Programs & Examples On #Tablecelleditor

Moving from one activity to another Activity in Android

button1 in activity2

code written in activity 2

button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {         
        public void onClick(View v)
            // starting background task to update product               
            Intent fp=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),activity1.class);              

This might help

Read text file into string. C++ ifstream

It looks like you are trying to parse each line. You've been shown by another answer how to use getline in a loop to seperate each line. The other tool you are going to want is istringstream, to seperate each token.

std::string line;
while(std::getline(file, line))
    std::istringstream iss(line);
    std::string token;
    while (iss >> token)
        // do something with token

jQuery selector for inputs with square brackets in the name attribute

The attribute selector syntax is [name=value] where name is the attribute name and value is the attribute value.

So if you want to select all input elements with the attribute name having the value inputName[]:


And if you want to check for two attributes (here: name and value):


What is an OS kernel ? How does it differ from an operating system?

It seems that the original metaphor that got us the word "kernel" for this in the first place has been forgotten. The metaphor is that an operating system is a seed. The "kernel" of the seed is the core of the operating system, providing operating system services to applications programs, which is surrounded by the "shell" of the seed that is what users see from the outside.

Some people want to tie "kernel" (and, indeed, "shell") down to be more specific than that. But in truth there's a lot of variation across operating systems. Not the least these variations is what constitutes a "shell" (which can range from Solaris' sh through Netware's Console Command Interpreter to OS/2's Workplace Shell and Windows NT's Explorer), but there's also a lot of variance from one operating system to another in what is, and isn't, a part of a "kernel" (which may or may not include disk I/O, for example).

It's best to remember that these terms are metaphors.

Further reading

How to check if a python module exists without importing it

in django.utils.module_loading.module_has_submodule

import sys
import os
import imp

def module_has_submodule(package, module_name):
    check module in package
    name = ".".join([package.__name__, module_name])
        # None indicates a cached miss; see mark_miss() in Python/import.c.
        return sys.modules[name] is not None
    except KeyError:
        package_path = package.__path__   # No __path__, then not a package.
    except AttributeError:
        # Since the remainder of this function assumes that we're dealing with
        # a package (module with a __path__), so if it's not, then bail here.
        return False
    for finder in sys.meta_path:
        if finder.find_module(name, package_path):
            return True
    for entry in package_path:
            # Try the cached finder.
            finder = sys.path_importer_cache[entry]
            if finder is None:
                # Implicit import machinery should be used.
                    file_, _, _ = imp.find_module(module_name, [entry])
                    if file_:
                    return True
                except ImportError:
            # Else see if the finder knows of a loader.
            elif finder.find_module(name):
                return True
        except KeyError:
            # No cached finder, so try and make one.
            for hook in sys.path_hooks:
                    finder = hook(entry)
                    # XXX Could cache in sys.path_importer_cache
                    if finder.find_module(name):
                        return True
                        # Once a finder is found, stop the search.
                except ImportError:
                    # Continue the search for a finder.
                # No finder found.
                # Try the implicit import machinery if searching a directory.
                if os.path.isdir(entry):
                        file_, _, _ = imp.find_module(module_name, [entry])
                        if file_:
                        return True
                    except ImportError:
                # XXX Could insert None or NullImporter
        # Exhausted the search, so the module cannot be found.
        return False

Adding an img element to a div with javascript




and use the below to set the source

elem.src = 'images/hydrangeas.jpg';

Using a remote repository with non-standard port

If you put something like this in your .ssh/config:

Host githost
Port 4019
User root

then you should be able to use the basic syntax:

git push githost:/var/cache/git/project.git master

How can I put the current running linux process in background?

Suspend the process with CTRL+Z then use the command bg to resume it in background. For example:

sleep 60
^Z  #Suspend character shown after hitting CTRL+Z
[1]+  Stopped  sleep 60  #Message showing stopped process info
bg  #Resume current job (last job stopped)

More about job control and bg usage in bash manual page:

Typing the suspend character (typically ^Z, Control-Z) while a process is running causes that process to be stopped and returns control to bash. [...] The user may then manipulate the state of this job, using the bg command to continue it in the background, [...]. A ^Z takes effect immediately, and has the additional side effect of causing pending output and typeahead to be discarded.

bg [jobspec ...]
Resume each suspended job jobspec in the background, as if it had been started with &. If jobspec is not present, the shell's notion of the current job is used.


To start a process where you can even kill the terminal and it still carries on running

nohup [command] [-args] > [filename] 2>&1 &


nohup /home/edheal/myprog -arg1 -arg2 > /home/edheal/output.txt 2>&1 &

To just ignore the output (not very wise) change the filename to /dev/null

To get the error message set to a different file change the &1 to a filename.

In addition: You can use the jobs command to see an indexed list of those backgrounded processes. And you can kill a backgrounded process by running kill %1 or kill %2 with the number being the index of the process.

How to catch exception correctly from http.request()?

The RxJS functions need to be specifically imported. An easy way to do this is to import all of its features with import * as Rx from "rxjs/Rx"

Then make sure to access the Observable class as Rx.Observable.

How do I remove a specific element from a JSONArray?

We can use iterator to filter out the array entries instead of creating a new  Array. 

'public static void removeNullsFrom(JSONArray array) throws JSONException {
                if (array != null) {
                    Iterator<Object> iterator = array.iterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        Object o =;
                        if (o == null || o == JSONObject.NULL) {

Firestore Getting documents id from collection

For document references, not collections, you need:

// when you know the 'id'

    map((doc: any) => {
      const data =;
      const id =;
      return { id, };

as .valueChanges({ idField: 'id'}); will not work here. I assume it was not implemented since generally you search for a document by the id...

Convert UIImage to NSData and convert back to UIImage in Swift?

Use imageWithData: method, which gets translated to Swift as UIImage(data:)

let image : UIImage = UIImage(data: imageData)

Print values for multiple variables on the same line from within a for-loop

As an additional note, there is no need for the for loop because of R's vectorization.


P <- 243.51
t <- 31 / 365
n <- 365

for (r in seq(0.15, 0.22, by = 0.01))    
     A <- P * ((1 + (r/ n))^ (n * t))
     interest <- A - P

is equivalent to:

P <- 243.51
t <- 31 / 365
n <- 365
r <- seq(0.15, 0.22, by = 0.01)
A <- P * ((1 + (r/ n))^ (n * t))
interest <- A - P

Because r is a vector, the expression above containing it is performed for all values of the vector.

No server in windows>preferences

I had the same issue. I was using eclipse platform and server was missing in my show view. To fix this go:

  • help>install new software

  • in work with : select : "Indigo Update Site -" , once selected, all available software will be displayed in the section under type filter text

  • Expand “Web, XML, and Java EE Development” and select "JST Server adapters extensions"

  • then click next and finish. The server should be displayed in show view

JFrame in full screen Java

JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()));

This just makes the frame the size of the screen

How do I run a Python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7?

You need to add C:\Python27 to your system PATH variable, not a new variable named "python".

Find the system PATH environment variable, and append to it a ; (which is the delimiter) and the path to the directory containing python.exe (e.g. C:\Python27). See below for exact steps.

The PATH environment variable lists all the locations that Windows (and cmd.exe) will check when given the name of a command, e.g. "python" (it also uses the PATHEXT variable for a list of executable file extensions to try). The first executable file it finds on the PATH with that name is the one it starts.

Note that after changing this variable, there is no need to restart Windows, but only new instances of cmd.exe will have the updated PATH. You can type set PATH at the command prompt to see what the current value is.

Exact steps for adding Python to the path on Windows 7+:

  1. Computer -> System Properties (or Win+Break) -> Advanced System Settings
  2. Click the Environment variables... button (in the Advanced tab)
  3. Edit PATH and append ;C:\Python27 to the end (substitute your Python version)
  4. Click OK. Note that changes to the PATH are only reflected in command prompts opened after the change took place.

jQuery events .load(), .ready(), .unload()

Also, I noticed one more difference between .load and .ready. I am opening a child window and I am performing some work when child window opens. .load is called only first time when I open the window and if I don't close the window then .load will not be called again. however, .ready is called every time irrespective of close the child window or not.

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

I think a better way is to create some predicate methods. This will also save your "Single Point of Control".

class Object
 def is_string?

class String
 def is_string?

print "test".is_string? #=> true
print 1.is_string?      #=> false

The more duck typing way ;)

How to kill a child process after a given timeout in Bash?

One way is to run the program in a subshell, and communicate with the subshell through a named pipe with the read command. This way you can check the exit status of the process being run and communicate this back through the pipe.

Here's an example of timing out the yes command after 3 seconds. It gets the PID of the process using pgrep (possibly only works on Linux). There is also some problem with using a pipe in that a process opening a pipe for read will hang until it is also opened for write, and vice versa. So to prevent the read command hanging, I've "wedged" open the pipe for read with a background subshell. (Another way to prevent a freeze to open the pipe read-write, i.e. read -t 5 <>finished.pipe - however, that also may not work except with Linux.)

rm -f finished.pipe
mkfifo finished.pipe

{ yes >/dev/null; echo finished >finished.pipe ; } &

# Get command PID
while : ; do
    PID=$( pgrep -P $SUBSHELL yes )
    test "$PID" = "" || break
    sleep 1

# Open pipe for writing
{ exec 4>finished.pipe ; while : ; do sleep 1000; done } &  

read -t 3 FINISHED <finished.pipe

if [ "$FINISHED" = finished ] ; then
  echo 'Subprocess finished'
  echo 'Subprocess timed out'
  kill $PID

rm finished.pipe

How to check if a table is locked in sql server

You can use the sys.dm_tran_locks view, which returns information about the currently active lock manager resources.

Try this

     SessionID = s.Session_id,
     DatabaseName = DB_NAME(resource_database_id),
     a.encrypted ,
     sys.dm_tran_locks l
     JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON l.request_session_id = s.session_id
     LEFT JOIN   
         SELECT  *
         FROM    sys.dm_exec_requests r
         CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
     ) a ON s.session_id = a.session_id
     s.session_id > 50

How to access elements of a JArray (or iterate over them)

Update - I verified the below works. Maybe the creation of your JArray isn't quite right.

    public void TestJson()
        var jsonString = @"{""trends"": [
                ""name"": ""Croke Park II"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""%22Croke+Park+II%22"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""Siptu"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""Siptu"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""#HNCJ"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""%23HNCJ"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""Boston"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""Boston"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""#prayforboston"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""%23prayforboston"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""#TheMrsCarterShow"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""%23TheMrsCarterShow"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""#Raw"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""%23Raw"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""Iran"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""Iran"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""#gaa"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""gaa"",
                ""events"": null
                ""name"": ""Facebook"",
                ""url"": """",
                ""promoted_content"": null,
                ""query"": ""Facebook"",
                ""events"": null

        var twitterObject = JToken.Parse(jsonString);
        var trendsArray = twitterObject.Children<JProperty>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "trends").Value;

        foreach (var item in trendsArray.Children())
            var itemProperties = item.Children<JProperty>();
            //you could do a foreach or a linq here depending on what you need to do exactly with the value
            var myElement = itemProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "url");
            var myElementValue = myElement.Value; ////This is a JValue type

So call Children on your JArray to get each JObject in JArray. Call Children on each JObject to access the objects properties.

foreach(var item in yourJArray.Children())
    var itemProperties = item.Children<JProperty>();
    //you could do a foreach or a linq here depending on what you need to do exactly with the value
    var myElement = itemProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "url");
    var myElementValue = myElement.Value; ////This is a JValue type

Creating a Zoom Effect on an image on hover using CSS?

.aku { 
    transition: all .2s ease-in-out; 

.aku:hover {
    transform: scale(1.1); 

How to create a HashMap with two keys (Key-Pair, Value)?

Use a Pair as keys for the HashMap. JDK has no Pair, but you can either use a 3rd party libraray such as or write a Pair taype of your own.

Open Url in default web browser

Try this:

import React, { useCallback } from "react";
import { Linking } from "react-native";
OpenWEB = () => {

const App = () => {
  return <View onPress={() => OpenWeb}>OPEN YOUR WEB</View>;

Hope this will solve your problem.

How to add to the end of lines containing a pattern with sed or awk?

