Programs & Examples On #Unfuddle

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Git fetch remote branch

If you would like to fetch all remote branches, please type just:

git fetch --all

How do I set up a private Git repository on GitHub? Is it even possible?

On January 7th 2019, GitHub announced free and unlimited private repositories for all GitHub users, paying or not. When creating a new repository, you can simply select the Private option.

Change a Git remote HEAD to point to something besides master

Since you mention GitHub, to do it on their site simply go into your project, then...

admin > Default Branch > (choose something)


How can I find the location of origin/master in git, and how do I change it?

It is possible to reset to a specific commit before your own commits take place.

$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

Use git log to find what commit was the commit you had before the local changes took place.

$ git log
commit 3368e1c5b8a47135a34169c885e8dd5ba01af5bb
commit baf8d5e7da9e41fcd37d63ae9483ee0b10bfac8e

Take note of the local commits and reset directly to the previous commit:

git reset --hard baf8d5e7da9e41fcd37d63ae9483ee0b10bfac8e

Add a CSS border on hover without moving the element

add margin:-1px; which reduces 1px to each side. or if you need only for side you can do margin-left:-1px etc.

How to make the 'cut' command treat same sequental delimiters as one?

As you comment in your question, awk is really the way to go. To use cut is possible together with tr -s to squeeze spaces, as kev's answer shows.

Let me however go through all the possible combinations for future readers. Explanations are at the Test section.

tr | cut

tr -s ' ' < file | cut -d' ' -f4


awk '{print $4}' file


while read -r _ _ _ myfield _
   echo "forth field: $myfield"
done < file


sed -r 's/^([^ ]*[ ]*){3}([^ ]*).*/\2/' file


Given this file, let's test the commands:

$ cat a
this   is    line     1 more text
this      is line    2     more text
this    is line 3     more text
this is   line 4            more    text

tr | cut

$ cut -d' ' -f4 a
                        # it does not show what we want!

$ tr -s ' ' < a | cut -d' ' -f4
2                       # this makes it!


$ awk '{print $4}' a


This reads the fields sequentially. By using _ we indicate that this is a throwaway variable as a "junk variable" to ignore these fields. This way, we store $myfield as the 4th field in the file, no matter the spaces in between them.

$ while read -r _ _ _ a _; do echo "4th field: $a"; done < a
4th field: 1
4th field: 2
4th field: 3
4th field: 4


This catches three groups of spaces and no spaces with ([^ ]*[ ]*){3}. Then, it catches whatever coming until a space as the 4th field, that it is finally printed with \1.

$ sed -r 's/^([^ ]*[ ]*){3}([^ ]*).*/\2/' a

How to convert int to string on Arduino?

Here below is a self composed myitoa() which is by far smaller in code, and reserves a FIXED array of 7 (including terminating 0) in char *mystring, which is often desirable. It is obvious that one can build the code with character-shift instead, if one need a variable-length output-string.

void myitoa(int number, char *mystring) {
  boolean negative = number>0;

  mystring[0] = number<0? '-' : '+';
  number = number<0 ? -number : number;
  for (int n=5; n>0; n--) {
     mystring[n] = ' ';
     if(number > 0) mystring[n] = number%10 + 48;
     number /= 10;

Font Awesome & Unicode

After reading the answer of davidhund on this page I came up with a solution that your web font isn't loaded correctly that me be a issue of wrong paths.

Here is what he said:

My first guess is that you include the FontAwesome webfont from a different (sub-)domain. So make sure you set the correct headers on those webfont-files: "you'll need to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, whitelisting the domain you're pulling the asset from."

And also look at the font-gotchas :)

Hope I am clear and helped you :)

On the same page, f135ta said:

...I fixed the issue by uploading the file "fontawesome-webfont.ttf" to my webserver and installing it like a regular font.. I dont know if its part of the pre-req's for using it anyway, but it works for me ;-

Pass a string parameter in an onclick function

For passing multiple parameters you can cast the string by concatenating it with the ASCII value. Like, for single quotes we can use &#39;:

var str = "&#39;" + str + "&#39;";

The same parameter you can pass to the onclick() event. In most of the cases it works with every browser.

How to Get True Size of MySQL Database?

You can get the size of your Mysql database by running the following command in Mysql client

SELECT  sum(round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2))  as "Size in GB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = "<database_name>"

How to build query string with Javascript

No, I don't think standard JavaScript has that built in, but Prototype JS has that function (surely most other JS frameworks have too, but I don't know them), they call it serialize.

I can reccomend Prototype JS, it works quite okay. The only drawback I've really noticed it it's size (a few hundred kb) and scope (lots of code for ajax, dom, etc.). Thus if you only want a form serializer it's overkill, and strictly speaking if you only want it's Ajax functionality (wich is mainly what I used it for) it's overkill. Unless you're careful you may find that it does a little too much "magic" (like extending every dom element it touches with Prototype JS functions just to find elements) making it slow on extreme cases.

Jquery date picker z-index issue

I had this issue as well, since the datepicker uses the input's z-index, I added the following css

#dialogID input,.modal-dialog input, .modal-dialog .input-group .form-control{

Just take the rule that applies to yours, either by parent id, class, or in my case a bootstrap dialog, using their input-group and form-control.

UTF-8 encoding in JSP page

This will help you.

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Most efficient way to reverse a numpy array

np.fliplr() flips the array left to right.

Note that for 1d arrays, you need to trick it a bit:

arr1d = np.array(some_sequence)
reversed_arr = np.fliplr([arr1d])[0]

How to programmatically send a 404 response with Express/Node?

You don't have to simulate it. The second argument to res.send I believe is the status code. Just pass 404 to that argument.

Let me clarify that: Per the documentation on it seems as though any number passed to res.send() will be interpreted as the status code. So technically you could get away with:


Edit: My bad, I meant res instead of req. It should be called on the response

Edit: As of Express 4, the send(status) method has been deprecated. If you're using Express 4 or later, use: res.sendStatus(404) instead. (Thanks @badcc for the tip in the comments)

Couldn't process file resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file

Complementing @lasse-v-karlsen answer. To unblock all files recursively, run from powershell as administrator inside the folder you want:

gci -recurse | Unblock-File

source link: How to Unblock Files Downloaded from Internet? - Winhelponline

Why does 'git commit' not save my changes?

You could have done a:

git add -u -n

To check which files you modified and are going to be added (dry run: -n option), and then

git add -u

To add just modified files

How do I set hostname in docker-compose?

This seems to work correctly. If I put your config into a file:

$ cat > compose.yml <<EOF
  image: phensley/docker-dns
  hostname: affy
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock

And then bring things up:

$ docker-compose -f compose.yml up
Creating tmp_dns_1...
Attaching to tmp_dns_1
dns_1 | 2015-04-28T17:47:45.423387 [dockerdns] table.add tmp_dns_1.docker ->

And then check the hostname inside the container, everything seems to be fine:

$ docker exec -it stack_dns_1 hostname


Thought I would chip in here with when I have found ON to be more useful than USING. It is when OUTER joins are introduced into queries.

ON benefits from allowing the results set of the table that a query is OUTER joining onto to be restricted while maintaining the OUTER join. Attempting to restrict the results set through specifying a WHERE clause will, effectively, change the OUTER join into an INNER join.

Granted this may be a relative corner case. Worth putting out there though.....

For example:

CREATE TABLE country (
   countryId int(10) unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
   country varchar(50) not null,
  UNIQUE KEY countryUIdx1 (country)

insert into country(country) values ("France");
insert into country(country) values ("China");
insert into country(country) values ("USA");
insert into country(country) values ("Italy");
insert into country(country) values ("UK");
insert into country(country) values ("Monaco");

  cityId int(10) unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
  countryId int(10) unsigned not null,
  city varchar(50) not null,
  hasAirport boolean not null default true,
  UNIQUE KEY cityUIdx1 (countryId,city),
  CONSTRAINT city_country_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (countryId) REFERENCES country (countryId)

insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (1,"Paris",true);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (2,"Bejing",true);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (3,"New York",true);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (4,"Napoli",true);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (5,"Manchester",true);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (5,"Birmingham",false);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (3,"Cincinatti",false);
insert into city (countryId,city,hasAirport) values (6,"Monaco",false);

-- Gah. Left outer join is now effectively an inner join 
-- because of the where predicate
select *
from country left join city using (countryId)
where hasAirport

-- Hooray! I can see Monaco again thanks to 
-- moving my predicate into the ON
select *
from country co left join city ci on (co.countryId=ci.countryId and ci.hasAirport)

New to unit testing, how to write great tests?

Unit testing is about the output you get from a function/method/application. It does not matter at all how the result is produced, it just matters that it is correct. Therefore, your approach of counting calls to inner methods and such is wrong. What I tend to do is sit down and write what a method should return given certain input values or a certain environment, then write a test which compares the actual value returned with what I came up with.

Verify object attribute value with mockito

I think the easiest way for verifying an argument object is to use the refEq method:


It can be used even if the object doesn't implement equals(), because reflection is used. If you don't want to compare some fields, just add their names as arguments for refEq.

MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?

you can also do


The row count of the select statement (without the limit) is captured in the same select statement so that you don't need to query the table size again. You get the row count using SELECT FOUND_ROWS();

How to set a:link height/width with css?

From the definition of height:

Applies to: all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups

An a element is, by default an inline element (and it is non-replaced).

You need to change the display (directly with the display property or indirectly, e.g. with float).

heroku - how to see all the logs

I prefer to do it this way

heroku logs --tail | tee -a herokuLogs

You can leave the script running in background and you can simply filter the logs from the text file the way you want anytime.

Hide Button After Click (With Existing Form on Page)

This is my solution. I Hide and then confirm check

onclick="return ConfirmSubmit(this);" />

function ConfirmSubmit(sender)
        sender.disabled = true;
        var displayValue = = 'none'

        if (confirm('Seguro que desea entregar los paquetes?')) {
            sender.disabled = false
            return true;

        sender.disabled = false; = displayValue;
        return false;

How to redirect the output of the time command to a file in Linux?

If you want just the time in a shell variable then this works:

var=`{ time <command> ; } 2>&1 1>/dev/null`

Why am I getting InputMismatchException?

Here you can see the nature of Scanner:

double nextDouble()

Returns the next token as a double. If the next token is not a float or is out of range, InputMismatchException is thrown.

Try to catch the exception

try {
    // ...
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
    System.out.print(e.getMessage()); //try to find out specific reason.



I tried your code and there is nothing wrong with it. Your are getting that error because you must have entered String value. When I entered a numeric value, it runs without any errors. But once I entered String it throw the same Exception which you have mentioned in your question.


You have entered something, which is out of range as I have mentioned above.

I'm really wondering what you could have tried to enter. In my system, it is running perfectly without changing a single line of code. Just copy as it is and try to compile and run it.

import java.util.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        new Test().askForMarks(5);

    public void askForMarks(int student) {
        double marks[] = new double[student];
        int index = 0;
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
        while (index < student) {
            System.out.print("Please enter a mark (0..30): ");
            marks[index] = (double) checkValueWithin(0, 30); 

    public double checkValueWithin(int min, int max) {
        double num;
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
        num = reader.nextDouble();                         
        while (num < min || num > max) {                 
            System.out.print("Invalid. Re-enter number: "); 
            num = reader.nextDouble();                         

        return num;

As you said, you have tried to enter 1.0, 2.8 and etc. Please try with this code.

Note : Please enter number one by one, on separate lines. I mean, enter 2.7, press enter and then enter second number (e.g. 6.7).

Jquery and HTML FormData returns "Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation"

My experience:

  var text = $('#myInputField');  
  var myObj = {title: 'Some title', content: text};  
  $.post(myUrl, myObj, callback);

The problem is that I forgot to add .val() to the end of $('#myInputField'); this action makes me waste time trying to figure out what was wrong, causing Illegal Invocation Error, since $('#myInputField') was in a different file than that system pointed out incorrect code. Hope this answer help fellows in the same mistake to avoid to loose time.

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map?

