Programs & Examples On #Soap

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services.

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

How to do a SOAP wsdl web services call from the command line

curl --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" --header "SOAPAction:ACTION_YOU_WANT_TO_CALL" --data @FILE_NAME URL_OF_THE_SERVICE 

Above command was helpful for me


curl --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" --header "SOAPAction:urn:GetVehicleLimitedInfo" --data @request.xml 

More info

Difference between a SOAP message and a WSDL?

A WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) is a meta-data file that describes the web service.

Things like operation name, parameters etc.

The soap messages are the actual payloads

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers

Try to set :

default_socket_timeout = 120

in your php.ini file.

JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers

you can add the username and password to the SOAP Header

BindingProvider prov = (BindingProvider)port;
                "your end point"));
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "myusername");
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");
prov.getRequestContext().put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers);

SOAP request to WebService with java

A SOAP request is an XML file consisting of the parameters you are sending to the server.

The SOAP response is equally an XML file, but now with everything the service wants to give you.

Basically the WSDL is a XML file that explains the structure of those two XML.

To implement simple SOAP clients in Java, you can use the SAAJ framework (it is shipped with JSE 1.6 and above):

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) is mainly used for dealing directly with SOAP Request/Response messages which happens behind the scenes in any Web Service API. It allows the developers to directly send and receive soap messages instead of using JAX-WS.

See below a working example (run it!) of a SOAP web service call using SAAJ. It calls this web service.

import javax.xml.soap.*;

public class SOAPClientSAAJ {

    // SAAJ - SOAP Client Testing
    public static void main(String args[]) {
            The example below requests from the Web Service at:

            To call other WS, change the parameters below, which are:
             - the SOAP Endpoint URL (that is, where the service is responding from)
             - the SOAP Action

            Also change the contents of the method createSoapEnvelope() in this class. It constructs
             the inner part of the SOAP envelope that is actually sent.
        String soapEndpointUrl = "";
        String soapAction = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetInfoByCity";

        callSoapWebService(soapEndpointUrl, soapAction);

    private static void createSoapEnvelope(SOAPMessage soapMessage) throws SOAPException {
        SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart();

        String myNamespace = "myNamespace";
        String myNamespaceURI = "http://www.webserviceX.NET";

        // SOAP Envelope
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
        envelope.addNamespaceDeclaration(myNamespace, myNamespaceURI);

            Constructed SOAP Request Message:
            <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:myNamespace="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
                        <myNamespace:USCity>New York</myNamespace:USCity>

        // SOAP Body
        SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();
        SOAPElement soapBodyElem = soapBody.addChildElement("GetInfoByCity", myNamespace);
        SOAPElement soapBodyElem1 = soapBodyElem.addChildElement("USCity", myNamespace);
        soapBodyElem1.addTextNode("New York");

    private static void callSoapWebService(String soapEndpointUrl, String soapAction) {
        try {
            // Create SOAP Connection
            SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
            SOAPConnection soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();

            // Send SOAP Message to SOAP Server
            SOAPMessage soapResponse =, soapEndpointUrl);

            // Print the SOAP Response
            System.out.println("Response SOAP Message:");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("\nError occurred while sending SOAP Request to Server!\nMake sure you have the correct endpoint URL and SOAPAction!\n");

    private static SOAPMessage createSOAPRequest(String soapAction) throws Exception {
        MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
        SOAPMessage soapMessage = messageFactory.createMessage();


        MimeHeaders headers = soapMessage.getMimeHeaders();
        headers.addHeader("SOAPAction", soapAction);


        /* Print the request message, just for debugging purposes */
        System.out.println("Request SOAP Message:");

        return soapMessage;


How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class

There is an option to generate php5 objects with WsdlInterpreter class. See more here:

for example:

require_once 'WSDLInterpreter-v1.0.0/WSDLInterpreter.php';
$wsdlLocation = '<your wsdl url>?wsdl';
$wsdlInterpreter = new WSDLInterpreter($wsdlLocation);

There was no endpoint listening at (url) that could accept the message

I tried a bunch of these ideas to get HTTPS working, but the key for me was adding the protocol mapping. Here's what my server config file looks like, this works for both HTTP and HTTPS client connections:

      <add scheme="https" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TransportSecurityBinding" />
      <service name="FeatureService" behaviorConfiguration="HttpsBehavior">
        <endpoint address="soap" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="MyServices.IFeature" bindingConfiguration="TransportSecurityBinding" />
        <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
        <behavior name="HttpsBehavior">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
        <behavior name="">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
        <binding name="TransportSecurityBinding" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
          <security mode="Transport">
            <transport clientCredentialType="None" />
    <serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />

Compare and contrast REST and SOAP web services?

In day to day, practical programming terms, the biggest difference is in the fact that with SOAP you are working with static and strongly defined data exchange formats where as with REST and JSON data exchange formatting is very loose by comparison. For example with SOAP you can validate that exchanged data matches an XSD schema. The XSD therefore serves as a 'contract' on how the client and the server are to understand how the data being exchanged must be structured.

JSON data is typically not passed around according to a strongly defined format (unless you're using a framework that supports it .. e.g. or implementing json-schema).

In-fact, some (many/most) would argue that the "dynamic" secret sauce of JSON goes against the philosophy/culture of constraining it by data contracts (Should JSON RESTful web services use data contract)

People used to working in dynamic loosely typed languages tend to feel more comfortable with the looseness of JSON while developers from strongly typed languages prefer XML.

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from <URL>

If you want to use that on localhost, then use WAMP.

Then click on tray icon>PHP Services> and there enable the followings:

  • SOAP
  • php_openssl
  • openssl
  • curl

p.s. some free web-hosting may not have those options

REST / SOAP endpoints for a WCF service

If you only want to develop a single web service and have it hosted on many different endpoints (i.e. SOAP + REST, with XML, JSON, CSV, HTML outputes). You should also consider using ServiceStack which I've built for exactly this purpose where every service you develop is automatically available on on both SOAP and REST endpoints out-of-the-box without any configuration required.

The Hello World example shows how to create a simple with service with just (no config required):

public class Hello {
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class HelloResponse {
    public string Result { get; set; }

public class HelloService : IService
    public object Any(Hello request)
        return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };

No other configuration is required, and this service is immediately available with REST in:

It also comes in-built with a friendly HTML output (when called with a HTTP client that has Accept:text/html e.g a browser) so you're able to better visualize the output of your services.

Handling different REST verbs are also as trivial, here's a complete REST-service CRUD app in 1 page of C# (less than it would take to configure WCF ;):

SOAP request in PHP with CURL

Tested and working!

  • with https, user & password

     //Data, connection, auth
     $dataFromTheForm = $_POST['fieldName']; // request data from the form
     $soapUrl = ""; // asmx URL of WSDL
     $soapUser = "username";  //  username
     $soapPassword = "password"; // password
     // xml post structure
     $xml_post_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                         <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
                             <GetItemPrice xmlns=""> // xmlns value to be set to your WSDL URL
                             </GetItemPrice >
                         </soap:Envelope>';   // data from the form, e.g. some ID number
        $headers = array(
                     "Content-type: text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"",
                     "Accept: text/xml",
                     "Cache-Control: no-cache",
                     "Pragma: no-cache",
                     "Content-length: ".strlen($xml_post_string),
                 ); //SOAPAction: your op URL
         $url = $soapUrl;
         // PHP cURL  for https connection with auth
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $soapUser.":".$soapPassword); // username and password - declared at the top of the doc
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml_post_string); // the SOAP request
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
         // converting
         $response = curl_exec($ch); 
         // converting
         $response1 = str_replace("<soap:Body>","",$response);
         $response2 = str_replace("</soap:Body>","",$response1);
         // convertingc to XML
         $parser = simplexml_load_string($response2);
         // user $parser to get your data out of XML response and to display it. 

SSLHandshakeException: No subject alternative names present

Unlike some browsers, Java follows the HTTPS specification strictly when it comes to the server identity verification (RFC 2818, Section 3.1) and IP addresses.

When using a host name, it's possible to fall back to the Common Name in the Subject DN of the server certificate, instead of using the Subject Alternative Name.

When using an IP address, there must be a Subject Alternative Name entry (of type IP address, not DNS name) in the certificate.

You'll find more details about the specification and how to generate such a certificate in this answer.


If its a SOAP 1.1 service then you will also need to include a SOAPAction HTTP header field:

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from - but works on WAMP

For some versions of php, the SoapClient does not send http user agent information. What php versions do you have on the server vs your local WAMP?

Try to set the user agent explicitly, using a context stream as follows:

try {
    $opts = array(
        'http' => array(
            'user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient'
    $context = stream_context_create($opts);

    $wsdlUrl = '';
    $soapClientOptions = array(
        'stream_context' => $context,
        'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE

    $client = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, $soapClientOptions);

    $checkVatParameters = array(
        'countryCode' => 'DK',
        'vatNumber' => '47458714'

    $result = $client->checkVat($checkVatParameters);
catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


It actually seems to be some issues with the web service you are using. The combination of HTTP over IPv6, and missing HTTP User Agent string, seems to give the web service problems.

To verify this, try the following on your linux host:

curl  -A ''  -6

this IPv6 request fails.

curl  -A 'cURL User Agent'  -6

this IPv6 request succeeds.

curl  -A ''  -4
curl  -A 'cURL User Agent'  -4

both these IPv4 request succeeds.

Interesting case :) I guess your linux host resolves to its IPv6 address, and that your version of SoapClient did not add a user agent string by default.

SOAP or REST for Web Services?

I'd recommend you go with REST first - if you're using Java look at JAX-RS and the Jersey implementation. REST is much simpler and easy to interop in many languages.

As others have said in this thread, the problem with SOAP is its complexity when the other WS-* specifications come in and there are countless interop issues if you stray into the wrong parts of WSDL, XSDs, SOAP, WS-Addressing etc.

The best way to judge the REST v SOAP debate is look on the internet - pretty much all the big players in the web space, google, amazon, ebay, twitter et al - tend to use and prefer RESTful APIs over the SOAP ones.

The other nice approach to going with REST is that you can reuse lots of code and infratructure between a web application and a REST front end. e.g. rendering HTML versus XML versus JSON of your resources is normally pretty easy with frameworks like JAX-RS and implicit views - plus its easy to work with RESTful resources using a web browser

Getting Raw XML From SOAPMessage in Java

If you need formatting the xml string to xml, try this:

String xmlStr = "your-xml-string";
Source xmlInput = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlStr));
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
        new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream("response.xml")));

How to parse SOAP XML?

PHP version > 5.0 has a nice SoapClient integrated. Which doesn't require to parse response xml. Here's a quick example

$client = new SoapClient("");
$res = $client->SoapFunction(array('param1'=>'value','param2'=>'value'));
echo $res->PaymentNotification->payment;

Working Soap client example

Yes, if you can acquire any WSDL file, then you can use SoapUI to create mock service of that service complete with unit test requests. I created an example of this (using Maven) that you can try out.

How to access SOAP services from iPhone

My solution was to have a proxy server accept REST, issue the SOAP request, and return result, using PHP.

Time to implement: 15-30 minutes.

Not most elegant, but solid.

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

I had the same problem.

This php setting solved my problem:

allow_url_fopen -> 1

Node.js: how to consume SOAP XML web service

Depending on the number of endpoints you need it may be easier to do it manually.

I have tried 10 libraries "soap nodejs" I finally do it manually.

In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

Remove all wsdl* files in your /tmp folder on the server.

WSDL files are cached in your default location for all cache files defined in php.ini. Same location as your session files.

How to pass "Null" (a real surname!) to a SOAP web service in ActionScript 3

Tracking it down

At first I thought this was a coercion bug where null was getting coerced to "null" and a test of "null" == null was passing. It's not. I was close, but so very, very wrong. Sorry about that!

I've since done lots of fiddling on and tracing through the code in mx.rpc.xml.*. At line 1795 of XMLEncoder (in the 3.5 source), in setValue, all of the XMLEncoding boils down to


which is essentially the same as:


This code, according to my original fiddle, returns an empty XML element. But why?


According to commenter Justin Mclean on bug report FLEX-33664, the following is the culprit (see last two tests in my fiddle which verify this):

var thisIsNotNull:XML = <root>null</root>;
if(thisIsNotNull == null){
    // always branches here, as (thisIsNotNull == null) strangely returns true
    // despite the fact that thisIsNotNull is a valid instance of type XML

When currentChild.appendChild is passed the string "null", it first converts it to a root XML element with text null, and then tests that element against the null literal. This is a weak equality test, so either the XML containing null is coerced to the null type, or the null type is coerced to a root xml element containing the string "null", and the test passes where it arguably should fail. One fix might be to always use strict equality tests when checking XML (or anything, really) for "nullness."


The only reasonable workaround I can think of, short of fixing this bug in every damn version of ActionScript, is to test fields for "null" and escape them as CDATA values.

CDATA values are the most appropriate way to mutate an entire text value that would otherwise cause encoding/decoding problems. Hex encoding, for instance, is meant for individual characters. CDATA values are preferred when you're escaping the entire text of an element. The biggest reason for this is that it maintains human readability.

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

In case that you have Ubuntu in your machine, the following steps will help you:

  1. Check first in your php testing file if you have soap (client / server)or not by using phpinfo(); and check results in the browser. In case that you have it, it will seems like the following image ( If not go to step 2 ):

enter image description here

  1. Open your terminal and paste: sudo apt-get install php-soap.

  2. Restart your apache2 server in terminal : service apache2 restart.

  3. To check use your php test file again to be seems like mine in step 1.

What is the difference between JAX-RS and JAX-WS?

Can JAX-RS do Asynchronous Request like JAX-WS?

Yes, it can surely do use @Async

Can JAX-RS access a web service that is not running on the Java platform, and vice versa?

Yes, it can Do

What does it mean by "REST is particularly useful for limited-profile devices, such as PDAs and mobile phones"?

It is mainly use for public apis it depends on which approach you want to use.

What does it mean by "JAX-RS do not require XML messages or WSDL service–API definitions?

It has its own standards WADL(Web application Development Language) it has http request by which you can access resources they are altogether created by different mindset,In case in Jax-Rs you have to think of exposing resources

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

PHP has SOAP support. Just call

$client = new SoapClient($url);

to connect to the SoapServer and then you can get list of functions and call functions simply by doing...


$result = $client->functionName();  

for more

How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service

Suppose you are calling a web service using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse, because .Net client doest support the structure of the WSLD that your are trying to consume.

In that case you can add the security credentials on the headers like:

    <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand='true' xmlns:wsse='' xmlns:wsu=''><wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id='UsernameToken-3DAJDJSKJDHFJASDKJFKJ234JL2K3H2K3J42'><wsse:Username>YOU_USERNAME/wsse:Username><wsse:Password Type=''>YOU_PASSWORD</wsse:Password><wsse:Nonce EncodingType=''>3WSOKcKKm0jdi3943ts1AQ==</wsse:Nonce><wsu:Created>2015-01-12T16:46:58.386Z</wsu:Created></wsse:UsernameToken></wsse:Security>


You can use SOAPUI to get the wsse Security, using the http log.

Be careful because it is not a safe scenario.

Representational state transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

SOAP – "Simple Object Access Protocol"

SOAP is a slight of transferring messages, or little amounts of information over the Internet. SOAP messages are formatted in XML and are typically sent controlling HTTP.

REST – "REpresentational State Transfer"

REST is a rudimentary proceed of eventuality and receiving information between fan and server and it doesn't have unequivocally many standards defined. You can send and accept information as JSON, XML or even plain text. It's light weighted compared to SOAP.

What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

An RPC style web service uses the names of the method and its parameters to generate XML structures representing a method’s call stack. Document style indicates the SOAP body contains an XML document which can be validated against pre-defined XML schema document.

A good starting point : SOAP Binding: Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services

How to consume a SOAP web service in Java

As some sugested you can use apache or jax-ws. You can also use tools that generate code from WSDL such as ws-import but in my opinion the best way to consume web service is to create a dynamic client and invoke only operations you want not everything from wsdl. You can do this by creating a dynamic client: Sample code:

String endpointUrl = ...;

QName serviceName = new QName("http://com/ibm/was/wssample/echo/",
QName portName = new QName("http://com/ibm/was/wssample/echo/",

/** Create a service and add at least one port to it. **/ 
Service service = Service.create(serviceName);
service.addPort(portName, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, endpointUrl);

/** Create a Dispatch instance from a service.**/ 
Dispatch<SOAPMessage> dispatch = service.createDispatch(portName, 
SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);

/** Create SOAPMessage request. **/
// compose a request message
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL);

// Create a message.  This example works with the SOAPPART.
SOAPMessage request = mf.createMessage();
SOAPPart part = request.getSOAPPart();

// Obtain the SOAPEnvelope and header and body elements.
SOAPEnvelope env = part.getEnvelope();
SOAPHeader header = env.getHeader();
SOAPBody body = env.getBody();

// Construct the message payload.
SOAPElement operation = body.addChildElement("invoke", "ns1",
SOAPElement value = operation.addChildElement("arg0");

/** Invoke the service endpoint. **/
SOAPMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);

/** Process the response. **/

Best/Most Comprehensive API for Stocks/Financial Data

Last I looked -- a couple of years ago -- there wasn't an easy option and the "solution" (which I did not agree with) was screen-scraping a number of websites. It may be easier now but I would still be surprised to see something, well, useful.

The problem here is that the data is immensely valuable (and very expensive), so while defining a method of retrieving it would be easy, getting the trading venues to part with their data would be next to impossible. Some of the MTFs (currently) provide their data for free but I'm not sure how you would get it without paying someone else, like Reuters, for it.

Public free web services for testing soap client

There is a bunch on here:

Just google for "Free WebService" or "Open WebService" and you'll find tons of open SOAP endpoints.

Remember, you can get a WSDL from any ASMX endpoint by adding ?WSDL to the url.

Main differences between SOAP and RESTful web services in Java

SOAP web service always make a POST operation whereas using REST you can choose specific HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Example: to get an item using SOAP you should create a request XML, but in the case of REST you can just specify the item id in the URL itself.

How to call a SOAP web service on Android

Follow these steps by the method SOAP

From the WSDL file,

  • create SOAP Request templates for each Request.

  • Then substitute the values to be passed in code.

  • POST this data to the service end point using DefaultHttpClient instance.

  • Get the response stream and finally

  • Parse the Response Stream using an XML Pull parser.

How do I install soap extension?

They dont support it as in in they wont help you or be responsible for you hosing anything, but you can install custom extensions. To do so you need to first set up a local install of php 5, during that process you can compile in extensions you need or you can add them dynamically to the php.ini after the fact.

How do I get the XML SOAP request of an WCF Web service request?

I just wanted to add this to the answer from Kimberly. Maybe it can save some time and avoid compilation errors for not implementing all methods that the IEndpointBehaviour interface requires.

