Programs & Examples On #Softkeys

Android soft keyboard covers EditText field

I believe that you can make it scroll by using the trackball, which might be achieved programmatically through selection methods eventually, but it's just an idea. I know that the trackball method typically works, but as for the exact way to do this and make it work from code, I do not sure.
Hope that helps.

How to change style of a default EditText

You have a few options.

  1. Use Android assets studios Android Holo colors generator to generate the resources, styles and themes you need to add to your app to get the holo look across all devices.

  2. Use holo everywhere library.

  3. Use the PNG for the holo text fields and set them as background images yourself. You can get the images from the Android assets studios holo color generator. You'll have to make a drawable and define the normal, selected and disabled states.

UPDATE 2016-01-07

This answer is now outdated. Android has tinting API and ability to theme on controls directly now. A good reference for how to style or theme any element is a site called materialdoc.

How do I output an ISO 8601 formatted string in JavaScript?

I was able to get below output with very less code.

var ps = new Date('2010-04-02T14:12:07')  ;
ps = ps.toDateString() + " " + ps.getHours() + ":"+ ps.getMinutes() + " hrs";


Fri Apr 02 2010 19:42 hrs

Lumen: get URL parameter in a Blade view

Laravel 5.6:

{{ Request::query('parameter') }}

System.out.println() shortcut on Intellij IDEA

In Idea 17eap:

sout: Prints


soutm: Prints current class and method names to System.out


soutp: Prints method parameter names and values to System.out


soutv: Prints a value to System.out

System.out.println("$EXPR_COPY$ = " + $EXPR$);

Getting GET "?" variable in laravel

It is not very nice to use native php resources like $_GET as Laravel gives us easy ways to get the variables. As a matter of standard, whenever possible use the resources of the laravel itself instead of pure PHP.

There is at least two modes to get variables by GET in Laravel ( Laravel 5.x or greater):

Mode 1


Route::get('computers={id}', 'ComputersController@index');

Request (POSTMAN or client...):


Controler - You can access the {id} paramter in the Controlller by:

public function index(Request $request, $id){
   return $id;

Mode 2


Route::get('computers', 'ComputersController@index');

Request (POSTMAN or client...):


Controler - You can access the ?id paramter in the Controlller by:

public function index(Request $request){
   return $request->input('id');

Facebook key hash does not match any stored key hashes

Follow these steps in order to generate the correct key hashes.

  1. Open your project in android studio and run the project.
  2. Click on Gradle menu.
  3. Select your app and expand task tree.
  4. Double click on android -> signingReport and see the magic Sample Image
  5. Result after clicking above tab Result after clicking above tab
  6. Copy the SHA1 key and browse SHA1 key to key hash
  7. After converting the SHA1 key to key hash copy the new key hash and paste it in facebook console. This will work like charm.

Handling back button in Android Navigation Component

Try this. I think this will help you.

override fun onBackPressed() {
    when (mNavController.getCurrentDestination()!!.getId()) { -> {
            onWarningAlertDialog(this, "Alert", "Do you want to close this application ?")
        } -> {

private fun onWarningAlertDialog(mainActivity: MainActivity, s: String, s1: String) {

        val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton("Proceed", DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->
                .setNegativeButton("Cancel", DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->

        // create dialog box
        val alert = dialogBuilder.create()
        // set title for alert dialog box
        // show alert dialog

Find out which remote branch a local branch is tracking

If you want to find the upstream for any branch (as opposed to just the one you are on), here is a slight modification to @cdunn2001's answer:

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name YOUR_LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME@{upstream}

That will give you the remote branch name for the local branch named YOUR_LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME.

SVN: Is there a way to mark a file as "do not commit"?

Guys I just found a solution. Given that TortoiseSVN works the way we want, I tried to install it under Linux - which means, running on Wine. Surprisingly it works! All you have to do is:

  1. Add files you want to skip commit by running: "svn changelist 'ignore-on-commit' ".
  2. Use TortoiseSVN to commit: "~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:'
  3. The files excluded will be unchecked for commit by default, while other modified files will be checked. This is exactly the same as under Windows. Enjoy!

(The reason why need to exclude files by CLI is because the menu entry for doing that was not found, not sure why. Any way, this works great!)

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components

setSize() or setBounds() can be used when no layout manager is being used.

However, if you are using a layout manager you can provide hints to the layout manager using the setXXXSize() methods like setPreferredSize() and setMinimumSize() etc.

And be sure that the component's container uses a layout manager that respects the requested size. The FlowLayout, GridBagLayout, and SpringLayout managers use the component's preferred size (the latter two depending on the constraints you set), but BorderLayout and GridLayout usually don't.If you specify new size hints for a component that's already visible, you need to invoke the revalidate method on it to make sure that its containment hierarchy is laid out again. Then invoke the repaint method.

YouTube Autoplay not working

This code allows you to autoplay iframe video

<iframe src=""  width="560" height="315"  frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here Is working fiddle

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

If you have a very complex class with a lot of options of which only some combinations are valid, consider using a Builder. Works very well both codewise but also logically.

The Builder is a nested class with methods only designed to set fields, and then the ComplexClass constructor only takes such a Builder as an argument.

Edit: The ComplexClass constructor can ensure that the state in the Builder is valid. This is very hard to do if you just use setters on ComplexClass.

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

parseFloat("1.555").toFixed(2); // Returns 1.55 instead of 1.56.

1.55 is the absolute correct result, because there exists no exact representation of 1.555 in the computer. If reading 1.555 it is rounded to the nearest possible value = 1.55499999999999994 (64 bit float). And rounding this number by toFixed(2) results in 1.55.

All other functions provided here give fault result, if the input is 1.55499999999999.

Solution: Append the digit "5" before scanning to rounding up (more exact: rounding away from 0) the number. Do this only, if the number is really a float (has a decimal point).

parseFloat("1.555"+"5").toFixed(2); // Returns 1.56

How do I override nested NPM dependency versions?

I had an issue where one of the nested dependency had an npm audit vulnerability, but I still wanted to maintain the parent dependency version. the npm shrinkwrap solution didn't work for me, so what I did to override the nested dependency version:

  1. Remove the nested dependency under the 'requires' section in package-lock.json
  2. Add the updated dependency under DevDependencies in package.json, so that modules that require it will still be able to access it.
  3. npm i

Finding length of char array

You can do len = sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a) for any kind of array. But, you have initialized it as a[7] = {...} meaning its length is 7...

How to set back button text in Swift

You can just modify the NavigationItem in the storyboard

enter image description here

In the Back Button add a space and press Enter.

Note: Do this in the previous VC.

jquery - fastest way to remove all rows from a very large table

It's better to avoid any kind of loops, just remove all elements directly like this:

$("#mytable > tbody").html("");

Can someone provide an example of a $destroy event for scopes in AngularJS?

$destroy can refer to 2 things: method and event

1. method - $scope.$destroy

.directive("colorTag", function(){
  return {
    restrict: "A",
    scope: {
      value: "=colorTag"
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
      var colors = new App.Colors();
      element.css("background-color", stringToColor(scope.value));
      element.css("color", contrastColor(scope.value));

      // Destroy scope, because it's no longer needed.

2. event - $scope.$on("$destroy")

See @SunnyShah's answer.

How to check Django version

If you want to make Django version comparison, you could use django-nine (pip install django-nine). For example, if Django version installed in your environment is 1.7.4, then the following would be true.

from nine import versions

versions.DJANGO_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_LTE_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_8 # False
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_4 # True
versions.DJANGO_LTE_1_6 # False

Float right and position absolute doesn't work together

You can use "translateX(-100%)" and "text-align: right" if your absolute element is "display: inline-block"

<div class="box">
<div class="absolute-right"></div>

<style type="text/css">
    text-align: right;
    display: inline-block;
    position: absolute;

/*The magic:*/
-moz-transform: translateX(-100%);
-ms-transform: translateX(-100%);
-webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
-o-transform: translateX(-100%);
transform: translateX(-100%);

You will get absolute-element aligned to the right relative its parent

You don't have permission to access / on this server

try to edit httpd.conf

<Directory "/usr/local/www/apache24/cgi-bin">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
  Require all granted

Laravel Request::all() Should Not Be Called Statically

i make it work with a scope definition

public function pagar(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { //

How to move the cursor word by word in the OS X Terminal

If you happen to be a Vim user, you could try bash's vim mode. Run this or put it in your ~/.bashrc file:

set -o vi

By default you're in insert mode; hit escape and you can move around just like you can in normal-mode Vim, so movement by word is w or b, and the usual movement keys also work.

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

Here's my answer that sorts the list inside jq (for those who use systems where sort -V is not avalable) :

$ pythonPackage=certifi
$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | sort_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )'

And to fetch the last version number of the package :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | sort_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )[-1]'

or a bit faster :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r '.releases | keys_unsorted | max_by( split(".") | map(tonumber) )'

Or even more simple :) :

$ curl -Ls$pythonPackage/json | jq -r .info.version

Rounding Bigdecimal values with 2 Decimal Places

I think that the RoundingMode you are looking for is ROUND_HALF_EVEN. From the javadoc:

Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbor. Behaves as for ROUND_HALF_UP if the digit to the left of the discarded fraction is odd; behaves as for ROUND_HALF_DOWN if it's even. Note that this is the rounding mode that minimizes cumulative error when applied repeatedly over a sequence of calculations.

Here is a quick test case:

BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("10.12345");
BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("10.12556");

a = a.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
b = b.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);


Correctly prints:



setScale(int, int) has not been recommended since Java 1.5, when enums were first introduced, and was finally deprecated in Java 9. You should now use setScale(int, RoundingMode) e.g:

setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)

Colorized grep -- viewing the entire file with highlighted matches

The -z option for grep is also pretty slick!

cat file1 | grep -z "pattern"

Stop jQuery .load response from being cached

For PHP, add this line to your script which serves the information you want:

header("cache-control: no-cache");

or, add a unique variable to the query string:

"/portal/?f=searchBilling&x=" + (new Date()).getTime()

Can we pass model as a parameter in RedirectToAction?

Just call the action no need for redirect to action or the new keyword for model.

    public ActionResult FillStudent(Student student1)
        return GetStudent(student1); //this will also work
    public ActionResult GetStudent(Student student)
        return View(student);

Repeat String - Javascript

Expanding P.Bailey's solution:

String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
    return new Array(isNaN(num)? 1 : ++num).join(this);

This way you should be safe from unexpected argument types:

var foo = 'bar';
alert(foo.repeat(3));              // Will work, "barbarbar"
alert(foo.repeat('3'));            // Same as above
alert(foo.repeat(true));           // Same as foo.repeat(1)

alert(foo.repeat(0));              // This and all the following return an empty
alert(foo.repeat(false));          // string while not causing an exception
alert(foo.repeat({}));             // Object
alert(foo.repeat(function () {})); // Function

EDIT: Credits to jerone for his elegant ++num idea!

What exactly does numpy.exp() do?

It calculates ex for each x in your list where e is Euler's number (approximately 2.718). In other words, np.exp(range(5)) is similar to [math.e**x for x in range(5)].

