Programs & Examples On #Tilde expansion

How to print an exception in Python 3?

I'm guessing that you need to assign the Exception to a variable. As shown in the Python 3 tutorial:

def fails():
    x = 1 / 0

except Exception as ex:

To give a brief explanation, as is a pseudo-assignment keyword used in certain compound statements to assign or alias the preceding statement to a variable.

In this case, as assigns the caught exception to a variable allowing for information about the exception to stored and used later, instead of needing to be dealt with immediately. (This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The try Statement.)

The other compound statement using as is the with statement:

def opening(filename):
    f = open(filename)
        yield f

with opening(filename) as f:
    # data from f...

Here, with statements are used to wrap the execution of a block with methods defined by context managers. This functions like an extended try...except...finally statement in a neat generator package, and the as statement assigns the generator-produced result from the context manager to a variable for extended use. (This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The with Statement.)

Finally, as can be used when importing modules, to alias a module to a different (usually shorter) name:

import as fbb

This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The import Statement.

Click event on select option element in chrome

I don't believe the click event is valid on options. It is valid, however, on select elements. Give this a try:


Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

Here is what we are using at to keep people from accidentally leaving the page while a video is playing or paused.

$(document).ready(function() {

    var video = $("video#webcast_video");
    if (video.length <= 0) {

    window.onbeforeunload = function () {
        var htmlVideo = video[0];
        if (htmlVideo.currentTime < 0.01 || htmlVideo.ended) {
            return null;

        return "Leaving this page will stop your video.";

How to get child element by index in Jquery?


Permissions for /var/www/html

I have just been in a similar position with regards to setting the 777 permissions on the apache website hosting directory. After a little bit of tinkering it seems that changing the group ownership of the folder to the "apache" group allowed access to the folder based on the user group.

1) make sure that the group ownership of the folder is set to the group apache used / generates for use. (check /etc/groups, mine was www-data on Ubuntu)

2) set the folder permissions to 774 to stop "everyone" from having any change access, but allowing the owner and group permissions required.

3) add your user account to the group that has permission on the folder (mine was www-data).

Is there a way to word-wrap long words in a div?

As david mentions, DIVs do wrap words by default.

If you are referring to really long strings of text without spaces, what I do is process the string server-side and insert empty spans:


It's not exact as there are issues with font-sizing and such. The span option works if the container is variable in size. If it's a fixed width container, you could just go ahead and insert line breaks.

Convert string in base64 to image and save on filesystem in Python

If the imagestr was bitmap data (which we now know it isn't) you could use this

imagestr is the base64 encoded string
width is the width of the image
height is the height of the image

from PIL import Image
from base64 import decodestring

image = Image.fromstring('RGB',(width,height),decodestring(imagestr))"foo.png")

Since the imagestr is just the encoded png data

from base64 import decodestring

with open("foo.png","wb") as f:

Appending an id to a list if not already present in a string

Your list just contains a string. Convert it to integer IDs:

L = ['350882 348521 350166\r\n']

ids = [int(i) for i in L[0].strip().split()]
id = 348521
if id not in ids:
id = 348522
if id not in ids:
# Turn it back into your odd format
L = [' '.join(str(id) for id in ids) + '\r\n']


[350882, 348521, 350166]
[350882, 348521, 350166]
[350882, 348521, 350166, 348522]
['350882 348521 350166 348522\r\n']

How to create a DB link between two oracle instances

Creation of DB Link

CONNECT TO $usename
USING '$sid';

(Note: sid is being passed between single quotes above. )

Example Queries for above DB Link

select * from tableA@dblinkname;

insert into tableA(select * from tableA@dblinkname);

Best way to clear a PHP array's values

The unset function is useful when the garbage collector is doing its rounds while not having a lunch break;

however unset function simply destroys the variable reference to the data, the data still exists in memory and PHP sees the memory as in use despite no longer having a pointer to it.

Solution: Assign null to your variables to clear the data, at least until the garbage collector gets a hold of it.

$var = null;

and then unset it in similar way!


Find duplicate records in a table using SQL Server

with x as   (select  *,rn = row_number()
            over(PARTITION BY OrderNo,item  order by OrderNo)
            from    #temp1)

select * from x
where rn > 1

you can remove duplicates by replacing select statement by

delete x where rn > 1

JavaScript get child element

Try this one:

function show_sub(cat) {
    var parent = cat,
    sub = parent.getElementsByClassName('sub');
    if (sub[0].style.display == 'inline'){
        sub[0].style.display = 'none';
    else {
        sub[0].style.display = 'inline';

document.getElementById('cat').onclick = function(){

and use this for IE6 & 7

if (typeof document.getElementsByClassName!='function') {
    document.getElementsByClassName = function() {
        var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
        var ei = new Array();
        for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++) {
            if (elms[i].getAttribute('class')) {
               ecl = elms[i].getAttribute('class').split(' ');
                for (j=0;j<ecl.length;j++) {
                    if (ecl[j].toLowerCase() == arguments[0].toLowerCase()) {
            } else if (elms[i].className) {
                ecl = elms[i].className.split(' ');
                for (j=0;j<ecl.length;j++) {
                    if (ecl[j].toLowerCase() == arguments[0].toLowerCase()) {
        return ei;

Google Map API v3 ~ Simply Close an infowindow?

We can use infowindow.close(map); to close all info windows if you already initialize the info window using infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in Java

A good gotcha is any error code > 255 will be converted to error code % 256. One should be specifically careful about this if they are using a custom error code > 255 and expecting the exact error code in the application logic.

Scrollview can host only one direct child

Wrap all the children inside of another LinearLayout with wrap_content for both the width and the height as well as the vertical orientation.

IIS AppPoolIdentity and file system write access permissions

The ApplicationPoolIdentity is assigned membership of the Users group as well as the IIS_IUSRS group. On first glance this may look somewhat worrying, however the Users group has somewhat limited NTFS rights.

For example, if you try and create a folder in the C:\Windows folder then you'll find that you can't. The ApplicationPoolIdentity still needs to be able to read files from the windows system folders (otherwise how else would the worker process be able to dynamically load essential DLL's).

With regard to your observations about being able to write to your c:\dump folder. If you take a look at the permissions in the Advanced Security Settings, you'll see the following:

enter image description here

See that Special permission being inherited from c:\:

enter image description here

That's the reason your site's ApplicationPoolIdentity can read and write to that folder. That right is being inherited from the c:\ drive.

In a shared environment where you possibly have several hundred sites, each with their own application pool and Application Pool Identity, you would store the site folders in a folder or volume that has had the Users group removed and the permissions set such that only Administrators and the SYSTEM account have access (with inheritance).

You would then individually assign the requisite permissions each IIS AppPool\[name] requires on it's site root folder.

You should also ensure that any folders you create where you store potentially sensitive files or data have the Users group removed. You should also make sure that any applications that you install don't store sensitive data in their c:\program files\[app name] folders and that they use the user profile folders instead.

So yes, on first glance it looks like the ApplicationPoolIdentity has more rights than it should, but it actually has no more rights than it's group membership dictates.

An ApplicationPoolIdentity's group membership can be examined using the SysInternals Process Explorer tool. Find the worker process that is running with the Application Pool Identity you're interested in (you will have to add the User Name column to the list of columns to display:

enter image description here

For example, I have a pool here named 900300 which has an Application Pool Identity of IIS APPPOOL\900300. Right clicking on properties for the process and selecting the Security tab we see:

enter image description here

As we can see IIS APPPOOL\900300 is a member of the Users group.

Android - get children inside a View?

This method takes all views inside a layout, this is similar to Alexander Kulyakhtin's answer. The difference is, it accepts any type of parent layouts & returns an Array List of views.

public List<View> getAllViews(ViewGroup layout){
        List<View> views = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i =0; i< layout.getChildCount(); i++){
        return views;

What does "fatal: bad revision" mean?

I had a similar issue with Intellij. The issue was that someone added the file that I am trying to compare in Intellij to .gitignore, without actually deleting the file from Git.

RSA Public Key format

Reference Decoder of CRL,CRT,CSR,NEW CSR,PRIVATE KEY, PUBLIC KEY,RSA,RSA Public Key Parser

RSA Public Key


Encrypted Private Key

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED


-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
-----END X509 CRL-----










-----BEGIN PKCS7-----
-----END PKCS7-----





Elliptic Curve


PGP Private Key


PGP Public Key


Android webview slow

If there's only some few components of your webview that is slow or laggy, try adding this to the elements css:

transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

This has been the only speedhack that really had a effect on my webview. But be careful not to overuse it! (you can read more about the hack in this article.)

Break out of a While...Wend loop

The best way is to use an And clause in your While statement

Dim count as Integer
count =0
While True And count <= 10

Adding a caption to an equation in LaTeX

You may want to look at which allows you to define new floats using \newfloat

I say this because captions are usually applied to floats.

Straight ahead equations (those written with $ ... $, $$ ... $$, begin{equation}...) are in-line objects that do not support \caption.

This can be done using the following snippet just before \begin{document}



and when adding an equation use something like

f( x ) = ax + b
\caption{Caption goes here}

Netbeans 8.0.2 The module has not been deployed

In my case I had to run Netbeans as administrator, that solved the problem for me. I'm using Apache Netbeans IDE 11.0

How to convert a string to character array in c (or) how to extract a single char form string?

In C, a string is actually stored as an array of characters, so the 'string pointer' is pointing to the first character. For instance,

char myString[] = "This is some text";

You can access any character as a simple char by using myString as an array, thus:

char myChar = myString[6];
printf("%c\n", myChar); // Prints s

Hope this helps! David

Call asynchronous method in constructor?

Try to replace this:

myLongList.ItemsSource = writings;

with this

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => myLongList.ItemsSource = writings);

How to programmatically turn off WiFi on Android device?

You need the following permissions in your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>

Then you can use the following in your activity class:

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 

Use the following to check if it's enabled or not

boolean wifiEnabled = wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()

You'll find a nice tutorial on the subject on this site.

How may I align text to the left and text to the right in the same line?

An answer using css flex layout and justify-content

p {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  <span>This text is left aligned</span>
  <span>This text is right aligned</span>

getResources().getColor() is deprecated

You need to use ContextCompat.getColor(), which is part of the Support V4 Library (so it will work for all the previous API).

ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.my_color)

As specified in the documentation, "Starting in M, the returned color will be styled for the specified Context's theme". SO no need to worry about it.

You can add the Support V4 library by adding the following to the dependencies array inside your app build.gradle:

compile ''

Duplicate AssemblyVersion Attribute

I found this answer on msdn, that explains marking the file as Content and then Copy to Output = If Newer. See article below:


Create a file if one doesn't exist - C

If fptr is NULL, then you don't have an open file. Therefore, you can't freopen it, you should just fopen it.

FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");

note: Since the behavior of your program varies depending on whether the file is opened in read or write modes, you most probably also need to keep a variable indicating which is the case.

A complete example

int main()
    FILE *fptr;
    char there_was_error = 0;
    char opened_in_read  = 1;
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
    if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
        opened_in_read = 0;
        fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");
        if (fptr == NULL)
            there_was_error = 1;
    if (there_was_error)
        printf("Disc full or no permission\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (opened_in_read)
        printf("The file is opened in read mode."
               " Let's read some cached data\n");
        printf("The file is opened in write mode."
               " Let's do some processing and cache the results\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

Here in my sample I find out the solution of this, because I had the same problem with updates and subquerys:

    A.ValueToChange = B.NewValue
        Select * From C
    ) B
    A.Id = B.Id

How to return JSon object

You only have one row to serialize. Try something like this :

List<results> resultRows = new List<results>

resultRows.Add(new results{id = 1, value="ABC", info="ABC"});
resultRows.Add(new results{id = 2, value="XYZ", info="XYZ"});

string json = JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(new { results = resultRows});
  • Edit to match OP's original json output

** Edit 2 : sorry, but I missed that he was using JSON.NET. Using the JavaScriptSerializer the above code produces this result :


How to remove line breaks from a file in Java?

String text = readFileAsString("textfile.txt").replaceAll("\n", "");

Even though the definition of trim() in oracle website is "Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted."

the documentation omits to say that new line characters (leading and trailing) will also be removed.

