Programs & Examples On #Time format

Time formats are specifications used for unambiguous representation of dates and times. The International Standard for the representation of dates and times is ISO 8601. Each software platform usually provides APIs in order to parse dates or time in a language-independent manner.

JavaScript seconds to time string with format hh:mm:ss

You can use the following function to convert time (in seconds) to HH:MM:SS format :

var convertTime = function (input, separator) {
    var pad = function(input) {return input < 10 ? "0" + input : input;};
    return [
        pad(Math.floor(input / 3600)),
        pad(Math.floor(input % 3600 / 60)),
        pad(Math.floor(input % 60)),
    ].join(typeof separator !== 'undefined' ?  separator : ':' );

Without passing a separator, it uses : as the (default) separator :

time = convertTime(13551.9941351); // --> OUTPUT = 03:45:51

If you want to use - as a separator, just pass it as the second parameter:

time = convertTime(1126.5135155, '-'); // --> OUTPUT = 00-18-46


var convertTime = function (input, separator) {
    var pad = function(input) {return input < 10 ? "0" + input : input;};
    return [
        pad(Math.floor(input / 3600)),
        pad(Math.floor(input % 3600 / 60)),
        pad(Math.floor(input % 60)),
    ].join(typeof separator !== 'undefined' ?  separator : ':' );

document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify({
    5.3515555 : convertTime(5.3515555),
    126.2344452 : convertTime(126.2344452, '-'),
    1156.1535548 : convertTime(1156.1535548, '.'),
    9178.1351559 : convertTime(9178.1351559, ':'),
    13555.3515135 : convertTime(13555.3515135, ',')
}, null, '\t') +  '</pre>';

See also this Fiddle.

Convert seconds to HH-MM-SS with JavaScript?

Here is a function to convert seconds to hh-mm-ss format based on powtac's answer here


 * Convert seconds to hh-mm-ss format.
 * @param {number} totalSeconds - the total seconds to convert to hh- mm-ss
var SecondsTohhmmss = function(totalSeconds) {
  var hours   = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);
  var minutes = Math.floor((totalSeconds - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
  var seconds = totalSeconds - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);

  // round seconds
  seconds = Math.round(seconds * 100) / 100

  var result = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours);
      result += "-" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes);
      result += "-" + (seconds  < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds);
  return result;

Example use

var seconds = SecondsTohhmmss(70);
// logs 00-01-10

Javascript: convert 24-hour time-of-day string to 12-hour time with AM/PM and no timezone

function timeformat(date1) {
  var date=new Date(date1);
  var month = date.toLocaleString('en-us', { month: 'long' });
  var mdate  =date.getDate();
  var year  =date.getFullYear();
  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
  hours = hours % 12;
  hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
  minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
  var strTime = mdate+"-"+month+"-"+year+" "+hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
  return strTime;
var ampm=timeformat("2019-01-11 12:26:43");

Here the Function to Convert time into am or pm with Date,it may be help Someone.

How to convert milliseconds to "hh:mm:ss" format?

        String string = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
            TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millisecend), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millisecend) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millisecend)),
            TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millisecend) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millisecend)), millisecend - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millisecend)));

Format: 00:00:00.000

Example: 615605 Millisecend


How do I convert datetime to ISO 8601 in PHP

If you try set a value in datetime-local

date("Y-m-d\TH:i",strtotime('2010-12-30 23:21:46'));

//output : 2010-12-30T23:21

Getting Hour and Minute in PHP

You can use the following solution to solve your problem:

echo date('H:i');

Javascript add leading zeroes to date

You can define a "str_pad" function (as in php):

function str_pad(n) {
    return String("00" + n).slice(-2);

How to display a date as iso 8601 format with PHP

The problem many times occurs with the milliseconds and final microseconds that many times are in 4 or 8 finals. To convert the DATE to ISO 8601 "date(DATE_ISO8601)" these are one of the solutions that works for me:

// In this form it leaves the date as it is without taking the current date as a reference
$dt = new DateTime();
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.').substr($dt->format('u'),0,3).'Z';
// return-> 2020-05-14T13:35:55.191Z

// In this form it takes the reference of the current date
echo date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'.substr((string)microtime(), 1, 4).'\Z');
return-> 2020-05-14T13:35:55.191Z

// Various examples:
$date_in = '2020-05-25 22:12 03.056';
$dt = new DateTime($date_in);
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.').substr($dt->format('u'),0,3).'Z';
// return-> 2020-05-25T22:12:03.056Z

//In this form it takes the reference of the current date
echo date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'.substr((string)microtime(), 1, 4).'\Z',strtotime($date_in));
// return-> 2020-05-25T14:22:05.188Z

Convert a Unix timestamp to time in JavaScript

shortest one-liner solution to format seconds as hh:mm:ss: variant:

console.log(new Date(1549312452 * 1000).toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '));_x000D_
// "2019-02-04 20:34:12"

Get month name from Date

For me this is best solution is,

for TypeScript as well

const env = process.env.REACT_APP_LOCALE || 'en';

const namedMonthsArray = (index?: number): string[] | string => {
  const months = [];

  for (let month = 0; month <= 11; month++) {
      new Date(new Date('1970-01-01').setMonth(month))
        .toLocaleString(env, {
          month: 'long',
  if (index) {
    return months[index];
  return months;

Output is

["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]

Jquery checking success of ajax post

The documentation is here:

But, to summarize, the ajax call takes a bunch of options. the ones you are looking for are error and success.

You would call it like this:

  url: 'mypage.html',
  success: function(){
  error: function(){

I have shown the success and error function taking no arguments, but they can receive arguments.

The error function can take three arguments: XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, and errorThrown.

The success function can take two arguments: data and textStatus. The page you requested will be in the data argument.

Issue pushing new code in Github

I use the Branches options, and then right click on the "remote/origin" folder and then click on "delete branches from remote", see the image below:

the image

What is a mutex?

There are some great answers here, here is another great analogy for explaining what mutex is:

Consider single toilet with a key. When someone enters, they take the key and the toilet is occupied. If someone else needs to use the toilet, they need to wait in a queue. When the person in the toilet is done, they pass the key to the next person in queue. Make sense, right?

Convert the toilet in the story to a shared resource, and the key to a mutex. Taking the key to the toilet (acquire a lock) permits you to use it. If there is no key (the lock is locked) you have to wait. When the key is returned by the person (release the lock) you're free to acquire it now.

How to show Snackbar when Activity starts?

Just point to any View inside the Activity's XML. You can give an id to the root viewGroup, for example, and use:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   View parentLayout = findViewById(;
   Snackbar.make(parentLayout, "This is main activity", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) 
        .setAction("CLOSE", new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {

        .setActionTextColor(getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_red_light ))
   //Other stuff in OnCreate();

Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

I am suggesting a much simpler utility I just wrote. It's currently called par, but will be renamed soon to either parl or pll, haven't decided yet.

API is as simple as:

par "" "" ""

Prefixing commands can be done via:

par "PARPREFIX=[script1]" "" ""

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server

After Two Hour searching on web i found my solution as bellow steps - close visual studio - remove .vs folder of your project - open visual studio and rerun project

thats work for me have a good time

how to get vlc logs?

Or you can use the more obvious solution, right in the GUI: Tools -> Messages (set verbosity to 2)...

JPA 2.0, Criteria API, Subqueries, In Expressions

CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Employee> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Employee.class);
Root<Employee> empleoyeeRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Employee.class);

Subquery<Project> projectSubquery = criteriaQuery.subquery(Project.class);
Root<Project> projectRoot = projectSubquery.from(Project.class);;

Expression<String> stringExpression = empleoyeeRoot.get(Employee_.ID);
Predicate predicateIn =;;

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

This was the clearest solution for me

var dlg2 = $('#dialog2').dialog({
        position: "center",
        autoOpen: false,
        width: 600,
        buttons: {
            "Ok": function() {
            "Cancel": function() {


All the content inside the dlg2 will be available to insert in your database. Don't forget to change the dialog variable to match yours.

Display special characters when using print statement

Use repr:

a = "Hello\tWorld\nHello World"
# 'Hello\tWorld\nHello World'

Note you do not get \s for a space. I hope that was a typo...?

But if you really do want \s for spaces, you could do this:

print(repr(a).replace(' ',r'\s'))

if checkbox is checked, do this

I would use .change() and this.checked:

    var c = this.checked ? '#f00' : '#09f';
    $('p').css('color', c);


On using this.checked
Andy E has done a great write-up on how we tend to overuse jQuery: Utilizing the awesome power of jQuery to access properties of an element. The article specifically treats the use of .attr("id") but in the case that #checkbox is an <input type="checkbox" /> element the issue is the same for $(...).attr('checked') (or even $(...).is(':checked')) vs. this.checked.

Convert np.array of type float64 to type uint8 scaling values

A better way to normalize your image is to take each value and divide by the largest value experienced by the data type. This ensures that images that have a small dynamic range in your image remain small and they're not inadvertently normalized so that they become gray. For example, if your image had a dynamic range of [0-2], the code right now would scale that to have intensities of [0, 128, 255]. You want these to remain small after converting to np.uint8.

Therefore, divide every value by the largest value possible by the image type, not the actual image itself. You would then scale this by 255 to produced the normalized result. Use numpy.iinfo and provide it the type (dtype) of the image and you will obtain a structure of information for that type. You would then access the max field from this structure to determine the maximum value.

So with the above, do the following modifications to your code:

import numpy as np
import cv2
info = np.iinfo(data.dtype) # Get the information of the incoming image type
data = data.astype(np.float64) / info.max # normalize the data to 0 - 1
data = 255 * data # Now scale by 255
img = data.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow("Window", img)

Note that I've additionally converted the image into np.float64 in case the incoming data type is not so and to maintain floating-point precision when doing the division.

How to hide a div with jQuery?

$('#myDiv').hide() will hide the div...

Replacing blank values (white space) with NaN in pandas

Simplest of all solutions:

df = df.replace(r'^\s+$', np.nan, regex=True)

How do I generate a random integer between min and max in Java?

As the solutions above do not consider the possible overflow of doing max-min when min is negative, here another solution (similar to the one of kerouac)

public static int getRandom(int min, int max) {
    if (min > max) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min " + min + " greater than max " + max);
    return (int) ( (long) min + Math.random() * ((long)max - min + 1));

this works even if you call it with:

getRandom(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) 

Python - Passing a function into another function

Treat function as variable in your program so you can just pass them to other functions easily:

def test ():
   print "test was invoked"

def invoker(func):

invoker(test)  # prints test was invoked

Razor View Without Layout

I wanted to display the login page without the layout and this works pretty good for me.(this is the _ViewStart.cshtml file) You need to set the ViewBag.Title in the Controller.

    if (! (ViewContext.ViewBag.Title == "Login"))
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";        

I know it's a little bit late but I hope this helps some body.

How to Migrate to WKWebView?

WkWebView is much faster and reliable than UIWebview according to the Apple docs. Here, I posted my WkWebViewController.

import UIKit
import WebKit

class WebPageViewController: UIViewController,UINavigationControllerDelegate,UINavigationBarDelegate,WKNavigationDelegate{

    var webView: WKWebView?
    var webUrl=""

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool){
        navigationController!.navigationBar.hidden = false

    override func viewDidLoad()
        /* Create our preferences on how the web page should be loaded */
        let preferences = WKPreferences()
        preferences.javaScriptEnabled = false

        /* Create a configuration for our preferences */
        let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        configuration.preferences = preferences

        /* Now instantiate the web view */
        webView = WKWebView(frame: view.bounds, configuration: configuration)

        if let theWebView = webView{
            /* Load a web page into our web view */
            let url = NSURL(string: self.webUrl)
            let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
            theWebView.navigationDelegate = self


    /* Start the network activity indicator when the web view is loading */
    func webView(webView: WKWebView,didStartProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation){
            UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true

    /* Stop the network activity indicator when the loading finishes */
    func webView(webView: WKWebView,didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation){
            UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false

    func webView(webView: WKWebView,
        decidePolicyForNavigationResponse navigationResponse: WKNavigationResponse,decisionHandler: ((WKNavigationResponsePolicy) -> Void)){

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning(){


Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5

Found it.

run cmd as administrator, go to your system32\inetsrv folder and execute:

appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpErrors -allowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated:true

Now I can see detailed asp errors .

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

HashMap is an implementation of Map. Map is just an interface for any type of map.

how to convert long date value to mm/dd/yyyy format

Try something like this:

public class test 

    public static void main(String a[])
        long tmp = 1346524199000;  

        Date d = new Date(tmp);  

How to convert a SVG to a PNG with ImageMagick?

I haven't been able to get good results from ImageMagick in this instance, but Inkscape does a nice job of scaling an SVG on Linux and Windows:

inkscape -z -w 1024 -h 1024 input.svg -e output.png

Note that you can omit one of the width/height parameters to have the other parameter scaled automatically based on the input image dimensions.

