Programs & Examples On #Toolstripcombobox

Print string to text file

If you are using Python3.

then you can use Print Function :

your_data = {"Purchase Amount": 'TotalAmount'}
print(your_data,  file=open('D:\log.txt', 'w'))

For python2

this is the example of Python Print String To Text File

def my_func():
    this function return some value
    return 25.256

def write_file(data):
    this function write data to file
    :param data:
    file_name = r'D:\log.txt'
    with open(file_name, 'w') as x_file:
        x_file.write('{} TotalAmount'.format(data))

def run():
    data = my_func()


How do pointer-to-pointer's work in C? (and when might you use them?)

When covering pointers on a programming course at university, we were given two hints as to how to begin learning about them. The first was to view Pointer Fun With Binky. The second was to think about the Haddocks' Eyes passage from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass

“You are sad,” the Knight said in an anxious tone: “Let me sing you a song to comfort you.”

“Is it very long?” Alice asked, for she had heard a good deal of poetry that day.

“It's long,” said the Knight, “but it's very, very beautiful. Everybody that hears me sing it - either it brings the tears to their eyes, or else -”

“Or else what?” said Alice, for the Knight had made a sudden pause.

“Or else it doesn't, you know. The name of the song is called ‘Haddocks' Eyes.’”

“Oh, that's the name of the song, is it?" Alice said, trying to feel interested.

“No, you don't understand,” the Knight said, looking a little vexed. “That's what the name is called. The name really is ‘The Aged Aged Man.’”

“Then I ought to have said ‘That's what the song is called’?” Alice corrected herself.

“No, you oughtn't: that's quite another thing! The song is called ‘Ways And Means’: but that's only what it's called, you know!”

“Well, what is the song, then?” said Alice, who was by this time completely bewildered.

“I was coming to that,” the Knight said. “The song really is ‘A-sitting On A Gate’: and the tune's my own invention.”

How to install the JDK on Ubuntu Linux

You can install Oracle's JDK 1.7 fairly easily too; as an example this is how to install JDK 1.7.0_13;

As root, do;

cd /usr/local
tar xzf <the file you just downloaded>

As your normal user, add or change these two lines in your ~/.profile to point to the installation;

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_13
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

If it's an update, you may also want to remove the old java installation directory in /usr/local.

Log out and in again (or do . ~/.profile), and everything should just work.

The downside with Oracle's JDK is that it won't update with the rest of your system like OpenJDK will, so I'd mostly consider it if you're running programs that require it.

Python regex to match dates

Sometimes we need to get the date from a string. One example with grouping:

record = '1518-09-06 00:57 some-alphanumeric-charecter'
pattern_date_time = ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) .+
match = re.match(pattern_date_time, record)
if match is not None:
  group =
  date = group[0]
  print(date) // outputs 1518-09-06 00:57

The property 'value' does not exist on value of type 'HTMLElement'

If you have dynamic element ID where you need to assign the dynamic value, you may use this:

//element_id = you dynamic id.
//dynamic_val = you dynamic value.
let _el = document.getElementById(element_id);
_el.value = dynamic_val.toString();

This works for me.

How do I check if a PowerShell module is installed?

You can use the #Requires statement (supports modules from PowerShell 3.0).

The #Requires statement prevents a script from running unless the PowerShell version, modules, snap-ins, and module and snap-in version prerequisites are met.

So At the top of the script, simply add #Requires -Module <ModuleName>

If the required modules are not in the current session, PowerShell imports them.

If the modules cannot be imported, PowerShell throws a terminating error.

Class 'ViewController' has no initializers in swift

if you lost a "!" in your code ,like this code below, you'll also get this error.

import UIKit

class MemeDetailViewController : UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var memeImage: UIImageView!

    var meme:Meme! // lost"!"

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

        self.memeImage!.image = meme.memedImage

    override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {


Update Eclipse with Android development tools v. 23

This worked for me. I kept upgrading to version 23.02 (or 23.03 if presented) using a new install of ADT bundle, and migrating the your original workspace across and add the patches. This is the procedure for ADT Bundle only.

(Backup your workspace first)

1/ install latest adt bundle from google. (For some reason using Googles download page just goes around in a loop on Chrome!?!)

2/ download the patch from here:

3/ Apply the patch as per Googles (poorly described) instructions

...and copy over the following files:


Which means => Copy the file only of tools/hprof-conv
Which means => Copy the file only of tools/support/annotations.jar
Which means => Copy the directory and all contents for tools/proguard

3/ Point your old workspace to the new install on startup. (Projects will still come up with errors, don't worry)

4/ select Help-> Install new software, select update site, and select version 23.03 when prompted.

  • Check the update sites, and edit the one for google from https => http like this: Change to "http". This seems to make Eclipse Updater build a new update profile that avoided download errors. You might also get "unsigned" prompt warning prompts from Windoze but just "Allow Access" to prevent blocking.

5/ If you still get errors on references to "android.R", this is because you may not have the appropriate "platform build tools". Check the "Android SDK Manager" for which build tools you have like this: enter image description here Also check your "Android" build for the project to make sure you have the compatible Android API.

Version 23.02 should be downloaded, and your projects should now compile.

Google have abandoned all the UI trimmings for Eclipse ADT (ie you'll see the Juno splash). I thought this would be a problem but it seems ok. I think it shows how desperate Google were to get the fix out. Given that Android studio is not far away Google don't want invest any more time into ADT. I suppose this is what you get with "free" software. Hopefully the adults are back in charge now, and Google Studio won't be such a disaster.

Start script missing error when running npm start

You might have an old (global) installation of npm which causes the issue. As of 12/19, npm does not support global installations.

First, uninstall the package using:
npm uninstall -g create-react-app

Some osx/Linux users may need to also remove the old npm using:
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/create-react-app

This is now the only supported method for generating a project:
npx create-react-app my-app

Finally you can run:
npm start

CMake error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found

Just in case it helps any one like me in future:

I have had this issue for 24 hours now, on 3 different 64-bit machines(Win7 , Windows 8.1 VM and WIn 8.1 laptop) - whilst trying to build WebKit with VS 2017.

The simple issue here is that the VC++ compiler (i.e cl.exe and it's dependent DLLs) is not visible to CMake. Simple. By making the VC++ folders containing those binaries visible to CMake and your working command prompt(if you're running Cmake from a command prompt), voila! (In addition to key points raised by others , above)

Anyway, after all kinds of fixes - as posted on these many forums- I discovered that it was SIMPLY a matter of ensuring that the PATH variable's contents are not cluttered with multiple Visual Studio BIN paths etc; and instead, points to :

a) the location of your compiler (i.e. cl.exe for your preferred version of Visual Studio ), which in my case(targeting 64-bit platform, and developing on a 64-bit host) is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\bin\Hostx64\x64

b) and in addition, the folder containing a dependent DLL called (which cl.exe is dependent on): api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll - which on my machine is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64

These two directories being added to a simplified and CUSTOM System Path variable(working under a Admin priviledged commmand prompt), eliminated my "No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found" and "No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found." errors.

Hope it helps someone.

Unable to resolve host "<insert URL here>" No address associated with hostname

My bet is that you forgot to give your app the permission to use the internet. Try adding this to your android manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Getting the class of the element that fired an event using JQuery


$(document).ready(function() {
    $("a").click(function(event) {
       alert(" and "+$('class'));

How do I determine whether my calculation of pi is accurate?

Undoubtedly, for your purposes (which I assume is just a programming exercise), the best thing is to check your results against any of the listings of the digits of pi on the web.

And how do we know that those values are correct? Well, I could say that there are computer-science-y ways to prove that an implementation of an algorithm is correct.

More pragmatically, if different people use different algorithms, and they all agree to (pick a number) a thousand (million, whatever) decimal places, that should give you a warm fuzzy feeling that they got it right.

Historically, William Shanks published pi to 707 decimal places in 1873. Poor guy, he made a mistake starting at the 528th decimal place.

Very interestingly, in 1995 an algorithm was published that had the property that would directly calculate the nth digit (base 16) of pi without having to calculate all the previous digits!

Finally, I hope your initial algorithm wasn't pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... That may be the simplest to program, but it's also one of the slowest ways to do so. Check out the pi article on Wikipedia for faster approaches.

Easiest way to use SVG in Android?

You can use Coil library to load svg. Just add these lines in build.gradle

// ... Coil (

Then Add an extension function

fun AppCompatImageView.loadSvg(url: String) {
    val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(this.context)
        .componentRegistry { add(SvgDecoder([email protected])) }

    val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this.context)


Then call this method in your activity or fragment


How to import module when module name has a '-' dash or hyphen in it?

If you can't rename the original file, you could also use a symlink:

ln -s

Then you can just:

from foo_bar import *

What is the difference between declarative and imperative paradigm in programming?

Imperative programming
A programming language that requires programming discipline such as C/C++, Java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Perl and JavaScript. Programmers writing in such languages must develop a proper order of actions in order to solve the problem, based on a knowledge of data processing and programming.

Declarative programming
A computer language that does not require writing traditional programming logic; Users concentrate on defining the input and output rather than the program steps required in a procedural programming language such as C++ or Java.

Declarative programming examples are CSS, HTML, XML, XSLT, RegX.

Adding gif image in an ImageView in android

I would suggest you to use Glide library. To use Glide you need to add this to add these dependencies

compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'
compile ''

to your grandle (Module:app) file.

Then use this line of code to load your gif image


More Information on Glide

How to skip the first n rows in sql query

try below query it's work

SELECT * FROM `my_table` WHERE id != (SELECT id From my_table LIMIT 1)

Hope this will help

How can I create basic timestamps or dates? (Python 3.4)

Ultimately you want to review the datetime documentation and become familiar with the formatting variables, but here are some examples to get you started:

import datetime

print('Timestamp: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(
print('Timestamp: {:%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(
print('Date now: %s' %
print('Date today: %s' %

today =
print("Today's date is {:%b, %d %Y}".format(today))

schedule = '{:%b, %d %Y}'.format(today) + ' - 6 PM to 10 PM Pacific'
schedule2 = '{:%B, %d %Y}'.format(today) + ' - 1 PM to 6 PM Central'
print('Maintenance: %s' % schedule)
print('Maintenance: %s' % schedule2)

The output:

Timestamp: 2014-10-18 21:31:12

Timestamp: 2014-Oct-18 21:31:12

Date now: 2014-10-18 21:31:12.318340

Date today: 2014-10-18

Today's date is Oct, 18 2014

Maintenance: Oct, 18 2014 - 6 PM to 10 PM Pacific

Maintenance: October, 18 2014 - 1 PM to 6 PM Central

Reference link:

JavaScript code to stop form submission

Lots of hard ways to do an easy thing:

<form name="foo" onsubmit="return false">

How to import a new font into a project - Angular 5

You can try creating a css for your font with font-face (like explained here)

Step #1

Create a css file with font face and place it somewhere, like in assets/fonts


@font-face {
    font-family: YourFontFamily;
    src: url("/assets/font/yourFont.otf") format("truetype");

Step #2

Add the css to your .angular-cli.json in the styles config

 //...your other styles

Do not forget to restart ng serve after doing this

Step #3

Use the font in your code


span {font-family: YourFontFamily; }

"React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child" error when putting <Image> and <TouchableHighlight> in a <View>

Usually it happen in TochableHighlight. Anyway error mean that you must used single element inside the whatever component.

Solution : You can use single view inside parent and anything can be used inside that View. See the attached picture

enter image description here

Find mouse position relative to element

A good write up of the difficulty of this problem can be found here:

Using the technique that is described there you can find the mouses position in the document. Then you just check to see if it is inside the bounding box of your element, which you can find by calling element.getBoundingClientRect() which will return an object with the following properties: { bottom, height, left, right, top, width }. From there it is trivial to figure out if the even happened inside your element or not.

How do I round to the nearest 0.5?

This answer is taken from Rosdi Kasim's comment in the answer that John Rasch provided.

John's answer works but does have an overflow possibility.

Here is my version of Rosdi's code:

I also put it in an extension to make it easy to use. The extension is not necessary and could be used as a function without issue.

Public Function ToHalf(value As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim integerPart = Decimal.Truncate(value)
    Dim fractionPart = value - Decimal.Truncate(integerPart)
    Dim roundedFractionPart = Math.Round(fractionPart * 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2
    Dim newValue = integerPart + roundedFractionPart
    Return newValue
End Function

The usage would then be:

Dim newValue = CDec(1.26).ToHalf

This would return 1.5

Xcode - ld: library not found for -lPods

My problem had fixed by the following config:

Build Active Architecture Only: YES

Change font size of UISegmentedControl

Swift Style:

UISegmentedControl.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes(NSDictionary(objects: [UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)], forKeys: [NSFontAttributeName]), forState: UIControlState.Normal)

How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

I had the same error. What worked for me is when you go for the SMSS GUI option, look at General, Files in Options settings. After I did that (replace DB, set location) all went well.

