

lines1 = hosts0.readlines()

for i,lines2 in enumerate(hosts1):
    if lines2 != lines1[i]:
        print "line ", i, " in hosts1 is different \n"
        print lines2
        print "same"

The above code is working for me. Can you please indicate what error you are facing?

Declaring an unsigned int in Java

For unsigned numbers you can use these classes from Guava library:

They support various operations:

  • plus
  • minus
  • times
  • mod
  • dividedBy

The thing that seems missing at the moment are byte shift operators. If you need those you can use BigInteger from Java.

Create view with primary key?

You cannot create a primary key on a view. In SQL Server you can create an index on a view but that is different to creating a primary key.

If you give us more information as to why you want a key on your view, perhaps we can help with that.

Angular.js ng-repeat filter by property having one of multiple values (OR of values)

For me, it worked as given below:

<div ng-repeat="product in products | filter: { color: 'red'||'blue' }">

<div ng-repeat="product in products | filter: { color: 'red'} | filter: { color:'blue' }">

Use Font Awesome icon as CSS content

Update for Font Awesome 5 using SCSS

.icon {
  @extend %fa-icon;
  @extend .fas;

  &:before {
    content: fa-content($fa-var-user);

Make footer stick to bottom of page using Twitter Bootstrap

Here is an example using css3:


html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
#wrap {
    padding: 10px;
    min-height: -webkit-calc(100% - 100px);     /* Chrome */
    min-height: -moz-calc(100% - 100px);     /* Firefox */
    min-height: calc(100% - 100px);     /* native */
.footer {
    position: relative;


<div id="wrap">
    <div class="container clear-top">
       body content....
<footer class="footer">
    footer content....


What is the use of

May be this example will help you.


public class MainClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int inChar;
        System.out.println("Enter a Character:");
        try {
            inChar =;
            System.out.print("You entered ");
        catch (IOException e){
            System.out.println("Error reading from user");

Sequence contains no elements?

From "Fixing LINQ Error: Sequence contains no elements":

When you get the LINQ error "Sequence contains no elements", this is usually because you are using the First() or Single() command rather than FirstOrDefault() and SingleOrDefault().

This can also be caused by the following commands:

  • FirstAsync()
  • SingleAsync()
  • Last()
  • LastAsync()
  • Max()
  • Min()
  • Average()
  • Aggregate()

No output to console from a WPF application?

Old post, but I ran into this so if you're trying to output something to Output in a WPF project in Visual Studio, the contemporary method is:

Include this:

using System.Diagnostics;

And then:


How do I find a particular value in an array and return its index?

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
     int arr[5] = {4, 1, 3, 2, 6};
     int x = -1;
     std::vector<int> testVector(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int) );

     std::vector<int>::iterator it = std::find(testVector.begin(), testVector.end(), 3);
     if (it != testVector.end())
          x = it - testVector.begin();
     return 0;

Or you can just build a vector in a normal way, without creating it from an array of ints and then use the same solution as shown in my example.

Bootstrap Datepicker - Months and Years Only

How about this :

$("#datepicker").datepicker( {
    format: "mm-yyyy",
    viewMode: "months", 
    minViewMode: "months"

Reference : Datepicker for Bootstrap

For version 1.2.0 and newer, viewMode has changed to startView, so use:

$("#datepicker").datepicker( {
    format: "mm-yyyy",
    startView: "months", 
    minViewMode: "months"

Also see the documentation.

Making the main scrollbar always visible

Setting height to 101% is my solution to the problem. You pages will no longer 'flick' when switching between ones that exceed the viewport height and ones that do not.

How to make a .jar out from an Android Studio project

the way i found was to find the project compiler output (project structure > project). then find the complied folder of the module you wish to turn to a jar, compress it with zip and change the extension of the output from zip to jar.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()

php.ini probably needs to read: extension=ext\php_sqlsrv_53_nts.dll

Or move the file to same directory as the php executable. This is what I did to my php5 install this week to get odbc_pdo working. :P

Additionally, that doesn't look like proper phpinfo() output. If you make a file with contents
<? phpinfo(); ?> and visit that page, the HTML output should show several sections, including one with loaded modules. (Edited to add: like shown in the screenshot of the above accepted answer)

Remove the newline character in a list read from a file

You want the String.strip(s[, chars]) function, which will strip out whitespace characters or whatever characters (such as '\n') you specify in the chars argument.


Lowercase and Uppercase with jQuery

Try this:

var jIsHasKids = $('#chkIsHasKids').attr('checked');
jIsHasKids = jIsHasKids.toString().toLowerCase();
jIsHasKids = jIsHasKids.val().toLowerCase();

Possible duplicate with: How do I use jQuery to ignore case when selecting

Cross-reference (named anchor) in markdown

For anyone who is looking for a solution to this problem in GitBook. This is how I made it work (in GitBook). You need to tag your header explicitly, like this:

# My Anchored Heading {#my-anchor}

Then link to this anchor like this

[link to my anchored heading](#my-anchor)

Solution, and additional examples, may be found here:

Apply a theme to an activity in Android?

To set it programmatically in

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  setTheme(; // (for Custom theme)
  setTheme(; // (for Android Built In Theme)


To set in Application scope in Manifest.xml (all activities):


To set in Activity scope in Manifest.xml (single activity):


To build a custom theme, you will have to declare theme in themes.xml file, and set styles in styles.xml file.

How to convert JSON data into a Python object

Since noone provided an answer quite like mine, I am going to post it here.

It is a robust class that can easily convert back and forth between json str and dict that I have copied from my answer to another question:

import json

class PyJSON(object):
    def __init__(self, d):
        if type(d) is str:
            d = json.loads(d)


    def from_dict(self, d):
        self.__dict__ = {}
        for key, value in d.items():
            if type(value) is dict:
                value = PyJSON(value)
            self.__dict__[key] = value

    def to_dict(self):
        d = {}
        for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
            if type(value) is PyJSON:
                value = value.to_dict()
            d[key] = value
        return d

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.to_dict())

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__dict__[key] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__dict__[key]

json_str = """... json string ..."""

py_json = PyJSON(json_str)

iterating through json object javascript

You use a loop for this. Be sure to check if the object owns the properties or all inherited properties are shown as well. An example is like this:

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2};
for (var key in obj) {
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    var val = obj[key];

Or if you need recursion to walk through all the properties:

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1, b: 2}};
function walk(obj) {
  for (var key in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      var val = obj[key];

How to increase timeout for a single test case in mocha

(since I ran into this today)

Be careful when using ES2015 fat arrow syntax:

This will fail :

it('accesses the network', done => {

  this.timeout(500); // will not work

  // *this* binding refers to parent function scope in fat arrow functions!
  // i.e. the *this* object of the describe function


EDIT: Why it fails:

As @atoth mentions in the comments, fat arrow functions do not have their own this binding. Therefore, it's not possible for the it function to bind to this of the callback and provide a timeout function.

Bottom line: Don't use arrow functions for functions that need an increased timeout.

How to append elements into a dictionary in Swift?

As of Swift 5, the following code collection works.

 // main dict to start with
 var myDict : Dictionary = [ 1 : "abc", 2 : "cde"]

 // dict(s) to be added to main dict
 let myDictToMergeWith : Dictionary = [ 5 : "l m n"]
 let myDictUpdated : Dictionary = [ 5 : "lmn"]
 let myDictToBeMapped : Dictionary = [ 6 : "opq"]

 myDict.updateValue("ijk", forKey: 4)

 myDict.merge(myDictToMergeWith){(current, _) in current}

 myDict.merge(myDictUpdated){(_, new) in new}
 print(myDict) {
     myDict[$0.0] = $0.1

Get the last day of the month in SQL

Try to run the following query, it will give you everything you want :)

Declare @a date =dateadd(mm, Datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0)
Print('First day of Current Month:')
set @a = dateadd(mm, Datediff(mm,0,getdate())+1,-1)
Print('Last day of Current Month:')

Print('First day of Last Month:')
set @a = dateadd(mm, Datediff(mm,0,getdate())-1,0)

Print('Last day of Last Month:') 
set @a = dateadd(mm, Datediff(mm,0,getdate()),-1)

Print('First day of Current Week:')
set @a = dateadd(ww, Datediff(ww,0,getdate()),0)

Print('Last day of Current Week:')
set @a = dateadd(ww, Datediff(ww,0,getdate())+1,-1)

Print('First day of Last Week:')
set @a =  dateadd(ww, Datediff(ww,0,getdate())-1,0)

Print('Last day of Last Week:')
set @a =  dateadd(ww, Datediff(ww,0,getdate()),-1)

Http Post With Body

You can try something like this using HttpClient and HttpPost:

List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("mystring", "value_of_my_string"));
// etc...

