Programs & Examples On #Trace listener

JPA & Criteria API - Select only specific columns

First of all, I don't really see why you would want an object having only ID and Version, and all other props to be nulls. However, here is some code which will do that for you (which doesn't use JPA Em, but normal Hibernate. I assume you can find the equivalence in JPA or simply obtain the Hibernate Session obj from the em delegate Accessing Hibernate Session from EJB using EntityManager ):

List<T> results = session.createCriteria(entityClazz)
    .setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
        .add( Property.forName("ID") )
        .add( Property.forName("VERSION") )

This will return a list of Objects having their ID and Version set and all other props to null, as the aliasToBean transformer won't be able to find them. Again, I am uncertain I can think of a situation where I would want to do that.

How to write UTF-8 in a CSV file

A very simple hack is to use the json import instead of csv. For example instead of csv.writer just do the following:

    fd =, 'wb', 'utf-8')  
    for c in whatever :
        fd.write( json.dumps(c) [1:-1] )   # json dumps writes ["a",..]

Basically, given the list of fields in correct order, the json formatted string is identical to a csv line except for [ and ] at the start and end respectively. And json seems to be robust to utf-8 in python 2.*

Simultaneously merge multiple data.frames in a list

Another question asked specifically how to perform multiple left joins using dplyr in R . The question was marked as a duplicate of this one so I answer here, using the 3 sample data frames below:

x <- data.frame(i = c("a","b","c"), j = 1:3, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
y <- data.frame(i = c("b","c","d"), k = 4:6, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
z <- data.frame(i = c("c","d","a"), l = 7:9, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Update June 2018: I divided the answer in three sections representing three different ways to perform the merge. You probably want to use the purrr way if you are already using the tidyverse packages. For comparison purposes below, you'll find a base R version using the same sample dataset.

1) Join them with reduce from the purrr package:

The purrr package provides a reduce function which has a concise syntax:

list(x, y, z) %>% reduce(left_join, by = "i")
#  A tibble: 3 x 4
#  i       j     k     l
#  <chr> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 a      1    NA     9
# 2 b      2     4    NA
# 3 c      3     5     7

You can also perform other joins, such as a full_join or inner_join:

list(x, y, z) %>% reduce(full_join, by = "i")
# A tibble: 4 x 4
# i       j     k     l
# <chr> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 a     1     NA     9
# 2 b     2     4      NA
# 3 c     3     5      7
# 4 d     NA    6      8

list(x, y, z) %>% reduce(inner_join, by = "i")
# A tibble: 1 x 4
# i       j     k     l
# <chr> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 c     3     5     7

2) dplyr::left_join() with base R Reduce():

list(x,y,z) %>%
    Reduce(function(dtf1,dtf2) left_join(dtf1,dtf2,by="i"), .)

#   i j  k  l
# 1 a 1 NA  9
# 2 b 2  4 NA
# 3 c 3  5  7

3) Base R merge() with base R Reduce():

And for comparison purposes, here is a base R version of the left join based on Charles's answer.

 Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2) merge(dtf1, dtf2, by = "i", all.x = TRUE),
#   i j  k  l
# 1 a 1 NA  9
# 2 b 2  4 NA
# 3 c 3  5  7

How to verify an XPath expression in Chrome Developers tool or Firefox's Firebug?

Another option to check your xpath is to use selenium IDE.

  1. Install Firefox Selenium IDE
  2. Open your application in FireFox and open IDE
  3. In IDE, on a new line, paste your xpath to the target and click Find. The corresponding element would be highlighted in your application

Selenium IDE

Android - how do I investigate an ANR?

You need to look for "waiting to lock" in /data/anr/traces.txt file

enter image description here

for more details: Engineer for High Performance with Tools from Android & Play (Google I/O '17)

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

I had the same issue. For me, depending on a user's permission level, some links, buttons and other elements will not show on the page. Part of my suite was testing that the elements that SHOULD be missing, are missing. I spent hours trying to figure this out. I finally found the perfect solution.

What this does, is tells the browser to look for any and all elements based specified. If it results in 0, that means no elements based on the specification was found. Then i have the code execute an if statement to let me know it was not found.

This is in C#, so translations would need to be done to Java. But shouldnt be too hard.

public void verifyPermission(string link)
    IList<IWebElement> adminPermissions = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector(link));
    if (adminPermissions.Count == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("User's permission properly hidden");

There's also another path you can take depending on what you need for your test.

The following snippet is checking to see if a very specific element exists on the page. Depending on the element's existence I have the test execute an if else.

If the element exists and is displayed on the page, I have console.write let me know and move on. If the element in question exists, I cannot execute the test I needed, which is the main reasoning behind needing to set this up.

If the element Does Not exists, and is not displayed on the page. I have the else in the if else execute the test.

IList<IWebElement> deviceNotFound = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("CSS LINK GOES HERE"));
//if the element specified above results in more than 0 elements and is displayed on page execute the following, otherwise execute whats in the else statement
if (deviceNotFound.Count > 0 && deviceNotFound[0].Displayed){
    //script to execute if element is found
} else {
    //Test script goes here.

I know I'm a little late on the response to the OP. Hopefully this helps someone!

Copy Files from Windows to the Ubuntu Subsystem

You should be able to access your windows system under the /mnt directory. For example inside of bash, use this to get to your pictures directory:

cd /mnt/c/Users/<ubuntu.username>/Pictures

Hope this helps!

How to fix symbol lookup error: undefined symbol errors in a cluster environment

yum update

helped me out. After I had

wget: symbol lookup error: wget: undefined symbol: psl_latest

Angular - ui-router get previous state

I am stuck with same issue and find the easiest way to do this...

<button type="button" onclick="history.back()">Back</button>


<button type="button" ng-click="goBack()">Back</button>

$scope.goBack = function() {

(If you want it to be more testable, inject the $window service into your controller and use $window.history.back()).

Apache won't start in wamp

If you have an issue in the httpd.conf or any files included by it there are a couple of ways to find out what the problem is

First look at your Windows Event Viewer. Click on the Windows link in the menu on the left, and then submenu Applications. Look for messages from Apache with the red error icon.

Secondly, open a command window, then CD into \wamp\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\bin, replace x,y with your actual version. Now you can run this command to get Apache(httpd) to vaidate the httpd.conf file.

httpd.exe -t

This should give errors with line numbers related to the http.conf file. It stops on the first error, so you will have to keep running it and fixing the error and then run it again until it gives the all OK message.

How do I print output in new line in PL/SQL?

You can concatenate the CR and LF:


(on windows)

or just:



dbms_output.put_line('Hi,'||chr(13)||chr(10) ||'good' || chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'morning' ||chr(13)||chr(10) || 'friends');

SQL Error: ORA-00936: missing expression

You did two mistakes . I think you misplace FROM and WHERE keywords.

SELECT DISTINCT Description, Date as treatmentDate
     FROM doothey.Patient P, doothey.Account A, doothey.AccountLine AL,  doothey.Item.I --Here you use "." operator to "I" alias 
  WHERE  -- WHERE should be located here. 
   P.PatientID = A.PatientID
    AND A.AccountNo = AL.AccountNo
    AND AL.ItemNo = I.ItemNo
    AND (p.FamilyName = 'Stange' AND p.GivenName = 'Jessie');

How to embed PDF file with responsive width

<style type="text/css">
#wrapper{ width:100%; float:left; height:auto; border:1px solid #5694cf;}
<div id="wrapper">
<object data="" width="100%" height="100%">
<p>Your web browser doesn't have a PDF Plugin. Instead you can <a href=""> Click
here to download the PDF</a></p>

ASP.NET MVC - Attaching an entity of type 'MODELNAME' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value

Here what I did in the similar case.

That sitatuation means that same entity has already been existed in the context.So following can help

First check from ChangeTracker if the entity is in the context

var trackedEntries=GetContext().ChangeTracker.Entries<YourEntityType>().ToList();

var isAlreadyTracked =
                    trackedEntries.Any(trackedItem => trackedItem.Entity.Id ==myEntityToSave.Id);

If it exists

  if (isAlreadyTracked)
                myEntityToSave= trackedEntries.First(trackedItem => trackedItem.Entity.Id == myEntityToSave.Id).Entity;

//Attach or Modify depending on your needs

How to reload page every 5 seconds?

If you are developing and testing in Firefox, there's a plug-in called "ReloadEvery" is available, which allows you to reload the page at the specified intervals.

How to view DLL functions?

Use dumpbin command-line.

  • dumpbin /IMPORTS <path-to-file> should provide the function imported into that DLL.
  • dumpbin /EXPORTS <path-to-file> should provide the functions it exports.

Validate form field only on submit or user input

Invoking of validation on form element could be handled by triggering change event on this element:

a) exemple: trigger change on separated element in form


b) exemple: trigger change event for each of form elements for example on ng-submit, ng-click, ng-blur ...

vm.triggerChangeForFormElements = function() {
    // trigger change event for each of form elements
    angular.forEach($scope.formName, function (element, name) {
        if (!name.startsWith('$')) {

c) and one more way for that

    var handdleChange = function(form){
        var formFields = angular.element(form)[0].$$controls;
        angular.forEach(formFields, function(field){

How to return result of a SELECT inside a function in PostgreSQL?

Hi please check the below link


CREATE FUNCTION sum_n_product_with_tab (x int)
RETURNS TABLE(sum int, product int) AS $$
    SELECT $1 + tab.y, $1 * tab.y FROM tab;

Where does VBA Debug.Print log to?

Debug.Print outputs to the "Immediate" window.

Debug.Print outputs to the Immediate window

Also, you can simply type ? and then a statement directly into the immediate window (and then press Enter) and have the output appear right below, like this:

simply type ? and then a statement directly into the immediate window

This can be very handy to quickly output the property of an object...

? set the property of an object... = "thingy"

...or to even execute a function or line of code, while in debugging mode:


How to center the text in PHPExcel merged cell

We can also set the vertical alignment with using this way

$style_cell = array(
   'alignment' => array(
       'horizontal' => PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
       'vertical' => PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER,

with this cell set the vertically aligned into the middle.

git push rejected: error: failed to push some refs

What I did to solve the problem was:

git pull origin [branch]
git push origin [branch]

Also make sure that you are pointing to the right branch by running:

git remote set-url origin [url]

Filename too long in Git for Windows

You should be able to run the command

git config --system core.longpaths true

or add it to one of your Git configuration files manually to turn this functionality on, once you are on a supported version of Git. It looks like maybe 1.9.0 and after.

How to place and center text in an SVG rectangle

If you are creating the SVG programmatically you can simplify it and do something like this:

      <rect x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />
          x={x + width / 2}
          y={y + height / 2}

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

The most important part about $ is that it has the lowest operator precedence.

If you type info you'll see this:

?> :info ($)
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
    -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
infixr 0 $

This tells us it is an infix operator with right-associativity that has the lowest possible precedence. Normal function application is left-associative and has highest precedence (10). So $ is something of the opposite.

So then we use it where normal function application or using () doesn't work.

So, for example, this works:

?> head . sort $ "example"
?> e

but this does not:

?> head . sort "example"

because . has lower precedence than sort and the type of (sort "example") is [Char]

?> :type (sort "example")
(sort "example") :: [Char]

But . expects two functions and there isn't a nice short way to do this because of the order of operations of sort and .

add maven repository to build.gradle

You have to add repositories to your build file. For maven repositories you have to prefix repository name with maven{}

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }

How to generate a HTML page dynamically using PHP?

I've been working kind of similar to this and I have some code that might help you. The live example is here and below, is the code I'm using for you to have it as reference.



// Session is started.

// Name of the template file.
$template_file = 'couples-template.php';

// Root folder if working in subdirectory. Name is up to you ut must match with server's folder.
$base_path = '/couple/';

// Path to the directory where you store the "couples-template.php" file.
$template_path = '../template/';

// Path to the directory where php will store the auto-generated couple's pages.
$couples_path = '../couples/';

// Posted data.
$data['groom-name'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['groom-name']);
$data['bride-name'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['bride-name']);
// $data['groom-surname'] = $_POST['groom-surname'];
// $data['bride-surname'] = $_POST['bride-surname'];
$data['wedding-date'] = $_POST['wedding-date'];
$data['email'] = $_POST['email'];
$data['code'] = str_replace(array('/', '-', ' '), '', $_POST['wedding-date']).strtoupper(substr($data['groom-name'], 0, 1)).urlencode('&').strtoupper(substr($data['bride-name'], 0, 1));

// Data array (Should match with data above's order).
$placeholders = array('{groom-name}', '{bride-name}', '{wedding-date}', '{email}', '{code}');

// Get the couples-template.php as a string.
$template = file_get_contents($template_path.$template_file);

// Fills the template.
$new_file = str_replace($placeholders, $data, $template);

// Generates couple's URL and makes it frendly and lowercase.
$couples_url = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($data['groom-name'].'-'.$data['bride-name'].'.php'));

// Save file into couples directory.
$fp = fopen($couples_path.$couples_url, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $new_file);

// Set the variables to pass them to success page.
$_SESSION['couples_url'] = $couples_url;
// If working in root directory.
$_SESSION['couples_path'] = str_replace('.', '', $couples_path);
// If working in a sub directory.
//$_SESSION['couples_path'] = substr_replace($base_path, '', -1).str_replace('.', '',$couples_path);

header('Location: success.php');


Hope this file can help and work as reference to start and boost your project.

