Programs & Examples On #Unicode escapes

Convert International String to \u Codes in java

Apache commons StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(String) returns a string with unicode characters escaped using the \u notation.

"Art of Beer  " -> "Art of Beer \u1F3A8 \u1F37A"

Placing Unicode character in CSS content value

Why don't you just save/serve the CSS file as UTF-8?

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "?";

If that's not good enough, and you want to keep it all-ASCII:

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "\2193";

The general format for a Unicode character inside a string is \000000 to \FFFFFF – a backslash followed by six hexadecimal digits. You can leave out leading 0 digits when the Unicode character is the last character in the string or when you add a space after the Unicode character. See the spec below for full details.

Relevant part of the CSS2 spec:

Third, backslash escapes allow authors to refer to characters they cannot easily put in a document. In this case, the backslash is followed by at most six hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F), which stand for the ISO 10646 ([ISO10646]) character with that number, which must not be zero. (It is undefined in CSS 2.1 what happens if a style sheet does contain a character with Unicode codepoint zero.) If a character in the range [0-9a-fA-F] follows the hexadecimal number, the end of the number needs to be made clear. There are two ways to do that:

  1. with a space (or other white space character): "\26 B" ("&B"). In this case, user agents should treat a "CR/LF" pair (U+000D/U+000A) as a single white space character.
  2. by providing exactly 6 hexadecimal digits: "\000026B" ("&B")

In fact, these two methods may be combined. Only one white space character is ignored after a hexadecimal escape. Note that this means that a "real" space after the escape sequence must be doubled.

If the number is outside the range allowed by Unicode (e.g., "\110000" is above the maximum 10FFFF allowed in current Unicode), the UA may replace the escape with the "replacement character" (U+FFFD). If the character is to be displayed, the UA should show a visible symbol, such as a "missing character" glyph (cf. 15.2, point 5).

  • Note: Backslash escapes are always considered to be part of an identifier or a string (i.e., "\7B" is not punctuation, even though "{" is, and "\32" is allowed at the start of a class name, even though "2" is not).
    The identifier "te\st" is exactly the same identifier as "test".

Comprehensive list: Unicode Character 'DOWNWARDS ARROW' (U+2193).

Float a div in top right corner without overlapping sibling header

If you can change the order of the elements, floating will work.

section {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
  display: inline;_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
  <h1>some long long long long header, a whole line, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6</h1>_x000D_

?By placing the div before the h1 and floating it to the right, you get the desired effect.

How to get the body's content of an iframe in Javascript?

To get body content from javascript ,i have tried the following code:

var frameObj = document.getElementById('id_description_iframe');

var frameContent = frameObj.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;

where "id_description_iframe" is your iframe's id. This code is working fine for me.

How do I run Visual Studio as an administrator by default?

For Windows 8

  1. right click on the shortcut
  2. click on properties
  3. click on the "Shortcut" tab
  4. click on Advanced

You will find Run As administrator (Checkbox)

Getting ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while querying a table instead of ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

for ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. Some of the more common causes are:

  1. You tried to change an Oracle username or password without having the appropriate privileges.
  2. You tried to perform an UPDATE to a table, but you only have SELECT access to the table.
  3. You tried to start up an Oracle database using CONNECT INTERNAL.
  4. You tried to install an Oracle database without having the appropriate privileges to the operating-system.

The option(s) to resolve this Oracle error are:

  1. You can have the Oracle DBA grant you the appropriate privileges that you are missing.
  2. You can have the Oracle DBA execute the operation for you.
  3. If you are having trouble starting up Oracle, you may need to add the Oracle user to the dba group.

For ORA-00942: table or view does not exist. You tried to execute a SQL statement that references a table or view that either does not exist, that you do not have access to, or that belongs to another schema and you didn't reference the table by the schema name.

If this error occurred because the table or view does not exist, you will need to create the table or view.

You can check to see if the table exists in Oracle by executing the following SQL statement:

select *
from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and object_name = 'OBJECT_NAME';

For example, if you are looking for a suppliers table, you would execute:

select *
from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and object_name = 'SUPPLIERS';


If this error occurred because you do not have access to the table or view, you will need to have the owner of the table/view, or a DBA grant you the appropriate privileges to this object.


If this error occurred because the table/view belongs to another schema and you didn't reference the table by the schema name, you will need to rewrite your SQL to include the schema name.

For example, you may have executed the following SQL statement:

select *
from suppliers;

But the suppliers table is not owned by you, but rather, it is owned by a schema called app, you could fix your SQL as follows:

select *
from app.suppliers;

If you do not know what schema the suppliers table/view belongs to, you can execute the following SQL to find out:

select owner
from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and object_name = 'SUPPLIERS';

This will return the schema name who owns the suppliers table.

How to find my Subversion server version number?

Just use a web browser to go to the SVN address. Check the source code (Ctrl + U). Then you will find something like in the HTML code:

<svn version="1.6. ..." ...

Upload files with FTP using PowerShell

Easiest way

The most trivial way to upload a binary file to an FTP server using PowerShell is using WebClient.UploadFile:

$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$client.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
$client.UploadFile("", "C:\local\path\")

Advanced options

If you need a greater control, that WebClient does not offer (like TLS/SSL encryption, etc), use FtpWebRequest. Easy way is to just copy a FileStream to FTP stream using Stream.CopyTo:

$request = [Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
$request.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
$request.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile 

$fileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead("C:\local\path\")
$ftpStream = $request.GetRequestStream()



Progress monitoring

If you need to monitor an upload progress, you have to copy the contents by chunks yourself:

$request = [Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
$request.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
$request.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile 

$fileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead("C:\local\path\")
$ftpStream = $request.GetRequestStream()

$buffer = New-Object Byte[] 10240
while (($read = $fileStream.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)) -gt 0)
    $ftpStream.Write($buffer, 0, $read)
    $pct = ($fileStream.Position / $fileStream.Length)
    Write-Progress `
        -Activity "Uploading" -Status ("{0:P0} complete:" -f $pct) `
        -PercentComplete ($pct * 100)


Uploading folder

If you want to upload all files from a folder, see
PowerShell Script to upload an entire folder to FTP

WooCommerce return product object by id

global $woocommerce;
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
    $product = new WC_product($cart_item['product_id']);

Web link to specific whatsapp contact

I've tried this:

<a href="whatsapp://send?abid=phonenumber&text=Hello%2C%20World!">whatsapp</a>

changing 'phonenumber' into a specific phonenumber. This doesn't work completely, but when they click on the link it does open whatsapp and if they click on a contact the message is filled in.

If you want to open a specific person in chat you can, but without text filled in.

<a href="intent://send/phonenumber#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end">test</a>

You'll probably have to make a choice between the two.

some links to help you Sharing link on WhatsApp from mobile website (not application) for Android

Hope this helps

(I tested this with google chrome on an android phone)

Creating an Arraylist of Objects

ArrayList<Matrices> list = new ArrayList<Matrices>();
list.add( new Matrices(1,1,10) );
list.add( new Matrices(1,2,20) );

Run a command over SSH with JSch


String remoteCommandOutput = exec("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls -t | head -n1");
String remoteShellOutput = shell("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls");
shell("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls", System.out);
shell("ssh://user:pass@host",, System.out);
sftp("file:/C:/home/file.txt", "ssh://user:pass@host/home");
sftp("ssh://user:pass@host/home/file.txt", "file:/C:/home");


import static;
import static java.lang.Thread.sleep;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trim;

import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel;
import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec;
import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp;
import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelShell;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;
import com.jcraft.jsch.UIKeyboardInteractive;
import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

public final class SshUtils {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SshUtils.class);
    private static final String SSH = "ssh";
    private static final String FILE = "file";

    private SshUtils() {

     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * sftp("file:/C:/home/file.txt", "ssh://user:pass@host/home");
     * sftp("ssh://user:pass@host/home/file.txt", "file:/C:/home");
     * </code>
     * <pre>
     * @param fromUri
     *            file
     * @param toUri
     *            directory
    public static void sftp(String fromUri, String toUri) {
        URI from = URI.create(fromUri);
        URI to = URI.create(toUri);

        if (SSH.equals(to.getScheme()) && FILE.equals(from.getScheme()))
            upload(from, to);
        else if (SSH.equals(from.getScheme()) && FILE.equals(to.getScheme()))
            download(from, to);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    private static void upload(URI from, URI to) {
        try (SessionHolder<ChannelSftp> session = new SessionHolder<>("sftp", to);
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(from))) {

  "Uploading {} --> {}", from, session.getMaskedUri());
            ChannelSftp channel = session.getChannel();
            channel.put(fis, getName(from.getPath()));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot upload file", e);

    private static void download(URI from, URI to) {
        File out = new File(new File(to), getName(from.getPath()));
        try (SessionHolder<ChannelSftp> session = new SessionHolder<>("sftp", from);
                OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(out);
                BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os)) {

  "Downloading {} --> {}", session.getMaskedUri(), to);
            ChannelSftp channel = session.getChannel();
            channel.get(getName(from.getPath()), bos);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot download file", e);

     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * shell("ssh://user:pass@host",, System.out);
     * </code>
     * </pre>
    public static void shell(String connectUri, InputStream is, OutputStream os) {
        try (SessionHolder<ChannelShell> session = new SessionHolder<>("shell", URI.create(connectUri))) {
            shell(session, is, os);

     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * String remoteOutput = shell("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls")
     * </code>
     * </pre>
    public static String shell(String connectUri, String command) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            shell(connectUri, command, baos);
            return baos.toString();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;

     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * shell("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls", System.out)
     * </code>
     * </pre>
    public static void shell(String connectUri, String script, OutputStream out) {
        try (SessionHolder<ChannelShell> session = new SessionHolder<>("shell", URI.create(connectUri));
                PipedOutputStream pipe = new PipedOutputStream();
                PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream(pipe);
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(pipe)) {

            if (session.getWorkDir() != null)
                pw.println("cd " + session.getWorkDir());

            shell(session, in, out);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private static void shell(SessionHolder<ChannelShell> session, InputStream is, OutputStream os) {
        try {
            ChannelShell channel = session.getChannel();
            channel.setInputStream(is, true);
            channel.setOutputStream(os, true);

  "Starting shell for " + session.getMaskedUri());
            session.assertExitStatus("Check shell output for error details.");
        } catch (InterruptedException | JSchException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot execute script", e);

     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * System.out.println(exec("ssh://user:pass@host/work/dir/path", "ls -t | head -n1"));
     * </code>
     * <pre>
     * @param connectUri
     * @param command
     * @return
    public static String exec(String connectUri, String command) {
        try (SessionHolder<ChannelExec> session = new SessionHolder<>("exec", URI.create(connectUri))) {
            String scriptToExecute = session.getWorkDir() == null
                    ? command
                    : "cd " + session.getWorkDir() + "\n" + command;
            return exec(session, scriptToExecute);

    private static String exec(SessionHolder<ChannelExec> session, String command) {
        try (PipedOutputStream errPipe = new PipedOutputStream();
                PipedInputStream errIs = new PipedInputStream(errPipe);
                InputStream is = session.getChannel().getInputStream()) {

            ChannelExec channel = session.getChannel();

  "Starting exec for " + session.getMaskedUri());
            String output = IOUtils.toString(is);

            return trim(output);
        } catch (InterruptedException | JSchException | IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot execute command", e);

    public static class SessionHolder<C extends Channel> implements Closeable {

        private static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5000;
        private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 22;
        private static final int TERMINAL_HEIGHT = 1000;
        private static final int TERMINAL_WIDTH = 1000;
        private static final int TERMINAL_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS = 1000;
        private static final int TERMINAL_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS = 1000;
        private static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 100;

        private String channelType;
        private URI uri;
        private Session session;
        private C channel;

        public SessionHolder(String channelType, URI uri) {
            this(channelType, uri, ImmutableMap.of("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"));

        public SessionHolder(String channelType, URI uri, Map<String, String> props) {
            this.channelType = channelType;
            this.uri = uri;
            this.session = newSession(props);
   = newChannel(session);

        private Session newSession(Map<String, String> props) {
            try {
                Properties config = new Properties();