Edit (May 2020): Inkscape 1.0 users, please note that the command line arguments have changed:

inkscape -w 1024 -h 1024 input.svg -o output.png

Here's the result of scaling a 16x16 SVG to a 200x200 PNG using this command:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Just for reference, my Inkscape version (on Ubuntu 12.04) is:

Inkscape r9886 (Mar 29 2012)

and on Windows 7, it is:

Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 (Dec 17 2012)

Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file?

  1. To make your db object accessible to all controllers without passing it everywhere: make an application-level middleware which attachs the db object to every req object, then you can access it within in every controller.
// app.js
let db = ...;  // your db object initialized
const contextMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  1. to avoid passing app instance everywhere, instead, passing routes to where the app is
// routes.js  It's just a mapping.
exports.routes = [
  ['/', controllers.index],
  ['/posts', controllers.posts.index],

// app.js
var { routes }    = require('./routes');
routes.forEach(route => app.get(...route));
// You can customize this according to your own needs, like adding post request

The final app.js:

// app.js
var express   = require('express');
var app       = express.createServer();

let db = ...;  // your db object initialized
const contextMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {

var { routes }    = require('./routes');
routes.forEach(route => app.get(...route));

app.listen(3000, function() {
  console.log('Application is listening on port 3000');

Another version: you can customize this according to your own needs, like adding post request

// routes.js  It's just a mapping.
let get = ({path, callback}) => ({app})=>{
  app.get(path, callback);
let post = ({path, callback}) => ({app})=>{, callback);
let someFn = ({path, callback}) => ({app})=>{
  // ...custom logic
  app.get(path, callback);
exports.routes = [
  get({path: '/', callback: controllers.index}),
  post({path: '/posts', callback: controllers.posts.index}),
  someFn({path: '/posts/:post', callback:}),

// app.js
var { routes }    = require('./routes');
routes.forEach(route => route({app}));

How to use BufferedReader in Java

As far as i understand fr is the object of your FileReadExample class. So it is obvious it will not have any method like fr.readLine() if you dont create one yourself.

secondly, i think a correct constructor of the BufferedReader class will help you do your task.

String str;
BufferedReader buffread = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("file.dat")));
str = buffread.readLine();

this should help you.

Skip the headers when editing a csv file using Python

Inspired by Martijn Pieters' response.

In case you only need to delete the header from the csv file, you can work more efficiently if you write using the standard Python file I/O library, avoiding writing with the CSV Python library:

with open("tmob_notcleaned.csv", "rb") as infile, open("tmob_cleaned.csv", "wb") as outfile:
   next(infile)  # skip the headers

How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form?

As I discussed here ,

if you want to pass custom JSON object to MVC action then you can use this solution, it works like a charm.

public string GetData() {
  // InputStream contains the JSON object you've sent
  String jsonString = new StreamReader(this.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();

  // Deserialize it to a dictionary
  var dic =
    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < Dictionary < String,
    dynamic >> (jsonString);

  string result = "";

  result += dic["firstname"] + dic["lastname"];

  // You can even cast your object to their original type because of 'dynamic' keyword
  result += ", Age: " + (int) dic["age"];

  if ((bool) dic["married"])
    result += ", Married";

  return result;

The real benefit of this solution is that you don't require to define a new class for each combination of arguments and beside that, you can cast your objects to their original types easily.

You can use a helper method like this to facilitate your job:

public static Dictionary < string, dynamic > GetDic(HttpRequestBase request) {
  String jsonString = new StreamReader(request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
  return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < Dictionary < string, dynamic >> (jsonString);

Simple way to copy or clone a DataRow?

It seems you don't want to keep the whole DataTable as a copy, because you only need some rows, right? If you got a creteria you can specify with a select on the table, you could copy just those rows to an extra backup array of DataRow like

DataRow[] rows = sourceTable.Select("searchColumn = value");

The .Select() function got several options and this one e.g. can be read as a SQL

SELECT * FROM sourceTable WHERE searchColumn = value;

Then you can import the rows you want as described above.


...for any valid n you like, but the columns need to be the same in each table.

Some things you should know about ImportRow is that there will be errors during runtime when using primary keys!

First I wanted to check whether a row already existed which also failed due to a missing primary key, but then the check always failed. In the end I decided to clear the existing rows completely and import the rows I wanted again.

The second issue did help to understand what happens. The way I'm using the import function is to duplicate rows with an exchanged entry in one column. I realized that it always changed and it still was a reference to the row in the array. I first had to import the original and then change the entry I wanted.

The reference also explains the primary key errors that appeared when I first tried to import the row as it really was doubled up.

Simple logical operators in Bash

very close

if [[ $varA -eq 1 ]] && [[ $varB == 't1' || $varC == 't2' ]]; 

should work.

breaking it down

[[ $varA -eq 1 ]] 

is an integer comparison where as

$varB == 't1'

is a string comparison. otherwise, I am just grouping the comparisons correctly.

Double square brackets delimit a Conditional Expression. And, I find the following to be a good reading on the subject: "(IBM) Demystify test, [, [[, ((, and if-then-else"

How can I specify a local gem in my Gemfile?

In order to use local gem repository in a Rails project, follow the steps below:

  1. Check if your gem folder is a git repository (the command is executed in the gem folder)

    git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree
  2. Getting repository path (the command is executed in the gem folder)

    git rev-parse --show-toplevel
  3. Setting up a local override for the rails application

    bundle config local.GEM_NAME /path/to/local/git/repository

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem and /path/to/local/git/repository is the output of the command in point 2

  4. In your application Gemfile add the following line:

    gem 'GEM_NAME', :github => 'GEM_NAME/GEM_NAME', :branch => 'master'
  5. Running bundle install should give something like this:

    Using GEM_NAME (0.0.1) from git:// (at /path/to/local/git/repository) 

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem and /path/to/local/git/repository from point 2

  6. Finally, run bundle list, not gem list and you should see something like this:

    GEM_NAME (0.0.1 5a68b88)

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem

A few important cases I am observing using:

Rails 4.0.2  
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-linux] 
Ubuntu 13.10  
RubyMine 6.0.3
  • It seems RubyMine is not showing local gems as an external library. More information about the bug can be found here and here
  • When I am changing something in the local gem, in order to be loaded in the rails application I should stop/start the rails server
  • If I am changing the version of the gem, stopping/starting the Rails server gives me an error. In order to fix it, I am specifying the gem version in the rails application Gemfile like this:

    gem 'GEM_NAME', '0.0.2', :github => 'GEM_NAME/GEM_NAME', :branch => 'master'

IndentationError: unexpected indent error

While the indentation errors are obvious in the StackOverflow page, they may not be in your editor. You have a mix of different indentation types here, 1, 4 and 8 spaces. You should always use four spaces for indentation, as per PEP8. You should also avoid mixing tabs and spaces.

I also recommend that you try to run your script using the '-tt' command-line option to determine when you accidentally mix tabs and spaces. Of course any decent editor will be able to highlight tabs versus spaces (such as Vim's 'list' option).

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test

Update the Maven project:


  1. Right-click on "project"
  2. Go to "Maven" >> "Update"
  3. Wait for all the changes to be applied
  4. Commit the changes (if code is on repo)
  5. Run

Can Python test the membership of multiple values in a list?

If you want to check all of your input matches,

>>> all(x in ['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in ['a', 'b'])

if you want to check at least one match,

>>> any(x in ['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in ['a', 'b'])

ASP.Net 2012 Unobtrusive Validation with jQuery

Add a reference to Microsoft.JScript in your application in your web.config as below :

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5">
        <add assembly="Microsoft.JScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5"/>
    <add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="none"/>

How do JavaScript closures work?

Can you explain closures to a 5-year-old?*

I still think Google's explanation works very well and is concise:

*    When a function is defined in another function and it
*    has access to the outer function's context even after
*    the outer function returns.
* An important concept to learn in JavaScript.

function outerFunction(someNum) {
    var someString = 'Hey!';
    var content = document.getElementById('content');
    function innerFunction() {
        content.innerHTML = someNum + ': ' + someString;
        content = null; // Internet Explorer memory leak for DOM reference


Proof that this example creates a closure even if the inner function doesn't return

*A C# question

What is the best IDE for C Development / Why use Emacs over an IDE?

If you are looking for a free, nice looking, cross-platform editor, try Komodo Edit. It is not as powerful as Komodo IDE, however that isn't free. See feature chart.

Another free, extensible editor is jEdit. Crossplatform as it is 100% pure Java. Not the fastest IDE on earth, but for Java actually very fast, very flexible, not that nice looking though.

Both have very sophisticated code folding, syntax highlighting (for all languages you can think of!) and are very flexible regarding configuring it for you personal needs. jEdit is BTW very easy to extend to add whatever feature you may need there (it has an ultra simple scripting language, that looks like Java, but is actually "scripted").

Removing an activity from the history stack

I use this way.

Intent i = new Intent(MyOldActivity.this, MyNewActivity.class);

str.startswith with a list of strings to test for

You can also use any(), map() like so:

if any(map(l.startswith, x)):
    pass # Do something

Or alternatively, using a generator expression:

if any(l.startswith(s) for s in x)
    pass # Do something

Remove HTML Tags from an NSString on the iPhone

I have following the accepted answer by m.kocikowski and modified is slightly to make use of an autoreleasepool to cleanup all of the temporary strings that are created by stringByReplacingCharactersInRange

In the comment for this method it states, /* Replace characters in range with the specified string, returning new string. */

So, depending on the length of your XML you may be creating a huge pile of new autorelease strings which are not cleaned up until the end of the next @autoreleasepool. If you are unsure when that may happen or if a user action could repeatedly trigger many calls to this method before then you can just wrap this up in an @autoreleasepool. These can even be nested and used within loops where possible.

Apple's reference on @autoreleasepool states this... "If you write a loop that creates many temporary objects. You may use an autorelease pool block inside the loop to dispose of those objects before the next iteration. Using an autorelease pool block in the loop helps to reduce the maximum memory footprint of the application." I have not used it in the loop, but at least this method cleans up after itself now.

- (NSString *) stringByStrippingHTML {
    NSString *retVal;
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSRange r;
        NSString *s = [[self copy] autorelease];
        while ((r = [s rangeOfString:@"<[^>]+>" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch]).location != NSNotFound) {
            s = [s stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString:@""];
        retVal = [s copy];
    // pool is drained, release s and all temp 
    // strings created by stringByReplacingCharactersInRange
    return retVal;

Why does my favicon not show up?

Try adding the profile attribute to your head tag and use "image/x-icon" for the type attribute:

<head profile="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="img/favicon.ico">

If the above code doesn't work, try using the full icon path for the href attribute:

<head profile="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">

How to check for file existence

Check out Pathname and in particular Pathname#exist?.

File and its FileTest module are perhaps simpler/more direct, but I find Pathname a nicer interface in general.

how to hide the content of the div in css

sounds silly but font-size:0; might just work. It did for me. And you can easily override this with the child element you need to show.

What is the difference between POST and GET?

The only "big" difference between POST & GET (when using them with AJAX) is since GET is URL provided, they are limited in ther length (since URL arent infinite in length).

Uninstalling Android ADT

If running on windows vista or later,
remember to run eclipse under a user with proper file permissions.
try to use the 'Run as Administrator' option.

C# with MySQL INSERT parameters

I was facing very similar problem while trying to insert data using mysql-connector-net-5.1.7-noinstall and Visual Studio(2015) in Windows Form Application. I am not a C# guru. So, it takes around 2 hours to resolve everything.

The following code works lately:

string connetionString = null;
connetionString = "server=localhost;database=device_db;uid=root;pwd=123;";

using (MySqlConnection cn = new MySqlConnection(connetionString))
        string query = "INSERT INTO test_table(user_id, user_name) VALUES (?user_id,?user_name);";
        using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, cn))
            cmd.Parameters.Add("?user_id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = 123;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("?user_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = "Test username";
    catch (MySqlException ex)
        MessageBox.Show("Error in adding mysql row. Error: "+ex.Message);

How to change the font color in the textbox in C#?

Assuming WinForms, the ForeColor property allows to change all the text in the TextBox (not just what you're about to add):

TextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;

To only change the color of certain words, look at RichTextBox.

How to easily resize/optimize an image size with iOS?

A couple of suggestions are provided as answers to this question. I had suggested the technique described in this post, with the relevant code:

+ (UIImage*)imageWithImage:(UIImage*)image 
   UIGraphicsBeginImageContext( newSize );
   [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0,0,newSize.width,newSize.height)];
   UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

   return newImage;

As far as storage of the image, the fastest image format to use with the iPhone is PNG, because it has optimizations for that format. However, if you want to store these images as JPEGs, you can take your UIImage and do the following:

NSData *dataForJPEGFile = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(theImage, 0.6);

This creates an NSData instance containing the raw bytes for a JPEG image at a 60% quality setting. The contents of that NSData instance can then be written to disk or cached in memory.

