Programs & Examples On #Styledtext

How to print strings with line breaks in java

You can try using StringBuilder: -

    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    sb.append("SHOP MA\n");
    sb.append("09-10-2012 harsha  no: 001\n");
    sb.append("No  Item  Qty  Price  Amount\n");
    sb.append("1 Bread 1 50.00  50.00\n");

    // To use StringBuilder as String.. Use `toString()` method..

Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

If you think about the performace ,may be you can use "PERFORM" in a function just like this:

 PERFORM 1 FROM skytf.test_2 WHERE id=i LIMIT 1;
      RAISE NOTICE ' found record id=%', i;  
      RAISE NOTICE ' not found record id=%', i;  

combining two string variables

you need to take out the quotes:

soda = a + b

(You want to refer to the variables a and b, not the strings "a" and "b")

Apache HttpClient 4.0.3 - how do I set cookie with sessionID for POST request?

I did it by passing the cookie through the HttpContext:

HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();

localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);

response = client.execute(httppost, localContext);

How to make return key on iPhone make keyboard disappear?

You can try this UITextfield subclass which you can set a condition for the text to dynamically change the UIReturnKey:

This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure that this API is activated in the APIs Console

For me, it was Maps Embed API that I had to enable.

In the Google Cloud Console

Go to API tab, look through the Additional APIs section and try to enable any map-related APIs.

enter image description here

How to get a tab character?

Tab is [HT], or character number 9, in the unicode library.

Android Preventing Double Click On A Button

Setting the button as clickable false upon clicking and true once it is desired to make the button clickable again is the right approach. For instance, consider the following scenario: you are making a service call upon click of a button and once the service is done you want to display a dialog. For this, once the button is clicked you can set setClickable(false) and once the service responds you will do setClicklable(true) through a reference you pass to your custom dialog. When dialog invokes isShowing() you can trigger the listener and setClicklable(true).

How to load/edit/run/save text files (.py) into an IPython notebook cell?

To write/save


  • write/save cell contents into (use -a to append). Another alias: %%file

To run


  • run and output results in the current cell

To load/import


  • load "import" into the current cell

For more magic and help


  • list all the other cool cell magic commands.


  • for help on how to use a certain command. i.e. %run?


Beside the cell magic commands, IPython notebook (now Jupyter notebook) is so cool that it allows you to use any unix command right from the cell (this is also equivalent to using the %%bash cell magic command).

To run a unix command from the cell, just precede your command with ! mark. for example:

  • !python --version see your python version
  • !python run and output results in the current cell, just like %run (see the difference between !python and %run in the comments below).

Also, see this nbviewer for further explanation with examples. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between class and instance methods?

Class methods can't change or know the value of any instance variable. That should be the criteria for knowing if an instance method can be a class method.

Get file version in PowerShell

I find this useful:

function Get-Version($filePath)
   $name = @{Name="Name";Expression= {split-path -leaf $_.FileName}}
   $path = @{Name="Path";Expression= {split-path $_.FileName}}
   dir -recurse -path $filePath | % { if ($_.Name -match "(.*dll|.*exe)$") {$_.VersionInfo}} | select FileVersion, $name, $path

How to read and write into file using JavaScript?

You can't do this in any cross-browser way. IE does have methods to enable "trusted" applications to use ActiveX objects to read/write files, but that is it unfortunately.

If you are looking to save user information, you will most likely need to use cookies.

os.path.dirname(__file__) returns empty


os.path.realpath(__file__)return the abspath of the current script; os.path.split(abspath)[0] return the current dir

Each for object?

A javascript Object does not have a standard .each function. jQuery provides a function. See The below should work

$.each(object, function(index, value) {

Another option would be to use vanilla Javascript using the Object.keys() and the Array .map() functions like this

Object.keys(object).map(function(objectKey, index) {
    var value = object[objectKey];

See and

These are usually better than using a vanilla Javascript for-loop, unless you really understand the implications of using a normal for-loop and see use for it's specific characteristics like looping over the property chain.

But usually, a for-loop doesn't work better than jQuery or Object.keys().map(). I'll go into two potential issues with using a plain for-loop below.

Right, so also pointed out in other answers, a plain Javascript alternative would be

for(var index in object) { 
    var attr = object[index]; 

There are two potential issues with this:

1 . You want to check whether the attribute that you are finding is from the object itself and not from up the prototype chain. This can be checked with the hasOwnProperty function like so

for(var index in object) { 
   if (object.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
       var attr = object[index];

See for more information.

The jQuery.each and Object.keys functions take care of this automatically.

2 . Another potential issue with a plain for-loop is that of scope and non-closures. This is a bit complicated, but take for example the following code. We have a bunch of buttons with ids button0, button1, button2 etc, and we want to set an onclick on them and do a console.log like this:

<button id='button0'>click</button>
<button id='button1'>click</button>
<button id='button2'>click</button>

var messagesByButtonId = {"button0" : "clicked first!", "button1" : "clicked middle!", "button2" : "clicked last!"];
for(var buttonId in messagesByButtonId ) { 
   if (messagesByButtonId.hasOwnProperty(buttonId)) {
       $('#'+buttonId).click(function() {
           var message = messagesByButtonId[buttonId];

If, after some time, we click any of the buttons we will always get "clicked last!" in the console, and never "clicked first!" or "clicked middle!". Why? Because at the time that the onclick function is executed, it will display messagesByButtonId[buttonId] using the buttonId variable at that moment. And since the loop has finished at that moment, the buttonId variable will still be "button2" (the value it had during the last loop iteration), and so messagesByButtonId[buttonId] will be messagesByButtonId["button2"], i.e. "clicked last!".

See for more information on closures. Especially the last part of that page that covers our example.

Again, jQuery.each and Object.keys().map() solve this problem automatically for us, because it provides us with a function(index, value) (that has closure) so we are safe to use both index and value and rest assured that they have the value that we expect.

Reading JSON from a file?

In python 3, we can use below method.

Read from file and convert to JSON

import json
from pprint import pprint

# Considering "json_list.json" is a json file

with open('json_list.json') as fd:
     json_data = json.load(fd)

with statement automatically close the opened file descriptor.

String to JSON

import json
from pprint import pprint

json_data = json.loads('{"name" : "myName", "age":24}')

How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Dummy data (you should supply this for us)

visual1 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))
visual2 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))


visuals = rbind(visual1,visual2)
visuals$vis=c(rep("visual1",100),rep("visual2",100)) # 100 points of each flavour

Now do:

 ggplot(visuals, aes(ISSUE_DATE,COUNTED,group=vis,col=vis)) + 
   geom_point() + geom_smooth()

and adjust colours etc to taste.

enter image description here

jquery fill dropdown with json data

This should do the trick:

$($.parseJSON(data.msg)).map(function () {
    return $('<option>').val(this.value).text(this.label);

Here's the distinction between ajax and getJSON (from the jQuery documentation):

[getJSON] is a shorthand Ajax function, which is equivalent to:

  url: url,
  dataType: 'json',
  data: data,
  success: callback

EDIT: To be clear, part of the problem was that the server's response was returning a json object that looked like this:

    "msg": '[{"value":"1","label":"xyz"}, {"value":"2","label":"abc"}]'

...So that msg property needed to be parsed manually using $.parseJSON().

Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) is not returning UTC time

java.util.Date is independent of the timezone. When you print cal_Two though the Calendar instance has got its timezone set to UTC, cal_Two.getTime() would return a Date instance which does not have a timezone (and is always in the default timezone)

Calendar cal_Two = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));


 Sat Jan 25 16:40:28 IST 2014

From the javadoc of TimeZone.setDefault()

Sets the TimeZone that is returned by the getDefault method. If zone is null, reset the default to the value it had originally when the VM first started.

Hence, moving your setDefault() before cal_Two is instantiated you would get the correct result.

Calendar cal_Two = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));

Calendar cal_Three = Calendar.getInstance();


Sat Jan 25 11:15:29 UTC 2014
Sat Jan 25 11:15:29 UTC 2014

How to get base URL in Web API controller?

Base on Athadu's answer, I write an extenesion method, then in the Controller Class you can get root url by this.RootUrl();

public static class ControllerHelper
    public static string RootUrl(this ApiController controller)
        return controller.Url.Content("~/");

.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system

Your script is blocked from executing due to the execution policy.

You need to run PowerShell as administrator and set it on the client PC to Unrestricted. You can do that by calling Invoke with:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Android WebView not loading an HTTPS URL

To solve Google security, do this:

Lines to the top:

import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;


class SSLTolerentWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
    public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
        if (error.toString() == "piglet")
            handler.proceed(); // Ignore SSL certificate errors

Global keyboard capture in C# application

private void buttonHook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Hooks only into specified Keys (here "A" and "B").
    // (***) Use this constructor

    _globalKeyboardHook = new GlobalKeyboardHook(new Keys[] { Keys.A, Keys.B });

    // Hooks into all keys.
    // (***) Or this - not both

    _globalKeyboardHook = new GlobalKeyboardHook();
    _globalKeyboardHook.KeyboardPressed += OnKeyPressed;

And then is working fine.

How do I get Flask to run on port 80?

A convinient way is using the package python-dotenv: It reads out a .flaskenv file where you can store environment variables for flask.

  • pip install python-dotenv
  • create a file .flaskenv in the root directory of your app

Inside the file you specify:

After that you just have to run your app with flask run and can access your app at that port.

Please note that FLASK_RUN_HOST defaults to and FLASK_RUN_PORT defaults to 5000.

What does a bitwise shift (left or right) do and what is it used for?

Yes, I think performance-wise you might find a difference as bitwise left and right shift operations can be performed with a complexity of o(1) with a huge data set.

For example, calculating the power of 2 ^ n:

int value = 1;
while (exponent<n)
       // Print out current power of 2
        value = value *2; // Equivalent machine level left shift bit wise operation

Similar code with a bitwise left shift operation would be like:

value = 1 << n;

Moreover, performing a bit-wise operation is like exacting a replica of user level mathematical operations (which is the final machine level instructions processed by the microcontroller and processor).

How does Python manage int and long?

int and long were "unified" a few versions back. Before that it was possible to overflow an int through math ops.

3.x has further advanced this by eliminating long altogether and only having int.

