Programs & Examples On

Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, managed, type-safe, object-oriented computer programming language. Along with C# and F#, it is one of the main languages targeting the .NET Framework. VB.NET can be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft's Visual Basic 6 (VB6) but implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. DO NOT USE this tag for VB6, VBA or VBScript questions.

How to get text and a variable in a messagebox

MsgBox("Variable {0} " , variable)

In Visual Basic how do you create a block comment

Not in VB.NET, you have to select all lines at then Edit, Advanced, Comment Selection menu, or a keyboard shortcut for that menu.

How to open up a form from another form in VB.NET?

You can also use showdialog

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
                      Handles Button3.Click

     dim mydialogbox as new aboutbox1

End Sub

How to launch another aspx web page upon button click?

Edited and fixed (thanks to Shredder)

If you mean you want to open a new tab, try the below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Form.Target = "_blank";

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


This will keep the original page to stay open and cause the redirects on the current page to affect the new tab only.


How to check for a Null value in VB.NET

I find the safest way is

If Not editTransactionRow.pay_id Is Nothing

It might read terribly, but the ISIL is actually very different from IsNot Nothing, and it doesn't try and evaluate the expression, which could give a null reference exception.

How to check if file already exists in the folder

'In Visual Basic

Dim FileName = "newfile.xml" ' The Name of file with its Extension Example A.txt or A.xml

Dim FilePath ="C:\MyFolderName" & "\" & FileName  'First Name of Directory and Then Name of Folder if it exists and then attach the name of file you want to search.

If System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath) Then
    MsgBox("The file exists")
    MsgBox("the file doesn't exist")
End If Date without time

Either use one of the standard date and time format strings which only specifies the date (e.g. "D" or "d"), or a custom date and time format string which only uses the date parts (e.g. "yyyy/MM/dd").

How to wait until WebBrowser is completely loaded in VB.NET?

In the load events, use Me.Hide .

In WebBrowser1.DocuementCompleted, use Me.Show

Is it possible to write to the console in colour in .NET?

I've created a small plugin (available on NuGet) that allows you to add any (if supported by your terminal) color to your console output, without the limitations of the classic solutions.

It works by extending the String object and the syntax is very simple:

"colorize me".Pastel("#1E90FF");

Both foreground and background colors are supported.

enter image description here

<> And Not In VB.NET

Is is not the same as = -- Is compares the references, whilst = will compare the values.

If you're using v2 of the .Net Framework (or later), there is the IsNot operator which will do the right thing, and read more naturally.

How to loop through all the properties of a class?

Here's another way to do it, using a LINQ lambda:


SomeObject.GetType().GetProperties().ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"{x.Name} = {x.GetValue(SomeObject, null)}"));


SomeObject.GetType.GetProperties.ToList.ForEach(Sub(x) Console.WriteLine($"{x.Name} = {x.GetValue(SomeObject, Nothing)}")) get file names in directory?


could help

How to define a Sql Server connection string to use in VB.NET?

Use the following Imports

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Sql

Public SQLConn As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString = "Server=Desktop1[enter image description here][1];Database=Infostudio; Trusted_Connection=true;"}

Full string: enter image description here

comparing strings in vb

I know this has been answered, but in above 2013 (the lowest I've personally used) you can just compare strings with an = operator. This is the easiest way.

So basically:

If string1 = string2 Then
    'do a thing
End If

Why can't I check if a 'DateTime' is 'Nothing'?

You can check this like below :

if varDate = "#01/01/0001#" then
       '  blank date. do something.
       ' Date is not blank. Do some other thing
end if

Multiline strings in VB.NET

You can also use System.Text.StringBuilder class in this way:

Dim sValue As New System.Text.StringBuilder
sValue.AppendLine("1st Line")
sValue.AppendLine("2nd Line")
sValue.AppendLine("3rd Line")

Then you get the multiline string using:


The name does not exist in the namespace error in XAML

This happened to me already twice in a complex WPF app, in it there are 4 multi platform projects, 1 shared project, 2 support libraries, and 1 test project..

This very specific XAML namespace error happened twice on very recently modified files on the Shared project. In both of my cases, it was a new c# file added with a repeating namespace entry;

Like namespace MyProgram.MyFolder.MyProgram.MyFolder

I double pasted it once by mistake, and once it was due to JetBrains Rider double pasting the namespace. (If you ever rename a project in Rider, it time to time starts double pasting namespaces on new file creations, especially on Shared projects..). These c# files with repeating namespaces were then called in the ViewModels where XAML files were referencing to. Well you then get these unrelated and misleading errors, you can have a problem with one file, all your Xaml files will start erroring out eventually.

Anyways, if you get these kind of errors, it's most of the time an issue on a very newly added file or code change. My suggestions would be to look at your very recent changes.

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#

Public Sub PDFTxtToPdf(ByVal sTxtfile As String, ByVal sPDFSourcefile As String)
        Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sTxtfile)
    Dim doc As New Document()
    PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, New FileStream(sPDFSourcefile, FileMode.Create))
    doc.Add(New Paragraph(sr.ReadToEnd()))
End Sub

IFrame: This content cannot be displayed in a frame

use <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="allow"> in the one to show in the iframe to allow it.

Sleep function Visual Basic

Since you are asking about .NET, you should change the parameter from Long to Integer. .NET's Integer is 32-bit. (Classic VB's integer was only 16-bit.)

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal Milliseconds As Integer)

Really though, the managed method isn't difficult...


Be careful when you do this. In a forms application, you block the message pump and what not, making your program to appear to have hanged. Rarely is sleep a good idea.

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

Much simpler solution, Select the Combo-box, and in the option of Selected item, select the item index (0 for the first item) and set it to be the default value in the combo box.

Sending HTTP POST with System.Net.WebClient

WebClient doesn't have a direct support for form data, but you can send a HTTP post by using the UploadString method:

Using client as new WebClient
    result = client.UploadString(someurl, "param1=somevalue&param2=othervalue")
End Using

How to count the number of rows in excel with data?

  n = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count

Count specific character occurrences in a string

This is the simple way:

text = "the little red hen"
count = text.Split("e").Length -1 ' Equals 4
count = text.Split("t").Length -1 ' Equals 3

VB.NET - Remove a characters from a String

The String class has a Replace method that will do that.

Dim clean as String
clean = myString.Replace(",", "")

Wait .5 seconds before continuing code 4.0 framework Code :


The integer is in miliseconds ( 1 sec = 1000 miliseconds)

I did test it and it works

Setting focus to a textbox control

I think what you're looking for is:


in the constructor. (This is in C#. Maybe in VB that would be the same but without the semicolon.)

From :

Focus is a low-level method intended primarily for custom control authors. Instead, application programmers should use the Select method or the ActiveControl property for child controls, or the Activate method for forms.

How do I prevent a form from being resized by the user?

If you want to prevent resize by dragging sizegrips and by the maximize button and by maximize by doubleclick on the header text, than insert the following code in the load event of the form:

    Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle ' Prevent size grips
    Me.MaximumSize = Me.Size ' Prevent maximize (also by doubleclick of header text)

Of course all choices of a formborderstyle beginning with Fixed will do.

How to clear exisiting dropdownlist items when its content changes?

Using ddl.Items.Clear() will clear the dropdownlist however you must be sure that your dropdownlist is not set to:


This option will cause the rebound data to be appended to the existing list which will NOT be cleared prior to binding.


Add AppendDataBoundItems="False" to your dropdownlist.

Now when data is rebound it will automatically clear all existing data beforehand.

Protected Sub ddl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    ddl2.DataSource = sql2
End Sub

NOTE: This may not be suitable in all situations as appenddatbound items can cause your dropdown to append its own data on each change of the list.


Still want a default list item adding to your dropdown but need to rebind data?

Use AppendDataBoundItems="False" to prevent duplication data on postback and then directly after binding your dropdownlist insert a new default list item.

ddl.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("Select ...", ""))

Resizing Images in VB.NET

This is basically Muhammad Saqib's answer except two diffs:

1: Adds width and height function parameters.

2: This is a small nuance which can be ignored... Saying 'As Bitmap', instead of 'As Image'. 'As Image' does work just fine. I just prefer to match Return types. See Image VS Bitmap Class.

Public Shared Function ResizeImage(ByVal InputBitmap As Bitmap, width As Integer, height As Integer) As Bitmap
    Return New Bitmap(InputImage, New Size(width, height))
End Function


Dim someimage As New Bitmap("C:\somefile")
someimage = ResizeImage(someimage,800,600)

Cannot access a disposed object - How to fix?

Stopping the timer doesn't mean that it won't be called again, depending on when you stop the timer, the timer_tick may still be queued on the message loop for the form. What will happen is that you'll get one more tick that you may not be expecting. What you can do is in your timer_tick, check the Enabled property of your timer before executing the Timer_Tick method.

VB.NET 'If' statement with 'Or' conditional has both sides evaluated?

It's your "fault" in that that's how Or is defined, so it's the behaviour you should expect:

In a Boolean comparison, the Or operator always evaluates both expressions, which could include making procedure calls. The OrElse Operator (Visual Basic) performs short-circuiting, which means that if expression1 is True, then expression2 is not evaluated.

But you don't have to endure it. You can use OrElse to get short-circuiting behaviour.

So you probably want:

If (example Is Nothing OrElse Not example.Item = compare.Item) Then
End If

I can't say it reads terribly nicely, but it should work...

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

 Constant   Value               Description
 vbCr       Chr(13)             Carriage return
 vbCrLf     Chr(13) & Chr(10)   Carriage return–linefeed combination
 vbLf       Chr(10)             Line feed
  • vbCr : - return to line beginning
    Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions.

  • vbCrLf : - similar to pressing Enter
    Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions.

  • vbLf : - go to next line
    Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions.

Read More from Constants Class

How do I add records to a DataGridView in VB.Net?

The function you're looking for is 'Insert'. It takes as its parameters the index you want to insert at, and an array of values to use for the new row values. Typical usage might include:

myDataGridView.Rows.Insert(4,new object[]{value1,value2,value3});

or something to that effect.

Create a new txt file using VB.NET

You could just use this

FileOpen(1, "C:\my files\2010\SomeFileName.txt", OpenMode.Output)

This opens the file replaces whatever is in it and closes the file.

Set default format of datetimepicker as dd-MM-yyyy

Try this,

string Date = datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");

It worked for me the output format will be '02-May-2016'

multi line comment in Visual studio 2010

I just learned this trick from a friend. Put your code inside these 2 statements and it will be commented out.

#if false


Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

var Test = (from row in Dataset1.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
            select row.Field<string>("attribute1_name") + row.Field<int>("attribute2_name")).Distinct();

How to use \n new line in VB msgbox() ...?

Module MyHelpers
    Public Function UnEscape(ByVal aString As String) As String

       Return Regex.Unescape(aString)

    End Function
End Module



How do I get my C# program to sleep for 50 msec?

For readability:

using System.Threading;

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

You may just remove all spaces and leverage LINQ All:

Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.

Use it as shown below:

Dim number As String = "077 234 211"
If number.Replace(" ", "").All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then
    Console.WriteLine("The string is all numeric (spaces ignored)!")
    Console.WriteLine("The string contains a char that is not numeric and space!")
End If

To only check if a string consists of only digits use:

If number.All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then

IsNothing versus Is Nothing

Is Nothing requires an object that has been assigned to the value Nothing. IsNothing() can take any variable that has not been initialized, including of numeric type. This is useful for example when testing if an optional parameter has been passed.

How to get parameter value for date/time column from empty MaskedTextBox

You're storing the .Text properties of the textboxes directly into the database, this doesn't work. The .Text properties are Strings (i.e. simple text) and not typed as DateTime instances. Do the conversion first, then it will work.

Do this for each date parameter:

Dim bookIssueDate As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact( txtBookDateIssue.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) cmd.Parameters.Add( New OleDbParameter("@Date_Issue", bookIssueDate ) ) 

Note that this code will crash/fail if a user enters an invalid date, e.g. "64/48/9999", I suggest using DateTime.TryParse or DateTime.TryParseExact, but implementing that is an exercise for the reader.

What exceptions should be thrown for invalid or unexpected parameters in .NET?

Short answer:

Longer answer:
using Argument*Exception (except in a library that is a product on its on, such as component library) is a smell. Exceptions are to handle exceptional situation, not bugs, and not user's (i.e. API consumer) shortfalls.

Longest answer:
Throwing exceptions for invalid arguments is rude, unless you write a library.
I prefer using assertions, for two (or more) reasons:

  • Assertions don't need to be tested, while throw assertions do, and test against ArgumentNullException looks ridiculous (try it).
  • Assertions better communicate the intended use of the unit, and is closer to being executable documentation than a class behavior specification.
  • You can change behavior of assertion violation. For example in debug compilation a message box is fine, so that your QA will hit you with it right away (you also get your IDE breaking on the line where it happens), while in unit test you can indicate assertion failure as a test failure.

Here is what handling of null exception looks like (being sarcastic, obviously):

try {
catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
    // retry with real argument this time

Exceptions shall be used when situation is expected but exceptional (things happen that are outside of consumer's control, such as IO failure). Argument*Exception is an indication of a bug and shall be (my opinion) handled with tests and assisted with Debug.Assert

BTW: In this particular case, you could have used Month type, instead of int. C# falls short when it comes to type safety (Aspect# rulez!) but sometimes you can prevent (or catch at compile time) those bugs all together.

And yes, MicroSoft is wrong about that.

Sort a List of Object in VB.NET


Dim sortedList = From entry In mylist Order By Ascending Select entry

mylist = sortedList.ToList

How to configure SMTP settings in web.config

Web.Config file:

            <smtp from="[email protected]">
                <network host="" 
                 userName="[email protected]" 

How to sum columns in a dataTable?

You can loop through the DataColumn and DataRow collections in your DataTable:

// Sum rows.
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) {
    int rowTotal = 0;
    foreach (DataColumn col in row.Table.Columns) {
        rowTotal += Int32.Parse(row[col].ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("row total: {0}", rowTotal);
// Sum columns.
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) {
    int colTotal = 0;
    foreach (DataRow row in col.Table.Rows) {
        colTotal += Int32.Parse(row[col].ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("column total: {0}", colTotal);

Beware: The code above does not do any sort of checking before casting an object to an int.

EDIT: add a DataRow displaying the column sums

Try this to create a new row to display your column sums:

DataRow totalsRow = dt.NewRow();
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) {
    int colTotal = 0;
    foreach (DataRow row in col.Table.Rows) {
        colTotal += Int32.Parse(row[col].ToString());
    totalsRow[col.ColumnName] = colTotal;

This approach is fine if the data type of any of your DataTable's DataRows are non-numeric or if you want to inspect the value of each cell as you sum. Otherwise I believe @Tim's response using DataTable.Compute is a better.

Change the row color in DataGridView based on the quantity of a cell value

Just remove the : in your Quantity. Make sure that your attribute is the same with the parameter you include in the code, like this:

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellFormatting
    For i As Integer = 0 To Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
        If Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells("Quantity").Value < 5 Then
            Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells("Quantity").Style.ForeColor = Color.Red
        End If
End Sub

Sorting a Data Table

private void SortDataTable(DataTable dt, string sort)
DataTable newDT = dt.Clone();
int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count;

DataRow[] foundRows = dt.Select(null, sort);
// Sort with Column name
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
object[] arr = new object[dt.Columns.Count];
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
arr[j] = foundRows[i][j];
DataRow data_row = newDT.NewRow();
data_row.ItemArray = arr;

//clear the incoming dt

for (int i = 0; i < newDT.Rows.Count; i++)
object[] arr = new object[dt.Columns.Count];
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
arr[j] = newDT.Rows[i][j];

DataRow data_row = dt.NewRow();
data_row.ItemArray = arr;

Getting Current time to display in Label.


total.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()


Dim theDate As DateTime = System.DateTime.Now
total.Text = theDate.ToString()

You declare Start as an Integer, while you are trying to put a DateTime in it, which is not possible.

