Programs & Examples On #Tic tac toe

Tic Tac Toe is a popular exercise for beginning coders, as the finite resources and game mechanics can be easily grasped and represented in many ways. As it is a short game, it is possible to create an algorithm that never loses.

What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the "best move" for the AI?

Rank each of the squares with numeric scores. If a square is taken, move on to the next choice (sorted in descending order by rank). You're going to need to choose a strategy (there are two main ones for going first and three (I think) for second). Technically, you could just program all of the strategies and then choose one at random. That would make for a less predictable opponent.

Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over

you can use a magic square if any row, column, or diag adds up to 15 then a player has won.

XPath: How to select elements based on their value?

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and .="Data"]

The reason why I add this answer is that I want to explain the relationship of . and text() .

The first thing is when using [], there are only two types of data:

  1. [number] to select a node from node-set
  2. [bool] to filter a node-set from node-set

In this case, the value is evaluated to boolean by function boolean(), and there is a rule:

Filters are always evaluated with respect to a context.

When you need to compare text() or . with a string "Data", it first uses string() function to transform those to string type, than gets a boolean result.

There are two important rule about string():

  1. The string() function converts a node-set to a string by returning the string value of the first node in the node-set, which in some instances may yield unexpected results.

    text() is relative path that return a node-set contains all the text node of current node(context node), like ["Data"]. When it is evaluated by string(["Data"]), it will return the first node of node-set, so you get "Data" only when there is only one text node in the node-set.

  2. If you want the string() function to concatenate all child text, you must then pass a single node instead of a node-set.

    For example, we get a node-set ['a', 'b'], you can pass there parent node to string(parent), this will return 'ab', and of cause string(.) in you case will return an concatenated string "Data".

Both way will get same result only when there is a text node.

How to disable an input box using angular.js

You need to use ng-disabled directive

<input data-ng-model="userInf.username" 
       class="span12 editEmail" 
       placeholder="[email protected]" 
       ng-disabled="<expression to disable>" />

Are arrays passed by value or passed by reference in Java?

Arrays are in fact objects, so a reference is passed (the reference itself is passed by value, confused yet?). Quick example:

// assuming you allocated the list
public void addItem(Integer[] list, int item) {
    list[1] = item;

You will see the changes to the list from the calling code. However you can't change the reference itself, since it's passed by value:

// assuming you allocated the list
public void changeArray(Integer[] list) {
    list = null;

If you pass a non-null list, it won't be null by the time the method returns.

How to hash a string into 8 digits?

Raymond's answer is great for python2 (though, you don't need the abs() nor the parens around 10 ** 8). However, for python3, there are important caveats. First, you'll need to make sure you are passing an encoded string. These days, in most circumstances, it's probably also better to shy away from sha-1 and use something like sha-256, instead. So, the hashlib approach would be:

>>> import hashlib
>>> s = 'your string'
>>> int(hashlib.sha256(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % 10**8

If you want to use the hash() function instead, the important caveat is that, unlike in Python 2.x, in Python 3.x, the result of hash() will only be consistent within a process, not across python invocations. See here:

$ python -V
Python 2.7.5
$ python -c 'print(hash("foo"))'
$ python -c 'print(hash("foo"))'

$ python3 -V
Python 3.4.2
$ python3 -c 'print(hash("foo"))'
$ python3 -c 'print(hash("foo"))'

This means the hash()-based solution suggested, which can be shortened to just:

hash(s) % 10**8

will only return the same value within a given script run:

#Python 2:
$ python2 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)'
$ python2 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)'

#Python 3:
$ python3 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)'
$ python3 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)'

So, depending on if this matters in your application (it did in mine), you'll probably want to stick to the hashlib-based approach.

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

#use chrome webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome('path to /chromedriver')

How can you speed up Eclipse?

There is another thing that really speeds up Eclipse on both Windows and especially Linux - putting the JVM in RAM disk.

For Windows you can use the commercial RAM disk driver from Qsoft.

For Linux use any of the methods described in numerous articles on the Internet. It is important to give additional space to the RAM disk that is 10% bigger than the size of the JVM.

Check it out. It really makes a difference.

What is a practical, real world example of the Linked List?

Look at Linked List as a data structure. It's mechanism to represent self-aggregation in OOD. And you may think of it as real world object (for some people it is reality)

jQuery append text inside of an existing paragraph tag

Try this


ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError Explained

I had this sort of error in Ionic3 (which uses Angular 4 as part of it's technology stack).

For me it was doing this:

<ion-icon [name]="getFavIconName()"></ion-icon>

So I was trying to conditionally change the type of an ion-icon from a pin to a remove-circle, per a mode a screen was operating on.

I'm guessing I'll have to add an *ngIf instead.

Prevent nginx 504 Gateway timeout using PHP set_time_limit()

Since you're using php-fpm you should take advantage of fastcgi_finish_request() for processing requests you know can take longer.

Regex - Should hyphens be escaped?

Typically you would always put the hyphen first in the [] match section. EG, to match any alphanumeric character including hyphens (written the long way), you would use [-a-zA-Z0-9]

Dilemma: when to use Fragments vs Activities:

Why I prefer Fragment over Activity in ALL CASES.

  • Activity is expensive. In Fragment, views and property states are separated - whenever a fragment is in backstack, its views will be destroyed. So you can stack much more Fragments than Activity.

  • Backstack manipulation. With FragmentManager, it's easy to clear all the Fragments, insert more than on Fragments and etcs. But for Activity, it will be a nightmare to manipulate those stuff.

  • A much predictable lifecycle. As long as the host Activity is not recycled. the Fragments in the backstack will not be recycled. So it's possible to use FragmentManager::getFragments() to find specific Fragment (not encouraged).

How do I use MySQL through XAMPP?

if(!@mysql_connect('', 'root', '*your default password*'))
    echo "mysql not connected ".mysql_error();

echo 'great work';

if no error then you will get greatwork as output.

Try it saved my life XD XD

Remove the legend on a matplotlib figure

I made a legend by adding it to the figure, not to an axis (matplotlib 2.2.2). To remove it, I set the legends attribute of the figure to an empty list:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()

ax1.plot(range(10), range(10, 20), label='line 1')
ax2.plot(range(10), range(30, 20, -1), label='line 2')


fig.legends = []

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

take a list of string as like

List<string> colValListForValidation = new List<string>();

and match string before the task. it will help you bcz all merge cells will have same value

Cannot find mysql.sock

I got the exact path using:

netstat -ln | grep -o -m 1 -E '\S*mysqld?\.sock'

Since this only returns the path and doesn't require any input you could potentially use it in a shell script.

MySQL must be currently running on your machine for this to work. Works for MariaDB too.

How can I use std::maps with user-defined types as key?

class key
    int m_value;
    bool operator<(const key& src)const
        return (this->m_value < src.m_value);

int main()
    key key1;
    key key2;
    map<key,int> mymap;
    map<key,int>::iterator iter=mymap.begin();


'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

You should use an Android emulator with the same api level as the compileSdkVersion. In your case you should use Android emulator with api level 21.

Select columns in PySpark dataframe

The method select accepts a list of column names (string) or expressions (Column) as a parameter. To select columns you can use:

-- column names (strings):'col_1','col_2','col_3')

-- column objects:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F'col_1'), F.col('col_2'), F.col('col_3'))

# or, df.col_2, df.col_3)

# or['col_1'], df['col_2'], df['col_3'])

-- a list of column names or column objects:*['col_1','col_2','col_3'])

#or*[F.col('col_1'), F.col('col_2'), F.col('col_3')])

#or*[df.col_1, df.col_2, df.col_3])

The star operator * can be omitted as it's used to keep it consistent with other functions like drop that don't accept a list as a parameter.

How to create a dump with Oracle PL/SQL Developer?

Just as an update this can be done by using Toad 9 also.Goto Database>Export>Data Pump Export wizard.At the desitination directory window if you dont find any directory in the dropdown,then you probably have to create a directory object.

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY data_pmp_dir_test AS '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pmp_dir_test'; 

See this for an example.

Call a Class From another class

Suposse you have


public class Class1 {
    //Your class code above


public class Class2 {

and then you can use Class2 in different ways.

Class Field

public class Class1{
    private Class2 class2 = new Class2();

Method field

public class Class1 {
    public void loginAs(String username, String password)
         Class2 class2 = new Class2();
         //your actual code

Static methods from Class2 Imagine this is your class2.

public class Class2 {
     public static void doSomething(){

from class1 you can use doSomething from Class2 whenever you want

public class Class1 {
    public void loginAs(String username, String password)
         //your actual code

How do you connect to a MySQL database using Oracle SQL Developer?

Under Tools > Preferences > Databases there is a third party JDBC driver path that must be setup. Once the driver path is setup a separate 'MySQL' tab should appear on the New Connections dialog.

Note: This is the same jdbc connector that is available as a JAR download from the MySQL website.

What exactly is Apache Camel?

Yes, this is probably a bit late. But one thing to add to everyone else's comments is that, Camel is actually a toolbox rather than a complete set of features. You should bear this in mind when developing and need to do various transformations and protocol conversions.

Camel itself relies on other frameworks and therefore sometimes you need to understand those as well in order to understand which is best suited for your needs. There are for example multiple ways to handle REST. This can get a bit confusing at first, but once you starting using and testing you will feel at ease and your knowledge of the different concepts will increase.

Best equivalent VisualStudio IDE for Mac to program .NET/C#

Coming from someone who has tried a number of "C# IDEs" on the Mac, your best bet is to install a virtual desktop with Windows and Visual Studio. It really is the best development IDE out there for .NET, nothing even comes close.

On a related note: I hate XCode.

Update: Use Xamarin Studio. It's solid.

Angular 2 'component' is not a known element

I had the same problem with Angular CLI: 10.1.5 The code works fine, but the error was shown in the VScode v1.50

Resolved by killing the terminal (ng serve) and restarting VScode.

How to get rows count of internal table in abap?

I don't think there is a SAP parameter for that kind of result. Though the code below will deliver.

LOOP AT intTab.

  AT END OF value.

    result = sy-tabix.

    write result.  



Yum fails with - There are no enabled repos.

ok, so my problem was that I tried to install the package with yum which is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPM software packages from official Red Hat software repositories, as well as other third-party repositories.

But I'm using ubuntu and The usual way to install packages on the command line in Ubuntu is with apt-get. so the right command was:

sudo apt-get install libstdc++.i686

Python - Get path of root project structure

I decided for myself as follows.
Need to get the path to 'MyProject/drivers' from the main file.

+--- RootPackge/
¦    +--
¦    +--
¦    +--
+--- drivers/
¦    +-- geckodriver.exe
+-- requirements.txt
Put not in the root of the project, but in the root of the main package

from pathlib import Path

ROOT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent


# imports must be relative,
# not from the root of the project,
# but from the root of the main package.
# Not this way:
# from RootPackge.definitions import ROOT_DIR
# But like this:
from definitions import ROOT_DIR

# Here we use ROOT_DIR
# get path to MyProject/drivers
drivers_dir = ROOT_DIR / 'drivers'
# Thus, you can get the path to any directory
# or file from the project root

driver = webdriver.Firefox(drivers_dir)

Then PYTHON_PATH will not be used to access the '' file.

Works in PyCharm:
run file '' (ctrl + shift + F10 in Windows)

Works in CLI from project root:

$ py RootPackge/

Works in CLI from RootPackge:

$ cd RootPackge
$ py

Works from directories above project:

$ cd ../../../../
$ py MyWork/PythoProjects/MyProject/RootPackge/

Works from anywhere if you give an absolute path to the main file.
Doesn't depend on venv.

Calling a JSON API with Node.js

I'm using get-json very simple to use:

$ npm install get-json --save

Import get-json

var getJSON = require('get-json')

To do a GET request you would do something like:

getJSON('', function(error, response){

Time complexity of accessing a Python dict

As others have pointed out, accessing dicts in Python is fast. They are probably the best-oiled data structure in the language, given their central role. The problem lies elsewhere.

How many tuples are you memoizing? Have you considered the memory footprint? Perhaps you are spending all your time in the memory allocator or paging memory.

angular2 submit form by pressing enter without submit button

Maybe you add keypress or keydown to the input fields and assign the event to function that will do the submit when enter is clicked.

Your template would look like this

    <form (keydown)="keyDownFunction($event)">
      <input type="text" />

And you function inside the your class would look like this

    keyDownFunction(event) {
      if (event.keyCode === 13) {
        alert('you just pressed the enter key');
        // rest of your code

How can two strings be concatenated?

Another way:

sprintf("%s you can add other static strings here %s",string1,string2)

It sometimes useful than paste() function. %s denotes the place where the subjective strings will be included.