In short String text = readFileAsString("textfile.txt").trim(); will also work for you. (Checked with Java 6)

Fade In Fade Out Android Animation in Java

Here is my solution using AnimatorSet which seems to be a bit more reliable than AnimationSet.

// Custom animation on image
ImageView myView = (ImageView)splashDialog.findViewById(;

ObjectAnimator fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha",  1f, .3f);
ObjectAnimator fadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", .3f, 1f);

final AnimatorSet mAnimationSet = new AnimatorSet();;

mAnimationSet.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

Attach (open) mdf file database with SQL Server Management Studio

Copy the files to the default directory for your other database files. To find out what that is, you can use the sp_helpfile procedure in SSMS. On my machine it is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA. By copying the files to this directory, they automatically get permissions applied that will allow the attach to succeed.

Here is a very good explanation :

How to open MDF files .

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (EF code-first)

Run Visual Studio as Administrator, it worked for me

try/catch with InputMismatchException creates infinite loop

You need to call next(); when you get the error. Also it is advisable to use hasNextInt()

       catch (Exception e) {
 ;// Move to next other wise exception

Before reading integer value you need to make sure scanner has one. And you will not need exception handling like that.

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    int n1 = 0, n2 = 0;
    boolean bError = true;
    while (bError) {
        if (scanner.hasNextInt())
            n1 = scanner.nextInt();
        else {
        if (scanner.hasNextInt())
            n2 = scanner.nextInt();
        else {
        bError = false;

Javadoc of Scanner

When a scanner throws an InputMismatchException, the scanner will not pass the token that caused the exception, so that it may be retrieved or skipped via some other method.

Read environment variables in Node.js

When using Node.js, you can retrieve environment variables by key from the process.env object:

for example

var mode   = process.env.NODE_ENV;
var apiKey = process.env.apiKey; // '42348901293989849243'

Here is the answer that will explain setting environment variables in node.js

How to inspect Javascript Objects

Use your console:


Or if you are inspecting html dom elements use console.dir(object). Example:

let element = document.getElementById('alertBoxContainer');

Or if you have an array of js objects you could use:


If you are outputting a lot of console.log(objects) you can also write

console.log({ objectName1 });
console.log({ objectName2 });

This will help you label the objects written to console.

Getting HTTP headers with Node.js

Using the excellent request module:

var request = require('request');
  request("", {method: 'HEAD'}, function (err, res, body){

You can change the method to GET if you wish, but using HEAD will save you from getting the entire response body if you only wish to look at the headers.

Why call git branch --unset-upstream to fixup?

torek's answer is probably perfect, but I just wanted for the record to mention another case which is different than the one described in the original question but the same error may appear (as it may help others with similar problem):

I have created an empty (new) repo using git init --bare on one of my servers. Then I have git cloned it to a local workspace on my PC.

After committing a single version on the local repo I got that error after calling git status.

Following torek's answer, I understand that what happened is that the first commit on local working directory repo created "master" branch. But on the remote repo (on the server) there was never anything, so there was not even a "master" (remotes/origin/master) branch.

After running git push origin master from local repo the remote repo finally had a master branch. This stopped the error from appearing.

So to conclude - one may get such an error for a fresh new remote repo with zero commits since it has no branch, including "master".

R: invalid multibyte string

I figured out Leafpad to be an adequate and simple text-editor to view and save/convert in certain character sets - at least in the linux-world.

I used this to save the Latin-15 to UTF-8 and it worked.

How can I change eclipse's Internal Browser from IE to Firefox on Windows XP?

I like the Aptana Browser Preview windo for this.

You can get it from their update site:

After you install the Aptana plugin, open an Aptana project and there should be an option under help to install aptana features. under other you will find a Firefox/XUL browser. There may be a more direct way to install the XUL plugin, but the above procedure works.

Build tree array from flat array in javascript

It may be useful package list-to-tree Install:

bower install list-to-tree --save


npm install list-to-tree --save

For example, have list:

var list = [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0
  }, {
    id: 2,
    parent: 1
  }, {
    id: 3,
    parent: 1
  }, {
    id: 4,
    parent: 2
  }, {
    id: 5,
    parent: 2
  }, {
    id: 6,
    parent: 0
  }, {
    id: 7,
    parent: 0
  }, {
    id: 8,
    parent: 7
  }, {
    id: 9,
    parent: 8
  }, {
    id: 10,
    parent: 0

Use package list-to-tree:

var ltt = new LTT(list, {
  key_id: 'id',
  key_parent: 'parent'
var tree = ltt.GetTree();


  "id": 1,
  "parent": 0,
  "child": [
      "id": 2,
      "parent": 1,
      "child": [
          "id": 4,
          "parent": 2
        }, {
          "id": 5, "parent": 2
      "id": 3,
      "parent": 1
}, {
  "id": 6,
  "parent": 0
}, {
  "id": 7,
  "parent": 0,
  "child": [
      "id": 8,
      "parent": 7,
      "child": [
          "id": 9,
          "parent": 8
}, {
  "id": 10,
  "parent": 0

Simple calculations for working with lat/lon and km distance?

Why not use properly formulated geospatial queries???

Here is the SQL server reference page on the STContains geospatial function:

or if you do not waant to use box and radian conversion , you cna always use the distance function to find the points that you need:

DECLARE @CurrentLocation geography; 
SET @CurrentLocation  = geography::Point(12.822222, 80.222222, 4326)

SELECT * , Round (GeoLocation.STDistance(@CurrentLocation ),0) AS Distance FROM [Landmark]
WHERE GeoLocation.STDistance(@CurrentLocation )<= 2000 -- 2 Km

There should be similar functionality for almost any database out there.

If you have implemented geospatial indexing correctly your searches would be way faster than the approach you are using

Specify sudo password for Ansible

You can use ansible vault which will code your password into encrypted vault. After that you can use variable from vault in playbooks.

Some documentation on ansible vault:

We are using it as vault per environment. To edit vault we have command as:
ansible-vault edit inventories/production/group_vars/all/vault

If you want to call vault variable you have to use ansible-playbook with parameters like:
ansible-playbook -s --vault-password-file=~/.ansible_vault.password

Yes we are storing vault password in local directory in plain text but it's not more dangerous like store root password for every system. Root password is inside vault file or you can have it like sudoers file for your user/group.

I'm recommending to use sudoers file on the server. Here is example for group admin:

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

How to call a function within class?

That doesn't work because distToPoint is inside your class, so you need to prefix it with the classname if you want to refer to it, like this: classname.distToPoint(self, p). You shouldn't do it like that, though. A better way to do it is to refer to the method directly through the class instance (which is the first argument of a class method), like so: self.distToPoint(p).

python pandas remove duplicate columns

Note that Gene Burinsky's answer (at the time of writing the selected answer) keeps the first of each duplicated column. To keep the last:

df=df.loc[:, ~df.columns[::-1].duplicated()[::-1]]

How to find the users list in oracle 11g db?

I am not sure what you understand by "execute from the Command line interface", but you're probably looking after the following select statement:

select * from dba_users;


select username from dba_users;

Check list of words in another string

Here are a couple of alternative ways of doing it, that may be faster or more suitable than KennyTM's answer, depending on the context.

1) use a regular expression:

import re
words_re = re.compile("|".join(list_of_words))

if'some one long two phrase three'):
   # do logic you want to perform

2) You could use sets if you want to match whole words, e.g. you do not want to find the word "the" in the phrase "them theorems are theoretical":

word_set = set(list_of_words)
phrase_set = set('some one long two phrase three'.split())
if word_set.intersection(phrase_set):
    # do stuff

Of course you can also do whole word matches with regex using the "\b" token.

The performance of these and Kenny's solution are going to depend on several factors, such as how long the word list and phrase string are, and how often they change. If performance is not an issue then go for the simplest, which is probably Kenny's.

Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number

Spark is very picky with the Java version you use. It is highly recommended that you use Java 1.8 (The open source AdoptOpenJDK 8 works well too). After install it, set JAVA_HOME to your bash variables, if you use Mac/Linux:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

go get results in 'terminal prompts disabled' error for github private repo

go get disables the "terminal prompt" by default. This can be changed by setting an environment variable of git:


CommandError: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False


# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True


A value of '*' will match anything; in this case you are responsible to provide your own validation of the Host header.

Print execution time of a shell command

time is a built-in command in most shells that writes execution time information to the tty.

You could also try something like

start_time=`date +%s`
end_time=`date +%s`
echo execution time was `expr $end_time - $start_time` s.

Or in bash:

start_time=`date +%s`
<command-to-execute> && echo run time is $(expr `date +%s` - $start_time) s

How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS?

Just set the outline to none like this

[Identifier] { outline:none; }

Finding whether a point lies inside a rectangle or not

Assuming the rectangle is represented by three points A,B,C, with AB and BC perpendicular, you only need to check the projections of the query point M on AB and BC:

0 <= dot(AB,AM) <= dot(AB,AB) &&
0 <= dot(BC,BM) <= dot(BC,BC)

AB is vector AB, with coordinates (Bx-Ax,By-Ay), and dot(U,V) is the dot product of vectors U and V: Ux*Vx+Uy*Vy.

Update. Let's take an example to illustrate this: A(5,0) B(0,2) C(1,5) and D(6,3). From the point coordinates, we get AB=(-5,2), BC=(1,3), dot(AB,AB)=29, dot(BC,BC)=10.

For query point M(4,2), we have AM=(-1,2), BM=(4,0), dot(AB,AM)=9, dot(BC,BM)=4. M is inside the rectangle.

For query point P(6,1), we have AP=(1,1), BP=(6,-1), dot(AB,AP)=-3, dot(BC,BP)=3. P is not inside the rectangle, because its projection on side AB is not inside segment AB.

Support for the experimental syntax 'classProperties' isn't currently enabled

After almost 3 hours of searching and spending time on the same error, I found that I'm using name import for React:

import { React } from 'react';

which is totally wrong. Just by switching it to:

import React from 'react';

all the error are gone. I hope this helps someone. This is my .babelrc:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": [

the webpack.config.js

const path = require('path');
const devMode = process.env.Node_ENV !== 'production';
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
module.exports = {
  entry: './src/App.js',
  devtool: 'source-map',
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
    filename: 'App.js'
  mode: 'development',
  devServer: {
    contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
    open: 'google chrome',
    historyApiFallback: true
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.m?js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader'
        test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/,
        use: [
          devMode ? 'style-loader' : MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
            loader: 'css-loader',
            options: {
              modules: true,
              localIdentName: '[local]--[hash:base64:5]',
              sourceMap: true
            loader: 'sass-loader'
  plugins: [
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: devMode ? '[name].css' : '[name].[hash].css',
      chunkFilename: devMode ? '[id].css' : '[id].[hash].css'

the package.json

  "name": "expense-app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack",
    "serve": "webpack-dev-server"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/cli": "^7.1.2",
    "@babel/core": "^7.1.2",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.1.0",
    "@babel/preset-env": "^7.1.0",
    "@babel/preset-react": "^7.0.0",
    "babel-loader": "^8.0.4",
    "css-loader": "^1.0.0",
    "mini-css-extract-plugin": "^0.4.3",
    "node-sass": "^4.9.3",
    "react-router-dom": "^4.3.1",
    "sass-loader": "^7.1.0",
    "style-loader": "^0.23.1",
    "webpack": "^4.20.2",
    "webpack-cli": "^3.1.2",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.9"
  "dependencies": {
    "normalize.css": "^8.0.0",
    "react": "^16.5.2",
    "react-dom": "^16.5.2"

Flutter - The method was called on null

As stated in the above answers, it's always a good practice to initialize the variables, but if you have something which you don't know what value should it takes, and you want to leave it uninitialized so you have to make sure that you are updating it before using it.

For example: Assume we have double _bmi; and you don't know what value should it takes, so you can leave it as it is, but before using it, you have to update its value first like calling a function that calculating BMI like follows:

String calculateBMI (){
_bmi = weight / pow( height/100, 2);
return _bmi.toStringAsFixed(1);}

or whatever, what I mean is, you can leave the variable as it is, but before using it make sure you have initialized it using whatever the method you are using.

How can I match a string with a regex in Bash?

