Programs & Examples On #Verbosegc

ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing

Server-side validation won't fire if client-side validation is invalid, the postback is not send.

Don't you have some other validation that doesn't pass?

The client-side validation is not executed because you specified ClientValidationFunction="TextBoxDTownCityClient" and this will look for a function named TextBoxDTownCityClient as validation function, but the function name should be TextBoxDAddress1Client

(as you wrote)

How do I convert from stringstream to string in C++?

std::stringstream::str() is the method you are looking for.

With std::stringstream:

template <class T>
std::string YourClass::NumericToString(const T & NumericValue)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << NumericValue;
    return ss.str();

std::stringstream is a more generic tool. You can use the more specialized class std::ostringstream for this specific job.

template <class T>
std::string YourClass::NumericToString(const T & NumericValue)
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << NumericValue;
    return oss.str();

If you are working with std::wstring type of strings, you must prefer std::wstringstream or std::wostringstream instead.

template <class T>
std::wstring YourClass::NumericToString(const T & NumericValue)
    std::wostringstream woss;
    woss << NumericValue;
    return woss.str();

if you want the character type of your string could be run-time selectable, you should also make it a template variable.

template <class CharType, class NumType>
std::basic_string<CharType> YourClass::NumericToString(const NumType & NumericValue)
    std::basic_ostringstream<CharType> oss;
    oss << NumericValue;
    return oss.str();

For all the methods above, you must include the following two header files.

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

Note that, the argument NumericValue in the examples above can also be passed as std::string or std::wstring to be used with the std::ostringstream and std::wostringstream instances respectively. It is not necessary for the NumericValue to be a numeric value.

Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

Don't get into the trap of optimizing without proper benchmarking. As others have suggested use a profiler before making any assumption.

The different data structures that you have enumerated have different purposes. A list is very efficient at inserting elements in the beginning and at the end but suffers a lot when accessing random elements. An array has fixed storage but provides fast random access. Finally an ArrayList improves the interface to an array by allowing it to grow. Normally the data structure to be used should be dictated by how the data stored will be access or added.

About memory consumption. You seem to be mixing some things. An array will only give you a continuous chunk of memory for the type of data that you have. Don't forget that java has a fixed data types: boolean, char, int, long, float and Object (this include all objects, even an array is an Object). It means that if you declare an array of String strings [1000] or MyObject myObjects [1000] you only get a 1000 memory boxes big enough to store the location (references or pointers) of the objects. You don't get a 1000 memory boxes big enough to fit the size of the objects. Don't forget that your objects are first created with "new". This is when the memory allocation is done and later a reference (their memory address) is stored in the array. The object doesn't get copied into the array only it's reference.

Bootstrap 4 Center Vertical and Horizontal Alignment

Update 2019 - Bootstrap 4.3.1

There's no need for extra CSS. What's already included in Bootstrap will work. Make sure the container(s) of the form are full height. Bootstrap 4 now has a h-100 class for 100% height...

Vertical center:

<div class="container h-100">
  <div class="row h-100 justify-content-center align-items-center">
    <form class="col-12">
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="formGroupExampleInput">Example label</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="formGroupExampleInput" placeholder="Example input">
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="formGroupExampleInput2">Another label</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="formGroupExampleInput2" placeholder="Another input">

the height of the container with the item(s) to center should be 100% (or whatever the desired height is relative to the centered item)

Note: When using height:100% (percentage height) on any element, the element takes in the height of it's container. In modern browsers vh units height:100vh; can be used instead of % to get the desired height.

Therefore, you can set html, body {height: 100%}, or use the new min-vh-100 class on container instead of h-100.

Horizontal center:

  • text-center to center display:inline elements & column content
  • mx-auto for centering inside flex elements
  • offset-* or mx-auto can be used to center columns (.col-)
  • justify-content-center to center columns (col-*) inside row

Vertical Align Center in Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap 4 full-screen centered form
Bootstrap 4 center input group
Bootstrap 4 horizontal + vertical center full screen

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

I know this is an older question, but none of the above answers worked for me. In my case, the issue turned out to be that I had absolute include paths but without drive letters. Compilation was fine, but Visual Studio couldn't find an include file when I right-clicked and tried to open it. Adding the drive letters to my include paths corrected the problem.

I would never recommend hard-coding drive letters in any aspect of your project files; either use relative paths, macros, environment variables, or some mix of the tree for any permanent situation. However, in this case, I'm working in some temporary projects where absolute paths were necessary in the short term. Not being able to right-click to open the files was extremely frustrating, and hopefully this will help others.

Angular and debounce

Not directly accessible like in angular1 but you can easily play with NgFormControl and RxJS observables:

<input type="text" [ngFormControl]="term"/>

this.items = this.term.valueChanges
  .switchMap(term =>;

This blog post explains it clearly:

Here it is for an autocomplete but it works all scenarios.

do <something> N times (declarative syntax)

Given a function something:

function something() { console.log("did something") }

And a new method times added to the Array prototype:

Array.prototype.times = function(f){
  for(v of this) 
    for(var _ of Array(v))

This code:


Outputs this:

did something
did something
did something
did something
did something
did something

Which I think answers your updated question (5 years later) but I wonder how useful it is to have this work on an array? Wouldn't the effect be the same as calling [6].times(something), which in turn could be written as:

for(_ of Array(6)) something();

(although the use of _ as a junk variable will probably clobber lodash or underscore if you're using it)

pip cannot install anything

pip has mirror support

pip --use-mirrors install yolk

As of version 1.5, this option will be removed:

1.5 (unreleased)

BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE pip no longer supports the --use-mirrors, -M, and --mirrors flags. The mirroring support has been removed. In order to use a mirror specify it as the primary index with -i or --index-url, or as an additional index with --extra-index-url. (Pull #1098, CVE-2013-5123)

BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE pip no longer will scrape insecure external urls by default nor will it install externally hosted files by default. Users may opt into installing externally hosted or insecure files or urls using --allow-external PROJECT and --allow-insecure PROJECT. (Pull #1055)

Added colors to the logging output in order to draw attention to important warnings and errors. (Pull #1109)

Added warnings when using an insecure index, find-link, or dependency link. (Pull #1121)

Using PHP with

For 'long-lived connection' you mentioned, you can use Ratchet for PHP. It's a library built based on Stream Socket functions that PHP has supported since PHP 5.

For client side, you need to use WebSocket that HTML5 supported instead of (since you know, only works with node.js).

In case you still want to use, you can try this way: - find & get for client to use - work with Ratchet to simulate the way does on server

Hope this helps!

Float a DIV on top of another DIV

Just add position, right and top to your class .close-image

.close-image {
    cursor: pointer;
    display: block;
    float: right;  
    z-index: 3;
    position: absolute; /*newly added*/
    right: 5px; /*newly added*/
    top: 5px;/*newly added*/

How to check View Source in Mobile Browsers (Both Android && Feature Phone)

This question is a few years old, and there are some good suggestions for workarounds, but I didn't really notice any answers that address the core of the original question head-on. So:

  • Providing a "universal" method for viewing source in a feature phone browser (or even arbitrary third-party smartphone browser) is impossible because "view source" — via any method — is a feature implemented in the browser. So how it's accessed, or even if it can be accessed, is up to the developers of the browser. I'm sure there are plenty of browsers that intentionally prevent the user from viewing page source, and if so then you're out of luck, except maybe for workarounds like the ones offered here.

  • Workarounds such as "view source" apps external to the browser, while useful in some cases, are at best an imperfect partial solution to the original request. It's never certain that any such app will display the source of the page in the same form as it's loaded by the phone's browser.

    Modern web content changes itself in all manner of ways through browser detection, session management, etc. so that the source loaded by any external app can never be relied on to represent the source as loaded by a different app. If you're going to use an external app to load a page because you want to see the source, you might as well just use Chrome (or, on an iOS device, Safari) instead.

How to make a round button?

If using Android Studio you can just use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
        <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>


this works fine for me, hope this helps someone.

Convert from to JodaTime

Each datetime class provides a variety of constructors. These include the Object constructor. This allows you to construct, for example, DateTime from the following objects:

* Date - a JDK instant
* Calendar - a JDK calendar
* String - in ISO8601 format
* Long - in milliseconds
* any Joda-Time datetime class

Svn switch from trunk to branch

You don't need to --relocate since the branch is within the same repository URL. Just do:

svn switch

Python MySQLdb TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

I encountered this error while executing SELECT * FROM table; I traced the error to line 195.

if args is not None:
        if isinstance(args, dict):
            nargs = {}
            for key, item in args.items():
                if isinstance(key, unicode):
                    key = key.encode(db.encoding)
                nargs[key] = db.literal(item)
            args = nargs
            args = tuple(map(db.literal, args))
            query = query % args
        except TypeError as m:
            raise ProgrammingError(str(m))

Given that I am entering any extra parameters, I got rid of all of "if args ..." branch. Now it works.

SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

As the error message says, non-default argument til should not follow default argument hgt.

Changing order of parameters (function call also be adjusted accordingly) or making hgt non-default parameter will solve your problem.

def a(len1, hgt=len1, til, col=0):


def a(len1, hgt, til, col=0):


Another issue that is hidden by the SyntaxError.

os.system accepts only one string parameter.

def a(len1, hgt, til, col=0):
    system('mode con cols=%s lines=%s' % (len1, hgt))
    system('title %s' % til)
    system('color %s' % col)

How to have a transparent ImageButton: Android

Set the background of the ImageButton as @null in XML

<ImageButton android:id="@+id/previous"

Converting JSON to XML in Java

Use the (excellent) JSON-Java library from then

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str);
String xml = XML.toString(json);

toString can take a second argument to provide the name of the XML root node.

This library is also able to convert XML to JSON using XML.toJSONObject(java.lang.String string)

Check the Javadoc

Link to the the github repository



original post updated with new links

DataColumn Name from DataRow (not DataTable)

use DataTable object instead:

 private void doMore(DataTable dt)
    foreach(DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)

Add an object to a python list

If i am correct in believing that you are adding a variable to the array but when you change that variable outside of the array, it also changes inside the array but you don't want it to then it is a really simple solution.

When you are saving the variable to the array you should turn it into a string by simply putting str(variablename). For example:


Using this method your code should look like this:

arrayList = []
for x in allValues:
    result = model(x)
    arrayList.append(str(wM))        #this is the only line that is changed.

How can I copy data from one column to another in the same table?

How about this

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;

This will update every row.

Creating a textarea with auto-resize

Some of the answers here don't account for padding.

Assuming you have a maxHeight you don't want to go over, this worked for me:

    // obviously requires jQuery

    // element is the textarea DOM node

    var $el = $(element);
    // inner height is height + padding
    // outerHeight includes border (and possibly margins too?)
    var padding = $el.innerHeight() - $el.height();
    var originalHeight = $el.height();

    // XXX: Don't leave this hardcoded
    var maxHeight = 300;

    var adjust = function() {
        // reset it to the original height so that scrollHeight makes sense

        // this is the desired height (adjusted to content size)
        var height = element.scrollHeight - padding;

        // If you don't want a maxHeight, you can ignore this
        height = Math.min(height, maxHeight);

        // Set the height to the new adjusted height

    // The input event only works on modern browsers
    element.addEventListener('input', adjust);

How to update/upgrade a package using pip?

To upgrade pip for Python3.4+, you must use pip3 as follows:

sudo pip3 install pip --upgrade

This will upgrade pip located at: /usr/local/lib/python3.X/dist-packages

Otherwise, to upgrade pip for Python2.7, you would use pip as follows:

sudo pip install pip --upgrade

This will upgrade pip located at: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

how to open *.sdf files?

In addition to the methods described by @ctacke, you can also open SQL Server Compact Edition databases with SQL Server Management Studio. You'll need SQL Server 2008 to open SQL CE 3.5 databases.

Outputting data from unit test in Python

I think I might have been overthinking this. One way I've come up with that does the job, is simply to have a global variable, that accumulates the diagnostic data.

Somthing like this:

log1 = dict()
class TestBar(unittest.TestCase):
    def runTest(self):
        for t1, t2 in testdata:
            f = Foo(t1) 
            if != 2: 
                log1("TestBar.runTest") = (f, t1, t2)
      " != 2")

Thanks for the replies. They have given me some alternative ideas for how to record information from unit tests in python.

MySQL my.cnf file - Found option without preceding group

Charset encoding

Check the charset encoding of the file. Make sure that it is in ASCII.

Use the od command to see if there is a UTF-8 BOM at the beginning, for example.

How to completely uninstall kubernetes

In my "Ubuntu 16.04", I use next steps to completely remove and clean Kubernetes (installed with "apt-get"):

kubeadm reset
sudo apt-get purge kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes-cni kube*   
sudo apt-get autoremove  
sudo rm -rf ~/.kube

And restart the computer.

Find unique lines

you can use:

sort data.txt| uniq -u

this sort data and filter by unique values

Install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe

Yes, that is fully possible (i.e. I do exactly this); you just need to reference the right dll (System.ServiceProcess.dll) and add an installer class...