                JSch jsch = new JSch();
                Session newSession = jsch.getSession(getUser(), uri.getHost(), getPort());
                newSession.setUserInfo(new User(getUser(), getPass()));
                return newSession;
            } catch (JSchException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create session for " + getMaskedUri(), e);

        private C newChannel(Session session) {
            try {
                Channel newChannel = session.openChannel(channelType);
                if (newChannel instanceof ChannelShell) {
                    ChannelShell channelShell = (ChannelShell) newChannel;
                return (C) newChannel;
            } catch (JSchException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create " + channelType + " channel for " + getMaskedUri(), e);

        public void assertExitStatus(String failMessage) {
            checkState(channel.getExitStatus() == 0, "Exit status %s for %s\n%s", channel.getExitStatus(), getMaskedUri(), failMessage);

        public void execute() throws JSchException, InterruptedException {
            while (!channel.isEOF())

        public Session getSession() {
            return session;

        public C getChannel() {
            return channel;

        public void close() {
            if (channel != null)
            if (session != null)

        public String getMaskedUri() {
            return uri.toString().replaceFirst(":[^:]*?@", "@");

        public int getPort() {
            return uri.getPort() < 0 ? DEFAULT_PORT : uri.getPort();

        public String getUser() {
            return uri.getUserInfo().split(":")[0];

        public String getPass() {
            return uri.getUserInfo().split(":")[1];

        public String getWorkDir() {
            return uri.getPath();

    private static class User implements UserInfo, UIKeyboardInteractive {

        private String user;
        private String pass;

        public User(String user, String pass) {
            this.user = user;
            this.pass = pass;

        public String getPassword() {
            return pass;

        public boolean promptYesNo(String str) {
            return false;

        public String getPassphrase() {
            return user;

        public boolean promptPassphrase(String message) {
            return true;

        public boolean promptPassword(String message) {
            return true;

        public void showMessage(String message) {
            // do nothing

        public String[] promptKeyboardInteractive(String destination, String name, String instruction, String[] prompt, boolean[] echo) {
            return null;

set value of input field by php variable's value

One way to do it will be to move all the php code above the HTML, copy the result to a variable and then add the result in the <input> tag.
Try this -

//Adding the php to the top.
        //Adding to $result variable
    if($sign=='-') {
      $result = $value1-$value2;
    //Rest of your code...
<!--Rest of your tags...-->
Result:<br><input type"text" name="result" value = "<?php echo (isset($result))?$result:'';?>">

Syntax error near unexpected token 'fi'

"Then" is a command in bash, thus it needs a ";" or a newline before it.

echo "start\n"
for f in *.jpg
  fname=$(basename "$f")
  echo "fname is $fname\n"
  echo "fname is $fname\n"
  if [$[fname%2] -eq 1 ]
    echo "removing $fname\n"
    rm $f

Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

This is the solution guys!!

FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { = 'url';

The only thing that worked for facebook apps!

How to use mysql JOIN without ON condition?

MySQL documentation covers this topic.

Here is a synopsis. When using join or inner join, the on condition is optional. This is different from the ANSI standard and different from almost any other database. The effect is a cross join. Similarly, you can use an on clause with cross join, which also differs from standard SQL.

A cross join creates a Cartesian product -- that is, every possible combination of 1 row from the first table and 1 row from the second. The cross join for a table with three rows ('a', 'b', and 'c') and a table with four rows (say 1, 2, 3, 4) would have 12 rows.

In practice, if you want to do a cross join, then use cross join:

from A cross join B

is much better than:

from A, B


from A join B -- with no on clause

The on clause is required for a right or left outer join, so the discussion is not relevant for them.

If you need to understand the different types of joins, then you need to do some studying on relational databases. Stackoverflow is not an appropriate place for that level of discussion.

Is it possible to send an array with the Postman Chrome extension?

Choose either form-data or urlencoded and use the same key "user_ids". The server should receive it as an array.

How to exclude records with certain values in sql select

<> will surely give you all values not equal to 5. If you have more than one record in table it will give you all except 5. If on the other hand you have only one, you will get surely one. Give the table schema so that one can help you properly

How to use paths in tsconfig.json?

/ starts from the root only, to get the relative path we should use ./ or ../

How can I upload fresh code at github?

You can create GitHub repositories via the command line using their Repositories API (

Check Creating github repositories with command line | Do it yourself Android for example usage.

Spring profiles and testing

The best approach here is to remove @ActiveProfiles annotation and do the following:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {
    "classpath:config/test-context.xml" })
public class TestContext {

  public static void setSystemProperty() {
        Properties properties = System.getProperties();
        properties.setProperty("", "localtest");

  public static void unsetSystemProperty() {

  public void testContext(){


And your test-context.xml should have the following:


Check if all values in list are greater than a certain number

There is a builtin function all:

all (x > limit for x in my_list)

Being limit the value greater than which all numbers must be.

XSLT getting last element

You need to put the last() indexing on the nodelist result, rather than as part of the selection criteria. Try:


CSS force image resize and keep aspect ratio

To force image that fit in a exact size, you don't need to write too many codes. It's so simple

    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: auto;_x000D_
    object-fit: contain; /* Fit logo in the image size */_x000D_
        -o-object-fit: contain; /* Fit logo fro opera browser */_x000D_
    object-position: top; /* Set logo position */_x000D_
        -o-object-position: top; /* Logo position for opera browser */_x000D_
<img src="" alt="Logo">

AngularJS : ng-model binding not updating when changed with jQuery

Just use;


Reading file using relative path in python project

For Python 3.4+:

import csv
from pathlib import Path

base_path = Path(__file__).parent
file_path = (base_path / "../data/test.csv").resolve()

with open(file_path) as f:
    test = [line for line in csv.reader(f)]

Creating a random string with A-Z and 0-9 in Java

You can easily do that with a for loop,

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String aToZ="ABCD.....1234"; // 36 letter.
  String randomStr=generateRandom(aToZ);


private static String generateRandom(String aToZ) {
    Random rand=new Random();
    StringBuilder res=new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
       int randIndex=rand.nextInt(aToZ.length()); 
    return res.toString();

How to determine whether an object has a given property in JavaScript

You can trim that up a bit like this:

if ( x.y !== undefined ) ...

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

I have solved that problem. The only I do is:

private int num_rows;

And then in your method using the resultset put this code

while (


That's all

How to watch for array changes?

The most upvoted Override push method solution by @canon has some side-effects that were inconvenient in my case:

  • It makes the push property descriptor different (writable and configurable should be set true instead of false), which causes exceptions in a later point.

  • It raises the event multiple times when push() is called once with multiple arguments (such as myArray.push("a", "b")), which in my case was unnecessary and bad for performance.

So this is the best solution I could find that fixes the previous issues and is in my opinion cleaner/simpler/easier to understand.

Object.defineProperty(myArray, "push", {
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true, // Previous values based on Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Array.prototype, "push")
    value: function (...args)
        let result = Array.prototype.push.apply(this, args); // Original push() implementation based on and


        return result; // Original push() implementation

Please see comments for my sources and for hints on how to implement the other mutating functions apart from push: 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice', 'sort', 'reverse'.

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

I had trouble with the most popular answer (overthinking). It put AFolder in the \Server\MyFolder\AFolder and I wanted the contents of AFolder and below in MyFolder. This didn't work.

Copy-Item -Verbose -Path C:\MyFolder\AFolder -Destination \\Server\MyFolder -recurse -Force

Plus I needed to Filter and only copy *.config files.

This didn't work, with "\*" because it did not recurse

Copy-Item -Verbose -Path C:\MyFolder\AFolder\* -Filter *.config -Destination \\Server\MyFolder -recurse -Force

I ended up lopping off the beginning of the path string, to get the childPath relative to where I was recursing from. This works for the use-case in question and went down many subdirectories, which some other solutions do not.

Get-Childitem -Path "$($sourcePath)/**/*.config" -Recurse | 
ForEach-Object {
  $childPath = "$_".substring($sourcePath.length+1)
  $dest = "$($destPath)\$($childPath)" #this puts a \ between dest and child path
  Copy-Item -Verbose -Path $_ -Destination $dest -Force   

Angular/RxJs When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`

In my case I am using a variation of the solution proposed by @seanwright:

It's a file used in the ngx-rocket / starter-kit project. You can access it here until-destroyed.ts

The component would look like so

 * RxJS operator that unsubscribe from observables on destory.
 * Code forked from
 * IMPORTANT: Add the `untilDestroyed` operator as the last one to
 * prevent leaks with intermediate observables in the
 * operator chain.
 * @param instance The parent Angular component or object instance.
 * @param destroyMethodName The method to hook on (default: 'ngOnDestroy').
import { untilDestroyed } from '../../core/until-destroyed';

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html'
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  ngOnInit() {
        .subscribe(val => console.log(val));

    // ...

  // This method must be present, even if empty.
  ngOnDestroy() {
    // To protect you, an error will be thrown if it doesn't exist.

How to start IIS Express Manually

Once you have IIS Express installed (the easiest way is through Microsoft Web Platform Installer), you will find the executable file in %PROGRAMFILES%\IIS Express (%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\IIS Express on x64 architectures) and its called iisexpress.exe.

To see all the possible command-line options, just run:

iisexpress /?

and the program detailed help will show up.

If executed without parameters, all the sites defined in the configuration file and marked to run at startup will be launched. An icon in the system tray will show which sites are running.

There are a couple of useful options once you have some sites created in the configuration file (found in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config): the /site and /siteId.

With the first one, you can launch a specific site by name:

iisexpress /site:SiteName

And with the latter, you can launch by specifying the ID:

iisexpress /siteId:SiteId

With this, if IISExpress is launched from the command-line, a list of all the requests made to the server will be shown, which can be quite useful when debugging.

Finally, a site can be launched by specifying the full directory path. IIS Express will create a virtual configuration file and launch the site (remember to quote the path if it contains spaces):

iisexpress /path:FullSitePath

This covers the basic IISExpress usage from the command line.

JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest, Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors

I think you've missed the point of access control.

A quick recap on why CORS exists: Since JS code from a website can execute XHR, that site could potentially send requests to other sites, masquerading as you and exploiting the trust those sites have in you(e.g. if you have logged in, a malicious site could attempt to extract information or execute actions you never wanted) - this is called a CSRF attack. To prevent that, web browsers have very stringent limitations on what XHR you can send - you are generally limited to just your domain, and so on.

Now, sometimes it's useful for a site to allow other sites to contact it - sites that provide APIs or services, like the one you're trying to access, would be prime candidates. CORS was developed to allow site A(e.g. to say "I trust site B, so you can send XHR from it to me". This is specified by site A sending "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers in its responses.

In your specific case, it seems that doesn't bother to use CORS. Your best bet is to contact the site owner and find out why, if you want to use with a browser script. Alternatively, you could try using an extension(those should have higher XHR privileges).

json call with C#

If your function resides in an mvc controller u can use the below code with a dictionary object of what you want to convert to json

Json(someDictionaryObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Also try and look at system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer if you are using .net 3.5

as for your web seems ok at first glance..

I would use something like this..

public void WebRequestinJson(string url, string postData)
    StreamWriter requestWriter;

    var webRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
    if (webRequest != null)
        webRequest.Method = "POST";
        webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
        webRequest.Timeout = 20000;

        webRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
        //POST the data.
        using (requestWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream()))

May be you can make the post and json string a parameter and use this as a generic webrequest method for all calls.

What is the fastest way to transpose a matrix in C++?

I think that most fast way should not taking higher than O(n^2) also in this way you can use just O(1) space :
the way to do that is to swap in pairs because when you transpose a matrix then what you do is: M[i][j]=M[j][i] , so store M[i][j] in temp, then M[i][j]=M[j][i],and the last step : M[j][i]=temp. this could be done by one pass so it should take O(n^2)

Get querystring from URL using jQuery

Have a look at this Stack Overflow answer.

 function getParameterByName(name, url) {
     if (!url) url = window.location.href;
     name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
     var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
         results = regex.exec(url);
     if (!results) return null;
     if (!results[2]) return '';
     return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));

You can use the method to animate:


var thequerystring = getParameterByName("location");
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("div#" + thequerystring).offset().top}, 500);

How do you set a JavaScript onclick event to a class with css

You can do this by thinking of it a little bit differently. Detect when the body is clicked (document.body.onclick - i.e. anything on the page) and then check if the element clicked (event.srcElement / has a class and that that class name is the one you want:

document.body.onclick = function(e) {   //when the document body is clicked
    if (window.event) {
        e = event.srcElement;           //assign the element clicked to e (IE 6-8)
    else {
        e =;                   //assign the element clicked to e

    if (e.className && e.className.indexOf('someclass') != -1) {
        //if the element has a class name, and that is 'someclass' then...

