Programs & Examples On #Storyboard

A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.

How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

I've implemented a library with a category on UIViewController that simplifies this operation. Basically, you set the parameters you want to pass over in a NSDictionary associated to the UI item that is performing the segue. It works with manual segues too.

For example, you can do

[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"yourIdentifier" parameters:@{@"customParam1":customValue1, @"customValue2":customValue2}];

for a manual segue or create a button with a segue and use

[button setSegueParameters:@{@"customParam1":customValue1, @"customValue2":customValue2}];

If destination view controller is not key-value coding compliant for a key, nothing happens. It works with key-values too (useful for unwind segues). Check it out here

Custom Cell Row Height setting in storyboard is not responding

There are actually two places where you need to change to row height, first the cell (you already did change that) and now select the Table View and check the Size Inspector

creating custom tableview cells in swift

Set tag for imageview and label in cell

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
    return self.tableData.count

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("imagedataCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UITableViewCell

    let rowData = self.tableData[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary

    let urlString = rowData["artworkUrl60"] as? String
    // Create an NSURL instance from the String URL we get from the API
    let imgURL = NSURL(string: urlString!)
    // Get the formatted price string for display in the subtitle
    let formattedPrice = rowData["formattedPrice"] as? String
    // Download an NSData representation of the image at the URL
    let imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: imgURL!)

    (cell.contentView.viewWithTag(1) as! UIImageView).image = UIImage(data: imgData!)

    (cell.contentView.viewWithTag(2) as! UILabel).text = rowData["trackName"] as? String

    return cell


func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
    let cell: UITableViewCell = UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "imagedataCell")

    if let rowData: NSDictionary = self.tableData[indexPath.row] as? NSDictionary,
        urlString = rowData["artworkUrl60"] as? String,
        imgURL = NSURL(string: urlString),
        formattedPrice = rowData["formattedPrice"] as? String,
        imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: imgURL),
        trackName = rowData["trackName"] as? String {
            cell.detailTextLabel?.text = formattedPrice
            cell.imageView?.image = UIImage(data: imgData)
            cell.textLabel?.text = trackName

    return cell

see also TableImage loader from github

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate

If you use XCode 5 you should do it in a different way.

  • Select your UIViewController in UIStoryboard
  • Go to the Identity Inspector on the right top pane
  • Check the Use Storyboard ID checkbox
  • Write a unique id to the Storyboard ID field

Then write your code.

// Override point for customization after application launch.

if (<your implementation>) {
    UIStoryboard *mainStoryboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" 
                                                             bundle: nil];
    YourViewController *yourController = (YourViewController *)[mainStoryboard 
    self.window.rootViewController = yourController;

return YES;

Load view from an external xib file in storyboard

My full example is here, but I will provide a summary below.


Add a .swift and .xib file each with the same name to your project. The .xib file contains your custom view layout (using auto layout constraints preferably).

Make the swift file the xib file's owner.

enter image description here Code

Add the following code to the .swift file and hook up the outlets and actions from the .xib file.

import UIKit
class ResuableCustomView: UIView {

    let nibName = "ReusableCustomView"
    var contentView: UIView?

    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    @IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: UIButton) {
        label.text = "Hi"

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

        guard let view = loadViewFromNib() else { return }
        view.frame = self.bounds
        contentView = view

    func loadViewFromNib() -> UIView? {
        let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
        let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: bundle)
        return nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView

Use it

Use your custom view anywhere in your storyboard. Just add a UIView and set the class name to your custom class name.

enter image description here

For a while Christopher Swasey's approach was the best approach I had found. I asked a couple of the senior devs on my team about it and one of them had the perfect solution! It satisfies every one of the concerns that Christopher Swasey so eloquently addressed and it doesn't require boilerplate subclass code(my main concern with his approach). There is one gotcha, but other than that it is fairly intuitive and easy to implement.

  1. Create a custom UIView class in a .swift file to control your xib. i.e. MyCustomClass.swift
  2. Create a .xib file and style it as you want. i.e. MyCustomClass.xib
  3. Set the File's Owner of the .xib file to be your custom class (MyCustomClass)
  4. GOTCHA: leave the class value (under the identity Inspector) for your custom view in the .xib file blank. So your custom view will have no specified class, but it will have a specified File's Owner.
  5. Hook up your outlets as you normally would using the Assistant Editor.
    • NOTE: If you look at the Connections Inspector you will notice that your Referencing Outlets do not reference your custom class (i.e. MyCustomClass), but rather reference File's Owner. Since File's Owner is specified to be your custom class, the outlets will hook up and work propery.
  6. Make sure your custom class has @IBDesignable before the class statement.
  7. Make your custom class conform to the NibLoadable protocol referenced below.
    • NOTE: If your custom class .swift file name is different from your .xib file name, then set the nibName property to be the name of your .xib file.
  8. Implement required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) and override init(frame: CGRect) to call setupFromNib() like the example below.
  9. Add a UIView to your desired storyboard and set the class to be your custom class name (i.e. MyCustomClass).
  10. Watch IBDesignable in action as it draws your .xib in the storyboard with all of it's awe and wonder.

Here is the protocol you will want to reference:

public protocol NibLoadable {
    static var nibName: String { get }

public extension NibLoadable where Self: UIView {

    public static var nibName: String {
        return String(describing: Self.self) // defaults to the name of the class implementing this protocol.

    public static var nib: UINib {
        let bundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)
        return UINib(nibName: Self.nibName, bundle: bundle)

    func setupFromNib() {
        guard let view = Self.nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView else { fatalError("Error loading \(self) from nib") }
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

And here is an example of MyCustomClass that implements the protocol (with the .xib file being named MyCustomClass.xib):

class MyCustomClass: UIView, NibLoadable {

    @IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)


NOTE: If you miss the Gotcha and set the class value inside your .xib file to be your custom class, then it will not draw in the storyboard and you will get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when you run the app because it gets stuck in an infinite loop of trying to initialize the class from the nib using the init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) method which then calls Self.nib.instantiate and calls the init again.

Outlets cannot be connected to repeating content iOS

Create a table view cell subclass and set it as the class of the prototype. Add the outlets to that class and connect them. Now when you configure the cell you can access the outlets.

Perform Segue programmatically and pass parameters to the destination view

I understand the problem of performing the segue at one place and maintaining the state to send parameters in prepare for segue.

I figured out a way to do this. I've added a property called userInfoDict to ViewControllers using a category. and I've override perform segue with identifier too, in such a way that If the sender is self(means the controller itself). It will pass this userInfoDict to the next ViewController.

Here instead of passing the whole UserInfoDict you can also pass the specific params, as sender and override accordingly.

1 thing you need to keep in mind. don't forget to call super method in ur performSegue method.

How can I load storyboard programmatically from class?

Swift 3

let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "viewController")
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

Swift 2

let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("viewController")
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)


Assign a Storyboard ID to your view controller.

Storyboard ID

IB > Show the Identity inspector > Identity > Storyboard ID

Swift (legacy)

let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("viewController") as? UIViewController
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(vc!, animated: true)

Edit: Swift 2 suggested in a comment by Fred A.

if you want to use without any navigationController you have to use like following :

    let Storyboard  = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let vc = Storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "viewController")
    present(vc , animated: true , completion: nil)

Storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with identifier

In Xcode 7 - 13,

when you change storyboard IDs and you get errors like this,

just CLEAN your project (CMD+SHIFT+K)

How to change Navigation Bar color in iOS 7?

self.navigationBar.barTintColor = [UIColor blueColor];
self.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
self.navigationBar.translucent = NO;

// *barTintColor* sets the background color
// *tintColor* sets the buttons color

How can I switch views programmatically in a view controller? (Xcode, iPhone)

I think the OP is asking how to swap a VIEW without changing viewCONTROLLERs. Am I misunderstanding his question?

In pseudocode, he wants to do:

let myController = instantiate(someParentController)

let view1 = Bundle.main.loadNib(....) as... blah
myController.setThisViewTo( view1 )

let view2 = Bundle.main.loadNib(....) as... blah
myController.setThisViewTo( view2 )

Am I getting his question wrong?

How to make a simple rounded button in Storyboard?

Try this!!

 override func viewDidLoad() {

   var button = UIButton.buttonWithType(.Custom) as UIButton
   button.frame = CGRectMake(160, 100, 200,40)

   button.layer.cornerRadius =5.0
   button.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
   button.layer.borderWidth = 2.0

   button.setImage(UIImage(named:"Placeholder.png"), forState: .Normal)
   button.addTarget(self, action: "OnClickroundButton", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
   button.clipsToBounds = true

    func OnClickroundButton() {
   NSLog(@"roundButton Method Called");

Get generic type of java.util.List

Had the same problem, but I used instanceof instead. Did it this way:

List<Object> listCheck = (List<Object>)(Object) stringList;
    if (!listCheck.isEmpty()) {
       if (listCheck.get(0) instanceof String) {
           System.out.println("List type is String");
       if (listCheck.get(0) instanceof Integer) {
           System.out.println("List type is Integer");

This involves using unchecked casts so only do this when you know it is a list, and what type it can be.

Return number of rows affected by UPDATE statements

You might need to collect the stats as you go, but @@ROWCOUNT captures this:

declare @Fish table (
Name varchar(32)

insert into @Fish values ('Cod')
insert into @Fish values ('Salmon')
insert into @Fish values ('Butterfish')
update @Fish set Name = 'LurpackFish' where Name = 'Butterfish'
select @@ROWCOUNT  --gives 1

update @Fish set Name = 'Dinner'
select @@ROWCOUNT -- gives 3

How do you share constants in NodeJS modules?

I don't think is a good practice to invade the GLOBAL space from modules, but in scenarios where could be strictly necessary to implement it:


It has to be considered the impact of this resource. Without proper naming of those constants, the risk of OVERWRITTING already defined global variables, is something real.

Error - Android resource linking failed (AAPT2 27.0.3 Daemon #0)

I had the same problem and solved it by going to File -> Project Structure... -> Suggestions and then Apply all. Like suggested by @JeffinJ I think the problem was because of the Gradle plugin update.

AssertionError: View function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function: main

This same issue happened to me when I had more than one API function in the module and tried to wrap each function with 2 decorators:

  1. @app.route()
  2. My custom @exception_handler decorator

I got this same exception because I tried to wrap more than one function with those two decorators:

def func1():

def func2():

Specifically, it is caused by trying to register a few functions with the name wrapper:

def exception_handler(func):
  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        error_code = getattr(e, "code", 500)
        logger.exception("Service exception: %s", e)
        r = dict_to_json({"message": e.message, "matches": e.message, "error_code": error_code})
        return Response(r, status=error_code, mimetype='application/json')
  return wrapper

Changing the name of the function solved it for me (wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__):

def exception_handler(func):
  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        error_code = getattr(e, "code", 500)
        logger.exception("Service exception: %s", e)
        r = dict_to_json({"message": e.message, "matches": e.message, "error_code": error_code})
        return Response(r, status=error_code, mimetype='application/json')
  # Renaming the function name:
  wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
  return wrapper

Then, decorating more than one endpoint worked.

How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

I would suggest using the functions below since the ones mentioned by @bigh_29 transforms my guids into new ones (for reasons I don't understand). Also, these are a little bit faster in the tests I did on my tables.


CREATE FUNCTION uuid_from_bin(b BINARY(16))
  DECLARE hex CHAR(32);
  SET hex = HEX(b);
  RETURN LOWER(CONCAT(LEFT(hex, 8), '-', MID(hex, 9,4), '-', MID(hex, 13,4), '-', MID(hex, 17,4), '-', RIGHT(hex, 12)));

CREATE FUNCTION uuid_to_bin(s CHAR(36))
RETURN UNHEX(CONCAT(LEFT(s, 8), MID(s, 10, 4), MID(s, 15, 4), MID(s, 20, 4), RIGHT(s, 12)))


Difference between using gradlew and gradle

gradlew is a wrapper(w - character) that uses gradle.

Under the hood gradlew performs three main things:

  • Download and install the correct gradle version
  • Parse the arguments
  • Call a gradle task

Using Gradle Wrapper we can distribute/share a project to everybody to use the same version and Gradle's functionality(compile, build, install...) even if it has not been installed.

To create a wrapper run:

gradle wrapper

This command generate: will contain the information about the Gradle distribution

*./ Is used on Unix to specify the current directory

Unsigned values in C

Assign a int -1 to an unsigned: As -1 does not fit in the range [0...UINT_MAX], multiples of UINT_MAX+1 are added until the answer is in range. Evidently UINT_MAX is pow(2,32)-1 or 429496725 on OP's machine so a has the value of 4294967295.

    unsigned int a = -1;

The "%x", "%u" specifier expects a matching unsigned. Since these do not match, "If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined. If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined." C11 § 9. The printf specifier does not change b.

    printf("%x\n", b);  // UB
    printf("%u\n", b);  // UB

The "%d" specifier expects a matching int. Since these do not match, more UB.

    printf("%d\n", a);  // UB

Given undefined behavior, the conclusions are not supported.

both cases, the bytes are the same (ffffffff).

Even with the same bit pattern, different types may have different values. ffffffff as an unsigned has the value of 4294967295. As an int, depending signed integer encoding, it has the value of -1, -2147483647 or TBD. As a float it may be a NAN.

what is unsigned word for?

unsigned stores a whole number in the range [0 ... UINT_MAX]. It never has a negative value. If code needs a non-negative number, use unsigned. If code needs a counting number that may be +, - or 0, use int.

Update: to avoid a compiler warning about assigning a signed int to unsigned, use the below. This is an unsigned 1u being negated - which is well defined as above. The effect is the same as a -1, but conveys to the compiler direct intentions.

unsigned int a = -1u;

How do I make an image smaller with CSS?

You can try this:

-ms-transform: scale(width,height); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform: scale(width,height); /* Safari */
transform: scale(width, height);

Example: image "grows" 1.3 times

-ms-transform: scale(1.3,1.3); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform: scale(1.3,1.3); /* Safari */
transform: scale(1.3,1.3);

How to get StackPanel's children to fill maximum space downward?