// Post data to the server
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://...");
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params));

HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);

JavaScript seconds to time string with format hh:mm:ss

function toHHMMSS(seconds) {
    var h, m, s, result='';
    // HOURs
    h = Math.floor(seconds/3600);
    seconds -= h*3600;
        result = h<10 ? '0'+h+':' : h+':';
    // MINUTEs
    m = Math.floor(seconds/60);
    seconds -= m*60;
    result += m<10 ? '0'+m+':' : m+':';
    // SECONDs
    result += s<10 ? '0'+s : s;
    return result;





replace NULL with Blank value or Zero in sql server

Different ways to replace NULL in sql server

Replacing NULL value using:

1. ISNULL() function

2. COALESCE() function

3. CASE Statement

SELECT Name as EmployeeName, ISNULL(Bonus,0) as EmployeeBonus from tblEmployee

SELECT Name as EmployeeName, COALESCE(Bonus, 0) as EmployeeBonus 
FROM tblEmployee

SELECT Name as EmployeeName, CASE WHEN Bonus IS NULL THEN 0 
ELSE Bonus  END as EmployeeBonus 
FROM  tblEmployee

Finding the type of an object in C++

You are looking for dynamic_cast<B*>(pointer)

Check if object is a jQuery object

You can check if the object is produced by JQuery with the jquery property:

myObject.jquery // 3.3.1

=> return the number of the JQuery version if the object produced by JQuery. => otherwise, it returns undefined

What is a "slug" in Django?

Slug is a URL friendly short label for specific content. It only contain Letters, Numbers, Underscores or Hyphens. Slugs are commonly save with the respective content and it pass as a URL string.

Slug can create using SlugField


class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=100)

If you want to use title as slug, django has a simple function called slugify

from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def slug(self):
        return slugify(self.title)

If it needs uniqueness, add unique=True in slug field.

for instance, from the previous example:

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=100, unique=True)

Are you lazy to do slug process ? don't worry, this plugin will help you. django-autoslug

Zookeeper connection error

Check the zookeeper logs (/var/log/zookeeper). It looks like a connection is established, which should mean there is a record of it.

I had the same situation and it was because a process opened connections and failed to close them. This eventually exceeded the per-host connection limit and my logs were overflowing with

2016-08-03 15:21:13,201 [myid:] - WARN  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Too many connections from / - max is 50

Assuming zookeeper is on the usual port, you could do a check for that with:

lsof -i -P | grep 2181

Static extension methods

No, but you could have something like:

bool b;
b = b.YourExtensionMethod();

What is the difference between \r and \n?

In C and C++, \n is a concept, \r is a character, and \r\n is (almost always) a portability bug.

Think of an old teletype. The print head is positioned on some line and in some column. When you send a printable character to the teletype, it prints the character at the current position and moves the head to the next column. (This is conceptually the same as a typewriter, except that typewriters typically moved the paper with respect to the print head.)

When you wanted to finish the current line and start on the next line, you had to do two separate steps:

  1. move the print head back to the beginning of the line, then
  2. move it down to the next line.

ASCII encodes these actions as two distinct control characters:

  • \x0D (CR) moves the print head back to the beginning of the line. (Unicode encodes this as U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN.)
  • \x0A (LF) moves the print head down to the next line. (Unicode encodes this as U+000A LINE FEED.)

In the days of teletypes and early technology printers, people actually took advantage of the fact that these were two separate operations. By sending a CR without following it by a LF, you could print over the line you already printed. This allowed effects like accents, bold type, and underlining. Some systems overprinted several times to prevent passwords from being visible in hardcopy. On early serial CRT terminals, CR was one of the ways to control the cursor position in order to update text already on the screen.

But most of the time, you actually just wanted to go to the next line. Rather than requiring the pair of control characters, some systems allowed just one or the other. For example:

  • Unix variants (including modern versions of Mac) use just a LF character to indicate a newline.
  • Old (pre-OSX) Macintosh files used just a CR character to indicate a newline.
  • VMS, CP/M, DOS, Windows, and many network protocols still expect both: CR LF.
  • Old IBM systems that used EBCDIC standardized on NL--a character that doesn't even exist in the ASCII character set. In Unicode, NL is U+0085 NEXT LINE, but the actual EBCDIC value is 0x15.

Why did different systems choose different methods? Simply because there was no universal standard. Where your keyboard probably says "Enter", older keyboards used to say "Return", which was short for Carriage Return. In fact, on a serial terminal, pressing Return actually sends the CR character. If you were writing a text editor, it would be tempting to just use that character as it came in from the terminal. Perhaps that's why the older Macs used just CR.

Now that we have standards, there are more ways to represent line breaks. Although extremely rare in the wild, Unicode has new characters like:


Even before Unicode came along, programmers wanted simple ways to represent some of the most useful control codes without worrying about the underlying character set. C has several escape sequences for representing control codes:

  • \a (for alert) which rings the teletype bell or makes the terminal beep
  • \f (for form feed) which moves to the beginning of the next page
  • \t (for tab) which moves the print head to the next horizontal tab position

(This list is intentionally incomplete.)

This mapping happens at compile-time--the compiler sees \a and puts whatever magic value is used to ring the bell.

Notice that most of these mnemonics have direct correlations to ASCII control codes. For example, \a would map to 0x07 BEL. A compiler could be written for a system that used something other than ASCII for the host character set (e.g., EBCDIC). Most of the control codes that had specific mnemonics could be mapped to control codes in other character sets.

Huzzah! Portability!

Well, almost. In C, I could write printf("\aHello, World!"); which rings the bell (or beeps) and outputs a message. But if I wanted to then print something on the next line, I'd still need to know what the host platform requires to move to the next line of output. CR LF? CR? LF? NL? Something else? So much for portability.

C has two modes for I/O: binary and text. In binary mode, whatever data is sent gets transmitted as-is. But in text mode, there's a run-time translation that converts a special character to whatever the host platform needs for a new line (and vice versa).

Great, so what's the special character?

Well, that's implementation dependent, too, but there's an implementation-independent way to specify it: \n. It's typically called the "newline character".

This is a subtle but important point: \n is mapped at compile time to an implementation-defined character value which (in text mode) is then mapped again at run time to the actual character (or sequence of characters) required by the underlying platform to move to the next line.

\n is different than all the other backslash literals because there are two mappings involved. This two-step mapping makes \n significantly different than even \r, which is simply a compile-time mapping to CR (or the most similar control code in whatever the underlying character set is).

This trips up many C and C++ programmers. If you were to poll 100 of them, at least 99 will tell you that \n means line feed. This is not entirely true. Most (perhaps all) C and C++ implementations use LF as the magic intermediate value for \n, but that's an implementation detail. It's feasible for a compiler to use a different value. In fact, if the host character set is not a superset of ASCII (e.g., if it's EBCDIC), then \n will almost certainly not be LF.

So, in C and C++:

  • \r is literally a carriage return.
  • \n is a magic value that gets translated (in text mode) at run-time to/from the host platform's newline semantics.
  • \r\n is almost always a portability bug. In text mode, this gets translated to CR followed by the platform's newline sequence--probably not what's intended. In binary mode, this gets translated to CR followed by some magic value that might not be LF--possibly not what's intended.
  • \x0A is the most portable way to indicate an ASCII LF, but you only want to do that in binary mode. Most text-mode implementations will treat that like \n.

