Programs & Examples On #Src

SRC is a common attribute in HTML used to identify the location of a resource which relates to an element.

Changing iframe src with Javascript

This should also work, although the src will remain intact:


Dynamically add script tag with src that may include document.write

You can use the document.createElement() function like this:

function addScript( src ) {
  var s = document.createElement( 'script' );
  s.setAttribute( 'src', src );
  document.body.appendChild( s );

Pick images of root folder from sub-folder

The relative reference would be

<img src="../images/logo.png">

If you know the location relative to the root of the server, that may be simplest approach for an app with a complex nested directory hierarchy - it would be the same from all folders.

For example, if your directory tree depicted in your question is relative to the root of the server, then index.html and sub_folder/sub.html would both use:

<img src="/images/logo.png">

If the images folder is instead in the root of an application like foo below the server root (e.g., then index.html ( e.g and sub_folder/sub.html ( both use:

<img src="/foo/images/logo.png">

Programmatically change the src of an img tag

<img src="../template/edit.png" name="edit-save" onclick="this.src = '../template/save.png'" />

html script src="" triggering redirection with button

First you are linking the file that is here:

<script src="../Script/login.js"> 

Which would lead the website to a file in the Folder Script, but then in the second paragraph you are saying that the folder name is

and also i have onother folder named scripts that contains the the following login.js file

So, this won't work! Because you are not accessing the correct file. To do that please write the code as

<script src="/script/login.js"></script>

Try removing the .. from the beginning of the code too.

This way, you'll reach the js file where the function would run!

Just to make sure:

Just to make sure that the files are attached the HTML DOM, then please open Developer Tools (F12) and in the network workspace note each request that the browser makes to the server. This way you will learn which files were loaded and which weren't, and also why they were not!

Good luck.

How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code

Regardless of whether its a script, a html file (for a frame, for example), css file, image, whatever, if you dont specify a server/domain the path of the html doc will be the default, so you could do, for example,

<script type=text/javascript src='/dir/jsfile.js'></script>


<script type=text/javascript src='../../scripts/jsfile.js'></script>

If you don't provide the server/domain, the path will be relative to either the path of the page or script of the main document's path

Get img src with PHP

$imgTag = <<< LOB
<img border="0" src="/images/image.jpg" alt="Image" width="100" height="100" />
<img border="0" src="/images/not_match_image.jpg" alt="Image" width="100" height="100" />

preg_match('%<img.*?src=["\'](.*?)["\'].*?/>%i', $imgTag, $matches);
$imgSrc = $matches[1];


NOTE: You should use an HTML Parser like DOMDocument and NOT a regex.

Javascript set img src

Pure JavaScript to Create img tag and add attributes manually ,

var image = document.createElement("img");
var imageParent = document.getElementById("body"); = "id";
image.className = "class";
image.src = searchPic.src;            // image.src = "IMAGE URL/PATH"

Set src in pic1

document["#pic1"].src = searchPic.src;

or with getElementById

document.getElementById("pic1").src= searchPic.src;

j-Query to archive this,

$("#pic1").attr("src", searchPic.src);

jQuery attr() change img src

You remove the original image here:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    (callback || function() {})();

And all that's left behind is newImg. Then you reset link references the image using #rocket:

$("#rocket").attr('src', ...

But your newImg doesn't have an id attribute let alone an id of rocket.

To fix this, you need to remove img and then set the id attribute of newImg to rocket:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    var old_id = img.attr('id');
    newImg.attr('id', old_id);
    (callback || function() {})();

And then you'll get the shiny black rocket back again:

UPDATE: A better approach (as noted by mellamokb) would be to hide the original image and then show it again when you hit the reset button. First, change the reset action to something like this:

    $("#wrapper").css('top', '250px');
    $('.throbber, .morpher').remove(); // Clear out the new stuff.
    $("#rocket").show();               // Bring the original back.

And in the newImg.load function, grab the images original size:

var orig = {
    width: img.width(),
    height: img.height()

And finally, the callback for finishing the morphing animation becomes this:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    (callback || function() {})();

New and improved:

The leaking of $('.throbber, .morpher') outside the plugin isn't the best thing ever but it isn't a big deal as long as it is documented.

Why can't I do <img src="C:/localfile.jpg">?

Newtang's observation about the security rules aside, how are you going to know that anyone who views your page will have the correct images at c:\localfile.jpg? You can't. Even if you think you can, you can't. It presupposes a windows environment, for one thing.

How to properly reference local resources in HTML?

  • A leading slash tells the browser to start at the root directory.
  • If you don't have the leading slash, you're referencing from the current directory.
  • If you add two dots before the leading slash, it means you're referencing the parent of the current directory.

Take the following folder structure

demo folder structure


  • the ROOT checkmark is green,
  • the second checkmark is orange,
  • the third checkmark is purple,
  • the forth checkmark is yellow

Now in the index.html.en file you'll want to put the following markup

    <img src="check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm green because I'm referenced from the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm yellow because I'm referenced from the child of this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm orange because I'm referenced from the child of the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="../subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from the parent of this current directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm [broken] because there is no subfolder two children down from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced two children down from the ROOT directory</span>

Now if you load up the index.html.en file located in the second subfolder

This will be your output

enter image description here

OpenCV TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src' - What is this?

Just add this at start: image = cv2.imread(image)

Change image source with JavaScript

I know this question is old, but for the one's what are new, here is what you can do:


<img id="demo" src="myImage.png">

<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me!</button>


function myFunction() {
document.getElementById('demo').src = "myImage.png";

Rotate an image in image source in html

This might be your script-free solution:

It's supported in all browsers prefixed and, in IE10-11 and all still-used Firefox versions, unprefixed.

That means that if you don't care for old IEs (the bane of web designers) you can skip the -ms- and -moz- prefixes to economize space.

However, the Webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari, most mobile navigators) still need -webkit-, and there's a still-big cult following of pre-Next Opera and using -o- is sensate.

src absolute path problem

Use forward slashes. See explanation here

Angular 4 img src is not found

You have to mention the width for the image as default

 <img width="300" src="assets/company_logo.png">

its working for me based on all other alternate way.

Is it possible to set the equivalent of a src attribute of an img tag in CSS?

A collection of possible methods to set images from CSS

CSS2's :after pseudo-element or the newer syntax ::after from CSS3 along with the content: property:

First W3C Recommendation: Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 CSS2 Specification 12 May 1998
Latest W3C Recommendation: Selectors Level 3 W3C Recommendation 29 September 2011

This method appends content just after an element's document tree content.

Note: some browsers experimentally render the content property directly over some element selectors disregarding even the latest W3C recommendation that defines:

Applies to: :before and :after pseudo-elements

CSS2 syntax (forward-compatible):

.myClass:after {
  content: url("somepicture.jpg");

CSS3 Selector:

.myClass::after {
  content: url("somepicture.jpg");

Default rendering: Original Size (does not depend on explicit size declaration)

This specification does not fully define the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This will be defined in more detail in a future specification.

but even at the time of this writing, behaviour with a <IMG> tag is still not defined and although it can be used in a hacked and non standards compliant way, usage with <img> is not recommended!

Great candidate method, see conclusions...

CSS1's background-image: property:

First W3C Recommendation: Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 17 Dec 1996

This property sets the background image of an element. When setting a background image, one should also set a background color that will be used when the image is unavailable. When the image is available, it is overlaid on top of the background color.

This property has been around from the beginning of CSS and nevertheless it deserve a glorious mention.

Default rendering: Original Size (cannot be scaled, only positioned)


CSS3's background-size: property improved on it by allowing multiple scaling options:

Latest W3C Status: Candidate Recommendation CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 9 September 2014

[length> | <percentage> | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain

But even with this property, it depends on container size.

Still a good candidate method, see conclusions...

CSS2's list-style: property along with display: list-item:

First W3C Recommendation: Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 CSS2 Specification 12 May 1998

list-style-image: property sets the image that will be used as the list item marker (bullet)

The list properties describe basic visual formatting of lists: they allow style sheets to specify the marker type (image, glyph, or number)

display: list-item — This value causes an element (e.g., <li> in HTML) to generate a principal block box and a marker box.

.myClass {
    display: list-item;
    list-style-position: inside;
    list-style-image: url("someimage.jpg");

Shorthand CSS: (<list-style-type> <list-style-position> <list-style-image>)

.myClass {
    display: list-item;
    list-style: square inside url("someimage.jpg");

Default rendering: Original Size (does not depend on explicit size declaration)


  • Inheritance will transfer the 'list-style' values from OL and UL elements to LI elements. This is the recommended way to specify list style information.

  • They do not allow authors to specify distinct style (colors, fonts, alignment, etc.) for the list marker or adjust its position

This method is also not suitable for the <img> tag as the conversion cannot be made between element types, and here's the limited, non compliant hack that doesn't work on Chrome.

Good candidate method, see conclusions...

CSS3's border-image: property recommendation:

Latest W3C Status: Candidate Recommendation CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 9 September 2014

A background-type method that relies on specifying sizes in a rather peculiar manner (not defined for this use case) and fallback border properties so far (eg. border: solid):

Note that, even though they never cause a scrolling mechanism, outset images may still be clipped by an ancestor or by the viewport.

This example illustrates the image being composed only as a bottom-right corner decoration:

.myClass {
    border: solid;
    border-width: 0 480px 320px 0;
    border-image: url("") 0 100% 100% 0;

Applies to: All elements, except internal table elements when border-collapse: collapse

Still it can't change an <img>'s tag src (but here's a hack), instead we can decorate it:

.myClass {_x000D_
    border: solid;_x000D_
    border-width: 0 96px 96px 0;_x000D_
    border-image: url("") _x000D_
                  0 100% 100% 0;_x000D_
<img width="300" height="120" _x000D_
     src="" _x000D_

Good candidate method to be considered after standards propagate.

CSS3's element() notation working draft is worth a mention also:

Note: The element() function only reproduces the appearance of the referenced element, not the actual content and its structure.

<div id="img1"></div>

<img id="pic1" src="" class="hide" alt="wolf">
<img id="pic2" src="" class="hide" alt="cat">

We'll use the rendered contents of one of the two hidden images to change the image background in #img1 based on the ID Selector via CSS:

#img1 {
    width: 480px; 
    height: 320px; 
    background: -moz-element(#pic1) no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;

.hide {display: none}

Notes: It's experimental and only works with the -moz prefix in Firefox and only over background or background-image properties, also needs sizes specified.


  1. Any semantic content or structural information goes in HTML.
  2. Styling and presentational information goes in CSS.
  3. For SEO purposes, don't hide meaningful images in CSS.
  4. Background graphics are usually disabled when printing.
  5. Custom tags could be used and styled from CSS, but primitive versions of Internet Explorer do not understand](IE not styling HTML5 tags (with shiv)) without Javascript or CSS guidance.
  6. SPA's (Single Page Applications), by design, usually incorporate images in the background

Having said that, let's explore HTML tags fit for image display:

The <li> element [HTML4.01+]

Perfect usecase of the list-style-image with display: list-item method.

The <li> element, can be empty, allows flow content and it's even permitted to omit the </li> end tag.

.bulletPics > li {display: list-item}_x000D_
#img1 {list-style: square inside url("")}_x000D_
#img2 {list-style: square inside url("")}_x000D_
#img3 {list-style: square inside url("")}
<ul class="bulletPics">_x000D_
    <li id="img1">movie</li>_x000D_
    <li id="img2">earth</li>_x000D_
    <li id="img3">kiwi</li>_x000D_

Limitations: hard to style (width: or float: might help)

The <figure> element [HTML5+]

The figure element represents some flow content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained (like a complete sentence) and is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document.

The element is valid with no content, but is recommended to contain a <figcaption>.

The element can thus be used to annotate illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.

Default rendering: the element is right aligned, with both left and right padding!

The <object> element [HTML4+]

To include images, authors may use the OBJECT element or the IMG element.

The data attribute is required and can have a valid MIME type as a value!

<object data="data:x-image/x,"></object>

Note: a trick to make use of the <object> tag from CSS would be to set a custom valid MimeType x-image/x followed by no data (value has no data after the required comma ,)

Default rendering: 300 x 150px, but size can be specified either in HTML or CSS.

The <SVG> tag

Needs a SVG capable browser and has a <image> element for raster images

The <canvas> element [HTML5+].

The width attribute defaults to 300, and the height attribute defaults to 150.

The <input> element with type="image"


... the element is expected to appear button-like to indicate that the element is a button.

which Chrome follows and renders a 4x4px empty square when no text

Partial solution, set value=" ":

<input type="image" id="img1" value=" ">

Also watch out for the upcoming <picture> element in HTML5.1, currently a working draft.

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById('youtubeimg').src;

Here's a fiddle for you

What is the right way to write my script 'src' url for a local development environment?

This is an old post but...

You can reference the working directory (the folder the .html file is located in) with ./, and the directory above that with ../

Example directory structure:

- index.html
- script2.js
- js/
   - script.js

To load script.js from inside index.html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/script.js">

This goes to the current working directory (location of index.html) and then to the js folder, and then finds the script.

You could also specify ../ to go one directory above the working directory, to load things from there. But that is unusual.

Converting string to date in mongodb

How about using a library like momentjs by writing a script like this:

function get_moment(){
    // shim to get UMD module to load as CommonJS
    var module = {exports:{}};

    copy your favorite UMD module (i.e. moment.js) here

    return module.exports
//load the module generator into the stored procedures: {
        value: get_moment,

Then load the script at the command line like so:

> mongo install_moment.js

Finally, in your next mongo session, use it like so:


var moment = get_moment();

// parse a date-time string
var a = moment("23 Feb 1997 at 3:23 pm","DD MMM YYYY [at] hh:mm a");

// reformat the string as you wish:
a.format("[The] DDD['th day of] YYYY"): //"The 54'th day of 1997"

jQuery: select all elements of a given class, except for a particular Id

I'll just throw in a JS (ES6) answer, in case someone is looking for it:

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".myClass:not(#myId)")).forEach((el,i) => {

Update (this may have been possible when I posted the original answer, but adding this now anyway):

document.querySelectorAll(".myClass:not(#myId)").forEach((el,i) => {

This gets rid of the Array.from usage.

document.querySelectorAll returns a NodeList.
Read here to know more about how to iterate on it (and other things):

How to clean up R memory (without the need to restart my PC)?