You can use SpicyTaco.AutoGrid - a modified version of StackPanel:

<st:StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" MarginBetweenChildren="10" Margin="10">
   <Button Content="Info" HorizontalAlignment="Left" st:StackPanel.Fill="Fill"/>
   <Button Content="Cancel"/>
   <Button Content="Save"/>

First button will be fill.

You can install it via NuGet:

Install-Package SpicyTaco.AutoGrid

I recommend taking a look at SpicyTaco.AutoGrid. It's very useful for forms in WPF instead of DockPanel, StackPanel and Grid and solve problem with stretching very easy and gracefully. Just look at readme on GitHub.

<st:AutoGrid Columns="160,*" ChildMargin="3">
    <Label Content="Name:"/>

    <Label Content="E-Mail:"/>

    <Label Content="Comment:"/>

Angularjs: Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'HomeController' is not a function, got undefined

Check if your HTML page includes:

  1. angular.min script
  2. app.js
  3. controller JavaScript page

The order the files are included is important. It was my solution to this problem.

Hope this helps.

List of Java processes

Starting from Java 7, the simplest way and less error prone is to simply use the command jcmd that is part of the JDK such that it will work the same way on all OS.


> jcmd
2125 MyProgram

jcmd allows to send diagnostic command requests to a running Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

More details about how to use jcmd.

See also the jcmd Utility

Check if application is on its first run

    import java.util.UUID;

    import android.content.Context;

    public class Util {
        // ===========================================================
        // ===========================================================

        private static final String INSTALLATION = "INSTALLATION";

        public synchronized static boolean isFirstLaunch(Context context) {
            String sID = null;
            boolean launchFlag = false;
            if (sID == null) {
                File installation = new File(context.getFilesDir(), INSTALLATION);
                try {
                    if (!installation.exists()) {
                    launchFlag = true;                          
                    sID = readInstallationFile(installation);

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return launchFlag;

        private static String readInstallationFile(File installation) throws IOException {
            RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(installation, "r");// read only mode
            byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];

            return new String(bytes);

        private static void writeInstallationFile(File installation) throws IOException {
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(installation);
            String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

> Usage (in class extending


How to open existing project in Eclipse

Window->Show View->Navigator, should pop up the navigator panel on the left hand side, showing the projects list.

It's probably already open in the workspace, but you may have closed the navigator panel, so it looks like you don't have the project open.

Eclipse using ADT Build v22.0.0-675183 on Linux.

c++ exception : throwing std::string

Yes. std::exception is the base exception class in the C++ standard library. You may want to avoid using strings as exception classes because they themselves can throw an exception during use. If that happens, then where will you be?

boost has an excellent document on good style for exceptions and error handling. It's worth a read.

Fitting polynomial model to data in R

To get a third order polynomial in x (x^3), you can do

lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))


lm(y ~ poly(x, 3, raw=TRUE))

You could fit a 10th order polynomial and get a near-perfect fit, but should you?

EDIT: poly(x, 3) is probably a better choice (see @hadley below).

How to create a custom-shaped bitmap marker with Android map API v2

The alternative and easier solution that i also use is to create custom marker layout and convert it into a bitmap.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:src="@drawable/avatar" />

Convert this view into bitmap by using the code below

 private Bitmap getMarkerBitmapFromView(@DrawableRes int resId) {

        View customMarkerView = ((LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.view_custom_marker, null);
        ImageView markerImageView = (ImageView) customMarkerView.findViewById(;
        customMarkerView.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
        customMarkerView.layout(0, 0, customMarkerView.getMeasuredWidth(), customMarkerView.getMeasuredHeight());
        Bitmap returnedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(customMarkerView.getMeasuredWidth(), customMarkerView.getMeasuredHeight(),
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(returnedBitmap);
        canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
        Drawable drawable = customMarkerView.getBackground();
        if (drawable != null)
        return returnedBitmap;

Add your custom marker in on Map ready callback.

public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onMapReady() called with");
    mGoogleMap = googleMap;
private void addCustomMarker() {
    Log.d(TAG, "addCustomMarker()");
    if (mGoogleMap == null) {

    // adding a marker on map with image from  drawable
   mGoogleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()

For more details please follow the link below

How to create custom marker using layout?

EXTRACT() Hour in 24 Hour format

select to_char(tran_datetime,'HH24') from test;


How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?

Frame challenge — you're asking how to use xargs. The answer is: you don't use xargs, because you don't need it.

The comment by user80168 describes a way to do this directly with cp, without calling cp for every file:

find . -name '*FooBar*' -exec cp -t /tmp -- {} +

This works because:

  • the cp -t flag allows to give the target directory near the beginning of cp, rather than near the end. From man cp:
   -t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY
         copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY
  • The -- flag tells cp to interpret everything after as a filename, not a flag, so files starting with - or -- do not confuse cp; you still need this because the -/-- characters are interpreted by cp, whereas any other special characters are interpreted by the shell.

  • The find -exec command {} + variant essentially does the same as xargs. From man find:

   -exec command {} +                                                     
         This  variant  of the -exec action runs the specified command on
         the selected files, but the command line is built  by  appending
         each  selected file name at the end; the total number of invoca-
         matched  files.   The command line is built in much the same way
         that xargs builds its command lines.  Only one instance of  `{}'
         is  allowed  within the command, and (when find is being invoked
         from a shell) it should be quoted (for example, '{}') to protect
         it  from  interpretation  by shells.  The command is executed in
         the starting directory.  If any invocation  returns  a  non-zero
         value  as exit status, then find returns a non-zero exit status.
         If find encounters an error, this can sometimes cause an immedi-
         ate  exit, so some pending commands may not be run at all.  This
         variant of -exec always returns true.

By using this in find directly, this avoids the need of a pipe or a shell invocation, such that you don't need to worry about any nasty characters in filenames.

JavaScript pattern for multiple constructors

I believe there are two answers. One using 'pure' Javascript with IIFE function to hide its auxiliary construction functions. And the other using a NodeJS module to also hide its auxiliary construction functions.

I will show only the example with a NodeJS module.

Class Vector2d.js:


    Implement a class of type Vetor2d with three types of constructors.


// If a constructor function is successfully executed,
// must have its value changed to 'true'.let global_wasExecuted = false;  
global_wasExecuted = false;   

//Tests whether number_value is a numeric type
function isNumber(number_value) {
    let hasError = !(typeof number_value === 'number') || !isFinite(number_value);

    if (hasError === false){
        hasError = isNaN(number_value);

    return !hasError;

// Object with 'x' and 'y' properties associated with its values.
function vector(x,y){
    return {'x': x, 'y': y};

//constructor in case x and y are 'undefined'
function new_vector_zero(x, y){

    if (x === undefined && y === undefined){
        global_wasExecuted = true;
        return new vector(0,0);

//constructor in case x and y are numbers
function new_vector_numbers(x, y){

    let x_isNumber = isNumber(x);
    let y_isNumber = isNumber(y);

    if (x_isNumber && y_isNumber){
        global_wasExecuted = true;
        return new vector(x,y);

//constructor in case x is an object and y is any
//thing (he is ignored!)
function new_vector_object(x, y){

    let x_ehObject = typeof x === 'object';
    //ignore y type

    if (x_ehObject){

        //assigns the object only for clarity of code
        let x_object = x;

        //tests whether x_object has the properties 'x' and 'y'
        if ('x' in x_object && 'y' in x_object){

            global_wasExecuted = true;

            we only know that x_object has the properties 'x' and 'y',
            now we will test if the property values ??are valid,
            calling the class constructor again.            
            return new Vector2d(x_object.x, x_object.y);


//Function that returns an array of constructor functions
function constructors(){
    let c = [];

        Your imagination is the limit!
        Create as many construction functions as you want.    

    return c;

class Vector2d {

    constructor(x, y){

        //returns an array of constructor functions
        let my_constructors = constructors(); 

        global_wasExecuted = false;

        //variable for the return of the 'vector' function
        let new_vector;     

        //traverses the array executing its corresponding constructor function
        for (let index = 0; index < my_constructors.length; index++) {

            //execute a function added by the 'constructors' function
            new_vector = my_constructors[index](x,y);
            if (global_wasExecuted) {
                this.x = new_vector.x;
                this.y = new_vector.y;


        return `(x: ${this.x}, y: ${this.y})`;


//Only the 'Vector2d' class will be visible externally
module.exports = Vector2d;  

The useVector2d.js file uses the Vector2d.js module:

const Vector = require('./Vector2d');

let v1 = new Vector({x: 2, y: 3});
console.log(`v1 = ${v1.toString()}`);

let v2 = new Vector(1, 5.2);
console.log(`v2 = ${v2.toString()}`);

let v3 = new Vector();
console.log(`v3 = ${v3.toString()}`);

Terminal output:

v1 = (x: 2, y: 3)
v2 = (x: 1, y: 5.2)
v3 = (x: 0, y: 0)

With this we avoid dirty code (many if's and switch's spread throughout the code), difficult to maintain and test. Each building function knows which conditions to test. Increasing and / or decreasing your building functions is now simple.

"Could not get any response" response when using postman with subdomain

If all above methods doesn't work check your environment variables, And make sure that the following environments are not set. If those are set and not needed by any other application remove them.


Reference link

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

You can view the existing shortcuts using the same steps as below. I find the default ones to be inconvenient, so I used the following process to change the IDE to use the '/' command seen in the comments.

You can customize the keyboard shortcuts by going int the "Tools" menu and selecting "Options". Then select "Keyboard" from the "Environment" branch. From there you can bind the Edit.CommentSelection and Edit.UncommentSelection commands to whichever keyboard shortcuts you'd like.

Xcode source automatic formatting

I'd like to recommend two options worth considering. Both quite new and evolving.

ClangFormat-Xcode (free) - on each cmd+s file is reformatted to specific style and saved, easy to deploy within team

An Xcode plug-in to format your code using Clang's format tools, by @travisjeffery.

With clang-format you can use Clang to format your code to styles such as LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, or your own configuration.

Objective-Clean (paid, didn't try it yet) - app raising build errors if predefined style rules are violated - possibly quite hard to use within the team, so I didn't try it out.

With very minimal setup, you can get Xcode to use our App to enforce your rules. If you are ever caught violating one of your rules, Xcode will throw a build error and take you right to the offending line.

How to find difference between two Joda-Time DateTimes in minutes

Something like...

Minutes.minutesBetween(getStart(), getEnd()).getMinutes();

Can you recommend a free light-weight MySQL GUI for Linux?

RazorSQL vote here too. It is not free, but it's not expensive ($70 for a perpetual license and 1 year of free upgrades).

If you use it for work, it will pay for itself quickly. I was jumping between MySQL GUI tools, SQL Server and Informix DBAccess, some of them through VMs because I use a Mac for development. Having a single tool to connect to any database out there is pretty nice. It is also highly customizable, and very reliable.

tqdm in Jupyter Notebook prints new progress bars repeatedly

Most of the answers are outdated now. Better if you import tqdm correctly.

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

enter image description here

Command line for looking at specific port

To improve upon @EndUzr's response:

To find a foreign port (IPv4 or IPv6) you can use:

netstat -an | findstr /r /c:":N [^:]*$"

To find a local port (IPv4 or IPv6) you can use:

netstat -an | findstr /r /c:":N *[^ ]*:[^ ]* "

Where N is the port number you are interested in. The "/r" switch tells it to process it as regexp. The "/c" switch allows findstr to include spaces within search strings instead of treating a space as a search string delimiter. This added space prevents longer ports being mistreated - for example, ":80" vs ":8080" and other port munging issues.

To list remote connections to the local RDP server, for example:

netstat -an | findstr /r /c:":3389 *[^ ]*:[^ ]*"

Or to see who is touching your DNS:

netstat -an | findstr /r /c:":53 *[^ ]*:[^ ]*"

If you want to exclude local-only ports you can use a series of exceptions with "/v" and escape characters with a backslash:

netstat -an | findstr /v " \[::\] \[::1\] \*\:\*" | findstr /r /c:":80 *[^ ]*:[^ ]*"

Why should I prefer to use member initialization lists?


  class Sample
         int Sam_x;
         int Sam_y;

     Sample(): Sam_x(1), Sam_y(2)     /* Classname: Initialization List */
           // Constructor body

Need of Initialization list:

 class Sample
         int Sam_x;
         int Sam_y;

     Sample()     */* Object and variables are created - i.e.:declaration of variables */*
     { // Constructor body starts 

         Sam_x = 1;      */* Defining a value to the variable */* 
         Sam_y = 2;

     } // Constructor body ends

in the above program, When the class’s constructor is executed, Sam_x and Sam_y are created. Then in constructor body, those member data variables are defined.

Use cases:

  1. Const and Reference variables in a Class

In C, variables must be defined during creation. the same way in C++, we must initialize the Const and Reference variable during object creation by using Initialization list. if we do initialization after object creation (Inside constructor body), we will get compile time error.

  1. Member objects of Sample1 (base) class which do not have default constructor

     class Sample1 
         int i;
         Sample1 (int temp)
            i = temp;
      // Class Sample2 contains object of Sample1 
     class Sample2
      Sample1  a;
      Sample2 (int x): a(x)      /* Initializer list must be used */

While creating object for derived class which will internally calls derived class constructor and calls base class constructor (default). if base class does not have default constructor, user will get compile time error. To avoid, we must have either

 1. Default constructor of Sample1 class
 2. Initialization list in Sample2 class which will call the parametric constructor of Sample1 class (as per above program)
  1. Class constructor’s parameter name and Data member of a Class are same:

     class Sample3 {
        int i;         /* Member variable name : i */  
        Sample3 (int i)    /* Local variable name : i */ 
            i = i;
            print(i);   /* Local variable: Prints the correct value which we passed in constructor */
        int getI() const 
             print(i);    /*global variable: Garbage value is assigned to i. the expected value should be which we passed in constructor*/
             return i; 

As we all know, local variable having highest priority then global variable if both variables are having same name. In this case, the program consider "i" value {both left and right side variable. i.e: i = i} as local variable in Sample3() constructor and Class member variable(i) got override. To avoid, we must use either

  1. Initialization list 
  2. this operator.

How to convert all tables from MyISAM into InnoDB?