WCF named pipe minimal example

I created this simple example from different search results on the internet.

public static ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(Type serviceInterface, Type implementation)
  //Create base address
  string baseAddress = "net.pipe://localhost/MyService";

  ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(implementation, new Uri(baseAddress));

  //Net named pipe
  NetNamedPipeBinding binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding { MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647 };
  serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(serviceInterface, binding, baseAddress);

  //MEX - Meta data exchange
  ServiceMetadataBehavior behavior = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
  serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexNamedPipeBinding(), baseAddress + "/mex/");

  return serviceHost;

Using the above URI I can add a reference in my client to the web service.

How to listen for 'props' changes

I work with a computed property like:

            return this.resources;
            this.$emit("update:resources", v)

Resources is in this case a property:

props: [ 'resources' ]


You can try this:

  count(distinct tag) as tag_count,
  count(distinct (case when entryId > 0 then tag end)) as positive_tag_count

The first count(distinct...) is easy. The second one, looks somewhat complex, is actually the same as the first one, except that you use case...when clause. In the case...when clause, you filter only positive values. Zeros or negative values would be evaluated as null and won't be included in count.

One thing to note here is that this can be done by reading the table once. When it seems that you have to read the same table twice or more, it can actually be done by reading once, in most of the time. As a result, it will finish the task a lot faster with less I/O.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes)

128M == 134217728, the number you are seeing.

The memory limit is working fine. When it says it tried to allocate 32 bytes, that the amount requested by the last operation before failing.

Are you building any huge arrays or reading large text files? If so, remember to free any memory you don't need anymore, or break the task down into smaller steps.

Centering text in a table in Twitter Bootstrap

You can make td's align without changing the css by adding a div with a class of "text-center" inside the cell:

        <div class="text-center">
            My centered text

How to perform Unwind segue programmatically?

FYI: In order for @Vadim's answer to work with a manual unwind seque action called from within a View Controller you must place the command:

[self performSegueWithIdentifier:(NSString*) identifier sender:(id) sender];

inside of the overriden class method viewDidAppear like so:

-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL) animated
    [super viewDidAppear: animated];

    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"SomeSegueIdentifier" sender:self];

If you put it in other ViewController methods like viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear it will be ignored.

How can I set my Cygwin PATH to find javac?

If you are still finding that the default wrong Java version (1.7) is being used instead of your Java home directory, then all you need to do is simply change the order of your PATH variable to set JAVA_HOME\bin before your Windows directory in your PATH variable, save it and restart cygwin. Test it out to make sure everything will work fine. It should not have any adverse effect because you want your own Java version to override the default which comes with Windows. Good luck!

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

When using google gson library.

var getRowData =
    "dayOfWeek": "Sun",
    "date": "11-Mar-2012",
    "los": "1",
    "specialEvent": "",
    "lrv": "0"
    "dayOfWeek": "Mon",
    "date": "",
    "los": "2",
    "specialEvent": "",
    "lrv": "0.16"

    JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(request.getParameter("getRowData"));
     JsonArray  jsonArray = root.getAsJsonArray();
     JsonObject  jsonObject1 = jsonArray.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
     String dayOfWeek = jsonObject1.get("dayOfWeek").toString();

// when using jackson library

    JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
              ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
          JsonParser jp = f.createJsonParser(getRowData);
          // advance stream to START_ARRAY first:
          // and then each time, advance to opening START_OBJECT
         while (jp.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
            Map<String,Object> userData = mapper.readValue(jp, Map.class);
            // process
           // after binding, stream points to closing END_OBJECT

git clone from another directory

In case you have space in your path, wrap it in double quotes:

$ git clone "//serverName/New Folder/Target" f1/

A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found for debug mode

In my case this problem occurred because another provisioning profile was selected for the unit tests. Just took me hours to find this ...

Why is there still a row limit in Microsoft Excel?

In a word - speed. An index for up to a million rows fits in a 32-bit word, so it can be used efficiently on 32-bit processors. Function arguments that fit in a CPU register are extremely efficient, while ones that are larger require accessing memory on each function call, a far slower operation. Updating a spreadsheet can be an intensive operation involving many cell references, so speed is important. Besides, the Excel team expects that anyone dealing with more than a million rows will be using a database rather than a spreadsheet.

"Fade" borders in CSS

I know this is old but this seems to work well for me in 2020...

Using the border-image CSS property I was able to quickly manipulate the borders for this fading purpose.

Note: I don't think border-image works well with border-radius... I seen someone saying that somewhere but for this purpose it works well.

1 Liner:


 .bbdr_rfade_1      { border: 4px solid; border-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(60,74,83,0.90), rgba(60,74,83,.00)) 1; border-left:none; border-top:none; border-right:none;  }


<div class = 'bbdr_rfade_1'>Oh I am so going to not up-vote this guy...</div>

Python ImportError: No module named wx

I too face the same problem, I like to share which I was faced so it can be helpful for anyone. In my case I have installed both python2. 7 and python3, and tested the application in python3 after some analysis I used

pip show wxpython-common

to find the location of wx which was in


so i understood in my case wx will work only in python2.7 environment

Difference between except: and except Exception as e: in Python


accepts all exceptions, whereas

except Exception as e:

only accepts exceptions that you're meant to catch.

Here's an example of one that you're not meant to catch:

>>> try:
...     input()
... except:
...     pass
>>> try:
...     input()
... except Exception as e:
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>

The first one silenced the KeyboardInterrupt!

Here's a quick list:

issubclass(BaseException, BaseException)
#>>> True
issubclass(BaseException, Exception)
#>>> False

issubclass(KeyboardInterrupt, BaseException)
#>>> True
issubclass(KeyboardInterrupt, Exception)
#>>> False

issubclass(SystemExit, BaseException)
#>>> True
issubclass(SystemExit, Exception)
#>>> False

If you want to catch any of those, it's best to do

except BaseException:

to point out that you know what you're doing.

All exceptions stem from BaseException, and those you're meant to catch day-to-day (those that'll be thrown for the programmer) inherit too from Exception.

Copy and Paste a set range in the next empty row

The reason the code isn't working is because lastrow is measured from whatever sheet is currently active, and "A:A500" (or other number) is not a valid range reference.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim lastrow As Long

    lastrow = Sheets("Summary Info").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row    ' or + 1
    Range("A3:E3").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Summary Info").Range("A" & lastrow)
End Sub

How can I parse a time string containing milliseconds in it with python?

I know this is an older question but I'm still using Python 2.4.3 and I needed to find a better way of converting the string of data to a datetime.

The solution if datetime doesn't support %f and without needing a try/except is:

    (dt, mSecs) = row[5].strip().split(".") 
    dt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[0:6])
    mSeconds = datetime.timedelta(microseconds = int(mSecs))
    fullDateTime = dt + mSeconds 

This works for the input string "2010-10-06 09:42:52.266000"

Calling one Bash script from another Script passing it arguments with quotes and spaces

Quote your args in Testscript 1:

echo "TestScript1 Arguments:"
echo "$1"
echo "$2"
echo "$#"
./testscript2 "$1" "$2"

how do you view macro code in access?

You can try the following VBA code to export Macro contents directly without converting them to VBA first. Unlike Tables, Forms, Reports, and Modules, the Macros are in a container called Scripts. But they are there and can be exported and imported using SaveAsText and LoadFromText

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Public Sub ExportDatabaseObjects()
On Error GoTo Err_ExportDatabaseObjects

    Dim db As Database
    Dim d As Document
    Dim c As Container
    Dim sExportLocation As String

    Set db = CurrentDb()

    sExportLocation = "C:\SomeFolder\"
    Set c = db.Containers("Scripts")
    For Each d In c.Documents
        Application.SaveAsText acMacro, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Macro_" & d.Name & ".txt"
    Next d

An alternative object to use is as follows:

  For Each obj In Access.Application.CurrentProject.AllMacros
    Access.Application.SaveAsText acMacro, obj.Name, strFilePath & "\Macro_" & obj.Name & ".txt"

How to Add a Dotted Underline Beneath HTML Text

Without CSS, you basically are stuck with using an image tag. Basically make an image of the text and add the underline. That basically means your page is useless to a screen reader.

With CSS, it is simple.


<u class="dotted">I like cheese</u>


  border-bottom: 1px dashed #999;
  text-decoration: none; 

Running Example

Example page

          border-bottom: 1px dashed #999;
          text-decoration: none; 
    <u class="dotted">I like cheese</u>

Internal Error 500 Apache, but nothing in the logs?

Check your php error log which might be a separate file from your apache error log.

Find it by going to phpinfo() and check for error_log attribute. If it is not set. Set it:

Maybe your post_max_size is too small for what you're trying to post, or one of the other max memory settings is too low.

Configuring Hibernate logging using Log4j XML config file?


Here's the list of logger categories:

Category                    Function

org.hibernate.SQL           Log all SQL DML statements as they are executed
org.hibernate.type          Log all JDBC parameters
org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl  Log all SQL DDL statements as they are executed
org.hibernate.pretty        Log the state of all entities (max 20 entities) associated with the session at flush time
org.hibernate.cache         Log all second-level cache activity
org.hibernate.transaction   Log transaction related activity
org.hibernate.jdbc          Log all JDBC resource acquisition
org.hibernate.hql.ast.AST   Log HQL and SQL ASTs during query parsing        Log all JAAS authorization requests
org.hibernate               Log everything (a lot of information, but very useful for troubleshooting) 

Formatted for pasting into a log4j XML configuration file:

<!-- Log all SQL DML statements as they are executed -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.SQL" level="debug" />
<!-- Log all JDBC parameters -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.type" level="debug" />
<!-- Log all SQL DDL statements as they are executed -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl" level="debug" />
<!-- Log the state of all entities (max 20 entities) associated with the session at flush time -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.pretty" level="debug" />
<!-- Log all second-level cache activity -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.cache" level="debug" />
<!-- Log transaction related activity -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.transaction" level="debug" />
<!-- Log all JDBC resource acquisition -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.jdbc" level="debug" />
<!-- Log HQL and SQL ASTs during query parsing -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate.hql.ast.AST" level="debug" />
<!-- Log all JAAS authorization requests -->
<Logger name="" level="debug" />
<!-- Log everything (a lot of information, but very useful for troubleshooting) -->
<Logger name="org.hibernate" level="debug" />

NB: Most of the loggers use the DEBUG level, however org.hibernate.type uses TRACE. In previous versions of Hibernate org.hibernate.type also used DEBUG, but as of Hibernate 3 you must set the level to TRACE (or ALL) in order to see the JDBC parameter binding logging.

And a category is specified as such:

<logger name="org.hibernate">
    <level value="ALL" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

It must be placed before the root element.

When to use self over $this?

I ran into the same question and the simple answer is:

  • $this requires an instance of the class
  • self:: doesn't

Whenever you are using static methods or static attributes and want to call them without having an object of the class instantiated you need to use self: to call them, because $this always requires on object to be created.

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

To recap all the good answers and comments here and to still have an animation while moving to your new ViewController this is what I did: (Supports iOS 6 and up)

If your using a UINavigationController \ UITabBarController this is the way to go:

    SomeViewController *vcThatWillBeDisplayed = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"SomeVC"];

    vcThatWillBeDisplayed.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 255/255.0 green:255/255.0 blue:255/255.0 alpha:0.50];    

    self.navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
    [self presentViewController:presentedVC animated:YES completion:NULL];

If you'll do that you will lose your modalTransitionStyle animation. In order to solve it you can easily add to your SomeViewController class this:

    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations:^() {self.view.alpha = 1;}
       completion:^(BOOL finished){}];
- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.view.alpha = 0;

Android Percentage Layout Height

There is an attribute called android:weightSum.

You can set android:weightSum="2" in the parent linear_layout and android:weight="1" in the inner linear_layout.

Remember to set the inner linear_layout to fill_parent so weight attribute can work as expected.

