Programs & Examples On #Symfony1

The first version of symfony, a full stack MVC framework for PHP 5.

is python capable of running on multiple cores?

CPython (the classic and prevalent implementation of Python) can't have more than one thread executing Python bytecode at the same time. This means compute-bound programs will only use one core. I/O operations and computing happening inside C extensions (such as numpy) can operate simultaneously.

Other implementation of Python (such as Jython or PyPy) may behave differently, I'm less clear on their details.

The usual recommendation is to use many processes rather than many threads.

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

Just add this to your global CSS style:

a { cursor: pointer; }

This way you're not dependent on the browser default cursor style anymore.

How do I deal with installing peer dependencies in Angular CLI?

NPM package libraries have a section in the package.json file named peerDependencies. For example; a library built in Angular 8, will usually list Angular 8 as a dependency. This is a true dependency for anyone running less than version 8. But for anyone running version 8, 9 or 10, it's questionable whether any concern should be pursued.

I have been safely ignoring these messages on Angular Updates, but then again we do have Unit and Cypress Tests!

mysql query result into php array

What about this:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
    $new_array[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
    $new_array[$row['id']]['link'] = $row['link'];

To retrieve link and id:

foreach($new_array as $array)
   echo $array['id'].'<br />';
   echo $array['link'].'<br />';

why should I make a copy of a data frame in pandas

In general it is safer to work on copies than on original data frames, except when you know that you won't be needing the original anymore and want to proceed with the manipulated version. Normally, you would still have some use for the original data frame to compare with the manipulated version, etc. Therefore, most people work on copies and merge at the end.

Html.ActionLink as a button or an image, not a link

You can't do this with Html.ActionLink. You should use Url.RouteUrl and use the URL to construct the element you want.

"UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment" after an if statement

The other answers are correct: You don't have a default value. However, you have another problem in your logic:

You read the same file twice. After reading it once, the cursor is at the end of the file. To solve this, you can do two things: Either open/close the file upon each function call:

def temp_sky(lreq, breq):
    with open("/home/path/to/file",'r') as tfile:
        # do your stuff

This hase the disadvantage of having to open the file each time. The better way would be:

You do this after your for line in tfile: loop. It resets the cursor to the beginning to the next call will start from there again.

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger in web.xml

I had in the correct place in the classpath and still got this warning with anything that used it directly. Code using log4j through commons-logging seemed to be fine for some reason.

If you have:


Change it to:

log4j.rootLogger=WARN, console
log4j.appender.console.layout.conversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n

According to

The root logger is anonymous but can be accessed with the Logger.getRootLogger() method. There is no default appender attached to root.

What this means is that you need to specify some appender, any appender, to the root logger to get logging to happen.

Adding that console appender to the rootLogger gets this complaint to disappear.

My eclipse won't open, i download the bundle pack it keeps saying error log

Make sure you have the prerequisite, a JVM ( installed.

This will be a JRE and JDK package.

There are a number of sources which includes:

How to clear or stop timeInterval in angularjs?

var promise = $interval(function(){
    if($location.path() == '/landing'){

jQuery UI Accordion Expand/Collapse All

I found AlecRust's solution quite helpful, but I add something to resolve one problem: When you click on a single accordion to expand it and then you click on the button to expand, they will all be opened. But, if you click again on the button to collapse, the single accordion expand before won't be collapse.

I've used imageButton, but you can also apply that logic to buttons.

/*** Expand all ***/
$(".expandAll").click(function (event) {
    $('.accordion .ui-accordion-header:not(.ui-state-active)').next().slideDown();

    return false;

/*** Collapse all ***/
$(".collapseAll").click(function (event) {
        collapsible: true,
        active: false

    $('.accordion .ui-accordion-header').next().slideUp();

    return false;

Also, if you have accordions inside an accordion and you want to expand all only on that second level, you can add a query:

/*** Expand all Second Level ***/
$(".expandAll").click(function (event) {
    $('.accordion .ui-accordion-header:not(.ui-state-active)').nextAll(':has(.accordion .ui-accordion-header)').slideDown();

    return false;

How to convert Seconds to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL

You can try this

set @duration= 112000
   "Time" = cast (@duration/3600 as varchar(3)) +'H'
         + Case 
       when ((@duration%3600 )/60)<10 then
                 '0'+ cast ((@duration%3600 )/60)as varchar(3))
               cast ((@duration/60) as varchar(3))

Use custom build output folder when using create-react-app

I had the scenario like want to rename the folder and change the build output location, and used below code in the package.json with the latest version

"build": "react-scripts build && mv build ../my_bundles"

Specifing width of a flexbox flex item: width or basis?

The bottom statement is equivalent to:

.half {
   flex-grow: 0;
   flex-shrink: 0;
   flex-basis: 50%;

Which, in this case, would be equivalent as the box is not allowed to flex and therefore retains the initial width set by flex-basis.

Flex-basis defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is distributed so if the element were allowed to flex (grow/shrink) it may not be 50% of the width of the page.

I've found that I regularly return to for help regarding flexbox :)

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?


  • is a small amount of data saved in the browser (client-side)

  • can be set from PHP with setcookie and then will be sent to the client's browser (HTTP response header Set-cookie)

  • can be set directly client-side in Javascript: document.cookie = 'foo=bar';

  • if no expiration date is set, by default, it will expire when the browser is closed.
    Example: go on, open the Console, do document.cookie = 'foo=bar';. Close the tab, reopen the same website, open the Console, do document.cookie: you will see foo=bar is still there. Now close the browser and reopen it, re-visit the same website, open the Console ; you will see document.cookie is empty.

  • you can also set a precise expiration date other than "deleted when browser is closed".

  • the cookies that are stored in the browser are sent to the server in the headers of every request of the same website (see Cookie). You can see this for example with Chrome by opening Developer tools > Network, click on the request, see Headers:

    enter image description here

  • can be read client-side with document.cookie

  • can be read server-side with $_COOKIE['foo']

  • Bonus: it can also be set/get with another language than PHP. Example in Python with "bottle" micro-framework (see also here):

    from bottle import get, run, request, response
    def index():
        if request.get_cookie("visited"):
            return "Welcome back! Nice to see you again"
            response.set_cookie("visited", "yes")
            return "Hello there! Nice to meet you"
    run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)


  • is some data relative to a browser session saved server-side

  • each server-side language may implement it in a different way

  • in PHP, when session_start(); is called:

    • a random ID is generated by the server, e.g. jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6
    • a file is saved on the server, containing the data: e.g. /var/lib/php5/sess_jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6
    • the session ID is sent to the client in the HTTP response headers, using the traditional cookie mechanism detailed above: Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6; path=/:

      enter image description here

      (it can also be be sent via the URL instead of cookie but not the default behaviour)

    • you can see the session ID on client-side with document.cookie:

      enter image description here

  • the PHPSESSID cookie is set with no expiration date, thus it will expire when the browser is closed. Thus "sessions" are not valid anymore when the browser is closed / reopened.

  • can be set/read in PHP with $_SESSION

  • the client-side does not see the session data but only the ID: do this in index.php:


    The only thing that is seen on client-side is (as mentioned above) the session ID:

    enter image description here

  • because of this, session is useful to store data that you don't want to be seen or modified by the client

  • you can totally avoid using sessions if you want to use your own database + IDs and send an ID/token to the client with a traditional Cookie

How can I display just a portion of an image in HTML/CSS?

adjust the background-position to move background images in different positions of the div

div { 
       background-image: url('image url')
       background-position: 0 -250px; 

Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling

One thing I see here to optimize.

While I do agree that the balls hit when the distance is the sum of their radii one should never actually calculate this distance! Rather, calculate it's square and work with it that way. There's no reason for that expensive square root operation.

Also, once you have found a collision you have to continue to evaluate collisions until no more remain. The problem is that the first one might cause others that have to be resolved before you get an accurate picture. Consider what happens if the ball hits a ball at the edge? The second ball hits the edge and immediately rebounds into the first ball. If you bang into a pile of balls in the corner you could have quite a few collisions that have to be resolved before you can iterate the next cycle.

As for the O(n^2), all you can do is minimize the cost of rejecting ones that miss:

1) A ball that is not moving can't hit anything. If there are a reasonable number of balls lying around on the floor this could save a lot of tests. (Note that you must still check if something hit the stationary ball.)

2) Something that might be worth doing: Divide the screen into a number of zones but the lines should be fuzzy--balls at the edge of a zone are listed as being in all the relevant (could be 4) zones. I would use a 4x4 grid, store the zones as bits. If an AND of the zones of two balls zones returns zero, end of test.

3) As I mentioned, don't do the square root.

Free Online Team Foundation Server

Upto five team members it is free. Try it :)

Style disabled button with CSS

  //  apply css here what u like it will definitely work...

What is the C# equivalent of friend?

There's no direct equivalent of "friend" - the closest that's available (and it isn't very close) is InternalsVisibleTo. I've only ever used this attribute for testing - where it's very handy!

Example: To be placed in AssemblyInfo.cs

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("OtherAssembly")]

Open Excel file for reading with VBA without display

Open them from a new instance of Excel.

Sub Test()

    Dim xl As Excel.Application
    Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    Dim w As Workbook
    Set w = xl.Workbooks.Add()

    MsgBox "Not visible yet..."
    xl.Visible = True

    w.Close False
    Set xl = Nothing

End Sub

You need to remember to clean up after you're done.

jQuery Ajax Request inside Ajax Request

Call second ajax from 'complete'

Here is the example

   var dt='';
    type: "post",
    url: "ajax/example.php",
    data: 'page='+btn_page,
    success: function(data){
        /*Do something*/
           var a=dt; // This line shows error.
           type: "post",
           url: "example.php",
           data: 'page='+a,
           success: function(data){
              /*do some thing in second function*/

select data up to a space?

If the first column is always the same size (including the spaces), then you can just take those characters (via LEFT) and clean up the spaces (with RTRIM):

SELECT RTRIM(LEFT(YourColumn, YourColumnSize))

Alternatively, you can extract the second (or third, etc.) column (using SUBSTRING):

SELECT RTRIM(SUBSTRING(YourColumn, PreviousColumnSizes, YourColumnSize))

One benefit of this approach (especially if YourColumn is the result of a computation) is that YourColumn is only specified once.

How do I create 7-Zip archives with .NET?