Some fixes to this util script

SET @DATABASE_NAME = 'Integradb';

SELECT  CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema, '.', table_name, ' ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements
FROM    information_schema.tables AS tb
WHERE   table_schema = @DATABASE_NAME
ORDER BY table_name DESC;

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

In order to avoid troubles compiling third party libraries that need boost installed in your system, run this:

sudo port install boost +universal

Best way to find the intersection of multiple sets?

Here I'm offering a generic function for multiple set intersection trying to take advantage of the best method available:

def multiple_set_intersection(*sets):
    """Return multiple set intersection."""
        return set.intersection(*sets)
    except TypeError: # this is Python < 2.6 or no arguments

    try: a_set= sets[0]
    except IndexError: # no arguments
        return set() # return empty set

    return reduce(a_set.intersection, sets[1:])

Guido might dislike reduce, but I'm kind of fond of it :)

Docker how to change repository name or rename image?

docker image tag #imageId myname/server:latest

This works for me

Using a batch to copy from network drive to C: or D: drive

Most importantly you need to mount the drive

net use z: \\yourserver\sharename

Of course, you need to make sure that the account the batch file runs under has permission to access the share. If you are doing this by using a Scheduled Task, you can choose the account by selecting the task, then:

  • right click Properties
  • click on General tab
  • change account under

"When running the task, use the following user account:" That's on Windows 7, it might be slightly different on different versions of Windows.

Then run your batch script with the following changes

copy "z:\FolderName" "C:\TEST_BACKUP_FOLDER"

How to include bootstrap css and js in reactjs app?

Since Bootstrap/Reactstrap has released their latest version i.e. Bootstrap 4 you can use this by following these steps

  1. Navigate to your project
  2. Open the terminal
  3. I assume npm is already installed and then type the following command

    npm install --save reactstrap react react-dom

This will install Reactstrap as a dependency in your project.

Here is the code for a button created using Reactstrap

import React from 'react';_x000D_
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';_x000D_
export default (props) => {_x000D_
  return (_x000D_
    <Button color="danger">Danger!</Button>_x000D_

You can check the Reactstrap by visiting their offical page

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

I found the gtag() function worked, instead of the ga() function.

In the index.html file, within the <head> section:

<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'TrackingId');

In the AngularJS code: ($rootScope, $location) {
  $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
    gtag('config', 'TrackingId', {'page_path': $location.path()});

Replace TrackingId with your own Tracking Id.

How do I import modules or install extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1+?

In addition to the extensions which are maintained and provided by the core PostgreSQL development team, there are extensions available from third parties. Notably, there is a site dedicated to that purpose:

Terminating a Java Program

So return; does not really terminate your java program, it only terminates your java function (void). Because in your case the function is the main function of your application, return; will also terminate the application. But the return; in your example is useless, because the function will terminate directly after this return anyway...

The System.exit() will completly terminate your program and it will close any open window.

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?

You'll need the cookie plugin, which provides several additional signatures to the cookie function.

$.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value') stores a transient cookie (only exists within this session's scope, while $.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', 'cookie_expiration") creates a cookie that will last across sessions - see for more information on the JQuery cookie plugin.

If you want to set cookies that are used for the entire site, you'll need to use JavaScript like this:

document.cookie = "name=value; expires=date; domain=domain; path=path; secure"

Representing null in JSON

There is only one way to represent null; that is with null.

console.log(null === null);   // true
console.log(null === true);   // false
console.log(null === false);  // false
console.log(null === 'null'); // false
console.log(null === "null"); // false
console.log(null === "");     // false
console.log(null === []);     // false
console.log(null === 0);      // false

That is to say; if any of the clients that consume your JSON representation use the === operator; it could be a problem for them.

no value

If you want to convey that you have an object whose attribute myCount has no value:

{ "myCount": null }

no attribute / missing attribute

What if you to convey that you have an object with no attributes:


Client code will try to access myCount and get undefined; it's not there.

empty collection

What if you to convey that you have an object with an attribute myCount that is an empty list:

{ "myCount": [] }

What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?

As others said, an association is a relationship between objects, aggregation and composition are types of association.

From an implementation point of view, an aggregation is obtained by having a class member by reference. For example, if class A aggregates an object of class B, you'll have something like this (in C++):

class A {
    B & element;
  // or B * element;

The semantics of aggregation is that when an object A is destroyed, the B object it is storing will still exists. When using composition, you have a stronger relationship, usually by storing the member by value:

class A {
    B element;

Here, when an A object is destroyed, the B object it contains will be destroyed too. The easiest way to achieve this is by storing the member by value, but you could also use some smart pointer, or delete the member in the destructor:

class A {
    std::auto_ptr<B> element;

class A {
    B * element;

    ~A() {
        delete B;

The important point is that in a composition, the container object owns the contained one, whereas in aggregation, it references it.

What is the result of % in Python?

It is, as in many C-like languages, the remainder or modulo operation. See the documentation for numeric types — int, float, long, complex.

Fast Linux file count for a large number of files

I prefer the following command to keep track of the changes in the number of files in a directory.

watch -d -n 0.01 'ls | wc -l'

The command will keeps a window open to keep track of the number of files that are in the directory with a refresh rate of 0.1 seconds.

Best way to find the months between two dates

Here's how to do this with Pandas FWIW:

import pandas as pd
pd.date_range("1990/04/03", "2014/12/31", freq="MS")

DatetimeIndex(['1990-05-01', '1990-06-01', '1990-07-01', '1990-08-01',
               '1990-09-01', '1990-10-01', '1990-11-01', '1990-12-01',
               '1991-01-01', '1991-02-01',
               '2014-03-01', '2014-04-01', '2014-05-01', '2014-06-01',
               '2014-07-01', '2014-08-01', '2014-09-01', '2014-10-01',
               '2014-11-01', '2014-12-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=296, freq='MS')

Notice it starts with the month after the given start date.

npm install gives error "can't find a package.json file"

Use below command to create a package.json file.

npm init 
npm init --yes or -y flag

[This method will generate a default package.json using information extracted from the current directory.]

Working with package.json

Check if value exists in enum in TypeScript

If you want this to work with string enums, you need to use Object.values(ENUM).includes(ENUM.value) because string enums are not reverse mapped, according to

Enum Vehicle {
    Car = 'car',
    Bike = 'bike',
    Truck = 'truck'


    Car: 'car',
    Bike: 'bike',
    Truck: 'truck'

So you just need to do:

if (Object.values(Vehicle).includes('car')) {
    // Do stuff here

If you get an error for: Property 'values' does not exist on type 'ObjectConstructor', then you are not targeting ES2017. You can either use this tsconfig.json config:

"compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["es2017"]

Or you can just do an any cast:

if ((<any>Object).values(Vehicle).includes('car')) {
    // Do stuff here

Why is my Button text forced to ALL CAPS on Lollipop?




yourButton.isAllCaps = false




    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="buttonStyle">@style/yourButtonStyle</item>

    <style name="yourButtonStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Button">
        <item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>

In layout:


Vue js error: Component template should contain exactly one root element

Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them instead.

The right approach is

  <div> <!-- The root -->

The wrong approach

<template> <!-- No root Element -->

Multi Root Components

The way around to that problem is using functional components, they are components where you have to pass no reactive data means component will not be watching for any data changes as well as not updating it self when something in parent component changes.

As this is a work around it comes with a price, functional components don't have any life cycle hooks passed to it, they are instance less as well you cannot refer to this anymore and everything is passed with context.

Here is how you can create a simple functional component.

Vue.component('my-component', {
    // you must set functional as true
  functional: true,
  // Props are optional
  props: {
    // ...
  // To compensate for the lack of an instance,
  // we are now provided a 2nd context argument.
  render: function (createElement, context) {
    // ...

Now that we have covered functional components in some detail lets cover how to create multi root components, for that I am gonna present you with a generic example.

     <NavBarRoutes :routes="persistentNavRoutes"/>
     <NavBarRoutes v-if="loggedIn" :routes="loggedInNavRoutes" />
     <NavBarRoutes v-else :routes="loggedOutNavRoutes" />

Now if we take a look at NavBarRoutes template

 v-for="route in routes"
 <router-link :to="route">
 {{ route.title }}

We cant do some thing like this we will be violating single root component restriction

Solution Make this component functional and use render

functional: true,
render(h, { props }) {
 return =>
  <li key={}>
    <router-link to={route}>

Here you have it you have created a multi root component, Happy coding

Reference for more details visit:

SQL Server: Attach incorrect version 661

SQL Server 2008 databases are version 655. SQL Server 2008 R2 databases are 661. You are trying to attach an 2008 R2 database (v. 661) to an 2008 instance and this is not supported. Once the database has been upgraded to an 2008 R2 version, it cannot be downgraded. You'll have to either upgrade your 2008 SP2 instance to R2, or you have to copy out the data in that database into an 2008 database (eg using the data migration wizard, or something equivalent).

The message is misleading, to say the least, it says 662 because SQL Server 2008 SP2 does support 662 as a database version, this is when 15000 partitions are enabled in the database, see Support for 15000 Partitions.docx. Enabling the support bumps the DB version to 662, disabling it moves it back to 655. But SQL Server 2008 SP2 does not support 661 (the R2 version).

WordPress is giving me 404 page not found for all pages except the homepage

.htaccess is a hidden file, so you must set all files as visible in your ftp.

I suggest you return your permalink structure to default ( ?p=ID ) so you ensure that .htaccess is the problem.

After that, you could simply set "month and name" structure again, and see if it works.

PS: Have you upgraded to 3.1? I've seen some people with plugin issues in this case.

Add text at the end of each line

sed 's/.*/&:80/'  abcd.txt >abcde.txt

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

defineProperty is a method on Object which allow you to configure the properties to meet some criterias. Here is a simple example with an employee object with two properties firstName & lastName and append the two properties by overriding the toString method on the object.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
employee.toString=function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

You will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

I am going to change the same code by using defineProperty on the object

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true

The first parameter is the name of the object and then second parameter is name of the property we are adding , in our case it’s toString and then the last parameter is json object which have a value going to be a function and three parameters writable,enumerable and configurable.Right now I just declared everything as true.

If u run the example you will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

Let’s understand why we need the three properties such as writable,enumerable and configurable.


One of the very annoying part of the javascript is , if you change the toString property to something else for example

enter image description here

if you run this again , everything gets breaks. Let’s change writable to false. If run the same again you will get the correct output as ‘Jameel Moideen’ . This property will prevent overwrite this property later.


if you print all the keys inside the object , you can see all the properties including toString.


enter image description here

if you set enumerable to false , you can hide toString property from everybody else. If run this again you will get firstName,lastName


if someone later redefined the object on later for example enumerable to true and run it. You can see toString property came again.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

//change enumerable to false
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {

    enumerable: true

enter image description here

you can restrict this behavior by set configurable to false.

Orginal reference of this information is from my personal Blog

Error: No module named psycopg2.extensions

For macOS Mojave just run pip install psycopg2-binary. Works fine for me, python version -> Python 3.7.2

Errors: "INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested." and "Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement." How to solve this?

I had the same issue and concern over duplicate code in two or more sprocs. I ended up adding an additional attribute for "mode". This allowed common code to exist inside one sproc and the mode directed flow and result set of the sproc.

Chrome:The website uses HSTS. Network errors...this page will probably work later

Encountered similar error. resetting chrome://net-internals/#hsts did not work for me. The issue was that my vm's clock was skewed by days. resetting the time did work out to resolve this issue.

Using the GET parameter of a URL in JavaScript

Using jquery? I've used this before: and it worked pretty well.

Auto-fit TextView for Android

Ok I have used the last week to massively rewrite my code to precisely fit your test. You can now copy this 1:1 and it will immediately work - including setSingleLine(). Please remember to adjust MIN_TEXT_SIZE and MAX_TEXT_SIZE if you're going for extreme values.

Converging algorithm looks like this:

for (float testSize; (upperTextSize - lowerTextSize) > mThreshold;) {

    // Go to the mean value...
    testSize = (upperTextSize + lowerTextSize) / 2;

    // ... inflate the dummy TextView by setting a scaled textSize and the text...
    mTestView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, testSize / mScaledDensityFactor);

    // ... call measure to find the current values that the text WANTS to occupy
    mTestView.measure(MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
    int tempHeight = mTestView.getMeasuredHeight();

    // ... decide whether those values are appropriate.
    if (tempHeight >= targetFieldHeight) {
        upperTextSize = testSize; // Font is too big, decrease upperSize
    else {
        lowerTextSize = testSize; // Font is too small, increase lowerSize

And the whole class can be found here.

The result is very flexible now. This works the same declared in xml like so:

    android:text="@string/LoremIpsum" />

... as well as built programmatically like in your test.

I really hope you can use this now. You can call setText(CharSequence text) now to use it by the way. The class takes care of stupendously rare exceptions and should be rock-solid. The only thing that the algorithm does not support yet is:

  • Calls to setMaxLines(x) where x >= 2

But I have added extensive comments to help you build this if you wish to!

Please note:

If you just use this normally without limiting it to a single line then there might be word-breaking as you mentioned before. This is an Android feature, not the fault of the AutoFitText. Android will always break words that are too long for a TextView and it's actually quite a convenience. If you want to intervene here than please see my comments and code starting at line 203. I have already written an adequate split and the recognition for you, all you'd need to do henceforth is to devide the words and then modify as you wish.

In conclusion: You should highly consider rewriting your test to also support space chars, like so:

final Random _random = new Random();
final String ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890";
final int textLength = _random.nextInt(80) + 20;
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
    if (i % 7 == 0 && i != 0) {
        builder.append(" ");
((AutoFitText) findViewById(;

This will produce very beutiful (and more realistic) results.
You will find commenting to get you started in this matter as well.