Note that this will come in handy as you try to build a path:

sprintf("/%s", paste("this", "is", "a", "path", sep="/"))



How do I set cell value to Date and apply default Excel date format?

This code sample can be used to change date format. Here I want to change from yyyy-MM-dd to dd-MM-yyyy. Here pos is position of column.

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

class Test{ 
public static void main( String[] args )
String input="D:\\somefolder\\somefile.xlsx";
String output="D:\\somefolder\\someoutfile.xlsx"
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(input));
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Iterator<Row> iterator = sheet.iterator();
Cell cell = null;
Row row=null;;
int pos=5; // 5th column is date.

    //CellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
    XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = (XSSFCellStyle)cell.getCellStyle();
    CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date d=null;
    try {
        d= sdf.parse(cell.getStringCellValue());
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

FileOutputStream outFile =new FileOutputStream(new File(output));

Importing PNG files into Numpy?

Using a (very) commonly used package is prefered:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im = plt.imread('image.png')

CSS show div background image on top of other contained elements

How about making the <div id="mainWrapperDivWithBGImage"> as three divs, where the two outside divs hold the rounded corners images, and the middle div simply has a background-color to match the rounded corner images. Then you could simply place the other elements inside the middle div, or:

#outside_left{width:10px; float:left;}
#outside_right{width:10px; float:right;}
#middle{background-color:#color of rnd_crnrs_foo.gif; float:left;}



<div id="mainWrapperDivWithBGImage">
  <div id="outside_left><img src="rnd_crnrs_left.gif" /></div>
  <div id="middle">
    <div id="another_div"><img src="foo.gif" /></div>
  <div id="outside_right><img src="rnd_crnrs_right.gif" /></div>

You may have to do position:relative; and such.

How to configure CORS in a Spring Boot + Spring Security application?

Spring Security can now leverage Spring MVC CORS support described in this blog post I wrote.

To make it work, you need to explicitly enable CORS support at Spring Security level as following, otherwise CORS enabled requests may be blocked by Spring Security before reaching Spring MVC.

If you are using controller level @CrossOrigin annotations, you just have to enable Spring Security CORS support and it will leverage Spring MVC configuration:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

If you prefer using CORS global configuration, you can declare a CorsConfigurationSource bean as following:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() {
        UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
        source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", new CorsConfiguration().applyPermitDefaultValues());
        return source;

This approach supersedes the filter-based approach previously recommended.

You can find more details in the dedicated CORS section of Spring Security documentation.

Detect Close windows event by jQuery

You can use:

$(window).unload(function() {
    //do something

Unload() is deprecated in jQuery version 1.8, so if you use jQuery > 1.8 you can use even beforeunload instead.

The beforeunload event fires whenever the user leaves your page for any reason.

$(window).on("beforeunload", function() { 
    return confirm("Do you really want to close?"); 

Source Browser window close event

jQuery .load() call doesn't execute JavaScript in loaded HTML file

I realize this is somewhat of an older post, but for anyone that comes to this page looking for a similar solution...

jQuery.getScript( url, [ success(data, textStatus) ] )
  • url - A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.

  • success(data, textStatus) - A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.

$.getScript('ajax/test.js', function() {
  alert('Load was performed.');

MySQL - UPDATE multiple rows with different values in one query

You can do it this way:

UPDATE table_users
    SET cod_user = (case when user_role = 'student' then '622057'
                         when user_role = 'assistant' then '2913659'
                         when user_role = 'admin' then '6160230'
        date = '12082014'
    WHERE user_role in ('student', 'assistant', 'admin') AND
          cod_office = '17389551';

I don't understand your date format. Dates should be stored in the database using native date and time types.

Environment variables in Jenkins

The quick and dirty way, you can view the available environment variables from the below link.


Just replace localhost with your Jenkins hostname, if its different

Commit history on remote repository

I don't believe this is possible. I believe you have to clone that remote repo locally and perform git fetch on it before you can issue a git log against it.

How do I install and use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in my .NET 3.5 web applications?

If you are using MasterPages and Content pages in your app - you also have the option of putting the ScriptManager on the Masterpage and then every ContentPage that uses that MasterPage will NOT need a script manager added. If you need some of the special configurations of the ScriptManager - like javascript file references - you can use a ScriptManagerProxy control on the content page that needs it.

What do the return values of Comparable.compareTo mean in Java?

It can be used for sorting, and 0 means "equal" while -1, and 1 means "less" and "more (greater)".

Any return value that is less than 0 means that left operand is lesser, and if value is bigger than 0 then left operand is bigger.

Jenkins restrict view of jobs per user

You can install "Extended Read Permission" plug-in. Then in either "Global Settings" or in individual job configuration, you can give the user "Extended Read" permission.

Calling a PHP function from an HTML form in the same file

This cannot be done in the fashion you are talking about. PHP is server-side while the form exists on the client-side. You will need to look into using JavaScript and/or Ajax if you don't want to refresh the page.


<form action="javascript:void(0);" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="user" placeholder="enter a text" />
    <input type="submit" value="submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
        var str = $(this).serialize();
        $.ajax('getResult.php', str, function(result){
            alert(result); // The result variable will contain any text echoed by getResult.php

It will call getResult.php and pass the serialized form to it so the PHP can read those values. Anything getResult.php echos will be returned to the JavaScript function in the result variable back on test.php and (in this case) shown in an alert box.


    echo "The name you typed is: " . $_REQUEST['user'];


This example uses jQuery, a third-party JavaScript wrapper. I suggest you first develop a better understanding of how these web technologies work together before complicating things for yourself further.

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

What if your program does not know upfront how much memory to allocate (hence you cannot use stack variables). Say linked lists, the lists can grow without knowing upfront what is its size. So allocating on a heap makes sense for a linked list when you are not aware of how many elements would be inserted into it.

favicon.png vs favicon.ico - why should I use PNG instead of ICO?

The theoretical advantage of *.ico files is that they are containers than can hold more than one icon. You could for instance store an image with alpha channel and a 16 colour version for legacy systems, or you could add 32x32 and 48x48 icons (which would show up when e.g. dragging a link to Windows explorer).

This good idea, however, tends to clash with browser implementations.

How to handle change text of span

Found the solution here

Lets say you have span1 as <span id='span1'>my text</span>
text change events can be captured with:

         // text change handler


What does the regex \S mean in JavaScript?

\s matches whitespace (spaces, tabs and new lines). \S is negated \s.

python ignore certificate validation urllib2

According to @Enno Gröper 's post, I've tried the SSLContext constructor and it works well on my machine. code as below:

import ssl
ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
urllib2.urlopen("https://your-test-server.local", context=ctx)

if you need opener, just added this context like:

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx))

NOTE: all above test environment is python 2.7.12. I use PROTOCOL_SSLv23 here since the doc says so, other protocol might also works but depends on your machine and remote server, please check the doc for detail.

Creating an instance of class

   /* 1 */ Foo* foo1 = new Foo ();

Creates an object of type Foo in dynamic memory. foo1 points to it. Normally, you wouldn't use raw pointers in C++, but rather a smart pointer. If Foo was a POD-type, this would perform value-initialization (it doesn't apply here).

   /* 2 */ Foo* foo2 = new Foo;

Identical to before, because Foo is not a POD type.

   /* 3 */ Foo foo3;

Creates a Foo object called foo3 in automatic storage.

   /* 4 */ Foo foo4 = Foo::Foo();

Uses copy-initialization to create a Foo object called foo4 in automatic storage.

   /* 5 */ Bar* bar1 = new Bar ( *new Foo() );

Uses Bar's conversion constructor to create an object of type Bar in dynamic storage. bar1 is a pointer to it.

   /* 6 */ Bar* bar2 = new Bar ( *new Foo );

Same as before.

   /* 7 */ Bar* bar3 = new Bar ( Foo foo5 );

This is just invalid syntax. You can't declare a variable there.

   /* 8 */ Bar* bar3 = new Bar ( Foo::Foo() );

Would work and work by the same principle to 5 and 6 if bar3 wasn't declared on in 7.

5 & 6 contain memory leaks.

Syntax like new Bar ( Foo::Foo() ); is not usual. It's usually new Bar ( (Foo()) ); - extra parenthesis account for most-vexing parse. (corrected)

What's the u prefix in a Python string?

You're right, see 3.1.3. Unicode Strings.

It's been the syntax since Python 2.0.

Python 3 made them redundant, as the default string type is Unicode. Versions 3.0 through 3.2 removed them, but they were re-added in 3.3+ for compatibility with Python 2 to aide the 2 to 3 transition.

Completely cancel a rebase

You are lucky that you didn't complete the rebase, so you can still do git rebase --abort. If you had completed the rebase (it rewrites history), things would have been much more complex. Consider tagging the tips of branches before doing potentially damaging operations (particularly history rewriting), that way you can rewind if something blows up.

How to get current user in core

I have to say I was quite surprised that HttpContext is null inside the constructor. I'm sure it's for performance reasons. Have confirmed that using IPrincipal as described below does get it injected into the constructor. Its essentially doing the same as the accepted answer, but in a more interfacey-way.

For anyone finding this question looking for an answer to the generic "How to get current user?" you can just access User directly from Controller.User. But you can only do this inside action methods (I assume because controllers don't only run with HttpContexts and for performance reasons).

However - if you need it in the constructor (as OP did) or need to create other injectable objects that need the current user then the below is a better approach:

Inject IPrincipal to get user

First meet IPrincipal and IIdentity

public interface IPrincipal
    IIdentity Identity { get; }
    bool IsInRole(string role);

public interface IIdentity
    string AuthenticationType { get; }
    bool IsAuthenticated { get; }
    string Name { get; }

IPrincipal and IIdentity represents the user and username. Wikipedia will comfort you if 'Principal' sounds odd.

Important to realize that whether you get it from IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User, ControllerBase.User or ControllerBase.HttpContext.User you're getting an object that is guaranteed to be a ClaimsPrincipal object which implements IPrincipal.

There's no other type of User that ASP.NET uses for User right now, (but that's not to say other something else couldn't implement IPrincipal).

So if you have something which has a dependency of 'the current user name' that you want injected you should be injecting IPrincipal and definitely not IHttpContextAccessor.

Important: Don't waste time injecting IPrincipal directly to your controller, or action method - it's pointless since User is available to you there already.

In startup.cs:

   // Inject IPrincipal
   services.AddTransient<IPrincipal>(provider => provider.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext.User);

Then in your DI object that needs the user you just inject IPrincipal to get the current user.

The most important thing here is if you're doing unit tests you don't need to send in an HttpContext, but only need to mock something that represents IPrincipal which can just be ClaimsPrincipal.

One extra important thing that I'm not 100% sure about. If you need to access the actual claims from ClaimsPrincipal you need to cast IPrincipal to ClaimsPrincipal. This is fine since we know 100% that at runtime it's of that type (since that's what HttpContext.User is). I actually like to just do this in the constructor since I already know for sure any IPrincipal will be a ClaimsPrincipal.

If you're doing mocking, just create a ClaimsPrincipal directly and pass it to whatever takes IPrincipal.

Exactly why there is no interface for IClaimsPrincipal I'm not sure. I assume MS decided that ClaimsPrincipal was just a specialized 'collection' that didn't warrant an interface.

How to make a boolean variable switch between true and false every time a method is invoked?

var logged_in = false;
logged_in = !logged_in;

A little example:

var logged_in = false;_x000D_
$("#enable").click(function() {_x000D_
    logged_in = !logged_in;_x000D_
function checkLogin(){_x000D_
    if (logged_in)_x000D_
    $("#id_test").text($("#id_test").text()+', '+logged_in);_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
    font-size: 16px;_x000D_
    width: 100000px_x000D_
    color: #000;_x000D_
    font-size: 26px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="test" id="id_test">Some Content...</div>_x000D_
<div style="display: none" id="id_test">Some Other Content...</div>_x000D_
    <button id="enable">Edit</button>_x000D_

WebAPI to Return XML

You should simply return your object, and shouldn't be concerned about whether its XML or JSON. It is the client responsibility to request JSON or XML from the web api. For example, If you make a call using Internet explorer then the default format requested will be Json and the Web API will return Json. But if you make the request through google chrome, the default request format is XML and you will get XML back.

If you make a request using Fiddler then you can specify the Accept header to be either Json or XML.