Some additional test-info on @Orwellophile code using a 17.9MB textfile.
Using the property values in the code-example "as is" will have a HUGE negative impact on performance, it takes 14.16 sec.

Setting the properties to the following do the same job at 3.91 sec (i.a. the archive will have the same container info which is: you can extract and test the archive with 7zip but there are no filename information)

Native 7zip 2 sec.

CoderPropID[] propIDs =  {
object[] properties = {

I did another test using native 7zip and a 1,2GB SQL backup file (.bak)
7zip (maximum compression): 1 minute
LZMA SDK (@Orwellophile with above property-setting): 12:26 min :-(
Outputfile roughly same size.

So I guess I'll myself will use a solution based on the c/c++ engine, i.a. either call the 7zip executable from c# or use squid-box/SevenZipSharp, which is a wrapper around the 7zip c/c++ dll file, and seems to be the newest fork of SevenZipSharp. Haven't tested the wrapper, but I hope is perform just as the native 7zip. But hopefully it will give the possibility to compress stream also which you obvious cannot if you call the exe directly. Otherwise I guess there isn't mush advantage over calling the exe. The wrapper have some additional dependencies so it will not make your published project "cleaner".

By the way it seems the .Net Core team consider implementing LZMA in the class in .Core ver. 5, that would be great!

(I know this is kind of a comment and not an answer but to be able to provide the code snippet it couldn't be a comment)

How to find the path of the local git repository when I am possibly in a subdirectory

git rev-parse --show-toplevel

could be enough if executed within a git repo.
From git rev-parse man page:


Show the absolute path of the top-level directory.

For older versions (before 1.7.x), the other options are listed in "Is there a way to get the git root directory in one command?":

git rev-parse --git-dir

That would give the path of the .git directory.

The OP mentions:

git rev-parse --show-prefix

which returns the local path under the git repo root. (empty if you are at the git repo root)

Note: for simply checking if one is in a git repo, I find the following command quite expressive:

git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree

And yes, if you need to check if you are in a .git git-dir folder:

git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir

change cursor to finger pointer

div{cursor: pointer; color:blue}_x000D_
p{cursor: text; color:red;}
<div> im Pointer  cursor </div> _x000D_
<p> im Txst cursor </p> 

Why does Node.js' fs.readFile() return a buffer instead of string?

The data variable contains a Buffer object. Convert it into ASCII encoding using the following syntax:

data.toString('ascii', 0, data.length)


fs.readFile('test.txt', 'utf8', function (error, data) {
    if (error) throw error;

add scroll bar to table body

If you don't want to wrap a table under any div:

  table-layout: fixed;
      display: block;
    overflow: auto;

Codesign error: Provisioning profile cannot be found after deleting expired profile

I was having issues because I updated my AdHoc provisioning profile with some new devices for use on TestFlight. Assumedly this is happening because Xcode has an old reference to your provisioning profile in either the codesigning build settings for the project or the targets. The way I fixed mine was to:

  1. Go to both target build settings and project build settings, Under code signing change all the provisioning profiles to something else.
  2. Go to devices/provisioning profiles in the Organizer delete the offending profiles, then click the refresh button in the bottom right.
  3. Go back to to the target and project build settings and set your provisioning profiles to the appropriate (hopefully) newly refreshed provisioning profiles.

How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

It may be a little late but you may use my library KResourceLoader to get a resource from your jar:

File resource = getResource("file.txt")

Apache error: _default_ virtualhost overlap on port 443

It is highly unlikely that adding NameVirtualHost *:443 is the right solution, because there are a limited number of situations in which it is possible to support name-based virtual hosts over SSL. Read this and this for some details (there may be better docs out there; these were just ones I found that discuss the issue in detail).

If you're running a relatively stock Apache configuration, you probably have this somewhere:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>

Your best bet is to either:

  • Place your additional SSL configuration into this existing VirtualHost container, or
  • Comment out this entire VirtualHost block and create a new one. Don't forget to include all the relevant SSL options.

Setting default permissions for newly created files and sub-directories under a directory in Linux?

Here's how to do it using default ACLs, at least under Linux.

First, you might need to enable ACL support on your filesystem. If you are using ext4 then it is already enabled. Other filesystems (e.g., ext3) need to be mounted with the acl option. In that case, add the option to your /etc/fstab. For example, if the directory is located on your root filesystem:

/dev/mapper/qz-root   /    ext3    errors=remount-ro,acl   0  1

Then remount it:

mount -oremount /

Now, use the following command to set the default ACL:

setfacl -dm u::rwx,g::rwx,o::r /shared/directory

All new files in /shared/directory should now get the desired permissions. Of course, it also depends on the application creating the file. For example, most files won't be executable by anyone from the start (depending on the mode argument to the open(2) or creat(2) call), just like when using umask. Some utilities like cp, tar, and rsync will try to preserve the permissions of the source file(s) which will mask out your default ACL if the source file was not group-writable.

Hope this helps!

Eclipse C++ : "Program "g++" not found in PATH"


If there is anyone new reading this, make sure to simply try a clean install of mingw before any of this. It will save you sooooo much time if that is your problem.

I opened up wingw installer, selected every program for removal, apply changes (under installation tab, upper left corner), closed out, went back in and installed every file (in "Basic Setup" section) availible. after that eclipse worked fine using "MinGW GCC" toolchain when starting a new C++ project.

I hope this works for someone else. If not, I would do a reinstall of JDK (Java Developer's Kit) and ECLIPSE as well. I have a 64bit system but I could only get the 32bit versions of Eclipse and JDK to work together.

"The given path's format is not supported."

If the value is a file url like file://C:/whatever, use the Uri class to translate to a regular filename:

var localPath = (new Uri(urlStylePath)).AbsolutePath

In general, using the provided API is best practice.

How to add custom method to Spring Data JPA

Im using the following code in order to access generated find methods from my custom implementation. Getting the implementation through the bean factory prevents circular bean creation problems.

public class MyRepositoryImpl implements MyRepositoryExtensions, BeanFactoryAware {

    private BrandRepository myRepository;

    public MyBean findOne(int first, int second) {
        return myRepository.findOne(new Id(first, second));

    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
        myRepository = beanFactory.getBean(MyRepository.class);

mongodb service is not starting up

Removing the .lock file and reinstalling did not solve the issue on my machine (Ubuntu 19.10). The problem was that after unexpected shutdown, the MongoDB sock does not belong to the MongoDB group and user anymore.

So, I follow the steps below:

  1. cd /tmp
  2. ls *.sock
  3. Change the user:group permission:

    chown mongodb:mongodb <YOUR_SOCK>
  4. sudo systemctl start mongod

  5. sudo systemctl status mongod

DLL and LIB files - what and why?

One important reason for creating a DLL/LIB rather than just compiling the code into an executable is reuse and relocation. The average Java or .NET application (for example) will most likely use several 3rd party (or framework) libraries. It is much easier and faster to just compile against a pre-built library, rather than having to compile all of the 3rd party code into your application. Compiling your code into libraries also encourages good design practices, e.g. designing your classes to be used in different types of applications.

Set style for TextView programmatically

I met the problem too, and I found the way to set style programatically. Maybe you all need it, So I update there.

The third param of View constructor accepts a type of attr in your theme as the source code below:

public TextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    this(context, attrs,;

So you must pass a type of R.attr.** rather than**

In my codes, I did following steps:

First, customize a customized attr to be used by themes in attr.xml.

<attr name="radio_button_style" format="reference" />

Second, specific your style in your used theme in style.xml.

 <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Translucent">
    <!-- All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. -->
    <item name="radio_button_style">@style/radioButtonStyle</item>
<style name="radioButtonStyle" parent="@android:style/Widget.CompoundButton.RadioButton">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">64dp</item>
    <item name="android:background">#000</item>
    <item name="android:button">@null</item>
    <item name="android:gravity">center</item>
    <item name="android:saveEnabled">false</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">@drawable/option_text_color</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">9sp</item>

At the end, use it!

            RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(mContext, null, R.attr.radio_button_style);

the view created programatically will use the specified style in your theme.

You can have a try, and hope it can work for you perfectly.

Java math function to convert positive int to negative and negative to positive?

You can use the minus operator or Math.abs. These work for all negative integers EXCEPT for Integer.MIN_VALUE! If you do 0 - MIN_VALUE the answer is still MIN_VALUE.

How to use orderby with 2 fields in linq?

Use ThenByDescending:

var hold = MyList.OrderBy(x => x.StartDate)
                 .ThenByDescending(x => x.EndDate)

You can also use query syntax and say:

var hold = (from x in MyList
           orderby x.StartDate, x.EndDate descending
           select x).ToList();

ThenByDescending is an extension method on IOrderedEnumerable which is what is returned by OrderBy. See also the related method ThenBy.

How to get index using LINQ?

Here is a little extension I just put together.

public static class PositionsExtension
    public static Int32 Position<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
                                          Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
        return Positions<TSource>(source, predicate).FirstOrDefault();
    public static IEnumerable<Int32> Positions<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
                                                        Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
        if (typeof(TSource) is IDictionary)
            throw new Exception("Dictionaries aren't supported");

        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("source is null");
        if (predicate == null)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("predicate is null");
        var found = source.Where(predicate).First();
        var query = source.Select((item, index) => new
                Found = ReferenceEquals(item, found),
                Index = index

            }).Where( it => it.Found).Select( it => it.Index);
        return query;

Then you can call it like this.

IEnumerable<Int32> indicesWhereConditionIsMet = 
      ListItems.Positions(item => item == this);

Int32 firstWelcomeMessage ListItems.Position(msg =>               

Create a file if it doesn't exist

Be warned, each time the file is opened with this method the old data in the file is destroyed regardless of 'w+' or just 'w'.

import os

with open("file.txt", 'w+') as f:
    f.write("file is opened for business")

How To Show And Hide Input Fields Based On Radio Button Selection

You can do with Very Simple Step

$(':radio[id=radio1]').change(function() {

$(':radio[id=radio2]').change(function() {


What does "#include <iostream>" do?

# indicates that the following line is a preprocessor directive and should be processed by the preprocessor before compilation by the compiler.

So, #include is a preprocessor directive that tells the preprocessor to include header files in the program.

< > indicate the start and end of the file name to be included.

iostream is a header file that contains functions for input/output operations (cin and cout).

