Programs & Examples On #Unresolved external

unresolved external symbol __imp__fprintf and __imp____iob_func, SDL2

In my case, this error comes from my trial to remove dependencies to MSVC-version dependent runtime library DLL (msvcr10.dll or so) and/or remove static runtime library too, to remove excess fat from my executables.

So I use /NODEFAULTLIB linker switch, my self-made "msvcrt-light.lib" (google for it when you need), and mainCRTStartup() / WinMainCRTStartup() entries.

It is IMHO since Visual Studio 2015, so I stuck to older compilers.

However, defining symbol _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE removes all hassle, and a simple "Hello World" application is again 3 KB small and doesn't depend to unusual DLLs. Tested in Visual Studio 2017.

Unresolved external symbol in object files

I had an error where my project was compiled as x64 project. and I've used a Library that was compiled as x86.

I've recompiled the library as x64 and it solved it.

What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?

Different architectures

You may see a message like:

library machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'

In that case, it means that the available symbols are for a different architecture than the one you are compiling for.

On Visual Studio, this is due to the wrong "Platform", and you need to either select the proper one or install the proper version of the library.

On Linux, it may be due to the wrong library folder (using lib instead of lib64 for instance).

On MacOS, there is the option of shipping both architectures in the same file. It may be that the link expects both versions to be there, but only one is. It can also be an issue with the wrong lib/lib64 folder where the library is picked up.

IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename: 'c:\\Python27\test.txt'

\ is an escape character in Python. \t gets interpreted as a tab. If you need \ character in a string, you have to use \\.

Your code should be:

Run an Ansible task only when the variable contains a specific string

This works for me in Ansible 2.9:

variable1 = 
variable2 = 

when: ".com" in variable1

and for not:

when: not ".com" in variable2

How to execute a bash command stored as a string with quotes and asterisk

Use an array, not a string, as given as guidance in BashFAQ #50.

Using a string is extremely bad security practice: Consider the case where password (or a where clause in the query, or any other component) is user-provided; you don't want to eval a password containing $(rm -rf .)!

Just Running A Local Command

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )

Printing Your Command Unambiguously

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf 'Proposing to run: '
printf '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
printf '\n'

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 1: Using Stdin)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host 'bash -s' <<<"$cmd_str"

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 2: Command Line)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host "bash -c $cmd_str"

Converting a POSTMAN request to Curl

Starting from Postman 8 you need to visit here

enter image description here

Python - Convert a bytes array into JSON format

Your bytes object is almost JSON, but it's using single quotes instead of double quotes, and it needs to be a string. So one way to fix it is to decode the bytes to str and replace the quotes. Another option is to use ast.literal_eval; see below for details. If you want to print the result or save it to a file as valid JSON you can load the JSON to a Python list and then dump it out. Eg,

import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

# Decode UTF-8 bytes to Unicode, and convert single quotes 
# to double quotes to make it valid JSON
my_json = my_bytes_value.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"')
print('- ' * 20)

# Load the JSON to a Python list & dump it back out as formatted JSON
data = json.loads(my_json)
s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


[{"Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-05", "LogoType": "png", "Ref": 164611595, "Classe": ["Email addresses", "Passwords"],"Link":""}]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        "Classe": [
            "Email addresses",
        "CreationDate": "2012-05-05",
        "Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z",
        "Link": "",
        "LogoType": "png",
        "Ref": 164611595

As Antti Haapala mentions in the comments, we can use ast.literal_eval to convert my_bytes_value to a Python list, once we've decoded it to a string.

from ast import literal_eval
import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

data = literal_eval(my_bytes_value.decode('utf8'))
print('- ' * 20)

s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Generally, this problem arises because someone has saved data by printing its Python repr instead of using the json module to create proper JSON data. If it's possible, it's better to fix that problem so that proper JSON data is created in the first place.

How to NodeJS require inside TypeScript file?

Typescript will always complain when it is unable to find a symbol. The compiler comes together with a set of default definitions for window, document and such specified in a file called lib.d.ts. If I do a grep for require in this file I can find no definition of a function require. Hence, we have to tell the compiler ourselves that this function will exist at runtime using the declare syntax:

declare function require(name:string);
var sampleModule = require('modulename');

On my system, this compiles just fine.

Angular 2 : No NgModule metadata found

If Nothing else works try following

if (environment.production) {
        // there is no need of this if block, angular internally creates following code structure when it sees --prod
        // but at the time of writting this code, else block was not working in the production mode and NgModule metadata
        // not found for AppModule error was coming at run time, added follow code to fix that, it can be removed probably 
        // when angular is upgraded to latest version or if it start working automatically. :)
        // we could also avoid else block but building without --prod saves time in building app locally.
    } else {

How to get the groups of a user in Active Directory? (c#,

In my case the only way I could keep using GetGroups() without any expcetion was adding the user (USER_WITH_PERMISSION) to the group which has permission to read the AD (Active Directory). It's extremely essential to construct the PrincipalContext passing this user and password.

var pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain, "USER_WITH_PERMISSION", "PASS");
var user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName);
var groups = user.GetGroups();

Steps you may follow inside Active Directory to get it working:

  1. Into Active Directory create a group (or take one) and under secutiry tab add "Windows Authorization Access Group"
  2. Click on "Advanced" button
  3. Select "Windows Authorization Access Group" and click on "View"
  4. Check "Read tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal"
  5. Locate the desired user and add to the group you created (taken) from the first step

Can you control how an SVG's stroke-width is drawn?

You can use CSS to style the order of stroke and fills. That is, stroke first and then fill second, and get the desired effect.

MDN on paint-order:

CSS code:

paint-order: stroke;

Defining an abstract class without any abstract methods

Yes, you can declare a class you cannot instantiate by itself with only methods that already have implementations. This would be useful if you wanted to add abstract methods in the future, or if you did not want the class to be directly instantiated even though it has no abstract properties.

jquery can't get data attribute value

Use plain javascript methods

$x10Device = this.dataset("x10");

Call to a member function on a non-object

It means that $objPage is not an instance of an object. Can we see the code you used to initialize the variable?

As you expect a specific object type, you can also make use of PHPs type-hinting featureDocs to get the error when your logic is violated:

function page_properties(PageAtrributes $objPortal) {    

This function will only accept PageAtrributes for the first parameter.

How to get start and end of day in Javascript?

If you're just interested in timestamps in GMT you can also do this, which can be conveniently adapted for different intervals (hour: 1000 * 60 * 60, 12 hours: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12, etc.)

const interval = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 24 hours in milliseconds

let startOfDay = Math.floor( / interval) * interval;
let endOfDay = startOfDay + interval - 1; // 23:59:59:9999

How do I compare version numbers in Python?

Use packaging.version.parse.

>>> from packaging import version
>>> version.parse("2.3.1") < version.parse("10.1.2")
>>> version.parse("1.3.a4") < version.parse("10.1.2")
>>> isinstance(version.parse("1.3.a4"), version.Version)
>>> isinstance(version.parse("1.3.xy123"), version.LegacyVersion)
>>> version.Version("1.3.xy123")
Traceback (most recent call last):
packaging.version.InvalidVersion: Invalid version: '1.3.xy123'

packaging.version.parse is a third-party utility but is used by setuptools (so you probably already have it installed) and is conformant to the current PEP 440; it will return a packaging.version.Version if the version is compliant and a packaging.version.LegacyVersion if not. The latter will always sort before valid versions.

Note: packaging has recently been vendored into setuptools.

An ancient alternative still used by a lot of software is distutils.version, built in but undocumented and conformant only to the superseded PEP 386;

>>> from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion
>>> LooseVersion("2.3.1") < LooseVersion("10.1.2")
>>> StrictVersion("2.3.1") < StrictVersion("10.1.2")
>>> StrictVersion("1.3.a4")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid version number '1.3.a4'

As you can see it sees valid PEP 440 versions as “not strict” and therefore doesn’t match modern Python’s notion of what a valid version is.

As distutils.version is undocumented, here's the relevant docstrings.

How to change facebook login button with my custom image

The method which you are using is rendering login button from the Facebook Javascript code. However, you can write your own Javascript code function to mimic the functionality. Here is how to do it -

  1. Create a simple anchor tag link with the image you want to show. Have a onclick method on anchor tag which would actually do the real job.
<a href="#" onclick="fb_login();"><img src="images/fb_login_awesome.jpg" border="0" alt=""></a>
  1. Next, we create the Javascript function which will show the actual popup and will fetch the complete user information, if user allows. We also handle the scenario if user disallows our facebook app.
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
        appId   : 'YOUR_APP_ID',
        oauth   : true,
        status  : true, // check login status
        cookie  : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
        xfbml   : true // parse XFBML


function fb_login(){
    FB.login(function(response) {

        if (response.authResponse) {
            console.log('Welcome!  Fetching your information.... ');
            //console.log(response); // dump complete info
            access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken; //get access token
            user_id = response.authResponse.userID; //get FB UID

            FB.api('/me', function(response) {
                user_email =; //get user email
          // you can store this data into your database             

        } else {
            //user hit cancel button
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');

    }, {
        scope: 'public_profile,email'
(function() {
    var e = document.createElement('script');
    e.src = document.location.protocol + '//';
    e.async = true;
  1. We are done.

Please note that the above function is fully tested and works. You just need to put your facebook APP ID and it will work.

Eclipse shows errors but I can't find them

Ensure you have Project | Build Automatically flagged. I ran into this issue too and turning that on fixed the problem.

Get current NSDate in timestamp format

If you'd like to call this method directly on an NSDate object and get the timestamp as a string in milliseconds without any decimal places, define this method as a category:

@implementation NSDate (MyExtensions)
- (NSString *)unixTimestampInMilliseconds
     return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.0f", [self timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000];

Convert any object to a byte[]

What you're looking for is serialization. There are several forms of serialization available for the .Net platform

Sass Nesting for :hover does not work

For concatenating selectors together when nesting, you need to use the parent selector (&):

.class {
    &:hover {

What causing this "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array"

int len = qs.Length % 4;
            if (len > 0) qs = qs.PadRight(qs.Length + (4 - len), '=');

where qs is any base64 encoded string

Multiple scenarios @RequestMapping produces JSON/XML together with Accept or ResponseEntity

I've preferred using the params filter for parameter-centric content-type.. I believe that should work in conjunction with the produces attribute.

public ResponseEntity<Person> getPerson(@PathVariable Integer id){
    Person person = personMapRepository.findPerson(id);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(person);
public ResponseEntity<Person> getPersonXML(@PathVariable Integer id){
    return GetPerson(id); // delegate

How do you easily create empty matrices javascript?

// initializing depending on i,j:_x000D_
var M=Array.from({length:9}, (_,i) => Array.from({length:9}, (_,j) => i+'x'+j))_x000D_
// Print it:_x000D_
// M.forEach(r => console.log(r))_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = `<pre>${ => r.join('\t')).join('\n')}</pre>`_x000D_
// JSON.stringify(M, null, 2) // bad for matrices

Beware that doing this below, is wrong:

// var M=Array(9).fill([]) // since arrays are sparse
// or Array(9).fill(Array(9).fill(0))// initialization

// M[4][4] = 1
// M[3][4] is now 1 too!

Because it creates the same reference of Array 9 times, so modifying an item modifies also items at the same index of other rows (since it's the same reference), so you need an additional call to .slice or .map on the rows to copy them (cf torazaburo's answer which fell in this trap)

note: It may look like this in the future, with slice-notation-literal proposal (stage 1)

const M = [...1:10].map(i => [...1:10].map(j => i+'x'+j))

Bash script to run php script

If you have PHP installed as a command line tool (try issuing php to the terminal and see if it works), your shebang (#!) line needs to look like this:


Put that at the top of your script, make it executable (chmod +x myscript.php), and make a Cron job to execute that script (same way you'd execute a bash script).

You can also use php myscript.php.

'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'

If you get an icon error when submitting an application from Xcode9, or if you cannot see app icon on your simulator as well as a device, just update your cocoapods to the latest version in your project. That issue is a bug in Xcode9 with cocoapods.