Here's an example:

public sealed class MyServiceInstallerProcess : ServiceProcessInstaller
    public MyServiceInstallerProcess()
        this.Account = ServiceAccount.NetworkService;

public sealed class MyServiceInstaller : ServiceInstaller
    public MyServiceInstaller()
        this.Description = "Service Description";
        this.DisplayName = "Service Name";
        this.ServiceName = "ServiceName";
        this.StartType = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode.Automatic;

static void Install(bool undo, string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine(undo ? "uninstalling" : "installing");
        using (AssemblyInstaller inst = new AssemblyInstaller(typeof(Program).Assembly, args))
            IDictionary state = new Hashtable();
            inst.UseNewContext = true;
                if (undo)
                catch { }
    catch (Exception ex)

Is there any sizeof-like method in Java?

You can do bit manipulations like below to obtain the size of primitives:

public int sizeofInt() {
    int i = 1, j = 0;
    while (i != 0) {
        i = (i<<1); j++;
    return j;

public int sizeofChar() {
    char i = 1, j = 0;
    while (i != 0) {
        i = (char) (i<<1); j++;
    return j;

Pros/cons of using redux-saga with ES6 generators vs redux-thunk with ES2017 async/await

Thunks versus Sagas

Redux-Thunk and Redux-Saga differ in a few important ways, both are middleware libraries for Redux (Redux middleware is code that intercepts actions coming into the store via the dispatch() method).

An action can be literally anything, but if you're following best practices, an action is a plain javascript object with a type field, and optional payload, meta, and error fields. e.g.

const loginRequest = {
    type: 'LOGIN_REQUEST',
    payload: {
        name: 'admin',
        password: '123',
    }, };


In addition to dispatching standard actions, Redux-Thunk middleware allows you to dispatch special functions, called thunks.

Thunks (in Redux) generally have the following structure:

export const thunkName =
   parameters =>
        (dispatch, getState) => {
            // Your application logic goes here

That is, a thunk is a function that (optionally) takes some parameters and returns another function. The inner function takes a dispatch function and a getState function -- both of which will be supplied by the Redux-Thunk middleware.


Redux-Saga middleware allows you to express complex application logic as pure functions called sagas. Pure functions are desirable from a testing standpoint because they are predictable and repeatable, which makes them relatively easy to test.

Sagas are implemented through special functions called generator functions. These are a new feature of ES6 JavaScript. Basically, execution jumps in and out of a generator everywhere you see a yield statement. Think of a yield statement as causing the generator to pause and return the yielded value. Later on, the caller can resume the generator at the statement following the yield.

A generator function is one defined like this. Notice the asterisk after the function keyword.

function* mySaga() {
    // ...

Once the login saga is registered with Redux-Saga. But then the yield take on the the first line will pause the saga until an action with type 'LOGIN_REQUEST' is dispatched to the store. Once that happens, execution will continue.

For more details see this article.

How to customize an end time for a YouTube video?

I just found out that the following works:[video_id]?start=[start_at_second]&end=[end_at_second]

Note: the time must be an integer number of seconds (e.g. 119, not 1m59s).

Getting a browser's name client-side

It's all about what you really want to do, but in times to come and right now, the best way is avoid browser detection and check for features. like Canvas, Audio, WebSockets, etc through simple javascript calls or in your CSS, for me your best approach is use a tool like ModernizR:

Unlike with the traditional—but highly unreliable—method of doing “UA sniffing,” which is detecting a browser by its (user-configurable) navigator.userAgent property, Modernizr does actual feature detection to reliably discern what the various browsers can and cannot do.

If using CSS, you can do this:

.no-js .glossy,
.no-cssgradients .glossy {
    background: url("images/glossybutton.png");

.cssgradients .glossy {
    background-image: linear-gradient(top, #555, #333);

as it will load and append all features as a class name in the <html> element and you will be able to do as you wish in terms of CSS.

And you can even load files upon features, for example, load a polyfill js and css if the browser does not have native support

  // Presentational polyfills
    // Logical list of things we would normally need
    test : Modernizr.fontface && Modernizr.canvas && Modernizr.cssgradients,
    // Modernizr.load loads css and javascript by default
    nope : ['presentational-polyfill.js', 'presentational.css']
  // Functional polyfills
    // This just has to be truthy
    test : Modernizr.websockets && window.JSON,
    // socket-io.js and json2.js
    nope : 'functional-polyfills.js',
    // You can also give arrays of resources to load.
    both : [ 'app.js', 'extra.js' ],
    complete : function () {
      // Run this after everything in this group has downloaded
      // and executed, as well everything in all previous groups
  // Run your analytics after you've already kicked off all the rest
  // of your app.

a simple example of requesting features from javascript:

C free(): invalid pointer

You're attempting to free something that isn't a pointer to a "freeable" memory address. Just because something is an address doesn't mean that you need to or should free it.

There are two main types of memory you seem to be confusing - stack memory and heap memory.

  • Stack memory lives in the live span of the function. It's temporary space for things that shouldn't grow too big. When you call the function main, it sets aside some memory for your variables you've declared (p,token, and so on).

  • Heap memory lives from when you malloc it to when you free it. You can use much more heap memory than you can stack memory. You also need to keep track of it - it's not easy like stack memory!

You have a few errors:

  • You're trying to free memory that's not heap memory. Don't do that.

  • You're trying to free the inside of a block of memory. When you have in fact allocated a block of memory, you can only free it from the pointer returned by malloc. That is to say, only from the beginning of the block. You can't free a portion of the block from the inside.

For your bit of code here, you probably want to find a way to copy relevant portion of memory to somewhere else...say another block of memory you've set aside. Or you can modify the original string if you want (hint: char value 0 is the null terminator and tells functions like printf to stop reading the string).

EDIT: The malloc function does allocate heap memory*.

"9.9.1 The malloc and free Functions

The C standard library provides an explicit allocator known as the malloc package. Programs allocate blocks from the heap by calling the malloc function."

~Computer Systems : A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition, Bryant & O'Hallaron, 2011

EDIT 2: * The C standard does not, in fact, specify anything about the heap or the stack. However, for anyone learning on a relevant desktop/laptop machine, the distinction is probably unnecessary and confusing if anything, especially if you're learning about how your program is stored and executed. When you find yourself working on something like an AVR microcontroller as H2CO3 has, it is definitely worthwhile to note all the differences, which from my own experience with embedded systems, extend well past memory allocation.

How can I add a variable to console.log?

Both console.log("story" + name + "story") and console.log("story", name, "story") works just fine as mentioned in earlier answers.

I will still suggest of having a habit of console.log("story", name, "story"), because, if trying to print the object contents, like json object, having "story" + objectVariable + "story" will convert it into string.

This will have output like : "story" [object Object] "story".

Just a good practice.

Relationship between hashCode and equals method in Java

Yes, it should be overridden. If you think you need to override equals(), then you need to override hashCode() and vice versa. The general contract of hashCode() is:

  1. Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.

  2. If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.

  3. It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables.

Check list of words in another string

If your list of words is of substantial length, and you need to do this test many times, it may be worth converting the list to a set and using set intersection to test (with the added benefit that you wil get the actual words that are in both lists):

>>> long_word_list = 'some one long two phrase three about above along after against'
>>> long_word_set = set(long_word_list.split())
>>> set('word along river'.split()) & long_word_set

return value after a promise

The best way to do this would be to use the promise returning function as it is, like this

lookupValue(file).then(function(res) {
    // Write the code which depends on the `res.val`, here

The function which invokes an asynchronous function cannot wait till the async function returns a value. Because, it just invokes the async function and executes the rest of the code in it. So, when an async function returns a value, it will not be received by the same function which invoked it.

So, the general idea is to write the code which depends on the return value of an async function, in the async function itself.

What do all of Scala's symbolic operators mean?

<= is just like you would "read" it: 'less than or equals'. So it's a mathematical operator, in the list of < (is less than?), > (is greater than?), == (equals?), != (is not equal?), <= (is less than or equal?), and >= (is greater than or equal?).

This must not be confused with => which is kind of a double right-hand arrow, used to separate the argument list from the body of a function and to separate the testing condition in pattern matching (a case block) from the body executed when a match occurs. You can see example of this in my previous two answers. First, the function use: => tup._2.reverse)

which is already abbreviated as the types are omitted. The follow function would be

// function arguments         function body
(tup: Tuple2[Int, String]) => tup._2.reverse

and the pattern matching use:

def extract2(l: List[Int]) = l match {
   // if l matches Nil    return "empty"
   case Nil            => "empty"
   // etc.
   case ::(head, Nil)  => "exactly one element (" + head + ")"
   // etc.
   case ::(head, tail) => "more than one element"

Confused about __str__ on list in Python

Python has two different ways to convert an object to a string: str() and repr(). Printing an object uses str(); printing a list containing an object uses str() for the list itself, but the implementation of list.__str__() calls repr() for the individual items.

So you should also overwrite __repr__(). A simple

__repr__ = __str__

at the end of the class body will do the trick.

Grid of responsive squares

You can make responsive grid of squares with verticaly and horizontaly centered content only with CSS. I will explain how in a step by step process but first here are 2 demos of what you can achieve :

Responsive 3x3 square grid Responsive square images in a 3x3 grid

Now let's see how to make these fancy responsive squares!

1. Making the responsive squares :

The trick for keeping elements square (or whatever other aspect ratio) is to use percent padding-bottom.
Side note: you can use top padding too or top/bottom margin but the background of the element won't display.

As top padding is calculated according to the width of the parent element (See MDN for reference), the height of the element will change according to its width. You can now Keep its aspect ratio according to its width.
At this point you can code :




div {
    width: 30%;
    padding-bottom: 30%; /* = width for a square aspect ratio */

Here is a simple layout example of 3*3 squares grid using the code above.

With this technique, you can make any other aspect ratio, here is a table giving the values of bottom padding according to the aspect ratio and a 30% width.

 Aspect ratio  |  padding-bottom  |  for 30% width
    1:1        |  = width         |    30%
    1:2        |  width x 2       |    60%
    2:1        |  width x 0.5     |    15%
    4:3        |  width x 0.75    |    22.5%
    16:9       |  width x 0.5625  |    16.875%

2. Adding content inside the squares

As you can't add content directly inside the squares (it would expand their height and squares wouldn't be squares anymore) you need to create child elements (for this example I am using divs) inside them with position: absolute; and put the content inside them. This will take the content out of the flow and keep the size of the square.

Don't forget to add position:relative; on the parent divs so the absolute children are positioned/sized relatively to their parent.

Let's add some content to our 3x3 grid of squares :


<div class="square">
    <div class="content">
        .. CONTENT HERE ..
... and so on 9 times for 9 squares ...


.square {
    position: relative;
    width: 30%;
    padding-bottom: 30%; /* = width for a 1:1 aspect ratio */

.content {
    height:80%; /* = 100% - 2*10% padding */
    width:90%; /* = 100% - 2*5% padding */
    padding: 10% 5%;

RESULT <-- with some formatting to make it pretty!

3.Centering the content

Horizontally :

This is pretty easy, you just need to add text-align:center to .content.

Vertical alignment

This becomes serious! The trick is to use

/* and */

but we can't use display:table; on .square or .content divs because it conflicts with position:absolute; so we need to create two children inside .content divs. Our code will be updated as follow :


<div class="square">
    <div class="content">
        <div class="table">
            <div class="table-cell">
                ... CONTENT HERE ...
... and so on 9 times for 9 squares ...


.square {
    position: relative;
    width: 30%;
    padding-bottom : 30%; /* = width for a 1:1 aspect ratio */

.content {
    height:80%; /* = 100% - 2*10% padding */
    width:90%; /* = 100% - 2*5% padding */
    padding: 10% 5%;

We have now finished and we can take a look at the result here :


editable fiddle here

Converting from longitude\latitude to Cartesian coordinates

Here's the answer I found:

Just to make the definition complete, in the Cartesian coordinate system:

  • the x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0), so longitude 0 meets the equator;
  • the y-axis goes through (0,90);
  • and the z-axis goes through the poles.

The conversion is:

x = R * cos(lat) * cos(lon)

y = R * cos(lat) * sin(lon)

z = R *sin(lat)

Where R is the approximate radius of earth (e.g. 6371 km).

If your trigonometric functions expect radians (which they probably do), you will need to convert your longitude and latitude to radians first. You obviously need a decimal representation, not degrees\minutes\seconds (see e.g. here about conversion).

The formula for back conversion:

   lat = asin(z / R)
   lon = atan2(y, x)

asin is of course arc sine. read about atan2 in wikipedia. Don’t forget to convert back from radians to degrees.

This page gives c# code for this (note that it is very different from the formulas), and also some explanation and nice diagram of why this is correct,

C# Creating and using Functions

Just make your Add function static by adding the static keyword like this:

public static int Add(int x, int y)

What is Turing Complete?

Turing Complete means that it is at least as powerful as a Turing Machine. This means anything that can be computed by a Turing Machine can be computed by a Turing Complete system.

No one has yet found a system more powerful than a Turing Machine. So, for the time being, saying a system is Turing Complete is the same as saying the system is as powerful as any known computing system (see Church-Turing Thesis).

