Programs & Examples On #Smarthost

Best practice to run Linux service as a different user

After looking at all the suggestions here, I've discovered a few things which I hope will be useful to others in my position:

  1. hop is right to point me back at /etc/init.d/functions: the daemon function already allows you to set an alternate user:

    daemon --user=my_user my_cmd &>/dev/null &

    This is implemented by wrapping the process invocation with runuser - more on this later.

  2. Jonathan Leffler is right: there is setuid in Python:

    import os
    os.setuid(501) # UID of my_user is 501

    I still don't think you can setuid from inside a JVM, however.

  3. Neither su nor runuser gracefully handle the case where you ask to run a command as the user you already are. E.g.:

    [my_user@my_host]$ id
    uid=500(my_user) gid=500(my_user) groups=500(my_user)
    [my_user@my_host]$ su my_user -c "id"
    Password: # don't want to be prompted!
    uid=500(my_user) gid=500(my_user) groups=500(my_user)

To workaround that behaviour of su and runuser, I've changed my init script to something like:

if [[ "$USER" == "my_user" ]]
    daemon my_cmd &>/dev/null &
    daemon --user=my_user my_cmd &>/dev/null &

Thanks all for your help!

How do I make Java register a string input with spaces?

I found a very weird thing in Java today, so it goes like -

If you are inputting more than 1 thing from the user, say

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int i = sc.nextInt();
double d = sc.nextDouble();
String s = sc.nextLine();


So, it might look like if we run this program, it will ask for these 3 inputs and say our input values are 10, 2.5, "Welcome to java" The program should print these 3 values as it is, as we have used nextLine() so it shouldn't ignore the text after spaces that we have entered in our variable s

But, the output that you will get is -


And that's it, it doesn't even prompt for the String input. Now I was reading about it and to be very honest there are still some gaps in my understanding, all I could figure out was after taking the int input and then the double input when we press enter, it considers that as the prompt and ignores the nextLine().

So changing my code to something like this -

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int i = sc.nextInt();
double d = sc.nextDouble();
String s = sc.nextLine();


does the job perfectly, so it is related to something like "\n" being stored in the keyboard buffer in the previous example which we can bypass using this.

Please if anybody knows help me with an explanation for this.

What's the proper way to "go get" a private repository?

All of the above did not work for me. Cloning the repo was working correctly but I was still getting an unrecognized import error.

As it stands for Go v1.13, I found in the doc that we should use the GOPRIVATE env variable like so:

$ go get -u

How to tell bash that the line continues on the next line

\ does the job. @Guillaume's answer and @George's comment clearly answer this question. Here I explains why The backslash has to be the very last character before the end of line character. Consider this command:

   mysql -uroot \

If there is a space after \, the line continuation will not work. The reason is that \ removes the special meaning for the next character which is a space not the invisible line feed character. The line feed character is after the space not \ in this example.

How to set an "Accept:" header on Spring RestTemplate request?

If, like me, you struggled to find an example that uses headers with basic authentication and the rest template exchange API, this is what I finally worked out...

private HttpHeaders createHttpHeaders(String user, String password)
    String notEncoded = user + ":" + password;
    String encodedAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(notEncoded.getBytes());
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuth);
    return headers;

private void doYourThing() 
    String theUrl = "";
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    try {
        HttpHeaders headers = createHttpHeaders("fred","1234");
        HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>("parameters", headers);
        ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class);
        System.out.println("Result - status ("+ response.getStatusCode() + ") has body: " + response.hasBody());
    catch (Exception eek) {
        System.out.println("** Exception: "+ eek.getMessage());

How to append to New Line in Node.js

Use the os.EOL constant instead.

var os = require("os");

function processInput ( text ) 
{'H://log.txt', 'a', 666, function( e, id ) {
   fs.write( id, text + os.EOL, null, 'utf8', function(){
    fs.close(id, function(){
     console.log('file is updated');

mysql error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost'(11001)

I have passed through that error today and did everything described above but didn't work for me. So I decided to view the core problem and logged onto the MySQL root folder in Windows 7 and did this solution:

  1. Go to folder:

  2. Right click and Run as Administrator these files:


Then close the entire explorer window and reopen it or clear cache then login to phpMyAdmin again.

How can I define colors as variables in CSS?

Yeeeaaahhh.... you can now use var() function in CSS.....

The good news is you can change it using JavaScript access, which will change globally as well...

But how to declare them...

It's quite simple:

For example, you wanna assign a #ff0000 to a var(), just simply assign it in :root, also pay attention to --:

:root {
    --red: #ff0000; 

html, body {
    background-color: var(--red); 

The good things are the browser support is not bad, also don't need to be compiled to be used in the browser like LESS or SASS...

browser support

Also, here is a simple JavaScript script, which changes the red value to blue:

const rootEl = document.querySelector(':root');'--red', 'blue');

Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm

In my case the problem was I was using Virtual environment which didn't have access to global site-packages. Thus, the interpreter was not aware of the newly installed packages.

To resolve the issue, just edit or recreate your virtual interpreter and tick the Inherit global site-packages option.

enter image description here

In SQL Server, what does "SET ANSI_NULLS ON" mean?

When SET ANSI_NULLS is ON, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns zero rows even if there are null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns zero rows even if there are nonnull values in column_name.

For e.g

DECLARE @TempVariable VARCHAR(10)
SET @TempVariable = NULL



How to overplot a line on a scatter plot in python?

You can use this tutorial by Adarsh Menon

This way is the easiest I found and it basically looks like:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # To visualize
import pandas as pd  # To read data
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')  # load data set
X = data.iloc[:, 0].values.reshape(-1, 1)  # values converts it into a numpy array
Y = data.iloc[:, 1].values.reshape(-1, 1)  # -1 means that calculate the dimension of rows, but have 1 column
linear_regressor = LinearRegression()  # create object for the class, Y)  # perform linear regression
Y_pred = linear_regressor.predict(X)  # make predictions
plt.scatter(X, Y)
plt.plot(X, Y_pred, color='red')

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

Single filter on key

  • return "key" and remove it from my_dict if "key" exists in my_dict
  • return None if "key" doesn't exist in my_dict

this will change my_dict in place (mutable)

my_dict.pop('key', None)

Multiple filters on keys

generate a new dict (immutable)

dic1 = {
    "y": 2,
    "z": 3

def func1(item):
    return  item[0]!= "x" and item[0] != "y"

            lambda item: item[0] != "x" and item[0] != "y", 

How can I replace newlines using PowerShell?

In my understanding, Get-Content eliminates ALL newlines/carriage returns when it rolls your text file through the pipeline. To do multiline regexes, you have to re-combine your string array into one giant string. I do something like:

$text = [string]::Join("`n", (Get-Content test.txt))
[regex]::Replace($text, "t`n", "ting`na ", "Singleline")

Clarification: small files only folks! Please don't try this on your 40 GB log file :)

Why can't radio buttons be "readonly"?

Radio buttons would only need to be read-only if there are other options. If you don't have any other options, a checked radio button cannot be unchecked. If you have other options, you can prevent the user from changing the value merely by disabling the other options:

<input type="radio" name="foo" value="Y" checked>
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="N" disabled>


Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?

The whole switch statement is in the same scope. To get around it, do this:

switch (val)
    case VAL:
        // This **will** work
        int newVal = 42;

    case ANOTHER_VAL:

Note the brackets.

Firebase FCM force onTokenRefresh() to be called


This class is deprecated. In favour of overriding onNewToken in FirebaseMessagingService. Once that has been implemented, this service can be safely removed.

The new way to do this would be to override the onNewToken method from FirebaseMessagingService

public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
    public void onNewToken(String s) {

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {

Also dont forget to add the service in the Manifest.xml

        <action android:name="" />

Why Local Users and Groups is missing in Computer Management on Windows 10 Home?

Windows 10 Home Edition does not have Local Users and Groups option so that is the reason you aren't able to see that in Computer Management.

You can use User Accounts by pressing Window+R, typing netplwiz and pressing OK as described here.

Prevent textbox autofill with previously entered values

For firefox


<asp:TextBox id="Textbox1" runat="server" autocomplete="off"></asp:TextBox>

Or from the CodeBehind:

Textbox1.Attributes.Add("autocomplete", "off");

How to find files recursively by file type and copy them to a directory while in ssh?

Paul Dardeau answer is perfect, the only thing is, what if all the files inside those folders are not PDF files and you want to grab it all no matter the extension. Well just change it to

find . -name "*.*" -type f -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;

Just to sum up!

Multiple FROMs - what it means

The first answer is too complex, historic, and uninformative for my tastes.

It's actually rather simple. Docker provides for a functionality called multi-stage builds the basic idea here is to,

  • Free you from having to manually remove what you don't want, by forcing you to whitelist what you do want,
  • Free resources that would otherwise be taken up because of Docker's implementation.

Let's start with the first. Very often with something like Debian you'll see.

RUN apt-get update \ 
  && apt-get dist-upgrade \
  && apt-get install <whatever> \
  && apt-get clean

We can explain all of this in terms of the above. The above command is chained together so it represents a single change with no intermediate Images required. If it was written like this,

RUN apt-get update ;
RUN apt-get dist-upgrade;
RUN apt-get install <whatever>;
RUN apt-get clean;

It would result in 3 more temporary intermediate Images. Having it reduced to one image, there is one remaining problem: apt-get clean doesn't clean up artifacts used in the install. If a Debian maintainer includes in his install a script that modifies the system that modification will also be present in the final solution (see something like pepperflashplugin-nonfree for an example of that).

By using a multi-stage build you get all the benefits of a single changed action, but it will require you to manually whitelist and copy over files that were introduced in the temporary image using the COPY --from syntax documented here. Moreover, it's a great solution where there is no alternative (like an apt-get clean), and you would otherwise have lots of un-needed files in your final image.

See also

Find Facebook user (url to profile page) by known email address

In response to the bug filed here: a Facebook engineer replied:

This is by design, searching for users is intended to be a user to user function only, for use in finding new friends or searching by email to find existing contacts on Facebook. The "scraping" mentioned on StackOverflow is specifically against our Terms of Service and in fact the only legitimate way to search for users on Facebook is when you are a user.

Content-Disposition:What are the differences between "inline" and "attachment"?

If it is inline, the browser should attempt to render it within the browser window. If it cannot, it will resort to an external program, prompting the user.

With attachment, it will immediately go to the user, and not try to load it in the browser, whether it can or not.

Delete file from internal storage

This is an old topic, but I will add my experience, maybe someone finds this helpful

>     2019-11-12 20:05:50.178 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg//file when it was created

2019-11-12 20:05:58.801 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: content://com.strba.myapplicationx.fileprovider/my_images/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg //same file when trying to delete it


              Uri uriDelete=Uri.parse (adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ());//getter getImageuri on my object from adapter that returns String with content uri

here I initialize Content resolver and delete it with a passed parameter of that URI

            ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver ();
            contentResolver.delete (uriDelete,null ,null );

solution2(my first solution-from head in this time I do know that ): content resolver exists...

              String path = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/" +
                    adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ().substring (58);

            File file = new File (path);
            if (file != null) {
                file.delete ();

Hope that this will be helpful to someone happy coding

How to display raw html code in PRE or something like it but without escaping it

xmp is the way to go, i.e.:

  # your code...


Since you want to pivot multiple columns of data, I would first suggest unpivoting the result, score and grade columns so you don't have multiple columns but you will have multiple rows.

Depending on your version of SQL Server you can use the UNPIVOT function or CROSS APPLY. The syntax to unpivot the data will be similar to:

select ratio, col, value
cross apply
  select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'grade', grade
) c(col, value)

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Once the data has been unpivoted, then you can apply the PIVOT function:

select ratio = col,
  [current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total
  select ratio, col, value
  cross apply
    select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'grade', grade
  ) c(col, value)
) d
  for ratio in ([current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total)
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This will give you the result:

|  grade |          Good |          Good |      Satisfactory |      Good |
| result |       1.29400 |       0.33840 |           0.04270 |    (null) |
|  score |      60.00000 |      70.00000 |          50.00000 | 180.00000 |

Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor when parsing LocalDateTime (Java 8)

For what is worth if anyone should read again this topic(like me) the correct answer would be in DateTimeFormatter definition, e.g.:

private static DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMAT =  
            new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("dd/MM/yyyy[ [HH][:mm][:ss][.SSS]]")
            .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
            .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 0)
            .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE, 0)

One should set the optional fields if they will appear. And the rest of code should be exactly the same.