There's a new guideline for iPhoneX that can be seen here.

Here's a helpful website that creates an icon for iOS, Mac App and Android app.

You just need to drag and drop your 1024 x 1024 icon and the site will create all the icon sizes and send it to your email. Then follow the following method to set icons for iOS app.

After Apple launched iOS 8, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the app icon sizes and launch image sizes changed. Please visit my post for new sizes:

Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added?

Yes, you need to add a 120x120 high resolution icon. Now, if you want to target only iOS 7, you just need 76 x 76, 120 x 120 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. If you also want to target iOS 6, you’ll need 57 x 57, 72 x 72, 76 x 76, 114 x 114, 120 x 120, 144 x 144 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. Without counting Spotlight and Settings icon if you don’t want the OS to interpolate them!

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

As per the blog post New Metrics for iOS 7 App Icons.


As per Apple Guideline App-icon OR Icon and Image Sizes:

Icon dimensions (iOS 7 and later)

Enter image description here

Icon dimensions (iOS 6.1 and earlier)

Enter image description here

Create different sizes of the app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app icons in all four sizes.

For iPhone and iPod touch, both of these sizes are required:

  • 120 x 120 pixels

  • 60 x 60 pixels (standard resolution)

For iPad, both of these sizes are required:

  • 152 x 152

  • 76 x 76 pixels (standard resolution)

Now set this into Project:

  • Create a new icon with 120 pixels with high-resolution and 60 pixels as regular as above that the Apple documentation mentions and set the name. For example, icon-120.png and icon-152.png.

  • Put this icons into your project Resource folder and add this icon into the project:

Enter image description here

  • After this, click on ProjectName-Info.plist and find the icon files row. If you can't find it, then add it by clicking the (+) sign and select icon files and then set all icon images like below.

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

Now archive and distribute your project as we did for submission of the app binary into the App Store. I hope now you can submit your app without any icon issue.


Be careful to provide all the icons you need. Otherwise your app will not pass Apple validation. If you’ve received this kind of email:

Invalid Image - For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the PNG format.

- If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 57x57 pixels and 120x120 pixels.

- If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 72x72 pixels, 76x76 pixels and 152x152 pixels

Apple is now accepting applications that work on iOS 7 as well, so whatever the Deployment target 6.1 or earlier, but you also need to provide the iOS 7 icon sizes as I mention above (that the store is expecting).

Xcode 5 app icon Manage

If you are using xCode5 The first thing to update is the icons. Xcode 5 introduces Asset Catalogs to simply managing multiple copies of an image (such as for multiple resolutions). We’ll create one to manage both the Game’s icons, along with the Launch Images.

enter image description here

Now, click the Use Asset Catalog button. When confirming the migration, you’re also asked if you wish to migrate the Launch Images (which is iOS talk for the splash screen that appears when starting your app) - you’ll want to ensure this is checked as well.

enter image description here

Please take a Look for more Info Apple doc of Asset Catalogs

Run PostgreSQL queries from the command line

psql -U username -d mydatabase -c 'SELECT * FROM mytable'

If you're new to postgresql and unfamiliar with using the command line tool psql then there is some confusing behaviour you should be aware of when you've entered an interactive session.

For example, initiate an interactive session:

psql -U username mydatabase 

At this point you can enter a query directly but you must remember to terminate the query with a semicolon ;

For example:

mydatabase=# SELECT * FROM mytable;

If you forget the semicolon then when you hit enter you will get nothing on your return line because psql will be assuming that you have not finished entering your query. This can lead to all kinds of confusion. For example, if you re-enter the same query you will have most likely create a syntax error.

As an experiment, try typing any garble you want at the psql prompt then hit enter. psql will silently provide you with a new line. If you enter a semicolon on that new line and then hit enter, then you will receive the ERROR:

mydatabase=# asdfs 
mydatabase=# ;  
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "asdfs"
LINE 1: asdfs

The rule of thumb is: If you received no response from psql but you were expecting at least SOMETHING, then you forgot the semicolon ;

How to delete duplicates on a MySQL table?

delete p from 
product p
inner join (
    select max(id) as id, url from product 
    group by url 
    having count(*) > 1
) unik on unik.url = p.url and !=;

How to get error information when HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() fails

HttpWebRequest myHttprequest = null;
HttpWebResponse myHttpresponse = null;
myHttpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL);
myHttpRequest.Method = "POST";
myHttpRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
myHttpRequest.ContentLength = urinfo.Length;
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(myHttprequest.GetRequestStream());
myHttpresponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpRequest.GetResponse();
if (myHttpresponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
   //Perform necessary action based on response

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express permissions -- cannot create database or modify users

I followed the steps in killthrush's answer and to my surprise it did not work. Logging in as sa I could see my Windows domain user and had made them a sysadmin, but when I tried logging in with Windows auth I couldn't see my login under logins, couldn't create databases, etc. Then it hit me. That login was probably tied to another domain account with the same name (with some sort of internal/hidden ID that wasn't right). I had left this organization a while back and then came back months later. Instead of re-activating my old account (which they might have deleted) they created a new account with the same domain\username and a new internal ID. Using sa I deleted my old login, re-added it with the same name and added sysadmin. I logged back in with Windows Auth and everything looks as it should. I can now see my logins (and others) and can do whatever I need to do as a sysadmin using my Windows auth login.

TNS-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

I've just faced the same problem just after installed Oracle XE 11.2. After reading and consulting a DBA friend, I ran the following command:

C:\>tnsping xe

TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 11-ENE-2017 14:27:44

Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias

OK (30 msec)


As you can see, it takes long time to resolve, so I added an entry to hosts file as follows:       localhost

Once done, ran again the same command:

C:\>tnsping xe

TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 11-ENE-2
017 14:40:29

Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myLaptop)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SER
OK (30 msec)


As time response radically decreases, I tried my connection on sqldeveloper successfully.

connection succed

Rails find_or_create_by more than one attribute?

For anyone else who stumbles across this thread but needs to find or create an object with attributes that might change depending on the circumstances, add the following method to your model:

# Return the first object which matches the attributes hash
# - or -
# Create new object with the given attributes
def self.find_or_create(attributes)
  Model.where(attributes).first || Model.create(attributes)

Optimization tip: regardless of which solution you choose, consider adding indexes for the attributes you are querying most frequently.

How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications?

I had some issues that this didn't address in getting this environment set up on OSX. It had to do with the solution that I was maintaining having additional dependencies on some of the Google APIs. It wasn't enough to just download and install the items listed in the first response.

You have to download these.

  1. Run Terminal
  2. Navigate to the android/sdk directory
  3. Type "android" You will get a gui. Check the "Tools" directory and the latest Android API (at this time, it's 4.3 (API 18)).
  4. Click "Install xx packages" and go watch an episode of Breaking Bad or something. It'll take a while.
  5. Go back to IntelliJ and open the "Project Structure..." dialog (Cmd+;).
  6. In the left panel of the dialog, under "Project Settings," select Project. In the right panel, under "Project SDK," click "New..." > Android SDK and navigate to your android/sdk directory. Choose this and you will be presented with a dialog with which you can add the "Google APIs" build target. This is what I needed. You may need to do this more than once if you have multiple version targets.
  7. Now, under the left pane "Modules," with your project selected in the center pane, select the appropriate module under the "Dependencies" tab in the right pane.

How can I check if a date is the same day as

If you want to just compare dates, <

Or, obviously, ==

If you want to check that they're the same date.

The documentation is usually helpful. It is also usually the first google result for python thing_i_have_a_question_about. Unless your question is about a function/module named "snake".

Basically, the datetime module has three types for storing a point in time:

  • date for year, month, day of month
  • time for hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds, time zone info
  • datetime combines date and time. It has the methods date() and time() to get the corresponding date and time objects, and there's a handy combine function to combine date and time into a datetime.

Is there a query language for JSON?

jmespath works really quite easy and well, It is being used by Amazon in the AWS command line interface, so it´s got to be quite stable.

How can I convert string date to NSDate?

import Foundation

let now : String = "2014-07-16 03:03:34 PDT"
var date : NSDate
var dateFormatter : NSDateFormatter

date = dateFormatter.dateFromString(now)

date // $R6: __NSDate = 2014-07-16 03:03:34 PDT

What's the function like sum() but for multiplication? product()?


( or

reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,[3,4,5])


Is there a difference between "==" and "is"?

What's the difference between is and ==?

== and is are different comparison! As others already said:

  • == compares the values of the objects.
  • is compares the references of the objects.

In Python names refer to objects, for example in this case value1 and value2 refer to an int instance storing the value 1000:

value1 = 1000
value2 = value1

enter image description here

Because value2 refers to the same object is and == will give True:

>>> value1 == value2
>>> value1 is value2

In the following example the names value1 and value2 refer to different int instances, even if both store the same integer:

>>> value1 = 1000
>>> value2 = 1000

enter image description here

Because the same value (integer) is stored == will be True, that's why it's often called "value comparison". However is will return False because these are different objects:

>>> value1 == value2
>>> value1 is value2

When to use which?

Generally is is a much faster comparison. That's why CPython caches (or maybe reuses would be the better term) certain objects like small integers, some strings, etc. But this should be treated as implementation detail that could (even if unlikely) change at any point without warning.

You should only use is if you:

  • want to check if two objects are really the same object (not just the same "value"). One example can be if you use a singleton object as constant.

  • want to compare a value to a Python constant. The constants in Python are:

    • None
    • True1
    • False1
    • NotImplemented
    • Ellipsis
    • __debug__
    • classes (for example int is int or int is float)
    • there could be additional constants in built-in modules or 3rd party modules. For example from the NumPy module)

In every other case you should use == to check for equality.

Can I customize the behavior?

There is some aspect to == that hasn't been mentioned already in the other answers: It's part of Pythons "Data model". That means its behavior can be customized using the __eq__ method. For example:

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, val):
        self._value = val

    def __eq__(self, other):
        print('__eq__ method called')
            return self._value == other._value
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('Cannot compare {0} to objects of type {1}'
                            .format(type(self), type(other)))

This is just an artificial example to illustrate that the method is really called:

>>> MyClass(10) == MyClass(10)
__eq__ method called

Note that by default (if no other implementation of __eq__ can be found in the class or the superclasses) __eq__ uses is:

class AClass(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

>>> a = AClass(10)
>>> b = AClass(10)
>>> a == b
>>> a == a

So it's actually important to implement __eq__ if you want "more" than just reference-comparison for custom classes!

On the other hand you cannot customize is checks. It will always compare just if you have the same reference.

Will these comparisons always return a boolean?

Because __eq__ can be re-implemented or overridden, it's not limited to return True or False. It could return anything (but in most cases it should return a boolean!).

For example with NumPy arrays the == will return an array:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.arange(10) == 2
array([False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)

But is checks will always return True or False!

1 As Aaron Hall mentioned in the comments:

Generally you shouldn't do any is True or is False checks because one normally uses these "checks" in a context that implicitly converts the condition to a boolean (for example in an if statement). So doing the is True comparison and the implicit boolean cast is doing more work than just doing the boolean cast - and you limit yourself to booleans (which isn't considered pythonic).

Like PEP8 mentions:

Don't compare boolean values to True or False using ==.

Yes:   if greeting:
No:    if greeting == True:
Worse: if greeting is True:

How do I run a Python script from C#?

Execute Python script from C

Create a C# project and write the following code.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void run_cmd()

            string fileName = @"C:\";

            Process p = new Process();
            p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Python27\python.exe", fileName)
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                UseShellExecute = false,
                CreateNoWindow = true

            string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();




Python sample_script

print "Python C# Test"

You will see the 'Python C# Test' in the console of C#.