How to continue the code on the next line in VBA

To have newline in code you use _


Dim a As Integer
a = 500 _
  + 80 _
  + 90

MsgBox a

Export Postgresql table data using pgAdmin

In the pgAdmin4, Right click on table select backup like this

enter image description here

After that into the backup dialog there is Dump options tab into that there is section queries you can select Use Insert Commands which include all insert queries as well in the backup.

enter image description here

How do I toggle an ng-show in AngularJS based on a boolean?

If based on click here it is:

ng-click="orderReverse = orderReverse ? false : true"

Remove 'b' character do in front of a string literal in Python 3

Decoding is redundant

You only had this "error" in the first place, because of a misunderstanding of what's happening.

You get the b because you encoded to utf-8 and now it's a bytes object.

 >> type("text".encode("utf-8"))
 >> <class 'bytes'>


  1. You can just print the string first
  2. Redundantly decode it after encoding

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

'some+multi+word+string'.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

'g' = "global"


Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget?

I tried few options but, this works best for me:

String text = "<strike><font color=\'#757575\'>Some text</font></strike>";


JavaScript/regex: Remove text between parentheses

"Hello, this is Mike (example)".replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "");


"Hello, this is Mike"

How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#

Another way,

GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(byteArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();
// Do your stuff...

If isset $_POST

You can try this:

if (isset($_POST["mail"]) !== false) {
    echo "Yes, mail is set";    
    echo "N0, mail is not set";

Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax

Hi These two lines worked for me.

contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType:"json"

            type: "POST",
            url: "/v1/candidates",
            data: obj,
            **contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
            success: function (data) {
          , data.title

Thanks, Prashant

Windows: XAMPP vs WampServer vs EasyPHP vs alternative

After years of using XAMPP finally I've given up, and started looking for alternatives. XAMPP has not received any updates for quite a while and it kept breaking down once every two weeks.

The one I've just found and I could absolutely recommend is The Uniform Server

It's really frequently updated, has much more emphasis on security and looks like a much more mature project compared to XAMPP.

They have a wiki where they list all the latest versions of packages. As the time of writing, their newest release is only 4 days old!

Versions in Uniform Server as of today:

  • Apache 2.4.2
  • MySQL 5.5.23-community
  • PHP 5.4.1
  • phpMyAdmin 3.5.0

Versions in XAMPP as of today:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • MySQL 5.5.16
  • PHP 5.3.8
  • phpMyAdmin 3.4.5

How to compress a String in Java?

When you create a String, you can think of it as a list of char's, this means that for each character in your String, you need to support all the possible values of char. From the sun docs

char: The char data type is a single 16-bit Unicode character. It has a minimum value of '\u0000' (or 0) and a maximum value of '\uffff' (or 65,535 inclusive).

If you have a reduced set of characters you want to support you can write a simple compression algorithm, which is analogous to binary->decimal->hex radix converstion. You go from 65,536 (or however many characters your target system supports) to 26 (alphabetical) / 36 (alphanumeric) etc.

I've used this trick a few times, for example encoding timestamps as text (target 36 +, source 10) - just make sure you have plenty of unit tests!

How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally

You can configure individual ObjectMappers like this:

ObjectMapper mapper  = new ObjectMapper();

If you want it set globally, I usually access a configured mapper through a wrapper class.

Ruby optional parameters

You could do this with partial application, although using named variables definitely leads to more readable code. John Resig wrote a blog article in 2008 about how to do it in JavaScript:

Function.prototype.partial = function(){
  var fn = this, args =;
  return function(){
    var arg = 0;
    for ( var i = 0; i < args.length && arg < arguments.length; i++ )
      if ( args[i] === undefined )
        args[i] = arguments[arg++];
    return fn.apply(this, args);

It would probably be possible to apply the same principle in Ruby (except for the prototypal inheritance).

Sorting Values of Set

Use a SortedSet (TreeSet is the default one):

SortedSet<String> set=new TreeSet<String>();
List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(set);

No extra sorting code needed.

Oh, I see you want a different sort order. Supply a Comparator to the TreeSet:

new TreeSet<String>(Comparator.comparing(Integer::valueOf));

Now your TreeSet will sort Strings in numeric order (which implies that it will throw exceptions if you supply non-numeric strings)


Returning boolean if set is empty

If c is a set then you can check whether it's empty by doing: return not c.

If c is empty then not c will be True.

Otherwise, if c contains any elements not c will be False.

Can I display the value of an enum with printf()?

enum MyEnum

int main()
 printf("My enum Value : %d\n", (int)C_ENUM_VALUE);
 return 0;

You have just to cast enum to int !
Output : My enum Value : 2

How to write character & in android strings.xml

You can write in this way

<string name="you_me">You &#38; Me<string>

Output: You & Me

How to check if a database exists in SQL Server?

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = N'YourDatabaseName')
  Do your thing...

By the way, this came directly from SQL Server Studio, so if you have access to this tool, I recommend you start playing with the various "Script xxxx AS" functions that are available. Will make your life easier! :)

Check if a string is a date value

function isDate(dateStr) {
  return !isNaN(new Date(dateStr).getDate());
  • This will work on any browser since it does not rely on "Invalid Date" check.
  • This will work with legacy code before ES6.
  • This will work without any library.
  • This will work regardless of any date format.
  • This does not rely on Date.parse which fails the purpose when values like "Spiderman 22" are in date string.
  • This does not ask us to write any RegEx.

The order of keys in dictionaries

Python 3.7+

In Python 3.7.0 the insertion-order preservation nature of dict objects has been declared to be an official part of the Python language spec. Therefore, you can depend on it.

Python 3.6 (CPython)

As of Python 3.6, for the CPython implementation of Python, dictionaries maintain insertion order by default. This is considered an implementation detail though; you should still use collections.OrderedDict if you want insertion ordering that's guaranteed across other implementations of Python.

Python >=2.7 and <3.6

Use the collections.OrderedDict class when you need a dict that remembers the order of items inserted.

Fixing "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" for a 'stuck" Mysql table?

I had this problem when trying to delete a certain group of records (using MS Access 2007 with an ODBC connection to MySQL on a web server). Typically I would delete certain records from MySQL then replace with updated records (cascade delete several related records, this streamlines deleting all related records for a single record deletion).

I tried to run through the operations available in phpMyAdmin for the table (optimize,flush, etc), but I was getting a need permission to RELOAD error when I tried to flush. Since my database is on a web server, I couldn't restart the database. Restoring from a backup was not an option.

I tried running delete query for this group of records on the cPanel mySQL access on the web. Got same error message.

My solution: I used Sun's (Oracle's) free MySQL Query Browser (that I previously installed on my computer) and ran the delete query there. It worked right away, Problem solved. I was then able to once again perform the function using the Access script using the ODBC Access to MySQL connection.

Example for boost shared_mutex (multiple reads/one write)?

It looks like you would do something like this:

boost::shared_mutex _access;
void reader()
  // get shared access
  boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(_access);

  // now we have shared access

void writer()
  // get upgradable access
  boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(_access);

  // get exclusive access
  boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> uniqueLock(lock);
  // now we have exclusive access

Remove xticks in a matplotlib plot?

This snippet might help in removing the xticks only.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt    

This snippet might help in removing the xticks and yticks both.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt    

convert double to int

I think the best way is Convert.ToInt32.

How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

You will have to make an explicit call on the lazy collection in order to initialize it (common practice is to call .size() for this purpose). In Hibernate there is a dedicated method for this (Hibernate.initialize()), but JPA has no equivalent of that. Of course you will have to make sure that the invocation is done, when the session is still available, so annotate your controller method with @Transactional. An alternative is to create an intermediate Service layer between the Controller and the Repository that could expose methods which initialize lazy collections.


Please note that the above solution is easy, but results in two distinct queries to the database (one for the user, another one for its roles). If you want to achieve better performace add the following method to your Spring Data JPA repository interface:

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> {

    @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p JOIN FETCH p.roles WHERE = (:id)")
    public Person findByIdAndFetchRolesEagerly(@Param("id") Long id);


This method will use JPQL's fetch join clause to eagerly load the roles association in a single round-trip to the database, and will therefore mitigate the performance penalty incurred by the two distinct queries in the above solution.