  • Python 2: sys.maxint contains the maximum value a Python int can hold.
    • On a 64-bit Python 2.7, the size is 24 bytes. Check with sys.getsizeof().
  • Python 3: sys.maxsize contains the maximum size in bytes a Python int can be.
    • This will be gigabytes in 32 bits, and exabytes in 64 bits.
    • Such a large int would have a value similar to 8 to the power of sys.maxsize.

iPhone: How to get current milliseconds?

 func currentmicrotimeTimeMillis() -> Int64{
let nowDoublevaluseis = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
return Int64(nowDoublevaluseis*1000)


Fuzzy matching using T-SQL

Pasting RedFilter code in two parts ,so as to avoid link rot

References: Part1:

--WEB LISTING 1: Double Metaphone Script

CREATE FUNCTION fnIsVowel( @c char(1) )
    IF (@c = 'A') OR (@c = 'E') OR (@c = 'I') OR (@c = 'O') OR (@c = 'U') OR (@c = 'Y') 
        RETURN 1
    --'ELSE' would worry SQL Server, it wants RETURN last in a scalar function
    RETURN 0
IF OBJECT_ID('fnSlavoGermanic') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP FUNCTION fnSlavoGermanic 
CREATE FUNCTION fnSlavoGermanic( @Word char(50) )
    --Catch NULL also...
    IF (CHARINDEX('W',@Word) > 0) OR (CHARINDEX('K',@Word) > 0) OR 
(CHARINDEX('CZ',@Word) > 0)
    --'WITZ' test is in original Lawrence Philips C++ code, but appears to be a subset of the first test for 'W'
    -- OR (CHARINDEX('WITZ',@Word) > 0)
        RETURN 1
        RETURN 0
--Lawrence Philips calls for a length argument, but this has two drawbacks:
--1. All target strings must be of the same length
--2. It presents an opportunity for subtle bugs, ie fnStringAt( 1, 7, 'Search me please', 'Search' ) returns 0 (no matter what is in the searched string)
--So I've eliminated the argument and fnStringAt checks the length of each target as it executes

--DEFAULTS suck with UDFs. Have to specify DEFAULT in caller - why bother?
CREATE FUNCTION fnStringAtDef( @Start int, @StringToSearch varchar(50), 
    @Target1 varchar(50), 
    @Target2 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target3 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target4 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target5 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target6 varchar(50) = NULL )
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target1,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    --2 Styles, test each optional argument for NULL, nesting further tests
    --or just take advantage of CHARINDEX behavior with a NULL arg (unless 65 compatibility - code check before CREATE FUNCTION?
    --Style 1:
    --IF @Target2 IS NOT NULL
    --  IF CHARINDEX(@Target2,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    -- (etc.)
    --Style 2:
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target2,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target3,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target4,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target5,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target6,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    RETURN 0
CREATE FUNCTION fnStringAt( @Start int, @StringToSearch varchar(50), @TargetStrings 
varchar(2000) )
    DECLARE @SingleTarget varchar(50)
    DECLARE @CurrentStart int
    DECLARE @CurrentLength int

    --Eliminate special cases
    --Trailing space is needed to check for end of word in some cases, so always append comma
    --loop tests should fairly quickly ignore ',,' termination
    SET @TargetStrings = @TargetStrings + ','

    SET @CurrentStart = 1
    --Include terminating comma so spaces don't get truncated
    SET @CurrentLength = (CHARINDEX(',',@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart) - 
@CurrentStart) + 1
    SET @SingleTarget = SUBSTRING(@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart,@CurrentLength)
    WHILE LEN(@SingleTarget) > 1
        IF SUBSTRING(@StringToSearch,@Start,LEN(@SingleTarget)-1) = 
            RETURN 1
        SET @CurrentStart = (@CurrentStart + @CurrentLength)
        SET @CurrentLength = (CHARINDEX(',',@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart) - 
@CurrentStart) + 1
        IF NOT @CurrentLength > 1 --getting trailing comma 
        SET @SingleTarget = 
    RETURN 0
fnDoubleMetaphoneTable END
CREATE FUNCTION fnDoubleMetaphoneTable( @Word varchar(50) )
RETURNS @DMP TABLE ( Metaphone1 char(4), Metaphone2 char(4) )
    DECLARE @MP1 varchar(4), @MP2 varchar(4)
    SET @MP1 = ''
    SET @MP2 = ''
    DECLARE @CurrentPosition int, @WordLength int, @CurrentChar char(1)
    SET @CurrentPosition = 1
    SET @WordLength = LEN(@Word)

    IF @WordLength < 1 

    --ensure case insensitivity
    SET @Word = UPPER(@Word)

    IF dbo.fnStringAt(1, @Word, 'GN,KN,PN,WR,PS') = 1 
        SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

    IF 'X' = LEFT(@Word,1)
        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
        SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

    WHILE (4 > LEN(RTRIM(@MP1))) OR (4 > LEN(RTRIM(@MP2)))
        IF @CurrentPosition > @WordLength 

        SET @CurrentChar = SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition,1)

        IF @CurrentChar IN('A','E','I','O','U','Y')
            IF @CurrentPosition = 1 
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'A'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'A'
            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'B'
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'P'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'P'
            IF 'B' = SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) 
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'Ç'
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'C'
            --various germanic
            IF (@CurrentPosition > 2) 
               AND (dbo.fnIsVowel(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition-2,1))=0) 
               AND (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition-1,@Word,'ACH') = 1) 
               AND ((SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition+2,1) <> 'I') 
                AND ((SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition+2,1) <> 'E') OR 
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            -- 'caesar'
            ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CAESAR') = 1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            -- 'chianti'
            ELSE IF dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CHIA') = 1
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            ELSE IF dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CH') = 1
                -- Find 'michael'
                IF (@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CHAE') = 1)
                    --First instance of alternate encoding
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                --greek roots e.g. 'chemistry', 'chorus'
                ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1) AND (dbo.fnStringAt(2, @Word, 
'HARAC,HARIS,HOR,HYM,HIA,HEM') = 1) AND (dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'CHORE') = 0)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                --germanic, greek, or otherwise 'ch' for 'kh' sound
                ELSE IF ((dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'VAN ,VON ,SCH')=1) OR 
                   (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition+2,@Word,'T,S')=1) OR 
                   (@CurrentPosition = 1))  
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition+2,@Word,'L,R,N,M,B,H,F,V,W, ')=1)))
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    --is this a given?
                    IF (@CurrentPosition > 1)   
                        IF (dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'MC') = 1)
                            --eg McHugh
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                            --Alternate encoding
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    --e.g, 'czerny'
                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CZ')=1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 2),@Word,'WICZ')=0)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    --e.g., 'focaccia'
                    ELSE IF(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,'CIA')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3

                    --double 'C', but not if e.g. 'McClellan'
                    ELSE IF(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CC')=1) AND NOT 
((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND (LEFT(@Word,1) = 'M'))
                            --'bellocchio' but not 'bacchus'
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'I,E,H')=1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'HU')=0)
                                    --'accident', 'accede' 'succeed'
                                    IF (((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND 
(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) = 'A')) 
                                                    OR (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'KS'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'KS'
                                    --'bacci', 'bertucci', other italian
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                            --Pierce's rule
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CK,CG,CQ')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CI,CE,CY')=1)
                            --italian vs. english
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CIO,CIE,CIA')=1)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'

                        --name sent in 'mac caffrey', 'mac gregor
                        IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,' C, Q, G')=1)
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                                IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,'C,K,Q')=1)
                                        AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1), 2, 'CE,CI')=0)
                                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'D'
                    IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition, @Word, 'DG')=1)
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'I,E,Y')=1)
                                    --e.g. 'edge'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'J'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'J'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                                    --e.g. 'edgar'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'TK'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'TK'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'DT,DD')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'T'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'T'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'T'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'T'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'F'
                    IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'F')
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'F'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'F'

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'G'
                    IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'H')
                            IF (@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
(dbo.fnIsVowel(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1)) = 0)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                --'ghislane', ghiradelli
                                ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1)
                                        IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 2,1) = 'I')
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'J'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'J'
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                            --Parker's rule (with some further refinements) - e.g., 'hugh'
                            ELSE IF (((@CurrentPosition > 2) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 2),@Word,'B,H,D')=1) )
                                    --e.g., 'bough'
                                    OR ((@CurrentPosition > 3) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 3),@Word,'B,H,D')=1) )
                                    --e.g., 'broughton'
                                    OR ((@CurrentPosition > 4) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 4),@Word,'B,H')=1) ) )
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                    --e.g., 'laugh', 'McLaughlin', 'cough', 'gough', 'rough', 'tough'
                                    IF ((@CurrentPosition > 3) 
                                            AND (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) = 'U') 
                                            AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 
3),@Word,'C,G,L,R,T')=1) )
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'F'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'F'
                                            IF ((@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) <> 'I')
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'

                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'N')
                            IF ((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND (dbo.fnIsVowel(LEFT(@Word,1))=1) AND 
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'KN'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'N'
                                    --not e.g. 'cagney'
                                    IF ((dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'EY')=0) 
                                                    AND (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) <> 
'Y') AND (dbo.fnSlavoGermanic(@Word)=0))

XSS prevention in JSP/Servlet web application

I had great luck with OWASP Anti-Samy and an AspectJ advisor on all my Spring Controllers that blocks XSS from getting in.

public class UserInputSanitizer {

    private static Policy policy;
    private static AntiSamy antiSamy;

    private static AntiSamy getAntiSamy() throws PolicyException  {
        if (antiSamy == null) {
            policy = getPolicy("evocatus-default");
            antiSamy = new AntiSamy();
        return antiSamy;


    public static String sanitize(String input) {
        CleanResults cr;
        try {
            cr = getAntiSamy().scan(input, policy);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return cr.getCleanHTML();

    private static Policy getPolicy(String name) throws PolicyException {
        Policy policy = 
            Policy.getInstance(Policy.class.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/antisamy/" + name + ".xml"));
        return policy;


You can get the AspectJ advisor from the this stackoverflow post

I think this is a better approach then c:out particular if you do a lot of javascript.

Return datetime object of previous month

Simplest Way that i have tried Just now

from datetime import datetime
from django.utils import timezone

current =
if current.month == 1:
     month = 12
     month = current.month - 1
current = datetime(current.year, month,

What are Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in SQL Server?

Page 178, High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition

An index that contains (or "covers") all the data needed to satisfy a query is called a covering index.

When you issue a query that is covered by an index (an indexed-covered query), you'll see "Using Index" in the Extra column in EXPLAIN.

How to add conditional attribute in Angular 2?

you can use this.

<span [attr.checked]="val? true : false"> </span>

How can I detect whether an iframe is loaded?

You may try this (using jQuery)

        console.log('iframe loaded successfully')_x000D_
    $('#click').on('click', function(){_x000D_
        $('#MainPopupIframe').attr('src', '');    _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button id='click'>click me</button>_x000D_
<iframe style="display:none" id='MainPopupIframe' src='' /></iframe>

jsfiddle DEMO.

Update: Using plain javascript

    var ifr=document.getElementById('MainPopupIframe');_x000D_
        console.log('laod the iframe')_x000D_
    var btn=document.getElementById('click');    _x000D_
        ifr.src='';    _x000D_
<button id='click'>click me</button>_x000D_
<iframe style="display:none" id='MainPopupIframe' src='' /></iframe>

jsfiddle DEMO.

Update: Also you can try this (dynamic iframe)

    $('#click').on('click', function(){_x000D_
        var ifr=$('<iframe/>', {_x000D_
                alert('iframe loaded !');_x000D_
        $('body').append(ifr);    _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button id='click'>click me</button><br />

jsfiddle DEMO.

How to test enum types?

I agree with aberrant80.

For enums, I test them only when they actually have methods in them. If it's a pure value-only enum like your example, I'd say don't bother.

But since you're keen on testing it, going with your second option is much better than the first. The problem with the first is that if you use an IDE, any renaming on the enums would also rename the ones in your test class.

I would expand on it by adding that unit testings an Enum can be very useful. If you work in a large code base, build time starts to mount up and a unit test can be a faster way to verify functionality (tests only build their dependencies). Another really big advantage is that other developers cannot change the functionality of your code unintentionally (a huge problem with very large teams).

And with all Test Driven Development, tests around an Enums Methods reduce the number of bugs in your code base.

Simple Example

public enum Multiplier {

    private final double multiplier;

    Multiplier(double multiplier) {
        this.multiplier = multiplier;

    Double applyMultiplier(Double value) {
        return multiplier * value;


public class MultiplierTest {

    public void should() {
        assertThat(Multiplier.DOUBLE.applyMultiplier(1.0), is(2.0));
        assertThat(Multiplier.TRIPLE.applyMultiplier(1.0), is(3.0));

How to convert a list of numbers to jsonarray in Python

import json
row = [1L,[0.1,0.2],[[1234L,1],[134L,2]]]
row_json = json.dumps(row)

Tesseract OCR simple example

I was able to get it to work by following these instructions.

