Programs & Examples On #Url rewriting

A URL rewrite engine is software that modifies a web URL's appearance (URL rewriting). Rewritten URLs are used to provide shorter and more relevant-looking links to web pages, to route users from obsolete URLs to replacements, or to simplify the format of the URL for human readability. The technique adds a degree of separation between the files used to generate a web page and the URL that is presented to the world.

Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www

Using .htaccess to Redirect to www or non-www:

Simply put the following lines of code into your main, root .htaccess file. In both cases, just change out to your own hostname.

Redirect to www

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://wwwDOTdomainDOtcom/$1 [L,R=301]

Redirect to non-www

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.domain\.com [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domainDOTcom/$1 [L,R=301]

change DOT to => . !!!

How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

Copy the hosts file and add and name which you want to show or run at the browser link. For example:   abc

Then run abc/ as a local host in the browser.


How do I modify the URL without reloading the page?

This is all you will need to navigate without reload

// add setting without reload 
location.hash = "setting";

// if url change with hash do somthing
window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
    console.log('url hash changed!');

// if url change do somthing (dont detect changes with hash)
//window.addEventListener('locationchange', function(){
//    console.log('url changed!');

// remove #setting without reload 


How can I remove file extension from a website address?

You have different choices. One on them is creating a folder named "profile" and rename your "profile.php" to "default.php" and put it into "profile" folder. and you can give orders to this page in this way:

Old page:

New page:

If you are not satisfied leave a comment for complicated methods.

How to remove index.php from URLs?

Follow the below steps it will helps you.

step 1: Go to to your site root folder and you can find the .htaccess file there. Open it with a text editor and find the line #RewriteBase /magento/. Just replace it with #RewriteBase / take out just the 'magento/'

step 2: Then go to your admin panel and enable the Rewrites(set yes for Use Web Server Rewrites). You can find it at System->Configuration->Web->Search Engine Optimization.

step 3: Then go to Cache management page (system cache management ) and refresh your cache and refresh to check the site.

.htaccess not working on localhost with XAMPP

I've setup xampp for my localhost as well, I've not done anything with the files created by xampp during or after setup.

But in the '.htaccess' file, make sure you've set it to something like this. Works for me, and this should not make any difference for you.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^filename/?$ filename.html

Change .html to whatever format you're using.

Make sure your install is clean, and just make the .htaccess file. Also remember to put one .htaccess file for each directory (don't really know if you can use ONE file for all folders, but to be safe, just do this and it will always work.

How to redirect a url in NGINX

This is the top hit on Google for "nginx redirect". If you got here just wanting to redirect a single location:

location = /content/unique-page-name {
  return 301 /new-name/unique-page-name;

How do I configure IIS for URL Rewriting an AngularJS application in HTML5 mode?

I had a similar issue with Angular and IIS throwing a 404 status code on manual refresh and tried the most voted solution but that did not work for me. Also tried a bunch of other solutions having to deal with WebDAV and changing handlers and none worked.

Luckily I found this solution and it worked (took out parts I didn't need). So if none of the above works for you or even before trying them, try this and see if that fixes your angular deployment on iis issue.

Add the snippet to your webconfig in the root directory of your site. From my understanding, it removes the 404 status code from any inheritance (applicationhost.config, machine.config), then creates a 404 status code at the site level and redirects back to the home page as a custom 404 page.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <httpErrors errorMode="Custom">
      <remove statusCode="404"/>
      <error statusCode="404" path="/index.html" responseMode="ExecuteURL"/>

Rewrite all requests to index.php with nginx

Here's the answer of your 2nd question :

   location / {
        rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$1.php last;

it's work for me (based my experience), means that all of your blabla.php will rewrite into blabla

like to

When should I use a trailing slash in my URL?

That's not really a question of aesthetics, but indeed a technical difference. The directory thinking of it is totally correct and pretty much explaining everything. Let's work it out:

You are back in the stone age now or only serve static pages

You have a fixed directory structure on your web server and only static files like images, html and so on — no server side scripts or whatsoever.

A browser requests /index.htm, it exists and is delivered to the client. Later you have lots of - let's say - DVD movies reviewed and a html page for each of them in the /dvd/ directory. Now someone requests /dvd/adams_apples.htm and it is delivered because it is there.

At some day, someone just requests /dvd/ - which is a directory and the server is trying to figure out what to deliver. Besides access restrictions and so on there are two possibilities: Show the user the directory content (I bet you already have seen this somewhere) or show a default file (in Apache it is: DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory is requested.)

So far so good, this is the expected case. It already shows the difference in handling, so let's get into it:

At 5:34am you made a mistake uploading your files

(Which is by the way completely understandable.) So, you did something entirely wrong and instead of uploading /dvd/the_big_lebowski.htm you uploaded that file as dvd (with no extension) to /.

Someone bookmarked your /dvd/ directory listing (of course you didn't want to create and always update that nifty index.htm) and is visiting your web-site. Directory content is delivered - all fine.

Someone heard of your list and is typing /dvd. And now it is screwed. Instead of your DVD directory listing the server finds a file with that name and is delivering your Big Lebowski file.

So, you delete that file and tell the guy to reload the page. Your server looks for the /dvd file, but it is gone. Most servers will then notice that there is a directory with that name and tell the client that what it was looking for is indeed somewhere else. The response will most likely be be:

Status Code:301 Moved Permanently with Location: http://[...]/dvd/

So, totally ignoring what you think about directories or files, the server only can handle such stuff and - unless told differently - decides for you about the meaning of "slash or not".

Finally after receiving this response, the client loads /dvd/ and everything is fine.

Is it fine? No.

"Just fine" is not good enough for you

You have some dynamic page where everything is passed to /index.php and gets processed. Everything worked quite good until now, but that entire thing starts to feel slower and you investigate.

Soon, you'll notice that /dvd/list is doing exactly the same: Redirecting to /dvd/list/ which is then internally translated into index.php?controller=dvd&action=list. One additional request - but even worse! customer/login redirects to customer/login/ which in turn redirects to the HTTPS URL of customer/login/. You end up having tons of unnecessary HTTP redirects (= additional requests) that make the user experience slower.

Most likely you have a default directory index here, too: index.php?controller=dvd with no action simply internally loads index.php?controller=dvd&action=list.


  • If it ends with / it can never be a file. No server guessing.

  • Slash or no slash are entirely different meanings. There is a technical/resource difference between "slash or no slash", and you should be aware of it and use it accordingly. Just because the server most likely loads /dvd/index.htm - or loads the correct script stuff - when you say /dvd: It does it, but not because you made the right request. Which would have been /dvd/.

  • Omitting the slash even if you indeed mean the slashed version gives you an additional HTTP request penalty. Which is always bad (think of mobile latency) and has more weight than a "pretty URL" - especially since crawlers are not as dumb as SEOs believe or want you to believe ;)

URL rewriting with PHP

Although already answered, and author's intent is to create a front controller type app but I am posting literal rule for problem asked. if someone having the problem for same.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([\d]+)$ $1?id=$3 [L]

Above should work for url picture.php/Some-text-goes-here/51. without using a index.php as a redirect app.

How to remove "index.php" in codeigniter's path

Have a look in the system\application\config\config.php file, there is a variable named index_page

It should look like this

$config['index_page'] = "index.php";

change it to

$config['index_page'] = "";

Then as mentioned you also need to add a rewrite rule to the .htaccess file

Note: in CodeIgniter v2 this file was moved out of the system folder to application\config\config.php

Rewrite URL after redirecting 404 error htaccess

Try adding this rule to the top of your htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^404/?$ /pages/errors/404.php [L]

Then under that (or any other rules that you have):

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^ [L,R]

.htaccess rewrite subdomain to directory

I'm not a mod_rewrite expert, I often struggle with it, but I have done this on one of my sites, it might need other flags etc depending on your circumstances. I'm using this:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^subdomain\.example\.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/subdomains/subdomain
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /subdomains/subdomain/$1 [L] 

Any other rewrite rules for the rest of the site must go afterwards to prevent them from interfering with your subdomain rewrites.

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

1) Your existing web.config: you have declared rewrite map .. but have not created any rules that will use it. RewriteMap on its' own does absolutely nothing.

2) Below is how you can do it (it does not utilise rewrite maps -- rules only, which is fine for small amount of rewrites/redirects):

This rule will do SINGLE EXACT rewrite (internal redirect) /page to /page.html. URL in browser will remain unchanged.

            <rule name="SpecificRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/page.html" />

This rule #2 will do the same as above, but will do 301 redirect (Permanent Redirect) where URL will change in browser.

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" />

Rule #3 will attempt to execute such rewrite for ANY URL if there are such file with .html extension (i.e. for /page it will check if /page.html exists, and if it does then rewrite occurs):

            <rule name="DynamicRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="(.*)" />
                    <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html" matchType="IsFile" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}.html" />

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

This problem can be caused by requests for certain files that don't exist. For example, requests for files in wp-content/uploads/ where the file does not exist.

If this is the situation you're seeing, you can solve the problem by going to .htaccess and changing this line:

RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]


RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) - [L]

The underlying issue is that the rule above triggers a rewrite to the exact same url with a slash in front and because there was a rewrite, the newly rewritten request goes back through the rules again and the same rule is triggered. By changing that line's "$1" to "-", no rewrite happens and so the rewriting process does not start over again with the same URL.

It's possible that there's a difference in how apache 2.2 and 2.4 handle this situation of only-difference-is-a-slash-in-front and that's why the default rules provided by WordPress aren't working perfectly.

How to check whether mod_rewrite is enable on server?

  1. To check if mod_rewrite module is enabled, create a new php file in your root folder of your WAMP server. Enter the following


  2. Access your created file from your browser.

  3. CtrlF to open a search. Search for 'mod_rewrite'. If it is enabled you see it as 'Loaded Modules'

  4. If not, open httpd.conf (Apache Config file) and look for the following line.

    #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

  5. Remove the pound ('#') sign at the start and save the this file.

  6. Restart your apache server.

  7. Access the same php file in your browser.

  8. Search for 'mod_rewrite' again. You should be able to find it now.

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

Try this rule before your other rules:

RewriteRule ^(admin|user)($|/) - [L]

This will end the rewriting process.

urlencoded Forward slash is breaking URL

I use javascript encodeURI() function for the URL part that has forward slashes that should be seen as characters instead of http address. Eg:

"/api/activites/" + encodeURI("?categorie=assemblage&nom=Manipulation/Finition")


svn over HTTP proxy

when you use the svn:// URI it uses port 3690 and probably won't use http proxy

Remove object from a list of objects in python

del array[0]

where 0 is the index of the object in the list (there is no array in python)

How to write a CSS hack for IE 11?

You can use js and add a class in html to maintain the standard of conditional comments:

  var ua = navigator.userAgent,
      doc = document.documentElement;

  if ((ua.match(/MSIE 10.0/i))) {
    doc.className = doc.className + " ie10";

  } else if((ua.match(/rv:11.0/i))){
    doc.className = doc.className + " ie11";

Or use a lib like bowser:

Or modernizr for feature detection:

Making the Android emulator run faster

Update your current Android Studio to Android Studio 2.0 And also update system images.

Android Studio 2.0 emulator runs ~3x faster than Android’s previous emulator, and with ADB enhancements you can now push apps and data 10x faster to the emulator than to a physical device. Like a physical device, the official Android emulator also includes Google Play Services built-in, so you can test out more API functionality. Finally, the new emulator has rich new features to manage calls, battery, network, GPS, and more.

How can I make an svg scale with its parent container?

You'll want to do a transform as such:

with JavaScript:

document.getElementById(yourtarget).setAttribute("transform", "scale(2.0)");

With CSS:

#yourtarget {

Wrap your SVG Page in a Group tag as such and target it to manipulate the whole page:

  <g id="yourtarget">
    your svg page

Note: Scale 1.0 is 100%

How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

Can you try this,

var ajaxSubmit = function(formE1) {

            var password = $.trim($('#employee_password').val());

                type: "POST",
                async: "false",
                url: "checkpass.php",
                data: "password="+password,
                success: function(html) {
                    var arr=$.parseJSON(html);
                    if(arr == "Successful")
                        return true;
                    {    return false;
              **return false;**

Disable double-tap "zoom" option in browser on touch devices

Here we go

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">

How to add/subtract time (hours, minutes, etc.) from a Pandas DataFrame.Index whos objects are of type datetime.time?

This one worked for me:

>> print(df)
                          TotalVolume  Symbol
2016-04-15 09:00:00       108400       2802.T
2016-04-15 09:05:00       50300        2802.T

>> print(df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df.index.values) - datetime(2016, 4, 15)))

             TotalVolume  Symbol
09:00:00     108400       2802.T
09:05:00     50300        2802.T

When are you supposed to use escape instead of encodeURI / encodeURIComponent?

The accepted answer is good. To extend on the last part:

Note that encodeURIComponent does not escape the ' character. A common bug is to use it to create html attributes such as href='MyUrl', which could suffer an injection bug. If you are constructing html from strings, either use " instead of ' for attribute quotes, or add an extra layer of encoding (' can be encoded as %27).

If you want to be on the safe side, percent encoding unreserved characters should be encoded as well.

You can use this method to escape them (source Mozilla)

function fixedEncodeURIComponent(str) {
  return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) {
    return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);

// fixedEncodeURIComponent("'") --> "%27"

QtCreator: No valid kits found

I had a similar problems after installing Qt in Windows.

This could be because only the Qt creator was installed and not any of the Qt libraries during initial installation. When installing from scratch use the online installer and select the following to install:

  1. For starting, select at least one version of Qt libs (ex Qt 5.15.1) and the c++ compiler of choice (ex MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit).

  2. Select Developer and Designer Tools. I kept the selected defaults.

Note: The choice of the Qt libs and Tools can also be changed post initial installation using MaintenanceTool.exe under Qt installation dir C:\Qt. See here.

What's is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?

Say you train a model on a training set and then measure its performance on a test set. You think that there is still room for improvement and you try tweaking the hyper-parameters ( If the model is a Neural Network - hyper-parameters are the number of layers, or nodes in the layers ). Now you get a slightly better performance. However, when the model is subjected to another data ( not in the testing and training set ) you may not get the same level of accuracy. This is because you introduced some bias while tweaking the hyper-parameters to get better accuracy on the testing set. You basically have adapted the model and hyper-parameters to produce the best model for that particular training set.

A common solution is to split the training set further to create a validation set. Now you have

  • training set
  • testing set
  • validation set

You proceed as before but this time you use the validation set to test the performance and tweak the hyper-parameters. More specifically, you train multiple models with various hyper-parameters on the reduced training set (i.e., the full training set minus the validation set), and you select the model that performs best on the validation set.

Once you've selected the best performing model on the validation set, you train the best model on the full training set (including the valida- tion set), and this gives you the final model.

Lastly, you evaluate this final model on the test set to get an estimate of the generalization error.

Freezing Row 1 and Column A at the same time

Select cell B2 and click "Freeze Panes" this will freeze Row 1 and Column A.

For future reference, selecting Freeze Panes in Excel will freeze the rows above your selected cell and the columns to the left of your selected cell. For example, to freeze rows 1 and 2 and column A, you could select cell B3 and click Freeze Panes. You could also freeze columns A and B and row 1, by selecting cell C2 and clicking "Freeze Panes".

Visual Aid on Freeze Panes in Excel 2010 -

Microsoft Reference Guide (More Complicated, but resourceful none the less) -

How to actually search all files in Visual Studio

I think you are talking about ctrl + shift + F, by default it should be on "look in: entire solution" and there you go.

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

For what it's worth, you can use the autofocus attribute on HTML5 compatible browsers. Works even on IE as of version 10.