You can append the text to $0 in awk if it matches the condition:

awk '/^all:/ {$0=$0" anotherthing"} 1' file


  • /patt/ {...} if the line matches the pattern given by patt, then perform the actions described within {}.
  • In this case: /^all:/ {$0=$0" anotherthing"} if the line starts (represented by ^) with all:, then append anotherthing to the line.
  • 1 as a true condition, triggers the default action of awk: print the current line (print $0). This will happen always, so it will either print the original line or the modified one.


For your given input it returns:

all: thing otherthing anotherthing
some other stuff

Note you could also provide the text to append in a variable:

$ awk -v mytext=" EXTRA TEXT" '/^all:/ {$0=$0mytext} 1' file
all: thing otherthing EXTRA TEXT
some other stuff

How to use multiple databases in Laravel

Using .env >= 5.0 (tested on 5.5)

In .env



In config/database.php

'mysql' => [
    'driver'    => env('DB_CONNECTION'),
    'host'      => env('DB_HOST'),
    'port'      => env('DB_PORT'),
    'database'  => env('DB_DATABASE'),
    'username'  => env('DB_USERNAME'),
    'password'  => env('DB_PASSWORD'),

'mysql2' => [
    'driver'    => env('DB_CONNECTION_SECOND'),
    'host'      => env('DB_HOST_SECOND'),
    'port'      => env('DB_PORT_SECOND'),
    'database'  => env('DB_DATABASE_SECOND'),
    'username'  => env('DB_USERNAME_SECOND'),
    'password'  => env('DB_PASSWORD_SECOND'),

Note: In mysql2 if DB_username and DB_password is same, then you can use env('DB_USERNAME') which is metioned in .env first few lines.

Without .env <5.0

Define Connections


return array(

    'default' => 'mysql',

    'connections' => array(

        # Primary/Default database connection
        'mysql' => array(
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'host'      => '',
            'database'  => 'database1',
            'username'  => 'root',
            'password'  => 'secret'
            'charset'   => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix'    => '',

        # Secondary database connection
        'mysql2' => array(
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'host'      => '',
            'database'  => 'database2',
            'username'  => 'root',
            'password'  => 'secret'
            'charset'   => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix'    => '',


To specify which connection to use, simply run the connection() method

Schema::connection('mysql2')->create('some_table', function($table)

Query Builder

$users = DB::connection('mysql2')->select(...);


Set the $connection variable in your model

class SomeModel extends Eloquent {

    protected $connection = 'mysql2';


You can also define the connection at runtime via the setConnection method or the on static method:

class SomeController extends BaseController {

    public function someMethod()
        $someModel = new SomeModel;

        $someModel->setConnection('mysql2'); // non-static method

        $something = $someModel->find(1);

        $something = SomeModel::on('mysql2')->find(1); // static method

        return $something;


Note Be careful about attempting to build relationships with tables across databases! It is possible to do, but it can come with some caveats and depends on what database and/or database settings you have.

From Laravel Docs

Using Multiple Database Connections

When using multiple connections, you may access each connection via the connection method on the DB facade. The name passed to the connection method should correspond to one of the connections listed in your config/database.php configuration file:

$users = DB::connection('foo')->select(...);

You may also access the raw, underlying PDO instance using the getPdo method on a connection instance:

$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();

Useful Links

  1. Laravel 5 multiple database connection FROM
  2. Connect multiple databases in laravel FROM
  3. Multiple DB Connections in Laravel FROM

Difference between Dictionary and Hashtable

Want to add a difference:

Trying to acess a inexistent key gives runtime error in Dictionary but no problem in hashtable as it returns null instead of error.


       //No strict type declaration
        Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
        hash.Add(1, "One");
        hash.Add(2, "Two");
        hash.Add(3, "Three");
        hash.Add(4, "Four");
        hash.Add(5, "Five"); 
        hash.Add(6, "Six");
        hash.Add(7, "Seven");
        hash.Add(8, "Eight");
        hash.Add(9, "Nine");
        hash.Add("Ten", 10);// No error as no strict type

        for(int i=0;i<=hash.Count;i++)//=>No error for index 0
            //Can be accessed through indexers
        Console.WriteLine(hash["Ten"]);//=> No error in Has Table

here no error for key 0 & also for key "ten"(note: t is small)

//Strict type declaration
        Dictionary<int,string> dictionary= new Dictionary<int, string>();
        dictionary.Add(1, "One");
        dictionary.Add(2, "Two");
        dictionary.Add(3, "Three");
        dictionary.Add(4, "Four");
        dictionary.Add(5, "Five");
        dictionary.Add(6, "Six");
        dictionary.Add(7, "Seven");
        dictionary.Add(8, "Eight");
        dictionary.Add(9, "Nine");
        //dictionary.Add("Ten", 10);// error as only key, value pair of type int, string can be added

        //for i=0, key doesn't  exist error
        for (int i = 1; i <= dictionary.Count; i++)
            //Can be accessed through indexers
        //Error : The given key was not present in the dictionary.

here error for key 0 & also for key 10 as both are inexistent in dictionary, runtime error, while try to acess.

Method has the same erasure as another method in type

The problem is that Set<Integer> and Set<String> are actually treated as a Set from the JVM. Selecting a type for the Set (String or Integer in your case) is only syntactic sugar used by the compiler. The JVM can't distinguish between Set<String> and Set<Integer>.

How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object

The easiest way I can think of is to use Linq:

List<Order> SortedList = objListOrder.OrderBy(o=>o.OrderDate).ToList();

A regular expression to exclude a word/string

As you want to exclude both words, you need a conjuction:


Now both conditions must be true (neither ignoreme nor ignoreme2 is allowed) to have a match.

Filter Linq EXCEPT on properties

MoreLinq has something useful for this MoreLinq.Source.MoreEnumerable.ExceptBy

namespace MoreLinq
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;

    static partial class MoreEnumerable
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the set of elements in the first sequence which aren't
        /// in the second sequence, according to a given key selector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a set operation; if multiple elements in <paramref name="first"/> have
        /// equal keys, only the first such element is returned.
        /// This operator uses deferred execution and streams the results, although
        /// a set of keys from <paramref name="second"/> is immediately selected and retained.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements in the input sequences.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key returned by <paramref name="keySelector"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="first">The sequence of potentially included elements.</param>
        /// <param name="second">The sequence of elements whose keys may prevent elements in
        /// <paramref name="first"/> from being returned.</param>
        /// <param name="keySelector">The mapping from source element to key.</param>
        /// <returns>A sequence of elements from <paramref name="first"/> whose key was not also a key for
        /// any element in <paramref name="second"/>.</returns>

        public static IEnumerable<TSource> ExceptBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> first,
            IEnumerable<TSource> second,
            Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
            return ExceptBy(first, second, keySelector, null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the set of elements in the first sequence which aren't
        /// in the second sequence, according to a given key selector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a set operation; if multiple elements in <paramref name="first"/> have
        /// equal keys, only the first such element is returned.
        /// This operator uses deferred execution and streams the results, although
        /// a set of keys from <paramref name="second"/> is immediately selected and retained.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements in the input sequences.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key returned by <paramref name="keySelector"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="first">The sequence of potentially included elements.</param>
        /// <param name="second">The sequence of elements whose keys may prevent elements in
        /// <paramref name="first"/> from being returned.</param>
        /// <param name="keySelector">The mapping from source element to key.</param>
        /// <param name="keyComparer">The equality comparer to use to determine whether or not keys are equal.
        /// If null, the default equality comparer for <c>TSource</c> is used.</param>
        /// <returns>A sequence of elements from <paramref name="first"/> whose key was not also a key for
        /// any element in <paramref name="second"/>.</returns>

        public static IEnumerable<TSource> ExceptBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> first,
            IEnumerable<TSource> second,
            Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
            IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer)
            if (first == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("first");
            if (second == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("second");
            if (keySelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("keySelector");
            return ExceptByImpl(first, second, keySelector, keyComparer);

        private static IEnumerable<TSource> ExceptByImpl<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> first,
            IEnumerable<TSource> second,
            Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
            IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer)
            var keys = new HashSet<TKey>(second.Select(keySelector), keyComparer);
            foreach (var element in first)
                var key = keySelector(element);
                if (keys.Contains(key))
                yield return element;

How can I fix assembly version conflicts with JSON.NET after updating NuGet package references in a new ASP.NET MVC 5 project?

I had this problem because I updated packages, which included Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi that has a reference to Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.6 and I already had version 6 installed. It wasn't clever enough to use the version 6.

To resolve it, after the WebApi update I opened the Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Pacakge Manager Console and ran:

 Update-Package Newtonsoft.Json

The log showed that the 6.0.x and 4.5.6 versions were all updated to the latest one and everything was fine.

I have a feeling this will come up again.

How to add new item to hash

hash[key]=value Associates the value given by value with the key given by key.

hash[:newKey] = "newValue"

From Ruby documentation:

How can I use grep to show just filenames on Linux?

Your question How can I just get the file-names (with paths)

Your syntax example find . -iname "*php" -exec grep -H myString {} \;

My Command suggestion

sudo find /home -name *.php

The output from this command on my Linux OS:


As you require the filename with path, enjoy!

Remove Item from ArrayList

You can remove elements from ArrayList using ListIterator,

ListIterator listIterator = List_Of_Array.listIterator();

 /* Use void remove() method of ListIterator to remove an element from List.
     It removes the last element returned by next or previous methods.

//remove element returned by last next method
listIterator.remove();//remove element at 1st position;;
listIterator.remove();//remove element at 3rd position;;
listIterator.remove();//remove element at 5th position

removing table border

Use Firebug to inspect the table in question, and see where does it inherit the border from. (check the right column). Try setting on-the-fly inline style border:none; to see if you get rid of it. Could also be the browsers default stylesheets. In this case, use a CSS reset.

jquery function val() is not equivalent to "$(this).value="?

$(this).value is attempting to call the 'value' property of a jQuery object, which does not exist. Native JavaScript does have a 'value' property on certain HTML objects, but if you are operating on a jQuery object you must access the value by calling $(this).val().

IIS: Idle Timeout vs Recycle

IIS now has

Idle Time-out Action : Suspend setting

Suspending is just freezes the process and it is much more efficient than the destroying the process.

How to list npm user-installed packages?

npm ls

npm list is just an alias for npm ls

For the extended info use

npm la    
npm ll

You can always set --depth=0 at the end to get the first level deep.

npm ls --depth=0

You can check development and production packages.

npm ls --only=dev
npm ls --only=prod

To show the info in json format

npm ls --json=true

The default is false

npm ls --json=false

You can insist on long format to show extended information.

npm ls --long=true

You can show parseable output instead of tree view.

npm ls --parseable=true

You can list packages in the global install prefix instead of in the current project.

npm ls --global=true
npm ls -g // shorthand

Full documentation you can find here.

How to redirect output to a file and stdout

Something to add ...

The package unbuffer has support issues with some packages under fedora and redhat unix releases.

Setting aside the troubles

Following worked for me

bash 2>&1 | tee output.log

Thank you ScDF & matthew your inputs saved me lot of time..

How to make git mark a deleted and a new file as a file move?

I had this problem recently, when moving (but not modifying) some files.

The problem is that Git changed some line endings when I moved the files, and then wasn't able to tell that the files were the same.

Using git mv sorted out the problem, but it only works on single files / directories, and I had a lot of files in the root of the repository to do.

One way of fixing this would be with some bash / batch magic.

Another way is the following

  • Move the files and git commit. This updates the line endings.
  • Move the files back to their original location, now that they have the new line endings, and git commit --amend
  • Move the files again and git commit --amend. There is no change to the line endings this time so Git is happy

What is more efficient? Using pow to square or just multiply it with itself?

