Programs & Examples On #Space complexity

The space complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of memory taken by an algorithm to run as a function of the size of the input to the problem. The space complexity of an algorithm is commonly expressed using big O notation, which suppresses multiplicative constants and lower order terms.

better way to drop nan rows in pandas

Use dropna:


You can pass param how to drop if all labels are nan or any of the labels are nan

dat.dropna(how='any')    #to drop if any value in the row has a nan
dat.dropna(how='all')    #to drop if all values in the row are nan

Hope that answers your question!

Edit 1: In case you want to drop rows containing nan values only from particular column(s), as suggested by J. Doe in his answer below, you can use the following:

dat.dropna(subset=[col_list])  # col_list is a list of column names to consider for nan values.

How to customize the back button on ActionBar

Changing back navigation icon differs for ActionBar and Toolbar.

For ActionBar override homeAsUpIndicator attribute:

<style name="CustomThemeActionBar" parent="android:Theme.Holo">
    <item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/ic_nav_back</item>

For Toolbar override navigationIcon attribute:

<style name="CustomThemeToolbar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="navigationIcon">@drawable/ic_nav_back</item>

JavaScript math, round to two decimal places

A small variation on the accepted answer. toFixed(2) returns a string, and you will always get two decimal places. These might be zeros. If you would like to suppress final zero(s), simply do this:

var discount = + ((price / listprice).toFixed(2));

Edited: I've just discovered what seems to be a bug in Firefox 35.0.1, which means that the above may give NaN with some values.
I've changed my code to

var discount = Math.round(price / listprice * 100) / 100;

This gives a number with up to two decimal places. If you wanted three, you would multiply and divide by 1000, and so on.
The OP wants two decimal places always, but if toFixed() is broken in Firefox it needs fixing first.

How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code?

Code Formatting Shortcut:

VSCode on Windows - Shift + Alt + F

VSCode on MacOS - Shift + Option + F

VSCode on Ubuntu - Ctrl + Shift + I

You can also customize this shortcut using preference setting if needed.

column selection with keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow

How do I check if an object has a key in JavaScript?

You should use hasOwnProperty. For example:


Note: If you are using ESLint, the above may give you an error for violating the no-prototype-builtins rule, in that case the workaround is as below:, 'myKey');

Easy way to export multiple data.frame to multiple Excel worksheets

I had this exact problem and I solved it this way:

library(openxlsx) # loads library and doesn't require Java installed

your_df_list <- c("df1", "df2", ..., "dfn")

for(name in your_df_list){
  write.xlsx(x = get(name), 
             file = "your_spreadsheet_name.xlsx", 
             sheetName = name)

That way you won't have to create a very long list manually if you have tons of dataframes to write to Excel.

Most efficient method to groupby on an array of objects

Without mutations:

const groupBy = (xs, key) => xs.reduce((acc, x) => Object.assign({}, acc, {
  [x[key]]: (acc[x[key]] || []).concat(x)
}), {})

console.log(groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'));
// => {3: ["one", "two"], 5: ["three"]}

Android: Clear the back stack

This worked for me with onBackPressed:

public void onBackPressed()
    Intent intent = new Intent(ImageUploadActivity.this, InputDataActivity.class);

    Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, ImageUploadActivity.class);

CSS two div width 50% in one line with line break in file

The problem is that if you have a new line between them in the HTML, then you get a space between them when you use inline-table or inline-block

50% + 50% + that space > 100% and that's why the second one ends up below the first one







The idea is not to have any kind of space between the first closing div tag and the second opening div tag in your HTML.

PS - I would also use inline-block instead of inline-table for this

What is the default root pasword for MySQL 5.7

It seems things were designed to avoid developers to se the root user, a better solution would be:

sudo mysql -u root

Then create a normal user, set a password, then use that user to work.

create user 'user'@'localhost' identified by 'user1234';
grant all on your_database.* to 'user'@'localhost';
select host, user from mysql.user;

Then try to access:

mysql -u user -p


MySQL timestamp select date range

Usually it would be this:

  FROM yourtable
 WHERE yourtimetimefield>='2010-10-01'
   AND yourtimetimefield< '2010-11-01'

But because you have a unix timestamps, you'll need something like this:

  FROM yourtable
 WHERE yourtimetimefield>=unix_timestamp('2010-10-01')
   AND yourtimetimefield< unix_timestamp('2010-11-01')

Command for restarting all running docker containers?

If you have docker-compose, all you need to do is:

docker-compose restart 

And you get nice print out of the container's name along with its status of the restart (done/error)

Here is the official guide for installing:

Stretch background image css?

.style1 {
  background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;

Works in:

  • Safari 3+
  • Chrome Whatever+
  • IE 9+
  • Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)
  • Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version)

In addition you can try this for an IE solution

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')";
zoom: 1;

Credit to this article by Chris Coyier

CSS Always On Top

Assuming that your markup looks like:

<div id="header" style="position: fixed;"></div>
<div id="content" style="position: relative;"></div>

Now both elements are positioned; in which case, the element at the bottom (in source order) will cover element above it (in source order).

Add a z-index on header; 1 should be sufficient.

Creating Threads in python

You can use the target argument in the Thread constructor to directly pass in a function that gets called instead of run.

fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'

Git creates a master branch once you've done your first commit. There's nothing to have a branch for if there's no code in the repository.

How to serialize a JObject without the formatting?

Call JObject's ToString(Formatting.None) method.

Alternatively if you pass the object to the JsonConvert.SerializeObject method it will return the JSON without formatting.

Documentation: Write JSON text with JToken.ToString

Are there any SHA-256 javascript implementations that are generally considered trustworthy?

Forge's SHA-256 implementation is fast and reliable.

To run tests on several SHA-256 JavaScript implementations, go to

The results on my machine suggests forge to be the fastest implementation and also considerably faster than the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (sjcl) mentioned in the accepted answer.

Forge is 256 KB big, but extracting the SHA-256 related code reduces the size to 4.5 KB, see

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

I agree with @Marlon. When you compile your C# project with the Release configuration, you will find into the "bin/Release" folder of your project the executable of your application. This SHOULD work for a simple application.

But, if your application have any dependencies on some external dll, I suggest you to create a SetupProject with VisualStudio. Doing so, the project wizard will find all dependencies of your application and add them (the librairies) to the installation folder. Finally, all you will have to do is run the setup on the users computer and install your software.

Get MAC address using shell script

The best Linux-specific solution is to use sysfs:

$ IFACE=eth0
$ read MAC </sys/class/net/$IFACE/address
$ echo $IFACE $MAC
eth0 00:ab:cd:12:34:56

This method is extremely clean compared to the others and spawns no additional processes since read is a builtin command for POSIX shells, including non-BASH shells. However, if you need portability to OS X, then you'll have to use ifconfig and sed methods, since OS X does not have a virtual filesystem interface like sysfs.

Angular.js How to change an elements css class on click and to remove all others


<span ng-class="{'item-text-wrap':viewMore}" ng-click="viewMore= !viewMore"></span>

case-insensitive matching in xpath?

matches() is an XPATH 2.0 function that allows for case-insensitive regex matching.

One of the flags is i for case-insensitive matching.

The following XPATH using the matches() function with the case-insensitive flag:

//CD[matches(@title,'empire burlesque','i')]

Detected both log4j-over-slf4j.jar AND slf4j-log4j12.jar on the class path, preempting StackOverflowError.

Encountered a similar error, this how I resolved it:

  1. Access Project explorer view on Netbeans IDE 8.2. Proceed to your project under Dependencies hover the cursor over the log4j-over-slf4j.jar to view the which which dependencies have indirectly imported as shown below. enter image description here

  2. Right click an import jar file and select Exclude Dependency enter image description here

  3. To confirm, open your pom.xml file you will notice the exclusion element as below.

enter image description here 4. Initiate maven clean install and run your project. Good luck!

How do I use this JavaScript variable in HTML?

You don't "use" JavaScript variables in HTML. HTML is not a programming language, it's a markup language, it just "describes" what the page should look like.

If you want to display a variable on the screen, this is done with JavaScript.

First, you need somewhere for it to write to:

    <p id="output"></p>

Then you need to update your JavaScript code to write to that <p> tag. Make sure you do so after the page is ready.

window.onload = function(){
    var name = prompt("What's your name?");
    var lengthOfName = name.length

    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = lengthOfName;

window.onload = function() {_x000D_
  var name = prompt("What's your name?");_x000D_
  var lengthOfName = name.length_x000D_
  document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = lengthOfName;_x000D_
<p id="output"></p>

CSS override rules and specificity

The specificity is calculated based on the amount of id, class and tag selectors in your rule. Id has the highest specificity, then class, then tag. Your first rule is now more specific than the second one, since they both have a class selector, but the first one also has two tag selectors.

To make the second one override the first one, you can make more specific by adding information of it's parents:

table.rule1 tr td.rule2 {
    background-color: #ffff00;

Here is a nice article for more information on selector precedence.

Complex nesting of partials and templates

You may use ng-include to avoid using nested ng-views.

My index page I use ng-view. Then on my sub pages which I need to have nested frames. I use ng-include. The demo shows a dropdown. I replaced mine with a link ng-click. In the function I would put $scope.template = $scope.templates[0]; or $scope.template = $scope.templates[1];

$scope.clickToSomePage= function(){
  $scope.template = $scope.templates[0];

What's the difference between .so, .la and .a library files?

.so files are dynamic libraries. The suffix stands for "shared object", because all the applications that are linked with the library use the same file, rather than making a copy in the resulting executable.

.a files are static libraries. The suffix stands for "archive", because they're actually just an archive (made with the ar command -- a predecessor of tar that's now just used for making libraries) of the original .o object files.

.la files are text files used by the GNU "libtools" package to describe the files that make up the corresponding library. You can find more information about them in this question: What are libtool's .la file for?

Static and dynamic libraries each have pros and cons.

Static pro: The user always uses the version of the library that you've tested with your application, so there shouldn't be any surprising compatibility problems.

Static con: If a problem is fixed in a library, you need to redistribute your application to take advantage of it. However, unless it's a library that users are likely to update on their own, you'd might need to do this anyway.

Dynamic pro: Your process's memory footprint is smaller, because the memory used for the library is amortized among all the processes using the library.

Dynamic pro: Libraries can be loaded on demand at run time; this is good for plugins, so you don't have to choose the plugins to be used when compiling and installing the software. New plugins can be added on the fly.

Dynamic con: The library might not exist on the system where someone is trying to install the application, or they might have a version that's not compatible with the application. To mitigate this, the application package might need to include a copy of the library, so it can install it if necessary. This is also often mitigated by package managers, which can download and install any necessary dependencies.

Dynamic con: Link-Time Optimization is generally not possible, so there could possibly be efficiency implications in high-performance applications. See the Wikipedia discussion of WPO and LTO.

Dynamic libraries are especially useful for system libraries, like libc. These libraries often need to include code that's dependent on the specific OS and version, because kernel interfaces have changed. If you link a program with a static system library, it will only run on the version of the OS that this library version was written for. But if you use a dynamic library, it will automatically pick up the library that's installed on the system you run on.

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

I have read all answers above. That is all correct but i found a more easy solution as below:

  1. Saving String List in shared-preference>>

    public static void setSharedPreferenceStringList(Context pContext, String pKey, List<String> pData) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pContext.getSharedPreferences(Constants.APP_PREFS, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
    editor.putInt(pKey + "size", pData.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < pData.size(); i++) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor1 = pContext.getSharedPreferences(Constants.APP_PREFS, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
        editor1.putString(pKey + i, (pData.get(i)));


  2. and for getting String List from Shared-preference>>

    public static List<String> getSharedPreferenceStringList(Context pContext, String pKey) {
    int size = pContext.getSharedPreferences(Constants.APP_PREFS, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).getInt(pKey + "size", 0);
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        list.add(pContext.getSharedPreferences(Constants.APP_PREFS, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).getString(pKey + i, ""));
    return list;

Here Constants.APP_PREFS is the name of the file to open; can not contain path separators.

Add regression line equation and R^2 on graph

I've modified Ramnath's post to a) make more generic so it accepts a linear model as a parameter rather than the data frame and b) displays negatives more appropriately.

lm_eqn = function(m) {

  l <- list(a = format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2),
      b = format(abs(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2),
      r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3));

  if (coef(m)[2] >= 0)  {
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,l)
  } else {
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a - b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,l)    


Usage would change to:

p1 = p + geom_text(aes(x = 25, y = 300, label = lm_eqn(lm(y ~ x, df))), parse = TRUE)

Show loading image while $.ajax is performed

I've always liked the BlockUI plugin:

It allows you to block certain elements of a page, or the entire page while an ajax request is running.

Android Studio drawable folders

If you don't see a drawable folder for the DPI that you need, you can create it yourself. There's nothing magical about it; it's just a folder which needs to have the correct name.

How do I prevent the padding property from changing width or height in CSS?

Put a div in your newdiv with width: auto and margin-left: 20px

Remove the padding from newdiv.

The W3 Box model page has good info.

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

The problem is that [...] in python has two distinct meanings

  1. expr [ index ] means accessing an element of a list
  2. [ expr1, expr2, expr3 ] means building a list of three elements from three expressions

In your code you forgot the comma between the expressions for the items in the outer list:

[ [a, b, c] [d, e, f] [g, h, i] ]

therefore Python interpreted the start of second element as an index to be applied to the first and this is what the error message is saying.