Postgresql - change the size of a varchar column to lower length

Ok, I'm probably late to the party, BUT...


Postgres, unlike some other databases, is smart enough to only use just enough space to fit the string (even using compression for longer strings), so even if your column is declared as VARCHAR(255) - if you store 40-character strings in the column, the space usage will be 40 bytes + 1 byte of overhead.

The storage requirement for a short string (up to 126 bytes) is 1 byte plus the actual string, which includes the space padding in the case of character. Longer strings have 4 bytes of overhead instead of 1. Long strings are compressed by the system automatically, so the physical requirement on disk might be less. Very long values are also stored in background tables so that they do not interfere with rapid access to shorter column values.


The size specification in VARCHAR is only used to check the size of the values which are inserted, it does not affect the disk layout. In fact, VARCHAR and TEXT fields are stored in the same way in Postgres.

Typing Greek letters etc. in Python plots

Not only can you add raw strings to matplotlib but you can also specify the font in matplotlibrc or locally with:

from matplotlib import rc

rc('font', **{'family':'serif','serif':['Palatino']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

This would change your serif latex font. You can also specify the sans-serif Helvetica like so


Other options are cursive and monospace with their respective font names. Your label would then be

fig.gca().set_xlabel(r'wavelength $5000 \AA$')

If the font doesn't supply an Angstrom symbol you can try using \mathring{A}

Spin or rotate an image on hover

Here is my code, this flips on hover and flips back off-hover.


.flip-container {
  background: transparent;
  display: inline-block;

.flip-this {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  transition: transform 0.6s;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;

.flip-container:hover .flip-this {
  transition: 0.9s;
  transform: rotateY(180deg);


<div class="flip-container">
    <div class="flip-this">
        <img width="100" alt="Godot icon" src="">

Fiddle this

How can I pad a String in Java?

Since Java 1.5, String.format() can be used to left/right pad a given string.

public static String padRight(String s, int n) {
     return String.format("%-" + n + "s", s);  

public static String padLeft(String s, int n) {
    return String.format("%" + n + "s", s);  


public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
 System.out.println(padRight("Howto", 20) + "*");
 System.out.println(padLeft("Howto", 20) + "*");

And the output is:

Howto               *

Updating GUI (WPF) using a different thread

Use Following Method to Update GUI.

     Public Void UpdateUI()
         //Here update your label, button or any string related object.

         //Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate { }));    
         Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate { }));

Keep it in Mind when you use this method at that time do not Update same object direct from dispatcher thread otherwise you get only that updated string and this method is helpless/useless. If still not working then Comment that line inside method and un-comment commented one both have nearly same effect just different way to access it.

Conversion between UTF-8 ArrayBuffer and String

This should work:


/* utf.js - UTF-8 <=> UTF-16 convertion
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Masanao Izumo <[email protected]>
 * Version: 1.0
 * LastModified: Dec 25 1999
 * This library is free.  You can redistribute it and/or modify it.

function Utf8ArrayToStr(array) {
  var out, i, len, c;
  var char2, char3;

  out = "";
  len = array.length;
  i = 0;
  while (i < len) {
    c = array[i++];
    switch (c >> 4)
      case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
        // 0xxxxxxx
        out += String.fromCharCode(c);
      case 12: case 13:
        // 110x xxxx   10xx xxxx
        char2 = array[i++];
        out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));
      case 14:
        // 1110 xxxx  10xx xxxx  10xx xxxx
        char2 = array[i++];
        char3 = array[i++];
        out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) |
                                   ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
                                   ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));
  return out;

It's somewhat cleaner as the other solutions because it doesn't use any hacks nor depends on Browser JS functions, e.g. works also in other JS environments.

Check out the JSFiddle demo.

Also see the related questions: here, here

In Typescript, what is the ! (exclamation mark / bang) operator when dereferencing a member?

Louis' answer is great, but I thought I would try to sum it up succinctly:

The bang operator tells the compiler to temporarily relax the "not null" constraint that it might otherwise demand. It says to the compiler: "As the developer, I know better than you that this variable cannot be null right now".

Method has the same erasure as another method in type

This is because Java Generics are implemented with Type Erasure.

Your methods would be translated, at compile time, to something like:

Method resolution occurs at compile time and doesn't consider type parameters. (see erickson's answer)

void add(Set ii);
void add(Set ss);

Both methods have the same signature without the type parameters, hence the error.

How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

I had similar problems as well. I put the following line of code in the head of my layout file and all seems to be fine.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?

function getURL(url){
    return $.ajax({
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        cache: false,
        async: false

//example use
var msg=getURL("message.php");

bool to int conversion

int x = 4<5;

Completely portable. Standard conformant. bool to int conversion is implicit!

§4.7/4 from the C++ Standard says (Integral Conversion)

If the source type is bool, the value false is converted to zero and the value true is converted to one.

As for C, as far as I know there is no bool in C. (before 1999) So bool to int conversion is relevant in C++ only. In C, 4<5 evaluates to int value, in this case the value is 1, 4>5 would evaluate to 0.

EDIT: Jens in the comment said, C99 has _Bool type. bool is a macro defined in stdbool.h header file. true and false are also macro defined in stdbool.h.

§7.16 from C99 says,

The macro bool expands to _Bool.

[..] true which expands to the integer constant 1, false which expands to the integer constant 0,[..]

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

First just to answer a comment in the accepts answer.

"What does bind do? What if I have an interface and an implementation?"

It simply reads bind( implementation ).to( contract ). You can alternative chain .in( scope ). Default scope of PerLookup. So if you want a singleton, you can

bind( implementation ).to( contract ).in( Singleton.class );

There's also a RequestScoped available

Also, instead of bind(Class).to(Class), you can also bind(Instance).to(Class), which will be automatically be a singleton.

Adding to the accepted answer

For those trying to figure out how to register your AbstractBinder implementation in your web.xml (i.e. you're not using a ResourceConfig), it seems the binder won't be discovered through package scanning, i.e.


Or this either


To get it to work, I had to implement a Feature:


public class Hk2Feature implements Feature {

    public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
        context.register(new AppBinder());
        return true;

The @Provider annotation should allow the Feature to be picked up by the package scanning. Or without package scanning, you can explicitly register the Feature in the web.xml

    <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>

See Also:

and for general information from the Jersey documentation



Aside from the basic binding in the accepted answer, you also have factories, where you can have more complex creation logic, and also have access to request context information. For example

public class MyServiceFactory implements Factory<MyService> {
    private HttpHeaders headers;

    public MyService provide() {
        return new MyService(headers.getHeaderString("X-Header"));

    public void dispose(MyService service) { /* noop */ }

register(new AbstractBinder() {
    public void configure() {

Then you can inject MyService into your resource class.

How to clear out session on log out

Session.Abandon() destroys the session and the Session_OnEnd event is triggered.

Session.Clear() just removes all values (content) from the Object. The session with the same key is still alive.

So, if you use Session.Abandon(), you lose that specific session and the user will get a new session key. You could use it for example when the user logs out.

Use Session.Clear(), if you want that the user remaining in the same session (if you don't want him to relogin for example) and reset all his session specific data.

Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery

Again, AJAX is async. So the showMsg function will be called only after success response from the server.. and the form submit event will not wait until AJAX success.

Move the e.preventDefault(); as first line in the click handler.

$("form").submit(function (e) {
      e.preventDefault(); // this will prevent from submitting the form.

See below code,

I want it to be allowed HasJobInProgress == False

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("form").submit(function (e) {
        e.preventDefault(); //prevent default form submit
            url: '@Url.Action("HasJobInProgress", "ClientChoices")/',
            data: { id: '@Model.ClientId' },
            success: function (data) {
            cache: false
$("#cancelButton").click(function () {
    window.location = '@Url.Action("list", "default", new { clientId = Model.ClientId })';
$("[type=text]").focus(function () {
function showMsg(hasCurrentJob) {
    if (hasCurrentJob == "True") {
        alert("The current clients has a job in progress. No changes can be saved until current job completes");
        return false;
    } else {

Reversing a string in C

The code looks unnecessarily complicated. Here is my version:

void strrev(char* str) { 
    size_t len = strlen(str);
    char buf[len]; 

    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
        buf[i] = str[len - 1 - i]; 

    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
        str[i] = buf[i]; 

How can I check if character in a string is a letter? (Python)

You can use str.isalpha().

For example:

s = 'a123b'

for char in s:
    print(char, char.isalpha())


a True
1 False
2 False
3 False
b True

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

try this, calling the activity in the constructor

public class WebService {
private Activity activity;

        public WebService(Activity _activity){
            helper=new Helper(activity);


Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

I would use expr match instead of =~:

expr match "$date" "[0-9]\{8\}" >/dev/null && echo yes

This is better than the currently accepted answer of using =~ because =~ will also match empty strings, which IMHO it shouldn't. Suppose badvar is not defined, then [[ "1234" =~ "$badvar" ]]; echo $? gives (incorrectly) 0, while expr match "1234" "$badvar" >/dev/null ; echo $? gives correct result 1.

We have to use >/dev/null to hide expr match's output value, which is the number of characters matched or 0 if no match found. Note its output value is different from its exit status. The exit status is 0 if there's a match found, or 1 otherwise.

Generally, the syntax for expr is:

expr match "$string" "$lead"


expr "$string" : "$lead"

where $lead is a regular expression. Its exit status will be true (0) if lead matches the leading slice of string (Is there a name for this?). For example expr match "abcdefghi" "abc"exits true, but expr match "abcdefghi" "bcd" exits false. (Credit to @Carlo Wood for pointing out this.

How to style SVG with external CSS?

It is possible to style an SVG by dynamically creating a style element in JavaScript and appending it to the SVG element. Hacky, but it works.

<object id="dynamic-svg" type="image/svg+xml" data="your-svg.svg">
    Your browser does not support SVG
    var svgHolder = document.querySelector('object#dynamic-svg');
    svgHolder.onload = function () {
        var svgDocument = svgHolder.contentDocument;
        var style = svgDocument.createElementNS("", "style");

        // Now (ab)use the @import directive to load make the browser load our css
        style.textContent = '@import url("/css/your-dynamic-css.css");';

        var svgElem = svgDocument.querySelector('svg');
        svgElem.insertBefore(style, svgElem.firstChild);

You could generate the JavaScript dynamically in PHP if you want to - the fact that this is possible in JavaScript opens a myriad of possibilities.

How to convert string to integer in PowerShell


$filelist = @(11, 1, 2)
$filelist | sort @{expression={$_[0]}} | 
  % {$newName = [string]([int]$($_[0]) + 1)}
  New-Item $newName -ItemType Directory

recyclerview No adapter attached; skipping layout

Just put code inside onCreate() method

/* Like This*/

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
    layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(YourActivity.this);
    mAdapter = new YourAdapter(YourModelClassObject);

how to set background image in submit button?

Typically one would use one (or more) image tags, maybe in combination with setting div background images in css to act as the submit button. The actual submit would be done in javascript on the click event.

A tutorial on the subject.

RequestDispatcher.forward() vs HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

Either of these methods may be "better", i.e. more suitable, depending on what you want to do.

A server-side redirect is faster insofar as you get the data from a different page without making a round trip to the browser. But the URL seen in the browser is still the original address, so you're creating a little inconsistency there.

A client-side redirect is more versatile insofar as it can send you to a completely different server, or change the protocol (e.g. from HTTP to HTTPS), or both. And the browser is aware of the new URL. But it takes an extra back-and-forth between server and client.

C++ printing boolean, what is displayed?

The standard streams have a boolalpha flag that determines what gets displayed -- when it's false, they'll display as 0 and 1. When it's true, they'll display as false and true.

There's also an std::boolalpha manipulator to set the flag, so this:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;   
    return 0;

...produces output like:


For what it's worth, the actual word produced when boolalpha is set to true is localized--that is, <locale> has a num_put category that handles numeric conversions, so if you imbue a stream with the right locale, it can/will print out true and false as they're represented in that locale. For example,

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <locale>

int main() {

    std::cout << false << "\n";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << false << "\n";
    return 0;

...and at least in theory (assuming your compiler/standard library accept "fr" as an identifier for "French") it might print out faux instead of false. I should add, however, that real support for this is uneven at best--even the Dinkumware/Microsoft library (usually quite good in this respect) prints false for every language I've checked.

The names that get used are defined in a numpunct facet though, so if you really want them to print out correctly for particular language, you can create a numpunct facet to do that. For example, one that (I believe) is at least reasonably accurate for French would look like this:

#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>

class my_fr : public std::numpunct< char > {
    char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; }
    char do_thousands_sep() const { return '.'; }
    std::string do_grouping() const { return "\3"; }
    std::string do_truename() const { return "vrai";  }
    std::string do_falsename() const { return "faux"; }

int main() {
    std::cout.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new my_fr));

    std::cout << false << "\n";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << false << "\n";
    return 0;

And the result is (as you'd probably expect):


How to convert integer timestamp to Python datetime

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() is correct, except you are probably having timestamp in miliseconds (like in JavaScript), but fromtimestamp() expects Unix timestamp, in seconds.