You can use this function:

function mapMap(map, fn) {
  return new Map(Array.from(map, ([key, value]) => [key, fn(value, key, map)]));


var map1 = new Map([["A", 2], ["B", 3], ["C", 4]]);

var map2 = mapMap(map1, v => v * v);

console.log(map1, map2);
Map { A ? 2, B ? 3, C ? 4 }
Map { A ? 4, B ? 9, C ? 16 }

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type .. but this dictionary requires a model item of type

Consider the partial map.cshtml at Partials/Map.cshtml. This can be called from the Page where the partial is to be rendered, simply by using the <partial> tag:

<partial name="Partials/Map" model="new Pages.Partials.MapModel()" />

This is one of the easiest methods I encountered (although I am using razor pages, I am sure same is for MVC too)

Text border using css (border around text)

The following will cover all browsers worth covering:

text-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff; /* Firefox 3.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 1+, Chrome, IE10 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(Color=#ffffff,Strength=1); /* IE<10 */

Grunt watch error - Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

Any time you need to run sudo something ... to fix something, you should be pausing to think about what's going on. While the accepted answer here is perfectly valid, it's treating the symptom rather than the problem. Sorta the equivalent of buying bigger saddlebags to solve the problem of: error, cannot load more garbage onto pony. Pony has so much garbage already loaded, that pony is fainting with exhaustion.

An alternative (perhaps comparable to taking excess garbage off of pony and placing in the dump), is to run:

npm dedupe

Then go congratulate yourself for making pony happy.

getting error while updating Composer

If you're using php 7.3 for laravel 5.7. this work for me

sudo apt-get install php-gd php-xml php7.3-mbstring

client denied by server configuration

this worked for me..

<Location />
 Allow from all
 Order Deny,Allow

I have included this code in my /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

How can I use UIColorFromRGB in Swift?

Nate Cook's answer is absolutely correct. Just for greater flexibility, I keep the following functions in my pack:

func getUIColorFromRGBThreeIntegers(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) -> UIColor {
    return UIColor(red: CGFloat(Float(red) / 255.0),
        green: CGFloat(Float(green) / 255.0),
        blue: CGFloat(Float(blue) / 255.0),
        alpha: CGFloat(1.0))

func getUIColorFromRGBHexValue(value: Int) -> UIColor {
    return getUIColorFromRGBThreeIntegers(red: (value & 0xFF0000) >> 16,
        green: (value & 0x00FF00) >> 8,
        blue: value & 0x0000FF)

func getUIColorFromRGBString(value: String) -> UIColor {
    let str = value.lowercased().replacingOccurrences(of: "#", with: "").
        replacingOccurrences(of: "0x", with: "");
        return getUIColorFromRGBHexValue(value: Int(str, radix: 16)!);

And this is how I use them:

// All three of them are identical:
let myColor1 = getUIColorFromRGBHexValue(value: 0xd5a637)
let myColor2 = getUIColorFromRGBString(value: "#D5A637")
let myColor3 = getUIColorFromRGBThreeIntegers(red: 213, green: 166, blue: 55)

Hope this will help. Everything is tested with Swift 3/Xcode 8.

How can I delete derived data in Xcode 8?

Method 1:

  • Close Xcode
  • Open Terminal and enter this command

    rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Method 2:

  • Click on Xcode menu
  • Go to Preference
  • Select Locations (as shown in image)
  • Click on the arrow below the Derived Data (as shown in image).

It will bring you to the location of derived data and you can just delete it manually.

enter image description here

How to export a Hive table into a CSV file?

That should work for you

  • tab separated

    hive -e 'select * from some_table' > /home/yourfile.tsv
  • comma separated

    hive -e 'select * from some_table' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g' > /home/yourfile.csv

Inline functions in C#?

There are occasions where I do wish to force code to be in-lined.

For example if I have a complex routine where there are a large number of decisions made within a highly iterative block and those decisions result in similar but slightly differing actions to be carried out. Consider for example, a complex (non DB driven) sort comparer where the sorting algorythm sorts the elements according to a number of different unrelated criteria such as one might do if they were sorting words according to gramatical as well as semantic criteria for a fast language recognition system. I would tend to write helper functions to handle those actions in order to maintain the readability and modularity of the source code.

I know that those helper functions should be in-lined because that is the way that the code would be written if it never had to be understood by a human. I would certainly want to ensure in this case that there were no function calling overhead.

Android - get children inside a View?

You can always access child views via View.findViewById()

For example, within an activity / view:

private void init() {
  View child1 = findViewById(;

or if you have a reference to a view:

private void init(View root) {
  View child2 = root.findViewById(;

Use dynamic variable names in `dplyr`

You may enjoy package friendlyeval which presents a simplified tidy eval API and documentation for newer/casual dplyr users.

You are creating strings that you wish mutate to treat as column names. So using friendlyeval you could write:

multipetal <- function(df, n) {
  varname <- paste("petal", n , sep=".")
  df <- mutate(df, !!treat_string_as_col(varname) := Petal.Width * n)

for(i in 2:5) {
  iris <- multipetal(df=iris, n=i)

Which under the hood calls rlang functions that check varname is legal as column name.

friendlyeval code can be converted to equivalent plain tidy eval code at any time with an RStudio addin.

How to get a password from a shell script without echoing

You can also prompt for a password without setting a variable in the current shell by doing something like this:

$(read -s;echo $REPLY)

For instance:

my-command --set password=$(read -sp "Password: ";echo $REPLY)

You can add several of these prompted values with line break, doing this:

my-command --set user=$(read -sp "`echo $'\n '`User: ";echo $REPLY) --set password=$(read -sp "`echo $'\n '`Password: ";echo $REPLY)

How to find out mySQL server ip address from phpmyadmin

The SQL query SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'hostname' will show you the hostname of the MySQL server which you can easily resolve to its IP address.

SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port' Will give you the port number.

You can find details about this in MySQL's manual: SHOW VARIABLES Syntax and 5.1.4. Server System Variables

How do I properly 'printf' an integer and a string in C?

Try this code my friend...

int main(){
   char *s1, *s2;
   char str[10];

   printf("type a string: ");
   scanf("%s", str);

   s1 = &str[0];
   s2 = &str[2];

   printf("%c\n", *s1);   //use %c instead of %s and *s1 which is the content of position 1
   printf("%c\n", *s2);   //use %c instead of %s and *s3 which is the content of position 1

   return 0;

Check if a row exists using old mysql_* API

Use mysql_num_rows(), to check if rows are available or not

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM preditors_assigned WHERE lecture_name='$lectureName' LIMIT 1");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($num_rows > 0) {
  // do something
else {
  // do something else

jQuery - select all text from a textarea

Slightly shorter jQuery version:

$('your-element').focus(function(e) {;
  jQuery('mouseup', function(e) {

It handles the Chrome corner case correctly. See for an example.

Python Linked List

class LinkedStack:
'''LIFO Stack implementation using a singly linked list for storage.'''

_ToList = []

#---------- nested _Node class -----------------------------
class _Node:
    '''Lightweight, nonpublic class for storing a singly linked node.'''
    __slots__ = '_element', '_next'     #streamline memory usage

    def __init__(self, element, next):
        self._element = element
        self._next = next

#--------------- stack methods ---------------------------------
def __init__(self):
    '''Create an empty stack.'''
    self._head = None
    self._size = 0

def __len__(self):
    '''Return the number of elements in the stack.'''
    return self._size

def IsEmpty(self):
    '''Return True if the stack is empty'''
    return  self._size == 0

def Push(self,e):
    '''Add element e to the top of the Stack.'''
    self._head = self._Node(e, self._head)      #create and link a new node
    self._size +=1

def Top(self):
    '''Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.
       Raise exception if the stack is empty

    if self.IsEmpty():
        raise Exception('Stack is empty')
    return  self._head._element             #top of stack is at head of list

def Pop(self):
    '''Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e. LIFO).
       Raise exception if the stack is empty
    if self.IsEmpty():
        raise Exception('Stack is empty')
    answer = self._head._element
    self._head = self._head._next       #bypass the former top node
    self._size -=1
    return answer

def Count(self):
    '''Return how many nodes the stack has'''
    return self.__len__()

def Clear(self):
    '''Delete all nodes'''
    for i in range(self.Count()):

def ToList(self):
    return self._ToList

How to update a single library with Composer?

To install doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle with version 2.1.* and minimum stability @dev use this:

composer require doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle:2.1.*@dev

then to update only this single package:

composer update doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

Here is another way to do it:

isempty = (dict1 and True) or False

if dict1 is empty then dict1 and True will give {} and this when resolved with False gives False.

if dict1 is non-empty then dict1 and True gives True and this resolved with False gives True

default select option as blank

Just a small remark:

some Safari browsers do not seem to respect neither the "hidden" attribute nor the style setting "display:none" (tested with Safari 12.1 under MacOS 10.12.6). Without an explicit placeholder text, these browsers simply show an empty first line in the list of options. It may therefore be useful to always provide some explanatory text for this "dummy" entry:

<option hidden disabled selected value>(select an option)</option>

Thanks to the "disabled" attribute, it won't be actively selected anyway.

How to check if an array element exists?

You can use the function array_key_exists to do that.

For example,

if (array_key_exists("a",$a))
  echo "Key exists!";
  echo "Key does not exist!";

PS : Example taken from here.

What is a vertical tab?

It was used during the typewriter era to move down a page to the next vertical stop, typically spaced 6 lines apart (much the same way horizontal tabs move along a line by 8 characters).

In modern day settings, the vt is of very little, if any, significance.

ExecuteNonQuery doesn't return results

What kind of query do you perform? Using ExecuteNonQuery is intended for UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE queries. As per the documentation:

For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. When a trigger exists on a table being inserted or updated, the return value includes the number of rows affected by both the insert or update operation and the number of rows affected by the trigger or triggers. For all other types of statements, the return value is -1.

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

I want to leave this here because I struggled with this when compiling for Android in Windows with the Android SDK.

CMake distinguishes between TARGET and HOST platform.

My TARGET was Android so the variables like CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME had the value "Android" and the variable WIN32 from the other answer here was not defined. But I wanted to know if my HOST system was Windows because I needed to do a few things differently when compiling on either Windows or Linux or IOs. To do that I used CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME which I found is barely known or mentioned anywhere because for most people TARGEt and HOST are the same or they don't care.

Hope this helps someone somewhere...

How do I deserialize a JSON string into an NSDictionary? (For iOS 5+)

Using Abizern code for swift 2.2

let objectData = responseString!.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(objectData!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers)

Error:Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt

There are Following Steps to solve this issue.

1. Go to C:\Users\ ~User Name~ \.gradle\wrapper\dists.
2. Delete all the files and folders from dists folder.
3. If Android Studio is Opened then Close any opened project and Reopen the project. The Android Studio Will automatic download all the required files.

(The required time is as per your Internet Speed (Download Size will be about "89 MB"). To see the progress of the downloading Go to C:\Users\ ~User Name~ \.gradle\wrapper\dists folder and check the size of the folder.)

phpMyAdmin mbstring error

The program can't start because php_mbstring.dll is missing from your computer. Try to fix it.

i use appserver to localhost and my server: C:/AppServ/www/dvd2/variables.php

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) PHP/5.2.6

Dark color scheme for Eclipse

I have to say, this is one area where Eclipse is really weak. Specifically, the import/export of preferences applies to ALL preferences. There is no way to import say just the fonts/color preferences (like you can with Visual Studio) without mucking up my key binding preferences.

Also, I have tried several of these preference files referenced above, and they completely break my Eclipse install.

How do I use Assert.Throws to assert the type of the exception?

To expand on persistent's answer, and to provide more of the functionality of NUnit, you can do this:

public bool AssertThrows<TException>(
    Action action,
    Func<TException, bool> exceptionCondition = null)
    where TException : Exception
    catch (TException ex)
        if (exceptionCondition != null)
            return exceptionCondition(ex);
        return true;
        return false;

    return false;


// No exception thrown - test fails.
        () => {}));

// Wrong exception thrown - test fails.
        () => { throw new ApplicationException(); }));

// Correct exception thrown - test passes.
        () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }));

// Correct exception thrown, but wrong message - test fails.
        () => { throw new InvalidOperationException("ABCD"); },
        ex => ex.Message == "1234"));

// Correct exception thrown, with correct message - test passes.
        () => { throw new InvalidOperationException("1234"); },
        ex => ex.Message == "1234"));

Aggregate / summarize multiple variables per group (e.g. sum, mean)

Yes, in your formula, you can cbind the numeric variables to be aggregated:

aggregate(cbind(x1, x2) ~ year + month, data = df1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
   year month         x1          x2
1  2000     1   7.862002   -7.469298
2  2001     1 276.758209  474.384252
3  2000     2  13.122369 -128.122613
23 2000    12  63.436507  449.794454
24 2001    12 999.472226  922.726589

See ?aggregate, the formula argument and the examples.

