Programs & Examples On #Table rename

Rename Oracle Table or View

One can rename indexes the same way:

alter index owner.index_name rename to new_name;

Rename a table in MySQL

According to mysql docs: "to rename TEMPORARY tables, RENAME TABLE does not work. Use ALTER TABLE instead."

So this is the most portable method:

ALTER TABLE `old_name` RENAME `new_name`;

Yes/No message box using QMessageBox

You would use QMessageBox::question for that.

Example in a hypothetical widget's slot:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDebug>

// ...

void MyWidget::someSlot() {
  QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
  reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "Test", "Quit?",
  if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
    qDebug() << "Yes was clicked";
  } else {
    qDebug() << "Yes was *not* clicked";

Should work on Qt 4 and 5, requires QT += widgets on Qt 5, and CONFIG += console on Win32 to see qDebug() output.

See the StandardButton enum to get a list of buttons you can use; the function returns the button that was clicked. You can set a default button with an extra argument (Qt "chooses a suitable default automatically" if you don't or specify QMessageBox::NoButton).

How to install mcrypt extension in xampp

The recent versions of XAMPP for Windows runs PHP 7.x which are NOT compatible with mbcrypt. If you have a package like Laravel that requires mbcrypt, you will need to install an older version of XAMPP. OR, you can run XAMPP with multiple versions of PHP by downloading a PHP package from, installing it in your XAMPP folder, and configuring php.ini and httpd.conf to use the correct version of PHP for your site.

How do I negate a test with regular expressions in a bash script?

You had it right, just put a space between the ! and the [[ like if ! [[

Javascript: Extend a Function

Use extendFunction.js

init = extendFunction(init, function(args) {

But in your specific case, it's easier to extend the global onload function:

extendFunction('onload', function(args) {

I actually really like your question, it's making me think about different use cases.

For javascript events, you really want to add and remove handlers - but for extendFunction, how could you later remove functionality? I could easily add a .revert method to extended functions, so init = init.revert() would return the original function. Obviously this could lead to some pretty bad code, but perhaps it lets you get something done without touching a foreign part of the codebase.

How to make child process die after parent exits?

Child can ask kernel to deliver SIGHUP (or other signal) when parent dies by specifying option PR_SET_PDEATHSIG in prctl() syscall like this:


See man 2 prctl for details.

Edit: This is Linux-only

What is a word boundary in regex, does \b match hyphen '-'?

I would like to explain Alan Moore's answer

A word boundary is a position that is either preceded by a word character and not followed by one or followed by a word character and not preceded by one.

Suppose I have a string "This is a cat, and she's awesome", and I am supposed to replace all occurrence(s) the letter 'a' only if this letter exists at the "Boundary of a word", i.e. the letter a inside 'cat' should not be replaced.

So I'll perform regex (in Python) as

re.sub("\ba","e", myString.strip()) //replace a with e

so the output will be This is e cat end she's ewesome

Python JSON encoding

JSON uses square brackets for lists ( [ "one", "two", "three" ] ) and curly brackets for key/value dictionaries (also called objects in JavaScript, {"one":1, "two":"b"}).

The dump is quite correct, you get a list of three elements, each one is a list of two strings.

if you wanted a dictionary, maybe something like this:

x = simplejson.dumps(dict(data))
>>> {"pear": "fish", "apple": "cat", "banana": "dog"}

your expected string ('{{"apple":{"cat"},{"banana":"dog"}}') isn't valid JSON. A

What is the purpose of backbone.js?

It also adds routing using controllers and views with KVO. You'll be able to develop "AJAXy" applications with it.

See it as a lightweight Sproutcore or Cappuccino framework.

Difference between pre-increment and post-increment in a loop?

As @Jon B says, there is no difference in a for loop.

But in a while or do...while loop, you could find some differences if you are making a comparison with the ++i or i++

while(i++ < 10) { ... } //compare then increment

while(++i < 10) { ... } //increment then compare

Understanding the Linux oom-killer's logs

Sum of total_vm is 847170 and sum of rss is 214726, these two values are counted in 4kB pages, which means when oom-killer was running, you had used 214726*4kB=858904kB physical memory and swap space.

Since your physical memory is 1GB and ~200MB was used for memory mapping, it's reasonable for invoking oom-killer when 858904kB was used.

rss for process 2603 is 181503, which means 181503*4KB=726012 rss, was equal to sum of anon-rss and file-rss.

[11686.043647] Killed process 2603 (flasherav) total-vm:1498536kB, anon-rss:721784kB, file-rss:4228kB

std::cin input with spaces?

You want to use the .getline function in cin.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  char name[256], title[256];

  cout << "Enter your name: ";
  cin.getline (name,256);

  cout << "Enter your favourite movie: ";
  cin.getline (title,256);

  cout << name << "'s favourite movie is " << title;

  return 0;

Took the example from here. Check it out for more info and examples.

jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment

To get screen resolution in JS use screen object


Based on that values you can calculate your margin to whatever suits you.

git discard all changes and pull from upstream

I finally realized now that instead of

git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/master

it should be

git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>

instead (if one works on a different branch)

ImportError: No module named pythoncom

If you're on windows you probably want the pywin32 library, which includes pythoncom and a whole lot of other stuff that is pretty standard.

How to insert a file in MySQL database?

The other answers will give you a good idea how to accomplish what you have asked for....


There are not many cases where this is a good idea. It is usually better to store only the filename in the database and the file on the file system.

That way your database is much smaller, can be transported around easier and more importantly is quicker to backup / restore.

How to timeout a thread

Here is my really simple to use helper class to run or call piece of Java code :-)

This is based on the excellent answer from BalusC

package com.mycompany.util.concurrent;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

 * Calling {@link Callable#call()} or Running {@link Runnable#run()} code
 * with a timeout based on {@link Future#get(long, TimeUnit))}
 * @author pascaldalfarra
public class CallableHelper

    private CallableHelper()

    public static final void run(final Runnable runnable, int timeoutInSeconds)
        run(runnable, null, timeoutInSeconds);

    public static final void run(final Runnable runnable, Runnable timeoutCallback, int timeoutInSeconds)
        call(new Callable<Void>()
            public Void call() throws Exception
                return null;
        }, timeoutCallback, timeoutInSeconds); 

    public static final <T> T call(final Callable<T> callable, int timeoutInSeconds)
        return call(callable, null, timeoutInSeconds); 

    public static final <T> T call(final Callable<T> callable, Runnable timeoutCallback, int timeoutInSeconds)
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
            Future<T> future = executor.submit(callable);
            T result = future.get(timeoutInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            System.out.println("CallableHelper - Finished!");
            return result;
        catch (TimeoutException e)
            System.out.println("CallableHelper - TimeoutException!");
            if(timeoutCallback != null)
        catch (InterruptedException e)
        catch (ExecutionException e)
            executor = null;

        return null;


Difference between two dates in Python

I tried the code posted by larsmans above but, there are a couple of problems:

1) The code as is will throw the error as mentioned by mauguerra 2) If you change the code to the following:

    d1 = d1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    d2 = d2.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    return abs((d2 - d1).days)

This will convert your datetime objects to strings but, two things

1) Trying to do d2 - d1 will fail as you cannot use the minus operator on strings and 2) If you read the first line of the above answer it stated, you want to use the - operator on two datetime objects but, you just converted them to strings

What I found is that you literally only need the following:

import datetime

end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=8)
difference_in_days = abs((end_date - start_date).days)

print difference_in_days

How to export a CSV to Excel using Powershell

This is a slight variation that worked better for me.

$csv = Join-Path $env:TEMP "input.csv"
$xls = Join-Path $env:TEMP "output.xlsx"

$xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
$xl.visible = $false
$Workbook = $$CSV)
$Worksheets = $Workbooks.worksheets

$Workbook.Saved = $True


How to increment a datetime by one day?

Incrementing dates can be accomplished using timedelta objects:

import datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

Look up timedelta objects in the Python docs:

Put request with simple string as request body



const body = {title: "what!"}
const api = {
  apikey: "safhjsdflajksdfh",
  Authorization: "Basic bwejdkfhasjk"

axios.put('', body, {headers: api})

Read binary file as string in Ruby

You can probably encode the tar file in Base64. Base 64 will give you a pure ASCII representation of the file that you can store in a plain text file. Then you can retrieve the tar file by decoding the text back.

You do something like:

require 'base64'

file_contents = Base64.encode64(tar_file_data)

Have look at the Base64 Rubydocs to get a better idea.

C# MessageBox dialog result

Rather than using if statements might I suggest using a switch instead, I try to avoid using if statements when possible.

var result = MessageBox.Show(@"Do you want to save the changes?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
switch (result)
    case DialogResult.Yes:
    case DialogResult.No:

How to serialize SqlAlchemy result to JSON?

I know this is quite an older post. I took solution given by @SashaB and modified as per my need.

I added following things to it:

  1. Field ignore list: A list of fields to be ignored while serializing
  2. Field replace list: A dictionary containing field names to be replaced by values while serializing.
  3. Removed methods and BaseQuery getting serialized

My code is as follows:

def alchemy_json_encoder(revisit_self = False, fields_to_expand = [], fields_to_ignore = [], fields_to_replace = {}):
   Serialize SQLAlchemy result into JSon
   :param revisit_self: True / False
   :param fields_to_expand: Fields which are to be expanded for including their children and all
   :param fields_to_ignore: Fields to be ignored while encoding
   :param fields_to_replace: Field keys to be replaced by values assigned in dictionary
   :return: Json serialized SQLAlchemy object
   _visited_objs = []
   class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
      def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
            # don't re-visit self
            if revisit_self:
                if obj in _visited_objs:
                    return None

            # go through each field in this SQLalchemy class
            fields = {}
            for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith('_') and x != 'metadata' and x not in fields_to_ignore]:
                val = obj.__getattribute__(field)
                # is this field method defination, or an SQLalchemy object
                if not hasattr(val, "__call__") and not isinstance(val, BaseQuery):
                    field_name = fields_to_replace[field] if field in fields_to_replace else field
                    # is this field another SQLalchemy object, or a list of SQLalchemy objects?
                    if isinstance(val.__class__, DeclarativeMeta) or \
                            (isinstance(val, list) and len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0].__class__, DeclarativeMeta)):
                        # unless we're expanding this field, stop here
                        if field not in fields_to_expand:
                            # not expanding this field: set it to None and continue
                            fields[field_name] = None

                    fields[field_name] = val
            # a json-encodable dict
            return fields

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
   return AlchemyEncoder

Hope it helps someone!

Can you control how an SVG's stroke-width is drawn?

I found an easy way, which has a few restrictions, but worked for me:

  • define the shape in defs
  • define a clip path referencing the shape
  • use it and double the stroke with as the outside is clipped

Here a working example:

<svg width="240" height="240" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">_x000D_
 <path id="ld" d="M256,0 L0,512 L384,512 L128,1024 L1024,384 L640,384 L896,0 L256,0 Z"/>_x000D_
 <clipPath id="clip">_x000D_
  <use xlink:href="#ld"/>_x000D_
 <use xlink:href="#ld" stroke="#0081C6" stroke-width="160" fill="#00D2B8" clip-path="url(#clip)"/>_x000D_

Parsing json and searching through it

As json.loads simply returns a dict, you can use the operators that apply to dicts:

>>> jdata = json.load('{"uri": "http:", "foo", "bar"}')
>>> 'uri' in jdata       # Check if 'uri' is in jdata's keys
>>> jdata['uri']         # Will return the value belonging to the key 'uri'

Edit: to give an idea regarding how to loop through the data, consider the following example:

>>> import json
>>> jdata = json.loads(open ('bookmarks.json').read())
>>> for c in jdata['children'][0]['children']:
...     print 'Title: {}, URI: {}'.format(c.get('title', 'No title'),
                                          c.get('uri', 'No uri'))
Title: Recently Bookmarked, URI: place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU(...)
Title: Recent Tags, URI: place:sort=14&type=6&maxResults=10&queryType=1
Title: , URI: No uri
Title: Mozilla Firefox, URI: No uri

Inspecting the jdata data structure will allow you to navigate it as you wish. The pprint call you already have is a good starting point for this.

Edit2: Another attempt. This gets the file you mentioned in a list of dictionaries. With this, I think you should be able to adapt it to your needs.

>>> def build_structure(data, d=[]):
...     if 'children' in data:
...         for c in data['children']:
...             d.append({'title': c.get('title', 'No title'),
...                                      'uri': c.get('uri', None)})
...             build_structure(c, d)
...     return d
>>> pprint.pprint(build_structure(jdata))
[{'title': u'Bookmarks Menu', 'uri': None},
 {'title': u'Recently Bookmarked',
  'uri':   u'place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&folder=UNFILED_BOOKMARKS&(...)'},
 {'title': u'Recent Tags',
  'uri':   u'place:sort=14&type=6&maxResults=10&queryType=1'},
 {'title': u'', 'uri': None},
 {'title': u'Mozilla Firefox', 'uri': None},
 {'title': u'Help and Tutorials',
  'uri':   u''},

To then "search through it for u'uri': u'http:'", do something like this:

for c in build_structure(jdata):
    if c['uri'].startswith('http:'):
        print 'Started with http'

Pandas DataFrame to List of Dictionaries

If you are interested in only selecting one column this will work.


The below will NOT work and produces a TypeError: unsupported type: . I believe this is because it is trying to convert a series to a dict and not a Data Frame to a dict.


I had a requirement to only select one column and convert it to a list of dicts with the column name as the key and was stuck on this for a bit so figured I'd share.

How to select label for="XYZ" in CSS?

If the content is a variable, it will be necessary to concatenate it with quotation marks. It worked for me. Like this:

itemSelected(id: number){
    console.log('label contains', document.querySelector("label[for='" + id + "']"));

How to dismiss a Twitter Bootstrap popover by clicking outside?

simply add this attribute with the element


ReactJS - .JS vs .JSX

There is none when it comes to file extensions. Your bundler/transpiler/whatever takes care of resolving what type of file contents there is.

There are however some other considerations when deciding what to put into a .js or a .jsx file type. Since JSX isn't standard JavaScript one could argue that anything that is not "plain" JavaScript should go into its own extensions ie., .jsx for JSX and .ts for TypeScript for example.

There's a good discussion here available for read

Rebasing remote branches in Git

You can disable the check (if you're really sure you know what you're doing) by using the --force option to git push.

How do I run Java .class files?

To run Java class file from the command line, the syntax is:

java -classpath /path/to/jars <packageName>.<MainClassName>

where packageName (usually starts with either com or org) is the folder name where your class file is present.

For example if your main class name is App and Java package name of your app is, then your class file needs to be in com/foo/app folder (separate folder for each dot), so you run your app as:

$ java

Note: $ is indicating shell prompt, ignore it when typing

If your class doesn't have any package name defined, simply run as: java App.

If you've any other jar dependencies, make sure you specified your classpath parameter either with -cp/-classpath or using CLASSPATH variable which points to the folder with your jar/war/ear/zip/class files. So on Linux you can prefix the command with: CLASSPATH=/path/to/jars, on Windows you need to add the folder into system variable. If not set, the user class path consists of the current directory (.).

Practical example

Given we've created sample project using Maven as:

$ mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false 

and we've compiled our project by mvn compile in our my-app/ dir, it'll generate our class file is in target/classes/com/foo/app/App.class.

To run it, we can either specify class path via -cp or going to it directly, check examples below:

$ find . -name "*.class"
$ CLASSPATH=target/classes/ java
Hello World!
$ java -cp target/classes
Hello World!
$ java -classpath .:/path/to/other-jars:target/classes
Hello World!
$ cd target/classes && java
Hello World!

To double check your class and package name, you can use Java class file disassembler tool, e.g.:

$ javap target/classes/com/foo/app/App.class
Compiled from ""
public class {
  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Note: javap won't work if the compiled file has been obfuscated.

Reusing output from last command in Bash

I have an idea that I don't have time to try to implement immediately.

But what if you do something like the following:

$ MY_HISTORY_FILE = `get_temp_filename`
$ some_command
$ # ^You'll want to filter that down in practice!