I tested the performance difference between x*x*... vs pow(x,i) for small i using this code:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>

inline boost::posix_time::ptime now()
    return boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();

#define TEST(num, expression) \
double test##num(double b, long loops) \
{ \
    double x = 0.0; \
    boost::posix_time::ptime startTime = now(); \
    for (long i=0; i<loops; ++i) \
    { \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
        x += expression; \
    } \
    boost::posix_time::time_duration elapsed = now() - startTime; \
    std::cout << elapsed << " "; \
    return x; \

TEST(1, b)
TEST(2, b*b)
TEST(3, b*b*b)
TEST(4, b*b*b*b)
TEST(5, b*b*b*b*b)

template <int exponent>
double testpow(double base, long loops)
    double x = 0.0;

    boost::posix_time::ptime startTime = now();
    for (long i=0; i<loops; ++i)
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
        x += std::pow(base, exponent);
    boost::posix_time::time_duration elapsed = now() - startTime;

    std::cout << elapsed << " ";

    return x;

int main()
    using std::cout;
    long loops = 100000000l;
    double x = 0.0;
    cout << "1 ";
    x += testpow<1>(rand(), loops);
    x += test1(rand(), loops);

    cout << "\n2 ";
    x += testpow<2>(rand(), loops);
    x += test2(rand(), loops);

    cout << "\n3 ";
    x += testpow<3>(rand(), loops);
    x += test3(rand(), loops);

    cout << "\n4 ";
    x += testpow<4>(rand(), loops);
    x += test4(rand(), loops);

    cout << "\n5 ";
    x += testpow<5>(rand(), loops);
    x += test5(rand(), loops);
    cout << "\n" << x << "\n";

Results are:

1 00:00:01.126008 00:00:01.128338 
2 00:00:01.125832 00:00:01.127227 
3 00:00:01.125563 00:00:01.126590 
4 00:00:01.126289 00:00:01.126086 
5 00:00:01.126570 00:00:01.125930 

Note that I accumulate the result of every pow calculation to make sure the compiler doesn't optimize it away.

If I use the std::pow(double, double) version, and loops = 1000000l, I get:

1 00:00:00.011339 00:00:00.011262 
2 00:00:00.011259 00:00:00.011254 
3 00:00:00.975658 00:00:00.011254 
4 00:00:00.976427 00:00:00.011254 
5 00:00:00.973029 00:00:00.011254 

This is on an Intel Core Duo running Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. Compiled using gcc 4.4.1 with -o2 optimization.

So in C, yes x*x*x will be faster than pow(x, 3), because there is no pow(double, int) overload. In C++, it will be the roughly same. (Assuming the methodology in my testing is correct.)

This is in response to the comment made by An Markm:

Even if a using namespace std directive was issued, if the second parameter to pow is an int, then the std::pow(double, int) overload from <cmath> will be called instead of ::pow(double, double) from <math.h>.

This test code confirms that behavior:

#include <iostream>

namespace foo

    double bar(double x, int i)
        std::cout << "foo::bar\n";
        return x*i;


double bar(double x, double y)
    std::cout << "::bar\n";
    return x*y;

using namespace foo;

int main()
    double a = bar(1.2, 3); // Prints "foo::bar"
    std::cout << a << "\n";
    return 0;

Byte[] to ASCII

You can use:


But sometimes you will get a weird number instead of the string you want. In that case, your original string may have some hexadecimal character when you see it. If it's the case, you may want to try this:


Or as a last resort:


mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource

$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE $username');

You define the string using single quotes and PHP does not parse single quote delimited strings. In order to obtain variable interpolation you will need to use double quotes OR string concatenation (or a combination there of). See for more information.

Also you should check that mysql_query returned a valid result resource, otherwise fetch_*, num_rows, etc will not work on the result as is not a result! IE:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE $username');

if( $result === FALSE ) {
   trigger_error('Query failed returning error: '. mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
   while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
      echo $row['username'];
} for more information.

Copy directory contents into a directory with python

I found this code working:

from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree

# copy subdirectory example
fromDirectory = "/a/b/c"
toDirectory = "/x/y/z"

copy_tree(fromDirectory, toDirectory)


How to install cron

Installing Crontab on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update

We download the crontab file to the root


Unzip the file crontab-0.20.tar.gz

tar xvfz crontab-0.20.tar.gz

Login to a folder crontab-0.20

cd crontab-0.20*

Installation order

python install

See also here:..

Netbeans - class does not have a main method

  1. Check for correct method declaration

public static void main(String [ ] args)

  1. Check netbeans project properties in Run > main Class

How to finish Activity when starting other activity in Android?

startActivity(new Intent(context, ListofProducts.class)

Delete a row from a SQL Server table

As you have stated that all column names are of TEXT type, So, there is need to use IDNumber as Text by using single quote around IDNumber.....

    public static void deleteRow(string table, string columnName, string IDNumber)
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Global.connectionString))
         using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + columnName + " = '" + IDNumber+"'", con))
    catch (SystemException ex)
       MessageBox.Show(string.Format("An error occurred: {0}", ex.Message));

Multiple linear regression in Python

Here is an alternative and basic method:

from patsy import dmatrices
import statsmodels.api as sm

y,x = dmatrices("y_data ~ x_1 + x_2 ", data = my_data)
### y_data is the name of the dependent variable in your data ### 
model_fit = sm.OLS(y,x)
results =

Instead of sm.OLS you can also use sm.Logit or sm.Probit and etc.

Will using 'var' affect performance?

I don't think you properly understood what you read. If it gets compiled to the correct type, then there is no difference. When I do this:

var i = 42;

The compiler knows it's an int, and generate code as if I had written

int i = 42;

As the post you linked to says, it gets compiled to the same type. It's not a runtime check or anything else requiring extra code. The compiler just figures out what the type must be, and uses that.

C# Public Enums in Classes

Currently, your enum is nested inside of your Card class. All you have to do is move the definition of the enum out of the class:

// A better name which follows conventions instead of card_suits is
public enum CardSuit

public class Card

To Specify:

The name change from card_suits to CardSuit was suggested because Microsoft guidelines suggest Pascal Case for Enumerations and the singular form is more descriptive in this case (as a plural would suggest that you're storing multiple enumeration values by ORing them together).

Find a file with a certain extension in folder

Use this code for read file with all type of extension file.

string[] sDirectoryInfo = Directory.GetFiles(SourcePath, "*.*");

re.sub erroring with "Expected string or bytes-like object"

As you stated in the comments, some of the values appeared to be floats, not strings. You will need to change it to strings before passing it to re.sub. The simplest way is to change location to str(location) when using re.sub. It wouldn't hurt to do it anyways even if it's already a str.

letters_only = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]",  # Search for all non-letters
                          " ",          # Replace all non-letters with spaces

Callback when DOM is loaded in react.js

I applied componentDidUpdate to table to have all columns same height. it works same as on $(window).load() in jquery.


componentDidUpdate: function() {
        $(".tbl-tr").height($(".tbl-tr ").height());

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery

If you don't have to support very old browsers, here is a way to do it even when your external script is loaded with async attribute:

HTMLDocument.prototype.ready = new Promise(function(resolve) {
   if(document.readyState != "loading")
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

document.ready.then(function() {

jquery drop down menu closing by clicking outside

You would need to attach your click event to some element. If there are lots of other elements on the page you would not want to attach a click event to all of them.

One potential way would be to create a transparent div below your dropdown menu but above all other elements on the page. You would show it when the drop down was shown. Have the element have a click hander that hides the drop down and the transparent div.

$('#clickCatcher').click(function () { _x000D_
#dropContainer { z-index: 101; ... }_x000D_
#clickCatcher { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 100; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="dropDown"></div>_x000D_
<div id="clickCatcher"></div>

Factory Pattern. When to use factory methods?

if you want to create a different object in terms of using. It is useful.

public class factoryMethodPattern {
      static String planName = "COMMERCIALPLAN";
      static int units = 3;
      public static void main(String args[]) {
          GetPlanFactory planFactory = new GetPlanFactory();
          Plan p = planFactory.getPlan(planName);
          System.out.print("Bill amount for " + planName + " of  " + units
                        + " units is: ");

abstract class Plan {
      protected double rate;

      abstract void getRate();

      public void calculateBill(int units) {
            System.out.println(units * rate);

class DomesticPlan extends Plan {
      // @override
      public void getRate() {
            rate = 3.50;

class CommercialPlan extends Plan {
      // @override
      public void getRate() {
            rate = 7.50;

class InstitutionalPlan extends Plan {
      // @override
      public void getRate() {
            rate = 5.50;

class GetPlanFactory {

      // use getPlan method to get object of type Plan
      public Plan getPlan(String planType) {
            if (planType == null) {
                  return null;
            if (planType.equalsIgnoreCase("DOMESTICPLAN")) {
                  return new DomesticPlan();
            } else if (planType.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMERCIALPLAN")) {
                  return new CommercialPlan();
            } else if (planType.equalsIgnoreCase("INSTITUTIONALPLAN")) {
                  return new InstitutionalPlan();
            return null;

Passing multiple values to a single PowerShell script parameter

I call a scheduled script who must connect to a list of Server this way:

Powershell.exe -File "YourScriptPath" "Par1,Par2,Par3"

Then inside the script:

Connect-Viserver $list_of_servers.split(",")

The split operator returns an array of string

Equivalent of LIMIT for DB2

Support for OFFSET and LIMIT was recently added to DB2 for i 7.1 and 7.2. You need the following DB PTF group levels to get this support:

  • SF99702 level 9 for IBM i 7.2
  • SF99701 level 38 for IBM i 7.1

See here for more information: OFFSET and LIMIT documentation, DB2 for i Enhancement Wiki

1030 Got error 28 from storage engine

I had the same issue in AWS RDS. It was due to the Freeable Space (Hard Drive Storage Space) was Full. You need to increase your space, or remove some data.

How to convert date in to yyyy-MM-dd Format?

You can't format the Date itself. You can only get the formatted result in String. Use SimpleDateFormat as mentioned by others.

Moreover, most of the getter methods in Date are deprecated.

How to call base.base.method()?

As can be seen from previous posts, one can argue that if class functionality needs to be circumvented then something is wrong in the class architecture. That might be true, but one cannot always restructure or refactor the class structure on a large mature project. The various levels of change management might be one problem, but to keep existing functionality operating the same after refactoring is not always a trivial task, especially if time constraints apply. On a mature project it can be quite an undertaking to keep various regression tests from passing after a code restructure; there are often obscure "oddities" that show up. We had a similar problem in some cases inherited functionality should not execute (or should perform something else). The approach we followed below, was to put the base code that need to be excluded in a separate virtual function. This function can then be overridden in the derived class and the functionality excluded or altered. In this example "Text 2" can be prevented from output in the derived class.

public class Base
    public virtual void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello from Base");

public class Derived : Base
    public override void Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("Text 1");
        Console.WriteLine("Text 3");

    protected virtual void WriteText2Func()
        Console.WriteLine("Text 2");  

public class Special : Derived
    public override void WriteText2Func()
        //WriteText2Func will write nothing when 
        //method Foo is called from class Special.
        //Also it can be modified to do something else.

"Could not find the main class" error when running jar exported by Eclipse

For netbeans user that having this problem is as simply:

1.Go to your Project and Right Click and Select Properties

2.Click Run and also click browser.

3.Select your frames you want to first appear.

Make the console wait for a user input to close

public static void main(String args[])
    Scanner s = new Scanner(;

    System.out.println("Press enter to continue.....");


This nextline is a pretty good option as it will help us run next line whenever the enter key is pressed.

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

Couldn't make it work on Chrome just by changing CSS, because I didn't want the page to scroll back to the top. This worked fine:

$("#myModal").on("", function () {
  var top = $("body").scrollTop(); $("body").css('position','fixed').css('overflow','hidden').css('top',-top).css('width','100%').css('height',top+5000);
}).on("", function () {
  var top = $("body").position().top; $("body").css('position','relative').css('overflow','auto').css('top',0).scrollTop(-top);

How do I check if an element is really visible with JavaScript?

One way to do it is:

isVisible(elm) {
    while(elm.tagName != 'BODY') {
        if(!$(elm).visible()) return false;
        elm = elm.parentNode;
    return true;


Can I get JSON to load into an OrderedDict?

You could always write out the list of keys in addition to dumping the dict, and then reconstruct the OrderedDict by iterating through the list?

A url resource that is a dot (%2E)

It is not possible. §2.3 says that "." is an unreserved character and that "URIs that differ in the replacement of an unreserved character with its corresponding percent-encoded US-ASCII octet are equivalent". Therefore, /%2E%2E/ is the same as /../, and that will get normalized away.

(This is a combination of an answer by bobince and a comment by slowpoison.)

Remove Sub String by using Python

BeautifulSoup(text, features="html.parser").text 

For the people who were seeking deep info in my answer, sorry.

I'll explain it.