How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file?

Try the following configuration:

log4j.rootLogger=TRACE, stdout

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.debugLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.reportsLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.category.debugLogger=TRACE, debugLog

log4j.category.reportsLogger=DEBUG, reportsLog

Then configure the loggers in the Java code accordingly:

static final Logger debugLog = Logger.getLogger("debugLogger");
static final Logger resultLog = Logger.getLogger("reportsLogger");

Do you want output to go to stdout? If not, change the first line of to:


and get rid of the stdout lines.

Creating a pandas DataFrame from columns of other DataFrames with similar indexes

Well, I'm not sure that merge would be the way to go. Personally I would build a new data frame by creating an index of the dates and then constructing the columns using list comprehensions. Possibly not the most pythonic way, but it seems to work for me!

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), index=pd.date_range('01/02/2014',periods=5,freq='D'), columns=['a','b','c'] )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8,3), index=pd.date_range('01/01/2014',periods=8,freq='D'), columns=['a','b','c'] )

# Create an index list from the set of dates in both data frames
Index = list(set(list(df1.index) + list(df2.index)))

df3 = pd.DataFrame({'df1': [df1.loc[Date, 'c'] if Date in df1.index else np.nan for Date in Index],\
                'df2': [df2.loc[Date, 'c'] if Date in df2.index else np.nan for Date in Index],},\
                index = Index)


Removing a model in rails (reverse of "rails g model Title...")

Here's a different implementation of Jenny Lang's answer that works for Rails 5.

First create the migration file:

bundle exec be rails g migration DropEpisodes

Then populate the migration file as follows:

class DropEpisodes < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
  def change
    drop_table :episodes

Running rails db:migrate will drop the table. If you run rails db:rollback, Rails will throw a ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration error.

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

Fibonacci sequence is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ....

That is f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ..., f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2).

My favorite implementation (simplest and yet achieves a light speed in compare to other implementations) is this:

def fibonacci(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    for _ in range(1, n):
        a, b = b, a + b
    return b


>>> [fibonacci(i) for i in range(1, 10)]
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]


>>> %%time
>>> fibonacci(100**3)
CPU times: user 9.65 s, sys: 9.44 ms, total: 9.66 s
Wall time: 9.66 s

Edit: an example visualization for this implementations.

C# string replace

You can't use one string is assigned you cannot manipulate. For that, we use string builder. Here is my example. In the HTML page I add [Name] which is replaced by Name. Make sure [Name] is unique or you can give any unique name:

string Name = txtname.Text;
string contents = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Admin/invoice.html"));

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(contents);

builder.Replace("[Name]", Name);

StringReader sr = new StringReader(builder.ToString());

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

This solution also gives the direction to search in the given board


1. Uses trie to save all the word in the english to fasten the search
2. The uses DFS to search the words in Boggle


Found "pic" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ?
Found "pick" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ? ?
Found "pickman" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ? ? ? ? ?
Found "picket" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ? ? ? ?
Found "picked" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ? ? ? ?
Found "pickle" directions from (4,0)(p) go  ? ? ? ? ?


from collections import defaultdict
from nltk.corpus import words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

english_words = words.words()

# If you wan to remove stop words
# stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
# english_words = [w for w in english_words if w not in stop_words]

boggle = [
    ['c', 'n', 't', 's', 's'],
    ['d', 'a', 't', 'i', 'n'],
    ['o', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'l'],
    ['s', 'i', 'k', 'n', 'd'],
    ['p', 'i', 'c', 'l', 'e']

# Instead of X and Y co-ordinates
# better to use Row and column
lenc = len(boggle[0])
lenr = len(boggle)

# Initialize trie datastructure
trie_node = {'valid': False, 'next': {}}

# lets get the delta to find all the nighbors
neighbors_delta = [
    (-1,-1, "?"),
    (-1, 0, "?"),
    (-1, 1, "?"),
    (0, -1, "?"),
    (0,  1, "?"),
    (1, -1, "?"),
    (1,  0, "?"),
    (1,  1, "?"),

def gen_trie(word, node):
    """udpates the trie datastructure using the given word"""
    if not word:

    if word[0] not in node:
        node[word[0]] = {'valid': len(word) == 1, 'next': {}}

    # recursively build trie
    gen_trie(word[1:], node[word[0]])

def build_trie(words, trie):
    """Builds trie data structure from the list of words given"""
    for word in words:
        gen_trie(word, trie)
    return trie

def get_neighbors(r, c):
    """Returns the neighbors for a given co-ordinates"""
    n = []
    for neigh in neighbors_delta:
        new_r = r + neigh[0]
        new_c = c + neigh[1]

        if (new_r >= lenr) or (new_c >= lenc) or (new_r < 0) or (new_c < 0):
        n.append((new_r, new_c, neigh[2]))
    return n

def dfs(r, c, visited, trie, now_word, direction):
    """Scan the graph using DFS"""
    if (r, c) in visited:

    letter = boggle[r][c]
    visited.append((r, c))

    if letter in trie:
        now_word += letter

        if trie[letter]['valid']:
            print('Found "{}" {}'.format(now_word, direction))

        neighbors = get_neighbors(r, c)
        for n in neighbors:
            dfs(n[0], n[1], visited[::], trie[letter], now_word, direction + " " + n[2])

def main(trie_node):
    """Initiate the search for words in boggle"""
    trie_node = build_trie(english_words, trie_node)

    # print the board
    print("Given board")
    for i in range(lenr):print (boggle[i])
    print ('\n')

    for r in range(lenr):
        for c in range(lenc):
            letter = boggle[r][c]
            dfs(r, c, [], trie_node, '', 'directions from ({},{})({}) go '.format(r, c, letter))

if __name__ == '__main__':

div inside table

you can put div tags inside a td tag, but not directly inside a table or tr tag. examples:

this works:

    <td> _x000D_
      <div>This will work.</div> _x000D_

this does not work:

    <div> this does not work. </div> _x000D_

nor does this work:

  <div> this does not work. </div>_x000D_

Django. Override save for model

I have found one another simple way to store the data into the database

class LinkModel(models.Model):
    link = models.CharField(max_length=500)
    shortLink = models.CharField(max_length=30,unique=True)

In database I have only 2 variables

class HomeView(TemplateView):
    def post(self,request, *args, **kwargs):
        form = LinkForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():
            text = form.cleaned_data['link'] # text for link

        dbobj = LinkModel() = text = self.gen.generateShortLink() # no for shortLink
        dbobj.shortLink = str(         # Saving from

In this I have created the instance of model in only and putting/saving data into 2 variables from views only.

Printing object properties in Powershell

Try this:

Write-Host ($obj | Format-Table | Out-String)


Write-Host ($obj | Format-List | Out-String)

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

Try this in the console:


Here is what you will get:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:1:6

In other words, your app is attempting to parse undefined, which is not valid JSON.

There are two common causes for this. The first is that you may be referencing a non-existent property (or even a non-existent variable if not in strict mode).

window.foobar = '{"some":"data"}';
JSON.parse(window.foobarn)  // oops, misspelled!

The second common cause is failure to receive the JSON in the first place, which could be caused by client side scripts that ignore errors and send a request when they shouldn't.

Make sure both your server-side and client-side scripts are running in strict mode and lint them using ESLint. This will give you pretty good confidence that there are no typos.

PDO with INSERT INTO through prepared statements

Thanks to Novocaine88's answer to use a try catch loop I have successfully received an error message when I caused one.

    $dbhost = "localhost";
    $dbname = "pdo";
    $dbusername = "root";
    $dbpassword = "845625";

    $link = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbusername, $dbpassword);

    try {
        $statement = $link->prepare("INERT INTO testtable(name, lastname, age)

    } catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();

In the following code instead of INSERT INTO it says INERT.

this is the error I got.

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'INERT INTO testtable(name, lastname, age) VALUES('Bob','Desaunoi' at line 1

When I "fix" the issue, it works as it should. Thanks alot everyone!

In NetBeans how do I change the Default JDK?

If I remember correctly, you'll need to set the netbeans_jdkhome property in your netbeans config file. Should be in your etc/netbeans.conf file.

Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

Building off of Mamboking's answer:

ContractsDao mock_contractsDao = mock(ContractsDao.class);
when("Some result");

m_orderSvc.m_contractsDao = mock_contractsDao;
m_prog = new ProcessOrdersWorker(m_orderSvc, m_opportunitySvc, m_myprojectOrgSvc);; 

Addressing your request to verify whether the argument contains a certain value, I could assume you mean that the argument is a String and you want to test whether the String argument contains a substring. For this you could do:

ArgumentCaptor<String> savedCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
assertTrue(savedCaptor.getValue().contains("substring I want to find");

If that assumption was wrong, and the argument to save() is a collection of some kind, it would be only slightly different:

ArgumentCaptor<Collection<MyType>> savedCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Collection.class);

You might also check into ArgumentMatchers, if you know how to use Hamcrest matchers.

sub and gsub function?

That won't work if the string contains more than one match... try this:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; system( "echo "  $0) }'

or better (if the echo isn't a placeholder for something else):

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; print $0 }'

In your case you want to make a copy of the value before changing it:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ c=$0; gsub("/", "_", c) ; system( "echo " $0 " " c )}'

Using current time in UTC as default value in PostgreSQL

These are 2 equivalent solutions:

(in the following code, you should substitute 'UTC' for zone and now() for timestamp)

  1. timestamp AT TIME ZONE zone - SQL-standard-conforming
  2. timezone(zone, timestamp) - arguably more readable

The function timezone(zone, timestamp) is equivalent to the SQL-conforming construct timestamp AT TIME ZONE zone.


  • zone can be specified either as a text string (e.g., 'UTC') or as an interval (e.g., INTERVAL '-08:00') - here is a list of all available time zones
  • timestamp can be any value of type timestamp
  • now() returns a value of type timestamp (just what we need) with your database's default time zone attached (e.g. 2018-11-11T12:07:22.3+05:00).
  • timezone('UTC', now()) turns our current time (of type timestamp with time zone) into the timezonless equivalent in UTC.
    E.g., SELECT timestamp with time zone '2020-03-16 15:00:00-05' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' will return 2020-03-16T20:00:00Z.

Docs: timezone()

setting y-axis limit in matplotlib

If an axes (generated by code below the code shown in the question) is sharing the range with the first axes, make sure that you set the range after the last plot of that axes.

Online Internet Explorer Simulators

You could try Firebug Lite

It's a pure JavaScript-implementation of Firebug that runs directly in any browser (at least in all major ones: IE6+, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome)

You'll still need the VM to actually run IE, but at least you'll get a quicker testing cycle.

How do I get the last character of a string using an Excel function?

Just another way to do this:

=MID(A1, LEN(A1), 1)

Fastest JSON reader/writer for C++

rapidjson is a C++ JSON parser/generator designed to be fast and small memory footprint.

There is a performance comparison with YAJL and JsonCPP.


I created an open source project Native JSON benchmark, which evaluates 29 (and increasing) C/C++ JSON libraries, in terms of conformance and performance. This should be an useful reference.

The localhost page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

First of all check error log in the path that your webserver indicates. Then maybe the browser is showing friendly error messages, so disable it.

Prevent form submission on Enter key press

A react js solution

 handleChange: function(e) {
    if (e.key == 'Enter') {

    <Input type="text"
       ref = "input"

Vertical Alignment of text in a table cell


td.description {_x000D_
  line-height: 15px_x000D_
<td class="description">Description</td>

Set the line-height value to the desired value.

Find and Replace Inside a Text File from a Bash Command

File manipulation isn't normally done by Bash, but by programs invoked by Bash, e.g.:

perl -pi -e 's/abc/XYZ/g' /tmp/file.txt

The -i flag tells it to do an in-place replacement.