Now to sum it up C++ to English translation of the command, #include <iostream> is:

Dear preprocessor, please include all the contents of the header file iostream at the very beginning of this program before compiler starts the actual compilation of the code.

Get properties and values from unknown object

I haven't found this to work on, say Application objects. I have however had success with

var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

string rval = serializer.Serialize(myAppObj);

While loop to test if a file exists in bash

do it like this

while true
  [ -f /tmp/list.txt ] && break
  sleep 2
ls -l /tmp/list.txt

AngularJS view not updating on model change

Just use $interval

Here is your code modified.

var app = angular.module('test', []);

app.controller('TestCtrl', function ($scope, $interval) {
   $scope.testValue = 0;

    $interval(function() {
    }, 500);

Can vue-router open a link in a new tab?

I think the best way is to simply use:"yourURL", '_blank');

* flies away *

Maven: How do I activate a profile from command line?

Just remove activation section, I don't know why -Pdev1 doesn't override default false activation. But if you omit this:

<activation> <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault> </activation>

then your profile will be activated only after explicit declaration as -Pdev1

Compilation error - missing zlib.h

I also had the same problem. Then I installed the zlib, still the problem remained the same. Then I added the following lines in my .bashrc and it worked. You should replace the path with your zlib installation path. (I didn't have root privileges).

export PATH =$PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/include/
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/include/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/pkgconfig

How do I get the path of the Python script I am running in?

If you have even the relative pathname (in this case it appears to be ./) you can open files relative to your script file(s). I use Perl, but the same general solution can apply: I split the directory into an array of folders, then pop off the last element (the script), then push (or for you, append) on whatever I want, and then join them together again, and BAM! I have a working pathname that points to exactly where I expect it to point, relative or absolute.

Of course, there are better solutions, as posted. I just kind of like mine.

How do I pass a unique_ptr argument to a constructor or a function?

Base(Base::UPtr n):next(std::move(n)) {}

should be much better as

Base(Base::UPtr&& n):next(std::forward<Base::UPtr>(n)) {}


void setNext(Base::UPtr n)

should be

void setNext(Base::UPtr&& n)

with same body.

And ... what is evt in handle() ??

What is the difference between “int” and “uint” / “long” and “ulong”?

uint and ulong are the unsigned versions of int and long. That means they can't be negative. Instead they have a larger maximum value.

Type    Min                           Max                           CLS-compliant
int     -2,147,483,648                2,147,483,647                 Yes
uint    0                             4,294,967,295                 No
long    –9,223,372,036,854,775,808    9,223,372,036,854,775,807     Yes
ulong   0                             18,446,744,073,709,551,615    No

To write a literal unsigned int in your source code you can use the suffix u or U for example 123U.

You should not use uint and ulong in your public interface if you wish to be CLS-Compliant.

Read the documentation for more information:

By the way, there is also short and ushort and byte and sbyte.

Wait until all promises complete even if some rejected

This should be consistent with how Q does it:

if(!Promise.allSettled) {
    Promise.allSettled = function (promises) {
        return Promise.all( => Promise.resolve(p).then(v => ({
            state: 'fulfilled',
            value: v,
        }), r => ({
            state: 'rejected',
            reason: r,

What is the argument for printf that formats a long?

On most platforms, long and int are the same size (32 bits). Still, it does have its own format specifier:

long n;
unsigned long un;
printf("%ld", n); // signed
printf("%lu", un); // unsigned

For 64 bits, you'd want a long long:

long long n;
unsigned long long un;
printf("%lld", n); // signed
printf("%llu", un); // unsigned

Oh, and of course, it's different in Windows:

printf("%l64d", n); // signed
printf("%l64u", un); // unsigned

Frequently, when I'm printing 64-bit values, I find it helpful to print them in hex (usually with numbers that big, they are pointers or bit fields).

unsigned long long n;
printf("0x%016llX", n); // "0x" followed by "0-padded", "16 char wide", "long long", "HEX with 0-9A-F"

will print:


Btw, "long" doesn't mean that much anymore (on mainstream x64). "int" is the platform default int size, typically 32 bits. "long" is usually the same size. However, they have different portability semantics on older platforms (and modern embedded platforms!). "long long" is a 64-bit number and usually what people meant to use unless they really really knew what they were doing editing a piece of x-platform portable code. Even then, they probably would have used a macro instead to capture the semantic meaning of the type (eg uint64_t).

char c;       // 8 bits
short s;      // 16 bits
int i;        // 32 bits (on modern platforms)
long l;       // 32 bits
long long ll; // 64 bits 

Back in the day, "int" was 16 bits. You'd think it would now be 64 bits, but no, that would have caused insane portability issues. Of course, even this is a simplification of the arcane and history-rich truth. See wiki:Integer

Posting parameters to a url using the POST method without using a form

cURL is an option, using Ajax as well eventhough solving back-end problems with the front-end isn't so neat.

A very useful post about doing it without cURL is this one:

The code to do this (untested, unimproved, from the blog post):

function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null)
   $params = array('http' => array(
                'method' => 'POST',
                'content' => $data
   if ($optional_headers !== null) {
      $params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers;
   $ctx = stream_context_create($params);
   $fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx);
   if (!$fp) {
      throw new Exception("Problem with $url, $php_errormsg");
   $response = @stream_get_contents($fp);
   if ($response === false) {
      throw new Exception("Problem reading data from $url, $php_errormsg");
   return $response;

Regular expression field validation in jQuery

Unless you're looking for something specific, you can already do Regular Expression matching using regular Javascript with strings.

For example, you can do matching using a string by something like this...

var phrase = "This is a phrase";
phrase = phrase.replace(/is/i, "is not");

Is there something you're looking for other than just Regular Expression matching in general?

How do I make a text go onto the next line if it overflows?

In order to use word-wrap: break-word, you need to set a width (in px). For example:

div {
    width: 250px;
    word-wrap: break-word;

word-wrap is a CSS3 property, but it should work in all browsers, including IE 5.5-9.

How to Generate Barcode using PHP and Display it as an Image on the same page

There is a library for this BarCode PHP. You just need to include a few files:


You can generate many types of barcodes, namely 1D or 2D. Add the required library:


Generate the colours:

// The arguments are R, G, and B for color.
$colorFront = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$colorBack = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

After you have added all the codes, you will get this way:


Since several have asked for an example here is what I was able to do to get it done



header('Content-Type: image/png');

$color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

$code = new BCGcode128();

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


If you want to actually create the image file so you can save it then change

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


$drawing = new BCGDrawing('image.png', $color_white);

Java Regex Capturing Groups

Your understanding is correct. However, if we walk through:

  • (.*) will swallow the whole string;
  • it will need to give back characters so that (\\d+) is satistifed (which is why 0 is captured, and not 3000);
  • the last (.*) will then capture the rest.

I am not sure what the original intent of the author was, however.

json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array in PHP

tl;dr: JavaScript doesn't support associative arrays, therefore neither does JSON.

After all, it's JSON, not JSAAN. :)

So PHP has to convert your array into an object in order to encode into JSON.

How to specify font attributes for all elements on an html web page?

I can't stress this advice enough: use a reset stylesheet, then set everything explicitly. It'll cut your cross-browser CSS development time in half.

Try Eric Meyer's reset.css.

Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

As of October 3, 2012, a new "Elastic Beanstalk for Java with Apache Tomcat 7" Linux x64 AMI deployed with the Sample Application has the install here:


The /etc/tomcat7/tomcat7.conf file has the following settings:

# Where your java installation lives

# Where your tomcat installation lives

Location of sqlite database on the device

Do not hardcode path like //data/data/<Your-Application-Package-Name>/databases/<your-database-name>. Well it does work in most cases, but this one is not working in devices where device can support multiple users. The path can be like //data/user/10/<Your-Application-Package-Name>/databases/<your-database-name>. Possible solution to this is using context.getDatabasePath(<your-database-name>).

A generic list of anonymous class

Here is the answer.

string result = String.Empty;

var list = new[]
    new { Number = 10, Name = "Smith" },
    new { Number = 10, Name = "John" } 

foreach (var item in list)
    result += String.Format("Name={0}, Number={1}\n", item.Name, item.Number);


How to remove frame from matplotlib (pyplot.figure vs matplotlib.figure ) (frameon=False Problematic in matplotlib)

should do the trick.

how to emulate "insert ignore" and "on duplicate key update" (sql merge) with postgresql?

Try to do an UPDATE. If it doesn't modify any row that means it didn't exist, so do an insert. Obviously, you do this inside a transaction.

You can of course wrap this in a function if you don't want to put the extra code on the client side. You also need a loop for the very rare race condition in that thinking.

There's an example of this in the documentation:, example 40-2 right at the bottom.

That's usually the easiest way. You can do some magic with rules, but it's likely going to be a lot messier. I'd recommend the wrap-in-function approach over that any day.

This works for single row, or few row, values. If you're dealing with large amounts of rows for example from a subquery, you're best of splitting it into two queries, one for INSERT and one for UPDATE (as an appropriate join/subselect of course - no need to write your main filter twice)

Hide text within HTML?

you can use css property to hide style="display:none;"

<div style="display:none;">CREDITS_HERE</div>

How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

You can also use this code to get LayoutInflater:

LayoutInflater li = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)

Efficient Algorithm for Bit Reversal (from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C

Efficient can mean throughput or latency.

For throughout, see the answer by Anders Cedronius, it’s a good one.

For lower latency, I would recommend this code:

uint32_t reverseBits( uint32_t x )
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
    __asm__( "rbit %0, %1" : "=r" ( x ) : "r" ( x ) );
    return x;
    // Flip pairwise
    x = ( ( x & 0x55555555 ) << 1 ) | ( ( x & 0xAAAAAAAA ) >> 1 );
    // Flip pairs
    x = ( ( x & 0x33333333 ) << 2 ) | ( ( x & 0xCCCCCCCC ) >> 2 );
    // Flip nibbles
    x = ( ( x & 0x0F0F0F0F ) << 4 ) | ( ( x & 0xF0F0F0F0 ) >> 4 );

    // Flip bytes. CPUs have an instruction for that, pretty fast one.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    return _byteswap_ulong( x );
#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    return (uint32_t)_bswap( (int)x );
    // Assuming gcc or clang
    return __builtin_bswap32( x );

Compilers output:

Error:attempt to apply non-function

You're missing *s in the last two terms of your expression, so R is interpreting (e.g.) 0.207 (log(DIAM93))^2 as an attempt to call a function named 0.207 ...