Or a more concise version of the above:

document.body.onclick= function(e){
   e=window.event? event.srcElement:;
   if(e.className && e.className.indexOf('someclass')!=-1)alert('hohoho');

Installing Python 3 on RHEL

Python3 was recently added to EPEL7 as Python34.

There is ongoing (currently) effort to make packaging guidelines about how to package things for Python3 in EPEL7.


for or while loop to do something n times

but on the other hand it creates a completely useless list of integers just to loop over them. Isn't it a waste of memory, especially as far as big numbers of iterations are concerned?

That is what xrange(n) is for. It avoids creating a list of numbers, and instead just provides an iterator object.

In Python 3, xrange() was renamed to range() - if you want a list, you have to specifically request it via list(range(n)).

Detect user scroll down or scroll up in jQuery

To differentiate between scroll up/down in jQuery, you could use:

var mousewheelevt = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel" //FF doesn't recognize mousewheel as of FF3.x
$('#yourDiv').bind(mousewheelevt, function(e){

    var evt = window.event || e //equalize event object     
    evt = evt.originalEvent ? evt.originalEvent : evt; //convert to originalEvent if possible               
    var delta = evt.detail ? evt.detail*(-40) : evt.wheelDelta //check for detail first, because it is used by Opera and FF

    if(delta > 0) {
        //scroll up
        //scroll down

This method also works in divs that have overflow:hidden.

I successfully tested it in FireFox, IE and Chrome.

HttpClient.GetAsync(...) never returns when using await/async

These two schools are not really excluding.

Here is the scenario where you simply have to use

   Task.Run(() => AsyncOperation()).Wait(); 

or something like


I have a MVC action that is under database transaction attribute. The idea was (probably) to roll back everything done in the action if something goes wrong. This does not allow context switching, otherwise transaction rollback or commit is going to fail itself.

The library I need is async as it is expected to run async.

The only option. Run it as a normal sync call.

I am just saying to each its own.

How to determine programmatically the current active profile using Spring boot

It doesn't matter is your app Boot or just raw Spring. There is just enough to inject org.springframework.core.env.Environment to your bean.

private Environment environment;


How to check if a file exists before creating a new file

The easiest way to do this is using ios :: noreplace.

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

I found that this works for Java:

WebDriverWait waiter = new WebDriverWait(driver, 5000);
waiter.until( ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by) );

Find the server name for an Oracle database

SELECT  host_name
FROM    v$instance

PivotTable to show values, not sum of values

Another easier way to do it is to upload your file to google sheets, then add a pivot, for the columns and rows select the same as you would with Excel, however, for values select Calculated Field and then in the formula type in =

In my case the column header is URL

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

In case anybody wonders how how to get rid of the rest of the white margin after applying plt.tight_layout() or fig.tight_layout(): With the parameter pad (which is 1.08 by default), you're able to make it even tighter: "Padding between the figure edge and the edges of subplots, as a fraction of the font size." So for example


will reduce it to a very small margin. Putting 0 doesn't work for me, as it makes the box of the subplot be cut off a little, too.

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

How to write asynchronous functions for Node.js

If you KNOW that a function returns a promise, i suggest using the new async/await features in JavaScript. It makes the syntax look synchronous but work asynchronously. When you add the async keyword to a function, it allows you to await promises in that scope:

async function ace() {
  var r = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

  console.log(r); // true

if a function does not return a promise, i recommend wrapping it in a new promise that you define, then resolve the data that you want:

function ajax_call(url, method) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(url, { method })
    .then(resp => resp.json())
    .then(json => { resolve(json); })

async function your_function() {
  var json = await ajax_call('', 'GET');
  console.log(json); // { status: 200, data: ... }

Bottom line: leverage the power of Promises.

How to round double to nearest whole number and then convert to a float?

float b = (float)Math.ceil(a); or float b = (float)Math.round(a);

Depending on whether you meant "round to the nearest whole number" (round) or "round up" (ceil).

Beware of loss of precision in converting a double to a float, but that shouldn't be an issue here.

How to correctly save instance state of Fragments in back stack?

Thanks to DroidT, I made this:

I realize that if the Fragment does not execute onCreateView(), its view is not instantiated. So, if the fragment on back stack did not create its views, I save the last stored state, otherwise I build my own bundle with the data I want to save/restore.

1) Extend this class:

import android.os.Bundle;

public abstract class StatefulFragment extends Fragment {

    private Bundle savedState;
    private boolean saved;
    private static final String _FRAGMENT_STATE = "FRAGMENT_STATE";

    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) {
        if (getView() == null) {
            state.putBundle(_FRAGMENT_STATE, savedState);
        } else {
            Bundle bundle = saved ? savedState : getStateToSave();

            state.putBundle(_FRAGMENT_STATE, bundle);

        saved = false;


    public void onCreate(Bundle state) {

        if (state != null) {
            savedState = state.getBundle(_FRAGMENT_STATE);

    public void onDestroyView() {
        savedState = getStateToSave();
        saved = true;


    protected Bundle getSavedState() {
        return savedState;

    protected abstract boolean hasSavedState();

    protected abstract Bundle getStateToSave();


2) In your Fragment, you must have this:

protected boolean hasSavedState() {
    Bundle state = getSavedState();

    if (state == null) {
        return false;

    //restore your data here

    return true;

3) For example, you can call hasSavedState in onActivityCreated:

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle state) {

    if (hasSavedState()) {

    //your code here

C# string replace

Try this:

line.Replace("\",\"", ";")

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content


Many issues relating to this feature in version 23.2.0 have been fixed in 23.2.1, update to that instead.

With the release of Support Library version 23.2, RecyclerView now supports that!

Update build.gradle to:

compile ''

or any version beyond that.

This release brings an exciting new feature to the LayoutManager API: auto-measurement! This allows a RecyclerView to size itself based on the size of its contents. This means that previously unavailable scenarios, such as using WRAP_CONTENT for a dimension of the RecyclerView, are now possible. You’ll find all built in LayoutManagers now support auto-measurement.

This can be disabled via setAutoMeasurementEnabled() if need be. Check in detail here.

The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved in package declaration

Make your Project and Workspace to point to JDK7 which will resolve the issue. has given ways to modify Compliance and Facet level changes.

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

Simply....If you are not using NDK, there is no problem at all. On the other this is just warning not an error. With warning you can go ahead but not errors. Any it's better to adjust the whitespaces. E.g if your SDK is at C:\program file\Android studio. There is a whitespaces "program file". There are 2 simple methods: 1. Remove the whitespaces 2. Install at another location which don't have whitespaces.

How do you clone an Array of Objects in Javascript?

person1 = {
    name: 'Naved',
    last: 'Khan',
    clothes: {
        jens: 5,
        shirts: 10

person2 = {
    name: 'Naved',
    last: 'Khan'

// first way  shallow copy single lavel copy 
// const person3 = { ...person1 };

// secound way shallow copy single lavel copy
// const person3 = Object.assign({}, person1);

// third  way shallow copy single lavel copy but old 
// const person3 = {};
// for (let key in person1) {
//  person3[key] = person1[key];
// }

// deep copy with array and object best way
const person3 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(person1));

    person3.clothes.jens = 20;


How to only find files in a given directory, and ignore subdirectories using bash

Is there any particular reason that you need to use find? You can just use ls to find files that match a pattern in a directory.

ls /dev/abc-*

If you do need to use find, you can use the -maxdepth 1 switch to only apply to the specified directory.

How to do this in Laravel, subquery where in

The script is tested in Laravel 5.x and 6.x. The static closure can improve performance in some cases.

Product::select(['id', 'name', 'img', 'safe_name', 'sku', 'productstatusid'])
            ->whereIn('id', static function ($query) {
                    ->from((new ProductCategory)->getTable())
                    ->whereIn('category_id', [15, 223]);
            ->where('active', 1)

generates the SQL

SELECT `id`, `name`, `img`, `safe_name`, `sku`, `productstatusid` FROM `products` 
WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `product_id` FROM `product_category` WHERE 
`category_id` IN (?, ?)) AND `active` = ?

Create SQLite Database and table

The next link will bring you to a great tutorial, that helped me a lot!

How to SQLITE in C#

I nearly used everything in that article to create the SQLite database for my own C# Application.

Don't forget to download the SQLite.dll, and add it as a reference to your project. This can be done using NuGet and by adding the dll manually.

After you added the reference, refer to the dll from your code using the following line on top of your class:

using System.Data.SQLite;

You can find the dll's here:

SQLite DLL's

You can find the NuGet way here:


Up next is the create script. Creating a database file:


SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MyDatabase.sqlite;Version=3;");

string sql = "create table highscores (name varchar(20), score int)";

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);

sql = "insert into highscores (name, score) values ('Me', 9001)";

command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);


After you created a create script in C#, I think you might want to add rollback transactions, it is safer and it will keep your database from failing, because the data will be committed at the end in one big piece as an atomic operation to the database and not in little pieces, where it could fail at 5th of 10 queries for example.

Example on how to use transactions:

 using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope())
     //Insert create script here.

     //Indicates that creating the SQLiteDatabase went succesfully, so the database can be committed.

How to find schema name in Oracle ? when you are connected in sql session using read only user

Call SYS_CONTEXT to get the current schema. From Ask Tom "How to get current schema:

select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual;

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

See if your script is running GPU in Task manager. If not, suspect your CUDA version is right one for the tensorflow version you are using, as the other answers suggested already.

Additionally, a proper CUDA DNN library for the CUDA version is required to run GPU with tensorflow. Download/extract it from here and put the DLL (e.g., cudnn64_7.dll) into CUDA bin folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin).

jQuery UI Alert Dialog as a replacement for alert()

Just throw an empty, hidden div onto your html page and give it an ID. Then you can use that for your jQuery UI dialog. You can populate the text just like you normally would with any jquery call.

How to pipe list of files returned by find command to cat to view all the files

Modern version

POSIX 2008 added the + marker to find which means it now automatically groups as many files as are reasonable into a single command execution, very much like xargs does, but with a number of advantages:

  1. You don't have to worry about odd characters in the file names.
  2. You don't have to worry about the command being invoked with zero file names.

The file name issue is a problem with xargs without the -0 option, and the 'run even with zero file names' issue is a problem with or without the -0 option — but GNU xargs has the -r or --no-run-if-empty option to prevent that happening. Also, this notation cuts down on the number of processes, not that you're likely to measure the difference in performance. Hence, you could sensibly write:

find . -exec grep something {} +

Classic version

find . -print | xargs grep something

If you're on Linux or have the GNU find and xargs commands, then use -print0 with find and -0 with xargs to handle file names containing spaces and other odd-ball characters.

find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep something

Tweaking the results from grep

If you don't want the file names (just the text) then add an appropriate option to grep (usually -h to suppressing 'headings'). To absolutely guarantee the file name is printed by grep (even if only one file is found, or the last invocation of grep is only given 1 file name), then add /dev/null to the xargs command line, so that there will always be at least two file names.

Undo git stash pop that results in merge conflict

As it turns out, Git is smart enough not to drop a stash if it doesn't apply cleanly. I was able to get to the desired state with the following steps:

  1. To unstage the merge conflicts: git reset HEAD . (note the trailing dot)
  2. To save the conflicted merge (just in case): git stash
  3. To return to master: git checkout master
  4. To pull latest changes: git fetch upstream; git merge upstream/master
  5. To correct my new branch: git checkout new-branch; git rebase master
  6. To apply the correct stashed changes (now 2nd on the stack): git stash apply stash@{1}

SQL Server add auto increment primary key to existing table


Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

Create an Android app using Eclipse.

Create a layout that has a <WebView> control.

Move your HTML code to /assets folder.

Load webview with your file:///android_asset/ file.

And you have an android app!

How to determine whether a year is a leap year?

You test three different things on n:

n % 4
n % 100
n % 400

For 1900:

1900 % 4 == 0
1900 % 100 == 0
1900 % 400 == 300

So 1900 doesn't enter the if clause because 1900 % 100 != 0 is False

But 1900 also doesn't enter the else clause because 1900 % 4 != 0 is also False

This means that execution reaches the end of your function and doesn't see a return statement, so it returns None.