I don't have enough rep to comment here, so I'm submitting a new answer to improve on dogbane's answer. The dot . in the regexp

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 =~ tar.bz2$ ]] && echo matched

will actually match any character, not only the literal dot between 'tar.bz2', for example

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar4bz2 =~ tar.bz2$ ]] && echo matched
[[ sed-4.2.2.tar§bz2 =~ tar.bz2$ ]] && echo matched

or anything that doesn't require escaping with '\'. The strict syntax should then be

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 =~ tar\.bz2$ ]] && echo matched

or you can go even stricter and also include the previous dot in the regex:

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 =~ \.tar\.bz2$ ]] && echo matched

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

Here is another way:

static void
unhandled_interrupt(struct trap_frame *frame, int irq, void *arg)
    //this code intentionally left blank

static struct irqtbl_s vector_tbl[XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS] = {
    [0 ... XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS-1] {unhandled_interrupt, NULL},



Designated inits

Then ask the question: When can one use C extensions?

The code sample above is in an embedded system and will never see the light from another compiler.

What is the difference between concurrency and parallelism?

Excerpt from this amazing blog:

Differences between concurrency and parallelism:

Concurrency is when two tasks can start, run, and complete in overlapping time periods. Parallelism is when tasks literally run at the same time, eg. on a multi-core processor.

Concurrency is the composition of independently executing processes, while parallelism is the simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations.

Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.

An application can be concurrent – but not parallel, which means that it processes more than one task at the same time, but no two tasks are executing at same time instant.

An application can be parallel – but not concurrent, which means that it processes multiple sub-tasks of a task in multi-core CPU at same time.

An application can be neither parallel – nor concurrent, which means that it processes all tasks one at a time, sequentially.

An application can be both parallel – and concurrent, which means that it processes multiple tasks concurrently in multi-core CPU at same time .

Create a text file for download on-the-fly


    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment;
            filename="<name for the created file>"');
    assign file content to a PHP Variable $content
    echo $content;

How to tell which commit a tag points to in Git?

If you would like to see the details of the tag SOMETAG (tagger, date, etc), the hash of the commit it points to and a bit of info about the commit but without the full diff, try

git show --name-status SOMETAG

Example output:

Tagger: ....
Date:   Thu Jan 26 17:40:53 2017 +0100

 .... tag message .......

commit 9f00ce27c924c7e972e96be7392918b826a3fad9
Author: .............
Date:   Thu Jan 26 17:38:35 2017 +0100

 .... commit message .......

..... list of changed files with their change-status (like git log --name-status) .....

How can I get the average (mean) of selected columns

Here are some examples:

> z$mean <- rowMeans(subset(z, select = c(x, y)), na.rm = TRUE)
> z
  w x  y mean
1 5 1  1    1
2 6 2  2    2
3 7 3  3    3
4 8 4 NA    4

weighted mean

> z$y <- rev(z$y)
> z
  w x  y mean
1 5 1 NA    1
2 6 2  3    2
3 7 3  2    3
4 8 4  1    4
> weight <- c(1, 2) # x * 1/3 + y * 2/3
> z$wmean <- apply(subset(z, select = c(x, y)), 1, function(d) weighted.mean(d, weight, na.rm = TRUE))
> z
  w x  y mean    wmean
1 5 1 NA    1 1.000000
2 6 2  3    2 2.666667
3 7 3  2    3 2.333333
4 8 4  1    4 2.000000

SSRS Expression for IF, THEN ELSE

You should be able to use

IIF(Fields!ExitReason.Value = 7, 1, 0)

Two div blocks on same line

diplay:flex; is another alternative answer that you can add to all above answers which is supported in all modern browsers.

#block_container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
<div id="block_container">_x000D_
  <div id="bloc1">Copyright &copy; All Rights Reserved.</div>_x000D_
  <div id="bloc2"><img src="..."></div>_x000D_

Pandas: convert dtype 'object' to int

It's simple



labels, uniques = pd.factorize(['b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b'])`
# array([0, 0, 1, 2, 0])
# array(['b', 'a', 'c'], dtype=object)

How to add text to an existing div with jquery

You need to define the button text and have valid HTML for the button. I would also suggest using .on for the click handler of the button

$(function () {_x000D_
  $('#Add').on('click', function () {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="Content">_x000D_
    <button id="Add">Add Text</button>_x000D_

Also I would make sure the jquery is at the bottom of the page just before the closing </body> tag. Doing so will make it so you do not have to have the whole thing wrapped in $(function but I would still do that. Having your javascript load at the end of the page makes it so the rest of the page loads incase there is a slow down in your javascript somewhere.

How to give Jenkins more heap space when it´s started as a service under Windows?

You need to modify the jenkins.xml file. Specifically you need to change

   <arguments>-Xrs -Xmx256m 
    -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080</arguments>


    <arguments>-Xrs -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m 
    -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080</arguments>

You can also verify the Java options that Jenkins is using by installing the Jenkins monitor plugin via Manage Jenkins / Manage Plugins and then navigating to Managing Jenkins / Monitoring of Hudson / Jenkins master to use monitoring to determine how much memory is available to Jenkins.

If you are getting an out of memory error when Jenkins calls Maven, it may be necessary to set MAVEN_OPTS via Manage Jenkins / Configure System e.g. if you are running on a version of Java prior to JDK 1.8 (the values are suggestions):

-Xmx2048m  -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

If you are using JDK 1.8:


How to format dateTime in django template?

You can use this:

addedDate =

Creating an array from a text file in Bash

You can do this too:

IFS=$'\n' arr=($(<file))
echo "${arr[1]}" # It will print `A Dog`.


Filename expansion still occurs. For example, if there's a line with a literal * it will expand to all the files in current folder. So use it only if your file is free of this kind of scenario.

Share cookie between subdomain and domain

The 2 domains and can only share cookies if the domain is explicitly named in the Set-Cookie header. Otherwise, the scope of the cookie is restricted to the request host. (This is referred to as a "host-only cookie". See What is a host only cookie?)

For instance, if you sent the following header from, then the cookie won't be sent for requests to

Set-Cookie: name=value

However if you use the following, it will be usable on both domains:

Set-Cookie: name=value;

This cookie will be sent for any subdomain of, including nested subdomains like

In RFC 2109, a domain without a leading dot meant that it could not be used on subdomains, and only a leading dot ( would allow it to be used across multiple subdomains (but not the top-level domain, so what you ask was not possible in the older spec).

However, all modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use the cookie on subdomains as well as the top-level domain.

In summary, if you set a cookie like the second example above from, it would be accessible by, and vice versa. This can also be used to allow and to share cookies.

See also:

Android appcompat v7:23

Original answer:

I too tried to change the support library to "23". When I changed the targetSdkVersion to 23, Android Studio reported the following error:

This support library should not use a lower version (22) than the targetSdkVersion (23)

I simply changed:

compile ''


compile ''

Although this fixed my issue, you should not use dynamic versions. After a few hours the new support repository was available and it is currently 23.0.1.

Pro tip:

You can use double quotes and create a ${supportLibVersion} variable for simplicity. Example:

ext {
    supportLibVersion = '23.1.1'

compile "${supportLibVersion}"
compile "${supportLibVersion}"
compile "${supportLibVersion}"
compile "${supportLibVersion}"
compile "${supportLibVersion}"


In Excel, how do I extract last four letters of a ten letter string?

No need to use a macro. Supposing your first string is in A1.

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

Drag this down and you will get your four last characters.

Edit: To be sure, if you ever have sequences like 'ABC DEF' and want the last four LETTERS and not CHARACTERS you might want to use trimspaces()


Edit: As per brettdj's suggestion, you may want to check that your string is actually 4-character long or more:


returning a Void object

If you just don't need anything as your type, you can use void. This can be used for implementing functions, or actions. You could then do something like this:

interface Action<T> {
    public T execute();

abstract class VoidAction implements Action<Void> {
    public Void execute() {
        return null;

    abstract void executeInternal();

Or you could omit the abstract class, and do the return null in every action that doesn't require a return value yourself.

You could then use those actions like this:

Given a method

private static <T> T executeAction(Action<T> action) {
    return action.execute();

you can call it like

String result = executeAction(new Action<String>() {
    public String execute() {
        //code here
        return "Return me!";

or, for the void action (note that you're not assigning the result to anything)

executeAction(new VoidAction() {
    public void executeInternal() {
        //code here

Using group by on two fields and count in SQL

SELECT group,subGroup,COUNT(*) FROM tablename GROUP BY group,subgroup

SQL Server r2 installation error .. update Visual Studio 2008 to SP1

Finally, I solved it. Even though the solution is a bit lengthy, I think its the simplest. The solution is as follows:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008
  2. Install the service Package 1 (SP1)
  3. Install SQL Server 2008 r2

Change default global installation directory for node.js modules in Windows?

Building on the installation concept of chocolatey and the idea suggested by @Tracker, what worked for me was to do the following and all users on windows were then happy working with nodejs and npm.

Choose C:\ProgramData\nodejs as installation directory for nodejs and install nodejs with any user that is a member of the administrator group.

This can be done with chocolatey as: choco install nodejs.install -ia "'INSTALLDIR=C:\ProgramData\nodejs'"

Then create a folder called npm-cache at the root of the installation directory, which after following above would be C:\ProgramData\nodejs\npm-cache.

Create a folder called etc at the root of the installation directory, which after following above would be C:\ProgramData\nodejs\etc.

Set NODE environment variable as C:\ProgramData\nodejs.

Set NODE_PATH environment variable as C:\ProgramData\nodejs\node_modules.

Ensure %NODE% environment variable previously created above is added (or its path) is added to %PATH% environment variable.

Edit %NODE_PATH%\npm\npmrc with the following content prefix=C:\ProgramData\nodejs

From command prompt, set the global config like so...

npm config --global set prefix "C:\ProgramData\nodejs"

npm config --global set cache "C:\ProgramData\nodejs\npm-cache"

It is important the steps above are carried out preferably in sequence and before updating npm (npm -g install npm@latest) or attempting to install any npm module.

Performing the above steps helped us running nodejs as system wide installation, easily available to all users with proper permissions. Each user can then run node and npm as required.

Bulk Insert to Oracle using .NET

To follow up on Theo's suggestion with my findings (apologies - I don't currently have enough reputation to post this as a comment)

First, this is how to use several named parameters:

String commandString = "INSERT INTO Users (Name, Desk, UpdateTime) VALUES (:Name, :Desk, :UpdateTime)";
using (OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(commandString, _connection, _transaction))
    command.Parameters.Add("Name", OracleType.VarChar, 50).Value = strategy;
    command.Parameters.Add("Desk", OracleType.VarChar, 50).Value = deskName ?? OracleString.Null;
    command.Parameters.Add("UpdateTime", OracleType.DateTime).Value = updated;

However, I saw no variation in speed between:

  • constructing a new commandString for each row (String.Format)
  • constructing a now parameterized commandString for each row
  • using a single commandString and changing the parameters

I'm using System.Data.OracleClient, deleting and inserting 2500 rows inside a transaction

failed to load ad : 3

For me the reason was that one device, a Xiaomi Mi 9 just was not working anymore and not displaying ads, so I pulled out my tablet and I saw no errors and it was displaying ads in the release.

How to display a pdf in a modal window?

You can have an iframe inside the modal markup and give the src attribute of it as the link to your pdf. On click of the link you can show this modal markup.

Git error: "Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists"

I experienced this issue when I had an invalid RSA SSH key, and a valid ED25519 SSH key on my machine. I believe Gitlab was checking the RSA key, failing and stopping there before checking the ED25519 key.

I fixed this by deleting both of the keys I had on my device and generating a new RSA SSH, and providing that too gitlab.

Highcharts - how to have a chart with dynamic height?

I had the same problem and I fixed it with:

<div id="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position:absolute"></div>

The chart fits perfect to the browser even if I resize it. You can change the percentage according to your needs.

VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished?