Best regards


        // This is just to illustrate how it can be implemented on an imperative declarared binding, channel and client.

        string url = "SOME WCF URL";
        BasicHttpBinding wsBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();                
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(url);

        ChannelFactory<ISomeService> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ISomeService>(wsBinding, endpointAddress);
        channelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new InspectorBehavior());
        ISomeService client = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
        public class InspectorBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
            public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
                // No implementation necessary  

            public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
                clientRuntime.MessageInspectors.Add(new MyMessageInspector());

            public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
                // No implementation necessary  

            public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
                // No implementation necessary  


        public class MyMessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector
            public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
                // Do something with the SOAP request
                string request = request.ToString();
                return null;

            public void AfterReceiveReply(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message reply, object correlationState)
                // Do something with the SOAP reply
                string replySoap = reply.ToString();


Bill Venners: In your blog post entitled "Why REST Failed," you said that we need all four HTTP verbs—GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE— and lamented that browser vendors only GET and POST." Why do we need all four verbs? Why aren't GET and POST enough?

Elliotte Rusty Harold: There are four basic methods in HTTP: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. GET is used most of the time. It is used for anything that's safe, that doesn't cause any side effects. GET is able to be bookmarked, cached, linked to, passed through a proxy server. It is a very powerful operation, a very useful operation.

POST by contrast is perhaps the most powerful operation. It can do anything. There are no limits as to what can happen, and as a result, you have to be very careful with it. You don't bookmark it. You don't cache it. You don't pre-fetch it. You don't do anything with a POST without asking the user. Do you want to do this? If the user presses the button, you can POST some content. But you're not going to look at all the buttons on a page, and start randomly pressing them. By contrast browsers might look at all the links on the page and pre-fetch them, or pre-fetch the ones they think are most likely to be followed next. And in fact some browsers and Firefox extensions and various other tools have tried to do that at one point or another.

PUT and DELETE are in the middle between GET and POST. The difference between PUT or DELETE and POST is that PUT and DELETE are *idempotent, whereas POST is not. PUT and DELETE can be repeated if necessary. Let's say you're trying to upload a new page to a site. Say you want to create a new page at, so you type your content and you PUT it at that URL. The server creates that page at that URL that you supply. Now, let's suppose for some reason your network connection goes down. You aren't sure, did the request get through or not? Maybe the network is slow. Maybe there was a proxy server problem. So it's perfectly OK to try it again, or again—as many times as you like. Because PUTTING the same document to the same URL ten times won't be any different than putting it once. The same is true for DELETE. You can DELETE something ten times, and that's the same as deleting it once.

By contrast, POST, may cause something different to happen each time. Imagine you are checking out of an online store by pressing the buy button. If you send that POST request again, you could end up buying everything in your cart a second time. If you send it again, you've bought it a third time. That's why browsers have to be very careful about repeating POST operations without explicit user consent, because POST may cause two things to happen if you do it twice, three things if you do it three times. With PUT and DELETE, there's a big difference between zero requests and one, but there's no difference between one request and ten.

Please visit the url for more details.


Idempotent methods An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same. Again, this only applies to the result, not the resource itself. This still can be manipulated (like an update-timestamp, provided this information is not shared in the (current) resource representation.

Consider the following examples:

a = 4;


The first example is idempotent: no matter how many times we execute this statement, a will always be 4. The second example is not idempotent. Executing this 10 times will result in a different outcome as when running 5 times. Since both examples are changing the value of a, both are non-safe methods.

Client to send SOAP request and receive response

As an alternative, and pretty close to debiasej approach. Since a SOAP request is just a HTTP request, you can simply perform a GET or POST using with HTTP client, but it's not mandatory to build SOAP envelope.

Something like this:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace HGF.Infraestructure.Communications
    public class SOAPSample
        private readonly IHttpClientFactory _clientFactory;
        private readonly ILogger<DocumentProvider> _logger;

        public SOAPSample(ILogger<DocumentProvider> logger,
                          IHttpClientFactory clientFactory)
            _clientFactory = clientFactory;
            _logger = logger;

        public async Task<string> UsingGet(int value1, int value2)
                var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient();
                var response = await client.GetAsync($"{value1}&value2={value2}", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);

                //NULL check, HTTP Status Check....

                return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Oops! Something went wrong");
                return ex.Message;

        public async Task<string> UsingPost(int value1, int value2)
                var content = new StringContent($"value1={value1}&value2={value2}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

                var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient();
                var response = await client.PostAsync("", content);

                //NULL check, HTTP Status Check....

                return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Oops! Something went wrong");
                return ex.Message;

Of course, it depends on your scenario. If the payload is too complex, then this won't work

How to enable SOAP on CentOS

After hours of searching I think my problem was that command yum install php-soap installs the latest version of soap for the latest php version.

My php version was 7.027, but latest php version is 7.2 so I had to search for the right soap version and finaly found it HERE!

yum install rh-php70-php-soap

Now php -m | grep -i soap works, Output: soap

Do not forget to restart httpd service.

What are WSDL, SOAP and REST?

A WSDL is an XML document that describes a web service. It actually stands for Web Services Description Language.

SOAP is an XML-based protocol that lets you exchange info over a particular protocol (can be HTTP or SMTP, for example) between applications. It stands for Simple Object Access Protocol and uses XML for its messaging format to relay the information.

REST is an architectural style of networked systems and stands for Representational State Transfer. It's not a standard itself, but does use standards such as HTTP, URL, XML, etc.

Sending SOAP request using Python Requests

It is indeed possible.

Here is an example calling the Weather SOAP Service using plain requests lib:

import requests
#headers = {'content-type': 'application/soap+xml'}
headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'}
body = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" 
            xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">

response =,data=body,headers=headers)
print response.content

Some notes:

  • The headers are important. Most SOAP requests will not work without the correct headers. application/soap+xml is probably the more correct header to use (but the weatherservice prefers text/xml
  • This will return the response as a string of xml - you would then need to parse that xml.
  • For simplicity I have included the request as plain text. But best practise would be to store this as a template, then you can load it using jinja2 (for example) - and also pass in variables.

For example:

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('myapp', 'templates'))
template = env.get_template('soaprequests/WeatherSericeRequest.xml')
body = template.render()

Some people have mentioned the suds library. Suds is probably the more correct way to be interacting with SOAP, but I often find that it panics a little when you have WDSLs that are badly formed (which, TBH, is more likely than not when you're dealing with an institution that still uses SOAP ;) ).

You can do the above with suds like so:

from suds.client import Client
client = Client(url)
print client ## shows the details of this service

result = client.service.GetWeatherInformation() 
print result 

Note: when using suds, you will almost always end up needing to use the doctor!

Finally, a little bonus for debugging SOAP; TCPdump is your friend. On Mac, you can run TCPdump like so:

sudo tcpdump -As 0 

This can be helpful for inspecting the requests that actually go over the wire.

The above two code snippets are also available as gists:

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?

It's not true SOAPpy does not work with Python 2.5 - it works, although it's very simple and really, really basic. If you want to talk to any more complicated webservice, ZSI is your only friend.

The really useful demo I found is at - this really helped me to understand how ZSI works.

Creating a SOAP call using PHP with an XML body

There are a couple of ways to solve this. The least hackiest and almost what you want:

$client = new SoapClient(
        'location' => '',
        'uri' => '',
        'trace' => 1,
        'use' => SOAP_LITERAL,
$params = new \SoapVar("<Acquirer><Id>MyId</Id><UserId>MyUserId</UserId><Password>MyPassword</Password></Acquirer>", XSD_ANYXML);
$result = $client->Echo($params);

This gets you the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">

That is almost exactly what you want, except for the namespace on the method name. I don't know if this is a problem. If so, you can hack it even further. You could put the <Echo> tag in the XML string by hand and have the SoapClient not set the method by adding 'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT, to the options array like this:

$client = new SoapClient(
        'location' => '',
        'uri' => '',
        'trace' => 1,
        'use' => SOAP_LITERAL,
        'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
$params = new \SoapVar("<Echo><Acquirer><Id>MyId</Id><UserId>MyUserId</UserId><Password>MyPassword</Password></Acquirer></Echo>", XSD_ANYXML);
$result = $client->MethodNameIsIgnored($params);

This results in the following request XML:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">

Finally, if you want to play around with SoapVar and SoapParam objects, you can find a good reference in this comment in the PHP manual: If you get that to work, please let me know, I failed miserably.

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

The core thing is to define prefixes for namespaces and use them to fortify each and every tag - you are mixing 3 namespaces and that just doesn't fly by trying to hack defaults. It's also good to use exactly the prefixes used in the standard doc - just in case that the other side get a little sloppy.

Last but not least, it's much better to use default types for fields whenever you can - so for password you have to list the type, for the Nonce it's already Base64.

Make sure that you check that the generated token is correct before you send it via XML and don't forget that the content of wsse:Password is Base64( SHA-1 (nonce + created + password) ) and date-time in wsu:Created can easily mess you up. So once you fix prefixes and namespaces and verify that yout SHA-1 work fine without XML (just imagine you are validating the request and do the server side of SHA-1 calculation) you can also do a truial wihtout Created and even without Nonce. Oh and Nonce can have different encodings so if you really want to force another encoding you'll have to look further into wsu namespace.

<S11:Envelope xmlns:S11="..." xmlns:wsse="..." xmlns:wsu= "...">
        <wsse:Password Type="...#PasswordDigest">weYI3nXd8LjMNVksCKFV8t3rgHh3Rw==</wsse:Password>

What SOAP client libraries exist for Python, and where is the documentation for them?

We'd used SOAPpy from Python Web Services, but it seems that ZSI (same source) is replacing it.

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

i founded this tool to auto generate wsdl to android code,

public void callWebService(){
    SampleService srv1 = new SampleService();
    Request req = new Request();
    req.companyId = "1";
    req.userName = "userName";
    req.password = "pas";
    Response response =  srv1.ServiceSample(req);

Secure Web Services: REST over HTTPS vs SOAP + WS-Security. Which is better?

I don't yet have the rep needed to add a comment or I would have just added this to Bell's answer. I think Bell did a very good job of summing up the top level pros and cons of the two approaches. Just a few other factors that you might want to consider:

1) Do the requests between your clients and your service need to go through intermediaries that require access to the payload? If so then WS-Security might be a better fit.

2) It is actually possible to use SSL to provide the server with assurance as to the clients identity using a feature called mutual authentication. However, this doesn't get much use outside of some very specialized scenarios due to the complexity of configuring it. So Bell is right that WS-Sec is a much better fit here.

3) SSL in general can be a bit of a bear to setup and maintain (even in the simpler configuration) due largely to certificate management issues. Having someone who knows how to do this for your platform will be a big plus.

4) If you might need to do some form of credential mapping or identity federation then WS-Sec might be worth the overhead. Not that you can't do this with REST, you just have less structure to help you.

5) Getting all the WS-Security goop into the right places on the client side of things can be more of a pain than you would think it should.

In the end though it really does depend on a lot of things we're not likely to know. For most situations I would say that either approach will be "secure enough" and so that shouldn't be the main deciding factor.

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?

I have done quite a bit of what you're talking about, and SOAP interoperability between platforms has one cardinal rule: CONTRACT FIRST. Do not derive your WSDL from code and then try to generate a client on a different platform. Anything more than "Hello World" type functions will very likely fail to generate code, fail to talk at runtime or (my favorite) fail to properly send or receive all of the data without raising an error.

That said, WSDL is complicated, nasty stuff and I avoid writing it from scratch whenever possible. Here are some guidelines for reliable interop of services (using Web References, WCF, Axis2/Java, WS02, Ruby, Python, whatever):

  • Go ahead and do code-first to create your initial WSDL. Then, delete your code and re-generate the server class(es) from the WSDL. Almost every platform has a tool for this. This will show you what odd habits your particular platform has, and you can begin tweaking the WSDL to be simpler and more straightforward. Tweak, re-gen, repeat. You'll learn a lot this way, and it's portable knowledge.
  • Stick to plain old language classes (POCO, POJO, etc.) for complex types. Do NOT use platform-specific constructs like List<> or DataTable. Even PHP associative arrays will appear to work but fail in ways that are difficult to debug across platforms.
  • Stick to basic data types: bool, int, float, string, date(Time), and arrays. Odds are, the more particular you get about a data type, the less agile you'll be to new requirements over time. You do NOT want to change your WSDL if you can avoid it.
  • One exception to the data types above - give yourself a NameValuePair mechanism of some kind. You wouldn't believe how many times a list of these things will save your bacon in terms of flexibility.
  • Set a real namespace for your WSDL. It's not hard, but you might not believe how many web services I've seen in namespace "". Also, use a URN ("urn:com-myweb-servicename-v1", not a URL-based namespace ("". It's not a website, it's an abstract set of characters that defines a logical grouping. I've probably had a dozen people call me for support and say they went to the "website" and it didn't work.

</rant> :)

How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

I know this is old and answered elsewhere but hopefully this closes this down. I'm not sure why you would want to download the WSDL dynamically but the system properties: (default: -1 (forever)) (default: -1 (forever))

should apply to all reads and connects using HttpURLConnection which JAX-WS uses. This should solve your problem if you are getting the WSDL from a remote location - but a file on your local disk is probably better!

Next, if you want to set timeouts for specific services, once you've created your proxy you need to cast it to a BindingProvider (which you know already), get the request context and set your properties. The online JAX-WS documentation is wrong, these are the correct property names (well, they work for me).

MyInterface myInterface = new MyInterfaceService().getMyInterfaceSOAP();
Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext();
requestContext.put(BindingProviderProperties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 3000); // Timeout in millis
requestContext.put(BindingProviderProperties.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 1000); // Timeout in millis

Of course, this is a horrible way to do things, I would create a nice factory for producing these binding providers that can be injected with the timeouts you want.

Simplest SOAP example


JSON is preferred for front end use because we have easy lookups. Therefore you have no XML to deal with. SOAP is a pain without using a library because of this. Somebody mentioned SOAPClient, which is a good library, we started with it for our project. However it had some limitations and we had to rewrite large chunks of it. It's been released as SOAPjs and supports passing complex objects to the server, and includes some sample proxy code to consume services from other domains.

How can the error 'Client found response content type of 'text/html'.. be interpreted

The webserver is returning an http 500 error code. These errors generally happen when an exception in thrown on the webserver and there's no logic to catch it so it spits out an http 500 error. You can usually resolve the problem by placing try-catch blocks in your code.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'

I know this question is old, but the solution to my application, was different to the already suggested answers. If anyone else like me still have this issue, and none of the above answers works, this might be the problem:

I used a Network Credentials object to parse a windows username+password to a third party SOAP webservice. I had set the username="domainname\username", password="password" and domain="domainname". Now this game me that strange Ntlm and not NTLM error. To solve the problems, make sure not to use the domain parameter on the NetworkCredentials object if the domain name is included in the username with the backslash. So either remove domain name from the username and parse in domain parameter, or leave out the domain parameter. This solved my issue.

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found

For XAMPP users, open php.ini file located in C:/xampp/php and remove the ; from the beginning of extension=soap. Then restart Apache and that's it!

SoapFault exception: Could not connect to host

The host is either down or very slow to respond. If it's slow to respond, you can try increasing the timeout via the connection_timeout option or via the default_socket_timeout setting and see if that reduces the failures.

You can also include error handling as zanlok pointed out to retry a few times. If you have users actually waiting on these SOAP calls then you'll want to queue them up and process them in the background and notify the user when they're finished.

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

Found transport-attribute in binding-element which tells us that this is the WSDL 1.1 binding for the SOAP 1.1 HTTP binding.


<wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>

JSON, REST, SOAP, WSDL, and SOA: How do they all link together

Imagine you are developing a web-application and you decide to decouple the functionality from the presentation of the application, because it affords greater freedom.

You create an API and let others implement their own front-ends over it as well. What you just did here is implement an SOA methodology, i.e. using web-services.

Web services make functional building-blocks accessible over standard Internet protocols independent of platforms and programming languages.

So, you design an interchange mechanism between the back-end (web-service) that does the processing and generation of something useful, and the front-end (which consumes the data), which could be anything. (A web, mobile, or desktop application, or another web-service). The only limitation here is that the front-end and back-end must "speak" the same "language".

That's where SOAP and REST come in. They are standard ways you'd pick communicate with the web-service.


SOAP internally uses XML to send data back and forth. SOAP messages have rigid structure and the response XML then needs to be parsed. WSDL is a specification of what requests can be made, with which parameters, and what they will return. It is a complete specification of your API.


REST is a design concept.

The World Wide Web represents the largest implementation of a system conforming to the REST architectural style.

It isn't as rigid as SOAP. RESTful web-services use standard URIs and methods to make calls to the webservice. When you request a URI, it returns the representation of an object, that you can then perform operations upon (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE). You are not limited to picking XML to represent data, you could pick anything really (JSON included)

Flickr's REST API goes further and lets you return images as well.

JSON and XML, are functionally equivalent, and common choices. There are also RPC-based frameworks like GRPC based on Protobufs, and Apache Thrift that can be used for communication between the API producers and consumers. The most common format used by web APIs is JSON because of it is easy to use and parse in every language.

How to do a SOAP Web Service call from Java class?

Or just use Apache CXF's wsdl2java to generate objects you can use.

It is included in the binary package you can download from their website. You can simply run a command like this:

$ ./wsdl2java -p com.mynamespace.for.the.api.objects -autoNameResolution

It uses the wsdl to generate objects, which you can use like this (object names are also grabbed from the wsdl, so yours will be different a little):

DefaultWebService defaultWebService = new DefaultWebService();
String res = defaultWebService.getDefaultWebServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint().login("webservice","dadsadasdasd");

There is even a Maven plug-in which generates the sources:

Note: If you generate sources using CXF and IDEA, you might want to look at this:

SOAP vs REST (differences)

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representation State Transfer) both are beautiful in their way. So I am not comparing them. Instead, I am trying to depict the picture, when I preferred to use REST and when SOAP.

What is payload?

When data is sent over the Internet, each unit transmitted includes both header information and the actual data being sent. The header identifies the source and destination of the packet, while the actual data is referred to as the payload. In general, the payload is the data that is carried on behalf of an application and the data received by the destination system.

Now, for example, I have to send a Telegram and we all know that the cost of the telegram will depend on some words.

So tell me among below mentioned these two messages, which one is cheaper to send?



"name": "Arin"

I know your answer will be the second one although both representing the same message second one is cheaper regarding cost.

So I am trying to say that, sending data over the network in JSON format is cheaper than sending it in XML format regarding payload.

Here is the first benefit or advantages of REST over SOAP. SOAP only support XML, but REST supports different format like text, JSON, XML, etc. And we already know, if we use Json then definitely we will be in better place regarding payload.