This rewriting of your function should work, and should return False or True as appropriate for the year number you pass into it. (Note that, as in the other answer, you have to return something rather than print it.)

def leapyr(n):
    if n % 400 == 0:
        return True
    if n % 100 == 0:
        return False
    if n % 4 == 0:
        return True
    return False
print leapyr(1900)

(Algorithm from Wikipedia)

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

When creating table in SQL Server make your table columns NVARCHAR instead of VARCHAR.

Volley JsonObjectRequest Post request not working

It worked for can try this for calling with Volley Json Request and Response ith Java Code .

public void callLogin(String sMethodToCall, String sUserId, String sPass) {
        RequestQueue requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(getApplicationContext());

        JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(
                Request.Method.POST, ConstantValues.ROOT_URL_LOCAL + sMethodToCall.toString().trim(), addJsonParams(sUserId, sPass),
//                JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST, url, object,
                new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
                    public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
                        Log.d("onResponse", response.toString());
                        Toast.makeText(VolleyMethods.this, response.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // Test

//                        msgResponse.setText(response.toString());
//                        hideProgressDialog();
                new Response.ErrorListener() {

                    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                        VolleyLog.d("onErrorResponse", "Error: " + error.getMessage());
                        Toast.makeText(VolleyMethods.this, error.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//                hideProgressDialog();
                }) {

             * Passing some request headers
            public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
                HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
                headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
                return headers;



    public JSONObject addJsonParams(String sUserId, String sPass) {
        JSONObject jsonobject = new JSONObject();
        try {
//            {"id":,"login":"secretary","password":"password"}

            Log.d("addJsonParams", "addJsonParams");

//            JSONObject jsonobject = new JSONObject();

//            JSONObject jsonobject_one = new JSONObject();
//            jsonobject_one.put("type", "event_and_offer");
//            jsonobject_one.put("devicetype", "I");
//            JSONObject jsonobject_TWO = new JSONObject();
//            jsonobject_TWO.put("value", "event");
//            JSONObject jsonobject = new JSONObject();
//            jsonobject.put("requestinfo", jsonobject_TWO);
//            jsonobject.put("request", jsonobject_one);

            jsonobject.put("id", "");
            jsonobject.put("login", sUserId); // sUserId
            jsonobject.put("password", sPass); // sPass

//            js.put("data", jsonobject.toString());

        } catch (JSONException e) {

        return jsonobject;

    public void parseResponse(JSONObject response) {

        Boolean bIsSuccess = false; // Write according to your logic this is demo.
        try {
            JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(response));
            bIsSuccess = jObject.getBoolean("success");

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Toast.makeText(VolleyMethods.this, "" + e.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // Test


Downloading a file from spring controllers

In my case I'm generating some file on demand, so also url has to be generated.

For me works something like that:

@RequestMapping(value = "/files/{filename:.+}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "text/csv")
public FileSystemResource getFile(@PathVariable String filename) {
    String path = dataProvider.getFullPath(filename);
    return new FileSystemResource(new File(path));

Very important is mime type in produces and also that, that name of the file is a part of the link so you has to use @PathVariable.

HTML code looks like that:

<a th:href="@{|/dbreport/files/${file_name}|}">Download</a>

Where ${file_name} is generated by Thymeleaf in controller and is i.e.: result_20200225.csv, so that whole url behing link is:

After clicking on link browser asks me what to do with file - save or open.

How to make a launcher

They're examples provided by the Android team, if you've already loaded Samples, you can import Home screen replacement sample by following these steps.

File > New > Other >Android > Android Sample Project > Android x.x > Home > Finish

But if you do not have samples loaded, then download it using the below steps

Windows > Android SDK Manager > chooses "Sample for SDK" for SDK you need it > Install package > Accept License > Install

Remove an onclick listener

Just put,it has worked for me


How do I turn a C# object into a JSON string in .NET?


 public static void WriteToJsonFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false) where T : new()
        var contentsToWriteToFile = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectToWrite, new JsonSerializerSettings
            Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, append))


namespace MyConfig
    public class AppConfigurationSettings
        public AppConfigurationSettings()
            /* initialize the object if you want to output a new document
             * for use as a template or default settings possibly when 
             * an app is started.
            if (AppSettings == null) { AppSettings=new AppSettings();}

        public AppSettings AppSettings { get; set; }

    public class AppSettings
        public bool DebugMode { get; set; } = false;


var jsonObject = new AppConfigurationSettings();
WriteToJsonFile<AppConfigurationSettings>(file.FullName, jsonObject);


  "AppSettings": {
    "DebugMode": false

Get value of a string after last slash in JavaScript


var str = "foo/bar/test.html";
var tmp = str.split("/");

Reportviewer tool missing in visual studio 2017 RC

If you're like me and tried a few of these methods and are stuck at the point that you have the control in the toolbox and can draw it on the form but it disappears from the form and puts it down in the components, then simply edit the designer and add the following in the appropriate area of InitializeComponent() to make it visible:




You'll also need to make adjustments to the location and size manually after you've added the control.

Not a great answer for sure, but if you're stuck and just need to get work done for now until you have more time to figure it out, it should help.

How to remove all the null elements inside a generic list in one go?

Easy and without LINQ:

while (parameterList.Remove(null)) {};

New line in JavaScript alert box

I saw some people had trouble with this in MVC, so... a simple way to pass '\n' using the Model, and in my case even using a translated text, is to use HTML.Raw to insert the text. That fixed it for me. In the code below, Model.Alert can contains newlines, like "Hello\nWorld"...


Storing sex (gender) in database

CREATE TABLE Admission (
    Name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    Gender ENUM('M','F'),
    Boolean_Valu boolean,
    Dob Date,
    Fees numeric(7,2) NOT NULL

insert into Admission (Name,Gender,Boolean_Valu,Dob,Fees)values('Raj','M',true,'1990-07-12',50000);
insert into Admission (Name,Gender,Boolean_Valu,Dob,Fees)values('Rani','F',false,'1994-05-10',15000);
select * from admission;

enter link description here

Is there a way to access an iteration-counter in Java's for-each loop?

The easiest solution is to just run your own counter thus:

int i = 0;
for (String s : stringArray) {
    doSomethingWith(s, i);

The reason for this is because there's no actual guarantee that items in a collection (which that variant of for iterates over) even have an index, or even have a defined order (some collections may change the order when you add or remove elements).

See for example, the following code:

import java.util.*;

public class TestApp {
  public static void AddAndDump(AbstractSet<String> set, String str) {
    System.out.println("Adding [" + str + "]");
    int i = 0;
    for(String s : set) {
        System.out.println("   " + i + ": " + s);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    AbstractSet<String> coll = new HashSet<String>();
    AddAndDump(coll, "Hello");
    AddAndDump(coll, "My");
    AddAndDump(coll, "Name");
    AddAndDump(coll, "Is");
    AddAndDump(coll, "Pax");

When you run that, you can see something like:

Adding [Hello]
   0: Hello
Adding [My]
   0: Hello
   1: My
Adding [Name]
   0: Hello
   1: My
   2: Name
Adding [Is]
   0: Hello
   1: Is
   2: My
   3: Name
Adding [Pax]
   0: Hello
   1: Pax
   2: Is
   3: My
   4: Name

indicating that, rightly so, order is not considered a salient feature of a set.

There are other ways to do it without a manual counter but it's a fair bit of work for dubious benefit.

How to search JSON data in MySQL?

  1. Storing JSON in database violates the first normal form.

    The best thing you can do is to normalize and store features in another table. Then you will be able to use a much better looking and performing query with joins. Your JSON even resembles the table.

  2. Mysql 5.7 has builtin JSON functionality:

  3. Correct pattern is:

    WHERE  `attribs_json` REGEXP '"1":{"value":[^}]*"3"[^}]*}'

    [^}] will match any character except }

How to use SortedMap interface in Java?


Use either of the Map implementations bundled with Java 6 and later that implement NavigableMap (the successor to SortedMap):

  • Use TreeMap if running single-threaded, or if the map is to be read-only across threads after first being populated.
  • Use ConcurrentSkipListMap if manipulating the map across threads.


FYI, the SortedMap interface was succeeded by the NavigableMap interface.

You would only need to use SortedMap if using 3rd-party implementations that have not yet declared their support of NavigableMap. Of the maps bundled with Java, both of the implementations that implement SortedMap also implement NavigableMap.

Interface versus concrete class

s SortedMap the best answer? TreeMap?

As others mentioned, SortedMap is an interface while TreeMap is one of multiple implementations of that interface (and of the more recent NavigableMap.

Having an interface allows you to write code that uses the map without breaking if you later decide to switch between implementations.

NavigableMap< Employee , Project > currentAssignments = new TreeSet<>() ;
currentAssignments.put( alice , writeAdCopyProject ) ; 
currentAssignments.put( bob , setUpNewVendorsProject ) ; 

This code still works if later change implementations. Perhaps you later need a map that supports concurrency for use across threads. Change that declaration to:

NavigableMap< Employee , Project > currentAssignments = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>() ;

…and the rest of your code using that map continues to work.

Choosing implementation

There are ten implementations of Map bundled with Java 11. And more implementations provided by 3rd parties such as Google Guava.

Here is a graphic table I made highlighting the various features of each. Notice that two of the bundled implementations keep the keys in sorted order by examining the key’s content. Also, EnumMap keeps its keys in the order of the objects defined on that enum. Lastly, the LinkedHashMap remembers original insertion order.

Table of map implementations in Java 11, comparing their features

Know relationships between all the tables of database in SQL Server

My solution is based on @marc_s solution, i just concatenated columns in cases that a constraint is based on more than one column:

   FK.[name] AS ForeignKeyConstraintName
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(FT.schema_id) + '.' + FT.[name] AS ForeignTable
  ,STUFF(ForeignColumns.ForeignColumns, 1, 2, '') AS ForeignColumns
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(RT.schema_id) + '.' + RT.[name] AS ReferencedTable
  ,STUFF(ReferencedColumns.ReferencedColumns, 1, 2, '') AS ReferencedColumns
  sys.foreign_keys FK
  INNER JOIN sys.tables FT
  ON FT.object_id = FK.parent_object_id
  INNER JOIN sys.tables RT
  ON RT.object_id = FK.referenced_object_id
      ', ' + iFC.[name] AS [text()]
      sys.foreign_key_columns iFKC
      INNER JOIN sys.columns iFC
      ON iFC.object_id = iFKC.parent_object_id
        AND iFC.column_id = iFKC.parent_column_id
      iFKC.constraint_object_id = FK.object_id
    FOR XML PATH('')
  ) ForeignColumns (ForeignColumns)
      ', ' + iRC.[name]AS [text()]
      sys.foreign_key_columns iFKC
      INNER JOIN sys.columns iRC
      ON iRC.object_id = iFKC.referenced_object_id
        AND iRC.column_id = iFKC.referenced_column_id
      iFKC.constraint_object_id = FK.object_id
    FOR XML PATH('')
  ) ReferencedColumns (ReferencedColumns)

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)

If you go the binary serialization route, Consider the speed at which a particular member of the datum needs to be accessed. If it is only a small collection, loading the whole file will make sense, but if it will be large, you might also consider an index file.

Tracking Account Properties/fields that are located at a specific address within the file can help you speed up access time, especially if you optimize that index file based on key usage. (possibly even when you write to disk.)

MySql : Grant read only options?

Various permissions that you can grant to a user are

ALL PRIVILEGES- This would allow a MySQL user all access to a designated database (or if no database is selected, across the system)
CREATE- allows them to create new tables or databases
DROP- allows them to them to delete tables or databases
DELETE- allows them to delete rows from tables
INSERT- allows them to insert rows into tables
SELECT- allows them to use the Select command to read through databases
UPDATE- allow them to update table rows
GRANT OPTION- allows them to grant or remove other users' privileges

To provide a specific user with a permission, you can use this framework:

GRANT [type of permission] ON [database name].[table name] TO ‘[username]’@'localhost’;

I found this article very helpful

Loop through Map in Groovy?