<input name="myinput" value="whatever" autofocus />

How do I delete an exported environment variable?

Because the original question doesn't mention how the variable was set, and because I got to this page looking for this specific answer, I'm adding the following:

In C shell (csh/tcsh) there are two ways to set an environment variable:

  1. set x = "something"
  2. setenv x "something"

The difference in the behaviour is that variables set with setenv command are automatically exported to subshell while variable set with set aren't.

To unset a variable set with set, use

unset x

To unset a variable set with setenv, use

unsetenv x

Note: in all the above, I assume that the variable name is 'x'.


Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

If you don't want to save any changes and don't want that Save prompt while saving an Excel file using Macro then this piece of code may helpful for you

Sub Auto_Close()

     ThisWorkbook.Saved = True

End Sub

Because the Saved property is set to True, Excel responds as though the workbook has already been saved and no changes have occurred since that last save, so no Save prompt.

How to write new line character to a file in Java


File file = new File("F:/ABC.TXT");
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file,true);

force browsers to get latest js and css files in application

You can override the DefaultTagFormat property of Scripts or Styles.

Scripts.DefaultTagFormat = @"<script src=""{0}?v=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pubversion"] + @"""></script>";
Styles.DefaultTagFormat = @"<link href=""{0}?v=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pubversion"] + @""" rel=""stylesheet""/>";

Corrupted Access .accdb file: "Unrecognized Database Format"

Sometimes it might depend on whether you are using code to access the database or not. If you are using "DriverJet" in your code instead of "DriverACE" (or an older version of the DAO library) such a problem is highly probable to happen. You just need to replace "DriverJet" with "DriverACE" and test.

How to override the [] operator in Python?

You need to use the __getitem__ method.

class MyClass:
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return key * 2

myobj = MyClass()
myobj[3] #Output: 6

And if you're going to be setting values you'll need to implement the __setitem__ method too, otherwise this will happen:

>>> myobj[5] = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: MyClass instance has no attribute '__setitem__'

storing user input in array

You have at least these 3 issues:

  1. you are not getting the element's value properly
  2. The div that you are trying to use to display whether the values have been saved or not has id display yet in your javascript you attempt to get element myDiv which is not even defined in your markup.
  3. Never name variables with reserved keywords in javascript. using "string" as a variable name is NOT a good thing to do on most of the languages I can think of. I renamed your string variable to "content" instead. See below.

You can save all three values at once by doing:

var title=new Array();
var names=new Array();//renamed to names -added an S- 
                      //to avoid conflicts with the input named "name"
var tickets=new Array();

function insert(){
    var titleValue = document.getElementById('title').value;
    var actorValue = document.getElementById('name').value;
    var ticketsValue = document.getElementById('tickets').value;

And then change the show function to:

function show() {
  var content="<b>All Elements of the Arrays :</b><br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
     content +=title[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
     content +=names[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < tickets.length; i++) {
     content +=tickets[i]+"<br>";
  document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = content; //note that I changed 
                                                    //to 'display' because that's
                                              //what you have in your markup

Here's a jsfiddle for you to play around.

bash, extract string before a colon

Another pure Bash solution:

while IFS=':' read a b ; do
  echo "$a"
done < "$infile" > "$outfile"

Remove the string on the beginning of an URL

You can cut the url and use response.sendredirect(new url), this will bring you to the same page with the new url

Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with JavaScript

Here is the solution:

var isMobile = {
    Android: function() {
        return /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
    iOS: function() {
        return /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
        var previousWidth=$(window).width();
        resize: function(e) {
        var YourFunction=(function(){

            var screenWidth=$(window).width();
                alert("oreientation changed");



    else//mainly for ios
            orientationchange: function(e) {
               alert("orientation changed");

Powershell remoting with ip-address as target

For those of you who don't care about following arbitrary restriction imposed by Microsoft you can simply add a host file entry to the IP of the server your attempting to connect to rather then use that instead of the IP to bypass this restriction:

Enter-PSSession -Computername NameOfComputerIveAddedToMyHostFile -credentials $cred 

Quickly getting to YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS in Perl

if you just want a human readable time string and not that exact format:

$t = localtime;
print "$t\n";


Mon Apr 27 10:16:19 2015

or whatever is configured for your locale.

How do I copy a 2 Dimensional array in Java?

I solved it writing a simple function to copy multidimensional int arrays using System.arraycopy

public static void arrayCopy(int[][] aSource, int[][] aDestination) {
    for (int i = 0; i < aSource.length; i++) {
        System.arraycopy(aSource[i], 0, aDestination[i], 0, aSource[i].length);

or actually I improved it for for my use case:

 * Clones the provided array
 * @param src
 * @return a new clone of the provided array
public static int[][] cloneArray(int[][] src) {
    int length = src.length;
    int[][] target = new int[length][src[0].length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        System.arraycopy(src[i], 0, target[i], 0, src[i].length);
    return target;

Easiest way to convert a Blob into a byte array

the mySql blob class has the following function :


use it like this:

//(assuming you have a ResultSet named RS)
Blob blob = rs.getBlob("SomeDatabaseField");

int blobLength = (int) blob.length();  
byte[] blobAsBytes = blob.getBytes(1, blobLength);

//release the blob and free up memory. (since JDBC 4.0);

Position absolute but relative to parent

Incase someone wants to postion a child div directly under a parent

#father {
   position: relative;

#son1 {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;

Working demo Codepen

Get Multiple Values in SQL Server Cursor

Do not use @@fetch_status - this will return status from the last cursor in the current connection. Use the example below:

declare @sqCur cursor;
declare @data varchar(1000);
declare @i int = 0, @lastNum int, @rowNum int;
set @sqCur = cursor local static read_only for 
         row_number() over (order by(select null)) as RowNum
        ,Data -- you fields
    from YourIntTable
open @cur
begin try
    fetch last from @cur into @lastNum, @data
    fetch absolute 1 from @cur into @rowNum, @data --start from the beginning and get first value 
    while @i < @lastNum
        set @i += 1

        --Do your job here
        print @data

        fetch next from @cur into @rowNum, @data
end try
begin catch
    close @cur      --|
    deallocate @cur --|-remove this 3 lines if you do not throw
    ;throw          --|
end catch
close @cur
deallocate @cur

How to find where javaw.exe is installed?

Try this

for %i in (javaw.exe) do @echo. %~$PATH:i

How to use WinForms progress bar?

There is Task exists, It is unnesscery using BackgroundWorker, Task is more simple. for example:


   public partial class ProgressDialog : Form
        public System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar Progressbar { get { return this.progressBar1; } }

        public ProgressDialog()

        public void RunAsync(Action action)

Done! Then you can reuse ProgressDialog anywhere:

var progressDialog = new ProgressDialog();
progressDialog.Progressbar.Value = 0;
progressDialog.Progressbar.Maximum = 100;

progressDialog.RunAsync(() =>
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        this.progressDialog.Progressbar.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => {
            this.progressDialog.Progressbar.Value += 1;


iOS Remote Debugging

Note: I have no affiliation with Ghostlab creators Vanamco whatsoever.

It was important to me to be able to debug Chrome-specific problems, so I set out to find something that could help me with that. I ended up happily throwing my money at Ghostlab 3. I can test Chrome and Safari mobile browsers as if I was viewing them on my desktop. It just gives me a LAN address to use for any device I’d like to debug. Each application using that address will appear in the list in Ghostlab.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Highly recommended.

removing table border

From your case, you need to set the border to none on <table> and <td> tags.

    <table width=1000 style="border:none; border-collapse:collapse; cellspacing:0; cellpadding:0" >
            <td style="border:none" rowspan=2>
                <img src="/Content/Images/elk_banner.jpg" />
            <td style="border:none">
                <div id="logindisplay">

how to add script src inside a View when using Layout

You can add the script tags like how we use in the while doing client side validations like below.

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
       //Your code

How do I use the includes method in lodash to check if an object is in the collection?

Supplementing the answer by p.s.w.g, here are three other ways of achieving this using lodash 4.17.5, without using _.includes():

Say you want to add object entry to an array of objects numbers, only if entry does not exist already.

let numbers = [
    { to: 1, from: 2 },
    { to: 3, from: 4 },
    { to: 5, from: 6 },
    { to: 7, from: 8 },
    { to: 1, from: 2 } // intentionally added duplicate

let entry = { to: 1, from: 2 };

 * 1. This will return the *index of the first* element that matches:
_.findIndex(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) });
// output: 0

 * 2. This will return the entry that matches. Even if the entry exists
 *    multiple time, it is only returned once.
_.find(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) });
// output: {to: 1, from: 2}

 * 3. This will return an array of objects containing all the matches.
 *    If an entry exists multiple times, if is returned multiple times.
_.filter(numbers, _.matches(entry));
// output: [{to: 1, from: 2}, {to: 1, from: 2}]

If you want to return a Boolean, in the first case, you can check the index that is being returned:

_.findIndex(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) }) > -1;
// output: true

Create unique constraint with null columns

Create two partial indexes:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_3col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id)

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_2col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, recipe_id)
WHERE menu_id IS NULL;

This way, there can only be one combination of (user_id, recipe_id) where menu_id IS NULL, effectively implementing the desired constraint.

Possible drawbacks: you cannot have a foreign key referencing (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id), you cannot base CLUSTER on a partial index, and queries without a matching WHERE condition cannot use the partial index. (It seems unlikely you'd want a FK reference three columns wide - use the PK column instead).

If you need a complete index, you can alternatively drop the WHERE condition from favo_3col_uni_idx and your requirements are still enforced.
The index, now comprising the whole table, overlaps with the other one and gets bigger. Depending on typical queries and the percentage of NULL values, this may or may not be useful. In extreme situations it might even help to maintain all three indexes (the two partial ones and a total on top).

Aside: I advise not to use mixed case identifiers in PostgreSQL.

How to create a generic array in Java?

This is the only answer that is type safe

E[] a;

a = newArray(size);

static <E> E[] newArray(int length, E... array)
    return Arrays.copyOf(array, length);

How to make HTML code inactive with comments

If you are using Eclipse then the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + / to add a group of code. To make a comment line or select the code, right click -> Source -> Add Block Comment.

To remove the block comment, Ctrl + Shift + \ or right click -> Source -> Remove Block comment.

How can I list all of the files in a directory with Perl?

This will list Everything (including sub directories) from the directory you specify, in order, and with the attributes. I have spent days looking for something to do this, and I took parts from this entire discussion, and a little of my own, and put it together. ENJOY!!

#!/usr/bin/perl --
print qq~Content-type: text/html\n\n~;
print qq~<font face="arial" size="2">~;

use File::Find;

# find( \&wanted_tom, '/home/thomas/public_html'); # if you want just one website, uncomment this, and comment out the next line
find( \&wanted_tom, '/home');

sub wanted_tom {
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat ($_);
$mode = (stat($_))[2];
$mode = substr(sprintf("%03lo", $mode), -3);

if (-d $File::Find::name) {
print "<br><b>--DIR $File::Find::name --ATTR:$mode</b><br>";
 } else {
print "$File::Find::name --ATTR:$mode<br>";

Change HTML email body font type and size in VBA

Set texts with different sizes and styles, and size and style for texts from cells ( with Range)

Sub EmailManuellAbsenden()

Dim ghApp As Object
Dim ghOldBody As String
Dim ghNewBody As String

Set ghApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With ghApp.CreateItem(0)
.To = Range("B2")
.CC = Range("B3")
.Subject = Range("B4")
 ghOldBody = .htmlBody

 ghNewBody = "<font style=""font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;""/font>" & _
 "<font style=""font-family: Arial; font-size: 14pt;"">Arial Text 14</font>" & _
 Range("B5") & "<br>" & _
 Range("B6") & "<br>" & _
 "<font style=""font-family: Chiller; font-size: 21pt;"">Ciller 21</font>" &
 .htmlBody = ghNewBody & ghOldBody

 End With

End Sub
'Fill B2 to B6 with some letters for testing
'"<font style=""font-family: Calibri; font-size: 15pt;""/font>" = works for all Range Objekts

Redirect from a view to another view

It's because your statement does not produce output.

Besides all the warnings of Darin and lazy (they are right); the question still offerst something to learn.

If you want to execute methods that don't directly produce output, you do:

@{ Response.Redirect("~/Account/LogIn?returnUrl=Products");}

This is also true for rendering partials like:

@{ Html.RenderPartial("_MyPartial"); }

Oracle: SQL select date with timestamp

Answer provided by Nicholas Krasnov


Failed to run sdkmanager --list with Java 9


If you have installed Android Studio already go to File >> Project Structure... >> SDK Location.

Go to that location + \cmdline-tools\latest\bin Copy the Path into Environment Variables

than it is OK to use the command line tool.

Creating Threads in python

You don't need to use a subclass of Thread to make this work - take a look at the simple example I'm posting below to see how:

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def threaded_function(arg):
    for i in range(arg):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    thread = Thread(target = threaded_function, args = (10, ))
    print("thread finished...exiting")

Here I show how to use the threading module to create a thread which invokes a normal function as its target. You can see how I can pass whatever arguments I need to it in the thread constructor.

How to make a div fill a remaining horizontal space?

These days, you should use the flexbox method (may be adapted to all browsers with a browser prefix).

.container {
    display: flex;

.left {
    width: 180px;

.right {
    flex-grow: 1;

More info:

on change event for file input element

Use the files filelist of the element instead of val()


How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

Modern Python (3.6+) using the pathlib module for concise OOP-like handling of paths, and pathlib.Path.rglob() for recursive globbing. As far as I can tell, this is equivalent to George V. Reilly's answer: zips with compression, the topmost element is a directory, keeps empty dirs, uses relative paths.

from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile

from os import PathLike
from typing import Union

def zip_dir(zip_name: str, source_dir: Union[str, PathLike]):
    src_path = Path(source_dir).expanduser().resolve(strict=True)
    with ZipFile(zip_name, 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
        for file in src_path.rglob('*'):
            zf.write(file, file.relative_to(src_path.parent))

Note: as optional type hints indicate, zip_name can't be a Path object (would be fixed in 3.6.2+).

How to remove all white spaces in java

String a="string with                multi spaces ";
//or this 
String b= a.replaceAll("\\s+"," ");

String c= a.replace("    "," ").replace("   "," ").replace("  "," ").replace("   "," ").replace("  "," ");

//it work fine with any spaces

*don't forget space in sting b

How do I apply a diff patch on Windows?

In TortoiseSVN, patch applying does work. You need to apply the patch to the same directory as it was created from. It is always important to keep this in mind. So here's how you do it in TortoiseSVN:

Right click on the folder you want to apply the patch to. It will present a dialog asking for the location of the patch file. Select the file and this should open up a little file list window that lists the changed files, and clicking each item should open a diff window that shows what the patch is about to do to that file.

Good luck.

How to enable GZIP compression in IIS 7.5

Filing this under #wow

Turns out that IIS has different levels of compression configurable from 1-9.

Some of my dynamic SOAP requests have been getting out of control recently. With the uncompressed SOAP being about 14MB and compressed 3MB.

I noticed that in Fiddler when I compressed my request under Transformer it came to about 470KB instead of the 3MB - so I figured there must be some way to get better compression.

Eventually found this very informative blog post

I went ahead and ran this commnd (followed by iisreset):

C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\Appcmd.exe set config -section:httpCompression -[name='gzip'].staticCompressionLevel:9 -[name='gzip'].dynamicCompressionLevel:9

Changed dynamic level up to 9 and now my compressed soap matches what Fiddler gave me - and it about 1/7th the size of the existing compressed file.

Milage will vary, but for SOAP this is a massive massive improvement.