SASS and @font-face

For those looking for an SCSS mixin instead, including woff2:

@mixin fface($path, $family, $type: '', $weight: 400, $svg: '', $style: normal) {
  @font-face {
    font-family: $family;
    @if $svg == '' {
      // with OTF without SVG and EOT
      src: url('#{$path}#{$type}.otf') format('opentype'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.woff2') format('woff2'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.woff') format('woff'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.ttf') format('truetype');
    } @else {
      // traditional src inclusions
      src: url('#{$path}#{$type}.eot');
      src: url('#{$path}#{$type}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.woff2') format('woff2'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.woff') format('woff'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.ttf') format('truetype'), url('#{$path}#{$type}.svg##{$svg}') format('svg');
    font-weight: $weight;
    font-style: $style;
// ========================================================importing
$dir: '/assets/fonts/';
$famatic: 'AmaticSC';
@include fface('#{$dir}amatic-sc-v11-latin-regular', $famatic, '', 400, $famatic);

$finter: 'Inter';
// adding specific types of font-weights
@include fface('#{$dir}#{$finter}', $finter, '-Thin-BETA', 100);
@include fface('#{$dir}#{$finter}', $finter, '-Regular', 400);
@include fface('#{$dir}#{$finter}', $finter, '-Medium', 500);
@include fface('#{$dir}#{$finter}', $finter, '-Bold', 700);
// ========================================================usage
.title {
  font-family: Inter;
  font-weight: 700; // Inter-Bold font is loaded
.special-title {
  font-family: AmaticSC;
  font-weight: 700; // default font is loaded

The $type parameter is useful for stacking related families with different weights.

The @if is due to the need of supporting the Inter font (similar to Roboto), which has OTF but doesn't have SVG and EOT types at this time.

If you get a can't resolve error, remember to double check your fonts directory ($dir).

Excel VBA: AutoFill Multiple Cells with Formulas

Based on my Comment here is one way to get what you want done:

Start byt selecting any cell in your range and Press Ctrl + T

This will give you this pop up:

enter image description here

make sure the Where is your table text is correct and click ok you will now have:

enter image description here

Now If you add a column header in D it will automatically be added to the table all the way to the last row:

enter image description here

Now If you enter a formula into this column:

enter image description here

After you enter it, the formula will be auto filled all the way to last row:

enter image description here

Now if you add a new row at the next row under your table:

enter image description here

Once entered it will be resized to the width of your table and all columns with formulas will be added also:

enter image description here

Hope this solves your problem!

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

I use this work around although it may be "Off topic" - using mysql workbench and the query builder -

  1. Open the columns view
  2. Shift select all the columns you want in your query (in your case all but one which is what i do)
  3. Right click and select send to SQL Editor-> name short.
  4. Now you have the list and you can then copy paste the query to where ever.

enter image description here

Excel VBA Check if directory exists error

If Len(Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\YOUR_DIRECTORY", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
   MkDir ThisWorkbook.Path & "\YOUR_DIRECTORY"
End If

Restricting JTextField input to Integers

Here's one approach that uses a keylistener,but uses the keyChar (instead of the keyCode):

 keyText.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
      char c = e.getKeyChar();
      if (!((c >= '0') && (c <= '9') ||
         (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) ||
         (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE))) {

Another approach (which personally I find almost as over-complicated as Swing's JTree model) is to use Formatted Text Fields:

jQuery Mobile: Stick footer to bottom of page

The following lines work just fine...

var headerHeight = $( '#header' ).height();
var footerHeight = $( '#footer' ).height();
var footerTop = $( '#footer' ).offset().top;
var height = ( footerTop - ( headerHeight + footerHeight ) );
$( '#content' ).height( height );

running a command as a super user from a python script

Try giving the full path to apache2ctl.

Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?

GSON is a good option to convert java object to json object and vise versa.
It is a tool provided by google.

for converting json to java object use: fromJson(jsonObject,javaclassname.class)
for converting java object to json object use: toJson(javaObject)
and rest will be done automatically

For more information and for download

Python vs. Java performance (runtime speed)

Different languages do different things with different levels of efficiency.

The Benchmarks Game has a whole load of different programming problems implemented in a lot of different languages.

React Native: How to select the next TextInput after pressing the "next" keyboard button?

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, } from 'react';

const OTP = (props) => {

    const OTP = [];
    const ref_input = [];
    ref_input[0] = useRef();
    ref_input[1] = useRef();
    ref_input[2] = useRef();
    ref_input[3] = useRef();

    const focusNext = (text, index) => {
        if (index < ref_input.length - 1 && text) {
            ref_input[index + 1].current.focus();
        if (index == ref_input.length - 1) {
        OTP[index] = text;
    const focusPrev = (key, index) => {
        if (key === "Backspace" && index !== 0) {
            ref_input[index - 1].current.focus();

    return (
                    <ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
                        <View style={loginScreenStyle.titleWrap}>
                            <Title style={loginScreenStyle.titleHeading}>Verify OTP</Title>
                            <Subheading style={loginScreenStyle.subTitle}>Enter the 4 digit code sent to your mobile number</Subheading>
                        <View style={loginScreenStyle.inputContainer}>
                                onChangeText={text => focusNext(text, 0)}
                                onKeyPress={e => focusPrev(e.nativeEvent.key, 0)}
                                onChangeText={text => focusNext(text, 1)}
                                onKeyPress={e => focusPrev(e.nativeEvent.key, 1)}
                                onChangeText={text => focusNext(text, 2)}
                                onKeyPress={e => focusPrev(e.nativeEvent.key, 2)}
                                onChangeText={text => focusNext(text, 3)}
                                onKeyPress={e => focusPrev(e.nativeEvent.key, 3)}

        </SafeAreaView >

export default OTP;

Difference between checkout and export in SVN

svn export simply extracts all the files from a revision and does not allow revision control on it. It also does not litter each directory with .svn directories.

svn checkout allows you to use version control in the directory made, e.g. your standard commands such as svn update and svn commit.

mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead

Simply put, you need to rewrite all of your database connections and queries.

You are using mysql_* functions which are now deprecated and will be removed from PHP in the future. So you need to start using MySQLi or PDO instead, just as the error notice warned you.

A basic example of using PDO (without error handling):

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');
$result = $db->exec("INSERT INTO table(firstname, lastname) VAULES('John', 'Doe')");
$insertId = $db->lastInsertId();

A basic example of using MySQLi (without error handling):

$db = new mysqli($DBServer, $DBUser, $DBPass, $DBName);
$result = $db->query("INSERT INTO table(firstname, lastname) VAULES('John', 'Doe')");

Here's a handy little PDO tutorial to get you started. There are plenty of others, and ones about the PDO alternative, MySQLi.

How to include static library in makefile

The -L merely gives the path where to find the .a or .so file. What you're looking for is to add -lmine to the LIBS variable.

Make that -static -lmine to force it to pick the static library (in case both static and dynamic library exist).

Addition: Suppose the path to the file has been conveyed to the linker (or compiler driver) via -L you can also specifically tell it to link libfoo.a by giving -l:libfoo.a. Note that in this case the name includes the conventional lib-prefix. You can also give a full path this way. Sometimes this is the better method to "guide" the linker to the right location.

How to efficiently use try...catch blocks in PHP

    $tableAresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingWithTableA();
        throw new Exception('Problem with tableAresults');
    $tableBresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingElseWithTableB();
        throw new Exception('Problem with tableBresults');
} catch (Exception $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();

Node.js: Gzip compression?

Use gzip compression

Gzip compressing can greatly decrease the size of the response body and hence increase the speed of a web app. Use the compression middleware for gzip compression in your Express app. For example:

var compression = require('compression');
var express = require('express')
var app = express()

ActionBar text color

A nice solution is to user a SpannableStringBuilder and set the color that way. You can even use different colors on different parts of the string, add images etc.

Tested with the new support library.

See Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()?

How do I use the conditional operator (? :) in Ruby?

Easiest way:

param_a = 1
param_b = 2

result = param_a === param_b ? 'Same!' : 'Not same!'

since param_a is not equal to param_b then the result's value will be Not same!

What is the difference between pip and conda?

I may have found one further difference of a minor nature. I have my python environments under /usr rather than /home or whatever. In order to install to it, I would have to use sudo install pip. For me, the undesired side effect of sudo install pip was slightly different than what are widely reported elsewhere: after doing so, I had to run python with sudo in order to import any of the sudo-installed packages. I gave up on that and eventually found I could use sudo conda to install packages to an environment under /usr which then imported normally without needing sudo permission for python. I even used sudo conda to fix a broken pip rather than using sudo pip uninstall pip or sudo pip --upgrade install pip.

How do I make HttpURLConnection use a proxy?

Since java 1.5 you can also pass a instance to the openConnection(proxy) method:

//Proxy instance, proxy ip = with port 8080
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));
conn = new URL(urlString).openConnection(proxy);

If your proxy requires authentication it will give you response 407.

In this case you'll need the following code:

    Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator() {

        public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
            return (new PasswordAuthentication("user",

Understanding string reversal via slicing

It's using extended slicing - a string is a sequence in Python, and shares some methods with other sequences (namely lists and tuples). There are three parts to slicing - start, stop and step. All of them have default values - start defaults to 0, stop defaults to len(sequence), and step defaults to 1. By specifying [::-1] you're saying "all the elements in sequence a, starting from the beginning, to the end going backward one at a time.

This feature was introduced in Python 2.3.5, and you can read more in the What's New docs.

Iterating over and deleting from Hashtable in Java

So you know the key, value pair that you want to delete in advance? It's just much clearer to do this, then:

 for (K key: table.keySet()) {
    // do whatever you need to do with the rest of the keys

html form - make inputs appear on the same line

A more modern solution:

Using display: flex and flex-direction: row

form {_x000D_
  display: flex; /* 2. display flex to the rescue */_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
label, input {_x000D_
  display: block; /* 1. oh noes, my inputs are styled as block... */_x000D_
  <label for="name">Name</label>_x000D_
  <input type="text" id="name" />_x000D_
  <label for="address">Address</label>_x000D_
  <input type="text" id="address" />_x000D_
  <button type="submit">_x000D_

How to get overall CPU usage (e.g. 57%) on Linux

EDITED: I noticed that in another user's reply %idle was field 12 instead of field 11. The awk has been updated to account for the %idle field being variable.

This should get you the desired output:

mpstat | awk '$3 ~ /CPU/ { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /%idle/) field=i } } $3 ~ /all/ { print 100 - $field }'

If you want a simple integer rounding, you can use printf:

mpstat | awk '$3 ~ /CPU/ { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /%idle/) field=i } } $3 ~ /all/ { printf("%d%%",100 - $field) }'

Maven – Always download sources and javadocs

As @xecaps12 said, the simplest/efficient approach is to change your Maven settings file (~/.m2/settings.xml) but if it is a default settings for you, you can also set it like that


Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

The option -C works; just for clarification I'll post 2 examples:

  1. creation of a tarball without the full path: full path /home/testuser/workspace/project/application.war and what we want is just project/application.war so:

    tar -cvf output_filename.tar  -C /home/testuser/workspace project

    Note: there is a space between workspace and project; tar will replace full path with just project .

  2. extraction of tarball with changing the target path (default to ., i.e current directory)

    tar -xvf output_filename.tar -C /home/deploy/

    tar will extract tarball based on given path and preserving the creation path; in our example the file application.war will be extracted to /home/deploy/project/application.war.

    /home/deploy: given on extract
    project: given on creation of tarball

Note : if you want to place the created tarball in a target directory, you just add the target path before tarball name. e.g.:

tar -cvf /path/to/place/output_filename.tar  -C /home/testuser/workspace project

Android Animation Alpha

The "setStartOffset" should be smaller, else animation starts at view alpha 0.xf and waits for start offset before animating to 1f. Hope the following code helps.

AlphaAnimation animation1 = new AlphaAnimation(0.1f, 1f);





How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

because you have set index is 0 it shows always 1st value from combobox as input.

Try this :

With Me.ComboBox1
    .DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown
    .Text = " "
End With

How to do sed like text replace with python?