An example under Linux (Fedora 16) shows that memory is freed when R is closed:

$ free -m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                                                                                                                                                                    
Mem:          3829       2854        974          0        344       1440                                                                                                                                                                    
-/+ buffers/cache:       1069       2759                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Swap:         4095         85       4010     

2854 megabytes is used. Next I open an R session and create a large matrix of random numbers:

m = matrix(runif(10e7), 10000, 1000)

when the matrix is created, 3714 MB is used:

$ free -m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                                                                                                                                                                    
Mem:          3829       3714        115          0        344       1442                                                                                                                                                                    
-/+ buffers/cache:       1927       1902                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Swap:         4095         85       4010     

After closing the R session, I nicely get back the memory I used (2856 MB free):

$ free -m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                                                                                                                                                                    
Mem:          3829       2856        972          0        344       1442                                                                                                                                                                    
-/+ buffers/cache:       1069       2759                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Swap:         4095         85       4010   

Ofcourse you use Windows, but you could repeat this excercise in Windows and report how the available memory develops before and after you create this large dataset in R.

optional parameters in SQL Server stored proc?

2014 and above at least you can set a default and it will take that and NOT error when you do not pass that parameter. Partial Example: the 3rd parameter is added as optional. exec of the actual procedure with only the first two parameters worked fine

exec getlist 47,1,0

create procedure getlist
   @convId int,
   @SortOrder int,
   @contestantsOnly bit = 0

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?

I guess best way to do this is ...

int main()
    char str[100];
    return 0;     

Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC

I solved this problem following vestigal's tips here:

Can I set an unlimited length for maxJsonLength in web.config?

When I needed to post a large json to an action in a controller, I would get the famous "Error during deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property.\r\nParameter name: input value provider".

What I did is create a new ValueProviderFactory, LargeJsonValueProviderFactory, and set the MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue in the GetDeserializedObject method

public sealed class LargeJsonValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory
    private static void AddToBackingStore(LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.EntryLimitedDictionary backingStore, string prefix, object value)
        IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = value as IDictionary<string, object>;
        if (dictionary != null)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> keyValuePair in (IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>) dictionary)
                LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.AddToBackingStore(backingStore, LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.MakePropertyKey(prefix, keyValuePair.Key), keyValuePair.Value);
            IList list = value as IList;
            if (list != null)
                for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index)
                    LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.AddToBackingStore(backingStore, LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.MakeArrayKey(prefix, index), list[index]);
                backingStore.Add(prefix, value);

    private static object GetDeserializedObject(ControllerContext controllerContext)
        if (!controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return (object) null;
        string end = new StreamReader(controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(end))
            return (object) null;

        var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer {MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue};

        return serializer.DeserializeObject(end);

    /// <summary>Returns a JSON value-provider object for the specified controller context.</summary>
    /// <returns>A JSON value-provider object for the specified controller context.</returns>
    /// <param name="controllerContext">The controller context.</param>
    public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext)
        if (controllerContext == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("controllerContext");
        object deserializedObject = LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.GetDeserializedObject(controllerContext);
        if (deserializedObject == null)
            return (IValueProvider) null;
        Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>((IEqualityComparer<string>) StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.AddToBackingStore(new LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.EntryLimitedDictionary((IDictionary<string, object>) dictionary), string.Empty, deserializedObject);
        return (IValueProvider) new DictionaryValueProvider<object>((IDictionary<string, object>) dictionary, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

    private static string MakeArrayKey(string prefix, int index)
        return prefix + "[" + index.ToString((IFormatProvider) CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]";

    private static string MakePropertyKey(string prefix, string propertyName)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix))
            return prefix + "." + propertyName;
        return propertyName;

    private class EntryLimitedDictionary
        private static int _maximumDepth = LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.EntryLimitedDictionary.GetMaximumDepth();
        private readonly IDictionary<string, object> _innerDictionary;
        private int _itemCount;

        public EntryLimitedDictionary(IDictionary<string, object> innerDictionary)
            this._innerDictionary = innerDictionary;

        public void Add(string key, object value)
            if (++this._itemCount > LargeJsonValueProviderFactory.EntryLimitedDictionary._maximumDepth)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonValueProviderFactory_RequestTooLarge");
            this._innerDictionary.Add(key, value);

        private static int GetMaximumDepth()
            NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
            if (appSettings != null)
                string[] values = appSettings.GetValues("aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers");
                int result;
                if (values != null && values.Length > 0 && int.TryParse(values[0], out result))
                    return result;
            return 1000;

Then, in the Application_Start method from Global.asax.cs, replace the ValueProviderFactory with the new one:

protected void Application_Start()

        //Add LargeJsonValueProviderFactory
        ValueProviderFactory jsonFactory = null;
        foreach (var factory in ValueProviderFactories.Factories)
            if (factory.GetType().FullName == "System.Web.Mvc.JsonValueProviderFactory")
                jsonFactory = factory;

        if (jsonFactory != null)

        var largeJsonValueProviderFactory = new LargeJsonValueProviderFactory();

How to know which version of Symfony I have?

we can find the symfony version using Kernel.php file but problem is the Location of Kernal Will changes from version to version (Better Do File Search in you Project Directory)

in symfony 3.0 : my_project\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel.php

Check from Controller/ PHP File

$symfony_version = \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::VERSION;
echo $symfony_version; // this will return version; **o/p:3.0.4-DEV**

Fully change package name including company domain

I have not changed any package name. The following two steps worked for me. After doing the following, the application was installed as a NEW one , eventhough there was two applications with the same package name.

1) In the build.gradle

applicationId ""

2) In the AndroidManifest.xml android:authorities=""

Read/Parse text file line by line in VBA

for the most basic read of a text file, use open


Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim DataLine As String

FileNum = FreeFile()
Open "Filename" For Input As #FileNum

While Not EOF(FileNum)
    Line Input #FileNum, DataLine ' read in data 1 line at a time
    ' decide what to do with dataline, 
    ' depending on what processing you need to do for each case

How to printf "unsigned long" in C?

The correct specifier for unsigned long is %lu.

If you are not getting the exact value you are expecting then there may be some problems in your code.

Please copy your code here. Then maybe someone can tell you better what the problem is.

Set div height to fit to the browser using CSS

I think the fastest way is to use grid system with fractions. So your container have 100vw, which is 100% of the window width and 100vh which is 100% of the window height.

Using fractions or 'fr' you can choose the width you like. the sum of the fractions equals to 100%, in this example 4fr. So the first part will be 1fr (25%) and the seconf is 3fr (75%)

More about fr units here.

  width: 100vw;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr;

/*You don't need this*/
  background-color: yellow;

  background-color: red;
<div class='container'>
  <div class='div1'>This is div 1</div>
  <div class='div2'>This is div 2</div>

Check Whether a User Exists

Actually I cannot reproduce the problem. The script as written in the question works fine, except for the case where $1 is empty.

However, there is a problem in the script related to redirection of stderr. Although the two forms &> and >& exist, in your case you want to use >&. You already redirected stdout, that's why the form &> does not work. You can easily verify it this way:

getent /etc/passwd username >/dev/null 2&>1

You will see a file named 1 in the current directory. You want to use 2>&1 instead, or use this:

getent /etc/passwd username &>/dev/null

This also redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null.

Warning Redirecting stderr to /dev/null might not be such a good idea. When things go wrong, you will have no clue why.

Generic type conversion FROM string

public class TypedProperty<T> : Property
    public T TypedValue
        get { return (T)(object)base.Value; }
        set { base.Value = value.ToString();}

I using converting via an object. It is a little bit simpler.

jquery Ajax call - data parameters are not being passed to MVC Controller action

In my case, if I remove the the contentType, I get the Internal Server Error.

This is what I got working after multiple attempts:

var request =  $.ajax({
    type: 'POST',
    url: '/ControllerName/ActionName' ,
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    data: JSON.stringify({ projId: 1, userId:1 }), //hard-coded value used for simplicity
    dataType: 'json'

request.done(function(msg) {
}); (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert("Request failed: " + jqXHR.responseStart +"-" + textStatus + "-" + errorThrown);

And this is the controller code:

public JsonResult ActionName(int projId, int userId)
    var obj = new ClassName();

    var result = obj.MethodName(projId, userId); // variable used for readability
    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Please note, the case of ASP.NET is little different, we have to apply JSON.stringify() to the data as mentioned in the update of this answer.

What happened to console.log in IE8?

Make your own console in html .... ;-) This can be imprved but you can start with :

if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") {
    var oDiv=document.createElement("div");
    var attr = document.createAttribute('id'); attr.value = 'html-console';

    var style= document.createAttribute('style');
    style.value = "overflow: auto; color: red; position: fixed; bottom:0; background-color: black; height: 200px; width: 100%; filter: alpha(opacity=80);";

    var t = document.createElement("h3");
    var tcontent = document.createTextNode('console');

    var htmlConsole = document.getElementById('html-console');
    window.console = {
        log: function(message) {
            var p = document.createElement("p");
            var content = document.createTextNode(message.toString());

Accessing an SQLite Database in Swift

I too was looking for some way to interact with SQLite the same way I was used to doing previously in Objective-C. Admittedly, because of C compatibility, I just used the straight C API.

As no wrapper currently exists for SQLite in Swift and the SQLiteDB code mentioned above goes a bit higher level and assumes certain usage, I decided to create a wrapper and get a bit familiar with Swift in the process. You can find it here:

var db = SQLiteDatabase();"/path/to/database.sqlite");

var statement = SQLiteStatement(database: db);

if ( statement.prepare("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE Id = ?") != .Ok )
    /* handle error */

statement.bindInt(1, value: 123);

if ( statement.step() == .Row )
    /* do something with statement */
    var id:Int = statement.getIntAt(0)
    var stringValue:String? = statement.getStringAt(1)
    var boolValue:Bool = statement.getBoolAt(2)
    var dateValue:NSDate? = statement.getDateAt(3)

statement.finalizeStatement(); /* not called finalize() due to destructor/language keyword */

.NET - How do I retrieve specific items out of a Dataset?

The DataSet object has a Tables array. If you know the table you want, it will have a Row array, each object of which has an ItemArray array. In your case the code would most likely be

int var1 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[4].ToString());

and so forth. This would give you the 4th item in the first row. You can also use Columns instead of ItemArray and specify the column name as a string instead of remembering it's index. That approach can be easier to keep up with if the table structure changes. So that would be

int var1 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MyColumnName"].ToString());

implementing merge sort in C++

Here's a way to implement it, using just arrays.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//The merge function
void merge(int a[], int startIndex, int endIndex)

int size = (endIndex - startIndex) + 1;
int *b = new int [size]();

int i = startIndex;
int mid = (startIndex + endIndex)/2;
int k = 0;
int j = mid + 1;

while (k < size)
    if((i<=mid) && (a[i] < a[j]))
        b[k++] = a[i++];
        b[k++] = a[j++];


for(k=0; k < size; k++)
    a[startIndex+k] = b[k];

delete []b;


//The recursive merge sort function
void merge_sort(int iArray[], int startIndex, int endIndex)
int midIndex;

//Check for base case
if (startIndex >= endIndex)

//First, divide in half
midIndex = (startIndex + endIndex)/2;

//First recursive call 
merge_sort(iArray, startIndex, midIndex);

//Second recursive call 
merge_sort(iArray, midIndex+1, endIndex);

merge(iArray, startIndex, endIndex);


//The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int iArray[10] = {2,5,6,4,7,2,8,3,9,10};

merge_sort(iArray, 0, 9);

//Print the sorted array
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)
    cout << iArray[i] << endl;

return 0;    

How can I remove punctuation from input text in Java?

If you don't want to use RegEx (which seems highly unnecessary given your problem), perhaps you should try something like this:

public String modified(final String input){
    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for(final char c : input.toCharArray())
            builder.append(Character.isLowerCase(c) ? c : Character.toLowerCase(c));
    return builder.toString();

It loops through the underlying char[] in the String and only appends the char if it is a letter or digit (filtering out all symbols, which I am assuming is what you are trying to accomplish) and then appends the lower case version of the char.

Javascript replace with reference to matched group?

You can use replace instead of gsub.

"hello _there_".replace(/_(.*?)_/g, "<div>\$1</div>")

Jquery each - Stop loop and return object

here :

function findXX(word)
  $.each(someArray, function(i,n)
    $('body').append('-> '+i+'<br />');
    if(n == word)
      return false;

"Comparison method violates its general contract!"

Java does not check consistency in a strict sense, only notifies you if it runs into serious trouble. Also it does not give you much information from the error.