Turn a single number into single digits Python

This can be done quite easily if you:

  1. Use str to convert the number into a string so that you can iterate over it.

  2. Use a list comprehension to split the string into individual digits.

  3. Use int to convert the digits back into integers.

Below is a demonstration:

>>> n = 43365644
>>> [int(d) for d in str(n)]
[4, 3, 3, 6, 5, 6, 4, 4]

php: loop through json array

Use json_decode to convert the JSON string to a PHP array, then use normal PHP array functions on it.

$json = '[{"var1":"9","var2":"16","var3":"16"},{"var1":"8","var2":"15","var3":"15"}]';
$data = json_decode($json);

var_dump($data[0]['var1']); // outputs '9'

Working around MySQL error "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"

The answer is correct, however the perl documentation on how to handle deadlocks is a bit sparse and perhaps confusing with PrintError, RaiseError and HandleError options. It seems that rather than going with HandleError, use on Print and Raise and then use something like Try:Tiny to wrap your code and check for errors. The below code gives an example where the db code is inside a while loop that will re-execute an errored sql statement every 3 seconds. The catch block gets $_ which is the specific err message. I pass this to a handler function "dbi_err_handler" which checks $_ against a host of errors and returns 1 if the code should continue (thereby breaking the loop) or 0 if its a deadlock and should be retried...

$sth = $dbh->prepare($strsql);
my $db_res=0;
       print "caught $_ in insertion to hd_item_upc for upc $upc\n";
       if($db_res==0){sleep 3;}

dbi_err_handler should have at least the following:

sub dbi_err_handler
    my($message) = @_;
    if($message=~ m/DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction/)
       $retval=0; # we'll check this value and sleep/re-execute if necessary
    return $retval;

You should include other errors you wish to handle and set $retval depending on whether you'd like to re-execute or continue..

Hope this helps someone -

Iterate over a Javascript associative array in sorted order

Get the keys in the first for loop, sort it, use the sorted result in the 2nd for loop.

var a = new Array();
a['b'] = 1;
a['z'] = 1;
a['a'] = 1;

var b = [];
for (k in a) b.push(k);
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) alert(b[i]);

How do I get the project basepath in CodeIgniter

use base_url()

echo $baseurl=base_url();

if you need to pass url to a function then use site_url()

 echo site_url('controller/function');

if you need the root path then FCPATH..

echo FCPATH;

How to efficiently use try...catch blocks in PHP

    $tableAresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingWithTableA();
        throw new Exception('Problem with tableAresults');
    $tableBresults = $dbHandler->doSomethingElseWithTableB();
        throw new Exception('Problem with tableBresults');
} catch (Exception $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();

Foreign key constraints: When to use ON UPDATE and ON DELETE

Do not hesitate to put constraints on the database. You'll be sure to have a consistent database, and that's one of the good reasons to use a database. Especially if you have several applications requesting it (or just one application but with a direct mode and a batch mode using different sources).

With MySQL you do not have advanced constraints like you would have in postgreSQL but at least the foreign key constraints are quite advanced.

We'll take an example, a company table with a user table containing people from theses company

     company_id INT NOT NULL,
     company_name VARCHAR(50),
     PRIMARY KEY (company_id)

     user_id INT, 
     user_name VARCHAR(50), 
     company_id INT,
     INDEX company_id_idx (company_id),
     FOREIGN KEY (company_id) REFERENCES COMPANY (company_id) ON...

Let's look at the ON UPDATE clause:

  • ON UPDATE RESTRICT : the default : if you try to update a company_id in table COMPANY the engine will reject the operation if one USER at least links on this company.
  • ON UPDATE CASCADE : the best one usually : if you update a company_id in a row of table COMPANY the engine will update it accordingly on all USER rows referencing this COMPANY (but no triggers activated on USER table, warning). The engine will track the changes for you, it's good.
  • ON UPDATE SET NULL : if you update a company_id in a row of table COMPANY the engine will set related USERs company_id to NULL (should be available in USER company_id field). I cannot see any interesting thing to do with that on an update, but I may be wrong.

And now on the ON DELETE side:

  • ON DELETE RESTRICT : the default : if you try to delete a company_id Id in table COMPANY the engine will reject the operation if one USER at least links on this company, can save your life.
  • ON DELETE CASCADE : dangerous : if you delete a company row in table COMPANY the engine will delete as well the related USERs. This is dangerous but can be used to make automatic cleanups on secondary tables (so it can be something you want, but quite certainly not for a COMPANY<->USER example)
  • ON DELETE SET NULL : handful : if you delete a COMPANY row the related USERs will automatically have the relationship to NULL. If Null is your value for users with no company this can be a good behavior, for example maybe you need to keep the users in your application, as authors of some content, but removing the company is not a problem for you.

usually my default is: ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE. with some ON DELETE CASCADE for track tables (logs--not all logs--, things like that) and ON DELETE SET NULL when the master table is a 'simple attribute' for the table containing the foreign key, like a JOB table for the USER table.


It's been a long time since I wrote that. Now I think I should add one important warning. MySQL has one big documented limitation with cascades. Cascades are not firing triggers. So if you were over confident enough in that engine to use triggers you should avoid cascades constraints.

MySQL triggers activate only for changes made to tables by SQL statements. They do not activate for changes in views, nor by changes to tables made by APIs that do not transmit SQL statements to the MySQL Server

==> See below the last edit, things are moving on this domain

Triggers are not activated by foreign key actions.

And I do not think this will get fixed one day. Foreign key constraints are managed by the InnoDb storage and Triggers are managed by the MySQL SQL engine. Both are separated. Innodb is the only storage with constraint management, maybe they'll add triggers directly in the storage engine one day, maybe not.

But I have my own opinion on which element you should choose between the poor trigger implementation and the very useful foreign keys constraints support. And once you'll get used to database consistency you'll love PostgreSQL.

12/2017-Updating this Edit about MySQL:

as stated by @IstiaqueAhmed in the comments, the situation has changed on this subject. So follow the link and check the real up-to-date situation (which may change again in the future).

How to create a custom exception type in Java?

You can create you own exception by inheriting from java.lang.Exception Here is an example that can help you do that.

how do I set height of container DIV to 100% of window height?

I've been thinking over this and experimenting with height of the elements: html, body and div. Finally I came up with the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<meta charset="utf-8" />_x000D_
<title>Height question</title>_x000D_
 html {height: 50%; border: solid red 3px; }_x000D_
 body {height: 70vh; border: solid green 3px; padding: 12pt; }_x000D_
 div {height: 90vh; border: solid blue 3px; padding: 24pt; }_x000D_
 <div id="container">_x000D_
  <p>&lt;html&gt; is red</p>_x000D_
  <p>&lt;body&gt; is green</p>_x000D_
  <p>&lt;div&gt; is blue</p>_x000D_

With my browser (Firefox 65@mint 64), all three elements are of 1) different height, 2) every one is longer, than the previous (html is 50%, body is 70vh, and div 90vh). I also checked the styles without the height with respect to the html and body tags. Worked fine, too.

About CSS units: w3schools: CSS units

A note about the viewport: " Viewport = the browser window size. If the viewport is 50cm wide, 1vw = 0.5cm."

How to set back button text in Swift

Swift 4

While the previous saying to prepare for segue is correct and its true the back button belongs to the previous VC, its just adding a bunch more unnecessary code.

The best thing to do is set the title of the current VC in viewDidLoad and it'll automatically set the back button title correctly on the next VC. This line worked for me

navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem?.title = "Title"

Clearing the terminal screen?

I have found that ASCII 12 make a Form feed, that is a new page. here is a wikipedia definition

"Form feed is a page-breaking ASCII control character. It forces the printer to eject the current page and to continue printing at the top of another"

The code is


Arduino Terminate doesn't support the character but Putty a light open source telnet client can do it

An Example of the code

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);//Initializase the serial transmiter speed


void loop() {
    //Code tested with Putty terminal

    Serial.write(12);//ASCII for a Form feed
    Serial.println("This is the title of a new page");// your code

    delay(500);//delay for visual

How the single threaded non blocking IO model works in Node.js

Node.js uses libuv behind the scenes. libuv has a thread pool (of size 4 by default). Therefore Node.js does use threads to achieve concurrency.

However, your code runs on a single thread (i.e., all of the callbacks of Node.js functions will be called on the same thread, the so called loop-thread or event-loop). When people say "Node.js runs on a single thread" they are really saying "the callbacks of Node.js run on a single thread".

Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied

Another way to do this, if you have pgAdmin and are comfortable using the GUI is to go the table in the schema and right click on the table you wish to import the file to and select "Import" browse your computer for the file, select the type your file is, the columns you want the data to be imputed into, and then select import.

That was done using pgAdmin III and the 9.4 version of PostgreSQL

How do I override nested NPM dependency versions?

I had an issue where one of the nested dependency had an npm audit vulnerability, but I still wanted to maintain the parent dependency version. the npm shrinkwrap solution didn't work for me, so what I did to override the nested dependency version:

  1. Remove the nested dependency under the 'requires' section in package-lock.json
  2. Add the updated dependency under DevDependencies in package.json, so that modules that require it will still be able to access it.
  3. npm i

OS X: equivalent of Linux's wget

wget Precompiled Mac Binary

For those looking for a quick wget install on Mac, check out Quentin Stafford-Fraser's precompiled binary here, which has been around for over a decade:

MD5 for 2008 24a35d499704eecedd09e0dd52175582
MD5 for 2005 c7b48ec3ff929d9bd28ddb87e1a76ffb

No make/install/port/brew/curl junk. Just download, install, and run. Works with Mac OS X 10.3-10.12+.

Tomcat: How to find out running tomcat version

run the following

/usr/local/tomcat/bin/ version

its response will be something like:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /var/tmp/
Using JRE_HOME:        /usr
Using CLASSPATH:       /usr/local/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID:    /var/
Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.30
Server built:   Sep 27 2012 05:13:37
Server number:
OS Name:        Linux
OS Version:     2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64
Architecture:   amd64
JVM Version:    1.7.0_60-b19
JVM Vendor:     Oracle Corporation

Include php files when they are in different folders

You can get to the root from within each site using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. For testing ONLY you can echo out the path to make sure it's working, if you do it the right way. You NEVER want to show the local server paths for things like includes and requires.

Site 1

echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; //should be '/main_web_folder/';

Includes under site one would be at:

echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/includes/'; // should be '/main_web_folder/includes/';

Site 2

echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; //should be '/main_web_folder/blog/';

The actual code to access includes from site1 inside of site2 you would say:


It will only use the relative path of the file executing the query if you try to access it by excluding the document root and the root slash:

 //(not as fool-proof or non-platform specific)

Included paths have no place in code on the front end (live) of the site anywhere, and should be secured and used in production environments only.

Additionally for URLs on the site itself you can make them relative to the domain. Browsers will automatically fill in the rest because they know which page they are looking at. So instead of:

<a href=''>Contact</a>

You should use:

<a href='/contact/'>Contact</a>

For good SEO you'll want to make sure that the URLs for the blog do not exist in the other domain, otherwise it may be marked as a duplicate site. With that being said you might also want to add a line to your robots.txt file for ONLY site1:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /blog/

Other possibilities:

Look up your IP address and include this snippet of code:

function is_dev(){
  //use the external IP from Google.
  //If you're hosting locally it's 127.0.01 unless you've changed it.

  if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']==$ip_address){
     return true;
  } else {
     return false;

    echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];       

Remember if your ISP changes your IP, as in you have a DCHP Dynamic IP, you'll need to change the IP in that file to see the results. I would put that file in an include, then require it on pages for debugging.

If you're okay with modern methods like using the browser console log you could do this instead and view it in the browser's debugging interface:

    echo "<script>".PHP_EOL;
    echo "console.log('".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."');".PHP_EOL;
    echo "</script>".PHP_EOL;       

Returning a boolean from a Bash function

Why you should care what I say in spite of there being a 250+ upvote answer

It's not that 0 = true and 1 = false. It is: zero means no failure (success) and non-zero means failure (of type N).

