Programs & Examples On #Uniq

uniq is a Unix/POSIX/Linux utility to remove or filter duplicate lines from a sorted file. It is also the name of a method to remove duplicates from an array in Ruby.

Is there a way to 'uniq' by column?

Here is a very nifty way.

First format the content such that the column to be compared for uniqueness is a fixed width. One way of doing this is to use awk printf with a field/column width specifier ("%15s").

Now the -f and -w options of uniq can be used to skip preceding fields/columns and to specify the comparison width (column(s) width).

Here are three examples.

In the first example...

1) Temporarily make the column of interest a fixed width greater than or equal to the field's max width.

2) Use -f uniq option to skip the prior columns, and use the -w uniq option to limit the width to the tmp_fixed_width.

3) Remove trailing spaces from the column to "restore" it's width (assuming there were no trailing spaces beforehand).

printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ tmp_fixed_width=15; uniq_col=8; w=tmp_fixed_width-length($uniq_col); for (i=0;i<w;i++) { $uniq_col=$uniq_col" "}; printf "%s\n", $0 }' \
| uniq -f 7 -w 15 \
| awk '{ uniq_col=8; gsub(/ */, "", $uniq_col); printf "%s\n", $0 }'

In the second example...

Create a new uniq column 1. Then remove it after the uniq filter has been applied.

printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ uniq_col_1=4; printf "%15s %s\n", uniq_col_1, $0 }' \
| uniq -f 0 -w 15 \
| awk '{ $1=""; gsub(/^ */, "", $0); printf "%s\n", $0 }'

The third example is the same as the second, but for multiple columns.

printf "%s" "$str" \
| awk '{ uniq_col_1=4; uniq_col_2=8; printf "%5s %15s %s\n", uniq_col_1, uniq_col_2, $0 }' \
| uniq -f 0 -w 5 \
| uniq -f 1 -w 15 \
| awk '{ $1=$2=""; gsub(/^ */, "", $0); printf "%s\n", $0 }'

Sort & uniq in Linux shell

sort -u will be slightly faster, because it does not need to pipe the output between two commands

also see my question on the topic: calling uniq and sort in different orders in shell

Find unique lines

uniq -u has been driving me crazy because it did not work.

So instead of that, if you have python (most Linux distros and servers already have it):

Assuming you have the data file in notUnique.txt

#Assuming file has data on different lines
#Otherwise fix split() accordingly.

uniqueData = []
fileData = open('notUnique.txt').read().split('\n')

for i in fileData:
  if i.strip()!='':

print uniqueData

###Another option (less keystrokes):

Note that due to empty lines, the final set may contain '' or only-space strings. You can remove that later. Or just get away with copying from the terminal ;)


Just FYI, From the uniq Man page:

"Note: 'uniq' does not detect repeated lines unless they are adjacent. You may want to sort the input first, or use 'sort -u' without 'uniq'. Also, comparisons honor the rules specified by 'LC_COLLATE'."

One of the correct ways, to invoke with: # sort nonUnique.txt | uniq

Example run:

$ cat x

$ uniq x

$ uniq -u x

$ sort x | uniq

Spaces might be printed, so be prepared!

How to query a CLOB column in Oracle

I did run into another condition with HugeClob in my Oracle database. The dbms_lob.substr only allowed a value of 4000 in the function, ex:


so for my HughClob which was larger, I had to use two calls in select:

select dbms_lob.substr(column,4000,1) part1, 
       dbms_lob.substr(column,4000,4001) part2 from .....

I was calling from a Java app so I simply concatenated part1 and part2 and sent as a email.

Bootstrap full responsive navbar with logo or brand name text

Just set the height and width where you are adding that logo. I tried and its working fine

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer

You probably meant this:

require 'active_support/core_ext' # for titleize

myHash = {company_name:"MyCompany", street:"Mainstreet", postcode:"1234", city:"MyCity", free_seats:"3"}

def cleanup string

def format(hash)
  output = {}
  output[:company_name] = cleanup(hash[:company_name])
  output[:street] = cleanup(hash[:street])

format(myHash) # => {:company_name=>"My Company", :street=>"Mainstreet"}

Please read documentation on Hash#each

How to quit a java app from within the program

The answer is System.exit(), but not a good thing to do as this aborts the program. Any cleaning up, destroy that you intend to do will not happen.

Extract a substring using PowerShell

The Substring method provides us a way to extract a particular string from the original string based on a starting position and length. If only one argument is provided, it is taken to be the starting position, and the remainder of the string is outputted.

PS > "test_string".Substring(0,4)
PS > "test_string".Substring(4)
_stringPS >

link text

But this is easier...

 $s = 'Hello World is in here Hello World!'
 $p = 'Hello World'
 $s -match $p

And finally, to recurse through a directory selecting only the .txt files and searching for occurrence of "Hello World":

dir -rec -filter *.txt | Select-String 'Hello World'

What does "dereferencing" a pointer mean?

In simple words, dereferencing means accessing the value from a certain memory location against which that pointer is pointing.

PHP Date Time Current Time Add Minutes

time after 30 min, this easiest solution in php

date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+30 minutes"));

for DateTime class (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7)

$dateobj = new DateTime();
$dateobj ->modify("+30 minutes"); 

Delete data with foreign key in SQL Server table

To delete data from the tables having relationship of parent_child, First you have to delete the data from the child table by mentioning join then simply delete the data from the parent table, example is given below:

DELETE ChildTable
FROM ChildTable inner join ChildTable on PParentTable.ID=ChildTable.ParentTableID

DELETE  ParentTable

standard size for html newsletter template

Ideally the email content should be about 550px wide to fit within most email clients preview window. If you know for sure your target market can view bigger then you can design bigger. Loads of email examples over on

Convert String to Integer in XSLT 1.0

XSLT 1.0 does not have an integer data type, only double. You can use number() to convert a string to a number.

Setting Column width in Apache POI

With Scala there is a nice Wrapper spoiwo

You can do it like this:

      Column(autoSized = true),
      Column(width = new Width(100, WidthUnit.Character)),
      Column(width = new Width(100, WidthUnit.Character)))

Dividing two integers to produce a float result

Cast the operands to floats:

float ans = (float)a / (float)b;

could not access the package manager. is the system running while installing android application

If this error is gotten when using a rooted device's su prompt and not from emulator, disable SELinux first

setenforce 0

You may need to switch to shell user first for some pm operations

su shell

then re-run your pm command.

Same applies to am commands unavailable from su prompt.

check / uncheck checkbox using jquery?

You can set the state of the checkbox based on the value:

$('#your-checkbox').prop('checked', value == 1);

Android REST client, Sample?

There is another library with much cleaner API and type-safe data.

Here is a simple usage example

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))

Or more complex with callbacks

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))
    .handler(new ResponseHandler<Void>() {
        public void success(Void ignore, HttpResponse response) {

        public void error(String message, HttpResponse response) {

        public void failure(NetworkError error) {

        public void complete() {

It is fresh new, but looks very promising.

Make the current commit the only (initial) commit in a Git repository?

This is my favoured approach:

git branch new_branch_name $(echo "commit message" | git commit-tree HEAD^{tree})

This will create a new branch with one commit that adds everything in HEAD. It doesn't alter anything else, so it's completely safe.

How do you change video src using jQuery?

The easiest way is using autoplay.

<video autoplay></video>

When you change src through javascript you don't need to mention load().

Linq with group by having count

Like this:

from c in db.Company
group c by c.Name into grp
where grp.Count() > 1
select grp.Key

Or, using the method syntax:

    .GroupBy(c => c.Name)
    .Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
    .Select(grp => grp.Key);

how to customize `show processlist` in mysql?

You can just capture the output and pass it through a filter, something like:

mysql show processlist
    | grep -v '^\+\-\-'
    | grep -v '^| Id'
    | sort -n -k12

The two greps strip out the header and trailer lines (others may be needed if there are other lines not containing useful information) and the sort is done based on the numeric field number 12 (I think that's right).

This one works for your immediate output:

mysql show processlist
    | grep -v '^\+\-\-'
    | grep -v '^| Id'
    | grep -v  '^[0-9][0-9]* rows in set '
    | grep -v '^ '
    | sort -n -k12

phpMyAdmin - The MySQL Extension is Missing

You need to put the full path in the php ini when loading the mysql dll, i.e :-


Then you don't need to move them to the windows folder.

How to subtract/add days from/to a date?

There is of course a lubridate solution for this:

date <- "2009-10-01"

ymd(date) - 5
# [1] "2009-09-26"

is the same as

ymd(date) - days(5)
# [1] "2009-09-26"

Other time formats could be:

ymd(date) - months(5)
# [1] "2009-05-01"

ymd(date) - years(5)
# [1] "2004-10-01"

ymd(date) - years(1) - months(2) - days(3)
# [1] "2008-07-29"


i found i had to do something akin to

=(countifs (A1:A196,"yes", j1:j196, "agree") + (countifs (A1:A196,"no", j1:j196, "agree"))

2D character array initialization in C

How to create an array size 5 containing pointers to characters:

char *array_of_pointers[ 5 ];        //array size 5 containing pointers to char
char m = 'm';                        //character value holding the value 'm'
array_of_pointers[0] = &m;           //assign m ptr into the array position 0.
printf("%c", *array_of_pointers[0]); //get the value of the pointer to m

How to create a pointer to an array of characters:

char (*pointer_to_array)[ 5 ];        //A pointer to an array containing 5 chars
char m = 'm';                         //character value holding the value 'm'
*pointer_to_array[0] = m;             //dereference array and put m in position 0
printf("%c", (*pointer_to_array)[0]); //dereference array and get position 0

How to create an 2D array containing pointers to characters:

char *array_of_pointers[5][2];          
//An array size 5 containing arrays size 2 containing pointers to char

char m = 'm';                           
//character value holding the value 'm'

array_of_pointers[4][1] = &m;           
//Get position 4 of array, then get position 1, then put m ptr in there.

printf("%c", *array_of_pointers[4][1]); 
//Get position 4 of array, then get position 1 and dereference it.

How to create a pointer to an 2D array of characters:

char (*pointer_to_array)[5][2];
//A pointer to an array size 5 each containing arrays size 2 which hold chars

char m = 'm';                            
//character value holding the value 'm'

(*pointer_to_array)[4][1] = m;           
//dereference array, Get position 4, get position 1, put m there.

printf("%c", (*pointer_to_array)[4][1]); 
//dereference array, Get position 4, get position 1

To help you out with understanding how humans should read complex C/C++ declarations read this:

window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?

I was able to get it to work in IE and FF with jQuery's:

$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){


instead of: unload, onunload, or onbeforeunload

showing that a date is greater than current date

In sql server, you can do

FROM table t
WHERE > DATEADD(dd,90,now())

removing table border

To remove from all tables, (add this to the head or external style sheet)

<style type="text/css">
table td{

The image shows where the style is coming from (Firebug)

Move top 1000 lines from text file to a new file using Unix shell commands

head -1000 file.txt > first100lines.txt
tail --lines=+1001 file.txt > restoffile.txt

Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

I just made a jQuery 3.2.1 bookmarklet with error-handling (only load if not already loaded, detect version if already loaded, error message if error while loading). Tested in Chrome 27. There is no reason to use the "old" jQuery 1.9.1 on Chrome browser since jQuery 2.0 is API-compatible with 1.9.