Binding value to input in Angular JS

You don't need to set the value at all. ng-model takes care of it all:

  • set the input value from the model
  • update the model value when you change the input
  • update the input value when you change the model from js

Here's the fiddle for this:

pdftk compression option

If file size is still too large it could help using ps2pdf to downscale the resolution of the produced pdf file:

pdf2ps input.pdf
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dDownsampleColorImages=true -dColorImageResolution=200 -dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic output.pdf

Adjust the value of the -dColorImageResolution option to achieve a result that fits your needs (the value describes the image resolution in DPIs). If your input file is in grayscale, replacing Color through Gray or using both options in the above command could also help. Further fine-tuning is possible by changing the -dPDFSETTINGS option to /default or /printer. For explanations of the all possible options consult the ps2pdf manual.

Docker remove <none> TAG images

try this to see list docker images ID with tag <none>

docker images -a | awk '/^<none>/ {print $3}'

and then you can delete all image with tag <none>. this worked for me.

docker rmi $(docker images -a | awk '/^<none>/ {print $3}')

Calling a class method raises a TypeError in Python

Try this:

class mystuff:
    def average(_,a,b,c): #get the average of three numbers
            return result

#now use the function average from the mystuff class
print mystuff.average(9,18,27)

or this:

class mystuff:
    def average(self,a,b,c): #get the average of three numbers
            return result

#now use the function average from the mystuff class
print mystuff.average(9,18,27)

BASH Syntax error near unexpected token 'done'

In my case, what was causing the problem was an if else statement. After re-writing the conditions, the error 'near done' got away.

Display Adobe pdf inside a div

You could create an image thumbnail, and link it to the actual pdf as an inline popup using something like

Python vs Cpython

You need to distinguish between a language and an implementation. Python is a language,

According to Wikipedia, "A programming language is a notation for writing programs, which are specifications of a computation or algorithm". This means that it's simply the rules and syntax for writing code. Separately we have a programming language implementation which in most cases, is the actual interpreter or compiler.

Python is a language. CPython is the implementation of Python in C. Jython is the implementation in Java, and so on.

To sum up: You are already using CPython (if you downloaded from here).

Cancel split window in Vim

Okay I just detached and reattach to the screen session and I am back to normal screen I wanted

Key existence check in HashMap

I usually use the idiom

Object value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
    value = createValue(key);
    map.put(key, value);

This means you only hit the map twice if the key is missing

Scatter plots in Pandas/Pyplot: How to plot by category

You can use df.plot.scatter, and pass an array to c= argument defining the color of each point:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(10,1,30).reshape(10,3), index = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', freq = 'M', periods = 10), columns = ('one', 'two', 'three'))
df['key1'] = (4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,8)
colors = np.where(df["key1"]==4,'r','-')
colors[df["key1"]==6] = 'g'
colors[df["key1"]==8] = 'b'

enter image description here

Proper way to return JSON using node or Express

For the header half of the question, I'm gonna give a shout out to res.type here:


is equivalent to

res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

Source: express docs:

Sets the Content-Type HTTP header to the MIME type as determined by mime.lookup() for the specified type. If type contains the “/” character, then it sets the Content-Type to type.

Reading the selected value from asp:RadioButtonList using jQuery

For my scenario, my JS was in a separate file, so using a ClientID response output wasn't conducive. Surprisingly, the solution was as simple as adding a CssClass to the RadioButtonList, which I found out on DevCurry

Just incase that solution disappears, add a class to your radio button list

<asp:RadioButtonList id="rbl" runat="server" class="tbl">...

As the article points out, when the radio button list is rendered, the class "tbl" is appended to the surrounding table

<table id="rbl" class="tbl" border="0">

Now because of the CSS class that has been appended, you can just refer to input:radio items within your table, based on the css class selector

$(function () {
            var $radBtn = $("table.tbl input:radio");
            $ () {
                var $radChecked = $(':radio:checked');

Again, this avoids using the "ClientID" mentioned above which I found messy for my scenario. Hope this helps!

Java String to JSON conversion

You are getting NullPointerException as the "output" is null when the while loop ends. You can collect the output in some buffer and then use it, something like this-

    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    String output;
    System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
    while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) {
    output = buffer.toString(); // now you have the output

Rails 4: assets not loading in production

I just had the same problem and found this setting in config/environments/production.rb:

# Rails 4:
config.serve_static_assets = false

# Or for Rails 5:
config.public_file_server.enabled = false

Changing it to true got it working. It seems by default Rails expects you to have configured your front-end webserver to handle requests for files out of the public folder instead of proxying them to the Rails app. Perhaps you've done this for your javascript files but not your CSS stylesheets?

(See Rails 5 documentation). As noted in comments, with Rails 5 you may just set the RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES environment variable, since the default setting is config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present?.

Kill detached screen session

"kill" will only kill one screen window. To "kill" the complete session, use quit.


$ screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] quit

For dead sessions use: $ screen -wipe

Check if a path represents a file or a folder

Please stick to the nio API to perform these checks

import java.nio.file.*;

static Boolean isDir(Path path) {
  if (path == null || !Files.exists(path)) return false;
  else return Files.isDirectory(path);

update to python 3.7 using anaconda

conda create -n py37 -c anaconda anaconda=5.3

seems to be working.

How to check Django version

Run pip list in a Linux terminal and find Django and its version in the list:

Run pip freeze on cmd on Windows.

How to pass ArrayList<CustomeObject> from one activity to another?

you need implements Parcelable in your ContactBean class, I put one example for you:

public class ContactClass implements Parcelable {

private String id;
private String photo;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;

public ContactClass()


private ContactClass(Parcel in) {
    firstname = in.readString();
    lastname = in.readString();
    photo = in.readString();
    id = in.readString();


public int describeContents() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return 0;

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {



 public static final Parcelable.Creator<ContactClass> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<ContactClass>() {
        public ContactClass createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new ContactClass(in);

        public ContactClass[] newArray(int size) {
            return new ContactClass[size];


   // all get , set method 

and this get and set for your code:

Intent intent = new Intent(this,DisplayContact.class);
intent.putExtra("Contact_list", ContactLis);

second class:

ArrayList<ContactClass> myList = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("Contact_list");

NSURLErrorDomain error codes description

The NSURLErrorDomain error codes are listed here

However, 400 is just the http status code ( being returned which means you've got something wrong with your request.

SSL Error When installing rubygems, Unable to pull data from '

As a Windows 10 user, I followed Dheerendra's answer, and it worked for me one day. The next day, I experienced the issue again, and his fix didn't work. For me, the fix was to update bundler with:

gem update bundler

I believe my version of bundler was more than a few months old.

How do I simulate placeholder functionality on input date field?

Try this:

Add a placeholder attribute to your field with the value you want, then add this jQuery:

    if ($(this).val() == $(this).attr('placeholder')) { $(this).val(''); }
    if ($(this).val() == '') { $(this).val($(this).attr('placeholder')); }

I've not tested it for fields that can't take placeholders but you shouldn't need to change anything in the code at all.

On another note, this code is also a great solution for browsers that don't support the placeholder attribute.

How to check if X server is running?


# netstat -lp|grep -i x
tcp        0      0 *:x11                   *:*                     LISTEN      2937/X          
tcp6       0      0 [::]:x11                [::]:*                  LISTEN      2937/X          
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8940     2937/X              @/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8941     2937/X              /tmp/.X11-unix/X0

2) nmap

# nmap localhost|grep -i x
6000/tcp open  X11

Hibernate Criteria for Dates

try this,

    String dateStr = "17-April-2011 19:20:23.707000000 ";
    Date dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(dateStr);
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");  

    String newDate = format.format(dateForm);  

    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date fromDate = format.parse(newDate);
    today.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
    Date toDate= new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(format.format(today.getTime()));

    Criteria crit = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Model.class);
    crit.add("dateFieldName", fromDate));
    crit.add(Restrictions.le("dateFieldName", toDate));
    return crit.list();

What is parsing in terms that a new programmer would understand?

What is parsing?

In computer science, parsing is the process of analysing text to determine if it belongs to a specific language or not (i.e. is syntactically valid for that language's grammar). It is an informal name for the syntactic analysis process.

For example, suppose the language a^n b^n (which means same number of characters A followed by the same number of characters B). A parser for that language would accept AABB input and reject the AAAB input. That is what a parser does.

In addition, during this process a data structure could be created for further processing. In my previous example, it could, for instance, to store the AA and BB in two separate stacks.

Anything that happens after it, like giving meaning to AA or BB, or transform it in something else, is not parsing. Giving meaning to parts of an input sequence of tokens is called semantic analysis.

What isn't parsing?

  • Parsing is not transform one thing into another. Transforming A into B, is, in essence, what a compiler does. Compiling takes several steps, parsing is only one of them.
  • Parsing is not extracting meaning from a text. That is semantic analysis, a step of the compiling process.

What is the simplest way to understand it?

I think the best way for understanding the parsing concept is to begin with the simpler concepts. The simplest one in language processing subject is the finite automaton. It is a formalism to parsing regular languages, such as regular expressions.

It is very simple, you have an input, a set of states and a set of transitions. Consider the following language built over the alphabet { A, B }, L = { w | w starts with 'AA' or 'BB' as substring }. The automaton below represents a possible parser for that language whose all valid words starts with 'AA' or 'BB'.


It is a very simple parser for that language. You start at (q0), the initial state, then you read a symbol from the input, if it is A then you move to (q1) state, otherwise (it is a B, remember the remember the alphabet is only A and B) you move to (q2) state and so on. If you reach (qf) state, then the input was accepted.

As it is visual, you only need a pencil and a piece of paper to explain what a parser is to anyone, including a child. I think the simplicity is what makes the automata the most suitable way to teaching language processing concepts, such as parsing.

Finally, being a Computer Science student, you will study such concepts in-deep at theoretical computer science classes such as Formal Languages and Theory of Computation.

Convert Enumeration to a Set/List

If you need Set rather than List, you can use EnumSet.allOf().

Set<EnumerationClass> set = EnumSet.allOf(EnumerationClass.class);

Update: JakeRobb is right. My answer is about java.lang.Enum instead of java.util.Enumeration. Sorry for unrelated answer.

Push git commits & tags simultaneously

Update August 2020

As mentioned originally in this answer by SoBeRich, and in my own answer, as of git 2.4.x

git push --atomic origin <branch name> <tag>

(Note: this actually work with HTTPS only with Git 2.24)

Update May 2015

As of git 2.4.1, you can do

git config --global push.followTags true

If set to true enable --follow-tags option by default.
You may override this configuration at time of push by specifying --no-follow-tags.

As noted in this thread by Matt Rogers answering Wes Hurd:

--follow-tags only pushes annotated tags.

git tag -a -m "I'm an annotation" <tagname>

That would be pushed (as opposed to git tag <tagname>, a lightweight tag, which would not be pushed, as I mentioned here)

Update April 2013

Since git 1.8.3 (April 22d, 2013), you no longer have to do 2 commands to push branches, and then to push tags:

The new "--follow-tags" option tells "git push" to push relevant annotated tags when pushing branches out.

You can now try, when pushing new commits:

git push --follow-tags

That won't push all the local tags though, only the one referenced by commits which are pushed with the git push.

Git 2.4.1+ (Q2 2015) will introduce the option push.followTags: see "How to make “git push” include tags within a branch?".

Original answer, September 2010

The nuclear option would be git push --mirror, which will push all refs under refs/.

You can also push just one tag with your current branch commit:

git push origin : v1.0.0 

You can combine the --tags option with a refspec like:

git push origin --tags :

(since --tags means: All refs under refs/tags are pushed, in addition to refspecs explicitly listed on the command line)

You also have this entry "Pushing branches and tags with a single "git push" invocation"

A handy tip was just posted to the Git mailing list by Zoltán Füzesi:

I use .git/config to solve this:

[remote "origin"]
    url = ...
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    push = +refs/heads/*
    push = +refs/tags/*

With these lines added git push origin will upload all your branches and tags. If you want to upload only some of them, you can enumerate them.

Haven't tried it myself yet, but it looks like it might be useful until some other way of pushing branches and tags at the same time is added to git push.
On the other hand, I don't mind typing:

$ git push && git push --tags

Beware, as commented by Aseem Kishore

push = +refs/heads/* will force-pushes all your branches.

This bit me just now, so FYI.

René Scheibe adds this interesting comment:

The --follow-tags parameter is misleading as only tags under .git/refs/tags are considered.
If git gc is run, tags are moved from .git/refs/tags to .git/packed-refs. Afterwards git push --follow-tags ... does not work as expected anymore.

Calculate distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java

Based on another question on stackoverflow, I got this code.. This calculates the result in meters, not in miles :)

 public static float distFrom(float lat1, float lng1, float lat2, float lng2) {
    double earthRadius = 6371000; //meters
    double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2-lat1);
    double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2-lng1);
    double a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
               Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) *
               Math.sin(dLng/2) * Math.sin(dLng/2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
    float dist = (float) (earthRadius * c);

    return dist;

Select Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC

My answer below doesn't solve the question but it relates to.

If someone is using enum instead of a class model, like this example:

public enum Counter
    [Display(Name = "Number 1")]
    No1 = 1,
    [Display(Name = "Number 2")]
    No2 = 2,
    [Display(Name = "Number 3")]
    No3 = 3

And a property to get the value when submiting:

public int No { get; set; }

In the razor page, you can use Html.GetEnumSelectList<Counter>() to get the enum properties.