While the selected answer is technically "true" please do not put return 1** in your code for false. It will have several unfortunate side effects.

  1. Experienced developers will spot you as an amateur (for the reason below).
  2. Experienced developers don't do this (for all the reasons below).
  3. It is error prone.
    • Even experienced developers can mistake 0 and 1 as false and true respectively (for the reason above).
  4. It requires (or will encourage) extraneous and ridiculous comments.
  5. It's actually less helpful than implicit return statuses.

Learn some bash

The bash manual says (emphasis mine)

return [n]

Cause a shell function to stop executing and return the value n to its caller. If n is not supplied, the return value is the exit status of the last command executed in the function.

Therefore, we don't have to EVER use 0 and 1 to indicate True and False. The fact that they do so is essentially trivial knowledge useful only for debugging code, interview questions, and blowing the minds of newbies.

The bash manual also says

otherwise the function’s return status is the exit status of the last command executed

The bash manual also says

($?) Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.

Whoa, wait. Pipeline? Let's turn to the bash manual one more time.

A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by one of the control operators ‘|’ or ‘|&’.

Yes. They said 1 command is a pipeline. Therefore, all 3 of those quotes are saying the same thing.

  • $? tells you what happened last.
  • It bubbles up.

My answer

So, while @Kambus demonstrated that with such a simple function, no return is needed at all. I think was unrealistically simple compared to the needs of most people who will read this.

Why return?

If a function is going to return its last command's exit status, why use return at all? Because it causes a function to stop executing.

Stop execution under multiple conditions

01  function i_should(){
02      uname="$(uname -a)"
04      [[ "$uname" =~ Darwin ]] && return
06      if [[ "$uname" =~ Ubuntu ]]; then
07          release="$(lsb_release -a)"
08          [[ "$release" =~ LTS ]]
09          return
10      fi
12      false
13  }
15  function do_it(){
16      echo "Hello, old friend."
17  }
19  if i_should; then
20    do_it
21  fi

What we have here is...

Line 04 is an explicit[-ish] return true because the RHS of && only gets executed if the LHS was true

Line 09 returns either true or false matching the status of line 08

Line 13 returns false because of line 12

(Yes, this can be golfed down, but the entire example is contrived.)

Another common pattern

# Instead of doing this...
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then
    echo "some_command failed"

# Do this...
if ! $(exit $status); then
    echo "some_command failed"

Notice how setting a status variable demystifies the meaning of $?. (Of course you know what $? means, but someone less knowledgeable than you will have to Google it some day. Unless your code is doing high frequency trading, show some love, set the variable.) But the real take-away is that "if not exist status" or conversely "if exit status" can be read out loud and explain their meaning. However, that last one may be a bit too ambitious because seeing the word exit might make you think it is exiting the script, when in reality it is exiting the $(...) subshell.

** If you absolutely insist on using return 1 for false, I suggest you at least use return 255 instead. This will cause your future self, or any other developer who must maintain your code to question "why is that 255?" Then they will at least be paying attention and have a better chance of avoiding a mistake.

How can I tell jaxb / Maven to generate multiple schema packages?

The following works for me, after much trial





Reading tab-delimited file with Pandas - works on Windows, but not on Mac

Another option would be to add engine='python' to the command pandas.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', engine='python')

Force "git push" to overwrite remote files

You want to force push

What you basically want to do is to force push your local branch, in order to overwrite the remote one.

If you want a more detailed explanation of each of the following commands, then see my details section below. You basically have 4 different options for force pushing with Git:

git push <remote> <branch> -f
git push origin master -f # Example

git push <remote> -f
git push origin -f # Example

git push -f

git push <remote> <branch> --force-with-lease

If you want a more detailed explanation of each command, then see my long answers section below.

Warning: force pushing will overwrite the remote branch with the state of the branch that you're pushing. Make sure that this is what you really want to do before you use it, otherwise you may overwrite commits that you actually want to keep.

Force pushing details

Specifying the remote and branch

You can completely specify specific branches and a remote. The -f flag is the short version of --force

git push <remote> <branch> --force
git push <remote> <branch> -f

Omitting the branch

When the branch to push branch is omitted, Git will figure it out based on your config settings. In Git versions after 2.0, a new repo will have default settings to push the currently checked-out branch:

git push <remote> --force

while prior to 2.0, new repos will have default settings to push multiple local branches. The settings in question are the remote.<remote>.push and push.default settings (see below).

Omitting the remote and the branch

When both the remote and the branch are omitted, the behavior of just git push --force is determined by your push.default Git config settings:

git push --force
  • As of Git 2.0, the default setting, simple, will basically just push your current branch to its upstream remote counter-part. The remote is determined by the branch's branch.<remote>.remote setting, and defaults to the origin repo otherwise.

  • Before Git version 2.0, the default setting, matching, basically just pushes all of your local branches to branches with the same name on the remote (which defaults to origin).

You can read more push.default settings by reading git help config or an online version of the git-config(1) Manual Page.

Force pushing more safely with --force-with-lease

Force pushing with a "lease" allows the force push to fail if there are new commits on the remote that you didn't expect (technically, if you haven't fetched them into your remote-tracking branch yet), which is useful if you don't want to accidentally overwrite someone else's commits that you didn't even know about yet, and you just want to overwrite your own:

git push <remote> <branch> --force-with-lease

You can learn more details about how to use --force-with-lease by reading any of the following:

How to create a horizontal loading progress bar?

Worked for me , can try with the same


Prevent scroll-bar from adding-up to the Width of page on Chrome

You can get the scrollbar size and then apply a margin to the container.

Something like this:

var checkScrollBars = function(){
    var b = $('body');
    var normalw = 0;
    var scrollw = 0;
        normalw = window.innerWidth;
        scrollw = normalw - b.width();

CSS for remove the h-scrollbar:


Try to take a look at this:

Django ChoiceField

First I recommend you as @ChrisHuang-Leaver suggested to define a new file with all the choices you need it there, like

    (1, _("Not relevant")),
    (2, _("Review")),
    (3, _("Maybe relevant")),
    (4, _("Relevant")),
    (5, _("Leading candidate"))
    (1, _("Unread")),
    (2, _("Read"))

Now you need to import them on the models, so the code is easy to understand like this(

from myApp.choices import * 

class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(User)    
    status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=1)   
    relevance = models.IntegerField(choices=RELEVANCE_CHOICES, default=1)

And you have to import the choices in the too:

from myApp.choices import * 

class CViewerForm(forms.Form):

    status = forms.ChoiceField(choices = STATUS_CHOICES, label="", initial='', widget=forms.Select(), required=True)
    relevance = forms.ChoiceField(choices = RELEVANCE_CHOICES, required=True)

Anyway you have an issue with your template, because you're not using any {{form.field}}, you generate a table but there is no inputs only hidden_fields.

When the user is staff you should generate as many input fields as users you can manage. I think django form is not the best solution for your situation.

I think it will be better for you to use html form, so you can generate as many inputs using the boucle: {% for user in users_list %} and you generate input with an ID related to the user, and you can manage all of them in the view.

Entity Framework : How do you refresh the model when the db changes?

Update CodeFirst Model is not possible automatically. I don't recommend either. Because one of the benefits of code first is you can work with POCO classes. If you changed this POCO classes you don't want some auto generated code to destroy your work.

But you can create some template solution add your updated/added entity to the new model. then collect and move your new cs file to your working project. this way you will not have a conflict if it is a new entity you can simply adding related cs file to the existing project. if it is an update just add a new property from the file. If you just adding some couple of columns to one or two of your tables you can manually add them to your POCO class you don't need any extra works and that is the beauty of Working with Code-First and POCO classes.

What's the difference between "static" and "static inline" function?

inline instructs the compiler to attempt to embed the function content into the calling code instead of executing an actual call.

For small functions that are called frequently that can make a big performance difference.

However, this is only a "hint", and the compiler may ignore it, and most compilers will try to "inline" even when the keyword is not used, as part of the optimizations, where its possible.

for example:

static int Inc(int i) {return i+1};
.... // some code
int i;
.... // some more code
for (i=0; i<999999; i = Inc(i)) {/*do something here*/};

This tight loop will perform a function call on each iteration, and the function content is actually significantly less than the code the compiler needs to put to perform the call. inline will essentially instruct the compiler to convert the code above into an equivalent of:

 int i;
 for (i=0; i<999999; i = i+1) { /* do something here */};

Skipping the actual function call and return

Obviously this is an example to show the point, not a real piece of code.

static refers to the scope. In C it means that the function/variable can only be used within the same translation unit.

SCCM 2012 application install "Failed" in client Software Center

I'm assuming you figured this out already but:

Technical Reference for Log Files in Configuration Manager

That's a list of client-side logs and what they do. They are located in Windows\CCM\Logs

AppEnforce.log will show you the actual command-line executed and the resulting exit code for each Deployment Type (only for the new style ConfigMgr Applications)

This is my go-to for troubleshooting apps. Haven't really found any other logs that are exceedingly useful.

Select a random sample of results from a query result

Suppose you are trying to select exactly 1,000 random rows from a table called my_table. This is one way to do it:

            row_number() over(order by dbms_random.value) as random_id,
            my_table x
    random_id <= 1000

This is a slight deviation from the answer posted by @Quassnoi. They both have the same costs and execution times. The only difference is that you can select the random number used to fetch the sample.

Oracle insert if not exists statement

insert into OPT       (email,        campaign_id) 
select 'mom@coxnet' as email, 100 as campaign_id from dual MINUS
select                 email,        campaign_id from OPT;

If there is already a record with [email protected]/100 in OPT, the MINUS will subtract this record from the select 'mom@coxnet' as email, 100 as campaign_id from dual record and nothing will be inserted. On the other hand, if there is no such record, the MINUS does not subract anything and the values mom@coxnet/100 will be inserted.

As p.marino has already pointed out, merge is probably the better (and more correct) solution for your problem as it is specifically designed to solve your task.

Colorized grep -- viewing the entire file with highlighted matches

another dirty way:

grep -A80 -B80 --color FIND_THIS IN_FILE

I did an

alias grepa='grep -A80 -B80 --color'

in bashrc.

Random number between 0 and 1 in python

I want a random number between 0 and 1, like 0.3452

random.random() is what you are looking for:

From python docs: random.random() Return the next random floating point number in the range [0.0, 1.0).

And, btw, Why your try didn't work?:

Your try was: random.randrange(0, 1)

From python docs: random.randrange() Return a randomly selected element from range(start, stop, step). This is equivalent to choice(range(start, stop, step)), but doesn’t actually build a range object.

So, what you are doing here, with random.randrange(a,b) is choosing a random element from range(a,b); in your case, from range(0,1), but, guess what!: the only element in range(0,1), is 0, so, the only element you can choose from range(0,1), is 0; that's why you were always getting 0 back.

Passing Arrays to Function in C++

The syntaxes



int[X] // Where X is a compile-time positive integer

are exactly the same as


when in a function parameter list (I left out the optional names).

Additionally, an array name decays to a pointer to the first element when passed to a function (and not passed by reference) so both int firstarray[3] and int secondarray[5] decay to int*s.

It also happens that both an array dereference and a pointer dereference with subscript syntax (subscript syntax is x[y]) yield an lvalue to the same element when you use the same index.

These three rules combine to make the code legal and work how you expect; it just passes pointers to the function, along with the length of the arrays which you cannot know after the arrays decay to pointers.

Tokenizing strings in C

Here's an example of strtok usage, keep in mind that strtok is destructive of its input string (and therefore can't ever be used on a string constant

char *p = strtok(str, " ");
while(p != NULL) {
    printf("%s\n", p);
    p = strtok(NULL, " ");

Basically the thing to note is that passing a NULL as the first parameter to strtok tells it to get the next token from the string it was previously tokenizing.

Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa

If you need to convert the instance of System.Xml.Linq.XDocument into the instance of the System.Xml.XmlDocument this extension method will help you to do not lose the XML declaration in the resulting XmlDocument instance:

using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.Linq;

    internal static class LinqHelper 
        public static XmlDocument ToXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument) 
            var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); 
            using (var reader = xDocument.CreateReader()) 

            var xDeclaration = xDocument.Declaration; 
            if (xDeclaration != null) 
                var xmlDeclaration = xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration( 

                xmlDocument.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, xmlDocument.FirstChild); 

            return xmlDocument; 

Hope that helps!