Another option:

def map = ['a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3]
  println it.key +" "+ it.value

Compress images on client side before uploading

I'm late to the party, but this solution worked for me quite well. Based on this library, you can use a function lik this - setting the image, quality, max-width, and output format (jepg,png):

function compress(source_img_obj, quality, maxWidth, output_format){
    var mime_type = "image/jpeg";
    if(typeof output_format !== "undefined" && output_format=="png"){
        mime_type = "image/png";

    maxWidth = maxWidth || 1000;
    var natW = source_img_obj.naturalWidth;
    var natH = source_img_obj.naturalHeight;
    var ratio = natH / natW;
    if (natW > maxWidth) {
        natW = maxWidth;
        natH = ratio * maxWidth;

    var cvs = document.createElement('canvas');
    cvs.width = natW;
    cvs.height = natH;

    var ctx = cvs.getContext("2d").drawImage(source_img_obj, 0, 0, natW, natH);
    var newImageData = cvs.toDataURL(mime_type, quality/100);
    var result_image_obj = new Image();
    result_image_obj.src = newImageData;
    return result_image_obj;


I had this error when I tried to update npm, but had a really old version (1.3.6 !) installed from yum in AWS Linux. I was able to manually install a newer npm version and everything was remedied.

hash keys / values as array

var a = {"apples": 3, "oranges": 4, "bananas": 42};    

var array_keys = new Array();
var array_values = new Array();

for (var key in a) {


Delete all local git branches

None of the answers satisfied my needs fully, so here we go:

git branch --merged | grep -E "(feature|bugfix|hotfix)/" | xargs git branch -D && git remote prune origin

This will delete all local branches which are merged and starting with feature/, bugfix/ or hotfix/. Afterwards the upstream remote origin is pruned (you may have to enter a password).

Works on Git 1.9.5.

SQL Server Linked Server Example Query

For what it's worth, I found the following syntax to work the best:


I couldn't get the recommendations of others to work, using the database name. Additionally, this data source has no schema.

Java how to sort a Linked List?

You can do it by Java 8 lambda expression :

LinkedList<String> list=new LinkedList<String>();
//lambda expression

mysql-python install error: Cannot open include file 'config-win.h'

well this worked for me:

pip install mysqlclient

this is for python 3.x in window 7 i am not sure about other windows os versions

How To Format A Block of Code Within a Presentation?

An on-line syntax highlighter:


Just copy and paste into your document.


This can happen on foreachs when using:

foreach( $array as $key = $value )

instead of

foreach( $array as $key => $value )

What is the facade design pattern?

The facade pattern is a wrapper of many other interfaces in a result to produce a simpler interface.

Design patterns are useful as they solve recurring problems and in general simplify code. In a team of developers who agree to use the same patterns it improves efficiency and understanding when maintaining each others code.

Try reading about more patterns:

Facade Pattern:

or more generally:

How to display my location on Google Maps for Android API v2

Java code:

public class MapActivity extends FragmentActivity implements LocationListener  {

    GoogleMap googleMap;
    LatLng myPosition;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Getting reference to the SupportMapFragment of activity_main.xml
        SupportMapFragment fm = (SupportMapFragment)

        // Getting GoogleMap object from the fragment
        googleMap = fm.getMap();

        // Enabling MyLocation Layer of Google Map

        // Getting LocationManager object from System Service LOCATION_SERVICE
        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);

        // Creating a criteria object to retrieve provider
        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

        // Getting the name of the best provider
        String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);

        // Getting Current Location
        Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);

        if (location != null) {
            // Getting latitude of the current location
            double latitude = location.getLatitude();

            // Getting longitude of the current location
            double longitude = location.getLongitude();

            // Creating a LatLng object for the current location
            LatLng latLng = new LatLng(latitude, longitude);

            myPosition = new LatLng(latitude, longitude);

            googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(myPosition).title("Start"));


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:android=""

You will get your current location in a blue circle.

Popup window in PHP?

For a popup javascript is required. Put this in your header:

function myFunction()
alert("I am an alert box!"); // this is the message in ""

And this in your body:

<input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Show alert box">

When the button is pressed a box pops up with the message set in the header.

This can be put in any html or php file without the php tags.


To display it using php try this:

<?php echo '<script>myfunction()</script>'; ?>

It may not be 100% correct but the principle is the same.

To display different messages you can either create lots of functions or you can pass a variable in to the function when you call it.

state machines tutorials

State machines can be very complex for a complex problem. They are also subject to unexpected bugs. They can turn into a nightmare if someone runs into a bug or needs to change the logic in the future. They are also difficult to follow and debug without the state diagram. Structured programming is much better (for example you would probably not use a state machine at mainline level). You can use structured programming even in interrupt context (which is where state machines are usually used). See this article "Macros to simulate multi-tasking/blocking code at interrupt level" found at

Create an ArrayList with multiple object types?


   ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList <>();`     


 ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

And in case you need access to your WatchKit extension delegate from a view controller on watchOS:

extDelegate = WKExtension.sharedExtension().delegate as WKExtensionDelegate?

URL encoding the space character: + or %20?

A space may only be encoded to "+" in the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content-type key-value pairs query part of an URL. In my opinion, this is a MAY, not a MUST. In the rest of URLs, it is encoded as %20.

In my opinion, it's better to always encode spaces as %20, not as "+", even in the query part of an URL, because it is the HTML specification (RFC-1866) that specified that space characters should be encoded as "+" in "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content-type key-value pairs (see paragraph 8.2.1. subparagraph 1.)

This way of encoding form data is also given in later HTML specifications. For example, look for relevant paragraphs about application/x-www-form-urlencoded in HTML 4.01 Specification, and so on.

Here is a sample string in URL where the HTML specification allows encoding spaces as pluses: "". So, only after "?", spaces can be replaced by pluses. In other cases, spaces should be encoded to %20. But since it's hard to correctly determine the context, it's the best practice to never encode spaces as "+".

I would recommend to percent-encode all character except "unreserved" defined in RFC-3986, p.2.3

unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

The implementation depends on the programming language that you chose.

If your URL contains national characters, first encode them to UTF-8 and then percent-encode the result.

Mongoose's find method with $or condition does not work properly

async() => {
let body = await model.find().or([
  { name: 'something'},
  { nickname: 'somethang'}
/* Gives an array of the searched query!
returns [] if not found */

How do I get multiple subplots in matplotlib?

There are several ways to do it. The subplots method creates the figure along with the subplots that are then stored in the ax array. For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = range(10)
y = range(10)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)

for row in ax:
    for col in row:
        col.plot(x, y)

enter image description here

However, something like this will also work, it's not so "clean" though since you are creating a figure with subplots and then add on top of them:

fig = plt.figure()

plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.plot(x, y)

plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot(x, y)

plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.plot(x, y)

plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plt.plot(x, y)

enter image description here

Finding the average of an array using JS

Writing the function for average yourself is crazy. That's why modules exist. I found math.js

In my HTML file:

  <script src=""></script>

(or you can download it)

In my JS code:

math.mean([1,2,3]) // =2
math.mean(1,2,3) // the same

"The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html" is not "text/css"

In Ubuntu In the conf file: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/your-file.conf


AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .js .xml .htc .css


AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .js .xml .htc

Undo working copy modifications of one file in Git?

If you have not yet pushed or otherwise shared your commit:

git diff --stat HEAD^...HEAD | \
fgrep filename_snippet_to_revert | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs git checkout HEAD^ --
git commit -a --amend

Multiple Buttons' OnClickListener() android

I find that using a long if/else chain (or switch), in addition to the list of findViewById(btn).setOnClickListener(this) is ugly. how about creating new View.OnlickListeners with override, in-line:

findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { signIn(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { signOut(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { decryptThisTest(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getBookTickers(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getBalances(); }});

replace special characters in a string python

replace operates on a specific string, so you need to call it like this

removeSpecialChars = z.replace("!@#$%^&*()[]{};:,./<>?\|`~-=_+", " ")

but this is probably not what you need, since this will look for a single string containing all that characters in the same order. you can do it with a regexp, as Danny Michaud pointed out.

as a side note, you might want to look for BeautifulSoup, which is a library for parsing messy HTML formatted text like what you usually get from scaping websites.

golang why don't we have a set datastructure

One reason is that it is easy to create a set from map:

s := map[int]bool{5: true, 2: true}
_, ok := s[6] // check for existence
s[8] = true // add element 
delete(s, 2) // remove element


s_union := map[int]bool{}
for k, _ := range s1{
    s_union[k] = true
for k, _ := range s2{
    s_union[k] = true


s_intersection := map[int]bool{}
for k,_ := range s1 { 
  if s2[k] {
    s_intersection[k] = true

It is not really that hard to implement all other set operations.

SQLAlchemy create_all() does not create tables

If someone is having issues with creating tables by using files dedicated to each model, be aware of running the "create_all" function from a file different from the one where that function is declared. So, if the filesystem is like this:

Root     <-- file from which app will be run
--models      <-- file with "User" model    <-- file with "Order" model <-- file with database and "create_all" function declaration

Be careful about calling the "create_all" function from

This concept is explained better by the answer to this thread posted by @SuperShoot

How to read until end of file (EOF) using BufferedReader in Java?

You are consuming a line at, which is discarded

while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0)

and reading a bigint at

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(input.readLine());

so try getting the bigint from string which is read as

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(str);

   Constructor used: BigInteger(String val)

Aslo change while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0) to


see related post string to bigint

    A String containing the contents of the line, not including any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the stream has been reached 

see javadocs

Can I delete a git commit but keep the changes?

Using git 2.9 (precisely git reset HEAD^ prompts for more; not sure what is expected input here. Please refer below screenshot

enter image description here

Found other solution git reset HEAD~#numberOfCommits using which we can choose to select number of local commits you want to reset by keeping your changes intact. Hence, we get an opportunity to throw away all local commits as well as limited number of local commits.

Refer below screenshots showing git reset HEAD~1 in action: enter image description here

enter image description here

How to write UPDATE SQL with Table alias in SQL Server 2008?

The syntax for using an alias in an update statement on SQL Server is as follows:

WHERE Q.ID = 101;

The alias should not be necessary here though.

What is w3wp.exe?

  • A worker process runs as an executables file named W3wp.exe
  • A Worker Process is user mode code whose role is to process requests, such as processing requests to return a static page.

  • The worker process is controlled by the www service.

  • worker processes also run application code, Such as ASP .NET applications and XML web Services.

  • When Application pool receive the request, it simply pass the request to worker process (w3wp.exe) . The worker process“w3wp.exe” looks up the URL of the request in order to load the correct ISAPI extension. ISAPI extensions are the IIS way to handle requests for different resources. Once ASP.NET is installed, it installs its own ISAPI extension (aspnet_isapi.dll)and adds the mapping into IIS.

  • When Worker process loads the aspnet_isapi.dll, it start an HTTPRuntime, which is the entry point of an application. HTTPRuntime is a class which calls the ProcessRequest method to start Processing.

For more detail refer URL image description here

Cannot find pkg-config error

for me, (OSX) the problem was solved doing this:

brew install pkg-config

Making PHP var_dump() values display one line per value

I usually have a nice function to handle output of an array, just to pretty it up a bit when debugging.

function pr($data)
    echo "<pre>";
    print_r($data); // or var_dump($data);
    echo "</pre>";

Then just call it


Or if you have an editor like that saves snippets so you can access them quicker instead of creating a function for each project you build or each page that requires just a quick test.

For print_r:

echo "<pre>", print_r($data, 1), "</pre>";

For var_dump():

echo "<pre>", var_dump($data), "</pre>";

I use the above with PHP Storm. I have set it as a pr tab command.

Adobe Reader Command Line Reference

I found this:

Open a PDF file with navigation pane active, zoom out to 50%, and search for and highlight the word "batch":

AcroRd32.exe /A "zoom=50&navpanes=1=OpenActions&search=batch" PdfFile

Rails: Missing host to link to! Please provide :host parameter or set default_url_options[:host]

I had this same error. I had everything written in correctly, including the Listing 10.13 from the tutorial.

Rails.application.configure do
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.action_mailer.delevery_method :test
host = ''
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: host }

obviously with "" replaced with my server url.

What I had glossed over in the tutorial was this line:

After restarting the development server to activate the configuration...

So the answer for me was to turn the server off and back on again.

Determine if running on a rooted device

Here is a class that will check for Root one of three ways.