Probably something like this? (UNTESTED)

Sub Sample()
    Dim strWB4, strMyMacro
    strMyMacro = "Sheet1.my_macro_name"

    '~~> Rest of Code

    'loop through the folder and get the file names
    For Each Fil In FLD.Files
        Set x4WB = x1.Workbooks.Open(Fil)
        x4WB.Application.Visible = True

        x1.Run strMyMacro


        Do Until IsWorkBookOpen(Fil) = False

    '~~> Rest of Code
End Sub

'~~> Function to check if the file is open
Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
    Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    ff = FreeFile()
    Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
    Close ff
    ErrNo = Err
    On Error GoTo 0

    Select Case ErrNo
    Case 0:    IsWorkBookOpen = False
    Case 70:   IsWorkBookOpen = True
    Case Else: Error ErrNo
    End Select
End Function

Log4net rolling daily filename with date in the file name

In your Log4net config file, use the following parameter with the RollingFileAppender:

<param name="DatePattern" value="dd.MM.yyyy'.log'" /> localhost/ - Connection refused

localhost and are both ways of saying 'the current machine'. So localhost on your PC is the PC and localhost on the android is the phone. Since your phone isn't running a webserver of course it will refuse the connection.

You need to get the IP address of your machine (use ipconfig on windows to find out) and use that instead of This may still not working depending on how your network/firewalls are set up. But that is a completely different topic.

Git branching: master vs. origin/master vs. remotes/origin/master

I would try to make @ErichBSchulz's answer simpler for beginners:

  • origin/master is the state of master branch on remote repository
  • master is the state of master branch on local repository

How to execute a command in a remote computer?

I use the little utility which comes with called execcmd.exe. Its syntax is as follows:

execcmd \\yourremoteserver <your command here>

Doesn't get any simpler than this :)

When are static variables initialized?


The last in particular provides detailed initialization steps that spell out when static variables are initialized, and in what order (with the caveat that final class variables and interface fields that are compile-time constants are initialized first.)

I'm not sure what your specific question about point 3 (assuming you mean the nested one?) is. The detailed sequence states this would be a recursive initialization request so it will continue initialization.

Getting Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of undefined with bootstrap carousel script

if you're using the compiled bootstrap, one of the ways of fixing it is by editing the bootstrap.min.js before the line


force reflow Change to

if (typeof $next == 'object' && $next.length) $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow

Extract part of a regex match

I'd think this should suffice:

import re
pattern = re.compile(r'<title>([^<]*)</title>', re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)

... assuming that your text (HTML) is in a variable named "text."

This also assumes that there are not other HTML tags which can be legally embedded inside of an HTML TITLE tag and no way to legally embed any other < character within such a container/block.

However ...

Don't use regular expressions for HTML parsing in Python. Use an HTML parser! (Unless you're going to write a full parser, which would be a of extra work when various HTML, SGML and XML parsers are already in the standard libraries.

If your handling "real world" tag soup HTML (which is frequently non-conforming to any SGML/XML validator) then use the BeautifulSoup package. It isn't in the standard libraries (yet) but is wide recommended for this purpose.

Another option is: lxml ... which is written for properly structured (standards conformant) HTML. But it has an option to fallback to using BeautifulSoup as a parser: ElementSoup.

How to Apply Corner Radius to LinearLayout



Drawable folder rounded_edge.xml


Export html table data to Excel using JavaScript / JQuery is not working properly in chrome browser

My version of @sampopes answer

function exportToExcel(that, id, hasHeader, removeLinks, removeImages, removeInputParams) {
if (that == null || typeof that === 'undefined') {
    console.log('Sender is required');
    return false;

if (!(that instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) {
    console.log('Sender must be an anchor element');
    return false;

if (id == null || typeof id === 'undefined') {
    console.log('Table id is required');
    return false;
if (hasHeader == null || typeof hasHeader === 'undefined') {
    hasHeader = true;
if (removeLinks == null || typeof removeLinks === 'undefined') {
    removeLinks = true;
if (removeImages == null || typeof removeImages === 'undefined') {
    removeImages = false;
if (removeInputParams == null || typeof removeInputParams === 'undefined') {
    removeInputParams = true;

var tab_text = "<table border='2px'>";
var textRange;

tab = $(id).get(0);

if (tab == null || typeof tab === 'undefined') {
    console.log('Table not found');

var j = 0;

if (hasHeader && tab.rows.length > 0) {
    var row = tab.rows[0];
    tab_text += "<tr bgcolor='#87AFC6'>";
    for (var l = 0; l < row.cells.length; l++) {
        if ($(tab.rows[0].cells[l]).is(':visible')) {//export visible cols only
            tab_text += "<td>" + row.cells[l].innerHTML + "</td>";
    tab_text += "</tr>";

for (; j < tab.rows.length; j++) {
    var row = tab.rows[j];
    tab_text += "<tr>";
    for (var l = 0; l < row.cells.length; l++) {
        if ($(tab.rows[j].cells[l]).is(':visible')) {//export visible cols only
            tab_text += "<td>" + row.cells[l].innerHTML + "</td>";
    tab_text += "</tr>";

tab_text = tab_text + "</table>";
if (removeLinks)
    tab_text = tab_text.replace(/<A[^>]*>|<\/A>/g, "");
if (removeImages)
    tab_text = tab_text.replace(/<img[^>]*>/gi, ""); 
if (removeInputParams)
    tab_text = tab_text.replace(/<input[^>]*>|<\/input>/gi, "");

var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");

if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./))      // If Internet Explorer
{"txt/html", "replace");
    sa = myIframe.document.execCommand("SaveAs", true, document.title + ".xls");
    return true;
else {
    //other browser tested on IE 11
    var result = "data:application/," + encodeURIComponent(tab_text);
    that.href = result; = document.title + ".xls";
    return true;

Requires an iframe

<iframe id="myIframe" style="opacity: 0; width: 100%; height: 0px;" seamless="seamless"></iframe>


$("#btnExportToExcel").click(function () {
    exportToExcel(this, '#mytable');

How to get raw text from pdf file using java

Extracting all keywords from PDF(from a web page) file on your local machine or Base64 encoded string:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class WebPagePdfExtractor {

    public static void main(String arg[]) {
        WebPagePdfExtractor webPagePdfExtractor = new WebPagePdfExtractor();

        System.out.println("From file:   " + webPagePdfExtractor.processRecord(createByteArray()).get("text"));

        System.out.println("From string: " + webPagePdfExtractor.processRecord(getArrayFromBase64EncodedString()).get("text"));

    public Map<String, Object> processRecord(byte[] byteArray) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        try {
            PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();

            PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(byteArray);
            String text = stripper.getText(document);
            map.put("text", text.replaceAll("\n|\r|\t", " "));
        } catch (Exception exception) {
        return map;

    private static byte[] getArrayFromBase64EncodedString() {
        String encodedContent = "data:application/pdf;base64,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" +
                "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" +
                "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" +
                "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" +
                "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" +
                "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" +
                "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" +
                "zIFsgMiAwIFIgXSA+PgplbmRvYmoKMTQgMCBvYmoKPDwgL1R5cGUgL0NhdGFsb2cgL1BhZ2VzIDMgMCBSID4+CmVuZG9iago5IDAgb2JqCjw8IC9UeXBlIC9Gb250IC9TdWJ0eXBlIC9UcnVlVHlwZSAvQmFzZUZvbnQgL0NOVFpYVStNZW5" +
                "L0l0YWxpY0FuZ2xlIDAgL0FzY2VudCA5MjggL0Rlc2NlbnQgLTIzNiAvQ2FwSGVpZ2h0IDcyOQovU3RlbVYgOTkgL1hIZWlnaHQgNTQ3…/ZfICj5JcLdi/ATmQZKogDPg0lIDBunI0ZGOB1OB/Lpyce1TbJqCpBThycVs3GyQPZSLKexbMGyFss8LF4sNb2lElu5HPlJ2439G1jKsbRh6cTyPNpx8I6AFxa8P+xD2E4e/G+5PqJ/8aDzERFvGBJR/WLkfwcM3kRCiZpokDMdxhn5MeD9Rn5MSm0mYUpLSF98J5HXaQgtpJvoDWGesEe4C4NgK3woWsQ88RgzszXsMM4WyALeIC5gO5B/FYk/pNxVCJGoZT8NYc8LIknrONeVQYznus51pYeZHCaXw+RYIJLAEogJfMEbVPrvv31S6icvTMlp1EQhO41cOuXb0EEkSYkmGaMXSzuIfhCKAA4Y/YScTs9ASizblWVyWB1UT4fwNfSp9+mgwLFd4oI3D++9++kuheYWpOnEeBhLJrv7kVg" +
                "Xk1hkVDRExLgkieUZTTt1jZYGkTTiXU8tULUtIsEIfeKMgY5AV3u7yZyTQdK6Mm923fwgHe1GZWTfmCJy5CYi05PgwqWzB5HBw2n2wL7OBEmVPZxmZYpWi6TSU7pM2BNY1kojs0sLN1bPOLZ4/nuzL1CNp/S+zt27dx+lA4Y/2/hA1fq8kR9kZF57u6R96YgvZRmsvfe5OBj5TSKjkN+wRqu6LrRF1yjF19lbYhudDVKTdVe/8DAClihbX6MNEuItofH9kF9k+FwXMofC7rqCDHcZu293G7tz0qmNWi2iM6FvYrYN2RuEvCbT7GDnZ0xDyMZt/Otb8z+aP+/dOS17927ZurVu24ZVnrYFz7w95jxlayE+8b3Nf/m6b5/j2QMb1v26qeXZ8iWVSUkH7fYLb1bKBw7aA57LYgVGYAGtLM8dT3WgIwC6PAIaVSOjsCaUatXEFiJKBm0fvTEQODe0K9Mki/mK3DPnBOUsHkchH/ckhFIHZJmyrE6T0+TIFi7xfvRjx/X33jves5rFBb6Gk4GsHXwbLX1Hlp0XZZeKa8eRYe4EURUX3agy" +
                "1RnXWxp1QiNZo2tS7baBjUTYqDqBGONtspI7UEwosSsoMUVevAM5CEO9mmRVEquF/ExwsrxOCTd7OpKnpXxFjfzzO8uPTnz44Oydb7bunLy1kHXu5huMBt59vYvfsNtPZmb4tjfvdblQGjXI23jUayTpg9w5VfFRjer4RqP6DRGPs/ViY3iDscmVYCN9dQkqKZaGxbuMga6uwBXZeYLq/MKI6jShPq0DqDNBUBg0Wy2C0y6YjMSRGU4TJKslPKhYuJS7fkL7u+m7F33yzc3PeOBb6qSWsZv4Zys3bVq5as0atu+gK5Ff4ldLH+d3vvuW36bL6Ab6LF0X37Pw4I4dB//4+z0+RZ8y306xEuNGP7LI3V+tItF2baRBRfZHqurNjjr7O3H1fdrMTZE6GilG6dWSNt8uStbh/Y03u9AkM1G3snI7rtwMyCKWd2DKMeegZ6W749Lj0+3pjvSEZtJMm4VmdbNme3hzRHNkc1RztH4m7rJ3Q4OzB5uc2XpE9M0eOOh+mi1LoNfdwlGfQtuwV159duGWPfTAgfv/VP3GBz98d4eu2jirfca81uK6o8P62oWsJxaXLT57sN/4npUtpY/8eXvr4bhVzwwa6E9MnDIlc2PQditxr2bMIowYLdLd0YxYouv1lvqQJn0bfREiRCIJo0xmzeg43Ju8NTk2KIaDe0ynpqxeHlEd5ixUx790gazCdL9/QFPpiWvX3y/byg1ramr" +
                "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" +
                "JTPMvxBMSaYoSmQ+nHtDywiJbzyzTe7xcfDmR5vTBcyPsKv7yBPEyXopGDxCAHOoUoppRILPQiribnP/IqOjlLka3XEo5eIbu8bCTCqRmej6+99ib/lF6im3/13ItnD8OtF4LyxN+YxQq0iwTyqjsx0mwIFVUkLkZSWbX1dmiLORxlVBGTIWSC" +
                "NNE0wTAxNnJCdIHTeHOcTzt1nM80dUbxARJ9r/0+T2BoAA0leOYPHXrlpnIwoYmg8NPdo9LFdJYupavSQ9JD09Xpmtzw3IjcyNyo3OjcmNzY3LhcWzVUi9WsWqpWVYdUh1arqzXecG+EN9Ib5Y32xnhjvXFem5POpPLJEh5Ff6LMf2vVqgwKOx" +
                "IeHbu64vXswkn3v54zdkzOzp2Oubnjy6B7dMEZfqlnubDymyWVX/SsEFbeWCy3YknJ0NxCWddt/CFxKspCjmFZ7tgfY1ibvokegcNxGL9GKZGsUI5imYqJoV/8GMZcsm0pXJhNRtkbfuofdPmBA3IYu/rV+/Oa6I3VNatqa1fVrF7Xc1xSe4um" +
        String content = encodedContent.substring("data:application/pdf;base64," .length());
        return Base64.decodeBase64(content);

    public static byte[] createByteArray() {
        String pathToBinaryData = "/bla-bla/src/main/resources/small.pdf";

        File file = new File(pathToBinaryData);
        if (!file.exists()) {
            System.out.println(" could not be found in folder " + pathToBinaryData);
            return null;

        FileInputStream fin = null;
        try {
            fin = new FileInputStream(file);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

        byte fileContent[] = new byte[(int) file.length()];

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return fileContent;

Deleting rows with MySQL LEFT JOIN

You simply need to specify on which tables to apply the DELETE.