Good luck and best regards

How to add an extra column to a NumPy array

I think:

np.column_stack((a, zeros(shape(a)[0])))

is more elegant.

When should we use Observer and Observable?


Observer pattern is used when there is one to many relationship between objects such as if one object is modified, its dependent objects are to be notified automatically and corresponding changes are done to all dependent objects.


  1. Let's say, your permanent address is changed then you need to notify passport authority and pan card authority. So here passport authority and pan card authority are observers and You are a subject.

  2. On Facebook also, If you subscribe to someone then whenever new updates happen then you will be notified.

When to use it:

  1. When one object changes its state, then all other dependents object must automatically change their state to maintain consistency

  2. When the subject doesn't know about the number of observers it has.

  3. When an object should be able to notify other objects without knowing who objects are.

Step 1

Create Subject class.

  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.List;

  public class Subject {

  private List<Observer> observers 
        = new ArrayList<Observer>();
  private int state;

  public int getState() {
    return state;

 public void setState(int state) {
   this.state = state;

   public void attach(Observer observer){

  public void notifyAllObservers(){
    for (Observer observer : observers) {


Step 2

Create Observer class.

public abstract class Observer {
   protected Subject subject;
   public abstract void update();

Step 3

Create concrete observer classes

public class BinaryObserver extends Observer{

  public BinaryObserver(Subject subject){
     this.subject = subject;

  public void update() {
     System.out.println( "Binary String: " 
     + Integer.toBinaryString( subject.getState() ) ); 


public class OctalObserver extends Observer{

   public OctalObserver(Subject subject){
     this.subject = subject;

  public void update() {
    System.out.println( "Octal String: " 
    + Integer.toOctalString( subject.getState() ) ); 


public class HexaObserver extends Observer{

  public HexaObserver(Subject subject){
    this.subject = subject;

  public void update() {
     System.out.println( "Hex String: " 
    + Integer.toHexString( subject.getState() ).toUpperCase() ); 


Step 4

Use Subject and concrete observer objects.

 public class ObserverPatternDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       Subject subject = new Subject();

       new HexaObserver(subject);
       new OctalObserver(subject);
       new BinaryObserver(subject);

       System.out.println("First state change: 15");    
       System.out.println("Second state change: 10");   


Step 5

Verify the output.

First state change: 15

Hex String: F

Octal String: 17

Binary String: 1111

Second state change: 10

Hex String: A

Octal String: 12

Binary String: 1010

Jquery .on('scroll') not firing the event while scrolling

$("body").on("custom-scroll", ".myDiv", function(){
    console.log("Scrolled :P");

$("#btn").on("click", function(){
    $("body").append('<div class="myDiv"><br><br><p>Content1<p><br><br><p>Content2<p><br><br></div>');

function listenForScrollEvent(el){
    el.on("scroll", function(){

see this post - Bind scroll Event To Dynamic DIV?

How do you perform address validation?

I have used the services of Their "address object" works very well. Its pricey, yes. But when you consider costs of writing your own solutions, the cost of dirty data in your application, returned mailers - lost sales, and the like - the costs can be justified.

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

Two things. First, you must base64 decode the mykey.pem file yourself. Second, the openssl private key format is specified in PKCS#1 as the RSAPrivateKey ASN.1 structure. It is not compatible with java's PKCS8EncodedKeySpec, which is based on the SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 structure. If you are willing to use the bouncycastle library you can use a few classes in the bouncycastle provider and bouncycastle PKIX libraries to make quick work of this.


import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMKeyConverter;

// ...   

String keyPath = "mykey.pem";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(keyPath));
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
PEMParser pp = new PEMParser(br);
PEMKeyPair pemKeyPair = (PEMKeyPair) pp.readObject();
KeyPair kp = new JcaPEMKeyConverter().getKeyPair(pemKeyPair);
samlResponse.sign(Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA").toString(), kp.getPrivate(), certs);

jQuery: Change button text on click

This should work for you:

        var $this = $(this);
            $this.text('See More');         
        } else {
            $this.text('See Less');

a = open("file", "r"); a.readline() output without \n

That would be:


If you want to strip space from each and every line, you might consider instead:

This will give you a list of lines, without the line end characters.

Batch file: Find if substring is in string (not in a file)

Better answer was here:

set "i=hello " world"
set i|find """" >nul && echo contains || echo not_contains

How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project

I like the answer of Anacrust, though, by the fact "console.log" is executed twice, I would like to do a small update for src/mylib.js:

let test = {
  foo () { return 'foo' },
  bar () { return 'bar' },
  baz () { return 'baz' }

export default test

All other code remains the same...

Real mouse position in canvas

The easiest way to compute the correct mouse click or mouse move position on a canvas event is to use this little equation:

canvas.addEventListener('click', event =>
    let bound = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();

    let x = event.clientX - bound.left - canvas.clientLeft;
    let y = event.clientY - - canvas.clientTop;

    context.fillRect(x, y, 16, 16);

If the canvas has padding-left or padding-top, subtract x and y via:

x -= parseFloat(style['padding-left'].replace('px'));
y -= parseFloat(style['padding-top'].replace('px'));

How to read file from relative path in Java project? cannot find the path specified

While the answer provided by BalusC works for this case, it will break when the file path contains spaces because in a URL, these are being converted to %20 which is not a valid file name. If you construct the File object using a URI rather than a String, whitespaces will be handled correctly:

URL url = getClass().getResource("ListStopWords.txt");
File file = new File(url.toURI());

How to set password for Redis?

step 1. stop redis server using below command /etc/init.d/redis-server stop step 2.enter command : sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

step 3.find # requirepass foobared word and remove # and change foobared to YOUR PASSWORD

ex. requirepass root

TypeError: $(...).on is not a function

In my case this code solved my error :

(function (window, document, $) {
            'use strict';
             var $html = $('html');
             $('input[name="myiCheck"]').on('ifClicked', function (event) {
             alert("You clicked " + this.value);
})(window, document, jQuery);

You don't should put your function inside $(document).ready

htaccess redirect all pages to single page

Are you trying to get visitors to to go to If so, you can do this with a mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=permanent,L]

Reload parent window from child window

This working for me:


In this case Current tab will close and parent tab will refresh.

Regex match text between tags

Use match instead, and the g flag.


Reading specific XML elements from XML file

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(path_to_xml);
var word = xdoc.Elements("word")
               .SingleOrDefault(w => (string)w.Element("category") == "verb");

This query will return whole word XElement. If there is more than one word element with category verb, than you will get an InvalidOperationException. If there is no elements with category verb, result will be null.

AngularJS routing without the hash '#'

In Angular 6, with your router you can use:

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: false })

Python datetime strptime() and strftime(): how to preserve the timezone information

Unfortunately, strptime() can only handle the timezone configured by your OS, and then only as a time offset, really. From the documentation:

Support for the %Z directive is based on the values contained in tzname and whether daylight is true. Because of this, it is platform-specific except for recognizing UTC and GMT which are always known (and are considered to be non-daylight savings timezones).

strftime() doesn't officially support %z.

You are stuck with python-dateutil to support timezone parsing, I am afraid.

Draw a curve with css

You could use an asymmetrical border to make curves with CSS.

border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;


.box {_x000D_
  width: 500px; _x000D_
  height: 100px;  _x000D_
  border: solid 5px #000;_x000D_
  border-color: #000 transparent transparent transparent;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;_x000D_
<div class="box"></div>

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out


nc -v -z <git-repository> <port>

Your output should look like:

"Connection to <git-repository> <port> port [tcp/*] succeeded!"

If you get:

connect to <git-repository> <port> (tcp) failed: Connection timed out

You need to edit your ~/.ssh/config file. Add something like the following:

Port 1234

How do I get formatted JSON in .NET using C#?


var js = JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj, new JsonSerializerOptions {
             WriteIndented = true

Simple timeout in java

Nowadays you can use

try {
    String s = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> br.readLine())
                                .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
    // Handle

C# Test if user has write access to a folder

IMHO the only 100% reliable way to test if you can write to a directory is to actually write to it and eventually catch exceptions.

Excel formula to reference 'CELL TO THE LEFT'

Why not just use:


Find empty or NaN entry in Pandas Dataframe

I've resorted to

df[ (df[column_name].notnull()) & (df[column_name]!=u'') ].index

lately. That gets both null and empty-string cells in one go.

jquery stop child triggering parent event

The simplest solution is to add this CSS to the children:

.your-child {
    pointer-events: none;

Rename a dictionary key

In case of renaming all dictionary keys:

target_dict = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2', 'k3':'v3'}
new_keys = ['k4','k5','k6']

for key,n_key in zip(target_dict.keys(), new_keys):
    target_dict[n_key] = target_dict.pop(key)

How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail?

As an alternative to PHPMailer, Pear's Mail and others you could use the Zend's library

  $config = array('auth' => 'login',
                   'ssl' => 'ssl',
                   'port'=> 465,
                   'username' => '[email protected]',
                   'password' => 'XXXXXXX');

 $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('', $config);
 $mail = new Zend_Mail();
 $mail->setBodyText('This is the text of the mail.');
 $mail->setFrom('[email protected]', 'Some Sender');
 $mail->addTo('[email protected]', 'Some Recipient');

That is my set up in localhost server and I can able to see incoming mail to my mail box.

Int to byte array

This may be OT but if you are serializing a lot of primitive types or POD structures, Google Protocol Buffers for .Net might be useful to you. This addresses the endianness issue @Marc raised above, among other useful features.

HttpURLConnection timeout settings

I could get solution for such a similar problem with addition of a simple line

HttpURLConnection hConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

My requirement was to know the response code and for that just getting the meta-information was sufficient, instead of getting the complete response body.

Default request method is GET and that was taking lot of time to return, finally throwing me SocketTimeoutException. The response was pretty fast when I set the Request Method to HEAD.

How do I get data from a table?

in this code data is a two dimensional array of table data

let oTable = document.getElementById('datatable-id');
let data = [...oTable.rows].map(t => [...t.children].map(u => u.innerText))

Setting Environment Variables for Node to retrieve

A very good way of doing environment variables I have successfully used is below:

A. Have different config files:

  1. dev.js // this has all environment variables for development only
    The file contains:

    module.exports = {
     ENV: 'dev',
     someEnvKey1 : 'some DEV Value1',
     someEnvKey2 : 'some DEV Value2'
  2. stage.js // this has all environment variables for development only

  3. qa.js // this has all environment variables for qa testing only
    The file contains:

    module.exports = {
     ENV: 'dev',
     someEnvKey1 : 'some QA Value1',
     someEnvKey2 : 'some QA Value2'

NOTE: the values are changing with the environment, mostly, but keys remain same.

  1. you can have more

  2. z__prod.js // this has all environment variables for production/live only
    NOTE: This file is never bundled for deployment

  3. Put all these config files in /config/ folder


NOTE: The name of prod is different than others, as it would not be used by all.

B. Set the OS/ Lambda/ AzureFunction/ GoogleCloudFunction environment variables from config file

Now ideally, these config variables in file, should go as OS environment variables (or, LAMBDA function variables, or, Azure function variables, Google Cloud Functions, etc.)

so, we write automation in Windows OS (or other)

  1. Assume we write 'setenv' bat file, which takes one argument that is environment that we want to set

  2. Now run "setenv dev"

a) This takes the input from the passed argument variable ('dev' for now)
b) read the corresponding file ('config\dev.js')
c) sets the environment variables in Windows OS (or other)

For example,

The setenv.bat contents might be:

    node setenv.js

The setenv.js contents might be:

    // import "process.env.ENV".js file (dev.js example)
    // loop the imported file contents
    //     set the environment variables in Windows OS (or, Lambda, etc.)

That's all, your environment is ready for use.

When you do 'setenv qa', all qa environment variables will be ready for use from qa.js, and ready for use by same program (which always asks for process.env.someEnvKey1, but the value it gets is qa one).

Hope that helps.

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

In JQuery 1.12.1, my application uses code:



and it works.

How to initialize List<String> object in Java?

We created soyuz-to to simplify 1 problem: how to convert X to Y (e.g. String to Integer). Constructing of an object is also kind of conversion so it has a simple function to construct Map, List, Set:


List<String> names = to.list("John", "Fedor");

Please check it - it has a lot of other useful features

What is the meaning of <> in mysql query?

<> is equal to != i.e, both are used to represent the NOT EQUAL operation. For instance, email <> '' and email != '' are same.

Adding a month to a date in T SQL

select * from Reference where reference_dt = DateAdd(month,1,another_date_reference)

Angular 2 Cannot find control with unspecified name attribute on formArrays

In my case I solved the issue by putting the name of the formControl in double and sinlge quotes so that it is interpreted as a string:


similar to below:


How to extract one column of a csv file

I wonder why none of the answers so far have mentioned csvkit.

csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV

csvkit documentation

I use it exclusively for csv data management and so far I have not found a problem that I could not solve using cvskit.

To extract one or more columns from a cvs file you can use the csvcut utility that is part of the toolbox. To extract the second column use this command:

csvcut -c 2 filename_in.csv > filename_out.csv 

csvcut reference page

If the strings in the csv are quoted, add the quote character with the q option:

csvcut -q '"' -c 2 filename_in.csv > filename_out.csv 

Install with pip install csvkit or sudo apt install csvkit.

Comparison of DES, Triple DES, AES, blowfish encryption for data

Use AES.