What is the HTML unicode character for a "tall" right chevron?

I use ? (0x25B8) for the right arrow, often to show a collapsed list; and I pair it with ? (0x25BE) to show the list opened up. Both are unobtrusive.

Show animated GIF

This work for me!

public void showLoader(){
        URL url = this.getClass().getResource("images/ajax-loader.gif");
        Icon icon = new ImageIcon(url);
        JLabel label = new JLabel(icon);

Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer

You need to enable 'INDENT' and set the indent amount for the transformer:

t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
t.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");


Reference : How to strip whitespace-only text nodes from a DOM before serialization?

(Many thanks to all members especially @marc-novakowski, @james-murty and @saad):

MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds

Note that the TIMEDIFF() solution only works when the datetimes are less than 35 days apart! TIMEDIFF() returns a TIME datatype, and the max value for TIME is 838:59:59 hours (=34,96 days)

Set size of HTML page and browser window

<head >
<style type="text/css">
margin:auto; position:relative;
 <div id="maincontainer ">

Using reCAPTCHA on localhost

This worked for me:

"With the following test keys, you will always get No CAPTCHA and all verification requests will pass.


Secret key: 6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe

The reCAPTCHA widget will show a warning message to claim that it's only for testing purpose. Please do not use these keys for your production traffic."

Extracted from here:


How to run Nginx within a Docker container without halting?

Adding this command to Dockerfile can disable it:

RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Call to undefined function oci_connect()

I just spend THREE WHOLE DAYS fighting against this issue.

I was using my ORACLE connection in Windows 7, and no problem. Last week I Just get a new computer with Windows 8. Install XAMPP 1.8.2. Every app PHP/MySQL on this server works fine. The problem came when I try to connect my php apps to Oracle DB.

Call to undefined function oci_pconnect()

And when I start/stop Apache with changes, a strange "Warning" on "PHP Startup" that goes to LOG with "PHP Warning: PHP Startup: in Unknown on line 0"

I did everything (uncommented php_oci8.dll and php_oci8_11g.dll, copy oci.dll to /ext directory, near /Apache and NOTHING it works. Download every version of Instant Client and NOTHING.

God came into my help. When I download ORACLE Instant Client 32 bits, everything works fine. phpinfo() displays oci8 info, and my app works fine.

So, NEVER MIND THAT YOUR WINDOWS VERSION BE x64. The link are between XAMPP and ORACLE Instant Client.

How to use JavaScript to change div backgroundColor

var div = document.getElementById( 'div_id' );
div.onmouseover = function() { = 'green';
  var h2s = this.getElementsByTagName( 'h2' );
  h2s[0].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
div.onmouseout = function() { = 'transparent';
  var h2s = this.getElementsByTagName( 'h2' );
  h2s[0].style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';

Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

You could do this:

var timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.1, target: self, selector: Selector("someSelector"), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

func someSelector() {
    // Something after a delay


let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(someSelector), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

func someSelector() {
    // Something after a delay

Convert numpy array to tuple

Here's a function that'll do it:

def totuple(a):
        return tuple(totuple(i) for i in a)
    except TypeError:
        return a

And an example:

>>> array = numpy.array(((2,2),(2,-2)))
>>> totuple(array)
((2, 2), (2, -2))

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

You can set a default style for the entire workbook (all worksheets):



  $styleArray = array(
      'borders' => array(
          'allborders' => array(
              'style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN

And this can be used for all style properties, not just borders.

But column autosizing is structural rather than stylistic, and has to be set for each column on each worksheet individually.


Note that default workbook style only applies to Excel5 Writer

Enabling SSL with XAMPP

configure SSL in xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhost.conf


<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web"

    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web">
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted


<VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web"
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "conf/ssl.crt/server.crt" 
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/ssl.key/server.key"
    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web">
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

make sure server.crt & server.key path given properly otherwise this will not work.

don't forget to enable vhost in httpd.conf

# Virtual hosts
Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

How to properly validate input values with React.JS?

You can use npm install --save redux-form

Im writing a simple email and submit button form, which validates email and submits form. with redux-form, form by default runs event.preventDefault() on html onSubmit action.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form';

class LoginForm extends Component {
  onSubmit(props) {
    //do your submit stuff

  render() {
    const {fields: {email}, handleSubmit} = this.props;

    return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.onSubmit.bind(this))}>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Email"
               className={`form-control ${email.touched && email.invalid ? 'has-error' : '' }`}
          <span className="text-help">
            {email.touched ? email.error : ''}
        <input type="submit"/>

function validation(values) {
  const errors = {};
  const emailPattern = /(.+)@(.+){2,}\.(.+){2,}/;
  if (!emailPattern.test( { = 'Enter a valid email';

  return errors;

LoginForm = reduxForm({
  form: 'LoginForm',
  fields: ['email'],
  validate: validation
}, null, null)(LoginForm);

export default LoginForm;

How to remove all white spaces in java

Cant you just use String.replace(" ", "");

List of tuples to dictionary

It seems everyone here assumes the list of tuples have one to one mapping between key and values (e.g. it does not have duplicated keys for the dictionary). As this is the first question coming up searching on this topic, I post an answer for a more general case where we have to deal with duplicates:

mylist = [(a,1),(a,2),(b,3)]    
result = {}
for i in mylist:  
>>> result = {a:[1,2], b:[3]}

Flutter: how to make a TextField with HintText but no Underline?

You can use TextFormField widget of Flutter Form as your requirement.

     maxLines: 1,
     decoration: InputDecoration(
          prefixIcon: const Icon(
              color: Colors.grey,
      hintText: 'Search your trips',
      border: OutlineInputBorder(
         borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10.0)),

Can not change UILabel text color

// This is wrong 
categoryTitle.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:188 green:149 blue:88 alpha:1.0];

// This should be  
categoryTitle.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:188/255 green:149/255 blue:88/255 alpha:1.0];

// In the documentation, the limit of the parameters are mentioned.

colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha: documentation link

sql select with column name like

Here is a nice way to display the information that you want:

SELECT B.table_catalog as 'Database_Name',
         B.table_name as 'Table_Name',
        stuff((select ', ' + A.column_name
              where A.Table_name = B.Table_Name
              FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
              , 1, 2, '') as 'Columns'
  WHERE B.TABLE_NAME like '%%'
        AND B.COLUMN_NAME like '%%'
  GROUP BY B.Table_Catalog, B.Table_Name
  Order by 1 asc

Add anything between either '%%' in the main select to narrow down what tables and/or column names you want.

How to add an element at the end of an array?

Arrays in Java have a fixed length that cannot be changed. So Java provides classes that allow you to maintain lists of variable length.

Generally, there is the List<T> interface, which represents a list of instances of the class T. The easiest and most widely used implementation is the ArrayList. Here is an example:

List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();

List.add() simply appends an element to the list and you can get the size of a list using List.size().

How to quickly and conveniently disable all console.log statements in my code?

If you're using IE7, console won't be defined. So a more IE friendly version would be:

if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log == "undefined") 
   var console = { log: function() {} }; 

How do I exit the Vim editor?

In case you need to exit Vim in easy mode (while using -y option) you can enter normal Vim mode by hitting Ctrl + L and then any of the normal exiting options will work.

Text size of android design TabLayout tabs


<style name="tab">
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/_10ssp</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">#FFFFFF</item>



        android:text="TAB 1"

        android:text="TAB 2" />

        android:text="TAB 3" />

Android translate animation - permanently move View to new position using AnimationListener

You should rather use ViewPropertyAnimator. This animates the view to its future position and you don't need to force any layout params on the view after the animation ends. And it's rather simple.



Note: This pixel is not relative to the view. This pixel is the pixel position in the screen.

c# replace \" characters

In .NET Framework 4 and MVC this is the only representation that worked:


Using a backslash in whatever combination did not work...

Executing command line programs from within python

I am not familiar with sox, but instead of making repeated calls to the program as a command line, is it possible to set it up as a service and connect to it for requests? You can take a look at the connection interface such as sqlite for inspiration.

Change EditText hint color when using TextInputLayout

You must set hint color on TextInputLayout.

Copy files without overwrite

A simple approach would be to use the /MIR option, to mirror the two directories. Basically it will copy only the new files to destination. In next comand replace source and destination with the paths to your folders, the script will search for any file with any extensions.

robocopy <source directory> <destination directory> *.* /MIR

Insert/Update/Delete with function in SQL Server

Functions in SQL Server, as in mathematics, can not be used to modify the database. They are intended to be read only and can help developer to implement command-query separation. In other words, asking a question should not change the answer. When your program needs to modify the database use a stored procedure instead.

JQuery - Storing ajax response into global variable

your problem might not be related to any local or global scope for that matter just the server delay between the "success" function executing and the time you are trying to take out data from your variable.

chances are you are trying to print the contents of the variable before the ajax "success" function fires.

"CASE" statement within "WHERE" clause in SQL Server 2008

from Tbl_AdmissionRegister a
inner join District_master b on a.Schooid=b.Schooid
case when len('3601')=4   then c.distcd 
           when len('3601')=6   then c.blkcd  
           when len('3601')=11  then c.schcd   end = '3601'

How to define a default value for "input type=text" without using attribute 'value'?

The value is there. The source is not updated as the values on the form change. The source is from when the page initially loaded.

Oracle DB : java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

It means the connection was successfully established at some point, but when you tried to commit right there, the connection was no longer open. The parameters you mentioned sound like connection pool settings. If so, they're unrelated to this problem. The most likely cause is a firewall between you and the database that is killing connections after a certain amount of idle time. The most common fix is to make your connection pool run a validation query when a connection is checked out from it. This will immediately identify and evict dead connnections, ensuring that you only get good connections out of the pool.

How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

Just passing: and thought i would add some extra info...

you can also throw an exception, this will auto close the windows service, and the auto re-start options just kick in. the only issue with this is that if you have a dev enviroment on your pc then the JIT tries to kick in, and you will get a prompt saying debug Y/N. say no and then it will close, and then re-start properly. (on a PC with no JIT it just all works). the reason im trolling, is this JIT is new to Win 7 (it used to work fine with XP etc) and im trying to find a way of disabling the JIT.... i may try the Environment.Exit method mentioned here see how that works too.

Kristian : Bristol, UK

How to check if a JavaScript variable is NOT undefined?

var lastname = "Hi";

if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")
  alert("Hi. Variable is defined.");

JavaScript implementation of Gzip

You can use a 1 pixel per 1 pixel Java applet embedded in the page and use that for compression.

It's not JavaScript and the clients will need a Java runtime but it will do what you need.

Convert String to Calendar Object in Java


The modern approach uses the java.time classes.

        "Mon Mar 14 16:02:37 GMT 2011" , 
        DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "E MMM d HH:mm:ss z uuuu" )


Avoid legacy date-time classes

The modern way is with java.time classes. The old date-time classes such as Calendar have proven to be poorly-designed, confusing, and troublesome.

Define a custom formatter to match your string input.

String input = "Mon Mar 14 16:02:37 GMT 2011";
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "E MMM d HH:mm:ss z uuuu" );

Parse as a ZonedDateTime.

ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse( input , f );

You are interested in the year and month. The java.time classes include YearMonth class for that purpose.

YearMonth ym = YearMonth.from( zdt );

You can interrogate for the year and month numbers if needed.

int year = ym.getYear();
int month = ym.getMonthValue();

But the toString method generates a string in standard ISO 8601 format.

String output = ym.toString();

Put this all together.

String input = "Mon Mar 14 16:02:37 GMT 2011";
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "E MMM d HH:mm:ss z uuuu" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse( input , f );
YearMonth ym = YearMonth.from( zdt );
int year = ym.getYear();
int month = ym.getMonthValue();

Dump to console.

System.out.println( "input: " + input );
System.out.println( "zdt: " + zdt );
System.out.println( "ym: " + ym );

input: Mon Mar 14 16:02:37 GMT 2011

zdt: 2011-03-14T16:02:37Z[GMT]

ym: 2011-03

Live code

See this code running in


If you must have a Calendar object, you can convert to a GregorianCalendar using new methods added to the old classes.

GregorianCalendar gc = GregorianCalendar.from( zdt );

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to java.time.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

  • Java SE 8 and SE 9 and later
    • Built-in.
    • Part of the standard Java API with a bundled implementation.
    • Java 9 adds some minor features and fixes.
  • Java SE 6 and SE 7
    • Much of the java.time functionality is back-ported to Java 6 & 7 in ThreeTen-Backport.
  • Android

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Delete all the records

Use the DELETE statement

Delete From <TableName>


Delete from Student;

MySQL Trigger - Storing a SELECT in a variable

`CREATE TRIGGER `category_before_ins_tr` BEFORE INSERT ON `category`
    **SET @tableId= (SELECT id FROM dummy LIMIT 1);**


Why I can't access remote Jupyter Notebook server?

The other reason can be a firewall. We had same issue even with

jupyter notebook --ip --port xxxx.

Then it turns out to be a firewall on our new centOS7.

Difference between npx and npm?

npx is a npm package runner (x probably stands for eXecute). The typical use is to download and run a package temporarily or for trials.

create-react-app is an npm package that is expected to be run only once in a project's lifecycle. Hence, it is preferred to use npx to install and run it in a single step.

As mentioned in the man page, npx can run commands in the PATH or from node_modules/.bin by default.

Note: With some digging, we can find that create-react-app points to a Javascript file (possibly to /usr/lib/node_modules/create-react-app/index.js on Linux systems) that is executed within the node environment. This is simply a global tool that does some checks. The actual setup is done by react-scripts, whose latest version is installed in the project. Refer for more info.

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

NetBeans IDE automatically defines the structure which is almost similar to one suggested by Patrick Garner. For NetBeans users

File->New Project ->In left side select Maven and In right side select Maven Enterprise Application and press Next -> Asks for project names for both war,ejb and settings.

The IDE will automatically create the structure for you.

Python calling method in class

Let's say you have a shiny Foo class. Well you have 3 options:

1) You want to use the method (or attribute) of a class inside the definition of that class:

class Foo(object):
    attribute1 = 1                   # class attribute (those don't use 'self' in declaration)
    def __init__(self):
        self.attribute2 = 2          # instance attribute (those are accessible via first
                                     # parameter of the method, usually called 'self'
                                     # which will contain nothing but the instance itself)
    def set_attribute3(self, value): 
        self.attribute3 = value

    def sum_1and2(self):
        return self.attribute1 + self.attribute2

2) You want to use the method (or attribute) of a class outside the definition of that class

def get_legendary_attribute1():
    return Foo.attribute1

def get_legendary_attribute2():
    return Foo.attribute2

def get_legendary_attribute1_from(cls):
    return cls.attribute1

get_legendary_attribute1()           # >>> 1
get_legendary_attribute2()           # >>> AttributeError: type object 'Foo' has no attribute 'attribute2'
get_legendary_attribute1_from(Foo)   # >>> 1

3) You want to use the method (or attribute) of an instantiated class:

f = Foo()
f.attribute1                         # >>> 1
f.attribute2                         # >>> 2
f.attribute3                         # >>> AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'attribute3'
f.attribute3                         # >>> 3

Error message "Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference"

The second snippet doesn't work either and that's why.

array_shift is a modifier function, that changes its argument. Therefore it expects its parameter to be a reference, and you cannot reference something that is not a variable. See Rasmus' explanations here: Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference

Getting the button into the top right corner inside the div box

#button {
    line-height: 12px;
    width: 18px;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-family: tahoma;
    margin-top: 1px;
    margin-right: 2px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;

Order by descending date - month, day and year


Try this:


Worked perfectly on a JET DB.

CSS3's border-radius property and border-collapse:collapse don't mix. How can I use border-radius to create a collapsed table with rounded corners?

Actually you can add your table inside a div as its wrapper. and then assign these CSS codes to wrapper:

.table-wrapper {
  border: 1px solid #f00;
  border-radius: 5px;
  overflow: hidden;

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;

OSError - Errno 13 Permission denied

Probably you are facing problem when a download request is made by the maybe_download function call in file.

There is a conflict in the permissions of the temporary files and I myself couldn't work out a way to change the permissions, but was able to work around the problem.

Do the following...

  • Download the four .gz files of the MNIST data set from the link ( )
  • Then make a folder names MNIST_data (or your choice in your working directory/ site packages folder in the tensorflow\examples folder).
  • Directly copy paste the files into the folder.
  • Copy the address of the folder (it probably will be ( C:\Python\Python35\Lib\site-packages\tensorflow\examples\tutorials\mnist\MNIST_data ))
  • Change the "\" to "/" as "\" is used for escape characters, to access the folder locations.
  • Lastly, if you are following the tutorials, your call function would be ( mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True) ) ; change the "MNIST_data/" parameter to your folder location. As in my case would be ( mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("C:/Python/Python35/Lib/site-packages/tensorflow/examples/tutorials/mnist/MNIST_data", one_hot=True) )

Then it's all done. Hope it works for you.

Getting scroll bar width using JavaScript

This function should give you width of scrollbar

function getScrollbarWidth() {

  // Creating invisible container
  const outer = document.createElement('div'); = 'hidden'; = 'scroll'; // forcing scrollbar to appear = 'scrollbar'; // needed for WinJS apps

  // Creating inner element and placing it in the container
  const inner = document.createElement('div');

  // Calculating difference between container's full width and the child width
  const scrollbarWidth = (outer.offsetWidth - inner.offsetWidth);

  // Removing temporary elements from the DOM

  return scrollbarWidth;


Basic steps here are:

  1. Create hidden div (outer) and get it's offset width
  2. Force scroll bars to appear in div (outer) using CSS overflow property
  3. Create new div (inner) and append to outer, set its width to '100%' and get offset width
  4. Calculate scrollbar width based on gathered offsets

Working example here:


If you're using this on a Windows (metro) App, make sure you set the -ms-overflow-style property of the 'outer' div to scrollbar, otherwise the width will not be correctly detected. (code updated)

Update #2 This will not work on Mac OS with the default "Only show scrollbars when scrolling" setting (Yosemite and up).

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

I'm surprised this question is 11yrs old and not one of the answers mentioned the #1 advantage of utf-8.

utf-8 generally works even with programs that are not utf-8 aware. That's partly what it was designed for. Other answers mention that the first 128 code points are the same as ASCII. All other code points are generated by 8bit values with the high bit set (values from 128 to 255) so that from the POV of a non-unicode aware program it just sees strings as ASCII with some extra characters.

As an example let's say you wrote a program to add line numbers that effectively does this (and to keep it simple let's assume end of line is just ASCII 13)

// pseudo code

function readLine
  if end of file
     return null
  read bytes (8bit values) into string until you hit 13 or end or file
  return string

function main
  lineNo = 1
  do {
    s = readLine
    if (s == null) break;
    print lineNo++, s

Passing a utf-8 file to this program will continue to work. Similarly, splitting on tabs, commas, parsing for ASCII quotes, or other parsing for which only ASCII values are significant all just work with utf-8 because no ASCII value appear in utf-8 except when they are actually meant to be those ASCII values

Some other answers or comments mentions that utf-32 has the advantage that you can treat each codepoint separately. This would suggest for example you could take a string like "ABCDEFGHI" and split it at every 3rd code point to make


This is false. Many code points affect other code points. For example the color selector code points that lets you choose between ?????. If you split at any arbitrary code point you'll break those.

Another example is the bidirectional code points. The following paragraph was not entered backward. It is just preceded by the 0x202E codepoint

  • ?This line is not typed backward it is only displayed backward

So no, utf-32 will not let you just randomly manipulate unicode strings without a thought to their meanings. It will let you look at each codepoint with no extra code.

FYI though, utf-8 was designed so that looking at any individual byte you can find out the start of the current code point or the next code point.

If you take a arbitrary byte in utf-8 data. If it is < 128 it's the correct code point by itself. If it's >= 128 and < 192 (the top 2 bits are 10) then to find the start of the code point you need to look the preceding byte until you find a byte with a value >= 192 (the top 2 bits are 11). At that byte you've found the start of a codepoint. That byte encodes how many subsequent bytes make the code point.

If you want to find the next code point just scan until the byte < 128 or >= 192 and that's the start of the next code point.

Num Bytes 1st code point last code point Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
1 U+0000 U+007F 0xxxxxxx
2 U+0080 U+07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
3 U+0800 U+FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
4 U+10000 U+10FFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

Where xxxxxx are the bits of the code point. Concatenate the xxxx bits from the bytes to get the code point

How to check if an element of a list is a list (in Python)?

  1. Work out what specific properties of a list you want the items to have. Do they need to be indexable? Sliceable? Do they need an .append() method?

  2. Look up the abstract base class which describes that particular type in the collections module.

  3. Use isinstance:

    isinstance(x, collections.MutableSequence)

You might ask "why not just use type(x) == list?" You shouldn't do that, because then you won't support things that look like lists. And part of the Python mentality is duck typing:

I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck

In other words, you shouldn't require that the objects are lists, just that they have the methods you will need. The collections module provides a bunch of abstract base classes, which are a bit like Java interfaces. Any type that is an instance of collections.Sequence, for example, will support indexing.

Jackson: how to prevent field serialization

Aside from @JsonIgnore, there are a couple of other possibilities:

  • Use JSON Views to filter out fields conditionally (by default, not used for deserialization; in 2.0 will be available but you can use different view on serialization, deserialization)
  • @JsonIgnoreProperties on class may be useful

Need to find element in selenium by css

By.cssSelector(".ban") or By.cssSelector(".hot") or By.cssSelector("") should all select it unless there is another element that has those classes.

In CSS, .name means find an element that has a class with name. means to find an element that has all of those classes (in the same element).

However, each of those selectors will select only the first element that matches it on the page. If you need something more specific, please post the HTML of the other elements that have those classes.

does linux shell support list data structure?

It supports lists, but not as a separate data structure (ignoring arrays for the moment).