How to calculate an angle from three points?

You mentioned a signed angle (-90). In many applications angles may have signs (positive and negative, see If the points are (say) P2(1,0), P1(0,0), P3(0,1) then the angle P3-P1-P2 is conventionally positive (PI/2) whereas the angle P2-P1-P3 is negative. Using the lengths of the sides will not distinguish between + and - so if this matters you will need to use vectors or a function such as Math.atan2(a, b).

Angles can also extend beyond 2*PI and while this is not relevant to the current question it was sufficiently important that I wrote my own Angle class (also to make sure that degrees and radians did not get mixed up). The questions as to whether angle1 is less than angle2 depends critically on how angles are defined. It may also be important to decide whether a line (-1,0)(0,0)(1,0) is represented as Math.PI or -Math.PI

How do I capture all of my compiler's output to a file?

Assume you want to hilight warning and error from build ouput:

make |& grep -E "warning|error"

How to get primary key of table?

Shortest possible code seems to be something like

// $dblink contain database login details 
// $tblName the current table name 
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($dblink, "SHOW KEYS FROM $tblName WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'")); 
$iColName = $r['Column_name']; 

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

Use of sort can result in warning message. See github discussion. So you might wanna use sort_values, docs here

Then your code can look like this:

df = df.sort_values(by=['c1','c2'], ascending=[False,True])

how to convert a string to an array in php

$array = explode(' ', $string);

How to check if directory exist using C++ and winAPI

If linking to the shell Lightweight API (shlwapi.dll) is ok for you, you can use the PathIsDirectory function

How an 'if (A && B)' statement is evaluated?

In C and C++, the && and || operators "short-circuit". That means that they only evaluate a parameter if required. If the first parameter to && is false, or the first to || is true, the rest will not be evaluated.

The code you posted is safe, though I question why you'd include an empty else block.

Input jQuery get old value before onchange and get value after on change

The simplest way is to save the original value using data() when the element gets focus. Here is a really basic example:


$('input').on('focusin', function(){
    console.log("Saving value " + $(this).val());
    $(this).data('val', $(this).val());

$('input').on('change', function(){
    var prev = $(this).data('val');
    var current = $(this).val();
    console.log("Prev value " + prev);
    console.log("New value " + current);

Better to use Delegated Event Handlers

Note: it is generally more efficient to use a delegated event handler when there can be multiple matching elements. This way only a single handler is added (smaller overhead and faster initialisation) and any speed difference at event time is negligible.

Here is the same example using delegated events connected to document:

$(document).on('focusin', 'input', function(){
    console.log("Saving value " + $(this).val());
    $(this).data('val', $(this).val());
}).on('change','input', function(){
    var prev = $(this).data('val');
    var current = $(this).val();
    console.log("Prev value " + prev);
    console.log("New value " + current);


Delegated events work by listening for an event (focusin, change etc) on an ancestor element (document* in this case), then applying the jQuery filter (input) to only the elements in the bubble chain then applying the function to only those matching elements that caused the event.

*Note: A a general rule, use document as the default for delegated events and not body. body has a bug, to do with styling, that can cause it to not get bubbled mouse events. Also document always exists so you can attach to it outside of a DOM ready handler :)

Which JDK version (Language Level) is required for Android Studio?

Normally, I would go with what the documentation says but if the instructor explicitly said to stick with JDK 6, I'd use JDK 6 because you would want your development environment to be as close as possible to the instructors. It would suck if you ran into an issue and having the thought in the back of your head that maybe it's because you're on JDK 7 that you're having the issue. Btw, I haven't touched Android recently but I personally never ran into issues when I was on JDK 7 but mind you, I only code Android apps casually.

python global name 'self' is not defined

The self name is used as the instance reference in class instances. It is only used in class method definitions. Don't use it in functions.

You also cannot reference local variables from other functions or methods with it. You can only reference instance or class attributes using it.

How can I wait for 10 second without locking application UI in android

You never want to call thread.sleep() on the UI thread as it sounds like you have figured out. This freezes the UI and is always a bad thing to do. You can use a separate Thread and postDelayed

This SO answer shows how to do that as well as several other options



You can look at these and see which will work best for your particular situation

Accuracy Score ValueError: Can't Handle mix of binary and continuous target

accuracy_score is a classification metric, you cannot use it for a regression problem.

You can see the available regression metrics here

How to get current domain name in ASP.NET

You can try the following code :

 Request.Url.Host +
    (Request.Url.IsDefaultPort ? "" : ":" + Request.Url.Port)

Yes/No message box using QMessageBox

QMessageBox includes static methods to quickly ask such questions:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QMessageBox>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QApplication app{argc, argv};
    while (QMessageBox::question(nullptr,
                                 qApp->translate("my_app", "Test"),
                                 qApp->translate("my_app", "Are you sure you want to quit?"),
           != QMessageBox::Yes)
        // ask again

If your needs are more complex than provided for by the static methods, you should construct a new QMessageBox object, and call its exec() method to show it in its own event loop and obtain the pressed button identifier. For example, we might want to make "No" be the default answer:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QMessageBox>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QApplication app{argc, argv};
    auto question = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Question,
                                    qApp->translate("my_app", "Test"),
                                    qApp->translate("my_app", "Are you sure you want to quit?"),

    while (question->exec() != QMessageBox::Yes)
        // ask again

correct configuration for nginx to localhost?

Fundamentally you hadn't declare location which is what nginx uses to bind URL with resources.

 server {
            listen       80;
            server_name  localhost;

            access_log  logs/localhost.access.log  main;

            location / {
                root /var/www/board/public;
                index index.html index.htm index.php;

How can I make a button redirect my page to another page?


<button onclick="window.location.href='b.php'">Click me</button>

What is the difference between square brackets and parentheses in a regex?

The first 2 examples act very differently if you are REPLACING them by something. If you match on this:

str = str.replace(/^(7|8|9)/ig,''); 

you would replace 7 or 8 or 9 by the empty string.

If you match on this

str = str.replace(/^[7|8|9]/ig,''); 

you will replace 7 or 8 or 9 OR THE VERTICAL BAR!!!! by the empty string.

I just found this out the hard way.

Conditional Formatting using Excel VBA code

This will get you to an answer for your simple case, but can you expand on how you'll know which columns will need to be compared (B and C in this case) and what the initial range (A1:D5 in this case) will be? Then I can try to provide a more complete answer.

Sub setCondFormat()
    With Range("B3:H63")
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        With .FormatConditions(.FormatConditions.Count)
            With .Interior
                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                .Color = 5287936
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Note: this is tested in Excel 2010.

Edit: Updated code based on comments.

System not declared in scope?

You need to add:

 #include <cstdlib>

in order for the compiler to see the prototype for system().

How can I get table names from an MS Access Database?

To build on Ilya's answer try the following query:

SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS table_name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((Left([Name],1))<>"~") 
        AND ((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys") 
        AND ((MSysObjects.Type) In (1,4,6)))
order by MSysObjects.Name 

(this one works without modification with an MDB)

ACCDB users may need to do something like this

SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS table_name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((Left([Name],1))<>"~") 
        AND ((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys") 
        AND ((MSysObjects.Type) In (1,4,6))
        AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0))
order by MSysObjects.Name 

As there is an extra table is included that appears to be a system table of some sort.

DISTINCT for only one column

For Access, you can use the SQL Select query I present here:

For example you have this table:


888 || T800 ARNOLD || [email protected]

123 || JOHN CONNOR || [email protected]

125 || SARAH CONNOR ||[email protected]

And you need to select only distinct mails. You can do it with this:


    FROM Rep_Pre_Ene_MUESTRA AS x 

You can use this to select the maximum ID, the correspondent name to that maximum ID , you can add any other attribute that way. Then at the end you put the distinct column to filter and you only group it with that last distinct column.

This will bring you the maximum ID with the correspondent data, you can use min or any other functions and you replicate that function to the sub-queries.

This select will return:


888 || T800 ARNOLD || [email protected]

125 || SARAH CONNOR ||[email protected]

Remember to index the columns you select and the distinct column must have not numeric data all in upper case or in lower case, or else it won't work. This will work with only one registered mail as well. Happy coding!!!

The import cannot be resolved

I followed the instructions above by Gene in Android Studio 1.5.1 but it added this to my build.gradle file:

compile 'platforms:android:android-support-v4:23.1.1'

so I changed it to:

compile ''

And it started working.

Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015

download the extension from microsoft and install to remove GIT extension from Visual studio and SSMS.

SSMS: Edit the ssms.pkgundef file found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.pkgundef and remove all git related entries

unique() for more than one variable

This dplyr method works nicely when piping.

For selected columns:

iris %>% 
  select(Sepal.Width, Species) %>% 
  t %>% c %>% unique

 [1] "3.5"        "setosa"     "3.0"        "3.2"        "3.1"       
 [6] "3.6"        "3.9"        "3.4"        "2.9"        "3.7"       
[11] "4.0"        "4.4"        "3.8"        "3.3"        "4.1"       
[16] "4.2"        "2.3"        "versicolor" "2.8"        "2.4"       
[21] "2.7"        "2.0"        "2.2"        "2.5"        "2.6"       
[26] "virginica" 

Or for the whole dataframe:

iris %>% t %>% c %>% unique 

 [1] "5.1"        "3.5"        "1.4"        "0.2"        "setosa"     "4.9"       
 [7] "3.0"        "4.7"        "3.2"        "1.3"        "4.6"        "3.1"       
[13] "1.5"        "5.0"        "3.6"        "5.4"        "3.9"        "1.7"       
[19] "0.4"        "3.4"        "0.3"        "4.4"        "2.9"        "0.1"       
[25] "3.7"        "4.8"        "1.6"        "4.3"        "1.1"        "5.8"       
[31] "4.0"        "1.2"        "5.7"        "3.8"        "1.0"        "3.3"       
[37] "0.5"        "1.9"        "5.2"        "4.1"        "5.5"        "4.2"       
[43] "4.5"        "2.3"        "0.6"        "5.3"        "7.0"        "versicolor"
[49] "6.4"        "6.9"        "6.5"        "2.8"        "6.3"        "2.4"       
[55] "6.6"        "2.7"        "2.0"        "5.9"        "6.0"        "2.2"       
[61] "6.1"        "5.6"        "6.7"        "6.2"        "2.5"        "1.8"       
[67] "6.8"        "2.6"        "virginica"  "7.1"        "2.1"        "7.6"       
[73] "7.3"        "7.2"        "7.7"        "7.4"        "7.9" 

Flexbox not working in Internet Explorer 11

According to Flexbugs:

In IE 10-11, min-height declarations on flex containers work to size the containers themselves, but their flex item children do not seem to know the size of their parents. They act as if no height has been set at all.

Here are a couple of workarounds:

1. Always fill the viewport + scrollable <aside> and <section>:

html {
  height: 100%;

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;

footer {
  background: #7092bf;

main {
  flex: 1;
  display: flex;

aside, section {
  overflow: auto;

aside {
  flex: 0 0 150px;
  background: #3e48cc;

section {
  flex: 1;
  background: #9ad9ea;



2. Fill the viewport initially + normal page scroll with more content:

html {
  height: 100%;

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;

footer {
  background: #7092bf;

main {
  flex: 1 0 auto;
  display: flex;

aside {
  flex: 0 0 150px;
  background: #3e48cc;

section {
  flex: 1;
  background: #9ad9ea;



Index Error: list index out of range (Python)

Generally it means that you are providing an index for which a list element does not exist.

E.g, if your list was [1, 3, 5, 7], and you asked for the element at index 10, you would be well out of bounds and receive an error, as only elements 0 through 3 exist.

Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)

In my case,just change http to https in the gradle-wrapper and Sync it.

sys.path different in Jupyter and Python - how to import own modules in Jupyter?

You can use absolute imports:


# In the file.ipynb importing the file
from import config

How to fix 'Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents'

If none of the above worked, try these as well:

  • In Component services >Computes >My Computer>Dcom config>Microsoft Excel Application>Properties, go to security tab, click on customize on all three sections and add the user that want to run the application, and give full permissions to the user.