Just run the following in Chrome's developer console or drag & drop it in your bookmark bar:

javascript:((function(){if(typeof(jQuery)=="undefined"){window.jQuery="loading";var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.src="";a.onload=function(){console.log("jQuery "+jQuery.fn.jquery+" loaded successfully.")};a.onerror=function(){delete jQuery;alert("Error while loading jQuery!")};document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}else{if(typeof(jQuery)=="function"){alert("jQuery ("+jQuery.fn.jquery+") is already loaded!")}else{alert("jQuery is already loading...")}}})())

Readable source-code is available here

How to force the input date format to dd/mm/yyyy?



var date = new Date();
var month = date.getMonth();
var day = date.getDate();
var year = date.getFullYear();


Hosting a Maven repository on github

Another alternative is to use any web hosting with webdav support. You will need some space for this somewhere of course but it is straightforward to set up and a good alternative to running a full blown nexus server.

add this to your build section


Add something like this to your distributionManagement section


Finally make sure to setup the repository access in your settings.xml

add this to your servers section


and a definition to your repositories section


Finally, if you have any standard php hosting, you can use something like sabredav to add webdav capabilities.

Advantages: you have your own maven repository Downsides: you don't have any of the management capabilities in nexus; you need some webdav setup somewhere

Replace NA with 0 in a data frame column

First, here's some sample data:

dat <- data.frame(one = rnorm(15),
                 two = sample(LETTERS, 15),
                 three = rnorm(15),
                 four = runif(15))
dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) { x[sample(15, 5)] <- NA; x }))
#          one  two       three      four
# 1         NA    M  0.80418951 0.8921983
# 2  0.1836433    O -0.05710677        NA
# 3 -0.8356286    L  0.50360797 0.3899895
# 4         NA    E          NA        NA
# 5  0.3295078    S          NA 0.9606180
# 6 -0.8204684 <NA> -1.28459935 0.4346595

Here's our replacement:

dat[["four"]][[["four"]])] <- 0
#          one  two       three      four
# 1         NA    M  0.80418951 0.8921983
# 2  0.1836433    O -0.05710677 0.0000000
# 3 -0.8356286    L  0.50360797 0.3899895
# 4         NA    E          NA 0.0000000
# 5  0.3295078    S          NA 0.9606180
# 6 -0.8204684 <NA> -1.28459935 0.4346595

Alternatively, you can, of course, write dat$four[$four)] <- 0

Unity 2d jumping script

Usually for jumping people use Rigidbody2D.AddForce with Forcemode.Impulse. It may seem like your object is pushed once in Y axis and it will fall down automatically due to gravity.


rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0, 10), ForceMode2D.Impulse);

Nginx not picking up site in sites-enabled?

Changing from:

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; 


include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.*; 

fixed my issue

Catching access violation exceptions?

Not the exception handling mechanism, But you can use the signal() mechanism that is provided by the C.

> man signal

     11    SIGSEGV      create core image    segmentation violation

Writing to a NULL pointer is probably going to cause a SIGSEGV signal

Get a particular cell value from HTML table using JavaScript

Here is perhaps the simplest way to obtain the value of a single cell.


where r is the row index and c is the column index

Therefore, to obtain all cell data and put it in a multi-dimensional array:

var tableData = [];  
Array.from(document.querySelector("#table").children[0].children).forEach(function(tr){tableData.push(Array.from(tr.children).map(cell => cell.innerText))}); 
var cell = tableData[1][2];//2nd row, 3rd column

To access a specific cell's data in this multi-dimensional array, use the standard syntax: array[rowIndex][columnIndex].

How would one write object-oriented code in C?

A little OOC code to add:

#include <stdio.h>

struct Node {
    int somevar;

void print() {
    printf("Hello from an object-oriented C method!");

struct Tree {
    struct Node * NIL;
    void (*FPprint)(void);
    struct Node *root;
    struct Node NIL_t;
} TreeA = {&TreeA.NIL_t,print};

int main()
    struct Tree TreeB;
    TreeB = TreeA;
    return 0;

How to launch jQuery Fancybox on page load?

I actually managed to trigger a fancyBox link only from an external JS file using the "live" event:

First, add the live click event on your future dynamic anchor:

$('').live('click', function() {
  $(this).fancybox(... fancybox parameters ...);

Then, append the anchor to the body:

$('body').append('<a class="iframe pub" href="your-url.html"></a>');

Then trigger the fancyBox by "clicking" the anchor:


The fancyBox link is now "almost" ready. Why "almost" ? Because it looks like you need to add some delay before trigger the second click, otherwise the script is not ready.

It's a quick and dirty delay using some animation on our anchor but it works well:

$('').slideDown('fast', function() {

Here you go, your fancyBox should appears onload!


Calling functions in a DLL from C++

You can either go the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress route (as Harper mentioned in his answer, here's link to the run-time dynamic linking MSDN sample again) or you can link your console application to the .lib produced from the DLL project and include the hea.h file with the declaration of your function (as described in the load-time dynamic linking MSDN sample)

In both cases, you need to make sure your DLL exports the function you want to call properly. The easiest way to do it is by using __declspec(dllexport) on the function declaration (as shown in the creating a simple dynamic-link library MSDN sample), though you can do it also through the corresponding .def file in your DLL project.

For more information on the topic of DLLs, you should browse through the MSDN About Dynamic-Link Libraries topic.

Escape string Python for MySQL

>>> import MySQLdb
>>> example = r"""I don't like "special" chars ¯\_(?)_/¯"""
>>> example
'I don\'t like "special" chars \xc2\xaf\\_(\xe3\x83\x84)_/\xc2\xaf'
>>> MySQLdb.escape_string(example)
'I don\\\'t like \\"special\\" chars \xc2\xaf\\\\_(\xe3\x83\x84)_/\xc2\xaf'

How to store phone numbers on MySQL databases?

You can use varchar for storing phone numbers, so you need not remove the formatting

shuffling/permutating a DataFrame in pandas

I resorted to adapting @root 's answer slightly and using the raw values directly. Of course, this means you lose the ability to do fancy indexing but it works perfectly for just shuffling the data.

In [1]: import numpy

In [2]: import pandas

In [3]: df = pandas.DataFrame({"A": range(10), "B": range(10)})    

In [4]: %timeit df.apply(numpy.random.shuffle, axis=0)
1000 loops, best of 3: 406 µs per loop

In [5]: %%timeit
   ...: for view in numpy.rollaxis(df.values, 1):
   ...:     numpy.random.shuffle(view)
10000 loops, best of 3: 22.8 µs per loop

In [6]: %timeit df.apply(numpy.random.shuffle, axis=1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 746 µs per loop

In [7]: %%timeit                                      
for view in numpy.rollaxis(df.values, 0):
10000 loops, best of 3: 23.4 µs per loop

Note that numpy.rollaxis brings the specified axis to the first dimension and then let's us iterate over arrays with the remaining dimensions, i.e., if we want to shuffle along the first dimension (columns), we need to roll the second dimension to the front, so that we apply the shuffling to views over the first dimension.

In [8]: numpy.rollaxis(df, 0).shape
Out[8]: (10, 2) # we can iterate over 10 arrays with shape (2,) (rows)

In [9]: numpy.rollaxis(df, 1).shape
Out[9]: (2, 10) # we can iterate over 2 arrays with shape (10,) (columns)

Your final function then uses a trick to bring the result in line with the expectation for applying a function to an axis:

def shuffle(df, n=1, axis=0):     
    df = df.copy()
    axis = int(not axis) # pandas.DataFrame is always 2D
    for _ in range(n):
        for view in numpy.rollaxis(df.values, axis):
    return df

How can I convert a DateTime to the number of seconds since 1970?

That's basically it. These are the methods I use to convert to and from Unix epoch time:

public static DateTime ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(double timestamp)
    DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
    return origin.AddSeconds(timestamp);

public static double ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime date)
    DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
    TimeSpan diff = date.ToUniversalTime() - origin;
    return Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds);

Update: As of .Net Core 2.1 and .Net Standard 2.1 a DateTime equal to the Unix Epoch can be obtained from the static DateTime.UnixEpoch.

How to find all trigger associated with a table with SQL Server?

select, text
from sysobjects so, syscomments sc
where type = 'TR'
and =
and text like '%YourTableName%'

This way you can list out all the triggers associated with the given table.

Write objects into file with Node.js

obj is an array in your example.

fs.writeFileSync(filename, data, [options]) requires either String or Buffer in the data parameter. see docs.

Try to write the array in a string format:

// writes '!/101Cookbooks', ''
fs.writeFileSync('./data.json', obj.join(',') , 'utf-8'); 


// writes ['!/101Cookbooks', '']
var util = require('util');
fs.writeFileSync('./data.json', util.inspect(obj) , 'utf-8');

edit: The reason you see the array in your example is because node's implementation of console.log doesn't just call toString, it calls util.format see console.js source

Update value of a nested dictionary of varying depth

you could try this, it works with lists and is pure:

def update_keys(newd, dic, mapping):
  def upsingle(d,k,v):
    if k in mapping:
      d[mapping[k]] = v
      d[k] = v
  for ekey, evalue in dic.items():
    upsingle(newd, ekey, evalue)
    if type(evalue) is dict:
      update_keys(newd, evalue, mapping)
    if type(evalue) is list:
      upsingle(newd, ekey, [update_keys({}, i, mapping) for i in evalue])
  return newd

How can a Java program get its own process ID?

Here's a backdoor method which might not work with all VMs but should work on both linux and windows (original example here): runtime =;
java.lang.reflect.Field jvm = runtime.getClass().getDeclaredField("jvm");
jvm.setAccessible(true); mgmt =  
    ( jvm.get(runtime);
java.lang.reflect.Method pid_method =  

int pid = (Integer) pid_method.invoke(mgmt);

How to read a text file in project's root directory?

You can have it embedded (build action set to Resource) as well, this is how to retrieve it from there:

private static UnmanagedMemoryStream GetResourceStream(string resName)
    var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    var strResources = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g.resources";
    var rStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(strResources);
    var resourceReader = new ResourceReader(rStream);
    var items = resourceReader.OfType<DictionaryEntry>();
    var stream = items.First(x => (x.Key as string) == resName.ToLower()).Value;
    return (UnmanagedMemoryStream)stream;

private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    string resName = "Test.txt";
    var file = GetResourceStream(resName);
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(file))
        var line = reader.ReadLine();

(Some code taken from this answer by Charles)

Update elements in a JSONObject

public static JSONObject updateJson(JSONObject obj, String keyString, String newValue) throws Exception {
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
            // get the keys of json object
            Iterator iterator = obj.keys();
            String key = null;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                key = (String);
                // if the key is a string, then update the value
                if ((obj.optJSONArray(key) == null) && (obj.optJSONObject(key) == null)) {
                    if ((key.equals(keyString))) {
                        // put new value
                        obj.put(key, newValue);
                        return obj;

                // if it's jsonobject
                if (obj.optJSONObject(key) != null) {
                    updateJson(obj.getJSONObject(key), keyString, newValue);

                // if it's jsonarray
                if (obj.optJSONArray(key) != null) {
                    JSONArray jArray = obj.getJSONArray(key);
                    for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
                        updateJson(jArray.getJSONObject(i), keyString, newValue);
            return obj;

Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable

You may want to confirm that your development environment has been set correctly.

Quoting from

Set up the Android development environment

Before you can build Android applications, you must install the Android SDK. Installing the Android SDK also installs the AVD Manager, a graphical user interface for creating and managing Android Virtual Devices (AVDs).

  1. From the Android web site, download the correct version of the Android SDK for your operating system.

  2. Unzip the archive to a location of your choosing. For example, on Linux or Mac, you can place it in the root of your user directory. See the Android Developers web site for additional installation details.

  3. Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable based on the location of the Android SDK. Additionally, consider adding ANDROID_HOME/tools, and ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools to your PATH.