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference occurs when calling public sub

You either have to make the method Shared or use an instance of the class General:

Dim gen = New General()



Public Shared Sub updateDynamics(dynID As Int32)
    ' ... '
End Sub


Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. (Adding integers)

The maximum size for an int is 2147483647. You could use an Int64/Long which is far larger.

How to write Unicode characters to the console?

This works for me:

Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default;

To display some of the symbols, it's required to set Command Prompt's font to Lucida Console:

  1. Open Command Prompt;

  2. Right click on the top bar of the Command Prompt;

  3. Click Properties;

  4. If the font is set to Raster Fonts, change it to Lucida Console.

Why is there no ForEach extension method on IEnumerable?

The discussion here gives the answer:

Actually, the specific discussion I witnessed did in fact hinge over functional purity. In an expression, there are frequently assumptions made about not having side-effects. Having ForEach is specifically inviting side-effects rather than just putting up with them. -- Keith Farmer (Partner)

Basically the decision was made to keep the extension methods functionally "pure". A ForEach would encourage side-effects when using the Enumerable extension methods, which was not the intent.

Strip double quotes from a string in .NET

I think your first line would actually work but I think you need four quotation marks for a string containing a single one (in VB at least):

s = s.Replace("""", "")

for C# you'd have to escape the quotation mark using a backslash:

s = s.Replace("\"", "");

Get the generated SQL statement from a SqlCommand object?

You can't, because it does not generate any SQL.

The parameterized query (the one in CommandText) is sent to the SQL Server as the equivalent of a prepared statement. When you execute the command, the parameters and the query text are treated separately. At no point in time a complete SQL string is generated.

You can use SQL Profiler to take a look behind the scenes.

How to open child forms positioned within MDI parent in VB.NET?

See this page for the solution!

I was able to implement the Child form inside the parent.

In the Example below Form2 should change to the name of your child form. NewMDIChild.MdiParent=me is the main form since the control that opens (shows) the child form is the parent or Me.

NewMDIChild.Show() is your child form since you associated your child form with Dim NewMDIChild As New Form2()

Protected Sub MDIChildNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem2.Click
   Dim NewMDIChild As New Form2()
   'Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
   NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
   'Display the new form.
End Sub

Simple and it works.

How do I kill a process using Vb.NET or C#?

I opened one Word file, 2. Now I open another word file through runtime programmatically. 3. I want to kill the second process alone through programmatically. 4. Do not kill first process

Display date in dd/mm/yyyy format in

Try this.

 var dateAsString = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
// dateAsString = "09/07/2013"

and also check this link for more formatting data and time

Measuring code execution time

If you are looking for the amount of time that the associated thread has spent running code inside the application.
You can use ProcessThread.UserProcessorTime Property which you can get under System.Diagnostics namespace.

TimeSpan startTime= Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads[i].UserProcessorTime; // i being your thread number, make it 0 for main
//Write your function here
TimeSpan duration = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads[i].UserProcessorTime.Subtract(startTime);

Console.WriteLine($"Time caluclated by CurrentProcess method: {duration.TotalSeconds}"); // This syntax works only with C# 6.0 and above

Note: If you are using multi threads, you can calculate the time of each thread individually and sum it up for calculating the total duration.

What is a predicate in c#?

The following code can help you to understand some real world use of predicates (Combined with named iterators).

namespace Predicate
    class Person
        public int Age { get; set; }
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            foreach (Person person in OlderThan(18))

        static IEnumerable<Person> OlderThan(int age)
            Predicate<Person> isOld = x => x.Age > age;
            Person[] persons = { new Person { Age = 10 }, new Person { Age = 20 }, new Person { Age = 19 } };

            foreach (Person person in persons)
                if (isOld(person)) yield return person;

How do I find out if a column exists in a VB.Net DataRow

You can use DataSet.Tables(0).Columns.Contains(name) to check whether the DataTable contains a column with a particular name.

variable is not declared it may be inaccessible due to its protection level

I have suffered a similar problem, with a Sub not accessible in runtime, but absolutely legal in editor. It was solved by changing destination Framework from 4.5.1 to 4.5. It seems that my IIS only had 4.5 version.


How do I get a human-readable file size in bytes abbreviation using .NET?

I like to use the following method (it supports up to terabytes, which is enough for most cases, but it can easily be extended):

private string GetSizeString(long length)
    long B = 0, KB = 1024, MB = KB * 1024, GB = MB * 1024, TB = GB * 1024;
    double size = length;
    string suffix = nameof(B);

    if (length >= TB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / TB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(TB);
    else if (length >= GB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / GB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(GB);
    else if (length >= MB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / MB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(MB);
    else if (length >= KB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / KB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(KB);

    return $"{size} {suffix}";

Please keep in mind that this is written for C# 6.0 (2015), so it might need a little editing for earlier versions.

codes for ADD,EDIT,DELETE,SEARCH in vb2010

A good resource start off point would be MSDN as your looking into a microsoft product

Removing items from a ListBox in

I think your ListBox already clear with ListBox2.Items.Clear(). The problem is that you also need to clear your dataset from previous results with ds6.Tables.Clear().

Add this in your code:

da6 = New SqlDataAdapter("select distinct(component_type) from component where   component_name='" & ListBox1.SelectedItem() & "'", con)
    ListBox1.Items.Clear()    ' clears ListBox1
    ListBox2.Items.Clear()    ' clears ListBox2
    ds6.Tables.Clear()        ' clears DataSet  <======= DON'T FORGET TO DO THIS
da6.Fill(ds6, "component")
For Each row As DataRow In ds6.Tables(0).Rows
    ListBox2.Items.Add(row.Field(Of String)("component_type"))

Is there a way to programmatically minimize a window

Form myForm;
myForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Random integer in VB.NET

You should create a pseudo-random number generator only once:

Dim Generator As System.Random = New System.Random()

Then, if an integer suffices for your needs, you can use:

Public Function GetRandom(myGenerator As System.Random, ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
'min is inclusive, max is exclusive (dah!)
Return myGenerator.Next(Min, Max + 1)
End Function

as many times as you like. Using the wrapper function is justified only because the maximum value is exclusive - I know that the random numbers work this way but the definition of .Next is confusing.

Creating a generator every time you need a number is in my opinion wrong; the pseudo-random numbers do not work this way.

First, you get the problem with initialization which has been discussed in the other replies. If you initialize once, you do not have this problem.

Second, I am not at all certain that you get a valid sequence of random numbers; rather, you get a collection of the first number of multiple different sequences which are seeded automatically based on computer time. I am not certain that these numbers will pass the tests that confirm the randomness of the sequence.

How to convert answer into two decimal point

For formatting options, see this

Dim v1 as Double = Val(txtD.Text) / Val(txtC.Text) *
                   Val(txtF.Text) / Val(txtE.Text)
txtA.text = v1.ToString("N2");

Convert a string to a datetime

Try to use DateTime.ParseExact method, in which you can specify both of datetime mask and original parsed string. You can read about it here: MSDN: DateTime.ParseExact

"Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource."

?? To state the answer differently ??

In Xaml verify that there are no Missing Parent Nodes or incorrect nodes in the defined areas.

For example

This Is Failing:

There is no proper parent for the ItemsPanelTemplate child node below:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding TimeSpanChoices}">
        <UniformGrid Rows="1" />

This Is Working:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding TimeSpanChoices}">
    <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <!-- I am the missing parent! -->
            <UniformGrid Rows="1" />

There is a proper parent node of <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> provided^^^.

How do I convert from a string to an integer in Visual Basic?

Convert.ToIntXX doesn't like being passed strings of decimals.

To be safe use


Convert List(of object) to List(of string)

If you want more control over how the conversion takes place, you can use ConvertAll:

var stringList = myList.ConvertAll(obj => obj.SomeToStringMethod());

how to add value to combobox item

Yeah, for most cases, you don't need to create a class with getters and setters. Just create a new Dictionary and bind it to the data source. Here's an example in VB using a for loop to set the DisplayMember and ValueMember of a combo box from a list:

        Dim comboSource As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
        For I = 0 To SomeList.GetUpperBound(0)
            comboSource.Add(SomeList(I).Prop1, SomeList(I).Prop2)
        Next I
        cboMenu.DataSource = New BindingSource(comboSource, Nothing)
        cboMenu.DisplayMember = "Value"
        cboMenu.ValueMember = "Key"

Then you can set up a data grid view's rows according to the value or whatever you need by calling a method on click:

Private Sub cboMenu_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboMenu.SelectionChangeCommitted
End Sub

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

Not sure what you mean with "class constructor" but I'd assume you mean one of the ones below.

Instance constructor:

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Shared constructor:

Shared Sub New()

End Sub

Changing CSS style from ASP.NET code

VB Version:


Protected divControl As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl

OnLoad/Other function:

divControl.Style("height") = "200px"

I've never tried the Add method with the styles. What if the height already exists on the DIV?

How do I create a comma delimited string from an ArrayList?

foo.ToArray().Aggregate((a, b) => (a + "," + b)).ToString()


string.Concat(foo.ToArray().Select(a => a += ",").ToArray())

Updating, as this is extremely old. You should, of course, use string.Join now. It didn't exist as an option at the time of writing.

.NET data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary -- Speed, memory, and when to use each?

I sympathise with the question - I too found (find?) the choice bewildering, so I set out scientifically to see which data structure is the fastest (I did the test using VB, but I imagine C# would be the same, since both languages do the same thing at the CLR level). You can see some benchmarking results conducted by me here (there's also some discussion of which data type is best to use in which circumstances).

How to get ALL child controls of a Windows Forms form of a specific type (Button/Textbox)?

This is an improved version of the recursive GetAllControls() that actually works on private vars:

    private void Test()
         List<Control> allTextboxes = GetAllControls(this);
    private List<Control> GetAllControls(Control container, List<Control> list)
        foreach (Control c in container.Controls)
            if (c is TextBox) list.Add(c);
            if (c.Controls.Count > 0)
                list = GetAllControls(c, list);

        return list;
    private List<Control> GetAllControls(Control container)
        return GetAllControls(container, new List<Control>());

What is an .axd file?

An AXD file is a file used by ASP.NET applications for handling embedded resource requests. It contains instructions for retrieving embedded resources, such as images, JavaScript (.JS) files, and.CSS files. AXD files are used for injecting resources into the client-side webpage and access them on the server in a standard way.

6 digits regular expression

You could try


it should work.

Delete a row in DataGridView Control in VB.NET

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In yourDGV.SelectedRows

This will delete all rows that had been selected.

how to refresh my datagridview after I add new data

I think the problem is that you're adding a new entry to the database, but not the data structure that the datagrid represents. You're only querying the database for data in the load event, so if the database changes after that you're not going to know about it.

To solve the problem you need to either re-query the database after each insert, or add the item to tables(0) data structure in addition to the Access table after each insert.

Databound drop down list - initial value

hi friend in this case you can use the


and after this use the list item. for e.g.:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
    <asp:ListItem Text="--Select One--" Value="" />   

but the problem in this is after second time select data are append with old data.

New line character in VB.Net?

Check out Environment.NewLine. As for web pages, break lines with <br> or <p></p> tags.

Set a DateTime database field to "Now"

In SQL you need to use GETDATE():

UPDATE table SET date = GETDATE();

There is no NOW() function.

To answer your question:

In a large table, since the function is evaluated for each row, you will end up getting different values for the updated field.

So, if your requirement is to set it all to the same date I would do something like this (untested):

SET @currDate = GETDATE();

UPDATE table SET date = @currDate;

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

For those who are stuck maintaining old .net, here is one that works in .net framework 2.x:

Dim lstOfStrings As New List(of String)( new String(){"v1","v2","v3"} )

Hiding and Showing TabPages in tabControl

A different approach would be to have two tab controls, one visible, and one not. You can move the tabs from one to the other like this (

If Me.chkShowTab1.Checked = True Then
End If

If the tab order is important, change the .Add method on tabsShown to .Insert and specify the ordinal position. One way to do that is to call a routine that returns the desired ordinal position.

Inline list initialization in VB.NET

Use this syntax for VB.NET 2005/2008 compatibility:

Dim theVar As New List(Of String)(New String() {"one", "two", "three"})

Although the VB.NET 2010 syntax is prettier.

Read from database and fill DataTable

Private Function LoaderData(ByVal strSql As String) As DataTable
    Dim cnn As SqlConnection
    Dim dad As SqlDataAdapter

    Dim dtb As New DataTable
    cnn = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.mySqlConnectionString)
        dad = New SqlDataAdapter(strSql, cnn)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    Return dtb
End Function

Windows Application has stopped working :: Event Name CLR20r3

Some times this problem arise when Application is build in one PC and try to run another PC. And also build the application with Visual Studio 2010.I have the following problem

Problem Description
    Stop Working
Problem Signature
  Problem Event Name:   CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01: diagnosticcentermngr.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03: 4f8c1772
  Problem Signature 04: System.Drawing
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06: 4a275e83
  Problem Signature 07: 7af
  Problem Signature 08: 6c
  Problem Signature 09: System.ArgumentException
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:    1033

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Dont worry, Please check out following link and install .net framework 4.Although my application .net properties was .net framework 2.

restart your PC and try again.

How do I get a computer's name and IP address using VB.NET?

Imports System.Net

Module MainLine
    Sub Main()
        Dim hostName As String = Dns.GetHostName
        Console.WriteLine("Host Name : " & hostName & vbNewLine)
        For Each address In Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList()
            Select Case Convert.ToInt32(address.AddressFamily)
                Case 2
                    Console.WriteLine("IP Version 4 Address: " & address.ToString)
                Case 23
                    Console.WriteLine("IP Version 6 Address: " & address.ToString)
            End Select
    End Sub
End Module

How to use <DllImport> in VB.NET?

I saw in getwindowtext (user32) on that you can place a MarshalAs statement to state that the StringBuffer is equivalent to LPSTR.

<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)> _
Public Function GetWindowText(hwnd As IntPtr, <MarshalAs(UnManagedType.LPStr)>lpString As System.Text.StringBuilder, cch As Integer) As Integer
End Function

Get the current date and time

Get Current DateTime


Retrieving data from a POST method in ASP.NET

The data from the request (content, inputs, files, querystring values) is all on this object HttpContext.Current.Request
To read the posted content

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
string requestFromPost = reader.ReadToEnd();

To navigate through the all inputs

foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.AllKeys)
   string value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[key];

Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable?

I have always used OLEDB for this, something like...

    Dim sSheetName As String
    Dim sConnection As String
    Dim dtTablesList As DataTable
    Dim oleExcelCommand As OleDbCommand
    Dim oleExcelReader As OleDbDataReader
    Dim oleExcelConnection As OleDbConnection

    sConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Test.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1"""

    oleExcelConnection = New OleDbConnection(sConnection)

    dtTablesList = oleExcelConnection.GetSchema("Tables")

    If dtTablesList.Rows.Count > 0 Then
        sSheetName = dtTablesList.Rows(0)("TABLE_NAME").ToString
    End If


    If sSheetName <> "" Then

        oleExcelCommand = oleExcelConnection.CreateCommand()
        oleExcelCommand.CommandText = "Select * From [" & sSheetName & "]"
        oleExcelCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text

        oleExcelReader = oleExcelCommand.ExecuteReader

        nOutputRow = 0

        While oleExcelReader.Read

        End While


    End If


The ACE.OLEDB provider will read both .xls and .xlsx files and I have always found the speed quite good.

what does Error "Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)" mean?

try to clear workspace.

rm -rf ' ~/Library/Application\ Support/"your programm name" '

Having links relative to root?