  • Go to C:\Windows\Temp make sure it exists and it doesn't prompt you for entering.

on change event for file input element

The OnChange event is a good choice. But if a user select the same image, the event will not be triggered because the current value is the same as the previous.

The image is the same with a width changed, for example, and it should be uploaded to the server.

To prevent this problem you could to use the following code:



How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?

In iOS 9, SSL connections will fail for all invalid or self-signed certificates. This is the default behavior of the new App Transport Security feature in iOS 9.0 or later, and on OS X 10.11 and later.

You can override this behavior in the Info.plist, by setting NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to YES in the NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary. However, I recommend overriding this setting for testing purposes only.

enter image description here

For information see App Transport Technote here.

How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files

This works for me, try:

ECHO %DATE:~7,2%_%DATE:~4,2%_%DATE:~12,2%

Set selected item in Android BottomNavigationView


where action_item1 is menu item ID.

If '<selector>' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module

  1. Declare your MyComponentComponent in MyComponentModule
  2. Add your MyComponentComponent to exports attribute of MyComponentModule


   imports: [],
   exports: [MyComponentComponent],
   declarations: [MyComponentComponent],
   providers: [],

export class MyComponentModule {
  1. Add your MyComponentModule to your AppModule imports attribute


       imports: [MyComponentModule]
       declarations: [AppComponent],
       providers: [],
       bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule {} 

Important If your still have that error, Stop your server ctrl+c from terminal, and run it again ng serve -o

How to save CSS changes of Styles panel of Chrome Developer Tools?

Tincr Chrome extension is easier to install (no need to run node server) AND also comes with LiveReload like functionality out the box! Talk about bi-directional editing! :) Website

Chrome Web Store Link

Andy's Blog Article

C#: How to add subitems in ListView

Suppose you have a List Collection containing many items to show in a ListView, take the following example that iterates through the List Collection:

foreach (Inspection inspection in anInspector.getInspections())
    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();

That code produces the following output in the ListView (of course depending how many items you have in the List Collection):

Basically the first column is a listviewitem containing many subitems (other columns). It may seem strange but listview is very flexible, you could even build a windows-like file explorer with it!

IIS 7, HttpHandler and HTTP Error 500.21

This situation happens because you haven't installed/start service of

Use below command in windows 7,8,10.

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

find: missing argument to -exec

Also, if anyone else has the "find: missing argument to -exec" this might help:

In some shells you don't need to do the escaping, i.e. you don't need the "\" in front of the ";".

find <file path> -name "myFile.*" -exec rm - f {} ;

How to hide reference counts in VS2013?


In VS 2015 Professional (and probably other versions). Go to Tools / Options / Environment / Fonts and Colours. In the "Show Settings For" drop-down, select "CodeLens" Choose the smallest font you can find e.g. Calibri 6. Change the foreground colour to your editor foreground colour (say "White") Click OK.

Is there a query language for JSON?

Update: XQuery 3.1 can query either XML or JSON - or both together. And XPath 3.1 can too.

The list is growing:

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

How do I convert an enum to a list in C#?

private List<SimpleLogType> GetLogType()
  List<SimpleLogType> logList = new List<SimpleLogType>();
  SimpleLogType internalLogType;
  foreach (var logtype in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Log)))
    internalLogType = new SimpleLogType();
    internalLogType.Id = (int) (Log) Enum.Parse(typeof (Log), logtype.ToString(), true);
    internalLogType.Name = (Log)Enum.Parse(typeof(Log), logtype.ToString(), true);
  return logList;

in top Code , Log is a Enum and SimpleLogType is a structure for logs .

public enum Log
  None = 0,
  Info = 1,
  Warning = 8,
  Error = 3

Abort trap 6 error in C

Try this:

void drawInitialNim(int num1, int num2, int num3){
    int board[3][50] = {0}; // This is a local variable. It is not possible to use it after returning from this function. 

    int i, j, k;

    for(i=0; i<num1; i++)
        board[0][i] = 'O';
    for(i=0; i<num2; i++)
        board[1][i] = 'O';
    for(i=0; i<num3; i++)
        board[2][i] = 'O';

    for (j=0; j<3;j++) {
        for (k=0; k<50; k++) {
            if(board[j][k] != 0)
                printf("%c", board[j][k]);

Is there an equivalent to CTRL+C in IPython Notebook in Firefox to break cells that are running?

To add to the above: If interrupt is not working, you can restart the kernel.

Go to the kernel dropdown >> restart >> restart and clear output. This usually does the trick. If this still doesn't work, kill the kernel in the terminal (or task manager) and then restart.

Interrupt doesn't work well for all processes. I especially have this problem using the R kernel.

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

Try something like this:

public boolean checkNull() throws IllegalAccessException {
    for (Field f : getClass().getDeclaredFields())
        if (f.get(this) != null)
            return false;
    return true;            

Although it would probably be better to check each variable if at all feasible.

grep exclude multiple strings

You can use regular grep like this:

tail -f admin.log | grep -v "Nopaging the limit is\|keyword to remove is"

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

Pass updlock, rowlock, holdlock hints when testing for existence of the row.

begin tran /* default read committed isolation level is fine */

if not exists (select * from Table with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where ...)
    /* insert */
    /* update */

commit /* locks are released here */

The updlock hint forces the query to take an update lock on the row if it already exists, preventing other transactions from modifying it until you commit or roll back.

The holdlock hint forces the query to take a range lock, preventing other transactions from adding a row matching your filter criteria until you commit or roll back.

The rowlock hint forces lock granularity to row level instead of the default page level, so your transaction won't block other transactions trying to update unrelated rows in the same page (but be aware of the trade-off between reduced contention and the increase in locking overhead - you should avoid taking large numbers of row-level locks in a single transaction).

See for more information.

Note that locks are taken as the statements which take them are executed - invoking begin tran doesn't give you immunity against another transaction pinching locks on something before you get to it. You should try and factor your SQL to hold locks for the shortest possible time by committing the transaction as soon as possible (acquire late, release early).

Note that row-level locks may be less effective if your PK is a bigint, as the internal hashing on SQL Server is degenerate for 64-bit values (different key values may hash to the same lock id).

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

APC definitely. It's written by the PHP guys, so even though it might not share the highest speeds, you can bet on the fact it's the highest quality.

Plus you get some other nifty features I use all the time (

Where do I mark a lambda expression async?

To mark a lambda async, simply prepend async before its argument list:

// Add a command to delete the current Group
contextMenu.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Delete this Group", async (contextMenuCmd) =>
    SQLiteUtils slu = new SQLiteUtils();
    await slu.DeleteGroupAsync(groupName);

Java JTable getting the data of the selected row

You will find these methods in it:

getValueAt(int row, int column)

Use a mix of these to achieve your result.

Server configuration is missing in Eclipse

You need to define the server instance in the Servers view.

In the box at the right bottom, press the Servers tab and add the server there. You by the way don't necessarily need to add it through global IDE preferences. It will be automagically added when you define it in Servers view. The preference you've modified just defines default locations, not the whole server instance itself. If you for instance upgrade/move the server, you can change the physical location there.

Once defining the server in the Servers view, you need to add the newly created server instance to the project through its Server and Targeted runtime preference.

How can I create an Asynchronous function in Javascript?

Next to the great answer by @pimvdb, and just in case you where wondering, async.js does not offer truly asynchronous functions either. Here is a (very) stripped down version of the library's main method:

function asyncify(func) { // signature: func(array)
    return function (array, callback) {
        var result;
        try {
            result = func.apply(this, array);
        } catch (e) {
            return callback(e);
        /* code ommited in case func returns a promise */
        callback(null, result);

So the function protects from errors and gracefully hands it to the callback to handle, but the code is as synchronous as any other JS function.

endforeach in loops?

It's just a different syntax. Instead of

foreach ($a as $v) {
    # ...

You could write this:

foreach ($a as $v):
    # ...

They will function exactly the same; it's just a matter of style. (Personally I have never seen anyone use the second form.)

How can I check if an array contains a specific value in php?

You need to use a search algorithm on your array. It depends on how large is your array, you have plenty of choices on what to use. Or you can use on of the built in functions:

DateTime.Compare how to check if a date is less than 30 days old?

Actually none of these answers worked for me. I solved it by doing like this:

  if ((expireDate.Date - DateTime.Now).Days > -30)
    matchFound = true;

When i tried doing this:

matchFound = (expiryDate - DateTime.Now).Days < 30;

Today, 2011-11-14 and my expiryDate was 2011-10-17 i got that matchFound = -28. Instead of 28. So i inversed the last check.

How can I get a specific parameter from

ES6 answer:

const parseQueryString = (path = =>
  path.slice(1).split('&').reduce((car, cur) => {
   const [key, value] = cur.split('=')
   return {, [key]: value } 
  }, {})

for example:

// => {foo: "bar", foobar: "baz"}

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

Following code block shows how to calculate the difference in number of days between two dates using MomentJS.

var now = moment(new Date()); //todays date
var end = moment("2015-12-1"); // another date
var duration = moment.duration(now.diff(end));
var days = duration.asDays();

Get URL of ASP.Net Page in code-behind

Do you want the server name? Or the host name?

Request.Url.Host ala Stephen

Dns.GetHostName - Server name

Request.Url will have access to most everything you'll need to know about the page being requested.

PHP Converting Integer to Date, reverse of strtotime

Can you try this,

echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", 1388516401);

As noted by theGame,

This means that you pass in a string value for the time, and optionally a value for the current time, which is a UNIX timestamp. The value that is returned is an integer which is a UNIX timestamp.

echo strtotime("2014-01-01 00:00:01");

This will return into the value 1388516401, which is the UNIX timestamp for the date 2014-01-01. This can be confirmed using the date() function as like below:

echo date('Y-m-d', 1198148400); // echos 2014-01-01

How to resize Image in Android?

resized = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(yourImageBitmap,(int)(yourImageBitmap.getWidth()*0.9), (int)(yourBitmap.getHeight()*0.9), true);

How can I start and check my MySQL log?

Seems like the general query log is the file that you need. A good introduction to this is at

Casting int to bool in C/C++

0 values of basic types (1)(2)map to false.

Other values map to true.

This convention was established in original C, via its flow control statements; C didn't have a boolean type at the time.

It's a common error to assume that as function return values, false indicates failure. But in particular from main it's false that indicates success. I've seen this done wrong many times, including in the Windows starter code for the D language (when you have folks like Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu getting it wrong, then it's just dang easy to get wrong), hence this heads-up beware beware.

There's no need to cast to bool for built-in types because that conversion is implicit. However, Visual C++ (Microsoft's C++ compiler) has a tendency to issue a performance warning (!) for this, a pure silly-warning. A cast doesn't suffice to shut it up, but a conversion via double negation, i.e. return !!x, works nicely. One can read !! as a “convert to bool” operator, much as --> can be read as “goes to”. For those who are deeply into readability of operator notation. ;-)

1) C++14 §4.12/1 “A zero value, null pointer value, or null member pointer value is converted to false; any other value is converted to true. For direct-initialization (8.5), a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t can be converted to a prvalue of type bool; the resulting value is false.”
2) C99 and C11 § “When any scalar value is converted to _Bool, the result is 0 if the value compares equal to 0; otherwise, the result is 1.”

How to enable TLS 1.2 support in an Android application (running on Android 4.1 JB)

As the OP said, TLS v1.1 and v1.2 protocols are supported in API level 16+, but are not enabled by default, we just need to enable it.

Example here uses HttpsUrlConnection, not HttpUrlConnection. Follow, we can create a factory

class MyFactory extends SSLSocketFactory {

    private internalSSLSocketFactory;

    public MyFactory() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        context.init(null, null, null);
        internalSSLSocketFactory = context.getSocketFactory();

    public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {
        return internalSSLSocketFactory.getDefaultCipherSuites();

    public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
        return internalSSLSocketFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites();

    public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket());

    public Socket createSocket(Socket s, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) throws IOException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(s, host, port, autoClose));

    public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(host, port));

    public Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(host, port, localHost, localPort));

    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port) throws IOException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(host, port));

    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress, int localPort) throws IOException {
        return enableTLSOnSocket(internalSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(address, port, localAddress, localPort));

    private Socket enableTLSOnSocket(Socket socket) {
        if(socket != null && (socket instanceof SSLSocket)) {
            ((SSLSocket)socket).setEnabledProtocols(new String[] {"TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"});
        return socket;

No matter which Networking library you use, make sure ((SSLSocket)socket).setEnabledProtocols(new String[] {"TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"}); gets called so the Socket has enabled TLS protocols.