The correct syntax for what you're looking for is

[ [a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i] ]

Left Outer Join using + sign in Oracle 11g

Those two queries are performing OUTER JOIN. See below

Oracle recommends that you use the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax rather than the Oracle join operator. Outer join queries that use the Oracle join operator (+) are subject to the following rules and restrictions, which do not apply to the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax:

  • You cannot specify the (+) operator in a query block that also contains FROM clause join syntax.

  • The (+) operator can appear only in the WHERE clause or, in the context of left- correlation (when specifying the TABLE clause) in the FROM clause, and can be applied only to a column of a table or view.

  • If A and B are joined by multiple join conditions, then you must use the (+) operator in all of these conditions. If you do not, then Oracle Database will return only the rows resulting from a simple join, but without a warning or error to advise you that you do not have the results of an outer join.

  • The (+) operator does not produce an outer join if you specify one table in the outer query and the other table in an inner query.

  • You cannot use the (+) operator to outer-join a table to itself, although self joins are valid. For example, the following statement is not valid:

    -- The following statement is not valid:
    SELECT employee_id, manager_id
       FROM employees
       WHERE employees.manager_id(+) = employees.employee_id;

    However, the following self join is valid:

    SELECT e1.employee_id, e1.manager_id, e2.employee_id
       FROM employees e1, employees e2
       WHERE e1.manager_id(+) = e2.employee_id
       ORDER BY e1.employee_id, e1.manager_id, e2.employee_id;
  • The (+) operator can be applied only to a column, not to an arbitrary expression. However, an arbitrary expression can contain one or more columns marked with the (+) operator.

  • A WHERE condition containing the (+) operator cannot be combined with another condition using the OR logical operator.

  • A WHERE condition cannot use the IN comparison condition to compare a column marked with the (+) operator with an expression.

If the WHERE clause contains a condition that compares a column from table B with a constant, then the (+) operator must be applied to the column so that Oracle returns the rows from table A for which it has generated nulls for this column. Otherwise Oracle returns only the results of a simple join.

In a query that performs outer joins of more than two pairs of tables, a single table can be the null-generated table for only one other table. For this reason, you cannot apply the (+) operator to columns of B in the join condition for A and B and the join condition for B and C. Refer to SELECT for the syntax for an outer join.

Taken from

Convert DateTime to long and also the other way around

From long to DateTime: new DateTime(long ticks)

From DateTime to long: DateTime.Ticks

How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?

i found another way without much effort.

Just simply right click your solution and then click undo pending changes.

Next, VS will ask you for acutally changed file where you want to undo or not specific file.

In this you can click no for such a file where actual change is happende, rest is just undoing. This will not lost your actual changes

Where can I find the .apk file on my device, when I download any app and install?

There is an app in google play known as MyAppSharer. Open the app, search for the app that you have installed, check apk and select share. The app would take some time and build the apk. You can then close the app. The apk of the file is located in /sdcard/MyAppSharer

This does not require rooting your phone and works only for apps that are currently installed on your phone

iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari

It only opens the first (bookmarked) page full screen. Any next page will be opened WITH the address bar visible again. Whatever meta tag you put into your page header...

How do you execute SQL from within a bash script?

Maybe you can pipe SQL query to sqlplus. It works for mysql:

echo "SELECT * FROM table" | mysql --user=username database

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

Mindprod points out that this is not a straightforward question to answer:

A JVM is free to store data any way it pleases internally, big or little endian, with any amount of padding or overhead, though primitives must behave as if they had the official sizes.
For example, the JVM or native compiler might decide to store a boolean[] in 64-bit long chunks like a BitSet. It does not have to tell you, so long as the program gives the same answers.

  • It might allocate some temporary Objects on the stack.
  • It may optimize some variables or method calls totally out of existence replacing them with constants.
  • It might version methods or loops, i.e. compile two versions of a method, each optimized for a certain situation, then decide up front which one to call.

Then of course the hardware and OS have multilayer caches, on chip-cache, SRAM cache, DRAM cache, ordinary RAM working set and backing store on disk. Your data may be duplicated at every cache level. All this complexity means you can only very roughly predict RAM consumption.

Measurement methods

You can use Instrumentation.getObjectSize() to obtain an estimate of the storage consumed by an object.

To visualize the actual object layout, footprint, and references, you can use the JOL (Java Object Layout) tool.

Object headers and Object references

In a modern 64-bit JDK, an object has a 12-byte header, padded to a multiple of 8 bytes, so the minimum object size is 16 bytes. For 32-bit JVMs, the overhead is 8 bytes, padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. (From Dmitry Spikhalskiy's answer, Jayen's answer, and JavaWorld.)

Typically, references are 4 bytes on 32bit platforms or on 64bit platforms up to -Xmx32G; and 8 bytes above 32Gb (-Xmx32G). (See compressed object references.)

As a result, a 64-bit JVM would typically require 30-50% more heap space. (Should I use a 32- or a 64-bit JVM?, 2012, JDK 1.7)

Boxed types, arrays, and strings

Boxed wrappers have overhead compared to primitive types (from JavaWorld):

  • Integer: The 16-byte result is a little worse than I expected because an int value can fit into just 4 extra bytes. Using an Integer costs me a 300 percent memory overhead compared to when I can store the value as a primitive type

  • Long: 16 bytes also: Clearly, actual object size on the heap is subject to low-level memory alignment done by a particular JVM implementation for a particular CPU type. It looks like a Long is 8 bytes of Object overhead, plus 8 bytes more for the actual long value. In contrast, Integer had an unused 4-byte hole, most likely because the JVM I use forces object alignment on an 8-byte word boundary.

Other containers are costly too:

  • Multidimensional arrays: it offers another surprise.
    Developers commonly employ constructs like int[dim1][dim2] in numerical and scientific computing.

    In an int[dim1][dim2] array instance, every nested int[dim2] array is an Object in its own right. Each adds the usual 16-byte array overhead. When I don't need a triangular or ragged array, that represents pure overhead. The impact grows when array dimensions greatly differ.

    For example, a int[128][2] instance takes 3,600 bytes. Compared to the 1,040 bytes an int[256] instance uses (which has the same capacity), 3,600 bytes represent a 246 percent overhead. In the extreme case of byte[256][1], the overhead factor is almost 19! Compare that to the C/C++ situation in which the same syntax does not add any storage overhead.

  • String: a String's memory growth tracks its internal char array's growth. However, the String class adds another 24 bytes of overhead.

    For a nonempty String of size 10 characters or less, the added overhead cost relative to useful payload (2 bytes for each char plus 4 bytes for the length), ranges from 100 to 400 percent.


Consider this example object:

class X {                      // 8 bytes for reference to the class definition
   int a;                      // 4 bytes
   byte b;                     // 1 byte
   Integer c = new Integer();  // 4 bytes for a reference

A naïve sum would suggest that an instance of X would use 17 bytes. However, due to alignment (also called padding), the JVM allocates the memory in multiples of 8 bytes, so instead of 17 bytes it would allocate 24 bytes.

What is the difference between HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME in PHP?

Depends what I want to find out. SERVER_NAME is the host name of the server, whilst HTTP_HOST is the virtual host that the client connected to.

How to enable local network users to access my WAMP sites?

You must have the Apache process (httpd.exe) allowed through firewall (recommended).

Or disable your firewall on LAN (just to test, not recommended).

Example with Wamp (with Apache activated):

  1. Check if Wamp is published locally if it is, continue;
  2. Access Control Panel
  3. Click "Firewall"
  4. Click "Allow app through firewall"
  5. Click "Allow some app"
  6. Find and choose C:/wamp64/bin/apache2/bin/httpd.exe
  7. Restart Wamp

Now open the browser in another host of your network and access your Apache server by IP (e.g. You can discover your local host IP by typing ipconfig on your command prompt.

It works

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

I happened to try this so I could see the list of files first:

git status | grep "modified:" | awk '{print "git add  " $2}' >

cat ./


chmod a+x

Edit: (see comments) This could be achieved in one step:

git status | grep "modified:" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs git add && git status

How to drop a table if it exists?

The ANSI SQL/cross-platform way is to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which was specifically designed to query meta data about objects within SQL databases.

if exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME = 'Scores' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo')
    drop table dbo.Scores;

Most modern RDBMS servers provide, at least, basic INFORMATION_SCHEMA support, including: MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (and greater).

Window.Open with PDF stream instead of PDF location

Note: I have verified this in the latest version of IE, and other browsers like Mozilla and Chrome and this works for me. Hope it works for others as well.

if (data == "" || data == undefined) {
    alert("Falied to open PDF.");
} else { //For IE using atob convert base64 encoded data to byte array
    if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
        var byteCharacters = atob(data);
        var byteNumbers = new Array(byteCharacters.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = byteCharacters.charCodeAt(i);
        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
        var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {
            type: 'application/pdf'
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
    } else { // Directly use base 64 encoded data for rest browsers (not IE)
        var base64EncodedPDF = data;
        var dataURI = "data:application/pdf;base64," + base64EncodedPDF;, '_blank');


How to use sed to replace only the first occurrence in a file?

You could use awk to do something similar..

awk '/#include/ && !done { print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}; 1;' file.c


/#include/ && !done

Runs the action statement between {} when the line matches "#include" and we haven't already processed it.

{print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}

This prints #include "newfile.h", we need to escape the quotes. Then we set the done variable to 1, so we don't add more includes.


This means "print out the line" - an empty action defaults to print $0, which prints out the whole line. A one liner and easier to understand than sed IMO :-)

How to sum the values of one column of a dataframe in spark/scala

Simply apply aggregation function, Sum on your column


Follow the Documentation

Check out this link also

Set position / size of UI element as percentage of screen size

For TextView and it's descendants (e.g., Button) you can get the display size from the WindowManager and then set the TextView height to be some fraction of it:

Button btn = new Button (this);
android.view.Display display = ((android.view.WindowManager)getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); 

How do you reindex an array in PHP but with indexes starting from 1?

If it's OK to make a new array it's this:

$result = array();
foreach ( $array as $key => $val )
    $result[ $key+1 ] = $val;

If you need reversal in-place, you need to run backwards so you don't stomp on indexes that you need:

for ( $k = count($array) ; $k-- > 0 ; )
    $result[ $k+1 ] = $result[ $k ];
unset( $array[0] );   // remove the "zero" element

How do I change the android actionbar title and icon

I got non-static method setTitle(CharSequence) cannot be referenced from a static context error because I used setTitle() in static PlaceholderFragment class. I solved it by using getActivity().getActionBar().setTitle("new title");

How do I enable EF migrations for multiple contexts to separate databases?

EF 4.7 actually gives a hint when you run Enable-migrations at multiple context.

More than one context type was found in the assembly 'Service.Domain'.

To enable migrations for 'Service.Domain.DatabaseContext.Context1', 
use Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName Service.Domain.DatabaseContext.Context1.
To enable migrations for 'Service.Domain.DatabaseContext.Context2',
use Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName Service.Domain.DatabaseContext.Context2.

android start activity from service

I had the same problem, and want to let you know that none of the above worked for me. What worked for me was:

 Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(this, myActivity.class);

and in one my subclasses, stored in a separate file I had to:

public static Service myService;

myService = this;

new SubService(myService);

Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(myService, myActivity.class);

All the other answers gave me a nullpointerexception.

How eliminate the tab space in the column in SQL Server 2008

Try this code

SELECT REPLACE([Column], char(9), '') From [dbo.Table] 

char(9) is the TAB character

How can I detect the touch event of an UIImageView?

A UIImageView is derived from a UIView which is derived from UIResponder so it's ready to handle touch events. You'll want to provide the touchesBegan, touchesMoved, and touchesEnded methods and they'll get called if the user taps the image. If all you want is a tap event, it's easier to just use a custom button with the image set as the button image. But if you want finer-grain control over taps, moves, etc. this is the way to go.

You'll also want to look at a few more things:

  • Override canBecomeFirstResponder and return YES to indicate that the view can become the focus of touch events (the default is NO).

  • Set the userInteractionEnabled property to YES. The default for UIViews is YES, but for UIImageViews is NO so you have to explicitly turn it on.

  • If you want to respond to multi-touch events (i.e. pinch, zoom, etc) you'll want to set multipleTouchEnabled to YES.

Android Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery

I made a library named AndroidImageSlider, you can have a try.

enter image description here

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

set DSKTOPDIR="D:\test"

>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO cd %PAY_REP%
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO mget *.report
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO bye

:: run PSFTP Commands
psftp <domain>@%IPADDRESS% -b %DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp

Set values using set commands before above lines.

I believe this helps you.

Referre psfpt setup for below link

bash script read all the files in directory

To write it with a while loop you can do:

ls -f /var | while read -r file; do cmd $file; done

The primary disadvantage of this is that cmd is run in a subshell, which causes some difficulty if you are trying to set variables. The main advantages are that the shell does not need to load all of the filenames into memory, and there is no globbing. When you have a lot of files in the directory, those advantages are important (that's why I use -f on ls; in a large directory ls itself can take several tens of seconds to run and -f speeds that up appreciably. In such cases 'for file in /var/*' will likely fail with a glob error.)

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

Know this is an old post, but here's another short, effective way: zeros

edit: dur. if num isn't string, you'd add:

len -= String(num).length;

else, it's all good

function addLeadingZeros(sNum, len) {
    len -= sNum.length;
    while (len--) sNum = '0' + sNum;
    return sNum;

Angular 2: import external js file into component

Ideally you need to have .d.ts file for typings to let Linting work.

But It seems that d3gauge doesn't have one, you can Ask the developers to provide and hope they will listen.