Now, SOAP supports the only XML, but it also has its advantages.

Really! How?

SOAP relies on XML in three ways Envelope – that defines what is in the message and how to process it.

A set of encoding rules for data types, and finally the layout of the procedure calls and responses gathered.

This envelope is sent via a transport (HTTP/HTTPS), and an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is executed, and the envelope is returned with information in an XML formatted document.

The important point is that one of the advantages of SOAP is the use of the “generic” transport but REST uses HTTP/HTTPS. SOAP can use almost any transport to send the request but REST cannot. So here we got an advantage of using SOAP.

As I already mentioned in above paragraph “REST uses HTTP/HTTPS”, so go a bit deeper on these words.

When we are talking about REST over HTTP, all security measures applied HTTP are inherited, and this is known as transport level security and it secures messages only while it is inside the wire but once you delivered it on the other side you don’t know how many stages it will have to go through before reaching the real point where the data will be processed. And of course, all those stages could use something different than HTTP.So Rest is not safer completely, right?

But SOAP supports SSL just like REST additionally it also supports WS-Security which adds some enterprise security features. WS-Security offers protection from the creation of the message to it’s consumption. So for transport level security whatever loophole we found that can be prevented using WS-Security.

Apart from that, as REST is limited by it's HTTP protocol so it’s transaction support is neither ACID compliant nor can provide two-phase commit across distributed transnational resources.

But SOAP has comprehensive support for both ACID based transaction management for short-lived transactions and compensation based transaction management for long-running transactions. It also supports two-phase commit across distributed resources.

I am not drawing any conclusion, but I will prefer SOAP-based web service while security, transaction, etc. are the main concerns.

Here is the "The Java EE 6 Tutorial" where they have said A RESTful design may be appropriate when the following conditions are met. Have a look.

Hope you enjoyed reading my answer.

What port number does SOAP use?

SOAP (communication protocol) for communication between applications. Uses HTTP (port 80) or SMTP ( port 25 or 2525 ), for message negotiation and transmission.

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

We face this issue but had different reason, here is the reason:

In our project found multiple bean entry with same bean name. 1 in applicationcontext.xml & 1 in dispatcherServlet.xml


<bean name="dataService" class="">
<bean name="dataService" class="">

& we are trying to autowired by dataService name.

Solution: we changed the bean name & its solved.

Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in

I made following changes in web.config to get the SOAP (Request/Response) Envelope. This will output all of the raw SOAP information to the file trace.log.

  <trace autoflush="true"/>
    <source name="System.Net" maxdatasize="1024">
        <add name="TraceFile"/>
    <source name="System.Net.Sockets" maxdatasize="1024">
        <add name="TraceFile"/>
    <add name="TraceFile" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener"
    <add name="System.Net" value="Verbose"/>
    <add name="System.Net.Sockets" value="Verbose"/>

Cast object to interface in TypeScript

If it helps anyone, I was having an issue where I wanted to treat an object as another type with a similar interface. I attempted the following:

Didn't pass linting

const x = new Obj(a as b);

The linter was complaining that a was missing properties that existed on b. In other words, a had some properties and methods of b, but not all. To work around this, I followed VS Code's suggestion:

Passed linting and testing

const x = new Obj(a as unknown as b);

Note that if your code attempts to call one of the properties that exists on type b that is not implemented on type a, you should realize a runtime fault.

if statement in ng-click

Write as

<input type="submit" ng-click="profileForm.$valid==true?updateMyProfile():''" name="submit" value="Save" class="submit" id="submit">

How do I pick randomly from an array?

arr = [1,9,5,2,4,9,5,8,7,9,0,8,2,7,5,8,0,2,9]

This will return a random element from array.

If You will use the line mentioned below


then in some cases it will return 0 or nil value.

The line mentioned below


always return the value from 0 to number-1.

If we use


then it may return number and arr[number] contains no element.

How to access first element of JSON object array?

the event property seems to be string first you have to parse it to json :

 var req = { mandrill_events: '[{"event":"inbound","ts":1426249238}]' };
 var event = JSON.parse(req.mandrill_events);
 var ts =  event[0].ts

Xcode: Could not locate device support files

I had a similar problem because the app store version was missing iOS 10.1 support in Xcode 8 and they haven't rolled an update yet. This caused the "Xcode: Could not locate device support files" problem. You can download the latest update and it is more current and supports iOS 10.1 (14B72c).

Join vs. sub-query

In the year 2010 I would have joined the author of this questions and would have strongly voted for JOIN, but with much more experience (especially in MySQL) I can state: Yes subqueries can be better. I've read multiple answers here; some stated subqueries are faster, but it lacked a good explanation. I hope I can provide one with this (very) late answer:

First of all, let me say the most important: There are different forms of sub-queries

And the second important statement: Size matters

If you use sub-queries, you should be aware of how the DB-Server executes the sub-query. Especially if the sub-query is evaluated once or for every row! On the other side, a modern DB-Server is able to optimize a lot. In some cases a subquery helps optimizing a query, but a newer version of the DB-Server might make the optimization obsolete.

Sub-queries in Select-Fields

SELECT moo, (SELECT roger FROM wilco WHERE moo = me) AS bar FROM foo

Be aware that a sub-query is executed for every resulting row from foo.
Avoid this if possible; it may drastically slow down your query on huge datasets. However, if the sub-query has no reference to foo it can be optimized by the DB-server as static content and could be evaluated only once.

Sub-queries in the Where-statement

SELECT moo FROM foo WHERE bar = (SELECT roger FROM wilco WHERE moo = me)

If you are lucky, the DB optimizes this internally into a JOIN. If not, your query will become very, very slow on huge datasets because it will execute the sub-query for every row in foo, not just the results like in the select-type.

Sub-queries in the Join-statement

SELECT moo, bar 
  FROM foo 
      SELECT MIN(bar), me FROM wilco GROUP BY me
    ) ON moo = me

This is interesting. We combine JOIN with a sub-query. And here we get the real strength of sub-queries. Imagine a dataset with millions of rows in wilco but only a few distinct me. Instead of joining against a huge table, we have now a smaller temporary table to join against. This can result in much faster queries depending on database size. You can have the same effect with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... and INSERT INTO ... SELECT ..., which might provide better readability on very complex queries (but can lock datasets in a repeatable read isolation level).

Nested sub-queries

SELECT moo, bar
  FROM (
    SELECT moo, CONCAT(roger, wilco) AS bar
      FROM foo
      GROUP BY moo
      HAVING bar LIKE 'SpaceQ%'
  ) AS temp_foo
  ORDER BY bar

You can nest sub-queries in multiple levels. This can help on huge datasets if you have to group or sort the results. Usually the DB-Server creates a temporary table for this, but sometimes you do not need sorting on the whole table, only on the resultset. This might provide much better performance depending on the size of the table.


Sub-queries are no replacement for a JOIN and you should not use them like this (although possible). In my humble opinion, the correct use of a sub-query is the use as a quick replacement of CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE .... A good sub-query reduces a dataset in a way you cannot accomplish in an ON statement of a JOIN. If a sub-query has one of the keywords GROUP BY or DISTINCT and is preferably not situated in the select fields or the where statement, then it might improve performance a lot.

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage

Far and away, the cleanest, easiest export from tables to Excel is Jquery DataTables Table Tools plugin. You get a grid that sorts, filters, orders, and pages your data, and with just a few extra lines of code and two small files included, you get export to Excel, PDF, CSV, to clipboard and to the printer.

This is all the code that's required:

  $(document).ready( function () {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
        "oTableTools": {
            "sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf"
    } );
} );

So, quick to deploy, no browser limitations, no server-side language required, and most of all very EASY to understand. It's a win-win. The one thing it does have limits on, though, is strict formatting of columns.

If formatting and colors are absolute dealbreakers, the only 100% reliable, cross browser method I've found is to use a server-side language to process proper Excel files from your code. My solution of choice is PHPExcel It is the only one I've found so far that positively handles export with formatting to a MODERN version of Excel from any browser when you give it nothing but HTML. Let me clarify though, it's definitely not as easy as the first solution, and also is a bit of a resource hog. However, on the plus side it also can output direct to PDF as well. And, once you get it configured, it just works, every time.

UPDATE - September 15, 2016: TableTools has been discontinued in favor of a new plugin called "buttons" These tools perform the same functions as the old TableTools extension, but are FAR easier to install and they make use of HTML5 downloads for modern browsers, with the capability to fallback to the original Flash download for browsers that don't support the HTML5 standard. As you can see from the many comments since I posted this response in 2011, the main weakness of TableTools has been addressed. I still can't recommend DataTables enough for handling large amounts of data simply, both for the developer and the user.

Check if my SSL Certificate is SHA1 or SHA2

Update: The site below is no longer running because, as they say on the site:

As of January 1, 2016, no publicly trusted CA is allowed to issue a SHA-1 certificate. In addition, SHA-1 support was removed by most modern browsers and operating systems in early 2017. Any new certificate you get should automatically use a SHA-2 algorithm for its signature.

Legacy clients will continue to accept SHA-1 certificates, and it is possible to have requested a certificate on December 31, 2015 that is valid for 39 months. So, it is possible to see SHA-1 certificates in the wild that expire in early 2019.

Original answer:

You can also use - set up to make this particular task easy. The site has a text box - you type in your site domain name, click the Go button and it then tells you whether the site is using SHA1 or SHA2.


Set markers for individual points on a line in Matplotlib

You can do:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = [2,1,3,6,7]

plt.plot(x, y, style='.-')

This will return a graph with the data points marked with a dot

What is the best way to implement "remember me" for a website?

Store their UserId and a RememberMeToken. When they login with remember me checked generate a new RememberMeToken (which invalidate any other machines which are marked are remember me).

When they return look them up by the remember me token and make sure the UserId matches.

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

I had a great deal of trouble with this. I just wanted to:

thisBill.IntervalCount = jPaidCountSpinner.getValue();

Where IntervalCount is a Long, and the JSpinner was set to return a Long. Eventually I had to write this function:

    public static final Long getLong(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    Long rv;

    if((obj.getClass() == Integer.class) || (obj.getClass() == Long.class) || (obj.getClass() == Double.class)) {
        rv = Long.parseLong(obj.toString());
    else if((obj.getClass() == int.class) || (obj.getClass() == long.class) || (obj.getClass() == double.class)) {
        rv = (Long) obj;
    else if(obj.getClass() == String.class) {
        rv = Long.parseLong(obj.toString());
    else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("getLong: type " + obj.getClass() + " = \"" + obj.toString() + "\" unaccounted for");

    return rv;

which seems to do the trick. No amount of simple casting, none of the above solutions worked for me. Very frustrating.

PHP Multidimensional Array Searching (Find key by specific value)

Another poossible solution is based on the array_search() function. You need to use PHP 5.5.0 or higher.


(0) => Array
        (uid) => '100',
        (name) => 'Sandra Shush',
        (url) => 'urlof100'

(1) => Array
        (uid) => '5465',
        (name) => 'Stefanie Mcmohn',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof100'

(2) => Array
        (uid) => '40489',
        (name) => 'Michael',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof40489'

$key = array_search(40489, array_column($userdb, 'uid'));

echo ("The key is: ".$key);
//This will output- The key is: 2


The function array_search() has two arguments. The first one is the value that you want to search. The second is where the function should search. The function array_column() gets the values of the elements which key is 'uid'.


So you could use it as:

array_search('breville-one-touch-tea-maker-BTM800XL', array_column($products, 'slug'));

or, if you prefer:

// define function
function array_search_multidim($array, $column, $key){
    return (array_search($key, array_column($array, $column)));

// use it
array_search_multidim($products, 'slug', 'breville-one-touch-tea-maker-BTM800XL');

The original example(by xfoxawy) can be found on the DOCS.
The array_column() page.


Due to Vael comment I was curious, so I made a simple test to meassure the performance of the method that uses array_search and the method proposed on the accepted answer.

I created an array which contained 1000 arrays, the structure was like this (all data was randomized):

            "_id": "57fe684fb22a07039b3f196c",
            "index": 0,
            "guid": "98dd3515-3f1e-4b89-8bb9-103b0d67e613",
            "isActive": true,
            "balance": "$2,372.04",
            "picture": "",
            "age": 21,
            "eyeColor": "blue",
            "name": "Green",
            "company": "MIXERS"

I ran the search test 100 times searching for different values for the name field, and then I calculated the mean time in milliseconds. Here you can see an example.

Results were that the method proposed on this answer needed about 2E-7 to find the value, while the accepted answer method needed about 8E-7.

Like I said before both times are pretty aceptable for an application using an array with this size. If the size grows a lot, let's say 1M elements, then this little difference will be increased too.

Update II

I've added a test for the method based in array_walk_recursive which was mentionend on some of the answers here. The result got is the correct one. And if we focus on the performance, its a bit worse than the others examined on the test. In the test, you can see that is about 10 times slower than the method based on array_search. Again, this isn't a very relevant difference for the most of the applications.

Update III

Thanks to @mickmackusa for spotting several limitations on this method:

  • This method will fail on associative keys.
  • This method will only work on indexed subarrays (starting from 0 and have consecutively ascending keys).

How does Go update third-party packages?

Go to path and type

go get -u ./..

It will update all require packages.

ImportError: no module named win32api

This is resolve my case as found on Where to find the win32api module for Python?

pip install pypiwin32

printf() prints whole array

But still, the memory address for each letter in this address is different.

Memory address is different but as its array of characters they are sequential. When you pass address of first element and use %s, printf will print all characters starting from given address until it finds '\0'.

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

The key is "operating system error 5". Microsoft helpfully list the various error codes and values on their site

ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 5 (0x5) Access is denied.

IntelliJ and Tomcat.. Howto..?

Which version of IntelliJ are you using? Note that since last year, IntelliJ exists in two versions:

  • Ultimate Edition, which is the complete IDE
  • Community Edition, which is free but does not support JavaEE developments.

(see differences here)

In case you are using the Community Edition, you will not be able to manage a Tomcat installation.

In case you are using the Ultimate Edition, you can have a look at:

Difference between session affinity and sticky session?

Sticky session means to route the requests of particular session to the same physical machine who served the first request for that session.

How do I check if I'm running on Windows in Python?

Are you using platform.system?

        Returns the system/OS name, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows' or 'Java'.

        An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.

If that isn't working, maybe try platform.win32_ver and if it doesn't raise an exception, you're on Windows; but I don't know if that's forward compatible to 64-bit, since it has 32 in the name.

win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype='')
        Get additional version information from the Windows Registry
        and return a tuple (version,csd,ptype) referring to version
        number, CSD level and OS type (multi/single

But is probably the way to go, as others have mentioned.

For what it's worth, here's a few of the ways they check for Windows in

if sys.platform == 'win32':
if os.environ.get('OS','') == 'Windows_NT':
try: import win32api
# Emulation using _winreg (added in Python 2.0) and
# sys.getwindowsversion() (added in Python 2.3)
import _winreg
GetVersionEx = sys.getwindowsversion
def system():

    """ Returns the system/OS name, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows' or 'Java'.    
        An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.   
    return uname()[0]

How can I check the extension of a file?

Look at module fnmatch. That will do what you're trying to do.

import fnmatch
import os

for file in os.listdir('.'):
    if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.txt'):
        print file

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I use NUnit and in my project directory I have a copy of my App.Config that I change some configuration (example I redirect to a test database...). You need to have it in the same directory of the tested project and you will be fine.

jQuery append and remove dynamic table row

There are multiple problems here

  1. Id should be unique in a page
  2. For dynamic elements, you need to use event delegation using .on()


        $("#customFields").append('<tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><label for="customFieldName">Custom Field</label></th><td><input type="text" class="code" id="customFieldName" name="customFieldName[]" value="" placeholder="Input Name" /> &nbsp; <input type="text" class="code" id="customFieldValue" name="customFieldValue[]" value="" placeholder="Input Value" /> &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="remCF">Remove</a></td></tr>');

    $("#customFields").on('click', '#remCF', function(){


Demo: Fiddle

See this demo where id properties are removed.

        $("#customFields").append('<tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><label for="customFieldName">Custom Field</label></th><td><input type="text" class="code" name="customFieldName[]" value="" placeholder="Input Name" /> &nbsp; <input type="text" class="code" name="customFieldValue[]" value="" placeholder="Input Value" /> &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="remCF">Remove</a></td></tr>');

    $("#customFields").on('click', '.remCF', function(){


MySQL SELECT AS combine two columns into one

You don't need to list ContactPhoneAreaCode1 and ContactPhoneNumber1

SELECT FirstName AS First_Name, 
LastName AS Last_Name, 
COALESCE(ContactPhoneAreaCode1, ContactPhoneNumber1) AS Contact_Phone 

Hamcrest compare collections

If you want to assert that the two lists are identical, don't complicate things with Hamcrest:

assertEquals(expectedList, actual.getList());

If you really intend to perform an order-insensitive comparison, you can call the containsInAnyOrder varargs method and provide values directly:

assertThat(actual.getList(), containsInAnyOrder("item1", "item2"));

(Assuming that your list is of String, rather than Agent, for this example.)

If you really want to call that same method with the contents of a List:

assertThat(actual.getList(), containsInAnyOrder(expectedList.toArray(new String[expectedList.size()]));

Without this, you're calling the method with a single argument and creating a Matcher that expects to match an Iterable where each element is a List. This can't be used to match a List.

That is, you can't match a List<Agent> with a Matcher<Iterable<List<Agent>>, which is what your code is attempting.

Java inner class and static nested class

From the Java Tutorial:

Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes.

Static nested classes are accessed using the enclosing class name:


For example, to create an object for the static nested class, use this syntax:

OuterClass.StaticNestedClass nestedObject = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

Objects that are instances of an inner class exist within an instance of the outer class. Consider the following classes:

class OuterClass {
    class InnerClass {

An instance of InnerClass can exist only within an instance of OuterClass and has direct access to the methods and fields of its enclosing instance.

To instantiate an inner class, you must first instantiate the outer class. Then, create the inner object within the outer object with this syntax:

OuterClass outerObject = new OuterClass()
OuterClass.InnerClass innerObject = InnerClass();

see: Java Tutorial - Nested Classes

For completeness note that there is also such a thing as an inner class without an enclosing instance:

class A {
  int t() { return 1; }
  static A a =  new A() { int t() { return 2; } };

Here, new A() { ... } is an inner class defined in a static context and does not have an enclosing instance.

How to update a single pod without touching other dependencies

To install a single pod without updating existing ones-> Add that pod to your Podfile and use:

pod install --no-repo-update

To remove/update a specific pod use:

pod update POD_NAME


Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null

put this line in parent construct : $this->load->database();

function  __construct() {

this way.. it should work..

Pytesseract : "TesseractNotFound Error: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your path", how do I fix this?