  • Download the sample code Tesseract sample code

  • Unzip it to a new location

  • Open ~\tesseract-samples-master\src\Tesseract.Samples.sln (I used Visual Studio 2017)

  • Install the Tesseract NuGet package for that project (or uninstall/reinstall as I had to) NuGet Tesseract

  • Uncomment the last two meaningful lines in Tesseract.Samples.Program.cs: Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true);

  • Run (hit F5)

  • You should get this windows console output enter image description here

When should an IllegalArgumentException be thrown?

Treat IllegalArgumentException as a preconditions check, and consider the design principle: A public method should both know and publicly document its own preconditions.

I would agree this example is correct:

void setPercentage(int pct) {
    if( pct < 0 || pct > 100) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad percent");

If EmailUtil is opaque, meaning there's some reason the preconditions cannot be described to the end-user, then a checked exception is correct. The second version, corrected for this design:

import com.someoneelse.EmailUtil;

public void scanEmail(String emailStr, InputStream mime) throws ParseException {
    EmailAddress parsedAddress = EmailUtil.parseAddress(emailStr);

If EmailUtil is transparent, for instance maybe it's a private method owned by the class under question, IllegalArgumentException is correct if and only if its preconditions can be described in the function documentation. This is a correct version as well:

/** @param String email An email with an address in the form [email protected]
 * with no nested comments, periods or other nonsense.
public String scanEmail(String email)
  if (!addressIsProperlyFormatted(email)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid address");
  return parseEmail(emailAddr);
private String parseEmail(String emailS) {
  // Assumes email is valid
  boolean parsesJustFine = true;
  // Parse logic
  if (!parsesJustFine) {
    // As a private method it is an internal error if address is improperly
    // formatted. This is an internal error to the class implementation.
    throw new AssertError("Internal error");

This design could go either way.

  • If preconditions are expensive to describe, or if the class is intended to be used by clients who don't know whether their emails are valid, then use ParseException. The top level method here is named scanEmail which hints the end user intends to send unstudied email through so this is likely correct.
  • If preconditions can be described in function documentation, and the class does not intent for invalid input and therefore programmer error is indicated, use IllegalArgumentException. Although not "checked" the "check" moves to the Javadoc documenting the function, which the client is expected to adhere to. IllegalArgumentException where the client can't tell their argument is illegal beforehand is wrong.

A note on IllegalStateException: This means "this object's internal state (private instance variables) is not able to perform this action." The end user cannot see private state so loosely speaking it takes precedence over IllegalArgumentException in the case where the client call has no way to know the object's state is inconsistent. I don't have a good explanation when it's preferred over checked exceptions, although things like initializing twice, or losing a database connection that isn't recovered, are examples.

Javascript loop through object array?


Method 1: forEach method

messages.forEach(function(message) {

Method 2: for..of method

for(let message of messages){

Note: This method might not work with objects, such as:

let obj = { a: 'foo', b: { c: 'bar', d: 'daz' }, e: 'qux' }

Method 2: method

for(let key in messages){

Safely casting long to int in Java

Java integer types are represented as signed. With an input between 231 and 232 (or -231 and -232) the cast would succeed but your test would fail.

What to check for is whether all of the high bits of the long are all the same:

public static final long LONG_HIGH_BITS = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000L;
public static int safeLongToInt(long l) {
    if ((l & LONG_HIGH_BITS) == 0 || (l & LONG_HIGH_BITS) == LONG_HIGH_BITS) {
        return (int) l;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("...");

Remove Object from Array using JavaScript

Although this is probably not that appropriate for this situation I found out the other day that you can also use the delete keyword to remove an item from an array if you don't need to alter the size of the array e.g.

var myArray = [1,2,3];

delete myArray[1];

console.log(myArray[1]); //undefined

console.log(myArray.length); //3 - doesn't actually shrink the array down

What do we mean by Byte array?

A byte is 8 bits (binary data).

A byte array is an array of bytes (tautology FTW!).

You could use a byte array to store a collection of binary data, for example, the contents of a file. The downside to this is that the entire file contents must be loaded into memory.

For large amounts of binary data, it would be better to use a streaming data type if your language supports it.

Why would Oracle.ManagedDataAccess not work when Oracle.DataAccess does?

In my case everything said above was OK, but I still have been receiving ORA-12545: Network Transport: Unable to resolve connect hostname

I tried to ping the Oracle machine and found out I cannot see it and added it to the hosts file. Then I received another error message ORA-12541: TNS:no listener. After investigation I realized that pinging the same hostname from different machines getting different IP addresses(I don't know why) and I changed the IP address in my host file, which resolved the problem on 100%.

I'm bothering to write my experience as it seems obvious, but although I was sure the problem is in the above settings I totally forgot to check if I really can see the remote DB machine out there. Keep it in mind when you are out of ideas what is going on.....

These links helped me a lot:

Pandas sum by groupby, but exclude certain columns

You can select the columns of a groupby:

In [11]: df.groupby(['Country', 'Item_Code'])[["Y1961", "Y1962", "Y1963"]].sum()
                       Y1961  Y1962  Y1963
Country     Item_Code
Afghanistan 15            10     20     30
            25            10     20     30
Angola      15            30     40     50
            25            30     40     50

Note that the list passed must be a subset of the columns otherwise you'll see a KeyError.

Convert True/False value read from file to boolean

Use ast.literal_eval:

>>> import ast
>>> ast.literal_eval('True')
>>> ast.literal_eval('False')

Why is flag always converting to True?

Non-empty strings are always True in Python.

Related: Truth Value Testing

If NumPy is an option, then:

>>> import StringIO
>>> import numpy as np
>>> s = 'True - False - True'
>>> c = StringIO.StringIO(s)
>>> np.genfromtxt(c, delimiter='-', autostrip=True, dtype=None) #or dtype=bool
array([ True, False,  True], dtype=bool)

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed at index 21

If your input always has a time zone of "zulu" ("Z" = UTC), then you can use DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT (implicitly):

final Instant parsed = Instant.parse(dateTime);

If time zone varies and has the form of "+01:00" or "+01:00:00" (when not "Z"), then you can use DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME;
final ZonedDateTime parsed = ZonedDateTime.parse(dateTime, formatter);

If neither is the case, you can construct a DateTimeFormatter in the same manner as DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME is constructed.

Your current pattern has several problems:

  • not using strict mode (ResolverStyle.STRICT);
  • using yyyy instead of uuuu (yyyy will not work in strict mode);
  • using 12-hour hh instead of 24-hour HH;
  • using only one digit S for fractional seconds, but input has three.

Counting the number of elements in array

This expands on the answer by Denis Bubnov.

I used this to find child values of array elements—namely if there was a anchor field in paragraphs on a Drupal 8 site to build a table of contents.

{% set count = 0 %}
{% for anchor in items %}
    {% if anchor.content['#paragraph'].field_anchor_link.0.value %}
        {% set count = count + 1 %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if count > 0 %}
 ---  build the toc here --
{% endif %}

mysql said: Cannot connect: invalid settings. xampp

I have been confronted with the same problem, so I went to :


I pasted the password which I had enter earlier then I was able to access phpmyadmin again, there in the privileges tab/ edit/ I chose no password and go then it all came back to life :)

Also you can change the user to admin but your phpmyadmin would be in admin side and your other localhost website will not work either.

Delete files or folder recursively on Windows CMD

After the blog post How Can I Use Windows PowerShell to Delete All the .TMP Files on a Drive?, you can use something like this to delete all .tmp for example from a folder and all subfolders in PowerShell:

get-childitem [your path/ or leave empty for current path] -include
*.tmp -recurse | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname}

Visual Studio loading symbols

Configure in Tools, Options, Debugging, Symbols.

You can watch the output window (view, output) to see what it's doing usually. If it's really slow that probably means it's hitting a symbol server, probably Microsoft's, to download missing symbols. This takes three HTTP hits for each file it can't find on every startup - you can sometimes see this in the status bar at the bottom or in e.g. Fiddler. You can see which modules have loaded symbols in Debug, Windows, Modules whilst you're debugging.

Symbols mean you get useful stack trace information into third party and system assemblies. You definitely need them for your own code, but I think those get loaded regardless. Your best bet is to turn off any non-local symbol sources in that menu and, if you're loading lots of symbols for system assemblies that you don't need to debug into you can temporarily disable loading those to speed up debug start - but they're often useful to have loaded.

Is there anyway to exclude artifacts inherited from a parent POM?

Don't use a parent pom

This might sound extreme, but the same way "inheritance hell" is a reason some people turn their backs on Object Oriented Programming (or prefer composition over inheritance), remove the problematic <parent> block and copy and paste whatever <dependencies> you need (if your team gives you this liberty).

The assumption that splitting of poms into a parent and child for "reuse" and "avoidance of redunancy" should be ignored and you should serve your immediate needs first (the cure is worst than the disease). Besides, redundancy has its advantages - namely independence of external changes (i.e stability).

This is easier than it sounds if you generate the effective pom (eclipse provides it but you can generate it from the command line with mvn help:effective).


I want to use logback as my slf4j binding, but my parent pom includes the log4j dependency. I don't want to go and have to push the other children's dependence on log4j down into their own pom.xml files so that mine is unobstructed.

Eclipse CDT project built but "Launch Failed. Binary Not Found"

My experience is that after building your project (CTRL+B), you need to create a run (or debug) configuration in the Run or Debug dropdown menu from the main toolbar. Then in the main page, click the

Search Project...


This will find all executable files you have built and show them in a dialog box. You can choose the right one and then hit the Run (or

Equivalent of Super Keyword in C#

C# equivalent of your code is

  class Imagedata : PDFStreamEngine
     // C# uses "base" keyword whenever Java uses "super" 
     // so instead of super(...) in Java we should call its C# equivalent (base):
     public Imagedata()
       : base(ResourceLoader.loadProperties("org/apache/pdfbox/resources/", true)) 
     { }

     // Java methods are virtual by default, when C# methods aren't.
     // So we should be sure that processOperator method in base class 
     // (that is PDFStreamEngine)
     // declared as "virtual"
     protected override void processOperator(PDFOperator operations, List arguments)
        base.processOperator(operations, arguments);

What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

It hides the intention of the code.

It's two single tilde operators, so it does a bitwise complement (bitwise not) twice. The operations take out each other, so the only remaining effect is the conversion that is done before the first operator is applied, i.e. converting the value to an integer number.

Some use it as a faster alternative to Math.floor, but the speed difference is not that dramatic, and in most cases it's just micro optimisation. Unless you have a piece of code that really needs to be optimised, you should use code that descibes what it does instead of code that uses a side effect of a non-operation.

Update 2011-08:

With optimisation of the JavaScript engine in browsers, the performance for operators and functions change. With current browsers, using ~~ instead of Math.floor is somewhat faster in some browsers, and not faster at all in some browsers. If you really need that extra bit of performance, you would need to write different optimised code for each browser.

See: tilde vs floor

What is RSS and VSZ in Linux memory management

They are not managed, but measured and possibly limited (see getrlimit system call, also on getrlimit(2)).

RSS means resident set size (the part of your virtual address space sitting in RAM).

You can query the virtual address space of process 1234 using proc(5) with cat /proc/1234/maps and its status (including memory consumption) thru cat /proc/1234/status

Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP

You need to use the iconv package, specifically its iconv function.

Checkout another branch when there are uncommitted changes on the current branch

The correct answer is

git checkout -m origin/master

It merges changes from the origin master branch with your local even uncommitted changes.

Calculate difference in keys contained in two Python dictionaries

If you want a built-in solution for a full comparison with arbitrary dict structures, @Maxx's answer is a good start.

import unittest

test = unittest.TestCase()
test.assertEqual(dictA, dictB)

How can I install Python's pip3 on my Mac?