<select asp-for="No" asp-items="@Html.GetEnumSelectList<Counter>()"></select>

It generates the following HTML:

<select id="No" name="No">
    <option value="1">Number 1</option>
    <option value="2">Number 2</option>
    <option value="3">Number 3</option>

Use of symbols '@', '&', '=' and '>' in custom directive's scope binding: AngularJS

In an AngularJS directive the scope allows you to access the data in the attributes of the element to which the directive is applied.

This is illustrated best with an example:

<div my-customer name="Customer XYZ"></div>

and the directive definition:

angular.module('myModule', [])
.directive('myCustomer', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      customerName: '@name'
    controllerAs: 'vm',
    bindToController: true,
    controller: ['$http', function($http) {
      var vm = this;

      vm.doStuff = function(pane) {
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

When the scope property is used the directive is in the so called "isolated scope" mode, meaning it can not directly access the scope of the parent controller.

In very simple terms, the meaning of the binding symbols is:

someObject: '=' (two-way data binding)

someString: '@' (passed directly or through interpolation with double curly braces notation {{}})

someExpression: '&' (e.g. hideDialog())

This information is present in the AngularJS directive documentation page, although somewhat spread throughout the page.

The symbol > is not part of the syntax.

However, < does exist as part of the AngularJS component bindings and means one way binding.

How to count the number of lines of a string in javascript

Another short, potentially more performant than split, solution is:

const lines = (str.match(/\n/g) || '').length + 1

Simulate a button click in Jest

#1 Using Jest

This is how I use the Jest mock callback function to test the click event:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Button from './Button';

describe('Test Button component', () => {
  it('Test click event', () => {
    const mockCallBack = jest.fn();

    const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));

I am also using a module called enzyme. Enzyme is a testing utility that makes it easier to assert and select your React Components

#2 Using Sinon

Also, you can use another module called Sinon which is a standalone test spy, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. This is how it looks:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import sinon from 'sinon';

import Button from './Button';

describe('Test Button component', () => {
  it('simulates click events', () => {
    const mockCallBack = sinon.spy();
    const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));

    expect(mockCallBack).toHaveProperty('callCount', 1);

#3 Using Your own Spy

Finally, you can make your own naive spy (I don't recommend this approach unless you have a valid reason for that).

function MySpy() {
  this.calls = 0;

MySpy.prototype.fn = function () {
  return () => this.calls++;

it('Test Button component', () => {
  const mySpy = new MySpy();
  const mockCallBack = mySpy.fn();

  const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));


Changing the text on a label

I made a small tkinter application which is sets the label after button clicked

#!/usr/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory

class Application:
    def __init__(self, master):
        frame = Frame(master,width=200,height=200)

        self.log_file_btn = Button(frame, text="Select Log File", command=self.selectLogFile,width=25).grid(row=0)
        self.image_folder_btn = Button(frame, text="Select Image Folder", command=self.selectImageFile,width=25).grid(row=1)
        self.quite_button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=frame.quit,width=25).grid(row=5)

        self.logFilePath =StringVar()
        self.imageFilePath = StringVar()
        self.labelFolder = Label(frame,textvariable=self.logFilePath).grid(row=0,column=1)
        self.labelImageFile = Label(frame,textvariable = self.imageFilePath).grid(row = 1,column=1)

        def selectLogFile(self):
            filename = askopenfilename()

        def selectImageFile(self):
            imageFolder = askdirectory()

root = Tk()
root.title("Geo Tagging")
app = Application(root)

Detect changed input text box

onkeyup, onpaste, onchange, oninput seems to be failing when the browser performs autofill on the textboxes. To handle such a case include "autocomplete='off'" in your textfield to prevent browser from autofilling the textbox,


<input id="inputDatabaseName" autocomplete='off' onchange="check();"
 onkeyup="this.onchange();" onpaste="this.onchange();" oninput="this.onchange();" />

     function check(){
          alert("Input box changed");
          // Things to do when the textbox changes

What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?

One thing worth adding, though it wasn't asked, is that there is a third option of making the object completely transparent. Consider:

1st <a href="" style="display: none;">unseen</a> link.<br />_x000D_
2nd <a href="" style="visibility: hidden;">unseen</a> link.<br />_x000D_
3rd <a href="" style="opacity: 0;">unseen</a> link.

(Be sure to click "Run code snippet" button above to see the result.)

The difference between 1 and 2 has already been pointed out (namely, 2 still takes up space). However, there is a difference between 2 and 3: in case 3, the mouse will still switch to the hand when hovering over the link, and the user can still click on the link, and Javascript events will still fire on the link. This is usually not the behavior you want (but maybe sometimes it is?).

Another difference is if you select the text, then copy/paste as plain text, you get the following:

1st link.
2nd  link.
3rd unseen link.

In case 3 the text does get copied. Maybe this would be useful for some type of watermarking, or if you wanted to hide a copyright notice that would show up if a carelessly user copy/pasted your content?

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

The compiler wants you to write this:

private static List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

because otherwise, you could add any type you like into list, making the instantiation as new ArrayList<String>() pointless. Java generics are a compile-time feature only, so an object created with new ArrayList<String>() will happily accept Integer or JFrame elements if assigned to a reference of the "raw type" List - the object itself knows nothing about what types it's supposed to contain, only the compiler does.

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

i founded this tool to auto generate wsdl to android code,

public void callWebService(){
    SampleService srv1 = new SampleService();
    Request req = new Request();
    req.companyId = "1";
    req.userName = "userName";
    req.password = "pas";
    Response response =  srv1.ServiceSample(req);

Aligning textviews on the left and right edges in Android layout

enter image description here

This Code will Divide the control into two equal sides.

        android:text = "Left Side"
        android:layout_weight = "1"
        android:id = "@+id/txtLeft"/>

    <TextView android:text = "Right Side"
        android:layout_weight = "1"
        android:id = "@+id/txtRight"/>

Difference between window.location.href and top.location.href

window.location.href returns the location of the current page.

top.location.href (which is an alias of returns the location of the topmost window in the window hierarchy. If a window has no parent, top is a reference to itself (in other words, window ===

top is useful both when you're dealing with frames and when dealing with windows which have been opened by other pages. For example, if you have a page called test.html with the following script:


The resulting alert will have the full path to test.html – not about:blank, which is what window.location.href would return.

To answer your question about redirecting, go with window.location.assign(url);

Stylesheet not updating

Easiest way to see if the file is being cached is to append a query string to the <link /> element so that the browser will re-load it.

To do this you can change your stylesheet reference to something like

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/stylesheet.css?v=1" />

Note the v=1 part. You can update this each time you make a new version to see if it is indeed being cached.

how to add key value pair in the JSON object already declared

Object assign copies one or more source objects to the target object. So we could use Object.assign here.

Syntax: Object.assign(target, ...sources)

var obj  = {};_x000D_
Object.assign(obj, {"1":"aa", "2":"bb"})_x000D_

jQuery Loop through each div

You're right that it involves a loop, but this is, at least, made simple by use of the each() method:

        // iterate through each of the `.target` elements, and do stuff in here
        // `this` and `$(this)` refer to the current `.target` element
        var images = $(this).find('img'),
            imageWidth = images.width(); // returns the width of the _first_ image
            numImages = images.length;
        $(this).css('width', (imageWidth*numImages));



How to add leading zeros?

The short version: use formatC or sprintf.

The longer version:

There are several functions available for formatting numbers, including adding leading zeroes. Which one is best depends upon what other formatting you want to do.

The example from the question is quite easy since all the values have the same number of digits to begin with, so let's try a harder example of making powers of 10 width 8 too.

anim <- 25499:25504
x <- 10 ^ (0:5)

paste (and it's variant paste0) are often the first string manipulation functions that you come across. They aren't really designed for manipulating numbers, but they can be used for that. In the simple case where we always have to prepend a single zero, paste0 is the best solution.

paste0("0", anim)
## [1] "025499" "025500" "025501" "025502" "025503" "025504"

For the case where there are a variable number of digits in the numbers, you have to manually calculate how many zeroes to prepend, which is horrible enough that you should only do it out of morbid curiosity.

str_pad from stringr works similarly to paste, making it more explicit that you want to pad things.

str_pad(anim, 6, pad = "0")
## [1] "025499" "025500" "025501" "025502" "025503" "025504"

Again, it isn't really designed for use with numbers, so the harder case requires a little thinking about. We ought to just be able to say "pad with zeroes to width 8", but look at this output:

str_pad(x, 8, pad = "0")
## [1] "00000001" "00000010" "00000100" "00001000" "00010000" "0001e+05"

You need to set the scientific penalty option so that numbers are always formatted using fixed notation (rather than scientific notation).

  c(scipen = 999), 
  str_pad(x, 8, pad = "0")
## [1] "00000001" "00000010" "00000100" "00001000" "00010000" "00100000"

stri_pad in stringi works exactly like str_pad from stringr.

formatC is an interface to the C function printf. Using it requires some knowledge of the arcana of that underlying function (see link). In this case, the important points are the width argument, format being "d" for "integer", and a "0" flag for prepending zeroes.

formatC(anim, width = 6, format = "d", flag = "0")
## [1] "025499" "025500" "025501" "025502" "025503" "025504"
formatC(x, width = 8, format = "d", flag = "0")
## [1] "00000001" "00000010" "00000100" "00001000" "00010000" "00100000"

This is my favourite solution, since it is easy to tinker with changing the width, and the function is powerful enough to make other formatting changes.

sprintf is an interface to the C function of the same name; like formatC but with a different syntax.

sprintf("%06d", anim)
## [1] "025499" "025500" "025501" "025502" "025503" "025504"
sprintf("%08d", x)
## [1] "00000001" "00000010" "00000100" "00001000" "00010000" "00100000"

The main advantage of sprintf is that you can embed formatted numbers inside longer bits of text.

  "Animal ID %06d was a %s.", 
  sample(c("lion", "tiger"), length(anim), replace = TRUE)
## [1] "Animal ID 025499 was a tiger." "Animal ID 025500 was a tiger."
## [3] "Animal ID 025501 was a lion."  "Animal ID 025502 was a tiger."
## [5] "Animal ID 025503 was a tiger." "Animal ID 025504 was a lion." 

See also goodside's answer.

For completeness it is worth mentioning the other formatting functions that are occasionally useful, but have no method of prepending zeroes.

format, a generic function for formatting any kind of object, with a method for numbers. It works a little bit like formatC, but with yet another interface.

prettyNum is yet another formatting function, mostly for creating manual axis tick labels. It works particularly well for wide ranges of numbers.

The scales package has several functions such as percent, date_format and dollar for specialist format types.

Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java

You can set the default authenticator for http requests like this:

Authenticator.setDefault (new Authenticator() {
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
        return new PasswordAuthentication ("username", "password".toCharArray());

Also, if you require more flexibility, you can check out the Apache HttpClient, which will give you more authentication options (as well as session support, etc.)

Jump into interface implementation in Eclipse IDE

The best solution would be Ctrl+Alt+I.

Hide vertical scrollbar in <select> element

No, you can't control the look of a select box in such detail.

A select box is usually displayed as a dropdown list, but there is nothing that says that it always has to be displayed that way. How it is displayed depends on the system, and on some mobile phones for example you don't get a dropdown at all, but a selector that covers most or all of the screen.

If you want to control how your form elements look in such detail, you have to make your own form controls out of regular HTML elements (or find someone else who has already done that).

Displaying a webcam feed using OpenCV and Python

An update to show how to do it in the recent versions of OpenCV:

import cv2

vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame
    rval, frame =
    rval = False

while rval:
    cv2.imshow("preview", frame)
    rval, frame =
    key = cv2.waitKey(20)
    if key == 27: # exit on ESC


It works in OpenCV-2.4.2 for me.

Force the origin to start at 0

xlim and ylim don't cut it here. You need to use expand_limits, scale_x_continuous, and scale_y_continuous. Try:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()
p <- p + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)
p # not what you are looking for

enter image description here

p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))

enter image description here

You may need to adjust things a little to make sure points are not getting cut off (see, for example, the point at x = 5 and y = 5.

Compiling C++ on remote Linux machine - "clock skew detected" warning

Replace the watch battery in your computer. I have seen this error message when the coin looking battery on the motherboard was in need of replacement.

How to filter an array from all elements of another array

You can use the this parameter of the filter() function to avoid to store your filter array in a global variable.

var filtered = [1, 2, 3, 4].filter(_x000D_
    function(e) {_x000D_
      return this.indexOf(e) < 0;_x000D_
    [2, 4]_x000D_

How can I add an item to a ListBox in C# and WinForms?

DisplayMember and ValueMember are mostly only useful if you're databinding to objects that have those properties defined. You would then need to add an instance of that object.


public class MyObject
     public string clan { get; set; }
     public int sifOsoba { get; set; }
     public MyObject(string aClan, int aSif0soba)
        this.clan = aClan;
        this.sif0soba = aSif0soba;

     public override string ToString() { return this.clan; }


 list.Items.Add(new MyObject("hello", 5));

If you're binding it manually then you can use the example provided by goggles

How to obtain Telegram chat_id for a specific user?