The for loop iterates over a list (in the generic sense) of white-space separated values, regardless of how that list is created, whether literally:

for i in 1 2 3; do
    echo "$i"

or via parameter expansion:

listVar="1 2 3"
for i in $listVar; do
    echo "$i"

or command substitution:

for i in $(echo 1; echo 2; echo 3); do
    echo "$i"

An array is just a special parameter which can contain a more structured list of value, where each element can itself contain whitespace. Compare the difference:

array=("item 1" "item 2" "item 3")
for i in "${array[@]}"; do   # The quotes are necessary here
    echo "$i"

list='"item 1" "item 2" "item 3"'
for i in $list; do
    echo $i
for i in "$list"; do
    echo $i
for i in ${array[@]}; do
    echo $i

Unordered List (<ul>) default indent

I found the following removed the indent and the margin from both the left AND right sides, but allowed the bullets to remain left-justified below the text above it. Add this to your css file:

ul.noindent {
    margin-left: 5px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 0px;

To use it in your html file add class="noindent" to the UL tag. I've tested w/FF 14 and IE 9.

I have no idea why browsers default to the indents, but I haven't really had a reason for changing them that often.

How to pass the id of an element that triggers an `onclick` event to the event handling function

Use this:

<link onclick='doWithThisElement(this.attributes["id"].value)' />

In the context of the onclick JavaScript, this refers to the current element (which in this case is the whole HTML element link).

Node.js - SyntaxError: Unexpected token import

Simply install a higher version of Node. As till Node v10 es6 is not supported. You need to disable a few flags or use

How do I save a String to a text file using Java?

If you're simply outputting text, rather than any binary data, the following will work:

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("filename.txt");

Then, write your String to it, just like you would to any output stream:


You'll need exception handling, as ever. Be sure to call out.close() when you've finished writing.

If you are using Java 7 or later, you can use the "try-with-resources statement" which will automatically close your PrintStream when you are done with it (ie exit the block) like so:

try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("filename.txt")) {

You will still need to explicitly throw the as before.

What does this error mean: "error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'type_name'"?

this error basically comes when you use the object before using it.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

Short And working Solution :

Follow Simple Steps :

Step 1 : Override onSaveInstanceState state in respective fragment. And remove super method from it.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

Step 2 : Use CommitAllowingStateLoss(); instead of commit(); while fragment operations.


How do I get the max and min values from a set of numbers entered?

here you need to skip int 0 like following:

val = s.nextInt();
  if ((val < min) && (val!=0)) {
      min = val;

Current Subversion revision command

svn info, I believe, is what you want.

If you just wanted the revision, maybe you could do something like:

svn info | grep "Revision:"

How can I make Java print quotes, like "Hello"?

Escape double-quotes in your string: "\"Hello\""

More on the topic (check 'Escape Sequences' part)

How to change MySQL column definition?

This should do it:

ALTER TABLE test MODIFY locationExpert VARCHAR(120) 

What is the 'dynamic' type in C# 4.0 used for?

COM interop. Especially IUnknown. It was designed specially for it.

How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file?

Modify your file accordingly:


Change the log levels for each logger depending to your needs.

How to search in commit messages using command line?

git log --grep=<pattern>
    Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the 
    specified pattern (regular expression).

--git help log

Twitter Bootstrap 3 Sticky Footer

Here is my updated solution to this issue.

 /* Sticky footer styles
-------------------------------------------------- */
html {
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100%;

body {
  /* Margin bottom by footer height */
  margin-bottom: 60px;
.footer {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  /* Set the fixed height of the footer here */
  height: 60px;
  background-color: #f5f5f5;

  border-top: 1px solid #eee;
  text-align: center;

.site-footer-links {
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 1.5;
  color: #777;
  padding-top: 20px;
  display: block;
  text-align: center;
  float: center;
  margin: 0;
  list-style: none;

And use it like this:

<div class="footer">
 <div class="site-footer">
  <ul class="site-footer-links">
        <li>© Zee and Company<span></span></li>



html, body {
  height: 100%;
.page-wrap {
  min-height: 100%;
  /* equal to footer height */
  margin-bottom: -142px; 
.page-wrap:after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
.site-footer, .page-wrap:after {
  height: 142px; 
.site-footer {
  background: orange;

'Incorrect SET Options' Error When Building Database Project

According to BOL:

Indexed views and indexes on computed columns store results in the database for later reference. The stored results are valid only if all connections referring to the indexed view or indexed computed column can generate the same result set as the connection that created the index.

In order to create a table with a persisted, computed column, the following connection settings must be enabled:


These values are set on the database level and can be viewed using:

FROM sys.databases

However, the SET options can also be set by the client application connecting to SQL Server.

A perfect example is SQL Server Management Studio which has the default values for SET ANSI_NULLS and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER both to ON. This is one of the reasons why I could not initially duplicate the error you posted.

Anyway, to duplicate the error, try this (this will override the SSMS default settings):



You can fix the test case above by using:


I would recommend tweaking these two settings in your script before the creation of the table and related indexes.

Spring Data JPA and Exists query

Apart from the accepted answer, I'm suggesting another alternative. Use QueryDSL, create a predicate and use the exists() method that accepts a predicate and returns Boolean.

One advantage with QueryDSL is you can use the predicate for complicated where clauses.

Rotating a two-dimensional array in Python

Just an observation. The input is a list of lists, but the output from the very nice solution: rotated = zip(*original[::-1]) returns a list of tuples.

This may or may not be an issue.

It is, however, easily corrected:

original = [[1, 2, 3],
            [4, 5, 6],
            [7, 8, 9]

def rotated(array_2d):
    list_of_tuples = zip(*array_2d[::-1])
    return [list(elem) for elem in list_of_tuples]
    # return map(list, list_of_tuples)


# [[7, 4, 1], [8, 5, 2], [9, 6, 3]]

The list comp or the map will both convert the interior tuples back to lists.

How to run VBScript from command line without Cscript/Wscript

I'll break this down in to several distinct parts, as each part can be done individually. (I see the similar answer, but I'm going to give a more detailed explanation here..)

First part, in order to avoid typing "CScript" (or "WScript"), you need to tell Windows how to launch a * .vbs script file. In My Windows 8 (I cannot be sure all these commands work exactly as shown here in older Windows, but the process is the same, even if you have to change the commands slightly), launch a console window (aka "command prompt", or aka [incorrectly] "dos prompt") and type "assoc .vbs". That should result in a response such as:

C:\Windows\System32>assoc .vbs

Using that, you then type "ftype VBSFile", which should result in a response of:

C:\Windows\System32>ftype VBSFile
vbsfile="%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%1" %*


C:\Windows\System32>ftype VBSFile
vbsfile="%SystemRoot%\System32\CScript.exe" "%1" %*

If these two are already defined as above, your Windows' is already set up to know how to launch a * .vbs file. (BTW, WScript and CScript are the same program, using different names. WScript launches the script as if it were a GUI program, and CScript launches it as if it were a command line program. See other sites and/or documentation for these details and caveats.)

If either of the commands did not respond as above (or similar responses, if the file type reported by assoc and/or the command executed as reported by ftype have different names or locations), you can enter them yourself:

C:\Windows\System32>assoc .vbs=VBSFile


C:\Windows\System32>ftype vbsfile="%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%1" %*

You can also type "help assoc" or "help ftype" for additional information on these commands, which are often handy when you want to automatically run certain programs by simply typing a filename with a specific extension. (Be careful though, as some file extensions are specially set up by Windows or programs you may have installed so they operate correctly. Always check the currently assigned values reported by assoc/ftype and save them in a text file somewhere in case you have to restore them.)

Second part, avoiding typing the file extension when typing the command from the console window.. Understanding how Windows (and the CMD.EXE program) finds commands you type is useful for this (and the next) part. When you type a command, let's use "querty" as an example command, the system will first try to find the command in it's internal list of commands (via settings in the Windows' registry for the system itself, or programmed in in the case of CMD.EXE). Since there is no such command, it will then try to find the command in the current %PATH% environment variable. In older versions of DOS/Windows, CMD.EXE (and/or COMMAND.COM) would automatically add the file extensions ".bat", ".exe", ".com" and possibly ".cmd" to the command name you typed, unless you explicitly typed an extension (such as "querty.bat" to avoid running "querty.exe" by mistake). In more modern Windows, it will try the extensions listed in the %PATHEXT% environment variable. So all you have to do is add .vbs to %PATHEXT%. For example, here's my %PATHEXT%:

C:\Windows\System32>set pathext

Notice that the extensions MUST include the ".", are separated by ";", and that .VBS is listed AFTER .CMD, but BEFORE .COM. This means that if the command processor (CMD.EXE) finds more than one match, it'll use the first one listed. That is, if I have query.cmd, querty.vbs and, it'll use querty.cmd.

Now, if you want to do this all the time without having to keep setting %PATHEXT%, you'll have to modify the system environment. Typing it in a console window only changes it for that console window session. I'll leave this process as an exercise for the reader. :-P

Third part, getting the script to run without always typing the full path. This part, in relation to the second part, has been around since the days of DOS. Simply make sure the file is in one of the directories (folders, for you Windows' folk!) listed in the %PATH% environment variable. My suggestion is to make your own directory to store various files and programs you create or use often from the console window/command prompt (that is, don't worry about doing this for programs you run from the start menu or any other method.. only the console window. Don't mess with programs that are installed by Windows or an automated installer unless you know what you're doing).

Personally, I always create a "C:\sys\bat" directory for batch files, a "C:\sys\bin" directory for * .exe and * .com files (for example, if you download something like "md5sum", a MD5 checksum utility), a "C:\sys\wsh" directory for VBScripts (and JScripts, named "wsh" because both are executed using the "Windows Scripting Host", or "wsh" program), and so on. I then add these to my system %PATH% variable (Control Panel -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables button), so Windows can always find them when I type them.

Combining all three parts will result in configuring your Windows system so that anywhere you can type in a command-line command, you can launch your VBScript by just typing it's base file name. You can do the same for just about any file type/extension; As you probably saw in my %PATHEXT% output, my system is set up to run Perl scripts (.PLX;.PLW;.PL) and Python (.PY) scripts as well. (I also put "C:\sys\bat;C:\sys\scripts;C:\sys\wsh;C:\sys\bin" at the front of my %PATH%, and put various batch files, script files, et cetera, in these directories, so Windows can always find them. This is also handy if you want to "override" some commands: Putting the * .bat files first in the path makes the system find them before the * .exe files, for example, and then the * .bat file can launch the actual program by giving the full path to the actual *. exe file. Check out the various sites on "batch file programming" for details and other examples of the power of the command line.. It isn't dead yet!)

One final note: DO check out some of the other sites for various warnings and caveats. This question posed a script named "converter.vbs", which is dangerously close to the command "convert.exe", which is a Windows program to convert your hard drive from a FAT file system to a NTFS file system.. Something that can clobber your hard drive if you make a typing mistake!

On the other hand, using the above techniques you can insulate yourself from such mistakes, too. Using CONVERT.EXE as an example.. Rename it to something like "REAL_CONVERT.EXE", then create a file like "C:\sys\bat\convert.bat" which contains:


ECHO This command will convert your hard drive to NTFS! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS?!