Mac OS X

export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools


export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools


set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\android-sdk-windows
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools

The Android SDK download does not include specific Android platforms. To run the code in this guide, you need to download and install the latest SDK platform. You do this by using the Android SDK and AVD Manager that you installed in the previous section.

  1. Open the Android SDK Manager window:


    Note: If this command does not open the Android SDK Manager, then your path is not configured correctly.

  2. Select the Tools checkbox.

  3. Select the checkbox for the latest Android SDK.

  4. From the Extras folder, select the checkbox for the Android Support Library.

  5. Click the Install packages... button to complete the download and installation.

    Note: You may want to install all the available updates, but be aware it will take longer, as each API level is a large download.

How do I connect to a SQL Server 2008 database using JDBC?

You can try configure SQL server:

  1. Step 1: Open SQL server 20xx Configuration Manager
  2. Step 2: Click Protocols for SQL.. in SQL server configuration. Then, right click TCP/IP, choose Properties
  3. Step 3: Click tab IP Address, Edit All TCP. Port is 1433

NOTE: ALL TCP port is 1433 Finally, restart the server.

How to store standard error in a variable

If you want to bypass the use of a temporary file you may be able to use process substitution. I haven't quite gotten it to work yet. This was my first attempt:

$ 2> >( ERROR=$(<) )
-bash: command substitution: line 42: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
-bash: command substitution: line 42: `<)'

Then I tried

$ ./ 2> >( ERROR=$( cat <() )  )
This Is Output
$ echo $ERROR   # $ERROR is empty


$ ./ 2> >( cat <() > asdf.txt )
This Is Output
$ cat asdf.txt
This Is Error

So the process substitution is doing generally the right thing... unfortunately, whenever I wrap STDIN inside >( ) with something in $() in an attempt to capture that to a variable, I lose the contents of $(). I think that this is because $() launches a sub process which no longer has access to the file descriptor in /dev/fd which is owned by the parent process.

Process substitution has bought me the ability to work with a data stream which is no longer in STDERR, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to manipulate it the way that I want.

Windows recursive grep command-line

findstr can do recursive searches (/S) and supports some variant of regex syntax (/R).

C:\>findstr /?
Searches for strings in files.

FINDSTR [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P] [/F:file]
        [/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes] [/OFF[LINE]]
        strings [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]

  /B         Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
  /E         Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
  /L         Uses search strings literally.
  /R         Uses search strings as regular expressions.
  /S         Searches for matching files in the current directory and all
  /I         Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
  /X         Prints lines that match exactly.
  /V         Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
  /N         Prints the line number before each line that matches.
  /M         Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
  /O         Prints character offset before each matching line.
  /P         Skip files with non-printable characters.
  /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
  /A:attr    Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
  /F:file    Reads file list from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  /C:string  Uses specified string as a literal search string.
  /G:file    Gets search strings from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  /D:dir     Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
  strings    Text to be searched for.
             Specifies a file or files to search.

Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed
with /C.  For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or
"there" in file x.y.  'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for
"hello there" in file x.y.

Regular expression quick reference:
  .        Wildcard: any character
  *        Repeat: zero or more occurrences of previous character or class
  ^        Line position: beginning of line
  $        Line position: end of line
  [class]  Character class: any one character in set
  [^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
  [x-y]    Range: any characters within the specified range
  \x       Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
  \<xyz    Word position: beginning of word
  xyz\>    Word position: end of word

For full information on FINDSTR regular expressions refer to the online Command

Finding last occurrence of substring in string, replacing that

a = "A long string with a . in the middle ending with ."

# if you want to find the index of the last occurrence of any string, In our case we #will find the index of the last occurrence of with

index = a.rfind("with") 

# the result will be 44, as index starts from 0.

Oracle date difference to get number of years

Need to find difference in year, if leap year the a year is of 366 days.

I dont work in oracle much, please make this better. Here is how I did:

          WHEN    ( (fromisleapyear = 'Y') AND (frommonth < 3))
               OR ( (toisleapyear = 'Y') AND (tomonth > 2)) THEN
             datedif / 366
             datedif / 365
  FROM (SELECT datedif,
                  WHEN (       (MOD (fromyear, 4) = 0)
                           AND (MOD (fromyear, 100) <> 0)
                        OR (MOD (fromyear, 400) = 0)) THEN
                  WHEN (   (MOD (toyear, 4) = 0) AND (MOD (toyear, 100) <> 0)
                        OR (MOD (toyear, 400) = 0)) THEN
          FROM (SELECT (:todate - :fromdate) AS datedif,
                       TO_CHAR (:fromdate, 'YYYY') AS fromyear,
                       TO_CHAR (:fromdate, 'MM') AS frommonth,
                       TO_CHAR (:todate, 'YYYY') AS toyear,
                       TO_CHAR (:todate, 'MM') AS tomonth
                  FROM DUAL))

How to tell if tensorflow is using gpu acceleration from inside python shell?

You can check if you are currently using the GPU by running the following code:

import tensorflow as tf

If the output is '', it means you are using CPU only;
If the output is something like that /device:GPU:0, it means GPU works.

And use the following code to check which GPU you are using:

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib 

Chrome refuses to execute an AJAX script due to wrong MIME type

FYI, I've got the same error from Chrome console. I thought my AJAX function causing it, but I uncommented my minified script from /javascripts/ajax-vanilla.min.js to /javascripts/ajax-vanilla.js. But in reality the source file was at /javascripts/src/ajax-vanilla.js. So in Chrome you getting bad MIME type error even if the file cannot be found. In this case, the error message is described as text/plain bad MIME type.

Passing an integer by reference in Python

Maybe it's not pythonic way, but you can do this

import ctypes

def incr(a):
    a += 1

x = ctypes.c_int(1) # create c-var
incr(ctypes.ctypes.byref(x)) # passing by ref

How do I make the first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript?

We could get the first character with one of my favorite RegExp, looks like a cute smiley: /^./

String.prototype.capitalize = function () {
  return this.replace(/^./, function (match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

And for all coffee-junkies:

String::capitalize = ->
  @replace /^./, (match) ->

...and for all guys who think that there's a better way of doing this, without extending native prototypes:

var capitalize = function (input) {
  return input.replace(/^./, function (match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

pip3: command not found but python3-pip is already installed


locate pip3

it should give you a list of results like this


go to /usr/local/bin to make a symbolic link to where your pip3 is located

ln -s /<path>/pip3.x /usr/local/bin/pip3

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

On saveAndFlush, changes will be flushed to DB immediately in this command. With save, this is not necessarily true, and might stay just in memory, until flush or commit commands are issued.

But be aware, that even if you flush the changes in transaction and do not commit them, the changes still won't be visible to the outside transactions until the commit in this transaction.

In your case, you probably use some sort of transactions mechanism, which issues commit command for you if everything works out fine.

Named colors in matplotlib

I constantly forget the names of the colors I want to use and keep coming back to this question =)

The previous answers are great, but I find it a bit difficult to get an overview of the available colors from the posted image. I prefer the colors to be grouped with similar colors, so I slightly tweaked the matplotlib answer that was mentioned in a comment above to get a color list sorted in columns. The order is not identical to how I would sort by eye, but I think it gives a good overview.

I updated the image and code to reflect that 'rebeccapurple' has been added and the three sage colors have been moved under the 'xkcd:' prefix since I posted this answer originally.

enter image description here

I really didn't change much from the matplotlib example, but here is the code for completeness.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors

colors = dict(mcolors.BASE_COLORS, **mcolors.CSS4_COLORS)

# Sort colors by hue, saturation, value and name.
by_hsv = sorted((tuple(mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(mcolors.to_rgba(color)[:3])), name)
                for name, color in colors.items())
sorted_names = [name for hsv, name in by_hsv]

n = len(sorted_names)
ncols = 4
nrows = n // ncols

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10))

# Get height and width
X, Y = fig.get_dpi() * fig.get_size_inches()
h = Y / (nrows + 1)
w = X / ncols

for i, name in enumerate(sorted_names):
    row = i % nrows
    col = i // nrows
    y = Y - (row * h) - h

    xi_line = w * (col + 0.05)
    xf_line = w * (col + 0.25)
    xi_text = w * (col + 0.3)

    ax.text(xi_text, y, name, fontsize=(h * 0.8),

    ax.hlines(y + h * 0.1, xi_line, xf_line,
              color=colors[name], linewidth=(h * 0.8))

ax.set_xlim(0, X)
ax.set_ylim(0, Y)

fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1,
                    top=1, bottom=0,
                    hspace=0, wspace=0)

Additional named colors

Updated 2017-10-25. I merged my previous updates into this section.


If you would like to use additional named colors when plotting with matplotlib, you can use the xkcd crowdsourced color names, via the 'xkcd:' prefix:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='xkcd:baby poop green')

Now you have access to a plethora of named colors!

enter image description here


The default Tableau colors are available in matplotlib via the 'tab:' prefix:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='tab:green')

There are ten distinct colors:

enter image description here


You can also plot colors by their HTML hex code:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='#8f9805')

This is more similar to specifying and RGB tuple rather than a named color (apart from the fact that the hex code is passed as a string), and I will not include an image of the 16 million colors you can choose from...

For more details, please refer to the matplotlib colors documentation and the source file specifying the available colors,

implements Closeable or implements AutoCloseable

AutoCloseable (introduced in Java 7) makes it possible to use the try-with-resources idiom:

public class MyResource implements AutoCloseable {

    public void close() throws Exception {


Now you can say:

try (MyResource res = new MyResource()) {
    // use resource here

and JVM will call close() automatically for you.

Closeable is an older interface. For some reason To preserve backward compatibility, language designers decided to create a separate one. This allows not only all Closeable classes (like streams throwing IOException) to be used in try-with-resources, but also allows throwing more general checked exceptions from close().

When in doubt, use AutoCloseable, users of your class will be grateful.

How to load local file in sc.textFile, instead of HDFS

This has happened to me with Spark 2.3 with Hadoop also installed under the common "hadoop" user home directory.Since both Spark and Hadoop was installed under the same common directory, Spark by default considers the scheme as hdfs, and starts looking for the input files under hdfs as specified by fs.defaultFS in Hadoop's core-site.xml. Under such cases, we need to explicitly specify the scheme as file:///<absoloute path to file>.

Visualizing decision tree in scikit-learn

Scikit learn recently introduced the plot_tree method to make this very easy (new in version 0.21 (May 2019)). Documentation here.

Here's the minimum code you need:

from sklearn import tree
plt.figure(figsize=(40,20))  # customize according to the size of your tree
_ = tree.plot_tree(your_model_name, feature_names = X.columns)

plot_tree supports some arguments to beautify the tree. For example:

from sklearn import tree
_ = tree.plot_tree(your_model_name, feature_names = X.columns, 
             filled=True, fontsize=6, rounded = True)

If you want to save the picture to a file, add the following line before


If you want to view the rules in text format, there's an answer here. It's more intuitive to read.

How do you use String.substringWithRange? (or, how do Ranges work in Swift?)

Easy solution with little code.

Make an extension that includes basic subStringing that nearly all other languages have:

extension String {
    func subString(start: Int, end: Int) -> String {
        let startIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: start)
        let endIndex = self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: end)

        let finalString = self.substring(from: startIndex)
        return finalString.substring(to: endIndex)

Simply call this with

someString.subString(start: 0, end: 6)

How to delete multiple files at once in Bash on Linux?

Bash supports all sorts of wildcards and expansions.