<a href="/fruits/index.html">Back to Fruits List</a>

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

This is the optimal way, I found, to do this:

private void GetSubArrayThroughArraySegment() {
  int[] array = { 10, 20, 30 };
  ArraySegment<int> segment = new ArraySegment<int>(array,  1, 2);
  Console.WriteLine("-- Array --");
  int[] original = segment.Array;
  foreach (int value in original)
  Console.WriteLine("-- Offset --");
  Console.WriteLine("-- Count --");

  Console.WriteLine("-- Range --");
  for (int i = segment.Offset; i <= segment.Count; i++)

Hope It Helps!

XPath: Get parent node from child node

You can use the two dots at the end of expression, too. See this example:


How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

What is JNDI? What is its basic use? When is it used?

I will use one example to explain how JNDI can be used to configure database without any application developer knowing username and password of the database.

1) We have configured the data source in JBoss server's standalone-full.xml. Additionally, we can configure pool details also.

 <datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:/DEV.DS" pool-name="DEV" enabled="true" use-ccm="false">



enter image description here

Now, this jndi-name and its associated datasource object will be available for our application.application.

2) We can retrieve this datasource object using JndiDataSourceLookup class.

enter image description here

Spring will instantiate the datasource bean, after we provide the jndi-name.

Now, we can change the pool size, user name or password as per our environment or requirement, but it will not impact the application.

Note : encryptedSecurityDomain, we need to configure it separately in JBoss server like

<security-domain name="encryptedSecurityDomain" cache-type="default">
                        <login-module code="" flag="required">
                            <module-option name="username" value="<usernamefordb>"/>
                            <module-option name="password" value="894c8a6aegc8d028ce169c596d67afd0"/>

This is one of the use cases. Hope it clarifies.

Removing the password from a VBA project

I found this here that describes how to set the VBA Project Password. You should be able to modify it to unset the VBA Project Password.

This one does not use SendKeys.

Let me know if this helps! JFV

Where is the itoa function in Linux?

You can use this program instead of sprintf.

void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix);

int main()
    char buffer[10];
    itochar(725, buffer, 10);
    printf ("\n %s \n", buffer);
    return 0;

void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix)
    int i = 0 , n,s;
    n = s;
    while (n > 0)
        s = n%radix;
        n = n/radix;
        buffer[i++] = '0' + s;
    buffer[i] = '\0';

How do I parse a string into a number with Dart?

 void main(){
  var x = "4";
  int number = int.parse(x);//STRING to INT

  var y = "4.6";
  double doubleNum = double.parse(y);//STRING to DOUBLE

  var z = 55;
  String myStr = z.toString();//INT to STRING

int.parse() and double.parse() can throw an error when it couldn't parse the String

Detach (move) subdirectory into separate Git repository

Proper way now is the following:

git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter FOLDER_NAME [first_branch] [another_branch]

GitHub now even have small article about such cases.

But be sure to clone your original repo to separate directory first (as it would delete all the files and other directories and you probable need to work with them).

So your algorithm should be:

  1. clone your remote repo to another directory
  2. using git filter-branch left only files under some subdirectory, push to new remote
  3. create commit to remove this subdirectory from your original remote repo

Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing

This is the intended use case for Ray, which is a library for parallel and distributed Python. Under the hood, it serializes objects using the Apache Arrow data layout (which is a zero-copy format) and stores them in a shared-memory object store so they can be accessed by multiple processes without creating copies.

The code would look like the following.

import numpy as np
import ray


def func(array, param):
    # Do stuff.
    return 1

array = np.ones(10**6)
# Store the array in the shared memory object store once
# so it is not copied multiple times.
array_id = ray.put(array)

result_ids = [func.remote(array_id, i) for i in range(4)]
output = ray.get(result_ids)

If you don't call ray.put then the array will still be stored in shared memory, but that will be done once per invocation of func, which is not what you want.

Note that this will work not only for arrays but also for objects that contain arrays, e.g., dictionaries mapping ints to arrays as below.

You can compare the performance of serialization in Ray versus pickle by running the following in IPython.

import numpy as np
import pickle
import ray


x = {i: np.ones(10**7) for i in range(20)}

# Time Ray.
%time x_id = ray.put(x)  # 2.4s
%time new_x = ray.get(x_id)  # 0.00073s

# Time pickle.
%time serialized = pickle.dumps(x)  # 2.6s
%time deserialized = pickle.loads(serialized)  # 1.9s

Serialization with Ray is only slightly faster than pickle, but deserialization is 1000x faster because of the use of shared memory (this number will of course depend on the object).

See the Ray documentation. You can read more about fast serialization using Ray and Arrow. Note I'm one of the Ray developers.

Get value of multiselect box using jQuery or pure JS

This got me the value and text of the selected options for the jQuery multiselect.js plugin:

    afterSelect: function(){
        var selections = [];
        $("#selectBox option:selected").each(function(){
            var optionValue = $(this).val();
            var optionText = $(this).text();
            // collect all values

        // use array "selections" here.. 

very usefull if you need it for your "onChange" event ;)

Stuck while installing Visual Studio 2015 (Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2999226))

Another workaround is to turn off Internet connection, reboot and restart VS installation. Without Internet connectivity VS installer won't try to update Windows first and will continue without delay.

ActionLink htmlAttributes

Replace the desired hyphen with an underscore; it will automatically be rendered as a hyphen:

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "edit", "markets",
    new { id = 1 },
    new {@class="ui-btn-right", data_icon="gear"})


<form action="markets/Edit/1" class="ui-btn-right" data-icon="gear" .../>

What does the "undefined reference to varName" in C mean?

You're getting a linker error, so your extern is working (the compiler compiled a.c without a problem), but when it went to link the object files together at the end it couldn't resolve your extern -- void doSomething(int); wasn't actually found anywhere. Did you mess up the extern? Make sure there's actually a doSomething defined in b.c that takes an int and returns void, and make sure you remembered to include b.c in your file list (i.e. you're doing something like gcc a.c b.c, not just gcc a.c)

How do I handle ImeOptions' done button click?

Try this, it should work for what you need:

editText.setOnEditorActionListener(new EditText.OnEditorActionListener() {
    public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {
    if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
       //do here your stuff f
       return true;
    return false;

How to get back to most recent version in Git?

A more elegant and simple solution is to use

git stash

It will return to the most resent local version of the branch and also save your changes in stash, so if you like to undo this action do:

git stash apply

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

this fails:

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 SET @nPortalUID = CAST(@vPortalUID AS uniqueidentifier)
 PRINT @nPortalUID

this works

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 PRINT @nPortalUID

the difference is NVARCHAR(36), your input parameter is too small!

Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll' on tensorflow CPU-only installation

A simpler way would be to create a link called cudart64_101.dll to point to cudart64_102.dll. This is not very orthodox but since TensorFlow is looking for cudart64_101.dll exported symbols and the nvidia folks are not amateurs, they would most likely not remove symbols from 101 to 102. It works, based on this assumption (mileage may vary).

How can I programmatically check whether a keyboard is present in iOS app?

I think you need to use the notifications that are provided about the keyboard:


Keyboard Notifications

When the system shows or hides the keyboard, it posts several keyboard notifications. These notifications contain information about the keyboard, including its size, which you can use for calculations that involve moving views. Registering for these notifications is the only way to get some types of information about the keyboard. The system delivers the following notifications for keyboard-related events:

* UIKeyboardWillShowNotification
* UIKeyboardDidShowNotification
* UIKeyboardWillHideNotification
* UIKeyboardDidHideNotification

For more information about these notifications, see their descriptions in UIWindow Class Reference. For information about how to show and hide the keyboard, see Text and Web.

Kotlin Android start new Activity

This is my main activity where i take the username and password from edit text and setting to the intent

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val userName = null
val password = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
button.setOnClickListener {
    val intent = Intent(this@MainActivity,;
    var userName = username.text.toString()
    var password = password_field.text.toString()
    intent.putExtra("Username", userName)
    intent.putExtra("Password", password)

This is my second activity where i have to receive values from the main activity

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
var strUser: String = intent.getStringExtra("Username")
var strPassword: String = intent.getStringExtra("Password")

How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?

In Notepad++, choose the "Encoding" menu, then "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM". Then save.

See Stack Overflow question How to make Notepad to save text in UTF-8 without BOM?.

Add 2 hours to current time in MySQL?

SELECT * FROM courses WHERE (NOW() + INTERVAL 2 HOUR) > start_time

How to resolve "Error: bad index – Fatal: index file corrupt" when using Git

Note for git submodule users - the solutions here will not work for you as-is.

Let's say you have a parent repository called dev, for example, and your submodule repository is called api.

if you are inside of api and you get the error mentioned in this question:

error: bad index file sha1 signature fatal: index file corrupt

The index file will NOT be inside of a .git folder. In fact, the .git won't even be a folder - it will will be a text document with the location of the real .git data for this repository. Likely something like this:

~/dev/api $ cat .git gitdir: ../.git/modules/api

So, instead of rm -f .git/index, you will need to do this:

rm -f ../.git/modules/api/index git reset

or, more generally,

rm -f ../.git/modules/INSERT_YOUR_REPO_NAME_HERE/index git reset

Variable number of arguments in C++?

You probably shouldn't, and you can probably do what you want to do in a safer and simpler way. Technically to use variable number of arguments in C you include stdarg.h. From that you'll get the va_list type as well as three functions that operate on it called va_start(), va_arg() and va_end().


int maxof(int n_args, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, n_args);
    int max = va_arg(ap, int);
    for(int i = 2; i <= n_args; i++) {
        int a = va_arg(ap, int);
        if(a > max) max = a;
    return max;

If you ask me, this is a mess. It looks bad, it's unsafe, and it's full of technical details that have nothing to do with what you're conceptually trying to achieve. Instead, consider using overloading or inheritance/polymorphism, builder pattern (as in operator<<() in streams) or default arguments etc. These are all safer: the compiler gets to know more about what you're trying to do so there are more occasions it can stop you before you blow your leg off.

Run a mySQL query as a cron job?

It depends on what runs cron on your system, but all you have to do to run a php script from cron is to do call the location of the php installation followed by the script location. An example with crontab running every hour:

# crontab -e
00 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/path/script.php

On my system, I don't even have to put the path to the php installation:

00 * * * * php /home/path/script.php

On another note, you should not be using mysql extension because it is deprecated, unless you are using an older installation of php. Read here for a comparison.

How to set environment variables in Jenkins?

In my case, I needed to add the JMETER_HOME environment variable to be available via my Ant build scripts across all projects on my Jenkins server (Linux), in a way that would not interfere with my local build environment (Windows and Mac) in the build.xml script. Setting the environment variable via Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Global properties was the easiest and least intrusive way to accomplish this. No plug-ins are necessary.

Manage Jenkins Global Properties

The environment variable is then available in Ant via:

<property environment="env" />
<property name="jmeter.home" value="${env.JMETER_HOME}" />

This can be verified to works by adding:

<echo message="JMeter Home: ${jmeter.home}"/>

Which produces:

JMeter Home: ~/.jmeter

Select and trigger click event of a radio button in jquery

Switch the order of the code: You're calling the click event before it is attached.

$(document).ready(function() {
      $("#checkbox_div input:radio").click(function() {



      $("input:radio:first").prop("checked", true).trigger("click");


How can I define colors as variables in CSS?

People keep upvoting my answer, but it's a terrible solution compared to the joy of sass or less, particularly given the number of easy to use gui's for both these days. If you have any sense ignore everything I suggest below.

You could put a comment in the css before each colour in order to serve as a sort of variable, which you can change the value of using find/replace, so...

At the top of the css file

/********************* Colour reference chart****************
*************************** comment ********* colour ******** 

box background colour       bbg              #567890
box border colour           bb               #abcdef
box text colour             bt               #123456


Later in the CSS file

.contentBox {background: /*bbg*/#567890; border: 2px solid /*bb*/#abcdef; color:/*bt*/#123456}

Then to, for example, change the colour scheme for the box text you do a find/replace on


Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

For an external (cross-site) solution, you can use: Get contents of a link tag with JavaScript - not CSS

It uses $.ajax() function, so it includes jquery.

window.location (JS) vs header() (PHP) for redirection

PHP redirects are better if you can as with the JavaScript one you're causing the client to load the page before the redirect, whereas with the PHP one it sends the proper header.

However the PHP shouldn't go in the <head>, it should go before any output is sent to the client, as to do otherwise will cause errors.

Using <meta> tags have the same issue as Javascript in causing the initial page to load before doing the redirect. Server-side redirects are almost always better, if you can use them.

cannot call member function without object

If you want to call them like that, you should declare them static.

jQuery: print_r() display equivalent?

How about something like:

<script src=''></script>

function print_r(o){
return JSON.stringify(o,null,'\t').replace(/\n/g,'<br>').replace(/\t/g,'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'); }

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

The problem is your query returned false meaning there was an error in your query. After your query you could do the following:

if (!$result) {

Or you could combine it with your query:

$results = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($link));

That will print out your error.

Also... you need to sanitize your input. You can't just take user input and put that into a query. Try this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM shopsy_db WHERE name LIKE '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $searchTerm) . "%'";

In reply to: Table 'sookehhh_shopsy_db.sookehhh_shopsy_db' doesn't exist

Are you sure the table name is sookehhh_shopsy_db? maybe it's really like users or something.

ASP.NET Core - Swashbuckle not creating swagger.json file

You must conform to 2 rules:

  1. Decorate all actions with explicit Http Methods like[HttpGet("xxx")],[HttpPost("xxx")] or ... instead of [Route("xxx")].
  2. Decorate public methods in controllers with [NonAction] Attribute.

Note that http://localhost:XXXX/swagger/ page requests for http://localhost:XXXX/swagger/v1/swagger.json file, but an Exception will occur from Swagger if you wouldn't conform above rules.

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

change ;memory_limit=512M to ;memory_limit=-1 in enter image description here

it's too dangerous for a server Your PHP code may have a memory leak somewhere and you are telling the server to just use all the memory that it wants. You wouldn't have fixed the problem at all. If you monitor your server, you will see that it is now probably using up most of the RAM and even swapping to disk.

Converting a String to a List of Words?

Try this:

import re

mystr = 'This is a string, with words!'
wordList = re.sub("[^\w]", " ",  mystr).split()

How it works:

From the docs :

re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl. If the pattern isn’t found, string is returned unchanged. repl can be a string or a function.

so in our case :

pattern is any non-alphanumeric character.

[\w] means any alphanumeric character and is equal to the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_]

a to z, A to Z , 0 to 9 and underscore.

so we match any non-alphanumeric character and replace it with a space .

and then we split() it which splits string by space and converts it to a list

so 'hello-world'

becomes 'hello world'

with re.sub

and then ['hello' , 'world']

after split()

let me know if any doubts come up.

What is the python "with" statement designed for?

Again for completeness I'll add my most useful use-case for with statements.

I do a lot of scientific computing and for some activities I need the Decimal library for arbitrary precision calculations. Some part of my code I need high precision and for most other parts I need less precision.

I set my default precision to a low number and then use with to get a more precise answer for some sections:

from decimal import localcontext

with localcontext() as ctx:
    ctx.prec = 42   # Perform a high precision calculation
    s = calculate_something()
s = +s  # Round the final result back to the default precision

I use this a lot with the Hypergeometric Test which requires the division of large numbers resulting form factorials. When you do genomic scale calculations you have to be careful of round-off and overflow errors.