I was puzzled with what's happening in my sorter and made a strict consistencyChecker, maybe this will help you:

 * @param dailyReports
 * @param comparator
public static <T> void checkConsitency(final List<T> dailyReports, final Comparator<T> comparator) {
  final Map<T, List<T>> objectMapSmallerOnes = new HashMap<T, List<T>>();

  iterateDistinctPairs(dailyReports.iterator(), new IPairIteratorCallback<T>() {
     * @param o1
     * @param o2
    public void pair(T o1, T o2) {
      final int diff =, o2);
      if (diff < Compare.EQUAL) {
        checkConsistency(objectMapSmallerOnes, o1, o2);
        getListSafely(objectMapSmallerOnes, o2).add(o1);
      } else if (Compare.EQUAL < diff) {
        checkConsistency(objectMapSmallerOnes, o2, o1);
        getListSafely(objectMapSmallerOnes, o1).add(o2);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Equals not expected?");

 * @param objectMapSmallerOnes
 * @param o1
 * @param o2
static <T> void checkConsistency(final Map<T, List<T>> objectMapSmallerOnes, T o1, T o2) {
  final List<T> smallerThan = objectMapSmallerOnes.get(o1);

  if (smallerThan != null) {
    for (final T o : smallerThan) {
      if (o == o2) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(o2 + "  cannot be smaller than " + o1 + " if it's supposed to be vice versa.");
      checkConsistency(objectMapSmallerOnes, o, o2);

 * @param keyMapValues 
 * @param key 
 * @param <Key> 
 * @param <Value> 
 * @return List<Value>
public static <Key, Value> List<Value> getListSafely(Map<Key, List<Value>> keyMapValues, Key key) {
  List<Value> values = keyMapValues.get(key);

  if (values == null) {
    keyMapValues.put(key, values = new LinkedList<Value>());

  return values;

 * @author Oku
 * @param <T>
public interface IPairIteratorCallback<T> {
   * @param o1
   * @param o2
  void pair(T o1, T o2);

 * Iterates through each distinct unordered pair formed by the elements of a given iterator
 * @param it
 * @param callback
public static <T> void iterateDistinctPairs(final Iterator<T> it, IPairIteratorCallback<T> callback) {
  List<T> list = Convert.toMinimumArrayList(new Iterable<T>() {

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
      return it;


  for (int outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < list.size() - 1; outerIndex++) {
    for (int innerIndex = outerIndex + 1; innerIndex < list.size(); innerIndex++) {
      callback.pair(list.get(outerIndex), list.get(innerIndex));

ie8 var w= - "Message: Invalid argument."

It seems when even using a "valid" custom window name (not _blank, etc.) using to launch a new window, there is still issues. It works fine the first time you click the link, but if you click it again (with the first launched window still up) you receive an "Error: No such interface supported" script debug.

How to downgrade Node version

For windows:


  1. Go to Control panel> program and features>Node.js then uninstall

  2. Go to website: and download the version and install.

How do I add a border to an image in HTML?

border="1" ON IMAGE tag or using css border:1px solid #000;

How should a model be structured in MVC?

Everything that is business logic belongs in a model, whether it is a database query, calculations, a REST call, etc.

You can have the data access in the model itself, the MVC pattern doesn't restrict you from doing that. You can sugar coat it with services, mappers and what not, but the actual definition of a model is a layer that handles business logic, nothing more, nothing less. It can be a class, a function, or a complete module with a gazillion objects if that's what you want.

It's always easier to have a separate object that actually executes the database queries instead of having them being executed in the model directly: this will especially come in handy when unit testing (because of the easiness of injecting a mock database dependency in your model):

class Database {
   protected $_conn;

   public function __construct($connection) {
       $this->_conn = $connection;

   public function ExecuteObject($sql, $data) {
       // stuff

abstract class Model {
   protected $_db;

   public function __construct(Database $db) {
       $this->_db = $db;

class User extends Model {
   public function CheckUsername($username) {
       // ...
       $sql = "SELECT Username FROM" . $this->usersTableName . " WHERE ...";
       return $this->_db->ExecuteObject($sql, $data);

$db = new Database($conn);
$model = new User($db);

Also, in PHP, you rarely need to catch/rethrow exceptions because the backtrace is preserved, especially in a case like your example. Just let the exception be thrown and catch it in the controller instead.

Iterate keys in a C++ map

You are looking for map_keys, with it you can write things like

BOOST_FOREACH(const key_t key, the_map | boost::adaptors::map_keys)
  // do something with key

How to properly stop the Thread in Java?

Some supplementary info. Both flag and interrupt are suggested in the Java doc.

private volatile Thread blinker;

public void stop() {
    blinker = null;

public void run() {
    Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
    while (blinker == thisThread) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e){

For a thread that waits for long periods (e.g., for input), use Thread.interrupt

public void stop() {
     Thread moribund = waiter;
      waiter = null;

how to add the missing RANDR extension

I had the same problem with Firefox 30 + Selenium 2.49 + Ubuntu 15.04.

It worked fine with Ubuntu 14 but after upgrade to 15.04 I got same RANDR warning and problem at starting Firefox using Xfvb.

After adding +extension RANDR it worked again.

$ vim /etc/init/xvfb.conf

description "Xvfb Server as a daemon"

start on filesystem and started networking
stop on shutdown


env XVFB=/usr/bin/Xvfb
env XVFBARGS=":10 -screen 1 1024x768x24 -ac +extension GLX +extension RANDR +render -noreset"
env PIDFILE=/var/run/

exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $XVFB -- $XVFBARGS >> /var/log/xvfb.log 2>&1

How to create a numeric vector of zero length in R


x <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0)

Escape a string in SQL Server so that it is safe to use in LIKE expression

To escape special characters in a LIKE expression you prefix them with an escape character. You get to choose which escape char to use with the ESCAPE keyword. (MSDN Ref)

For example this escapes the % symbol, using \ as the escape char:

select * from table where myfield like '%15\% off%' ESCAPE '\'

If you don't know what characters will be in your string, and you don't want to treat them as wildcards, you can prefix all wildcard characters with an escape char, eg:

set @myString = replace( 
                replace( @myString
                ,    '\', '\\' )
                ,    '%', '\%' )
                ,    '_', '\_' )
                ,    '[', '\[' )

(Note that you have to escape your escape char too, and make sure that's the inner replace so you don't escape the ones added from the other replace statements). Then you can use something like this:

select * from table where myfield like '%' + @myString + '%' ESCAPE '\'

Also remember to allocate more space for your @myString variable as it will become longer with the string replacement.

Prevent content from expanding grid items

The existing answers solve most cases. However, I ran into a case where I needed the content of the grid-cell to be overflow: visible. I solved it by absolutely positioning within a wrapper (not ideal, but the best I know), like this:

.month-grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template: repeat(6, 1fr) / repeat(7, 1fr);
  background: #fff;
  grid-gap: 2px;  

.day-item-wrapper {
  position: relative;

.day-item {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  padding: 10px;

  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

How to Parse a JSON Object In Android

In your JSON format, it do not have starting JSON object

Like :

    "info" :       <!-- this is starting JSON object -->

Above Json starts with info as JSON object. So while executing :

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result);    // create JSON obj from string
JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject("info");    // this will return correct

Now, we can access result field :

JSONObject jsonResult = json2.getJSONObject("results");
test = json2.getString("name"); // returns "Marina Rasche Werft GmbH & Co. KG"

I think this was missing and so the problem was solved while we use JSONTokener like answer of yours.

Your answer is very fine. Just i think i add this information so i answered

Thank you

Compare two Timestamp in java

There are after and before methods for Timestamp which will do the trick

binning data in python with scipy/numpy

The numpy_indexed package (disclaimer: I am its author) contains functionality to efficiently perform operations of this type:

import numpy_indexed as npi
print(npi.group_by(np.digitize(data, bins)).mean(data))

This is essentially the same solution as the one I posted earlier; but now wrapped in a nice interface, with tests and all :)

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION AndroidManifest Permissions Not Being Granted

just remove s from the permission you are using sss you have to use ss

How do I create a simple Qt console application in C++?

Don't forget to add the

CONFIG += console 

flag in the qmake .pro file.

For the rest is just using some of Qt classes. One way I use it is to spawn processes cross-platform.

Use 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?

As an addition to all above posts, the use of the class keyword is forced (up to and including C++14) when dealing with template template parameters, e.g.:

template <template <typename, typename> class Container, typename Type>
class MyContainer: public Container<Type, std::allocator<Type>>
{ /*...*/ };

In this example, typename Container would have generated a compiler error, something like this:

error: expected 'class' before 'Container'

C# using streams

To expand a little on other answers here, and help explain a lot of the example code you'll see dotted about, most of the time you don't read and write to a stream directly. Streams are a low-level means to transfer data.

You'll notice that the functions for reading and writing are all byte orientated, e.g. WriteByte(). There are no functions for dealing with integers, strings etc. This makes the stream very general-purpose, but less simple to work with if, say, you just want to transfer text.

However, .NET provides classes that convert between native types and the low-level stream interface, and transfers the data to or from the stream for you. Some notable such classes are:

StreamWriter // Badly named. Should be TextWriter.
StreamReader // Badly named. Should be TextReader.

To use these, first you acquire your stream, then you create one of the above classes and associate it with the stream. E.g.

MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
StreamWriter myStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream);

StreamReader and StreamWriter convert between native types and their string representations then transfer the strings to and from the stream as bytes. So


will write "123" (three characters '1', '2' then '3') to the stream. If you're dealing with text files (e.g. html), StreamReader and StreamWriter are the classes you would use.



will write four bytes representing the 32-bit integer value 123 (0x7B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00). If you're dealing with binary files or network protocols BinaryReader and BinaryWriter are what you might use. (If you're exchanging data with networks or other systems, you need to be mindful of endianness, but that's another post.)

How to assign a select result to a variable?

Try This

SELECT @PrimaryContactKey = c.PrimaryCntctKey
FROM tarcustomer c, tarinvoice i
WHERE i.custkey = c.custkey 
    AND i.invckey = @tmp_key

UPDATE tarinvoice SET confirmtocntctkey = @PrimaryContactKey 
WHERE invckey = @tmp_key
FETCH NEXT FROM @get_invckey INTO @tmp_key

You would declare this variable outside of your loop as just a standard TSQL variable.

I should also note that this is how you would do it for any type of select into a variable, not just when dealing with cursors.

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?

What is a smart pointer.

Long version, In principle:

A modern C++ idiom:

RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization.

? When you initialize an object, it should already have 
  acquired any resources it needs (in the constructor).

? When an object goes out of scope, it should release every 
  resource it is using (using the destructor).

key point:

? There should never be a half-ready or half-dead object.
? When an object is created, it should be in a ready state.
? When an object goes out of scope, it should release its resources. 
? The user shouldn’t have to do anything more. 

Raw Pointers violate RAII: It need user to delete manually when the pointers go out of scope.

RAII solution is:

Have a smart pointer class:
? Allocates the memory when initialized
? Frees the memory when destructor is called
? Allows access to underlying pointer

For smart pointer need copy and share, use shared_ptr:

? use another memory to store Reference counting and shared.
? increment when copy, decrement when destructor.
? delete memory when Reference counting is 0. 
  also delete memory that store Reference counting.

for smart pointer not own the raw pointer, use weak_ptr:

? not change Reference counting.

shared_ptr usage:

correct way:
std::shared_ptr<T> t1 = std::make_shared<T>(TArgs);
std::shared_ptr<T> t2 = std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(Targs));

wrong way:
T* pt = new T(TArgs); // never exposure the raw pointer
shared_ptr<T> t1 = shared_ptr<T>(pt);
shared_ptr<T> t2 = shared_ptr<T>(pt);

Always avoid using raw pointer.

For scenario that have to use raw pointer:

For raw pointer that not nullptr, use reference instead.

not use T*
use T&  

For optional reference which maybe nullptr, use raw pointer, and which means:

T* pt; is optional reference and maybe nullptr.
Not own the raw pointer, 
Raw pointer is managed by some one else.
I only know that the caller is sure it is not released now.

Is it possible to insert multiple rows at a time in an SQLite database?

I have a query like below, but with ODBC driver SQLite has an error with "," it says. I run vbscript in HTA (Html Application).

INSERT INTO evrak_ilac_iliskileri (evrak_id, ilac_id, baglayan_kullanici_id, tarih) VALUES (4150,762,1,datetime()),(4150,9770,1,datetime()),(4150,6609,1,datetime()),(4150,3628,1,datetime()),(4150,9422,1,datetime())

Rolling back local and remote git repository by 1 commit

You can also do this:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>
git push -f origin master

and have everyone else who got the latest bad commits reset:

git reset --hard origin/master

How can I sort a List alphabetically?

In one line, using Java 8:


Java: Date from unix timestamp


Instant.ofEpochSecond( 1_280_512_800L )



The new java.time framework built into Java 8 and later is the successor to Joda-Time.

These new classes include a handy factory method to convert a count of whole seconds from epoch. You get an Instant, a moment on the timeline in UTC with up to nanoseconds resolution.

Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond( 1_280_512_800L );

instant.toString(): 2010-07-30T18:00:00Z

See that code run live at

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

Asia/Kabul or Asia/Tehran time zones ?

You reported getting a time-of-day value of 22:30 instead of the 18:00 seen here. I suspect your PHP utility is implicitly applying a default time zone to adjust from UTC. My value here is UTC, signified by the Z (short for Zulu, means UTC). Any chance your machine OS or PHP is set to Asia/Kabul or Asia/Tehran time zones? I suppose so as you report IRST in your output which apparently means Iran time. Currently in 2017 those are the only zones operating with a summer time that is four and a half hours ahead of UTC.

Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 3-4 letter abbreviation such as EST or IST or IRST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!).

If you want to see your moment through the lens of a particular region's time zone, apply a ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime. Still the same simultaneous moment, but seen as a different wall-clock time.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Asia/Tehran" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );  // Same moment, same point on timeline, but seen as different wall-clock time.


Converting from java.time to legacy classes

You should stick with the new java.time classes. But you can convert to old if required.

java.util.Date date = java.util.Date.from( instant );


UPDATE: The Joda-Time project is now in maintenance mode, with the team advising migration to the java.time classes.

FYI, the constructor for a Joda-Time DateTime is similar: Multiply by a thousand to produce a long (not an int!).