Beautifulsoup is a widely use python package that helps the user (developer) to interact with HTML within python.

The above like just take all the HTML text (text) and cast it to Beautifulsoup object - that means behind the sense its parses everything up (Every HTML tag within the given text)

Once done so, we just request all the text from within the HTML object.

What are .NumberFormat Options In Excel VBA?

Note this was done on Excel for Mac 2011 but should be same for Windows


Sub numberformats()
  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = Range("A24:A35")
  For Each c In rng
    Debug.Print c.NumberFormat
  Next c
End Sub


General     General
Number      0
Currency    $#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00
Accounting  _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)
Date        m/d/yy
Time        [$-F400]h:mm:ss am/pm
Percentage  0.00%
Fraction    # ?/?
Scientific  0.00E+00
Text        @
Special     ;;
Custom      #,##0_);[Red](#,##0)

(I just picked a random entry for custom)

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android

How I did it in horizontal ProgressBar:

    LayerDrawable layerDrawable = (LayerDrawable) progressBar.getProgressDrawable();
    Drawable progressDrawable = layerDrawable.findDrawableByLayerId(;
    progressDrawable.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);

How to get HTML 5 input type="date" working in Firefox and/or IE 10

You can try webshims, which is available on cdn + only loads the polyfill, if it is needed.

Here is a demo with CDN:

<!-- cdn for modernizr, if you haven't included it already -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- polyfiller file to detect and load polyfills -->
<script src=""></script>
  webshims.setOptions('waitReady', false);
  webshims.setOptions('forms-ext', {types: 'date'});
  webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext');

<input type="date" />

In case the default configuration does not satisfy, there are many ways to configure it. Here you find the datepicker configurator.

Note: While there might be new bugfix releases for webshim in the future. There won't be any major releases anymore. This includes support for jQuery 3.0 or any new features.

Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ]

In case anyone still has to support legacy fancybox with jQuery 3.0+ here are some other changes you'll have to make:

.unbind() deprecated

Replace all instances of .unbind with .off

.removeAttribute() is not a function

Change lines 580-581 to use jQuery's .removeAttr() instead:

Old code:

580: content[0].style.removeAttribute('filter');
581: wrap[0].style.removeAttribute('filter');

New code:

580: content.removeAttr('filter');
581: wrap.removeAttr('filter');

This combined with the other patch mentioned above solved my compatibility issues.

How to remove underline from a link in HTML?

The following is not a best practice, but can sometimes prove useful

It is better to use the solution provided by John Conde, but sometimes, using external CSS is impossible. So you can add the following to your HTML tag:

<a style="text-decoration:none;">My Link</a>

jQuery exclude elements with certain class in selector

use this..

$(".content_box a:not('.button')")

python - find index position in list based of partial string

Without enumerate():

>>> mylist = ["aa123", "bb2322", "aa354", "cc332", "ab334", "333aa"]
>>> l = [mylist.index(i) for i in mylist if 'aa' in i]
>>> l
[0, 2, 5]

What are all codecs and formats supported by FFmpeg?

The formats and codecs supported by your build of ffmpeg can vary due the version, how it was compiled, and if any external libraries, such as libx264, were supported during compilation.

Formats (muxers and demuxers):

List all formats:

ffmpeg -formats

Display options specific to, and information about, a particular muxer:

ffmpeg -h muxer=matroska

Display options specific to, and information about, a particular demuxer:

ffmpeg -h demuxer=gif

Codecs (encoders and decoders):

List all codecs:

ffmpeg -codecs

List all encoders:

ffmpeg -encoders

List all decoders:

ffmpeg -decoders

Display options specific to, and information about, a particular encoder:

ffmpeg -h encoder=mpeg4

Display options specific to, and information about, a particular decoder:

ffmpeg -h decoder=aac

Reading the results

There is a key near the top of the output that describes each letter that precedes the name of the format, encoder, decoder, or codec:

$ ffmpeg -encoders
 V..... = Video
 A..... = Audio
 S..... = Subtitle
 .F.... = Frame-level multithreading
 ..S... = Slice-level multithreading
 ...X.. = Codec is experimental
 ....B. = Supports draw_horiz_band
 .....D = Supports direct rendering method 1
 V.S... mpeg4                MPEG-4 part 2

In this example V.S... indicates that the encoder mpeg4 is a Video encoder and supports Slice-level multithreading.

Also see

What is a codec and how does it differ from a format?

Accessing Redux state in an action creator?

I would like to point out that it is not that bad to read from the store -- it might be just much more convenient to decide what should be done based on the store, than to pass everything to the component and then as a parameter of a function. I agree with Dan completely, that it is much better not to use store as a singletone, unless you are 100% sure that you will use only for client-side rendering (otherwise hard to trace bugs might appear).

I have created a library recently to deal with verbosity of redux, and I think it is a good idea to put everything in the middleware, so you have everyhing as a dependency injection.

So, your example will look like that:

import { createSyncTile } from 'redux-tiles';

const someTile = createSyncTile({
  type: ['some', 'tile'],
  fn: ({ params, selectors, getState }) => {
    return {
      items: selectors.another.tile(getState())

However, as you can see, we don't really modify data here, so there is a good chance that we can just use this selector in other place to combine it somewhere else.

When does a process get SIGABRT (signal 6)?

It usually happens when there is a problem with memory allocation.

It happened to me when my program was trying to allocate an array with negative size.

How to get current foreground activity context in android?

I did the Following in Kotlin

  1. Create Application Class
  2. Edit the Application Class as Follows

    class FTApplication: MultiDexApplication() {
    override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context?) {
    init {
        instance = this
    val mFTActivityLifecycleCallbacks = FTActivityLifecycleCallbacks()
    override fun onCreate() {
    companion object {
        private var instance: FTApplication? = null
        fun currentActivity(): Activity? {
            return instance!!.mFTActivityLifecycleCallbacks.currentActivity
  3. Create the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks class

    class FTActivityLifecycleCallbacks: Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
    var currentActivity: Activity? = null
    override fun onActivityPaused(activity: Activity?) {
        currentActivity = activity
    override fun onActivityResumed(activity: Activity?) {
        currentActivity = activity
    override fun onActivityStarted(activity: Activity?) {
        currentActivity = activity
    override fun onActivityDestroyed(activity: Activity?) {
    override fun onActivitySaveInstanceState(activity: Activity?, outState: Bundle?) {
    override fun onActivityStopped(activity: Activity?) {
    override fun onActivityCreated(activity: Activity?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        currentActivity = activity
  4. you can now use it in any class by calling the following: FTApplication.currentActivity()

should use size_t or ssize_t

ssize_t is used for functions whose return value could either be a valid size, or a negative value to indicate an error. It is guaranteed to be able to store values at least in the range [-1, SSIZE_MAX] (SSIZE_MAX is system-dependent).

So you should use size_t whenever you mean to return a size in bytes, and ssize_t whenever you would return either a size in bytes or a (negative) error value.


Get an object's class name at runtime

You need to first cast the instance to any because Function's type definition does not have a name property.

class MyClass {
  getName() {
    return (<any>this);
    // OR return (this as any);

// From outside the class:
var className = (<any>new MyClass());
// OR var className = (new MyClass() as any);
console.log(className); // Should output "MyClass"

// From inside the class:
var instance = new MyClass();
console.log(instance.getName()); // Should output "MyClass"


With TypeScript 2.4 (and potentially earlier) the code can be even cleaner:

class MyClass {
  getName() {

// From outside the class:
var className = (new MyClass);
console.log(className); // Should output "MyClass"

// From inside the class:
var instance = new MyClass();
console.log(instance.getName()); // Should output "MyClass"

How to disable an input box using angular.js

You need to use ng-disabled directive

<input data-ng-model="userInf.username" 
       class="span12 editEmail" 
       placeholder="[email protected]" 
       ng-disabled="<expression to disable>" />

Alter table add multiple columns ms sql

this should work in T-SQL

HasPhotoInReadyStorage  bit,  
HasPhotoInWorkStorage  bit,  
HasPhotoInMaterialStorage bit,  
HasText  bit GO cannot open shared object file.

The libs are located in /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/lib (For Oracle XE) or similar.

You should add this path to /etc/ or if this file shows only an include location, as in a separate file in the /etc/ directory

I have oracle.conf in /etc/, just one file with the path. Nothing else.

Of course don't forget to run ldconfig as a last step.

How can I account for period (AM/PM) using strftime?

You used %H (24 hour format) instead of %I (12 hour format).

Unable to install boto3

Don't use sudo in a virtual environment because it ignores the environment's variables and therefore sudo pip refers to your global pip installation.

So with your environment activated, rerun pip install boto3 but without sudo.

html button to send email

You can use an anchor to attempt to open the user's default mail client, prepopulated, with mailto:, but you cannot send the actual email. *Apparently it is possible to do this with a form action as well, but browser support is varied and unreliable, so I do not suggest it.

HTML cannot send mail, you need to use a server side language like php, which is another topic. There are plently of good resources on how to do this here on SO or elsewhere on the internet.

If you are using php, I see SwiftMailer suggested quite a bit.

How to get the current TimeStamp?

In Qt 4.7, there is the QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() static function, which does exactly what you need, without any intermediary steps. Hence I'd recommend that for projects using Qt 4.7 or newer.

How to change Screen buffer size in Windows Command Prompt from batch script

I have found a way to resize the buffer size without influencing the window size. It works thanks to a flaw in how batch works but it gets the job done.

mode 648 78 >nul 2>nul

How does it work? There is a syntax error in this command, it should be "mode 648, 78". Because of how batch works, the buffer size will first be resized to 648 and then the window resize will come but it will never finish, because of the syntax error. Voila, buffer size is adjusted and the window size stays the same. This produces an ugly error so to get rid of it just add the ">nul 2>nul" and you're done.

Add a new item to a dictionary in Python

It occurred to me that you may have actually be asking how to implement the + operator for dictionaries, the following seems to work:

>>> class Dict(dict):
...     def __add__(self, other):
...         copy = self.copy()
...         copy.update(other)
...         return copy
...     def __radd__(self, other):
...         copy = other.copy()
...         copy.update(self)
...         return copy
>>> default_data = Dict({'item1': 1, 'item2': 2})
>>> default_data + {'item3': 3}
{'item2': 2, 'item3': 3, 'item1': 1}
>>> {'test1': 1} + Dict(test2=2)
{'test1': 1, 'test2': 2}

Note that this is more overhead then using dict[key] = value or dict.update(), so I would recommend against using this solution unless you intend to create a new dictionary anyway.

Get startup type of Windows service using PowerShell

You can also use the sc tool to set it.

You can also call it from PowerShell and add additional checks if needed. The advantage of this tool vs. PowerShell is that the sc tool can also set the start type to auto delayed.

# Get Service status
$Service = "Wecsvc"
sc.exe qc $Service

# Set Service status
$Service = "Wecsvc"
sc.exe config $Service start= delayed-auto

not-null property references a null or transient value

Make that variable as transient.Your problem will get solved..

@Column(name="emp_name", nullable=false, length=30)
    private transient String empName;

How to read html from a url in python 3

urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() should return you the raw HTML page as a string.

MongoDB "root" user

While out of the box, MongoDb has no authentication, you can create the equivalent of a root/superuser by using the "any" roles to a specific user to the admin database.

Something like this:

use admin
db.addUser( { user: "<username>",
          pwd: "<password>",
          roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase",

] } )

Update for 2.6+

While there is a new root user in 2.6, you may find that it doesn't meet your needs, as it still has a few limitations:

Provides access to the operations and all the resources of the readWriteAnyDatabase, dbAdminAnyDatabase, userAdminAnyDatabase and clusterAdmin roles combined.

root does not include any access to collections that begin with the system. prefix.

Update for 3.0+

Use db.createUser as db.addUser was removed.

Update for 3.0.7+

root no longer has the limitations stated above.

The root has the validate privilege action on system. collections. Previously, root does not include any access to collections that begin with the system. prefix other than system.indexes and system.namespaces.

Dynamically allocating an array of objects

  1. Use array or common container for objects only if they have default and copy constructors.

  2. Store pointers otherwise (or smart pointers, but may meet some issues in this case).

PS: Always define own default and copy constructors otherwise auto-generated will be used

How to cherry-pick multiple commits

Git 1.7.2 introduced the ability to cherry pick a range of commits. From the release notes:

git cherry-pick learned to pick a range of commits (e.g. cherry-pick A..B and cherry-pick --stdin), so did git revert; these do not support the nicer sequencing control rebase [-i] has, though.