Using the Perl API you can get it this way: first you send a message to the bot from Telegram, then issue a getUpdates and the chat id must be there:


use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::Telegram::BotAPI;

my $TOKEN = 'blablabla';
my $api = WWW::Telegram::BotAPI->new (
    token => $TOKEN
) or die "I can't connect";

my $out = $api->api_request ('getUpdates');
warn Dumper($out);
my $chat_id = $out->{result}->[0]->{message}->{chat}->{id};
print "chat_id=$chat_id\n";

The id should be in chat_id but it may depend of the result, so I also added a dump of the whole result.

You can install the Perl API from It depends on your system but I installed easily running this on my Linux server:

$ sudo cpan WWW::Telegram::BotAPI

Hope this helps

Clear a terminal screen for real

None of the answers I read worked in PuTTY, so I found a comment on this article:

In the settings for your connection, under "Window->Behavior" you'll find a setting "System Menu Appears on ALT alone". Then CTRL + L, ALT, l (that's a lower case L) will scroll the screen and then clear the scrollback buffer.

(relevant to the OP because I am connecting to an Ubuntu server, but also apparently relevant no matter what your server is running.)

Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

happens also when you use a dependency without installing it. happen to me when i called MenuIcon from '@material-ui/icons/' when was missing in the project.

How to tell CRAN to install package dependencies automatically?

Another possibility is to select the Install Dependencies checkbox In the R package installer, on the bottom right:

enter image description here

How to append a jQuery variable value inside the .html tag


<div id="myDiv">
    <form id="myForm">

jQuery :

var chbx='<input type="checkbox" id="Mumbai" name="Mumbai" value="Mumbai" />Mumbai<br /> <input type="checkbox" id=" Delhi" name=" Delhi" value=" Delhi" /> Delhi<br/><input type="checkbox" id=" Bangalore" name=" Bangalore" value=" Bangalore"/>Bangalore<br />';

$("#myDiv form#myForm").html(chbx);

//to insert dynamically created form 
$("#myDiv").html("<form id='dynamicForm'>" +chbx + "'</form>");


EOFException - how to handle?

You may come across code that reads from an InputStream and uses the snippet while(in.available()>0) to check for the end of the stream, rather than checking for an EOFException (end of the file).

The problem with this technique, and the Javadoc does echo this, is that it only tells you the number of blocks that can be read without blocking the next caller. In other words, it can return 0 even if there are more bytes to be read. Therefore, the InputStream available() method should never be used to check for the end of the stream.

You must use while (true) and

catch(EOFException e) {
//This isn't problem
} catch (Other e) {
//This is problem

Get week number (in the year) from a date PHP

I have tried to solve this question for years now, I thought I found a shorter solution but had to come back again to the long story. This function gives back the right ISO week notation:

 * calcweek("2018-12-31") => 1901
 * This function calculates the production weeknumber according to the start on 
 * monday and with at least 4 days in the new year. Given that the $date has
 * the following format Y-m-d then the outcome is and integer.
 * @author M.S.B. Bachus
 * @param date-notation PHP "Y-m-d" showing the data as yyyy-mm-dd
 * @return integer
function calcweek($date) {
  // 1. Convert input to $year, $month, $day
  $dateset      = strtotime($date);
  $year         = date("Y", $dateset);
  $month        = date("m", $dateset);
  $day          = date("d", $dateset);

  $referenceday = getdate(mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, $year));
  $jan1day      = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$referenceday[year]));

  // 2. check if $year is a  leapyear
  if ( ($year%4==0 && $year%100!=0) || $year%400==0) {
    $leapyear = true;
  } else {
    $leapyear = false;

  // 3. check if $year-1 is a  leapyear
  if ( (($year-1)%4==0 && ($year-1)%100!=0) || ($year-1)%400==0 ) {
    $leapyearprev = true;
  } else {
    $leapyearprev = false;

  // 4. find the dayofyearnumber for y m d
  $mnth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334);
  $dayofyearnumber = $day + $mnth[$month-1];
  if ( $leapyear && $month > 2 ) { $dayofyearnumber++; }

  // 5. find the jan1weekday for y (monday=1, sunday=7)
  $yy = ($year-1)%100;
  $c  = ($year-1) - $yy;
  $g  = $yy + intval($yy/4);
  $jan1weekday = 1+((((intval($c/100)%4)*5)+$g)%7);

  // 6. find the weekday for y m d
  $h = $dayofyearnumber + ($jan1weekday-1);
  $weekday = 1+(($h-1)%7);

  // 7. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y-1, weeknumber 52 or 53
  $foundweeknum = false;
  if ( $dayofyearnumber <= (8-$jan1weekday) && $jan1weekday > 4 ) {
    $yearnumber = $year - 1;
    if ( $jan1weekday = 5 || ( $jan1weekday = 6 && $leapyearprev )) {
      $weeknumber = 53;
    } else {
      $weeknumber = 52;
    $foundweeknum = true;
  } else {
    $yearnumber = $year;

  // 8. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y+1, weeknumber 1
  if ( $yearnumber == $year && !$foundweeknum) {
    if ( $leapyear ) {
      $i = 366;
    } else {
      $i = 365;
    if ( ($i - $dayofyearnumber) < (4 - $weekday) ) {
      $yearnumber = $year + 1;
      $weeknumber = 1;
      $foundweeknum = true;

  // 9. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y, weeknumber 1 through 53
  if ( $yearnumber == $year && !$foundweeknum ) {
    $j = $dayofyearnumber + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1weekday - 1);
    $weeknumber = intval( $j/7 );
    if ( $jan1weekday > 4 ) { $weeknumber--; }

  // 10. output iso week number (YYWW)
  return ($yearnumber-2000)*100+$weeknumber;

I found out that my short solution missed the 2018-12-31 as it gave back 1801 instead of 1901. So I had to put in this long version which is correct.

C - casting int to char and append char to char

int myInt = 65;

char myChar = (char)myInt;  // myChar should now be the letter A

char[20] myString = {0}; // make an empty string.

myString[0] = myChar;
myString[1] = myChar; // Now myString is "AA"

This should all be found in any intro to C book, or by some basic online searching.

Get value of multiselect box using jQuery or pure JS

According to the widget's page, it should be:

var myDropDownListValues = $("#myDropDownList").multiselect("getChecked").map(function()
    return this.value;    

It works for me :)

Submit form without page reloading

Fastest and easiest way is to use an iframe. Put a frame at the bottom of your page.

<iframe name="frame"></iframe>

And in your form do this.

<form target="frame">

and to make the frame invisible in your css.

  display: none;

How to make <div> fill <td> height

You could try making your div float:



Alternativelly, use inline-block:



Working example of the inline-block method:

td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
      <div style="border:1px solid red; height:100%; display:inline-block;">_x000D_
        I want cell to be the full height_x000D_
      This cell_x000D_
      <br/>is higher_x000D_
      <br/>than the_x000D_
      <br/>first one_x000D_

LF will be replaced by CRLF in git - What is that and is it important?

In Unix systems the end of a line is represented with a line feed (LF). In windows a line is represented with a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) thus (CRLF). when you get code from git that was uploaded from a unix system they will only have an LF.

If you are a single developer working on a windows machine, and you don't care that git automatically replaces LFs to CRLFs, you can turn this warning off by typing the following in the git command line

git config core.autocrlf true

If you want to make an intelligent decision how git should handle this, read the documentation

Here is a snippet

Formatting and Whitespace

Formatting and whitespace issues are some of the more frustrating and subtle problems that many developers encounter when collaborating, especially cross-platform. It’s very easy for patches or other collaborated work to introduce subtle whitespace changes because editors silently introduce them, and if your files ever touch a Windows system, their line endings might be replaced. Git has a few configuration options to help with these issues.


If you’re programming on Windows and working with people who are not (or vice-versa), you’ll probably run into line-ending issues at some point. This is because Windows uses both a carriage-return character and a linefeed character for newlines in its files, whereas Mac and Linux systems use only the linefeed character. This is a subtle but incredibly annoying fact of cross-platform work; many editors on Windows silently replace existing LF-style line endings with CRLF, or insert both line-ending characters when the user hits the enter key.

Git can handle this by auto-converting CRLF line endings into LF when you add a file to the index, and vice versa when it checks out code onto your filesystem. You can turn on this functionality with the core.autocrlf setting. If you’re on a Windows machine, set it to true – this converts LF endings into CRLF when you check out code:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf true

If you’re on a Linux or Mac system that uses LF line endings, then you don’t want Git to automatically convert them when you check out files; however, if a file with CRLF endings accidentally gets introduced, then you may want Git to fix it. You can tell Git to convert CRLF to LF on commit but not the other way around by setting core.autocrlf to input:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf input

This setup should leave you with CRLF endings in Windows checkouts, but LF endings on Mac and Linux systems and in the repository.

If you’re a Windows programmer doing a Windows-only project, then you can turn off this functionality, recording the carriage returns in the repository by setting the config value to false:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf false

Difference between JE/JNE and JZ/JNZ

JE and JZ are just different names for exactly the same thing: a conditional jump when ZF (the "zero" flag) is equal to 1.

(Similarly, JNE and JNZ are just different names for a conditional jump when ZF is equal to 0.)

You could use them interchangeably, but you should use them depending on what you are doing:

  • JZ/JNZ are more appropriate when you are explicitly testing for something being equal to zero:

    dec  ecx
    jz   counter_is_now_zero
  • JE and JNE are more appropriate after a CMP instruction:

    cmp  edx, 42
    je   the_answer_is_42

    (A CMP instruction performs a subtraction, and throws the value of the result away, while keeping the flags; which is why you get ZF=1 when the operands are equal and ZF=0 when they're not.)

Select from one table where not in another

So there's loads of posts on the web that show how to do this, I've found 3 ways, same as pointed out by Johan & Sjoerd. I couldn't get any of these queries to work, well obviously they work fine it's my database that's not working correctly and those queries all ran slow.

So I worked out another way that someone else may find useful:

The basic jist of it is to create a temporary table and fill it with all the information, then remove all the rows that ARE in the other table.

So I did these 3 queries, and it ran quickly (in a couple moments).




`t1`.`id` AS `columnID`


`database2`.`table` AS `t1`


CREATE INDEX `columnID` ON `database1`.`newRows`(`columnID`)


DELETE FROM `database1`.`newRows`


    SELECT `columnID` FROM `database1`.`product_details` WHERE `columnID`=`database1`.`newRows`.`columnID`

How can I add a string to the end of each line in Vim?


:g/$/norm A*



Prepare for Segue in Swift

Change the segue identifier in the right panel in the section with an id. icon to match the string you used in your conditional.

html select option separator

Instead of the regular hyphon I replaced it using a horizontal bar symbol from the extended character set, it won't look very nice if the user is in another country that replaces that character but works fine for me. There is a range of different chacters you could use for some great effects and there is no css involved.

<option value='-' disabled>----</option>

Is it possible to 'prefill' a google form using data from a google spreadsheet?

You can create a pre-filled form URL from within the Form Editor, as described in the documentation for Drive Forms. You'll end up with a URL like this, for example:


In this example, question 1, "Name", has an ID of 726721210, while question 2, "Birthday" is 787184751. Questions 3 and 4 are blank.

You could generate the pre-filled URL by adapting the one provided through the UI to be a template, like this:

function buildUrls() {
  var template = "";
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet1");  // Email, Name, Birthday
  var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();

  // Skip headers, then build URLs for each row in Sheet1.
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++ ) {
    var url = template.replace('##Name##',escape(data[i][1]))
                      .replace('##Birthday##',data[i][2].yyyymmdd());  // see yyyymmdd below
    Logger.log(url);  // You could do something more useful here.

This is effective enough - you could email the pre-filled URL to each person, and they'd have some questions already filled in.


Instead of creating our template using brute force, we can piece it together programmatically. This will have the advantage that we can re-use the code without needing to remember to change the template.

Each question in a form is an item. For this example, let's assume the form has only 4 questions, as you've described them. Item [0] is "Name", [1] is "Birthday", and so on.

We can create a form response, which we won't submit - instead, we'll partially complete the form, only to get the pre-filled form URL. Since the Forms API understands the data types of each item, we can avoid manipulating the string format of dates and other types, which simplifies our code somewhat.

(EDIT: There's a more general version of this in How to prefill Google form checkboxes?)

 * Use Form API to generate pre-filled form URLs
function betterBuildUrls() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
  var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();  // Data for pre-fill

  var formUrl = ss.getFormUrl();             // Use form attached to sheet
  var form = FormApp.openByUrl(formUrl);
  var items = form.getItems();

  // Skip headers, then build URLs for each row in Sheet1.
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++ ) {
    // Create a form response object, and prefill it
    var formResponse = form.createResponse();

    // Prefill Name
    var formItem = items[0].asTextItem();
    var response = formItem.createResponse(data[i][1]);

    // Prefill Birthday
    formItem = items[1].asDateItem();
    response = formItem.createResponse(data[i][2]);

    // Get prefilled form URL
    var url = formResponse.toPrefilledUrl();
    Logger.log(url);  // You could do something more useful here.

yymmdd Function

Any date item in the pre-filled form URL is expected to be in this format: yyyy-mm-dd. This helper function extends the Date object with a new method to handle the conversion.