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

I have used this:

echo "<pre>".json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)."</pre>";

Or use php headers as below:

header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');

HTML checkbox onclick called in Javascript

You can also extract the event code from the HTML, like this :

<input type="checkbox" id="check_all_1" name="check_all_1" title="Select All" />
<label for="check_all_1">Select All</label>

function selectAll(frmElement, chkElement) {
    // ...
document.getElementById("check_all_1").onclick = function() {
    selectAll(document.wizard_form, this);

Python IndentationError: unexpected indent

find all tabs and replaced by 4 spaces in notepad ++ .It worked.

How to reset a timer in C#?

You could write an extension method called Reset(), which

  • calls Stop()-Start() for Timers.Timer and Forms.Timer
  • calls Change for Threading.Timer

How to give a time delay of less than one second in excel vba?

To pause for 0.8 of a second:

Sub main()
    startTime = Timer
    Loop Until Timer - startTime >= 0.8
End Sub

Returning a C string from a function

Your function signature needs to be:

const char * myFunction()
    return "My String";


It's so fundamental to C & C++, but little more discussion should be in order.

In C (& C++ for that matter), a string is just an array of bytes terminated with a zero byte - hence the term "string-zero" is used to represent this particular flavour of string. There are other kinds of strings, but in C (& C++), this flavour is inherently understood by the language itself. Other languages (Java, Pascal, etc.) use different methodologies to understand "my string".

If you ever use the Windows API (which is in C++), you'll see quite regularly function parameters like: "LPCSTR lpszName". The 'sz' part represents this notion of 'string-zero': an array of bytes with a null (/zero) terminator.


For the sake of this 'intro', I use the word 'bytes' and 'characters' interchangeably, because it's easier to learn this way. Be aware that there are other methods (wide-characters, and multi-byte character systems (mbcs)) that are used to cope with international characters. UTF-8 is an example of an mbcs. For the sake of intro, I quietly 'skip over' all of this.


This means that a string like "my string" actually uses 9+1 (=10!) bytes. This is important to know when you finally get around to allocating strings dynamically.

So, without this 'terminating zero', you don't have a string. You have an array of characters (also called a buffer) hanging around in memory.

Longevity of data:

The use of the function this way:

const char * myFunction()
    return "My String";

int main()
    const char* szSomeString = myFunction(); // Fraught with problems
    printf("%s", szSomeString);

... will generally land you with random unhandled-exceptions/segment faults and the like, especially 'down the road'.

In short, although my answer is correct - 9 times out of 10 you'll end up with a program that crashes if you use it that way, especially if you think it's 'good practice' to do it that way. In short: It's generally not.

For example, imagine some time in the future, the string now needs to be manipulated in some way. Generally, a coder will 'take the easy path' and (try to) write code like this:

const char * myFunction(const char* name)
    char szBuffer[255];
    snprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "Hi %s", name);
    return szBuffer;

That is, your program will crash because the compiler (may/may not) have released the memory used by szBuffer by the time the printf() in main() is called. (Your compiler should also warn you of such problems beforehand.)

There are two ways to return strings that won't barf so readily.

  1. returning buffers (static or dynamically allocated) that live for a while. In C++ use 'helper classes' (for example, std::string) to handle the longevity of data (which requires changing the function's return value), or
  2. pass a buffer to the function that gets filled in with information.

Note that it is impossible to use strings without using pointers in C. As I have shown, they are synonymous. Even in C++ with template classes, there are always buffers (that is, pointers) being used in the background.

So, to better answer the (now modified question). (There are sure to be a variety of 'other answers' that can be provided.)

Safer Answers:

Example 1, using statically allocated strings:

const char* calculateMonth(int month)
    static char* months[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar" .... };
    static char badFood[] = "Unknown";
    if (month<1 || month>12)
        return badFood; // Choose whatever is appropriate for bad input. Crashing is never appropriate however.
        return months[month-1];

int main()
    printf("%s", calculateMonth(2)); // Prints "Feb"

What the 'static' does here (many programmers do not like this type of 'allocation') is that the strings get put into the data segment of the program. That is, it's permanently allocated.

If you move over to C++ you'll use similar strategies:

class Foo
    char _someData[12];
    const char* someFunction() const
    { // The final 'const' is to let the compiler know that nothing is changed in the class when this function is called.
        return _someData;

... but it's probably easier to use helper classes, such as std::string, if you're writing the code for your own use (and not part of a library to be shared with others).

Example 2, using caller-defined buffers:

This is the more 'foolproof' way of passing strings around. The data returned isn't subject to manipulation by the calling party. That is, example 1 can easily be abused by a calling party and expose you to application faults. This way, it's much safer (albeit uses more lines of code):

void calculateMonth(int month, char* pszMonth, int buffersize)
    const char* months[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar" .... }; // Allocated dynamically during the function call. (Can be inefficient with a bad compiler)
    if (!pszMonth || buffersize<1)
        return; // Bad input. Let junk deal with junk data.
    if (month<1 || month>12)
        *pszMonth = '\0'; // Return an 'empty' string
        // OR: strncpy(pszMonth, "Bad Month", buffersize-1);
        strncpy(pszMonth, months[month-1], buffersize-1);
    pszMonth[buffersize-1] = '\0'; // Ensure a valid terminating zero! Many people forget this!

int main()
    char month[16]; // 16 bytes allocated here on the stack.
    calculateMonth(3, month, sizeof(month));
    printf("%s", month); // Prints "Mar"

There are lots of reasons why the second method is better, particularly if you're writing a library to be used by others (you don't need to lock into a particular allocation/deallocation scheme, third parties can't break your code, and you don't need to link to a specific memory management library), but like all code, it's up to you on what you like best. For that reason, most people opt for example 1 until they've been burnt so many times that they refuse to write it that way anymore ;)


I retired several years back and my C is a bit rusty now. This demo code should all compile properly with C (it is OK for any C++ compiler though).

What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

You can easily use Node.JS in your web app only for real-time communication. Node.JS is really powerful when it's about WebSockets. Therefore "PHP Notifications via Node.js" would be a great concept.

See this example: Creating a Real-Time Chat App with PHP and Node.js

Importing Excel into a DataTable Quickly

Caling .Value2 is an expensive operation because it's a COM-interop call. I would instead read the entire range into an array and then loop through the array:

object[,] data = Range.Value2;

// Create new Column in DataTable
for (int cCnt = 1; cCnt <= Range.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
    textBox3.Text = cCnt.ToString();

    var Column = new DataColumn();
    Column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
    Column.ColumnName = cCnt.ToString();

    // Create row for Data Table
    for (int rCnt = 1; rCnt <= Range.Rows.Count; rCnt++)
        textBox2.Text = rCnt.ToString();

        string CellVal = String.Empty;
            cellVal = (string)(data[rCnt, cCnt]);
        catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException)
            ConvertVal = (double)(data[rCnt, cCnt]);
            cellVal = ConvertVal.ToString();

        DataRow Row;

        // Add to the DataTable
        if (cCnt == 1)

            Row = DT.NewRow();
            Row[cCnt.ToString()] = cellVal;

            Row = DT.Rows[rCnt + 1];
            Row[cCnt.ToString()] = cellVal;


Download & Install Xcode version without Premium Developer Account

I am able to download it using apple's download website today.

I do not have a paid apple developer account. Before I was only able to see xcode 8.3.3 but somehow today xcode 9 beta also appeared.

Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method?

So apparently there is nothing similar for vector-wise comparison. An obvious Python way to do so would be:

names = ['bob', 'john', 'mike']
any(st in 'bob and john' for st in names) 
>> True

any(st in 'mary and jane' for st in names) 
>> False

Check if the number is integer

It appears that you do not see the need to incorporate some error tolerance. It would not be needed if all integers came entered as integers, however sometimes they come as a result of arithmetic operations that loose some precision. For example:

> 2/49*49
[1] 2
> check.integer(2/49*49)
[1] FALSE 
> is.wholenumber(2/49*49)
[1] TRUE

Note that this is not R's weakness, all computer software have some limits of precision.

How to clone git repository with specific revision/changeset?

Its simple. You just have to set the upstream for the current branch

$ git clone repo
$ git checkout -b newbranch
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/branch newbranch
$ git pull

That's all

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

For me it works this way:

putty -ssh [email protected] 22 -pw password

putty, protocol, user name @ ip address port and password. To connect in less than a second.

Prevent Android activity dialog from closing on outside touch

Also is possible to assign different action implementing onCancelListener:

alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener(){                   
    public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
        //Your custom logic

Multiple github accounts on the same computer?

By creating different host aliases to in your ~/.ssh/config, and giving each host alias its own ssh key, you can easily use multiple github accounts without confusion. That’s because distinguishes not by user, which is always just git, but by the ssh key you used to connect. Just configure your remote origins using your own host aliases.”

The above summary is courtesy of comments on the blog post below.

I've found this explanation the clearest. And it works for me, at least as of April 2012.

How to margin the body of the page (html)?

Yeah a CSS primer will not hurt here so you can do two things: 1 - within the tags of your html you can open a style tag like this:

<style type="text/css">
  body {
   margin: 0px;
   * this is the same as writing
   * body { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;}
   * I'm adding px here for clarity sake but the unit is not really needed if you have 0
   * look into em, pt and % for other unit types 
   * the rules are always clockwise: top, right, bottom, left

2- the above though will only work on the page you have this code embeded, so if if you wanted to reuse this in 10 files, then you will have to copy it over on all 10 files, and if you wanted to make a change let's say have a margin of 5px instead, you would have to open all those files and make the edit. That's why using an external style sheet is a golden rule in front end coding. So save the body declaration in a separate file named style.css for example and from your add this to your html instead:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>

Now you can put this in the of all pages that will benefit from these styles and whenever needed to change them you will only need to do so in one place. Hope it helps. Cheers

How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

In Angular 5 I did with the following way. get the object $event.value instead of $

<mat-form-field color="warn">
   <mat-select (ngModelChange)="onChangeTown($event)" class="form-width" formControlName="branch" [(ngModel)]="branch" placeholder="Enter branch">
     <mat-option *ngFor="let branch of branchs" [value]="branch.value">
                  {{ }}

onChangeTown(event): void {
  const selectedTown = event;
  console.log('selectedTown: ', selectedTown);

How to use the CancellationToken property?

You can create a Task with cancellation token, when you app goto background you can cancel this token.

You can do this in PCL

var cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => {
    await Task.Delay(10000);
    // call web API
}, cancelToken.Token);

//this stops the Task:

Anther solution is user Timer in Xamarin.Forms, stop timer when app goto background

How to set username and password for SmtpClient object in .NET?

SmtpClient MyMail = new SmtpClient();
MailMessage MyMsg = new MailMessage();
MyMail.Host = "";
MyMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High;
MyMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(Mail));
MyMsg.Subject = Subject;
MyMsg.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
MyMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
MyMsg.From = new MailAddress("username", "displayname");
MyMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
MyMsg.Body = Body;
MyMail.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
NetworkCredential MyCredentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
MyMail.Credentials = MyCredentials;

How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

I know this is an old post but this is what i use - Faster than all posted above just call this method from your class, a lot quicker than using Reflection

namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;

class Test {
    public function getClass() {
        return str_replace(__NAMESPACE__.'\\', '', static::class);

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException

If you have any NamedQueries in your entity classes, then check the stack trace for compilation errors. A malformed query which cannot be compiled can cause failure to load the persistence context.

How to download Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition for offline installation?

It seems that so far you've just followed the first step of the instructions, headed "Create an offline installation folder". Have you done the second step? "Install from the offline installation folder" - that is, install the certificates and then run vs_Community.exe from inside the folder.

How can I do an asc and desc sort using underscore.js?

The Array prototype's reverse method modifies the array and returns a reference to it, which means you can do this:

var sortedAsc = _.sortBy(collection, 'propertyName');
var sortedDesc = _.sortBy(collection, 'propertyName').reverse();

Also, the underscore documentation reads:

In addition, the Array prototype's methods are proxied through the chained Underscore object, so you can slip a reverse or a push into your chain, and continue to modify the array.

which means you can also use .reverse() while chaining:

var sortedDescAndFiltered = _.chain(collection)

C# Ignore certificate errors?

To disable ssl cert validation in client configuration.

      <behavior name="DisableSSLCertificateValidation">
                <sslCertificateAuthentication certificateValidationMode="None" />

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HttpServletRequest

So the problem is connected with the metadata errors of elcipse. Go to the metadata folder where this configuration is saved. For me one of the erorrs was that:

SEVERE: Error starting static Resources java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base C:\Users\Cannibal\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\FoodQuantityService does not exist or is not a readable directory

So go there is in the workspace of your eclipse it is different for all and delete all its content . My services was named FoodQuantityService so I deleted all files in org.eclipse.wst.server.core but before that delete your server configuration from Eclipse

Delete current server configuration

Then create new configuration File->New->Other->Server select Tomcat and then projects which you want to be published. Start the server and everything will be ok.

Changing the URL in react-router v4 without using Redirect or Link

React Router v4

There's a couple of things that I needed to get this working smoothly.

The doc page on auth workflow has quite a lot of what is required.

However I had three issues

  1. Where does the props.history come from?
  2. How do I pass it through to my component which isn't directly inside the Route component
  3. What if I want other props?

I ended up using:

  1. option 2 from an answer on 'Programmatically navigate using react router' - i.e. to use <Route render> which gets you props.history which can then be passed down to the children.
  2. Use the render={routeProps => <MyComponent {...props} {routeProps} />} to combine other props from this answer on 'react-router - pass props to handler component'

N.B. With the render method you have to pass through the props from the Route component explicitly. You also want to use render and not component for performance reasons (component forces a reload every time).

const App = (props) => (
        render={routeProps => <MyComponent {...props} {...routeProps}>}

const MyComponent = (props) => (
     * @link
     * N.B. I use `props.history` instead of `history`
    <button onClick={() => {
        fakeAuth.signout(() => props.history.push('/foo'))
    }}>Sign out</button>

One of the confusing things I found is that in quite a few of the React Router v4 docs they use MyComponent = ({ match }) i.e. Object destructuring, which meant initially I didn't realise that Route passes down three props, match, location and history

I think some of the other answers here are assuming that everything is done via JavaScript classes.

Here's an example, plus if you don't need to pass any props through you can just use component

class App extends React.Component {
    render () {

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render () {
         * @link
         * N.B. I use `props.history` instead of `history`
        <button onClick={() => {
            this.fakeAuth.signout(() => this.props.history.push('/foo'))
        }}>Sign out</button>

How to select option in drop down protractorjs e2e tests

To select items (options) with unique ids like in here:

    ng-options="bar as bar.title for bar in bars track by">

I'm using this:

element(by.css('[value="' + neededBarId+ '"]')).click();

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Technically YAML offers a lot more than JSON (YAML v1.2 is a superset of JSON):

  • comments
  • anchors and inheritance - example of 3 identical items:

    item1: &anchor_name
      name: Test
      title: Test title
    item2: *anchor_name
      <<: *anchor_name
      # You may add extra stuff.
  • ...

Most of the time people will not use those extra features and the main difference is that YAML uses indentation whilst JSON uses brackets. This makes YAML more concise and readable (for the trained eye).

Which one to choose?

  • YAML extra features and concise notation makes it a good choice for configuration files (non-user provided files).
  • JSON limited features, wide support, and faster parsing makes it a great choice for interoperability and user provided data.

Styles.Render in MVC4

As defined in App_start.BundleConfig, it's just calling

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include("~/Content/site.css"));

Nothing happens even if you remove that section.

MySQL Multiple Where Clause

You will never get a result, it's a simple logic error.