Now, you can use that in HttpsUrlConnection

class MyHttpRequestTask extends AsyncTask<String,Integer,String> {

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
        String my_url = params[0];
        try {
            URL url = new URL(my_url);
            HttpsURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            httpURLConnection.setSSLSocketFactory(new MyFactory());
            // setting the  Request Method Type
            // adding the headers for request
            httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");

            String result = readStream(httpURLConnection.getInputStream());
            Log.e("My Networking", "We have data" + result.toString());

        }catch (Exception e){
            Log.e("My Networking", "Oh no, error occurred " + e.toString());

        return null;

    private static String readStream(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));
        StringBuilder total = new StringBuilder();
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        if (reader != null) {
        return total.toString();

For example

new MyHttpRequestTask().execute(myUrl);

Also, remember to bump minSdkVersion in build.gradle to 16

minSdkVersion 16

Add regression line equation and R^2 on graph

I changed a few lines of the source of stat_smooth and related functions to make a new function that adds the fit equation and R squared value. This will work on facet plots too!

df = data.frame(x = c(1:100))
df$y = 2 + 5 * df$x + rnorm(100, sd = 40)
df$class = rep(1:2,50)
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y, label=y)) +
  stat_smooth_func(geom="text",method="lm",hjust=0,parse=TRUE) +
  geom_smooth(method="lm",se=FALSE) +
  geom_point() + facet_wrap(~class)

enter image description here

I used the code in @Ramnath's answer to format the equation. The stat_smooth_func function isn't very robust, but it shouldn't be hard to play around with it. Try updating ggplot2 if you get an error.

Unique random string generation

I would caution that GUIDs are not random numbers. They should not be used as the basis to generate anything that you expect to be totally random (see

Cryptanalysis of the WinAPI GUID generator shows that, since the sequence of V4 GUIDs is pseudo-random, given the initial state one can predict up to next 250 000 GUIDs returned by the function UuidCreate. This is why GUIDs should not be used in cryptography, e. g., as random keys.

Instead, just use the C# Random method. Something like this (code found here):

private string RandomString(int size)
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  Random random = new Random();
  char ch ;
  for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
    ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65))) ;
  return builder.ToString();

GUIDs are fine if you want something unique (like a unique filename or key in a database), but they are not good for something you want to be random (like a password or encryption key). So it depends on your application.

Edit. Microsoft says that Random is not that great either (

To generate a cryptographically secure random number suitable for creating a random password, for example, use a class derived from System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator such as System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider.


Starting in SQL Server 2017 the STRING_AGG function is available which simplifies the logic considerably:

select FieldA, string_agg(FieldB, '') as data
from yourtable
group by FieldA

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

In SQL Server you can use FOR XML PATH to get the result:

select distinct t1.FieldA,
  STUFF((SELECT distinct '' + t2.FieldB
         from yourtable t2
         where t1.FieldA = t2.FieldA
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
        ,1,0,'') data
from yourtable t1;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Get index of current item in a PowerShell loop

For PowerShell 3.0 and later, there is one built in :)

foreach ($item in $array) {

Explode PHP string by new line

Have you tried using double quotes?

Javascript - Append HTML to container element without innerHTML

<div id="Result">

for(var i=0; i<=10; i++){
var data = "<b>vijay</b>";
 document.getElementById('Result').innerHTML += data;

assign the data for div with "+=" symbol you can append data including previous html data

Make WPF Application Fullscreen (Cover startmenu)

You can also do it at run time as follows :

  • Assign name to the window (x:Name = "HomePage")
  • In constructor just set WindowState property to Maximized as follows

HomePage.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;

How to getElementByClass instead of GetElementById with JavaScript?

adding to CMS's answer, this is a more generic approach of toggle_visibility I've just used myself:

function toggle_visibility(className,display) {
   var elements = getElementsByClassName(document, className),
       n = elements.length;
   for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     var e = elements[i];

     if(display.length > 0) { = display;
     } else {
       if( == 'block') { = 'none';
       } else { = 'block';

how to change onclick event with jquery?

(2019) I used $('#'+id).removeAttr().off('click').on('click', function(){...});

I tried $('#'+id).off().on(...), but it wouldn't work to reset the onClick attribute every time it was called to be reset.

I use .on('click',function(){...}); to stay away from having to quote block all my javascript functions.

The O.P. could now use:

$(this).removeAttr('onclick').off('click').on('click', function(){ displayCalendar(document.prjectFrm[ia + 'dtSubDate'],'yyyy-mm-dd', this); });

Where this came through for me is when my div was set with the onClick attribute set statically:

<div onclick = '...'>

Otherwise, if I only had a dynamically attached a listener to it, I would have used the $('#'+id).off().on('click', function(){...});.

Without the off('click') my onClick listeners were being appended not replaced.

Exit/save edit to sudoers file? Putty SSH

Just open file by nano /file_name

Once done, press CTRL+O and then Enter to save. Then press CTRL+X to return.

Here CTRL+O : is CTRL and O for Orange Not 0 Zero

How do I write a custom init for a UIView subclass in Swift?

Swift 5 Solution

You can try out this implementation for running Swift 5 on XCode 11

class CustomView: UIView {

    var customParam: customType
    var container = UIView()
    required init(customParamArg: customType) {
        self.customParam = customParamArg
        super.init(frame: .zero)
        // Setting up the view can be done here

    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    func setupView() {
        // Can do the setup of the view, including adding subviews

    func setupConstraints() {
        // setup custom constraints as you wish
} mvc @Html.CheckBoxFor

If only one checkbox should be checked in the same time use RadioButtonFor instead:

      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,1, new { @checked = "checked" }) fultime
      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,2) party
      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,3) next option...

If one more one could be checked in the same time use excellent extension: CheckBoxListFor:

Hope,it will help

Is there a Social Security Number reserved for testing/examples?

Please look at this document

The SSA is instituting a new policy the where all previously unused sequences are will be available for use.

Goes into affect June 25, 2011.

Taken from the new FAQ:

What changes will result from randomization?

The SSA will eliminate the geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN, currently referred to as the area number, by no longer allocating the area numbers for assignment to individuals in specific states. The significance of the highest group number (the fourth and fifth digits of the SSN) for validation purposes will be eliminated. Randomization will also introduce previously unassigned area numbers for assignment excluding area numbers 000, 666 and 900-999. Top

Will SSN randomization assign group number (the fourth and fifth digits of the SSN) 00 or serial number (the last four digits of the SSN) 0000?

SSN randomization will not assign group number 00 or serial number 0000. SSNs containing group number 00 or serial number 0000 will continue to be invalid.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

Try this,

return RedirectToAction("ActionEventName", "Controller", new { ID = model.ID, SiteID = model.SiteID });

Here i mention you are pass multiple values or model also. That's why here i mention that.

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

Because the STL is not an "everything" library. It contains, essentially, the minimum structures needed to build things.

Example using Hyperlink in WPF

In addition to Fuji's response, we can make the handler reusable turning it into an attached property:

public static class HyperlinkExtensions
    public static bool GetIsExternal(DependencyObject obj)
        return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsExternalProperty);

    public static void SetIsExternal(DependencyObject obj, bool value)
        obj.SetValue(IsExternalProperty, value);
    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsExternalProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsExternal", typeof(bool), typeof(HyperlinkExtensions), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, OnIsExternalChanged));

    private static void OnIsExternalChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var hyperlink = sender as Hyperlink;

        if ((bool)args.NewValue)
            hyperlink.RequestNavigate += Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;
            hyperlink.RequestNavigate -= Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;

    private static void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
        Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri));
        e.Handled = true;

And use it like this:

    <Hyperlink NavigateUri=""
        Click here

Import CSV file with mixed data types

For the case when you know how many columns of data there will be in your CSV file, one simple call to textscan like Amro suggests will be your best solution.

However, if you don't know a priori how many columns are in your file, you can use a more general approach like I did in the following function. I first used the function fgetl to read each line of the file into a cell array. Then I used the function textscan to parse each line into separate strings using a predefined field delimiter and treating the integer fields as strings for now (they can be converted to numeric values later). Here is the resulting code, placed in a function read_mixed_csv:

function lineArray = read_mixed_csv(fileName, delimiter)

  fid = fopen(fileName, 'r');         % Open the file
  lineArray = cell(100, 1);           % Preallocate a cell array (ideally slightly
                                      %   larger than is needed)
  lineIndex = 1;                      % Index of cell to place the next line in
  nextLine = fgetl(fid);              % Read the first line from the file
  while ~isequal(nextLine, -1)        % Loop while not at the end of the file
    lineArray{lineIndex} = nextLine;  % Add the line to the cell array
    lineIndex = lineIndex+1;          % Increment the line index
    nextLine = fgetl(fid);            % Read the next line from the file
  fclose(fid);                        % Close the file

  lineArray = lineArray(1:lineIndex-1);              % Remove empty cells, if needed
  for iLine = 1:lineIndex-1                          % Loop over lines
    lineData = textscan(lineArray{iLine}, '%s', ...  % Read strings
                        'Delimiter', delimiter);
    lineData = lineData{1};                          % Remove cell encapsulation
    if strcmp(lineArray{iLine}(end), delimiter)      % Account for when the line
      lineData{end+1} = '';                          %   ends with a delimiter
    lineArray(iLine, 1:numel(lineData)) = lineData;  % Overwrite line data


Running this function on the sample file content from the question gives this result:

>> data = read_mixed_csv('myfile.csv', ';')

data = 

  Columns 1 through 7

    '04'    'abc'    'def'    'ghj'    'klm'    ''            ''        
    ''      ''       ''       ''       ''       'Test'        'text'    
    ''      ''       ''       ''       ''       'asdfhsdf'    'dsafdsag'

  Columns 8 through 10

    ''          ''    ''
    '0xFF'      ''    ''
    '0x0F0F'    ''    ''

The result is a 3-by-10 cell array with one field per cell where missing fields are represented by the empty string ''. Now you can access each cell or a combination of cells to format them as you like. For example, if you wanted to change the fields in the first column from strings to integer values, you could use the function str2double as follows:

>> data(:, 1) = cellfun(@(s) {str2double(s)}, data(:, 1))

data = 

  Columns 1 through 7

    [  4]    'abc'    'def'    'ghj'    'klm'    ''            ''        
    [NaN]    ''       ''       ''       ''       'Test'        'text'    
    [NaN]    ''       ''       ''       ''       'asdfhsdf'    'dsafdsag'

  Columns 8 through 10

    ''          ''    ''
    '0xFF'      ''    ''
    '0x0F0F'    ''    ''

Note that the empty fields results in NaN values.

Visibility of global variables in imported modules

The OOP way of doing this would be to make your module a class instead of a set of unbound methods. Then you could use __init__ or a setter method to set the variables from the caller for use in the module methods.

Jquery: Checking to see if div contains text, then action

Ayman is right but, you can use it like that as well :

if( $("#field > div.field-item").text().indexOf('someText') >= 0) {

How is using OnClickListener interface different via XML and Java code?

using XML, you need to set the onclick listener yourself. First have your class implements OnClickListener then add the variable Button button1; then add this to your onCreate()

button1 = (Button) findViewById(;

when you implement OnClickListener you need to add the inherited method onClick() where you will handle your clicks

How can I map True/False to 1/0 in a Pandas DataFrame?

This question specifically mentions a single column, so the currently accepted answer works. However, it doesn't generalize to multiple columns. For those interested in a general solution, use the following:

df.replace({False: 0, True: 1}, inplace=True)

This works for a DataFrame that contains columns of many different types, regardless of how many are boolean.

Twitter Bootstrap - how to center elements horizontally or vertically

for bootstrap4 vertical center of few items

d-flex for flex rules

flex-column for vertical direction on items

justify-content-center for centering

style='height: 300px;' must have for set points where center be calc or use h-100 class

<div class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center bg-secondary" style="
    height: 300px;
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>

When do you use Java's @Override annotation and why?