See man perlrun for more details, including how to take a backup of the original file.

LinkButton Send Value to Code Behind OnClick

Just add to the CommandArgument parameter and read it out on the Click handler:

<asp:LinkButton ID="ENameLinkBtn" runat="server" 
    style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 8pt;" CommandArgument="YourValueHere" 
    OnClick="ENameLinkBtn_Click" >

Then in your click event:

protected void ENameLinkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)(sender);
    string yourValue = btn.CommandArgument;
    // do what you need here

Also you can set the CommandArgument argument when binding if you are using the LinkButton in any bindable controls by doing:

CommandArgument='<%# Eval("SomeFieldYouNeedArguementFrom") %>'

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

You can track all calls to [ASIdentifierManager advertisingIdentifier] with symbolic breakpoint in Xcode: enter image description here

How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model

The other answers are not working for me - they may be outdated. This is what I used as my solution for auto setting an attribute:

 * The "booting" method of the model.
 * @return void
protected static function boot()

    // auto-sets values on creation
    static::creating(function ($query) {
        $query->is_voicemail = $query->is_voicemail ?? true;

Check string length in PHP

Because $xml->xpath always return an array, and strlen expects a string.

Groovy built-in REST/HTTP client?

You can take advantage of Groovy features like with(), improvements to URLConnection, and simplified getters/setters:


String getResult = new URL('http://mytestsite/bloop').text


String postResult
((HttpURLConnection)new URL('http://mytestsite/bloop').openConnection()).with({
    requestMethod = 'POST'
    doOutput = true
    setRequestProperty('Content-Type', '...') // Set your content type.
    outputStream.withPrintWriter({printWriter ->
        printWriter.write('...') // Your post data. Could also use withWriter() if you don't want to write a String.
    // Can check 'responseCode' here if you like.
    postResult = inputStream.text // Using 'inputStream.text' because 'content' will throw an exception when empty.

Note, the POST will start when you try to read a value from the HttpURLConnection, such as responseCode, inputStream.text, or getHeaderField('...').

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

What I believe user2087510 meant was:

name = 'something'
name = name.replace("'", "\\'")

I have also used this with success.

Carry Flag, Auxiliary Flag and Overflow Flag in Assembly

Carry Flag

The rules for turning on the carry flag in binary/integer math are two:

  1. The carry flag is set if the addition of two numbers causes a carry out of the most significant (leftmost) bits added. 1111 + 0001 = 0000 (carry flag is turned on)

  2. The carry (borrow) flag is also set if the subtraction of two numbers requires a borrow into the most significant (leftmost) bits subtracted. 0000 - 0001 = 1111 (carry flag is turned on) Otherwise, the carry flag is turned off (zero).

    • 0111 + 0001 = 1000 (carry flag is turned off [zero])
    • 1000 - 0001 = 0111 (carry flag is turned off [zero])

In unsigned arithmetic, watch the carry flag to detect errors.

In signed arithmetic, the carry flag tells you nothing interesting.

Overflow Flag

The rules for turning on the overflow flag in binary/integer math are two:

  1. If the sum of two numbers with the sign bits off yields a result number with the sign bit on, the "overflow" flag is turned on. 0100 + 0100 = 1000 (overflow flag is turned on)

  2. If the sum of two numbers with the sign bits on yields a result number with the sign bit off, the "overflow" flag is turned on. 1000 + 1000 = 0000 (overflow flag is turned on)

Otherwise the "overflow" flag is turned off

  • 0100 + 0001 = 0101 (overflow flag is turned off)
  • 0110 + 1001 = 1111 (overflow flag turned off)
  • 1000 + 0001 = 1001 (overflow flag turned off)
  • 1100 + 1100 = 1000 (overflow flag is turned off)

Note that you only need to look at the sign bits (leftmost) of the three numbers to decide if the overflow flag is turned on or off.

If you are doing two's complement (signed) arithmetic, overflow flag on means the answer is wrong - you added two positive numbers and got a negative, or you added two negative numbers and got a positive.

If you are doing unsigned arithmetic, the overflow flag means nothing and should be ignored.

For more clarification please refer:

Make EditText ReadOnly

If you just want to be able to copy text from the control but not be able to edit it you might want to use a TextView instead and set text is selectable.


// myTextView.setSelectAllOnFocus(true);



The documentation of setTextIsSelectable says:

When you call this method to set the value of textIsSelectable, it sets the flags focusable, focusableInTouchMode, clickable, and longClickable to the same value...

However I had to explicitly set focusable and focusableInTouchMode to true to make it work with touch input.

Wrap text in <td> tag

Apply classes to your TDs, apply the appropriate widths (remember to leave one of them without a width so it assumes the remainder of the width), then apply the appropriate styles. Copy and paste the code below into an editor and view in a browser to see it function.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
td { vertical-align: top; }
.leftcolumn { background: #CCC; width: 20%; padding: 10px; }
.centercolumn { background: #999; padding: 10px; width: 15%; }
.rightcolumn { background: #666; padding: 10px; }

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="leftcolumn">This is the left column. It is set to 20% width.</td>
    <td class="centercolumn">
        <p>I want to wrap a text that is added to the TD. I have tried with style="word-wrap: break-word;" width="15%". But the wrap is not happening. Is it mandatory to give 100% width ? But I have got other controls to display so only 15% width available.</p>
        <p>Need help.</p>
    <td class="rightcolumn">This is the right column, it has no width so it assumes the remainder from the 15% and 20% assumed by the others. By default, if a width is applied and no white-space declarations are made, your text will automatically wrap.</td>

How to create standard Borderless buttons (like in the design guideline mentioned)?

Late answer, but many views. As APIs < 11 ain't dead yet, for those interested here is a trick.

Let your container have the desired color (may be transparent). Then give your buttons a selector with default transparent color, and some color when pressed. That way you'll have a transparent button, but will change color when pressed (like holo's). You can also add some animation (like holo's). The selector should be something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" 
     <item android:state_pressed="true"
         android:drawable="@color/blue" />

   <item android:drawable="@color/transparent" />

And the button should have android:background="@drawable/selector_transparent_button"

PS: let you container have the dividers (android:divider='@android:drawable/... for API < 11)

PS [Newbies]: you should define those colors in values/colors.xml

Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL':

I fixed it downloading the latest version from GgitHub GitHub url

HTTP Status 504

CheckUpDown has a nice explanation of the 504 error:

A server (not necessarily a Web server) is acting as a gateway or proxy to fulfil the request by the client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) to access the requested URL. This server did not receive a timely response from an upstream server it accessed to deal with your HTTP request.

This usually means that the upstream server is down (no response to the gateway/proxy), rather than that the upstream server and the gateway/proxy do not agree on the protocol for exchanging data.

This problem is entirely due to slow IP communication between back-end computers, possibly including the Web server. Only the people who set up the network at the site which hosts the Web server can fix this problem.

Javascript get Object property Name

If you want to get the key name of myVar object then you can use Object.keys() for this purpose.

var result = Object.keys(myVar); 

alert(result[0]) // result[0] alerts typeA

CSS - Syntax to select a class within an id

Just needed to drill down to the last li.

    #navigation li .navigationLevel2 li

ArrayAdapter in android to create simple listview

The TextView resource id it needs is for a TextView layout file, so it won't be in the same activity.

You can create it by going to File > New > XML > XML Layout File, and enter the widget type, which is 'TextView' in the root tag field.


How to determine the first and last iteration in a foreach loop?

Simply this works!

// Set the array pointer to the last key
// Store the last key
$lastkey = key($array);  
foreach($array as $key => $element) { array stuff
    if ($lastkey === key($array))
        echo 'THE LAST ELEMENT! '.$array[$lastkey];

Thank you @billynoah for your sorting out the end issue.

How to set timer in android?

void method(boolean u,int max)
    if (uu==true)
        CountDownTimer uy = new CountDownTimer(maxi, 1000) 
            public void onFinish()

            public void onTick(long l) {
                String currentTimeString=DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date());

    else{text.setText("Stop ");

How to read and write xml files?

The answers only cover DOM / SAX and a copy paste implementation of a JAXB example.

However, one big area of when you are using XML is missing. In many projects / programs there is a need to store / retrieve some basic data structures. Your program has already a classes for your nice and shiny business objects / data structures, you just want a comfortable way to convert this data to a XML structure so you can do more magic on it (store, load, send, manipulate with XSLT).

This is where XStream shines. You simply annotate the classes holding your data, or if you do not want to change those classes, you configure a XStream instance for marshalling (objects -> xml) or unmarshalling (xml -> objects).

Internally XStream uses reflection, the readObject and readResolve methods of standard Java object serialization.

You get a good and speedy tutorial here:

To give a short overview of how it works, I also provide some sample code which marshalls and unmarshalls a data structure. The marshalling / unmarshalling happens all in the main method, the rest is just code to generate some test objects and populate some data to them. It is super simple to configure the xStream instance and marshalling / unmarshalling is done with one line of code each.

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;

public class XStreamIsGreat {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    XStream xStream = new XStream();
    xStream.alias("good", Good.class);
    xStream.alias("pRoDuCeR", Producer.class);
    xStream.alias("customer", Customer.class);

    Producer a = new Producer("Apple");
    Producer s = new Producer("Samsung");
    Customer c = new Customer("Someone").add(new Good("S4", 10, new BigDecimal(600), s))
        .add(new Good("S4 mini", 5, new BigDecimal(450), s)).add(new Good("I5S", 3, new BigDecimal(875), a));
    String xml = xStream.toXML(c); // objects -> xml
    System.out.println("Marshalled:\n" + xml);
    Customer unmarshalledCustomer = (Customer)xStream.fromXML(xml); // xml -> objects

  static class Good {
    Producer producer;

    String name;

    int quantity;

    BigDecimal price;

    Good(String name, int quantity, BigDecimal price, Producer p) {
      this.producer = p; = name;
      this.quantity = quantity;
      this.price = price;


  static class Producer {
    String name;

    public Producer(String name) { = name;

  static class Customer {
    String name;

    public Customer(String name) { = name;

    List<Good> stock = new ArrayList<Good>();

    Customer add(Good g) {
      return this;

Amazon S3 and Cloudfront cache, how to clear cache or synchronize their cache

Cloudfront will cache a file/object until the cache expiry. By default it is 24 hrs. If you have changed this to a large value, then it takes longer.

If you anytime needs to force clear the cache, use the invalidation. It is charged separately.

Another option is to change the URL (object key), so it fetches the new object always.

Extracting text from a PDF file using PDFMiner in python?

This works in May 2020 using PDFminer six in Python3.

Installing the package

$ pip install pdfminer.six

Importing the package

from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text

Using a PDF saved on disk

text = extract_text('report.pdf')

Or alternatively:

with open('report.pdf','rb') as f:
    text = extract_text(f)

Using PDF already in memory

If the PDF is already in memory, for example if retrieved from the web with the requests library, it can be converted to a stream using the io library:

import io

response = requests.get(url)
text = extract_text(io.BytesIO(response.content))

Performance and Reliability compared with PyPDF2

PDFminer.six works more reliably than PyPDF2 (which fails with certain types of PDFs), in particular PDF version 1.7

However, text extraction with PDFminer.six is significantly slower than PyPDF2 by a factor of 6.

I timed text extraction with timeit on a 15" MBP (2018), timing only the extraction function (no file opening etc.) with a 10 page PDF and got the following results:

PDFminer.six: 2.88 sec
PyPDF2:       0.45 sec

pdfminer.six also has a huge footprint, requiring pycryptodome which needs GCC and other things installed pushing a minimal install docker image on Alpine Linux from 80 MB to 350 MB. PyPDF2 has no noticeable storage impact.

Extracting specific columns from a data frame

df<- dplyr::select ( df,A,B,C)

Also, you can assign a different name to the newly created data

data<- dplyr::select ( df,A,B,C)

How to list the contents of a package using YUM?

Yum doesn't have it's own package type. Yum operates and helps manage RPMs. So, you can use yum to list the available RPMs and then run the rpm -qlp command to see the contents of that package.

Calculating how many days are between two dates in DB2?