I wanted to be able to find and replace text but also include matched groups in the content I insert. I wrote this short script to do that:

The key component of that is something that looks like like this:

print(re.sub(pattern, template, text).rstrip("\n"))

Here's an example of how that works:

# Find everything that looks like 'dog' or 'cat' followed by a space and a number
pattern = "((cat|dog) (\d+))"

# Replace with 'turtle' and the number. '3' because the number is the 3rd matched group.
# The double '\' is needed because you need to escape '\' when running this in a python shell
template = "turtle \\3"

# The text to operate on
text = "cat 976 is my favorite"

Calling the above function with this yields:

turtle 976 is my favorite

cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

If you recently reached here as I did when searching for the same error in vain you may find it to be an update to NSS causing failure on CentOS. Test by running yum update and see if you get errors, curl also creates this error. Solution is simple enough just install NSS manually.

Read on...

If you're like me it threw up an error similar to this:

curl: (77) Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

This took some time to solve but found that it wasn't the CA cert because by recreating them and checking all the configuration I had ruled it out. It could have been libcurl so I went in search of updates.

As mentioned I recreated CA certs. You can do this also but it may be a waste of time.

The next step (probably should of been my first) was to check that everything was up-to-date by simply running yum.

$ yum update
$ yum upgrade

This gave me an affirmative answer that there was a bigger problem at play: Downloading Packages: error: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID c105b9de: BAD Problem opening package nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3–19.el6_6.x86_64.rpm I started reading about Certificate Verification with NSS and how this new update may be related to my problems. So yum is broken. This is because nss-softokn-* needs nss-softokn-freebl-* need each other to function. The problem is they don't check each others version for compatibility and in some cases it ends up breaking yum. Lets go fix things:

$ wget
$ rpm -Uvh nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3–19.el6_6.x86_64.rpm
$ yum update

You should of course download from your nearest mirror and check for the correct version / OS etc. We basically download and install the update from the rpm to fix yum. As @grumpysysadmin pointed out you can shorten the commands down. @cwgtex contributed that you should install the upgrade using the RPM command making the process even simplier.

To fix things with wordpress you need to restart your http server.

$ service httpd restart

Try again and success!

What is the difference between `` and `Enum.toString()`?

The main difference between name() and toString() is that name() is a final method, so it cannot be overridden. The toString() method returns the same value that name() does by default, but toString() can be overridden by subclasses of Enum.

Therefore, if you need the name of the field itself, use name(). If you need a string representation of the value of the field, use toString().

For instance:

public enum WeekDay {

    public String toString() {
        return name().charAt(0) + name().substring(1).toLowerCase();

In this example, returns "MONDAY", and WeekDay.MONDAY.toString() returns "Monday".

WeekDay.valueOf( returns WeekDay.MONDAY, but WeekDay.valueOf(WeekDay.MONDAY.toString()) throws an IllegalArgumentException.

MySQL dump by query

MySQL Workbench also has this feature neatly in the GUI. Simply run a query, click the save icon next to Export/Import:

enter image description here

Then choose "SQL INSERT statements (*.sql)" in the list.

enter image description here

Enter a name, click save, confirm the table name and you will have your dump file.

Jenkins/Hudson - accessing the current build number?

As per Jenkins Documentation,


is used. This number is identify how many times jenkins run this build process $BUILD_NUMBER is general syntax for it.

Run Java Code Online

Some new java online compiler and runner:

  1. Java Launch
  2. Srikanthdaggumalli

These sites are in under development. But you can view the compilation errors, Runtime Exceptions as well as output of a java program by clicking on the TryItYourself link.

Hide text using css

I don't recall where I picked this up, but have been using it successfully for ages.

    font: 0/0 a
    text-shadow: none
    color: transparent

My mixin is in sass however you can use it any way you see fit. For good measure I generally keep a .hidden class somewhere in my project to attach to elements to avoid duplication.

How to reset Android Studio

We can no longer reset android studio to it's default state by the answers/methods given in this question from android studio 3.2.0 Here is the updated new method to do it (It consumes less time as it does not require any update/installation).

For Windows/Mac

  1. Open my computer

  2. Go to C:\Users\Username\.android\build-cache

  3. Delete the cache/files found inside the folder build-cache

  4. Note: do not delete the folder named as "3.2.0" and "3.2.1" which will be inside the build-cache

  5. Restart Android studio.

and that would completely reset your android studio settings from Android studio 3.2.0 and up.

Does return stop a loop?

"return" does exit the function but if you want to return large sums of data, you can store it in an array and then return it instead of trying to returning each piece of data 1 by 1 in the loop.

Convert from List into IEnumerable format

IEnumerable<Book> _Book_IE;
List<Book> _Book_List;

If it's the generic variant:

_Book_IE = _Book_List;

If you want to convert to the non-generic one:

IEnumerable ie = (IEnumerable)_Book_List;

What are the main performance differences between varchar and nvarchar SQL Server data types?

Generally speaking; Start out with the most expensive datatype that has the least constraints. Put it in production. If performance starts to be an issue, find out what's actually being stored in those nvarchar columns. Is there any characters in there that wouldn't fit into varchar? If not, switch to varchar. Don't try to pre-optimize before you know where the pain is. My guess is that the choice between nvarchar/varchar is not what's going to slow down your application in the foreseable future. There will be other parts of the application where performance tuning will give you much more bang for the bucks.

Access a URL and read Data with R

scan can read from a web page automatically; you don't necessarily have to mess with connections.

How to stick a footer to bottom in css?

Assuming you know the size of your footer, you can do this:

    footer {
        position: sticky;
        height: 100px;
        top: calc( 100vh - 100px );

ASP.NET Forms Authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired

AS Scott mentioned here After windows installed security update for .net framework, you will meet this problem. just modify the configuration section in your web.config file and switch to a different cookie name.

Best Way to read rss feed in .net Using C#

Update: This supports only with UWP - Windows Community Toolkit

There is a much easier way now. You can use the RssParser class. The sample code is given below.

public async void ParseRSS()
    string feed = null;

    using (var client = new HttpClient())
            feed = await client.GetStringAsync("");
        catch { }

    if (feed != null)
        var parser = new RssParser();
        var rss = parser.Parse(feed);

        foreach (var element in rss)
            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {element.Title}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Summary: {element.Summary}");

For non-UWP use the Syndication from the namespace System.ServiceModel.Syndication as others suggested.

public static IEnumerable <FeedItem> GetLatestFivePosts() {
    var reader = XmlReader.Create("");
    var feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
    return (from itm in feed.Items select new FeedItem {
        Title = itm.Title.Text, Link = itm.Id

public class FeedItem {
    public string Title {
    public string Link {

How do I programmatically set the value of a select box element using JavaScript?

I'm afraid I'm unable to test this at the moment, but in the past, I believe I had to give each option tag an ID, and then I did something like:


If that doesn't work, maybe it'll get you closer to a solution :P

How to change int into int64?

This is probably obvious, but simplest:

i64 := int64(23)

Reset IntelliJ UI to Default

You can delete IDEA configuration directory to reset everything to the defaults. If you want to reset the editor Colors&Fonts, then just switch the scheme to Default.

How to initialize a list of strings (List<string>) with many string values

This is how you initialize and also you can use List.Add() in case you want to make it more dynamic.

List<string> optionList = new List<string> {"AdditionalCardPersonAdressType"};

In this way, if you are taking values in from IO, you can add it to a dynamically allocated list.

Return array from function

Your BlockID function uses the undefined variable images, which will lead to an error. Also, you should not use an Array here - JavaScripts key-value-maps are plain objects:

function BlockID() {
    return {
        "s": "Images/Block_01.png",
        "g": "Images/Block_02.png",
        "C": "Images/Block_03.png",
        "d": "Images/Block_04.png"

How to get the children of the $(this) selector?

If your DIV tag is immediately followed by the IMG tag, you can also use:


What does \u003C mean?

Those are unicode escapes. The general unicode escapes looks like \uxxxx where xxxx are the hexadecimal digits of the ASCI characters. They are used mainly to insert special characters inside a javascript string.

Can you install and run apps built on the .NET framework on a Mac?

  • .NET Core will install and run on macOS - and just about any other desktop OS.
    IDEs are available for the mac, including:

  • Mono is a good option that I've used in the past. But with Core 3.0 out now, I would go that route.

grep --ignore-case --only

It should be a problem in your version of grep.

Your test cases are working correctly here on my machine:

$ echo "abc" | grep -io abc
$ echo "ABC" | grep -io abc

And my version is:

$ grep --version
grep (GNU grep) 2.10

How to increment a datetime by one day?

This was a straightforward solution for me:

from datetime import timedelta, datetime

today ="%Y-%m-%d")
tomorrow = + timedelta(1)

Convert hexadecimal string (hex) to a binary string


Parse hex(String) to integer with base 16 then convert it to Binary String using toBinaryString(int) method


int num = (Integer.parseInt("A2B", 16));

Will Print


Max Hex vakue Handled by int is FFFFFFF

i.e. if FFFFFFF0 is passed ti will give error

Loop through an array in JavaScript

The best way in my opinion is to use the Array.forEach function. If you cannot use that I would suggest to get the polyfill from MDN. To make it available, it is certainly the safest way to iterate over an array in JavaScript.


So as others has suggested, this is almost always what you want:

var numbers = [1,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,111];
var sum = 0;
  sum += n;

This ensures that anything you need in the scope of processing the array stays within that scope, and that you are only processing the values of the array, not the object properties and other members, which is what for .. in does.

Using a regular C-style for loop works in most cases. It is just important to remember that everything within the loop shares its scope with the rest of your program, the { } does not create a new scope.


var sum = 0;
var numbers = [1,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,111];

for(var i = 0; i<numbers.length; ++i){
  sum += numbers[i];


will output "11" - which may or may not be what you want.

A working jsFiddle example:

Environ Function code samples for VBA

As alluded to by Eric, you can use environ with ComputerName argument like so:

MsgBox Environ("USERNAME")

Some additional information that might be helpful for you to know:

  1. The arguments are not case sensitive.
  2. There is a slightly faster performing string version of the Environ function. To invoke it, use a dollar sign. (Ex: Environ$("username")) This will net you a small performance gain.
  3. You can retrieve all System Environment Variables using this function. (Not just username.) A common use is to get the "ComputerName" value to see which computer the user is logging onto from.
  4. I don't recommend it for most situations, but it can be occasionally useful to know that you can also access the variables with an index. If you use this syntax the the name of argument and the value are returned. In this way you can enumerate all available variables. Valid values are 1 - 255.
    Sub EnumSEVars()
        Dim strVar As String
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To 255
            strVar = Environ$(i)
            If LenB(strVar) = 0& Then Exit For
            Debug.Print strVar
    End Sub

Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?

Yes. I've been able to do this by setting the HttpGet/HttpPost (or equivalent AcceptVerbs attribute) for each controller method to something distinct, i.e., HttpGet or HttpPost, but not both. That way it can tell based on the type of request which method to use.

public ActionResult Show()

public ActionResult Show( string userName )

One suggestion I have is that, for a case like this, would be to have a private implementation that both of your public Action methods rely on to avoid duplicating code.

Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution)

I think your best bet is going to be to convert those lists into something parcelable such as a string (or map?) to get it to the Activity. Then the Activity will have to convert it back to an array.

Implementing custom parcelables is a pain in the neck IMHO so I would avoid it if possible.

Reason: no suitable image found

I have this problem before for accidentally revoked my certificate. Then all my swift projects have this problem. There are two ways to solve this:

Click on Product → Clean (or CMD + Shift + K)

Or by manually cleaning the Xcode setting files:

rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/

T-SQL How to select only Second row from a table?

I'm guessing you're using SQL 2005 or greater. The 2nd line selects the top 2 rows and by using ORDER BY ROW_COUNT DESC, the 2nd row is arranged as being first, then it is selected using TOP 1

from (
  FROM Table

No module named _sqlite3

Is the python-pysqlite2 package installed?

sudo apt-get install python-pysqlite2

How can I edit a view using phpMyAdmin 3.2.4?

try running SHOW CREATE VIEW my_view_name in the sql portion of phpmyadmin and you will have a better idea of what is inside the view

How to change css property using javascript

Use document.getElementsByClassName('className').style = your_style.

var d = document.getElementsByClassName("left1");
d.className = d.className + " otherclass";

Use single quotes for JS strings contained within an html attribute's double quotes


<div class="somelclass"></div>

then document.getElementsByClassName('someclass').style = "NewclassName";

<div class='someclass'></div>

then document.getElementsByClassName("someclass").style = "NewclassName";

This is personal experience.