For example:

> 1 + 2*(3)
[1] 7
> 1 + 2 (3)

Error: attempt to apply non-function

Your (unreproducible) expression should read:

censusdata_20$AGB93 = WD * exp(-1.239 + 1.980 * log (DIAM93) + 
                              0.207* (log(DIAM93))^2  -

Mathematica is the only computer system I know of that allows juxtaposition to be used for multiplication ...

How can I select records ONLY from yesterday?

to_char(tran_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = to_char(sysdate-1, 'yyyy-mm-dd')

stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion

What you're doing is creating a temporary. That temporary exists in a scope determined by the compiler, such that it's long enough to satisfy the requirements of where it's going.

As soon as the statement const char* cstr2 = ss.str().c_str(); is complete, the compiler sees no reason to keep the temporary string around, and it's destroyed, and thus your const char * is pointing to free'd memory.

Your statement string str(ss.str()); means that the temporary is used in the constructor for the string variable str that you've put on the local stack, and that stays around as long as you'd expect: until the end of the block, or function you've written. Therefore the const char * within is still good memory when you try the cout.

What does "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" mean?

what does this error mean? Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

exactly what it says, you are trying to use a null object as if it was a properly referenced object.

Efficiency of Java "Double Brace Initialization"?

Double-brace initialization is an unnecessary hack that can introduce memory leaks and other issues

There's no legitimate reason to use this "trick". Guava provides nice immutable collections that include both static factories and builders, allowing you to populate your collection where it's declared in a clean, readable, and safe syntax.

The example in the question becomes:

Set<String> flavors = ImmutableSet.of(
    "vanilla", "strawberry", "chocolate", "butter pecan");

Not only is this shorter and easier to read, but it avoids the numerous issues with the double-braced pattern described in other answers. Sure, it performs similarly to a directly-constructed HashMap, but it's dangerous and error-prone, and there are better options.

Any time you find yourself considering double-braced initialization you should re-examine your APIs or introduce new ones to properly address the issue, rather than take advantage of syntactic tricks.

Error-Prone now flags this anti-pattern.

Why doesn't margin:auto center an image?

I have found... margin: 0 auto; works for me. But I have also seen it NOT work due to the class being trumped by another specificity that had ... float:left; so watch for that you may need to add ... float:none; this worked in my case as I was coding a media query.

How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP?

Instead of strtotime you should use DateTime with PHP. You can also regard the timezone this way:

$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mysqltime, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$unix_timestamp = $dt->getTimestamp();

$mysqltime is of type MySQL Datetime, e. g. 2018-02-26 07:53:00.

How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

default.aspx code

<asp:FileUpload runat="server" id="fileUpload1" Multiple="Multiple">
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Upload Files" id="uploadBtn"/>


Protected Sub uploadBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles uploadBtn.Click
    Dim ImageFiles As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
    For i As Integer = 0 To ImageFiles.Count - 1
    Dim file As HttpPostedFile = ImageFiles(i)
        file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Uploads/") & file.FileName) 
End Sub

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

To disable Screen Capture:

Add following line of code in onCreate() method:


To enable Screen Capture:

Find for LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE and remove the line of code.

How to add an onchange event to a select box via javascript?

Here's another way of attaching the event based on W3C DOM Level 2 Events Specification:

     function() { toggleSelect(; },

On npm install: Unhandled rejection Error: EACCES: permission denied

Above answer didn't work for me. Just try to run your command with --unsafe-perm.


npm install -g node@latest --unsafe-perm

This seems to solve the problem.

Is there a timeout for idle PostgreSQL connections?

In PostgreSQL 9.6, there's a new option idle_in_transaction_session_timeout which should accomplish what you describe. You can set it using the SET command, e.g.:

SET SESSION idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '5min';

How to create a date and time picker in Android?

Put both DatePicker and TimePicker in a layout XML.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:layout_height="0dp" />

        android:layout_height="0dp" />

        android:layout_height="0dp" />


The code:

final View dialogView = View.inflate(activity, R.layout.date_time_picker, null);
final AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create();

dialogView.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {

         DatePicker datePicker = (DatePicker) dialogView.findViewById(;
         TimePicker timePicker = (TimePicker) dialogView.findViewById(;

         Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(datePicker.getYear(),

         time = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

Modifying a subset of rows in a pandas dataframe

Starting from pandas 0.20 ix is deprecated. The right way is to use df.loc

here is a working example

>>> import pandas as pd 
>>> import numpy as np 
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A":[0,1,0], "B":[2,0,5]}, columns=list('AB'))
>>> df.loc[df.A == 0, 'B'] = np.nan
>>> df
   A   B
0  0 NaN
1  1   0
2  0 NaN


As explained in the doc here, .loc is primarily label based, but may also be used with a boolean array.

So, what we are doing above is applying df.loc[row_index, column_index] by:

  • Exploiting the fact that loc can take a boolean array as a mask that tells pandas which subset of rows we want to change in row_index
  • Exploiting the fact loc is also label based to select the column using the label 'B' in the column_index

We can use logical, condition or any operation that returns a series of booleans to construct the array of booleans. In the above example, we want any rows that contain a 0, for that we can use df.A == 0, as you can see in the example below, this returns a series of booleans.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A":[0,1,0], "B":[2,0,5]}, columns=list('AB'))
>>> df 
   A  B
0  0  2
1  1  0
2  0  5
>>> df.A == 0 
0     True
1    False
2     True
Name: A, dtype: bool

Then, we use the above array of booleans to select and modify the necessary rows:

>>> df.loc[df.A == 0, 'B'] = np.nan
>>> df
   A   B
0  0 NaN
1  1   0
2  0 NaN

For more information check the advanced indexing documentation here.

How to create exe of a console application

For .net core 2.1 console application, the following approaches worked for me:

1 - from CLI (after building the application and navigating to debug or release folders based on the build type specified):

dotnet appName.dll

2 - from Visual Studio

R.C solution and click publish
'Target location' -> 'configure' ->
   'Deployment Mode' = 'Self-Contained'
   'Target Runtime' = 'win-x64 or win-x86 depending on the OS'


For an in depth explanation of all the deployment options available for .net core applications, checkout the following articles:

Ignore 'Security Warning' running script from command line

None of this worked in my specific instance. What did was changing to a NetBIOS name from the FQDN.

Instead of:

Using the name bypasses the "automatically detect intranet network" config in IE.

See Option 1 in the blog here:

How to verify a method is called two times with mockito verify()

build gradle:

testImplementation "com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:2.2.0"


interface MyCallback {
  fun someMethod(value: String)

class MyTestableManager(private val callback: MyCallback){
  fun perform(){


import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.times
import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.verify
import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock
val callback: MyCallback = mock()
val manager = MyTestableManager(callback)

val captor: KArgumentCaptor<String> = com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.argumentCaptor<String>()

verify(callback, times(3)).someMethod(captor.capture())

assertTrue(captor.allValues[0] == "first")
assertTrue(captor.allValues[1] == "second")
assertTrue(captor.allValues[2] == "third")

Angular ng-if="" with multiple arguments

It is possible.

<span ng-if="checked && checked2">
  I'm removed when the checkbox is unchecked.

When should you NOT use a Rules Engine?

I get very nervous when I see people using very large rule sets (e.g., on the order of thousands of rules in a single rule set). This often happens when the rules engine is a singleton sitting in the center of the enterprise in the hope that keeping rules DRY will make them accessible to many apps that require them. I would defy anyone to tell me that a Rete rules engine with that many rules is well-understood. I'm not aware of any tools that can check to ensure that conflicts don't exist.

I think partitioning rules sets to keep them small is a better option. Aspects can be a way to share a common rule set among many objects.

I prefer a simpler, more data driven approach wherever possible.

How do I convert a string to a double in Python?

>>> x = "2342.34"
>>> float(x)

There you go. Use float (which behaves like and has the same precision as a C,C++, or Java double).

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components

setSize() or setBounds() can be used when no layout manager is being used.

However, if you are using a layout manager you can provide hints to the layout manager using the setXXXSize() methods like setPreferredSize() and setMinimumSize() etc.

And be sure that the component's container uses a layout manager that respects the requested size. The FlowLayout, GridBagLayout, and SpringLayout managers use the component's preferred size (the latter two depending on the constraints you set), but BorderLayout and GridLayout usually don't.If you specify new size hints for a component that's already visible, you need to invoke the revalidate method on it to make sure that its containment hierarchy is laid out again. Then invoke the repaint method.

How to run Conda?

You need to put to your /home/, then run it to install. After that, you can runexport PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH . Remark: do not run in download/ directily!!!!!

How to encode the plus (+) symbol in a URL

Just to add this to the list:

Uri.EscapeUriString("Hi there+Hello there") // Hi%20there+Hello%20there
Uri.EscapeDataString("Hi there+Hello there") // Hi%20there%2BHello%20there


Usually you want to use EscapeDataString which does it right.

Failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

Had to install VS 2010 SP1 in order to get it to work again for myself. Lame microsoft.

how to open a jar file in Eclipse

there is an Eclipse app called Import Jar As Project. I think it is quite simple and useful.

C# Threading - How to start and stop a thread

Use a static AutoResetEvent in your spawned threads to call back to the main thread using the Set() method. This guy has a fairly good demo in SO on how to use it.

AutoResetEvent clarification

fatal: ambiguous argument 'origin': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

I ran into the same situation where commands such as git diff origin or git diff origin master produced the error reported in the question, namely Fatal: ambiguous argument...

To resolve the situation, I ran the command

git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/master

to set refs/remotes/origin/HEAD to point to the origin/master branch.

Before running this command, the output of git branch -a was:

* master

After running the command, the error no longer happened and the output of git branch -a was:

* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

(Other answers have already identified that the source of the error is HEAD not being set for origin. But I thought it helpful to provide a command which may be used to fix the error in question, although it may be obvious to some users.)

Additional information:

For anybody inclined to experiment and go back and forth between setting and unsetting refs/remotes/origin/HEAD, here are some examples.