Btw, I don't think its necesary to add a second view, altough I haven't tried. :)




How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?

dep and clg alphabets validation is not working

var selectedRow = null;

function validateform() {

  var table = document.getElementById("mytable");
  var rowCount = table.rows.length;

  var x = document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value;
  if (x == "") {
    alert("name must be filled out");
    return false;

  var y = document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value;
  if (y == "") {
    alert("email must be filled out");
    return false;
  var mail = /[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/
  if (mail.test(y)) {
    //alert("email must be a valid format");
    //return false ;
  } else {
    alert("not a mail id")
    return false;

  var z = document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value;
  if (z == "") {
    alert("age must be filled out");
    return false;

  if (isNaN(z) || z < 1 || z > 100) {
    alert("The age must be a number between 1 and 100");
    return false;

  var a = document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value;
  if (a == "") {
    alert("Dept must be filled out");
    return false;

  var dept = "`@#$%^&*()+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_";
  if (dept.match(a)) {
    alert("special charachers found");
    return false;

  var b = document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value;
  if (b == "") {
    alert("College must be filled out");
    return false;
  var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
  row.setAttribute('id', rowCount);
  var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
  var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
  var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
  var cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
  var cell4 = row.insertCell(4);
  var cell5 = row.insertCell(5);
  var cell6 = row.insertCell(6);
  var cell7 = row.insertCell(7);

  cell0.innerHTML = rowCount;
  cell1.innerHTML = x;
  cell2.innerHTML = y;
  cell3.innerHTML = z;
  cell4.innerHTML = a;
  cell5.innerHTML = b;
  cell6.innerHTML = '<Button type="button" onclick=onEdit("' + x + '","' + y + '","' + z + '","' + a + '","' + b + '","' + rowCount + '")>Edit</BUTTON>';
  cell7.innerHTML = '<Button type="button" onclick=deletefunction(' + rowCount + ')>Delete</BUTTON>';


function emptyfunction() {
  document.getElementById("usrname").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usremail").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrage").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrdpt").value = "";
  document.getElementById("usrclg").value = "";

function onEdit(x, y, z, a, b, rowCount) {
  selectedRow = rowCount;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value = x;
  document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value = y;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value = z;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value = a;
  document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value = b;
  document.getElementById('Add').style.display = 'none';
  document.getElementById('update').style.display = 'block';

function deletefunction(rowCount) {

function onUpdatefunction() {
  var row = document.getElementById(selectedRow);

  var x = document.forms["myform"]["usrname"].value;
  if (x == "") {
    alert("name must be filled out");
    return false;

  var y = document.forms["myform"]["usremail"].value;
  if (y == "") {
    alert("email must be filled out");
    return false;

  var mail = /[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/
  if (mail.test(y)) {
    //alert("email must be a valid format");
    //return false ;
  } else {
    alert("not a mail id");

    return false;

  var z = document.forms["myform"]["usrage"].value;
  if (z == "") {
    alert("age must be filled out");
    return false;
  if (isNaN(z) || z < 1 || z > 100) {
    alert("The age must be a number between 1 and 100");
    return false;

  var a = document.forms["myform"]["usrdpt"].value;
  if (a == "") {
    alert("Dept must be filled out");
    return false;
  var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
  if (a.test(letters)) {
    //Your logice will be here.
  } else {
    alert("Please enter only alphabets");
    return false;

  var b = document.forms["myform"]["usrclg"].value;
  if (b == "") {
    alert("College must be filled out");
    return false;
  var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
  if (b.test(letters)) {
    //Your logice will be here.
  } else {
    alert("Please enter only alphabets");
    return false;

  row.cells[1].innerHTML = x;
  row.cells[2].innerHTML = y;
  row.cells[3].innerHTML = z;
  row.cells[4].innerHTML = a;
  row.cells[5].innerHTML = b;


  <form name="myform">
      <center> Admission form </center>
        <td>Name :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrname" PlaceHolder="Enter Your First Name" required></td>

        <td> Email ID :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usremail" PlaceHolder="Enter Your email address" pattern="[^@]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}" required></td>

        <td>Age :</td>
        <td><input type="number" name="usrage" PlaceHolder="Enter Your Age" required></td>

        <td>Dept :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrdpt" PlaceHolder="Enter Dept"></td>

        <td>College :</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="usrclg" PlaceHolder="Enter college"></td>

          <Button type="button" onclick="validateform()" id="Add">Add</button>
          <Button type="button" onclick="onUpdatefunction()" style="display:none;" id="update">update</button>
        <td><button type="reset">Reset</button></td>
      <table id="mytable" border="1">
          <th>Email ID</th>


Create directory if it does not exist

[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory('full path to directory')

This internally checks for directory existence, and creates one, if there is no directory. Just one line and native .NET method working perfectly.

IE11 Document mode defaults to IE7. How to reset?

If the problem is happening on a specific computer,then please try the following fix provided you have Internet Explorer 11.

Please open regedit.exe as an Administrator. Navigate to the following path/paths:

  1. For 32 bit machine:

  2. For 64 bit machine:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION & 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION

And delete the REG_DWORD value iexplore.exe.

Please close and relaunch the website using Internet Explorer 11, it will default to Edge as Document Mode.

Ternary operator in AngularJS templates

Update: Angular 1.1.5 added a ternary operator, this answer is correct only to versions preceding 1.1.5. For 1.1.5 and later, see the currently accepted answer.

Before Angular 1.1.5:

The form of a ternary in angularjs is:

((condition) && (answer if true) || (answer if false))

An example would be:

<ul class="nav">
        <a   href="#/page1" style="{{$location.path()=='/page2' && 'color:#fff;' || 'color:#000;'}}">Goals</a>
        <a   href="#/page2" style="{{$location.path()=='/page2' && 'color:#fff;' || 'color:#000;'}}">Groups</a>


 <li  ng-disabled="currentPage == 0" ng-click="currentPage=0"  class="{{(currentPage == 0) && 'disabled' || ''}}"><a> << </a></li>

Android: keep Service running when app is killed

inside onstart command put START_STICKY... This service won't kill unless it is doing too much task and kernel wants to kill it for it...

        public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
            Log.i("LocalService", "Received start id " + startId + ": " + intent);
            // We want this service to continue running until it is explicitly
            // stopped, so return sticky.
            return START_STICKY;

How to open port in Linux

The following configs works on Cent OS 6 or earlier

As stated above first have to disable selinux.

Step 1 nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux

Make sure the file has this configurations



Then restart the system

Step 2

iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Step 3

sudo service iptables save

For Cent OS 7

step 1

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp

Step 2

firewall-cmd --reload

How to return a list of keys from a Hash Map?

Since Java 8:

List<String> myList = map.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

How to destroy Fragment?

If you don't remove manually these fragments, they are still attached to the activity. Your activity is not destroyed so these fragments are too. To remove (so destroy) these fragments, you can call:


Hope it helps to you

sorting integers in order lowest to highest java

import java.util.Arrays;

public class sortNumber {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Our array contains 13 elements 
    int[] array = {9,  238,  248,  138,  118,  45,  180,  212,  103,  230,  104,  41,  49}; 


    System.out.printf(" The result : %s", Arrays.toString(array)); 

Convert String to Uri

If you are using Kotlin and Kotlin android extensions, then there is a beautiful way of doing this.

val uri = myUriString.toUri()

To add Kotlin extensions (KTX) to your project add the following to your app module's build.gradle

  repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.0.0-rc01'

Python match a string with regex

As everyone else has mentioned it is better to use the "in" operator, it can also act on lists:

line = "This,is,a,sample,string"
lst = ['This', 'sample']
for i in lst:
     i in line

>> True
>> True

Rails migration for change column

Just generate migration:

rails g migration change_column_to_new_from_table_name

Update migration like this:

class ClassName < ActiveRecord::Migration
  change_table :table_name do |table|
    table.change :column_name, :data_type

and finally

rake db:migrate

What is the lifetime of a static variable in a C++ function?

FWIW, Codegear C++Builder doesn't destruct in the expected order according to the standard.

C:\> sample.exe 1 2
Created in foo
Created in if
Destroyed in foo
Destroyed in if

... which is another reason not to rely on the destruction order!

Disable scrolling when touch moving certain element

try overflow hidden on the thing you don't want to scroll while touch event is happening. e.g set overflow hidden on Start and set it back to auto on end.

Did you try it ? I'd be interested to know if this would work.

document.addEventListener('ontouchstart', function(e) { = "hidden";
}, false);

document.addEventListener('ontouchmove', function(e) { = "auto";
}, false);

Complexities of binary tree traversals

In-order, Pre-order, and Post-order traversals are Depth-First traversals.

For a Graph, the complexity of a Depth First Traversal is O(n + m), where n is the number of nodes, and m is the number of edges.

Since a Binary Tree is also a Graph, the same applies here. The complexity of each of these Depth-first traversals is O(n+m).

Since the number of edges that can originate from a node is limited to 2 in the case of a Binary Tree, the maximum number of total edges in a Binary Tree is n-1, where n is the total number of nodes.

The complexity then becomes O(n + n-1), which is O(n).

How to set menu to Toolbar in Android

Simple fix to this was setting showAsAction to always in menu.xml in res/menu

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""



How to find and restore a deleted file in a Git repository

I came to this question looking to restore a file I just deleted but I hadn't yet committed the change. Just in case you find yourself in this situation, all you need to do is the following:

git checkout HEAD -- path/to/file.ext

Count unique values using pandas groupby

This is just an add-on to the solution in case you want to compute not only unique values but other aggregate functions:


Hope you find it useful

Setting up foreign keys in phpMyAdmin?

If you want to use phpMyAdmin to set up relations, you have to do 2 things. First of all, you have to define an index on the foreign key column in the referring table (so foo_bar.foo_id, in your case). Then, go to relation view (in the referring table) and select the referred column (so in your case and the on update and on delete actions.

I think foreign keys are useful if you have multiple tables linked to one another, in particular, your delete scripts will become very short if you set the referencing options correctly.

EDIT: Make sure both of the tables have the InnoDB engine selected.

How to download a file over HTTP?

import os,requests
def download(url):
    get_response = requests.get(url,stream=True)
    file_name  = url.split("/")[-1]
    with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
        for chunk in get_response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
            if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks


C++ How do I convert a std::chrono::time_point to long and back

time_point objects only support arithmetic with other time_point or duration objects.

You'll need to convert your long to a duration of specified units, then your code should work correctly.

Threading pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?

Yes, there is a threading pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool, however, it is hidden somewhat and not properly documented. You can import it by following way:-

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

Just I show you simple example

def test_multithread_stringio_read_csv(self):
        # see gh-11786
        max_row_range = 10000
        num_files = 100

        bytes_to_df = [
                ['%d,%d,%d' % (i, i, i) for i in range(max_row_range)]
            ).encode() for j in range(num_files)]
        files = [BytesIO(b) for b in bytes_to_df]

        # read all files in many threads
        pool = ThreadPool(8)
        results =, files)
        first_result = results[0]

        for result in results:
            tm.assert_frame_equal(first_result, result) 

Download files from server php

To read directory contents you can use readdir() and use a script, in my example download.php, to download files

if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/your/dir/')) {
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
            echo "<a href='download.php?file=".$entry."'>".$entry."</a>\n";

In download.php you can force browser to send download data, and use basename() to make sure client does not pass other file name like ../config.php

$file = basename($_GET['file']);
$file = '/path/to/your/dir/'.$file;

if(!file_exists($file)){ // file does not exist
    die('file not found');
} else {
    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file");
    header("Content-Type: application/zip");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

    // read the file from disk

convert '1' to '0001' in JavaScript

I use the following object:

function Padder(len, pad) {
  if (len === undefined) {
    len = 1;
  } else if (pad === undefined) {
    pad = '0';

  var pads = '';
  while (pads.length < len) {
    pads += pad;

  this.pad = function (what) {
    var s = what.toString();
    return pads.substring(0, pads.length - s.length) + s;

With it you can easily define different "paddings":

var zero4 = new Padder(4);
zero4.pad(12); // "0012"
zero4.pad(12345); // "12345"
zero4.pad("xx"); // "00xx"
var x3 = new Padder(3, "x");
x3.pad(12); // "x12"

How to see docker image contents

You can just run an interactive shell container using that image and explore whatever content that image has.

For instance:

docker run -it image_name sh

Or following for images with an entrypoint

docker run -it --entrypoint sh image_name

Or, if you want to see how the image was build, meaning the steps in its Dockerfile, you can:

docker image history --no-trunc image_name > image_history

The steps will be logged into the image_history file.

How to hide the border for specified rows of a table?

You can simply add these lines of codes here to hide a row,

Either you can write border:0 or border-style:hidden; border: none or it will happen the same thing

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
              table, th, td {_x000D_
               border: 1px solid;_x000D_
              tr.hide_all > td, td.hide_all{_x000D_
                 border: 0;_x000D_
      <tr class= hide_all>_x000D_

running these lines of codes can solve the problem easily

How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters

To add to this question, I found out that you don't have to use the /buildWithParameters endpoint.

In my scenario, I have a script that triggers Jenkins to run tests after a deployment. Some of these tests require extra info about the deployment to work correctly.

If I tried to use /buildWithParameters on a job that does not expect parameters, the job would not run. I don't want to go in and edit every job to require fake parameters just to get the jobs to run.

Instead, I found you can pass parameters like this:

curl -X POST --data-urlencode "token=${TOKEN}" --data-urlencode json='{"parameter": [{"name": "myParam", "value": "TEST"}]}' https://jenkins.corp/job/$JENKINS_JOB/build

With this json=... it will pass the param myParam with value TEST to the job whenever the call is made. However, the Jenkins job will still run even if it is not expecting the parameter myParam.