When reading dates from a spreadsheet, you'll end up with a javascript Date object, as long as the format of the data is recognizable as a date. (Your example is not recognizable, so instead of May 9th 1975 you could use 5/9/1975.)

// From
Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() {
  var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();                                    
  var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based         
  var dd  = this.getDate().toString();             

  return yyyy + '-' + (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]) + '-' + (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]);

How to convert a Date to a formatted string in

I like:

Dim timeFormat As String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

Easy to maintain if you need to use it in several parts of your code, date formats always seem to change sooner or later.

Element-wise addition of 2 lists?

This is simple with numpy.add()

import numpy

list1 = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
list2 = numpy.array([4, 5, 6])
result = numpy.add(list1, list2) # result receive element-wise addition of list1 and list2
array([5, 7, 9])

See doc here

If you want to receiver a python list:


Pandas sum by groupby, but exclude certain columns

The agg function will do this for you. Pass the columns and function as a dict with column, output:

df.groupby(['Country', 'Item_Code']).agg({'Y1961': np.sum, 'Y1962': [np.sum, np.mean]})  # Added example for two output columns from a single input column

This will display only the group by columns, and the specified aggregate columns. In this example I included two agg functions applied to 'Y1962'.

To get exactly what you hoped to see, included the other columns in the group by, and apply sums to the Y variables in the frame:

df.groupby(['Code', 'Country', 'Item_Code', 'Item', 'Ele_Code', 'Unit']).agg({'Y1961': np.sum, 'Y1962': np.sum, 'Y1963': np.sum})

Adding attribute in jQuery

You can add attributes using attr like so:

$('#someid').attr('name', 'value');

However, for DOM properties like checked, disabled and readonly, the proper way to do this (as of JQuery 1.6) is to use prop.

$('#someid').prop('disabled', true);

How do I plot list of tuples in Python?

As others have answered, scatter() or plot() will generate the plot you want. I suggest two refinements to answers that are already here:

  1. Use numpy to create the x-coordinate list and y-coordinate list. Working with large data sets is faster in numpy than using the iteration in Python suggested in other answers.

  2. Use pyplot to apply the logarithmic scale rather than operating directly on the data, unless you actually want to have the logs.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    data = [(2, 10), (3, 100), (4, 1000), (5, 100000)]
    data_in_array = np.array(data)
    That looks like array([[     2,     10],
                           [     3,    100],
                           [     4,   1000],
                           [     5, 100000]])
    transposed = data_in_array.T
    That looks like array([[     2,      3,      4,      5],
                           [    10,    100,   1000, 100000]])
    x, y = transposed 
    # Here is the OO method
    # You could also the state-based methods of pyplot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) # gets a handle for the AxesSubplot object
    ax.plot(x, y, 'ro')
    ax.plot(x, y, 'b-')


I've also used ax.set_xlim(1, 6) and ax.set_ylim(.1, 1e6) to make it pretty.

I've used the object-oriented interface to matplotlib. Because it offers greater flexibility and explicit clarity by using names of the objects created, the OO interface is preferred over the interactive state-based interface.

C++ getters/setters coding style

Collected ideas from multiple C++ sources and put it into a nice, still quite simple example for getters/setters in C++:

class Canvas { public:
    void resize() {
        cout << "resize to " << width << " " << height << endl;

    Canvas(int w, int h) : width(*this), height(*this) {
        cout << "new canvas " << w << " " << h << endl;
        width.value = w;
        height.value = h;

    class Width { public:
        Canvas& canvas;
        int value;
        Width(Canvas& canvas): canvas(canvas) {}
        int & operator = (const int &i) {
            value = i;
            return value;
        operator int () const {
            return value;
    } width;

    class Height { public:
        Canvas& canvas;
        int value;
        Height(Canvas& canvas): canvas(canvas) {}
        int & operator = (const int &i) {
            value = i;
            return value;
        operator int () const {
            return value;
    } height;

int main() {
    Canvas canvas(256, 256);
    canvas.width = 128;
    canvas.height = 64;


new canvas 256 256
resize to 128 256
resize to 128 64

You can test it online here:

PS: FO Yvette <3

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

Whenever I need to do this I build a simple PL/SQL block with a local procedure like this:

   procedure ins
      (p_exch_wh_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_nat_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_date DATE, exch_rate NUMBER, 
       p_from_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_to_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_exch_eff_date DATE, 
       p_exch_eff_end_date DATE, 
       p_exch_last_updated_date DATE);
      insert into tmp_dim_exch_rt 
       exch_date, exch_rate, 
       p_exch_date, exch_rate, 
   ins (1, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 109.49, 'USD', 'JPY', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (2, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .54, 'USD', 'GBP', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (3, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.05, 'USD', 'CAD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (4, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .68, 'USD', 'EUR', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (5, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.16, 'USD', 'AUD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (6, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 7.81, 'USD', 'HKD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008');

Controlling execution order of unit tests in Visual Studio

Since you've already mentioned the Ordered Test functionality that the Visual Studio testing framework supplies, I'll ignore that. You also seem to be aware that what you're trying to accomplish in order to test this Static Class is a "bad idea", so I'll ignore that to.

Instead, lets focus on how you might actually be able to guarantee that your tests are executed in the order you want. One option (as supplied by @gaog) is "one test method, many test functions", calling your test functions in the order that you want from within a single function marked with the TestMethod attribute. This is the simplest way, and the only disadvantage is that the first test function to fail will prevent any of the remaining test functions from executing.

With your description of the situation, this is the solution I would suggest you use.

If the bolded part is a problem for you, you can accomplish an ordered execution of isolated tests by leveraging the in built data driven test functionality. Its more complicated and feels a bit dirty, but it gets the job done.

In short, you define a data source (like a CSV file, or a database table) that controls the order in which you need to run your tests, and names of the functions that actually contain the test functionality. You then hook that data source into a data driven test, use the sequential read option, and execute your functions, in the order you want, as individual tests.

public class OrderedTests
    public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }

    private const string _OrderedTestFilename = "TestList.csv";

    [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", _OrderedTestFilename, _OrderedTestFilename, DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
    public void OrderedTests()
        var methodName = (string)TestContext.DataRow[0];
        var method = GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
        method.Invoke(this, new object[] { });

    public void Method_01()

    public void Method_02()

    public void Method_03()

In my example, I have a supporting file called TestList.csv, which gets copied to output. It looks like this:


Your tests will be executed in the order that you specified, and in normal test isolation (i.e. if one fails, the rest still get executed, but sharing static classes).

The above is really only the basic idea, if I were to use it in production I would generate the test function names and their order dynamically before the test is run. Perhaps by leveraging PriorityAttribute you found and some simple reflection code to extract the test methods in the class and order them appropriately, then write that order to the data source.

YouTube Autoplay not working

mute=1 or muted=1 as suggested by @Fab will work. However, if you wish to enable autoplay with sound you should add allow="autoplay" to your embedded <iframe>.

<iframe type="text/html" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

This is officially supported and documented in Google's Autoplay Policy Changes 2017 post

Iframe delegation A feature policy allows developers to selectively enable and disable use of various browser features and APIs. Once an origin has received autoplay permission, it can delegate that permission to cross-origin iframes with a new feature policy for autoplay. Note that autoplay is allowed by default on same-origin iframes.

<!-- Autoplay is allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay">

<!-- Autoplay and Fullscreen are allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen">

When the feature policy for autoplay is disabled, calls to play() without a user gesture will reject the promise with a NotAllowedError DOMException. And the autoplay attribute will also be ignored.

How to Run Terminal as Administrator on Mac Pro

Add sudo to your command line, like:

$ sudo firebase init

The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed error

This question & answer lead me to believe that IQueryable require an active context for its operation. That means you should try this instead:

    IQueryable<User> users;

    using (var dataContext = new dataContext())
        users = dataContext.Users.Where(x => x.AccountID == accountId && x.IsAdmin == false);

        if(users.Any() == false)
            return null;
            return users.Select(x => x.ToInfo()).ToList(); // this line is the problem

catch (Exception ex)

Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

If you face this problem when running a self-contained local application with Spark (i.e., after adding spark-assembly-x.x.x-hadoopx.x.x.jar or the Maven dependency to the project), a simpler solution would be to put winutils.exe (download from here) in "C:\winutil\bin". Then you can add winutils.exe to the hadoop home directory by adding the following line to the code:

System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\\winutil\\\")

Source: Click here

add scroll bar to table body

you can wrap the content of the <tbody> in a scrollable <div> :


    <td colspan="2">
      <div class="scrollit">


.scrollit {

see my jsfiddle, forked from yours:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite'

This is very simple if you are not using SQLite:

You can delete the SQLite DLLs from your solution's bin folders, then from the folder where you reference ELMAH. Rebuild, and your app won't try to load this DLL that you are not using.

mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

I'm not sure if it could be this simple but I had the same issue, changing "mat-input" to "matInput" in the input field resolved the problem. In your case I see "matinput" and it's causing my app to throw the same error.

<input _ngcontent-c4="" class="mat-input-element mat-form-field-autofill-control" matinput="" ng-reflect-placeholder="Personnummer/samordningsnummer" ng-reflect-value="" id="mat-input-2" placeholder="Personnummer/samordningsnummer" aria-invalid="false">


enter image description here


enter image description here

How to compare binary files to check if they are the same?

Use cmp command. This will either exit cleanly if they are binary equal, or it will print out where the first difference occurs and exit.

Wait until an HTML5 video loads

In response to the final part of your question, which is still unanswered... When you write $('#video').duration, you're asking for the duration property of the jQuery collection object, which doesn't exist. The native DOM video element does have the duration. You can get that in a few ways.

Here's one:

// get the native element directly

Here's another:

// get it out of the jQuery object

And another:

// use the event object
v.bind('loadeddata', function(e) {

Initializing IEnumerable<string> In C#

You cannot instantiate an interface - you must provide a concrete implementation of IEnumerable.

How to pass a list from Python, by Jinja2 to JavaScript

You can do this with Jinja's tojson filter, which

Dumps a structure to JSON so that it’s safe to use in <script> tags [and] in any place in HTML with the notable exception of double quoted attributes.

For example, in your Python, write:


... or, in the context of a Flask endpoint:

return render_template('your_template.html', list_of_items=list_of_items)

Then in your template, write this:

{% for item in list_of_items %}
<span onclick='somefunction({{item | tojson}})'>{{item}}</span><br>
{% endfor %}

(Note that the onclick attribute is single-quoted. This is necessary since |tojson escapes ' characters but not " characters in its output, meaning that it can be safely used in single-quoted HTML attributes but not double-quoted ones.)

Or, to use list_of_items in an inline script instead of an HTML attribute, write this:

const jsArrayOfItems = {{list_of_items | tojson}};
// ... do something with jsArrayOfItems in JavaScript ...

DON'T use json.dumps to JSON-encode variables in your Python code and pass the resulting JSON text to your template. This will produce incorrect output for some string values, and will expose you to XSS if you're trying to encode user-provided values. This is because Python's built-in json.dumps doesn't escape characters like < and > (which need escaping to safely template values into inline <script>s, as noted at or single quotes (which need escaping to safely template values into single-quoted HTML attributes).

If you're using Flask, note that Flask injects a custom tojson filter instead of using Jinja's version. However, everything written above still applies. The two versions behave almost identically; Flask's just allows for some app-specific configuration that isn't available in Jinja's version.

How can one see the structure of a table in SQLite?

You can query sqlite_master

SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='foo';

which will return a create table SQL statement, for example:

$ sqlite3 mydb.sqlite
sqlite> create table foo (id int primary key, name varchar(10));
sqlite> select sql from sqlite_master where name='foo';
CREATE TABLE foo (id int primary key, name varchar(10))

sqlite> .schema foo
CREATE TABLE foo (id int primary key, name varchar(10));

sqlite> pragma table_info(foo)

MySQL Multiple Joins in one query?

Multi joins in SQL work by progressively creating derived tables one after the other. See this link explaining the process:

How to make asynchronous HTTP requests in PHP

Well, the timeout can be set in milliseconds, see "CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS" in

jQuery OR Selector?

Daniel A. White Solution works great for classes.

I've got a situation where I had to find input fields like donee_1_card where 1 is an index.

My solution has been

$("input[name^='donee']" && "input[name*='card']")

Though I am not sure how optimal it is.

How can I programmatically check whether a keyboard is present in iOS app?

Swift implementation:

class KeyboardStateListener: NSObject
  static var shared = KeyboardStateListener()
  var isVisible = false

  func start() {
    let nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
    nc.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didShow), name: UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, object: nil)
    nc.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didHide), name: UIKeyboardDidHideNotification, object: nil)

  func didShow()
    isVisible = true

  func didHide()
    isVisible = false

Because swift doesn't execute class load method on startup it is important to start this service on app launch:

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool

Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable?

 Dim counties As New List(Of County)
 Dim dtCounties As DataTable
 dtCounties = _combinedRefRepository.Get_Counties()
 If dtCounties.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
    For Each row As DataRow In dtCounties.Rows
      Dim county As New County
      county.CountyId = row.Item(0).ToString()
      county.CountyName = row.Item(1).ToString().ToUpper()
 End If

How to print binary number via printf

printf() doesn't directly support that. Instead you have to make your own function.