Arrays vs Vectors: Introductory Similarities and Differences

Those reference pretty much answered your question. Simply put, vectors' lengths are dynamic while arrays have a fixed size. when using an array, you specify its size upon declaration:

int myArray[100];

for vectors, you just declare it and add elements

vector<int> myVector;

at times you wont know the number of elements needed so a vector would be ideal for such a situation.

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

to_string() is only present in c++11 so if c++ version is less use some alternate methods such as sprintf or ostringstream

Git Stash vs Shelve in IntelliJ IDEA

I would prefer to shelve changes instead of stashing them if I am not sharing my changes elsewhere.

Stashing is a git feature and doesn't give you the option to select specific files or changes inside a file. Shelving can do that but this is an IDE-specific feature, not a git feature:

enter image description here

As you can see I am able to choose to specify which files/lines to include on my shelve. Note that I can't do that with stashing.

Beware using shelves in the IDE may limit the portability of your patches because those changes are not stored in a .git folder.

Some helpful links:

How to place the cursor (auto focus) in text box when a page gets loaded without javascript support?

Ya its possible to do without support of javascript..
We can use html5 auto focus attribute
For Example:

<input type="text" name="name" autofocus="autofocus" id="xax" />

If use it (autofocus="autofocus") in text field means that text field get focused when page gets loaded.. For more details:

CSS /JS to prevent dragging of ghost image?

Tested on Firefox: removing and putting back the image works! And it's transparent at the execution, too. For instance,

$('.imageContainerClass').mousedown(function() {
    var id = $(this).attr('id');
    $('#'+id).append('Image tag code');

EDIT: This works only on IE and on Firefox, strangely. I also added draggable = false on each image. Still a ghost with Chrome and Safari.

EDIT 2: The background-image solution is genuinely the best one. The only subtlety is that the background-size property has to be redefined every time the background-image is changed! Or so, that's what it looked like from my side. Better still, I had an issue with normal img tags under IE, where IE failed to resize the images. Now, the images have the correct dimensions. Simple:

$(id).css( 'background-image', url('blah.png') );
$(id).css( 'background-size', '40px');

Also, perhaps consider those:

background-Position: center center;

Enable/disable buttons with Angular

export class ClassComponent implements OnInit {
  classes = [
  name: 'string',
  level: 'string',
  code: 'number',
  currentLesson: '1'


    if(obj.currentLession == current){
      return true;

  return false;

<ul class="table lessonOverview">
          <p>Lesson 1</p>
          <button [routerLink]="['/lesson1']" 
             [disabled]="checkCurrentLession(1)" class="primair">
               Start lesson</button>
          <p>Lesson 2</p>
          <button [routerLink]="['/lesson2']" 
             [disabled]="!checkCurrentLession(2)" class="primair">
               Start lesson</button>

What's the difference between 'git merge' and 'git rebase'?

Suppose originally there were 3 commits, A,B,C:


Then developer Dan created commit D, and developer Ed created commit E:


Obviously, this conflict should be resolved somehow. For this, there are 2 ways:



Both commits D and E are still here, but we create merge commit M that inherits changes from both D and E. However, this creates diamond shape, which many people find very confusing.



We create commit R, which actual file content is identical to that of merge commit M above. But, we get rid of commit E, like it never existed (denoted by dots - vanishing line). Because of this obliteration, E should be local to developer Ed and should have never been pushed to any other repository. Advantage of rebase is that diamond shape is avoided, and history stays nice straight line - most developers love that!

How to search for string in an array

there is a function that will return an array of all the strings found.

Filter(sourcearray, match[, include[, compare]])
The sourcearray has to be 1 dimensional
The function will return all strings in the array that have the match string in them

SQL datetime format to date only

After perusing your previous questions I eventually determined you are probably on SQL Server 2005. For US format you would use style 101

select Subject, 
       CONVERT(varchar,DeliveryDate,101) as DeliveryDate
from Email_Administration 
where MerchantId =@MerchantID 

How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#

Based on Daren's excellent answer, note that this code can be shortened significantly by using the appropriate XslCompiledTransform.Transform overload:

var myXslTrans = new XslCompiledTransform(); 
myXslTrans.Transform("source.xml", "result.html"); 

(Sorry for posing this as an answer, but the code block support in comments is rather limited.)

In VB.NET, you don't even need a variable:

With New XslCompiledTransform()
    .Transform("source.xml", "result.html")
End With

Git Bash: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

Try using cygwin instead of bash. that worked for me

How to hide columns in HTML table?

You can also hide a column using the col element

To hide the second column in a table:

  <col />
  <col style="visibility:collapse"/>

Known issues: this won't work in Google Chrome. Please vote for the bug at

Bind failed: Address already in use

The error usually means that the port you are trying to open is being already used by another application. Try using netstat to see which ports are open and then use an available port.

Also check if you are binding to the right ip address (I am assuming it would be localhost)

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

Based on previous posts, I ended up with the following light-weigh alias solution that can be added to .bashrc:

if [ -n "$(type -P xclip)" ]
  alias xclip='xclip -selection clipboard'
  alias clipboard='if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then xclip -in; fi; xclip -out'


# Copy
$ date | clipboard
Sat Dec 29 14:12:57 PST 2018

# Paste
$ date
Sat Dec 29 14:12:57 PST 2018

# Chain
$ date | clipboard | wc
   1       6      29

Error You must specify a region when running command aws ecs list-container-instances

Just to add to answers by Mr. Dimitrov and Jason, if you are using a specific profile and you have put your region setting there,then for all the requests you need to add

"--profile" option.

For example:

Lets say you have AWS Playground profile, and the ~/.aws/config has [profile playground] which further has something like,

[profile playground] region=us-east-1

then, use something like below

aws ecs list-container-instances --cluster default --profile playground

ggplot combining two plots from different data.frames

You can take this trick to use only qplot. Use inner variable $mapping. You can even add colour= to your plots so this will be putted in mapping too, and then your plots combined with legend and colors automatically.

cpu_metric2 <- qplot(y=Y2,x=X1) 

cpu_metric1 <- qplot(y=Y1, 
                    xlab="Time", ylab="%") 

combined_cpu_plot <- cpu_metric1 + 
  geom_line() +

ImportError: No module named PIL

if you use anaconda:

conda install pillow

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'table' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF

The best solution is to use annotation GeneratedValue(strategy = ...), i.e.

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column ...
private int OperationID;

it says, that this column is generated by database using IDENTITY strategy and you don't need to take care of - database will do it.

How to enable TLS 1.2 in Java 7

To force enable TLSv1.2 in JRE7u_80 I had to use following code snippet before creating JDBC connection.


public static void enableTLSv12ForMssqlJdbc() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
    ProviderList providerList = Providers.getProviderList();
    GetInstance.Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance("SSLContext", SSLContextSpi.class, "TLS");
    for (Provider provider : providerList.providers())
        if (provider == instance.provider)
            provider.put("Alg.Alias.SSLContext.TLS", "TLSv1.2");

Able to connect to Windows 10 with SQL server 2017 & TLSv1.2 enabled OS.

List of special characters for SQL LIKE clause

Sybase :

%              : Matches any string of zero or more characters.
_              : Matches a single character.
[specifier]    : Brackets enclose ranges or sets, such as [a-f] 
                 or [abcdef].Specifier  can take two forms:

                   rangespec1 indicates the start of a range of characters.
                   - is a special character, indicating a range.
                   rangespec2 indicates the end of a range of characters.

                  can be composed of any discrete set of values, in any 
                  order, such as [a2bR].The range [a-f], and the 
                  sets [abcdef] and [fcbdae] return the same 
                  set of values.

                 Specifiers are case-sensitive.

[^specifier]    : A caret (^) preceding a specifier indicates 
                  non-inclusion. [^a-f] means "not in the range 
                  a-f"; [^a2bR] means "not a, 2, b, or R."

How do I horizontally center an absolute positioned element inside a 100% width div?

You will have to assign both left and right property 0 value for margin: auto to center the logo.

So in this case:

#logo {
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  margin: 0 auto;

You might also want to set position: relative for #header.

This works because, setting left and right to zero will horizontally stretch the absolutely positioned element. Now magic happens when margin is set to auto. margin takes up all the extra space(equally on each side) leaving the content to its specified width. This results in content becoming center aligned.

Loop and get key/value pair for JSON array using jQuery

var obj = $.parseJSON(result);
for (var prop in obj) {
    alert(prop + " is " + obj[prop]);

What does servletcontext.getRealPath("/") mean and when should I use it

There is also a change between Java 7 and Java 8. Admittedly it involves the a deprecated call, but I had to add a "/" to get our program working! Here is the link discussing it Why does servletContext.getRealPath returns null on tomcat 8?

How do you determine the size of a file in C?


The POSIX standard has its own method to get file size.
Include the sys/stat.h header to use the function.


  • Get file statistics using stat(3).
  • Obtain the st_size property.


Note: It limits the size to 4GB. If not Fat32 filesystem then use the 64bit version!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct stat info;
    stat(argv[1], &info);

    // 'st' is an acronym of 'stat'
    printf("%s: size=%ld\n", argv[1], info.st_size);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct stat64 info;
    stat64(argv[1], &info);

    // 'st' is an acronym of 'stat'
    printf("%s: size=%ld\n", argv[1], info.st_size);

ANSI C (standard)

The ANSI C doesn't directly provides the way to determine the length of the file.
We'll have to use our mind. For now, we'll use the seek approach!


  • Seek the file to the end using fseek(3).
  • Get the current position using ftell(3).


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1]);
    int f_size;

    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    f_size = ftell(fp);
    rewind(fp); // to back to start again

    printf("%s: size=%ld", (unsigned long)f_size);

If the file is stdin or a pipe. POSIX, ANSI C won't work.
It will going return 0 if the file is a pipe or stdin.

Opinion: You should use POSIX standard instead. Because, it has 64bit support.

Repeat a task with a time delay?

Timer is another way to do your work but be quiet sure to add runOnUiThread if you are working with UI.

    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

 CheckBox optSingleShot;
 Button btnStart, btnCancel;
 TextView textCounter;

 Timer timer;
 MyTimerTask myTimerTask;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  optSingleShot = (CheckBox)findViewById(;
  btnStart = (Button)findViewById(;
  btnCancel = (Button)findViewById(;
  textCounter = (TextView)findViewById(;

  btnStart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

   public void onClick(View arg0) {

    if(timer != null){

    //re-schedule timer here
    //otherwise, IllegalStateException of
    //"TimerTask is scheduled already" 
    //will be thrown
    timer = new Timer();
    myTimerTask = new MyTimerTask();

     //singleshot delay 1000 ms
     timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000);
     //delay 1000ms, repeat in 5000ms
     timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000, 5000);

  btnCancel.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

   public void onClick(View v) {
    if (timer!=null){
     timer = null;


 class MyTimerTask extends TimerTask {

  public void run() {
   Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
   SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = 
     new SimpleDateFormat("dd:MMMM:yyyy HH:mm:ss a");
   final String strDate = simpleDateFormat.format(calendar.getTime());

   runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){

    public void run() {



and xml is...

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
tools:context=".MainActivity" >

    android:textStyle="bold" />
    android:text="Single Shot"/>

Another Way to use CountDownTimer

new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {

     public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
         mTextField.setText("seconds remaining: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000);

     public void onFinish() {

Schedule a countdown until a time in the future, with regular notifications on intervals along the way. Example of showing a 30 second countdown in a text field:

For Details

Styles.Render in MVC4

Watch out for case sensitivity. If you have a file


and you redirect in your Bundle.config to


it will not load the css.

Java: Multiple class declarations in one file

Just FYI, if you are using Java 11+, there is an exception to this rule: if you run your java file directly (without compilation). In this mode, there is no restriction on a single public class per file. However, the class with the main method must be the first one in the file.

How do I hide the status bar in a Swift iOS app?

if you prefer a visual approach rather than coding it use this method: in your info.plist

enter image description here simply add View controller-based status bar appearance to NO

and Status bar is initially hidden as YES

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

You can accomplish this using the mysqldump command-line function.

For example:

If it's an entire DB, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name > db_backup.sql

If it's all DBs, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p --all-databases > all_db_backup.sql

If it's specific tables within a DB, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name table1 table2 > table_backup.sql

You can even go as far as auto-compressing the output using gzip (if your DB is very big):

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name | gzip > db_backup.sql.gz

If you want to do this remotely and you have the access to the server in question, then the following would work (presuming the MySQL server is on port 3306):

   $ mysqldump -P 3306 -h [ip_address] -u [uname] -p db_name > db_backup.sql

It should drop the .sql file in the folder you run the command-line from.

EDIT: Updated to avoid inclusion of passwords in CLI commands, use the -p option without the password. It will prompt you for it and not record it.

How to combine multiple inline style objects?

Need to merge the properties in object. For Example,

const boxStyle = {
  width : "50px",
  height : "50px"
const redBackground = {
  background: "red",
const blueBackground = {
  background: "blue",

 <div style={redBackground}></div>
 <div style={blueBackground}></div>

Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

The parseInt function has a "radix" parameter which defines the numeral system used on the conversion, so calling parseInt(jQuery('#something').css('margin-left'), 10); returns the left margin as an Integer.

This is what JSizes use.

How to Bootstrap navbar static to fixed on scroll?

set max-height as you need:

.navbar-collapse {
    max-height: 700px;

How to convert enum names to string in c

In a situation where you have this:

enum fruit {
    // etc.

I like to put this in the header file where the enum is defined:

static inline char *stringFromFruit(enum fruit f)
    static const char *strings[] = { "apple", "orange", "grape", "banana", /* continue for rest of values */ };

    return strings[f];

Ignoring SSL certificate in Apache HttpClient 4.3

On top of PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager along with Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> socketFactoryRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory> create().register("https", sslFactory).build(); If you want an asynchronous httpclient using PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager the code shoudl be similar to following

SSLContextBuilder builder = SSLContexts.custom();
builder.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustStrategy() {
    public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
            throws CertificateException {
        return true;
SSLContext sslContext =;
SchemeIOSessionStrategy sslioSessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslContext, 
                new HostnameVerifier(){
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;// TODO as of now allow all hostnames
Registry<SchemeIOSessionStrategy> sslioSessionRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<SchemeIOSessionStrategy>create().register("https", sslioSessionStrategy).build();
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager ncm  = new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(),sslioSessionRegistry);
CloseableHttpAsyncClient asyncHttpClient = HttpAsyncClients.custom().setConnectionManager(ncm).build();

Checking if a worksheet-based checkbox is checked

It seems that in VBA macro code for an ActiveX checkbox control you use

If (ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = True)

and for a Form checkbox control you use

If (ActiveSheet.Shapes("CheckBox1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1)

Bootstrap Alert Auto Close

$("#success-alert").fadeTo(2000, 500).slideUp(500, function(){

Where fadeTo parameters are fadeTo(speed, opacity)

Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android?

I think this is a bit better :

 * draws the view's content to a bitmap. code initially based on :
public static Bitmap drawToBitmap(final View viewToDrawFrom, int width, int height) {
    boolean wasDrawingCacheEnabled = viewToDrawFrom.isDrawingCacheEnabled();
    if (!wasDrawingCacheEnabled)
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
        if (viewToDrawFrom.getWidth() <= 0 || viewToDrawFrom.getHeight() <= 0) {
            viewToDrawFrom.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
            width = viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredWidth();
            height = viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredHeight();
        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
            final Bitmap bmp = viewToDrawFrom.getDrawingCache();
            final Bitmap result = bmp == null ? null : Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp);
            if (!wasDrawingCacheEnabled)
            return result;
        viewToDrawFrom.layout(0, 0, width, height);
    } else {
        viewToDrawFrom.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
        viewToDrawFrom.layout(0, 0, viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredWidth(), viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredHeight());
    final Bitmap drawingCache = viewToDrawFrom.getDrawingCache();
    final Bitmap bmp = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(drawingCache, width, height);
    final Bitmap result = bmp == null || bmp != drawingCache ? bmp : Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp);
    if (!wasDrawingCacheEnabled)
    return result;

Using the above code, you don't have to specify the size of the bitmap (use 0 for width&height) if you want to use the one of the view itself.