DateTime dateTime = new DateTime( ( 1_280_512_800L * 1000_L ), DateTimeZone.forID( "Europe/Paris" ) );

Best to avoid the notoriously troublesome java.util.Date and .Calendar classes. But if you must use a Date, you can convert from Joda-Time.

java.util.Date date = dateTime.toDate();

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Magento Product Attribute Get Value

You can get attribute value by following way

$model = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product');
$attribute_value = $model->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'attribute_code', $storeId);

Extract part of a regex match

May I recommend you to Beautiful Soup. Soup is a very good lib to parse all of your html document.

soup = BeatifulSoup(html_doc)
titleName =

MySQL select all rows from last month until (now() - 1 month), for comparative purposes

Simple code please check

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE created <= (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

How do I disable the security certificate check in Python requests

Also can be done from the environment variable:

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=""

How to solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError trouble in Android

If you are getting this Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError this is the most common problem occurs in Android. This error is thrown by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) when an object cannot be allocated due to lack of memory space.

Try this android:hardwareAccelerated="false" , android:largeHeap="true"in your manifest.xml file under application like this:

  android:largeHeap="true" />

Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots

For legend labels can use something like below. Legendlabels are the plot lines saved. modFreq are where the name of the actual labels corresponding to the plot lines. Then the third parameter is the location of the legend. Lastly, you can pass in any arguments as I've down here but mainly need the first three. Also, you are supposed to if you set the labels correctly in the plot command. To just call legend with the location parameter and it finds the labels in each of the lines. I have had better luck making my own legend as below. Seems to work in all cases where have never seemed to get the other way going properly. If you don't understand let me know:

legendLabels = []
for i in range(modSize):
    legendLabels.append(ax.plot(x,hstack((array([0]),actSum[j,semi,i,semi])), color=plotColor[i%8], dashes=dashes[i%4])[0]) #linestyle=dashs[i%4]       
legArgs = dict(title='AM Templates (Hz)',bbox_to_anchor=[.4,1.05],borderpad=0.1,labelspacing=0,handlelength=1.8,handletextpad=0.05,frameon=False,ncol=4, columnspacing=0.02) #ncol,numpoints,columnspacing,title,bbox_transform,prop
leg = ax.legend(tuple(legendLabels),tuple(modFreq),'upper center',**legArgs)

You can also use the leg to change fontsizes or nearly any parameter of the legend.

Global title as stated in the above comment can be done with adding text per the link provided:

f.text(0.5,0.975,'The new formatter, default settings',horizontalalignment='center',

FORCE INDEX in MySQL - where do I put it?

FORCE_INDEX is going to be deprecated after MySQL 8:

Thus, you should expect USE INDEX, FORCE INDEX, and IGNORE INDEX to be deprecated in 
a future release of MySQL, and at some time thereafter to be removed altogether.

You should be using JOIN_INDEX, GROUP_INDEX, ORDER_INDEX, and INDEX instead, for v8.

When to use static classes in C#

Static classes are very useful and have a place, for example libraries.

The best example I can provide is the .Net Math class, a System namespace static class that contains a library of maths functions.

It is like anything else, use the right tool for the job, and if not anything can be abused.

Blankly dismissing static classes as wrong, don't use them, or saying "there can be only one" or none, is as wrong as over using the them.

C#.Net contains a number of static classes that is uses just like the Math class.

So given the correct implementation they are tremendously useful.

We have a static TimeZone class that contains a number of business related timezone functions, there is no need to create multiple instances of the class so much like the Math class it contains a set of globally accesible TimeZone realated functions (methods) in a static class.

module.exports vs exports in Node.js

why both are used here

I believe they just want to be clear that module.exports, exports, and nano point to the same function - allowing you to use either variable to call the function within the file. nano provides some context to what the function does.

exports won't be exported (only module.exports will), so why bother overwriting that as well?

The verbosity trade-off limits the risk of future bugs, such as using exports instead of module.exports within the file. It also provides clarification that module.exports and exports are in fact pointing to the same value.

module.exports vs exports

As long as you don't reassign module.exports or exports (and instead add values to the object they both refer to), you won't have any issues and can safely use exports to be more concise.

When assigning either to a non-object, they are now pointing to different places which can be confusing unless you intentionally want module.exports to be something specific (such as a function).

Setting exports to a non-object doesn't make much sense as you'll have to set module.exports = exports at the end to be able to use it in other files.

let module = { exports: {} };
let exports = module.exports;

exports.msg = 'hi';
console.log(module.exports === exports); // true

exports = 'yo';
console.log(module.exports === exports); // false

exports = module.exports;
console.log(module.exports === exports); // true

module.exports = 'hello';
console.log(module.exports === exports); // false

module.exports = exports;
console.log(module.exports === exports); // true

Why assign module.exports to a function?

More concise! Compare how much shorter the 2nd example is:

helloWorld1.js: module.exports.hello = () => console.log('hello world');

app1.js: let sayHello = require('./helloWorld1'); sayHello.hello; // hello world

helloWorld2.js: module.exports = () => console.log('hello world');

app2.js: let sayHello = require('./helloWorld2'); sayHello; // hello world

Centering the image in Bootstrap

.img-responsive {
     margin: 0 auto;

you can write like above code in your document so no need to add one another class in image tag.

Closing WebSocket correctly (HTML5, Javascript)

The thing of it is there are 2 main protocol versions of WebSockets in use today. The old version which uses the [0x00][message][0xFF] protocol, and then there's the new version using Hybi formatted packets.

The old protocol version is used by Opera and iPod/iPad/iPhones so it's actually important that backward compatibility is implemented in WebSockets servers. With these browsers using the old protocol, I discovered that refreshing the page, or navigating away from the page, or closing the browser, all result in the browser automatically closing the connection. Great!!

However with browsers using the new protocol version (eg. Firefox, Chrome and eventually IE10), only closing the browser will result in the browser automatically closing the connection. That is to say, if you refresh the page, or navigate away from the page, the browser does NOT automatically close the connection. However, what the browser does do, is send a hybi packet to the server with the first byte (the proto ident) being 0x88 (better known as the close data frame). Once the server receives this packet it can forcefully close the connection itself, if you so choose.

Moment js get first and last day of current month

I ran into some issues because I wasn't aware that moment().endOf() mutates the input date, so I used this work around.

let thisMoment = moment();
let endOfMonth = moment(thisMoment).endOf('month');
let startOfMonth = moment(thisMoment).startOf('month');

How can I import Swift code to Objective-C?

Search for "Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" in the Build Settings of the target you're trying to build (let's say it's MyApp-Swift.h), and import the value of this setting (#import "MyApp-Swift.h") in the source file where you're trying to access your Swift APIs.

The default value for this field is $(SWIFT_MODULE_NAME)-Swift.h. You can see it if you double-click in the value field of the "Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" setting.

Also, if you have dashes in your module name (let's say it's My-App), then in the $(SWIFT_MODULE_NAME) all dashes will be replaced with underscores. So then you'll have to add #import "My_App-Swift.h".

Foreign key constraint may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths?

A typical situation with multiple cascasing paths will be this: A master table with two details, let's say "Master" and "Detail1" and "Detail2". Both details are cascade delete. So far no problems. But what if both details have a one-to-many-relation with some other table (say "SomeOtherTable"). SomeOtherTable has a Detail1ID-column AND a Detail2ID-column.

Master { ID, masterfields }

Detail1 { ID, MasterID, detail1fields }

Detail2 { ID, MasterID, detail2fields }

SomeOtherTable {ID, Detail1ID, Detail2ID, someothertablefields }

In other words: some of the records in SomeOtherTable are linked with Detail1-records and some of the records in SomeOtherTable are linked with Detail2 records. Even if it is guaranteed that SomeOtherTable-records never belong to both Details, it is now impossible to make SomeOhterTable's records cascade delete for both details, because there are multiple cascading paths from Master to SomeOtherTable (one via Detail1 and one via Detail2). Now you may already have understood this. Here is a possible solution:

Master { ID, masterfields }

DetailMain { ID, MasterID }

Detail1 { DetailMainID, detail1fields }

Detail2 { DetailMainID, detail2fields }

SomeOtherTable {ID, DetailMainID, someothertablefields }

All ID fields are key-fields and auto-increment. The crux lies in the DetailMainId fields of the Detail tables. These fields are both key and referential contraint. It is now possible to cascade delete everything by only deleting master-records. The downside is that for each detail1-record AND for each detail2 record, there must also be a DetailMain-record (which is actually created first to get the correct and unique id).

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

only this will work:

path=%set path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04\bin

Get cursor position (in characters) within a text Input field

Perhaps you need a selected range in addition to cursor position. Here is a simple function, you don't even need jQuery:

function caretPosition(input) {
    var start = input[0].selectionStart,
        end = input[0].selectionEnd,
        diff = end - start;

    if (start >= 0 && start == end) {
        // do cursor position actions, example:
        console.log('Cursor Position: ' + start);
    } else if (start >= 0) {
        // do ranged select actions, example:
        console.log('Cursor Position: ' + start + ' to ' + end + ' (' + diff + ' selected chars)');

Let's say you wanna call it on an input whenever it changes or mouse moves cursor position (in this case we are using jQuery .on()). For performance reasons, it may be a good idea to add setTimeout() or something like Underscores _debounce() if events are pouring in:

$('input[type="text"]').on('keyup mouseup mouseleave', function() {

Here is a fiddle if you wanna try it out:

CMD: Export all the screen content to a text file

If you want to output ALL verbosity, not just stdout. But also any printf statements made by the program, any warnings, infos, etc, you have to add 2>&1 at the end of the command line.

In your case, the command will be

Program.exe > file.txt 2>&1

Custom edit view in UITableViewCell while swipe left. Objective-C or Swift

- (UISwipeActionsConfiguration *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UIContextualAction *delete = [UIContextualAction contextualActionWithStyle:UIContextualActionStyleNormal title:nil handler:^(UIContextualAction * _Nonnull action, __kindof UIView * _Nonnull sourceView, void (^ _Nonnull completionHandler)(BOOL)) {
        // your code...
    delete.image  = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"trash"];
    UISwipeActionsConfiguration *actions = [UISwipeActionsConfiguration configurationWithActions:[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:delete, nil]];
    return actions;

IntelliJ, can't start simple web application: Unable to ping server at localhost:1099

In windows environment just check the PATH environment variable if Oracle JRE runtime refreshed the path and put himself at the very beginning of the path. In this case even if the JAVA_HOME AND JRE_HOME points to the correct JDK, the JRE will have precedence. And this case IntelliJ will not start Tomcat instance with the mentioned error message.

Maven "build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5", even though I changed it to 1.7

For imported maven project and JDK 1.7 do the following:

  1. Delete project from Eclipse (keep files)
  2. Delete .settings directory, .project and .classpath files inside your project directory.
  3. Modify your pom.xml file, add following properties (make sure following settings are not overridden by explicit maven-compiler-plugin definition in your POM)

  4. Import updated project into Eclipse.

SMTP connect() failed PHPmailer - PHP

If you're using VPS and with httpd service, please check if your httpd_can_sendmail is on.

getsebool -a | grep mail

to set on

setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Use div instead of span, or add display: block; to your css style for the span tag.

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

Public variables are a code smell - try to redesign your application so these are not needed. Most of the reasoning here and here are as applicable to VB.NET.

The simplest way to have global variables in VB.NET is to create public static variables on a class (declare a variable as Public Shared).

How to make button fill table cell

For starters:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td align='center'><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Note, if the width of the input button is 100%, you wont need the attribute "align='center'" anymore.

This would be the optimal solution:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Trying to get the average of a count resultset

You just can put your query as a subquery:

SELECT avg(count)
    SELECT COUNT (*) AS Count
      FROM Table T
     WHERE T.Update_time =
               (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time )
                  FROM Table B
                 WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))
    GROUP BY T.Grouping
    ) as counts

Edit: I think this should be the same:

SELECT count(*) / count(distinct T.Grouping)
  FROM Table T
 WHERE T.Update_time =
           (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time)
              FROM Table B
             WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))

How to pass a textbox value from view to a controller in MVC 4?

Try the following in your view to check the output from each. The first one updates when the view is called a second time. My controller uses the key ShowCreateButton and has the optional parameter _createAction with a default value - you can change this to your key/parameter

@Html.TextBox("_createAction", null, new { Value = (string)ViewBag.ShowCreateButton })
@Html.TextBox("_createAction", ViewBag.ShowCreateButton )

LEFT function in Oracle

I've discovered that LEFT and RIGHT are not supported functions in Oracle. They are used in SQL Server, MySQL, and some other versions of SQL. In Oracle, you need to use the SUBSTR function. Here are simple examples:

LEFT ('Data', 2) = 'Da'

->   SUBSTR('Data',1,2) = 'Da'

RIGHT ('Data', 2) = 'ta'

->   SUBSTR('Data',-2,2) = 'ta'

Notice that a negative number counts back from the end.

How to use regex in file find

Use -regex:

From the man page:

-regex pattern
       File name matches regular expression pattern.  This is a match on the whole path, not a search.  For example, to match a file named './fubar3',  you  can  use  the
       regular expression '.*bar.' or '.*b.*3', but not 'b.*r3'.

Also, I don't believe find supports regex extensions such as \d. You need to use [0-9].

find . -regex '.*test\.log\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\.zip'

PHP & MySQL: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

$dbc is returning false. Your query has an error in it:

SELECT users.*, profile.* --You do not join with profile anywhere.
                                 FROM users 
                                 INNER JOIN contact_info 
                                 ON contact_info.user_id = users.user_id 
                                 WHERE users.user_id=3");

The fix for this in general has been described by Raveren.

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

getInstance().getInstanceId() is also now deprecated and FirebaseMessaging is being used now.

FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
    if (task.isSuccessful) {
        val token = task.result
    } else {

sed: print only matching group

I agree with @kent that this is well suited for grep -o. If you need to extract a group within a pattern, you can do it with a 2nd grep.

# To extract \1 from /xx([0-9]+)yy/
$ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'xx[0-9]+yy' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'

# To extract \1 from /a([0-9]+)b/
$ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'a[0-9]+b' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'

I generally cringe when I see 2 calls to grep/sed/awk piped together, but it's not always wrong. While we should exercise our skills of doing things efficiently, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds", and "Real artists ship".