How to change indentation mode in Atom?

I just had the same problem, and none of the suggestions above worked. Finally I tried unchecking "Atomic soft tabs" in the Editor Settings menu, which worked.

Is there a difference between /\s/g and /\s+/g?

In a match situation the first would return one match per whitespace, when the second would return a match for each group of whitespaces.

The result is the same because you're replacing it with an empty string. If you replace it with 'x' for instance, the results would differ.

str.replace(/\s/g, '') will return 'xxAxBxxCxxxDxEF '

while str.replace(/\s+/g, '') will return 'xAxBxCxDxEF '

because \s matches each whitespace, replacing each one with 'x', and \s+ matches groups of whitespaces, replacing multiple sequential whitespaces with a single 'x'.

WARNING: API 'variant.getJavaCompile()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getJavaCompileProvider()'

In my case, I had to comment out plugin:

apply plugin: ''
// apply plugin: '' <== this plugin causes the error

It is a bug since Android Studio 3.3.0

Multiple returns from a function

Yes, you can use an object :-)

But the simplest way is to return an array:

return array('value1', 'value2', 'value3', '...');

Calculate business days

For holidays, make an array of days in some format that date() can produce. Example:

// I know, these aren't holidays
$holidays = array(
    'Jan 2',
    'Feb 3',
    'Mar 5',
    'Apr 7',
    // ...

Then use the in_array() and date() functions to check if the timestamp represents a holiday:

$day_of_year = date('M j', $timestamp);
$is_holiday = in_array($day_of_year, $holidays);

set initial viewcontroller in appdelegate - swift

Here is a good way to approach it. This example places a navigation controller as the root view controller, and puts the view controller of your choice within it at the bottom of the navigation stack, ready for you to push whatever you need to from it.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
    // mainStoryboard
    let mainStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "MainStoryboard", bundle: nil)

    // rootViewController
    let rootViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MainViewController") as? UIViewController

    // navigationController
    let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: rootViewController!)

    navigationController.navigationBarHidden = true // or not, your choice.

    // self.window
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)

    self.window!.rootViewController = navigationController


To make this example work you would set "MainViewController" as the Storyboard ID on your main view controller, and the storyboard's file name in this case would be "MainStoryboard.storyboard". I rename my storyboards this way because Main.storyboard to me is not a proper name, particularly if you ever go to subclass it.

How can I initialize a MySQL database with schema in a Docker container?

For the ones not wanting to create an entrypoint script like me, you actually can start mysqld at build-time and then execute the mysql commands in your Dockerfile like so:

RUN mysqld_safe & until mysqladmin ping; do sleep 1; done && \
    mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE somedb;" && \
    mysql -uroot -e "CREATE USER 'someuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'somepassword';" && \
    mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON somedb.* TO 'someuser'@'localhost';"

The key here is to send mysqld_safe to background with the single & sign.

Android Studio doesn't start, fails saying components not installed

Click Show Details while the components are downloading, it will give you more information as to what is actually happening.

In my case, it was a permission issue. To solve, I just executed the script with sudo. (sudo ./ (which will solve permission issues in the case of Linux environments). If you are on Windows, run the installation method as Administrator. (If it's a batch file, use an Administrator command prompt, if it's an executable, run as Administrator, etc..)

Class not registered Error

In 64 bit windows machines the COM components need to register itself in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID (64 bit component) OR HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID (32 bit component) . If your application is a 32 bit application running on 64-bit machine the COM library would typically look for the GUID under Wow64 node and if your application is a 64 bit application, the COM library would try to load from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID. Make sure you are targeting the correct platform and ensure you have installed the correct version of library(32/64 bit).

How to get first record in each group using Linq

    var res = from element in list
              group element by element.F1
                  into groups
                  select groups.OrderBy(p => p.F2).First();

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection

This is generic code for configuration collection :

public class GenericConfigurationElementCollection<T> :   ConfigurationElementCollection, IEnumerable<T> where T : ConfigurationElement, new()
    List<T> _elements = new List<T>();

    protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
        T newElement = new T();
        return newElement;

    protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
        return _elements.Find(e => e.Equals(element));

    public new IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return _elements.GetEnumerator();

After you have GenericConfigurationElementCollection, you can simple use it in the config section (this is an example from my Dispatcher):

public class  DispatcherConfigurationSection: ConfigurationSection
    [ConfigurationProperty("maxRetry", IsRequired = false, DefaultValue = 5)]
    public int MaxRetry
            return (int)this["maxRetry"];
            this["maxRetry"] = value;

    [ConfigurationProperty("eventsDispatches", IsRequired = true)]
    [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(EventsDispatchConfigurationElement), AddItemName = "add", ClearItemsName = "clear", RemoveItemName = "remove")]
    public GenericConfigurationElementCollection<EventsDispatchConfigurationElement> EventsDispatches
        get { return (GenericConfigurationElementCollection<EventsDispatchConfigurationElement>)this["eventsDispatches"]; }

The Config Element is config Here:

public class EventsDispatchConfigurationElement : ConfigurationElement
    [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)]
    public string Name
            return (string) this["name"];
            this["name"] = value;

The config file would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <add name="Log" ></add>
      <add name="Notification" ></add>
      <add name="tester" ></add>

Hope it help !

Get key by value in dictionary

for name in mydict:
    if mydict[name] == search_age:
        #or do something else with it. 
        #if in a function append to a temporary list, 
        #then after the loop return the list

SOAP-UI - How to pass xml inside parameter

NOTE: This one is just an alternative for the previous provided .NET framework 3.5 and above

You can send it as raw xml

<test>or like this</test>

If you declare the paramater2 as XElement data type


A REGEXP might be more efficient, but you'd have to benchmark it to be sure, e.g.

SELECT * from fiberbox where field REGEXP '1740|1938|1940'; 

Build a simple HTTP server in C

I'd recommend that you take a look at: A Practical Guide to Writing Clients and Servers

What you have to implement in incremental steps is:

  1. Get your basic TCP sockets layer running (listen on port/ports, accept client connections and send/receive data).
  2. Implement a buffered reader so that you can read requests one line (delimited by CRLF) at a time.
  3. Read the very first line. Parse out the method, the request version and the path.
  4. Implement header parsing for the "Header: value" syntax. Don't forget unfolding folded headers.
  5. Check the request method, content type and content size to determine how/if the body will be read.
  6. Implement decoding of content based on content type.
  7. If you're going to support HTTP 1.1, implement things like "100 Continue", keep-alive, chunked transfer.
  8. Add robustness/security measures like detecting incomplete requests, limiting max number of clients etc.
  9. Shrink wrap your code and open-source it :)

How to call C++ function from C?

export your C++ functions as extern "C" (aka C style symbols), or use the .def file format to define undecorated export symbols for the C++ linker when it creates the C++ library, then the C linker should have no troubles reading it

Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

In Android Studio 4.1.1

Right Click on your module (app for example) -> New -> Folder -> Assets Folder

enter image description here

I ran into a merge conflict. How can I abort the merge?

For git >= 1.6.1:

git merge --abort

For older versions of git, this will do the job:

git reset --merge


git reset --hard

Case in Select Statement

I think these could be helpful for you .

Using a SELECT statement with a simple CASE expression

Within a SELECT statement, a simple CASE expression allows for only an equality check; no other comparisons are made. The following example uses the CASE expression to change the display of product line categories to make them more understandable.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT   ProductNumber, Category =
      CASE ProductLine
         WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
         WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
         WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
         WHEN 'S' THEN 'Other sale items'
         ELSE 'Not for sale'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber;

Using a SELECT statement with a searched CASE expression

Within a SELECT statement, the searched CASE expression allows for values to be replaced in the result set based on comparison values. The following example displays the list price as a text comment based on the price range for a product.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT   ProductNumber, Name, "Price Range" = 
         WHEN ListPrice =  0 THEN 'Mfg item - not for resale'
         WHEN ListPrice < 50 THEN 'Under $50'
         WHEN ListPrice >= 50 and ListPrice < 250 THEN 'Under $250'
         WHEN ListPrice >= 250 and ListPrice < 1000 THEN 'Under $1000'
         ELSE 'Over $1000'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber ;

Using CASE in an ORDER BY clause

The following examples uses the CASE expression in an ORDER BY clause to determine the sort order of the rows based on a given column value. In the first example, the value in the SalariedFlag column of the HumanResources.Employee table is evaluated. Employees that have the SalariedFlag set to 1 are returned in order by the BusinessEntityID in descending order. Employees that have the SalariedFlag set to 0 are returned in order by the BusinessEntityID in ascending order. In the second example, the result set is ordered by the column TerritoryName when the column CountryRegionName is equal to 'United States' and by CountryRegionName for all other rows.

SELECT BusinessEntityID, SalariedFlag
FROM HumanResources.Employee
ORDER BY CASE SalariedFlag WHEN 1 THEN BusinessEntityID END DESC
        ,CASE WHEN SalariedFlag = 0 THEN BusinessEntityID END;

SELECT BusinessEntityID, LastName, TerritoryName, CountryRegionName
FROM Sales.vSalesPerson
ORDER BY CASE CountryRegionName WHEN 'United States' THEN TerritoryName
         ELSE CountryRegionName END;

Using CASE in an UPDATE statement

The following example uses the CASE expression in an UPDATE statement to determine the value that is set for the column VacationHours for employees with SalariedFlag set to 0. When subtracting 10 hours from VacationHours results in a negative value, VacationHours is increased by 40 hours; otherwise, VacationHours is increased by 20 hours. The OUTPUT clause is used to display the before and after vacation values.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
UPDATE HumanResources.Employee
SET VacationHours = 
    ( CASE
         WHEN ((VacationHours - 10.00) < 0) THEN VacationHours + 40
         ELSE (VacationHours + 20.00)
OUTPUT Deleted.BusinessEntityID, Deleted.VacationHours AS BeforeValue, 
       Inserted.VacationHours AS AfterValue
WHERE SalariedFlag = 0; 

Using CASE in a HAVING clause

The following example uses the CASE expression in a HAVING clause to restrict the rows returned by the SELECT statement. The statement returns the the maximum hourly rate for each job title in the HumanResources.Employee table. The HAVING clause restricts the titles to those that are held by men with a maximum pay rate greater than 40 dollars or women with a maximum pay rate greater than 42 dollars.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT JobTitle, MAX(ph1.Rate)AS MaximumRate
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory AS ph1 ON e.BusinessEntityID = ph1.BusinessEntityID
        THEN ph1.Rate 
        ELSE NULL END) > 40.00
     OR MAX(CASE WHEN Gender  = 'F' 
        THEN ph1.Rate  
        ELSE NULL END) > 42.00)
ORDER BY MaximumRate DESC;

For more details description of these example visit the source.

Also visit here and here for some examples with great details.

Set focus on TextBox in WPF from view model

I know this question has been answered a thousand times over by now, but I made some edits to Anvaka's contribution that I think will help others that had similar issues that I had.