There might be issues with IO buffering. Also the file might get too huge. One would have to come up with a solution to these problems.

Javascript Print iframe contents only

an alternate option, which may or may not be suitable, but cleaner if it is:

If you always want to just print the iframe from the page, you can have a separate "@media print{}" stylesheet that hides everything besides the iframe. Then you can just print the page normally.

Cannot ping AWS EC2 instance

I had the same problem truying to connect from linux server to EC2, you have two make sure about to things that "ALL ICMP" is added from EC2 as shown above and that alone won't work, you have to update Ansible to newest version 2.4, it did not work with my previous version 2.2.

Python using enumerate inside list comprehension

Or, if you don't insist on using a list comprehension:

>>> mylist = ["a","b","c","d"]
>>> list(enumerate(mylist))
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd')]

Remove All Event Listeners of Specific Type

You cant remove a single event, but all? at once? just do

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML

NuGet: 'X' already has a dependency defined for 'Y'

  1. Go to the link
  2. Search your NuGet packages
  3. See the all version of related packages
  4. Install the lower version of packages

Could not find method android() for arguments

You are using the wrong build.gradle file.

In your top-level file you can't define an android block.

Just move this part inside the module/build.gradle file.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion '23.0.0'
dependencies {
    compile files('app/libs/junit-4.12-JavaDoc.jar')
apply plugin: 'maven'

Why when a constructor is annotated with @JsonCreator, its arguments must be annotated with @JsonProperty?

As precised in the annotation documentation, the annotation indicates that the argument name is used as the property name without any modifications, but it can be specified to non-empty value to specify different name:

Check that a variable is a number in UNIX shell

if echo $var | egrep -q '^[0-9]+$'; then
    # $var is a number
    # $var is not a number

Python + Regex: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

import re

htmlString = '</dd><dt> Fine, thank you.&#160;</dt><dd> Molt bé, gràcies. (<i>mohl behh, GRAH-syuhs</i>)'

SearchStr = '(\<\/dd\>\<dt\>)+ ([\w+\,\.\s]+)([\&\#\d\;]+)(\<\/dt\>\<dd\>)+ ([\w\,\s\w\s\w\?\!\.]+) (\(\<i\>)([\w\s\,\-]+)(\<\/i\>\))'

Result ='utf-8'), htmlString.decode('utf-8'), re.I | re.U)

print Result.groups()

Works that way. The expression contains non-latin characters, so it usually fails. You've got to decode into Unicode and use re.U (Unicode) flag.

I'm a beginner too and I faced that issue a couple of times myself.

C++ Object Instantiation

On the contrary, you should always prefer stack allocations, to the extent that as a rule of thumb, you should never have new/delete in your user code.

As you say, when the variable is declared on the stack, its destructor is automatically called when it goes out of scope, which is your main tool for tracking resource lifetime and avoiding leaks.

So in general, every time you need to allocate a resource, whether it's memory (by calling new), file handles, sockets or anything else, wrap it in a class where the constructor acquires the resource, and the destructor releases it. Then you can create an object of that type on the stack, and you're guaranteed that your resource gets freed when it goes out of scope. That way you don't have to track your new/delete pairs everywhere to ensure you avoid memory leaks.

The most common name for this idiom is RAII

Also look into smart pointer classes which are used to wrap the resulting pointers on the rare cases when you do have to allocate something with new outside a dedicated RAII object. You instead pass the pointer to a smart pointer, which then tracks its lifetime, for example by reference counting, and calls the destructor when the last reference goes out of scope. The standard library has std::unique_ptr for simple scope-based management, and std::shared_ptr which does reference counting to implement shared ownership.

Many tutorials demonstrate object instantiation using a snippet such as ...

So what you've discovered is that most tutorials suck. ;) Most tutorials teach you lousy C++ practices, including calling new/delete to create variables when it's not necessary, and giving you a hard time tracking lifetime of your allocations.

How to stop asynctask thread in android?

You may also have to use it in onPause or onDestroy of Activity Life Cycle:

//you may call the cancel() method but if it is not handled in doInBackground() method
if (loginTask != null && loginTask.getStatus() != AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED)

where loginTask is object of your AsyncTask

Thank you.

Difference between "managed" and "unmanaged"

Managed Code

Managed code is what Visual Basic .NET and C# compilers create. It runs on the CLR (Common Language Runtime), which, among other things, offers services like garbage collection, run-time type checking, and reference checking. So, think of it as, "My code is managed by the CLR."

Visual Basic and C# can only produce managed code, so, if you're writing an application in one of those languages you are writing an application managed by the CLR. If you are writing an application in Visual C++ .NET you can produce managed code if you like, but it's optional.

Unmanaged Code

Unmanaged code compiles straight to machine code. So, by that definition all code compiled by traditional C/C++ compilers is 'unmanaged code'. Also, since it compiles to machine code and not an intermediate language it is non-portable.

No free memory management or anything else the CLR provides.

Since you cannot create unmanaged code with Visual Basic or C#, in Visual Studio all unmanaged code is written in C/C++.

Mixing the two

Since Visual C++ can be compiled to either managed or unmanaged code it is possible to mix the two in the same application. This blurs the line between the two and complicates the definition, but it's worth mentioning just so you know that you can still have memory leaks if, for example, you're using a third party library with some badly written unmanaged code.

Here's an example I found by googling:

#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;

#include "stdio.h"

void ManagedFunction()
    printf("Hello, I'm managed in this section\n");

#pragma unmanaged
    printf("Hello, I am unmanaged through the wonder of IJW!\n");

#pragma managed
int main()
    return 0;

Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

var selectList = db.NewsClasses.ToList<NewsClass>().Select(a => new SelectListItem({
    Text = a.ClassName,
    Value = a.ClassId.ToString()

Firstly, convert to object, then toString() will be correct.

Getting the thread ID from a thread

In C# when debugging threads for example, you can see each thread's ID.

This will be the Ids of the managed threads. ManagedThreadId is a member of Thread so you can get the Id from any Thread object. This will get you the current ManagedThreadID:


To get an OS thread by its OS thread ID (not ManagedThreadID), you can try a bit of linq.

int unmanagedId = 2345;
ProcessThread myThread = (from ProcessThread entry in Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads
   where entry.Id == unmanagedId 
   select entry).First();

It seems there is no way to enumerate the managed threads and no relation between ProcessThread and Thread, so getting a managed thread by its Id is a tough one.

For more details on Managed vs Unmanaged threading, see this MSDN article.

List all files in one directory PHP

You are looking for the command scandir.

$path    = '/tmp';
$files = scandir($path);

Following code will remove . and .. from the returned array from scandir:

$files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..'));

Component is part of the declaration of 2 modules

This module is added automatically when you run ionic command. However it's not necessery. So an alternative solution is to remove add-event.module.ts from the project.

Common HTTPclient and proxy

Here is how to do that with the last version of HTTPClient (4.3.4)

    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
    try {
        HttpHost target = new HttpHost("localhost", 443, "https");
        HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("", 8080, "http");

        RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom()
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet("/");

        System.out.println("Executing request " + request.getRequestLine() + " to " + target + " via " + proxy);

        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(target, request);
        try {
        } finally {
    } finally {

Output to the same line overwriting previous output?

You can just add '\r' at the end of the string plus a comma at the end of print function. For example:

print(os.path.getsize(file_name)/1024+'KB / '+size+' KB downloaded!\r'),

Using LINQ to group a list of objects

The desired result can be obtained using IGrouping, which represents a collection of objects that have a common key in this case a GroupID

 var newCustomerList = CustomerList.GroupBy(u => u.GroupID)
                                                  .Select(group => new { GroupID = group.Key, Customers = group.ToList() })

default web page width - 1024px or 980px?

If it isn't I could see things heading that way.

I'm working on redoing the website for the company I work for and the designer they hired used a 960px width layout. There is also a 960px grid system that seems to be getting quite popular (

I've been out of web stuff for a few years but from what I've read catching up on things it seems 960/980 is about right. For mobile ~320px sticks in my mind, by which 960 is divisible. 960 is also evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

How can I safely create a nested directory?

Try the os.path.exists function

if not os.path.exists(dir):

Read Numeric Data from a Text File in C++

you could read and write to a seperately like others. But if you want to write into the same one, you could try with this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    double data[size of your data];

    std::ifstream input("file.txt");

    for (int i = 0; i < size of your data; i++) {
        input >> data[i];
        std::cout<< data[i]<<std::endl;


PHPMailer character encoding issues

The simplest way and will help you with is set CharSet to UTF-8

$mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"

Open files in 'rt' and 'wt' modes

The 'r' is for reading, 'w' for writing and 'a' is for appending.

The 't' represents text mode as apposed to binary mode.

Several times here on SO I've seen people using rt and wt modes for reading and writing files.

Edit: Are you sure you saw rt and not rb?

These functions generally wrap the fopen function which is described here:

As you can see it mentions the use of b to open the file in binary mode.

The document link you provided also makes reference to this b mode:

Appending 'b' is useful even on systems that don’t treat binary and text files differently, where it serves as documentation.

How to name Dockerfiles

I have created two Dockerfiles in same directory,

# vi one.Dockerfile
# vi two.Dockerfile

to build both Dockerfiles use,

# docker build . -f one.Dockerfile
# docker build . -f two.Dockerfile

Note: you should be in present working directory..

ASP MVC href to a controller/view

You can also use this very simplified form:

@Html.ActionLink("Come back to Home", "Index", "Home")

Where :
Come back to Home is the text that will appear on the page
Index is the view name
Homeis the controller name

How do I compare two variables containing strings in JavaScript?

You can use javascript dedicate string compare method string1.localeCompare(string2). it will five you -1 if the string not equals, 0 for strings equal and 1 if string1 is sorted after string2.

    var to_check=$(this).val();
    var cur_string=$("#0").text();
    var to_chk = "that";
    var cur_str= "that";
    if(to_chk.localeCompare(cur_str) == 0){
        alert("both are equal");
    } else {
        alert("both are not equal");

Use of min and max functions in C++

By the way, in cstdlib there are __min and __max you can use.

For more:

How to remove files and directories quickly via terminal (bash shell)

Yes, there is. The -r option tells rm to be recursive, and remove the entire file hierarchy rooted at its arguments; in other words, if given a directory, it will remove all of its contents and then perform what is effectively an rmdir.

The other two options you should know are -i and -f. -i stands for interactive; it makes rm prompt you before deleting each and every file. -f stands for force; it goes ahead and deletes everything without asking. -i is safer, but -f is faster; only use it if you're absolutely sure you're deleting the right thing. You can specify these with -r or not; it's an independent setting.

And as usual, you can combine switches: rm -r -i is just rm -ri, and rm -r -f is rm -rf.

Also note that what you're learning applies to bash on every Unix OS: OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, etc. In fact, rm's syntax is the same in pretty much every shell on every Unix OS. OS X, under the hood, is really a BSD Unix system.

How can I export a GridView.DataSource to a datatable or dataset?


I was having the same issue as you, and this is the code I used to figure it out. Although, I don't use the footer row section for my purposes, I did include it in this code.

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    // add the columns to the datatable            
    if (GridView1.HeaderRow != null)

        for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.HeaderRow.Cells.Count; i++)

    //  add each of the data rows to the table
    foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
        DataRow dr;
        dr = dt.NewRow();

        for (int i = 0; i < row.Cells.Count; i++)
            dr[i] = row.Cells[i].Text.Replace("&nbsp;","");

    //  add the footer row to the table
    if (GridView1.FooterRow != null)
        DataRow dr;
        dr = dt.NewRow();

        for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.FooterRow.Cells.Count; i++)
            dr[i] = GridView1.FooterRow.Cells[i].Text.Replace("&nbsp;","");

Ternary operator in PowerShell

$result = If ($condition) {"true"} Else {"false"}

Everything else is incidental complexity and thus to be avoided.

For use in or as an expression, not just an assignment, wrap it in $(), thus:

write-host  $(If ($condition) {"true"} Else {"false"}) 

Chrome disable SSL checking for sites?

In my case I was developing an ASP.Net MVC5 web app and the certificate errors on my local dev machine (IISExpress certificate) started becoming a practical concern once I started working with service workers. Chrome simply wouldn't register my service worker because of the certificate error.

I did, however, notice that during my automated Selenium browser tests, Chrome seem to just "ignore" all these kinds of problems (e.g. the warning page about an insecure site), so I asked myself the question: How is Selenium starting Chrome for running its tests, and might it also solve the service worker problem?

Using Process Explorer on Windows, I was able to find out the command-line arguments with which Selenium is starting Chrome:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-background-networking --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-default-apps --disable-hang-monitor --disable-popup-blocking --disable-prompt-on-repost --disable-sync --disable-web-resources --enable-automation --enable-logging --force-fieldtrials=SiteIsolationExtensions/Control --ignore-certificate-errors --log-level=0 --metrics-recording-only --no-first-run --password-store=basic --remote-debugging-port=12207 --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --test-type=webdriver --use-mock-keychain --user-data-dir="C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Temp\some-non-existent-directory" data:,

There are a bunch of parameters here that I didn't end up doing necessity-testing for, but if I run Chrome this way, my service worker registers and works as expected.

The only one that does seem to make a difference is the --user-data-dir parameter, which to make things work can be set to a non-existent directory (things won't work if you don't provide the parameter).

Hope that helps someone else with a similar problem. I'm using Chrome 60.0.3112.90.

JSON response parsing in Javascript to get key/value pair

Try the JSON Parser by Douglas Crockford at github. You can then simply create a JSON object out of your String variable as shown below:

var JSONText = '{"c":{"a":[{"name":"cable - black","value":2},{"name":"case","value":2}]},"o":{"v":[{"name":"over the ear headphones - white/purple","value":1}]},"l":{"e":[{"name":"lens cleaner","value":1}]},"h":{"d":[{"name":"hdmi cable","value":1},{"name":"hdtv essentials (hdtv cable setup)","value":1},{"name":"hd dvd \u0026 blue-ray disc lens cleaner","value":1}]}'

var JSONObject = JSON.parse(JSONText);
var c = JSONObject["c"];
var o = JSONObject["o"];

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

In my experience, it's just a matter of iteration. Put your data and code wherever you think they go. Chances are, you'll be wrong anyway. But once you get a better idea of exactly how things are going to shape up, you're in a much better position to make these kinds of guesses.

As far as extension sources, we have a Code directory under trunk that contains a directory for python and a directory for various other languages. Personally, I'm more inclined to try putting any extension code into its own repository next time around.

With that said, I go back to my initial point: don't make too big a deal out of it. Put it somewhere that seems to work for you. If you find something that doesn't work, it can (and should) be changed.

How to change the name of a Django app?

In many cases, I believe @allcaps's answer works well.

However, sometimes it is necessary to actually rename an app, e.g. to improve code readability or prevent confusion.

Most of the other answers involve either manual database manipulation or tinkering with existing migrations, which I do not like very much.

As an alternative, I like to create a new app with the desired name, copy everything over, make sure it works, then remove the original app:

  1. Start a new app with the desired name, and copy all code from the original app into that. Make sure you fix the namespaced stuff, in the newly copied code, to match the new app name.

  2. makemigrations and migrate

  3. Create a data migration that copies the relevant data from the original app's tables into the new app's tables, and migrate again.

At this point, everything still works, because the original app and its data are still in place.

  1. Now you can refactor all the dependent code, so it only makes use of the new app. See other answers for examples of what to look out for.

  2. Once you are certain that everything works, you can remove the original app.

This has the advantage that every step uses the normal Django migration mechanism, without manual database manipulation, and we can track everything in source control. In addition, we keep the original app and its data in place until we are sure everything works.

How to stop a setTimeout loop?