Also, if you wish to convert special views (SurfaceView, Surface or Window, for example) to a bitmap, you should consider using PixelCopy class instead. It requires API 24 and above though. I don't know how to do it before.

Form inside a form, is that alright?

Form nesting can be achieved with new HTML5 input element's form attribute. Although we don't nest forms structurally, inputs are evaluated as they are in their own form. In my tests, 3 major browsers support this except IE(IE11). Form nesting limitation was a big obstacle for HTML UI design.

Here is a sample code, when you click Save button you should see "2 3 success" (Original

<form id="saveForm" action="/post/dispatch/save" method="post"></form>
<form id="deleteForm" action="/post/dispatch/delete" method="post"></form>

<div id="toolbar">
    <input type="text" name="foo" form="saveForm" />
    <input type="hidden" value="some_id" form="deleteForm" />
    <input type="text" name="foo2" id="foo2" form="saveForm" value="success" />

    <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" form="saveForm" onclick="alert(document.getElementById('deleteForm').elements.length + ' ' + document.getElementById('saveForm').elements.length + ' ' + document.getElementById('saveForm').elements['foo2'].value);return false;" />
    <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete" form="deleteForm" />
    <a href="/home/index">Cancel</a>

jquery input select all on focus

i using FF 16.0.2 and jquery 1.8.3, all the code in the answer didn't work.
I use code like this and work.


How to keep two folders automatically synchronized?

You need something like this: It is a tool which combines rsync and inotify - the former is a tool that mirrors, with the correct options set, a directory to the last bit. The latter tells the kernel to notify a program of changes to a directory ot file. It says:

It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes.

But - according to Digital Ocean at - it ought to be in the Ubuntu repository!

I have similar requirements, and this tool, which I have yet to try, seems suitable for the task.

Why should I use a container div in HTML?


The container div is very good to have, because if You want the site centered, You just can't do it just with body or html... But You can, with divs. Why container? Its usually used, just because the code itselve has to be clean and readable. So that is container... It contains all website, in case You want to mess with it around :)

Good luck

Click through div to underlying elements

An easier way would be to inline the transparent background image using Data URIs as follows:

.click-through {
    pointer-events: none;
    background: url();

Loading resources using getClass().getResource()

As a noobie I was confused by this until I realized that the so called "path" is the path relative to the MyClass.class file in the file system and not the file. My IDE copies the resources (like xx.jpg, xx.xml) to a directory local to the MyClass.class. For example, inside a pkg directory called "target/classes/pkg. The class-file location may be different for different IDE's and depending on how the build is structured for your application. You should first explore the file system and find the location of the MyClass.class file and the copied location of the associated resource you are seeking to extract. Then determine the path relative to the MyClass.class file and write that as a string value with "dots" and "slashes".

For example, here is how I make an app1.fxml file available to my javafx application where the relevant "MyClass.class" is implicitly "Main.class". The file is where this line of resource-calling code is contained. In my specific case the resources are copied to a location at the same level as the enclosing package folder. That is: /target/classes/pkg/Main.class and /target/classes/app1.fxml. So paraphrasing...the relative reference "../app1.fxml" is "start from Main.class, go up one directory level, now you can see the resource".

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();

Note that in this relative-path string "../app1.fxml", the first two dots reference the directory enclosing Main.class and the single "." indicates a file extension to follow. After these details become second nature, you will forget why it was confusing.

Reading Properties file in Java

Many answers here describe dangerous methods where they instantiate a file input stream but do not get a reference to the input stream in order to close the stream later. This results in dangling input streams and memory leaks. The correct way of loading the properties should be similar to following:

    Properties prop = new Properties();
    try(InputStream fis = new FileInputStream("")) {
    catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Unable to find the specified properties file");

Note the instantiating of the file input stream in try-with-resources block. Since a FileInputStream is autocloseable, it will be automatically closed after the try-with-resources block is exited. If you want to use a simple try block, you must explicitly close it using fis.close(); in the finally block.

How can I turn a List of Lists into a List in Java 8?

List<List> list = map.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

    List<Employee> employees2 = new ArrayList<>();

             n-> employees2.addAll(n));

Reading an Excel file in python using pandas

Loading an excel file without explicitly naming a sheet but instead giving the number of the sheet order (often one will simply load the first sheet) goes like:

import pandas as pd
myexcel = pd.ExcelFile("C:/filename.xlsx")
myexcel = myexcel.parse(myexcel.sheet_names[0])

Since .sheet_names returns a list of sheet names, it is easy to load one or more sheets by simply calling the list element(s).

What Are Some Good .NET Profilers?

Don't forget the awesome scitech .net memory profiler

It's great for tracking down why your .net app is running out of memory.

How to replace all dots in a string using JavaScript

replaceAll(search, replaceWith) [MDN]

 ".a.b.c.".replaceAll('.', ' ')
 // result: " a b c "

 // Using RegEx. You MUST use a global RegEx.
 ".a.b.c.".replaceAll(/\./g, ' ')
 // result: " a b c "

replaceAll() replaces ALL occurrences of search with replaceWith.

It's actually the same as using replace() [MDN] with a global regex(*), merely replaceAll() is a bit more readable in my view.

(*) Meaning it'll match all occurrences.

Important(!) if you choose regex:

when using a regexp you have to set the global ("g") flag; otherwise, it will throw a TypeError: "replaceAll must be called with a global RegExp".

How to add multiple files to Git at the same time


git init


a) for all files

git add -a

b) only specific folder

git add <folder1> <folder2> <etc.>


git commit -m "Your message about the commit"


enter image description here

git remote add origin


git push -u origin master
git push origin master

if you are face this error than

 ! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

Use this command

git push --force origin master

How to get method parameter names?

To update a little bit Brian's answer, there is now a nice backport of inspect.signature that you can use in older python versions: funcsigs. So my personal preference would go for

try:  # python 3.3+
    from inspect import signature
except ImportError:
    from funcsigs import signature

def aMethod(arg1, arg2):

sig = signature(aMethod)

For fun, if you're interested in playing with Signature objects and even creating functions with random signatures dynamically you can have a look at my makefun project.

How do I retrieve query parameters in Spring Boot?

Use @RequestParam

@RequestMapping(value="user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody Item getItem(@RequestParam("data") String itemid){

    Item i = itemDao.findOne(itemid);              
    String itemName = i.getItemName();
    String price = i.getPrice();
    return i;

How to select an element with 2 classes

You can chain class selectors without a space between them:

.a.b {
     color: #666;

Note that, if it matters to you, IE6 treats .a.b as .b, so in that browser both div.a.b and div.b will have gray text. See this answer for a comparison between proper browsers and IE6.

Adding List<t>.add() another list

List<T>.Add adds a single element. Instead, use List<T>.AddRange to add multiple values.

Additionally, List<T>.AddRange takes an IEnumerable<T>, so you don't need to convert tripDetails into a List<TripDetails>, you can pass it directly, e.g.:


Codeigniter : calling a method of one controller from other

You can use the redirect URL to controller:

Class Ctrlr1 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct1(){
redirect('Ctrlr2 /my_fct2', 'refresh');

Class Ctrlr2 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct2(){

Why am I getting "(304) Not Modified" error on some links when using HttpWebRequest?

Just pressing F5 is not always working.


Because your ISP is also caching web data for you.

Solution: Force Refresh.

Force refresh your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 in Firefox or Chrome to clear ISP cache too, instead of just pressing F5

You then can see 200 response instead of 304 in the browser F12 developer tools network tab.

Another trick is to add question mark ? at the end of the URL string of the requested page:


The question mark will ensure that the browser refresh the request without caching any previous requests.

Additionally in Visual Studio you can set the default browser to Chrome in Incognito mode to avoid cache issues while developing, by adding Chrome in Incognito mode as default browser, see the steps (self illustrated):

Go to browsers list Select browse with... Click Add... Point to the chrome.exe on your platform, add argument "Incognito" Choose the browser you just added and set as default, then click browse

How can I use Async with ForEach?

I would like to add that there is a Parallel class with ForEach function built in that can be used for this purpose.

Set selected radio from radio group with a value

Pure JavaScript version:

document.querySelector('input[name="myradio"][value="5"]').checked = true;

Rails server says port already used, how to kill that process?

For anyone stumbling across this question that is not on a Mac: assuming you know that your server is running on port 3000, you can do this in one shot by executing the following:

fuser -k 3000/tcp

But as Toby has mentioned, the implementation of fuser in Mac OS is rather primitive and this command will not work on mac.

Converting bool to text in C++

This should be fine:

const char* bool_cast(const bool b) {
    return b ? "true" : "false";

But, if you want to do it more C++-ish:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

string bool_cast(const bool b) {
    ostringstream ss;
    ss << boolalpha << b;
    return ss.str();

int main() {
    cout << bool_cast(true) << "\n";
    cout << bool_cast(false) << "\n";

Reading file line by line (with space) in Unix Shell scripting - Issue

Try this,

while read line
    echo $line
done < file.txt


From man bash

IFS - The Internal Field Separator that is used for word
splitting after expansion and to split lines into words
with  the  read  builtin  command. The default value is

Grouped bar plot in ggplot

First you need to get the counts for each category, i.e. how many Bads and Goods and so on are there for each group (Food, Music, People). This would be done like so:

raw <- read.csv("",sep=",")
raw[,2]<-factor(raw[,2],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,3]<-factor(raw[,3],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,4]<-factor(raw[,4],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)

raw=raw[,c(2,3,4)] # getting rid of the "people" variable as I see no use for it

freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) # get the counts of each factor level

Then you need to create a data frame out of it, melt it and plot it:

Names=c("Food","Music","People")     # create list of names
data=data.frame(cbind(freq),Names)   # combine them into a data frame
data=data[,c(5,3,1,2,4)]             # sort columns

# melt the data frame for plotting
data.m <- melt(data, id.vars='Names')

# plot everything
ggplot(data.m, aes(Names, value)) +   
  geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge", stat="identity")

Is this what you're after?

enter image description here

To clarify a little bit, in ggplot multiple grouping bar you had a data frame that looked like this:

> head(df)
1  1    A  1980   450   338   154    36    13     9
2  2    A  2000   288   407   212    54    16    23
3  3    A  2020   196   434   246    68    19    36
4  4    B  1980   111   326   441    90    21    11
5  5    B  2000    63   298   443   133    42    21
6  6    B  2020    36   257   462   162    55    30

Since you have numerical values in columns 4-9, which would later be plotted on the y axis, this can be easily transformed with reshape and plotted.

For our current data set, we needed something similar, so we used freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) to get this:

> data
   Names Very.Bad Bad Good Very.Good
1   Food        7   6    5         2
2  Music        5   5    7         3
3 People        6   3    7         4

Just imagine you have Very.Bad, Bad, Good and so on instead of X1PCE, X2PCE, X3PCE. See the similarity? But we needed to create such structure first. Hence the freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)).

Amazon Interview Question: Design an OO parking lot

Here is a quick start to get the gears turning...

ParkingLot is a class.

ParkingSpace is a class.

ParkingSpace has an Entrance.

Entrance has a location or more specifically, distance from Entrance.

ParkingLotSign is a class.

ParkingLot has a ParkingLotSign.

ParkingLot has a finite number of ParkingSpaces.

HandicappedParkingSpace is a subclass of ParkingSpace.

RegularParkingSpace is a subclass of ParkingSpace.

CompactParkingSpace is a subclass of ParkingSpace.

ParkingLot keeps array of ParkingSpaces, and a separate array of vacant ParkingSpaces in order of distance from its Entrance.

ParkingLotSign can be told to display "full", or "empty", or "blank/normal/partially occupied" by calling .Full(), .Empty() or .Normal()

Parker is a class.

Parker can Park().

Parker can Unpark().

Valet is a subclass of Parker that can call ParkingLot.FindVacantSpaceNearestEntrance(), which returns a ParkingSpace.

Parker has a ParkingSpace.

Parker can call ParkingSpace.Take() and ParkingSpace.Vacate().

Parker calls Entrance.Entering() and Entrance.Exiting() and ParkingSpace notifies ParkingLot when it is taken or vacated so that ParkingLot can determine if it is full or not. If it is newly full or newly empty or newly not full or empty, it should change the ParkingLotSign.Full() or ParkingLotSign.Empty() or ParkingLotSign.Normal().

HandicappedParker could be a subclass of Parker and CompactParker a subclass of Parker and RegularParker a subclass of Parker. (might be overkill, actually.)

In this solution, it is possible that Parker should be renamed to be Car.

Where do I find the Instagram media ID of a image

Instagram deprecated their legacy APIs in support for Basic Display API during the late 2019

In Basic Display API you are supposed to use the following API endpoint to get the media id. You will need to supply a valid access token.,caption&access_token={access-token}

You can read here on how to configure test account and generate access token on Facebook developer portal.

Here is another article which also describes about how to get access token.

Excel: Search for a list of strings within a particular string using array formulas?

In case others may find this useful: I found that by adding an initial empty cell to my list of search terms, a zero value will be returned instead of error.


NB: Column A has the search terms, B is the row number index.

Assign output of os.system to a variable and prevent it from being displayed on the screen

From "Equivalent of Bash Backticks in Python", which I asked a long time ago, what you may want to use is popen:

os.popen('cat /etc/services').read()

From the docs for Python 3.6,

This is implemented using subprocess.Popen; see that class’s documentation for more powerful ways to manage and communicate with subprocesses.

Here's the corresponding code for subprocess:

import subprocess

proc = subprocess.Popen(["cat", "/etc/services"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
print "program output:", out

How to get the xml node value in string

XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList n = d.GetElementsByTagName("Short_Fall");
if(n != null) {
    Console.WriteLine(n[0].InnerText); //Will output '08:29:57'

or you could wrap in foreach loop to print each value

XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList n = d.GetElementsByTagName("Short_Fall");
if(n != null) {
    foreach(XmlNode curr in n) {

update one table with data from another

UPDATE table1
`ID` = (SELECT FROM table2 WHERE table1.`name`=table2.`name`)

How do I import a .dmp file into Oracle?

.dmp files are dumps of oracle databases created with the "exp" command. You can import them using the "imp" command.

If you have an oracle client intalled on your machine, you can executed the command

imp help=y

to find out how it works. What will definitely help is knowing from wich schema the data was exported and what the oracle version was.

Find multiple files and rename them in Linux

Scipt above can be written in one line:

find /tmp -name "*.txt" -exec bash -c 'mv $0 $(echo "$0" | sed -r \"s|.txt|.cpp|g\")' '{}' \;

jQuery hasClass() - check for more than one class

This worked for me:


Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

You can copy an object to your clip board using copy(JSON.stringify(Object_Name)); in the console.

Eg:- Copy & Paste the below code in your console and press ENTER. Now, try to paste(CTRL+V for Windows or CMD+V for mac) it some where else and you will get {"name":"Daniel","age":25}

var profile = {
    name: "Daniel",
    age: 25


python how to pad numpy array with zeros

Very simple, you create an array containing zeros using the reference shape:

result = np.zeros(b.shape)
# actually you can also use result = np.zeros_like(b) 
# but that also copies the dtype not only the shape

and then insert the array where you need it:

result[:a.shape[0],:a.shape[1]] = a

and voila you have padded it:

array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

You can also make it a bit more general if you define where your upper left element should be inserted

result = np.zeros_like(b)
x_offset = 1  # 0 would be what you wanted
y_offset = 1  # 0 in your case
result[x_offset:a.shape[0]+x_offset,y_offset:a.shape[1]+y_offset] = a

array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]])

but then be careful that you don't have offsets bigger than allowed. For x_offset = 2 for example this will fail.