The only scenario this does not cover is if the job has a parameter that is NOT passed in the json. Even if the job has a default value set for the parameter, it will fail to run the job. In this scenario you will run into the following error message / stack trace when you call /build:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such parameter definition: myParam

I realize that this answer is several years late, but I hope this may be useful info for someone else!

Note: I am using Jenkins v2.163

Entity framework self referencing loop detected

I'm aware that question is quite old, but it's still popular and I can't see any solution for Core.

I case of Core, you need to add new JsonOutputFormatter in Startup.cs file:

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        services.AddMvc(options =>
            options.OutputFormatters.Add(new JsonOutputFormatter(new JsonSerializerSettings()
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
            }, ArrayPool<char>.Shared));


After implementing it, JSON serializer will simply ignore loop references. What it means is: it will return null instead of infinitely loading objects referencing each other.

Without above solution using:

var employees = db.Employees.ToList();

Would load Employees and related to them Departments.

After setting ReferenceLoopHandling to Ignore, Departments will be set to null unless you include it in your query:

var employees = db.Employees.Include(e => e.Department);

Also, keep in mind that it will clear all OutputFormatters, if you don't want that you can try removing this line:


But removing it causes again self referencing loop exception in my case for some reason.

Getters \ setters for dummies

If you're referring to the concept of accessors, then the simple goal is to hide the underlying storage from arbitrary manipulation. The most extreme mechanism for this is

function Foo(someValue) {
    this.getValue = function() { return someValue; }
    return this;

var myFoo = new Foo(5);
/* We can read someValue through getValue(), but there is no mechanism
 * to modify it -- hurrah, we have achieved encapsulation!

If you're referring to the actual JS getter/setter feature, eg. defineGetter/defineSetter, or { get Foo() { /* code */ } }, then it's worth noting that in most modern engines subsequent usage of those properties will be much much slower than it would otherwise be. eg. compare performance of

var a = { getValue: function(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)


var a = { get value(){ return 5; }; }
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

Scanner vs. BufferedReader

See this link, following is quoted from there:

A BufferedReader is a simple class meant to efficiently read from the underling stream. Generally, each read request made of a Reader like a FileReader causes a corresponding read request to be made to underlying stream. Each invocation of read() or readLine() could cause bytes to be read from the file, converted into characters, and then returned, which can be very inefficient. Efficiency is improved appreciably if a Reader is warped in a BufferedReader.

BufferedReader is synchronized, so read operations on a BufferedReader can safely be done from multiple threads.

A scanner on the other hand has a lot more cheese built into it; it can do all that a BufferedReader can do and at the same level of efficiency as well. However, in addition a Scanner can parse the underlying stream for primitive types and strings using regular expressions. It can also tokenize the underlying stream with the delimiter of your choice. It can also do forward scanning of the underlying stream disregarding the delimiter!

A scanner however is not thread safe, it has to be externally synchronized.

The choice of using a BufferedReader or a Scanner depends on the code you are writing, if you are writing a simple log reader Buffered reader is adequate. However if you are writing an XML parser Scanner is the more natural choice.

Even while reading the input, if want to accept user input line by line and say just add it to a file, a BufferedReader is good enough. On the other hand if you want to accept user input as a command with multiple options, and then intend to perform different operations based on the command and options specified, a Scanner will suit better.

Reasons for a 409/Conflict HTTP error when uploading a file to sharepoint using a .NET WebRequest?

At times the error code 409 occurs when you name you folder or files a reserved or blocked name. These could be names like register, contact

In my case I named a folder contact, turns out the name was blocked from being used as folder names.

When testing my script on postman, I was getting this error:

    document.cookie = "humans_21909=1"; document.location.reload(true)

I changed the folder name from contact to contacts and it worked. The error was gone.

sql delete statement where date is greater than 30 days

Use DATEADD in your WHERE clause:

WHERE date < DATEADD(day, -30, GETDATE())

You can also use abbreviation d or dd instead of day.

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

You just need to post the form data to the insert php file function, see below :)

class DbConnect
// Database login vars
private $dbHostname = '';
private $dbDatabase = '';
private $dbUsername = '';
private $dbPassword = '';
public $db = null;

public function connect()

        $this->db = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->dbHostname.";dbname=".$this->dbDatabase, $this->dbUsername, $this->dbPassword);
        $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    catch(PDOException $e)
        echo "It seems there was an error.  Please refresh your browser and try again. ".$e->getMessage();

public function store($email)
    $stm = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO subscribers (email) VALUES ?');
    $stm->bindValue(1, $email);

    return $stm->execute();

PostgreSQL INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE (upsert) use all excluded values

Postgres hasn't implemented an equivalent to INSERT OR REPLACE. From the ON CONFLICT docs (emphasis mine):

It can be either DO NOTHING, or a DO UPDATE clause specifying the exact details of the UPDATE action to be performed in case of a conflict.

Though it doesn't give you shorthand for replacement, ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE applies more generally, since it lets you set new values based on preexisting data. For example:

INSERT INTO users (id, level)
VALUES (1, 0)
SET level = users.level + 1;

Map a network drive to be used by a service

You'll either need to modify the service, or wrap it inside a helper process: apart from session/drive access issues, persistent drive mappings are only restored on an interactive logon, which services typically don't perform.

The helper process approach can be pretty simple: just create a new service that maps the drive and starts the 'real' service. The only things that are not entirely trivial about this are:

  • The helper service will need to pass on all appropriate SCM commands (start/stop, etc.) to the real service. If the real service accepts custom SCM commands, remember to pass those on as well (I don't expect a service that considers UNC paths exotic to use such commands, though...)

  • Things may get a bit tricky credential-wise. If the real service runs under a normal user account, you can run the helper service under that account as well, and all should be OK as long as the account has appropriate access to the network share. If the real service will only work when run as LOCALSYSTEM or somesuch, things get more interesting, as it either won't be able to 'see' the network drive at all, or require some credential juggling to get things to work.

Simplest way to do a recursive self-join?

Using CTEs you can do it this way

        PersonID INT,
        Initials VARCHAR(20),
        ParentID INT

INSERT INTO @Table SELECT     2,'EB',1
INSERT INTO @Table SELECT     3,'MB',1
INSERT INTO @Table SELECT     4,'SW',2
INSERT INTO @Table SELECT     6,'IS',5


SELECT @PersonID = 1

;WITH Selects AS (
        SELECT *
        FROM    @Table
        WHERE   PersonID = @PersonID
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  t.*
        FROM    @Table t INNER JOIN
                Selects s ON t.ParentID = s.PersonID
FROm    Selects

Create text file and fill it using bash

Your question is a a bit vague. This is a shell command that does what I think you want to do:

echo >> name_of_file

Get child node index

I had issue with text nodes, and it was showing wrong index. Here is version to fix it.

function getChildNodeIndex(elem)
    let position = 0;
    while ((elem = elem.previousSibling) != null)
        if(elem.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE)

    return position;

How can I change all input values to uppercase using Jquery?

Try like below,

$('input[type=text]').val (function () {
    return this.value.toUpperCase();

You should use input[type=text] instead of :input or input as I believe your intention are to operate on textbox only.

Do I need to compile the header files in a C program?

Okay, let's understand the difference between active and passive code.

The active code is the implementation of functions, procedures, methods, i.e. the pieces of code that should be compiled to executable machine code. We store it in .c files and sure we need to compile it.

The passive code is not being execute itself, but it needed to explain the different modules how to communicate with each other. Usually, .h files contains only prototypes (function headers), structures.

An exception are macros, that formally can contain an active pieces, but you should understand that they are using at the very early stage of building (preprocessing) with simple substitution. At the compile time macros already are substituted to your .c file.

Another exception are C++ templates, that should be implemented in .h files. But here is the story similar to macros: they are substituted on the early stage (instantiation) and formally, each other instantiation is another type.

In conclusion, I think, if the modules formed properly, we should never compile the header files.

Which versions of SSL/TLS does System.Net.WebRequest support?

I also put an answer there, but the article @Colonel Panic's update refers to suggests forcing TLS 1.2. In the future, when TLS 1.2 is compromised or just superceded, having your code stuck to TLS 1.2 will be considered a deficiency. Negotiation to TLS1.2 is enabled in .Net 4.6 by default. If you have the option to upgrade your source to .Net 4.6, I would highly recommend that change over forcing TLS 1.2.

If you do force TLS 1.2, strongly consider leaving some type of breadcrumb that will remove that force if you do upgrade to the 4.6 or higher framework.

Assigning multiple styles on an HTML element

You needed to do it like this:

<h2 style="text-align: center;font-family: Tahoma">TITLE</h2>

Hope it helped.

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

You could use PhoneGap.

This has the benefit of being a cross-platform solution. Be warned though that you may need to pay subscription fees. The simplest solution is to just embed a WebView as detailed in @Enigma's answer.

Pass a String from one Activity to another Activity in Android

You need to pass it as an extra:

String easyPuzzle  = "630208010200050089109060030"+

Intent i = new Intent(this, ToClass.class);
i.putExtra("epuzzle", easyPuzzle);

Then extract it from your new activity like this:

Intent intent = getIntent();
String easyPuzzle = intent.getExtras().getString("epuzzle");

Getting the value of an attribute in XML

This is more of an xpath question, but like this, assuming the context is the parent element:

<xsl:value-of select="name/@attribute1" />

How to format a java.sql.Timestamp(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S) to a date(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

You do not need to use substring at all since your format doesn't hold that info.

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String fechaStr = "2013-10-10 10:49:29.10000";  
Date fechaNueva = format.parse(fechaStr);

System.out.println(format.format(fechaNueva)); // Prints 2013-10-10 10:49:29

How to open a local disk file with JavaScript?

Here's an example using FileReader:

function readSingleFile(e) {
  var file =[0];
  if (!file) {
  var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function(e) {
    var contents =;

function displayContents(contents) {
  var element = document.getElementById('file-content');
  element.textContent = contents;

  .addEventListener('change', readSingleFile, false);
<input type="file" id="file-input" />
<h3>Contents of the file:</h3>
<pre id="file-content"></pre>


Browser compatibility

  • IE 10+
  • Firefox 3.6+
  • Chrome 13+
  • Safari 6.1+

Simple JavaScript Checkbox Validation

Guys you can do this kind of validation very easily. Just you have to track the id or name of the checkboxes. you can do it statically or dynamically.

For statically you can use hard coded id of the checkboxes and for dynamically you can use the name of the field as an array and create a loop.

Please check the below link. You will get my point very easily.


'setInterval' vs 'setTimeout'

setInterval fires again and again in intervals, while setTimeout only fires once.

See reference at MDN.

Detect application heap size in Android

Asus Nexus 7 (2013) 32Gig: getMemoryClass()=192 maxMemory()=201326592

I made the mistake of prototyping my game on the Nexus 7, and then discovering it ran out of memory almost immediately on my wife's generic 4.04 tablet (memoryclass 48, maxmemory 50331648)

I'll need to restructure my project to load fewer resources when I determine memoryclass is low.
Is there a way in Java to see the current heap size? (I can see it clearly in the logCat when debugging, but I'd like a way to see it in code to adapt, like if currentheap>(maxmemory/2) unload high quality bitmaps load low quality

Achieving white opacity effect in html/css

If you can't use rgba due to browser support, and you don't want to include a semi-transparent white PNG, you will have to create two positioned elements. One for the white box, with opacity, and one for the overlaid text, solid.

body { background: red; }_x000D_
.box { position: relative; z-index: 1; }_x000D_
.box .back {_x000D_
    position: absolute; z-index: 1;_x000D_
    top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;_x000D_
    background: white; opacity: 0.75;_x000D_
.box .text { position: relative; z-index: 2; }_x000D_
body.browser-ie8 .box .back { filter: alpha(opacity=75); }
<!--[if lt IE 9]><body class="browser-ie8"><![endif]-->_x000D_
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!--><body><!--<![endif]-->_x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
        <div class="back"></div>_x000D_
        <div class="text">_x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet blah blah boogley woogley oo._x000D_

How to include Authorization header in cURL POST HTTP Request in PHP?

use "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" instead of "application/json"

C++ error: "Array must be initialized with a brace enclosed initializer"

You can't initialize arrays like this:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]=0;

The syntax for 2D arrays is:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]={{0}};

Note the curly braces on the right hand side of the initialization statement.

for 1D arrays:

int tomultiply[Array_size]={0};

HTML5 video won't play in Chrome only

Have you tried by setting the MIME type of your .m4v to "video/m4v" or "video/x-m4v" ?

Browsers might use the canPlayType method internally to check if a <source> is candidate to playback.