Your exact case would be handled by brace expansion, like so:

$ rm -rf abc.log.2012-03-{14,27,28}

The above would expand to a single command with all three arguments, and be equivalent to typing:

$ rm -rf abc.log.2012-03-14 abc.log.2012-03-27 abc.log.2012-03-28

It's important to note that this expansion is done by the shell, before rm is even loaded.

ngrok command not found


  1. Extract.
  2. Open folder
  3. Right click Windows Powershell.
  4. ngrock http 5000 {your post number instead of 5000}
  5. Make sure local server is running on another cmd too.

//Do not worry about auth step

Should I use 'border: none' or 'border: 0'?

This is the result in Firefox 78.0.2 (64-Bit):

img {
    border: none;
        border-top-color: currentcolor;
        border-top-style: none;
        border-top-width: medium;
        border-right-color: currentcolor;
        border-right-style: none;
        border-right-width: medium;
        border-bottom-color: currentcolor;
        border-bottom-style: none;
        border-bottom-width: medium;
        border-left-color: currentcolor;
        border-left-style: none;
        border-left-width: medium;

img {
    border: 0;
        border-top-color: currentcolor;
        border-top-style: none;
        border-top-width: 0px;
        border-right-color: currentcolor;
        border-right-style: none;
        border-right-width: 0px;
        border-bottom-color: currentcolor;
        border-bottom-style: none;
        border-bottom-width: 0px;
        border-left-color: currentcolor;
        border-left-style: none;
        border-left-width: 0px;
        border-image-outset: 0;
        border-image-repeat: stretch;
        border-image-slice: 100%;
        border-image-source: none;
        border-image-width: 1;

Date: 20200720

How To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable?

DataTable DT = ...
// Rename column to OLD:
DT.Columns["ID"].ColumnName = "ID_OLD";
// Add column with new type:
DT.Columns.Add( "ID", typeof(int) );
// copy data from old column to new column with new type:
foreach( DataRow DR in DT.Rows )
{ DR["ID"] = Convert.ToInt32( DR["ID_OLD"] ); }
// remove "OLD" column
DT.Columns.Remove( "ID_OLD" );

Deleting a local branch with Git

Ran into this today and switching to another branch didn't help. It turned out that somehow my worktree information had gotten corrupted and there was a worktree with the same folder path as my working directory with a HEAD pointing at the branch (git worktree list). I deleted the .git/worktree/ folder that was referencing it and git branch -d worked.

Javascript checkbox onChange


totalCost.value = checkbox.checked ? 10 : calculate();

function change(checkbox) {_x000D_
  totalCost.value = checkbox.checked ? 10 : calculate();_x000D_
function calculate() {_x000D_
  return other.value*2;_x000D_
input { display: block}
Checkbox: <input type="checkbox" onclick="change(this)"/>_x000D_
Total cost: <input id="totalCost" type="number" value=5 />_x000D_
Other: <input id="other" type="number" value=7 />

HTML img align="middle" doesn't align an image

remove float left.

Edited: removed reference to align center on an image tag.

What's the difference between session.persist() and in Hibernate?

Basic rule says that :

For Entities with generated identifier :

save() : It returns an entity's identifier immediately in addition to making the object persistent. So an insert query is fired immediately.

persist() : It returns the persistent object. It does not have any compulsion of returning the identifier immediately so it does not guarantee that insert will be fired immediately. It may fire an insert immediately but it is not guaranteed. In some cases, the query may be fired immediately while in others it may be fired at session flush time.

For Entities with assigned identifier :

save(): It returns an entity's identifier immediately. Since the identifier is already assigned to entity before calling save, so insert is not fired immediately. It is fired at session flush time.

persist() : same as save. It also fire insert at flush time.

Suppose we have an entity which uses a generated identifier as follows :

public class UserDetails {
    @Column(name = "USER_ID")
    private int userId;

    @Column(name = "USER_NAME")
    private String userName;

    public int getUserId() {
        return userId;
    public void setUserId(int userId) {
        this.userId = userId;
    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

save() :

    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    UserDetails user = new UserDetails();
    user.setUserName("Gaurav");; // Query is fired immediately as this statement is executed.

persist() :

    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    UserDetails user = new UserDetails();
    session.persist(user); // Query is not guaranteed to be fired immediately. It may get fired here.
    session.getTransaction().commit(); // If it not executed in last statement then It is fired here.

Now suppose we have the same entity defined as follows without the id field having generated annotation i.e. ID will be assigned manually.

public class UserDetails {
    @Column(name = "USER_ID")
    private int userId;

    @Column(name = "USER_NAME")
    private String userName;

    public int getUserId() {
        return userId;
    public void setUserId(int userId) {
        this.userId = userId;
    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

for save() :

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
UserDetails user = new UserDetails();
user.setUserName("Gaurav");; // Query is not fired here since id for object being referred by user is already available. No query need to be fired to find it. Data for user now available in first level cache but not in db.
session.getTransaction().commit();// Query will be fired at this point and data for user will now also be available in DB

for persist() :

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
UserDetails user = new UserDetails();
session.persist(user); // Query is not fired here.Object is made persistent. Data for user now available in first level cache but not in db.
session.getTransaction().commit();// Query will be fired at this point and data for user will now also be available in DB

The above cases were true when the save or persist were called from within a transaction.

The other points of difference between save and persist are :

  1. save() can be called outside a transaction. If assigned identifier is used then since id is already available, so no insert query is immediately fired. The query is only fired when the session is flushed.

  2. If generated identifier is used , then since id need to generated, insert is immediately fired. But it only saves the primary entity. If the entity has some cascaded entities then those will not be saved in db at this point. They will be saved when the session is flushed.

  3. If persist() is outside a transaction then insert is fired only when session is flushed no matter what kind of identifier (generated or assigned) is used.

  4. If save is called over a persistent object, then the entity is saved using update query.

Start script missing error when running npm start

should avoid using unstable npm version.

I observed one thing that is npm version based issue, npm version 4.6.1 is the stable one but 5.x is unstable because package.json will be configured perfectly while creating with default template if it's a stable version and so we manually don't need to add that scripts.

I got the below issue on the npm 5 so I downgraded to npm 4.6.1 then its worked for me,

ERROR: npm 5 is not supported yet

It looks like you're using npm 5 which was recently released.

Create React Native App doesn't work with npm 5 yet, unfortunately. We recommend using npm 4 or yarn until some bugs are resolved.

You can follow the known issues with npm 5 at:

Devas-MacBook-Air:SampleTestApp deva$ npm start npm ERR! missing script: start

Why is this jQuery click function not working?

I found the best solution for this problem by using ON with $(document).

 $(document).on('click', '#yourid', function() { alert("hello"); });

for id start with see below:

$(document).on('click', 'div[id^="start"]', function() {
alert ('hello'); });

finally after 1 week I not need to add onclick triger. I hope this will help many people

What Vim command(s) can be used to quote/unquote words?

In addition to the other commands, this will enclose all words in a line in double quotes (as per your comment)


or if you want to reduce the number of backslashes, you can put a \v (very-magic) modifier at the start of the pattern


How to find and turn on USB debugging mode on Nexus 4

Open up your device’s “Settings”. This can be done by pressing the Menu button while on your home screen and tapping settings icon then scroll down to developer options and tap it then you will see on the top right a on off switch select on and then tap ok, thats it you all done.

How to copy a folder via cmd?

xcopy  e:\source_folder f:\destination_folder /e /i /h

The /h is just in case there are hidden files. The /i creates a destination folder if there are muliple source files.

Syntax for creating a two-dimensional array in Java

Actually Java doesn't have multi-dimensional array in mathematical sense. What Java has is just array of arrays, an array where each element is also an array. That is why the absolute requirement to initialize it is the size of the first dimension. If the rest are specified then it will create an array populated with default value.

int[][]   ar  = new int[2][];
int[][][] ar  = new int[2][][];
int[][]   ar  = new int[2][2]; // 2x2 array with zeros

It also gives us a quirk. The size of the sub-array cannot be changed by adding more elements, but we can do so by assigning a new array of arbitrary size.

int[][]   ar  = new int[2][2];
ar[1][3] = 10; // index out of bound
ar[1]    = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,6}; // works

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?

Once you have connected your UITableView delegate and datasource to your controller, you could do something like this:


- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {

    NSString *sectionName;
    switch (section) {
        case 0:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString(@"mySectionName", @"mySectionName");
        case 1:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString(@"myOtherSectionName", @"myOtherSectionName");
        // ...
            sectionName = @"";
    return sectionName;


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {

    let sectionName: String
    switch section {
        case 0:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString("mySectionName", comment: "mySectionName")
        case 1:
            sectionName = NSLocalizedString("myOtherSectionName", comment: "myOtherSectionName")
        // ...
            sectionName = ""
    return sectionName

How to add List<> to a List<> in

Use List.AddRange(collection As IEnumerable(Of T)) method.

It allows you to append at the end of your list another collection/list.


List<string> initialList = new List<string>();
// Put whatever you want in the initial list
List<string> listToAdd = new List<string>();
// Put whatever you want in the second list

Check if property has attribute

This is a pretty old question but I used

My method has this parameter but it could be built:

Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression

Then in the method this:

System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression memberExpression 
       = expression.Body as System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression;
Boolean hasIdentityAttr = System.Attribute
       .IsDefined(memberExpression.Member, typeof(IsIdentity));

check if directory exists and delete in one command unix

Here is another one liner:

[[ -d /tmp/test ]] && rm -r /tmp/test
  • && means execute the statement which follows only if the preceding statement executed successfully (returned exit code zero)

Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it

Tested in IE9, and latest Firefox and Chrome and also supported in IE8.

document.onreadystatechange = function () {
  var state = document.readyState;
  if (state == 'interactive') {
  } else if (state == 'complete') {


UPDATE - reusable version

I have just developed the following. It's a rather simplistic equivalent to jQuery or Dom ready without backwards compatibility. It probably needs further refinement. Tested in latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and IE (10/11) and should work in older browsers as commented on. I'll update if I find any issues.

window.readyHandlers = [];
window.ready = function ready(handler) {

window.handleState = function handleState () {
  if (['interactive', 'complete'].indexOf(document.readyState) > -1) {
    while(window.readyHandlers.length > 0) {

document.onreadystatechange = window.handleState;


ready(function () {
  // your code here

It's written to handle async loading of JS but you might want to sync load this script first unless you're minifying. I've found it useful in development.

Modern browsers also support async loading of scripts which further enhances the experience. Support for async means multiple scripts can be downloaded simultaneously all while still rendering the page. Just watch out when depending on other scripts loaded asynchronously or use a minifier or something like browserify to handle dependencies.

How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

Open the private channel, then:

WARNING be sure to add -100 prefix when using Telegram Bot API:

  • if the channel ID is for example 1192292378
  • then you should use -1001192292378

What's the difference between all the Selection Segues?

For those who prefer a bit more practical learning, select the segue in dock, open the attribute inspector and switch between different kinds of segues (dropdown "Kind"). This will reveal options specific for each of them: for example you can see that "present modally" allows you to choose a transition type etc.

Counting words in string

One more way to count words in a string. This code counts words that contain only alphanumeric characters and "_", "’", "-", "'" chars.

function countWords(str) {
  var matches = str.match(/[\w\d\’\'-]+/gi);
  return matches ? matches.length : 0;

Oracle: how to set user password unexpire?

The following statement causes a user's password to expire:


If you cause a database user's password to expire with PASSWORD EXPIRE, then the user (or the DBA) must change the password before attempting to log in to the database following the expiration. Tools such as SQL*Plus allow the user to change the password on the first attempted login following the expiration.


Will set/reset the users password.