/** @author Kevin Kowalewski */
public class RootUtil {
    public static boolean isDeviceRooted() {
        return checkRootMethod1() || checkRootMethod2() || checkRootMethod3();

    private static boolean checkRootMethod1() {
        String buildTags = android.os.Build.TAGS;
        return buildTags != null && buildTags.contains("test-keys");

    private static boolean checkRootMethod2() {
        String[] paths = { "/system/app/Superuser.apk", "/sbin/su", "/system/bin/su", "/system/xbin/su", "/data/local/xbin/su", "/data/local/bin/su", "/system/sd/xbin/su",
                "/system/bin/failsafe/su", "/data/local/su", "/su/bin/su"};
        for (String path : paths) {
            if (new File(path).exists()) return true;
        return false;

    private static boolean checkRootMethod3() {
        Process process = null;
        try {
            process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "/system/xbin/which", "su" });
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
            if (in.readLine() != null) return true;
            return false;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return false;
        } finally {
            if (process != null) process.destroy();

Difference between decimal, float and double in .NET?

float 7 digits of precision

double has about 15 digits of precision

decimal has about 28 digits of precision

If you need better accuracy, use double instead of float. In modern CPUs both data types have almost the same performance. The only benifit of using float is they take up less space. Practically matters only if you have got many of them.

I found this is interesting. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

I have been trying different values with JSON.parse(value) and it seems to do the work:

// true

// false

is vs typeof

This should answer that question, and then some.

The second line, if (obj.GetType() == typeof(ClassA)) {}, is faster, for those that don't want to read the article.

(Be aware that they don't do the same thing)

Initializing select with AngularJS and ng-repeat

If you are using md-select and ng-repeat ing md-option from angular material then you can add ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}" to the md-select tag ash shown in this pen


<md-select ng-model="user" style="min-width: 200px;" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}">_x000D_
  <md-select-label>{{ user ? : 'Assign to user' }}</md-select-label>_x000D_
  <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{}}</md-option>_x000D_

What is the purpose of a question mark after a type (for example: int? myVariable)?

int? is shorthand for Nullable<int>. The two forms are interchangeable.

Nullable<T> is an operator that you can use with a value type T to make it accept null.

In case you don't know it: value types are types that accepts values as int, bool, char etc...

They can't accept references to values: they would generate a compile-time error if you assign them a null, as opposed to reference types, which can obviously accept it.

Why would you need that? Because sometimes your value type variables could receive null references returned by something that didn't work very well, like a missing or undefined variable returned from a database.

I suggest you to read the Microsoft Documentation because it covers the subject quite well.

SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause

Old post but worth a look for someone who stumbles upon like me



Datatables warning(table id = 'example'): cannot reinitialise data table

You can also destroy the old datatable by using the following code before creating the new datatable:


How to get file URL using Storage facade in laravel 5?

Take a look at this: How to use storage_path() to view an image in laravel 4 . The same applies to Laravel 5:

Storage is for the file system, and the most part of it is not accessible to the web server. The recommended solution is to store the images somewhere in the public folder (which is the document root), in the public/screenshots/ for example. Then when you want to display them, use asset('screenshots/1.jpg').

How to embed a SWF file in an HTML page?

I know this is an old question. But this answer will be good for the present.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <style type="text/css" media="screen">
        html, body { height:100%; background-color: #ffff99;}
        body { margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; }
        #flashContent { width:100%; height:100%; }
        <div id="flashContent">
            <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="histo2.swf" width="822" height="550" id="histo2" style="float: none; vertical-align:middle">
                <param name="movie" value="histo2.swf" />
                <param name="quality" value="high" />
                <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffff99" />
                <param name="play" value="true" />
                <param name="loop" value="true" />
                <param name="wmode" value="window" />
                <param name="scale" value="showall" />
                <param name="menu" value="true" />
                <param name="devicefont" value="false" />
                <param name="salign" value="" />
                <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                <a href="">
                    <img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />

Convert UTF-8 to base64 string

It's a little difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, but assuming you're trying to get a Base64 string that when decoded is abcdef==, the following should work:

byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("abcdef==");
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

This will output: YWJjZGVmPT0= which is abcdef== encoded in Base64.


To decode a Base64 string, simply use Convert.FromBase64String(). E.g.

string base64 = "YWJjZGVmPT0=";
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

At this point, bytes will be a byte[] (not a string). If we know that the byte array represents a string in UTF8, then it can be converted back to the string form using:

string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

This will output the original input string, abcdef== in this case.

Reflection: How to Invoke Method with parameters

I m invoking the weighted average through reflection. And had used method with more than one parameter.

Class cls = Class.forName(propFile.getProperty(formulaTyp));// reading class name from file

Object weightedobj = cls.newInstance(); // invoke empty constructor

Class<?>[] paramTypes = { String.class, BigDecimal[].class, BigDecimal[].class }; // 3 parameter having first is method name and other two are values and their weight
Method printDogMethod = weightedobj.getClass().getMethod("applyFormula", paramTypes); // created the object 
return BigDecimal.valueOf((Double) printDogMethod.invoke(weightedobj, formulaTyp, decimalnumber, weight)); calling the method

.mp4 file not playing in chrome

After running into the same issue - here're some of my thoughts:

  • due to Chrome removing support for h264, on some machines, mp4 videos encoded with it will either not work (throwing an Parser error when viewing under Firebug/Network tab - consistent with issue submitted here), or crash the browser, depending upon the encoding settings
  • it isn't consistent - it entirely depends upon the codecs installed on the computer - while I didn't encounter this issue on my machine, we did have one in the office where the issue occurred (and thus we used this one for testing)
  • it might to do with Quicktime / divX settings (the machine in question had an older version of Quicktime than my native one - we didn't want to loose our testing pc though, so we didn't update it).

As it affects only Chrome (other browsers work fine with VideoForEverybody solution) the solution I've used is:

for every mp4 file, create a Theora encoded mp4 file (example.mp4 -> example_c.mp4) apply following js:

if (
        $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('src').replace(".mp4", "_c.mp4"));

Unfortunately it's a bad Chrome hack, but hey, at least it works.

Source: user: eithedog

This also can help: chrome could play html5 mp4 video but html5test said chrome did not support mp4 video codec

Also check your version of crome here: html5test

GitLab git user password

I had the same problem, I spent a lot of time searching!

I had the idea to use Eclipse to import the project from GitLab.

Once the project is imported correctly, I made the comparison between the configuration of :

  • the project's Git ripository that I imported into Eclispe, ("in Eclipse", Git Repository, in myprojectRepo / Working Directory / .git / config)
  • the one that is made in .git / config, there i wanted to push my project with git: git push ... and asked me for a password.

Surprise: The remote does not have the same in both cases. I handed the same as that in eclipse and everything works.

How to write a unit test for a Spring Boot Controller endpoint

Adding @WebAppConfiguration (org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration) annotation to your DemoApplicationTests class will work.

Python method for reading keypress?

It's really late now but I made a quick script which works for Windows, Mac and Linux, simply by using each command line:

import os, platform

def close():
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        print("Press any key to exit . . .")
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        os.system("read -n1 -r -p \"Press any key to exit . . .\" key")
    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
        print("Press any key to exit . . .")
        os.system("read -n 1 -s -p \"\"")

It uses only inbuilt functions, and should work for all three (although I've only tested Windows and Linux...).

curl Failed to connect to localhost port 80

Since you have a ::1 localhost line in your hosts file, it would seem that curl is attempting to use IPv6 to contact your local web server.

Since the web server is not listening on IPv6, the connection fails.

You could try to use the --ipv4 option to curl, which should force an IPv4 connection when both are available.

How can I run a program from a batch file without leaving the console open after the program starts?

Here is my preferred solution. It is taken from an answer to a similar question.

Use a VBS Script to call the batch file:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\path\to\your\batchfile.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Copy the lines above to an editor and save the file with .VBS extension.

Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference, But it is NOT a null reference

My solution to this error was that a copy and paste from another project that had a reference to @Model.Id. This particular page didn't have a model but the error line was so far off from the actual error I about never found it!

How do I address unchecked cast warnings?

This stuff is hard, but here are my current thoughts:

If your API returns Object, then there's nothing you can do -- no matter what, you will be blindly casting the object. You let Java throw ClassCastExceptions, or you can check each element yourself and throw Assertions or IllegalArgumentExceptions or some such, but these runtime checks are all equivalent. You have to suppress the compile time unchecked cast no matter what you do at runtime.

I'd just prefer to blind cast and let the JVM perform its runtime check for me since we "know" what the API should return, and are usually willing to assume that the API works. Use generics everywhere above the cast, if you need them. You aren't really buying anything there since you still have the single blind cast, but at least you can use generics from there on up so the JVM can help you avoid blind casts in other pieces of your code.

In this particular case, presumably you can see the call to SetAttribute and see the type is going in, so just blind-casting the type to same on the way out is not immoral. Add a comment referencing the SetAttribute and be done with it.

Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)

If you want a solution that also works in /bin/sh try

echo First argument: "$first_arg"
echo Remaining arguments: "$@"

shift [n] shifts the positional parameters n times. A shift sets the value of $1 to the value of $2, the value of $2 to the value of $3, and so on, decreasing the value of $# by one.

How to step through Python code to help debug issues?

There is a module called 'pdb' in python. At the top of your python script you do

import pdb

and you will enter into debugging mode. You can use 's' to step, 'n' to follow next line similar to what you would do with 'gdb' debugger.

Why use argparse rather than optparse?

There are also new kids on the block!

  • Besides the already mentioned deprecated optparse. [DO NOT USE]
  • argparse was also mentioned, which is a solution for people not willing to include external libs.
  • docopt is an external lib worth looking at, which uses a documentation string as the parser for your input.
  • click is also external lib and uses decorators for defining arguments. (My source recommends: Why Click)
  • python-inquirer For selection focused tools and based on Inquirer.js (repo)

If you need a more in-depth comparison please read this and you may end up using docopt or click. Thanks to Kyle Purdon!

Retrieving the last record in each group - MySQL

What about:

select *, max(id) from messages group by name 

I have tested it on sqlite and it returns all columns and max id value for all names.

Is it possible to capture a Ctrl+C signal and run a cleanup function, in a "defer" fashion?

You can use the os/signal package to handle incoming signals. Ctrl+C is SIGINT, so you can use this to trap os.Interrupt.

c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
go func(){
    for sig := range c {
        // sig is a ^C, handle it

The manner in which you cause your program to terminate and print information is entirely up to you.

How to run a script at a certain time on Linux?

Look at the following:

echo "ls -l" | at 07:00

This code line executes "ls -l" at a specific time. This is an example of executing something (a command in my example) at a specific time. "at" is the command you were really looking for. You can read the specifications here:

Hope it helps!

How to determine the number of days in a month in SQL Server?

You need to create a function, but it is for your own convenience. It works perfect and I never encountered any faulty computations using this function.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[get_days](@date datetime)
    SET @date = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @date)
    DECLARE @result int = (select DAY(DATEADD(DAY, -DAY(@date), @date)))
    RETURN @result

How it works: subtracting the date's day number from the date itself gives you the last day of previous month. So, you need to add one month to the given date, subtract the day number and get the day component of the result.

How to add a Try/Catch to SQL Stored Procedure

Transact-SQL is a bit more tricky that C# or C++ try/catch blocks, because of the added complexity of transactions. A CATCH block has to check the xact_state() function and decide whether it can commit or has to rollback. I have covered the topic in my blog and I have an article that shows how to correctly handle transactions in with a try catch block, including possible nested transactions: Exception handling and nested transactions.

create procedure [usp_my_procedure_name]
    set nocount on;
    declare @trancount int;
    set @trancount = @@trancount;
    begin try
        if @trancount = 0
            begin transaction
            save transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        -- Do the actual work here

        if @trancount = 0   
    end try
    begin catch
        declare @error int, @message varchar(4000), @xstate int;
        select @error = ERROR_NUMBER(),
                 @message = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @xstate = XACT_STATE();
        if @xstate = -1
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount = 0
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount > 0
            rollback transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        raiserror ('usp_my_procedure_name: %d: %s', 16, 1, @error, @message) ;
    end catch   

write a shell script to ssh to a remote machine and execute commands

You can follow this approach :

  • Connect to remote machine using Expect Script. If your machine doesn't support expect you can download the same. Writing Expect script is very easy (google to get help on this)
  • Put all the action which needs to be performed on remote server in a shell script.
  • Invoke remote shell script from expect script once login is successful.