If you have an arbitary number of dimensions you can define a list of slices to insert the original array. I've found it interesting to play around a bit and created a padding function that can pad (with offset) an arbitary shaped array as long as the array and reference have the same number of dimensions and the offsets are not too big.

def pad(array, reference, offsets):
    array: Array to be padded
    reference: Reference array with the desired shape
    offsets: list of offsets (number of elements must be equal to the dimension of the array)
    # Create an array of zeros with the reference shape
    result = np.zeros(reference.shape)
    # Create a list of slices from offset to offset + shape in each dimension
    insertHere = [slice(offset[dim], offset[dim] + array.shape[dim]) for dim in range(a.ndim)]
    # Insert the array in the result at the specified offsets
    result[insertHere] = a
    return result

And some test cases:

import numpy as np

# 1 Dimension
a = np.ones(2)
b = np.ones(5)
offset = [3]
pad(a, b, offset)

# 3 Dimensions

a = np.ones((3,3,3))
b = np.ones((5,4,3))
offset = [1,0,0]
pad(a, b, offset)

"relocation R_X86_64_32S against " linking Error

I've got a similar error when installing FCL that needs CCD lib(libccd) like this:

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libccd.a(ccd.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

I find that there is two different files named "libccd.a" :

  1. /usr/local/lib/libccd.a
  2. /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libccd.a

I solved the problem by removing the first file.

SQL Server: What is the difference between CROSS JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN?

A cross join produces a cartesian product between the two tables, returning all possible combinations of all rows. It has no on clause because you're just joining everything to everything.

A full outer join is a combination of a left outer and right outer join. It returns all rows in both tables that match the query's where clause, and in cases where the on condition can't be satisfied for those rows it puts null values in for the unpopulated fields.

This wikipedia article explains the various types of joins with examples of output given a sample set of tables.

sql searching multiple words in a string

In SQL Server 2005+ with Full-Text indexing switched on, I'd do the following:

 WHERE CONTAINS(C, '"David" OR "Robi" OR "Moses"');

If you wanted your search to bring back results where the result is prefixed with David, Robi or Moses you could do:

 WHERE CONTAINS(C, '"David*" OR "Robi*" OR "Moses*"');

How to find nth occurrence of character in a string?

The code returns the nth occurrence positions substring aka field width. Example. if string "Stack overflow in low melow" is the string to search 2nd occurance of token "low", you will agree with me that it 2nd occurance is at subtring "18 and 21". indexOfOccurance("Stack overflow in low melow", low, 2) returns 18 and 21 in a string.

class Example{
    public Example(){
            public String indexOfOccurance(String string, String token, int nthOccurance) {
                    int lengthOfToken = token.length();
                    int nthCount = 0;
                    for (int shift = 0,count = 0; count < string.length() - token.length() + 2; count++, shift++, lengthOfToken++)
                        if (string.substring(shift, lengthOfToken).equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { 
                    // keeps count of nthOccurance
                        if (nthCount == nthOccurance){
                    //checks if nthCount  == nthOccurance. If true, then breaks 
                             return String.valueOf(shift)+ " " +String.valueOf(lengthOfToken);   
                    return "-1";
    public static void main(String args[]){
    Example example = new Example();
    String string = "the man, the woman and the child";
    int nthPositionOfThe = 3;
   System.out.println("3rd Occurance of the is at " + example.indexOfOccurance(string, "the", nthPositionOfThe));

How to comment lines in rails html.erb files?

Note that if you want to comment out a single line of printing erb you should do like this

<%#= ["Buck", "Papandreou"].join(" you ") %>

How to initialize static variables

best way is to create an accessor like this:

* @var object $db : map to database connection.
public static $db= null; 

* db Function for initializing variable.   
* @return object
public static function db(){
 if( !isset(static::$db) ){
  static::$db= new \Helpers\MySQL( array(
    "hostname"=> "localhost",
    "username"=> "root",
    "password"=> "password",
    "database"=> "db_name"
 return static::$db;

then you can do static::db(); or self::db(); from anywhere.

How to change Android usb connect mode to charge only?

In your phone go to Settings->Connect to PC.

There you will see the option Default Connection Type. Select it and set it to your preference.

psycopg2: insert multiple rows with one query

If you're using SQLAlchemy, you don't need to mess with hand-crafting the string because SQLAlchemy supports generating a multi-row VALUES clause for a single INSERT statement:

rows = []
for i, name in enumerate(rawdata):
    row = {
        'id': i,
        'name': name,
        'valid': True,
if len(rows) > 0:  # INSERT fails if no rows
    insert_query = SQLAlchemyModelName.__table__.insert().values(rows)

how to end ng serve or firebase serve

Try using ctrl + c twice to get the prompt for terminating the batch job.

How do I merge changes to a single file, rather than merging commits?

I found this approach simple and useful: How to "merge" specific files from another branch

As it turns out, we’re trying too hard. Our good friend git checkout is the right tool for the job.

git checkout source_branch <paths>...

We can simply give git checkout the name of the feature branch A and the paths to the specific files that we want to add to our master branch.

Please read the whole article for more understanding

SQL: set existing column as Primary Key in MySQL

Either run in SQL:

  ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)           ---or Drugid, whichever you want it to be PK

or use the PHPMyAdmin interface (Table Structure)

What exactly is the function of Application.CutCopyMode property in Excel

By referring this( link the answer is as below:

Application.CutCopyMode=False is seen in macro recorder-generated code when you do a copy/cut cells and paste . The macro recorder does the copy/cut and paste in separate statements and uses the clipboard as an intermediate buffer. I think Application.CutCopyMode = False clears the clipboard. Without that line you will get the warning 'There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard....' when you close the workbook with a large amount of data on the clipboard.

With optimised VBA code you can usually do the copy/cut and paste operations in one statement, so the clipboard isn't used and Application.CutCopyMode = False isn't needed and you won't get the warning.

How to style a select tag's option element?

Since version 49+, Chrome has supported styling <option> elements with font-weight. Source:

New SELECT Popup: font-weight style should be applied.

This CL removes themeChromiumSkia.css. |!important| in it prevented to apply font-weight. Now html.css has |font-weight:normal|, and |!important| should be unnecessary.

There was a Chrome stylesheet, themeChromiumSkia.css, that used font-weight: normal !important; in it all this time. It was introduced to the stable Chrome channel in version 49.0.

Android Emulator: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE

It means you're trying to install an app with the same packageName as an app that's already installed on the emulator, but the one you're trying to install has a lower versionCode (integer value for your version number).

You might have installed from a separate copy of the code where the version number was higher than the copy you're working with right now. In either case, either:

  • uninstall the currently installed copy

  • or open up your phone's Settings > Application Manager to determine the version number for the installed app, and increment your <manifest android:versionCode to be higher in the AndroidManifest.

  • or

Returning multiple objects in an R function

You could use for() with assign() to create many objects. See the example from assign():

for(i in 1:6) { #-- Create objects  'r.1', 'r.2', ... 'r.6' --
    nam <- paste("r", i, sep = ".")
    assign(nam, 1:i)

Looking the new objects

ls(pattern = "^r..$")

How to load Spring Application Context

I am using in the way and it is working for me.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new CarpoolDBAppTest();


public CarpoolDBAppTest(){
    ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("application-context.xml");
    Student stud = (Student) context.getBean("yourBeanId");

Here Student is my classm you will get the class matching yourBeanId.

Now work on that object with whatever operation you want to do.

Initial bytes incorrect after Java AES/CBC decryption

This is an improvement over the accepted answer.


(1) Using random IV and prepend it to the encrypted text

(2) Using SHA-256 to generate a key from a passphrase

(3) No dependency on Apache Commons

public static void main(String[] args) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    String plaintext = "Hello world";
    String passphrase = "My passphrase";
    String encrypted = encrypt(passphrase, plaintext);
    String decrypted = decrypt(passphrase, encrypted);

private static SecretKeySpec getKeySpec(String passphrase) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    return new SecretKeySpec(digest.digest(passphrase.getBytes(UTF_8)), "AES");

private static Cipher getCipher() throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    return Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING");

public static String encrypt(String passphrase, String value) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    byte[] initVector = new byte[16];
    Cipher cipher = getCipher();
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getKeySpec(passphrase), new IvParameterSpec(initVector));
    byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(value.getBytes());
    return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(initVector) +

public static String decrypt(String passphrase, String encrypted) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    byte[] initVector = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(encrypted.substring(0, 24));
    Cipher cipher = getCipher();
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getKeySpec(passphrase), new IvParameterSpec(initVector));
    byte[] original = cipher.doFinal(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(encrypted.substring(24)));
    return new String(original);

How to calculate number of days between two given dates?

everyone has answered excellently using the date, let me try to answer it using pandas

dt = pd.to_datetime('2008/08/18', format='%Y/%m/%d')
dt1 = pd.to_datetime('2008/09/26', format='%Y/%m/%d')


This will give the answer. In case one of the input is dataframe column. simply use dt.days in place of days


Matrix Multiplication in pure Python?

def matrixmult (A, B):
    C = [[0 for row in range(len(A))] for col in range(len(B[0]))]
    for i in range(len(A)):
        for j in range(len(B[0])):
            for k in range(len(B)):
                C[i][j] += A[i][k]*B[k][j]
    return C

at second line you should change

C = [[0 for row in range(len(B[0]))] for col in range(len(A))]

How to change credentials for SVN repository in Eclipse?

I deleted file inside svn.simple directory at below path on windows machine (Windows 7):


Problem solved.

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

If the properties are for XML or HTML, it's safest to use XML entities. They're uglier to read, but it means that the properties file can be treated as straight ASCII, so nothing will get mangled.

Note that HTML has entities that XML doesn't, so I keep it safe by using straight XML:

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

This may become useful to someone in the future as the new framework, when setup through VS, gets a default web.config, web.Debug.config and web.Release.config. In the web.release.config you will find this line:

<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />

this was seeming to override any inline changes I made. I commented this line out and we were gravy (in terms of seeing non-minified code in a "release" build)

jQuery - passing value from one input to another

Get input1 data to send them to input2 immediately

 <input type="text" id="input1" value="">

<input type="text" id="input2" value="">

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#input1").keyup(function () {
                var value = $(this).val();

IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language

Leaving out the parenthesis and simply calling 'setParameter' now works with at least Hibernate.

String jpql = "from A where name in :names";
Query q = em.createQuery(jpql);
q.setParameter("names", l);

How to set timeout in Retrofit library?

public class ApiClient {
    private static Retrofit retrofit = null;
    private static final Object LOCK = new Object();

    public static void clear() {
        synchronized (LOCK) {
            retrofit = null;

    public static Retrofit getClient() {
        synchronized (LOCK) {
            if (retrofit == null) {

                Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

                OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
                        .connectTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                        .readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                        .writeTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

                // Log.e("jjj", "=" + (MySharedPreference.getmInstance().isEnglish() ? Constant.WEB_SERVICE : Constant.WEB_SERVICE_ARABIC));
                retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
            return retrofit;
        }`enter code here`


    public static RequestBody plain(String content) {
        return getRequestBody("text/plain", content);

    public static RequestBody getRequestBody(String type, String content) {
        return RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(type), content);


    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0'
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.4.0'

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?

WHERE column_name LIKE '%save 50[%] off!%'

What are type hints in Python 3.5?

I would suggest reading PEP 483 and PEP 484 and watching this presentation by Guido on type hinting.

In a nutshell: Type hinting is literally what the words mean. You hint the type of the object(s) you're using.

Due to the dynamic nature of Python, inferring or checking the type of an object being used is especially hard. This fact makes it hard for developers to understand what exactly is going on in code they haven't written and, most importantly, for type checking tools found in many IDEs (PyCharm and PyDev come to mind) that are limited due to the fact that they don't have any indicator of what type the objects are. As a result they resort to trying to infer the type with (as mentioned in the presentation) around 50% success rate.

To take two important slides from the type hinting presentation:

Why type hints?

  1. Helps type checkers: By hinting at what type you want the object to be the type checker can easily detect if, for instance, you're passing an object with a type that isn't expected.
  2. Helps with documentation: A third person viewing your code will know what is expected where, ergo, how to use it without getting them TypeErrors.
  3. Helps IDEs develop more accurate and robust tools: Development Environments will be better suited at suggesting appropriate methods when know what type your object is. You have probably experienced this with some IDE at some point, hitting the . and having methods/attributes pop up which aren't defined for an object.

Why use static type checkers?

  • Find bugs sooner: This is self-evident, I believe.
  • The larger your project the more you need it: Again, makes sense. Static languages offer a robustness and control that dynamic languages lack. The bigger and more complex your application becomes the more control and predictability (from a behavioral aspect) you require.
  • Large teams are already running static analysis: I'm guessing this verifies the first two points.

As a closing note for this small introduction: This is an optional feature and, from what I understand, it has been introduced in order to reap some of the benefits of static typing.

You generally do not need to worry about it and definitely don't need to use it (especially in cases where you use Python as an auxiliary scripting language). It should be helpful when developing large projects as it offers much needed robustness, control and additional debugging capabilities.

Type hinting with mypy:

In order to make this answer more complete, I think a little demonstration would be suitable. I'll be using mypy, the library which inspired Type Hints as they are presented in the PEP. This is mainly written for anybody bumping into this question and wondering where to begin.

Before I do that let me reiterate the following: PEP 484 doesn't enforce anything; it is simply setting a direction for function annotations and proposing guidelines for how type checking can/should be performed. You can annotate your functions and hint as many things as you want; your scripts will still run regardless of the presence of annotations because Python itself doesn't use them.

Anyways, as noted in the PEP, hinting types should generally take three forms:

  • Function annotations (PEP 3107).
  • Stub files for built-in/user modules.
  • Special # type: type comments that complement the first two forms. (See: What are variable annotations? for a Python 3.6 update for # type: type comments)

Additionally, you'll want to use type hints in conjunction with the new typing module introduced in Py3.5. In it, many (additional) ABCs (abstract base classes) are defined along with helper functions and decorators for use in static checking. Most ABCs in are included, but in a generic form in order to allow subscription (by defining a __getitem__() method).

For anyone interested in a more in-depth explanation of these, the mypy documentation is written very nicely and has a lot of code samples demonstrating/describing the functionality of their checker; it is definitely worth a read.

Function annotations and special comments:

First, it's interesting to observe some of the behavior we can get when using special comments. Special # type: type comments can be added during variable assignments to indicate the type of an object if one cannot be directly inferred. Simple assignments are generally easily inferred but others, like lists (with regard to their contents), cannot.

Note: If we want to use any derivative of containers and need to specify the contents for that container we must use the generic types from the typing module. These support indexing.

# Generic List, supports indexing.
from typing import List

# In this case, the type is easily inferred as type: int.
i = 0

# Even though the type can be inferred as of type list
# there is no way to know the contents of this list.
# By using type: List[str] we indicate we want to use a list of strings.
a = []  # type: List[str]

# Appending an int to our list
# is statically not correct.

# Appending a string is fine.

print(a)  # [0, 'i']

If we add these commands to a file and execute them with our interpreter, everything works just fine and print(a) just prints the contents of list a. The # type comments have been discarded, treated as plain comments which have no additional semantic meaning.