Do it like that:

>>> import datetime
>>> your_timestamp = 1331856000000
>>> date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(your_timestamp / 1e3)

and the result is:

>>> date
datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 16, 1, 0)

Does it answer your question?

EDIT: J.F. Sebastian correctly suggested to use true division by 1e3 (float 1000). The difference is significant, if you would like to get precise results, thus I changed my answer. The difference results from the default behaviour of Python 2.x, which always returns int when dividing (using / operator) int by int (this is called floor division). By replacing the divisor 1000 (being an int) with the 1e3 divisor (being representation of 1000 as float) or with float(1000) (or 1000. etc.), the division becomes true division. Python 2.x returns float when dividing int by float, float by int, float by float etc. And when there is some fractional part in the timestamp passed to fromtimestamp() method, this method's result also contains information about that fractional part (as the number of microseconds).

How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

various option are available such as:

 Double d= 123.12;
BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(d, MathContext.DECIMAL64); // b = 123.1200000
b = b.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);  // b = 123.12

BigDecimal b1 =new BigDecimal(collectionFileData.getAmount(), MathContext.DECIMAL64).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)  // b1= 123.12

 d = (double) Math.round(d * 100) / 100;
BigDecimal b2 = new BigDecimal(d.toString());  // b2= 123.12

Java maximum memory on Windows XP

Oracle JRockit, which can handle a non-contiguous heap, can have a Java heap size of 2.85 GB on Windows 2003/XP with the /3GB switch. It seems that fragmentation can have quite an impact on how large a Java heap can be.

DropDownList in MVC 4 with Razor

If you're using 5 (MVC 6) or later then you can use the new Tag Helpers for a very nice syntax:

<select asp-for="tipo">
    <option value="Exemplo1">Exemplo1</option>
    <option value="Exemplo2">Exemplo2</option>
    <option value="Exemplo3">Exemplo3</option>

How can I convert the "arguments" object to an array in JavaScript?

Use Array.from(), which takes an array-like object (such as arguments) as argument and converts it to array:

(function() {_x000D_
}(1, 2, 3));

Note that it doesn't work in some older browsers like IE 11, so if you want to support these browsers, you should use Babel.

Getting a count of objects in a queryset in django

To get the number of votes for a specific item, you would use:

vote_count = Item.objects.filter(votes__contest=contestA).count()

If you wanted a break down of the distribution of votes in a particular contest, I would do something like the following:

contest = Contest.objects.get(pk=contest_id)
votes   = contest.votes_set.select_related()

vote_counts = {}

for vote in votes:
  if not vote_counts.has_key(
    vote_counts[] = {
      'item': vote.item,
      'count': 0

  vote_counts[]['count'] += 1

This will create dictionary that maps items to number of votes. Not the only way to do this, but it's pretty light on database hits, so will run pretty quickly.

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

LINQ is very effective and easy to use on Lists rather than DataTable. I can see the above answers have a loop(for, foreach), which I will not prefer.

So the best thing to select a perticular column from a DataTable is just use a DataView to filter the column and use it as you want.

Find it here how to do this.

DataView dtView = new DataView(dtYourDataTable);
DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn= dtView .ToTable(true, "ColumnA");

Now the DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn contains only one column(ColumnA).

Laravel Eloquent update just if changes have been made

You can use getChanges() on Eloquent model even after persisting.


            android:required="false" />

if required is true, maybe you need to change

Save bitmap to location

Some new devices don't save bitmap So I explained a little more..

make sure you have added below Permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

and create a xml file under xml folder name provider_paths.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        path="." />

and in AndroidManifest under


then simply call saveBitmapFile(passYourBitmapHere)

public static void saveBitmapFile(Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException {
        File mediaFile = getOutputMediaFile();
        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(mediaFile);
        bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, getQualityNumber(bitmap), fileOutputStream);


File getOutputMediaFile() {
        File mediaStorageDir = new File(
        if (mediaStorageDir.isDirectory()) {

            // Create a media file name
            String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
            String mCurrentPath = mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator
                            + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg";
            File mediaFile = new File(mCurrentPath);
            return mediaFile;
        } else { /// error handling for PIE devices..

            return (getOutputMediaFile());

and other methods

public static int getQualityNumber(Bitmap bitmap) {
        int size = bitmap.getByteCount();
        int percentage = 0;

        if (size > 500000 && size <= 800000) {
            percentage = 15;
        } else if (size > 800000 && size <= 1000000) {
            percentage = 20;
        } else if (size > 1000000 && size <= 1500000) {
            percentage = 25;
        } else if (size > 1500000 && size <= 2500000) {
            percentage = 27;
        } else if (size > 2500000 && size <= 3500000) {
            percentage = 30;
        } else if (size > 3500000 && size <= 4000000) {
            percentage = 40;
        } else if (size > 4000000 && size <= 5000000) {
            percentage = 50;
        } else if (size > 5000000) {
            percentage = 75;

        return percentage;


void galleryAddPic(File f) {
        Intent mediaScanIntent = new Intent(
        Uri contentUri = Uri.fromFile(f);


Explode PHP string by new line

It doesn't matter what your system uses as newlines if the content might be generated outside of the system.

I am amazed after receiving all of these answers, that no one has simply advised the use of the \R escape sequence. There is only one way that I would ever consider implementing this in one of my own projects. \R provides the most succinct and direct approach.\n,%20\r%20and%20\r\n

Code: (Demo)

$text = "one\ntwo\r\nthree\rfour\r\n\nfive";

var_export(preg_split('~\R~', $text));


array (
  0 => 'one',
  1 => 'two',
  2 => 'three',
  3 => 'four',
  4 => '',
  5 => 'five',

JavaScript sleep/wait before continuing

JS does not have a sleep function, it has setTimeout() or setInterval() functions.

If you can move the code that you need to run after the pause into the setTimeout() callback, you can do something like this:

//code before the pause
    //do what you need here
}, 2000);

see example here :

This won't halt the execution of your script, but due to the fact that setTimeout() is an asynchronous function, this code

    console.log("THIS IS");
}, 2000);

will print this in the console:


(note that DOG is printed before THIS IS)

You can use the following code to simulate a sleep for short periods of time:

function sleep(milliseconds) {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
    if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

now, if you want to sleep for 1 second, just use:



please note that this code will keep your script busy for n milliseconds. This will not only stop execution of Javascript on your page, but depending on the browser implementation, may possibly make the page completely unresponsive, and possibly make the entire browser unresponsive. In other words this is almost always the wrong thing to do.

Get current NSDate in timestamp format

- (void)GetCurrentTimeStamp
        NSDateFormatter *objDateformat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        [objDateformat setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
        NSString    *strTime = [objDateformat stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
        NSString    *strUTCTime = [self GetUTCDateTimeFromLocalTime:strTime];//You can pass your date but be carefull about your date format of NSDateFormatter.
        NSDate *objUTCDate  = [objDateformat dateFromString:strUTCTime];
        long long milliseconds = (long long)([objUTCDate timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000.0);

        NSString *strTimeStamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lld",milliseconds];
NSLog(@"The Timestamp is = %@",strTimeStamp);

 - (NSString *) GetUTCDateTimeFromLocalTime:(NSString *)IN_strLocalTime
        NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
        NSDate  *objDate    = [dateFormatter dateFromString:IN_strLocalTime];
        [dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"]];
        NSString *strDateTime   = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:objDate];
        return strDateTime;

NOTE :- The Timestamp must be in UTC Zone, So I convert our local Time to UTC Time.

How to fix IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable

Basically, 1 is not a valid index of y. If the visitor is comming from his own code he should check if his y contains the index which he tries to access (in this case the index is 1).

Unable to import a module that is definitely installed

I had a similar problem using Django. In my case, I could import the module from the Django shell, but not from a .py which imported the module.
The problem was that I was running the Django server (therefore, executing the .py) from a different virtualenv from which the module had been installed.

Instead, the shell instance was being run in the correct virtualenv. Hence, why it worked.

How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

I've made some changes to code given by Mark Byers. Below function will also adds empty directories if you have them. Examples should make it more clear what is the path added to the zip.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import zipfile

def addDirToZip(zipHandle, path, basePath=""):
    Adding directory given by \a path to opened zip file \a zipHandle

    @param basePath path that will be removed from \a path when adding to archive

        # add whole "dir" to "" (when you open "" you will see only "dir")
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir')

        # add contents of "dir" to "" (when you open "" you will see only it's contents)
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir', 'dir')

        # add contents of "dir/subdir" to "" (when you open "" you will see only contents of "subdir")
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir/subdir', 'dir/subdir')

        # add whole "dir/subdir" to "" (when you open "" you will see only "subdir")
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir/subdir', 'dir')

        # add whole "dir/subdir" with full path to "" (when you open "" you will see only "dir" and inside it only "subdir")
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir/subdir')

        # add whole "dir" and "otherDir" (with full path) to "" (when you open "" you will see only "dir" and "otherDir")
        zipHandle = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'dir')
        addDirToZip(zipHandle, 'otherDir')
    basePath = basePath.rstrip("\\/") + ""
    basePath = basePath.rstrip("\\/")
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        # add dir itself (needed for empty dirs
        zipHandle.write(os.path.join(root, "."))
        # add files
        for file in files:
            filePath = os.path.join(root, file)
            inZipPath = filePath.replace(basePath, "", 1).lstrip("\\/")
            #print filePath + " , " + inZipPath
            zipHandle.write(filePath, inZipPath)

Above is a simple function that should work for simple cases. You can find more elegant class in my Gist:

Why is this HTTP request not working on AWS Lambda?

Yes, there's in fact many reasons why you can access AWS Lambda like and HTTP Endpoint.

The architecture of AWS Lambda

It's a microservice. Running inside EC2 with Amazon Linux AMI (Version 3.14.26–24.46.amzn1.x86_64) and runs with Node.js. The memory can be beetwen 128mb and 1gb. When the data source triggers the event, the details are passed to a Lambda function as parameter's.

What happen?

AWS Lambda run's inside a container, and the code is directly uploaded to this container with packages or modules. For example, we NEVER can do SSH for the linux machine running your lambda function. The only things that we can monitor are the logs, with CloudWatchLogs and the exception that came from the runtime.

AWS take care of launch and terminate the containers for us, and just run the code. So, even that you use require('http'), it's not going to work, because the place where this code runs, wasn't made for this.

MVC4 DataType.Date EditorFor won't display date value in Chrome, fine in Internet Explorer

In MVC5.2, add Date.cshtml to folder ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates:

@model DateTime?
    IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes;
    object objAttributes;
    if (ViewData.TryGetValue("htmlAttributes", out objAttributes))
        htmlAttributes = objAttributes as IDictionary<string, object> ?? HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(objAttributes);
        htmlAttributes = new RouteValueDictionary();
    htmlAttributes.Add("type", "date");
    String format = (Request.UserAgent != null && Request.UserAgent.Contains("Chrome")) ? "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" : "{0:d}";
    @Html.TextBox("", Model, format, htmlAttributes)

PLS-00201 - identifier must be declared

When creating the TABLE under B2BOWNER, be sure to prefix the PL/SQL function with the Schema name; i.e. B2BOWNER.F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert.

I did not realize this until the DBAs pointed it out. I could have created the table under my root USER/SCHEMA and the PL/SQL function would have worked fine.

img onclick call to JavaScript function

You should probably be using a more unobtrusive approach. Here's the benefits

  • Separation of functionality (the "behavior layer") from a Web page's structure/content and presentation
  • Best practices to avoid the problems of traditional JavaScript programming (such as browser inconsistencies and lack of scalability)
  • Progressive enhancement to support user agents that may not support advanced JavaScript functionality

Here's a jsfiddle demo

Your JavaScript

function exportToForm(a, b, c, d, e) {
  console.log(a, b, c, d, e);

var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");

for (var i=0, len=images.length, img; i<len; i++) {
  img = images[i];
  img.addEventListener("click", function() {
    var a = img.getAttribute("data-a"),
        b = img.getAttribute("data-b"),
        c = img.getAttribute("data-c"),
        d = img.getAttribute("data-d"),
        e = img.getAttribute("data-e");

    exportToForm(a, b, c, d, e);

Your images will look like this

<img data-a="1" data-b="2" data-c="3" data-d="4" data-e="5" src="image.jpg">

Disabling submit button until all fields have values

Grave digging... I like a different approach:

elem = $('form')
elem.on('keyup','input', checkStatus)
elem.on('change', 'select', checkStatus)

checkStatus = (e) =>
  elems = $('form').find('input:enabled').not('input[type=hidden]').map(-> $(this).val())
  filled = $.grep(elems, (n) -> n)
  bool = elems.size() != $(filled).size()
  $('input:submit').attr('disabled', bool)

How to write log file in c#?

public static void WriteLog(string strLog)
        StreamWriter log;
        FileStream fileStream = null;
        DirectoryInfo logDirInfo = null;
        FileInfo logFileInfo;

        string logFilePath = "C:\\Logs\\";
        logFilePath = logFilePath + "Log-" + System.DateTime.Today.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "." + "txt";           
        logFileInfo = new FileInfo(logFilePath);
        logDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(logFileInfo.DirectoryName);
        if (!logDirInfo.Exists) logDirInfo.Create();
        if (!logFileInfo.Exists)
            fileStream = logFileInfo.Create();
            fileStream = new FileStream(logFilePath, FileMode.Append);
        log = new StreamWriter(fileStream);

Refer Link:

What's causing my Connection reset?