As this is tagged with the extjs tag it may be worth looking at the extjs method:

This works much like setInterval, but also takes care of the scope, and allows arguments to be passed too:

function setBgPosition() {
    var c = 0;
    var numbers = [0, -120, -240, -360, -480, -600, -720];
    function run() {
       Ext.get('common-spinner').setStyle('background-position', numbers[c++] + 'px 0px');
        if (c<numbers.length){
    return Ext.Function.interval(run,200);

var bgPositionTimer = setBgPosition();

when you want to stop you can use clearInterval to stop it


An example use case would be:

    url: 'example.json',

    success: function(response, opts) {

    failure: function(response, opts) {
        console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);

Using async/await for multiple tasks

You can use Task.WhenAll function that you can pass n tasks; Task.WhenAll will return a task which runs to completion when all the tasks that you passed to Task.WhenAll complete. You have to wait asynchronously on Task.WhenAll so that you'll not block your UI thread:

   public async Task DoSomeThing() {

       var Task[] tasks = new Task[numTasks];
       for(int i = 0; i < numTask; i++)
          tasks[i] = CallSomeAsync();
       await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
       // code that'll execute on UI thread

Android update activity UI from service

I would recommend checking out Otto, an EventBus tailored specifically to Android. Your Activity/UI can listen to events posted on the Bus from the Service, and decouple itself from the backend.

Background thread with QThread in PyQt

Take this answer updated for PyQt5, python 3.4

Use this as a pattern to start a worker that does not take data and return data as they are available to the form.

1 - Worker class is made smaller and put in its own file for easy memorization and independent software reuse.

2 - The file is the file that defines the GUI Form class

3 - The thread object is not subclassed.

4 - Both thread object and the worker object belong to the Form object

5 - Steps of the procedure are within the comments.

from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
import time

class Worker(QObject):
    finished = pyqtSignal()
    intReady = pyqtSignal(int)

    def procCounter(self): # A slot takes no params
        for i in range(1, 100):


And the main file is:

  from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread
  from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QWidget, QGridLayout
  import sys
  import worker

  class Form(QWidget):

    def __init__(self):
       self.label = QLabel("0")

       # 1 - create Worker and Thread inside the Form
       self.obj = worker.Worker()  # no parent!
       self.thread = QThread()  # no parent!

       # 2 - Connect Worker`s Signals to Form method slots to post data.

       # 3 - Move the Worker object to the Thread object

       # 4 - Connect Worker Signals to the Thread slots

       # 5 - Connect Thread started signal to Worker operational slot method

       # * - Thread finished signal will close the app if you want!

       # 6 - Start the thread

       # 7 - Start the form

    def initUI(self):
        grid = QGridLayout()

        self.move(300, 150)
        self.setWindowTitle('thread test')

    def onIntReady(self, i):

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    form = Form()


PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

Make sure that you don't declare it as a integer, float, string or boolean before.

How do I clear the std::queue efficiently?

Another option is to use a simple hack to get the underlying container std::queue::c and call clear on it. This member must be present in std::queue as per the standard, but is unfortunately protected. The hack here was taken from this answer.

#include <queue>

template<class ADAPTER>
typename ADAPTER::container_type& get_container(ADAPTER& a)
    struct hack : ADAPTER
        static typename ADAPTER::container_type& get(ADAPTER& a)
            return a .* &hack::c;
    return hack::get(a);

template<typename T, typename C>
void clear(std::queue<T,C>& q)

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::queue<int> q;
    std::cout << q.size() << '\n';
    std::cout << q.size() << '\n';

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

According to the Stacktrace

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.HashMap.merge(
at$$Lambda$5/391359742.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at com.guice.Main.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

When is called the map.merge

        BiConsumer<M, T> accumulator
            = (map, element) -> map.merge(keyMapper.apply(element),
                                          valueMapper.apply(element), mergeFunction);

It will do a null check as first thing

if (value == null)
    throw new NullPointerException();

I don't use Java 8 so often so i don't know if there are a better way to fix it, but fix it is a bit hard.

You could do:

Use filter to filter all NULL values, and in the Javascript code check if the server didn't send any answer for this id means that he didn't reply to it.

Something like this:

Map<Integer, Boolean> answerMap =
                .filter((a) -> a.getAnswer() != null)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Answer::getId, Answer::getAnswer));

Or use peek, which is used to alter the stream element for element. Using peek you could change the answer to something more acceptable for map but it means edit your logic a bit.

Sounds like if you want to keep the current design you should avoid Collectors.toMap

What is in your .vimrc?

my .vimrc. My word swap function is usually a big hit.

SqlBulkCopy - The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type money of the specified target column

Please use SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping.


private void SaveFileToDatabase(string filePath)
    string strConnection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MHMRA_TexMedEvsConnectionString"].ConnectionString.ToString();

    String excelConnString = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0\"", filePath);
    //Create Connection to Excel work book 
    using (OleDbConnection excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnString))
        //Create OleDbCommand to fetch data from Excel 
        using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [Crosswalk$]", excelConnection))
            using (OleDbDataReader dReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulk = new SqlBulkCopy(strConnection))
                    //Give your Destination table name 
                    sqlBulk.DestinationTableName = "PaySrcCrosswalk";

                    // this is a simpler alternative to explicit column mappings, if the column names are the same on both sides and data types match
                    foreach(DataColumn column in dt.Columns) {
                         s.ColumnMappings.Add(new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName));

How do you detect Credit card type based on number?

The first six digits of a card number (including the initial MII digit) are known as the issuer identification number (IIN). These identify the card issuing institution that issued the card to the card holder. The rest of the number is allocated by the card issuer. The card number's length is its number of digits. Many card issuers print the entire IIN and account number on their card.

Based on the above facts I would like to keep a snippet of JAVA code to identify card brand.

Sample card types

public static final String AMERICAN_EXPRESS = "American Express";
public static final String DISCOVER = "Discover";
public static final String JCB = "JCB";
public static final String DINERS_CLUB = "Diners Club";
public static final String VISA = "Visa";
public static final String MASTERCARD = "MasterCard";
public static final String UNKNOWN = "Unknown";

Card Prefixes

// Based on
public static final String[] PREFIXES_AMERICAN_EXPRESS = {"34", "37"};
public static final String[] PREFIXES_DISCOVER = {"60", "62", "64", "65"};
public static final String[] PREFIXES_JCB = {"35"};
public static final String[] PREFIXES_DINERS_CLUB = {"300", "301", "302", "303", "304", "305", "309", "36", "38", "39"};
public static final String[] PREFIXES_VISA = {"4"};
public static final String[] PREFIXES_MASTERCARD = {
        "2221", "2222", "2223", "2224", "2225", "2226", "2227", "2228", "2229",
        "223", "224", "225", "226", "227", "228", "229",
        "23", "24", "25", "26",
        "270", "271", "2720",
        "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55"

Check to see if the input number has any of the given prefixes.

public String getBrand(String number) {

String evaluatedType;
if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_AMERICAN_EXPRESS)) {
    evaluatedType = AMERICAN_EXPRESS;
} else if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_DISCOVER)) {
    evaluatedType = DISCOVER;
} else if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_JCB)) {
    evaluatedType = JCB;
} else if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_DINERS_CLUB)) {
    evaluatedType = DINERS_CLUB;
} else if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_VISA)) {
    evaluatedType = VISA;
} else if (StripeTextUtils.hasAnyPrefix(number, PREFIXES_MASTERCARD)) {
    evaluatedType = MASTERCARD;
} else {
    evaluatedType = UNKNOWN;
    return evaluatedType;

Finally, The Utility method

  * Check to see if the input number has any of the given prefixes.
  * @param number the number to test
  * @param prefixes the prefixes to test against
  * @return {@code true} if number begins with any of the input prefixes

public static boolean hasAnyPrefix(String number, String... prefixes) {
  if (number == null) {
       return false;
   for (String prefix : prefixes) {
       if (number.startsWith(prefix)) {
       return true;
     return false;


How can I listen to the form submit event in javascript?

Based on your requirements you can also do the following without libraries like jQuery:

Add this to your head:

window.onload = function () {
    document.getElementById("frmSubmit").onsubmit = function onSubmit(form) {
        var isValid = true;
        //validate your elems here
        isValid = false;

        if (!isValid) {
            alert("Please check your fields!");
            return false;
        else {
            //you are good to go
            return true;

And your form may still look something like:

    <form id="frmSubmit" action="/Submit">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C

cast it to a char pointer an increment your pointer forward x bytes ahead.

Get file name from a file location in Java

Here are 2 ways(both are OS independent.)

Using Paths : Since 1.7

Path p = Paths.get(<Absolute Path of Linux/Windows system>);
String fileName = p.getFileName().toString();
String directory = p.getParent().toString();

Using FilenameUtils in Apache Commons IO :

String name1 = FilenameUtils.getName("/ab/cd/xyz.txt");
String name2 = FilenameUtils.getName("c:\\ab\\cd\\xyz.txt");

How do I display an alert dialog on Android?

Alert dialog with edit text

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);//Context is activity context
final EditText input = new EditText(context);
            LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
            input.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.textColor));
            input.setText("String in edit text you want");
                (dialog, which) -> {

//Positive button click event

                (dialog, which) -> {
//Negative button click event
        AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();;

C - determine if a number is prime

Avoid overflow bug

unsigned i, number;
for (i=2; i*i<=number; i++) {  // Buggy
for (i=2; i*i<=number; i += 2) {  // Buggy
// or
for (i=5; i*i<=number; i+=6) { // Buggy

These forms are incorrect when number is a prime and i*i is near the max value of the type.

Problem exists with all integer types, signed, unsigned and wider.


Let UINT_MAX_SQRT as the floor of the square root of the maximum integer value. E.g. 65535 when unsigned is 32-bit.

With for (i=2; i*i<=number; i++), this 10-year old failure occurs because when UINT_MAX_SQRT*UINT_MAX_SQRT <= number and number is a prime, the next iteration results in a multiplication overflow. Had the type been a signed type, the overflow is UB. With unsigned types, this itself is not UB, yet logic has broken down. Interations continue until a truncated product exceeds number. An incorrect result may occur. With 32-bit unsigned, try 4,294,967,291? which is a prime.

If some_integer_type_MAX been a Mersenne Prime, i*i<=number is never true.

To avoid this bug, consider that number%i, number/i is efficient on many compilers as the calculations of the quotient and remainder are done together, thus incurring no extra cost to do both vs. just 1.

A simple full-range solution:

bool IsPrime(unsigned number) {
    for(unsigned i = 2; i <= number/i; i++){
        if(number % i == 0){
            return false;
    return number >= 2;

JavaScript dictionary with names

I suggest not using an array unless you have multiple objects to consider. There isn't anything wrong this statement:

var myMappings = {
    "Name": 0.1,
    "Phone": 0.1,
    "Address": 0.5,
    "Zip": 0.1,
    "Comments": 0.2

for (var col in myMappings) {
    alert((myMappings[col] * 100) + "%");

Why is this printing 'None' in the output?

Because there are two print statements. First is inside function and second is outside function. When function not return any thing that time it return None value.

Use return statement at end of function to return value.


Return None value.

>>> def test1():
...    print "In function."
>>> a = test1()
In function.
>>> print a
>>> print test1()
In function.
>>> test1()
In function.

Use return statement

>>> def test():
...   return "ACV"
>>> print test()
>>> a = test()
>>> print a

How to create an installer for a .net Windows Service using Visual Studio

In the service project do the following:

  1. In the solution explorer double click your services .cs file. It should bring up a screen that is all gray and talks about dragging stuff from the toolbox.
  2. Then right click on the gray area and select add installer. This will add an installer project file to your project.
  3. Then you will have 2 components on the design view of the ProjectInstaller.cs (serviceProcessInstaller1 and serviceInstaller1). You should then setup the properties as you need such as service name and user that it should run as.

Now you need to make a setup project. The best thing to do is use the setup wizard.

  1. Right click on your solution and add a new project: Add > New Project > Setup and Deployment Projects > Setup Wizard

    a. This could vary slightly for different versions of Visual Studio. b. Visual Studio 2010 it is located in: Install Templates > Other Project Types > Setup and Deployment > Visual Studio Installer

  2. On the second step select "Create a Setup for a Windows Application."

  3. On the 3rd step, select "Primary output from..."

  4. Click through to Finish.

Next edit your installer to make sure the correct output is included.

  1. Right click on the setup project in your Solution Explorer.
  2. Select View > Custom Actions. (In VS2008 it might be View > Editor > Custom Actions)
  3. Right-click on the Install action in the Custom Actions tree and select 'Add Custom Action...'
  4. In the "Select Item in Project" dialog, select Application Folder and click OK.
  5. Click OK to select "Primary output from..." option. A new node should be created.
  6. Repeat steps 4 - 5 for commit, rollback and uninstall actions.

You can edit the installer output name by right clicking the Installer project in your solution and select Properties. Change the 'Output file name:' to whatever you want. By selecting the installer project as well and looking at the properties windows, you can edit the Product Name, Title, Manufacturer, etc...

Next build your installer and it will produce an MSI and a setup.exe. Choose whichever you want to use to deploy your service.

How do I get elapsed time in milliseconds in Ruby?

As stated already, you can operate on Time objects as if they were numeric (or floating point) values. These operations result in second resolution which can easily be converted.

For example:

def time_diff_milli(start, finish)
   (finish - start) * 1000.0

t1 =
# arbitrary elapsed time
t2 =

msecs = time_diff_milli t1, t2

You will need to decide whether to truncate that or not.

How to read first N lines of a file?

For first 5 lines, simply do:

with open("data_file", "r") as file:
    for i in range(N):

console.writeline and System.out.println

They're essentially the same, if your program is run from an interactive prompt and you haven't redirected stdin or stdout:

public class ConsoleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Console is: " + System.console());

results in:

$ java ConsoleTest
Console is:
$ java ConsoleTest </dev/null
Console is: null
$ java ConsoleTest | cat
Console is: null

The reason Console exists is to provide features that are useful in the specific case that you're being run from an interactive command line:

  • secure password entry (hard to do cross-platform)
  • synchronisation (multiple threads can prompt for input and Console will queue them up nicely, whereas if you used then all of the prompts would appear simultaneously).

Notice above that redirecting even one of the streams results in System.console() returning null; another irritation is that there's often no Console object available when spawned from another program such as Eclipse or Maven.

Java - Check if JTextField is empty or not

you can use isEmpty() or isBlank() methods regarding what you need.

Returns true if, and only if, length() is 0.;

Returns true if the string is empty or contains only white space codepoints, otherwise false;

Specify system property to Maven project

I have learned it is also possible to do this with the exec-maven-plugin if you're doing a "standalone" java app.


MongoDB - admin user not authorized

Perhaps a quick example of how to change a current user will be helpful to somebody. This is what I was actually looking for.

Following advice of @JohnPetrone I added readWrite role to my admin user with grantRolesToUser

> use admin
> db.grantRolesToUser("admin",["readWrite"])
> show collections

VBA: Counting rows in a table (list object)

You need to go one level deeper in what you are retrieving.

Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("MyTable")
MsgBox tbl.Range.Rows.Count
MsgBox tbl.HeaderRowRange.Rows.Count
MsgBox tbl.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set tbl = Nothing

More information at:

ListObject Interface
ListObject.Range Property
ListObject.DataBodyRange Property
ListObject.HeaderRowRange Property

Convert a list of objects to an array of one of the object's properties

For everyone who is stuck with .NET 2.0, like me, try the following way (applicable to the example in the OP):

ConfigItemList.ConvertAll<string>(delegate (ConfigItemType ci) 
   return ci.Name; 

where ConfigItemList is your list variable.

How to check string length and then select substring in Sql Server

To conditionally check the length of the string, use CASE.

SELECT  CASE WHEN LEN(comments) <= 60 
             THEN comments
             ELSE LEFT(comments, 60) + '...'
        END  As Comments
FROM    myView

Make copy of an array

You can try using Arrays.copyOf() in Java

int[] a = new int[5]{1,2,3,4,5};
int[] b = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length);

Remove all stylings (border, glow) from textarea

If you want to remove EVERYTHING :

textarea {
    border: none;
    background-color: transparent;
    resize: none;
    outline: none;

How to get just numeric part of CSS property with jQuery?

I use a simple jQuery plugin to return the numeric value of any single CSS property.

It applies parseFloat to the value returned by jQuery's default css method.