By running this with mypy, on the other hand, we get the following response:

(Python3)jimmi@jim: mypy error: Argument 1 to "append" of "list" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"

Indicating that a list of str objects cannot contain an int, which, statically speaking, is sound. This can be fixed by either abiding to the type of a and only appending str objects or by changing the type of the contents of a to indicate that any value is acceptable (Intuitively performed with List[Any] after Any has been imported from typing).

Function annotations are added in the form param_name : type after each parameter in your function signature and a return type is specified using the -> type notation before the ending function colon; all annotations are stored in the __annotations__ attribute for that function in a handy dictionary form. Using a trivial example (which doesn't require extra types from the typing module):

def annotated(x: int, y: str) -> bool:
    return x < y

The annotated.__annotations__ attribute now has the following values:

{'y': <class 'str'>, 'return': <class 'bool'>, 'x': <class 'int'>}

If we're a complete newbie, or we are familiar with Python 2.7 concepts and are consequently unaware of the TypeError lurking in the comparison of annotated, we can perform another static check, catch the error and save us some trouble:

(Python3)jimmi@jim: mypy note: In function "annotated": error: Unsupported operand types for > ("str" and "int")

Among other things, calling the function with invalid arguments will also get caught:

annotated(20, 20)

# mypy complains: error: Argument 2 to "annotated" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"

These can be extended to basically any use case and the errors caught extend further than basic calls and operations. The types you can check for are really flexible and I have merely given a small sneak peak of its potential. A look in the typing module, the PEPs or the mypy documentation will give you a more comprehensive idea of the capabilities offered.

Stub files:

Stub files can be used in two different non mutually exclusive cases:

  • You need to type check a module for which you do not want to directly alter the function signatures
  • You want to write modules and have type-checking but additionally want to separate annotations from content.

What stub files (with an extension of .pyi) are is an annotated interface of the module you are making/want to use. They contain the signatures of the functions you want to type-check with the body of the functions discarded. To get a feel of this, given a set of three random functions in a module named

def message(s):

def alterContents(myIterable):
    return [i for i in myIterable if i % 2 == 0]

def combine(messageFunc, itFunc):
    messageFunc("Printing the Iterable")
    a = alterContents(range(1, 20))
    return set(a)

We can create a stub file randfunc.pyi, in which we can place some restrictions if we wish to do so. The downside is that somebody viewing the source without the stub won't really get that annotation assistance when trying to understand what is supposed to be passed where.

Anyway, the structure of a stub file is pretty simplistic: Add all function definitions with empty bodies (pass filled) and supply the annotations based on your requirements. Here, let's assume we only want to work with int types for our Containers.

# Stub for
from typing import Iterable, List, Set, Callable

def message(s: str) -> None: pass

def alterContents(myIterable: Iterable[int])-> List[int]: pass

def combine(
    messageFunc: Callable[[str], Any],
    itFunc: Callable[[Iterable[int]], List[int]]
)-> Set[int]: pass

The combine function gives an indication of why you might want to use annotations in a different file, they some times clutter up the code and reduce readability (big no-no for Python). You could of course use type aliases but that sometime confuses more than it helps (so use them wisely).

This should get you familiarized with the basic concepts of type hints in Python. Even though the type checker used has been mypy you should gradually start to see more of them pop-up, some internally in IDEs (PyCharm,) and others as standard Python modules.

I'll try and add additional checkers/related packages in the following list when and if I find them (or if suggested).

Checkers I know of:

  • Mypy: as described here.
  • PyType: By Google, uses different notation from what I gather, probably worth a look.

Related Packages/Projects:

  • typeshed: Official Python repository housing an assortment of stub files for the standard library.

The typeshed project is actually one of the best places you can look to see how type hinting might be used in a project of your own. Let's take as an example the __init__ dunders of the Counter class in the corresponding .pyi file:

class Counter(Dict[_T, int], Generic[_T]):
        def __init__(self) -> None: ...
        def __init__(self, Mapping: Mapping[_T, int]) -> None: ...
        def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> None: ...

Where _T = TypeVar('_T') is used to define generic classes. For the Counter class we can see that it can either take no arguments in its initializer, get a single Mapping from any type to an int or take an Iterable of any type.

Notice: One thing I forgot to mention was that the typing module has been introduced on a provisional basis. From PEP 411:

A provisional package may have its API modified prior to "graduating" into a "stable" state. On one hand, this state provides the package with the benefits of being formally part of the Python distribution. On the other hand, the core development team explicitly states that no promises are made with regards to the the stability of the package's API, which may change for the next release. While it is considered an unlikely outcome, such packages may even be removed from the standard library without a deprecation period if the concerns regarding their API or maintenance prove well-founded.

So take things here with a pinch of salt; I'm doubtful it will be removed or altered in significant ways, but one can never know.

** Another topic altogether, but valid in the scope of type-hints: PEP 526: Syntax for Variable Annotations is an effort to replace # type comments by introducing new syntax which allows users to annotate the type of variables in simple varname: type statements.

See What are variable annotations?, as previously mentioned, for a small introduction to these.

Java 8 Lambda filter by Lists

Look this:

List<Client> result = clients
    .filter(c -> 

How to programmatically open the Permission Screen for a specific app on Android Marshmallow?

This is not possible. I tried to do so, too. I could figure out the package name and the activity which will be started. But in the end you will get a security exception because of a missing permission you can't declare.


Regarding the other answer I also recommend to open the App settings screen. I do this with the following code:

    public static void startInstalledAppDetailsActivity(final Activity context) {
    if (context == null) {
    final Intent i = new Intent();
    i.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + context.getPackageName()));

As I don't want to have this in my history stack I remove it using intent flags.

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

From the javadoc:

The serialization runtime associates with each serializable class a version number, called a serialVersionUID, which is used during deserialization to verify that the sender and receiver of a serialized object have loaded classes for that object that are compatible with respect to serialization. If the receiver has loaded a class for the object that has a different serialVersionUID than that of the corresponding sender's class, then deserialization will result in an InvalidClassException. A serializable class can declare its own serialVersionUID explicitly by declaring a field named "serialVersionUID" that must be static, final, and of type long:

You can configure your IDE to:

  • ignore this, instead of giving a warning.
  • autogenerate an id

As per your additional question "Can it be that the discussed warning message is a reason why my GUI application freeze?":

No, it can't be. It can cause a problem only if you are serializing objects and deserializing them in a different place (or time) where (when) the class has changed, and it will not result in freezing, but in InvalidClassException.

Regular Expression for password validation

I would check them one-by-one; i.e. look for a number \d+, then if that fails you can tell the user they need to add a digit. This avoids returning an "Invalid" error without hinting to the user whats wrong with it.

How to find out the server IP address (using JavaScript) that the browser is connected to?

I am sure the following code will help you to get ip address.

<script type="application/javascript">
    function getip(json){
      alert(json.ip); // alerts the ip address

<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>

How to make google spreadsheet refresh itself every 1 minute?

GOOGLEFINANCE can have a 20 minutes delay, so refreshing every minute would not really help.

Instead of GOOGLEFINANCE you can use different source. I'm using this RealTime stock prices(I tried a couple but this is the easiest by-far to implement. They have API that retuen JSON { Name: CurrentPrice }

Here's a little script you can use in Google Sheets(Tools->Script Editor)

function GetStocksPrice() {      
   var url = ' 
   var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);

   // convert json string to json object
   var jsonSignal = JSON.parse(response);    

  // define an array of all the object keys
  var headerRow = Object.keys(jsonSignal);
  // define an array of all the object values
  var values ={ return jsonSignal[key]});   
  var data = values[0];

  // get sheet by ID -  
  // you can get the sheet unqiue ID from the your current sheet url
  var jsonSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("Your Sheet UniqueID");  
  //var name = jsonSheet.getName();

  var sheet = jsonSheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1'); 

  // the column to put the data in -> Y
  var letter = "F";

  // start from line 
  var index = 4;
  data.forEach(function( row, index2 ) { 

     var keys = Object.keys(row);
     var value2 = row[keys[1]];            

     // set value loction
     var cellXY = letter +  index;      
     index = index + 1;    

Now you need to add a trigger that will execute every minute.

  1. Go to Project Triggers -> click on the Watch icon next to the Save icon
  2. Add Trigger
  3. In -> Choose which function to run -> GetStocksPrice
  4. In -> Select event source -> Time-driven
  5. In -> Select type of time based trigger -> Minutes timer
  6. In -> Select minute interval -> Every minute

And your set :)

SQL-Server: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing

Also as important is to make sure that, your database name matches the data base name in the backup you are trying to restore. If it does not match, you will get the same error.

Jdbctemplate query for string: EmptyResultDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0

That's not a good solution because you're relying on exceptions for control flow. In your solution it's normal to get exceptions, it's normal to have them in the log.

public String test() {
    String sql = "select ID_NMB_SRZ from codb_owner.TR_LTM_SLS_RTN where id_str_rt = '999' and ID_NMB_SRZ = '60230009999999'";
    List<String> certs = jdbc.queryForList(sql, String.class); 
    if (certs.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return certs.get(0);

How do I use popover from Twitter Bootstrap to display an image?

This is what I used.

    placement : 'bottom',
    title : 'Title',
    content : '<div id="popOverBox"><img src="" /></div>'

and for the HTML

<b id="foo" rel="popover">text goes here</b>

VBA setting the formula for a cell

If you want to make address directly, the worksheet must exist.

Turning off automatic recalculation want help you :)

But... you can get value indirectly...

.FormulaR1C1 = "=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(2,7,1,0,""" & strProjectName & """),FALSE)"

At the time formula is inserted it will return #REF error, because strProjectName sheet does not exist.

But after this worksheet appear Excel will calculate formula again and proper value will be shown.
Disadvantage: there will be no tracking, so if you move the cell or change worksheet name, the formula will not adjust to the changes as in the direct addressing.

How do I use properly CASE..WHEN in MySQL

    WHEN course_enrollment_settings.base_price = 0      THEN 1
    WHEN course_enrollment_settings.base_price>0 AND  
         course_enrollment_settings.base_price<=100     THEN 2
    WHEN course_enrollment_settings.base_price>100 AND   
         course_enrollment_settings.base_price<201      THEN 3
        ELSE 6
   END AS 'calc_base_price',
WHERE course_enrollment_settings.base_price = 0

The preferred way of creating a new element with jQuery

I would recommend the first option, where you actually build elements using jQuery. the second approach simply sets the innerHTML property of the element to a string, which happens to be HTML, and is more error prone and less flexible.

Converting Float to Dollars and Cents

Building on @JustinBarber's example and noting @eric.frederich's comment, if you want to format negative values like -$1,000.00 rather than $-1,000.00 and don't want to use locale:

def as_currency(amount):
    if amount >= 0:
        return '${:,.2f}'.format(amount)
        return '-${:,.2f}'.format(-amount)

Get hostname of current request in node.js Express

You can use the os Module:

var os = require("os");



  1. if you can work with the IP address -- Machines may have several Network Cards and unless you specify it node will listen on all of them, so you don't know on which NIC the request came in, before it comes in.

  2. Hostname is a DNS matter -- Don't forget that several DNS aliases can point to the same machine.

How to create EditText accepts Alphabets only in android?

Through Xml you can do easily as type following code in xml (editText)...


only characters will be accepted...

How to use Greek symbols in ggplot2?

Here is a link to an excellent wiki that explains how to put greek symbols in ggplot2. In summary, here is what you do to obtain greek symbols

  1. Text Labels: Use parse = T inside geom_text or annotate.
  2. Axis Labels: Use expression(alpha) to get greek alpha.
  3. Facet Labels: Use labeller = label_parsed inside facet.
  4. Legend Labels: Use bquote(alpha == .(value)) in legend label.

You can see detailed usage of these options in the link

EDIT. The objective of using greek symbols along the tick marks can be achieved as follows

p0 = qplot(sex, data = tips, geom = 'bar');
p1 = p0 + scale_x_discrete(labels = c('Female' = expression(alpha),
                                      'Male'   = expression(beta)));

For complete documentation on the various symbols that are available when doing this and how to use them, see ?plotmath.

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

You can use ILIKE. i.e.

SELECT id FROM groups where name ILIKE 'administrator'

Messages Using Command prompt in Windows 7

"net send" is a command using a background service called "messenger". This service has been removed from Windows 7. ie You cannot use 'net send' on Vista nor Win7 / Win8.

Pity though , I loved using it.

There is alternatives, but that requires you to download and install software on each pc you want to use, this software runs as background services, and i would advise one to be very very very very careful of using these kind of software as they can potentially cause seriously damage one's system or impair the systems securities.

winsent innocenti / winsent messenger

****This command is risky because of what is stated above***

How to call javascript function from code-behind

This is a way to invoke one or more JavaScript methods from the code behind. By using Script Manager we can call the methods in sequence. Consider the below code for example.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "UpdateMsg", 
    alert('Overrides successfully Updated.');

In this first method EnableControls() is invoked. Next the alert will be displayed. Next the DisableControls() method will be invoked.

Can't install nuget package because of "Failed to initialize the PowerShell host"

This started happening with 6.0.4 recently for me, I don't think this is a very good solution but here is what helped me. Close Visual Studio

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell prompt as Administrator (very important) and run the following command:Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
  2. Open Visual Studio, open your solution and use Nuget to install JSON.Net (or whatever package included it as a dependency).
  3. Once everything is working, I recommend setting the powershell execution policy back to restricted with the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

How to append a jQuery variable value inside the .html tag

See this Link


<div id="products"></div>


var someone = {
"name":"Mahmoude Elghandour",
"price":"174 SR",
"desc":"WE Will BE WITH YOU"
 var name = $("<div/>",{"text","class":"name"

var price = $("<div/>",{"text":someone.price,"class":"price"});
var desc = $("<div />", {   
"text": someone.desc,
"class": "desc"

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

In Java, can you modify a List while iterating through it?

Use Java 8's removeIf(),

To remove safely,

letters.removeIf(x -> !x.equals("A"));

How are zlib, gzip and zip related? What do they have in common and how are they different?

The most important difference is that gzip is only capable to compress a single file while zip compresses multiple files one by one and archives them into one single file afterwards. Thus, gzip comes along with tar most of the time (there are other possibilities, though). This comes along with some (dis)advantages.

If you have a big archive and you only need one single file out of it, you have to decompress the whole gzip file to get to that file. This is not required if you have a zip file.

On the other hand, if you compress 10 similiar or even identical files, the zip archive will be much bigger because each file is compressed individually, whereas in gzip in combination with tar a single file is compressed which is much more effective if the files are similiar (equal).

How to run python script on terminal (ubuntu)?

This error:

python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Means that the file "" doesn't exist. (Or, it does, but it isn't in the current working directory.)

I must save the file in any specific folder to make it run on terminal?

No, it can be where ever you want. However, if you just say, "", you'll need to be in the directory containing

Your terminal (actually, the shell in the terminal) has a concept of "Current working directory", which is what directory (folder) it is currently "in".

Thus, if you type something like:

python needs to be in the current working directory. In Linux, you can change the current working directory with cd. You might want a tutorial if you're new. (Note that the first hit on that search for me is this YouTube video. The author in the video is using a Mac, but both Mac and Linux use bash for a shell, so it should apply to you.)

How to solve maven 2.6 resource plugin dependency?

Tried everything. I deleted m2e and installed m2e version 2.7.0. Then deleted the .m2 directory and force updated maven. It worked!

Git update submodules recursively

In recent Git (I'm using v2.15.1), the following will merge upstream submodule changes into the submodules recursively:

git submodule update --recursive --remote --merge

You may add --init to initialize any uninitialized submodules and use --rebase if you want to rebase instead of merge.