How to link an image and target a new window

<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img width="220" height="250" border="0" align="center"  src=""/>

How to read a text file directly from Internet using Java?

Use an URL instead of File for any access that is not on your local computer.

URL url = new URL("");
Scanner s = new Scanner(url.openStream());

Actually, URL is even more generally useful, also for local access (use a file: URL), jar files, and about everything that one can retrieve somehow.

The way above interprets the file in your platforms default encoding. If you want to use the encoding indicated by the server instead, you have to use a URLConnection and parse it's content type, like indicated in the answers to this question.

About your Error, make sure your file compiles without any errors - you need to handle the exceptions. Click the red messages given by your IDE, it should show you a recommendation how to fix it. Do not start a program which does not compile (even if the IDE allows this).

Here with some sample exception-handling:

try {
   URL url = new URL("");
   Scanner s = new Scanner(url.openStream());
   // read from your scanner
catch(IOException ex) {
   // there was some connection problem, or the file did not exist on the server,
   // or your URL was not in the right format.
   // think about what to do now, and put it here.
   ex.printStackTrace(); // for now, simply output it.

How to Update Date and Time of Raspberry Pi With out Internet

Thanks for the replies.
What I did was,
1. I install meinberg ntp software application on windows 7 pc. (softros ntp server is also possible.)
2. change raspberry pi ntp.conf file (for auto update date and time)

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

3. If you want to make sure that date and time update at startup run this python script in rpi,

import os

    client = ntplib.NTPClient()
    response = client.request('', version=4)
    print "===================================="
    print "Offset : "+str(response.offset)
    print "Version : "+str(response.version)
    print "Date Time : "+str(ctime(response.tx_time))
    print "Leap : "+str(ntplib.leap_to_text(response.leap))
    print "Root Delay : "+str(response.root_delay)
    print "Ref Id : "+str(ntplib.ref_id_to_text(response.ref_id))
    os.system("sudo date -s '"+str(ctime(response.tx_time))+"'")
    print "===================================="
    os.system("sudo date")
    print "NTP Server Down Date Time NOT Set At The Startup"

I found more info in raspberry pi forum.


KISS answer



the system will try to re-create your service after it is killed


the system will not try to re-create your service after it is killed

Standard example:

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    return START_STICKY;

Select Multiple Fields from List in Linq

var result = listObject.Select( i => new{ i.category_name, i.category_id } )

This uses anonymous types so you must the var keyword, since the resulting type of the expression is not known in advance.

reCAPTCHA ERROR: Invalid domain for site key

No need to create a new key just clear site data on browser

If you change your site domain then add that domain to existing key (it's not necessary to a create new one) and save it.

but google recapture has some data on browser. Clear them then it will work with your new domain enter image description here

jquery live hover

jQuery 1.4.1 now supports "hover" for live() events, but only with one event handler function:

$("table tr").live("hover",

function () {


Alternatively, you can provide two functions, one for mouseenter and one for mouseleave:

$("table tr").live({
    mouseenter: function () {

    mouseleave: function () {


Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

I found a way to find out how your provisioning profile is named. Select the profile that you want in the code sign section in the build settings, then open the selection view again and click on "other" at the bottom. Then occur a view with the naming of the current selected provisioning profile.

You can now find the profile file on the path:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles


For Terminal:

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

Why use the params keyword?

Another example

public IEnumerable<string> Tokenize(params string[] words)

var items = Tokenize(product.Name, product.FullName, product.Xyz)

Creating random colour in Java?

You seem to want light random colors. Not sure what you mean exactly with light. But if you want random 'rainbow colors', try this

Random r = new Random();
Color c = Color.getHSBColor(r.nextFloat(),//random hue, color
                1.0,//full saturation, 1.0 for 'colorful' colors, 0.0 for grey
                1.0 //1.0 for bright, 0.0 for black

Search for HSB color model for more information.

How to install popper.js with Bootstrap 4?

I have the same problem while learning Node.js Here is my solution for it to install jquery

npm install [email protected] --save
npm install popper.js@^1.12.9 --save

Why doesn't JavaScript have a last method?

pop() method will pop the last value out. But the problem is that you will lose the last value in the array

T-SQL and the WHERE LIKE %Parameter% clause

It should be:

WHERE LastName LIKE '%' + @LastName + '%';

Instead of:

WHERE LastName LIKE '%@LastName%'

How to use System.Net.HttpClient to post a complex type?

The generic HttpRequestMessage<T> has been removed. This :

new HttpRequestMessage<Widget>(widget)

will no longer work.

Instead, from this post, the ASP.NET team has included some new calls to support this functionality:

HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<T>(T value) sends “application/json”
HttpClient.PostAsXmlAsync<T>(T value) sends “application/xml”

So, the new code (from dunston) becomes:

Widget widget = new Widget()
widget.Name = "test"
widget.Price = 1;

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:44268");
client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/test", widget)
    .ContinueWith((postTask) => postTask.Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() );

How do I measure time elapsed in Java?

I built a formatting function based on stuff I stole off SO. I needed a way of "profiling" stuff in log messages, so I needed a fixed length duration message.

public static String GetElapsed(long aInitialTime, long aEndTime, boolean aIncludeMillis)
  StringBuffer elapsed = new StringBuffer();

  Map<String, Long> units = new HashMap<String, Long>();

  long milliseconds = aEndTime - aInitialTime;

  long seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
  long minutes = milliseconds / (60 * 1000);
  long hours = milliseconds / (60 * 60 * 1000);
  long days = milliseconds / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

  units.put("milliseconds", milliseconds);
  units.put("seconds", seconds);
  units.put("minutes", minutes);
  units.put("hours", hours);
  units.put("days", days);

  if (days > 0)
    long leftoverHours = hours % 24;
    units.put("hours", leftoverHours);

  if (hours > 0)
    long leftoeverMinutes = minutes % 60;
    units.put("minutes", leftoeverMinutes);

  if (minutes > 0)
    long leftoverSeconds = seconds % 60;
    units.put("seconds", leftoverSeconds);

  if (seconds > 0)
    long leftoverMilliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;
    units.put("milliseconds", leftoverMilliseconds);

  elapsed.append(PrependZeroIfNeeded(units.get("days")) + " days ")
      .append(PrependZeroIfNeeded(units.get("hours")) + " hours ")
      .append(PrependZeroIfNeeded(units.get("minutes")) + " minutes ")
      .append(PrependZeroIfNeeded(units.get("seconds")) + " seconds ")
      .append(PrependZeroIfNeeded(units.get("milliseconds")) + " ms");

  return elapsed.toString();


private static String PrependZeroIfNeeded(long aValue)
  return aValue < 10 ? "0" + aValue : Long.toString(aValue);

And a test class:

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class TimeUtilsTest extends TestCase

  public void testGetElapsed()
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar) Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.setTime(new Date(start));

    calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 610);
    calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 35);
    calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
    calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 5);

    long end = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

    assertEquals("05 days 00 hours 05 minutes 35 seconds 610 ms", TimeUtils.GetElapsed(start, end, true));



How to use python numpy.savetxt to write strings and float number to an ASCII file?

The currently accepted answer does not actually address the question, which asks how to save lists that contain both strings and float numbers. For completeness I provide a fully working example, which is based, with some modifications, on the link given in @joris comment.

import numpy as np

names  = np.array(['NAME_1', 'NAME_2', 'NAME_3'])
floats = np.array([ 0.1234 ,  0.5678 ,  0.9123 ])

ab = np.zeros(names.size, dtype=[('var1', 'U6'), ('var2', float)])
ab['var1'] = names
ab['var2'] = floats

np.savetxt('test.txt', ab, fmt="%10s %10.3f")

Update: This example also works properly in Python 3 by using the 'U6' Unicode string dtype, when creating the ab structured array, instead of the 'S6' byte string. The latter dtype would work in Python 2.7, but would write strings like b'NAME_1' in Python 3.

How do I force files to open in the browser instead of downloading (PDF)?

While the following works well on firefox, it DOES NOT work on chrome and mobile browsers.

Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filename.pdf"

To fix the chrome & mobile browsers error, do the following:

  • Store your files on a directory in your project
  • Use the google PDF Viewer

Google PDF Viewer can be used as so:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Path to MSBuild

Poking around the registry, it looks like


may be what you're after; fire up regedit.exe and have a look.

Query via command line (per Nikolay Botev)

reg.exe query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0" /v MSBuildToolsPath

Query via PowerShell (per MovGP0)

dir HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\

javascript create array from for loop

Remove obj and just do this inside your for loop:


Also, the i < yearEnd condition will not include the final year, so change it to i <= yearEnd.

Odd behavior when Java converts int to byte?

Conceptually, repeated subtractions of 256 are made to your number, until it is in the range -128 to +127. So in your case, you start with 132, then end up with -124 in one step.

Computationally, this corresponds to extracting the 8 least significant bits from your original number. (And note that the most significant bit of these 8 becomes the sign bit.)

Note that in other languages this behaviour is not defined (e.g. C and C++).

Get an array of list element contents in jQuery

And in clean javascript:

var texts = [], lis = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
for(var i=0, im=lis.length; im>i; i++)


Initialize a Map containing arrays

Per Mozilla's Map documentation, you can initialize as follows:

private _gridOptions:Map<string, Array<string>> = 
    new Map([
        ["1", ["test"]],
        ["2", ["test2"]]

Can I stretch text using CSS?

Yes, you can actually with CSS 2D Transforms. This is supported in almost all modern browsers, including IE9+. Here's an example.

Actual HTML/CSS Stretch Example


<p>I feel like <span class="stretch">stretching</span>.</p>


span.stretch {
    -webkit-transform:scale(2,1); /* Safari and Chrome */
    -moz-transform:scale(2,1); /* Firefox */
    -ms-transform:scale(2,1); /* IE 9 */
    -o-transform:scale(2,1); /* Opera */
    transform:scale(2,1); /* W3C */

TIP: You may need to add margin to your stretched text to prevent text collisions.

TypeScript: Property does not exist on type '{}'

You can assign the any type to the object:

let bar: any = {}; = "foobar"; 

How do I open the "front camera" on the Android platform?

private Camera openFrontFacingCameraGingerbread() {
    int cameraCount = 0;
    Camera cam = null;
    Camera.CameraInfo cameraInfo = new Camera.CameraInfo();
    cameraCount = Camera.getNumberOfCameras();
    for (int camIdx = 0; camIdx < cameraCount; camIdx++) {
        Camera.getCameraInfo(camIdx, cameraInfo);
        if (cameraInfo.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) {
            try {
                cam =;
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Camera failed to open: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

    return cam;

Add the following permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />

Note: This feature is available in Gingerbread(2.3) and Up Android Version.

How to create an ArrayList from an Array in PowerShell?

I can't get that constructor to work either. This however seems to work:

# $temp = Get-ResourceFiles
$resourceFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null)

You can also pass an integer in the constructor to set an initial capacity.

What do you mean when you say you want to enumerate the files? Why can't you just filter the wanted values into a fresh array?


It seems that you can use the array constructor like this:

$resourceFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList(,$someArray)

Note the comma. I believe what is happening is that when you call a .NET method, you always pass parameters as an array. PowerShell unpacks that array and passes it to the method as separate parameters. In this case, we don't want PowerShell to unpack the array; we want to pass the array as a single unit. Now, the comma operator creates arrays. So PowerShell unpacks the array, then we create the array again with the comma operator. I think that is what is going on.

How do I Search/Find and Replace in a standard string?

#include <string>

using std::string;

void myReplace(string& str,
               const string& oldStr,
               const string& newStr) {
  if (oldStr.empty()) {

  for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = str.find(oldStr, pos)) != string::npos;) {
    str.replace(pos, oldStr.length(), newStr);
    pos += newStr.length();

The check for oldStr being empty is important. If for whatever reason that parameter is empty you will get stuck in an infinite loop.