In more details:

  • DES is the old "data encryption standard" from the seventies. Its key size is too short for proper security (56 effective bits; this can be brute-forced, as has been demonstrated more than ten years ago). Also, DES uses 64-bit blocks, which raises some potential issues when encrypting several gigabytes of data with the same key (a gigabyte is not that big nowadays).
  • 3DES is a trick to reuse DES implementations, by cascading three instances of DES (with distinct keys). 3DES is believed to be secure up to at least "2112" security (which is quite a lot, and quite far in the realm of "not breakable with today's technology"). But it is slow, especially in software (DES was designed for efficient hardware implementation, but it sucks in software; and 3DES sucks three times as much).
  • Blowfish is a block cipher proposed by Bruce Schneier, and deployed in some softwares. Blowfish can use huge keys and is believed secure, except with regards to its block size, which is 64 bits, just like DES and 3DES. Blowfish is efficient in software, at least on some software platforms (it uses key-dependent lookup tables, hence performance depends on how the platform handles memory and caches).
  • AES is the successor of DES as standard symmetric encryption algorithm for US federal organizations (and as standard for pretty much everybody else, too). AES accepts keys of 128, 192 or 256 bits (128 bits is already very unbreakable), uses 128-bit blocks (so no issue there), and is efficient in both software and hardware. It was selected through an open competition involving hundreds of cryptographers during several years. Basically, you cannot have better than that.

So, when in doubt, use AES.

Note that a block cipher is a box which encrypts "blocks" (128-bit chunks of data with AES). When encrypting a "message" which may be longer than 128 bits, the message must be split into blocks, and the actual way you do the split is called the mode of operation or "chaining". The naive mode (simple split) is called ECB and has issues. Using a block cipher properly is not easy, and it is more important than selecting between, e.g., AES or 3DES.

Parse usable Street Address, City, State, Zip from a string

Try We use their web service, which you can test online

MySQL Trigger: Delete From Table AFTER DELETE

create trigger doct_trigger
after delete on doctor
for each row
delete from patient where patient.PrimaryDoctor_SSN=doctor.SSN ;

Difference between a SOAP message and a WSDL?

In a simple terms if you have a web service of calculator. WSDL tells about the functions that you can implement or exposed to the client. For example: add, delete, subtract and so on. Where as using SOAP you actually perform actions like doDelete(), doSubtract(), doAdd(). So SOAP and WSDL are apples and oranges. We should not compare them. They both have their own different functionality.

How to efficiently concatenate strings in go

I just benchmarked the top answer posted above in my own code (a recursive tree walk) and the simple concat operator is actually faster than the BufferString.

func (r *record) String() string {
    buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("");
    for i := 0; i < len(r.subs); i++ {
    return buffer.String()

This took 0.81 seconds, whereas the following code:

func (r *record) String() string {
    s := "(\"" + + "\" ["
    for i := 0; i < len(r.subs); i++ {
        s += r.subs[i].String()
    s += "] " + strconv.FormatInt(r.size,10) + ")\n"
    return s

only took 0.61 seconds. This is probably due to the overhead of creating the new BufferString.

Update: I also benchmarked the join function and it ran in 0.54 seconds.

func (r *record) String() string {
    var parts []string
    parts = append(parts, "(\"",, "\" [" )
    for i := 0; i < len(r.subs); i++ {
        parts = append(parts, r.subs[i].String())
    parts = append(parts, strconv.FormatInt(r.size,10), ")\n")
    return strings.Join(parts,"")

How to open link in new tab on html?

Use target="_blank":

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">This will open in a new window!</a>

Execution failed app:processDebugResources Android Studio

In my case, crashlytics ( was generating files that conflicted at some point and a second file was automatically generated with an invalid name.

Long story short: Check if you don't have any filenames with invalid lengths, you should be warned above the original exception.

correct way of comparing string jquery operator =

First of all you should use double "==" instead of "=" to compare two values. Using "=" You assigning value to variable in this case "somevar"

How to get previous page url using jquery

document.referrer is not working always.

You can use:


$(document).on("click"... not working?

Try this:

$("#test-element").on("click" ,function() {

The document way of doing it is weird too. That would make sense to me if used for a class selector, but in the case of an id you probably just have useless DOM traversing there. In the case of the id selector, you get that element instantly.

Opening port 80 EC2 Amazon web services

  1. Check what security group you are using for your instance. See value of Security Groups column in row of your instance. It's important - I changed rules for default group, but my instance was under quickstart-1 group when I had similar issue.
  2. Go to Security Groups tab, go to Inbound tab, select HTTP in Create a new rule combo-box, leave in source field and click Add Rule, then Apply rule changes.

Display two fields side by side in a Bootstrap Form

Bootstrap 3.3.7:

Use form-inline.

It only works on screen resolutions greater than 768px though. To test the snippet below make sure to click the "Expand snippet" link to get a wider viewing area.

        <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
        <form class="form-inline">_x000D_
            <input type="text" class="form-control"/>-<input type="text" class="form-control"/>_x000D_


Python and JSON - TypeError list indices must be integers not str

I solved changing




Objective-C Static Class Level variables

As of Xcode 8, you can define class properties in Obj-C. This has been added to interoperate with Swift's static properties.

Objective-C now supports class properties, which interoperate with Swift type properties. They are declared as: @property (class) NSString *someStringProperty;. They are never synthesized. (23891898)

Here is an example

@interface YourClass : NSObject

@property (class, nonatomic, assign) NSInteger currentId;


@implementation YourClass

static NSInteger _currentId = 0;

+ (NSInteger)currentId {
    return _currentId;

+ (void)setCurrentId:(NSInteger)newValue {
    _currentId = newValue;


Then you can access it like this:

YourClass.currentId = 1;
val = YourClass.currentId;

Here is a very interesting explanatory post I used as a reference to edit this old answer.

2011 Answer: (don't use this, it's terrible)

If you really really don't want to declare a global variable, there another option, maybe not very orthodox :-), but works... You can declare a "get&set" method like this, with an static variable inside:

+ (NSString*)testHolder:(NSString*)_test {
    static NSString *test;

    if(_test != nil) {
        if(test != nil)
            [test release];
        test = [_test retain];

    // if(test == nil)
    //     test = @"Initialize the var here if you need to";

    return test;

So, if you need to get the value, just call:

NSString *testVal = [MyClass testHolder:nil]

And then, when you want to set it:

[MyClass testHolder:testVal]

In the case you want to be able to set this pseudo-static-var to nil, you can declare testHolder as this:

+ (NSString*)testHolderSet:(BOOL)shouldSet newValue:(NSString*)_test {
    static NSString *test;

    if(shouldSet) {
        if(test != nil)
            [test release];
        test = [_test retain];

    return test;

And two handy methods:

+ (NSString*)test {
    return [MyClass testHolderSet:NO newValue:nil];

+ (void)setTest:(NSString*)_test {
    [MyClass testHolderSet:YES newValue:_test];

Hope it helps! Good luck.

How can I find the method that called the current method?

/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the "GetCallingMethod".
/// </summary>
public static string GetCallingMethod()
   return GetCallingMethod("GetCallingMethod");

/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the the method specified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MethodAfter">The named method to see what happened just before it was called. (case sensitive)</param>
/// <returns>The method name.</returns>
public static string GetCallingMethod(string MethodAfter)
   string str = "";
      StackTrace st = new StackTrace();
      StackFrame[] frames = st.GetFrames();
      for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount - 1; i++)
         if (frames[i].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter))
            if (!frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter)) // ignores overloaded methods.
               str = frames[i + 1].GetMethod().ReflectedType.FullName + "." + frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name;
   catch (Exception) { ; }
   return str;

How to create a custom exception type in Java?

You have to define your exception elsewhere as a new class

public class YourCustomException extends Exception{

//Required inherited methods here

Then you can throw and catch YourCustomException as much as you'd like.

Verify if file exists or not in C#

You can determine whether a specified file exists using the Exists method of the File class in the System.IO namespace:

bool System.IO.File.Exists(string path)

You can find the documentation here on MSDN.


using System;
using System.IO;

class Test
    public static void Main()
        string resumeFile = @"c:\ResumesArchive\923823.txt";
        string newFile = @"c:\ResumesImport\newResume.txt";
        if (File.Exists(resumeFile))
            File.Copy(resumeFile, newFile);
            Console.WriteLine("Resume file does not exist.");

HTTP Request in Kotlin

I think using okhttp is the easiest solution. Here you can see an example for POST method, sending a json, and with auth.

val url = ""

val client = OkHttpClient()

val JSON = MediaType.get("application/json; charset=utf-8")
val body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{\"data\":\"$data\"}")
val request = Request.Builder()
        .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $token")

val  response = client . newCall (request).execute()


Remember to add this dependency to your project

UPDATE: July 7th, 2019 I'm gonna give two examples using latest Kotlin (1.3.41), OkHttp (4.0.0) and Jackson (2.9.9).

UPDATE: January 25th, 2021 Everything is okay with the most updated versions.

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

Get Method

fun get() {
    val client = OkHttpClient()
    val url = URL("")

    val request = Request.Builder()

    val response = client.newCall(request).execute()

    val responseBody = response.body!!.string()

    println("Response Body: " + responseBody)

    //we could use jackson if we got a JSON
    val mapperAll = ObjectMapper()
    val objData = mapperAll.readTree(responseBody)

    objData.get("data").forEachIndexed { index, jsonNode ->
        println("$index $jsonNode")

POST Method

fun post() {
    val client = OkHttpClient()
    val url = URL("")

    //just a string
    var jsonString = "{\"name\": \"Rolando\", \"job\": \"Fakeador\"}"

    //or using jackson
    val mapperAll = ObjectMapper()
    val jacksonObj = mapperAll.createObjectNode()
    jacksonObj.put("name", "Rolando")
    jacksonObj.put("job", "Fakeador")
    val jacksonString = jacksonObj.toString()

    val mediaType = "application/json; charset=utf-8".toMediaType()
    val body = jacksonString.toRequestBody(mediaType)

    val request = Request.Builder()

    val response = client.newCall(request).execute()

    val responseBody = response.body!!.string()

    println("Response Body: " + responseBody)

    //we could use jackson if we got a JSON
    val objData = mapperAll.readTree(responseBody)

    println("My name is " + objData.get("name").textValue() + ", and I'm a " + objData.get("job").textValue() + ".")

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

from Jackson 2.7.x+ there is a way to annotate the member variable itself:

 @JsonFormat(with = JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY)
 private List<String> newsletters;

More info here: Jackson @JsonFormat

Converting ArrayList to HashMap

The general methodology would be to iterate through the ArrayList, and insert the values into the HashMap. An example is as follows:

HashMap<String, Product> productMap = new HashMap<String, Product>();
for (Product product : productList) {
   productMap.put(product.getProductCode(), product);

How do I add a newline to command output in PowerShell?

I think you had the correct idea with your last example. You only got an error because you were trying to put quotes inside an already quoted string. This will fix it:

gci -path hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall | ForEach-Object -Process { write-output ($_.GetValue("DisplayName") + "`n") }

Edit: Keith's $() operator actually creates a better syntax (I always forget about this one). You can also escape quotes inside quotes as so:

gci -path hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall | ForEach-Object -Process { write-output "$($_.GetValue(`"DisplayName`"))`n" }

There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server

I used mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0 in command line in the folder where I had my pom.xml. Then I refreshed the project in eclipse IDE. After that I was able to add my project.

How to manually install a pypi module without pip/easy_install?

Even though Sheena's answer does the job, pip doesn't stop just there.

From Sheena's answer:

  1. Download the package
  2. unzip it if it is zipped
  3. cd into the directory containing
  4. If there are any installation instructions contained in documentation contained herein, read and follow the instructions OTHERWISE
  5. type in python install

At the end of this, you'll end up with a .egg file in site-packages. As a user, this shouldn't bother you. You can import and uninstall the package normally. However, if you want to do it the pip way, you can continue the following steps.

In the site-packages directory,

  1. unzip <.egg file>
  2. rename the EGG-INFO directory as <pkg>-<version>.dist-info
  3. Now you'll see a separate directory with the package name, <pkg-directory>
  4. find <pkg-directory> > <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD
  5. find <pkg>-<version>.dist-info >> <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD. The >> is to prevent overwrite.

Now, looking at the site-packages directory, you'll never realize you installed without pip. To uninstall, just do the usual pip uninstall <pkg>.

How to convert DateTime? to DateTime

Consider using the following which its far better than the accepted answer

DateTime UpdatedTime = _objHotelPackageOrder.UpdatedDate == null 
    ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)_objHotelPackageOrder.UpdatedDate;

What is the strict aliasing rule?

Strict aliasing doesn't refer only to pointers, it affects references as well, I wrote a paper about it for the boost developer wiki and it was so well received that I turned it into a page on my consulting web site. It explains completely what it is, why it confuses people so much and what to do about it. Strict Aliasing White Paper. In particular it explains why unions are risky behavior for C++, and why using memcpy is the only fix portable across both C and C++. Hope this is helpful.

How to fix Error: laravel.log could not be opened?

Add to composer.json

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
          "chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache",
          "chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache"

After composer install

"Unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction Class" error

I was just having this issue with my own program. I turned out that the value I was searching for was not in my reference table. I fixed my reference table, and then the error went away.

How to implement a read only property

I agree that the second way is preferable. The only real reason for that preference is the general preference that .NET classes not have public fields. However, if that field is readonly, I can't see how there would be any real objections other than a lack of consistency with other properties. The real difference between a readonly field and get-only property is that the readonly field provides a guarantee that its value will not change over the life of the object and a get-only property does not.

Iterate over the lines of a string

You can iterate over "a file", which produces lines, including the trailing newline character. To make a "virtual file" out of a string, you can use StringIO:

import io  # for Py2.7 that would be import cStringIO as io

for line in io.StringIO(foo):

How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?

An update on @Scott T.'s answer: the interface between Resource Server and Authorization Server for token validation was standardized in IETF RFC 7662 in October 2015, see: A sample validation call would look like:

POST /introspect HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer 23410913-abewfq.123483


and a sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "active": true,
  "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
  "username": "jdoe",
  "scope": "read write dolphin",
  "sub": "Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis",
  "aud": "",
  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1419356238,
  "iat": 1419350238,
  "extension_field": "twenty-seven"

Of course adoption by vendors and products will have to happen over time.

Difference between "read commited" and "repeatable read"

Trying to explain this doubt with simple diagrams.

Read Committed: Here in this isolation level, Transaction T1 will be reading the updated value of the X committed by Transaction T2.