Firstly, I changed the above Attached Property like so:

public static class FocusExtension
    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsFocusedProperty = 
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsFocused", typeof(bool?), typeof(FocusExtension), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(IsFocusedChanged){BindsTwoWayByDefault = true});

    public static bool? GetIsFocused(DependencyObject element)
        if (element == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

        return (bool?)element.GetValue(IsFocusedProperty);

    public static void SetIsFocused(DependencyObject element, bool? value)
        if (element == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

        element.SetValue(IsFocusedProperty, value);

    private static void IsFocusedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var fe = (FrameworkElement)d;

        if (e.OldValue == null)
            fe.GotFocus += FrameworkElement_GotFocus;
            fe.LostFocus += FrameworkElement_LostFocus;

        if (!fe.IsVisible)
            fe.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(fe_IsVisibleChanged);

        if (e.NewValue != null && (bool)e.NewValue)

    private static void fe_IsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var fe = (FrameworkElement)sender;
        if (fe.IsVisible && (bool)fe.GetValue(IsFocusedProperty))
            fe.IsVisibleChanged -= fe_IsVisibleChanged;

    private static void FrameworkElement_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ((FrameworkElement)sender).SetValue(IsFocusedProperty, true);

    private static void FrameworkElement_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ((FrameworkElement)sender).SetValue(IsFocusedProperty, false);

My reason for adding the visibility references were tabs. Apparently if you used the attached property on any other tab outside of the initially visible tab, the attached property didn't work until you manually focused the control.

The other obstacle was creating a more elegant way of resetting the underlying property to false when it lost focus. That's where the lost focus events came in.

    Text="{Binding Description}"
    FocusExtension.IsFocused="{Binding IsFocused}"/>

If there's a better way to handle the visibility issue, please let me know.

Note: Thanks to Apfelkuacha for the suggestion of putting the BindsTwoWayByDefault in the DependencyProperty. I had done that long ago in my own code, but never updated this post. The Mode=TwoWay is no longer necessary in the WPF code due to this change.

socket.shutdown vs socket.close

it's mentioned right in the Socket Programming HOWTO (py2/py3)


Strictly speaking, you’re supposed to use shutdown on a socket before you close it. The shutdown is an advisory to the socket at the other end. Depending on the argument you pass it, it can mean “I’m not going to send anymore, but I’ll still listen”, or “I’m not listening, good riddance!”. Most socket libraries, however, are so used to programmers neglecting to use this piece of etiquette that normally a close is the same as shutdown(); close(). So in most situations, an explicit shutdown is not needed.


What and When to use Tuple?

A tuple allows you to combine multiple values of possibly different types into a single object without having to create a custom class. This can be useful if you want to write a method that for example returns three related values but you don't want to create a new class.

Usually though you should create a class as this allows you to give useful names to each property. Code that extensively uses tuples will quickly become unreadable because the properties are called Item1, Item2, Item3, etc..

How do I reference tables in Excel using VBA?

In addition, it's convenient to define variables referring to objects. For instance,

Sub CreateTable()
    Dim lo as ListObject
    Set lo = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$B$1:$D$16"), , xlYes)
    lo.Name = "Table1"
    lo.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight2"
End Sub

You will probably find it advantageous at once.

How to initialize all the elements of an array to any specific value in java

Using Java 8, you can simply use ncopies of Collections class:

Object[] arrays = Collections.nCopies(size, object).stream().toArray();

In your case it will be:

Integer[] arrays = Collections.nCopies(10, Integer.valueOf(1)).stream().toArray(Integer[]::new);

Here is a detailed answer of a similar case of yours.

Int to Char in C#


for example:

Console.WriteLine("(char)122 is {0}", (char)122);


(char)122 is z

LINQ where clause with lambda expression having OR clauses and null values returning incomplete results

You are checking Parent properties for null in your delegate. The same should work with lambda expressions too.

List<AnalysisObject> analysisObjects = analysisObjectRepository
        .Where(x => 
            (x.ID == packageId) || 
            (x.Parent != null &&
                (x.Parent.ID == packageId || 
                (x.Parent.Parent != null && x.Parent.Parent.ID == packageId)))

Concatenating bits in VHDL

You are not allowed to use the concatenation operator with the case statement. One possible solution is to use a variable within the process:

   variable bcat : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
   bcat := b0 & b1 & b2 & b3;
   case bcat is
      when "0000" => x <= 1;
      when others => x <= 2;
   end case;
end process;

multiple plot in one figure in Python

This is very simple to do:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(<X AXIS VALUES HERE>, <Y AXIS VALUES HERE>, 'line type', label='label here')
plt.plot(<X AXIS VALUES HERE>, <Y AXIS VALUES HERE>, 'line type', label='label here')

You can keep adding plt.plot as many times as you like. As for line type, you need to first specify the color. So for blue, it's b. And for a normal line it's -. An example would be:

plt.plot(total_lengths, sort_times_heap, 'b-', label="Heap")

How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?

if you are using new recaptcha 2.0 use this: for code behind:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "CaptchaReload", "$.getScript(\"\", function () {});", true);

for simple javascript

<script>$.getScript(\"\", function () {});</script>

How to add Google Maps Autocomplete search box?

To get latitude and longitude too, you can use this simple code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function initialize() {
          var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
          var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
            google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {
                var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
                document.getElementById('city2').value =;
                document.getElementById('cityLat').value =;
                document.getElementById('cityLng').value = place.geometry.location.lng();
        google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
    <input id="searchTextField" type="text" size="50" placeholder="Enter a location" autocomplete="on" runat="server" />  
    <input type="hidden" id="city2" name="city2" />
    <input type="hidden" id="cityLat" name="cityLat" />
    <input type="hidden" id="cityLng" name="cityLng" />

How to use string.substr() function?

If I am correct, the second parameter of substr() should be the length of the substring. How about

b = a.substr(i,2);


Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework

I have made an generic extension of @Slauma s example above;

public static class DataExtensions
    public static DbContext AddToContext<T>(this DbContext context, object entity, int count, int commitCount, bool recreateContext, Func<DbContext> contextCreator)

        if (count % commitCount == 0)
            if (recreateContext)
                context = contextCreator.Invoke();
                context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
        return context;


public void AddEntities(List<YourEntity> entities)
    using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
        DbContext context = new YourContext();
        int count = 0;
        foreach (var entity in entities)
            context = context.AddToContext<TenancyNote>(entity, count, 100, true,
                () => new YourContext());

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons?

All radio buttons inside of a share container are in the same group by default. Means, if you check one of them - others will be unchecked. If you want to create independent groups of radio buttons, you must situate them into different containers such as Group Box, or control their Checked state through code behind.

Eclipse: The declared package does not match the expected package

Go to src folder of the project and copy all the code from it to some temporary location and build the project. And now copy the actual code from temporary location to project src. And run the build again. Problem will be resolved.

Note: This is specific to eclipse.

Python loop counter in a for loop

You could also do:

 for option in options:
      if option == options[selected_index]:

Although you'd run into issues if there are duplicate options.

WARNING: sanitizing unsafe style value url

I got the same issue while adding dynamic url in Image tag in Angular 7. I searched a lot and found this solution.

First, write below code in the component file.

constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
public getSantizeUrl(url : string) {
    return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(url);

Now in your html image tag, you can write like this.

<img class="image-holder" [src]=getSantizeUrl(item.imageUrl) />

You can write as per your requirement instead of item.imageUrl

I got a reference from this site.dynamic urls. Hope this solution will help you :)

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage

Yes, you can configure the Spring servlet context xml file to define your beans (i.e., classes), so that it can do the automatic injection for you. However, do note, that you have to do other configurations to have Spring up and running and the best way to do that, is to follow a tutorial ground up.

Once you have your Spring configured probably, you can do the following in your Spring servlet context xml file for Example 1 above to work (please replace the package name of com.movies to what the true package name is and if this is a 3rd party class, then be sure that the appropriate jar file is on the classpath) :

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" />

or if the MovieFinder class has a constructor with a primitive value, then you could something like this,

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" >
    <beans:constructor-arg value="100" />

or if the MovieFinder class has a constructor expecting another class, then you could do something like this,

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" >
    <beans:constructor-arg ref="otherBeanRef" />

...where 'otherBeanRef' is another bean that has a reference to the expected class.

Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

Depends what you mean, but the other interpretation of the meaning is where you want to count rows with a certain value, but don't want to restrict the SELECT to JUST those rows...

You'd do it using SUM() with a clause in, like this instead of using COUNT(): e.g.

SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Position = 'Manager' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ManagerCount,
    SUM(CASE WHEN Position = 'CEO' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CEOCount
FROM SomeTable

Decrypt password created with htpasswd

.htpasswd entries are HASHES. They are not encrypted passwords. Hashes are designed not to be decryptable. Hence there is no way (unless you bruteforce for a loooong time) to get the password from the .htpasswd file.

What you need to do is apply the same hash algorithm to the password provided to you and compare it to the hash in the .htpasswd file. If the user and hash are the same then you're a go.

How to create a HTTP server in Android?

You can try Restlet edition for android:

The source can be downloaded from Restlet website:

Checking session if empty or not

If It is simple Session you can apply NULL Check directly Session["emp_num"] != null

But if it's a session of a list Item then You need to apply any one of the following option

Option 1:

if (((List<int>)(Session["emp_num"])) != null && (List<int>)Session["emp_num"])).Count > 0)
 //Your Logic here

Option 2:

List<int> val= Session["emp_num"] as List<int>;  //Get the value from Session.

if (val.FirstOrDefault() != null)
 //Your Logic here

docker: Error response from daemon: Get Service Unavailable. IN DOCKER , MAC


If your company is behind MS Proxy Server that using the proprietary NTLM protocol.

You need to install **Cntlm** Authentication Proxy

After this SET the proxy in 
/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf) with the following format:


Environment=“HTTP_PROXY=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182”

In addition you can set in the .DockerFile
export http_proxy=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export https_proxy=http://<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export no_proxy=localhost,,10.0.2.*

Followed by:
systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl restart docker

This Worked for me

Select Top and Last rows in a table (SQL server)

To get the bottom 1000 you will want to order it by a column in descending order, and still take the top 1000.

FROM [SomeTable]

If you care for it to be in the same order as before you can use a common table expression for that:

    SELECT TOP 1000 *
    FROM [SomeTable]
    ORDER BY MySortColumn DESC

ORDER BY MySortColumn

Git checkout - switching back to HEAD

You can stash (save the changes in temporary box) then, back to master branch HEAD.

$ git add .
$ git stash
$ git checkout master

Jump Over Commits Back and Forth:

  • Go to a specific commit-sha.

      $ git checkout <commit-sha>
  • If you have uncommitted changes here then, you can checkout to a new branch | Add | Commit | Push the current branch to the remote.

      # checkout a new branch, add, commit, push
      $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'Commit message'
      $ git push origin HEAD          # push the current branch to remote 
      $ git checkout master           # back to master branch now
  • If you have changes in the specific commit and don't want to keep the changes, you can do stash or reset then checkout to master (or, any other branch).

      # stash
      $ git add -A
      $ git stash
      $ git checkout master
      # reset
      $ git reset --hard HEAD
      $ git checkout master
  • After checking out a specific commit if you have no uncommitted change(s) then, just back to master or other branch.

      $ git status          # see the changes
      $ git checkout master
      # or, shortcut
      $ git checkout -      # back to the previous state

How do I convert a number to a letter in Java?

You can try like this:

private String getCharForNumber(int i) {
    if (i > 25) {
        return null;
    return css.charAt(i) + "";

Adding Jar files to IntellijIdea classpath

Go to File-> Project Structure-> Libraries and click green "+" to add the directory folder that has the JARs to CLASSPATH. Everything in that folder will be added to CLASSPATH.


It's 2018. It's a better idea to use a dependency manager like Maven and externalize your dependencies. Don't add JAR files to your project in a /lib folder anymore.


Fastest way to flatten / un-flatten nested JSON objects

I'd like to add a new version of flatten case (this is what i needed :)) which, according to my probes with the above jsFiddler, is slightly faster then the currently selected one. Moreover, me personally see this snippet a bit more readable, which is of course important for multi-developer projects.

function flattenObject(graph) {
    let result = {},

    function recurr(graph, path) {
        if (Array.isArray(graph)) {
            graph.forEach(function (itm, idx) {
                key = path + '[' + idx + ']';
                if (itm && typeof itm === 'object') {
                    recurr(itm, key);
                } else {
                    result[key] = itm;
        } else {
            Reflect.ownKeys(graph).forEach(function (p) {
                key = path + '.' + p;
                item = graph[p];
                if (item && typeof item === 'object') {
                    recurr(item, key);
                } else {
                    result[key] = item;
    recurr(graph, '');

    return result;

Android: Difference between onInterceptTouchEvent and dispatchTouchEvent?