I see steps are scattered in different answers. Based on my recent experience with this pytesseract error on Windows, writing different steps in sequence to make it easier to resolve the error:

1. Install tesseract using windows installer available at:

2. Note the tesseract path from the installation. Default installation path at the time of this edit was: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Tesseract-OCR. It may change so please check the installation path.

3. pip install pytesseract

4. Set the tesseract path in the script before calling image_to_string:

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

Get Hours and Minutes (HH:MM) from date

If you want to display 24 hours format use:


and to display 12 hours format use:


Getting "method not valid without suitable object" error when trying to make a HTTP request in VBA?

For reading REST data, at least OData Consider Microsoft Power Query. You won't be able to write data. However, you can read data very well.

Matplotlib 2 Subplots, 1 Colorbar

This topic is well covered but I still would like to propose another approach in a slightly different philosophy.

It is a bit more complex to set-up but it allow (in my opinion) a bit more flexibility. For example, one can play with the respective ratios of each subplots / colorbar:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

# Define number of rows and columns you want in your figure
nrow = 2
ncol = 3

# Make a new figure
fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)

# Design your figure properties
widths = [3,4,5,1]
gs = GridSpec(nrow, ncol + 1, figure=fig, width_ratios=widths)

# Fill your figure with desired plots
axes = []
for i in range(nrow):
    for j in range(ncol):
        axes.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[i, j]))
        im = axes[-1].pcolormesh(np.random.random((10,10)))

# Shared colorbar    
axes.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[:, ncol]))
fig.colorbar(im, cax=axes[-1])

enter image description here

What is HTML5 ARIA?

I ran some other question regarding ARIA. But it's content looks more promising for this question. would like to share them

What is ARIA?

If you put effort into making your website accessible to users with a variety of different browsing habits and physical disabilities, you'll likely recognize the role and aria-* attributes. WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a method of providing ways to define your dynamic web content and applications so that people with disabilities can identify and successfully interact with it. This is done through roles that define the structure of the document or application, or through aria-* attributes defining a widget-role, relationship, state, or property.

ARIA use is recommended in the specifications to make HTML5 applications more accessible. When using semantic HTML5 elements, you should set their corresponding role.

And see this you tube video for ARIA live.

how to replace an entire column on Pandas.DataFrame

If the indices match then:

df['B'] = df1['E']

should work otherwise:

df['B'] = df1['E'].values

will work so long as the length of the elements matches

Python slice first and last element in list

Just thought I'd show how to do this with numpy's fancy indexing:

>>> import numpy
>>> some_list = ['1', 'B', '3', 'D', '5', 'F']
>>> numpy.array(some_list)[[0,-1]]
array(['1', 'F'], 

Note that it also supports arbitrary index locations, which the [::len(some_list)-1] method would not work for:

>>> numpy.array(some_list)[[0,2,-1]]
array(['1', '3', 'F'], 

As DSM points out, you can do something similar with itemgetter:

>>> import operator
>>> operator.itemgetter(0, 2, -1)(some_list)
('1', '3', 'F')

How to nicely format floating numbers to string without unnecessary decimal 0's

Please note that String.format(format, args...) is locale-dependent because it formats using the user's default locale, that is, probably with commas and even spaces inside like 123 456,789 or 123,456.789, which may be not exactly what you expect.

You may prefer to use String.format((Locale)null, format, args...).

For example,

    double f = 123456.789d;



and this is what will String.format(format, args...) do in different countries.

EDIT Ok, since there has been a discussion about formalities:

    res += stripFpZeroes(String.format((Locale) null, (nDigits!=0 ? "%."+nDigits+"f" : "%f"), value));

protected static String stripFpZeroes(String fpnumber) {
    int n = fpnumber.indexOf('.');
    if (n == -1) {
        return fpnumber;
    if (n < 2) {
        n = 2;
    String s = fpnumber;
    while (s.length() > n && s.endsWith("0")) {
        s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1);
    return s;

how to convert object to string in java

Might not be so related to the issue above. However if you are looking for a way to serialize Java object as string, this could come in hand


import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

public class ObjectUtil {

    static final Base64 base64 = new Base64();

    public static String serializeObjectToString(Object object) throws IOException {
        try (
                ByteArrayOutputStream arrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(arrayOutputStream);
                ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(gzipOutputStream);) {
            return new String(base64.encode(arrayOutputStream.toByteArray()));

    public static Object deserializeObjectFromString(String objectString) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        try (
                ByteArrayInputStream arrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(base64.decode(objectString));
                GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(arrayInputStream);
                ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(gzipInputStream)) {
            return objectInputStream.readObject();

C++ inheritance - inaccessible base?

You have to do this:

class Bar : public Foo
    // ...

The default inheritance type of a class in C++ is private, so any public and protected members from the base class are limited to private. struct inheritance on the other hand is public by default.

How do check if a PHP session is empty?

If you want to check whether sessions are available, you probably want to use the session_id() function:

session_id() returns the session id for the current session or the empty string ("") if there is no current session (no current session id exists).

Find empty or NaN entry in Pandas Dataframe

Check if the columns contain Nan using .isnull() and check for empty strings using .eq(''), then join the two together using the bitwise OR operator |.

Sum along axis 0 to find columns with missing data, then sum along axis 1 to the index locations for rows with missing data.

missing_cols, missing_rows = (
    (df2.isnull().sum(x) | df2.eq('').sum(x))
    .loc[lambda x:].index
    for x in (0, 1)

>>> df2.loc[missing_rows, missing_cols]
         A2       A3
2            1.10035
5 -0.508501         
6       NaN      NaN
7       NaN      NaN

Android: Flush DNS

You have a few options:

  • Release an update for your app that uses a different hostname that isn't in anyone's cache.
  • Same thing, but using the IP address of your server
  • Have your users go into settings -> applications -> Network Location -> Clear data.

You may want to check that last step because i don't know for a fact that this is the appropriate service. I can't really test that right now. Good luck!

How do I decode a base64 encoded string?


byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedString);
string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

Python, compute list difference

A = [1,2,3,4]
B = [2,5]

#A - B
x = list(set(A) - set(B))
#B - A 
y = list(set(B) - set(A))

print x
print y 

function to remove duplicate characters in a string


public class RemoveCharacter {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RemoveCharacter rem = new RemoveCharacter();
        char[] ch=rem.GetDuplicates("JavavNNNNNNC".toCharArray());
        char[] desiredString="JavavNNNNNNC".toCharArray();
        System.out.println(rem.RemoveDuplicates(desiredString, ch));

    char[] GetDuplicates(char[] input)
        int ctr=0;
        char[] charDupl=new char[20];
        for (int i = 0; i <input.length; i++)
            char tem=input[i];
            for (int j= 0; j < i; j++)
                if (tem == input[j])
                    charDupl[ctr++] = input[j];


        return charDupl;
     public char[] RemoveDuplicates(char[] input1, char []input2)

         int coutn =0;
         char[] out2 = new char[10];
         boolean flag = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < input1.length; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < input2.length; j++)

                     if (input1[i] == input2[j])
                         flag = false;
                         flag = true;

             if (flag)
                 flag = false;
         return out2;

HTML for the Pause symbol in audio and video control

I found it, it’s in the Miscellaneous Technical block. ? (U+23F8)

pandas dataframe columns scaling with sklearn

You can do it using pandas only:

In [235]:
dfTest = pd.DataFrame({'A':[14.00,90.20,90.95,96.27,91.21],'B':[103.02,107.26,110.35,114.23,114.68], 'C':['big','small','big','small','small']})
df = dfTest[['A', 'B']]
df_norm = (df - df.min()) / (df.max() - df.min())
print df_norm
print pd.concat((df_norm, dfTest.C),1)

          A         B
0  0.000000  0.000000
1  0.926219  0.363636
2  0.935335  0.628645
3  1.000000  0.961407
4  0.938495  1.000000
          A         B      C
0  0.000000  0.000000    big
1  0.926219  0.363636  small
2  0.935335  0.628645    big
3  1.000000  0.961407  small
4  0.938495  1.000000  small

clear table jquery

$("#employeeTable td").parent().remove();

This will remove all tr having td as child. i.e all rows except the header will be deleted.

Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

This worked for me by calling eval on each script content from ajax .done :

$.ajax({}).done(function (data) {      
    $('div#content script').each(function (index, element) { eval(element.innerHTML); 

Note: I didn't write parameters to $.ajax which you have to adjust according to your ajax.

Get path to execution directory of Windows Forms application

System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath will solve your problem, I think

Java double.MAX_VALUE?

Resurrecting the dead here, but just in case someone stumbles against this like myself. I know where to get the maximum value of a double, the (more) interesting part was to how did they get to that number.

double has 64 bits. The first one is reserved for the sign.

Next 11 represent the exponent (that is 1023 biased). It's just another way to represent the positive/negative values. If there are 11 bits then the max value is 1023.

Then there are 52 bits that hold the mantissa.

This is easily computed like this for example:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String test = Strings.repeat("1", 52);

    double first = 0.5;
    double result = 0.0;
    for (char c : test.toCharArray()) {
        result += first;
        first = first / 2;

    System.out.println(result); // close approximation of 1
    System.out.println(Math.pow(2, 1023) * (1 + result));


You can also prove this in reverse order :

    String max = "0" + Long.toBinaryString(Double.doubleToLongBits(Double.MAX_VALUE));

    String sign = max.substring(0, 1);
    String exponent = max.substring(1, 12); // 11111111110
    String mantissa = max.substring(12, 64);

    System.out.println(sign); // 0 - positive
    System.out.println(exponent); // 2046 - 1023 = 1023
    System.out.println(mantissa); // 0.99999...8

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)

Not sure if this was posted before but I got this working with WebClient. i read the documentation for the WebClient. A key point they make is

If the BaseAddress property is not an empty string ("") and address does not contain an absolute URI, address must be a relative URI that is combined with BaseAddress to form the absolute URI of the requested data. If the QueryString property is not an empty string, it is appended to address.

So all I did was wc.QueryString.Add("source", generatedImage) to add the different query parameters and somehow it matches the property name with the image I uploaded. Hope it helps

    public void postImageToFacebook(string generatedImage, string fbGraphUrl)
        WebClient wc = new WebClient();
        byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(generatedImage);

        wc.QueryString.Add("source", generatedImage);
        wc.QueryString.Add("message", "helloworld");

        wc.UploadFile(fbGraphUrl, generatedImage);



Using a batch to copy from network drive to C: or D: drive

This might be due to a security check. This thread might help you.

There are two suggestions: one with pushd and one with a registry change. I'd suggest to use the first one...

How to use fetch in typescript

If you take a look at @types/node-fetch you will see the body definition

export class Body {
    bodyUsed: boolean;
    body: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
    json(): Promise<any>;
    json<T>(): Promise<T>;
    text(): Promise<string>;
    buffer(): Promise<Buffer>;

That means that you could use generics in order to achieve what you want. I didn't test this code, but it would looks something like this:

import { Actor } from './models/actor';

      .then(res => res.json<Actor>())
      .then(res => {
          let b:Actor = res;

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

I just run into this problem today. I have data repository class library with EF63 NuGet package and console application for testing, which have reference only to class library project. I created very simple post-build command, which copies EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll from class library's Bin\Debug folder to console application's Bin\Debug folder and problem solved. Do not forget to add entityFramework section to console application's .config file.

Check if element is visible in DOM

A little addition to ohad navon's answer.

If the center of the element belongs to the another element we won't find it.

So to make sure that one of the points of the element is found to be visible

function isElementVisible(elem) {
    if (!(elem instanceof Element)) throw Error('DomUtil: elem is not an element.');
    const style = getComputedStyle(elem);
    if (style.display === 'none') return false;
    if (style.visibility !== 'visible') return false;
    if (style.opacity === 0) return false;
    if (elem.offsetWidth + elem.offsetHeight + elem.getBoundingClientRect().height +
        elem.getBoundingClientRect().width === 0) {
        return false;
    var elementPoints = {
        'center': {
            x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().left + elem.offsetWidth / 2,
            y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + elem.offsetHeight / 2
        'top-left': {
            x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().left,
            y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().top
        'top-right': {
            x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().right,
            y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().top
        'bottom-left': {
            x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().left,
            y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
        'bottom-right': {
            x: elem.getBoundingClientRect().right,
            y: elem.getBoundingClientRect().bottom

    for(index in elementPoints) {
        var point = elementPoints[index];
        if (point.x < 0) return false;
        if (point.x > (document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.innerWidth)) return false;
        if (point.y < 0) return false;
        if (point.y > (document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.innerHeight)) return false;
        let pointContainer = document.elementFromPoint(point.x, point.y);
        if (pointContainer !== null) {
            do {
                if (pointContainer === elem) return true;
            } while (pointContainer = pointContainer.parentNode);
    return false;

Display all views on oracle database

for all views (you need dba privileges for this query)

select view_name from dba_views

for all accessible views (accessible by logged user)

select view_name from all_views

for views owned by logged user

select view_name from user_views

Can I use an image from my local file system as background in HTML?

FireFox does not allow to open a local file. But if you want to use this for testing a different image (which is what I just needed to do), you can simply save the whole page locally, and then insert the url(file:///somewhere/file.png) - which works for me.

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E

One of the pitfalls as I know is IE problem with custom elements. As quoted from the docs:

3) you do not use custom element tags such as (use the attribute version instead)

4) if you do use custom element tags, then you must take these steps to make IE 8 and below happy

<!doctype html>
  <html xmlns:ng="" id="ng-app" ng-app="optionalModuleName">
      <!--[if lte IE 8]>

          // Optionally these for CSS

Safely limiting Ansible playbooks to a single machine?

A slightly different solution is to use the special variable ansible_limit which is the contents of the --limit CLI option for the current execution of Ansible.

- hosts: "{{ ansible_limit | default(omit) }}"

No need to define an extra variable here, just run the playbook with the --limit flag.

ansible-playbook --limit imac-2.local user.yml

Creating new database from a backup of another Database on the same server?

Think of it like an archive. MyDB.Bak contains MyDB.mdf and MyDB.ldf.

Restore with Move to say HerDB basically grabs MyDB.mdf (and ldf) from the back up, and copies them as HerDB.mdf and ldf.

So if you already had a MyDb on the server instance you are restoring to it wouldn't be touched.

Why is it that "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI" here?

You need to map the unique route to specify your parameters as query elements. In RouteConfig.cs (or WebApiConfig.cs) add:

            name: "MyPagedQuery",
            routeTemplate:     "api/{controller}/{action}/{firstId}/{countToFetch}",
            defaults: new { action = "GetNDepartmentsFromID" }

Get selected item value from Bootstrap DropDown with specific ID

Try this code

<input type="TextBox" ID="yearBox" border="0" disabled>

$('#yearSelected li').on('click', function(){

<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i> <span>Academic Years</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i> </a>
          <ul class="dropdown-menu">
              <ul class="menu" id="yearSelected">
                <li><a href="#">2014-2015</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">2015-2016</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">2016-2017</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">2017-2018</a></li>


its work for me

Add button to navigationbar programmatically

UIImage* image3 = [UIImage imageNamed:@"back_button.png"];
CGRect frameimg = CGRectMake(15,5, 25,25);

UIButton *someButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:frameimg];
[someButton setBackgroundImage:image3 forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[someButton addTarget:self action:@selector(Back_btn:)
[someButton setShowsTouchWhenHighlighted:YES];

UIBarButtonItem *mailbutton =[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:someButton];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem =mailbutton;
[someButton release];

///// called event

    //Your code here


var image3 = UIImage(named: "back_button.png")
var frameimg = CGRect(x: 15, y: 5, width: 25, height: 25)

var someButton = UIButton(frame: frameimg)
someButton.setBackgroundImage(image3, for: .normal)
someButton.addTarget(self, action: Selector("Back_btn:"), for: .touchUpInside)
someButton.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = true

var mailbutton = UIBarButtonItem(customView: someButton)
navigationItem?.leftBarButtonItem = mailbutton

func back_btn(_ sender: Any) {
    //Your code here

submitting a form when a checkbox is checked

You can submit form by just clicking on checkbox by simple method in JavaScript. Inside form tag or Input attribute add following attribute:



           <input type="checkbox">

Get file content from URL?

$url = "https://chart.googleapis....";
$json = file_get_contents($url);

Now you can either echo the $json variable, if you just want to display the output, or you can decode it, and do something with it, like so:

$data = json_decode($json);

Byte Array to Image object

According to the Java docs, it looks like you need to use the MemoryImageSource Class to put your byte array into an object in memory, and then use Component.createImage(ImageProducer) next (passing in your MemoryImageSource, which implements ImageProducer).

When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached?

When using Windows, the comparison is cut short: memcache appears to be the only client available.

Laravel 5 Carbon format datetime

$suborder['payment_date'] = Carbon::parse($item['created_at'])->format('M d Y');

Best way to store chat messages in a database?

You could create a database for x conversations which contains all messages of these conversations. This would allow you to add a new Database (or server) each time x exceeds. X is the number conversations your infrastructure supports (depending on your hardware,...).

The problem is still, that there may be big conversations (with a lot of messages) on the same database. e.g. you have database A and database B an each stores e.g. 1000 conversations. It my be possible that there are far more "big" conversations on server A than on server B (since this is user created content). You could add a "master" database that contains a lookup, on which database/server the single conversations can be found (or you have a schema to assign a database from hash/modulo or something).

Maybe you can find real world architectures that deal with the same problems (you may not be the first one), and that have already been solved.

Swift - Remove " character from string

If you are getting the output Optional(5) when trying to print the value of 5 in an optional Int or String, you should unwrap the value first:

if value != nil
{ print(value)

or you can use this:

if let value = text {

or in simple just 1 line answer:

print(value ?? "")

The last line will check if variable 'value' has any value assigned to it, if not it will print empty string

Using an Alias in a WHERE clause

It's possible to effectively define a variable that can be used in both the SELECT, WHERE and other clauses.

A subquery doesn't necessarily allow for appropriate binding to the referenced table columns, however OUTER APPLY does.

SELECT A.identifier
     , vars.MONTH_NO
     , TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(B.last_update_date, 'YYYYMM')) as UPD_DATE
FROM table_a A
     , table_b B ON A.identifier = B.identifier
        -- variables
        MONTH_NO = TO_NUMBER(DECODE( A.month_no
                     , 1, 200803 
                     , 2, 200804 
                     , 3, 200805 
                     , 4, 200806 
                     , 5, 200807 
                     , 6, 200808 
                     , 7, 200809 
                     , 8, 200810 
                     , 9, 200811 
                     , 10, 200812 
                     , 11, 200701 
                     , 12, 200702
                     , NULL))
) vars

Kudos to Syed Mehroz Alam.

ArrayList insertion and retrieval order

Yes. ArrayList is a sequential list. So, insertion and retrieval order is the same.

If you add elements during retrieval, the order will not remain the same.