How can I return NULL from a generic method in C#?

Two options:

  • Return default(T) which means you'll return null if T is a reference type (or a nullable value type), 0 for int, '\0' for char, etc. (Default values table (C# Reference))
  • Restrict T to be a reference type with the where T : class constraint and then return null as normal

for each loop in groovy

This one worked for me:

def list = [1,2,3,4]
for(item in list){
    println item

Source: Wikia.

How to decrypt the password generated by wordpress

You will not be able to retrieve a plain text password from wordpress.

Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this.

See this article for more info

How do I change the database name using MySQL?

You can use below command

alter database Testing modify name=LearningSQL;

Old Database Name = Testing, New Database Name = LearningSQL

XPath: difference between dot and text()

There is a difference between . and text(), but this difference might not surface because of your input document.

If your input document looked like (the simplest document one can imagine given your XPath expressions)

Example 1

  <a>Ask Question</a>

Then //a[text()="Ask Question"] and //a[.="Ask Question"] indeed return exactly the same result. But consider a different input document that looks like

Example 2

  <a>Ask Question<other/>

where the a element also has a child element other that follows immediately after "Ask Question". Given this second input document, //a[text()="Ask Question"] still returns the a element, while //a[.="Ask Question"] does not return anything!

This is because the meaning of the two predicates (everything between [ and ]) is different. [text()="Ask Question"] actually means: return true if any of the text nodes of an element contains exactly the text "Ask Question". On the other hand, [.="Ask Question"] means: return true if the string value of an element is identical to "Ask Question".

In the XPath model, text inside XML elements can be partitioned into a number of text nodes if other elements interfere with the text, as in Example 2 above. There, the other element is between "Ask Question" and a newline character that also counts as text content.

To make an even clearer example, consider as an input document:

Example 3

<a>Ask Question<other/>more text</a>

Here, the a element actually contains two text nodes, "Ask Question" and "more text", since both are direct children of a. You can test this by running //a/text() on this document, which will return (individual results separated by ----):

Ask Question
more text

So, in such a scenario, text() returns a set of individual nodes, while . in a predicate evaluates to the string concatenation of all text nodes. Again, you can test this claim with the path expression //a[.='Ask Questionmore text'] which will successfully return the a element.

Finally, keep in mind that some XPath functions can only take one single string as an input. As LarsH has pointed out in the comments, if such an XPath function (e.g. contains()) is given a sequence of nodes, it will only process the first node and silently ignore the rest.

How do I delete an item or object from an array using ng-click?

I usually write in such style :

<a class="btn" ng-click="remove($index)">Delete</a>

$scope.remove = function(index){
  $scope.[yourArray].splice(index, 1)

Hope this will help You have to use a dot(.) between $scope and [yourArray]

How do I check how many options there are in a dropdown menu?

$('#idofdropdown option').length;

That should do it.

Import pfx file into particular certificate store from command line

Here is the complete code, import pfx, add iis website, add ssl binding:

$SiteName = "MySite"
$HostName = "localhost"
$CertificatePassword = '1234'
$SiteFolder = Join-Path -Path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot' -ChildPath $SiteName
$certPath = 'c:\cert.pfx'

Write-Host 'Import pfx certificate' $certPath
$certRootStore = “LocalMachine”
$certStore = "My"
$pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
$store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($certStore,$certRootStore) 
$certThumbprint = $pfx.Thumbprint

Write-Host 'Add website' $SiteName
New-WebSite -Name $SiteName -PhysicalPath $SiteFolder -Force
$IISSite = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName"
Set-ItemProperty $IISSite -name  Bindings -value @{protocol="https";bindingInformation="*:443:$HostName"}
if($applicationPool) { Set-ItemProperty $IISSite -name  ApplicationPool -value $IISApplicationPool }

Write-Host 'Bind certificate with Thumbprint' $certThumbprint
$obj = get-webconfiguration "//sites/site[@name='$SiteName']"
$binding = $obj.bindings.Collection[0]
$method = $binding.Methods["AddSslCertificate"]
$methodInstance = $method.CreateInstance()
$methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateHash", $certThumbprint)
$methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateStoreName", $certStore)

var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

The difference is that functionOne is a function expression and so only defined when that line is reached, whereas functionTwo is a function declaration and is defined as soon as its surrounding function or script is executed (due to hoisting).

For example, a function expression:

// TypeError: functionOne is not a function_x000D_
var functionOne = function() {_x000D_

And, a function declaration:

// Outputs: "Hello!"_x000D_
function functionTwo() {_x000D_

Historically, function declarations defined within blocks were handled inconsistently between browsers. Strict mode (introduced in ES5) resolved this by scoping function declarations to their enclosing block.

'use strict';    _x000D_
{ // note this block!_x000D_
  function functionThree() {_x000D_
functionThree(); // ReferenceError

How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?

The answer here ( works great if you're trying to run a script on a remote linux machine using plink or ssh. It will work if the script has multiple lines on linux.

**However, if you are trying to run a batch script located on a local linux/windows machine and your remote machine is Windows, and it consists of multiple lines using **

plink root@MachineB -m local_script.bat

wont work.

Only the first line of the script will be executed. This is probably a limitation of plink.

Solution 1:

To run a multiline batch script (especially if it's relatively simple, consisting of a few lines):

If your original batch script is as follows

cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop 

you can combine the lines together using the "&&" separator as follows in your local_script.bat file:

cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop && python

After this change, you can then run the script as pointed out here by @JasonR.Coombs: with:

`plink root@MachineB -m local_script.bat`

Solution 2:

If your batch script is relatively complicated, it may be better to use a batch script which encapsulates the plink command as well as follows as pointed out here by @Martin

rem Open tunnel in the background
start plink.exe -ssh [username]@[hostname] -L 3307: -i "[SSH
key]" -N

rem Wait a second to let Plink establish the tunnel 
timeout /t 1

rem Run the task using the tunnel
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH qidash.R

rem Kill the tunnel
taskkill /im plink.exe

Best way to work with dates in Android SQLite

SQLite can use text, real, or integer data types to store dates. Even more, whenever you perform a query, the results are shown using format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.

Now, if you insert/update date/time values using SQLite date/time functions, you can actually store milliseconds as well. If that's the case, the results are shown using format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f. For example:

sqlite> create table test_table(col1 text, col2 real, col3 integer);
sqlite> insert into test_table values (
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.123'),
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.123'),
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.123')
sqlite> insert into test_table values (
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.126'),
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.126'),
            strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.126')
sqlite> select * from test_table;
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123
2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126

Now, doing some queries to verify if we are actually able to compare times:

sqlite> select * from test_table /* using col1 */
           where col1 between 
               strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.121') and
               strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.125');
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123

You can check the same SELECT using col2 and col3 and you will get the same results. As you can see, the second row (126 milliseconds) is not returned.

Note that BETWEEN is inclusive, therefore...

sqlite> select * from test_table 
            where col1 between 
                 /* Note that we are using 123 milliseconds down _here_ */
                strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.123') and
                strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', '2014-03-01 13:01:01.125');

... will return the same set.

Try playing around with different date/time ranges and everything will behave as expected.

What about without strftime function?

sqlite> select * from test_table /* using col1 */
           where col1 between 
               '2014-03-01 13:01:01.121' and
               '2014-03-01 13:01:01.125';
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123

What about without strftime function and no milliseconds?

sqlite> select * from test_table /* using col1 */
           where col1 between 
               '2014-03-01 13:01:01' and
               '2014-03-01 13:01:02';
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123
2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126

What about ORDER BY?

sqlite> select * from test_table order by 1 desc;
2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123
sqlite> select * from test_table order by 1 asc;
2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123|2014-03-01 13:01:01.123
2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126|2014-03-01 13:01:01.126

Works just fine.

Finally, when dealing with actual operations within a program (without using the sqlite executable...)

BTW: I'm using JDBC (not sure about other languages)... the sqlite-jdbc driver v3.7.2 from xerial - maybe newer revisions change the behavior explained below... If you are developing in Android, you don't need a jdbc-driver. All SQL operations can be submitted using the SQLiteOpenHelper.