It seems like one closing brace is missing at ,right(a2.chdlm,2)))) from sysibm.sysdummy1 a1,

So your Query will be

select days(current date) - days(date(select concat(concat(concat(concat(left(a2.chdlm,4),'-'),substr(a2.chdlm,4,2)),'-'),right(a2.chdlm,2)))) from sysibm.sysdummy1 a1, chcart00 a2 where chstat = '05';

Predicate in Java

A predicate is a function that returns a true/false (i.e. boolean) value, as opposed to a proposition which is a true/false (i.e. boolean) value. In Java, one cannot have standalone functions, and so one creates a predicate by creating an interface for an object that represents a predicate and then one provides a class that implements that interface. An example of an interface for a predicate might be:

public interface Predicate<ARGTYPE>
    public boolean evaluate(ARGTYPE arg);

And then you might have an implementation such as:

public class Tautology<E> implements Predicate<E>
     public boolean evaluate(E arg){
         return true;

To get a better conceptual understanding, you might want to read about first-order logic.

There is a standard Predicate interface (java.util.function.Predicate) defined in the Java API as of Java 8. Prior to Java 8, you may find it convenient to reuse the interface from Guava.

Also, note that as of Java 8, it is much simpler to write predicates by using lambdas. For example, in Java 8 and higher, one can pass p -> true to a function instead of defining a named Tautology subclass like the above.

Python, Unicode, and the Windows console

Update: Python 3.6 implements PEP 528: Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8: the default console on Windows will now accept all Unicode characters. Internally, it uses the same Unicode API as the win-unicode-console package mentioned below. print(unicode_string) should just work now.

I get a UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character... error.

The error means that Unicode characters that you are trying to print can't be represented using the current (chcp) console character encoding. The codepage is often 8-bit encoding such as cp437 that can represent only ~0x100 characters from ~1M Unicode characters:

>>> u"\N{EURO SIGN}".encode('cp437')
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u20ac' in position 0:
character maps to 

I assume this is because the Windows console does not accept Unicode-only characters. What's the best way around this?

Windows console does accept Unicode characters and it can even display them (BMP only) if the corresponding font is configured. WriteConsoleW() API should be used as suggested in @Daira Hopwood's answer. It can be called transparently i.e., you don't need to and should not modify your scripts if you use win-unicode-console package:

T:\> py -mpip install win-unicode-console
T:\> py -mrun

See What's the deal with Python 3.4, Unicode, different languages and Windows?

Is there any way I can make Python automatically print a ? instead of failing in this situation?

If it is enough to replace all unencodable characters with ? in your case then you could set PYTHONIOENCODING envvar:

T:\> set PYTHONIOENCODING=:replace
T:\> python3 -c "print(u'[\N{EURO SIGN}]')"

In Python 3.6+, the encoding specified by PYTHONIOENCODING envvar is ignored for interactive console buffers unless PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSIOENCODING envvar is set to a non-empty string.

RSA: Get exponent and modulus given a public key

Beware the leading 00 that can appear in the modulus when using:

openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -text -noout < public.key

The example modulus contains 257 bytes rather than 256 bytes because of that 00, which is included because the 9 in 98 looks like a negative signed number.

Terminating a script in PowerShell

Exit will exit PowerShell too. If you wish to "break" out of just the current function or script - use Break :)

If ($Breakout -eq $true)
     Write-Host "Break Out!"
ElseIf ($Breakout -eq $false)
     Write-Host "No Breakout for you!"
    Write-Host "Breakout wasn't defined..."

Adding machineKey to web.config on web-farm sites

Make sure to learn from the padding oracle vulnerability that just happened (you applied the patch, right? ...) and use protected sections to encrypt the machine key and any other sensitive configuration.

An alternative option is to set it in the machine level web.config, so its not even in the web site folder.

To generate it do it just like the linked article in David's answer.

How to completely remove node.js from Windows

In my case, the above alone didn't work. I had installed and uninstalled several versions of nodejs to fix this error: npm in windows Error: EISDIR, read at Error (native) that I kept getting on any npm command I tried to run, including getting the npm version with: npm -v.

So the npm directory was deleted in the nodejs folder and the latest npm version was copied over from the npm dist: and then everything started working.

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

If you have merged cells,

Sub OneCell()
    Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1:B3").value = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A3").value
End Sub

that doesn't copy cells as they are, where previous code does copy exactly as they look like (merged).

Apply style ONLY on IE

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
   #myElement {
        /* Enter your style code */

Explanation: It is a Microsoft-specific media query. Using -ms-high-contrast property specific to Microsoft IE, it will only be parsed in Internet Explorer 10 or greater. I have used both the valid values of the media query, so it will be parsed by IE only, whether the user has high contrast enabled or not.

What does the following Oracle error mean: invalid column index

It sounds like you're trying to SELECT a column that doesn't exist.

Perhaps you're trying to ORDER BY a column that doesn't exist?

Any typos in your SQL statement?

PostgreSQL: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying

I think it is telling you exactly what is wrong. You cannot compare an integer with a varchar. PostgreSQL is strict and does not do any magic typecasting for you. I'm guessing SQLServer does typecasting automagically (which is a bad thing).

If you want to compare these two different beasts, you will have to cast one to the other using the casting syntax ::.

Something along these lines:

create view view1
select table1.col1,table2.col1,table3.col3
from table1 
inner join
inner join 
table1.col4::varchar = table2.col5
/* Here col4 of table1 is of "integer" type and col5 of table2 is of type "varchar" */
/* ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying */

Notice the varchar typecasting on the table1.col4.

Also note that typecasting might possibly render your index on that column unusable and has a performance penalty, which is pretty bad. An even better solution would be to see if you can permanently change one of the two column types to match the other one. Literately change your database design.

Or you could create a index on the casted values by using a custom, immutable function which casts the values on the column. But this too may prove suboptimal (but better than live casting).

CSS body background image fixed to full screen even when zooming in/out

Use Directly like this

     background: url(../img/beach.jpg) no-repeat fixed 100% 100%;

or call CSS separately like

    background-image: url(../img/beach.jpg);
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

In excel how do I reference the current row but a specific column?

If you dont want to hard-code the cell addresses you can use the ROW() function.


Its probably not the best way to do it though! Using Auto-Fill and static columns like @JaiGovindani suggests would be much better.

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

Null termination is a bad design pattern best left in the history books. There's still plenty of inertia behind c-strings, so it can't be avoided there. But there's no reason to use it in the OP's example.

Don't use any terminator, and use sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]) to get the number of elements.

error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)' -- Missing /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

The solution is way easier.

  1. First, you have to locate(in Terminal with "sudo find / -type s") where your mysql.sock file is located. In my case it was in /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock
  2. Fire up Terminal and issue sudo Nautilus
    This starts your Files manager with super user privileges
  3. From Nautilus navigate to where your mysql.sock file is located
  4. Right click on the file and select Make Link
  5. Rename the Link File to mysqld.sock then Right click on the file and Cut it
  6. Go to /var/run and create a folder called mysqld and enter it
  7. Now right click and Paste the Link File
  8. Voila! You will now have a mysqld.sock file at /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock :)

How to test multiple variables against a value?

d = {0:'c', 1:'d', 2:'e', 3: 'f'}
x, y, z = (0, 1, 3)
print [v for (k,v) in d.items() if x==k or y==k or z==k]

make html text input field grow as I type?

Here's a method that worked for me. When you type into the field, it puts that text into the hidden span, then gets its new width and applies it to the input field. It grows and shrinks with your input, with a safeguard against the input virtually disappearing when you erase all input. Tested in Chrome. (EDIT: works in Safari, Firefox and Edge at the time of this edit)

function travel_keyup(e)_x000D_
    if ( == 0) return;_x000D_
    var oSpan=document.querySelector('#menu-enter-travel span');_x000D_;_x000D_
    match_span(, oSpan);_x000D_
function travel_keydown(e)_x000D_
    if (e.key.length == 1)_x000D_
        if ( == return;_x000D_
        var oSpan=document.querySelector('#menu-enter-travel span');_x000D_ + '' + e.key;_x000D_
        match_span(, oSpan);_x000D_
function match_span(oInput, oSpan)_x000D_
{_x000D_ + 'px';_x000D_
window.addEventListener('load', function()_x000D_
    var oInput=document.querySelector('#menu-enter-travel input');_x000D_
    oInput.addEventListener('keyup', travel_keyup);_x000D_
    oInput.addEventListener('keydown', travel_keydown);_x000D_
    match_span(oInput, document.querySelector('#menu-enter-travel span'));_x000D_
#menu-enter-travel input_x000D_
 width: 8px;_x000D_
#menu-enter-travel span_x000D_
 visibility: hidden;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0px;_x000D_
    left: 0px;_x000D_
<div id="menu-enter-travel">_x000D_
<input type="text" pattern="^[0-9]{1,4}$" maxlength="4">KM_x000D_

MySQL - ignore insert error: duplicate entry

$duplicate_query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student") or die(mysql_error());
        if(($value['name']==$name)&& ($value['email']==$email)&& ($value['mobile']==$mobile)&& ($value['resume']==$resume))
            echo $query="INSERT INTO student(name,email,mobile,resume)VALUES('$name','$email','$mobile','$resume')";
                echo "Success";
                echo "Error";
                echo "Duplicate Entry";
    echo "Records Already Exixts";

Removing App ID from Developer Connection

Does deleting the AppID do anything to disable versions of an Enterprise distributed app "in the wild" ??

If not, is there any way to kill off an Enterprise app before it's expiry?

Find all tables containing column with specified name - MS SQL Server


Fixed footer in Bootstrap

Add this:

<div class="footer fixed-bottom">

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

I had some post content I had to cipher throughout to get the Youtube ID out of. It happened to be in the form of the <iframe> embed code Youtube provides.

 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="620" height="360"></iframe>

The following pattern I got from @rob above. The snippet does a foreach loop once the matches are found, and for a added bonus I linked it to the preview image found on Youtube. It could potentially match more types of Youtube embed types and urls:

$pattern = '#(?<=(?:v|i)=)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?=&)|(?<=(?:v|i)\/)[^&\n]+|(?<=embed\/)[^"&\n]+|(?<=??(?:v|i)=)[^&\n]+|(?<\/)[^&\n]+#';

preg_match_all($pattern, $post_content, $matches);

foreach ($matches as $match) {
    $img = "<img src='".str_replace('?rel=0','', $match[0])."/0.jpg' />";

Rob's profile:

What does Docker add to lxc-tools (the userspace LXC tools)?

Let's take a look at the list of Docker's technical features, and check which ones are provided by LXC and which ones aren't.


1) Filesystem isolation: each process container runs in a completely separate root filesystem.

Provided with plain LXC.

2) Resource isolation: system resources like cpu and memory can be allocated differently to each process container, using cgroups.

Provided with plain LXC.

3) Network isolation: each process container runs in its own network namespace, with a virtual interface and IP address of its own.

Provided with plain LXC.

4) Copy-on-write: root filesystems are created using copy-on-write, which makes deployment extremely fast, memory-cheap and disk-cheap.

This is provided by AUFS, a union filesystem that Docker depends on. You could set up AUFS yourself manually with LXC, but Docker uses it as a standard.

5) Logging: the standard streams (stdout/stderr/stdin) of each process container is collected and logged for real-time or batch retrieval.

Docker provides this.

6) Change management: changes to a container's filesystem can be committed into a new image and re-used to create more containers. No templating or manual configuration required.

"Templating or manual configuration" is a reference to LXC, where you would need to learn about both of these things. Docker allows you to treat containers in the way that you're used to treating virtual machines, without learning about LXC configuration.

7) Interactive shell: docker can allocate a pseudo-tty and attach to the standard input of any container, for example to run a throwaway interactive shell.

LXC already provides this.

I only just started learning about LXC and Docker, so I'd welcome any corrections or better answers.

Getting the last element of a split string array

var item = "one,two,three";
var lastItem = item.split(",").pop();
console.log(lastItem); // three

printf() prints whole array

But still, the memory address for each letter in this address is different.

Memory address is different but as its array of characters they are sequential. When you pass address of first element and use %s, printf will print all characters starting from given address until it finds '\0'.

How do I handle newlines in JSON?