Chrome not rendering SVG referenced via <img> tag

i came here because i had the same problem, when i inspect the element i can see the file, but on the site i can't (even when using localhost)

the answer to my problem was in saving the SVG file. If you saved it from illustrator make sure to click 'embed' and not 'link'. as link will just refer to your local files rather than include the data (If i understand it correctly). enter image description here

I read about it on the adobe website which has some other useful tips for exporting

This worked for me, hope it was useful.

How an 'if (A && B)' statement is evaluated?

for logical && both the parameters must be true , then it ll be entered in if {} clock otherwise it ll execute else {}. for logical || one of parameter or condition is true is sufficient to execute if {}.

if( (A) && (B) ){
     //if A and B both are true
if( (A) ||(B) ){
     //if A or B is true 

PHP check if date between two dates

If hours matter:

$paymentDate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$contractDateBegin = strtotime("2014-01-22 12:42:00");
$contractDateEnd = strtotime("2014-01-22 12:50:00");

if($paymentDate > $contractDateBegin && $paymentDate < $contractDateEnd) {
   echo "is between";
} else {
    echo "NO GO!";  

I lose my data when the container exits

You might want to look at docker volumes if you you want to persist the data in your container. Visit The docker documentation is a very good place to start

Iterating through populated rows

For the benefit of anyone searching for similar, see worksheet .UsedRange,
e.g. ? ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
and loops such as
For Each loopRow in Sheets(1).UsedRange.Rows: Print loopRow.Row: Next

Java HTML Parsing

The HTMLParser project ( might be a possibility. It seems to be pretty decent at handling malformed HTML. The following snippet should do what you need:

Parser parser = new Parser(htmlInput);
CssSelectorNodeFilter cssFilter = 
    new CssSelectorNodeFilter("DIV.targetClassName");
NodeList nodes = parser.parse(cssFilter);

How do I paste multi-line bash codes into terminal and run it all at once?



Then paste your lines and press Ctrl-D (insert EOF character). All input till Ctrl-D will be redirected to cat's stdout.

Difference between id and name attributes in HTML

name Vs id


  • Name of the element. For example used by the server to identify the fields in form submits.
  • Supporting elements are <button>, <form>, <fieldset>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>, <object>, <output>, <select>, <textarea>, <map>, <meta>, <param>
  • Name does not have to be unique.


  • Often used with CSS to style a specific element. The value of this attribute must be unique.
  • Id is Global attributes, they can be used on all elements, though the attributes may have no effect on some elements.
  • Must be unique in the whole document.
  • This attribute's value must not contain white spaces, in contrast to the class attribute, which allows space-separated values.
  • Using characters except ASCII letters and digits, '_', '-' and '.' may cause compatibility problems, as they weren't allowed in HTML 4. Though this restriction has been lifted in HTML 5, an ID should start with a letter for compatibility.

Check if inputs are empty using jQuery

you can use also..

$('#apply-form input').blur(function()
    if( $(this).val() == '' ) {

if you have doubt about spaces,then try..

$('#apply-form input').blur(function()
    if( $(this).val().trim() == '' ) {

Representing EOF in C code?

There is the constant EOF of type int, found in stdio.h. There is no equivalent character literal specified by any standard.

How can I check if a value is of type Integer?

You need to first check if it's a number. If so you can use the Math.Round method. If the result and the original value are equal then it's an integer.

How do I run msbuild from the command line using Windows SDK 7.1?

For Visual Studio 2019 (Preview, at least) it is now in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe

I imagine the process will be similar for the official 2019 release.

Showing line numbers in IPython/Jupyter Notebooks

Select the Toggle Line Number Option from the View -> Toggle Line Number.

The menu looks like this

JavaScript string and number conversion

Step (1) Concatenate "1", "2", "3" into "123"

 "1" + "2" + "3"


 ["1", "2", "3"].join("")

The join method concatenates the items of an array into a string, putting the specified delimiter between items. In this case, the "delimiter" is an empty string ("").

Step (2) Convert "123" into 123


Prior to ECMAScript 5, it was necessary to pass the radix for base 10: parseInt("123", 10)

Step (3) Add 123 + 100 = 223

 123 + 100

Step (4) Covert 223 into "223"


Put It All Togther

 (parseInt("1" + "2" + "3") + 100).toString()


 (parseInt(["1", "2", "3"].join("")) + 100).toString()

error: Error parsing XML: not well-formed (invalid token) ...?

Problem is that you are doing something wrong in XML layout file

android:text=" <- Go Back" // this creates error
android:text="Go Back" // correct way

SQL Server - transactions roll back on error?

From MDSN article, Controlling Transactions (Database Engine).

If a run-time statement error (such as a constraint violation) occurs in a batch, the default behavior in the Database Engine is to roll back only the statement that generated the error. You can change this behavior using the SET XACT_ABORT statement. After SET XACT_ABORT ON is executed, any run-time statement error causes an automatic rollback of the current transaction. Compile errors, such as syntax errors, are not affected by SET XACT_ABORT. For more information, see SET XACT_ABORT (Transact-SQL).

In your case it will rollback the complete transaction when any of inserts fail.

How to Get JSON Array Within JSON Object?

Your int length = jsonObj.length(); should be int length = ja_data.length();

Create Git branch with current changes

Since you haven't made any commits yet, you can save all your changes to the stash, create and switch to a new branch, then pop those changes back into your working tree:

git stash  # save local modifications to new stash
git checkout -b topic/newbranch
git stash pop  # apply stash and remove it from the stash list

Getting the last revision number in SVN?

The posted solutions don't handle the case when externals are being used.

If I have a URL or a working copy with the svn:externals property set, the externals may change and thus the subversion server's latest revision will change. But the latest revision of the working copy or URL will only report the revision number when the svn:externals propty was change or any item lower in the URL path, which is expected behavior.

So you either get the svn:externals property and iterate over the URLs and pick the heights revision or query the base URL from the subversion server. The version reported from the base URL will contain the latest revision for EVERYTHING on the server.

So, if you are using externals, it's best to use svn info BASE_URL where BASE_URL is the root URL for all paths on the subversion server.

Batch File: ( was unexpected at this time

You are getting that error because when the param1 if statements are evaluated, param is always null due to being scoped variables without delayed expansion.

When parentheses are used, all the commands and variables within those parentheses are expanded. And at that time, param1 has no value making the if statements invalid. When using delayed expansion, the variables are only expanded when the command is actually called.

Also I recommend using if not defined command to determine if a variable is set.

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
title ~USB Wizard~
echo What do you want to do?
echo 1.Enable/Disable USB Storage Devices.
echo 2.Enable/Disable Writing Data onto USB Storage.
echo 3.~Yet to come~.

set "a=%globalparam1%"
goto :aCheck
set /p "a=Enter Choice: "
if not defined a goto :aPrompt
echo %a%

IF "%a%"=="2" (
    title USB WRITE LOCK
    echo What do you want to do?
    echo 1.Apply USB Write Protection
    echo 2.Remove USB Write Protection

    set "param1=%globalparam2%"
    goto :param1Check
    set /p "param1=Enter Choice: "
    if not defined param1 goto :param1Prompt
    echo !param1!

    if "!param1!"=="1" (
        REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies\ /v WriteProtect /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 
        echo USB Write is Locked!
    if "!param1!"=="2" (
        REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies\ /v WriteProtect /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000
        echo USB Write is Unlocked! 

Access parent URL from iframe

I've had issues with this. If using a language like php when your page first loads in the iframe grab $_SERVER['HTTP_REFFERER'] and set it to a session variable.

This way when the page loads in the iframe you know the full parent url and query string of the page that loaded it. With cross browser security it's a bit of a headache counting on window.parent anything if you you different domains.

Removing "http://" from a string

Something like this ought to do:

$url = preg_replace("|^.+?://|", "", $url); 

Removes everything up to and including the ://

Giving a border to an HTML table row, <tr>

You can set border properties on a tr element, but according to the CSS 2.1 specification, such properties have no effect in the separated borders model, which tends to be the default in browsers. Ref.: 17.6.1 The separated borders model. (The initial value of border-collapse is separate according to CSS 2.1, and some browsers also set it as default value for table. The net effect anyway is that you get separated border on almost all browsers unless you explicitly specifi collapse.)

Thus, you need to use collapsing borders. Example:

table { border-collapse: collapse; }
tr:nth-child(3) { border: solid thin; }

How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?

First run /usr/libexec/java_home -V which will output something like the following:

Matching Java Virtual Machines (3):
1.8.0_05, x86_64:   "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk/Contents/Home
1.6.0_65-b14-462, x86_64:   "Java SE 6" /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
1.6.0_65-b14-462, i386: "Java SE 6" /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home


Pick the version you want to be the default (1.6.0_65-b14-462 for arguments sake) then:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6.0_65-b14-462`

or you can specify just the major version, like:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`

Now when you run java -version you will see:

java version "1.6.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-462, mixed mode)

Add the export JAVA_HOME… line to your shell’s init file.

For Bash (as stated by antonyh):

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

For Fish (as stated by ormurin)

set -x JAVA_HOME (/usr/libexec/java_home -d64 -v1.8)

Updating the .zshrc file should work:

nano ~/.zshrc

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8.0)

Press CTRL+X to exit the editor Press Y to save your changes

source ~/.zshrc
java -version

JSONP call showing "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : "

I run this

var data = '{"rut" : "' + $('#cb_rut').val() + '" , "email" : "' + $('#email').val() + '" }';
var data = JSON.parse(data);

    type: 'GET',
    url: 'linkserverApi',
    success: function(success) {
    error: function() {
        console.log('Uh Oh!');
    jsonp: 'jsonp'


And edit header in the response

'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' , 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'

'Access-Control-Max-Age' , '3628800'

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'websiteresponseUrl'

'Content-Type', 'text/javascript; charset=utf8'

Batchfile to create backup and rename with timestamp

Yes, to make it run in the background create a shortcut to the batch file and go into the properties. I'm on a Linux machine ATM but I believe the option you are wanting is in the advanced tab.

You can also run your batch script through a vbs script like this:

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "your_batch_file.bat", 0, True

This will execute your batch file with no cmd window shown.

How do I automatically update a timestamp in PostgreSQL

To populate the column during insert, use a DEFAULT value:

  id serial not null,
  firstname varchar(100),
  middlename varchar(100),
  lastname varchar(100),
  email varchar(200),
  timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp

Note that the value for that column can explicitly be overwritten by supplying a value in the INSERT statement. If you want to prevent that you do need a trigger.

You also need a trigger if you need to update that column whenever the row is updated (as mentioned by E.J. Brennan)

Note that using reserved words for column names is usually not a good idea. You should find a different name than timestamp

How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

If anyone else simply wants to display a black image as a background, here e.g. for 500x500 px:

import cv2
import numpy as np

black_screen  = np.zeros([500,500,3])
cv2.imshow("Simple_black", black_screen)

How to make borders collapse (on a div)?

You could also use negative margins:

.column {_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  width: 120px;_x000D_
.cell {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  width: 120px;_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.cell:not(:first-child) {_x000D_
  margin-top: -1px;_x000D_
.column:not(:first-child) > .cell {_x000D_
  margin-left: -1px;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="column">_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column">_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column">_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column">_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column">_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="cell"></div>_x000D_

Remove NA values from a vector

Use discard from purrr (works with lists and vectors).


The benefit is that it is easy to use pipes; alternatively use the built-in subsetting function [:

v %>% discard(
v %>% `[`(!

Note that na.omit does not work on lists:

> x <- list(a=1, b=2, c=NA)
> na.omit(x)
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] NA

Command line input in Python

It is not at all clear what the OP meant (even after some back-and-forth in the comments), but here are two answers to possible interpretations of the question:

For interactive user input (or piped commands or redirected input)

Use raw_input in Python 2.x, and input in Python 3. (These are built in, so you don't need to import anything to use them; you just have to use the right one for your version of python.)

For example:

user_input = raw_input("Some input please: ")

More details can be found here.

So, for example, you might have a script that looks like this

# First, do some work, to show -- as requested -- that
# the user input doesn't need to come first.
from __future__ import print_function
var1 = 'tok'
var2 = 'tik'+var1
print(var1, var2)

# Now ask for input
user_input = raw_input("Some input please: ") # or `input("Some...` in python 3

# Now do something with the above

If you saved this in, you could just call the script from the command line, it would print out tok tiktok, then ask you for input. You could enter bar baz (followed by the enter key) and it would print bar baz. Here's what that would look like:

$ python
tok tiktok
Some input please: bar baz
bar baz

Here, $ represents the command-line prompt (so you don't actually type that), and I hit Enter after typing bar baz when it asked for input.

For command-line arguments

Suppose you have a script named and want to call it with arguments bar and baz from the command line like

$ bar baz

(Again, $ represents the command-line prompt.) Then, you can do that with the following in your script:

import sys
arg1 = sys.argv[1]
arg2 = sys.argv[2]

Here, the variable arg1 will contain the string 'bar', and arg2 will contain 'baz'. The object sys.argv is just a list containing everything from the command line. Note that sys.argv[0] is the name of the script. And if, for example, you just want a single list of all the arguments, you would use sys.argv[1:].

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

You can run composer show -i (short for --installed).

In the latest version just use composer show.

The -i options has been deprecated.

You can also use the global instalation of composer: composer global show

Add 'x' number of hours to date

You can use strtotime() to achieve this:

$new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+3 hours', $now)); // $now + 3 hours

What is the reason for java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class even though iterating through values() works just fine?

Instead of defining: COLUMN_HEADINGS("columnHeadings")

Try defining it as: COLUMNHEADINGS("columnHeadings")

Then when you call getByName(String name) method, call it with the upper-cased String like this: getByName(myStringVariable.toUpperCase())

I had the same problem as you, and this worked for me.