JDBC has different methods to get actual date/time values from a database: java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp.

The related methods in java.sql.ResultSet are (obviously) getDate(..), getTime(..), and getTimestamp() respectively.

For example:

Statement stmt = ... // Get statement from connection
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST_TABLE");
while ( {
    System.out.println("COL1 : "+rs.getDate("COL1"));
    System.out.println("COL1 : "+rs.getTime("COL1"));
    System.out.println("COL1 : "+rs.getTimestamp("COL1"));
    System.out.println("COL2 : "+rs.getDate("COL2"));
    System.out.println("COL2 : "+rs.getTime("COL2"));
    System.out.println("COL2 : "+rs.getTimestamp("COL2"));
    System.out.println("COL3 : "+rs.getDate("COL3"));
    System.out.println("COL3 : "+rs.getTime("COL3"));
    System.out.println("COL3 : "+rs.getTimestamp("COL3"));
// close rs and stmt.

Since SQLite doesn't have an actual DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP data type all these 3 methods return values as if the objects were initialized with 0:

new java.sql.Date(0)
new java.sql.Time(0)
new java.sql.Timestamp(0)

So, the question is: how can we actually select, insert, or update Date/Time/Timestamp objects? There's no easy answer. You can try different combinations, but they will force you to embed SQLite functions in all the SQL statements. It's far easier to define an utility class to transform text to Date objects inside your Java program. But always remember that SQLite transforms any date value to UTC+0000.

In summary, despite the general rule to always use the correct data type, or, even integers denoting Unix time (milliseconds since epoch), I find much easier using the default SQLite format ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f' or in Java 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') rather to complicate all your SQL statements with SQLite functions. The former approach is much easier to maintain.

TODO: I will check the results when using getDate/getTime/getTimestamp inside Android (API15 or better)... maybe the internal driver is different from sqlite-jdbc...

How to check if an appSettings key exists?

I liked codebender's answer, but needed it to work in C++/CLI. This is what I ended up with. There's no LINQ usage, but works.

generic <typename T> T MyClass::ReadAppSetting(String^ searchKey, T defaultValue) {
  for each (String^ setting in ConfigurationManager::AppSettings->AllKeys) {
    if (setting->Equals(searchKey)) { //  if the key is in the app.config
      try {                           // see if it can be converted
        auto converter = TypeDescriptor::GetConverter((Type^)(T::typeid)); 
        if (converter != nullptr) { return (T)converter->ConvertFromString(ConfigurationManager::AppSettings[searchKey]); }
      } catch (Exception^ ex) {} // nothing to do
  return defaultValue;

How to get overall CPU usage (e.g. 57%) on Linux

EDITED: I noticed that in another user's reply %idle was field 12 instead of field 11. The awk has been updated to account for the %idle field being variable.

This should get you the desired output:

mpstat | awk '$3 ~ /CPU/ { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /%idle/) field=i } } $3 ~ /all/ { print 100 - $field }'

If you want a simple integer rounding, you can use printf:

mpstat | awk '$3 ~ /CPU/ { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /%idle/) field=i } } $3 ~ /all/ { printf("%d%%",100 - $field) }'

535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted

I did everything from visiting to setting up 2-fa and creating an application password. The only thing that worked was logging into and sending an email from the server itself.

Switch statement multiple cases in JavaScript

In Javascript to assign multiple cases in a switch, we have to define different case without break inbetween like given below:

      function checkHere(varName){
        switch (varName)
           case "saeed":
           case "larry":
           case "afshin":
          case "ss":
               alert('Default case');

Please see example click on link

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python and CSV

file = open('parsed_data.txt', 'w')
for link in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'href': re.compile("^http")}): print (link)
soup_link = str(link)
print (soup_link)

In my case, I used BeautifulSoup to write a .txt with Python 3.x. It had the same issue. Just as @tsduteba said, change the 'wb' in the first line to 'w'.

Node.js: Difference between req.query[] and req.params

Given this route

app.get('/hi/:param1', function(req,res){} );

and given this URL

You will have:


  qs1: 'you',
  qs2: 'tube'


  param1: 'there'

Express req.params >>

Javascript replace all "%20" with a space

If you need to remove white spaces at the end then here is a solution:

const stringQ1 = (string)=>{_x000D_
  //remove white space at the end _x000D_
  const arrString = string.split("")_x000D_
  for(let i = arrString.length -1 ; i>=0 ; i--){_x000D_
    let char = arrString[i];_x000D_
    if(char.indexOf(" ") >=0){_x000D_
  let start =0;_x000D_
  let end = arrString.length -1;_x000D_
  //add %20_x000D_
  while(start < end){_x000D_
    if(arrString[start].indexOf(' ') >=0){_x000D_
      arrString[start] ="%20"_x000D_
  return arrString.join('');_x000D_
console.log(stringQ1("Mr John Smith   "))

Convert multidimensional array into single array

Recently I've been using AlienWebguy's array_flatten function but it gave me a problem that was very hard to find the cause of.
array_merge causes problems, and this isn't the first time that I've made problems with it either.
If you have the same array keys in one inner array that you do in another, then the later values will overwrite the previous ones in the merged array.

Here's a different version of array_flatten without using array_merge:

function array_flatten($array) { 
  if (!is_array($array)) { 
    return FALSE; 
  $result = array(); 
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) { 
    if (is_array($value)) { 
      foreach ($arrayList as $listItem) {
        $result[] = $listItem; 
   else { 
    $result[$key] = $value; 
  return $result; 

MySQL: How to reset or change the MySQL root password?

If you know the 'root' users password, log in to mysql with that credentials. Then execute the following query to update the password.

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_passowrd';

Can I have multiple Xcode versions installed?

Install Multiple Versions Of Xcode using the Xcode-Install Ruby Gem

You can do this whole process a lot easier if you use the xcode-install RubyGem.

If you already have a working installation of the Xcode CommandLineTools and Ruby (I'd suggest using Homebrew for installing Ruby) but I think it works with the Ruby supplied by macOS as well if you install the Gem either using sudo or as a user install. (Details on the GitHub page) Basically:

    $ gem install xcode-install
    $ xcversion list
    6.2 (installed)
    $ xcversion install 8
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    Please authenticate for Xcode installation...

    Xcode 8
    Build version 6D570

To select a version as active, you'll run:
$ xcversion select 8

To select a version as active and change the symlink at /Applications/Xcode, you'll run:
$ xcversion select 8 --symlink

xcode-install can also manage your local simulators using the simulators command.

Read the instructions on the GitHub Project page for more info.

How do I clear the dropdownlist values on button click event using jQuery?

A shorter alternative to the first solution given by Russ Cam would be:


This assumes you want to retain the list, but make it so that no option is selected.

If you wish to select a particular default value, just pass that value instead of an empty string.


or to do it by the index of the option, you could do:

$('#mySelect option:eq(0)').attr('selected','selected'); // Select first option

String comparison in Objective-C

You can use case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison, depending what you need. Case-sensitive is like this:

if ([category isEqualToString:@"Some String"])
   // Both strings are equal without respect to their case.

Case-insensitive is like this:

if ([category compare:@"Some String" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
   // Both strings are equal with respect to their case.

How to get height of Keyboard?

Shorter version here:

func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {

        if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
            let keyboardHeight = keyboardSize.height

How to give a delay in loop execution using Qt

EDIT (removed wrong solution). EDIT (to add this other option):

Another way to use it would be subclass QThread since it has protected *sleep methods.

QThread::usleep(unsigned long microseconds);
QThread::msleep(unsigned long milliseconds);
QThread::sleep(unsigned long second);

Here's the code to create your own *sleep method.

#include <QThread>    

class Sleeper : public QThread
    static void usleep(unsigned long usecs){QThread::usleep(usecs);}
    static void msleep(unsigned long msecs){QThread::msleep(msecs);}
    static void sleep(unsigned long secs){QThread::sleep(secs);}

and you call it by doing this:


This would give you a delay of 10 microseconds, 10 milliseconds or 10 seconds, accordingly. If the underlying operating system timers support the resolution.

C++, What does the colon after a constructor mean?