I used this function to strip newline or other characters in data to parse JSON data:

function normalize_str($str) {

    $invalid = array(
        'Š'=>'S', 'š'=>'s',  'Ð'=>'Dj', 'd'=>'dj', 'Ž'=>'Z', 'ž'=>'z',
        'C'=>'C', 'c'=>'c',  'C'=>'C',  'c'=>'c',  'À'=>'A', 'Á'=>'A', 'Â'=>'A', 'Ã'=>'A',
        'Ä'=>'A', 'Å'=>'A',  'Æ'=>'A',  'Ç'=>'C',  'È'=>'E', 'É'=>'E', 'Ê'=>'E', 'Ë'=>'E',
        'Ì'=>'I', 'Í'=>'I',  'Î'=>'I',  'Ï'=>'I',  'Ñ'=>'N', 'Ò'=>'O', 'Ó'=>'O', 'Ô'=>'O',
        'Õ'=>'O', 'Ö'=>'O',  'Ø'=>'O',  'Ù'=>'U',  'Ú'=>'U', 'Û'=>'U', 'Ü'=>'U', 'Ý'=>'Y',
        'Þ'=>'B', 'ß'=>'Ss', 'à'=>'a',  'á'=>'a',  'â'=>'a', 'ã'=>'a', 'ä'=>'a', 'å'=>'a',
        'æ'=>'a', 'ç'=>'c',  'è'=>'e',  'é'=>'e',  'ê'=>'e', 'ë'=>'e', 'ì'=>'i', 'í'=>'i',
        'î'=>'i', 'ï'=>'i',  'ð'=>'o',  'ñ'=>'n',  'ò'=>'o', 'ó'=>'o', 'ô'=>'o', 'õ'=>'o',
        'ö'=>'o', 'ø'=>'o',  'ù'=>'u',  'ú'=>'u',  'û'=>'u', 'ý'=>'y', 'ý'=>'y', 'þ'=>'b',
        'ÿ'=>'y', 'R'=>'R',  'r'=>'r',
        "`" => "'", "´" => "'",  '"' => ',',  '`' => "'",
        '´' => "'", '"' => '\"', '"' => "\"", '´' => "'",
        "&acirc;€™" => "'",
        "{" => "",
        "~" => "",  "–" => "-",  "'" => "'",  "     " => " ");

    $str = str_replace(array_keys($invalid), array_values($invalid), $str);

    $remove = array("\n", "\r\n", "\r");
    $str = str_replace($remove, "\\n", trim($str));

    //$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES);

    return htmlspecialchars($str);

echo normalize_str($lst['address']);

Event listener for when element becomes visible?

I had this same problem and created a jQuery plugin to solve it for our site.

Here is how you would use it based on your example:

$('#contentDiv').visibilityChanged(function(element, visible) {
    alert("do something");

How do I overload the [] operator in C#

I believe this is what you are looking for:

Indexers (C# Programming Guide)

class SampleCollection<T>
    private T[] arr = new T[100];
    public T this[int i]
        get => arr[i];
        set => arr[i] = value;

// This class shows how client code uses the indexer
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        SampleCollection<string> stringCollection = 
            new SampleCollection<string>();
        stringCollection[0] = "Hello, World";

socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

On Windows Vista/7, with UAC, administrator accounts run programs in unprivileged mode by default.

Programs must prompt for administrator access before they run as administrator, with the ever-so-familiar UAC dialog. Since Python scripts aren't directly executable, there's no "Run as Administrator" context menu option.

It's possible to use ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() to detect whether the script has admin access, and ShellExecuteEx with the 'runas' verb on python.exe, with sys.argv[0] as a parameter to prompt the UAC dialog if needed.

Set encoding and fileencoding to utf-8 in Vim

You can set the variable 'fileencodings' in your .vimrc.

This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one in the list is tried. When an encoding is found that works, 'fileencoding' is set to it. If all fail, 'fileencoding' is set to an empty string, which means the value of 'encoding' is used.

See :help filencodings

If you often work with e.g. cp1252, you can add it there:

set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp1252,default,latin9

Loop through an array of strings in Bash?

In the same spirit as 4ndrew's answer:


# To allow for other whitespace in the string:
# 1. add double quotes around the list variable, or
# 2. see the IFS note (under 'Side Notes')

for databaseName in "$listOfNames"   #  <-- Note: Added "" quotes.
  echo "$databaseName"  # (i.e. do action / processing of $databaseName here...)

# Outputs
# RA
# RB
# R C
# RD

B. No whitespace in the names:


for databaseName in $listOfNames  # Note: No quotes
  echo "$databaseName"  # (i.e. do action / processing of $databaseName here...)

# Outputs
# RA
# RB
# R
# C
# RD


  1. In the second example, using listOfNames="RA RB R C RD" has the same output.

Other ways to bring in data include:

Read from stdin

# line delimited (each databaseName is stored on a line)
while read databaseName
  echo "$databaseName"  # i.e. do action / processing of $databaseName here...
done # <<< or_another_input_method_here
  1. the bash IFS "field separator to line" [1] delimiter can be specified in the script to allow other whitespace (i.e. IFS='\n', or for MacOS IFS='\r')
  2. I like the accepted answer also :) -- I've include these snippets as other helpful ways that also answer the question.
  3. Including #!/bin/bash at the top of the script file indicates the execution environment.
  4. It took me months to figure out how to code this simply :)

Other Sources (while read loop)

Play local (hard-drive) video file with HTML5 video tag?

It is possible to play a local video file.

<input type="file" accept="video/*"/>
<video controls autoplay></video>

When a file is selected via the input element:

  1. 'change' event is fired
  2. Get the first File object from the input.files FileList
  3. Make an object URL that points to the File object
  4. Set the object URL to the video.src property
  5. Lean back and watch :),js,html,css/

(function localFileVideoPlayer() {_x000D_
  'use strict'_x000D_
  var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL_x000D_
  var displayMessage = function(message, isError) {_x000D_
    var element = document.querySelector('#message')_x000D_
    element.innerHTML = message_x000D_
    element.className = isError ? 'error' : 'info'_x000D_
  var playSelectedFile = function(event) {_x000D_
    var file = this.files[0]_x000D_
    var type = file.type_x000D_
    var videoNode = document.querySelector('video')_x000D_
    var canPlay = videoNode.canPlayType(type)_x000D_
    if (canPlay === '') canPlay = 'no'_x000D_
    var message = 'Can play type "' + type + '": ' + canPlay_x000D_
    var isError = canPlay === 'no'_x000D_
    displayMessage(message, isError)_x000D_
    if (isError) {_x000D_
    var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file)_x000D_
    videoNode.src = fileURL_x000D_
  var inputNode = document.querySelector('input')_x000D_
  inputNode.addEventListener('change', playSelectedFile, false)_x000D_
input {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
input {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
.info {_x000D_
  background-color: aqua;_x000D_
.error {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
<h1>HTML5 local video file player example</h1>_x000D_
<div id="message"></div>_x000D_
<input type="file" accept="video/*" />_x000D_
<video controls autoplay></video>

Redis: Show database size/size for keys

MEMORY USAGE key command gives you the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.

The reported usage is the total of memory allocations for data and administrative overheads that a key its value require (source redis documentation)

Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code in Xcode 10

I attempted

  • Closing & Reopening Xcode
  • Cleaning Build Folder
  • Running pod install --repo-update

and all of these still did not fix the problem.

Restarting the Mac did the trick!

How to clear Flutter's Build cache?

Same issue with mine.

New to Flutter. I'm using VS build-in terminal to do flutter run, to run the app in iPhone. It gives me error Error when reading 'lib/student_model.dart': No such file..., which is an old code version in my code. I have changed it to lib/model/student_model.dart.

And I search this line 'lib/student_model.dart'in the project, it appears filekernel_snapshot.d` containing it. So, it build the project with old code version.

For me, Flutter clean is not working. Restart VS fix the issue, not sure the problem is due to Flutter or VS?

And I'm wondering if there is some command to just build flutter project without run?

Is there a limit on an Excel worksheet's name length?

I just tested a couple paths using Excel 2013 on on Windows 7. I found the overall pathname limit to be 213 and the basename length to be 186. At least the error dialog for exceeding basename length is clear: basename error

And trying to move a not-too-long basename to a too-long-pathname is also very clear:enter image description here

The pathname error is deceptive, though. Quite unhelpful:enter image description here

This is a lazy Microsoft restriction. There's no good reason for these arbitrary length limits, but in the end, it’s a real bug in the error dialog.

HTML - How to do a Confirmation popup to a Submit button and then send the request?

I believe you want to use confirm()

<script type="text/javascript">
    function clicked() {
       if (confirm('Do you want to submit?')) {
       } else {
           return false;


How to stop a looping thread in Python?

I read the other questions on Stack but I was still a little confused on communicating across classes. Here is how I approached it:

I use a list to hold all my threads in the __init__ method of my wxFrame class: self.threads = []

As recommended in How to stop a looping thread in Python? I use a signal in my thread class which is set to True when initializing the threading class.

class PingAssets(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadNum, asset, window):
        self.threadNum = threadNum
        self.window = window
        self.asset = asset
        self.signal = True

    def run(self):
        while self.signal:

and I can stop these threads by iterating over my threads:

def OnStop(self, e):
        for t in self.threads:
            t.signal = False

How do I configure modprobe to find my module?

You can make a symbolic link of your module to the standard path, so depmod will see it and you'll be able load it as any other module.

sudo ln -s /path/to/module.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe module

If you add the module name to /etc/modules it will be loaded any time you boot.

Anyway I think that the proper configuration is to copy the module to the standard paths.

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

I was reading this thread and would like to add information even though it is surely no longer timely for the OP.

BiggerDon above points out the difficulty of rote replacing "North" with "N". A similar problem exists with "Avenue" to "Ave" (e.g. "Avenue of the Americas" becomes "Ave of the Americas": still understandable, but probably not what the OP wants.

The replace() function is entirely context-free, but addresses are not. A complete solution needs to have additional logic to interpret the context correctly, and then apply replace() as needed.

Databases commonly contain addresses, and so I wanted to point out that the generalized version of the OP's problem as applied to addresses within the United States has been addressed (humor!) by the Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS). CASS is a database tool that accepts a U.S. address and completes or corrects it to meet a standard set by the U.S. Postal Service. The Wikipedia entry has the basics, and more information is available at the Post Office:

install beautiful soup using pip

The easy method that will work even in corrupted setup environment is :

To download and run it using command line



Extracting in c:\uu\uu\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3 Now working in c:\u\u\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3\setuptools-5.6 Installing Setuptools


pip install beautifulsoup4


Downloading/unpacking beautifulsoup4 Running ... egg_info for package Installing collected packages: beautifulsoup4 Running install for beautifulsoup4 Successfully installed beautifulsoup4 Cleaning up...

Bam ! |Done¬

Pip freeze vs. pip list

To answer the second part of this question, the two packages shown in pip list but not pip freeze are setuptools (which is easy_install) and pip itself.

It looks like pip freeze just doesn't list packages that pip itself depends on. You may use the --all flag to show also those packages.

From the documentation:


Do not skip these packages in the output: pip, setuptools, distribute, wheel

JS how to cache a variable

check out my js lib for caching:

My blog post: New way to cache your data with Javascript


  • Conveniently use array as key for saving cache
  • Support array and localStorage
  • Clear cache by context (clear all blog posts with authorId="abc")
  • No dependency

Basic usage:

Saving cache:

cacheJS.set({blogId:1,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 1</h1>');
cacheJS.set({blogId:2,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 2</h1>', null, {author:'hoangnd'});
cacheJS.set({blogId:3,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 3</h1>', 3600, {author:'hoangnd',categoryId:2});

Retrieving cache:

cacheJS.get({blogId: 1,type: 'view'});

Flushing cache

cacheJS.removeByKey({blogId: 1,type: 'view'});
cacheJS.removeByKey({blogId: 2,type: 'view'});


Switching provider

cacheJS.use('array').set({blogId:1},'<h1>Blog 1</h1>')};

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element

I get the same error. the solution is to put your script code before the end of body, not in the head section.

How to delete a workspace in Eclipse?

Just go to the \eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32\eclipse\configuration.settings directory and change or remove org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs file.

How to access SVG elements with Javascript

Is it possible to do it this way, as opposed to using something like Raphael or jQuery SVG?


If it is possible, what's the technique?

This annotated code snippet works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>SVG Illustrator Test</title> 

        <object data="alpha.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
         id="alphasvg" width="100%" height="100%"></object>

            var a = document.getElementById("alphasvg");

            // It's important to add an load event listener to the object,
            // as it will load the svg doc asynchronously

                // get the inner DOM of alpha.svg
                var svgDoc = a.contentDocument;
                // get the inner element by id
                var delta = svgDoc.getElementById("delta");
                // add behaviour
                        alert('hello world!')
                }, false);
            }, false);

Note that a limitation of this technique is that it is restricted by the same-origin policy, so alpha.svg must be hosted on the same domain as the .html file, otherwise the inner DOM of the object will be inaccessible.

Important thing to run this HTML, you need host HTML file to web server like IIS, Tomcat

How to fix corrupted git repository?