Delete only the deadline rows:

DELETE `deadline` FROM `deadline` LEFT JOIN `job` ....

Delete the deadline and job rows:

DELETE `deadline`, `job` FROM `deadline` LEFT JOIN `job` ....

Delete only the job rows:

DELETE `job` FROM `deadline` LEFT JOIN `job` ....

What's the best way to parse a JSON response from the requests library?

You can use json.loads:

import json
import requests

response = requests.get(...)
json_data = json.loads(response.text)

This converts a given string into a dictionary which allows you to access your JSON data easily within your code.

Or you can use @Martijn's helpful suggestion, and the higher voted answer, response.json().

Lumen: get URL parameter in a Blade view

Laravel 5.6:

{{ Request::query('parameter') }}

How can I call a method in Objective-C?

Use this:

[self score]; you don't need @sel for calling directly

Make body have 100% of the browser height


<html style="width:100%; height:100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;">
<body style="overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;">

Python conversion between coordinates

There is a better way to write polar(), here it is:

def polar(x,y):
  `returns r, theta(degrees)`
  return math.hypot(x,y),math.degrees(math.atan2(y,x))

How to pull remote branch from somebody else's repo

The following is a nice expedient solution that works with GitHub for checking out the PR branch from another user's fork. You need to know the pull request ID (which GitHub displays along with the PR title).


Fixing your insecure code #8
alice wants to merge 1 commit into your_repo:master from her_repo:branch

git checkout -b <branch>
git pull origin pull/8/head

Substitute your remote if different from origin.
Substitute 8 with the correct pull request ID.

How to programmatically log out from Facebook SDK 3.0 without using Facebook login/logout button?

Session class has been removed on SDK 4.0. The login magement is done through the class LoginManager. So:

mLoginManager = LoginManager.getInstance();

As the reference Upgrading to SDK 4.0 says:

Session Removed - AccessToken, LoginManager and CallbackManager classes supercede and replace functionality in the Session class.

Converting Integers to Roman Numerals - Java

private static String toRoman(int n) {
    String[] romanNumerals = { "M",  "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L",  "X", "IX", "V", "I" };
    int[] romanNumeralNums = {  1000, 900, 500,  400 , 100,  90,  50,   10,    9,   5,   1 };
    String finalRomanNum = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < romanNumeralNums.length; i ++) {
            int currentNum = n /romanNumeralNums[i];
            if (currentNum==0) {

            for (int j = 0; j < currentNum; j++) {
                finalRomanNum +=romanNumerals[i];

            n = n%romanNumeralNums[i];
    return finalRomanNum;

How do I git rm a file without deleting it from disk?

I tried experimenting with the answers given. My personal finding came out to be:

git rm -r --cached .

And then

git add .

This seemed to make my working directory nice and clean. You can put your fileName in place of the dot.

Iframe transparent background

I've used this creating an IFrame through Javascript and it worked for me:

// IFrame points to the IFrame element, obviously
IFrame.src = 'about: blank'; = "transparent";
IFrame.frameBorder = "0";

Not sure if it makes any difference, but I set those properties before adding the IFrame to the DOM. After adding it to the DOM, I set its src to the real URL.

How could I use requests in asyncio?

To use requests (or any other blocking libraries) with asyncio, you can use BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor to run a function in another thread and yield from it to get the result. For example:

import asyncio
import requests

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    future1 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, '')
    future2 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, '')
    response1 = yield from future1
    response2 = yield from future2

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This will get both responses in parallel.

With python 3.5 you can use the new await/async syntax:

import asyncio
import requests

async def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    future1 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, '')
    future2 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, '')
    response1 = await future1
    response2 = await future2

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

See PEP0492 for more.

How to dismiss keyboard iOS programmatically when pressing return

Try to get an idea about what a first responder is in iOS view hierarchy. When your textfield becomes active(or first responder) when you touch inside it (or pass it the messasge becomeFirstResponder programmatically), it presents the keyboard. So to remove your textfield from being the first responder, you should pass the message resignFirstResponder to it there.

[textField resignFirstResponder];

And to hide the keyboard on its return button, you should implement its delegate method textFieldShouldReturn: and pass the resignFirstResponder message.

- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
    [textField resignFirstResponder];
    return YES;

Could someone explain this for me - for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

it's the same as think the next:

"starting with i = 0, while i is less than 8, and adding one to i at the end of the parenthesis, do the instructions between brackets"

It's also the same as:

while( i < 8 )
    // instrucctions like:

the For sentences is a basis of coding, and it's as useful as necessary its understanding.

It's the way to repeat n-times the same instrucction, or browse ( or do something with each element) an array

How to bind a List<string> to a DataGridView control?

The following should work as long as you're bound to anything that implements IEnumerable<string>. It will bind the column directly to the string itself, rather than to a Property Path of that string object.

<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding}" />

Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?

create a folder in main. like: 'res_notification_btn'

and create tree folder in. like 'drawable' or 'layout'

then in 'build.gradle' add this

                        srcDirs = ['src/main/res_notification_btn', 'src/main/res']
                        srcDir 'src/main/res_notification_btn'

What's the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript?

Check out this post, it gives a really nice code snippet for what to do when touch devices are detected or what to do if touchstart event is called:

  if(window.Touch) {
  } else {
    document.ontouchstart = touch_detect.surface;
}); // End loaded jQuery
var touch_detect = {
  auto_detected: function(event){
    /* add everything you want to do onLoad here (eg. activating hover controls) */
    alert('this was auto detected');
  surface: function(event){
    /* add everything you want to do ontouchstart here (eg. drag & drop) - you can fire this in both places */
    alert('this was detected by touching');
}; // touch_detect
function activateTouchArea(){
  /* make sure our screen doesn't scroll when we move the "touchable area" */
  var element = document.getElementById('element_id');
  element.addEventListener("touchstart", touchStart, false);
function touchStart(event) {
  /* modularize preventing the default behavior so we can use it again */

Calculating frames per second in a game

Here's how I do it (in Java):

private static long ONE_SECOND = 1000000L * 1000L; //1 second is 1000ms which is 1000000ns

LinkedList<Long> frames = new LinkedList<>(); //List of frames within 1 second

public int calcFPS(){
    long time = System.nanoTime(); //Current time in nano seconds
    frames.add(time); //Add this frame to the list
        long f = frames.getFirst(); //Look at the first element in frames
        if(time - f > ONE_SECOND){ //If it was more than 1 second ago
            frames.remove(); //Remove it from the list of frames
        } else break;
        /*If it was within 1 second we know that all other frames in the list
         * are also within 1 second
    return frames.size(); //Return the size of the list

Get input type="file" value when it has multiple files selected

You use input.files property. It's a collection of File objects and each file has a name property:

onmouseout="for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) alert(this.files[i].name);"

What's HTML character code 8203?

I have these characters show up in scripts where I do not desire them. I noticed because it ruins my HTML/CSS visual formatting : it makes a new text box.

Pretty sure a buggy editor is adding them... I suspect Komodo Edit for the Mac, in my case.

Excel Formula: Count cells where value is date

Here's my solution. If your cells will contain only dates or blanks, just compare it to another date. If the cell can be converted to date, it will be counted.

## Counts all the dates in column C

Caution, cells with numbers will be counted.

Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)?

Warning: Google Play violation

Google has threatened to remove apps from the Play Store if they use accessibility services for non-accessibility purposes. However, this is reportedly being reconsidered.

Use an AccessibilityService


  • Tested and working in Android 2.2 (API 8) through Android 7.1 (API 25).
  • Doesn't require polling.
  • Doesn't require the GET_TASKS permission.


  • Each user must enable the service in Android's accessibility settings.
  • This isn't 100% reliable. Occasionally the events come in out-of-order.
  • The service is always running.
  • When a user tries to enable the AccessibilityService, they can't press the OK button if an app has placed an overlay on the screen. Some apps that do this are Velis Auto Brightness and Lux. This can be confusing because the user might not know why they can't press the button or how to work around it.
  • The AccessibilityService won't know the current activity until the first change of activity.



public class WindowChangeDetectingService extends AccessibilityService {

    protected void onServiceConnected() {

        //Configure these here for compatibility with API 13 and below.
        AccessibilityServiceInfo config = new AccessibilityServiceInfo();
        config.eventTypes = AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED;
        config.feedbackType = AccessibilityServiceInfo.FEEDBACK_GENERIC;

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16)
            //Just in case this helps
            config.flags = AccessibilityServiceInfo.FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS;


    public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
        if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
            if (event.getPackageName() != null && event.getClassName() != null) {
                ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(

                ActivityInfo activityInfo = tryGetActivity(componentName);
                boolean isActivity = activityInfo != null;
                if (isActivity)
                    Log.i("CurrentActivity", componentName.flattenToShortString());

    private ActivityInfo tryGetActivity(ComponentName componentName) {
        try {
            return getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(componentName, 0);
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return null;

    public void onInterrupt() {}


Merge this into your manifest:

            <action android:name="android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService"/>

Service Info

Put this in res/xml/accessibilityservice.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- These options MUST be specified here in order for the events to be received on first
 start in Android 4.1.1 -->

Enabling the Service

Each user of the app will need to explicitly enable the AccessibilityService in order for it to be used. See this StackOverflow answer for how to do this.

Note that the user won't be able to press the OK button when trying to enable the accessibility service if an app has placed an overlay on the screen, such as Velis Auto Brightness or Lux.

Get today date in google appScript

Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+1", "dd/MM/yyyy")

You can change the format by doing swapping the values.

  • dd = day(31)
  • MM = Month(12) - Case sensitive
  • yyyy = Year(2017)
function changeDate() {
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(GA_CONFIG);
    // You could use now Date(); on its own but it will not look nice.
    var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+1", "dd/MM/yyyy")
    var endDate = date

Foreign key referencing a 2 columns primary key in SQL Server

The key is "the order of the column should be the same"


create Table A (
    A_ID char(3) primary key,
    A_name char(10) primary key,
    A_desc desc char(50)

create Table B (
    B_ID char(3) primary key,
    B_A_ID char(3),
    B_A_Name char(10),
    constraint [Fk_B_01] foreign key (B_A_ID,B_A_Name) references A(A_ID,A_Name)

the column order on table A should be --> A_ID then A_Name; defining the foreign key should follow the same order as well.

How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?

It does not work with xml:space="preserve"

so I did it the quickest way =>

I simply added a +" "+ where I needed it ...