Get querystring from URL using jQuery

Have a look at this Stack Overflow answer.

 function getParameterByName(name, url) {
     if (!url) url = window.location.href;
     name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
     var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
         results = regex.exec(url);
     if (!results) return null;
     if (!results[2]) return '';
     return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));

You can use the method to animate:


var thequerystring = getParameterByName("location");
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("div#" + thequerystring).offset().top}, 500);

What's the most efficient way to erase duplicates and sort a vector?

More understandable code from:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

int main() 
    // remove duplicate elements
    std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,1,2,3,3,4,5,4,5,6,7};
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 
    auto last = std::unique(v.begin(), v.end());
    // v now holds {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x x x x x x}, where 'x' is indeterminate
    v.erase(last, v.end()); 
    for (int i : v)
      std::cout << i << " ";
    std::cout << "\n";


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Is it possible to use JavaScript to change the meta-tags of the page?

Yes, it is possible to add metatags with Javascript. I did in my example

Android not respecting metatag removal?

But, I dont know how to change it other then removing it. Btw, in my example.. when you click the 'ADD' button it adds the tag and the viewport changes respectively but I dont know how to revert it back (remove it, in Android).. I wish there was firebug for Android so I saw what was happening. Firefox does remove the tag. if anybody has any ideas on this please note so in my question.

Xcode Simulator: how to remove older unneeded devices?

In addition to answer, your Mac directory


may still contains obsolete iPhoneSimulatorSDK .bom and .plist files like this:

/private/var/db/receipts/ /private/var/db/receipts/

These could make your Downloads tab of Xcode's preferences show a tick (v) for that obsolete simulator version.

To purge the unwanted simulators, you can do a search using this bash command from your Mac terminal:

sudo find / -name "*PhoneSimulator*"

Then go to corresponding directories to manually delete unwanted SimulatorSDKs

Openssl : error "self signed certificate in certificate chain"

Here is one-liner to verify certificate chain:

openssl verify -verbose -x509_strict -CAfile ca.pem cert_chain.pem

This doesn't require to install CA anywhere.

See How does an SSL certificate chain bundle work? for details.

Can you display HTML5 <video> as a full screen background?

Use position:fixed on the video, set it to 100% width/height, and put a negative z-index on it so it appears behind everything.

If you look at VideoJS, the controls are just html elements sitting on top of the video, using z-index to make sure they're above.


<video id="video_background" src="video.mp4" autoplay>

(Add webm and ogg sources to support more browsers)


#video_background {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: -1000;

It'll work in most HTML5 browsers, but probably not iPhone/iPad, where the video needs to be activated, and doesn't like elements over it.

how to rotate text left 90 degree and cell size is adjusted according to text in html

Without calculating height. Strict CSS and HTML. <span/> only for Chrome, because the chrome isn't able change text direction for <th/>.

th _x000D_
  vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
th span _x000D_
  -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl;_x000D_
  -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;_x000D_
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;_x000D_
  transform: rotate(180deg);_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
    <th><span>Rotated text by 90 deg.</span></th>_x000D_

jQuery checkbox onChange

There is a typo error :

$('#activelist :checkbox')...

Should be :


How to create a hex dump of file containing only the hex characters without spaces in bash?

Format strings can make hexdump behave exactly as you want it to (no whitespace at all, byte by byte):

hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"'

1/1 means "each format is applied once and takes one byte", and "%.2x" is the actual format string, like in printf. In this case: 2-character hexadecimal number, leading zeros if shorter.

How to use Comparator in Java to sort

Two corrections:

  1. You have to make an ArrayList of People objects:

    ArrayList<People> preps = new ArrayList<People>(); 
  2. After adding the objects to the preps, use:

    Collections.sort(preps, new CompareId());

Also, add a CompareId class as:

class CompareId implements Comparator {  
    public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {  
        People t1 = (People)obj1;  
        People t2 = (People)obj2;  

        if (t1.marks > t2.marks)  
            return 1;   
            return -1;

Flutter command not found

You must have .bash_profile file and define flutter path in .bash_profile file.

  1. First of all, if you do not have or do not know .bash_profile, please look my answer: How do I edit $PATH (.bash_profile) on OSX?

  2. You should add below line(.../flutter_SDK_path/flutter/bin) in your .bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/Documents/flutter_SDK_path/flutter/bin

After these steps, you can write flutter codes such as, flutter doctor, flutter build ios, flutter clean or etc. in terminal of Macbook.


Python Infinity - Any caveats?

You can still get not-a-number (NaN) values from simple arithmetic involving inf:

>>> 0 * float("inf")

Note that you will normally not get an inf value through usual arithmetic calculations:

>>> 2.0**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

The inf value is considered a very special value with unusual semantics, so it's better to know about an OverflowError straight away through an exception, rather than having an inf value silently injected into your calculations.

How can I make a JPA OneToOne relation lazy

Here's something that has been working for me (without instrumentation):

Instead of using @OneToOne on both sides, I use @OneToMany in the inverse part of the relationship (the one with mappedBy). That makes the property a collection (List in the example below), but I translate it into an item in the getter, making it transparent to the clients.

This setup works lazily, that is, the selects are only made when getPrevious() or getNext() are called - and only one select for each call.

The table structure:

    `ID`            INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `NAME`          VARCHAR(255) NULL,

The class:

@Table(name = "TB_ISSUE") 
public class Issue {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    protected Integer id;

    private String name;

    @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)  // one to one, as expected
    private Issue previous;

    // use @OneToMany instead of @OneToOne to "fake" the lazy loading
    @OneToMany(mappedBy="previous", fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
    // notice the type isnt Issue, but a collection (that will have 0 or 1 items)
    private List<Issue> next;

    public Integer getId() { return id; }
    public String getName() { return name; }

    public Issue getPrevious() { return previous; }
    // in the getter, transform the collection into an Issue for the clients
    public Issue getNext() { return next.isEmpty() ? null : next.get(0); }


How to set back button text in Swift

Swift 4 - Configure the back button before pushing any view controllers

// if you want to remove the text
navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem()

// if you want to modify the text to "back"
navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "back", style: .plain, target: nil, action: nil)

Date format in the json output using spring boot

Starting from Spring Boot version 1.2.0.RELEASE , there is a property you can add to your to set a default date format to all of your classes

For your date format example, you would add this line to your properties file:


equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

Sigh. Back in the 70s I was the "system programmer" (sysadmin) for an IBM 370 system, and my employer was a member of the IBM users group SHARE. It would sometimes happen thatsomebody submitted an APAR (bug report) on some unexpected behavior of some CMS command, and IBM would respond NOTABUG: the command does what it was designed to do (and what the documentation says).

SHARE came up with a counter to this: BAD -- Broken As Designed. I think this might apply to this implementation of equals for arrays.

There's nothing wrong with the implementation of Object.equals. Object has no data members, so there is nothing to compare. Two "Object"s are equal if and only if they are, in fact, the same Object (internally, the same address and length).

But that logic doesn't apply to arrays. Arrays have data, and you expect comparison (via equals) to compare the data. Ideally, the way Arrays.deepEquals does, but at least the way Arrays.equals does (shallow comparison of the elements).

So the problem is that array (as a built-in object) does not override Object.equals. String (as a named class) does override Object.equals and give the result you expect.

Other answers given are correct: [...].equals([....]) simply compares the pointers and not the contents. Maybe someday somebody will correct this. Or maybe not: how many existing programs would break if [...].equals actually compared the elements? Not many, I suspect, but more than zero.

How to automatically crop and center an image

Try this:

    background: url(yourImageLocation.jpg) no-repeat center center;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

Keep in mind that width and height will only work if your DOM element has layout (a block displayed element, like a div or an img). If it is not (a span, for example), add display: block; to the CSS rules. If you do not have access to the CSS files, drop the styles inline in the element.

Adding/removing items from a JavaScript object with jQuery

Splice is good, everyone explain splice so I didn't explain it. You can also use delete keyword in JavaScript, it's good. You can use $.grep also to manipulate this using jQuery.

The jQuery Way :

data.items = jQuery.grep(
                function (item,index) { 
                  return !=  "1"; 


delete data.items[0]

For Adding PUSH is better the splice, because splice is heavy weighted function. Splice create a new array , if you have a huge size of array then it may be troublesome. delete is sometime useful, after delete if you look for the length of the array then there is no change in length there. So use it wisely.

shell-script headers (#!/bin/sh vs #!/bin/csh)

The #! line tells the kernel (specifically, the implementation of the execve system call) that this program is written in an interpreted language; the absolute pathname that follows identifies the interpreter. Programs compiled to machine code begin with a different byte sequence -- on most modern Unixes, 7f 45 4c 46 (^?ELF) that identifies them as such.

You can put an absolute path to any program you want after the #!, as long as that program is not itself a #! script. The kernel rewrites an invocation of

./script arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

where ./script starts with, say, #! /usr/bin/perl, as if the command line had actually been

/usr/bin/perl ./script arg1 arg2 arg3

Or, as you have seen, you can use #! /bin/sh to write a script intended to be interpreted by sh.

The #! line is only processed if you directly invoke the script (./script on the command line); the file must also be executable (chmod +x script). If you do sh ./script the #! line is not necessary (and will be ignored if present), and the file does not have to be executable. The point of the feature is to allow you to directly invoke interpreted-language programs without having to know what language they are written in. (Do grep '^#!' /usr/bin/* -- you will discover that a great many stock programs are in fact using this feature.)

Here are some rules for using this feature:

  • The #! must be the very first two bytes in the file. In particular, the file must be in an ASCII-compatible encoding (e.g. UTF-8 will work, but UTF-16 won't) and must not start with a "byte order mark", or the kernel will not recognize it as a #! script.
  • The path after #! must be an absolute path (starts with /). It cannot contain space, tab, or newline characters.
  • It is good style, but not required, to put a space between the #! and the /. Do not put more than one space there.
  • You cannot put shell variables on the #! line, they will not be expanded.
  • You can put one command-line argument after the absolute path, separated from it by a single space. Like the absolute path, this argument cannot contain space, tab, or newline characters. Sometimes this is necessary to get things to work (#! /usr/bin/awk -f), sometimes it's just useful (#! /usr/bin/perl -Tw). Unfortunately, you cannot put two or more arguments after the absolute path.
  • Some people will tell you to use #! /usr/bin/env interpreter instead of #! /absolute/path/to/interpreter. This is almost always a mistake. It makes your program's behavior depend on the $PATH variable of the user who invokes the script. And not all systems have env in the first place.
  • Programs that need setuid or setgid privileges can't use #!; they have to be compiled to machine code. (If you don't know what setuid is, don't worry about this.)

Regarding csh, it relates to sh roughly as Nutrimat Advanced Tea Substitute does to tea. It has (or rather had; modern implementations of sh have caught up) a number of advantages over sh for interactive usage, but using it (or its descendant tcsh) for scripting is almost always a mistake. If you're new to shell scripting in general, I strongly recommend you ignore it and focus on sh. If you are using a csh relative as your login shell, switch to bash or zsh, so that the interactive command language will be the same as the scripting language you're learning.

How can I keep Bootstrap popovers alive while being hovered?

I know I'm kinda late to the party but I was looking for a solution for this..and I bumped into this post. Here is my take on this, maybe it will help some of you.

The html part:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" data-content="test" data-placement="right" data-toggle="popover" title="Popover title" >Hover to toggle popover</button><br>
// with custom html stored in a separate element, using "data-target"
<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" data-target="#custom-html" data-placement="right" data-toggle="popover" >Hover to toggle popover</button>

<div id="custom-html" style="display: none;">

The js part:

$(function () {
        let popover = '[data-toggle="popover"]';

        let popoverId = function(element) {
            return $(element).popover().data('bs.popover');

            trigger: 'manual',
            html: true,
            animation: false
        .on('', function() {
            // hide all other popovers  
        .on("mouseenter", function() {
            // add custom html from element
            let target = $(this).data('target');
            $(this).popover().data('bs.popover').config.content = $(target).html();

            // show the popover
            $('#' + popoverId(this)).on("mouseleave", () => {

        }).on("mouseleave", function() {
            setTimeout(() => {
                if (!$("#" + popoverId(this) + ":hover").length) {
            }, 100);

Counting repeated elements in an integer array

If you have values in a short set of possible values then you can use something like Counting Sort

If not you have to use another data structure like a Dictionary, in java a Map

int[] array
Map<Integer, Integer> 

where Key = array value for example array[i] and value = a counter


int[] array = new int [50];
Map<Integer,Integer> counterMap = new HashMap<>();

//fill the array

    for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
          counterMap.put(array[i], counterMap.get(array[i])+1 );
          counterMap.put(array[i], 1);

AngularJS : automatically detect change in model

And if you need to style your form elements according to it's state (modified/not modified) dynamically or to test whether some values has actually changed, you can use the following module, developed by myself:

It adds additional properties and methods to the form and it's child elements. With it, you can test whether some element contains new data or even test if entire form has new unsaved data.

You can setup the following watch: $scope.$watch('myForm.modified', handler) and your handler will be called if some form elements actually contains new data or if it reversed to initial state.

Also, you can use modified property of individual form elements to actually reduce amount of data sent to a server via AJAX call. There is no need to send unchanged data.

As a bonus, you can revert your form to initial state via call to form's reset() method.

You can find the module's demo here:


What's the difference between an id and a class?

CSS is object oriented. ID says instance, class says class.

Restoring database from .mdf and .ldf files of SQL Server 2008

I have an answer for you Yes, It is possible.

Go to

SQL Server Management Studio > select Database > click on attach

Then select and add .mdf and .ldf file. Click on OK.