Design DFA accepting binary strings divisible by a number 'n'

Below, I have written an answer for n equals to 5, but you can apply same approach to draw DFAs for any value of n and 'any positional number system' e.g binary, ternary...

First lean the term 'Complete DFA', A DFA defined on complete domain in d:Q × S?Q is called 'Complete DFA'. In other words we can say; in transition diagram of complete DFA there is no missing edge (e.g. from each state in Q there is one outgoing edge present for every language symbol in S). Note: Sometime we define partial DFA as d ? Q × S?Q (Read: How does “d:Q × S?Q” read in the definition of a DFA).

Design DFA accepting Binary numbers divisible by number 'n':

Step-1: When you divide a number ? by n then reminder can be either 0, 1, ..., (n - 2) or (n - 1). If remainder is 0 that means ? is divisible by n otherwise not. So, in my DFA there will be a state qr that would be corresponding to a remainder value r, where 0 <= r <= (n - 1), and total number of states in DFA is n.
After processing a number string ? over S, the end state is qr implies that ? % n => r (% reminder operator).

In any automata, the purpose of a state is like memory element. A state in an atomata stores some information like fan's switch that can tell whether the fan is in 'off' or in 'on' state. For n = 5, five states in DFA corresponding to five reminder information as follows:

  1. State q0 reached if reminder is 0. State q0 is the final state(accepting state). It is also an initial state.
  2. State q1 reaches if reminder is 1, a non-final state.
  3. State q2 if reminder is 2, a non-final state.
  4. State q3 if reminder is 3, a non-final state.
  5. State q4 if reminder is 4, a non-final state.

Using above information, we can start drawing transition diagram TD of five states as follows:


So, 5 states for 5 remainder values. After processing a string ? if end-state becomes q0 that means decimal equivalent of input string is divisible by 5. In above figure q0 is marked final state as two concentric circle.
Additionally, I have defined a transition rule d:(q0, 0)?q0 as a self loop for symbol '0' at state q0, this is because decimal equivalent of any string consist of only '0' is 0 and 0 is a divisible by n.

Step-2: TD above is incomplete; and can only process strings of '0's. Now add some more edges so that it can process subsequent number's strings. Check table below, shows new transition rules those can be added next step:

¦One   ¦1     ¦1            ¦q1       ¦
¦Two   ¦10    ¦2            ¦q2       ¦
¦Three ¦11    ¦3            ¦q3       ¦
¦Four  ¦100   ¦4            ¦q4       ¦
  1. To process binary string '1' there should be a transition rule d:(q0, 1)?q1
  2. Two:- binary representation is '10', end-state should be q2, and to process '10', we just need to add one more transition rule d:(q1, 0)?q2
    Path: ?(q0)-1?(q1)-0?(q2)
  3. Three:- in binary it is '11', end-state is q3, and we need to add a transition rule d:(q1, 1)?q3
    Path: ?(q0)-1?(q1)-1?(q3)
  4. Four:- in binary '100', end-state is q4. TD already processes prefix string '10' and we just need to add a new transition rule d:(q2, 0)?q4
    Path: ?(q0)-1?(q1)-0?(q2)-0?(q4)

fig-2 Figure-2

Step-3: Five = 101
Above transition diagram in figure-2 is still incomplete and there are many missing edges, for an example no transition is defined for d:(q2, 1)-?. And the rule should be present to process strings like '101'.
Because '101' = 5 is divisible by 5, and to accept '101' I will add d:(q2, 1)?q0 in above figure-2.
Path: ?(q0)-1?(q1)-0?(q2)-1?(q0)
with this new rule, transition diagram becomes as follows:

fig-3 Figure-3

Below in each step I pick next subsequent binary number to add a missing edge until I get TD as a 'complete DFA'.

Step-4: Six = 110.

We can process '11' in present TD in figure-3 as: ?(q0)-11?(q3) -0?(?). Because 6 % 5 = 1 this means to add one rule d:(q3, 0)?q1.

fig-4 Figure-4

Step-5: Seven = 111

¦Number¦Binary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦ Path       ¦ Add       ¦
¦Seven ¦111   ¦7 % 5 = 2    ¦q2       ¦ q0-11?q3   ¦ q3-1?q2    ¦

fig-5 Figure-5

Step-6: Eight = 1000

¦Number¦Binary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦ Path     ¦ Add     ¦
¦Eight ¦1000  ¦8 % 5 = 3    ¦q3       ¦q0-100?q4 ¦ q4-0?q3  ¦

fig-6 Figure-6

Step-7: Nine = 1001

¦Number¦Binary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦ Path     ¦ Add     ¦
¦Nine  ¦1001  ¦9 % 5 = 4    ¦q4       ¦q0-100?q4 ¦ q4-1?q4  ¦

fig-7 Figure-7

In TD-7, total number of edges are 10 == Q × S = 5 × 2. And it is a complete DFA that can accept all possible binary strings those decimal equivalent is divisible by 5.

Design DFA accepting Ternary numbers divisible by number n:

Step-1 Exactly same as for binary, use figure-1.

Step-2 Add Zero, One, Two

¦Decimal¦Ternary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦   Add        ¦
¦Zero   ¦0      ¦0            ¦q0       ¦ d:(q0,0)?q0  ¦
¦One    ¦1      ¦1            ¦q1       ¦ d:(q0,1)?q1  ¦
¦Two    ¦2      ¦2            ¦q2       ¦ d:(q0,2)?q3  ¦


Step-3 Add Three, Four, Five

¦Decimal¦Ternary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦  Add        ¦
¦Three  ¦10     ¦3            ¦q3       ¦ d:(q1,0)?q3 ¦
¦Four   ¦11     ¦4            ¦q4       ¦ d:(q1,1)?q4 ¦
¦Five   ¦12     ¦0            ¦q0       ¦ d:(q1,2)?q0 ¦


Step-4 Add Six, Seven, Eight

¦Decimal¦Ternary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦  Add        ¦
¦Six    ¦20     ¦1            ¦q1       ¦ d:(q2,0)?q1 ¦
¦Seven  ¦21     ¦2            ¦q2       ¦ d:(q2,1)?q2 ¦
¦Eight  ¦22     ¦3            ¦q3       ¦ d:(q2,2)?q3 ¦


Step-5 Add Nine, Ten, Eleven

¦Decimal¦Ternary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦  Add        ¦
¦Nine   ¦100    ¦4            ¦q4       ¦ d:(q3,0)?q4 ¦
¦Ten    ¦101    ¦0            ¦q0       ¦ d:(q3,1)?q0 ¦
¦Eleven ¦102    ¦1            ¦q1       ¦ d:(q3,2)?q1 ¦


Step-6 Add Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen

¦Decimal ¦Ternary¦Remainder(%5)¦End-state¦  Add        ¦
¦Twelve  ¦110    ¦2            ¦q2       ¦ d:(q4,0)?q2 ¦
¦Thirteen¦111    ¦3            ¦q3       ¦ d:(q4,1)?q3 ¦
¦Fourteen¦112    ¦4            ¦q4       ¦ d:(q4,2)?q4 ¦


Total number of edges in transition diagram figure-12 are 15 = Q × S = 5 * 3 (a complete DFA). And this DFA can accept all strings consist over {0, 1, 2} those decimal equivalent is divisible by 5.
If you notice at each step, in table there are three entries because at each step I add all possible outgoing edge from a state to make a complete DFA (and I add an edge so that qr state gets for remainder is r)!

To add further, remember union of two regular languages are also a regular. If you need to design a DFA that accepts binary strings those decimal equivalent is either divisible by 3 or 5, then draw two separate DFAs for divisible by 3 and 5 then union both DFAs to construct target DFA (for 1 <= n <= 10 your have to union 10 DFAs).

If you are asked to draw DFA that accepts binary strings such that decimal equivalent is divisible by 5 and 3 both then you are looking for DFA of divisible by 15 ( but what about 6 and 8?).

Note: DFAs drawn with this technique will be minimized DFA only when there is no common factor between number n and base e.g. there is no between 5 and 2 in first example, or between 5 and 3 in second example, hence both DFAs constructed above are minimized DFAs. If you are interested to read further about possible mini states for number n and base b read paper: Divisibility and State Complexity.

below I have added a Python script, I written it for fun while learning Python library pygraphviz. I am adding it I hope it can be helpful for someone in someway.

Design DFA for base 'b' number strings divisible by number 'n':

So we can apply above trick to draw DFA to recognize number strings in any base 'b' those are divisible a given number 'n'. In that DFA total number of states will be n (for n remainders) and number of edges should be equal to 'b' * 'n' — that is complete DFA: 'b' = number of symbols in language of DFA and 'n' = number of states.

Using above trick, below I have written a Python Script to Draw DFA for input base and number. In script, function divided_by_N populates DFA's transition rules in base * number steps. In each step-num, I convert num into number string num_s using function baseN(). To avoid processing each number string, I have used a temporary data-structure lookup_table. In each step, end-state for number string num_s is evaluated and stored in lookup_table to use in next step.

For transition graph of DFA, I have written a function draw_transition_graph using Pygraphviz library (very easy to use). To use this script you need to install graphviz. To add colorful edges in transition diagram, I randomly generates color codes for each symbol get_color_dict function.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygraphviz as pgv
from pprint import pprint
from random import choice as rchoice

def baseN(n, b, syms="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"):
    """ converts a number `n` into base `b` string """
    return ((n == 0) and syms[0]) or (
        baseN(n//b, b, syms).lstrip(syms[0]) + syms[n % b])

def divided_by_N(number, base):
    constructs DFA that accepts given `base` number strings
    those are divisible by a given `number`
    SYMBOL_0 = '0'
    dfa = {
        str(from_state): {
            str(symbol): 'to_state' for symbol in range(base)
        for from_state in range(number)
    # `lookup_table` keeps track: 'number string' -->[dfa]--> 'end_state'
    lookup_table = { SYMBOL_0: ACCEPTING_STATE }.setdefault
    for num in range(number * base):
        end_state = str(num % number)
        num_s = baseN(num, base)
        before_end_state = lookup_table(num_s[:-1], START_STATE)
        dfa[before_end_state][num_s[-1]] = end_state
        lookup_table(num_s, end_state)
    return dfa

def symcolrhexcodes(symbols):
    returns dict of color codes mapped with alphabets symbol in symbols
    return {
        symbol: '#'+''.join([
            rchoice("8A6C2B590D1F4E37") for _ in "FFFFFF"
        for symbol in symbols

def draw_transition_graph(dfa, filename="filename"):
    colors = symcolrhexcodes(dfa[START_STATE].keys())
    # draw transition graph
    tg = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True, decorate=True)
    for from_state in dfa:
        for symbol, to_state in dfa[from_state].iteritems():
            tg.add_edge("Q%s"%from_state, "Q%s"%to_state,
                        label=symbol, color=colors[symbol],

    # add intial edge from an invisible node!
    tg.add_node('null', shape='plaintext', label='start')
    tg.add_edge('null', "Q%s"%START_STATE,)

    # make end acception state as 'doublecircle'
    tg.get_node("Q%s"%ACCEPTING_STATE).attr['shape'] = 'doublecircle'
    tg.draw(filename, prog='circo')

def print_transition_table(dfa):
    print("DFA accepting number string in base '%(base)s' "
            "those are divisible by '%(number)s':" % {
                'base': len(dfa['0']),
                'number': len(dfa),})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    number = input ("Enter NUMBER: ")
    base = input ("Enter BASE of number system: ")
    dfa = divided_by_N(number, base)


Execute it:

~/study/divide-5/script$ python 
Enter NUMBER: 5
Enter BASE of number system: 4
DFA accepting number string in base '4' those are divisible by '5':
{'0': {'0': '0', '1': '1', '2': '2', '3': '3'},
 '1': {'0': '4', '1': '0', '2': '1', '3': '2'},
 '2': {'0': '3', '1': '4', '2': '0', '3': '1'},
 '3': {'0': '2', '1': '3', '2': '4', '3': '0'},
 '4': {'0': '1', '1': '2', '2': '3', '3': '4'}}
~/study/divide-5/script$ ls filename.png
~/study/divide-5/script$ display filename


DFA accepting number strings in base 4 those are divisible by 5

Similarly, enter base = 4 and number = 7 to generate - dfa accepting number string in base '4' those are divisible by '7'
Btw, try changing filename to .png or .jpeg.

References those I use to write this script:
➊ Function baseN from "convert integer to a string in a given numeric base in python"
➋ To install "pygraphviz": "Python does not see pygraphviz"
➌ To learn use of Pygraphviz: "Python-FSM"
➍ To generate random hex color codes for each language symbol: "How would I make a random hexdigit code generator using .join and for loops?"

Changing default shell in Linux

Try linux command chsh.

The detailed command is chsh -s /bin/bash. It will prompt you to enter your password. Your default login shell is /bin/bash now. You must log out and log back in to see this change.

The following is quoted from man page:

The chsh command changes the user login shell. This determines the name of the users initial login command. A normal user may only change the login shell for her own account, the superuser may change the login shell for any account

This command will change the default login shell permanently.

Note: If your user account is remote such as on Kerberos authentication (e.g. Enterprise RHEL) then you will not be able to use chsh.

Spring Hibernate - Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread

You must enable the transaction support (<tx:annotation-driven> or @EnableTransactionManagement) and declare the transactionManager and it should work through the SessionFactory.

You must add @Transactional into your @Repository

With @Transactional in your @Repository Spring is able to apply transactional support into your repository.

Your Student class has no the @javax.persistence.* annotations how @Entity, I am assuming the Mapping Configuration for that class has been defined through XML.

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

Might be worth checking online for the errata section for your book.

There's an example of handling this exception here

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for multiple rows insert in single query

INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE will only work for MYSQL, not for SQL Server.

for SQL server, the way to work around this is to first declare a temp table, insert value to that temp table, and then use MERGE

Like this:

declare @Source table
name varchar(30),
age decimal(23,0)

insert into @Source VALUES
('Helen', 24),
('Katrina', 21),
('Samia', 22),
('Hui Ling', 25),
('Yumie', 29);

MERGE beautiful  AS Tg
using  @source as Sc

when matched then update 
set tg.age=sc.age

when not matched then 
insert (name, age) VALUES
(, sc.age);

Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET?

I just knocked this up using the Reactive Extensions and remembered this question:

public class BlockingQueue<T>
    private readonly Subject<T> _queue;
    private readonly IEnumerator<T> _enumerator;
    private readonly object _sync = new object();

    public BlockingQueue()
        _queue = new Subject<T>();
        _enumerator = _queue.GetEnumerator();

    public void Enqueue(T item)
        lock (_sync)

    public T Dequeue()
        return _enumerator.Current;

Not necessarily entirely safe, but very simple.

Simple way to calculate median with MySQL

Often, we may need to calculate Median not just for the whole table, but for aggregates with respect to our ID. In other words, calculate median for each ID in our table, where each ID has many records. (good performance and works in many SQL + fixes problem of even and odds, more about performance of different Median-methods )

SELECT our_id, AVG(1.0 * our_val) as Median
( SELECT our_id, our_val, 
  COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY our_id) AS cnt,
  FROM our_table
) AS x
WHERE rn IN ((cnt + 1)/2, (cnt + 2)/2) GROUP BY our_id;

Hope it helps

Setting DIV width and height in JavaScript

These are several ways to apply style to an element. Try any one of the examples below:

1. document.getElementById('div_register').className = 'wide';
  /* CSS */ .wide{width:500px;}
2. document.getElementById('div_register').setAttribute('class','wide');
3. document.getElementById('div_register').style.width = '500px';

Font-awesome, input type 'submit'


Since <input> element displays only value of value attribute, we have to manipulate only it:

<input type="submit" class="btn fa-input" value="&#xf043; Input">

I'm using &#xf043; entity here, which corresponds to the U+F043, the Font Awesome's 'tint' symbol.


Then we have to style it to use the font:

.fa-input {
  font-family: FontAwesome, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Which will give us the tint symbol in Font Awesome and the other text in the appropriate font.

However, this control will not be pixel-perfect, so you might have to tweak it by yourself.

SQL Server - In clause with a declared variable

First, create a quick function that will split a delimited list of values into a table, like this:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_SplitVariable
    @List varchar(8000),
    @SplitOn varchar(5) = ','

    Id INT IDENTITY(1,1),
    Value VARCHAR(8000)


--Account for ticks
SET @List = (REPLACE(@List, '''', ''))

--Account for 'emptynull'
IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@List)) = 'emptynull'
    SET @List = ''

--Loop through all of the items in the string and add records for each item
WHILE (CHARINDEX(@SplitOn,@List)>0)

    INSERT INTO @RtnValue (value)
    SELECT Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@List, 1, CHARINDEX(@SplitOn, @List)-1)))  

    SET @List = SUBSTRING(@List, CHARINDEX(@SplitOn,@List) + LEN(@SplitOn), LEN(@List))


INSERT INTO @RtnValue (Value)



Then call the function like this...

LEFT OUTER JOIN udf_SplitVariable(@ExcludedList, ',') f ON A.Id = f.Value

This has worked really well on our project...

Of course, the opposite could also be done, if that was the case (though not your question).

INNER JOIN udf_SplitVariable(@ExcludedList, ',') f ON A.Id = f.Value

And this really comes in handy when dealing with reports that have an optional multi-select parameter list. If the parameter is NULL you want all values selected, but if it has one or more values you want the report data filtered on those values. Then use SQL like this:

INNER JOIN udf_SplitVariable(@ExcludedList, ',') f ON A.Id = f.Value OR @ExcludeList IS NULL

This way, if @ExcludeList is a NULL value, the OR clause in the join becomes a switch that turns off filtering on this value. Very handy...

Removing address bar from browser (to view on Android)

You can do that with the next code


I hope it helps you!

Does a foreign key automatically create an index?

No, there is no implicit index on foreign key fields, otherwise why would Microsoft say "Creating an index on a foreign key is often useful". Your colleague may be confusing the foreign key field in the referring table with the primary key in the referred-to table - primary keys do create an implicit index.

Format XML string to print friendly XML string

Check the following link: How to pretty-print XML (Unfortunately, the link now returns 404 :()

The method in the link takes an XML string as an argument and returns a well-formed (indented) XML string.

I just copied the sample code from the link to make this answer more comprehensive and convenient.

public static String PrettyPrint(String XML)
    String Result = "";

    MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream();
    XmlTextWriter W = new XmlTextWriter(MS, Encoding.Unicode);
    XmlDocument D   = new XmlDocument();

        // Load the XmlDocument with the XML.

        W.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

        // Write the XML into a formatting XmlTextWriter

        // Have to rewind the MemoryStream in order to read
        // its contents.
        MS.Position = 0;

        // Read MemoryStream contents into a StreamReader.
        StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(MS);

        // Extract the text from the StreamReader.
        String FormattedXML = SR.ReadToEnd();

        Result = FormattedXML;
    catch (XmlException)


    return Result;

Difference between git pull and git pull --rebase

Sometimes we have an upstream that rebased/rewound a branch we're depending on. This can be a big problem -- causing messy conflicts for us if we're downstream.