To cherry-pick all the commits from commit A to commit B (where A is older than B), run:

git cherry-pick A^..B

If you want to ignore A itself, run:

git cherry-pick A..B

(Credit goes to damian, J. B. Rainsberger and sschaef in the comments)

SessionTimeout: web.xml vs session.maxInactiveInterval()

Now, i'm being told that this will terminate the session (or is it all sessions?) in the 15th minute of use, regardless their activity.

No, that's not true. The session-timeout configures a per session timeout in case of inactivity.

Are these methods equivalent? Should I favour the web.xml config?

The setting in the web.xml is global, it applies to all sessions of a given context. Programatically, you can change this for a particular session.

ImportError: No module named model_selection

Latest Stable release of sklearn 0.20.0 has train_test_split is under model_selection not under cross_validation

In order to check your sklearn version :

import sklearn print (sklearn.version) 0.20.2

Difference Between Select and SelectMany

Select is a simple one-to-one projection from source element to a result element. Select- Many is used when there are multiple from clauses in a query expression: each element in the original sequence is used to generate a new sequence.

How do I center a window onscreen in C#?

 Centering a form in runtime

1.Set following property of Form:
   -> StartPosition : CenterScreen
   -> WindowState: Normal

This will center the form at runtime but if form size is bigger then expected, do second step.

2. Add Custom Size after InitializeComponent();

public Form1()
    this.Size = new Size(800, 600);

POST JSON to API using Rails and HTTParty

I solved this by adding .to_json and some heading information

@result =, 
    :body => { :subject => 'This is the screen name', 
               :issue_type => 'Application Problem', 
               :status => 'Open', 
               :priority => 'Normal', 
               :description => 'This is the description for the problem'
    :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } )

Page unload event in

With AutoEventWireup which is turned on by default on a page you can just add methods prepended with **Page_***event* and have ASP.NET connect to the events for you.

In the case of Unload the method signature is:

protected void Page_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e)

For details see the MSDN article.

Line continue character in C#

If you declared different variables then use following simple method:

Int salary=2000;

String abc="I Love Pakistan";

Double pi=3.14;


How to automatically allow blocked content in IE?

I believe this will only appear when running the page locally in this particular case, i.e. you should not see this when loading the apge from a web server.

However if you have permission to do so, you could turn off the prompt for Internet Explorer by following Tools (menu) → Internet OptionsSecurity (tab) → Custom Level (button) → and Disable Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls.

This will of course, only affect your browser.

How to Find App Pool Recycles in Event Log

IIS version 8.5 +

To enable Event Tracing for Windows for your website/application

  1. Go to Logging and ensure either ETW event only or Both log file and ETW event selected.

enter image description here

  1. Enable the desired Recycle logs in the Advanced Settings for the Application Pool:

enter image description here

  1. Go to the default Custom View: WebServer filters IIS logs:

Custom Views > ServerRoles > Web Server

enter image description here

  1. ... or System logs:

Windows Logs > System

Change hash without reload in jQuery

The accepted answer didn't work for me as my page jumped slightly on click, messing up my scroll animation.

I decided to update the entire URL using window.history.replaceState rather than using the window.location.hash method. Thus circumventing the hashChange event fired by the browser.

// Only fire when URL has anchor
$('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').on('click', function(event) {

    // Prevent default anchor handling (which causes the page-jumping)

    if ( location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname ) {
        var target = $(this.hash);
        target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');

        if ( target.length ) {    
            // Smooth scrolling to anchor
            $('html, body').animate({
                scrollTop: target.offset().top
            }, 1000);

            // Update URL
            window.history.replaceState("", document.title, window.location.href.replace(location.hash, "") + this.hash);

Is a slash ("/") equivalent to an encoded slash ("%2F") in the path portion of an HTTP URL

The story of %2F vs / was that, according to the initial W3C recommendations, slashes «must imply a hierarchical structure»:

The slash ("/", ASCII 2F hex) character is reserved for the delimiting of substrings whose relationship is hierarchical. This enables partial forms of the URI.

Example 2

The URIs


are NOT identical, as in the second case the encoded slash does not have hierarchical significance.

MySQL joins and COUNT(*) from another table

MySQL use HAVING statement for this tasks.

Your query would look like this:

SELECT g.group_id, COUNT(m.member_id) AS members
FROM groups AS g
LEFT JOIN group_members AS m USING(group_id)
GROUP BY g.group_id
HAVING members > 4

example when references have different names

SELECT, COUNT(m.member_id) AS members
FROM groups AS g
LEFT JOIN group_members AS m ON = m.group_id
HAVING members > 4

Also, make sure that you set indexes inside your database schema for keys you are using in JOINS as it can affect your site performance.

Append an object to a list in R in amortized constant time, O(1)?

I have made a small comparison of methods mentioned here.

n = 1e+4
### Using environment as a container
lPtrAppend <- function(lstptr, lab, obj) {lstptr[[deparse(substitute(lab))]] <- obj}
### Store list inside new environment
envAppendList <- function(lstptr, obj) {lstptr$list[[length(lstptr$list)+1]] <- obj} 

microbenchmark(times = 5,  
        env_with_list_ = {
            listptr <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
            listptr$list <- NULL
            for(i in 1:n) {envAppendList(listptr, i)}
        c_ = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a = c(a, list(i))}
        list_ = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a <- list(a, list(i))}
        by_index = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a[length(a) + 1] <- i}
        append_ = { 
            a <- list(0)    
            for(i in 1:n) {a <- append(a, i)} 
        env_as_container_ = {
            listptr <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
            for(i in 1:n) {lPtrAppend(listptr, i, i)} 


Unit: milliseconds
              expr       min        lq       mean    median        uq       max neval cld
    env_with_list_  188.9023  198.7560  224.57632  223.2520  229.3854  282.5859     5  a 
                c_ 1275.3424 1869.1064 2022.20984 2191.7745 2283.1199 2491.7060     5   b
             list_   17.4916   18.1142   22.56752   19.8546   20.8191   36.5581     5  a 
          by_index  445.2970  479.9670  540.20398  576.9037  591.2366  607.6156     5  a 
           append_ 1140.8975 1316.3031 1794.10472 1620.1212 1855.3602 3037.8416     5   b
 env_as_container_  355.9655  360.1738  399.69186  376.8588  391.7945  513.6667     5  a 

Is there a decent wait function in C++?

Lots of people have suggested POSIX sleep, Windows Sleep, Windows system("pause"), C++ cin.get()… there's even a DOS getch() in there, from roughly the late 1920s.

Please don't do any of these.

None of these solutions would pass code review in my team. That means, if you submitted this code for inclusion in our products, your commit would be blocked and you would be told to go and find another solution. (One might argue that things aren't so serious when you're just a hobbyist playing around, but I propose that developing good habits in your pet projects is what will make you a valued professional in a business organisation, and keep you hired.)

Keeping the console window open so you can read the output of your program is not the responsibility of your program! When you add a wait/sleep/block to the end of your program, you are violating the single responsibility principle, creating a massive abstraction leak, and obliterating the re-usability/chainability of your program. It no longer takes input and gives output — it blocks for transient usage reasons. This is very non-good.

Instead, you should configure your environment to keep the prompt open after your program has finished its work. Your Batch script wrapper is a good approach! I can see how it would be annoying to have to keep manually updating, and you can't invoke it from your IDE. You could make the script take the path to the program to execute as a parameter, and configure your IDE to invoke it instead of your program directly.

An interim, quick-start approach would be to change your IDE's run command from cmd.exe <myprogram> or <myprogram>, to cmd.exe /K <myprogram>. The /K switch to cmd.exe makes the prompt stay open after the program at the given path has terminated. This is going to be slightly more annoying than your Batch script solution, because now you have to type exit or click on the red 'X' when you're done reading your program's output, rather than just smacking the space bar.

I assume usage of an IDE, because otherwise you're already invoking from a command prompt, and this would not be a problem in the first place. Furthermore, I assume the use of Windows (based on detail given in the question), but this answer applies to any platform… which is, incidentally, half the point.

Set default value of javascript object attributes

I think the simplest approach is using Object.assign.

If you have this Class:

class MyHelper {
    constructor(options) {
        this.options = Object.assign({
            name: "John",
            surname: "Doe",
            birthDate: "1980-08-08"
        }, options);

You can use it like this:

let helper = new MyHelper({ name: "Mark" });
console.log(helper.options.surname); // this will output "Doe"

Documentation (with polyfill):

How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array?

I prefer the next hint: having the matrix named matrix_a and use column_number, for example:

import numpy as np
matrix_a = np.array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]])

# you can get the row from transposed matrix - it will be a column:

Should I use px or rem value units in my CSS?

Yes, REM and PX are relative yet other answers have suggested to go for REM over PX, I would also like to back this up using an accessibility example.
When user sets different font-size on browser, REM automatically scale up and down elements like fonts, images etc on the webpage which is not the case with PX.

In the below gif left side text is set using font size REM unit while right side font is set by PX unit.

enter image description here

As you can see that REM is scaling up/down automatically when I resize the default font-size of webpage.(bottom-right side)

Default font-size of a webpage is 16px which is equal to 1 rem (only for default html page i.e. html{font-size:100%}), so, 1.25rem is equal to 20px.

P.S: who else is using REM? CSS Frameworks! like Bootstrap 4, Bulma CSS etc, so better get along with it.

Flask Download a File

You need to make sure that the value you pass to the directory argument is an absolute path, corrected for the current location of your application.

The best way to do this is to configure UPLOAD_FOLDER as a relative path (no leading slash), then make it absolute by prepending current_app.root_path:

@app.route('/uploads/<path:filename>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def download(filename):
    uploads = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])
    return send_from_directory(directory=uploads, filename=filename)

It is important to reiterate that UPLOAD_FOLDER must be relative for this to work, e.g. not start with a /.

A relative path could work but relies too much on the current working directory being set to the place where your Flask code lives. This may not always be the case.

Pandas read_csv low_memory and dtype options

I was facing a similar issue when processing a huge csv file (6 million rows). I had three issues:

  1. the file contained strange characters (fixed using encoding)
  2. the datatype was not specified (fixed using dtype property)
  3. Using the above I still faced an issue which was related with the file_format that could not be defined based on the filename (fixed using try .. except..)
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_file,sep=';', encoding = 'ISO-8859-1',
        df['file_format'] = [Path(f).suffix[1:] for f in df.filename.tolist()]
        df['file_format'] = ''

Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

I found this error while connecting ec2 instance with ssh. and it comes if i write wrong user name.

eg. for ubuntu I need to use ubuntu as user name and for others I need to use ec2-user.

How do I test if a string is empty in Objective-C?

Just pass your string to following method:

+(BOOL)isEmpty:(NSString *)str
    if(str.length==0 || [str isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || [str isEqualToString:@""]||[str  isEqualToString:NULL]||[str isEqualToString:@"(null)"]||str==nil || [str isEqualToString:@"<null>"]){
        return YES;
    return NO;

How to increase the max upload file size in ASP.NET?

I believe this line in the web.config will set the max upload size:


        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="600000"/>

How to evaluate a boolean variable in an if block in bash?

Note that the if $myVar; then ... ;fi construct has a security problem you might want to avoid with

case $myvar in
  (true)    echo "is true";;
  (false)   echo "is false";;
  (rm -rf*) echo "I just dodged a bullet";;

You might also want to rethink why if [ "$myvar" = "true" ] appears awkward to you. It's a shell string comparison that beats possibly forking a process just to obtain an exit status. A fork is a heavy and expensive operation, while a string comparison is dead cheap. Think a few CPU cycles versus several thousand. My case solution is also handled without forks.

How to insert selected columns from a CSV file to a MySQL database using LOAD DATA INFILE


contents of the ae.csv file:

"Date, xpto 14"

CREATE TABLE Tabletmp (  
    rec VARCHAR(9) 

For put only column 3:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/local/ae.csv' 
(@col1, @col2, @col3, @col4, @col5)
set rec = @col3;

select * from Tabletmp;

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

In version 1.52 and above go to File > Preferences > Settings > Text Editor > Diff Editor and change Word Wrap parameter as you wish

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

By default, it begins by processing the first target that does not begin with a . aka the default goal; to do that, it may have to process other targets - specifically, ones the first target depends on.