I got this error when the text file I was trying to read contained a string that matched an antivirus signature on our firewall.

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

start from

JSONArray deletedtrs_array = sync_reponse.getJSONArray("deletedtrs");

you can iterate through JSONArray and use values directly or create Objects of your own type
which will handle data fields inside of each deletedtrs_array member


for(int i = 0; i < deletedtrs_array.length(); i++){
    JSONObject obj = deletedtrs_array.getJSONObject(i);
    Log.d("Item no."+i, obj.toString());

    // create object of type DeletedTrsWrapper like this
    DeletedTrsWrapper dtw = new DeletedTrsWrapper(obj);

    // String company_id = obj.getString("companyid");
    // String username = obj.getString("username");
    // String date = obj.getString("date");
    // int report_id = obj.getInt("reportid");

Own object type

class DeletedTrsWrapper {

    public String company_id;
    public String username;
    public String date;
    public int report_id;

    public DeletedTrsWrapper(JSONObject obj){
        company_id = obj.getString("companyid");
        username = obj.getString("username");
        date = obj.getString("date");
        report_id = obj.getInt("reportid");

Java Class.cast() vs. cast operator

Generally the cast operator is preferred to the Class#cast method as it's more concise and can be analyzed by the compiler to spit out blatant issues with the code.

Class#cast takes responsibility for type checking at run-time rather than during compilation.

There are certainly use-cases for Class#cast, particularly when it comes to reflective operations.

Since lambda's came to java I personally like using Class#cast with the collections/stream API if I'm working with abstract types, for example.

Dog findMyDog(String name, Breed breed) {
                      .filter(dog -> dog.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
                      .filter(dog -> dog.getBreed() == breed)

Selecting multiple columns with linq query and lambda expression

using LINQ and Lamba, i wanted to return two field values and assign it to single entity object field;

as Name = Fname + " " + LName;

See my below code which is working as expected; hope this is useful;

Myentity objMyEntity = new Myentity
id = obj.Id,
Name = contxt.Vendors.Where(v => v.PQS_ID == obj.Id).Select(v=> new { contact = v.Fname + " " + v.LName}).Single().contact

no need to declare the 'contact'

What is the best way to use a HashMap in C++?

The standard library includes the ordered and the unordered map (std::map and std::unordered_map) containers. In an ordered map the elements are sorted by the key, insert and access is in O(log n). Usually the standard library internally uses red black trees for ordered maps. But this is just an implementation detail. In an unordered map insert and access is in O(1). It is just another name for a hashtable.

An example with (ordered) std::map:

#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  std::map<std::string, int> m;
  m["hello"] = 23;
  // check if key is present
  if (m.find("world") != m.end())
    std::cout << "map contains key world!\n";
  // retrieve
  std::cout << m["hello"] << '\n';
  std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = m.find("hello");
  assert(i != m.end());
  std::cout << "Key: " << i->first << " Value: " << i->second << '\n';
  return 0;


Key: hello Value: 23

If you need ordering in your container and are fine with the O(log n) runtime then just use std::map.

Otherwise, if you really need a hash-table (O(1) insert/access), check out std::unordered_map, which has a similar to std::map API (e.g. in the above example you just have to search and replace map with unordered_map).

The unordered_map container was introduced with the C++11 standard revision. Thus, depending on your compiler, you have to enable C++11 features (e.g. when using GCC 4.8 you have to add -std=c++11 to the CXXFLAGS).

Even before the C++11 release GCC supported unordered_map - in the namespace std::tr1. Thus, for old GCC compilers you can try to use it like this:

#include <tr1/unordered_map>

std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int> m;

It is also part of boost, i.e. you can use the corresponding boost-header for better portability.

how to compare two elements in jquery

For the record, jQuery has an is() function for this:

Note that a is already a jQuery instance.

Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?

Clarifications to the preceding posts:

References are NOT a guarantee of getting a non-null pointer. (Though we often treat them as such.)

While horrifically bad code, as in take you out behind the woodshed bad code, the following will compile & run: (At least under my compiler.)

bool test( int & a)
  return (&a) == (int *) NULL;

  int * i = (int *)NULL;
  cout << ( test(*i) ) << endl;

The real issue I have with references lies with other programmers, henceforth termed IDIOTS, who allocate in the constructor, deallocate in the destructor, and fail to supply a copy constructor or operator=().

Suddenly there's a world of difference between foo(BAR bar) and foo(BAR & bar). (Automatic bitwise copy operation gets invoked. Deallocation in destructor gets invoked twice.)

Thankfully modern compilers will pick up this double-deallocation of the same pointer. 15 years ago, they didn't. (Under gcc/g++, use setenv MALLOC_CHECK_ 0 to revisit the old ways.) Resulting, under DEC UNIX, in the same memory being allocated to two different objects. Lots of debugging fun there...

More practically:

  • References hide that you are changing data stored someplace else.
  • It's easy to confuse a Reference with a Copied object.
  • Pointers make it obvious!

DateTimeFormat in TypeScript

This should work...

var displayDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString();


But I suspect you are trying it on something else, for example:

var displayDate =; // No!


Where is Java Installed on Mac OS X?

If you type

java -verbose 

This also gives the location from which the jars are loaded and hence also the java path.

How to insert multiple rows from a single query using eloquent/fluent

using Eloquent

$data = array(
    array('user_id'=>'Coder 1', 'subject_id'=> 4096),
    array('user_id'=>'Coder 2', 'subject_id'=> 2048),


How to get input from user at runtime


  a number;
  a := :a;
dbms_output.put_line('Inputed Number is >> '|| a);


  a number;
  a := :x;
dbms_output.put_line('Inputed Number is >> '|| a);

Speed up rsync with Simultaneous/Concurrent File Transfers?

The shortest version I found is to use the --cat option of parallel like below. This version avoids using xargs, only relying on features of parallel:

cat files.txt | \
  parallel -n 500 --lb --pipe --cat rsync --files-from={} user@remote:/dir /dir -avPi

#### Arg explainer
# -n 500           :: split input into chunks of 500 entries
# --cat            :: create a tmp file referenced by {} containing the 500 
#                     entry content for each process
# user@remote:/dir :: the root relative to which entries in files.txt are considered
# /dir             :: local root relative to which files are copied

Sample content from files.txt:


Note that this doesn't use -j 50 for job count, that didn't work on my end here. Instead I've used -n 500 for record count per job, calculated as a reasonable number given the total number of records.

set the iframe height automatically

Solomon's answer about bootstrap inspired me to add the CSS the bootstrap solution uses, which works really well for me.

.iframe-embed {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    border: 0;
.iframe-embed-wrapper {
    position: relative;
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
.iframe-embed-responsive-16by9 {
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
<div class="iframe-embed-wrapper iframe-embed-responsive-16by9">
    <iframe class="iframe-embed" src="vid.mp4"></iframe>

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in

this is simple solution for your question

LatLng coordinate = new LatLng(lat, lng);
CameraUpdate yourLocation = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(coordinate, 5);

DateTimePicker: pick both date and time

I'm afraid the DateTimePicker control doesn't have the ability to do those things. It's a pretty basic (and frustrating!) control. Your best option may be to find a third-party control that does what you want.

For the option of typing the date and time manually, you could build a custom component with a TextBox/DateTimePicker combination to accomplish this, and it might work reasonably well, if third-party controls are not an option.

How to append output to the end of a text file

for the whole question:

cmd >> o.txt && [[ $(wc -l <o.txt) -eq 720 ]] && mv o.txt $(date +%F).o.txt

this will append 720 lines (30*24) into o.txt and after will rename the file based on the current date.

Run the above with the cron every hour, or

while :
    cmd >> o.txt && [[ $(wc -l <o.txt) -eq 720 ]] && mv o.txt $(date +%F).o.txt
    sleep 3600

concatenate two strings

You can use concatenation operator and instead of declaring two variables only use one variable

String finalString =  cursor.getString(numcol) + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(db.KEY_DESTINATIE));

Redirecting to a new page after successful login

You need to set the location header as follows:


Replacing of course with the url of your landing page.

Add this where you have finished logging the user in.

Note: When redirecting the user will be immediately redirected so you're message probably won't display.

Additionally, you need to move your PHP code to the top of the file for this solution to work.

On another side note, please see my comment above regarding the use of the deprecated mysql statements and consider using the newer, safer and improved mysqli or PDO statements.

Change Select List Option background colour on hover

This can be done by implementing an inset box shadow. eg:

select.decorated option:hover {
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px 100px #1882A8 inset;

Here, .decorated is a class assigned to the select box.

Hope you got the point.

How to set default font family in React Native?

There was recently a node module that was made that solves this problem so you don't have to create another component.

The documentation states that in your highest order component, import the setCustomText function like so.

import { setCustomText } from 'react-native-global-props';

Then, create the custom styling/props you want for the react-native Text component. In your case, you'd like fontFamily to work on every Text component.

const customTextProps = { 
  style: { 
    fontFamily: yourFont

Call the setCustomText function and pass your props/styles into the function.


And then all react-native Text components will have your declared fontFamily along with any other props/styles you provide.

How to calculate the intersection of two sets?

Use the retainAll() method of Set:

Set<String> s1;
Set<String> s2;
s1.retainAll(s2); // s1 now contains only elements in both sets

If you want to preserve the sets, create a new set to hold the intersection:

Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<String>(s1); // use the copy constructor

The javadoc of retainAll() says it's exactly what you want:

Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation). In other words, removes from this set all of its elements that are not contained in the specified collection. If the specified collection is also a set, this operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is the intersection of the two sets.

What is in your .vimrc?

My latest addition is for highlighting of the current line

set cul                                           # highlight current line
hi CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermbg=3      # adjust color

define() vs. const

Until PHP 5.3, const could not be used in the global scope. You could only use this from within a class. This should be used when you want to set some kind of constant option or setting that pertains to that class. Or maybe you want to create some kind of enum.

define can be used for the same purpose, but it can only be used in the global scope. It should only be used for global settings that affect the entire application.

An example of good const usage is to get rid of magic numbers. Take a look at PDO's constants. When you need to specify a fetch type, you would type PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, for example. If consts were not used, you'd end up typing something like 35 (or whatever FETCH_ASSOC is defined as). This makes no sense to the reader.

An example of good define usage is maybe specifying your application's root path or a library's version number.

5.7.57 SMTP - Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM error

In my case, 2 Factor Authentication was turned on for the FROM account in Office 365. Once that was turned off, the email sent successfully.

Android: remove notification from notification bar

If you are generating Notification from a Service that is started in the foreground using


Then issuing


does't work canceling the Notification & notification still appears in the status bar. In this particular case, you will solve these by 2 ways:

1> Using stopForeground( false ) inside service:

stopForeground( false );

2> Destroy that service class with calling activity:

Intent i = new Intent(context, Service.class);
if(ServiceCallingActivity.activity != null) {

Second way prefer in music player notification more because thay way not only notification remove but remove player also...!!

How do I check whether input string contains any spaces?

You can use this code to check whether the input string contains any spaces?

public static void main(String[]args)
    Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("enter the string...");
    String s1=sc.nextLine();
    int l=s1.length();
    int count=0;
    for(int i=0;i<l;i++)
        char c=s1.charAt(i);
        if(c==' ')
        System.out.println("spaces are in the position of "+i);
        System.out.println("no spaces are there");

Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?

Called "Destructive Methods" They tend to change the original copy of the object you are referring to.

numbers.collect{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two
numbers #returns the same original copy
numbers.collect!{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two and destructs the original copy from the array
numbers   # returns [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]

Sqlite or MySql? How to decide?

Their feature sets are not at all the same. Sqlite is an embedded database which has no network capabilities (unless you add them). So you can't use it on a network.

If you need

  • Network access - for example accessing from another machine;
  • Any real degree of concurrency - for example, if you think you are likely to want to run several queries at once, or run a workload that has lots of selects and a few updates, and want them to go smoothly etc.
  • a lot of memory usage, for example, to buffer parts of your 1Tb database in your 32G of memory.