The magic is git pull --rebase

A normal git pull is, loosely speaking, something like this (we'll use a remote called origin and a branch called foo in all these examples):

# assume current checked out branch is "foo"
git fetch origin
git merge origin/foo

At first glance, you might think that a git pull --rebase does just this:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/foo

But that will not help if the upstream rebase involved any "squashing" (meaning that the patch-ids of the commits changed, not just their order).

Which means git pull --rebase has to do a little bit more than that. Here's an explanation of what it does and how.

Let's say your starting point is this:

a---b---c---d---e  (origin/foo) (also your local "foo")

Time passes, and you have made some commits on top of your own "foo":

a---b---c---d---e---p---q---r (foo)

Meanwhile, in a fit of anti-social rage, the upstream maintainer has not only rebased his "foo", he even used a squash or two. His commit chain now looks like this:

a---b+c---d+e---f  (origin/foo)

A git pull at this point would result in chaos. Even a git fetch; git rebase origin/foo would not cut it, because commits "b" and "c" on one side, and commit "b+c" on the other, would conflict. (And similarly with d, e, and d+e).

What git pull --rebase does, in this case, is:

git fetch origin
git rebase --onto origin/foo e foo

This gives you:

 a---b+c---d+e---f---p'---q'---r' (foo)

You may still get conflicts, but they will be genuine conflicts (between p/q/r and a/b+c/d+e/f), and not conflicts caused by b/c conflicting with b+c, etc.

Answer taken from (and slightly modified):

How can I exclude multiple folders using Get-ChildItem -exclude?

I'd do it like this:

Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -r  | 
          ? { $_.PsIsContainer -and $_.FullName -notmatch 'archive' }

How can I get my Twitter Bootstrap buttons to right align?

Using the Bootstrap pull-right helper didn't work for us because it uses float: right, which forces inline-block elements to become block. And when the .btns become block, they lose the natural margin that inline-block was providing them as quasi-textual elements.

So instead we used direction: rtl; on the parent element, which causes the text inside that element to layout from right to left, and that causes inline-block elements to layout from right to left, too. You can use LESS like the following to prevent children from being laid out rtl too:

/* Flow the inline-block .btn starting from the right. */
.btn-container-right {
  direction: rtl;

  * {
    direction: ltr;

and use it like:

<div class="btn-container-right">
    <button class="btn">Click Me</button>

MVC Form not able to post List of objects

Your model is null because the way you're supplying the inputs to your form means the model binder has no way to distinguish between the elements. Right now, this code:

@foreach (var planVM in Model)
    @Html.Partial("_partialView", planVM)

is not supplying any kind of index to those items. So it would repeatedly generate HTML output like this:

<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix.PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix.CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix.ShouldCompare" />

However, as you're wanting to bind to a collection, you need your form elements to be named with an index, such as:

<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[0].PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[0].CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix[0].ShouldCompare" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[1].PlanID" />
<input type="hidden" name="yourmodelprefix[1].CurrentPlan" />
<input type="checkbox" name="yourmodelprefix[1].ShouldCompare" />

That index is what enables the model binder to associate the separate pieces of data, allowing it to construct the correct model. So here's what I'd suggest you do to fix it. Rather than looping over your collection, using a partial view, leverage the power of templates instead. Here's the steps you'd need to follow:

  1. Create an EditorTemplates folder inside your view's current folder (e.g. if your view is Home\Index.cshtml, create the folder Home\EditorTemplates).
  2. Create a strongly-typed view in that directory with the name that matches your model. In your case that would be PlanCompareViewModel.cshtml.

Now, everything you have in your partial view wants to go in that template:

@model PlanCompareViewModel
    @Html.HiddenFor(p => p.PlanID)
    @Html.HiddenFor(p => p.CurrentPlan)
    @Html.CheckBoxFor(p => p.ShouldCompare)
   <input type="submit" value="Compare"/>

Finally, your parent view is simplified to this:

@model IEnumerable<PlanCompareViewModel>
@using (Html.BeginForm("ComparePlans", "Plans", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "compareForm" }))

DisplayTemplates and EditorTemplates are smart enough to know when they are handling collections. That means they will automatically generate the correct names, including indices, for your form elements so that you can correctly model bind to a collection.

Using JSON POST Request

An example using jQuery is below. Hope this helps

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>My jQuery JSON Web Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

JSONTest = function() {

    var resultDiv = $("#resultDivContainer");

        url: "",
        type: "POST",
        data: { apiKey: "23462", method: "example", ip: "" },
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
            switch (result) {
                case true:
        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {


<h1>My jQuery JSON Web Page</h1>

<div id="resultDivContainer"></div>

<button type="button" onclick="JSONTest()">JSON</button>


Firebug debug process

Firebug XHR debug process

How to use custom packages

For a project hosted on GitHub, here's what people usually do:


package mylib



import ""


How do I iterate through table rows and cells in JavaScript?

If you want to go through each row(<tr>), knowing/identifying the row(<tr>), and iterate through each column(<td>) of each row(<tr>), then this is the way to go.

var table = document.getElementById("mytab1");
for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
   //iterate through rows
   //rows would be accessed using the "row" variable assigned in the for loop
   for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
     //iterate through columns
     //columns would be accessed using the "col" variable assigned in the for loop

If you just want to go through the cells(<td>), ignoring which row you're on, then this is the way to go.

var table = document.getElementById("mytab1");
for (var i = 0, cell; cell = table.cells[i]; i++) {
     //iterate through cells
     //cells would be accessed using the "cell" variable assigned in the for loop

Get Current date in epoch from Unix shell script

Update: The answer previously posted here linked to a custom script that is no longer available, solely because the OP indicated that date +'%s' didn't work for him. Please see UberAlex' answer and cadrian's answer for proper solutions. In short:

  1. For the number of seconds since the Unix epoch use date(1) as follows:

    date +'%s'
  2. For the number of days since the Unix epoch divide the result by the number of seconds in a day (mind the double parentheses!):

    echo $(($(date +%s) / 60 / 60 / 24))

Creating pdf files at runtime in c#

I have used (iTextSharp) in the past with nice results.

How to print variables in Perl

How do I print out my $ids and $nIds?
print "$ids\n";
print "$nIds\n";
I tried simply print $ids, but Perl complains.

Complains about what? Uninitialised value? Perhaps your loop was never entered due to an error opening the file. Be sure to check if open returned an error, and make sure you are using use strict; use warnings;.

my ($ids, $nIds) is a list, right? With two elements?

It's a (very special) function call. $ids,$nIds is a list with two elements.

Sockets: Discover port availability using Java

The following solution is inspired by the SocketUtils implementation of Spring-core (Apache license).

Compared to other solutions using Socket(...) it is pretty fast (testing 1000 TCP ports in less than a second):

public static boolean isTcpPortAvailable(int port) {
    try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket()) {
        // setReuseAddress(false) is required only on OSX, 
        // otherwise the code will not work correctly on that platform          
        serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), port), 1);
        return true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return false;

Regex: match everything but specific pattern

Just match /^index\.php/ then reject whatever matches it.

Convert floats to ints in Pandas?

To convert all float columns to int

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5, 4) * 10, columns=list('PQRS'))
>>> print(df)
...     P           Q           R           S
... 0   4.395994    0.844292    8.543430    1.933934
... 1   0.311974    9.519054    6.171577    3.859993
... 2   2.056797    0.836150    5.270513    3.224497
... 3   3.919300    8.562298    6.852941    1.415992
... 4   9.958550    9.013425    8.703142    3.588733

>>> float_col = df.select_dtypes(include=['float64']) # This will select float columns only
>>> # list(float_col.columns.values)

>>> for col in float_col.columns.values:
...     df[col] = df[col].astype('int64')

>>> print(df)
...     P   Q   R   S
... 0   4   0   8   1
... 1   0   9   6   3
... 2   2   0   5   3
... 3   3   8   6   1
... 4   9   9   8   3

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

I don't know of any JVM that actually checks the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. Usually this is used in scripts which launch the JVM and they usually just add it to the java command-line.

The key thing to understand here is that arguments to java that come before the -jar analyse.jar bit will only affect the JVM and won't be passed along to your program. So, modifying the java line in your script to:

java $JAVA_OPTS -jar analyse.jar $*

Should "just work".

Convert array to JSON

I decided to use the json2 library and I got an error about “cyclic data structures”.

I got it solved by telling json2 how to convert my complex object. Not only it works now but also I have included only the fields I need. Here is how I did it:

OBJ.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
       var returnObj = new Object();
       returnObj.devid = this.devid; =;
       returnObj.speed = this.speed;
       returnObj.status = this.status;
       return returnObj;

.gitignore file for java eclipse project

You need to add your source files with git add or the GUI equivalent so that Git will begin tracking them.

Use git status to see what Git thinks about the files in any given directory.

How do I plot in real-time in a while loop using matplotlib?

show is probably not the best choice for this. What I would do is use pyplot.draw() instead. You also might want to include a small time delay (e.g., time.sleep(0.05)) in the loop so that you can see the plots happening. If I make these changes to your example it works for me and I see each point appearing one at a time.

The most sophisticated way for creating comma-separated Strings from a Collection/Array/List?

There's a lot of manual solutions to this, but I wanted to reiterate and update Julie's answer above. Use google collections Joiner class.

Joiner.on(", ").join(34, 26, ..., 2)

It handles var args, iterables and arrays and properly handles separators of more than one char (unlike gimmel's answer). It will also handle null values in your list if you need it to.

How to measure elapsed time in Python?

We can also convert time into human-readable time.

import time, datetime

start = time.clock()

def num_multi1(max):
    result = 0
    for num in range(0, 1000):
        if (num % 3 == 0 or num % 5 == 0):
            result += num

    print "Sum is %d " % result


end = time.clock()
value = end - start
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value)
print timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

How to prevent text in a table cell from wrapping

There are at least two ways to do it:

Use nowrap attribute inside the "td" tag:

<th nowrap="nowrap">Really long column heading</th>

Use non-breakable spaces between your words:


Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu

I was able to fix the sub-menu's always pinning to the top of the parent menu from Andres's answer with the following addition:

.dropdown-menu li {
    position: relative;

I also add an icon "icon-chevron-right" on items which contain menu sub-menus, and change the icon from black to white on hover (to compliment the text changing to white and look better with the selected blue background).

Here is the full less/css change (replace the above with this):

.dropdown-menu li {
    position: relative;

    [class^="icon-"] {
        float: right;

    &:hover {
        // Switch to white icons on hover
        [class^="icon-"] {
            background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png");

Good ways to sort a queryset? - Django

I just wanted to illustrate that the built-in solutions (SQL-only) are not always the best ones. At first I thought that because Django's QuerySet.objects.order_by method accepts multiple arguments, you could easily chain them:

ordered_authors = Author.objects.order_by('-score', 'last_name')[:30]

But, it does not work as you would expect. Case in point, first is a list of presidents sorted by score (selecting top 5 for easier reading):

>>> auths = Author.objects.order_by('-score')[:5]
>>> for x in auths: print x
James Monroe (487)
Ulysses Simpson (474)
Harry Truman (471)
Benjamin Harrison (467)
Gerald Rudolph (464)

Using Alex Martelli's solution which accurately provides the top 5 people sorted by last_name:

>>> for x in sorted(auths, key=operator.attrgetter('last_name')): print x
Benjamin Harrison (467)
James Monroe (487)
Gerald Rudolph (464)
Ulysses Simpson (474)
Harry Truman (471)

And now the combined order_by call:

>>> myauths = Author.objects.order_by('-score', 'last_name')[:5]
>>> for x in myauths: print x
James Monroe (487)
Ulysses Simpson (474)
Harry Truman (471)
Benjamin Harrison (467)
Gerald Rudolph (464)

As you can see it is the same result as the first one, meaning it doesn't work as you would expect.

How to format strings using printf() to get equal length in the output

There's also the rather low-tech solution of counting adding spaces by hand to make your messages line up. Nothing prevents you from including a few trailing spaces in your message strings.

EditText request focus

edittext.requestFocus() works for me in my Activity and Fragment

asynchronous vs non-blocking

Synchronous is defined as happening at the same time.

Asynchronous is defined as not happening at the same time.

This is what causes the first confusion. Synchronous is actually what is known as parallel. While asynchronous is sequential, do this, then do that.

Now the whole problem is about modeling an asynchronous behaviour, because you've got some operation that needs the response of another before it can begin. Thus it's a coordination problem, how will you know that you can now start that operation?

The simplest solution is known as blocking.

Blocking is when you simply choose to wait for the other thing to be done and return you a response before moving on to the operation that needed it.

So if you need to put butter on toast, and thus you first need to toast the bred. The way you'd coordinate them is that you'd first toast the bred, then stare endlessly at the toaster until it pops the toast, and then you'd proceed to put butter on them.

It's the simplest solution, and works very well. There's no real reason not to use it, unless you happen to also have other things you need to be doing which don't require coordination with the operations. For example, doing some dishes. Why wait idle staring at the toaster constantly for the toast to pop, when you know it'll take a bit of time, and you could wash a whole dish while it finishes?

That's where two other solutions known respectively as non-blocking and asynchronous come into play.

Non-blocking is when you choose to do other unrelated things while you wait for the operation to be done. Checking back on the availability of the response as you see fit.

So instead of looking at the toaster for it to pop. You go and wash a whole dish. And then you peek at the toaster to see if the toasts have popped. If they havn't, you go wash another dish, checking back at the toaster between each dish. When you see the toasts have popped, you stop washing the dishes, and instead you take the toast and move on to putting butter on them.

Having to constantly check on the toasts can be annoying though, imagine the toaster is in another room. In between dishes you waste your time going to that other room to check on the toast.

Here comes asynchronous.

Asynchronous is when you choose to do other unrelated things while you wait for the operation to be done. Instead of checking on it though, you delegate the work of checking to something else, could be the operation itself or a watcher, and you have that thing notify and possibly interupt you when the response is availaible so you can proceed to the other operation that needed it.

Its a weird terminology. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since all these solutions are ways to create asynchronous coordination of dependent tasks. That's why I prefer to call it evented.

So for this one, you decide to upgrade your toaster so it beeps when the toasts are done. You happen to be constantly listening, even while you are doing dishes. On hearing the beep, you queue up in your memory that as soon as you are done washing your current dish, you'll stop and go put the butter on the toast. Or you could choose to interupt the washing of the current dish, and deal with the toast right away.

If you have trouble hearing the beep, you can have your partner watch the toaster for you, and come tell you when the toast is ready. Your partner can itself choose any of the above three strategies to coordinate its task of watching the toaster and telling you when they are ready.

On a final note, it's good to understand that while non-blocking and async (or what I prefer to call evented) do allow you to do other things while you wait, you don't have too. You can choose to constantly loop on checking the status of a non-blocking call, doing nothing else. That's often worse than blocking though (like looking at the toaster, then away, then back at it until its done), so a lot of non-blocking APIs allow you to transition into a blocking mode from it. For evented, you can just wait idle until you are notified. The downside in that case is that adding the notification was complex and potentially costly to begin with. You had to buy a new toaster with beep functionality, or convince your partner to watch it for you.

And one more thing, you need to realize the trade offs all three provide. One is not obviously better than the others. Think of my example. If your toaster is so fast, you won't have time to wash a dish, not even begin washing it, that's how fast your toaster is. Getting started on something else in that case is just a waste of time and effort. Blocking will do. Similarly, if washing a dish will take 10 times longer then the toasting. You have to ask yourself what's more important to get done? The toast might get cold and hard by that time, not worth it, blocking will also do. Or you should pick faster things to do while you wait. There's more obviously, but my answer is already pretty long, my point is you need to think about all that, and the complexities of implementing each to decide if its worth it, and if it'll actually improve your throughput or performance.


Even though this is already long, I also want it to be complete, so I'll add two more points.

  1. There also commonly exists a fourth model known as multiplexed. This is when while you wait for one task, you start another, and while you wait for both, you start one more, and so on, until you've got many tasks all started and then, you wait idle, but on all of them. So as soon as any is done, you can proceed with handling its response, and then go back to waiting for the others. It's known as multiplexed, because while you wait, you need to check each task one after the other to see if they are done, ad vitam, until one is. It's a bit of an extension on top of normal non-blocking.

In our example it would be like starting the toaster, then the dishwasher, then the microwave, etc. And then waiting on any of them. Where you'd check the toaster to see if it's done, if not, you'd check the dishwasher, if not, the microwave, and around again.

  1. Even though I believe it to be a big mistake, synchronous is often used to mean one thing at a time. And asynchronous many things at a time. Thus you'll see synchronous blocking and non-blocking used to refer to blocking and non-blocking. And asynchronous blocking and non-blocking used to refer to multiplexed and evented.

I don't really understand how we got there. But when it comes to IO and Computation, synchronous and asynchronous often refer to what is better known as non-overlapped and overlapped. That is, asynchronous means that IO and Computation are overlapped, aka, happening concurrently. While synchronous means they are not, thus happening sequentially. For synchronous non-blocking, that would mean you don't start other IO or Computation, you just busy wait and simulate a blocking call. I wish people stopped misusing syncronous and asynchronous like that. So I'm not encouraging it.

Docker expose all ports or range of ports from 7000 to 8000

Since Docker 1.5 you can now expose a range of ports to other linked containers using:

The Dockerfile EXPOSE command:

EXPOSE 7000-8000

or The Docker run command:

docker run --expose=7000-8000

Or instead you can publish a range of ports to the host machine via Docker run command:

docker run -p 7000-8000:7000-8000

Javamail Could not convert socket to TLS GMail

What helped me fix this, and i have tried everything before this, was to configure my installed jre to JRE 1.8.

Steps in Eclipse: Windows>preferences>java>installed JRE>jre1.8.0

If it is set to jdk, switch to jre(which is what is supposed to be set to by default with the latest java version).

how to count the spaces in a java string?

Your code will count the number of tabs and not the number of spaces. Also, the number of tabs will be one less than arr.length.