Alternatively, you can solve this specific issue by doing this

declare var drawGauge: any;

import '../../../../js/d3gauge.js';
export class MemMonComponent {
    createMemGauge() {
        new drawGauge(this.opt);  //drawGauge() is a function inside d3gauge.js

If you use it in multiple files, you can create a d3gauage.d.ts file with the content below

declare var drawGauge: any;

and reference it in your boot.ts (bootstrap) file at the top, like this

///<reference path="../path/to/d3gauage.d.ts"/>

Setting a backgroundImage With React Inline Styles

Just add required to file or url

<div style={
      backgroundImage: `url(${require("./path_local")})`,      

Or set in css base64 image like

div {
    left center;

You can use for convert

Get a list of numbers as input from the user

Get a list of number as input from the user.

This can be done by using list in python.


Here L indicates list, map is used to map input with the position, int specifies the datatype of the user input which is in integer datatype, and split() is used to split the number based on space.


enter image description here

Difference between spring @Controller and @RestController annotation

@RestController was provided since Spring 4.0.1. These controllers indicate that here @RequestMapping methods assume @ResponseBody semantics by default.

In earlier versions the similar functionality could be achieved by using below:

  1. @RequestMapping coupled with @ResponseBody like @RequestMapping(value = "/abc", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces ="application/xml") public @ResponseBody MyBean fetch(){ return new MyBean("hi") }

  2. <mvc:annotation-driven/> may be used as one of the ways for using JSON with Jackson or xml.

  3. MyBean can be defined like

@XmlRootElement(name = "MyBean") @XmlType(propOrder = {"field2", "field1"}) public class MyBean{ field1 field2 .. //getter, setter }

  1. @ResponseBody is treated as the view here among MVC and it is dispatched directly instead being dispatched from Dispatcher Servlet and the respective converters convert the response in the related format like text/html, application/xml, application/json .

However, the Restcontroller is already coupled with ResponseBody and the respective converters. Secondly, here, since instead of converting the responsebody, it is automatically converted to http response.

A Generic error occurred in GDI+ in Bitmap.Save method

This error message is displayed if the path you pass to Bitmap.Save() is invalid (folder doesn't exist etc).

Login to website, via C#

You can simplify things quite a bit by creating a class that derives from WebClient, overriding its GetWebRequest method and setting a CookieContainer object on it. If you always set the same CookieContainer instance, then cookie management will be handled automatically for you.

But the only way to get at the HttpWebRequest before it is sent is to inherit from WebClient and override that method.

public class CookieAwareWebClient : WebClient
    private CookieContainer cookie = new CookieContainer();

    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(address);
        if (request is HttpWebRequest)
            (request as HttpWebRequest).CookieContainer = cookie;
        return request;

var client = new CookieAwareWebClient();
client.BaseAddress = @"";
var loginData = new NameValueCollection();
loginData.Add("login", "YourLogin");
loginData.Add("password", "YourPassword");
client.UploadValues("login.php", "POST", loginData);

//Now you are logged in and can request pages    
string htmlSource = client.DownloadString("index.php");

getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream

The and consorts acts on the local disk file system. The root cause of your problem is that relative paths in are dependent on the current working directory. I.e. the directory from which the JVM (in your case: the webserver's one) is started. This may for example be C:\Tomcat\bin or something entirely different, but thus not C:\Tomcat\webapps\contextname or whatever you'd expect it to be. In a normal Eclipse project, that would be C:\Eclipse\workspace\projectname. You can learn about the current working directory the following way:

System.out.println(new File(".").getAbsolutePath());

However, the working directory is in no way programmatically controllable. You should really prefer using absolute paths in the File API instead of relative paths. E.g. C:\full\path\to\file.ext.

You don't want to hardcode or guess the absolute path in Java (web)applications. That's only portability trouble (i.e. it runs in system X, but not in system Y). The normal practice is to place those kind of resources in the classpath, or to add its full path to the classpath (in an IDE like Eclipse that's the src folder and the "build path" respectively). This way you can grab them with help of the ClassLoader by ClassLoader#getResource() or ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(). It is able to locate files relative to the "root" of the classpath, as you by coincidence figured out. In webapplications (or any other application which uses multiple classloaders) it's recommend to use the ClassLoader as returned by Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() for this so you can look "outside" the webapp context as well.

Another alternative in webapps is the ServletContext#getResource() and its counterpart ServletContext#getResourceAsStream(). It is able to access files located in the public web folder of the webapp project, including the /WEB-INF folder. The ServletContext is available in servlets by the inherited getServletContext() method, you can call it as-is.

See also:

Java dynamic array sizes?

No you can't change the size of an array once created. You either have to allocate it bigger than you think you'll need or accept the overhead of having to reallocate it needs to grow in size. When it does you'll have to allocate a new one and copy the data from the old to the new:

int[] oldItems = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    oldItems[i] = i + 10;
int[] newItems = new int[20];
System.arraycopy(oldItems, 0, newItems, 0, 10);
oldItems = newItems;

If you find yourself in this situation, I'd highly recommend using the Java Collections instead. In particular ArrayList essentially wraps an array and takes care of the logic for growing the array as required:

List<XClass> myclass = new ArrayList<XClass>();
myclass.add(new XClass());
myclass.add(new XClass());

Generally an ArrayList is a preferable solution to an array anyway for several reasons. For one thing, arrays are mutable. If you have a class that does this:

class Myclass {
    private int[] items;

    public int[] getItems() {
        return items;

you've created a problem as a caller can change your private data member, which leads to all sorts of defensive copying. Compare this to the List version:

class Myclass {
    private List<Integer> items;

    public List<Integer> getItems() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(items);

How can I see normal print output created during pytest run?

You can also enable live-logging by setting the following in pytest.ini or tox.ini in your project root.

log_cli = True

Or specify it directly on cli

pytest -o log_cli=True

Display Parameter(Multi-value) in Report

You can use the "Join" function to create a single string out of the array of labels, like this:

=Join(Parameters!Product.Label, ",")

Histogram Matplotlib

This might be useful for someone.

Numpy's histogram function returns the edges of each bin, rather than the value of the bin. This makes sense for floating-point numbers, which can lie within an interval, but may not be the desired result when dealing with discrete values or integers (0, 1, 2, etc). In particular, the length of bins returned from np.histogram is not equal to the length of the counts / density.

To get around this, I used np.digitize to quantize the input, and count the fraction of counts for each bin. You could easily edit to get the integer number of counts.

def compute_PMF(data):
    import numpy as np
    from collections import Counter
    _, bins = np.histogram(data, bins='auto', range=(data.min(), data.max()), density=False)
    h = Counter(np.digitize(data,bins) - 1)
    weights = np.asarray(list(h.values())) 
    weights = weights / weights.sum()
    values = np.asarray(list(h.keys()))
    return weights, values




Define a fixed-size list in Java

If you want some flexibility, create a class that watches the size of the list.

Here's a simple example. You would need to override all the methods that change the state of the list.

public class LimitedArrayList<T> extends ArrayList<T>{
    private int limit;

    public LimitedArrayList(int limit){
        this.limit = limit;

    public void add(T item){
        if (this.size() > limit)
            throw new ListTooLargeException();

    // ... similarly for other methods that may add new elements ...

Reset MySQL root password using ALTER USER statement after install on Mac

On MySQL 5.7.x you need to switch to native password to be able to change it, like:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'test';

How do I "break" out of an if statement?

I don't know your test conditions, but a good old switch could work

  case red:
      case hyundai: 

PHPMailer - SMTP ERROR: Password command failed when send mail from my server

This error is due to more security features of gmail..

Once this error is generated...Please login to your gmail account..there you can find security alert from GOOGLE..follow the mail...check on click for less secure option..Then try again phpmailer..

How does java do modulus calculations with negative numbers?

In my version of Java JDK 1.8.0_05 -13%64=-13

you could try -13-(int(-13/64)) in other words do division cast to an integer to get rid of the fraction part then subtract from numerator So numerator-(int(numerator/denominator)) should give the correct remainder & sign

jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax)

In your case it should suffice to just add another hidden field to your form dynamically.

var input = $("<input>").attr("type", "hidden").val("Bla");

bash shell nested for loop

# loop*figures.bash

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for j in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo  -n "*" 
# outputs
# *
# **
# ***
# ****
# *****

for i in 5 4 3 2 1 # First loop.
    for j in $(seq -$i -1)
        echo  -n "*" 

# outputs
# *****
# ****
# ***
# **
# *

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for k in $(seq -5 -$i)
        echo -n ' '
    for j in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo  -n "* " 

# outputs
#     * 
#    * * 
#   * * * 
#  * * * * 
# * * * * * 

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for j in $(seq -5 -$i)
        echo  -n "* " 
    for k in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo -n ' '

# outputs
# * * * * * 
#  * * * * 
#   * * * 
#    * * 
#     *

exit 0

How do I add a border to an image in HTML?

The correct way depends on whether you only want a specific image in your content to have a border or there is a pattern in your code where certain images need to have a border. In the first case, go with the style attribute on the img element, otherwise give it a meaningful class name and define that border in your stylesheet.

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

I use this one-liner, broken into several lines for readability:

adb devices |
 perl -nle 'print $1 if /emulator-(\d+).device$/' |
 xargs -t -l1 -i bash -c "
   ( echo auth $(cat $HOME/.emulator_console_auth_token) ;
     echo kill ;
     yes ) |
   telnet localhost {}"

What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#?

Java class final and method final -> sealed. Java member variable final -> readonly for runtime constant, const for compile time constant.

No equivalent for Local Variable final and method argument final

What is the difference between parseInt(string) and Number(string) in JavaScript?

Addendum to @sjngm's answer:

They both also ignore whitespace:

var foo = "    3     ";
console.log(parseInt(foo)); // 3
console.log(Number(foo)); // 3

Format cell color based on value in another sheet and cell

I'm using Excel 2003 -

The problem with using conditional formatting here is that you can't reference another worksheet or workbook in your conditions. What you can to do is set some column on sheet 1 equal to the appropriate column on sheet 2 (in your example =Sheet2!B6). I used Column F in my example below. Then you can use conditional formatting. Select the cell at Sheet 1, row , column 1 and then go to the conditional formatting menu. Choose "Formula Is" from the drop down and set the condition to "=$F$6=4". Click on the format button and then choose the Patterns tab. Choose the color you want and you're done.

You can use the format painter tool to apply conditional formatting to other cells, but be aware that by default Excel uses absolute references in the conditions. If you want them to be relative you'll need to remove the dollar signs from the condition.

You can have up to 3 conditions applied to a cell (use the add >> button at the bottom of the Conditional formatting dialog) so if the last row is fixed (for example, you know that it will always be row 10) you can use it as a condition to set the background color to none. Assuming that the last value you care about is in row 10 then (still assuming that you've set column F on sheet1 to the corresponding cells on sheet 2) then set the 1st condition to Formula Is =$F$10="" and the pattern to None. Make it the first condition and it will override any following conflicting statements.

error: the details of the application error from being viewed remotely

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

Enable SQL Server Broker taking too long

Actually I am preferring to use NEW_BROKER ,it is working fine on all cases:


Differences between arm64 and aarch64

AArch64 is the 64-bit state introduced in the Armv8-A architecture ( The 32-bit state which is backwards compatible with Armv7-A and previous 32-bit Arm architectures is referred to as AArch32. Therefore the GNU triplet for the 64-bit ISA is aarch64. The Linux kernel community chose to call their port of the kernel to this architecture arm64 rather than aarch64, so that's where some of the arm64 usage comes from.

As far as I know the Apple backend for aarch64 was called arm64 whereas the LLVM community-developed backend was called aarch64 (as it is the canonical name for the 64-bit ISA) and later the two were merged and the backend now is called aarch64.

So AArch64 and ARM64 refer to the same thing.

Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated

Nitin is correct - the issue is actually in the MDB2 code.

According to Replacement for PEAR: MDB2 on PHP 5.3 you can update to the SVN version of MDB2 for a version which is PHP5.3 compatible.

As that answer was given in March 2010, and shows a release some months later, I expect the current version of MDB2 will solve the issue also.

How to convert a const char * to std::string

There is a constructor accepting two pointer parameters, so the code is simply

 std::string cppstr(cstr, cstr + min(max_length, strlen(cstr)));

this is also going to be as efficient as std::string cppstr(cstr) if the length is smaller than max_length.

How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?

  1. logic :

CREATE TABLE () (SELECT data FROM other_table ) ENGINE=CSV ;

When you create a CSV table, the server creates a table format file in the database directory. The file begins with the table name and has an .frm extension. The storage engine also creates a data file. Its name begins with the table name and has a .CSV extension. The data file is a plain text file. When you store data into the table, the storage engine saves it into the data file in comma-separated values format.

Enable/Disable a dropdownbox in jquery

To enable/disable -

$("#chkdwn2").change(function() { 
    if (this.checked) $("#dropdown").prop("disabled",true);
    else $("#dropdown").prop("disabled",false);

Demo -

Embed Google Map code in HTML with marker

I would suggest this way, one line iframe. no javascript needed at all. In query ?q=,

<iframe src=",77.627108&z=15&output=embed"></iframe>

How to implement a custom AlertDialog View

After changing the ID it, I needed to add the following to get the View to display:

((View) f1.getParent()).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);

However, this caused the new View to render in a big parent view with no background, breaking the dialog box in two parts (text and buttons, with the new View in between). I finally got the effect that I wanted by inserting my View next to the message:

LinearLayout f1 = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;

I found this solution by exploring the View tree with View.getParent() and View.getChildAt(int). Not really happy about either, though. None of this is in the Android docs and if they ever change the structure of the AlertDialog, this might break.

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

First, the client authenticates with the authorization server by giving the authorization grant.