Plugin Definition:

$.fn.cssNum = function(){
  return parseFloat($.fn.css.apply(this,arguments));


var element = $('.selector-class');
var numericWidth = element.cssNum('width') * 10 + 'px';
element.css('width', numericWidth);

What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?

Here's a very practical, true/false difference. The only difference between the two versions of the following code is that in the second version Person inherits from object. Other than that, the two versions are identical, but with different results:

  1. Old-style classes

    class Person():
        _names_cache = {}
        def __init__(self,name):
   = name
        def __new__(cls,name):
            return cls._names_cache.setdefault(name,object.__new__(cls,name))
    ahmed1 = Person("Ahmed")
    ahmed2 = Person("Ahmed")
    print ahmed1 is ahmed2
    print ahmed1
    print ahmed2
    >>> False
    <__main__.Person instance at 0xb74acf8c>
    <__main__.Person instance at 0xb74ac6cc>
  2. New-style classes

    class Person(object):
        _names_cache = {}
        def __init__(self,name):
   = name
        def __new__(cls,name):
            return cls._names_cache.setdefault(name,object.__new__(cls,name))
    ahmed1 = Person("Ahmed")
    ahmed2 = Person("Ahmed")
    print ahmed2 is ahmed1
    print ahmed1
    print ahmed2
    >>> True
    <__main__.Person object at 0xb74ac66c>
    <__main__.Person object at 0xb74ac66c>

AngularJS : Difference between the $observe and $watch methods

I think this is pretty obvious :

  • $observe is used in linking function of directives.
  • $watch is used on scope to watch any changing in its values.

Keep in mind : both the function has two arguments,

$observe/$watch(value : string, callback : function);
  • value : is always a string reference to the watched element (the name of a scope's variable or the name of the directive's attribute to be watched)
  • callback : the function to be executed of the form function (oldValue, newValue)

I have made a plunker, so you can actually get a grasp on both their utilization. I have used the Chameleon analogy as to make it easier to picture.

C++ class forward declaration

class tile_tree_apple should be defined in a separate .h file.

#include "tile.h"

class tile_tree_apple : public tile
          tile onDestroy() {return *new tile_grass;};
          tile tick() {if (rand()%20==0) return *new tile_tree;};
          void onCreate() {health=rand()%5+4; type=TILET_TREE_APPLE;}; 
          tile onUse() {return *new tile_tree;};       

file tt.h
#include "tile.h"

class tile_tree : public tile
          tile onDestroy() {return *new tile_grass;};
          tile tick() {if (rand()%20==0) return *new tile_tree_apple;};
          void onCreate() {health=rand()%5+4; type=TILET_TREE;};        

another thing: returning a tile and not a tile reference is not a good idea, unless a tile is a primitive or very "small" type.

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

i have used it in this way and its working fine

quantity=prompt("Please enter the quantity","1");
if (!isNaN( quantity ))

return totalAmount;

Notepad++: Multiple words search in a file (may be in different lines)?

If you are using Notepad++ editor (like the tag of the question suggests), you can use the great "Find in Files" functionality.

Go to SearchFind in Files (Ctrl+Shift+F for the keyboard addicted) and enter:

  • Find What = (cat|town)

  • Filters = *.txt

  • Directory = enter the path of the directory you want to search in. You can check Follow current doc. to have the path of the current file to be filled.

  • Search mode = Regular Expression

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

There really isn't any way of doing this as most of the useful information is discarded in the compilation process. However, you may want to take a look at this site to see if you can find some way of extracting something from the DLL.

how to display a div triggered by onclick event

function showstuff(boxid){
<button onclick="showstuff('id_to_show');" />

This will help you, I think.

DateTimePicker: pick both date and time

Set the Format to Custom and then specify the format:

dateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss";  

or however you want to lay it out. You could then type in directly the date/time. If you use MMM, you'll need to use the numeric value for the month for entry, unless you write some code yourself for that (e.g., 5 results in May)

Don't know about the picker for date and time together. Sounds like a custom control to me.

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

Offering a quick answer for people using Ionic. I need to show a tooltip only once so I used the $localStorage to achieve this. This is for playing a track, so when they push play, it shows the tooltip once.

$ = $localStorage; //connects an object to $localstorage

$ = "false";  // they haven't seen it

$scope.showPopup = function() {  // popup to tell people to turn sound on

    $ = {}
    // An elaborate, custom popup
    var myPopup = ${
        template: '<p class="popuptext">Turn Sound On!</p>',
        cssClass: 'popup'

    $timeout(function() {
        myPopup.close(); //close the popup after 3 seconds for some reason
    }, 2000);
    $ = "true"; // they've now seen it


$scope.playStream = function(show) {;

    $scope.audioObject = audioObject; // this allow for styling the play/pause icons

    if ($ === "false"){ //only show if they haven't seen it.

How do I auto size a UIScrollView to fit its content

Because a scrollView can have other scrollViews or different inDepth subViews tree, run in depth recursively is preferable. enter image description here

Swift 2

extension UIScrollView {
    //it will block the mainThread
    func recalculateVerticalContentSize_synchronous () {
        let unionCalculatedTotalRect = recursiveUnionInDepthFor(self)
        self.contentSize = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.width, unionCalculatedTotalRect.height).size;

    private func recursiveUnionInDepthFor (view: UIView) -> CGRect {
        var totalRect = CGRectZero
        //calculate recursevly for every subView
        for subView in view.subviews {
            totalRect =  CGRectUnion(totalRect, recursiveUnionInDepthFor(subView))
        //return the totalCalculated for all in depth subViews.
        return CGRectUnion(totalRect, view.frame)



How to handle errors with boto3?

As a few others already mentioned, you can catch certain errors using the service client (service_client.exceptions.<ExceptionClass>) or resource (service_resource.meta.client.exceptions.<ExceptionClass>), however it is not well documented (also which exceptions belong to which clients). So here is how to get the complete mapping at time of writing (January 2020) in region EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1):

import boto3, pprint

region_name = 'eu-west-1'
session = boto3.Session(region_name=region_name)
exceptions = {
  service: list(boto3.client('sts').exceptions._code_to_exception)
  for service in session.get_available_services()
pprint.pprint(exceptions, width=20000)

Here is a subset of the pretty large document:

{'acm': ['InvalidArnException', 'InvalidDomainValidationOptionsException', 'InvalidStateException', 'InvalidTagException', 'LimitExceededException', 'RequestInProgressException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'TooManyTagsException'],
 'apigateway': ['BadRequestException', 'ConflictException', 'LimitExceededException', 'NotFoundException', 'ServiceUnavailableException', 'TooManyRequestsException', 'UnauthorizedException'],
 'athena': ['InternalServerException', 'InvalidRequestException', 'TooManyRequestsException'],
 'autoscaling': ['AlreadyExists', 'InvalidNextToken', 'LimitExceeded', 'ResourceContention', 'ResourceInUse', 'ScalingActivityInProgress', 'ServiceLinkedRoleFailure'],
 'cloudformation': ['AlreadyExistsException', 'ChangeSetNotFound', 'CreatedButModifiedException', 'InsufficientCapabilitiesException', 'InvalidChangeSetStatus', 'InvalidOperationException', 'LimitExceededException', 'NameAlreadyExistsException', 'OperationIdAlreadyExistsException', 'OperationInProgressException', 'OperationNotFoundException', 'StackInstanceNotFoundException', 'StackSetNotEmptyException', 'StackSetNotFoundException', 'StaleRequestException', 'TokenAlreadyExistsException'],
 'cloudfront': ['AccessDenied', 'BatchTooLarge', 'CNAMEAlreadyExists', 'CannotChangeImmutablePublicKeyFields', 'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists', 'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityInUse', 'DistributionAlreadyExists', 'DistributionNotDisabled', 'FieldLevelEncryptionConfigAlreadyExists', 'FieldLevelEncryptionConfigInUse', 'FieldLevelEncryptionProfileAlreadyExists', 'FieldLevelEncryptionProfileInUse', 'FieldLevelEncryptionProfileSizeExceeded', 'IllegalFieldLevelEncryptionConfigAssociationWithCacheBehavior', 'IllegalUpdate', 'InconsistentQuantities', 'InvalidArgument', 'InvalidDefaultRootObject', 'InvalidErrorCode', 'InvalidForwardCookies', 'InvalidGeoRestrictionParameter', 'InvalidHeadersForS3Origin', 'InvalidIfMatchVersion', 'InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociation', 'InvalidLocationCode', 'InvalidMinimumProtocolVersion', 'InvalidOrigin', 'InvalidOriginAccessIdentity', 'InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeout', 'InvalidOriginReadTimeout', 'InvalidProtocolSettings', 'InvalidQueryStringParameters', 'InvalidRelativePath', 'InvalidRequiredProtocol', 'InvalidResponseCode', 'InvalidTTLOrder', 'InvalidTagging', 'InvalidViewerCertificate', 'InvalidWebACLId', 'MissingBody', 'NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity', 'NoSuchDistribution', 'NoSuchFieldLevelEncryptionConfig', 'NoSuchFieldLevelEncryptionProfile', 'NoSuchInvalidation', 'NoSuchOrigin', 'NoSuchPublicKey', 'NoSuchResource', 'NoSuchStreamingDistribution', 'PreconditionFailed', 'PublicKeyAlreadyExists', 'PublicKeyInUse', 'QueryArgProfileEmpty', 'StreamingDistributionAlreadyExists', 'StreamingDistributionNotDisabled', 'TooManyCacheBehaviors', 'TooManyCertificates', 'TooManyCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities', 'TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteList', 'TooManyDistributionCNAMEs', 'TooManyDistributions', 'TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToFieldLevelEncryptionConfig', 'TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociations', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionConfigs', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionContentTypeProfiles', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionEncryptionEntities', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionFieldPatterns', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionProfiles', 'TooManyFieldLevelEncryptionQueryArgProfiles', 'TooManyHeadersInForwardedValues', 'TooManyInvalidationsInProgress', 'TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociations', 'TooManyOriginCustomHeaders', 'TooManyOriginGroupsPerDistribution', 'TooManyOrigins', 'TooManyPublicKeys', 'TooManyQueryStringParameters', 'TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEs', 'TooManyStreamingDistributions', 'TooManyTrustedSigners', 'TrustedSignerDoesNotExist'],
 'cloudtrail': ['CloudTrailARNInvalidException', 'CloudTrailAccessNotEnabledException', 'CloudWatchLogsDeliveryUnavailableException', 'InsufficientDependencyServiceAccessPermissionException', 'InsufficientEncryptionPolicyException', 'InsufficientS3BucketPolicyException', 'InsufficientSnsTopicPolicyException', 'InvalidCloudWatchLogsLogGroupArnException', 'InvalidCloudWatchLogsRoleArnException', 'InvalidEventSelectorsException', 'InvalidHomeRegionException', 'InvalidKmsKeyIdException', 'InvalidLookupAttributesException', 'InvalidMaxResultsException', 'InvalidNextTokenException', 'InvalidParameterCombinationException', 'InvalidS3BucketNameException', 'InvalidS3PrefixException', 'InvalidSnsTopicNameException', 'InvalidTagParameterException', 'InvalidTimeRangeException', 'InvalidTokenException', 'InvalidTrailNameException', 'KmsException', 'KmsKeyDisabledException', 'KmsKeyNotFoundException', 'MaximumNumberOfTrailsExceededException', 'NotOrganizationMasterAccountException', 'OperationNotPermittedException', 'OrganizationNotInAllFeaturesModeException', 'OrganizationsNotInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ResourceTypeNotSupportedException', 'S3BucketDoesNotExistException', 'TagsLimitExceededException', 'TrailAlreadyExistsException', 'TrailNotFoundException', 'TrailNotProvidedException', 'UnsupportedOperationException'],
 'cloudwatch': ['InvalidParameterInput', 'ResourceNotFound', 'InternalServiceError', 'InvalidFormat', 'InvalidNextToken', 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'InvalidParameterValue', 'LimitExceeded', 'MissingParameter'],
 'codebuild': ['AccountLimitExceededException', 'InvalidInputException', 'OAuthProviderException', 'ResourceAlreadyExistsException', 'ResourceNotFoundException'],
 'config': ['InsufficientDeliveryPolicyException', 'InsufficientPermissionsException', 'InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException', 'InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException', 'InvalidLimitException', 'InvalidNextTokenException', 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'InvalidRecordingGroupException', 'InvalidResultTokenException', 'InvalidRoleException', 'InvalidS3KeyPrefixException', 'InvalidSNSTopicARNException', 'InvalidTimeRangeException', 'LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException', 'LimitExceededException', 'MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException', 'MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException', 'MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException', 'MaxNumberOfRetentionConfigurationsExceededException', 'NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException', 'NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException', 'NoAvailableOrganizationException', 'NoRunningConfigurationRecorderException', 'NoSuchBucketException', 'NoSuchConfigRuleException', 'NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException', 'NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException', 'NoSuchDeliveryChannelException', 'NoSuchRetentionConfigurationException', 'OrganizationAccessDeniedException', 'OrganizationAllFeaturesNotEnabledException', 'OversizedConfigurationItemException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotDiscoveredException', 'ValidationException'],
 'dynamodb': ['BackupInUseException', 'BackupNotFoundException', 'ConditionalCheckFailedException', 'ContinuousBackupsUnavailableException', 'GlobalTableAlreadyExistsException', 'GlobalTableNotFoundException', 'IdempotentParameterMismatchException', 'IndexNotFoundException', 'InternalServerError', 'InvalidRestoreTimeException', 'ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException', 'LimitExceededException', 'PointInTimeRecoveryUnavailableException', 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException', 'ReplicaAlreadyExistsException', 'ReplicaNotFoundException', 'RequestLimitExceeded', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'TableAlreadyExistsException', 'TableInUseException', 'TableNotFoundException', 'TransactionCanceledException', 'TransactionConflictException', 'TransactionInProgressException'],
 'ec2': [],
 'ecr': ['EmptyUploadException', 'ImageAlreadyExistsException', 'ImageNotFoundException', 'InvalidLayerException', 'InvalidLayerPartException', 'InvalidParameterException', 'InvalidTagParameterException', 'LayerAlreadyExistsException', 'LayerInaccessibleException', 'LayerPartTooSmallException', 'LayersNotFoundException', 'LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException', 'LifecyclePolicyPreviewInProgressException', 'LifecyclePolicyPreviewNotFoundException', 'LimitExceededException', 'RepositoryAlreadyExistsException', 'RepositoryNotEmptyException', 'RepositoryNotFoundException', 'RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException', 'ServerException', 'TooManyTagsException', 'UploadNotFoundException'],
 'ecs': ['AccessDeniedException', 'AttributeLimitExceededException', 'BlockedException', 'ClientException', 'ClusterContainsContainerInstancesException', 'ClusterContainsServicesException', 'ClusterContainsTasksException', 'ClusterNotFoundException', 'InvalidParameterException', 'MissingVersionException', 'NoUpdateAvailableException', 'PlatformTaskDefinitionIncompatibilityException', 'PlatformUnknownException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServerException', 'ServiceNotActiveException', 'ServiceNotFoundException', 'TargetNotFoundException', 'UnsupportedFeatureException', 'UpdateInProgressException'],
 'efs': ['BadRequest', 'DependencyTimeout', 'FileSystemAlreadyExists', 'FileSystemInUse', 'FileSystemLimitExceeded', 'FileSystemNotFound', 'IncorrectFileSystemLifeCycleState', 'IncorrectMountTargetState', 'InsufficientThroughputCapacity', 'InternalServerError', 'IpAddressInUse', 'MountTargetConflict', 'MountTargetNotFound', 'NetworkInterfaceLimitExceeded', 'NoFreeAddressesInSubnet', 'SecurityGroupLimitExceeded', 'SecurityGroupNotFound', 'SubnetNotFound', 'ThroughputLimitExceeded', 'TooManyRequests', 'UnsupportedAvailabilityZone'],
 'eks': ['ClientException', 'InvalidParameterException', 'InvalidRequestException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceLimitExceededException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServerException', 'ServiceUnavailableException', 'UnsupportedAvailabilityZoneException'],
 'elasticache': ['APICallRateForCustomerExceeded', 'AuthorizationAlreadyExists', 'AuthorizationNotFound', 'CacheClusterAlreadyExists', 'CacheClusterNotFound', 'CacheParameterGroupAlreadyExists', 'CacheParameterGroupNotFound', 'CacheParameterGroupQuotaExceeded', 'CacheSecurityGroupAlreadyExists', 'CacheSecurityGroupNotFound', 'QuotaExceeded.CacheSecurityGroup', 'CacheSubnetGroupAlreadyExists', 'CacheSubnetGroupInUse', 'CacheSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'CacheSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded', 'CacheSubnetQuotaExceededFault', 'ClusterQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'InsufficientCacheClusterCapacity', 'InvalidARN', 'InvalidCacheClusterState', 'InvalidCacheParameterGroupState', 'InvalidCacheSecurityGroupState', 'InvalidParameterCombination', 'InvalidParameterValue', 'InvalidReplicationGroupState', 'InvalidSnapshotState', 'InvalidSubnet', 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'NoOperationFault', 'NodeGroupNotFoundFault', 'NodeGroupsPerReplicationGroupQuotaExceeded', 'NodeQuotaForClusterExceeded', 'NodeQuotaForCustomerExceeded', 'ReplicationGroupAlreadyExists', 'ReplicationGroupNotFoundFault', 'ReservedCacheNodeAlreadyExists', 'ReservedCacheNodeNotFound', 'ReservedCacheNodeQuotaExceeded', 'ReservedCacheNodesOfferingNotFound', 'ServiceLinkedRoleNotFoundFault', 'SnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'SnapshotFeatureNotSupportedFault', 'SnapshotNotFoundFault', 'SnapshotQuotaExceededFault', 'SubnetInUse', 'TagNotFound', 'TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded', 'TestFailoverNotAvailableFault'],
 'elasticbeanstalk': ['CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException', 'ElasticBeanstalkServiceException', 'InsufficientPrivilegesException', 'InvalidRequestException', 'ManagedActionInvalidStateException', 'OperationInProgressFailure', 'PlatformVersionStillReferencedException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ResourceTypeNotSupportedException', 'S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException', 'S3SubscriptionRequiredException', 'SourceBundleDeletionFailure', 'TooManyApplicationVersionsException', 'TooManyApplicationsException', 'TooManyBucketsException', 'TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException', 'TooManyEnvironmentsException', 'TooManyPlatformsException', 'TooManyTagsException'],
 'elb': ['LoadBalancerNotFound', 'CertificateNotFound', 'DependencyThrottle', 'DuplicateLoadBalancerName', 'DuplicateListener', 'DuplicatePolicyName', 'DuplicateTagKeys', 'InvalidConfigurationRequest', 'InvalidInstance', 'InvalidScheme', 'InvalidSecurityGroup', 'InvalidSubnet', 'ListenerNotFound', 'LoadBalancerAttributeNotFound', 'OperationNotPermitted', 'PolicyNotFound', 'PolicyTypeNotFound', 'SubnetNotFound', 'TooManyLoadBalancers', 'TooManyPolicies', 'TooManyTags', 'UnsupportedProtocol'],
 'emr': ['InternalServerError', 'InternalServerException', 'InvalidRequestException'],
 'es': ['BaseException', 'DisabledOperationException', 'InternalException', 'InvalidTypeException', 'LimitExceededException', 'ResourceAlreadyExistsException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ValidationException'],
 'events': ['ConcurrentModificationException', 'InternalException', 'InvalidEventPatternException', 'LimitExceededException', 'ManagedRuleException', 'PolicyLengthExceededException', 'ResourceNotFoundException'],
 'firehose': ['ConcurrentModificationException', 'InvalidArgumentException', 'LimitExceededException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServiceUnavailableException'],
 'glacier': ['InsufficientCapacityException', 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'LimitExceededException', 'MissingParameterValueException', 'PolicyEnforcedException', 'RequestTimeoutException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServiceUnavailableException'],
 'glue': ['AccessDeniedException', 'AlreadyExistsException', 'ConcurrentModificationException', 'ConcurrentRunsExceededException', 'ConditionCheckFailureException', 'CrawlerNotRunningException', 'CrawlerRunningException', 'CrawlerStoppingException', 'EntityNotFoundException', 'GlueEncryptionException', 'IdempotentParameterMismatchException', 'InternalServiceException', 'InvalidInputException', 'NoScheduleException', 'OperationTimeoutException', 'ResourceNumberLimitExceededException', 'SchedulerNotRunningException', 'SchedulerRunningException', 'SchedulerTransitioningException', 'ValidationException', 'VersionMismatchException'],
 'iam': ['ConcurrentModification', 'ReportExpired', 'ReportNotPresent', 'ReportInProgress', 'DeleteConflict', 'DuplicateCertificate', 'DuplicateSSHPublicKey', 'EntityAlreadyExists', 'EntityTemporarilyUnmodifiable', 'InvalidAuthenticationCode', 'InvalidCertificate', 'InvalidInput', 'InvalidPublicKey', 'InvalidUserType', 'KeyPairMismatch', 'LimitExceeded', 'MalformedCertificate', 'MalformedPolicyDocument', 'NoSuchEntity', 'PasswordPolicyViolation', 'PolicyEvaluation', 'PolicyNotAttachable', 'ServiceFailure', 'NotSupportedService', 'UnmodifiableEntity', 'UnrecognizedPublicKeyEncoding'],
 'kinesis': ['ExpiredIteratorException', 'ExpiredNextTokenException', 'InternalFailureException', 'InvalidArgumentException', 'KMSAccessDeniedException', 'KMSDisabledException', 'KMSInvalidStateException', 'KMSNotFoundException', 'KMSOptInRequired', 'KMSThrottlingException', 'LimitExceededException', 'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException'],
 'kms': ['AlreadyExistsException', 'CloudHsmClusterInUseException', 'CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException', 'CloudHsmClusterNotActiveException', 'CloudHsmClusterNotFoundException', 'CloudHsmClusterNotRelatedException', 'CustomKeyStoreHasCMKsException', 'CustomKeyStoreInvalidStateException', 'CustomKeyStoreNameInUseException', 'CustomKeyStoreNotFoundException', 'DependencyTimeoutException', 'DisabledException', 'ExpiredImportTokenException', 'IncorrectKeyMaterialException', 'IncorrectTrustAnchorException', 'InvalidAliasNameException', 'InvalidArnException', 'InvalidCiphertextException', 'InvalidGrantIdException', 'InvalidGrantTokenException', 'InvalidImportTokenException', 'InvalidKeyUsageException', 'InvalidMarkerException', 'KMSInternalException', 'KMSInvalidStateException', 'KeyUnavailableException', 'LimitExceededException', 'MalformedPolicyDocumentException', 'NotFoundException', 'TagException', 'UnsupportedOperationException'],
 'lambda': ['CodeStorageExceededException', 'EC2AccessDeniedException', 'EC2ThrottledException', 'EC2UnexpectedException', 'ENILimitReachedException', 'InvalidParameterValueException', 'InvalidRequestContentException', 'InvalidRuntimeException', 'InvalidSecurityGroupIDException', 'InvalidSubnetIDException', 'InvalidZipFileException', 'KMSAccessDeniedException', 'KMSDisabledException', 'KMSInvalidStateException', 'KMSNotFoundException', 'PolicyLengthExceededException', 'PreconditionFailedException', 'RequestTooLargeException', 'ResourceConflictException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServiceException', 'SubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException', 'TooManyRequestsException', 'UnsupportedMediaTypeException'],
 'logs': ['DataAlreadyAcceptedException', 'InvalidOperationException', 'InvalidParameterException', 'InvalidSequenceTokenException', 'LimitExceededException', 'MalformedQueryException', 'OperationAbortedException', 'ResourceAlreadyExistsException', 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'ServiceUnavailableException', 'UnrecognizedClientException'],
 'neptune': ['AuthorizationNotFound', 'CertificateNotFound', 'DBClusterAlreadyExistsFault', 'DBClusterNotFoundFault', 'DBClusterParameterGroupNotFound', 'DBClusterQuotaExceededFault', 'DBClusterRoleAlreadyExists', 'DBClusterRoleNotFound', 'DBClusterRoleQuotaExceeded', 'DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault', 'DBInstanceAlreadyExists', 'DBInstanceNotFound', 'DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists', 'DBParameterGroupNotFound', 'DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded', 'DBSecurityGroupNotFound', 'DBSnapshotAlreadyExists', 'DBSnapshotNotFound', 'DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists', 'DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs', 'DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded', 'DBSubnetQuotaExceededFault', 'DBUpgradeDependencyFailure', 'DomainNotFoundFault', 'EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded', 'InstanceQuotaExceeded', 'InsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault', 'InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity', 'InsufficientStorageClusterCapacity', 'InvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault', 'InvalidDBClusterStateFault', 'InvalidDBInstanceState', 'InvalidDBParameterGroupState', 'InvalidDBSecurityGroupState', 'InvalidDBSnapshotState', 'InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault', 'InvalidDBSubnetStateFault', 'InvalidEventSubscriptionState', 'InvalidRestoreFault', 'InvalidSubnet', 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault', 'OptionGroupNotFoundFault', 'ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault', 'ResourceNotFoundFault', 'SNSInvalidTopic', 'SNSNoAuthorization', 'SNSTopicArnNotFound', 'SharedSnapshotQuotaExceeded', 'SnapshotQuotaExceeded', 'SourceNotFound', 'StorageQuotaExceeded', 'StorageTypeNotSupported', 'SubnetAlreadyInUse', 'SubscriptionAlreadyExist', 'SubscriptionCategoryNotFound', 'SubscriptionNotFound'],
 'rds': ['AuthorizationAlreadyExists', 'AuthorizationNotFound', 'AuthorizationQuotaExceeded', 'BackupPolicyNotFoundFault', 'CertificateNotFound', 'DBClusterAlreadyExistsFault', 'DBClusterBacktrackNotFoundFault', 'DBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsFault', 'DBClusterEndpointNotFoundFault', 'DBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededFault', 'DBClusterNotFoundFault', 'DBClusterParameterGroupNotFound', 'DBClusterQuotaExceededFault', 'DBClusterRoleAlreadyExists', 'DBClusterRoleNotFound', 'DBClusterRoleQuotaExceeded', 'DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault', 'DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault', 'DBInstanceAlreadyExists', 'DBInstanceAutomatedBackupNotFound', 'DBInstanceAutomatedBackupQuotaExceeded', 'DBInstanceNotFound', 'DBInstanceRoleAlreadyExists', 'DBInstanceRoleNotFound', 'DBInstanceRoleQuotaExceeded', 'DBLogFileNotFoundFault', 'DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists', 'DBParameterGroupNotFound', 'DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded', 'DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExists', 'DBSecurityGroupNotFound', 'DBSecurityGroupNotSupported', 'QuotaExceeded.DBSecurityGroup', 'DBSnapshotAlreadyExists', 'DBSnapshotNotFound', 'DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists', 'DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs', 'DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault', 'DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault', 'DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded', 'DBSubnetQuotaExceededFault', 'DBUpgradeDependencyFailure', 'DomainNotFoundFault', 'EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded', 'GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsFault', 'GlobalClusterNotFoundFault', 'GlobalClusterQuotaExceededFault', 'InstanceQuotaExceeded', 'InsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault', 'InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity', 'InsufficientStorageClusterCapacity', 'InvalidDBClusterCapacityFault', 'InvalidDBClusterEndpointStateFault', 'InvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault', 'InvalidDBClusterStateFault', 'InvalidDBInstanceAutomatedBackupState', 'InvalidDBInstanceState', 'InvalidDBParameterGroupState', 'InvalidDBSecurityGroupState', 'InvalidDBSnapshotState', 'InvalidDBSubnetGroupFault', 'InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault', 'InvalidDBSubnetStateFault', 'InvalidEventSubscriptionState', 'InvalidGlobalClusterStateFault', 'InvalidOptionGroupStateFault', 'InvalidRestoreFault', 'InvalidS3BucketFault', 'InvalidSubnet', 'InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault', 'KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault', 'OptionGroupAlreadyExistsFault', 'OptionGroupNotFoundFault', 'OptionGroupQuotaExceededFault', 'PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabled', 'ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault', 'ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExists', 'ReservedDBInstanceNotFound', 'ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceeded', 'ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFound', 'ResourceNotFoundFault', 'SNSInvalidTopic', 'SNSNoAuthorization', 'SNSTopicArnNotFound', 'SharedSnapshotQuotaExceeded', 'SnapshotQuotaExceeded', 'SourceNotFound', 'StorageQuotaExceeded', 'StorageTypeNotSupported', 'SubnetAlreadyInUse', 'SubscriptionAlreadyExist', 'SubscriptionCategoryNotFound', 'SubscriptionNotFound'],
 'route53': ['ConcurrentModification', 'ConflictingDomainExists', 'ConflictingTypes', 'DelegationSetAlreadyCreated', 'DelegationSetAlreadyReusable', 'DelegationSetInUse', 'DelegationSetNotAvailable', 'DelegationSetNotReusable', 'HealthCheckAlreadyExists', 'HealthCheckInUse', 'HealthCheckVersionMismatch', 'HostedZoneAlreadyExists', 'HostedZoneNotEmpty', 'HostedZoneNotFound', 'HostedZoneNotPrivate', 'IncompatibleVersion', 'InsufficientCloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy', 'InvalidArgument', 'InvalidChangeBatch', 'InvalidDomainName', 'InvalidInput', 'InvalidPaginationToken', 'InvalidTrafficPolicyDocument', 'InvalidVPCId', 'LastVPCAssociation', 'LimitsExceeded', 'NoSuchChange', 'NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup', 'NoSuchDelegationSet', 'NoSuchGeoLocation', 'NoSuchHealthCheck', 'NoSuchHostedZone', 'NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig', 'NoSuchTrafficPolicy', 'NoSuchTrafficPolicyInstance', 'NotAuthorizedException', 'PriorRequestNotComplete', 'PublicZoneVPCAssociation', 'QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists', 'ThrottlingException', 'TooManyHealthChecks', 'TooManyHostedZones', 'TooManyTrafficPolicies', 'TooManyTrafficPolicyInstances', 'TooManyTrafficPolicyVersionsForCurrentPolicy', 'TooManyVPCAssociationAuthorizations', 'TrafficPolicyAlreadyExists', 'TrafficPolicyInUse', 'TrafficPolicyInstanceAlreadyExists', 'VPCAssociationAuthorizationNotFound', 'VPCAssociationNotFound'],
 's3': ['BucketAlreadyExists', 'BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou', 'NoSuchBucket', 'NoSuchKey', 'NoSuchUpload', 'ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierError', 'ObjectNotInActiveTierError'],
 'sagemaker': ['ResourceInUse', 'ResourceLimitExceeded', 'ResourceNotFound'],
 'secretsmanager': ['DecryptionFailure', 'EncryptionFailure', 'InternalServiceError', 'InvalidNextTokenException', 'InvalidParameterException', 'InvalidRequestException', 'LimitExceededException', 'MalformedPolicyDocumentException', 'PreconditionNotMetException', 'ResourceExistsException', 'ResourceNotFoundException'],
 'ses': ['AccountSendingPausedException', 'AlreadyExists', 'CannotDelete', 'ConfigurationSetAlreadyExists', 'ConfigurationSetDoesNotExist', 'ConfigurationSetSendingPausedException', 'CustomVerificationEmailInvalidContent', 'CustomVerificationEmailTemplateAlreadyExists', 'CustomVerificationEmailTemplateDoesNotExist', 'EventDestinationAlreadyExists', 'EventDestinationDoesNotExist', 'FromEmailAddressNotVerified', 'InvalidCloudWatchDestination', 'InvalidConfigurationSet', 'InvalidFirehoseDestination', 'InvalidLambdaFunction', 'InvalidPolicy', 'InvalidRenderingParameter', 'InvalidS3Configuration', 'InvalidSNSDestination', 'InvalidSnsTopic', 'InvalidTemplate', 'InvalidTrackingOptions', 'LimitExceeded', 'MailFromDomainNotVerifiedException', 'MessageRejected', 'MissingRenderingAttribute', 'ProductionAccessNotGranted', 'RuleDoesNotExist', 'RuleSetDoesNotExist', 'TemplateDoesNotExist', 'TrackingOptionsAlreadyExistsException', 'TrackingOptionsDoesNotExistException'],
 'sns': ['AuthorizationError', 'EndpointDisabled', 'FilterPolicyLimitExceeded', 'InternalError', 'InvalidParameter', 'ParameterValueInvalid', 'InvalidSecurity', 'KMSAccessDenied', 'KMSDisabled', 'KMSInvalidState', 'KMSNotFound', 'KMSOptInRequired', 'KMSThrottling', 'NotFound', 'PlatformApplicationDisabled', 'SubscriptionLimitExceeded', 'Throttled', 'TopicLimitExceeded'],
 'sqs': ['AWS.SimpleQueueService.BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.BatchRequestTooLong', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.EmptyBatchRequest', 'InvalidAttributeName', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.InvalidBatchEntryId', 'InvalidIdFormat', 'InvalidMessageContents', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.MessageNotInflight', 'OverLimit', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.PurgeQueueInProgress', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.QueueDeletedRecently', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue', 'QueueAlreadyExists', 'ReceiptHandleIsInvalid', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest', 'AWS.SimpleQueueService.UnsupportedOperation'],
 'ssm': ['AlreadyExistsException', 'AssociatedInstances', 'AssociationAlreadyExists', 'AssociationDoesNotExist', 'AssociationExecutionDoesNotExist', 'AssociationLimitExceeded', 'AssociationVersionLimitExceeded', 'AutomationDefinitionNotFoundException', 'AutomationDefinitionVersionNotFoundException', 'AutomationExecutionLimitExceededException', 'AutomationExecutionNotFoundException', 'AutomationStepNotFoundException', 'ComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException', 'CustomSchemaCountLimitExceededException', 'DocumentAlreadyExists', 'DocumentLimitExceeded', 'DocumentPermissionLimit', 'DocumentVersionLimitExceeded', 'DoesNotExistException', 'DuplicateDocumentContent', 'DuplicateDocumentVersionName', 'DuplicateInstanceId', 'FeatureNotAvailableException', 'HierarchyLevelLimitExceededException', 'HierarchyTypeMismatchException', 'IdempotentParameterMismatch', 'InternalServerError', 'InvalidActivation', 'InvalidActivationId', 'InvalidAggregatorException', 'InvalidAllowedPatternException', 'InvalidAssociation', 'InvalidAssociationVersion', 'InvalidAutomationExecutionParametersException', 'InvalidAutomationSignalException', 'InvalidAutomationStatusUpdateException', 'InvalidCommandId', 'InvalidDeleteInventoryParametersException', 'InvalidDeletionIdException', 'InvalidDocument', 'InvalidDocumentContent', 'InvalidDocumentOperation', 'InvalidDocumentSchemaVersion', 'InvalidDocumentVersion', 'InvalidFilter', 'InvalidFilterKey', 'InvalidFilterOption', 'InvalidFilterValue', 'InvalidInstanceId', 'InvalidInstanceInformationFilterValue', 'InvalidInventoryGroupException', 'InvalidInventoryItemContextException', 'InvalidInventoryRequestException', 'InvalidItemContentException', 'InvalidKeyId', 'InvalidNextToken', 'InvalidNotificationConfig', 'InvalidOptionException', 'InvalidOutputFolder', 'InvalidOutputLocation', 'InvalidParameters', 'InvalidPermissionType', 'InvalidPluginName', 'InvalidResourceId', 'InvalidResourceType', 'InvalidResultAttributeException', 'InvalidRole', 'InvalidSchedule', 'InvalidTarget', 'InvalidTypeNameException', 'InvalidUpdate', 'InvocationDoesNotExist', 'ItemContentMismatchException', 'ItemSizeLimitExceededException', 'MaxDocumentSizeExceeded', 'ParameterAlreadyExists', 'ParameterLimitExceeded', 'ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded', 'ParameterNotFound', 'ParameterPatternMismatchException', 'ParameterVersionLabelLimitExceeded', 'ParameterVersionNotFound', 'ResourceDataSyncAlreadyExistsException', 'ResourceDataSyncCountExceededException', 'ResourceDataSyncInvalidConfigurationException', 'ResourceDataSyncNotFoundException', 'ResourceInUseException', 'ResourceLimitExceededException', 'StatusUnchanged', 'SubTypeCountLimitExceededException', 'TargetInUseException', 'TargetNotConnected', 'TooManyTagsError', 'TooManyUpdates', 'TotalSizeLimitExceededException', 'UnsupportedInventoryItemContextException', 'UnsupportedInventorySchemaVersionException', 'UnsupportedOperatingSystem', 'UnsupportedParameterType', 'UnsupportedPlatformType'],
 'stepfunctions': ['ActivityDoesNotExist', 'ActivityLimitExceeded', 'ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded', 'ExecutionAlreadyExists', 'ExecutionDoesNotExist', 'ExecutionLimitExceeded', 'InvalidArn', 'InvalidDefinition', 'InvalidExecutionInput', 'InvalidName', 'InvalidOutput', 'InvalidToken', 'MissingRequiredParameter', 'ResourceNotFound', 'StateMachineAlreadyExists', 'StateMachineDeleting', 'StateMachineDoesNotExist', 'StateMachineLimitExceeded', 'TaskDoesNotExist', 'TaskTimedOut', 'TooManyTags'],
 'sts': ['ExpiredTokenException', 'IDPCommunicationError', 'IDPRejectedClaim', 'InvalidAuthorizationMessageException', 'InvalidIdentityToken', 'MalformedPolicyDocument', 'PackedPolicyTooLarge', 'RegionDisabledException'],
 'xray': ['InvalidRequestException', 'RuleLimitExceededException', 'ThrottledException']}