You are calling the constructor of its base class, demo.

POST request with JSON body

// Example API call
$data = array(array (
    "REGION" => "MUMBAI",
    "LOCATION" => "NA",
    "STORE" => "AMAZON"));
// json encode data
$authToken = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$data_string = json_encode($data); 
// set up the curl resource
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) ,
    'API-TOKEN-KEY:'.$authToken ));   // API-TOKEN-KEY is keyword so change according to ur key word. like authorization 
// execute the request
$output = curl_exec($ch);
//echo $output;
// Check for errors
if($output === FALSE){
echo($output) . PHP_EOL;
// close curl resource to free up system resources

Difference in months between two dates

Here is a simple solution that works at least for me. It's probably not the fastest though because it uses the cool DateTime's AddMonth feature in a loop:

public static int GetMonthsDiff(DateTime start, DateTime end)
    if (start > end)
        return GetMonthsDiff(end, start);

    int months = 0;
        start = start.AddMonths(1);
        if (start > end)
            return months;

    while (true);

How to install Google Play Services in a Genymotion VM (with no drag and drop support)?

  1. Download ARM Translation v1.1 and flash it by dragging and dropping over the emulator. Then reboot the emulator.
  2. Go to Open GApps, select x86 architecture, Android version of your emulator and variant (nano is enough, other applications can be installed from Play Store) and download zip archive. Drag and drop this archive to the emulator and flash it. Reboot the emulator.

How to import set of icons into Android Studio project

just like Gregory Seront said here:

Actually if you downloaded the icons pack from the android web site, you will see that you have one folder per resolution named drawable-mdpi etc. Copy all folders into the res (not the drawable) folder in Android Studio. This will automatically make all the different resolution of the icon available.

but if your not getting the images from a generator site (maybe your UX team provides them), just make sure your folders are named drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, etc. then in mac select all folders by holding shift and then copy them (DO NOT DRAG). Paste the folders into the res folder. android will take care of the rest and copy all drawables into the correct folder.

"relocation R_X86_64_32S against " linking Error

Add -fPIC at the end of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAG


set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS  "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall --std=c++11 -O3 -fPIC" )
set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS  "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -O3 -fPIC" )

This solved my issue.

Where is Maven's settings.xml located on Mac OS?

If you use brew to install maven, then the settings file should be in


Setting environment variables in Linux using Bash

I think you're looking for export - though I could be wrong.. I've never played with tcsh before. Use the following syntax:

export VARIABLE=value

How to find and return a duplicate value in array

Here is my take on it on a big set of data - such as a legacy dBase table to find duplicate parts

# Assuming ps is an array of 20000 part numbers & we want to find duplicates
# actually had to it recently.
# having a result hash with part number and number of times part is 
# duplicated is much more convenient in the real world application
# Takes about 6  seconds to run on my data set
# - not too bad for an export script handling 20000 parts

h = {};

# or for readability

h = {} # result hash{ |e| 
  ct = ps.count(e) 
  h[e] = ct if ct > 1
}; nil # so that the huge result of select doesn't print in the console

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

Based off other old answers:

escape() function is now deprecated,

Use encodeURI() or encodeURIComponent() instead.

Example that worked in my situation:"data:application/pdf," + encodeURI(pdfString)); 

Happy Coding!

Markdown `native` text alignment

In Github You need to write:

<p align="justify">
  Lorem ipsum

Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 1, current count = 0

Be aware of that if you use nested transactions, a ROLLBACK operation rolls back all the nested transactions including the outer-most one.

This might, with usage in combination with TRY/CATCH, result in the error you described. See more here.

How can compare-and-swap be used for a wait-free mutual exclusion for any shared data structure?

The linked list holds operations on the shared data structure.

For example, if I have a stack, it will be manipulated with pushes and pops. The linked list would be a set of pushes and pops on the pseudo-shared stack. Each thread sharing that stack will actually have a local copy, and to get to the current shared state, it'll walk the linked list of operations, and apply each operation in order to its local copy of the stack. When it reaches the end of the linked list, its local copy holds the current state (though, of course, it's subject to becoming stale at any time).

In the traditional model, you'd have some sort of locks around each push and pop. Each thread would wait to obtain a lock, then do a push or pop, then release the lock.

In this model, each thread has a local snapshot of the stack, which it keeps synchronized with other threads' view of the stack by applying the operations in the linked list. When it wants to manipulate the stack, it doesn't try to manipulate it directly at all. Instead, it simply adds its push or pop operation to the linked list, so all the other threads can/will see that operation and they can all stay in sync. Then, of course, it applies the operations in the linked list, and when (for example) there's a pop it checks which thread asked for the pop. It uses the popped item if and only if it's the thread that requested this particular pop.

What's your most controversial programming opinion?

Apparently mine is that Haskell has variables. This is both "trivial" (according to at least eight SO users) (though nobody can seem to agree on which trivial answer is correct), and a bad question even to ask (according to at least five downvoters and four who voted to close it). Oh, and I (and computing scientests and mathematicians) am wrong, though nobody can provide me a detailed explanation of why.

How to create a static library with g++?

Can someone please tell me how to create a static library from a .cpp and a .hpp file? Do I need to create the .o and the the .a?


Create the .o (as per normal):

g++ -c header.cpp

Create the archive:

ar rvs header.a header.o


g++ test.cpp header.a -o executable_name

Note that it seems a bit pointless to make an archive with just one module in it. You could just as easily have written:

g++ test.cpp header.cpp -o executable_name

Still, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that your actual use case is a bit more complex, with more modules.

Hope this helps!

How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them?

list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]
lset = set()
[(lset.add(item), list2.append(item))
 for item in list2 if item not in lset]
print list(lset)

How to put a new line into a wpf TextBlock control?

Insert a "line break" or a "paragraph break" in a RichTextBox "rtb" like this:

var range = new TextRange(rtb.SelectionStart, rtb.Selection.End); 

The only way to get the NewLine items is by inserting text with "\r\n" items first, and then applying more code which works on Selection and/or TextRange objects. This makes sure that the \par items are converted to \line items, are saved as desired, and are still correct when reopening the *.Rtf file. That is what I found so far after hard tries. My three code lines need to be surrounded by more code (with loops) to set the TextPointer items (.Start .End .ContentStart .ContentEnd) where the Lines and Breaks should go, which I have done with success for my purposes.

Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word

Not regex, but I've found it logical and useful to use serial greps with pipe to eliminate noise.

eg. search an apache config file without all the comments-

grep -v '\#' /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf      # this gives all the non-comment lines


grep -v '\#' /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf |  grep -i dir

The logic of serial grep's is (not a comment) and (matches dir)

How can I download HTML source in C#

You can download files with the WebClient class:

using System.Net;

using (WebClient client = new WebClient ()) // WebClient class inherits IDisposable
    client.DownloadFile("", @"C:\localfile.html");

    // Or you can get the file content without saving it
    string htmlCode = client.DownloadString("");

How do I resolve the " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" error?

If you know what port the process is running you can type: lsof -i:<port>.

For instance, lsof -i:8080, to list the process (pid) running on port 8080.

Then kill the process with kill <pid>

What exactly is the function of Application.CutCopyMode property in Excel

By referring this( link the answer is as below:

Application.CutCopyMode=False is seen in macro recorder-generated code when you do a copy/cut cells and paste . The macro recorder does the copy/cut and paste in separate statements and uses the clipboard as an intermediate buffer. I think Application.CutCopyMode = False clears the clipboard. Without that line you will get the warning 'There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard....' when you close the workbook with a large amount of data on the clipboard.

With optimised VBA code you can usually do the copy/cut and paste operations in one statement, so the clipboard isn't used and Application.CutCopyMode = False isn't needed and you won't get the warning.

"The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" when running app in Xcode 6 Beta 4

Please check if you have changed Executable file => $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) to any other name. If you have changed this name then it shows this error. Please replace it with $(EXECUTABLE_NAME).

Python object deleting itself

You don't need to use del to delete instances in the first place. Once the last reference to an object is gone, the object will be garbage collected. Maybe you should tell us more about the full problem.