Because this is the first result on Google. I want to share with you a great Talk by Dave Smith on Youtube: Mastering the Android Touch System and the slides are available here. It gave me a good deep understanding about the Android Touch System:

How the Activity handles touch:

  • Activity.dispatchTouchEvent()
    • Always first to be called
    • Sends event to root view attached to Window
    • onTouchEvent()
      • Called if no views consume the event
      • Always last to be called

How the View handles touch:

  • View.dispatchTouchEvent()
    • Sends event to listener first, if exists
      • View.OnTouchListener.onTouch()
    • If not consumed, processes the touch itself
      • View.onTouchEvent()

How a ViewGroup handles touch:

  • ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent()
    • onInterceptTouchEvent()
      • Check if it should supersede children
      • Passes ACTION_CANCEL to active child
      • If it returns true once, the ViewGroup consumes all subsequent events
    • For each child view (in reverse order they were added)
      • If touch is relevant (inside view), child.dispatchTouchEvent()
      • If it is not handled by a previous, dispatch to next view
    • If no children handles the event, the listener gets a chance
      • OnTouchListener.onTouch()
    • If there is no listener, or its not handled
      • onTouchEvent()
  • Intercepted events jump over the child step

He also provides example code of custom touch on

Answer: Basically the dispatchTouchEvent() is called on every View layer to determine if a View is interested in an ongoing gesture. In a ViewGroup the ViewGroup has the ability to steal the touch events in his dispatchTouchEvent()-method, before it would call dispatchTouchEvent() on the children. The ViewGroup would only stop the dispatching if the ViewGroup onInterceptTouchEvent()-method returns true. The difference is that dispatchTouchEvent()is dispatching MotionEvents and onInterceptTouchEvent tells if it should intercept (not dispatching the MotionEvent to children) or not (dispatching to children).

You could imagine the code of a ViewGroup doing more-or-less this (very simplified):

public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        for(View child : children){
                return true;
    return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);

Allow access permission to write in Program Files of Windows 7

I cannot agree with arguments, that it is better to write all files in other directories, e.g., %APPDATA%, it is only that you cannot avoid it, if you want to avoid running application as administrator on Windows 7.

It would be much cleaner to keep all application specific data (e.g. ini files) in the same folder as the application (or in sub folders) as to speed the data all over the disk (%APPDATA%, registry and who knows where else). This is just Microsoft idea of clean programming. Than of course you need registry cleaner, disk cleaner, temporary file cleaner, ... instead of e+very clean practice - removing the application folder removes all application specific data (exep user data, which is normally somewhere in My Documents or so).

In my programs I would prefer to have ini files in application directory, however, I do not have them there, only because I cannot have them there (on Windows).

Calculate percentage Javascript

Heres another approach.


<input type='text' id="pointspossible" class="clsInput" />
<input type='text' id="pointsgiven"  class="clsInput" />
<button id="btnCalculate">Calculate</button>
<input type='text' id="pointsperc" disabled/>

JS Code:

function isNumeric(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

$('#btnCalculate').on('click', function() {
    var a = $('#pointspossible').val().replace(/ +/g, "");
    var b = $('#pointsgiven').val().replace(/ +/g, "");
    var perc = "0";
    if (a.length > 0 && b.length > 0) {
        if (isNumeric(a) && isNumeric(b)) {
            perc = a / b * 100;

Live Sample: Percentage Calculator

Alternative Windows shells, besides CMD.EXE?

Try Clink. It's awesome, especially if you are used to bash keybindings and features.

(As already pointed out - there is a similar question: Is there a better Windows Console Window?)

How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller?

I've found an solution. I use an solution of Steve Gentile, jQuery and ASP.NET MVC – sending JSON to an Action – Revisited.

My ASP.NET MVC view code looks like:

function getplaceholders() {
        var placeholders = $('.ui-sortable');
        var results = new Array();
        placeholders.each(function() {
            var ph = $(this).attr('id');
            var sections = $(this).find('.sort');
            var section;

            sections.each(function(i, item) {
                var sid = $(item).attr('id');
                var o = { 'SectionId': sid, 'Placeholder': ph, 'Position': i };
        var postData = { widgets: results };
        var widgets = results;
            url: '/portal/Designer.mvc/SaveOrUpdate',
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: $.toJSON(widgets),
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            success: function(result) {

and my controller action is decorated with an custom attribute

[JsonFilter(Param = "widgets", JsonDataType = typeof(List<PageDesignWidget>))]
public JsonResult SaveOrUpdate(List<PageDesignWidget> widgets

Code for the custom attribute can be found here (the link is broken now).

Because the link is broken this is the code for the JsonFilterAttribute

public class JsonFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
    public string Param { get; set; }
    public Type JsonDataType { get; set; }
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType.Contains("application/json"))
            string inputContent;
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream))
                inputContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(inputContent, JsonDataType);
            filterContext.ActionParameters[Param] = result;

JsonConvert.DeserializeObject is from Json.NET

Link: Serializing and Deserializing JSON with Json.NET

How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

If you are using VB.NET, then the answer would be "*". Here is what your where clause would look like...

Where OH.Hierarchy Like '*/12/*'

Note: "*" Matches zero or more characters. Here is the msdn article for the Like operator.

Pass multiple complex objects to a post/put Web API method

As @djikay mentioned, you cannot pass multiple FromBody parameters.

One workaround I have is to define a CompositeObject,

public class CompositeObject
    public Content Content { get; set; }
    public Config Config { get; set; }

and have your WebAPI takes this CompositeObject as the parameter instead.

public void StartProcessiong([FromBody] CompositeObject composite)
{ ... }

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

I have faced the same issue due to packaged name was "Java" after rename package name it was not throwing an error.

How do I pass multiple parameters in Objective-C?

Yes; the Objective-C method syntax is like this for a couple of reasons; one of these is so that it is clear what the parameters you are specifying are. For example, if you are adding an object to an NSMutableArray at a certain index, you would do it using the method:

- (void)insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

This method is called insertObject:atIndex: and it is clear that an object is being inserted at a specified index.

In practice, adding a string "Hello, World!" at index 5 of an NSMutableArray called array would be called as follows:

NSString *obj = @"Hello, World!";
int index = 5;

[array insertObject:obj atIndex:index];

This also reduces ambiguity between the order of the method parameters, ensuring that you pass the object parameter first, then the index parameter. This becomes more useful when using functions that take a large number of arguments, and reduces error in passing the arguments.

Furthermore, the method naming convention is such because Objective-C doesn't support overloading; however, if you want to write a method that does the same job, but takes different data-types, this can be accomplished; take, for instance, the NSNumber class; this has several object creation methods, including:

  • + (id)numberWithBool:(BOOL)value;
  • + (id)numberWithFloat:(float)value;
  • + (id)numberWithDouble:(double)value;

In a language such as C++, you would simply overload the number method to allow different data types to be passed as the argument; however, in Objective-C, this syntax allows several different variants of the same function to be implemented, by changing the name of the method for each variant of the function.

How do I block or restrict special characters from input fields with jquery?

Use HTML5's pattern input attribute!

<input type="text" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" />

Is it good practice to use the xor operator for boolean checks?

You could always just wrap it in a function to give it a verbose name:

public static boolean XOR(boolean A, boolean B) {
    return A ^ B;

But, it seems to me that it wouldn't be hard for anyone who didn't know what the ^ operator is for to Google it really quick. It's not going to be hard to remember after the first time. Since you asked for other uses, its common to use the XOR for bit masking.

You can also use XOR to swap the values in two variables without using a third temporary variable.

// Swap the values in A and B
A ^= B;
B ^= A;
A ^= B;

Here's a Stackoverflow question related to XOR swapping.

Python Binomial Coefficient

It's a good idea to apply a recursive definition, as in Vadim Smolyakov's answer, combined with a DP (dynamic programming), but for the latter you may apply the lru_cache decorator from module functools:

import functools

@functools.lru_cache(maxsize = None)
def binom(n,k):
    if k == 0: return 1
    if n == k: return 1
    return binom(n-1,k-1)+binom(n-1,k)

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class XXX

Just several days ago, I met the same question just like yours. All code runs well on my local machine, but turns out error(noclassdeffound&initialize). So I post my solution, but I don't know why, I merely advance a possibility. I hope someone know will explain this.@John Vint Firstly, I'll show you my problem. My code has static variable and static block both. When I first met this problem, I tried John Vint's solution, and tried to catch the exception. However, I caught nothing. So I thought it is because the static variable(but now I know they are the same thing) and still found nothing. So, I try to find the difference between the linux machine and my computer. Then I found that this problem happens only when several threads run in one process(By the way, the linux machine has double cores and double processes). That means if there are two tasks(both uses the code which has static block or variables) run in the same process, it goes wrong, but if they run in different processes, both of them are ok. In the Linux machine, I use

mvn -U clean  test -Dtest=path 

to run a task, and because my static variable is to start a container(or maybe you initialize a new classloader), so it will stay until the jvm stop, and the jvm stops only when all the tasks in one process stop. Every task will start a new container(or classloader) and it makes the jvm confused. As a result, the error happens. So, how to solve it? My solution is to add a new command to the maven command, and make every task go to the same container.

-Dxxx.version=xxxxx #sorry can't post more

Maybe you have already solved this problem, but still hope it will help others who meet the same problem.

How do I implement a progress bar in C#?

When you perform operations on Background thread and you want to update UI, you can not call or set anything from background thread. In case of WPF you need Dispatcher.BeginInvoke and in case of WinForms you need Invoke method.


// assuming "this" is the window containing your progress bar..
// following code runs in background worker thread...
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
         this.progressBar.Value = (int)((100*i)/count);


// assuming "this" is the window containing your progress bar..
// following code runs in background worker thread...
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
         this.progressBar.Value = (int)((100*i)/count);

for WinForms delegate may require some casting or you may need little help there, dont remember the exact syntax now.

How do I use tools:overrideLibrary in a build.gradle file?

I just changed minSdkVersion="7" in C:\MyApp\platforms\android\CordovaLib\AndroidManifest.xml and it worked.


  1. Path: C:\MyApp\platforms\android\CordovaLib\AndroidManifest.xml
  2. Value: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7"/>
  3. Ran command in new cmd prompt:

    C:\MyApp>phonegap build android --debug [phonegap] executing 'cordova build android --debug'... [phonegap] completed 'cordova build android --debug'

Passing data from controller to view in Laravel

Try with this code:

return View::make('user/regprofile', array
        'students' => $students

Or if you want to pass more variables into view:

return View::make('user/regprofile', array
        'students'    =>  $students,
        'variable_1'  =>  $variable_1,
        'variable_2'  =>  $variable_2

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

ls /bin/python*

Identify the highest version of python listed. If the highest version is something like python2.7 then install python2-pip If its something like python3.8 then install python3-pip

Example for python3.8:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Div 100% height works on Firefox but not in IE

I've been successful in getting this to work when I set the margins of the container to 0:

   margin: 0 px;

in addition to all your other styles

How can I remove a substring from a given String?

You can use Substring also for replacing with existing string:

var str = "abc awwwa";
var Index = str.indexOf('awwwa');
str = str.substring(0, Index);

How do I create a round cornered UILabel on the iPhone?

I made a swift UILabel subclass to achieve this effect. In addition I automatically set the text color to either black or white for maximal contrast.