To unset:
git remote set-head origin --delete

To set:
(additional ways, besides the way shown at the start of this answer)
git remote set-head origin master to set origin/head explicitly
git remote set-head origin --auto to query the remote and automatically set origin/HEAD to the remote's current branch.


  • This SO Answer
  • This SO Comment and its associated answer
  • git remote --help see set-head description
  • git symbolic-ref --help

How to declare an array of strings in C++?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>

int main()
    const std::vector< std::string > v = boost::assign::list_of( "abc" )( "xyz" );
        std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( std::cout, "\n" ) );

How do you specify the Java compiler version in a pom.xml file?

I faced same issue in eclipse neon simple maven java project

But I add below details inside pom.xml file


After right click on project > maven > update project (checked force update)

Its resolve me to display error on project

Hope it's will helpful


How to use regex in XPath "contains" function

In Robins's answer ends-with is not supported in xpath 1.0 too.. Only starts-with is supported... So if your condition is not very specific..You can Use like this which worked for me

//*[starts-with(@id,'sometext') and contains(@name,'_text')]`\

How to remove html special chars?

try this

$str = "\x8F!!!";

// Outputs an empty string
echo htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");

// Outputs "!!!"
echo htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, "UTF-8");

Android: where are downloaded files saved?

Most devices have some form of emulated storage. if they support sd cards they are usually mounted to /sdcard (or some variation of that name) which is usually symlinked to to a directory in /storage like /storage/sdcard0 or /storage/0 sometimes the emulated storage is mounted to /sdcard and the actual path is something like /storage/emulated/legacy. You should be able to use to get the downloads directory. You are best off using the api calls to get directories. Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS);

Since the filesystems and sdcard support varies among devices.

see similar question for more info how to access downloads folder in android?

Usually the DownloadManager handles downloads and the files are then accessed by requesting the file's uri fromthe download manager using a file id to get where file was places which would usually be somewhere in the sdcard/ real or emulated since apps can only read data from certain places on the filesystem outside of their data directory like the sdcard

jquery draggable: how to limit the draggable area?

Use the "containment" option:

jQuery UI API - Draggable Widget - containment

The documentation says it only accepts the values: 'parent', 'document', 'window', [x1, y1, x2, y2] but I seem to remember it will accept a selector such as '#container' too.

How to validate array in Laravel?

Little bit more complex data, mix of @Laran's and @Nisal Gunawardana's answers


The validation rule will be

 return [
            '*.customer_id' => 'required|numeric|exists:customers,id',
            '*.foodItemsList.*.id' => 'required|exists:food_items,id',
            '*.foodItemsList.*.quantity' => 'required|numeric',

Save PHP array to MySQL?

I would suggest using implode/explode with a character that you know will not be contained in any of the individual array items. Then store it in SQL as a string.

Is it possible to run .php files on my local computer?

Sure you just need to setup a local web server. Check out XAMPP:

That will get you up and running in about 10 minutes.

There is now a way to run php locally without installing a server:

Yes but the files need to be processed. For example you can install test servers like mamp / lamp / wamp depending on your plateform.

Basically you need apache / php running.

Delete commit on gitlab

We've had similar problem and it was not enough to only remove commit and force push to GitLab.
It was still available in GitLab interface using url:<group>/<project>/commit/<commit hash>

We've had to remove project from GitLab and recreate it to get rid of this commit in GitLab UI.


Why is it that you need to place columns you create yourself (for example "select 1 as number") after HAVING and not WHERE in MySQL?

WHERE is applied before GROUP BY, HAVING is applied after (and can filter on aggregates).

In general, you can reference aliases in neither of these clauses, but MySQL allows referencing SELECT level aliases in GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING.

And are there any downsides instead of doing "WHERE 1" (writing the whole definition instead of a column name)

If your calculated expression does not contain any aggregates, putting it into the WHERE clause will most probably be more efficient.

phpMyAdmin mbstring error

I just installed WAMP 3 on Windows 10 and had this issue.

I had to go to C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.0\ and copy the php.ini file to C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.17\bin\

Then I restarted WAMP, and was finally able to access my phpMyAdmin file.

Note: this is probably not the correct way to do this because now there are 2 php.ini files. There is probably a setting in an Apache file that points to the php.ini file, but I haven't seen that yet. I will update this if I find it.

Check if a user has scrolled to the bottom

i used this test to detect the scroll reached the bottom: === -

How to convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value pairs in JavaScript

You can use Object.values([]), you might need this polyfill if you don't already:

const objectToValuesPolyfill = (object) => {
  return Object.keys(object).map(key => object[key]);
Object.values = Object.values || objectToValuesPolyfill;

Then you can just do:

var object = {1: 'hello', 2: 'world'};
var array = Object.values(object);

Just remember that arrays in js can only use numerical keys so if you used something else in the object then those will become `0,1,2...x``

It can be useful to remove duplicates for example if you have a unique key.

var obj = {};
object[uniqueKey] = '...';

How to fix "Your Ruby version is 2.3.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.5" while server starting

If you have already installed 2.2.5 and set as current ruby version, but still showing the same error even if the Ruby version 2.3.0 is not even installed, then just install the bundler.

gem install bundler

and then:

bundle install

When would you use the Builder Pattern?

I used builder in home-grown messaging library. The library core was receiving data from the wire, collecting it with Builder instance, then, once Builder decided it've got everything it needed to create a Message instance, Builder.GetMessage() was constructing a message instance using the data collected from the wire.

How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner?

Not a prefect solution but if your happy with having the starting string as just a place holder you can add place holder spring value ("Day_of_Work_Out")

        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            String name = (String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
            if (name.equals("Day_of_Work_Out")) {

            }else {

                workOutD = name;
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                workOutNam = workOutName.getText().toString();

                if (workOutNam == null) {

                    Log.i("NewWorkOutActivity","Name is null");

                }else {
                    Log.i("NewWorkOutActivity","Name Not null");
                    Toast.makeText(NewWorkOutActivity.this, "Please Select a Day", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared

You have to change the file from .html to .php.

and add this following line

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

WCF Service, the type provided as the service attribute values…could not be found

I changed the output path of the service. it should be inside bin folder of the service project. Once I put the output path back to bin, it worked.

Viewing local storage contents on IE

Since localStorage is a global object, you can add a watch in the dev tools. Just enter the dev tools, goto "watch", click on "Click to add..." and type in "localStorage".

How do you clear your Visual Studio cache on Windows Vista?

I experienced this today. The value in Config was the updated one but the application would return the older value, stop and starting the solution did nothing.

So I cleared the .Net Temp folder.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files

It shouldn't create bugs but to be safe close your solution down first. Clear the Temporary ASP.NET Files then load up your solution.

My issue was sorted.

Which Ruby version am I really running?

If you have access to a console in the context you are investigating, you can determine which version you are running by printing the value of the global constant RUBY_VERSION.

How to sort an STL vector?

Like explained in other answers you need to provide a comparison function. If you would like to keep the definition of that function close to the sort call (e.g. if it only makes sense for this sort) you can define it right there with boost::lambda. Use boost::lambda::bind to call the member function.

To e.g. sort by member variable or function data1:

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
using boost::lambda::bind;
using boost::lambda::_1;
using boost::lambda::_2;

std::vector<myclass> object(10000);
std::sort(object.begin(), object.end(),
    bind(&myclass::data1, _1) < bind(&myclass::data1, _2));

How to convert a Base64 string into a Bitmap image to show it in a ImageView?

I've found this easy solution

To convert from bitmap to Base64 use this method.

private String convertBitmapToBase64(Bitmap bitmap) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream);
    byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream .toByteArray();
    return Base64.encodeToString(byteArray, Base64.DEFAULT);

To convert from Base64 to bitmap OR revert.

private Bitmap convertBase64ToBitmap(String b64) {
    byte[] imageAsBytes = Base64.decode(b64.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);
    return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageAsBytes, 0, imageAsBytes.length);

How can I kill whatever process is using port 8080 so that I can vagrant up?

This might help

lsof -n -i4TCP:8080 

The PID is the second field in the output.

Or try:

lsof -i -P

How to vertically align text inside a flexbox?

* {_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
html, body {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
ul {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  background: silver;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 20%;_x000D_
  <li>This is the text</li>_x000D_

Modifying list while iterating

I guess this is what you want:

l  = range(100)  
index = 0                       
for i in l:                         
    print i,              
        print l.pop(index+1),                  
        print l.pop(index+1)
    index += 1

It is quite handy to code when the number of item to be popped is a run time decision. But it runs with very a bad efficiency and the code is hard to maintain.

Transferring files over SSH

If copying to/from your desktop machine, use WinSCP, or if on Linux, Nautilus supports SCP via the Connect To Server option.

scp can only copy files to a machine running sshd, hence you need to run the client software on the remote machine from the one you are running scp on.

If copying on the command line, use:

# copy from local machine to remote machine
scp localfile user@host:/path/to/whereyouwant/thefile


# copy from remote machine to local machine
scp user@host:/path/to/remotefile localfile

Put request with simple string as request body



const body = {title: "what!"}
const api = {
  apikey: "safhjsdflajksdfh",
  Authorization: "Basic bwejdkfhasjk"

axios.put('', body, {headers: api})

How to determine the Boost version on a system?

#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main()
    std::cout << "Boost version: " 
          << BOOST_VERSION / 100000
          << "."
          << BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000
          << "."
          << BOOST_VERSION % 100 
          << std::endl;
    return 0;

Update: the answer has been fixed.

Visual Studio Code PHP Intelephense Keep Showing Not Necessary Error

I had the same issue and the following seemed to have addressed the issue.

a) Updated to latest version 1.3.5 and re-enabled all the diagnosis settings.

I was still getting the messages

b) Added the vendor folder with the dependent libraries to the workspace

This seems to have solved the problem.

Test if string is URL encoded in PHP

i have one trick :

you can do this to prevent doubly encode. Every time first decode then again encode;

$string = urldecode($string);

Then do again

$string = urlencode($string);

Performing this way we can avoid double encode :)

Reporting Services export to Excel with Multiple Worksheets

Here are screenshots for SQL Server 2008 R2, using SSRS Report Designer in Visual Studio 2010.

I have done screenshots as some of the dialogs are not easy to find.