String message_all_pairs_found = getString(R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1)+" "+total_flips+" "+getString(R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2);

Add SUM of values of two LISTS into new LIST

The easy way and fast way to do this is:

three = [sum(i) for i in zip(first,second)] # [7,9,11,13,15]

Alternatively, you can use numpy sum:

from numpy import sum
three = sum([first,second], axis=0) # array([7,9,11,13,15])

Disable single warning error

as @rampion mentioned, if you are in clang gcc, the warnings are by name, not number, and you'll need to do:

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
// ..your code..
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

this info comes from here

Phone validation regex

I tried :

^(1[ \-\+]{0,3}|\+1[ -\+]{0,3}|\+1|\+)?((\(\+?1-[2-9][0-9]{1,2}\))|(\(\+?[2-8][0-9][0-9]\))|(\(\+?[1-9][0-9]\))|(\(\+?[17]\))|(\([2-9][2-9]\))|([ \-\.]{0,3}[0-9]{2,4}))?([ \-\.][0-9])?([ \-\.]{0,3}[0-9]{2,4}){2,3}$

I took care of special country codes like 1-97... as well. Here are the numbers I tested against (from Puneet Lamba and MCattle):

***** PASS *****
1 800 555 1234
+1 800 555-1234
+86 800 555 1234
1 (800) 555-1234
(800) 555-1234
(+230) 5 911 4450
(1) 345 654 67
+1 245436
1-976 33567
(1-734) 5465654
+(230) 2 345 6568
(003) 555-1212
(103) 555-1212
(911) 555-1212
+1 800 555x1234
1 800 5555 1234
+867 800 555 1234
1 (800)  555-1234
86 800 555 1212

Originally posted here: Regular expression to match standard 10 digit phone number

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

System.Linq has ToList() on IQueryable<> and IEnumerable<>. It will cause a full pass through the data to put it into a list, though. You loose your deferred invoke when you do this. Not a big deal if it is the consumer of the data.

Greyscale Background Css Images

I know it's a really old question, but it's the first result on duckduckgo, so I wanted to share what I think it's a better and more modern solution.

You can use background-blend-mode property to achieve a greyscale image:

#something {
  background-color: #fff;
  background-image: url("yourimage");
  background-blend-mode: luminosity;

If you want to remove the effect, just change the blend-mode to initial.

You may need to play a little bit with the background-color if this element is over something with a background. What I've found is that the greyscale does not depend on the actual color but on the alpha value. So, if you have a blue background on the parent, set the same background on #something.

You can also use two images, one with color and the other without and set both as background and play with other blend modes.

It won't work on Edge though.

EDIT: I've miss the "fade" part of the question.

If you wan't to make it fade from/to grayscale, you can use a css transition on the background color changeing it's alpha value:

#something {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1);
  background-image: url("yourimage");
  background-blend-mode: luminosity;
  transition: background-color 1s ease-out;
#something:hover {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);

I'm also adding a codepen example for completeness

android layout with visibility GONE

                android:text="Previous Page"
                android:visibility="gone" />

layone is a TextView.
You got your id wrong.

LinearLayout layone= (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(;// change id here


should do the job.

or change like this to show the TextView:

TextView layone= (TextView) view.findViewById(;


Django CSRF check failing with an Ajax POST request

Real solution

Ok, I managed to trace the problem down. It lies in the Javascript (as I suggested below) code.

What you need is this:

     beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
         function getCookie(name) {
             var cookieValue = null;
             if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
                 var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
                 for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
                     var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
                     // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
                     if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
                         cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
             return cookieValue;
         if (!(/^http:.*/.test(settings.url) || /^https:.*/.test(settings.url))) {
             // Only send the token to relative URLs i.e. locally.
             xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));

instead of the code posted in the official docs:

The working code, comes from this Django entry:

So the general solution is: "use ajaxSetup handler instead of ajaxSend handler". I don't know why it works. But it works for me :)

Previous post (without answer)

I'm experiencing the same problem actually.

It occurs after updating to Django 1.2.5 - there were no errors with AJAX POST requests in Django 1.2.4 (AJAX wasn't protected in any way, but it worked just fine).

Just like OP, I have tried the JavaScript snippet posted in Django documentation. I'm using jQuery 1.5. I'm also using the "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware" middleware.

I tried to follow the the middleware code and I know that it fails on this:

request_csrf_token = request.META.get('HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN', '')

and then

if request_csrf_token != csrf_token:
    return self._reject(request, REASON_BAD_TOKEN)

this "if" is true, because "request_csrf_token" is empty.

Basically it means that the header is NOT set. So is there anything wrong with this JS line:

xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));


I hope that provided details will help us in resolving the issue :)

Change <br> height using CSS

Take a look at the line-height property. Trying to style the <br> tag is not the answer.


<p id="single-spaced">
<p id="double-spaced" style="line-height: 200%;">

How can I use/create dynamic template to compile dynamic Component with Angular 2.0?

If all you need as a way to parse a dynamic string and load components by their selectors, you may also find the ngx-dynamic-hooks library useful. I initially created this as part of a personal project but didn't see anything like it around, so I polished it up a bit and made it public.

Some tidbids:

  • You can load any components into a dynamic string by their selector (or any other pattern of your choice!)
  • Inputs and outputs can be se just like in a normal template
  • Components can be nested without restrictions
  • You can pass live data from the parent component into the dynamically loaded components (and even use it to bind inputs/outputs)
  • You can control which components can load in each outlet and even which inputs/outputs you can give them
  • The library uses Angular's built-in DOMSanitizer to be safe to use even with potentially unsafe input.

Notably, it does not rely on a runtime-compiler like some of the other responses here. Because of that, you can't use template syntax. On the flipside, this means it works in both JiT and AoT-modes as well as both Ivy and the old template engine, as well as being much more secure to use in general.

See it in action in this Stackblitz.

Rebuild or regenerate 'ic_launcher.png' from images in Android Studio

Click "File > New > Image Asset"

Asset Type -> Choose -> Image

Browse your image

Set the other properties

Press Next

You will see the 4 different pixel-sizes of your images for use as a launcher-icon

Press Finish !

How to use Fiddler to monitor WCF service

Fiddler listens to outbound requests rather than inbound requests so you're not going to be able to monitor all the requests coming in to your service by using Fiddler.

The best you're going to get with Fiddler is the ability to see all of the requests as they are generated by your Console App (assuming that the app generates web requests rather than using some other pipeline).

If you want a tool that is more powerful (but more difficult to use) that will allow you to monitor ALL incoming requests, you should check out WireShark.


I stand corrected. Thanks to Eric Law for posting the directions to configuring Fiddler to be a reverse proxy!

Text inset for UITextField?

A good approach to add padding to UITextField is to subclass UITextField and add an edgeInsets property. You then set the edgeInsets and the UITextField will be drawn accordingly. This will also function correctly with a custom leftView or rightView set.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface OSTextField : UITextField

@property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets;



#import "OSTextField.h"

@implementation OSTextField

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame{
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        self.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
    return self;

-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder{
    self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
        self.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
    return self;

- (CGRect)textRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
    return [super textRectForBounds:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(bounds, self.edgeInsets)];

- (CGRect)editingRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds {
    return [super editingRectForBounds:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(bounds, self.edgeInsets)];


Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

You need too loop through the array, remembering the smallest value you've seen so far. Like this:

int smallest = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
    if (array[i] < smallest) {
        smallest = array[i];

Using Helvetica Neue in a Website

I'd recommend this article on CSS Tricks by Chris Coyier entitled Better Helvetica:

He basically recommends the following declaration for covering all the bases:

body {
    font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; 
    font-weight: 300;

How can the Euclidean distance be calculated with NumPy?

You can easily use the formula

distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(a-b)))

which does actually nothing more than using Pythagoras' theorem to calculate the distance, by adding the squares of ?x, ?y and ?z and rooting the result.

keycode 13 is for which key

Keycode 13 means the Enter key.

If you would want to get more keycodes and what the key the key is, go to:

For Loop on Lua

Your problem is simple:

names = {'John', 'Joe', 'Steve'}
for names = 1, 3 do
  print (names)

This code first declares a global variable called names. Then, you start a for loop. The for loop declares a local variable that just happens to be called names too; the fact that a variable had previously been defined with names is entirely irrelevant. Any use of names inside the for loop will refer to the local one, not the global one.

The for loop says that the inner part of the loop will be called with names = 1, then names = 2, and finally names = 3. The for loop declares a counter that counts from the first number to the last, and it will call the inner code once for each value it counts.

What you actually wanted was something like this:

names = {'John', 'Joe', 'Steve'}
for nameCount = 1, 3 do
  print (names[nameCount])

The [] syntax is how you access the members of a Lua table. Lua tables map "keys" to "values". Your array automatically creates keys of integer type, which increase. So the key associated with "Joe" in the table is 2 (Lua indices always start at 1).

Therefore, you need a for loop that counts from 1 to 3, which you get. You use the count variable to access the element from the table.

However, this has a flaw. What happens if you remove one of the elements from the list?

names = {'John', 'Joe'}
for nameCount = 1, 3 do
  print (names[nameCount])

Now, we get John Joe nil, because attempting to access values from a table that don't exist results in nil. To prevent this, we need to count from 1 to the length of the table:

names = {'John', 'Joe'}
for nameCount = 1, #names do
  print (names[nameCount])

The # is the length operator. It works on tables and strings, returning the length of either. Now, no matter how large or small names gets, this will always work.

However, there is a more convenient way to iterate through an array of items:

names = {'John', 'Joe', 'Steve'}
for i, name in ipairs(names) do
  print (name)

ipairs is a Lua standard function that iterates over a list. This style of for loop, the iterator for loop, uses this kind of iterator function. The i value is the index of the entry in the array. The name value is the value at that index. So it basically does a lot of grunt work for you.

Custom CSS Scrollbar for Firefox

Firefox 64 adds support for the spec draft CSS Scrollbars Module Level 1, which adds two new properties of scrollbar-width and scrollbar-color which give some control over how scrollbars are displayed.

You can set scrollbar-color to one of the following values (descriptions from MDN):

  • auto Default platform rendering for the track portion of the scrollbar, in the absence of any other related scrollbar color properties.
  • dark Show a dark scrollbar, which can be either a dark variant of scrollbar provided by the platform, or a custom scrollbar with dark colors.
  • light Show a light scrollbar, which can be either a light variant of scrollbar provided by the platform, or a custom scrollbar with light colors.
  • <color> <color> Applies the first color to the scrollbar thumb, the second to the scrollbar track.

Note that dark and light values are not currently implemented in Firefox.

macOS notes:

The auto-hiding semi-transparent scrollbars that are the macOS default cannot be colored with this rule (they still choose their own contrasting color based on the background). Only the permanently showing scrollbars (System Preferences > Show Scroll Bars > Always) are colored.

Visual Demo:

.scroll {_x000D_
  width: 20%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid grey;_x000D_
  overflow: scroll;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
.scroll-color-auto {_x000D_
  scrollbar-color: auto;_x000D_
.scroll-color-dark {_x000D_
  scrollbar-color: dark;_x000D_
.scroll-color-light {_x000D_
  scrollbar-color: light;_x000D_
.scroll-color-colors {_x000D_
  scrollbar-color: orange lightyellow;_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-color-auto">_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-color-dark">_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-color-light">_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-color-colors">_x000D_

You can set scrollbar-width to one of the following values (descriptions from MDN):

  • auto The default scrollbar width for the platform.
  • thin A thin scrollbar width variant on platforms that provide that option, or a thinner scrollbar than the default platform scrollbar width.
  • none No scrollbar shown, however the element will still be scrollable.

You can also set a specific length value, according to the spec. Both thin and a specific length may not do anything on all platforms, and what exactly it does is platform-specific. In particular, Firefox doesn't appear to be currently support a specific length value (this comment on their bug tracker seems to confirm this). The thin keywork does appear to be well-supported however, with macOS and Windows support at-least.

It's probably worth noting that the length value option and the entire scrollbar-width property are being considered for removal in a future draft, and if that happens this particular property may be removed from Firefox in a future version.

Visual Demo:

.scroll {_x000D_
  width: 30%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid grey;_x000D_
  overflow: scroll;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
.scroll-width-auto {_x000D_
  scrollbar-width: auto;_x000D_
.scroll-width-thin {_x000D_
  scrollbar-width: thin;_x000D_
.scroll-width-none {_x000D_
  scrollbar-width: none;_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-width-auto">_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-width-thin">_x000D_
<div class="scroll scroll-width-none">_x000D_

Simple JavaScript Checkbox Validation

You can do something like this:

<form action="../" onsubmit="return checkCheckBoxes(this);">
    <p><input type="CHECKBOX" name="MyCheckbox" value="This..."> This...</p>
    <p><input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit!"></p>

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function checkCheckBoxes(theForm) {
    if (
    theForm.MyCheckbox.checked == false) 
        alert ('You didn\'t choose any of the checkboxes!');
        return false;
    } else {    
        return true;

Although less legible imho, this can be done without a separate function definition like this:

<form action="../" onsubmit="if (this.MyCheckbox.checked == false) { alert ('You didn\'t choose any of the checkboxes!'); return false; } else { return true; }">
    <p><input type="CHECKBOX" name="MyCheckbox" value="This..."> This...</p>
    <p><input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit!"></p>

ApiNotActivatedMapError for simple html page using google-places-api

I had the same error. To fix the error:

  1. Open the console menu Gallery Menu and select API Manager.
  2. On the left, click Credentials and then click New Credentials.
  3. Click Create Credentials.
  4. Click API KEY.
  5. Click Navigator Key (there are more options; It depends on when consumed).