For me brew postinstall python3 didn't work. I found this solution on the GitHub Homebrew issues page:

$ brew rm python
$ rm -rf /usr/local/opt/python
$ brew cleanup
$ brew install python3

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

if your table is like this

rowId     col1    col2    col3    col4
 1          a       e       12       2
 2          b       f       42       5
 3          a       e       32       2
 4          b       f       44       5

var grouped = myTable.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(r=> new {pp1 =  r.Field<int>("col1"), pp2 = r.Field<int>("col2")});

Open Jquery modal dialog on click event

May be helpful... :)

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#buutonId').on('click', function() {

jQuery addClass onClick

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#Button').click(function() {

should do the trick. unless you're loading the button with ajax. In which case you could do:

$('#Button').live('click', function() {...

Also remember not to use the same id more than once in your html code.

excel vba getting the row,cell value from selection.address

Is this what you are looking for ?

Sub getRowCol()

    Range("A1").Select ' example

    Dim col, row
    col = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(1)
    row = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(2)

    MsgBox "Column is : " & col
    MsgBox "Row is : " & row

End Sub

Jquery sortable 'change' event element position

If anyone is interested in a sortable list with a changing index per listitem (1st, 2nd, 3th etc...:

  handle:         '.handle'
, placeholder:    'sort-placeholder'
, forcePlaceholderSize: true
, start: function( e, ui )
{ 'start-pos', ui.item.index()+1 );
, change: function( e, ui )
      var seq
      , startPos = 'start-pos' )
      , $index
      , correction

      // if startPos < placeholder pos, we go from top to bottom
      // else startPos > placeholder pos, we go from bottom to top and we need to correct the index with +1
      correction = startPos <= ui.placeholder.index() ? 0 : 1;

      ui.item.parent().find( 'li.prize').each( function( idx, el )
        var $this = $( el )
        , $index = $this.index()

        // correction 0 means moving top to bottom, correction 1 means bottom to top
        if ( ( $index+1 >= startPos && correction === 0) || ($index+1 <= startPos && correction === 1 ) )
          $index = $index + correction;
          $this.find( '.ordinal-position').text( $index + ordinalSuffix( $index ) );


      // handle dragged item separatelly
      seq = ui.item.parent().find( 'li.sort-placeholder').index() + correction;
      ui.item.find( '.ordinal-position' ).text( seq + ordinalSuffix( seq ) );
} );

// this function adds the correct ordinal suffix to the provide number
function ordinalSuffix( number )
  var suffix = '';

  if ( number / 10 % 10 === 1 )
    suffix = "th";
  else if ( number > 0 )

    switch( number % 10 )
      case 1:
        suffix = "st";
      case 2:
        suffix = "nd";
      case 3:
        suffix = "rd";
        suffix = "th";
  return suffix;

Your markup can look like this:

<ul class="sortable ">
<li >        
        <span class="ordinal-position">1st</span>
         A header
        <span class="icon-button handle"><i class="fa fa-arrows"></i></span>
    <div class="bpdy" >
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
 <li >        
        <span class="ordinal-position">2nd</span>
         A header
        <span class="icon-button handle"><i class="fa fa-arrows"></i></span>
    <div class="bpdy" >
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod

Singleton: How should it be used

Most people use singletons when they are trying to make themselves feel good about using a global variable. There are legitimate uses, but most of the time when people use them, the fact that there can only be one instance is just a trivial fact compared to the fact that it's globally accessible.

Add image in pdf using jspdf

First you need to load the image, convert data, and then pass to jspdf (in typescript):

loadImage(imagePath): ng.IPromise<any> {
    var defer = this.q.defer<any>();
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = imagePath;
            var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
            canvas.width = img.width;
            canvas.height = img.height;

            var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
            context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

            var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');


    return defer.promise;

generatePdf() {
    this.loadImage('img/businessLogo.jpg').then((data) => {
        var pdf = new jsPDF();
        pdf.addImage(data,'JPEG', 15, 40, 180, 160);
        pdf.text(30, 20, 'Hello world!');
        var pdf_container =  angular.element(document.getElementById('pdf_preview'));
        pdf_container.attr('src', pdf.output('datauristring'));

jQuery to retrieve and set selected option value of html select element

The way you have it is correct at the moment. Either the id of the select is not what you say or you have some issues in the dom.

Check the Id of the element and also check your markup validates at here at W3c.

Without a valid dom jQuery cannot work correctly with the selectors.

If the id's are correct and your dom validates then the following applies:

To Read Select Option Value


To Set Select Option Value


To Read Selected Text


Excel - Sum column if condition is met by checking other column in same table

This should work, but there is a little trick. After you enter the formula, you need to hold down Ctrl+Shift while you press Enter. When you do, you'll see that the formula bar has curly-braces around your formula. This is called an array formula.

For example, if the Months are in cells A2:A100 and the amounts are in cells B2:B100, your formula would look like {=SUM(If(A2:A100="January",B2:B100))}. You don't actually type the curly-braces though.

You could also do something like =SUM((A2:A100="January")*B2:B100). You'd still need to use the trick to get it to work correctly.

How to set JAVA_HOME for multiple Tomcat instances?

Also, note that there shouldn't be any space after =:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27

How to enable C# 6.0 feature in Visual Studio 2013?

A lot of the answers here were written prior to Roslyn (the open-source .NET C# and VB compilers) moving to .NET 4.6. So they won't help you if your project targets, say, 4.5.2 as mine did (inherited and can't be changed).

But you can grab a previous version of Roslyn from and install that instead of the latest version. I used 1.3.2. (I tried 2.0.1 - which appears to be the last version that runs on .NET 4.5 - but I couldn't get it to compile*.) Run this from the Package Manager console in VS 2013:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Net.Compilers -Version 1.3.2

Then restart Visual Studio. I had a couple of problems initially; you need to set the C# version back to default (C#6.0 doesn't appear in the version list but seems to have been made the default), then clean, save, restart VS and recompile.

Interestingly, I didn't have any IntelliSense errors due to the C#6.0 features used in the code (which were the reason for wanting C#6.0 in the first place).

* version 2.0.1 threw error The "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.Csc task could not be loaded from the assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.

UPDATE One thing I've noticed since posting this answer is that if you change any code during debug ("Edit and Continue"), you'll like find that your C#6.0 code will suddenly show as errors in what seems to revert to a pre-C#6.0 environment. This requires a restart of your debug session. VERY annoying especially for web applications.

Parse JSON String to JSON Object in C#.NET

Another choice besides JObject is System.Json.JsonValue for Weak-Typed JSON object.

It also has a JsonValue blob = JsonValue.Parse(json); you can use. The blob will most likely be of type JsonObject which is derived from JsonValue, but could be JsonArray. Check the blob.JsonType if you need to know.

And to answer you question, YES, you may replace json with the name of your actual variable that holds the JSON string. ;-D

There is a System.Json.dll you should add to your project References.


Docker and securing passwords

run-time only solution

docker-compose also provides a non-swarm mode solution (since v1.11: Secrets using bind mounts).

The secrets are mounted as files below /run/secrets/ by docker-compose. This solves the problem at run-time (running the container), but not at build-time (building the image), because /run/secrets/ is not mounted at build-time. Furthermore this behavior depends on running the container with docker-compose.



FROM alpine
RUN cat /run/secrets/password
CMD sleep inifinity


version: '3.1'
    build: .
      - password

    file: password.txt

To build, execute:

docker-compose up -d

Further reading:

org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist

Most likely the problem lies outside the code you are showing us here. You are trying to update an object that is not associated with the current session. If it is not the Invoice, then maybe it is an InvoiceItem that has already been persisted, obtained from the db, kept alive in some sort of session and then you try to persist it on a new session. This is not possible. As a general rule, never keep your persisted objects alive across sessions.

The solution will ie in obtaining the whole object graph from the same session you are trying to persist it with. In a web environment this would mean:

  • Obtain the session
  • Fetch the objects you need to update or add associations to. Preferabley by their primary key
  • Alter what is needed
  • Save/update/evict/delete what you want
  • Close/commit your session/transaction

If you keep having issues post some of the code that is calling your service.

How to enable curl in Wamp server

The steps are as follows :

  1. Close WAMP (if running)
  2. Navigate to WAMP\bin\php\(your version of php)\
  3. Edit php.ini
  4. Search for curl, uncomment extension=php_curl.dll
  5. Navigate to WAMP\bin\Apache\(your version of apache)\bin\
  6. Edit php.ini
  7. Search for curl, uncomment extension=php_curl.dll
  8. Save both
  9. Restart WAMP

How to pass extra variables in URL with WordPress

$edit_post = add_query_arg('c', '123', 'news' );


<a href="<?php echo $edit_post; ?>">Go to New page</a>

You can add any page inplace of "news".

How do I create batch file to rename large number of files in a folder?

You don't need a batch file, just do this from powershell :

powershell -C "gci | % {rni $_.Name ($_.Name -replace 'Vacation2010', 'December')}"

Make Div Draggable using CSS

Draggable div not possible only with CSS, if you want draggable div you must need to use javascript.

Converting a factor to numeric without losing information R (as.numeric() doesn't seem to work)

First, factor consists of indices and levels. This fact is very very important when you are struggling with factor.

For example,

> z <- factor(letters[c(3, 2, 3, 4)])

# human-friendly display, but internal structure is invisible
> z
[1] c b c d
Levels: b c d

# internal structure of factor
> unclass(z)
[1] 2 1 2 3
[1] "b" "c" "d"

here, z has 4 elements.
The index is 2, 1, 2, 3 in that order.
The level is associated with each index: 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 -> d.

Then, as.numeric converts simply the index part of factor into numeric.
as.character handles the index and levels, and generates character vector expressed by its level.

?as.numeric says that Factors are handled by the default method.

How abstraction and encapsulation differ?

One example has always been brought up to me in the context of abstraction; the automatic vs. manual transmission on cars. The manual transmission hides some of the workings of changing gears, but you still have to clutch and shift as a driver. Automatic transmission encapsulates all the details of changing gears, i.e. hides it from you, and it is therefore a higher abstraction of the process of changing gears.

How to execute an .SQL script file using c#

I couldn't find any exact and valid way to do this. So after a whole day, I came with this mixed code achieved from different sources and trying to get the job done.

But it is still generating an exception ExecuteNonQuery: CommandText property has not been Initialized even though it successfully runs the script file - in my case, it successfully creates the database and inserts data on the first startup.

public partial class Form1 : MetroForm
    SqlConnection cn;
    SqlCommand cm;
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!CheckDatabaseExist())

    private bool CheckDatabaseExist()
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SalmanTradersDB;Integrated Security=true");
            return true;
            return false;

    private void GenerateDatabase()

            cn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(string.Format("drop databse {0}", "SalmanTradersDB"));
            cm = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString() , cn);

            //Application.StartupPath is the location where the application is Installed
            //Here File Path Can Be Provided Via OpenFileDialog
            if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\script.sql"))
                string script = null;
                script = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\script.sql");
                string[] ScriptSplitter = script.Split(new string[] { "GO" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                using (cn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True"))
                    foreach (string str in ScriptSplitter)
                        using (cm = cn.CreateCommand())
                            cm.CommandText = str;




Static Classes In Java

Yes there is a static nested class in java. When you declare a nested class static, it automatically becomes a stand alone class which can be instantiated without having to instantiate the outer class it belongs to.


public class A

 public static class B

Because class B is declared static you can explicitly instantiate as:

B b = new B();

Note if class B wasn't declared static to make it stand alone, an instance object call would've looked like this:

A a= new A();
B b = B();

How to get last items of a list in Python?