git stash changes apply to new branch?

If you have some changes on your workspace and you want to stash them into a new branch use this command:

git stash branch branchName

It will make:

  1. a new branch
  2. move changes to this branch
  3. and remove latest stash (Like: git stash pop)

How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

For the benefit of searchers; if you are using jQuery, you can do the following:

var currentOverride = $('#customoverridestyles');

if (currentOverride) {

$('body').append("<style id=\"customoverridestyles\">body{background-color:pink;}</style>");

Obviously you can change the inner css to whatever you want.

Appreciate some people prefer pure JavaScript, but it works and has been pretty robust for writing/overwriting styles dynamically.

Webfont Smoothing and Antialiasing in Firefox and Opera

As Opera is powered by Blink since Version 15.0 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased does also work on Opera.

Firefox has finally added a property to enable grayscaled antialiasing. After a long discussion it will be available in Version 25 with another syntax, which points out that this property only works on OS X.

-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

This should fix blurry icon fonts or light text on dark backgrounds.

.font-smoothing {
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

You may read my post about font rendering on OSX which includes a Sass mixin to handle both properties.

Is there any standard for JSON API response format?

Best Response for web apis that can easily understand by mobile developers.

This is for "Success" Response

   "ReturnMsg":"Successfull Transaction",

This is for "Error" Response

    "ReturnCode": "4",
    "ReturnMsg": "Invalid Username and Password",
    "ReturnValue": "",
    "Data": {}

Using Rsync include and exclude options to include directory and file by pattern

Here's my "teach a person to fish" answer:

Rsync's syntax is definitely non-intuitive, but it is worth understanding.

  1. First, use -vvv to see the debug info for rsync.
$ rsync -nr -vvv --include="**/file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/

[sender] hiding directory 1280000000 because of pattern *
[sender] hiding directory 1260000000 because of pattern *
[sender] hiding directory 1270000000 because of pattern *

The key concept here is that rsync applies the include/exclude patterns for each directory recursively. As soon as the first include/exclude is matched, the processing stops.

The first directory it evaluates is /Storage/uploads. Storage/uploads has 1280000000/, 1260000000/, 1270000000/ dirs/files. None of them match file_11*.jpg to include. All of them match * to exclude. So they are excluded, and rsync ends.

  1. The solution is to include all dirs (*/) first. Then the first dir component will be 1260000000/, 1270000000/, 1280000000/ since they match */. The next dir component will be 1260000000/. In 1260000000/, file_11_00.jpg matches --include="file_11*.jpg", so it is included. And so forth.
$ rsync -nrv --include='*/' --include="file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/


Using grep to search for hex strings in a file

There's also a pretty handy tool called binwalk, written in python, which provides for binary pattern matching (and quite a lot more besides). Here's how you would search for a binary string, which outputs the offset in decimal and hex (from the docs):

$ binwalk -R "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" firmware.bin
377654      0x5C336     Raw string signature

getting error while updating Composer

In php7.2 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and ubuntu 19.04

sudo apt-get install php-gd php-xml php7.2-mbstring

Works like a Charm

Can I use an image from my local file system as background in HTML?

Jeff Bridgman is correct. All you need is
background: url('pic.jpg')
and this assumes that pic is in the same folder as your html.

Also, Roberto's answer works fine. Tested in Firefox, and IE. Thanks to Raptor for adding formatting that displays full picture fit to screen, and without scrollbars... In a folder f, on the desktop is this html and a picture, pic.jpg, using your userid. Make those substitutions in the below:

        body {

        background: url('file:///C:/Users/userid/desktop/f/pic.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;

        background-size: cover; /* for IE9+, Safari 4.1+, Chrome 3.0+, Firefox 3.6+ */
        -webkit-background-size: cover; /* for Safari 3.0 - 4.0 , Chrome 1.0 - 3.0 */
        -moz-background-size: cover; /* optional for Firefox 3.6 */ 
        -o-background-size: cover; /* for Opera 9.5 */
        margin: 0; /* to remove the default white margin of body */
        padding: 0; /* to remove the default white margin of body */
        overflow: hidden;

Python DNS module import error

On Debian 7 Wheezy, I had to do:

pip install --upgrade dnspython

even if python-dns package was installed.

Best way to import Observable from rxjs

Update for RxJS 6 (April 2018)

It is now perfectly fine to import directly from rxjs. (As can be seen in Angular 6+). Importing from rxjs/operators is also fine and it is actually no longer possible to import operators globally (one of major reasons for refactoring rxjs 6 and the new approach using pipe). Thanks to this treeshaking can now be used as well.

Sample code from rxjs repo:

import { Observable, Subject, ReplaySubject, from, of, range } from 'rxjs';
import { map, filter, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

range(1, 200)
  .pipe(filter(x => x % 2 === 1), map(x => x + x))
  .subscribe(x => console.log(x));

Backwards compatibility for rxjs < 6?

rxjs team released a compatibility package on npm that is pretty much install & play. With this all your rxjs 5.x code should run without any issues. This is especially useful now when most of the dependencies (i.e. modules for Angular) are not yet updated.

How to get an Instagram Access Token

Try this:

after getting the code you can do something like:

curl -F 'client_id=[your_client_id]' -F 'client_secret=[your_secret_key]' -F 'grant_type=authorization_code' -F 'redirect_uri=[redirect_url]' -F 'code=[code]'

How to make an ng-click event conditional?

Basically ng-click first checks the isDisabled and based on its value it will decide whether the function should be called or not.

<span ng-click="(isDisabled) || clicked()">Do something</span>

OR read it as

<span ng-click="(if this value is true function clicked won't be called. and if it's false the clicked will be called) || clicked()">Do something</span>

How to Verify if file exist with VB script

There is no built-in functionality in VBS for that, however, you can use the FileSystemObject FileExists function for that :

Option Explicit
DIM fso    
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (fso.FileExists("C:\Program Files\conf")) Then
  WScript.Echo("File exists!")
  WScript.Echo("File does not exist!")
End If


What does cmd /C mean?

The part you should be interested in is the /? part, which should solve most other questions you have with the tool.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\>cmd /?
Starts a new instance of the Windows XP command interpreter

CMD [/A | /U] [/Q] [/D] [/E:ON | /E:OFF] [/F:ON | /F:OFF] [/V:ON | /V:OFF]
    [[/S] [/C | /K] string]

/C      Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
/K      Carries out the command specified by string but remains
/S      Modifies the treatment of string after /C or /K (see below)
/Q      Turns echo off
/D      Disable execution of AutoRun commands from registry (see below)
/A      Causes the output of internal commands to a pipe or file to be ANSI
/U      Causes the output of internal commands to a pipe or file to be
/T:fg   Sets the foreground/background colors (see COLOR /? for more info)
/E:ON   Enable command extensions (see below)
/E:OFF  Disable command extensions (see below)
/F:ON   Enable file and directory name completion characters (see below)
/F:OFF  Disable file and directory name completion characters (see below)
/V:ON   Enable delayed environment variable expansion using ! as the
        delimiter. For example, /V:ON would allow !var! to expand the
        variable var at execution time.  The var syntax expands variables
        at input time, which is quite a different thing when inside of a FOR
/V:OFF  Disable delayed environment expansion.

How to resolve ORA-011033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

What worked for me is that i hadn't set the local_listener, to see if the local listener is set login to sqlplus / as sysdba, make sure the database is open and run the following command show parameter local_listener, if the value is empty, then you will have to set the local_listener with the following SQL command ALTER SYSTEM SET LOCAL_LISTENER='<LISTENER_NAME_GOES_HERE>'

Crystal Reports for VS2012 - VS2013 - VS2015 - VS2017 - VS2019

Here it is! - SP 25 works on Visual Studio 2019, SP 21 on Visual Studio 2017

SAP released SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio

You can get it here (click "Installation package for Visual Studio IDE")

To integrate “SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio” you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for runtime distribution only.

New In SP25 Release

Visual Studio 2019, Addressed incidents, Win10 1809, Security update

How to declare 2D array in bash

You can simulate them for example with hashes, but need care about the leading zeroes and many other things. The next demonstration works, but it is far from optimal solution.

declare -A matrix

for ((i=1;i<=num_rows;i++)) do
    for ((j=1;j<=num_columns;j++)) do

f2=" %9s"

printf "$f1" ''
for ((i=1;i<=num_rows;i++)) do
    printf "$f2" $i

for ((j=1;j<=num_columns;j++)) do
    printf "$f1" $j
    for ((i=1;i<=num_rows;i++)) do
        printf "$f2" ${matrix[$i,$j]}

the above example creates a 4x5 matrix with random numbers and print it transposed, with the example result

           1         2         3         4
 1     18006     31193     16110     23297
 2     26229     19869      1140     19837
 3      8192      2181     25512      2318
 4      3269     25516     18701      7977
 5     31775     17358      4468     30345

The principle is: Creating one associative array where the index is an string like 3,4. The benefits:

  • it's possible to use for any-dimension arrays ;) like: 30,40,2 for 3 dimensional.
  • the syntax is close to "C" like arrays ${matrix[2,3]}

At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class

Thanks all who answered this question.

It seems this is indeed a tough nut to crack. I ended up giving up and creating a static array and getter in my baseclass.

public abstract class Animal{
    private static Animal[] animals= null;
    public static Animal[] getAnimals(){
        if (animals==null){
            animals = new Animal[]{
                new Dog(),
                new Cat(),
                new Lion()
        return animals;

It seems that Java just isn't set up for self-discoverability the way C# is. I suppose the problem is that since a Java app is just a collection of .class files out in a directory / jar file somewhere, the runtime doesn't know about a class until it's referenced. At that time the loader loads it -- what I'm trying to do is discover it before I reference it which is not possible without going out to the file system and looking.

I always like code that can discover itself instead of me having to tell it about itself, but alas this works too.

Thanks again!

HttpWebRequest-The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

Are you sure you should be using POST not PUT?