Used SO-Posts:


Just paste this into an iOS Playground:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit

class PillLabel : UILabel{

    @IBInspectable var color = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 8
    @IBInspectable var labelText: String = "None"
    @IBInspectable var fontSize: CGFloat = 10.5

    // This has to be balanced with the number of spaces prefixed to the text
    let borderWidth: CGFloat = 3

    init(text: String, color: UIColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()) {
        super.init(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1))
        labelText = text
        self.color = color

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    func setup(){
        // This has to be balanced with the borderWidth property
        text = "  \(labelText)".uppercaseString

        // Credits to
        layer.borderWidth = borderWidth
        layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
        backgroundColor = color
        layer.borderColor = color.CGColor
        layer.masksToBounds = true
        font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(fontSize)
        textColor = color.contrastColor

        // Credits to
        frame = CGRectInset(self.frame, -borderWidth, -borderWidth)

extension UIColor {
    // Credits to
    func isLight() -> Bool{
        var green: CGFloat = 0.0, red: CGFloat = 0.0, blue: CGFloat = 0.0, alpha: CGFloat = 0.0
        self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha)
        let brightness = ((red * 299) + (green * 587) + (blue * 114) ) / 1000

        return brightness < 0.5 ? false : true

    var contrastColor: UIColor{
        return self.isLight() ? UIColor.blackColor() : UIColor.whiteColor()

var label = PillLabel(text: "yellow", color: .yellowColor())

label = PillLabel(text: "green", color: .greenColor())

label = PillLabel(text: "white", color: .whiteColor())

label = PillLabel(text: "black", color: .blackColor())

Find the similarity metric between two strings

You can find most of the text similarity methods and how they are calculated under this link: Here some examples;

  • Normalized, metric, similarity and distance

  • (Normalized) similarity and distance

  • Metric distances

  • Shingles (n-gram) based similarity and distance
  • Levenshtein
  • Normalized Levenshtein
  • Weighted Levenshtein
  • Damerau-Levenshtein
  • Optimal String Alignment
  • Jaro-Winkler
  • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Metric Longest Common Subsequence
  • N-Gram
  • Shingle(n-gram) based algorithms
  • Q-Gram
  • Cosine similarity
  • Jaccard index
  • Sorensen-Dice coefficient
  • Overlap coefficient (i.e.,Szymkiewicz-Simpson)

List submodules in a Git repository


$ git submodule

It will list all the submodules in the specified Git repository.

adb command not found

I am using Mac 10.11.1 and using android studio 1.5, I have my adb "/Users/user-name/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"

Now edit you bash_profile

emacs ~/.bash_profile

Add this line to your bash_profile, and replace the user-name with your username

export PATH="$PATH:/Users/user-name/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"

save and close. Run this command to reload your bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

HTML form with side by side input fields

You should put the input for the last name into the same div where you have the first name.

    <label for="username">First Name</label>
    <input id="user_first_name" name="user[first_name]" size="30" type="text" />
    <input id="user_last_name" name="user[last_name]" size="30" type="text" />

Then, in your CSS give your #user_first_name and #user_last_name height and float them both to the left. For example:

    max-width:100px; /*max-width for responsiveness*/


Escaping double quotes in JavaScript onClick event handler

You may also want to try two backslashes (\\") to escape the escape character.

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11

I had the same issue and the point is that the element was not adapting its width to the container.

Instead of using width:100%, be consistent (don't mix the floating model and the flex model) and use flex by adding this:

.child { align-self: stretch; }


.parent { align-items: stretch; }

This worked for me.

What is the difference between .*? and .* regular expressions?

On greedy vs non-greedy

Repetition in regex by default is greedy: they try to match as many reps as possible, and when this doesn't work and they have to backtrack, they try to match one fewer rep at a time, until a match of the whole pattern is found. As a result, when a match finally happens, a greedy repetition would match as many reps as possible.

The ? as a repetition quantifier changes this behavior into non-greedy, also called reluctant (in e.g. Java) (and sometimes "lazy"). In contrast, this repetition will first try to match as few reps as possible, and when this doesn't work and they have to backtrack, they start matching one more rept a time. As a result, when a match finally happens, a reluctant repetition would match as few reps as possible.


Example 1: From A to Z

Let's compare these two patterns: A.*Z and A.*?Z.

Given the following input:


The patterns yield the following matches:

Let's first focus on what A.*Z does. When it matched the first A, the .*, being greedy, first tries to match as many . as possible.

    A.* matched, Z can't match

Since the Z doesn't match, the engine backtracks, and .* must then match one fewer .:

    A.* matched, Z still can't match

This happens a few more times, until finally we come to this:

    A.* matched, Z can now match

Now Z can match, so the overall pattern matches:

    A.*Z matched

By contrast, the reluctant repetition in A.*?Z first matches as few . as possible, and then taking more . as necessary. This explains why it finds two matches in the input.

Here's a visual representation of what the two patterns matched:

   \__/r   \___/r      r = reluctant
    \____g____/        g = greedy

Example: An alternative

In many applications, the two matches in the above input is what is desired, thus a reluctant .*? is used instead of the greedy .* to prevent overmatching. For this particular pattern, however, there is a better alternative, using negated character class.

The pattern A[^Z]*Z also finds the same two matches as the A.*?Z pattern for the above input (as seen on [^Z] is what is called a negated character class: it matches anything but Z.

The main difference between the two patterns is in performance: being more strict, the negated character class can only match one way for a given input. It doesn't matter if you use greedy or reluctant modifier for this pattern. In fact, in some flavors, you can do even better and use what is called possessive quantifier, which doesn't backtrack at all.


Example 2: From A to ZZ

This example should be illustrative: it shows how the greedy, reluctant, and negated character class patterns match differently given the same input.


These are the matches for the above input:

Here's a visual representation of what they matched:

        /   \              n = negated character class
eeAiiZooAuuZZeeeZZfff      r = reluctant
  \_________/r   /         g = greedy

Related topics

These are links to questions and answers on stackoverflow that cover some topics that may be of interest.

One greedy repetition can outgreed another

Check string length in PHP

Because $xml->xpath always return an array, and strlen expects a string.

$ is not a function - jQuery error

As RPM1984 refers to, this is mostly likely caused by the fact that your script is loading before jQuery is loaded.

Modify request parameter with servlet filter

This is what i ended up doing

//import ../../Constants;

public class RequestFilter implements Filter {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestFilter.class);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
        try {
            CustomHttpServletRequest customHttpServletRequest = new CustomHttpServletRequest((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest);
            filterChain.doFilter(customHttpServletRequest, servletResponse);
        } finally {
            //do something here

    public void destroy() {


     public static Map<String, String[]> ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS = new HashMap<String, String[]>() {
            put("diagnostics", new String[]{"false"});
            put("skipCache", new String[]{"false"});

        This is a custom wrapper over the `HttpServletRequestWrapper` which 
        overrides the various header getter methods and query param getter methods.
        Changes to the request pojo are
        => A custom header is added whose value is a unique id
        => Admin query params are set to default values in the url
    private class CustomHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
        public CustomHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
            //create custom id (to be returned) when the value for a
            //particular header is asked for
            internalRequestId = RandomStringUtils.random(10, true, true) + "-local";

        public String getHeader(String name) {
            String value = super.getHeader(name);
            if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(value) && isRequestIdHeaderName(name)) {
                value = internalRequestId;
            return value;

        private boolean isRequestIdHeaderName(String name) {
            return Constants.RID_HEADER.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || Constants.X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER.equalsIgnoreCase(name);

        public Enumeration<String> getHeaders(String name) {
            List<String> values = Collections.list(super.getHeaders(name));
            if(values.size()==0 && isRequestIdHeaderName(name)) {
            return Collections.enumeration(values);

        public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames() {
            List<String> names = Collections.list(super.getHeaderNames());
            return Collections.enumeration(names);

        public String getParameter(String name) {
            if (ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name) != null) {
                return ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name)[0];
            return super.getParameter(name);

        public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap() {
            Map<String, String[]> paramsMap = new HashMap<>(super.getParameterMap());
            for (String paramName : ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.keySet()) {
                if (paramsMap.get(paramName) != null) {
                    paramsMap.put(paramName, ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(paramName));
            return paramsMap;

        public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
            if (ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name) != null) {
                return ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name);
            return super.getParameterValues(name);

        public String getQueryString() {
            Map<String, String[]> map = getParameterMap();
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (String param: map.keySet()) {
                for (String value: map.get(param)) {
            builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1);
            return builder.toString();

How to execute Table valued function

A TVF (table-valued function) is supposed to be SELECTed FROM. Try this:

select * from FN('myFunc')

Name attribute in @Entity and @Table

@Entity(name = "someThing") => this name will be used to name the Entity
@Table(name = "someThing")  => this name will be used to name a table in DB

So, in the first case your table and entity will have the same name, that will allow you to access your table with the same name as the entity while writing HQL or JPQL.

And in second case while writing queries you have to use the name given in @Entity and the name given in @Table will be used to name the table in the DB.

So in HQL your someThing will refer to otherThing in the DB.

How to customize the configuration file of the official PostgreSQL Docker image?

A fairly low-tech solution to this problem seems to be to declare the service (I'm using swarm on AWS and a yaml file) with your database files mounted to a persisted volume (here AWS EFS as denoted by the cloudstor:aws driver specification).

  version: '3.3'
      image: postgres:latest
        - postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
        - postgresql_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
         driver: "cloudstor:aws" 
         driver: "cloudstor:aws"
  1. The db comes up as initialized with the image default settings.
  2. You edit the conf settings inside the container, e.g if you want to increase the maximum number of concurrent connections that requires a restart
  3. stop the running container (or scale the service down to zero and then back to one)
  4. the swarm spawns a new container, which this time around picks up your persisted configuration settings and merrily applies them.

A pleasant side-effect of persisting your configuration is that it also persists your databases (or was it the other way around) ;-)

Does C have a "foreach" loop construct?

C does not have an implementation of for-each. When parsing an array as a point the receiver does not know how long the array is, thus there is no way to tell when you reach the end of the array. Remember, in C int* is a point to a memory address containing an int. There is no header object containing information about how many integers that are placed in sequence. Thus, the programmer needs to keep track of this.

However, for lists, it is easy to implement something that resembles a for-each loop.

for(Node* node = head; node; node = {
   /* do your magic here */

To achieve something similar for arrays you can do one of two things.

  1. use the first element to store the length of the array.
  2. wrap the array in a struct which holds the length and a pointer to the array.

The following is an example of such struct:

typedef struct job_t {
   int count;
   int* arr;
} arr_t;

How to permanently export a variable in Linux?

add the line to your .bashrc or .profile. The variables set in $HOME/.profile are active for the current user, the ones in /etc/profile are global. The .bashrc is pulled on each bash session start.

How to create a JavaScript callback for knowing when an image is loaded?

Life is too short for jquery.

function waitForImageToLoad(imageElement){_x000D_
  return new Promise(resolve=>{imageElement.onload = resolve})_x000D_
var myImage = document.getElementById('myImage');_x000D_
var newImageSrc = ""_x000D_
myImage.src = newImageSrc;_x000D_
  // Image have loaded._x000D_
  console.log('Loaded lol')_x000D_
<img id="myImage" src="">

How To Set Up GUI On Amazon EC2 Ubuntu server

For LXDE/Lubuntu

1. connect to your instance (local forwarding port 5901)

ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i "xxx.pem" [email protected]

2. Install packages

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install xorg lxde vnc4server lubuntu-desktop

3. Create /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

4. Copy and paste the following into the lightdm.conf and save


5. setup vncserver (you will be asked to create a password for the vncserver)

sudo echo "lxpanel & /usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE &" >> ~/.vnc/xstartup

6. Restart your instance and reconnect

sudo reboot
ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i "xxx.pem" [email protected]

7. Start vncserver

vncserver -geometry 1280x800

8. In your Remote Desktop Client (e.g. Remmina) set Server to localhost:5901 and protocol to VNC


Problem solved by downgrading to 2.3.5 from 2.3.8. (as well as infamous 'You are being redirected.' issue)

Java - ignore exception and continue

You are actually ignoring exception in your code. But I suggest you to reconsider.

Here is a quote from Coding Crimes: Ignoring Exceptions

For a start, the exception should be logged at the very least, not just written out to the console. Also, in most cases, the exception should be thrown back to the caller for them to deal with. If it doesn't need to be thrown back to the caller, then the exception should be handled. And some comments would be nice too.

The usual excuse for this type of code is "I didn't have time", but there is a ripple effect when code is left in this state. Chances are that most of this type of code will never get out in the final production. Code reviews or static analysis tools should catch this error pattern. But that's no excuse, all this does is add time to the maintainance and debugging of the software.

Even if you are ignoring it I suggest you to use specific exception names instead of superclass name. ie., Use NullPointerException instead of Exception in your catch clause.

How to save RecyclerView's scroll position using RecyclerView.State?


Starting from recyclerview:1.2.0-alpha02 release StateRestorationPolicy has been introduced. It could be a better approach to the given problem.