The GNU Make Manual covers all this stuff, and is a surprisingly easy and informative read.

How do you clear the console screen in C?

For portability, try this:

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define clrscr() printf("\e[1;1H\e[2J")

Then simply call clrscr(). On Windows, it will use conio.h's clrscr(), and on Linux, it will use ANSI escape codes.

If you really want to do it "properly", you can eliminate the middlemen (conio, printf, etc.) and do it with just the low-level system tools (prepare for a massive code-dump):

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>

void ClearScreen()
  HANDLE                     hStdOut;
  DWORD                      count;
  DWORD                      cellCount;
  COORD                      homeCoords = { 0, 0 };

  hStdOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
  if (hStdOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;

  /* Get the number of cells in the current buffer */
  if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdOut, &csbi )) return;
  cellCount = csbi.dwSize.X *csbi.dwSize.Y;

  /* Fill the entire buffer with spaces */
  if (!FillConsoleOutputCharacter(
    (TCHAR) ' ',
    )) return;

  /* Fill the entire buffer with the current colors and attributes */
  if (!FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
    )) return;

  /* Move the cursor home */
  SetConsoleCursorPosition( hStdOut, homeCoords );

#else // !_WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include <term.h>

void ClearScreen()
  if (!cur_term)
     int result;
     setupterm( NULL, STDOUT_FILENO, &result );
     if (result <= 0) return;

   putp( tigetstr( "clear" ) );

Pass Parameter to Gulp Task

Here is another way without extra modules:

I needed to guess the environment from the task name, I have a 'dev' task and a 'prod' task.

When I run gulp prod it should be set to prod environment. When I run gulp dev or anything else it should be set to dev environment.

For that I just check the running task name:

devEnv = process.argv[process.argv.length-1] !== 'prod';

Why are my CSS3 media queries not working on mobile devices?

i used bootstrap in a press site but it does not worked on IE8, i used css3-mediaqueries.js javascript but still not working. if you want your media query to work with this javascript file add screen to your media query line in css

here is an example :

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />

     @media screen and (max-width:900px) {}
     @media screen and (min-width:900px) and (max-width:1200px) {}
     @media screen and (min-width:1200px) {}

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>

css Link line as simple as above line.

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?

One part missing in all these explanations is how are Cookies and Session linked- By SessionID cookie. Cookie goes back and forth between client and server - the server links the user (and its session) by session ID portion of the cookie. You can send SessionID via url also (not the best best practice) - in case cookies are disabled by client.

Did I get this right?

Setting up maven dependency for SQL Server

I believe you are looking for the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver:

What is the idiomatic Go equivalent of C's ternary operator?

As pointed out (and hopefully unsurprisingly), using if+else is indeed the idiomatic way to do conditionals in Go.

In addition to the full blown var+if+else block of code, though, this spelling is also used often:

index := val
if val <= 0 {
    index = -val

and if you have a block of code that is repetitive enough, such as the equivalent of int value = a <= b ? a : b, you can create a function to hold it:

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a <= b {
        return a
    return b


value := min(a, b)

The compiler will inline such simple functions, so it's fast, more clear, and shorter.

How to kill an application with all its activities?

You are correct: calling finish() will only exit the current activity, not the entire application. however, there is a workaround for this:

Every time you start an Activity, start it using startActivityForResult(...). When you want to close the entire app, you can do something like this:


Then define every activity's onActivityResult(...) callback so when an activity returns with the RESULT_CLOSE_ALL value, it also calls finish():

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

This will cause a cascade effect closing all activities.

Also, I support CommonsWare in his suggestion: store the password in a variable so that it will be destroyed when the application is closed.

PHP date yesterday

How easy :)

date("F j, Y", strtotime( '-1 days' ) );


echo date("Y-m-j H:i:s", strtotime( '-1 days' ) ); // 2018-07-18 07:02:43


2018-07-17 07:02:43

getElementById in React

You need to have your function in the componentDidMount lifecycle since this is the function that is called when the DOM has loaded.

Make use of refs to access the DOM element

<input type="submit" className="nameInput" id="name" value="cp-dev1" onClick={this.writeData} ref = "cpDev1"/>

  componentDidMount: function(){
    var name = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cpDev1).value;

See this answer for more info on How to access the dom element in React

I want to use CASE statement to update some records in sql server 2005

Add a WHERE clause

UPDATE dbo.TestStudents  
                        WHEN LASTNAME = 'AAA' THEN 'BBB' 
                        WHEN LASTNAME = 'CCC' THEN 'DDD' 
                        WHEN LASTNAME = 'EEE' THEN 'FFF' 
                        ELSE LASTNAME

Parse JSON String into a Particular Object Prototype in JavaScript

I've combined the solutions that I was able to find and compiled it into a generic one that can automatically parse a custom object and all it's fields recursively so you can use prototype methods after deserialization.

One assumption is that you defined a special filed that indicates it's type in every object you want to apply it's type automatically (this.__type in the example).

function Msg(data) {
    //... your init code = data //can be another object or an array of objects of custom types. 
                     //If those objects defines `this.__type', their types will be assigned automatically as well
    this.__type = "Msg"; // <- store the object's type to assign it automatically

Msg.prototype = {
    createErrorMsg: function(errorMsg){
        return new Msg(0, null, errorMsg)
    isSuccess: function(){
        return this.errorMsg == null;


var responseMsg = //json string of Msg object received;
responseMsg = assignType(responseMsg);

if(responseMsg.isSuccess()){ // isSuccess() is now available
      //furhter logic

Type assignment function (it work recursively to assign types to any nested objects; it also iterates through arrays to find any suitable objects):

function assignType(object){
    if(object && typeof(object) === 'object' && window[object.__type]) {
        object = assignTypeRecursion(object.__type, object);
    return object;

function assignTypeRecursion(type, object){
    for (var key in object) {
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var obj = object[key];
                 for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i){
                     var arrItem = obj[i];
                     if(arrItem && typeof(arrItem) === 'object' && window[arrItem.__type]) {
                         obj[i] = assignTypeRecursion(arrItem.__type, arrItem);
            } else  if(obj && typeof(obj) === 'object' && window[obj.__type]) {
                object[key] = assignTypeRecursion(obj.__type, obj);
    return Object.assign(new window[type](), object);

How to increase dbms_output buffer?

You can Enable DBMS_OUTPUT and set the buffer size. The buffer size can be between 1 and 1,000,000.

dbms_output.enable(buffer_size IN INTEGER DEFAULT 20000);
exec dbms_output.enable(1000000);

Check this


As per the comment posted by Frank and Mat, you can also enable it with Null

exec dbms_output.enable(NULL);

buffer_size : Upper limit, in bytes, the amount of buffered information. Setting buffer_size to NULL specifies that there should be no limit. The maximum size is 1,000,000, and the minimum is 2,000 when the user specifies buffer_size (NOT NULL).

How can I insert data into a MySQL database?

This way worked for me when adding random data to MySql table using a python script.
First install the following packages using the below commands

pip install mysql-connector-python<br>
pip install random
import mysql.connector
import random

from datetime import date

start_dt =, month=1).toordinal()
end_dt =

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

sql_insertion = "INSERT INTO customer (name,email,address,dateJoined) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s)"
#insert 10 records(rows)
for x in range(1,11):
    #generate a random date
    random_day = date.fromordinal(random.randint(start_dt, end_dt))
    value = ("customer" + str(x),"customer_email" + str(x),"customer_address" + str(x),random_day)
    mycursor.execute(sql_insertion , value)


print("customer records inserted!")

Following is a sample output of the insertion

cid       |  name      |  email           |    address        |  dateJoined  |

1         | customer1  |  customer_email1 | customer_address1 |  2020-11-15  |
2         | customer2  |  customer_email2 | customer_address2 |  2020-10-11  |
3         | customer3  |  customer_email3 | customer_address3 |  2020-11-17  |
4         | customer4  |  customer_email4 | customer_address4 |  2020-09-20  |
5         | customer5  |  customer_email5 | customer_address5 |  2020-02-18  |
6         | customer6  |  customer_email6 | customer_address6 |  2020-01-11  |
7         | customer7  |  customer_email7 | customer_address7 |  2020-05-30  |
8         | customer8  |  customer_email8 | customer_address8 |  2020-04-22  |
9         | customer9  |  customer_email9 | customer_address9 |  2020-01-05  |
10        | customer10 |  customer_email10| customer_address10|  2020-11-12  |

Android Studio and Gradle build error

OK seems like a caching issue of some sort. There was indeed an error in code with the not being found but the editor was not picking it up displaying that there were no errors.

HTML Input="file" Accept Attribute File Type (CSV)

After my test, on ?macOS 10.15.7 Catalina?, the answer of ?Dom / Rikin Patel? cannot recognize the [.xlsx] file normally.

I personally summarized the practice of most of the existing answers and passed personal tests. Sum up the following answers:

accept=".csv, .xls, .xlsx, text/csv, application/csv,
text/comma-separated-values, application/csv, application/excel,
application/vnd.msexcel, text/anytext, application/vnd. ms-excel,

How to execute a command in a remote computer?

I use the little utility which comes with called execcmd.exe. Its syntax is as follows:

execcmd \\yourremoteserver <your command here>

Doesn't get any simpler than this :)

How to echo (or print) to the js console with php

   echo '<script>console.log("Your stuff here")</script>';

How to call a php script/function on a html button click

the_function() {


   alert(result); // will alert 1



// demo_test.php

<?php echo 1; ?>


  1. Include jquery library for using the jquery Ajax
  2. Keep the demo_test.php file in the same folder where your javascript file resides

How to escape special characters of a string with single backslashes

Just assuming this is for a regular expression, use re.escape.

"Debug only" code that should run only when "turned on"

If you want to know whether if debugging, everywhere in program. Use this.

Declare global variable.

bool isDebug=false;

Create function for checking debug mode

    public static void isDebugging()
        isDebug = true;

In the initialize method call the function


Now in the entire program. You can check for debugging and do the operations. Hope this Helps!

How to overwrite the previous print to stdout in python?

I couldn't get any of the solutions on this page to work for IPython, but a slight variation on @Mike-Desimone's solution did the job: instead of terminating the line with the carriage return, start the line with the carriage return:

for x in range(10):
    print '\r{0}'.format(x),

Additionally, this approach doesn't require the second print statement.

Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common Version=

Version 12 of the ReportViewer bits is referred to as Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime and can downloaded for installation from the following link:


The ReportViewer bits are also available as a NUGET package:

Install-Package Microsoft.ReportViewer.Runtime.Common

how to convert from int to char*?

  • In C++17, use std::to_chars as:

    std::array<char, 10> str;
    std::to_chars(, + str.size(), 42);
  • In C++11, use std::to_string as:

    std::string s = std::to_string(number);
    char const *pchar = s.c_str();  //use char const* as target type
  • And in C++03, what you're doing is just fine, except use const as:

    char const* pchar = temp_str.c_str(); //dont use cast

Checking whether a variable is an integer or not

If you just need the value, operator.index (__index__ special method) is the way to go in my opinion. Since it should work for all types that can be safely cast to an integer. I.e. floats fail, integers, even fancy integer classes that do not implement the Integral abstract class work by duck typing.

operator.index is what is used for list indexing, etc. And in my opinion it should be used for much more/promoted.

In fact I would argue it is the only correct way to get integer values if you want to be certain that floating points, due to truncating problems, etc. are rejected and it works with all integral types (i.e. numpy, etc.) even if they may not (yet) support the abstract class.

This is what __index__ was introduced for!

Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

Thanks @clone45 for the nice solution. But I had just one important problem with Appendix b of his solution. Immediately after I changed the home directory to var/www/html then I couldn't connect to server through ssh and sftp because it always shows following errors

permission denied (public key)

or in FileZilla I received this error:

No supported authentication methods available (server: public key)

But I could access the server through normal FTP connection.