How to overload __init__ method based on argument type?

Excellent question. I've tackled this problem as well, and while I agree that "factories" (class-method constructors) are a good method, I would like to suggest another, which I've also found very useful:

Here's a sample (this is a read method and not a constructor, but the idea is the same):

def read(self, str=None, filename=None, addr=0):
    """ Read binary data and return a store object. The data
        store is also saved in the interal 'data' attribute.

        The data can either be taken from a string (str 
        argument) or a file (provide a filename, which will 
        be read in binary mode). If both are provided, the str 
        will be used. If neither is provided, an ArgumentError 
        is raised.
    if str is None:
        if filename is None:
            raise ArgumentError('Please supply a string or a filename')

        file = open(filename, 'rb')
        str =
    ... # rest of code

The key idea is here is using Python's excellent support for named arguments to implement this. Now, if I want to read the data from a file, I say:"blob.txt")

And to read it from a string, I say:"\x34\x55")

This way the user has just a single method to call. Handling it inside, as you saw, is not overly complex

JavaScript Loading Screen while page loads

To build further upon the ajax part which you may or may not use (from the comments)

a simple way to load another page and replace it with your current one is:

    $(document).ready( function() {
            type: 'get',
            url: 'http://pageToLoad.from',
            success: function(response) {
                // response = data which has been received and passed on to the 'success' function.

Click through div to underlying elements

You can place an AP overlay like...

#overlay {
  position: absolute;
  top: -79px;
  left: -60px;
  height: 80px;
  width: 380px;
  z-index: 2;
  background: url(fake.gif);
<div id="overlay"></div>

just put it over where you dont want ie cliked. Works in all.

How to open a link in new tab using angular?

Use It's pretty straightforward !

In your component.html file-

<a (click)="goToLink("")">page link</a>

In your component.ts file-

goToLink(url: string){, "_blank");

Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

You can use following function:

function extract_numbers($string)
   preg_match_all('/([\d]+)/', $string, $match);

   return $match[0];

Simple 'if' or logic statement in Python

If key isn't an int or float but a string, you need to convert it to an int first by doing

key = int(key)

or to a float by doing

key = float(key)

Otherwise, what you have in your question should work, but

if (key < 1) or (key > 34):


if not (1 <= key <= 34):

would be a bit clearer.

Jquery to get SelectedText from dropdown

I had the same problem yesterday :-)

$("#SelectedCountryId option:selected").text()

I also read that this is slow, if you want to use it often you should probably use something else.

I don't know why yours is not working, this one is for me, maybe someone else can help...

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

Some ways of troubleshooting the Gradle daemon:

  • If you have a problem with your build, try temporarily disabling the daemon (you can pass the command line switch --no-daemon).
  • Occasionally, you may want to stop the daemons either via the --stop command line option or in a more forceful way.
  • There is a daemon log file, which by default is located in the Gradle user home directory.
  • You may want to start the daemon in --foreground mode to observe how the build is executed.

How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

You found the way: create a function instead of an alias. The C shell has a mechanism for doing arguments to aliases, but bash and the Korn shell don't, because the function mechanism is more flexible and offers the same capability.

What are advantages of Artificial Neural Networks over Support Vector Machines?

If you want to use a kernel SVM you have to guess the kernel. However, ANNs are universal approximators with only guessing to be done is the width (approximation accuracy) and height (approximation efficiency). If you design the optimization problem correctly you do not over-fit (please see bibliography for over-fitting). It also depends on the training examples if they scan correctly and uniformly the search space. Width and depth discovery is the subject of integer programming.

Suppose you have bounded functions f(.) and bounded universal approximators on I=[0,1] with range again I=[0,1] for example that are parametrized by a real sequence of compact support U(.,a) with the property that there exists a sequence of sequences with

lim sup { |f(x) - U(x,a(k) ) | : x } =0

and you draw examples and tests (x,y) with a distribution D on IxI.

For a prescribed support, what you do is to find the best a such that

sum {  ( y(l) - U(x(l),a) )^{2} | : 1<=l<=N } is minimal

Let this a=aa which is a random variable!, the over-fitting is then

average using D and D^{N} of ( y - U(x,aa) )^{2}

Let me explain why, if you select aa such that the error is minimized, then for a rare set of values you have perfect fit. However, since they are rare the average is never 0. You want to minimize the second although you have a discrete approximation to D. And keep in mind that the support length is free.

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys, csv, sqlite3

def main():
    con = sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1]) # database file input
    cur = con.cursor()
        """) # checks to see if table exists and makes a fresh table.

    with open(sys.argv[2], "rb") as f: # CSV file input
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') # no header information with delimiter
        for row in reader:
            to_db = [unicode(row[0], "utf8"), unicode(row[1], "utf8")] # Appends data from CSV file representing and handling of text
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO neto (COL1, COL2) VALUES(?, ?);", to_db)
    con.close() # closes connection to database

if __name__=='__main__':

How to increase maximum execution time in php

You can try to set_time_limit(n). However, if your PHP setup is running in safe mode, you can only change it from the php.ini file.

How to set the default value for radio buttons in AngularJS?

Set a default value for people with ngInit

<div ng-app>
    <div ng-init="people=1" />
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="1"><label>1</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="2"><label>2</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="3"><label>3</label>

Demo: Fiddle

Difference between 2 dates in seconds

$timeFirst  = strtotime('2011-05-12 18:20:20');
$timeSecond = strtotime('2011-05-13 18:20:20');
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;

You will then be able to use the seconds to find minutes, hours, days, etc.

make sounds (beep) with c++

Easiest way is probbaly just to print a ^G ascii bell

How to convert string to integer in C#

int i;

string result = Something;

i = Convert.ToInt32(result);

Combine two (or more) PDF's

I've done this with PDFBox. I suppose it works similarly to iTextSharp.

Should I use pt or px?

Have a look at this excellent article at CSS-Tricks:

Taken from the article:


The final unit of measurement that it is possible to declare font sizes in is point values (pt). Point values are only for print CSS! A point is a unit of measurement used for real-life ink-on-paper typography. 72pts = one inch. One inch = one real-life inch like-on-a-ruler. Not an inch on a screen, which is totally arbitrary based on resolution.

Just like how pixels are dead-accurate on monitors for font-sizing, point sizes are dead-accurate on paper. For the best cross-browser and cross-platform results while printing pages, set up a print stylesheet and size all fonts with point sizes.

For good measure, the reason we don't use point sizes for screen display (other than it being absurd), is that the cross-browser results are drastically different:


If you need fine-grained control, sizing fonts in pixel values (px) is an excellent choice (it's my favorite). On a computer screen, it doesn't get any more accurate than a single pixel. With sizing fonts in pixels, you are literally telling browsers to render the letters exactly that number of pixels in height:

Windows, Mac, aliased, anti-aliased, cross-browsers, doesn't matter, a font set at 14px will be 14px tall. But that isn't to say there won't still be some variation. In a quick test below, the results were slightly more consistent than with keywords but not identical:

Due to the nature of pixel values, they do not cascade. If a parent element has an 18px pixel size and the child is 16px, the child will be 16px. However, font-sizing settings can be using in combination. For example, if the parent was set to 16px and the child was set to larger, the child would indeed come out larger than the parent. A quick test showed me this:

"Larger" bumped the 16px of the parent into 20px, a 25% increase.

Pixels have gotten a bad wrap in the past for accessibility and usability concerns. In IE 6 and below, font-sizes set in pixels cannot be resized by the user. That means that us hip young healthy designers can set type in 12px and read it on the screen just fine, but when folks a little longer in the tooth go to bump up the size so they can read it, they are unable to. This is really IE 6's fault, not ours, but we gots what we gots and we have to deal with it.

Setting font-size in pixels is the most accurate (and I find the most satisfying) method, but do take into consideration the number of visitors still using IE 6 on your site and their accessibility needs. We are right on the bleeding edge of not needing to care about this anymore.

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Yes, but you'll need to run it at the database level.

Right-click the database in SSMS, select "Tasks", "Generate Scripts...". As you work through, you'll get to a "Scripting Options" section. Click on "Advanced", and in the list that pops up, where it says "Types of data to script", you've got the option to select Data and/or Schema.