If you have a remote configured and you have / don't care about losing some unpushed code, you can do :

git fetch && git reset --hard

python filter list of dictionaries based on key value

You can try a list comp

>>> exampleSet = [{'type':'type1'},{'type':'type2'},{'type':'type2'}, {'type':'type3'}]
>>> keyValList = ['type2','type3']
>>> expectedResult = [d for d in exampleSet if d['type'] in keyValList]
>>> expectedResult
[{'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type3'}]

Another way is by using filter

>>> list(filter(lambda d: d['type'] in keyValList, exampleSet))
[{'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type2'}, {'type': 'type3'}]

How can I mock requests and the response?

I started out with Johannes Farhenkrug's answer here and it worked great for me. I needed to mock the requests library because my goal is to isolate my application and not test any 3rd party resources.

Then I read up some more about python's Mock library and I realized that I can replace the MockResponse class, which you might call a 'Test Double' or a 'Fake', with a python Mock class.

The advantage of doing so is access to things like assert_called_with, call_args and so on. No extra libraries are needed. Additional benefits such as 'readability' or 'its more pythonic' are subjective, so they may or may not play a role for you.

Here is my version, updated with using python's Mock instead of a test double:

import json
import requests
from unittest import mock

# defube stubs
AUTH_TOKEN = '{"prop": "value"}'
LIST_OF_WIDGETS = '{"widgets": ["widget1", "widget2"]}'
PURCHASED_WIDGETS = '{"widgets": ["purchased_widget"]}'

# exception class when an unknown URL is mocked
class MockNotSupported(Exception):

# factory method that cranks out the Mocks
def mock_requests_factory(response_stub: str, status_code: int = 200):
    return mock.Mock(**{
        'json.return_value': json.loads(response_stub),
        'text.return_value': response_stub,
        'status_code': status_code,
        'ok': status_code == 200

# side effect mock function
def mock_requests_post(*args, **kwargs):
    if args[0].endswith('/api/v1/get_auth_token'):
        return mock_requests_factory(AUTH_TOKEN)
    elif args[0].endswith('/api/v1/get_widgets'):
        return mock_requests_factory(LIST_OF_WIDGETS)
    elif args[0].endswith('/api/v1/purchased_widgets'):
        return mock_requests_factory(PURCHASED_WIDGETS)
    raise MockNotSupported

# patch and run tests
with mock.patch('') as requests_post_mock:
  requests_post_mock.side_effect = mock_requests_post
  response ='https://myserver/api/v1/get_widgets')
  assert response.ok is True
  assert response.status_code == 200
  assert 'widgets' in response.json()
  # now I can also do this
  requests_post_mock.assert_called_with('https://myserver/api/v1/get_widgets') links:

How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields?

I think this may be the easiest way to do it.

It's really simple and I tried it with 3 different key value pairs and it worked great.

Here is a simple example, look at the link for more details

testSort(data) {
    return data.sort(
        a['nameOne'] > b['nameOne'] ? 1
        : b['nameOne'] > a['nameOne'] ? -1 : 0 ||
        a['date'] > b['date'] ||
        a['number'] - b['number']

How to change Tkinter Button state from disabled to normal?

I think a quick way to change the options of a widget is using the configure method.

In your case, it would look like this:


Entity Framework .Remove() vs. .DeleteObject()

It's not generally correct that you can "remove an item from a database" with both methods. To be precise it is like so:

  • ObjectContext.DeleteObject(entity) marks the entity as Deleted in the context. (It's EntityState is Deleted after that.) If you call SaveChanges afterwards EF sends a SQL DELETE statement to the database. If no referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  • EntityCollection.Remove(childEntity) marks the relationship between parent and childEntity as Deleted. If the childEntity itself is deleted from the database and what exactly happens when you call SaveChanges depends on the kind of relationship between the two:

    • If the relationship is optional, i.e. the foreign key that refers from the child to the parent in the database allows NULL values, this foreign will be set to null and if you call SaveChanges this NULL value for the childEntity will be written to the database (i.e. the relationship between the two is removed). This happens with a SQL UPDATE statement. No DELETE statement occurs.

    • If the relationship is required (the FK doesn't allow NULL values) and the relationship is not identifying (which means that the foreign key is not part of the child's (composite) primary key) you have to either add the child to another parent or you have to explicitly delete the child (with DeleteObject then). If you don't do any of these a referential constraint is violated and EF will throw an exception when you call SaveChanges - the infamous "The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable" exception or similar.

    • If the relationship is identifying (it's necessarily required then because any part of the primary key cannot be NULL) EF will mark the childEntity as Deleted as well. If you call SaveChanges a SQL DELETE statement will be sent to the database. If no other referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

I am actually a bit confused about the Remarks section on the MSDN page you have linked because it says: "If the relationship has a referential integrity constraint, calling the Remove method on a dependent object marks both the relationship and the dependent object for deletion.". This seems unprecise or even wrong to me because all three cases above have a "referential integrity constraint" but only in the last case the child is in fact deleted. (Unless they mean with "dependent object" an object that participates in an identifying relationship which would be an unusual terminology though.)

How to create a String with carriage returns?

Do this: Step 1: Your String

String str = ";;;;;;\n" +
            "Name, number, address;;;;;;\n" + 
             "01.01.12-16.02.12;;;;;;\n" + 
             ";;;;;;\n" + 

Step 2: Just replace all "\n" with "%n" the result looks like this

String str = ";;;;;;%n" +
             "Name, number, address;;;;;;%n" + 
             "01.01.12-16.02.12;;;;;;%n" + 
            ";;;;;;%n" + 

Notice I've just put "%n" in place of "\n"

Step 3: Now simply call format()


That's all you have to do.

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?

Cookies are stored in browser as a text file format.It stores limited amount of data, up to 4kb[4096bytes].A single Cookie can not hold multiple values but yes we can have more than one cookie.

Cookies are easily accessible so they are less secure. The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the tag.

Sessions are stored in server side.There is no such storage limit on session .Sessions can hold multiple variables.Since they are not easily accessible hence are more secure than cookies.

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

I would use:

CAST(YEAR(DATEFIELD) as varchar(4)) + '/' CAST(MM(DATEFIELD) as varchar(2)) + '/' CAST(DD(DATEFIELD) as varchar(2)) as datetime

Thus effectively creating a new field from the date field you already have.

placeholder for select tag

Yes it is possible

You can do this using only HTML You need to set default select option disabled="" and selected="" and select tag required="". Browser doesn't allow user to submit the form without selecting an option.

<form action="" method="POST">
    <select name="in-op" required="">
        <option disabled="" selected="">Select Option</option>
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?

A context manager for python3:

import sys
from io import StringIO

class RedirectedStdout:
    def __init__(self):
        self._stdout = None
        self._string_io = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self._stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = self._string_io = StringIO()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        sys.stdout = self._stdout

    def __str__(self):
        return self._string_io.getvalue()

use like this:

>>> with RedirectedStdout() as out:
>>>     print('asdf')
>>>     s = str(out)
>>>     print('bsdf')
>>> print(s, out)
'asdf\n' 'asdf\nbsdf\n'

Listening for variable changes in JavaScript

Not directly: you need a pair getter/setter with an "addListener/removeListener" interface of some sort... or an NPAPI plugin (but that's another story altogether).

Why fragments, and when to use fragments instead of activities?

A fragment lives inside an activity, while an activity lives by itself.

How to stop INFO messages displaying on spark console?

Thanks @AkhlD and @Sachin Janani for suggesting changes in .conf file.

Following code solved my issue:

1) Added import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} in import section

2) Added following line after creation of spark context object i.e. after val sc = new SparkContext(conf):

val rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger()

Property '...' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

Can't you just use a Definite Assignment Assertion? (See

i.e. declaring the property as makes!: any[]; The ! assures typescript that there definitely will be a value at runtime.

Sorry I haven't tried this in angular but it worked great for me when I was having the exact same problem in React.

css rotate a pseudo :after or :before content:""

    content: "\2191";
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #ea1f41;
    height: 35px;
    border:2px solid #ffffff;
    border-radius: 5px;
    color: #ffffff;
    z-index: 10000;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -moz-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -ms-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -o-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);

you can check this code . i hope you will easily understand.

How to delete the contents of a folder?

Answer for a limited, specific situation: assuming you want to delete the files while maintainig the subfolders tree, you could use a recursive algorithm:

import os

def recursively_remove_files(f):
    if os.path.isfile(f):
    elif os.path.isdir(f):
        for fi in os.listdir(f):
            recursively_remove_files(os.path.join(f, fi))


Maybe slightly off-topic, but I think many would find it useful

How can I remove punctuation from input text in Java?

You can use following regular expression construct

Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~

inputString.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "");

Bootstrap full responsive navbar with logo or brand name text

I set .navbar-brand { min-height: inherit } which solved the issue for me (thanks @creimers for inspiration).

How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

This function should work. this has the photo parameter that holds the base64 string and also path to an existing image directory should you already have an existing image you want to unlink while you save the new one.

 public function convertBase64ToImage($photo = null, $path = null) {
    if (!empty($photo)) {
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace(' ', '+', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/gif;base64,', '', $photo);
        $entry = base64_decode($photo);
        $image = imagecreatefromstring($entry);

        $fileName = time() . ".jpeg";
        $directory = "uploads/customer/" . $fileName;


        if (!empty($path)) {
            if (file_exists($path)) {

        $saveImage = imagejpeg($image, $directory);


        if ($saveImage) {
            return $fileName;
        } else {
            return false; // image not saved

Why I get 'list' object has no attribute 'items'?

More generic way in case qs has more than one dictionaries:

[int(v) for lst in qs for k, v in lst.items()]


>>> qs = [{u'a': 15L, u'b': 9L, u'a': 16L}, {u'a': 20, u'b': 35}]
>>> result_list = [int(v) for lst in qs for k, v in lst.items()]
>>> result_list
[16, 9, 20, 35]

Where can I find a list of escape characters required for my JSON ajax return type?

Take a look at It claims a bit different list of escaped characters than Chris proposed.

\u four-hex-digits

Python Hexadecimal

I think this is what you want:

>>> def twoDigitHex( number ):
...     return '%02x' % number
>>> twoDigitHex( 2 )
>>> twoDigitHex( 255 )

How to make Firefox headless programmatically in Selenium with Python?

To invoke Firefox Browser headlessly, you can set the headless property through Options() class as follows:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options

options = Options()
options.headless = True
driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path=r'C:\Utility\BrowserDrivers\geckodriver.exe')
print ("Headless Firefox Initialized")

There's another way to accomplish headless mode. If you need to disable or enable the headless mode in Firefox, without changing the code, you can set the environment variable MOZ_HEADLESS to whatever if you want Firefox to run headless, or don't set it at all.

This is very useful when you are using for example continuous integration and you want to run the functional tests in the server but still be able to run the tests in normal mode in your PC.

$ MOZ_HEADLESS=1 python test # testing example in Django with headless Firefox


$ export MOZ_HEADLESS=1   # this way you only have to set it once
$ python test functional/tests/directory
$ unset MOZ_HEADLESS      # if you want to disable headless mode


How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

How do you get the Git repository's name in some Git repository?

Here's mine:

git remote --verbose | grep origin | grep fetch | cut -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1

no better than the others, but I made it a bash function so I can drop in the remote name if it isn't origin.

grurl () {
  [ -z "$xx_remote" ] && xx_remote=origin
  git remote --verbose | grep "$1" | grep fetch | cut -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1
  unset xx_remote

Pad with leading zeros

There's no such concept as an integer with padding. How many legs do you have - 2, 02 or 002? They're the same number. Indeed, even the "2" part isn't really part of the number, it's only relevant in the decimal representation.

If you need padding, that suggests you're talking about the textual representation of a number... i.e. a string.

You can achieve that using string formatting options, e.g.

string text = value.ToString("0000000");


string text = value.ToString("D7");

Get Current Session Value in JavaScript?

Accessing & Assigning the Session Variable using Javascript:

Assigning the ASP.NET Session Variable using Javascript:

 <script type="text/javascript">
function SetUserName()
    var userName = "Shekhar Shete";
    '<%Session["UserName"] = "' + userName + '"; %>';
     alert('<%=Session["UserName"] %>');

Accessing ASP.NET Session variable using Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function GetUserName()

        var username = '<%= Session["UserName"] %>';
        alert(username );

Already Answered here

Generate random numbers with a given (numerical) distribution

Make a list of items, based on their weights:

items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
probabilities= [0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2]
# if the list of probs is normalized (sum(probs) == 1), omit this part
prob = sum(probabilities) # find sum of probs, to normalize them
c = (1.0)/prob # a multiplier to make a list of normalized probs
probabilities = map(lambda x: c*x, probabilities)
print probabilities

ml = max(probabilities, key=lambda x: len(str(x)) - str(x).find('.'))
ml = len(str(ml)) - str(ml).find('.') -1
amounts = [ int(x*(10**ml)) for x in probabilities]
itemsList = list()
for i in range(0, len(items)): # iterate through original items
  itemsList += items[i:i+1]*amounts[i]

# choose from itemsList randomly
print itemsList

An optimization may be to normalize amounts by the greatest common divisor, to make the target list smaller.