How do I declare and assign a variable on a single line in SQL

You've nearly got it:

DECLARE @myVariable nvarchar(max) = 'hello world';

See here for the docs

For the quotes, SQL Server uses apostrophes, not quotes:

DECLARE @myVariable nvarchar(max) = 'John said to Emily "Hey there Emily"';

Use double apostrophes if you need them in a string:

DECLARE @myVariable nvarchar(max) = 'John said to Emily ''Hey there Emily''';

How to find largest objects in a SQL Server database?

@marc_s's answer is very great and I've been using it for few years. However, I noticed that the script misses data in some columnstore indexes and doesn't show complete picture. E.g. when you do SUM(TotalSpace) against the script and compare it with total space database property in Management Studio the numbers don't match in my case (Management Studio shows larger numbers). I modified the script to overcome this issue and extended it a little bit:

    tables.[name] as table_name,
    schemas.[name] as schema_name,
    isnull(db_name(dm_db_index_usage_stats.database_id), 'Unknown') as database_name,
    sum(allocation_units.total_pages) * 8 as total_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.total_pages) * 8) / 1024.00), 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as total_space_mb,
    sum(allocation_units.used_pages) * 8 as used_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.used_pages) * 8) / 1024.00), 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as used_space_mb,
    (sum(allocation_units.total_pages) - sum(allocation_units.used_pages)) * 8 as unused_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.total_pages) - sum(allocation_units.used_pages)) * 8) / 1024.00, 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as unused_space_mb,
    count(distinct indexes.index_id) as indexes_count,
    max(dm_db_partition_stats.row_count) as row_count,
    iif(max(isnull(user_seeks, 0)) = 0 and max(isnull(user_scans, 0)) = 0 and max(isnull(user_lookups, 0)) = 0, 1, 0) as no_reads,
    iif(max(isnull(user_updates, 0)) = 0, 1, 0) as no_writes,
    max(isnull(user_seeks, 0)) as user_seeks,
    max(isnull(user_scans, 0)) as user_scans,
    max(isnull(user_lookups, 0)) as user_lookups,
    max(isnull(user_updates, 0)) as user_updates,
    max(last_user_seek) as last_user_seek,
    max(last_user_scan) as last_user_scan,
    max(last_user_lookup) as last_user_lookup,
    max(last_user_update) as last_user_update,
    max(tables.create_date) as create_date,
    max(tables.modify_date) as modify_date
    left join sys.schemas on schemas.schema_id = tables.schema_id
    left join sys.indexes on tables.object_id = indexes.object_id
    left join sys.partitions on indexes.object_id = partitions.object_id and indexes.index_id = partitions.index_id
    left join sys.allocation_units on partitions.partition_id = allocation_units.container_id
    left join sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats on tables.object_id = dm_db_index_usage_stats.object_id and indexes.index_id = dm_db_index_usage_stats.index_id
    left join sys.dm_db_partition_stats on tables.object_id = dm_db_partition_stats.object_id and indexes.index_id = dm_db_partition_stats.index_id
group by schemas.[name], tables.[name], isnull(db_name(dm_db_index_usage_stats.database_id), 'Unknown')
order by 5 desc

Hope it will be helpful for someone. This script was tested against large TB-wide databases with hundreds of different tables, indexes and schemas.

How to convert a String into an array of Strings containing one character each

Use toCharArray() method. It splits the string into an array of characters:

String str = "aabbab";
char[] chs = str.toCharArray();

error: use of deleted function

Switching from gcc 4.6 to gcc 4.8 resolved this for me.

How to add data validation to a cell using VBA

Use this one:

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim range1 As Range, rng As Range
'change Sheet1 to suit
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

Set range1 = ws.Range("A1:A5")
Set rng = ws.Range("B1")

With rng.Validation
    .Delete 'delete previous validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
        Formula1:="='" & ws.Name & "'!" & range1.Address
End With

Note that when you're using Dim range1, rng As range, only rng has type of Range, but range1 is Variant. That's why I'm using Dim range1 As Range, rng As Range.
About meaning of parameters you can read is MSDN, but in short:

  • Type:=xlValidateList means validation type, in that case you should select value from list
  • AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop specifies the icon used in message boxes displayed during validation. If user enters any value out of list, he/she would get error message.
  • in your original code, Operator:= xlBetween is odd. It can be used only if two formulas are provided for validation.
  • Formula1:="='" & ws.Name & "'!" & range1.Address for list data validation provides address of list with values (in format =Sheet!A1:A5)

Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack

I had this same problem too, and it was tricky. For me, it was because I'm using Ext.Js javascript library. If you are doing a response.redirect in server-side code that you accessed in an Ajax call, there are problems. Ext.js has a workaround with their Ext.Redirect method.

How to draw a custom UIView that is just a circle - iPhone app

Swift 3 class:

import UIKit

class CircleView: UIView {

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else {return}
        context.addEllipse(in: rect)

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

All answers here seem to assume that items is an array. However, in AngularJS, it might as well be an object. In that case, neither filtering with limitTo nor array.slice will work. As one possible solution, you can convert your object to an array, if you don't mind losing the object keys. Here is an example of a filter to do just that:

myFilter.filter('obj2arr', function() {
    return function(obj) {
        if (typeof obj === 'object') {
            var arr = [], i = 0, key;
            for( key in obj ) {
                arr[i] = obj[key];
            return arr;
        else {
            return obj;


Once it is an array, use slice or limitTo, as stated in other answers.

Get bottom and right position of an element

Vanilla Javascript Answer

var c = document.getElementById("myElement").getBoundingClientRect();
var bot = c.bottom;
var rgt = c.right;

To be clear the element can be anything so long as you have allocated an id to it <img> <div> <p> etc.

for example

    className='logoutImg img-button'

How to push object into an array using AngularJS

You should try this way. It will definitely work.

(function() {

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

 app.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope) {

    $scope.myText = "Object Push inside ";

    $scope.arrayText = [


    $scope.addText = function() {



In your case $scope.arrayText is an object. You should initialize as a array.

Server.MapPath - Physical path given, virtual path expected

var files = Directory.GetFiles(@"E:\ftproot\sales");

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

You should use the ISO-8601 format for string representations of dates - anything else is dependent on the SQL Server language and dateformat settings.

The ISO-8601 format for a DATETIME when using only the date is: YYYYMMDD (no dashes or antyhing!)

For a DATETIME with the time portion, it's YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (with dashes, and a T in the middle to separate date and time portions).

If you want to convert a string to a DATE for SQL Server 2008 or newer, you can use YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes) to achieve the same result. And don't ask me why this is so inconsistent and confusing - it just is, and you'll have to work with that for now.

So in your case, you should try:

declare @a datetime
declare @b datetime 

set @a = '2012-04-06T12:23:45'   -- 6th of April, 2012
set @b = '2012-08-06T21:10:12'   -- 6th of August, 2012

exec LogProcedure 'AccountLog', N'test', @a, @b

Furthermore - your stored proc has problem, since you're concatenating together datetime and string into a string, but you're not converting the datetime to string first, and also, you're forgetting the close quotes in your statement after both dates.

So change this line here to this:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   SET @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL + '  OR CONVERT(Date, DateLog) >= ''' + 
                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), @DateFirst, 126) +   -- convert @DateFirst to string for concatenation!
                    ''' AND CONVERT(Date, DateLog) <=''' +  -- you need closing quotes after @DateFirst!
                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), @DateLast, 126) + ''''      -- convert @DateLast to string and also: closing tags after that missing!

With these settings, and once you've fixed your stored procedure which contains problems right now, it will work.

How can I get a first element from a sorted list?

    public class Main {

    public static List<String> list = new ArrayList();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();



without l.sort(null) returned 222

with l.sort(null) returned 45

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name after upgrading to AppCompat v23

I wanted to downgrade from API 23 to 22 and got this error. I had to change all build.gradle files in a project in order to compile.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 22
    buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 14
        targetSdkVersion 22
dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''

How to convert enum names to string in c

One way, making the preprocessor do the work. It also ensures your enums and strings are in sync.

        FRUIT(apple)   \
        FRUIT(orange)  \
        FRUIT(grape)   \
        FRUIT(banana)  \



static const char *FRUIT_STRING[] = {

After the preprocessor gets done, you'll have:

    apple, orange, grape, banana,

static const char *FRUIT_STRING[] = {
    "apple", "orange", "grape", "banana",

Then you could do something like:

printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n",FRUIT_STRING[apple]);

If the use case is literally just printing the enum name, add the following macros:

#define str(x) #x
#define xstr(x) str(x)

Then do:

printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n", xstr(apple));

In this case, it may seem like the two-level macro is superfluous, however, due to how stringification works in C, it is necessary in some cases. For example, let's say we want to use a #define with an enum:

#define foo apple

int main() {
    printf("%s\n", str(foo));
    printf("%s\n", xstr(foo));

The output would be:


This is because str will stringify the input foo rather than expand it to be apple. By using xstr the macro expansion is done first, then that result is stringified.

See Stringification for more information.

What is the difference between Scrum and Agile Development?

Scrum is just one of the many iterative and incremental agile software development methods. You can find here a very detailed description of the process.

In the SCRUM methodology, a Sprint is the basic unit of development. Each Sprint starts with a planning meeting, where the tasks for the sprint are identified and an estimated commitment for the sprint goal is made. A Sprint ends with a review or retrospective meeting where the progress is reviewed and lessons for the next sprint are identified. During each Sprint, the team creates finished portions of a Product.

In the Agile methods each iteration involves a team working through a full software development cycle, including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing when a working product is demonstrated to stakeholders.

So if in a SCRUM Sprint you perform all the software development phases (from requirement analysis to acceptance testing), and in my opinion you should, you can say SCRUM Sprints correspond to AGILE Iterations.

Installing SetupTools on 64-bit Windows

Yes, you are correct, the issue is with 64-bit Python and 32-bit installer for setuptools.

The best way to get 64-bit setuptools installed on Windows is to download to C:\Python27\Scripts and run it. It will download appropriate 64-bit .egg file for setuptools and install it for you.


P.S. I'd recommend against using 3rd party 64-bit .exe setuptools installers or manipulating registry

Convert char array to string use C

Assuming array is a character array that does not end in \0, you will want to use strncpy:

char * strncpy(char * destination, const char * source, size_t num);

like so:

strncpy(string, array, 20);
string[20] = '\0'

Then string will be a null terminated C string, as desired.

What is the difference between i = i + 1 and i += 1 in a 'for' loop?

The difference is that one modifies the data-structure itself (in-place operation) b += 1 while the other just reassigns the variable a = a + 1.

Just for completeness:

x += y is not always doing an in-place operation, there are (at least) three exceptions:

  • If x doesn't implement an __iadd__ method then the x += y statement is just a shorthand for x = x + y. This would be the case if x was something like an int.

  • If __iadd__ returns NotImplemented, Python falls back to x = x + y.

  • The __iadd__ method could theoretically be implemented to not work in place. It'd be really weird to do that, though.

As it happens your bs are numpy.ndarrays which implements __iadd__ and return itself so your second loop modifies the original array in-place.

You can read more on this in the Python documentation of "Emulating Numeric Types".

These [__i*__] methods are called to implement the augmented arithmetic assignments (+=, -=, *=, @=, /=, //=, %=, **=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=). These methods should attempt to do the operation in-place (modifying self) and return the result (which could be, but does not have to be, self). If a specific method is not defined, the augmented assignment falls back to the normal methods. For instance, if x is an instance of a class with an __iadd__() method, x += y is equivalent to x = x.__iadd__(y) . Otherwise, x.__add__(y) and y.__radd__(x) are considered, as with the evaluation of x + y. In certain situations, augmented assignment can result in unexpected errors (see Why does a_tuple[i] += ["item"] raise an exception when the addition works?), but this behavior is in fact part of the data model.

jQuery rotate/transform

It's because you have a recursive function inside of rotate. It's calling itself again:

// Animate rotation with a recursive call
setTimeout(function() { rotate(++degree); },65);

Take that out and it won't keep on running recursively.

I would also suggest just using this function instead:

function rotate($el, degrees) {
  '-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)',
     '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)',  
      '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)',  
       '-o-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)',  
          'transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)',  
               'zoom' : 1


It's much cleaner and will work for the most amount of browsers.

Is it possible to pass a flag to Gulp to have it run tasks in different ways?

If you've some strict (ordered!) arguments, then you can get them simply by checking process.argv.

var args = process.argv.slice(2);

if (args[0] === "--env" && args[1] === "production");

Execute it: gulp --env production

...however, I think that this is tooo strict and not bulletproof! So, I fiddled a bit around... and ended up with this utility function:

function getArg(key) {
  var index = process.argv.indexOf(key);
  var next = process.argv[index + 1];
  return (index < 0) ? null : (!next || next[0] === "-") ? true : next;

It eats an argument-name and will search for this in process.argv. If nothing was found it spits out null. Otherwise if their is no next argument or the next argument is a command and not a value (we differ with a dash) true gets returned. (That's because the key exist, but there's just no value). If all the cases before will fail, the next argument-value is what we get.

> gulp watch --foo --bar 1337 -boom "Foo isn't equal to bar."

getArg("--foo") // => true
getArg("--bar") // => "1337"
getArg("-boom") // => "Foo isn't equal to bar."
getArg("--404") // => null

Ok, enough for now... Here's a simple example using gulp:

var gulp = require("gulp");
var sass = require("gulp-sass");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");

var env = getArg("--env");

gulp.task("styles", function () {
  return gulp.src("./index.scss")
    style: env === "production" ? "compressed" : "nested"
    extname: env === "production" ? ".min.css" : ".css"

Run it gulp --env production

Find closest previous element jQuery


var link = $("#me").parent("div").prev("h3").find("b");


How does HTTP_USER_AGENT work?

The user agent string is a text that the browsers themselves send to the webserver to identify themselves, so that websites can send different content based on the browser or based on browser compatibility.