You must use this new API Navigator Key, generated by the system.

How can I read inputs as numbers?

While in your example, int(input(...)) does the trick in any case, python-future's builtins.input is worth consideration since that makes sure your code works for both Python 2 and 3 and disables Python2's default behaviour of input trying to be "clever" about the input data type (builtins.input basically just behaves like raw_input).

How to have conditional elements and keep DRY with Facebook React's JSX?

You can conditionally include elements using the ternary operator like so:

render: function(){

         return <div id="page">

                  //conditional statement
                  {this.state.banner ? <div id="banner">{this.state.banner}</div> : null}

                  <div id="other-content">
                      blah blah blah...


Compare two objects in Java with possible null values

This is what Java internal code uses (on other compare methods):

public static boolean compare(String str1, String str2) {
    return (str1 == null ? str2 == null : str1.equals(str2));

Set form backcolor to custom color

If you want to set the form's back color to some arbitrary RGB value, you can do this:

this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 232, 232); // this should be pink-ish

React Hook Warnings for async function in useEffect: useEffect function must return a cleanup function or nothing


const MyFunctionnalComponent: React.FC = props => {_x000D_
  useEffect(() => {_x000D_
    // Using an IIFE_x000D_
    (async function anyNameFunction() {_x000D_
      await loadContent();_x000D_
  }, []);_x000D_
  return <div></div>;_x000D_

linux script to kill java process

if there are multiple java processes and you wish to kill them with one command try the below command

kill -9 $(ps -ef | pgrep -f "java")

replace "java" with any process string identifier , to kill anything else.

String comparison: InvariantCultureIgnoreCase vs OrdinalIgnoreCase?

If you really want to match only the dot, then StringComparison.Ordinal would be fastest, as there is no case-difference.

"Ordinal" doesn't use culture and/or casing rules that are not applicable anyway on a symbol like a ..

What's the best visual merge tool for Git?

My favorite visual merge tool is SourceGear DiffMerge

  • It is free.
  • Cross-platform (Windows, OS X, and Linux).
  • Clean visual UI
  • All diff features you'd expect (Diff, Merge, Folder Diff).
  • Command line interface.
  • Usable keyboard shortcuts.

User interface

force line break in html table cell

You could put the text into a div (or other container) with a width of 50%.

How to test the type of a thrown exception in Jest

I haven't tried it myself, but I would suggest using Jest's toThrow assertion. So I guess your example would look something like this:

it('should throw Error with message \'UNKNOWN ERROR\' when no parameters were passed', (t) => {
  const error = t.throws(() => {
  }, TypeError);

  expect(t).toThrowError('UNKNOWN ERROR');

Again, I haven't test it, but I think it should work.

Function return value in PowerShell

As a workaround I've been returning the last object in the array that you get back from the function... It is not a great solution, but it's better than nothing:

someFunction {
   $a = "hello"
   "Function is running"
   return $a

$b = someFunction
$b = $b[($b.count - 1)]  # Or
$b = $b[-1]              # Simpler

All in all, a more one-lineish way of writing the same thing could be:

$b = (someFunction $someParameter $andAnotherOne)[-1]

Convert to binary and keep leading zeros in Python

When using Python >= 3.6, the cleanest way is to use f-strings with string formatting:

>>> var = 23
>>> f"{var:#010b}"


  • var the variable to format
  • : everything after this is the format specifier
  • # use the alternative form (adds the 0b prefix)
  • 0 pad with zeros
  • 10 pad to a total length off 10 (this includes the 2 chars for 0b)
  • b use binary representation for the number

Calculate row means on subset of columns

Calculate row means on a subset of columns:

Create a new data.frame which specifies the first column from DF as an column called ID and calculates the mean of all the other fields on that row, and puts that into column entitled 'Means':

data.frame(ID=DF[,1], Means=rowMeans(DF[,-1]))
  ID    Means
1  A 3.666667
2  B 4.333333
3  C 3.333333
4  D 4.666667
5  E 4.333333

Why Maven uses JDK 1.6 but my java -version is 1.7

add the following to your ~/.mavenrc:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/{jdk-version}/Contents/Home

Second Solution:

echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" >> ~/.bash_profile

when exactly are we supposed to use "public static final String"?

The keyword final means that the value is constant(it cannot be changed). It is analogous to const in C.

And you can treat static as a global variable which has scope. It basically means if you change it for one object it will be changed for all just like a global variable(limited by scope).

Hope it helps.

An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmpName FROM [Employee] WHERE EmpID = @id", con))

put [] around table name ;)

Display a RecyclerView in Fragment

Make sure that you have the correct layout, and that the RecyclerView id is inside the layout. Otherwise, you will be getting this error. I had the same problem, then I noticed the layout was wrong.

    public class ColorsFragment extends Fragment {

         public ColorsFragment() {}

         public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
             Bundle savedInstanceState) {

==> make sure you are getting the correct layout here. R.layout...

             View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_colors, container, false); 

Git submodule push

A submodule is nothing but a clone of a git repo within another repo with some extra meta data (gitlink tree entry, .gitmodules file )

$ cd your_submodule
$ git checkout master
$ git commit -a -m "commit in submodule"
$ git push
$ cd ..
$ git add your_submodule
$ git commit -m "Updated submodule"

click() event is calling twice in jquery

Calling unbind solved my problem:

$("#btn").unbind("click").click(function() {
    // your code

JavaScript/jQuery - How to check if a string contain specific words

var str1 = "STACKOVERFLOW";_x000D_
var str2 = "OVER";_x000D_
if(str1.indexOf(str2) != -1){_x000D_
    console.log(str2 + " found");_x000D_

RSpec: how to test if a method was called?

it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
  expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")

Redirect parent window from an iframe action

@MIP is right, but with newer versions of Safari, you will need to add sandbox attribute(HTML5) to give redirect access to the iFrame. There are a few specific values that can be added with a space between them.

Reference(you will need to scroll):


<iframe sandbox="allow-top-navigation" src=""></iframe>

Local file access with JavaScript

UPDATE This feature is removed since Firefox 17 (see

On Firefox you (the programmer) can do this from within a JavaScript file:"UniversalBrowserRead");"UniversalBrowserWrite");

and you (the browser user) will be prompted to allow access. (for Firefox you just need to do this once every time the browser is started)

If the browser user is someone else, they have to grant permission.

Eliminating duplicate values based on only one column of the table

I solve such queries using this pattern:

WHERE t.field=(
  SELECT MAX(t.field) 
  FROM t AS t0 
  WHERE t.group_column1=t0.group_column1
    AND t.group_column2=t0.group_column2 ...)

That is it will select records where the value of a field is at its max value. To apply it to your query I used the common table expression so that I don't have to repeat the JOIN twice:

WITH site_history AS (
  SELECT sites.siteName, sites.siteIP,
  FROM sites
  JOIN history USING (siteName)
FROM site_history h
WHERE date=(
  SELECT MAX(date) 
  FROM site_history h0 
  WHERE h.siteName=h0.siteName)
ORDER BY siteName

It's important to note that it works only if the field we're calculating the maximum for is unique. In your example the date field should be unique for each siteName, that is if the IP can't be changed multiple times per millisecond. In my experience this is commonly the case otherwise you don't know which record is the newest anyway. If the history table has an unique index for (site, date), this query is also very fast, index range scan on the history table scanning just the first item can be used.

How can I convert String[] to ArrayList<String>

You can do something like

MyClass[] arr = myList.toArray(new MyClass[myList.size()]);

Linux shell script for database backup

Create a script similar to this:

#!/bin/sh -e

location=~/`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.db

mysqldump -u root --password=<your password> database_name > $location

gzip $location

Then you can edit the crontab of the user that the script is going to run as:

$> crontab -e

And append the entry

01 * * * * ~/

This will make it run on the first minute of every hour every day.

Then you just have to add in your rolls and other functionality and you are good to go.

how to fix EXE4J_JAVA_HOME, No JVM could be found on your system error?

Leave you stuff there and Try the following as well:

Start > Right-click on My computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables > look for variable name called "Path" in the lower box

set path value value as: (you can just add it to the starting of line, don't forgot semi column in between )

c:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin

What is the logic behind the "using" keyword in C++?

In C++11, the using keyword when used for type alias is identical to typedef.

A typedef-name can also be introduced by an alias-declaration. The identifier following the using keyword becomes a typedef-name and the optional attribute-specifier-seq following the identifier appertains to that typedef-name. It has the same semantics as if it were introduced by the typedef specifier. In particular, it does not define a new type and it shall not appear in the type-id.

Bjarne Stroustrup provides a practical example:

typedef void (*PFD)(double);    // C style typedef to make `PFD` a pointer to a function returning void and accepting double
using PF = void (*)(double);    // `using`-based equivalent of the typedef above
using P = [](double)->void; // using plus suffix return type, syntax error
using P = auto(double)->void // Fixed thanks to DyP

Pre-C++11, the using keyword can bring member functions into scope. In C++11, you can now do this for constructors (another Bjarne Stroustrup example):

class Derived : public Base { 
    using Base::f;    // lift Base's f into Derived's scope -- works in C++98
    void f(char);     // provide a new f 
    void f(int);      // prefer this f to Base::f(int) 

    using Base::Base; // lift Base constructors Derived's scope -- C++11 only
    Derived(char);    // provide a new constructor 
    Derived(int);     // prefer this constructor to Base::Base(int) 
    // ...

Ben Voight provides a pretty good reason behind the rationale of not introducing a new keyword or new syntax. The standard wants to avoid breaking old code as much as possible. This is why in proposal documents you will see sections like Impact on the Standard, Design decisions, and how they might affect older code. There are situations when a proposal seems like a really good idea but might not have traction because it would be too difficult to implement, too confusing, or would contradict old code.

Here is an old paper from 2003 n1449. The rationale seems to be related to templates. Warning: there may be typos due to copying over from PDF.

First let’s consider a toy example:

template <typename T>
class MyAlloc {/*...*/};

template <typename T, class A>
class MyVector {/*...*/};

template <typename T>

struct Vec {
typedef MyVector<T, MyAlloc<T> > type;
Vec<int>::type p; // sample usage

The fundamental problem with this idiom, and the main motivating fact for this proposal, is that the idiom causes the template parameters to appear in non-deducible context. That is, it will not be possible to call the function foo below without explicitly specifying template arguments.

template <typename T> void foo (Vec<T>::type&);

So, the syntax is somewhat ugly. We would rather avoid the nested ::type We’d prefer something like the following:

template <typename T>
using Vec = MyVector<T, MyAlloc<T> >; //defined in section 2 below
Vec<int> p; // sample usage

Note that we specifically avoid the term “typedef template” and introduce the new syntax involving the pair “using” and “=” to help avoid confusion: we are not defining any types here, we are introducing a synonym (i.e. alias) for an abstraction of a type-id (i.e. type expression) involving template parameters. If the template parameters are used in deducible contexts in the type expression then whenever the template alias is used to form a template-id, the values of the corresponding template parameters can be deduced – more on this will follow. In any case, it is now possible to write generic functions which operate on Vec<T> in deducible context, and the syntax is improved as well. For example we could rewrite foo as:

template <typename T> void foo (Vec<T>&);

We underscore here that one of the primary reasons for proposing template aliases was so that argument deduction and the call to foo(p) will succeed.

The follow-up paper n1489 explains why using instead of using typedef:

It has been suggested to (re)use the keyword typedef — as done in the paper [4] — to introduce template aliases:

template<class T> 
    typedef std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> > Vec;

That notation has the advantage of using a keyword already known to introduce a type alias. However, it also displays several disavantages among which the confusion of using a keyword known to introduce an alias for a type-name in a context where the alias does not designate a type, but a template; Vec is not an alias for a type, and should not be taken for a typedef-name. The name Vec is a name for the family std::vector< [bullet] , MyAllocator< [bullet] > > – where the bullet is a placeholder for a type-name. Consequently we do not propose the “typedef” syntax. On the other hand the sentence

template<class T>
    using Vec = std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >;

can be read/interpreted as: from now on, I’ll be using Vec<T> as a synonym for std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >. With that reading, the new syntax for aliasing seems reasonably logical.