You can use negative integers with the slicing operator for that. Here's an example using the python CLI interpreter:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
>>> a[-9:]
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

the important line is a[-9:]

How to grep a text file which contains some binary data?

Starting with Grep 2.21, binary files are treated differently:

When searching binary data, grep now may treat non-text bytes as line terminators. This can boost performance significantly.

So what happens now is that with binary data, all non-text bytes (including newlines) are treated as line terminators. If you want to change this behavior, you can:

  • use --text. This will ensure that only newlines are line terminators

  • use --null-data. This will ensure that only null bytes are line terminators

Difference between the annotations @GetMapping and @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

As you can see here:

Specifically, @GetMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET).

Difference between @GetMapping & @RequestMapping

@GetMapping supports the consumes attribute like @RequestMapping.

How to add not null constraint to existing column in MySQL

Try this, you will know the difference between change and modify,

ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE curr_column_name new_column_name new_column_datatype [constraints]

ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name new_column_datatype [constraints]
  • You can change name and datatype of the particular column using CHANGE.
  • You can modify the particular column datatype using MODIFY. You cannot change the name of the column using this statement.

Hope, I explained well in detail.

How do I check if a C++ string is an int?

The accepted answer will give a false positive if the input is a number plus text, because "stol" will convert the firsts digits and ignore the rest.

I like the following version the most, since it's a nice one-liner that doesn't need to define a function and you can just copy and paste wherever you need it.

#include <string>


std::string s;

bool has_only_digits = (s.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) == std::string::npos);

EDIT: if you like this implementation but you do want to use it as a function, then this should do:

bool has_only_digits(const string s){
  return s.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) == string::npos;

WHERE clause on SQL Server "Text" data type

That is not what the error message says. It says that you cannot use the = operator. Try for instance LIKE 'foo'.

How to change the color of winform DataGridview header?

The way to do this is to set the EnableHeadersVisualStyles flag for the data grid view to False, and set the background colour via the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor property. For example, to set the background colour to blue, use the following (or set in the designer if you prefer):

_dataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Blue;
_dataGridView.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false;

If you do not set the EnableHeadersVisualStyles flag to False, then the changes you make to the style of the header will not take effect, as the grid will use the style from the current users default theme. The MSDN documentation for this property is here.

Setting up and using Meld as your git difftool and mergetool

It can be complicated to compute a diff in your head from the different sections in $MERGED and apply that. In my setup, meld helps by showing you these diffs visually, using:

    tool = mymeld
    conflictstyle = diff3

[mergetool "mymeld"]
    cmd = meld --diff $BASE $REMOTE --diff $REMOTE $LOCAL --diff $LOCAL $MERGED

It looks strange but offers a very convenient work-flow, using three tabs:

  1. in tab 1 you see (from left to right) the change that you should make in tab 2 to solve the merge conflict.

  2. in the right side of tab 2 you apply the "change that you should make" and copy the entire file contents to the clipboard (using ctrl-a and ctrl-c).

  3. in tab 3 replace the right side with the clipboard contents. If everything is correct, you will now see - from left to right - the same change as shown in tab 1 (but with different contexts). Save the changes made in this tab.


  • don't edit anything in tab 1
  • don't save anything in tab 2 because that will produce annoying popups in tab 3

A button to start php script, how?

I know this question is 5 years old, but for anybody wondering how to do this without re-rendering the main page. This solution uses the dart editor/scripting language.

You could have an <object> tag that contains a data attribute. Make the <object> 1px by 1px and then use something like dart to dynamically change the <object>'s data attribute which re-renders the data in the 1px by 1px object.

HTML Script:

<object id="external_source" type="text/html" data="" width="1px" height="1px">

<button id="button1" type="button">Start Script</button>

<script async type="application/dart" src="dartScript.dart"></script>
<script async src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>


echo 'hello world';


import 'dart:html';

InputElement button1;
ObjectElement externalSource;

void main() {
    button1 = querySelector('#button1')

    externalSource = querySelector('#external_source');

void runExternalSource(Event e) {
    externalSource.setAttribute('data', 'someScript.php');

So long as you aren't posting any information and you are just looking to run a script, this should work just fine.

Just build the dart script using "pub Build(generate JS)" and then upload the package onto your server.

MySQL Alter Table Add Field Before or After a field already present

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark` 
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

I believe you need to have ADD COLUMN and use AFTER, not BEFORE.

In case you want to place column at the beginning of a table, use the FIRST statement:

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark`
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

How do I store data in local storage using Angularjs?

this is a bit of my code that stores and retrieves to local storage. i use broadcast events to save and restore the values in the model.

app.factory('userService', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    var service = {

        model: {
            name: '',
            email: ''

        SaveState: function () {
            sessionStorage.userService = angular.toJson(service.model);

        RestoreState: function () {
            service.model = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.userService);

    $rootScope.$on("savestate", service.SaveState);
    $rootScope.$on("restorestate", service.RestoreState);

    return service;

add string to String array

As many of the answer suggesting better solution is to use ArrayList. ArrayList size is not fixed and it is easily manageable.

It is resizable-array implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including null. In addition to implementing the List interface, this class provides methods to manipulate the size of the array that is used internally to store the list.

Each ArrayList instance has a capacity. The capacity is the size of the array used to store the elements in the list. It is always at least as large as the list size. As elements are added to an ArrayList, its capacity grows automatically.

Note that this implementation is not synchronized.

ArrayList<String> scripts = new ArrayList<String>();

jQuery position DIV fixed at top on scroll

instead of doing it like that, why not just make the flyout position:fixed, top:0; left:0; once your window has scrolled pass a certain height:


      if ($(this).scrollTop() > 135) {
      } else {


.fixed {position:fixed; top:0; left:0;}


VBA code to show Message Box popup if the formula in the target cell exceeds a certain value

Essentially you want to add code to the Calculate event of the relevant Worksheet.

In the Project window of the VBA editor, double-click the sheet you want to add code to and from the drop-downs at the top of the editor window, choose 'Worksheet' and 'Calculate' on the left and right respectively.

Alternatively, copy the code below into the editor of the sheet you want to use:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

If Sheets("MySheet").Range("A1").Value > 0.5 Then
    MsgBox "Over 50%!", vbOKOnly
End If

End Sub

This way, every time the worksheet recalculates it will check to see if the value is > 0.5 or 50%.

WooCommerce: Finding the products in database

Bulk add new categories to Woo:

Insert category id, name, url key

INSERT INTO wp_terms 
  (57, 'Apples', 'fruit-apples', '0'),
  (58, 'Bananas', 'fruit-bananas', '0');

Set the term values as catergories

INSERT INTO wp_term_taxonomy 
  (57, 57, 'product_cat', '', 17, 0),
  (58, 58, 'product_cat', '', 17, 0)

17 - is parent category, if there is one

key here is to make sure the wp_term_taxonomy table term_taxonomy_id, term_id are equal to wp_term table's term_id

After doing the steps above go to wordpress admin and save any existing category. This will update the DB to include your bulk added categories

Delete newline in Vim

It probably depends on your settings, but I usually do this with A<delete>

Where A is append at the end of the line. It probably requires nocompatible mode :)

What is the difference between Release and Debug modes in Visual Studio?

Debug and Release are just labels for different solution configurations. You can add others if you want. A project I once worked on had one called "Debug Internal" which was used to turn on the in-house editing features of the application. You can see this if you go to Configuration Manager... (it's on the Build menu). You can find more information on MSDN Library under Configuration Manager Dialog Box.

Each solution configuration then consists of a bunch of project configurations. Again, these are just labels, this time for a collection of settings for your project. For example, our C++ library projects have project configurations called "Debug", "Debug_Unicode", "Debug_MT", etc.

The available settings depend on what type of project you're building. For a .NET project, it's a fairly small set: #defines and a few other things. For a C++ project, you get a much bigger variety of things to tweak.

In general, though, you'll use "Debug" when you want your project to be built with the optimiser turned off, and when you want full debugging/symbol information included in your build (in the .PDB file, usually). You'll use "Release" when you want the optimiser turned on, and when you don't want full debugging information included.

How do I see what character set a MySQL database / table / column is?

  FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T
   AND C.DATA_TYPE IN ('enum', 'varchar', 'char', 'text', 'mediumtext', 'longtext')

How to drop all user tables?

  for i in (select 'drop table '||table_name||' cascade constraints' tbl from user_tables) 
     execute immediate i.tbl;
  end loop;

C# How to change font of a label

Font.Name, Font.XYZProperty, etc are readonly as Font is an immutable object, so you need to specify a new Font object to replace it:

mainForm.lblName.Font = new Font("Arial", mainForm.lblName.Font.Size);

Check the constructor of the Font class for further options.

Java to Jackson JSON serialization: Money fields

You can use @JsonFormat annotation with shape as STRING on your BigDecimal variables. Refer below:

 import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;

  class YourObjectClass {

      private BigDecimal yourVariable;


How can I use MS Visual Studio for Android Development?

I suppose you can open Java files in Visual Studio and just use the command line tools directly. I don't think you'd get syntax highlighting or autocompletion though.

Eclipse is really not all that different from Visual Studio, and there are a lot of tools that are designed to make Android development more comfortable that work from within Eclipse.

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

There is the easy way


<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />x
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]"  />y
<input type="checkbox" name="test[]" />z
<button type="button" id="submit">Submit</button>


    if (($("input[name*='test']:checked").length)<=0) {
        alert("You must check at least 1 box");
    return true;

For this you not need any plugin. Enjoy;)

How to restart a single container with docker-compose

Since some of the other answers include info on rebuilding, and my use case also required a rebuild, I had a better solution (compared to those).

There's still a way to easily target just the one single worker container that both rebuilds + restarts it in a single line, albeit it's not actually a single command. The best solution for me was simply rebuild and restart:

docker-compose build worker && docker-compose restart worker

This accomplishes both major goals at once for me:

  1. Targets the single worker container
  2. Rebuilds and restarts it in a single line

Hope this helps anyone else getting here.

How to display a database table on to the table in the JSP page

Tracking ID Track
    <%String id = request.getParameter("track_id");%>
       <%if (id.length() == 0) {%>
    <b><h1>Please Enter Tracking ID</h1></b>
    <% } else {%>
    <div class="container">
        <table border="1" class="table" >
                <tr class="warning" >
                    <td ><h4>Track ID</h4></td>
                    <td><h4>Current Status</h4></td>

                try {
                    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl + database, userid, password);
                    statement = connection.createStatement();
                    String sql = "select * from track where track_id="+ id;
                    resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);
                    while ( {
            <tr class="info">
                } catch (Exception e) {


How can I find matching values in two arrays?

You can use javascript function .find() As it says in MDN, it will return the first value that is true. If such an element is found, find immediately returns the value of that element. Otherwise, find returns undefined.

var array1 = ["cat", "sum","fun", "run"];_x000D_
var array2 = ["bat", "cat","dog","sun", "hut", "gut"];_x000D_
found = array1.find( val => array2.includes(val) )_x000D_

Check if an HTML input element is empty or has no value entered by user

You want:

if (document.getElementById('customx').value === ""){
    //do something

The value property will give you a string value and you need to compare that against an empty string.

Maximum number of threads in a .NET app?

I would recommend running ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads method in debug

ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out int workerThreadsCount, out int ioThreadsCount);

Docs and examples:

How to overwrite styling in Twitter Bootstrap

Add your own class, ex: <div class="sidebar right"></div>, with the CSS as

.sidebar.right { 

batch file Copy files with certain extensions from multiple directories into one directory

In a batch file solution

for /R c:\source %%f in (*.xml) do copy %%f x:\destination\

The code works as such;

for each file for in directory c:\source and subdirectories /R that match pattern (\*.xml) put the file name in variable %%f, then for each file do copy file copy %%f to destination x:\\destination\\

Just tested it here on my Windows XP computer and it worked like a treat for me. But I typed it into command prompt so I used the single %f variable name version, as described in the linked question above.