But yeah use the tried and tested C++11 or Boost solution if you can.

new DateTime() vs default(DateTime)

The answer is no. Keep in mind that in both cases, mdDate.Kind = DateTimeKind.Unspecified.

Therefore it may be better to do the following:

DateTime myDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

The myDate.Kind property is readonly, so it cannot be changed after the constructor is called.

I have Python on my Ubuntu system, but gcc can't find Python.h

You need the python-dev package which contains Python.h

Implement Validation for WPF TextBoxes

When I needed to do this, I followed Microsoft's example using Binding.ValidationRules and it worked first time.

See their article, How to: Implement Binding Validation:

How to stop an app on Heroku?

To add to the answers above: if you want to stop Dyno using admin panel, the current solution on free tier:

  1. Open App
  2. In Overview tab, in "Dyno formation" section click on "Configure Dynos"
  3. In the needed row of "Free Dynos" section, click on the pencil icon on the right
  4. Click on the blue on/off control, and then click on "Confirm"

Hope this helps.

Most common C# bitwise operations on enums

The idiom is to use the bitwise or-equal operator to set bits:

flags |= 0x04;

To clear a bit, the idiom is to use bitwise and with negation:

flags &= ~0x04;

Sometimes you have an offset that identifies your bit, and then the idiom is to use these combined with left-shift:

flags |= 1 << offset;
flags &= ~(1 << offset);

Print array without brackets and commas

Basically, don't use ArrayList.toString() - build the string up for yourself. For example:

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String value : publicArray) {
String text = builder.toString();

(Personally I wouldn't call the variable publicArray when it's not actually an array, by the way.)

Virtualbox shared folder permissions

sudo adduser xxxxxxx vboxsf

where xxxxxx is your user account name. Log out and log back in to Ubuntu.

UIView's frame, bounds, center, origin, when to use what?

Marco's answer above is correct, but just to expand on the question of "under what context"...

frame - this is the property you most often use for normal iPhone applications. most controls will be laid out relative to the "containing" control so the frame.origin will directly correspond to where the control needs to display, and frame.size will determine how big to make the control.

center - this is the property you will likely focus on for sprite based games and animations where movement or scaling may occur. By default animation and rotation will be based on the center of the UIView. It rarely makes sense to try and manage such objects by the frame property.

bounds - this property is not a positioning property, but defines the drawable area of the UIView "relative" to the frame. By default this property is usually (0, 0, width, height). Changing this property will allow you to draw outside of the frame or restrict drawing to a smaller area within the frame. A good discussion of this can be found at the link below. It is uncommon for this property to be manipulated unless there is specific need to adjust the drawing region. The only exception is that most programs will use the [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] on startup to determine the visible area for the application and setup their initial UIView's frame accordingly.

Why is there an frame rectangle and an bounds rectangle in an UIView?

Hopefully this helps clarify the circumstances where each property might get used.

How to generate a random string in Ruby""){|r|r<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]}  # 57
(1..8).inject(""){|r|r<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]}        # 51
e="";8.times{e<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]};e              # 45
(1..8).map{('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]}.join                # 43
(1..8).map{rand(49..122).chr}.join                         # 34

Python dictionary get multiple values

You can use At from pydash:

from pydash import at
dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
list = at(dict, 'a', 'b')
list == [1, 2]

What does an exclamation mark mean in the Swift language?

To put it simply, exclamation marks mean an optional is being unwrapped. An optional is a variable that can have a value or not -- so you can check if the variable is empty, using an if let statement as shown here, and then force unwrap it. If you force unwrap an optional that is empty though, your program will crash, so be careful! Optionals are declared by putting a question mark at the end of an explicit assignment to a variable, for example I could write:

var optionalExample: String?

This variable has no value. If I were to unwrap it, the program would crash and Xcode would tell you you tried to unwrap an optional with a value of nil.

Hope that helped.

Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox?

Why does it work in Chrome and not Firefox?

The W3 spec for CORS preflight requests clearly states that user credentials should be excluded. There is a bug in Chrome and WebKit where OPTIONS requests returning a status of 401 still send the subsequent request.

Firefox has a related bug filed that ends with a link to the W3 public webapps mailing list asking for the CORS spec to be changed to allow authentication headers to be sent on the OPTIONS request at the benefit of IIS users. Basically, they are waiting for those servers to be obsoleted.

How can I get the OPTIONS request to send and respond consistently?

Simply have the server (API in this example) respond to OPTIONS requests without requiring authentication.

Kinvey did a good job expanding on this while also linking to an issue of the Twitter API outlining the catch-22 problem of this exact scenario interestingly a couple weeks before any of the browser issues were filed.

Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found

As per documentation:

Run this command to reload the daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

After this you need to restart the mongod service:

sudo systemctl start mongod

To verify that MongoDB has started, run:

sudo systemctl status mongod

To ensure that MongoDB will start following a system reboot, run:

sudo systemctl enable mongod

Remove HTML tags from a String

If you're writing for Android you can do this...

android.text.HtmlCompat.fromHtml(instruction, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY).toString()

How to connect to MySQL Database?

Install Oracle's MySql.Data NuGet package.

using MySql.Data;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace Data
    public class DBConnection
        private DBConnection()

        public string Server { get; set; }
        public string DatabaseName { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }

        private MySqlConnection Connection { get; set;}

        private static DBConnection _instance = null;
        public static DBConnection Instance()
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = new DBConnection();
           return _instance;
        public bool IsConnect()
            if (Connection == null)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseName))
                    return false;
                string connstring = string.Format("Server={0}; database={1}; UID={2}; password={3}", Server, DatabaseName, UserName, Password);
                Connection = new MySqlConnection(connstring);
            return true;
        public void Close()


var dbCon = DBConnection.Instance();
dbCon.Server = "YourServer";
dbCon.DatabaseName = "YourDatabase";
dbCon.UserName = "YourUsername";
dbCon.Password = "YourPassword";
if (dbCon.IsConnect())
    //suppose col0 and col1 are defined as VARCHAR in the DB
    string query = "SELECT col0,col1 FROM YourTable";
    var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, dbCon.Connection);
    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        string someStringFromColumnZero = reader.GetString(0);
        string someStringFromColumnOne = reader.GetString(1);
        Console.WriteLine(someStringFromColumnZero + "," + someStringFromColumnOne);

Stash just a single file

Just in case you actually mean 'discard changes' whenever you use 'git stash' (and don't really use git stash to stash it temporarily), in that case you can use

git checkout -- <file>

Note that git stash is just a quicker and simple alternative to branching and doing stuff.

Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?

.cmd and .bat file execution is different because in a .cmd errorlevel variable it can change on a command that is affected by command extensions. That's about it really.

Get difference between two dates in months using Java

You can try this:

Calendar sDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar eDate = Calendar.getInstance();
int difInMonths = sDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) - eDate.get(Calendar.MONTH);

I think this should work. I used something similar for my project and it worked for what I needed (year diff). You get a Calendar from a Date and just get the month's diff.

Passing an array as parameter in JavaScript

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. This means that you never need to declare the type of a function argument (or any other variable). So, your code will work as long as arrayP is an array and contains elements with a value property.

Check if a string contains a substring in SQL Server 2005, using a stored procedure

You can just use wildcards in the predicate (after IF, WHERE or ON):

@mainstring LIKE '%' + @substring + '%'

or in this specific case

' ' + @mainstring + ' ' LIKE '% ME[., ]%'

(Put the spaces in the quoted string if you're looking for the whole word, or leave them out if ME can be part of a bigger word).

Can you write nested functions in JavaScript?

Yes, it is possible to write and call a function nested in another function.

Try this:

function A(){
   B(); //call should be B();
   function B(){


Apple Mach-O Linker Error when compiling for device

My fix for my same problem: Adding the "other linker flags" in "Project" and not in "Targets". So, I moved it to "Targets", it shouldn't be in "Project".

How to fix 'Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents'

Right click on the file with file explorer, choose Properties, then General tab and click on the Unblock button. This error message is very misleading.

Regex, every non-alphanumeric character except white space or colon

This regex works for C#, PCRE and Go to name a few.

It doesn't work for JavaScript on Chrome from what RegexBuddy says. But there's already an example for that here.

This main part of this is:


which represents \p{L} or \p{Letter} any kind of letter from any language.`

The full regex itself: [^\w\d\s:\p{L}]


ImportError: No module named dateutil.parser

If you are using Pipenv, you may need to add this to your Pipfile:

python-dateutil = "*"

How do I pass named parameters with Invoke-Command?

-ArgumentList is based on use with scriptblock commands, like:

Invoke-Command -Cn (gc Servers.txt) {param($Debug=$False, $Clear=$False) C:\Scripts\ArchiveEventLogs\ver5\ArchiveEventLogs.ps1 } -ArgumentList $False,$True

When you call it with a -File it still passes the parameters like a dumb splatted array. I've submitted a feature request to have that added to the command (please vote that up).

So, you have two options:

If you have a script that looked like this, in a network location accessible from the remote machine (note that -Debug is implied because when I use the Parameter attribute, the script gets CmdletBinding implicitly, and thus, all of the common parameters):


"The test is for '$one' and '$two' ... and we $(if($DebugPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue'){"will"}else{"won't"}) run in debug mode, and we $(if($Clear){"will"}else{"won't"}) clear the logs after."

Without getting hung up on the meaning of $Clear ... if you wanted to invoke that you could use either of the following Invoke-Command syntaxes:

icm -cn (gc Servers.txt) { 
    C:\Scripts\ArchiveEventLogs\ver5\ArchiveEventLogs.ps1 @PSBoundParameters
} -ArgumentList "uno", "dos", $false, $true

In that one, I'm duplicating ALL the parameters I care about in the scriptblock so I can pass values. If I can hard-code them (which is what I actually did), there's no need to do that and use PSBoundParameters, I can just pass the ones I need to. In the second example below I'm going to pass the $Clear one, just to demonstrate how to pass switch parameters:

icm -cn $Env:ComputerName { 
    C:\Scripts\ArchiveEventLogs\ver5\ArchiveEventLogs.ps1 "uno" "dos" -Debug -Clear:$Clear
} -ArgumentList $(Test-Path $Profile)

The other option

If the script is on your local machine, and you don't want to change the parameters to be positional, or you want to specify parameters that are common parameters (so you can't control them) you will want to get the content of that script and embed it in your scriptblock:

$script = [scriptblock]::create( @"
&{ $(Get-Content C:\Scripts\ArchiveEventLogs\ver5\ArchiveEventLogs.ps1 -delimiter ([char]0)) } @PSBoundParameters
"@ )

Invoke-Command -Script $script -Args "uno", "dos", $false, $true


If you really need to pass in a variable for the script name, what you'd do will depend on whether the variable is defined locally or remotely. In general, if you have a variable $Script or an environment variable $Env:Script with the name of a script, you can execute it with the call operator (&): &$Script or &$Env:Script

If it's an environment variable that's already defined on the remote computer, that's all there is to it. If it's a local variable, then you'll have to pass it to the remote script block:

Invoke-Command -cn $Env:ComputerName { 
    param([String]$Script, [bool]$Clear)
    & $ScriptPath "uno" "dos" -Debug -Clear:$Clear
} -ArgumentList $ScriptPath, (Test-Path $Profile)

How to check that an element is in a std::set?

I was able to write a general contains function for std::list and std::vector,

template<typename T>
bool contains( const list<T>& container, const T& elt )
  return find( container.begin(), container.end(), elt ) != container.end() ;

template<typename T>
bool contains( const vector<T>& container, const T& elt )
  return find( container.begin(), container.end(), elt ) != container.end() ;

// use:
if( contains( yourList, itemInList ) ) // then do something

This cleans up the syntax a bit.

But I could not use template template parameter magic to make this work arbitrary stl containers.

template<template<class> class STLContainer, class T>
bool contains( STLContainer<T> container, T elt )
  return find( container.begin(), container.end(), elt ) != container.end() ;

Any comments about improving the last answer would be nice.