Laravel 5.2 redirect back with success message

in Controller:

 `return redirect()->route('car.index')->withSuccess('Bein ajoute')`;

In view

           <div class="alert alert-success">

Excel: the Incredible Shrinking and Expanding Controls

Try changing the zoom setting to 100% using the bottom right hand slider. Fixed it for me on both monitors of different sizes.

Adding to the classpath on OSX

In OSX, you can set the classpath from scratch like this:

export CLASSPATH=/path/to/some.jar:/path/to/some/other.jar

Or you can add to the existing classpath like this:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/path/to/some.jar:/path/to/some/other.jar

This is answering your exact question, I'm not saying it's the right or wrong thing to do; I'll leave that for others to comment upon.

No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException with Spring MVC?

Spring cannot instantiate your TestController because its only constructor requires a parameter. You can add a no-arg constructor or you add @Autowired annotation to the constructor:

public TestController(KeeperClient testClient) {
    TestController.testClient = testClient;

In this case, you are explicitly telling Spring to search the application context for a KeeperClient bean and inject it when instantiating the TestControlller.

Kill python interpeter in linux from the terminal

pkill -9 python

should kill any running python process.

How to get all columns' names for all the tables in MySQL?

I wrote this silly thing a long time ago and still actually use it now and then:

Basically, it does a "SHOW TABLES", then a "DESCRIBE " on each table, then spits it out as markdown.

Just edit below the "if name" and go. You'll need to have pymysql installed.

How do I initialize a dictionary of empty lists in Python?

Passing [] as second argument to dict.fromkeys() gives a rather useless result – all values in the dictionary will be the same list object.

In Python 2.7 or above, you can use a dicitonary comprehension instead:

data = {k: [] for k in range(2)}

In earlier versions of Python, you can use

data = dict((k, []) for k in range(2))

How to use [DllImport("")] in C#?

You can't declare an extern local method inside of a method, or any other method with an attribute. Move your DLL import into the class:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WindowHandling
    public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr point);

    public void ActivateTargetApplication(string processName, List<string> barcodesList)
        Process p = Process.Start("notepad++.exe");
        IntPtr h = p.MainWindowHandle;
        IntPtr processFoundWindow = p.MainWindowHandle;

how to put image in a bundle and pass it to another activity

So you can do it like this, but the limitation with the Parcelables is that the payload between activities has to be less than 1MB total. It's usually better to save the Bitmap to a file and pass the URI to the image to the next activity.

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     setContentView(R.layout.my_layout);     Bitmap bitmap = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("image");     ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;     imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);  } 

Using Enum values as String literals

As far as I know, the only way to get the name would be;

If you really need it this way, however, you could do:

public enum Modes {
    mode1 ("Mode1"),
    mode2 ("Mode2"),
    mode3 ("Mode3");

    private String name;       

    private Modes(String s) {
        name = s;

python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series

You can pass any number of arguments to the function that apply is calling through either unnamed arguments, passed as a tuple to the args parameter, or through other keyword arguments internally captured as a dictionary by the kwds parameter.

For instance, let's build a function that returns True for values between 3 and 6, and False otherwise.

s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,10, 10))

0    5
1    3
2    1
3    1
4    6
5    0
6    3
7    4
8    9
9    6
dtype: int64

s.apply(lambda x: x >= 3 and x <= 6)

0     True
1     True
2    False
3    False
4     True
5    False
6     True
7     True
8    False
9     True
dtype: bool

This anonymous function isn't very flexible. Let's create a normal function with two arguments to control the min and max values we want in our Series.

def between(x, low, high):
    return x >= low and x =< high

We can replicate the output of the first function by passing unnamed arguments to args:

s.apply(between, args=(3,6))

Or we can use the named arguments

s.apply(between, low=3, high=6)

Or even a combination of both

s.apply(between, args=(3,), high=6)

HTML text-overflow ellipsis detection

The e.offsetWidth < e.scrollWidth solution is not always working.

And if you want to use pure JavaScript, I recommend to use this:


public isEllipsisActive(element: HTMLElement): boolean { = 'initial';
    const noEllipsisWidth = element.offsetWidth; = 'hidden';
    const ellipsisWidth = element.offsetWidth;

    if (ellipsisWidth < noEllipsisWidth) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

End of File (EOF) in C

EOF is -1 because that's how it's defined. The name is provided by the standard library headers that you #include. They make it equal to -1 because it has to be something that can't be mistaken for an actual byte read by getchar(). getchar() reports the values of actual bytes using positive number (0 up to 255 inclusive), so -1 works fine for this.

The != operator means "not equal". 0 stands for false, and anything else stands for true. So what happens is, we call the getchar() function, and compare the result to -1 (EOF). If the result was not equal to EOF, then the result is true, because things that are not equal are not equal. If the result was equal to EOF, then the result is false, because things that are equal are not (not equal).

The call to getchar() returns EOF when you reach the "end of file". As far as C is concerned, the 'standard input' (the data you are giving to your program by typing in the command window) is just like a file. Of course, you can always type more, so you need an explicit way to say "I'm done". On Windows systems, this is control-Z. On Unix systems, this is control-D.

The example in the book is not "wrong". It depends on what you actually want to do. Reading until EOF means that you read everything, until the user says "I'm done", and then you can't read any more. Reading until '\n' means that you read a line of input. Reading until '\0' is a bad idea if you expect the user to type the input, because it is either hard or impossible to produce this byte with a keyboard at the command prompt :)

How to dynamic filter options of <select > with jQuery?

This is a simple solution where you clone the lists options and keep them in an object for recovery later. The scripts cleans out the list and add only the options that contains the input text. This should also work cross browser. I got some help from this post:


<input id="search_input" placeholder="Type to filter">
<select id="theList" class="List" multiple="multiple">

or razor

@Html.ListBoxFor(g => g.SelectedItem, Model.items, new { @class = "List", @id = "theList" })


<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {
    //copy options
    var options = $('#theList option').clone();
    //react on keyup in textbox
    $('#search_input').keyup(function () {
      var val = $(this).val();
      //take only the options containing your filter text or all if empty
      options.filter(function (idx, el) {
        return val === '' || $(el).text().indexOf(val) >= 0;
      }).appendTo('#theList');//add it to list

Need a row count after SELECT statement: what's the optimal SQL approach?

If you are really concerned that your row count will change between the select count and the select statement, why not select your rows into a temp table first? That way, you know you will be in sync.

How to get all values from python enum class?

This is basically available in a 'protected' attribute of the Enum class:


Align DIV to bottom of the page

Simple 2020 no-tricks method:

body {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

#footer {
    margin-top: auto;

Environment variables in Mac OS X

You can read up on linux, which is pretty close to what Mac OS X is. Or you can read up on BSD Unix, which is a little closer. For the most part, the differences between Linux and BSD don't amount to much.

/etc/profile are system environment variables.

~/.profile are user-specific environment variables.

"where should I set my JAVA_HOME variable?"

  • Do you have multiple users? Do they care? Would you mess some other user up by changing a /etc/profile?

Generally, I prefer not to mess with system-wide settings even though I'm the only user. I prefer to edit my local settings.

Brew doctor says: "Warning: /usr/local/include isn't writable."

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin

This will create all required directories and give it the correct ownership.

After running these commands check with: brew doctor

This works for Mojave.

select dept names who have more than 2 employees whose salary is greater than 1000

select deptname from dept_1
where exists
SELECT DeptId,COUNT(*)        
FROM emp_1  
where salary>1000
and emp_1.deptid=dept_1.deptid   
having count(*)>2)

Angularjs $q.all

The issue seems to be that you are adding the deffered.promise when deffered is itself the promise you should be adding:

Try changing to promises.push(deffered); so you don't add the unwrapped promise to the array.

 UploadService.uploadQuestion = function(questions){

            var promises = [];

            for(var i = 0 ; i < questions.length ; i++){

                var deffered  = $q.defer();
                var question  = questions[i]; 


                    url   : 'upload/question',
                    method: 'POST',
                    data  : question


            return $q.all(promises);

Docker - Ubuntu - bash: ping: command not found

Generally people pull the official image of Ubuntu/CentOS but they don't realize that these images are minimal and doesn't have any thing on the top of that.

For Ubuntu, this image is built from official rootfs tarballs provided by Canonical. Given that it is a minimal install of Ubuntu, this image only includes the C, C.UTF-8, and POSIX locales by default.

One can install net-tools (includes ifconfig, netstat), ip-utils(includes ping) andy other likes curl etc on container and can create image from container or can write Dockerfile that will install these tool while creating image.

Below is Dockerfile example, while creating image from this it will include these tools:

FROM vkitpro/ubuntu16.04
RUN     apt-get  update -y \
&& apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install iputils-ping -y \
&& apt-get install net-tools -y \
CMD bash

or launch container from base image and install these utilities on container and then commit to image. docker commit -m "any descriptive message" container_id image_name:lattest

That image will have all thing installed.

Can you 'exit' a loop in PHP?

You can use the break keyword.

How to download all files (but not HTML) from a website using wget?

wget -m -A * -pk -e robots=off

this will download all type of files locally and point to them from the html file and it will ignore robots file

How to create multidimensional array

Declared without value assignment.

2 dimensions...

var arrayName = new Array(new Array());

3 dimensions...

var arrayName = new Array(new Array(new Array()));

Checking network connection

Here's my version

import requests

    if requests.get('').ok:
        print("You're Online")
    print("You're Offline")

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

My issue is a little different, I need to switch from one childViewController in 1st tabBar to home viewController of 2nd tabBar. I simply use the solution provided in the upstairs:

tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2

However when it switched to the home page of 2nd tabBar, the content is invisible. And when I debug, viewDidAppear, viewWillAppear, viewDidLoad, none of them is called. My solutions is to add the following code in the UITabBarController:

override var shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods: Bool 
    return true

How can I use Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold in CSS?

I had the same problem and trouble getting it to work on all browsers.

So this is the best font stack for Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold I could find:

font-family: "HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold", "HelveticaNeueBoldCondensed", "HelveticaNeue-Bold-Condensed", "Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed", "HelveticaNeueBold", "HelveticaNeue-Bold", "Helvetica Neue Bold", "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", 'TeXGyreHerosCnBold', "Helvetica", "Tahoma", "Geneva", "Arial Narrow", "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight:600; font-stretch:condensed;

Even more stacks to find at:

How to float 3 divs side by side using CSS?

Just give them a width and float: left;, here's an example:

<div style="width: 500px;">
 <div style="float: left; width: 200px;">Left Stuff</div>
 <div style="float: left; width: 100px;">Middle Stuff</div>
 <div style="float: left; width: 200px;">Right Stuff</div>
 <br style="clear: left;" />

Can I run multiple versions of Google Chrome on the same machine? (Mac or Windows) has old versions of Chrome available for download, and they’re the standalone versions, so combined with @SamMeiers’ answer, these work a treat.

The Google Chrome support forum has some good discussion of getting old versions of Chrome.

How to redirect and append both stdout and stderr to a file with Bash?

I am surprised that in almost ten years, no one has posted this approach yet:

If using older versions of bash where &>> isn't available, you also can do:

(cmd 2>&1) >> file.txt

This spawns a subshell, so it's less efficient than the traditional approach of cmd >> file.txt 2>&1, and it consequently won't work for commands that need to modify the current shell (e.g. cd, pushd), but this approach feels more natural and understandable to me:

  1. Redirect stderr to stdout.
  2. Redirect the new stdout by appending to a file.

Also, the parentheses remove any ambiguity of order, especially if you want to pipe stdout and stderr to another command instead.

Edit: To avoid starting a subshell, you instead could use curly braces instead of parentheses to create a group command:

{ cmd 2>&1; } >> file.txt

(Note that a semicolon (or newline) is required to terminate the group command.)

how to refresh my datagridview after I add new data

If you using formview or something similar you can databind the gridview on the iteminserted event of the formview too. Like below

protected void FormView1_ItemInserted(object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e)

You can do this on the data source iteminserted too.