Cluster analysis in R: determine the optimal number of clusters

A simple solution is the library factoextra. You can change the clustering method and the method for calculate the best number of groups. For example if you want to know the best number of clusters for a k- means:

Data: mtcars

fviz_nbclust(mtcars, kmeans, method = "wss") +
      geom_vline(xintercept = 3, linetype = 2)+
      labs(subtitle = "Elbow method")

Finally, we get a graph like:

enter image description here

Remove border from IFrame

If the doctype of the page you are placing the iframe on is HTML5 then you can use the seamless attribute like so:

<iframe src="..." seamless="seamless"></iframe>

Mozilla docs on the seamless attribute

Get 2 Digit Number For The Month

Simply can be used:


keycloak Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

You need to check the keycloak admin console for fronted configuration. It must be wrongly configured for redirect url and web origins.

How to make a simple popup box in Visual C#?

Just type mbox then hit tab it will give you a magic shortcut to pump up a message box.

How to shut down the computer from C#

The old-school ugly method. Use the ExitWindowsEx function from the Win32 API.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

void Shutdown2()
    const string SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeShutdownPrivilege";
    const short SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 2;
    const uint EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1;
    const short TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 32;
    const short TOKEN_QUERY = 8;
    IntPtr hToken;

    // Get shutdown privileges...
    tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
    tkp.Privileges.Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
    LookupPrivilegeValue("", SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, out tkp.Privileges.pLuid);
    AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, false, ref tkp, 0U, IntPtr.Zero, 

    // Now we have the privileges, shutdown Windows
    ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN, 0);

// Structures needed for the API calls
private struct LUID
    public int LowPart;
    public int HighPart;
private struct LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
    public LUID pLuid;
    public int Attributes;
private struct TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
    public int PrivilegeCount;
    public LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privileges;

static extern int OpenProcessToken(IntPtr ProcessHandle, 
                     int DesiredAccess, out IntPtr TokenHandle);

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr TokenHandle,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]bool DisableAllPrivileges,
    ref TOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState,
    UInt32 BufferLength,
    IntPtr PreviousState,
    IntPtr ReturnLength);

static extern int LookupPrivilegeValue(string lpSystemName, 
                       string lpName, out LUID lpLuid);

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int ExitWindowsEx(uint uFlags, uint dwReason);

In production code you should be checking the return values of the API calls, but I left that out to make the example clearer.

Use of contains in Java ArrayList<String>

You are right that it should work; perhaps you forgot to instantiate something. Does your code look something like this?

String rssFeedURL = "";
this.rssFeedURLS = new ArrayList<String>();
if(this.rssFeedURLs.contains(rssFeedURL)) {
// this code will execute

For reference, note that the following conditional will also execute if you append this code to the above:

String copyURL = new String(rssFeedURL);
if(this.rssFeedURLs.contains(copyURL)) {
// code will still execute because contains() checks equals()

Even though (rssFeedURL == copyURL) is false, rssFeedURL.equals(copyURL) is true. The contains method cares about the equals method.

Create GUI using Eclipse (Java)

There are lot of GUI designers even like Eclipse plugins, just few of them could use both, Swing and SWT..

WindowBuilder Pro GUI Designer - eclipse marketplace

WindowBuilder Pro GUI Designer - Google code home page


Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder - eclipse market place

Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder - home page

The window builder is quite better tool..

But IMHO, GUIs created by those tools have really ugly and unmanageable code..

Android - Dynamically Add Views into View

See the LayoutInflater class.

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)findViewById(;
inflater.inflate(R.layout.the_child_view, parent);

Styling the last td in a table with css

For IE, how about using a CSS expression:

<style type="text/css">
table td { 
  h: expression( = (this == this.parentNode.lastChild ? 'none' : '1px solid #000' ) );

How to download file in swift?

Example downloader class without Alamofire:

class Downloader {
    class func load(URL: NSURL) {
        let sessionConfig = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
        let session = NSURLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)
        let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: URL)
        request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
        let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: { (data: NSData!, response: NSURLResponse!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if (error == nil) {
                // Success
                let statusCode = (response as NSHTTPURLResponse).statusCode
                println("Success: \(statusCode)")

                // This is your file-variable:
                // data
            else {
                // Failure
                println("Failure: %@", error.localizedDescription);

This is how to use it in your own code:

class Foo {
    func bar() {
        if var URL = NSURL(string: "") {

Swift 3 Version

Also note to download large files on disk instead instead in memory. see `downloadTask:

class Downloader {
    class func load(url: URL, to localUrl: URL, completion: @escaping () -> ()) {
        let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
        let request = try! URLRequest(url: url, method: .get)

        let task = session.downloadTask(with: request) { (tempLocalUrl, response, error) in
            if let tempLocalUrl = tempLocalUrl, error == nil {
                // Success
                if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode {
                    print("Success: \(statusCode)")

                do {
                    try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: tempLocalUrl, to: localUrl)
                } catch (let writeError) {
                    print("error writing file \(localUrl) : \(writeError)")

            } else {
                print("Failure: %@", error?.localizedDescription);

C free(): invalid pointer

You're attempting to free something that isn't a pointer to a "freeable" memory address. Just because something is an address doesn't mean that you need to or should free it.

There are two main types of memory you seem to be confusing - stack memory and heap memory.

  • Stack memory lives in the live span of the function. It's temporary space for things that shouldn't grow too big. When you call the function main, it sets aside some memory for your variables you've declared (p,token, and so on).

  • Heap memory lives from when you malloc it to when you free it. You can use much more heap memory than you can stack memory. You also need to keep track of it - it's not easy like stack memory!

You have a few errors:

  • You're trying to free memory that's not heap memory. Don't do that.

  • You're trying to free the inside of a block of memory. When you have in fact allocated a block of memory, you can only free it from the pointer returned by malloc. That is to say, only from the beginning of the block. You can't free a portion of the block from the inside.

For your bit of code here, you probably want to find a way to copy relevant portion of memory to somewhere else...say another block of memory you've set aside. Or you can modify the original string if you want (hint: char value 0 is the null terminator and tells functions like printf to stop reading the string).

EDIT: The malloc function does allocate heap memory*.

"9.9.1 The malloc and free Functions

The C standard library provides an explicit allocator known as the malloc package. Programs allocate blocks from the heap by calling the malloc function."

~Computer Systems : A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition, Bryant & O'Hallaron, 2011

EDIT 2: * The C standard does not, in fact, specify anything about the heap or the stack. However, for anyone learning on a relevant desktop/laptop machine, the distinction is probably unnecessary and confusing if anything, especially if you're learning about how your program is stored and executed. When you find yourself working on something like an AVR microcontroller as H2CO3 has, it is definitely worthwhile to note all the differences, which from my own experience with embedded systems, extend well past memory allocation.

How to create threads in nodejs

I needed real multithreading in Node.js and what worked for me was the threads package. It spawns another process having it's own Node.js message loop, so they don't block each other. The setup is easy and the documentation get's you up and running fast. Your main program and the workers can communicate in both ways and worker "threads" can be killed if needed.

Since multithreading and Node.js is a complicated and widely discussed topic it was quite difficult to find a package that works for my specific requirement. For the record these did not work for me:

  • tiny-worker allowed spawning workers, but they seemed to share the same message loop (but it might be I did something wrong - threads had more documentation giving me confidence it really used multiple processes, so I kept going until it worked)
  • webworker-threads didn't allow require-ing modules in workers which I needed

And for those asking why I needed real multi-threading: For an application involving the Raspberry Pi and interrupts. One thread is handling those interrupts and another takes care of storing the data (and more).

How to test web service using command line curl

From the documentation on :

HTTP Authentication

curl --user name:password 

Put a file to a HTTP server with curl:

curl --upload-file uploadfile

Send post data with curl:

curl --data "birthyear=1905&press=%20OK%20"

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java?

If you use Robert Harder's Base64 utility, then you can do:

InputStream is = new Base64.InputStream(cph);

Or with sun's JRE, you can do:

InputStream is = new

However don't rely on that class continuing to be a part of the JRE, or even continuing to do what it seems to do today. Sun say not to use it.

There are other Stack Overflow questions about Base64 decoding, such as this one.

How to remove focus from single editText

if Edittext parent layout is Linear then add


like below



when Edittext parent layout is Relative then





C# Get a control's position on a form

You could walk up through the parents, noting their position within their parent, until you arrive at the Form.

Edit: Something like (untested):

public Point GetPositionInForm(Control ctrl)
   Point p = ctrl.Location;
   Control parent = ctrl.Parent;
   while (! (parent is Form))
      p.Offset(parent.Location.X, parent.Location.Y);
      parent = parent.Parent;
   return p;

Setting up foreign keys in phpMyAdmin?

First set Storage Engine as InnoDB

First set Storage Engine as InnoDB

then the relation view option enable in structure menu

then the relation view option enable

How to display alt text for an image in chrome

Use title attribute instead of alt

  title="Image Not Found"

Chrome javascript debugger breakpoints don't do anything?

make sure that you have opened javascript console(or sources) in your chrome window. otherwise it will never hit the breakpoint. you can open javascript console by option button in right upper corner-->tools-->javascript console.

Nth word in a string variable

STRING=(one two three four)
echo "${STRING[n]}"

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

If you know the cell number, then i would recommend using getDateCellValue() method Here's an example for the same that worked for me - java.util.Date date = row.getCell().getDateCellValue(); System.out.println(date);

How to check what user php is running as?

More details would be useful, but assuming it's a linux system, and assuming php is running under apache, it will run as what ever user apache runs as.

An easy way to check ( again, assuming some unix like environment ) is to create a php file with:

    print shell_exec( 'whoami' );

which will give you the user.

For my AWS instance, I am getting apache as output when I run this script.

HTML <input type='file'> File Selection Event

When you have to reload the file, you can erase the value of input. Next time you add a file, 'on change' event will trigger.

document.getElementById('my_input').value = null;
// ^ that just erase the file path but do the trick

How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

From the id Selector jQuery page:

Each id value must be used only once within a document. If more than one element has been assigned the same ID, queries that use that ID will only select the first matched element in the DOM. This behavior should not be relied on, however; a document with more than one element using the same ID is invalid.

Naughty Google. But they don't even close their <html> and <body> tags I hear. The question is though, why Misha's 2nd and 3rd queries return 2 and not 1 as well.

How to use the curl command in PowerShell?

Use splatting.

$CurlArgument = '-u', '[email protected]:yyyy',
                '-X', 'POST',
                '--data', 'content=success'
$CURLEXE = 'C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe'
& $CURLEXE @CurlArgument

Child with max-height: 100% overflows parent

.container {_x000D_
  background: blue;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  max-height: 200px;_x000D_
  max-width: 200px;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  margin-right: 20px;_x000D_
.img1 {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  max-height: 100%;_x000D_
  max-width: 100%;_x000D_
.img2 {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  max-height: inherit;_x000D_
  max-width: inherit;_x000D_
<!-- example 1  -->_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <img class='img1' src="" />_x000D_
<!-- example 2  -->_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <img class='img2' src="" />_x000D_

I played around a little. On a larger image in firefox, I got a good result with using the inherit property value. Will this help you?

.container {
    background: blue;
    padding: 10px;
    max-height: 100px;
    max-width: 100px;

img {
    max-height: inherit;
    max-width: inherit;

Is Fortran easier to optimize than C for heavy calculations?