In Chrome, I have these results:

document.createElement("video").canPlayType("video/mp4"); // "maybe"
document.createElement("video").canPlayType("video/m4v"); // ""
document.createElement("video").canPlayType("video/x-m4v"); // "maybe"

Get ConnectionString from appsettings.json instead of being hardcoded in .NET Core 2.0 App

There are a couple things missing, both from the solutions above and also from the Microsoft documentation. If you follow the link to the GitHub repository linked from the documentation above, you'll find the real solution.

I think the confusion lies with the fact that the default templates that many people are using do not contain the default constructor for Startup, so people don't necessarily know where the injected Configuration is coming from.

So, in Startup.cs, add:

 public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
 public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) 
     Configuration = configuration;

and then in ConfigureServices method add what other people have said...

services.AddDbContext<ChromeContext>(options =>                    

you also have to ensure that you've got your appsettings.json file created and have a connection strings section similar to this

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DatabaseConnection": "Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SA;Password=PASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"

Of course, you will have to edit that to reflect your configuration.

Things to keep in mind. This was tested using Entity Framework Core 3 in a .Net Standard 2.1 project. I needed to add the nuget packages for: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 3.0.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 3.0.0 because that's what I'm using, and that's what is required to get access to the UseSqlServer.

Adding Counter in shell script

Here's how you might implement a counter:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       exit 0
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter: $counter times reached; Exiting loop!"
       exit 1
       echo "Counter: $counter time(s); Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

Some Explanations:

  • counter=$((counter+1)) - this is how you can increment a counter. The $ for counter is optional inside the double parentheses in this case.
  • elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then - this checks whether $counter is not greater than 20. If so, it outputs the appropriate message and breaks out of your while loop.

"Unicode Error "unicodeescape" codec can't decode bytes... Cannot open text files in Python 3

Refer to openpyxl document, you can do changes as followings.

from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image

wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws['A1'] = 'Insert a xxx.PNG'
# Reload an image
img = Image(**r**'x:\xxx\xxx\xxx.png')
# Insert to worksheet and anchor next to cells
ws.add_image(img, 'A2')**r**'x:\xxx\xxx.xlsx')

parse html string with jquery

One thing to note - as I had exactly this problem today, depending on your HTML jQuery may or may not parse it that well. jQuery wouldn't parse my HTML into a correct DOM - on smaller XML compliant files it worked fine, but the HTML I had (that would render in a page) wouldn't parse when passed back to an Ajax callback.

In the end I simply searched manually in the string for the tag I wanted, not ideal but did work.

Oracle PL/SQL - Are NO_DATA_FOUND Exceptions bad for stored procedure performance?

An alternative to @Steve's code.

  CURSOR foo_cur IS 
  FOR foo_rec IN foo_cur LOOP

The loop is not executed if there is no data. Cursor FOR loops are the way to go - they help avoid a lot of housekeeping. An even more compact solution:


Which works if you know the complete select statement at compile time.

How do I correct "Commit Failed. File xxx is out of date. xxx path not found."

Wow, this one took me a while to solve, as I was using SVN through Eclipse. In the end, the only thing that worked for me was to commit all non-affected files, then (with Eclipse closed) rename the project directory, and re-check the project out from SVN. Glad it works properly now!

Find a commit on GitHub given the commit hash

The ability to search commits has recently been added to GitHub.

To search for a hash, just enter at least the first 7 characters in the search box. Then on the results page, click the "Commits" tab to see matching commits (but only on the default branch, usually master), or the "Issues" tab to see pull requests containing the commit.

To be more explicit you can add the hash: prefix to the search, but it's not really necessary.

There is also a REST API (at the time of writing it is still in preview).

Python: Best way to add to sys.path relative to the current running script

This is what I use:

import os, sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lib"))

Git pull till a particular commit

I've found the updated answer from this video, the accepted answer didn't work for me.

First clone the latest repo from git (if haven't) using git clone <HTTPs link of the project> (or using SSH) then go to the desire branch using git checkout <branch name> .

Use the command

git log

to check the latest commits. Copy the shal of the particular commit. Then use the command

git fetch origin <Copy paste the shal here>

After pressing enter key. Now use the command

git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Now the particular commit will be available to your local. Change anything and push the code using git push origin <branch name> . That's all. Check the video for reference.

How do I exit a while loop in Java?

Finding a construct with while(true) in my code would make my eyes bleed. Use a standard while loop instead:

while (obj != null){

And take a look at the link Yacoby provided in his answer, and this one too. Seriously.

The while and do-while Statements

How do I download the Android SDK without downloading Android Studio?

You can find the command line tools at the downloads page under the "Command line tools only" section.

enter image description here

These are the links provided in the page as of now (version 26.1.1):

Be sure to have read and agreed with the terms of service before downloading any of the command line tools.

The installer version for windows doesn't seem to be available any longer, this is the link for version 24.4.1:

asynchronous vs non-blocking

In many circumstances they are different names for the same thing, but in some contexts they are quite different. So it depends. Terminology is not applied in a totally consistent way across the whole software industry.

For example in the classic sockets API, a non-blocking socket is one that simply returns immediately with a special "would block" error message, whereas a blocking socket would have blocked. You have to use a separate function such as select or poll to find out when is a good time to retry.

But asynchronous sockets (as supported by Windows sockets), or the asynchronous IO pattern used in .NET, are more convenient. You call a method to start an operation, and the framework calls you back when it's done. Even here, there are basic differences. Asynchronous Win32 sockets "marshal" their results onto a specific GUI thread by passing Window messages, whereas .NET asynchronous IO is free-threaded (you don't know what thread your callback will be called on).

So they don't always mean the same thing. To distil the socket example, we could say:

  • Blocking and synchronous mean the same thing: you call the API, it hangs up the thread until it has some kind of answer and returns it to you.
  • Non-blocking means that if an answer can't be returned rapidly, the API returns immediately with an error and does nothing else. So there must be some related way to query whether the API is ready to be called (that is, to simulate a wait in an efficient way, to avoid manual polling in a tight loop).
  • Asynchronous means that the API always returns immediately, having started a "background" effort to fulfil your request, so there must be some related way to obtain the result.

How to call an action after click() in Jquery?

you can write events on elements like chain,

   //action on click
   //action on mouseup (just before click event)

i've used it for removing cart items. same object, doing some action, after another action

Google Map API - Removing Markers

Following code might be useful if someone is using React and has a different component of Marker and want to remove marker from map.

export default function useGoogleMapMarker(props) {
  const [marker, setMarker] = useState();

  useEffect(() => {
    // ...code
    const marker = new maps.Marker({ position, map, title, icon });
    // ...code
    return () => marker.setMap(null); // to remove markers when unmounts
  }, []);

  return marker;

How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?

To reset your settings

  • On the Tools menu, click Import and Export Settings.
  • On the Welcome to the Import and Export Settings Wizard page, click Reset all settings and then click Next.
  • If you want to delete your current settings combination, choose No, just reset settings, overwriting all current settings, and then click Next. Select the programming language(s) you want to reset the setting for.

Click Finish.

The Reset Complete page alerts you to any problems encountered during the reset.

Ansible date variable

The lookup module of ansible works fine for me. The yml is:

- hosts: test
    time: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"1 day ago\" +\"%Y%m%d\"') }}"

You can replace any command with date to get result of the command.

Change date format in a Java string

The answer is of course to create a SimpleDateFormat object and use it to parse Strings to Date and to format Dates to Strings. If you've tried SimpleDateFormat and it didn't work, then please show your code and any errors you may receive.

Addendum: "mm" in the format String is not the same as "MM". Use MM for months and mm for minutes. Also, yyyyy is not the same as yyyy. e.g.,:

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class FormateDate {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
        String date_s = "2011-01-18 00:00:00.0";

        // *** note that it's "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" not "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"  
        SimpleDateFormat dt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
        Date date = dt.parse(date_s);

        // *** same for the format String below
        SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");


How to set username and password for SmtpClient object in .NET?

SmtpClient MyMail = new SmtpClient();
MailMessage MyMsg = new MailMessage();
MyMail.Host = "";
MyMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High;
MyMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(Mail));
MyMsg.Subject = Subject;
MyMsg.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
MyMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
MyMsg.From = new MailAddress("username", "displayname");
MyMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
MyMsg.Body = Body;
MyMail.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
NetworkCredential MyCredentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
MyMail.Credentials = MyCredentials;

MySQL limit from descending order

No, you shouldn't do this. Without an ORDER BY clause you shouldn't rely on the order of the results being the same from query to query. It might work nicely during testing but the order is indeterminate and could break later. Use an order by.


By the way, another way of getting the last 3 rows is to reverse the order and select the first three rows:


This will always work even if the number of rows in the result set isn't always 8.

How to set a value to a file input in HTML?

You cannot, due to security reasons.


<form name="foo" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" value="c:/passwords.txt">

You don't want the websites you visit to be able to do this, do you? =)

How do I pipe or redirect the output of curl -v?

This simple example shows how to capture curl output, and use it in a bash script

function main
  \curl -vs ''  2>&1
  # note: add -o /tmp/ignore.png if you want to ignore binary output, by saving it to a file. 

# capture output of curl to a variable

# search output for something using grep.
echo "$OUT" | grep 302 
echo "$OUT" | grep title 

Custom events in jQuery?

I think so.. it's possible to 'bind' custom events, like(from:

 $("p").bind("myCustomEvent", function(e, myName, myValue){
      $(this).text(myName + ", hi there!");
      $("span").stop().css("opacity", 1)
               .text("myName = " + myName)
    $("button").click(function () {
      $("p").trigger("myCustomEvent", [ "John" ]);

CSS selector - element with a given child

I agree that it is not possible in general.

The only thing CSS3 can do (which helped in my case) is to select elements that have no children:

table td:empty
   background-color: white;

Or have any children (including text):

table td:not(:empty)
   background-color: white;

How to capture no file for fs.readFileSync()?

You have to catch the error and then check what type of error it is.

try {
  var data = fs.readFileSync(...)
} catch (err) {
  // If the type is not what you want, then just throw the error again.
  if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err;

  // Handle a file-not-found error

How to convert UTF-8 byte[] to string?


public static string ConvertByteToString(this byte[] source)
    return source != null ? System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(source) : null;


string result = input.ConvertByteToString();

SQL QUERY replace NULL value in a row with a value from the previous known value

Here is the Oracle solution (10g or higher). It uses the analytic function last_value() with the ignore nulls option, which substitutes the last non-null value for the column.

SQL> select *
  2  from mytable
  3  order by id
  4  /

        ID    SOMECOL
---------- ----------
         1          3
         3          5
         6          2

6 rows selected.

SQL> select id
  2         , last_value(somecol ignore nulls) over (order by id) somecol
  3  from mytable
  4  /

        ID    SOMECOL
---------- ----------
         1          3
         2          3
         3          5
         4          5
         5          5
         6          2

6 rows selected.


Rails ActiveRecord date between

There should be a default active record behavior on this I reckon. Querying dates is hard, especially when timezones are involved.

Anyway, I use:

  scope :between, ->(start_date=nil, end_date=nil) {
    if start_date && end_date
      where("#{self.table_name}.created_at BETWEEN :start AND :end", start: start_date.beginning_of_day, end: end_date.end_of_day)
    elsif start_date
      where("#{self.table_name}.created_at >= ?", start_date.beginning_of_day)
    elsif end_date
      where("#{self.table_name}.created_at <= ?", end_date.end_of_day)

Git/GitHub can't push to master

The fastest way yuo get over it is to replace origin with the suggestion it gives.

Instead of git push origin master, use:

git push [email protected]:my_user_name/my_repo.git master

How do I format date in jQuery datetimepicker?

Newer versions of datetimepicker (I'm using is use 2.3.7) use format:"Y/m/d" not dateFormat...


    format: 'd-m-y',
    value: new Date()


docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

The above answer by pl_rock is correct, the only thing I would add is to expect the ARG inside the Dockerfile if not you won't have access to it. So if you are doing

docker build -t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 --build-arg number_of_shards=5 --build-arg number_of_replicas=2 --no-cache .

Then inside the Dockerfile you should add

ARG number_of_replicas
ARG number_of_shards

I was running into this problem, so I hope I help someone (myself) in the future.

$(window).height() vs $(document).height

AFAIK $(window).height(); returns the height of your window and $(document).height(); returns the height of your document

How to deal with bad_alloc in C++?

You can catch it like any other exception:

try {
catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
  return -1;

Quite what you can usefully do from this point is up to you, but it's definitely feasible technically.

In general you cannot, and should not try, to respond to this error. bad_alloc indicates that a resource cannot be allocated because not enough memory is available. In most scenarios your program cannot hope to cope with that, and terminating soon is the only meaningful behaviour.