1: Add the group


2: Specify the field you want to group on


3: Now click on the group in the 'Row Groups' selector, directly below the report designer


4: F4 to select property pane; expand 'Group' and set Group > PageBreak > BreakLocation = 'Between', then enter the expression you want for Group > PageName


5: Here is an example expression


Here is the result of the report exported to Excel, with tabs named according to the PageName expression


Java null check why use == instead of .equals()

If an Object variable is null, one cannot call an equals() method upon it, thus an object reference check of null is proper.

Is there a goto statement in Java?

Because although the Java language doesn't use it, JVM bytecode does.

Passing Objects By Reference or Value in C#

How did you pass object to method?

Are you doing new inside that method for object? If so, you have to use ref in method.

Following link give you better idea.

What is the difference between vmalloc and kmalloc?

You only need to worry about using physically contiguous memory if the buffer will be accessed by a DMA device on a physically addressed bus (like PCI). The trouble is that many system calls have no way to know whether their buffer will eventually be passed to a DMA device: once you pass the buffer to another kernel subsystem, you really cannot know where it is going to go. Even if the kernel does not use the buffer for DMA today, a future development might do so.

vmalloc is often slower than kmalloc, because it may have to remap the buffer space into a virtually contiguous range. kmalloc never remaps, though if not called with GFP_ATOMIC kmalloc can block.

kmalloc is limited in the size of buffer it can provide: 128 KBytes*). If you need a really big buffer, you have to use vmalloc or some other mechanism like reserving high memory at boot.

*) This was true of earlier kernels. On recent kernels (I tested this on, max size of a single kmalloc is up to 4 MB! (I wrote a fairly detailed post on this.) — kaiwan

For a system call you don't need to pass GFP_ATOMIC to kmalloc(), you can use GFP_KERNEL. You're not an interrupt handler: the application code enters the kernel context by means of a trap, it is not an interrupt.

Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?

I have also been suffering from this problem, but finally got the solution, Initially directly the load the iframe url in browser like small popup then only access the session values inside the iframe.

regular expression: match any word until first space

Perhaps you could try ([^ ]+) .*, which should give you everything to the first blank in your first group.

Convert byte to string in Java

You have to construct a new string out of a byte array. The first element in your byteArray should be 0x63. If you want to add any more letters, make the byteArray longer and add them to the next indices.

byte[] byteArray = new byte[1];
byteArray[0] = 0x63;

try {
    System.out.println("string " + new String(byteArray, "US-ASCII"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // TODO: Handle exception.

Note that specifying the encoding will eventually throw an UnsupportedEncodingException and you must handle that accordingly.

How can I close a dropdown on click outside?

We've been working on a similar issue at work today, trying to figure out how to make a dropdown div disappear when it is clicked off of. Ours is slightly different than the initial poster's question because we didn't want to click away from a different component or directive, but merely outside of the particular div.

We ended up solving it by using the (window:mouseup) event handler.

1.) We gave the entire dropdown menu div a unique class name.

2.) On the inner dropdown menu itself (the only portion that we wanted clicks to NOT close the menu), we added a (window:mouseup) event handler and passed in the $event.

NOTE: It could not be done with a typical "click" handler because this conflicted with the parent click handler.

3.) In our controller, we created the method that we wanted to be called on the click out event, and we use the event.closest (docs here) to find out if the clicked spot is within our targeted-class div.

 autoCloseForDropdownCars(event) {_x000D_
        var target =;_x000D_
        if (!target.closest(".DropdownCars")) { _x000D_
            // do whatever you want here_x000D_
 <div class="DropdownCars">_x000D_
   <span (click)="toggleDropdown(dropdownTypes.Cars)" class="searchBarPlaceholder">Cars</span>_x000D_
   <div class="criteriaDropdown" (window:mouseup)="autoCloseForDropdownCars($event)" *ngIf="isDropdownShown(dropdownTypes.Cars)">_x000D_

mysql SELECT IF statement with OR

Presumably this would work:

IF(compliment = 'set' OR compliment = 'Y' OR compliment = 1, 'Y', 'N') AS customer_compliment

How to identify all stored procedures referring a particular table

You have basically 2 options:

----Option 1

FROM syscomments sc
INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON
WHERE sc.TEXT LIKE '%tablename%'

----Option 2

FROM syscomments c
INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON
WHERE c.TEXT LIKE '%tablename%'

These 2 queries will get you all the stored procedures that are referring the table you desire. This query relies on 2 sys tables which are sysobjects and syscomments. The sysobjects is where all of your DB object names are stored this includes the stored procedures.

The syscomments contains the text for all of your procedures.

If you query: SELECT * FROM syscomments

You'll have a table containing the id which is the mapping to the sysobjects table with the text contained in the stored procedures as the last column.

org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

You can find your sample code completely here:

Have a look and check the differences. specially the even_id in :

<set name="attendees" cascade="all">
    <key column="event_id"/>
    <one-to-many class="Attendee"/>

How to parse XML to R data frame

You can try the code below:

# Load the packages required to read XML files.

# Convert the input xml file to a data frame.
xmldataframe <- xmlToDataFrame("input.xml")

How to draw a filled circle in Java?

/***Your Code***/
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
/***Your Code***/


How to get VM arguments from inside of Java application?

At startup pass this -Dname=value

and then in your code you should use


to get that value

Get generic type of class at runtime

Here is my trick:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        System.out.println(Main.<String> getClazz());


    static <T> Class getClazz(T... param) {

        return param.getClass().getComponentType();


Convert datetime value into string

This is super old, but I figured I'd add my 2c. DATE_FORMAT does indeed return a string, but I was looking for the CAST function, in the situation that I already had a datetime string in the database and needed to pattern match against it:

In this case, you'd use:

CAST(date_value AS char)

This answers a slightly different question, but the question title seems ambiguous enough that this might help someone searching.

log4net hierarchy and logging levels

This might help to understand what is recorded at what level Loggers may be assigned levels. Levels are instances of the log4net.Core.Level class. The following levels are defined in order of increasing severity - Log Level.

Number of levels recorded for each setting level:

•DEBUG  •DEBUG                  
•INFO   •INFO   •INFO               
•WARN   •WARN   •WARN   •WARN           
•OFF    •OFF    •OFF    •OFF    •OFF    •OFF    •OFF

Difference between agile and iterative and incremental development

Agile is mostly used technique in project development.In agile technology peoples are switches from one technology to other ..Main purpose is to remove dependancy. Like Peoples shifted from production to development,and development to testing. Thats why dependancy will remove on a single team or person..

'node' is not recognized as an internal or an external command, operable program or batch file while using phonegap/cordova

Great answers, but you could just open the command prompt and type in

 SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%

Java finished with non-zero exit value 2 - Android Gradle

I had the same error after converting my project to Kotlin. My problem was that my jre location was changed to an invalid path during the process (I wonder why this could happen... made me waste time). Fixed it by doing this:

File > Project Structure > SDK Location 

Unchecked the Use embedded JDK option, which was pointing to an old JDK installation, and selected the correct one:


After changing this, the error disappeared

Checking the equality of two slices

And for now, here is which

is intended to be a more powerful and safer alternative to reflect.DeepEqual for comparing whether two values are semantically equal.

package main

import (


func main() {
    a := []byte{1, 2, 3}
    b := []byte{1, 2, 3}

    fmt.Println(cmp.Equal(a, b)) // true

Differences between SP initiated SSO and IDP initiated SSO

There is much more to this but this is a high level overview on which is which.

Procore supports both SP- and IdP-initiated SSO:

Identity Provider Initiated (IdP-initiated) SSO. With this option, your end users must log into your Identity Provider's SSO page (e.g., Okta, OneLogin, or Microsoft Azure AD) and then click an icon to log into and open the Procore web application. To configure this solution, see Configure IdP-Initiated SSO for Microsoft Azure AD, Configure Procore for IdP-Initated Okta SSO, or Configure IdP-Initiated SSO for OneLogin. OR Service Provider Initiated (SP-initiated) SSO. Referred to as Procore-initiated SSO, this option gives your end users the ability to sign into the Procore Login page and then sends an authorization request to the Identify Provider (e.g., Okta, OneLogin, or Microsoft Azure AD). Once the IdP authenticates the user's identify, the user is logged into Procore. To configure this solution, see Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for Okta, or Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for OneLogin.

How to run a cron job on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

Use this command to add job

crontab -e

In this format:

0 19 * * 1,3,5 /path to your file/file.php

VBA procedure to import csv file into access

The easiest way to do it is to link the CSV-file into the Access database as a table. Then you can work on this table as if it was an ordinary access table, for instance by creating an appropriate query based on this table that returns exactly what you want.

You can link the table either manually or with VBA like this

DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acLinkDelim, TableName:="tblImport", _
    FileName:="C:\MyData.csv", HasFieldNames:=true


Dim db As DAO.Database

' Re-link the CSV Table
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next:   db.TableDefs.Delete "tblImport":   On Error GoTo 0
DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acLinkDelim, TableName:="tblImport", _
    FileName:="C:\MyData.csv", HasFieldNames:=true

' Perform the import
db.Execute "INSERT INTO someTable SELECT col1, col2, ... FROM tblImport " _
   & "WHERE NOT F1 IN ('A1', 'A2', 'A3')"
db.Close:   Set db = Nothing

Convert DOS line endings to Linux line endings in Vim

With the following command:


To get the ^M to appear, type CtrlV and then CtrlM. CtrlV tells Vim to take the next character entered literally.

How To Include CSS and jQuery in my WordPress plugin?

Very Simple:

Adding JS/CSS in the Front End:

function enqueue_related_pages_scripts_and_styles(){
        wp_enqueue_style('related-styles', plugins_url('/css/bootstrap.min.css', __FILE__));
        wp_enqueue_script('releated-script', plugins_url( '/js/custom.js' , __FILE__ ), array('jquery','jquery-ui-droppable','jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-sortable'));

Adding JS/CSS in WP Admin Area:

function enqueue_related_pages_scripts_and_styles(){
        wp_enqueue_style('related-pages-admin-styles',  get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/admin-related-pages-styles.css');
        wp_enqueue_script('releated-pages-admin-script', plugins_url( '/js/custom.js' , __FILE__ ), array('jquery','jquery-ui-droppable','jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-sortable'));

Multiple Python versions on the same machine?