Something like:

while (n) {
    if (n & 1)

    n >>= 1;

Angular2 @Input to a property with get/set

Updated accepted answer to angular 7.0.1 on stackblitz here:

directives are no more in Component decorator options. So I have provided sub directive to app module.

thank you @thierry-templier!

Fit background image to div

If what you need is the image to have the same dimensions of the div, I think this is the most elegant solution:

background-size: 100% 100%;

If not, the answer by @grc is the most appropriated one.


Multiple lines of input in <input type="text" />

You can't. At the time of writing, the only HTML form element that's designed to be multi-line is <textarea>.

How to make the first option of <select> selected with jQuery

If you are going to use the first option as a default like

    <option value="">Please select an option below</option>

then you can just use:


It is nice and simple.

How to bring a window to the front?

Hj, all methods of yours are not working for me, in Fedora KDE 14. I have a dirty way to do bring a window to front, while we're waiting for Oracle to fix this issue.

import java.awt.MouseInfo;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;

public class FrameMain extends javax.swing.JFrame {

  private final javax.swing.JFrame mainFrame = this;

  private void toggleVisible() {
    if (isVisible()) {
      try {
        //remember the last location of mouse
        final Point oldMouseLocation = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();

        //simulate a mouse click on title bar of window
        Robot robot = new Robot();
        robot.mouseMove(mainFrame.getX() + 100, mainFrame.getY() + 5);

        //move mouse to old location
        robot.mouseMove((int) oldMouseLocation.getX(), (int) oldMouseLocation.getY());
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        //just ignore exception, or you can handle it as you want
      } finally {



And, this works perfectly in my Fedora KDE 14 :-)

How to serve up a JSON response using Go?

You can do something like this in you getJsonResponse function -

jData, err := json.Marshal(Data)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

Can I change a column from NOT NULL to NULL without dropping it?


ALTER TABLE myTable MODIFY myColumn {DataType} NULL

How to refresh app upon shaking the device?

Here is my code for shake gesture detection:

import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;

 * Listener that detects shake gesture.
public class ShakeEventListener implements SensorEventListener {

  /** Minimum movement force to consider. */
  private static final int MIN_FORCE = 10;

   * Minimum times in a shake gesture that the direction of movement needs to
   * change.
  private static final int MIN_DIRECTION_CHANGE = 3;

  /** Maximum pause between movements. */
  private static final int MAX_PAUSE_BETHWEEN_DIRECTION_CHANGE = 200;

  /** Maximum allowed time for shake gesture. */
  private static final int MAX_TOTAL_DURATION_OF_SHAKE = 400;

  /** Time when the gesture started. */
  private long mFirstDirectionChangeTime = 0;

  /** Time when the last movement started. */
  private long mLastDirectionChangeTime;

  /** How many movements are considered so far. */
  private int mDirectionChangeCount = 0;

  /** The last x position. */
  private float lastX = 0;

  /** The last y position. */
  private float lastY = 0;

  /** The last z position. */
  private float lastZ = 0;

  /** OnShakeListener that is called when shake is detected. */
  private OnShakeListener mShakeListener;

   * Interface for shake gesture.
  public interface OnShakeListener {

     * Called when shake gesture is detected.
    void onShake();

  public void setOnShakeListener(OnShakeListener listener) {
    mShakeListener = listener;

  public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent se) {
    // get sensor data
    float x = se.values[SensorManager.DATA_X];
    float y = se.values[SensorManager.DATA_Y];
    float z = se.values[SensorManager.DATA_Z];

    // calculate movement
    float totalMovement = Math.abs(x + y + z - lastX - lastY - lastZ);

    if (totalMovement > MIN_FORCE) {

      // get time
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // store first movement time
      if (mFirstDirectionChangeTime == 0) {
        mFirstDirectionChangeTime = now;
        mLastDirectionChangeTime = now;

      // check if the last movement was not long ago
      long lastChangeWasAgo = now - mLastDirectionChangeTime;

        // store movement data
        mLastDirectionChangeTime = now;

        // store last sensor data 
        lastX = x;
        lastY = y;
        lastZ = z;

        // check how many movements are so far
        if (mDirectionChangeCount >= MIN_DIRECTION_CHANGE) {

          // check total duration
          long totalDuration = now - mFirstDirectionChangeTime;
          if (totalDuration < MAX_TOTAL_DURATION_OF_SHAKE) {

      } else {

   * Resets the shake parameters to their default values.
  private void resetShakeParameters() {
    mFirstDirectionChangeTime = 0;
    mDirectionChangeCount = 0;
    mLastDirectionChangeTime = 0;
    lastX = 0;
    lastY = 0;
    lastZ = 0;

  public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {


Add this in your activity:

  private SensorManager mSensorManager;

  private ShakeEventListener mSensorListener;


in onCreate() add:

    mSensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
    mSensorListener = new ShakeEventListener();   

    mSensorListener.setOnShakeListener(new ShakeEventListener.OnShakeListener() {

      public void onShake() {
        Toast.makeText(KPBActivityImpl.this, "Shake!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


  protected void onResume() {

  protected void onPause() {

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

Tried Class PropertiesLoaderUtils ?

This approach uses no annotation of Spring boot. A traditional Class way.


Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("/");
    Properties props = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
    String url_server=props.getProperty("server_url");

Use getProperty() method to pass the key and access the value in the properties file.

Java to Jackson JSON serialization: Money fields

As Sahil Chhabra suggested you can use @JsonFormat with proper shape on your variable. In case you would like to apply it on every BigDecimal field you have in your Dto's you can override default format for given class.

public class JacksonObjectMapperConfiguration {

    public void customize(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {

How do I compare 2 rows from the same table (SQL Server)?

WHERE b.a = 'some column value'

Logical Operators, || or OR?

The difference between respectively || and OR and && and AND is operator precedence :

$bool = FALSE || TRUE;

  • interpreted as ($bool = (FALSE || TRUE))
  • value of $bool is TRUE

$bool = FALSE OR TRUE;

  • interpreted as (($bool = FALSE) OR TRUE)
  • value of $bool is FALSE

$bool = TRUE && FALSE;

  • interpreted as ($bool = (TRUE && FALSE))
  • value of $bool is FALSE


  • interpreted as (($bool = TRUE) AND FALSE)
  • value of $bool is TRUE

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?


In speaking of pull & fetch in the above answers, I would like to share an interesting trick,

git pull --rebase

This above command is the most useful command in my git life which saved a lots of time.

Before pushing your new commits to server, try this command and it will automatically sync latest server changes (with a fetch + merge) and will place your commit at the top in git log. No need to worry about manual pull/merge.

Find details at:

Git merge with force overwrite

This merge approach will add one commit on top of master which pastes in whatever is in feature, without complaining about conflicts or other crap.

enter image description here

Before you touch anything

git stash
git status # if anything shows up here, move it to your desktop

Now prepare master

git checkout master
git pull # if there is a problem in this step, it is outside the scope of this answer

Get feature all dressed up

git checkout feature
git merge --strategy=ours master

Go for the kill

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff feature

How can I return the difference between two lists?

Here is a generic solution for this problem.

public <T> List<T> difference(List<T> first, List<T> second) {
    List<T> toReturn = new ArrayList<>(first);
    return toReturn;

How to check whether java is installed on the computer

After installing Java, set the path in environmental variables and then open the command prompt and type java -version. If installed properly, it'll list the java version, jre version, etc.

You can additionally check by trying the javac command too. If it displays some data, you've your java installed with the proper path set, else it'll that javac is an invalid command.

Python threading.timer - repeat function every 'n' seconds

The best way is to start the timer thread once. Inside your timer thread you'd code the following

class MyThread(Thread):
    def __init__(self, event):
        self.stopped = event

    def run(self):
        while not self.stopped.wait(0.5):
            print("my thread")
            # call a function

In the code that started the timer, you can then set the stopped event to stop the timer.

stopFlag = Event()
thread = MyThread(stopFlag)
# this will stop the timer

Clear and refresh jQuery Chosen dropdown list

Using .trigger("chosen:updated"); you can update the options list after appending.

Updating Chosen Dynamically: If you need to update the options in your select field and want Chosen to pick up the changes, you'll need to trigger the "chosen:updated" event on the field. Chosen will re-build itself based on the updated content.

Your code:

        $('#picturegallery').empty(); //remove all child nodes
        var newOption = $('<option value="1">test</option>');

How merge two objects array in angularjs?


var a=[{a:4}], b=[{b:5}]

angular.merge(a,b) // [{a:4, b:5}]

Tested on angular 1.4.1

Is there a JavaScript function that can pad a string to get to a determined length?

pad with default values

I noticed that i mostly need the padLeft for time conversion / number padding

so i wrote this function

function padL(a,b,c){//string/number,length=2,char=0
 return (new Array(b||2).join(c||0)+a).slice(-b)

This simple function supports Number or String as input

default pad is 2 chars

default char is 0

so i can simply write

// 01

if i add the second argument (pad width)

// 001

third parameter (pad char)

// xxxxxxxzzz

EDIT @BananaAcid if you pass a undefined value or a 0 length string you get

as suggested

function padL(a,b,c){//string/number,length=2,char=0
 return (new Array((b||1)+1).join(c||0)+(a||'')).slice(-(b||2))

but this can also be achieved in a shorter way.

function padL(a,b,c){//string/number,length=2,char=0
 return (new Array(b||2).join(c||0)+(a||c||0)).slice(-b)

works also with:


And if you want to be able to pad in both ways :

function pad(a,b,c,d){//string/number,length=2,char=0,0/false=Left-1/true=Right
return a=(a||c||0),c=new Array(b||2).join(c||0),d?(a+c).slice(0,b):(c+a).slice(-b)

which can be written in a shorter way without using slice.

function pad(a,b,c,d){
 return a=(a||c||0)+'',b=new Array((++b||3)-a.length).join(c||0),d?a+b:b+a


 input // (int or string) or undefined,NaN,false,empty string
       // default:0 or PadCharacter
 // optional
 ,PadLength // (int) default:2
 ,PadCharacter // (string or int) default:'0'
 ,PadDirection // (bolean) default:0 (padLeft) - (true or 1) is padRight 


now if you try to pad 'averylongword' with 2 ... thats not my problem.

Said that i give you a tip.

Most of the time if you pad you do it for the same value N times.

Using any type of function inside a loop slows down the loop!!!

So if you just wanna pad left some numbers inside a long list don't use functions to do this simple thing.

use something like this:

var arrayOfNumbers=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],

if you don't know how the max padding size based on the numbers inside the array.

var arrayOfNumbers=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,49095],

// search the highest number
var arrayMax=Function.prototype.apply.bind(Math.max,null),
// get that string length
// create a Padding string
padStr=new Array(padSize).join(0);
// and after you have all this static values cached start the loop.

0: "00001"
1: "00002"
2: "00003"
3: "00004"
4: "00005"
5: "00006"
6: "00007"
7: "49095"

SQL Server: Attach incorrect version 661

SQL Server 2008 databases are version 655. SQL Server 2008 R2 databases are 661. You are trying to attach an 2008 R2 database (v. 661) to an 2008 instance and this is not supported. Once the database has been upgraded to an 2008 R2 version, it cannot be downgraded. You'll have to either upgrade your 2008 SP2 instance to R2, or you have to copy out the data in that database into an 2008 database (eg using the data migration wizard, or something equivalent).

The message is misleading, to say the least, it says 662 because SQL Server 2008 SP2 does support 662 as a database version, this is when 15000 partitions are enabled in the database, see Support for 15000 Partitions.docx. Enabling the support bumps the DB version to 662, disabling it moves it back to 655. But SQL Server 2008 SP2 does not support 661 (the R2 version).

How do I find the install time and date of Windows?

Ever wanted to find out your PC’s operating system installation date? Here is a quick and easy way to find out the date and time at which your PC operating system installed(or last upgraded).

Open the command prompt (start-> run -> type cmd-> hit enter) and run the following command

systeminfo | find /i "install date"

In couple of seconds you will see the installation date

Alternative to iFrames with HTML5

You can use object and embed, like so:

<object data="" width="600" height="400">
    <embed src="" width="600" height="400"> </embed>
    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Which isn't new, but still works. I'm not sure if it has the same functionality though.

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

If you're running 32bit JVM, change heap size to smaller would probabaly help. You can do this by passing args to java directly or through enviroment variables like following,

java -Xms128M -Xmx512M
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128M -Xmx512M"

For 64bit JVM, bigger heap size like -Xms512M -Xmx1536M should work.

Run java -version or java -d32, java--d64 for Java7 to check which version you're running.

Build Android Studio app via command line

Official Documentation is here:

To build a debug APK, open a command line and navigate to the root of your project directory. To initiate a debug build, invoke the assembleDebug task:

gradlew assembleDebug

This creates an APK named module_name-debug.apk in project_name/module_name/build/outputs/apk/.

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

To be short, use:

write-output "your text" | out-file -append -encoding utf8 "filename"

Is there StartsWith or Contains in t sql with variables?