REM "PAUSE" will pause the batch file with the message "Press any key to continue...",
REM and also allow the user to press CONTROL-C which will prompt the user to abort or
REM continue running the batch file.

ECHO Okay, if you're really determined to do this, type this command:
ECHO to run the real CONVERT.EXE program. Have a nice day!

You can also use CHOICE.EXE in modern Windows to make the user type "y" or "n" if they really want to continue, and so on.. Again, the power of batch (and scripting) files!

Here's some links to some good resources on how to use all this power:

Most of these sites are geared towards batch files, but most of the information in them applies to running any kind of batch (* .bat) file, command (* .cmd) file, and scripting (* .vbs, * .js, * .pl, * .py, and so on) files.

inner join in linq to entities

You can find a whole bunch of Linq examples in visual studio. Just select Help -> Samples, and then unzip the Linq samples.

Open the linq samples solution and open the LinqSamples.cs of the SampleQueries project.

The answer you are looking for is in method Linq14:

int[] numbersA = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 };
int[] numbersB = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 };

var pairs =
   from a in numbersA
   from b in numbersB
   where a < b
   select new {a, b};

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

solution for the microsoft sql server 2005 failed to start

  1. Read carefully all the tabs and icon name when you open it
  2. Don't be in a hurry be cool and do this procedure
  3. Start your sql and proceed further when u get this error than start with this solution . do not quit the installation
    start->control panel-->administrative tools-->services-->in services search for the sql server (sql express) -->click on logon (tab)--> check local system account & also check
    service to interact with desktop -->click on recovery tab -->first failure choose restart the service ;second failure --> run the program --> apply ok

Understanding CUDA grid dimensions, block dimensions and threads organization (simple explanation)


If a GPU device has, for example, 4 multiprocessing units, and they can run 768 threads each: then at a given moment no more than 4*768 threads will be really running in parallel (if you planned more threads, they will be waiting their turn).


threads are organized in blocks. A block is executed by a multiprocessing unit. The threads of a block can be indentified (indexed) using 1Dimension(x), 2Dimensions (x,y) or 3Dim indexes (x,y,z) but in any case xyz <= 768 for our example (other restrictions apply to x,y,z, see the guide and your device capability).

Obviously, if you need more than those 4*768 threads you need more than 4 blocks. Blocks may be also indexed 1D, 2D or 3D. There is a queue of blocks waiting to enter the GPU (because, in our example, the GPU has 4 multiprocessors and only 4 blocks are being executed simultaneously).

Now a simple case: processing a 512x512 image

Suppose we want one thread to process one pixel (i,j).

We can use blocks of 64 threads each. Then we need 512*512/64 = 4096 blocks (so to have 512x512 threads = 4096*64)

It's common to organize (to make indexing the image easier) the threads in 2D blocks having blockDim = 8 x 8 (the 64 threads per block). I prefer to call it threadsPerBlock.

dim3 threadsPerBlock(8, 8);  // 64 threads

and 2D gridDim = 64 x 64 blocks (the 4096 blocks needed). I prefer to call it numBlocks.

dim3 numBlocks(imageWidth/threadsPerBlock.x,  /* for instance 512/8 = 64*/

The kernel is launched like this:

myKernel <<<numBlocks,threadsPerBlock>>>( /* params for the kernel function */ );       

Finally: there will be something like "a queue of 4096 blocks", where a block is waiting to be assigned one of the multiprocessors of the GPU to get its 64 threads executed.

In the kernel the pixel (i,j) to be processed by a thread is calculated this way:

uint i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
uint j = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

Error sending json in POST to web API service

  1. You have to must add header property Content-Type:application/json
  2. When you define any POST request method input parameter that should be annotated as [FromBody], e.g.:

    public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]ActivityResult ar)
      return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
  3. Any JSON input data must be raw data.

Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

@Guffa 's answer is excellent, just point out that maybe is cleaner with an IF statement

select count(IF(Position = 'Manager', 1, NULL)) as ManagerCount
from ...

PHP $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']: How to preserve filename and extension?

Like @Gabi Purcaru mentions above, the proper way to rename and move the file is to use move_uploaded_file(). It performs some safety checks to prevent security vulnerabilities and other exploits. You'll need to sanitize the value of $_FILES['file']['name'] if you want to use it or an extension derived from it. Use pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) to safely get the extension.

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

If I am the one who faced the interview, I would say that as the end-user perspective abstraction and encapsulation are fairly same. It is nothing but information hiding. As a Software Developer perspective, Abstraction solves the problems at the design level and Encapsulation solves the problem in implementation level

Clear the value of bootstrap-datepicker

I came across this thread while trying to figure out why the dates weren't being cleared in IE7/IE8.
It has to do with the fact that IE8 and older require a second parameter for the Array.prototype.splice() method. Here's the original code in bootstrap.datepicker.js:

clear: function(){

Adding the second parameter resolved my issue:

clear: function(){

C# Generics and Type Checking

You could use overloads:

public static string BuildClause(List<string> l){...}

public static string BuildClause(List<int> l){...}

public static string BuildClause<T>(List<T> l){...}

Or you could inspect the type of the generic parameter:

Type listType = typeof(T);
if(listType == typeof(int)){...}

How can I list the contents of a directory in Python?

Since Python 3.5, you can use os.scandir.

The difference is that it returns file entries not names. On some OSes like windows, it means that you don't have to os.path.isdir/file to know if it's a file or not, and that saves CPU time because stat is already done when scanning dir in Windows:

example to list a directory and print files bigger than max_value bytes:

for dentry in os.scandir("/path/to/dir"):
    if dentry.stat().st_size > max_value:
       print("{} is biiiig".format(

(read an extensive performance-based answer of mine here)

Shell script to delete directories older than n days

find supports -delete operation, so:

find /base/dir/* -ctime +10 -delete;

I think there's a catch that the files need to be 10+ days older too. Haven't tried, someone may confirm in comments.

The most voted solution here is missing -maxdepth 0 so it will call rm -rf for every subdirectory, after deleting it. That doesn't make sense, so I suggest:

find /base/dir/* -maxdepth 0  -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \;

The -delete solution above doesn't use -maxdepth 0 because find would complain the dir is not empty. Instead, it implies -depth and deletes from the bottom up.

How to debug in Django, the good way?

i highly suggest to use PDB.

import pdb

You can inspect all the variables values, step in to the function and much more.

for checking out the all kind of request,response and hits to database.i am using django-debug-toolbar

Modify the legend of pandas bar plot

If you need to call plot multiply times, you can also use the "label" argument:

ax = df1.plot(label='df1', y='y_var')
ax = df2.plot(label='df2', y='y_var')

While this is not the case in the OP question, this can be helpful if the DataFrame is in long format and you use groupby before plotting.

Linux command to print directory structure in the form of a tree

Since I was not too happy with the output of other (non-tree) answers (see my comment at Hassou's answer), I tried to mimic trees output a bit more.

It's similar to the answer of Robert but the horizontal lines do not all start at the beginning, but where there are supposed to start. Had to use perl though, but in my case, on the system where I don't have tree, perl is available.

ls -aR | grep ":$" | perl -pe 's/:$//;s/[^-][^\/]*\//    /g;s/^    (\S)/+-- \1/;s/(^    |    (?= ))/¦   /g;s/    (\S)/+-- \1/'

Output (shortened):

+-- fd
+-- net
¦   +-- dev_snmp6
¦   +-- nfsfs
¦   +-- rpc
¦   ¦   +-- auth.unix.ip
¦   +-- stat
¦   +-- vlan
+-- ns
+-- task
¦   +-- 1310
¦   ¦   +-- net
¦   ¦   ¦   +-- dev_snmp6
¦   ¦   ¦   +-- rpc
¦   ¦   ¦   ¦   +-- auth.unix.gid
¦   ¦   ¦   ¦   +-- auth.unix.ip
¦   ¦   ¦   +-- stat
¦   ¦   ¦   +-- vlan
¦   ¦   +-- ns

Suggestions to avoid the superfluous vertical lines are welcome :-)

I still like Ben's solution in the comment of Hassou's answer very much, without the (not perfectly correct) lines it's much cleaner. For my use case I additionally removed the global indentation and added the option to also ls hidden files, like so:

ls -aR | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//  /g'

Output (shortened even more):


Does VBA contain a comment block syntax?

Although there isn't a syntax, you can still get close by using the built-in block comment buttons:

If you're not viewing the Edit toolbar already, right-click on the toolbar and enable the Edit toolbar:

enter image description here

Then, select a block of code and hit the "Comment Block" button; or if it's already commented out, use the "Uncomment Block" button:

enter image description here

Fast and easy!

How to add a tooltip to an svg graphic?

I always go with the generic css title with my setup. I'm just building analytics for my blog admin page. I don't need anything fancy. Here's some code...

let comps = g.selectAll('.myClass')

   .text((d, i) => + '-' + i);

And a screenshot of chrome...

enter image description here

Shell script to check if file exists

One liner to check file exist or not -

awk 'BEGIN {print getline < "file.txt" < 0 ? "File does not exist" : "File Exists"}'

Reading large text files with streams in C#

Whilst the most upvoted answer is correct but it lacks usage of multi-core processing. In my case, having 12 cores I use PLink:

    File.ReadLines(filename), //returns IEumberable<string>: lazy-loading
    new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },
    (line, state, index) =>
        //process line value

Worth mentioning, I got that as an interview question asking return Top 10 most occurrences:

var result = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
    new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },
    (line, state, index) =>
        result.AddOrUpdate(line, 1, (key, val) => val + 1);        

return result
    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value)
    .Select(x => x.Value);

Benchmarking: BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19042 Intel Core i7-8700K CPU 3.70GHz (Coffee Lake), 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores [Host] : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4250.0), X64 RyuJIT DefaultJob : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4250.0), X64 RyuJIT

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
GetTopWordsSync 33.03 s 0.175 s 0.155 s 1194000 314000 7000 7.06 GB
GetTopWordsParallel 10.89 s 0.121 s 0.113 s 1225000 354000 8000 7.18 GB

And as you can see it's 75% performance improvement.

Creating a dictionary from a CSV file

Try to use a defaultdict and DictReader.

import csv
from collections import defaultdict
my_dict = defaultdict(list)

with open('filename.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
    for line in csv_reader:
        for key, value in line.items():

It returns:

{'key1':[value_1, value_2, value_3], 'key2': [value_a, value_b, value_c], 'Key3':[value_x, Value_y, Value_z]}

How can I count the number of children?

You can use .length, like this:

var count = $("ul li").length;

.length tells how many matches the selector found, so this counts how many <li> under <ul> elements you have...if there are sub-children, use "ul > li" instead to get only direct children. If you have other <ul> elements in your page, just change the selector to match only his one, for example if it has an ID you'd use "#myListID > li".

In other situations where you don't know the child type, you can use the * (wildcard) selector, or .children(), like this:

var count = $(".parentSelector > *").length;


var count = $(".parentSelector").children().length;

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

for me changing the Mysql character encoding the same as my code helped to sort out the solution. `photo=open('pic3.png',encoding=latin1), strong text enter image description here

Log4j output not displayed in Eclipse console

Makes sure when running junit test cases, you have the or log4j.xml file in your test/resources folder.