I did this with anaconda navigator. I installed anaconda navigator and created two different development environments with different python versions

and switch between different python versions by switching or activating and deactivating environments.

first install anaconda navigator and then create environments.

see help here on how to manage environments

Here is the video to do it with conda

Creating a Shopping Cart using only HTML/JavaScript

I think it is a better idea to start working with a raw data and then translate it to DOM (document object model)

I would suggest you to work with array of objects and then output it to the DOM in order to accomplish your task.

You can see working example of following code at

You can try following approach:

//create array that will hold all ordered products
    var shoppingCart = [];

    //this function manipulates DOM and displays content of our shopping cart
    function displayShoppingCart(){
        var orderedProductsTblBody=document.getElementById("orderedProductsTblBody");
        //ensure we delete all previously added rows from ordered products table
        while(orderedProductsTblBody.rows.length>0) {

        //variable to hold total price of shopping cart
        var cart_total_price=0;
        //iterate over array of objects
        for(var product in shoppingCart){
            //add new row      
            var row=orderedProductsTblBody.insertRow();
            //create three cells for product properties 
            var cellName = row.insertCell(0);
            var cellDescription = row.insertCell(1);
            var cellPrice = row.insertCell(2);
            //fill cells with values from current product object of our array
            cellName.innerHTML = shoppingCart[product].Name;
            cellDescription.innerHTML = shoppingCart[product].Description;
            cellPrice.innerHTML = shoppingCart[product].Price;
        //fill total cost of our shopping cart 

    function AddtoCart(name,description,price){
       //Below we create JavaScript Object that will hold three properties you have mentioned:    Name,Description and Price
       var singleProduct = {};
       //Fill the product object with data
       //Add newly created product to our shopping cart 
       //call display function to show on screen


    //Add some products to our shopping cart via code or you can create a button with onclick event
    //AddtoCart("Table","Big red table",50);
    //AddtoCart("Door","Big yellow door",150);
    //AddtoCart("Car","Ferrari S23",150000);

<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" border="1">
        <td valign="top">
            <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" border="0">
                        <td colspan="2">
                            Products for sale
                            <input type="button" value="Add to cart" onclick="AddtoCart('Table','Big red table',50)"/>
                            <input type="button" value="Add to cart" onclick="AddtoCart('Door','Yellow Door',150)"/>
                            <input type="button" value="Add to cart" onclick="AddtoCart('Ferrari','Ferrari S234',150000)"/>

        <td valign="top">
            <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" border="1" id="orderedProductsTbl">
                <tbody id="orderedProductsTblBody">

                        <td colspan="3" align="right" id="cart_total">


Please have a look at following free client-side shopping cart:

SoftEcart(js) is a Responsive, Handlebars & JSON based, E-Commerce shopping cart written in JavaScript with built-in PayPal integration.


Hope you will find it useful.

Qt jpg image display

I understand your frustration the " Graphics view widget" is not the best way to do this, yes it can be done, but it's almost exactly the same as using a label ( for what you want any way) now all the ways listed do work but...

For you and any one else that may come across this question he easiest way to do it ( what you're asking any way ) is this.

QPixmap pix("Path\\path\\entername.jpeg");


How to squash all git commits into one?

To do this, you can reset you local git repository to the first commit hashtag, so all your changes after that commit will be unstaged, then you can commit with --amend option.

git reset your-first-commit-hashtag
git add .
git commit --amend

And then edit the first commit nam if needed and save file.

Delete an element in a JSON object

Let's assume you want to overwrite the same file:

import json

with open('data.json', 'r') as data_file:
    data = json.load(data_file)

for element in data:
    element.pop('hours', None)

with open('data.json', 'w') as data_file:
    data = json.dump(data, data_file)

dict.pop(<key>, not_found=None) is probably what you where looking for, if I understood your requirements. Because it will remove the hours key if present and will not fail if not present.

However I am not sure I understand why it makes a difference to you whether the hours key contains some days or not, because you just want to get rid of the whole key / value pair, right?

Now, if you really want to use del instead of pop, here is how you could make your code work:

import json

with open('data.json') as data_file:
    data = json.load(data_file)

for element in data:
    if 'hours' in element:
        del element['hours']

with open('data.json', 'w') as data_file:
    data = json.dump(data, data_file)

EDIT So, as you can see, I added the code to write the data back to the file. If you want to write it to another file, just change the filename in the second open statement.

I had to change the indentation, as you might have noticed, so that the file has been closed during the data cleanup phase and can be overwritten at the end.

with is what is called a context manager, whatever it provides (here the data_file file descriptor) is available ONLY within that context. It means that as soon as the indentation of the with block ends, the file gets closed and the context ends, along with the file descriptor which becomes invalid / obsolete.

Without doing this, you wouldn't be able to open the file in write mode and get a new file descriptor to write into.

I hope it's clear enough...


This time, it seems clear that you need to do this:

with open('dest_file.json', 'w') as dest_file:
    with open('source_file.json', 'r') as source_file:
        for line in source_file:
            element = json.loads(line.strip())
            if 'hours' in element:
                del element['hours']

How to merge every two lines into one from the command line?

Simplest way is here:

  1. Remove even lines and write it in some temp file 1.
  2. Remove odd lines and write it in some temp file 2.
  3. Combine two files in one by using paste command with -d (means delete space)

sed '0~2d' file > 1 && sed '1~2d' file > 2 && paste -d " " 1 2

How can I convert a Word document to PDF?

Docx4j is open source and the best API for convert Docx to pdf without any alignment or font issue.

Maven Dependencies:




import org.docx4j.Docx4J;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;

public class DocToPDF {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            InputStream templateInputStream = new FileInputStream("D:\\\\Workspace\\\\New\\\\Sample.docx");
            WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(templateInputStream);
            MainDocumentPart documentPart = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart();

            String outputfilepath = "D:\\\\Workspace\\\\New\\\\Sample.pdf";
            FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputfilepath);
        } catch (Throwable e) {



What exactly is \r in C language?

' \r ' means carriage return.

The \r means nothing special as a consequence.For character-mode terminals (typically emulating even-older printing ones as above), in raw mode, \r and \n act similarly (except both in terms of the cursor, as there is no carriage or roller . Historically a \n was used to move the carriage down, while the \r was used to move the carriage back to the left side of the screen.

What is &amp used for

HTML doesn't recognize the & but it will recognize &amp; because it is equal to & in HTML

I looked over this post someone had made:

Add Favicon with React and Webpack

Use the file-loader for that:

    test: /\.(svg|png|gif|jpg|ico)$/,
    include: path.resolve(__dirname, path),
    use: {
        loader: 'file-loader',
        options: {
            context: 'src/assets',
            name: 'root[path][name].[ext]'

Is it possible to install both 32bit and 64bit Java on Windows 7?

As stated by pnt you can have multiple versions of both 32bit and 64bit Java installed at the same time on the same machine.

Taking it further from there: Here's how it might be possible to set any runtime parameters for each of those installations:

You can run javacpl.exe or javacpl.cpl of the respective Java-version itself (bin-folder). The specific control panel opens fine. Adding parameters there is possible.

How to slice a Pandas Data Frame by position?

You can also do as a convenience:


How do I link a JavaScript file to a HTML file?

You can add script tags in your HTML document, ideally inside the which points to your javascript files. Order of the script tags are important. Load the jQuery before your script files if you want to use jQuery from your script.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="relative/path/to/your/javascript.js"></script>

Then in your javascript file you can refer to jQuery either using $ sign or jQuery. Example:

jQuery.each(arr, function(i) { console.log(i); }); 

parse html string with jquery

just add container element befor your img element just to be sure that your intersted element not the first one, tested in ie,ff

How to go up a level in the src path of a URL in HTML?

In Chrome when you load a website from some HTTP server both absolute paths (e.g. /images/sth.png) and relative paths to some upper level directory (e.g. ../images/sth.png) work.


When you load (in Chrome!) a HTML document from local filesystem you cannot access directories above current directory. I.e. you cannot access ../something/something.sth and changing relative path to absolute or anything else won't help.

Cleanest way to toggle a boolean variable in Java?

theBoolean ^= true;

Fewer keystrokes if your variable is longer than four letters

Edit: code tends to return useful results when used as Google search terms. The code above doesn't. For those who need it, it's bitwise XOR as described here.

Javascript getElementById based on a partial string

Try this.

function getElementsByIdStartsWith(container, selectorTag, prefix) {
    var items = [];
    var myPosts = document.getElementById(container).getElementsByTagName(selectorTag);
    for (var i = 0; i < myPosts.length; i++) {
        //omitting undefined null check for brevity
        if (myPosts[i].id.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0) {
    return items;

Sample HTML Markup.

<div id="posts">
    <div id="post-1">post 1</div>
    <div id="post-12">post 12</div>
    <div id="post-123">post 123</div>
    <div id="pst-123">post 123</div>

Call it like

var postedOnes = getElementsByIdStartsWith("posts", "div", "post-");

Demo here:

Is there a way to word-wrap long words in a div?

Most of the previous answer didn't work for me in Firefox 38.0.5. This did...

<div style='padding: 3px; width: 130px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;'>
    // Content goes here


Entity Framework - Generating Classes

  1. Open the EDMX model
  2. Right click -> Update Model from Browser -> Stored Procedure -> Select your stored procedure -> Finish
  3. See the Model Browser popping up next to Solution Explorer.
  4. Go to Function Imports -> Right click on your Stored Procedure -> Add Function Import
  5. Select the Entities under Return a Collection of -> Select your Entity name from the drop down
  6. Build your Solution.

How to remove all duplicate items from a list

No, it's simply a typo, the "list" at the end must be capitalized. You can nest loops over the same variable just fine (although there's rarely a good reason to).

However, there are other problems with the code. For starters, you're iterating through lists, so i and j will be items not indices. Furthermore, you can't change a collection while iterating over it (well, you "can" in that it runs, but madness lies that way - for instance, you'll propably skip over items). And then there's the complexity problem, your code is O(n^2). Either convert the list into a set and back into a list (simple, but shuffles the remaining list items) or do something like this:

seen = set()
new_x = []
for x in xs:
    if x in seen:

Both solutions require the items to be hashable. If that's not possible, you'll probably have to stick with your current approach sans the mentioned problems.

Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

In case you were struggling to change linetypes, the following answer should be helpful. (This is an addition to the solution by Andy W.)