Then, the client requests the resource server for the protected resource by giving the access token.

The resource server validates the access token and provides the protected resource.

The client makes the protected resource request to the resource server by granting the access token, where the resource server validates it and serves the request, if valid. This step keeps on repeating until the access token expires.

If the access token expires, the client authenticates with the authorization server and requests for a new access token by providing refresh token. If the access token is invalid, the resource server sends back the invalid token error response to the client.

The client authenticates with the authorization server by granting the refresh token.

The authorization server then validates the refresh token by authenticating the client and issues a new access token, if it is valid.

Tar archiving that takes input from a list of files

For me on AIX, it worked as follows:

tar -L List.txt -cvf BKP.tar

How to check identical array in most efficient way?

You could compare String representations so:

array1.toString() == array2.toString()
array1.toString() !== array3.toString()

but that would also make

array4 = ['1',2,3,4,5]

equal to array1 if that matters to you

How to display the string html contents into webbrowser control?

As commented by Thomas W. - I almost missed this comment but I had the same issues so it's worth rewriting as an answer I think.

The main issue being that after the first assignment of webBrowser1.DocumentText to some html, subsequent assignments had no effect.

The solution as linked by Thomas can be found in detail at however I will summarize below in case this page becomes unavailable in the future.

In short, due to the way the webBrowser control works, you must navigate to a new page each time you wish to change the content. Therefore the author proposes a method to update the control as:

private void DisplayHtml(string html)
    if (webBrowser1.Document != null)
    webBrowser1.DocumentText = html;

I have however found that in my current application I get a CastException from the line if(webBrowser1.Document != null). I'm not sure why this is, but I've found that if I wrap the whole if block in a try catch the desired effect still works. See:

private void DisplayHtml(string html)
        if (webBrowser1.Document != null)
    catch (CastException e)
    { } // do nothing with this
    webBrowser1.DocumentText = html;

So every time the function to DisplayHtml is executed I receive a CastException from the if statement, so the contents of the if statement are never reached. However if I comment out the if statement so as not to receive the CastException, then the browser control doesn't get updated. I suspect there is another side effect of the code behind the Document property which causes this effect despite the fact that it also throws an exception.

Anyway I hope this helps people.

Newline in markdown table?

Just for those that are trying to do this on Jira. Just add \\ at the end of each line and a new line will be created:

|Something|Something else \\ that's rather long|Something else|

Will render this:

enter image description here

Source: Text breaks on Jira

Getting current unixtimestamp using Moment.js

for UNIX time-stamp in milliseconds

moment().format('x') // lowerCase x

for UNIX time-stamp in seconds moment().format('X') // capital X

How do you Change a Package's Log Level using Log4j?

This work for my:

Also can try:

Creating multiple objects with different names in a loop to store in an array list

You can use this code...

public class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        String[] names = {"First", "Second", "Third"};//You Can Add More Names
        double[] amount = {20.0, 30.0, 40.0};//You Can Add More Amount
        List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<Customer>();
        int i = 0;
        while (i < names.length) {
            customers.add(new Customer(names[i], amount[i]));

Change text color with Javascript?

innerHTML is a string representing the contents of the element.

You want to modify the element itself. Drop the .innerHTML part.

How can I change the remote/target repository URL on Windows?

The easiest way to tweak this in my opinion (imho) is to edit the .git/config file in your repository. Look for the entry you messed up and just tweak the URL.

On my machine in a repo I regularly use it looks like this:

KidA% cat .git/config 
    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
    autocflg = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = ssh://localhost:8888/opt/local/var/git/project.git
    #url = ssh://
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

The line you see commented out is an alternative address for the repository that I sometimes switch to simply by changing which line is commented out.

This is the file that is getting manipulated under-the-hood when you run something like git remote rm or git remote add but in this case since its only a typo you made it might make sense to correct it this way.

laravel foreach loop in controller

Is sku just a property of the Product model? If so:

$products = Product::whereOwnerAndStatus($owner, 0)->take($count)->get();

foreach ($products as $product ) {
  // Access $product->sku here...

Or is sku a relationship to another model? If that is the case, then, as long as your relationship is setup properly, you code should work.

How to convert a data frame column to numeric type?

If you don't care about preserving the factors, and want to apply it to any column that can get converted to numeric, I used the script below. if df is your original dataframe, you can use the script below.

df[] <- lapply(df, as.character)
df <- data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) ifelse(!, as.numeric(x),  x)))

I referenced Shane's and Joran's solution btw

How to configure logging to syslog in Python?

Here's the yaml dictConfig way recommended for 3.2 & later.

In log cfg.yml:

version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: true

        format: "[%(process)d] %(name)s(%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) - %(levelname)s: %(message)s"

        class: logging.handlers.SysLogHandler
        level: DEBUG
        formatter: default
        address: /dev/log
        facility: local0

        class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
        level: DEBUG
        formatter: default
        filename: rotating.log
        maxBytes: 10485760 # 10MB
        backupCount: 20
        encoding: utf8

    level: DEBUG
    handlers: [syslog, rotating_file]
    propogate: yes

        level: DEBUG
        handlers: [syslog, rotating_file]
        propogate: yes

Load the config using:

log_config = yaml.safe_load(open('cfg.yml'))

Configured both syslog & a direct file. Note that the /dev/log is OS specific.

Working with huge files in VIM

I had the same problem, but it was a 300GB mysql dump and I wanted to get rid of the DROP and change CREATE TABLE to CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS so didn't want to run two invocations of sed. I wrote this quick Ruby script to dupe the file with those changes:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

    %q/^CREATE TABLE `foo`/ => %q/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `foo`/,
    %q/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `foo`;.*$/ => "-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `foo`;"

matchers.each_pair { |m,r|
    STDERR.puts "%s: %s" % [ m, r ]

STDIN.each { |line|
    #STDERR.puts "line=#{line}"
    unless matchers.length == 0
        matchers.each_pair { |m,r|
            next if line[re].nil?
            STDERR.puts "Matched: #{m} -> #{r}"
    puts line

Invoked like

./mreplace.rb < foo.sql > foo_two.sql

How to mark a method as obsolete or deprecated?

To mark as obsolete with a warning:

private static void SomeMethod()

You get a warning when you use it:

Obsolete warning is shown

And with IntelliSense:

Obsolete warning with IntelliSense

If you want a message:

[Obsolete("My message")]
private static void SomeMethod()

Here's the IntelliSense tool tip:

IntelliSense shows the obsolete message

Finally if you want the usage to be flagged as an error:

[Obsolete("My message", true)]
private static void SomeMethod()

When used this is what you get:

Method usage is displayed as an error

Note: Use the message to tell people what they should use instead, not why it is obsolete.

Javascript Array of Functions

/* PlanetGreeter */

class PlanetGreeter {
    hello   : { () : void; } [] = [];
    planet_1 : string = "World";
    planet_2 : string = "Mars";
    planet_3 : string = "Venus";
    planet_4 : string = "Uranus";
    planet_5 : string = "Pluto";
    constructor() {
        this.hello.push( () => { this.greet(this.planet_1); } );
        this.hello.push( () => { this.greet(this.planet_2); } );
        this.hello.push( () => { this.greet(this.planet_3); } );
        this.hello.push( () => { this.greet(this.planet_4); } );
        this.hello.push( () => { this.greet(this.planet_5); } );
    greet(a: string) : void { alert("Hello " + a); }
    greetRandomPlanet() : void { 
        this.hello [ Math.floor( 5 * Math.random() ) ] (); 
new PlanetGreeter().greetRandomPlanet();

Generate getters and setters in NetBeans

Position the cursor inside the class, then press ALT + Ins and select Getters and Setters from the contextual menu.

How to echo xml file in php

To display the html/xml "as is" (i.e. all entities and elements), simply escape the characters <, &, and enclose the result with <pre>:

$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$XML = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $XML);
$XML = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $XML);
echo '<pre>' . $XML . '</pre>';


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Tested on Chrome 45

NGINX to reverse proxy websockets AND enable SSL (wss://)?

For me, it came down to the proxy_pass location setting. I needed to change over to using the HTTPS protocol, and have a valid SSL certificate set up on the node server side of things. That way when I introduce an external node server, I only have to change the IP and everything else remains the same config.

I hope this helps someone along the way... I was staring at the problem the whole time... sigh...

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    ''      close;
upstream nodeserver {
server {
        listen 443 default_server ssl http2;
        listen [::]:443 default_server ssl http2 ipv6only=on;
        ssl_certificate ssl/site.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key ssl/site.key;
        location /websocket { #replace /websocket with the path required by your application
                proxy_pass https://nodeserver;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                proxy_intercept_errors on;
                proxy_redirect off;
                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
                proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;

ASP.NET: HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error 0x8007000d

In my case, because I had reinstalled iis, I needed to register iis with dot net 4 using this command:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Is there a way to get colored text in GitHubflavored Markdown?

You cannot get green/red text, but you can get green/red highlighted text using the diff language template. Example:

+ this text is highlighted in green
- this text is highlighted in red

HTML table with fixed headers?

I was looking for a solution for this for a while and found most of the answers are not working or not suitable for my situation, so I wrote a simple solution with jQuery.

This is the solution outline:

  1. Clone the table that needs to have a fixed header, and place the cloned copy on top of the original.
  2. Remove the table body from top table.
  3. Remove the table header from bottom table.
  4. Adjust the column widths. (We keep track of the original column widths)

Below is the code in a runnable demo.

function scrolify(tblAsJQueryObject, height) {_x000D_
  var oTbl = tblAsJQueryObject;_x000D_
  // for very large tables you can remove the four lines below_x000D_
  // and wrap the table with <div> in the mark-up and assign_x000D_
  // height and overflow property  _x000D_
  var oTblDiv = $("<div/>");_x000D_
  oTblDiv.css('height', height);_x000D_
  oTblDiv.css('overflow', 'scroll');_x000D_
  // save original width_x000D_
  oTbl.attr("data-item-original-width", oTbl.width());_x000D_
  oTbl.find('thead tr td').each(function() {_x000D_
    $(this).attr("data-item-original-width", $(this).width());_x000D_
  oTbl.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td').each(function() {_x000D_
    $(this).attr("data-item-original-width", $(this).width());_x000D_
  // clone the original table_x000D_
  var newTbl = oTbl.clone();_x000D_
  // remove table header from original table_x000D_
  oTbl.find('thead tr').remove();_x000D_
  // remove table body from new table_x000D_
  newTbl.find('tbody tr').remove();_x000D_
  // replace ORIGINAL COLUMN width    _x000D_
  newTbl.find('thead tr td').each(function() {_x000D_
  oTbl.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td').each(function() {_x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  scrolify($('#tblNeedsScrolling'), 160); // 160 is height_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div style="width:300px;border:6px green solid;">_x000D_
  <table border="1" width="100%" id="tblNeedsScrolling">_x000D_
      <tr><th>Header 1</th><th>Header 2</th></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 1, cell 1</td><td>row 1, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 2, cell 1</td><td>row 2, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 3, cell 1</td><td>row 3, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 4, cell 1</td><td>row 4, cell 2</td></tr>   _x000D_
      <tr><td>row 5, cell 1</td><td>row 5, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 6, cell 1</td><td>row 6, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 7, cell 1</td><td>row 7, cell 2</td></tr>_x000D_
      <tr><td>row 8, cell 1</td><td>row 8, cell 2</td></tr>   _x000D_

This solution works in Chrome and IE. Since it is based on jQuery, this should work in other jQuery supported browsers as well.

YouTube iframe API: how do I control an iframe player that's already in the HTML?

Fiddle Links: Source code - Preview - Small version
Update: This small function will only execute code in a single direction. If you want full support (eg event listeners / getters), have a look at Listening for Youtube Event in jQuery

As a result of a deep code analysis, I've created a function: function callPlayer requests a function call on any framed YouTube video. See the YouTube Api reference to get a full list of possible function calls. Read the comments at the source code for an explanation.