You're asking your database to return a row which has style_id = 24 AND style_id = 25 AND style_id = 26. Since 24 is niether 25 nor 26, you will get no result.

You have to use OR, then it makes some sense.

How to connect to mysql with laravel?

Laravel makes it very easy to manage your database connections through app/config/database.php.

As you noted, it is looking for a database called 'database'. The reason being that this is the default name in the database configuration file.

'mysql' => array(
    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'database'  => 'database', <------ Default name for database
    'username'  => 'root',
    'password'  => '',
    'charset'   => 'utf8',
    'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    'prefix'    => '',

Change this to the name of the database that you would like to connect to like this:

'mysql' => array(
    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'database'  => 'my_awesome_data', <------ change name for database
    'username'  => 'root',            <------ remember credentials
    'password'  => '',
    'charset'   => 'utf8',
    'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    'prefix'    => '',

Once you have this configured correctly you will easily be able to access your database!

Happy Coding!

java - path to trustStore - set property doesn't work?



System.setProperty("", "cacerts.jks");

do the same thing and have no difference working wise. In your case you just have a typo. You have misspelled trustStore in

Load Image from javascript

Use a new image object each time you want to load a picture :

var image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
    document.getElementById('id1').setAttribute('src', this.src);
image.src = 'http://path/to/image';

What is the use of printStackTrace() method in Java?

What is the use of e.printStackTrace() method in Java?

Well, the purpose of using this method e.printStackTrace(); is to see what exactly wrong is.

For example, we want to handle an exception. Let's have a look at the following Example.

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int a = 12;
    int b = 2;

    try {
       int result = a / (b - 2);

    catch (Exception e)
       System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

I've used method e.printStackTrace(); in order to show exactly what is wrong.

In the output, we can see the following result.

Error: / by zero

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

  at Main.main(
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

How to create tar.gz archive file in Windows?

tar.gz file is just a tar file that's been gzipped. Both tar and gzip are available for windows.

If you like GUIs (Graphical user interface), 7zip can pack with both tar and gzip.

How to return a string value from a Bash function

#Implement a generic return stack for functions:

push() {
  STACK+=( "${1}" )
pop() {
  export $1="${STACK[${#STACK[@]}-1]}"
  unset 'STACK[${#STACK[@]}-1]';


my_func() {
  push "Hello world!"
  push "Hello world2!"
my_func ; pop MESSAGE2 ; pop MESSAGE1
echo ${MESSAGE1} ${MESSAGE2}

What is Hash and Range Primary Key?

As the whole thing is mixing up let's look at it function and code to simulate what it means consicely

The only way to get a row is via primary key

getRow(pk: PrimaryKey): Row

Primary key data structure can be this:

// If you decide your primary key is just the partition key.
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String)

// and in thids case
getRow(somePartitionKey): Row

However you can decide your primary key is partition key + sort key in this case:

// if you decide your primary key is partition key + sort key
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String, sortKey: String)

getRow(partitionKey, sortKey): Row
getMultipleRows(partitionKey): Row[]

So the bottom line:

  1. Decided that your primary key is partition key only? get single row by partition key.

  2. Decided that your primary key is partition key + sort key? 2.1 Get single row by (partition key, sort key) or get range of rows by (partition key)

In either way you get a single row by primary key the only question is if you defined that primary key to be partition key only or partition key + sort key

Building blocks are:

  1. Table
  2. Item
  3. KV Attribute.

Think of Item as a row and of KV Attribute as cells in that row.

  1. You can get an item (a row) by primary key.
  2. You can get multiple items (multiple rows) by specifying (HashKey, RangeKeyQuery)

You can do (2) only if you decided that your PK is composed of (HashKey, SortKey).

More visually as its complex, the way I see it:

|Table                                                                             |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|                       |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|         |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                                                  |

|1. Always get item by PrimaryKey                                                  |
|2. PK is (Hash,RangeKey), great get MULTIPLE Items by Hash, filter/sort by range     |
|3. PK is HashKey: just get a SINGLE ITEM by hashKey                               |
|                                                      +--------------------------+|
|                                 +---------------+    |getByPK => getBy(1        ||
|                 +-----------+ +>|(HashKey,Range)|--->|hashKey, > < or startWith ||
|              +->|Composite  |-+ +---------------+    |of rangeKeys)             ||
|              |  +-----------+                        +--------------------------+|
|+-----------+ |                                                                   |
||PrimaryKey |-+                                                                   |
|+-----------+ |                                       +--------------------------+|
|              |  +-----------+   +---------------+    |getByPK => get by specific||
|              +->|HashType   |-->|get one item   |--->|hashKey                   ||
|                 +-----------+   +---------------+    |                          ||
|                                                      +--------------------------+|

So what is happening above. Notice the following observations. As we said our data belongs to (Table, Item, KVAttribute). Then Every Item has a primary key. Now the way you compose that primary key is meaningful into how you can access the data.

If you decide that your PrimaryKey is simply a hash key then great you can get a single item out of it. If you decide however that your primary key is hashKey + SortKey then you could also do a range query on your primary key because you will get your items by (HashKey + SomeRangeFunction(on range key)). So you can get multiple items with your primary key query.

Note: I did not refer to secondary indexes.

How can I import a large (14 GB) MySQL dump file into a new MySQL database?

I'm posting my finding in a few of the responses I've seen that didn't mention what I ran into, and apprently this would even defeat BigDump, so check it:

I was trying to load a 500 meg dump via Linux command line and kept getting the "Mysql server has gone away" errors. Settings in my.conf didn't help. What turned out to fix it is...I was doing one big extended insert like:

    insert into table (fields) values (a record, a record, a record, 500 meg of data);

I needed to format the file as separate inserts like this:

    insert into table (fields) values (a record);
    insert into table (fields) values (a record);
    insert into table (fields) values (a record);

And to generate the dump, I used something like this and it worked like a charm:

    FROM contacts
    INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/contacts.sql'
    LINES STARTING BY "INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,email) values ("
    TERMINATED BY ');\n'

Input group - two inputs close to each other

If you want to include a "Title" field within it that can be selected with the <select> HTML element, that too is possible

PREVIEW enter image description here


<div class="form-group">
  <div class="input-group input-group-lg">
    <div class="input-group-addon">
    <div class="input-group-addon">
      <span class="fa fa-user"></span>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Name...">

Javascript: best Singleton pattern

function SingletonClass() 
    // demo variable
    var names = [];

    // instance of the singleton
    this.singletonInstance = null;

    // Get the instance of the SingletonClass
    // If there is no instance in this.singletonInstance, instanciate one
    var getInstance = function() {
        if (!this.singletonInstance) {
            // create a instance
            this.singletonInstance = createInstance();

        // return the instance of the singletonClass
        return this.singletonInstance;

    // function for the creation of the SingletonClass class
    var createInstance = function() {

        // public methodes
        return {
            add : function(name) {
            names : function() {
                return names;

    // wen constructed the getInstance is automaticly called and return the SingletonClass instance 
    return getInstance();

var obj1 = new SingletonClass();
// prints: ["Jim"]

var obj2 = new SingletonClass();
// Ralph is added to the singleton instance and there for also acceseble by obj1
// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph"]
// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph"]

// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph", "Bart"]

BeautifulSoup getText from between <p>, not picking up subsequent paragraphs

This works well for specific articles where the text is all wrapped in <p> tags. Since the web is an ugly place, it's not always the case.

Often, websites will have text scattered all over, wrapped in different types of tags (e.g. maybe in a <span> or a <div>, or an <li>).

To find all text nodes in the DOM, you can use soup.find_all(text=True).

This is going to return some undesired text, like the contents of <script> and <style> tags. You'll need to filter out the text contents of elements you don't want.

blacklist = [
  # other elements,

text_elements = [t for t in soup.find_all(text=True) if not in blacklist]

If you are working with a known set of tags, you can tag the opposite approach:

whitelist = [

text_elements = [t for t in soup.find_all(text=True) if in whitelist]

How can I reverse a list in Python?

Use list comprehension:

[array[n] for n in range(len(array)-1, -1, -1)]

How to swap String characters in Java?

//this is a very basic way of how to order a string alpha-wise, this does not use anything fancy and is great for school use

package string_sorter;

public class String_Sorter {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String word = "jihgfedcba";
        for (int endOfString = word.length(); endOfString > 0; endOfString--) {

            int largestWord = word.charAt(0);
            int location = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < endOfString; index++) {

                if (word.charAt(index) > largestWord) {

                    largestWord = word.charAt(index);
                    location = index;

            if (location < endOfString - 1) {

                String newString = word.substring(0, location) + word.charAt(endOfString - 1) + word.substring(location + 1, endOfString - 1) + word.charAt(location);
                word = newString;



Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

.row>.col, .row>[class^=col-] {_x000D_
    padding-top: .75rem;_x000D_
    padding-bottom: .75rem;_x000D_
    background-color: rgba(86,61,124,.15);_x000D_
    border: 1px solid rgba(86,61,124,.2);_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="row justify-content-md-center">_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      1 of 3_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      1 of 2_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      3 of 3_x000D_

What HTTP status response code should I use if the request is missing a required parameter?

The WCF API in .NET handles missing parameters by returning an HTTP 404 "Endpoint Not Found" error, when using the webHttpBinding.

The 404 Not Found can make sense if you consider your web service method name together with its parameter signature. That is, if you expose a web service method LoginUser(string, string) and you request LoginUser(string), the latter is not found.

Basically this would mean that the web service method you are calling, together with the parameter signature you specified, cannot be found.

10.4.5 404 Not Found

The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

The 400 Bad Request, as Gert suggested, remains a valid response code, but I think it is normally used to indicate lower-level problems. It could easily be interpreted as a malformed HTTP request, maybe missing or invalid HTTP headers, or similar.

10.4.1 400 Bad Request

The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

How to install npm peer dependencies automatically?

Cheat code helpful in this scenario and some others...

+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected] >
  1. copy & paste your error into your code editor.
  2. Highlight an unwanted part with your curser. In this case +-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY
  3. Press command + d a bunch of times.
  4. Press delete twice. (Press space if you accidentally highlighted +-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY )
  5. Press up once. Add npm install
  6. Press down once. Add --save
  7. Copy your stuff back into the cli and run
npm install @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected] --save

Difference between add(), replace(), and addToBackStack()

The FragmentManger's function add and replace can be described as these 1. add means it will add the fragment in the fragment back stack and it will show at given frame you are providing like


2.replace means that you are replacing the fragment with another fragment at the given frame


The Main utility between the two is that when you are back stacking the replace will refresh the fragment but add will not refresh previous fragment.

What is function overloading and overriding in php?

Overloading: In Real world, overloading means assigning some extra stuff to someone. As as in real world Overloading in PHP means calling extra functions. In other way You can say it have slimier function with different parameter.In PHP you can use overloading with magic functions e.g. __get, __set, __call etc.

Example of Overloading:

class Shape {
   const Pi = 3.142 ;  // constant value
  function __call($functionname, $argument){
    if($functionname == 'area')
        case 0 : return 0 ;
        case 1 : return self::Pi * $argument[0] ; // 3.14 * 5
        case 2 : return $argument[0] * $argument[1];  // 5 * 10


 $circle = new Shape();`enter code here`
 echo "Area of circle:".$circle->area()."</br>"; // display the area of circle Output 0
 echo "Area of circle:".$circle->area(5)."</br>"; // display the area of circle
 $rect = new Shape();
 echo "Area of rectangle:".$rect->area(5,10); // display area of rectangle

Overriding : In object oriented programming overriding is to replace parent method in child class.In overriding you can re-declare parent class method in child class. So, basically the purpose of overriding is to change the behavior of your parent class method.

Example of overriding :

class parent_class

  public function text()    //text() is a parent class method
    echo "Hello!! everyone I am parent class text method"."</br>";
  public function test()   
    echo "Hello!! I am second method of parent class"."</br>";


class child extends parent_class
  public function text()     // Text() parent class method which is override by child 
    echo "Hello!! Everyone i am child class";


 $obj= new parent_class();
 $obj->text();            // display the parent class method echo
 $obj= new parent_class();
 $obj= new child();
 $obj->text(); // display the child class method echo

Hidden Features of C#?


I know it's not fantastical (ludicrously odd), but I use it all the time instead of "".

And it's pretty well hidden until someone tells you it's there.

Sort array of objects by single key with date value

As for today, answers of @knowbody ( and @Rocket Hazmat ( can be combined to provide for ES2015 support and correct date handling:

arr.sort((a, b) => {
   const dateA = new Date(a.updated_at);
   const dateB = new Date(b.updated_at);
   return dateA - dateB;

PHP Function with Optional Parameters

NOTE: This is an old answer, for PHP 5.5 and below. PHP 5.6+ supports default arguments

In PHP 5.5 and below, you can achieve this by using one of these 2 methods:

  • using the func_num_args() and func_get_arg() functions;
  • using NULL arguments;

How to use

function method_1()
  $arg1 = (func_num_args() >= 1)? func_get_arg(0): "default_value_for_arg1";
  $arg2 = (func_num_args() >= 2)? func_get_arg(1): "default_value_for_arg2";

function method_2($arg1 = null, $arg2 = null)
  $arg1 = $arg1? $arg1: "default_value_for_arg1";
  $arg2 = $arg2? $arg2: "default_value_for_arg2";

I prefer the second method because it's clean and easy to understand, but sometimes you may need the first method.

macro - open all files in a folder

Try the below code:

Sub opendfiles()

Dim myfile As Variant
Dim counter As Integer
Dim path As String

myfolder = "D:\temp\"
ChDir myfolder
myfile = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , , , True)
counter = 1
If IsNumeric(myfile) = True Then
    MsgBox "No files selected"
End If
While counter <= UBound(myfile)
    path = myfile(counter)
    Workbooks.Open path
    counter = counter + 1

End Sub

How to create new div dynamically, change it, move it, modify it in every way possible, in JavaScript?

Have you tried JQuery? Vanilla javascript can be tough. Try using this:

$('.container-element').add('<div>Insert Div Content</div>');

.container-element is a JQuery selector that marks the element with the class "container-element" (presumably the parent element in which you want to insert your divs). Then the add() function inserts HTML into the container-element.

How to change identity column values programmatically?

First save all IDs and alter them programmatically to the values you wan't, then remove them from database and then insert them again using something similar:

use [Name.Database]
set identity_insert [Test] ON
insert into [dbo].[Test]
set identity_insert [Test] OFF

For bulk insert use:

use [Name.Database]
set identity_insert [Test] ON
FROM 'C:\Users\Oscar\file.csv'
      ROWTERMINATOR = '\n',
set identity_insert [Test] OFF

Sample data from file.csv:


If you don't set identity_insert to off you will get the following error:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Test' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

SQLite add Primary Key

I had the same problem and the best solution I found is to first create the table defining primary key and then to use insert into statement.

CREATE TABLE mytable (
field2 TEXT

INSERT INTO mytable 
SELECT field1, field2 
FROM anothertable;

What is a None value?

Other answers have already explained meaning of None beautifully. However, I would still like to throw more light on this using an example.


def extendList(val, list=[]):
    return list

list1 = extendList(10)
list2 = extendList(123,[])
list3 = extendList('a')

print "list1 = %s" % list1
print "list2 = %s" % list2
print "list3 = %s" % list3

Now try to guess output of above list. Well, the answer is surprisingly as below:

list1 = [10, 'a']
list2 = [123]
list3 = [10, 'a']

But Why?

Many will mistakenly expect list1 to be equal to [10] and list3 to be equal to ['a'], thinking that the list argument will be set to its default value of [] each time extendList is called.