Screen shot of Advanced Scripting Options

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?

Zeep is a decent SOAP library for Python that matches what you're asking for:

numpy max vs amax vs maximum

np.max is just an alias for np.amax. This function only works on a single input array and finds the value of maximum element in that entire array (returning a scalar). Alternatively, it takes an axis argument and will find the maximum value along an axis of the input array (returning a new array).

>>> a = np.array([[0, 1, 6],
                  [2, 4, 1]])
>>> np.max(a)
>>> np.max(a, axis=0) # max of each column
array([2, 4, 6])

The default behaviour of np.maximum is to take two arrays and compute their element-wise maximum. Here, 'compatible' means that one array can be broadcast to the other. For example:

>>> b = np.array([3, 6, 1])
>>> c = np.array([4, 2, 9])
>>> np.maximum(b, c)
array([4, 6, 9])

But np.maximum is also a universal function which means that it has other features and methods which come in useful when working with multidimensional arrays. For example you can compute the cumulative maximum over an array (or a particular axis of the array):

>>> d = np.array([2, 0, 3, -4, -2, 7, 9])
>>> np.maximum.accumulate(d)
array([2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 7, 9])

This is not possible with np.max.

You can make np.maximum imitate np.max to a certain extent when using np.maximum.reduce:

>>> np.maximum.reduce(d)
>>> np.max(d)

Basic testing suggests the two approaches are comparable in performance; and they should be, as np.max() actually calls np.maximum.reduce to do the computation.

WPF Datagrid Get Selected Cell Value

I was to dumb to find the Solution...

For me (VB):

 Dim string= Datagrid.SelectedCells(0).Item(0).ToString

How to find what code is run by a button or element in Chrome using Developer Tools

Sounds like the "...and I jump line by line..." part is wrong. Do you StepOver or StepIn and are you sure you don't accidentally miss the relevant call?

That said, debugging frameworks can be tedious for exactly this reason. To alleviate the problem, you can enable the "Enable frameworks debugging support" experiment. Happy debugging! :)

How to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string

text.Trim() is to be used

string txt = "                   i am a string                                    ";
txt = txt.Trim();

Multiprocessing vs Threading Python

Here are some pros/cons I came up with.



  • Separate memory space
  • Code is usually straightforward
  • Takes advantage of multiple CPUs & cores
  • Avoids GIL limitations for cPython
  • Eliminates most needs for synchronization primitives unless if you use shared memory (instead, it's more of a communication model for IPC)
  • Child processes are interruptible/killable
  • Python multiprocessing module includes useful abstractions with an interface much like threading.Thread
  • A must with cPython for CPU-bound processing


  • IPC a little more complicated with more overhead (communication model vs. shared memory/objects)
  • Larger memory footprint



  • Lightweight - low memory footprint
  • Shared memory - makes access to state from another context easier
  • Allows you to easily make responsive UIs
  • cPython C extension modules that properly release the GIL will run in parallel
  • Great option for I/O-bound applications


  • cPython - subject to the GIL
  • Not interruptible/killable
  • If not following a command queue/message pump model (using the Queue module), then manual use of synchronization primitives become a necessity (decisions are needed for the granularity of locking)
  • Code is usually harder to understand and to get right - the potential for race conditions increases dramatically

TypeError: Object of type 'bytes' is not JSON serializable

You are creating those bytes objects yourself:

item['title'] = [t.encode('utf-8') for t in title]
item['link'] = [l.encode('utf-8') for l in link]
item['desc'] = [d.encode('utf-8') for d in desc]

Each of those t.encode(), l.encode() and d.encode() calls creates a bytes string. Do not do this, leave it to the JSON format to serialise these.

Next, you are making several other errors; you are encoding too much where there is no need to. Leave it to the json module and the standard file object returned by the open() call to handle encoding.

You also don't need to convert your items list to a dictionary; it'll already be an object that can be JSON encoded directly:

class W3SchoolPipeline(object):    
    def __init__(self):
        self.file = open('w3school_data_utf8.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8')

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        line = json.dumps(item) + '\n'
        return item

I'm guessing you followed a tutorial that assumed Python 2, you are using Python 3 instead. I strongly suggest you find a different tutorial; not only is it written for an outdated version of Python, if it is advocating line.decode('unicode_escape') it is teaching some extremely bad habits that'll lead to hard-to-track bugs. I can recommend you look at Think Python, 2nd edition for a good, free, book on learning Python 3.

Assigning out/ref parameters in Moq

EDIT: In Moq 4.10, you can now pass a delegate that has an out or ref parameter directly to the Callback function:

  .Setup(x=>x.Method(out d))

You will have to define a delegate and instantiate it:

.Callback(new MyDelegate((out decimal v)=>v=12m))

For Moq version before 4.10:

Avner Kashtan provides an extension method in his blog which allows setting the out parameter from a callback: Moq, Callbacks and Out parameters: a particularly tricky edge case

The solution is both elegant and hacky. Elegant in that it provides a fluent syntax that feels at-home with other Moq callbacks. And hacky because it relies on calling some internal Moq APIs via reflection.

The extension method provided at the above link didn't compile for me, so I've provided an edited version below. You'll need to create a signature for each number of input parameters you have; I've provided 0 and 1, but extending it further should be simple:

public static class MoqExtensions
    public delegate void OutAction<TOut>(out TOut outVal);
    public delegate void OutAction<in T1,TOut>(T1 arg1, out TOut outVal);

    public static IReturnsThrows<TMock, TReturn> OutCallback<TMock, TReturn, TOut>(this ICallback<TMock, TReturn> mock, OutAction<TOut> action)
        where TMock : class
        return OutCallbackInternal(mock, action);

    public static IReturnsThrows<TMock, TReturn> OutCallback<TMock, TReturn, T1, TOut>(this ICallback<TMock, TReturn> mock, OutAction<T1, TOut> action)
        where TMock : class
        return OutCallbackInternal(mock, action);

    private static IReturnsThrows<TMock, TReturn> OutCallbackInternal<TMock, TReturn>(ICallback<TMock, TReturn> mock, object action)
        where TMock : class
            .InvokeMember("SetCallbackWithArguments", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, mock,
                new[] { action });
        return mock as IReturnsThrows<TMock, TReturn>;

With the above extension method, you can test an interface with out parameters such as:

public interface IParser
    bool TryParse(string token, out int value);

.. with the following Moq setup:

    public void ParserTest()
        Mock<IParser> parserMock = new Mock<IParser>();

        int outVal;
            .Setup(p => p.TryParse("6", out outVal))
            .OutCallback((string t, out int v) => v = 6)

        int actualValue;
        bool ret = parserMock.Object.TryParse("6", out actualValue);

        Assert.AreEqual(6, actualValue);

Edit: To support void-return methods, you simply need to add new overload methods:

public static ICallbackResult OutCallback<TOut>(this ICallback mock, OutAction<TOut> action)
    return OutCallbackInternal(mock, action);

public static ICallbackResult OutCallback<T1, TOut>(this ICallback mock, OutAction<T1, TOut> action)
    return OutCallbackInternal(mock, action);

private static ICallbackResult OutCallbackInternal(ICallback mock, object action)
        .InvokeMember("SetCallbackWithArguments", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, mock, new[] { action });
    return (ICallbackResult)mock;

This allows testing interfaces such as:

public interface IValidationRule
    void Validate(string input, out string message);

public void ValidatorTest()
    Mock<IValidationRule> validatorMock = new Mock<IValidationRule>();

    string outMessage;
        .Setup(v => v.Validate("input", out outMessage))
        .OutCallback((string i, out string m) => m  = "success");

    string actualMessage;
    validatorMock.Object.Validate("input", out actualMessage);

    Assert.AreEqual("success", actualMessage);

How to setup FTP on xampp

I launched ubuntu Xampp server on AWS amazon. And met the same problem with FTP, even though add user to group ftp SFTP and set permissions, owner group of htdocs folder. Finally find the reason in inbound rules in security group, added All TCP, 0 - 65535 rule(,::/0) , then working right!