Read Committed

Repeatable Read: In this isolation level, Transaction T1 will not consider the changes committed by the Transaction T2.

enter image description here

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

Since you are always initialising self.listMyData to an empty list in clkFindMost your code will always lead to this error* because after that both unique_names and frequencies are empty iterables, so fix this.

Another thing is that since you're iterating over a set in that method then calculating frequency makes no sense as set contain only unique items, so frequency of each item is always going to be 1.

Lastly dict.get is a method not a list or dictionary so you can't use [] with it:

Correct way is:

if frequencies.get(name):

And Pythonic way is:

if name in frequencies:

The Pythonic way to get the frequency of items is to use collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter   #Add this at the top of file.

def clkFindMost(self, parent):

        #self.listMyData = []   
        if self.listMyData:
           frequencies = Counter(self.listMyData)
           self.txtResults.Value = max(frequencies, key=frequencies.get)
           self.txtResults.Value = '' 

max() and min() throw such error when an empty iterable is passed to them. You can check the length of v before calling max() on it.

>>> lst = []
>>> max(lst)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
>>> if lst:
    mx = max(lst)
    #Handle this here

If you are using it with an iterator then you need to consume the iterator first before calling max() on it because boolean value of iterator is always True, so we can't use if on them directly:

>>> it = iter([])
>>> bool(it)
>>> lst = list(it)
>>> if lst:
       mx = max(lst)
      #Handle this here   

Good news is starting from Python 3.4 you will be able to specify an optional return value for min() and max() in case of empty iterable.

What is @RenderSection in MVC


(1) you have a _Layout.cshtml view like this


    <script type="text/javascript" src="~/lib/layout.js"></script>
    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

(2) you have Contacts.cshtml

@section Scripts{
    <script type="text/javascript" src="~/lib/contacts.js"></script>

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
        <h2>    Contacts</h2>

(3) you have About.cshtml

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
        <h2>    Contacts</h2>

On you layout page, if required is set to false "@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)", When page renders and user is on about page, the contacts.js doesn't render.

        <script type="text/javascript" src="~/lib/layout.js"></script>

if required is set to true "@RenderSection("scripts", required: true)", When page renders and user is on ABOUT page, the contacts.js STILL gets rendered.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="~/lib/layout.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="~/lib/contacts.js"></script>

IN SHORT, when set to true, whether you need it or not on other pages, it will get rendered anyhow. If set to false, it will render only when the child page is rendered.

Private Variables and Methods in Python

Double underscore. That mangles the name. The variable can still be accessed, but it's generally a bad idea to do so.

Use single underscores for semi-private (tells python developers "only change this if you absolutely must") and doubles for fully private.

Array Index Out of Bounds Exception (Java)

import java.util.Scanner;
class ar1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int[] a={10,20,30,40,12,32};
        int bi=0,sm=0;
        for(int i=0;i<=a.length-1;i++) {


Convert an integer to a float number

Type Conversions T() where T is the desired datatype of the result are quite simple in GoLang.

In my program, I scan an integer i from the user input, perform a type conversion on it and store it in the variable f. The output prints the float64 equivalent of the int input. float32 datatype is also available in GoLang


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    var i int
    fmt.Println("Enter an Integer input: ")
    fmt.Scanf("%d", &i)
    f := float64(i)
    fmt.Printf("The float64 representation of %d is %f\n", i, f)


>>> Enter an Integer input:
>>> 232332
>>> The float64 representation of 232332 is 232332.000000

Bash: infinite sleep (infinite blocking)

tail does not block

As always: For everything there is an answer which is short, easy to understand, easy to follow and completely wrong. Here tail -f /dev/null falls into this category ;)

If you look at it with strace tail -f /dev/null you will notice, that this solution is far from blocking! It's probably even worse than the sleep solution in the question, as it uses (under Linux) precious resources like the inotify system. Also other processes which write to /dev/null make tail loop. (On my Ubuntu64 16.10 this adds several 10 syscalls per second on an already busy system.)

The question was for a blocking command

Unfortunately, there is no such thing ..

Read: I do not know any way to archive this with the shell directly.

Everything (even sleep infinity) can be interrupted by some signal. So if you want to be really sure it does not exceptionally return, it must run in a loop, like you already did for your sleep. Please note, that (on Linux) /bin/sleep apparently is capped at 24 days (have a look at strace sleep infinity), hence the best you can do probably is:

while :; do sleep 2073600; done

(Note that I believe sleep loops internally for higher values than 24 days, but this means: It is not blocking, it is very slowly looping. So why not move this loop to the outside?)

.. but you can come quite near with an unnamed fifo

You can create something which really blocks as long as there are no signals send to the process. Following uses bash 4, 2 PIDs and 1 fifo:

bash -c 'coproc { exec >&-; read; }; eval exec "${COPROC[0]}<&-"; wait'

You can check that this really blocks with strace if you like:

strace -ff bash -c '..see above..'

How this was constructed

read blocks if there is no input data (see some other answers). However, the tty (aka. stdin) usually is not a good source, as it is closed when the user logs out. Also it might steal some input from the tty. Not nice.

To make read block, we need to wait for something like a fifo which will never return anything. In bash 4 there is a command which can exactly provide us with such a fifo: coproc. If we also wait the blocking read (which is our coproc), we are done. Sadly this needs to keep open two PIDs and a fifo.

Variant with a named fifo

If you do not bother using a named fifo, you can do this as follows:

mkfifo "$HOME/.pause.fifo" 2>/dev/null; read <"$HOME/.pause.fifo"

Not using a loop on the read is a bit sloppy, but you can reuse this fifo as often as you like and make the reads terminat using touch "$HOME/.pause.fifo" (if there are more than a single read waiting, all are terminated at once).

Or use the Linux pause() syscall

For the infinite blocking there is a Linux kernel call, called pause(), which does what we want: Wait forever (until a signal arrives). However there is no userspace program for this (yet).


Create such a program is easy. Here is a snippet to create a very small Linux program called pause which pauses indefinitely (needs diet, gcc etc.):

printf '#include <unistd.h>\nint main(){for(;;)pause();}' > pause.c;
diet -Os cc pause.c -o pause;
strip -s pause;
ls -al pause


If you do not want to compile something yourself, but you have python installed, you can use this under Linux:

python -c 'while 1: import ctypes; ctypes.CDLL(None).pause()'

(Note: Use exec python -c ... to replace the current shell, this frees one PID. The solution can be improved with some IO redirection as well, freeing unused FDs. This is up to you.)

How this works (I think): ctypes.CDLL(None) loads the standard C library and runs the pause() function in it within some additional loop. Less efficient than the C version, but works.

My recommendation for you:

Stay at the looping sleep. It's easy to understand, very portable, and blocks most of the time.

How can I test that a variable is more than eight characters in PowerShell?

You can also use -match against a Regular expression. Ex:

if ($dbUserName -match ".{8}" )
    Write-Output " Please enter more than 8 characters "
    $dbUserName=read-host " Re-enter database user name"

Also if you're like me and like your curly braces to be in the same horizontal position for your code blocks, you can put that on a new line, since it's expecting a code block it will look on next line. In some commands where the first curly brace has to be in-line with your command, you can use a grave accent marker (`) to tell powershell to treat the next line as a continuation.

Connect to mysql in a docker container from the host

I was able to connect my sql server5.7 running on my host using the below command : mysql -h -P 3307 --protocol=tcp -u root -p where the ip given is my host ip and 3307 is the port forwaded in mysql docker .After entering the command type the password for myql.that is it.Now you are connected the mysql docker container from the you hostmachine

Simple proof that GUID is not unique

Have you tried begin = begin + new BigInteger((long)1) in place of begin++?

How to Create simple drag and Drop in angularjs

Using HTML 5 Drag and Drop
You can easily archive this using HTML 5 drag and drop feature along with angular directives.

  1. Enable drag by setting draggable = true.
  2. Add directives for parent container and child items.
  3. Override drag and drop functions - 'ondragstart' for parent and 'ondrop' for child.

Find the example below in which list is array of items.
HTML code:

    <div class="item_content" ng-repeat="item in list" draggrble-container>
        <div class="item" draggable-item draggable="true">{{item}}</div>


     return {
        elem[0].ondragstart = function(event){
            scope.$parent.selectedItem = scope.item;

     return {
            elem[0].ondrop = function(event){
                let selectedIndex = scope.list.indexOf(scope.$parent.selectedItem);
                let newPosition = scope.list.indexOf(scope.item);
            elem[0].ondragover = function(event){


Find the complete code here

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

Congratulations, you've hit my favorite pet peeve with JDBC: Date class handling.

Basically databases usually support at least three forms of datetime fields which are date, time and timestamp. Each of these have a corresponding class in JDBC and each of them extend java.util.Date. Quick semantics of each of these three are the following:

  • java.sql.Date corresponds to SQL DATE which means it stores years, months and days while hour, minute, second and millisecond are ignored. Additionally sql.Date isn't tied to timezones.
  • java.sql.Time corresponds to SQL TIME and as should be obvious, only contains information about hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
  • java.sql.Timestamp corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP which is exact date to the nanosecond (note that util.Date only supports milliseconds!) with customizable precision.

One of the most common bugs when using JDBC drivers in relation to these three types is that the types are handled incorrectly. This means that sql.Date is timezone specific, sql.Time contains current year, month and day et cetera et cetera.

Finally: Which one to use?

Depends on the SQL type of the field, really. PreparedStatement has setters for all three values, #setDate() being the one for sql.Date, #setTime() for sql.Time and #setTimestamp() for sql.Timestamp.

Do note that if you use ps.setObject(fieldIndex, utilDateObject); you can actually give a normal util.Date to most JDBC drivers which will happily devour it as if it was of the correct type but when you request the data afterwards, you may notice that you're actually missing stuff.

I'm really saying that none of the Dates should be used at all.

What I am saying that save the milliseconds/nanoseconds as plain longs and convert them to whatever objects you are using (obligatory joda-time plug). One hacky way which can be done is to store the date component as one long and time component as another, for example right now would be 20100221 and 154536123. These magic numbers can be used in SQL queries and will be portable from database to another and will let you avoid this part of JDBC/Java Date API:s entirely.

Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in Java

Here is the answer.

System.exit(0);// normal termination - Successful - zero
System.exit(-1);//Exit with some Error
System.exit(1);//one or any positive integer // exit with some Information message

How do I get the name of the current executable in C#?

For windows apps (forms and console) I use this:

Add a reference to System.Windows.Forms in VS then:

using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace whatever
    class Program
        static string ApplicationName = Application.ProductName.ToString();
        static void Main(string[] args)

This works correctly for me whether I am running the actual executable or debugging within VS.

Note that it returns the application name without the extension.


Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery

js version, catches iPad too:

var is_mobile = /mobile|android/i.test (navigator.userAgent);

How can I right-align text in a DataGridView column?

this.dataGridView1.Columns["CustomerName"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; 

how can I check if a file exists?

For anyone who is looking a way to watch a specific file to exist in VBS:

Function bIsFileDownloaded(strPath, timeout)
  Dim FSO, fileIsDownloaded
  set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  fileIsDownloaded = false
  limit = DateAdd("s", timeout, Now)
  Do While Now < limit
    If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then : fileIsDownloaded = True : Exit Do : End If
    WScript.Sleep 1000      
  Set FSO = Nothing
  bIsFileDownloaded = fileIsDownloaded
End Function


FileName = "C:\test.txt"
fileIsDownloaded = bIsFileDownloaded(FileName, 5) ' keep watching for 5 seconds

If fileIsDownloaded Then
  WScript.Echo Now & " File is Downloaded: " & FileName
  WScript.Echo Now & " Timeout, file not found: " & FileName 
End If

Show an image preview before upload

HTML5 comes with File API spec, which allows you to create applications that let the user interact with files locally; That means you can load files and render them in the browser without actually having to upload the files. Part of the File API is the FileReader interface which lets web applications asynchronously read the contents of files .

Here's a quick example that makes use of the FileReader class to read an image as DataURL and renders a thumbnail by setting the src attribute of an image tag to a data URL:

The html code:

<input type="file" id="files" />
<img id="image" />

The JavaScript code:

document.getElementById("files").onchange = function () {
    var reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onload = function (e) {
        // get loaded data and render thumbnail.
        document.getElementById("image").src =;

    // read the image file as a data URL.

Here's a good article on using the File APIs in JavaScript.

The code snippet in the HTML example below filters out images from the user's selection and renders selected files into multiple thumbnail previews:

function handleFileSelect(evt) {_x000D_
    var files =;_x000D_
    // Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails._x000D_
    for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {_x000D_
      // Only process image files._x000D_
      if (!f.type.match('image.*')) {_x000D_
      var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
      // Closure to capture the file information._x000D_
      reader.onload = (function(theFile) {_x000D_
        return function(e) {_x000D_
          // Render thumbnail._x000D_
          var span = document.createElement('span');_x000D_
          span.innerHTML = _x000D_
            '<img style="height: 75px; border: 1px solid #000; margin: 5px" src="', _x000D_
            '" title="', escape(, _x000D_
          document.getElementById('list').insertBefore(span, null);_x000D_
      // Read in the image file as a data URL._x000D_
  document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
<input type="file" id="files" multiple />_x000D_
<output id="list"></output>

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError Explained

Debugging tips

This error can be quite confusing, and it's easy to make a wrong assumption about exactly when it's occuring. I find it helpful to add a lot of debugging statements like this throughout the affected components in the appropriate places. This helps understand the flow.

In the parent put statements like this (the exact string 'EXPRESSIONCHANGED' is important), but other than that these are just examples:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: constructor');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: setting config', newConfig);
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: setting config ok');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: running detectchanges');

In the child / services / timer callbacks:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: setting config');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: setting config ok');

If you run detectChanges manually add logging for that too:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: running detectchanges');

Then in Chrome debugger just filter by 'EXPRESSIONCHANGES'. This will show you exactly the flow and order of everything that gets set, and also exactly at what point Angular throws the error.

enter image description here

You can also click on the gray links to put breakpoints in.