However, what actually happens is that the new default list is created only once when the function is defined, and that same list is then used subsequently whenever extendList is invoked without a list argument being specified. This is because expressions in default arguments are calculated when the function is defined, not when it’s called.

list1 and list3 are therefore operating on the same default list, whereas list2 is operating on a separate list that it created (by passing its own empty list as the value for the list parameter).

'None' the savior: (Modify example above to produce desired behavior)

def extendList(val, list=None):
    if list is None:
       list = []
    return list

list1 = extendList(10)
list2 = extendList(123,[])
list3 = extendList('a')

print "list1 = %s" % list1
print "list2 = %s" % list2
print "list3 = %s" % list3

With this revised implementation, the output would be:

list1 = [10]
list2 = [123]
list3 = ['a']

Note - Example credit to

What's the difference between faking, mocking, and stubbing?

As mentioned by the top-voted answer, Martin Fowler discusses these distinctions in Mocks Aren't Stubs, and in particular the subheading The Difference Between Mocks and Stubs, so make sure to read that article.

Rather than focusing on how these things are different, I think it's more enlightening to focus on why these are distinct concepts. Each exists for a different purpose.


A fake is an implementation that behaves "naturally", but is not "real". These are fuzzy concepts and so different people have different understandings of what makes things a fake.

One example of a fake is an in-memory database (e.g. using sqlite with the :memory: store). You would never use this for production (since the data is not persisted), but it's perfectly adequate as a database to use in a testing environment. It's also much more lightweight than a "real" database.

As another example, perhaps you use some kind of object store (e.g. Amazon S3) in production, but in a test you can simply save objects to files on disk; then your "save to disk" implementation would be a fake. (Or you could even fake the "save to disk" operation by using an in-memory filesystem instead.)

As a third example, imagine an object that provides a cache API; an object that implements the correct interface but that simply performs no caching at all but always returns a cache miss would be a kind of fake.

The purpose of a fake is not to affect the behavior of the system under test, but rather to simplify the implementation of the test (by removing unnecessary or heavyweight dependencies).


A stub is an implementation that behaves "unnaturally". It is preconfigured (usually by the test set-up) to respond to specific inputs with specific outputs.

The purpose of a stub is to get your system under test into a specific state. For example, if you are writing a test for some code that interacts with a REST API, you could stub out the REST API with an API that always returns a canned response, or that responds to an API request with a specific error. This way you could write tests that make assertions about how the system reacts to these states; for example, testing the response your users get if the API returns a 404 error.

A stub is usually implemented to only respond to the exact interactions you've told it to respond to. But the key feature that makes something a stub is its purpose: a stub is all about setting up your test case.


A mock is similar to a stub, but with verification added in. The purpose of a mock is to make assertions about how your system under test interacted with the dependency.

For example, if you are writing a test for a system that uploads files to a website, you could build a mock that accepts a file and that you can use to assert that the uploaded file was correct. Or, on a smaller scale, it's common to use a mock of an object to verify that the system under test calls specific methods of the mocked object.

Mocks are tied to interaction testing, which is a specific testing methodology. People who prefer to test system state rather than system interactions will use mocks sparingly if at all.

Test doubles

Fakes, stubs, and mocks all belong to the category of test doubles. A test double is any object or system you use in a test instead of something else. Most automated software testing involves the use of test doubles of some kind or another. Some other kinds of test doubles include dummy values, spies, and I/O blackholes.

ERROR:'keytool' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

On windows 8, go to C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin and in the address bar, type "cmd" without the quotes. This will launch the terminal. Then type in string as describe here.

jQuery DataTables: control table width

You have to leave at least one field without fixed field, for example:

$('.data-table').dataTable ({

 "bAutoWidth": false,
 "aoColumns" : [
    {"sWidth": "20px"},
    { "sWidth": "20px"}]

You can change all, but leave only one as null, so it can stretch. If you put widths on ALL it will not work. Hope I helped somebody today!


I think that parse_str is what you're looking for, something like this should do the trick for you:

parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $vars);

Then the $vars array will hold all the passed arguments.

How to get column by number in Pandas?

Another way is to select a column with the columns array:

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2], [3,4]], columns=['a', 'b'])

In [6]: df
   a  b
0  1  2
1  3  4

In [7]: df[df.columns[0]]
0    1
1    3
Name: a, dtype: int64

Delete files older than 15 days using PowerShell

Basically, you iterate over files under the given path, subtract the CreationTime of each file found from the current time, and compare against the Days property of the result. The -WhatIf switch will tell you what will happen without actually deleting the files (which files will be deleted), remove the switch to actually delete the files:

$old = 15
$now = Get-Date

Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse |
Where-Object {-not $_.PSIsContainer -and $now.Subtract($_.CreationTime).Days -gt $old } |
Remove-Item -WhatIf

How do you clear the focus in javascript?

dummyElem.focus() where dummyElem is a hidden object (e.g. has negative zIndex)?

How to sort by dates excel?

For example 8/12/1976. Copy your date column. Highlight the copied column and click Data> Text to Columns> Delimited> Next. In the delimiters column check "Other" and input / and then click Next and Finish. You'll have 3 columns and the first column will be 1/8. Highlight it and click the comma in the Number section and it will give you the month as 8.00, so then reduce it by clicking the comma in Home/Numbers and you'll now have 8 in the first column, 18 in the second column and 1976 in the third column. In the first empty cell to the right use the concatenate function and leave out the year column. If your month is column A, day is column B and year is column C, it will look like this: =concatenate(A2,"/",B2) and hit enter. It will look like 8/18, however, when you click on the cell you'll see the concatenate formula. Highlight the cell(s), then copy and paste special values. Now you can sort by date. It's really quick when you get the hang of it.

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

Here I have written a detailed article on the topic, as we have several options, Capitalize First Letter of String in Android

Method to Capitalize First Letter of String in Java

public static String capitalizeString(String str) {
        String retStr = str;
        try { // We can face index out of bound exception if the string is null
            retStr = str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
        }catch (Exception e){}
        return retStr;

Method to Capitalize First Letter of String in Kotlin

fun capitalizeString(str: String): String {
        var retStr = str
        try { // We can face index out of bound exception if the string is null
            retStr = str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
        return retStr

Using XML Attribute

Or you can set this attribute in TextView or EditText in XML


Handle file download from ajax post

This is a 3 years old question but I had the same problem today. I looked your edited solution but I think that it can sacrifice the performance because it has to make a double request. So if anyone needs another solution that doesn't imply to call the service twice then this is the way I did it:

<form id="export-csv-form" method="POST" action="/the/path/to/file">
    <input type="hidden" name="anyValueToPassTheServer" value="">

This form is just used to call the service and avoid to use a window.location(). After that you just simply have to make a form submit from jquery in order to call the service and get the file. It's pretty simple but this way you can make a download using a POST. I now that this could be easier if the service you're calling is a GET, but that's not my case.

My docker container has no internet

You may have started your docker with dns options --dns 172.x.x.x

I had the same error and removed the options from /etc/default/docker

The lines:

# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
DOCKER_OPTS="--dns 172.x.x.x"

Difference between timestamps with/without time zone in PostgreSQL

Here is an example that should help. If you have a timestamp with a timezone, you can convert that timestamp into any other timezone. If you haven't got a base timezone it won't be converted correctly.

SELECT now(),
   now() AT TIME ZONE 'CST',
   now()::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'CST'


-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------
now      | 2018-09-15 17:01:36.399357+03
now      | 2018-09-15 17:01:36.399357
timezone | 2018-09-15 08:01:36.399357
timezone | 2018-09-16 02:01:36.399357+03

How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

If you use Anaconda Python, you can easily install various environments.

Say you had Anaconda Python 2.7 installed and you wanted a python 3.4 environment:

conda create -n py34 python=3.4 anaconda

Then to activate the environment:

activate py34

And to deactive:

deactivate py34

(With Linux, you should use source activate py34.)


Download Anaconda Python

Instructions for environments

"git checkout <commit id>" is changing branch to "no branch"

This worked best for me when I wanted to check out the code, given the commit ID <commit_id_SHA1>

git fetch origin <commit_id_SHA1>
git checkout -b new_branch FETCH_HEAD

error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)

I didn't want to reinstall everything because I have so many SDK versions installed and my development environment is set up just right. Getting it set up again takes way too long.

What worked for me was deleting, then re-creating the Android Virtual Device, being certain to put in a value for SD Card Size (I used 200 MiB).

screenshot of the AVD creation screen

Additional information:

while the above does fix the problem temporarily, it is recurring. I just tried my application within Android Studio and saw this in the output log which I did not notice before in Eclipse:

"/Applications/Android" -avd AVD_for_Nexus_S_by_Google -netspeed full -netdelay none

WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
WARNING: SD Card image already in use: /Users/[user]/.android/avd/AVD_for_Nexus_S_by_Google.avd/sdcard.img
ko:Snapshot storage already in use: /Users/[user]/.android/avd/AVD_for_Nexus_S_by_Google.avd/snapshots.img

I suspect that changes to the log are not saving to the SD Card, so when LogCat tries to access the logs, they aren't there, causing the error message. The act of deleting the AVD and re-creating it removes the files, and the next launch is a fresh launch, allowing LogCat to access the virtual SD Card.

ExpressJS - throw er Unhandled error event

IF it is in mac then it's all about IP of x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0. If you follow errors it would be something related to x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0. Add x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

to /etc/hosts file. Then the problem is gone

how to call a variable in code behind to aspx page

In your code behind file, have a public variable

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    public string clients;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // your code that at one points sets the variable
        this.clients = "abc";

now in your design code, just assign that to something, like:

    <p><%= clients %></p>

or even a javascript variable

<script type="text/javascript">

    var clients = '<%= clients %>';


LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simplest conversion?

I solved this question with solution below

  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
  Date myDate = new Date();
  LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.fromDateFields(myDate);
  System.out.println("My date using Date" Nov 18 11:23:33 BRST 2016);
  System.out.println("My date using joda.time LocalTime" 2016-11-18);

In this case localDate print your date in this format "yyyy-MM-dd"

How to add Class in <li> using wp_nav_menu() in Wordpress?

You can't add a class directly to the LIs very easily, but is there any reason not to target them in a slightly different but equally specific way (by their parent ul)?

You can set the class or ID of the menu with the menu_class and menu_id parameters (affixed to the UL parent of the LIs) and then target the li's via CSS that way, like so:

<?php wp_nav_menu('menu_id=mymenu'); ?>

And for CSS:

ul#mymenu li {
    /* your styles here */

Edit: At the time of writing in 2013 this was the easiest way to add it, but updates since then have added the feature to add CSS classes directly in the admin navigation editor. See more recent answers for details.

How do I list the symbols in a .so file

nm -g list the extern variable, which is not necessary exported symbol. Any non-static file scope variable(in C) are all extern variable.

nm -D will list the symbol in the dynamic table, which you can find it's address by dlsym.

nm --version

GNU nm 20061020

Change type of varchar field to integer: "cannot be cast automatically to type integer"

I got the same problem. Than I realized I had a default string value for the column I was trying to alter. Removing the default value made the error go away :)

Android camera intent

try this code

Intent photo= new Intent("");
                    startActivityForResult(photo, CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST);

Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript?

Service workers have access to header informations, including the Content-Length header.

Service workers are a bit complicated to understand, so I've built a small library called sw-get-headers.

Than you need to:

  1. subscribe to the library's response event
  2. identify the image's url among all the network requests
  3. here you go, you can read the Content-Length header!

Note that your website needs to be on HTTPS to use Service Workers, the browser needs to be compatible with Service Workers and the images must be on the same origin as your page.

Scrolling to an Anchor using Transition/CSS3

If anybody is just like me willing to use jQuery, but still found himself looking to this question then this may help you guys:

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
            $("a.scrollLink").click(function (event) {_x000D_
                $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $($(this).attr("href")).offset().top }, 500);_x000D_
<a href="#anchor1" class="scrollLink">Scroll to anchor 1</a>_x000D_
<a href="#anchor2" class="scrollLink">Scroll to anchor 2</a>_x000D_
<p id="anchor1"><strong>Anchor 1</strong> - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea.</p>_x000D_
<p id="anchor2"><strong>Anchor 2</strong> - Ex ignota epicurei quo, his ex doctus delenit fabellas.</p>

Injecting @Autowired private field during testing

The accepted answer (use MockitoJUnitRunner and @InjectMocks) is great. But if you want something a little more lightweight (no special JUnit runner), and less "magical" (more transparent) especially for occasional use, you could just set the private fields directly using introspection.

If you use Spring, you already have a utility class for this : org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils

The use is quite straightforward :

ReflectionTestUtils.setField(myLauncher, "myService", myService);

The first argument is your target bean, the second is the name of the (usually private) field, and the last is the value to inject.

If you don't use Spring, it is quite trivial to implement such a utility method. Here is the code I used before I found this Spring class :

public static void setPrivateField(Object target, String fieldName, Object value){
            Field privateField = target.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            privateField.set(target, value);
        }catch(Exception e){
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Issue with background color and Google Chrome

Adam's chromeFix solution with Paul Alexander's pure-CSS modification solved the problem in Chrome, but not in Safari. A couple additional tweaks solved the problem in Safari, too: width: 100% and z-index:-1 (or some other appropriate negative value that puts this element behind all the other elements on the page).

The CSS:

body:after {display:block; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:-1; content: "";}

How to get a variable from a file to another file in Node.js

You need module.exports:


An object which is shared between all instances of the current module and made accessible through require(). exports is the same as the module.exports object. See src/node.js for more information. exports isn't actually a global but rather local to each module.

For example, if you would like to expose variableName with value "variableValue" on sourceFile.js then you can either set the entire exports as such:

module.exports = { variableName: "variableValue" };

Or you can set the individual value with:

module.exports.variableName = "variableValue";

To consume that value in another file, you need to require(...) it first (with relative pathing):

const sourceFile = require('./sourceFile');

Alternatively, you can deconstruct it.

const { variableName } = require('./sourceFile');
//            current directory --^
// ../     would be one directory down
// ../../  is two directories down

If all you want out of the file is variableName then


const variableName = 'variableValue'
module.exports = variableName


const variableName = require('./sourceFile')

Edit (2020):

Since Node.js version 8.9.0, you can also use ECMAScript Modules with varying levels of support. The documentation.

  • For Node v13.9.0 and beyond, experimental modules are enabled by default
  • For versions of Node less than version 13.9.0, use --experimental-modules

Node.js will treat the following as ES modules when passed to node as the initial input, or when referenced by import statements within ES module code:

  • Files ending in .mjs.
  • Files ending in .js when the nearest parent package.json file contains a top-level field "type" with a value of "module".
  • Strings passed in as an argument to --eval or --print, or piped to node via STDIN, with the flag --input-type=module.

Once you have it setup, you can use import and export.

Using the example above, there are two approaches you can take


// This is a named export of variableName
export const variableName = 'variableValue'
// Alternatively, you could have exported it as a default. 
// For sake of explanation, I'm wrapping the variable in an object
// but it is not necessary. 
// You can actually omit declaring what variableName is here. 
// { variableName } is equivalent to { variableName: variableName } in this case. 
export default { variableName: variableName } 


// There are three ways of importing. 
// If you need access to a non-default export, then 
// you use { nameOfExportedVariable } 
import { variableName } from './sourceFile'
console.log(variableName) // 'variableValue'

// Otherwise, you simply provide a local variable name 
// for what was exported as default.
import sourceFile from './sourceFile'
console.log(sourceFile.variableName) // 'variableValue'


// The third way of importing is for situations where there
// isn't a default export but you want to warehouse everything
// under a single variable. Say you have:
export const a = 'A'
export const b = 'B'


// Then you can import all exports under a single variable
// with the usage of * as:
import * as sourceFileWithoutDefault from './sourceFileWithoutDefault'

console.log(sourceFileWithoutDefault.a) // 'A'
console.log(sourceFileWithoutDefault.b) // 'B'

// You can use this approach even if there is a default export:
import * as sourceFile from './sourceFile'

// Default exports are under the variable default:
console.log(sourceFile.default) // { variableName: 'variableValue' }

// As well as named exports:
console.log(sourceFile.variableName) // 'variableValue

Access key value from Web.config in Razor View-MVC3 ASP.NET


How to implement class constants?