You need to commit the changes afterwards:

git add . && git commit -m 'Update submodules to latest revisions'

Python script to copy text to clipboard



from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk

class Hello(Gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Hello, self).__init__()
        clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
        clipboard.set_text("hello world", -1)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

User Control - Custom Properties

It is very simple, just add a property:

public string Value {
  get { return textBox1.Text; }
  set { textBox1.Text = value; }

Using the Text property is a bit trickier, the UserControl class intentionally hides it. You'll need to override the attributes to put it back in working order:

[Browsable(true), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Bindable(true)]
public override string Text {
  get { return textBox1.Text; }
  set { textBox1.Text = value; }

Break or return from Java 8 stream forEach?

If you need this, you shouldn't use forEach, but one of the other methods available on streams; which one, depends on what your goal is.

For example, if the goal of this loop is to find the first element which matches some predicate:

Optional<SomeObject> result = -> some_condition_met).findFirst();

(Note: This will not iterate the whole collection, because streams are lazily evaluated - it will stop at the first object that matches the condition).

If you just want to know if there's an element in the collection for which the condition is true, you could use anyMatch:

boolean result = -> some_condition_met);

What are the differences between LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and AbsoluteLayout?


  • Frame Layout: This is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item.
  • Linear Layout: A layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row.
  • Relative Layout: This layout is a view group that displays child views in relative positions.
  • Table Layout: A layout that arranges its children into rows and columns.

More Information:


FrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. Generally, FrameLayout should be used to hold a single child view, because it can be difficult to organize child views in a way that's scalable to different screen sizes without the children overlapping each other. You can, however, add multiple children to a FrameLayout and control their position within the FrameLayout by assigning gravity to each child, using the android:layout_gravity attribute.

Child views are drawn in a stack, with the most recently added child on top. The size of the FrameLayout is the size of its largest child (plus padding), visible or not (if the FrameLayout's parent permits).


A RelativeLayout is a very powerful utility for designing a user interface because it can eliminate nested view groups and keep your layout hierarchy flat, which improves performance. If you find yourself using several nested LinearLayout groups, you may be able to replace them with a single RelativeLayout.

(Current docs here)


A TableLayout consists of a number of TableRow objects, each defining a row (actually, you can have other children, which will be explained below). TableLayout containers do not display border lines for their rows, columns, or cells. Each row has zero or more cells; each cell can hold one View object. The table has as many columns as the row with the most cells. A table can leave cells empty. Cells can span columns, as they can in HTML.

The width of a column is defined by the row with the widest cell in that column.

Note: Absolute Layout is deprecated.

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

In swift 4.0

var viewController: UIViewController? = storyboard().instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Identifier")
var navi = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController!)
navigationController?.pushViewController(navi, animated: true)

Add A Year To Today's Date

var yearsToAdd = 5;
var current = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
var addedYears = Number(this.minDate.split('-')[0]) + yearsToAdd + '-12-31';

jquery how to empty input field

You can clear the input field by using $('#shares').val('');

How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?

If you are able to copy the actual SQLite database file to your desktop, you can use this tools to browse the data.

Copy table without copying data

Only want to clone the structure of table:


Also wants to copy the data:


Can Android do peer-to-peer ad-hoc networking?

Here's a bug report on the feature you're requesting.

It's status is "reviewed" but I don't believe it's been implemented yet.

Does VBA have Dictionary Structure?

VBA does not have an internal implementation of a dictionary, but from VBA you can still use the dictionary object from MS Scripting Runtime Library.

Dim d
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "a", "aaa"
d.Add "b", "bbb"
d.Add "c", "ccc"

If d.Exists("c") Then
    MsgBox d("c")
End If

Printing object properties in Powershell

Try this:

Write-Host ($obj | Format-Table | Out-String)


Write-Host ($obj | Format-List | Out-String)

Refresh an page on button click

  • Create a class for maintain hit counters

    public static class Counter
           private static long hit;
           public static void HitCounter()
           public static long GetCounter()
              return hit;
  • Increment the value of counter at page load event

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Counter.HitCounter(); // call static function of static class Counter to increment the counter value
  • Redirect the page on itself and display the counter value on button click

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write(Request.RawUrl.ToString()); // redirect on itself
        Response.Write("<br /> Counter =" + Counter.GetCounter() ); // display counter value

Key Shortcut for Eclipse Imports

Yes. you can't remember all the shortcuts. You will forget many of them for sure. In this way, you can recall it and get the work done quickly.

Press Ctrl+3

And type whatever the hell you want :) It's a shortcut for shortcuts

enter image description here

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

You can't, you'll have to do something like

<script type="text/javascript">
   var php_var = "<?php echo $php_var; ?>";

You can also load it with AJAX

rhino is right, the snippet lacks of a type for the sake of brevity.

Also, note that if $php_var has quotes, it will break your script. You shall use addslashes, htmlentities or a custom function.

How to change the text of a button in jQuery?

    if (this.value=="Add") this.value = "Save";_x000D_
    else this.value = "Add";_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type='button' value='Add' id='btnAddProfile'>_x000D_
<p>This is a paragraph with little content.</p>_x000D_
<p>This is another small paragraph.</p>_x000D_

Ansible: how to get output to display

Every Ansible task when run can save its results into a variable. To do this, you have to specify which variable to save the results into. Do this with the register parameter, independently of the module used.

Once you save the results to a variable you can use it later in any of the subsequent tasks. So for example if you want to get the standard output of a specific task you can write the following:

- hosts: localhost
    - shell: ls
      register: shell_result

    - debug:
        var: shell_result.stdout_lines

Here register tells ansible to save the response of the module into the shell_result variable, and then we use the debug module to print the variable out.

An example run would look like the this:

PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************

TASK [command] *****************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "shell_result.stdout_lines": [

Responses can contain multiple fields. stdout_lines is one of the default fields you can expect from a module's response.

Not all fields are available from all modules, for example for a module which doesn't return anything to the standard out you wouldn't expect anything in the stdout or stdout_lines values, however the msg field might be filled in this case. Also there are some modules where you might find something in a non-standard variable, for these you can try to consult the module's documentation for these non-standard return values.

Alternatively you can increase the verbosity level of ansible-playbook. You can choose between different verbosity levels: -v, -vvv and -vvvv. For example when running the playbook with verbosity (-vvv) you get this:

PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************

TASK [command] *****************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => {
    "changed": true,
    "cmd": "ls",
    "delta": "0:00:00.007621",
    "end": "2017-02-17 23:04:41.912570",
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "_raw_params": "ls",
            "_uses_shell": true,
            "chdir": null,
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "removes": null,
            "warn": true
        "module_name": "command"
    "rc": 0,
    "start": "2017-02-17 23:04:41.904949",
    "stderr": "",
    "stdout": "play.retry\nplay.yml",
    "stdout_lines": [
    "warnings": []

As you can see this will print out the response of each of the modules, and all of the fields available. You can see that the stdout_lines is available, and its contents are what we expect.

To answer your main question about the jenkins_script module, if you check its documentation, you can see that it returns the output in the output field, so you might want to try the following:

  - jenkins_script:
      script: (...)
    register: jenkins_result

  - debug:
      var: jenkins_result.output

finding multiples of a number in Python

def multiples(n,m,starting_from=1,increment_by=1):
    # Where n is the number 10 and m is the number 2 from your example. 
    # In case you want to print the multiples starting from some other number other than 1 then you could use the starting_from parameter
    # In case you want to print every 2nd multiple or every 3rd multiple you could change the increment_by 
    print [ n*x for x in range(starting_from,m+1,increment_by) ] 

What's the difference between Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache?

In my recent tests with IE8 and Firefox 3.5, it seems that both are RFC-compliant. However, they differ in their "friendliness" to the origin server. IE8 treats no-cache responses with the same semantics as max-age=0,must-revalidate. Firefox 3.5, however, seems to treat no-cache as equivalent to no-store, which sucks for performance and bandwidth usage.

Squid Cache, by default, seems to never store anything with a no-cache header, just like Firefox.

My advice would be to set public,max-age=0 for non-sensitive resources you want to have checked for freshness on every request, but still allow the performance and bandwidth benefits of caching. For per-user items with the same consideration, use private,max-age=0.

I would avoid the use of no-cache entirely, as it seems it has been bastardized by some browsers and popular caches to the functional equivalent of no-store.

Additionally, do not emulate Akamai and Limelight. While they essentially run massive caching arrays as their primary business, and should be experts, they actually have a vested interest in causing more data to be downloaded from their networks. Google might not be a good choice for emulation, either. They seem to use max-age=0 or no-cache randomly depending on the resource.

How to set web.config file to show full error message

If you're using ASP.NET MVC you might also need to remove the HandleErrorAttribute from the Global.asax.cs file:

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());

Even though JRE 8 is installed on my MAC -" No Java Runtime present,requesting to install " gets displayed in terminal

In newer versions of OS X (especially Yosemite, EL Capitan), Apple has removed Java support for security reasons. To fix this you have to do the following.

  1. Download Java for OS X 2015-001 from this link:
  2. Mount the disk image file and install Java 6 runtime for OS X.

    After this you should not be seeing any of the below messages:

    - Unable to find any JVMs matching version "(null)"

    - No Java runtime present, try --request to install.

    This should resolve the issue for the pop-up shown below: enter image description here

How do you embed binary data in XML?

Try Base64 encoding/decoding your binary data. Also look into CDATA sections

JSON, REST, SOAP, WSDL, and SOA: How do they all link together

WSDL: Stands for Web Service Description Language

In SOAP(simple object access protocol), when you use web service and add a web service to your project, your client application(s) doesn't know about web service Functions. Nowadays it's somehow old-fashion and for each kind of different client you have to implement different WSDL files. For example you cannot use same file for .Net and php client. The WSDL file has some descriptions about web service functions. The type of this file is XML. SOAP is an alternative for REST.

REST: Stands for Representational State Transfer

It is another kind of API service, it is really easy to use for clients. They do not need to have special file extension like WSDL files. The CRUD operation can be implemented by different HTTP Verbs(GET for Reading, POST for Creation, PUT or PATCH for Updating and DELETE for Deleting the desired document) , They are based on HTTP protocol and most of times the response is in JSON or XML format. On the other hand the client application have to exactly call the related HTTP Verb via exact parameters names and types. Due to not having special file for definition, like WSDL, it is a manually job using the endpoint. But it is not a big deal because now we have a lot of plugins for different IDEs to generating the client-side implementation.

SOA: Stands for Service Oriented Architecture

Includes all of the programming with web services concepts and architecture. Imagine that you want to implement a large-scale application. One practice can be having some different services, called micro-services and the whole application mechanism would be calling needed web service at the right time. Both REST and SOAP web services are kind of SOA.

JSON: Stands for javascript Object Notation

when you serialize an object for javascript the type of object format is JSON. imagine that you have the human class :

class Human{
 string Name;
 string Family;
 int Age;

and you have some instances from this class :

Human h1 = new Human(){

when you serialize the h1 object to JSON the result is :

  [h1:{Name:'saman',Family:'Gholami',Age:'26'}, ...]

javascript can evaluate this format by eval() function and make an associative array from this JSON string. This one is different concept in comparison to other concepts I described formerly.

How do I add a auto_increment primary key in SQL Server database?

you can try this... ALTER TABLE Your_Table ADD table_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment;

Terminating idle mysql connections

Manual cleanup:

You can KILL the processid.

mysql> show full processlist;
| Id      | User       | Host              | db   | Command | Time  | State | Info                  |
| 1193777 | TestUser12 | | www  | Sleep   | 25946 |       | NULL                  |

mysql> kill 1193777;


  • the php application might report errors (or the webserver, check the error logs)
  • don't fix what is not broken - if you're not short on connections, just leave them be.

Automatic cleaner service ;)

Or you configure your mysql-server by setting a shorter timeout on wait_timeout and interactive_timeout

mysql> show variables like "%timeout%";
| Variable_name            | Value |
| connect_timeout          | 5     |
| delayed_insert_timeout   | 300   |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50    |
| interactive_timeout      | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout         | 30    |
| net_write_timeout        | 60    |
| slave_net_timeout        | 3600  |
| table_lock_wait_timeout  | 50    |
| wait_timeout             | 28800 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Set with:

set global wait_timeout=3;
set global interactive_timeout=3;

(and also set in your configuration file, for when your server restarts)

But you're treating the symptoms instead of the underlying cause - why are the connections open? If the PHP script finished, shouldn't they close? Make sure your webserver is not using connection pooling...

Passing a varchar full of comma delimited values to a SQL Server IN function

This came in handy for one of my requirements where I did not want to use CTE and also did not want to go with the inner join.

DECLARE @Ids varchar(50);
SET @Ids = '1,2,3,5,4,6,7,98,234';

FROM tableName
WHERE columnName in (select Value from fn_SplitList(@ids, ','))

Javascript : calling function from another file

Yes you can. Just check my fiddle for clarification. For demo purpose i kept the code in fiddle at same location. You can extract that code as shown in two different Javascript files and load them in html file.

 /******** PUT THIS CODE IN ONE JS FILE *******/

    var secondFileFuntion = function(){ = 'XYZ';

    secondFileFuntion.prototype.getSurname = function(){
     return 'ABC';

    var secondFileObject = new secondFileFuntion();

    /******** Till Here *******/

    /******** PUT THIS CODE IN SECOND JS FILE *******/

    function firstFileFunction(){
      var name =;
      var surname = secondFileObject.getSurname()
      alert(surname );


If you make an object using the constructor function and trying access the property or method from it in second file, it will give you the access of properties which are present in another file.

Just take care of sequence of including these files in index.html

How to convert an NSTimeInterval (seconds) into minutes

Brian Ramsay’s code, de-pseudofied:

- (NSString*)formattedStringForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
    NSInteger minutes = floor(duration/60);
    NSInteger seconds = round(duration - minutes * 60);
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%02d", minutes, seconds];

C#: New line and tab characters in strings


Sass and combined child selector

For that single rule you have, there isn't any shorter way to do it. The child combinator is the same in CSS and in Sass/SCSS and there's no alternative to it.

However, if you had multiple rules like this:

#foo > ul > li > ul > li > a:nth-child(3n+1) {
    color: red;

#foo > ul > li > ul > li > a:nth-child(3n+2) {
    color: green;

#foo > ul > li > ul > li > a:nth-child(3n+3) {
    color: blue;

You could condense them to one of the following:

/* Sass */
#foo > ul > li > ul > li
    > a:nth-child(3n+1)
        color: red
    > a:nth-child(3n+2)
        color: green
    > a:nth-child(3n+3)
        color: blue

/* SCSS */
#foo > ul > li > ul > li {
    > a:nth-child(3n+1) { color: red; }
    > a:nth-child(3n+2) { color: green; }
    > a:nth-child(3n+3) { color: blue; }

Adding Table rows Dynamically in Android




Your Class

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    table = (TableLayout)findViewById(;

public  void showTableLayout(){
    Date date = new Date();
    int rows = 80;
    int colums  = 10;

    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){

        TableRow tr =  new TableRow(this);
        for(int j = 0; j < colums; j++)
            TextView txtGeneric = new TextView(this);
            txtGeneric.setText( dateFormat.format(date) + "\t\t\t\t" );
            /*txtGeneric.setHeight(30); txtGeneric.setWidth(50);   txtGeneric.setTextColor(Color.BLUE);*/

Why is NULL undeclared?

NULL isn't a native part of the core C++ language, but it is part of the standard library. You need to include one of the standard header files that include its definition. #include <cstddef> or #include <stddef.h> should be sufficient.

The definition of NULL is guaranteed to be available if you include cstddef or stddef.h. It's not guaranteed, but you are very likely to get its definition included if you include many of the other standard headers instead.