See the alter user doc for more info

C++ - struct vs. class

1) It is the only difference in C++.

2) POD: plain old data Other classes -> not POD

MySQL Query - Records between Today and Last 30 Days

You can also write this in mysql -

SELECT  DATE_FORMAT(create_date, '%m/%d/%Y')
FROM    mytable
WHERE   create_date < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 MONTH);


How to add results of two select commands in same query

Something simple like this can be done using subqueries in the select clause:

select ((select sum(hours) from resource) +
        (select sum(hours) from projects-time)
       ) as totalHours

For such a simple query as this, such a subselect is reasonable.

In some databases, you might have to add from dual for the query to compile.

If you want to output each individually:

select (select sum(hours) from resource) as ResourceHours,
       (select sum(hours) from projects-time) as ProjectHours

If you want both and the sum, a subquery is handy:

select ResourceHours, ProjectHours, (ResourceHours+ProjecctHours) as TotalHours
from (select (select sum(hours) from resource) as ResourceHours,
             (select sum(hours) from projects-time) as ProjectHours
     ) t

Python: Fetch first 10 results from a list

Use the slicing operator:

list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]

Why compile Python code?

As already mentioned, you can get a performance increase from having your python code compiled into bytecode. This is usually handled by python itself, for imported scripts only.

Another reason you might want to compile your python code, could be to protect your intellectual property from being copied and/or modified.

You can read more about this in the Python documentation.

ListView item background via custom selector

The solution by dglmtn doesn't work when you have a 9-patch drawable with padding as background. Strange things happen, I don't even want to talk about it, if you have such a problem, you know them.

Now, If you want to have a listview with different states and 9-patch drawables (it would work with any drawables and colors, I think) you have to do 2 things:

  1. Set the selector for the items in the list.
  2. Get rid of the default selector for the list.

What you should do is first set the row_selector.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" >
    <item android:state_enabled="true" 
     android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_pressed" />
    <item android:state_enabled="true"
     android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_focused" />
    <item android:state_enabled="true"
     android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_focused" />
     android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_normal" />

Don't forget the android:state_selected. It works like android:state_focused for the list, but it's applied for the list item.

Now apply the selector to the items (row.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

Make a transparent selector for the list:


This should do the thing.

A CSS selector to get last visible div

in other way, you can do it with javascript , in Jquery you can use something like:



How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never times out

This method gives you the option for a really fast method (for real time feedback) or a slower method (for one off checks that require reliability)

public boolean isNetworkAvailable(bool SlowButMoreReliable) {
    bool Result = false; 
    try {
            ConnectivityManager MyConnectivityManager = null;
            MyConnectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);

            NetworkInfo MyNetworkInfo = null;
            MyNetworkInfo = MyConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();

            Result = MyNetworkInfo != null && MyNetworkInfo.isConnected();

        } else
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            Process ipProcess = runtime.exec("/system/bin/ping -c 1");

            int i = ipProcess.waitFor();

            Result = i== 0;


    } catch(Exception ex)
        //Common.Exception(ex); //This method is one you should have that displays exceptions in your log
    return Result;

Maven Installation OSX Error Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

I solved it putting a old version of maven (2.x), using brew:

brew uninstall maven
brew tap homebrew/versions 
brew install maven2

When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?

Depends on your use case but to summarise the difference:

  1. ng-if will remove elements from DOM. This means that all your handlers or anything else attached to those elements will be lost. For example, if you bound a click handler to one of child elements, when ng-if evaluates to false, that element will be removed from DOM and your click handler will not work any more, even after ng-if later evaluates to true and displays the element. You will need to reattach the handler.
  2. ng-show/ng-hide does not remove the elements from DOM. It uses CSS styles to hide/show elements (note: you might need to add your own classes). This way your handlers that were attached to children will not be lost.
  3. ng-if creates a child scope while ng-show/ng-hide does not

Elements that are not in the DOM have less performance impact and your web app might appear to be faster when using ng-if compared to ng-show/ng-hide. In my experience, the difference is negligible. Animations are possible when using both ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if, with examples for both in the Angular documentation.

Ultimately, the question you need to answer is whether you can remove element from DOM or not?

GitHub: invalid username or password

Solution steps:

  1. Control Panel
  2. Credential Manager
  3. Click Window Credentials
  4. In Generic Credential section ,there would be git url, update username and password
  5. Restart Git Bash and try for clone

How to get english language word database?

You didn't say what you needed this list for. If something used as a blacklist for password checks is enough cracklib might be good for you. It contains over 1.5M words.

Clicking submit button of an HTML form by a Javascript code

The usual way to submit a form in general is to call submit() on the form itself, as described in krtek's answer.

However, if you need to actually click a submit button for some reason (your code depends on the submit button's name/value being posted or something), you can click on the submit button itself like this:


How to place a file on classpath in Eclipse?

Copy the file into your src folder. Go to the Project Explorer in Eclipse, Right-click on your project, and click on "Refresh". The file should appear on the Project Explorer pane as well.

Count number of objects in list


Get or set the length of vectors (including lists) and factors, and of any other R object for which a method has been defined.


Get the length of each element of a list or atomic vector (is.atomic) as an integer or numeric vector.

How to paste text to end of every line? Sublime 2

  1. Select all the lines on which you want to add prefix or suffix. (But if you want to add prefix or suffix to only specific lines, you can use ctrl+Left mouse button to create multiple cursors.)
  2. Push Ctrl+Shift+L.
  3. Push Home key and add prefix.
  4. Push End key and add suffix.

Note, disable wordwrap, otherwise it will not work properly if your lines are longer than sublime's width.

Where do alpha testers download Google Play Android apps?

  1. Publish your alpha apk by pressing the submit button.

  2. Wait until it's published.
    (e.g.: CURRENT APK published on Apr 28, 2015, 2:20:13AM)

  3. Select Alpha testers - click Manage list of testers.

  4. Share the link with your testers (by email).

Wrapping long text without white space inside of a div

You can use the following

p{word-break: break-all;}


How to merge two arrays of objects by ID using lodash?

If both arrays are in the correct order; where each item corresponds to its associated member identifier then you can simply use.

var merge = _.merge(arr1, arr2);

Which is the short version of:

var merge = _.chain(arr1).zip(arr2).map(function(item) {
    return _.merge.apply(null, item);

Or, if the data in the arrays is not in any particular order, you can look up the associated item by the member value.

var merge =, function(item) {
    return _.merge(item, _.find(arr2, { 'member' : item.member }));

You can easily convert this to a mixin. See the example below:

  'mergeByKey' : function(arr1, arr2, key) {_x000D_
    var criteria = {};_x000D_
    criteria[key] = null;_x000D_
    return, function(item) {_x000D_
      criteria[key] = item[key];_x000D_
      return _.merge(item, _.find(arr2, criteria));_x000D_
var arr1 = [{_x000D_
  "member": 'ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6")',_x000D_
  "bank": 'ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc")',_x000D_
  "country": 'ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")'_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
  "member": 'ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8")',_x000D_
  "bank": 'ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc")',_x000D_
  "country": 'ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")'_x000D_
var arr2 = [{_x000D_
  "member": 'ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8")',_x000D_
  "name": 'yyyyyyyyyy',_x000D_
  "age": 26_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
  "member": 'ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6")',_x000D_
  "name": 'xxxxxx',_x000D_
  "age": 25_x000D_
var arr3 = _.mergeByKey(arr1, arr2, 'member');_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(arr3, null, 4);
body { font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; }
<script src=""></script>

std::string formatting like sprintf

If you are on a system that has asprintf(3), you can easily wrap it:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>

std::string format(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));

std::string format(const char *fmt, ...)
    std::string result;

    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);

    char *tmp = 0;
    int res = vasprintf(&tmp, fmt, ap);

    if (res != -1) {
        result = tmp;
    } else {
        // The vasprintf call failed, either do nothing and
        // fall through (will return empty string) or
        // throw an exception, if your code uses those

    return result;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::string username = "you";
    std::cout << format("Hello %s! %d", username.c_str(), 123) << std::endl;
    return 0;

Add a properties file to IntelliJ's classpath

I spent quite a lot of time figuring out how to do this in Intellij 13x. I apparently never added the properties files to the artifacts that required them, which is a separate step in Intellij. The setup below also works when you have a properties file that is shared by multiple modules.

  • Go to your project setup (CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S)
  • In the list, select the module that you want to add one or more properties files to.
  • On the right, select the Dependencies tab.
  • Click the green plus and select "Jars or directories".
  • Now select the folder that contains the property file(s). (I haven't tried including an individual file)
  • Intellij will now ask you what the "category" of the selected file is. Choose "classes" (even though they are not).
  • Now you must add the properties files to the artifact. Intellij will give you the shortcut shown below. It will show errors in the red part at the bottom and a 'red lightbulb' that when clicked shows you an option to add the files to the artifact. You can also go to the 'artifacts' section and add the files to the artifacts manually.

enter image description here

POST Multipart Form Data using Retrofit 2.0 including image

Adding to the answer given by @insomniac. You can create a Map to put the parameter for RequestBody including image.

Code for Interface

public interface ApiInterface {
Call<User> editUser (@Header("Authorization") String authorization, @PartMap Map<String, RequestBody> map);

Code for Java class

File file = new File(imageUri.getPath());
RequestBody fbody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("image/*"), file);
RequestBody name = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), firstNameField.getText().toString());
RequestBody id = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), AZUtils.getUserId(this));

Map<String, RequestBody> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("file\"; filename=\"pp.png\" ", fbody);
map.put("FirstName", name);
map.put("Id", id);
Call<User> call = client.editUser(AZUtils.getToken(this), map);
call.enqueue(new Callback<User>() {
public void onResponse(retrofit.Response<User> response, Retrofit retrofit) 

public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

Rename package in Android Studio

The common mistake that one can make is one cannot rename the package structure i.e. it is not possible to change to when one tries to modify at the level.

In order to have the same desired change go one level up i.e and here when you refactor change it to Renamed. This will work always.

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

I was getting the same issue with a different application,

Faulting application name: javaw.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x55763d32
Faulting module name: mscorwks.dll, version: 2.0.50727.5485, time stamp: 0x53a11d6c
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000501090
Faulting process id: 0x2960
Faulting application start time: 0x01d0c39a93c695f2
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_51\bin\javaw.exe
Faulting module path:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll

I was using the The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) from Microsoft and I found by disabling the EMET features on javaw.exe in my case as this was the faulting application, it enabled my application to run successfully. Make sure you don't have any similar software with security protections on memory.

JOptionPane Yes or No window

"if(true)" will always be true and it will never make it to the else. If you want it to work correctly you have to do this:

int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "HELLO");
} else {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "GOODBYE");

SoapFault exception: Could not connect to host

In my case service address in wsdl is wrong.

My wsdl url is.

But service address in that xml result is.

<soap:address location=""/>

I just save that xml to local file and change service address to.

<soap:address location=""/>

Good luck. is not a function

There is an error on $.map() invocation, try this:

    function getData(data) {
        this.productID = data.product_id;
        this.productData = data.product_data;
        this.imageID = data.product_data.image_id;
        this.text = data.product_data.text; =;
        this.imageUrl = data.product_data.image_url;

    $.getJSON("json.json?sdfsdfg").done(function (data) {

        var allPosts = $.map(data,function (item) {

            for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
                new getData(item[i]);



The error in your code was that you made return in your AJAX call, so it executed only one time.