Retina displays, high-res background images

If you are planing to use the same image for retina and non-retina screen then here is the solution. Say that you have a image of 200x200 and have two icons in top row and two icon in bottom row. So, it's four quadrants.

.sprite-of-icons {
  background: url("../images/icons-in-four-quad-of-200by200.png") no-repeat;
  background-size: 100px 100px /* Scale it down to 50% rather using 200x200 */

.sp-logo-1 { background-position: 0 0; }

/* Reduce positioning of the icons down to 50% rather using -50px */
.sp-logo-2 { background-position: -25px 0 }
.sp-logo-3 { background-position: 0 -25px }
.sp-logo-3 { background-position: -25px -25px }

Scaling and positioning of the sprite icons to 50% than actual value, you can get the expected result.

Another handy SCSS mixin solution by Ryan Benhase.


@mixin background-2x($path, $ext: "png", $w: auto, $h: auto, $pos: left top, $repeat: no-repeat) {

  $at1x_path: "#{$path}.#{$ext}";
  $at2x_path: "#{$path}@2x.#{$ext}";

  background-image: url("#{$at1x_path}");
  background-size: $w $h;
  background-position: $pos;
  background-repeat: $repeat;

  @media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5),
  all and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
  all and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
  all and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
    background-image: url("#{$at2x_path}"); 

div.background {
  @include background-2x( 'path/to/image', 'jpg', 100px, 100px, center center, repeat-x );

For more info about above mixin READ HERE.

How can I render inline JavaScript with Jade / Pug?


Here's a multiple line example of inline Jade Javascript. I don't think you can write it without using a -. This is a flash message example that I use in a partial. Hope this helps!

-if(typeof(info) !== 'undefined')
  -if (info)
    - if(info.length){
          li= info

Is the code you're trying to get to compile the code in your question?

If so, you don't need two things: first, you don't need to declare that it's Javascript/a script, you can just started coding after typing -; second, after you type -if you don't need to type the { or } either. That's what makes Jade pretty sweet.

--------------ORIGINAL ANSWER BELOW ---------------

Try prepending if with -:

-if(10 == 10)
  //do whatever you want here as long as it's indented two spaces from
   the `-` above

There are also tons of Jade examples at:

Can't use System.Windows.Forms

A console application does not automatically add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll.

Right-click your project in Solution Explorer and select Add reference... and then find System.Windows.Forms and add it.

TabLayout tab selection

add for your viewpager:

 viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {

            public void onPageSelected(int position) {
                switch (position) {
                    case 1:
                        //like a example

            public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {

            public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {

//on handler to prevent crash outofmemory

private void setViewPagerByIndex(final int index){
    Application.getInstance().getHandler().post(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

Best way to change the background color for an NSView

Have a look at RMSkinnedView. You can set the NSView's background color from within Interface Builder.

Apache could not be started - ServerRoot must be a valid directory and Unable to find the specified module

That for changing directory of the XAMPP. So you have to change the Directory as well as ServerRoot "E:/xampp/apache"

DocumentRoot "E:/xampp/htdocs"

<Directory "E:/xampp/htdocs">

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "E:/xampp/cgi-bin/"

<Directory "E:/xampp/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride All
    Options None
    Require all granted

I also facing same problem for changing My laptop. thanks

<img>: Unsafe value used in a resource URL context

I usually add separate safe pipe reusable component as following

# Add Safe Pipe

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

@Pipe({name: 'mySafe'})
export class SafePipe implements PipeTransform {
    constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {

    public transform(url) {
        return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url);
# then create shared pipe module as following 

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; 
import { SafePipe } from './safe.pipe';
    declarations: [
    exports: [
export class SharedPipesModule {
# import shared pipe module in your native module

    declarations: [],
    imports: [
export class SupportModule {
call your url (`trustedUrl` for me) and add `mySafe` as defined in Safe Pipe
<div class="container-fluid" *ngIf="trustedUrl">
    <iframe [src]="trustedUrl | mySafe" align="middle" width="100%" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Turning multiple lines into one comma separated line




cat file | xargs


aaa bbb ccc ddd 

xargs improoved

cat file | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g'



ascending/descending in LINQ - can one change the order via parameter?

In addition to the beautiful solution given by @Jon Skeet, I also needed ThenBy and ThenByDescending, so I am adding it based on his solution:

    public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> ThenByWithDirection<TSource, TKey>(
         this IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> source, 
         Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,  
         bool descending)
        return descending ? 
               source.ThenByDescending(keySelector) :

Long press on UITableView

I've used Anna-Karenina's answer, and it works almost great with a very serious bug.

If you're using sections, long-pressing the section title will give you a wrong result of pressing the first row on that section, I've added a fixed version below (including the filtering of dummy calls based on the gesture state, per Anna-Karenina suggestion).

- (IBAction)handleLongPress:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
    if (gestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {

        CGPoint p = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.tableView];

        NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint:p];
        if (indexPath == nil) {
            NSLog(@"long press on table view but not on a row");
        } else {
            UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
            if (cell.isHighlighted) {
                NSLog(@"long press on table view at section %d row %d", indexPath.section, indexPath.row);

How can I disable editing cells in a WPF Datagrid?

If you want to disable editing the entire grid, you can set IsReadOnly to true on the grid. If you want to disable user to add new rows, you set the property CanUserAddRows="False"

<DataGrid IsReadOnly="True" CanUserAddRows="False" />

Further more you can set IsReadOnly on individual columns to disable editing.

How to drop a database with Mongoose?

There is no method for dropping a collection from mongoose, the best you can do is remove the content of one :

Model.remove({}, function(err) { 
   console.log('collection removed') 

But there is a way to access the mongodb native javascript driver, which can be used for this

mongoose.connection.collections['collectionName'].drop( function(err) {
    console.log('collection dropped');


Make a backup before trying this in case anything goes wrong!

PL/SQL ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

A SELECT INTO statement will throw an error if it returns anything other than 1 row. If it returns 0 rows, you'll get a no_data_found exception. If it returns more than 1 row, you'll get a too_many_rows exception. Unless you know that there will always be exactly 1 employee with a salary greater than 3000, you do not want a SELECT INTO statement here.

Most likely, you want to use a cursor to iterate over (potentially) multiple rows of data (I'm also assuming that you intended to do a proper join between the two tables rather than doing a Cartesian product so I'm assuming that there is a departmentID column in both tables)

                FROM EMPLOYEE, 
               WHERE employee.departmentID = department.departmentID
                 AND EMPLOYEE.SALARY > 3000)
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Nnumber: ' || rec.EMPID);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('---------------------------------------------------');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Name: ' || rec.ENAME);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('---------------------------------------------------');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Designation: ' || rec.DESIGNATION);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('----------------------------------------------------');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Salary: ' || rec.SALARY);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('----------------------------------------------------');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Department: ' || rec.DEPT_NAME);

I'm assuming that you are just learning PL/SQL as well. In real code, you'd never use dbms_output like this and would not depend on anyone seeing data that you write to the dbms_output buffer.

Declaring variable workbook / Worksheet vba

Third solution: I would set ws to a sheet of workbook wb as the use of Sheet("name") always refers to the active workbook, which might change as your code develops.

sub kl() 

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    'be aware as this might produce an error, if Shet "name" does not exist
    Set ws = wb.Sheets("name")
    ' if wb is other than the active workbook

End Sub

Displaying output of a remote command with Ansible

If you pass the -v flag to the ansible-playbook command, then ansible will show the output on your terminal.

For your use case, you may want to try using the fetch module to copy the public key from the server to your local machine. That way, it will only show a "changed" status when the file changes.

Exact difference between CharSequence and String in java

CharSequence is a contract (interface), and String is an implementation of this contract.

public final class String extends Object 
    implements Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence

The documentation for CharSequence is:

A CharSequence is a readable sequence of char values. This interface provides uniform, read-only access to many different kinds of char sequences. A char value represents a character in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) or a surrogate. Refer to Unicode Character Representation for details.

Get month and year from a datetime in SQL Server 2005

---Lalmuni Demos---
create table Users
userid int,date_of_birth date
---insert values---
insert into Users values(4,'9/10/1991')

select DATEDIFF(year,date_of_birth, getdate()) - (CASE WHEN (DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year,date_of_birth, getdate()),date_of_birth)) > getdate() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Years, 
MONTH(getdate() - (DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, date_of_birth, getdate()), date_of_birth))) - 1 as Months, 
DAY(getdate() - (DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year,date_of_birth, getdate()), date_of_birth))) - 1 as Days,
from users

Floating point exception

It's caused by n % x where x = 0 in the first loop iteration. You can't calculate a modulus with respect to 0.

Converting Columns into rows with their respective data in sql server

select 'ScriptName', scriptName from table
union all
select 'ScriptCode', scriptCode from table
union all
select 'Price', price from table

Change marker size in Google maps V3

This answer expounds on John Black's helpful answer, so I will repeat some of his answer content in my answer.

The easiest way to resize a marker seems to be leaving argument 2, 3, and 4 null and scaling the size in argument 5.

var pinIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    null, /* size is determined at runtime */
    null, /* origin is 0,0 */
    null, /* anchor is bottom center of the scaled image */
    new google.maps.Size(42, 68)

As an aside, this answer to a similar question asserts that defining marker size in the 2nd argument is better than scaling in the 5th argument. I don't know if this is true.

Leaving arguments 2-4 null works great for the default google pin image, but you must set an anchor explicitly for the default google pin shadow image, or it will look like this:

what happens when you leave anchor null on an enlarged shadow

The bottom center of the pin image happens to be collocated with the tip of the pin when you view the graphic on the map. This is important, because the marker's position property (marker's LatLng position on the map) will automatically be collocated with the visual tip of the pin when you leave the anchor (4th argument) null. In other words, leaving the anchor null ensures the tip points where it is supposed to point.

However, the tip of the shadow is not located at the bottom center. So you need to set the 4th argument explicitly to offset the tip of the pin shadow so the shadow's tip will be colocated with the pin image's tip.

By experimenting I found the tip of the shadow should be set like this: x is 1/3 of size and y is 100% of size.

var pinShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    /* Offset x axis 33% of overall size, Offset y axis 100% of overall size */
    new google.maps.Point(40, 110), 
    new google.maps.Size(120, 110)); 

to give this:

offset the enlarged shadow anchor explicitly

Creating a batch file, for simple javac and java command execution

I just made a simple batch script that takes a file name as an argument compiles and runs the java file with one command. Here is the code:

@echo off
set arg1=%1
javac -cp .
java %arg1%

I just saved that as run-java.bat and put it in the System32 directory so I can use the script from wherever I wish.

To use the command I would do:

run-java filename

and it will compile and run the file. Just make sure to leave out the .java extension when you type the filename (you could make it work even when you type the file name but I am new to batch and don't know how to do that yet).

'xmlParseEntityRef: no name' warnings while loading xml into a php file

The XML is most probably invalid.