You need to use mysql or some other server-based RDBMS.

Note that MySQL is not the only choice and there are plenty of others which might be better for new applications (for example pgSQL).

Sqlite is a very, very nice piece of software, but it has never made claims to do any of these things that RDBMS servers do. It's a small library which runs SQL on local files (using locking to ensure that multiple processes don't screw the file up). It's really well tested and I like it a lot.

Also, if you aren't able to choose this correctly by yourself, you probably need to hire someone on your team who can.

load and execute order of scripts

The browser will execute the scripts in the order it finds them. If you call an external script, it will block the page until the script has been loaded and executed.

To test this fact:

// file: test.php

// HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="test.php"></script>

Dynamically added scripts are executed as soon as they are appended to the document.

To test this fact:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var s = document.createElement('script');
        s.type = "text/javascript";
        s.src = "link.js"; // file contains alert("hello!");
    <script type="text/javascript">

Order of alerts is "appended" -> "hello!" -> "final"

If in a script you attempt to access an element that hasn't been reached yet (example: <script>do something with #blah</script><div id="blah"></div>) then you will get an error.

Overall, yes you can include external scripts and then access their functions and variables, but only if you exit the current <script> tag and start a new one.

SQL Server - Case Statement

Like so


            WHEN @t>0 THEN
                    WHEN @t=1 THEN 'one'
                    ELSE 'not one'
            ELSE 'less than one'

EDIT: After looking more at the question, I think the best option is to create a function that calculates the value. That way, if you end up having multiple places where the calculation needs done, you only have one point to maintain the logic.

Bypass invalid SSL certificate errors when calling web services in .Net

Alternatively you can register a call back delegate which ignores the certification error:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = MyCertHandler;

static bool MyCertHandler(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors error)
// Ignore errors
return true;

How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

Based on Merrill's answer, I came up with this single line solution... it's not very pretty, but you can blame whoever maintains the code for Spinner for neglecting to include a function that does this for that.


You'll get a warning about how the cast to a ArrayAdapter<String> is unchecked... really, you could just use an ArrayAdapter as Merrill did, but that just exchanges one warning for another.

PHP: Get key from array?

Another way to use key($array) in a foreach loop is by using next($array) at the end of the loop, just make sure each iteration calls the next() function (in case you have complex branching inside the loop)

How can I upgrade NumPy?

Update numpy

For python 2

pip install numpy --upgrade

You would also needed to upgrade your tables as well for updated version of numpy. so,

pip install tables --upgrade

For python 3

pip3 install numpy --upgrade

Similarly, the tables for python3 :-

pip3 install tables --upgrade


You need to check which python version are you using. pip for python 2.7+ or pip3 for python 3+

Is Unit Testing worth the effort?

The whole point of unit testing is to make testing easy. It's automated. "make test" and you're done. If one of the problems you face is difficult to test code, that's the best reason of all to use unit testing.

How to configure welcome file list in web.xml

I saw a nice solution in this stackoverflow link that may help the readers of the defulat servlet handling issue by using the empty string URL pattern "" :



    <url-pattern></url-pattern> <!-- Yes, empty string! -->

Creating a custom JButton in Java

You could always try the Synth look & feel. You provide an xml file that acts as a sort of stylesheet, along with any images you want to use. The code might look like this:

try {
    SynthLookAndFeel synth = new SynthLookAndFeel();
    Class aClass = MainFrame.class;
    InputStream stream = aClass.getResourceAsStream("\\default.xml");

    if (stream == null) {
        System.err.println("Missing configuration file");

    synth.load(stream, aClass);

} catch (ParseException pe) {
    System.err.println("Bad configuration file");
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ulfe) {
    System.err.println("Old JRE in use. Get a new one");

From there, go on and add your JButton like you normally would. The only change is that you use the setName(string) method to identify what the button should map to in the xml file.

The xml file might look like this:

    <style id="button">
        <font name="DIALOG" size="12" style="BOLD"/>
        <state value="MOUSE_OVER">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
        <state value="ENABLED">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
    <bind style="button" type="name" key="dirt"/>

The bind element there specifies what to map to (in this example, it will apply that styling to any buttons whose name property has been set to "dirt").

And a couple of useful links:

ITextSharp HTML to PDF?

I came across the same question a few weeks ago and this is the result from what I found. This method does a quick dump of HTML to a PDF. The document will most likely need some format tweaking.

private MemoryStream createPDF(string html)
    MemoryStream msOutput = new MemoryStream();
    TextReader reader = new StringReader(html);

    // step 1: creation of a document-object
    Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 30, 30);

    // step 2:
    // we create a writer that listens to the document
    // and directs a XML-stream to a file
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, msOutput);

    // step 3: we create a worker parse the document
    HTMLWorker worker = new HTMLWorker(document);

    // step 4: we open document and start the worker on the document

    // step 5: parse the html into the document

    // step 6: close the document and the worker

    return msOutput;

Android ViewPager with bottom dots

I thought of posting a simpler solution for the above problem and indicator numbers can be dynamically changed with only changing one variable value dotCounts=x what I did goes like this.

1) Create an xml file in drawable folder for page selected indicator named "item_selected".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="oval" android:useLevel="true"
    <size android:height="8dp" android:width="8dp"/>
    <solid android:color="@color/image_item_selected_for_dots"/>

2) Create one more xml file for unselected indicator named "item_unselected"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="oval" android:useLevel="true"

    <size android:height="8dp" android:width="8dp"/>

    <solid android:color="@color/image_item_unselected_for_dots"/>

3) Now add add this part of the code at the place where you want to display the indicators for ex below viewPager in your Layout XML file.


            android:orientation="horizontal" />

4) Add this function on top of your activity file file where your layout is inflated or the above xml file is related to

private int dotsCount=5;    //No of tabs or images
private ImageView[] dots;
LinearLayout linearLayout;

private void drawPageSelectionIndicators(int mPosition){
    if(linearLayout!=null) {
    dots = new ImageView[dotsCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < dotsCount; i++) {
        dots[i] = new ImageView(context);

        LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(

        params.setMargins(4, 0, 4, 0);
        linearLayout.addView(dots[i], params);

5) Finally in your onCreate method add the following code to reference your layout and handle pageselected positions

mPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
    public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {

    public void onPageSelected(int position) {

    public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {

String.replaceAll single backslashes with double backslashes

You'll need to escape the (escaped) backslash in the first argument as it is a regular expression. Replacement (2nd argument - see Matcher#replaceAll(String)) also has it's special meaning of backslashes, so you'll have to replace those to:

theString.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");

How to trim a string in SQL Server before 2017?

SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(Replace(Replace(Replace(name,'   ',' '),CHAR(13), ' '),char(10), ' ')))
from author

Compile error: package javax.servlet does not exist

This happens because java does not provide with Servlet-api.jar to import directly, so you need to import it externally like from Tomcat , for this we need to provide the classpath of lib folder from which we will be importing the Servlet and it's related Classes.

For Windows you can apply this method:

  1. open command prompt
  2. type
 javac -classpath "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib\*;" 
  1. It will take all jar files which needed for importing Servlet, HttpServlet ,etc and compile your java file.

  2. You can add multiple classpaths Eg.

javac -classpath "C:\Users\Project1\WEB-INF\lib\*; C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib\*;"

How do you find the row count for all your tables in Postgres

Simple Two Steps:
(Note : No need to change anything - just copy paste)
1. create function

create function 
cnt_rows(schema text, tablename text) returns integer
  result integer;
  query varchar;
  query := 'SELECT count(1) FROM ' || schema || '.' || tablename;
  execute query into result;
  return result;
language plpgsql;

2. Run this query to get rows count for all the tables

select sum(cnt_rows) as total_no_of_rows from (select 
  cnt_rows(table_schema, table_name)
from information_schema.tables
  table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') 
  and table_type='BASE TABLE') as subq;


To get rows counts tablewise

  cnt_rows(table_schema, table_name)
from information_schema.tables
  table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') 
  and table_type='BASE TABLE'
order by 3 desc;

Java null check why use == instead of .equals()


What happens if foo is null?

You get a NullPointerException.

How to insert values in two dimensional array programmatically?

You can't "add" values to an array as the array length is immutable. You can set values at specific array positions.

If you know how to do it with one-dimensional arrays then you know how to do it with n-dimensional arrays: There are no n-dimensional arrays in Java, only arrays of arrays (of arrays...).

But you can chain the index operator for array element access.

String[][] x = new String[2][];
x[0] = new String[1];
x[1] = new String[2];

x[0][0] = "a1";
    // No x[0][1] available
x[1][0] = "b1";
x[1][1] = "b2";

Note the dimensions of the child arrays don't need to match.

Apply function to all elements of collection through LINQ

I found some way to perform in on dictionary contain my custom class methods

foreach (var item in this.Values.Where(p => p.IsActive == false))

Where 'this' derived from : Dictionary<string, MyCustomClass>

class MyCustomClass 
   public void Refresh(){}

Cutting the videos based on start and end time using ffmpeg

Try using this. It is the fastest and best ffmpeg-way I have figure it out:

 ffmpeg -ss 00:01:00 -i input.mp4 -to 00:02:00 -c copy output.mp4

This command trims your video in seconds!

Explanation of the command:

-i: This specifies the input file. In that case, it is (input.mp4).
-ss: Used with -i, this seeks in the input file (input.mp4) to position.
00:01:00: This is the time your trimmed video will start with.
-to: This specifies duration from start (00:01:40) to end (00:02:12).
00:02:00: This is the time your trimmed video will end with.
-c copy: This is an option to trim via stream copy. (NB: Very fast)

The timing format is: hh:mm:ss

Please note that the current highly upvoted answer is outdated and the trim would be extremely slow. For more information, look at this official ffmpeg article.

collapse cell in jupyter notebook

There are many answers to this question, all of which I feel are not satisfactory (some more than others), of the many extensions - code folding, folding by headings etc etc. None do what I want in simple and effective way. I am literally amazed that a solution has not been implemented (as it has for Jupyter Lab).

In fact, I was so dissatisfied that I have developed a very simple notebook extension that can expand/collapse the code in a notebook cell, while keeping it executable.

The GitHub repository:

Below is a small demo of what the extension does:

Simply double clicking left of the code cell will collapse it to a single line:

Double clicking again will expand the cell.

The extension can be installed easily with pip:

pip install nbextension-cellfolding
jupyter nbextension install --py cellfolding --user
jupyter nbextension enable --py cellfolding --user 

and is also compatible with nbextension configurator. I hope that people will find this useful!

What is a singleton in C#?

Whilst the there can only ever be one instance of a singleton, it is not the same as a static class. A static class can only contain static methods and can never be instantiated, whereas the instance of a singleton may be used in the same way as any other object.

getting only name of the class Class.getName()

or programmaticaly

String s = String.class.getName();
s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

Add item to Listview control

Simple one, just do like this..

ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(pet.Name);

Check if file is already open

On Windows I found the answer using

fileIsLocked = !file.renameTo(file)

most useful, as it avoids false positives when processing write protected (or readonly) files.

Usage of __slots__?

You have — essentially — no use for __slots__.

For the time when you think you might need __slots__, you actually want to use Lightweight or Flyweight design patterns. These are cases when you no longer want to use purely Python objects. Instead, you want a Python object-like wrapper around an array, struct, or numpy array.

class Flyweight(object):

    def get(self, theData, index):
        return theData[index]

    def set(self, theData, index, value):
        theData[index]= value

The class-like wrapper has no attributes — it just provides methods that act on the underlying data. The methods can be reduced to class methods. Indeed, it could be reduced to just functions operating on the underlying array of data.

How do I sort a two-dimensional (rectangular) array in C#?

Can allso look at Array.Sort Method

e.g. Array.Sort(array, delegate(object[] x, object[] y){ return (x[ i ] as IComparable).CompareTo(y[ i ]);});


How to match, but not capture, part of a regex?

A variation of the expression by @Gumbo that makes use of \K for resetting match positions to prevent the inclusion of number blocks in the match. Usable in PCRE regex flavours.



Match 1  apple
Match 2  banana
Match 3

What is Android keystore file, and what is it used for?

You can find more information about the signing process on the official Android documentation here :

Yes, you can sign several applications with the same keystore. But you must remember one important thing : if you publish an app on the Play Store, you have to sign it with a non debug certificate. And if one day you want to publish an update for this app, the keystore used to sign the apk must be the same. Otherwise, you will not be able to post your update.

Android - Activity vs FragmentActivity?

FragmentActivity gives you all of the functionality of Activity plus the ability to use Fragments which are very useful in many cases, particularly when working with the ActionBar, which is the best way to use Tabs in Android.

If you are only targeting Honeycomb (v11) or greater devices, then you can use Activity and use the native Fragments introduced in v11 without issue. FragmentActivity was built specifically as part of the Support Library to back port some of those useful features (such as Fragments) back to older devices.