Accept: application/xml

You may wanna see this article: Content Negotiation in ASP.NET MVC4 Web API Beta – Part 1

EDIT: based on your edited question with code:

Simple return list of string, instead of converting it to XML. try it using Fiddler.

public List<string> Get(int tenantID, string dataType, string ActionName)
       List<string> SQLResult = MyWebSite_DataProvidor.DB.spReturnXMLData("SELECT * FROM vwContactListing FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS").ToList();
       return SQLResult;

For example if your list is like:

List<string> list = new List<string>();
return list;

and you specify Accept: application/xml the output will be:

<ArrayOfstring xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

and if you specify 'Accept: application/json' in the request then the output will be:


So let the client request the content type, instead of you sending the customized xml.

Appending a vector to a vector

std::copy (b.begin(), b.end(), std::back_inserter(a));

This can be used in case the items in vector a have no assignment operator (e.g. const member).

In all other cases this solution is ineffiecent compared to the above insert solution.

Why can't I use switch statement on a String?

JEP 354: Switch Expressions (Preview) in JDK-13 and JEP 361: Switch Expressions (Standard) in JDK-14 will extend the switch statement so it can be used as an expression.

Now you can:

  • directly assign variable from switch expression,
  • use new form of switch label (case L ->):

    The code to the right of a "case L ->" switch label is restricted to be an expression, a block, or (for convenience) a throw statement.

  • use multiple constants per case, separated by commas,
  • and also there are no more value breaks:

    To yield a value from a switch expression, the break with value statement is dropped in favor of a yield statement.

So the demo from the answers (1, 2) might look like this:

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    switch (args[0]) {
      case "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday" ->  System.out.println("boring");
      case "Thursday" -> System.out.println("getting better");
      case "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" -> System.out.println("much better");

change PATH permanently on Ubuntu

Assuming you want to add this path for all users on the system, add the following line to your /etc/profile.d/ (and possibly play.csh, etc):

export PATH

How to compare only Date without Time in DateTime types in Linq to SQL with Entity Framework?

In your join or where clause, use the Date property of the column. Behind the scenes, this executes a CONVERT(DATE, <expression>) operation. This should allow you to compare dates without the time.

Convert unsigned int to signed int C

Since converting unsigned values use to represent positive numbers converting it can be done by setting the most significant bit to 0. Therefore a program will not interpret that as a Two`s complement value. One caveat is that this will lose information for numbers that near max of the unsigned type.

template <typename TUnsigned, typename TSinged>
TSinged UnsignedToSigned(TUnsigned val)
    return val & ~(1 << ((sizeof(TUnsigned) * 8) - 1));

Hide a EditText & make it visible by clicking a menu

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setContentView(R.layout.waist2height); {
        final EditText edit = (EditText)findViewById(;          
        final RadioButton rb1 = (RadioButton) findViewById(;
        final RadioButton rb2 = (RadioButton) findViewById(;                       
        else if(rb2.isChecked()){               

How do you remove columns from a data.frame?

Sometimes I like to do this using column ids instead.

df <- data.frame(a=rnorm(100),

1         a
2         b
3         c
4         d
5         e
6         f
7         g 

Removing columns "c" and "g"


This is especially useful if you have data.frames that are large or have long column names that you don't want to type. Or column names that follow a pattern, because then you can use seq() to remove.

RE: Your edit

You don't necessarily have to put "" around a string, nor "," to create a character vector. I find this little trick handy:

x <- unlist(strsplit(

How do I remove the horizontal scrollbar in a div?

I had been having issues where I was using

overflow: none;

But I knew CSS didn't really like it and it didn’t work 100% for how I wanted it to.

However, this is a perfect solution as none of my content is supposed to be larger than intended and this has fixed the issue I had.

overflow: auto;

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

check this code:

CREATE TRIGGER trig_Update_Employee ON [EmployeeResult] FOR INSERT AS Begin   
    Insert into Employee (Name, Department)  
    Select Distinct i.Name, i.Department   
        from Inserted i
        Left Join Employee e on i.Name = e.Name and i.Department = e.Department
        where e.Name is null

Select a row from html table and send values onclick of a button

You can access the first element adding the following code to the highlight function

$(this).find(".selected td:first").html()

Working Code:JSFIDDLE

Java ArrayList how to add elements at the beginning


import java.util.List;

 * @author Ciccotta Andrea on 06/11/2020.
public class CollectionUtils {

     * It models the prepend O(1), used against the common append/add O(n)
     * @param head first element of the list
     * @param body rest of the elements of the list
     * @return new list (with different memory-reference) made by [head, ...body]
    public static <E> List<Object> prepend(final E head, List<E> final body){
        return Lists.asList(head, body.toArray());

     * it models the typed version of prepend(E head, List<E> body)
     * @param type the array into which the elements of this list are to be stored
    public static <E> List<E> prepend(final E head, List<E> body, final E[] type){
        return Lists.asList(head, body.toArray(type));

Spring Boot Remove Whitelabel Error Page

You can remove it completely by specifying:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.error.ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration;
@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration.class})
public static MainApp { ... }

However, do note that doing so will probably cause servlet container's whitelabel pages to show up instead :)

EDIT: Another way to do this is via application.yaml. Just put in the value:

    exclude: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.error.ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration


For Spring Boot < 2.0, the class is located in package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.

How to set a value for a span using jQuery

You're looking for the wrong selector id:


should be


Running JAR file on Windows 10

How do I run an executable JAR file? If you have a jar file called Example.jar, follow these rules:

Open a notepad.exe.
Write : java -jar Example.jar.
Save it with the extension .bat.
Copy it to the directory which has the .jar file.
Double click it to run your .jar file.

How can I recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible?

Using touchstart or touchend alone is not a good solution, because if you scroll the page, the device detects it as touch or tap too. So, the best way to detect a tap and click event at the same time is to just detect the touch events which are not moving the screen (scrolling). So to do this, just add this code to your application:

$(document).on('touchstart', function() {
    detectTap = true; // Detects all touch events
$(document).on('touchmove', function() {
    detectTap = false; // Excludes the scroll events from touch events
$(document).on('click touchend', function(event) {
    if (event.type == "click") detectTap = true; // Detects click events
       if (detectTap){
          // Here you can write the function or codes you want to execute on tap


I tested it and it works fine for me on iPad and iPhone. It detects tap and can distinguish tap and touch scroll easily.

Angular get object from array by Id

getDimensions(id) {
    var obj = questions.filter(function(node) {

    return obj;   

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?

On 2013-05-10, Guido agreed to accept PEP 435 into the Python 3.4 standard library. This means that Python finally has builtin support for enumerations!

There is a backport available for Python 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4. It's on Pypi as enum34.


>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class Color(Enum):
...     red = 1
...     green = 2
...     blue = 3


>>> print(
>>> print(repr(
< 1>


>>> for color in Color:
...   print(color)

Programmatic access:

>>> Color(1)
>>> Color['blue']

For more information, refer to the proposal. Official documentation will probably follow soon.

How may I reference the script tag that loaded the currently-executing script?

Consider this algorithm. When your script loads (if there are multiple identical scripts), look through document.scripts, find the first script with the correct "src" attribute, and save it and mark it as 'visited' with a data-attribute or unique className.

When the next script loads, scan through document.scripts again, passing over any script already marked as visited. Take the first unvisited instance of that script.

This assumes that identical scripts will likely execute in the order in which they are loaded, from head to body, from top to bottom, from synchronous to asynchronous.

(function () {
  var scripts = document.scripts;

  // Scan for this data-* attribute
  var dataAttr = 'data-your-attribute-here';

  var i = 0;
  var script;
  while (i < scripts.length) {
    script = scripts[i];
    if (/your_script_here\.js/i.test(script.src)
        && !script.hasAttribute(dataAttr)) {

        // A good match will break the loop before
        // script is set to null.

    // If we exit the loop through a while condition failure,
    // a check for null will reveal there are no matches.
    script = null;

   * This specific your_script_here.js script tag.
   * @type {Element|Node}
  var yourScriptVariable = null;

  // Mark the script an pass it on.
  if (script) {
    script.setAttribute(dataAttr, '');
    yourScriptVariable = script;

This will scan through all the script for the first matching script that isn't marked with the special attribute.

Then mark that node, if found, with a data-attribute so subsequent scans won't choose it. This is similar to graph traversal BFS and DFS algorithms where nodes may be marked as 'visited' to prevent revisitng.

Play multiple CSS animations at the same time

In case anyone new is coming along and catching this thread, you can specify multiple animations--each with their own properties--with a comma.


animation: rotate 1s, spin 3s;

Developing C# on Linux

You can also install it using conda (tested on Ubuntu):

conda create --name csharp
conda activate csharp
conda install -c conda-forge mono

Split string on the first white space occurrence

I needed a slightly different result.

I wanted the first word, and what ever came after it - even if it was blank.

str.substr(0, text.indexOf(' ') == -1 ? text.length : text.indexOf(' '));
str.substr(text.indexOf(' ') == -1 ? text.length : text.indexOf(' ') + 1);

so if the input is oneword you get oneword and ''.

If the input is one word and some more you get one and word and some more.

Permission denied (publickey) when SSH Access to Amazon EC2 instance

i had same error but different situation. to me it happened out of the blue after a lot of time i could ssh successfully to my remote computer out there. after a lot of searching the solution to my problem were file permissions. it is strange of course because i didn't change any permissions in my computer or the remote one belonging to the ssh's files/directories. so from the good archlinux wiki here it is:

For the local machine do this:

$ chmod 700 ~/
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa

For the remote machine do that:

$ chmod 700 ~/
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

after that my ssh started to working again without the permission denied (publickey) thing.

What's the difference between Unicode and UTF-8?

Let's start from keeping in mind that data is stored as bytes; Unicode is a character set where characters are mapped to code points (unique integers), and we need something to translate these code points data into bytes. That's where UTF-8 comes in so called encoding – simple!

Why would one omit the close tag?

It isn't a tag…

But if you have it, you risk having white space after it.

If you then use it as an include at the top of a document, you could end up inserting white space (i.e. content) before you attempt to send HTTP headers … which isn't allowed.

What should I do if the current ASP.NET session is null?

ASP.NET Technical Articles

SUMMARY: In ASP.NET, every Web page derives from the System.Web.UI.Page class. The Page class aggregates an instance of the HttpSession object for session data. The Page class exposes different events and methods for customization. In particular, the OnInit method is used to set the initialize state of the Page object. If the request does not have the Session cookie, a new Session cookie will be issued to the requester.


Session: A Concept for Beginners

SUMMARY: Session is created when user sends a first request to the server for any page in the web application, the application creates the Session and sends the Session ID back to the user with the response and is stored in the client machine as a small cookie. So ideally the "machine that has disabled the cookies, session information will not be stored".

How to append data to div using JavaScript?

Try this:

var div = document.getElementById('divID');

div.innerHTML += 'Extra stuff';

ASP.Net Download file to client browser

Try changing it to.

 Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.Name);
 Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
 Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

CSS Layout - Dynamic width DIV

This will do what you want. Fixed sides with 50px-width, and the content fills the remaining area.

<div style="width:100%;">
    <div style="width: 50px; float: left;">Left Side</div>
    <div style="width: 50px; float: right;">Right Side</div>
    <div style="margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px;">Content Goes Here</div>

C: What is the difference between ++i and i++?

i++: In this scenario first the value is assigned and then increment happens.

++i: In this scenario first the increment is done and then value is assigned

Below is the image visualization and also here is a nice practical video which demonstrates the same.

enter image description here

What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

Let's break down the full URL that a client would type into their address bar to reach your servlet:

The parts are:

  1. scheme: http
  2. hostname:
  3. port: 80
  4. context path: awesome-application
  5. servlet path: path/to/servlet
  6. path info: path/info
  7. query: a=1&b=2
  8. fragment: boo

The request URI (returned by getRequestURI) corresponds to parts 4, 5 and 6.

(incidentally, even though you're not asking for this, the method getRequestURL would give you parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).


  • part 4 (the context path) is used to select your particular application out of many other applications that may be running in the server
  • part 5 (the servlet path) is used to select a particular servlet out of many other servlets that may be bundled in your application's WAR
  • part 6 (the path info) is interpreted by your servlet's logic (e.g. it may point to some resource controlled by your servlet).
  • part 7 (the query) is also made available to your servlet using getQueryString
  • part 8 (the fragment) is not even sent to the server and is relevant and known only to the client

The following always holds (except for URL encoding differences):

requestURI = contextPath + servletPath + pathInfo

The following example from the Servlet 3.0 specification is very helpful:

Note: image follows, I don't have the time to recreate in HTML:

enter image description here

Cache busting via params

Hope this should help you to inject external JS file

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var cachebuster = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); 
document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="external.js?cb=' +cachebuster+'"></scr' + 'ipt>');

Source - Cachebuster code in JavaScript

How can I show figures separately in matplotlib?