Setting query string using Fetch GET request

Was just working with Nativescript's fetchModule and figured out my own solution using string manipulation. Append the query string bit by bit to the url. Here is an example where query is passed as a json object (query = {order_id: 1}):

function performGetHttpRequest(fetchLink='', query=null) {
    if(query) {
        fetchLink += '?';
        let count = 0;
        const queryLength = Object.keys(query).length;
        for(let key in query) {
            fetchLink += key+'='+query[key];
            fetchLink += (count < queryLength) ? '&' : '';
    // link becomes: ''
    // Then, use fetch as in MDN and simply pass this fetchLink as the url.

I tested this over a multiple number of query parameters and it worked like a charm :) Hope this helps someone.


You can use below query to create table and insert distinct values into this table:

Select Distinct Column1, Column2, Column3 into New_Users from Old_Users

Create Directory if it doesn't exist with Ruby

You are probably trying to create nested directories. Assuming foo does not exist, you will receive no such file or directory error for:

Dir.mkdir 'foo/bar'
# => Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - 'foo/bar'

To create nested directories at once, FileUtils is needed:

require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.mkdir_p 'foo/bar'
# => ["foo/bar"]

Edit2: you do not have to use FileUtils, you may do system call (update from @mu is too short comment):

> system 'mkdir', '-p', 'foo/bar' # worse version: system 'mkdir -p "foo/bar"'
=> true

But that seems (at least to me) as worse approach as you are using external 'tool' which may be unavailable on some systems (although I can hardly imagine system without mkdir, but who knows).

How to convert string to datetime format in pandas python?

Approach: 1

Given original string format: 2019/03/04 00:08:48

you can use

updated_df = df['timestamp'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

The result will be in this datetime format: 2019-03-04 00:08:48

Approach: 2

updated_df = df.astype({'timestamp':'datetime64[ns]'})

GridView VS GridLayout in Android Apps

A GridView is a ViewGroup that displays items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. The items in the grid come from the ListAdapter associated with this view.

This is what you'd want to use (keep using). Because a GridView gets its data from a ListAdapter, the only data loaded in memory will be the one displayed on screen. GridViews, much like ListViews reuse and recycle their views for better performance.

Whereas a GridLayout is a layout that places its children in a rectangular grid.

It was introduced in API level 14, and was recently backported in the Support Library. Its main purpose is to solve alignment and performance problems in other layouts. Check out this tutorial if you want to learn more about GridLayout.

T-SQL query to show table definition?

I know it's an old question, but exactly what I was looking for. Because I want to batch script some tables, I rewrote the C# code from Anthony Faull for PowerShell.

This one is uses Integrated Security:

Import-Module sqlps

$serverInstance = "<server>"
$database = "<database>"
$table = "<table>"
$schema = "<schema>"

$options = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions
$options.DriAll = $true
$options.SchemaQualify = $true

$connection = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection `
    -ArgumentList $serverInstance
$server = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server `
    -ArgumentList $connection

$server.Databases.Item($database).Tables.Item($table, $schema).Script($options) `
    | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ + "`nGO"}

And here with username and password:

Import-Module sqlps

$serverInstance = "<server>"
$user = "<user>"
$password = "<pasword>"
$database = "<database>"
$table = "<table>"
$schema = "<schema>"

$options = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions
$options.DriAll = $true
$options.SchemaQualify = $true

$connection = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection `
    -ArgumentList $serverInstance
$connection.LoginSecure = $false
$connection.Login = $user
$connection.Password = $password
$server = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server `
    -ArgumentList $connection

$server.Databases.Item($database).Tables.Item($table, $schema).Script($options) `
    | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ + "`nGO"}

How can I fix WebStorm warning "Unresolved function or method" for "require" (Firefox Add-on SDK)

On WebStorm 2016.3

  1. Press ALT+F12 (open terminal)

  2. Run this command:

    npm install require.js

Best way to convert text files between character sets?


iconv -f FROM-ENCODING -t TO-ENCODING file.txt

Also there are iconv-based tools in many languages.

How to sort an ArrayList?

For example I have a class Person: String name, int age ==>Constructor new Person(name,age)

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

public void main(String[] args){
    Person ibrahima=new Person("Timera",40);
    Person toto=new Person("Toto",35);
    Person alex=new Person("Alex",50);
    ArrayList<Person> myList=new ArrayList<Person>
    Collections.sort(myList, new Comparator<Person>() {
        public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
            // return p1.age+"".compareTo(p2.age+""); //sort by age
            return; // if you want to short by name
    //[Person [name=Alex, age=50], Person [name=Timera, age=40], Person [name=Toto, age=35]]
    //[Person [name=Toto, age=35], Person [name=Timera, age=40], Person [name=Alex, age=50]]


Creating an empty Pandas DataFrame, then filling it?

Assume a dataframe with 19 rows


test = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns)

Keeping Column A as a constant


Keeping column b as a variable given by a loop

for x in range(0,19):
    test.loc[[x], 'b'] = pd.Series([x], index = [x])

You can replace the first x in pd.Series([x], index = [x]) with any value

How to change the ROOT application?

An alternative solution would be to create a servlet that sends a redirect to the desired default webapp and map that servlet to all urls in the ROOT webapp.

package com.example.servlet;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class RedirectServlet extends HttpServlet {

  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

Add the above class to
And add the following to


And if desired you could easily modify the RedirectServlet to accept an init param to allow you to set the default webapp without having to modify the source.

I'm not sure if doing this would have any negative implications, but I did test this and it does seem to work.

IntelliJ IDEA "cannot resolve symbol" and "cannot resolve method"

For me, I had to remove the intellij internal sdk and started to use my local sdk. When I started to use the internal, the error was gone.

my sdks

How do you run a command for each line of a file?

Read a file line by line and execute commands: 4 answers

This is because there is not only 1 answer...

  1. shell command line expansion
  2. xargs dedicated tool
  3. while read with some remarks
  4. while read -u using dedicated fd, for interactive processing (sample)

Regarding the OP request: running chmod on all targets listed in file, xargs is the indicated tool. But for some other applications, small amount of files, etc...

  1. Read entire file as command line argument.

    If your file is not too big and all files are well named (without spaces or other special chars like quotes), you could use shell command line expansion. Simply:

    chmod 755 $(<file.txt)

    For small amount of files (lines), this command is the lighter one.

  2. xargs is the right tool

    For bigger amount of files, or almost any number of lines in your input file...

    For many binutils tools, like chown, chmod, rm, cp -t ...

    xargs chmod 755 <file.txt

    If you have special chars and/or a lot of lines in file.txt.

    xargs -0 chmod 755 < <(tr \\n \\0 <file.txt)

    if your command need to be run exactly 1 time by entry:

    xargs -0 -n 1 chmod 755 < <(tr \\n \\0 <file.txt)

    This is not needed for this sample, as chmod accept multiple files as argument, but this match the title of question.

    For some special case, you could even define location of file argument in commands generateds by xargs:

    xargs -0 -I '{}' -n 1 myWrapper -arg1 -file='{}' wrapCmd < <(tr \\n \\0 <file.txt)

    Test with seq 1 5 as input

    Try this:

    xargs -n 1 -I{} echo Blah {} blabla {}.. < <(seq 1 5)
    Blah 1 blabla 1..
    Blah 2 blabla 2..
    Blah 3 blabla 3..
    Blah 4 blabla 4..
    Blah 5 blabla 5..

    Where commande is done once per line.

  3. while read and variants.

    As OP suggest cat file.txt | while read in; do chmod 755 "$in"; done will work, but there is 2 issues:

    • cat | is an useless fork, and

    • | while ... ;done will become a subshell where environment will disapear after ;done.

    So this could be better written:

    while read in; do chmod 755 "$in"; done < file.txt


    • You may be warned about $IFS and read flags:

      help read
      read: read [-r] ... [-d delim] ... [name ...]
          Reads a single line from the standard input... The line is split
          into fields as with word splitting, and the first word is assigned
          to the first NAME, the second word to the second NAME, and so on...
          Only the characters found in $IFS are recognized as word delimiters.
            -d delim   continue until the first character of DELIM is read, 
                       rather than newline
            -r do not allow backslashes to escape any characters
          Exit Status:
          The return code is zero, unless end-of-file is encountered...

      In some case, you may need to use

      while IFS= read -r in;do chmod 755 "$in";done <file.txt

      For avoiding problems with stranges filenames. And maybe if you encouter problems with UTF-8:

      while LANG=C IFS= read -r in ; do chmod 755 "$in";done <file.txt
    • While you use STDIN for reading file.txt, your script could not be interactive (you cannot use STDIN anymore).

  4. while read -u, using dedicated fd.

    Syntax: while read ...;done <file.txt will redirect STDIN to file.txt. That mean, you won't be able to deal with process, until they finish.

    If you plan to create interactive tool, you have to avoid use of STDIN and use some alternative file descriptor.

    Constants file descriptors are: 0 for STDIN, 1 for STDOUT and 2 for STDERR. You could see them by:

    ls -l /dev/fd/


    ls -l /proc/self/fd/

    From there, you have to choose unused number, between 0 and 63 (more, in fact, depending on sysctl superuser tool) as file descriptor:

    For this demo, I will use fd 7:

    exec 7<file.txt      # Without spaces between `7` and `<`!
    ls -l /dev/fd/

    Then you could use read -u 7 this way:

    while read -u 7 filename;do
        ans=;while [ -z "$ans" ];do
            read -p "Process file '$filename' (y/n)? " -sn1 foo
            [ "$foo" ]&& [ -z "${foo/[yn]}" ]&& ans=$foo || echo '??'
        if [ "$ans" = "y" ] ;then
            echo Yes
            echo "Processing '$filename'."
            echo No
    done 7<file.txt


    To close fd/7:

    exec 7<&-            # This will close file descriptor 7.
    ls -l /dev/fd/

    Nota: I let striked version because this syntax could be usefull, when doing many I/O with parallels process:

    mkfifo sshfifo
    exec 7> >(ssh -t user@host sh >sshfifo)
    exec 6<sshfifo

Change hash without reload in jQuery

This works for me

$('ul.questions li a').click(function(event) {
    window.location.hash = this.hash;

Check here for a demo with almost identical code

How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh

If you don't want your program to look like an iPhone program that is force fitted into Android, aim for a more native look and feel and do something similar to Gingerbread:

alt text

Batch file to copy directories recursively

You may write a recursive algorithm in Batch that gives you exact control of what you do in every nested subdirectory:

@echo off
call :treeProcess
goto :eof

rem Do whatever you want here over the files of this subdir, for example:
copy *.* C:\dest\dir
for /D %%d in (*) do (
    cd %%d
    call :treeProcess
    cd ..
exit /b

Windows Batch File Looping Through Directories to Process Files?

Unable to create a constant value of type Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

This cannot work because ppCombined is a collection of objects in memory and you cannot join a set of data in the database with another set of data that is in memory. You can try instead to extract the filtered items personProtocol of the ppCombined collection in memory after you have retrieved the other properties from the database:

var persons = db.Favorites
    .Where(f => f.userId == userId)
    .Join(db.Person, f => f.personId, p => p.personId, (f, p) =>
        new // anonymous object
            personId = p.personId,
            addressId = p.addressId,   
            favoriteId = f.favoriteId,
    .AsEnumerable() // database query ends here, the rest is a query in memory
    .Select(x =>
        new PersonDTO
            personId = x.personId,
            addressId = x.addressId,   
            favoriteId = x.favoriteId,
            personProtocol = ppCombined
                .Where(p => p.personId == x.personId)
                .Select(p => new PersonProtocol
                    personProtocolId = p.personProtocolId,
                    activateDt = p.activateDt,
                    personId = p.personId

Return single column from a multi-dimensional array

very simple go for this

foreach ($arrays as $arr) {
$str .= $arr["tag_name"] . ",";
$str = trim($str, ',');//removes the final comma 

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

This worked for me:

   $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); 
   $("body").css("overflow", "visible");

Using fonts with Rails asset pipeline

If you don't want to keep track of moving your fonts around:

# Adding Webfonts to the Asset Pipeline
config.assets.precompile << { |path|
  if path =~ /\.(eot|svg|ttf|woff)\z/

How to install a gem or update RubyGems if it fails with a permissions error

Installing gem or updating RubyGems fails with permissions error Then Type This Command

sudo gem install cocoapods