I should also note that you'll probably find the Backward Compatibility - Implementing Tabs training very helpful going forward.

How to resolve "Input string was not in a correct format." error?

If using TextBox2.Text as the source for a numeric value, it must first be checked to see if a value exists, and then converted to integer.

If the text box is blank when Convert.ToInt32 is called, you will receive the System.FormatException. Suggest trying:

protected void SetImageWidth()
      Image1.Width = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);
      Image1.Width = 100; // or other default value as appropriate in context.

jQuery autocomplete with callback ajax json

    $( "#search_product" ).autocomplete({
                  $.post("<?= base_url('ecommerce/autocomplete') ?>",{'name':$( "#search_product" ).val()}).done(function(data, status){


PHP code :

public function autocomplete(){
    foreach($result as $row){
    echo json_encode($names);

How do I convert an array object to a string in PowerShell?

From a pipe

# This Is a cat
'This', 'Is', 'a', 'cat' | & {"$input"}

# This-Is-a-cat
'This', 'Is', 'a', 'cat' | & {$ofs='-';"$input"}


# This Is a cat
Write-Host 'This', 'Is', 'a', 'cat'

# This-Is-a-cat
Write-Host -Separator '-' 'This', 'Is', 'a', 'cat'


how to fix java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

Use if(index.length() < 0) for Integer


Use if(index.equals(null) for String

Extract digits from string - StringUtils Java

You can split the string and compare with each character

public static String extractNumberFromString(String source) {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(100);
    for (char ch : source.toCharArray()) {
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {

    return result.toString();

Testing Code

    public void test_extractNumberFromString() {
    String numberString = NumberUtil.extractNumberFromString("+61 415 987 636");
    assertThat(numberString, equalTo("61415987636"));

    numberString = NumberUtil.extractNumberFromString("(02)9295-987-636");
    assertThat(numberString, equalTo("029295987636"));

    numberString = NumberUtil.extractNumberFromString("(02)~!@#$%^&*()+_<>?,.:';9295-{}[=]987-636");
    assertThat(numberString, equalTo("029295987636"));

Which websocket library to use with Node.js?

Getting the ball rolling with this community wiki answer. Feel free to edit me with your improvements.

  • ws WebSocket server and client for node.js. One of the fastest libraries if not the fastest one.

  • websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js

  • websocket-driver-node WebSocket server and client protocol parser node.js - used in faye-websocket-node

  • faye-websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js - used in faye and sockjs

  • WebSocket server and client for node.js + client for browsers + (v0 has newest to oldest fallbacks, v1 of uses + channels - used in Client library tries to reconnect upon disconnection.

  • sockjs WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + newest to oldest fallbacks

  • faye WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + fallbacks + support for other server-side languages

  • clusterable realtime server that handles WebSockets & TCP connections and provides data-sync, pub/sub and request/response

  • socketcluster WebSocket server cluster which makes use of all CPU cores on your machine. For example, if you were to use an xlarge Amazon EC2 instance with 32 cores, you would be able to handle almost 32 times the traffic on a single instance.

  • primus Provides a common API for most of the libraries above for easy switching + stability improvements for all of them.

When to use:

  • use the basic WebSocket servers when you want to use the native WebSocket implementations on the clientside, beware of the browser incompatabilities

  • use the fallback libraries when you care about browser fallbacks

  • use the full featured libraries when you care about channels

  • use primus when you have no idea about what to use, are not in the mood for rewriting your application when you need to switch frameworks because of changing project requirements or need additional connection stability.

Where to test:

Firecamp is a GUI testing environment for SocketIO, WS and all major real-time technology. Debug the real-time events while you're developing it.

If Cell Starts with Text String... Formula

I know this is a really old post, but I found it in searching for a solution to the same problem. I don't want a nested if-statement, and Switch is apparently newer than the version of Excel I'm using. I figured out what was going wrong with my code, so I figured I'd share here in case it helps someone else.

I remembered that VLOOKUP requires the source table to be sorted alphabetically/numerically for it to work. I was initially trying to do this...

=LOOKUP(LOWER(LEFT($T$3, 1)),  {"s","l","m"}, {-1,1,0})

and it started working when I did this...

=LOOKUP(LOWER(LEFT($T$3, 1)),  {"l","m","s"}, {1,0,-1})

I was initially thinking the last value might turn out to be a default, so I wanted the zero at the last place. That doesn't seem to be the behavior anyway, so I just put the possible matches in order, and it worked.

Edit: As a final note, I see that the example in the original post has letters in alphabetical order, but I imagine the real use case might have been different if the error was happening and the letters A, B, and C were just examples.

Initialize static variables in C++ class?

Mike Seymour has given you the right answer, but to add...
C++ lets you declare and define in your class body only static const integral types, as the compiler tells. So you can actually do:

class Foo
    static const int someInt = 1;
    static const short someShort = 2;
    // etc.

And you can't do that with any other type, in that cases you should define them in your .cpp file.

Taking the record with the max date

You could also use:

        TABLENAME t
        ( SELECT A, MAX(col_date) AS col_date
          GROUP BY A
        ) m
      ON  m.A = t.A
      AND m.col_date = t.col_date

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

if nothing from above works, remove the .class from the listener class i.e.




How to implement __iter__(self) for a container object (Python)

usually __iter__() just return self if you have already define the next() method (generator object):

here is a Dummy example of a generator :

class Test(object):

    def __init__(self, data): = data

    def next(self):
        if not
           raise StopIteration

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

but __iter__() can also be used like this:

How to run Pip commands from CMD

Firstly make sure that you have installed python 2.7 or higher

Open Command Prompt as administrator and change directory to python and then change directory to Scripts by typing cd Scripts then type pip.exe and now you can install modules Step by Step:

  • Open Cmd

  • type in "cd \" and then enter

  • type in "cd python2.7" and then enter

Note that my python version is 2.7 so my directory is that so use your python folder here...

  • type in "cd Scripts" and enter

  • Now enter this "pip.exe"

  • Now it prompts you to install modules

How to get first N elements of a list in C#?

var firstFiveItems = myList.Take(5);

Or to slice:

var secondFiveItems = myList.Skip(5).Take(5);

And of course often it's convenient to get the first five items according to some kind of order:

var firstFiveArrivals = myList.OrderBy(i => i.ArrivalTime).Take(5);

ArrayList - How to modify a member of an object?

Fixed. I was wrong: this only applies on element reassignment. I thought that the returned object wasn't referencing the new one.

It can be done.

Q: Why?
A: The get() method returns an object referencing the original one.

So, if you write myArrayList.get(15).itsVariable = 7
myArrayList.get(15).myMethod("My Value"),
you are actually assigning a value / using a method from the object referenced by the returned one (this means, the change is applied to the original object)

The only thing you can't do is myArrayList.get(15) = myNewElement. To do this you have to use list.set() method.

How to determine an interface{} value's "real" type?

Type switches can also be used with reflection stuff:

var str = "hello!"
var obj = reflect.ValueOf(&str)

switch obj.Elem().Interface().(type) {
case string:
    log.Println("obj contains a pointer to a string")
    log.Println("obj contains something else")

How to use SqlClient in ASP.NET Core?

I think you may have missed this part in the tutorial:

Instead of referencing System.Data and System.Data.SqlClient you need to grab from Nuget:

System.Data.Common and System.Data.SqlClient.

Currently this creates dependency in project.json –> aspnetcore50 section to these two libraries.

"aspnetcore50": {
       "dependencies": {
           "System.Runtime": "4.0.20-beta-22523",
           "System.Data.Common": "",
           "System.Data.SqlClient": ""

Try getting System.Data.Common and System.Data.SqlClient via Nuget and see if this adds the above dependencies for you, but in a nutshell you are missing System.Runtime.

Edit: As per Mozarts answer, if you are using .NET Core 3+, reference Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead.

how to create a login page when username and password is equal in html

        <title>Login page</title>
        <h1>Simple Login Page</h1>
        <form name="login">
            Username<input type="text" name="userid"/>
            Password<input type="password" name="pswrd"/>
            <input type="button" onclick="check(this.form)" value="Login"/>
            <input type="reset" value="Cancel"/>
        <script language="javascript">
            function check(form) { /*function to check userid & password*/
                /*the following code checkes whether the entered userid and password are matching*/
                if(form.userid.value == "myuserid" && form.pswrd.value == "mypswrd") {
          'target.html')/*opens the target page while Id & password matches*/
                else {
                    alert("Error Password or Username")/*displays error message*/

Fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional values

fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

  1. Check the IBOutlet collection , because this error will have chance to unconnected uielement object usage.

:) hopes it will help for some struggled people .

How to Convert UTC Date To Local time Zone in MySql Select Query

 select convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+05:30')

replace '+05:30' with desired timezone. see here -

to format into desired time format, eg:

 select DATE_FORMAT(convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+05:30') ,'%b %d %Y %h:%i:%s %p') 

you will get similar to this -> Dec 17 2014 10:39:56 AM

jQuery function to get all unique elements from an array?

If you need to support IE 8 or earlier, you can use jQuery to accomplish this.

var a = [1,2,2,3,4,3,5];
var unique = $.grep(a, function (item, index) {
   return index === $.inArray(item, a);

How do I fill arrays in Java?

int[] a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

How to get Map data using JDBCTemplate.queryForMap

I know this is really old, but this is the simplest way to query for Map.

Simply implement the ResultSetExtractor interface to define what type you want to return. Below is an example of how to use this. You'll be mapping it manually, but for a simple map, it should be straightforward.

jdbcTemplate.query("select string1,string2 from table where x=1", new ResultSetExtractor<Map>(){
    public Map extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException,DataAccessException {
        HashMap<String,String> mapRet= new HashMap<String,String>();
        return mapRet;

This will give you a return type of Map that has multiple rows (however many your query returned) and not a list of Maps. You can view the ResultSetExtractor docs here:

How to search a specific value in all tables (PostgreSQL)?

Here's @Daniel Vérité's function with progress reporting functionality. It reports progress in three ways:

  2. by decreasing value of supplied {progress_seq} sequence from {total number of colums to search in} down to 0;
  3. by writing the progress along with found tables into text file, located in c:\windows\temp\{progress_seq}.txt.


    needle text,
    haystack_tables name[] default '{}',
    haystack_schema name[] default '{public}',
    progress_seq text default NULL
RETURNS table(schemaname text, tablename text, columnname text, rowctid text)
AS $$
currenttable text;
columnscount integer;
foundintables text[];
foundincolumns text[];
columnscount = (SELECT count(1)
      FROM information_schema.columns c
      JOIN information_schema.tables t ON
        (t.table_name=c.table_name AND t.table_schema=c.table_schema)
      WHERE (c.table_name=ANY(haystack_tables) OR haystack_tables='{}')
        AND c.table_schema=ANY(haystack_schema)
        AND t.table_type='BASE TABLE')::integer;
PERFORM setval(progress_seq::regclass, columnscount);

  FOR schemaname,tablename,columnname IN
      SELECT c.table_schema,c.table_name,c.column_name
      FROM information_schema.columns c
      JOIN information_schema.tables t ON
        (t.table_name=c.table_name AND t.table_schema=c.table_schema)
      WHERE (c.table_name=ANY(haystack_tables) OR haystack_tables='{}')
        AND c.table_schema=ANY(haystack_schema)
        AND t.table_type='BASE TABLE'
    EXECUTE format('SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text)=%L',
    ) INTO rowctid;
    IF rowctid is not null THEN
      foundintables = foundintables || tablename;
      foundincolumns = foundincolumns || columnname;
      RAISE NOTICE 'FOUND! %, %, %, %', schemaname,tablename,columnname, rowctid;
    END IF;
         IF (progress_seq IS NOT NULL) THEN 
        PERFORM nextval(progress_seq::regclass);
    END IF;
    IF(currenttable<>tablename) THEN  
     IF (progress_seq IS NOT NULL) THEN 
        RAISE NOTICE 'Columns left to look in: %; looking in table: %', currval(progress_seq::regclass), tablename;
        EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT unnest(string_to_array(''Current table (column ' || columnscount-currval(progress_seq::regclass) || ' of ' || columnscount || '): ' || tablename || '\n\nFound in tables/columns:\n' || COALESCE(
        (SELECT string_agg(c1 || '/' || c2, '\n') FROM (SELECT unnest(foundintables) AS c1,unnest(foundincolumns) AS c2) AS t1)
        , '') || ''',''\n''))) TO ''c:\WINDOWS\temp\' || progress_seq || '.txt''';
    END IF;
    END IF;
$$ language plpgsql;

$rootScope.$broadcast vs. $scope.$emit

@Eddie has given a perfect answer of the question asked. But I would like to draw attention to using an more efficient approach of Pub/Sub.