Perhaps you need to read about interactive usage of Matplotlib. However, if you are going to build an app, you should be using the API and embedding the figures in the windows of your chosen GUI toolkit (see examples/, etc).

Place a button right aligned

Another possibility is to use an absolute positioning oriented to the right. You can do it this way:

style="position: absolute; right: 0;"

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

Imagine the .js files are placed in /my-site/some/path/ui/js/myfile.js

So normally the script tag would look like:

<script src="/my-site/some/path/ui/js/myfile.js"></script>

Now change that to:

<script src="/my-site/some/path/ui-1111111111/js/myfile.js"></script>

Now of course that will not work. To make it work you need to add one or a few lines to your .htaccess The important line is: (entire .htaccess at the bottom)

RewriteRule ^my-site\/(.*)\/ui\-([0-9]+)\/(.*) my-site/$1/ui/$3 [L]

So what this does is, it kind of removes the 1111111111 from the path and links to the correct path.

So now if you make changes you just have to change the number 1111111111 to whatever number you want. And however you include your files you can set that number via a timestamp when the js-file has last been modified. So cache will work normally if the number does not change. If it changes it will serve the new file (YES ALWAYS) because the browser get's a complete new URL and just believes that file is so new he must go get it.

You can use this for CSS, favicons and what ever gets cached. For CSS just use like so

<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

And it will work! Simple to update, simple to maintain.

The promised full .htaccess

If you have no .htaccess yet this is the minimum you need to have there:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    RewriteRule ^my-site\/(.*)\/ui\-([0-9]+)\/(.*) my-site/$1/ui/$3 [L]

Error Installing Homebrew - Brew Command Not Found

This was just happening to me, but none of the suggestions above worked. I changed directories ("cd ~/tmp") and suddenly the command

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

worked for me. Prior to changing directories I had been in a directory that is a Git repository. Perhaps that was interfering with the ruby and Git commands in the Brew install script.

What are the differences and similarities between ffmpeg, libav, and avconv?

Confusing messages

These messages are rather misleading and understandably a source of confusion. Older Ubuntu versions used Libav which is a fork of the FFmpeg project. FFmpeg returned in Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet".

The fork was basically a non-amicable result of conflicting personalities and development styles within the FFmpeg community. It is worth noting that the maintainer for Debian/Ubuntu switched from FFmpeg to Libav on his own accord due to being involved with the Libav fork.

The real ffmpeg vs the fake one

For a while both Libav and FFmpeg separately developed their own version of ffmpeg.

Libav then renamed their bizarro ffmpeg to avconv to distance themselves from the FFmpeg project. During the transition period the "not developed anymore" message was displayed to tell users to start using avconv instead of their counterfeit version of ffmpeg. This confused users into thinking that FFmpeg (the project) is dead, which is not true. A bad choice of words, but I can't imagine Libav not expecting such a response by general users.

This message was removed upstream when the fake "ffmpeg" was finally removed from the Libav source, but, depending on your version, it can still show up in Ubuntu because the Libav source Ubuntu uses is from the ffmpeg-to-avconv transition period.

In June 2012, the message was re-worded for the package libav - 4:0.8.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1. Unfortunately the new "deprecated" message has caused additional user confusion.

Starting with Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet", FFmpeg's ffmpeg is back in the repositories again.

libav vs Libav

To further complicate matters, Libav chose a name that was historically used by FFmpeg to refer to its libraries (libavcodec, libavformat, etc). For example the libav-user mailing list, for questions and discussions about using the FFmpeg libraries, is unrelated to the Libav project.

How to tell the difference

If you are using avconv then you are using Libav. If you are using ffmpeg you could be using FFmpeg or Libav. Refer to the first line in the console output to tell the difference: the copyright notice will either mention FFmpeg or Libav.

Secondly, the version numbering schemes differ. Each of the FFmpeg or Libav libraries contains a version.h header which shows a version number. FFmpeg will end in three digits, such as 57.67.100, and Libav will end in one digit such as 57.67.0. You can also view the library version numbers by running ffmpeg or avconv and viewing the console output.

If you want to use the real ffmpeg

Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" or newer

The real ffmpeg is in the repository, so you can install it with:

apt-get install ffmpeg

For older Ubuntu versions

Your options are:

These methods are non-intrusive, reversible, and will not interfere with the system or any repository packages.

Another possible option is to upgrade to Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" or newer and just use ffmpeg from the repository.

Also see

For an interesting blog article on the situation, as well as a discussion about the main technical differences between the projects, see The FFmpeg/Libav situation.

How to get the previous url using PHP

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is the answer

How do I purge a linux mail box with huge number of emails?

If you're using cyrus/sasl/imap on your mailserver, then one fast and efficient way to purge everything in a mailbox that is older then number of days specified is to use cyrus/imap ipurge command. For example, here is an example removing everything (be carefull!!), older then 30 days from user vleo. Notice, that you must be logged in as cyrus (imap mail administrator) user:

[cyrus@mailserver ~]$ /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ipurge -f -d 30 user.vleo Working on user.vleo... total messages 4 total bytes 113183 Deleted messages 0 Deleted bytes 0 Remaining messages 4 Remaining bytes 113183

jQuery checkbox onChange

There is a typo error :

$('#activelist :checkbox')...

Should be :


CSV in Python adding an extra carriage return, on Windows

In Python 3 (I haven't tried this in Python 2), you can also simply do

with open('output.csv','w',newline='') as f:

as per documentation.

More on this in the doc's footnote:

If newline='' is not specified, newlines embedded inside quoted fields will not be interpreted correctly, and on platforms that use \r\n linendings on write an extra \r will be added. It should always be safe to specify newline='', since the csv module does its own (universal) newline handling.

PHP compare time

To see of the curent time is greater or equal to 14:08:10 do this:

if (time() >= strtotime("14:08:10")) {
  echo "ok";

Depending on your input sources, make sure to account for timezone.

See PHP time() and PHP strtotime()

How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it

check this is useful for you...

public void setCustomTitle (View customTitleView)

you get detail from following link.

Dialog alert = new Dialog(this);
    TextView msg = (TextView)alert.findViewById(;
    msg.setText("Hello Friends.\nIP address :");;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >

    android:text="Set IP address"
    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />

    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />

enter image description here

Java Garbage Collection Log messages

  1. PSYoungGen refers to the garbage collector in use for the minor collection. PS stands for Parallel Scavenge.
  2. The first set of numbers are the before/after sizes of the young generation and the second set are for the entire heap. (Diagnosing a Garbage Collection problem details the format)
  3. The name indicates the generation and collector in question, the second set are for the entire heap.

An example of an associated full GC also shows the collectors used for the old and permanent generations:

3.757: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 2672K->0K(35584K)] 
            [ParOldGen: 3225K->5735K(43712K)] 5898K->5735K(79296K) 
            [PSPermGen: 13533K->13516K(27584K)], 0.0860402 secs]

Finally, breaking down one line of your example log output:

8109.128: [GC [PSYoungGen: 109884K->14201K(139904K)] 691015K->595332K(1119040K), 0.0454530 secs]
  • 107Mb used before GC, 14Mb used after GC, max young generation size 137Mb
  • 675Mb heap used before GC, 581Mb heap used after GC, 1Gb max heap size
  • minor GC occurred 8109.128 seconds since the start of the JVM and took 0.04 seconds

Facebook Graph API, how to get users email?

will give you info about the currently logged-in user, but you'll need to supply an oauth token. See:

When to use <span> instead <p>?

p {
    float: left;
    margin: 0;

No spacing will be around, it looks similar to span.

IsNull function in DB2 SQL?

I'm not familiar with DB2, but have you tried COALESCE?


SELECT Product.ID, COALESCE(product.Name, "Internal") AS ProductName
FROM Product

Dynamic constant assignment

Because constants in Ruby aren't meant to be changed, Ruby discourages you from assigning to them in parts of code which might get executed more than once, such as inside methods.

Under normal circumstances, you should define the constant inside the class itself:

class MyClass
  MY_CONSTANT = "foo"

MyClass::MY_CONSTANT #=> "foo"

If for some reason though you really do need to define a constant inside a method (perhaps for some type of metaprogramming), you can use const_set:

class MyClass
  def my_method
    self.class.const_set(:MY_CONSTANT, "foo")

#=> NameError: uninitialized constant MyClass::MY_CONSTANT
MyClass::MY_CONSTANT #=> "foo"

Again though, const_set isn't something you should really have to resort to under normal circumstances. If you're not sure whether you really want to be assigning to constants this way, you may want to consider one of the following alternatives:

Class variables

Class variables behave like constants in many ways. They are properties on a class, and they are accessible in subclasses of the class they are defined on.

The difference is that class variables are meant to be modifiable, and can therefore be assigned to inside methods with no issue.

class MyClass
  def self.my_class_variable
  def my_method
    @@my_class_variable = "foo"
class SubClass < MyClass

#=> NameError: uninitialized class variable @@my_class_variable in MyClass
#=> NameError: uninitialized class variable @@my_class_variable in MyClass
MyClass.my_class_variable #=> "foo"
SubClass.my_class_variable #=> "foo"

Class attributes

Class attributes are a sort of "instance variable on a class". They behave a bit like class variables, except that their values are not shared with subclasses.

class MyClass
  class << self
    attr_accessor :my_class_attribute
  def my_method
    self.class.my_class_attribute = "blah"
class SubClass < MyClass

MyClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
MyClass.my_class_attribute #=> "blah"
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> nil
SubClass.my_class_attribute #=> "blah"

Instance variables

And just for completeness I should probably mention: if you need to assign a value which can only be determined after your class has been instantiated, there's a good chance you might actually be looking for a plain old instance variable.

class MyClass
  attr_accessor :instance_variable
  def my_method
    @instance_variable = "blah"

my_object =
my_object.instance_variable #=> nil
my_object.instance_variable #=> "blah" #=> nil

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

If you already have the document created with plenty of code snippets in it and you are racing against time (as I unfortunately was). Save the file as a .doc as opposed to .docx and voila! Worked for me. Phew!

NOTE: Obviously your document can't have fancy features from > word 2007.

NOTE 2: File size becomes bigger if this is a concern to you.

Recursive directory listing in DOS

dir /s /b /a:d>output.txt will port it to a text file

Multiline text in JLabel

It is possible to use (basic) CSS in the HTML.

This question was linked from Multiline JLabels - Java.

How to check if a value exists in an object using JavaScript

You can use Object.values():

The Object.values() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).

and then use the indexOf() method:

The indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.

For example:

Object.values(obj).indexOf("test`") >= 0

A more verbose example is below:

var obj = {_x000D_
  "a": "test1",_x000D_
  "b": "test2"_x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test1")); // 0_x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test2")); // 1_x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test1") >= 0); // true_x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test2") >= 0); // true _x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test10")); // -1_x000D_
console.log(Object.values(obj).indexOf("test10") >= 0); // false

Deleting multiple columns based on column names in Pandas

df = df[[col for col in df.columns if not ('Unnamed' in col)]]

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5

UPDATE: This is a hack and it's not working anymore on IOS 4.X and above. This one worked on IOS 3.2.X.

It's not true. Apple doesn't want to autoplay video and audio on IPad because of the high amout of traffic you can use on mobile networks. I wouldn't use autoplay for online content. For Offline HTML sites it's a great feature and thats what I've used it for.

Here is a "javascript fake click" solution:

Copy & Pasted Code from the site:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        function fakeClick(fn) {
            var $a = $('<a href="#" id="fakeClick"></a>');
                $a.bind("click", function(e) {


            var evt, 
                el = $("#fakeClick").get(0);

            if (document.createEvent) {
                evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                if (evt.initMouseEvent) {
                    evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);


        $(function() {
            var video = $("#someVideo").get(0);

            fakeClick(function() {


This is not my source. I've found this some time ago and tested the code on an IPad and IPhone with IOS 3.2.X.

Mapping composite keys using EF code first

For Mapping Composite primary key using Entity framework we can use two approaches.

1) By Overriding the OnModelCreating() Method

For ex: I have the model class named VehicleFeature as shown below.

public class VehicleFeature
    public int VehicleId { get; set; }
    public int FeatureId{get;set;}
    public Vehicle Vehicle{get;set;}
    public Feature Feature{get;set;}

The Code in my DBContext would be like ,

public class VegaDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Make> Makes{get;set;}

    public DbSet<Feature> Features{get;set;}
    public VegaDbContext(DbContextOptions<VegaDbContext> options):base(options)        

    // we override the OnModelCreating method here.
    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<VehicleFeature>().HasKey(vf=> new {vf.VehicleId, vf.FeatureId});

2) By Data Annotations.

public class VehicleFeature
    public int VehicleId { get; set; }
    public int FeatureId{get;set;}
    public Vehicle Vehicle{get;set;}
    public Feature Feature{get;set;}

Please refer the below links for the more information.


2) How to add a composite unique key using EF 6 Fluent Api?

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


Microsoft now provides Microsoft.Data.Sqlite as a first-party SQLite solution for .NET, which is provided as part of ASP.NET Core. The license is the Apache License, Version 2.0.

* Disclaimer: I have not actually tried using this myself yet, but there is some documentation provided on Microsoft Docs here for using it with .NET Core and UWP.

html tables & inline styles

This should do the trick:

<table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="50" height="40" valign="top" rowspan="3">
      <img alt="" src="" width="40" height="40" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="350" height="40" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<a href="" style="color: #D31145; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">LAST FIRST</a><br>
REALTOR | P 123.456.789
    <td width="350" height="70" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<img alt="" src="" width="200" height="60" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="350" height="20" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;">
all your minor text here | all your minor text here | all your minor text here

UPDATE: Adjusted code per the comments:

After viewing your jsFiddle, an important thing to note about tables is that table cell widths in each additional row all have to be the same width as the first, and all cells must add to the total width of your table.

Here is an example that will NOT WORK:

<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="200" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="400" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;
    <td width="300" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="300" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;

Although the 2nd row does add up to 600, it (and any additional rows) must have the same 200-400 split as the first row, unless you are using colspans. If you use a colspan, you could have one row, but it needs to have the same width as the cells it is spanning, so this works:

<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="200" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="400" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;
    <td width="600" colspan="2" bgcolor="#353535">&nbsp;

Not a full tutorial, but I hope that helps steer you in the right direction in the future.

Here is the code you are after:

<table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="57" height="43" valign="top" rowspan="2">
      <img alt="Rashel Adragna" src="" width="47" height="43" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="843" height="43" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<a href="" style="color: #D31145; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">RASHEL ADRAGNA</a><br>
REALTOR | P 855.900.24KW
    <td width="843" height="64" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<img alt="Zopa Realty Group logo" src="" width="177" height="54" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="843" colspan="2" height="20" valign="bottom" align="center" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;">
all your minor text here | all your minor text here | all your minor text here

You'll note that I've added an extra 10px to some of your table cells. This in combination with align/valigns act as padding between your cells. It is a clever way to aviod actually having to add padding, margins or empty padding cells.

How do I print out the contents of an object in Rails for easy debugging?

.inspect is what you're looking for, it's way easier IMO than .to_yaml!

user = = "will" = "[email protected]"

#<name: "will", email: "[email protected]">

javascript regex - look behind alternative?

EDIT: From ECMAScript 2018 onwards, lookbehind assertions (even unbounded) are supported natively.

In previous versions, you can do this:


This does explicitly what the lookbehind expression is doing implicitly: check each character of the string if the lookbehind expression plus the regex after it will not match, and only then allow that character to match.

^                 # Start of string
(?:               # Try to match the following:
 (?!              # First assert that we can't match the following:
  filename\.js    # filename.js 
  $               # and end-of-string
 )                # End of negative lookahead
 .                # Match any character
)*                # Repeat as needed
\.js              # Match .js
$                 # End of string

Another edit:

It pains me to say (especially since this answer has been upvoted so much) that there is a far easier way to accomplish this goal. There is no need to check the lookahead at every character:


works just as well:

^                 # Start of string
(?!               # Assert that we can't match the following:
 .*               # any string, 
  filename\.js    # followed by filename.js
  $               # and end-of-string
)                 # End of negative lookahead
.*                # Match any string
\.js              # Match .js
$                 # End of string

How can I select random files from a directory in bash?

This is an even later response to @gniourf_gniourf's late answer, which I just upvoted because it's by far the best answer, twice over. (Once for avoiding eval and once for safe filename handling.)

But it took me a few minutes to untangle the "not very well documented" feature(s) this answer uses. If your Bash skills are solid enough that you saw immediately how it works, then skip this comment. But I didn't, and having untangled it I think it's worth explaining.

Feature #1 is the shell's own file globbing. a=(*) creates an array, $a, whose members are the files in the current directory. Bash understands all the weirdnesses of filenames, so that list is guaranteed correct, guaranteed escaped, etc. No need to worry about properly parsing textual file names returned by ls.

Feature #2 is Bash parameter expansions for arrays, one nested within another. This starts with ${#ARRAY[@]}, which expands to the length of $ARRAY.

That expansion is then used to subscript the array. The standard way to find a random number between 1 and N is to take the value of random number modulo N. We want a random number between 0 and the length of our array. Here's the approach, broken into two lines for clarity's sake:


But this solution does it in a single line, removing the unnecessary variable assignment.

Feature #3 is Bash brace expansion, although I have to confess I don't entirely understand it. Brace expansion is used, for instance, to generate a list of 25 files named filename1.txt, filename2.txt, etc: echo "filename"{1..25}".txt".

The expression inside the subshell above, "${a[RANDOM%${#a[@]}]"{1..42}"}", uses that trick to produce 42 separate expansions. The brace expansion places a single digit in between the ] and the }, which at first I thought was subscripting the array, but if so it would be preceded by a colon. (It would also have returned 42 consecutive items from a random spot in the array, which is not at all the same thing as returning 42 random items from the array.) I think it's just making the shell run the expansion 42 times, thereby returning 42 random items from the array. (But if someone can explain it more fully, I'd love to hear it.)

The reason N has to be hardcoded (to 42) is that brace expansion happens before variable expansion.

Finally, here's Feature #4, if you want to do this recursively for a directory hierarchy:

shopt -s globstar
a=( ** )

This turns on a shell option that causes ** to match recursively. Now your $a array contains every file in the entire hierarchy.

To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android

If your TextView has fixed width, alternative solution can be to create a View which will look like an underline and position it right below your TextView.




Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes

Try a lookaround like (?!\"),(?!\"). This should match , that are not surrounded by ".

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

This was in response to your other question, that looks like it's been deleted....the point still stands.

Looks like a classic Unicode to ASCII issue. The trick would be to find where it's happening.

.NET works fine with Unicode, assuming it's told it's Unicode to begin with (or left at the default).

My guess is that your receiving app can't handle it. So, I'd probably use the ASCIIEncoder with an EncoderReplacementFallback with String.Empty:

using System.Text;

string inputString = GetInput();
var encoder = ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoder();
encoder.Fallback = new EncoderReplacementFallback(string.Empty);

byte[] bAsciiString = encoder.GetBytes(inputString);

// Do something with bytes...
// can write to a file as is
File.WriteAllBytes(FILE_NAME, bAsciiString);
// or turn back into a "clean" string
string cleanString = ASCIIEncoding.GetString(bAsciiString); 
// since the offending bytes have been removed, can use default encoding as well
Assert.AreEqual(cleanString, Default.GetString(bAsciiString));

Of course, in the old days, we'd just loop though and remove any chars greater than 127...well, those of us in the US at least. ;)

Apache: client denied by server configuration

I had this issue using Vesta CP and for me, the trick was remove .htaccess and try to access to any file again.

That resulted on regeneration of .htaccess file and then I was able to access to my files.

How can I find a specific element in a List<T>?

You can also use LINQ extensions:

string id = "hello";
MyClass result = list.Where(m => m.GetId() == id).First();

Html ordered list 1.1, 1.2 (Nested counters and scope) not working

Uncheck "normalize CSS" - The CSS reset used in that defaults all list margins and paddings to 0

UPDATE - you have to include your sub-lists in your main <li>

ol {_x000D_
  counter-reset: item_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  display: block_x000D_
li:before {_x000D_
  content: counters(item, ".") " ";_x000D_
  counter-increment: item_x000D_

Updating .class file in jar

Do you want to do it automatically or manually? If manually, a JAR file is really just a ZIP file, so you should be able to open it with any ZIP reader. (You may need to change the extension first.) If you want to update the JAR file automatically via Eclipse, you may want to look into Ant support in Eclipse and look at the zip task.

Is a new line = \n OR \r\n?

The given answer is far from complete. In fact, it is so far from complete that it tends to lead the reader to believe that this answer is OS dependent when it isn't. It also isn't something which is programming language dependent (as some commentators have suggested). I'm going to add more information in order to make this more clear. First, lets give the list of current new line variations (as in, what they've been since 1999):

  • \r\n is only used on Windows Notepad, the DOS command line, most of the Windows API and in some (older) Windows apps.
  • \n is used for all other systems, applications and the Internet.

You'll notice that I've put most Windows apps in the \n group which may be slightly controversial but before you disagree with this statement, please grab a UNIX formatted text file and try it in 10 web friendly Windows applications of your choice (which aren't listed in my exceptions above). What percentage of them handled it just fine? You'll find that they (practically) all implement auto detection of line endings or just use \n because, while Windows may use \r\n, the Internet uses \n. Therefore, it is best practice for applications to use \n alone if you want your output to be Internet friendly.

PHP also defines a newline character called PHP_EOL. This constant is set to the OS specific newline string for the machine PHP is running on (\r\n for Windows and \n for everything else). This constant is not very useful for webpages and should be avoided for HTML output or for writing most text to files. It becomes VERY useful when we move to command line output from PHP applications because it will allow your application to output to a terminal Window in a consistent manner across all supported OSes.

If you want your PHP applications to work from any server they are placed on, the two biggest things to remember are that you should always just use \n unless it is terminal output (in which case you use PHP_EOL) and you should also ALWAYS use / for your path separator (not \).

The even longer explanation:

An application may choose to use whatever line endings it likes regardless of the default OS line ending style. If I want my text editor to print a newline every time it encounters a period that is no harder than using the \n to represent a newline because I'm interpreting the text as I display it anyway. IOW, I'm fiddling around with measuring the width of each character so it knows where to display the next so it is very simple to add a statement saying that if the current char is a period then perform a newline action (or if it is a \n then display a period).

Aside from the null terminator, no character code is sacred and when you write a text editor or viewer you are in charge of translating the bits in your file into glyphs (or carriage returns) on the screen. The only thing that distinguishes a control character such as the newline from other characters is that most font sets don't include them (meaning they don't have a visual representation available).

That being said, if you are working at a higher level of abstraction then you probably aren't making your own textbox controls. If this is the case then you're stuck with whatever line ending that control makes available to you. Even in this case it is a simple matter to automatically detect the line ending style of any string and make the conversion before you load your text into the control and then undo it when you read from that control. Meaning, that if you're a desktop application dev and your application doesn't recognize \n as a newline then it isn't a very friendly application and you really have no excuse because it isn't hard to make it the right way. It also means that whomever wrote Notepad should be ashamed of himself because it really is very easy to do much better and so many people suffer through using it every day.

How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

os.getenv('HOSTNAME') and os.environ['HOSTNAME'] don't always work. In cron jobs and WSDL, HTTP HOSTNAME isn't set. Use this instead:

import socket

It always (even on Windows) returns a fully qualified host name, even if you defined a short alias in /etc/hosts.

If you defined an alias in /etc/hosts then socket.gethostname() will return the alias. platform.uname()[1] does the same thing.

I ran into a case where the above didn't work. This is what I'm using now:

import socket
if socket.gethostname().find('.')>=0:

It first calls gethostname to see if it returns something that looks like a host name, if not it uses my original solution.

How to pass the -D System properties while testing on Eclipse?

Yes this is the way:

Right click on your program, select run -> run configuration then on vm argument

-Denv=EnvironmentName -Dcucumber.options="--tags @ifThereisAnyTag"

Then you can apply and close.

Keep background image fixed during scroll using css

Just add background-attachment to your code

body {
    background-position: center;
    background-image: url(../images/images5.jpg);
    background-attachment: fixed;

Socket.IO - how do I get a list of connected sockets/clients?

As of version 1.5.1, I'm able to access all the sockets in a namespace with:

var socket_ids = Object.keys(io.of('/namespace').sockets);
socket_ids.forEach(function(socket_id) {
    var socket = io.of('/namespace').sockets[socket_id];
    if (socket.connected) {
        // Do something...

For some reason, they're using a plain object instead of an array to store the socket IDs.

Preventing an image from being draggable or selectable without using JS

Set the following CSS properties to the image:

user-drag: none; 
user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-drag: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;

Apply a function to every row of a matrix or a data frame

You simply use the apply() function:

R> M <- matrix(1:6, nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
R> M
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]    3    4
[3,]    5    6
R> apply(M, 1, function(x) 2*x[1]+x[2])
[1]  4 10 16

This takes a matrix and applies a (silly) function to each row. You pass extra arguments to the function as fourth, fifth, ... arguments to apply().

How can I use JQuery to post JSON data?

You're passing an object, not a JSON string. When you pass an object, jQuery uses $.param to serialize the object into name-value pairs.

If you pass the data as a string, it won't be serialized:

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/form/',
    data: '{"name":"jonas"}', // or JSON.stringify ({name: 'jonas'}),
    success: function(data) { alert('data: ' + data); },
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: 'json'

What does servletcontext.getRealPath("/") mean and when should I use it


The ServletContext#getRealPath() is intented to convert a web content path (the path in the expanded WAR folder structure on the server's disk file system) to an absolute disk file system path.

The "/" represents the web content root. I.e. it represents the web folder as in the below project structure:

 |-- src
 |    :
 |-- web
 |    |-- META-INF
 |    |    `-- MANIFEST.MF
 |    |-- WEB-INF
 |    |    `-- web.xml
 |    |-- index.jsp
 |    `-- login.jsp

So, passing the "/" to getRealPath() would return you the absolute disk file system path of the /web folder of the expanded WAR file of the project. Something like /path/to/server/work/folder/some.war/ which you should be able to further use in File or FileInputStream.

Note that most starters don't seem to see/realize that you can actually pass the whole web content path to it and that they often use

String absolutePathToIndexJSP = servletContext.getRealPath("/") + "index.jsp"; // Wrong!

or even

String absolutePathToIndexJSP = servletContext.getRealPath("") + "index.jsp"; // Wronger!

instead of

String absolutePathToIndexJSP = servletContext.getRealPath("/index.jsp"); // Right!

Don't ever write files in there

Also note that even though you can write new files into it using FileOutputStream, all changes (e.g. new files or edited files) will get lost whenever the WAR is redeployed; with the simple reason that all those changes are not contained in the original WAR file. So all starters who are attempting to save uploaded files in there are doing it wrong.

Moreover, getRealPath() will always return null or a completely unexpected path when the server isn't configured to expand the WAR file into the disk file system, but instead into e.g. memory as a virtual file system.

getRealPath() is unportable; you'd better never use it

Use getRealPath() carefully. There are actually no sensible real world use cases for it. Based on my 20 years of Java EE experience, there has always been another way which is much better and more portable than getRealPath().

If all you actually need is to get an InputStream of the web resource, better use ServletContext#getResourceAsStream() instead, this will work regardless of the way how the WAR is expanded. So, if you for example want an InputStream of index.jsp, then do not do:

InputStream input = new FileInputStream(servletContext.getRealPath("/index.jsp")); // Wrong!

But instead do:

InputStream input = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/index.jsp"); // Right!

Or if you intend to obtain a list of all available web resource paths, use ServletContext#getResourcePaths() instead.

Set<String> resourcePaths = servletContext.getResourcePaths("/");

You can obtain an individual resource as URL via ServletContext#getResource(). This will return null when the resource does not exist.

URL resource = servletContext.getResource(path);

Or if you intend to save an uploaded file, or create a temporary file, then see the below "See also" links.

See also:

Node.js/Express routing with get params

Your route isn't ok, it should be like this (with ':')

app.get('/documents/:format/:type', function (req, res) {
   var format = req.params.format,
       type = req.params.type;

Also you cannot interchange parameter order unfortunately. For more information on req.params (and req.query) check out the api reference here.

Basic authentication for REST API using spring restTemplate

As of Spring 5.1 you can use HttpHeaders.setBasicAuth

Create Basic Authorization header:

String username = "willie";
String password = ":p@ssword";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setBasicAuth(username, password);
...other headers goes here...

Pass the headers to the RestTemplate:

HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
ResponseEntity<Account> response =, HttpMethod.GET, request, Account.class);
Account account = response.getBody();


How do I animate constraint changes?

Storyboard, Code, Tips and a few Gotchas

The other answers are just fine but this one highlights a few fairly important gotchas of animating constraints using a recent example. I went through a lot of variations before I realized the following:

Make the constraints you want to target into Class variables to hold a strong reference. In Swift I used lazy variables:

lazy var centerYInflection:NSLayoutConstraint = {
       let temp =  self.view.constraints.filter({ $0.firstItem is MNGStarRating }).filter ( { $0.secondItem is UIWebView }).filter({ $0.firstAttribute == .CenterY }).first
        return temp!

After some experimentation I noted that one MUST obtain the constraint from the view ABOVE (aka the superview) the two views where the constraint is defined. In the example below (both MNGStarRating and UIWebView are the two types of items I am creating a constraint between, and they are subviews within self.view).

Filter Chaining

I take advantage of Swift's filter method to separate the desired constraint that will serve as the inflection point. One could also get much more complicated but filter does a nice job here.

Animating Constraints Using Swift

Nota Bene - This example is the storyboard/code solution and assumes one has made default constraints in the storyboard. One can then animate the changes using code.

Assuming you create a property to filter with accurate criteria and get to a specific inflection point for your animation (of course you could also filter for an array and loop through if you need multiple constraints):

lazy var centerYInflection:NSLayoutConstraint = {
    let temp =  self.view.constraints.filter({ $0.firstItem is MNGStarRating }).filter ( { $0.secondItem is UIWebView }).filter({ $0.firstAttribute == .CenterY }).first
    return temp!


Sometime later...

@IBAction func toggleRatingView (sender:AnyObject){

    let aPointAboveScene = -(max(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width,UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height) * 2.0)


    //Use any animation you want, I like the bounce in springVelocity...
    UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.3, initialSpringVelocity: 0.75, options: [.CurveEaseOut], animations: { () -> Void in

        //I use the frames to determine if the view is on-screen
        if CGRectContainsRect(self.view.frame, self.ratingView.frame) {

            //in frame ~ animate away
            //I play a sound to give the animation some life

            self.centerYInflection.constant = aPointAboveScene
            self.centerYInflection.priority = UILayoutPriority(950)

        } else {

            //I play a different sound just to keep the user engaged
            //out of frame ~ animate into scene
            self.centerYInflection.constant = 0
            self.centerYInflection.priority = UILayoutPriority(950)
         }) { (success) -> Void in

            //do something else


The many wrong turns

These notes are really a set of tips that I wrote for myself. I did all the don'ts personally and painfully. Hopefully this guide can spare others.

  1. Watch out for zPositioning. Sometimes when nothing is apparently happening, you should hide some of the other views or use the view debugger to locate your animated view. I've even found cases where a User Defined Runtime Attribute was lost in a storyboard's xml and led to the animated view being covered (while working).

  2. Always take a minute to read the documentation (new and old), Quick Help, and headers. Apple keeps making a lot of changes to better manage AutoLayout constraints (see stack views). Or at least the AutoLayout Cookbook. Keep in mind that sometimes the best solutions are in the older documentation/videos.

  3. Play around with the values in the animation and consider using other animateWithDuration variants.

  4. Don't hardcode specific layout values as criteria for determining changes to other constants, instead use values that allow you to determine the location of the view. CGRectContainsRect is one example

  5. If needed, don't hesitate to use the layout margins associated with a view participating in the constraint definition let viewMargins = self.webview.layoutMarginsGuide: is on example
  6. Don't do work you don't have to do, all views with constraints on the storyboard have constraints attached to the property self.viewName.constraints
  7. Change your priorities for any constraints to less than 1000. I set mine to 250 (low) or 750 (high) on the storyboard; (if you try to change a 1000 priority to anything in code then the app will crash because 1000 is required)
  8. Consider not immediately trying to use activateConstraints and deactivateConstraints (they have their place but when just learning or if you are using a storyboard using these probably means your doing too much ~ they do have a place though as seen below)
  9. Consider not using addConstraints / removeConstraints unless you are really adding a new constraint in code. I found that most times I layout the views in the storyboard with desired constraints (placing the view offscreen), then in code, I animate the constraints previously created in the storyboard to move the view around.
  10. I spent a lot of wasted time building up constraints with the new NSAnchorLayout class and subclasses. These work just fine but it took me a while to realize that all the constraints that I needed already existed in the storyboard. If you build constraints in code then most certainly use this method to aggregate your constraints:

Quick Sample Of Solutions to AVOID when using Storyboards

private var _nc:[NSLayoutConstraint] = []
    lazy var newConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint] = {

        if !(self._nc.isEmpty) {
            return self._nc

        let viewMargins = self.webview.layoutMarginsGuide
        let minimumScreenWidth = min(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width,UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height)

        let centerY = self.ratingView.centerYAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.webview.centerYAnchor)
        centerY.constant = -1000.0
        centerY.priority = (950)
        let centerX =  self.ratingView.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.webview.centerXAnchor)
        centerX.priority = (950)

        if let buttonConstraints = self.originalRatingViewConstraints?.filter({

            ($0.firstItem is UIButton || $0.secondItem is UIButton )
        }) {


        self._nc.append( centerY)
        self._nc.append( centerX)

        self._nc.append (self.ratingView.leadingAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(viewMargins.leadingAnchor, constant: 10.0))
        self._nc.append (self.ratingView.trailingAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(viewMargins.trailingAnchor, constant: 10.0))
        self._nc.append (self.ratingView.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant((minimumScreenWidth - 20.0)))
        self._nc.append (self.ratingView.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(200.0))

        return self._nc

If you forget one of these tips or the more simple ones such as where to add the layoutIfNeeded, most likely nothing will happen: In which case you may have a half baked solution like this:

NB - Take a moment to read the AutoLayout Section Below and the original guide. There is a way to use these techniques to supplement your Dynamic Animators.

UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.3, initialSpringVelocity: 1.0, options: [.CurveEaseOut], animations: { () -> Void in

            if self.starTopInflectionPoint.constant < 0  {
                self.starTopInflectionPoint.constant = self.navigationController?.navigationBar.bounds.height ?? 0
                self.changeConstraintPriority([self.starTopInflectionPoint], value: UILayoutPriority(950), forView: self.ratingView)

            } else {

                self.starTopInflectionPoint.constant = -3000
                 self.changeConstraintPriority([self.starTopInflectionPoint], value: UILayoutPriority(950), forView: self.ratingView)

        }) { (success) -> Void in

            //do something else


Snippet from the AutoLayout Guide (note the second snippet is for using OS X). BTW - This is no longer in the current guide as far as I can see. The preferred techniques continue to evolve.

Animating Changes Made by Auto Layout

If you need full control over animating changes made by Auto Layout, you must make your constraint changes programmatically. The basic concept is the same for both iOS and OS X, but there are a few minor differences.

In an iOS app, your code would look something like the following:

[containerView layoutIfNeeded]; // Ensures that all pending layout operations have been completed
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
     // Make all constraint changes here
     [containerView layoutIfNeeded]; // Forces the layout of the subtree animation block and then captures all of the frame changes

In OS X, use the following code when using layer-backed animations:

[containterView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext *context) {
     [context setAllowsImplicitAnimation: YES];
     // Make all constraint changes here
     [containerView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];

When you aren’t using layer-backed animations, you must animate the constant using the constraint’s animator:

[[constraint animator] setConstant:42];

For those who learn better visually check out this early video from Apple.

Pay Close Attention

Often in documentation there are small notes or pieces of code that lead to bigger ideas. For example attaching auto layout constraints to dynamic animators is a big idea.

Good Luck and May the Force be with you.

What's the difference between Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache?

By the way, it's worth noting that some mobile devices, particularly Apple products like iPhone/iPad completely ignore headers like no-cache, no-store, Expires: 0, or whatever else you may try to force them to not re-use expired form pages.

This has caused us no end of headaches as we try to get the issue of a user's iPad say, being left asleep on a page they have reached through a form process, say step 2 of 3, and then the device totally ignores the store/cache directives, and as far as I can tell, simply takes what is a virtual snapshot of the page from its last state, that is, ignoring what it was told explicitly, and, not only that, taking a page that should not be stored, and storing it without actually checking it again, which leads to all kinds of strange Session issues, among other things.

I'm just adding this in case someone comes along and can't figure out why they are getting session errors with particularly iphones and ipads, which seem by far to be the worst offenders in this area.

I've done fairly extensive debugger testing with this issue, and this is my conclusion, the devices ignore these directives completely.

Even in regular use, I've found that some mobiles also totally fail to check for new versions via say, Expires: 0 then checking last modified dates to determine if it should get a new one.

It simply doesn't happen, so what I was forced to do was add query strings to the css/js files I needed to force updates on, which tricks the stupid mobile devices into thinking it's a file it does not have, like: my.css?v=1, then v=2 for a css/js update. This largely works.

User browsers also, by the way, if left to their defaults, as of 2016, as I continuously discover (we do a LOT of changes and updates to our site) also fail to check for last modified dates on such files, but the query string method fixes that issue. This is something I've noticed with clients and office people who tend to use basic normal user defaults on their browsers, and have no awareness of caching issues with css/js etc, almost invariably fail to get the new css/js on change, which means the defaults for their browsers, mostly MSIE / Firefox, are not doing what they are told to do, they ignore changes and ignore last modified dates and do not validate, even with Expires: 0 set explicitly.

This was a good thread with a lot of good technical information, but it's also important to note how bad the support for this stuff is in particularly mobile devices. Every few months I have to add more layers of protection against their failure to follow the header commands they receive, or to properly interpet those commands.

Usage of @see in JavaDoc?

@see is useful for information about related methods/classes in an API. It will produce a link to the referenced method/code on the documentation. Use it when there is related code that might help the user understand how to use the API.

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

PHP has SOAP support. Just call

$client = new SoapClient($url);

to connect to the SoapServer and then you can get list of functions and call functions simply by doing...


$result = $client->functionName();  

for more

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?

A simple and clean way to do this is to use the open source library Prime.

PHP: Show yes/no confirmation dialog

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"/> you can perform this action on Button too!

What is the official name for a credit card's 3 digit code?

You can't find a consistent reference because it seems to go by at least six different names!

  • Card Security Code
  • Card Verification Value (CVV or CV2)
  • Card Verification Value Code (CVVC)
  • Card Verification Code (CVC)
  • Verification Code (V-Code or V Code)
  • Card Code Verification (CCV)

How to change the length of a column in a SQL Server table via T-SQL

So, let's say you have this table:


And you want to change Col1 to VARCHAR(20). What you need to do is this:


That'll work without problems since the length of the column got bigger. If you wanted to change it to VARCHAR(5), then you'll first gonna need to make sure that there are not values with more chars on your column, otherwise that ALTER TABLE will fail.

Can git undo a checkout of unstaged files

Developing on OS X? Using Xcode? You're likely to be in luck!

As described in a comment by qungu, OS X maintains an autosaved version history of files, even if you're not using time machine.

So, if you've blown away your unstaged local changes with a careless git checkout ., here's how you can probably recover all your work.

If somebody finds this thread having destroyed some work in XCode, there is a way to get the AutoSave history. XCode itself does not have a menu entry to see the AutoSave history, but it does store it. If you open the files in question in TextEdit, you can revert and look through the AutoSave history under File > Revert.

Which is awesome, and recovered about a day of work for me, yesterday.

You might ask, "Why doesn't the git command-line UI, the premier VCS used for software engineering in 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020, at least back up files before just blowing them away? Like, you know, well written software tools for about the last three decades."

Or perhaps you ask, "Why is this insanely awesome file history feature accessible in TextEdit but not Xcode where I actually need it?"

… and both of those, I think, will tell you quite a lot about our industry. Or maybe you'll go and fix those tools. Which would be super.

PostgreSQL naming conventions

Regarding tables names, case, etc, the prevalent convention is:

  • SQL keywords: UPPER CASE
  • names (identifiers): lower_case_with_underscores

For example:

UPDATE my_table SET name = 5;

This is not written in stone, but the bit about identifiers in lower case is highly recommended, IMO. Postgresql treats identifiers case insensitively when not quoted (it actually folds them to lowercase internally), and case sensitively when quoted; many people are not aware of this idiosyncrasy. Using always lowercase you are safe. Anyway, it's acceptable to use camelCase or PascalCase (or UPPER_CASE), as long as you are consistent: either quote identifiers always or never (and this includes the schema creation!).

I am not aware of many more conventions or style guides. Surrogate keys are normally made from a sequence (usually with the serial macro), it would be convenient to stick to that naming for those sequences if you create them by hand (tablename_colname_seq).

See also some discussion here, here and (for general SQL) here, all with several related links.

Note: Postgresql 10 introduced identity columns as an SQL-compliant replacement for serial.

ArrayList initialization equivalent to array initialization

The selected answer is: ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,5,8,13,21));

However, its important to understand the selected answer internally copies the elements several times before creating the final array, and that there is a way to reduce some of that redundancy.

Lets start by understanding what is going on:

  1. First, the elements are copied into the Arrays.ArrayList<T> created by the static factory Arrays.asList(T...).

    This does not the produce the same class as java.lang.ArrayListdespite having the same simple class name. It does not implement methods like remove(int) despite having a List interface. If you call those methods it will throw an UnspportedMethodException. But if all you need is a fixed-sized list, you can stop here.

  2. Next the Arrays.ArrayList<T> constructed in #1 gets passed to the constructor ArrayList<>(Collection<T>) where the collection.toArray() method is called to clone it.

    public ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> collection) {
    Object[] a = collection.toArray();
  3. Next the constructor decides whether to adopt the cloned array, or copy it again to remove the subclass type. Since Arrays.asList(T...) internally uses an array of type T, the very same one we passed as the parameter, the constructor always rejects using the clone unless T is a pure Object. (E.g. String, Integer, etc all get copied again, because they extend Object).

    if (a.getClass() != Object[].class) {      
        //Arrays.asList(T...) is always true here 
        //when T subclasses object
        Object[] newArray = new Object[a.length];
        System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, a.length);
        a = newArray;
    array = a;
    size = a.length;

Thus, our data was copied 3x just to explicitly initialize the ArrayList. We could get it down to 2x if we force Arrays.AsList(T...) to construct an Object[] array, so that ArrayList can later adopt it, which can be done as follows:

(List<Integer>)(List<?>) new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((Object) 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5));

Or maybe just adding the elements after creation might still be the most efficient.

Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse

Step 1

My computer > properties > Advance system settings

Step 2

environment variables > click New button under user variables > Enter variable name as 'PATH'

Copy the location of java bin (e.g:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin) and paste it in Variable value and click OK Now open the eclipse.

How to split a long array into smaller arrays, with JavaScript

function chunkArrayInGroups(arr, size) {
    var newArr=[];

    for (var i=0; arr.length>size; i++){
    return newArr;


chunkArrayInGroups([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3);

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

I guess something like this would work:

Add System.ServiceProcess to your project references (It's on the .NET tab).

using System.ServiceProcess;

ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(SERVICENAME);

switch (sc.Status)
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Running:
        return "Running";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped:
        return "Stopped";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.Paused:
        return "Paused";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending:
        return "Stopping";
    case ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending:
        return "Starting";
        return "Status Changing";

Edit: There is also a method sc.WaitforStatus() that takes a desired status and a timeout, never used it but it may suit your needs.

Edit: Once you get the status, to get the status again you will need to call sc.Refresh() first.

Reference: ServiceController object in .NET.

Add leading zeroes to number in Java?

Another option is to use DecimalFormat to format your numeric String. Here is one other way to do the job without having to use String.format if you are stuck in the pre 1.5 world:

static String intToString(int num, int digits) {
    assert digits > 0 : "Invalid number of digits";

    // create variable length array of zeros
    char[] zeros = new char[digits];
    Arrays.fill(zeros, '0');
    // format number as String
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(String.valueOf(zeros));

    return df.format(num);

How to set auto increment primary key in PostgreSQL?

Create an auto incrementing primary key in postgresql, using a custom sequence:

Step 1, create your sequence:

create sequence splog_adfarm_seq
    start 1
    increment 1
    CACHE 1;
ALTER TABLE fact_stock_data_detail_seq
OWNER TO pgadmin;

Step 2, create your table

CREATE TABLE splog_adfarm
    splog_key    INT unique not null,
    splog_value  VARCHAR(100) not null

Step 3, insert into your table

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Is your family tree a directed acyclic graph?'

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Will the smart cookies catch the crumb?  Find out now!'

Step 4, observe the rows

el@defiant ~ $ psql -U pgadmin -d kurz_prod -c "select * from splog_adfarm"

splog_key |                            splog_value                             
        1 | Is your family tree a directed acyclic graph?
        2 | Will the smart cookies catch the crumb?  Find out now!
(3 rows)

The two rows have keys that start at 1 and are incremented by 1, as defined by the sequence.

Bonus Elite ProTip:

Programmers hate typing, and typing out the nextval('splog_adfarm_seq') is annoying. You can type DEFAULT for that parameter instead, like this:

insert into splog_adfarm values (
    'Sufficient intelligence to outwit a thimble.'

For the above to work, you have to define a default value for that key column on splog_adfarm table. Which is prettier.

How to get the python.exe location programmatically?

sys.executable is not reliable if working in an embedded python environment. My suggestions is to deduce it from

import os

Undefined reference to vtable

If all else fails, look for duplication. I was misdirected by the explicit initial reference to constructors and destructors until I read a reference in another post. It's any unresolved method. In my case, I thought I had replaced the declaration that used char *xml as the parameter with one using the unnecessarily troublesome const char *xml, but instead, I had created a new one and left the other one in place.

HTML - how can I show tooltip ONLY when ellipsis is activated

I have CSS class, which determines where to put ellipsis. Based on that, I do the following (element set could be different, i write those, where ellipsis is used, of course it could be a separate class selector):

$(document).on('mouseover', 'input, td, th', function() {
    if ($(this).css('text-overflow') && typeof $(this).attr('title') === 'undefined') {
        $(this).attr('title', $(this).val());

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Simply with command line:

jar -cf myJar.jar MyApp.class

Sure IDEs avoid using command line terminal

Maximum value for long integer

long type in Python 2.x uses arbitrary precision arithmetic and has no such thing as maximum possible value. It is limited by the available memory. Python 3.x has no special type for values that cannot be represented by the native machine integer — everything is int and conversion is handled behind the scenes.

PostgreSQL JOIN data from 3 tables

Maybe the following is what you are looking for:

SELECT name, pathfilename
  FROM table1
  WHERE name = 'John';

deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

I was having same issue. I was trying to delete and insert in the same transaction. I added theEntityManager.flush(); after theEntityManager.remove(entity);.

How to implement common bash idioms in Python?

One reason I love Python is that it is much better standardized than the POSIX tools. I have to double and triple check that each bit is compatible with other operating systems. A program written on a Linux system might not work the same on a BSD system of OSX. With Python, I just have to check that the target system has a sufficiently modern version of Python.

Even better, a program written in standard Python will even run on Windows!

delete image from folder PHP

You can try this code. This is Simple PHP Image Deleting code from the server.

<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="photoname"> // You can type your image name here...
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete">

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) 
$photoname = $_POST['photoname'];
if (!unlink($photoname))
  echo ("Error deleting $photoname");
  echo ("Deleted $photoname");

How to remove an element slowly with jQuery?

target.fadeOut(300, function(){ $(this).remove();});


$('#target_id').fadeOut(300, function(){ $(this).remove();});

Duplicate: How to "fadeOut" & "remove" a div in jQuery?

Differences in string compare methods in C#

In the forms you listed here, there's not much difference between the two. CompareTo ends up calling a CompareInfo method that does a comparison using the current culture; Equals is called by the == operator.

If you consider overloads, then things get different. Compare and == can only use the current culture to compare a string. Equals and String.Compare can take a StringComparison enumeration argument that let you specify culture-insensitive or case-insensitive comparisons. Only String.Compare allows you to specify a CultureInfo and perform comparisons using a culture other than the default culture.

Because of its versatility, I find I use String.Compare more than any other comparison method; it lets me specify exactly what I want.

"FATAL: Module not found error" using modprobe

Insert this in your Makefile

 $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules_install                      

 it will install the module in the directory /lib/modules/<var>/extra/
 After make , insert module with modprobe module_name (without .ko extension)


After your normal make, you copy module module_name.ko into   directory  /lib/modules/<var>/extra/

then do modprobe module_name (without .ko extension)

problem with <select> and :after with CSS in WebKit

This is a modern solution I cooked up using font-awesome. Vendor extensions have been omitted for brevity.


    <label for="color">Select Color</label>
    <div class="select-wrapper">
        <select id="color">
        <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>


fieldset {
    .select-wrapper {
        position: relative;

        select {
            appearance: none;
            position: relative;
            z-index: 1;
            background: transparent;

            + i {
                position: absolute;
                top: 40%;
                right: 15px;

If your select element has a defined background color, then this won't work as this snippet essentially places the Chevron icon behind the select element (to allow clicking on top of the icon to still initiate the select action).

However, you can style the select-wrapper to the same size as the select element and style its background to achieve the same effect.

Check out my CodePen for a working demo that shows this bit of code on both a dark and light themed select box using a regular label and a "placeholder" label and other cleaned up styles such as borders and widths.

P.S. This is an answer I had posted to another, duplicate question earlier this year.

Set default syntax to different filetype in Sublime Text 2

Go to a Packages/User, create (or edit) a .sublime-settings file named after the Syntax where you want to add the extensions, Ini.sublime-settings in your case, then write there something like this:


And then restart Sublime Text

Android Facebook integration with invalid key hash

I had the same problem when I was debugging my app. I've rewrote the hash that you have crossed out in the attached image (the one that Facebook says is invalid) and added it in the Facebook's developers console to key hashes. Just be careful of typos.

This solution is more like an easy workaround than a proper solution.

What does the "+=" operator do in Java?

Lot many people have already explained about what it is and how it can be used but apart from the obvious you can use this operator to do a lot of programming tricks like

  • XORing of all the elements in a boolean array would tell you if the array has odd number of true elements
  • If you have an array with all numbers repeating even number of times except one which repeats odd number of times you can find that by XORing all elements.
  • Swapping values without using temporary variable
  • Finding missing number in the range 1 to n
  • Basic validation of data sent over the network.

Lot many such tricks can be done using bit wise operators, interesting topic to explore.

Extract a part of the filepath (a directory) in Python

You have to put the entire path as a parameter to os.path.split. See The docs. It doesn't work like string split.

Getting TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete' when trying to add parent table after child table with entries

Here are available options if it helps anyone for on_delete


Ways to eliminate switch in code

The most obvious, language independent, answer is to use a series of 'if'.

If the language you are using has function pointers (C) or has functions that are 1st class values (Lua) you may achieve results similar to a "switch" using an array (or a list) of (pointers to) functions.

You should be more specific on the language if you want better answers.

How to use an environment variable inside a quoted string in Bash

If unsure, you might use the 'cols' request on the terminal, and forget COLUMNS:

COLS=$(tput cols)

How to secure the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie?

Found that setting the secure property in Session_Start is sufficient, as recommended in MSDN blog "Securing Session ID: ASP/ASP.NET" with some augmentation.

    protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        SessionStateSection sessionState = 
        string sidCookieName = sessionState.CookieName;

        if (Request.Cookies[sidCookieName] != null)
            HttpCookie sidCookie = Response.Cookies[sidCookieName];
            sidCookie.Value = Session.SessionID;
            sidCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            sidCookie.Secure = true;
            sidCookie.Path = "/";

How to set IE11 Document mode to edge as default?

unchecked the "Automatically detect settings" in the Local Area Network Settings (found in "Internet Options" > Connections > LAN Settings.

How to update json file with python

The issue here is that you've opened a file and read its contents so the cursor is at the end of the file. By writing to the same file handle, you're essentially appending to the file.

The easiest solution would be to close the file after you've read it in, then reopen it for writing.

with open("replayScript.json", "r") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

data["location"] = "NewPath"

with open("replayScript.json", "w") as jsonFile:
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

Alternatively, you can use seek() to move the cursor back to the beginning of the file then start writing, followed by a truncate() to deal with the case where the new data is smaller than the previous.

with open("replayScript.json", "r+") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

    data["location"] = "NewPath"  # rewind
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

How do I include a Perl module that's in a different directory?

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it before, but FindBin::libs will always find your libs as it searches in all reasonable places relative to the location of your script.

use FindBin::libs;
use <your lib>;

Bootstrap dropdown not working

Both bootstrap and jquery must be included:

<link type="text/css" href="/{ProjectName}/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/{ProjectName}/js/jquery-x.x.x.custom.min.js"></script>

<link type="text/css" href="/{ProjectName}/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/{ProjectName}/js/bootstrap.js"></script>

NOTE: jquery-x.x.x.min.js version must be version 2.x.x !!!

Getting 400 bad request error in Jquery Ajax POST

Yes. You need to stringify the JSON data orlse 400 bad request error occurs as it cannot identify the data.

400 Bad Request

Bad Request. Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Plus you need to add content type and datatype as well. If not you will encounter 415 error which says Unsupported Media Type.

415 Unsupported Media Type

Try this.

var newData =   {
                  "subject:title":"Test Name",
                  "subject:description":"Creating test subject to check POST method API",
                  "sub:tags": ["facebook:work", "facebook:likes"],
                  "sampleSize" : 10,
                  "values": ["science", "machine-learning"]

var dataJson = JSON.stringify(newData);

  type: 'POST',
  url: "http://localhost:8080/project/server/rest/subjects",
  data: dataJson,
  error: function(e) {
  dataType: "json",
  contentType: "application/json"

With this way you can modify the data you need with ease. It wont confuse you as it is defined outside the ajax block.

What is the main purpose of setTag() getTag() methods of View?

Let's say you generate a bunch of views that are similar. You could set an OnClickListener for each view individually:

button1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener ... );
button2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener ... );

Then you have to create a unique onClick method for each view even if they do the similar things, like:

public void onClick(View v) {
    doAction(1); // 1 for button1, 2 for button2, etc.

This is because onClick has only one parameter, a View, and it has to get other information from instance variables or final local variables in enclosing scopes. What we really want is to get information from the views themselves.

Enter getTag/setTag:


Now we can use the same OnClickListener for every button:

listener = new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

It's basically a way for views to have memories.

How to diff one file to an arbitrary version in Git?

To see what was changed in a file in the last commit:

git diff HEAD~1 path/to/file

You can change the number (~1) to the n-th commit which you want to diff with.

java.lang.Exception: No runnable methods exception in running JUnits

I got this error because I didn't create my own test suite correctly:

Here is how I did it correctly:

Put this in

public class Foobar{
    public int getfifteen(){
        return 15;

Put this in

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FoobarTest {
    public void mytest() {
        Foobar f = new Foobar();

    public static junit.framework.Test suite(){
       return new JUnit4TestAdapter(FoobarTest.class);

Download junit4-4.8.2.jar I used the one from here:

Compile it:

javac -cp .:./libs/junit4-4.8.2.jar

Run it:

el@failbox /home/el $ java -cp .:./libs/* org.junit.runner.JUnitCore FoobarTest
JUnit version 4.8.2
Time: 0.009    
OK (1 test)

One test passed.

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Use Google CDN for fast loading:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Swift_TransportException Connection could not be established with host

If you have hosted your website already it advisable to use the email or create an offical mail to send the email Let say your url is Then go to the cpanel create an email which will be [email protected]. Then request for the setting of the email. Change the email address to [email protected]. Then change your smtp which will be The ssl will remain 465

setHintTextColor() in EditText

Simply add this in your layout for the EditText :


Fitting polynomial model to data in R

Which model is the "best fitting model" depends on what you mean by "best". R has tools to help, but you need to provide the definition for "best" to choose between them. Consider the following example data and code:

x <- 1:10
y <- x + c(-0.5,0.5)

plot(x,y, xlim=c(0,11), ylim=c(-1,12))

fit1 <- lm( y~offset(x) -1 )
fit2 <- lm( y~x )
fit3 <- lm( y~poly(x,3) )
fit4 <- lm( y~poly(x,9) )
fit5 <- lm( y~ns(x, 3) )
fit6 <- lm( y~ns(x, 9) )

fit7 <- lm( y ~ x + cos(x*pi) )

xx <- seq(0,11, length.out=250)
lines(xx, predict(fit1, data.frame(x=xx)), col='blue')
lines(xx, predict(fit2, data.frame(x=xx)), col='green')
lines(xx, predict(fit3, data.frame(x=xx)), col='red')
lines(xx, predict(fit4, data.frame(x=xx)), col='purple')
lines(xx, predict(fit5, data.frame(x=xx)), col='orange')
lines(xx, predict(fit6, data.frame(x=xx)), col='grey')
lines(xx, predict(fit7, data.frame(x=xx)), col='black')

Which of those models is the best? arguments could be made for any of them (but I for one would not want to use the purple one for interpolation).

Get the current URL with JavaScript?

You can get the full link of the current page through location.href and to get the link of the current controller, use:

location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/'));

Is there a naming convention for git repositories?

Maybe it is just my Java and C background showing, but I prefer CamelCase (CapCase) over punctuation in the name. My workgroup uses such names, probably to match the names of the app or service the repository contains.

How do you post data with a link

This post was helpful for my project hence I thought of sharing my experience as well. The essential thing to note is that the POST request is possible only with a form. I had a similar requirement as I was trying to render a page with ejs. I needed to render a navigation with a list of items that would essentially be hyperlinks and when user selects any one of them, the server responds with appropriate information.

so I basically created each of the navigation items as a form using a loop as follows:

    begin loop..._x000D_
            <form action="/" method="post">_x000D_
                <input type="hidden" name="country" value="India"/>_x000D_
                <button type="submit" name="button">India</button>_x000D_
            </form>               _x000D_
    end loop._x000D_

what it did is to create a form with hidden input with a value assigned same as the text on the button. So the end user will see only text from the button and when clicked, will send a post request to the server.

Note that the value parameter of the input box and the Button text are exactly same and were values passed using ejs that I have not shown in this example above to keep the code simple.

here is a screen shot of the navigation... enter image description here

Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

Add onclick event to newly added element in JavaScript

In case you do not want to write all the code you have once written in the function you called. Please use the following code, using jQuery:

$(element).on('click', function () { add_img(); });

Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?

In my experience it's best to put as much code as you can into well-named modules, and only put as much code as you need to into the actual worksheet objects.

Example: Any code that uses worksheet events like Worksheet_SelectionChange or Worksheet_Calculate.

How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?

Just have a look at this link, it will give you a brief idea of the logic:
Just call the deleteSMS() function with some delay, because there is a slight difference between the time of notification and when it is saved actually...., for details have a look at this link also..........


Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

Lots of answers so far, which are all excellent pointers to API's and tutorials. One thing I'd like to add is that I work out how far the markers are from my location using something like:

float distance = (float) loc.distanceTo(loc2);

Hope this helps refine the detail for your problem. It returns a rough estimate of distance (in m) between points, and is useful for getting rid of POI that might be too far away - good to declutter your map?

JPA eager fetch does not join

I had exactly this problem with the exception that the Person class had a embedded key class. My own solution was to join them in the query AND remove


My embedded id class:

public class MessageRecipientId implements Serializable {

    @ManyToOne(targetEntity = Message.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Message message;
    private String governmentId;

    public MessageRecipientId() {

    public Message getMessage() {
        return message;

    public void setMessage(Message message) {
        this.message = message;

    public String getGovernmentId() {
        return governmentId;

    public void setGovernmentId(String governmentId) {
        this.governmentId = governmentId;

    public MessageRecipientId(Message message, GovernmentId governmentId) {
        this.message = message;
        this.governmentId = governmentId.getValue();


How to set text size in a button in html

Try this

<input type="submit" 
       style="font-size : 20px; width: 100%; height: 100px;" /> 

Declare a constant array

As others have mentioned, there is no official Go construct for this. The closest I can imagine would be a function that returns a slice. In this way, you can guarantee that no one will manipulate the elements of the original slice (as it is "hard-coded" into the array).

I have shortened your slice to make it...shorter...:

func GetLetterGoodness() []float32 {
    return []float32 { .0817,.0149,.0278,.0425,.1270,.0223 }

How best to include other scripts?

Personally put all libraries in a lib folder and use an import function to load them.

folder structure

enter image description here contents

# Imports '.sh' files from 'lib' directory
function import()
  local file="./lib/$"
  local error="\e[31mError: \e[0mCannot find \e[1m$1\e[0m library at: \e[2m$file\e[0m"
  if [ -f "$file" ]; then
     source "$file"
    if [ -z $IMPORTED ]; then
      echo -e $error
      exit 1
    echo -e $error
    exit 1

Note that this import function should be at the beginning of your script and then you can easily import your libraries like this:

import "utils"
import "requirements"

Add a single line at the top of each library (i.e.


Now you have access to functions inside and from

TODO: Write a linker to build a single sh file

What exactly is nullptr?

Also, do you have another example (beside the Wikipedia one) where nullptr is superior to good old 0?

Yes. It's also a (simplified) real-world example that occurred in our production code. It only stood out because gcc was able to issue a warning when crosscompiling to a platform with different register width (still not sure exactly why only when crosscompiling from x86_64 to x86, warns warning: converting to non-pointer type 'int' from NULL):

Consider this code (C++03):

#include <iostream>

struct B {};

struct A
    operator B*() {return 0;}
    operator bool() {return true;}

int main()
    A a;
    B* pb = 0;
    typedef void* null_ptr_t;
    null_ptr_t null = 0;

    std::cout << "(a == pb): " << (a == pb) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "(a == 0): " << (a == 0) << std::endl; // no warning
    std::cout << "(a == NULL): " << (a == NULL) << std::endl; // warns sometimes
    std::cout << "(a == null): " << (a == null) << std::endl;

It yields this output:

(a == pb): 1
(a == 0): 0
(a == NULL): 0
(a == null): 1