Git: Could not resolve host error while cloning remote repository in git is the current IP of which can be set in your local DNS (/etc/hosts in Linux and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)

How to load a UIView using a nib file created with Interface Builder

For all those that need to manage more than one instance of the custom view, that is an Outlet Collection, I merged and customized the @Gonso, @AVeryDev and @Olie answers in this way:

  1. Create a custom MyView : UIView and set it as "Custom Class" of the root UIView in the desired XIB; custom class

  2. Create all outlets you need in MyView (do it now because after point 3 the IB will propose you to connect outlets to the UIViewController and not to the custom view as we want); custom class outlet

  3. Set your UIViewController as "File's Owner" of the custom view XIB; enter image description here

  4. In the UIViewController add a new UIViews for each instance of MyView you want, and connect them to UIViewController creating an Outlet Collection: these views will act as "wrapper" views for the custom view instances; enter image description here

  5. Finally, in the viewDidLoad of your UIViewController add the following lines:

NSArray *bundleObjects;
MyView *currView;
NSMutableArray *myViews = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:myWrapperViews.count];
for (UIView *currWrapperView in myWrapperViews) {
    bundleObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"MyView" owner:self options:nil];
    for (id object in bundleObjects) {
        if ([object isKindOfClass:[MyView class]]){
            currView = (MyView *)object;

    [currView.myLabel setText:@"myText"];
    [currView.myButton setTitle:@"myTitle" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

    [currWrapperView addSubview:currView];
    [myViews addObject:currView];
//self.myViews = myViews; if need to access them later..

AngularJS - Access to child scope

Using $emit and $broadcast, (as mentioned by walv in the comments above)

To fire an event upwards (from child to parent)

$scope.$emit('myTestEvent', 'Data to send');

To fire an event downwards (from parent to child)

$scope.$broadcast('myTestEvent', {
  someProp: 'Sending you some data'

and finally to listen

$scope.$on('myTestEvent', function (event, data) {

For more details :-

Enjoy :)

How to Apply Corner Radius to LinearLayout

You can create an XML file in the drawable folder. Call it, for example, shape.xml

In shape.xml:

    android:shape="rectangle"   >

        android:color="#888888" >

        android:color="#C4CDE0" >

        android:bottom="5dp"    >

        android:radius="11dp"   >


The <corner> tag is for your specific question.

Make changes as required.

And in your whatever_layout_name.xml:

    android:background="@drawable/shape"    >

This is what I usually do in my apps. Hope this helps....

"No backupset selected to be restored" SQL Server 2012

I have run into the same issue. Run SSMS as administrator then right click and do database restore. Should work.

Moving from JDK 1.7 to JDK 1.8 on Ubuntu

Most of the answers for this question can not helped me in 2020.

This notification from download site of Oracle may be the reason:

Important Oracle JDK License Update

The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019.

I try to google a little bit and those tutorials below helped me a lot.

  1. Remove completely the previous version of JVM installed on your PC.

    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all java
    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all javac
    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all javaws
    # /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 is the path you installed the previous version of JVM on your PC
    sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 

    Check to see whether java is uninstalled or not

    java -version
  2. Install Java 8 JDK.

    • Download Java 8 from Oracle's website. The version being used is 1.8.0_251. Pay attention to this value, you may need it to edit commands in this answer when Java 8 is upgraded to another version.
    • Extract the compressed file to the place where you want to install.

    cd /usr/lib/jvm
    sudo tar xzf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u251-linux-x64.tar.gz
    • Edit environment file

    sudo gedit /etc/environment
    • Edit the PATH's value by appending the string below to the current value

    • Append those strings to the environment file

    • Complete the installation by running commands below

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/java" 0
    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/javac" 0
    sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/java
    sudo update-alternatives --set javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/javac
    update-alternatives --list java
    update-alternatives --list javac

Why doesn't catching Exception catch RuntimeException?

class Test extends Thread
    public void run(){  
        }catch(InterruptedException e){  
            throw new RuntimeException("Thread interrupted..."+e);  


    public static void main(String args[]){  
        Test t1=new Test1();  
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.out.println("Exception handled "+e);


Its output doesn't contain test2 , so its not handling runtime exception. @jon skeet, @Jan Zyka

linux find regex

Note that -regex depends on whole path.

 -regex pattern
              File name matches regular expression pattern.  
              This is a match on the whole path, not a search.

You don't actually have to use -regex for what you are doing.

find . -iname "*[0-9]"

Adding CSRFToken to Ajax request

If you are working in node.js with lusca try also this:

url: "",
headers: {'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')}

How to handle change text of span

You could use the function that changes the text of span1 to change the text of the others.

As a work around, if you really want it to have a change event, then don't asign text to span 1. Instead asign an input variable in jQuery, write a change event to it, and whever ur changing the text of span1 .. instead change the value of your input variable, thus firing change event, like so:

var spanChange = $("<input />");
function someFuncToCalculateAndSetTextForSpan1() {
    //  do work

$(function() {
    spanChange.change(function(e) {
        var $val = $(this).val(),
            $newVal = some*calc-$val;

Though I really feel this "work-around", while useful in some aspects of creating a simple change event, is very overextended, and you'd best be making the changes to other spans at the same time you change span1.

Assign multiple values to array in C

If you really to assign values (as opposed to initialize), you can do it like this:

 GLfloat coordinates[8]; 
 static const GLfloat coordinates_defaults[8] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ....};
 memcpy(coordinates, coordinates_defaults, sizeof(coordinates_defaults));

 return coordinates; 

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

To list installed Python packages, you can use yolk -l. You'll need to use easy_install yolk first though.

How to get an Android WakeLock to work?

Keep the Screen On

First way:


Second way:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

Keep the CPU On:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />


PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
WakeLock wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyWakelockTag");

To release the wake lock, call wakelock.release(). This releases your claim to the CPU. It's important to release a wake lock as soon as your app is finished using it to avoid draining the battery.

Docs here.

ClassCastException, casting Integer to Double

I think the main problem is that you are casting using wrapper class, seems that they are incompatible types.

But another issue is that "i" is an int so you are casting the final result and you should cast i as well. Also try using the keyword "double" to cast and not "Double" wrapper class.

You can check here:

Hope this helps. I found the thread useful but I think this helps further clarify it.

Understanding dict.copy() - shallow or deep?

"new" and "original" are different dicts, that's why you can update just one of them.. The items are shallow-copied, not the dict itself.

A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server

All you need is to Stop the ASP.NET Development Server and run the project again

Angular2 : Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

I had the same problem and I solved the problem in another way, without import ReactiveFormsModule. You may be but this block in


    userForm = new FormGroup({
        name: new FormControl(),
        email: new FormControl(),
        adresse: new FormGroup({
            rue: new FormControl(),
            ville: new FormControl(),
            cp: new FormControl(),

What are the Ruby modes and options?

In Ruby IO module documentation, I suppose.

Mode |  Meaning
"r"  |  Read-only, starts at beginning of file  (default mode).
"r+" |  Read-write, starts at beginning of file.
"w"  |  Write-only, truncates existing file
     |  to zero length or creates a new file for writing.
"w+" |  Read-write, truncates existing file to zero length
     |  or creates a new file for reading and writing.
"a"  |  Write-only, starts at end of file if file exists,
     |  otherwise creates a new file for writing.
"a+" |  Read-write, starts at end of file if file exists,
     |  otherwise creates a new file for reading and
     |  writing.
"b"  |  Binary file mode (may appear with
     |  any of the key letters listed above).
     |  Suppresses EOL <-> CRLF conversion on Windows. And
     |  sets external encoding to ASCII-8BIT unless explicitly
     |  specified.
"t"  |  Text file mode (may appear with
     |  any of the key letters listed above except "b").

How to fully clean bin and obj folders within Visual Studio?

It doesn't remove the folders, but it does remove the build by-products. Is there any reason you want the actual build folders removed?

Keras, How to get the output of each layer?

Following looks very simple to me:


Above is a tensor object, so you can modify it using operations that can be applied to a tensor object.

For example, to get the shape model.layers[idx].output.get_shape()

idx is the index of the layer and you can find it from model.summary()

Using SQL LOADER in Oracle to import CSV file

You need to designate the logfile name when calling the sql loader.

sqlldr myusername/mypassword control=Billing.ctl log=Billing.log

I was running into this problem when I was calling sql loader from inside python. The following article captures all the parameters you can designate when calling sql loader

HTML 5 video or audio playlist

I created a JS fiddle for this here:

First, your HTML markup looks like this:

<video id="videoarea" controls="controls" poster="" src=""></video>

<ul id="playlist">
    <li movieurl="VideoURL1.webm" moviesposter="VideoPoster1.jpg">First video</li>
    <li movieurl="VideoURL2.webm">Second video</li>

Second, your JavaScript code via JQuery library will look like this:

$(function() {
    $("#playlist li").on("click", function() {
            "src": $(this).attr("movieurl"),
            "poster": "",
            "autoplay": "autoplay"
        "src": $("#playlist li").eq(0).attr("movieurl"),
        "poster": $("#playlist li").eq(0).attr("moviesposter")

And last but not least, your CSS:

#playlist {
#playlist li{
#playlist li:hover{
#videoarea {
    border:1px solid silver;

How to delete row based on cell value

if you want to delete rows based on some specific cell value. let suppose we have a file containing 10000 rows, and a fields having value of NULL. and based on that null value want to delete all those rows and records.

here are some simple tip. First open up Find Replace dialog, and on Replace tab, make all those cell containing NULL values with Blank. then press F5 and select the Blank option, now right click on the active sheet, and select delete, then option for Entire row.

it will delete all those rows based on cell value of containing word NULL.

CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

Don't fart around with inserting spaces. For one, older versions of IE won't know what you're talking about. Besides that, though, there are cleaner ways in general.

For colorless indents, use the text-indent property.

p { text-indent: 1em; }

JSFiddle demo


If you want the space to be colored, you might consider adding a thick left border to the first letter. (I'd almost-but-not-quite say "instead", because the indent can be an issue if you use both. But it feels dirty to me to rely solely on the border to indent.) You can specify how far away, and how wide, the color is using the first letter's left margin/padding/border width.

p:first-letter { border-left: 1em solid red; }


Append to string variable

var str1 = 'abc';
var str2 = str1+' def'; // str2 is now 'abc def'

PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]

I was just stuck on the same issue, when I've realized that I was using the open short tag form:

<? echo 'nothing will be print if no open_short_tag option is enabled'; ?>

You have to go to your /etc/apache2/php.ini file and set the short_open_tag = Off to On, then sudo service apache2 restart!


In C - check if a char exists in a char array

The equivalent C code looks like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// This code outputs: h is in "This is my test string"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   const char *invalid_characters = "hz";
   char *mystring = "This is my test string";
   char *c = mystring;
   while (*c)
       if (strchr(invalid_characters, *c))
          printf("%c is in \"%s\"\n", *c, mystring);


   return 0;

Note that invalid_characters is a C string, ie. a null-terminated char array.

What's default HTML/CSS link color?

For me, on Chrome (updated June 2018) the color for an unvisited link is #2779F6. You can always get this by zooming in really close, taking a screenshot, and visiting a website like that will convert a screenshot to a color code.

How to import load a .sql or .csv file into SQLite?

SQLite is extremely flexible as it also allows the SQLite specific dot commands in the SQL syntax, (although they are interpreted by CLI.) This means that you can do things like this.

Create a sms table like this:

# sqlite3 mycool.db '.schema sms'
CREATE TABLE sms (_id integer primary key autoincrement, Address VARCHAR, Display VARCHAR, Class VARCHAR, ServiceCtr VARCHAR, Message VARCHAR, Timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp);

Then two files:

# echo "1,ADREZZ,DizzPlay,CLAZZ,SMSC,DaTestMessage,2015-01-24 21:00:00">test.csv

# cat test.sql
.mode csv
.header on
.import test.csv sms

To test the import of the CSV file using the SQL file, run:

# sqlite3 -csv -header mycool.db '.read test.sql'

In conclusion, this means that you can use the .import statement in SQLite SQL, just as you can do in any other RDB, like MySQL with LOAD DATA INFILE etc. However, this is not recommended.

CSS list-style-image size

I achieved it by placing the image tag before the li's:


<img src="" class="listImage">



Function for C++ struct

Structs can have functions just like classes. The only difference is that they are public by default:

struct A {
    void f() {}

Additionally, structs can also have constructors and destructors.

struct A {
    A() : x(5) {}
    ~A() {}

    private: int x;

Regular expression include and exclude special characters

For the allowed characters you can use

^[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$

to validate a complete string that should consist of only allowed characters. Note that - is at the end (because otherwise it'd be a range) and a few characters are escaped.

For the invalid characters you can use


to check for them.

To combine both into a single regex you can use

^(?=[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$)(?!.*[<>'"/;`%])

but you'd need a regex engine that allows lookahead.

How to Store Historical Data

I Know this old post but Just wanted to add few points. The standard for such problems is what works best for the situation. understanding the need for such storage, and potential use of the historical/audit/change tracking data is very importat.

Audit (security purpose) : Use a common table for all your auditable tables. define structure to store column name , before value and after value fields.

Archive/Historical: for cases like tracking previous address , phone number etc. creating a separate table FOO_HIST is better if you your active transaction table schema does not change significantly in the future(if your history table has to have the same structure). if you anticipate table normalization , datatype change addition/removal of columns, store your historical data in xml format . define a table with the following columns (ID,Date, Schema Version, XMLData). this will easily handle schema changes . but you have to deal with xml and that could introduce a level of complication for data retrieval .

How to generate a Dockerfile from an image?

I somehow absolutely missed the actual command in the accepted answer, so here it is again, bit more visible in its own paragraph, to see how many people are like me

$ docker history --no-trunc <IMAGE_ID>

How do I correct the character encoding of a file?

When you see character sequences like ç and é, it's usually an indication that a UTF-8 file has been opened by a program that reads it in as ANSI (or similar). Unicode characters such as these:

U+00C2 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
U+00C3 Latin capital letter A with tilde
U+0082 Break permitted here
U+0083 No break here

tend to show up in ANSI text because of the variable-byte strategy that UTF-8 uses. This strategy is explained very well here.

The advantage for you is that the appearance of these odd characters makes it relatively easy to find, and thus replace, instances of incorrect conversion.

I believe that, since ANSI always uses 1 byte per character, you can handle this situation with a simple search-and-replace operation. Or more conveniently, with a program that includes a table mapping between the offending sequences and the desired characters, like these:

“ -> “ # should be an opening double curly quote
â€? -> ” # should be a closing double curly quote

Any given text, assuming it's in English, will have a relatively small number of different types of substitutions.

Hope that helps.

Add more than one parameter in Twig path

Consider making your route:

    pattern: /files/management/{project}/{user}
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeTestBundle:File:manage }

since they are required fields. It will make your url's prettier, and be a bit easier to manage.

Your Controller would then look like

 public function projectAction($project, $user)

append new row to old csv file python

If the file exists and contains data, then it is possible to generate the fieldname parameter for csv.DictWriter automatically:

# read header automatically
with open(myFile, "r") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for header in reader:

# add row to CSV file
with open(myFile, "a", newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=header)

How to present popover properly in iOS 8

For those who wants to study!

I created an Open Source project for those who want to study and use Popover view for anypurpose. You can find the project here.


Capture characters from standard input without waiting for enter to be pressed

works for me on windows:

#include <conio.h>
char c = _getch();

Babel 6 regeneratorRuntime is not defined

I fixed this error by installing babel-polyfill

npm install babel-polyfill --save

then I imported it in my app entry point

import http from 'http';
import config from 'dotenv';
import 'babel-polyfill';
import { register } from 'babel-core';
import app from '../app';

for testing I included --require babel-polyfill in my test script

"test": "export NODE_ENV=test|| SET NODE_ENV=test&& mocha --compilers 
  js:babel-core/register --require babel-polyfill server/test/**.js --exit"

How to pass multiple values to single parameter in stored procedure


I have had this exact issue for almost 2 weeks, extremely frustrating but I FINALLY found this site and it was a clear walk-through of what to do.

I hope this helps people because it was exactly what I was looking for

How to enable DataGridView sorting when user clicks on the column header?

your data grid needs to be bound to a sortable list in the first place.

Create this event handler:

    void MakeColumnsSortable_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
        //Add this as an event on DataBindingComplete
        DataGridView dataGridView = sender as DataGridView;
        if (dataGridView == null)
            var ex = new InvalidOperationException("This event is for a DataGridView type senders only.");
            ex.Data.Add("Sender type", sender.GetType().Name);
            throw ex;

        foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridView.Columns)
            column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;

And initialize the event of each of your datragrids like this:

        dataGridView1.DataBindingComplete += MakeColumnsSortable_DataBindingComplete;

fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

None of these worked for me, but using Heroku's built in tool did the trick.

heroku git:clone -a myapp

Documentation here:

cor shows only NA or 1 for correlations - Why?

The 1s are because everything is perfectly correlated with itself, and the NAs are because there are NAs in your variables.

You will have to specify how you want R to compute the correlation when there are missing values, because the default is to only compute a coefficient with complete information.

You can change this behavior with the use argument to cor, see ?cor for details.

In React Native, how do I put a view on top of another view, with part of it lying outside the bounds of the view behind?

You can use zIndex for placing a view on top of another. It works like the CSS z-index property - components with a larger zIndex will render on top.

You can refer: Layout Props


          <StatusBar backgroundColor="black" barStyle="light-content" />
          <Image style={styles.headerImage} source={{ uri: "" }}>
            <View style={styles.back}>
                <Icons name="arrow-back" size={25} color="#ffffff" />
            <Image style={styles.subHeaderImage} borderRadius={55} source={{ uri: "" }} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: "white"
    headerImage: {
        height: height(150),
        width: deviceWidth
    subHeaderImage: {
        height: 110,
        width: 110,
        marginTop: height(35),
        marginLeft: width(25),
        borderColor: "white",
        borderWidth: 2,
        zIndex: 5

403 Access Denied on Tomcat 8 Manager App without prompting for user/password

In my case it was the security constraints defined in web.xml. Make sure they have the same roles you use in your tomcat-users.xml file.

For example, this is one of the out-of-the-box tags and will work with the standard tomcat-users.xml.

      <web-resource-name>HTML Manager interface (for humans)</web-resource-name>

In my case an admin had used a different role-name which prevented me from accessing the manager.

How to check if a table is locked in sql server

You can use the sys.dm_tran_locks view, which returns information about the currently active lock manager resources.

Try this

     SessionID = s.Session_id,
     DatabaseName = DB_NAME(resource_database_id),
     a.encrypted ,
     sys.dm_tran_locks l
     JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON l.request_session_id = s.session_id
     LEFT JOIN   
         SELECT  *
         FROM    sys.dm_exec_requests r
         CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
     ) a ON s.session_id = a.session_id
     s.session_id > 50

Python - How to cut a string in Python?

>>str = ""
>>["", "two=20"]

Ignoring a class property in Entity Framework 4.1 Code First

As of EF 5.0, you need to include the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema namespace.