Replace non-numeric with empty string

You don't need to use Regex.

phone = new String(phone.Where(c => char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray())

passing argument to DialogFragment

as a general way of working with Fragments, as JafarKhQ noted, you should not pass the params in the constructor but with a Bundle.

the built-in method for that in the Fragment class is setArguments(Bundle) and getArguments().

basically, what you do is set up a bundle with all your Parcelable items and send them on.
in turn, your Fragment will get those items in it's onCreate and do it's magic to them.

the way shown in the DialogFragment link was one way of doing this in a multi appearing fragment with one specific type of data and works fine most of the time, but you can also do this manually.

How do I get a string format of the current date time, in python?

You can use the datetime module for working with dates and times in Python. The strftime method allows you to produce string representation of dates and times with a format you specify.

>>> import datetime
>>>"%B %d, %Y")
'July 23, 2010'
>>>"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
'10:36AM on July 23, 2010'

Find size of Git repository

You can easily find the size of each of your repository in your Accounts settings

Android Studio Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper

(Solution) I tried my first flutter app in android studio , i was getting same error " Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper"

open build.gradle and update dependencies

    classpath ''
    classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"

or just hover over

Perl: Use s/ (replace) and return new string

If you have Perl 5.14 or greater, you can use the /r option with the substitution operator to perform non-destructive substitution:

print "bla: ", $myvar =~ s/a/b/r, "\n";

In earlier versions you can achieve the same using a do() block with a temporary lexical variable, e.g.:

print "bla: ", do { (my $tmp = $myvar) =~ s/a/b/; $tmp }, "\n";

How to debug SSL handshake using cURL?

curl probably does have some options for showing more information but for things like this I always use openssl s_client

With the -debug option this gives lots of useful information

Maybe I should add that this also works with non HTTP connections. So if you are doing "https", try the curl commands suggested below. If you aren't or want a second option openssl s_client might be good

How to resolve the "ADB server didn't ACK" error?

if you are using any mobile suit like mobogenie or something that might also will make this issue. try killing that too from the task manager.

Note : i faced the same issue, tried the above solution. That didn't work, finally found out this solution.May useful for someone else!..

PHP Session data not being saved

Edit your php.ini.
I think the value of session.gc_probability is 1, so set it to 0.


How do I get the first n characters of a string without checking the size or going out of bounds?

Kotlin: (If anyone needs)

var mText = text.substring(0, text.length.coerceAtMost(20))

How can we convert an integer to string in AngularJs

.toString() is available, or just add "" to the end of the int

var x = 3,
    toString = x.toString(),
    toConcat = x + "";

Angular is simply JavaScript at the core.

How to create a XML object from String in Java?

If you can create a string xml you can easily transform it to the xml document object e.g. -

String xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><a><b></b><c></c></a>";  

DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();  
DocumentBuilder builder;  
try {  
    builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();  
    Document document = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlString)));  
} catch (Exception e) {  

You can use the document object and xml parsing libraries or xpath to get back the ip address.

Should a function have only one return statement?

Structured programming says you should only ever have one return statement per function. This is to limit the complexity. Many people such as Martin Fowler argue that it is simpler to write functions with multiple return statements. He presents this argument in the classic refactoring book he wrote. This works well if you follow his other advice and write small functions. I agree with this point of view and only strict structured programming purists adhere to single return statements per function.

List of all unique characters in a string?

if the result does not need to be order-preserving, then you can simply use a set

>>> ''.join(set( "aaabcabccd"))

How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

make sure Monitor all connections is ticked. it does not work for me maybe port is diffren i need yo see httprequest to my site from gmail my site is on win xp and iis5(my own machine)

How do I set the maximum line length in PyCharm?

You can even set a separate right margin for HTML. Under the specified path:

File >> Settings >> Editor >> Code Style >> HTML >> Other Tab >> Right margin (columns)

This is very useful because generally HTML and JS may be usually long in one line than Python. :)

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

First of all, you should never use the money datatype. If you do any calculations you will get truncated results. Run the following to see what I mean

    @mon1 MONEY,
    @mon2 MONEY,
    @mon3 MONEY,
    @mon4 MONEY,
    @num1 DECIMAL(19,4),
    @num2 DECIMAL(19,4),
    @num3 DECIMAL(19,4),
    @num4 DECIMAL(19,4)

    @mon1 = 100, @mon2 = 339, @mon3 = 10000,
    @num1 = 100, @num2 = 339, @num3 = 10000

    SET @mon4 = @mon1/@mon2*@mon3
    SET @num4 = @num1/@num2*@num3

    SELECT @mon4 AS moneyresult,
    @num4 AS numericresult

Output: 2949.0000 2949.8525

Now to answer your question (it was a little vague), the money datatype always has two places after the decimal point. Use the integer datatype if you don't want the fractional part or convert to int.

Perhaps you want to use the decimal or numeric datatype?

JPA mapping: "QuerySyntaxException: foobar is not mapped..."

There is also another possible source of this error. In some J2EE / web containers (in my experience under Jboss 7.x and Tomcat 7.x) You have to add each class You want to use as a hibernate Entity into the file persistence.xml as


In case of jboss this concerns every entity class (local - i.e. within the project You are developing or in a library). In case of Tomcat 7.x this concerns only entity classes within libraries.

Python - Create list with numbers between 2 values?

In python you can do this very eaisly

output: arr=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

or you can create a recursive function that returns an array upto a given number:

def diff(start,end):
    if start==end:
        return ar
        return diff(start-1,end) 

output: ar=[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]

Putting a password to a user in PhpMyAdmin in Wamp

Search your installation of PhpMyAdmin for a file called Documentation.txt. This describes how to create a file called and how you can configure the username and password.

Xcode 4 - "Archive" is greyed out?

As the other answers state, you need to select an active scheme to something that is not a simulator, i.e. a device that's connected to your mac.

If you have no device connected to the mac then selecting "Generic IOS Device" works also.

enter image description here

Export tables to an excel spreadsheet in same directory

For people who find this via search engines, you do not need VBA. You can just:

1.) select the query or table with your mouse
2.) click export data from the ribbon
3.) click excel from the export subgroup
4.) follow the wizard to select the output file and location.

Create a new object from type parameter in generic class

Here is example if you need parameters in constructor:

class Sample {
    public innerField: string;

    constructor(data: Partial<Sample>) {
        this.innerField = data.innerField;

export class GenericWithParams<TType> {
    public innerItem: TType;

    constructor(data: Partial<GenericWithParams<TType>>, private typePrototype: new (i: Partial<TType>) => TType) {
        this.innerItem = this.factoryMethodOnModel(data.innerItem);

    private factoryMethodOnModel = (item: Partial<TType>): TType => {
        return new this.typePrototype(item);

const instance = new GenericWithParams<Sample>({ innerItem : { innerField: 'test' }}, Sample);

httpd Server not started: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:88

In my case, I tried to first use port 88 instead, and even then the httpd won't start.

I used the below command, i.e. modify instead of add, as suggested by one of users, and was able to run httpd.

semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 88

How to convert string to Date in Angular2 \ Typescript?

You can use date filter to convert in date and display in specific format.

In .ts file (typescript):

let dateString = '1968-11-16T00:00:00' 
let newDate = new Date(dateString);


{{dateString |  date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

Below are some formats which you can implement :


public todayDate = new Date();


<option value=""></option>
<option value="MM/dd/yyyy">[{{todayDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}]</option>
<option value="EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy">[{{todayDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy'}}]</option>
<option value="EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a">[{{todayDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a'}}]</option>
<option value="EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a">[{{todayDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a'}}]</option>
<option value="MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a">[{{todayDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a'}}]</option>
<option value="MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a">[{{todayDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a'}}]</option>
<option value="MMMM d">[{{todayDate | date:'MMMM d'}}]</option>   
<option value="yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss">[{{todayDate | date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'}}]</option>
<option value="h:mm a">[{{todayDate | date:'h:mm a'}}]</option>
<option value="h:mm:ss a">[{{todayDate | date:'h:mm:ss a'}}]</option>      
<option value="EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a">[{{todayDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a'}}]</option>
<option value="MMMM yyyy">[{{todayDate | date:'MMMM yyyy'}}]</option> 

Use IntelliJ to generate class diagram

IntelliJ IDEA 14+

  • Show diagram popup

    Right click on a type/class/package > Diagrams > Show Diagram Popup...
    or Ctrl+Alt+U

  • Show diagram (opens a new tab)

    Right click on a type/class/package > Diagrams > Show Diagram...
    or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U

    right click Diagrams Show Diagram

By default, you see only the classes/interfaces names. If you want to see more details, go to File > Settings... > Tools > Diagrams and check what you want (E.g.: Fields, Methods, etc.)

P.S.: You need IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, because this feature is not supported in Community Edition. If you go to File > Settings... > Plugins, you can see that there is not UML Support plugin in Community Edition.

Are there any naming convention guidelines for REST APIs?

Look closely at URI's for ordinary web resources. Those are your template. Think of directory trees; use simple Linux-like file and directory names.

HelloWorld isn't a really good class of resources. It doesn't appear to be a "thing". It might be, but it isn't very noun-like. A greeting is a thing.

user-id might be a noun that you're fetching. It's doubtful, however, that the result of your request is only a user_id. It's much more likely that the result of the request is a User. Therefore, user is the noun you're fetching

Makes sense to me. Focus on making your REST request a kind of noun phrase -- a path through a hierarchy (or taxonomy, or directory). Use the simplest nouns possible, avoiding noun phrases if possible.

Generally, compound noun phrases usually mean another step in your hierarchy. So you don't have /hello-world/user/ and /hello-universe/user/. You have /hello/world/user/ and hello/universe/user/. Or possibly /world/hello/user/ and /universe/hello/user/.

The point is to provide a navigation path among resources.

Copy/Paste/Calculate Visible Cells from One Column of a Filtered Table

Just to add to Jon's coding if you needed to take it a step further, and do more than just one column you can add something like

Dim copyRange2 As Range
Dim copyRange3 As Range

Set copyRange2 =src.Range("B2:B" & lastRow)
Set copyRange3 =src.Range("C2:C" & lastRow)

copyRange2.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy tgt.Range("B12")
copyRange3.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy tgt.Range("C12")

put these near the other codings that are the same you can easily change the Ranges as you need.

I only add this because it was helpful for me. I'd assume Jon already knows this but for those that are less experienced sometimes it's helpful to see how to change/add/modify these codings. I figured since Ruya didn't know how to manipulate the original coding it could be helpful if one ever needed to copy over only 2 visibile columns, or only 3, etc. You can use this same coding, add in extra lines that are almost the same and then the coding is copying over whatever you need.

I don't have enough reputation to reply to Jon's comment directly so I have to post as a new comment, sorry.

ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'

This can help:

mysqldump --compatible=mysql40 -u user -p DB > dumpfile.sql

PHPMyAdmin has the same MySQL compatibility mode in the 'expert' export options. Although that has on occasions done nothing.

If you don't have access via the command line or via PHPMyAdmin then editing the

/*!50003 SET character_set_client  = utf8mb4 */ ; 

bit to read 'utf8' only, is the way to go.

How to Customize the time format for Python logging?