If you encountered to the same error then just undo the appendix b of @clone45 solution by set the default home directory for the user:

sudo usermod -d /home/username/ username

But when you set user's default home directory then the user have access to many other folders outside /var/www/http. So to secure your server then follow these steps:

1- Make sftponly group Make a group for all users you want to restrict their access to only ftp and sftp access to var/www/html. to make the group:

sudo groupadd sftponly

2- Jail the chroot To restrict access of this group to the server via sftp you must jail the chroot to not to let group's users to access any folder except html folder inside its home directory. to do this open /etc/ssh/sshd.config in the vim with sudo. At the end of the file please comment this line:

Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server

And then add this line below that:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

So we replaced subsystem with internal-sftp. Then add following lines below it:

 Match Group sftponly
        ChrootDirectory /var/www
        ForceCommand internal-sftp
        AllowTcpForwarding no

After adding this line I saved my changes and then restart ssh service by:

sudo service sshd restart

3- Add the user to sftponly group Any user you want to restrict their access must be a member of sftponly group. Therefore we join it to sftponly by: sudo usermod -G sftponly username

4- Restrict user access to just var/www/html To restrict user access to just var/www/html folder we need to make a directory in the home directory (with name of 'html') of that user and then mount /var/www to /home/username/html as follow:

sudo mkdir /home/username/html
sudo mount --bind /var/www /home/username/html

5- Set write access If the user needs write access to /var/www/html, then you must jail the user at /var/www which must have root:root ownership and permissions of 755. You then need to give /var/www/html ownership of root:sftponly and permissions of 775 by adding following lines:

sudo chmod 755 /var/www
sudo chown root:root /var/www
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/html
sudo chown root:www /var/www/html

6- Block shell access If you want restrict access to not access to shell to make it more secure then just change the default shell to bin/false as follow:

sudo usermod -s /bin/false username

How to export a table dataframe in PySpark to csv?

If data frame fits in a driver memory and you want to save to local files system you can convert Spark DataFrame to local Pandas DataFrame using toPandas method and then simply use to_csv:


Otherwise you can use spark-csv:

  • Spark 1.3'mycsv.csv', 'com.databricks.spark.csv')
  • Spark 1.4+


In Spark 2.0+ you can use csv data source directly:


How can I write a byte array to a file in Java?

You can use IOUtils.write(byte[] data, OutputStream output) from Apache Commons IO.

KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
SecretKey key = kgen.generateKey();
byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File("target-file"));
IOUtils.write(encoded, output);

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

When slicing in Python the third parameter is the step. As others mentioned, see Extended Slices for a nice overview.

With this knowledge, [::3] just means that you have not specified any start or end indices for your slice. Since you have specified a step, 3, this will take every third entry of something starting at the first index. For example:

>>> '123123123'[::3]

Why is it common to put CSRF prevention tokens in cookies?

Using a cookie to provide the CSRF token to the client does not allow a successful attack because the attacker cannot read the value of the cookie and therefore cannot put it where the server-side CSRF validation requires it to be.

The attacker will be able to cause a request to the server with both the auth token cookie and the CSRF cookie in the request headers. But the server is not looking for the CSRF token as a cookie in the request headers, it's looking in the payload of the request. And even if the attacker knows where to put the CSRF token in the payload, they would have to read its value to put it there. But the browser's cross-origin policy prevents reading any cookie value from the target website.

The same logic does not apply to the auth token cookie, because the server is expects it in the request headers and the attacker does not have to do anything special to put it there.

callback to handle completion of pipe

Based nodejs document,, it should handle writableStream's finish event.

var writable = getWriteable();
var readable = getReadable();
writable.on('finish', function(){ ... });

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

Run taskmanager.
Locate netcore and delete it.
You can then delete the file manually or by running Clean.

How to add images in select list?

You already have several answers that suggest using JavaScript/jQuery. I am going to add an alternative that only uses HTML and CSS without any JS.

The basic idea is to use a set of radio buttons and labels (that will activate/deactivate the radio buttons), and with CSS control that only the label associated to the selected radio button will be displayed. If you want to allow selecting multiple values, you could achieve it by using checkboxes instead of radio buttons.

Here is an example. The code may be a bit messier (specially compared to the other solutions):

.select-sim {_x000D_
  border:1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
.select-sim::after {_x000D_
  transform:translate(0, -50%);_x000D_
.select-sim:hover::after {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover .options .option label {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover .options {_x000D_
  border:1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
.select-sim .options .option {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover .options .option {_x000D_
.select-sim .options .option img {_x000D_
.select-sim .options .option label {_x000D_
.select-sim .options .option input {_x000D_
  /* fix specific for Firefox */_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: -10000px;_x000D_
.select-sim .options .option input:checked + label {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover .options .option input + label {_x000D_
.select-sim:hover .options .option input:checked + label {_x000D_
<div class="select-sim" id="select-color">_x000D_
  <div class="options">_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="" id="color-" checked />_x000D_
      <label for="color-">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Select an option_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="red" id="color-red" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-red">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Red_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="green" id="color-green" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-green">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Green_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="blue" id="color-blue" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-blue">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Blue_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="yellow" id="color-yellow" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-yellow">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Yellow_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="pink" id="color-pink" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-pink">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Pink_x000D_
    <div class="option">_x000D_
      <input type="radio" name="color" value="turquoise" id="color-turquoise" />_x000D_
      <label for="color-turquoise">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" /> Turquoise_x000D_

How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?

Assuming you mean you want to do this automatically from a "local" machine, without manually logging into the "remote" machine, you should look into a TCL extension known as Expect, it is designed precisely for this sort of situation. I've also provided a link to a script for logging-in/interacting via SSH.

Find length (size) of an array in jquery

testvar[1] is the value of that array index, which is the number 2. Numbers don't have a length property, and you're checking for 2.length which is undefined. If you want the length of the array just check testvar.length

Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

I am suggesting a much simpler utility I just wrote. It's currently called par, but will be renamed soon to either parl or pll, haven't decided yet.

API is as simple as:

par "" "" ""

Prefixing commands can be done via:

par "PARPREFIX=[script1]" "" ""

What causes and what are the differences between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException?

A NoClassDefFoundError (NCDFE) happens when your code runs "new Y()" and it can't find the Y class.

It may simply be that Y is missing from your class loader like the other comments suggest, but it could be that the Y class isn't signed or has an invalid signature, or that Y is loaded by a different classloader not visible to your code, or even that Y depends on Z which couldn't be loaded for any of the above reasons.

If this happens, then the JVM will remember the result of loading X (NCDFE) and it will simply throw a new NCDFE every time you ask for Y without telling you why:

class a {
  static class b {}
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("First attempt new b():");
    try {new b(); } catch(Throwable t) {t.printStackTrace();}
    System.out.println("\nSecond attempt new b():");
    try {new b(); } catch(Throwable t) {t.printStackTrace();}

save this as somewhere

The code simply tries to instantiate a new "b" class twice, other than that, it doesn't have any bugs, and it doesn't do anything.

Compile the code with javac, Then run a by invoking java -cp . a -- it should just print out two lines of text, and it should run fine without errors.

Then delete the "a$b.class" file (or fill it with garbage, or copy a.class over it) to simulate the missing or corrupted class. Here's what happens:

First attempt new b():
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: a$b
    at a.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: a$b
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    ... 1 more

Second attempt new b():
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: a$b
    at a.main(

The first invocation results in a ClassNotFoundException (thrown by the class loader when it can't find the class), which must be wrapped in an unchecked NoClassDefFoundError, since the code in question (new b()) should just work.

The second attempt will of course fail too, but as you can see the wrapped exception is no more, because the ClassLoader seems to remember failed class loaders. You see only the NCDFE with absolutely no clue as to what really happened.

So if you ever see a NCDFE with no root cause, you need to see if you can track back to the very first time the class was loaded to find the cause of the error.

What is the naming convention in Python for variable and function names?

Most python people prefer underscores, but even I am using python since more than 5 years right now, I still do not like them. They just look ugly to me, but maybe that's all the Java in my head.

I simply like CamelCase better since it fits better with the way classes are named, It feels more logical to have SomeClass.doSomething() than SomeClass.do_something(). If you look around in the global module index in python, you will find both, which is due to the fact that it's a collection of libraries from various sources that grew overtime and not something that was developed by one company like Sun with strict coding rules. I would say the bottom line is: Use whatever you like better, it's just a question of personal taste.

How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)

The portion with the HTTP://,FTP://, etc are called URI Schemes

You can register your own through the registry.

    (Default)    "URL:your-protocol-name Protocol"
    URL Protocol ""
          (Default) PathToExecutable


How can I determine browser window size on server side C#

I went with using the regex from to check against the user-agent string. Even tho it says it was last updated in 2014 it was accurate on the devices I tested.

Here is the C# code I got from them at the time of submitting this answer:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %> 
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %>
    string u = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
    Regex b = new Regex(@"(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
    Regex v = new Regex(@"1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
    if ((b.IsMatch(u) || v.IsMatch(u.Substring(0, 4)))) {

$(this).attr("id") not working

You could also write your entire function as a jQuery extension, so you could do something along the lines of `$('#element').showHideOther();

(function($) {
    $.extend($.fn, {
        showHideOther: function() {
            $.each(this, function() {
                var Id = $(this).attr('id');


                return this;

Not that it answers your question... Just food for thought.

Mysql: Setup the format of DATETIME to 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS' when creating a table

i have used following line of code & it works fine Thanks.... @Mithun Sasidharan **

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(column_name, '%d/%m/%Y') FROM tablename


error CS0103: The name ' ' does not exist in the current context

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;                    (???????? ?????????? ?? ?? ?????
using System.Linq;                                     ?????? = 
using System.Text;                                      999999; ??? ?? ???? ??????)                                  
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;

namespace OneHack
    public class One
        public Rect RT_MainMenu = new Rect(0f, 100f, 120f, 100f); //Rect ??? ????????????????? ???? ?? x,y ? ??????, ??????.
        public int ID_RTMainMenu = 1;
        private bool MainMenu = true;
        private void Menu_MainMenu(int id) //??????? ????
            if (GUILayout.Button("???????? ????? ??????", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
                if (GUILayout.Button("??????????", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
           = 999999;//??? ??????? ?? ?????? ? ?????? ??????????????? ???????? 999999  //????? ???, ??????? ????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ??????
        private void OnGUI()
            if (this.MainMenu)
                this.RT_MainMenu = GUILayout.Window(this.ID_RTMainMenu, this.RT_MainMenu, new GUI.WindowFunction(this.Menu_MainMenu), "MainMenu", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        private void Update() //????????? ??????????? ?????, ??? ??? ????? ????? ????????? ????? ??????????? ??????????
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Insert)) //?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ????, ????? ????????? ??????
                this.MainMenu = !this.MainMenu;

Can I draw rectangle in XML?

create resource file in drawable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
<solid android:color="#3b5998" />

embedding image in html email

The other solution is attaching the image as attachment and then referencing it html code using cid.

HTML Code:

        <img width=100 height=100 id="1" src="cid:Logo.jpg">

C# Code:

EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage(service);
email.Subject = "Email with Image";
email.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, html);
email.ToRecipients.Add("[email protected]");
string file = @"C:\Users\acv\Pictures\Logo.jpg";
email.Attachments.AddFileAttachment("Logo.jpg", file);
email.Attachments[0].IsInline = true;
email.Attachments[0].ContentId = "Logo.jpg";

What LaTeX Editor do you suggest for Linux?

I normally use Emacs (it has everything you need included).

Of course, there are other options available:

  • Kile is KDE's LaTeX editor; it's excellent if you're just learning or if you prefer the integrated environment approach;
  • Lyx is a WYSIWYG editor that uses LaTeX as a backend; i.e. you tell it what the text should look like and it generates the corresponding LaTeX


Getting the current Fragment instance in the viewpager

Based on what he answered @chahat jain :

"When we use the viewPager, a good way to access the fragment instance in activity is instantiateItem(viewpager,index). //index- index of fragment of which you want instance."