As this answer suggests,

The $broadcast/$on approach is not terribly efficient as it broadcasts to all the scopes(Either in one direction or both direction of Scope hierarchy). While the Pub/Sub approach is much more direct. Only subscribers get the events, so it isn't going to every scope in the system to make it work.

you can use angular-PubSub angular module. once you add PubSub module to your app dependency, you can use PubSub service to subscribe and unsubscribe events/topics.

Easy to subscribe:

// Subscribe to event
var sub = PubSub.subscribe('event-name', function(topic, data){

Easy to publish

PubSub.publish('event-name', {
    prop1: value1,
    prop2: value2

To unsubscribe, use PubSub.unsubscribe(sub); OR PubSub.unsubscribe('event-name');.

NOTE Don't forget to unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks.

Perform commands over ssh with Python

I found paramiko to be a bit too low-level, and Fabric not especially well-suited to being used as a library, so I put together my own library called spur that uses paramiko to implement a slightly nicer interface:

import spur

shell = spur.SshShell(hostname="localhost", username="bob", password="password1")
result =["echo", "-n", "hello"])
print result.output # prints hello

If you need to run inside a shell:["sh", "-c", "echo -n hello"])

split string only on first instance of specified character

What do you need regular expressions and arrays for?

myString = myString.substring(myString.indexOf('_')+1)

var myString= "hello_there_how_are_you"_x000D_
myString = myString.substring(myString.indexOf('_')+1)_x000D_

How to get raw text from pdf file using java

Hi we can extract the pdf files using Apache Tika

The Example is :

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
import org.apache.tika.metadata.TikaCoreProperties;
import org.apache.tika.parser.AutoDetectParser;
import org.apache.tika.parser.ParseContext;
import org.apache.tika.sax.BodyContentHandler;

public class WebPagePdfExtractor {

    public Map<String, Object> processRecord(String url) {
        DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        try {
            HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
            HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
            InputStream input = null;
            if (entity != null) {
                try {
                    input = entity.getContent();
                    BodyContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler();
                    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
                    AutoDetectParser parser = new AutoDetectParser();
                    ParseContext parseContext = new ParseContext();
                    parser.parse(input, handler, metadata, parseContext);
                    map.put("text", handler.toString().replaceAll("\n|\r|\t", " "));
                    map.put("title", metadata.get(TikaCoreProperties.TITLE));
                    map.put("pageCount", metadata.get("xmpTPg:NPages"));
                    map.put("status_code", response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                    if (input != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception exception) {
        return map;

    public static void main(String arg[]) {
        WebPagePdfExtractor webPagePdfExtractor = new WebPagePdfExtractor();
        Map<String, Object> extractedMap = webPagePdfExtractor.processRecord("");


Using CSS to insert text

Also check out the attr() function of the CSS content attribute. It outputs a given attribute of the element as a text node. Use it like so:

<div class="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(class);

Or even with the new HTML5 custom data attributes:

<div data-employeename="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(data-employeename);

Allowing the "Enter" key to press the submit button, as opposed to only using MouseClick

In the ActionListener Class you can simply add

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    if (event.getSource()==textField){
    else if (event.getSource()==textButton) {
        //do something

How to make jQuery UI nav menu horizontal?

You can do this:

/* Clearfix for the menu */
.ui-menu:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 0;
    height: 0;

and also set:

.ui-menu .ui-menu-item {
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: auto;

How to check whether a select box is empty using JQuery/Javascript

To check whether select box has any values:

if( $('#fruit_name').has('option').length > 0 ) {

To check whether selected value is empty:

if( !$('#fruit_name').val() ) { 

How to set auto increment primary key in PostgreSQL?

Create an auto incrementing primary key in postgresql, using a custom sequence:

Step 1, create your sequence:

create sequence splog_adfarm_seq
    start 1
    increment 1
    CACHE 1;
ALTER TABLE fact_stock_data_detail_seq
OWNER TO pgadmin;

Step 2, create your table

CREATE TABLE splog_adfarm
    splog_key    INT unique not null,
    splog_value  VARCHAR(100) not null

Step 3, insert into your table

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Is your family tree a directed acyclic graph?'

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Will the smart cookies catch the crumb?  Find out now!'

Step 4, observe the rows

el@defiant ~ $ psql -U pgadmin -d kurz_prod -c "select * from splog_adfarm"

splog_key |                            splog_value                             
        1 | Is your family tree a directed acyclic graph?
        2 | Will the smart cookies catch the crumb?  Find out now!
(3 rows)

The two rows have keys that start at 1 and are incremented by 1, as defined by the sequence.

Bonus Elite ProTip:

Programmers hate typing, and typing out the nextval('splog_adfarm_seq') is annoying. You can type DEFAULT for that parameter instead, like this:

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Sufficient intelligence to outwit a thimble.'

For the above to work, you have to define a default value for that key column on splog_adfarm table. Which is prettier.

Bootstrap 4 card-deck with number of columns based on viewport

I don't remember the specific source, but I am using:

    /* Number of Cards by Row based on Viewport */
    @media (min-width: 576px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 50.1%; /* 1 Column */
            margin-bottom: 12px;
    @media (min-width: 768px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 33.4%;  /* 2 Columns */
    @media (min-width: 1200px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 25.1%;  /* 3 Columns */

You may want to tinker with the specific values to fit your needs.

Background service with location listener in android

Background location service. It will be restarted even after killing the app.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    AlarmManager alarmManager;
    Button stop;
    PendingIntent pendingIntent;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (alarmManager == null) {
            alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
            Intent intent = new Intent(this, AlarmReceive.class);
            pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intent, 0);
            alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis(), 30000,

public class BookingTrackingService extends Service implements LocationListener {

    private static final String TAG = "BookingTrackingService";
    private Context context;
    boolean isGPSEnable = false;
    boolean isNetworkEnable = false;
    double latitude, longitude;
    LocationManager locationManager;
    Location location;
    private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
    private Timer mTimer = null;
    long notify_interval = 30000;

    public double track_lat = 0.0;
    public double track_lng = 0.0;
    public static String str_receiver = "servicetutorial.service.receiver";
    Intent intent;

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public void onCreate() {

        mTimer = new Timer();
        mTimer.schedule(new TimerTaskToGetLocation(), 5, notify_interval);
        intent = new Intent(str_receiver);

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

        this.context = this;

        return START_NOT_STICKY;

    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.e(TAG, "onDestroy <<");
        if (mTimer != null) {

    private void trackLocation() {
        Log.e(TAG, "trackLocation");
        String TAG_TRACK_LOCATION = "trackLocation";
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("latitude", "" + track_lat);
        params.put("longitude", "" + track_lng);

        Log.e(TAG, "param_track_location >> " + params.toString());



    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {


    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {


    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {


    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {



    private void fn_getlocation() {
        locationManager = (LocationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
        isGPSEnable = locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
        isNetworkEnable = locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);

        if (!isGPSEnable && !isNetworkEnable) {
            Log.e(TAG, "CAN'T GET LOCATION");
        } else {
            if (isNetworkEnable) {
                location = null;
                locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 1000, 0, this);
                if (locationManager != null) {
                    location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
                    if (location != null) {

                        Log.e(TAG, "isNetworkEnable latitude" + location.getLatitude() + "\nlongitude" + location.getLongitude() + "");
                        latitude = location.getLatitude();
                        longitude = location.getLongitude();
                        track_lat = latitude;
                        track_lng = longitude;
//                        fn_update(location);

            if (isGPSEnable) {
                location = null;
                locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1000, 0, this);
                if (locationManager != null) {
                    location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
                    if (location != null) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "isGPSEnable latitude" + location.getLatitude() + "\nlongitude" + location.getLongitude() + "");
                        latitude = location.getLatitude();
                        longitude = location.getLongitude();
                        track_lat = latitude;
                        track_lng = longitude;
//                        fn_update(location);

            Log.e(TAG, "START SERVICE");


    private class TimerTaskToGetLocation extends TimerTask {
        public void run() {

   Runnable() {
                public void run() {


//    private void fn_update(Location location) {
//        intent.putExtra("latutide", location.getLatitude() + "");
//        intent.putExtra("longitude", location.getLongitude() + "");
//        sendBroadcast(intent);
//    }
} (BroadcastReceiver)

public class AlarmReceive extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Log.e("Service_call_"  , "You are in AlarmReceive class.");
        Intent background = new Intent(context, BookingTrackingService.class);
//        Intent background = new Intent(context, GoogleService.class);
        Log.e("AlarmReceive ","testing called broadcast called");


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

            android:enabled="true" />

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />

Node.js throws "btoa is not defined" error

Here's a concise universal solution for base64 encoding:

const nodeBtoa = (b) => Buffer.from(b).toString('base64');
export const base64encode = typeof btoa !== 'undefined' ? btoa : nodeBtoa;

Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java

In Java side, the date is usually represented by the (poorly designed, but that aside) java.util.Date. It is basically backed by the Epoch time in flavor of a long, also known as a timestamp. It contains information about both the date and time parts. In Java, the precision is in milliseconds.

In SQL side, there are several standard date and time types, DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP (at some DB's also called DATETIME), which are represented in JDBC as java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp, all subclasses of java.util.Date. The precision is DB dependent, often in milliseconds like Java, but it can also be in seconds.

In contrary to java.util.Date, the java.sql.Date contains only information about the date part (year, month, day). The Time contains only information about the time part (hours, minutes, seconds) and the Timestamp contains information about the both parts, like as java.util.Date does.

The normal practice to store a timestamp in the DB (thus, java.util.Date in Java side and java.sql.Timestamp in JDBC side) is to use PreparedStatement#setTimestamp().

java.util.Date date = getItSomehow();
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE ts > ?");
preparedStatement.setTimestamp(1, timestamp);

The normal practice to obtain a timestamp from the DB is to use ResultSet#getTimestamp().

Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("ts");
java.util.Date date = timestamp; // You can just upcast.

Can not find module “@angular-devkit/build-angular”

did all the above didn't work... may be some issue with NPM


was helpful ..

Yarn Install

Convert Difference between 2 times into Milliseconds?, Desktop application. If you need lapsed time in milliseconds:

Dim starts As Integer = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
Dim ends As Integer = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
Dim lapsed As Integer = ends - starts

How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

Junit xml format is used outside of Java/Maven/Ant word. Jenkins with is a solution.

For the one shot solution I have found this tool that does the job:

junit-viewer --results=surefire-reports --save=file_location.html

--results= is directory with xml files (test reports)

How to redirect verbose garbage collection output to a file?

To add to the above answers, there's a good article: Useful JVM Flags – Part 8 (GC Logging) by Patrick Peschlow.

A brief excerpt:

The flag -XX:+PrintGC (or the alias -verbose:gc) activates the “simple” GC logging mode

By default the GC log is written to stdout. With -Xloggc:<file> we may instead specify an output file. Note that this flag implicitly sets -XX:+PrintGC and -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps as well.

If we use -XX:+PrintGCDetails instead of -XX:+PrintGC, we activate the “detailed” GC logging mode which differs depending on the GC algorithm used.

With -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps a timestamp reflecting the real time passed in seconds since JVM start is added to every line.

If we specify -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps each line starts with the absolute date and time.

Bootstrap Alert Auto Close

This is a good approach to show animation in and out using jQuery

  $(document).ready(function() {
      // show the alert
      $(".alert").first().hide().slideDown(500).delay(4000).slideUp(500, function () {

Which command do I use to generate the build of a Vue app?

First Install Vue Cli Globally

npm install -g @vue/cli

To create a new project, run:

vue create project-name

run vue

npm run serve 

Vue CLI >= 3 uses the same vue binary, so it overwrites Vue CLI 2 (vue-cli). If you still need the legacy vue init functionality, you can install a global bridge:

Vue Init Globally

npm install -g @vue/cli-init

vue init now works exactly the same as [email protected]

Vue Create App

vue init webpack my-project

Run developer server

npm run dev

Difference between ApiController and Controller in ASP.NET MVC

Which would you rather write and maintain?


public class TweetsController : Controller {
  // GET: /Tweets/
  public ActionResult Index() {
    return Json(Twitter.GetTweets(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


public class TweetsController : ApiController {
  // GET: /Api/Tweets/
  public List<Tweet> Get() {
    return Twitter.GetTweets();

Telnet is not recognized as internal or external command

You can try using Putty (freeware). It is mainly known as a SSH client, but you can use for Telnet login as well

Jquery, checking if a value exists in array or not

Try jQuery.inArray()

Here is a jsfiddle link using the same code :

The $.inArray() method is similar to JavaScript's native .indexOf() method in that it returns -1 when it doesn't find a match. If the first element within the array matches value, $.inArray() returns 0

Example Code :

         div { color:blue; }
         span { color:red; }
      <script src=""></script>
      <div>"John" found at <span></span></div>
      <div>4 found at <span></span></div>
      <div>"Karl" not found, so <span></span></div>
         "Pete" is in the array, but not at or after index 2, so <span></span>
         var arr = [ 4, "Pete", 8, "John" ];
         var $spans = $("span");
         $spans.eq(0).text(jQuery.inArray("John", arr));
         $spans.eq(1).text(jQuery.inArray(4, arr));
         $spans.eq(2).text(jQuery.inArray("Karl", arr));
         $spans.eq(3).text(jQuery.inArray("Pete", arr, 2));


"John" found at 3
4 found at 0
"Karl" not found, so -1
"Pete" is in the array, but not at or after index 2, so -1

Binding ComboBox SelectedItem using MVVM

You seem to be unnecessarily setting properties on your ComboBox. You can remove the DisplayMemberPath and SelectedValuePath properties which have different uses. It might be an idea for you to take a look at the Difference between SelectedItem, SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath post here for an explanation of these properties. Try this:

<ComboBox Name="cbxSalesPeriods"
    ItemsSource="{Binding SalesPeriods}"
    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedSalesPeriod}"

Furthermore, it is pointless using your displayPeriod property, as the WPF Framework would call the ToString method automatically for objects that it needs to display that don't have a DataTemplate set up for them explicitly.