This topic has been covered on android developers medium article.

Also, @rubén-viguera shared more details in the answer below.

Old answer

If you are using LinearLayoutManager, it comes with pre-built save api linearLayoutManagerInstance.onSaveInstanceState() and restore api linearLayoutManagerInstance.onRestoreInstanceState(...)

With that, you can save the returned parcelable to your outState. e.g.,

outState.putParcelable("KeyForLayoutManagerState", linearLayoutManagerInstance.onSaveInstanceState());

, and restore restore position with the state you saved. e.g,

Parcelable state = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("KeyForLayoutManagerState");

To wrap all up, your final code will look something like

private static final String BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT = "classname.recycler.layout";

 * This is a method for Fragment. 
 * You can do the same in onCreate or onRestoreInstanceState
public void onViewStateRestored(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if(savedInstanceState != null)
        Parcelable savedRecyclerLayoutState = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT);

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    outState.putParcelable(BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT, recyclerView.getLayoutManager().onSaveInstanceState());

Edit: You can also use the same apis with the GridLayoutManager, as it is a subclass of LinearLayoutManager. Thanks @wegsehen for the suggestion.

Edit: Remember, if you are also loading data in a background thread, you will need to a call to onRestoreInstanceState within your onPostExecute/onLoadFinished method for the position to be restored upon orientation change, e.g.

protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Movie> movies) {
    if (movies != null) {
        } else {

Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes

I also got same error ....And i found that my internet connection is closed so eclipse is unable to download repositories for webapps archetypes and when i got internet connection i just created again maven project with webapps archetypes and my eclipse downloaded repositories and its done...

How to install python3 version of package via pip on Ubuntu?

Well, on ubuntu 13.10/14.04, things are a little different.


$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install packages

$ sudo pip3 install packagename

NOT pip-3.3 install

Capturing console output from a .NET application (C#)

Use ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput to redirect the output when creating your console process.

Then you can use Process.StandardOutput to read the program output.

The second link has a sample code how to do it.

How to convert a column number (e.g. 127) into an Excel column (e.g. AA)

JavaScript Solution

 * Calculate the column letter abbreviation from a 1 based index
 * @param {Number} value
 * @returns {string}
getColumnFromIndex = function (value) {
    var base = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split('');
    var remainder, result = "";
    do {
        remainder = value % 26;
        result = base[(remainder || 26) - 1] + result;
        value = Math.floor(value / 26);
    } while (value > 0);
    return result;

Remote origin already exists on 'git push' to a new repository

I just faced this issue myself and I just removed it by removing the origin. the origin is removed by this command

git remove rm origin

try implementing this command.

Failed to allocate memory: 8

Everything else you read here and elsewhere is pure conjecture. The only sure-way to fix this problem is vote for this bug report.

The problem isn't related to emulator resolution or OpenGL, nor how much memory your computer has. I've got 24GB memory in my computer and most of the time I run with hw.ramSize=1024 I get error 8. Other times it works just fine without any configuration changes. I hope you caught that: I did not alter the emulator configuration at all and yet sometimes it runs and sometimes it fails.

There is a high probability it has something to do with memory fragmentation. I recommend reducing the value of hw.ramSize as a temporary workaround.

How to update Android Studio automatically?

Through Android Studio:

  1. Help
  2. Check for latest update
  3. Update

VSCode: How to Split Editor Vertically

To change the editor in Landscape and Vertical mode, follow the steps below.

  1. For example, open two files that you have in your left or right side bar, depending on where you are placed. By default it is always on the left.

  2. Now that you have both windows open, you have to use the key combination for PC (Alt + Shift + 1) for (Windows and Linux Operating Systems) or for MAC (Cmd + Option + 1), as commented here v-andrew.

Connect to Amazon EC2 file directory using Filezilla and SFTP

Old question but what I've found is that, all you need is to add the ppk file. Settings -> Connections -> SFTP -> Add keyfile User name and the host is same as what you would provide when using putty which is mentioned in Might help someone.

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

$pristine/$dirty tells you whether the user actually changed anything, while $touched/$untouched tells you whether the user has merely been there/visited.

This is really useful for validation. The reason for $dirty was always to avoid showing validation responses until the user has actually visited a certain control. But, by using only the $dirty property, the user wouldn't get validation feedback unless they actually altered the value. So, an $invalid field still wouldn't show the user a prompt if the user didn't change/interact with the value. If the user entirely ignored a required field, everything looked OK.

With Angular 1.3 and ng-touched, you can now set a particular style on a control as soon as the user has blurred, regardless of whether they actually edited the value or not.

Here's a CodePen that shows the difference in behavior.

How to simulate a mouse click using JavaScript?

Here's a pure JavaScript function which will simulate a click (or any mouse event) on a target element:

function simulatedClick(target, options) {

  var event = target.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'),
      options = options || {},
      opts = { // These are the default values, set up for un-modified left clicks
        type: 'click',
        canBubble: true,
        cancelable: true,
        view: target.ownerDocument.defaultView,
        detail: 1,
        screenX: 0, //The coordinates within the entire page
        screenY: 0,
        clientX: 0, //The coordinates within the viewport
        clientY: 0,
        ctrlKey: false,
        altKey: false,
        shiftKey: false,
        metaKey: false, //I *think* 'meta' is 'Cmd/Apple' on Mac, and 'Windows key' on Win. Not sure, though!
        button: 0, //0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
        relatedTarget: null,

  //Merge the options with the defaults
  for (var key in options) {
    if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      opts[key] = options[key];

  //Pass in the options

  //Fire the event

Here's a working example:

You can simulate a click on any element in the DOM. Something like simulatedClick(document.getElementById('yourButtonId')) would work.

You can pass in an object into options to override the defaults (to simulate which mouse button you want, whether Shift/Alt/Ctrl are held, etc. The options it accepts are based on the MouseEvents API.

I've tested in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Internet Explorer might need special treatment, I'm not sure.

ImportError: No module named PIL

Python 3.8 on Windows 10. A combination of the answers worked for me. See below for a standalone working example. The commented out lines should be executed in the command line.

import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# pip uninstall pillow
# pip uninstall PIL
# pip install image
from PIL import Image
url = ""
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
img =

SFTP Libraries for .NET

For comprehensive SFTP support in .NET try edtFTPnet/PRO. It's been around a long time with support for many different SFTP servers.

We also sell an SFTP server for Windows, CompleteFTP, which is an inexpensive way to get support for SFTP on your Windows machine. Also has FTP and FTPS.

How to get the first line of a file in a bash script?

head takes the first lines from a file, and the -n parameter can be used to specify how many lines should be extracted:

line=$(head -n 1 filename)

Warp \ bend effect on a UIView?

What you show looks like a mesh warp. That would be straightforward using OpenGL, but "straightforward OpenGL" is like straightforward rocket science.

I wrote an iOS app for my company called Face Dancerthat's able to do 60 fps mesh warp animations of video from the built-in camera using OpenGL, but it was a lot of work. (It does funhouse mirror type changes to faces - think "fat booth" live, plus lots of other effects.)

How to remove files and directories quickly via terminal (bash shell)

So I was looking all over for a way to remove all files in a directory except for some directories, and files, I wanted to keep around. After much searching I devised a way to do it using find.

find -E . -regex './(dir1|dir2|dir3)' -and -type d -prune -o -print -exec rm -rf {} \;

Essentially it uses regex to select the directories to exclude from the results then removes the remaining files. Just wanted to put it out here in case someone else needed it.

'^M' character at end of lines

Try using dos2unix to strip off the ^M.

How to wait until an element exists?

You can try this:

const wait_until_element_appear = setInterval(() => {
    if ($(element).length !== 0) {
        // some code
}, 0);

This solution works very good for me

How I can check if an object is null in ruby on rails 2?

Now with Ruby 2.3 you can use &. operator ('lonely operator') to check for nil at the same time as accessing a value.


Use #try instead so you don't have to keep checking for nil.


instead of if @person && @person.spouse

How do I read / convert an InputStream into a String in Java?

if You need to convert the string to a specific character set w/o external libraries then:

public String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
  try( ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ) {
    is.transferTo( baos );
    return baos.toString( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );

Call method in directive controller from other controller

You can also use events to trigger the Popdown.

Here's a fiddle based on satchmorun's solution. It dispenses with the PopdownAPI, and the top-level controller instead $broadcasts 'success' and 'error' events down the scope chain:

$scope.success = function(msg) { $scope.$broadcast('success', msg); };
$scope.error   = function(msg) { $scope.$broadcast('error', msg); };

The Popdown module then registers handler functions for these events, e.g:

$scope.$on('success', function(event, msg) {
    $scope.status = 'success';
    $scope.message = msg;

This works, at least, and seems to me to be a nicely decoupled solution. I'll let others chime in if this is considered poor practice for some reason.

C# winforms combobox dynamic autocomplete

In previous replies are drawbacks. Offers its own version with the selection in the drop down list the desired item:

    private ConnectSqlForm()
        cmbDatabases.TextChanged += UpdateAutoCompleteComboBox;
        cmbDatabases.KeyDown += AutoCompleteComboBoxKeyPress;

    private void UpdateAutoCompleteComboBox(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var comboBox = sender as ComboBox;
        if(comboBox == null)
        string txt = comboBox.Text;
        string foundItem = String.Empty;
        foreach(string item in comboBox.Items)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt) && item.ToLower().StartsWith(txt.ToLower()))
                foundItem = item;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(foundItem))
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt) || !txt.Equals(foundItem))
                comboBox.TextChanged -= UpdateAutoCompleteComboBox;
                comboBox.Text = foundItem;
                comboBox.DroppedDown = true;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                comboBox.TextChanged += UpdateAutoCompleteComboBox;

            comboBox.SelectionStart = txt.Length;
            comboBox.SelectionLength = foundItem.Length - txt.Length;
            comboBox.DroppedDown = false;

    private void AutoCompleteComboBoxKeyPress(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        var comboBox = sender as ComboBox;
        if (comboBox != null && comboBox.DroppedDown)
            switch (e.KeyCode)
                case Keys.Back:
                    int sStart = comboBox.SelectionStart;
                    if (sStart > 0)
                        comboBox.Text = sStart == 0 ? "" : comboBox.Text.Substring(0, sStart);
                    e.SuppressKeyPress = true;


:last-child not working as expected?

I encounter similar situation. I would like to have background of the last .item to be yellow in the elements that look like...

<div class="container">
  <div class="item">item 1</div>
  <div class="item">item 2</div>
  <div class="item">item 3</div>
  <div class="item">item x</div>
  <div class="other">I'm here for some reasons</div>

I use nth-last-child(2) to achieve it.

.item:nth-last-child(2) {
  background-color: yellow;

It strange to me because nth-last-child of item suppose to be the second of the last item but it works and I got the result as I expect. I found this helpful trick from CSS Trick

Increment a database field by 1

This is more a footnote to a number of the answers above which suggest the use of ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, BEWARE that this is NOT always replication safe, so if you ever plan on growing beyond a single server, you'll want to avoid this and use two queries, one to verify the existence, and then a second to either UPDATE when a row exists, or INSERT when it does not.

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found

I solved this issue on PHP 7.0.22-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 nginx

sudo apt-get install php7.0-soap

sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Java variable number or arguments for a method

That's correct. You can find more about it in the Oracle guide on varargs.

Here's an example:

void foo(String... args) {
    for (String arg : args) {

which can be called as

foo("foo"); // Single arg.
foo("foo", "bar"); // Multiple args.
foo("foo", "bar", "lol"); // Don't matter how many!
foo(new String[] { "foo", "bar" }); // Arrays are also accepted.
foo(); // And even no args.

How to extract custom header value in Web API message handler?

One line solution

var id = request.Headers.GetValues("MyCustomID").FirstOrDefault();

Getting cursor position in Python

Using pyautogui

To install

pip install pyautogui

and to find the location of the mouse pointer

import pyautogui

This will give the pixel location to which mouse pointer is at.