For this you can use the readonly modifier. Object properties which are readonly can only be assigned during initialization of the object.

Example in classes:

class Circle {
  readonly radius: number;

  constructor(radius: number) {
    this.radius = radius;

  get area() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * 2;

const circle = new Circle(12);
circle.radius = 12; // Cannot assign to 'radius' because it is a read-only property.

Example in Object literals:

type Rectangle = {
  readonly height: number;
  readonly width: number;

const square: Rectangle = { height: 1, width: 2 };
square.height = 5 // Cannot assign to 'height' because it is a read-only property

It's also worth knowing that the readonly modifier is purely a typescript construct and when the TS is compiled to JS the construct will not be present in the compiled JS. When we are modifying properties which are readonly the TS compiler will warn us about it (it is valid JS).

Setting the height of a SELECT in IE

Yes, you can.

I was able to set the height of my SELECT to exactly what I wanted in IE8 and 9. The trick is to set the box-sizing property to content-box. Doing so will set the content area of the SELECT to the height, but keep in mind that margin, border and padding values will not be calculated in the width/height of the SELECT, so adjust those values accordingly.

select {
    display: block;
    padding: 6px 4px;
    -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
    height: 15px;

Here is a working jsFiddle. Would you mind confirming and marking the appropriate answer?

Getting request URL in a servlet

The getRequestURL() omits the port when it is 80 while the scheme is http, or when it is 443 while the scheme is https.

So, just use getRequestURL() if all you want is obtaining the entire URL. This does however not include the GET query string. You may want to construct it as follows then:

StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
String completeURL = requestURL.toString();

Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over

Here is my solution using an 2-dimensional array:

private static final int dimension = 3;
private static final int[][] board = new int[dimension][dimension];
private static final int xwins = dimension * 1;
private static final int owins = dimension * -1;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    int count = 0;
    boolean keepPlaying = true;
    boolean xsTurn = true;
    while (keepPlaying) {
        xsTurn = (count % 2 == 0);
        System.out.print("Enter i-j in the format:");
        if (xsTurn) {
            System.out.println(" X plays: ");
        } else {
            System.out.println(" O plays: ");
        String result = null;
        while (result == null) {
            result = parseInput(scanner, xsTurn);
        String[] xy = result.split(",");
        int x = Integer.parseInt(xy[0]);
        int y = Integer.parseInt(xy[1]);
        keepPlaying = makeMove(xsTurn, x, y);
    if (xsTurn) {
    } else {
    System.out.println(" WON");

private static String parseInput(Scanner scanner, boolean xsTurn) {
    String line = scanner.nextLine();
    String[] values = line.split("-");
    int x = Integer.parseInt(values[0]);
    int y = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);
    boolean alreadyPlayed = alreadyPlayed(x, y);
    String result = null;
    if (alreadyPlayed) {
        System.out.println("Already played in this x-y. Retry");
    } else {
        result = "" + x + "," + y;
    return result;

private static boolean alreadyPlayed(int x, int y) {
    System.out.println("x-y: " + x + "-" + y + " board[x][y]: " + board[x][y]);
    if (board[x][y] != 0) {
        return true;
    return false;

private static void printArrayBoard(int[][] board) {
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        int[] height = board[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
            System.out.print(height[j] + " ");

private static boolean makeMove(boolean xo, int x, int y) {
    if (xo) {
        board[x][y] = 1;
    } else {
        board[x][y] = -1;
    boolean didWin = checkBoard();
    if (didWin) {
        System.out.println("keep playing");
    return didWin;

private static boolean checkBoard() {
    //check horizontal
    int[] horizontalTotal = new int[dimension];
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        int[] height = board[i];
        int total = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
            total += height[j];
        horizontalTotal[i] = total;
    for (int a = 0; a < horizontalTotal.length; a++) {
        if (horizontalTotal[a] == xwins || horizontalTotal[a] == owins) {
            return false;
    //check vertical
    int[] verticalTotal = new int[dimension];

    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            total += board[i][j];
        verticalTotal[j] = total;
    for (int a = 0; a < verticalTotal.length; a++) {
        if (verticalTotal[a] == xwins || verticalTotal[a] == owins) {
            return false;
    //check diagonal
    int total1 = 0;
    int total2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
            if (i == j) {
                total1 += board[i][j];
            if (i == (dimension - 1 - j)) {
                total2 += board[i][j];
    if (total1 == xwins || total1 == owins) {
        System.out.println("diagonal 1");
        return false;
    if (total2 == xwins || total2 == owins) {
        System.out.println("diagonal 2");
        return false;
    return true;

Bootstrap 3: Keep selected tab on page refresh

Since I cannot comment yet I copied the answer from above, it really helped me out. But I changed it to work with cookies instead of #id so I wanted to share the alterations. This makes it possible to store the active tab longer than just one refresh (e.g. multiple redirect) or when the id is already used and you don't want to implement koppors split method.

<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab">
    <li class="active"><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#profile">Profile</a></li>
    <li><a href="#messages">Messages</a></li>
    <li><a href="#settings">Settings</a></li>

<div class="tab-content">
    <div class="tab-pane active" id="home">home</div>
    <div class="tab-pane" id="profile">profile</div>
    <div class="tab-pane" id="messages">messages</div>
    <div class="tab-pane" id="settings">settings</div>

$('#myTab a').click(function (e) {

// store the currently selected tab in the hash value
$("ul.nav-tabs > li > a").on("", function (e) {
    var id = $("href").substr(1);
    $.cookie('activeTab', id);

    // on load of the page: switch to the currently selected tab
    var hash = $.cookie('activeTab');
    if (hash != null) {
        $('#myTab a[href="#' + hash + '"]').tab('show');

How do you echo a 4-digit Unicode character in Bash?

Here is a list of all unicode emoji's available:


echo -e "\U1F304"

For get the ASCII value of this character use hexdump

echo -e "" | hexdump -C

00000000  f0 9f 8c 84 0a                                    |.....|

And then use the values informed in hex format

echo -e "\xF0\x9F\x8C\x84\x0A"

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

In DJango 3.0 the default value of a BooleanField in is set like this:

class model_name(models.Model):
example_name = models.BooleanField(default=False)

How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object?

public static class Utilities
    public static T Deserialize<T>(string jsonString)
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(jsonString)))
            DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
            return (T)serializer.ReadObject(ms);

More information go to following link

About DataContractJsonSerializer Class you can read here.

Detect end of ScrollView

We should always add scrollView.getPaddingBottom() to match full scrollview height because some time scroll view has padding in xml file so that case its not going to work.

scrollView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnScrollChangedListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener() {
        public void onScrollChanged() {
            if (scrollView != null) {
               View view = scrollView.getChildAt(scrollView.getChildCount()-1);
               int diff = (view.getBottom()+scrollView.getPaddingBottom()-(scrollView.getHeight()+scrollView.getScrollY()));

          // if diff is zero, then the bottom has been reached
               if (diff == 0) {
               // do stuff

How to set a hidden value in Razor

How about like this

public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object value, object htmlAttributes)
        return HiddenFor(htmlHelper, expression, value, HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes));

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object value, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes)
        return htmlHelper.Hidden(ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression), value, htmlAttributes);

Use it like this

 @Html.HiddenFor(customerId => reviewModel.CustomerId, Site.LoggedInCustomerId, null)

How to set the maxAllowedContentLength to 500MB while running on IIS7?

According to MSDN maxAllowedContentLength has type uint, its maximum value is 4,294,967,295 bytes = 3,99 gb

So it should work fine.

See also Request Limits article. Does IIS return one of these errors when the appropriate section is not configured at all?

See also: Maximum request length exceeded

Connecting to local SQL Server database using C#

In Data Source (on the left of Visual Studio) right click on the database, then Configure Data Source With Wizard. A new window will appear, expand the Connection string, you can find the connection string in there

Attempted to read or write protected memory

Check to make sure you don't have threads within threads. That's what caused this error for me. See this link: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

In PHP, what is a closure and why does it use the "use" identifier?

Zupa did a great job explaining closures with 'use' and the difference between EarlyBinding and Referencing the variables that are 'used'.

So I made a code example with early binding of a variable (= copying):


$a = 1;
$b = 2;

$closureExampleEarlyBinding = function() use ($a, $b){
    echo "Inside \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
    echo "Inside \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$b = ".$b."<br />";    

echo "Before executing \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
echo "Before executing \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$b = ".$b."<br />";  


echo "After executing \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
echo "After executing \$closureExampleEarlyBinding() \$b = ".$b."<br />";

/* this will output:
Before executing $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $a = 1
Before executing $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $b = 2
Inside $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $a = 2
Inside $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $b = 3
After executing $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $a = 1
After executing $closureExampleEarlyBinding() $b = 2


Example with referencing a variable (notice the '&' character before variable);


$a = 1;
$b = 2;

$closureExampleReferencing = function() use (&$a, &$b){
    echo "Inside \$closureExampleReferencing() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
    echo "Inside \$closureExampleReferencing() \$b = ".$b."<br />"; 

echo "Before executing \$closureExampleReferencing() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
echo "Before executing \$closureExampleReferencing() \$b = ".$b."<br />";   


echo "After executing \$closureExampleReferencing() \$a = ".$a."<br />";
echo "After executing \$closureExampleReferencing() \$b = ".$b."<br />";    

/* this will output:
Before executing $closureExampleReferencing() $a = 1
Before executing $closureExampleReferencing() $b = 2
Inside $closureExampleReferencing() $a = 2
Inside $closureExampleReferencing() $b = 3
After executing $closureExampleReferencing() $a = 2
After executing $closureExampleReferencing() $b = 3


How can I link to a specific glibc version?

Setup 1: compile your own glibc without dedicated GCC and use it

Since it seems impossible to do just with symbol versioning hacks, let's go one step further and compile glibc ourselves.

This setup might work and is quick as it does not recompile the whole GCC toolchain, just glibc.

But it is not reliable as it uses host C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o provided by glibc. This is mentioned at: Those objects do early setup that glibc relies on, so I wouldn't be surprised if things crashed in wonderful and awesomely subtle ways.

For a more reliable setup, see Setup 2 below.

Build glibc and install locally:

export glibc_install="$(pwd)/glibc/build/install"

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix "$glibc_install"
make -j `nproc`
make install -j `nproc`

Setup 1: verify the build


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <assert.h>
#include <gnu/libc-version.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>

atomic_int acnt;
int cnt;

int f(void* thr_data) {
    for(int n = 0; n < 1000; ++n) {
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Basic library version check. */
    printf("gnu_get_libc_version() = %s\n", gnu_get_libc_version());

    /* Exercise thrd_create from -pthread,
     * which is not present in glibc 2.27 in Ubuntu 18.04.
     * */
    thrd_t thr[10];
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_create(&thr[n], f, NULL);
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_join(thr[n], NULL);
    printf("The atomic counter is %u\n", acnt);
    printf("The non-atomic counter is %u\n", cnt);

Compile and run with

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
gcc \
  -L "${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -I "${glibc_install}/include" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${glibc_install}/lib/" \
  -std=c11 \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  -v \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd ./test_glibc.out

The program outputs the expected:

gnu_get_libc_version() = 2.28
The atomic counter is 10000
The non-atomic counter is 8674

Command adapted from but --sysroot made it fail with:

cannot find /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ inside /home/ciro/glibc/build/install

so I removed it.

ldd output confirms that the ldd and libraries that we've just built are actually being used as expected:

+ ldd test_glibc.out (0x00007ffe4bfd3000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12ed92000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12e9dc000)
        /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ => /lib64/ (0x00007fc12f1b3000)

The gcc compilation debug output shows that my host runtime objects were used, which is bad as mentioned previously, but I don't know how to work around it, e.g. it contains:


Setup 1: modify glibc

Now let's modify glibc with:

diff --git a/nptl/thrd_create.c b/nptl/thrd_create.c
index 113ba0d93e..b00f088abb 100644
--- a/nptl/thrd_create.c
+++ b/nptl/thrd_create.c
@@ -16,11 +16,14 @@
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <>.  */

+#include <stdio.h>
 #include "thrd_priv.h"

 thrd_create (thrd_t *thr, thrd_start_t func, void *arg)
+  puts("hacked");
   _Static_assert (sizeof (thr) == sizeof (pthread_t),
                   "sizeof (thr) != sizeof (pthread_t)");

Then recompile and re-install glibc, and recompile and re-run our program:

cd glibc/build
make -j `nproc`
make -j `nproc` install

and we see hacked printed a few times as expected.

This further confirms that we actually used the glibc that we compiled and not the host one.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Setup 2: crosstool-NG pristine setup

This is an alternative to setup 1, and it is the most correct setup I've achieved far: everything is correct as far as I can observe, including the C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o.

In this setup, we will compile a full dedicated GCC toolchain that uses the glibc that we want.

The only downside to this method is that the build will take longer. But I wouldn't risk a production setup with anything less.

crosstool-NG is a set of scripts that downloads and compiles everything from source for us, including GCC, glibc and binutils.

Yes the GCC build system is so bad that we need a separate project for that.

This setup is only not perfect because crosstool-NG does not support building the executables without extra -Wl flags, which feels weird since we've built GCC itself. But everything seems to work, so this is only an inconvenience.

Get crosstool-NG and configure it:

git clone
cd crosstool-ng
git checkout a6580b8e8b55345a5a342b5bd96e42c83e640ac5
export CT_PREFIX="$(pwd)/.build/install"
export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}"
./configure --enable-local
make -j `nproc`
./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
./ct-ng menuconfig

The only mandatory option that I can see, is making it match your host kernel version to use the correct kernel headers. Find your host kernel version with:

uname -a

which shows me:


so in menuconfig I do:

  • Operating System
    • Version of linux

so I select:


which is the first equal or older version. It has to be older since the kernel is backwards compatible.

Now you can build with:

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

and now wait for about thirty minutes to two hours for compilation.

Setup 2: optional configurations

The .config that we generated with ./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu has:


To change that, in menuconfig do:

  • C-library
  • Version of glibc

save the .config, and continue with the build.

Or, if you want to use your own glibc source, e.g. to use glibc from the latest git, proceed like this:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL: set to true
  • C-library
    • Source of glibc
      • Custom location: say yes
      • Custom location
        • Custom source location: point to a directory containing your glibc source

where glibc was cloned as:

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28

Setup 2: test it out

Once you have built he toolchain that you want, test it out with:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
PATH="${PATH}:${install_dir}/bin" \
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib/" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib" \
  -v \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd test_glibc.out

Everything seems to work as in Setup 1, except that now the correct runtime objects were used:


Setup 2: failed efficient glibc recompilation attempt

It does not seem possible with crosstool-NG, as explained below.

If you just re-build;

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

then your changes to the custom glibc source location are taken into account, but it builds everything from scratch, making it unusable for iterative development.