Worse, modern operating systems often over-allocate: on such systems, malloc and new can return a valid pointer even if there is not enough free memory left – std::bad_alloc will never be thrown, or is at least not a reliable sign of memory exhaustion. Instead, attempts to access the allocated memory will then result in a segmentation fault, which is not catchable (you can handle the segmentation fault signal, but you cannot resume the program afterwards).

The only thing you could do when catching std::bad_alloc is to perhaps log the error, and try to ensure a safe program termination by freeing outstanding resources (but this is done automatically in the normal course of stack unwinding after the error gets thrown if the program uses RAII appropriately).

In certain cases, the program may attempt to free some memory and try again, or use secondary memory (= disk) instead of RAM but these opportunities only exist in very specific scenarios with strict conditions:

  1. The application must ensure that it runs on a system that does not overcommit memory, i.e. it signals failure upon allocation rather than later.
  2. The application must be able to free memory immediately, without any further accidental allocations in the meantime.

It’s exceedingly rare that applications have control over point 1 — userspace applications never do, it’s a system-wide setting that requires root permissions to change.1

OK, so let’s assume you’ve fixed point 1. What you can now do is for instance use a LRU cache for some of your data (probably some particularly large business objects that can be regenerated or reloaded on demand). Next, you need to put the actual logic that may fail into a function that supports retry — in other words, if it gets aborted, you can just relaunch it:

lru_cache<widget> widget_cache;

double perform_operation(int widget_id) {
    std::optional<widget> maybe_widget = widget_cache.find_by_id(widget_id);
    if (not maybe_widget) {
        maybe_widget =, load_widget_from_disk(widget_id));
    return maybe_widget->frobnicate();


for (int num_attempts = 0; num_attempts < MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS; ++num_attempts) {
    try {
        return perform_operation(widget_id);
    } catch (std::bad_alloc const&) {
        if (widget_cache.empty()) throw; // memory error elsewhere.

// Handle too many failed attempts here.

But even here, using std::set_new_handler instead of handling std::bad_alloc provides the same benefit and would be much simpler.

1 If you’re creating an application that does control point 1, and you’re reading this answer, please shoot me an email, I’m genuinely curious about your circumstances.

What is the C++ Standard specified behavior of new in c++?

The usual notion is that if new operator cannot allocate dynamic memory of the requested size, then it should throw an exception of type std::bad_alloc.
However, something more happens even before a bad_alloc exception is thrown:

C++03 Section says

An allocation function that fails to allocate storage can invoke the currently installed new_handler(, if any. [Note: A program-supplied allocation function can obtain the address of the currently installed new_handler using the set_new_handler function (] If an allocation function declared with an empty exception-specification (15.4), throw(), fails to allocate storage, it shall return a null pointer. Any other allocation function that fails to allocate storage shall only indicate failure by throw-ing an exception of class std::bad_alloc ( or a class derived from std::bad_alloc.

Consider the following code sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

// function to call if operator new can't allocate enough memory or error arises
void outOfMemHandler()
    std::cerr << "Unable to satisfy request for memory\n";


int main()
    //set the new_handler

    //Request huge memory size, that will cause ::operator new to fail
    int *pBigDataArray = new int[100000000L];

    return 0;

In the above example, operator new (most likely) will be unable to allocate space for 100,000,000 integers, and the function outOfMemHandler() will be called, and the program will abort after issuing an error message.

As seen here the default behavior of new operator when unable to fulfill a memory request, is to call the new-handler function repeatedly until it can find enough memory or there is no more new handlers. In the above example, unless we call std::abort(), outOfMemHandler() would be called repeatedly. Therefore, the handler should either ensure that the next allocation succeeds, or register another handler, or register no handler, or not return (i.e. terminate the program). If there is no new handler and the allocation fails, the operator will throw an exception.

What is the new_handler and set_new_handler?

new_handler is a typedef for a pointer to a function that takes and returns nothing, and set_new_handler is a function that takes and returns a new_handler.

Something like:

typedef void (*new_handler)();
new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler p) throw();

set_new_handler's parameter is a pointer to the function operator new should call if it can't allocate the requested memory. Its return value is a pointer to the previously registered handler function, or null if there was no previous handler.

How to handle out of memory conditions in C++?

Given the behavior of newa well designed user program should handle out of memory conditions by providing a proper new_handlerwhich does one of the following:

Make more memory available: This may allow the next memory allocation attempt inside operator new's loop to succeed. One way to implement this is to allocate a large block of memory at program start-up, then release it for use in the program the first time the new-handler is invoked.

Install a different new-handler: If the current new-handler can't make any more memory available, and of there is another new-handler that can, then the current new-handler can install the other new-handler in its place (by calling set_new_handler). The next time operator new calls the new-handler function, it will get the one most recently installed.

(A variation on this theme is for a new-handler to modify its own behavior, so the next time it's invoked, it does something different. One way to achieve this is to have the new-handler modify static, namespace-specific, or global data that affects the new-handler's behavior.)

Uninstall the new-handler: This is done by passing a null pointer to set_new_handler. With no new-handler installed, operator new will throw an exception ((convertible to) std::bad_alloc) when memory allocation is unsuccessful.

Throw an exception convertible to std::bad_alloc. Such exceptions are not be caught by operator new, but will propagate to the site originating the request for memory.

Not return: By calling abort or exit.

How to round each item in a list of floats to 2 decimal places?

mylist = [0.30000000000000004, 0.5, 0.20000000000000001]
myRoundedList =  [round(x,2) for x in mylist] 
# [0.3, 0.5, 0.2]

Google Maps Api v3 - find nearest markers

First you have to add the eventlistener

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', find_closest_marker);

Then create a function that loops through the array of markers and uses the haversine formula to calculate the distance of each marker from the click.

function rad(x) {return x*Math.PI/180;}
function find_closest_marker( event ) {
    var lat =;
    var lng = event.latLng.lng();
    var R = 6371; // radius of earth in km
    var distances = [];
    var closest = -1;
    for( i=0;i<map.markers.length; i++ ) {
        var mlat = map.markers[i];
        var mlng = map.markers[i].position.lng();
        var dLat  = rad(mlat - lat);
        var dLong = rad(mlng - lng);
        var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
            Math.cos(rad(lat)) * Math.cos(rad(lat)) * Math.sin(dLong/2) * Math.sin(dLong/2);
        var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
        var d = R * c;
        distances[i] = d;
        if ( closest == -1 || d < distances[closest] ) {
            closest = i;


This keeps track of the closest markers and alerts its title.

I have my markers as an array on my map object

Send multiple checkbox data to PHP via jQuery ajax()

    $.post("test.php", { 'choices[]': ["Jon", "Susan"] });

So I would just iterate over the checked boxes and build the array. Something like.

       var data = { 'user_ids[]' : []};
        $(":checked").each(function() {
        $.post("ajax.php", data);

How to set the range of y-axis for a seaborn boxplot?

It is standard matplotlib.pyplot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylim(10, 40)

Or simpler, as mwaskom comments below:

ax.set(ylim=(10, 40))

enter image description here

How to change context root of a dynamic web project in Eclipse?

If using eclipse to deploy your application . We can use this maven plugin


now go to your project root folder and open cmd prompt at that location type this command :

mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

You may need to restart eclipse , or in server view delete server and create agian to see affect. I wonder this exercise make sense in real life but works.

How to make GREP select only numeric values?

No need to used grep here, Try this:

df . -B MB | tail -1 | awk {'print substr($5, 1, length($5)-1)'}

VBA: Convert Text to Number

The solution that for me works is:

For Each xCell In Selection

  xCell.Value = CDec(xCell.Value)

Next xCell 

Defining custom attrs

if you omit the format attribute from the attr element, you can use it to reference a class from XML layouts.

  • example from attrs.xml.
  • Android Studio understands that the class is being referenced from XML
    • i.e.
      • Refactor > Rename works
      • Find Usages works
      • and so on...

don't specify a format attribute in .../src/main/res/values/attrs.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <declare-styleable name="MyCustomView">
        <attr name="give_me_a_class"/>


use it in some layout file .../src/main/res/layout/activity__main_menu.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- make sure to use $ dollar signs for nested classes -->



parse the class in your view initialization code .../src/main/java/.../MyCustomView.kt

class MyCustomView(
    // parse XML attributes
    private val giveMeAClass:SomeCustomInterface
                // very important to use the class loader from the passed-in context
                giveMeAClass =!!
                        .newInstance() // instantiate using 0-args constructor
                        .let {it as SomeCustomInterface}

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

I've made a little script for comparing the different PCAs appeared as an answer here:

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import svd

shape = (26424, 144)
repeat = 20
pca_components = 2

data = np.array(np.random.randint(255, size=shape)).astype('float64')

# data normalization
# (U, s, Va) = svd(data, full_matrices=False)
# data = data / s[0]

from fbpca import diffsnorm
from timeit import default_timer as timer

from scipy.linalg import svd
start = timer()
for i in range(repeat):
    (U, s, Va) = svd(data, full_matrices=False)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, s, Va)
print('svd time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

from matplotlib.mlab import PCA
start = timer()
_pca = PCA(data)
for i in range(repeat):
    U = _pca.project(data)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, _pca.fracs, _pca.Wt)
print('matplotlib PCA time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

from fbpca import pca
start = timer()
for i in range(repeat):
    (U, s, Va) = pca(data, pca_components, True)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, s, Va)
print('facebook pca time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
start = timer()
_pca = PCA(n_components = pca_components)
for i in range(repeat):
    U = _pca.transform(data)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, _pca.explained_variance_, _pca.components_)
print('sklearn PCA time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

start = timer()
for i in range(repeat):
    (U, s, Va) = pca_mark(data, pca_components)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, s, Va.T)
print('pca by Mark time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

start = timer()
for i in range(repeat):
    (U, s, Va) = pca_doug(data, pca_components)
time = timer() - start
err = diffsnorm(data, U, s[:pca_components], Va.T)
print('pca by doug time: %.3fms, error: %E' % (time*1000/repeat, err))

pca_mark is the pca in Mark's answer.

pca_doug is the pca in doug's answer.

Here is an example output (but the result depends very much on the data size and pca_components, so I'd recommend to run your own test with your own data. Also, facebook's pca is optimized for normalized data, so it will be faster and more accurate in that case):

svd time: 3212.228ms, error: 1.907320E-10
matplotlib PCA time: 879.210ms, error: 2.478853E+05
facebook pca time: 485.483ms, error: 1.260335E+04
sklearn PCA time: 169.832ms, error: 7.469847E+07
pca by Mark time: 293.758ms, error: 1.713129E+02
pca by doug time: 300.326ms, error: 1.707492E+02


The diffsnorm function from fbpca calculates the spectral-norm error of a Schur decomposition.

startForeground fail after upgrade to Android 8.1

Alternative answer: if it's a Huawei device and you have implemented requirements needed for Oreo 8 Android and there are still issues only with Huawei devices than it's only device issue, you can read

Query to list all users of a certain group

If the DC is Win2k3 SP2 or above, you can use something like:

(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com))

to get the nested group membership.


How and when to use SLEEP() correctly in MySQL?


But what are you using this for? Are you trying to circumvent/reinvent mutexes or transactions?

How do you push a tag to a remote repository using Git?

I am using git push <remote-name> tag <tag-name> to ensure that I am pushing a tag. I use it like: git push origin tag v1.0.1. This pattern is based upon the documentation (man git-push):

       tag <tag> means the same as refs/tags/<tag>:refs/tags/<tag>.

How to access the ith column of a NumPy multidimensional array?