Also, this might be interesting.

What does $(function() {} ); do?

The following is a jQuery function call:


Which is the "jQuery function." $ is a function, and $(...) is you calling that function.

The first parameter you've supplied is the following:

function() {}

The parameter is a function that you specified, and the $ function will call the supplied method when the DOM finishes loading.

Absolute positioning ignoring padding of parent

1.) you cannot use big border on parent -- in case you want to have a specific border

2.) you cannot add margin -- in case your parent is a part of some other container and you want your parent to take the full width of that grand parent.

The Only Solution that should be applicable is to wrap your children's in an another container so that your parent becomes the grandparent and then apply padding to the new children's Wrapper / Parent. Or you can directly apply padding to the children.

In your case:

  padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px;

How to change the background colour's opacity in CSS

Not too sure to add opacity via CSS is such a good idea.
Opacity has that funny way to be applied to all content and childs from where you set it, with unexpected results in mixed of colours.
It has no really purpose in that case , for a bg color, in my opinion.
If you'd like to lay it hover the bg image, then you may use multiple backgrounds.
this color transparent could be applyed via an extra png repeated (or not with background-position),
CSS gradient (radial-) linear-gradient with rgba colors (starting and ending with same color) can achieve this as well. They are treated as background-image and can be used as filter.
Idem for text, if you want them a bit transparent, use rgba (okay to put text-shadow together).

I think that today, we can drop funny behavior of CSS opacity.

Here is a mixed of rgba used for opacity if you are curious

React Error: Target Container is not a DOM Element

webpack solution

If you got this error while working in React with webpack and HMR.

You need to create template index.html and save it in src folder:

       <div id="root"></root>

Now when we have template with id="root" we need to tell webpack to generate index.html which will mirror our index.html file.

To do that:

plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        title: "Application name",
        template: './src/index.html'

template property will tell webpack how to build index.html file.

TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable

Actually you can fix it with following steps -

  1. Do cls.__dict__
  2. This will give you dictionary format output which will contain {'isFilled':True} or {'isFilled':False} depending upon what you have set.
  3. Delete this entry - del cls.__dict__['isFilled']
  4. You will be able to call the method now.

In this case, we delete the entry which overrides the method as mentioned by BrenBarn.

Label axes on Seaborn Barplot

Seaborn's barplot returns an axis-object (not a figure). This means you can do the following:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fake = pd.DataFrame({'cat': ['red', 'green', 'blue'], 'val': [1, 2, 3]})
ax = sns.barplot(x = 'val', y = 'cat', 
              data = fake, 
              color = 'black')
ax.set(xlabel='common xlabel', ylabel='common ylabel')

How can I show a message box with two buttons?

I did

If Yes=true then

msgbox "Closing..."

How to get the next auto-increment id in mysql

You can't use the ID while inserting, neither do you need it. MySQL does not even know the ID when you are inserting that record. You could just save "sahf4d2fdd45" in the payment_code table and use id and payment_code later on.

If you really need your payment_code to have the ID in it then UPDATE the row after the insert to add the ID.

How remove border around image in css?

Thank for the answers,

The border is removed for Internet Explorer, but this there for Firefox.

So, I added this class to the img:


And it worked!

Remove IE10's "clear field" X button on certain inputs?

Style the ::-ms-clear pseudo-element for the box:

.someinput::-ms-clear {
    display: none;

ADB device list is empty

This helped me at the end:

Quick guide:

  • Download Google USB Driver

  • Connect your device with Android Debugging enabled to your PC

  • Open Device Manager of Windows from System Properties.

  • Your device should appear under Other devices listed as something like Android ADB Interface or 'Android Phone' or similar. Right-click that and click on Update Driver Software...

  • Select Browse my computer for driver software

  • Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer

  • Double-click Show all devices

  • Press the Have disk button

  • Browse and navigate to [wherever your SDK has been installed]\google-usb_driver and select android_winusb.inf

  • Select Android ADB Interface from the list of device types.

  • Press the Yes button

  • Press the Install button

  • Press the Close button

Now you've got the ADB driver set up correctly. Reconnect your device if it doesn't recognize it already.

What's the difference between "Solutions Architect" and "Applications Architect"?

Update 1/5/2018 - over the last 9 years, my thinking has evolved considerably on this topic. I tend to live a little closer to the bleeding edge in our industry than the majority (though certainly not pushing the boundaries nearly as much as a lot of really smart people out there). I've been an architect at varying levels from application, to solution, to enterprise, at multiple companies large and small. I've come to the conclusion that the future in our technology industry is one mostly without architects. If this sounds crazy to you, wait a few years and your company will probably catch up, or your competitors who figure it out will catch up with (and pass) you. The fundamental problem is that "architecture" is nothing more or less than the sum of all the decisions that have been made about your application/solution/portfolio. So the title "architect" really means "decider". That says a lot, also by what it doesn't say. It doesn't say "builder". Creating a career path / hierarchy that implicitly tells people "building" is lower than "deciding", and "deciders" are not directly responsible (by the difference in title) for "building". People who are still hanging on to their architect title will chafe at this and protest "but I am hands-on!" Great, if you're just a builder then give up your meaningless title and stop setting yourself apart from the other builders. Companies that emphasize "all builders are deciders, and all deciders are builders" will move faster than their competitors. We use the title "engineer" for everyone, and "engineer" means deciding and building.

Original answer:

For people who have never worked in a very large organization (or have, but it was a dysfunctional one), "architect" may have left a bad taste in their mouth. However, it is not only a legitimate role, but a highly strategic one for smart companies.

  • When an application becomes so vast and complex that dealing with the overall technical vision and planning, and translating business needs into technical strategy becomes a full-time job, that is an application architect. Application architects also often mentor and/or lead developers, and know the code of their responsible application(s) well.

  • When an organization has so many applications and infrastructure inter-dependencies that it is a full-time job to ensure their alignment and strategy without being involved in the code of any of them, that is a solution architect. Solution architect can sometimes be similar to an application architect, but over a suite of especially large applications that comprise a logical solution for a business.

  • When an organization becomes so large that it becomes a full-time job to coordinate the high-level planning for the solution architects, and frame the terms of the business technology strategy, that role is an enterprise architect. Enterprise architects typically work at an executive level, advising the CxO office and its support functions as well as the business as a whole.

There are also infrastructure architects, information architects, and a few others, but in terms of total numbers these comprise a smaller percentage than the "big three".

Note: numerous other answers have said there is "no standard" for these titles. That is not true. Go to any Fortune 1000 company's IT department and you will find these titles used consistently.

The two most common misconceptions about "architect" are:

  • An architect is simply a more senior/higher-earning developer with a fancy title
  • An architect is someone who is technically useless, hasn't coded in years but still throws around their weight in the business, making life difficult for developers

These misconceptions come from a lot of architects doing a pretty bad job, and organizations doing a terrible job at understanding what an architect is for. It is common to promote the top programmer into an architect role, but that is not right. They have some overlapping but not identical skillsets. The best programmer may often be, but is not always, an ideal architect. A good architect has a good understanding of many technical aspects of the IT industry; a better understanding of business needs and strategies than a developer needs to have; excellent communication skills and often some project management and business analysis skills. It is essential for architects to keep their hands dirty with code and to stay sharp technically. Good ones do.

Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language?

  1. primitive type variable like string,number are always pass as pass by value.
  2. Array and Object is passed as pass by reference or pass by value based on these two condition.

    • if you are changing value of that Object or array with new Object or Array then it is pass by Value.

      object1 = {item: "car"}; array1=[1,2,3];

    here you are assigning new object or array to old are not changing the value of property of old it is pass by value.

    • if you are changing a property value of an object or array then it is pass by Reference.

      object1.key1= "car"; array1[0]=9;

    here you are changing a property value of old are not assigning new object or array to old it is pass by reference.


    function passVar(object1, object2, number1) {

        object1.key1= "laptop";
        object2 = {
            key2: "computer"
        number1 = number1 + 1;

    var object1 = {
        key1: "car"
    var object2 = {
        key2: "bike"
    var number1 = 10;

    passVar(object1, object2, number1);

Output: -

MySQL SELECT query string matching

You can use regular expressions like this:

SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP 'Bob|Smith'; 

What is the technology behind wechat, whatsapp and other messenger apps?

The WhatsApp Architecture Facebook Bought For $19 Billion explains the architecture involved in design of whatsapp.

Here is the general explanation from the link

  • WhatsApp server is almost completely implemented in Erlang.

  • Server systems that do the backend message routing are done in Erlang.

  • Great achievement is that the number of active users is managed with a really small server footprint. Team consensus is that it is largely because of Erlang.

  • Interesting to note Facebook Chat was written in Erlang in 2009, but they went away from it because it was hard to find qualified programmers.

  • WhatsApp server has started from ejabberd

  • Ejabberd is a famous open source Jabber server written in Erlang.

  • Originally chosen because its open, had great reviews by developers, ease of start and the promise of Erlang’s long term suitability for large communication system.

  • The next few years were spent re-writing and modifying quite a few parts of ejabberd, including switching from XMPP to internally developed protocol, restructuring the code base and redesigning some core components, and making lots of important modifications to Erlang VM to optimize server performance.

  • To handle 50 billion messages a day the focus is on making a reliable system that works. Monetization is something to look at later, it’s far far down the road.

  • A primary gauge of system health is message queue length. The message queue length of all the processes on a node is constantly monitored and an alert is sent out if they accumulate backlog beyond a preset threshold. If one or more processes falls behind that is alerted on, which gives a pointer to the next bottleneck to attack.

  • Multimedia messages are sent by uploading the image, audio or video to be sent to an HTTP server and then sending a link to the content along with its Base64 encoded thumbnail (if applicable).

  • Some code is usually pushed every day. Often, it’s multiple times a day, though in general peak traffic times are avoided. Erlang helps being aggressive in getting fixes and features into production. Hot-loading means updates can be pushed without restarts or traffic shifting. Mistakes can usually be undone very quickly, again by hot-loading. Systems tend to be much more loosely-coupled which makes it very easy to roll changes out incrementally.

  • What protocol is used in Whatsapp app? SSL socket to the WhatsApp server pools. All messages are queued on the server until the client reconnects to retrieve the messages. The successful retrieval of a message is sent back to the whatsapp server which forwards this status back to the original sender (which will see that as a "checkmark" icon next to the message). Messages are wiped from the server memory as soon as the client has accepted the message

  • How does the registration process work internally in Whatsapp? WhatsApp used to create a username/password based on the phone IMEI number. This was changed recently. WhatsApp now uses a general request from the app to send a unique 5 digit PIN. WhatsApp will then send a SMS to the indicated phone number (this means the WhatsApp client no longer needs to run on the same phone). Based on the pin number the app then request a unique key from WhatsApp. This key is used as "password" for all future calls. (this "permanent" key is stored on the device). This also means that registering a new device will invalidate the key on the old device.

How can I get a specific number child using CSS?

For modern browsers, use td:nth-child(2) for the second td, and td:nth-child(3) for the third. Remember that these retrieve the second and third td for every row.

If you need compatibility with IE older than version 9, use sibling combinators or JavaScript as suggested by Tim. Also see my answer to this related question for an explanation and illustration of his method.

How to create a horizontal loading progress bar?

It is Widget.ProgressBar.Horizontal on my phone, if I set android:indeterminate="true"

How to convert .crt to .pem

You can do this conversion with the OpenSSL library

Windows binaries can be found here:

Once you have the library installed, the command you need to issue is:

openssl x509 -in mycert.crt -out mycert.pem -outform PEM

Compare two List<T> objects for equality, ignoring order

This is a slightly difficult problem, which I think reduces to: "Test if two lists are permutations of each other."

I believe the solutions provided by others only indicate whether the 2 lists contain the same unique elements. This is a necessary but insufficient test, for example {1, 1, 2, 3} is not a permutation of {3, 3, 1, 2} although their counts are equal and they contain the same distinct elements.