@Override on interfaces actually are helpful, because you will get warnings if you change the interface.

Iterate through dictionary values?

Create the opposite dictionary:

PIX1 = {}
for key in PIX0.keys():
    PIX1[PIX0.get(key)] = key

Then run the same code on this dictionary instead (using PIX1 instead of PIX0).

BTW, I'm not sure about Python 3, but in Python 2 you need to use raw_input instead of input.

Remove rows with all or some NAs (missing values) in data.frame

If you want control over how many NAs are valid for each row, try this function. For many survey data sets, too many blank question responses can ruin the results. So they are deleted after a certain threshold. This function will allow you to choose how many NAs the row can have before it's deleted: <- function(DF, n=0) {
  DF[rowSums( <= n,]

By default, it will eliminate all NAs:
             gene hsap mmul mmus rnor cfam
2 ENSG00000199674    0    2    2    2    2
6 ENSG00000221312    0    1    2    3    2

Or specify the maximum number of NAs allowed:, 2)
             gene hsap mmul mmus rnor cfam
2 ENSG00000199674    0    2    2    2    2
4 ENSG00000207604    0   NA   NA    1    2
6 ENSG00000221312    0    1    2    3    2

Is there a way to iterate over a range of integers?

Here is a program to compare the two ways suggested so far

import (


func p(i int) {

func plain() {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

func with_iter() {
    for i := range iter.N(10) {

func main() {

Compile like this to generate disassembly

go build -gcflags -S iter.go

Here is plain (I've removed the non instructions from the listing)


0035 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) MOVQ    $0,AX
0036 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) JMP     ,38


0037 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) INCQ    ,AX
0038 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) CMPQ    AX,$10
0039 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) JGE     $0,45
0040 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:15) MOVQ    AX,i+-8(SP)
0041 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:15) MOVQ    AX,(SP)
0042 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:15) CALL    ,p+0(SB)
0043 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:15) MOVQ    i+-8(SP),AX
0044 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:14) JMP     ,37
0045 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:17) RET     ,

And here is with_iter


0052 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $10,AX
0053 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $0,~r0+-24(SP)
0054 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $0,~r0+-16(SP)
0055 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $0,~r0+-8(SP)
0056 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $type.[]struct {}+0(SB),(SP)
0057 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    AX,8(SP)
0058 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    AX,16(SP)
0059 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) PCDATA  $0,$48
0060 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) CALL    ,runtime.makeslice+0(SB)
0061 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) PCDATA  $0,$-1
0062 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    24(SP),DX
0063 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    32(SP),CX
0064 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    40(SP),AX
0065 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    DX,~r0+-24(SP)
0066 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    CX,~r0+-16(SP)
0067 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    AX,~r0+-8(SP)
0068 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    $0,AX
0069 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) LEAQ    ~r0+-24(SP),BX
0070 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    8(BX),BP
0071 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    BP,autotmp_0006+-32(SP)
0072 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) JMP     ,74


0073 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) INCQ    ,AX
0074 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    autotmp_0006+-32(SP),BP
0075 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) CMPQ    AX,BP
0076 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) JGE     $0,82
0077 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) MOVQ    AX,autotmp_0005+-40(SP)
0078 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:21) MOVQ    AX,(SP)
0079 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:21) CALL    ,p+0(SB)
0080 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:21) MOVQ    autotmp_0005+-40(SP),AX
0081 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:20) JMP     ,73
0082 (/home/ncw/Go/iter.go:23) RET     ,

So you can see that the iter solution is considerably more expensive even though it is fully inlined in the setup phase. In the loop phase there is an extra instruction in the loop, but it isn't too bad.

I'd use the simple for loop.

How do I display Ruby on Rails form validation error messages one at a time?

After experimenting for a few hours I figured it out.

<% if @user.errors.full_messages.any? %>
  <% @user.errors.full_messages.each do |error_message| %>
    <%= error_message if @user.errors.full_messages.first == error_message %> <br />
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Even better:

<%= @user.errors.full_messages.first if @user.errors.any? %>

Handling urllib2's timeout? - Python

There are very few cases where you want to use except:. Doing this captures any exception, which can be hard to debug, and it captures exceptions including SystemExit and KeyboardInterupt, which can make your program annoying to use..

At the very simplest, you would catch urllib2.URLError:

    urllib2.urlopen("", timeout = 1)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
    raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)

The following should capture the specific error raised when the connection times out:

import urllib2
import socket

class MyException(Exception):

    urllib2.urlopen("", timeout = 1)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
    # For Python 2.6
    if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout):
        raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)
        # reraise the original error
except socket.timeout, e:
    # For Python 2.7
    raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)

How to dump only specific tables from MySQL?

Usage: mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables]


mysqldump -u username -p db_name table1_name table2_name table3_name > dump.sql

CSS3 Transparency + Gradient

New syntax has been supported for a while by all modern browsers (starting from Chrome 26, Opera 12.1, IE 10 and Firefox 16):

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

This renders a gradient, starting from solid black at the top, to fully transparent at the bottom.

Documentation on MDN.

How can I insert values into a table, using a subquery with more than one result?

Try this:

INSERT INTO prices (
    name LIKE 'ABC%';

How to convert a hex string to hex number

Use int function with second parameter 16, to convert a hex string to an integer. Finally, use hex function to convert it back to a hexadecimal number.

print hex(int("0xAD4", 16) + int("0x200", 16)) # 0xcd4

Instead you could directly do

print hex(int("0xAD4", 16) + 0x200) # 0xcd4

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server."

" 1- Go to the web.config of your application "

" 2- Add a new entry under < system.web > "

3- Also Find the pages tag and set validateRequest=False

Only this works for me. !!

Why does javascript replace only first instance when using replace?

Unlike the C#/.NET class library (and most other sensible languages), when you pass a String in as the string-to-match argument to the string.replace method, it doesn't do a string replace. It converts the string to a RegExp and does a regex substitution. As Gumbo explains, a regex substitution requires the g?lobal flag, which is not on by default, to replace all matches in one go.

If you want a real string-based replace — for example because the match-string is dynamic and might contain characters that have a special meaning in regexen — the JavaScript idiom for that is:

var id= 'c_'+date.split('/').join('');

Ansible: How to delete files and folders inside a directory?

Using file glob also it will work. There is some syntax error in the code you posted. I have modified and tested this should work.

- name: remove web dir contents
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: absent
    - "/home/mydata/web/*"

Get MD5 hash of big files in Python

A Python 2/3 portable solution

To calculate a checksum (md5, sha1, etc.), you must open the file in binary mode, because you'll sum bytes values:

To be py27/py3 portable, you ought to use the io packages, like this:

import hashlib
import io

def md5sum(src):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    with, mode="rb") as fd:
        content =
    return md5

If your files are big, you may prefer to read the file by chunks to avoid storing the whole file content in memory:

def md5sum(src, length=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    with, mode="rb") as fd:
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
    return md5

The trick here is to use the iter() function with a sentinel (the empty string).

The iterator created in this case will call o [the lambda function] with no arguments for each call to its next() method; if the value returned is equal to sentinel, StopIteration will be raised, otherwise the value will be returned.

If your files are really big, you may also need to display progress information. You can do that by calling a callback function which prints or logs the amount of calculated bytes:

def md5sum(src, callback, length=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
    calculated = 0
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    with, mode="rb") as fd:
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
            calculated += len(chunk)
    return md5

Xcode: Could not locate device support files

This error is shown when your XCode is old and the related device you are using is updated to latest version. First of all, install the latest Xcode version.

We can solve this issue by following the below steps:-

  1. Open Finder select Applications
  2. Right click on Xcode 8, select "Show Package Contents", "Contents", "Developer", "Platforms", "iPhoneOS.Platform", "Device Support"
  3. Copy the 10.0 folder (or above for later version).
  4. Back in Finder select Applications again Right click on Xcode 7.3, select "Show Package Contents", "Contents", "Developer", "Platforms", "iPhoneOS.Platform", "Device Support" Paste the 10.0 folder

If everything worked properly, your XCode has a new developer disk image. Close the finder now, and quit your XCode. Open your Xcode and the error will be gone. Now you can connect your latest device to old Xcode versions.


Create a 3D matrix

If you want to define a 3D matrix containing all zeros, you write

A = zeros(8,4,20);

All ones uses ones, all NaN's uses NaN, all false uses false instead of zeros.

If you have an existing 2D matrix, you can assign an element in the "3rd dimension" and the matrix is augmented to contain the new element. All other new matrix elements that have to be added to do that are set to zero.

For example

B = magic(3); %# creates a 3x3 magic square
B(2,1,2) = 1; %# and you have a 3x3x2 array

How can I declare dynamic String array in Java

You want to use a Set or List implementation (e.g. HashSet, TreeSet, etc, or ArrayList, LinkedList, etc..), since Java does not have dynamically sized arrays.

List<String> zoom = new ArrayList<>();
zoom.add("String 1");
zoom.add("String 2");

for (String z : zoom) {

Edit: Here is a more succinct way to initialize your List with an arbitrary number of values using varargs:

List<String> zoom = Arrays.asList("String 1", "String 2", "String n");

How to HTML encode/escape a string? Is there a built-in?

In Ruby on Rails 3 HTML will be escaped by default.

For non-escaped strings use:

<%= raw "<p>hello world!</p>" %>

What is a pre-revprop-change hook in SVN, and how do I create it?

For Windows, here's a link to an example batch file that only allows changes to the log message (not other properties):

Basically copy the code below into a text file and name it pre-revprop-change.bat and save it in the \hooks subdirectory for your repository.

:: Set all parameters. Even though most are not used, in case you want to add
:: changes that allow, for example, editing of the author or addition of log messages.
set repository=%1
set revision=%2
set userName=%3
set propertyName=%4
set action=%5

:: Only allow the log message to be changed, but not author, etc.
if /I not "%propertyName%" == "svn:log" goto ERROR_PROPNAME

:: Only allow modification of a log message, not addition or deletion.
if /I not "%action%" == "M" goto ERROR_ACTION

:: Make sure that the new svn:log message is not empty.
set bIsEmpty=true
for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('find /V ""') do (
set bIsEmpty=false
if "%bIsEmpty%" == "true" goto ERROR_EMPTY

goto :eof

echo Empty svn:log messages are not allowed. >&2

echo Only changes to svn:log messages are allowed. >&2

echo Only modifications to svn:log revision properties are allowed. >&2

exit /b 1

Which ORM should I use for Node.js and MySQL?

First off, please note that I haven't used either of them (but have used Node.js).

Both libraries are documented quite well and have a stable API. However, persistence.js seems to be used in more projects. I don't know if all of them still use it, though.

The developer of sequelize sometimes blogs about it at When you'd like to use primary keys as foreign keys, you'll need the patch that's described in this blog post. If you'd like help for persistence.js there is a google group devoted to it.

From the examples I gather that sequelize is a bit more JavaScript-like (more sugar) than persistance.js but has support for fewer datastores (only MySQL, while persistance.js can even use in-browser stores).

I think that sequelize might be the way to go for you, as you only need MySQL support. However, if you need some convenient features (for instance search) or want to use a different database later on you'd need to use persistence.js.

How do I rotate text in css?

In your case, it's the best to use rotate option from transform property as mentioned before. There is also writing-mode property and it works like rotate(90deg) so in your case, it should be rotated after it's applied. Even it's not the right solution in this case but you should be aware of this property.



More about transform:

More about writing-mode:

How to display multiple images in one figure correctly?