You could also transpose and return a row:

In [4]: test.T[0]
Out[4]: array([1, 3, 5])

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

According to the new Windows SDK documentation (8.0) it seems that a new path limit is provided. There is a new set of path handling functions and an definition of PATHCCH_MAX_CCH like follows:

// max # of characters we support using the "\\?\" syntax
// (0x7FFF + 1 for NULL terminator)
#define PATHCCH_MAX_CCH             0x8000

How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

Warning: mysql_* extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and has been removed as of PHP 7.0.0. Instead, either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also the MySQL API Overview for further help while choosing a MySQL API.
Whenever possible, importing a file to MySQL should be delegated to MySQL client.

the answer from Raj is useful, but (because of file($filename)) it will fail if your mysql-dump not fits in memory

If you are on shared hosting and there are limitations like 30 MB and 12s Script runtime and you have to restore a x00MB mysql dump, you can use this script:

it will walk the dumpfile query for query, if the script execution deadline is near, it saves the current fileposition in a tmp file and a automatic browser reload will continue this process again and again ... If an error occurs, the reload will stop and an the error is shown ...

if you comeback from lunch your db will be restored ;-)

the noLimitDumpRestore.php:

// your config
$filename = 'yourGigaByteDump.sql';
$dbHost = 'localhost';
$dbUser = 'user';
$dbPass = '__pass__';
$dbName = 'dbname';
$maxRuntime = 8; // less then your max script execution limit

$deadline = time()+$maxRuntime; 
$progressFilename = $filename.'_filepointer'; // tmp file for progress
$errorFilename = $filename.'_error'; // tmp file for erro

mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass) OR die('connecting to host: '.$dbHost.' failed: '.mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbName) OR die('select db: '.$dbName.' failed: '.mysql_error());

($fp = fopen($filename, 'r')) OR die('failed to open file:'.$filename);

// check for previous error
if( file_exists($errorFilename) ){
    die('<pre> previous error: '.file_get_contents($errorFilename));

// activate automatic reload in browser
echo '<html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.($maxRuntime+2).'"><pre>';

// go to previous file position
$filePosition = 0;
if( file_exists($progressFilename) ){
    $filePosition = file_get_contents($progressFilename);
    fseek($fp, $filePosition);

$queryCount = 0;
$query = '';
while( $deadline>time() AND ($line=fgets($fp, 1024000)) ){
    if(substr($line,0,2)=='--' OR trim($line)=='' ){

    $query .= $line;
    if( substr(trim($query),-1)==';' ){
        if( !mysql_query($query) ){
            $error = 'Error performing query \'<strong>' . $query . '\': ' . mysql_error();
            file_put_contents($errorFilename, $error."\n");
        $query = '';
        file_put_contents($progressFilename, ftell($fp)); // save the current file position for 

if( feof($fp) ){
    echo 'dump successfully restored!';
    echo ftell($fp).'/'.filesize($filename).' '.(round(ftell($fp)/filesize($filename), 2)*100).'%'."\n";
    echo $queryCount.' queries processed! please reload or wait for automatic browser refresh!';

keycloak Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

I faced the Invalid parameter: redirect_uri problem problem while following spring boot and keycloak example available at when adding the client from the keycloak server we have to provide the redirect URI for that client so that keycloak server can perform the redirection. When I faced the same error multiple times, I followed copying correct URL from keycloak server console and provided in the valid Redirect URIs space and it worked fine!

How to putAll on Java hashMap contents of one to another, but not replace existing keys and values?

You can make it in just 1 line if you change maps order in @erickson's solution:

mapWithNotSoImportantValues.putAll( mapWithImportantValues );

In this case you replace values in mapWithNotSoImportantValues with value from mapWithImportantValues with the same keys.

How can I ssh directly to a particular directory?

In my very specific case, I just wanted to execute a command in a remote host, inside a specific directory from a Jenkins slave machine:

ssh myuser@mydomain
cd /home/myuser/somedir 

But my machine couldn't perform the ssh (it couldn't allocate a pseudo-tty I suppose) and kept me giving the following error:

Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal

I could get around this issue passing "cd to dir + my command" as a parameter of the ssh command (to not have to allocate a Pseudo-terminal) and by passing the option -T to explicitly tell to the ssh command that I didn't need pseudo-terminal allocation.

ssh -T myuser@mydomain "cd /home/myuser/somedir; ./commandThatMustBeRunInside_somedir"

How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

x = 9
y = 8




z = x + y


2>3 ? true : false;
2<3 ? true : false;
2<3 ? "2 is lesser than 3" : "2 is greater than 3";

Error while retrieving information from the server RPC:s-7:AEC-0 in Google play?

I had the same issue - it sorted itself out in ~3 hours after I uploaded the app to the Play console. According to Google:

Warning: It may take up to 2-3 hours after uploading the APK for Google Play to recognize your updated APK version. If you try to test your application before your uploaded APK is recognized by Google Play, your application will receive a ‘purchase cancelled’ response with an error message “This version of the application is not enabled for In-app Billing.

While the message is not the same, I suspect the root cause to be the same.

Angular2 disable button


I'm wondering. Why don't you want to use the [disabled] attribute binding provided by Angular 2? It's the correct way to dealt with this situation. I propose you move your isValid check via component method.

<button [disabled]="! isValid" (click)="onConfirm()">Confirm</button>

The Problem with what you tried explained below

Basically you could use ngClass here. But adding class wouldn't restrict event from firing. For firing up event on valid input, you should change click event code to below. So that onConfirm will get fired only when field is valid.

<button [ngClass]="{disabled : !isValid}" (click)="isValid && onConfirm()">Confirm</button>

Demo Here

Iterate over array of objects in Typescript

In Typescript and ES6 you can also use for..of:

for (var product of products) {

which will be transcoded to javascript:

for (var _i = 0, products_1 = products; _i < products_1.length; _i++) {
    var product = products_1[_i];

How to append data to a json file?

You aren't ever writing anything to do with the data you read in. Do you want to be adding the data structure in feeds to the new one you're creating?

Or perhaps you want to open the file in append mode open(filename, 'a') and then add your string, by writing the string produced by json.dumps instead of using json.dump - but nneonneo points out that this would be invalid json.

Converting 'ArrayList<String> to 'String[]' in Java

In Java 8:

String[] strings = list.parallelStream().toArray(String[]::new);

How do I set up a private Git repository on GitHub? Is it even possible?

Bitbucket - Their plans seem to be the best. They give you way more than GitHub do for free accounts - in fact, I'm still only using the free plan - no need to sign up to the paid ones; plus the interface is almost identical to GitHub.

A repository on Bitbucket can have up to five private users with unlimited public or private repositories - the only thing you seem to be paying for with the paid accounts are more users to access your private repositories.

virtualbox Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V windows 10

Disabling Device Guard or Credential Guard fixed for me:

  • click Start > Run, type gpedit.msc, and click Ok. The Local Group Policy Editor opens. Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Device Guard > Turn on Virtualization Based Security. Select Disabled.
  • Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > Turn Windows features on or off to turn off Hyper-V.

Select. Do not restart.

Delete the related EFI variables by launching a command prompt on the host machine using an Administrator account and run these commands:

mountvol X: /s
copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y
bcdedit /create {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} /d "DebugTool" /application osloader
bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} path "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi"
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootsequence {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215}
bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} loadoptions DISABLE-LSA-ISO,DISABLE-VBS 
bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} device partition=X:
mountvol X: /d

Note: Ensure X is an unused drive, else change to another drive.

Restart the host. Accept the prompt on the boot screen to disable Device Guard or Credential Guard.


Programmatically Creating UILabel

here is how to create UILabel Programmatically..

1) Write this in .h file of your project.

UILabel *label;

2) Write this in .m file of your project.

label=[[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 70, 50, 50)];//Set frame of label in your viewcontroller.
[label setBackgroundColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]];//Set background color of label.
[label setText:@"Label"];//Set text in label.
[label setTextColor:[UIColor blackColor]];//Set text color in label.
[label setTextAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];//Set text alignment in label.
[label setBaselineAdjustment:UIBaselineAdjustmentAlignBaselines];//Set line adjustment.
[label setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByCharWrapping];//Set linebreaking mode..
[label setNumberOfLines:1];//Set number of lines in label.
[label.layer setCornerRadius:25.0];//Set corner radius of label to change the shape.
[label.layer setBorderWidth:2.0f];//Set border width of label.
[label setClipsToBounds:YES];//Set its to YES for Corner radius to work.
[label.layer setBorderColor:[UIColor blackColor].CGColor];//Set Border color.
[self.view addSubview:label];//Add it to the view of your choice. 

How to use an array list in Java?

Java 8 introduced default implementation of forEach() inside the Iterable interface , you can easily do it by declarative approach .

  List<String> values = Arrays.asList("Yasir","Shabbir","Choudhary");

  values.forEach( value -> System.out.println(value));

Here is the code of Iterable interface

  default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) {
    for (T t : this) {


Batch script: how to check for admin rights

@echo off
set ADMDIR=C:\Users\Administrator
dir %ADMDIR% 1>nul 2>&1
echo [%errorlevel%] %ADMDIR%
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto main
:: further checks e.g. try to list the contents of admin folders
:: wherever they are stored on older versions of Windows
echo You need administrator privileges to run this script: %0
echo Exiting...
exit /b

echo Executing with Administrator privileges...

grep --ignore-case --only

I'd suggest that the -i means it does match "ABC", but the difference is in the output. -i doesn't manipulate the input, so it won't change "ABC" to "abc" because you specified "abc" as the pattern. -o says it only shows the part of the output that matches the pattern specified, it doesn't say about matching input.

The output of echo "ABC" | grep -i abc is ABC, the -o shows output matching "abc" so nothing shows:

Naos:~ mattlacey$ echo "ABC" | grep -i abc | grep -o abc
Naos:~ mattlacey$ echo "ABC" | grep -i abc | grep -o ABC

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

An alternate option for a single file is to "replace" the current version of the file with the older revision:

svn rm file.ext
svn cp svn://host/path/to/file/on/repo/file.ext@<REV> file.ext
svn ci

This has the added feature that the unwanted changes do not show up in the log for this file (i.e. svn log file.ext).

What is “2's Complement”?

Looking at the two's complement system from a math point of view it really makes sense. In ten's complement, the idea is to essentially 'isolate' the difference.

Example: 63 - 24 = x

We add the complement of 24 which is really just (100 - 24). So really, all we are doing is adding 100 on both sides of the equation.

Now the equation is: 100 + 63 - 24 = x + 100, that is why we remove the 100 (or 10 or 1000 or whatever).

Due to the inconvenient situation of having to subtract one number from a long chain of zeroes, we use a 'diminished radix complement' system, in the decimal system, nine's complement.

When we are presented with a number subtracted from a big chain of nines, we just need to reverse the numbers.

Example: 99999 - 03275 = 96724

That is the reason, after nine's complement, we add 1. As you probably know from childhood math, 9 becomes 10 by 'stealing' 1. So basically it's just ten's complement that takes 1 from the difference.

In Binary, two's complement is equatable to ten's complement, while one's complement to nine's complement. The primary difference is that instead of trying to isolate the difference with powers of ten (adding 10, 100, etc. into the equation) we are trying to isolate the difference with powers of two.

It is for this reason that we invert the bits. Just like how our minuend is a chain of nines in decimal, our minuend is a chain of ones in binary.

Example: 111111 - 101001 = 010110

Because chains of ones are 1 below a nice power of two, they 'steal' 1 from the difference like nine's do in decimal.

When we are using negative binary number's, we are really just saying:

0000 - 0101 = x

1111 - 0101 = 1010

1111 + 0000 - 0101 = x + 1111

In order to 'isolate' x, we need to add 1 because 1111 is one away from 10000 and we remove the leading 1 because we just added it to the original difference.

1111 + 1 + 0000 - 0101 = x + 1111 + 1

10000 + 0000 - 0101 = x + 10000

Just remove 10000 from both sides to get x, it's basic algebra.

Fixed digits after decimal with f-strings

When it comes to float numbers, you can use format specifiers:



  • value is any expression that evaluates to a number
  • width specifies the number of characters used in total to display, but if value needs more space than the width specifies then the additional space is used.
  • precision indicates the number of characters used after the decimal point

What you are missing is the type specifier for your decimal value. In this link, you an find the available presentation types for floating point and decimal.

Here you have some examples, using the f (Fixed point) presentation type:

# notice that it adds spaces to reach the number of characters specified by width
In [1]: f'{1 + 3 * 1.5:10.3f}'
Out[1]: '     5.500'

# notice that it uses more characters than the ones specified in width
In [2]: f'{3000 + 3 ** (1 / 2):2.1f}' 
Out[2]: '3001.7'

In [3]: f'{1.2345 + 4 ** (1 / 2):9.6f}'
Out[3]: ' 3.234500'

# omitting width but providing precision will use the required characters to display the number with the the specified decimal places
In [4]: f'{1.2345 + 3 * 2:.3f}' 
Out[4]: '7.234'

# not specifying the format will display the number with as many digits as Python calculates
In [5]: f'{1.2345 + 3 * 0.5}'
Out[5]: '2.7344999999999997'

How to prevent colliders from passing through each other?

  • Edit ---> Project Settings ---> Time ... decrease "Fixed Timestep" value .. This will solve the problem but it can affect performance negatively.

  • Another solution is could be calculate the coordinates (for example, you have a ball and wall. Ball will hit to wall. So calculate coordinates of wall and set hitting process according these cordinates )

Remove sensitive files and their commits from Git history

So, It looks something like this:

git rm --cached /config/deploy.rb
echo /config/deploy.rb >> .gitignore

Remove cache for tracked file from git and add that file to .gitignore list

jQuery: How can I create a simple overlay?

By overlay do you mean content that overlaps/covers the rest of the page? In HTML, you could do this by using a div that uses absolute or fixed positioning. If it needed to be generated dynamically, jQuery could simply generate a div with the position style set appropriately.

How to append to New Line in Node.js

Use the os.EOL constant instead.

var os = require("os");

function processInput ( text ) 
{'H://log.txt', 'a', 666, function( e, id ) {
   fs.write( id, text + os.EOL, null, 'utf8', function(){
    fs.close(id, function(){
     console.log('file is updated');