On 17 may 2012, the code size was doubled in order to take care of the player's ready state. If you need a compact function which does not deal with the player's ready state, see

 * @author       Rob W <[email protected]>
 * @website
 * @version      20190409
 * @description  Executes function on a framed YouTube video (see website link)
 *               For a full list of possible functions, see:
 * @param String frame_id The id of (the div containing) the frame
 * @param String func     Desired function to call, eg. "playVideo"
 *        (Function)      Function to call when the player is ready.
 * @param Array  args     (optional) List of arguments to pass to function func*/
function callPlayer(frame_id, func, args) {
    if (window.jQuery && frame_id instanceof jQuery) frame_id = frame_id.get(0).id;
    var iframe = document.getElementById(frame_id);
    if (iframe && iframe.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'IFRAME') {
        iframe = iframe.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];

    // When the player is not ready yet, add the event to a queue
    // Each frame_id is associated with an own queue.
    // Each queue has three possible states:
    //  undefined = uninitialised / array = queue / .ready=true = ready
    if (!callPlayer.queue) callPlayer.queue = {};
    var queue = callPlayer.queue[frame_id],
        domReady = document.readyState == 'complete';

    if (domReady && !iframe) {
        // DOM is ready and iframe does not exist. Log a message
        window.console && console.log('callPlayer: Frame not found; id=' + frame_id);
        if (queue) clearInterval(queue.poller);
    } else if (func === 'listening') {
        // Sending the "listener" message to the frame, to request status updates
        if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
            func = '{"event":"listening","id":' + JSON.stringify(''+frame_id) + '}';
            iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(func, '*');
    } else if ((!queue || !queue.ready) && (
               !domReady ||
               iframe && !iframe.contentWindow ||
               typeof func === 'function')) {
        if (!queue) queue = callPlayer.queue[frame_id] = [];
        queue.push([func, args]);
        if (!('poller' in queue)) {
            // keep polling until the document and frame is ready
            queue.poller = setInterval(function() {
                callPlayer(frame_id, 'listening');
            }, 250);
            // Add a global "message" event listener, to catch status updates:
            messageEvent(1, function runOnceReady(e) {
                if (!iframe) {
                    iframe = document.getElementById(frame_id);
                    if (!iframe) return;
                    if (iframe.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'IFRAME') {
                        iframe = iframe.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
                        if (!iframe) return;
                if (e.source === iframe.contentWindow) {
                    // Assume that the player is ready if we receive a
                    // message from the iframe
                    queue.ready = true;
                    messageEvent(0, runOnceReady);
                    // .. and release the queue:
                    while (tmp = queue.shift()) {
                        callPlayer(frame_id, tmp[0], tmp[1]);
            }, false);
    } else if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
        // When a function is supplied, just call it (like "onYouTubePlayerReady")
        if ( return func();
        // Frame exists, send message
            "event": "command",
            "func": func,
            "args": args || [],
            "id": frame_id
        }), "*");
    /* IE8 does not support addEventListener... */
    function messageEvent(add, listener) {
        var w3 = add ? window.addEventListener : window.removeEventListener;
        w3 ?
            w3('message', listener, !1)
            (add ? window.attachEvent : window.detachEvent)('onmessage', listener);


callPlayer("whateverID", function() {
    // This function runs once the player is ready ("onYouTubePlayerReady")
    callPlayer("whateverID", "playVideo");
// When the player is not ready yet, the function will be queued.
// When the iframe cannot be found, a message is logged in the console.
callPlayer("whateverID", "playVideo");

Possible questions (& answers):

Q: It doesn't work!
A: "Doesn't work" is not a clear description. Do you get any error messages? Please show the relevant code.

Q: playVideo does not play the video.
A: Playback requires user interaction, and the presence of allow="autoplay" on the iframe. See and

Q: I have embedded a YouTube video using <iframe src="" />but the function doesn't execute any function!
A: You have to add ?enablejsapi=1 at the end of your URL: /embed/vid_id?enablejsapi=1.

Q: I get error message "An invalid or illegal string was specified". Why?
A: The API doesn't function properly at a local host (file://). Host your (test) page online, or use JSFiddle. Examples: See the links at the top of this answer.

Q: How did you know this?
A: I have spent some time to manually interpret the API's source. I concluded that I had to use the postMessage method. To know which arguments to pass, I created a Chrome extension which intercepts messages. The source code for the extension can be downloaded here.

Q: What browsers are supported?
A: Every browser which supports JSON and postMessage.

  • IE 8+
  • Firefox 3.6+ (actually 3.5, but document.readyState was implemented in 3.6)
  • Opera 10.50+
  • Safari 4+
  • Chrome 3+

Related answer / implementation: Fade-in a framed video using jQuery
Full API support: Listening for Youtube Event in jQuery
Official API:

Revision history

  • 17 may 2012
    Implemented onYouTubePlayerReady: callPlayer('frame_id', function() { ... }).
    Functions are automatically queued when the player is not ready yet.
  • 24 july 2012
    Updated and successully tested in the supported browsers (look ahead).
  • 10 october 2013 When a function is passed as an argument, callPlayer forces a check of readiness. This is needed, because when callPlayer is called right after the insertion of the iframe while the document is ready, it can't know for sure that the iframe is fully ready. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, this scenario resulted in a too early invocation of postMessage, which was ignored.
  • 12 Dec 2013, recommended to add &origin=* in the URL.
  • 2 Mar 2014, retracted recommendation to remove &origin=* to the URL.
  • 9 april 2019, fix bug that resulted in infinite recursion when YouTube loads before the page was ready. Add note about autoplay.

Can I perform a DNS lookup (hostname to IP address) using client-side Javascript?

My version is like this:

php on my server:

    header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

    $data = json_encode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

    $callback = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 
    echo $callback . '(' . $data . ');';

jQuery on the page:

var self = this;
    url: this.url + "getip.php",
    data: null,
    type: 'GET',
    crossDomain: true,
    dataType: 'jsonp'

}).done( function( json ) {

    self.ip = json;


It works cross domain. It could use a status check. Working on that.

RSA Public Key format

Starting from the decoded base64 data of an OpenSSL rsa-ssh Key, i've been able to guess a format:

  • 00 00 00 07: four byte length prefix (7 bytes)
  • 73 73 68 2d 72 73 61: "ssh-rsa"
  • 00 00 00 01: four byte length prefix (1 byte)
  • 25: RSA Exponent (e): 25
  • 00 00 01 00: four byte length prefix (256 bytes)
  • RSA Modulus (n):

    7f 9c 09 8e 8d 39 9e cc d5 03 29 8b c4 78 84 5f
    d9 89 f0 33 df ee 50 6d 5d d0 16 2c 73 cf ed 46 
    dc 7e 44 68 bb 37 69 54 6e 9e f6 f0 c5 c6 c1 d9 
    cb f6 87 78 70 8b 73 93 2f f3 55 d2 d9 13 67 32 
    70 e6 b5 f3 10 4a f5 c3 96 99 c2 92 d0 0f 05 60 
    1c 44 41 62 7f ab d6 15 52 06 5b 14 a7 d8 19 a1 
    90 c6 c1 11 f8 0d 30 fd f5 fc 00 bb a4 ef c9 2d 
    3f 7d 4a eb d2 dc 42 0c 48 b2 5e eb 37 3c 6c a0 
    e4 0a 27 f0 88 c4 e1 8c 33 17 33 61 38 84 a0 bb 
    d0 85 aa 45 40 cb 37 14 bf 7a 76 27 4a af f4 1b 
    ad f0 75 59 3e ac df cd fc 48 46 97 7e 06 6f 2d 
    e7 f5 60 1d b1 99 f8 5b 4f d3 97 14 4d c5 5e f8 
    76 50 f0 5f 37 e7 df 13 b8 a2 6b 24 1f ff 65 d1 
    fb c8 f8 37 86 d6 df 40 e2 3e d3 90 2c 65 2b 1f 
    5c b9 5f fa e9 35 93 65 59 6d be 8c 62 31 a9 9b 
    60 5a 0e e5 4f 2d e6 5f 2e 71 f3 7e 92 8f fe 8b

The closest validation of my theory i can find it from RFC 4253:

The "ssh-rsa" key format has the following specific encoding:

  string    "ssh-rsa"
  mpint     e
  mpint     n

Here the 'e' and 'n' parameters form the signature key blob.

But it doesn't explain the length prefixes.

Taking the random RSA PUBLIC KEY i found (in the question), and decoding the base64 into hex:

30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 fb 11 99 ff 07 33 f6 e8 05 a4 fd 3b 36 ca 68 
e9 4d 7b 97 46 21 16 21 69 c7 15 38 a5 39 37 2e 27 f3 f5 1d f3 b0 8b 2e 
11 1c 2d 6b bf 9f 58 87 f1 3a 8d b4 f1 eb 6d fe 38 6c 92 25 68 75 21 2d 
dd 00 46 87 85 c1 8a 9c 96 a2 92 b0 67 dd c7 1d a0 d5 64 00 0b 8b fd 80 
fb 14 c1 b5 67 44 a3 b5 c6 52 e8 ca 0e f0 b6 fd a6 4a ba 47 e3 a4 e8 94 
23 c0 21 2c 07 e3 9a 57 03 fd 46 75 40 f8 74 98 7b 20 95 13 42 9a 90 b0 
9b 04 97 03 d5 4d 9a 1c fe 3e 20 7e 0e 69 78 59 69 ca 5b f5 47 a3 6b a3 
4d 7c 6a ef e7 9f 31 4e 07 d9 f9 f2 dd 27 b7 29 83 ac 14 f1 46 67 54 cd 
41 26 25 16 e4 a1 5a b1 cf b6 22 e6 51 d3 e8 3f a0 95 da 63 0b d6 d9 3e 
97 b0 c8 22 a5 eb 42 12 d4 28 30 02 78 ce 6b a0 cc 74 90 b8 54 58 1f 0f 
fb 4b a3 d4 23 65 34 de 09 45 99 42 ef 11 5f aa 23 1b 15 15 3d 67 83 7a 
63 02 03 01 00 01

From RFC3447 - Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1:

A.1.1 RSA public key syntax

An RSA public key should be represented with the ASN.1 type RSAPublicKey:

  RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
     modulus           INTEGER,  -- n
     publicExponent    INTEGER   -- e

The fields of type RSAPublicKey have the following meanings:

  • modulus is the RSA modulus n.
  • publicExponent is the RSA public exponent e.

Using Microsoft's excellent (and the only real) ASN.1 documentation:

30 82 01 0a       ;SEQUENCE (0x010A bytes: 266 bytes)
|  02 82 01 01    ;INTEGER  (0x0101 bytes: 257 bytes)
|  |  00          ;leading zero because high-bit, but number is positive
|  |  fb 11 99 ff 07 33 f6 e8 05 a4 fd 3b 36 ca 68 
|  |  e9 4d 7b 97 46 21 16 21 69 c7 15 38 a5 39 37 2e 27 f3 f5 1d f3 b0 8b 2e 
|  |  11 1c 2d 6b bf 9f 58 87 f1 3a 8d b4 f1 eb 6d fe 38 6c 92 25 68 75 21 2d 
|  |  dd 00 46 87 85 c1 8a 9c 96 a2 92 b0 67 dd c7 1d a0 d5 64 00 0b 8b fd 80 
|  |  fb 14 c1 b5 67 44 a3 b5 c6 52 e8 ca 0e f0 b6 fd a6 4a ba 47 e3 a4 e8 94 
|  |  23 c0 21 2c 07 e3 9a 57 03 fd 46 75 40 f8 74 98 7b 20 95 13 42 9a 90 b0 
|  |  9b 04 97 03 d5 4d 9a 1c fe 3e 20 7e 0e 69 78 59 69 ca 5b f5 47 a3 6b a3 
|  |  4d 7c 6a ef e7 9f 31 4e 07 d9 f9 f2 dd 27 b7 29 83 ac 14 f1 46 67 54 cd 
|  |  41 26 25 16 e4 a1 5a b1 cf b6 22 e6 51 d3 e8 3f a0 95 da 63 0b d6 d9 3e 
|  |  97 b0 c8 22 a5 eb 42 12 d4 28 30 02 78 ce 6b a0 cc 74 90 b8 54 58 1f 0f 
|  |  fb 4b a3 d4 23 65 34 de 09 45 99 42 ef 11 5f aa 23 1b 15 15 3d 67 83 7a 
|  |  63 
|  02 03          ;INTEGER (3 bytes)
|     01 00 01

giving the public key modulus and exponent:

  • modulus = 0xfb1199ff0733f6e805a4fd3b36ca68...837a63
  • exponent = 65,537

Update: My expanded form of this answer in another question

Make columns of equal width in <table>

Use following property same as table and its fully dynamic:

ul {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    table-layout: fixed; /* optional, for equal spacing */_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid pink;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
  <li>baz klxjgkldjklg </li>_x000D_
  <li>baz lds.jklklds</li>_x000D_

May be its solve your issue.

How to get the azure account tenant Id?

If you have installed Azure CLI 2.0 in your machine, you should be able to get the list of subscription that you belong to with the following command,

az login

if you want to see as a table output you could just use

az account get-access-token --query tenant --output tsv

or you could use the Rest API

How to edit log message already committed in Subversion?

Here's a handy variation that I don't see mentioned in the faq. You can return the current message for editing by specifying a text editor.

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r N --editor-cmd vim

Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)?

It's an invisible folder. Just hit Command + Shift + G (takes you to the Go to Folder menu item) and type /etc/.

Then it will take you to inside that folder.

100% Min Height CSS layout

First you should create a div with id='footer' after your content div and then simply do this.

Your HTML should look like this:

        <div id="content">
        <div id="footer"></div>

And the CSS:

?html, body {
    height: 100%;   
#content {
    height: 100%;
#footer {
    clear: both;        

Proper way to concatenate variable strings

Good question. But I think there is no good answer which fits your criteria. The best I can think of is to use an extra vars file.

A task like this:

- include_vars: concat.yml

And in concat.yml you have your definition:

newvar: "{{ var1 }}-{{ var2 }}-{{ var3 }}"

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?


Will give you a comma-delimited string

check if a string matches an IP address pattern in python?

Other regex answers in this page will accept an IP with a number over 255.

This regex will avoid this problem:

import re

def validate_ip(ip_str):
    reg = r"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
    if re.match(reg, ip_str):
        return True
        return False

MySQL - Trigger for updating same table after insert

This is how I update a row in the same table on insert

activationCode and email are rows in the table USER. On insert I don't specify a value for activationCode, it will be created on the fly by MySQL.

Change username with your MySQL username and db_name with your db name.

CREATE DEFINER=`username`@`localhost` 
       TRIGGER `db_name`.`user_BEFORE_INSERT` 
       BEFORE INSERT ON `user` 
            SET new.activationCode = MD5(;

Any way to break if statement in PHP?


The goto operator can be used to jump to another section in the program. The target point is specified by a label followed by a colon, and the instruction is given as goto followed by the desired target label. This is not a full unrestricted goto. The target label must be within the same file and context, meaning that you cannot jump out of a function or method, nor can you jump into one. You also cannot jump into any sort of loop or switch structure. You may jump out of these, and a common use is to use a goto in place of a multi-level break...