It seems like what you want is

In your example it would be (starts with):

set @isExpress = (CharIndex('Express Edition', @edition) = 1)

Or contains

set @isExpress = (CharIndex('Express Edition', @edition) >= 1)

Best ways to teach a beginner to program?

A good python course is MIT's A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python. It's all free online, and you don't have to be an MIT uberstudent to understand it.

Edit [Justin Standard]

This course uses this free online book: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist
I'm definitely finding it quite useful.

How to support placeholder attribute in IE8 and 9

I used the code of this link

But in browser detection I used:

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1) {
 //Your placeholder support code here...

Why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?

It's because any iterable can be joined (e.g, list, tuple, dict, set), but its contents and the "joiner" must be strings.

For example:

'_'.join(['welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'])
'_'.join(('welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'))

Using something other than strings will raise the following error:

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found

Oracle: SQL select date with timestamp

Answer provided by Nicholas Krasnov


Convert normal date to unix timestamp

var datestr = '2012.08.10';
var timestamp = (new Date(datestr.split(".").join("-")).getTime())/1000;

Resource files not found from JUnit test cases

Main classes should be under src/main/java
test classes should be under src/test/java

If all in the correct places and still main classes are not accessible then
Right click project => Maven => Update Project
Hope so this will resolve the issue

Non greedy (reluctant) regex matching in sed?

This can be done using cut:

echo "" | cut -d'/' -f1-3

Remove characters before character "."

Extension methods I commonly use to solve this problem:

public static string RemoveAfter(this string value, string character)
        int index = value.IndexOf(character);
        if (index > 0)
            value = value.Substring(0, index);
        return value;

    public static string RemoveBefore(this string value, string character)
        int index = value.IndexOf(character);
        if (index > 0)
            value = value.Substring(index + 1);
        return value;

Reset git proxy to default configuration

On my Linux machine :

git config --system --get https.proxy (returns nothing)
git config --global --get https.proxy (returns nothing)

git config --system --get http.proxy (returns nothing)
git config --global --get http.proxy (returns nothing)

I found out my https_proxy and http_proxy are set, so I just unset them.

unset https_proxy
unset http_proxy

On my Windows machine :

set https_proxy=""
set http_proxy=""

Optionally use setx to set environment variables permanently on Windows and set system environment using "/m"

setx https_proxy=""
setx http_proxy=""

How to declare an ArrayList with values?

Try this!

List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc"));

It's a good practice to declare the ArrayList with interface List if you don't have to invoke the specific methods.

How can I add C++11 support to Code::Blocks compiler?

A simple way is to write:


in the Other Options section of the compiler flags. You could do this on a per-project basis (Project -> Build Options), and/or set it as a default option in the Settings -> Compilers part.

Some projects may require -std=gnu++11 which is like C++11 but has some GNU extensions enabled.

If using g++ 4.9, you can use -std=c++14 or -std=gnu++14.

Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

Plenty of good solutions here.

One challenge not really addressed in any of them is how to visually identify certain hard-to-spot non-ASCII characters that resemble other plain ASCII ones. For example, en dashes can appear almost exactly like hyphens and curly quotes look a lot like straight quotes, depending on your text editor's font.

This one-liner, which should work on Mac or Linux, will strip characters not in the ASCII printable range and show you the differences side-by-side:

# assumes Bash shell; for Bourne shell (sh), rearrange as a pipe and
# give '-' as second argument to 'sdiff' instead
sdiff --suppress-common-lines <(tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' <

The characters \11, \12, and \15 are tab, newline, and carriage return, respectively, in octal; the remaining range is the visible ASCII characters. (hat tip)

Another tip gleaned from this SO thread uses an inverse character class consisting of anything not in the ASCII visible range, and highlights it:

grep --color '[^ -~]'

This should also work fine with the macOS / BSD version of grep.

Plotting time-series with Date labels on x-axis

1) Since the times are dates be sure to use "Date" class, not "POSIXct" or "POSIXlt". See R News 4/1 for advice and try this where Lines is defined in the Note at the end. No packages are used here.

dm <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
dm$Date <- as.Date(dm$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(Visits ~ Date, dm, xaxt = "n", type = "l")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

The use of text = Lines is just to keep the example self-contained and in reality it would be replaced with something like "myfile.dat" . (continued after image)


2) Since this is a time series you may wish to use a time series representation giving slightly simpler code:


z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(z, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

Depending on what you want the plot to look like it may be sufficient just to use plot(Visits ~ Date, dm) in the first case or plot(z) in the second case suppressing the axis command entirely. It could also be done using xyplot.zoo


or autoplot.zoo:



Lines <- "Date            Visits
11/1/2010   696537
11/2/2010   718748
11/3/2010   799355
11/4/2010   805800
11/5/2010   701262
11/6/2010   531579
11/7/2010   690068
11/8/2010   756947
11/9/2010   718757
11/10/2010  701768
11/11/2010  820113
11/12/2010  645259"

How to get box-shadow on left & right sides only

Try this, it's working for me:

    box-shadow: -5px 0 5px -5px #333, 5px 0 5px -5px #333;

Where can I find jenkins restful api reference?

Additional Solution: use Restul api wrapper libraries written in Java / python / Ruby - An object oriented wrappers which aim to provide a more conventionally way of controlling a Jenkins server.

For documentation and links: Remote Access API

Seconds CountDown Timer

Hey please add code in your project,it is easy and i think will solve your problem.

    int count = 10;

    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (count != 0 && count > 0)
            label1.Text = count / 60 + ":" + ((count % 60) >= 10 ? (count % 60).ToString() : "0" + (count % 60));
            label1.Text = "game over";



    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
        timer1.Interval = 1;

        timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick);


Return file in ASP.Net Core Web API

You can return FileResult with this methods:

1: Return FileStreamResult

    public async Task<FileStreamResult> DownloadAsync(string id)
        var fileName="myfileName.txt";
        var mimeType="application/...."; 
        var stream = await GetFileStreamById(id);

        return new FileStreamResult(stream, mimeType)
            FileDownloadName = fileName

2: Return FileContentResult

    public async Task<FileContentResult> DownloadAsync(string id)
        var fileName="myfileName.txt";
        var mimeType="application/...."; 
        var fileBytes = await GetFileBytesById(id);

        return new FileContentResult(fileBytes, mimeType)
            FileDownloadName = fileName

Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS

swift 3

if let url = URL(string: "fb://profile/<id>") {
        if #available(iOS 10, *) {
  , options: [:],completionHandler: { (success) in
                print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")
        } else {
            let success = UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)
            print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")

Extracting text OpenCV

this is a VB.NET version of the answer from dhanushka using EmguCV.

A few functions and structures in EmguCV need different consideration than the C# version with OpenCVSharp

Imports Emgu.CV
Imports Emgu.CV.Structure
Imports Emgu.CV.CvEnum
Imports Emgu.CV.Util

        Dim input_file As String = "C:\your_input_image.png"
        Dim large As Mat = New Mat(input_file)
        Dim rgb As New Mat
        Dim small As New Mat
        Dim grad As New Mat
        Dim bw As New Mat
        Dim connected As New Mat
        Dim morphanchor As New Point(0, 0)

        '//downsample and use it for processing
        CvInvoke.PyrDown(large, rgb)
        CvInvoke.CvtColor(rgb, small, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray)

        '//morphological gradient
        Dim morphKernel As Mat = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Ellipse, New Size(3, 3), morphanchor)
        CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(small, grad, MorphOp.Gradient, morphKernel, New Point(0, 0), 1, BorderType.Isolated, New MCvScalar(0))

        '// binarize
        CvInvoke.Threshold(grad, bw, 0, 255, ThresholdType.Binary Or ThresholdType.Otsu)

        '// connect horizontally oriented regions
        morphKernel = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, New Size(9, 1), morphanchor)
        CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(bw, connected, MorphOp.Close, morphKernel, morphanchor, 1, BorderType.Isolated, New MCvScalar(0))

        '// find contours
        Dim mask As Mat = Mat.Zeros(bw.Size.Height, bw.Size.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 1)  '' MatType.CV_8UC1
        Dim contours As New VectorOfVectorOfPoint
        Dim hierarchy As New Mat

        CvInvoke.FindContours(connected, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.Ccomp, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple, Nothing)

        '// filter contours
        Dim idx As Integer
        Dim rect As Rectangle
        Dim maskROI As Mat
        Dim r As Double
        For Each hierarchyItem In hierarchy.GetData
            rect = CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(contours(idx))
            maskROI = New Mat(mask, rect)
            maskROI.SetTo(New MCvScalar(0, 0, 0))

            '// fill the contour
            CvInvoke.DrawContours(mask, contours, idx, New MCvScalar(255), -1)

            '// ratio of non-zero pixels in the filled region
            r = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(maskROI) / (rect.Width * rect.Height)

            '/* assume at least 45% of the area Is filled if it contains text */
            '/* constraints on region size */
            '/* these two conditions alone are Not very robust. better to use something 
            'Like the number of significant peaks in a horizontal projection as a third condition */
            If r > 0.45 AndAlso rect.Height > 8 AndAlso rect.Width > 8 Then
                'draw green rectangle
                CvInvoke.Rectangle(rgb, rect, New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2)
            End If
            idx += 1
        rgb.Save(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "rgb.jpg"))

Setting the default page for ASP.NET (Visual Studio) server configuration

Right click on the web page you want to use as the default page and choose "Set as Start Page" whenever you run the web application from Visual Studio, it will open the selected page.

Open existing file, append a single line

You can use File.AppendAllText for that:

File.AppendAllText(@"c:\path\file.txt", "text content" + Environment.NewLine);

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\pip.exe""

I had this issue and the other fixes on this page didn't fully solve the problem.

What did solve the problem was going in to my system environment variables and looking at the PATH - I had uninstalled Python 3 but the old path to the Python 3 folder was still there. I'm running only Python 2 on my PC and used Python 2 to install pip.

Deleting the references to the nonexistent Python 3 folders from PATH in addition to upgrading to the latest version of pip fixed the issue.

Colorizing text in the console with C++

Assuming you're talking about a Windows console window, look up the console functions in the MSDN Library documentation.

Otherwise, or more generally, it depends on the console. Colors are not supported by the C++ library. But a library for console handling may/will support colors. E.g. google "ncurses colors".

For connected serial terminals and terminal emulators you can control things by outputting "escape sequences". These typically start with ASCII 27 (the escape character in ASCII). There is an ANSI standard and a lot of custom schemes.

How to access share folder in virtualbox. Host Win7, Guest Fedora 16?

VirtualBox version has many uncompatibilities with Linux version, so it's hard to install by using "Guest Addition CD image". For linux distributions it's frequently have a good companion Guest Addition package(equivalent functions to the CD image) which can be installed by:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms

After that, on the window menu of the Guest, go to Devices->Shared Folders Settings->Shared Folders and add a host window folder to Machine Folders(Mark Auto-mount option) then you can see the shared folder in the Files of Guest Linux.

Convert datetime value into string


  DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%d %m %Y') AS your_date;

SSIS package creating Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Login timeout expired" error

I finally found the problem. The error was not the good one.

Apparently, Ole DB source have a bug that might make it crash and throw that error. I replaced the OLE DB destination with a OLE DB Command with the insert statement in it and it fixed it.

The link the got me there:

Strange Bug, Hope it will help other people.

jquery, find next element by class

You cannot use next() in this scenario, if you look at the documentation it says:
Next() Get the immediately following sibling of each element in the set of matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the next sibling that matches the selector.

so if the second DIV was in the same TD then you could code:

// Won't work in your case

But since it's not, I don't see a point to use next(). You can instead code:


Is there a way to use PhantomJS in Python?

this is what I do, python3.3. I was processing huge lists of sites, so failing on the timeout was vital for the job to run through the entire list.

command = "phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true "+<your js file for phantom>
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# make sure phantomjs has time to download/process the page
# but if we get nothing after 30 sec, just move on
    output, errors = process.communicate(timeout=30)
except Exception as e:
    print("\t\tException: %s" % e)

# output will be weird, decode to utf-8 to save heartache
phantom_output = ''
for out_line in output.splitlines():
    phantom_output += out_line.decode('utf-8')

jQuery .each() with input elements

You can use:


How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?

I was in the same situation as you, the half answers scattered throughout the Internet were quite annoying, since it seemed that many people had the same issue, but no one could be bothered to fully explain how they solved it.

The Sonar docs refer to a GitHub project with examples that are helpful. What I did to solve this was to apply the integration tests logic to regular unit tests (although proper unit tests should be submodule specific, this isn't always the case).

In the parent pom.xml, add these properties:

    <!-- Sonar -->

This will make Sonar pick up unit testing reports for all submodules in the same place (a target folder in the parent project). It also tells Sonar to reuse reports ran manually instead of rolling its own. We just need to make jacoco-maven-plugin run for all submodules by placing this in the parent pom, inside build/plugins:


destFile places the report file in the place where Sonar will look for it and append makes it append to the file rather than overwriting it. This will combine all JaCoCo reports for all submodules in the same file.

Sonar will look at that file for each submodule, since that's what we pointed him at above, giving us combined unit testing results for multi module files in Sonar.