If we do:

./ct-ng list-steps

it gives a nice overview of the build steps:

Available build steps, in order:
  - companion_tools_for_build
  - companion_libs_for_build
  - binutils_for_build
  - companion_tools_for_host
  - companion_libs_for_host
  - binutils_for_host
  - cc_core_pass_1
  - kernel_headers
  - libc_start_files
  - cc_core_pass_2
  - libc
  - cc_for_build
  - cc_for_host
  - libc_post_cc
  - companion_libs_for_target
  - binutils_for_target
  - debug
  - test_suite
  - finish
Use "<step>" as action to execute only that step.
Use "+<step>" as action to execute up to that step.
Use "<step>+" as action to execute from that step onward.

therefore, we see that there are glibc steps intertwined with several GCC steps, most notably libc_start_files comes before cc_core_pass_2, which is likely the most expensive step together with cc_core_pass_1.

In order to build just one step, you must first set the "Save intermediate steps" in .config option for the intial build:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Debug crosstool-NG
      • Save intermediate steps

and then you can try:

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng libc+ -j`nproc`

but unfortunately, the + required as mentioned at:

Note however that restarting at an intermediate step resets the installation directory to the state it had during that step. I.e., you will have a rebuilt libc - but no final compiler built with this libc (and hence, no compiler libraries like libstdc++ either).

and basically still makes the rebuild too slow to be feasible for development, and I don't see how to overcome this without patching crosstool-NG.

Furthermore, starting from the libc step didn't seem to copy over the source again from Custom source location, further making this method unusable.

Bonus: stdlibc++

A bonus if you're also interested in the C++ standard library: How to edit and re-build the GCC libstdc++ C++ standard library source?

T-SQL STOP or ABORT command in SQL Server

Why not simply add the following to the beginning of the script


Changing width property of a :before css selector using JQuery

One option is to use an attribute on the image, and modify that using jQuery. Then take that value in CSS:

HTML (note I'm assuming .cloumn is a div but it could be anything):

<div class="column" bf-width=100 >
    <img src="..." />


// General use:
$('.column').attr('bf-width', 100);
// With your image, along the lines of:
$('.column').attr('bf-width', $('img').width());

And then in order to use that value in CSS:

.column:before {
    content: attr(data-content) 'px';
    /* ... */

This will grab the attribute value from .column, and apply it on the before.

Sources: CSS attr (note the examples with before), jQuery attr.

Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant

You can use a bit of functionality that is already built in to the ant jar task.

If you go to The documentation for the ant jar task and scroll down to the "merging archives" section there's a snippet for including the all the *.class files from all the jars in you "lib/main" directory:

<jar destfile="build/main/checksites.jar">
    <fileset dir="build/main/classes"/>
        <name name="**/*.class"/>
                <fileset dir="lib/main" includes="**/*.jar"/>
      <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.acme.checksites.Main"/>

This Creates an executable jar file with a main class "com.acme.checksites.Main", and embeds all the classes from all the jars in lib/main.

It won't do anything clever in case of namespace conflicts, duplicates and things like that. Also, it will include all class files, also the ones that you don't use, so the combined jar file will be full size.

If you need more advanced things like that, take a look at like one-jar and jar jar links

How can I refresh or reload the JFrame?

Here's a short code that might help.

    <yourJFrameName> main = new <yourJFrameName>();    




will run the JFrame again.


will terminate the running window.

Code for Greatest Common Divisor in Python

def gcdRecur(a, b):
    a, b: positive integers

    returns: a positive integer, the greatest common divisor of a & b.
    # Base case is when b = 0
    if b == 0:
        return a

    # Recursive case
    return gcdRecur(b, a % b)

Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?

Custom KeyBinding sequence example : CTRL + TAB to switch between visilble Modules or Editors Forward direction using Eclipse RCP.

you press CTRL + TAB second time to open another editor and close previous editor using RCP Eclipse.

package rcp_demo.Toolbar;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditorInput;

public class Forward_Editor extends AbstractHandler{

    static String Editor_name;  //  Active Editor name store in Temporary 
    static int cnt;             //  close editor count this variable
    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {

        IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event);
        IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();

        UserEditorInput std_input = new UserEditorInput();
        EmployeeEditorInput emp_input=new EmployeeEditorInput();
        ProductEditorInput product_input=new ProductEditorInput();

        IEditorReference[] editors = page.getEditorReferences();

        //Blank Editor Window to execute..
            //First time close editor can open Student_Editor
            if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Student_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                    System.out.println("EMP>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First time close editor can open Employee_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Employee_Editor"))
                try {
                    System.out.println("PRO>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name); 
                } catch (PartInitException e) {e.printStackTrace();
            //First time close editor can open Product_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Product_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                    System.out.println("student Editor open");
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First Time call // empty editors 
                try {
                    page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                    System.out.println("student Editor open");
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
        }//End if condition

        //AvtiveEditor(Student_Editor) close to open Employee Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Student_Editor"))
            try {
                page.closeEditor(page.getActiveEditor(), true);
                page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                System.out.println("EMP>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Employee_Editor) close to open Product Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Employee_Editor"))
            try {

                System.out.println("PRO>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);

            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Product_Editor) close to open Student Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Product_Editor"))
            try {
                page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                System.out.println("stud>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //by default open Student Editor
            try {
                page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                System.out.println("stud_else>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        return null;

>Custom KeyBinding sequence example : <kbd> SHIFT + TAB </kbd> to switch between visilble Modules or Editors **Backword** direction using Eclipse RCP.

package rcp_demo.Toolbar;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditorInput;

public class Backword_Editor extends AbstractHandler{

    static String Editor_name;   // Active Editor name store in Temporary 
    static int cnt;

    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {

        IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event);
        IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();
        //Three object create in EditorInput 
        UserEditorInput std_input = new UserEditorInput();
        EmployeeEditorInput emp_input=new EmployeeEditorInput();
        ProductEditorInput product_input=new ProductEditorInput();

        IEditorReference[] editors = page.getEditorReferences();
        System.out.println("Length : "+editors.length);

            //First time close editor can open Student_Editor
            if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Product_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                    System.out.println("EMP>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First time close editor can open Employee_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Employee_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                    System.out.println("Student>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..student::"+Editor_name);

                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First time close editor can open Product_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Student_Editor"))
                        try {
                            System.out.println("PRO>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);

                        } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First Time or empty editors to check this condition
                try {
                    System.out.println("product Editor open");
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Product_Editor) close to open Employee Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Product_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Product:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                System.out.println("Employee Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Employee_Editor) close to open Student Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Employee_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Emp:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                System.out.println("student Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //AvtiveEditor(Student_Editor) close to open Product Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Student_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Product:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                System.out.println("product Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //by default open Student Editor
            try {
                System.out.println("product Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return null;

Custom KeyBinding sequence example : SHIFT + TAB to switch between visilble Modules or Editors Backword direction using Eclipse RCP.

package rcp_demo.Toolbar;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.EmployeeEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.ProductEditorInput;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditor;
import rcp_demo.Editor.UserEditorInput;

public class Backword_Editor extends AbstractHandler{

    static String Editor_name;   // Active Editor name store in Temporary 
    static int cnt;

    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {

        IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event);
        IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();
        //Three object create in EditorInput 
        UserEditorInput std_input = new UserEditorInput();
        EmployeeEditorInput emp_input=new EmployeeEditorInput();
        ProductEditorInput product_input=new ProductEditorInput();

        IEditorReference[] editors = page.getEditorReferences();
        System.out.println("Length : "+editors.length);

            //First time close editor can open Student_Editor
            if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Product_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                    System.out.println("EMP>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First time close editor can open Employee_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Employee_Editor"))
                try {
                    page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                    System.out.println("Student>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..student::"+Editor_name);

                } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First time close editor can open Product_Editor
            else if(cnt==1 && Editor_name.equals("Student_Editor"))
                        try {
                            System.out.println("PRO>>Len:: "+editors.length+"..EDi::"+Editor_name);

                        } catch (PartInitException e) {
            //First Time or empty editors to check this condition
                try {
                    System.out.println("product Editor open");
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Product_Editor) close to open Employee Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Product_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Product:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                page.openEditor(emp_input, EmployeeEditor.Id);
                System.out.println("Employee Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
        //AvtiveEditor(Employee_Editor) close to open Student Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Employee_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Emp:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                page.openEditor(std_input, UserEditor.ID);
                System.out.println("student Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //AvtiveEditor(Student_Editor) close to open Product Editor
        else if(page.getActiveEditor().getTitle().equals("Student_Editor"))
            System.out.println("Product:: "+page.getActiveEditor().getTitle());
            try {
                System.out.println("product Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //by default open Student Editor
            try {
                System.out.println("product Editor open");
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return null;

Key Sequence

M1 means CTRL

M2 means SHIFT


<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.commands">
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.bindings">

what does "dead beef" mean?

It was used as a pattern to store in memory as a series of hex bytes (0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef). You could see if memory was corrupted because of hardware failure, buffer overruns, etc.

getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

rest-client's RestClient needs the http: scheme when resolving the URL. It calls Net::HTTP for you, which doesn't want the http: part, but rest-client takes care of that.

Is the URL the actual one you are attempting to reach? is a valid domain used for testing and documentation and is reachable; I'd expect the "api" and "api_endpoint" parts to fail and see that when I try to reach them.

require 'socket'

IPSocket.getaddress('') # => "2620:0:2d0:200::10"
IPSocket.getaddress('') # => 
# ~> -:7:in `getaddress': getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError)
# ~>    from -:7:in `<main>'

Here's what I get using Curl:

greg-mbp-wireless:~ greg$ curl
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host ''
greg-mbp-wireless:~ greg$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /api_endpoint was not found on this server.</p>
<address>Apache Server at Port 80</address>
greg-mbp-wireless:~ greg$ curl
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <TITLE>Example Web Page</TITLE>
<p>You have reached this web page by typing &quot;;,
  or &quot;; into your web browser.</p>
<p>These domain names are reserved for use in documentation and are not available 
  for registration. See <a href="">RFC 
  2606</a>, Section 3.</p>

Alternate background colors for list items

Since you using standard HTML you will need to define separate class for and manual set the rows to the classes.

Trust Anchor not found for Android SSL Connection

Use to test a domain.

The solution of Shihab Uddin in Kotlin.


object {

    val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient
    val gson: Gson
    val retrofit: Retrofit

    init {

        okHttpClient = getOkHttpBuilder()
            // Other parameters like connectTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

        gson = GsonBuilder().setLenient().create()

        retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

    fun getOkHttpBuilder(): OkHttpClient.Builder =
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        } else {
            // Workaround for the error "Caused by: Could not validate certificate: Certificate expired at".

    private fun getUnsafeOkHttpClient(): OkHttpClient.Builder =
        try {
            // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
            val trustAllCerts: Array<TrustManager> = arrayOf(
                object : X509TrustManager {
                    override fun checkClientTrusted(chain: Array<X509Certificate?>?,
                                                    authType: String?) = Unit

                    override fun checkServerTrusted(chain: Array<X509Certificate?>?,
                                                    authType: String?) = Unit

                    override fun getAcceptedIssuers(): Array<X509Certificate> = arrayOf()
            // Install the all-trusting trust manager
            val sslContext: SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL")
            sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, SecureRandom())
            // Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
            val sslSocketFactory: SSLSocketFactory = sslContext.socketFactory
            val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
                trustAllCerts[0] as X509TrustManager)
            builder.hostnameVerifier { _, _ -> true }
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)

The same error will also appear if you use Glide, images won't show. To overcome it see Glide - Trust anchor for certification path not found and How to set OkHttpClient for glide.

class MyAppGlideModule : AppGlideModule() {

    val okHttpClient = Api.getOkHttpBuilder().build() // Api is the class written above.
    // It is better to create okHttpClient here and not use Api.okHttpClient,
    // because their settings may differ. For instance, it can use its own
    // `addInterceptor` and `addNetworkInterceptor` that can affect on a read JSON.

    override fun registerComponents(context: Context, glide: Glide, registry: Registry) {


// Glide.
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:okhttp3-integration:4.11.0'
kapt 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.11.0'

Real world use of JMS/message queues?

We have used messaging to generate online Quotes

Finish all previous activities

Log in->Home->screen 1->screen 2->screen 3->screen 4->screen 5

on screen 4 (or any other) ->

StartActivity(Log in)

PHP UML Generator

Well to be honest, first and foremost you shouldn't generate UML model from code, but code from UML model ;).

Even if you are in a rare situation, when you need to do this reverse engineering, it is generally suggested that you do it by hand or at least tidy-up the diagrams, as auto-generated UML has really poor visual (=information) value most of the time.

If you just need to generate the diagrams, it's probably a good thing to ask yourself why exactly? Who is the intended audience and what is the goal? What does the auto-generated diagram have to offer, what code doesn't?

Basicly I accept only one answer to that question. It just got too big and incomprehensible.

Which again is a reason to start with UML in the first place, as opposed to start coding ;) It's called analysis and it's on decline, because every second guy in business thinks it's a bit too expensive and not really necessary.

Nested or Inner Class in PHP

Since PHP version 5.4 you can force create objects with private constructor through reflection. It can be used to simulate Java nested classes. Example code:

class OuterClass {
  private $name;

  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;

  public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

  public function forkInnerObject($name) {
    $class = new ReflectionClass('InnerClass');
    $constructor = $class->getConstructor();
    $innerObject = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); // This method appeared in PHP 5.4
    $constructor->invoke($innerObject, $this, $name);
    return $innerObject;

class InnerClass {
  private $parentObject;
  private $name;

  private function __construct(OuterClass $parentObject, $name) {
    $this->parentObject = $parentObject;
    $this->name = $name;

  public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

  public function getParent() {
    return $this->parentObject;

$outerObject = new OuterClass('This is an outer object');
//$innerObject = new InnerClass($outerObject, 'You cannot do it');
$innerObject = $outerObject->forkInnerObject('This is an inner object');
echo $innerObject->getName() . "\n";
echo $innerObject->getParent()->getName() . "\n";

Just disable scroll not hide it?

You cannot disable the scroll event, but you can disable the related actions that lead to a scroll, like mousewheel and touchmove:

$('body').on('mousewheel touchmove', function(e) {

Adding an image to a PDF using iTextSharp and scale it properly

Personally, I use something close from fubo's solution and it works well:


PHP - Get bool to echo false when false

json_encode will do it out-of-the-box, but it's not pretty (indented, etc):

echo json_encode(array('whatever' => TRUE, 'somethingelse' => FALSE));


Python progression path - From apprentice to guru

Teaching to someone else who is starting to learn Python is always a great way to get your ideas clear and sometimes, I usually get a lot of neat questions from students that have me to re-think conceptual things about Python.

How to print table using Javascript?

One cheeky solution :

  function printDiv(divID) {
        //Get the HTML of div
        var divElements = document.getElementById(divID).innerHTML;
        //Get the HTML of whole page
        var oldPage = document.body.innerHTML;
        //Reset the page's HTML with div's HTML only
        document.body.innerHTML = 
          "<html><head><title></title></head><body>" + 
          divElements + "</body>";
        //Print Page
        //Restore orignal HTML
        document.body.innerHTML = oldPage;



<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div id="printablediv" style="width: 100%; background-color: Blue; height: 200px">
        Print me I am in 1st Div
    <div id="donotprintdiv" style="width: 100%; background-color: Gray; height: 200px">
        I am not going to print
    <input type="button" value="Print 1st Div" onclick="javascript:printDiv('printablediv')" />

How to backup MySQL database in PHP?

While you can execute backup commands from PHP, they don't really have anything to do with PHP. It's all about MySQL.