POST is usually used with application/x-www-urlencoded formats. If you are using a REST API, you should maybe be using PUT? If you are uploading a file you probably need to use multipart/form-data. Not always, but usually, that is the right thing to do..

Also you don't seem to be using the credentials to log in - you need to use the Credentials property of the HttpWebRequest object to send the username and password.

Python, creating objects

Objects are instances of classes. Classes are just the blueprints for objects. So given your class definition -

# Note the added (object) - this is the preferred way of creating new classes
class Student(object):
    name = "Unknown name"
    age = 0
    major = "Unknown major"

You can create a make_student function by explicitly assigning the attributes to a new instance of Student -

def make_student(name, age, major):
    student = Student() = name
    student.age = age
    student.major = major
    return student

But it probably makes more sense to do this in a constructor (__init__) -

class Student(object):
    def __init__(self, name="Unknown name", age=0, major="Unknown major"): = name
        self.age = age
        self.major = major

The constructor is called when you use Student(). It will take the arguments defined in the __init__ method. The constructor signature would now essentially be Student(name, age, major).

If you use that, then a make_student function is trivial (and superfluous) -

def make_student(name, age, major):
    return Student(name, age, major)

For fun, here is an example of how to create a make_student function without defining a class. Please do not try this at home.

def make_student(name, age, major):
    return type('Student', (object,),
                {'name': name, 'age': age, 'major': major})()

WHERE statement after a UNION in SQL?

select column1..... from table1
where column1=''
select column1..... from table2
where column1= ''

Converting JSON String to Dictionary Not List

Your JSON is an array with a single object inside, so when you read it in you get a list with a dictionary inside. You can access your dictionary by accessing item 0 in the list, as shown below:

json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]

Now you can access the data stored in datapoints just as you were expecting:

datapoints = json1_data['datapoints']

I have one more question if anyone can bite: I am trying to take the average of the first elements in these datapoints(i.e. datapoints[0][0]). Just to list them, I tried doing datapoints[0:5][0] but all I get is the first datapoint with both elements as opposed to wanting to get the first 5 datapoints containing only the first element. Is there a way to do this?

datapoints[0:5][0] doesn't do what you're expecting. datapoints[0:5] returns a new list slice containing just the first 5 elements, and then adding [0] on the end of it will take just the first element from that resulting list slice. What you need to use to get the result you want is a list comprehension:

[p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5]]

Here's a simple way to calculate the mean:

sum(p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5])/5. # Result is 35.8

If you're willing to install NumPy, then it's even easier:

import numpy
json1_file = open('json1')
json1_str =
json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]
datapoints = numpy.array(json1_data['datapoints'])
avg = datapoints[0:5,0].mean()
# avg is now 35.8

Using the , operator with the slicing syntax for NumPy's arrays has the behavior you were originally expecting with the list slices.

Memory address of variables in Java

Like Sunil said, this is not memory address.This is just the hashcode

To get the same @ content, you can:

If hashCode is not overridden in that class:

"@" + Integer.toHexString(obj.hashCode())

If hashCode is overridden, you get the original value with:

"@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(obj)) 

This is often confused with memory address because if you don't override hashCode(), the memory address is used to calculate the hash.

Allow only pdf, doc, docx format for file upload?

For only acept files with extension doc and docx in the explorer window try this

    <input type="file" id="docpicker"

Download history stock prices automatically from yahoo finance in python

There is already a library in Python called yahoo_finance so you'll need to download the library first using the following command line:

sudo pip install yahoo_finance

Then once you've installed the yahoo_finance library, here's a sample code that will download the data you need from Yahoo Finance:

import yahoo_finance
import pandas as pd

symbol = yahoo_finance.Share("GOOG")
google_data = symbol.get_historical("1999-01-01", "2016-06-30")
google_df = pd.DataFrame(google_data)

# Output data into CSV

This should do it. Let me know if it works.

UPDATE: The yahoo_finance library is no longer supported.

javascript: pause setTimeout();

The Timeout was easy enough to find a solution for, but the Interval was a little bit trickier.

I came up with the following two classes to solve this issues:

function PauseableTimeout(func, delay){
    this.func = func;

    var _now = new Date().getTime();
    this.triggerTime = _now + delay;

    this.t = window.setTimeout(this.func,delay);

    this.paused_timeLeft = 0;

    this.getTimeLeft = function(){
        var now = new Date();

        return this.triggerTime - now;

    this.pause = function(){
        this.paused_timeLeft = this.getTimeLeft();

        this.t = null;

    this.resume = function(){
        if (this.t == null){
            this.t = window.setTimeout(this.func, this.paused_timeLeft);

    this.clearTimeout = function(){ window.clearTimeout(this.t);}

function PauseableInterval(func, delay){
    this.func = func;
    this.delay = delay;

    this.triggerSetAt = new Date().getTime();
    this.triggerTime = this.triggerSetAt + this.delay;

    this.i = window.setInterval(this.func, this.delay);

    this.t_restart = null;

    this.paused_timeLeft = 0;

    this.getTimeLeft = function(){
        var now = new Date();
        return this.delay - ((now - this.triggerSetAt) % this.delay);

    this.pause = function(){
        this.paused_timeLeft = this.getTimeLeft();
        this.i = null;

    this.restart = function(sender){
        sender.i = window.setInterval(sender.func, sender.delay);

    this.resume = function(){
        if (this.i == null){
            this.i = window.setTimeout(this.restart, this.paused_timeLeft, this);

    this.clearInterval = function(){ window.clearInterval(this.i);}

These can be implemented as such:

var pt_hey = new PauseableTimeout(function(){
}, 2000);

}, 1000);

window.setTimeout("pt_hey.start()", 2000);

This example will set a pauseable Timeout (pt_hey) which is scheduled to alert, "hey" after two seconds. Another Timeout pauses pt_hey after one second. A third Timeout resumes pt_hey after two seconds. pt_hey runs for one second, pauses for one second, then resumes running. pt_hey triggers after three seconds.

Now for the trickier intervals

var pi_hey = new PauseableInterval(function(){
    console.log("hello world");
}, 2000);

window.setTimeout("pi_hey.pause()", 5000);

window.setTimeout("pi_hey.resume()", 6000);

This example sets a pauseable Interval (pi_hey) to write "hello world" in the console every two seconds. A timeout pauses pi_hey after five seconds. Another timeout resumes pi_hey after six seconds. So pi_hey will trigger twice, run for one second, pause for one second, run for one second, and then continue triggering every 2 seconds.


  • clearTimeout() and clearInterval()

    pt_hey.clearTimeout(); and pi_hey.clearInterval(); serve as an easy way to clear the timeouts and intervals.

  • getTimeLeft()

    pt_hey.getTimeLeft(); and pi_hey.getTimeLeft(); will return how many milliseconds till the next trigger is scheduled to occur.

How do I create a table based on another table

select * into newtable from oldtable

Is it possible to center text in select box?

I'm afraid this isn't possible with plain CSS, and won't be possible to make completely cross-browser compatible.

However, using a jQuery plugin, you could style the dropdown:

This plugin hides the select element, and creates span elements etc on the fly to display a custom drop down list style. I'm quite confident you'd be able to change the styles on the spans etc to center align the items.

How do I check if a cookie exists?

You can call the function getCookie with the name of the cookie you want, then check to see if it is = null.

function getCookie(name) {
    var dc = document.cookie;
    var prefix = name + "=";
    var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
    if (begin == -1) {
        begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
        if (begin != 0) return null;
        begin += 2;
        var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
        if (end == -1) {
        end = dc.length;
    // because unescape has been deprecated, replaced with decodeURI
    //return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
    return decodeURI(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));

function doSomething() {
    var myCookie = getCookie("MyCookie");

    if (myCookie == null) {
        // do cookie doesn't exist stuff;
    else {
        // do cookie exists stuff

Set NOW() as Default Value for datetime datatype?

Not sure if this is still active but here goes.

Regarding setting the defaults to Now(), I don't see that to be possible for the DATETIME data type. If you want to use that data type, set the date when you perform the insert like this:

INSERT INTO Yourtable (Field1, YourDateField) VALUES('val1', (select now()))

My version of mySQL is 5.5

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582 throw err

For those who are using TypeScript, it's caused by incremental option in the compilerOptions of your settings.

This causes to build tsconfig.tsbuildinfo file which stores all the data for cache. If you remove that file and recompile the project it should work straight away.

How can I set size of a button?

This is how I did it.

            JFrame frame = new JFrame("SAP Multiple Entries");
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(10,10,10,10));
            frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            frame.setSize(512, 512);
            JButton button = new JButton("Select File");
            button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(256, 256));

            button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
                    JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
                    int returnValue = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
                    if (returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();

                        keep = selectedFile.getAbsolutePath();

                       // System.out.println(keep);
                       if(file.flag==true) {
                           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "It is done! \nLocation: " + file.path , "Success Message", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "failure", "not okay", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

How to Detect Browser Window /Tab Close Event?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var validNavigation = false;

function wireUpEvents() {
var dont_confirm_leave = 0; //set dont_confirm_leave to 1 when you want the    user to be able to leave withou confirmation
 var leave_message = 'ServerThemes.Net Recommend BEST WEB HOSTING at new tab  window. Good things will come to you'
 function goodbye(e) {
if (!validNavigation) {"","_blank");
return leave_message;


// Attach the event keypress to exclude the F5 refresh
$(document).bind('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 116){
  validNavigation = true;

// Attach the event click for all links in the page
$("a").bind("click", function() {
validNavigation = true;
  // Attach the event submit for all forms in the page
 $("form").bind("submit", function() {
 validNavigation = true;

 // Attach the event click for all inputs in the page
  $("input[type=submit]").bind("click", function() {
 validNavigation = true;


  // Wire up the events as soon as the DOM tree is ready
   $(document).ready(function() {

I did answer at Can you use JavaScript to detect whether a user has closed a browser tab? closed a browser? or has left a browser?

Python - round up to the nearest ten

This will round down correctly as well:

>>> n = 46
>>> rem = n % 10
>>> if rem < 5:
...     n = int(n / 10) * 10
... else:
...     n = int((n + 10) / 10) * 10
>>> 50

VB.NET Empty String Array

The array you created by Dim s(0) As String IS NOT EMPTY

In VB.Net, the subscript you use in the array is index of the last element. VB.Net by default starts indexing at 0, so you have an array that already has one element.

You should instead try using System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection or (even better) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String). They amount to pretty much the same thing as an array of string, except they're loads better for adding and removing items. And let's be honest: you'll rarely create an empty string array without wanting to add at least one element to it.

If you really want an empty string array, declare it like this:

Dim s As String()


Dim t() As String

How can I read inputs as numbers?

Convert to integers:

my_number = int(input("enter the number"))

Similarly for floating point numbers:

my_decimalnumber = float(input("enter the number"))

Which is the fastest algorithm to find prime numbers?

If it has to be really fast you can include a list of primes:

If you just have to know if a certain number is a prime number, there are various prime tests listed on wikipedia. They are probably the fastest method to determine if large numbers are primes, especially because they can tell you if a number is not a prime.

error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1

I solved this. double click this error leads to behavior.

  1. open .vcxproj file of your project
  2. search for tag
  3. check carefully what's going inside this tag, the path is right? difference between debug and release, and fix it
  4. clean and rebuild

for my case. a miss match of debug and release mod kills my afternoon.

          <Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">copy ..\vc2005\%(Filename)%(Extension) ..\..\cvd\
      <Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">copy ..\vc2005\%(Filename)%(Extension) ..\..\cvd\
      <Outputs Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">..\..\cvd\%(Filename)%(Extension);%(Outputs)</Outputs>
      <Outputs Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">..\..\cvd\%(Filename)%(Extension);%(Outputs)</Outputs>
      <Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">copy ..\vc2005\%(Filename)%(Extension) ..\..\cvd\
      <Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">copy %(Filename)%(Extension) ..\..\cvd\
      <Outputs Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">..\..\cvd\%(Filename)%(Extension);%(Outputs)</Outputs>
      <Outputs Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">..\..\cvd\%(Filename)%(Extension);%(Outputs)</Outputs>

JavaScript checking for null vs. undefined and difference between == and ===

Ad 1. null is not an identifier for a property of the global object, like undefined can be

let x;      // undefined_x000D_
let y=null; // null_x000D_
let z=3;    // has value_x000D_
// 'w'      // is undeclared_x000D_
if(!x) console.log('x is null or undefined');_x000D_
if(!y) console.log('y is null or undefined');_x000D_
if(!z) console.log('z is null or undefined');_x000D_
try { if(w) 0 } catch(e) { console.log('w is undeclared') }_x000D_
// typeof not throw exception for undelared variabels_x000D_
if(typeof w === 'undefined') console.log('w is undefined');

Ad 2. The === check values and types. The == dont require same types and made implicit conversion before comparison (using .valueOf() and .toString()). Here you have all (src):


enter image description here

== (its negation !=)

enter image description here

=== (its negation !==)

enter image description here

Android - Back button in the title bar

use this code

 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

after that write this code in onOptionsItemSelected method

  int id = item.getItemId();

     if ( {

How do I install cURL on Windows?

I had also problems with this. After all these steps made correctly and some fixed misunderstandings (there is no extensions_dir but extension_dir, and there is no sessions.save_path but session.save_path) nothing works.

Finally I found this note at

Note: Note to Win32 Users: In order to enable this module on a Windows environment, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll must be present in your PATH. You don't need libcurl.dll from the cURL site.

So I copied ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll & php_curl.dll From /PHP to Windows/system32 and replaced already existing files (I noticed there were older versions of ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll). After that I found CURL section in php_info(); and finally everything works.

Good luck!

Get Memory Usage in Android

Check the Debug class. i.e. Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize()

It has methods to get the used native heap, which is i.e. used by external bitmaps in your app. For the heap that the app is using internally, you can see that in the DDMS tool that comes with the Android SDK and is also available via Eclipse.

The native heap + the heap as indicated in the DDMS make up the total heap that your app is allocating.

For CPU usage I'm not sure if there's anything available via API/SDK.

Converting Symbols, Accent Letters to English Alphabet

You could try using unidecode, which is available as a ruby gem and as a perl module on cpan. Essentially, it works as a huge lookup table, where each unicode code point relates to an ascii character or string.

How to find path of active app.config file?

I tried one of the previous answers in a web app (actually an Azure web role running locally) and it didn't quite work. However, this similar approach did work:

var map = new ExeConfigurationFileMap { ExeConfigFilename = "MyComponent.dll.config" };
var path = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(map, ConfigurationUserLevel.None).FilePath;

The config file turned out to be in C:\Program Files\IIS Express\MyComponent.dll.config. Interesting place for it.

PostgreSQL: Show tables in PostgreSQL

If you are using pgAdmin4 in PostgreSQL, you can use this to show the tables in your database:

select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public';

Maven won't run my Project : Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

I am a beginner in Maven - don't know much about it. Carefully check on your input i.e. file path in my case. After I have carefully check, my file path is wrong so it leads to this error. After I fixed it, it works magically lol.

What's wrong with nullable columns in composite primary keys?

A primary key defines a unique identifier for every row in a table: when a table has a primary key, you have a guranteed way to select any row from it.

A unique constraint does not necessarily identify every row; it just specifies that if a row has values in its columns, then they must be unique. This is not sufficient to uniquely identify every row, which is what a primary key must do.

How do I reference a local image in React?

First of all wrap the src in {}

Then if using Webpack; Instead of: <img src={"./logo.jpeg"} />

You may need to use require:

<img src={require('./logo.jpeg')} />

Another option would be to first import the image as such:

import logo from './logo.jpeg'; // with import

or ...

const logo = require('./logo.jpeg); // with require

then plug it in...

<img src={logo} />

I'd recommend this option especially if you're reusing the image source.

Android Pop-up message

Use This And Call This In OnCreate Method In Which Activity You Want

public void popupMessage(){
        AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
        alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("No Internet Connection. Check Your Wifi Or enter code hereMobile Data.");
        alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Connection Failed");
        alertDialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){

            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
                Log.d("internet","Ok btn pressed");
        AlertDialog alertDialog = alertDialogBuilder.create();;

row-level trigger vs statement-level trigger

The main difference is not what can be modified by the trigger, that depends on the DBMS. A trigger (row or statement level) may modify one or many rows*, of the same or other tables as well and may have cascading effects (trigger other actions/triggers) but all these depend on the DBMS of course.