Quickest way to convert XML to JSON in Java

To convert XML File in to JSON include the following dependency


and you can Download Jar from Maven Repository here. Then implement as:

String soapmessageString = "<xml>yourStringURLorFILE</xml>";
JSONObject soapDatainJsonObject = XML.toJSONObject(soapmessageString);

CSS animation delay in repeating

This is what you should do. It should work in that you have a 1 second animation, then a 4 second delay between iterations:

@keyframes barshine {
  0% {
  background-image:linear-gradient(120deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.25) -5%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%);
  20% {
    background-image:linear-gradient(120deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 10%,rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 105%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 110%);
.progbar {
  animation: barshine 5s 0s linear infinite;

So I've been messing around with this a lot and you can do it without being very hacky. This is the simplest way to put in a delay between animation iterations that's 1. SUPER EASY and 2. just takes a little logic. Check out this dance animation I've made:

  animation-name: dance;
  -webkit-animation-name: dance;

  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-duration: 2.5s;
  -webkit-animation-duration: 2.5s;

  -webkit-animation-delay: 2.5s;
  animation-delay: 2.5s;
  animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;

@keyframes dance {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  25% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    transform: rotate(-120deg);
  50% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(20deg);
    transform: rotate(20deg);
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);

@-webkit-keyframes dance {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  20% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(20deg);
    transform: rotate(20deg);
  40% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    transform: rotate(-120deg);
  60% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  80% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    transform: rotate(-120deg);
  95% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(20deg);
    transform: rotate(20deg);

I actually came here trying to figure out how to put a delay in the animation, when I realized that you just 1. extend the duration of the animation and shirt the proportion of time for each animation. Beore I had them each lasting .5 seconds for the total duration of 2.5 seconds. Now lets say i wanted to add a delay equal to the total duration, so a 2.5 second delay.

You animation time is 2.5 seconds and delay is 2.5, so you change duration to 5 seconds. However, because you doubled the total duration, you'll want to halve the animations proportion. Check the final below. This worked perfectly for me.

@-webkit-keyframes dance {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  10% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(20deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(20deg);
    transform: rotate(20deg);
  20% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    transform: rotate(-120deg);
  30% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  40% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(-120deg);
    transform: rotate(-120deg);
  50% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);

In sum:

These are the calcultions you'd probably use to figure out how to change you animation's duration and the % of each part.

desired_duration = x

desired_duration = animation_part_duration1 + animation_part_duration2 + ... (and so on)

desired_delay = y

total duration = x + y

animation_part_duration1_actual = animation_part_duration1 * desired_duration / total_duration

Get list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)

The following code simulates an array ('params') - takes the parameters received by the script and stores them in the variables params_1 .. params_n, where n=params_0=the number of elements of the array:

@echo off

rem Storing the program parameters into the array 'params':
rem Delayed expansion is left disabled in order not to interpret "!" in program parameters' values;
rem however, if a parameter is not quoted, special characters in it (like "^", "&", "|") get interpreted at program launch
set /a count=0
    set /a count+=1
    set "params_%count%=%~1"
    if defined params_%count% (
        goto :repeat
    ) else (
        set /a count-=1
set /a params_0=count

rem Printing the program parameters stored in the array 'params':
rem After the variables params_1 .. params_n are set with the program parameters' values, delayed expansion can
rem be enabled and "!" are not interpreted in the variables params_1 .. params_n values
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /l %%i in (1,1,!params_0!) do (
        echo params_%%i: "!params_%%i!"

goto :eof

how to bind datatable to datagridview in c#

On the DataGridView, set the DataPropertyName of the columns to your column names of your DataTable.

Get size of all tables in database

-- Show the size of all the tables in a database sort by data size descending
DECLARE @TableInfo TABLE (tablename varchar(255), rowcounts int, reserved varchar(255), DATA varchar(255), index_size varchar(255), unused varchar(255))
DECLARE @cmd1 varchar(500)
SET @cmd1 = 'exec sp_spaceused ''?'''

INSERT INTO @TableInfo (tablename,rowcounts,reserved,DATA,index_size,unused)
EXEC sp_msforeachtable @command1=@cmd1

SELECT * FROM @TableInfo ORDER BY Convert(int,Replace(DATA,' KB','')) DESC

What does axis in pandas mean?

Say for example, if you use df.shape then you will get a tuple containing the number of rows & columns in the data frame as the output.

In [10]: movies_df.shape
Out[10]: (1000, 11)

In the example above, there are 1000 rows & 11 columns in the movies data frame where 'row' is mentioned in the index 0 position & 'column' in the index 1 position of the tuple. Hence 'axis=1' denotes column & 'axis=0' denotes row.

Credits: Github

Rename a dictionary key

You can use this OrderedDict recipe written by Raymond Hettinger and modify it to add a rename method, but this is going to be a O(N) in complexity:

def rename(self,key,new_key):
    ind = self._keys.index(key)  #get the index of old key, O(N) operation
    self._keys[ind] = new_key    #replace old key with new key in self._keys
    self[new_key] = self[key]    #add the new key, this is added at the end of self._keys
    self._keys.pop(-1)           #pop the last item in self._keys


dic = OrderedDict((("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)))
print dic
dic["d"] = 5
for k,v in  dic.items():
    print k,v


OrderedDict({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
foo 1
bar 2
c 3
spam 5

What's the algorithm to calculate aspect ratio?

I think this does what you are asking for: - decimal to fraction

Width/height gets you a decimal, converted to a fraction with ":" in place of '/' gives you a "ratio".

How to show full height background image?

This worked for me (though it's for reactjs & tachyons used as inline CSS)

<div className="pa2 cf vh-100-ns" style={{backgroundImage: `url(${a6})`}}> 

This takes in css as height: 100vh

IE Enable/Disable Proxy Settings via Registry

modifying the proxy value under

[HKEY_USERS\<your SID>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

doesnt need to restart ie

jQuery checkbox change and click event

$(document).ready(function() {
    //set initial state.

    $('#checkbox1').change(function() {

    $('#checkbox1').click(function() {
        if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
            if(!confirm("Are you sure?"))
                $("#checkbox1").prop("checked", true);

Parse Json string in C#

Instead of an arraylist or dictionary you can also use a dynamic. Most of the time I use EasyHttp for this, but sure there will by other projects that do the same. An example below:

var http = new HttpClient();
http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson;
var response = http.Get("url");
var body = response.DynamicBody;
Console.WriteLine("Name {0}", body.AppName.Description);
Console.WriteLine("Name {0}", body.AppName.Value);

On NuGet: EasyHttp

What CSS selector can be used to select the first div within another div

The MOST CORRECT answer to your question is...

#content > div:first-of-type { /* css */ }

This will apply the CSS to the first div that is a direct child of #content (which may or may not be the first child element of #content)

Another option:

#content > div:nth-of-type(1) { /* css */ }

Center text in table cell

How about simply (Please note, come up with a better name for the class name this is simply an example):

   text-align: center;

   <table style="width:100%">
      <td class="centerText">Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 2</td>
      <td class="centerText">Cell 3</td>
      <td>Cell 4</td>

Example here

You can place the css in a separate file, which is recommended. In my example, I created a file called styles.css and placed my css rules in it. Then include it in the html document in the <head> section as follows:

    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

The alternative, not creating a seperate css file, not recommended at all... Create <style> block in your <head> in the html document. Then just place your rules there.

 <style type="text/css">
       text-align: center;

How do I convert a Python program to a runnable .exe Windows program?

py2exe works with Python 2.7 (as well as other versions). You just need the MSVCR90.dll

Is null check needed before calling instanceof?

Using a null reference as the first operand to instanceof returns false.

Running a script inside a docker container using shell script

You could also mount a local directory into your docker image and source the script in your .bashrc. Don't forget the script has to consist of functions unless you want it to execute on every new shell. (This is outdated see the update notice.)

I'm using this solution to be able to update the script outside of the docker instance. This way I don't have to rerun the image if changes occur, I just open a new shell. (Got rid of reopening a shell - see the update notice)

Here is how you bind your current directory:

docker run -it -v $PWD:/scripts $my_docker_build /bin/bash

Now your current directory is bound to /scripts of your docker instance.

(Outdated) To save your .bashrc changes commit your working image with this command:

docker commit $container_id $my_docker_build


To solve the issue to open up a new shell for every change I now do the following:

In the dockerfile itself I add RUN echo "/scripts/bashrc" > /root/.bashrc". Inside zshrc I export the scripts directory to the path. The scripts directory now contains multiple files instead of one. Now I can directly call all scripts without having open a sub shell on every change.

BTW you can define the history file outside of your container too. This way it's not necessary to commit on a bash change anymore.

Javascript "Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function" associativity question

I was getting this same error and spent a day and a half trying to find a solution. Naomi's answer lead me to the solution I needed.

My input (type=button) had an attribute name that was identical to a function name that was being called by the onClick event. Once I changed the attribute name everything worked.

<input type="button" name="clearEmployer" onClick="clearEmployer();">

changed to:

<input type="button" name="clearEmployerBtn" onClick="clearEmployer();">

Where is the Global.asax.cs file?

That's because you created a Web Site instead of a Web Application. The cs/vb files can only be seen in a Web Application, but in a website you can't have a separate cs/vb file.

Edit: In the website you can add a cs file behavior like..

<%@ Application CodeFile="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="ApplicationName.MyApplication" Language="C#" %>


namespace ApplicationName
    public partial class MyApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()

Change background image opacity

Nowadays, it is possible to do it simply with CSS property "background-blend-mode".

<div id="content">Only one div needed</div>

div#content {
    background-image: url(my_image.png);
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6);
    background-blend-mode: lighten;
    /* You may add things like width, height, background-size... */

It will blend the background-color (which is white, 0.6 opacity) into the background image. Learn more here (W3S).

Java List.contains(Object with field value equal to x)

If you need to perform this List.contains(Object with field value equal to x) repeatedly, a simple and efficient workaround would be:

List<field obj type> fieldOfInterestValues = new ArrayList<field obj type>;
for(Object obj : List) {

Then the List.contains(Object with field value equal to x) would be have the same result as fieldOfInterestValues.contains(x);

When do I have to use interfaces instead of abstract classes?

From The Java™ Tutorials - Abstract Classes Compared to Interfaces

Which should you use, abstract classes or interfaces?

  • Consider using abstract classes if any of these statements apply to your situation:
    • You want to share code among several closely related classes.
    • You expect that classes that extend your abstract class have many common methods or fields, or require access modifiers other than public (such as protected and private).
    • You want to declare non-static or non-final fields. This enables you to define methods that can access and modify the state of the object to which they belong.
  • Consider using interfaces if any of these statements apply to your situation:
    • You expect that unrelated classes would implement your interface. For example, the interfaces Comparable and Cloneable are implemented by many unrelated classes.
    • You want to specify the behavior of a particular data type, but not concerned about who implements its behavior.
    • You want to take advantage of multiple inheritance of type.

An example of an abstract class in the JDK is AbstractMap, which is part of the Collections Framework. Its subclasses (which include HashMap, TreeMap, and ConcurrentHashMap) share many methods (including get, put, isEmpty, containsKey, and containsValue) that AbstractMap defines.

regex to match a single character that is anything but a space

  • \s matches any white-space character
  • \S matches any non-white-space character
  • You can match a space character with just the space character;
  • [^ ] matches anything but a space character.

Pick whichever is most appropriate.

String index out of range: 4

You are using the wrong iteration counter, replace inp.charAt(i) with inp.charAt(j).

XPath:: Get following Sibling

You can go for identifying a list of elements with xPath:

//td[text() = ' Color Digest ']/following-sibling::td[1]

This will give you a list of two elements, than you can use the 2nd element as your intended one. For example:

List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//td[text() = ' Color Digest ']/following-sibling::td[1]"))

Now, you can use the 2nd element as your intended element, which is elements.get(1)

How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching?

This is how I did it.

Step 1: Install Java 11

You can download Java 11 dmg for mac from here:

Step 2: After installation of Java 11. Confirm installation of all versions. Type the following command in your terminal.