Another thing to watch out if you have similarly named properties throughout your application (such as style.background) make sure you're debugging the one you think you - by setting it to an obscure color value.

'printf' vs. 'cout' in C++

With primitives, it probably doesn't matter entirely which one you use. I say where it gets usefulness is when you want to output complex objects.

For example, if you have a class,

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

class Something
        Something(int x, int y, int z) : a(x), b(y), c(z) { }
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;

        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Something&);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Something& s)
        o << s.a << ", " << s.b << ", " << s.c;
        return o;

int main(void)
        Something s(3, 2, 1);

        // output with printf
        printf("%i, %i, %i\n", s.a, s.b, s.c);

        // output with cout
        cout << s << endl;

        return 0;

Now the above might not seem all that great, but let's suppose you have to output this in multiple places in your code. Not only that, let's say you add a field "int d." With cout, you only have to change it in once place. However, with printf, you'd have to change it in possibly a lot of places and not only that, you have to remind yourself which ones to output.

With that said, with cout, you can reduce a lot of times spent with maintenance of your code and not only that if you re-use the object "Something" in a new application, you don't really have to worry about output.

firefox proxy settings via command line

Thank very much, I find the answers in this website.

Here I refer to the production of a cmd file

by minimo

cd /D "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"
cd *.default
set ffile=%cd%
echo user_pref("network.proxy.http", " ");>>"%ffile%\prefs.js"
echo user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", 80);>>"%ffile%\prefs.js"
echo user_pref("network.proxy.type", 1);>>"%ffile%\prefs.js"
set ffile=
cd %windir%

How do I trim leading/trailing whitespace in a standard way?

Very late to the party...

Single-pass forward-scanning solution with no backtracking. Every character in the source string is tested exactly once twice. (So it should be faster than most of the other solutions here, especially if the source string has a lot of trailing spaces.)

This includes two solutions, one to copy and trim a source string into another destination string, and the other to trim the source string in place. Both functions use the same code.

The (modifiable) string is moved in-place, so the original pointer to it remains unchanged.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char * trim2(char *d, const char *s)
    // Sanity checks
    if (s == NULL  ||  d == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // Skip leading spaces        
    const unsigned char * p = (const unsigned char *)s;
    while (isspace(*p))

    // Copy the string
    unsigned char * dst = (unsigned char *)d;   // d and s can be the same
    unsigned char * end = dst;
    while (*p != '\0')
        if (!isspace(*dst++ = *p++))
            end = dst;

    // Truncate trailing spaces
    *end = '\0';
    return d;

char * trim(char *s)
    return trim2(s, s);

How can I clear or empty a StringBuilder?

Two ways that work:

  1. Use stringBuilderObj.setLength(0).
  2. Allocate a new one with new StringBuilder() instead of clearing the buffer.

How can I set the form action through JavaScript?

Do as Rabbott says, or if you refuse jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
function get_action() { // inside script tags
  return form_action;

<form action="" onsubmit="this.action=get_action();">

Android Device Chooser -- device not showing up

Another alternative: on modern Apple iMac's, the USB port closest to the outside edge of the machine never works with ADB, whereas all others work fine. I've seen this on two different iMacs, possibly those are USB 1.0 ports (or something equally stupid) - or it's a general manufacturing defect.

Plugging USB cables (new, old, high quality or cheap) into all other USB ports works fine, but plugging into that one fails ADB

NB: plugging into that port works for file-transfer, etc - it's only ADB that breaks.

MySQL Error 1264: out of range value for column

The value 3172978990 is greater than 2147483647 – the maximum value for INT – hence the error. MySQL integer types and their ranges are listed here.

Also note that the (10) in INT(10) does not define the "size" of an integer. It specifies the display width of the column. This information is advisory only.

To fix the error, change your datatype to VARCHAR. Phone and Fax numbers should be stored as strings. See this discussion.

Tensorflow 2.0 - AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'Session'

import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()

this code will show an Attribute error on version 2.x

to use version 1.x code in version 2.x

try this

import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
sess = tf.Session()

Visual Studio 2013 Install Fails: Program Compatibility Mode is on (Windows 10)

Just extract the ISO file to hard drive and it will work.

How to parse float with two decimal places in javascript?

When you use toFixed, it always returns the value as a string. This sometimes complicates the code. To avoid that, you can make an alternative method for Number.

Number.prototype.round = function(p) {
  p = p || 10;
  return parseFloat( this.toFixed(p) );

and use:

var n = 22 / 7; // 3.142857142857143
n.round(3); // 3.143

or simply:

(22/7).round(3); // 3.143

Gradle Sync failed could not find constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha2

First I tried everything that I have read on stackoverflow...from updating gradle to XY version, to updating ConstraintLayout to XY version...I even update my SDK tools and Android Studio to the latest version...but nothing was working.

The only solution that worked for me was that I delete ConstraintLayout library from gradle and SDK, then I opened random xml layout and in Design view under Palette section search for ConstraintLayout. If you have successfully deleted library from your project then you will be able to install the library from there if you double clicked on ConstraintLayout element.

That has create next line in my app build.gradle:


In my project build.gradle I have this:

classpath ''

Android studio version 2.2.2

How to customize Bootstrap 3 tab color

I think you should edit the anchor tag on bootstrap.css. Otherwise give customized style to the anchor tag with !important (to override the default style on bootstrap.css).

Example code

.nav {_x000D_
    background-color: #000 !important;_x000D_
.nav>li>a {_x000D_
    background-color: #666 !important;_x000D_
    color: #fff;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<div role="tabpanel">_x000D_
  <!-- Nav tabs -->_x000D_
  <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">_x000D_
    <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#home" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Home</a></li>_x000D_
    <li role="presentation"><a href="#profile" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Profile</a></li>_x000D_
    <li role="presentation"><a href="#messages" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Messages</a></li>_x000D_
    <li role="presentation"><a href="#settings" aria-controls="settings" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Settings</a></li>_x000D_
  <!-- Tab panes -->_x000D_
  <div class="tab-content">_x000D_
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home">...</div>_x000D_
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="profile">tab1</div>_x000D_
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="messages">tab2</div>_x000D_
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="settings">tab3</div>_x000D_


Want to show/hide div based on dropdown box selection It's working well in my case

            var optionValue = $(this).attr("value");_x000D_
                $(".box").not("." + optionValue).hide();_x000D_
                $("." + optionValue).show();_x000D_
            } else{_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
<meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
<title>jQuery Show Hide Elements Using Select Box</title>_x000D_
        color: #fff;_x000D_
        padding: 50px;_x000D_
        display: none;_x000D_
        margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
    .red{ background: #ff0000; }_x000D_
    .green{ background: #228B22; }_x000D_
    .blue{ background: #0000ff; }_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
            <option>Choose Color</option>_x000D_
            <option value="red">Red</option>_x000D_
            <option value="green">Green</option>_x000D_
            <option value="blue">Blue</option>_x000D_
    <div class="red box">You have selected <strong>red option</strong> so i am here</div>_x000D_
    <div class="green box">You have selected <strong>green option</strong> so i am here</div>_x000D_
    <div class="blue box">You have selected <strong>blue option</strong> so i am here</div>_x000D_

How to use the priority queue STL for objects?

You would write a comparator class, for example:

struct CompareAge {
    bool operator()(Person const & p1, Person const & p2) {
        // return "true" if "p1" is ordered before "p2", for example:
        return p1.age < p2.age;

and use that as the comparator argument:

priority_queue<Person, vector<Person>, CompareAge>

Using greater gives the opposite ordering to the default less, meaning that the queue will give you the lowest value rather than the highest.

how to set image from url for imageView

You can use either Picasso or Glide.




You could try


Now that won't do you any good if the code is running in the <head>, and running before the <body> has even been seen by the browser. If you don't want to mess with "onload" handlers, try moving your <script> block to the very end of the document instead of the <head>.

What is so bad about singletons?

Singleton is not about single instance!

Unlike other answers I don't want to talk about what is wrong with Singletons but to show you how powerful and awesome they are when used right!

  • Problem: Singleton can be a challenge in multi-threading environment
    Solution: Use a single threaded bootstrap process to initialize all the dependencies of your singleton.
  • Problem: It is hard to mock singletons.
    Solution: Use method Factory pattern for mocking

You can map MyModel to TestMyModel class that inherits it, everywhere when MyModel will be injected you will get TestMyModel instread. - Problem: Singletons can cause memory leaks as they never disposed.
Solution: Well, dispose them! Implement a callback in your app to properly dispose a singletons, you should remove any data linked to them and finally: remove them from the Factory.

As I stated at the title singleton are not about single instance.

  • Singletons improves readability: You can look at your class and see what singleton it injected to figure out what is it's dependencies.
  • Singletons improves maintenance: Once you removed a dependency from a class you just deleted some singleton injection, you don't need to go and edit a big link of other classes that just moved your dependency around(This is smelly code for me @Jim Burger)
  • Singletons improves memory and performance: When some thing happens in your application, and it takes a long chain of callbacks to deliver, you are wasting memory and performance, by using Singleton you are cutting the middle man, and improve your performance and memory usage(by avoiding unnecessary local variables allocations).

Counting null and non-null values in a single query

Try this..

         WHEN a IS NULL THEN 'Null' 
         ELSE 'Not Null' 
       END a, 
FROM   us 
            WHEN a IS NULL THEN 'Null' 
            ELSE 'Not Null' 

Why doesn't RecyclerView have onItemClickListener()?

Modified my comment...

public class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

        private Context mContext;

        public MyViewHolder(View itemView) {

            mContext = itemView.getContext();

            itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View view) {

                    int itemPosition = getLayoutPosition();
                    Toast.makeText(mContext, "" + itemPosition, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Similarity String Comparison in Java

I translated the Levenshtein distance algorithm into JavaScript:

String.prototype.LevenshteinDistance = function (s2) {
    var array = new Array(this.length + 1);
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length + 1; i++)
        array[i] = new Array(s2.length + 1);

    for (var i = 0; i < this.length + 1; i++)
        array[i][0] = i;
    for (var j = 0; j < s2.length + 1; j++)
        array[0][j] = j;

    for (var i = 1; i < this.length + 1; i++) {
        for (var j = 1; j < s2.length + 1; j++) {
            if (this[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) array[i][j] = array[i - 1][j - 1];
            else {
                array[i][j] = Math.min(array[i][j - 1] + 1, array[i - 1][j] + 1);
                array[i][j] = Math.min(array[i][j], array[i - 1][j - 1] + 1);
    return array[this.length][s2.length];

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

For me the solution was besides using "Ntlm" as credential type:

    XxxSoapClient xxxClient = new XxxSoapClient();
    ApplyCredentials(userName, password, xxxClient.ClientCredentials);

    private static void ApplyCredentials(string userName, string password, ClientCredentials clientCredentials)
        clientCredentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
        clientCredentials.UserName.Password = password;
        clientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = userName;
        clientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = password;
        clientCredentials.Windows.AllowNtlm = true;
        clientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;

printing out a 2-D array in Matrix format

int[][] matrix = {


public void printMatrix(int[][] m){
        int rows = m.length;
        int columns = m[0].length;
        String str = "|\t";

        for(int i=0;i<rows;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<columns;j++){
                str += m[i][j] + "\t";

            System.out.println(str + "|");
            str = "|\t";

    }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Matrix is empty!!");}


|   1   2   3   |
|   4   5   6   |
|   7   8   9   |
|   10  11  12  |

Is JavaScript object-oriented?

The short answer is Yes. For more information:

From Wikipedia:

JavaScript is heavily object-based. Objects are associative arrays, augmented with prototypes (see below). Object property names are associative array keys: obj.x = 10 and obj["x"] = 10 are equivalent, the dot notation being merely syntactic sugar. Properties and their values can be added, changed, or deleted at run-time. The properties of an object can also be enumerated via a loop.

Also, see this series of articles about OOP with Javascript.

How can I pass parameters to a partial view in mvc 4

Your question is hard to understand, but if I'm getting the gist, you simply have some value in your main view that you want to access in a partial being rendered in that view.

If you just render a partial with just the partial name:


It will actually pass your model as an implicit parameter, the same as if you were to call:

@Html.Partial("_SomePartial", Model)

Now, in order for your partial to actually be able to use this, though, it too needs to have a defined model, for example:

@model Namespace.To.Your.Model

@Html.Action("MemberProfile", "Member", new { id = Model.Id })

Alternatively, if you're dealing with a value that's not on your view's model (it's in the ViewBag or a value generated in the view itself somehow, then you can pass a ViewDataDictionary

@Html.Partial("_SomePartial", new ViewDataDictionary { { "id", someInteger } });

And then:

@Html.Action("MemberProfile", "Member", new { id = ViewData["id"] })

As with the model, Razor will implicitly pass your partial the view's ViewData by default, so if you had ViewBag.Id in your view, then you can reference the same thing in your partial.

Removing credits link

Both of the following code will work fine for removing from the chart:-

credits: false



When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

I also see that the page loading (performance) takes a long time on using h:commandLink than h:link. h:link is faster compared to h:commandLink

Twitter bootstrap scrollable modal

How about the below solution? It worked for me. Try this:

.modal .modal-body {
    max-height: 420px;
    overflow-y: auto;


  1. remove overflow-y: auto; or overflow: auto; from .modal class (important)
  2. remove max-height: 400px; from .modal class (important)
  3. Add max-height: 400px; to .modal .modal-body (or what ever, can be 420px or less, but would not go more than 450px)
  4. Add overflow-y: auto; to .modal .modal-body

Done, only body will scroll.

Disable Button in Angular 2

I tried use [disabled]="!editmode" but it not work in my case.

This is my solution [disabled]="!editmode ? 'disabled': null" , I share for whom concern.

<button [disabled]="!editmode ? 'disabled': null" 
            <div class="btn-primary">Load Chart</div>


Difference between 2 dates in SQLite

Firstly, it's not clear what your date format is. There already is an answer involving strftime("%s").

I like to expand on that answer.