Yes, in 1980; in 2008? depends

When I started programming professionally the speed dominance of Fortran was just being challenged. I remember reading about it in Dr. Dobbs and telling the older programmers about the article--they laughed.

So I have two views about this, theoretical and practical. In theory Fortran today has no intrinsic advantage to C/C++ or even any language that allows assembly code. In practice Fortran today still enjoys the benefits of legacy of a history and culture built around optimization of numerical code.

Up until and including Fortran 77, language design considerations had optimization as a main focus. Due to the state of compiler theory and technology, this often meant restricting features and capability in order to give the compiler the best shot at optimizing the code. A good analogy is to think of Fortran 77 as a professional race car that sacrifices features for speed. These days compilers have gotten better across all languages and features for programmer productivity are more valued. However, there are still places where the people are mainly concerned with speed in scientific computing; these people most likely have inherited code, training and culture from people who themselves were Fortran programmers.

When one starts talking about optimization of code there are many issues and the best way to get a feel for this is to lurk where people are whose job it is to have fast numerical code. But keep in mind that such critically sensitive code is usually a small fraction of the overall lines of code and very specialized: A lot of Fortran code is just as "inefficient" as a lot of other code in other languages and optimization should not even be a primary concern of such code.

A wonderful place to start in learning about the history and culture of Fortran is wikipedia. The Fortran Wikipedia entry is superb and I very much appreciate those who have taken the time and effort to make it of value for the Fortran community.

(A shortened version of this answer would have been a comment in the excellent thread started by Nils but I don't have the karma to do that. Actually, I probably wouldn't have written anything at all but for that this thread has actual information content and sharing as opposed to flame wars and language bigotry, which is my main experience with this subject. I was overwhelmed and had to share the love.)

How to get an Android WakeLock to work?

Make sure that mWakeLock isn't accidentally cleaned up before you're ready to release it. If it's finalized, the lock is released. This can happen, for example, if you set it to null and the garbage collector subsequently runs. It can also happen if you accidentally set a local variable of the same name instead of the method-level variable.

I'd also recommend checking LogCat for entries that have the PowerManagerService tag or the tag that you pass to newWakeLock.

How to move certain commits to be based on another branch in git?

The simplest thing you can do is cherry picking a range. It does the same as the rebase --onto but is easier for the eyes :)

git cherry-pick quickfix1..quickfix2

.htaccess file to allow access to images folder to view pictures?

<Directory /uploads>
   Options +Indexes

When should I create a destructor?

I have used a destructor (for debug purposes only) to see if an object was being purged from memory in the scope of a WPF application. I was unsure if garbage collection was truly purging the object from memory, and this was a good way to verify.

SQL, How to convert VARCHAR to bigint?

I think your code is right. If you run the following code it converts the string '60' which is treated as varchar and it returns integer 60, if there is integer containing string in second it works.

select CONVERT(bigint,'60') as seconds 

and it returns


How to remove all listeners in an element?

Here's a function that is also based on cloneNode, but with an option to clone only the parent node and move all the children (to preserve their event listeners):

function recreateNode(el, withChildren) {
  if (withChildren) {
    el.parentNode.replaceChild(el.cloneNode(true), el);
  else {
    var newEl = el.cloneNode(false);
    while (el.hasChildNodes()) newEl.appendChild(el.firstChild);
    el.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, el);

Remove event listeners on one element:


Remove event listeners on an element and all of its children:

recreateNode(document.getElementById("list"), true);

If you need to keep the object itself and therefore can't use cloneNode, then you have to wrap the addEventListener function and track the listener list by yourself, like in this answer.

C compiler for Windows?

You could always just use gcc via cygwin.

How to add 20 minutes to a current date?

var d = new Date();
var v = new Date();

Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code in Xcode 10

For me, just cleaning project works using ShiftCommandK & OptionShiftCommandK.

How to use Jquery how to change the aria-expanded="false" part of a dom element (Bootstrap)?

Since the question asked for either jQuery or vanilla JS, here's an answer with vanilla JS.

I've added some CSS to the demo below to change the button's font color to red when its aria-expanded is set to true

const button = document.querySelector('button');_x000D_
button.addEventListener('click', () => {_x000D_
  button.ariaExpanded = !JSON.parse(button.ariaExpanded);_x000D_
button[aria-expanded="true"] {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
<button type="button" aria-expanded="false">Click me!</button>

Default value in Go's method

No, the powers that be at Google chose not to support that.!topic/golang-nuts/-5MCaivW0qQ

SQL Server equivalent of MySQL's NOW()?

getdate() or getutcdate().

Execute curl command within a Python script

Rephrasing one of the answers in this post, instead of using cmd.split(). Try to use:

import shlex

args = shlex.split(cmd)

Then feed args to subprocess.Popen.

Check this doc for more info:

How to asynchronously call a method in Java

You can use @Async annotation from jcabi-aspects and AspectJ:

public class Foo {
  public void save() {
    // to be executed in the background

When you call save(), a new thread starts and executes its body. Your main thread continues without waiting for the result of save().

Error:attempt to apply non-function

You're missing *s in the last two terms of your expression, so R is interpreting (e.g.) 0.207 (log(DIAM93))^2 as an attempt to call a function named 0.207 ...

For example:

> 1 + 2*(3)
[1] 7
> 1 + 2 (3)

Error: attempt to apply non-function

Your (unreproducible) expression should read:

censusdata_20$AGB93 = WD * exp(-1.239 + 1.980 * log (DIAM93) + 
                              0.207* (log(DIAM93))^2  -

Mathematica is the only computer system I know of that allows juxtaposition to be used for multiplication ...

Multiple radio button groups in MVC 4 Razor

Ok here's how I fixed this

My model is a list of categories. Each category contains a list of its subcategories.
with this in mind, every time in the foreach loop, each RadioButton will have its category's ID (which is unique) as its name attribue.
And I also used Html.RadioButton instead of Html.RadioButtonFor.

Here's the final 'working' pseudo-code:

@foreach (var cat in Model.Categories)
  //A piece of code & html here
  @foreach (var item in cat.SubCategories)
     @Html.RadioButton(item.CategoryID.ToString(), item.ID)

The result is:

<input name="127" type="radio" value="110">

Please note that I HAVE NOT put all these radio button groups inside a form. And I don't know if this solution will still work properly in a form.

Thanks to all of the people who helped me solve this ;)

Keep placeholder text in UITextField on input in IOS

Instead of using the placeholder text, you'll want to set the actual text property of the field to MM/YYYY, set the delegate of the text field and listen for this method:

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {     // update the text of the label } 

Inside that method, you can figure out what the user has typed as they type, which will allow you to update the label accordingly.

Deserialize a JSON array in C#

This code is working fine for me,

var a = serializer.Deserialize<List<Entity>>(json);

Importing json file in TypeScript

Enable "resolveJsonModule": true in tsconfig.json file and implement as below code, it's work for me:

const config = require('./config.json');

How do I auto size a UIScrollView to fit its content

Here's a Swift 3 adaptation of @leviatan's answer :


import UIKit

extension UIScrollView {

    func resizeScrollViewContentSize() {

        var contentRect =

        for view in self.subviews {

            contentRect = contentRect.union(view.frame)


        self.contentSize = contentRect.size





Very easy to use !

Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java?

EDIT: as pointed out by @mmyers, this method doesn't work on input that contains substrings corresponding to bytes with the high bit set ("80" - "FF"). The explanation is at Bug ID: 6259307 Byte.parseByte not working as advertised in the SDK Documentation.

public static final byte[] fromHexString(final String s) {
    byte[] arr = new byte[s.length()/2];
    for ( int start = 0; start < s.length(); start += 2 )
        String thisByte = s.substring(start, start+2);
        arr[start/2] = Byte.parseByte(thisByte, 16);
    return arr;

Deserialize JSON with C#

Very easily we can parse JSON content with the help of dictionary and JavaScriptSerializer. Here is the sample code by which I parse JSON content from an ashx file.

var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string json = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
Dictionary<string, string> sData = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(json);
string _Name = sData["Name"].ToString();
string _Subject = sData["Subject"].ToString();
string _Email = sData["Email"].ToString();
string _Details = sData["Details"].ToString();

How to execute a bash command stored as a string with quotes and asterisk

Use an array, not a string, as given as guidance in BashFAQ #50.

Using a string is extremely bad security practice: Consider the case where password (or a where clause in the query, or any other component) is user-provided; you don't want to eval a password containing $(rm -rf .)!

Just Running A Local Command

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )

Printing Your Command Unambiguously

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf 'Proposing to run: '
printf '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
printf '\n'

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 1: Using Stdin)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host 'bash -s' <<<"$cmd_str"

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 2: Command Line)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host "bash -c $cmd_str"

CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

The dir you specified is a working directory of running process - it doesn't help to find executable. Use cmd /c winrar ... to run process looking for executable in PATH or try to use absolute path to winrar.

Installing Tomcat 7 as Service on Windows Server 2008

I had a similar problem, there isn't a service.bat in the zip version of tomcat that I downloaded ages ago.

I simply downloaded a new 64-bit Windows zip version of tomcat from and replaced my existing tomcat\bin folder with the one I just downloaded (Remember to keep a backup first!).

Start command prompt > navigate to the tomcat\bin directory > issue the command:

service.bat install

Hope that helps!

How can I load webpage content into a div on page load?

With jQuery, it is possible, however not using ajax.

function LoadPage(){
  $.get('', function(data) {

And then place onload="LoadPage()" in the body tag.

Although if you follow this route, a php version might be better:

echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents("some URL"));

How to capitalize the first letter of a String in Java?


simply a helper method for capitalizing every string.

public static String capitalize(String str)
    if(str == null) return str;
    return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);

After that simply call str = capitalize(str)



Is there an arraylist in Javascript?

You don't even need push, you can do something like this -

var A=[10,20,30,40];


JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

Here is my solution:

function getWeekDates(){
    var day_milliseconds = 24*60*60*1000;
    var dates = [];
    var current_date = new Date();
    var monday = new Date(current_date.getTime()-(current_date.getDay()-1)*day_milliseconds);
    var sunday = new Date(monday.getTime()+6*day_milliseconds);
    for(var i = 1; i < 6; i++){
        dates.push(new Date(monday.getTime()+i*day_milliseconds));
    return dates;

Now you can pick date by returned array index.

npm behind a proxy fails with status 403

In my case, I read the registry that npm using:

 npm config get registry

and I got

then I had just changed http to https like this:

npm config set registry

How to clear all inputs, selects and also hidden fields in a form using jQuery?

You can put this inside your jquery code or it can stand alone:

window.onload = prep;

function prep(){
document.getElementById('somediv').onclick = function(){
document.getElementById('inputField').value ='';

How to set up Android emulator proxy settings

Easiest way is to delete default APN from emulator(in my case its T- mobile) and create new APN with your proxy settings.

Note: i have tried all command line options and also tried setting the proxy for emulators default APN but nothing worked.

CMake does not find Visual C++ compiler

I had a similar problem with the Visual Studio 2017 project generated through CMake. Some of the packages were missing while installing Visual Studio in Desktop development with C++. See snapshot:

Visual Studio 2017 Packages:

Visual Studio2017 Packages

Also, upgrade CMake to the latest version.

How to resolve Nodejs: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

I tried something and got this error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\Website\Nodemailer\Nodemailer-application\views\layouts\main.handlebars'

The fix I got was to literally construct the directory as it is seen. This means labeling the items exactly as shown, It is weird that I gave the computer what it wants.

How to remove underline from a link in HTML?