Using logging.basicConfig, the following example works for me:

    format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s',
    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',

This allows you to format & config all in one line. A resulting log record looks as follows:

2014-05-26 12:22:52.376 CRITICAL historylistener - main: History log failed to start

python how to pad numpy array with zeros

I know I'm a bit late to this, but in case you wanted to perform relative padding (aka edge padding), here's how you can implement it. Note that the very first instance of assignment results in zero-padding, so you can use this for both zero-padding and relative padding (this is where you copy the edge values of the original array into the padded array).

def replicate_padding(arr):
    """Perform replicate padding on a numpy array."""
    new_pad_shape = tuple(np.array(arr.shape) + 2) # 2 indicates the width + height to change, a (512, 512) image --> (514, 514) padded image.
    padded_array = np.zeros(new_pad_shape) #create an array of zeros with new dimensions
    # perform replication
    padded_array[1:-1,1:-1] = arr        # result will be zero-pad
    padded_array[0,1:-1] = arr[0]        # perform edge pad for top row
    padded_array[-1, 1:-1] = arr[-1]     # edge pad for bottom row
    padded_array.T[0, 1:-1] = arr.T[0]   # edge pad for first column
    padded_array.T[-1, 1:-1] = arr.T[-1] # edge pad for last column
    #at this point, all values except for the 4 corners should have been replicated
    padded_array[0][0] = arr[0][0]     # top left corner
    padded_array[-1][0] = arr[-1][0]   # bottom left corner
    padded_array[0][-1] = arr[0][-1]   # top right corner 
    padded_array[-1][-1] = arr[-1][-1] # bottom right corner

    return padded_array

Complexity Analysis:

The optimal solution for this is numpy's pad method. After averaging for 5 runs, np.pad with relative padding is only 8% better than the function defined above. This shows that this is fairly an optimal method for relative and zero-padding padding.

#My method, replicate_padding
start = time.time()
padded = replicate_padding(input_image)
end = time.time()
delta0 = end - start

#np.pad with edge padding
start = time.time()
padded = np.pad(input_image, 1, mode='edge')
end = time.time()
delta = end - start

print(delta0) # np Output: 0.0008790493011474609 
print(delta)  # My Output: 0.0008130073547363281
print(100*((delta0-delta)/delta)) # Percent difference: 8.12316715542522%

Linux: is there a read or recv from socket with timeout?

Install a handler for SIGALRM, then use alarm() or ualarm() before a regular blocking recv(). If the alarm goes off, the recv() will return an error with errno set to EINTR.

How do you create a static class in C++?

You can also create a free function in a namespace:

In BitParser.h

namespace BitParser
    bool getBitAt(int buffer, int bitIndex);

In BitParser.cpp

namespace BitParser
    bool getBitAt(int buffer, int bitIndex)
        //get the bit :)

In general this would be the preferred way to write the code. When there's no need for an object don't use a class.

SQL how to check that two tables has exactly the same data?

An alternative, enhanced query based on answer by dietbuddha & IanMc. The query includes description to helpfully show where rows exist and are missing. (NB: for SQL Server)

    select 'InTableA_NoMatchInTableB' as Msg, * from tableA
    select 'InTableA_NoMatchInTableB' , * from tableB
union all
    select 'InTableB_NoMatchInTableA' as Msg, * from tableB
    select 'InTableB_NNoMatchInTableA' ,* from tableA

Extract month and year from a zoo::yearmon object

I know the OP is using zoo here, but I found this thread googling for a standard ts solution for the same problem. So I thought I'd add a zoo-free answer for ts as well.

# create an example Date 
date_1 <- as.Date("1990-01-01")
# extract year
as.numeric(format(date_1, "%Y"))
# extract month
as.numeric(format(date_1, "%m"))

How to generate the "create table" sql statement for an existing table in postgreSQL

Here is a bit improved version of shekwi's query.
It generates the primary key constraint and is able to handle temporary tables:

with pkey as
    select cc.conrelid, format(E',
    constraint %I primary key(%s)', cc.conname,
        string_agg(a.attname, ', ' 
            order by array_position(cc.conkey, a.attnum))) pkey
    from pg_catalog.pg_constraint cc
        join pg_catalog.pg_class c on c.oid = cc.conrelid
        join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = cc.conrelid 
            and a.attnum = any(cc.conkey)
    where cc.contype = 'p'
    group by cc.conrelid, cc.conname
select format(E'create %stable %s%I\n(\n%s%s\n);\n',
    case c.relpersistence when 't' then 'temporary ' else '' end,
    case c.relpersistence when 't' then '' else n.nspname || '.' end,
        format(E'\t%I %s%s',
            pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
            case when a.attnotnull then ' not null' else '' end
        ), E',\n'
        order by a.attnum
    (select pkey from pkey where pkey.conrelid = c.oid)) as sql
from pg_catalog.pg_class c
    join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
    join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum > 0
    join pg_catalog.pg_type t on a.atttypid = t.oid
where c.relname = :table_name
group by c.oid, c.relname, c.relpersistence, n.nspname;

Use table_name parameter to specify the name of the table.

Are global variables bad?

Global variables are generally bad, especially if other people are working on the same code and don't want to spend 20mins searching for all the places the variable is referenced. And adding threads that modify the variables brings in a whole new level of headaches.

Global constants in an anonymous namespace used in a single translation unit are fine and ubiquitous in professional apps and libraries. But if the data is mutable, and/or it has to be shared between multiple TUs, you may want to encapsulate it--if not for design's sake, then for the sake of anybody debugging or working with your code.

How disable / remove android activity label and label bar?

you can try this

 ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();

Get random sample from list while maintaining ordering of items?

random.sample implement it.

>>> random.sample([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],  3)   # Three samples without replacement
[4, 1, 5]

psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

Out of all the answers above nothing worked for me. I had to manually change the users password in the database and it suddenly worked.

psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "alter user produser with password 'produser';"

I used the following settings:


local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               password  
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 password

Connection is successful finally for the following command:

psql -U produser -d dbname -h localhost -W 

docker: Error response from daemon: Get Service Unavailable. IN DOCKER , MAC

I have solved this issue about $ sudo docker run hello-world following the Docker doc.

If you are behind an HTTP Proxy server of corporate, this may solve your problem.

Docker doc also displays other situation about HTTP proxy setting.

How to get package name from anywhere?

An idea is to have a static variable in your main activity, instantiated to be the package name. Then just reference that variable.

You will have to initialize it in the main activity's onCreate() method:

Global to the class:

public static String PACKAGE_NAME;


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    PACKAGE_NAME = getApplicationContext().getPackageName();

You can then access it via Main.PACKAGE_NAME.

Determine if char is a num or letter

C99 standard on c >= '0' && c <= '9'

c >= '0' && c <= '9' (mentioned in another answer) works because C99 N1256 standard draft 5.2.1 "Character sets" says:

In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.

ASCII is not guaranteed however.

What is unexpected T_VARIABLE in PHP?

There might be a semicolon or bracket missing a line before your pasted line.

It seems fine to me; every string is allowed as an array index.

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons CDN

Although Bootstrap CDN restored glyphicons to bootstrap.min.css, Bootstrap CDN's Bootswatch css files doesn't include glyphicons.

For example Amelia theme:

Default Amelia has glyphicons in this file:

But Bootstrap CDN's css file doesn't include glyphicons:

So as @edsioufi mentioned, you should include you should include glphicons css, if you use Bootswatch files from the bootstrap CDN. File:

Cannot open database "test" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'xyz\ASPNET'

it's not a login issue most times. The database might not have been created. To create the database, Go to db context file and add this.Database.EnsureCreated();

How to set up datasource with Spring for HikariCP?

you need to write this structure on your bean configuration (this is your datasource):

<bean id="hikariConfig" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig">
    <property name="poolName" value="springHikariCP" />
    <property name="connectionTestQuery" value="SELECT 1" />
    <property name="dataSourceClassName" value="${hibernate.dataSourceClassName}" />
    <property name="maximumPoolSize" value="${hibernate.hikari.maximumPoolSize}" />
    <property name="idleTimeout" value="${hibernate.hikari.idleTimeout}" />

    <property name="dataSourceProperties">
            <prop key="url">${dataSource.url}</prop>
            <prop key="user">${dataSource.username}</prop>
            <prop key="password">${dataSource.password}</prop>

<!-- HikariCP configuration -->
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <constructor-arg ref="hikariConfig" />

This is my example and it is working. You just need to put your properties on and set it before:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="locations">

Obs.: the versions are
log4j: 1.2.16
springframework: 3.1.4.RELEASE
HikariCP: 1.4.0

Properties file (


How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

Socks, whether real ones or some analogous data structure, would be supplied in pairs.

The simplest answer is prior to allowing the pair to be separated, a single data structure for the pair should have been initialized that contained a pointer to the left and right sock, thus enabling socks to be referred to directly or via their pair. A sock may also be extended to contain a pointer to its partner.

This solves any computational pairing problem by removing it with a layer of abstraction.

Applying the same idea to the practical problem of pairing socks, the apparent answer is: don't allow your socks to ever be unpaired. Socks are provided as a pair, put in the drawer as a pair (perhaps by balling them together), worn as a pair. But the point where unpairing is possible is in the washer, so all that's required is a physical mechanism that allows the socks to stay together and be washed efficiently.

There are two physical possibilities:

For a 'pair' object that keeps a pointer to each sock we could have a cloth bag that we use to keep the socks together. This seems like massive overhead.

But for each sock to keep a reference to the other, there is a neat solution: a popper (or a 'snap button' if you're American), such as these:

Then all you do is snap your socks together right after you take them off and put them in your washing basket, and again you've removed the problem of needing to pair your socks with a physical abstraction of the 'pair' concept.

PHP - Check if the page run on Mobile or Desktop browser

There is a very nice PHP library for detecting mobile clients here:

Using that it's quite easy to only display content for a mobile:

include 'Mobile_Detect.php';
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();

// Check for any mobile device.
if ($detect->isMobile()){
   // mobile content
else {
   // other content for desktops

How to get access to raw resources that I put in res folder?

An advance approach is using Kotlin Extension function

fun Context.getRawInput(@RawRes resourceId: Int): InputStream {
    return resources.openRawResource(resourceId)

One more interesting thing is extension function use that is defined in Closeable scope

For example you can work with input stream in elegant way without handling Exceptions and memory managing

fun Context.readRaw(@RawRes resourceId: Int): String {
    return resources.openRawResource(resourceId).bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).use { it.readText() }

How to call two methods on button's onclick method in HTML or JavaScript?

<input type="button" onclick="functionA();functionB();" />

function functionA()


function functionB()


Renaming a branch in GitHub

In my case, I needed an additional command,

git branch --unset-upstream

to get my renamed branch to push up to origin newname.

(For ease of typing), I first git checkout oldname. Then run the following:

git branch -m newname <br/> git push origin :oldname*or*git push origin --delete oldname
git branch --unset-upstream
git push -u origin newname or git push origin newname

This extra step may only be necessary because I (tend to) set up remote tracking on my branches via git push -u origin oldname. This way, when I have oldname checked out, I subsequently only need to type git push rather than git push origin oldname.

If I do not use the command git branch --unset-upstream before git push origin newbranch, git re-creates oldbranch and pushes newbranch to origin oldbranch -- defeating my intent.

Align Div at bottom on main Div

I guess you'll need absolute position

.vertical_banner {position:relative;}
#bottom_link{position:absolute; bottom:0;}

How to print GETDATE() in SQL Server with milliseconds in time?

If your SQL Server version supports the function FORMAT you could do it like this:

select format(getdate(), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')

Run batch file from Java code

Your code is fine, but the problem is inside the batch file.

You have to show the content of the bat file, your problem is in the paths inside the bat file.

How to change maven java home

Great helps above, but if you having the similar environment like I did, this is how I get it to work.

  • having a few jdk running, openjdk, oracle jdk and a few versions.
  • install apache-maven via yum, package is apache-maven-3.2.1-1.el6.noarch

Edit this file /etc/profile.d/, such as the following, note that it will affect the whole system.

$ cat /etc/profile.d/
# change below to the jdk you want mvn to reference.
export M2_HOME
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME

How to assign a heredoc value to a variable in Bash?