SQLite has only the following storage classes: NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT or BLOB. To simplify things, I'm going to assume dates are REAL containing the seconds since 1970-01-01. Here's a sample schema for which I will put in the sample data of "1st December 2018":

CREATE TABLE Payment (DateCreated REAL);
INSERT INTO Payment VALUES (strftime("%s", "2018-12-01"));

Now let's work out the date difference between "1st December 2018" and now (as I write this, it is midday 12th December 2018):

Date difference in days:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 86400.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 11.066875

Date difference in hours:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 3600.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 265.606388888889

Date difference in minutes:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 60.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 15936.4833333333

Date difference in seconds:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) FROM Payment;
-- Output: 956195.0

How can I divide two integers to get a double?

You want to cast the numbers:

double num3 = (double)num1/(double)num2;

Note: If any of the arguments in C# is a double, a double divide is used which results in a double. So, the following would work too:

double num3 = (double)num1/num2;

For more information see:

Dot Net Perls

how to convert string into dictionary in python 3.*?

  1. literal_eval, a somewhat safer version of eval (will only evaluate literals ie strings, lists etc):

    from ast import literal_eval
    python_dict = literal_eval("{'a': 1}")
  2. json.loads but it would require your string to use double quotes:

    import json
    python_dict = json.loads('{"a": 1}')

Display a decimal in scientific notation

Here's an example using the format() function:

>>> "{:.2E}".format(Decimal('40800000000.00000000000000'))

Instead of format, you can also use f-strings:

>>> f"{Decimal('40800000000.00000000000000'):.2E}"

Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8

This is a common problem, so here's a relatively thorough illustration.

For non-unicode strings (i.e. those without u prefix like u'\xc4pple'), one must decode from the native encoding (iso8859-1/latin1, unless modified with the enigmatic sys.setdefaultencoding function) to unicode, then encode to a character set that can display the characters you wish, in this case I'd recommend UTF-8.

First, here is a handy utility function that'll help illuminate the patterns of Python 2.7 string and unicode:

>>> def tell_me_about(s): return (type(s), s)

A plain string

>>> v = "\xC4pple" # iso-8859-1 aka latin1 encoded string

>>> tell_me_about(v)
(<type 'str'>, '\xc4pple')

>>> v
'\xc4pple'        # representation in memory

>>> print v
?pple             # map the iso-8859-1 in-memory to iso-8859-1 chars
                  # note that '\xc4' has no representation in iso-8859-1, 
                  # so is printed as "?".

Decoding a iso8859-1 string - convert plain string to unicode

>>> uv = v.decode("iso-8859-1")
>>> uv
u'\xc4pple'       # decoding iso-8859-1 becomes unicode, in memory

>>> tell_me_about(uv)
(<type 'unicode'>, u'\xc4pple')

>>> print v.decode("iso-8859-1")
Äpple             # convert unicode to the default character set
                  # (utf-8, based on sys.stdout.encoding)

>>> v.decode('iso-8859-1') == u'\xc4pple'
True              # one could have just used a unicode representation 
                  # from the start

A little more illustration — with “Ä”

>>> u"Ä" == u"\xc4"
True              # the native unicode char and escaped versions are the same

>>> "Ä" == u"\xc4"  
False             # the native unicode char is '\xc3\x84' in latin1

>>> "Ä".decode('utf8') == u"\xc4"
True              # one can decode the string to get unicode

>>> "Ä" == "\xc4"
False             # the native character and the escaped string are
                  # of course not equal ('\xc3\x84' != '\xc4').

Encoding to UTF

>>> u8 = v.decode("iso-8859-1").encode("utf-8")
>>> u8
'\xc3\x84pple'    # convert iso-8859-1 to unicode to utf-8

>>> tell_me_about(u8)
(<type 'str'>, '\xc3\x84pple')

>>> u16 = v.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-16')
>>> tell_me_about(u16)
(<type 'str'>, '\xff\xfe\xc4\x00p\x00p\x00l\x00e\x00')

>>> tell_me_about(u8.decode('utf8'))
(<type 'unicode'>, u'\xc4pple')

>>> tell_me_about(u16.decode('utf16'))
(<type 'unicode'>, u'\xc4pple')

Relationship between unicode and UTF and latin1

>>> print u8
Äpple             # printing utf-8 - because of the encoding we now know
                  # how to print the characters

>>> print u8.decode('utf-8') # printing unicode

>>> print u16     # printing 'bytes' of u16

>>> print u16.decode('utf16')
Äpple             # printing unicode

>>> v == u8
False             # v is a iso8859-1 string; u8 is a utf-8 string

>>> v.decode('iso8859-1') == u8
False             # v.decode(...) returns unicode

>>> u8.decode('utf-8') == v.decode('latin1') == u16.decode('utf-16')
True              # all decode to the same unicode memory representation
                  # (latin1 is iso-8859-1)

Unicode Exceptions

 >>> u8.encode('iso8859-1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0:
  ordinal not in range(128)

>>> u16.encode('iso8859-1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0:
  ordinal not in range(128)

>>> v.encode('iso8859-1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 0:
  ordinal not in range(128)

One would get around these by converting from the specific encoding (latin-1, utf8, utf16) to unicode e.g. u8.decode('utf8').encode('latin1').

So perhaps one could draw the following principles and generalizations:

  • a type str is a set of bytes, which may have one of a number of encodings such as Latin-1, UTF-8, and UTF-16
  • a type unicode is a set of bytes that can be converted to any number of encodings, most commonly UTF-8 and latin-1 (iso8859-1)
  • the print command has its own logic for encoding, set to sys.stdout.encoding and defaulting to UTF-8
  • One must decode a str to unicode before converting to another encoding.

Of course, all of this changes in Python 3.x.

Hope that is illuminating.

Further reading

And the very illustrative rants by Armin Ronacher:

Display Two <div>s Side-by-Side

Try this : (

.left-div {
    float: left;
    width: 100px;
    /*height: 20px;*/
    margin-right: 8px;
    background-color: linen;
.right-div {

    margin-left: 108px;
    background-color: lime;

<div class="left-div">
<div class="right-div">
    My requirements are <b>[A]</b> Content in the two divs should line up at the top, <b>[B]</b> Long text in right-div should not wrap underneath left-div, and <b>[C]</b> I do not want to specify a width of right-div. I don't want to set the width of right-div because this markup needs to work within different widths.
<div style='clear:both;'>&nbsp;</div>

Hints :

  • Just use float:left in your left-most div only.
  • No real reason to use height, but anyway...
  • Good practice to use <div 'clear:both'>&nbsp;</div> after your last div.

AngularJS ui router passing data between states without URL

We can use params, new feature of the UI-Router:

API Reference / ui.router.state / $stateProvider

params A map which optionally configures parameters declared in the url, or defines additional non-url parameters. For each parameter being configured, add a configuration object keyed to the name of the parameter.

See the part: "...or defines additional non-url parameters..."

So the state def would be:

  .state('home', {
    url: "/home",
    templateUrl: 'tpl.html',
    params: { hiddenOne: null, }

Few examples form the doc mentioned above:

// define a parameter's default value
params: {
  param1: { value: "defaultValue" }
// shorthand default values
params: {
  param1: "defaultValue",
  param2: "param2Default"

// param will be array []
params: {
  param1: { array: true }

// handling the default value in url:
params: {
  param1: {
    value: "defaultId",
    squash: true
} }
// squash "defaultValue" to "~"
params: {
  param1: {
    value: "defaultValue",
    squash: "~"
  } }

EXTEND - working example:

Here is an example of a state definition:

  .state('home', {
      url: "/home",
      params : { veryLongParamHome: null, },
  .state('parent', {
      url: "/parent",
      params : { veryLongParamParent: null, },
  .state('parent.child', { 
      url: "/child",
      params : { veryLongParamChild: null, },

This could be a call using ui-sref:

<a ui-sref="home({veryLongParamHome:'Home--f8d218ae-d998-4aa4-94ee-f27144a21238'

<a ui-sref="parent({ 

<a ui-sref="parent.child({

Check the example here

CSS: Set Div height to 100% - Pixels

Alternatively, you can just use position:absolute:

    top: 111px;
    bottom: 0px;

However, IE6 doesn't like top and bottom declarations. But web developers don't like IE6.

Why is the console window closing immediately once displayed my output?

This behaves the same for CtrlF5 or F5. Place immediately before end of Main method.

using System.Diagnostics;

private static void Main(string[] args) {

  if (Debugger.IsAttached) {
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue . . .");

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

You can use in the clean_email method to access the POST data before validation. It should contain a key called newsletter_sub or newsletter_unsub depending on which button was pressed.

# in the context of a django.forms form

def clean(self):
    if 'newsletter_sub' in
        # do subscribe
    elif 'newsletter_unsub' in
        # do unsubscribe

for each loop in Objective-C for accessing NSMutable dictionary

Fast enumeration was added in 10.5 and in the iPhone OS, and it's significantly faster, not just syntactic sugar. If you have to target the older runtime (i.e. 10.4 and backwards), you'll have to use the old method of enumerating:

NSDictionary *myDict = ... some keys and values ...
NSEnumerator *keyEnum = [myDict keyEnumerator];
id key;

while ((key = [keyEnum nextObject]))
    id value = [myDict objectForKey:key];
    ... do work with "value" ...

You don't release the enumerator object, and you can't reset it. If you want to start over, you have to ask for a new enumerator object from the dictionary.

How to import csv file in PHP?

From the PHP manual:

$row = 1;
if (($handle = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        $num = count($data);
        echo "<p> $num fields in line $row: <br /></p>\n";
        for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
            echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";

Where are my postgres *.conf files?

If you have just installed it, it is possible that locate doesn't help. In that case, the service should be running and you can run

ps aux  | grep 'postgres *-D'

to see where the postgresql-master is loading the config files from.

JavaScript: set dropdown selected item based on option text

var textToFind = 'Google';

var dd = document.getElementById('MyDropDown');
for (var i = 0; i < dd.options.length; i++) {
    if (dd.options[i].text === textToFind) {
        dd.selectedIndex = i;

How to add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object?

You should get the value of the current date to get the date with (ms) and add (30 * 60 *1000) to it. Now you have (current date + 30 min) with ms

console.log('with ms', + (30 * 60 * 1000))_x000D_
console.log('new Date', new Date( + (30 * 60 * 1000)))

Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

I had a similar issue where port 443 was blocked by PID 4. After breaking my head for several hours I found the command netsh show urlacl which gave me an idea of the system process blocking the port.

To run command run cmd or windows shell in administrator mode.



show urlacl

I got response a which showed 443 was blocked by NT Service SSTPSvc Reserved URL


https://+:443/sra_{BA195980-CD49-458b-9E23-C84EE0ADCD75}/ User: NT SERVICE\SstpSvc Listen: Yes Delegate: Yes User: BUILTIN\Administrators Listen: No Delegate: No User: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Listen: Yes Delegate: Yes

With this information I followed the microsoft link to change the listening port for SSTP based vpn.

This resolved my port issue.

Page unload event in

Refer to the ASP.NET page lifecycle to help find the right event to override. It really depends what you want to do. But yes, there is an unload event.

    protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e)

        // your code

But just remember (from the above link): During the unload stage, the page and its controls have been rendered, so you cannot make further changes to the response stream. If you attempt to call a method such as the Response.Write method, the page will throw an exception.

Get data from php array - AJAX - jQuery

When you echo $array;, the result is Array, result[0] then represents the first character in Array which is A.

One way to handle this problem would be like this:


$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
foreach($array as $a)
    echo $a.",";

jquery code

$(function(){ /* short for $(document).ready(function(){ */


        $.ajax({type:    'POST',
                 url:     'ajax.php',
                 data:    'id=testdata',
                 cache:   false,
                 success: function(data){
                     var tmp = data.split(",");


How can I close a Twitter Bootstrap popover with a click from anywhere (else) on the page?

Add btn-popover class to your popover button/link that opens the popover. This code will close the popovers when clicking outside of it.

$('body').on('click', function(event) {
  if (!$('.btn-popover, .popover').length) {

Adding open/closed icon to Twitter Bootstrap collapsibles (accordions)

Here it's the answer for those who are looking for a solution in Bootstrap 3(like myself).

The HTML part:

<div class="btn-group">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Action</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>
<div id="demo" class="collapse in">Some dummy text in here.</div>

The js part:

$('.collapse').on('', function(){
}).on('', function(){

Example accordion:

Bootply accordion example

php error: Class 'Imagick' not found


sudo apt-get install php5-dev pecl imagemagick libmagickwand-dev
sudo pecl install imagick
sudo apt-get install php5-imagick
sudo service apache2 restart

Some dependencies will probably already be met but excluding the Apache service, that's everything required for PHP to use the Imagick class.

Set size of HTML page and browser window

This should work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello World</title>
            html, body {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                background-color: green;
            #container {
                width: inherit;
                height: inherit;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                background-color: pink;
            h1 {
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
        <div id="container">
            <h1>Hello World</h1>

The background colors are there so you can see how this works. Copy this code to a file and open it in your browser. Try playing around with the CSS a bit and see what happens.

The width: inherit; height: inherit; pulls the width and height from the parent element. This should be the default and is not truly necessary.

Try removing the h1 { ... } CSS block and see what happens. You might notice the layout reacts in an odd way. This is because the h1 element is influencing the layout of its container. You could prevent this by declaring overflow: hidden; on the container or the body.

I'd also suggest you do some reading on the CSS Box Model.

How do you format the day of the month to say "11th", "21st" or "23rd" (ordinal indicator)?

String ordinal(int num)
    String[] suffix = {"th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th"};
    int m = num % 100;
    return String.valueOf(num) + suffix[(m > 3 && m < 21) ? 0 : (m % 10)];

How do I get some variable from another class in Java?

Do NOT do that! setNum(num);//fix- until someone fixes your setter. Your getter should not call your setter with the uninitialized value ofnum(e.g.0`).

I suggest making a few small changes -

public static class Vars {   private int num = 5; // Default to 5.    public void setNum(int x) {     this.num = x; // actually "set" the value.   }    public int getNum() {     return num;   } }