The other answers all mention text-decoration. Sometimes you use a Wordpress theme or someone else's CSS where links are underlined by other methods, so that text-decoration: none won't turn off the underlining.

Border and box-shadow are two other methods I'm aware of for underlining links. To turn these off:

border: none;


box-shadow: none;

Send data through routing paths in Angular

In navigateExtra we can pass only some specific name as argument otherwise it showing error like below: For Ex- Here I want to pass customer key in router navigate and I pass like this-

this.Router.navigate(['componentname'],{cuskey: {customerkey:response.key}});

but it showing some error like below:

Argument of type '{ cuskey: { customerkey: any; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'NavigationExtras'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'cuskey' does not exist in type 'NavigationExt## Heading ##ras'


Solution: we have to write like this:

this.Router.navigate(['componentname'],{state: {customerkey:response.key}});

How to verify CuDNN installation?

The installation of CuDNN is just copying some files. Hence to check if CuDNN is installed (and which version you have), you only need to check those files.

Install CuDNN

Step 1: Register an nvidia developer account and download cudnn here (about 80 MB). You might need nvcc --version to get your cuda version.

Step 2: Check where your cuda installation is. For most people, it will be /usr/local/cuda/. You can check it with which nvcc.

Step 3: Copy the files:

$ cd folder/extracted/contents
$ sudo cp include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda/include
$ sudo cp lib64/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
$ sudo chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*

Check version

You might have to adjust the path. See step 2 of the installation.

$ cat /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2


When you get an error like

F tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] could not set cudnn filter descriptor: CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM

with TensorFlow, you might consider using CuDNN v4 instead of v5.

Ubuntu users who installed it via apt:

Using pointer to char array, values in that array can be accessed?

Most people responding don't even seem to know what an array pointer is...

The problem is that you do pointer arithmetics with an array pointer: ptr + 1 will mean "jump 5 bytes ahead since ptr points at a 5 byte array".

Do like this instead:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char (*ptr)[5];
  char arr[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};
  int i;

  ptr = &arr;
  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
    printf("\nvalue: %c", (*ptr)[i]);

Take the contents of what the array pointer points at and you get an array. So they work just like any pointer in C.

VBA ADODB excel - read data from Recordset

I am surprised that the connection string works for you, because it is missing a semi-colon. Set is only used with objects, so you would not say Set strNaam.

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With cn
 .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .ConnectionString = "Data Source=D:\test.xls " & _
  ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"""
End With
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$E36:E38]"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strQuery)
Do While Not rs.EOF
  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rs.Fields(i).Name, rs.Fields(i).Value
    strNaam = rs.Fields(0).Value

There are other ways, depending on what you want to do, such as GetString (GetString Method Description).

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

Small hint which other people didn't talk about: git doesn't record changes if you add empty folders in your project folder. That's it, I was adding empty folders with random names to check wether it was recording changes, it wasn't. But it started to do it as soon as I began adding files in them. Cheers.

scp or sftp copy multiple files with single command

The answers with {file1,file2,file3} works only with bash (on remote or locally)

The real way is :

scp user@remote:'/path1/file1 /path2/file2 /path3/file3' /localPath

DateTime2 vs DateTime in SQL Server

Select ValidUntil + 1
from Documents

The above SQL won't work with a DateTime2 field. It returns and error "Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int"

Adding 1 to get the next day is something developers have been doing with dates for years. Now Microsoft have a super new datetime2 field that cannot handle this simple functionality.

"Let's use this new type that is worse than the old one", I don't think so!

How to set default value to all keys of a dict object in python?

Is this what you want:

>>> d={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> default_val=99
>>> for k in d:
...     d[k]=default_val
>>> d
{'a': 99, 'b': 99, 'c': 99}

>>> d={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d=defaultdict(lambda:99,d)
>>> d
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x03D21630>, {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2})
>>> d[3]

Python: How to get values of an array at certain index positions?

Just index using you ind_pos

ind_pos = [1,5,7]
print (a[ind_pos]) 
[88 85 16]

In [55]: a = [0,88,26,3,48,85,65,16,97,83,91]

In [56]: import numpy as np

In [57]: arr = np.array(a)

In [58]: ind_pos = [1,5,7]

In [59]: arr[ind_pos]
Out[59]: array([88, 85, 16])

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

Maybe a bit late, but I found this answer looking over the internet. It could help others with the same problem.

$sudo mysql -u root
[mysql] use mysql;
[mysql] update user set plugin='' where User='root';
[mysql] flush privileges;
[mysql] \q

Now you should be able to log in as root in phpmyadmin.

(Found here.)

jQuery looping .each() JSON key/value not working

Since you have an object, not a jQuery wrapper, you need to use a different variant of $.each()

$.each(json, function (key, data) {
    $.each(data, function (index, data) {
        console.log('index', data)

Demo: Fiddle

A div with auto resize when changing window width\height

Code Snippet:

div{height: calc(100vh - 10vmax)}

Why plt.imshow() doesn't display the image?

If you want to print the picture using imshow() you also execute

Create aar file in Android Studio

btw @aar doesn't have transitive dependency. you need a parameter to turn it on: Transitive dependencies not resolved for aar library using gradle

Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?

For me, this issue was caused in my build system (Travis CI) by doing something kind of dumb in my .travis.yml file. In effect, I was calling npm install before nvm use 0.12, and this was causing node-sass to be built for 0.10 instead of 0.12. My solution was simply moving nvm use out of the .travis.yml file’s before_script section to before the npm install command, which was in the before_install section.

In your case, it is likely that whatever process you are starting with gulp is using a different version of node (than what you would expect).

Laravel - display a PDF file in storage without forcing download?

I am using Laravel 5.4 and response()->file('path/to/file.ext') to open e.g. a pdf in inline-mode in browsers. This works quite well, but when a user wants to save the file, the save-dialog suggests the last part of the url as filename.

I already tried adding a headers-array like mentioned in the Laravel-docs, but this doesn't seem to override the header set by the file()-method:

return response()->file('path/to/file.ext', [
  'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="'. $fileNameFromDb .'"'

Abstract methods in Python

You can use six and abc to construct a class for both python2 and python3 efficiently as follows:

import six
import abc

class MyClass(object):

    def initialize(self, para=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

This is an awesome document of it.

Reload an iframe with jQuery

If you are cross-domain, simply setting the src back to the same url will not always trigger a reload, even if the location hash changes.

Ran into this problem while manually constructing Twitter button iframes, which wouldn't refresh when I updated the urls.

Twitter like buttons have the form: .../tweet_button.html#&_version=2&count=none&etc=...

Since Twitter uses the document fragment for the url, changing the hash/fragment didn't reload the source, and the button targets didn't reflect my new ajax-loaded content.

You can append a query string parameter for force the reload (eg: "?_=" + Math.random() but that will waste bandwidth, especially in this example where Twitter's approach was specifically trying to enable caching.

To reload something which only changes with hash tags, you need to remove the element, or change the src, wait for the thread to exit, then assign it back. If the page is still cached, this shouldn't require a network hit, but does trigger the frame reload.

 var old = iframe.src;
 iframe.src = '';
 setTimeout( function () {
    iframe.src = old;
 }, 0);

Update: Using this approach creates unwanted history items. Instead, remove and recreate the iframe element each time, which keeps this back() button working as expected. Also nice not to have the timer.

jQuery: Uncheck other checkbox on one checked

Try this

function () {
var isCheckboxChecked = this.checked;
$("[id*='type']").attr('checked', false);
this.checked = isCheckboxChecked;

To make it even more generic you can also find checkboxes by the common class implemented on them.


Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat) when running Python script

I got the same error and ended up using a pre-built distribution of numpy available in SourceForge (similarly, a distribution of matplotlib can be obtained).

Builds for both 32-bit 2.7 and 3.3/3.4 are available.
PyCharm detected them straight away, of course.

Preloading images with JavaScript

I can confirm that the approach in the question is sufficient to trigger the images to be downloaded and cached (unless you have forbidden the browser from doing so via your response headers) in, at least:

  • Chrome 74
  • Safari 12
  • Firefox 66
  • Edge 17

To test this, I made a small webapp with several endpoints that each sleep for 10 seconds before serving a picture of a kitten. Then I added two webpages, one of which contained a <script> tag in which each of the kittens is preloaded using the preloadImage function from the question, and the other of which includes all the kittens on the page using <img> tags.

In all the browsers above, I found that if I visited the preloader page first, waited a while, and then went to the page with the <img> tags, my kittens rendered instantly. This demonstrates that the preloader successfully loaded the kittens into the cache in all browsers tested.

You can see or try out the application I used to test this at

Note in particular that this technique works in the browsers above even if the number of images being looped over exceeds the number of parallel requests that the browser is willing to make at a time, contrary to what Robin's answer suggests. The rate at which your images preload will of course be limited by how many parallel requests the browser is willing to send, but it will eventually request each image URL you call preloadImage() on.

is it possible to update UIButton title/text programmatically?

Sometimes it can get really complicated. The easy way is to "refresh" the button view!

//Do stuff to your button here.  For example:

[mybutton setEnabled:YES];

//Refresh it to new state.

[mybutton setNeedsDisplay];

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

Check out this screenshot (Toogle Word Wrap):

Enter image description here

Difference between java.lang.RuntimeException and java.lang.Exception

There are two types of exception, You can recover from checked exception if you get such kind of exception. Runtime exception are irrecoverable, runtime exceptions are programming errors, and programmer should take care of it while writing the code, and continue execution of this might give you incorrect result. Runtime exceptions are about violating precondition ex. you have an array of size 10, and you are trying to access 11 th element, it will throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException

How to add a button dynamically in Android?

Check this up.

LinearLayout ll_Main  = new LinearLayout(getActivity());
LinearLayout ll_Row01 = new LinearLayout(getActivity());
LinearLayout ll_Row02 = new LinearLayout(getActivity());


final Button button01    = new Button(getActivity());
final Button button02    = new Button(getActivity());   
final Button button03    = new Button(getActivity());
final Button button04    = new Button(getActivity());





JAX-RS / Jersey how to customize error handling?

Jersey throws an com.sun.jersey.api.ParamException when it fails to unmarshall the parameters so one solution is to create an ExceptionMapper that handles these types of exceptions:

public class ParamExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<ParamException> {
    public Response toResponse(ParamException exception) {
        return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(exception.getParameterName() + " incorrect type").build();

Set up DNS based URL forwarding in Amazon Route53


While my original answer below is still valid and might be helpful to understand the cause for DNS based URL forwarding not being available via Amazon Route 53 out of the box, I highly recommend checking out Vivek M. Chawla's utterly smart indirect solution via the meanwhile introduced Amazon S3 Support for Website Redirects and achieving a self contained server less and thus free solution within AWS only like so.

  • Implementing an automated solution to generate such redirects is left as an exercise for the reader, but please pay tribute to Vivek's epic answer by publishing your solution ;)

Original Answer

Nettica must be running a custom redirection solution for this, here is the problem:

You could create a CNAME alias like for, however, DNS provides no official support for aliasing a subdirectory like console in this example.

  • It's a pity that AWS doesn't appear to simply do this by default when hitting (I just tried), because it would solve you problem right away and make a lot of sense in the first place; besides, it should be pretty easy to configure on their end.

For that reason a few DNS providers have apparently implemented a custom solution to allow redirects to subdirectories; I venture the guess that they are basically facilitating a CNAME alias for a domain of their own and are redirecting again from there to the final destination via an immediate HTTP 3xx Redirection.

So to achieve the same result, you'd need to have a HTTP service running performing these redirects, which is not the simple solution one would hope for of course. Maybe/Hopefully someone can come up with a smarter approach still though.