We will try to extend the learned pattern:

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
line_types <- c("LINE1"=1,"LINE2"=3)
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1", linetype="LINE1"),size=0.5) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=2) +           #red
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2", linetype="LINE2"),size=0.5) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=2) +           #blue
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                  guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

However, what we get is the following result: manual without name

The problem is that the linetype is not merged in the main legend. Note that we did not give any name to the method scale_linetype_manual. The trick which works here is to give it the same name as what you used for naming scale_colour_manual. More specifically, if we change the corresponding line to the following we get the desired result:

scale_linetype_manual(name="Error Bars",values=line_types)

manual with the same name

Now, it is easy to change the size of the line with the same idea.

Note that the geom_bar has not colour property anymore. (I did not try to fix this issue.) Also, adding geom_errorbar with colour attribute spoils the result. It would be great if somebody can come up with a better solution which resolves these two issues as well.

Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox

I'd the same issue and solved it by inserting an empty input before the datepicker, that steals the focus every time the dialog is opened. This input is hidden on every opening of the dialog and shown again on closing.

Implementing two interfaces in a class with same method. Which interface method is overridden?

Try implementing the interface as anonymous.

public class MyClass extends MySuperClass implements MyInterface{

MyInterface myInterface = new MyInterface(){

/* Overrided method from interface */
public void method1(){



/* Overrided method from superclass*/
public void method1(){



Flexbox and Internet Explorer 11 (display:flex in <html>?)

Here is an example of using flex that also works in Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome.


<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" >_x000D_
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >_x000D_
<title>Flex Test</title>_x000D_
html, body {_x000D_
    margin: 0px;_x000D_
    padding: 0px;_x000D_
    height: 100vh;_x000D_
.main {_x000D_
    display: -webkit-flex;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    -ms-flex-direction: row;_x000D_
    flex-direction: row;_x000D_
    align-items: stretch;_x000D_
    min-height: 100vh;_x000D_
.main::after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  width: 0;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
.left {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    background: #F0F0F0;_x000D_
    flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
.right {_x000D_
    flex-grow: 1;_x000D_
    background: yellow;_x000D_
<div class="main">_x000D_
    <div class="left">_x000D_
        <div style="height: 300px;">_x000D_
    <div class="right">_x000D_
        <div style="height: 1000px;">_x000D_
            test test test_x000D_

How can I check if my python object is a number?

Python 2: isinstance(x, (int, long, float, complex)) and not isinstance(x, bool)

Python 3: isinstance(x, (int, float, complex)) and not isinstance(x, bool)

Tab Escape Character?

For someone who needs quick reference of C# Escape Sequences that can be used in string literals:

\t     Horizontal tab (ASCII code value: 9)

\n     Line feed (ASCII code value: 10)

\r     Carriage return (ASCII code value: 13)

\'     Single quotation mark

\"     Double quotation mark

\\     Backslash

\?     Literal question mark

\x12     ASCII character in hexadecimal notation (e.g. for 0x12)

\x1234     Unicode character in hexadecimal notation (e.g. for 0x1234)

It's worth mentioning that these (in most cases) are universal codes. So \t is 9 and \n is 10 char value on Windows and Linux. But newline sequence is not universal. On Windows it's \n\r and on Linux it's just \n. That's why it's best to use Environment.Newline which gets adjusted to current OS settings. With .Net Core it gets really important.

Eclipse - "Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one."

Workspaces can only be open in one copy of eclipse at once. Further, you took away your own write access from the looks of it. All the users in question have to have the 'admin' group for what you did to even work a little.

Difference between add(), replace(), and addToBackStack()

When We Add First Fragment --> Second Fragment using add() method

 btn_one.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(),"Click First 

                Fragment fragment = new SecondFragment();
                        .add(, fragment, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName()).addToBackStack(null).commit();
//                        .replace(, fragment, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName()).addToBackStack(null).commit();


When we use add() in fragment

E/Keshav SecondFragment: onAttach
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onCreate
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onCreateView
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onActivityCreated
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onStart
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onResume

When we use replace() in fragment

going to first fragment to second fragment in First -->Second using replace() method

 btn_one.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(),"Click First Fragment",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

                Fragment fragment = new SecondFragment();
//                        .add(, fragment, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName()).addToBackStack(null).commit();
                        .replace(, fragment, fragment.getClass().getSimpleName()).addToBackStack(null).commit();


E/Keshav SecondFragment: onAttach
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onCreate

E/Keshav FirstFragment: onPause -------------------------- FirstFragment
E/Keshav FirstFragment: onStop --------------------------- FirstFragment
E/Keshav FirstFragment: onDestroyView -------------------- FirstFragment

E/Keshav SecondFragment: onCreateView
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onActivityCreated
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onStart
E/Keshav SecondFragment: onResume

In case of Replace First Fragment these method is extra called ( onPause,onStop,onDestroyView is extra called )

E/Keshav FirstFragment: onPause

E/Keshav FirstFragment: onStop

E/Keshav FirstFragment: onDestroyView

Difference between Static and final?

Static is something that any object in a class can call, that inherently belongs to an object type.

A variable can be final for an entire class, and that simply means it cannot be changed anymore. It can only be set once, and trying to set it again will result in an error being thrown. It is useful for a number of reasons, perhaps you want to declare a constant, that can't be changed.

Some example code:

class someClass
   public static int count=0;
   public final String mName;

   someClass(String name)

  public static void main(String args[])
    someClass obj1=new someClass("obj1");
    System.out.println("count="+count+" name="+obj1.mName);
    someClass obj2=new someClass("obj2");
    System.out.println("count="+count+" name="+obj2.mName);

Wikipedia contains the complete list of java keywords.

Purpose of returning by const value?

It makes sure that the returned object (which is an RValue at that point) can't be modified. This makes sure the user can't do thinks like this:

myFunc() = Object(...);

That would work nicely if myFunc returned by reference, but is almost certainly a bug when returned by value (and probably won't be caught by the compiler). Of course in C++11 with its rvalues this convention doesn't make as much sense as it did earlier, since a const object can't be moved from, so this can have pretty heavy effects on performance.

Increasing the maximum number of TCP/IP connections in Linux

There are a couple of variables to set the max number of connections. Most likely, you're running out of file numbers first. Check ulimit -n. After that, there are settings in /proc, but those default to the tens of thousands.

More importantly, it sounds like you're doing something wrong. A single TCP connection ought to be able to use all of the bandwidth between two parties; if it isn't:

  • Check if your TCP window setting is large enough. Linux defaults are good for everything except really fast inet link (hundreds of mbps) or fast satellite links. What is your bandwidth*delay product?
  • Check for packet loss using ping with large packets (ping -s 1472 ...)
  • Check for rate limiting. On Linux, this is configured with tc
  • Confirm that the bandwidth you think exists actually exists using e.g., iperf
  • Confirm that your protocol is sane. Remember latency.
  • If this is a gigabit+ LAN, can you use jumbo packets? Are you?

Possibly I have misunderstood. Maybe you're doing something like Bittorrent, where you need lots of connections. If so, you need to figure out how many connections you're actually using (try netstat or lsof). If that number is substantial, you might:

  • Have a lot of bandwidth, e.g., 100mbps+. In this case, you may actually need to up the ulimit -n. Still, ~1000 connections (default on my system) is quite a few.
  • Have network problems which are slowing down your connections (e.g., packet loss)
  • Have something else slowing you down, e.g., IO bandwidth, especially if you're seeking. Have you checked iostat -x?

Also, if you are using a consumer-grade NAT router (Linksys, Netgear, DLink, etc.), beware that you may exceed its abilities with thousands of connections.

I hope this provides some help. You're really asking a networking question.

How to connect html pages to mysql database?

HTML are markup languages, basically they are set of tags like <html>, <body>, which is used to present a website using , and as a whole. All these, happen in the clients system or the user you will be browsing the website.

Now, Connecting to a database, happens on whole another level. It happens on server, which is where the website is hosted.

So, in order to connect to the database and perform various data related actions, you have to use server-side scripts, like , , etc.

Now, lets see a snippet of connection using MYSQLi Extension of PHP

$db = mysqli_connect('hostname','username','password','databasename');

This single line code, is enough to get you started, you can mix such code, combined with HTML tags to create a HTML page, which is show data based pages. For example:

    $db = mysqli_connect('hostname','username','password','databasename');
                $query = "SELECT * FROM `mytable`;";
                $result = mysqli_query($db, $query);
                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                      // Display your datas on the page

In order to insert new data into the database, you can use phpMyAdmin or write a INSERT query and execute them.

Close Window from ViewModel

You can close the current window just by using the following code:


Regular Expressions: Search in list

To do so without compiling the Regex first, use a lambda function - for example:

from re import match

values = ['123', '234', 'foobar']
filtered_values = list(filter(lambda v: match('^\d+$', v), values))



['123', '234']

filter() just takes a callable as it's first argument, and returns a list where that callable returned a 'truthy' value.


I tried most above offered solutions (the simple ones, not those offering chmod and altering internal libraries) and none of them work

Eventually what worked for me was: "Clean Project" -> "Rebuild Project" -> changed the app versionName in the build.gradle app module -> Sync Gradle -> Run the app on the device

Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file?

The answer is depends how you are using the objects of javascript. As already pointed loading the javascript files at footer rather than header certainly improves the performance but care should be taken that the objects which are used are initialized later than they are loaded at footer. One more way is load the 'js' files placed in folder which will be available to all the files.

MySQL Alter Table Add Field Before or After a field already present

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark` 
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

I believe you need to have ADD COLUMN and use AFTER, not BEFORE.

In case you want to place column at the beginning of a table, use the FIRST statement:

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark`
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

When do I need to use Begin / End Blocks and the Go keyword in SQL Server?

GO is like the end of a script.

You could have multiple CREATE TABLE statements, separated by GO. It's a way of isolating one part of the script from another, but submitting it all in one block.

BEGIN and END are just like { and } in C/++/#, Java, etc.

They bound a logical block of code. I tend to use BEGIN and END at the start and end of a stored procedure, but it's not strictly necessary there. Where it IS necessary is for loops, and IF statements, etc, where you need more then one step...

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = @id)
   INSERT INTO Log SELECT @id, 'deleted'
   DELETE my_table WHERE id = @id

How to extract the n-th elements from a list of tuples?

n = 1 # N. . .
[x[n] for x in elements]