I think the important distinction is made here, aliases instead of types. Another quote from the same document:

An alias-declaration is a declaration, and not a definition. An alias- declaration introduces a name into a declarative region as an alias for the type designated by the right-hand-side of the declaration. The core of this proposal concerns itself with type name aliases, but the notation can obviously be generalized to provide alternate spellings of namespace-aliasing or naming set of overloaded functions (see ? 2.3 for further discussion). [My note: That section discusses what that syntax can look like and reasons why it isn't part of the proposal.] It may be noted that the grammar production alias-declaration is acceptable anywhere a typedef declaration or a namespace-alias-definition is acceptable.

Summary, for the role of using:

  • template aliases (or template typedefs, the former is preferred namewise)
  • namespace aliases (i.e., namespace PO = boost::program_options and using PO = ... equivalent)
  • the document says A typedef declaration can be viewed as a special case of non-template alias-declaration. It's an aesthetic change, and is considered identical in this case.
  • bringing something into scope (for example, namespace std into the global scope), member functions, inheriting constructors

It cannot be used for:

int i;
using r = i; // compile-error

Instead do:

using r = decltype(i);

Naming a set of overloads.

// bring cos into scope
using std::cos;

// invalid syntax
using std::cos(double);

// not allowed, instead use Bjarne Stroustrup function pointer alias example
using test = std::cos(double);

Best practice multi language website

A really simple option that works with any website where you can upload Javascript is

It lets you put all text for all languages onto one page and then hides the languages the user doesn't need to see. Works well.

How do I remove the space between inline/inline-block elements?

Generally we use elements like this in different lines, but in case of display:inline-block using tags in same line will remove the space, but in a different line will not.

An example with tags in a different line:

p span {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  <span> Foo </span>_x000D_
  <span> Bar </span>_x000D_

Example with tags in same line

p span {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  <span> Foo </span><span> Bar </span>_x000D_

Another efficient method is a CSS job that is using font-size:0 to the parent element and give font-size to a child element as much as you want.

p {_x000D_
  font-size: 0;_x000D_
p span {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  font-size: 14px;_x000D_
  <span> Foo </span>_x000D_
  <span> Bar </span>_x000D_

The above methods may not work somewhere depending on the whole application, but the last method is a foolproof solution for this situation and can be used anywhere.

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

Can the screenshot or icon be transformed (scaled, rotated, skewed ...)? There are quite a few methods on top of my head that could possibly help you:

  • Simple euclidean distance as mentioned by @carlosdc (doesn't work with transformed images and you need a threshold).
  • (Normalized) Cross Correlation - a simple metrics which you can use for comparison of image areas. It's more robust than the simple euclidean distance but doesn't work on transformed images and you will again need a threshold.
  • Histogram comparison - if you use normalized histograms, this method works well and is not affected by affine transforms. The problem is determining the correct threshold. It is also very sensitive to color changes (brightness, contrast etc.). You can combine it with the previous two.
  • Detectors of salient points/areas - such as MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions), SURF or SIFT. These are very robust algorithms and they might be too complicated for your simple task. Good thing is that you do not have to have an exact area with only one icon, these detectors are powerful enough to find the right match. A nice evaluation of these methods is in this paper: Local invariant feature detectors: a survey.

Most of these are already implemented in OpenCV - see for example the cvMatchTemplate method (uses histogram matching): The salient point/area detectors are also available - see OpenCV Feature Detection.

How can I do a case insensitive string comparison?

Please use this for comparison:

string.Equals(a, b, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

Using Address Instead Of Longitude And Latitude With Google Maps API

var geocoder;
var map;
function initialize() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644);
var mapOptions = {
  zoom: 8,
  center: latlng
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions);

function codeAddress() {
var address = document.getElementById('address').value;
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
  if (status == 'OK') {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        map: map,
        position: results[0].geometry.location
  } else {
    alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);

<body onload="initialize()">
 <div id="map" style="width: 320px; height: 480px;"></div>
   <input id="address" type="textbox" value="Sydney, NSW">
   <input type="button" value="Encode" onclick="codeAddress()">

Or refer to the documentation

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

Yield: It is a hint (not guaranteed) to the scheduler that you have done enough and that some other thread of same priority might run and use the CPU.


Sleep: It blocks the execution of that particular thread for a given time.


std::string to float or double

If you don't want to drag in all of boost, go with strtod(3) from <cstdlib> - it already returns a double.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()  {
    std::string  num = "0.6";
    double temp = ::strtod(num.c_str(), 0);

    cout << num << " " << temp << endl;
    return 0;


$ g++ -o s
$ ./s
0.6 0.6

Why atof() doesn't work ... what platform/compiler are you on?

Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

In your example, performance probalby isn't too different but there are other issues to consider: namely memory fragmentation. Even concatenate operation is creating a new string, even if its temporary (it takes time to GC it and it's more work). String.format() is just more readable and it involves less fragmentation.

Also, if you're using a particular format a lot, don't forget you can use the Formatter() class directly (all String.format() does is instantiate a one use Formatter instance).

Also, something else you should be aware of: be careful of using substring(). For example:

String getSmallString() {
  String largeString = // load from file; say 2M in size
  return largeString.substring(100, 300);

That large string is still in memory because that's just how Java substrings work. A better version is:

  return new String(largeString.substring(100, 300));


  return String.format("%s", largeString.substring(100, 300));

The second form is probably more useful if you're doing other stuff at the same time.

How to get current working directory using vba?

Simple Example below:

Sub openPath()
Dim path As String
path = Application.ActivePresentation.path
Shell Environ("windir") & "\explorer.exe """ & path & "", vbNormalFocus
End Sub

JavaScript .replace only replaces first Match

textTitle.replace(/ /g, '%20');

how to send multiple data with $.ajax() jquery

you can use FormData

take look at my snippet from MVC

var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("ProfilePicture", $("#mydropzone")[0].files[0]);// getting value from form feleds 
d.append("id", @(((User) Session["User"]).ID));// getting value from session

    url: '@Url.Action("ChangeUserPicture", "User")',
    dataType: "json",
    data: fd,//here is your data
    processData: false,
    contentType: false,
    type: 'post',
    success: function(data) {},

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

This is the solution i found.

Configure DBContext via AddDbContext

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<BloggingContext>(options => options.UseSqlite("Data Source=blog.db"));

Add new constructor to your DBContext class

public class BloggingContext : DbContext
    public BloggingContext(DbContextOptions<BloggingContext> options)
    { }

    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }

Inject context to your controllers

public class MyController
    private readonly BloggingContext _context;

    public MyController(BloggingContext context)
      _context = context;


datetimepicker is not a function jquery

Place your scripts in this order:   

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- Optional theme -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

    <script src=""></script>   
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>

PopupWindow $BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid

try to show popup like this

new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable(){

    public void run() {
       popupWindow.showAtLocation(context.getWindow().getDecorView(), Gravity.CENTER,0,0);

}, 200L);

Copy text from nano editor to shell

First method

This method seems to work when the content doesn't include ?.

Install xsel or similar and assign a global shortcut key for this command in your WM or DE:

xsel -o | sed -r 's/^ ?[[:digit:]]+($| +)//g' | perl -pe 's/\n/?/g' | sed -r 's/??/\n\n/g; s/ ?? {1,}/ /g; s/?/\n/g' | xsel -b

Put this in your ~/.Xresources:

*selectToClipboard: false

Issue this in your xterm once to activate the above option:

xrdb -load ~/.Xresources

Now select the line(s) including the line numbers by pressing Shift while dragging the mouse. After the selection click your key combo; the line(s) are coppied and ready to be pasted anywhere you like.

Second method

Doesn't have the shortcoming of the first method.

Install xdotool and xsel or similar.

Put these two lines

Ctrl <Btn3Down>: select-start(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)
Ctrl <Btn3Up>: select-end(CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY)

in your ~/.Xresources like so:

*VT100*translations: #override \n\
    Alt <Key> 0xf6: exec-formatted("xdg-open '%t'", PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\                           
    Ctrl <Key>0x2bb: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\                              
    Alt <Key>0x2bb: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\                             
    Ctrl <Key> +:       larger-vt-font() \n\                                    
    Ctrl <Key> -:       smaller-vt-font() \n\
    Ctrl <Btn3Down>: select-start(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD) \n\
    Ctrl <Btn3Up>: select-end(CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY) 

Issue this in your xterm once to activate the above option:

xrdb -load ~/.Xresources

Create this scrip in your path:


filepid=$(xdotool getwindowpid $(xdotool getactivewindow))                   
file=$(ps -p "$filepid" o cmd | grep -o --color=never "/.*")                   

firstline=$(xsel -b)                                                         

sed -n ""$firstline","$lastline"p" "$file" | xsel -b

Assign a global shortcut key to call this script in your WM or DE.

Now when you want to copy a line (paragraph), select only the line number of that line (paragraph) by right mouse button while pressing Shift+Ctrl. After the selection click your custom global key combo you've created before. The line (paragraph) is coppied and ready to be pasted anywhere you like.

If you want to copy multiple lines, do the above for the first line and then for the last line of the range, instead of Shift+Ctrl+Btn3 (right mouse button), just select the number by left mouse button while pressing only Shift. After this, again call the script by your custom global shortcut. The range of lines are coppied and ready to pasted anywhere you like.

how to get program files x86 env variable?

On a Windows 64 bit machine, echo %programfiles(x86)% does print C:\Program Files (x86)

After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

Most generally (in case of jupyter not being in /local/bin) use,

which jupyter

Example output


to see the path for jupyter, then explicitly use that path with sudo

sudo ~/miniconda3/bin/jupyter 

How to fix Subversion lock error

I tried all suggestion from this thread but the only one that worked is:

  1. go to the folder on which the project locked folder is stored
  2. execute svn cleanup

Get first letter of a string from column

Cast the dtype of the col to str and you can perform vectorised slicing calling str:

In [29]:
df['new_col'] = df['First'].astype(str).str[0]

   First  Second new_col
0    123     234       1
1     22    4353       2
2     32     355       3
3    453     453       4
4     45     345       4
5    453     453       4
6     56      56       5

if you need to you can cast the dtype back again calling astype(int) on the column

How to download source in ZIP format from GitHub?

You can also publish a version release on Github, and there's an option to download the source code of that release in a zip file.

You can then share the zip file link to anyone to download the project source code.

MySQL maximum memory usage

in /etc/my.cnf:


performance_schema = 0

table_cache = 0
table_definition_cache = 0
max-connect-errors = 10000

query_cache_size = 0
query_cache_limit = 0


Good work on server with 256MB Memory.

How to get multiple counts with one SQL query?

Based on Bluefeet's accepted response with an added nuance using OVER():

SELECT distributor_id,
    COUNT(*) total,
    SUM(case when level = 'exec' then 1 else 0 end) OVER() ExecCount,
    SUM(case when level = 'personal' then 1 else 0 end) OVER () PersonalCount
FROM yourtable
GROUP BY distributor_id

Using OVER() with nothing in the () will give you the total count for the whole dataset.

How can I change my Cygwin home folder after installation?

Change your HOME environment variable.

on XP, its right-click My Computer >> Properties >> Advanced >> Environment Variables >> User Variables for >> [select variable HOME] >> edit

open cv error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cvtColor

2015-05-27-191152.jpg << Looking back at your image format, I occasionally confused between .png and .jpg and encountered the same error.

jQuery check if <input> exists and has a value

You could do:

if($('.input1').length && $('.input1').val().length)

length evaluates to false in a condition, when the value is 0.

Execution failed app:processDebugResources Android Studio

In my case, I cleaned the project (Menubar -> Build -> Clean Project) and then did the build again. It worked.

How to increase apache timeout directive in .htaccess?

Just in case this helps anyone else:

If you're going to be adding the TimeOut directive, and your website uses multiple vhosts (eg. one for port 80, one for port 443), then don't forget to add the directive to all of them!