GCC: array type has incomplete element type

It's the array that's causing trouble in:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][], int nodes);

The second and subsequent dimensions must be given:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][32], int nodes);

Or you can just give a pointer to pointer:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double **weight, int nodes);

However, although they look similar, those are very different internally.

If you're using C99, you can use variably-qualified arrays. Quoting an example from the C99 standard (section § Array Declarators):

void fvla(int m, int C[m][m]); // valid: VLA with prototype scope

void fvla(int m, int C[m][m])  // valid: adjusted to auto pointer to VLA
    typedef int VLA[m][m];     // valid: block scope typedef VLA
    struct tag {
        int (*y)[n];           // invalid: y not ordinary identifier
        int z[n];              // invalid: z not ordinary identifier
    int D[m];                  // valid: auto VLA
    static int E[m];           // invalid: static block scope VLA
    extern int F[m];           // invalid: F has linkage and is VLA
    int (*s)[m];               // valid: auto pointer to VLA
    extern int (*r)[m];        // invalid: r has linkage and points to VLA
    static int (*q)[m] = &B;   // valid: q is a static block pointer to VLA

Question in comments

[...] In my main(), the variable I am trying to pass into the function is a double array[][], so how would I pass that into the function? Passing array[0][0] into it gives me incompatible argument type, as does &array and &array[0][0].

In your main(), the variable should be:

double array[10][20];

or something faintly similar; maybe

double array[][20] = { { 1.0, 0.0, ... }, ... };

You should be able to pass that with code like this:

typedef struct graph_node
    int X;
    int Y;
    int active;
} g_node;

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][20], int nodes);

int main(void)
    g_node g[10];
    double array[10][20];
    int n = 10;

    print_graph(g, array, n);
    return 0;

That compiles (to object code) cleanly with GCC 4.2 (i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)) and also with GCC 4.7.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.3 using the command line:

/usr/bin/gcc -O3 -g -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -c zzz.c


I don't know how to test SET NOCOUNT ON between client and SQL, so I tested a similar behavior for other SET command "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCIMMITTED"

I sent a command from my connection changing the default behavior of SQL (READ COMMITTED), and it was changed for the next commands. When I changed the ISOLATION level inside a stored procedure, it didn't change the connection behavior for the next command.

Current conclusion,

  1. Changing settings inside stored procedure doesn't change the connection default settings.
  2. Changing setting by sending commands using the ADOCOnnection changes the default behavior.

I think this is relevant to other SET command such like "SET NOCOUNT ON"

Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle

First of all, dynamically pivot using pivot xml again needs to be parsed. We have another way of doing this by storing the column names in a variable and passing them in the dynamic sql as below.

Consider we have a table like below.

enter image description here

If we need to show the values in the column YR as column names and the values in those columns from QTY, then we can use the below code.

  sqlqry clob;
  cols clob;
  select listagg('''' || YR || ''' as "' || YR || '"', ',') within group (order by YR)
  into   cols
  from   (select distinct YR from EMPLOYEE);

  sqlqry :=
  select * from
      select *
      from EMPLOYEE
    MIN(QTY) for YR in (' || cols  || ')

  execute immediate sqlqry;


enter image description here

Creating a byte array from a stream

In case anyone likes it, here is a .NET 4+ only solution formed as an extension method without the needless Dispose call on the MemoryStream. This is a hopelessly trivial optimization, but it is worth noting that failing to Dispose a MemoryStream is not a real failure.

public static class StreamHelpers
    public static byte[] ReadFully(this Stream input)
        var ms = new MemoryStream();
        return ms.ToArray();

Set a Fixed div to 100% width of the parent container

You could use absolute positioning to pin the footer to the base of the parent div. I have also added 10px padding-bottom to the wrap (match the height of the footer). The absolute positioning is relative to the parent div rather than outside of the flow since you have already given it the position relative attribute.

body{ height:20000px }
#wrapper {padding:10%;}
    float: left;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    position: relative;
    width: 40%; 
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;


When using a Settings.settings file in .NET, where is the config actually stored?

Assuming that you're talking about desktop and not web applications:

When you add settings to a project, VS creates a file named app.config in your project directory and stores the settings in that file. It also builds the Settings.cs file that provides the static accessors to the individual settings.

At compile time, VS will (by default; you can change this) copy the app.config to the build directory, changing its name to match the executable (e.g. if your executable is named foo.exe, the file will be named foo.exe.config), which is the name the .NET configuration manager looks for when it retrieves settings at runtime.

If you change a setting through the VS settings editor, it will update both app.config and Settings.cs. (If you look at the property accessors in the generated code in Settings.cs, you'll see that they're marked with an attribute containing the default value of the setting that's in your app.config file.) If you change a setting by editing the app.config file directly, Settings.cs won't be updated, but the new value will still be used by your program when you run it, because app.config gets copied to foo.exe.config at compile time. If you turn this off (by setting the file's properties), you can change a setting by directly editing the foo.exe.config file in the build directory.

Then there are user-scoped settings.

Application-scope settings are read-only. Your program can modify and save user-scope settings, thus allowing each user to have his/her own settings. These settings aren't stored in the foo.exe.config file (since under Vista, at least, programs can't write to any subdirectory of Program Files without elevation); they're stored in a configuration file in the user's application data directory.

The path to that file is %appdata%\%publisher_name%\%program_name%\%version%\user.config, e.g. C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Local\My_Company\My_Program.exe\1.0.0\user.config. Note that if you've given your program a strong name, the strong name will be appended to the program name in this path.

Git blame -- prior commits?

git blame -L 10,+1 fe25b6d^ -- src/options.cpp

You can specify a revision for git blame to look back starting from (instead of the default of HEAD); fe25b6d^ is the parent of fe25b6d.

Edit: New to Git 2.23, we have the --ignore-rev option added to git blame:

git blame --ignore-rev fe25b6d

While this doesn't answer OP's question of giving the stack of commits (you'll use git log for that, as per the other answer), it is a better way of this solution, as you won't potentially misblame the other lines.

Iterate through a C array

I think you should store the size somewhere.

The null-terminated-string kind of model for determining array length is a bad idea. For instance, getting the size of the array will be O(N) when it could very easily have been O(1) otherwise.

Having that said, a good solution might be glib's Arrays, they have the added advantage of expanding automatically if you need to add more items.

P.S. to be completely honest, I haven't used much of glib, but I think it's a (very) reputable library.

How to disable RecyclerView scrolling?

If you just disable only scroll functionality of RecyclerView then you can use setLayoutFrozen(true); method of RecyclerView. But it can not be disable touch event.


How to programmatically connect a client to a WCF service?

You'll have to use the ChannelFactory class.

Here's an example:

var myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
var myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice");
using (var myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IMyService>(myBinding, myEndpoint))
    IMyService client = null;

        client = myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
        (client as ICommunicationObject)?.Abort();

Related resources:

Transfer data between iOS and Android via Bluetooth?

This question has been asked many times on this site and the definitive answer is: NO, you can't connect an Android phone to an iPhone over Bluetooth, and YES Apple has restrictions that prevent this.

Some possible alternatives:

  1. Bonjour over WiFi, as you mentioned. However, I couldn't find a comprehensive tutorial for it.
  2. Some internet based sync service, like Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3. These usually have libraries for several platforms.
  3. Direct TCP/IP communication over sockets. (How to write a small (socket) server in iOS)
  4. Bluetooth Low Energy will be possible once the issues on the Android side are solved (Communicating between iOS and Android with Bluetooth LE)

Coolest alternative: use the Bump API. It has iOS and Android support and really easy to integrate. For small payloads this can be the most convenient solution.

Details on why you can't connect an arbitrary device to the iPhone. iOS allows only some bluetooth profiles to be used without the Made For iPhone (MFi) certification (HPF, A2DP, MAP...). The Serial Port Profile that you would require to implement the communication is bound to MFi membership. Membership to this program provides you to the MFi authentication module that has to be added to your hardware and takes care of authenticating the device towards the iPhone. Android phones don't have this module, so even though the physical connection may be possible to build up, the authentication step will fail. iPhone to iPhone communication is possible as both ends are able to authenticate themselves.

Can inner classes access private variables?

var is not a member of inner class.

To access var, a pointer or reference to an outer class instance should be used. e.g. pOuter->var will work if the inner class is a friend of outer, or, var is public, if one follows C++ standard strictly.

Some compilers treat inner classes as the friend of the outer, but some may not. See this document for IBM compiler:

"A nested class is declared within the scope of another class. The name of a nested class is local to its enclosing class. Unless you use explicit pointers, references, or object names, declarations in a nested class can only use visible constructs, including type names, static members, and enumerators from the enclosing class and global variables.

Member functions of a nested class follow regular access rules and have no special access privileges to members of their enclosing classes. Member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to members of a nested class."

Get value of input field inside an iframe

Yes it should be possible, even if the site is from another domain.

For example, in an HTML page on my site I have an iFrame whose contents are sourced from another website. The iFrame content is a single select field.

I need to be able to read the selected value on my site. In other words, I need to use the select list from another domain inside my own application. I do not have control over any server settings.

Initially therefore we might be tempted to do something like this (simplified):

HTML in my site:

<iframe name='select_frame' src=''></iframe>
<input type='button' name='save' value='SAVE'>

HTML contents of iFrame (loaded from select.php on another domain):

<select id='select_name'>
    <option value='john'>John</option>
    <option value='jim' selected>Jim</option>


$('input:button[name=save]').click(function() {
    var name = $('iframe[name=select_frame]').contents().find('#select_name').val();

However, I receive this javascript error when I attempt to read the value:

Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

To get around this problem, it seems that you can indirectly source the iFrame from a script in your own site, and have that script read the contents from the other site using a method like file_get_contents() or curl etc.

So, create a script (for example: select_local.php in the current directory) on your own site with contents similar to this:

PHP content of select_local.php:

    $url = "" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $html_select = file_get_contents($url);
    echo $html_select;

Also modify the HTML to call this local (instead of the remote) script:

<iframe name='select_frame' src='select_local.php?initial_name=jim'></iframe>
<input type='button' name='save' value='SAVE'>

Now your browser should think that it is loading the iFrame content from the same domain.

Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock

I have tried all of below steps, but none worked.

  1. Delete lockfile;
  2. Run killall -9 dart;
  3. Restart my PC.

Below is the final command that worked for me

rm -rf <flutter_dir>bin/cache/.upgrade_lock

Difference between two numpy arrays in python

You can also use numpy.subtract

It has the advantage over the difference operator, -, that you do not have to transform the sequences (list or tuples) into a numpy arrays — you save the two commands:

array1 = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
array2 = np.array([1, 2, 3])

Example: (Python 3.5)

import numpy as np
result = np.subtract([1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [1, 2, 3])
print ('the difference =', result)

which gives you

the difference = [ 0.1  0.2  0.3]

Remember, however, that if you try to subtract sequences (lists or tuples) with the - operator you will get an error. In this case, you need the above commands to transform the sequences in numpy arrays

Wrong Code:

print([1.1, 2.2, 3.3] - [1, 2, 3])

File Upload with Angular Material

Based on this answer. It took some time for me to make this approach working, so I hope my answer will save someone's time.

DEMO on CodePen


angular.module('app').directive('apsUploadFile', apsUploadFile);

function apsUploadFile() {
    var directive = {
        restrict: 'E',
        templateUrl: 'upload.file.template.html',
        link: apsUploadFileLink
    return directive;

function apsUploadFileLink(scope, element, attrs) {
    var input = $(element[0].querySelector('#fileInput'));
    var button = $(element[0].querySelector('#uploadButton'));
    var textInput = $(element[0].querySelector('#textInput'));

    if (input.length && button.length && textInput.length) { (e) {
        }); (e) {

    input.on('change', function (e) {
        var files =;
        if (files[0]) {
            scope.fileName = files[0].name;
        } else {
            scope.fileName = null;


<input id="fileInput" type="file" class="ng-hide">
<md-button id="uploadButton"
           class="md-raised md-primary"
    Choose file
<md-input-container md-no-float>
    <input id="textInput" ng-model="fileName" type="text" placeholder="No file chosen" ng-readonly="true">

How to state in requirements.txt a direct github source

Github has a zip endpoint that in my opinion is preferable to using the git protocol. The advantages are:

  • You don't have to specify #egg=<project name>
  • Git doesn't need to be installed in your environment, which is nice for containerized environments
  • It works much better with pip hashing
  • The URL structure is easier to remember and more discoverable

You usually want requirements.txt entries to look like this, e.g. without the -e prefix:

To install from main branch:

Leader Not Available Kafka in Console Producer

Since I wanted my kafka broker to connect with remote producers and consumers, So I don't want advertised.listener to be commented out. In my case, (running kafka on kubernetes), I found out that my kafka pod was not assigned any Cluster IP. By removing the line clusterIP: None from services.yml, the kubernetes assigns an internal-ip to kafka pod. This resolved my issue of LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE and also remote connection of kafka producers/consumers.

Regex pattern to match at least 1 number and 1 character in a string

Maybe a bit late, but this is my RE:



\w* -> 0 or more alphanumeric digits, at the beginning

\d+[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z]+\d -> a digit + a letter OR a letter + a digit

\w* -> 0 or more alphanumeric digits, again

I hope it was understandable

How to read a Parquet file into Pandas DataFrame?

Aside from pandas, Apache pyarrow also provides way to transform parquet to dataframe

The code is simple, just type:

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

df = pq.read_table(source=your_file_path).to_pandas()

For more information, see the document from Apache pyarrow Reading and Writing Single Files

Looping through a hash, or using an array in PowerShell

A short traverse could be given too using the sub-expression operator $( ), which returns the result of one or more statements.