Here is my approach that you may try:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
columns = 4
rows = 5
for i in range(1, columns*rows +1):
    img = np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w))
    fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)

The resulting image:


(Original answer date: Oct 7 '17 at 4:20)

Edit 1

Since this answer is popular beyond my expectation. And I see that a small change is needed to enable flexibility for the manipulation of the individual plots. So that I offer this new version to the original code. In essence, it provides:-

  1. access to individual axes of subplots
  2. possibility to plot more features on selected axes/subplot

New code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

w = 10
h = 10
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 13))
columns = 4
rows = 5

# prep (x,y) for extra plotting
xs = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 60)  # from 0 to 2pi
ys = np.abs(np.sin(xs))           # absolute of sine

# ax enables access to manipulate each of subplots
ax = []

for i in range(columns*rows):
    img = np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w))
    # create subplot and append to ax
    ax.append( fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i+1) )
    ax[-1].set_title("ax:"+str(i))  # set title
    plt.imshow(img, alpha=0.25)

# do extra plots on selected axes/subplots
# note: index starts with 0
ax[2].plot(xs, 3*ys)
ax[19].plot(ys**2, xs)  # finally, render the plot

The resulting plot:

enter image description here

Edit 2

In the previous example, the code provides access to the sub-plots with single index, which is inconvenient when the figure has many rows/columns of sub-plots. Here is an alternative of it. The code below provides access to the sub-plots with [row_index][column_index], which is more suitable for manipulation of array of many sub-plots.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# settings
h, w = 10, 10        # for raster image
nrows, ncols = 5, 4  # array of sub-plots
figsize = [6, 8]     # figure size, inches

# prep (x,y) for extra plotting on selected sub-plots
xs = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 60)  # from 0 to 2pi
ys = np.abs(np.sin(xs))           # absolute of sine

# create figure (fig), and array of axes (ax)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize)

# plot simple raster image on each sub-plot
for i, axi in enumerate(ax.flat):
    # i runs from 0 to (nrows*ncols-1)
    # axi is equivalent with ax[rowid][colid]
    img = np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w))
    axi.imshow(img, alpha=0.25)
    # get indices of row/column
    rowid = i // ncols
    colid = i % ncols
    # write row/col indices as axes' title for identification
    axi.set_title("Row:"+str(rowid)+", Col:"+str(colid))

# one can access the axes by ax[row_id][col_id]
# do additional plotting on ax[row_id][col_id] of your choice
ax[0][2].plot(xs, 3*ys, color='red', linewidth=3)
ax[4][3].plot(ys**2, xs, color='green', linewidth=3)


The resulting plot:


Concatenating elements in an array to a string

Arrays.toString() can be used to convert String Array to String. The extra characters can be removed by using Regex expressions or simply by using replace method.

Arrays.toString(strArray).replace(",", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "");

Java 8 has introduced new method for String join public static String join(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence... elements)

String.join("", strArray);

How do you determine the size of a file in C?

Here's a simple and clean function that returns the file size.

long get_file_size(char *path)
    FILE *fp;
    long size = -1;
    /* Open file for reading */
    fp = fopen(path, "r");
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    size = ftell(fp); 

Using classes with the Arduino

Can you provide an example of what did not work? As you likely know, the Wiring language is based on C/C++, however, not all of C++ is supported.

Whether you are allowed to create classes in the Wiring IDE, I'm not sure (my first Arduino is in the mail right now). I do know that if you wrote a C++ class, compiled it using AVR-GCC, then loaded it on your Arduino using AVRDUDE, it would work.

SQL Server 2005 Setting a variable to the result of a select query

You could use:

declare @foo as nvarchar(25)

select @foo = 'bar'

select @foo

What is the difference between <jsp:include page = ... > and <%@ include file = ... >?

In one reusable piece of code I use the directive <%@include file="reuse.html"%> and in the second I use the standard action <jsp:include page="reuse.html" />.

Let the code in the reusable file be:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <img src="candle.gif" height="100" width="50"/> <br />
    <p><b>As the candle burns,so do I</b></p>

After running both the JSP files you see the same output and think if there was any difference between the directive and the action tag. But if you look at the generated servlet of the two JSP files, you will see the difference.

Here is what you will see when you use the directive:

out.write("    <head>\r\n");
out.write("        <title>reusable</title>\r\n");
out.write("        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\r\n");
out.write("    </head>\r\n");
out.write("    <body>\r\n");
out.write("        <img src=\"candle.gif\" height=\"100\" width=\"50\"/> <br />\r\n");
out.write("        <p><b>As the candle burns,so do I</b></p>\r\n");
out.write("    </body>\r\n");

And this is what you will see for the used standard action in the second JSP file :

org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.include(request, response, "reusable.html", out, false);

So now you know that the include directive inserts the source of reuse.html at translation time, but the action tag inserts the response of reuse.html at runtime.

If you think about it, there is an extra performance hit with every action tag (<jsp:include>). It means you can guarantee you will always have the latest content, but it increases performance cost.

Convert Array to Object

If you're using ES6, you can use Object.assign and the spread operator

{ ...['a', 'b', 'c'] }

If you have nested array like

var arr=[[1,2,3,4]]
Object.assign( => ({[d[0]]: d[1]})))

How to copy a char array in C?

You can't directly do array2 = array1, because in this case you manipulate the addresses of the arrays (char *) and not of their inner values (char).

What you, conceptually, want is to do is iterate through all the chars of your source (array1) and copy them to the destination (array2). There are several ways to do this. For example you could write a simple for loop, or use memcpy.

That being said, the recommended way for strings is to use strncpy. It prevents common errors resulting in, for example, buffer overflows (which is especially dangerous if array1 is filled from user input: keyboard, network, etc). Like so:

// Will copy 18 characters from array1 to array2
strncpy(array2, array1, 18);

As @Prof. Falken mentioned in a comment, strncpy can be evil. Make sure your target buffer is big enough to contain the source buffer (including the \0 at the end of the string).

SQL - How to select a row having a column with max value

Analytics! This avoids having to access the table twice:

       FIRST_VALUE(date_col)  OVER (ORDER BY value_col DESC, date_col ASC),
       FIRST_VALUE(value_col) OVER (ORDER BY value_col DESC, date_col ASC)
FROM   mytable;

git visual diff between branches

For those of you on Windows using TortoiseGit, you can get a somewhat visual comparison through this rather obscure feature:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to compare
  2. Hold down shift and right-click it
  3. Go to TortoiseGit -> Browse Reference
  4. Use ctrl to select two branches to compare
  5. Right-click your selection and click "Compare selected refs"


How to do joins in LINQ on multiple fields in single join

Using the join operator you can only perform equijoins. Other types of joins can be constructed using other operators. I'm not sure whether the exact join you are trying to do would be easier using these methods or by changing the where clause. Documentation on the join clause can be found here. MSDN has an article on join operations with multiple links to examples of other joins, as well.

Make file echo displaying "$PATH" string

In the manual for GNU make, they talk about this specific example when describing the value function:

The value function provides a way for you to use the value of a variable without having it expanded. Please note that this does not undo expansions which have already occurred; for example if you create a simply expanded variable its value is expanded during the definition; in that case the value function will return the same result as using the variable directly.

The syntax of the value function is:

 $(value variable)

Note that variable is the name of a variable; not a reference to that variable. Therefore you would not normally use a ‘$’ or parentheses when writing it. (You can, however, use a variable reference in the name if you want the name not to be a constant.)

The result of this function is a string containing the value of variable, without any expansion occurring. For example, in this makefile:


         @echo $(FOO)
         @echo $(value FOO)

The first output line would be ATH, since the “$P” would be expanded as a make variable, while the second output line would be the current value of your $PATH environment variable, since the value function avoided the expansion.

How do I use Apache tomcat 7 built in Host Manager gui?

To access "Host Manager" you have to configure "admin-gui" user inside the tomcat-users.xml

Just add the below lines[change username & pwd] :

<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="password" roles="admin-gui"/>

Restart tomcat 7 server and you are done.

How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function?

Try using the following on the JavaScript side:

window.location.href = '@Url.Action("Index", "Controller")';

If you want to pass parameters to the @Url.Action, you can do this:

var reportDate = $("#inputDateId").val();//parameter
var url = '@Url.Action("Index", "Controller", new {dateRequested = "findme"})';
window.location.href = url.replace('findme', reportDate);

How to read from standard input in the console?

You need to provide a pointer to the var you want to scan, like so:


Two way sync with rsync

Try this,

 rsync -avzru --delete-excluded server:/media/10001/music/ /media/Incoming/music/

 rsync -avzru --delete-excluded /media/Incoming/music/ server:/media/10001/music/

sync-music: get-music put-music

I just test this and it worked for me. I'm doing a 2-way sync between Windows7 (using cygwin with the rsync package installed) and FreeNAS fileserver (FreeNAS runs on FreeBSD with rsync package pre-installed).

T-SQL Cast versus Convert

Something no one seems to have noted yet is readability. Having…

    + ThatMayEvenSpan
    + MultipleLines

…may be easier to understand than…

    + ThatMayEvenSpan
    + MultipleLines
    AS SomeType

Execute command without keeping it in history

This command might come in handy. This will not record the command that is executed

history -d $((HISTCMD-1)) && <Your Command Here>

Calculate row means on subset of columns

You can create a new row with $ in your data frame corresponding to the Means

DF$Mean <- rowMeans(DF[,2:4])

Align div right in Bootstrap 3

Do you mean something like this:


<div class="row">
  <div class="container">

    <div class="col-md-4">
      left content

    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">

      <div class="yellow-background">
        <div class="pull-right">right content</div>  



.yellow-background {
  background: blue;

.pull-right {
  background: yellow;

A full example can be found on Codepen.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa5 in position 0: invalid start byte

The error is because there is some non-ascii character in the dictionary and it can't be encoded/decoded. One simple way to avoid this error is to encode such strings with encode() function as follows (if a is the string with non-ascii character):


connecting to mysql server on another PC in LAN

Follow a simple checklist:

  1. Try pinging the machine ping
  2. Ensure MySQL is running on the specified port 3306 i.e. it has not been modified.
  3. Ensure that the other PC is not blocking inbound connections on that port. If it is, add a firewall exception to allow connections on port 3306 and allow inbound connections in general.
  4. It would be nice if you could post the exact error as it is displayed when you attempt to make that connection.

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

You can use the following command to revert all local changes:

svn st -q | awk '{print $2;}' | xargs svn revert

How to get a product's image in Magento?

$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); //getting product model
$_products = $model->getCollection(); //getting product object for particular product id
foreach($_products as $_product) { ?>
    <a href = '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getUrl_path(); ?>'> <img src= '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getImageUrl();  ?>' width="75px" height="75px"/></a>
     <?php echo "<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getPrice()."<br/>". $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getSpecial_price()."<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getName()?>

Count the occurrences of DISTINCT values

I have resolved the same problem using the below code:

String query = "SELECT violationDate, COUNT(*) as date " +
            "FROM challan " +
            "WHERE challanType = '" + type + "' GROUP BY violationDate";

Here violationDate and date are two columns of the result table. date column will return occurrence.


How can I specify a display?

When you are connecting to another machine over SSH, you can enable X-Forwarding in SSH, so that X windows are forwarded encrypted through the SSH tunnel back to your machine. You can enable X forwarding by appending -X to the ssh command line or setting ForwardX11 yes in your SSH config file.

To check if the X-Forwarding was set up successfully (the server might not allow it), just try if echo $DISPLAY outputs something like localhost:10.0.

Shrinking navigation bar when scrolling down (bootstrap3)

You can combine "scroll" and "scrollstop" events in order to achieve desired result:


Meaning of end='' in the statement print("\t",end='')?

See the documentation for the print function: print()

The content of end is printed after the thing you want to print. By default it contains a newline ("\n") but it can be changed to something else, like an empty string.

Why can't I call a public method in another class?

For example 1 and 2 you need to create static methods:

public static string InstanceMethod() {return "Hello World";}

Then for example 3 you need an instance of your object to invoke the method:

object o = new object();
string s = o.InstanceMethod();

How to connect to SQL Server from command prompt with Windows authentication

type sqlplus/"as sysdba" in cmd for connection in cmd prompt

Disabling submit button until all fields have values

Check out this jsfiddle.


// note the change... I set the disabled property right away
<input type="submit" id="register" value="Register" disabled="disabled" />


(function() {
    $('form > input').keyup(function() {

        var empty = false;
        $('form > input').each(function() {
            if ($(this).val() == '') {
                empty = true;

        if (empty) {
            $('#register').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // updated according to
        } else {
            $('#register').removeAttr('disabled'); // updated according to

The nice thing about this is that it doesn't matter how many input fields you have in your form, it will always keep the button disabled if there is at least 1 that is empty. It also checks emptiness on the .keyup() which I think makes it more convenient for usability.