The main difference is how many times the trigger is activated. Imagine you have a 1M rows table and you run:

SET columnX = columnX + 1

A statement-level trigger will be activated once (and even if no rows are updated). A row-level trigger will be activated a million times, once for every updated row.

Another difference is the order or activation. For example in Oracle the 4 different types of triggers will be activated in the following order:

Before the triggering statement executes
Before each row that the triggering statement affects
After each row that the triggering statement affects
After the triggering statement executes

In the previous example, we'd have something like:

Before statement-level trigger executes

  Before row-level trigger executes
  One row is updated
  After row-level trigger executes

  Before row-level trigger executes
  Second row is updated
  After row-level trigger executes


  Before row-level trigger executes
  Millionth row is updated
  After row-level trigger executes

After statement-level trigger executes


* Regarding what rows can be modified by a trigger: Different DBMS have different limitations on this, depending on the specific implementation or triggers in the DBMS. For example, Oracle may show a "mutating table" errors for some cases, e.g. when a row-level trigger selects from the whole table (SELECT MAX(col) FROM tablename) or if it modifies other rows or the whole table and not only the row that is related to / triggered from.

It is perfectly valid of course for a row-level trigger (in Oracle or other) to modify the row that its change has triggered it and that is a very common use. Example in

Other DBMS may have different limitations on what any type of trigger can do and even what type of triggers are offered (some do not have BEFORE triggers for example, some do not have statement level triggers at all, etc).

Always pass weak reference of self into block in ARC?

You don't have to always use a weak reference. If your block is not retained, but executed and then discarded, you can capture self strongly, as it will not create a retain cycle. In some cases, you even want the block to hold the self until the completion of the block so it does not deallocate prematurely. If, however, you capture the block strongly, and inside capture self, it will create a retain cycle.

How to get all count of mongoose model?

The highest voted answers here are perfectly fine I just want to add up the use of await so that the functionality asked for can be archived:

const documentCount = await userModel.count({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );

It's recommended to use countDocuments() over 'count()' as it will be deprecated going on. So, for now, the perfect code would be:

const documentCount = await userModel.countDocuments({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );

How do I change JPanel inside a JFrame on the fly?

class Frame1 extends javax.swing.JFrame {

    remove(previouspanel); //or getContentPane().removeAll();

    add(newpanel); //or setContentPane(newpanel);

    invalidate(); validate(); // or ((JComponent) getContentPane()).revalidate();

    repaint(); //DO NOT FORGET REPAINT


Sometimes you can do the work without using the revalidation and sometimes without using the repaint.My advise use both.

Is it possible to run an .exe or .bat file on 'onclick' in HTML

You can not run/execute an .exe file that is in the users local machine or through a site. The user must first download the exe file and then run the executable file.
So there is no possible way

The following code works only when the EXE is Present in the User's Machine.

<a href = "C:\folder_name\program.exe">

Run bash script as daemon

To run it as a full daemon from a shell, you'll need to use setsid and redirect its output. You can redirect the output to a logfile, or to /dev/null to discard it. Assuming your script is called, use the following command:

setsid >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &

This will completely detach the process from your current shell (stdin, stdout and stderr). If you want to keep the output in a logfile, replace the first /dev/null with your /path/to/logfile.

You have to redirect the output, otherwise it will not run as a true daemon (it will depend on your shell to read and write output).

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

var scrolltobottom = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - $(this).outerHeight() - $(this).scrollTop();

Example of waitpid() in use?

Syntax of waitpid():

pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options);

The value of pid can be:

  • < -1: Wait for any child process whose process group ID is equal to the absolute value of pid.
  • -1: Wait for any child process.
  • 0: Wait for any child process whose process group ID is equal to that of the calling process.
  • > 0: Wait for the child whose process ID is equal to the value of pid.

The value of options is an OR of zero or more of the following constants:

  • WNOHANG: Return immediately if no child has exited.
  • WUNTRACED: Also return if a child has stopped. Status for traced children which have stopped is provided even if this option is not specified.
  • WCONTINUED: Also return if a stopped child has been resumed by delivery of SIGCONT.

For more help, use man waitpid.

PHP mPDF save file as PDF

Try this:



D - means Download
F - means File-save only

Meaning of ${project.basedir} in pom.xml

There are a set of available properties to all Maven projects.

From Introduction to the POM:

project.basedir: The directory that the current project resides in.

This means this points to where your Maven projects resides on your system. It corresponds to the location of the pom.xml file. If your POM is located inside /path/to/project/pom.xml then this property will evaluate to /path/to/project.

Some properties are also inherited from the Super POM, which is the case for It is the value inside the <project><build><directory> element of the POM. You can get a description of all those values by looking at the Maven model. For, it is:

The directory where all files generated by the build are placed. The default value is target.

This is the directory that will hold every generated file by the build.

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> * universalAppDelegate = 
    ( NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> * ) [ [ UIApplication sharedApplication ] delegate ];

It avoid having to include your AppDelegate.h everywhere. It's a simple cast that goes a long way, allowing to develop independent Controller and reuse them elsewhere without to worry about class name and so on...


Print all key/value pairs in a Java ConcurrentHashMap

The ConcurrentHashMap is very similar to the HashMap class, except that ConcurrentHashMap offers internally maintained concurrency. It means you do not need to have synchronized blocks when accessing ConcurrentHashMap in multithreaded application.

To get all key-value pairs in ConcurrentHashMap, below code which is similar to your code works perfectly:

//Initialize ConcurrentHashMap instance
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> m = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();

//Print all values stored in ConcurrentHashMap instance
for each (Entry<String, Integer> e : m.entrySet()) {

Above code is reasonably valid in multi-threaded environment in your application. The reason, I am saying 'reasonably valid' is that, above code yet provides thread safety, still it can decrease the performance of application.

Hope this helps you.

How to enable CORS on Firefox?

Very often you have no option to setup the sending server so what I did I changed the call in my javascript to a local get-file.php file where I have the following code in it:

  $file = file($_GET['url']);_x000D_
  echo implode('', $file);_x000D_

javascript is doing this:

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {_x000D_
  if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {_x000D_
    // File content is now in the this.responseText_x000D_
};_x000D_"GET", "get-file.php?url=http://site/file", true);_x000D_

In my case this solved the restriction/situation just perfectly. No need to hack Firefox or servers. Just load your javascript/html file with that small php file into the server and you're done.

chart.js load totally new data

Not is necesary destroy the chart. Try with this

function removeData(chart) {

        let total =;

        while (total >= 0) {


React JS onClick event handler

This is a non-standard (but not so uncommon) React pattern that doesn't use JSX, instead putting everything inline. Also, it's Coffeescript.

The 'React-way' to do this would be with the component's own state:

(c = console.log.bind console)

mock_items: [
        name: 'item_a'
        uid: shortid()
        name: 'item_b'
        uid: shortid()
        name: 'item_c'
        uid: shortid()
getInitialState: ->
    lighted_item: null
render: ->
    div null,
        ul null,
            for item, idx in @mock_items
                uid = item.uid
                    key: uid
                    onClick: do (idx, uid) =>
                        (e) =>
                            # justf to illustrate these are bound in closure by the do lambda,
                            c idx
                            c uid
                                lighted_item: uid
                        cursor: 'pointer'
                        background: do (uid) =>
                            c @state.lighted_item
                            c 'and uid', uid
                            if @state.lighted_item is uid then 'magenta' else 'chartreuse'
                        # background: 'chartreuse'

This example works -- I tested it locally. You can check out this example code exactly at my github. Originally the env was only local for my own whiteboard r&d purposes but I posted it to Github for this. It may get written over at some point but you can check out the commit from Sept 8, 2016 to see this.

More generally, if you want to see how this CS/no-JSX pattern for React works, check out some recent work here. It's possible I will have time to fully implement a POC for this app idea, the stack for which includes NodeJS, Primus, Redis, & React.

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop

Sorry for the late response, I recently had the same problem with PHP and found out that when working with arrays that do not use $key => $value structure, when using the foreach loop you actual copy the value of the position on the loop variable, in this case $image. Try using this code and it will fix your problem.

for ($i=0; $i < count($images[1]); $i++)

    if($images[1][$i] == '' ||

    $images[1][$i] == '' ||

    $images[1][$i] == '')






Select last N rows from MySQL


save resources make one query, there is no need to make nested queries

Url to a google maps page to show a pin given a latitude / longitude?

From my notes:,-122.088715&spn=0.004250,0.011579&t=h&iwloc=A&hl=en

Which parses like this:

    q=latN+lonW+(label)     location of teardrop

    t=k             keyhole (satelite map)
    t=h             hybrid

    ll=lat,-lon     center of map
    spn=w.w,h.h     span of map, degrees

iwloc has something to do with the info window. hl is obviously language.

See also:

Convert dictionary values into array

These days, once you have LINQ available, you can convert the dictionary keys and their values to a single string.

You can use the following code:

// convert the dictionary to an array of strings
string[] strArray = dict.Select(x => ("Key: " + x.Key + ", Value: " + x.Value)).ToArray();

// convert a string array to a single string
string result = String.Join(", ", strArray);

Why can't Python find shared objects that are in directories in sys.path?

Had the exact same issue. I installed curl 7.19 to /opt/curl/ to make sure that I would not affect current curl on our production servers. Once I linked to /usr/lib:

sudo ln -s /opt/curl/lib/ /usr/lib/

I still got the same error! Durf.

But running ldconfig make the linkage for me and that worked. No need to set the LD_RUN_PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all. Just needed to run ldconfig.

Turn off enclosing <p> tags in CKEditor 3.0

Try this in config.js

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
config.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;

Batch: Remove file extension

Using cygwin bash to do the chopping

  :: e.g. FILE=basename.mp4 => FILE_NO_EXT=basename
  set FILE=%1
  for /f "delims=" %%a in ('bash -c "FILE=%FILE%; echo ${FILE/.*/}" ') do set FILE_NO_EXT=%%a

Remove the newline character in a list read from a file

Here are various optimisations and applications of proper Python style to make your code a lot neater. I've put in some optional code using the csv module, which is more desirable than parsing it manually. I've also put in a bit of namedtuple goodness, but I don't use the attributes that then provides. Names of the parts of the namedtuple are inaccurate, you'll need to correct them.

import csv
from collections import namedtuple
from time import localtime, strftime

# Method one, reading the file into lists manually (less desirable)
with open('grades.dat') as files:
    grades = [[e.strip() for e in s.split(',')] for s in files]

# Method two, using csv and namedtuple
StudentRecord = namedtuple('StudentRecord', 'id, lastname, firstname, something, homework1, homework2, homework3, homework4, homework5, homework6, homework7, exam1, exam2, exam3')
grades = map(StudentRecord._make, csv.reader(open('grades.dat')))
# Now you could have, student.lastname, etc.
# Skipping the namedtuple, you could do grades = map(tuple, csv.reader(open('grades.dat')))

request = open('requests.dat', 'w')
cont = 'y'

while cont.lower() == 'y':
    answer = raw_input('Please enter the Student I.D. of whom you are looking: ')
    for student in grades:
        if answer == student[0]:
            print '%s, %s      %s      %s' % (student[1], student[2], student[0], student[3])
            time = strftime('%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime())
            print time
            print 'Exams - %s, %s, %s' % student[11:14]
            print 'Homework - %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % student[4:11]
            total = sum(int(x) for x in student[4:14])
            print 'Total points earned - %d' % total
            grade = total / 5.5
            if grade >= 90:
                letter = 'an A'
            elif grade >= 80:
                letter = 'a B'
            elif grade >= 70:
                letter = 'a C'
            elif grade >= 60:
                letter = 'a D'
                letter = 'an F'

            if letter = 'an A':
                print 'Grade: %s, that is equal to %s.' % (grade, letter)
                print 'Grade: %.2f, that is equal to %s.' % (grade, letter)

            request.write('%s %s, %s %s\n' % (student[0], student[1], student[2], time))

    cont = raw_input('Would you like to search again? ')

print 'Goodbye.'

How to format DateTime to 24 hours time?

Use upper-case HH for 24h format:

String s = curr.ToString("HH:mm");

See DateTime.ToString Method.

Counting lines, words, and characters within a text file using Python

Functions that might be helpful:

  • open("file").read() which reads the contents of the whole file at once
  • 'string'.splitlines() which separates lines from each other (and discards empty lines)

By using len() and those functions you could accomplish what you're doing.

How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

My simple way, but it can help for further variations on this subject. List all methods and alter them to useless.

  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(console).filter(function(property) {
     return typeof console[property] == 'function';
  }).forEach(function (verb) {
     console[verb] =function(){return 'Sorry, for security reasons...';};

Dialog throwing "Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” with getApplication() as context

***** kotlin version *****

You should pass this@YourActivity instead of applicationContext or baseContext

Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13

I uninstalled Java update 25, and the issue was solved.

How can I iterate through a string and also know the index (current position)?

Like this:

    std::string s("Test string");
    std::string::iterator it = s.begin();

    //Use the iterator...

    std::cout << "index is: " << std::distance(s.begin(), it) << std::endl;

Use a URL to link to a Google map with a marker on it

In May 2017 Google launched the official Google Maps URLs documentation. The Google Maps URLs introduces universal cross-platform syntax that you can use in your applications.

Have a look at the following document:

You can use URLs in search, directions, map and street view modes.

For example, to show the marker at specified position you can use the following URL:,-92.54324

For further details please read aforementioned documentation.

You can also file feature requests for this API in Google issue tracker.

Hope this helps!

Compare cell contents against string in Excel

If a case-insensitive comparison is acceptable, just use =:


Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

regarding Kevin answer to write in a folder tmp, it should be like this:

with open('./tmp/metadata.pdf', 'wb') as f:

he forgot . before the address and of-course your folder tmp should have been created already

Can't escape the backslash with regex?

From :

Note that the only special characters or metacharacters inside a character class are the closing bracket (]), the backslash (\\), the caret (^) and the hyphen (-). The usual metacharacters are normal characters inside a character class, and do not need to be escaped by a backslash. To search for a star or plus, use [+*]. Your regex will work fine if you escape the regular metacharacters inside a character class, but doing so significantly reduces readability.

To include a backslash as a character without any special meaning inside a character class, you have to escape it with another backslash. [\\x] matches a backslash or an x. The closing bracket (]), the caret (^) and the hyphen (-) can be included by escaping them with a backslash, or by placing them in a position where they do not take on their special meaning. I recommend the latter method, since it improves readability. To include a caret, place it anywhere except right after the opening bracket. [x^] matches an x or a caret. You can put the closing bracket right after the opening bracket, or the negating caret. []x] matches a closing bracket or an x. [^]x] matches any character that is not a closing bracket or an x. The hyphen can be included right after the opening bracket, or right before the closing bracket, or right after the negating caret. Both [-x] and [x-] match an x or a hyphen.

What language are you writing the regex in?

CRON job to run on the last day of the month

Adapting paxdiablo's solution, I run on the 28th and 29th of February. The data from the 29th overwrites the 28th.

# min  hr  date     month          dow
  55   23  31     1,3,5,7,8,10,12   * /path/
  55   23  30     4,6,9,11          * /path/
  55   23  28,29  2                 * /path/

Replace only text inside a div using jquery

Find the text nodes (nodeType==3) and replace the textContent:

$('#one').contents().filter(function() {
    return this.nodeType == 3
    this.textContent = this.textContent.replace('Hi I am text','Hi I am replace');

Note that as per the docs you can replace the hard-coded 3 in the above with Node.TEXT_NODE which is much clearer what you're doing.

$('#one').contents().filter(function() {
    return this.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE;
    this.textContent = this.textContent.replace('Hi I am text','Hi I am replace');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="one">
       <div class="first"></div>
       "Hi I am text"
       <div class="second"></div>
       <div class="third"></div>