As I can't see all of your code, I cannot tell you what you are doing wrong. Instead, all I can do is to provide you with a complete working example of how to achieve what you want. I've removed the pointless displayPeriod property and also your SalesPeriodVO property from your class as I know nothing about it... maybe that is the cause of your problem??. Try this:

public class SalesPeriodV
    private int month, year;

    public int Year
        get { return year; }
            if (year != value)
                year = value;

    public int Month
        get { return month; }
            if (month != value)
                month = value;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format("{0:D2}.{1}", Month, Year);

    public virtual event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void NotifyPropertyChanged(params string[] propertyNames)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            foreach (string propertyName in propertyNames) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("HasError"));

Then I added two properties into the view model:

private ObservableCollection<SalesPeriodV> salesPeriods = new ObservableCollection<SalesPeriodV>();
public ObservableCollection<SalesPeriodV> SalesPeriods
    get { return salesPeriods; }
    set { salesPeriods = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("SalesPeriods"); }
private SalesPeriodV selectedItem = new SalesPeriodV();
public SalesPeriodV SelectedItem
    get { return selectedItem; }
    set { selectedItem = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("SelectedItem"); }

Then initialised the collection with your values:

SalesPeriods.Add(new SalesPeriodV() { Month = 3, Year = 2013 } );
SalesPeriods.Add(new SalesPeriodV() { Month = 4, Year = 2013 } );

And then data bound only these two properties to a ComboBox:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SalesPeriods}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}" />

That's it... that's all you need for a perfectly working example. You should see that the display of the items comes from the ToString method without your displayPeriod property. Hopefully, you can work out your mistakes from this code example.

Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

When using dag instead of thin, the syntax below pointing to service name worked for me. The jdbc:thin solutions above did not work.


Could not find the main class, program will exit

Extract the jar and compare the contents of the manifest inside the jar with your external manifest.txt. It is quite possible that you will locate the problem.

How do I free my port 80 on localhost Windows?

I was trying to install nginx from here -

Going to http://localhost/ will show something, at least a proper "not found" message
This is because 80 is the default port, and it was taken by other processes.

Now run below command:

net stop http

    // Above command stopped below services  
    // - SSDP Discovery  
    // - Print Spooler  
    // - BranchCache  
    // - Function Discovery Resource Publication  
    // - Function Discovery Provider Host  

Now, going to http://localhost/ will fail with a broken link page message.

Main process was BranchCache
This process, after stopped, will restart in a few seconds.
So we need to run other commands we need soon, an example below:

// this will stop
net stop http

// immeidately run other command you want to
start nginx

Now, going to http://localhost/ gave me:

Welcome to nginx!

Hope that helps.

Import an existing git project into GitLab?

Here are the steps provided by the Gitlab:

cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

How to serve all existing static files directly with NGINX, but proxy the rest to a backend server.

If you use mod_rewrite to hide the extension of your scripts, or if you just like pretty URLs that end in /, then you might want to approach this from the other direction. Tell nginx to let anything with a non-static extension to go through to apache. For example:

location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|pdf|txt|tar|wav|bmp|rtf|js|flv|swf|html|htm)$
    root   /path/to/static-content;

location ~* ^!.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|pdf|txt|tar|wav|bmp|rtf|js|flv|swf|html|htm)$ {
    if (!-f $request_filename) {
        return 404;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

I found the first part of this snippet over at:

Jquery Value match Regex

  • Pass a string to RegExp or create a regex using the // syntax
  • Call regex.test(string), not string.test(regex)


jQuery(function () {
    $(".mail").keyup(function () {
        var VAL = this.value;

        var email = new RegExp('^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$');

        if (email.test(VAL)) {
            alert('Great, you entered an E-Mail-address');

How to output to the console and file?

You should use the logging library, which has this capability built in. You simply add handlers to a logger to determine where to send the output.

Adding placeholder attribute using Jquery

Try something like the following if you want to use pure JavaScript:

document.getElementsByName('link')[0].placeholder='Type here to search';

Append Char To String in C?

I do not think you can declare a string like that in c. You may only do that for const char* and of course you can not modify a const char * as it is const.

You may use dynamic char array but you will have to take care of the reallocation.

EDIT: in fact this syntax compiles correctly. Still you can should not modify what str points to if it is initialized in the way you do it (from string literal)

Is it possible to use jQuery .on and hover?

If you need it to have as a condition in an other event, I solved it this way:


Then in another event, you can easily use it:

 if ($(this).data('hover')){

(I see some using is(':hover') to solve this. But this is not (yet) a valid jQuery selector and does not work in all compatible browsers)

Ansible: create a user with sudo privileges

To create a user with sudo privileges is to put the user into /etc/sudoers, or make the user a member of a group specified in /etc/sudoers. And to make it password-less is to additionally specify NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers.

Example of /etc/sudoers:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

## Same thing without a password
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

And instead of fiddling with /etc/sudoers file, we can create a new file in /etc/sudoers.d/ directory since this directory is included by /etc/sudoers by default, which avoids the possibility of breaking existing sudoers file, and also eliminates the dependency on the content inside of /etc/sudoers.

To achieve above in Ansible, refer to the following:

- name: sudo without password for wheel group
    content: '%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
    dest: /etc/sudoers.d/wheel_nopasswd
    mode: 0440

You may replace %wheel with other group names like %sudoers or other user names like deployer.

How to add composite primary key to table

You don't need to create the table first and then add the keys in subsequent steps. You can add both primary key and foreign key while creating the table:

This example assumes the existence of a table (Codes) that we would want to reference with our foreign key.

id [numeric](1),
code [varchar](2),
PRIMARY KEY (id, code),
CONSTRAINT fk_d_codes FOREIGN KEY (code) REFERENCES Codes (code)

If you don't have a table that we can reference, add one like this so that the example will work:

    Code [varchar](2) PRIMARY KEY   

NOTE: you must have a table to reference before creating the foreign key.

How do I move focus to next input with jQuery?

you cat use it

$(document).on("keypress","input,select",function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode==13) {
        $(':input:eq(' + ($(':input').index(this) + 1) +')').focus();

Add "Appendix" before "A" in thesis TOC

You can easily achieve what you want using the appendix package. Here's a sample file that shows you how. The key is the titletoc option when calling the package. It takes whatever value you've defined in \appendixname and the default value is Appendix.


\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
\section{Dolor sit amet}
  \chapter{Consectetur adipiscing elit}
  \chapter{Mauris euismod}

The output looks like

enter image description here

How do I redirect in expressjs while passing some context?

I had to find another solution because none of the provided solutions actually met my requirements, for the following reasons:

  • Query strings: You may not want to use query strings because the URLs could be shared by your users, and sometimes the query parameters do not make sense for a different user. For example, an error such as ?error=sessionExpired should never be displayed to another user by accident.

  • req.session: You may not want to use req.session because you need the express-session dependency for this, which includes setting up a session store (such as MongoDB), which you may not need at all, or maybe you are already using a custom session store solution.

  • next(): You may not want to use next() or next("router") because this essentially just renders your new page under the original URL, it's not really a redirect to the new URL, more like a forward/rewrite, which may not be acceptable.

So this is my fourth solution that doesn't suffer from any of the previous issues. Basically it involves using a temporary cookie, for which you will have to first install cookie-parser. Obviously this means it will only work where cookies are enabled, and with a limited amount of data.

Implementation example:

var cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");


app.get("/", function(req, res) {
    var context = req.cookies["context"];
    res.clearCookie("context", { httpOnly: true });
    res.render("home.jade", context); // Here context is just a string, you will have to provide a valid context for your template engine
});"/category", function(req, res) {
    res.cookie("context", "myContext", { httpOnly: true });

How to use aria-expanded="true" to change a css property

If you were open to using JQuery, you could modify the background color for any link that has the property aria-expanded set to true by doing the following...

$("a[aria-expanded='true']").css("background-color", "#42DCA3");

Depending on how specific you want to be regarding which links this applies to, you may have to slightly modify your selector.

Convert byte to string in Java

If it's a single byte, just cast the byte to a char and it should work out to be fine i.e. give a char entity corresponding to the codepoint value of the given byte. If not, use the String constructor as mentioned elsewhere.

char ch = (char)0x63;

Twitter Bootstrap Form File Element Upload Button

I have Created a Custom upload button to accept only images, which can be modified as per your requirement.

Hope this helps!! :)

(Used Bootstrap framework)



 <br />
 <br />
 <span class="head">Upload Button Re-Imagined</span>
 <br />
 <br />
 <div class="fileUpload blue-btn btn width100">
   <span>Upload your Organizations logo</span>
   <input type="file" class="uploadlogo" />


 .head {
   font-size: 25px;
   font-weight: 200;

 .blue-btn {
   background: transparent;
   border: solid 1px #27a9e0;
   border-radius: 3px;
   color: #27a9e0;
   font-size: 16px;
   margin-bottom: 20px;
   outline: none !important;
   padding: 10px 20px;

 .fileUpload {
   position: relative;
   overflow: hidden;
   height: 43px;
   margin-top: 0;

 .fileUpload input.uploadlogo {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   font-size: 20px;
   cursor: pointer;
   opacity: 0;
   filter: alpha(opacity=0);
   width: 100%;
   height: 42px;

 /*Chrome fix*/

 input::-webkit-file-upload-button {
   cursor: pointer !important;


// You can modify the upload files to pdf's, docs etc
//Currently it will upload only images
$(document).ready(function($) {

  // Upload btn
  $(".uploadlogo").change(function() {

  function readURL(input) {
    var url = input.value;
    var ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
    if (input.files && input.files[0] && (ext == "png" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "gif" || ext == "svg")) {
      var path = $('.uploadlogo').val();
      var filename = path.replace(/^.*\\/, "");
      $('.fileUpload span').html('Uploaded logo : ' + filename);
      // console.log(filename);
    } else {
      $('.fileUpload span').html('Only Images Are Allowed!');

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

If you don't want to execute SQL directly calling DeleteObject in a loop is the best you can do today.

However you can execute SQL and still make it completely general purpose via an extension method, using the approach I describe here.

Although that answer was for 3.5. For 4.0 I would probably use the new ExecuteStoreCommand API under the hood, instead of dropping down to the StoreConnection.

Python, Pandas : write content of DataFrame into text File

You can use pandas.DataFrame.to_csv(), and setting both index and header to False:

In [97]: print df.to_csv(sep=' ', index=False, header=False)
18 55 1 70
18 55 2 67
18 57 2 75
18 58 1 35
19 54 2 70

pandas.DataFrame.to_csv can write to a file directly, for more info you can refer to the docs linked above.

jQuery hyperlinks - href value?

I almost had this problem and it was very deceiving. I am providing an answer in case someone winds up in my same position.

  1. I thought I had this problem
  2. But, I was using return false and javascript:void(0);
  3. Then a distinct difference in problem kept surfacing:
  4. I realized it's not going ALL the way to the top - and my problem zone was near the bottom of the page so this jump was strange and annoying.
  5. I realized I was using fadeIn() [jQuery library], which for a short time my content was display:none
  6. And then my content extended the reach of the page! Causing what looks like a jump!
  7. Using visibility hidden toggles now..

Hope this helps the person stuck with jumps!!

str.startswith with a list of strings to test for

You can also use any(), map() like so:

if any(map(l.startswith, x)):
    pass # Do something

Or alternatively, using a generator expression:

if any(l.startswith(s) for s in x)
    pass # Do something

HTML img align="middle" doesn't align an image

How about this? I frequently use the CSS Flexible Box Layout to center something.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">_x000D_
  <img src="" style="width: 40px; height: 40px;" />_x000D_