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

Step 3: Edit .bash_profile

sudo nano ~/.bash_profile

Step 4: Add 11.0.1 as default. (Add below line to bash_profile file).

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11.0.1)

to switch to any version

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v X.X.X)

Now Press CTRL+X to exit the bash. Press 'Y' to save changes.

Step 5: Reload bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

Step 6: Confirm current version of Java

java -version

Calculate median in c#

Below code works: but not very efficient way. :(

static void Main(String[] args) {
        int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());            
        int[] medList = new int[n];

        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
            medList[x] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        //sort the input array:
        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
            double[] newArr = new double[x + 1];
            for (int y = 0; y <= x; y++)
                newArr[y] = medList[y];

            int curInd = x + 1;
            if (curInd % 2 == 0) //even
                int mid = (x / 2) <= 0 ? 0 : (newArr.Length / 2);
                if (mid > 1) mid--;
                double median = (newArr[mid] + newArr[mid+1]) / 2;
                Console.WriteLine("{0:F1}", median);
            else //odd
                int mid = (x / 2) <= 0 ? 0 : (newArr.Length / 2);
                double median = newArr[mid];
                Console.WriteLine("{0:F1}", median);


Limiting Powershell Get-ChildItem by File Creation Date Range

Fixed it...

Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\ -recurse -include @("*.txt*","*.pdf") |
Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -gt "01/01/2013" -and $_.CreationTime -lt "12/02/2014"} | 
Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, @{Name="Mbytes";Expression={$_.Length/1Kb}}, @{Name="Age";Expression={(((Get-Date) - $_.CreationTime).Days)}} | 
Export-Csv C:\search_TXT-and-PDF_files_01012013-to-12022014_sort.txt

How to redirect a url in NGINX

Similar to another answer here, but change the http in the rewrite to to $scheme like so:

server {
        listen 80;
        rewrite     ^ $scheme://$request_uri? permanent;

And edit your main server block server_name variable as following:


I had to do this to redirect to

How to echo out the values of this array?

foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
   echo $val;

Date to milliseconds and back to date in Swift

Watch out if you are going to compare dates after the conversion!

For instance, I got simulator's asset with date as TimeInterval(366144731.9), converted to milliseconds Int64(1344451931900) and back to TimeInterval(366144731.9000001), using

func convertToMilli(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval) -> Int64 {
    return Int64(timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)

func convertMilliToDate(milliseconds: Int64) -> Date {
    return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: (TimeInterval(milliseconds) / 1000))

I tried to fetch the asset by creationDate and it doesn't find the asset, as you could figure, the numbers are not the same.

I tried multiple solutions to reduce double's decimal precision, like round(interval*1000)/1000, use NSDecimalNumber, etc... with no success.

I ended up fetching by interval -1 < creationDate < interval + 1, instead of creationDate == Interval.

There may be a better solution!?

How to convert flat raw disk image to vmdk for virtualbox or vmplayer?

krosenvold's answer inspired the following script which does the following:

  • get the dd dump via ssh from a remote server (as gz file)
  • unzip the dump
  • convert it to vmware

the script is restartable and checks the existence of the intermediate files. It also uses pv and qemu-img -p to show the progress of each step.

In my environment 2 x Ubuntu 12.04 LTS the steps took:

  • 3 hours to get a 47 GByte disk dump of a 60 GByte partition
  • 20 minutes to unpack to a 60 GByte dd file
  • 45 minutes to create the vmware file
# get a dd disk dump and convert it to vmware
#  see
#  Author: wf  2014-10-1919

# get a dd dump from the given host's given disk and create a compressed
#   image at the given target 
#  1: host e.g. somehost.somedomain
#  2: disk e.g. sda
#  3: target e.g. image.gz
getdump() {
  local l_host="$1"
  local l_disk="$2"
  local l_target="$3"
  echo "getting disk dump of $l_disk from $l_host"
  ssh $l_host sudo fdisk -l  | egrep "^/dev/$l_disk"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo "device $l_disk does not exist on host $l_host" 1>&2
    exit 1
    if [ ! -f $l_target ]
      ssh $l_host "sudo dd if=/dev/$disk bs=1M | gzip -1 -" | pv | dd of=$l_target
      echo "$l_target already exists"

# optionally install command from package if it is not available yet
# 1: command
# 2: package
opt_install() {
  echo "checking that $l_command from package $l_package  is installed ..."
  which $l_command
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo "installing $l_package to make $l_command available ..."
    sudo apt-get install $l_package 

# convert the given image to vmware
#  1: the dd dump image
#  2: the vmware image file to convert to
vmware_convert() {
  local l_ddimage="$1"
  local l_vmwareimage="$2"
  echo "converting dd image $l_image to vmware $l_vmwareimage"
  #  convert to VMware disk format showing progess
  # see
  qemu-img convert -p -O vmdk "$l_ddimage" "$l_vmwareimage"

# show usage
usage() {
  echo "usage: $0 host device"
  echo "      host: the host to get the disk dump from e.g."  
  echo "            you need ssh and sudo privileges on that host"
  echo "
  echo "    device: the disk to dump from e.g. sda"
  echo ""
  echo "  examples:
  echo "       $0 sda"
  echo "       $0 sdb"
  echo ""
  echo "  the needed packages pv and qemu-utils will be installed if not available"
  echo "  you need local sudo rights for this to work"
  exit 1

# check arguments
if [ $# -lt 2 ]

# get the command line parameters

# calculate the names of the image files
ts=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
# prefix of all images
#   .gz the zipped dd
#   .dd the disk dump file
#   .vmware - the vmware disk file

echo "$0 $host/$disk ->  $image"

# first check/install necessary packages
opt_install qemu-img qemu-utils
opt_install pv pv

# check if dd files was already loaded
#  we don't want to start this tedious process twice if avoidable
if [ ! -f $image.gz ]
  getdump $host $disk $image.gz
  echo "$image.gz already downloaded"

# check if the dd file was already uncompressed
# we don't want to start this tedious process twice if avoidable
if [ ! -f $image.dd ]
  echo "uncompressing $image.gz"
  zcat $image.gz | pv -cN zcat > $image.dd
  echo "image $image.dd already uncompressed"
# check if the vmdk file was already converted
# we don't want to start this tedious process twice if avoidable
if [ ! -f $image.vmdk ]
  vmware_convert $image.dd $image.vmdk
  echo "vmware image $image.vmdk already converted"

Variable length (Dynamic) Arrays in Java

Simple code for dynamic array. In below code then array will become full of size we copy all element to new double size array(variable size array).sample code is below 

public class DynamicArray {
 static   int []increaseSizeOfArray(int []arr){
          int []brr=new int[(arr.length*2)];
          for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          return brr;
public static void main(String[] args) {
     int []arr=new int[5];
      for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
          if (i<arr.length) {
          else {

for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {


Source : How to make dynamic array

Pass Parameter to Gulp Task

Just load it into a new object on process .. process.gulp = {} and have the task look there.

Check if a varchar is a number (TSQL)

DECLARE @A nvarchar(100) = '12'

How to check Grants Permissions at Run-Time?

Try this for Check Run-Time Permission:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Check run time permission:

private void checkRunTimePermission() {
    String[] permissionArrays = new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE};

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        requestPermissions(permissionArrays, 11111);
    } else {
         // if already permition granted
        // PUT YOUR ACTION (Like Open cemara etc..)

Handle Permission result:

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    boolean openActivityOnce = true;
    boolean openDialogOnce = true;
    if (requestCode == 11111) {
        for (int i = 0; i < grantResults.length; i++) {
            String permission = permissions[i];

            isPermitted = grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;

            if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
                // user rejected the permission
                boolean showRationale = shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(permission);
                if (!showRationale) {
                    //execute when 'never Ask Again' tick and permission dialog not show
                } else {
                    if (openDialogOnce) {

        if (isPermitted)
            if (isPermissionFromGallery)

Set custom alert:

private void alertView() {
    AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity(),;

    dialog.setTitle("Permission Denied")
            .setMessage("Without those permission the app is unable to save your profile. App needs to save profile image in your external storage and also need to get profile image from camera or external storage.Are you sure you want to deny this permission?")

            .setNegativeButton("I'M SURE", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) {
            .setPositiveButton("RE-TRY", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) {


Persist javascript variables across pages?

You can use as a wrapper around localStorage. It stores complex objects but doesn't merely stringify and parse the whole thing like most such libraries do. That's really inefficient if you want to store a lot of data and add to it or change it in small chunks. Also, JSON discards a lot of important stuff like non-numerical properties of arrays.

In rhaboo you can write things like this:

var store = Rhaboo.persistent('Some name');

store.write('count', store.count ? store.count+1 : 1);

var laststamp = store.stamp ? store.stamp.toString() : "never";
store.write('stamp', new Date());

store.write('somethingfancy', {
  one: ['man', 'went'],
  2: 'mow',
  went: [  2, { mow: ['a', 'meadow' ] }, {}  ]

store.somethingfancy.went[1].mow.write(1, 'lawn');
console.log( store.somethingfancy.went[1].mow[1] ); //says lawn

BTW, I wrote rhaboo

How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

Here's a different way of doing it.

If you're using Windows the following acts like double-clicking the file in Explorer, or giving the file name as an argument to the DOS "start" command: the file is opened with whatever application (if any) its extension is associated with.

filepath = 'textfile.txt'
import os


import os

This will open textfile.txt with Notepad if Notepad is associated with .txt files.

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

Unable to send email using Gmail SMTP server through PHPMailer, getting error: SMTP AUTH is required for message submission on port 587. How to fix?

this code working fine for me

    $mail = new PHPMailer;
    //Enable SMTP debugging. 
    $mail->SMTPDebug = 0;
    //Set PHPMailer to use SMTP.
    //Set SMTP host name                          
    $mail->Host = $hostname;
    //Set this to true if SMTP host requires authentication to send email
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    //Provide username and password     
    $mail->Username = $sender;
    $mail->Password = $mail_password;
    //If SMTP requires TLS encryption then set it
    $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
    //Set TCP port to connect to 
    $mail->Port = 465;
    $mail->From = $sender;  
    $mail->FromName = $sender_name;
    $mail->Subject = $Subject;
    $mail->Body = $Body;
    $mail->AltBody = "This is the plain text version of the email content";
    if (!$mail->send()) {
        echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
    else {
           echo 'Mail Sent Successfully';

Format XML string to print friendly XML string

The simple solution that is working for me:

        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        String formattedXml = sw.ToString();

Executing JavaScript after X seconds

I believe you are looking for the setTimeout function.

To make your code a little neater, define a separate function for onclick in a <script> block:

function myClick() {
    function() {
    }, 5000);

then call your function from onclick


Pass variables from servlet to jsp

You can also use RequestDispacher and pass on the data along with the jsp page you want.

request.setAttribute("MyData", data);
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("page.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);

VBA ADODB excel - read data from Recordset

I am surprised that the connection string works for you, because it is missing a semi-colon. Set is only used with objects, so you would not say Set strNaam.

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With cn
 .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .ConnectionString = "Data Source=D:\test.xls " & _
  ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"""
End With
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$E36:E38]"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strQuery)
Do While Not rs.EOF
  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rs.Fields(i).Name, rs.Fields(i).Value
    strNaam = rs.Fields(0).Value

There are other ways, depending on what you want to do, such as GetString (GetString Method Description).

Run Batch File On Start-up


RunOnce is an option and have a few keys that can be used for pointing a command to start on startup (depending if it concerns a user or the whole system):


setting the value:

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v MyBat /D "!C:\mybat.bat"

With setting and exclamation mark at the beginning and if the script exist with a value different than 0 the registry key wont be deleted and the script will be executed every time on startup


You can use SCHTASKS and a triggering event:

SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONEVENT /MO ONLOGON /TN ON_LOGON /tr "c:\some.bat" 



Startup Folder

You also have two startup folders - one for the current user and one global. There you can copy your scripts (or shortcuts) in order to start a file on startup

::the global one
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
::for the current user
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup