Programs & Examples On #Terminal services

Skip certain tables with mysqldump

I like Rubo77's solution, I hadn't seen it before I modified Paul's. This one will backup a single database, excluding any tables you don't want. It will then gzip it, and delete any files over 8 days old. I will probably use 2 versions of this that do a full (minus logs table) once a day, and another that just backs up the most important tables that change the most every hour using a couple cron jobs.


now="$(date +'%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M')"
logfile="$backupfolder/"backup_log_"$(date +'%Y_%m')".txt

do :
   IGNORED_TABLES_STRING+=" --ignore-table=${DATABASE}.${TABLE}"

echo "Dump structure started at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} --single-transaction --no-data --routines ${DATABASE}  > ${DB_FILE} 
echo "Dump structure finished at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
echo "Dump content"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} ${DATABASE} --no-create-info --skip-triggers ${IGNORED_TABLES_STRING} >> ${DB_FILE}
gzip ${DB_FILE}

find "$backupfolder" -name ${DATABASE}_db_backup_* -mtime +8 -exec rm {} \;
echo "old files deleted" >> "$logfile"
echo "operation finished at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
echo "*****************" >> "$logfile"
exit 0

Can I write native iPhone apps using Python?

It seems this is now something developers are allowed to do: the iOS Developer Agreement was changed yesterday and appears to have been ammended in a such a way as to make embedding a Python interpretter in your application legal:



3.3.2 An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by any means, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling other frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. Unless otherwise approved by Apple in writing, no interpreted code may be downloaded or used in an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple’s Documented APIs and built-in interpreter(s). Notwithstanding the foregoing, with Apple’s prior written consent, an Application may use embedded interpreted code in a limited way if such use is solely for providing minor features or functionality that are consistent with the intended and advertised purpose of the Application.


3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code. Interpreted code may only be used in an Application if all scripts, code and interpreters are packaged in the Application and not downloaded. The only exception to the foregoing is scripts and code downloaded and run by Apple’s built-in WebKit framework.

Looping each row in datagridview

You could loop through DataGridView using Rows property, like:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in datagridviews.Rows)
   currQty += row.Cells["qty"].Value;
   //More code here

How to define relative paths in Visual Studio Project?

I have used a syntax like this before:




As other have pointed out, the starting directory is the one your project file is in(vcproj or vcxproj), not where your main code is located.

How to efficiently use try...catch blocks in PHP

It's more readable a single try catch block. If its important identify a kind of error I recommend customize your Exceptions.

try {
  $tableAresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingWithTableA();
  $tableBresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingElseWithTableB();
} catch (TableAException $e){
  throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
  throw $e;

How do I toggle an ng-show in AngularJS based on a boolean?

If you have multiple Menus with Submenus, then you can go with the below solution.


          <ul class="sidebar-menu" id="nav-accordion">
             <li class="sub-menu">
                  <a href="" ng-click="hasSubMenu('dashboard')">
                      <i class="fa fa-book"></i>
                      <i class="fa fa-angle-right pull-right"></i>
                  <ul class="sub" ng-show="showDash">
                      <li><a ng-class="{ active: isActive('/dashboard/loan')}" href="#/dashboard/loan">Loan</a></li>
                      <li><a ng-class="{ active: isActive('/dashboard/recovery')}" href="#/dashboard/recovery">Recovery</a></li>
              <li class="sub-menu">
                  <a href="" ng-click="hasSubMenu('customerCare')">
                      <i class="fa fa-book"></i>
                      <span>Customer Care</span>
                      <i class="fa fa-angle-right pull-right"></i>
                  <ul class="sub" ng-show="showCC">
                      <li><a ng-class="{ active: isActive('/customerCare/eligibility')}" href="#/CC/eligibility">Eligibility</a></li>
                      <li><a ng-class="{ active: isActive('/customerCare/transaction')}" href="#/CC/transaction">Transaction</a></li>

There are two functions i have called first is ng-click = hasSubMenu('dashboard'). This function will be used to toggle the menu and it is explained in the code below. The ng-class="{ active: isActive('/customerCare/transaction')} it will add a class active to the current menu item.

Now i have defined some functions in my app:

First, add a dependency $rootScope which is used to declare variables and functions. To learn more about $roootScope refer to the link :$rootScope

Here is my app file:

 $rootScope.isActive = function (viewLocation) { 
                return viewLocation === $location.path();

The above function is used to add active class to the current menu item.

        $rootScope.showDash = false;
        $rootScope.showCC = false;

        var location = $location.url().split('/');

        if(location[1] == 'customerCare'){
            $rootScope.showCC = true;
        else if(location[1]=='dashboard'){
            $rootScope.showDash = true;

        $rootScope.hasSubMenu = function(menuType){
                $rootScope.showCC = false;
                $rootScope.showDash = $rootScope.showDash === false ? true: false;
            else if(menuType=='customerCare'){
                $rootScope.showDash = false;
                $rootScope.showCC = $rootScope.showCC === false ? true: false;

By default $rootScope.showDash and $rootScope.showCC are set to false. It will set the menus to closed when page is initially loaded. If you have more than two submenus add accordingly.

hasSubMenu() function will work for toggling between the menus. I have added a small condition

if(location[1] == 'customerCare'){
                $rootScope.showCC = true;
            else if(location[1]=='dashboard'){
                $rootScope.showDash = true;

it will remain the submenu open after reloading the page according to selected menu item.

I have defined my pages like:

        .when('/dasboard/loan', {
            controller: 'LoanController',
            templateUrl: './views/loan/view.html',
            controllerAs: 'vm'

You can use isActive() function only if you have a single menu without submenu. You can modify the code according to your requirement. Hope this will help. Have a great day :)

Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

Just for fun I did this:

function getMonthFromString(mon){
   return new Date(Date.parse(mon +" 1, 2012")).getMonth()+1

Bonus: it also supports full month names :-D Or the new improved version that simply returns -1 - change it to throw the exception if you want (instead of returning -1):

function getMonthFromString(mon){

   var d = Date.parse(mon + "1, 2012");
      return new Date(d).getMonth() + 1;
   return -1;

Sry for all the edits - getting ahead of myself

Best way to convert list to comma separated string in java

You could count the total length of the string first, and pass it to the StringBuilder constructor. And you do not need to convert the Set first.

Set<String> abc = new HashSet<String>();

String separator = ", ";
int total = abc.size() * separator.length();
for (String s : abc) {
    total += s.length();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(total);
for (String s : abc) {

String result = sb.substring(separator.length()); // remove leading separator

Python - round up to the nearest ten

This will round down correctly as well:

>>> n = 46
>>> rem = n % 10
>>> if rem < 5:
...     n = int(n / 10) * 10
... else:
...     n = int((n + 10) / 10) * 10
>>> 50

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

In Menu bar

select the Host-> Virtual Network Settings -> Host Virtual Network Mapping...

set your drop down list as your host Network Adapter...If You can not ping Check your Firewall Status Because the Firewall is blocked the 'ping' packets

How to set ChartJS Y axis title?

chart.js supports this by defaul check the link. chartjs

you can set the label in the options attribute.

options object looks like this.

options = {
            scales: {
                yAxes: [
                        id: 'y-axis-1',
                        display: true,
                        position: 'left',
                        ticks: {
                            callback: function(value, index, values) {
                                return value + "%";
                            display: true,
                            labelString: 'Average Personal Income',
                            fontColor: "#546372"

What is Turing Complete?

Turing Complete means that it is at least as powerful as a Turing Machine. This means anything that can be computed by a Turing Machine can be computed by a Turing Complete system.

No one has yet found a system more powerful than a Turing Machine. So, for the time being, saying a system is Turing Complete is the same as saying the system is as powerful as any known computing system (see Church-Turing Thesis).

#pragma mark in Swift?


// MARK: SectionName


// MARK: - SectionName

This will give a line above pragma mark, making it more readable.

For ease just add

// MARK: - <#label#>

to your code snippets.

Alternate way -

Use it in this way

private typealias SectionName = ViewController
private extension SectionName  {
    // Your methods

This will not only add mark(just like pragma mark) but also segregate the code nicely.

Enter export password to generate a P12 certificate

I know this thread has been idle for a while, but I just wanted to add my two cents to supplement jariq's comment...

Per manual, you don't necessary want to use -password option.

Let's say mykey.key has a password and your want to protect iphone-dev.p12 with another password, this is what you'd use:

pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12 -passin pass:password_for_mykey -passout pass:password_for_iphone_dev

Have fun scripting!!

How to trigger checkbox click event even if it's checked through Javascript code?


    var checked = $(this).is(":checked");
      alert('Checked Successfully');


Django model "doesn't declare an explicit app_label"

I had the same problem just now. I've fixed mine by adding a namespace on the app name. Hope someone find this helpful.

from django.apps import AppConfig    

class SalesClientConfig(AppConfig):
        name = 'portal.sales_client'
        verbose_name = 'Sales Client'

Twitter bootstrap modal-backdrop doesn't disappear

updatepanel issue.

My issue was due to the updatepanel placement. I had the entire modal in the updatepanel. If you declare the modal outside the updatepanel and just have say, the modal body, in the update panel, then the $('#myModalID').modal('hide'); worked.

How to find the index of an element in an int array?

     * Method to get the index of the given item from the list
     * @param stringArray
     * @param name
     * @return index of the item if item exists else return -1
    public static int getIndexOfItemInArray(String[] stringArray, String name) {
        if (stringArray != null && stringArray.length > 0) {
            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(stringArray));
            int index = list.indexOf(name);
            return index;
        return -1;

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

This worked for me:

from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
content = smart_str(content)

Listening for variable changes in JavaScript


But, if it's really that important, you have 2 options (first is tested, second isn't):

First, use setters and getters, like so:

var myobj = {a : 1};

function create_gets_sets(obj) { // make this a framework/global function
    var proxy = {}
    for ( var i in obj ) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            var k = i;
            proxy["set_"+i] = function (val) { this[k] = val; };
            proxy["get_"+i] = function ()    { return this[k]; };
    for (var i in proxy) {
        if (proxy.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            obj[i] = proxy[i];


then you can do something like:

function listen_to(obj, prop, handler) {
    var current_setter = obj["set_" + prop];
    var old_val = obj["get_" + prop]();
    obj["set_" + prop] = function(val) { current_setter.apply(obj, [old_val, val]); handler(val));

then set the listener like:

listen_to(myobj, "a", function(oldval, newval) {
    alert("old : " + oldval + " new : " + newval);

Second, you could put a watch on the value:

Given myobj above, with 'a' on it:

function watch(obj, prop, handler) { // make this a framework/global function
    var currval = obj[prop];
    function callback() {
        if (obj[prop] != currval) {
            var temp = currval;
            currval = obj[prop];
            handler(temp, currval);
    return callback;

var myhandler = function (oldval, newval) {
    //do something

var intervalH = setInterval(watch(myobj, "a", myhandler), 100);


Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second

Use function gmdate() only if seconds are less than 86400 (1 day) :

$seconds = 8525;
echo gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds);
# 02:22:05

See: gmdate()

Run the Demo

Convert seconds to format by 'foot' no limit* :

$seconds = 8525;
$H = floor($seconds / 3600);
$i = ($seconds / 60) % 60;
$s = $seconds % 60;
echo sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $H, $i, $s);
# 02:22:05

See: floor(), sprintf(), arithmetic operators

Run the Demo

Example use of DateTime extension:

$seconds = 8525;
$zero    = new DateTime("@0");
$offset  = new DateTime("@$seconds");
$diff    = $zero->diff($offset);
echo sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $diff->days * 24 + $diff->h, $diff->i, $diff->s);
# 02:22:05

See: DateTime::__construct(), DateTime::modify(), clone, sprintf()

Run the Demo

MySQL example range of the result is constrained to that of the TIME data type, which is from -838:59:59 to 838:59:59 :

# 02:22:05


Run the Demo

PostgreSQL example:

SELECT TO_CHAR('8525 second'::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS');
# 02:22:05

Run the Demo

Nexus 7 not visible over USB via "adb devices" from Windows 7 x64

The solution that seemed to fix this for me, on top of PTP, is not selecting Always allow from this computer when allowing USB debugging. Revoking the authorisations and manually accepting each time the device is connected fixed this for me. (Settings -> Developer options -> Revoke USB debugging authorisations)

Storage permission error in Marshmallow

Add below code to your OnCreate() function in MainAcitivity, which will display pop up to ask for permission:

if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(TestActivity.this,
else {
                            new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

Installing NumPy and SciPy on 64-bit Windows (with Pip)

Installing with pip

You can install the numpy and scipy wheels on Windows with pip in one step if you use the appropriate link from Gohlke's Unofficial Windows Binaries (mentioned by sebix) and run the Windows command prompt as Administrator. For example, in Python 3.5, you would simply use something like this:

# numpy-1.9.3+mkl for Python 3.5 on Win AMD64
pip3.5 install

# scipy-0.16.1 for Python 3.5 on Win AMD64
pip3.5 install

Angular 5 - Copy to clipboard

Copy using angular cdk,


import {ClipboardModule} from '@angular/cdk/clipboard';

Programmatically copy a string: MyComponent.ts,

class MyComponent {
  constructor(private clipboard: Clipboard) {}

  copyHeroName() {

Click an element to copy via HTML:

<button [cdkCopyToClipboard]="longText" [cdkCopyToClipboardAttempts]="2">Copy text</button>


How to make PyCharm always show line numbers

v. community 5.0.4 (linux): File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> now check 'Show line numbers', confirm w. OK an voila :)

How to read an excel file in C# without using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel libraries

If you don't wish to use interop, you may want to try out OfficeWriter. Depending on how much processing you really need to do on the file, it might be overkill though. You can request a free trial. There's a fully documented api available at the documentation site.

DISCLAIMER: I'm one of the engineers who built the latest version.

Java Compare Two Lists


Here are two versions. One using ArrayList and other using HashSet

Compare them and create your own version from this, until you get what you need.

This should be enough to cover the:

P.S: It is not a school assignment :) So if you just guide me it will be enough

part of your question.

continuing with the original answer:

You may use a java.util.Collection and/or java.util.ArrayList for that.

The retainAll method does the following:

Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection

see this sample:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Repeated {
    public static void main( String  [] args ) {
        Collection listOne = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("milan","dingo", "elpha", "hafil", "meat", "iga", "neeta.peeta"));
        Collection listTwo = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("hafil", "iga", "binga", "mike", "dingo"));

        listOne.retainAll( listTwo );
        System.out.println( listOne );


For the second part ( similar values ) you may use the removeAll method:

Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.

This second version gives you also the similar values and handles repeated ( by discarding them).

This time the Collection could be a Set instead of a List ( the difference is, the Set doesn't allow repeated values )

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;

class Repeated {
      public static void main( String  [] args ) {

          Collection<String> listOne = Arrays.asList("milan","iga",

          Collection<String> listTwo = Arrays.asList("hafil",

          Collection<String> similar = new HashSet<String>( listOne );
          Collection<String> different = new HashSet<String>();
          different.addAll( listOne );
          different.addAll( listTwo );

          similar.retainAll( listTwo );
          different.removeAll( similar );

          System.out.printf("One:%s%nTwo:%s%nSimilar:%s%nDifferent:%s%n", listOne, listTwo, similar, different);


$ java Repeated
One:[milan, iga, dingo, iga, elpha, iga, hafil, iga, meat, iga, neeta.peeta, iga]

Two:[hafil, iga, binga, mike, dingo, dingo, dingo]

Similar:[dingo, iga, hafil]

Different:[mike, binga, milan, meat, elpha, neeta.peeta]

If it doesn't do exactly what you need, it gives you a good start so you can handle from here.

Question for the reader: How would you include all the repeated values?

OSX El Capitan: sudo pip install OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted

I guess you have some conflict with other package. For me it was six. So you need to use a command like this:

pip install google-api-python-client --upgrade --ignore-installed six


pip install --ignore-installed six

When to use a linked list over an array/array list?

Those are the most common used implementations of Collection.


  • insert/delete at the end generally O(1) worst case O(n)

  • insert/delete in the middle O(n)

  • retrieve any position O(1)


  • insert/delete in any position O(1) (note if you have a reference to the element)

  • retrieve in the middle O(n)

  • retrieve first or last element O(1)

Vector: don't use it. It is an old implementation similar to ArrayList but with all methods synchronized. It is not the correct approach for a shared list in a multithreading environment.


insert/delete/retrieve by key in O(1)

TreeSet insert/delete/contains in O(log N)

HashSet insert/remove/contains/size in O(1)

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

You can use a simple call in the constructor under "frame initialization":


After this call, the window will not be resizable.

Selecting non-blank cells in Excel with VBA

The following VBA code should get you started. It will copy all of the data in the original workbook to a new workbook, but it will have added 1 to each value, and all blank cells will have been ignored.

Option Explicit

Public Sub exportDataToNewBook()
    Dim rowIndex As Integer
    Dim colIndex As Integer
    Dim dataRange As Range
    Dim thisBook As Workbook
    Dim newBook As Workbook
    Dim newRow As Integer
    Dim temp

    '// set your data range here
    Set dataRange = Sheet1.Range("A1:B100")

    '// create a new workbook
    Set newBook = Excel.Workbooks.Add

    '// loop through the data in book1, one column at a time
    For colIndex = 1 To dataRange.Columns.Count
        newRow = 0
        For rowIndex = 1 To dataRange.Rows.Count
            With dataRange.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex)

            '// ignore empty cells
            If .value <> "" Then
                newRow = newRow + 1
                temp = doSomethingWith(.value)
                newBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(newRow, colIndex).value = temp
                End If

            End With
        Next rowIndex
    Next colIndex
End Sub

Private Function doSomethingWith(aValue)

    '// This is where you would compute a different value
    '// for use in the new workbook
    '// In this example, I simply add one to it.
    aValue = aValue + 1

    doSomethingWith = aValue
End Function

Logging best practices

We use Log4Net at work as the logging provider, with a singleton wrapper for the log instance (although the singleton is under review, questioning whether they are a good idea or not).

We chose it for the following reasons:

  • Simple configuration/ reconfiguration on various environments
  • Good number of pre-built appenders
  • One of the CMS's we use already had it built in
  • Nice number of log levels and configurations around them

I should mention, this is speaking from an ASP.NET development point of view

I can see some merits in using the Trace that is in the .NET framework but I'm not entirely sold on it, mainly because the components I work with don't really do any Trace calls. The only thing that I frequently use that does is System.Net.Mail from what I can tell.

So we have a library which wraps log4net and within our code we just need stuff like this:

Logger.Instance.Warn("Something to warn about");
Logger.Instance.Fatal("Something went bad!", new Exception());

try {
  var i = int.Parse("Hello World");
} catch(FormatException, ex) {

Within the methods we do a check to see if the logging level is enabled, so you don't have redundant calls to the log4net API (so if Debug isn't enabled, the debug statements are ignored), but when I get some time I'll be updating it to expose those so that you can do the checks yourself. This will prevent evaluations being undertaken when they shouldn't, eg:

Logger.Instance.Debug(string.Format("Something to debug at {0}", DateTime.Now);

This will become:

if(Logger.DebugEnabled) Logger.Instance.Debug(string.Format("Something to debug at {0}", DateTime.Now);

(Save a bit of execusion time)

By default we log at two locations:

  1. File system of the website (in a non-served file extension)
  2. Email sending for Error & Fatal

Files are done as rolling of each day or 10mb (IIRC). We don't use the EventLog as it can require higher security than we often want to give a site.

I find Notepad works just fine for reading logs.

vertical-align: middle with Bootstrap 2

As well as the previous answers are you could always use the Pull attrib as well:

    <ol class="row" id="possibilities">
       <li class="span6">
         <div class="row">
           <div class="span3">
             <p>some text here</p>
             <p>Text Here too</p>
         <figure class="span3 pull-right"><img src="img/screenshots/options.png" alt="Some text" /></figure>
 <li class="span6">
     <div class="row">
         <figure class="span3"><img src="img/qrcode.png" alt="Some text" /></figure>
         <div class="span3">
             <p>Some text</p>
             <p>Some text here too.</p>

HttpClient does not exist in .net 4.0: what can I do?

Here's a "translation" to HttpWebRequest (needed rather than WebClient in order to set the referrer). (Uses System.Net and System.IO):

    HttpWebRequest http = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl))
    http.Referer = referrer;
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse )http.GetResponse();
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
        string responseJson = sr.ReadToEnd();
        // more stuff

Difference between HttpModule and HttpClientModule

Use the HttpClient class from HttpClientModule if you're using Angular 4.3.x and above:

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

 imports: [

 class MyService() {
    constructor(http: HttpClient) {...}

It's an upgraded version of http from @angular/http module with the following improvements:

  • Interceptors allow middleware logic to be inserted into the pipeline
  • Immutable request/response objects
  • Progress events for both request upload and response download

You can read about how it works in Insider’s guide into interceptors and HttpClient mechanics in Angular.

  • Typed, synchronous response body access, including support for JSON body types
  • JSON is an assumed default and no longer needs to be explicitly parsed
  • Post-request verification & flush based testing framework

Going forward the old http client will be deprecated. Here are the links to the commit message and the official docs.

Also pay attention that old http was injected using Http class token instead of the new HttpClient:

import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';

 imports: [

 class MyService() {
    constructor(http: Http) {...}

Also, new HttpClient seem to require tslib in runtime, so you have to install it npm i tslib and update system.config.js if you're using SystemJS:

map: {
    'tslib': 'npm:tslib/tslib.js',

And you need to add another mapping if you use SystemJS:

'@angular/common/http': 'npm:@angular/common/bundles/common-http.umd.js',

How do I fix a Git detached head?

If you have changed files you don't want to lose, you can push them. I have committed them in the detached mode and after that you can move to a temporary branch to integrate later in master.

git commit -m "....."
git branch my-temporary-work
git checkout master
git merge my-temporary-work

Extracted from:

What to do with commit made in a detached head

json_decode returns NULL after webservice call

You should try out json_last_error_msg(). It will give you the error message and tell you what is wrong. It was introduced in PHP 5.5.

$foo = "{"action":"set","user":"123123123123","status":"OK"}";
$data = json_decode($foo, true);
if($data == null) {
    throw new Exception('Decoding JSON failed with the following message: '
                             . json_last_error_msg());

// ... JSON decode was good => Let's use the data

How to adjust layout when soft keyboard appears

This question has beeen asked a few years ago and "Secret Andro Geni" has a good base explanation and "tir38" also made a good attempt on the complete solution, but alas there is no complete solution posted here. I've spend a couple of hours figuring out things and here is my complete solution with detailed explanation at the bottom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




                    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />




                android:hint="Email or Phone"

                <requestFocus />

                android:inputType="textPassword" />

                android:text="Log In"
                android:onClick="login" />





                        android:text="Sign Up for Facebook"
                        android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall" />

                        android:onClick="help" />






And in AndroidManifest.xml, don't forget to set:


on the <activity> tag that you want such layout.


I've realized that RelativeLayout are the layouts that span thru all available space and are then resized when the keyboard pops up.

And LinearLayout are layouts that don't get resized in the resizing process.

That's why you need to have 1 RelativeLayout immediately after ScrollView to span thru all available screen space. And you need to have a LinearLayout inside a RelativeLayout else your insides would get crushed when the resizing occurs. Good example is "headerLayout". If there wouldn't be a LinearLayout inside that RelativeLayout "facebook" text would get crushed and wouldn't be shown.

In the "facebook" login pictures posted in the question I've also noticed that the whole login part (mainLayout) is centered vertical in relation to the whole screen, hence the attribute:


on the LinearLayout layout. And because mainLayout is inside a LinearLayout this means that that part does't get resized (again see picture in question).

TypeScript and React - children type?

The function component return type is limited to JSXElement | null in TypeScript. This is a current type limitation, pure React allows more return types.

Minimal demonstration snippet

You can either use a type assertion or Fragments as workaround:

const Aux = (props: AuxProps) => <>props.children</>; 
const Aux2 = (props: AuxProps) => props.children as ReactElement; 


children: React.ReactNode might be suboptimal, if the goal is to have strong types for Aux.

Almost anything can be assigned to current ReactNode type, which is equivalent to {} | undefined | null. A safer type for your case could be:

interface AuxProps {
  children: ReactElement | ReactElement[]


Given Aux needs React elements as children, we accidently added a string to it. Then above solution would error in contrast to ReactNode - take a look at the linked playgrounds.

Typed children are also useful for non-JSX props, like a Render Prop callback.

How to add a jar in External Libraries in android studio

A simple way to add Jar file Android Studio Steps:

  1. Copy and paste your jar file to libs folder of your project.
  2. Click File from File menu -> Project Structure (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S on Windows/Linux, ? + ; on Mac OS X).
  3. Select Modules at the left panel -> Dependencies tab.
  4. Add... ? Project Library ? Attach Jar.

What is the difference between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0?

HTTP 2.0 is a binary protocol that multiplexes numerous streams going over a single (normally TLS-encrypted) TCP connection.

The contents of each stream are HTTP 1.1 requests and responses, just encoded and packed up differently. HTTP2 adds a number of features to manage the streams, but leaves old semantics untouched.

CSS root directory

click here for good explaination!

All you need to know about relative file paths:

Starting with "/" returns to the root directory and starts there

Starting with "../" moves one directory backward and starts there

Starting with "../../" moves two directories backward and starts there (and so on...)

To move forward, just start with the first subdirectory and keep moving forward

illegal use of break statement; javascript

You need to make sure requestAnimFrame stops being called once game == 1. A break statement only exits a traditional loop (e.g. while()).

function loop() {
    if (isPlaying) {
        if (game != 1) {

Or alternatively you could simply skip the second if condition and change the first condition to if (isPlaying && game !== 1). You would have to make a variable called game and give it a value of 0. Add 1 to it every game.

How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?

My experience in Visual Studio 2010 is that there are two changes needed so as to not need DLL's. From the project property page (right click on the project name in the Solution Explorer window):

  1. Under Configuration Properties --> General, change the "Use of MFC" field to "Use MFC in a Static Library".

  2. Under Configuration Properties --> C/C++ --> Code Generation, change the "Runtime Library" field to "Multi-Threaded (/MT)"

Not sure why both were needed. I used this to remove a dependency on glut32.dll.

Added later: When making these changes to the configurations, you should make them to "All Configurations" --- you can select this at the top of the Properties window. If you make the change to just the Debug configuration, it won't apply to the Release configuration, and vice-versa.

How to run a command as a specific user in an init script?

I usually do it the way that you are doing it (i.e. sudo -u username command). But, there is also the 'djb' way to run a daemon with privileges of another user. See:

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting

I caught this error a few days ago.

IN my case it was because I was using a Transaction on a Singleton.

.Net does not work well with Singleton as stated above.

My solution was this:

public class DbHelper : DbHelperCore
    public DbHelper()
        Connection = null;
        Transaction = null;

    public static DbHelper instance
            if (HttpContext.Current is null)
                return new DbHelper();
            else if (HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"] == null)
                HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"] = new DbHelper();

            return (DbHelper)HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"];

    public override void BeginTransaction()
        Connection = new SqlConnection(Entity.Connection.getCon);
        if (Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
        Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();

I used HttpContext.Current.Items for my instance. This class DbHelper and DbHelperCore is my own class

Not able to change TextField Border Color

The new way to do it is to use enabledBorder like this:

new TextField(
  decoration: new InputDecoration(
    enabledBorder: const OutlineInputBorder(
      borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Colors.grey, width: 0.0),
    focusedBorder: ...
    border: ...

PHP json_encode json_decode UTF-8

json utf8 encode and decode:

json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)

json_decode($json, false, 512, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)

force utf8 might be helpfull too:

Angular2 *ngFor in select list, set active based on string from object

This should work

<option *ngFor="let title of titleArray" 
    [attr.selected]="passenger.Title==title.Text ? true : null">

I'm not sure the attr. part is necessary.

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

Presumably you could kick off a setTimeout call in mousedown, and then cancel it in mouseup (if mouseup happens before your timeout completes).

However, looks like there is a plugin: longclick.

MySQL Workbench Dark Theme

FYI Dark theme is now in the Dev Version of MySQL Workbench

Update: From what I can tell it is Natively built into MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 for MAC OS X

The package I downloaded was mysql-workbench-community-8.0.15-macos-x86_64.dmg enter image description here

How to view query error in PDO PHP

I'm using this without any additional settings:

if (!$st->execute()) {

How to map calculated properties with JPA and Hibernate

JPA doesn't offer any support for derived property so you'll have to use a provider specific extension. As you mentioned, @Formula is perfect for this when using Hibernate. You can use an SQL fragment:

private float finalPrice;

Or even complex queries on other tables:

@Formula("(select min(o.creation_date) from Orders o where o.customer_id = id)")
private Date firstOrderDate;

Where id is the id of the current entity.

The following blog post is worth the read: Hibernate Derived Properties - Performance and Portability.

Without more details, I can't give a more precise answer but the above link should be helpful.

See also:

How to clear mysql screen console in windows?

SQL> clear scr

This command clears the screen in MYSQL

JavaScript query string

function decode(s) {
    try {
        return decodeURIComponent(s).replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\r\n");
    } catch (e) {
        return "";
function getQueryString(win) {
    var qs =;
    var multimap = {};
    if (qs.length > 1) {
        qs = qs.substr(1);
        qs.replace(/([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/g, function(match, hfname, hfvalue) {
            var name = decode(hfname);
            var value = decode(hfvalue);
            if (name.length > 0) {
                if (!multimap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                    multimap[name] = [];
    return multimap;
var keys = getQueryString(window);
for (var i in keys) {
    if (keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
        for (var z = 0; z < keys[i].length; ++z) {
            alert(i + ":" + keys[i][z]);

Specify path to node_modules in package.json

yes you can, just set the NODE_PATH env variable :

export NODE_PATH='yourdir'/node_modules

According to the doc :

If the NODE_PATH environment variable is set to a colon-delimited list of absolute paths, then node will search those paths for modules if they are not found elsewhere. (Note: On Windows, NODE_PATH is delimited by semicolons instead of colons.)

Additionally, node will search in the following locations:

1: $HOME/.node_modules

2: $HOME/.node_libraries

3: $PREFIX/lib/node

Where $HOME is the user's home directory, and $PREFIX is node's configured node_prefix.

These are mostly for historic reasons. You are highly encouraged to place your dependencies locally in node_modules folders. They will be loaded faster, and more reliably.


How can I control the width of a label tag?

Using CSS, of course...

label { display: block; width: 100px; }

The width attribute is deprecated, and CSS should always be used to control these kinds of presentational styles.

How do you modify a CSS style in the code behind file for divs in ASP.NET?

Another way to do it:

testSpace.Style.Add("display", "none");


testSpace.Style["background-image"] = "url(images/foo.png)";

in you can do it this way:

testSpace.Style.Item("display") = "none"

Access Denied for User 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) - No Privileges?

for the above problem ur password in the system should matches with the password u have passed in the program because when u run the program it checks system's password as u have given root as a user so gives u an error and at the same time the record is not deleted from the database.

import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
class Delete
    public static void main(String []k)
        String url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/student";

        String user="root";
        String pass="jacob234";
            Connection myConnection=DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pass);
            Statement myStatement=myConnection.createStatement();
            String deleteQuery="delete from students where id=2";
            System.out.println("delete completed");
        }catch(Exception e){

Keep ur system password as jacob234 and then run the code.

Initializing a list to a known number of elements in Python

The first thing that comes to mind for me is:

verts = [None]*1000

But do you really need to preinitialize it?

Comparing two strings, ignoring case in C#

1st is more efficient (and the best possible option) because val.ToLowerCase() creates a new object since Strings are immutable.

HTML 'td' width and height

The width attribute of <td> is deprecated in HTML 5.

Use CSS. e.g.

 <td style="width:100px">

in detail, like this:

<table >
    <td style="width:70%">January</td>
    <td style="width:30%">$100</td>

Deep copy of a dict in python

Python 3.x

from copy import deepcopy

my_dict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
new_dict_deepcopy = deepcopy(my_dict)

Without deepcopy, I am unable to remove the hostname dictionary from within my domain dictionary.

Without deepcopy I get the following error:

"RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"

...when I try to remove the desired element from my dictionary inside of another dictionary.

import socket
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from copy import deepcopy

domain is a dictionary object

def remove_hostname(domain, hostname):
    domain_copy = deepcopy(domain)
    for domains, hosts in domain_copy.items():
        for host, port in hosts.items():
           if host == hostname:
                del domain[domains][host]
    return domain

Example output: [orginal]domains = {'localdomain': {'localhost': {'all': '4000'}}}

[new]domains = {'localdomain': {} }}

So what's going on here is I am iterating over a copy of a dictionary rather than iterating over the dictionary itself. With this method, you are able to remove elements as needed.

adb server version doesn't match this client

System: Windows 7, Android Studio.

This error occurred when I ran adb devices from Windows Commandline.

The root cause was that the adb I was running from commandline was not the same adb running from Android Studio.


  1. First kill all running adb processes on the machine.

    taskkill /F /IM adb.exe

  2. Run your app from Android Studio.

  3. Locate the exact File Location of adb.exe either from Windows Task Manager, OR by running the command below

    wmic process where "name='adb.exe'" get ProcessID, ExecutablePath

  4. On Windows Command prompt, run where adb to locate the adb that runs from command prompt. This path would be different from the one in Step 3 above.

  5. Edit Windows system variable PATH. Delete the base path found in Step 4 from it.

  6. After you have edited PATH, you can see the current contents of this variable by typing below command in a NEW command prompt (don't use old prompt.)

    echo %PATH%

Now, run adb from command prompt. It should NOT show any "server out of date error"!

Link to all Visual Studio $ variables

Ok, I finally wanted to have a pretty complete, searchable list of those variables for reference. Here is a complete (OCR-generated, as I did not easily find something akin to a printenv command) list of defined variables for a Visual C++ project on my machine. Probably not all macros are defined for others (e.g. OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE), but I wanted to err on the side of inclusiveness here.

For example, this is the first time that I see $(Language) (expanding to C++ for this project) being mentioned outside of the IDE.


Where to find this list within Visual Studio:

  1. Open your C++ project's dialogue Property Pages
  2. Select any textual field that can use a configuration variable. (in the screenshot, I use Target Name)
  3. On the right side of the text box, click the small combobox button and select option <Edit...>.
  4. In the new window (here, title is Target Name), click on button Macros>>.
  5. Scroll through the giant list of environment/linker/macro variables.

Motivational screenshot:

Visual Studio project Property Pages with exemplary Macro variable list

compare differences between two tables in mysql

 select t1.user_id,t2.user_id 
 from t1 left join t2 ON t1.user_id = t2.user_id 
 and t1.username=t2.username 
 and t1.first_name=t2.first_name 
 and t1.last_name=t2.last_name

try this. This will compare your table and find all matching pairs, if any mismatch return NULL on left.

How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

Install the one you use most (3.3 in my case) over the top of the other. That'll force IDLE to use the one you want.

Alternatively (from the python3.3 README):

Installing multiple versions

On Unix and Mac systems if you intend to install multiple versions of Python using the same installation prefix (--prefix argument to the configure script) you must take care that your primary python executable is not overwritten by the installation of a different version. All files and directories installed using "make altinstall" contain the major and minor version and can thus live side-by-side. "make install" also creates ${prefix}/bin/python3 which refers to ${prefix}/bin/pythonX.Y. If you intend to install multiple versions using the same prefix you must decide which version (if any) is your "primary" version. Install that version using "make install". Install all other versions using "make altinstall".

For example, if you want to install Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3 with 2.7 being the primary version, you would execute "make install" in your 2.7 build directory and "make altinstall" in the others.

Batch file to move files to another directory


move "C:\files\*.txt" "C:\txt" How can I remove an item from a dropdownlist?


ListItem removeItem= myDropDown.Items.FindByValue("TextToFind");

Replace "TextToFind" with the item you want to remove.

Key Listeners in python?

Here's how can do it on Windows:


    Display series of numbers in infinite loop
    Listen to key "s" to stop
    Only works on Windows because listening to keys
    is platform dependent


# msvcrt is a windows specific native module
import msvcrt
import time

# asks whether a key has been acquired
def kbfunc():
    #this is boolean for whether the keyboard has bene hit
    x = msvcrt.kbhit()
    if x:
        #getch acquires the character encoded in binary ASCII
        ret = msvcrt.getch()
        ret = False
    return ret

#begin the counter
number = 1

#infinite loop
while True:

    #acquire the keyboard hit if exists
    x = kbfunc() 

    #if we got a keyboard hit
    if x != False and x.decode() == 's':
        #we got the key!
        #because x is a binary, we need to decode to string
        #use the decode() which is part of the binary object
        #by default, decodes via utf8
        #concatenation auto adds a space in between
        print ("STOPPING, KEY:", x.decode())
        #break loop
        #prints the number
        print (number)
        #increment, there's no ++ in python
        number += 1
        #wait half a second

Which characters need to be escaped in HTML?

It depends upon the context. Some possible contexts in HTML:

  • document body
  • inside common attributes
  • inside script tags
  • inside style tags
  • several more!

See OWASP's Cross Site Scripting Prevention Cheat Sheet, especially the "Why Can't I Just HTML Entity Encode Untrusted Data?" and "XSS Prevention Rules" sections. However, it's best to read the whole document.

Get filename from file pointer

You can get the path via Example:

>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')

You might need os.path.basename if you want only the file name:

>>> import os
>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')
>>> os.path.basename(

File object docs (for Python 2) here.

How to "git show" a merge commit with combined diff output even when every changed file agrees with one of the parents?

A better solution (mentioned by @KrisNuttycombe):

git diff fc17405...ee2de56

for the merge commit:

commit 0e1329e551a5700614a2a34d8101e92fd9f2cad6 (HEAD, master)
Merge: fc17405 ee2de56
Author: Tilman Vogel <email@email>
Date:   Tue Feb 22 00:27:17 2011 +0100

to show all of the changes on ee2de56 that are reachable from commits on fc17405. Note the order of the commit hashes - it's the same as shown in the merge info: Merge: fc17405 ee2de56

Also note the 3 dots ... instead of two!

For a list of changed files, you can use:

git diff fc17405...ee2de56 --name-only

How to replace blank (null ) values with 0 for all records?

without 'where's and 'if's ...

Update Table Set MyField = Nz(MyField,0)

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

You can use maven-assembly-plugin, Here is the example from the official site:

                    <mainClass>your main class</mainClass>
                <id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
                <phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

Why use argparse rather than optparse?

As of python 2.7, optparse is deprecated, and will hopefully go away in the future.

argparse is better for all the reasons listed on its original page (

  • handling positional arguments
  • supporting sub-commands
  • allowing alternative option prefixes like + and /
  • handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments
  • producing more informative usage messages
  • providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actions

More information is also in PEP 389, which is the vehicle by which argparse made it into the standard library.

What is the dual table in Oracle?

It is a dummy table with one element in it. It is useful because Oracle doesn't allow statements like


You can work around this restriction by writing



Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources

If you're having this issue, and try to run bundle exec jekyll serve per this Jekyll documentation, it'll ask you to run bundle install, which should prompt you to install any missing gems, which in this case will be rake. This should resolve your issue.

You may also need to run bundle update to ensure Gemfile.lock is referencing the most up-to-date gems.

HTML text input allow only numeric input

Give the input field a class (<input class="digit" ...> ) and use jquery as below .

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
            jQuery('input.digit').live('input keyup',function(e){ jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).val().replace( /[^\d]/g ,'')); });

Above code also works to disable special characters in Ctrl+V strokes and right click strokes also.

How can I edit a .jar file?

This is a tool to open Java class file binaries, view their internal structure, modify portions of it if required and save the class file back. It also generates readable reports similar to the javap utility. Easy to use Java Swing GUI. The user interface tries to display as much detail as possible and tries to present a structure as close as the actual Java class file structure. At the same time ease of use and class file consistency while doing modifications is also stressed. For example, when a method is deleted, the associated constant pool entry will also be deleted if it is no longer referenced. In built verifier checks changes before saving the file. This tool has been used by people learning Java class file internals. This tool has also been used to do quick modifications in class files when the source code is not available." this is a quote from the website.

Uninitialized Constant MessagesController

Your model is @Messages, change it to @message.

To change it like you should use migration:

def change   rename_table :old_table_name, :new_table_name end 

Of course do not create that file by hand but use rails generator:

rails g migration ChangeMessagesToMessage 

That will generate new file with proper timestamp in name in 'db dir. Then run:

rake db:migrate 

And your app should be fine since then.

Solution to "subquery returns more than 1 row" error

= can be used when the subquery returns only 1 value.

When subquery returns more than 1 value, you will have to use IN:

select * 
from table
where id IN (multiple row query);

For example:

FROM Students
WHERE Marks = (SELECT MAX(Marks) FROM Students)   --Subquery returns only 1 value

FROM Students
      (SELECT Marks 
       FROM Students 
       ORDER BY Marks DESC
       LIMIT 10)                       --Subquery returns 10 values

CSS text-align: center; is not centering things

If you want the text within the list items to be centred, try:

ul#menu-utility-navigation {
  width: 100%;

ul#menu-utility-navigation li {
  text-align: center;

Running a cron job at 2:30 AM everyday

30 2 * * * wget

The first part is for setting cron job and the next part to call your function.

#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

remove DEFINER=root@localhost from all calls including procedures

Using Python String Formatting with Lists

The same as @neobot's answer but a little more modern and succinct.

>>> l = range(5)
>>> " & ".join(["{}"]*len(l)).format(*l)
'0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4'

Single TextView with multiple colored text

I don't know, since when this is possible, but you can simply add <font> </font> to your string.xml which will automatically change the color per text. No need to add any additional code such as spannable text etc.


<string name="my_formatted_text">
    <font color="#FF0707">THIS IS RED</font>
    <font color="#0B132B">AND NOW BLUE</font>

Extending from two classes

The creators of java decided that the problems of multiple inheritance outweigh the benefits, so they did not include multiple inheritance. You can read about one of the largest issues of multiple inheritance (the double diamond problem) here.

The two most similar concepts are interface implementation and including objects of other classes as members of the current class. Using default methods in interfaces is almost exactly the same as multiple inheritance, however it is considered bad practice to use an interface with only default methods.

How to check if an element is visible with WebDriver

        if( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div***")).isDisplayed()){
          System.out.println("Element is Visible");
catch(NoSuchElementException e){
     System.out.println("Element is InVisible");

PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

Add C:\xampp\php to your PATH environment variable.(My Computer->properties -> Advanced system setting-> Environment Variables->edit path)

Then close your command prompt and restart again.

Note: It's very important to close your command prompt and restart again otherwise changes will not be reflected.

Test if a variable is a list or tuple

Python uses "Duck typing", i.e. if a variable kwaks like a duck, it must be a duck. In your case, you probably want it to be iterable, or you want to access the item at a certain index. You should just do this: i.e. use the object in for var: or var[idx] inside a try block, and if you get an exception it wasn't a duck...

How to compare two dates along with time in java

 // Get calendar set to the current date and time
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

// Set time of calendar to 18:00
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 18);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

// Check if current time is after 18:00 today
boolean afterSix = Calendar.getInstance().after(cal);

if (afterSix) {
    System.out.println("Go home, it's after 6 PM!");
else {

What is the fastest way to transpose a matrix in C++?

Some details about transposing 4x4 square float (I will discuss 32-bit integer later) matrices with x86 hardware. It's helpful to start here in order to transpose larger square matrices such as 8x8 or 16x16.

_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(r0, r1, r2, r3) is implemented differently by different compilers. GCC and ICC (I have not checked Clang) use unpcklps, unpckhps, unpcklpd, unpckhpd whereas MSVC uses only shufps. We can actually combine these two approaches together like this.

t0 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(r0, r1);
t1 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(r0, r1);
t2 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(r2, r3);
t3 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(r2, r3);

r0 = _mm_shuffle_ps(t0,t2, 0x44);
r1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(t0,t2, 0xEE);
r2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(t1,t3, 0x44);
r3 = _mm_shuffle_ps(t1,t3, 0xEE);

One interesting observation is that two shuffles can be converted to one shuffle and two blends (SSE4.1) like this.

t0 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(r0, r1);
t1 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(r0, r1);
t2 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(r2, r3);
t3 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(r2, r3);

v  = _mm_shuffle_ps(t0,t2, 0x4E);
r0 = _mm_blend_ps(t0,v, 0xC);
r1 = _mm_blend_ps(t2,v, 0x3);
v  = _mm_shuffle_ps(t1,t3, 0x4E);
r2 = _mm_blend_ps(t1,v, 0xC);
r3 = _mm_blend_ps(t3,v, 0x3);

This effectively converted 4 shuffles into 2 shuffles and 4 blends. This uses 2 more instructions than the implementation of GCC, ICC, and MSVC. The advantage is that it reduces port pressure which may have a benefit in some circumstances. Currently all the shuffles and unpacks can go only to one particular port whereas the blends can go to either of two different ports.

I tried using 8 shuffles like MSVC and converting that into 4 shuffles + 8 blends but it did not work. I still had to use 4 unpacks.

I used this same technique for a 8x8 float transpose (see towards the end of that answer). In that answer I still had to use 8 unpacks but I manged to convert the 8 shuffles into 4 shuffles and 8 blends.

For 32-bit integers there is nothing like shufps (except for 128-bit shuffles with AVX512) so it can only be implemented with unpacks which I don't think can be convert to blends (efficiently). With AVX512 vshufi32x4 acts effectively like shufps except for 128-bit lanes of 4 integers instead of 32-bit floats so this same technique might be possibly with vshufi32x4 in some cases. With Knights Landing shuffles are four times slower (throughput) than blends.

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

I also encountered this error. I have a Cordova application and the problem was that in config.xml I had a duplicated element <icon src="icon.png">, one pointing to an non-existing path.

How to use a link to call JavaScript?

And, why not unobtrusive with jQuery:

  $(function() {
    $("#unobtrusive").click(function(e) {
      e.preventDefault(); // if desired...
      // other methods to call...


<a id="unobtrusive" href="">jquery</a>

Byte Array and Int conversion in Java

/*sorry this is the correct */

     public byte[] IntArrayToByteArray(int[] iarray , int sizeofintarray)
       final ByteBuffer bb ;
       bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( sizeofintarray * 4);
       for(int k = 0; k < sizeofintarray ; k++)
       bb.putInt(k * 4, iar[k]);
       return bb.array();

HTML form with two submit buttons and two "target" attributes

I do this on the server-side. That is, the form always submits to the same target, but I've got a server-side script who is responsible for redirecting to the appropriate location depending on what button was pressed.

If you have multiple buttons, such as

<form action="mypage" method="get">

  <input type="submit" name="retry" value="Retry" />
  <input type="submit" name="abort" value="Abort" />


Note : I used GET, but it works for POST too

Then you can easily determine which button was pressed - if the variable retry exists and has a value then retry was pressed, and if the variable abort exists and has a value then abort was pressed. This knowledge can then be used to redirect to the appropriate place.

This method needs no Javascript.

Note : that some browsers are capable of submitting a form without pressing any buttons (by pressing enter). Non-standard as this is, you have to account for it, by having a clear default action and activating that whenever no buttons were pressed. In other words, make sure your form does something sensible (whether that's displaying a helpful error message or assuming a default) when someone hits enter in a different form element instead of clicking a submit button, rather than just breaking.

This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer

Removed below lines in .csproj file

<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" 
Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" />
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
 <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. 
 Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them.  For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" 
'$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets'))" />

How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git ( that I've pushed )?

At our shop, I introduced the convention of adding recognizably named annotated tags to commits with incorrect messages, and using the annotation as the replacement.

Even though this doesn't help folks who run casual "git log" commands, it does provide us with a way to fix incorrect bug tracker references in the comments, and all my build and release tools understand the convention.

This is obviously not a generic answer, but it might be something folks can adopt within specific communities. I'm sure if this is used on a larger scale, some sort of porcelain support for it may crop up, eventually...

How to use a variable of one method in another method?

You can't. Variables defined inside a method are local to that method.

If you want to share variables between methods, then you'll need to specify them as member variables of the class. Alternatively, you can pass them from one method to another as arguments (this isn't always applicable).

Looks like you're using instance methods instead of static ones.

If you don't want to create an object, you should declare all your methods static, so something like

private static void methodName(Argument args...)

If you want a variable to be accessible by all these methods, you should initialise it outside the methods and to limit its scope, declare it private.

private static int[][] array = new int[3][5];

Global variables are usually looked down upon (especially for situations like your one) because in a large-scale program they can wreak havoc, so making it private will prevent some problems at the least.

Also, I'll say the usual: You should try to keep your code a bit tidy. Use descriptive class, method and variable names and keep your code neat (with proper indentation, linebreaks etc.) and consistent.

Here's a final (shortened) example of what your code should be like:

public class Test3 {
    //Use this array in your methods
    private static int[][] scores = new int[3][5];

    /* Rather than just "Scores" name it so people know what
     * to expect
    private static void createScores() {
    //Other methods...

    /* Since you're now using static methods, you don't 
     * have to initialise an object and call its methods.
    public static void main(String[] args){
        MD();   //Don't know what these do
        sumD(); //so I'll leave them.

Ideally, since you're using an array, you would create the array in the main method and pass it as an argument across each method, but explaining how that works is probably a whole new question on its own so I'll leave it at that.

3-dimensional array in numpy

No need to go in such deep technicalities, and get yourself blasted. Let me explain it in the most easiest way. We all have studied "Sets" during our school-age in Mathematics. Just consider 3D numpy array as the formation of "sets".

x = np.zeros((2,3,4)) 

Simply Means:

2 Sets, 3 Rows per Set, 4 Columns



x = np.zeros((2,3,4))


Set # 1 ---- [[[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 1
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 2
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]], ---- Row 3 
Set # 2 ----  [[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 1
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 2
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]]] ---- Row 3

Explanation: See? we have 2 Sets, 3 Rows per Set, and 4 Columns.

Note: Whenever you see a "Set of numbers" closed in double brackets from both ends. Consider it as a "set". And 3D and 3D+ arrays are always built on these "sets".

bash assign default value

Please look at for examples

${parameter-default}, ${parameter:-default}

If parameter not set, use default. After the call, parameter is still not set.
Both forms are almost equivalent. The extra : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared, but is null.

unset EGGS
echo 1 ${EGGS-spam}   # 1 spam
echo 2 ${EGGS:-spam}  # 2 spam

echo 3 ${EGGS-spam}   # 3
echo 4 ${EGGS:-spam}  # 4 spam

echo 5 ${EGGS-spam}   # 5 cheese
echo 6 ${EGGS:-spam}  # 6 cheese

${parameter=default}, ${parameter:=default}

If parameter not set, set parameter value to default.
Both forms nearly equivalent. The : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared and is null

# sets variable without needing to reassign
# colons suppress attempting to run the string
unset EGGS
: ${EGGS=spam}
echo 1 $EGGS     # 1 spam
unset EGGS
: ${EGGS:=spam}
echo 2 $EGGS     # 2 spam

: ${EGGS=spam}
echo 3 $EGGS     # 3        (set, but blank -> leaves alone)
: ${EGGS:=spam}
echo 4 $EGGS     # 4 spam

: ${EGGS:=spam}
echo 5 $EGGS     # 5 cheese
: ${EGGS=spam}
echo 6 $EGGS     # 6 cheese

${parameter+alt_value}, ${parameter:+alt_value}

If parameter set, use alt_value, else use null string. After the call, parameter value not changed.
Both forms nearly equivalent. The : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared and is null

unset EGGS
echo 1 ${EGGS+spam}  # 1
echo 2 ${EGGS:+spam} # 2

echo 3 ${EGGS+spam}  # 3 spam
echo 4 ${EGGS:+spam} # 4

echo 5 ${EGGS+spam}  # 5 spam
echo 6 ${EGGS:+spam} # 6 spam

R Apply() function on specific dataframe columns

As mentioned, you simply want the standard R apply function applied to columns (MARGIN=2):

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A)

Or, for short:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], 2, A)

This updates columns 4:9 in-place using the A() function. Now, let's assume that na.rm is an argument to A(), which it probably should be. We can pass na.rm=T to remove NA values from the computation like so:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A, na.rm=T)

The same is true for any other arguments you want to pass to your custom function.

Regex replace uppercase with lowercase letters

In BBEdit works this (ex.: changing the ID values to lowercase):

Search any value: <a id="(?P<x>.*?)"></a> Replace with the same in lowercase: <a id="\L\P<x>\E"></a>

Was: <a id="VALUE"></a> Became: <a id="value"></a>

Firebase Storage How to store and Retrieve images

You can also use a service called Filepicker which will store your image to their servers and Filepicker which is now called Filestack, will provide you with a url to the image. You can than store the url to Firebase.

Getting an error "fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe." when compling

This is a warning for usual. You can either disable it by

#pragma warning(disable:4996)

or simply use fopen_s like Microsoft has intended.

But be sure to use the pragma before other headers.

The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception

I faced the same issue. The target platform was Any CPU in my case. But the checkbox "Prefer-32Bit" was checked.. Unchecking the same resolved the issue.

How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim

Frankly I use a tcomment plugin for that link. It can handle almost every syntax. It defines nice movements, using it with some text block matchers specific for python makes it a powerful tool.

How to subtract X day from a Date object in Java?

I have created a function to make the task easier.

  • For 7 days after dateString: dateCalculate(dateString,"yyyy-MM-dd",7);

  • To get 7 days upto dateString: dateCalculate(dateString,"yyyy-MM-dd",-7);

public static String dateCalculate(String dateString, String dateFormat, int days) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, days);
    return s.format(cal.getTime());

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

To answer your extra question:

You can set which rows should be repeated on every page using:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd(1, 5);

Now, row 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be repeated.

Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

Only call time pass-by-reference is removed. So change:

call_user_func($func, &$this, &$client ...

To this:

call_user_func($func, $this, $client ...

&$this should never be needed after PHP4 anyway period.

If you absolutely need $client to be passed by reference, update the function ($func) signature instead (function func(&$client) {)

How to get a list of sub-folders and their files, ordered by folder-names

Command to put list of all files and folders into a text file is as below:

Eg: dir /b /s | sort > ListOfFilesFolders.txt

extract date only from given timestamp in oracle sql

This format worked for me, for the mentioned date format i.e. MM/DD/YYYY

SELECT to_char(query_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') as query_date 

What is the best way to find the users home directory in Java?

As I was searching for Scala version, all I could find was McDowell's JNA code above. I include my Scala port here, as there currently isn't anywhere more appropriate.

import com.sun.jna.platform.win32._
object jna {
    def getHome: = {
        if (!com.sun.jna.Platform.isWindows()) {
        else {
            val pszPath: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](WinDef.MAX_PATH)
            new, pszPath, ShlObj.CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, false) match {
                case true => new String(pszPath.takeWhile(c => c != '\0'))
                case _    => System.getProperty("user.home")

As with the Java version, you will need to add Java Native Access, including both jar files, to your referenced libraries.

It's nice to see that JNA now makes this much easier than when the original code was posted.

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

If the data to be encoded contains "exotic" characters, I think you have to encode in "UTF-8"

encoded = base64.b64encode (bytes('data to be encoded', "utf-8"))

Test or check if sheet exists

Many years late, but I just needed to do this and didn't like any of the solutions posted... So I made one up, all thanks to the magic of (SpongeBob rainbow hands gesture) "Evaluate()"!

Evaluate("IsError(" & vSheetName & "!1:1)")

Returns TRUE if Sheet does NOT exist; FALSE if sheet DOES exist. You can substitute whatever range you like for "1:1", but I advise against using a single cell, cuz if it contains an error (eg, #N/A), it will return True.

Integer division: How do you produce a double?

You might consider wrapping the operations. For example:

class Utils
    public static double divide(int num, int denom) {
        return ((double) num) / denom;

This allows you to look up (just once) whether the cast does exactly what you want. This method could also be subject to tests, to ensure that it continues to do what you want. It also doesn't matter what trick you use to cause the division (you could use any of the answers here), as long as it results in the correct result. Anywhere you need to divide two integers, you can now just call Utils::divide and trust that it does the right thing.

SQL Server : error converting data type varchar to numeric

thanks, try this instead

  STR(account_code) as account_code_Numeric,
from account 
where  STR(account_code) = 1

I'm happy to help you

JavaScript replace/regex

In terms of pattern interpretation, there's no difference between the following forms:

  • /pattern/
  • new RegExp("pattern")

If you want to replace a literal string using the replace method, I think you can just pass a string instead of a regexp to replace.

Otherwise, you'd have to escape any regexp special characters in the pattern first - maybe like so:

function reEscape(s) {
    return s.replace(/([.*+?^$|(){}\[\]])/mg, "\\$1");

// ...

var re = new RegExp(reEscape(pattern), "mg");
this.markup = this.markup.replace(re, value);

Spring data JPA query with parameter properties

You could also solve it with an interface default method:

 @Query(select p from Person p where p.forename = :forename and p.surname = :surname)
User findByForenameAndSurname(@Param("surname") String lastname,
                         @Param("forename") String firstname);

default User findByName(Name name) {
  return findByForenameAndSurname(name.getLastname(), name.getFirstname());

Of course you'd still have the actual repository function publicly visible...

awk partly string match (if column/word partly matches)

awk '$3 ~ /snow/ { print }' dummy_file 

AutoComplete TextBox Control

There are two ways to accomplish this textbox effect:

enter image description here

Either using the graphic user interface (GUI); or with code

Using the Graphic User Interface:
Go to: "Properties" Tab; then set the following properties:

enter image description here

However; the best way is to create this by code. See example below.

AutoCompleteStringCollection sourceName = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();

foreach (string name in listNames)

txtName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = sourceName;
txtName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
txtName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;

Getting all documents from one collection in Firestore

I prefer to hide all code complexity in my services... so, I generally use something like this:

In my events.service.ts

    async getEvents() {
        const snapchot = await this.db.collection('events').ref.get();
        return new Promise <Event[]> (resolve => {
            const v = => {
                const obj =;
                return obj as Event;

In my

   myList: Event[];

   construct(private service: EventsService){}

   async ngOnInit() {
      this.myList = await this.service.getEvents();

Enjoy :)

How to retrieve the LoaderException property?

catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
    foreach (var item in ex.LoaderExceptions)

I'm sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but wanted to post a different solution to pull the loader exception (Using the actual ReflectionTypeLoadException) for anybody else to come across this.

How to read data from java properties file using Spring Boot

We can read properties file in spring boot using 3 way

1. Read value from Using @Value

map key as

public class EmailService {

 private String username;


2. Read value from Using @ConfigurationProperties

In this we will map prefix of key using ConfigurationProperties and key name is same as field of class

    public class EmailConfig {

        private String   username;

3. Read Using using Environment object

public class EmailController {

private Environment env;

public void sendMail(){     
    System.out.println("reading value from application properties file  using Environment ");
    System.out.println("username ="+ env.getProperty("email.username"));
    System.out.println("pwd ="+ env.getProperty("email.pwd"));

Reference : how to read value from in spring boot

How to vertical align an inline-block in a line of text?

code {_x000D_
    background: black;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
<p>Some text <code>A<br />B<br />C<br />D</code> continues afterward.</p>

Tested and works in Safari 5 and IE6+.

Android customized button; changing text color

Another way to do it is in your class:

import; // add to top of class  

Button btn = (Button)findViewById(;

// set button text colour to be blue

// set button text colour to be red

// set button text color to be a color from your resources (could be strings.xml)

// set button background colour to be green

Owl Carousel, making custom navigation

The following code works for me on owl carousel .

    items: 1,
    autoplay: true,
    navigation: true,
    navigationText: ["<i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>"]

For OwlCarousel2

    items: 1,
    autoplay: true,
    nav: true,
    navText: ["<i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>"]

How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2?

There is a nice open source CodeFormatter plugin, which(along reindenting) can beautify dirty code even all of it is in single line.

Accessing a local website from another computer inside the local network in IIS 7

Control Panel >> Windows Firewall >> Turn windows firewall on or off >> Turn off.

Advanced settings >> Domain profile >> Windows firewall properties >> Firewall status >> Off.

list all files in the folder and also sub folders

Use FileUtils from Apache commons.


public static Collection<File> listFiles(File directory,
                                         String[] extensions,
                                         boolean recursive)
Finds files within a given directory (and optionally its subdirectories) which match an array of extensions.
directory - the directory to search in
extensions - an array of extensions, ex. {"java","xml"}. If this parameter is null, all files are returned.
recursive - if true all subdirectories are searched as well
an collection of with the matching files

One DbContext per web request... why?

One thing that's not really addressed in the question or the discussion is the fact that DbContext can't cancel changes. You can submit changes, but you can't clear out the change tree, so if you use a per request context you're out of luck if you need to throw changes away for whatever reason.

Personally I create instances of DbContext when needed - usually attached to business components that have the ability to recreate the context if required. That way I have control over the process, rather than having a single instance forced onto me. I also don't have to create the DbContext at each controller startup regardless of whether it actually gets used. Then if I still want to have per request instances I can create them in the CTOR (via DI or manually) or create them as needed in each controller method. Personally I usually take the latter approach as to avoid creating DbContext instances when they are not actually needed.

It depends from which angle you look at it too. To me the per request instance has never made sense. Does the DbContext really belong into the Http Request? In terms of behavior that's the wrong place. Your business components should be creating your context, not the Http request. Then you can create or throw away your business components as needed and never worry about the lifetime of the context.

Where value in column containing comma delimited values

Where value in column containing comma delimited values search with multiple comma delimited

            declare @d varchar(1000)='-11,-12,10,121'

            set @d=replace(@d,',',',%'' or '',''+a+'','' like ''%,')

            print @d
            declare @d1 varchar(5000)=
            'select * from (
            select ''1,21,13,12'' as a
            select ''11,211,131,121''
            select ''411,211,131,1211'') as t
             where '',''+a+'','' like ''%,'+@d+ ',%'''

             print @d1
             exec (@d1)

How to make Twitter Bootstrap tooltips have multiple lines?

In Angular UI Bootstrap 0.13.X, tooltip-html-unsafe has been deprecated. You should now use tooltip-html and $sce.trustAsHtml() to accomplish a tooltip with html.

<a href="#" tooltip-html="htmlTooltip">Check me out!</a>

$scope.htmlTooltip = $sce.trustAsHtml('I\'ve been made <b>bold</b>!');

Show spinner GIF during an $http request in AngularJS?

If you are using ngResource, the $resolved attribute of an object is useful for loaders:

For a resource as follows:

var User = $resource('/user/:id', {id:'@id'});
var user = User.get({id: 1})

You can link a loader to the $resolved attribute of the resource object:

<div ng-hide="user.$resolved">Loading ...</div>

Font Awesome & Unicode

There are three different font families that I know of that you can choose from and each has its own weight element that needs to be applied:


font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands'; content: "\f373";


font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free'; content: "\f061"; font-weight: 900;


font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Pro';

Reference here -

Hope this helps.

List all liquibase sql types

For checking type conversions in version 3, you can go to their github and check into the different liquibase types and check the method toDatabaseDataType. For example, for Boolean, you can check here:

For version 2.0.x, the conversion seems to be into database specific classes. For example, for Mysql:

How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?

Additionally if someone have a use case where he needs group names before executing search on Regex object he can use:

var regex = new Regex(pattern); // initialized somewhere
// ...
var groupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();

How to decompile a whole Jar file?

Note: This solution only works for Mac and *nix users.

I also tried to find Jad with no luck. My quick solution was to download MacJad that contains jad. Once you downloaded it you can find jad in [where-you-downloaded-macjad]/MacJAD/Contents/Resources/jad.

Function to check if a string is a date

In my project this seems to work:

function isDate($value) {
    if (!$value) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $date = date_parse($value);
        if($date['error_count'] == 0 && $date['warning_count'] == 0){
            return checkdate($date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year']);
        } else {
            return false;

Python: How to use RegEx in an if statement?

if'pattern', string):

Simple if-test:

if'ing\b', "seeking a great perhaps"):     # any words end with ing?

Pattern check, extract a substring, case insensitive:

match_object ='^OUGHT (.*) BE$', "ought to be", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if match_object:
    assert "to" ==     # what's between ought and be?


  • Use not re.match. Match restricts to the start of strings, a confusing convention if you ask me. If you do want a string-starting match, use caret or \A instead,'^...', ...)

  • Use raw string syntax r'pattern' for the first parameter. Otherwise you would need to double up backslashes, as in'ing\\b', ...)

  • In this example, \b is a special sequence meaning word-boundary in regex. Not to be confused with backspace.

  • returns None if it doesn't find anything, which is always falsy.

  • returns a Match object if it finds anything, which is always truthy.

  • a group is what matched inside parentheses

  • group numbering starts at 1

  • Specs

  • Tutorial

Does VBA contain a comment block syntax?

There is no syntax for block quote in VBA. The work around is to use the button to quickly block or unblock multiple lines of code.

How can I wait for set of asynchronous callback functions?

You can use jQuery's Deferred object along with the when method.

deferredArray = [];
forloop {
    deferred = new $.Deferred();
    ajaxCall(function() {

$.when(deferredArray, function() {
  //this code is called after all the ajax calls are done

Bind class toggle to window scroll event

What about performance?

  1. Always debounce events to reduce calculations
  2. Use scope.applyAsync to reduce overall digest cycles count
function debounce(func, wait) {
    var timeout;
    return function () {
        var context = this, args = arguments;
        var later = function () {
            timeout = null;
            func.apply(context, args);

        if (!timeout) func.apply(context, args);
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);

  .directive('classScroll', function ($window) {    
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element) {    
            function toggle() {
                    window.pageYOffset > 0);
              .on('scroll', debounce(toggle, 50));


3. If you don't need to trigger watchers/digests at all then use compile

.directive('classScroll', function ($window, utils) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        compile: function (element, attributes) {
            function toggle() {
                    window.pageYOffset > 0);

              .on('scroll', utils.debounce(toggle, 50));

And you can use it like <header class-scroll="header--scrolled">

require_once :failed to open stream: no such file or directory

It says that the file C:\wamp\www\mysite\php\includes\ doesn't exist, so the error is, you're missing the file.

How is OAuth 2 different from OAuth 1?

Security of the OAuth 1.0 protocol (RFC 5849) relies on the assumption that a secret key embedded in a client application can be kept confidential. However, the assumption is naive.

In OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749), such a naive client application is called a confidential client. On the other hand, a client application in an environment where it is difficult to keep a secret key confidential is called a public client. See 2.1. Client Types for details.

In that sense, OAuth 1.0 is a specification only for confidential clients.

"OAuth 2.0 and the Road to Hell" says that OAuth 2.0 is less secure, but there is no practical difference in security level between OAuth 1.0 clients and OAuth 2.0 confidential clients. OAuth 1.0 requires to compute signature, but it does not enhance security if it is already assured that a secret key on the client side can be kept confidential. Computing signature is just a cumbersome calculation without any practical security enhancement. I mean, compared to the simplicity that an OAuth 2.0 client connects to a server over TLS and just presents client_id and client_secret, it cannot be said that the cumbersome calculation is better in terms of security.

In addition, RFC 5849 (OAuth 1.0) does not mention anything about open redirectors while RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0) does. That is, oauth_callback parameter of OAuth 1.0 can become a security hole.

Therefore, I don't think OAuth 1.0 is more secure than OAuth 2.0.

[April 14, 2016] Addition to clarify my point

OAuth 1.0 security relies on signature computation. A signature is computed using a secret key where a secret key is a shared key for HMAC-SHA1 (RFC 5849, 3.4.2) or a private key for RSA-SHA1 (RFC 5849, 3.4.3). Anyone who knows the secret key can compute the signature. So, if the secret key is compromised, complexity of signature computation is meaningless however complex it is.

This means OAuth 1.0 security relies not on the complexity and the logic of signature computation but merely on the confidentiality of a secret key. In other words, what is needed for OAuth 1.0 security is only the condition that a secret key can be kept confidential. This may sound extreme, but signature computation adds no security enhancement if the condition is already satisfied.

Likewise, OAuth 2.0 confidential clients rely on the same condition. If the condition is already satisfied, is there any problem in creating a secure connection using TLS and sending client_id and client_secret to an authorization server through the secured connection? Is there any big difference in security level between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 confidential clients if both rely on the same condition?

I cannot find any good reason for OAuth 1.0 to blame OAuth 2.0. The fact is simply that (1) OAuth 1.0 is just a specification only for confidential clients and (2) OAuth 2.0 has simplified the protocol for confidential clients and supported public clients, too. Regardless of whether it is known well or not, smartphone applications are classified as public clients (RFC 6749, 9), which benefit from OAuth 2.0.

I need a Nodejs scheduler that allows for tasks at different intervals

I have written a small module to do just that, called timexe:

  • Its simple,small reliable code and has no dependencies
  • Resolution is in milliseconds and has high precision over time
  • Cron like, but not compatible (reversed order and other Improvements)
  • I works in the browser too


npm install timexe


var timexe = require('timexe');
//Every 30 sec
var res1=timexe(”* * * * * /30”, function() console.log(“Its time again”)});

//Every minute
var res2=timexe(”* * * * *”,function() console.log(“a minute has passed”)});

//Every 7 days
var res3=timexe(”* y/7”,function() console.log(“its the 7th day”)});

//Every Wednesdays 
var res3=timexe(”* * w3”,function() console.log(“its Wednesdays”)});

// Stop "every 30 sec. timer"

you can achieve start/stop functionality by removing/re-adding the entry directly in the timexe job array. But its not an express function.

git: fatal: I don't handle protocol '??http'

Well looks like if you copy paste the repository link you end up with this issue.

What I have noticed it this

  1. If you use the copy button on GitHub and then paste the URL in GitBash(Windows) it throws this error
  2. If you select the link and then paste then it works, or you could also just type the URL that works as well.

So I think it might be an issue with the GitHub copy button

How to remove leading whitespace from each line in a file

Here you go:

user@host:~$ sed 's/^[\t ]*//g' < file-in.txt


user@host:~$ sed 's/^[\t ]*//g' < file-in.txt > file-out.txt

Limit length of characters in a regular expression?


This expression takes the number of length 2,4 and 5. Valid Inputs are 12 1234 12345

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application with JDK 11

This worked for me:

File >> Project Structure >> Modules >> Dependency >> + (on left-side of window)

clicking the "+" sign will let you designate the directory where you have unpacked JavaFX's "lib" folder.

Scope is Compile (which is the default.) You can then edit this to call it JavaFX by double-clicking on the line.

then in:

Run >> Edit Configurations

Add this line to VM Options:

--module-path /path/to/JavaFX/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls

(oh and don't forget to set the SDK)

Upload folder with subfolders using S3 and the AWS console

The Amazon S3 Console now supports uploading entire folder hierarchies. Enable the Ehanced Uploader in the Upload dialog and then add one or more folders to the upload queue.

Check string length in PHP

[0]=> string(141) means that $message is an array, not string, and $message[0] is a string with 141 characters in length.

How to dynamically update labels captions in VBA form?

Use Controls object

For i = 1 To X
    Controls("Label" & i).Caption =  MySheet.Cells(i + 1, i).Value

Add bottom line to view in SwiftUI / Swift / Objective-C / Xamarin

Here is swift3 code with @IBInspectable

create a new file Cocoa Touch Class Swift File

import UIKit

extension UIView {

@IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat {
    get {
        return layer.cornerRadius
    set {
        layer.cornerRadius = newValue
        layer.masksToBounds = newValue > 0

@IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat {
    get {
        return layer.borderWidth
    set {
        layer.borderWidth = newValue

@IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? {
    get {
        return UIColor(cgColor: layer.borderColor!)
    set {
        layer.borderColor = newValue?.cgColor

@IBInspectable var leftBorderWidth: CGFloat {
    get {
        return 0.0   // Just to satisfy property
    set {
        let line = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: newValue, height: bounds.height))
        line.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        line.backgroundColor = UIColor(cgColor: layer.borderColor!)
       line.tag = 110

        let views = ["line": line]
        let metrics = ["lineWidth": newValue]
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "|[line(==lineWidth)]", options: [], metrics: metrics, views: views))
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[line]|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views))

@IBInspectable var topBorderWidth: CGFloat {
    get {
        return 0.0   // Just to satisfy property
    set {
        let line = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: bounds.width, height: newValue))
        line.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        line.backgroundColor = borderColor
       line.tag = 110

        let views = ["line": line]
        let metrics = ["lineWidth": newValue]
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "|[line]|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views))
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[line(==lineWidth)]", options: [], metrics: metrics, views: views))

@IBInspectable var rightBorderWidth: CGFloat {
    get {
        return 0.0   // Just to satisfy property
    set {
        let line = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: bounds.width, y: 0.0, width: newValue, height: bounds.height))
        line.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        line.backgroundColor = borderColor
       line.tag = 110

        let views = ["line": line]
        let metrics = ["lineWidth": newValue]
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "[line(==lineWidth)]|", options: [], metrics: metrics, views: views))
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[line]|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views))
@IBInspectable var bottomBorderWidth: CGFloat {
    get {
        return 0.0   // Just to satisfy property
    set {
        let line = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: bounds.height, width: bounds.width, height: newValue))
        line.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        line.backgroundColor = borderColor
      line.tag = 110

        let views = ["line": line]
        let metrics = ["lineWidth": newValue]
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "|[line]|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views))
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:[line(==lineWidth)]|", options: [], metrics: metrics, views: views))
 func removeborder() {
      for view in self.subviews {
           if view.tag == 110  {



and replace the file with the below code and you will get the option in storyboard attribute inspector like this

enter image description here

Enjoy :)

How to replace a whole line with sed?

Try this:

sed "s/aaa=.*/aaa=xxx/g"

How to run a command in the background on Windows?

Use the start command with the /b flag to run a command/application without opening a new window. For example, this runs dotnet run in the background:

start /b dotnet run

You can pass parameters to the command/application too. For example, I'm starting 3 instances of this C# project, with parameter values of x, y, and z:

enter image description here

To stop the program(s) running in the background: CTRL + BREAK

In my experience, this stops all of the background commands/programs you have started in that cmd instance.

According to the Microsoft docs:

CTRL+C handling is ignored unless the application enables CTRL+C processing. Use CTRL+BREAK to interrupt the application.

Linux/Unix command to determine if process is running?

This approach can be used in case commands 'ps', 'pidof' and rest are not available. I personally use procfs very frequently in my tools/scripts/programs.

   egrep -m1  "mysqld$|httpd$" /proc/[0-9]*/status | cut -d'/' -f3

Little explanation what is going on:

  1. -m1 - stop process on first match
  2. "mysqld$|httpd$" - grep will match lines which ended on mysqld OR httpd
  3. /proc/[0-9]* - bash will match line which started with any number
  4. cut - just split the output by delimiter '/' and extract field 3

How to make a movie out of images in python

I use the ffmpeg-python binding. You can find more information here.

import ffmpeg
    .input('/path/to/jpegs/*.jpg', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25)

Remove blank attributes from an Object in Javascript

If somebody needs a recursive version of Owen's (and Eric's) answer, here it is:

 * Delete all null (or undefined) properties from an object.
 * Set 'recurse' to true if you also want to delete properties in nested objects.
function delete_null_properties(test, recurse) {
    for (var i in test) {
        if (test[i] === null) {
            delete test[i];
        } else if (recurse && typeof test[i] === 'object') {
            delete_null_properties(test[i], recurse);

Update OpenSSL on OS X with Homebrew

installed openssl on mac with brew but nothing found on /usr/local/bin where other brew installed bins are located. Found my fresh openssl here:


Run it like this:

/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl version

I don't want to update OS X openssl, while some OS stuff or other 3rd party apps may have dependency on older version.

I also don't mind longer path than just openssl

Writing this here for all the Googlers who are looking for location of openssl installed by brew.

Visual Studio Post Build Event - Copy to Relative Directory Location

If none of the TargetDir or other macros point to the right place, use the ".." directory to go backwards up the folder hierarchy.

ie. Use $(SolutionDir)\..\.. to get your base directory.

For list of all macros, see here:

Is there a way to run Python on Android?


You can use the Termux app, which provides a POSIX environment for Android, to install Python.

Note that apt install python will install Python3 on Termux. For Python2, you need to use apt install python2.

Invalid default value for 'dateAdded'

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is version specific and is now allowed for DATETIME columns as of version 5.6.

See MySQL docs.

git reset --hard HEAD leaves untracked files behind

You have to use git clean -f -d to get rid of untracked files and directories in your working copy. You can add -x to also remove ignored files, more info on that in this excellent SO answer.

If you need to reset an entire repository with submodules to the state on master, run this script:

git fetch origin master
git checkout --force -B master origin/master
git reset --hard
git clean -fdx
git submodule update --init --recursive --force
git submodule foreach git fetch
git submodule foreach git checkout --force -B master origin/master
git submodule foreach git reset --hard
git submodule foreach git clean -fdx

Run jar file in command prompt

You can run a JAR file from the command line like this:

java -jar myJARFile.jar

Truncating Text in PHP?


// truncate to 4 chars

echo substr(str_pad($text,4),0,4);

This avoids the problem of truncating a 4 char string to 10 chars .. (i.e. source is smaller than the required)

PHP: Limit foreach() statement?

this is best solution for me :)

foreach() if ($i < yourlimitnumber) {

$i +=1;

How to have an auto incrementing version number (Visual Studio)?

Here's the quote on AssemblyInfo.cs from MSDN:

You can specify all the values or you can accept the default build number, revision number, or both by using an asterisk (). For example, [assembly:AssemblyVersion("")] indicates 2 as the major version, 3 as the minor version, 25 as the build number, and 1 as the revision number. A version number such as [assembly:AssemblyVersion("1.2.")] specifies 1 as the major version, 2 as the minor version, and accepts the default build and revision numbers. A version number such as [assembly:AssemblyVersion("1.2.15.*")] specifies 1 as the major version, 2 as the minor version, 15 as the build number, and accepts the default revision number. The default build number increments daily. The default revision number is random

This effectively says, if you put a 1.1.* into assembly info, only build number will autoincrement, and it will happen not after every build, but daily. Revision number will change every build, but randomly, rather than in an incrementing fashion.

This is probably enough for most use cases. If that's not what you're looking for, you're stuck with having to write a script which will autoincrement version # on pre-build step

Word wrapping in phpstorm

You may also want to consider the Wrap to Column plugin, which implements the equivalent to Alt-q in Emacs and gq in vim. This may be preferable to having very long lines that are wrapped by the editor.

This plugin can be installed from any IDEA-based IDE by searching for Wrap to Column.

It has the additional benefit that you can choose to wrap only sections of text that you want :-)

Change the Arrow buttons in Slick slider

If you are using sass you can simply set below mentioned variables,

$slick-prev-character: "\f053";
$slick-next-character: "\f054";

These will change the font family used by slick's theme css and also the unicode for prev and next button.

Other sass variables which can be configured are given in Slick Github page

Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin

By the way, Eclipse + ADT (ADT Bundle) is now provided as a single package,

Developer.Android:ADT Bundle

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

I'm using bootstrap 4, you can use outline and box-shadow.

#buttonId {
    box-shadow: none;
    outline: none;

Or if the button is inside an element like a div without back-ground, box-shadow is enough.

#buttonId {
     box-shadow: none;


git push vs git push origin <branchname>

The first push should be a:

git push -u origin branchname

That would make sure:

Any future git push will, with that default policy, only push the current branch, and only if that branch has an upstream branch with the same name.
that avoid pushing all matching branches (previous default policy), where tons of test branches were pushed even though they aren't ready to be visible on the upstream repo.

Simple Random Samples from a Sql database

There's a very interesting discussion of this type of issue here:

I think with absolutely no assumptions about the table that your O(n lg n) solution is the best. Though actually with a good optimizer or a slightly different technique the query you list may be a bit better, O(m*n) where m is the number of random rows desired, as it wouldn't necesssarily have to sort the whole large array, it could just search for the smallest m times. But for the sort of numbers you posted, m is bigger than lg n anyway.

Three asumptions we might try out:

  1. there is a unique, indexed, primary key in the table

  2. the number of random rows you want to select (m) is much smaller than the number of rows in the table (n)

  3. the unique primary key is an integer that ranges from 1 to n with no gaps

With only assumptions 1 and 2 I think this can be done in O(n), though you'll need to write a whole index to the table to match assumption 3, so it's not necesarily a fast O(n). If we can ADDITIONALLY assume something else nice about the table, we can do the task in O(m log m). Assumption 3 would be an easy nice additional property to work with. With a nice random number generator that guaranteed no duplicates when generating m numbers in a row, an O(m) solution would be possible.

Given the three assumptions, the basic idea is to generate m unique random numbers between 1 and n, and then select the rows with those keys from the table. I don't have mysql or anything in front of me right now, so in slightly pseudocode this would look something like:

create table RandomKeys (RandomKey int)
create table RandomKeysAttempt (RandomKey int)

-- generate m random keys between 1 and n
for i = 1 to m
  insert RandomKeysAttempt select rand()*n + 1

-- eliminate duplicates
insert RandomKeys select distinct RandomKey from RandomKeysAttempt

-- as long as we don't have enough, keep generating new keys,
-- with luck (and m much less than n), this won't be necessary
while count(RandomKeys) < m
  NextAttempt = rand()*n + 1
  if not exists (select * from RandomKeys where RandomKey = NextAttempt)
    insert RandomKeys select NextAttempt

-- get our random rows
select *
from RandomKeys r
join table t ON r.RandomKey = t.UniqueKey

If you were really concerned about efficiency, you might consider doing the random key generation in some sort of procedural language and inserting the results in the database, as almost anything other than SQL would probably be better at the sort of looping and random number generation required.

Xcode 9 Swift Language Version (SWIFT_VERSION)

I just click on latest swift convert button and set App target build setting-> Swift language version: swift 4.0,

Hope this will help.

How to redirect output to a file and stdout

tee is perfect for this, but this will also do the job

ls -lr / > output | cat output

How can I bring my application window to the front?

Before stumbling onto this post, I came up with this solution - to toggle the TopMost property:

this.TopMost = true;
this.TopMost = false;

I have this code in my form's constructor, eg:

public MyForm()

    // Brint-to-front hack
    this.TopMost = true;
    this.TopMost = false;


How do I use Assert.Throws to assert the type of the exception?

I recently ran into the same thing, and suggest this function for MSTest:

public bool AssertThrows(Action action) where T : Exception
    try {action();
catch(Exception exception)
    if (exception.GetType() == typeof(T))
        return true;
    return false;


Assert.IsTrue(AssertThrows<FormatException>(delegate{ newMyMethod(MyParameter); }));

There is more in Assert that a particular exception has occured (Assert.Throws in MSTest).

ModuleNotFoundError: What does it mean __main__ is not a package?

Simply remove the dot for the relative import and do:

from p_02_paying_debt_off_in_a_year import compute_balance_after

Using ALTER to drop a column if it exists in MySQL

I realise this thread is quite old now, but I was having the same problem. This was my very basic solution using the MySQL Workbench, but it worked fine...

  1. get a new sql editor and execute SHOW TABLES to get a list of your tables
  2. select all of the rows, and choose copy to clipboard (unquoted) from the context menu
  3. paste the list of names into another editor tab
  4. write your query, ie ALTER TABLE x DROP a;
  5. do some copying and pasting, so you end up with separate query for each table
  6. Toggle whether the workbench should stop when an error occurs
  7. Hit execute and look through the output log

any tables which had the table now haven't any tables which didn't will have shown an error in the logs

then you can find/replace 'drop a' change it to 'ADD COLUMN b INT NULL' etc and run the whole thing again....

a bit clunky, but at last you get the end result and you can control/monitor the whole process and remember to save you sql scripts in case you need them again.

Which is the best IDE for Python For Windows

Python is dynamic language so the IDE can do only so much in terms of code intelligence and syntax checking but I personally recommend Komode IDE, it's pretty slick on OS/X and Windows. I've experienced high cpu use with Linux but not sure if it's caused by my VirtualBox environment.

You can also try Eclipse with PyDev plugin. It's heavier so performance might become a problem though.

Reset select value to default


Call this function each time before populating the select

How to get ERD diagram for an existing database?

  1. Open MySQL Workbench. In the home screen click 'Create EER Model From Existing Database'. We are doing this for the case that we have already made the data base and now we want to make an ER diagram of that database.

  2. Then you will see the 'Reverse Engineer Database' dialouge. Here if you are asked for the password, provided the admin password. Do not get confused here with the windows password. Here you need to provide the MySQL admin password. Then click on Next.

  3. In the next dialouge box, you'll see that the connection to DBMS is started and schema is revrieved from Database. Go next.

  4. Now Select the Schema you created earlier. It is the table you want to create the ER diagram of.

  5. Click Next and go to Select Objects menu. Here you can click on 'Show Filter' to use the selected Table Objects in the diagram. You can both add and remove tables here.Then click on Execute.

6.When you go Next and Finish, the required ER diagram is on the screen.

Container is running beyond memory limits

There is a check placed at Yarn level for Virtual and Physical memory usage ratio. Issue is not only that VM doesn't have sufficient physical memory. But it is because Virtual memory usage is more than expected for given physical memory.

Note : This is happening on Centos/RHEL 6 due to its aggressive allocation of virtual memory.

It can be resolved either by :

  1. Disable virtual memory usage check by setting yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled to false;

  2. Increase VM:PM ratio by setting yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio to some higher value.

References :

Add following property in yarn-site.xml

    <description>Whether virtual memory limits will be enforced for containers</description>
    <description>Ratio between virtual memory to physical memory when setting memory limits for containers</description>

ASP.NET Web Api: The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'

If you have not configured any HttpMethod on your action in controller, it is assumed to be only HttpPost in RC. In Beta, it is assumed to support all methods - GET, PUT, POST and Delete. This is a small change from beta to RC. You could easily decore more than one httpmethod on your action with [AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")].

C++ multiline string literal

#define MULTILINE(...) #__VA_ARGS__
Consumes everything between the parentheses.
Replaces any number of consecutive whitespace characters by a single space.

How do I check my gcc C++ compiler version for my Eclipse?

The answer is:

gcc --version

Rather than searching on forums, for any possible option you can always type:

gcc --help

haha! :)

Why am I not getting a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in this example?

Change Iterator for each into for loop to solve.

And the Reason is:

The iterators returned by this class's iterator and listIterator methods are fail-fast: if the list is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except through the iterator's own remove or add methods, the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException.

--Referred Java Docs.

How to get data from Magento System Configuration

Magento 1.x

(magento 2 example provided below)

sectionName, groupName and fieldName are present in etc/system.xml file of the module.

PHP Syntax:


From within an editor in the admin, such as the content of a CMS Page or Static Block; the description/short description of a Catalog Category, Catalog Product, etc.

{{config path="sectionName/groupName/fieldName"}}

For the "Within an editor" approach to work, the field value must be passed through a filter for the {{ ... }} contents to be parsed out. Out of the box, Magento will do this for Category and Product descriptions, as well as CMS Pages and Static Blocks. However, if you are outputting the content within your own custom view script and want these variables to be parsed out, you can do so like this:

    $example = Mage::getModel('identifier/name')->load(1);
    $filter  = Mage::getModel('cms/template_filter');
    echo $filter->filter($example->getData('field'));

Replacing identifier/name with the a appropriate values for the model you are loading, and field with the name of the attribute you want to output, which may contain {{ ... }} occurrences that need to be parsed out.

Magento 2.x

From any Block class that extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock


Any other PHP class:

If the class (and none of it's parent's) does not inject \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface via the constructor, you'll have to add it to your class.

// ... Remaining class definition above...

 * @var \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface
protected $_scopeConfig;

 * Constructor
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
    // ...any other injected classes the class depends on...
) {
  $this->_scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
  // Remaining constructor logic...

// ...remaining class definition below...

Once you have injected it into your class, you can now fetch store configuration values with the same syntax example given above for block classes.

Note that after modifying any class's __construct() parameter list, you may have to clear your generated classes as well as dependency injection directory: var/generation & var/di

Font scaling based on width of container

But what if the container is not the viewport (body)?

The real answer is in the transform property allows you to visually manipulate an element by skewing, rotating, translating, or scaling:

How to convert date to string and to date again?

try this function

public static Date StringToDate(String strDate) throws ModuleException {
    Date dtReturn = null;
    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");
    try {
        dtReturn = simpleDateFormat.parse(strDate);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
    return dtReturn;

Center icon in a div - horizontally and vertically

Since they are already inline-block child elements, you can set text-align:center on the parent without having to set a width or margin:0px auto on the child. Meaning it will work for dynamically generated content with varying widths.

.img_container, .img_container2 {
    text-align: center;

This will center the child within both div containers.


For vertical centering, you can use the calc() function assuming the height of the icon is known.

.img_container > i, .img_container2 > i {
    top: calc(50% - 10px); /* 50% - 3/4 of icon height */

jsFiddle demo - it works.

For what it's worth - you can also use vertical-align:middle assuming display:table-cell is set on the parent.

Eclipse internal error while initializing Java tooling

In my case "MySQL service" is disabled. And I got same error.

So if you are using MySQL then check for it.

Press win+R then write services.msc and hit enter. Search for MySQL service. Start the service.

slf4j: how to log formatted message, object array, exception

As of SLF4J 1.6.0, in the presence of multiple parameters and if the last argument in a logging statement is an exception, then SLF4J will presume that the user wants the last argument to be treated as an exception and not a simple parameter. See also the relevant FAQ entry.

So, writing (in SLF4J version 1.7.x and later)

 logger.error("one two three: {} {} {}", "a", "b", 
              "c", new Exception("something went wrong"));

or writing (in SLF4J version 1.6.x)

 logger.error("one two three: {} {} {}", new Object[] {"a", "b", 
              "c", new Exception("something went wrong")});

will yield

one two three: a b c
java.lang.Exception: something went wrong
    at Example.main(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at ...

The exact output will depend on the underlying framework (e.g. logback, log4j, etc) as well on how the underlying framework is configured. However, if the last parameter is an exception it will be interpreted as such regardless of the underlying framework.