$hash = @{ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3}

forEach($y in $hash.Keys){
    Write-Host "$y -> $($hash[$y])"


a -> 1
b -> 2
c -> 3

MSSQL Select statement with incremental integer column... not from a table

You can start with a custom number and increment from there, for example you want to add a cheque number for each payment you can do:

select @StartChequeNumber = 3446;
((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY AnyColumn)) + @StartChequeNumber ) AS 'ChequeNumber'
,* FROM YourTable

will give the correct cheque number for each row.

Getter and Setter declaration in .NET

Properties are used to encapsulate some data. You could use a plain field:

public string MyField

But this field can be accessed by all outside users of your class. People can insert illegal values or change the value in ways you didn't expect.

By using a property, you can encapsulate the way your data is accessed. C# has a nice syntax for turning a field into a property:

string MyProperty { get; set; }

This is called an auto-implemented property. When the need arises you can expand your property to:

string _myProperty;

public string MyProperty
    get { return _myProperty; }
    set { _myProperty = value; }

Now you can add code that validates the value in your setter:

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
        throw new ArgumentNullException();

    _myProperty = value;

Properties can also have different accessors for the getter and the setter:

public string MyProperty { get; private set; }

This way you create a property that can be read by everyone but can only be modified by the class itself.

You can also add a completely custom implementation for your getter:

public string MyProperty
        return DateTime.Now.Second.ToString();

When C# compiles your auto-implemented property, it generates Intermediate Language (IL). In your IL you will see a get_MyProperty and set_MyProperty method. It also creates a backing field called <MyProperty>k_BackingField (normally this would be an illegal name in C# but in IL it's valid. This way you won't get any conflicts between generated types and your own code). However, you should use the official property syntax in C#. This creates a nicer experience in C# (for example with IntelliSense).

By convention, you shouldn't use properties for operations that take a long time.

Powershell get ipv4 address into a variable

$a = ipconfig
$result = $a[8] -replace "IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :",""

Also check which index of ipconfig has the IPv4 Address

View not attached to window manager crash

See how the Code is working here:

After calling the Async task, the async task runs in the background. that is desirable. Now, this Async task has a progress dialog which is attached to the Activity, if you ask how to see the code:

pDialog = new ProgressDialog(CLASS.this);

You are passing the Class.this as context to the argument. So the Progress dialog is still attached to the activity.

Now consider the scenario: If we try to finish the activity using the finish() method, while the async task is in progress, is the point where you are trying to access the Resource attached to the activity ie the progress bar when the activity is no more there.

Hence you get:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to the window manager

Solution to this:

1) Make sure that the Dialog box is dismissed or canceled before the activity finishes.

2) Finish the activity, only after the dialog box is dismissed, that is the async task is over.

Eclipse compilation error: The hierarchy of the type 'Class name' is inconsistent

I 've experienced this problem on Eclipse Juno, the root cause was that although some spring jars were being included by transient maven dependencies they were included in incorrect versions.

So you should check if using a modularized framework as spring that every module (or at least the most important: core, beans, context, aop, tx, etc.) are in the same version.

To solve the problem I 've used maven dependnecy exclusions to avoid incorrect version of transient dependencies.

Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

You test k = M instead of k == M.
Maybe it is what you want to do, in this case, write if (match == 0 && (k = M))

Web Reference vs. Service Reference

Adding a service reference allows you to create a WCF client, which can be used to talk to a regular web service provided you use the appropriate binding. Adding a web reference will allow you to create only a web service (i.e., SOAP) reference.

If you are absolutely certain you are not ready for WCF (really don't know why) then you should create a regular web service reference.

Test credit card numbers for use with PayPal sandbox

If a credit card is already added to a PayPal account then it won't let you use that card to process directly with Payments Advanced. The system expects buyers to login to PayPal and just choose that credit card as their funding source if they want to pay with it.

As for testing on the sandbox, I've always used old, expired credit cards I have laying around and they seem to work fine for me.

You could always try the ones starting on page 87 of the PayFlow documentation, too. They should work.

Pandas: sum DataFrame rows for given columns

The shortest and simpliest way here is to use

    df.eval('e = a + b + d')

How can I wait for a thread to finish with .NET?

The previous two answers are great and will work for simple scenarios. There are other ways to synchronize threads, however. The following will also work:

public void StartTheActions()
    ManualResetEvent syncEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

    Thread t1 = new Thread(
        () =>
            // Do some work...

    Thread t2 = new Thread(
        () =>

            // Do some work...

ManualResetEvent is one of the various WaitHandle's that the .NET framework has to offer. They can provide much richer thread synchronization capabilities than the simple, but very common tools like lock()/Monitor, Thread.Join, etc.

They can also be used to synchronize more than two threads, allowing complex scenarios such as a 'master' thread that coordinates multiple 'child' threads, multiple concurrent processes that are dependent upon several stages of each other to be synchronized, etc.

Using variables in Nginx location rules

This is many years late but since I found the solution I'll post it here. By using maps it is possible to do what was asked:

map $http_host $variable_name {

    default       /ap/;   /api/;
    * /whatever/;

server {
    location $variable_name/test {
        proxy_pass $auth_proxy;

If you need to share the same endpoint across multiple servers, you can also reduce the cost by simply defaulting the value:

map "" $variable_name {
    default       /test/;

Map can be used to initialise a variable based on the content of a string and can be used inside http scope allowing variables to be global and sharable across servers.

Choose folders to be ignored during search in VS Code

The short answer is to comma-separate the folders you want to ignore in "files to exclude".

  1. Start workspace wide search: CTRL+SHIFT+f
  2. Expand the global search with the three-dot button
  3. Enter your search term
  4. As an example, in the files to exclude-input field write babel,concat to exclude the folder "babel" and the folder "concat" in the search (make sure the exclude button is enabled).
  5. Press enter to get the results.

SQL GROUP BY CASE statement with aggregate function

I think the answer is pretty simple (unless I'm missing something?)

    WHEN col1 > col2 THEN SUM(col3*col4)
    ELSE 0
END AS some_product
FROM some_table
    WHEN col1 > col2 THEN SUM(col3*col4)
    ELSE 0

You can put the CASE STATEMENT in the GROUP BY verbatim (minus the alias column name)

Find row number of matching value

For your first method change ws.Range("A") to ws.Range("A:A") which will search the entirety of column a, like so:

Sub Find_Bingo()

        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim FoundCell As Range
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
        Set ws = ActiveSheet

            Const WHAT_TO_FIND As String = "Bingo"

            Set FoundCell = ws.Range("A:A").Find(What:=WHAT_TO_FIND)
            If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox (WHAT_TO_FIND & " found in row: " & FoundCell.Row)
                MsgBox (WHAT_TO_FIND & " not found")
            End If
End Sub

For your second method, you are using Bingo as a variable instead of a string literal. This is a good example of why I add Option Explicit to the top of all of my code modules, as when you try to run the code it will direct you to this "variable" which is undefined and not intended to be a variable at all.

Additionally, when you are using With...End With you need a period . before you reference Cells, so Cells should be .Cells. This mimics the normal qualifying behavior (i.e. Sheet1.Cells.Find..)

Change Bingo to "Bingo" and change Cells to .Cells

With Sheet1
        Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(What:="Bingo", After:=.Cells(1, 1), _
        LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
        SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
    End With

If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox ("""Bingo"" found in row " & FoundCell.Row)
        MsgBox ("Bingo not found")
End If


In my

With Sheet1
End With

The Sheet1 refers to a worksheet's code name, not the name of the worksheet itself. For example, say I open a new blank Excel workbook. The default worksheet is just Sheet1. I can refer to that in code either with the code name of Sheet1 or I can refer to it with the index of Sheets("Sheet1"). The advantage to using a codename is that it does not change if you change the name of the worksheet.

Continuing this example, let's say I renamed Sheet1 to Data. Using Sheet1 would continue to work, as the code name doesn't change, but now using Sheets("Sheet1") would return an error and that syntax must be updated to the new name of the sheet, so it would need to be Sheets("Data").

In the VB Editor you would see something like this:

code object explorer example

Notice how, even though I changed the name to Data, there is still a Sheet1 to the left. That is what I mean by codename.

The Data worksheet can be referenced in two ways:

Debug.Print Sheet1.Name
Debug.Print Sheets("Data").Name

Both should return Data

More discussion on worksheet code names can be found here.

How to return XML in ASP.NET?

You've basically answered anything and everything already, so I'm no sure what the point is here?

FWIW I would use an httphandler - there seems no point in invoking a page lifecycle and having to deal with clipping off the bits of viewstate and session and what have you which don't make sense for an XML doc. It's like buying a car and stripping it for parts to make your motorbike.

And content-type is all important, it's how the requester knows what to do with the response.

HTML Image not displaying, while the src url works

my problem was not including the ../ before the image name

background-image: url("../image.png");

Youtube - downloading a playlist - youtube-dl

I have tried everything above, but none could solve my problem. I fixed it by updating the old version of youtube-dl to download playlist. To update it

sudo youtube-dl -U


youtube-dl -U

after you have successfully updated using the above command

youtube-dl -cit

RequestDispatcher.forward() vs HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

requestDispatcher - forward() method

  1. When we use the forward method, the request is transferred to another resource within the same server for further processing.

  2. In the case of forward, the web container handles all processing internally and the client or browser is not involved.

  3. When forward is called on the requestDispatcherobject, we pass the request and response objects, so our old request object is present on the new resource which is going to process our request.

  4. Visually, we are not able to see the forwarded address, it is transparent.

  5. Using the forward() method is faster than sendRedirect.

  6. When we redirect using forward, and we want to use the same data in a new resource, we can use request.setAttribute() as we have a request object available.


  1. In case of sendRedirect, the request is transferred to another resource, to a different domain, or to a different server for further processing.

  2. When you use sendRedirect, the container transfers the request to the client or browser, so the URL given inside the sendRedirect method is visible as a new request to the client.

  3. In case of sendRedirect call, the old request and response objects are lost because it’s treated as new request by the browser.

  4. In the address bar, we are able to see the new redirected address. It’s not transparent.

  5. sendRedirect is slower because one extra round trip is required, because a completely new request is created and the old request object is lost. Two browser request are required.

  6. But in sendRedirect, if we want to use the same data for a new resource we have to store the data in session or pass along with the URL.

Which one is good?

Its depends upon the scenario for which method is more useful.

If you want control is transfer to new server or context, and it is treated as completely new task, then we go for sendRedirect. Generally, a forward should be used if the operation can be safely repeated upon a browser reload of the web page and will not affect the result.


How to remove the Flutter debug banner?

MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, )

Android Pop-up message

If you want a Popup that closes automatically, you should look for Toasts. But if you want a dialog that the user has to close first before proceeding, you should look for a Dialog.

For both approaches it is possible to read a text file with the text you want to display. But you could also hardcode the text or use R.String to set the text.

Inline list initialization in VB.NET

Collection initializers are only available in VB.NET 2010, released 2010-04-12:

Dim theVar = New List(Of String) From { "one", "two", "three" }

Run a Command Prompt command from Desktop Shortcut

Yes, make the shortcut's path

%comspec% /k <command>


  • %comspec% is the environment variable for cmd.exe's full path, equivalent to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe on most (if not all) Windows installs
  • /k keeps the window open after the command has run, this may be replaced with /c if you want the window to close once the command is finished running
  • <command> is the command you wish to run

How to save public key from a certificate in .pem format

There are a couple ways to do this.

First, instead of going into openssl command prompt mode, just enter everything on one command line from the Windows prompt:

E:\> openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem  > pubkey.pem

If for some reason, you have to use the openssl command prompt, just enter everything up to the ">". Then OpenSSL will print out the public key info to the screen. You can then copy this and paste it into a file called pubkey.pem.

openssl> x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem

Output will look something like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

What does /p mean in set /p?

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

Two ways I've used it... first:

SET /P variable=

When batch file reaches this point (when left blank) it will halt and wait for user input. Input then becomes variable.

And second:

SET /P variable=<%temp%\filename.txt

Will set variable to contents (the first line) of the txt file. This method won't work unless the /P is included. Both tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, but it's the same on 7 and 10.

Add Header and Footer for PDF using iTextsharp

This link will help you out completely(the Shortest and Most Elegant way):

Header Footer with PageEvent

        PdfPTable tbheader = new PdfPTable(3);
        tbheader.TotalWidth = document.PageSize.Width - document.LeftMargin - document.RightMargin;
        tbheader.DefaultCell.Border = 0;
        tbheader.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        tbheader.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        var _cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("This is my header", arial_italic));
        _cell2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
        _cell2.Border = 0;
        float[] widths = new float[] { 20f, 20f, 60f };
        tbheader.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, document.LeftMargin, writer.PageSize.GetTop(document.TopMargin), writer.DirectContent);

        PdfPTable tbfooter = new PdfPTable(3);
        tbfooter.TotalWidth = document.PageSize.Width - document.LeftMargin - document.RightMargin;
        tbfooter.DefaultCell.Border = 0;
        tbfooter.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        tbfooter.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        var _cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("This is my footer", arial_italic));
        _cell2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
        _cell2.Border = 0;
        tbfooter.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        tbfooter.AddCell(new Paragraph());
        var _celly = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(writer.PageNumber.ToString()));//For page no.
        _celly.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
        _celly.Border = 0;
        float[] widths1 = new float[] { 20f, 20f, 60f };
        tbfooter.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, document.LeftMargin, writer.PageSize.GetBottom(document.BottomMargin), writer.DirectContent);

Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap?