How to add browse file button to Windows Form using C#

OpenFileDialog fdlg = new OpenFileDialog();
fdlg.Title = "C# Corner Open File Dialog" ;
fdlg.InitialDirectory = @"c:\" ;
fdlg.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|All files (*.*)|*.*" ;
fdlg.FilterIndex = 2 ;
fdlg.RestoreDirectory = true ;
if(fdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
textBox1.Text = fdlg.FileName ;

In this code you can put your address in a text box.

Java RegEx meta character (.) and ordinary dot?

If you want the dot or other characters with a special meaning in regexes to be a normal character, you have to escape it with a backslash. Since regexes in Java are normal Java strings, you need to escape the backslash itself, so you need two backslashes e.g. \\.

How do I view the Explain Plan in Oracle Sql developer?

We use Oracle PL/SQL Developer(Version 12.0.7). And we use F5 button to view the explain plan.

How to iterate over arguments in a Bash script

Loop against $#, the number of arguments variable, works too.

#! /bin/bash

for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++))
  printf "${!i}\n"
done 1 2 '3 4'


3 4

git error: failed to push some refs to remote

Remember to commit your changes before pushing to Github repo. This might fix your problem.

PHP sessions default timeout

You can set the session time out in php.ini. The default value is 1440 seconds

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

; NOTE: If you are using the subdirectory option for storing session files
;       (see session.save_path above), then garbage collection does *not*
;       happen automatically.  You will need to do your own garbage
;       collection through a shell script, cron entry, or some other method.
;       For example, the following script would is the equivalent of
;       setting session.gc_maxlifetime to 1440 (1440 seconds = 24 minutes):
;          find /path/to/sessions -cmin +24 -type f | xargs rm

Classpath including JAR within a JAR

I was about to advise to extract all the files at the same level, then to make a jar out of the result, since the package system should keep them neatly separated. That would be the manual way, I suppose the tools indicated by Steve will do that nicely.

What is the iPad user agent?

(almost 10 years later...)

From iOS 13 the iPad's user agent has changed to Mac OS, for example:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0 Safari/605.1.15

read file in classpath

Try getting Spring to inject it, assuming you're using Spring as a dependency-injection framework.

In your class, do something like this:

public void setSqlResource(Resource sqlResource) {
    this.sqlResource = sqlResource;

And then in your application context file, in the bean definition, just set a property:

<bean id="someBean" class="...">
    <property name="sqlResource" value="classpath:com/somecompany/sql/sql.txt" />

And Spring should be clever enough to load up the file from the classpath and give it to your bean as a resource.

You could also look into PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, and store all your SQL in property files and just inject each one separately where needed. There are lots of options.

Counting number of occurrences in column?

A simpler approach to this

At the beginning of column B, type


Then in column C, use


and copy them in all row column C.

Edit: If that doesn't work for you, try using semicolon instead of comma:


Check if a string is html or not

Method #1. Here is the simple function to test if the string contains HTML data:

function isHTML(str) {
  var a = document.createElement('div');
  a.innerHTML = str;

  for (var c = a.childNodes, i = c.length; i--; ) {
    if (c[i].nodeType == 1) return true; 

  return false;

The idea is to allow browser DOM parser to decide if provided string looks like an HTML or not. As you can see it simply checks for ELEMENT_NODE (nodeType of 1).

I made a couple of tests and looks like it works:

isHTML('<a>this is a string</a>') // true
isHTML('this is a string')        // false
isHTML('this is a <b>string</b>') // true

This solution will properly detect HTML string, however it has side effect that img/vide/etc. tags will start downloading resource once parsed in innerHTML.

Method #2. Another method uses DOMParser and doesn't have loading resources side effects:

function isHTML(str) {
  var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/html");
  return Array.from(doc.body.childNodes).some(node => node.nodeType === 1);

1. Array.from is ES2015 method, can be replaced with []
2. Arrow function in some call can be replaced with usual anonymous function.

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient is not working in ie7

Having seen your fiddle in the comments the issue is quite easy to fix. You just need to add overflow:auto or set a specific height to your div. Live example:

    overflow:auto; /* add this */
    border:solid 1px #faa62a;
    padding:7px 10px;
    background:-moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FAD59F, #FA9907) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#fad59f), to(#fa9907));
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#fad59f, endColorstr=#fa9907);    
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#fad59f, endColorstr=#fa9907)";

Uploading multiple files using formData()

I found this work for me!

var fd = new FormData();
$.each($('.modal-banner [type=file]'), function(index, file) {
  fd.append('item[]', $('input[type=file]')[index].files[0]);

  type: 'POST',
  url: 'your/path/', 
  data: fd,
  dataType: 'json',
  contentType: false,
  processData: false,
  cache: false,
  success: function (response) {
  error: function(err){
}).done(function() {
  // do something....
return false;

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

RegEx is the way to go in most cases.

In some cases, it may be faster to specify more elements or the specific element to perform the replace on:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.myclass').each(function () {
        $('img').each(function () {
            $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('src').replace('_s.jpg', '_n.jpg'));

This does the replace once on each string, but it does it using a more specific selector.

How to split a string in two and store it in a field

I would suggest the following:

String[] parsedInput = str.split("\n"); String firstName = parsedInput[0].split(": ")[1]; String lastName = parsedInput[1].split(": ")[1]; myMap.put(firstName,lastName); 

UEFA/FIFA scores API is free and useful. The API is in active development, stable and recently the first versioned release called alpha was put online. Check the blog section to follow updates and changes.

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database


SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(testclob), '/DCResponse/ContextData/Field[@key="Decision"]') 
FROM traptabclob;

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

numpy: most efficient frequency counts for unique values in an array

Update: The method mentioned in the original answer is deprecated, we should use the new way instead:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = [1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1]
>>> np.array(np.unique(x, return_counts=True)).T
    array([[ 1,  5],
           [ 2,  3],
           [ 5,  1],
           [25,  1]])

Original answer:

you can use scipy.stats.itemfreq

>>> from scipy.stats import itemfreq
>>> x = [1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1]
>>> itemfreq(x)
/usr/local/bin/python:1: DeprecationWarning: `itemfreq` is deprecated! `itemfreq` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use instead `np.unique(..., return_counts=True)`
array([[  1.,   5.],
       [  2.,   3.],
       [  5.,   1.],
       [ 25.,   1.]])

Remove border from buttons

This seems to work for me perfectly.

button:focus { outline: none; }

Upgrading PHP on CentOS 6.5 (Final)

I managed to install php54w according to Simon's suggestion, but then my sites stopped working perhaps because of an incompatibility with php-mysql or some other module. Even frantically restoring the old situation was not amusing: for anyone in my own situation the sequence is:

sudo yum remove php54w
sudo yum remove php54w-common
sudo yum install php-common
sudo yum install php-mysql
sudo yum install php

It would be nice if someone submitted the full procedure to update all the php packet. That was my production server and my heart is still rapidly beating.

Generate a random number in a certain range in MATLAB

Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval [a, b].

      r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1);

How can I install the VS2017 version of msbuild on a build server without installing the IDE?

The Visual Studio Build tools are a different download than the IDE. They appear to be a pretty small subset, and they're called Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (download).

You can use the GUI to do the installation, or you can script the installation of msbuild:

vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --quiet

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools is a "wrapper" ID for the three subcomponents you need:

  • Microsoft.Component.MSBuild
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreBuildTools
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler

You can find documentation about the other available CLI switches here.

The build tools installation is much quicker than the full IDE. In my test, it took 5-10 seconds. With --quiet there is no progress indicator other than a brief cursor change. If the installation was successful, you should be able to see the build tools in %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin.

If you don't see them there, try running without --quiet to see any error messages that may occur during installation.

Aligning label and textbox on same line (left and right)

You should use CSS to align the textbox. The reason your code above does not work is because by default a div's width is the same as the container it's in, therefore in your example it is pushed below.

The following would work.

<td  colspan="2" class="cell">
                <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>        
                <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" CssClass="righttextbox"></asp:TextBox>       

In your CSS file:



Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line

That's more specifically a ternary operator expression than an if-then, here's the python syntax

value_when_true if condition else value_when_false

Better Example: (thanks Mr. Burns)

'Yes' if fruit == 'Apple' else 'No'

Now with assignment and contrast with if syntax

fruit = 'Apple'
isApple = True if fruit == 'Apple' else False


fruit = 'Apple'
isApple = False
if fruit == 'Apple' : isApple = True

regex match any whitespace

Your regex should work 'as-is'. Assuming that it is doing what you want it to.

wordA(\s*)wordB(?! wordc)

This means match wordA followed by 0 or more spaces followed by wordB, but do not match if followed by wordc. Note the single space between ?! and wordc which means that wordA wordB wordc will not match, but wordA wordB wordc will.

Here are some example matches and the associated replacement output:

enter image description here

Note that all matches are replaced no matter how many spaces. There are a couple of other points: -

  • (?! wordc) is a negative lookahead, so you wont match lines wordA wordB wordc which is assume is intended (and is why the last line is not matched). Currently you are relying on the space after ?! to match the whitespace. You may want to be more precise and use (?!\swordc). If you want to match against more than one space before wordc you can use (?!\s*wordc) for 0 or more spaces or (?!\s*+wordc) for 1 or more spaces depending on what your intention is. Of course, if you do want to match lines with wordc after wordB then you shouldn't use a negative lookahead.

  • * will match 0 or more spaces so it will match wordAwordB. You may want to consider + if you want at least one space.

  • (\s*) - the brackets indicate a capturing group. Are you capturing the whitespace to a group for a reason? If not you could just remove the brackets, i.e. just use \s.

Update based on comment

Hello the problem is not the expression but the HTML out put   that are not considered as whitespace. it's a Joomla website.

Preserving your original regex you can use:


The only difference is that not the regex matches whitespace OR &nbsp;. I replaced wordc with \swordc since that is more explicit. Note as I have already pointed out that the negative lookahead ?! will not match when wordB is followed by a single whitespace and wordc. If you want to match multiple whitespaces then see my comments above. I also preserved the capture group around the whitespace, if you don't want this then remove the brackets as already described above.

Example matches:

enter image description here

Example JavaScript code to parse CSV data

Regular expressions to the rescue! These few lines of code handle properly quoted fields with embedded commas, quotes, and newlines based on the RFC 4180 standard.

function parseCsv(data, fieldSep, newLine) {
    fieldSep = fieldSep || ',';
    newLine = newLine || '\n';
    var nSep = '\x1D';
    var qSep = '\x1E';
    var cSep = '\x1F';
    var nSepRe = new RegExp(nSep, 'g');
    var qSepRe = new RegExp(qSep, 'g');
    var cSepRe = new RegExp(cSep, 'g');
    var fieldRe = new RegExp('(?<=(^|[' + fieldSep + '\\n]))"(|[\\s\\S]+?(?<![^"]"))"(?=($|[' + fieldSep + '\\n]))', 'g');
    var grid = [];
    data.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/\n+$/, '').replace(fieldRe, function(match, p1, p2) {
        return p2.replace(/\n/g, nSep).replace(/""/g, qSep).replace(/,/g, cSep);
    }).split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) {
        var row = line.split(fieldSep).map(function(cell) {
            return cell.replace(nSepRe, newLine).replace(qSepRe, '"').replace(cSepRe, ',');
    return grid;

const csv = 'A1,B1,C1\n"A ""2""","B, 2","C\n2"';
const separator = ',';      // field separator, default: ','
const newline = ' <br /> '; // newline representation in case a field contains newlines, default: '\n' 
var grid = parseCsv(csv, separator, newline);
// expected: [ [ 'A1', 'B1', 'C1' ], [ 'A "2"', 'B, 2', 'C <br /> 2' ] ]

You don't need a parser-generator such as lex/yacc. The regular expression handles RFC 4180 properly thanks to positive lookbehind, negative lookbehind, and positive lookahead.

Clone/download code at

Stylesheet not updating

This may be a result of your server config, some hosting providers enable "Varnish" on your domain. This caching HTTP reverse proxy, is used to speed up delivery. One could try to disable varnish on the cpanel (assuming that you have one) and check if it was that.

How to change resolution (DPI) of an image?

You have to copy the bits over a new image with the target resolution, like this:

    using (Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("file.jpg"))
        using (Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap))
            newBitmap.SetResolution(300, 300);
            newBitmap.Save("file300.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);