Mozilla is a browser rendering engine (the one at the core of Firefox) and the fact that Chrome and IE contain the string Mozilla/4 or /5 identifies them as being compatible with that rendering engine.

how to set active class to nav menu from twitter bootstrap

I am using Flask Bootstrap. My solution is a little bit simpler because my template already receives the option or choice as a parameter from Flask.

var choice = document.getElementById("{{ item_kind }}");_x000D_
choice.className += "active";

First line, js code gets the element. So, you should identify each of the elements with a id. I'll show an example below. Second line, you add the class active. You can see html ids below.

<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">_x000D_
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> _x000D_
            <a id="speed" href="{{ url_for('list_gold_per_item',item_kind='speed',level='2') }}">_x000D_
            <a id="life" href="{{ url_for('list_gold_per_item',item_kind='life',level='3') }}">_x000D_

Windows Forms - Enter keypress activates submit button?

You can designate a button as the "AcceptButton" in the Form's properties and that will catch any "Enter" keypresses on the form and route them to that control.

See How to: Designate a Windows Forms Button as the Accept Button Using the Designer and note the few exceptions it outlines (multi-line text-boxes, etc.)

python: Change the scripts working directory to the script's own directory

Don't do this.

Your scripts and your data should not be mashed into one big directory. Put your code in some known location (site-packages or /var/opt/udi or something) separate from your data. Use good version control on your code to be sure that you have current and previous versions separated from each other so you can fall back to previous versions and test future versions.

Bottom line: Do not mingle code and data.

Data is precious. Code comes and goes.

Provide the working directory as a command-line argument value. You can provide a default as an environment variable. Don't deduce it (or guess at it)

Make it a required argument value and do this.

import sys
import os
working= os.environ.get("WORKING_DIRECTORY","/some/default")
if len(sys.argv) > 1: working = sys.argv[1]
os.chdir( working )

Do not "assume" a directory based on the location of your software. It will not work out well in the long run.

What is WEB-INF used for in a Java EE web application?

The Servlet 2.4 specification says this about WEB-INF (page 70):

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named WEB-INF. This directory contains all things related to the application that aren’t in the document root of the application. The WEB-INF node is not part of the public document tree of the application. No file contained in the WEB-INF directory may be served directly to a client by the container. However, the contents of the WEB-INF directory are visible to servlet code using the getResource and getResourceAsStream method calls on the ServletContext, and may be exposed using the RequestDispatcher calls.

This means that WEB-INF resources are accessible to the resource loader of your Web-Application and not directly visible for the public.

This is why a lot of projects put their resources like JSP files, JARs/libraries and their own class files or property files or any other sensitive information in the WEB-INF folder. Otherwise they would be accessible by using a simple static URL (usefull to load CSS or Javascript for instance).

Your JSP files can be anywhere though from a technical perspective. For instance in Spring you can configure them to be in WEB-INF explicitly:

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"
    p:suffix=".jsp" >

The WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib folders mentioned in Wikipedia's WAR files article are examples of folders required by the Servlet specification at runtime.

It is important to make the difference between the structure of a project and the structure of the resulting WAR file.

The structure of the project will in some cases partially reflect the structure of the WAR file (for static resources such as JSP files or HTML and JavaScript files, but this is not always the case.

The transition from the project structure into the resulting WAR file is done by a build process.

While you are usually free to design your own build process, nowadays most people will use a standardized approach such as Apache Maven. Among other things Maven defines defaults for which resources in the project structure map to what resources in the resulting artifact (the resulting artifact is the WAR file in this case). In some cases the mapping consists of a plain copy process in other cases the mapping process includes a transformation, such as filtering or compiling and others.

One example: The WEB-INF/classes folder will later contain all compiled java classes and resources (src/main/java and src/main/resources) that need to be loaded by the Classloader to start the application.

Another example: The WEB-INF/lib folder will later contain all jar files needed by the application. In a maven project the dependencies are managed for you and maven automatically copies the needed jar files to the WEB-INF/lib folder for you. That explains why you don't have a lib folder in a maven project.

Thymeleaf using path variables to th:href

try this one is a very easy method if you are in list of model foreach (var item in Modal) loop




How do I change the select box arrow


select.inpSelect {
  //Remove original arrows
  -webkit-appearance: none; 
  //Use png at assets/selectArrow.png for the arrow on the right
  //Set the background color to a BadAss Green color 
  background: url(assets/selectArrow.png) no-repeat right #BADA55;

tkinter: how to use after method

I believe, the 500ms run in the background, while the rest of the code continues to execute and empties the list.

Then after 500ms nothing happens, as no function-call is implemented in the after-callup (same as frame.after(500, function=None))

Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent

2020 Update

As in Laravel >= 5.3, if someone is still curious how to do so in easy way. Its possible by using : updateOrCreate().

For example for asked question you can use something like:

$matchThese = ['shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001];
ShopMeta::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Above code will check the table represented by ShopMeta, which will be most likely shop_metas unless not defined otherwise in model itself

and it will try to find entry with

column shopId = $theID


column metadateKey = 2001

and if it finds then it will update column shopOwner of found row to New One.

If it finds more than one matching rows then it will update the very first row that means which has lowest primary id.

If not found at all then it will insert a new row with :

shopId = $theID,metadateKey = 2001 and shopOwner = New One

Notice Check your model for $fillable and make sue that you have every column name defined there which you want to insert or update and rest columns have either default value or its id column auto incremented one.

Otherwise it will throw error when executing above example:

Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field '...' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `...` (`...`,.., `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (...,.., xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx, xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx))'

As there would be some field which will need value while inserting new row and it will not be possible as either its not defined in $fillable or it doesnt have default value.

For more reference please see Laravel Documentation at :

One example from there is:

// If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99.
// If no matching model exists, create one.
$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99]

which pretty much clears everything.

Query Builder Update

Someone has asked if it is possible using Query Builder in Laravel. Here is reference for Query Builder from Laravel docs.

Query Builder works exactly the same as Eloquent so anything which is true for Eloquent is true for Query Builder as well. So for this specific case, just use the same function with your query builder like so:

$matchThese = array('shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001);
DB::table('shop_metas')::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Of course, don't forget to add DB facade:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;


use DB;

I hope it helps

What exactly are iterator, iterable, and iteration?

iterable = [1, 2] 

iterator = iter(iterable)




  1. iterable is an object that can be looped over. e.g. list , string , tuple etc.

  2. using the iter function on our iterable object will return an iterator object.

  3. now this iterator object has method named __next__ (in Python 3, or just next in Python 2) by which you can access each element of iterable.




Why is this error, 'Sequence contains no elements', happening?

In the following line.

temp.Response = db.Responses.Where(y => y.ResponseId.Equals(item.ResponseId)).First();

You are calling First but the collection returned from db.Responses.Where is empty.

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

I can close it with:

adb shell reboot -p

How to plot all the columns of a data frame in R

The ggplot2 package takes a little bit of learning, but the results look really nice, you get nice legends, plus many other nice features, all without having to write much code.

df <- data.frame(time = 1:10,
                 a = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 b = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 c = cumsum(rnorm(10)))
df <- melt(df ,  id.vars = 'time', = 'series')

# plot on same grid, each series colored differently -- 
# good if the series have same scale
ggplot(df, aes(time,value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = series))

# or plot on different plots
ggplot(df, aes(time,value)) + geom_line() + facet_grid(series ~ .)

enter image description here enter image description here

Is a LINQ statement faster than a 'foreach' loop?

You might get a performance boost if you use parallel LINQ for multi cores. See Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) (MSDN).

C# : Out of Memory exception

.Net4.5 does not have a 2GB limitation for objects any more. Add this lines to App.config

    <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects enabled="true" />    

and it will be possible to create very large objects without getting OutOfMemoryException

Please note it will work only on x64 OS's!

download a file from Spring boot rest service

I want to share a simple approach for downloading files with JavaScript (ES6), React and a Spring Boot backend:

  1. Spring boot Rest Controller

Resource from

    public ResponseEntity<Resource> serveFile(@PathVariable String filename, @PathVariable String extraVariable) {

        Resource file = storageService.loadAsResource(filename, extraVariable);
        return ResponseEntity.ok()
               .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + file.getFilename() + "\"")
  1. React, API call using AXIOS

Set the responseType to arraybuffer to specify the type of data contained in the response.

export const DownloadFile = (filename, extraVariable) => {
let url = 'http://localhost:8080/files/' + filename + '/' + extraVariable;
return axios.get(url, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then((response) => {
    return response;

Final step > downloading
with the help of js-file-download you can trigger browser to save data to file as if it was downloaded.

DownloadFile('filename.extension', 'extraVariable').then(
(response) => {
    fileDownload(, filename);
, (error) => {
    // ERROR 

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

This is a very obscure fault that WCF services throw. The issue is that WCF is unable to verify the security of the message that was passed to the service.

This is almost always because of a server time skew. The remote server and the client's system time must be within (typically) 10 minutes of each other. If they are not, security validation will fail.

I'd call and find out what their server time is, and compare that to your server time.

Find index of last occurrence of a substring in a string

you can use rindex() function to get the last occurrence of a character in string


How to check if a String is numeric in Java

You could use BigDecimal if the string may contain decimals:

try {
    new java.math.BigInteger(testString);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Not a valid number");

How to create a signed APK file using Cordova command line interface?


Go to cordova\platforms\android ant create a fille called file with the keystore file info (this keystore can be generated from your favorite Android SDK, studio...):\\yourpath\\Yourkeystore.keystore


Go to cordova path and execute:

cordova build android --release

Note: You will be prompted asking your keystore and key password

An YourApp-release.apk will appear in \cordova\platforms\android\ant-build

How to split a string literal across multiple lines in C / Objective-C?

You can also do:

NSString * query = @"SELECT * FROM foo "
                   @"WHERE "
                     @"bar = 42 "
                     @"AND baz = datetime() "
                   @"ORDER BY fizbit ASC";

Calling a function in jQuery with click()


Let's say you want to call your function passing some args to it i.e., closeIt(1, false). Then, you should build an anonymous function and call closeIt from it.

$("#closeLink").click(function() {
    closeIt(1, false);

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order?

As mentioned in comments above, the general case is a pain. It is fairly easy if all items are hashable or all items are sortable. However I have recently had to try solve the general case. Here is my solution. I realised after posting that this is a duplicate to a solution above that I missed on the first pass. Anyway, if you use slices rather than list.remove() you can compare immutable sequences.

def sequences_contain_same_items(a, b):
    for item in a:
            i = b.index(item)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        b = b[:i] + b[i+1:]
    return not b

Pandas Split Dataframe into two Dataframes at a specific row


df1 = datasX.iloc[:, :72]
df2 = datasX.iloc[:, 72:]

(iloc docs)

iPhone - Grand Central Dispatch main thread

Async means asynchronous and you should use that most of the time. You should never call sync on main thread cause it will lock up your UI until the task is completed. You Here is a better way to do this in Swift:

runThisInMainThread { () -> Void in
    // Run your code like this:

func runThisInMainThread(block: dispatch_block_t) {
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block)

Its included as a standard function in my repo, check it out: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

For Fedora use:

yum install libstdc++44.i686

You can find out which versions are supported by running:

yum list all | grep libstdc | grep i686


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

Is there a difference between `continue` and `pass` in a for loop in python?

continue will jump back to the top of the loop. pass will continue processing.

if pass is at the end for the loop, the difference is negligible as the flow would just back to the top of the loop anyway.

How to get week number in Python?

Here's another option:

import time
from time import gmtime, strftime
d = time.strptime("16 Jun 2010", "%d %b %Y")
print(strftime(d, '%U'))

which prints 24.


What is a PDB file?

A PDB file contains information for the debugger to work with. There's less information in a Release build than in a Debug build anyway. But if you want it to not be generated at all, go to your project's Build properties, select the Release configuration, click on "Advanced..." and under "Debug Info" pick "None".

What is the difference between Set and List?

Set: A Set cannot have Duplicate elements in its collections. it is also an unordered collection. To access the data from Set, it is required to use Iterator only and index based retrieve is not possible for it. It is mainly used whenever required uniqueness collection.

List: A List can have duplicate elements, with the natural ordered as it is inserted. Thus, it can be retrieved data based on index or iterator. It is widely used to store collection which needs to access based on index.

Use of "this" keyword in formal parameters for static methods in C#

"this" extends the next class in the parameter list

So in the method signature below "this" extends "String". Line is passed to the function as a normal argument to the method. public static string[] SplitCsvLine(this String line)

In the above example "this" class is extending the built in "String" class.

How do I left align these Bootstrap form items?

"pull-left" is what you need, it looks like you are using Bootstrap 2, I am not sure if that is available, consider bootstrap 3, unless ofcourse it is a huge rework! ... for Bootstrap 3 but you need to make sure you have 12 columns in each row as well, otherwise you will have issues.

Web scraping with Python

You can use urllib2 to make the HTTP requests, and then you'll have web content.

You can get it like this:

import urllib2
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
html =

Beautiful Soup is a python HTML parser that is supposed to be good for screen scraping.

In particular, here is their tutorial on parsing an HTML document.

Good luck!

Merging multiple PDFs using iTextSharp in

Code For Merging PDF's in Itextsharp

 public static void Merge(List<String> InFiles, String OutFile)

        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(OutFile, FileMode.Create))
        using (Document doc = new Document())
        using (PdfCopy pdf = new PdfCopy(doc, stream))

            PdfReader reader = null;
            PdfImportedPage page = null;

            //fixed typo
            InFiles.ForEach(file =>
                reader = new PdfReader(file);

                for (int i = 0; i < reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
                    page = pdf.GetImportedPage(reader, i + 1);


Is visible in Python 3?



Check out this neat table that shows the differences in syntax between 2 and 3 when it comes to this.

How to change indentation mode in Atom?

You could try going to "Atom > Preferences > Editor" and set Tab length to 4.

enter image description here

This is for mac. For windows you will have to find the appropriate menu.