Using C++ arrays with new (that is, using dynamic arrays) should be avoided. There is the problem you have to keep track of the size, and you need to delete them manually and do all sort of housekeeping.

Using arrays on the stack is also discouraged because you don't have range checking, and passing the array around will lose any information about its size (array to pointer conversion). You should use boost::array in that case, which wraps a C++ array in a small class and provides a size function and iterators to iterate over it.

Now the std::vector vs. native C++ arrays (taken from the internet):

// Comparison of assembly code generated for basic indexing, dereferencing, 
// and increment operations on vectors and arrays/pointers.

// Assembly code was generated by gcc 4.1.0 invoked with  g++ -O3 -S  on a 
// x86_64-suse-linux machine.

#include <vector>

struct S
  int padding;

  std::vector<int> v;
  int * p;
  std::vector<int>::iterator i;

int pointer_index (S & s) { return s.p[3]; }
  // movq    32(%rdi), %rax
  // movl    12(%rax), %eax
  // ret

int vector_index (S & s) { return s.v[3]; }
  // movq    8(%rdi), %rax
  // movl    12(%rax), %eax
  // ret

// Conclusion: Indexing a vector is the same damn thing as indexing a pointer.

int pointer_deref (S & s) { return *s.p; }
  // movq    32(%rdi), %rax
  // movl    (%rax), %eax
  // ret

int iterator_deref (S & s) { return *s.i; }
  // movq    40(%rdi), %rax
  // movl    (%rax), %eax
  // ret

// Conclusion: Dereferencing a vector iterator is the same damn thing 
// as dereferencing a pointer.

void pointer_increment (S & s) { ++s.p; }
  // addq    $4, 32(%rdi)
  // ret

void iterator_increment (S & s) { ++s.i; }
  // addq    $4, 40(%rdi)
  // ret

// Conclusion: Incrementing a vector iterator is the same damn thing as 
// incrementing a pointer.

Note: If you allocate arrays with new and allocate non-class objects (like plain int) or classes without a user defined constructor and you don't want to have your elements initialized initially, using new-allocated arrays can have performance advantages because std::vector initializes all elements to default values (0 for int, for example) on construction (credits to @bernie for reminding me).

what's the easiest way to put space between 2 side-by-side buttons in


Or add a class to the buttons and have:


This achieves this -

How to cast ArrayList<> from List<>

Because in the first one , you're trying to convert a collection to an ArrayList. In the 2nd one , you just use the built in constructor of ArrayList

How do I declare an array of undefined or no initial size?

This can be done by using a pointer, and allocating memory on the heap using malloc. Note that there is no way to later ask how big that memory block is. You have to keep track of the array size yourself.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  /* declare a pointer do an integer */
  int *data; 
  /* we also have to keep track of how big our array is - I use 50 as an example*/
  const int datacount = 50;
  data = malloc(sizeof(int) * datacount); /* allocate memory for 50 int's */
  if (!data) { /* If data == 0 after the call to malloc, allocation failed for some reason */
    perror("Error allocating memory");
  /* at this point, we know that data points to a valid block of memory.
     Remember, however, that this memory is not initialized in any way -- it contains garbage.
     Let's start by clearing it. */
  memset(data, 0, sizeof(int)*datacount);
  /* now our array contains all zeroes. */
  data[0] = 1;
  data[2] = 15;
  data[49] = 66; /* the last element in our array, since we start counting from 0 */
  /* Loop through the array, printing out the values (mostly zeroes, but even so) */
  for(int i = 0; i < datacount; ++i) {
    printf("Element %d: %d\n", i, data[i]);

That's it. What follows is a more involved explanation of why this works :)

I don't know how well you know C pointers, but array access in C (like array[2]) is actually a shorthand for accessing memory via a pointer. To access the memory pointed to by data, you write *data. This is known as dereferencing the pointer. Since data is of type int *, then *data is of type int. Now to an important piece of information: (data + 2) means "add the byte size of 2 ints to the adress pointed to by data".

An array in C is just a sequence of values in adjacent memory. array[1] is just next to array[0]. So when we allocate a big block of memory and want to use it as an array, we need an easy way of getting the direct adress to every element inside. Luckily, C lets us use the array notation on pointers as well. data[0] means the same thing as *(data+0), namely "access the memory pointed to by data". data[2] means *(data+2), and accesses the third int in the memory block.

Checking for the correct number of arguments

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] || ! [ -d "$1" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 DIRECTORY" >&2
  exit 1

Translation: If number of arguments is not (numerically) equal to 1 or the first argument is not a directory, output usage to stderr and exit with a failure status code.

More friendly error reporting:

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 DIRECTORY" >&2
  exit 1
if ! [ -e "$1" ]; then
  echo "$1 not found" >&2
  exit 1
if ! [ -d "$1" ]; then
  echo "$1 not a directory" >&2
  exit 1

Why I cannot cout a string?

Above answers are good but If you do not want to add string include, you can use the following

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, string& msg)

return os;

Clear input fields on form submit

By this way, you hold a form by his ID and throw all his content. This technic is fastiest.


What's the difference between session.persist() and in Hibernate?

From this forum post

persist() is well defined. It makes a transient instance persistent. However, it doesn't guarantee that the identifier value will be assigned to the persistent instance immediately, the assignment might happen at flush time. The spec doesn't say that, which is the problem I have with persist().

persist() also guarantees that it will not execute an INSERT statement if it is called outside of transaction boundaries. This is useful in long-running conversations with an extended Session/persistence context.

A method like persist() is required.

save() does not guarantee the same, it returns an identifier, and if an INSERT has to be executed to get the identifier (e.g. "identity" generator, not "sequence"), this INSERT happens immediately, no matter if you are inside or outside of a transaction. This is not good in a long-running conversation with an extended Session/persistence context.

python: SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

I was getting this error in postgresql function. I had a long SQL which I broke into multiple lines with \ for better readability. However, that was the problem. I removed all and made them in one line to fix the issue. I was using pgadmin III.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contains a path separator

openFileInput() doesn't accept paths, only a file name if you want to access a path, use File file = new File(path) and corresponding FileInputStream

TypeError: Missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

You need to instantiate a class instance here.


p = Pump()

Small example -

>>> class TestClass:
        def __init__(self):
            print("in init")
        def testFunc(self):
            print("in Test Func")

>>> testInstance = TestClass()
in init
>>> testInstance.testFunc()
in Test Func

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

"saving" is something wholly different from changing paragraph content with jquery.

If you need to save changes you will have to write them to your server somehow (likely form submission along with all the security and input sanitizing that entails). If you have information that is saved on the server then you are no longer changing the content of a paragraph, you are drawing a paragraph with dynamic content (either from a database or a file which your server altered when you did the "saving").

Judging by your question, this is a topic on which you will have to do MUCH more research.

Input page (input.html):

<form action="/saveMyParagraph.php">
    <input name="pContent" type="text"></input>

Saving page (saveMyParagraph.php) and Ouput page (output.php):

Inserting Data Into a MySQL Database using PHP

How to use support FileProvider for sharing content to other apps?

Since as Phil says in his comment on the original question, this is unique and there is no other info on SO on in google, I thought I should also share my results:

In my app FileProvider worked out of the box to share files using the share intent. There was no special configuration or code necessary, beyond that to setup the FileProvider. In my manifest.xml I placed:

        android:grantUriPermissions="true" >
            android:resource="@xml/my_paths" />

In my_paths.xml I have:

<paths xmlns:android="">
    <files-path name="files" path="." />

In my code I have:

    Intent shareIntent = new Intent();

    Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "", fileToShare);
    shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri);

    startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, getResources().getText(R.string.share_file)));

And I am able to share my files store in my apps private storage with apps such as Gmail and google drive without any trouble.

CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

//do the edit in your javascript

$('.signinform').submit(function() { 
       type : "POST",
       //set the data type
       url: 'index.php/user/signin', // target element(s) to be updated with server response 
       cache : false,
       //check this in Firefox browser
       success : function(response){ console.log(response); alert(response)},
       error: onFailRegistered
   return false; 

//controller function

public function signin() {
    $arr = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5);    

   //add the header here
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode( $arr );

What is the role of the package-lock.json?

It stores an exact, versioned dependency tree rather than using starred versioning like package.json itself (e.g. 1.0.*). This means you can guarantee the dependencies for other developers or prod releases, etc. It also has a mechanism to lock the tree but generally will regenerate if package.json changes.

From the npm docs:

package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json. It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates.

This file is intended to be committed into source repositories, and serves various purposes:

Describe a single representation of a dependency tree such that teammates, deployments, and continuous integration are guaranteed to install exactly the same dependencies.

Provide a facility for users to "time-travel" to previous states of node_modules without having to commit the directory itself.

To facilitate greater visibility of tree changes through readable source control diffs.

And optimize the installation process by allowing npm to skip repeated metadata resolutions for previously-installed packages."


To answer jrahhali's question below about just using the package.json with exact version numbers. Bear in mind that your package.json contains only your direct dependencies, not the dependencies of your dependencies (sometimes called nested dependencies). This means with the standard package.json you can't control the versions of those nested dependencies, referencing them directly or as peer dependencies won't help as you also don't control the version tolerance that your direct dependencies define for these nested dependencies.

Even if you lock down the versions of your direct dependencies you cannot 100% guarantee that your full dependency tree will be identical every time. Secondly you might want to allow non-breaking changes (based on semantic versioning) of your direct dependencies which gives you even less control of nested dependencies plus you again can't guarantee that your direct dependencies won't at some point break semantic versioning rules themselves.

The solution to all this is the lock file which as described above locks in the versions of the full dependency tree. This allows you to guarantee your dependency tree for other developers or for releases whilst still allowing testing of new dependency versions (direct or indirect) using your standard package.json.

NB. The previous shrink wrap json did pretty much the same thing but the lock file renames it so that it's function is clearer. If there's already a shrink wrap file in the project then this will be used instead of any lock file.

angularjs ng-style: background-image isn't working

For those who are struggling to get this working with IE11


<div ng-style="getBackgroundStyle(imagepath)"></div>


$scope.getBackgroundStyle = function(imagepath){
    return {
        'background-image':'url(' + imagepath + ')'

Editing dictionary values in a foreach loop

Starting with .NET 4.5 You can do this with ConcurrentDictionary:

using System.Collections.Concurrent;

var colStates = new ConcurrentDictionary<string,int>();
colStates["foo"] = 1;
colStates["bar"] = 2;
colStates["baz"] = 3;

int OtherCount = 0;
int TotalCount = 100;

foreach(string key in colStates.Keys)
    double Percent = (double)colStates[key] / TotalCount;

    if (Percent < 0.05)
        OtherCount += colStates[key];
        colStates[key] = 0;

colStates.TryAdd("Other", OtherCount);

Note however that its performance is actually much worse that a simple foreach dictionary.Kes.ToArray():

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

public class ConcurrentVsRegularDictionary
    private readonly Random _rand;
    private const int Count = 1_000;

    public ConcurrentVsRegularDictionary()
        _rand = new Random();

    public void ConcurrentDictionary()
        var dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, int>();

        foreach (var key in dict.Keys)
            dict[key] = _rand.Next();

    public void Dictionary()
        var dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();

        foreach (var key in dict.Keys.ToArray())
            dict[key] = _rand.Next();

    private void Populate(IDictionary<int, int> dictionary)
        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            dictionary[i] = 0;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)


              Method |      Mean |     Error |    StdDev |
--------------------- |----------:|----------:|----------:|
 ConcurrentDictionary | 182.24 us | 3.1507 us | 2.7930 us |
           Dictionary |  47.01 us | 0.4824 us | 0.4512 us |

php get values from json encode

json_decode will return the same array that was originally encoded. For instanse, if you

$array = json_decode($json, true);
echo $array['countryId'];


$obj= json_decode($json);

echo $obj->countryId;

These both will echo 84. I think json_encode and json_decode function names are self-explanatory...

Types in MySQL: BigInt(20) vs Int(20)

Let's give an example for int(10) one with zerofill keyword, one not, the table likes that:

create table tb_test_int_type(
    int_10 int(10),
    int_10_with_zf int(10) zerofill,
    unit int unsigned

Let's insert some data:

insert into tb_test_int_type(int_10, int_10_with_zf, unit)
values (123456, 123456,3147483647), (123456, 4294967291,3147483647) 


select * from tb_test_int_type; 

# int_10, int_10_with_zf, unit
'123456', '0000123456', '3147483647'
'123456', '4294967291', '3147483647'

We can see that

  • with keyword zerofill, num less than 10 will fill 0, but without zerofill it won't

  • Secondly with keyword zerofill, int_10_with_zf becomes unsigned int type, if you insert a minus you will get error Out of range value for column...... But you can insert minus to int_10. Also if you insert 4294967291 to int_10 you will get error Out of range value for column.....


  1. int(X) without keyword zerofill, is equal to int range -2147483648~2147483647

  2. int(X) with keyword zerofill, the field is equal to unsigned int range 0~4294967295, if num's length is less than X it will fill 0 to the left

How to bring an activity to foreground (top of stack)?

The best way I found to do this was to use the same intent as the Android home screen uses - the app Launcher.

For example:

Intent i = new Intent(this, MyMainActivity.class);

This way, whatever activity in my package was most recently used by the user is brought back to the front again. I found this useful in using my service's PendingIntent to get the user back to my app.

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>


overflow-y: scroll

in your css bud.

How to split string and push in array using jquery

You don't need jQuery for that, you can do it with normal javascript:

var str = "a,b,c,d";
var res = str.split(","); // this returns an array

How can I set the value of a DropDownList using jQuery?


just make sure the value in the options tags matches the value in the val method.