I believe this should work though, although it's not the most efficient:

static bool ArePermutations<T>(IList<T> list1, IList<T> list2)
   if(list1.Count != list2.Count)
         return false;

   var l1 = list1.ToLookup(t => t);
   var l2 = list2.ToLookup(t => t);

   return l1.Count == l2.Count 
       && l1.All(group => l2.Contains(group.Key) && l2[group.Key].Count() == group.Count()); 

RecyclerView vs. ListView

Simple answer: You should use RecyclerView in a situation where you want to show a lot of items, and the number of them is dynamic. ListView should only be used when the number of items is always the same and is limited to the screen size.

You find it harder because you are thinking just with the Android library in mind.

Today there exists a lot of options that help you build your own adapters, making it easy to build lists and grids of dynamic items that you can pick, reorder, use animation, dividers, add footers, headers, etc, etc.

Don't get scared and give a try to RecyclerView, you can starting to love it making a list of 100 items downloaded from the web (like facebook news) in a ListView and a RecyclerView, you will see the difference in the UX (user experience) when you try to scroll, probably the test app will stop before you can even do it.

I recommend you to check this two libraries for making easy adapters:

FastAdapter by mikepenz

FlexibleAdapter by davideas

Select Multiple Fields from List in Linq

You can select multiple fields using linq Select as shown above in various examples this will return as an Anonymous Type. If you want to avoid this anonymous type here is the simple trick.

var items = listObject.Select(f => new List<int>() { f.Item1, f.Item2 }).SelectMany(item => item).Distinct();

I think this solves your problem

String comparison using '==' vs. 'strcmp()'

strcmp() and === are both case sensitive but === is much faster

sample code:

How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

The problem with shelling out to a batch file or EXE is that a service may or may not have the permissions required to run the external app.

The cleanest way to do this that I have found is to use the OnStop() method, which is the entry point for the Service Control Manager. Then all your cleanup code will run, and you won't have any hanging sockets or other processes, assuming your stop code is doing its job.

To do this you need to set a flag before you terminate that tells the OnStop method to exit with an error code; then the SCM knows that the service needs to be restarted. Without this flag you won't be able to stop the service manually from the SCM. This also assumes you have set up the service to restart on an error.

Here's my stop code:


bool ABORT;

protected override void OnStop()
    Logger.log("Stopping service");
    WorkThreadRun = false;
    // if there was a problem, set an exit error code
    // so the service manager will restart this

If the service runs into a problem and needs to restart, I launch a thread that stops the service from the SCM. This allows the service to clean up after itself:


    ABORT = true;
    new Thread(RestartThread).Start();

void RestartThread()
    ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(ServiceName);
    catch (Exception) { }

SELECT where row value contains string MySQL

Use the % wildcard, which matches any number of characters.

SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username LIKE '%query%'

Bootstrap 4, how to make a col have a height of 100%?

I solved this like this:

    <section className="container-fluid">
            <div className="row justify-content-center">

                <article className="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center vh-100">
                        <!-- content -->


Getting a union of two arrays in JavaScript

You can try these:

function union(a, b) {
    return a.concat(b).reduce(function(prev, cur) {
        if (prev.indexOf(cur) === -1) prev.push(cur);
        return prev;
    }, []);    


function union(a, b) {
    return a.concat(b.filter(function(el) {
        return a.indexOf(el) === -1;

Show image using file_get_contents

Do i need to modify the headers and just echo it or something?


Send a header("content-type: image/your_image_type"); and the data afterwards.

How to execute an .SQL script file using c#

Using EntityFramework, you can go with a solution like this. I use this code to initialize e2e tests. De prevent sql injection attacks, make sure not to generate this script based on user input or use command parameters for this (see overload of ExecuteSqlCommand that accepts parameters).

public static void ExecuteSqlScript(string sqlScript)
    using (MyEntities dataModel = new MyEntities())
        // split script on GO commands
        IEnumerable<string> commands = 
                RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        foreach (string command in commands)
            if (command.Trim() != string.Empty)

Bootstrap datetimepicker is not a function

Below is the right code. Include JS files in following manner:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $(function() {_x000D_
      useCurrent: false //Important! See issue #1075_x000D_
    $("#datetimepicker6").on("dp.change", function(e) {_x000D_
    $("#datetimepicker7").on("dp.change", function(e) {_x000D_
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<!-- Optional theme -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="container">_x000D_
    <div class='col-md-5'>_x000D_
      <div class="form-group">_x000D_
        <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker6'>_x000D_
          <input type='text' class="form-control" />_x000D_
          <span class="input-group-addon">_x000D_
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>_x000D_
    <div class='col-md-5'>_x000D_
      <div class="form-group">_x000D_
        <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker7'>_x000D_
          <input type='text' class="form-control" />_x000D_
          <span class="input-group-addon">_x000D_
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>_x000D_

Best way to serialize/unserialize objects in JavaScript?

I've added yet another JavaScript serializer repo to GitHub.

Rather than take the approach of serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects to an internal format the approach here is to serialize JavaScript objects out to native JavaScript. This has the advantage that the format is totally agnostic from the serializer, and the object can be recreated simply by calling eval().

invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8"

copy tablename from 'filepath\filename' DELIMITERS '=' ENCODING 'WIN1252';

you can try this to handle UTF8 encoding.

Printing leading 0's in C

You place a zero before the minimum field width:

printf("%05d", zipcode);

How to install pkg config in windows?

I would like to extend the answer of @dzintars about the Cygwin version of pkg-config in that focus how should one use it properly with CMake, because I see various comments about CMake in this topic.

I have experienced many troubles with CMake + Cygwin's pkg-config and I want to share my experience how to avoid them.

1. The symlink C:/Cygwin64/bin/pkg-config -> pkgconf.exe does not work in Windows console.

It is not a native Windows .lnk symlink and it won't be callable in Windows console cmd.exe even if you add ".;" to your %PATHEXT% (see[email protected]/msg104088.html).

It won't work from CMake, because CMake calls pkg-config with the method execute_process() (FindPkgConfig.cmake) which opens a new cmd.exe.

Solution: Add -DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=C:/Cygwin64/bin/pkgconf.exe to the CMake command line (or set it in CMakeLists.txt).

2. Cygwin's pkg-config recognizes only Cygwin paths in PKG_CONFIG_PATH (no Windows paths).

For example, on my system the .pc files are located in C:\Cygwin64\usr\x86_64-w64-mingw32\sys-root\mingw\lib\pkgconfig. The following three paths are valid, but only path C works in PKG_CONFIG_PATH:

  • A) c:/Cygwin64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/pkgconfig - does not work.
  • B) /c/cygdrive/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/pkgconfig - does not work.
  • C) /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/pkgconfig - works.

Solution: add .pc files location always as a Cygwin path into PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

3) CMake converts forward slashes to backslashes in PKG_CONFIG_PATH on Cygwin.

It happens due to the bug It prevents using the workaround described in [2].

Solution: manually update the function _pkg_set_path_internal() in the file C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.x/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake. Comment/remove the line:

file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${_pkgconfig_path}" _pkgconfig_path)

4) CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH, CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH have no effect on pkg-config in Cygwin.

Reason: the bug

Solution: Use only PKG_CONFIG_PATH as an environment variable if you run CMake builds on Cygwin. Forget about CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH, CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH.

How to create dynamic href in react render function?

You can use ES6 backtick syntax too

<a href={`/customer/${item._id}`} >{item.get('firstName')} {item.get('lastName')}</a>

More info on es6 template literals

Integrate ZXing in Android Studio

Anybody facing the same issues, follow the simple steps:

Import the project android from downloaded zxing-master zip file using option Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.) and add the dollowing 2 lines of codes in your app level build.gradle file and and you are ready to run.

So simple, yahh...

dependencies {
        compile group: '', name: 'core', version: '3.2.1'
        compile group: '', name: 'android-core', version: '3.2.0'


You can always find latest version core and android core from below links:

UPDATE (29.05.2019)

Add these dependencies instead:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

pySerial write() won't take my string

It turns out that the string needed to be turned into a bytearray and to do this I editted the code to


This solved the problem

How to delete columns in pyspark dataframe

Reading the Spark documentation I found an easier solution.

Since version 1.4 of spark there is a function drop(col) which can be used in pyspark on a dataframe.

You can use it in two ways

  1. df.drop('age').collect()
  2. df.drop(df.age).collect()

Pyspark Documentation - Drop

Google Spreadsheet, Count IF contains a string

Wildcards worked for me when the string I was searching for could be entered manually. However, I wanted to store this string in another cell and refer to it. I couldn't figure out how to do this with wildcards so I ended up doing the following:

A1 is the cell containing my search string. B and C are the columns within which I want to count the number of instances of A1, including within strings:


Updating Python on Mac

You can also use:

brew upgrade python3

Convert List into Comma-Separated String

You can use String.Join method to combine items:

var str = String.Join(",", lst);

Find out how much memory is being used by an object in Python

There's no easy way to find out the memory size of a python object. One of the problems you may find is that Python objects - like lists and dicts - may have references to other python objects (in this case, what would your size be? The size containing the size of each object or not?). There are some pointers overhead and internal structures related to object types and garbage collection. Finally, some python objects have non-obvious behaviors. For instance, lists reserve space for more objects than they have, most of the time; dicts are even more complicated since they can operate in different ways (they have a different implementation for small number of keys and sometimes they over allocate entries).

There is a big chunk of code (and an updated big chunk of code) out there to try to best approximate the size of a python object in memory.

You may also want to check some old description about PyObject (the internal C struct that represents virtually all python objects).

Why is this HTTP request not working on AWS Lambda?

Yeah, awendt answer is perfect. I'll just show my working code... I had the context.succeed('Blah'); line right after the reqPost.end(); line. Moving it to where I show below solved everything.


var https = require('https');

exports.handler = function(event, context) {

    var body='';
    var jsonObject = JSON.stringify(event);

    // the post options
    var optionspost = {
        host: 'the_host',
        path: '/the_path',
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    var reqPost = https.request(optionspost, function(res) {
        console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
        res.on('data', function (chunk) {
            body += chunk;


Differences between action and actionListener


The ActionListeners (there can be multiple) execute in the order they were registered BEFORE the action

Long Answer:

A business action typically invokes an EJB service and if necessary also sets the final result and/or navigates to a different view if that is not what you are doing an actionListener is more appropriate i.e. for when the user interacts with the components, such as h:commandButton or h:link they can be handled by passing the name of the managed bean method in actionListener attribute of a UI Component or to implement an ActionListener interface and pass the implementation class name to actionListener attribute of a UI Component.

How can I convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?

Here's what you need:

public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime( double unixTimeStamp )
    // Unix timestamp is seconds past epoch
    System.DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0,0,System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
    dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddSeconds( unixTimeStamp ).ToLocalTime();
    return dtDateTime;

Or, for Java (which is different because the timestamp is in milliseconds, not seconds):

public static DateTime JavaTimeStampToDateTime( double javaTimeStamp )
    // Java timestamp is milliseconds past epoch
    System.DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0,0,System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
    dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddMilliseconds( javaTimeStamp ).ToLocalTime();
    return dtDateTime;

WebService Client Generation Error with JDK8

For those using the ANT task wsimport, a way of passing the option as suggested by @CMFly and specified in the documentation is the following:

   <!-- ... -->
  <jvmarg value="-Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all"/>

sqlalchemy filter multiple columns

A generic piece of code that will work for multiple columns. This can also be used if there is a need to conditionally implement search functionality in the application.

search_key = "abc"
search_args = [col.ilike('%%%s%%' % search_key) for col in ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']]
query = Query(table).filter(or_(*search_args))

Note: the %% are important to skip % formatting the query.

IntelliJ shortcut to show a popup of methods in a class that can be searched

command+fn+F12 is correct. Lacking of button fn the F12 is used adjust the volume.

Android Studio suddenly cannot resolve symbols

try to change your build.gradle with these value:

android { compileSdkVersion 18 buildToolsVersion '21.0.1'

defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 18
    targetSdkVersion 18

Concatenate two JSON objects

if using TypeScript, you can use the spread operator (...)

var json = {...json1,...json2} 

Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value

To avoid throw a exception while "p" or "p.User" is None, you can use:

{{ (p and p.User and p.User['first_name']) or "default_value" }}

Dropdown using javascript onchange

It does not work because your script in JSFiddle is running inside it's own scope (see the "OnLoad" drop down on the left?).

One way around this is to bind your event handler in javascript (where it should be):

document.getElementById('optionID').onchange = function () {
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Having a Baby!!";

Another way is to modify your code for the fiddle environment and explicitly declare your function as global so it can be found by your inline event handler:

window.changeMessage() {
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Having a Baby!!";


Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository

If the files are already in version control you need to remove them manually.