If you want to do that in kotlin

val fragment =  mv_viewpager.adapter!!.instantiateItem(mv_viewpager, 0) as Fragment
                if ( fragment is YourFragmentFragment)
                    //DO somthign 

0 to the fragment instance of 0

//=========================================================================// //#############################Example of uses #################################// //=========================================================================//

Here is a complete example to get a losest vision about

here is my veiewPager in the .xml file


And the home activity where i insert the tab


class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var  adapter:HomeTabPagerAdapter

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu) :Boolean{

        mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {

            override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String): Boolean {

                if (mv_viewpager.currentItem  ==0)
                    val fragment =  mv_viewpager.adapter!!.instantiateItem(mv_viewpager, 0) as Fragment
                    if ( fragment is ListMoviesFragment)
                    val fragment =  mv_viewpager.adapter!!.instantiateItem(mv_viewpager, 1) as Fragment
                    if ( fragment is ListShowFragment)
                return true
        return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu)


Adding +1 to a variable inside a function

points is not within the function's scope. You can grab a reference to the variable by using nonlocal:

points = 0
def test():
    nonlocal points
    points += 1

If points inside test() should refer to the outermost (module) scope, use global:

points = 0
def test():
    global points
    points += 1

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)

You need to encode Unicode explicitly before writing to a file, otherwise Python does it for you with the default ASCII codec.

Pick an encoding and stick with it:

f.write(printinfo.encode('utf8') + '\n')

or use to create a file object that'll encode for you as you write to the file:

import io

f =, 'w', encoding='utf8')

You may want to read:

before continuing.

Correct Semantic tag for copyright info - html5

The <footer> tag seems like a good candidate:

<footer>&copy; 2011 Some copyright message</footer>

Python: PIP install path, what is the correct location for this and other addons?

Also, when you uninstall the package, the first item listed is the directory to the executable.

Best way to split string into lines

I had this other answer but this one, based on Jack's answer, is significantly faster might be preferred since it works asynchronously, although slightly slower.

public static class StringExtensionMethods
    public static IEnumerable<string> GetLines(this string str, bool removeEmptyLines = false)
        using (var sr = new StringReader(str))
            string line;
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (removeEmptyLines && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                yield return line;


input.GetLines()      // keeps empty lines

input.GetLines(true)  // removes empty lines


Action<Action> measure = (Action func) =>
    var start = DateTime.Now;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
    var duration = DateTime.Now - start;

var input = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    input += "1 \r2\r\n3\n4\n\r5 \r\n\r\n 6\r7\r 8\r\n";

measure(() =>
    input.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None)

measure(() =>

measure(() =>





How to undo a successful "git cherry-pick"?

If possible, avoid hard resets. Hard resets are one of the very few destructive operations in git. Luckily, you can undo a cherry-pick without resets and avoid anything destructive.

Note the hash of the cherry-pick you want to undo, say it is ${bad_cherrypick}. Do a git revert ${bad_cherrypick}. Now the contents of your working tree are as they were before your bad cherry-pick.

Repeat your git cherry-pick ${wanted_commit}, and when you're happy with the new cherry-pick, do a git rebase -i ${bad_cherrypick}~1. During the rebase, delete both ${bad_cherrypick} and its corresponding revert.

The branch you are working on will only have the good cherry-pick. No resets needed!

Winforms TableLayoutPanel adding rows programmatically

I just had a related problem (which is how I found this thread), where my dynamically added row and column styles were not taking effect. I usually consider SuspendLayout()/ResumeLayout() as optimizations, but in this case, wrapping my code in them made the rows and columns behave correctly.

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

The simplest way to do that is by opening the certificate store you want and then using X509Certificate2UI.

var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
var selectedCertificate = X509Certificate2UI.SelectFromCollection(

More information in X509Certificate2UI on MSDN.

Accessing items in an collections.OrderedDict by index

It's a new era and with Python 3.6.1 dictionaries now retain their order. These semantics aren't explicit because that would require BDFL approval. But Raymond Hettinger is the next best thing (and funnier) and he makes a pretty strong case that dictionaries will be ordered for a very long time.

So now it's easy to create slices of a dictionary:

test_dict = {
                'first':  1,
                'second': 2,
                'third':  3,
                'fourth': 4


Note: Dictonary insertion-order preservation is now official in Python 3.7.

How to configure slf4j-simple

I noticed that Eemuli said that you can't change the log level after they are created - and while that might be the design, it isn't entirely true.

I ran into a situation where I was using a library that logged to slf4j - and I was using the library while writing a maven mojo plugin.

Maven uses a (hacked) version of the slf4j SimpleLogger, and I was unable to get my plugin code to reroute its logging to something like log4j, which I could control.

And I can't change the maven logging config.

So, to quiet down some noisy info messages, I found I could use reflection like this, to futz with the SimpleLogger at runtime.

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger;
        Logger l = LoggerFactory.getLogger("full.classname.of.noisy.logger");  //This is actually a MavenSimpleLogger, but due to various classloader issues, can't work with the directly.
        Field f = l.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("currentLogLevel");
        f.set(l, LocationAwareLogger.WARN_INT);
    catch (Exception e)
        getLog().warn("Failed to reset the log level of " + loggerName + ", it will continue being noisy.", e);

Of course, note, this isn't a very stable / reliable solution... as it will break the next time the maven folks change their logger.

How to quickly check if folder is empty (.NET)?

Thanks, everybody, for replies. I tried to use Directory.GetFiles() and Directory.GetDirectories() methods. Good news! The performance improved ~twice! 229 calls in 221ms. But also I hope, that it is possible to avoid enumeration of all items in the folder. Agree, that still the unnecessary job is executing. Don't you think so?

After all investigations, I reached a conclusion, that under pure .NET further optimiation is impossible. I am going to play with WinAPI's FindFirstFile function. Hope it will help.

Get all validation errors from Angular 2 FormGroup

I met the same problem and for finding all validation errors and displaying them, I wrote next method:

getFormValidationErrors() {
  Object.keys(this.productForm.controls).forEach(key => {

  const controlErrors: ValidationErrors = this.productForm.get(key).errors;
  if (controlErrors != null) {
        Object.keys(controlErrors).forEach(keyError => {
          console.log('Key control: ' + key + ', keyError: ' + keyError + ', err value: ', controlErrors[keyError]);

Form name productForm should be changed to yours.

It works in next way: we get all our controls from form in format {[p: string]: AbstractControl} and iterate by each error key, for get details of error. It skips null error values.

It also can be changed for displaying validation errors on the template view, just replace console.log(..) to what you need.

Hosting a Maven repository on github

Another alternative is to use any web hosting with webdav support. You will need some space for this somewhere of course but it is straightforward to set up and a good alternative to running a full blown nexus server.

add this to your build section


Add something like this to your distributionManagement section


Finally make sure to setup the repository access in your settings.xml

add this to your servers section


and a definition to your repositories section


Finally, if you have any standard php hosting, you can use something like sabredav to add webdav capabilities.

Advantages: you have your own maven repository Downsides: you don't have any of the management capabilities in nexus; you need some webdav setup somewhere

CUDA incompatible with my gcc version

CUDA is after some header modifications compatible with gcc4.7 and maybe higher version:

Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection

Here is some relevant code:

// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
    new X509TrustManager() {
        public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return null;
        public void checkClientTrusted(
  [] certs, String authType) {
        public void checkServerTrusted(
  [] certs, String authType) {

// Install the all-trusting trust manager
try {
    SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
    sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
} catch (Exception e) {

// Now you can access an https URL without having the certificate in the truststore
try {
    URL url = new URL("https://hostname/index.html");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

This will completely disable SSL checking—just don't learn exception handling from such code!

To do what you want, you would have to implement a check in your TrustManager that prompts the user.

How to send a POST request from node.js Express?

you can try like this:

var request = require('request');{ headers: {'content-type' : 'application/json'}
               , url: <your URL>, body: <req_body in json> }
               , function(error, response, body){

What does $@ mean in a shell script?

The usage of a pure $@ means in most cases "hurt the programmer as hard as you can", because in most cases it leads to problems with word separation and with spaces and other characters in arguments.

In (guessed) 99% of all cases, it is required to enclose it in ": "$@" is what can be used to reliably iterate over the arguments.

for a in "$@"; do something_with "$a"; done

javascript date + 7 days

You can add or increase the day of week for the following example and hope this will helpful for you.Lets see....

        //Current date
        var currentDate = new Date();
        //to set Bangladeshi date need to add hour 6           

        //here 2 is day increament for the date and you can use -2 for decreament day
        currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() +parseInt(2));

        //formatting date by mm/dd/yyyy
        var dateInmmddyyyy = currentDate.getMonth() + 1 + '/' + currentDate.getDate() + '/' + currentDate.getFullYear();           

What is Common Gateway Interface (CGI)?

What exactly is CGI?

A means for a web server to get its data from a program (instead of, for instance, a file).

Whats the big deal with /cgi-bin/*.cgi?

No big deal. It is just a convention.

I don't know what is this cgi-bin directory on the server for. I don't know why they have *.cgi extensions.

The server has to know what to do with the file (i.e. treat it as a program to execute instead of something to simply serve up). Having a .html extension tells it to use a text/html content type. Having a .cgi extension tells it to run it as a program.

Keeping executables in a separate directory gives some added protection against executing incorrect files and/or serving up CGI programs as raw data in case the server gets misconfigured.

Why does Perl always comes in the way.

It doesn't. Perl was just big and popular at the same time as CGI.

I haven't used Perl CGI for years. I was using mod_perl for a long time, and tend towards PSGI/Plack with FastCGI these days.

This book is another great example CGI Programming with Perl Why not "CGI Programming with PHP/JSP/ASP".

CGI isn't very efficient. Better methods for talking to programs from webservers came along at around the same time as PHP. JSP and ASP are different methods for talking to programs.

CGI Programming in C this confuses me a lot. in C?? Seriously??

It is a programming language, why not?

When do I compile?

  1. Write code
  2. Compile
  3. Access URL
  4. Webserver runs program

How does the program gets executed (because it will be a machine code, so it must execute as a independent process).

It doesn't have to execute as an independent process (you can write Apache modules in C), but the whole concept of CGI is that it launches an external process.

How does it communicate with the web server? IPC?

STDIN/STDOUT and environment variables — as defined in the CGI specification.

and interfacing with all the servers (in my example MATLAB & MySQL) using socket programming?

Using whatever methods you like and are supported.

They say that CGI is depreciated. Its no more in use. Is it so?

CGI is inefficient, slow and simple. It is rarely used, when it is used, it is because it is simple. If performance isn't a big deal, then simplicity is worth a lot.

What is its latest update?


Oracle to_date, from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy

I suggest you use TO_CHAR() when converting to string. In order to do that, you need to build a date first.

SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(DAY||'-'||MONTH||'-'||YEAR, 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'dd-mm-yyyy') AS FORMATTED_DATE
        (SELECT TO_DATE('1/21/2000', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
        FROM DUAL
        (SELECT TO_DATE('1/21/2000', 'mm/dd/yyyy') FROM DUAL
        (SELECT TO_DATE('1/21/2000', 'mm/dd/yyyy') FROM DUAL
        )) AS YEAR

Failed to load ApplicationContext (with annotation)

In my case, I had to do the following while running with Junit5

@SpringBootTest(classes = {abc.class}) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class

Here abc.class was the class that was being tested

Replace substring with another substring C++

Boost String Algorithms Library way:

#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>

{ // 1. 
  string test = "abc def abc def";
  boost::replace_all(test, "abc", "hij");
  boost::replace_all(test, "def", "klm");

{ // 2.
  string test = boost::replace_all_copy
  (  boost::replace_all_copy<string>("abc def abc def", "abc", "hij")
  ,  "def"
  ,  "klm"

List names of all tables in a SQL Server 2012 schema

SELECT AS [Schema], AS [Table]
FROM sys.schemas t1
INNER JOIN sys.tables t2
ON t2.schema_id = t1.schema_id

Change Select List Option background colour on hover in html

No, it's not possible.

It's really, if not use native selects, if you create custom select widget from html elements, t.e. "li".

Set a border around a StackPanel.

You set DockPanel.Dock="Top" to the StackPanel, but the StackPanel is not a child of the DockPanel... the Border is. Your docking property is being ignored.

If you move DockPanel.Dock="Top" to the Border instead, both of your problems will be fixed :)

How to change color of SVG image using CSS (jQuery SVG image replacement)?

Alternatively you could use CSS mask, granted browser support isn't good but you could use a fallback

.frame {
    background: blue;
    -webkit-mask: url(image.svg) center / contain no-repeat;

Delete all objects in a list

To delete all objects in a list, you can directly write list = []

Here is example:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
>>> a = []
>>> a