I found myself having to read a string with NULL in it, so here is a solution that will read anything you throw at it. Although if you actually are dealing with NULL, you will need to deal with that at the hex level.

$ cat >

read.dd() {
     while read; do
     done < <( dd bs=1 2>/dev/null | xxd -p )

     printf -v REPLY '%b' $( sed 's/../ \\\x&/g' <<< $buf )


$ .
$ read.dd <
$ echo -n "$REPLY" >
$ diff || echo "File are different"

HEREDOC example (with ^J, ^M, ^I):

$ read.dd <<'HEREDOC'
>       (TAB)
>       (SPACES)

$ declare -p REPLY
declare -- REPLY="  (TAB)


$ declare -p REPLY | xxd
0000000: 6465 636c 6172 6520 2d2d 2052 4550 4c59  declare -- REPLY
0000010: 3d22 0928 5441 4229 0a20 2020 2020 2028  =".(TAB).      (
0000020: 5350 4143 4553 290a 285e 4a29 0d28 5e4d  SPACES).(^J).(^M
0000030: 290a 444f 4e45 0a0a 220a                 ).DONE

How to skip a iteration/loop in while-loop

You don't need to skip the iteration, since the rest of it is in the else statement, it will only be executed if the condition is not true.

But if you really need to skip it, you can use the continue; statement.

Map and Reduce in .NET

The classes of problem that are well suited for a mapreduce style solution are problems of aggregation. Of extracting data from a dataset. In C#, one could take advantage of LINQ to program in this style.

From the following article:

the GroupBy method is acting as the map, while the Select method does the job of reducing the intermediate results into the final list of results.

var wordOccurrences = words
                .GroupBy(w => w)
                .Select(intermediate => new
                    Word = intermediate.Key,
                    Frequency = intermediate.Sum(w => 1)
                .Where(w => w.Frequency > 10)
                .OrderBy(w => w.Frequency);

For the distributed portion, you could check out DryadLINQ:

SQLite with encryption/password protection

Well, SEE is expensive. However SQLite has interface built-in for encryption (Pager). This means, that on top of existing code one can easily develop some encryption mechanism, does not have to be AES. Anything really. Please see my post here:

You need to define SQLITE_HAS_CODEC=1 to enable Pager encryption. Sample code below (original SQLite source):

** This function is called by the wal module when writing page content
** into the log file.
** This function returns a pointer to a buffer containing the encrypted
** page content. If a malloc fails, this function may return NULL.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerCodec(PgHdr *pPg){
  void *aData = 0;
  CODEC2(pPg->pPager, pPg->pData, pPg->pgno, 6, return 0, aData);
  return aData;

There is a commercial version in C language for SQLite encryption using AES256 - it can also work with PHP, but it needs to be compiled with PHP and SQLite extension. It de/encrypts SQLite database file on the fly, file contents are always encrypted. Very useful.

openCV video saving in python

Please make sure to set correct width and height. You can set it like bellow

cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, 20.0, (int(cap.get(3)), int(cap.get(4))))

What is java pojo class, java bean, normal class?

  1. Normal Class: A Java class

  2. Java Beans:

    • All properties private (use getters/setters)
    • A public no-argument constructor
    • Implements Serializable.
  3. Pojo: Plain Old Java Object is a Java object not bound by any restriction other than those forced by the Java Language Specification. I.e., a POJO should not have to

    • Extend prespecified classes
    • Implement prespecified interface
    • Contain prespecified annotations

What is the main difference between Collection and Collections in Java?

Are you asking about the Collections class versus the classes which implement the Collection interface?

If so, the Collections class is a utility class having static methods for doing operations on objects of classes which implement the Collection interface. For example, Collections has methods for finding the max element in a Collection.

The Collection interface defines methods common to structures which hold other objects. List and Set are subinterfaces of Collection, and ArrayList and HashSet are examples of concrete collections.

Truncating all tables in a Postgres database

You can do this with bash also:

PGPASSWORD='' psql -h -Upostgres sng --tuples-only --command "SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || schemaname || '.' ||  tablename || ';' FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname in ('cms_test', 'ids_test', 'logs_test', 'sps_test');" | 
tr "\\n" " " | 
xargs -I{} psql -h -Upostgres sng --command "{}"

You will need to adjust schema names, passwords and usernames to match your schemas.

android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it

Fragment's onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) will never be called unless fragment's activity call it on itself and attached fragments. Thus this method won't be called until something (typically rotation) force activity to SaveInstanceState and restore it later. But if you have only one activity and large set of fragments inside it (with intensive usage of replace) and application runs only in one orientation activity's onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) may not be called for a long time.

I know three possible workarounds.

The first:

use fragment's arguments to hold important data:

public class FragmentA extends Fragment {
    private static final String PERSISTENT_VARIABLE_BUNDLE_KEY = "persistentVariable";

    private EditText persistentVariableEdit;

    public FragmentA() {
        setArguments(new Bundle());

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_a, null);

        persistentVariableEdit = (EditText) view.findViewById(;

        TextView proofTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;

        Bundle mySavedInstanceState = getArguments();
        String persistentVariable = mySavedInstanceState.getString(PERSISTENT_VARIABLE_BUNDLE_KEY);


        view.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                        .replace(, new FragmentB())

        return view;

    public void onPause() {
        String persistentVariable = persistentVariableEdit.getText().toString();

        getArguments().putString(PERSISTENT_VARIABLE_BUNDLE_KEY, persistentVariable);

The second but less pedantic way - hold variables in singletons

The third - don't replace() fragments but add()/show()/hide() them instead.

Why "no projects found to import"?

Reason : your ID is not able to find the .project file. This happens in git commit where many time people don't push .project file

Solution : If you have maven install then use following stapes

  1. mvn eclipse:clean
  2. mvn eclipse:eclipse


Multiple aggregate functions in HAVING clause

having nvl(sum(decode(TRANSACTION_TYPE,'D',AMOUNT)),0)) > 0
AND (nvl(sum(decode(TRANSACTION_TYPE,'D',AMOUNT)),0)) - nvl(sum(DECODE(TRANSACTION_TYPE,'C',AMOUNT)),0))) > 0

Where is the itoa function in Linux?

Edit: I just found out about std::to_string which is identical in operation to my own function below. It was introduced in C++11 and is available in recent versions of gcc, at least as early as 4.5 if you enable the c++0x extensions.

Not only is itoa missing from gcc, it's not the handiest function to use since you need to feed it a buffer. I needed something that could be used in an expression so I came up with this:

std::string itos(int n)
   const int max_size = std::numeric_limits<int>::digits10 + 1 /*sign*/ + 1 /*0-terminator*/;
   char buffer[max_size] = {0};
   sprintf(buffer, "%d", n);
   return std::string(buffer);

Ordinarily it would be safer to use snprintf instead of sprintf but the buffer is carefully sized to be immune to overrun.

See an example:

Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

OK so, picture the scenario I was just in:

You attempt a merge, or maybe a cherry-pick, and you're stopped with

$ git cherry-pick 1023e24
error: could not apply 1023e24... [Commit Message]
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'

Now, you view the conflicted file and you really don't want to keep your changes. In my case above, the file was conflicted on just a newline my IDE had auto-added. To undo your changes and accept their's, the easiest way is:

git checkout --theirs path/to/the/conflicted_file.php
git add path/to/the/conflicted_file.php

The converse of this (to overwrite the incoming version with your version) is

git checkout --ours path/to/the/conflicted_file.php
git add path/to/the/conflicted_file.php

Surprisingly, I couldn't find this answer very easily on the Net.

QUERY syntax using cell reference

Old Thread but I found this on my journey to the below answer and figure someone else might need it too.

=IFERROR(ArrayFormula(query(index(Sheet3!A:C&""),"select* Where Col1="""&B1&""" ")), ARRAYFORMULA({"*     *","no cells","match"}));

Here is a simply built text Filter from a 3 column data set (A,B and C) located in "sheet3" into the current sheet and calling a comparison to a cell from the current sheet to filter within Col1(A).

This bit is just to get rid of the #N/A error if the filter turns up no results //ARRAYFORMULA({"* *","no cells","match"}))

How to check if function exists in JavaScript?

This simple jQuery code should do the trick:

if (jQuery.isFunction(functionName)) {

HTTP POST Returns Error: 417 "Expectation Failed."

System.Net.HttpWebRequest adds the header 'HTTP header "Expect: 100-Continue"' to every request unless you explicitly ask it not to by setting this static property to false:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

Some servers choke on that header and send back the 417 error you're seeing.

Give that a shot.

PHP regular expressions: No ending delimiter '^' found in

Your regex pattern needs to be in delimiters:


Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

For those who are scratching their heads to find out why on earth this little function should cause a memory leak, sometimes by a little mistake, a function starts recursively call itself for ever.

For example, a proxy class that has the same name for a function of the object that is going to proxy it.

class Proxy {

    private $actualObject;

    public function doSomething() {

        return $this->actualObjec->doSomething();

Sometimes you may forget to bring that little actualObjec member and because the proxy actually has that doSomething method, PHP wouldn't give you any error and for a large class, it could be hidden from the eyes for a couple of minutes to find out why it is leaking the memory.

A JOIN With Additional Conditions Using Query Builder or Eloquent

The sql query sample like this

LEFT JOIN bookings  
    ON = bookings.room_type_id
    AND (bookings.arrival = ?
        OR bookings.departure = ?)

Laravel join with multiple conditions

->leftJoin('bookings', function($join) use ($param1, $param2) {
    $join->on('', '=', 'bookings.room_type_id');
    $join->on(function($query) use ($param1, $param2) {
        $query->on('bookings.arrival', '=', $param1);
        $query->orOn('departure', '=',$param2);

Why am I getting "IndentationError: expected an indented block"?

I had this same problem and discovered (via this answer to a similar question) that the problem was that I didn't properly indent the docstring properly. Unfortunately IDLE doesn't give useful feedback here, but once I fixed the docstring indentation, the problem went away.

Specifically --- bad code that generates indentation errors:

def my_function(args):
"Here is my docstring"

Good code that avoids indentation errors:

def my_function(args):
    "Here is my docstring"

Note: I'm not saying this is the problem, but that it might be, because in my case, it was!

Call a Subroutine from a different Module in VBA

Prefix the call with Module2 (ex. Module2.IDLE). I'm assuming since you asked this that you have IDLE defined multiple times in the project, otherwise this shouldn't be necessary.

Go test string contains substring

Use the function Contains from the strings package.

import (
strings.Contains("something", "some") // true

How to create XML file with specific structure in Java

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {

    DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
    Element rootElement = doc.createElement("CONFIGURATION");
    Element browser = doc.createElement("BROWSER");
    Element base = doc.createElement("BASE");
    Element employee = doc.createElement("EMPLOYEE");
    Element empName = doc.createElement("EMP_NAME");
    empName.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Anhorn, Irene"));
    Element actDate = doc.createElement("ACT_DATE");
    TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File("/Users/myXml/ScoreDetail.xml"));
    transformer.transform(source, result);
    System.out.println("File saved!");
  } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
  } catch (TransformerException tfe) {

The values in you XML is Hard coded.

What primitive data type is time_t?

You can use the function difftime. It returns the difference between two given time_t values, the output value is double (see difftime documentation).

time_t actual_time;
double actual_time_sec;
actual_time = time(0);
actual_time_sec = difftime(actual_time,0); 

read subprocess stdout line by line

The following modification of Rômulo's answer works for me on Python 2 and 3 (2.7.12 and 3.6.1):

import os
import subprocess

process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
  line = process.stdout.readline()
  if line != '':
    os.write(1, line)