I'd suggest using the mysqldump utility to back up your database. The documentation can be found here :

The basic usage of mysqldump is

mysqldump -u user_name -p name-of-database >file_to_write_to.sql

You can then restore the backup with a command like

mysql -u user_name -p <file_to_read_from.sql

Do you have access to cron? I'd suggest making a PHP script that runs mysqldump as a cron job. That would be something like



$result=exec('mysqldump database_name --password=your_pass --user=root --single-transaction >/var/backups/'.$filename,$output);

if(empty($output)){/* no output is good */}
else {/* we have something to log the output here*/}

If mysqldump is not available, the article describes another method, using the SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE commands. The only connection to PHP is that you're using PHP to connect to the database and execute the SQL commands. You could also do this from the command line MySQL program, the MySQL monitor.

It's pretty simple, you're writing an SQL file with one command, and loading/executing it when it's time to restore.

You can find the docs for select into outfile here (just search the page for outfile). LOAD DATA INFILE is essentially the reverse of this. See here for the docs.

How to check if any value is NaN in a Pandas DataFrame

Since none have mentioned, there is just another variable called hasnans.

df[i].hasnans will output to True if one or more of the values in the pandas Series is NaN, False if not. Note that its not a function.

pandas version '0.19.2' and '0.20.2'

Create a tar.xz in one command

Switch -J only works on newer systems. The universal command is:

To make .tar.xz archive

tar cf - directory/ | xz -z - > directory.tar.xz


  1. tar cf - directory reads directory/ and starts putting it to TAR format. The output of this operation is generated on the standard output.

  2. | pipes standard output to the input of another program...

  3. ... which happens to be xz -z -. XZ is configured to compress (-z) the archive from standard input (-).

  4. You redirect the output from xz to the tar.xz file.

Warning: Use the 'defaultValue' or 'value' props on <select> instead of setting 'selected' on <option>

Thank you all for this thread! My colleague and I just discovered that the default_value property is a Constant, not a Variable.

In other React forms I've built, the default value for a Select was preset in an associated Context. So the first time the Select was rendered, default_value was set to the correct value.

But in my latest React form (a small modal), I'm passing the values for the form as props and then using a useEffect to populate the associated Context. So the FIRST time the Select is rendered, default_value is set to null. Then when the Context is populated and the Select is supposed to be re-rendered, default_value cannot be changed and thus the initial default value is not set.

The solution was ultimately simple: Use the value property instead. But figuring out why default_value didn't work like it did with my other forms took some time.

I'm posting this to help others in the community.

Sum values in a column based on date

Use a column to let each date be shown as month number; another column for day number:

      A      B       C         D
   -----  ----- ----------- --------
1     8      6    8/6/2010   12.70
2     8      7    8/7/2010   10.50
3     8      7    8/7/2010    7.10
4     8      9    8/9/2010   10.50
5     8     10   8/10/2010   15.00

The formula for A1 is =Month(C1)

The formula for B1 is =Day(C1)

For Month sums, put the month number next to each month:

      E      F         G     
   -----  ----- -------------  
1     7    July   $1,000,010 
2     8     Aug   $1,200,300 

The formula for G1 is =SumIf($A$1:$A$100, E1, $D$1:$D$100). This is a portable formula; just copy it down.

Total for the day will be be a bit more complicated, but you can probably see how to do it.

Does an HTTP Status code of 0 have any meaning?

status 0 appear when an ajax call was cancelled before getting the response by refreshing the page or requesting a URL that is unreachable.

this status is not documented but exist over ajax and makeRequest call's from

How to check if any fields in a form are empty in php

Specify POST method in form
<form name="registrationform" action="register.php" method="post">

your form code


Convert Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>

Generic types is a compile time abstraction. At runtime all maps will have the same type Map<Object, Object>. So if you are sure that values are strings, you can cheat on java compiler:

Map<String, Object> m1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, String> m2 = (Map) m1;

Copying keys and values from one collection to another is redundant. But this approach is still not good, because it violates generics type safety. May be you should reconsider your code to avoid such things.

Maven: how to override the dependency added by a library

I also had trouble overruling a dependency in a third party library. I used scot's approach with the exclusion but I also added the dependency with the newer version in the pom. (I used Maven 3.3.3)

So for the stAX example it would look like this:

    <!--  STAX comes with Java 1.6 -->


What's sizeof(size_t) on 32-bit vs the various 64-bit data models?

size_t is 64 bit normally on 64 bit machine

Of Countries and their Cities

From all my searching around, I strongly say that the most practical, accurate and free data source is provided by GeoNames.

You can access their data in 2 ways:

  1. The easy way through their free web services.
  2. Import their free text files into Database tables and use the data in any way you wish. This method offers much greater flexibility and have found that this method is better.

PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."

Most of the existing answers explain the How, but very few explain the Why. And before you go around executing code from strangers on the Internet, especially code that disables security measures, you should understand exactly what you're doing. So here's a little more detail on this problem.

From the TechNet About Execution Policies Page:

Windows PowerShell execution policies let you determine the conditions under which Windows PowerShell loads configuration files and runs scripts.

The benefits of which, as enumerated by PowerShell Basics - Execution Policy and Code Signing, are:

  • Control of Execution - Control the level of trust for executing scripts.
  • Command Highjack - Prevent injection of commands in my path.
  • Identity - Is the script created and signed by a developer I trust and/or a signed with a certificate from a Certificate Authority I trust.
  • Integrity - Scripts cannot be modified by malware or malicious user.

To check your current execution policy, you can run Get-ExecutionPolicy. But you're probably here because you want to change it.

To do so you'll run the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet.

You'll have two major decisions to make when updating the execution policy.

Execution Policy Type:

  • Restricted - No Script either local, remote or downloaded can be executed on the system.
  • AllSigned - All script that are ran require to be digitally signed.
  • RemoteSigned - All remote scripts (UNC) or downloaded need to be signed.
  • Unrestricted - No signature for any type of script is required.

Scope of new Change

  • LocalMachine - The execution policy affects all users of the computer.
  • CurrentUser - The execution policy affects only the current user.
  • Process - The execution policy affects only the current Windows PowerShell process.

† = Default

For example: if you wanted to change the policy to RemoteSigned for just the CurrentUser, you'd run the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Note: In order to change the Execution policy, you must be running PowerShell As Adminstrator. If you are in regular mode and try to change the execution policy, you'll get the following error:

Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell' is denied. To change the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.

If you want to tighten up the internal restrictions on your own scripts that have not been downloaded from the Internet (or at least don't contain the UNC metadata), you can force the policy to only run signed sripts. To sign your own scripts, you can follow the instructions on Scott Hanselman's article on Signing PowerShell Scripts.

Note: Most people are likely to get this error whenever they open Powershell because the first thing PS tries to do when it launches is execute your user profile script that sets up your environment however you like it.

The file is typically located in:

%UserProfile%\My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1

You can find the exact location by running the powershell variable


If there's nothing that you care about in the profile, and don't want to fuss with your security settings, you can just delete it and powershell won't find anything that it cannot execute.

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

Just want to add one more way. Found it elsewhere, and is quite simple. Say I want to pass yes for all the prompts at command line for a command "execute_command", Then I would simply pipe yes to it.

yes | execute_command

This will use yes as the answer to all yes/no prompts.


DECLARE @tablas TABLE(nombre nvarchar(100))

DECLARE @contador INT=0


WHILE @contador>0 
    SELECT TOP 1 @nombre=nombre FROM @tablas 
    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(500)=''
    SET @sql =@sql+'Truncate table  '+@nombre
    EXEC (@sql)
    SELECT @sql
    SET @contador=@contador-1   
    DELETE TOP (1) @tablas 

Equivalent of Super Keyword in C#

C# equivalent of your code is

  class Imagedata : PDFStreamEngine
     // C# uses "base" keyword whenever Java uses "super" 
     // so instead of super(...) in Java we should call its C# equivalent (base):
     public Imagedata()
       : base(ResourceLoader.loadProperties("org/apache/pdfbox/resources/", true)) 
     { }

     // Java methods are virtual by default, when C# methods aren't.
     // So we should be sure that processOperator method in base class 
     // (that is PDFStreamEngine)
     // declared as "virtual"
     protected override void processOperator(PDFOperator operations, List arguments)
        base.processOperator(operations, arguments);

HTTP Get with 204 No Content: Is that normal

Your current combination of a POST with an HTTP 204 response is fine.

Using a POST as a universal replacement for a GET is not supported by the RFC, as each has its own specific purpose and semantics.

The purpose of a GET is to retrieve a resource. Therefore, while allowed, an HTTP 204 wouldn't be the best choice since content IS expected in the response. An HTTP 404 Not Found or an HTTP 410 Gone would be better choices if the server was unable to provide the requested resource.

The RFC also specifically calls out an HTTP 204 as an appropriate response for PUT, POST and DELETE, but omits it for GET.

See the RFC for the semantics of GET.

There are other response codes that could also be returned, indicating no content, that would be more appropriate than an HTTP 204.

For example, for a conditional GET you could receive an HTTP 304 Not Modified response which would contain no body content.

VBA Excel - Insert row below with same format including borders and frames

Private Sub cmdInsertRow_Click()

    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim lRsp As Long
    On Error Resume Next

    lRow = Selection.Row()
    lRsp = MsgBox("Insert New row above " & lRow & "?", _
            vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
    If lRsp <> vbYes Then Exit Sub

    Rows(lRow + 1).Select
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

   'Paste formulas and conditional formatting in new row created
    Rows(lRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone

End Sub

This is what I use. Tested and working,


Switch statement for greater-than/less-than

switch (Math.floor(scrollLeft/1000)) {
  case 0: // (<1000)
   //do stuff
  case 1: // (>=1000 && <2000)
   //do stuff;

Only works if you have regular steps...

EDIT: since this solution keeps getting upvotes, I must advice that mofolo's solution is a way better

Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python

In python 3.8+ you can do :

(a:=a+1) #same as ++a (increment, then return new value)
(a:=a+1)-1 #same as a++ (return the incremented value -1) (useless)

You can do a lot of thinks with this.

>>> a = 0
>>> while (a:=a+1) < 5:


Or if you want write somthing with more sophisticated syntaxe (the goal is not optimization):

>>> del a
>>> while (a := (a if 'a' in locals() else 0) + 1) < 5:


It will return 0 even if 'a' doesn't exist without errors, and then will set it to 1

MAC addresses in JavaScript

The quick and simple answer is No.

Javascript is quite a high level language and does not have access to this sort of information.

Pandas left outer join multiple dataframes on multiple columns

One can also do this with a compact version of @TomAugspurger's answer, like so:

df = df1.merge(df2, how='left', on=['Year', 'Week', 'Colour']).merge(df3[['Week', 'Colour', 'Val3']], how='left', on=['Week', 'Colour'])

How to represent a DateTime in Excel

Excel can display a Date type in a similar manner to a DateTime. Right click on the affected cell, select Format Cells, then under Category select Date and under Type select the type that looks something like this:

3/14/01 1:30 PM

That should do what you requested. I tested sorting on some sample data with this format and it seemed to work fine.

How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

here is the complete example of how you can select and upload multiple files in using file upload control....

write this code in .aspx file..

<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" id="myfile" multiple="multiple" name="myfile" runat="server" size="100" />
    <br />
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="Span1" runat="server"></asp:Label>

after that write this code in .aspx.cs file..

   protected void Button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
          string filepath = Server.MapPath("\\Upload");
          HttpFileCollection uploadedFiles = Request.Files;
          Span1.Text = string.Empty;

          for(int i = 0;i < uploadedFiles.Count;i++) {
              HttpPostedFile userPostedFile = uploadedFiles[i];

              try {
                  if (userPostedFile.ContentLength > 0) {
                     Span1.Text += "<u>File #" + (i + 1) +  "</u><br>";
                     Span1.Text += "File Content Type: " +  userPostedFile.ContentType      + "<br>";
                     Span1.Text += "File Size: " + userPostedFile.ContentLength           + "kb<br>";
                     Span1.Text += "File Name: " + userPostedFile.FileName + "<br>";

                     userPostedFile.SaveAs(filepath + "\\" +    Path.GetFileName(userPostedFile.FileName));                  
                     Span1.Text += "Location where saved: " +   filepath + "\\" +   Path.GetFileName(userPostedFile.FileName) + "<p>";
              } catch(Exception Ex) {
                  Span1.Text += "Error: <br>" + Ex.Message;

and here you go...your multiple file upload control is ready..have a happy day.

How to get value at a specific index of array In JavaScript?

Just use indexer

var valueAtIndex1 = myValues[1];

Calculate days between two Dates in Java 8

If the goal is just to get the difference in days and since the above answers mention about delegate methods would like to point out that once can also simply use -

public long daysInBetween(java.time.LocalDate startDate, java.time.LocalDate endDate) {
  // Check for null values here

  return endDate.toEpochDay() - startDate.toEpochDay();

<!--[if !IE]> not working

First of all the right syntax is:

<!--[if IE 6]>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/ie6.css" />

Try this post: and

Another thing you can do:

Check browser with jQuery:

if($.browser.msie){ // do something... }

in this case you can change css rules for some elements or add new css link reference:

read this:

Access all Environment properties as a Map or Properties object

The other answers have pointed out the solution for the majority of cases involving PropertySources, but none have mentioned that certain property sources are unable to be casted into useful types.

One such example is the property source for command line arguments. The class that is used is SimpleCommandLinePropertySource. This private class is returned by a public method, thus making it extremely tricky to access the data inside the object. I had to use reflection in order to read the data and eventually replace the property source.

If anyone out there has a better solution, I would really like to see it; however, this is the only hack I have gotten to work.

Anybody knows any knowledge base open source?

In addition to MediaWiki that was mentioned by Kenny, you might also look at MoinMoin.

Choosing between MediaWiki and MoinMoin can be a bit tough. Here are some points to consider:



  • Made for wikipedia, thus is very mature and scalable.
  • Fairly easy to set up.


  • Made soley for wikipedia. Thus it can be a bit of a pain to customize how you like it.



  • Very mature software.
  • Huge amount of plugins and third party modules available.


  • Can be a pain to install.

There are a huge amount of other wikis available, but those are the main two I would consider.

How does "FOR" work in cmd batch file?

You have to additionally use the tokens=1,2,... part of the options that the for loop allows. This here will do what you possibly want:

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 delims=;" %a in ("%PATH%") ^
do ( ^
     echo. %b ^
   & echo. %a ^
   & echo. %c ^
   & echo. %d ^
   & echo. %e ^
   & echo. %f ^
   & echo. %g ^
   & echo. %h ^
   & echo. %i ^
   & echo. %j ^
   & echo. %k ^
   & echo. ^
   & echo.   ...and now for some more... ^
   & echo. ^
   & echo. %a ^| %b ___ %c ... %d ^
   & dir "%e" ^
   & cd "%f" ^
   & dir /tw "%g" ^
   & echo. "%h  %i  %j  %k" ^
   & cacls "%f")

This example processes the first 12 tokens (=directories from %path%) only. It uses explicit enumeration of each of the used tokens. Note, that the token names are case sensitive: %a is different from %A.

To be save for paths with spaces, surround all %x with quotes like this "%i". I didn't do it here where I'm only echoing the tokens.

You could also do like this:

for /f "tokens=1,3,5,7-26* delims=;" %a in ("%PATH%") ^
do ( ^
     echo. %c ^
   & echo. %b ^
   & echo. %a ^
   & echo. %d ^
   & echo. %e ^
   & echo. %f ^
   & echo. %g ^
   & echo. %h ^
   & echo. %i ^
   & echo. %j ^
   & echo. %k )

This one skips tokens 2,4,6 and uses a little shortcut ("7-26") to name the rest of them. Note how %c, %b, %a are processed in reverse order this time, and how they now 'mean' different tokens, compared to the first example.

So this surely isn't the concise explanation you asked for. But maybe the examples help to clarify a little better now...