The problem could be the "&"

$text=preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/', '&amp;', $text);

will get rid of the "&" and replace it with it's HTML code version...give it a try.

Generate random number between two numbers in JavaScript


Random Integer: to get a random integer between min and max, use the following code

function getRandomInteger(min, max) {
  min = Math.ceil(min);
  max = Math.floor(max);
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

Random Floating Point Number: to get a random floating point number between min and max, use the following code

function getRandomFloat(min, max) {
  return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;


Difference between Relative path and absolute path in javascript

The path with reference to root directory is called absolute. The path with reference to current directory is called relative.

Gradle error: Minimum supported Gradle version is 3.3. Current version is 3.2

I was facing the same issue what I did opened project folder and on search option searched for and edited file to updated version

The equivalent of wrap_content and match_parent in flutter?

  children: [
    Container(, height:200.0, width:200.0),
      child: Container(color: Colors. yellow),

How to escape special characters of a string with single backslashes

Simply using re.sub might also work instead of str.maketrans. And this would also work in python 2.x

>>> print(re.sub(r'(\-|\]|\^|\$|\*|\.|\\)',lambda m:{'-':'\-',']':'\]','\\':'\\\\','^':'\^','$':'\$','*':'\*','.':'\.'}[],"^stack.*/overflo\w$arr=1"))

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

If you want to upload the file /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/keypairfile.pem to ec2-user@publicdns:/var/www/html, you can simply do:

scp -Cr /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/keypairfile.pem/uploads/ ec2-user@publicdns:/var/www/html/


  • -C - Compress data
  • -r - Recursive

SVN "Already Locked Error"

I got similar error msgs. I run svn clean-up, and then tried "get clock" for a few times. Then this error was gone.

MSOnline can't be imported on PowerShell (Connect-MsolService error)

The following is needed:

  • MS Online Services Assistant needs to be downloaded and installed.
  • MS Online Module for PowerShell needs to be downloaded and installed
  • Connect to Microsoft Online in PowerShell


Then Follow this one if you're running a 64bits computer: I’m running a x64 OS currently (Win8 Pro).

Copy the folder MSOnline from (1) –> (2) as seen here

1) C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules(MSOnline)

2) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules(MSOnline)


Hope this is better and can save some people's time

Disable Transaction Log

What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.

From Microsoft documentation:

In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server 2005, the "Simple" recovery model is equivalent to "truncate log on checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL Server. If the transaction log is truncated every time a checkpoint is performed on the server, this prevents you from using the log for database recovery. You can only use full database backups to restore your data. Backups of the transaction log are disabled when the "Simple" recovery model is used.

Difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT SEMI JOIN

An INNER JOIN can return data from the columns from both tables, and can duplicate values of records on either side have more than one match. A LEFT SEMI JOIN can only return columns from the left-hand table, and yields one of each record from the left-hand table where there is one or more matches in the right-hand table (regardless of the number of matches). It's equivalent to (in standard SQL):

FROM table_1 a
    SELECT * FROM table_2 b WHERE (

If there are multiple matching rows in the right-hand column, an INNER JOIN will return one row for each match on the right table, while a LEFT SEMI JOIN only returns the rows from the left table, regardless of the number of matching rows on the right side. That's why you're seeing a different number of rows in your result.

I am trying to get the names within table_1 that only appear in table_2.

Then a LEFT SEMI JOIN is the appropriate query to use.

What is sharding and why is it important?

In my opinion the application tier should have no business determining where data should be stored

This is a good rule but like most things not always correct.

When you do your architecture you start with responsibilities and collaborations. Once you determine your functional architecture, you have to balance the non-functional forces.

If one of these non-functional forces is massive scalability, you have to adapt your architecture to cater for this force even if it means that your data storage abstraction now leaks into your application tier.

Magento - How to add/remove links on my account navigation?

Technically the answer of zlovelady is preferable, but as I had only to remove items from the navigation, the approach of unsetting the not-needed navigation items in the template was the fastest/easiest way for me:

Just duplicate




and unset the unneeded navigation items before the get rendered, e.g.:

<?php $_links = $this->getLinks(); ?>    

Why does GitHub recommend HTTPS over SSH?

Also see: the official Which remote URL should I use? answer on


It seems that it's no longer necessary to have write access to a public repo to use an SSH URL, rendering my original explanation invalid.


Apparently the main reason for favoring HTTPS URLs is that SSH URL's won't work with a public repo if you don't have write access to that repo.

The use of SSH URLs is encouraged for deployment to production servers, however - presumably the context here is services like Heroku.

Python - Dimension of Data Frame

df.shape, where df is your DataFrame.

How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

Spring Data JpaRepository

The Spring Data JpaRepository defines the following two methods:

  • getOne, which returns an entity proxy that is suitable for setting a @ManyToOne or @OneToOne parent association when persisting a child entity.
  • findById, which returns the entity POJO after running the SELECT statement that loads the entity from the associated table

However, in your case, you didn't call either getOne or findById:

Person person = personRepository.findOne(1L);

So, I assume the findOne method is a method you defined in the PersonRepository. However, the findOne method is not very useful in your case. Since you need to fetch the Person along with is roles collection, it's better to use a findOneWithRoles method instead.

Custom Spring Data methods

You can define a PersonRepositoryCustom interface, as follows:

public interface PersonRepository
    extends JpaRepository<Person, Long>, PersonRepositoryCustom { 


public interface PersonRepositoryCustom {
    Person findOneWithRoles(Long id);

And define its implementation like this:

public class PersonRepositoryImpl implements PersonRepositoryCustom {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public Person findOneWithRoles(Long id)() {
        return entityManager.createQuery("""
            select p 
            from Person p
            left join fetch p.roles
            where = :id 
            """, Person.class)
        .setParameter("id", id)

That's it!

How to set recurring schedule for xlsm file using Windows Task Scheduler

I found a much easier way and I hope it works for you. (using Windows 10 and Excel 2016)

Create a new module and enter the following code: Sub auto_open() 'Macro to be run (doesn't have to be in this module, just in this workbook End Sub

Set up a task through the Task Scheduler and set the "program to be run as" Excel (found mine at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16). Then set the "Add arguments (optional): as the file path to the macro-enabled workbook. Remember that both the path to Excel and the path to the workbook should be in double quotes.

*See example from Rich, edited by Community, for an image of the windows scheduler screen.

Reading a json file in Android

Put that file in assets.

For project created in Android Studio project you need to create assets folder under the main folder.

Read that file as:

public String loadJSONFromAsset(Context context) {
        String json = null;
        try {
            InputStream is = context.getAssets().open("file_name.json");

            int size = is.available();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];



            json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return null;
        return json;


and then you can simply read this string return by this function as

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(json_return_by_the_function);

For further details regarding JSON see

Hope you will get what you want.

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

It's more reliable to get two floating points without rounding.

Reference Answer

var number = 10.5859;_x000D_
var fixed2FloatPoints = parseInt(number * 100) / 100;_x000D_

Thank You !

How to insert a value that contains an apostrophe (single quote)?

Another way of escaping the apostrophe is to write a string literal:

insert into Person (First, Last) values (q'[Joe]', q'[O'Brien]')

This is a better approach, because:

  1. Imagine you have an Excel list with 1000's of names you want to upload to your database. You may simply create a formula to generate 1000's of INSERT statements with your cell contents instead of looking manually for apostrophes.

  2. It works for other escape characters too. For example loading a Regex pattern value, i.e. ^( *)(P|N)?( *)|( *)((<|>)\d\d?)?( *)|( )(((?i)(in|not in)(?-i) ?(('[^']+')(, ?'[^']+'))))?( *)$ into a table.

What's faster, SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY in MySQL?

All of the answers above are correct, for the case of DISTINCT on a single column vs GROUP BY on a single column. Every db engine has its own implementation and optimizations, and if you care about the very little difference (in most cases) then you have to test against specific server AND specific version! As implementations may change...

BUT, if you select more than one column in the query, then the DISTINCT is essentially different! Because in this case it will compare ALL columns of all rows, instead of just one column.

So if you have something like:

// This will NOT return unique by [id], but unique by (id,name)
SELECT DISTINCT id, name FROM some_query_with_joins

// This will select unique by [id].
SELECT id, name FROM some_query_with_joins GROUP BY id

It is a common mistake to think that DISTINCT keyword distinguishes rows by the first column you specified, but the DISTINCT is a general keyword in this manner.

So people you have to be careful not to take the answers above as correct for all cases... You might get confused and get the wrong results while all you wanted was to optimize!

How do I declare a 2d array in C++ using new?

In C++11 it is possible:

auto array = new double[M][N]; 

This way, the memory is not initialized. To initialize it do this instead:

auto array = new double[M][N]();

Sample program (compile with "g++ -std=c++11"):

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cxxabi.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
    const auto M = 2;
    const auto N = 2;

    // allocate (no initializatoin)
    auto array = new double[M][N];

    // pollute the memory
    array[0][0] = 2;
    array[1][0] = 3;
    array[0][1] = 4;
    array[1][1] = 5;

    // re-allocate, probably will fetch the same memory block (not portable)
    delete[] array;
    array = new double[M][N];

    // show that memory is not initialized
    for(int r = 0; r < M; r++)
        for(int c = 0; c < N; c++)
            cout << array[r][c] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;

    delete[] array;

    // the proper way to zero-initialize the array
    array = new double[M][N]();

    // show the memory is initialized
    for(int r = 0; r < M; r++)
        for(int c = 0; c < N; c++)
            cout << array[r][c] << " ";
        cout << endl;

    int info;
    cout << abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(array).name(),0,0,&info) << endl;

    return 0;


2 4 
3 5 

0 0 
0 0 
double (*) [2]

Trim to remove white space

or just use $.trim(str)

How to add an image in Tkinter?

It's a Python version problem. If you are using the latest, then your old syntax won't work and give you this error. Please follow @Josav09's code and you will be fine.

What's the fastest way to loop through an array in JavaScript?

Another test:

The reverse while loop seems to be the fastest. Only problem is that while (--i) will stop at 0. How can I access array[0] in my loop then?

What is a "thread" (really)?

Let me explain the difference between process and threads first.

A process can have {1..N} number of threads. A small explanation on virtual memory and virtual processor.

Virtual memory

Used as a swap space so that a process thinks that it is sitting on the primary memory for execution.

Virtual processor

The same concept as virtual memory except this is for processor. To a process, it will look it's the only thing that is using the processor.

OS will take care of allocating the virtual memory and virtual processor to a process and performing the swap between processes and doing execution.

All the threads within a process will share the same virtual memory. But, each thread will have their individual virtual processor assigned to them so that they can be executed individually.

Thus saving the memory as well as utilizing the CPU to its potential.