AngularJS dynamic routing

Not sure why this works but dynamic (or wildcard if you prefer) routes are possible in angular 1.2.0-rc.2...

angular.module('yadda', [

config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
    when('/:a', {
  template: '<div ng-include="templateUrl">Loading...</div>',
  controller: 'DynamicController'

controller('DynamicController', function ($scope, $routeParams) {
$scope.templateUrl = 'partials/' + $routeParams.a;
}). -> loads "foo" partial> loads "bar" partial

No need for any adjustments in the ng-view. The '/:a' case is the only variable I have found that will acheive this.. '/:foo' does not work unless your partials are all foo1, foo2, etc... '/:a' works with any partial name.

All values fire the dynamic controller - so there is no "otherwise" but, I think it is what you're looking for in a dynamic or wildcard routing scenario..

How to use .htaccess in WAMP Server?

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /basic_test/

RewriteRule ^index.php$ test.php

How do I do word Stemming or Lemmatization?

df_plots = pd.read_excel("Plot Summary.xlsx", index_col = 0)
# Printing first sentence of first row and last sentence of last row
nltk.sent_tokenize(df_plots.loc[1].Plot)[0] + nltk.sent_tokenize(df_plots.loc[len(df)].Plot)[-1]

# Calculating length of all plots by words
df_plots["Length"] = df_plots.Plot.apply(lambda x : 

print("Longest plot is for season"),

print("Shortest plot is for season"),

#What is this show about? (What are the top 3 words used , excluding the #stop words, in all the #seasons combined)

word_sample = list(["struggled", "died"])
word_list = nltk.pos_tag(word_sample)
[wnl.lemmatize(str(word_list[index][0]), pos = word_list[index][1][0].lower()) for index in range(len(word_list))]

# Figure out the stop words
stop = (stopwords.words('english'))

# Tokenize all the plots
df_plots["Tokenized"] = df_plots.Plot.apply(lambda x : nltk.word_tokenize(x.lower()))

# Remove the stop words
df_plots["Filtered"] = df_plots.Tokenized.apply(lambda x : (word for word in x if word not in stop))

# Lemmatize each word
wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()
df_plots["POS"] = df_plots.Filtered.apply(lambda x : nltk.pos_tag(list(x)))
# df_plots["POS"] = df_plots.POS.apply(lambda x : ((word[1] = word[1][0] for word in word_list) for word_list in x))
df_plots["Lemmatized"] = df_plots.POS.apply(lambda x : (wnl.lemmatize(x[index][0], pos = str(x[index][1][0]).lower()) for index in range(len(list(x)))))

#Which Season had the highest screenplay of "Jesse" compared to "Walt" 
#Screenplay of Jesse =(Occurences of "Jesse")/(Occurences of "Jesse"+ #Occurences of "Walt")


df_plots["Share"] = df_plots.groupby("Season").Tokenized.sum().apply(lambda x : float(x.count("jesse") * 100)/float(x.count("jesse") + x.count("walter") + x.count("walt")))

print("The highest times Jesse was mentioned compared to Walter/Walt was in season"),
#float(df_plots.Tokenized.sum().count('jesse')) * 100 / #float((df_plots.Tokenized.sum().count('jesse') + #df_plots.Tokenized.sum().count('walt') + #df_plots.Tokenized.sum().count('walter')))

Disable scrolling in webview?

Set a listener on your WebView:

webView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                return(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE));

Is it possible to make input fields read-only through CSS?

You don't set the behavior of controls via CSS, only their styling.You can use jquery or simple javascript to change the property of the fields.

How to define multiple CSS attributes in jQuery?

if you want to change multiple css attributes then you have to use object structure as below:

                   "background-color": "#0F0",

but it get worse when we want to change lots of style, so what i suggest to you is adding a class instead of changing css using jQuery, and adding a class is more readable too.

see below example:


       font-weight: bold;
       background: #f5f5f5;
       text-align: center;
       font-size: 18px;



One advantage of latter example over former is if you want to add some css onclick of something and want to remove that css on second click then in latter example you can use .toggleClass('custom-class')

where in former example you have to set all css with different values which you have set before and it will be complicated, so using class option will be better solution.

How to convert ISO8859-15 to UTF8?

Iconv just writes the converted text to stdout. You have to use -o OUTPUTFILE.txt as an parameter or write stdout to a file. (iconv -f x -t z filename.txt > OUTPUTFILE.txt or iconv -f x -t z < filename.txt > OUTPUTFILE.txt in some iconv versions)


iconv -f encoding -t encoding inputfile


The iconv program converts the encoding of characters in inputfile from one coded character set to another. 
**The result is written to standard output unless otherwise specified by the --output option.**

--from-code, -f encoding

Convert characters from encoding

--to-code, -t encoding

Convert characters to encoding


List known coded character sets

--output, -o file

Specify output file (instead of stdout)


Print progress information.

How do I undo a checkout in git?

To undo git checkout do git checkout -, similarly to cd and cd - in shell.

Initialising an array of fixed size in python

>>> import numpy
>>> x = numpy.zeros((3,4))
>>> x
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])
>>> y = numpy.zeros(5)   
>>> y
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

x is a 2-d array, and y is a 1-d array. They are both initialized with zeros.

Python Pandas Error tokenizing data

The following worked for me (I posted this answer, because I specifically had this problem in a Google Colaboratory Notebook):

df = pd.read_csv("/path/foo.csv", delimiter=';', skiprows=0, low_memory=False)

Hide strange unwanted Xcode logs

Please note that for iOS 14 Simulator, the OS_ACTIVITY_MODE=disable will not show any logs using the new Swift Logger. You will have to remove or enable it.

Regular expression search replace in Sublime Text 2

By the way, in the question above:


Hello, my name is bob

Find part:

my name is (\w)+

With replace part:

my name used to be \1

Would return:

Hello, my name used to be b

Change find part to:

my name is (\w+)

And replace will be what you expect:

Hello, my name used to be bob

While (\w)+ will match "bob", it is not the grouping you want for replacement.

How to grep with a list of words

To find a very long list of words in big files, it can be more efficient to use egrep:

remove the last \n of A
$ tr '\n' '|' < A > A_regex
$ egrep -f A_regex B

Async always WaitingForActivation

I overcome this issue with if anybody interested. In myMain method i called my readasync method like

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(() => ReadData()));

Everything is fine for me now.

Why does npm install say I have unmet dependencies?

npm install will install all the packages from npm-shrinkwrap.json, but might ignore packages in package.json, if they're not preset in the former.

If you're project has a npm-shrinkwrap.json, make sure you run npm shrinkwrap to regenerate it, each time you add add/remove/change package.json.

How to create a directory if it doesn't exist using Node.js?

The best solution would be to use the npm module called node-fs-extra. It has a method called mkdir which creates the directory you mentioned. If you give a long directory path, it will create the parent folders automatically. The module is a super set of npm module fs, so you can use all the functions in fs also if you add this module.

Calling a Javascript Function from Console

If it's inside a closure, i'm pretty sure you can't.

Otherwise you just do functionName(); and hit return.

How to run a method every X seconds

You can please try this code to call the handler every 15 seconds via onResume() and stop it when the activity is not visible, via onPause().

Handler handler = new Handler();
Runnable runnable;
int delay = 15*1000; //Delay for 15 seconds.  One second = 1000 milliseconds.

protected void onResume() {
   //start handler as activity become visible

    handler.postDelayed( runnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            //do something

            handler.postDelayed(runnable, delay);
    }, delay);


// If onPause() is not included the threads will double up when you 
// reload the activity 

protected void onPause() {
    handler.removeCallbacks(runnable); //stop handler when activity not visible

BOOLEAN or TINYINT confusion

Just a note for php developers (I lack the necessary stackoverflow points to post this as a comment) ... the automagic (and silent) conversion to TINYINT means that php retrieves a value from a "BOOLEAN" column as a "0" or "1", not the expected (by me) true/false.

A developer who is looking at the SQL used to create a table and sees something like: "some_boolean BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE," might reasonably expect to see true/false results when a row containing that column is retrieved. Instead (at least in my version of PHP), the result will be "0" or "1" (yes, a string "0" or string "1", not an int 0/1, thank you php).

It's a nit, but enough to cause unit tests to fail.

Get jQuery version from inspecting the jQuery object

You can use either $().jquery; or $.fn.jquery which will return a string containing the version number, e.g. 1.6.2.

Webpack - webpack-dev-server: command not found

I had similar problem with Yarn, none of above worked for me, so I simply removed ./node_modules and run yarn install and problem gone.

IOS: verify if a point is inside a rect

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
            UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
            CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView:self.view];
            CGRect rect1 = CGRectMake(vwTable.frame.origin.x, 
            vwTable.frame.origin.y, vwTable.frame.size.width, 
            if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect1,touchLocation))

How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes?


git config core.fileMode false

From git-config(1):

    Tells Git if the executable bit of files in the working tree
    is to be honored.

    Some filesystems lose the executable bit when a file that is
    marked as executable is checked out, or checks out a
    non-executable file with executable bit on. git-clone(1)
    or git-init(1) probe the filesystem to see if it handles the 
    executable bit correctly and this variable is automatically
    set as necessary.

    A repository, however, may be on a filesystem that handles
    the filemode correctly, and this variable is set to true when
    created, but later may be made accessible from another
    environment that loses the filemode (e.g. exporting ext4
    via CIFS mount, visiting a Cygwin created repository with Git
    for Windows or Eclipse). In such a case it may be necessary
    to set this variable to false. See git-update-index(1).

    The default is true (when core.filemode is not specified
    in the config file).

The -c flag can be used to set this option for one-off commands:

git -c core.fileMode=false diff

And the --global flag will make it be the default behavior for the logged in user.

git config --global core.fileMode false

Changes of the global setting won't be applied to existing repositories. Additionally, git clone and git init explicitly set core.fileMode to true in the repo config as discussed in Git global core.fileMode false overridden locally on clone


core.fileMode is not the best practice and should be used carefully. This setting only covers the executable bit of mode and never the read/write bits. In many cases you think you need this setting because you did something like chmod -R 777, making all your files executable. But in most projects most files don't need and should not be executable for security reasons.

The proper way to solve this kind of situation is to handle folder and file permission separately, with something like:

find . -type d -exec chmod a+rwx {} \; # Make folders traversable and read/write
find . -type f -exec chmod a+rw {} \;  # Make files read/write

If you do that, you'll never need to use core.fileMode, except in very rare environment.

Pandas rename column by position?

You can do this:

df.rename(columns={ df.columns[1]: "whatever" })

Parsing a YAML file in Python, and accessing the data?

Since PyYAML's yaml.load() function parses YAML documents to native Python data structures, you can just access items by key or index. Using the example from the question you linked:

import yaml
with open('tree.yaml', 'r') as f:
    doc = yaml.load(f)

To access branch1 text you would use:

txt = doc["treeroot"]["branch1"]
print txt
"branch1 text"

because, in your YAML document, the value of the branch1 key is under the treeroot key.

Convert string to a variable name

Use"string"). You can use then use x to refer to the variable with name string.

I don't know, if it answers your question correctly.

Enable CORS in fetch api

Browser have cross domain security at client side which verify that server allowed to fetch data from your domain. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin not available in response header, browser disallow to use response in your JavaScript code and throw exception at network level. You need to configure cors at your server side.

You can fetch request using mode: 'cors'. In this situation browser will not throw execption for cross domain, but browser will not give response in your javascript function.

So in both condition you need to configure cors in your server or you need to use custom proxy server.

No Creators, like default construct, exist): cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator

If you're using Lombok on a POJO model, make sure you have these annotations:


It could vary, but make sure @Getter and especially @NoArgsConstructor.

Printing PDFs from Windows Command Line

First response - wanted to finally give back to a helpful community...

Wanted to add this to the responses for people still looking for simple a solution. I'm using a free product by Foxit Software - FoxItReader.
Here is the link to the version that works with the silent print - newer versions the silent print feature is still not working. FoxitReader623.815_Setup

FOR %%f IN (*.pdf) DO ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /t %%f "SPST-SMPICK" %%f & del %%f) 

I simply created a command to loop through the directory and for each pdf file (FOR %%f IN *.pdf) open the reader silently (/t) get the next PDF (%%f) and send it to the print queue (SPST-SMPICK), then delete each PDF after I send it to the print queue (del%%f). Shashank showed an example of moving the files to another directory if that what you need to do

FOR %%X in ("%dir1%*.pdf") DO (move "%%~dpnX.pdf" p/)

Loading DLLs at runtime in C#

It's not so difficult.

You can inspect the available functions of the loaded object, and if you find the one you're looking for by name, then snoop its expected parms, if any. If it's the call you're trying to find, then call it using the MethodInfo object's Invoke method.

Another option is to simply build your external objects to an interface, and cast the loaded object to that interface. If successful, call the function natively.

This is pretty simple stuff.

Order data frame rows according to vector with specific order

Here's a similar system for the situation where you have a variable you want to sort by, initially, but then you want to sort by a secondary variable according to the order that this secondary variable first appears in the initial sort.

In the function below, the initial sort variable is called order_by and the secondary variable is called order_along - as in "order by this variable along its initial order".

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
df <- structure(
    msoa11hclnm = c(
      "Bewbush", "Tilgate", "Felpham",
      "Selsey", "Brunswick", "Ratton", "Ore", "Polegate", "Mile Oak",
      "Upperton", "Arundel", "Kemptown"
    lad20nm = c(
      "Crawley", "Crawley",
      "Arun", "Chichester", "Brighton and Hove", "Eastbourne", "Hastings",
      "Wealden", "Brighton and Hove", "Eastbourne", "Arun", "Brighton and Hove"
    shape_area = c(
      1328821, 3089180, 3540014, 9738033, 448888, 10152663, 5517102,
      7036428, 5656430, 2653589, 72832514, 826151
  row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = "data.frame"

this does not give me what I need:

df %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(shape_area, lad20nm)
#>    msoa11hclnm           lad20nm shape_area
#> 1    Brunswick Brighton and Hove     448888
#> 2     Kemptown Brighton and Hove     826151
#> 3      Bewbush           Crawley    1328821
#> 4     Upperton        Eastbourne    2653589
#> 5      Tilgate           Crawley    3089180
#> 6      Felpham              Arun    3540014
#> 7          Ore          Hastings    5517102
#> 8     Mile Oak Brighton and Hove    5656430
#> 9     Polegate           Wealden    7036428
#> 10      Selsey        Chichester    9738033
#> 11      Ratton        Eastbourne   10152663
#> 12     Arundel              Arun   72832514

Here’s a function:

order_along <- function(df, order_along, order_by) {
  cols <- colnames(df)
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::arrange({{ order_by }})
  df %>% 
    dplyr::select({{ order_along }}) %>% 
    dplyr::distinct() %>% 
    dplyr::full_join(df) %>% 

order_along(df, lad20nm, shape_area)
#> Joining, by = "lad20nm"
#>    msoa11hclnm           lad20nm shape_area
#> 1    Brunswick Brighton and Hove     448888
#> 2     Kemptown Brighton and Hove     826151
#> 3     Mile Oak Brighton and Hove    5656430
#> 4      Bewbush           Crawley    1328821
#> 5      Tilgate           Crawley    3089180
#> 6     Upperton        Eastbourne    2653589
#> 7       Ratton        Eastbourne   10152663
#> 8      Felpham              Arun    3540014
#> 9      Arundel              Arun   72832514
#> 10         Ore          Hastings    5517102
#> 11    Polegate           Wealden    7036428
#> 12      Selsey        Chichester    9738033

Created on 2021-01-12 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Format number to 2 decimal places

Show as decimal Select ifnull(format(100.00, 1, 'en_US'), 0) 100.0

Show as Percentage Select concat(ifnull(format(100.00, 0, 'en_US'), 0), '%') 100%

Laravel Eloquent where field is X or null

It sounds like you need to make use of advanced where clauses.

Given that search in field1 and field2 is constant we will leave them as is, but we are going to adjust your search in datefield a little.

Try this:

$query = Model::where('field1', 1)
    ->where(function ($query) {
        $query->where('datefield', '<', $date)

If you ever need to debug a query and see why it isn't working, it can help to see what SQL it is actually executing. You can chain ->toSql() to the end of your eloquent query to generate the SQL.

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

try this way .eregi("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", $value)

Save bitmap to file function

implementation save bitmap and load bitmap directly. fast and ease on mfc class

void CMRSMATH1Dlg::Loadit(TCHAR *destination, CDC &memdc)
CImage img;
CBitmap bm;     
CFile file2;
file2.Open(destination, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary);
file2.Read(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
file2.Read(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));    
BYTE ch;
int width = Info.biWidth;
int height = Info.biHeight;
if (height < 0)height = -height;
int size1 = width*height * 3;
int size2 = ((width * 24 + 31) / 32) * 4 * height;
int widthnew = (size2 - size1) / height;
BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);
unsigned char alpha = 0;    
int z = 0;  
z = 0;
int gap = (size2 - size1) / height;
for (int y = 0;y < height;y++)
    for (int x = 0;x < width*3;x++)
        file2.Read(&ch, 1);
        buffer[z] = ch;
    for (int z1 = 0;z1 <gap;z1++)
bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&memdc, width, height);
old = memdc.SelectObject(&bm);   
 //bm.SetBitmapBits(size1, buffer);     
 GetDC()->BitBlt(1, 95, width, height, &memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
 void CMRSMATH1Dlg::saveit(CBitmap &bit1, CDC &memdc, TCHAR *destination)
CFile file1;
            CSize size = bit1.GetBitmap(&bm);
 int z = 0;  
 BYTE ch = 0; = bm.bmWidth; = bm.bmHeight;
 int width =;    
 int size1 = (*(;
 int size2 = size1 * 3;  
 size1 = (( * 24 + 31) / 32) *4*;     
 BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);               
 bFileHeader.bfType = 'B' + ('M' << 8); 
 bFileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 bFileHeader.bfSize = bFileHeader.bfOffBits + size1;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;   
 Info.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 Info.biPlanes = 1;
 Info.biBitCount = 24;//bm.bmBitsPixel;//bitsperpixel///////////////////32
 Info.biCompression = BI_RGB;
 Info.biWidth =bm.bmWidth;
 Info.biHeight =-bm.bmHeight;///reverse pic if negative height
 Info.biSizeImage =size1;
 Info.biClrImportant = 0;
 if (bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8)
     Info.biClrUsed = 1 << bm.bmBitsPixel;
 Info.biClrUsed = 0;
 Info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
 Info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 bit1.GetBitmapBits(size2, buffer);      
 file1.Open(destination, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite |CFile::typeBinary,0);
 file1.Write(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
 file1.Write(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
 unsigned char alpha = 0;    
 for (int y = 0;y<;y++)
     for (int x = 0;x<;x++)
         //for reverse picture below
         //z = ((( - 1 - y)* + (x)) * 3;          
     z = (((y)* + (x)) * 3;
     file1.Write(&buffer[z], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 1], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 2], 1);
     for (int z = 0;z < (size1 - size2) /;z++)
         file1.Write(&alpha, 1);
 file1.m_hFile = NULL;