Difference between two dates in Python

I tried the code posted by larsmans above but, there are a couple of problems:

1) The code as is will throw the error as mentioned by mauguerra 2) If you change the code to the following:

    d1 = d1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    d2 = d2.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    return abs((d2 - d1).days)

This will convert your datetime objects to strings but, two things

1) Trying to do d2 - d1 will fail as you cannot use the minus operator on strings and 2) If you read the first line of the above answer it stated, you want to use the - operator on two datetime objects but, you just converted them to strings

What I found is that you literally only need the following:

import datetime

end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=8)
difference_in_days = abs((end_date - start_date).days)

print difference_in_days

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android

This explanation might help:

"Fast Tips:

1) NEVER call System.gc() yourself. This has been propagated as a fix here, and it doesn't work. Do not do it. If you noticed in my explanation, before getting an OutOfMemoryError, the JVM already runs a garbage collection so there is no reason to do one again (its slowing your program down). Doing one at the end of your activity is just covering up the problem. It may causes the bitmap to be put on the finalizer queue faster, but there is no reason you couldn't have simply called recycle on each bitmap instead.

2) Always call recycle() on bitmaps you don't need anymore. At the very least, in the onDestroy of your activity go through and recycle all the bitmaps you were using. Also, if you want the bitmap instances to be collected from the dalvik heap faster, it doesn't hurt to clear any references to the bitmap.

3) Calling recycle() and then System.gc() still might not remove the bitmap from the Dalvik heap. DO NOT BE CONCERNED about this. recycle() did its job and freed the native memory, it will just take some time to go through the steps I outlined earlier to actually remove the bitmap from the Dalvik heap. This is NOT a big deal because the large chunk of native memory is already free!

4) Always assume there is a bug in the framework last. Dalvik is doing exactly what its supposed to do. It may not be what you expect or what you want, but its how it works. "

How do I make Java register a string input with spaces?

Since it's a long time and people keep suggesting to use Scanner#nextLine(), there's another chance that Scanner can take spaces included in input.

Class Scanner

A Scanner breaks its input into tokens using a delimiter pattern, which by default matches whitespace.

You can use Scanner#useDelimiter() to change the delimiter of Scanner to another pattern such as a line feed or something else.

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
in.useDelimiter("\n"); // use LF as the delimiter
String question;

System.out.println("Please input question:");
question =;

// TODO do something with your input such as removing spaces...

if (question.equalsIgnoreCase("howdoyoulikeschool?") )
    /* it seems strings do not allow for spaces */

EnterKey to press button in VBA Userform

This one worked for me

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
        If KeyCode = 13 Then
        End If
End Sub

How to remove all .svn directories from my application directories

Try this:

find . -name .svn -exec rm -v {} \;

Read more about the find command at developerWorks.

SQL: Combine Select count(*) from multiple tables

Basically you do the counts as sub-queries within a standard select.

An example would be the following, this returns 1 row, two columns

 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE MyCol = 'MyValue') AS MyTableCount,
 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM YourTable WHERE MyCol = 'MyValue') AS YourTableCount,

How to randomly select rows in SQL?


Bootstrap NavBar with left, center or right aligned items

<div class="d-flex justify-content-start">hello</div>    
<div class="d-flex justify-content-end">hello</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">hello</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">hello</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around">hello</div>

Put the fields that you want to center, right or left according above division.

Problems with entering Git commit message with Vim

I am assuming you are using msys git. If you are, the editor that is popping up to write your commit message is vim. Vim is not friendly at first. You may prefer to switch to a different editor. If you want to use a different editor, look at this answer: How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

If you want to use vim, type i to type in your message. When happy hit ESC. Then type :wq, and git will then be happy.

Or just type git commit -m "your message here" to skip the editor altogether.

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

Looks like FireBug crew is working on an EventBug extension. It will add another panel to FireBug - Events.

"The events panel will list all of the event handlers on the page grouped by event type. For each event type you can open up to see the elements the listeners are bound to and summary of the function source." EventBug Rising

Although they cannot say right now when it will be released.

Converting PKCS#12 certificate into PEM using OpenSSL

If you can use Python, it is even easier if you have the pyopenssl module. Here it is:

from OpenSSL import crypto

# May require "" for empty password depending on version

with open("push.p12", "rb") as file:
    p12 = crypto.load_pkcs12(, "my_passphrase")

# PEM formatted private key
print crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, p12.get_privatekey())

# PEM formatted certificate
print crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, p12.get_certificate())

Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

This is the better solution:

verify(mock_contractsDao, times(1)).save(Mockito.eq("Parameter I'm expecting"));

Detect Scroll Up & Scroll down in ListView

I have encountered problems using some example where the cell size of ListView is great. So I have found a solution to my problem which detects the slightest movement of your finger . I've simplified to the minimum possible and is as follows:

private int oldScrolly;

public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {


public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int    visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {

            View view = absListView.getChildAt(0);
            int scrolly = (view == null) ? 0 : -view.getTop() + absListView.getFirstVisiblePosition() * view.getHeight();
            int margin = 10;

            Log.e(TAG, "Scroll y: " + scrolly + " - Item: " + firstVisibleItem);

            if (scrolly > oldScrolly + margin) {
                Log.d(TAG, "SCROLL_UP");
                oldScrolly = scrolly;
            } else if (scrolly < oldScrolly - margin) {
                Log.d(TAG, "SCROLL_DOWN");
                oldScrolly = scrolly;

PD: I use the MARGIN to not detect the scroll until you meet that margin . This avoids problems when I show or hide views and avoid blinking of them.

Change the Textbox height?

Go into yourForm.Designer.cs Scroll down to your textbox. Example below is for textBox2 object. Add this

this.textBox2.AutoSize = false;

and set its size to whatever you want

this.textBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 27);

Will work like a charm - without setting multiline to true, but only until you change any option in designer itself (you will have to set these 2 lines again). I think, this method is still better than multilining. I had a textbox for nickname in my app and with multiline, people sometimes accidentially wrote their names twice, like Thomas\nThomas (you saw only one in actual textbox line). With this solution, text is simply hiding to the left after each char too long for width, so its much safer for users, to put inputs.

Scale image to fit a bounding box

Note: Even though this is the accepted answer, the answer below is more accurate and is currently supported in all browsers if you have the option of using a background image.

No, there is no CSS only way to do this in both directions. You could add

.fillwidth {
    min-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

To the an element to always have it 100% width and automatically scale the height to the aspect ratio, or the inverse:

.fillheight {
    min-height: 100%; 
    width: auto;

to always scale to max height and relative width. To do both, you will need to determine if the aspect ratio is higher or lower than it's container, and CSS can't do this.

The reason is that CSS does not know what the page looks like. It sets rules beforehand, but only after that it is that the elements get rendered and you know exactly what sizes and ratios you're dealing with. The only way to detect that is with JavaScript.

Although you're not looking for a JS solution I'll add one anyway if someone might need it. The easiest way to handle this with JavaScript is to add a class based on the difference in ratio. If the width-to-height ratio of the box is greater than that of the image, add the class "fillwidth", else add the class "fillheight".

$('div').each(function() {_x000D_
  var fillClass = ($(this).height() > $(this).width()) _x000D_
    ? 'fillheight'_x000D_
    : 'fillwidth';_x000D_
.fillwidth { _x000D_
  width: 100%; _x000D_
  height: auto; _x000D_
.fillheight { _x000D_
  height: 100%; _x000D_
  width: auto; _x000D_
div {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
.tower {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
.trailer {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="tower">_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_
<div class="trailer">_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_

JavaScript editor within Eclipse

Ganymede's version of WTP includes a revamped Javascript editor that's worth a try. The key version numbers are Eclipse 3.4 and WTP 3.0. See

"Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource."

The reason this particular exception gets thrown is that the content of the element gets applied to the ListView's Items collection. So the XAML initialises the ListView with a single local:ImageView in its Items collection. But when using an ItemsControl you must use either the Items property or the ItemsSource property, you can't use both at the same time. Hence when the ItemsSource attribute gets processed an exception is thrown.

You can find out which property the content of an element will get applied to by looking for the ContentPropertyAttribute on the class. In this case it's defined higher in the class hierarchy, on the ItemsControl:


The intention here was that the ListView's View be set to a local:ImageView so the fix is to explicitly indicate the property to be set.

Fix the XAML and the exception goes away:

<ListView Name="ListViewImages"
        <local:ImageView />

It was missing that <ListView.View> tag.

How to use Selenium with Python?

You just need to get selenium package imported, that you can do from command prompt using the command

pip install selenium

When you have to use it in any IDE just import this package, no other documentation required to be imported

For Eg :

import selenium 

This is just a general command you may use in starting to check the filepath of selenium

Split Strings into words with multiple word boundary delimiters

def get_words(s):
    l = []
    w = ''
    for c in s.lower():
        if c in '-!?,. ':
            if w != '': 
            w = ''
            w = w + c
    if w != '': 
    return l

Here is the usage:

>>> s = "Hey, you - what are you doing here!?"
>>> print get_words(s)
['hey', 'you', 'what', 'are', 'you', 'doing', 'here']

web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true

you need to add this tags to your pom.xml


How do I connect to a SQL Server 2008 database using JDBC?

I am also using mssql server 2008 and jtds.In my case I am using the following connect string and it works.

Class.forName( "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" );
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<your server ip     
address>:1433/zacmpf", userName, password );
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

Why does dividing two int not yield the right value when assigned to double?

With very few exceptions (I can only think of one), C++ determines the entire meaning of an expression (or sub-expression) from the expression itself. What you do with the results of the expression doesn't matter. In your case, in the expression a / b, there's not a double in sight; everything is int. So the compiler uses integer division. Only once it has the result does it consider what to do with it, and convert it to double.

request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize]

In the root web.config for your project, under the system.web node:

    <httpRuntime maxUrlLength="10999" maxQueryStringLength="2097151" />

In addition, I had to add this under the system.webServer node or I got a security error for my long query strings:

        <requestLimits maxUrl="10999" maxQueryString="2097151" />

Double vs. BigDecimal?

My English is not good so I'll just write a simple example here.

    double a = 0.02;
    double b = 0.03;
    double c = b - a;

    BigDecimal _a = new BigDecimal("0.02");
    BigDecimal _b = new BigDecimal("0.03");
    BigDecimal _c = _b.subtract(_a);

Program output:


Somebody still want to use double? ;)

C++ error: "Array must be initialized with a brace enclosed initializer"

You can't initialize arrays like this:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]=0;

The syntax for 2D arrays is:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]={{0}};

Note the curly braces on the right hand side of the initialization statement.

for 1D arrays:

int tomultiply[Array_size]={0};

git: can't push (unpacker error) related to permission issues

I was getting similar error and please see below how I resolved it.

My directory structure: /opt/git/project.git and git user is git

$ cd /opt/git/project.git
$ sudo chown -R git:git .

chown with -R option recursively changes the ownership and and group (since i typed git:git in above command) of the current directory. chown -R is necessary since git changes many files inside your git directory when you push to the repository.

Convert a date format in PHP

Use date_create and date_format

Try this.

function formatDate($input, $output){
  $inputdate = date_create($input);
  $output = date_format($inputdate, $output);
  return $output;

Working with a List of Lists in Java

Something like this would work for reading:

String filename = "something.csv";
BufferedReader input = null;
List<List<String>> csvData = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
    input =  new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    String line = null;
    while (( line = input.readLine()) != null)
        String[] data = line.split(",");
catch (Exception ex)
    if(input != null)